Mandibular Nerve
Mandibular Nerve
Mandibular Nerve
Hany Sonpol
Mandibular Nerve
Type: mixed has 2 roots:
1. Motor root (small): from the motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve
in the Pons.
2. Sensory root (large): from the trigeminal ganglion.
* The motor root passes below the trigeminal ganglia..
It is the largest division of the trigeminal nerve
The 2 roots leave the cranial cavity through foramen ovale.
Below the foramen the 2 roots unite to form the trunk of the
mandibular nerve, between tensor palati muscle which is medial, and
lateral pterygoid laterally, with otic ganglion also lies deep to the nerve.
Head and Neck Dr. Hany Sonpol
Motor branches
1. (2) deep temporal nerves: to the temporalis muscle
2. Masseteric nerve:
1) It crosses the mandibular notch with the masseteric artery,
2) Enters the deep surface of masseter muscle
3) It may be compressed in tmj anterior dislocation
3. Pterygoid branch: to the lateral pterygoid muscle.
Head and Neck Dr. Hany Sonpol
Head and Neck Dr. Hany Sonpol
Head and Neck Dr. Hany Sonpol
- It is joined by the chorda tympani nerve deep to lateral pterygoid
Head and Neck Dr. Hany Sonpol