Learning Plan in Grade 8 and Grade 7
Learning Plan in Grade 8 and Grade 7
Learning Plan in Grade 8 and Grade 7
Stage 1
Content Standard : The learner demonstrate understanding of the relationship between the amount of force applied and the mass of an
Performance Standard : The learners develop a written plan and implement a Newtons Olympics
A. Essential Understanding
The student can understand that the concepts, laws and principles of Newtons Laws of motion influence natural
B. Essential Questions
2. How do the concept, laws and principles of Newtons Law of Motion influence natural phenomena in human activities?
C. Transfer
The learners on their own can understand the relationship concept of and principles of Newtons Law of Motion
D. Objectives
Cognitive : Investigate the relationship of the amount of force and mass of the object
Affective : Infer that when a body exert a force on one another an equal amount of force is exerted back on it.
Psychomotor : Request the application of constant force directed toward the center of the circle
Stage 2
1. a i n r e t i _______________________
2. t e a c c e l e a o n i r ________________________
3. e f r o c _______________________
4. s s a m _______________________
5. o f i o m n _______________________
II. Each concept listed below has two statements. One of the statements is true, and the other one is false.
Classify which statements are true, and which are false. Encircle.
1. Law of Motion
B. The laws of motion are the fundamental governing principles of the interplay between force and motion.
2. Inertia
3. Acceleration
A. Acceleration of a heavy object is the same with a light object if they are acted upon by same amount of force.
4. Interaction
A. In physics, an interaction requires an action and a reaction.
5. Momentum
Post Test
__________3. If a hockey puck slides on a perfectly frictionless surface, it will eventually slow down because of inertia.
__________4. Inertia is the property of an object to resist change in its state of motion.
__________5. A ball is kicked by a soccer player. The ball will move in the direction of the players kick.
__________7. In order to make a cart move forward, a horse must pull harder to overcome the carts pull on the horse.
__________8. On a straight highway, a collision occurs between a small car and a large truck. The force that the truck exert on the car
is greater than the force that the car exert on the truck.
__________9. When a ball tied to a string is whirled, the ball will moved toward the center of the circular path when the string is cut.
__________10. A rocket ship is pushed forward by gases that are forced out at the back of the ship.
A. The force will cause the object to move with constant motion.
4. A feather and a metal ball are dropped from rest in a vacuum on the surface of the moon. How will you describe the acceleration of
the feather?
A. The acceleration of the feather is greater than that of the metal ball.
B. The acceleration of the feather is less than that of the metal ball.
D. The acceleration of the feather is zero since the feather floats in a vacuum.
5. When a car travels with a constant velocity to the right, the net force is directed to the __________.
centripetal acceleration?
B. It will decrease by factor of one- half. D. It will decrease by a factor of one fourth.
7. How much force does a 20 000 kg jet plane develop to accelerate 1 m/s?
10. What is the acceleration of a 1 000 kg vehicle if its engine gives off a force of 5 000 newton?
1. What is the acceleration of a sack of rice that has a mass of 50 kg and is being pulled with a net force of 800 N sideways?
3. A little boy pushes a wagon with his dog in it. The mass of the dog and the wagon together is 45 kg. The wagon accelerates at 0.85
4. A 1650 kg car accelerates at a rate 4.0 m/s2. How much force is the cars engine producing?
Stage 3
A. Explore
2. Place the tablecloth on one edge of the table so that a few inches hang from the edge.
4. Get ready o pull the tablecloth on the side that is hanging from the edge.
5. Pull the tablecloth quickly, so that it slips out under the objects.
1. When you placed the objects on the tablecloth, were they in motion or at rest?
2. What happened to the objects when you pulled the tablecloth out from under them?
4. Explain what happened y applying Newtons First Law of Motion to the objects after you pulled the table cloth out from
B. Firm Up
1. A 3.5 papaya is pushed across a table. If the acceleration of the papaya is 2.2 m / s2 to the left . What is the external
2. A constant net force of 200N is exerted t accelerate a cart from rest to a velocity of 40m/s in 10 seconds. What is the
3. A net horizontal force of 5000 N is applied to a stalled car whose mass is 1500 kg. What will be the cars speed after 10 s?
4. A 0.050 kg tennis ball approaches a racket at an initial velocity of 25m/s . If it is in contact with the rackets strings for
0.005 s, then re bounds at 25 m/s, what is the average contact force between ball and racket?
