Homophones - Words That Sound The Same: 0521531055cpg - p17-38.qxd 4/2/03 6:20 PM Page 31

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Homophones words that sound the same

Homophones are words that sound the same but have a different meaning and
spelling. For example:
My son is a doctor
The sun is really hot today.
The common homophones on this page are grouped according to the sound that is
spelled differently. Words marked UK only sound similar in British English. If words
are in dark type (e.g. grate great) they are common causes of mistakes for learners.

i male mail a
bean been pain pane aisle Ill isle
be bee pair pear aye eye I
feat feet pray prey buy by bye
flea flee rain reign rein dye die
heel hell heal sale sail hi high
leak leek slay sleigh hire higher
meat meet stake steak rye wry
peace piece Sunday sundae sight site
peak peek tale tail right write
peal peel wail whale tyre tire
reed read wait weight
UK ea US er
sea see waste waist
way weigh air heir
seam seem
fair fare
seen scene UK US o bare bear
steal steel groan grown pair pear
suite sweet hole whole stair stare
weak week know no there theyre their
weave weve loan lone ware wear where
UK  US r road rode rowed
board bored role roll u
row roe blew blue
caught court UK
sew so flew flu flue
coarse course
sole soul threw through
hoarse horse
to too two
sauce source UK
saw soar UK altar alter
sort sought UK currant current
warn worn gorilla guerrilla
e idol idle
bale bail manner manor
brake break miner minor
grate great

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