AE31002 Aerospace Structural Dynamics 2016
AE31002 Aerospace Structural Dynamics 2016
AE31002 Aerospace Structural Dynamics 2016
l. Three springs and a mass are attached 4. A sledge hammer strikes an anvil with a ve-
to a rigid, weightless bar PQ as shown locity of 20m/sec. The hammer and the
in the figure. Find the natural fre- anvil weigh 50N and 500N, respectively. The
quency of vibration of the system. anvil is supported on four springs. each
of stiffness k = 20kN/m. Find the re-
sulting motion of the anvil a) if the ham-
rner remains in contact with the anvil and
b) if the hammer does not rernai n in COII-
tact with the anvil after the initial impact.
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L ;38.1cm I columns (steel)
6. A weight of 25N is suspended fr0111a spring
that has a stiffness of 1000N/m. The \\'eight
vibrates in the vertical direction under a con-
stant damping force. When the weight is ini-
.------ 63.5cm
tially pulled downward a di: tan e of l Ocrn
from its static equilibrium posit ion and rc-
leased, it comes to rest after exactly two
complete cycles. Find the magnitude of the
damping force.
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