Core Wall Design
Core Wall Design
Core Wall Design
Length, L (m) = 35.25
Width, W (m) = 22.1
x1 (m) = 2
y1 (m) = 2.5
x2 (m) = 5.25
y2 (m) = 18.2
x3 (m) = 25.34
y3 (m) = 3.75
x4 (m) = 29.85
y4 (m) = 17.2
Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4
overall, B&D 2400 3600 3600 1800 3600 1800 2400 3600
opening 1, a1 & b1 200 250 300 250 250 300 0
opening 2, a2 & b2 1300 250 250 850 300 1400
opening 3, a3 & b3 2500 250 250 2750
opening 1, c1 & d1 1900 900 3000 1550 600 1350 1000 3000
opening 2, c2 & d2 2150 1000 1900 1550 1000 3000
opening 3, c3 & d3 1900 900 600 1300
X bar mm 1112.5 1800.0 1819.3 1200.0
Y bar mm 1800.0 1217.6 700.3 1800.0
Ixx m 4
4.398 0.561 0.803 4.831
Iyy m 4
2.233 3.511 3.580 0.707
Torsional eccentricities ex = -259.5 mm
ey = 408.5 mm
Proportions of lateral M
Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4
NS M from stiffness 41.52% 5.30% 7.58% 45.60%
NS M from torsion 0.87% 0.08% -0.10% -0.85%
NS total 42.39% 5.38% 7.48% 44.75%
EW M from stiffness 22.26% 35.00% 35.69% 7.05% 4
Originated from TCC63.xls Version 4.0 on CD 2003 - 2017 TCC chg - FB625
3300 300 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1200 1200
0 3600
0 2400
1800 1800
-299.5 -268.2 -237 -205.8 -237 -268.2 -299.5 -330.7 -361.9 -393.2
148.77 117.55 86.319 55.092 86.319 117.55 148.77 180 211.23 242.45
1260 1440 1620 1800 1980 2160 2340 2520 2700 2880
2736 2705 2673 2642 2673 2705 2736 2767 2798 2830
2245 2276 2307 2338 2307 2276 2245 2214 2182 2151
4035 4023 4011 4017 4031 4045 4059 4072 4086 4100
3327 3340 3354 3348 3336 3324 3312 3299 3287 3275
840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 1680 1800 1920
-434.5 -422.6 -410.7 -417.5 -431.2 -444.9 -458.6 -472.3 -486 -499.7
273.34 259.91 246.48 251.75 264 276.16 288.37 300.57 312.78 325
250 2150 2150 250
3400 3400 2500 2500
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
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