(1899) The Dry Goods Book

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. . . THE . . .

Dry Ooods Dook

Edited by


The Charles Austin Bates Co. Incorporated

The Charles Austin Bates Co. Incorporated


Some dry goods men have tried advertising, and found
out that it doesn't pay.
Some men have tried the dry goods business, and found
out that that doesn't pay.
Any man's failure at anything legitimate proves nothing
beyond his own incapacity.
The right kind of advertising and management are quite
sure to convert any small dry goods store into a large one.
That is the way all the large ones have been brought into
But the purpose of this book is to help those who are
progressive to do better advertising rather than to convince
the incapable ones of its imperative importance.
Dry goods men as a class are a bright, energetic lot, and
nearly all of them are broad-gauged enough to acquire a
much better knowledge of the art of good advertising.
Those who do are sure to put more impetus into their busi-
nesses and enjoy the financial rewards which it will bring.
The poor dry goods advertising which occupies so much
space in American newspapers is largely due to the lack of
just such information and help as this book affords.
Here and there, in perhaps one town in a hundred, are
to be found dry goods men who have met with phenomenal
success —men who have outstripped all competitors, and
built up business seemingly all out of proportion to the
sizes of their towns. Such growths are not instances of
luck nor the fruits of brains endowed with natural qualities
superior to yours. They are invariably the results of vig-
orous advertising directed by a liberal quantity of ordinary
common sense.
There are such opportunities awaiting men in just about
ninetj-nine towns and small cities out of every hundred.
This country is young yet, and those wdio think that golden
opportunities are pretty thoroughly exhausted are sadly
deceiving themselves.
It is true that there is plenty of competition everywhere,
but, aside from the great cities, there is positively very
little competition which will withstand a vigorous adverti-
sing campaign of the right sort. And within the great
cities there are so many little, unprogressive houses which
do not advertise, that a great, big, open field is left for tho.se
who do.

Good outside advertising won't succeed in spite of .short-
comings within the store any more than good clothes will
cover up a man's ignorance.
All kinds of successes depend upon consistency, and a
greater degree of it seems to be essential in advertising than
in many other business operations.
An ad in a newspaper can produce a wholesome effect
only b}' making good, strong claims, and then by having
goods and conditions within the store in harmony with the
Therefore the foundation of your advertising depends
upon you, and your goods, and your
clerks, and the general
savor of your store.
You should decide upon a course that will result in the
.second coming of your customer before you make any effort
to secure his initial purchase.
Absolute honesty is absolutely necessary if you are to
continue bu.sine.ss for more than thirty days in one place.
And it would take a very proficient liar to conduct a busi-
ness for only the month more profitably upon a dishonest
basis than could an honest man on an honest basis.
You must know that your clerks are just as honest as
you are. You assume responsibility for their conduct when
you employ them, and no one will excuse you for any mis-
representations on their part.
Politeness is almost as important as honesty. It goes
hand in hand with it. Clerks often become impatient and
display their tempers to customers. And the cu.stomers
u.sually know where there are other .stores graced with polite
Your clerks are under obligations to you, but your
customers are not. You can better afford to discharge a

clerk than to lose a single customer. Clerks need a great

deal of training and watching, and those who "know it
all " and won't be told should be retired.
Women are the principal buyers of dry goods. And
women are especially fond of bargain sales.
When you advertise a special sale of some line or lines of
goods, very careful attention should be given to making
the occasion and its purpose thoroughly apparent. There
should be just as much enthusiasm in the store as there is
in the ad. Every clerk should understand the claims of
the ad just as well as its author. The goods should be
prominently displayed with the special price marked on
them. And any attempt to side-track the special proposi-
tion, in order to sell something else on which there is more
profit, will lower you in the esteem of your customers. Of
course, if the special-sale goods don't suit, then every
reasonable argument and effort should be made to sell some-
thing else. One of the principal advantages of cut-price
sales is the sales of other goods on which prices are not cut,
but you must be very careful lest people think that they are
gotten up solely for that purpose.


When you have the foundation in good, substantial shape,
then your advertising appropriation should mostly go to the
Everybody who reads the newspapers reads the ads.
And those who do not read the newspapers are so few


and far between " as to be hardly worthy of consideration.

Women, especially, are great believers in ads, and they
are pretty sure to know how your prices compare with
those quoted in the ads of your competitors.
Newspapers afford the cheapest and best way of reaching
the public. They do the compiling of the names, the
addressing, and pay the postage. It would cost many times
as much to mail circulars. When you use circulars, you
pay all the expense. When you use the newspapers, the
clothier, and the hardware man, and the grocer, and the
furniture dealer, and a whole lot of your neighbors, who do
not come in competition with you, help pay the expense.
A newspaper is a sort of co-operative institution for the
general good of the public ; and those who do not utilize the
advantages affords are certainly injudicious.

Some people underestimate the value of newspaper ad-

vertising because they think that there are so many ads
together that none will get much attention. That is a mis-
take. Ads, like people, get attention exactly in propor-
tion to their deserts. There are always so many poor ads
in every paper that there will be little difficulty in preparing
one so good that it will present a striking contrast. And
with a good contrast in your favor you need not worry
about the number of other ads in the paper.
I do not condenni circulars unconditionally. There are
sometimes conditions which render them invaluable. Mer-
chants in towns with no newspapers must necessarily use
They may occasionally be used to supplement the news-
paper advertising.
It will probably pay most any dry goods retailer to keep
a list of his customers, and mail them circulars several times
a year, providing, of course, that the circulars are really
attractive and tell something that is worth telling.
They may be profitably used to announce the arrival of
the new styles of dress goods, or wraps, or similar lines, for
the forthcoming season, and should be prepared with a view
of impressing each woman that you are taking a personal
interest in her welfare. It is an eas>- thing for a woman to
think herself superior to most other women, and if she is
impressed with the idea that she and a few others of special
importance are receiving this more personal attention, the
result will doubtless prove satisfactory. It should be borne
in mind that the only object in using this more expensive
method of adverti.sing is to produce certain effects that are
not possible with the cheaper advertising medium. And
with this in view it would probably be the cheapest in the
end to have the circulars printed on a very high grade of
paper so as to permit the use of some really artistic illus-
Cheap and cheap handbills, and cheap boys to
distril)utethem, are about the most unprofitable combina-
tion ever looked upon as "advertising." It mighi pay,
but your chance of getting your money back would be
equally good if you were to stake it on a horse-race or the
next election.

Liberal and continued prosperity depends upon holding
customers after you yet them, and upon keeping them well
informed in regard to your stock and the fluctuating prices.
Regular customers will buj^ just what they think they need,
but the shrewd advertiser can often alter the customer's
estimate of her needs. If a woman is exclusively your
customer, you should not be entirely satisfied with her
patronage. Of course she should not know that you are
not satisfied, but you should not allow her to forget about
any new goods which she may need later.
A very valuable method of advertising is entirely ignored
by a very large proportion of dry goods stores — the care-
ful use of booklets.
A booklet, folder, or some similar piece of matter, should
be included with every sale and should always be put inside
the package.
When a w^oman gets home with a package she almost in-
variably sits down to rest and makes a leisurely inspection
of her purchases. If a pretty, catchy booklet falls out of
the package it is very sure to get attention, and the more
attractive it is, the stronger impression it will make. Very
likely it will suggest something that she wants ; and after
it has occurred to her that she wants it, the desire will grow

upon her, and in a day, or a week, perhaps, she will buy it.
But if the booklet doesn't make the sale, it will make a
good impression.
Of course this can't be done with a poor, slouchy booklet
such as a fourth-rate country printer would turn out. Nei-
ther can it be done with a well-printed booklet, if it be care-
lessly written.
You can get booklets made for about any price you want
to pay. You shouldn't decide upon what you think you
can afford to pay, and then order accordingly. You should
decide upon the kind of a booklet that will make the great-
est impression, and then pay what is necessary. You
can afford to pay a great deal more per capita to talk to
actual customers, than you can to talk to the public in
Five hundred expensive booklets put in the right places,
willdo more good than five thousand poor ones thrown
about at random. What I have said in regard to quality in
booklets and circulars applies also to stationery and any
other printed matter yon may use.
To make more than an ordinary impression, it is neces-
sary to employ something above ordinary methods. The
sole mission of this book is to make extraordinary stores
out of ordinary ones.


What be the price of wheat a year from to-day ?
You don 't If yon could always know a year, or a
month in advance, it would n't take you long to become a
you could always determine a year in advance just how
much money to spend for advertising, and how to spend it
to get the very best returns, you could be absolutely sure
of distancing all competitors in a very short time.
No one can tell now just how much you may be able to
spend profitably six months from now. Of course an esti-
mate can be and should be made. You should map out a
course and have a definite aim, but you should alter your
course whenever j'ou see better roads to travel over.
If 3^our advertising is paying well, the best thing you can
do is to try an increase. If you can double, or treble, or
quadruple it, and still maintain the same ratio of returns,
then that is what you should do.
The man who spends a thousand dollars a week, may
make more or less than the man who spends a hundred
dollars. The amount any one should spend should be de-
termined from day to day, or w^eek to week, according to
If you make a contract with a newspaper to use a certain
amount of space during the year, you should reserve the
right to use just as much or little space in each issue as you
choose, and to buy more space pro rata. Without these
privileges you would not be able to make the most judicious
use of the space.
You may, at any time, find it advisable to greatly in-
crease your advertising appropriation in order to cope with
new competition or a new railroad or trolley line may open

up new territory which you could profitably cover under the

changed conditions.

You may be advertising in two papers, and find it desir-

able to drop one altogether and double your space in the
other. Acareful study will soon give you a good idea of
the relative value of different papers. Your clerks can help
you to determine this matter. They will often hear cus-
tomers speak of your ad in one paper or another, and by
comparing notes you will see " which way the wind blows."


If you deserve patronage there are reasons for it. Your ad
should tell the reasons rather than the mere fact that you
are deserving.
The American people want proofs for everything.
If you tell the people that you can sell a better grade of
silk for five dollars a yard than any one else can, you must
give an honest reason for it or the assertion will have no
weight. If there is no reason, then it must be an untruth-
ful statement, and if untruthful it should be left un.said.
Perhaps you are an importer of silks. Perhaps you have
the exclusive sale of some silk maker's goods. Perhaps you
were fortunate enough to secure the best job lot bargain of
the season. Perhaps you sell more silks than any one else
in your city, and therefore get the biggest discounts. Per-
haps you do a little wholesaling in addition to your retail-
ing, and thus have an inside track. There might be any one
of a great many reasons, why you could sell cheaper than
your competitors, but if you can't, you should simply
say that your silks are the best that can be sold for the
prices asked, and talk a good deal about their qualities,
and where they came from, and how famous the manufac-
turers are. There are plenty of things to say without en-
larging upon the truth, and without falling back upon any
old, hackne^^ed, meaningless phra.ses.
People want to know what you have to sell, and how
good it is, and what you charge for it.
Generally speaking, every ad should quote a price, or a
few prices. But a price means nothing, unless the goods
are fully described
Don't try to embellish your ads with big words or flowery
sentences. The great majority of your customers are plain,
ordinary people, who can best understand plain, simple,
concise language.
There has been a great deal of controversy over the
question of long or short ads. Some say an ad should be
short, or people won't take the time to read it. Others say
it should be long in order to make a big impression. It 's
' '

about as senseless as the is marriage a failure ?

' question

Some marriages are bad failures. Some are decidedly

otherwise. Some ads should be short. Some should be
long. It depends upon what you have to say.
Many people make a mi.stake by trying to fill a large
space when they have but little to say. Many will make
their ads too brief. They will spoil a powerful argument
in order to get the matter in a dollar's worth of space.
There are so many more ways to do a thing wrong than
right that the careless man usually does it wrong.
It is best to make most ads comparatively short, but it is
never wise to weaken a good argument for the sake of
It w^ould be better to have a dozen people read a long ad
and be convinced of something than to have a thousand
people read a short ad that tells nothing.
People will read long ads if they are worth reading ;

that is, the people who are interested. An old bachelor,

who.se interests are wrapped up in the price of wheat isn't
going to read a chapter nor a part of a chapter on the new
styles of dress goods, no matter how entertainingly it may
be written. But the woman who is about to replenish her
wardrobe will read a whole page of fine print about them,
if it be instructive enough.

The best advertiser is the man w-ho has the best common
sense and makes use of it. He relies upon his judgment
and not upon advertising rules set forth by some successful
man whose circumstances were greatly different.
You should never say anything in an ad that you would
not say personally to a customer.
If a woman were to enter your store you would n't say to
her :
" This gigantic emporium abounds with an unmatch-
able and resplendent array of startling and stupendous
bargains at slaughter prices."
And yet a great deal of valuable space in newspapers is
filled with that kind of twaddle.
Just recall what you said to the last half dozen customers
you waited upon, and you will almost invariably recall good
material for an ad.

Don't tell what 5'oiir competitors can't do. Tell what

you can do.

Display means prominence. Good display means just
enough prominence to gain the attention, and enough lack
of to avoid a confusing jumble.

lack of simplicity detracts greatly from the effective-
ness of many otherwise good ads. Ad compositors in
country newspaper offices quite universally make the mis-
take of badly overdoing the matter of display. They fill
every bit of space with black type when possible. Nine
out of ten ads would be more effective with no dis-
play at all than with the country-printer style of con-
Never more than three kinds of type nor more than three
heavily displayed lines should be used in any one ad. And
only one or two styles of type and one or two display lines
are usually much preferable.
I never could understand the wisdom of making a lot of
figures the largest thing in an ad. The first glance at such
an ad shows a lot of big black figures. You have to look
pretty closely to find out what it is all about. The price of
an article is a very important part of its description, but the
article itself is of more importance than the price.
In many of these advertisements, probably two fifths of
the total space is occupied by the prices. It 's a waste of
space. The effect would be very much better, and the
advertisement very much easier to read, if the prices were
set in the same kind of type that is used in the description.
If you must have the prices in black letters, do not make
them bigger than the name of the article. People do not
look through the paper just to strike some particular num-
ber of cents or dollars. What they want to see first is
what goods are advertised. If a woman is just
sort of
about to make the baby some clothes, she will be interested
in embroidery, and she will read all that the advertiser has
to say about embroidery. She will find out what it costs,
because the fact that it is advertised, in mo.st cases, indi-
cates that it is going to be .sold at a reduced price.
I believe very strongly in the plan of putting most of the
advertising effort on to slow-selling stock.
If the silk counter is doing all the business it can, and if
people are positively clamoring for silks, that department
will need no advertising.
Ifeconom}' in advertising is any object, the space should
be devoted to some other stock. Probably at the time silks
are selling freely, wool dress goods are limping along sev-
eral degrees behind last year's business. That 's where the
advertising ought to go. All the silks need at such times
is a semioccasional push and a line or two simply to tell
people that they are there.
If the advertiser will keep careful record of the daily
sales in each department, and take last year's sales as a
guide for this year's advertising, he will soon establish a
system that will be effective in the extreme. The effort is
always to beat last year's bu.siness. If the stock is taking
care of itself, and will be at last year's record without help,
it is tolerably safe to let it alone, but if it is lagging a little

bit, it needs a good, strong tonic.

