Spanish 1 Restaurantproject

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Nombre ___________________________________ Fecha _____________________________________ Hora ______________

Spanish 1A
Menu Project Planner

Due date: ____________________

Project is worth 30 points (Tests/Quizzes/Projects)

In this project, you play the role of a restaurant owner who needs to develop and create a menu
in Spanish for your restaurant established in one of the Spanish-speaking countries of the world.
Your menu must have four categories and twelve items, all authentic dishes of the target culture
of your choice within the Spanish-speaking world. You must decide on an appropriate name for
your restaurant, create an address and phone number, and list hours of operation consistent with
examples you find on-line from authentic restaurants of the target culture. Your menu items must
be priced in the local currency, converted in an appropriate manner for the target culture.


Step 1: Choose a Spanish speaking country (one whose official language is Spanish) and write its
name on the line below.

Step 2: Using the country you chose above, research and record the following:
A major city in the country is (for example, its capital city): ____________________________
Make up (or look up) a realistic address for a restaurant in that city. Write it out as it would
appear in that country.





Make up (or look up) a realistic phone number for a restaurant in that city. Write it out as it
would appear in that country.

The unit of currency used is the: ___________________________ With the symbol: _______
What is the value of their currency today? 1 U.S. Dollar = ______ of their currency.
What are 3 typical dishes / items served there for breakfast, lunch, dinner and drinks? How
much would each item cost (convert it from U.S. dollars into the local currency is a
great resource)? Note: descriptions of each dish are not necessary.
el desayuno
1. __________________________________________ (price) ________________
2. __________________________________________ (price) ________________
3. __________________________________________ (price) ________________
el almuerzo
1. __________________________________________ (price) ________________
2. __________________________________________ (price) ________________
3. __________________________________________ (price) ________________
la cena
1. __________________________________________ (price) ________________
2. __________________________________________ (price) ________________
3. __________________________________________ (price) ________________
bebidas (non-alcoholic, por favor)
1. __________________________________________ (price) ________________
2. __________________________________________ (price) ________________
3. __________________________________________ (price) ________________

Locate and/or download at least 4 photos or illustrations of items featured on your menu. I
suggest copying and pasting them to a document, resizing them to the size you need, and
printing them all at once using a color printer.

Step 3: Fold a 9 x 12 piece of construction paper in half (vertically or horizontally) and create a
menu (using only Spanish words) for your restaurant. Include the following:

On the cover:
A cover design for your menu
The name of your restaurant
The address and phone number
The days of the week and hours of the day the restaurant is open

Inside the menu:

4 sections of your menu labeled el desayuno, el almuerzo, la cena, and bebidas
List 3 typical dishes or items under each section
Give each dish or item a realistic price in the currency of the country you have chosen using
the appropriate currency symbol.
Include illustrations of at least 4 items featured on the menu

On the back of the menu:

Write your name and class periodnothing else. This part will not show when it is stapled to
the classroom wall.
Nombre Fecha Hora

Spanish 1A
Menu Project Rubric
Due date: ____________________
30 points (Tests/Quizzes/Projects)

Points: Objective: Using vocabulary from Tema 3, create a menu for a restaurant in Spanish.
1. Choose a Spanish speaking country and find out what their monetary system is.

2. Choose a name for your restaurant.

3. For each category listed below, include 1 authentic dish from the country you
have chosen. Make sure to include:
a. 3 breakfast dishes (3 pts.)
b. 3 lunch dishes (3 pts.)
c. 3 dinner dishes (3 pts.)
d. 3 drinks (3 pts.)

4. Give each platter a realistic price in the currency of the country you have
chosen. (4 pts.)

5. Make sure you include:

a. a cover design for your menu (2 pts.)
b. the name of the restaurant (2 pts.)
c. illustrations of at least 4 items featured on the menu (4 pts.)
d. a realistic looking (not necessarily actual) address using the format of
the country you have chosen (2 pts.)
e. phone number (2 pts.)
f. hours it is open (2 pts.)

/30 points

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