Basic Algebra
Basic Algebra
Basic Algebra
1. If G is a group such that (a.b)i = ai .bi for three consecutive integers i, and for all a, b G,
then G is abelian.
Give an example to show that if the above holds for only two consecutive integers, then G
may not be abelian.
3. If H is a subgroup of finite index in G, prove that there is only a finite number of distinct
subgroups in G of the form aHa1 .
5. Let G be a finite group whose order is not divisible by 3. Suppose that (ab)3 = a3 b3 for
all a, b G. Show that G is abelian.
6. Let G be an abelian group which has elements of order m, n. Show that G has an element
of order lcm(m, n).
7. If an abelian group has subgroups of order m, n, then it has a subgroup of order lcm(m, n).
8. Let Un = (Z/nZ) . Show that U8 , U20 are not cyclic groups, U9 , U17 , U18 , U25 , U27 are
cyclic groups.
For what values of n, Un is cyclic?
9. Let G be a finite abelian group in which the number of solutions in G of the equation
xn = 1 is atmost n for every positive integer n. Prove that G must be a cyclic group.
12. Let U = {xyx1 y 1 |x, y G} and G0 is the subgroup generated by U , called the
commutator subgroup of G. Prove that G0 is a normal subgroup of G and G/G0 is
abelian. Further, if G/N is abelian then G0 N . Also, if H < G and H contains G0 , then
H is normal in G.
15. Every finite group having more than two elements has a non-trivial automorphism.
16. Let G be a group of order 2n. Suppose half the elements of G are of order 2, and the
other half form a subgroup H of order n. Prove that H is of odd order and is an abelian
subgroup of G.
17. If a > 1 is an integer then n/(an 1), where is the Euler function.
18. Let G be a group of order pq, p > q are primes. Prove that
(i) G has a subgroup of order p and a subgroup of order q,
(ii) If q 6 |p 1, then G is cyclic,
(iii) Given two primes p, q such that q/(p 1), a non-abelian group of order pq,
(iv) any two non-abelian group of order pq are isomorphic.
20. List all the conjugate classes in D2n and verify the class equation.
23. Let G be a group of order pqr, p < q < r primes. Prove that
(i) the r-Sylow subgroup is normal in G,
(ii) G has a normal subgroup of order qr,
(iii) if q 6 |(r 1), the q-Sylow subgroup of G is normal in G.
26. Let G be a finite abelian group such that it contains a subgroup H0 6= 1 which lies in every
subgroup H 6= 1. Prove that G must be cyclic. What can you say about the order of G?
27. Let G = A A, where A is cyclic of order p : prime. Find the number of automorphism
of G.
28. Let G be a finite abelian group with elements a1 , . . . , an . Prove that a1 a2 . . . an is an
element whose square is identity. Further, if G has no element of order 2 or more than
one element of order 2, then a1 a2 . . . an = 1. Prove that if p is a prime integer, then
(p 1)! = 1 mod (p) (Wilsons theorem).
29. Give an example of a non-abelian group G such that (xy)3 = x3 y 3 for all x, y G.
30. A group can not be written as the set theoretic union of two proper subgroups.
31. (a) If G is a finite group and if P is a p-Sylow subgroup of G, prove that P is the only
p-Sylow subgroup in NG (P ).
(b) If P is a p-Sylow subgroup of G and if ap = 1, then if a NG (P ), then a P .
32. Every group of order < 60 either is of prime order of has a non-trivial normal subgroup.
34. If p, q are primes and |G| = pa q, then G has a non-trivial normal subgroup.
35. Let G be a group which acts on a set A. Prove that if a, b A and b = g.a for some g G,
then Gb = gGa g 1 , where Ga is the stabilizer of a. Deduce that if G acts transitively on
A, then the kernel of the action is gG gGa g 1 .