Don't make the signature of an ad the most prominent
thing. Make it a little more prominent, perhaps, than the
body of the ad, but not nearly as large as the head line.
Overdisplay weakens an ad just as overwork weakens
a man's muscles.
You wouldn't read a story if every other line were set in
a different kind and size of type. Should you begin, you
would lose patience and interest immediately. Don't
expect people to read your ads if set in such a style.
The simplest, easiest-to-read ad will be read by the most
people. The force of it depends entirely upon the argu-
ment and not upon large type.
There is a growing demand for borders, and one by one
new.spapers are finding it expedient to add them to their
type equipment. A great many local advertisers are buy-
ing their own borders, the exclusive use of which they have
in their local papers. The general advertisers and maga-
zine advertisers have long been liberal u.sers of borders.
Tlie best borders for general use are clear, clean, distinct,
black and white lines of varying width and design. Gen-
erally speaking, the simpler the design, the better the
border. A border full of "curlicues " and details is not as
strong as a simple one. The border is designed for the
purpose of cutting the ad out of the mass of ads on a
printed page. Taken as a whole, the type on a printed

pag^e makes a sort of s^'^Y color. Tlie black and white of

the type and paper is so mixed up and blended that the
impression is not of white paper and black letters, but of
one uniform gray tone. If the border is full of detail, it
has the same general color tone as the rest of the page,
and so is ineffectual in separating its ads from other ads or
A good, strong, black border, every line of which is per-
fectly distinct, will contrast with the gray of the sheet, and
this is what makes it stand out. The shape of the border
doesn't really make very much difference, so long as it is
strong and simple.

Towels Pliajc !•

and doesn't the whole thing^

look natural?
Have plenty of towels around
and here's your chance
The 30c large size bath
towels for 22c — every bather
likes a large size one.
Only 8c saved on each one?

Yes that's nearly a dollar on
a dozen.
And good bath towels, t0f>
at that.
We're going to have our
remnant day this Fri-
day— that's all now


The above reduced reproduction of the Hugus & Hacke

ad shows a style of construction w^hich is very effective.
The cut is sure to attract attention while the matter follow-
ing is so plain and easy to read, and written in such a
concise, good-natured manner tliat most every one will read
it. If the signature were considerably smaller, I think the
ad would look much better, and it would certainly be just as
effective. Those who use a small space can find no better
style than this.


$5.00 and $6.50

This morning we place ou sale, to
be offered for two davs, FRIDAY
and SATURDAY, 350 Heavy Black
Beaver Jackets, that we paid ^3.75
and 4^4.25 for at wholesale; sizes 32,
.34, 36, 38, 40, with large storm col-
lars; Jackets trimmed with braid, and
the best $5. 00 and ^C,.50 values in the
city, for only


The Plymouth ad shows the use of a pretty cut, simple

but prominent display, and a name plate. This ad shows
at a glance that The Plymouth sells $5.00 and $6.50 jackets
for $1.25. This is a good ad, because its mission is instan-
taneously apparent. Then, those who have further interest
are given further facts in plain, straight reading-matter
no corners to turn nor embellishments to evade. If the
name plate were smaller the general apjiearance of the ad
would be improved.

Stick to simple display and strong argument and you will

always have effective ads.


The large dry goods houses that use hundreds of dollars'
worth of newspaper space daily can determine the distinct
advantages or disadvantages of any feature more readily
than those advertising on a smaller scale. And they have
many times demonstrated that the liberal use of illustra-
tions makes an ad very much more effective.
This feature is so valuable that many large houses have
their ow^n artists, and never use an ad without new^ stri-
king, original pictures.
A picture puts life into an ad. It gains the attention of
many people who would not otherwise become interested in
the ad.
While it is often desirable to illustrate the article adver-
tised, pictures that do not do .so, and which are designed
only to attract attention, are of great value.
An agent must have two distinct qualifications. He
must be able to secure the privilege of talking to a man
who doesn't want to listen to him, and then he must induce
the man to buy his goods.
Often the man who is persuaded against his w'ill to listen
to the agent afterward very much interested in the goods
and glad of the opportunity to buy.
The ad is 3'our agent, and must have these two essential
qualities infused into it.
A striking picture will do more than anything else
toward creating an interest in the accompanying argument.
You must bear in mind that there is an inunense amount
of poor, uninteresting advertising matter in most papers,
and that the object of pictures, and borders, and simple,
striking display is to individualize it, and thus gain the
attention of those who are glad to read any ad that tells
something w^orth while.

A woman is pretty sure to know when the shirt-waist sea-
son begins, and when the golf season begins, and when the
merchant should have his winter cloaks on sale. She is
often heard to remark that

Jones has a lovely assortment


of spring jackets, but Smith hasn't got his new stock in

The dry goods man must keep very close watch of the
seasons He should always have his goods in early and be
ready for hot or cold weather which may come a little in
advance of its schedule time. But don't adverti.se them too
much in advance of the opening of the sea.son.
The blow has the most effect if struck while the iron is
hot. The most timely advertising is the most effective.
Don't try to hurry the seasons. It is a good thing to get
ahead of competitors, but it is n't advantageous to get so
much ahead of them as to make j^our ads untimely.
Don't say very much about shirt waists until signs of
warm weather come to your assistance. Then say a great

A great many people will say, "A
guarantee goes with
every article that leaves our store." That doesn't amount
to anything. Perhaps they guarantee to charge all an arti-
cle is worth, or more. Perhaps they really mean .something

in good faith but such a

, guarantee
' seems to imply that

they want to avoid any definite pronii.se.

Money back if you want it is the most satisfactory



and substantial guarantee that you can make. It implies

that you have just as nuich confidence in the merits of your
goods as you want your customers to have. That is a great
point. That is where the absolute honesty comes into con-
sideration again. You should offer to refund the money for
anything that may prove unsatisfactory. If your goods
are ju.st as you claim, you need n't worry about having many
of them returned.
People don't buy goods for the sake of returning them.
It isn't pleasant. They come back with them only when
they believe they have sound and sulTicient rea.sons for
doing .so. If your goods are all right, they won't have
occasion to bring them back. If your goods are not all
right, you can well afford to pay something to find it out
and to find out why.
Remember that a dissatisfied woman is a "powerful
bad" advertising medium.

Many women have what some people style a "mania"
for bargains.
There are others who are not very particular about prices
so long as the}^ are fairly moderate. But the bargain hunt-
ers outnumber the other class.
The men who offer the most and best bargains get the
most trade.
Women who are attracted by a few cut prices very often
buy ten worth of goods at the regular prices and
one dollars' w^orth on which there is a saving of fifty per
cent., and go home satisfied. They may not save very
much, but they will plan their shopping so as to take ad-
vantage of whatever savings are offered.
You should hold special remnant sales often enough to
keep your stock pretty free from them.
Special, reduced price, clearance sales should be on the
program often enough to make everything go out of your
store before it goes out of style. It is better to be a little
too early than too late with a sale of goods soon to go out of
While a cut-price sale a little too early might result in the
loss of some full-price sales, it will better please those w^ho
buy, insure the sale of more goods, and enable you to com-
mence the forthcoming season in better shape.

People are about a hundred times more likely to want a
thing after seeing it than before, providing, of course, that it
is something worth having.
When a small boy goes to a circus for the first time, he
is very likely to decide that he wants a steam calliope and
an elephant to substitute for his tin wagon and four-cor-
nered kite. Seeing the things creates the desire for them.
A clean, tastily trimmed show-window does a great deal
toward making a business profitable.
Many people could not succeed without it, and many
others fail for the want of it.
It makes a great difference in the outcome whether a
business is running at just a little loss or just a little profit.
In many instances a better window display would just turn
the tide.
If a woman sees a pair of gloves in your window which
just suits her fancy and the price seems reasonable, she will
probably buy them. If she doesn 't see any gloves in any
window she will go to John Smith's store for her gloves be-
cause she has always traded there.
Every time 3'ou make a good, striking display of some-
thing in your window, 3'ou will probably bring some one or
more people into the store because of it and when they get

inside they may make several purchases before leaving.

You have probably done that very thing yourself lots of
The best window display is that which makes the most
distinct impression and is also designed to make an immedi-
ate sale.
A window may be filled with pretty things and be very
" showy," and yet make no distinct impression.
Don 't show a lot of different things at once. One or a
few things will do a great deal more good. Keep your win-
dow display in harmony with your newspaper advertising.
If your ad says shirt-waists, make your window say shirt-
waists. Have the prices in the ad and in the window.
I think that about ninety-nine times out of a hundred it
is a decided advantage to have a show card giving the price
on everything displayed in the window.
Some merchants argue that if any one is interested in the
goods he will come in to ask the price, and then the sales-
man has the opportunity to explain the merits of the goods
and talk him into buying. This is not the best way. Some
people will come in to ask the price. This plan will cer-
tainly make some sales that the other plan would n't. But
the other plan will certainly make man}' more sales.
The best wa}' to treat your customers is the way that is
the easiest for them.
It_ seems as if some merchants always try to keep their
prices secret. Such a disposition always implies to me that
they have different prices for different customers.


There are two ways of looking at advertising, both of

them right. Advertising should be done during the dull

time for the purpose of starting up trade at that time, and

also for the sake of the benefit which will come from being
continuously before the public's eye. A man should just
as quickly think of stopping his advertising in the summer
or in the dull time after the holidays as he should think of
closing up his store for several months in the year, and
keeping it open only when trade would keep him busy.
There are probably many houses in the country that could
shut up for four months in the sunmier and be ahead in
cash at the end of that four months. But at the end of the
next four, the gain would not be apparent. It does not
take people very long to forget things, and if the store were
closed four months, or the advertising stopped four months,
a great many people would have forgotten that the store
was in existence.
The other view of advertising is that it ought to be
pushed during the busy time when people are ready to buy.
Advertising can not be expected to sell goods when people
do not want them, and it will naturally be most effective
when it gives publicity to some desirable article at just the
right time.
I should think that if a merchant carried a space of four
inches single column all the year round, he ought to double
the space for the busy months, and occasionally during that
time he can make larger spaces very profitable.
In business, as in all the other affairs of life, everything
comes at once. When a business man is so busy with trade
and with buying and receiving his goods that he has no
time to eat or sleep, just at that very time his advertising
demands the most careful attention. Just at that time his
advertising is the most important part of his business, and
usually it is the most neglected part.
Ready=Made Ads
for Busy Merchants

The following pages of ready-

made, illustrated ads will be found
invaluable. They are so varied that
something appropriate will be found
for almost any occasion.
You can use the cuts with the
matter as shown, or the cuts with
original matter of your own. Again
you will find the ad matter, with
or without alterations or additions,
suitable to use without the cuts if
you so desire. All sorts of combina-
tions of cuts and matter can be made.
When you want cuts, order them
by number only. The prices and
postage rates appear on inside of
front cover.
These ads are printed on one side
of leaves only, with plenty of room
below them, so that you can add
prices, signature, etc., and then tear
out the page to send to the printer.
Thus the preparation of a daily or
weekly ad of the very best kind is a
matter of only a few moments' work.
No. 1009.

Our Prices Are Persuasive

and coupled with the
extremely high grade of dry goods we
sell, they are most convincing. People
who come here once never go any place
else. Why should they? Travel the
world over, they could n't find better
goods at lower prices. The prices speak
for themselves.
Look at these :
No. 1060.

Something to Admire.
There 's always something for women
to admire at this store. We make it a
point to keep more attractive goods than
any other dealer in We want to

have it said of us :" Well, if

hasn't got it, nobody in town has."
Another thing to attract the buyer is
the price. We are perfectly satisfied with
just a little profit on each sale. We want
lots of sales.
No. 1082.

The More You Learn

of our dry goods prices,
the more certain we are of your trade.
The more you know about qualities the
quicker will you recof^nize the fact that
our goods are worth every cent we ask
for them. We never slight quality to
make a low price all our prices are as

low as any one's.

No. 10S3.

Women's Wear of Every Kind.

Because one's underwear is out of sight
is no reason why as much pride should
not be taken in it as in outer gar-
ments. In many cases there is more
care exercised in the selection of an
underskirt than in the choice of a dress.
We want to .sell underwear to these par-
ticular women. We want them to know
that fine underwear may be bought here
for the price of cheap-looking muslins.
No. II22.

Prosperous, Fashionable,
Well- Dressed People —
those who are particu-
lar, and economical — trade at our store

and lots of them, too. They know that

if we ask ten cents, or ten dollars, for an
article that it is worth that much. There
is no element of chance when you buy
Fashion's Decree.
By decree of her imperial majesty —
Queen Fashion —it has been declared
that and dress goods shall
reign supreme for spring wear. We bow
to the edict and have ready a splendid
stock of these new fashions. There 's a
storm of styles, a wilderness of weaves
for every sort of a dress. Grave to gay.
Never since wool was spun and weavers
wove, perhaps, were such reliable, hand-
some dress goods offered at such pleasing
prices as I here quote.
No. 1 142.

Harbingers of Spring.

Come into the store now, if you want a

breath of spring time. Easter is com-
ing, and after that, sunshine and balmy
weather. You can see what is proper to
wear in our store. The main ideas are :

Correct styles, irreproachable qualities,

prices from medium to high.
No. 1 145.


Look In On Us
When you need dry
goods, and you '11 not regret it. You are
always sure of the lowest prices in the
State, and the goods are always just as
This week .
No. 1 163.

For Your Spring Gown.

The material and the trimmings for
your Spring gown can be bought nowhere
else so wisely and economically as here.
The goods are all you can ask — fresh,
fashionable, and in wide variety.
The prices are even lower than our
prices usually are, and that means a great
No. 1171.

Gloves for Spring.

Unless you 've bought a pair of gloves
within a month, your gloves are out of
The gloves for this Spring are new in
style and color.
All the latest fashions in the stocks of
the leading glove makers are represented
in our new line of Spring gloves. Come
in and see them.
No. 1 23 1.

The Egg of Lent

soon be broken,
and out will step beauty and gladness,
ready to celebrate Easter Sunday. In ad-
dition to our spring stock, and especially
for this occasion, we have put in a line of
goods, varied, fresh, and stylish enough
to please the most fastidious. The wear-
ing of something new on Easter brings
luck, and we expect to sell something to
every one in town before then. Here are
a few suggestions :

No. 1232.

When a Woman
starts out to buy, she
likes to know she can secure all she
wishes under one roof. There is a great
satisfaction in knowing that you do not
need to visit a half dozen stores in order
to complete 5'our purchases. We have
every thing that can be desired in the
dry goods line, and you will find our de-
partments stocked with bargains con-
No. 1244.

