Game Def

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Leigh Tesfatsion

20 August 2012

Game Theory: Basic Concepts and Terminology

A GAME consists of:

a collection of decision-makers, called players;

the possible information states of each player at each decision


the collection of possible moves (decisions, actions, plays,...) that

each player can choose to make in each of his possible information

a procedure for determining how the move choices of all the

players collectively determine the possible outcomes of the game;

preferences of the individual players over these possible out-

comes, typically measured by a utility or payoff function.



C (40,40) (10,60)

D (60,10) (20,20)

Illustrative Modeling of a Work-Site Interaction

as a Prisoners Dilemma Game

D = Defect (Shirk) C = Cooperate (Work Hard),

(P1,P2) = (Worker Payoff, Employer Payoff )

A PURE STRATEGY for a player in a particular game is a
complete contingency plan, i.e., a plan describing what move that
player should take in each of his possible information states.

A MIXED STRATEGY for a player i in a particular game is

a probability distribution defined over the collection S i of player is
possible pure strategy choices. That is, a mixed strategy assigns a
nonnegative probability Prob(s) to each pure strategy s in S i, with
Prob(s) = 1 . (1)


For simplicity, the remainder of these brief notes will develop defi-
nitions in terms of pure strategies; the unqualified use of strategy
will always refer to pure strategy. Extension to mixed strategies is
conceptually straightforward.


The game is played just once among N players.

Each of the N players simultaneously chooses a strategy (move)
based on his current information state, where this information
state does not include knowledge of the strategy choices of any
other player.
A payoff (reward, return, utility outcome,...) for each player is
then determined as a function of the N simultaneously-chosen
strategies of the N players.

Note: For ONE-stage games, there is only one decision time. Con-
sequently, a choice of a strategy based on a current information state
is the same as the choice of a move based on this current information


The game is played among N players over successive iterations

T = 1, 2, . . . TMax.
In each iteration T, each of the N players simultaneously makes
a move (action, play, decision,...) conditional on his current in-
formation state, where this information state does not include
the iteration-T move of any other player.
An iteration-T payoff (reward, return, utility outcome,...) is then
determined for each player as a function of the N simultaneously-
made moves of the N players in iteration T.
If T < TMax, the next iteration T+1 then commences.
The information states of the players at the beginning of iteration
T+1 are typically updated to include at least some information
regarding the moves, payoffs, and/or outcomes from the previous
iteration T.

Note: For ITERATED games there are multiple decision times.

Consequently, a choice of a move based on a current information
state does not constitute a strategy (complete contingency plan).
Rather, a strategy is the choice of a move for the current iteration,
given the current information state, together with a designation of
what move to choose in each future iteration conditional on every
possible future information state.


Consider a one-stage simultaneous-move 2-player game in which each

player must choose to play one of M feasible strategies S1,. . .,SM .
The Payoff Matrix for this 2-player game then consists of an M M
table that gives the payoff received by each of the two players under
each feasible combination of moves the two players can choose to

More precisely, each of the M rows of the table corresponds to a

feasible strategy choice by Player 1, and each of the M columns of
the table corresponds to a feasible strategy choice by Player 2. The
entry in the ith row and jth column of this M M table then consists
of a pair of values (P1(i, j), P2(i, j)).

The first value P1(i, j) denotes the payoff received by Player 1 when
Player 1 chooses strategy Si and Player 2 chooses strategy Sj , and
the second value P2(i, j) denotes the payoff received by Player 2 when
Player 1 chooses strategy Si and Player 2 chooses strategy Sj . See
the 2-player example depicted on the next page.

This definition is easily generalized to the case in which each player

has a different collection of feasible strategies to choose from (different
by type and/or number).



C (40,40) (10,60)

D (60,10) (20,20)

Illustrative Modeling of a Work-Site Interaction

as a Prisoners Dilemma Game

D = Defect (Shirk) C = Cooperate (Work Hard),

(P1,P2) = (Worker Payoff, Employer Payoff )

A specific combination (S1,. . .,SN ) of feasible strategy choices for an
N -player game, one strategy choice Si for each player i, is called
a (Pure Strategy) Nash equilibrium if no player i perceives any
feasible way of achieving a higher payoff by switching unilaterally to
another strategy Si0.


A feasible strategy for a player in an N -player game is said to be a
dominant strategy for this player if it is this players best response
to any feasible choice of strategies for the other players.

For example, suppose S1 is a dominant strategy for player 1 in an N -

player game. This means that, no matter what feasible combination
of strategies (S2, . . . , SN ) players 2 through N might choose to play,
player 1 attains the highest feasible (expected) payoff if he chooses
to play strategy S1.

(1) Does the previously depicted worker-employer game have a Nash
(2) Does either player in this game have a dominant strategy?
(3) What is the key distinction between a dominant strategy and a
strategy constituting part of a Nash equilibrium?


Intuitive Definition:
A feasible combination of decisions for a collection of agents is said
to be Pareto efficient if there does not exist another feasible combi-
nation of decisions under which each agent is at least as well off and
some agent is strictly better off.

More Rigorous Definition: N -Player Game Context

For each i = 1, . . . , N , let Pi denote the payoff attained by player
i under a feasible strategy combination S = (S1,. . .,SN ) for the N
players. The strategy combination S is said to be Pareto efficient if
there does not exist another feasible strategy combination S 0 under
which each player i achieves at least as high a payoff as Pi and some
player j achieves a strictly higher payoff than Pj . The payoff outcome
(P1,. . .,PN ) is then said to be a Pareto efficient payoff outcome.

Does the previously depicted worker-employer game have a Pareto
efficient strategy combination?


Intuitive Definition: A feasible combination of decisions for a

collection of agents is said to be Pareto dominated if there does exist
another feasible combination of decisions under which each agent is
at least as well off and some agent is strictly better off.

More Rigorous Definition: N -Player Game Context For

each i = 1, . . . , N , let Pi denote the payoff attained by player i
under a strategy combination S = (S1,. . .,SN ) for the N players.
The strategy combination S is said to be Pareto dominated if there
does exist another feasible strategy combination S 0 under which each
player i achieves at least as high a payoff as Pi and some player j
achieves a strictly higher payoff than Pj .

Does the previously depicted worker-employer game have strategy
combinations that are Pareto dominated?


Intuitive Definition: A combination of decisions for a collection

of agents is said to exhibit coordination failure if mutual gains,
attainable by a collective switch to a different feasible combination
of decisions, are not realized because no individual agent perceives
any feasible way to increase their own gain by a unilateral deviation
from their current decision.

More Rigorous Definition: N -Player Game Context A

strategy combination S = (S1,. . .,SN ) is said to exhibit coordination
failure if it is a Pareto-dominated Nash equilibrium.

Does the previously depicted worker-employer game have a move
combination that exhibits coordination failure?
Might the iterative play of this worker-employer game help alleviate
coordination failure problems?


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