Children's Spring Announcements

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Join the Boxcar Children on

their greatest adventure

yeta secret mission
that takes them
around the
3 0 ,
2 0 1 7
A Brand-New 5-Book Miniseries
Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny Alden are
on a secret mission that takes them around the world!
When Violet finds a turtle statue that Now the Aldens must take the statues and
nobodys seen before in an old trunk at seven mysterious boxes across the country
home, the children are on the case! The clue to deliver them safelyand keep them out of
turns out to be an invitation to the Reddimus the hands of the Reddimus Societys enemies.
Society, a secret guild dedicated to returning Its just the beginning of the Boxcar Childrens
lost treasures to where they belong. most amazing adventure yet!

#1: Journey on a Runaway Train

HC 9780807506950, $12.99 PB 9780807506967, $6.99 February 2017
#2: The Clue in the Papyrus Scroll
HC 9780807506981, $12.99 PB 9780807506998, $6.99 April 2017
#3: The Detour of the Elephants
HC 9780807506844, $12.99 PB 9780807506851, $6.99 June 2017
#4: The Shackleton Sabotage
HC 9780807506875, $12.99 PB 9780807506882, $6.99 August 2017
#5: The Khipu and the Final Key
HC 9780807506813, $12.99 PB 9780807506820, $6.99 October 2017

See the inside back cover for all our plans for this exciting anniversary!

Spring 2017
P u b l i s h e r s We e k l y. c o m
J a n u a r y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

The Growth of Nonfiction in Bookstores

What Authors Wrote and Drew
When They Were Young
Sara Zarr on Her New YA Novel
Volume 264 January 30,
2017 USBBY Number 05 2017
ISSN 0000-0019

15 Spring Childrens Books

Our comprehensive listing of the seasons childrens and YA books
begins with an interview with our cover artist, Antoinette Portis.

16 Separating Fact from Fiction

How childrens booksellers are creating successful nonfiction sections.

19 Our Story Begins

Childrens authors and artists on what they wrote and drew when
they were young.

24 Survival Stories
YA author Sara Zarr mines her childhood for a novel about sisters
tested by poverty.

26168 Spring Titles

2 A Rough Start to 2017 for Librarians
Attendance was low at ALA Midwinter, and thorny questions loom
about the fate of libraries under Trump.

3 Kimball Returns to Cookbook Publishing

Christopher Kimballs Milk Street will begin publishing cookbooks this
fall. Kimball, the cofounder of Americas Test Kitchen, launched Milk
Street last May after falling out with ATKs board in November 2015.

3 The Weekly Scorecard

Unit sales of print books rose 4% in the week ended January 22
compared to the similar week last year.

7 Standing Up to President Trump

PW editorial director Jim Milliot on the need for the publishing
industry to stand by its core principles under an administration that
seems to threaten them.

Editorial cover illustration by Antoinette Portis



Fitzhenry & Whiteside
6 Deals
MCD/FSG nabs a debut thriller by a Yaddo fellow, Emily Bestler
takes the second novel by Amy Poeppel, Reston brings a Vietnam
War Memorial history to Arcade, and more.

208 Soapbox by Bob Vickrey

A sales rep remembers Southern California bookseller Dave Dutton.


Adult Hardcovers 9 Adult Paperbacks 10

Childrens 11 Apple iBooks 12
International 1314


Fiction Audio
170 General Fiction 196 Fiction
176 Mystery/Thriller 198 Nonfiction
183 SF/Fantasy/Horror 199 Childrens/YA
186 Romance/Erotica
188 Comics Childrens
201 Picture Books
Nonfiction 204 Fiction
189 General Nonfiction 207 Nonfiction

Q&A with
Jonathan Shaw

Boxed Review
The Ravens
Boxed Review
Table Bursting with Board Books

PW Publishers Weekly USPS 763-080 (ISSN 0000-0019) is published weekly, except for the last week in December.
Published by PWxyz LLC, 71 West 23rd Street, Suite 1608, New York, NY 10010. George Slowik Jr., President; Cevin
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[email protected]. PRINTED IN THE USA.

Readers Respond
Last week, we published an editorial by former New York State assemblyman
Nelson A. Denis under the headline Dear Publishers: Latinos Read Books, Too
( In it, Denis wrote that in libraries and bookstores and classrooms,
on television and film, the Latino stereotypes aboundbut Latino voices are absent. Many of our
readers agreed, arguing that U.S. publishers favor books that often present stereotypes of Latinos
rather than works featuring original Latino voices. Here are a couple highlights from Web commenters.
Latinos are avid readers and and their purchasing power is a force to be reckoned with. It is down-
right insulting that Latino writers dont get the same investment and time. I am personally tired of
seeing the same old Latino writers that Americans romanticize. I agree, some are truly great writers,
but our choices as Latinos are limited, not by the lack of talent, but by the lack of attention to a vivid
community that enjoys a good book, just like enyone else. Wil Santiago Viera

U.S. Latino literature is narrowly constrainedghetto wars, immigrant stories and chica lit. The vast
experience of nearly 60 million U.S. residents is virtually untouched. There will be a Walter Mosley
or a Terry McMillan moment, and then the publishers will see the enormity of this vibrant, untapped
market. Alex Rodriguez

From the BookLife Report Podcasts

Newsletters Meet T.J. Slee, whose novel The Vanirim won
the inaugural BookLife Prize in Fiction.
Week Ahead
PW senior writer Andrew Albanese talks about the growing backlash against S&S for signing
Tip Sheet Milo Yiannopoulos, as well as how President
Sign up for these and other great, free news-
The most-anticipated books of Donald Trump loomed large over the recently
letters at
spring 2017. concluded ALA Midwinter Meeting.
More to Come
Childrens Bookshelf The More to Come crew discusses the
When they got the call: we talk implications of the discontinuation of the
with the 2017 Newbery and New York Times graphic novel bestseller list.
Bruce Silcox

Caldecott winners, Kelly Barnhill

and Javaka Steptoe. The most-read review on
last week was Sticks Angelica, Folk Hero by PW Radio
Religion BookLine Michael DeForge (Drawn & Quarterly). Alan Burdick discusses his new

Laura Rose
Faith-focused self-publisher Tate Publishing book, Why Time Flies: A Mostly
closes down. Scientific Investigation (Simon & Blogs Schuster). Then PW childrens
Shelftalker reviews editor John Sellers recaps
Global Rights Report Bookseller Kenny Brechner on the growth of
Two backlist titles find new lives abroad. active nonfiction for young readers. the Newbery and Caldecott Awards.
THIS MONTH In Depth: Nick Adams

LIVE Sun., Feb. 5, noon 3 pm ET
Savannah Book Festival

LIVE Sat., Feb. 18


U012 February PubWeek strip.indd 1 1/25/17 2:31 PM

For Librarians, 2017 Is Off
To a Rough Start
Attendance was low at ALA Midwinter, and thorny questions loom about the
fate of libraries under Trump

he 2017 ALA Midwinter Meeting, held January at-risk and underserved youth.
2024 in Atlanta, had the lowest attendance of any Questions also loom regarding the future of other federal
Midwinter Meeting in the past 25 years. ALA offi- programs that support libraries, including the Institution of
cials reported that total attendance (including exhib- Museum and Library Services, which awards millions in grants
itors, excluding comps) was annually to libraries nation-

armando solares, courtesy of cognotes

8,326down substantially wide, and the Every Student
from the 11,716 who came to Succeeds Act, an education bill
the 2016 event in Boston. The that includes critical support
lackluster turnout follows last for school libraries. Signed by
Junes ALA Annual Conference President Obama in December
in Orlando, which had the 2015, ESSA is set to be imple-
lowest attendance in 22 years. mented this fall, but the new
The disappointing 2017 administration could change
Midwinter Meeting numbers that plan.
end a five-year trend of rising But librarians concerns
attendance at the conference about the new Trump adminis-
although, in fairness, this years tration run deeper than funding
event faced considerable compe- questions. Immediately fol-
Librarians at the 2017 ALA Midwinter Meeting participated in the
t i t i o n f r o m t h e w o m e n s Atlanta Womens March. lowing the 2016 election,
marches held throughout the many librarians expressed con-
country on January 21, including a march in cern that Trumps campaign rhetoric breached
Atlanta that many librarians participated in. some of the library communitys most funda-
ALA hopes to rebound this summer, when the mental values, including intellectual freedom,
Annual Conference returns to ALAs home- diversity, and social responsibility. In response,
town of Chicago, which typically means a on January 22, ALA hosted a lively town hall
well-attended show. The 2018 Midwinter meeting in Atlanta (a replay of which is avail-
Meeting is set for Denver. able for viewing on the American Libraries
In addition to lagging attendance, uncer- Facebook page). At the event, more than 30
tainty regarding the future of libraries under a librarians shared their thoughts on the need
Trump administration also hung over the for ALA leadership to strongly defend and
show. A day before the conference opened, the advocate for the librarys core values, knowing
Hill reported that Trump will seek to elimi- that some of those public positions will be
nate the National Endowment for the seen as political and could, in the words of
Humanities and the National Endowment for one librarian, materially harm libraries
the Arts. The NEH, which celebrated its 50th W. Kamau Bell (r.) signed copies of especially those in the countrys more conser-
his forthcoming memoir.
anniversary with a session at last years ALA vative regions.
Annual Conference, has awarded nearly 3,400 grants to libraries Values were also the subject of the shows opening keynote
over the years, totaling $515 million, plus another 80 grants to speech by W. Kamau Bell, whose memoir, The Awkward
the ALA, beginning in 1971. Most recently, the NEH funded Thoughts of W. Kamau Bell: Tales of a 64, African-American,
the ALAs Great Stories Club, a program that provides books to Heterosexual, Cisgender, Left-Leaning, Black, Proud, and Asthmatic

2 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

Blerd, Mamas Boy, B-Student, and Stand-up Comedian, will be Under the Milk Street Umbrella
published in May by Dutton. In his address, Bell, the popular
podcaster and host of the CNN show United Shades of America,
urged librarians to resist the normalization of Trumps vision Kimball Returns to
of America. Everything thats happening right now in America,
youre on the front lines of that, Bell said. You put books in
Cookbook Publishing
peoples hands, and you have to make sure that the books you
put in peoples hands reflect a wide array of ideas and a wide
array of authors, of diversity, of color, of sexuality, of gender
Political uncertainty aside, books and authors were of course
a major focus of the show, which had a full slate of author talks,
C hristopher Kimballs new multi-
media company, Christopher
Kimballs Milk Street, will begin
publishing cookbooks this fall. The cofounder
of Americas Test Kitchen launched Milk
as well as signings on the show floor. Among the highlights Street last May after having a very
were the coveted Youth Media Awards, where Kelly Barnhill public falling out with ATKs board
won the 2017 John Newbery Medal for The Girl Who Drank the in November 2015.
Moon (Algonquin) and Javaka Steptoe won the 2017 Randolph Many of the elements of Kimballs
Caldecott Medal for Radiant Child: The Story of Young Artist new company are similar to those of
Jean-Michel Basquiat (Little, Brown). Congressman and civil ATK. Milk Street has an eponymous
rights leader John Lewis was in attendance in his home district, cooking school and radio show dis-
with coauthors Andrew Aydin and Nate Powell, to accept the tributed by PRX, a public television
2017 Michael L. Printz Award for March: Book Three (Top Shelf). program that will air this fall, and a
On the adult side, the 2017 Carnegie Medals for Excellence quarterly magazine that will publish its
in Fiction and Nonfiction were also announced. Colson second issue in early March. But Kimballs
Whitehead won fiction honors for The Underground Railroad, new venture, located at 177 Milk Street
and Matthew Desmond won the nonfiction award for Evicted: near Bostons waterfront, has a much
Poverty and Profit in the American City. The authors will accept more international flavor than ATK.
the awards in June during an official ceremony at the ALA At ATK, Kimball was part of an
Annual Conference in Chicago. Andrew Albanese empire devoted to American cooking,

THE WEEKLY SCORECARD Tracking Unit Print Sales (in thousands)

Unit Sales of Print Books by Channel
Unit Sales of Print Books by Category
2016 2017* WEEK YTD JAN. 24, JAN. 22, CHGE CHGE
2016 2017* WEEK YTD
Total 11,524 11,968 4% -0.4%
Mass Merch./Other 1,475 1,329 -10% -8% Adult Nonfiction 5,458 5,697 4% -0.8%
Retail & Club 10,049 10,639 6% 1% Adult Fiction 2,353 2,437 3% 2%
Juvenile Nonfiction 805 833 3% -4%
Unit sales of print books rose 4% in the week ended Jan. 22, 2017, compared to the similar week Juvenile Fiction 2,452 2,522 3% -2%
in 2016, at outlets that report to Nielsen BookScan. Unit sales of adult nonfiction increased 4%
over the week ended Jan. 24, 2016, while the three other major categories had 3% increases. The
adult nonfiction bestseller list had a new #1: Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly topped the
chart with more than 24,000 copies sold. In second place was Three Days in January: Dwight
Unit Sales of Print Books by Format
Eisenhowers Final Mission by Brett Baier and Catherine Whitney, which sold more than 19,000
copies. The 3% gain in adult fiction sales was led by Never Never, the new book from James
2016 2017* WEEK YTD
Patterson and Candice Fix, which sold more than 27,000 copies in its first week. The Apartment
by Danielle Steel, a mass market paperback, landed in the fourth spot on the list, selling almost Hardcover 2,839 2,980 5% 2%
18,000 copies in its first week. Two editions of W. Bruce Camerons A Dogs Purpose were in the
top five bestsellers in the category: the trade paperback was #2 with almost 23,000 copies sold, Trade Paperback 7,376 6,774 -8% -8%
and the mass market edition was at #5 with about 15,000 copies sold. Veronica Roths newest
book, Carve the Mark, gave a boost to the juvenile fiction segment, selling just under 20,000 copies
Mass Market Paperback 1,068 1,021 -4% -4%
in its first week, making it #1 in the category. In second place was Jeff Kinneys Double Down, Board Books 451 495 10% 5%
which sold more than 18,000 copies. The 3% unit increase in juvenile nonfiction was helped by a
good week of sales for Shetterlys Hidden Figures: Young Readers Edition, which sold about 5,400
Audio 62 59 -4% -7%
copies, moving it up to third place on the category list.


W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 3

which developed each Kimball began two of his earlier cookbooks in 2015, The
recipe by cooking the shopping a proposal Cooks Bible (originally released in 1996)
dish in question 50 for Milk Streets first and The Dessert Bible (2000)and
times to come up with book last May, and Szczerban regards him as a genius.
the best method. By The Milk Street By signing Kimball, Szczerban said, I
contrast, Milk Street is Cookbook will be really believe that were building the next
about putting dinner on the table, which released in September. The 125-recipe juggernaut of American cooking. He
Kimball believes is what every home cook book will serve as a companion to the added: From a publishing perspective
wants, whether he or she is located in the Milk Street television series and includes these could be transformative for Little,
U.S., China, or Mexico. 40 recipes from the inaugural 13-episode Browns cookbook program. We dont do
Milk Street is really about translation season. In many respects it will also serve that manysix to eight a year. So you can
or adaptation, Kimball explained. as the flagship for the companys book expect pretty robust publishing plans.
American cooking for the most part has program. Kimball plans to do less than Given the interest in the inaugural
been Northern European cooking. The five titles per year at first, and for now he issue of Kimballs Milk Street magazine,
worlds much bigger. How you cook, how prefers to work with a publisher, even Szczerban could be on to something.
you think about cooking is different. though he handled publishing at ATK. Milk Street had more than 300,000
Something a person at one of the Milk The winning bidder for The Milk Street requests for the charter issue, mostly
Street cooking classes said resonated with Cookbook was Michael Szczerban, edito- through Facebook. The charter issue was
him: I really like cooking; Im always a rial director at Little, Brown, who signed free with a subscription for six more
beginner. Kimball added, Thats what Kimball for a two-book deal. Szczerban issues. For the second issue, Milk Street
we all are. He has begun traveling the said that as soon as he heard that Kimball has 100,000 paid readers.
world in search of new dishes, from was leaving ATK, he knew he wanted to Judith Rosen
Chinese white-cooked chicken with be part of his next venture. Kimball has
ginger-soy dressing to French carrot salad. a history with Little, Brownit reissued MONTHLY STATSHOT,

Adult Hard 35.4% -2.6%

Adult Paper 12.5% 9.5%
I N M E M O R I A M Mass Market 22.5% 2.0%
Physical Audio 7.8% -9.2%
Audio Download 14.6% 28.6%

Adult E-book -14.2% -16.9%
Childrens/YA -1.3% 5.0%
Religious Presses 4.1% 6.7%
Professional -27.9% -20.8%
K12 Materials -0.8% -7.0%

Higher Ed. -8.0% -14.3%
University Presses -5.2% -4.2%
(Comparisons of $ sales against same periods in 2015)
Sales of adult trade books rose 10.3% in August 2016
over August 2015, but sales of childrens/young adult
titles slipped 1.3%, according to figures released by the
Association of American Publishers as part of its
StatShot program. Sales in all formats in adult trade in-
creased in the month, with the exception of e-books,
Beloved Author, where sales dropped 14.2%. The decline in childrens/
young adult sales in August was due to a 4.9% decline in
Illustrator, and Friend hardcover sales and a 38.6% drop in e-book sales. For
the first eight months of 2016, sales of adult trade titles
fell 1.5% compared to the same period in 2015. In the
period, sales of downloadable audio were up 28.6%,
while the biggest decline came in e-book sales, which
fell 16.9%. Sales in the childrens/YA category fell 5% in
the first eight months of 2016, as declines of 34.7% and
8.7% in e-books and board books, respectively, offset a
17.2% increase in hardcover sales. Overall, for the 1,208
publishers who report sales to AAP, revenue was down
2.8% in August and was off 6.7% in the year to date.

4 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
NPR Publishers
Best Book Weekly
Best Book

Best Book Horn Book
Best Book
Best Book Chicago
Public Library
Best Book
Kirkus Reviews for Kids
Best Book
New York
School Library Public Library
Journal Best Book
Best Book for Kids

One extraordinary artist illuminates another A tour de force that will introduce an
in this textured, heartfelt picture book biography. important artist to a new generation.
School Library Journal (starred review) The Horn Book (starred review)

Visually arresting and vibrantly narrated. Young artists will find inspiration in Javaka
Publishers Weekly (starred review) Steptoes beautiful, energetic picture book.
Shelf Awareness (starred review)
Stellar bookmakinga riveting
portrait of a young artist. An excellent read aloud.
Kirkus Reviews (starred review) Booklist (starred review) @LBkids

By Daniel Lefferts

MCD/FSG Nabs Debut Reston Brings Vietnam War Woods Brings Two Books
Thriller by Yaddo Fellow Memorial History to Arcade to Mira
Daphne Durham of MCD/FSG secured Carl Barksdale of Arcade purchased Margaret Marbury of Mira Books
world rights to Cipher, a debut novel by world rights to historian James Reston acquired world rights (except Japanese)
Katrina Carrasco, a Jr.s A Rift in the Earth: Maya Lin, Frederick to two books by Sherryl Woods in a
jeffrey ohren

Yaddo fellow, in a two- Hart, and the Art War Over Vietnam Memory, six-figure deal negotiated by Denise
book deal brokered by in a deal brokered by Marcil of the Denise Marcil Literary
susan raines

Stacia Decker of Markus Hoffman of Agency. One book, Lilac Lane, is a new
Dunlow, Carlson, & Regal Hoffman & installment in the authors Chesapeake
Lerner. According to Associates. According Shores series, which, according to the
Carrasco Decker, the novel to Hoffman, the book publisher, is the basis for Hallmark
centers on a detective named Alma who will tell the remark- Channels most successful TV series.
infiltrates a Washington Territory Reston able story of the com- The other, Small Town Love Story: Colonial
opium smuggling ring while disguised petition for the official Vietnam War Beach, VA, is a nonfiction companion
as a man. Once shes insinuated herself, Memorialthe biggest competition for title to the Chesapeake Shores series
Alma must create an ever-more-elaborate a public work of art in American history that will touch on the real-life inspira-
series of alibis while sending coded dis- and the bitter controversy that ensued tion behind many of [Woodss] books.
patches to the Pinkertons, as well as over the winning design by Maya Lin, then The publisher adds that the Chesapeake
managing her physical attraction to a young Asian-American architecture Shores novels explore the themes of
Delphine, the head of the smuggling student at Yale. Reston Jr. has previously love and forgiveness and capture the
ring, and Wheeler, the local boss, says written books on Richard Nixon (The struggles of the OBriens, a large Irish-
Decker. The book is set to be published Conviction of Richard Nixon) and Galileo American family trying to make peace
in summer 2018 . (Galileo: A Life). Arcade is set to publish with their complicated past in a small,
A Rift in the Earth as a lead title this fall. picturesque bayside community. Both
Bestler Takes Second Novel books are slated to be published in
by Poeppel Orbit Buys Two Books in October 2017.
In a two-book deal, Linda Chester of the Victorian Paranormal Series
Linda Chester In a six-figure deal, Kristin Nelson of Force Brings Six Series
Literary Agency sold Nelson Literary Agency sold North Titles to Kensington
world rights to American rights to two new books in Gail Kensington Publishing CEO Steve
Limelight, the second Carrigers Custard Protocol series to Zacharius bought mass market rights
novel by Amy Lindsey Hall of Orbit. The series, which to the first six books in romance author
Poeppel, to Emily is set in the Victorian Marie Forces Gansett Island series. All
Poeppel Bestlers eponymous era, centers on a young six books were previ-
pamela sardinha

imprint at Atria Books. According to woman named ously self-published

Chester, the novel bears comparison to Prudence, who, with a by the author in dig-
Cynthia DAprix Sweeneys The Nest cadre of friends, rides a ital format. According
and Liane Moriartys emotionally reso- dirigible around var- to Kensington, the
nant page-turners, telling a gloriously Carriger ious parts of the British series is set on a fic-
entertaining story about city life, Empire, exploring its sordid and super- Force tional version of Block
midlife, and the absurdities of fame. natural elements (the books feature were- Island, in Rhode Island, and tells of the
Poeppels previous book, Small Admissions, wolves and vampires). The first two books lives and loves of the McCarthy family
chronicled the loves and friendships of a in the series, which is a spin-off of the and their friends. The publisher adds
young admissions counselor at an elite authors Parasol Protectorate series, are that Forces books have sold more than 5.5
private school in New York. Limelight is Prudence and Imprudence. Orbit plans to million units worldwide. The mass
expected to be published in summer publish the first book in this deal, the market paperbacks are set to begin to be
2018. seriess third, sometime in 2018. released in summer 2018.

6 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7


Standing Up to
sands, of people from publishing expressed
their unhappiness with large parts of
Trumps agenda by participating in wom-

President Trump ens marches on January 21. In fact, a

number of women helped organize groups
to march in both Washington, D.C., and

here never has been a president whose election has caused New York City. As has been pointed out
as much widespread alarm among so many people in all by many political commentators, if the momentum of those
segments of the publishing industry as Donald Trump. marches is to continue, there needs to be a way to turn that
Many in the industry would acknowledge having some- energy into an ongoing movement. PW is prepared to serve as a
thing of a liberal bent, but other Republican presidents who have vehicle to help organize industry efforts regarding the protection
won the White House, while greeted with a certain amount of of the First Amendment and other key publishing issues, such
wariness by the publishing community, were given a grace as the protection of intellectual property and adequate funding
period so that industry members could see what policy initiatives for education and cultural organizations.
they would champion. Trump has been given no such leeway, Indeed, almost as concerning as Trumps disregard for the First
and for good reason. From his speeches during the campaign to Amendment is the report in the Hill that plans are being drawn
his appointments, to his admitted disinterest in reading books, to eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and the
Trump has challenged many of the core principles of publishing. National Endowment for the Humanities. Even with very
From almost the start of his run for the presidency, Trump has modest budgets by Washington standards (roughly $147 million
shown little respect for the First Amendment and free speech annually for each agency), the two provide crucial financial sup-
issues. He has suggested that people who burn the American port to authors, small presses, and other organizations involved
flag should go to jail and promised to open up libel laws to with the arts. PW is eager to lend its voice to all parties looking
make it easier to sue news organizations over stories that public to rally support to keep these important agencies alive.
figures (such as himself) dont like. In his recent talk at Digital Book World, Macmillan CEO
No principle is more important to book publishing than John Sargent observed that President Obama was on our side
freedom of speech. To help ensure that authors and publishers from a cultural standpoint, but that many of his business policies
will remain unafraid to publish works that they believe in, no were not. For example, Sargent suggested that the Obama
matter where the subject matter falls on the political spectrum, administration seemed to favor tech companies over traditional
will require a strong commitment by individuals, companies, publishers on a number of issues. He may be right, but pub-
and organizations to protecting free speech. lishers and booksellers loved it when Obama and his family
That is why PW is following the lead of Penguin Random House visited bookstores, and Obama clearly championed our industry
and Hachette Book Group in offering to pay half its employees as a vital American institution. At a time when Trump and his
membership fees to PEN America. In announcing HBGs PEN highest aides seem all too willing to embrace alternative facts
effort, CEO Michael Pietsch observed that we are now in a climate and to undermine Americans confidence in our most funda-
where free speech is especially important, and in that spirit, PW mental institutions, book publishings missionto provide
urges other publishers to back the First Amendment through Americans with credible, vital information, and to tell the stories
whatever efforts they deem to be the most effective. that reflect the diversity that is the strength of our nationis
Industry members have certainly shown a willingness to act invaluable. At PW, we intend to stand up for that mission. We
to protect causes in which they believe. Hundreds, if not thou- hope you will too.  Jim Milliot

Call for
NYT Trims Its lists to be cut siders, including
Bestseller Lists could not be con- IDW CEO Ted
News Briefs

Feature: Art & Photography Books

The New York firmed by press Adams, Drawn & Issue: Apr. 10 Deadline: Feb. 16
Times has elimi- time on Friday, Quarterly publisher For this feature, were interested in books on
overtly political artwork, including posters and
nated a number of casualties include Peggy Burns, protest art, and works that address social jus-
bestseller lists as the graphic novel Abrams ComicArts tice; books on modernist, futuristic, and utopi-
part of an overall and manga lists, editorial director an architectures; and books on fashion as cul-
tural statement. Pub. dates: April 2017 and
plan by the paper the mass market Charles Kochman, beyond. New titles only, please; no reprints.
to revamp its cov- list, and the middle and Kensington Email pitches and links to artwork to fea-
erage of publish- grade e-book and CEO Steven [email protected] by Feb. 16 and
ing. Although the young adult e-book Zacharius, have put Call for Info: Art & Photography Books in
the subject line.
exact number of lists. Industry in- decried the move.

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 7

Nothing The slipcased edition of the March graphic
novel trilogy, Congressman John Lewiss

Like a memoir of the civil rights movement,

675% 386% returns to our trade paper list this week at
#13, following his criticism of, and by,

Dane then-president-elect Trump. The three indi-

vidual volumes each also saw great gains.
Another book moved by current events,
Hygge (pronounced HYOO-guh), a Danish 2015s We Should All Be Feminists, is
term for coziness and well-being, has based on Chimamanda Ngozi Adichies
become a bona fide lifestyle trend in the TEDx talk of the same name; the title re-
U.S.; in October, we noticed that several ceived a fair amount of mainstream coverage

595% 542%
books on the subject were due to land on our in the lead-up to the inauguration and the
shores this year, espousing the virtues of Womens March on Washington. And while
warm company, comforting food and drink, Cixin Lius The Three-Body Problem,
flickering candle- a work of science fiction set against the
light, and woolen backdrop of Chinas Cultural Revolution,
socks. The first of may not sound overtly tied to U.S. politics,
those titles to hit our it was the first book mentioned on then-
lists, The Little president Obamas widely shared reading

Book of Hygge 137% 71% list, first published in the New York Times.
by Meik Wiking,
debuts at #12 in
hardcover nonfiction.
Carving a New Path
Veronica Roth hit the jackpot with her Divergent trilogy, selling mil-
lions of copies and spawning a series of movie adaptations. Her new
N E W & N O TA B L E novel, Carve the Mark, which launches a duology, was released in 33
NEVER NEVER languages simultaneously worldwide. Our review called the book a
James Patterson and gripping space opera about two individuals who share a planet but
Candice Fox come from very different worlds and praised Roths commendable worldbuilding.
#1 Hardcover Fiction, It debuts at #1 in childrens frontlist fiction, and #5 in the country overall.
#1 overall
The first full-length novel
in the Detective Harriet TOP 10 OVERALL
Blue series follows the BookShots novella RANK TITLE AUTHOR IMPRINT UNITS
Black & Blue, which has sold 32K print
1 Never Never Patterson/Fox Little, Brown 27,564
copies since its December 2016 release.
2 Hidden Figures (movie tie-in) Margot Lee Shetterly Morrow 24,369
3 A Dogs Purpose (movie tie-in) W. Bruce Cameron Forge 22,980
THE HEART OF 4 A Man Called Ove Fredrik Backman Washington Square 21,779
AROMATHERAPY 5 Carve the Mark Veronica Roth HarperCollins/Tegen 19,484
Andrea Butje 6 Three Days in January Bret Baier Morrow 19,477
#6 Trade Paperback 7 Milk and Honey Rupi Kaur Andrews McMeel 18,847
Butje founded the Aroma- 8 Double Down (Wimpy Kid #11) Jeff Kinney Amulet 18,457
head Institute in 1999 for
9 Hillbilly Elegy J.D. Vance Harper 18,278
the study and therapeutic use of essential
10 The Apartment Danielle Steel Dell 17,852
oils; 34K people subscribe to her YouTube

8 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7


1 1 Never Never Patterson/Fox Little, Brown 9780316433174 Jan 2017 $ 28.00 27,564 28,294
2 1 3 The Mistress Danielle Steel Delacorte 9780345531117 Jan 2017 $ 28.99 12,100 55,261
3 2 13 The Whistler John Grisham Doubleday 9780385541190 Oct 2016 $ 28.95 10,831 36,073
4 3 25 The Underground Railroad Colson Whitehead Doubleday 9780385542364 Aug 2016 $ 26.95 9,962 29,868
5 7 11 The Chemist Stephenie Meyer Little, Brown 9780316387835 Nov 2016 $ 28.00 7,686 23,153
6 4 9 Cross the Line James Patterson Little, Brown 9780316407090 Nov 2016 $ 29.00 7,274 26,543


7 1 Feversong Karen Marie Moning Delacorte 9780425284353 Jan 2017 $ 28.00 6,834 6,872
8 6 17 Two by Two Nicholas Sparks Grand Central 9781455520695 Oct 2016 $ 27.00 6,437 22,325
9 8 10 No Mans Land David Baldacci Grand Central 9781455586516 Nov 2016 $ 29.00 6,392 22,789
10 9 15 Small Great Things Jodi Picoult Ballantine 9780345544957 Oct 2016 $ 28.99 5,825 19,791
11 5 3 Below the Belt Stuart Woods Putnam 9780399573972 Jan 2017 $ 28.00 5,645 24,503
12 10 12 Night School Lee Child Delacorte 9780804178808 Nov 2016 $ 28.99 4,848 16,776
13 13 12 The Wrong Side of Goodbye Michael Connelly Little, Brown 9780316225946 Nov 2016 $ 29.00 4,369 14,117
14 12 7 Tom Clancy: True Faith and Allegiance Mark Greaney Putnam 9780399176814 Dec 2016 $ 29.95 4,034 14,609
15 18 19 Commonwealth Ann Patchett Harper 9780062491794 Sep 2016 $ 27.99 3,999 12,488
16 15 20 A Gentleman in Moscow Amor Towles Viking 9780670026197 Sep 2016 $ 27.00 3,652 11,668
17 14 21 The Book of Mysteries Jonathan Cahn Frontline 9781629989419 Sep 2016 $ 21.99 3,570 12,007
18 16 10 Turbo Twenty-Three Janet Evanovich Bantam 9780345543004 Nov 2016 $ 28.00 3,392 12,328
19 23 27 The Woman in Cabin 10 Ruth Ware Scout 9781501132933 Jul 2016 $ 26.00 3,097 9,998
20 19 2 The Sleepwalker Chris Bohjalian Doubleday 9780385538916 Jan 2017 $ 26.95 2,749 6,659
21 20 9 Moonglow Michael Chabon Harper 9780062225559 Nov 2016 $ 28.99 2,680 10,428
22 40 3 Difficult Women Roxane Gay Grove 9780802125392 Jan 2017 $ 25.00 2,622 6,646
23 22 6 The Seventh Plague James Rollins Morrow 9780062381682 Dec 2016 $ 27.99 2,576 10,040
24 27 10 Chaos Patricia Cornwell Morrow 9780062436689 Nov 2016 $ 28.99 2,574 8,836
25 26 2 The Dry Jane Harper Flatiron 9781250105608 Jan 2017 $ 25.99 2,546 5,427


1 3 2 Three Days in January Bret Baier Morrow 9780062569035 Jan 2017 $ 28.99 19,477 38,487
2 4 26 Hillbilly Elegy J.D. Vance Harper 9780062300546 Jun 2016 $ 27.99 18,278 57,232
3 2 3 Food, Health, and Happiness Oprah Winfrey Flatiron 9781250126535 Jan 2017 $ 35.00 13,539 75,882


4 6 19 Killing the Rising Sun OReilly/Dugard Holt 9781627790628 Sep 2016 $ 30.00 13,474 39,456
5 5 18 Jesus Always Sarah Young Thomas Nelson 9780718039509 Oct 2016 $ 15.99 12,911 48,549
6 1 4 The Lose Your Belly Diet Travis Stork Ghost Mountain 9781939457592 Dec 2016 $ 25.95 11,863 71,842
7 7 14 The Magnolia Story Gaines/Gaines W 9780718079185 Oct 2016 $ 26.99 11,783 40,185
8 9 7 Tools of Titans Timothy Ferriss HMH 9781328683786 Dec 2016 $ 28.00 10,462 40,106
9 11 7 The Whole 30 Cookbook Melissa Hartwig HMH 9780544854413 Dec 2016 $ 30.00 8,566 32,836
10 10 4 Zero Sugar Diet David Zinczenko Ballantine 9780345547989 Dec 2016 $ 28.00 8,438 24,873
11 13 18 The Book of Joy Dalai Lama/Tutu Avery 9780399185045 Sep 2016 $ 26.00 8,257 26,415
12 1 The Little Book of Hygge Meik Wiking Morrow 9780062658807 Jan 2017 $ 19.99 7,700 7,768
13 8 4 The Princess Diarist Carrie Fisher Blue Rider 9780399173592 Nov 2016 $ 26.00 7,436 38,206
14 14 7 The Undoing Project Michael Lewis Norton 9780393254594 Dec 2016 $ 28.95 6,612 25,129
15 1 Tears We Cannot Stop Michael Eric Dyson St. Martins 9781250135995 Jan 2017 $ 24.99 6,412 6,474
16 20 4 Hidden Figures Margot Lee Shetterly Morrow 9780062363596 Sep 2016 $ 27.99 5,813 14,671
17 15 3 The Lost City of the Monkey God Douglas Preston Grand Central 9781455540006 Jan 2017 $ 28.00 5,195 20,963
18 17 9 The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Mark Manson HarperOne 9780062457714 Sep 2016 $ 24.99 5,126 17,881
19 18 54 When Breath Becomes Air Paul Kalanithi Random House 9780812988406 Jan 2016 $ 25.00 5,118 18,243
20 24 10 Born a Crime Trevor Noah Random/Spiegel & Grau 9780399588174 Nov 2016 $ 28.00 4,689 14,639
21 16 9 Thank You for Being Late Thomas L. Friedman FSG 9780374273538 Nov 2016 $ 28.00 4,593 16,960
22 29 12 The Broken Way Ann Voskamp Zondervan 9780310318583 Oct 2016 $ 22.99 4,546 12,996
23 1 Audacity Jonathan Chait Custom House 9780062426970 Jan 2017 $ 27.99 4,499 4,522
24 21 15 Skinnytaste Fast and Slow Gina Homolka Clarkson Potter 9780553459609 Oct 2016 $ 30.00 4,019 15,727
25 25 8 Talking as Fast as I Can Lauren Graham Ballantine 9780425285176 Nov 2016 $ 28.00 4,013 14,822
Information supplied by Nielsen BookScan. Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company. All rights reserved. LW Last Week WKS Weeks on List YTD Year to Date

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 9


1 1 The Apartment Danielle Steel Dell 9780425285428 Jan 2017 $ 8.99 17,852 18,477
2 4 7 A Dogs Purpose (movie tie-in) W. Bruce Cameron Forge 9780765388100 Dec 2016 $ 9.99 15,127 39,096

3 1 4 Sweet Tomorrows Debbie Macomber Ballantine 9780553391862 Dec 2016 $ 7.99 12,456 44,981
4 2 5 The Murder House Patterson/Ellis Vision 9781455589913 Dec 2016 $ 9.99 11,440 38,167
5 3 3 Mulberry Moon Catherine Anderson Jove 9780451488022 Jan 2017 $ 7.99 8,878 34,783
6 5 4 Alaska Skies Debbie Macomber Mira 9780778330172 Dec 2016 $ 7.99 8,407 29,520
7 6 4 Crash and Burn Fern Michaels Zebra 9781420140651 Dec 2016 $ 7.99 8,371 30,019
8 8 26 Rogue Lawyer John Grisham Dell 9780553393484 Jul 2016 $ 9.99 6,466 21,359
9 7 4 Wyoming Brave Diana Palmer Harlequin 9780373789948 Dec 2016 $ 7.99 6,013 24,750
10 13 22 The Girl on the Train (movie tie-in) Paula Hawkins Riverhead 9780735212169 Aug 2016 $ 9.99 5,845 18,683
11 11 3 The 14th Colony Steve Berry St. Martins 9781250058454 Jan 2017 $ 9.99 5,274 17,541
12 15 4 Breakdown Jonathan Kellerman Ballantine 9780345541420 Dec 2016 $ 9.99 5,157 17,784
13 12 4 Troublemaker Linda Howard Avon 9780062418999 Dec 2016 $ 7.99 5,147 18,295
14 14 8 Property of a Noblewoman Danielle Steel Dell 9780425285398 Nov 2016 $ 8.99 5,117 17,690
15 10 4 Clawback J.A. Jance Pocket 9781501110795 Dec 2016 $ 9.99 5,075 20,171
16 9 4 Preachers Hellstorm William W. Johnstone Pinnacle 9780786040001 Dec 2016 $ 7.99 5,011 22,005
17 16 4 War Hawk James Rollins Morrow 9780062135292 Dec 2016 $ 9.99 4,709 16,245
18 17 8 If She Only Knew Lisa Jackson Zebra 9781420142594 Nov 2016 $ 7.99 4,645 15,490
19 18 11 Tricky Twenty-Two Janet Evanovich Bantam 9780345542977 Nov 2016 $ 8.99 4,267 14,055
20 19 14 Find Her Lisa Gardner Dutton 9780451477163 Oct 2016 $ 9.99 3,926 13,986
21 20 4 The Friends We Keep Susan Mallery Mira 9780778326748 Dec 2016 $ 8.99 3,576 12,479
22 1 A Love for Leah Emma Miller Love Inspired 9780373622559 Jan 2017 $ 5.99 3,564 3,672
23 22 4 Texas John Slaughter William W. Johnstone Pinnacle 9780786039432 Dec 2016 $ 7.99 3,429 12,042
24 28 8 The Sooner the Better Debbie Macomber Mira 9780778319269 Nov 2016 $ 7.99 3,417 10,825
25 22 4 Sunrise Point Robyn Carr Mira 9780778319146 Dec 2016 $ 7.99 3,209 11,482


1 1 7 Hidden Figures (movie tie-in) Margot Lee Shetterly Morrow 9780062363602 Dec 2016 $ 15.99 24,369 65,299
2 2 7 A Dogs Purpose (movie tie-in) W. Bruce Cameron Forge 9780765388117 Dec 2016 $ 14.99 22,980 64,058
3 4 24 Uninvited Lysa TerKeurst Thomas Nelson 9781400205875 Aug 2016 $ 16.99 11,462 34,433
4 3 3 Apprentice in Death J.D. Robb Berkley 9781101987995 Jan 2017 $ 7.99 10,413 38,114
5 8 42 My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You... Fredrik Backman Washington Square 9781501115073 Apr 2016 $ 16.00 10,198 24,256
6 1 The Heart of Aromatherapy Andrea Butje Hay House 9781401951610 Jan 2017 $ 19.99 9,400 9,503
7 5 3 The Games Patterson/Sullivan Grand Central 9781455585335 Jan 2017 $ 15.99 9,221 29,507

8 6 28 The Girl on the Train Paula Hawkins Riverhead 9781594634024 Jul 2016 $ 16.00 9,160 30,273
9 1 Finding I Am Lysa TerKeurst LifeWay 9781430053521 Jan 2017 $ 21.00 8,198 8,198
10 1 The Widow Fiona Barton Berkley 9781101990476 Jan 2017 $ 16.00 7,978 8,202
11 7 4 Green Smoothies for Life J.J. Smith Atria 9781501100659 Dec 2016 $ 19.99 7,887 24,608
12 9 3 Fifty Shades Darker (movie tie-in) E.L. James Vintage 9780525431886 Jan 2017 $ 15.95 7,685 21,248
13 1 March (trilogy slipcase set) Lewis/Aydin/Powell Top Shelf 9781603093958 Sep 2016 $ 49.99 7,669 9,378
14 10 11 The Instant Pot Electric Pressure Cooker Cookbook Laurel Randolph Rockridge 9781623156121 Apr 2016 $ 14.99 5,798 19,747
15 13 40 In a Dark, Dark Wood Ruth Ware Scout 9781501112331 Apr 2016 $ 16.00 5,646 17,726
16 12 7 Island of Glass Nora Roberts Berkley 9780425280126 Dec 2016 $ 17.00 5,532 20,211
17 18 33 What to Expect When Youre Expecting Murkoff/Mazel Workman 9780761187486 May 2016 $ 15.95 5,359 15,404
18 19 2 Silence Shusaku Endo Picador 9781250082275 Jan 2017 $ 16.00 5,264 10,840
19 11 3 The House Husband James Patterson BookShots 9780316317252 Jan 2017 $ 4.99 5,209 17,653
20 1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Adult Coloring Book Dark Horse 9781506702537 Jan 2017 $ 14.99 5,156 5,282
21 16 22 The Girl on the Train (movie tie-in) Paula Hawkins Riverhead 9780735212152 Aug 2016 $ 16.00 5,093 16,598
22 14 3 Hidden James Patterson BookShots 9780316317269 Jan 2017 $ 4.99 4,752 15,602
23 15 3 The Official ACT Prep Guide, 20162017 Wiley 9781119225416 May 2016 $ 32.95 4,469 13,833
24 28 2 Dont You Cry Mary Kubica Mira 9780778330516 Jan 2017 $ 15.99 4,325 8,206
25 17 6 Air Fry Everything! Meredith Laurence Walah 9780982754047 Dec 2016 $ 24.95 3,926 11,820
Information supplied by Nielsen BookScan. Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company. All rights reserved. LW Last Week WKS Weeks on List YTD Year to Date

10 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7


1 1 Carve the Mark Veronica Roth HC/Tegen 9780062348630 Jan 2017 $ 22.99 19,484 19,979
2 12 Double Down (Diary of a Wimpy Kid #11) Jeff Kinney Amulet 9781419723445 Nov 2016 $ 13.95 18,457 57,559