5. Imagine that you are riding a cruise ship, and it is about to sail out into the sea. The captain starts to move the 200 000 kg
ship as the engine gives off a power of 50 000 N. What is the acceleration of the ship?
2. Get the assigned materials in each group. Tape the fan on the cart.
4. Turn the fan off and tape the cardboard or illustration board on the cart
1. What was the difference in the carts movement with and without sail?
3. Use Newtons third Law of Motion to explain what happened to the cart when the fan was tuned on the sail?
C. Deepen
Scaffold # 1
You are a researcher. Your research head assigned you to design an experiment that shows any of Newtons laws. You will test
your experiment to make it is accurate. You will be evaluated by your research head based on the uniqueness of your experiment,
the clarity of the procedure, the concepts being verified , and the results of the experiment.
Scaffold # 2
You are an aeronautics engineering students. Your professor assigned you to make a rocket model applying the
laws of motion. The model design and construct a bottle rocket that has the greatest time of flight applying
Newtons law of motion. Your professor will evaluate your model based on the following criteria : applied
principles behind the rocket, uniqueness of the design, mechanism of the rocket and longest of flight of the
D. Transfer Goal
You are a high school P.E teacher. For the schools upcoming sports fest, the principal assigned you to hold
a sport competition named Newtons Olympic that will involve Newtons laws of Motion. You will ask a science
teacher to help you in organizing the event. Before the event , you are to submit an action plan to the principal which
should include at least three games. The principal will evaluated your action plan based on the uniqueness of ideas, logical
explanation of the science concept used in the games, and viability of the gam
Stage 1
Content Standard : The learners demonstrate understanding of work using constant force, power, gravitational potential energy, kinetic
Performance Standard : The learners should be able to prepares ways to increase the amount of work done in a certain period
A. Essential Understanding : The student can understand that
B. Essential Questions :
3. How do you calculate for the values of work, power, and energy ?
C. Transfer
D. Objectives
Cognitive: Identify the factors that affect work, power, and energy.
Psychomotor: Apply the concepts of work, power, and energy by solving real life problems.
Stage 2
Pre- Assessment
4. If you do the same amount of work as your classmate but do it much faster, then you are exerting more _________________.
__________2. In a marathon , the winner and the runner up have the same mass. Compared with the runner up , the winner
_________3. What can you conclude about two boys having the same height and climbing the same height of stairs
at different time?
A. They will do the same work but use the same power.
__________4. Which of following factors would affect the amount of work done?
Amount of force III. Speed of the object
II. Shape of the object IV. Displacement in the direction of the force
Post Assessment
I. Identify the term that is described in each number. Write the correct term on the blank.
_____________8. Law that relates the amount of applied force and the change in length of an elastic material.
_____________10. States that the change in kinetic energy is equal to the work done on a body.
II. Write KE if only kinetic energy is present. Write PE if only potential energy is present. Write Both if both kinetic and
_________1. An arrow released from a bow flying straight toward the target.
_________10. Billiard balls scattering on billiard table ( none are shot into the holes ).
1. An acrobat weighs 45 kg and is suspended 3m in air. How much is her potential energy?
2. A 57 kg ballet dancer leaps across the floor at 1 m/s. How much kinetic energy does she have?
3. A person used 50 W of power to carry a 50 N box up a 3 m ladder. How long did it take him to do this?
5. A gymnast weighing 45 kg expends 22.5 J of kinetic energy as she flips across the floor. How fast is she going
Stage 3
A. Explore :
Activity 1 : Power Up
2. Measure the height of the staircase in meters, and record each person s mass in table below. Convert the mass into newtons by using the formula in
step 5.
3. Place the stopwatch on zero , and record each persons time as he or she climbs from the bottom to the top of the staircase.
c. Power = work
2. in table 2.2 , list the names of your group members according to increasing ( from least to greatest ) force,
and include their work in the last column.
3. Look at table 2.2. What can you say about the relationship between force and work?
4. In table 2.3 , list the names of your group members according to increasing ( from least to greatest ) power. List down their force and speed as well.
Table 2.3
5.From table 2.3 , what can you infer about the relationship among force , speed , and power ?
B. Firm up
C. Deepen
D. Transfer Goal
Stage 1
Content Standard : The learners demonstrate understanding of scientific ways of acquiring knowledge and solving problems
Performance Standard : The learners perform in group guided investigations involving community based problems using locally available materials..
