2016-2017 Bca Final Year Projects List

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For: - B. E | B. Tech | M. E | M. Tech | MCA | BCA | Diploma

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#19, MN Complex, 2nd Cross, Sampige Main Road, Malleswaram, Bangalore 560003
Call Us: 9590544567 / 9739066172, www.makefinalyearproject.com
Land Mark: Opposite Joyalukkas Gold Showroom, Near to Mantri Mall
2016 - 2017 BCA 6th SEM PROJECTS LIST
Web Applications Projects (J2EE,JSP,JDBC, MySQL, Oracle)
S.No Project Title Technology Used
1 A Personal Authentication Based on IRIS Recognition Java Swings, Applets
2 Noise Reduction By Fuzzy Image Filtering JDK 1.6, Java Swing
3 Script identification through temporal Sequence of the Strokes JDK 1.5, Java Swing
4 Image Processing Editor JAVA
5 Multiple Routing configurations for Fast IP network Recovery JDK 1.5, Java Swing, SQL server
6 Delay Analysis and Optimality of Scheduling Policies for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks JDK 1.5, Java Swing
7 Enhancing Search Performance in Unstructured P2P Networks Based on Users Common Interest JDK1.6,Java Swing, SQL Server
8 Label-Based DV-Hop Localization against Wormhole Attacks In Wireless Sensor Networks Java,J2ME( Wireless Toolkit)
9 Embedding the Secure Data In An Audio/Video and Image Files JDK 1.5, Java Swing
10 A Privacy-Preserving Location Monitoring System for Wireless Sensor Networks JAVA, JFC (Swing)
11 Secure Data Transmission JAVA
12 Intrusion Detection System JAVA
13 An Agent Based Intrusion Detection Response and Blocking using Signature method in Active Networks JDK 1.6, Java Swing
14 A New Operational Transformation Framework for Real Time Group Editors JDK 1.5
15 Nymble: Blocking Misbehaving Users in Anonym zing Networks Java,J2ME(W Toolkit),Tomcat
16 SAT:A Security Architecture Achieving Anonymity and Traceability in Wireless Network Java,J2ME(Wireless Toolkit)
17 Ensuring Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing Java, Swing, RMI, J2ME
18 Secure and Practical Outsourcing of Linear Programming in Cloud Computing Java, JSP, JDBC, Java Script
19 Staying Connected in a Mobile Healthcare System Experiences Java, JSP,J2ME,MySQL
20 Multicast Multi-path Power Efficient Routing in Mobile ADHOC networks Java RMI, SWING,J2ME
21 Learn to Personalized Image Search from the Photo Sharing Websites JDK 1.5,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
22 Packet-Hiding Methods for Preventing Selective Jamming Attacks JDK 1.5, Java Swing, RMI
23 Privacy- and Integrity-Preserving Range Queries in Sensor Networks JDK 1.6, Java Swing, RMI,JDBC
24 Cloud Computing Security: From Single to Multi-Clouds JDK 1.5,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
25 Ensuring Distributed Accountability For Data Sharing In The Cloud JDK 1.5,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
26 Ranking Model Adaptation For Domain Specific Search JDK 1.5,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
27 Multiparty Access Control for Online Social Networks: Model and Mechanisms JDK 1.5,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
28 Participatory Privacy: Enabling Privacy in Participatory Sensing JDK 1.5, JSP, HTML, MySQL
29 CAM: Cloud-Assisted Privacy Preserving Mobile Health Monitoring JDK 1.5,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
30 Mobile Relay Configuration in Data-Intensive Wireless Sensor Networks JDK 1.6, Java Swing, RMI
31 TrPF: A Trajectory Privacy-Preserving Framework for Participatory Sensing JDK 1.5,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
32 Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Secure Cloud Storage JDK 1.5,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
33 AMES-Cloud: A Framework of Adaptive Mobile Video Streaming and Efficient Social Video Sharing in the Clouds. JDK 1.5,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
34 A system to Filter Unwanted Messages from OSN Uses Walls JDK 1.5,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
35 Captcha as Graphical PasswordsA New Security Primitive Based on Hard AI Problems JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
36 Personalized Geo-Specific Tag Recommendation for Photos Social websites JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
37 Learning and Recognition of On-Premise Signs from Weakly Labeled Street View Image JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
38 Key-Aggregate Cryptosystem for Scalable Data Sharing in Cloud Storage JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
39 Oruta: Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Shared Data in the Cloud JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
40 VABKS: Verifiable Attribute-based Keyword Search over Outsourced Encrypted Data JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
41 A Cloud Environment for Backup and Data Storage JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
42 Supporting Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
43 Personalized Web search Using Browsing History And Domain Knowledge JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