When Women Compare Notes

about dress goods, and
a good many other kinds of goods, they
are pretty sure to come to the conclusion
that our store is the proper place to buy
them. The uniformity of our prices and
goods makes our store of a good deal of
importance to fashionable women.
No. 1286.

rA B R C S I

Stylish Women
are not necessarily rich,
but they are always wide-awake. They
keep their eyes open, and get their clothes
at a store where large buying makes low
prices — where styles are fresh and new —
goods tempting and durable.
For example .
No. 1407.

The Way a Corset Is Made

has everythirg to do
with its comfort, appearance, and wear.
The Corset is made of good ma-
terial, and is flexible. That's the founda-
tion of success. It will adapt itself to
any form, as if the wearer were melted
and poured into it. It could n't fit better.
Its flexibility makes it fit perfectly. It
makes it comfortable. It makes it eco-
nomical. The price is $ There .

is no corset made which will give the

same amount of satisfaction, wear, and
beauty for the price.
No. 1 510.

Travel Over The World,

and you won 't find a
better stock of parasols than we have
waiting to shade your pretty face — be-
cause we have culled the daintiest and
swellest creations from all makers.
The styles, designs, and color effects
are all pretty and unique. Every one is
a genuine bargain.
No. 1521.

The Bathing Season

is at its height. If you
have been enjoying sea or lake baths, your
present bathing suit needs replacing, and
we 're going to give you the chance to get
a new one for a very trifling sum.
The quality is all right.
No. 1547.

" Where Are You Going,

my pretty maid ?

"I'm going to 's, sir," she said.

And she did come. Comes regularly.
Doesn't always buy, but looks about.
Our stock of dainty light goods for sum-
mer dresses tempts every woman into ad-
ding another to her wardrobe.
We keep a good stock of dry goods.

We know it almost every one in town
knows it. Do you ? How can you tell
what values are here waiting for you, if
you don't come and see.
No. 1 56 1.

Some Women Look Weil

in shirt-waists —
don't. Why is it? It's the shirt-waist
and not the woman which is responsible.
A dainty shirt-waist, in the right pattern
and shade, will make any woman good to
look upon. We keep all the desirable
styles. The latest and finest fabrics are
made up into waists jaunty and com-
fortable enough to tempt any woman.
Prices .
No. iSoo.

At the Seashore
or in the country, one
always remembers thousands of little
things, which would add to her comfort,
if she had only thought to buy them.
Now we are reminding you. There 's no
excuse for forgetting. Whatever a first-
class dry goods store should keep, you will
find here. Fresh goods and low prices
constitute our stock.
NO. 1802.

These Blazing Days

a parasol is an absolute
necessity to the woman who would not
suffer discomfort and have her complex-
ion ruined by the blistering sunshine. A
woman can't find a better stock of para-
sols than we have to shade her pretty face.
The very daintiest and swellest creations
of the parasol maker. They are worth a
long trip to look at, even if you don't
propose to buy.
No. 1803.

It May Be Hard To Decide

which or what to buy,
because there are so many good bargains
here, but whatever you do buy will be
w^ell worth all you pay for it. We don't
do business on any other basis. We
can't afford to.
No. 1S04.

There she j^oes, dressed so neat,

As pretty and styUsh as she is sweet.

Everybody who trades with us looks

styUsh —
and the transactions are so sat-
isfactory that they can't help but be
sweet. There 's more cause than ever for
satisfaction just now.
Room has to be made for fall stock, and
some of the prices are sliding down hill.
Here's something which ought to in-
terest vou.
No. 1805.

Right This Way.

Flying 's not too qnick a mode of travel
if you wish to take advantage of these
offers ofours. We don't believe you '11
see "their likes" again this summer.
Here they come :

No. iSo6.



Bring Your Husband

and the children and
the serv^ants, you expect to carry home
what you purchase here. Of cour.se we
deliver things, but most shoppers are so
anxious to get at their bargains that they
trot home with them themselves.
Some hot day when }'ou want to get a
breeze from autumn come into the store.
The pretty fall goods all about will keep
you cool as a cucumber.
No. 1807.

Through the Hot Summer

Jack Frost has been
busy weaving dress goods for autumn.
He has forgotten neither the maids, ma-
trons, nor children. The result of his
work may be seen any time you care to
call. Drop in and wander about. Get
acquainted with the many beautiful styles.
Prices are economical, too. A very little
money will buy a great deal of style and
No. iSoS.

Coming and Going.

There 's a constant procession of all
the siunnier dry goods needfuls passing
through our hands every week.
They come straight from the makers
of the best and most stylish, and go
straight to the homes of people who want
the best and know they can get it here
for the least money.
Here are some items that ought to
interest vou.
No. 1809.

We Have a Line
of wearables for school
girls that will please every mother and
every mother's daughter in .

"Anything" isn't good enough

school wear. In the schoolroom, as in
the world, clothing marks the standing,
and determines the treatment, of the
wearer. We think at cents a
yard, would make a serviceable, pretty
dress, and as for style — it's one of
the most stylish pieces of material in
the store. Other items for the little
misses :

No. 1810.

You Can't Stop It.

The school-bell will ring. hard to

It 's
commence again, but think of the new-
dresses, gloves, and hats which we have
here for you. We 're anxious to fit every
Miss in out in serviceable, stylish
costumes, and we can do it for a great
deal less than vou think, too.
No. 1812.

Even a Pretty Woman

would n't look attract-

ive in a dowdy dress. A stylish dress like

a good house depends on the foundation
— on the material. If it is nicely woven,
firm, and carefully made, the dress can
not help but be a success. We pride our-
selves on our dress goods. We have
skirmished the countries near and far for
the daintiest, the most durable, most sty-
lish, and most exquisite patterns 19th
century looms ever produced. They 're
here to be looked at. Come and look.
No. 1S14.

Dainty Gloves
carry an atmosphere
of their own. They breathe of good

breeding and refinement however plain
the dress may be. You will find no bet
ter glove stock than ours, no matter where

you go for what can l)e better than the
best? We know all the di.sagreeable glove
traits — we know how provoking it is to
have buttons fly off, and peep
little rips
conspicuously from the back of your
hand the first time you wear a glove.
We have looked out for these things in
buying our glove stock. We have made
— —
sure along with the style that they are
carefully made of tine material. This
doesn't mean that the prices are way up
No. 1815.

The Host Critical Judgment,

even that of the man
who pays the bills,— finds nothing but
praise for these chic, elegant, and per-
fectly made fall wraps of ours. There
are coats here well made of every fash-

ionable material coats to make the short
look taller, and coats to make the stout
look slender. There is something becom-
ing for every woman in •. Never

mind about the prices they have nothing
to do with you just now. What we want
is to get you to look— the buying part
will take care of itself.
No. iSi6.

Right to the Point.

We —
always go straight to the point no
false modesty about us. We have the
finest stock of hosiery in the town. We
know it, and we want you to know it.
We have bought it es])ecially for you,
and now we want you to come and take
it away. In case you are amply supplied
already, we make prices like these, to be
sure of catching you :
No. 1823.

Look at It.

Turn it around, look at the inside, the

lining, the general finish, and tell us if
you have seen a better coat in
for that price. We have n't, and were on
the keenest lookout for rare, good bar-
No. 1.S24.

Constant Arrivals
of new lots of the pick
of the market swell our magnificent show-
ing of seasonable dress goods.
All the latest styles in taffetas, serges,
organdies, and the like, over here in wide
variety, ready to fill your summer needs.
These items give but a faint idea of the
bargain feast we have spread for you.
No. 1S25.


Durable Hosiery
for children is a hard
thing to get. They almost have to be
made of leather to stand the wear that
some boys give them. We can give you
a ribbed stocking at cents that will
give good, solid wear, and we will guaran-
tee them to wear longer than any you
have ever bought before. Three pairs
for cents.
No. 1S26.

The "Just As Good " Kind

does n't look very in-
viting after a little use. I insist upon
having the corset, and you'll
get real comfort and durability.
No. 1827.

A Pretty Bow.
or a silk dress, or a

spool of thread, or a yard of calico any-
thing you want in the dry goods line you
will find at our store. And if you will
keep tab on our prices you will find that
we usually charge enough to make a
small profit— but never a big one.
We are prospering by making small
profits on reliable, honest, stylish goods.
No. 1.S2S.

Stop and Look

just as long as you
please. It will please you to look, and it
will please us to have you look.
We 're particularly interested in capes
and cloaks just now. We 've a stock to
make the other merchants tear their hair
in wild despair. Every style of material
— every style of make —
is adequately
represented. We don't expect to have
the stock very long. That 's why we
want you to look now. We want you to
know we 're telling the truth.
No. 1829.

Dainty Underwear.
What true woman does n't like all her
underwear to be dainty. What true
woman doesn't like laces and rulHes and
ribbons, even if they are out of sight.
Winter underwear has to be a little more
substantial than cobwebs trimmed with
ribbons, but it can be just as pretty.
We have a stock of corsets, hosiery,
and allthe accompanying mysteries to
delight ever)' feminine heart in .

The prices form no small part of the

No. 1830.

Plenty of Ribbon.
The woman with plenty of ribbon on
hand, isalways well dressed and happy.
She may freshen up her gowns with fresh
ribbon at any time — she may freshen up
her hats at any time. There 's no end to
the offices that ribbons fill. Now here is
a ribbon sacrifice. We are going to
slaughter delicate beauties and modest
goodness on the altar of advertising.
We are .selling at simply
as an ad. Come early if you care to
secure any.
No. 1S32.

Butt'n Kids
reign supreme in gloves
this year. If we
excel in any one line, it
is the glove line, as we are ready to prove
at any time.
Prices range from $ to $ . It
is not possible to get a good glove for less
than $ unless the seller loses money.

If you are paying more than $ for

your gloves, you are paying too much if ;

you are paying less than $ , you are

not paying enough. A good pair of
gloves will last twice as long as a cheap
pair, and look better, too.
No. 1833.

Plenty of Handkerchiefs.
No one, nowhere, in any condition of
life can have too many handkerchiefs.
Money spent for handkerchiefs is profit-
ably invested, especially if the handker-
chiefs are bought here.
Against the holidays we have provided
a great, big stock at very small prices.
There are many beauties here, just the
things for presents. The finest material
and finest workmanship have gone into
these goods, and how we can sell them
at the prices we do, is a constant wonder
to those who don't know us. For in-
No. 1S34.

There Is Nothing so Dainty

as muslin underwear.
No woman will sit down and make her
own underwear, if she knows what we
are selling, and the prices we are charg-
ing. The workmanship is good, and the
style is dainty. Durability, prettiness,
and economy have been combined in a
delightful manner. There never was
a better time to get better underwear at
better prices than right now, and right
No. 1S35.

There Are no Two Women Alike.

What becomes one, is decidedly unbe-

coming to another.
In l)uying our coat stock, we tried to
get enough different styles of coats and
capes to suit every one.
There is a wrap of .some kind here to
perfectly please every woman and maid
in '— at a price to perfectly please
her pocket l)ook.
No. 1S37.

Lookers Around
are always welcome
here. Lookers are merely prospective

buyers or good advertisements. If the
lookers don't want something for theni-
selve, the}- '11 tell their friends of us, and
that will do just as well. We are not
afraid to have our stock inspected, and
that carefully, too. There 's no fraud
hidden under fair appearances in this
store. You may depend absolutely wpon
any thing we sell you.
Xo. 1S40.

Well=Dressed Women
are not necessarily rich.
It's easy to dress well on little money, if
you buy at the right place. That doesn't
mean Imying cheap .stuff — it is false
economy to get poor quality but prices

are not the same everywhere, and it cer-

tainly' is possible to get an article at one
place for less than it would co.st in
another. It may take a little trouble to
find the right place, but it pays in the
end. You '11 make a short journey if you
start here, because vou '11 end here.
No. 1S42.



We have an assortment of underwear

here which will please every woman in
It will pay every woman in

to come in and investigate this statement.
These goods are durable, dainty, and
economical. They will save you time
and temper. Afew prices may be of
interest :

Xo. 184;,.

Women of Limited fleans

will find many pretty
ways of fresheninj^ up their wardrobe if
they'll take the trouble to look around
here a few minutes. A pretty fichu, for
instance, over last \-ear's dress will make
it look like new. There are hundreds of
other pretty things which we haven't
time to talk a1)out, but we 're here all
day, and we woulil be pleased to have
vou come in at anv time.
No. 1S44.

It 's Time to Prepare

for the summer, the

season of sports and outings.
We're ready to fill your dress goods
wants more satisfactorily than ever be-
We have a stock of organdies, dimities,
cheviots, and serges, in all the latest pat-
terns and colors —
dainty and charming
enough to delight the most critical wom-
an in the land.
Here are a few interesting particu-
lars :

No. 1.S45.

Every Store
thinks it is the best
one. We don't think there is a better
dry goods store than ours, but we are
willing to abide by your decision. We
don't want you to buy a paper of pins
here until you are sure that we can do
better for you than any one else.
Here are a few items just to start your
thinker :

No. 1 85 1.

He 's a Jolly Qood Fellow.

Santa Claus, of course. That 's Ijecause
he 's wamily clothed. A woman can't
grow a becoming holida}- smile on a
thinly-clad, shivery bod}-.
Let us you up in snug-as-a-rug
things-to-wear at prices lower than the
No. 1S58.

We Have
the most complete line
of handkerchiefs and veilin_t(s that are to
be found in . If you are looking
for novelties, you will find any quantity
of them on ovir counters.
No. 1859.

Santa Is a Man Of Taste,

even if he does wear

whiskers on his knickerbockers. L,ike all
other men he has appreciation for hand-
some gowns, and laces, and furs, and fix-
ings. He knows that presents of these
things make a woman happier than any-
thing else.
Wise men ma}' take the hint if they
like, and do their present purchasing
among our magnificent Christmas stock
of wearables.
No. 1865.

"Oh My! How Badly

these .£(loves fit, and I
thought them such a bargain." That is
where you made a mistake. Every pair
of gloves you buy marked below
has some reason for being marked so.
Invariably one or two fingers are too
short, or the gloves are not mates in size.
We know this, because every manufac-
turer tries to offer us these goods at great
We don't care to handle them. We
want you to be able to M-ear our gloves,
and we can sell you one of the best fit-
ting, best finished gloves for .
No. 1867.

A Rare Bargain
is always to be foutid
atour regular prices. Don't wait, think-
ing perhaps you may get things cheaper.
You '11 never do it. We are keepiiig
our prices down to the lowest notch. Will
not have to tell you that after you know
us well. This ad is addressed to stran-
No. 1869.

Did Anybody Ever Know

a time when all kinds
of dry goods were as excellent and so
cheap as the}- are now ? Weare offering
some startling bargains in every depart-
ment of onr house. Is money scarce?
But what 3'ou have will buy a huge pile
of goods. Call, and we '11 prove it.
No. 1870.