36. Let G be a permutation group on the set A, i.e. G < SA . Let G and a A. Prove
that Ga 1 = G(a) . Deduce that if G acts transitively on A then G Ga 1 = 1.
37. Assume that G is an abelian, transitive subgroup of SA . Show that (a) 6= a for all
G {1} and a A. Deduce that |G| = |A|.
38. List the elements of S3 as 1, (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (1, 2, 3), (1, 3, 2) and label them with integers
1, . . . , 6. Exhibit the image of each element of S3 under the left regular representation of
S3 into S6 .
40. Prove that if H has finite index n in G, then there is a normal subgroup K of G with
K H and |G : K| n!.
41. Prove that if p is a prime and G is a group of order p for some Z+ , then every
subgroup of index p is normal in G. Deduce that every group of order p2 has a normal
subgroup of order p.
42. Prove that every non-abelian group of order 6 has a non-normal subgroup of order 2. Use
this to classify groups of order 6. (Produce an injective homomorphism into S3 ).
43. Let G be a finite group and let : G SG be the left regular representation. Prove that
if x G has order n and |G| = mn, then (x)is a product of m n-cycles. Deduce that
(x) is an odd permutation iff |x| is even and |G|/|x| is odd.
44. Prove that if S G and g G, then gNG (S)g 1 = NG (gSg 1 ) and gCG (S)g 1 =
CG (gSg 1 ).
45. If the center of G is of index n, prove that every conjugacy class has atmost n elements.
48. Let G be a transitive permutation group on the finite set A with |A| > 1. Show that there
is some G such that (a) 6= a for all a A. (Such a is called fixed point free.)
49. Let g1 , . . . , gr be representatives of the conjugacy classes of the finite group G and assume
there elements commute pairwise. Prove that G is abelian.
50. If G is a group of odd order, then for x 6= 1 G, x and x1 are not conjugate in G.
51. Show that for n = 2k, the conjugacy classes in D2n are the following: {1}, {rk }, {r1 }, . . .,
{r(k1) }, {sr2b |b = 1, . . . , k}. Give the class equation for D2n .
52. Show that for n = 2k + 1, the conjugacy classes in D2n are the following: {1}, {r1 }, . . .,
{rk }, {srb |b = 1, . . . , n}. Give the class equation for D2n .
53. If H is the unique subgroup of a given order in a group G, then H is the characteristic
subgroup of G.
54. Exhibit all Sylow 2-subgroups and Sylow 3-subgroups of D12 and S3 S3 .
55. Show that a Sylow p-subgroup of D2n is cyclic and normal for every odd prime p.
57. Exhibit two distinct Sylow 2-subgroups of S5 and an element of S5 that conjugates one
into other.
58. If G is a simple group of order 60, then G A5 .
59. If G is a non-abelian simple group of order < 100, then G A5 .
60. (a) If |G| = 105, then G has normal Sylow 5-subgroup and a normal Sylow 7-subgroup.
(b) If |G| = 200, then G has a normal Sylow 5-subgroup.
(c) If |G| = 56, then G has a normal Sylow p-subgroup for some prime p/|G|.
61. If |G| = 6545, 1365, 2907, 132, 462, then G has a non-trivial normal subgroup, i.e. G is not
62. If |G| = 231, then Z(G) contains a Sylow 11-subgroup of G and a Sylow 7-subgroup is
normal in G.
64. How many elements of order 7 must be there in a simple group of order 168.
66. Let P be a normal Sylow p-subgroup of G and let H be any subgroup of G. Then P H
is the unique Sylow p-subgroup of H.
68. Prove that if p is a prime and P is a subgroup of Sp of order p, then |NSp (P )| = p(p 1).
(Argue that every conjugate of P contains exactly p 1 p-cycles and use the formula for
the number of p-cycles to compute the index of NSp (P ) in Sp .)
69. Prove that if p is a prime and P is a subgroup of Sp of order p, then NSp (P )/CSp (P )
Aut(P ).
