Epjconf Icas2013 00038 PDF
Epjconf Icas2013 00038 PDF
Epjconf Icas2013 00038 PDF
Bina Nusantara University, School of Information System, Jl. KH. Syahdan No.9, Jakarta Indonesia
Bina Nusantara University, School of Computer Science, Jl. KH. Syahdan No.9, Jakarta Indonesia
Abstract. This study focuses on the development of a web-based attendance system with RFID in a
Indonesian higher education institution. The development of this system is motivated due to the fact that the
students attendance records are one of the important elements that reflect their academic achievements.
However, the current manual practice implemented is causing such a hassle. Empowering the usage of the new
RFID based student card, a new web based-attendance system has been built to cater the recording and
reporting of not just the students attendances, but also the lecturers and taught topics in the class. The
development of this system is inspired by the senior management. And the system can be easily accessed
through the learning management system and can generate a report in real time, This paper will discuss in
details the development until the maintaining phase of the system. Result achieved is the innovation of
developing the system proved reliable to support related business processes and empowered the intention to
maximize the usage of the RFID card. Considered as a successful implementation, this paper will give an input
for others who want to implement a similar system.
1 Introduction
Considered as one of the biggest private university in
Indonesia, Binus has been in the higher education sector
for more than 30 years. And like any other university, all
of the on campus transaction like borrowing books and Fig. 1. Binusian Flazz Card.
student services required the students to show their
specific ID card, which is called Binusian Card. Basically 1.1. Binusian Card with RFID
it is to show the staff their student number and to make
sure the one who is holding the card is the rightful owner While since 2000 the university also had the experience
whose picture is on the card. of integrating learning management system (LMS) as a
Previously the card used barcode to make it easier critical part of their day to day teaching, learning, and
to input the 10 digits that form the student number into administrative processes. They even developed their own
any kind of system used in the university. But in 2008, LMS called Binus Maya in 2005 which can be accessed
the university partnered with one of the well-known through the internet. Empowering the LMS usage, over
private bank, BCA, to use their technology called Flazz time BINUS University reengineered many of the
Card as Binusian card. The Flazz Card uses Radio previous paper based administrative process to be
Frequency Identification (RFID) chip that can be used as integrated to Binus Maya, http://binusmaya.binus.ac.id/.
cash replacement. So, now the card as shown in figure 1, The management then came up with the idea of
not only functions as an identity inside the campus, but using the new RFID based card as an input to record the
also as a mean of payment [1]. students attendance. Previously the process rely heavily
to the attendance paper form where each student signed it
when they do attend the class. And then the academic
operational staff must input it to a desktop application for
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 2.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
every class transaction done. With over 200 classroom, 6 An RFID-based Auto-ID system is made up of a
class sessions every day, And with 40 to 70 students in unique identification number, which is assigned to a
one class session, making it a very hectic and prone to particular item, an identity tag, which is attached to the
inaccuracy process to do. However, this process is item with a chip capable of storing a unique identification
important because only students who attend most of the number, networked RFID readers, and data processing
class as ruled by the university can take the exams. systems that are capable of collecting signals from
This paper will discuss in details the development multiple tags at high speeds and of preprocessing this
until the maintaining phase of the web-based attendance data, and one or more networked databases that store the
system using the new RFID based card. Although the use product information [9].
of RFID systems in educational institutions is not new, it The value of RFID technology for managing
is intended to show how the use of it came to solve daily business supply chains has only been recognized in recent
problems in our university. years. The business press has since proclaimed that RFID
marks a commercial innovation with the potential to soon
replace barcode technology in the supply chains of
2 Related Theories numerous industries [10]. The RFID technology can often
reduce or eliminate manual labor requirements. So
Student attendance has strong correlation with overall, it provides faster processes, less inventory, less
understanding the course. The poor student attendance is efforts, and better quality which provide direct cost
usually followed by the lack of their understanding of the savings [11]. To measure the value of an RFID
course and it impact to their academic achievement in the investment, we have to understand the elements of the
business and customer-related benefits as well as the
end [2]. Most educational institutions' administrators are
costs, comprehensively [12].
concerned about student irregular attendance
[3].Therefore; student attendance record system is needed
by the higher education institution. Traditional approach 3 Materials and Methods
with paper and pen becomes difficult for the management The web-based attendance system was built with
to regularly update the attendance record and manually Prototype Model Approach, which consist of :
calculate the percentage of class attendance [4]. The more 1. Preliminary User Requirements
number of students and the more number of schedules 2. Specifications Design Implementation Testing
means it is more difficult to maintain and manage the 3. Demonstration to User
attendance records. 4. Refinements to System Requirements
For this reason, the automation of student 5. System Requirements Document
attendance records is needed by academic institution, for
example using biometric systems such as fingerprint
system. By using biometric systems such as fingerprint,
recording student attendance became faster and more
accurate than recording with paper manually. This Fig. 2. Prototype Model
biometric approach also has disadvantage like students
queuing to put their finger into fingerprint reader [5]. 3.1. Prototype Model Approach
Another solution for automation of student
attendance record system is by using Radio Frequency Prototype Model places more effort in creating the actual
Identification (RFID) technology. RFID enables wireless application instead of concentrating on documentation.
data collection by readers from electronic tags attached to This way, the application could be released in advance.
or embedded in objects, for identification and other Prototyping requires more user involvement and allows
purposes. RFID systems involve software, network and them to see and interact with a prototype allowing them
database components that enable information to flow to provide better and more complete feedback and
from tags to the organizations information infrastructure specifications.
where it is processed and stored [6]. A real time system is The presence of the prototype being examined by
implemented in conjunction with RFID hardware to the user and their feedback is used to improve the
record students attendance at class. RFID is a technology application. The final product is more likely to user and
that allows for a tag affixed on identity card to developer agreement. It starts with an initial planning and
communicate wirelessly with a reader, in order for the ends with deployment with the cyclic interactions in
tags identifier to be retrieved [7]. Students only need to between. Easier to test and debug during a smaller
place their ID card on the reader and their attendance iteration. Easier to manage risk because risky pieces are
time will be recorded immediately in database real-time, identified and handled during its iteration [13].
it more accurate than conventional [8].
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