3 25 Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Parts 1 and 2 J.K. Rowling et al. Scholastic/Levine 9781338099133 Jul 2016 $ 29.99 14,823 42,334
4 10 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (screenplay) J.K. Rowling Scholastic/Levine 9781338109061 Nov 2016 $ 24.99 10,594 40,146
5 10 Tales from a Not-So-Friendly Frenemy (Dork Diaries #11) Rachel Rene Russell Aladdin 9781481479202 Nov 2016 $ 13.99 9,151 29,598
6 4 Dog Man Unleashed (Dog Man #2) Dav Pilkey Graphix 9780545935203 Dec 2016 $ 9.99 8,558 26,732
7 1 Robot Revolution! (House of Robots #3) Patterson/Grabenstein LB/Patterson 9780316349581 Jan 2017 $ 13.99 5,383 5,618
8 19 Ghosts Raina Telgemeier Graphix 9780545540629 Sep 2016 $ 10.99 4,803 14,553
9 6 Word of Mouse Patterson/Grabenstein LB/Patterson 9780316349567 Dec 2016 $ 13.99 3,711 10,861
10 4 Talons of Power (Wings of Fire #9) Tui Sutherland Scholastic Press 9780545685405 Dec 2016 $ 16.99 3,704 13,211
11 21 Dog Man Dav Pilkey Graphix 9780545581608 Aug 2016 $ 9.99 3,461 9,624
12 26 Gravity Falls: Journal 3 Alex Hirsch Disney Press 9781484746691 Jul 2016 $ 19.99 3,449 10,491
13 16 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Rowling/Kay Scholastic/Levine 9780545791328 Oct 2016 $ 39.99 3,267 11,554
14 13 DanTDM: Trayaurus and the Enchanted Crystal DanTDM HarperCollins 9780062574329 Oct 2016 $ 19.99 3,068 9,514
15 3 Bad Kitty Takes the Test Nick Bruel Roaring Brook/Porter 9781626725898 Jan 2017 $ 13.99 2,933 8,956
16 1 Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior: Crafting Alliances Cube Kid Andrews McMeel 9781449482282 Jan 2017 $ 9.99 2,674 3,105
17 3 The Lego Batman Movie (junior novel) Jeanette Lane Scholastic 9781338112214 Dec 2016 $ 6.99 2,605 6,936
18 7 Pax Sara Pennypacker HC/Balzer + Bray 9780062377012 Feb 2016 $ 16.99 2,576 6,876
19 31 Red Queen Victoria Aveyard HarperTeen 9780062310644 Jun 2016 $ 10.99 2,518 8,298
20 16 The Silver Eyes (Five Nights at Freddys) Cawthon/Breed-Wrisley Scholastic 9781338134377 Sep 2016 $ 9.99 2,502 8,578
21 10 The Sun Is Also a Star Nicola Yoon Delacorte 9780553496680 Nov 2016 $ 18.99 2,278 7,696
22 9 Rush Revere and the Presidency Rush Limbaugh Threshold 9781501156892 Nov 2016 $ 19.99 2,260 7,149
23 10 Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy Cassandra Clare McElderry 9781481443258 Nov 2016 $ 23.99 2,088 7,474
24 17 The Fever Code James Dashner Delacorte 9780553513097 Sep 2016 $ 18.99 2,064 7,034
25 4 All The Bright Places Jennifer Niven Ember 9780385755917 Sep 2016 $ 10.99 1,976 6,973


1 101 First 100 Words Roger Priddy Priddy 9780312510787 May 2011 $ 5.99 7,860 23,084


2 4 Love You Always (Shiny Shapes) Roger Priddy Priddy 9780312520533 Dec 2016 $ 7.99 7,502 18,069
3 3 Oh, the Places Youll Go! Dr. Seuss Random House 9780679805274 Jan 1990 $ 18.99 7,391 13,483
4 837 Goodnight Moon Brown/Hurd HarperFestival 9780694003617 Oct 1991 $ 8.99 6,513 18,228
5 105 Love You Forever Robert Munsch Firefly 9780920668375 Sep 1995 $ 5.95 5,982 16,421
6 3 Love from the Very Hungry Caterpillar Eric Carle Grosset & Dunlap 9780448489322 Dec 2015 $ 8.99 5,963 13,218
7 3 I Love You, Stinky Face McCourt/Moore Scholastic 9780439635721 Feb 2004 $ 6.99 5,334 13,267
8 772 The Very Hungry Caterpillar Eric Carle Philomel 9780399226908 Mar 1994 $ 10.99 5,331 14,608
9 832 Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Martin/Carle Holt 9780805047905 Sep 1996 $ 7.95 5,092 14,228
10 2 I Love You (Baby Touch And Feel) DK 9781465457639 Dec 2016 $ 5.99 4,938 9,614
11 2 Happy Valentines Day, Mouse! Numeroff/Bond HC/Balzer + Bray 9780061804328 Nov 2009 $ 6.99 4,935 10,601
12 3 Llama Llama I Love You Anna Dewdney Viking 9780451469816 Dec 2014 $ 5.99 4,866 12,048
13 58 Giraffes Cant Dance Andreae/Parker-Rees Cartwheel 9780545392556 Mar 2012 $ 6.99 4,849 13,692
14 3 Snuggle Puppy! Sandra Boynton Workman 9780761130673 May 2003 $ 6.95 4,553 10,971
15 75 Little Blue Truck (board book) Schertle/McElmurry HMH 9780544568037 Jul 2015 $ 7.99 4,317 11,826
16 91 The Going to Bed Book Sandra Boynton Little Simon 9780671449025 Nov 1982 $ 5.99 4,290 12,587
17 3 On the Night You Were Born Nancy Tillman Feiwel and Friends 9780312601553 Jan 2010 $ 7.99 4,023 11,503
18 51 Guess How Much I Love You McBratney/Jeram Candlewick 9780763642648 Oct 2008 $ 7.99 3,912 10,928
19 329 Dr. Seusss ABC Dr. Seuss Random House 9780679882817 Nov 1996 $ 4.99 3,744 10,206
20 2 Happy Valentines Day, Curious George H.A. Rey HMH 9780547131078 Jan 2011 $ 8.99 3,609 8,708
21 94 Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Martin/Archambault/Ehlert Little Simon 9781442450707 Aug 2012 $ 7.99 3,593 10,079
22 2 Happy Love Day, Daniel Tiger! Friedman/Fruchter Simon Spotlight 9781481448550 Dec 2015 $ 6.99 3,474 8,181
23 3 Wherever You Are: My Love Will Find You Nancy Tillman Feiwel and Friends 9781250017970 Oct 2012 $ 7.99 3,402 8,948
24 2 Pete the Cat: Valentines Day Is Cool Dean/Dean HarperFestival 9780062198655 Nov 2013 $ 9.99 3,331 7,605
25 1 There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Rose! Colandro/Lee Scholastic 9780545352239 Nov 2012 $ 6.99 3,313 6,662
Information supplied by Nielsen BookScan. Copyright 2017 The Nielsen Company. All rights reserved. WKS Weeks on List YTD Year to Date

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 11
iBooks Bestsellers
For the week ended January 22, 2017
Paula Hawkins rides back to the top of the Fiction and Literature category with The Girl on the Train, while
Danielle Steels The Mistress commands the #2 slot. Jodi Picoults Small Great Things is at #3, and W. Bruce
Camerons A Dogs Purpose bats cleanup as its film adaptation makes headlines for animal abuse. In Comics, kids
heavyweight Raina Telgemeiers Ghosts floats to the top, and Hergs classic Tintin: In the Land of the Soviets
is its comrade in the #2 slot. Ema Keenes Tainted Love tops YA, followed by three volumes by Erin Watt.

TOP 20 TOP 10

1 The Girl on Paula Hawkins Riverhead 9780698185395 1 Ghosts Raina Telgemeier Graphix 9780545540674
the Train 2 Tintin: In the Herg Moulinsart 9782874243646
2 The Mistress Danielle Steel Delacorte 9780425285350 Land of the Soviets
3 Small Great Things Jodi Picoult Ballantine 9780345544964 3 Smile Raina Telgemeier Graphix 9780545780018
4 A Dogs Purpose W. Bruce Tor 9781429960274 4 Drama Raina Telgemeier Graphix 9780545779968
Cameron 5 March: Book One Lewis/Aydin/ Top Shelf 9781603093026
5 The Underground Colson Doubleday 9780385537049 Powell
Railroad Whitehead 6 Injustice: Sebela/Santucci DC
6 The Shadow Carlos Ruiz Zafn Penguin 9781101147061 Ground Zero #16
of the Wind 7 Justice League vs. Williamson/Rocha DC
7 A Man Called Ove Fredrik Backman Atria 9781476738031 Suicide Squad #5
8 Milk and Honey Rupi Kaur Andrews McMeel 9781449478650 8 Batman #15 King/Gerads DC
9 The Winter of John Steinbeck Penguin 9781440638671 9 Wolverine: Millar/McNiven Marvel 9780785171355
Our Discontent Old Man Logan
10 Two by Two Nicholas Sparks Grand Central 9781455520701 10 Sisters Raina Telgemeier Graphix 9780545540667
11 Commonwealth Ann Patchett Harper 9780062491817
12 The Friday Night Kate Jacobs Putnam 9781101128817
Knitting Club TOP 10
13 Big Little Lies Liane Moriarty Berkley 9780698138636 YA
14 The Woman in Ruth Ware Scout 9781501132940 RANK TITLE AUTHOR IMPRINT ISBN
Cabin 10
1 Tainted Love Emma Keene Emma Keene
15 A Gentleman Amor Towles Viking 9780399564048
in Moscow 2 Twisted Palace Erin Watt Erin Watt 9781945034022
16 What She Knew Gilly MacMillan Morrow 9780062413871 3 Paper Princess Erin Watt Erin Watt 9781945034015
17 City of Women David R. Gillham Penguin 9781101599341 4 Broken Prince Erin Watt Erin Watt 9781945034008
18 The Book of Aron Jim Shepard Vintage 9781101874325 5 The Hunger Suzanne Collins Scholastic Press 9780545229937
19 Trigger Warning Neil Gaiman Morrow 9780062330291 Games
20 The Shack William P. Young Windblown 9780964729292 6 The Elite Kiera Cass HarperTeen 9780062059987
7 The One Kiera Cass HarperTeen 9780062060013
8 The Selection Kiera Cass HarperTeen 9780062059956
9 Under the Tracie Puckett Tracie Puckett 9781465892379
10 The Crown Kiera Cass HarperTeen 9780062392190

Source: Charts supplied by Apple Inc., copyright 2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. iBooks is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

12 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
Combined Fiction and Nonfiction
La paranza dei bambini Il labirinto degli spiriti
The Childrens Fishing Boat The Labyrinth of the Spirits
1 Roberto Saviano
4 Carlos Ruiz Zafn
Feltrinelli Mondadori

Larte di essere fragili La ragazza del treno

The Art of Being Fragile The Girl on the Train
2 5
Local Favorites Alessandro DAvenia
Paula Hawkins

Top in Italy, Harry Potter e la maledizione dellerede

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
A cosa servono i desideri
What Are the Desires

Spain, Sweden 3 J. K. Rowling, John Tiffany, and Jack Thorne

6 Fabio Volo

lberto Espinosas latest book,
For the week ended Dec. 16; used by arrangement with Informazioni Editoriali
the self-help guide The Secrets
I Never Told You, remained on
top of the nonfiction list in SPAIN
Spain in December. An industrial engineer Fiction Nonfiction
by training, Espinosa has gone on to work El laberinto de los espritus Los secretos que jams te contaron
as a screenwriter, playwright, writer, actor, The Labyrinth of the Spirits The Secrets I Never Told You
director, and columnist at the Barcelona- 1 Carlos Ruiz Zafn Albert Espinosa
based daily newspaper El Peridico de Planeta Grijalbo
Gatalunya. On top of the fiction chart is
Carlos Ruiz Zafns The Labyrinth of The Todo esto te dar Toca el piano
Spirits, the fourth and final volume in his All This I Will Give You How to Play the Piano
2 Dolores Redondo James Rhodes
Cemetery of Forgotten Books series.
HarperCollins will publish The Labyrinth Planeta Blackie Books
in the U.S. later this year.
Falc Homo Deus. Breve historia del maana
Lars Keplera pseudonym for husband-
Falco Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow
and-wife writing team Alexandra Coelho Arturo Prez-Reverte Yuval Noah Harari
Ahndoril and Alexander Ahndorilhit 3 Alfaguara Crtica
the top of Swedens fiction list with The
For the week ended Jan. 2; used by arrangement with El Cultural
Rabbit Hunter, the sixth book in the
Joona Linna series, which follows
Detective Superintendent Linna as he SWEDEN
attempts to stop a mysterious killer Fiction Nonfiction
called the Rabbit Hunter. Topping non-
fiction was Sometimes I Dont Feel So Good Kaninjgaren Ibland mr jag inte s bra
by YouTube sensation Therese Lindgren. The Rabbit Hunter Sometimes I Dont Feel So Good
1 Lars Kepler Therese Lindgren
On Italys combined fiction and non-
Albert Bonniers Frlag Bokfrlaget Forum
fiction list, Novembers #2-ranked book,
Roberto Savianos The Childrens Fishing Kan man d tv gnger? Guinness World Records 2017
Boat, unseated The Art of Being Fragile, Can You Die Twice? Guinness World Records 2017
by poet and schoolteacher Alessandro 2
Leif G.W. Persson Bonnier Fakta
DAvenia, for the #1 position. Saviano, Albert Bonniers Frlag
an Italian journalist and essayist, is the
creator of the Italian crime drama TV Strst av allt En droppe midnatt
series Gomorrah, an adaptation of his The Greatest of All A Drop of Midnight
3 Malin Persson Giolito Jason Timbuktu Diakit
2006 nonfiction book of the same name.
John Maher Wahlstrm & Widstrand Albert Bonniers Frlag
For the week ended Dec. 16; used by arrangement with Svensk Bokhandel

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 13
Combined Fiction and Nonfiction

1 Five on Brexit Island Bruno Vincent Quercus 230,144 Hardcover Brexit Island, from the new
2 The Midnight Gang David Walliams HarperCollins 224,304 Hardcover Enid Blyton for Grown-ups
Childrens Books series, landed at #1 on the
U.K. combined fiction and
3 Guinness World Records 2017 Guinness World Records176,647 Hardcover
nonfiction list. At #2 is
4 The GCHQ Puzzle Book Michael Joseph 173,581 Paperback David Walliamss power-
5 Fantastic Beasts and Where to J.K. Rowling Little, Brown 158,842 Hardcover house bestseller The
Find Them Midnight Gang, followed by
6 Hello, Is This Planet Earth? Tim Peake Century 157,310 Hardcover Guinness World Records
7 Jamie Olivers Christmas Jamie Oliver Michael Joseph 119,851 Hardcover 2017. The GCHQ Puzzle
Cookbook Book published by Michael
8 How It Works: The Grandparent Jason Hazeley Michael Joseph 107,231 Hardcover Joseph took #4, and J.K.
(Ladybirds for Grown-Ups) and Joel Morris Rowling stayed in the top
five with Fantastic Beasts
9 Double Down Jeff Kinney Puffin 106,373 Hardcover
and Where to Find Them.
10 Lean in 15: The Sustain Plan Joe Wicks Bluebird 102,517 Paperback

On the Australian com-
Combined Fiction and Nonfiction bined list, Rowling
soared to #1 with her
screenplay for Fantastic
1 Fantastic Beasts and Where to J.K. Rowling Little, Brown 61,627 Hardcover Beasts and Where to Find
Find Them Them, and Jeff Kinneys
2 Double Down Jeff Kinney Puffin 58,770 Paperback 11th Wimpy Kid install-
3 Guinness World Records 2017 Guinness World Records 49,261 Hardcover ment, Double Down, took
#2. Guinness World
4 Night School Lee Child Bantam 45,154 Paperback
Records 2017 proved as
5 Working Class Boy Jimmy Barnes HarperCollins Australia 41,994 Hardcover popular down under as in
6 The Four Legendary Kingdoms Matthew Reilly Macmillan Australia 38,064 Hardcover the U.K., hitting the #3
7 The Barefoot Investor Scott Pape Wrightbooks 37,367 Paperback position.

NEW ZEALAND Lee Childs Night School

was #1 on the combined
Combined Fiction and Nonfiction
New Zealand list in
Chelsea Winters cook-
1 Night School Lee Child Bantam 12,641 Paperback
book Scrumptious. At #3
2 Scrumptious Chelsea Winter Random House 9,740 Paperback was David Walliamss
New Zealand
The Midnight Gang, and
3 The Midnight Gang David Walliams HarperCollins 8,469 Paperback Jeff Kinneys Wimpy
Childrens Books Kid novel Double Down
4 Double Down Jeff Kinney Puffin 7,208 Paperback was #4. Rounding out
5 Small Great Things Jodi Picoult Allen & Unwin 5,150 Paperback the top five was Jodi
Picoults latest, Small
6 Brendon McCullum: Declared Greg McGee Mower 4,627 Hardcover
Great Things.
7 Richie McCaw 148 Richie McCaw Mower 4,411 Hardcover

Source: Nielsen BookScan

14 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
Edit d by ian Roback

e D e
Welcome to our spring 2017
childrens announcements issue!
Along with our comprehensive
listings of childrens and YA titles to
be published between February 1
and July 31, author Sara Zarr talks
about her widely anticipated YA
novel, Gem & Dixie; authors and
illustrators share stories and
pictures they wrote and drew when
they were children; and we explore
the burgeoning category of
nonfiction in bookstores.
Happy reading!


class taught by picture book author Barbara
s a child, Antoinette Portis recalls, Bottner. I had an idea of writing about
we had a gazillion books in our imagination, about sitting in a cardboard
house. She remembers reading box, Portis saysthe tension between
Where the Wild Things Are and Little what a kid sees and what a grownup sees.
Bear to her younger brother: The That idea became her first book, Not a
illustrations were so expressive, so deep. I was Box. Barbara said, Send it to Margaret
seeing the ineffable for the first time. I remember Anastas at HarperCollins, I think shell
thinking, I want to go there someday. like it. I got a two-book deal and it was a
Portis wrote poetry in high school and college, bestseller and then I had a career. She did
but her poetry professor told her no one can make a living as six books at Harper, then moved to Neal Porters imprint at
a poet. Her painting teacher, however, was much more encour- Roaring Brook, where shes on her third two-book deal.
aging, telling her you have a talent, you should nurture it. I feel like this is the greatest job Ive ever had, Portis says.
After college she worked as a video performance artist and Ive found my calling. I get to be alone and make stuff up. I get
graphic designer, then went into advertising and TV com- to share it, I get to read it to kids and hopefully inspire one of
mercials. It was really fun and eventually became repellent, them to make books some day, too. I feel like everything I ever
she says. A short freelance gig at Disney Consumer Products loved doing shows up in some way in writing and illustrating
turned into nine years, but the whole time I was there I felt picture books.
my true secret self was safely hidden, she says. She seized the And Portis delights in being able to tell kids: This is a job;
opportunity when voluntary layoffs were offered, and joined a you can make a living doing this amazing thing. D.R.

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 15
By Judith Rosen

s childrens publishers Checking the Facts
increase the number of Although the total number of chil-
nonfiction books they drens nonfiction books in print has
release each year and new remained steady for the past two years
imprints enter the at 55 million, some nonfiction cate-
market with visually appealing titles, gories are popping, according to
booksellers have begun rethinking their Kristen McLean, director of new busi-
childrens sections and reexamining the ness development at Nielsen Book/
best ways to promote nonfiction titles. Nielsen Entertainment. At a presen-
Though nonfiction doesnt account for a tation at Childrens Institute in
large share of childrens inventory at most Orlando, Fla., last June, she said that
independent bookstores yetits 15% of childrens graphic novels, including
childrens books at Elliott Bay Book nonfiction, saw a 62% increase in
Company in Seattle, 10% at Square units from 2014 to 2015. In fact,
Books, Jr. in Oxford, is poised graphic novels for kids have become
to take off. so popular that the book industry
Even before 2009 and the beginning of recently added two new BISAC sub-
Common Core, some booksellers were ject codes to separate juvenile graphic
seeing narrative nonfiction and informa- novels from YA: one each for graphic
tional books take off. Carol Moyer, man- novel YA fiction and nonfiction.
ager of the childrens book department at Guy Fruge, age eight, peruses the kids nonfiction section After then-president-elect Donald
33-year-old Quail Ridge Books in at Square Books, Jr. in Oxford, Miss. Trump criticized author and con-
Raleigh, N.C., says that shes observed gressman John Lewis on Twitter ear-
sales of nonfiction childrens books grow alongside the spread lier this month, sales of Lewiss YA graphic novel March trilogy
of digital content. Yes, kids can use a keyboard, but they still (Top Shelf), about the civil rights movement and his role in it,
want a book, Moyer says. Maybe it gives them more space to moved to the top of many bestseller lists. The series, written
explore and more context. with Andrew Aydin and illustrated by Nate Powell, will likely
When Quail Ridge moved to a new 9,000-sq.-ft. location last stay there following the third books performance at the
July, Moyer was able to give the stores history and biography American Library Associations Youth Media Awards last
sections more room and to maintain its commitment to an weekit received the Coretta Scott King Award, the Michael
extensive science section. The Who Was series (Grosset), which L. Printz Award, the Robert F. Silbert Informational Book
Moyer credits with exploding the field of childrens biog- Award, and the YALSA award for YA nonfiction.
raphy, now has its own shelf. Picture book biographies are Active nonfiction that helps kids learn to make and do
shelved together, because their physical size is so different. things, which includes books on coding, is also popping,
Last fall when the much newer Little City Books in Hoboken, McLean said at Childrens Institute, noting that the number
N.J., which opened its doors in 2015, added the 800-sq.-ft. of titles in print jumped 295% between 2014 and 2015.
space next door to create a childrens annex, owners Kate Jacobs What were really seeing here, she added, is kids driving
and Donna Garban decided to devote a 10 ft. x 15 ft. room to interest in nonfiction that reflect their interests. Several chil-
nonfiction. We love hard science, history, biography, and art drens nonfiction categories have begun to increase over the
with good writing mixed with good illustration, Jacobs says. course of 2016, according to recent Nielsen BookScan data,
We have a whole bright sunny room with loads of face outs. including history, sports, people, and places; education and
She adds that one wall is reserved for face-outs of large-format reference; holidays, festivals, and religion; biographies and
books. Jacobs attributes the growth of nonfiction at Little City autobiographies; and social situations, family and health.
to the growing aversion to the Internet and children spending
endless hours on screens. She notes: We have an engaged, Getting Expansive
educated parent community. They are always looking for stimu- At Parnassus Books in Nashville, Stephanie Appell, manager
lating information for their kids. of books for young readers, has brought her skills as a former

16 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
C h i l d r e n s B o o k s e l l i n g

FICTION How childrens booksellers are

creating successful nonfiction

childrens librarian to bear on the stores nonfiction section, library-oriented books

which grew as part of last springs store expansion into a neigh- that are visually stimu-
boring storefront. Parnassus added an additional 1,850 sq. ft. lating. And shes big
for a total of 5,000 sq. ft. Im a nut about making things on booking school
organized and browse-able, Appell says. She pulled out YA events with nonfiction
nonfiction to create a separate section for the first time and writers whose work
tripled the size of the stores childrens nonfiction offerings. has a nonfiction under-
She continues to shelve nonfiction graphic novels with fictional pinning, such as
ones, because in her experience, kids who like to read graphic Jacqueline Davies,
novels are looking for both fiction and nonfiction books in author of the Lemonade Author Jacqueline Davies gives a presentation
that format. War series (HMH) and on pandas at Northeast Elementary in
Mystic, Ct.
For us, [nonfiction] is growing healthily, Appell says. Panda Pants (Knopf).
Some of that is because customers are coming in looking for
it, and customers and staff can find things better [since the Nonfiction Is Beautiful
expansion]. Shes also seen an increase in schools assigning I have always been a self-indulgent nonfiction buyer, with the
nonfiction reading, which she attributes to Common Core. A nonfiction section being situated within a skip and hop from
big believer that everyones a reader if you just get the right my desk, says childrens buyer and bookseller Jilleen Moore at
book, Appel encourages discovering role models from history, Square Books, Jr., the childrens bookstore of Square Books in
coding, and STEM for both girls and boys. Oxford, Miss. She credits Mary Pope Osbornes 25-year-old
One of the Parnassuss top sellers last fall was Melissa Sweets Magic Tree House series, which mixes fiction and nonfiction,
middle grade biography of E.B. White, Some Writer! (HMH). with paving the way for todays nonfiction titles. Moore gets
We made a decision as a store that we wanted to champion that help choosing which books to stock from staff and from mem-
book for the holidays, Appell says. Ann [Patchett, the stores bers of the stores Junior Advisory Board. These middle graders
co-owner] wrote a shelftalker. Patchett also listed the book as read galleys and alert her to strong nonfiction and fiction
one of her holiday picks in the New York Times Book Review and titles coming up. Among Moores new favorites are the funky
on the stores blog, where she advised readers: Its a book for and retro Flying Eye books and Tundra Books Disgusting
every age, including 53. I loved it. Critters nonfiction early chapter series, with Mo Willems
Kelsy April, the childrens book buyer for both Bank Square esque illustrations. The latter picked up momentum at her
Books in Mystic, Ct., and the nearly year-old Savoy Bookshop store over the holidays.
and Caf (which she also manages) in Westerly, R.I., has made For Suzanna Hermans, co-owner of Oblong Books in
it her personal mission to promote kids nonfiction every hol- Millerton and Rhinebeck, N.Y., fall 2013 was a turning
iday season. Among her picks for the 2016 holidays were three point for kids nonfiction, with the publication of Maps
books popular at many stores: Debbie Levy and Elizabeth (Big Picture), a childrens atlas illustrated by Aleksandra and
Baddeleys picture book biography of Supreme Court Justice Daniel Mizielinska. She says that it set the bar for large-
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I Dissent (Simon & Schuster) and Kate format illustrated nonfiction: Common Core may have
Schatzs Rad American Women A-Z (City Lights) and its spin-off, gotten the growth started. But whats driving sales now is a
Rad American Women Worldwide (Ten Speed). beautiful, vibrant visual presentation paired with subjects
Both Bank Square and Savoy have general nonfiction sections that interest kids.
for children ages eight and under, which are organized by subject Though picture books and middle grade nonfiction do best
with many heavily illustrated titles. Im a huge fan of visual for Hermans, she has seen YA nonfiction grow over the past year
literacy, says April, who has done well with books from Flying in terms of sales. In 2016, her biggest nonfiction titles
Eye, the childrens imprint of Nobrow Press, and from Big included the Mizielinskas Under Water, Under Earth (Big
Picture Press, the illustrated imprint launched by Candlewick Picture); Lindsay Mattick and Sophie Blackalls Finding Winnie
in 2013. Publishers are responding really well to the demand (Little, Brown), the story of the bear that inspired Winnie the
for [kids] nonfiction. April says she is willing to test books Pooh; Nancy Castaldos The Story of Seeds (HMH); and Cloth
from different types of publishers in the stores, including new Lullaby (Abrams), a picture book biography of the artist
illustrated imprints such as 360 Degrees from Tiger Tales, and Louise Bourgeois.

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 17
C h i l d r e n s B o o k s e l l i n g

From the Authors POV

From childrens book authors and illustrators perspective,
booksellers willingness to stock more nonfiction is good news.
I think kids have always loved true stories; they crave them,
says Tanya Stone, whose latest book for teens, Girl Rising:
Changing the World One Girl at a Time (Random/Lamb, Feb.), While many works of nonfiction, particu-
was inspired by the girls featured in the documentary of the larly those with beautiful illustrations from
same name. She has three picture books about little-known trade houses, are resonating with children
women in history, which will begin appearing in 2018, as well these days, the bookseller jury is still out
as a longer work like Courage Has No Color (Candlewick). on young readers adaptations of bestsell-
ing adult books, such as The Boys in the
I write true stories and I call them that, Stone says. I use
Boat (Viking), Hidden Figures
every tool that I would use in fiction, except I dont make any-
(HarperCollins), and Unbroken
thing up. What I want is for a kid to be engaged in the story. (Delacorte).
But she is not happy with the trend of shelving nonfiction Im conflicted about them,
picture books by subject. As a parent herself, she says that many says Kelsy April of Bank Square
parents follow particular authors and illustrators and would and Savoy. I like the option of
prefer to search for them in a single picture book section. having them. I always make it clear
that its not going to be as violent
or intense [as the original]. On the
other hand, she sells a number of
copies to schools.
At Elliott Baywhich has seen its
biggest burst in childrens nonfiction sales
from middle grade titles such as Winifred
Conklings Radioactive! (Algonquin) and
Caitlin Alifirenka and Martin Gandas I
Will Always Write Back (Little, Brown)
many of the people buying young readers
sara jablonski

editions are picking them up as ESL titles, notes buyer

Holly Myers.
Quail Ridge, which has done particularly well with
Jason Chin talks with students at the Founders Memorial School in young readers titles, has also had a number of adult buyers
Essex Junction, Vt. for the book. Not that thats a problem for Carol Moyer:
A well-written nonfiction book for children can introduce
an adult to a topic.
Author and illustrator Jason Chin, a former bookseller at
At Parnassus, Stephanie Appell has gotten a lot of
Books of Wonder in New York City, got his start at the same questions from customers about how young readers books
time as Common Core was getting underway. Neal Porter at are adapted and about whether or not the author is involved.
Roaring Brook bought the first book that Chin wrote and illus- She would like to see more transparency from the publishers
trated, Redwoods, and published it under the nonfiction Flash about how the books are written.
Point imprint in 2009. My intent was to write picture book And some readers would like to know more about how
stories, says Chin, whose heavily researched and beautifully publishers select books and why. Last fall when Delacorte
constructed books usually feature a girl or boy who launch the published a YA edition of Dan Browns The Da Vinci Code,
action. He says that he was influenced by both The Magic School it ran into some blowback on Twitter; one young woman
Bus and the Magic Tree House series. Theres a fictional story, wrote, Im an adult now, but I read the original when I was
12 so inner-teen-me is raging. The decision to create a
but you learn some history, says Chin. He uses a similar tech-
more kid-friendly version appropriate for younger teens
nique for his newest title, Grand Canyon (Roaring Brook/Porter,
was something that the author, whose parents were teachers,
Feb.), which he describes as a double picture book because of had long wanted to do. He was especially interested in
its 56-page length. getting young readers interested in digging into history.
With plenty of different types of nonfiction stories to choose As for sales, they can be mixed as well. [Young readers
from and kids excitement about reading nonfiction, the condi- editions] did well in 2015, but there wasnt really a big one
tions are right for kids nonfiction to grow. Our nonfiction for us last year, says Oblongs Suzanna Hermans. On the
section has at times past been an albatross, as young adult other hand 2017 could be better. Now that the movie is in
fiction once was, Moore says. Thankfully, people are begin- theaters, she is starting to see Hidden Figures move.  J.R.
ning to think again. 

18 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
Childrens authors and artists on what they wrote and drew when they were young

In a book due out from Atheneum

this July, a number of childrens
book creators recall their youthful
creative efforts. Their entries were
collected and edited by author
Elissa Brent Weissman, and we
present a selection of them here. Some
of the essays have been condensed
slightly from the original.

R.J. Palacio
I always knew I wanted be a writer and an artist. The two went
hand in hand for me. Even if the assignment was to write a poem,
I would draw a picture to accompany it. My teachers always
encouraged my drawings and told my mother I had talent.
Both my parents were passionate book lovers, so I grew up in
a home full of books. My mothers favorite childrens book to
read to me at night was The Little Prince. That, and the short
stories of Oscar Wilde. My father was a gifted storyteller, who
would tell me stories about the constellations and planets. Both
of them, my mom and my dad, always supported my drawing
and writing. They acted like everything I ever created was a
masterpiece, and, strangely enough, I believed them. The con-
fidence boost you get from that kind of unconditional lovethe
sense that your creative efforts have true valuereally does stay
with you forever. As does the notion, which I inherited from
my parents, that growing up to be an artist or a writer is just
about the greatest thing a person can become in life, the highest
kind of achievement.
I had a few recurring obsessions, even back then, that have
stayed with me as a grown-up. Ive always loved horses. I used
to draw them all the time, in the margins of my notebooks, on
the blue denim cover of my loose-leaf binder. And I always loved
Greek mythology: stories of the gods and goddesses of Olympus,
the fantastical creatures. The story of Pegasus was the perfect con-
vergence of my two passionshorses and Greek myths. The poem
Winged Steed was published in the school newspaper when I
was in the third grade. It was the first piece of my writing that
ever got published, and I remember feeling completely elated
that people would be reading my words, my feelings. Reading it
now, I doubt I even knew what half the words meant, but I liked
that kind of flowery language at the time. I had made an accom-
panying drawing, which they didnt publish, so Im glad to have
the opportunity now, after all these years, to finally see it in print!
I still fill my notebooks with doodles of horses, by the way.
And I still dream of winged steeds.

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 19
Creative Childhoods

Chris Gall
I have been drawing pictures for as long as I can remember.
When I was caught doodling on my desk in second grade, my
teacher suggested that I might become an artist someday, then
made me clean all the desks in the classroom. I really began to
find my passion somewhere in the fifth grade. I had tried to
draw objects from life, but my trees looked like nuclear explo-
sions. I tried to draw peoples faces, but they always looked like
zombies. It takes many years of practice to make a drawing look
like what it is supposed to be. Instead, I turned to my imagina-
tion for inspiration. Fortunately, I had a lot of it, as I was always
daydreaming. What would my house look like someday? If I
were a mad scientist, what would my laboratory look like? If I
traveled the world, how would I get around? Imagining new
worlds and places gave me lots of freedom to draw whatever
I wanted. It wasnt long before I was studying shading and
perspective, and my art
started to become more
realistic. Practice helps a
My drawings at this
age suggest that I might
have grown up to be an
architect or a designer.
But really, I was creating
new adventures for
myself. In seventh grade,
I won a Read Magazine
Eric Rohmann Young Writers Award,
When I was nine years old, I made a get-well card for my aunt and that inspired me to
Helen. Using pencil and crayons, I drew her dog, Butchy. The create stories to go with
thing is, I had never actually met Butchy except through old my art. My real adventures
photographs. Over years of family gatherings, I had heard sto- were just beginning.
ries, always told fondly, of the sweet black-and-white spaniel.
To my young mind, I thought that one way to cheer my sick
aunt would be to remind her of something she loved. And so I
drew Butchy.
I have always made pictures. I drew what was around me,
what I liked, and what I cared about. Drawing was how I found
my way in the world. Thats because drawing requires looking
closely, so closely that you begin to see details youd never see
in a glance. You begin to see variations in color and shadow.
You begin to see patterns and connections. But as I drew more
and more, I discovered something else. Drawing isnt just about
seeing. Its about feeling. A picture is not just a description, but
a doorway into my thoughts and emotions. A sick aunt, the
memory of her beloved dog, a handful of crayons, and the need
to tell a story join together on the page.
I dont recall Aunt Helens response to my card, but many
years later, after her death, I found the drawing in a box among
her belongings, carefully folded, wrapped in tissue paper with
my name written on a yellowed bit of tape.

20 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
Creative Childhoods

make myself stop writing at 1000 words. I still went over my

mark. By the time I finished, on the eve of my 13th birthday, I
had 39 full notebooks.
By the seventh grade, my reading was all over the place. From
Eldridge Cleavers Soul on Ice to Harold Robbinss The
Carpetbaggers, Erich Segals Love Story, and more adult books. By
the eighth grade, Id be an Ayn Rand devotee. I was growing
up and was reaching for everything.
I had a crush on a trumpet player in band: Franky, the
constant subject in my lock-and-key diary. I liked all things
Frankyincluding Frank Sinatra. I watched all the Rat Pack
caper movies. My obsession
with all things Franky
inspired my first movie
screenplay, written for
Frank Sinatra. A down-on-
his-luck alcoholic detective
takes a dangerous job in Las
Vegas to make his alimony
payments. Id even written
a Sammy Davis Jr. part.
What did this have to
do with Franky, trumpet
player at Linden Junior
High School? Only offbeat,
seventh-grade Rita Williams
could have made that
In the meantime, I visited
the St. Albans Branch Public Library around the corner from
our house in Queens, N.Y., to check out books on the business
Rita Williams-Garcia of writing: The Writers Handbook and Writers Market. I didnt
Jackie Rice was the coolest girl in the sixth grade, which, in our just want to write my stories. I wanted to sell them. I had big
K6 school, meant she was the coolest girl at Highland plans for the dough that would roll my way. Clothes! Real
Elementary in Seaside, Calif. Jackie was the first to hit the seventh-grader wear. No more little-girl dresses with Peter Pan
playground with the newest dances and slang. She was our collars. And a bra. A real bra that was up to the task at hand.
fastest runner, and in the words of my mother, That little Rice The situation was dire. I had to make money, and writing would
girl was a taste too grown. be my magic ticket.
When it was time for our military family to pack up and I learned how to prepare a manuscript. How to write a query
relocate to Georgia and then finally to New York, Jackie was letter. To always include a self-addressed stamped envelope
the first to sign my scrapbook: To Rita, an off-beat but nice young aka SASEwith every correspondence to ensure an answer. Id
lady. My friends were horrified for me and urged me to cross rent my sisters typewriter at five cents a pop, type articles and
out the off-beat part. Jackies words might have seemed short stories, and then mail them to McCalls, Ladies Home
unkind, but I chose to revel in the truthfulness of them. Offbeat. Journal, and Readers Digest. Id wait four to six weeks. Much to
Yes! Thats me! And offbeat, I was. Today they call it nerdy. the amusement of my older sibs, a letter of rejection always
Still, I was my own brand of nerd. came sooner than six weeks. Discouraged? Never! I had read
I kept a lock-and-key diary, but by the seventh grade, I also that rejection was part of a writers life. It was official. I was a
kept a journal about the daily junior high grind and a sketch- writer.
book for story ideas and publishing advice. Most important, I Postscript: Alas, Franky the trumpet player and I werent
wrote 500 words nightlymainly for my elementary school meant to be. Many decades later, I married Fred, who, in spite
memoir, Highland. While the events were true, I couldnt recall of being barred from joining our junior high school band,
the dialogue verbatim, so I did my best to pen the gist of the had made a living as a professional musician. Thats another
conversations. I drew the stop sign in the corner of the page to story.

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 21
Creative Childhoods

painting of a strange creature by the artist H.R. Giger, who

went on to design the monsters in the movie Alien. I became
really obsessed with his scary artwork and created my own mon-
sters, inspired by his use of skeletons and horns.
Around this time, the original Star Wars was released, and
after I saw the movie, I drew all my favorite characters. Im not
sure why I picked Grand Moff Tarkin to draw. I also drew more
popular characters like Princess Leia and Darth Vader, but I
guess Grand Moff Tarkin made an impression too. (Youll notice
I spelled his name wrong!) Im probably the only person in the
world who has ever drawn a picture of Grand Moff Tarkin when
they were 11. Also, I must have done this drawing before I met
my art teacher Eileen Sutton because there is no little white
highlight in his eyes.

Yuyi Morales
I dont have many pictures of me at the age I made this painting.
Just the year before, I had entered the new world of middle
school, and already I had transformed from a disciplined kid
with good grades into someone rather invisible, except for the
times when teachers called my name and I didnt know the
answers to their questions.
Brian Selznick In those days, I went through many changes; I cut off most
The story in my family is this: My grandmothers maid gave me of my long child hair and I let my fingernails grow. I wanted
tinfoil to keep me out of trouble. Id use it to sculpt things like to feel like I was already a seorita, a young woman, but I was
flowers and dinosaurs. According to the lore, this was my intro- only 12 and my body was responding slowly.
duction to art. Ive drawn and made things ever since. In kin- On the first day of school, Seor Cruz Mata, our math teacher,
dergarten, I remember getting a lot of attention when we all shuffled his octogenarian feet toward the chalkboard and,
had to draw a seal with a ball on its nose and mine was the best. without uttering a word, began writing numbers and formulas
My kindergarten teacher wrote on my report card, Brian is a I had never before seen in my life. Right away, he parted the
good artist. class between the good students and the bad students. Those
I grew up in East Brunswick, N.J., and was very lucky who knew what he had written on the chalkboard were the
because there was a really good art program in the schools. My deserving kids. A group of about five students sitting at the
teachersMr. Jones, Ms. Feder, and Mr. and Mrs. Koppel front smiled. The rest of us... well, we were doomed. Teacher
were all very important to me. I also took art classes after school after teacher, and day after day, I began recognizing the evidence
with Eileen Sutton. I was her student from around fifth grade of my lack of talent as a student, and I accepted my destiny. I
until I graduated high school. I learned so much from her, and was tonta, dumb. My teachers knew it, and now I knew it too.
were still in touch. The first thing she taught me was to put a No more effort on my part was necessary from then on; after
little white highlight in peoples eyes. Its the little white high- all, stupidity and no talent show whether you try or not.
light that really brings the face to life. I think of her every time From the window of my classroom, while trying hard not to
I put a little white highlight in peoples eyes. try, I could sometimes see the next years students at a class
By the time I was 10, Id discovered the art of Leonardo da called Artisticas (art). This was quite a distracting sight. The
Vinci and Michelangelo and other artists from the Renaissance. class took place outside in the school yardhow unusual! There
Id copy their work from books for hours. My favorite painting was a lot of brown paper involved, and wire, and other materials
was Madonna of the Rocks by Da Vinci. The angels sublime face I couldnt see very well from my desk, but what I could see was
was a particular favorite. I began to experiment with cross- the slow growth of papier-mch figures way bigger than the
hatching (building up the image with lots and lots of little kids that were building them. What was going on? Week after
lines that cross back and forth). I still use crosshatching when week, I saw the teacher and the students outside making what
I draw. I could only imagine were incredible things. I could not wait
Angels were fun to draw, but so were monsters. I found a to be in the next grade!
magazine called Omni when I was 11, which in the 1970s pub- And one day, I was.
lished articles about science and sci-fi. On the cover was a I dont remember the name of my teacher, but he was a lean

22 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
Creative Childhoods

man of brown skin, wavy silver hair, and a well-trimmed mus- That was going to be a difficult task to accomplish! Something
tache. His sleeves were always rolled up. Some of his first exer- of our own.... Well, I loved drawing, and the things I liked
cises were to teach us how to draw straight lines in our note- drawing the most were people and animals. For my class, I
book. He instructed us in how to move our arm completely decided I was going to make a scene with a baby. I knew I could
from one side to the other while tracing the line, no stopping handle a human image because I had had a lot of practice
or making tiny connected lines, but one long, uninterrupted drawing faces, including my own. I also decided to have the
line instead. I still use what I learned in that first lesson; even baby be surrounded by animals. First, a cat, and if I drew him
though I often erase and redraw them, nowadays my drawn lines curled up, sleeping and showing only his back, I could figure
are mostly firm and continuous. it without copying from anywhere. And what about my favorite
But I was a bad student, right? Bad students are not supposed animal? Yes, I would include a dog, a huge dog! But, wait.
to have talent, or fire, or to distinguish themselves for doing What do real dogs look like? I knew they had noses and ears
well, so I couldnt just go and suddenly be good at this. Actually, and snouts and more, but, really, could I draw what they look
as the school year progressed, I could not even make myself ask like only from my memory? I agonized a lot about what I did
questions or tell my teacher that I dreamed about being part of next.
the small group of kids he would choose to build the giant I went to the encyclopedia my mother had bought us years
brown paper sculptures. I was a failing student. How could I before and looked for a photograph I remembered seeing of the
even dare to be more than that? face of a Saint Bernard dog. My teacher had been so clear about
One day, it was time for our final project. We were going to not copying from anywhere, so I decided to study this image
make a painting! with my eyes, and I traced invisible lines with my finger around
I dont remember at all how I got a framed piece of canvas the shapes of the dogs face. I did this again and again until I
and the paints or the brush I needed; up to that point in middle thought I could remember most of the picture, then I closed
school, I had not been good at telling my mother about the the book and went to my painting to try to recreate from
supplies or the books my teachers asked us to buy for class (a memory what I had seen.
main reason why I kept turning in incomplete assignments). The result is this painting you see here. I remember feeling
But what I remember extremely proud of the resultfor I had never
well were the instructions that our done a painting before in my life
teacher gave. Your painting, he said, but I also remember feeling worried.
should be a creation of your own Had I cheated? When I tried to re-
imagination. Do not copy from create the photograph from the ency-
anywhere! Make something of your clopedia after being told not to copy,
own. had I finally become the delinquent I
had been so much warned I could be?
My teacher looked at my painting.
Then he looked at me. You copied
this, he said. I lowered my head. I
wanted to say something, but words
refused to come out. Could I really
explain what I had done with the
encyclopedia? And if I said that I didnt copy, was it true? I
could only manage to shake my head without even looking up.
No? he asked. Then someone else made it for you.
He gave me the next-lowest grade short of failing. I stood
there for a long time after he was gone.
Many, many years passed before I knew art was my life.
Nowadays, when I look at this painting, I fantasize about how
awesome it would be to time travel and make a visit to my
young self, still standing there holding this embarrassing
painting in her hands. I would come over, and, of course, she
wouldnt know who I am. As she is standing there trying hard
to hold in her tears, I would lean by her shoulder and whisper
in her ear, Yuyi, you just keep it up and draw more, and yes,
copy, and wait, because you wont believe the things youll do
one day.