44 Personalized Recommendation Combining User Interest and Social Circle JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
45 Anonymity-based Privacy-preserving Data Reporting for Participatory Sensing (IOT) (IEEE 2015) JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
46 Cost-Effective Authentic and Anonymous Data Sharing with Forward Security (IEEE 2015) JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
47 FRAppE Detecting Malicious Facebook Applications (IEEE 2015) JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
48 Audit-Free Cloud Storage via Deniable Attribute-based Encryption (IEEE-2015) JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
49 Provable Multicopy Dynamic Data Possession in Cloud Computing Systems (IEEE-2015) JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
50 Key-Aggregate Searchable Encryption (KASE) for Group Data Sharing via Cloud Storage (IEEE-2015) JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
51 A Secure Anti-Collusion Data Sharing Scheme for Dynamic Groups in the Cloud (IEEE-2015) JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
52 Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Regenerating-Code-Based Cloud Storage (IEEE-2015) JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
53 Secure Auditing and Deduplicating Data in Cloud (IEEE-2015) JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
54 Control Cloud Data Access Privilege and Anonymity with Fully Anonymous Attribute based Encryption (IEEE-2015) JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
55 Best Keyword Cover Search (IEEE-2015) JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
56 Co-Extracting Opinion Targets and Opinion Words from Online Reviews Based on the Word Alignment Model (IEEE-2015) JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
57 Learning to Rank Image Tags with Limited Training Examples (IEEE 2015) JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
58 Multiview Alignment Hashing for Efficient Image Search (IEEE 2015) JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
59 An Attribute-Assisted Reranking Model for Web Image Search (IEEE-2015) JDK 1.7,JSP,HTML,MYSQL
60 Mobi Travel Guide Smart way to travel Android Google Api 1.5, Android
61 Mobile banking JAVA, WML, Nokia Tool Kit
62 Mobile Location Alarm Android, Eclipse ,Sun JDK 5
63 Restaurant Table Order Management System Android 2.2 Eclipse , JDK 6
64 Android Attack Application Android 2.2 Eclipse, JDK 6
65 Tollgate payment System Android 2.2 Eclipse, JDK 6
66 Insurance in android Android 2.2 Eclipse, JDK 6
67 Online shopping Android Application Android SDK 2.1,JDK 6.0,SQLite
68 Android Event Scheduler / Reminder Application Android 2.2 Eclipse , JDK 6
69 Value added sales tax information system Java, JSP, servlet, Oracle
70 Tanrox Work Force (Activity Control System) J2EE,Struts,MySQL
71 Virtual office Management Java, servlet, JSP, MySQL
72 Intranet Mailing System Java, JSP, Oracle
73 Collaborative White Board core java Java ,swing
74 DCMS (Distributed channel management system) Java, JSP, servlet, oracle 10g
75 Router Guide Java, My SQL 4.0
76 Text Editor Core Java Java
77 Online Examination Java, servlet, JSP, MYSQL
78 Aadhaar Secure Travel Identity Java, JSP, Tomcat, MYSQL
79 Orkut Using Java JAVA
80 Telecom Inventory Management System Java, JSP, Tomcat, MYSQL
81 Global Tracker Java, JSP, Tomcat, MYSQL
82 E Transaction Interface (Payment Gate way for all banks) Servlet, JDBC, j2ee, oracle 10g
83 Online University Java, JSP, Tomcat, MYSQL
84 Company Information Tracking System (CITS) Java, JSP, Tomcat, MYSQL
85 Appositeness Intendance (Health Card) Servlet, JDBC, j2ee, oracle 10g
86 Career Information Maintenance (Placement Cell) Servlet, JDBC, j2ee, oracle 10g
87 Corporate Recruitment System (CRS) Servlet, JDBC, j2ee, oracle 10g
88 Hotel food order system Java, JSP, Tomcat, MYSQL
89 E-Zest (resort management) Java, JSP, Tomcat, MYSQL
90 Medi Tracker Servlet, JDBC, j2ee, oracle 10g
91 Mortal Policy Outline (insurance company) Servlet, JDBC, j2ee, oracle 10g
92 Payroll Management system Servlet, JDBC, j2ee, oracle 10g
93 Resource Pool Servlet, JDBC, j2ee, oracle 10g
94 Monitoring Online Tests through Data Visualization Java, JSP, Tomcat, MYSQL
95 Pharmaceutical Product Distribution System Servletj2ee, oracle 10g
96 Loan Monitoring System Servlet, JDBC, j2ee, oracle 10g
97 Cartel Communique ( multi-conference) Servlet, JDBC, j2ee, oracle 10g
98 Disposition Prospectus (Government Schemes Management System) Java, JSP, Tomcat, MYSQL
99 Electorate Conspiracy (Automated e-Govt Certificates) Servlet, JDBC, j2ee, oracle 10g
100 Enterprise Resource Information System(ERIS) Servlet, JDBC, j2ee, oracle 10g
101 e-Learning (Technology E Learning) Servlet, JDBC, j2ee, oracle 10g
102 Online travel and personal package Recommendation Java, JSP, Tomcat, MYSQL
103 Online Tourism Java, JSP, Tomcat, MYSQL
104 Real Estate Management System Java, JSP, Tomcat, MYSQL
105 Vehicle Management and Booking System Java, JSP, Tomcat, MYSQL
106 Online Registration For Voter Card Servlet, JDBC, j2ee, oracle 10g