Real Winter Is Here,

and to meet it we
have received a large and varied stock of
"real winter" goods. Everything for
the cold weather at interesting prices.
We quote a few to prove that we are tell-
ing the truth:


In Buying Goods
}'ou '11 find that very
cheap and ver}' good don't really often
go together, in spite of advertising. This
store's reputation rests on something more
than cheapness.
We sell at low prices, but we know the
quality of our goods is above criticism.
No. 1874.

Dainty Women
of know that by
purchasing from our estaljHshnient they
can fit themselves out in the latest fashion
at a very reasonable cost.
There is no reason why a garment need
necessarily be expensive because it is
stylish. It is our ambition to place our
goods within the reach of every purchaser.
No. 1876.

The Favorite Corner

of our dr)' goods store
for the next few weeks will be that where
the new spring dress goods, the trimmings,
and the linings are being sold. You can
make jour dress this spring of better ma-
terials than ever, and pay no more than
you usuall)- do— if j'ou buy here.

riaterials for Evening Dresses.

Japanese silks, lawns,
and other dainty textures that are inex-
pensive and pretty, are just what you
want for any evening entertainment.
"Just what you want" is here. We
know that, because we keep such a good
line of these stuffs that you are sure to be
No. 4701.

An Interesting Exhibit
in our store is our
large and very select line of bureau and
washstand covers. The}' are the very
best that your money can buy-— best in
everyway —
material, embroidery, drawn-
work, and design.
No. 4702.

Silk Reputation.
In buying silks you have to judge
largely by the reputation of the maker.
That is why we only sell well-reputed
makes. Almost any silk looks well, but
you can not tell of its wear unless it has
worn well for other people.
No. 4703.

Your Spring Dress

will not be complete
unless 3'oa have it adorned with a dainty
neck piece. We have a large stock of
these exquisite creations in laces and
chifTons. One of these will add two-fold
to the attractiveness of j-our costume, and
will cost but little.
No. 4704.

The Corset's the Thing

nowadays when you
want a good fitting dress. The best
dressmaker in the worhl can not satisfy
you if you wear a poor corset. Our stock
of standard makes is mo.st complete. We
sell five waist lengths.
No. 4705.

Light Weight Blankets,

as woolly as they are
comfortable, are a feature this week.
The price is no indication of the quality,
as we want to move them for our summer
goods. It would pay to buy a pair of
these splendid blankets. You will need
them verv soon.
No. 4706.

An Easter Fairy
would he rijfht at home
in our store. vSiicha dis])lay of pretty
patterns and handsome materials is sel-
dom seen in one place. The very latest
styles in dress goods are here. Silk fig-
ured mohairs, bright lustrous brillian-
tines, and all the popular shades of
violet, heliotrope, and royal purple, in
henriettas and serges. Our line of wa.sh
goods is unusually pretty.
No. 4707.

Brocaded Silks
and all other dress
stuflfsare "the whole show" in one sec-
tion of our store. We have just j^otten
in a large variety of these goods, and the
prices are so low and the goods so prett}'
that we are especially an.xious to have
von look them over.
No. 470S.

-—- m^



Our Remarkable Display

of summer dress goods
of every description deserves your careful
inspection. You ought to come often,
too there 's something new and charming

nearly every day.

Here are some special attractions for
this week :

No. 4709.

The Selection of a Parsol

means something more
than the selection of an umbrella. You
can match your gown, and satisfy your
own ideas of style and cost, if you buy
your parasol here.
No. 47 1 1.

No flatter What the Styles

are, or what your tastes
may be, this is the place to fill jour dry
goods wants. We have learned the lesson
of giving the best we can obtain for the
least possible price. Such a policy pays
our customers and pays us.
No. 4712.

find it to their
great advantage to buy
their supplies
from us. Our notion stock is complete in
every little feature, and the most casual
attention will show that the prices are
extremely fair. Best qualities.
A Dress Goods Item.
We have just completed an unusually
lucky purchase ^
—lucky for you because
of the great opportunity it gives you, and
lucky for us because of the chance it
gives us to add to our reputation for sell-
ing really high-grade dress goods at popu-
lar prices.
No. 4714.

Children's Summer Dresses

are usually made with
less care than is bestowed upon the
clothes of older folks, ])ut not with us.
Mothers will be i^hul to see that all our
garments for little ones are as carefully
made as if the)' made the things them-
selves. And they cost no more than the
slip-shod affairs that are sold for the
identical price elsewhere.
No. 4715.

Fancy Hosiery
in all the colors of the
rainbow, and warranted fast dye. Dain-
tily embroidered insteps and beantiful
blendings of two-toned colorings, — these
are just the thing for summer wear.
Under-priced for the sake of introduction.
No. 4716.

The Closest Inspection

will show that we never
misrepresent the merits of anything we
advertise. Inspection is invited to the
new arrivals in summer dress goods,
which we have marked unusually low for
the sake of bringing our dress goods
stock to its normal size.
No. 4717.

All the Newest Shirt=Waists

are to be seen here, in
the newest patterns of the most fashion-
able fabrics. Made with unusual care,
and fit as well as the tnade-to-order gar-
ments costing several times what we are
No. 47 iS.


If You riake Your Own Dresses,

we can supply you
with everything, from stylish dress stuffs
at really moderate prices to a spool of
thread or a paper of pins. Whalebone,
machine needles, skirt binding, dress
linings, buttons, and everything else in
the notion line at just the prices you feel
you ought to pay.
No. 4719.

Handsome Lace Curtains

such as we are selling
are bound recommend themselves to
those who recognize good quality when
they see it. The curtains we are offering
now are the kind that wear for several
seasons, and are honest bargains at the
price we ask.
No. 4720.

Separate Skirts
Answer Many Purposes,
depending upon the
sort of waist you wear. One of the
skirts we are offering, together with two
or three of our fashionable waists, and
you are equipped for the entire season.
Really the best values we have ever
offered, and must be seen and handled to
be thoroughly appreciated.
No. 4721.

riidsummer Sale
of wash goods and
wash dresses. It does not pay to carry
their stock over, and we would not at-
tempt it. We are bound to force a sale,
and our present prices ought to make
things hum for a little while.
No. 4722.

A Woman's Wardrobe
will be incomplete un-
less she has a niini1:)er of pretty light-
weight waists. It is almost impossible to
get along without them this kind of
weather. We have some very stylish
lawn waists in the darker shades, prettily
trimmed, that we are selling for a song.
They are just the thing for outings.
No. 4723.

topimcMT 183

AH Dry Goods Houses

carry belts of cotirse,
but all dry goods houses do not carry the
assortment that we do. We can sellbelts
to you in almost any color, with plain or
fanc}' buckles. The prices var}- accord-
ing to the quality of the belt. You will
get full value at any price.
No. 4724.

Prompt Delivery
is one of the good
points about this store. We
aim to give
our customers perfect satisfaction in every
way. We
have our usual assortment of
dry goods, but at the present time we are
selling them at unusually low prices.
We want to get rid of our Slimmer stock
to make room for the Fall. We
do not
believe in carrying stock over.
No. 4725.

CeriKicHT /S9

A Shirt=Waist
is the most comfortable
piece of wearing apparel that a woman
has. Don't be limited to one or two ;

we are selling them too cheaply for that.

Our assortment is extensive, and we will
be sure to meet your wants.
Our Stock
of dainty silks for late
Sunimer and earl}' Fall wear is running
low, and we are anxious to get rid of them
in order to make room for the heavier
goods. If 3'ou are looking for an excep-
tional bargain, it will pay you to take a
look at these silks.
No. 4727.

'I'l'- -Ms^^
A Fashionable Woman
is just about as sure to
get a whole lot of good value for her

money as anj'body else perhaps a little
more sure. That 's why about all of the
fashionable people buy at our store. We
have the " swell " trade and lots of it.
No. 4/28.

Many More Bathing Days.

The bathing season is not ended. We
will have a great many warm days yet.
Of course our stock of bathing suits is low
now, but if you are looking for one at a
rare bargain, this is the place to get it.
No. 4729.

Handkerchief Values
that will surprise.A
lot of money is usually made in handker-
chiefs, but we are foregoing lots of the
usual profit in order to give you a treat,
and make this store popular among buy-
ers of dry goods.
No. 4730.

Stylish Costumes
may be found in plenty
here. Something to please and look well
on each and every one. When it comes
to talking price, we can talk to the point.
No. 4731.

Quarded Strong At The Seams

and at the buttonholes,
the weakest parts of gloves. We won't
carry a line of handwear that we can't sell
with perfect confidence —
or any other
wear for that matter.
No. 4732.

Warmer Clothing Is Needed

for your afternoon
strolls. More style, too, in the jackets
we showing than in summer garments.
That is one consolation for the cooler
weather. We can meet your economy
No. 4733.

Down, That flakes Rest Easy

for the wearied head,
is —
foinid in the pillows we sell not some-
thing else. You can rest assured that
when you buy a pillow from us, you will
not have to spend a half hour trying to
extract a pricking quill from beneath
the cover.
No 4734.

To Possess Dainty Lingerie

is one of the greatest
desires a woman has. No one can blame
her, for it adds a touch of refinement and
delicacy to the common every-day hap-
penings of life. We can gratify the
wants of the women shoppers of this city
in this direction as well as in any other.
The latest fashions in the prettiest mate-
rial, at moderate prices.
No. 4735.

Buying the Winter Wrap

is going to be an easy
and satisfactory matter, if you will come
here. The goods used are the very best
that can be put into the garments at the
prices we sell them for each cloak, cape,

coat, or jacket is extremely styli.sh, and

the prices make it possible for the owner
of a modest purse to indulge herself in a
handsome, fashionable wrap.
No. 4736.

We Sell House Gowns,

and just now we have
an extra good stock of values. They are
made from neat patterns in a tasty man-
ner, and we can fit you perfectly. All
have tucked yokes, and the finish is such
that you will be proud of one.
No. 4737.

Cold Snaps Are Coming.

Don't be caught without a fall wrap.
Wraps cost less than pneumonia.
We 've the handsomest line of stylish
fallcapes and coats that were ever pro-
duced in this or any other country.
We have a great range of shapes, pat-
terns, fabrics, and prices.
It will please us to show them nearly as
much as it will please you to see them.
No. 473S.

Novelty Dress Goods

are a mighty uncer-
tain stock. For that reason we are more
than usually careful in our selection.
We have ready for your inspection now
a line of dress goods that is right-up-to-
date in style. This applies to regular
lines in modest patterns and colorings, as
well as to the more pronounced effects in
imported goods. The only way you can
form an adequate idea of this stock is to
come and see it.
No. 4739.

Blanket Talk.
You have said to yourself : We must


have another pair of blankets." Lucky

for you that we have just bought a large
number of light, warm, fleecy blankets at
such a low figure that we can sell you a
pair for $
No. 4740.

Stylish Women
are particular to a de-
gree. If they were not, they could n't
be stylish. The most particular women
in town are the most welcome visitors to
our store, for we know we can please
them, and their exclamations of delight
are an equal pleasure. Have you called
lately? Do you know w-hat a stock of
beautiful and stylish goods is ready for
your inspection ? Do you know how
reasonable the prices are ? Here are a
few hints :

No. 4741.

Laces and Embroideries.

The season's demands in laces and
embroideries have been fully anticipated
here. The most exquisite productions of
foreign and American markets are ready
for yourexamination and selection.
They are wellworth your inspection,
whether you intend buying or not and ;

we would be more than pleased to show

them to you, for they are so attractively
priced that we know that those who'
come to look will remain to buy. We
have, for example .
No, 4742.

Coats of Style
and elegance for the
winter season cost less here than ever be-
fore, and 3-on know how low our prices
have always been. Our stock was care-
fully chosen and closely bought. Every-
thing that is latest in style and most
durable in fabric is ready for your inspec-
tion. We are sure of our ability to please
you in both coat and price. Come in, and
try on the coats that suit your fancy,
whether you intend buying now or not.
No. 4744.

^l!i\J^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^H
No. 4745.

For Evening Wear

the latest mandates of
American and Etiropean fashions are at
our finger-tips. This store is nothing if
not up-to-date. It is our constant study
to see that our customers are not disap-
pointed when they demand the newest,
best, and most fashionable goods, and
that the prices are more than moderate.
Here, for example, are :

No. 4746.

Unbounded Admiration
is expressed by every
customer, from one end of the store to the
other. Nothing strange about that no;

such styHsh and seasonable dry goods at

such niarvelously low prices were ever
seen in this town before.
Everything must make way for Spring
— nothing can escape the price reduction
— dry goods aristocracy and exclusive-
ness must come down to a level with the
plebeian classes.
Here are some high values that never
expected to be in such reduced circum-

No. 4747.

Big Underwear Values.

It 's cheaper to buy underwear here
than it is to make it yourself. The prices
make you wonder which was free — the
material or labor.
This week we have some exceptional
bargains in the best muslin and cambric
underwear, with fine lace and embroidery
trimmings. For example :

No. 474S.

The Rush
for vSpring silks is some-
thing remarkable here.
There 's good reason for it, though.
Never before have we had such an alto-
gether charming stock —
rich effects in
black and white, gay, fancy stripes, bril-
liant brocades, and the extremely stylish
French and Scotch plaids.
There 's an abundance of all that 's
latestand best to choose from just at
present, but it 's wise to choose soon.
No. 4749.

No. 4750.


Reversing Things.
The usual way of selling Spring and
Summer dress goods is to ask high prices
when the demand is strong, and lower
them as the season advances.
We have commenced the season with
mid-Summer prices. We have made all
the cut at once.
Fresh, stylish, dependable dress goods
can never be sold at smaller prices than
these :

No. 4751.

Final Preparations

alwa3's disclose unsus-

pected needs. Bring your going-away
needs here. From a bit of rilsbon to an
elaborate outfit, everything your ward-
robe lacks can be instantly supplied —
fresh, new, stylish, and remarkably rea-
sonable ill price.
No. 4803.

Ribbons and Trimmings

of ever}' kind can be
bought here at nione3'-saving prices.
The — absolutely correct
best goods, too
in design and color— the very latest
Here are a few of the many seasonable
offerings that we want \ou to call and
inspect :
No. ,S4<\^

The Fit of a Waist

isjasjimportantl'to 'a
woman as the fashion of it. We have
just received some very pretty shirt
waists, among which you will find an
excellent fit. You can insure a perfect
fitby wearing a pair of our corsets, fash-
ioned upon living models. The price of
both is onh' a little more than is asked
for one at another store.
No. 541)4.

It Is a Waste of Time
to make ^our own bed
linen when we are selling first-class sheets
and pillow-cases at about the same price
vou have been paying for the material,
it will pay you to lay in a supply now,
for your future needs. What we have are
specially marked with very low prices, and
won't stay with us long.
No. 5405.