70. Prove that if Aut(G) and g is conjugation by g, then g 1 = (g) . Deduce that
Inn(G) is a normal subgroup of Aut(G). (The group Aut(G)/Inn(G) is called the outer
automorphism group of G.)
71. Prove that under any automorphism of D8 , r has atmost 2 possible images and s has at
most 4 possible images. Deduce that |Aut(D8 )| 8.
72. Let G be a group of order 203. Prove that if H is a normal subgroup of order 7 in G, then
H Z(G). Deduce that G is abelian in this case.
74. Let A, B be finite groups and let p be a prime. Prove that any Sylow p-subgroup of A B
is of the form P Q, where P Sylp (A) and Q Sylp (B). Prove that np (A B) =
np (A).np (B).
75. Let Sn . Prove that : G1 . . . Gn G1 (1) . . . G1 (n) defined by
(g1 , . . . , gn ) = (g1 (1) , . . . , g1 (n) ) is an isomorphism.
76. Let G1 = . . . = Gn and G = G1 . . . Gn . Show that Aut(G). Show that the map
7 is an injective homomorphism of Sn into Aut(G).
77. Let p be a prime. Let A and B be two cyclic groups of order p with generators x and y
respectively. Let E = A B be the elementary abelian group of order p2 . Prove that the
distinct subgroups of E of order p are < x >, < xy >, < xy 2 >, . . . , < xy p1 >, < y >.
(there are p + 1 of them.)
78. Let p be a prime. Find the number of subgroups of order p in the elementary abelian
group Epn .
79. Let G = A1 . . .An and let Bi be a normal subgroup of Ai . Prove that B = B1 . . .Bn
is a normal subgroup of G and G/B (A1 /B1 ) . . . (An /Bn ).
80. Find the number of non-isomorphic abelian groups of order 100, 576, 1155, 42875, 2704.
Further, give the list of their invariant factors.
81. For x, y G, prove that [y, x] = [x, y]1 . Deduce that for any subsets A, B of G, [A, B] =
[B, A].
83. Prove that if p is a prime and P is a non-abelian group of order p3 , then P 0 = [P, P ] = Z(P ).
86. If A, B are normal subgroups of G such that G/A and G/B are both abelian, prove that
G/(A B) is abelian.
88. Prove that the center of a ring is a subring and the center of a division ring is a field.
89. Show that if R is a commutative ring and x R is nilpotent, then (i) either x = 0 or x
is a zero divisor, (ii) rx is nilpotent for all r R, (iii) 1 + x is a unit in R, (iv) sum of a
nilpotent element and a unit is a unit.
90. A ring R is called a Boolean ring if a2 = a for all a R. Prove that every Boolean ring is
commutative and the only Boolean rings that are integral domain is Z/2Z.
91. Let I be any nonempty index set and let Ri be a ring for each i I. Prove that the direct
product iI Ri is a ring under componentwise addition and multiplication.
92. Let R be the collection of sequences (a1 , a2 , . . .) of integers a1 , a2 , . . . where all but finitely
many of the ai s are 0. Prove that R is a ring under componentwise addition and
multiplication which does not have an identity element. (R is called the direct sum of
infinitely many copies of Z).
94. Let D be a square free integer and let O be the ring of integers in the quadratic field
Q( D). For any positive integer n prove that On := Z[nw] = {a + bnw|a, b Z} is
a subring of O containing the identity. Prove that |O : On | = n as abelian groups.
Conversely prove that a subring of O containing the identity and having finite index n is
equal to On . (On is called the order of conductor n in the field Q( D) and O is called
the maximal order in Q( D).)
95. Let A = Z Z . . . be the direct product of infinite copies of Z and let R be the ring of all
group homomorphisms from A to itself. Let , R defined by (a1 , a2 , . . .) = (a2 , a3 , . . .)
and (a1 , a2 , . . .) = (0, a1 , a2 , . . .).