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 23
By Sue Cor ett

YA author Sara Zarr

mines her childhood
for a novel about sisters

tested by poverty

his will make me sound a little mercenary,

confesses Sara Zarr, when asked where she got
the idea for her sixth novel, Gem & Dixie
(HarperCollins/Balzer + Bray, Apr.). Some
years back, she was in a coffee shop in her
can inspire about winning the lottery, or inheriting a fortune
from an unknown relative. We all know it isnt true, but its
so easy to slip into the idea that if I just had a certain amount
of money, everything would be okay.
High-concept, however, is not what Zarr does. Her first
adopted hometown of Salt Lake City, talking novel, Story of a Girl (Little, Brown, 2007), was a finalist for the
with a friend about the economic realities of National Book Award; it won praise for its fully realized por-
writing young adult fiction: even if your pub- trait of a teen struggling to escape the reputation she earned by
lisher is eager for your next novel, even if all committing a single indiscretion with an older teenage boy.
five of the novels youve published so far have Each of her books since has earned multiple starred reviews,
been well received, even if your current editor believes you are with critics praising her knack for exposing human weakness,
one of the top writers in your field, you may not make a com- and pointing out her ability to create authentic characters and
fortable living or feel like youve yet succeeded at what you set convey emotion so honestly.
out to do. Sara has such skill in capturing every nuance of a teens
I really wanted to step up my career, and I thought to do voice, relationships, anxiety, and desires, treating them all
that I would have to come up with something really high- with sensitivity, sophistication, and respect, says her new
concept, Zarr recalls. She had an idea inspired by the 1998 film editor Jordan Brown, executive editor at Balzer + Bray. This
A Simple Plan, about three men, two of them brothers, who sort of attention to rendering the real experiences of teens in
stumble across a plane that crashed in a snowy nature preserve ways they can identify with, draw understanding or strength
with a cargo onboard of $4 million. fromthats everything youre looking for as an editor of
What about a story for teens about sisters who find a big bag YA lit.
of money? Zarr remembers asking aloud. She had a sister. They Zarr knew high-concept would challenge her. She was strug-
had grown up poor in San Francisco. She knew firsthand about gling with the plot at a time when she herself was attending a
the indelible mark left by poverty, and the irrational hopes it support group for adult children of alcoholics, a process that

24 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
Author Profile

made her look squarely at the ripple effects of addiction. Her now that a television movie based on the book, directed by Kyra
own father left the family when Zarr was 10. Sedgwick and starring her husband, Kevin Bacon, is scheduled
One of the first exercises they have you do is to fill out a to debut on Lifetime later this year.
family tree and record everything you know about your rela-
tives, and what I realized is there had been a lot of abandonment A Struggle Against Expectations
by fathers, Zarr says. It was always women taking care of Zarr is grateful for having had success out of the gate but says
things. she struggled to balance writing with the business aspects of it:
Zarrs characters, Gem and Dixie, do not even have a woman maintaining a social media presence, touring, self-promotion,
to take care of them; they have to take care of themselves. Both and, most of all, meeting expectations, especially her own.
of the novels parents are substance abusers. Dad is an irrespon- I always worry about expectationswhat if this book isnt
sible charmer, but is largely absent. Mom uses the scant money as good as the last?but I think I would have struggled just
she has to buy drugs for herself rather than food for her teenage as hard even if my first book had done nothing. I would have
daughters. Theyre the worst parents Ive ever written, Zarr found some way to make it hard, she says. Everything about
admits. I just let them be abject failures and set out to see how Story of a Girl has been a positive. Its kept going. Teachers and
that would affect the relationship between the sisters. librarians keep getting it into the hands of readers.
Gem, at 17 the older sister, steps into the role of parent, After what she felt was too much time between books, she
which starts to irritate Dixie, a beauty with easy confidence, by feels like she has gotten herself back on track. The main thing
the time she reaches high school herself. for me is its all about momentum. Its just too easy when youre
In real life Im the younger sister but I wanted to write it in the middle of a draft to go a few days without working on it,
from the older sisters perspective, Zarr says. Gem carries the until it feels impossible to start again, Zarr says. Now she
anxiety for both herself and Dixie, and Dixie carries the opti- tricks herself into getting the work done by keeping the docu-
mism because thats the way she survives. ment open and reaching a certain word count each day. She also

Theyre the worst parents Ive ever written. I just let

them be abject failures.
When the girls father resurfaces after years away, its to uses the writing almost as therapy. Its more like I come up
secretly stash a backpack full of cash in their apartment, which with a story and use my interest in my own self-help to deepen
Gem discovers while looking for something underneath her and fill in and give dimension to whats happening in the book.
bed. Gem decides the money is her ticket to independence, but By the time she finished Gem & Dixie, the high-concept bag
she refuses to leave Dixie behind. of money book she had first pitched to Little, Brown had
Except for the bag of money, Zarr says its an extremely exag- turned into something far deeper and more devastating. Zarrs
gerated version of her own childhood in San Francisco, where agent, Michael Bourret at Dystel & Goderich Literary
her older sister still lives, and still exhibits the parental behavior Management, instead sold it to Brown at Balzer + Bray in a
she had to take on when she and Sara were just children. My two-book deal. Brown, who edited Laura Rubys Printz Award-
older sister is 50 and Im 46, but she still puts her hand out to winning Bone Gap, was only too happy to take it on.
keep me from crossing the street. I have to ask her, How do I I have to admit that my initial excitement over simply get-
manage to not get hit by a car when Im not visiting you? ting to read the new novel from Sara Zarr was every bit a match
Zarr knew early on that she wanted to write, and enrolled at for my professional excitement at the possibility of getting to
San Francisco State as an English major before switching to earn work with someone whom I believe has compiled one of the
a degree in organizational communication, a field of study that most enduring bodies of work of all time for the YA audience,
would make her employable in office administration. I was Brown says.
only an English major because that was the class I got As in in In April, Zarr will tour with fellow Balzer + Bray authors
high school, Zarr says. But I hated the close analysis of texts. Becky Albertalli and Katie Cotugno. She does not mind at all
That was not for me. She lived in California until she was 30, not having star billing. The glamour of solo author events is
working various office jobs that allowed her to save her energy greatly exaggerated, she says.
for writing. She and her husband moved to Salt Lake City for Zarrs sixth novel may not be the high-concept book she envi-
his job in 2001. Story of a Girl, her first novel, was published in sioned, but shes okay with that. There is at least one moment
2007. that will make in-the-know readers chuckle: watch for the refer-
It was a splashy debut, and in the decade since its publication ence to fellow YA writer A.S. King.
it has continued to sell well, fueled by its continual appearance I really did intend to make it more of a romp, Zarr said.
on many high school reading lists. That is likely to continue But I guess I just couldnt escape the writer that I am.

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 25
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Compiled by Sally Lodge, edited by Liz Hartman

ABBEVILLE and the Pauper.

Series From The Teachers Pet by Anica Mrose Rissi, Ages 57.
World Soccer illus. by Zachariah OHora (Disney-Hyperion) The Road
Legends adds Home by Katie
Leicester City (Apr. Cotton, illus. by
25, hardcover, Sarah Jacoby
$13.95, ISBN 978- (Mar. 7, hard-
0-7892-1291-7) cover, $15.95,
and Stars of All Time ISBN 978-1-
(Apr. 25, hardcover, 4197-2374-2).
$13.95, ISBN 978- Animal parents
0-7892-1295-5) by and their off-
Illugi Jkulsson, spring find the
ages 7up. comfort of home
in each other.
ABRAMS Ages 57.
Rhino in the South by
House: The Story Daniel Duncan
of Saving Samia by Daniel Kirk (Apr. 4, Brobot Bedtime by Sudipta Bardhan- (May 2, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-
hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-4197- Quallen, illus. by Scott Campbell (May 2, 4197-2299-8). A fisherman and an
2316-2). Kirks nonfiction debut intro- hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-4197- injured bird forge an unlikely friendship.
duces Anna Merz, who devoted her life to 2290-5). After a busy day, three robot Ages 57.
protecting the wildlife of East Africa, and brothers settle into sleep mode to Bees: A Honeyed History by Piotr
the rhinoceros she saved. Ages 48. recharge. Ages 57. Socha (Apr. 11, hardcover, $24.95, ISBN
Skyfishing: A Grand Tale with My Kicks: A Sneaker Story! by Susan 978-1-4197-2615-6) spotlights the key
Grandpa by Gideon Sterer, illus. by Poly Verde, illus. by Katie Kath (Apr. 11, role bees have played in our ecosystem
Bernatene (Apr. 11, hardcover, $17.95, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-4197- throughout the ages. Ages 69.
ISBN 978-1-4197-1911-0). A girl 2309-4). A boy reminisces about the The Quilts of Gees Bend by Susan
invents a fantastical fishing game to help good times hes had with the sneakers he Goldman Rubin (June 13, hardcover,
her angler grandfather adjust to his new has outgrown. Ages 57. $21.95, ISBN 978-1-4197-2131-1) is a
urban home. Ages 48. The Prince and the Porker by Peter photo-essay about the celebrated quilters
T. Veg: The Story of a Carrot- Bently, illus. by David Roberts (Mar. 7, of Gees Bend, Alabama. Ages 812.
Crunching Dinosaur by Smriti Prasadam- hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-4197- Red Cloud: A Lakota Story of War
Halls, illus. by Katherina Manolessou 2312-4). Greedy Pignatius stars in this and Surrender by S.D. Nelson (Mar. 14,
(May 2, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1- reimagining of Mark Twains The Prince hardcover, $19.95, ISBN 978-1-4197-
4197-2494-7). This ode to vegetarianism
For additional listings of spring 2017 childrens books, as well as our exclusive sneak
centers on a T. rex whod rather eat carrot
preview of publishers fall 2017 offerings, visit publishers
cake than steak. Ages 48.

26 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

2313-1) offers a biography of this contro- Forest animals hide under flaps. Ages ISBN 978-1-4197-2484-8). In an under-
versial Lakota leader. Ages 812. 35. ground city with a sinister past, families
Alexander Hamilton: The Making A Good Day for a Hat by T. Nat vie for power and an out-of-place girl
of America by Teri Kanefield (Mar. 7, Fuller, illus. by Rob Hodgson (Mar. 14, longs to escape. Ages 12up.
hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-4197- hardcover, $15.95, ISBN 978-1-4197- The Inconceivable Life of Quinn by
2578-4) profiles this Founding Father. 2300-1). Mr. Brown cant leave his house Marianna Baer (Apr. 4, hardcover,
Ages 1014. without wearing just the right one. Ages $18.95, ISBN 978-1-4197-2302-5).
Come on in, America: The United 35. Drama, mystery, and magical realism
States in World War I by Linda Barrett I Lost My Sock! A Matching Mystery meet in this story of a girl whose preg-
Osborne (Mar. 14, hardcover, $17.95, by P.J. Roberts, illus. by Chris Eliopolous nancy shocks everyone. Ages 13up.
ISBN 978-1-4197-2378-0) examines the (Mar. 14, hardcover, $12.95, ISBN 978- Noteworthy by Riley Redgate (May
U.S.s involvement in the Great War. 1-4197-2301-8). This tale about friend- 2, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-4197-
Ages 10up. ship and misunderstanding introduces 2373-5). A teen disguises herself as a boy
color, shape, and pattern recognition. to join an all-male a cappella group. Ages
Series Ages 35. 13up.
Babar stars in Babars Guide to Paris by Stack the Cats by Susie Ghahremani The Last Thing You Said by Sara
Laurent de Brunhoff (Mar. 14, hardcover, (May 2, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1- Biren (Apr. 4, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN
$19.95, ISBN 978-1-4197-2289-9), ages 4197-2349-0). Three cats star in this 978-1-4197-2304-9). A year after the
57. story about counting, grouping, and drowning death of Trixie, Lucys best
organizing items. Ages 35. friend and Bens sister, Lucy and Ben
ABRAMS APPLESEED Today I Feel...: An Alphabet of come closer to healing. Ages 14up.
Making Faces: A First Book of Emotions by Madalena Moniz (Feb. 28,
Emotions (Mar. 14, hardcover, $7.95, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-4197- Series
ISBN 978-1-4197-2383-4). This interac- 2324-7) follows a child through a range Poptropica continues with The Secret
tive book of faces includes a mirror for of emotions. Ages 35. Society by Mitch Krpata, illus. by Kory
babies to mimic facial expressions. Ages Merritt, based on an idea by Jeff Kinney
up to 3. Series (Apr. 11, hardcover, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-
So Many Feet by Nichole Mara, illus. Tinyville Town introduces Im a 4197-2311-7), ages 69. Camp Rolling
by Alexander Vidal Santillanes (May 2, Librarian by Brian Biggs (Mar. 7, hard- Hills gains Breakout! by Stacy Davidowitz
hardcover, $12.95, ISBN 978-1-4197- cover, $7.95, ISBN 978-1-4197-2322-3), (May 9, paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-1-4197-
2318-6), reveals the amazing things ages up to 3. 2291-2), ages 812. Dr. Critchlores
animal feet can do. Ages up to 3. School for Minions enrolls Polar Distress
Fruits in Suits by Jared Chapman ABRAMS/AMULET by Sheila Grau, illus. by Joe Sutphin
(Apr. 11, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978- Jack and the Geniuses: At the Bottom (Mar. 7, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-
1-4197-2298-1). Fruits enjoy a swim in of the World by Bill Nye and Gregory 4197-2294-3), ages 812. Frank Einstein
this follow-up to Vegetables in Underwear. Mone, illus. by Nicholas Iluzada (Apr. 4, returns in Frank Einstein and the Bio-Action
Ages 25. hardcover, $13.95, ISBN 978-1-4197- Gizmo by Jon Scieszka, illus. by Brian
Barnyard Boogie! by Tim McCanna, 2303-2), launches a scientific adventure- Biggs (May 2, hardcover, $13.95, ISBN
illus. by Allison Black (May 9, hardcover, mystery series coauthored by Bill Nye the 978-1-4197-2297-4), ages 812.
$12.95, ISBN 978-1-4197-2346-9). Science Guy. Ages 812. SpongeBob Comics by Stephen
Animal musicians perform in this read- One Trick Pony by Nathan Hale Hillenburg debuts with Silly Sea Stories
aloud introducing musical sounds. Ages (Mar. 14, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978- (May 2, paper, $10.95, ISBN 978-1-
35. 1-4197-2128-1). In this graphic novel 4197-2319-3) and Aquatic Adventurers,
Charlie Rides: Planes, Trains, Bikes, set on a future earth, a robot pony helps Unite! (May 2, paper, $10.95, ISBN 978-
and More! by Bob Bianchini (Apr. 4, defeat invading aliens. Ages 812. 1-4197-2320-9), ages 812. And The
hardcover, $8.95, ISBN 978-1-4197- Finding Mighty by Sheela Chari (May Odds are back in Against the Odds by
2292-9) debuts a board-book series about 30, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1- Amy Ignatow (May 30, hardcover,
a boys love for transportation and being 4197-2296-7) is a mystery featuring $15.95, ISBN 978-1-4197-2308-7), ages
with his father. Ages 35. family secrets, graffiti clues, and two pro- 1014.
Deep in the Forest: A Seek-and- tagonists from diverse backgrounds. Ages
Find Adventure by Josef Antn, illus. 1014. ADVENTURE PUBLICATIONS
by Lucie Brunellire (Mar. 7, hardcover, A Face Like Glass by Frances Series
$17.95, ISBN 978-1-4197-2351-3). Hardinge (May 9, hardcover, $19.95, Wildlife Picture Books welcomes Jump,

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 27
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s
Reads from
Albert Whitman Little Wood Ducks by Marion Dane Bauer, secrets, first love, and the limits of for-

& Company
photos by Stan Tekiela (May 16, hard- giveness as she finds her way in the
cover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-59193-585- world. Ages 14up.
8), ages 48.
AGATE/BOLDEN Old Pig by Margaret Wild, illus. by Ron
Series Brooks (July 1, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN
Denene Millner Books: Early Sunday 978-1-76029-389-5). Old Pig and
Morning by Denene Millner, illus. by Granddaughter, who have shared every-
Vanessa Brantley-Newton (Apr. 11, hard- thing for a long time, find a way to say
cover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-57284-211- goodbye. Ages 46.
3). In this series launch, inspiring words
from family and friends help a girl over- Series
come stage jitters and find her voice. Mr Chicken returns in Mr Chicken Arriva
Ages 49. a Roma by Leigh Hobbs (June 1, hard-
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-925266-77-
9780807516997 // $16.99
ALGONQUIN YOUNG READERS 1), ages 48. Tashi is back in Tashi and
Available February Love, Ish by Karen Rivers (Mar. 14, the Wicked Magician by Anna Fienberg
hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-61620- and Barbara Fienberg, illus. by Kim
570-6). As Ish fights cancer, she dreams Gamble and Geoff Kelly (Apr. 1, paper,
about the adventures on Mars shes always $9.99, ISBN 978-1-76029-050-4), ages
imaginedand learns about love and 58. Cruise Control by Samantha Turnbull
fate. Ages 812. (Apr. 1, paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-
The Unexpected Life of Oliver 76029-188-4) joins The Anti-Princess
Cromwell Pitts: Being an Absolutely Club, ages 79.
Accurate Autobiographical Account Diary of a... gains Collected Diaries of a
of My Follies, Fortune, and Fate by Avi Sporting Superhero by Shamini Flint, illus.
(May 16, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978- by Sally Heinrich (May 1, paper, $14.99,
1-61620-564-5). In 1724 England, a boy ISBN 978-1-76029-345-1), ages 710.
contends with cruel orphan masters, cor- And Freddy Tangles stars in Champ or
rupt magistrates, and thieves. Ages 812. Chicken (July 1, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-
Carmer and Grit, Book One: The 1-76011-035-2) and Legend or Loser (Apr.
9780807573389 // $16.99 Wingsnatchers by Sarah Jean Horwitz 1, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-76011-
Available April (Apr. 25, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978- 034-5) by Jack Brand, illus. by Tom
1-61620-663-5). In this series launch, a Jellett, ages 14up.
magicians apprentice and a one-winged
princess vanquish mechanical monsters. AMAZON/SKYSCAPE
Ages 1014. The Gold-Son by Carrie Anne Noble
Be True to Me by Adele Griffin (June (June 20, paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-
13, hardcover, $18.95, ISBN 978-1- 4778-1967-8). Tommin just wants to
61620-675-8). Two girls compete in this make beautiful shoes and take care of his
romantic drama about the gilded lives of granny, but a leprechauns curse gives him
the super-rich and the high price of fit- an insatiable need to steal. Ages 14up.
ting in. Ages 14up. The Breaking Light by Heather
Here We Are: Feminism for the Hansen (Apr. 1, paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-
Real World by Kelly Jensen (Feb. 28, 1-5039-4268-4). In a stratified society
paper, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-61620- where contact with the sun is a luxury
9780807551873 // $16.99 586-7) compiles essays, poems, photos, reserved for the elite, those kept prisoner
Available April lists, comics, and illustrations about in the darkness will do anything to find
modern feminism. Ages 14up. the light. Ages 14up.
ALBERT WHITMAN & COMPANY Just Fly Away by Andrew McCarthy 180 Seconds by Jessica Park (Apr. 25,
Publishing award-winning childrens books since 1919 (Mar. 28, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978- paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-5039-4336-0).
1-61620-629-1). A girl discovers family After a life of foster care, Allison is finally
F L :
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s The New York Times
bestselling Future Shock
series continues with
adopted at 16, but her inability to trust importance of sharing his berries with his
others affects her college life. Ages 16up. forest friends. Ages 37.
Splatypus by Sudipta Bardhan-
Series Quallen, illus. by Jackie Urbanovic (Apr.
The Blood Guard trilogy by Carter Roy 4, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-5039-
concludes with The Blazing Bridge (Feb. 3920-2). In this rhyming tale, lonely
21, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4778- Platypus wants to play, but needs to find
2717-8), ages 914. The Hundredth a place where he belongs. Ages 37.
Queen series launches with the debut
fantasy, The Hundredth Queen by Emily R. Series
King (May 2, paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1- Duck and Hippo in the Rainstorm by
5039-4365-0) in which an orphan girl Jonathan London, illus. by Andrew Joyner
blossoms into a warrior, ages 14up. The (Mar. 1, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-
Romeo Catchers by Alys Arden (May 23, 5039-3723-9) inaugurates the Duck and
paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-5039-4000-0) Hippo series, ages 37. Puppy and Bear
is new to the Casquette Girls, ages 14up. continues with The First Day of School by
Larry Dane Brimner, illus. by John
AMAZON/TWO LIONS Bendall-Brunello (July 18, hardcover,
Anna and the Tooth Fairy by Maureen $17.99, ISBN 978-1-5039-5096-2), ages
Wright, illus. by Anna Chernyshova 37. And Dr. Wonderful and Her Dog
(June 6, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- presents Blast Off to the Moon! by Lauren
5039-4664-4). Anna has a loose tooth- Gunderson, illus. by Valerio Fabbretti HC 9780807526842 $16.99
and her baby sister is training to be the (May 2, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- PB 9780807526866 $9.99
Tooth Fairy. Ages 37. 5039-4837-2), ages 48. Available March 2017
Benny Shark Goes to Friend School
by Lynn Rowe Reed, illus. by Rhode AMERICAN GIRL
Montijo (July 11, hardcover, $17.99,
ISBN 978-1-4778-2803-8). A bully
New WellieWishers titles by Valerie
heads to Friend School to learn what it Tripp, illus. by Thu Thai, are Camilles
Incorporates suspense
takes to be a true friend. Ages 37. Mermaid Tale (Feb. 9, paper, $5.99, ISBN and thrilling adventure
Brobarians by Lindsay Ward (Mar. 14, 978-1-60958-875-5), The Mystery of Mr. A gripping sequel.Booklist
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-5039- E (Apr. 27, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-
4167-0) is a tale of the mighty Brobarian 60958-877-9), and The Rainstorm
brothers, two warriors once at peace but Brainstorm (Apr. 27, paper, $5.99, ISBN Readers will be teleported
now need to reconcile. Ages 37. 978-1-60958-876-2), ages 5up. And with delight into this Back to
I Am Not Scared by Anna Kang, illus. American Girl BeForever adds The
by Christopher Weyant (Mar. 21, hard- Ladys Slipper: A Melody Mystery by Emma the Futureesque spy thriller.
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-5039-3745-1) Carlson Berne (Feb. 9, paper, $9.99, Move this one to the buy pile.
features two fuzzy friends who go to an ISBN 978-1-60958-860-1); Love and
amusement park to try to persuade each Loyalty, A Felicity Classic, Vol. 1 (Feb. 9,
School Library Journal
other that there are much scarier things paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-60958-861-8)
than the roller coaster. Ages 37. and A Stand for Independence: A Felicity
Mr. Fuzzbuster Knows Hes the Classic, Vol. 2 (Feb. 9, paper, $9.99, ISBN PRAISE FOR FUTURE SHOCK
Favorite by Stacy McAnulty, illus. by 978-1-60958-862-5) by Valerie Tripp; A cyberpunk tour de force
Edward Hemingway (Feb. 7, hardcover, Gunpowder and Tea Cakes: My Journey with
$17.99, ISBN 978-1-5039-4838-9). Mr. Felicity (Feb. 9, paper, $9.99, ISBN 978- thrill ride.VOYA
Fuzzbuster thought he was Lilys favorite, 1-60958-869-4) by Kathleen Ernst;
until four more animals move in with Message in a Bottle: A Julie Mystery by
them. Ages 37. Kathryn Reiss (Feb. 9, paper, $9.99, Find out more at
Share, Big Bear, Share! by Maureen ISBN 978-1-60958-859-5); and The
Wright, illus. by Will Hillenbrand Runaway: A Maryellen Mystery by Alison
(Apr. 25, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- Hart (Feb. 9, paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-
1-5039-5100-6). Big Bear learns the 60958-858-8), ages 8up. ALBERT WHITMAN & COMPANY
Publishing award-winning books since 1919
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Joining American Girl Advice debuts a series about twin

and Activity Books are School Rules! brothers who travel to distant
Projects: Planning and Polishing lands and meet fellow epic
Pointers to Make You a Project Pro by heroes. Ages 714.
Emma MacLaren Henke, illus. by Tucker Grizzwells Worst
Nikki Upsher (Apr. 27, paper, Week Ever by Bill Schorr and
$9.99, ISBN 978-1-68337-001-7); Ralph Smith (Apr. 4, paper,
School Rules! Writing: Ideas, How-Tos, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4494-6910-
and Tips to Make You a Whiz with 8). This graphic novel intro-
Words by Emma MacLaren Henke, duces a bear dealing with the
illus. by Stacy Peterson (Apr. 27, trials of middle school. Ages
paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-68337- 911.
000-0), ages 8up; and A Smart
Girls Guide: Getting It Together: How Series
to Organize Your Space, Your Stuff, Amp! Comics for Kids greets
Your Timeand Your Life by Erin The Knights of BooGar: A Funny,
Falligant, illus. by Brenna Vaughan Fantasy Adventure by Art Roche
(Apr. 27, paper, $12.99, ISBN (Apr. 4, paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-
978-1-60958-888-5), ages 10up. 1-4494-7987-9), ages 712.
Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior adds
AMMO Path of the Diamond: An Unofficial
Series Minecraft Adventure by Cube Kid
Counting in... by Gloria Fowler, (Apr. 4, paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-
illus. by Min Heo, debuts with 1-4494-8009-7), ages 712; and
Counting in London (Mar. 15, hard- From What the Dinosaurs Did at School by Refe and Susan Tuma Suit Your Selfie is a new Pearls
(Little, Brown)
cover, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-62326- Before Swine Kids Collection
099-6), Counting in New York (Mar. 15, by Stephan Pastis (July 18, paper, $9.99,
hardcover, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-62326- (Mar. 1, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- ISBN 978-1-4494-8375-3), ages 712.
098-9), and Counting in Paris (Mar. 15, 5124-3945-8); The Hole Story by Paul Unicorn Crossing joins Phoebe and
hardcover, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-62326- Bright, illus. by Bruce Ingman (Apr. 1, Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson (Mar.
097-2), ages up to 3. And Come with Me hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-5124- 28, paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4494-
to London by Fowler, illus. by Heo (Mar. 3950-2); I Want a Friend! by Tony Ross 8357-9), ages 712. Big Nate reappears
15, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1- (Mar. 1, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- in Whats a Little Noogie Between Friends?
62326-044-6), joins the City Series, 5124-0555-2); Im Big Now! by Anthea by Lincoln Peirce (Feb. 28, paper, $9.99,
ages 2up. Simmons, illus. by Georgie Birkett (Mar. ISBN 978-1-4494-6229-1), ages 812.
1, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-5124- And Peanuts Kids offers Snoopy to the
ANDERSEN PRESS 3947-2); Jamals Journey by Michael Rescue by Charles M. Schulz (Mar. 14,
Two Can Toucan by David McKee (Apr. Foreman (Apr. 1, hardcover, $17.99, paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4494-8206-0),
1, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-1- ISBN 978-1-5124-3949-6); and Troll ages 812.
78344-480-9). Reissued to celebrate the Stinks by Jeanne Willis, illus. by Tony
publishers 40th anniversary, McKees Ross (Apr. 1, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN APEX LEGENDS
first picture book explains how the 978-1-5124-3948-9), ages 49. The Spectacle: Celebrating the
toucan got its name. Ages up to 5. History of the Indianapolis 500 by
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by ANDREWS MCMEEL Chris Workman (Mar. 1, hardcover,
Tony Ross (Apr. 1, hardcover, $14.99, Sherlock Sam and the Sinister Letters $19.99, ISBN 978-0-9962869-5-4) is an
ISBN 978-1-78344-469-4) is a new edi- in Bras Basah by A.J. Low (Feb. 14, illustrated history of this renowned race.
tion of Rosss debut picture book, pub- paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-4494-7975-6) Ages 411.
lished four decades ago. Ages 35. launches a series about a young sleuth in
Singapore and his robot companion. Ages APPLES & HONEY
ANDERSEN PRESS USA 712. Journey Through Jerusalem by
Series Kid Beowulf: The Song of Roland Amanda Benjamin, illus. by Tamar
Andersen Press Picture Books releases by Alexis Fajardo (Feb. 28, paper, Blumenfeld (Apr. 5, hardcover, $17.95,
Elmer and Aunt Zelda by David McKee $12.99, ISBN 978-1-4494-7590-1) ISBN 978-1-68115-531-9). Three

30 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

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S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

curious kittens explore Jerusalem with rescues a doll abandoned in the park. 4612-4), ages 35.
their mother. Ages 47. Ages 48.
The Little Doctor/El doctorcito by BAKER/REVELL
ARBORDALE Juan J. Guerra, trans. by Gabriela Baeza The Manual to Middle School: The
Bat Count: A Citizen Science Story by Ventura, illus. by Victoria Castillo (May Do This, Not That Survival Guide
Anna Forrester, illus. by Susan Detwiler 31, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1- for Guys by Jonathan Catherman (July
(Feb. 10, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978- 55885-846-6). In this bilingual story, 4, paper, $13.99, ISBN 978-0-8007-
1-62855-894-4). A family counts the Salvador interprets for his Spanish- 2847-2) compiles advice for middle-
bats on their farm to share the numbers speaking abuela at the doctors office and school boys. Ages 1113.
with scientists who study bats dwindling dreams of becoming a bilingual physician. Recruits by Thomas Locke (Feb. 14,
population. Ages 58. Ages 48. paper, $12.99, ISBN 978-0-8007-2789-
Honey Girl: The Hawaiian Monk Seal Evangelina Takes Flight by Diana 5). In this series launch, twin brothers
by Jeanne Walker Harvey, illus. by Shennen Noble (May 31, paper, $10.95, ISBN 978- who dream of a mysterious alternate
Bersani (Feb. 10, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 1-55885-848-0). As revolution brews in world are recruited to be inter-planetary
978-1-62855-921-7). In this true story, sci- 1911 Mexico, a family moves to Texas to travelers. Ages 1417.
entists and vets work to save an endangered avoid the violence and adjusts to a new
Hawaiian monk seal after she is injured by a life. Ages 1114. BARBOUR/SHILOH RUN
fishhook. Ages 58. Series
Moonlight Crab Count by Neeti ATRIA/KEYWORDS Thirteen continues with The Paper Boat
Bathala and Jennifer Keats Curtis, illus. Dream House: A Novel by by Trisha Priebe and Jerry B. Jenkins
by Veronica Jones (Feb. 10, hardcover, CutiePieMarzia by Marzia Bisognin (Apr. 1, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-1-
$17.95, ISBN 978-1-62855-930-9). (Apr. 4, paper, $12.99, ISBN 978-1- 68322-178-4), ages 1015.
Leena and her mother survey horseshoe 5011-3527-9). YouTube star Bisognin
crabs that come on shore to mate and lay introduces a girl whose dream house BAREFOOT
eggs. Ages 58. becomes a terrifying nightmare. Ages Babys First Words by Stella Blackstone
Otis the Owl by Mary Holland (Feb. 10, 12up. and Sunny Scribens, illus. by Christiane
hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-62855- Engel (Apr. 1, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN
939-2). Photos illustrate this chronicle of AUZOU 978-1-78285-321-3). A baby learns
a baby owls first months of life. Ages Benjamin Is an Unusual Duckling by words during a busy day with her two
58. Yann Walcker, illus. by Julie Mercier dads. Ages up to 3.
A True Princess of Hawaii by Beth (Apr. 4, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-2- Will You Help Doug Find His Dog?
Greenway, illus. by Tammy Yee (Feb. 10, 7338-4613-1), relays the adventures of a by Jane Caston, illus. by Carmen Saldaa
hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-62855- duck who barks. Ages 37. (Apr. 1, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-1-
948-4). Based on a real event, this tells of The Wolf Who Wanted to Be an 78285-320-6). Readers follow clues to
a princess who helps a town threatened Artist by Orianne Lallemand, illus. by help a boy find his dog. Ages 35.
by a volcano. Ages 58. Elonore Thuillier (May 16, hardcover, Dr. Potts, My Pets Have Spots! by
Vivian and the Legend of the $14.95, ISBN 978-2-7338-4822-7). A Rod Hull, illus. by Miriam Latimer
Hoodoos by Terry Catass Jennings, illus. wolf who wants to be famous discovers (Mar. 1, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-
by Phyllis Saroff (Feb. 10, hardcover, his true talent when he auditions for the 78285-319-0). When a vet cures a mans
$17.95, ISBN 978-1-62855-957-6). role of the Big Bad Wolf. Ages 37. pets of spots, the animals end up with
When Vivian is disrespectful to the trees The Strongest Man in the World: stripes instead. Ages 37.
and the land, her grandmother reminds The Legend of Louis Cyr by Lucie
her of an ancient legend and the impor- Papineau, illus. by Caroline Hamel (May Title in Spanish
tance of nature. Ages 58. 16, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-2-7338- Mis primeras palabras (Babys First
4614-8), profiles this man, born in the Words) by Stella Blackstone and Sunny
ARTE PBLICO/PIATA late 19th century, whose strength earned Scribens, illus. by Christiane Engel,
Esteban de Luna, Baby Rescuer/ him international fame. Ages 8up. (Apr. 1, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-1-
Esteban de Luna, rescatador de bebs! 78285-325-1), ages up to 3.
by Larissa M. Mercado-Lpez, trans. by Series
Gabriela Baeza Ventura, illus. by Alex My Little Sound Books presents Pets BARRONS
Pardo Delange (May 31, hardcover, (June 6, hardcover, $11.95, ISBN 978-2- Nick the Knight and the Dragon!
$17.95, ISBN 978-1-55885-847-3). 7338-4611-7) and Baby Animals (June 6, (Mar. 1, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-4380-
As a storm descends, a compassionate boy hardcover, $11.95, ISBN 978-2-7338- 0983-4) and Princess Penny and Her

32 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Dancing Sister! (Mar. 1, paper, $5.99, 6891-8), Noisy Jungle (Mar. 1, hardcover, 6875-8) by Nick Ackland, illus. by Jake
ISBN 978-1-4380-0984-1) by Rachel $5.99, ISBN 978-0-7641-6889-5), and McDonald, ages 14. New Born Free...
Ackland, designed by Nick Ackland. In Playtime Pond (Mar. 1, hardcover, $5.99, Books from the Born Free Foundation,
these stories, the smallest knight in the ISBN 978-0-7641-6890-1), ages 14. with introductions by Virginia McKenna,
land confronts a roaring dragon; and two Joining Whos Hiding are In the Jungle cover chimpanzee, dolphin, elephant, and
sisters, one a graceful dancer and the (Mar. 1, hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-0- lion rescues (Apr. 1, paper $6.99 each,
other not, save a woman trapped on her 7641-6876-5) and On the Farm (Mar. 1, ages 712. And Real Lives introduces
roof. Ages 36. hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-0-7641- Fearless Women: Courageous Females Who
Tick Tock Tell the Time: Follow
Liam Through His Busy Day by Kate
Davies (Mar. 1, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN
978-0-7641-6874-1). This time-telling
tale features a clock with moving hands.
Ages 36.
Little Whale in Deep Trouble: A
Tomorrows Classics
Story Inspired by a True Event by
Hans Wilhelm (May 1, hardcover, $9.99,
ISBN 978-0-7641-6851-2). A lost
humpback calf becomes stuck in a fishing
net. Ages 47.