Our Stock
of handkerchiefs, gloves,
and veilings is the sort of stock you
would expect to find in a first-class store
of a large city. With latest st3'les, prett}^
patterns, and the best quality we can ob-
tain, you will really be surprised at the
prices we are asking.
No. 5406.

The Embroideries
and edgings we are
offering are noted for their wearing qual-
ities as well as for the beauty of design.
They will outlast any ordinary skirt, and
are exceptionally good value at the prices
we are asking.
No. 5407.

iM /

You Can not Be Too Particular

in the selection of your
underwear, and we invite the most careful
scrutiny of the extraordinary values we
are offering just now. These garments
have been made for the most particular
trade, and an unusually fortunate purchase
is accountable for these special prices.
No. 5409.

just as good as can be
bought at any price, and cheaper here
than one expects to pa}' for reallj- first-
class goods. Much larger sales of notions
than other stores enable us to buy these
handy little articles at lower prices than
other stores pay.
No. 54 1

From the Loom

to our counters, we are
familiar with all the processes of man-
ufacture of the goods we sell, and are able
to represent each individual item just as
it really is. You not only get 3'our mon-
ey's worth when you purchase here, but
you have the satisfaction of knowing that
the goods are exactly as we represent
No. 5413.

" Sleep, Balmy Sleep,

Nature's Sweet Restorer,"
can ne'er be wooed
with the average pillow, bought at the
average store. Find out what comfort
o' nights really means by sleeping on
the downiest, plumpest, real geese feath-
ers that you ever had a chance to buy at
anything near our price.
No. 5415.

A Special Sale

of ladies' fine hand-

kerchiefs is now
on. The prices are
much lower than they will be for a long
time to come. If you will study their
real worth and 3'our own interests, we
think you will buy a supply, even if you
do not need them now.
No. 5417.

CoPiR'OH-r 183

The riinor Parts

of a woman's ward-
robe should have as much attention as
the more important ones. We have a
large stock of lingerie, complete in style
and finish, that we are selling at a low
price. This is our usual yearly sale, and
if you do not take advantage of it, you
will miss one of the best bargains in the
No. 5419.


Dainty Underwear.
Every woman should have dainty
underwear while we are selling our stock
at such low prices. We are having a
special run on ladies' vests, in all the dif-
ferent shapes and patterns. We can meet
)-our wants in silk, lisle, or cotton at a
very reasonable price.
No. 5422.

Fall Dress Goods.

Nowadays your thoughts are naturally

turning to new dresses. The most im-
portant question to decide is: "What
kind of goods ?'

Easily decided here.


Attractive patterns for each and every

No. 5423.

Dress Goods for Brisk Days.

We are showing all the new patterns
and weaves in the most delightful com-
binations of colors. We are asking but
moderate prices, and believe that you can
be better suited here than anywhere else.
No. 5425.

Table Covers
in either chenille or
velour are well wearing. Our chenille
covers are well fringed, and the patterns
in both these and the velour are hand-
some and refined.
No. 5426.
No. 5428.

Fly=Front Coats
are as much in style
this season as ever. We
have them in "all
the fashionable well-wearing cloths, such
as Boucle, Kersey, Worsted, Covert
cloth, etc. Every detail in these gar-
ments is carefully attended to, and we
see that the fit is satisfactor}\
No. 5432.

Fall Capes.

Such a lot of style and beauty you

never before saw gathered together in one
wrap stock. Our cloak buyer has been
particularly fortunate and particularly
shrewd in his purchases. We have really
been surprised at the remarkably good
and pretty things he has succeeded in
getting at the most reasonable prices.
The particular thing that you ought to
see is :

No. 5.

The Astute Observer

never finds a flaw in
any of our goods, nor anything wrong
with our prices. We do all the inspect-
ing, and criticizing, and culling ourselves.
\\'hen our goods go on sale everything is
N . 35-

Cutting Down Prices.

That 's what we are doing, and what we

have done every time there has been an
opportunity. We "set the fashion " in
prices, and those who can't follow us
well, we just let them alone. Weare
looking out for the welfare of our custom-

ers not our competitors.
Cleaning Up.
That what we 're doing with our big
stock. Not with soap and water, but with
cut prices. We are disposing of all the
littleodds and ends before getting in our
new goods. But the new goods are on
the road, and we 've got to hurry. There-
fore a lot of things will go at "any old
No. 40.

Reduced 25 Per Cent.

That 's what we 've done to every price
mark in our big estabUshnient. We do
just such things as that every once in a
while. It always brings us new cus-
tomers, and stirs vtp old ones, and cleans
out odds and ends, and has a wholesome
efiFect generally. It 's just a good big
dose of spring medicine.
No. 60.

The Flight of Time

leaves a great proces-
sion of struggling humanity behind.
But it doesn't leave us behind. We have
too much at stake to allow that. We 're
right up with the times in every respect.
That 's why we 're pretty nearly the whole
show in our line of business.
No. 71.

Getting a Little Nearer

to the people every
day. We are doing it by our big values
and low prices. We are looked upon as
public benefactoio, but we don't take all
the credit. We give due credit to the
public that has so thoroughly appreciated
our efforts to make prices lower. With
such help our efforts have been mutually
No. 85.

A Large Volume of Knowledge

can be obtained by
making a careful study of our stock and
our prices. And it 's the dollars-and-cents
kind of knowledge, too. It will pay you
more than seven per cent, interest. Don't
send any regrets. Come.
No. 121.

We've Shut Down

On High Prices.
They're a thing of the past — at our
store. We don't pretend that we 're in
business purel}- for the benefit of the
people. We don't talk any nonsense.
We are selling at lower prices than any
one else so as to do a great deal more
business than any one else so as to make
the most money. "Big money" nowa-
days is made on the big business and
small profit basis.
No. 126.

A Careful Observer
is the best kind of a
customer for us.There is nothing aboiit
our goods, orprices, or methods that won't
stand critical inspection. Those who
know whereof they speak are the ones
who advise their friends to l)uy from us.
Our customers do our best advertising.
No. 127.

•Hello, Certainly, We'll

Send It Right Up."
You need the goods, and we need the
money, and our errand boy needs the
exercise, and we are at your service at
any time. Don't worry about making us
any trouble. That 's what we 're here
for. We like a little trouble. Without
it we wouldn't feel deserving of our
No. 278.

Very riuch Important.

Yes, leaders usiiall}' are. Now we are
leaders in our line of business, and we
feel that we are of very much importance
to this appreciative community. Perhaps
our competitors think that we are too
important, but we can't help that. We
think that we are just important enough.
No. 314.

It's Quite "A Wad,"

but it 's no more than
j-ou be able to save in the course of a

year if you will be as careful about buy-

ing as we are about preparing big bargain
sales for you. Our small profits mean a
great deal to our customers.
No. 323.

You 'II Be Qlad to Hear It.

We are sure that you be glad to hear


about our cut-price clearance sale which

is going to make business lively all next
week. We bought too many goods last
fall, and now we must turn them into
money in a great big hurry. There 's no
chance left for us to make haste slowly.
We nuist do it quickly. You Ml get the
No. 466.

Don't Get Excited

if you find out that
you have been buncoed a little. That 's
what we have been warning you against
for a long time. Just consider that
you paid so much for experience, and
do your buying here hereafter. Expe-
rience usually has value according to its
cost. If 5-ou have been paying a good
deal too much, then the experience should
be very valuable to you.
No. 467.

Don't Listen to a Plea

on the part of those
who can't meet our prices. There may
be reflections in the plea, but they are
groundless. We
guarantee our goods to
be the best. We
back up our guarantee
by offering your money back if you
want it.
114 E 115 E 116 E

117 E 118 E I2l) K

121 E 123 E 135 E

1 l^

137 E 139 R 140 E


144 E 150 E 166 E

167 E 171 E 173 E

176 E 178 E 181 E


182 E 184 E 188 E


196 E
197 E 1 98 E

200 E 301 E 305 E

Knit Undcrw^a^.

307 E 311 E 316 E

C0R5ET5 PARR50h5
551 R 552 R
550 ^'

E 554 E 555 E


561 E 563 H 564 E

56,5 E 566 E 567 E


569 E 570 E 571 E

PlbLsOWS UM6REbbft§

573 E 574 E 575 E


576 K 577 E 57S E

579 R 581 E 5S2 E


583 E 585 E

5S7 E 588 E 589 E

590 E 592 E 596 E


598 E 599 E 600 E

6oi E 604 E 605 E

606 E 607 E Gag E

611 E 612 E
6i3 E 6i6 E 617 E

ITgured Silks

618 E 619 E
9054 905 7 9060
9085 9089

9036 9039 9042

9080 90S4
910S 9110
91i0 9145
906J 9066 9069
9159 9X62






9074 S077
t 111 '5''RKif^\^
9094 9097
9J.49 9151 9154
9128 v.-


Catch-Lines and Headings

Each new acquaintance means a new friend here. The hit;h stand-
ard of the handkerchiefs sohl here, together with the Httle prices at
which they are sokl, is argument which strongly appeals to the shop-
per generally. It is well understood among the store's numerous pa-
trons that admixtures are not tolerated in this stock. Handkerchiefs
here are all linen or all silk.

Wash Fabrics that fairly whisper thoughts of warm days. A bus-

tling,busy department, chuck-full of goodies. Thousands of yards of
French, German, Engli.sh, Scotch, and our own good old American
make, are blended into one bewildering show. Flowers and leaves
that seem to have blown on the surface and concluded to stay. Prices
that have wandered for to-morrow.

Embroideries. —
Just a word about our Hamburg edgings. The
goods themselves invite you, and you '11 be glad you came when you
examine them, for they bring you inexpensive richness and beauty in

Bits of easy-pricing, which are the fruits of good buying, not of

goods made cheap to sell. Mastery of the linen market has meant a
growth here of the largest linen business in town. It 's safe in buy-
ing here, and it doesn't make any difference whether you're an
expert linen buyer or not.

Every woman ought to have a sewing fit after looking through our
printand linen department.

The white goods have been marshaled into a dazzling array of

showy daintiness in the place of honor, the main aisle.

Maybe the nightgowns are fair things to judge the underwear stock
by. We 're
not talking of the French garments. How daintv they
are !But these new lots are American— made our way, which is the
composite best, gathered from what you tell the yoxmg women at the
counters. That 's the way we have contrived to produce underwear
"just like the careful home-made."
Prf.tTy Cotton Stuffs. —
Good I'ortune found for us twenty
thousand yards of pretty printed dimities at an unusually little price.
They are of the best American make. Colors are as safely wasliable
as they could be at five times the price for colors depend largely on

care in laundering in all dainty stuffs.

The Advent of Spring. It's Spring here every nook and —
corner in the store breathes the bright, fresh atmosphere of the new
season. Counters and shelves laden down with new merchandi.se,
all bought to please you. It 's a pleasure for us to push Winter be-
hind us and tell j-ou about what we 've been doing to make this store
more attractive to you than ever. Style, qualit}', variety, price ^it 's —
a combination to conjure with —
you'll find them all here and ready
for your approval and selection

Sorts that you will come for again and again once you buy. There
isn't much in the hosiery line that we know of that is worthy, but
what you will find a representation and a strong one here.

High-grade hosiery at low-grade prices.

And at these prices you can pick and choose from everything the
whole world has achieved in glove making.

Gi,OVES. —
Ladies who desire perfection in glove daintiness —
should see our lines — the newest styles — and
most correct shades.
A competent saleslady to serve you. Nothing adds to your comfort
more than to have 3'our gloves perfectly fitted. This requires pa-
tience and skill on the part of the salesperson. You will find the
clerks in this department most obliging.

Linens have n't been going as fast as they should. Some holders
grew desperate. Result —
such price-cutting as sends the best quali-
ties ever turned out, down below the price level of the commonplace.
This department will glow with specials for Saturday's trade. We
shall pay you well for the coming to-morrow, as you '11 clearly see by
our next to giving-away prices.

Ticklers of every woman's fancy are the handsome patterns in our

Autumn showing of dress goods.
The kind of dress stuff that stands the hard wear of autunni storms
and retains the brillianc}- of the best dre.ss goods.
Open IIousi-; 1'or Dricss (jOods Lovicrs. — No waitiiit,' for frosts
to open the dress goods burrs. The new stuffs have broken their
cases, and here they are beckoning you their way.

French Thoughts worked out in American garments at figures

which bring extra quality to a notch of reasonableness.

Costumes for women —

new beauty added. These stylish garments
don't stand at "attention " very long. They march on to take their
places in wardrobes of tasteful women. An interesting exhibit
. . .

even if buA-ing is not in thought.

The dear girls will be equally charming and stylish, but not nearly
so dear if they come here for all their waists, wraps, and ever3-thing
else that may be found in a well-conducted suit department.

Nothing so nearly transforms a band of wanen into a .swaying bank

of flowers as does the enfolding of them in cold weather wraps. Even
without a face or form to set them off, there are man)' wraps in our
department so fancifully gay that they make the room fairly bloom.

There are days now, not to mention evenings, when the heat is " out
in the cold,"and something besides feather-weight clothing is handy ;

the time when you need a light-weight coat to put on. We have
pretty Fall jackets to show you, and the prices are where they will
please you.

You can read it in the prices why 5'ou should attend this great silk

vSir.KS —
Evp:ning and Other SorT.s. —
The silk-man calls these
"night-blooming silks," as a delicate tribute to their flower-like
beaut}- and the fact that they are for evening wear.

We di.slike
the word "bargain" applied to dainty, glistening silks
— but there is no word which better expresses the combination of
price-lowness and quality-highness which the.se offerings represent.

One's imagination may safely run riot among the beautiful fabrics
of the season. Richness, delicacy, newness in weave, and design will
attract your admiration. Here are some for to-morrow whicli will
serve to introduce you to the price advantages linked to the beautiful.
There 's a word or two that 's spoken in onr white goods department
-richness, variety.

Cotton Nkws. —
It comes at a good time, too, when your need is
greatest.The pricing makes the pull on the home-purse light.

Wooi,-i,iK]'; Cottons. —
Once wool meant warmth, and cotton
meant coolness. Now
cotton shares with wool the honor of warmth-
giving. Cozv-comfort comes fr.^m the looms, and it is known as flan-
nelettes, or cuttings. Tho.se heavy fleeced cotton stuffs come
. . .

in just right now — —

when the first frost conies for nightgowns for
everybody, for petticoats, dressing sacks, and wrappers for women.

Waists grave, waists gay. Waists of silk, madras, percale, nmslin,

lawn, and what-not else.

It's like falling heir to a bit of good fortune to get one of these .silk

Women's shirt-waists —
the elegance of custom work by our famous
men's shirt makers ; the elegance of the most tempting fabrics, as a
rule imported.

The weather report says " rain." How is your umbrella? Does it
need fixing? Bring it to us to repair or re-cover, as good as new, but
at less than half " new " prices.