(i) Prove that is identity of R but is not identity of R.
(ii) Exhibit infinitely many right inverses for .
(iii) Find a nonzero element R such that = 0 but 6= 0.
(iv) Prove that there is no nonzero element R such that = 0 (so is a left zero
divisor but not a right zero divisor).
96. Let R be a commutative ring with 1. Define the set R[[x]] of formal power series in
P n
the indeterminate x with coefficients from R to be all formal infinite sums 0 an x .
Define the addition and multiplication as 0 an xn +
P P n
P n
0 bn x = 0 (an + bn )x and
( 0 an xn ).(
P P n
P n
P n
0 bn x ) = 0 cn x where cn = 0 ak bnk .
(i) Prove that R[[x]] is a commutative ring with 1.
(ii) Show that 1 x is a unit in R[[x]] with inverse 1 + x + x2 + . . ..
(iii) Prove that n
0 an x is a unit in R[[x]] iff a0 is a unit in R.
97. If R is an integral domain then show that R[[x]] is also an integral domain.
98. Let F be a field and define the ring F ((x)) of formal Laurent series with coefficients
from F by F ((x)) = { n
nN an x | an F, N Z}. (Every element of F ((x)) is a power
series in x plus a polynomial in 1/x.) Prove that F ((x)) is a field.
99. Prove that the center of the ring Mn (R) is the set of scalar matrices (R is commutative
ring with 1).
100. Let G = {g1 , . . . , gn } be a finite group. Prove that the element N = g1 + . . . + gn Z(RG).
101. Let K = {k1 , . . . , km } be a conjugacy class in the finite group G.
(i) Prove that the element x = k1 + . . . + km Z(RG). [Hint: Check that gxg 1 = x for
all g G]
(ii) Let K1 , . . . , CKr be the conjugacy classes of G and for each Ki , let xi be the element
of RG that is the sum of the members of Ki . Prove that RG is in Z(RG) iff =
a1 x1 + . . . + ar xr for some ai R.
103. Prove that the ring M2 (R) contains a subring that is isomorphic to C.
104. Show that every two-sided ideal of Mn (R) is equal to Mn (J) for some ideal J of R. [Hint:
Show that the set of entries of matrices in an ideal of Mn (R) form an ideal of R.]
105. Let : R S be a ring homomorphism. (i) Prove that if J is an ideal of S, then 1 (J)
is an ideal of R.
(ii) Prove that if is surjective and I is an ideal of R, then (I) is an ideal of S. Give an
example where this fails if is not surjective.
106. The characteristic of a ring is the smallest positive integer n such that 1 + . . . + 1 = 0
(n times). If no such n exists, characteristic of R is 0. E.g. characteristic of Z/nZ is n
and characteristic of Z is 0.
(i) Prove the the map Z R defined as k 7 k.1 is a ring homomorphism with kernel nZ,
where n is the characteristic of R.
(ii) Determine the characteristic of the rings Q, Z[x], Z/nZ[x].
(iii) Prove that if R is commutative and has characteristic a prime p, then (a+b)p = ap +bp
for all a, b R.
109. Let R be commutative. Show that the set of nilpotent elements form an ideal, called the
nil radical of R.
112. If R is a finite commutative ring with unity, then every prime ideal of R is maximal.
113. Let Lj be the left ideal of Mn (R) consisting of arbitrary entries in the j th column and zero
elsewhere and let Ei,j be the element of Mn (R) with 1 at (i, j) entry and zero elsewhere.
Prove that Lj = Mn (R)Eij for any i.
114. (i) Prove that every prime ideal is a maximal ideal in a Boolean ring.
(ii) Every finitely generated ideal in a Boolean ring is principal.
115. Let R be commutative and for each a R, there is a positive integer n such that an = a.
Prove that every prime ideal of R is maximal.
116. Prove that the nilradical of a commutative ring R is equal to the intersection of all the
prime ideals of R.