Emma Dodds Sprinkle with Kisses
offers A Spoonful for Bunny: A Book to Melt
Your Heart (Mar. 1, hardcover, $6.99,
ISBN 978-0-7641-6884-0) and Sweet
Dreams, Baby: A Book to Melt Your Heart
From the award-winning team behind The Man with the Violin
(Mar. 1, hardcover, $6.99, ISBN 978-0-
a new story about Joshua Bell and the magic of music.
7641-6885-7), ages up to 3. Busy Baby
introduces Animals (Apr. 1, hardcover, Ages 58 / 978-1-55451-900-2 hardcover
$6.99, ISBN 978-0-7641-6892-5) and
Out and About by Nick Ackland, illus. by
Jennie Bradley (Apr. 1, hardcover, $6.99,
ISBN 978-0-7641-6893-2), ages 14.
Little Explorers by Ackland, illus. by
Sam Walshaw, issues Little Giraffe at the
Beach (Apr. 1, hardcover, $6.99, ISBN
978-0-7641-6894-9) and Little Lion in the
Garden (Apr. 1, hardcover, $6.99, ISBN
978-0-7641-6895-6), ages 14.
Laura Rigos Mini Look at Me Books
welcomes Little Chimp (Feb. 1, hardcover,
$4.99, ISBN 978-0-7641-6878-9), Little
Elephant (Feb. 1, hardcover, $4.99, ISBN
978-0-7641-6879-6), Little Polar Bear Combining supernatural, mystical, lyrical, and romantic elements,
(Feb. 1, hardcover, $4.99, ISBN 978-0-
this retelling of a sixteenth-century Jewish legend will ignite
7641-6880-2), and Little Tiger (Feb. 1,
the imagination of readers of all ages.
hardcover, $4.99, ISBN 978-0-7641-
6881-9), ages 14. And Clare Fennells Ages 912 / 978-1-55451-888-3 hardcover
Push & Pull rolls along with Farm
Families (Mar. 1, hardcover, $5.99, ISBN annick press
978-0-7641-6888-8), Forest Homes (Mar. 1,
distributed by PGW 1-800-788-3123
hardcover, $5.99, ISBN 978-0-7641-

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 33
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Refused to be Denied (Apr. 1, hardcover, Imagine That! by Yasmeen Ismail Captain Pug by Laura James, illus. by
$8.99, ISBN 978-0-7641-6886-4) and (July 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- glantine Ceulemans (Mar. 14, hard-
Unsung Heroes: Fearless Men and Women 68119-362-5). Lila and Grandpa play cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-68119-
Who Changed the World (Apr. 1, hardcover, together in this celebration of imagina- 380-9). Pug and his best friend, Lady
$8.99, ISBN 978-0-7641-6887-1) by tion and creativity. Ages 36. Miranda, have a seafaring adventure in
Toby Reynolds and Paul Calver, ages A Place to Read by Leigh Hodgkinson this series debut. Ages 69.
1016. (June 20, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- Stand Up and Sing! Pete Seeger,
1-68119-323-6). A child searches for the Folk Music, and the Path to Justice by
BEACON perfect place to read in this tale under- Susanna Reich, illus. by Adam Gustavson
Mans Search for Meaning: A Young scoring the value of sharing stories. Ages (Mar. 21, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
Adult Edition by Viktor E. Frankl (Apr. 36. 0-8027-3812-7), pays tribute to the life,
4, paper, $10.99, ISBN 978-0- music, and activism of this folk
8070-6799-4) is a YA edition of singer. Ages 69.
this story of the Holocaust and Magic Animal Rescue:
finding meaning in suffering. Maggie and the Flying Horse
Ages 12up. (Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.99,
ISBN 978-1-68119-312-0)
BEDAZZLED INK and Maggie and the Wish Fish
Ghosters by Diana Corbitt (Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.99,
(May 1, paper, $9.95, ISBN 978- ISBN 978-1-68119-313-7) by
1-943837-95-3). When myste- E.D. Baker, illus. by Lisa
rious things happen in her familys Manuzak, debut a chapter-book
old mansion, Theresa enters her series about a spirited girl and
paranormal recordings in a con- magical creatures she befriends.
test. Ages 912. Ages 710.
Kingstone by Katherine The Dragon with a
Hetzel (June 1, paper, $10.95, Chocolate Heart by Stephanie
ISBN 978-1-945805-24-0). Burgis (May 30, hardcover,
Katia, an aspiring priest in the $16.99, ISBN 978-1-68119-
Temple of the Triple Gods, 343-4). The star of this choco-
embarks on a dangerous journey late-filled fantasy learns to be a
to deliver a missive to the kings strong, fearsome girland
heir. Ages 912. dragon. Ages 812.
From Out of Wonder by Kwame Alexander, illus. by Ekua Holmes The Girl with the Ghost
JOHN BLAKE (Candlewick) Machine by Lauren DeStefano
Sergio Aguero: The Little (June 6, hardcover, $16.99,
Genius (Apr. 1, paper, $9.99, ISBN 978- Were Going on an Egg Hunt by ISBN 978-1-68119-444-8). A girls
1-78606-218-5), Steven Gerrard: Laura Hughes (Feb. 14, hardcover, father builds a ghost machine to bring
Captain Fantastic (Apr. 1, paper, $9.99, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-68119-314-4) takes back her late mother in this novel of
ISBN 978-1-78606-219-2), and Zlatan readers on a lift-the-flap Easter egg hunt. loss and hope. Ages 812.
Ibrahimovic: Red Devil (Apr. 1, paper, Ages 36. Pennybaker School Is Headed for
$9.99, ISBN 978-1-78606-217-8) by What George Forgot by Kathy Wolff, Disaster by Jennifer Brown (July 11,
Tom Oldfield and Matt Oldfield are illus. by Richard Byrne (July 4, hard- hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-68119-
biographies of these professional soccer cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-61963-871- 174-4) launches an illustrated series
players. Ages 912. 6). Getting ready for school, George about a wacky group of uniquely gifted
remembers to do everythingexcept put sixth graders. Ages 812.
BLOOMSBURY USA on his pants. Ages 36. Prisoner of Ice and Snow by Ruth
Mosquitoes Cant Bite Ninjas by What Will Grow? by Jennifer Ward, Lauren (Apr. 4, hardcover, $16.99,
Jordan P. Novak (Mar. 28, hardcover, illus. by Susie Ghahremani (Feb. 14, ISBN 978-1-68119-131-7). In this fan-
$16.99, ISBN 978-1-68119-215-4) hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-68119- tasy, Valor is determined to break her
introduces a young ninja who wont 030-3). This companion to What Will sister out of prison. Ages 812.
let a hungry mosquito snack on him. Hatch? features gatefolds revealing plants The Song From Somewhere Else by
Ages 25. sprouting from seeds. Ages 36. A.F. Harrold, illus. by Levi Pinfold

34 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
ases fr om
g R e le
w Sprin

A World of Pausabilities Grow Happy

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Priscilla Pack Rat
GIRL Making Room for Friendship
Love, Sex, Romance, and Being You Claudine Crangle
Karen Rayne, PhD Illustrated by Claudine Crangle
Illustrated by Ramsey Beyer and Nyk Rayne 32 pages. 10" x 8". Full-color illustrations. Ages 4-8.
Hardcover: $15.95 | ISBN 978-1-4338-2335-0
300 pages. 5 " x 8". Black & white illustrations. Ages 15+.
Paperback: $15.95 | ISBN 978-1-4338-2339-8
The Tallest Bridge in the World
Mapping My Day A Story About Social Anxiety
Julie Dillemuth, PhD Ellen Flanagan Burns
Illustrated by Laura Wood Illustrated by Anthony Lewis
40 pages. 10" x 8". Full-color illustrations. Ages 4-8. 64 pages. 6" x 9". Black & white illustrations. Ages 8-12.
Hardcover: $15.95 | ISBN 978-1-4338-2333-6 Hardcover: $15.95 | ISBN 978-1-4338-2760-0

Someone to Talk To When You Look Out the Window

Getting Good at Feeling Better A Story About Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin
Paola Conte, PhD, Larissa Labay, PsyD, Gayle E Pitman, PhD
and Cheryl Sterling, PhD Illustrated by Chris Lyles
Illustrated by Claire Keay 32 pages. 10" x 8". Full-color illustrations. Ages 4-8.
64 pages. 6" x 9". Black & white illustrations. Ages 6-10. Hardcover: $15.95 | ISBN 978-1-4338-2736-5
Paperback: $14.95 | ISBN 978-1-4338-2672-6
Why Am I Blue?
Blossom Plays Possum A Story About Being Yourself
(Because She's Shy) Kalli Dakos
Birdy Jones Illustrated by Viviana Garofoli
Illustrated by Janet McDonnell 32 pages. 8" x 10". Full-color illustrations. Ages 4-8.
32 pages. 8" x 10". Full-color illustrations. Ages 4-8. Hardcover: $15.95 | ISBN 978-1-4338-2734-1
Hardcover: $15.95 | ISBN 978-1-4338-2735-8

Magination Press is an imprint of the 800-374-2721
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

(July 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- Kemmerer (Apr. 4, hardcover, $17.99, Powells Spacejackers wraps up with The
68119-401-1). This tale of unlikely ISBN 978-1-68119-008-2). When Declan Pirate King (Feb. 21, hardcover, $16.99,
friendship and strange magic stars a girl finds a letter that Juliet wrote to her late ISBN 978-1-68119-074-7), ages 812.
who discovers she isnt the only one mother, he writes back to Juliet, and love Tales of the Frog Princess gains The
keeping secretsor the only one who ensues. Ages 14up. Frog Princess Returns by E.D. Baker
needs help. Ages 812. Nowhere Near You by Leah Thomas (June 6, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-
Breaking by Danielle Rollins (June 6, (Feb. 7, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- 68119-137-9), ages 812. Time Stoppers
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-61963- 68119-178-2). This follow-up to Because continues with Quest for the Golden Arrow
740-5). Charlotte discovers a dangerous Youll Never Meet Me takes Ollie and Moritzs by Carrie Jones (May 2, hardcover,
secret about her prestigious prep school unusual friendship in new directions. $16.99, ISBN 978-1-61963-863-1), ages
after her two best friends commit suicide. Ages 14up. 812. Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica
Ages 13up. We Come Apart by Sarah Crossan and Day George concludes with Saturdays at
Crossing Ebenezer Creek by Tonya Brian Conaghan (June 13, hardcover, Sea (Feb. 21, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-
Bolden (May 30, hardcover, $17.99, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-68119-275-8). Two 1-61963-957-7), ages 812. The Wide-
ISBN 978-1-59990-319-4). This novel of troubled teens star in this novel-in-verse Awake Princess returns in The Princess
hope and freedom sheds light on a tragic about friendship, love, and overcoming and the Pearl by E.D. Baker (Mar. 21,
moment of the Civil War. Ages 13up. odds. Ages 14up. hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-68119-
The Names They Gave Us by Emery 135-5), ages 812. Witch Wars ushers in
Lord (May 16, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN Series Witch Switch by Sibal Pounder, illus. by
978-1-61963-958-4). Working at a Bible Zombelina returns in School Days by Laura Ellen Anderson (Feb. 28, hardcover,
camp, Lucy finds the promise of new love Kristyn Crow, illus. by Molly Idle $16.99, ISBN 978-1-61963-984-3), ages
and friendship despite big challenges. (June 6, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- 812.
Ages 13up. 61963-641-5), ages 48. Super Fly soars Throne of Glass offers Throne of Glass
Piecing Me Together by Rene Watson on in Rise of the Evil Army by Todd H. Novella #1 by Sarah J. Maas (June 27,
(Feb. 14, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- Doodler (Feb. 28, hardcover, $15.99, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-1-68119-
1-68119-105-8). A teenage girl from a ISBN 978-1-61963-388-9), ages 57. 577-3), ages 14up. And A Court of
poor neighborhood strives to succeed in Read & Bloom presents Stinky Spike Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
this story of friendship, race, privilege, and the Royal Rescue (Mar. 14, hardcover, issues A Court of Wings and Ruin (May 2,
and identity. Ages 13up. $9.99, ISBN 978-1-61963-883-9) and hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-61963-
The Possible by Tara Altebrando Stinky Spike the Pirate Dog (Mar. 14, hard- 448-0), ages 17up.
(June 6, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- cover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-61963-778-8)
61963-805-1). Kaylee, whose mother is by Peter Meisel, and Wallace and Grace BLUE MANATEE
in prison for killing her son, explores her and the Cupcake Caper (May 23, hardcover, Allies Garden by Sabra Chebby, illus.
familys dark past. Ages 13up. $9.99, ISBN 978-1-68119-010-5) and by Marla Osborn (Apr. 4, hardcover,
Song of the Current by Sarah Tolcser Wallace and Grace Take the Case (May 23, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-936669-53-0).
(June 6, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-61963- Picking vegetables in the garden, Allie
68119-297-0). In this fantasy, a girl is 988-1) by Heather Alexander, illus. by finds such critters as an eggplant crow
caught in a web of politics and lies after Laura Zarrin, ages 57. Girl vs. Boy Band and a potato rabbit. Ages up to 3.
embarking on a perilous mission to save plays on in The High Note by Harmony Dogs! by John Hutton, illus. by Doug
her father. Ages 13up. Jones (June 27, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN Cenko (Apr. 4, hardcover, $7.99, ISBN
What Goes Up by Katie Kennedy 978-1-61963-949-2), ages 812. And 978-1-936669-54-7). This look at a
(July 18, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- Genius Factor adds How to Outsmart a variety of dogs includes questions to
1-61963-912-6). This near-future sci-fi Billion Robot Bees by Paul Tobin, illus. by encourage young listeners to expand on
novel features three teens on an inter- Thierry Lafontaine and Katie Abey the story. Ages up to 3.
dimensional mission to save the world. (Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- I Want to Be a Reader! by Mark
Ages 13up. 61963-897-6), ages 812. Powers, illus. by Maria Montag (Apr. 4,
Because You Love to Hate Me: 13 Secrets of the Seven adds The Eagles hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-936669-
Tales of Villainy, ed. by Ameriie (July Quill by Sarah L. Thomson (Apr. 4, hard- 55-4), showcases a major milestone:
11, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-61963-733- learning to read. Ages up to 3.
68119-364-9). YA authors team up with 7), ages 812. Simon Thorn returns in In Spring/En Primavera by Susana
BookTubers to give fairy tales fractured Simon Thorn and the Vipers Pit by Aime Madinabeitia Manso, illus. by Emily
spins. Ages 14up. Carter (Feb. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN Hanako Momohara (Apr. 4, hardcover,
Letters to the Lost by Brigid 978-1-61963-715-3), ages 812. Huw $7.99, ISBN 978-1-936669-56-1). A

36 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

boy celebrates his favorite things about McGhee (Mar. 28, hardcover, $16.95, BOYDS MILLS/CALKINS CREEK
spring. Ages up to 3. ISBN 978-1-59078-984-1). Percy is The Great American Foot Race:
playing with his pals at the park when a Ballyhoo for the Bunion Derby! by
BOXER BOOKS jeering squirrel causes him to drop his Andrew Speno (Apr. 4, hardcover,
How Long Is a Whale? by Alison beloved ball. Ages 48. $17.95, ISBN 978-1-62979-602-4)
Limentani (Apr. 4, hardcover, $14.95, The Secret Life of the Red Fox by spotlights the 1928 Transcontinental
ISBN 978-1-910716-21-2). This com- Laurence Pringle, illus. by Kate Garchinsky Foot Race, in which more than 100 men
panion to How Much Does a Ladybug (Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1- raced cross-country. Ages 918.
Weigh? focuses on the size of underwater 62979-260-6). Over a year, a fox hunts, The Enemy: Detroit, 1954 by Sara
creatures. Ages 35. avoids danger, finds a mate, and raises her Holbrook (Mar. 7, hardcover, $17.95,
Chugga Chugga Choo Choo by kits. Ages 69. ISBN 978-1-62979-498-3). In the after-
Emma Garcia (Apr. 4, hardcover, $14.95, The Exo Project by Andrew DeYoung math of WWII, a girl struggles to do
ISBN 978-1-910716-23-6). In this (Apr. 4, hardcover, $18.95, ISBN 978-1- whats right when a German girl transfers
counting tale, noisy birds hop aboard a 62979-610-9). Searching the galaxy for to her school. Ages 1014.
train traveling through various land- an alternative habitat to ravaged Earth, a Girl with a Camera: Margaret
scapes. Ages 36. teen falls for a girl from another planet. Bourke-White, Photographer: A Novel
The Elephants Garden by Jane Ray Ages 1218. by Carolyn Meyer (Apr. 4, hardcover,
(Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1- $17.95, ISBN 978-1-62979-584-3) is a
910716-22-9). In an Indian village, the Series novel based on the life of this WWII
thief who is consuming the fruit in The Top-Secret Diary of Celie photojournalist. Ages 1014.
Jasmines garden leads her on a magical Valentine signs on Everythings Changed Alice Paul and the Fight for
journey. Ages 36. by Julie Sternberg (Apr. 4, hardcover, Womens Rights: From the Vote to
$16.95, ISBN 978-1-62979-672-7), the Equal Rights Amendment by
BOYDS MILLS ages 811. Deborah Kops (Feb. 28, hardcover,
Puppy, Puppy, Puppy by Julie Sternberg,
illus. by Fred Koehler (Apr. 4, hardcover,
$16.95, ISBN 978-1-62979-466-2),
follows inseparable Baby and Puppy
throughout a day. Ages 25.
Rabbit Stew by Wendy Wahman
(Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-
62979-583-6). In this search-and-find a

tale, a rabbit family tries to stay out of

sight as two fox brothers gather vege-
tables for a stew. Ages 37.
Cy Makes a Friend by Ann Marie TWO NEW SERIES
Stephens (Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.95, FROM ARCADIA KIDS
ISBN 978-1-62979-578-2). A Cyclops
and a phoenix become friends in this
story celebrating being yourself and fol- Unique Read Together/Do Together series
lowing your dreams. Ages 48.
that help children develop a sense of place
The Fleatastics by Lisa Desimini
and belonging in their own community.
(Apr. 4, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-
62979-303-0). A flea is determined to
have her own act after her family joins a DISPLAYER PRE-LOADED WITH
traveling acrobatic flea troupe. Ages 24 NEW ARCADIA KIDS BOOKS
I Want to Grow by Ged Adamson
(Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-
ONLY $199
62979-585-0). What can a dinosaur do
when he realizes that his friend is growing
tallerbut he is not? Ages 48.
Percy, Dog of Destiny by Alison 1.888.313.2665
[email protected]


S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

$17.95, ISBN 978-1-62979-323-8). Kiki & Cocos Guide to Paris: A artist present original poems that pay
Archival photos illustrate this profile of a Travel Journal for a Girl and Her Doll homage to 20 celebrated poets. Ages
determined leader in the fight for womens by Nina Gruener, photos by Stephanie 8-12.
suffrage and equal rights. Ages 1118. Rausser (May 16, paper, $12.95, ISBN Counting with Tiny Cat by Viviane
978-1-944903-07-7), compiles facts and Schwarz (July 18, hardcover, $14.99,
BOYDS MILLS/WORDSONG activities. Ages 48. ISBN 978-0-7636-9462-3). A feline
Keep a Pocket in Your Poem: Classic Smarty Marty Steps Up Her Game accumulates red balls in this counting
Poems and Playful Parodies by J. Patrick by Amy Gutierrez, illus. by Ariana tale. Ages 25.
Lewis, illus. by Johanna Wright (Mar. 28, Killoran (Mar. 14, hardcover, $13.95, Have You Seen My Lunch Box? by
hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-59078- ISBN 978-1-944903-08-4). Baseball Steve Light (June 13, hardcover, $6.99,
921-6), pairs 13 classic poems with paro- enthusiast Marty and her brother star in ISBN 978-0-7636-9068-7). A boy needs
dies that honor the originals. Ages 510. this chapter-book launch. Ages 710. help collecting his missing belongings
Thunder Underground by Jane before he hops on the school bus. Ages 25.
Yolen, illus. by Jose Masse (Mar. 28, CANDLEWICK Hooray for Birds! by Lucy Cousins
hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-59078- Anywhere Farm by Phyllis Root, illus. (Mar. 28, hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-
936-0), offers poems about underground by G. Brian Karas (Mar. 14, hardcover, 0-7636-9265-0). Art and rhyming text
places, including animal burrows, ancient $16.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-7499-1), invite children to imagine themselves as
cities, and caves. Ages 510. reveals that soil and sunshine, water, and brilliant birds. Ages 25.
a seed are all one needs to plant a garden I Want to Be in a Scary Story by Sean
BOYS TOWN anywhere. Ages 25. Taylor, illus. by Jean Jullien (July 11,
Series Bee & Me by Alison Jay (Mar. 14, hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-
Executive Function moves along with hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-0-7636- 8953-7). Monster wants to be a character
Of Course Its a Big Deal! by Bryan Smith, 9010-6). A girl befriends a bee in this in a scary rather than a funny story
illus. by Lisa Griffen (Mar. 1, paper, wordless, hopeful book about the plight until the author puts him in one
$10.95, ISBN 978-1-944882-11-2), ages of the honeybee. Ages 25. involving creepy witches and spooky
511. Responsible Me! introduces The Out of Wonder by Kwame Alexander, houses. Ages 25.
Procrastinator by Julia Cook, illus. by illus. by Ekua Holmes (Mar. 14, hard- The Tree: An Environmental Fable
Anita DuFalla (Feb. 1, paper, $10.95, cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-8094-7 by Neal Layton (Feb. 7, hardcover,
ISBN 978-1-944882-09-9), ages 511. A Newbery winner and Caldecott Honor $16.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-8952-0)
And Misadventures of explores what happens when
Michael McMichaels continues a family wants to cut down a
with The Creepy Campers by Tony tree thats home to animals to
Penn, illus. by Brian Martin build a house. Ages 25.
(Feb. 15, paper, $7.95, ISBN Tucker Digs Easter! by
978-1-944882-10-5), ages Leslie McGuirk (Feb. 14,
713. hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-
0-7636-8536-2). A terrier
BRITISH LIBRARY helping the Easter Bunny
Series hide eggs might be too good
Revolutions presents Moments at the task. Ages 25.
in History That Changed the World Green Pants by Kenneth
by Clare Hibbert (June 1, hard- Kraegel (Mar. 21, hardcover,
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-7123- $15.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-
5670-1), ages 811. 8840-0). A boy who insists
on wearing only green pants
CAMERON + COMPANY faces a dilemma in this story
Play? by Linda Olafsdottir celebrating individualism.
(Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.95, Ages 37.
ISBN 978-1-944903-06-0). Home in the Rain by Bob
Two toddlers contemplate Graham (June 13, hardcover,
playing with each other and $16.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-
their stuffed companions. 9269-8). A pregnant mother
Ages 15. From ABC Pasta by Juana Medina (Penguin/Viking) and daughter waiting out a

38 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

storm in their car find inspiration for a excitement of adventuring into the an outdoor adventure, while a crocodile
name for the unborn child. Ages 37. unknown and the comfort of returning takes her place in the castle. Ages 48.
Ice Boy by David Ezra Stein (Apr. 11, home. Ages 37. Things to Do with Dad by Sam
hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-0-7636- Wake Up! by Helen Frost, photos by Zuppardi (Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.99,
8203-3). An ice cube in search of adven- Rick Lieder (Mar. 14, hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-8146-3). With imagi-
ture stars in this tale of transformation ISBN 978-0-7636-8149-4), examines nation and a green crayon, a boy discovers
and daring to venture into the unknown. new creatures being born just outside how to salvage a day burdened by chores.
Ages 37. childrens doors. Ages 37. Ages 48.
Little Wolfs First Howling by Laura Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell, Barnaby Never Forgets by Pierre
McGee Kvasnosky, illus. by Kvasnosky illus. by Helen Oxenbury (Mar. 14, hard- Collet-Derby (July 11, hardcover,
and Kate Harvey McGee (Apr. 11, hard- cover, $7.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-9306-0; $16.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-8853-0).
cover, $15.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-8971-1). paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-9561- A bunny with a good memory learns a
In this story about being true to your 3). When an overworked duck collapses lesson when he forgets something impor-
heart, something unexpected happens from exhaustion, farmyard animals come tant. Ages 58.
when a wolf tries howling at the moon to the rescue. Ages 3up. Boys Dancing: From School Gym
for the first time. Ages 37. And Then Comes Summer by Tom to Theater Stage by George Ancona
Migloos Weekend by William Bee Brenner, illus. by Jaime Kim (May 9, (Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-
(May 23, hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978- hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-7636- 0-7636-8202-6). Photos and text follow
0-7636-8991-9). The canine star of 6071-0), offers an ode to summers spent four boys as they train for and participate
Migloos Day has a busy weekend in this outdoors. Ages 48. in a dance performance celebrating classic
interactive sequel. Ages 37. Great, Now Weve Got Barbarians! childrens books. Ages 58.
Owl Bat Bat Owl by Marie-Louise by Jason Carter Eaton, illus. by Mark Fergus and Zeke by Kate Messner,
Fitzpatrick (June 13, hardcover, $15.99, Fearing (Feb. 14, hardcover, $15.99, illus. by Heather Ross (June 13, hard-
ISBN 978-0-7636-9161-5). Can an owl ISBN 978-0-7636-6827-3), is a cau- cover, $14.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-
and a bat family share a tree home together? tionary tale about the perils of messy 7846-3) launches a series about a mouse
Ages 37. habits. Ages 48. who is a classroom pet and his streetwise
Poor Louie by Tony Fucile (Apr. 11, Hattie & Hudson by Chris Van Dusen buddy. Ages 58.
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-7636- (May 9, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0- The Treasure Box by Margaret Wild,
5828-1). Life is perfect for a pup until 7636-6545-6). Hattie befriends a giant illus. by Freya Blackwood (Apr. 25, hard-
his human moms belly starts to grow lake creature in this tale of acceptance cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-9084-
biggerand other signs of change appear. and friendship. Ages 48. 7). When war forces them to leave their
Ages 37. The Hawk of the Castle by Danna home, a father and son rescue something
Raymond by Yann Le Bec and Smith, illus. by Bagram Ibatoulline precious in this story about the resilience
Gwendal Le Bec (May 9, hardcover, (Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- of the human spirit. Ages 58.
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-8950-6). 0-7636-7992-7). A girl and her father, Triangle by Mac Barnett, illus. by Jon
Following Raymonds lead, all the dogs the falconer at a medieval castle, star in Klassen (Mar. 14, hardcover, $15.99,
in town shed their canine ways and begin this ode to falconry. Ages 48. ISBN 978-0-7636-9603-0) launches a
leading busy human lives. Ages 37. Jabari Jumps by Gaia Cornwall trilogy about some very sneaky shapes.
There Might Be Lobsters by Carolyn (May 9, hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-0- Ages 59.
Crimi, illus. by Laurel Molk (May 9, 7636-7838-8). This tale about overcoming Double or Nothing with the Two
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-7636- fears centers on a boy taking his first jump and Only Kelly Twins by Johanna
7542-4). At the beach, a timid pups off a diving board. Ages 48. Hurwitz, illus. by Tuesday Mourning
anxiety gives way to bravery when King of the Sky by Nicola Davies, (Apr. 11, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-
someone smaller is in need. Ages 37. illus. by Laura Carlin (June 13, hard- 0-7636-8808-0). This follow-up to The
Tide Pool Secrets by Narelle Oliver cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-9568- Two and Only Kelly Twins takes another
(Apr. 11, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-0- 2). An Italian boy who moves to Wales look at the wondersand puzzlesof
7636-9159-2). Readers lift flaps to dis- feels isolated until he befriends a man being an identical twin. Ages 69.
cover hidden tide pool creatures. Ages 37. and his pigeon. Ages 48. Lighter Than Air: Sophie Blanchard,
Time Now to Dream by Timothy Princess Cora and the Crocodile by the First Woman Pilot by Matthew
Knapman, illus. by Helen Oxenbury Laura Amy Schlitz, illus. by Brian Floca Clark Smith, illus. by Matt Tavares
(Mar. 14, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- (Mar. 28, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- (Mar. 14, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-
0-7636-9078-6). Siblings have a night- 0-7636-4822-0). Thanks to her fairy 0-7636-7732-9), profiles this 18th-cen-
time escapade in this story about the godmother, an overprotected princess has tury French aviatrix. Ages 69.

40 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Me, All Alone, at the End of the offers original poems that pay tribute to Hell and High Water by Tanya
World by M.T. Anderson, illus. by Kevin 20 famed poets. Ages 812. Landman (June 13, hardcover, $17.99,
Hawkes (Mar. 14, hardcover, $14.99, Bronze and Sunflower by Cao ISBN 978-0-7636-8875-2). In 1750s
ISBN 978-0-7636-8902-5). In this Wenxuan, trans. by Helen Wang, illus. England, a boys quest to clear his fathers
homage to simplicity and self-reliance, a by Meilo So (Mar. 14, hardcover, $16.99, name ensnares him in a net of deceit and
boys peaceful life is threatened. Ages 69. ISBN 978-0-7636-8816-5). Two Chinese conspiracy. Ages 12up.
Patrick and the President by Ryan children who have experienced tragedy Maid of the Kings Court by Lucy
Tubridy, illus. by P.J. Lynch (Feb. 14, become inseparable in this story of the Worsley (Mar. 14, hardcover, $16.99,
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-7636- trials of poverty and the power of love. ISBN 978-0-7636-8806-6). A willful
8949-0). A fictional boy is excited to Ages 912. girl directs her fate and follows her heart
meet J.F.K. on the presidents 1963 Double Cross: Deception in this novel set in the volatile court of
visit to his Irish hometown. Ages 69. Techniques in War by Paul B. Janeczko Henry VIII. Ages 12up.
A Song About Myself by Chris (Apr. 25, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- Sophie Someone by Hayley Long
Raschka (Mar. 14, hardcover, $17.99, 0-7636-6042-0). This companion to The (Mar. 28, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-
ISBN 978-0-7636-5090-2). This Dark Game examines strategic lies of war 0-7636-8995-7). This tale of betrayal
Caldecott Medalist illustrates John throughout history. Ages 1014. and forgiveness centers on a teen who dis-
Keatss only work written for children. Isaac the Alchemist: Secrets of Isaac covers the secret of who she really is.
Ages 69. Newton, Reveald by Mary Losure Ages 12up.
Harry Millers Run by David (Feb. 14, hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978- Yvain: The Knight of the Lion by
Almond, illus. by Salvatore Rubbino 0-7636-7063-4) recounts Newtons early M.T. Anderson, illus. by Andrea
(Feb. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0- life and traces his development as a Offermann (Mar. 14, hardcover, $19.99,
7636-8975-9). A British man tells an thinker. Ages 10up. ISBN 978-0-7636-5939-4), is a graphic
aspiring young runner about his mem- A Single Stone by Meg McKinlay novel recounting the legend of this
orable childhood run. Ages 79. (Mar. 14, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- Arthurian knight. Ages 12up.
Cody and the Rules of Life by Tricia 0-7636-8837-0). A girl in an isolated The Book That Made Me: A
Springstubb, illus. by Eliza Wheeler society makes a life-changing discovery Collection of 32 Personal Stories,
(Apr. 11, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978- in this story of belief, survival, and resil- edited by Judith Ridge (Mar. 14, hard-
0-7636-7920-0). When prized items ience. Ages 10up. cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-
start to disappear, Cody learns that doing The Whydah: A Pirate Ship Feared, 9549-1; paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-
the right thing can be hard. Ages 710. Wrecked, and Found by Martin W. 9671-9). YA authors offer glimpses into
Martina & Chrissie: The Greatest Sandler (Mar. 14, hardcover, $19.99, the books that inspired them to be
Rivalry in the History of Sports by Phil ISBN 978-0-7636-8033-6) chronicles readers, writers,
Bildner, illus. by Brett Helquist (Mar. 14, the true story of a ship that sank off
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-7636- Cape Cod in 1717. Ages 10up.
7308-6), offers a dual biography of tennis Between Two Skies by Joanne
champions Martina Navratilova and OSullivan (Apr. 25, hardcover,
Chris Evert. Ages 710. $16.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-9034-
Exploring Space: From Galileo to 2). A girl whose life is upended by
the Mars Rover and Beyond by Martin Hurricane Katrina stars in this
Jenkins, illus. by Stephen Biesty (June 13, novel of love, class, exile,
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-7636- and belonging. Ages 12up.
8931-5), examines the past, present, Haunt Me by Liz Kessler (July
and future of humans in space. 11, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN
Ages 812. 978-0-7636-9162-2). Erin
Matylda, Bright and Tender by is caught between
Holly M. McGhee (Mar. 14, hardcover, two brothers: a
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-8951-3). This spirit who lived in
friendship story showcases a girls loss, her bedroom
grieving, and healing. Ages 812. before he died,
Out of Wonder: Poems Celebrating and his brother,
Poets by Kwame Alexander, illus. by who attends her
Ekua Holmes (Mar. 14, hardcover, school. Ages From A Letter to My Teacher by Deborah Hopkinson, illus. by Nancy
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-8094-7), 12up. Carpenter (Random/Schwartz & Wade)

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 41
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S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

and who theyve become. Ages 14up. 0-7636-7498-4), ages 58. J.K. Rowlings and the Backyard Circus (Mar. 21, hard-
MWD: Hell Is Coming Home by Wizarding World introduces Magical cover, $12.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-9437-
Brian David Johnson and Jan Egleson, Film Projections: Creatures (Mar. 7, hard- 1), ages 25. Peg + Cat star in The
illus. by Laila Milevski and Karl Stevens cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-9585- Lemonade Problem by Jennifer Oxley and
(Feb. 14, hardcover, $24.99, ISBN 978- 9), ages 710. Billy Aronson (Mar. 14, hardcover,
0-7636-5706-2). This graphic novel fol- Timmy Failure returns in The Cat $12.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-9436-4),
lows Lizs return from war and her bond Stole My Pants by Stephan Pastis (Apr. 25, ages 37. And Tales from Mossy
with two dogs: one saves her life in Iraq, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-0-7636- Bottom Farm welcomes Shaun the Sheep:
and the other helps her reclaim it at 9733-4), ages 812. Ruby Redfort is Blast to the Past by Martin Howard, illus.
home. Ages 14up. back in Pick Your Poison by Lauren Child by Andy Janes (May 9, paper, $4.99,
Revenge of the Evil Librarian by (Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- ISBN 978-0-7636-9093-9), ages 58.
Michelle Knudsen (Feb. 14, hardcover, 0-7636-5471-9), ages 10up. The
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-8828-8). Foretelling of Georgie Spider joins The CANDLEWICK/NOSY CROW
Cynthia is hoping for a demon-free Tribe Book by Ambelin Kwaymullina Wheres the Giraffe? (Mar. 28, hard-
summer at theater camp in this sequel (May 9, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0- cover, $8.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-9334-3)
to Evil Librarian. Ages 14up. 7636-9210-0), ages 12up. And Alison and Wheres the Ladybug? (Mar. 28,
Who Killed Christopher Goodman? Croggons Pellinor continues with The hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-
Based on a True Crime by Allan Wolf Bone Queen: Cadvans Story (June 13, hard- 9335-0), illus. by Ingela P. Arrhenius,
(Mar. 14, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-8974-2), feature these creatures hiding behind felt
0-7636-5613-3). Inspired by a tragic Ages 14up. flaps. Ages up to 3.
event in Wolfs past, this examines a boys A Lullaby for Little One by Dawn
mysterious murder and the fateful summer CANDLEWICK/BIG PICTURE Casey, illus. by Charles Fuge (Mar. 7,
leading up to it. Ages 14up. The Butterfly Garden by Laura Weston hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-
Beck by Mal Peet and Meg Rosoff (Apr. 11, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978- 8661-1). At the end of a busy day, a
(Apr. 11, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- 0-7636-9317-6). A monarch butterfly father rabbit knows that a lullaby is just
0-7636-7842-5). During the Depression, metamorphoses from egg to caterpillar what his offspring needs. Ages 25.
an orphan sent to work on a Canadian to butterfly in this lift-the-flap book. Old MacDonalds Things That Go
farm escapes and takes charge of his own Ages 25. by Jane Clarke, illus. by Migy Blanco
destiny. Ages 16up. One Is Not a Pair by Britta (Apr. 11, hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-
Teckentrup (Mar. 14, hardcover, $14.99, 0-7636-9326-8), showcases this farmers
Series ISBN 978-0-7636-9319-0). Readers spot collection of vehicles. Ages 25.
Lucy Cousinss Maisy is back in Maisys the thing on each page that doesnt match Hush-a-Bye Bunny, illus. by Holly
Bus (Apr. 25, hardcover, $5.99, ISBN in this companion to The Odd One Out and Surplice (Mar. 7, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN
978-0-7636-9406-7) and Maisys Sailboat Wheres the Pair? Ages 25. 978-0-7636-9459-3). When Bunny gets
(Apr. 25, hardcover, $5.99, ISBN 978-0- tearful at bedtime, his mother knows
7636-9405-0), ages up to 3; and Maisy Series how to reassure him. Ages 35.
Goes to the Local Bookstore (Mar. 28, hard- Welcome to the Museum introduces Big Bug Log, illus. by Sebastien
cover, $12.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-9255- Animalium Poster Book by Jenny Broom, Braun (Mar. 28, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN
1), ages 25. Minibombo offers The Cat illus. by Katie Scott (Mar. 14, paper, 978-0-7636-9322-0). Readers solve puz-
Book by Silvia Borando (Apr. 25, hard- $22, ISBN 978-0-7636-9318-3), ages zles, follow mazes, and lift flaps to follow
cover, $9.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-9472-2) 79; and Botanicum by Katherine Willis, a bugs path to his grandmothers house
and The Dog Book by Lorenzo Clerici illus. by Scott (Mar. 14, hardcover, $35, in a log. Ages 37.
(Apr. 25, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-0- ISBN 978-0-7636-8923-0), ages 812. Warthog by Birdie Black, illus. by
7636-9487-6), ages 25. Rosalind Beardshaw (May 9, hardcover,
Judy Moody and Friends are back CANDLEWICK $14.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-9323-7).
in April Fools, Mr. Todd! by Megan ENTERTAINMENT A plucky warthog sets out on an adven-
McDonald, illus. by Erwin Madrid Series ture in this lift-the-flap counting tale.
(Mar. 14, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978- Peekaboo welcomes Peekaboo Barn Farm Ages 37.
0-7636-8200-2; paper, $4.99, ISBN Day (Mar. 14, hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-
978-0-7636-8201-9 ), ages 46. Annie 0-7636-7566-0), ages up to 3. Peppa Series
and Simon reappear in Banana Muffins Pig reappears in Peppa Pig and the Easter Jannie Hos ABC celebrates Halloween
and Other Stories by Catharine ONeill Rainbow (Mar. 14, hardcover, $12.99, ABC (July 18, hardcover, $6.99, ISBN
(May 23, hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978- ISBN 978-0-7636-9438-8) and Peppa Pig 978-0-7636-9527-9), ages up to 3. Bizzy

44 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Bear stars in Do-It-Yourself Day (Mar. 28, and their changes through the season. the animals dance and party at nightime.
hardcover, $6.99, ISBN 978-0-7636- Ages 25. Ages 37.
9328-2) and Spooky House (July 11, hard- Double Take! A New Look at One Hundred Sausages by Yuval
cover, $6.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-9327-5), Opposites by Susan Hood, illus. by Jay Zommer (May 23, hardcover, $16.99,
illus. by Benji Davies, ages up to 3. Can Fleck (June 13, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN ISBN 978-0-7636-9297-1). In this
You Say It, Too? issues Cheep! Cheep!, 978-0-7636-7291-1), views opposites sequel to One Hundred Bones, Scruff sniffs
illus. by Sebastien Braun (Mar. 7, hard- from various perspectives. Ages 37. out the thief who stole sausages from the
cover, $8.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-9329-9), Find the Dots by Andy Mansfield butchers shop. Ages 37.
ages up to 3. Farm Friends Sound (Mar. 28, hardcover, $15, ISBN 978-0- Rain by Sam Usher (Mar. 28, hard-
Books gains Cuddly Cow (Apr. 25, hard- 7636-9558-3). Kids find and count the cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-9296-4).
cover, $9.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-9325-1) dots hiding throughout this book fea- Sam and Granddad have a magical adven-
and Higgly Hen (Apr. 25, hardcover, turing paper engineering. Ages 37. ture in the rain in this follow-up to Snow.
$9.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-9324-4), Ages 37.
illus. by Axel Scheffler, The Whopper by Rebecca
ages up to 3. Penny Dales Ashdown (May 9, hardcover,
Dinosaurs greets Dinosaur $16.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-
Pirates! (May 2, hardcover, 9291-9). After a boy tells a
$15.99, ISBN 978-0- lie, his guilt follows him
7636-9330-5), ages 25. around in the form of a hungry,
And Pip and Posy meet increasingly large monster.
The New Friend, illus. by Ages 37.
Scheffler (June 6, hard-
cover, $12.99, ISBN 978- Series
0-7636-9339-8), ages Jonny Duddless Jolley-
25. Sing Along with Rogers return in The Jolley-
Me!, illus. by Yu-hsuan Rogers and the Monsters Gold
Huang, chimes in with (Mar. 21, paper, $6.99,
Happy Birthday (Mar. 7, ISBN 978-0-7636-9292-6),
hardcover, $8.99, ISBN ages 69.
978-0-7636-9505-7), Hey
Diddle Diddle (Mar. 28, CAPSTONE
hardcover, $8.99, ISBN Dalmatian in a Digger by
978-0-7636-9320-6), Rebecca Elliott (Feb. 1, hard-
Row, Row, Row Your Boat cover, $15.95, ISBN 978-1-
(Feb. 14, hardcover, From Noodleheads See the Future by Tedd Arnold et al. (Holiday House) 62370-802-3). A small dog is
$8.99, ISBN 978-0-7636- determined to discover what
9240-7), and Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star CANDLEWICK/TEMPLAR big construction vehicles are building.
(Feb. 14, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-0- Gigantosaurus by Jonny Duddle Ages 35.
7636-9241-4), ages 25. Violet Rose (Mar. 7, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-0- Monster Heroes by Blake Hoena,
returns in Violet Rose and the Summer 7636-9294-0). As four dinosaurs play, illus. by Dave Bardin (June 1, paper,
Campout, illus. by Jannie Ho (Apr. 25, one volunteers to be on the lookout for a $5.95, ISBN 978-1-62370-783-5).
paper, $8.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-9333- scary beastwith unexpected results. While other monsters try to hurt people,
6), ages 48. And Hubble Bubble con- Ages 25. these four fight for good. Ages 68.
tinues with The Great Granny Cake Kings of the Castle by Victoria The Dog Encyclopedia for Kids by
Contest! by Tracey Corderoy, illus. by Joe Turnbull (Apr. 25, hardcover, $16.99, Tammy Gagne (Feb. 1, paper, $14.95,
Berger (June 13, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-0-7636-9295-7). In this ISBN 978-1-62370-694-4) compiles
ISBN 978-0-7636-9503-3; paper, $6.99, story of adventure, imagination, and canine facts. Ages 912.
ISBN 978-0-7636-8849-3), ages 69. friendship, George is determined to build The Fearless Travelers Guide to
a sand castle at night. Ages 37. Wicked Places by Pete Begler (Mar. 1,
CANDLEWICK STUDIO Midnight at the Zoo by Faye Hanson hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-62370-
Trees by Lemniscates (Mar. 14, hard- (June 6, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0- 799-6). After witches take her mother,
cover, $14.99, ISBN 978-0-7636- 7636-8908-7). Locked in the zoo after a Nell ventures into the realm of
9001-4) reveals the importance of trees school trip, Max and Mia discover that Nightmares to save her. Ages 912.

