AE31002 Aerospace Structural Dynamics 2016

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Date: 18/2/2016, AN Time: 2 Hrs Full Marks: 50 Dept: AE

No. of Students: 52 Mid Spring Semester Examination
Sub. No.: AE31002 Sub. Name: Aerospace Structural Dynamics

Instruction: Answer all questions. AU questions carry equal marks.

l. Three springs and a mass are attached 4. A sledge hammer strikes an anvil with a ve-
to a rigid, weightless bar PQ as shown locity of 20m/sec. The hammer and the
in the figure. Find the natural fre- anvil weigh 50N and 500N, respectively. The
quency of vibration of the system. anvil is supported on four springs. each
of stiffness k = 20kN/m. Find the re-
sulting motion of the anvil a) if the ham-
rner remains in contact with the anvil and
b) if the hammer does not rernai n in COII-
tact with the anvil after the initial impact.
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2. The maximum velocity attained by the mass

or a simple harmonic oscillator is l Ocm/scc,
and the period of oscillation is 2sec. If th
mass is released with an initial displacement
of 2cm, find a) the amplitude, b) the initial
5. The crate of mass 250kg hanging from
velocity, c) the maximum acceleration, and
d) the phase angle. a helicopter can be modelled as shown.
The rotor blades of the helicopter ro-
3. Consider the frame shown in the figur tate at 300rpm. Find the the diameter
below. The upper deck is rigid and having a of the steel cables so that natural fre-
mass of 2.98kg/cm. Determine the natural quency of vibration of the crate is at
least twice the frequency of the rotor blades.
frequency of th structure. Assume 1) the
mass of the column and wall are negligible;
------r 1m

and 2) the top platform is sufficiently

rigid to prevent rotation at the tops of
the> columns. Column Ix = 3433.9] cni".
m ; 2.98kg/cm

L ;38.1cm I columns (steel)

6. A weight of 25N is suspended fr0111a spring
that has a stiffness of 1000N/m. The \\'eight
vibrates in the vertical direction under a con-
stant damping force. When the weight is ini-
.------ 63.5cm
tially pulled downward a di: tan e of l Ocrn
from its static equilibrium posit ion and rc-

leased, it comes to rest after exactly two
complete cycles. Find the magnitude of the
damping force.

7. A viscously damped system has a stiffmenss

of 5000N /m, critical damping constant of
0.2N-s/mm, and a logarithmic decrement of
2.0. If the system is given an initial veloc-
ity of 1 rri/sec, determine the maximum dis-
placement of the system.

8. The system shown below has the follow-

ing parameters: lV1 = lOOkg, ill = 5kg.
k = 10000N/m, I = 0.1m. Design a
viscous damper so that at the rotation
speed w 4wn the force transmitted
to the support does not exceed 200N .

.\1 - III

9. An underdamped shock absorber is to be

designed for a motor cycle of mass 200kg.
When the shock absorber is subjected to an
initial vertical velocity due to a road bump.
the resulting displacement time curve repre-
sents a viscous damping. Find the necessary
stiffness and damping constant of the shock
absorber if the damped period of vibration
is to be 2sec and the amplitude of oscillation
is to be reduced to i6 in a single cycle.
Also find the minimum initial velocity that
leads to a maximum displacement of 250mm.

10. Write short note on anyone of the following:

a) Half Power Method of evaluation of damp-
ing of any structure.
b) Seismograph.
c) AcceJerometer.
c1) Coulomb clamping

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