117. Let R be a commutative ring with 1 6= 0. If a R is nilpotent then 1 ab is a unit for all
b R.
119. An ideal I is called a radical ideal if rad(I) = I. Show every prime ideal of R is a radical
ideal. Show nZ is a radical ideal of Z iff n is the product of distinct primes in Z.
120. Let R be commutative and I an ideal. Define Jac(I) as intersection of all maximal ideals
containing I. Jac(0) is called the Jacobson radical of R.
(i) Show that Jac(I) is an ideal of R containing I.
(ii) Show that rad(I) Jac(I).
(iii) Describe Jac(nZ) in terms of the prime factorization of n.
121. Let R be the ring of continuous functions from [0, 1] to R and for c [0, 1], define Mc as
the set of all elements of R which vanishes at c.
(i) Show that Mc is a maximal ideal of R. Conversely, if M is any maximal ideal of R,
there is some c [0, 1] such that M = Mc .
(ii) If b, c [0, 1] are distinct, then Mc 6= Mb .
(iii) Show that Mc is not equal to the ideal generated by (x c).
(iv) Prove that Mc is not a finitely generated ideal.
122. Let R be the ring of all continuous functions from R to R and for each c R, let Mc be
the maximal ideal {f R|f (c) = 0}.
(i) Let I be the collection of functions f in R with compact support, i.e f (x) vanishes for
|x| sufficiently large. Show that I is an ideal of R and is not a prime ideal.
(ii) Let M be a maximal ideal of R containing I, then M 6= Mc for any c R.
123. Let R be an integral domain and let D be a non-empty subset of R that is closed under
multiplication. Prove that the ring of fractions D1 R is isomorphic to a subring of the
quotient field of R.
124. Let F be a field. Prove that F contains a unique smallest subfield F0 and that F0 is
isomorphic to either Q or Z/pZ for some prime p (F0 is called the prime subfield of F ).
Prove that any subfield of R must contain Q.
125. If F is a field, prove that the field of fractions of F [[x]] (the ring of formal power series
in the indeterminate x and coefficients in F ) is the ring F ((x)) of formal Laurent series.
Show that the field of fractions of the power series ring Z[[x]] is properly contained in
Q((x)) (e.g. ex ).
126. * Prove that R contains a subring A with 1 A and A maximal (under inclusion) w.r.t.
the property that 1/2 6 A (Use Zorns lemma). Let K be the field of fractions of A in R.
(i) Show that R is algebraic over K. (If t is transcendental over K, then 1/2 6 A[t])
(ii) Show that A is integrally closed in R. (Show that 1/2 is not in the integral closure of
A in R) (iii) Deduce that R = K. Hence R is the quotient field of a proper subring.
128. (i) Let R, S be rings with 1. Prove that every ideal of R S is of the form I J for some
ideals I, J of R, S respectively.
(ii) If R, S are non-zero rings, then R S is never a field.
(iii) Let R be a finite Boolean ring. Prove that R n1 Z/2Z.
129. Solve the simultaneous system of congruences (i) x = 1 mod 8, x = 2 mod 25, x = 3 mod
81 and (ii) y = 5 mod 8, y = 12 mod 25, y = 47 mod 81.
130. Let f1 (x), . . . , fk (x) be polynomials with integer coefficients of the same degree d. Let
n1 , . . . , nk be integers which are pairwise comaximal. Use Chinese remainder theorem to
prove that there exists a polynomial f (x) with integer coefficients and of degree d with
f (x) = f1 (x) mod n1 , . . . , f (x) = fk (x) mod nk . Show that if fi (x) are monic then we can
choose monic f (x).
131. Let m, n be positive integers with n dividing m. Prove that the natural surjective ring
projection Z/mZ Z/nZ is also surjective on the units (Z/mZ) (Z/nZ)
132. Let (a) a = 13, n = 20, (b) a = 69, n = 89. Show that a, n are coprime. Find the inverse
of a mod n.