A. Essential Understanding
The student can understand that conducting scientific ways of investigation can be solved using locally available materials
B. Essential Questions
4. How sure are we that the conclusions made using the scientific method are reliable and hold true in general?
C. Transfer
The learner on their own will be able to conduct a scientific ways of investigations in solving problems using locally available materials.
D. Objectives
Psychomotor: Appreciate the benefits of the peer- review process in scientific investigations
Stage 2
Pre- Assessment
A. Ask a question, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, draw a conclusions, and analyse results.
B. Ask a question, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyse results and draw conclusion
C. Ask question, analyse results , make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, and draw a conclusionin water affect the temperature
D. Make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyse the results, ask a question and draw conclusions
D. Does the amount of salt in water affect the temperature at which it boils.
4. In a scientific experiment, the variable that you change or manipulate is called the ____________.
5. A scientist hypothesizes that the temperature at which an ostrich s egg is incubated will determine whether the ostrich will be male or female.
8. All the things in an experiment that must be the same to make in fair are called ____________________________.
9. A scientist is already contemplating whether or not the data of his experiments supports his hypothesis. At this point, the scientist is
10. What scientific procedure is undertaken by scientists to test a hypothesis, make a discovery or demonstrate a known fact?
Post Assessment
I. On the blank before each number write O for observation, Q for question, H for hypothesis, E for experiment D, for data
_______1. The metal manufacturing plant might be causing the decline in the fish population. If the metal manufacturing plant dumps their waste in
_______2. Water samples and tissues of dead fish from the bay were collected for analysis. Chemical analysis of the samples showed that identical
________3. There has been a sharp decline in the fish catch from Maharlika Bay since June 2001, two months after the metal manufacturing plant
___________4. The sharp decline in fish catch from the bay since June 2001 was due to the deaths of the fish caused by water pollution that the
___________5.What could have caused the decline in the fish population in Maharlika Bay?
II. Box the letter of the correct answer.
A. What is the average life span of males and females in the Philippines.
B. Why is there a law prohibiting the burning of garbage , agricultural waste and other forms of refuse.
4. Ayi made an experiment to find out if a stray cats in their yard will be deterred by strong chilli pepper odor. Which of the following is the best
A. The cats will still roam in the yard even when chilli pepper is placed.
B. The odor of the chilli pepper will deter the cats in the yard.
5. Nelson wanted to find out if garlic extract will prevent the growth of algae on shower room tiles. What should he keep constant to make his
work reliable?
C. Both A and B
6. ________________________
Stage 3
A. Explore
1. Group the class into five groups. The teacher will give each group sealed boxes containing unknown items.\
3. Make a list of questions you must answer in order to establish what is inside each box.
4. Afterwards exchange boxes with the other group. Once again . make a list of questions to guide you in your investigations. Draw a
5. For each box, compare your list of questions, answers, conclusions with those of the other groups who investigates the boxes . How
B. Hypothesis
C. Method of questioning
D. Result
E. Discussion of result, including a comparison of your answer with those of your classmates.
B. Firm up
Activity # 1 WORD UP
Identify the word being defined by arranging the jumbled letters. Write the correct word on the blank.
Activity # 2.
1. What happens to the growth of mongo seeds if table salt was added to the soil?
3. What effect does temperature have on the dissolution rate of sugar in water?
C. Deepen
Scaffold # 1
There are new baby sea lions in a marine training center suddenly became uninterested in their training three weeks after they were
transferred to their new home. The baby sea lion came from a marine theme park that is under renovation. When you first got them,
they were full of life and they responded well to the changes around them by showing cooperation and zeal during their initial trainings
with you and your group. As the lead person on this project , you have to determine what caused this change in behaviour . How will you do
D. Transfer Goal
You are part of a group of gardeners who grows without using chemical based pesticides. One day , you found red ants destroying your
tomato plants. The other members of the group have also complained about this. You then researched on what can be used ro drive a way
these pest so they can no longer affect your produce. You found out that local chilli peppers have been used in other countries to keep
away such pest from plants. Design an experiment that will determine if the amount of chilli peppers will affect their capacity to drive away
or eliminate pest. Make sure that you have identified the particular substance in the chilli peppers that does this. Your output should
convince other farmer to use chilli peppers than chemical based pesticides.