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 45
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Gods and Thunder: A Graphic ISBN 978-1-5157-4828-1); and Reveres Ride (Feb. 1, paper, $7.95, ISBN
Novel of Old Norse Myths by Carl Olympians vs. Titans: An Interactive 978-1-4795-9789-5), The Pilgrims
Bowen, Michael Dahl, and Louise Mythological Adventure by Jessica Voyage to America (Feb. 1, paper, $7.95,
Simonson, illus. by Eduardo Garcia, Tod Gunderson, illus. by Carolyn Arcabascio ISBN 978-1-4795-9790-1), and The
Smith, and Rex Lokus (Mar. 1, paper, (Feb. 1, paper, $6.95, ISBN 978-1-5157- Wright Brothers First Flight (Feb. 1,
$14.95, ISBN 978-1-62370-848-1), is a 4825-0), ages 811. Allergy Aware paper, $7.95, ISBN 978-1-4795-9791-
graphic novel based on Norse mythology. Cookbooks serves up Fearless Food: 8), ages 68.
Ages 912. Allergy-Free Recipes for Kids by Katrina Sofia Martinez stars in My Fantstica
How to Stage a Catastrophe by Jorgensen (Apr. 1, paper, $14.95, ISBN Family by Jacqueline Jules, illus. by Kim
Rebecca Donnelly (Apr. 1, hardcover, 978-1-62370-608-1), ages 912. New Smith (Feb. 1, paper, $4.95, ISBN 978-
$12.95, ISBN 978-1-62370-807-8) Encounter: Narrative Nonfiction 1-5158-0746-9), ages 68. And joining
spotlights a cast of kids who try to save a Stories are Escape from Alcatraz: The Unicorn Riders by Aleesah Darlison,
failing community theater from closing. Mystery of the Three Men Who Escaped From illus. by Jill Brailsford, are Ellabeths Test
Ages 912. The Rock by Eric Braun (Feb. 1, paper, (Apr. 1, paper, $5.95, ISBN 978-1-4795-
Superman Science: The Real-World $7.95, ISBN 978-1-5157-4552-5) and 6555-9), Krystals Choice (Apr. 1, paper,
Science Behind Supermans Powers Escaping the Nazis on the Kindertransport by $5.95, ISBN 978-1-4795-6554-2),
by Agnieszka Biskup and Tammy Enz Emma Bernay (Feb. 1, paper, $7.95, Quinns Riddles (Apr. 1, paper, $5.95,
(Mar. 1, paper, $9.95, ISBN 978-1- ISBN 978-1-5157-4546-4), ages 912. ISBN 978-1-4795-6552-8), and Willows
62370-702-6) explains the science Sports Illustrated Kids adds All-Star Challenge (Apr. 1, paper, $5.95, ISBN
behind strength, speed, sight, and flight Goofball Trivia: Weird and Wild Sports 978-1-4795-6553-5), ages 810.
as it relates to this superheros powers. Trivia by Matthew Chandler, Shane
Ages 912. Frederick, and Megan Cooley Peterson CAPSTONE/STONE ARCH
(Feb. 1, paper, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-62370- Series
Series 778-1), ages 912. And Ultimate Fan Ellie Ultra by Gina Bellisario, illus. by
Dear Molly, Dear Olive continues with Books welcomes Cristiano Ronaldo by Jessika von Innerebner, introduces Super
Molly Discovers Magic (Then Wants to Iain Spragg (Apr. 4, paper, $9.95, ISBN Fluffy to the Rescue (Feb. 1, paper, $6.95,
Un-discover It) (Feb. 1, paper, $5.95, 978-1-78097-920-5), Lionel Messi by ISBN 978-1-4965-3146-9) and Team
ISBN 978-1-62370-616-6) and Olive Mike Perez (Apr. 4, paper, $9.95, ISBN Earth Takeover (Feb. 1, paper, $6.95,
Finds Treasure (of the Most Precious Kind) 978-1-78097-921-2), and Zlatan ISBN 978-1-4965-3147-6), ages 68.
(Feb. 1, paper, $5.95, ISBN 978-1- Ibrahimovic by Adrian Besley (Apr. 4, Michele Jakubowskis The Sleuths of
62370-615-9) by Megan Atwood, illus. paper, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-78097-934-2), Somerville, illus. by Amerigo Pinelli,
by Lucy Fleming, ages 68. Mind ages 10up. ushers in The Professors Discovery (Feb. 1,
Benders offers Totally Amazing Facts paper, $6.95, ISBN 978-1-4965-3181-0)
About Military Vehicles by Cari Meister CAPSTONE/PICTURE WINDOW and Tour of Trouble (Feb. 1, paper, $6.95,
(Feb. 1, paper, $7.95, ISBN 978-1-5157- Series ISBN 978-1-4965-3180-3), ages 912.
4542-6), ages 68. Superfairies are Little Boost greets Miles McHale,
back in Adventures in Peaseblossom Woods Tattletale by Christianne Jones, illus. by CAPSTONE/SWITCH
by Janey Louise Jones, illus. by Jennie Elina Ellis (Mar. 1, hardcover, $14.95, Botanical Beauty: 80 Essential Recipes
Poh (Apr. 1, paper, $6.95, ISBN 978-1- ISBN 978-1-5158-0753-7), ages 48. for Natural Spa Products by Aubre
62370-819-1), ages 68. And Top Sports Ashley Small and Ashlee Tall by Andrus (Mar. 1, paper, $14.95, ISBN 978-
Tips acquires six titles, including Top Michele Jakubowski, illus. by Hdi 1-63079-075-2) rounds up organic recipes
Basketball Tips by Rebecca Rissman Fekete, picks up Best Friends Forever? and crafts to replicate a spa experience.
(Feb. 1, paper, $7.95, ISBN 978-1-5157- (Feb. 1, paper, $4.95, ISBN 978-1-5158- Ages 1418.
4725-3), Top Dance Tips by Jennifer Jones 0013-2), Brushes and Basketballs (Feb. 1, Sucktown, Alaska by Craig Dirkes
(Feb. 1, paper, $7.95, ISBN 978-1-5157- paper, $4.95, ISBN 978-1-5158-0014-9), (May 1, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-
4730-7), and Top Soccer Tips by Danielle The Grass Is Always Greener (Feb. 1, 63079-055-4). After flunking out of
Hammelef (Feb. 1, paper, $7.95, ISBN paper, $4.95, ISBN 978-1-5158-0016- college, will Eddie work hard and
978-1-5157-4728-4), ages 68. 3), and The Sleepover (Feb. 1, paper, $4.95, straighten up in small-town Alaska or
Four books join You Choose: Ancient ISBN 978-1-5158-0015-6), ages 68. take a different, risky path? Ages 1418.
Greek Myths, among them Hades and the Fly on the Wall History by Thomas Waking in Time by Angie Stanton
Underworld: An Interactive Mythological Troupe, illus. by Jomike Tejido, gains (Mar. 1, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-
Adventure by Blake Hoena, illus. by Harriet Tubmans Escape (Feb. 1, paper, 63079-070-7). Communicating across
Nadine Takvorian (Feb. 1, paper, $6.95, $7.95, ISBN 978-1-4795-9792-5), Paul time through a buried time capsule, Abbi

46 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

and a boy from an earlier era fall in love. Thirsty, Thirsty Elephants by Sandra
Ages 1418. Markle, illus. by Fabricio VandenBroeck
(Apr. 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-
Series 58089-634-4). During a drought in
Lois Lane reappears in Triple Threat by Tanzania, Grandma Elephant searches
Gwenda Bond (May 1, hardcover, $16.95, for water for her herd. Ages 37.
ISBN 978-1-63079-082-0), ages 1418. Fresh-Picked Poetry: A Day at the
Farmers Market by Michelle Schaub,
CASEMATE/LIBERTIES illus. by Amy Huntington (Mar. 14,
Eddie Inventor by John Chambers hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-58089-
(Feb. 15, paper, $11.95, ISBN 978-1- 547-7), collects poems set at an urban
910742-70-9). A young inventor and his farmers market. Ages 48.
friend set out to catch the thief who is The Hidden Life of a Toad by Doug
stealing garden gnomes in their British Wechsler (Mar. 14, hardcover, $17.99,
town. Ages 12up. ISBN 978-1-58089-738-9). Photos track
the life cycle of the American toad from
CASEMATE/MEDINA egg to tadpole to adult. Ages 48.
The Old Man and His Donkey by Julia Pig & Goose and the First Day of
Johnson, illus. by Charlene Kasdorf Spring by Rebecca Bond (Mar. 7, hard-
(Feb. 19, hardcover, $12, ISBN 978-1- cover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-58089-594-1).
909339-94-1). Will a shiny new truck Two very different friends welcome
replace a hardworking donkey who carries
water, rice, and firewood to a mountain
springtime. Ages 58.
Princess and the Peas by Rachel
village? Ages 5up. Himes (Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.99, DARKER THAN
ISBN 978-1-58089-718-1). This adapta-
CBAY tion of a familiar tale is set in Charleston, IT SEEMS
Series S. C. Ages 58.
Broken Worlds releases Broken Promises Waiting for Pumpsie by Barry
by Anitha Robinson (May 1, paper, Wittenstein, illus. by London Ladd
$9.95, ISBN 978-1-944821-12-8), (Feb. 21, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- THE LIGHT
ages 12up. And Fairy Tale Villains 1-58089-545-3). In 1959 the Boston Red
Reimagined welcomes Dragons and Sox was the last team in the Major Leagues
Witches, edited by Madeline Smoot
(June 1, paper, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-
to integrate, and a young fan is overjoyed
to see a black player on his beloved home APRIL 2017
933767-61-1), ages 12up. team. Ages 58.
The Language of Angels: A Story
CENTRAL AVENUE About the Reinvention of Hebrew by
From Ant to Eagle by Alex Lyttle Richard Michelson, illus. by Karla
(Apr. 1, paper, $9.95, ISBN 978-1- Gudeon (Feb. 21, hardcover, $16.99,
77168-111-7). This novel of family love ISBN 978-1-58089-636-8). Set in 1885
Look for the Sage
and loss centers on Cal, whos bored and Palestine, this reveals how Ben Zion Alexander Book Tour and
friendless after moving to a new town,
and his younger brother. Ages 912.
helped modernize ancient Hebrew,
bringing the language back into common
VR Experience near you!
usage. Ages 59.
CHARLESBRIDGE Malala: Activist for Girls Education
Baby Animals Take a Bath (Feb. 7, by Raphale Frier, illus. by Aurlia
hardcover, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-58089- Fronty (Feb. 7, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN AVAILABLE 4/11/17
538-5) and Baby Animals Take a Nap 978-1-58089-785-3) profiles Pakistani 9781612549422 $18.99 Hardcover
(Feb. 7, hardcover, $6.99, ISBN 978-1- activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner
Pre-order from Brown Books Publishing
58089-539-2) by Marsha Diane Arnold, Malala Yousafzai. Ages 69.
Group or your preferred wholesaler.
illus. by Phyllis Limbacher Tildes, reveal Karl, Get Out of the Garden!
how animals get clean; and fall asleep. Carolus Linnaeus and the Naming of
Ages up to 3. Everything by Anita Sanchez, illus. by
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Catherine Stock (Mar. 21, hardcover, Engineering: 25 Construction Challenges Archives uncovers The Magic of the
$17.99, ISBN 978-1-58089-606-1), That Dont Cost a Thing by Bobby Mercer Unicorn by Deborah Lerme Goodman,
spotlights this Swedish creator of the (May 1, paper, $14.99, ISBN 978-1- illus. by Marco Cannella and Suzanne
Linnaean system, the basis for the classi- 61373-716-3), ages 9up. And joining Nugent (May 1, paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-
fication system used by biologists world- Women of Action is Seized by the Sun: 1-937133-25-2); and Surf Monkeys by Jay
wide. Ages 710. The Life and Disappearance of World War II Leibold, illus. by Cannella and Gabhor
Insects: The Most Fun Bug Book Pilot Gertrude Tompkins by James Ure Utomo (May 1, paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-
Ever by Sneed B. Collard III (Mar. 21, (July 1, hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-1- 1-937133-24-5), ages 712.
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-58089- 61373-587-9), ages 12up.
642-9). Photos illustrate this examina- CHOUETTE/CAILLOU
tion of the habitats and habits of various CHILDS PLAY My Name Is Chouette/Caillou by
insects. Ages 912. Series Christine LHeureux, illus. by Kary
Tactile Books introduces Getting Ready, (May 16, hardcover, $15.95, ISBN 978-
Series Lola reappears in Lola Gets a Cat illus. by Cocoretto (Mar. 1, hardcover, 2-89718-369-1), describes the genesis of
by Anna McQuinn, illus. by Rosalind $14.99, ISBN 978-1-84643-886-8), this book character. Ages 3up.
Beardshaw (Feb. 14, hardcover, $15.99, ages up to 5. Classic Books with Holes
ISBN 978-1-58089-736-5), ages 25. offers El Viejo MacDonald, trans. by Series
And Sir Cumference stars in Sir Teresa Mlawer, illus. by Pam Adams New Read with Chouette/Caillou
Cumference and the Fracton Faire by Cindy (May 1, hardcover, $5.99, ISBN 978-1- titles, adapted by Anne Paradis, illus. by
Neuschwander, illus. by Wayne Geehan 84643-967-4; paper, $4.99, ISBN 978- Eric Svigny, are The Bike Lesson: Level 1
(Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- 1-84643-964-3), ages 26; and Itsy (July 11, paper, $3.99, ISBN 978-2-
57091-771-4; paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1- Bitsy Spider with CD, illus. by Nora 89718-366-0); and The Carrot Patch: Level
57091-772-1), ages 710. Hilb (May 1, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1- 2 (July 11, paper, $3.99, ISBN 978-2-
78628-079-4; paper, $4.99, ISBN 978- 89718-367-7), ages 36. And Playtime
CHICAGO REVIEW 1-84643-974-2), ages 36. And Childs welcomes Caillou: The Road Trip, travel
Alexandra the Great: The Story of the Play Library acquires Baking with Dad bingo game included, adapted by Carine
Record-Breaking Filly Who Ruled by Aurora Cacciapuoti (Mar. 1, hard- Laforest, illus. by Mario Allard (Apr. 11,
the Racetrack by Deb Aronson (Mar. 1, cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-84643- paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-2-89718-363-9);
hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-61373- 755-7; paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1- and Caillou: The New Soccer Coach, matching
645-6) showcases this racehorse, winner 84643-754-0), Home and Dry by Sarah game included, adapted by Anne Paradis,
of the 2009 Preakness, and the world of Smith (Mar. 1, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978- illus. by Mario Allard (Apr. 11, paper,
Thoroughbred training and racing. 1-84643-756-4), Mayday Mouse by $4.99, ISBN 978-2-89718-361-5), ages
Ages 913. Sebastien Braun (Mar. 1, hardcover, 3up.
$16.99, ISBN 978-1-84643-759-5;
Series paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-84643-758- CHOUETTE/CITY MONSTERS
New Flashes of Genius titles by Luca 8), and Thats Not How You Do It! by Search-and-Find Books adds Chicago
Novelli are Darwin and the True Story of Ariane Hofmann-Maniyar (Mar. 1, hard- Monsters by Carine Laforest (May 16,
the Dinosaurs (June 1, paper, $9.99, ISBN cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-84643-929- hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-2-924734-
978-1-61373-873-3), Einstein and the 2), ages 37; and Ossiri and the Bala 01-8) and New York Monsters by Anne
Time Machine (June 1, paper, $9.99, ISBN Mengro by Richard ONeill and Paradis (May 16, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN
978-1-61373-865-8), Leonardo da Vinci Katharine Quarmby, illus. by Hannah 978-2-924734-02-5), both illus. by
and the Pen That Drew the Future (June 1, Tolson (Mar. 1, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN Lucile Danis Drouot; and San Francisco
paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-61373-869- 978-1-84643-925-4); paper, $7.99, Monsters by Laforest, illus. by Stephanie
6), and Newton and the Antigravity Formula ISBN 978-1-84643-924-7); and Yokki Mackay (May 16, hardcover, $9.99,
(June 1, paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1- and the Parno Gry by ONeill and ISBN 978-2-924734-03-2), ages 3up.
61373-861-0), ages 7up. For Kids Quarmby, illus. by Marieke Nelissen
issues Marine Science for Kids: Exploring (Mar. 1, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- CHOUETTE/CRACKBOOM!
and Protecting Our Watery World, Includes 84643-927-8; paper, $7.99, ISBN 978- Princess Lila Builds a Tower by Anne
Cool Careers and 21 Activities by Josh 1-84643-926-1), ages 49. Paradis, illus. by Karina Dupuis (May 16,
Hestermann and Bethanie Hestermann hardcover, $15.95, ISBN 978-2-
(June 1, paper, $18.99, ISBN 978-1- CHOOSECO 9815807-5-7). A plucky princess builds
61373-536-7), ages 9up. Junk Drawer Series a tower to see what lies past the forest.
Science opens up to Junk Drawer Choose Your Own Adventure Lost Ages 3up.

48 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

From Crocodile Tears

by Andr Franois
(Enchanted Lion)

CHRONICLE illus. by Komako Sakai (Mar. 14, hard- of First Words by Gaia Stella (June 6,
Daddy Dreams (May 9, hardcover, cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4521-5188-5). hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4521-
$5.99, ISBN 978-1-4521-5823-5) and Two children who go looking for their 5792-4) introduces the names of an array
Mommy Snuggles (Apr. 4, hardcover, jump rope discover that a group of foxes of household items. Ages 35.
$5.99, ISBN 978-1-4521-5822-8) by have claimed it. Ages 35. You and Me, Me and You by Miguel
Anne Gutman and Georg Hallensleben. I Wrote You a Note by Lizi Boyd Tanco (Apr. 11, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN
Animals star in these celebrations of (June 6, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- 978-1-4521-4486-3). Vignettes honor
parental love. Ages up to 3. 4521-5957-7). On its journey, a note the special bond between a father and
Flora and the Chicks: A Counting encounters various characters in this son. Ages 35.
Book by Molly Idle (Mar. 7, hardcover, tribute to nature, curiosity, imagination, Balderdash! John Newbery and the
$9.99, ISBN 978-1-4521-4657-7) and friendship. Ages 35. Boisterous Birth of Childrens Books
launches a series starring the heroine of Mine! by Jeff Mack (May 9, hardcover, by Michelle Markel, illus. by Nancy
Flora and the Flamingo. Ages up to 3. $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4521-5234-9). This Carpenter (Apr. 4, hardcover, $17.99,
Heads & Tails by Carli Davidson tale using just one word starts out with a ISBN 978-0-8118-7922-4), illuminates
(May 16, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-1- single rockand two mice. Ages 35. the life and legacy of this imaginative
4521-5137-3). Photos of dogs and pup- Papasaurus by Stephan Lomp (May 9, author and publisher, for whom the
pies introduce parts of the body. Ages hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4521- Newbery Medal is named. Ages 58.
up to 3. 4425-2). What happens when Babysaurus Over and Under the Pond by Kate
Masha and Her Sisters by Suzy cant find Papasaurus while theyre playing Messner, illus. by Christopher Silas Neal
Ultman (Mar. 7, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN hide-and-seek? Ages 35. (Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-
978-1-4521-5159-5) is a diecut story- Pete with No Pants by Rowboat 4521-4542-6). This companion to Over
book inspired by Russian nesting dolls. Watkins (May 2, hardcover, $16.99, and Under the Snow and Up in the Garden
Ages up to 3. ISBN 978-1-4521-4401-6). A character and Down in the Dirt explores the under-
Shake, Wiggle & Roll by Carli whos gray, round, and pant-less is at the water world. Ages 58.
Davidson (May 16, hardcover, $8.99, center of this story about being true to This Is How We Do It by Matt
ISBN 978-1-4521-5136-6) features oneself. Ages 35. Lamothe (May 2, hardcover, $17.99,
photos of playful pups. Ages up to 3. A River by Marc Martin (Mar. 7, hard- ISBN 978-1-4521-5018-5) follows a
What Do You Wear? by Taro Gomi cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4521-5423-7) day in the life of seven real kids who
(Mar. 7, hardcover, $6.99, ISBN 978-1- traces the imaginary journey of a child hail from Italy, Japan, Iran, India, Peru,
4521-5028-4) spotlights animals in inspired by the view outside her Uganda, and Russia. Ages 58.
stylish garb. Ages up to 3. window: a river winding through a city. Barkus by Patricia MacLachlan, illus.
Mighty, Mighty Construction Site Ages 35. by Marc Boutavant (June 6, hardcover,
by Sherri Duskey Rinker, illus. by Tom Under the Silver Moon: Lullabies, $14.99, ISBN 978-1-4521-1182-7),
Lichtenheld (Feb. 14, hardcover, $16.99, Night Songs & Poems, illus. by Pamela debuts a series centering on an exuberant
ISBN 978-1-4521-5216-5). Vehicles Dalton (July 11, hardcover, $17.99, dog and his young owner. Ages 69.
learn teamwork in this companion to ISBN 978-1-4521-1673-0) collects Charlie & Mouse by Laurel Snyder,
Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site. lullabies and poems illustrated with cut- illus. by Emily Hughes (Apr. 11, hard-
Ages 24. paper art. Ages 35. cover, $14.99, ISBN 978-1-4521-3153-5),
The Fox Wish by Kimiko Aman, Welcome to My House: A Collection rounds up four stories about two inventive

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 49
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

brothers. Ages 69. Fallen Kingdom by Elizabeth May (June Ive Got to Go by Guido van
A Funny Thing Happened at the 13, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1- Genechten (May 16, hardcover, $16.95,
Museum... by Davide Cali and Benjamin 4521-2883-2), ages 14up. ISBN 978-1-60537-337-9). In this potty
Chaud (Mar. 14, hardcover, $12.99, story, a dog finds his way to the big toilet
ISBN 978-1-4521-5593-7). Henry CINCO PUNTOS by accident. Ages 3up.
encounters the unexpected in this follow- Ahgottahandleonit by Donovan Mixon Little Kangaroo by Guido van
up to A Funny Thing Happened on the Way (Feb. 14, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978- Genechten (June 13, hardcover, $16.95,
to School.... Ages 69. 1-941026-46-5); paper, $11.95, ISBN ISBN 978-1-60537-338-6). A mother
Curious Constructions: A Peculiar 978-1-941026-47-2). A dyslexic black kangaroo shows her reluctant young one
Portfolio of Fifty Fascinating Structures teen from Newark who wants to do that there is much to life beyond her
by Michael Hearst, illus. by Matt whats right despite his inner rage kills warm pouch. Ages 4up.
Johnstone (Apr. 4, hardcover, $19.99, a peer in a street fight. Ages 1218. My Good Morning by Kim Crockett-
ISBN 978-1-4521-4484-9), showcases Corson, illus. by Jelena Brezovec (May 16,
unusual structuresboth functional and Series hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-60537-
fanciful. Ages 812. First Concepts in Mexican Folk Art 342-3). An energetic and independent
Get It Together, Delilah! by Erin by Cynthia Weill issues ABeCedarios: girl is determined to get ready for school
Gough (Apr. 4, hardcover, $16.99, Mexican Folk Art ABCs in English and all by herself. Ages 4up.
ISBN 978-1-4521-5187-8) introduces a Spanish, photos by K.B. Basseches, illus. The Only Way I Can by Bonnie
high-school senior who tries to juggle by Armando Jimnez and Moiss Grubman, illus. by Carolien Westermann
various parts of her life while managing Jimnez (Apr. 11, hardcover, $9.95, (May 16, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-
her familys caf. Ages 14up. ISBN 978-1-941026-66-3); Animal 1-60537-339-3). A rabbit who longs to
Piper Perish by Kayla Cagan, illus. by Talk: Mexican Folk Art Animal Sounds in fly like a bird discovers his own strengths.
Maria Ines Gul (Mar. 7, hardcover, $17.99, English and Spanish, illus. by Rubi Ages 4up.
ISBN 978-1-4521-5583-8). A teenage Fuentes and Efrain Broa (Apr. 11, hard- Prawn Crackers and Satay by
girl whos an aspiring artist questions the cover, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-941026-69- Liselotte Schippers, illus. by Monique
meaning of love, friendship, family, and 4); Colores de la Vida: Mexican Folk Art van den Hout (June 13, hardcover,
home. Ages 14up. Colors in English and Spanish (Apr. 11, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-60537-328-7).
hardcover, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-941026- After moving from China, Chan explores
Series 67-0); Count Me In! A Parade of Mexican his new neighborhood and meets new
New Cozy Classics by Jack Wang and Folk Art Numbers in English and Spanish friends from various cultures. Ages 4up.
Holman Wang are Jane Eyre (May 9, hard- (Apr. 11, hardcover, $9.95, ISBN 978-1- What Can Your Grandma Do? by
cover, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-4521-5253-0), 941026-70-0); and Opuestos: Mexican Folk Anne Sawan, illus. by Sernur Isik (May 16,
Oliver Twist (May 9, hardcover, $9.95, Art Opposites in English and Spanish (Apr. hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-60537-
ISBN 978-1-4521-5254-7), The 11, hardcover, $9.95, ISBN 978-1- 332-4). Grandparents display a range of
Adventures of Tom Sawyer (May 9, hard- 941026-68-7), ages up to 3. skills at a special school talent show.
cover, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-4521-5250-9), Ages 4up.
and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (May 9, CLAVIS A Wish Come True by Kolet Janssen
hardcover, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-4521- Do You See My Tail? by Anita and Emy Geyskens, illus. by Emilie
5252-3), all ages. Junzo Teradas Animal Bijsterbosch (Mar. 14, hardcover, Timmermans (June 13, hardcover,
Friends star in Barnyard Jamboree! (Mar. $12.95, ISBN 978-1-60537-320-1). $16.95, ISBN 978-1-60537-335-5).
7, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4521- Flaps lift to reveal forest animals in this The Make-A-Wish fairies arrange for an
5189-2) and Swimming Hole Party! (Mar. 7, guessing-game book. Ages 1up. ill boy to visit the fire and police stations.
hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4521- How Many Baby Animals? by Ages 4up.
4983-7), ages up to 3. TouchThinkLearn Guido van Genechten (Mar. 14, hard- Pirate John-Wolf by Natalie
offers Fly! by Xavier Deneux (Mar. 7, cover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-60537-324- Quintart, illus. by Philippe Goossens
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4521- 9). In this book with split pages, animal (July 11, hardcover, $18.95, ISBN 978-
5922-5), ages 24. My Little Cities by mothers bring new babies into the world. 1-60537-330-0). A boy who dreams that
Jennifer Adams, illus. by Greg Pizzoli, Ages 2up. pirates take him to their ship learns to
visits London (Apr. 11, hardcover, $9.99, When I Grow Up by Anita overcome his fears. Ages 5up.
ISBN 978-1-4521-5387-2), and New Bijsterbosch (Apr. 11, hardcover, $14.95,
York (Apr. 11, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN ISBN 978-1-60537-334-8). Young ani- Series
978-1-4521-5388-9), ages 35. And the mals dream about the things they can do Me and the Wild Animals by Liesbet
Falconer Trilogy concludes with The when theyre grown up. Ages 2up. Slegers (Apr. 11, hardcover, $11.95,

50 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
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S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

ISBN 978-1-60537-341-6) joins Me and trans. by Norman Cornett (May 15, ISBN 978-1-68052-152-8), ages 25.
the World, ages 1up. Take a Look paper, $12.95, ISBN 978-1-55050-901-
takes in See How I Sleep by Liesbet Slegers 4). This story translated from the CRABTREE
(Mar. 14, hardcover, $12.95, ISBN 978- French spotlights the friendship between Series
1-60537-333-1), ages 1up. Lily and a teenage girl and an elderly woman, Be a Document Detective by Kelly
Milo star in Looking for Colors with Lily both searching for love and truth. Ages Spence offers four titles, including Be a
and Milo by Pauline Oud (July 11, hard- 1315. Photograph Detective (Mar. 31, hardcover,
cover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-60537-336- $23.60, ISBN 978-0-7787-3066-8;
2), ages 2up. Little White Fish by COTTAGE DOOR paper, $7.95, ISBN 978-0-7787-3093-4)
Guido van Genechten swims on in Little Series Babies Love: Lift-a-Flap offers and Be a Speech Detective (Mar. 31, hard-
White Fish Is So Happy (Mar. 14, hard- Babies in the Forest by Ginger Swift, illus. cover, $23.60, ISBN 978-0-7787-3079-8;
cover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-60537- by Olivia Chin Mueller (Apr. 15, hard- paper, $7.95, ISBN 978-0-7787-3094-
326-3) and Well Done, Little White Fish cover, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-68052-188-7); 1), ages 58. Celebrations in My World
(Mar. 14, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978- Babies Love Valentines by Holly Berry- commemorates Canadas 150th Birthday
1-60537-327-0), ages 2up. Ian and Byrd, illus. by Martina Hogan (Feb. 1, by Kathy Middleton (Feb. 1, hardcover,
Sarah by Pauline Oud gains Ian Is Sick hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-68052- $27.60, ISBN 978-0-7787-4108-4;
(July 11, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978- 149-8); Babies on the Farm by Swift, illus. paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-0-7787-4124-4),
1-60537-325-6) and Sarah at the Wedding by Chie Y Boyd (Feb. 1, hardcover, $7.99, ages 58. Remarkable Lives Revealed
(May 16, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978- ISBN 978-1-68052-150-4); and Swifts adds four titles, including Craig
1-60537-331-7), ages 3up. What They Happy Little School, illus. by Joshua Heinz Kielburger: Champion for Childrens Rights
Do by Liesbet Slegers welcomes Doctors (Apr. 15, hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-1- and Youth Activism (Feb. 15, hardcover,
and What They Do (July 11, hardcover, 68052-187-0), ages up to 3. Love You $27.60, ISBN 978-0-7787-3420-8;
$16.95, ISBN 978-1-60537-322-5) and Always gains All the Love in the World by paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-0-7787-3424-6)
Race Car Drivers and What They Do (May Rose Bunting, illus. by Olivia Chen and Jazz Jennings: Voice for LGBTQ Youth
16, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1- Mueller (Feb. 1, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN by Ellen Rodger (Feb. 15, hardcover,
60537-321-8), ages 4up. Animals in 978-1-68052-154-2); and Little Blessings $27.60, ISBN 978-0-7787-3419-2;
the Wild introduces The Wolf by Rene for Children by Bunting, illus. by Katya paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-0-7787-3423-
Rahir (July 11, hardcover, $16.95, Longhi (Apr. 15, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 9), ages 710.
ISBN 978-1-60537-323-2), ages 5up. 978-1-68052-186-3), ages up to 5. Among the 12 additions to Our
And Want to Know moves along with There are seven new Early Bird Sound Values are My Family: Level 1 (Feb. 1,
Traveling by Train by Pierre Winters, Books, including Happy Little Elephant hardcover, $23.60, ISBN 978-0-7787-
illus. by Tineke Meirink (Apr. 11, hard- by Robin Rose, illus. by Gina Lorena 3245-7; paper, $7.95, ISBN 978-0-
cover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-60537-340- Maldonado (Feb. 1, hardcover, $9.99, 7787-3288-4) by Grace Jones, ages 58;
9), ages 4up; and The Romans by Suzan ISBN 978-1-68052-160-3); Lets Rock n Making Good Choices: Level 2 (Feb. 1,
Boshouwers, illus. by Veronica Nahmias Roll! by Carmen Crowe, illus. by James hardcover, $23.60, ISBN 978-0-7787-
(Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978- Loram (Feb. 1, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 3262-4; paper, $7.95, ISBN 978-0-7787-
1-60537-319-5), ages 5up. 978-1-68052-133-0); Sweet Little Unicorn 3328-7) by Steffi Cavell-Clarke, ages
by Rose, illus. by Kat Uno (Feb. 15, 811; and Equality and Diversity: Level 3
CORNELL LAB hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-68052- (Feb. 1, hardcover, $27.60, ISBN 978-0-
Series 158-0), ages 15; and ABC and 123 7787-3265-5; paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-
On Bird Hill and Beyond continues Learning Songs, illus. by Beatrice 0-7787-3348-5). Ancient Worlds
with On Duck Pond by Jane Yolen, illus. Costamagna (Feb. 1, hardcover, $18.99, Inside Out explores Ancient China Inside
by Bob Marstall (Apr. 11, hardcover, ISBN 978-1-68052-147-0), ages 35. Out by Kelly Spence (Mar. 15, hardcover,
$15.95, ISBN 978-1-943645-22-0), Flip-a-Flap picks up Whiskers & Tails by $27.60, ISBN 978-0-7787-2868-9;
ages 35. Rose Partridge, illus. by Steve Mack paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-0-7787-2875-7);
(Feb. 1, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-1- Ancient Egypt Inside Out (Mar. 15, hard-
COTEAU 68052-161-0), ages 25. And Joining cover, $27.60, ISBN 978-0-7787-2874-0;
Stay by Katherine Lawrence (May 15, Little Bird Stories are Easter Bunny paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-0-7787-2888-7)
paper, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-55050-681-5). School by R.I. Redd, illus. by Genie and Ancient Mesopotamia Inside Out (Mar. 15,
Told through an 11-year-old girls diary Espinosa (Feb. 1, hardcover, $6.99, ISBN hardcover, $27.60, ISBN 978-0-7787-
entries, this novel-in-verse offers a portrait 978-1-68052-151-1); and Jack & the 2880-1; paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-0-7787-
of a family in crisis. Ages 912. Beanstalk by Carmen Crowe, illus. by Zoe 2894-8) by Ellen Rodger; Ancient Greece
Adeles Garden by Linda Amyot, Persico (Feb. 1, hardcover, $6.99, Inside Out (Mar. 15, hardcover, $27.60,

52 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

ISBN 978-0-7787-2876-4; paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-0-7787-3377-5) and Wheels Magnetism (Feb. 1, hardcover, $31.93,
ISBN 978-0-7787-2890-0) and Ancient and Axles in My Makerspace (Mar. 15, ISBN 978-0-7787-3398-0) joins Drawn
Rome Inside Out (Mar. 15, hardcover, hardcover, $27.60, ISBN 978-0-7787- to Science: Illustrated Guides to Key
$27.60, ISBN 978-0-7787-2882-5; 3375-1; paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-0- Science Concepts, ages 1014.
paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-0-7787-2896-2) 7787-3383-6), ages 811. And Be a New Financial Literacy for Life
by John Malam; and Ancient Maya Inside Maker! introduces four titles, including books by Diane Dakers are The Bottom
Out by Rachel Stuckey (Mar. 15, hard- Maker Projects for Kids Who Love Greening Line: Money Basics (Mar. 15, hardcover,
cover, $27.60, ISBN 978-0-7787- Up Spaces (Mar. 15, hardcover, $27.60, $31.32, ISBN 978-0-7787-3095-8),
2878-8; paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-0- ISBN 978-0-7787-2881-8; paper, $8.95, Getting Your Moneys Worth: Making Smart
7787-2892-4), ages 811. And new ISBN 978-0-7787-2895-5) by Megan Financial Choices (Mar. 15, hardcover,
Get-into-It Guides are Get into Kopp and Maker Projects for Kids Who Love $31.32, ISBN 978-0-7787-3097-2;
Claymation by Kelly Spence (Mar. 15, Sports by Sarah Levete (Mar. 15, hard- paper, $9.95, ISBN 978-0-7787-3106-
hardcover, $27.60, ISBN 978-0-7787- cover, $27.60, ISBN 978-0-7787- 1), It Doesnt Grow on Trees: Sources of
3400-0; paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-0- 2877-1; paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-0- Income (Mar. 15, hardcover, $31.32, ISBN
7787-3404-8), Get into Magic by Vic 7787-2891-7), ages 1014. 978-0-7787-3096-5; paper, $9.95, ISBN
Kovacs (Mar. 15, hardcover, $27.60, Destination: Middle Ages adds six 978-0-7787-3105-4), and Money for Your
ISBN 978-0-7787-3401-7; paper, $8.95, titles, including Your Guide to Castles and Life: Invest in Your Financial Future (Mar.
ISBN 978-0-7787-3405-5), Get into Medieval Warfare by James Bow (Mar. 15, 15, hardcover, $31.32, ISBN 978-0-
Mixed Media by Janice Dyer (Mar. 15, hardcover, $27.60, ISBN 978-0-7787- 7787-3098-9; paper, $9.95, ISBN 978-
hardcover, $27.60, ISBN 978-0-7787- 2994-5) and Your Guide to Knights and the 0-7787-3107-8), ages 1014. There are
3402-4; paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-0- Age of Chivalry by Cynthia OBrien (Mar. six new Mapping in the Modern World
7787-3406-2), and Get into Smoothies by 15, hardcover, $27.60, ISBN 978-0- titles, including The Changing Face of
Jaime Winters (Mar. 15, hardcover, 7787-2992-1), ages 1014. And Gill Maps by Tim Cooke (Mar. 15, hardcover,
$27.60, ISBN 978-0-7787-3403-1; Arbuthnotts Your Guide to Electricity and $27.60, ISBN 978-0-7787-3221-1;
paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-0-7787-3407- paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-0-7787-3239-6)
9), ages 811. and Mapping in a Digital World (Mar. 15,
Leaving My Homeland issues A hardcover, $27.60, ISBN 978-0-7787-
Refugees Journey from Afghanistan (Feb. 3223-5) by Enzo George, ages
15, hardcover, $27.60, ISBN 978-0- 1014. And Technology in
7787-3125-2; paper, $8.95, ISBN Motion moves on with How to
978-0-7787-3129-0) and A Build Aircraft (Feb. 1, hardcover,
Refugees Journey from Syria (Feb. $27.60, ISBN 978-0-7787-
15, hardcover, $27.60, ISBN 3384-3; paper, $8.95, ISBN
978-0-7787-3128-3; paper, 978-0-7787-3395-9) and How
$8.95, ISBN 978-0-7787- to Build Cars (Feb. 1, hard-
3184-9) by Helen Mason; cover, $27.60, ISBN 978-0-
and A Refugees Journey from 7787-3393-5; paper, $8.95,
Iraq (Feb. 15, hardcover, ISBN 978-0-7787-3396-6)
$27.60, ISBN 978-0- by Rita Storey; and How to
7787-3127-6; paper, Build Robots by Louise
$8.95, ISBN 978-0-7787- Derrington (Feb. 1, hard-
3157-3) and A Refugees cover, $27.60, ISBN 978-0-
Journey from the Democratic 7787-3394-2; paper, $8.95,
Republic of the Congo (Feb. 15, ISBN 978-0-7787-3397-3),
hardcover, $27.60, ISBN ages 1014.
978-0-7787-3126-9; paper,
$8.95, ISBN 978-0-7787- CRABTREE/PLUS
3156-6) by Ellen Rodger, ages Series
811. Simple Machines in My Be an Engineer! Designing to
Makerspace by Tim Miller offers six Solve Problems offers A Bridge
titles, including Levers in My Makerspace Goes Over (Mar. 1, hardcover,
(Mar. 15, hardcover, $27.60, ISBN 978- $23.60, ISBN 978-0-7787-2907-5;
0-7787-3371-3; paper, $8.95, From That Neighbor Kid by Daniel Miyares (Simon & Schuster) paper, $7.95, ISBN 978-0-7787-

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 53
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

2942-6) and A Skyscraper Reaches Up birds. Ages 24. who delivers letters to forest animals
(Mar. 1, hardcover, $23.60, ISBN 978-0- Crowds of Creatures by Kate Riggs, receives a happy surprise. Ages 3up.
7787-2904-4; paper, $7.95, ISBN 978-0- illus. by Dogi Fiammetta (Mar. 7, hard- The Map of Good Memories by Fran
7787-2939-6) by Kylie Burns; and A cover, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-56846-301-8), Nuo, trans. by Jon Brokenbrow, illus.
Dam Holds Back (Mar. 1, hardcover, $23.60, spotlights family groups of six species of by Zuzanna Celej (Mar. 14, hardcover,
ISBN 978-0-7787-2905-1; paper, $7.95, animals. Ages 24. $16.95, ISBN 978-84-16147-82-3). A
ISBN 978-0-7787-2940-2) and A Tunnel Under the Sea by Kate Riggs, illus. refugee girl recalls happy moments and
Runs Through (Mar. 1, hardcover, $23.60, by Leonard Tom (Mar. 7, hardcover, places in the town she was forced to flee
ISBN 978-0-7787-2903-7; paper, $7.95, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-56846-302-5), during wartime. Ages 7up.
ISBN 978-0-7787-2938-9) by Crystal presents an introduction to sea life and Ten Tears and One Embrace by
Sikkens, ages 58. And Catch a Wave directional words. Ages 24. Marta Sanmamed, trans. by Jon
releases The Science of Light Waves (Mar. 1, Make the Earth Your Companion by Brokenbrow, illus. by Mar Azabal (May
hardcover, $27.60, ISBN 978-0-7787- J. Patrick Lewis, illus. by Anna and Elena 16, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-84-
2944-0; paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-0-7787- Balbusso (Mar. 7, hardcover, $18.99, 16147-90-8). This exploration of emo-
2968-6) and The Science of Sound Waves ISBN 978-1-56846-269-1), reminds tions focuses on tears. Ages 7up.
(Mar. 1, hardcover, $27.60, ISBN 978-0- readers to respect and the care for the
7787-2941-9; paper, $8.95, ISBN 978- earth. Ages 68. Titles in Spanish
0-7787-2966-2) by Robin Johnson; and Cartas en el Bosque (The Lonely
Waves and Information Transfer (Mar. 1, CRESTON Mailman) by Susanna Isern, illus. by
hardcover, $27.60, ISBN 978-0-7787- Kate Warne, Pinkerton Detective Daniel Montero Galn (Apr. 11, hard-
2962-4; paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-0-7787- by Marissa Moss, illus. by April Chu cover, $16.95, ISBN 978-84-16147-
2970-9) and What Are Waves? (Mar. 1, (May 16, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- 94-6), ages 3up; and Diez Lgrimas y
hardcover, $27.60, ISBN 978-0-7787- 1-939547-33-0), reveals the accom- un Abrazo (Ten Tears and One
2964-8; paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-0-7787- plishments of Americas first woman Embrace) by Marta Sanmamed, illus. by
2972-3) by Heather Hudak, ages 811. detective. Ages 5up. Mar. Azabal (May 16, hardcover, $16.95,
Sweet Dreams, Sarah: From Slavery ISBN 978-84-16147-86-1), and El Mapa
CREATIVE COMPANY/ to Inventor by Vivian Kirkfield, illus. de los uenos momentos (The Map of
AMICUS INK by Chris Ewald (Mar. 14, hardcover, Good Memories) by Fran Nuo, illus.
Daddy Cuddle by Kate Mayes, illus. by $17.99, ISBN 978-1-939547-31-6), by Zuzanna Celej (Mar. 14, hardcover,
Sara Acton (Mar. 7, hardcover, $17.99, tells the story of this former slave and $16.95, ISBN 978-84-16147-78-6),
ISBN 978-1-68152-193-0), is a tale star- inventor, one of the first African- ages 7up.
ring an energetic bunny who rises early American women to obtain a U.S.
and his tired father. Ages 48. patent. Ages 5up. Series
Rumors by Denys Cazet (June 13, What Really Matters welcomes Lopez
Series hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-939547- Lomong: Were All Destined to Use Our
First Words and Pictures welcomes 32-3). To get his name off the naughty Talent to Change Peoples Lives by Ana
Animals (Mar. 7, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN list, Russell strikes a deal with his school Eulate, illus. by Nvola Uy (May 16,
978-1-68152-200-5) and On the Go (Mar. principal, who is rumored to be a mud- hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-84-16733-
7, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-68152- wrestling champ. Ages 712. 15-6); Pablo Pineda: Being Different Is a
201-2) by Margot Channing, illus. by Value by Albert Bosch and Mara Sala,
Jean Claude, ages up to 3. Series illus. by Silvia lvarez (June 13, hard-
Wilcox and Griswold Mysteries con- cover, $16.95, ISBN 978-84-16733-23-
CREATIVE COMPANY/ tinues with The Case of the Poached Egg 1); and Rafa Nadal: What Really Matters
CREATIVE EDITIONS by Robin Newman, illus. by Deborah Is Being Happy Along the Way, Not Waiting
Colors of Nature by Kate Riggs, illus. Zemke (Apr. 11, hardcover, $15.95, Until You Reach the Finish Line by Marta
by Domeniconi Paolo (Mar. 7, hardcover, ISBN 978-1-939547-30-9), ages 48. Barroso, illus. by Mnica Carretero
$8.99, ISBN 978-1-56846-299-8), intro- (Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-
duces colors as emblematic of the seasons CUENTO DE LUZ 84-16733-07-1), all trans. by Jon
of the year. Ages 24. The Lonely Mailman by Susanna Isern, Brokenbrow, ages 7up.
Counting on Birds by Kate Riggs, trans. by Jon Brokenbrow, illus. by Daniel
illus. by Jori van der Linde (Mar. 7, hard- Montero Galn (Apr. 11, hardcover, Series in Spanish
cover, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-56846-300-1) $16.95, ISBN 978-84-16147-98-4). In Spanish editions of What Really
is a counting tale focusing on a family of this tale of friendship and love, a mailman Matters/Lo que de verdad importa are

54 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
A Mighty, Mighty, Spring
with Chronicle Books!