133. Let R be a Euclidean domain. Let m be the minimum ineger in the set of norms of non-
zero elements of R. Prove that every non-zero element of R of norm m is a unit. Deduce
that a non-zero element of norm 0 is a unit.
134. Let R be a Euclidean domain. Prove that if gcd(a, b) = 1 and a/bc then a/c. More
generally, if a/bc with non-zero b, c, then a/gcd(a, b) divides c.
135. Let R = Z and consider the Diophantine equation ax + by = N where a, b are non zero.
Suppose x0 , y0 is a solution. Prove that the full set of solutions of this equation is given by
b a
x = x0 +m (a,b) and y = y0 m (a,b) as m Z. [If x, y is a solution, then a(xx0 ) = b(y0 y)
and use previous exercise.]
137. Find a generator for the ideal (85, 1 + 13i) in Z[i], i.e. gcd(85, 1 + 13i) by the Euclidean
Theorem The only negative values of D for which the ring of integers O is PID if D =
1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 19, 43, 67, 163.
138. (i) For D = 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, O is a Euclidean domain wrt field norm N . [Modify the
proof for D = 1]
(ii) For D = 43, 67, 163, O is not a Euclidean domain with respect to any norm.
[Modify the proof for D = 19]
139. Prove that the quotient ring Z[i]/I is finite for any non-zero ideal I.
140. Let a, b R be non zero. A least common multipal of a, b is an element e R such that
(i) a/e, b/e and (ii) if a/e0 , b/e0 then e/e0 .
(a) Prove that lcm(a, b) if exists, is a generator for the unique largest principal ideal
contained in (a) (b).
(b) Any two non-zero elements in a Euclidean domain have a lcm which is unique upto
multiplication by a unit.
(c) In a Euclidean domain, lcm(a, b) = ab/gcd(a, b).
141. Show that any two non-zero elements of a PID have a least common multiple.
142. Let R be an integral domain. Prove that R is a PID if (i) any two non-zero elements
a, b R have a gcd which can be written in the form ra + sb for r, s R and (ii) if
a1 , a2 , . . . are non zero elements of R such that ai+1 |ai for all i, then there is a positive
integer N such that an is a unit times aN for all n > N .
143. Let R = Z[ 5]. Let I2 = (2, 1 + 5), I3 = (3, 2 + 5) and I30 = (3, 2 5) be ideals
of R. (i) Prove that above ideals are non-principal.
(ii) Show that I22 = (2), I2 I3 = (1 5) and I2 I30 = (1 + 5). Conclude (6) = I22 I3 I30 .
144. Show that an integral domain R, in which every prime ideal is principal, is a PID.
146. Prove that the rings F [x, y]/(y 2 x) and F [x, y]/(y 2 x2 ) are not isomorphic for any field
147. Let R be an integral domain and let i, j be relatively prime integers. Prove that (xi y j )
is a prime ideal in R[x, y].
148. (i) Let F be a field. Prove that F [x] contains infinitely many primes.
(ii) Determine all the ideals of Z[x]/(2, x2 + 1).
149. Determine the gcd of a(x) = x3 2 and b(x) = x + 1 in Q[x] and write the gcd as a linear
combination of a(x) and b(x).
150. Prove that if f (x), g(x) Q[x] with f g Z[x], then the product of any coefficient of f (x)
with any coefficient of g(x) is an integer.
151. For a field F , let R be the set of all f (x) F [x] with coefficient of x equals 0. Then R is
not a UFD.
p p
152. (i) Show that the polynomials x4 + 4x3 + 6x2 + 2x + 1 and (x+2)x 2 p a prime, are
irreducible in Z[x].
(ii) Prove that xn1 + xn2 + . . . + 1 is irreducible over Z iff n is a prime.
153. Show that the additive and multiplicative groups of a field F are never isomorphic.