Schoolhouses without teachers wouldn't be much worse off than

school children without umbrellas in this country. We 've had in
mind not only the large number needed, but the kind. We 've had
made a special lot nice, but rough-and-readys. The maker was

given a hint as to who they were for and quality was not spared.

Shirting flannels. Quality-liking eyes will get more than a

glimpse of these.

The dress-trimming jjroblem is quickly .solved at our trimming de-

partment. Box after box of shimmering beauties.

"Come in out of the rain" and get yourself a mackintosh. You

can turn the hose on the kind we sell.
Every woiuiin haviiij^- more- dimes than aprons to-morrow morning'
willhave more aprons than dimes to-morrow ni.a;ht, and will be all the
happier becanse each apron is worth two dimes!

Women's neckwear. The adornment at the throat is the finishing

touch to the gowning, and it will make or mar the general effect ex-
actl}- as it is well or ill-selected.

Fads and fancies in hosiery may come and go, 1)ut the fast black of
Hermsdorf goes on forever.. Always the same in its deep, rich black,
true, and fast through wear and washing.

WojiAN's Neckwear Dep'T. — A general house-cleaning. Exqui-

site creations swept out at trifling prices only because they 're in little
odd lots.

Sale of Silk Flags. — You can unfurl to the breeze a beautiful

flag of silk rather than bunting ; the price is about the same.

Women's Belts. —A
pretty belt is the last touch that gives the
fini.shmg neatness to the figure —
and here is a showing to delight the
eyes of the wearers of them. We
have some at very little cost and ;

yet, perhaps, no other item of the dress will add so niuch effectiveness
to the costume as a feally elegant belt that several dollars will buy.

Sleep, sleep, sweet sleep will be the fortune of those who seek rest
in the hot summer evenings in one of our hammocks. They are per-
fect, and the price is too small to be noticed when you come to look at

Summer goods at the fag end of the season with just the jag end of
a price attached to them.

Not visions but velvets. And nothing visionary or unreal about

these velvet bargains.

Whatever fabrics are right, whatever colors are good, are the ones
now heaped up for you. Come to-morrow and sit at the first table of
the feast.

Dre.ssing combs. You might break them with an ax, but hardly
possible by ordinary use. They are of the real horn and extra wide.
\ou '11 probably remember paying a quarter for no better.
" Wiiiffing " remnants. Vou wouldn't btlieve a store would put
such little pricf-winjijs on remnants. Rlost stores don't. But we 're
goin<,^ to make ours fly anyway. The cominjf week all the lady sharp-
.shooters in the vicinity will be here to " wint^- " the.sc, for it'll be a
long time before remnants are in such easy range again.

Did it ever occur to you how ,S3'stematic Nature is in cleaning up the

remnants of one season to make room for the blos.soming of another?
If you '11 observe, she always employs the sharp knife of Winter to
cut loose the Autumn leaves rather than leave them on the trees to be
pushed off by Spring buds. Shall we be less enterprising, and allow
Siunmer goods to remain on our shelves until pushed aside by the
heavy stock of Fall and Winter goods? No, indeed! While Jack
Frost nibbles at stems and waits for the north winds to clean away the
leaves, we produce a trade-wind current by cutting prices half in two,
which cleans out whole shelf loads at a time.

We would think they were stolen if we did not know where they
came from.

A woman's wardrobe is not complete without a black dress, which

is always useful.

With no other kind of union underwear can ladies obtain such per-
fect fit for dre.ss or wear comfortably so small a corset.

The liveliest corner of our store, just at pre.sent, is the underwear

.section. When men make up
their minds to buy underwear, they
want it in a hurry. We
are the hurry-ing kind here. A hurried look
will convince you that our dollar garments are what jou want. '11 We
give you nothing that will serve less than three seasons. It will fit
you good and snug.

Steering close to the shore is a wise thing to do but as the water is


usually shallow, a good seaman never attempts to pass over the sand
bars without the use of a tug. Our craft, having spent a month at
quarantine —
and being heavily loaded with Winter goods, will need
several tugs to steer her into port, and get thfe load off in time to be
launched upon the Spring tide. The most effective motive power we
can use in moving a stock like this is price —
which, like the power of
the tug, lies beneath the surface.

About a thousand pairs of ladies' hose came to us j-esterday, just in

time to be told about. The}' 're a manufacture's samples, and should
have been here on the opening day to be sold at a fair price. They 're
tardy, so out they go at five cents the pair.
winter gloves and mitts frozen out to-day.

We are asking for some lady's hand. Will you accept? Then,
come to-morrow and be fitted with a pair of kid gloves.

Fairv finsrers could weave no fairer web.

People say bad, rainy weather is good weather for ducks. We think
any kind of weather will be good enough for a sale of navy blue,
black, and white duck at 8 cents.

A Storeful of Spring Prkttiness. —

Bright, beautiful, fresh,
dainty. The Spring stuffs and the Summer stuffs invite you here.
It's a showing of what 's to be worn. The store 's a fashion sheet to-
day, and we 've made more than ordinar}' efforts to make the showing
of Spring goods wonderfully interesting. Come, look around and
enjoy it.

Fancy Metal Belts. —

They are fancy in a half hundred differ-
ent ways.Some are set with jewels. Every one is a thing of beauty
and according to the prevailing fad.

An Event in Wrappers. No need to do treadmill work at the
sewing-machine to fashion yourself a house gown, when there's such
a wide choosing here. Even the most inexpensive of these wrappers
are not slighted in prettiness of the making. We take the bother of
gathering materials and relieve you of the details of fashioning —
yours the pleasure of selecting. These are all under-priced —
tions of the good buying to be done here.

Children's Underwear. —
Used in decorating and comprising
some of the prettiest gowns and corset covers in the stock. Only
slightly soiled in the handling, but the prices are really badly hurt.

A subject to be handled with gloves — and we furnish the gloves —

any grade or style you want.

The wrapper on the woman next door may be a good one, but it can't
be prettier or more serviceable than those I 'm selling this season.
The silk and dress goods counters have looked like a hive with
countless bees buzzing around them.

This is prosperity's flood-tide in our linen department, and the bar-

gains are rolling over our counters with an irresistible sweep. It 's
value and price combined that accomplish this for instance, we off'er
this week :
— ;

Trimming Tat.k. —
Our first shipment now
We've always
is in.
had the reputation of selling the right sort trimmings at the
of dress
right kind of prices. You
not be disappointed with our present

outlay — it 's grander than ever, and the prices are even more purse-

Not one woman in ten, perhaps, knows the full possibility of hot-
weather-clothing comfort that can be found in this store. There are
little nothings that signify ever so much. There are dreams of spider-
webby cotton and of linen and of silk, and twice over the sorts that
most of you suspect.

Corset correctness, corset cheapness —

sort of an odd and end col-
lection —but all are worthy sorts —
all are perfect goods worth as —
much to you as if we had full stocks of them. With us it 's different.
Can't afford to have the stock littered up with a few of this and a few
of that ^so we sort out all these orphans and stragglers and price
them 25c each.
Many of them are worth three times as much ; none are worth less
than 50c. Your size is somewhere in the lot, surely.

Everybody is asked to come. It "s all right to visit the store simply
to look. Never mind the buying part. Simply come for your own
satisfaction, and see if every word of this advertisement isn't true.
It doesn't pay to deceive anybody. It 's a bad business policy.
Don't overlook the important fact that the cut prices are good for
the three days only. Not a single second longer.

We cut prices so we won't be afflicted with summer dulness. It is

more profitable to get what we can bj- selling cheap than to hold on
to the goods and get nothing.
Our stock of represents money. It draws no interest.
Pretty soon it will be time for fall goods. Then we
any can't sell
at all. week we've taken our entire line and made
So this
the prices so small that we expect to see an army of women crowd
this store sale of .
Dame Fashion once more decried ribbons in the prime of style.
There ribbon galore here. All the latest fads in fancies are em-
bodied in our good showing. The prices —
our prices are very modest.

Every need for summer is ready for you in this store. Everj'thing
necessary to make you look comfortable and feel comfortable. And
the best part of it all is the little price.
Summer goods were never sold closer to cost than I am selling them
to-day. Profits were never narrower. The tendency of the times is
toward smaller and smaller prices, and no store realizes this fact more
than this store does.
The stock I carry represents money. It produces no interest while
lying on the counters and shelves. The longer it stays in the store,
the less it will bring when it is sold. There 's only one thing to do —
cut down the prices so low that no woman can afford to stay away.
That 's what has been done. Here 's the chance to keep cool and be
stylish at the least possible cost. Come and see this stock anjiiow.
No need to buy, but the chances are you can't help it when you see
this underwear, hosiery, these parasols, Oxford ties, fans, corsets,
l)elts, table linens, and a hundred other seasonable things : —

The coupled favorites of the year plenty of wearing time still


ahead, and never .so near nothing to pay for the fabrics. The list that
follows is merely suggestive —
it could be many times as long.

Ever3-thing that's Summerish is under the ban —

because in the
height of the Summer season we must be planning for Fall. Pick
anywhere —
the price will be less than the normal.

" Cheap notions " means nothing; probably the very worst store is
the one that is selling notions cheapest. Come .see the quality of these.

The clearing fever has struck the silk department and this morn-

ing a lot of pretty light summer fabrics go on sale at most tempting


Muslin Curtains are dainty, make a cooling impression and are es-
sential to summer furnishing. vSucli as we offer to-day wear well and
launder beautifully.

A Wrapper is the cheapest comfortable thing in the world — and

there 's style to these besides cheapness and comfort.
In buying for a large store like this one, mistakes are bound to
occur, it is impossible to tell how large the demand will be for any
article. It is beyond the power of any merchant to look into the future
and determine how much of this or how little of that to buy. He has
to guess to a more or le.ss extent.
This store makes mistakes. It frequently has an overstock of one
thing or another. Odds and ends collect in every department. These
overstocks represent money. It is better to get half their value by
selling them at half prices, than to get nothing by keeping them. To
clean up these odds and ends, I shall hereafter set apart Wednesday of
each week as special bargain day.
These special day sales will begin on next Wednesday. The prices
will be marked down so low that a few hours each week will see the
end of all the goods put up for sale.

We 've been lace leaders in Philadelphia for thirty years and that — •

isn't the result of accident. Maybe it's because we sell better laces

cheaper than other stores -maybe it 's because there 's not a lace idea
that isn't here before other places have it. But whatever the reasons,
we 've made the lace place here —
and keep it.

No need for us to wait until }'Ou don't need muslin underwear to

advertise a clearance sale. Better do it right now to-day —
when —
muslin underwear is needed, and when you can find room in your
nearly packed trunk to put a garment or so for seashore, mountain, or
country wearing. Reputable underwear only you '11 find to-day,
although the prices might lead you to expect but trash. Reputable
underwear only —
remember that. We
can't say it too often.

Yon can't tell when a shower is coming. But you can be ready for
it all the time. Two
dollars invested in an umbrella often saves the
|2o or more you have invested in a suit and hat.
Look at these umbrellas, inch, frame, at $2. Some
in the show window. Lots more in the store. Best $2 worth of rain
protection j-ou ever saw.

Dress Silk Remnants. — No misunderstanding desired. Read

the following carefully — the statement accurate.

Selling best grades as cheap —

even cheaper —
than other stores
grades is the only reason for our big notion and lining
sell inferior
business. But then what other rea.son is necessary ?

The finest buckles. Nothing light or " tinny " about them. If you
picked 'em up on the roadside they would n't be much cheaper. A
nice belt always comes in, doesn't it?
Style costs nothing ; its absence is what costs — like salt, which, as
the small boy said, "makes potatoes taste bad if you don't put
any on."

Black Drkss Goods. —Black grows .steadily in favor and no —

wonder ; there 's a sense of security in black that nothing else can give.

W.\SH Goods Remn.\nts.— The bigger the piles, the smaller the
price —
they must go.

You know what grand silk selling we have been doing for the last
month. Of course, such sharp cutting makes a shower of short prices.
We have taken them all, lengths of from i to i6 yards, and from silk
selling at 50c to $2.50, and made the prices.

Shirt-W.\ists. —
Not a manufacturer's entire output including —
allthe mistakes he made —
but the choice from the stocks of the best
manufacturers and at prices that are very low.

Ribbons. —
Cleanest lot ever offered here. Up-to-date styles.
Nothing off but prices.

Here is a chance to get an excellent shirt-waist at almost no cost at

all. A
Percale waist, too. Percale, you know, is the be.st fabric that
anybody ever made for shirt-waists. It wears well, looks well, washes
splendidly, aad will take starch without any trouble at all.

Quality is the guiding .spirit in this store. Quality first, quality

last, quality all the time. Where quality is, satisfaction is, and that
is the place to spend your money.
Then, too, it is such a pleasant place to visit, pleasant, courteous —
sales-people who never act imj^atient when you express a wish to look
around or rest, but not buy.
Come as often as you can, stay as long as you like, buy if you can't
help it.

Parasols have been slow — more rain than shine. Here are the
them up.
prices to stir

Wonderful how the prices on silks have come down. The value 's
there, though. Read these four items, for in.stance, as examples of
cheap silk selling.
Kvery woman knows that it is an art to make summer suits. They
know It is a heap of trouble, and the stuffs cost
wonderfully when you
start to put them together. We have made it easy for you' to skip the
worry and the work and not to have too much to pay.' We have just
received a number of ready-made ladies' sints from New York
They show all the style and exclusiveness for which that city is
famous. They are the work of men tailors. They are full of fashion
without your having to pay fashionable prices. Stylish, cool,
will give excellent service.

We are conducting the most up-to-date .store in We are


using modern methods. We buy in great quantities, and sell so

to cost that the goods go out of the store almost as soon as we
them. A little bit of profit on a great many sales is the guiding star
of this business.

Ihe particular advantage of buying umbrellas and parasols at this

storeis that you can get what you want. You can suit both your
tancy and your pocket-book. Your selections are not
confined to
a few varieties. Precisely what you desire can nearly always be
found in stock.
I carry whatever is good, stylish, and moderate
priced. I see to it
that neither the materials nor the workmanship is slighted.
I look
out for the newest handles and latest trimmings.

The woman who "shops" will find the most tempting .sort of bar-
gainsamong our wash dre.ss goods. It 's an old story of buying too
many. It 's an old story of selling out at prices often lower 'than the
goods cost us.
The women of know this store. They know its advertise-
ments mean preci.sely what is said. That 's why we expect to close
out several lines of wash dress goods in "less than no
time " almost
because the prices have been put down so low.

A complete wardrobe for summer time includes a nice parasol

parasol is the first thing you see. If it is right in shape and trim-
mings and color, it will afford a wonderful degree of sat.sifaction
If it
IS wrong, all the finest clothes in the
State won't offset the bad effect
\\ hite para.sols are particularly styli.sh. Thev look cool, and they keep
you cool. They add a touch of daintiness to the whole attire

A special sale in this store means a special sale. Women are com-
ing to know this better and better every day. I have no desire to
deceive anybody. I want to be judged fully by what
I sav and what
1 do. I want you to have confidence in me
and in my goods I want
you to know that I will give you the utmost value for your
vSilks and dress goods and seasonable things of all sorts are heaped
up most temptingly. No matter what your merchandise need may be,

come with confidence and prepared to be surprised by the littleness
of the prices.