$16.99 978-1452-1-5216-5 February $16.99 978-1452-1-5234-9 May $16.99 978-1452-1-4401-6 May $16.99 978-1452-1-5957-7 June
Picture Book Picture Book Picture Book Picture Book

$15.99 978-1452-1-3997-5 January $9.99 978-1452-1-5388-9 April $9.99 978-1452-1-4657-7 March $19.99 979-1027-6-0079-3 April
Picture Book Board Book Board Book Picture Book

$14.99 978-1452-1-3153-5 April $14.99 978-1452-1-1182-7 June IN THE FALCONER TRILOGY $17.99 978-1452-1-5583-8 March
Early Chapter Book Early Chapter Book $18.99 978-1452-1-2883-2 June Young Adult
Young Adult
Art 2017 Tom Lichtenheld
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Lopez Lomong: Todos estamos destinados a 1-4847-9970-3), ages 812. Disney Kill All Happies by Rachel Cohn
utilizar nuestro talento para cambiar la vida Descendants releases School of Secrets, (May 2, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-
de las personas (ISBN 978-84-16733-11- Book 4 by Jessica Brody (July 18, hard- 4231-5722-9). A high-school graduation
8); Pablo Pineda: Ser diferente es un valor cover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4847-7867-8), party takes an unexpectedly wild turn.
(ISBN 978-84-16733-19-4); and Rafa ages 812. Ages 14up.
Nadal: Lo que de verdad importa es ser feliz Royal Bastards by Andrew Shvarts
en el camino, no esperar a la meta (ISBN DISNEY-HYPERION (June 6, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-
978-84-16733-03-3), ages 7up. Feminist Baby by Loryn Brantz (Apr. 11, 4847-6765-8). In this series launch,
hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-4847- illigitimate offspring of the king try to
DISNEY ESPNW 7858-6). A feminist baby isnt afraid to prevent a civil war that will tear their
Choose to Matter: Your Guide to do her own thingand wants to make kingdom apart. Ages 14up.
Being Courageously and Fabulously as much noise as possible along the way. Wildman by J.C. Geiger (June 6,
You by Julie Foudy (May 2, hardcover, Ages up to 2. hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4847-
$17.99, ISBN 978-1-368-00338-4). This Welcome: A Mo Willems Guide for 4957-9). Driving home to his high school
two-time Olympic Gold Medalist soccer New Arrivals by Mo Willems (June 6, graduation party, Lance becomes stranded
star offers advice to help young women hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-1-4847- in an ominous motel in a strange town.
find the leader that exists inside them. 6746-7) advises infants on such topics Ages 14up.
Ages 1218. such as injustice, cats, friendship, and
family. Ages up to 2. Series
DISNEY/FREEFORM Be Quiet! by Ryan T. Higgins (Apr. 4, Vampirina returns in Vampirina at the
Royce Rolls by Margaret Stohl (Apr. 4, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4847- Beach by Anne Marie Pace, illus. by
hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-4847- 3162-8). In this take on bookmaking, a LeUyen Pham (Apr. 4, hardcover,
3233-5) is a tongue-in-cheek novel about mouse is determined to star in a wordless $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4847-7342-0),
a privileged L.A. teen who stars in her picture book. Ages 35. ages 35. The Good for Nothing Button by
familys reality TV show. Ages 14up. Ellie in Concert by Mike Wu (Apr. 4, Mo Willems and Charise Mericle Harper
The Takedown by Corrie Wang (Apr. hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4847- joins Elephant & Piggie Like Reading!
11, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- 1238-2). In this follow-up to Ellie, this (May 2, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-
4847-5742-0). A popular high-school elephant sets out to organize a zoo 4847-2646-4), ages 68. Serafina is
senior deals with the fallout after an orchestra. Ages 35. back in Serafina and the Splintered Heart
incriminating faux video of her goes The Teachers Pet by Anica Mrose by Robert Beatty (July 4, hardcover,
viral. Ages 14up Rissi, illus. by Zachariah OHora (June 20, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4847-7504-2),
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4847- ages 812. Rick Riordans Trials of
DISNEY PRESS 4364-5). What happens when the class Apollo adds From Percy Jackson: Camp
Series tadpole turns into a giant, classroom- Half-Blood Confidential: Your Real Guide
Puppy Dog Pals star in four new titles, wrecking creature? Ages 35. to the Demigod Training Camp (May 2,
including Puppy Dog Pals Hawaii Pug-O The Scariest Book Ever by Bob Shea hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4847-
(June 27, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-368- (July 18, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- 8555-3), ages 812; and The Dark
00419-0) and World of Reading: Puppy Dog 1-4847-3046-1). An alarmist ghost nar- Prophecy (May 2, hardcover, $19.99,
Pals A.R.F. (June 27, paper, $4.99, rator warns against turning the pages of ISBN 978-1-4847-4642-4; special lim-
ISBN 978-1-368-00417-6), ages 35. this book featuringscary?animals. ited edition, $100, ISBN 978-1-4847-
Cars 3 zooms on with Lead the Way by Ages 68. 4695-0), ages 1014. And The
Ace Landers, illus. by Garrett Taylor Heartwood Hotel: A True Home by Descendants by Melissa de la Cruz
(Apr. 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- Kallie George, illus. by Stephanie Graegin continues with Isle of the Lost (May 23,
4847-8127-2), ages 68. 5-Minute (July 4, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-1- hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4847-
Stories picks up 5-Minute Racing Stories 4847-3161-1). A mouse works at a hotel 8128-9), ages 912.
(May 2, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1- in this series debut about friendship and
368-00075-8), ages 68. Descendants 2 courage. Ages 710. DK
tie-ins are Evies Fashion Book (June 20, The Pearl Thief by Elizabeth Wein 100 First Words (Mar. 7, hardcover,
hardcover, $11.99, ISBN 978-1-368- (May 2, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1- $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-5700-4).
00251-6), Mals Book (June 20, hardcover, 4847-1716-5). In this prequel to Code Themed pages identify colors, shapes,
$12.99, ISBN 978-1-368-00041-3), and Name Verity, Julie investigates the mys- animals, and other things familiar to
Descendants 2 Junior Novel by Eric Geron tery of her injury and a missing family babies. Ages up to 2.
(June 20, hardcover, $10.99, ISBN 978- employee. Ages 1218. My First Coding Book (July 4, hard-

56 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

cover, $15.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-5973-

2). This book with flaps, wheels, and
sliders introduces basic concepts of com-
puter coding. Ages 57.
Visual Guide to Grammar and
Punctuation (June 20, hardcover,
$16.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-6258-9)
offers tools to build confidence in
reading, writing, and comprehension.
Ages 58.
How to Be a Scientist by Steve
Mould (May 9, hardcover, $19.99,
ISBN 978-1-4654-6121-6) encourages
kids to discover science through 40-plus
questions, games, and real-life scenarios.
Ages 79.
My Amazing Body Machine: A
Colorful Visual Guide to How Your
Body Works by Robert Winston, illus. From Can You Find My Robots Arm? by Chihiro Takeuchi (Tundra)
by Owen Gildersleeve (May 9, hardcover,
$19.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-6185-8), is a
visual guide to the ways that parts of the maps, artwork, and a visual explanation This Book Is About You by Allison
body work together. Ages 79. of Earths evolution. Ages 812. Singer and R.K. Barry (July 11, paper,
My Book of Rocks and Minerals Childrens Illustrated Thesaurus $15.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-5657-1)
(July 11, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978- (June 6, hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-1- rounds up activities and information to
1-4654-6190-2). This graphic reference 4654-6237-4). This 4,000-entry help kids discover their true selves.
examines rocks, minerals, gems, and volume features photos and illustrations. Ages 1317.
fossilsfrom deep caves to outer space. Ages 912.
Ages 79. Coding Projects in Python (June 6, Series
Utterly Amazing Earth (Mar. 21, paper, $19.95, ISBN 978-1-4654-6188-9) Follow the Trail releases At the Zoo (July
hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-1-4654- is a visual guide to building computer 4, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-
5867-4). This compilation of facts about projects using Python. Ages 912. 6140-7), Baby Dinosaurs (Feb. 21, hard-
our planet includes pop-ups, flaps, and The Elements Book: A Visual cover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-5669-4),
experiments. Ages 79. Encyclopedia of the Periodic Table and Bugs (Feb. 14, hardcover, $9.99,
Out of the Box by Jemma Westing (Apr. 4, hardcover, $22.99, ISBN 978-1- ISBN 978-1-4654-5670-0), ages up to 2.
(May 2, hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-1- 4654-5660-1), The Presidents Visual Joining My First Hardcovers are My
4654-5896-4) presents 25 interactive Encyclopedia (Feb. 7, hardcover, First Baby Animals (Feb. 7, hardcover,
cardboard model projects involving $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-5853-7), $5.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-5678-6) and
science-based principles. Ages 710. and Science Year by Year (Mar. 7, My First Playtime (Feb. 7, hardcover,
100 Women Who Made History hardcover, $24.99, ISBN 978-1-4654- $5.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-5677-9); and
(Feb. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- 5758-5) are illustrated references created My First Books issues My First Out and
4654-5688-5) profiles woman who have in association with the Smithsonian About (June 13, hardcover, $5.99, ISBN
shaped the world, including Marie Curie, Institution. Ages 912. 978-1-4654-6083-7) and My First Shapes
Joan of Arc, Eleanor Roosevelt, and J.K. I Cant Believe It! (June 6, paper, (June 13, hardcover, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-
Rowling. Ages 812. $12.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-6236-7) 4654-6082-0), ages up to 2. Joining
Childrens Illustrated World Atlas compiles facts from It Cant Be True!, It Spot the Difference are Things That Go
(July 4, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- Cant Be True! 2, True or False?, and (Feb. 7, hardcover, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-
4654-6238-1). This updated edition Strange but True. Ages 912. 4654-5620-5), ages up to 2; and Animals
features modern mapping, pictures, facts, Super Earth Encyclopedia (July 4, (Feb. 7, hardcover, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-
and stories. Ages 812. hardcover, $24.99, ISBN 978-1-4654- 4654-5492-8), Building Site (July 11,
Where on Earth? Atlas (Apr. 4, 6187-2). Photos and CGI artwork hardcover, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-
hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-1-4654- showcase 100 wonders of the planet. 5493-5) and Out and About (July 11,
5864-3) views the world in 3-D through Ages 912. hardcover, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 57
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5599-4), ages 25. And Skills for 978-1-4654-6250-3), Reptile (June 6, Babies Around the World by Puck,
Starting School issues Please and Thank paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-6249- illus. by Violet Lemay (Apr. 4, hardcover,
You (Feb. 28, hardcover, $5.99, ISBN 7), and Vietnam War (Apr. 4, paper, $7.95, ISBN 978-1-938093-87-6).
978-1-4654-5679-3) and Sharing Is $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-5984-8), Babies worldwide welcome readers to
Caring (Feb. 28, hardcover, $5.99, ISBN ages 812. their cities. Ages up to 5.
978-1-4654-5680-9), ages up to 2; and I Hello, Garden Bugs: A High-
Can Count (July 18, hardcover, $12.99, DRAWN & QUARTERLY Contrast Book, illus. by Julissa Mora
ISBN 978-1-4654-5676-2), and Ready to If Found... Please Return to Elise (Apr. 4, hardcover, $7.95, ISBN 978-1-
Read (May 16, paper, $6.99, ISBN 978- Gravel by Elise Gravel (June 13, hard- 938093-84-5), is a companion to Hello,
1-4654-6012-7), ages 25. cover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-77046- Ocean Friends and Hello, Baby Animals.
Practical Facts introduces Forest Life 278-6) offers a look at this cartoonists Ages 4up.
and Woodland Creatures (Mar. 21, hard- sketchbook, plus tips for aspiring illus- Totally Epic, True and Wacky
cover, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-5659-5) trators. Ages 8up. Soccer Facts and Stories by Puck and
and Sharks and Other Sea Creatures (Mar. Jon Stollberg (Apr. 4, paper, $12.95,
21, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-4654- DUNDURN ISBN 978-1-938093-81-4) rounds up
5658-8), ages 25. Pick Me Up! debuts Blood Brothers by Colleen Nelson information about soccer players, records,
with Dinosaur (Apr. 11, hardcover, $9.99, (Apr. 25, paper, $12.99, ISBN 978-1- and fans. Ages 812.
ISBN 978-1-4654-5956-5) and Puppy 4597-3746-4). The lives of two graffiti
(Apr. 11, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1- artists diverge when one receives a private Series
4654-5955-8), ages 25. Launching school scholarship and the other is lured Awesome Minds spotlights The Creators
DKs Look are Look Im a Cook (June 6, into a gang. Ages 1215. of the iPhone by Marne Ventura and Drew
hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-4654- If This Is Home by Kristine Scarrow Feynman (Apr. 4, hardcover, $14.99,
5964-0) and Look Im a Scientist (June 6, (Apr. 18, paper, $12.99, ISBN 978-1- ISBN 978-1-938093-77-7), ages 610.
hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-4654- 4597-3650-4). When her mother is
5963-3), ages 37. And Nature diagnosed with cancer, Jayce searches for EERDMANS
Explorers showcases Birds (Apr. 4, hard- her estranged father, hoping he can fix The Blue Hour by Isabelle Simler (Feb.
cover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-5757-8), everything. Ages 1215. 20, hardcover, $19, ISBN 978-0-8028-
Seashore (Apr. 4, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN The Secrets We Keep by Deb 5488-9) celebrates natures colors and
978-1-4654-5756-1), Weather (Apr. 4, Loughead (Mar. 7, paper, $12.99, ISBN tranquility at twilight. Ages 48.
hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4654- 978-1-4597-3729-7). After a friend dies I Like, I Dont Like by Anna
5755-4), and Woodland and Forests (Apr. at a party, Clementine first blamed her- Baccelliere, illus. by Ale + Ale (Mar. 6,
4, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4654- self, but now she doesnt know who to hardcover, $16, ISBN 978-0-8028-5480-
5754-7), ages 68. trust. Ages 1215. 3). Inspired by the UN Convention on
Children Just Like Me serves up the Rights of the Childs decree that
Food Like Mine (July 11, hardcover, Series every child has the right to play, this
$16.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-6135-3), The Great Mistake Mysteries presents book shows how children in varying cir-
ages 69. Factivity Fun welcomes The Best Mistake Mystery by Sylvia cumstances see the same object differ-
Pirates (Feb. 21, paper, $12.99, ISBN McNicoll (Mar. 28, paper, $8.99, ently. Ages 49.
978-1-4654-5681-6), ages 69. DK ISBN 978-1-4597-3625-2), ages 912. The Queen of the Frogs by Davide
Find Out! picks up Bugs (July 4, paper, Algonquin Sunset is a new Algonquin Cali, illus. by Marco Soma (Mar. 20,
$10.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-6208-4), Quest Novel by Rick Revelle (July 11, hardcover, $16, ISBN 978-0-8028-
Coding (July 4, paper, $10.99, ISBN paper, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-4597-3702- 5481-0). A frog finds a crown at the
978-1-4654-6233-6), Engineering (July 0), ages 1215. And Daughters of Light bottom of a pond in this fable about
4, paper, $10.99, ISBN 978-1-4654- adds Finding Jade by Mary Jennifer Payne leadership and humility. Ages 49.
6234-3), and Forest by Cathriona Hickey (Mar. 7, paper, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-4597- Mrs. White Rabbit by Gilles Bachelet
(July 4, paper, $10.99, ISBN 978-1- 3500-2), ages 1215. (Feb. 6, hardcover, $17, ISBN 978-0-
4654-6232-9), ages 69. Joining DK 8028-5483-4). The diary of the White
Eyewitness Books are Fossil (June 6, DUO Rabbits wife reveals the background
paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-6247- Colors of the Pacific Northwest by goings-on during Alices adventures in
3), Insect (June 6, paper, $9.99, ISBN Amy Mullen (Apr. 4, hardcover, $8.95, Wonderland. Ages 610.
978-1-4654-6248-0), Mythology (June 6, ISBN 978-1-938093-80-7) explores the Sam in Winter by Edward van de
paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4654-6246- colors, wildlife, and vegetation of this Vendel, illus. by Philip Hopman (Apr. 17,
6), Planets (June 6, paper, $9.99, ISBN region. Ages up to 4. hardcover, $13, ISBN 978-0-8028-5487-2).

58 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

9781465456601 9781465458964
Available April 2017 Available April 2017

9781465439352 9781465456861 9781465457035 9781465461216

Available Now Available February 2017 Available March 2017 Available May 2017

S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

In this sequel to A Dog Like Sam, Kix asks 6913-1) and Future Ratboy and the 229-9) introduces an imaginative, intro-
an old enemy for help when Sam disap- Invasion of the Nom Noms (May 1, paper, verted boy whose best friend is an old oak
pears. Ages 812. $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4052-6915-5) by tree. Ages 49.
Jim Smith, ages 79. And Fangs for the The Forest by Ricardo Bozzi, illus. by
Series Memories by Sienna Mercer (Apr. 1, Violeta Lopiz and Valerio Vidali (Mar. 28,
Trade Winds adds Grandfather Whiskers paper, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-4052- paper, $25.95, ISBN 978-1-59270-218-3).
Table by Eun-jeong Jo, illus. by Bimba 7844-7) joins My Sister the Vampire, This book about the journey of life fea-
Landmann (May 31, paper, $10, ISBN ages 911. tures paper engineering and die-cuts.
978-0-8028-5474-2), and Lion, King, and Ages 4up.
Coin by Jeong-hee Nam, illus. by Lucia ENCANTOS Blob: The Ugliest Creature in the
Sforza (May 31, paper, $10, ISBN 978-0- Series World by Joy Sorman, illus. by Olivier
8028-5475-9), ages 610. Canticos chimes in with Ratoncitos/Little Tallec (May 16, hardcover, $16.95,
Mice, illus. by Susie Jaramillo (Apr. 11, ISBN 978-1-59270-207-7). A fish who
EGMONT UK hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-0- wins a longed-for title learns the down-
The Babar Collection: Five Classic 9969959-2-4), ages up to 4. side of fame. Ages 69.
Stories by Jean de Brunhoff, introduc- Feather by Rmi Courgeon (May 16,
tion by A.A. Milne (Apr. 1, paper, ENCHANTED LION hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-59270-
$22.99, ISBN 978-1-4052-7989-5), The Paper-Flower Tree by Jacqueline 210-7). This story about a tenacious girl
compiles tales starring this iconic character. Ayer (May 9, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN living in an all-male household delivers a
Ages 35. 978-1-59270-224-4). In this tale set in message of acceptance, equality, and love.
Go, Go, Gorilla! by Lydia Monks Thailand, a girls faith is rewarded when a Ages 69.
(Apr. 1, paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4052- peddler gives her a seed to grow a paper Mallko & Dad by Gusti (May 16,
7815-7) brings back into print this story flower tree. Ages 38. hardcover, $19.95, ISBN 978-1-59270-
about discovering what youre good at, The Jungle by Helen Borten (July 11, 211-4) is an illustrated journal revealing
previously published as Ooo Ooo Ooo hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-59270- life with a Down syndrome sonand
Gorilla! Ages 35. 230-5) portrays animals and plants of a what it means to love. Ages 10up.
The Owl Who Was Afraid of the tropical rain forest during day and night. A Velocity of Being: Letters to a
Dark by Jill Tomlinson, illus. by Paul Ages 39. Young Reader, edited by Maria Popova
Howard (Apr. 1, hardcover, $9.99, Three Balls of Wool by Henriqueta and Claudia Bedrick (May 16, hardcover,
ISBN 978-1-4052-8336-6). A baby barn Cristina, illus. by Yara Kono (Feb. 28, $30, ISBN 978-1-59270-228-2). New
owls mother helps him overcome his hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-59270- Yorker editor David Remnick provides a
unusual fear. Ages 35. 220-6). With three balls of wool and preface to this ode to reading, whose con-
The Sign of One by Eugene Lambert much ingenuity, a mother adds color to a tributors include celebrated childrens
(May 1, paper, $11.99, ISBN 978-1- drab world and sparks a small revolution. authors and illustrators. Ages 10up.
4052-7735-8). Identical twins on Wrath, Ages 39. Crocodile Tears by Andr Franois
a dump world for human outcasts, face 5 Cherries by Vittoria Facchini (Apr. (Jul. 11, hardcover, $16.96, ISBN 978-1-
very different fates. Ages 12up. 25, hardcover, $18.95, ISBN 978-1- 59270-227-5) is a new boxed editon of
59270-222-0). Using their imaginations the 1956 classic about capturing a croco-
Series and a handful of cherries, two siblings dile and bringing it home. Ages 2-8.
Bod stars in Bod in the Park (Apr. 1, play a game of make-believe. Ages 48.
hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4052- The Gold Leaf by Kirsten Hall, illus. Series
8059-4) and Bod on the Beach (Apr. 1, by Matthew Forsythe (Mar. 14, hard- Chirri & Chirra reappear in The Springtime
hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4052- cover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-59270-214- Meadow by Kaya Doi (Apr. 11, hardcover,
8060-0), ages 46. Noggin the Nog 5). After a gold leaf appears in the forest, $15.95, ISBN 978-1-59270-225-1),
returns in Nogbad and the Elephants (May animals destroy it in their struggle to ages 28.
1, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-4052- possess it. Ages 48.
8142-3) and Noggin and the Moon Mouse Nu Dang and His Kite by Jacqueline F&W/MERIT
(May 1, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-1- Ayer (May 16, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN Juan Pablo and The Butterflies by
4052-8141-6) by Oliver Postgate, illus. 978-1-59270-231-2). A boy in Thailand J.J. Flowers (May 5, hardcover, $17.99,
by Peter Firmin, ages 69. Future searches for his lost kite on a windy day. ISBN 978-1-5072-0214-2). When drug
Ratboy debuts in Future Ratboy and the Ages 48. traffickers invade their Mexican town,
Attack of the Killer Robot Grannies (May Bertolt by Jacques Goldstyn (Apr. 11, Juans dying grandmother tells him to
1, paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4052- hardcover, $15.95, ISBN 978-1-59270- follow migrating butterflies to the U.S.

60 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Ages 13up. Series At bedtime, Grace calmly recounts her

Silent by David Mellon (Mar. 3, hard- Lets Count adds Lets Count Arizona: anything-but-calm day. Ages 57.
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-5072-0168- Numbers and Colors in the Grand Canyon
8). Adi, daughter of British father and State (Apr. 4, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN FLATIRON
an Indian mother, disguises herself as a 978-1-944822-73-6) and Lets Count Dear Reader: A Novel by Mary
WWI soldier to find her kidnapped Texas: Numbers and Colors in the Lone Star OConnell (May 9, hardcover, $17.99,
half-brothers. Ages 13up. State (Apr. 4, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN ISBN 978-1-250-07708-0). In this take
Welcome to the Slipstream by 978-1-942934-79-0) by Trish Madson, on Wuthering Heights, a teen searches for
Natalka Burian (June 1, hardcover, illus. by David W. Miles, ages 13. her teacher and meets a Heathcliff-esque
$17.99, ISBN 978-1-5072-0075-9). Van boy. Ages 1218.
learns a family secret as she searches for FEMINIST PRESS Songs About a Girl by Chris Russell
her mother, who has been lured into the Series (May 30, paper, $10.99, ISBN 978-1-
desert by a cult. Ages 13up. Ordinary Terrible Things releases Tell 250-09516-9). An aspiring photographer
Me About Sex, Grandma by Anastasia is thrown into a surreal world when shes
FABLED FILMS Higginbotham (Apr. 11, hardcover, asked to take pictures of a hot boy-band.
Series $17.95, ISBN 978-1-55861-419-2), Ages 1218.
The Nocturnals continues with The ages 48. Wonderful Feels Like This by Sara
Fallen Star by Tracey Lvestam (Mar. 7, hardcover,
Hecht, illus. by Kate $17.99, ISBN 978-1-250-
Liebman (May 2, hard- 09523-7). An outsider teen
cover, $15.99, ISBN 978- lives for jazz stars in this
1-944020-05-7), ages story celebrating individu-
712. ality and the power of music.
Ages 1218.
FAMILIUS Aftercare Instructions
A Is for Arizona: A by Bonnie Pipkin (June 27,
Grand Canyon State hardcover, $17.99, ISBN
ABC Primer (Apr. 4, 978-1-250-11484-6). This
hardcover, $12.99, story of friendship, love, and
ISBN 978-1-944822- hope centers on a teen who
78-1) and T Is for decides to end an unwanted
Texas: A Lone Star pregnancy. Ages 13up.
State ABC Primer
(Apr. 4, hardcover, FLUX
$12.99, ISBN 978-1- Seeking Mansfield by Kate
944822-75-0) by Trish From Good Night! Watson (May 1, paper,
Madson, illus. by David Good Night! by Carin $14.99, ISBN 978-1-63163-
W. Miles, offer alphabet- Berger (HarperCollins/ 118-4). To win a boys heart,
ical tours of these states. Greenwillow) can an aspring teenage
Ages 13. director find the courage
Color Blocked by to step out of the shadows
Ashley Sorenson, illus. by David W. FITZHENRY & WHITESIDE and into the spotlight? Ages 12up.
Miles (Apr. 4, hardcover, $16.99, Smiley: The Blind Therapy Dog by The Edge of the Abyss by Emily
ISBN 978-1-944822-82-8). After the Joanne George (Apr. 15, hardcover, Skrutskie (Apr. 18, paper, $11.99,
color factory breaks, readers tap and turn $17.95, ISBN 978-1-55455-412-6). ISBN 978-1-63583-000-2). Cas strug-
this book to bring colors to each page. The author tells of rescuing and training gles with the murky morals of pirate life
Ages 46. a blind canine to become a therapy dog. in this sequel to The Abyss Surrounds Us.
Like a Shooting Star by Rino Alaimo Ages 812. Ages 12up.
(Apr. 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-
944822-80-4). When his father doesnt FLASHLIGHT FREE SPIRIT
return from war, a boy wishes upon a The Day I Ran Away by Holly L. Niner, The Survival Guide for Kids in Special
shooting star that turns out to be a cou- illus. by Isabella Ongaro (Apr. 1, hard- Education (and Their Parents):
rageous firefly. Ages 46. cover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-936261-89-5). Understanding What Special Ed Is &

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 61
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

How It Can Help You by Wendy L. hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-927271- Palooza issues Good Dog: A Dog Breed
Moss and Denise M. Campbell (Mar. 1, 88-9). A giraffe comes face-to-face with Primer (Apr. 4, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN
paper, $14.99, ISBN 978-1-63198- his penguin pen-pal in this import from 978-1-4236-4702-7) and Here, Kitty,
167-8) provides tools and inspiration Japan. Ages 69. Kitty! A Cat Breed Primer (Apr. 4, hard-
for kids in special education programs. cover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4236-4704-1)
Ages 814. Series by Dawn DeVries Sokol, ages up to 3.
Detective Gordon returns in A Case in Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp by
Series Any Case by Ulf Nilsson, illus. by Adams, illus. by Oliver, is a new
Our Emotions and Behavior offers I Gitte Spee (Mar. 1, hardcover, $16.99, BabyLit Sounds Primer (Mar. 21,
Dont Want to Be Nice! A Book About ISBN 978-1-77657-108-6), ages 610. hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4236-
Showing Kindness (Apr. 1, hardcover, 4592-4), ages up to 3. And BabyLit:
$12.99, ISBN 978-1-63198-132-6) and GIBBS SMITH Whispering Words by Jane Sanders
I Want to Win! A Book About Being a The Carpenter by Bruna Barros (Mar. 7, offers Seashore Stroll (Mar. 14, hardcover,
Good Sport (Apr. 1, hardcover, $12.99, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-4236- $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4236-4712-6),
ISBN 978-1-63198-131-9) by Sue 4676-1) is a wordless book showing that Nighttime Slumber (Mar. 14, hardcover,
Graves, illus. by Manuela Carletti and the simplest, most common objects can $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4236-4714-0), and
Desideria Guicciardini, ages 48. Zach lead to adventure. Ages 38. Woodland Walk (Mar. 14, hardcover,
Rules adds Zach Hangs in There by I Spy with My Little Eye by Paula $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4236-4716-4),
William Mulcahy, illus. by Darren Vsquez (Mar. 21, hardcover, $8.99, ages up to 3.
McKee (May 1, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-4236-4687-7). Mouse and
ISBN 978-1-63198-162-3), ages 58. Little Bear play a variation on a familiar GODINE
game in this tale teaching colors, shapes, Little Old Farm Folk by Andrea
GECKO and creative play. Ages 38. Wisnewski (May 25, hardcover, $7.99,
The Lost Kitten by Lee, illus. by Not What It Seems by Paula Vsquez ISBN 978-1-56792-594-4). Vignettes
Komako Sakai (Apr. 1, hardcover, (Mar. 21, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978- and art spotlight the daily tasks of run-
$16.99, ISBN 978-1-77657-126-0). 1-4236-4691-4) transforms such images ning a farm. Ages up to 4.
What happens when the stray kitten as an elephant trunk and deer antlers into The Screaming Chef by Peter
Hina and her mother take in goes unexpected objects. Ages 38. Ackerman, illus. by Max Dalton (May 25,
missing? Ages 15. When I Grow Up... by Paula Vsquez hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-56792-
My Pictures After the Storm by (Mar. 21, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978- 598-2). A boy with a quick temper finds
Eric Veill (Mar. 1, hardcover, $16.99, 1-4236-4689-1) introduces unique fami- his calling as a (very loud) chef at his
ISBN 978-1-77657-104-8). Rhymes lies that have one thing in common: love. parents restaurant. Ages 36.
and illustrations reveal the before and Ages 38. Riptide by Frances Ward Weller,
after scenarios of various events. illus. by Robert J. Blake (Apr. 20,
Ages 15. Series paper, $10.95, ISBN 978-1-56792-
A Day with Dogs by Dorothe de New BabyLit titles are All Aboard! 597-5). After a summer storm on Cape
Monfreid (Mar. 1, hardcover, $19.99, Pacific Northwest: A Recreation Primer by Cod, a dog makes a heroic rescue in
ISBN 978-1-77657-098-0). This look at Haily Meyers (Mar. 7, hardcover, $9.99, this story based on a real-life canine.
what playful dogs do all day pays homage ISBN 978-1-4236-4601-3); G Is for Ages 48.
to the work of Richard Scarry. Ages 25. Go-Go: A Sixties Alphabet (Feb. 7, hard-
Guss Garage by Leo Timmers (Mar. 1, cover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4236-4667-9) GRAPHIC ARTS/WESTWINDS
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-77657- and J Is for Jazz: A Roaring Twenties Denni-Jo and Pinto by Buck Buchanan,
092-8). Gus uses odds and ends in his Alphabet (Feb. 7, hardcover, $9.99, illus. by Christina Wald (June 6, hard-
workshop to fix his friends vehicles. ISBN 978-1-4236-4604-4) by Greg cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-943328-46-8),
Ages 36. Paprocki; and Gotta Go, Buffalo: A Silly relays a girls adventures on her first solo
Bruno: Some of the More Interesting Book of Fun Goodbyes by Haily Meyers and pony ride to visit her grandparents.
Days in My Life So Far by Catharina Kevin Meyers (Mar. 7, hardcover, Ages 48.
Valckx, illus. by Nicolas Hubesch (Apr. 1, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-4236-4598-6), ages Jabber the Stellers Jay by Sylvester
hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-1-77657- up to 3. BabyLit Friendship Primers Allred, illus. by Diane Iverson (Apr. 4,
124-6) rounds up six tales about an welcomes A Little Princess by Jennifer hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-943328-
easygoing cat. Ages 410. Adams, illus. by Alison Oliver (Mar. 21, 89-5), chronicles the first year in the life
Yours Sincerely, Giraffe by Megumi hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4236- of a bird in the American Southwest.
Iwasa, illus. by Jun Takabatake (Mar. 1, 4595-5), ages up to 3. BabyLit: Pet Ages 48.

62 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s
WeCoE 2017
with AwSoE
Pup the Sea Otter by Jonathan London, touches on things children often wonder
New BoKs
illus. by Sean London (Apr. 4, hardcover,
$16.99, ISBN 978-1-943328-87-1),
about. Ages 58.
The Alphabet Thief by Bill Richardson,
from Auzou!
tracks an otter from birth through his illus. by Roxanna Bikadoroff (Mar. 14,
first dive, socialization, and encounter hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-55498-
with a predator. Ages 48. 877-8). A letter bandit creates a topsy-
turvy world where bowls become owls,
Series etc. Ages 59.
See My State visits F Is for Florida Town Is by the Sea by Joanne Schwartz,
(July 11, hardcover, $13.99, ISBN 978- illus. by Sydney Smith (Apr. 11, hard-
1-5132-6049-5), ages 48. cover, $19.95, ISBN 978-1-55498-871-6).
A boy enjoying a summer day thinks of
GROUNDWOOD his father, who is digging for coal deep
Away by Emil Sher, illus. by Qin Leng under the sea. Ages 59.
(Apr. 11, hardcover, $18.95, ISBN 978- A Trio of Tolerable Tales by Margaret
The Strongest Man in the World
1-55498-483-1). Told through sticky Atwood, illus. by Duan Petricic (May 16, The Legend of Louis Cyr
notes between a mother and daughter, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-55498- ISBN: 9782733846148
this tale shows how love is found even in 933-1). Atwoods adventure tales fea-
scribbled messages. Ages 47. turing wordplay are gathered together
A Cage Went in Search of a Bird by for the first time in this chapter book.
Cary Fagan and Banafsheh Erfanian Ages 710. Benjamin is an
Unusual Duckling
(May 16, hardcover, $18.95, ISBN 978- Mary Annings Curiosity by Monica ISBN: 9782733846131
1-55498-861-7). A lonely birdcage Kulling, illus. by Melissa Castrilln $14.95

finally finds a bird in need of a cage. (May 16, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-
Ages 47. 1-55498-898-3), recreates the childhood
Greetings, Leroy by Itah Sadu, illus. of this renowned New England fossilist.
by Alix Delinois (May 16, hardcover, Ages 712.
The Wolf Who Wanted
$18.95, ISBN 978-1-55498-760-3). The Goat by Anne Fleming (Mar. 14, to be an Artist
On his first day of school in a new hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-55498- ISBN: 9782733848227
country, Roy is happy to find a piece of 916-4). Could what looks like a tiny
his Jamaican homeland. Ages 47. white cloud on top of a New York City
Uncle Holland by JonArno Lawson, apartment building actually be a goat?
illus. by Natalie Nelson (Apr. 11, hard- Ages 911.
cover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-55498-929-4). Grandfather and the Moon by
This tale about making choices centers on Stphanie Lapointe (May 16, hardcover,
a man who abandons his thieving ways to $18.95, ISBN 978-1-55498-961-4). In
be an artist. Ages 47. this graphic novel, a girl whose beloved
Walk with Me by Jairo Buitrago, grandfather sinks into depression pursues
Giant Seek and Find - Seek and Find
illus. by Rafael Yockteng (Mar. 14, hard- her dream. Ages 1013. Look Inside! National Parks
ISBN: 9782733846841 ISBN: 9782733848210
cover, $18.95, ISBN 978-1-55498-857-0). The Guy, the Girl, the Artist and $24.95 $14.95
A girl with an absentee father conjures His Ex by Gabrielle Williams (Mar. 14,
up a lion friend to walk home from school paper, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-55498-941-
with her. Ages 47. 6). When a famous paintings is stolen,
Along the River by Vanina Starkoff, four lives are changed for very different
trans. by Jane Springer (Apr. 11, hard- reasons. Ages 13up.
cover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-55498-977-5).
This book highlighting Brazils customs HACHETTE/ANIMAL PLANET
and culture depicts the joy of river travel. Series My Little Sound Book: My Little Sound Book:
Ages 4up. Animal Planet Chapter Books releases Baby Animals Pets
ISBN: 9782733846124 ISBN: 9782733846117
Short Stories for Little Monsters by Bugs! (June 13, paper, $5.95, ISBN 978- $11.95 $11.95
Marie-Louise Gay (Mar. 14, hardcover, 1-68330-756-3 and Snakes! (June 13,
$19.95, ISBN 978-1-55498-896-9). paper, $5.95, ISBN 978-1-68330-755-6)
This collection of illustrated stories by Lori Stein, ages 710. Distributed in the USA
by Consortium Book Sales & Distribution
For more information please contact
[email protected]
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

HACHETTE/ HARLEQUIN TEEN after moving from Brooklyn to a small

SPORTS ILLUSTRATED The Androma Saga: Zenith by Lindsay Southern town. Ages 14up.
Series Cummings and Sasha Alsberg (July 11, Vigilante by Kady Cross (Mar. 28,
Rookie Books signs up My First Book of hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-0-373- hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-0-373-
Soccer: Mostly Everything Explained About 21259-0). In this series launch, the all- 21177-7). After her best friend is raped
the Game by the editors of Sports Illustrated girl crew of a starship embarks on a per- and takes her own life, Magdas vengeance
Kids (May 16, hardcover, $11.95, ISBN ilous journey. Ages 14up. turns dangerous. Ages 14up
978-1-68330-002-1), ages 36. The Black Witch Chronicles: The When Its Real by Erin Watt (May 30,
Black Witch by Laurie Forest (May 2, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-0-373-
HACHETTE/TIME FOR KIDS hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-0-373- 21252-1). A girl who agrees to pose as a
50 States: Our America by the editors 21231-6). This series debut stars a teen pop stars girlfriend encounters wealth,
of Time for Kids (May 9, paper, $9.95, born into a line of witches who have fame, and unexpected romance. Ages
ISBN 978-1-68330-754-9) is a reference saved their people. Ages 14up. 14up.
spotlighting each states history and Daughter of the Burning City by
unique characteristics. Ages 812. Amanda Foody (July 25, hardcover, Series
$19.99, ISBN 978-0-373-21243-9). A Blood of Gods and Royals continues
HARDIE GRANT EGMONT girl whos an illusionist in a traveling with Reign of Serpents by Eleanor Herman
Series carnival of debauchery tracks down a (June 27, hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-
New Lolas Toy Box titles by Danny murderer. Ages 14up. 0-373-21233-0), ages 14up. Gena
Parker, illus. by Guy Shield, are On the Dead Little Mean Girl by Eva Showalters Everlife issues Lifeblood
Story Sea (Apr. 1, paper, $6.99, ISBN Darrows (Mar. 28, hardcover, $18.99, (Feb. 28, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-
978-1-76012-437-3), The Patchwork ISBN 978-0-373-21241-5). When her 0-373-21219-4), ages 14up. And the
Picnic (Apr. 1, paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-1- mean, queen-bee stepsister dies suddenly, Talon Saga by Julie Kagawa presents
76012-436-6), The Plastic Palace (June 1, Emma realizes there was more to her than Legion (Apr. 25, hardcover, $18.99,
paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-76012-439- anyone realized. Ages 14up. ISBN 978-0-373-21197-5), ages 14up.
7), and The Treasure Trove (June 1, paper, Four Weeks, Five People by Jennifer
$6.99, ISBN 978-1-76012-438-0), ages Yu (May 2, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978- HARPERCOLLINS
57. 0-373-21230-9). During a summer of A Band of Babies by Carole Gerber,
wilderness therapy, five teens bond as illus. by Jane Dyer (June 6, hardcover,
HARDIE GRANT EGMONT/ they work to overcome their various dis- $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-168955-0).
LITTLE HARE orders. Ages 14up. Bennys love of music inspires the kids in
Incredibilia by Libby Hathorn, illus. by The F-Word by Kiley Roache (June 27, his playgroup to form a marching band.
Gaye Chapman (June 1, hardcover, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-0-373- Ages 48.
$17.99, ISBN 978-1-76012-525-7). 21234-7). Cassie encounters unexpected Bob and Joss Get Lost! by Peter
Her imagination helps the youngest tangles when she joins a fraternity to McCleery, illus. by Vin Vogel (Feb. 28,
child in the family catch the attention of uncover proof of the boys misogynistic hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
her neglectful siblings. Ages 25. behavior. Ages 14up. 241531-8). Two palsone pessimistic,
Colours of Australia by Bronwyn The Impossible Vastness of Us by one optimisticget shipwrecked on an
Bancroft (May 1, hardcover, $17.99, Samantha Young (June 27, hardcover, apparent tropical island. Ages 48.
ISBN 978-1-74297-691-4) presents $18.99, ISBN 978-0-373-21242-2). A Bravelands: Broken Pride by Erin
poetry inspired by the authors love of teen who uses popularity to hide her Hunter (June 6, hardcover, $16.99,
Australia. Ages 35. messy home life stars in this tale of ISBN 978-0-06-264202-8) launches a
The Ricker Racker Club by Patrick friendship and acceptance. Ages 14up. series relayed by three animals of the
Guest, illus. by Nathaniel Eckstrom North of Happy by Adi Alsaid African plains, where an act of betrayal
(May 1, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- (Apr. 25, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978- shatters the peace. Ages 812.
76012-292-8). A boys-only club is the 0-373-21228-6). A privileged, rebellious Cinnamon by Neil Gaiman, illus. by
focus of this look at the foibles of child- Mexican boy goes to the U.S., where he Divya Srinivasan (May 2, hardcover,
hood politics. Ages 35. works for a celebrity chef and falls for his $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-239961-8). In
daughter. Ages 14up. this tale set in a mythic India, a talking
Series Rebels Like Us by Liz Reinhardt tiger may be the only one able to get a
Old Tom stars in Old Tom Man of Mystery (Feb. 28, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978- princess to speak. Ages 48.
by Leigh Hobbs (May 1, paper, $10.99, 0-373-21220-0). A mixed-race girl Dozy Bear and the Secret of Sleep
ISBN 978-1-877003-53-0), ages 35. experiences culture shock and racism by Katie Blackburn, illus. by Richard

64 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
2140 Oak Industrial Drive NE Grand Rapids Michigan 49505

Written by Anna Baccelliere

Illustrated by Ale + Ale
March picture book ages 49
5480-3 hardcover $16.00

Written and illustrated by Gilles Bachelet Written and illustrated by Isabelle Simler
February picture book ages 610 February picture book ages 4 8
5483-4 hardcover $17.00 5488-9 hardcover $19.00

Written by Davide Cali

Illustrated by Marco Som
March picture book ages 4 8
5481-0 hardcover $16.00

Written by Gyeong-hwa Kim Written by Edward van de Vendel

Illustrated by Anna and Elena Balbusso Illustrated by Philip Hopman
Edited by Joy Cowley April illustrated novel ages 8 12
January picture book ages 610 5487-2 hardcover $13.00
5473-5 paperback $10.00 Tradewinds series

Written by Eun-jeong Jo
Illustrated by Bimba Landmann
Edited by Joy Cowley
May picture book ages 610 5474-2
paperback $10.00 Tradewinds series

Written by Ji-yun Jang

Written by Jeong-hee Nam
Illustrated by Tan Jun
Illustrated by Lucia Sforza
Edited by Joy Cowley
Edited by Joy Cowley ISBN Prex: 978-0-8028- January picture book ages 610
May picture book ages 610 5475-9 Prices subject to change without notice 5472-8 paperback $10.00
paperback $10.00 Tradewinds series To order, call 800-253-7521 Tradewinds series
FAX 616-459-6540
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Smythe (Mar. 28, hardcover, $17.99, food, small yet clever Morris saves the 0-06-236618-4). A tugboat and a barge
ISBN 978-0-06-256426-9) is a bedtime day. Ages 48. become heroes when they rescue a kitten.
tale incorporating sleep techniques. Ages Shark Dog! by Ged Adamson (May Ages 48.
48. 16, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06- Twindergarten by Nikki Ehrlich,
Duck, Duck, Dinosaur and the 245713-4). What happens when a pet illus. by Zoey Abbott Wagner (June 20,
Noise at Night by Kallie George, illus. who is part shark and part dog gets hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
by Oriol Vidal (Feb. 7, hardcover, homesick? Ages 48. 256423-8). The night before starting
$17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-235317-7). Shorty & Clem by Michael Slack (Apr. kindergarten, twins have first-day jitters.
The stars of Duck, Duck, Dinosaur spend 25, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06- Ages 48.
the first night alone in their own nest. 242158-6). In this series launch, Shorty We Are Shining by Gwendolyn
Ages 48. is anxious to know whats in a mysterious Brooks, illus. by Jan Spivey Gilchrist
Good Morning, Grizzle Grump! by package addressed to his best friend, (May 30, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
Aaron Blecha (Apr. 18, hardcover, Clem. Ages 48. 0-06-257066-6), illustrates this poem
$17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-229749-5) is a honoring the beauty of the world and its
spring-themed follow-up to Goodnight, diverse people. Ages 48.
Grizzle Grump! Ages 48. Tornadoes, Revised Edition by
I Am Not a Chair! by Ross Seymour Simon (Apr. 18, hardcover,
Burach (Feb. 14, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-247033-1;
$17.99, ISBN 978-0-06- paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
236016-8). A giraffe whos 247032-4). This updated edition
mistaken for a chair is at of this look at tornadoes fea-
the center of this story tures new photos. Ages 610.
about finding ones Apartment 1986 by Lisa
courage. Ages 48. Papademetriou (Apr. 11,
Lets Investigate hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
with Nate: The Water 978-0-06-237108-9). A boy
Cycle (June 20, hard- Callie meets at the museum
cover, $17.99, ISBN helps her see the world, and
978-0-06-235740-3; some family secrets, in a new
paper, $6.99, ISBN 978- light. Ages 812.
0-06-235739-7) and The Chester and Gus by Cammie
Solar System (June 20, hard- McGovern (Apr. 4, hardcover,
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06- $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-233068-0)
235743-4; paper, $6.99, ISBN is a novel about the bond between an
978-0-06-235742-7) by Nate Ball, aspiring service dog and an autistic boy,
illus. by Wes Hargis, kick off a From A New Friend for Sparkle by Amy told from the dogs point of view. Ages
STEM-based, science picture-book series, Young (Macmillan/Farrar, Straus and Giroux) 812.
ages 48. Forever, or a Long, Long Time by
Little Ree by Ree Drummond, illus. Caela Carter (Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.99,
by Jacqueline Rogers (Mar. 28, hard- Teddy the Dog: (Almost) Best in ISBN 978-0-06-238568-0). With their
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-245318- Show by Keri Claiborne Boyle, illus. by adoptive mother, siblings seek to discover
1). Little Ree moves with her family from Jonathan Sneider (Apr. 25, hardcover, their past in order to build their future.
the city to her grandparents ranch in this $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-238284-9), Ages 812.
series debut. Ages 48. opens a series about an independent- Georgia Rules by Nanci Turner
Lost and Found, Whats That minded pooch. Ages 48. Steveson (May 2, hardcover, $16.99,
Sound? by Jonathan Ying, illus. by Toad on the Road: A Cautionary ISBN 978-0-06-237457-8). When
Victoria Ying (June 13, hardcover, Tale by Stephen Shaskan (May 16, hard- Maggie and her mother move from
$14.99, ISBN 978-0-06-238068-5). cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-239347- Georgia to her late fathers Vermont farm,
Animals instruments go missing in this 0). Rhyming text and pictures urge a silly she learns much about family. Ages 812.
story exploring sound. Ages 48. toad to get out of the road. Ages 48. Grandpas Great Escape by David
Morris Mole by Dan Yaccarino (May Tugboat Bill and the River Rescue Walliams, illus. by Tony Ross (Feb. 28,
2, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06- by Calista Brill, illus. by Tad Carpenter hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
241107-5). When the moles run low on (Feb. 21, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- 256089-6). Jack helps his beloved,

66 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

confused Grandpa break out of a sinister home, Steffy deals with the upheaval by murder case to win a crime-solving con-
nursing home. Ages 812. cooking incessantly. Ages 812. test. Ages 812.
Joplin, Wishing by Diane Stanley Orphan Train Girl by Christina Baker Almost Adulting: All You Need to
(June 13, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- Kline (May 2, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN Know to Get It Together (Sort Of) by
0-06-242370-2). Two kids are pulled 978-0-06-244594-0). In this adaptation Arden Rose (Mar. 28, hardcover, $18.99,
into an adventure involving a magical of Orphan Train for young readers, a girl ISBN 978-0-06-257410-7). This lifestyle
antique platter, the girl tied to it, and a in foster care forms a bond with a former vlogger offers a guide to growing up.
nefarious foe. Ages 812. orphan train rider. Ages 812. Ages 13up.
King of the Bench: No Fear! by The Other Side of Summer by Emily Girl Code: Gaming, Going Viral,
Steve Moore (Mar. 28, hardcover, $13.99, Gale (May 30, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN and Getting It Done by Andrea
ISBN 978-0-06-220330-4) kicks off a 978-0-06-265674-2). Playing her broth- Gonzales and Sophie Houser (Mar. 7,
series about a boy who plays the same ers guitar helps a girl deal with his death hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
position in every sport: benchwarmer. in this novel of grief, hope, and magic. 247250-2). These teenage coding whizzes
Ages 812. Ages 812. share their knowledge of coding and the
Lets Pretend We Never Met by The Parent Agency by David tech industry in this book encouraging
Melissa Walker (June 13, hardcover, Baddiel, illus. by Jim Field (May 2, girls to enter STEM fields. Ages 13up.
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-256716-1). paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-0-06-240542- Matthew Espinosa: More Than Me
Mattie is conflicted after bonding with 5). After wishing for new parents, Barry by Matthew Espinosa (Apr. 4, hardcover,
her new neighbor, who turns out to be is whisked away to a world where kids $19.99, ISBN 978-0-06-249080-3).
the weird girl at school. Ages 812. choose their own parents. Ages 812. Photos illustrate this behind-the-scenes
The Lost Kingdom of Bamarre by Roll by Darcy Miller (May 23, hard- look at the life of this YouTube person-
Gail Carson Levine (May 2, hardcover, cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-246122- ality. Ages 13up.
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-207466-9). In 3). A lonely boys life picks up when his Queer, There, and Everywhere: 23
this prequel to The Two Princesses of new neighbor, a girl who trains pigeons, People Who Changed the World by
Bamarre, Perry must free her people from introduces him to competitive pigeon Sarah Prager, illus. by Zoe More OFerrall
tyranny. Ages 812. rolling. Ages 812. (May 23, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
Marty Pants: Do Not Open! by Mark Space Runners: The Moon Platoon 0-06-247431-5), chronicles the lives of
Parisi (May 2, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN by Jeramey Kraatz (May 2, hardcover, 23 influential queer figures from the
978-0-06-242776-2) introduces an illus- $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-244597-1). Roman Empire through to the present.
trated series featuring a young artist, cat Benny wins a trip to the moon in 2085 in Ages 13up.
lover, and unlikely hero. Ages 812. this series opener. Ages 812. Before I Fall: Movie Tie-in Edition
Monsters Unleashed by John Spirit Hunters by Ellen Oh (July 25, by Lauren Oliver (Feb. 7, paper, $10.99,
Kloepfer, illus. by Mark Oliver (July 25, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06- ISBN 978-0-06-265632-2) includes
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06- 243008-3). In this series launch, Harper poster art from the film and interviews
229030-4). In this series debut, the mon- knows immediately that theres an energy about its making. Ages 14up.
sters Freddie draws come to life and in her new house that doesnt feel right. Just a Girl by Carrie Mesrobian (Mar.
attack his town. Ages 812. Ages 812. 28, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
Olga and the Smelly Thing from The Summer of Bad Ideas by Kiera 234991-0). In this story revealing soci-
Nowhere by Elise Gravel (Mar. 14, Stewart (May 2, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN etal conventions that constrain teen girls,
hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-0-06- 978-0-06-236021-2). Two mismatched Rianne grapples with family, friends, and
235126-5) starts up a series starring a cousins from estranged family branches her future. Ages 14up.
young scientist and animal lover. Ages spend an adventure-filled summer Lorien Legacies Reborn: Generation
812. together. Ages 812. One by Pittacus Lore (June 27, hard-
One Amazing Elephant by Linda Superstar by Mandy Davis (June 20, cover, $18.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
Oatman High (Feb. 14, hardcover, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06- 249374-3) debuts a series set in the
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-245583-3). Lily 237777-7). A formerly homeschooled world of the I Am Number Four books.
mourns her grandfathers death with the fifth grader is miserable at his new Ages 14up.
help of the circus elephant he cared for. schooluntil he discovers that he does Unfiltered: No Shame, No Regrets,
Ages 812. belong. Ages 812. Just Me. by Lily Collins (Mar. 7, hard-
One Hundred Spaghetti Strings by The Worlds Greatest Detective by cover, $18.99, ISBN 978-0-06-247301-
Jen Nails (Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.99, Caroline Carlson (May 16, hardcover, 1). This actress presents essays exploring
ISBN 978-0-06-242760-1). When life $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-236827-0). In issues young women struggle with. Ages
changes after her father moves back this mystery, two kids try to crack a 14up.