PHP Application Based Projects (PHP, MySQL)

107 Avoid Food Wastage_PHP HTML, PHP & MySQL
108 Complain Management System_PHP HTML, PHP & MySQL
109 Courier Management System_PHP HTML, PHP & MySQL
110 Facebook App_PHP HTML, PHP & MySQL
111 Hospital Management HTML, PHP & MySQL
112 Intranet Mailing System_PHP HTML, PHP & MySQL
113 Leave Management For MNC HTML, PHP & MySQL
114 Online Book Shop.Com_PHP HTML, PHP & MySQL
115 Online Bidding_PHP HTML, PHP & MySQL
116 Online Bidding_PHP HTML, PHP & MySQL
117 Online Notice Board_PHP HTML, PHP & MySQL
118 Online Polling For Publishers And Brands HTML, PHP & MySQL
119 Online Shopping_PHP HTML, PHP & MySQL
120 Online Tour(My Tour) HTML, PHP & MySQL
121 Online home appliance_PHP HTML, PHP & MySQL
122 Secure File Downloading System HTML, PHP & MySQL
123 Statistical Entity Extraction from Web_PHP HTML, PHP & MySQL
124 Student Information System_PHP HTML, PHP & MySQL
125 Web Based Learning System HTML, PHP & MySQL
DOTNET PROJECTS (Asp.net,C#.net, Ado.net, SQL Server)
126 Digital Image Tracing by Sequential Multiple Watermarking .Net 2003, C#.Net
127 SpyNet C#.Net, Visual Studio 2005
128 Integration of Sound Signature in Graphical Password Authentication System .Net, SQL Server 2005
129 Scalable Learning Of Collective Behaviour C#.Net, Asp.Net, SQL Server 2005
130 Bridging Social and Data Networks C#.Net, Asp.Net, SQL Server 2005
131 Defenses Against Large Scale Online Password Guessing Attacks By Using Persuasive Click Points C#.Net, Asp.Net, SQL Server 2005
132 SPOC: A Secure and Privacy-preserving Opportunistic Computing Framework for Mobile-Healthcare C#.Net, SQL Server 2005
133 Reversible Data Hiding In Encrypted Images By Reserving Room Before Encryption C#.Net, Asp.Net, SQL Server 2008
134 Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing C#.Net, Asp.Net, SQL Server 2008
135 Local Directional Number Pattern for Face Analysis: Face and Expression Recognition C#.Net, Visual Studio 2008
136 Online Adventure/Check out My Trip/Online Tourism Visual Studio 2005/ Visual Studio 2008
137 Automated Reformatory Visual Studio 2005/ Visual Studio 2008
138 Corporate based credential cluster Visual Studio 2005/ Visual Studio 2008
139 Resort Management System Visual Studio 2005/ Visual Studio 2008
140 Online Tender Visual Studio 2005/ Visual Studio 2008
141 Hospital Management Visual Studio 2005/ Visual Studio 2008
142 Gas Agency System Visual Studio 2005/ Visual Studio 2008
143 Insurance on Internet Visual Studio 2005/ Visual Studio 2008
144 Intelligent Transportation Visual Studio 2005/ Visual Studio 2008
145 Webmart Visual Studio 2005/ Visual Studio 2008
146 Course Milestone Visual Studio 2005/ Visual Studio 2008
147 Client Server Based Live Meeting Visual Studio 2005/ Visual Studio 2008
148 Courier Automation Visual Studio 2005/ Visual Studio 2008
149 Vehicle Monitoring System Visual Studio 2005/ Visual Studio 2008
150 Online Auction Visual Studio 2005/ Visual Studio 2008
151 College Management System Visual Studio 2005/ Visual Studio 2008
152 Online Examination Enabled with Ajax Visual Studio 2005/ Visual Studio 2008
153 Online Shopping Visual Studio 2005/ Visual Studio 2008


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