Did you ever notice that some women dress stylishly on a sum
which only enables their neighbors to dress poorly? Do you know
the reason ? Well, ask them. See if their answers are not about the
same. They '11 say that when we advertise a bargain, the}' come and
secure it. They know by experience that our advertisements are
facts. When they come to the store, they find the goods to be exactly
what we say they are.

A charming collection of shirt-waists in reduced circumstances —

financially reduced, but they are beautiful and proud as ever rich —
gleanings from the Stanley productions —
nothing old or musty about
them —
this season's crop —
every one. Too numerous —
that's the
reason we offer them at a third to one-half less than we have been get-
ting for them right along. We throw the several grades into two
lots — one lot at 50c, one at gSc.

Women's Parasols. — We have a reason for cutting the price of

these — we want to create more talk among the people who care for
style and appearance. Such parasols at such prices will surely be
great talk creators.

There an assortment of embroideries here that makes this store

easily the first as regards variety and prices. Did any one ever
undersell us on embroideries?

No reasonable person would ever expect to get such garments for

lessthan 50c each. We 're often able to give better values than even
the unreasonable people expect. We always have a spot cash to
exchange —
for dependable goods —
when we can name the price.

We would n't advertise the following items and their prices if they
weren't worth more —
are worth
all more — much more — and buyers
will appreciate it —
and talk about it — it's this favorable talk that
we' re after —
it makes us grow.

The.se garments possess that stamp of newness, of exclusiveness, of

absolute perfection in every little detail. The lady who wears one
won't meet the duplicate of it on ever}' corner —
there is only one of
each kind, and we 're quite certain she '11 never meet its duplicate in
The main thing to think about in buying a corset is comfort. After
that comes shape and figure. It is ea.sy enough to get a corset that
makes the waist small and slender, but the trouble is that it is nearly
always done at the sacrifice of comfort. There is one corset that is
more comfortable than any other. A cor.set that creates a long,
graceful waist and an exquisite figure. That is —

There is nothing easier for a woman to see at a glance than the

worthfulness or worthlessness of a shirt-waist stock. She can see in a
minute whether style has 1)een closely looked after. She can tell
whether the patterns are up-to-date or back numbers. We have heard
but one opinion of our shirt-waists. Every woman who has been here
says it is the fullest, freshest, and fairest assortment that was ever
under this roof. It is better than most stocks and equal to any other
in town.

The woman who reads our advertisements regularly, and pays atten-
tion to them, will be ahead a good many dollars at the end of the
year. Exactly what we say in the papers is exactly what we mean.
We have no desire to misrepresent anything. We
proceed upon the
idea that women are good economists, and are glad to know about the
best place to buy. We
believe in telling. Come in and see how well
our ads match our goods.

The lady who comes here to buy a jacket or cape can be sure of this
much — that the garment will be stylish, sensible, and serviceable.
W'e know what every jacket and cape in this store is worth. We
know it is right in quality, right in shape, and suited to sensible serv-
ice. An)' woman will be charmed with the dainty way in which our
garments are made. There is an airy lightness about them so that
they seem to be almost without weight.

This isn't a job made up of odds and ends and bad sizes. The
goods are brand new and come straight from the factory. They never
saw the light of day on a merchant's counter until this week.

Is this plain enough ? Every article you buy at this store is

guaranteed. No matter what it is —whether a spool of thread or a
sealskin sacque —
if you are not satisfied in every way, we want you to
come back and get your money. There will be no fussing, no contro-
versy. Simply .say you are dissatisfied, and your money will be cheer-
fully returned.
That is our way of doing business. It is the fairest way we know
anything about.

This the season when most all women are thinkin_i( about shirt-
waists. Fact of the matter is that no other garment ever invented for
women is as comfortable or becoming or sensible as the shirt-waist.
No matter liow much natural beauty a lady possesses, she will be
doubly attractive if she wears stylish, perfect-fitting, up-to-date shirt-

^^e cash alwa^'s. We extend credit to nobody. Not because

sell for
we doubt many buyers' ability to pay, but because the cash
a great
system is the only fair plan that anybody ever invented.
lender a credit system there are alwaj^s uncollectable accounts. A
merchant is compelled to charge higher prices to make good these
losses. The people who do pay are the ones who make up the losses
from those who don't pay.
Our cash system means bottom prices always. It means the same
price to everj-body. It means a hundred cents' worth of goods for
every dollar to spend.

You can almost buy with your eyes shut and know that qualities are
right. These little prices do not mean low qualities.

No matter how or wh}- we do it, the newest things are here at a cost
so small as to make you almost doubt your own eyes.

Our plan of doing business makes it as safe for a child to buy as

for parents themselves. Under no possible circumstances can you fail
to be satisfied. No matter if a blind person makes a purchase here,
the purchase money paid us will be promptly refunded if the buj'er
wants it. We
haven't the least desire to sell anything to a customer
if it isn't exactly suitable and desirable and reliable. We
are never
satisfied unless our patrons are satisfied.

Everybody doesn't possess good ta.ste in buying spring wraps. We

believe onr "buyer knows as much about style and beauty as any other
man in America. That 's what makes this department so popular with
correct dressers.

We are never satisfied with our store.

No difference how complete and perfect it may seem to you no —
matter if you are altogether satisfied with it —
we are not. are We
trying all the time to make it better. This spring it is in advance of
last fall. Next fall it will be still further advanced than this spring.
It is a stor}- of progress, day after day
Not the cheap, worthless sort, but good, carefully selected, well put
together garments that can be depended on for faithful service —

So]\iK Real Good —

Jacket News. Nothing pleases women so
much as good jacket news these days. Here is something late for
your consideration.

Makers are anxious to clear their workrooms before the Christmas

trade sets in with full force —
for then comes their lull. They talk
"cheap" to cash listeners. We
listened but we bought very scruti-
nizingly. The values in our specials must be more pronounced even
than in the regiilar lines.

Bi^ANKET Goodness. —
When we say "All Wool" — that's what
it means —-no half way business about it —
it 's either all wool or we
don't call it wool —

A Great Underwear Sale. One of those mighty saving
opportunities that come so seldom. We
have prepared a feast of
bargains in this department for to-morrow that will delight the thrifty.
Some prices as low as 50c on the dollar. Read on !

Find its peer anywhere It seems that we are daily being recog-

nized as the store where ladies' jackets can be purchased at figures

within the reach of all.

Riding the wave of popularity again to-morrow, as always —

within your reach an aggregation of silk values of the greatest magni-

A sensational sale of heavy woolens. Everything pertaining to the

outer wear of man, woman, or child. Never before in the history of
the woolen industry have fine woolens retailed at Yz wholesale price.

Tempting Linen Offers. — Some rare good fortune awaits those

who seek beautiful and useful gifts, and what prudent housekeeper
does not ?

Remarkable, isn't it, that we should make such enormous reduc-

tions? But we have about 125 of these fur capes left from last season.
There is nothing the matter with them. Our policy is to sacrifice all
goods left from a previous season, so these capes must go.
We'11 keep December lively with dry j^oods surprises, and to-day's

offerings are a fair sample of the extremes to which we 're going to

resort to gain our end. It '11 be a sorry period for prices. We
sha'n't spare popular lines and we won't force undesirable goods on
you. The whole store is billed for a determined series of price-cuts.
Reductions that will lay bare cost itself —
and often strike a notch or
so into loss.

All who keep abreast of the times know that garments ready to
wear are growing in favor. They are cut better, made better, lined
better, and finished better than formerly —
it saves worrj^ too. You
know our qualities are stamped with bestness, our styles properly
exclusive. Now see our l:)lack satin waists. vSome at 50c then there ;

are some all-wool flannel with braid at 98c and #1.25.

We want just one more customer and you 're the one that we want
if you're not one already. If you will give us the chance to show
you how careful we are, what good things we sell, and how much sat-
isfaction there is in trading with us, we are sure you will become
a regular customer. We would take anything back and refund the
money if it proved unsatisfactory, but we never have to.

Our customers have learned by experience that we are able to sup-

ply them not only with the latest and most exclusive novelties, but
with the very choicest goods in style and qualit}'. Our ability to
secure new things of the highest order of excellence is phenomenal
and proverbial. For example, we point out our —

Any old store won't do when you are looking for a winter wrap.
Go where they make a specialtj' of the wrap business and you are
sure to find just what you want. We
.sell nothing but wraps and han-

dle exclusive lines that you will find in no other store in town.

Quality and .style are alwa3'S prominent in this department. But

just here we want to mention a few of our strongest specials.

By our strengthof infinite resources we 've scored many victories

for you. We
are never feeble, never faint-hearted in battling with
high prices. If we were we'd never expect to be conquerors. That
our name is synonymous with big value giving is evidenced by the
busy scenes always surrounding every department. We
are on the
home stretch of this year's business record, and to roll up the biggest
volume of merchandise selling .since our establishment, we 're will-
ing to shave prices very near the cost line. So from now until the
end of December expect the most phenomenal bargains from every
department in our stores.
The store abounds in just such offerings that this weather would
suggest. Our buyer's cleverness will be apparent by the smallness of
prices asked, but we always assert that not by an}- possibilities nor
under any plea shall good, seasonable merchandise be sold lower any-
where. Come while the best values are here.

A QUARTKTTK OF Fi^ANNKL BARGAINS. Four special offerings —

that will swell the usual cold weather crowd of buyers at the flannel
counter to-morrow. Every one is a strong leader —
and any one is
worth coming after alone. Good, reliable flannels seldom reach such
a low-price level.

You '11 be satisfied with goods bought here. Our customers are
spared that uncomfortable afterthought "I might have done bet-

ter." You '11 do best in this store.

Heapsof business at our store. The way our business is growing

is a caution Nothing like it was ever known before. To think that

this city has been content to pay big credit prices all these years,
until we showed it what a strictly cash house can do cut full ! We
40 per cent under the credit prices.

It's an ill wind that blows nobody good. Through an error in ship-
ping, one of our orders for fall goods was duplicated. The materials
are seasonable goods and the wholesaler has asked us to sacrifice
them. We have decided to do so, and the wholesaler's loss will be
our customers' gain.

Come and Share the Spoils. Hundreds of your friends are
carrying away in triumph the spoils of this immense clearance sale
every day. On account of the holiday goods which are crowding in
we are compelled to cut all other prices in order to make room. Take
this ad seriously, and, believe us, you can make a big saving on pur-
chasing before this week ends.

The Indian regardshis blanket as second only in importance to his

rifle.Civilization regards blankets in this sort of weather as priceless.
But even in blankets there 's a difference. Our stock contains only
the better sorts. They're low priced 'tis true —but that's the way
with everything here — low priced — high grade. And nothing else
finds room.

Here are pretty, well-fitting, stylish coats at I3. 50. Of course that
was n't meant to be the price —
they 're I5.00 coats all through.
thp: dry goods book.
The is what interests the Imlk of the buying pub-
sign of the dollar
lic. When they find where they can save or make a dollar, they are
at once interested. Our desire is to save dollars for those who deal
vvith us. We are glad of our ability, and anxious for an opportunity
to demonstrate to you what we can and will do.

A pretty tie holds an important place in a woman's toilet this sea-

son. And our showing to-day speaks the extensive readiness to please
all tastes. Nothing really pretty is missing from this gathering.
Hundreds of beautiful styles are displayed. Stock collars, jabots,
fronts, bows, ruflfs, and collarettes.

The old story of a maker who battled against a delayed winter and
dull trade —and lost. Many garments were only partlj' completed ;

we supplied funds to finish them all, and offer the first lot to-day.

Some at half values some even at less. These coats are perfect in
every way, and comprise the newest styles, made of many different
cloths. All sizes in the assortment. The average value is ;^ 15.00 to- ;

day's selling is at $7.50.

In this great world of merchandising, opportunities are constantly

occurring in which spot cash and a great outlet count for a great deal
in purchasing. We are ever in the market, no lot is too large for us ;

providing it is of good grade and underpriced. We always give our

customers the benefit of these purchases.

The Survival of the Fittest. —It is for good plain business

reasons that this house so far outshines any thing of its kind in this
part of the State —
reasons that are perfectly obvious to the visitor.

The goods are here, all crisp and bright as the blushing autumn
leaves. The prettiest offerings for holiday shoppers you ever looked
at. Wewant you to see them. Don' t wait a minute. The stock is
ripe and ready for your reaping. Come to-day, and select presents for
your friends and families.

The fur market is as sensitive as the stock market a lull in sales,
or the late starting of a .season's business will send prices .scampering
down hill. And yet furs have a more real ba.sis of value than any
other article of woman's attire. To buy during the little scares is
.simply to make one's money go an extra long way.

W^omen's Merino Underwear. — Your good health depends

greatly on the undergarments you wear. We don' t sa}- cotton is wool
here, but we do say we' ve the best stock and lowest prices.
We don' t need to study the stars to know when there's a need for
housekeepers' linens. Same with holiday goods. People have been
" looking around " for some time. Now they are buying. It is much
better to buv when assortments are complete — putting it off till later
is bad policy. We'll siipply your ever}' want —
and at lowest prices, too.

Early predictions of a hard, cold winter are being fulfilled, and this
isonlv the beginning. Weeks and weeks of it still to come. Good
warm bed furnishings will be needed well on into the spring, unless all
the weather prophets are wrong. Time to get them is now, while the
winter's young, and the stocks are fresh and new.

Silk Petticoats. Plenty of them, and pretty ones, too, and
priced right. You would n' t ask for more, even if you could.

Instead of putting fancj' holiday prices on our goods because we

know you will buy anyway, we have marked down every article in
this store, so that 30U can make all your purchases now, and not have
to wait until after the holidays to get the advantage of reduced prices
for goods that you want now.

A Big Little Lining Story. They are the cotton linings that
look and feel and sound like silk —
; yes, and wear better than some
silk kinds. They are light in weight, but strong, with a crispiness to
the touch and a silky luster to the eye.

Blankets need first of all to be warm, but comfort demands also that
the}-be pleasant to both smell and touch. Hard to get the wools pure
and inodorous few makers accomplish it but we have found the
; ;

ones that do. Only scentless wools, carded to the pleasant fluffy
warmth, are used in the making of the blankets we show. Of course,
not all the blankets are all wool cotton is better for the warp in

some of the cheaper grades.

The mighty magic of fair dealing and low prices for good goods dur-
ing this great sale is drawing the purchasing public into the four walls
of our big salesrooms, and it is not to be wondered at, when we are
selling the very be.st goods at such prices as these :

You can't a poor article at our store, and you can't buy an ar-
ticle that are not willing to exchange or give your money back for,
in case you don't like it after you get home.
Vou should use discretion in doing 3'our lu)liday shopping, and go to
the place where you are sure to fincl the best quality of goods. We
invite you to come to this store; for we know — well, never mind
what we know. You accept our invitation, and you will find many
pleasing items to your advantage.