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 67
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Series $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-

Biscuit returns in Biscuit: 241167-9), ages 812. The
5-Minute Biscuit Stories by Titanic Mission joins Dan
Alyssa Satin Capucilli, illus. Gutmans Flashback
by Pat Schories, ages 48. Four (Apr. 4, hardcover,
Chicken in Space continues $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
with Chicken in School by 223635-7), ages 812.
Adam Lehrhaupt, illus. by Hamstersaurus Rex is
Shahar Kober (June 20, hard- back in Hamstersaurus Rex
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0- vs. Squirrel Kong by Tom
06-236413-5), ages 48. ODonnell, illus. by Tim
And Enzo is back in Enzo Miller (June 27, hard-
and the Fourth of July Races by cover, $12.99, ISBN 978-
Garth Stein, illus. by R.W. 0-06-237756-2), ages
Alley (May 2, hardcover, 812. Hero returns in
$17.99, ISBN 978-0-06- Hurricane Rescue by
238059-3), ages 48. Jennifer Li Shotz (May
Deans Pete the Cat 30, hardcover, $17.99,
dances on in Pete the Cat and ISBN 978-0-06-
the Cool Cat Boogie (May 9, From Dr. First by Adam Hargreaves (Penguin/Grosset & Dunlap) 256044-5; paper, $7.99,
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN ISBN 978-0-06-256043-8),
978-0-06-240434-3), ages 48. A Pig in Gutman, illus. by Jim Paillot, greets ages 812. The Last Dragon Charmer
a Wig by Emma J. Virjan wraps up with Explorers, Presidents, and Toilets (June 20, concludes with Realm Breaker by Laurie
What This Story Needs Is a Vroom and a paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-0-06-230623-4) McKay (Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
Zoom (July 4, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN and Space, Humans, and Farts (June 20, 978-0-06-230849-8), ages 812.
978-0-06-249431-3), ages 48. paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-0-06-230626-5), Paddington tackles jobs in Paddington
Pinkaliciouss brother stars in Peterrific ages 610. Gutmans My Weirdest at Work by Michael Bond, illus. by Peggy
by Victoria Kann (May 2, hardcover, School enrolls Ms. Joni Is a Phony! (Feb. 14, Fortnum (Mar. 21, hardcover, $9.99,
$17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-256356-9), ages paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-0-06-242929-2) ISBN 978-0-06-231226-6), ages 812.
48. Fart Squad releases Blast from the and Mrs. Master Is a Disaster! (June 20, The Pages Between Us continues with
Past by Seamus Pilger, illus. by Stephen paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-0-06-242933-9), In the Spotlight by Lindsey Leavitt and
Gilpin (Apr. 25, hardcover, $15.99, ages 610. Nancy Clancy is back in Robin Mellom (Mar. 14, hardcover,
ISBN 978-0-06-236636-8; paper, $4.99, Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Late-Breaking $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-237774-6), ages
ISBN 978-0-06-229055-7), ages 610. News by Jane OConnor, illus. by Robin 812. Secrets of Valhalla issues Keeper of
Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids gains Preiss Glasser (Feb. 28, hardcover, $9.99, Myths by Jasmine Richards (June 13,
Laugh-Out-Loud Awesome Jokes for Kids ISBN 978-0-06-226973-7), ages 610. hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
(Feb. 28, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-0-06- Confidentially Yours by Jo Whittemore 201011-7), ages 812. Silver Sisters
249795-6), Laugh-Out-Loud Road Trip issues Vanessas Design Dilemma (May 2, concludes with The Silver Moon of Summer
Jokes for Kids (May 16, paper, $4.99, paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-0-06-235903-2), by Leila Howland (June 13, hardcover,
ISBN 978-0-06-249793-2), and Laugh- ages 812. Curiosity House welcomes $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-231875-6), ages
Out-Loud Ultimate Jokes for Kids (June 6, The Fearsome Firebird by Lauren Oliver 812. Stick Cat reappears in Cats in the
hardcover, $10.99, ISBN 978-0-06- and H.C. Chester (Apr. 11, hardcover, City by Tom Watson (Apr. 25, hardcover,
256977-6) by Rob Elliott, illus. by $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-227087-0), ages $12.99, ISBN 978-0-06-241102-0); and
Gearbox, ages 610. And Laura Ingalls 812. Chaos Descends joins Shane Watsons Stick Dog comes back in Stick
Wilders Little House Chapter Books Hegartys Darkmouth (Apr. 25, hard- Dog Craves Candy (July 25, hardcover,
introduces The Adventures of Laura & Jack cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-231135-1), $12.99, ISBN 978-0-06-241094-8),
(Apr. 4, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-0-06- ages 812. And Edge of Extinction ages 812.
237709-8), Animal Adventures (June 6, offers Code Name Flood by Laura Martin, Survivors: The Gathering Darkness
paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-0-06-237712- illus. by Eric Deschamps (May 30, hard- moves Into the Shadows by Erin Hunter,
8), and Pioneer Sisters (Apr. 4, paper, cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-241625-4), illus. by Laszlo Kubinyi and Julia Green
$4.99, ISBN 978-0-06-237710-4), ages ages 812. (Feb. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-
610. Five Elements adds The Shadow City 06-234341-3), ages 812. Twintuition
My Weird School Fast Facts by Dan by Dan Jolley (July 25, hardcover, gains Double Dare by Tia Mowry and

68 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Tamera Mowry (May 9, hardcover, Griffiths Little (Feb. 7, hardcover, HARPERCOLLINS/

$16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-237292-5), ages $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-219504-3), BALZER + BRAY
812. Warriors: Legends of the Clans by ages 14up. The Scattering by Kimberly Even Monsters Need to Sleep by Lisa
Erin Hunter (Apr. 11, paper, $7.99, McCreight (May 2, hardcover, $18.99, Wheeler, illus. by Chris Van Dusen
ISBN 978-0-06-256087-2) is a new ISBN 978-0-06-235912-4) joins (Mar. 14, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
Warriors novella, ages 812. Hunters Outliers, ages 14up. And Melissa 0-06-236640-5) shows how different
A Vision of Shadows ushers in Shattered Marrs Seven Black Diamonds adds One monsters settle down to sleep. Ages 48.
Sky (Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN Blood Ruby (Feb. 28, hardcover, $17.99, Im Smart! by Kate McMullan, illus.
978-0-06-238645-8), ages 812. Wing ISBN 978-0-06-208416-3), ages 14up. by Jim McMullan (June 20, hardcover,
& Claw picks up Cavern of Secrets by $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-244923-8).
Linda Sue Park, illus. by Jim Madsen HARPERCOLLINS/AMISTAD The creators of I Stink! and Im Dirty!
(Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0- Chasing Space: Young Readers Edition introduce a hard-working school bus.
06-232741-3), ages 812. Dorothy by Leland Melvin (May 23, hardcover, Ages 48.
Must Die by Danielle Page releases The $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-266592-8). The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors
End of Oz (Mar. 14, hardcover, $18.99, Photos illustrate this adaptation of the by Drew Daywalt, illus. by Adam Rex
ISBN 978-0-06-242377-1) and Dorothy former NFL player and astronauts (Apr. 4, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-
Must Die Stories, Vol. 3 (Mar. 14, paper, memoir. Ages 812. 06-243889-8), imagines the backstory of
$9.99, ISBN 978-0-06-242383-2), Clayton Byrd Goes Underground by this timeless game. Ages 48.
ages 14up. Endgame: The Fugitive Rita Williams-Garcia (May 9, hardcover, Marlo by Christopher Browne (Mar. 21,
Archives by James Frey presents $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-221591-8). An hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
Endgame: The Complete Fugitive Archives aspiring blues musician who loses his 244113-3). This mostly wordless book
(June 6, paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-0-06- grandfather finds a way to deal with his plunges a dog in need of a bath into an
233278-3), ages 14up. Forbidden grief. Ages 812. underwater adventure. Ages 48.
wraps up with Returned by Kimberley Moo Moo and Mr. Quackers: Moo
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Moo in a Tutu by Tim Miller (Apr. 25, died. Ages 13up. 0-06-231088-0), ages 812. The Gauntlet
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06- Ramona Blue by Julie Murphy is the final novel in Megan Shepherds
241440-3) starts up a series starring an (May 9, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0- Cage series (May 23, hardcover, $17.99,
adventurous cow and a loyal duck. 06-241835-7). A teen in post-Katrina ISBN 978-0-06-224312-6), ages 13up.
Ages 48. Missisissipi copes with family, finds Evelyn Skyes The Crowns Game issues
Places to Be by Mac Barnett, illus. by solace in swimming and an old friend, The Crowns Fate (May 16, hardcover,
Renata Liwska (May 2, hardcover, and searches for identity. Ages 13up. $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-242261-3),
$17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-228621-5), American Street by Ibi Zoboi (Feb. 14, ages 13up. Freedoms Slave by Heather
celebrates kids wide-ranging emotions. hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06- Demetrios (Feb. 28, hardcover, $17.99,
Ages 48. 247304-2). A Haitian girl relocated to ISBN 978-0-06-231862-6) concludes
Raisin, the Littlest Cow by Miriam Detroit is at the center of this coming-of- Dark Caravan Cycle, ages 13up.
Busch, illus. by Larry Day (Mar. 28, hard- age novel about, class, love, and the Mirador by Dan Wells continues with
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-242763-2). American dream. Ages 14up. Ones and Zeroes (Feb. 14, hardcover,
What happens when the smallest cow on Gem & Dixie by Sara Zarr (Apr. 4, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-234790-9), ages
the farm gets a baby brother? Ages 48. hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06- 13up. And Ravenspire continues with
Rulers of the Playground by Joseph 243459-3) is a novel spotlighting the The Wish Granter by C.J. Redwine (Feb. 14,
Kuefler (Apr. 18, hardcover, $17.99, complex relationship between two sisters hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
ISBN 978-0-06-242432-7). Two kids vie from a broken home. Ages 14up. 236027-4), ages 13up.
to rule the playground in this story about The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
friendship and kindness. Ages 48. (Feb. 28, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- HARPERCOLLINS/
Samson: The Piranha Who Went to 0-06-249853-3). In this novel inspired GREENWILLOW
Dinner by Tadgh Bentley (Feb. 7, hard- by the Black Lives Matter movement, Black White by Tana Hoban (May 2,
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-233537-1). a teen is the only witness to her paper, $8.99, ISBN 978-0-06-265690-2)
A piranha with an adventurous palate friends fatal shooting by a police officer. features art from Hobans Black on White,
stars in this tale of friendship, fine dining, Ages 14up. White on Black, Who Are They?, and What
and chasing ones dreams. Ages 48. Lucky Girl by Amanda Maciel (Apr. 25, Is That? Ages up to 4.
Invisible Emmie by Terri Libenson hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06- Good Night! Good Night by Carin
(May 2, hardcover, $22.99, ISBN 978-0- 230533-6). A sexual assaul tears apart a Berger (Jan. 3, $17.99, 978-0-06-
06-248494-9paper, $10.99, ISBN 978- teens life in this novel exploring beauty, 240884-6). Three little bunnies look
0-06-248493-2). In this illustrated reputation, friendship, and self-worth.. for excuses not to go to bed. Ages 4-8.
novel, the lives of two girlsone shy Ages 14up. Hello, Universe by Erin Entrada
and artistic, the other outgoing and The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Kelly, illus. by Isabel Roxas (Mar. 14,
athleticintersect. Ages 812. Albertalli (Apr. 11, hardcover, $17.99, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
June Sparrow and the Million- ISBN 978-0-06-234870-8). Love, sister- 241415-1). Told from the intertwining
Dollar Penny by Rebecca Chace, illus. hood, and identity are at the heart of this perspectives of two boys and two girls,
by Kacey Schwartz (May 30, hardcover, story about a girl all too familiar with this novel of unexpected friendship
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-246498-9). rejection. Ages 14up. celebrates bravery and being different.
After moving with her miniature pig Ages 812.
from New York City to South Dakota to Series Planet Jupiter by Jane Kurtz (May 2,
live with her aunt, an orphan finds an My First I Can Read welcomes Otter: hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
intriguing message from her late mother. Lets Go Swimming! by Sam Garton (May 16, 056486-5). When her cousin, adopted
Ages 812. hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06- from Ethiopia, comes to stay for the
Fireworks by Katie Cotugno (Apr. 11, 236664-1; paper, $3.99, ISBN 978-0- summer, a girl learns much about
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06- 06-236663-4), ages 48. Dark Gravity family and belonging. Ages 812.
241827-2). Set in Orlando in the late Sequence concludes with The Rogue The Supernormal Sleuthing
1990s, this novel spotlights a girl com- World by Matthew J. Kirby (June 6, hard- Service: The Lost Legacy by Gwenda
peting with her best friend to be the cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-222493-4), Bond and Christopher Rowe, illus. by
biggest new pop star. Ages 13up. ages 812. Gordon Kormans Masterminds Glenn Thomas (May 2, hardcover,
The Hidden Memory of Objects by wraps up with Payback (Mar. 7, hard- $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-245994-7).
Danielle Mages Amato (Mar. 21, hard- cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-230005- In this series startup, Stephens father
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-244588-9). 8), ages 812. The Forbidden Fortress by becomes chef at a hotel catering to
A teens ability to see memories attached Diana Peterfreund joins Omega City vampires, mermaids, and dragons.
to objects lets her know how her brother (Feb. 14, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- Ages 812.

70 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

The Tiny Hero of Ferny From Rutabaga ages 48. Mercer Mayers
Creek Library by Linda Bailey, Boo! by Sudipta Little Critter stars in My Trip
illus. by Victoria Jamieson to the Science Museum (Mar. 7,
illus. by Bonnie
(June 20, hardcover, $16.99, Adamson (S&S/ paper, $3.99, ISBN 978-0-
ISBN 978-0-06-244093-8). A Atheneum) 06-147809-3), ages 48.
book-loving bug who lives behind New Pete the Cat titles by
a classroom chalkboard devises a James Dean are Pete the Cat and
plan to prevent the library from the Treasure Map (Mar. 7, paper,
closing. Ages 812. $4.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
A Season of Daring Greatly 240441-1), Out of This World
by Ellen Emerson White (Feb. 14, (June 20, paper, $4.99, ISBN
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0- 978-0-06-240443-5), and
06-246321-0) is a novel spot- Trick or Pete (July 25, paper,
lighting a teenage MLB player $6.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
trying to prove her worth to 219870-9), ages 48.
coaches, players, and fans.
The Ship Beyond Time by HARPERTEEN
Heidi Heilig (Feb. 28, hardcover, The Art of Starving by Sam J.
$17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-238078- Miller (July 11, hardcover,
4). In this sequel to The Girl from Thieves by Megan Whalen Turner (May 16, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-245671-7). A
Everywhere, Nix fears that she may not be hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06- bullied gay teen with an eating disorder
able to outrun her fate. Ages 13up. 256824-3), ages 13up. And joining believes he has developed superpowers
Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Monsters of Verity is Our Dark Duet by through starvation. Ages 13up.
Zappia (May 30, hardcover, $17.99, Victoria Schwab (June 13, hardcover, Class: The Stone House by Patrick
ISBN 978-0-06-229013-7). A shy girl $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-238088-3), Ness and A.K. Benedict (Mar. 7, hard-
who is the anonymous creator of a web- ages 14up. cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-266617-8)
comic finds her life upended after her is a companion to the BBCs Class, a
identity is revealed. Ages 14up. HARPERCOLLINS/ spinoff of Doctor Who. Ages 13up.
HARPERFESTIVAL Dividing Eden by Joelle Charbonneau
Series Series (June 6, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-
New Amelia Bedelia Chapter Books Beat Bugs by Anne Lamb rocks on in 06-245384-6). This fantasy pits royal
are Amelia Bedelia Makes a Splash (Mar. 7, Help! (May 2, paper, $3.99, ISBN 978-0- twins against each other as theyre forced
hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-0-06- 06-264060-4) and I Am the Walrus (May to compete for the crown. Ages 13up.
265840-1; paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-0- 2, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-0-06- Everything All at Once by Katrina
06-265839-5) and Amelia Bedelia Digs In 264076-5), ages 48. The Berenstain Leno (July 25, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN
(May 16, hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978- Bears reappear in The Berenstain Bears 978-0-06-249309-5). In her will, Lotties
0-06-265843-2, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978- Show-and-Tell (May 2, paper, $3.99, author aunt leaves the teen a writing
0-06-265842-5) by Parish, illus. by ISBN 978-0-06-235031-2) and Welcome project designed to push her beyond her
Avril, ages 610. Backyard Witch adds to Bear Country (Apr. 18, paper, $3.99, comfort zone. Ages 13up.
Mayas Story by Christine Heppermann ISBN 978-0-06-235026-8) by Mike The Freemasons Daughter by
and Ron Koertge, illus. by Deborah Berenstain, ages 48. New Biscuit Shelley Sackier (Apr. 11, hardcover,
Marcero (June 27, hardcover, $16.99, releases by Alyssa Satin Capucilli, illus. $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-245344-0). In
ISBN 978-0-06-233844-0), ages 812. by Pat Schories, are Biscuits Pet & Play 18th-century Scotland, will Jenna assist
Ivy Pocket concludes with Bring Me the Bedtime: A Touch & Feel Book (May 16, her clans cause or protect the young
Head of Ivy Pocket by Caleb Krisp, illus. hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-0-06- noble shes falling for? Ages 13up.
by Barbara Cantini (May 30, hardcover, 249039-1), ages up to 4; and Biscuit The Gallery of Unfinished Girls
$17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-236440-1), Take-Along Storybook Set (June 20, paper, by Lauren Karcz (July 25, hardcover,
ages 812. Pixie Piper reappears in $11.99, ISBN 978-0-06-162516-9), $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-246777-5).
Pixie Piper and the Matter of the Batter by ages 48. Danny and the Dinosaur and the Mercedes is caught between her world
Annabelle Fisher (May 30, hardcover, Big Storm by Syd Hoff (Mar. 7, paper, of art and reality in this novel about
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-239380-7), $4.99, ISBN 978-0-06-241045-0) is a identity and creativity. Ages 13up.
ages 812. Queens Thief gains Thick as new Danny and the Dinosaur 8 x 8, The Great Pursuit by Wendy Higgins

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 71
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

(Mar. 7, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0- That Thing We Call a Heart by Midnight at the Electric by Jodi Lynn
06-238136-1). Pax and Princess Aerity Sheba Karim (May 9, hardcover, $17.99, Anderson (June 13, hardcover, $17.99,
encounter a new evil in this sequel to The ISBN 978-0-06-244570-4). A Pakistani- ISBN 978-0-06-239354-8). In 2065, a
Great Hunt. Ages 13up. American girl deals with friends, family, girl is picked to live on Mars in this tale
Hunted by Meagan Spooner (Mar. 14, and falling in love. Ages 13up. of love, determination, and hope. Ages
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06- This Is How It Happened by Paula 14up.
242228-6). This reimagining of Beauty Stokes (July 11, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN Obsidian and Stars by Julie
and the Beast introduces a deadly 978-0-06-237993-1). A teen copes with Eshbaugh (June 13, hardcover, $17.99,
Beauty. Ages 13up. the consequences of honesty after telling ISBN 978-0-06-239928-1). Vengeful
If Birds Fly Back by Carlie Sorosiak the truth about the accident that killed rivals from Myas past surface in this
(June 27, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- her boyfriend. Ages 13up. sequel to Ivory and Bone. Ages 14up.
0-06-256396-5). Two teens obsessed Whos That Girl by Blair Thornburgh Run the Risk by Allison van Diepen
with an author explore his disappearance (July 11, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- (Apr. 11, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
and reappearance in this novel about love 0-06-244777-7). The quiet life of a teen 0-06-243335-0). Grace saves those she
and family. Ages 13up. who hangs out with gay-straight alliance loves who are in danger in this novel set
Its Not Like Its a Secret by Misa friends changes when a hit song is named in the same seedy gang world as On the
Sugiura (May 9, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN after her. Ages 13up. Edge and Light of Day. Ages 14up.
978-0-06-247341-7). Sana harbors too Dreamfall by Amy Plum (May 2, The Sandcastle Empire by Kayla
many secrets, including her fathers affair hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06- Olson (June 6, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN
and the fact that she wants to date a girl. 242987-2). When an experiment to cure 978-0-06-248487-1). After the
Ages 13up. a group of teens insomnia goes awry, Wolfpack seizes control of the earth,
Liberty: The Spy Who (Kind of) they become trapped in a dangerous Eden is determined to survive and gain
Liked Me by Andrea Portes and Joel dream world. Ages 14up. her freedom. Ages 14up.
Silverman (June 6, hardcover, $17.99, The End of Our Story by Meg Haston Spindle Fire by Lexa Hillyer (Apr. 11,
ISBN 978-0-06-242199-9). Paige under- (Apr. 4, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0- hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
takes a spy mission to Russia in exchange 06-233577-7). After a violent family loss, 244087-7). This first book in a series
for help discovering the fate of her photo- Wil and his former girlfriend struggle offers a twist on a classic faerie story
journalist parents, who have been cap- to heal old wounds and rekindle their about two half-sisters who are polar
tured by terrorists. Ages 13up. romance. Ages 14up. opposites. Ages 14up.
Literally by Lucy Keating (Apr. 11, Grit by Gillian French (May 16, hard- Thiefs Cunning by Sarah Ahiers
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06- cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-264255-4). (June 13, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
238004-3). The line between reality and The antics that have ruined Darcys repu- 0-06-236383-1). Allegra learns dis-
fiction blurs in this romance about a girl tation help her forget about her best turbing truths about her familys past in
who learns shes a character created by a friends disappearance and a dark family this companion to Assassins Heart. Ages
novelist. Ages 13up. secret. Ages 14up. 14up.
Long May She Reign by Rhiannon House of Furies by Madeleine Roux
Thomas (Feb. 21, hardcover, $17.99, (May 30, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- Series
ISBN 978-0-06-241868-5). When 0-06-249861-8). Louise escapes a horrid Tom Isbells Prey Trilogy concludes with
Freya unwittingly becomes ruler of the school and becomes a maid at a boarding The Release (Feb. 14, hardcover, $17.99,
kingdom, how far she is willing to go to house in this debut of a gothic horror ISBN 978-0-06-221608-3), ages 13up.
keep the crown? Ages 13up. series. Ages 14up. Red Queen welcomes Kings Cage by
Looking for Group by Rory Harrison I See London, I See France by Sarah Victoria Aveyard (Feb. 7, hardcover,
(Apr. 25, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- Mlynowski (July 11, hardcover, $17.99, $19.99, ISBN 978-0-06-231069-9), ages
0-06-245307-5) Two teensone in ISBN 978-0-06-239707-2). Traveling 13up. Reign of Shadows by Sophie
remission from cancer, one in the throes with a friend in Europe, Sydney navigates Jordan continues with Rise of Fire (Feb. 7,
of discovering her gender identitytake secret romance and thorny relationships. hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
a road trip. Ages 13up. Ages 14up. 237767-8), ages 13up. Avenged by Amy
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman Little Wrecks by Meredith Miller Tintera (May 2, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN
(Mar. 28, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- (June 27, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- 978-0-06-239663-1) joins Ruined, ages
0-06-233571-5). Two kids struggling to 0-06-247425-4) reveals unexpected turns 13up. Shattered Realms by Cinda
find their voices find the courage to make in the lives of three teens determined to Williams Chima ushers in Shadowcaster
a podcast to show everyone who they avoid the faux perfect lives of their neigh- (Apr. 4, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-0-
really are. Ages 13up. bors. Ages 14up. 06-238097-5), ages 13up. And

72 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
True-to-Life Tools
for Social-Emotional

How to Do Homework
Without Throwing Up
PB $8.95 978-1-63198-066-4 New Bilingual
Ages 813 APRIL (English-Spanish) Editions

Teeth Are Not for Biting

Los dientes no son
para morder
BB $7.95 978-1-63198-157-9
Ages 14 MAY

Zach Hangs In There I Want to Win!

HC $12.99 978-1-63198-162-3 A book about being a good sport
Ages 58 MAY HC $12.99 978-1-63198-131-9 Clean-Up Time
Ages 48 APRIL Momento
de arreglar
BB $7.95 978-1-63198-154-8
Ages 14 MAY

Bye-Bye Time
The Survival Guide for Momento
Kids in Special Education de la despedida
(And Their Parents) I Dont Want to Be Nice! BB $7.95 978-1-63198-151-7
Understanding What Special Ed A book about showing kindness Ages 14 MAY
Is & How It Can Help You HC $12.99 978-1-63198-132-6
PB $14.99 978-1-63198-167-8 Ages 48 APRIL
Ages 814 MARCH 1.800.735.7323
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Unplugged moves on with The Body The Gentlemans Guide to Vice and and Ghost by N.D. Wilson (Apr. 18,
Market by Donna Freitas (Mar. 28, hard- Virtue by Mackenzi Lee (June 20, hard- hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-211863- cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-238280- 232729-1), ages 812. Teddy Mars bids
9), ages 13up. 1). Two teens in 18th-century Europe adieu in Almost an Outlaw by Molly
find a magical artifact that sparks a dan- Burnham, illus. by Trevor Spencer (Mar.
HARPERCOLLINS/TEGEN gerous mission. Ages 13up. 21, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
Grimelda and the Spooktacular Pet How Dare the Sun Rise: Memoirs of 227816-6), ages 812. And Unnaturals
Show by Diana Murray, illus. by Heather a War Child by Sandra Uwiringiyimana presents Escape from Lions Head by
Ross (July 25, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN and Abigail Pesta (May 16, hardcover, Devon Hughes (Apr. 4, hardcover,
978-0-06-226449-7), is a sequel to $19.99, ISBN 978-0-06-247014-0). $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-225757-4),
Grimelda: The Very Messy Witch. Ages 48. Uwiringyimana, born in the Democratic ages 812.
A Babysitters Guide to Monster Republic of the Congo, tells how she sur- Lauren Myracles Wishing Day
Hunting by Joe Ballarini (June 20, hard- vived a massacre, immigrated to the U.S., releases The Forgetting Spell (Apr. 4,
cover, $13.99, ISBN 978-0-06- and found strength in art and activism. hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
243783-9) launches a series about baby- Ages 13up. 234209-6), ages 812. The Last Spell by
sitters who protect kids from monsters Romancing the Throne by Nadine J.A. White, illus. by Andrea Offermann
living under their beds. Ages 812. Jolie Courtney (May 30, hardcover, (Apr. 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-
A Dog Like Daisy by Kristin $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-240662-0). 0-06-238139-2), marks the finale of
ODonnell Tubb (June 13, hardcover, Two sisters at a British boarding school The Thickety, ages 10up. Charlotte
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-246324-1) is a become fierce competitors for the heart Holmes returns in The Last of August by
novel relayed by a rescued pit bull of the heir to the throne. Ages 13up. Brittany Cavallaro (Feb. 14, hardcover,
training to be a service dog for an injured Ronit & Jamil by Pamela L. Laskin $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-239894-9),
veteran and his family. Ages 812. (Feb. 21, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- ages 13up. Beautiful Idols continues
Gabby Garcias Ultimate Playbook 0-06-245854-4). This spin on the Romeo with Blacklist by Alyson Nol (Apr. 4,
by Iva-Marie Palmer (May 9, hardcover, and Juliet story takes place during the hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
$12.99, ISBN 978-0-06-239180-3). In modern-day Israeli-Palestinian conflict 232455-9), ages 14up. City Love by
this series debut, Gabby wants to keep in Gaza. Ages 13up. Susane Colasanti concludes with Forever
her baseball winning streak alive at her 16 Ways to Break a Heart by Lauren in Love (July 11, hardcover, $17.99,
new school. Ages 812. Strasnick (July 25, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-230776-7), ages 14
Miss Ellicotts School for the ISBN 978-0-06-241872-2). Told through up. Vindicated by M.G. Reyes (July 11,
Magically Minded by Sage Blackwood letters, texts, and emails, this novel hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
(Mar. 21, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- reveals the moment that a relationship 228901-8) wraps up Emancipated,
0-06-240263-9). With no magic pro- breaks irrevocably. Ages 14up. ages 14up. And Shade Me introduces
tecting it, Chantel and her friends must 100 Hours by Rachel Vincent (Mar. 28, Dare You by Jennifer Brown (Feb. 14,
save the Kingdom. Ages 812. hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06- hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
The Someday Suitcase by Corey Ann 241156-3). In this duology debut, six 232446-7), ages 14up.
Haydu (June 27, hardcover, $16.99, Miami teens are kidnapped and ran-
ISBN 978-0-06-235275-0). Best friends somed during a spring-break getaway. HARPERCOLLINS/
discover the magic of their connection Ages 14up. WALDEN POND
when one of them suddenly falls ill. A Boy Called Bat by Elana K. Arnold,
Ages 812. Series illus. by Charles Santoso (Mar. 14, hard-
Deacon Locke Went to Prom by Henry Coles Brambleheart offers cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-244582-7),
Brian Katcher (May 9, hardcover, $17.99, Bayberry Island (May 2, hardcover, debuts a chapter-book series about a boy
ISBN 978-0-06-242252-1) An awkward $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-224551-9), on the autism spectrum. Ages 610.
teens love takes a dramatic turn after he ages 812. Bridget Wilders swan song Chronicle of the Dark Star: Last
brings his grandmother to prom. Ages is Live Free, Spy Hard by Jonathan Day on Mars by Kevin Emerson (Feb. 14,
13up. Bernstein (Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.99, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-06-
#Famous by Jilly Gagnon (Feb. 14, ISBN 978-0-06-238272-6), ages 812. 230671-5) begins a sci-fi series chroni-
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-06- Snoodles! by Patrick Carman, illus. by cling the final days of humanitys first
243003-8). Told in alternating points of Brian Sheesley (Feb. 28, hardcover, home. Ages 812.
view, this romance begins as a girls $12.99, ISBN 978-0-06-239394-4), Orphan Island by Laurel Snyder
jokey picture of her crush goes viral. joins Fizzopolis, ages 812. Outlaws of (May 30, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-
Ages 13up. Time carries on with The Song of Glory 0-06-244341-0). On a mysterious island,

74 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

a boat arrives each year to of perspective. Ages 36.

deliver one new childand Birds Make Nests by
take the oldest child away. Michael Garland (Feb. 15,
Ages 812. hardcover, $16.95, ISBN
Posted by John David 978-0-8234-3662-0). This
Anderson (May 2, hardcover, celebration of birds features
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-06- art created with traditional
233820-4). Kids communi- woodcut and digital tools.
cate through sticky notes in Ages 37.
this novel about bullying, Hello Spring! by Shelley
broken friendships, and fail- Rotner (Feb. 15, hardcover,
ures of communication. $16.95, ISBN 978-0-8234-
Ages 812. 3752-8). Photos illustrate
Sputniks Guide to Life this look at springtime
on Earth by Frank Cottrell changes in plant and animal
Boyce (June 20, hardcover, life. Ages 47.
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-06- Ants Rule: The Long
264362-9). A boy and an and Short of It by Bob
alien who can manipulate the Barner (Feb. 15, hardcover,
laws of space and time set out $16.95, ISBN 978-0-8234-
on a mission in this tale about 3660-6). Ant engineers
finding ones place in the building a roller coaster
world. Ages 812. introduce nonstandard mea-
Two Truths and a Lie: surement and comparison.
Its Alive! by Ammi-Joan Ages 48.
Paquette and Laurie Ann From A Funny Thing Happened at the Museum by Davide Cali, illus. by My Awesome Summer
Thompson, illus. by Lisa K. Benjamin Chaud (Chronicle) by P. Mantis by Paul Meisel
Weber (June 27, hardcover, (Feb. 15, hardcover, $16.95,
$17.99, ISBN 978-0-06-241879-1) com- HEYDAY ISBN 978-0-8234-3671-2). A Praying
bines fictional tales and wild but true ABC Oakland by Michael Wertz (Apr. 4, Mantiss diary entries chronicle her life
facts about the natural world. Ages 812. hardcover, $17, ISBN 978-1-59714- cycle. Ages 48.
York: The Shadow Cipher by Laura 371-4) takes an alphabetical tour of Stay-at-Home Sammy and the
Ruby (May 16, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN Oakland, Calif. Ages 3up. Runaway Spot by Maria Nilsson Thore
978-0-06-230693-7) opens an alternate- (Feb. 15, hardcover, $15.95, ISBN 978-
history series about a puzzle and treasure Series 0-8234-3677-4). What happens when a
hunt laid into the streets and buildings of Little Wild presents Living Wild by leopard discovers that one of her spots
N.Y.C. Ages 812. Elaine Miller Bond (Mar. 7, hardcover, wants to run away? Ages 48.
$8.99, ISBN 978-1-59714-382-0), ages Transportation: How People Get
Series up to 3. Around by Gail Gibbons (Feb. 15, hard-
Guys Read welcomes Heroes & Villains cover, $17.95, ISBN 978-0-8234-
by Jon Scieszka, Christopher Healy, HISTORY PRESS 3425-1) showcases cars, trains, planes,
Sharon Creech, Laurie Halse Anderson, Scottish Folk Tales for Children by and boats. Ages 48.
Pam Muoz Ryan, Jack Gantos, and Judy Paterson (Apr. 1, paper, $16.99, Magnets Push, Magnets Pull by
others (Apr. 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN ISBN 978-0-7509-6844-7) refashions David A. Adler, illus. by Anna Raff (Feb.
978-0-06-238561-1; paper, $6.99, traditional stories for todays young 15, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-0-
ISBN 978-0-06-238560-4), ages 812. readers. Ages 711. 8234-3669-9). This introduction to the
powers of magnets includes hands-on
HEAD OF ZEUS HOLIDAY HOUSE activities. Ages 58.
Series Reach for the Moon, Little Lion by Carolines Comets: A True Story by
Orion Chronicles issues Alchemist by Hildegard Mller (Feb. 15, hardcover, Emily Arnold McCully (Feb. 15, hard-
John Barrowman and Carol Barrowman $16.95, ISBN 978-0-8234-3777-1). A cover, $16.95, ISBN 978-0-8234-
(July 1, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- lion gains confidence, thanks to a raven 3664-4) profiles astronomer Caroline
78185-641-3), ages 12up. who shows him that size is just a matter Herschel (17501848), the first woman

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 75
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

to discover a comet. Ages 610. 8234-3756-6). In the Old West, a girl on what to expect when a new baby is
Lets Estimate: A Book About searching for her missing brother ends up expected. Ages 47.
Estimating and Rounding Numbers running with Pancho Villa and his revo- Round by Joyce Sidman, illus. by
by David A. Adler, illus. by Edward lutionary army. Ages 10up. Taeeun Yoo (Mar. 7, hardcover, $17.99,
Miller (Feb. 15, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN Behind Closed Doors by Miriam ISBN 978-0-544-38761-4), pays homage
978-0-8234-3668-2), introduces estima- Halahmy (Mar. 30, hardcover, $16.95, to all that is round and full of wonder.
tion. Ages 610. ISBN 978-0-8234-3641-5). Two girls Ages 47.
Noodleheads See the Future by hiding secrets star in this story of abuse, Trains Dont Sleep by Andria
Mitch Weiss, Martha Hamilton, and poverty, and the healing power of friend- Warmflash Rosenbaum, illus. by Deirdre
Tedd Arnold, illus. by Arnold (Feb. 15, ship and honesty. Ages 14up. Gill (May 2, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
hardcover, $15.95, ISBN 978-0-8234- 978-0-544-38074-5), offers an ode to the
3673-6). In this follow-up to Noodlehead Series power and majesty of trains. Ages 47.
Nightmares, the gullible Noodlehead I Like to Read presents Peeper and Zeep Apex Predators: The Worlds
brothers hate hard workbut love cake. by Adam Gudeon (Feb. 15, hardcover, Deadliest Hunters, Past and Present
Ages 610. $14.95, ISBN 978-0-8234-3674-3) and by Steve Jenkins (June 6, hardcover,
Trudys Big Swim: How Gertrude Pip Sits by Mary Morgan (Feb. 15, hard- $17.99, ISBN 978-0-544-67160-7) spot-
Ederle Swam the English Channel and cover, $14.95, ISBN 978-0-8234-3676- lights animals that dominate their eco-
Took the World by Storm by Sue Macy, 7), ages 48. systems. Ages 69.
illus. by Matt Collins (Feb. 15, hardcover, Gone Camping: A Novel in Verse by
$16.95, ISBN 978-0-8234-3665-1), HOUGHTON MIFFLIN Tamera Will Wissinger, illus. by
spotlights the first woman to swim the HARCOURT Matthew Cordell (Mar. 28, hardcover,
Channel, in 1926. Ages 610. Boris and the Worrisome Wakies by $15.99, ISBN 978-0-544-63873-0).
Genevieves War by Patricia Reilly Helen Lester, illus. by Lynn Munsinger Lucy faces her fears in this companion to
Giff, illus. by Becca Stadtlander (Apr. 1, (Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0- Gone Fishing. Ages 69.
hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-0-8234- 544-64094-8). A young badgers stalling Mae and June and the Wonder
3800-6). This companion to Lilys at bedtime leads to snoozing at school. Wheel by Charise Mericle Harper, illus.
Crossing tells of an American girl who Ages 47. by Ashley Spires (Feb. 7, hardcover,
performs an act of heroism right under Carrot and Pea: An Unlikely $15.99, ISBN 978-0-544-63063-5).
the Nazis noses. Ages 812. Friendship by Morag Hood (Apr. 4, Friends adventures are determined by
One Good Thing About America by hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-544- the spin of a wheel. Ages 69.
Ruth Freeman, illus. by Kathrin Honesta 86842-7) is a tale embracing differences Shell, Beak, Tusk: Shared Traits and
(Mar. 1, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-0- and standing out in a crowd. Ages 47. the Wonders of Adaptation by Bridget
8234-3695-8). A girl who moves from Frankie by Mary Sullivan (Apr. 4, Heos (Apr. 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
Africa to the U.S. ponders crazy hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-0-544- 978-0-544-81166-9) examines conver-
American ways in this novel celebrating 61113-9). Two pups with big personal- gent evolution, involving animals that
cultural differences and commonality. ites struggle to get along and find their share key traits but arent on the same
Ages 812. places in the pack. Ages 47. family tree. Ages 69.
Super Women: Six Scientists Who How It Feels to Be a Boat by James Snail and Worm Again by Tina
Changed the World by Laurie Lawlor Kwan (July 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN Kugler (Mar. 28, hardcover, $16.99,
(Mar. 30, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978- 978-0-544-71533-2) reveals what its ISBN 978-0-544-79249-4). The duo
0-8234-3675-0) profiles 20th-century like to be a boat and encourages readers from Snail and Worm returns in three
scientists Eugenie Clark, Marie Tharp, to stay the course through stormy comic shorts. Ages 69.
Katherine Coleman Johnson, Florence weather. Ages 47. When Jackie Saved Grand Central:
Hawley Ellis, Gertrude Elion, and I Dont Know What to Call My Cat The True Story of Jacqueline
Margaret Burbidge. Ages 812. by Simon Philip, illus. by Ella Bailey Kennedys Fight for an American Icon
Revenge of the Star Survivors by (May 9, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0- by Natasha Wing, illus. by Alexandra
Michael Merschel (Mar. 30, hardcover, 544-97143-1). A girl searches for the Boiger (Mar. 7, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN
$17.95, ISBN 978-0-8234-3667-5). A perfect name for the cat that appears at 978-0-547-44921-0), traces Kennedys
sci-fi-obsessed social misfit lands on the her house. Ages 47. successful campaign to protect this his-
inhospitable planet of Festus Middle Ready, Set... Baby! by Elizabeth toric Manhattan landmark. Ages 69.
School. Ages 1014. Rusch, illus. by Qin Leng (Feb. 7, hard- Armstrong and Charlie by Steven B.
Viva, Rose! by Susan Krawitz (Mar. cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-544-47272- Frank (Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
30, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-0- 3). Siblings give readers the inside scoop 978-0-544-82608-3). In this story set in