Dress goods SppXIAi,. — Call it pu.shing out some excessive stock,

making room, or what you will, but this morning's opportunity for
some l)right, fresh fabrics such as these will not go unheeded.

The larger store and extended stocks, afford greater opportunity

for choosing. We mean to merit the preference of gift buyers with
goods of the better class, priced to make it financially interesting for
you to come here, as well as interesting from every other point of

In an establishment like this that gathers under its roof such a

variety of gift goods from all over the world, you are sure to find some-
thing suitable for every man, woman, and child.

We have always had the name of selling the best quality of furs
and most stylish, tasty cloth cloaks shown in this city. In addition
to these facts, this year we have got (and justly earned) the name of
selling the best goods for the least money. Whatever others did on
" mistaken early purchases," surely we made no mistakes. Our goods
have been right, our prices have been right, and we have sold the
goods. The goods we have now are late arrivals in new effects, differ-
ent from early goods (we never believed in uniforming the town with
great quantities of the same styles), and again our prices are right.

This sale means big losses to us, but big gains to the consumer.
Our dress goods stock must be moved, whatever the sacrifice. All
new and desirable, no old or shop-worn stock. All new Fall and
Winter goods, purchased this season.

We are intensely anxious to earn, during the holidays, a certain ad-

jective. We wi.sli to be called "The Comfortable Store." To gain
this honor, during the top pressure days before us, has recjuired much
planning. None but mem1)ers of our own store-family can realize the
extent and depth and breadth of these preparations. It is not enough
to promise you an unequaled stock and fairest prices. We recognize
your right to speedy, accurate, and satisfactory service, and to phys-
ical enjoyment and comfort while uufier our roof. vSo far as care and
thought and experience and expenditure can secure these, you shall
have them, holidays or no holidays.
Curtain chances not likely to occur ajjain in many a month. Lace
curtains —
of the desirable, dependable sort — are to be sold here
Monday, as you never bought them before.

We respect the intelligence of the people of this community.

We credit them with that American connnon sense that recognizes
a really good thingand detects the fraud. Without further
comment we call your attention to our immense stock of hand-
some dress goods, silks, velvets, satins, trimmings, cloaks, capes,
and underwear. Judge this store by the reliable goods you find here,
and we are satisfied. We want you to come and see what we are
oflfering this week. You are not compelled to buy.

A week of extra value oflfering in the dress goods department for the
economical. Don't miss this money-saving opportunity.

Why wait for January clearance sales ? the time to buy is now. The
prices we name for this week's sale are low as could possibly be made
at any time. There is a limit to price cutting, and the values quoted
make plain that we have reached this limit. Stocks are complete, you
have a choice now that can not be had later. The coat you want is
certainly here, for all is shown that 's new, nobby, and worthy. There
is every reason why you should buy now — and buy here.

Ahalf-bleached linen always retains its sturdy goodness. It soon

becomes full white in use, and its quality is as serviceable as bleached
linen would be at a half more. This word just describes some excel-
lent half-bleached table linen now selling at fifty cents a yard.

CoivORED Dress Goods — —

Remnants. Our incomparable dress
goods stock is kept up-to-date by the continual addition of novel
weaves and new shades as soon as produced. Such energetic mer-
chandising naturally brings a lively business, and results in an accumu-
lation of short ends of fabrics in an immense variety of styles and
shades. To keep our stock clean we mark these remnants by the
piece, at extremely low prices, for quick disposal. Many of them are
sufficient for dress or skirt lengths, and would make acceptable holiday

Our New York buyer found a veritable dress goods plum. From an
importer who was anxious to have cleared decks for next year, he
bought 63 pieces dress goods at a price that doesn't cover cost of raw
materials. In the lot are both blacks and colors and every yard is a

beauty that brightens and freshens up our stocks.

Cold weather speaks more strongly in favor of an early purchase of
warm, comfortable black tights for ladies and children than any word
of ours.

Vv^e '11 with this item, that'll inmiediately get you

start the sale
interested. a suit that's man-tailored, made from the best
This is
cloths —
and all the leading colors for your choice. Coat lined with
silk ;the new dart sleeves adjustable velvet collars. And perfect

set skirts.

A monster room-making, stock-reducing, unloading sale of high-class

merchandise that offers the greatest money-saving chance of recent
years. Goods in every department of our store selling at cost, at less
than cost, at half price, and at less than half price.

A tremendous transaction in highest standard makes at prices posi-

tively without parallel in recent retailing. No possible chance of
duplicating this extraordinary opportunity elsewhere anywhere — —
now or later.

Nice time for fur buying. Holiday goods are pushing them out.
Room they occupy is badly needed and buying furs liere is safe.

We tell you precisely what every fur is.

Never before have we been able to serve you so well or so economic-

ally in this department. Two large purchases from hard-uj) manu-
facturers at 6oc and 65c on the dollar, respectively, give us tlie
opportunity to offer values that are simply unapproachable. Look
into it —
you '11 find us correct. Among many other bargains in these
purchases we mention these —
of course, remember such opportunities
don't stay in show-cases very long :

Flyers for Mond.w. — Our magnificent curtains, curtain materials

and draperies never made a quicker flight than they are showing now
— but there are new goods arriving daily, and every one should come
here to-morrow to see the beautiful things that are finding their way
to the third floor for the holiday season. Specials for Monda}-: —

Our semiannual stock-taking sale will begin Thursday, December

first. In the past these sales have been marked b}' success, and we
don't intend to have this one lag behind in point of profit to you and
interest for us.

Perhaps you did not know that we .sell bed coverings. It will be to
your advantage to know it, if you find it nece.s.sary to " throw on more
clothes" these cold nights.
Christmas, the hapi)iest season of the 3'ear will soon be upon us.
Christmas shoj^pinj^r will be>^ii at this store in earnest to-day. This
beinj^ our first holiday sale, we are determined to make it to your ad-
vantage. Everything is new and attractive. Our stock embraces all
the latest goods and novelties of the sea.son.

When thought of umbrellas for gift purposes conies to mind, it

invariably leads the thinker in this direction. For many years we
have held the umbrella trade because of the innnense variety, the
reliability of the goods, and the price reasonableness. Wewere never
better prepared to hold and increase this advantage than we are to-day.

The weather bureau is full of pent-up colds, chills, showers, shakes,

cold winds, and blustery weather. You had better change your un-
derwear. We make a great sale on these goods to-day.

Don't buy underwear that was made only to sell. We are building
on your future trade, and can not afford to load you up with trash.

A bit of a bargain Special lot of collarettes at a very special price


to-day and to-niorrow\

This store is demonstrating every day that goods and prices count
most in modern merchandising. Advertising, location, and many
other things are interdependently related to results, but the style and
character of the goods, and the prices they "re sold at are of first im-
portance. This store seeks more business on the bassis of your self-in-
terest, and asks you to come here because it will pay you. Investigate.

There's not a worthy lace made but what you'll find here in a
variety of prettiest patterns —
narrowest to widest hand-made real lace

25c a yard !"It seems wicked to sell such goods at a quarter " !

groaned the dress goods man but why keep them at original prices,

37, 42, and 50c, even if they are up-to-date styles? We couldn't tell
in September that November would bring many May days, thereby
limiting the demand for winter stuffs, and leaving the stock too large
at holiday time? So it follows if you wouldn't pay 50 cents, 'twill
be next to impossible resisting the new price of 25c a yard on these
most worthy dress fabrics !
Our cloak store is a growth. Not a speculation or a temporary
makeshift. For years peoj^le have been coming and asking for what
they wanted we went and got it, got more, got the best markets i)ro-

vided, and got a plenty. The plan has made the cloak section promi-
nent has made it more so this year than ever before. This season

sees us with the most satisfying gathering yet, and we 're naturally
having many, expecting more, careful buyers every day. To-day of
the completeness we speak of capes only.

Ladies' Coats. —
Great as have been the values in our coat depart-
ment in the past few weeks, those we will offer to-day will far eclipse
them for style, quality, richness, and excjuisite workmanship, together

with extraordinary low prices prices that border on the phenomenal
— many great bargains await you here to-day.

Character and Reputation. — This store possesses both. Char-

acter, it makes for itself. Reputation comes from you. That the
store's reputation is good is evidenced by a satisfied and steadily in-
creasing patronage. There 's a foreshadowing of coming events
which will be of interest to you. The intangible of a month ago now
takes definite shape. Chrismas-tide looms up with all its trade possi-
bilities. We 're preparing
for the gift-giving time as we have never
prepared before but more of this is good time. The great
offers you buying chances that claim your immediate attention. We 've
planned for some quick stock moving during the next few days :

Down Comforts. —
Soft and elegant —
light as a feather and warm
as toast — made
from clean, pure, odorless down, and covered with
handsome sateens and silks.

These first winter days that call imperatively for warmer outerwear,
have made busy selling in our cloak department.
It 's remarkable how many ladies come directly here and buy, with-
out a question of looking farther. Remarkable, too, how many who
do go elsewhere, come back. "You 've the finest stock of jackets and
suits in town," is the verdict. Imported or domestic make, high
priced or low priced, it's all the same — the best is here in every

"The Dependable vStore " has cut out for itself the task of setting
the standard for low selling —
and with its splendid facilities for buy-
ing advantageously —
it should prove no formidable feat. To-day's
special values are a fitting climax for the last two weeks' wonderful
selling, and mark the lowest ebb ever reached by retail selling.
Every garment in this department is of the most dependable charac-
ter— perfect in style —
correct as the fashion-makers of the world can
Gloves and mittens are necessities neatly and wannly lined ones

are luxuries, when the mercury keeps down to the zero mark.

This store is brimful of bargains. Bargains because the goods are

the satisfactory, honest kind, and because we see to it that the prices
are always the lowest, quality considered. This week will be a week
of bargains all over the house.

Ourstore's holiday helpfulness is the true index to its real charac-

ter. This of all times in the year is the test period. The "sifting"
process is a rigid one. Only trustworthy merchandise finds its way
here, no matter how low the price. And Christmas wants are satisfied,
whatever they may be.

This community looks to us for proper styles, dependable mer-

chandise, and lowest prices. Your confidence in us is not misplaced
— every safeguard is given you —
every statement we make is fulfilled.
Each season we have shown that which is the newest and what is best.
Every article we sell you is guaranteed if a garment turns out

wrong, we make it right and our prices are always the lowest that

reliable merchandise can be sold for.

There not a store in this county that sells goods as cheap as we

do, day and day out
in —
good goods. You probably know that.
You probably know that we never cut the price on one article, and
make it up on the next. And you know that we are conducting a
square, straight business, without any tricks or schemes, and that we
avoid low methods and untrue statements as scrupulously as we
avoid job lots and bankrupt stocks and trashy bargain wares or poorly
made goods.

We reduce every white cambric cushion in stock that means no
regular price at all— reductions of from 5c to 25c on each cushion

means that much cheaper than the best value we ever offer all cush-
ions extra well filled.

Some Rousing Silk Sales. You will wonder how such thor-
oughly good silks can be sold at such little prices. Mind you, good
silks, from our regular stock, not a lot of cheap rubbish, bought for
cheap sales.

The greatest genuine bargain values in new dress goods are within
your reach. It 's up to you —
grasp it. This entire week will be one
great Thanksgiving bargain-gaining event.

Warm furs for winter weather. Snug, warm garments — all the
popular furs and combinations.

Record of Advertising Contracts.




Price, ^ : _. _ _

Amount, _._ _



Time^ _ _...

Space, _

Price, _

Am,ount, _ _



Record of Advertising Contracts.














Record of Advertising Contracts.


Time, _

Space ^








Amount, __



Record of Advertising Contracts.

JVitk.. _ ^ _..._ „....._

Thne^ _

Space,.. „_


Amount, _..„

Expires, _ __


Time,, _


Price, _

Amount, _

Expires, „


Record of Advertising Contracts.

With ^ _


Space ^

Price ^


Expires^ _ _

With „___

Time^__ _.._. _

Space ^
„ _ _ „

Price ^


Expires^ _ _


Record of Advertising Contracts.


Time^ _

Space ^

Price ^
_ --

Amount^ „ __


With _

Time^ _

Space ^

Price ^


Expires^ _ „


Record of Advertising Contracts.

With _

Time, _

Space ^

Price, :._ - —
Amount, _ -

Expires, _

With „ -

Time, _ _ -

Space, „_ __ -

Price, „ __

Amount, „

Expires, _. „


Record of Advertising Contracts.


Time^ „

Space ^

Price ^

Amount^ ,




Space ^

Price ^

Amount^ _._


Daily Sales and
Advertising Record

A concise record of your daily

sales and the daily cost of your ad-
vertising will be found invaluable.
For this purpose the following
twelve pages have been arranged.
Very little time will be required
keep this record, the form being the
simplest possible.
After you have kept it carefully
for a few months, you will find that
it will indicate with a good deal of
certainty just what your advertis-
ing is doing for you.
The longer you keep
it, the more

interestingand valuable it will be-

come, and the more incentive
will be to make each month's busi-
ness exceed that of the preceding
month, or that of the corresponding
month of the preceding year.
Try it. Connnence with 5^ester-
day's sales— not with










INCREASE (Advertising), $ DECREASE (Advertising), $..

INCREASE (Sales), $ DECREASE (Sales), $
















INCREASE (Advertising). $ DECREASE (Advertising), $

INCREASE (Sales), $ DECREASE (Sales), $


INCREASE (Advertising), $ DECREASE (Advertising), $

INCREASE rSales), $ DECREASE (Sales), $



INCREASE (Advertising), $ DECREASE (Advertising), $

INCREASE (Sales), $ DECREASE (Sales), $

















INCREASE (Advertising), $ DECREASE (Advertising), $

INCREASE (Sales), $ DECREASE (Sales), $


INCREASE (Advertising), $ DECREASE (Advertising), $

INCREASE (Sales), $ DECREASE (Sales), $


INCREASE (Advertising), $ DECREASE (Advertising), $

INCREASE (Sales), $ DECREASE (Sales), $


INCREASE (Advertising), $ DECREASE (Advertising), $

INCREASE (Sales), $ DECREASE (Sales). $











INCREASE (Advertising). $ DECREASE (Advertising), $

INCREASE (Sales), $ DECREASE (Sales), $











INCREASE (Advertising), $ DECREASE (Adverlising), $.

INCREASE (Sales), $ DECREASE (Sales). $



INCREASE (Advertising), $ DECREASE (Advertising), $

INCREASE (Sales), $ DECREASE (Sales), $


INCREASE (Advertising), $ DECREASE (Advertising), $.

INCREASE (Sales), $ DECREASE (Sales), $

10 ^J

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