76 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

1970s L.A., two sixth-grade boys become Beastly Brains: Exploring How mysterious cult leader, fears for her
friends despite coming from opposite Animals Think, Talk, and Feel by future. Ages 12up.
worlds. Ages 1012. Nancy Castaldo (Feb. 7, hardcover, Things I Should Have Known by
The Playbook: 52 Rules to Aim, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-544-63335-3) Claire LaZebnik (Mar. 28, hardcover,
Shoot, and Score in This Game Called examines species empathy, communica- $17.99, ISBN 978-0-544-82969-5)
Life by Kwame Alexander, photos by tion, and social habits. Ages 12up. introduces a girl on a quest to find love
Thai Neave (Feb. 14, hardcover, $14.99, The Disappearances by Emily Bain for her autistic sister. Ages 12up.
ISBN 978-0-544-57097-9) compiles Murphy (July 4, hardcover, $17.99, Waste of Space by Gina Damico (July
wisdom from inspiring athletes and role ISBN 978-0-544-87936-2). A girl is sent 11, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-544-
models, as well as the authors own sto- to live in her late, mysterious mothers 63316-2). Ten teens trapped in a space-
ries about overcoming obstacles. Ages hometown, where everything vanishes ship that allegedly blasts off on a reality
1012. every seven years. Ages 12up. show are unaware that the production is
A Rambler Steals Home by Carter A Dog in the Cave: Coevolution and fake. Ages 12up.
Higgins (Feb. 28, hardcover, $16.99, the Wolves Who Made Us Human by Witchtown by Cory Putman Oakes
ISBN 978-0-544-60201-4). A girl from Kay Frydenborg (Mar. 14, hardcover, (July 18, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
an itinerant family stars in this novel $18.99, ISBN 978-0-544-28656-6) uses 0-544-76557-3). A girl discovers power-
about taking risks and discovering the history, paleontology, biology, and med- ful secrets when she digs into the history
true meaning of home. Ages 1012. ical science to explain how the human of a mysterious witch haven. Ages 12up.
The Unicorn in the Barn by and dog species became deeply entwined. Bull by David Elliott (Mar. 28, hard-
Jacqueline Ogburn, illus. by Rebecca Ages 12up. cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-544-61060-
Green (July 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN The Special Ones by Em Bailey (July 6). This novel in verse updates the myth
978-0-544-76112-4). Erics life is trans- 18, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-544- of Theseus and the Minotaur. Ages
formed when he discovers an injured uni- 91229-8). Esther, one of four young spiri- 14up.
corn. Ages 1012. tual guides who live in a house with a But Then I Came Back by Estelle

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S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Laure (Apr. 4, hardcover, $17.99, illus. by Sara Not (Apr. 4, hardcover,

ISBN 978-0-544-53126-0). A girl $16.99, ISBN 978-0-544-77474-
who awakens from a coma is 2). Someone keeps breaking an
determined to use her experience important rule of tea party eti-
to reach a girl who is still in a quette: no tooting. Ages 47.
coma. Ages 14up. Pandora by Victoria
Definitions of Indefinable Turnbull (Apr. 4, hardcover,
Things by Whitney Taylor $16.99, ISBN 978-0-544-
(Apr. 4, hardcover, $17.99, 94733-7). In this tale of con-
ISBN 978-0-544-80504-0). nection, Pandora helps a bird
Three teens struggle to com- with a broken wing, who in
prehend love, friendship, and turn brings her gifts that
depression. Ages 14up. assuage her loneliness. Ages 47.
How to Make a Wish by Second Grade Holdout by
Ashley Herring Blake (May 2, Audrey Vernick, Matthew Cordell
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0- (July 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
544-81519-3) tells of a mother- 978-0-544-87681-1). A boy refuses
daughter relationship and two girls to move up to second grade in this story
who find each other at the exact right of friendship and growing up. Ages 47.
time. Ages 14up. Robins! How They Grow Up by
Eileen Christelow (Feb. 7, hardcover,
Series From Pandora by Victoria Turnbull (HMH/ $16.99, ISBN 978-0-544-44289-4).
Anna Wang returns in The Year of the Clarion) Painterly comic-book panels help relay
Garden by Andrea Cheng, illus. by the story of two young robins first year.
Patrice Barton (Apr. 11, hardcover, by Camille Andros, illus. by Brianne Ages 69.
$15.99, ISBN 978-0-544-66444-9), Farley (Mar. 14, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN Seven Rules You Absolutely Must
ages 69. Survivor Diaries continues 978-0-544-78583-0). A rabbits many Not Break If You Want to Survive the
with Overboard! by Terry Lynn Johnson, siblings leave her no space for experi- Cafeteria by John Grandits, illus. by
illus. by Jani Orban (July 4, hardcover, ments. Ages 47. Michael Allen Austin (June 27, hard-
$9.99, ISBN 978-0-544-97010-6), ages Hop Up! Wriggle Over! by Elizabeth cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-544-69951-
710. Scientists in the Field offers Honey (May 2, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 9). Kyle inadvertently breaks every cafe-
Amazon Adventure: How Tiny Fish Are 978-0-544-79084-1). Onomatopoeic teria rule, but winds up enjoying his
Saving the Worlds Largest Rainforest by words and pictures capture an animal lunchand overcoming his fears. Ages
Sy Montgomery, photos by Keith familys daily routine. Ages 47. 69.
Ellenbogen (July 4, hardcover, $18.99, How to Find a Friend by Maria S. Lint Boy by Aileen Leijten (June 27,
ISBN 978-0-544-35299-5), ages Costa (Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-544-
1012; and Eye of the Storm: NASA, 978-0-544-92678-3). A rabbit and a 52860-4). In this graphic novel, Lint Boy
Drones, and the Race to Crack the squirrel who each long for a friend finally and Lint Bear live in a cozy dryeruntil
Hurricane Code by Amy Cherrix (Apr. bump into each otherliterally. Ages Lint Bear is snatched away and must be
25, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-0- 47. rescued. Ages 710.
544-41165-4), ages 1014. And Heart Kid Amazing vs. the Blob by Josh Emily and the Spellstone by Michael
of the Storm concludes Undertow Schneider (June 6, hardcover, $16.99, Rubens (June 13, hardcover, $16.99,
Trilogy by Michael Buckley (Feb. 7, ISBN 978-0-544-80125-7). An evil- ISBN 978-0-544-79086-5). Emily
hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-0-544- fighting superhero finds that one villain becomes a hero after finding a stone that
34867-7), ages 12up. remains elusive: the Blob (aka his baby looks like a cell phone, but has magical
sister). Ages 47. powers. Ages 1012.
HMH/CLARION Muddle & Mo by Nikki Slade Fish Girl by David Wiesner and
And the Robot Went... by Michelle Robinson (Feb. 21, hardcover, $14.99, Donna Jo Napoli (Mar. 7, hardcover, $25,
Robinson, illus. by Sergio Ruzzier (May ISBN 978-0-544-71612-4). A goat helps ISBN 978-0-544-81512-4). In this story
2, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-544- a duck sort out his identity in this tale told in graphic-novel format, a girl
58652-9). Animal friends assemble a friendship, differences, and acceptance. befriends a mermaid in an aquarium who
noisy robot. Ages 47. Ages 47. longs to be free. Ages 1012.
Charlotte the Scientist Is Squished No Tooting at Tea by Alastair Heim, It All Comes Down to This by Karen

78 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
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S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

English (July 11, hardcover, $16.99, Mike, illus. by Amanda Sandland (Apr. 1, INNOVATION
ISBN 978-0-544-83957-1). In 1965 hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-77227- Old Tracks, New Tricks by Jessica
Los Angeles, a black girl who moves 135-5) centers on two friendsone excit- Petersen (Mar. 14, hardcover, $16.99,
into a mostly white neighborhood able and impulsive, the other calm and ISBN 978-1-943147-23-6). Three
learns how complicated life can be. prepared. Ages 35. wooden train tracks teach trains a lesson.
Ages 1012. Whats My Superpower? by Aviaq Ages 26.
Journey Across the Hidden Islands Johnston, illus. by Tim Mack (June 1,
by Sarah Beth Durst (Apr. 4, hardcover, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-77227- Series
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-544-70679-8). 140-9). Nalvanas mother shows the girl Zoey and Sassafras debuts with Dragons
When monsters appear and tremors shake her superpower: shes unique and special. and Marshmallows (Mar. 14, paper, $5.99,
the earth, can twin princesses save their Ages 35. ISBN 978-1-943147-09-0), Merhorses and
kingdom? Ages 1012. How Nivi Got Her Names by Laura Bubbles (Mar. 14, paper, $5.99, ISBN
The Mesmerist by Ronald L. Smith Deal, illus. by Charlene Chua (Apr. 1, 978-1-943147-19-9), and Monster Mold
(Feb. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0- paper, $10.95, ISBN 978-1-77227-137- (Mar. 14, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-
544-44528-4). In Victorian London, a 9), is a story introducing traditional Inuit 943147-14-4) by Asia Citro, illus. by
teenage mentalist discovers truths about naming practices. Ages 57. Marion Lindsay, ages 59.
the hidden battle between good and evil, The Legend of the Fog by Qaunaq
and about herself. Ages 1012. Mikkigak and Joanne Schwartz, illus. by INSIGHT KIDS
Ten: A Soccer Story by Shamini Flint Danny Christopher (Apr. 1, paper, The Boy Who Cried by Khoa Le (Apr.
(May 2, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0- $10.95, ISBN 978-1-77227-136-2) is an 4, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-1-
544-85001-9). Passionate about soccer, a Inuit tale involving a giant, a boy, and 60887-730-0). When hes denied a new
girl in 1986 Malaysia teaches herself to the genesis of fog. Ages 57. toy, Cry Baby sheds so many tears that he
play the sport and forms a girls team. The People of the Sea by Donald floods the house. Ages 5up.
Ages 1012. Uluadluak (Apr. 1, paper, $10.95, ISBN
The Inexplicable Logic of My Life 978-1-77227-138-6). A boys grand- INTERLUDE/DUET
by Benjamin Alire Senz (Mar. 7, hard- mother tells him about the magical crea- The Seafarers Kiss by Julia Ember
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-544-58650- turea mermaidhe encountered. Ages (May 4, paper, $15.99, ISBN 978-1-
5). In this novel about belonging, a teen 57. 945053-20-7). After befriending a
begins questioning his place with his Putuguq & Kublu by Danny maiden, a mermaid decides she wants a
adoptive gay father, their loving Christopher, illus. by Astrid Arijanto life above the sea, but trouble follows.
Mexican-American family, and his best (May 1, paper, $5.95, ISBN 978-1- Ages 12up.
friend. Ages 12up. 77227-143-0). Squabbling siblings learn Grrrls on the Side by Carrie Pack
some Inuit history from their grand- (June 8, paper, $15.99, ISBN 978-1-
Series father. Ages 57. 945053-21-4). In 1994, a teenage outcast
Agatha Parrot is back in Agatha Parrot Sukaq and the Raven by Roy Goose finds her voice and possibly love in the
and the Thirteenth Chicken by Kjartan and Kerry McCluskey, illus. by Soyeon Riot Grrrl movement. Ages 15up.
Poskitt and Wes Hargis (June 27, hard- Kim (May 1, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN
cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-544-50909- 978-1-77227-139-3). As a boys mother Series
2), ages 710. explains how a raven created the world, Broken Moon continues with Ghosts and
the bird whisks him away to witness the Ashes by F.T. Lukens (Mar. 9, paper,
INCREDIBUILDS feat. Ages 57. $16.99, ISBN 978-1-945053-18-4), ages
Series Why the Monster by Rachel 12up.
IncrediBuilds offers New York: Empire Qitsualik-Tinsley and Sean Qitsualik-
State Building Deluxe Book and Model Set Tinsley, illus. by Toma Feizo Gas (June 1, ISLANDPORT
by Richard Panchyk (Feb. 28, hardcover, paper, $13.95, ISBN 978-1-77227-141- ABC Gulls by Beth Rand (Mar. 28,
$24.99, ISBN 978-1-68298-019-4) and 6). An egg unleashes events that turn an hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-944762-
Paris: Arc de Triomphe Deluxe Model and Inuit boy into a monster. Ages 12up. 08-7). An alphabetical cast of seagulls
Book Set by Amy Sterling Casil (Apr. 4, stars in this look at island life. Ages 26.
hardcover, $24.99, ISBN 978-1-68298- Series Ten Days in Acadia by Hope Rowan,
072-9), ages 10up. Animals Illustrated greets Walrus by illus. by Jada Fitch (Apr. 25, paper,
Herve Paniaq, illus. by Ben Shannon $12.95, ISBN 978-1-944762-09-4) out-
INHABIT MEDIA (June 1, hardcover, $15.95, ISBN 978-1- lines 10 hikes in Maines Acadia National
Ukaliq and Kalla Go Fishing by Nadia 77227-142-3), ages 57. Park. Ages 812.

80 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Series differences in town and rural

Wildlife on the Move adds A scenes. Ages 37.
Monarch Butterfly Story by Can I Join Your Club?
Melissa Kim, illus. by Jada by John Kelly, illus. by
Fitch (May 30, hardcover, Steph Laberis (Mar. 1,
$10.95, ISBN 978-1- From Fruits in hardcover, $12.99, ISBN
944762-11-7), ages 26. Suits by Jared 978-1-61067-593-2).
Chapman (Abrams Duck starts a club that
JOLLY FISH welcomes everyone in this
Series story applauding friendship
Holo releases and diversity. Ages 48.
Contribute by Kristy Above and Below by Patricia
Acevedo (July 1, Hegarty, illus. by Hanako Clulow
paper, $14.99, ISBN (Mar. 1, hardcover, $13.99, ISBN
978-1-63163-098-9), 978-1-61067-591-8) showcases
ages 12up, and the nature above and below the surface
Time Shift Trilogy in eight habitats. Ages 59.
offers The Black Tempest by Whats Below? by Clive
Ryan Dalton (Apr. 25, paper, Gifford, illus. by Kate McLelland
$14.99, ISBN 978-1-63163-106-1), (Mar. 1, hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-
ages 12up. 1-61067-542-0), is a pop-up book
revealing what lies below a rain forest,
KANE Shh! My Brothers Napping by Ruth mountain, ocean, city street, and more.
Series Ohi (Mar. 1, hardcover, $11.99, ISBN Ages 5up.
Mouse Math adds Albert Doubles the Fun 978-1-61067-552-9). Though a sibling Olga da Polga by Michael Bond, illus.
(Mar. 1, paper, $7.95, ISBN 978-1- issues the titular warning, there is too by Catherine Rayner (Mar. 1, hardcover,
57565-835-3), Albert Helps Out (Mar. 1, much noisy fun to be had. Ages 26. $17.99, ISBN 978-1-61067-433-1) is a
paper, $7.95, ISBN 978-1-57565-860- Amelia Who Could Fly by Mara dal gift edition of this collection of stories
5), and Wheres Albert? (Mar. 1, paper, Corso, illus. by Daniela Volpari (Mar. 1, about a mischievous, boastful guinea pig.
$7.95, ISBN 978-1-57565-858-2) by hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-61067- Ages 6up.
Eleanor May; and Bravo, Albert! by Lori 469-0), spotlights a young Amelia Scurvy Dogs by Kevin Frank (Mar. 1,
Haskins Houran (Mar. 1, paper, $7.95, Earhart. Ages 37. paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-61067-459-
ISBN 978-1-57565-859-9), all illus. by Cordelia by Michelle Nelson-Schmidt 1). In graphic-novel format, this syndi-
Deborah Melmon, ages 46. And Math (Mar. 1, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1- cated cartoonist reveals backyard pets
Matters welcomes A Fishy Mystery by 61067-442-3; paper, $6.99, ISBN 978- hunting for treasure and combatting foes.
Lisa Harkrader (Feb. 1, paper, $5.95, 1-61067-441-6) offers a modern-day Ages 710.
ISBN 978-1-57565-866-7) and Lets Go, fable about believing in yourself and your Be the Change, Make It Happen:
Snow! by Eleanor May (Feb. 1, paper, dreams. Ages 37. Big and Small Ways Kids Can Make a
$5.95, ISBN 978-1-57565-807-0), both D Is for Duck! by David Melling Difference by Bernadette Russell (Mar.
illus. by Cary Pillo, ages 57; and Otto (Mar. 1, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1- 1, paper, $14.99, ISBN 978-1-61067-
and the New Girl by Nan Walker, illus. by 61067-580-2) is an ABC adventure fea- 404-1) rounds up ideas and activities to
Amy Wummer (Feb. 1, paper, $5.95, turing a magician duck who conjures up encourage kids to make their voices heard
ISBN 978-1-57565-864-3), and Project animals. Ages 37. and to make an impact on the issues
Popcorn by Laura Driscoll, illus. by Shirley Snowflake in My Pocket by Rachel important to them. Ages 7up.
Ng-Benitez (Feb. 1, paper, $5.95, ISBN Bright, illus. by Yu Rong (Mar. 1, hard-
978-1-57565-865-0), ages 68. cover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-61067-551- Series
2). When snow arrives and Bear falls sick, Joining How to... by Jane Clarke, illus.
KANE MILLER Squirrel wants to bring some wintry by Georgie Birkett, are How to Bathe Your
Lets Go to Playgroup! by Caryl Hart, magic to his friend. Ages 37. Little Dino (Mar. 1, hardcover, $8.99,
illus. by Lauren Tobia (Mar. 1, hardcover, Town and Country by Craig ISBN 978-1-61067-495-9), How to Brush
$11.99, ISBN 978-1-61067-581-9), Shuttlewood (Mar. 1, hardcover, $12.99, Your Teeth with Snappy Crocodile (Mar. 1,
introduces a diverse group of children in ISBN 978-1-61067-549-9). Readers turn hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-61067-
a playgroup. Ages 24. this book around to view similarities and 494-2), How to Feed Your Cheeky Monkey

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 81
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

(Mar. 1, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-1- $5.99, ISBN 978-1-61067-500-0), and KENSINGTON
61067-497-3), and How to Tuck in Your The Ancient Starship (Mar. 1, paper, $5.99, Girl in Between by Pintip Dunn (June
Sleepy Lion (Mar. 1, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-61067-501-7), ages 812. 27, paper, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-4967-
ISBN 978-1-61067-496-6), ages 14. Choose Your Own Ever After picks up 0360-6). A Thai-American teens journey
Colorful World by Nastja Holtfreter The Call of the Wild by Julie Fison (Mar. of self-discovery leads her to surprising
presents Farm (Mar. 1, hardcover, $5.99, 1, paper, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-61067- truths. Ages 14up.
ISBN 978-1-61067-578-9), Forest (Mar. 388-4) and Make Up or Break Up by Kate
1, hardcover, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-61067- Welshman (Mar. 1, paper, $8.99, ISBN Series
577-2), Mountain (Mar. 1, hardcover, 978-1-61067-387-7), ages 1014. The Arnaud Legacy issues Avenged by
$5.99, ISBN 978-1-61067-579-6), and Katherine Woodfines The Lynn Carthage (Feb. 28, paper, $9.95,
Sea (Mar. 1, hardcover, $5.99, ISBN 978- Clockwork Sparrow offers The Mystery ISBN 978-1-61773-628-5), ages 14up.
1-61067-576-5), ages 24. New Shine- of the Clockwork Sparrow (Mar. 1, paper,
a-Light titles by Carron Brown, illus. by $6.99, ISBN 978-1-61067-437-9) and KENSINGTON/DAFINA
Wesley Robins, are Secrets of Our Earth The Mystery of the Jeweled Moth (Mar. 1, Series
(Mar. 1, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1- paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-61067-438- Hollywood High greets Heels, Heartache
61067-536-9) and Wonders of the USA 6), ages 11up. Emily Roddas Star of & Headlines by Ni-Ni Simone and Amir
(Mar. 1, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1- Deltora continues with Shadows of the Abrams (Feb. 28, paper, $9.95, ISBN
61067-543-7), ages 48. And Cities of the Master (Mar. 1, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978- 978-0-7582-8856-1), ages 14up.
World (Mar. 1, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978- 1-61067-525-3) and Two Moons (Mar. 1,
1-61067-472-0) and Natural Wonders paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-61067-526- KIDS CAN
(Mar. 1, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-1- 0), ages 914. And Kuromori Daddy Long Legs by Nadine Brun-
61067-473-7) are new Pocket Books, Chronicles by Jason Rohan debuts with Cosme, illus. by Aurlie Guillerey (May
ages 6up. The Sword of Kuromori (Mar. 1, paper, 2, hardcover, $15.95, ISBN 978-1-
Susannah McFarlanes EJ12: Girl Hero $6.99, ISBN 978-1-61067-355-6) and 77138-362-2). A father unleashes his
stars in Choc Shock (Mar. 1, paper, $5.99, The Shield of Kuromori (Mar. 1, paper, imagination to reassure his son he will
ISBN 978-1-61067-506-2), Drama Queen $6.99, ISBN 978-1-61067-356-3), ages pick him up after school. Ages 25.
(Mar. 1, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1- 14up. Different? Same! by Heather Tekavec,
61067-509-3), Making Waves (Mar. 1, illus. by Pippa Curnick (May 2, hard-
paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-61067-508- KAR-BEN cover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-77138-565-
6), and On the Ball (Mar. 1, paper, $5.99, A Concert in the Sand by Tami 7), reveals both differences and similari-
ISBN 978-1-61067-507-9), ages 710. Shem-Tov and Rachella Sandbank, illus. ties within animals groupings. Ages 26.
Mean Machines zooms on with Customized by Avi Ofer (Apr. 1, hardcover, $17.99, Mr. Postmouse Takes a Trip by
Cars (Mar. 1, paper, $12.99, ISBN 978- ISBN 978-1-5124-0099-1; paper, $7.99, Marianne Dubuc (Apr. 4, hardcover,
1-61067-419-5) and Modified Cars (Mar. ISBN 978-1-5124-0101-1). During a $17.95, ISBN 978-1-77138-354-7). On
1, paper, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-61067- walk in Tel Aviv, a woman and her a family vacation, Mr. Postmouse makes
420-1), ages 711. Pup Patrol adds Bush grandson encounter the Israel deliveries to animals all over the world.
Rescue (Mar. 1, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978- Philharmonic gathering for its first per- Ages 37.
1-61067-519-2) and Farm Rescue (Mar. 1, formance. Ages 49. Stop Feedin da Boids! by James
paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-1-61067-518-5) Yaffa and Fatima: Shalom, Salaam Sage, illus. by Pierre Pratt (Apr. 4, hard-
by Sally Odgers and Darrel Odgers, illus. by Fawzia Gilani-Williams, illus. by cover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-77138-613-
by Janine Dawson, ages 711. And Ella Chiara Fedele (Apr. 1, hardcover, $17.99, 5). After moving to Brooklyn from the
Diaries by Meredith Costain, illus. by ISBN 978-1-4677-8938-7; paper, $7.99, country, a girl gets a bird feeder that
Danielle McDonald, issues five titles, ISBN 978-1-4677-9423-7), retells this attracts too many pigeons. Ages 37.
including Ballet Backflip (Mar. 1, paper, folktale about two neighborsone The Thing Lou Couldnt Do by
$5.99, ISBN 978-1-61067-521-5) and Jewish, one Muslimwho help each Ashley Spires (May 2, hardcover, $17.95,
Double Dare You (Mar. 1, paper, $5.99, other when they fall on hard times. Ages ISBN 978-1-77138-727-9). Fearful Lou
ISBN 978-1-61067-520-8), ages 812. 49. concocts all sorts of excuses for why she
The Gateway by Cerberus Jones The Six-Day Hero by Tammar Stein cant climb a tree with her friends. Ages
releases The Four-Fingered Man (Mar. 1, (Apr. 1, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- 37.
paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-61067-498- 5124-5871-8; paper, $9.99, ISBN 978- Wades Wiggly Antlers by Louise
0), The Warriors of Brin-Hask (Mar. 1, 1-5124-2856-8). An Israeli boy whose Bradford, illus. by Christine Battuz (May
paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-61067-499- brother is fighting in the Six-Day War 2, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-
7), The Midnight Mercenary (Mar. 1, paper, finds a way to be a hero. Ages 813. 77138-615-9). A moose worries about his

82 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

antlers falling off in this allegory about 978-1-77138-793-4). Devastated by her

losing a first tooth. Ages 37. sisters suicide, Kai learns to deal with
The Way Home in the Night by her pain at a camp for grieving kids. Ages
Akiko Miyakoshi (Apr. 4, hardcover, 14up.
$16.95, ISBN 978-1-77138-663-0). Textrovert by Lindsey Summers (May
After seeing neighbors lights on, a 2, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-
bunny wonders what they are doing as 77138-735-4). When a girl and a boy
he settles down to sleep. Ages 37. accidentally swap phones and forward
Animals Do, Too! How They messages, sparks fly between themand
Behave Just Like You by Etta Kaner, a secret is revealed. Ages 14up.
illus. by Marilyn Faucher (May 2, hard- Zenn Diagram by Wendy Brant (Apr.
cover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-77138-569- 4, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-
5), compares kids activities to similar 77138-792-7). A math genius who can
animals behavior. Ages 47. see others emotions learns that her life is
The Last Tree by Ingrid Chabbert, linked to a troubled boy whose emotions
illus. by Ral Nieto Guridi (Apr. 4, hard- shes cannot see. Ages 14up.
cover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-77138-728-
6). In this environmental tale, friends dig Series
up and replant a citys last tree in a safe CitizenKid gains The Banana-Leaf Ball:
place. Ages 47. How Play Can Change the World by Katie
A Horse Named Steve by Kelly Smith Milway, illus. by Shane Evans
Collier (Apr. 4, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN (Apr. 4, hardcover, $18.95, ISBN 978-1-
978-1-77138-736-1). When a horse finds 77138-331-8), ages 812.
a gold horn, he ties it onto his head,
thinking it will fulfill his dream of being LAURENCE KING
exceptional. Ages 48. The Ladybug by Bernadette Gervais
Lines, Bars and Circles: How (Apr. 4, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-
William Playfair Invented Graphs by 78627-002-3). This lift-the-flap book
Helaine Becker, illus. by Marie-ve about ladybugs includes a spot-the-dif-
Tremblay (Apr. 4, hardcover, $17.95, ference challenge. Ages 35.
ISBN 978-1-77138-570-1), reveals how
this Scottish thinkers innovative vision KINGFISHER
led him to create graphs that explain Series
numbers through pictures. Ages 69. Little Rabbit Books by Alan Baker
Magic in the City by Heather Dyer, welcomes Brown Rabbits Busy Day (May
illis. by Serena Malyon (Apr. 4, hard- 16, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-0-
cover, $15.95, ISBN 978-1-77138-203- 7534-7337-5; paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-
8). A magician gives two brothers objects 0-7534-7356-6) and Gray Rabbits
with magical powersbut no instruc- Favorite Things (May 16, hardcover,
tions for using them. Ages 710. $12.99, ISBN 978-0-7534-7338-2;
Dingus by Andrew Larsen (May 2, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-0-7534-7357-
hardcover, $15.95, ISBN 978-1-77138- 3), ages 36. In Focus introduces Bugs
661-6). Henry learns a lesson in respon- (July 18, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
sibility after he is careless while dog- 0-7534-7345-0; paper, $12.99, ISBN
sitting for his grandfather. Ages 912. 978-0-7534-7346-7), Oceans and Seas
Keeping the Beat by Marie Powell (July 18, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
and Jeff Norton (Apr. 4, hardcover, 0-7534-7347-4; paper, $12.99, ISBN
$17.95, ISBN 978-1-77138-730-9). A 978-0-7534-7348-1), Polar Lands by
U.K. girl-bands members are living as Clive Gifford (July 18, hardcover,
reality TV stars in Hollywooduntil one $17.99, ISBN 978-0-7534-7351-1;
of them is fatally shot. Ages 13up. paper, $12.99, ISBN 978-0-7534-
Just a Normal Tuesday by Kim 7352-8), and Space by Mike Goldsmith
Turrisi (May 2, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN (July 18, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 83
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

0-7534-7349-8; paper, $12.99, ISBN Shanni Collins (May 18, hardcover, $16.95, Series
978-0-7534-7350-4), ages 711. And ISBN 978-1-78592-251-0) pays tribute Ollie returns in Ollie and the Magic
new Kingfisher Encyclopedias are to different kinds of families and relation- Workshop by Alison Knowles, illus. by
Kingfisher Encyclopedia of Everything by shipsall grounded in love and accep- Sophie Wiltshire (Feb. 21, hardcover,
Sean Callery, Clive Gifford, and Mike tance. Ages 38. $17.95, ISBN 978-1-78592-241-1), ages
Goldsmith (July 25, paper, $16.99, All Birds Have Anxiety by Kathy 711. And Asperger Adventures intro-
ISBN 978-0-7534-7355-9); and The Hoopmann (Mar. 21, hardcover, $15.95, duces Lisa and the Lacemaker: The Graphic
Kingfisher Space Encyclopedia by ISBN 978-1-78592-182-7) uses bird Novel by Kathy Hoopmann, illus. by
Goldsmith (July 4, paper, $13.99, behavior to explore anxiety disorder and Mike Medaglia (Apr. 21, hardcover,
ISBN 978-0-7534-7353-5), ages 711. its impact on daily life. Ages 4up. $18.95, ISBN 978-1-78592-028-8),
Okay Kevin: A Story to Help Children ages 814.
JESSICA KINGSLEY Discover How Everyone Learns
Minnie and Max Are OK by Chris Differently by James Dillon, illus. by KINGSWELL
Calland and Nicky Hutchinson (May 18, Kara McHale (Apr. 21, hardcover, $17.95, Once Upon a Time: Regina Rising by
hardcover, $19.95, ISBN 978-1-78592- ISBN 978-1-78592-732-4). Classmates Wendy Toliver (Apr. 25, hardcover,
233-6). Grandma teaches Minnie and her answer questions more quickly and Kevin $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4847-8776-2).
dog about body image, encouraging them feels hell never catch up, until hes given a A teen seeking romance, adventure, and
to celebrate their strengths and embrace task that shows him he is okay. Ages 58. approval tries to find her identity and
diversity. Ages 37. I Have a Question About Death: create her destiny. Ages 14up.
All You Need Is Love: Celebrating A Book for Children with Autism
Families of All Shapes and Sizes by Spectrum Disorder or Other Special LEE & LOW
Needs by Arlen Celebracin! by Susan Middleton Elya,
Grad Gaines and illus. by Ana Aranda (June 1, hardcover,
Meredith $17.95, ISBN 978-1-62014-271-4). This
Englander Polsky rhyming story about a towns summer
(Mar. 21, hard- parade contains Spanish words sprinkled
cover, $14.95, throughout. Ages 67.
ISBN 978-1- Sparkle Boy by Lesla Newman, illus.
78592-750-8) by Maria Mola (Apr. 15, hardcover,
aims to help kids $17.95, ISBN 978-1-62014-285-1). A
with special needs boys older sister doesnt approve of him
understand what wearing sparkly things, until an
happens when encounter with teasing bullies helps her
someone dies. accept him for who he is. Ages 67.
Ages 511. Every Months a New Year by
The ASD and Marilyn Singer, illus. by Susan L. Roth
Me Picture (June 1, hardcover, $19.95, ISBN 978-1-
Book: A Visual 62014-162-5), compiles poems about
Guide to diverse New Year celebrations around the
Understanding world. Ages 89.
Challenges and Take a Picture of Me, James Van
Strengths by Der Zee! by Andrea Loney, illus. by
Joel Shaul Keith Mallett (May 15, hardcover,
(Mar. 21, hard- $18.95, ISBN 978-1-62014-260-8),
cover, $24.95, profiles this African-American Harlem
ISBN 978-1- Renaissance photographer. Ages 89.
78592-723-2) Confucius: The Heart of China by
includes cartoon- Demi (June 1, hardcover, $21, ISBN
style graphics, 978-1-62014-193-9) is an illustrated
games, and biography of this Chinese teacher,
activities. politician, and philosopher.
Ages 714. Ages 810.
From Penguin Day by Nic Bishop (Scholastic Press)

84 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
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S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Series LEMNISCAAT USA Patricia Moffett (Mar. 1, hardcover,

Confetti Kids ushers in Block Party (Feb. 1, Little Kong by Freya Hartas (Apr. 1, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-4677-7568-7), ages
hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-62014- hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-935954- 914. And Vampires on the Run by C.M.
341-4; paper, $5.95, ISBN 978-1-62014- 47-7). When Esmeraldas parents send Surrisi is a new Quinnie Boyd Mystery
342-1) and Music Time (Mar. 15, hard- her to an island to learn some manners, (Mar. 1, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-
cover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-62014-343-8; she befriends a blue ape in need of 5124-1150-8), ages 914.
paper, $5.95, ISBN 978-1-62014-344-5) behavior lessons. Ages 38.
by Gwendolyn Hooks, illus. by Shirley Flea and Spikey by Pieter Koolwijk, LERNER/CAROLRHODA LAB
Ng-Benitez, ages 56. illus. by Linde Faas (Apr. 1, hardcover, Camp So-and-So by Mary McCoy (Mar.
$16.95, ISBN 978-1-935954-20-0). 1, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-5124-
LEE & LOW/ Reality and fantasy blur in this story of a 1597-1). At a girls camp, survival
CHILDRENS BOOK PRESS teased boy, a bully, and a spunky new requires courage, cunning, and perhaps
Family Poems for Every Day of the girl. Ages 812. even magic. Ages 1318.
Week: Poemas familiares para cada The Big L Hotel by Sjoerd Kuyper, Pointe, Claw by Amber Keyser (Apr.
da de la semana by Francisco X. trans. by Nancy Forest-Flier (May 1, 1, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-4677-
Alarcn, illus. by Maya Christina hardcover, $15.95, ISBN 978-1-935954- 7591-5). Friends struggling to become
Gonzalez (May 1, hardcover, $18.95, 42-2). When their single father is hospi- ballerinas experience the ways girls are
ISBN 978-0-89239-275-9) offers talized, siblings pitch in to save their judged and rejected. Ages 1318.
bilingual poems celebrating childhood foundering family hotel. Ages 1418. Splinter by Sasha Dawn (Mar. 1, hard-
experiences. Ages 89. cover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-5124-1151-
Marts Song for Freedom: Mart y HAL LEONARD 5). Ten years after her mothers disappear-
sus versos por la independencia by Series ance, evidence emerges that forces Sami
Emma Otheguy, illus. by Beatriz Vidal New Musical Exploration Storybooks to question all she believed about her par-
(May 1, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978- are Mickeys Found Sounds (Mar. 1, paper, ents. Ages 1318.
0-89239-375-6) is a bilingual biog- $14.99, ISBN 978-1-4950-6478-4) and What Girls Are Made Of by Elana
raphy of Jos Mart, a Cuban crusader Tangled: Its Better When You Sing It (Mar. Arnold (Apr. 1, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN
for abolishment of slavery and 1, paper, $14.99, ISBN 978-1-4950- 978-1-5124-1024-2). A teen whose
political independence for Cuba. 6477-7), ages 4up. mother told her there is no such thing as
Ages 810. unconditional love contends with her
LERNER/CAROLRHODA boyfriends rejection. Ages 1318.
LEE & LOW/SHENS How the Queen Found the Perfect
The Crane Girl by Curtis Manley, Cup of Tea by Kate Hosford, illus. by LERNER/DARBY CREEK
illus. by Lin Wong (Mar. 15, hardcover, Gabi Swiatkowska (Mar. 1, hardcover, Series
$18.95, ISBN 978-1-885008-57-2). $18.99, ISBN 978-1-4677-3904-7). A Mallory returns in Mallory McDonald,
After a boy aids an injured crane, it royal makes new friends while searching Super Sitter by Laurie Friedman, illus. by
returns as a human to save him and his for the ideal tea. Ages 59. Jennifer Kalis (Mar. 1, hardcover, $15.95,
father from poverty. Ages 78. Niko Draws a Feeling by Bob ISBN 978-1-4677-5031-8), ages 711.
Raczka, illus. by Simone Shin (Apr. 1, Quartz Creek Ranch by Amber Keyser
LEE & LOW/TU hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4677- and Kiersi Burkhart trots along with At
Step Up to the Plate, Maria Singh by 9843-3). No one appreciates Nikos Top Speed (Apr. 1, paper, $6.99, ISBN
Uma Krishnaswami (May 1, hardcover, abstract art in this tale about the creative 978-1-5124-3089-9), The Long Trail
$16.95, ISBN 978-1-60060-261-0). In process and friendship. Ages 59. Home (Apr. 1, paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-
California during WWII, a girl learns 5124-3090-5), One Brave Summer (Apr. 1,
to play softball while her parents cru- Series paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-5124-3088-
sade for Indias independence and The Bolds star in The Bolds to the Rescue 2), and Shy Girl & Shy Guy (Apr. 1, paper,
struggle to hang on to the familys farm. by Julian Clary, illus. by David Roberts $6.99, ISBN 978-1-4677-9568-5), ages
Ages 910. (Apr. 1, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- 914. The Mostly Miserable Life of
5124-1022-8), ages 812. Seaborne April Sinclair picks up Life, Loss, and
Series welcomes Strangers in Atlantis by Matt Lemonade by Laurie Friedman, illus. by
Killer of Enemies by Joseph Bruchac Myklusch (Apr. 1, hardcover, $18.99, Natasha Shaloshvili (Apr. 1, hardcover,
concludes with Arrow of Lightning ISBN 978-1-5124-1375-5), ages 812. $17.95, ISBN 978-1-4677-8591-4), ages
(May 15, hardcover, $19.95, ISBN 978- Mysterium continues with The Palace of 1015. Day of Disaster releases
1-62014-330-8), ages 1215. Memory by Julian Sedgwick, illus. by Aftershock (Mar. 1, paper, $7.99, ISBN

86 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

978-1-5124-3091-2), Backfire (Mar. 1, LERNER/GRAPHIC UNIVERSE LERNER/HUNGRY TOMATO

paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-5124-3094- Smash! Exploring the Mysteries of the Series
3), and Vortex (Mar. 1, paper, $7.99, Universe with the Large Hadron Crazy Creepy Crawlers by Matt Turner,
ISBN 978-1-5124-3095-0) by Vanessa Collider by Sara Latta, illus. by Jeff illus by Santiago Calle, releases four
Acton; and Black Blizzard (Mar. 1, Weigel (Apr. 1, paper, $11.99, ISBN books, including Deadly Spiders (Mar. 1,
paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-5124-3093- 978-1-5124-3070-7). Cousins visit this paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-5124-3080-6)
6), Deep Freeze (Mar. 1, paper, $7.99, machine to explore the power of hidden and Extraordinary Insects (Mar. 1, paper,
ISBN 978-1-5124-3092-9), and Wall of particles and dark matter. Ages 1318. $7.99, ISBN 978-1-5124-3079-0), ages
Water (Mar. 1, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1- 812. How-to Guides for Fiendish
5124-3096-7) by Kristin Johnson, ages Series Rulers by Catherine Chambers, illus. by
1118. And Midnight issues Blood Moon Game for Adventure plays on with Ryan Pentney, issues An Emperors Guide
by Chris Kreie (Apr. 1, paper, $7.99, Andrew the Seeker by Lee Nordling, illus. (Mar. 1, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-5124-
ISBN 978-1-5124-3102-5); Dark Star by by Scott Roberts (Apr. 1, paper, $6.99, 3071-4), A Kings Guide (Mar. 1, paper,
R.T. Martin (Apr. 1, paper, $7.99, ISBN ISBN 978-1-5124-3067-7), ages 59. $7.99, ISBN 978-1-5124-3072-1), A
978-1-5124-3099-8); Graffiti (Apr. 1, Cici: A Fairys Tale continues with A Pharaohs Guide (Mar. 1, paper, $7.99,
paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-5124-3097- Perfect View by Cori Doerrfeld, illus. by ISBN 978-1-5124-3073-8), and A
4), S.O.S. (Apr. 1, paper, $7.99, ISBN Doerrfeld and Tyler Page (Mar. 1, paper, Shoguns Guide (Mar. 1, paper, $7.99,
978-1-5124-3100-1), and The Witching $7.99, ISBN 978-1-5124-3068-4), ages ISBN 978-1-5124-3074-5), ages 812.
Hour (Apr. 1, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1- 711. And The Ghosts in the Clouds checks Among the four additions to If Extinct
5124-3101-8) by J. Fallenstein; and into Hotel Strange by Katherine Ferrier Beasts Came to Life by Matthew Rake,
Truth or Dare by K.R. Coleman (Apr. 1, and Florian Ferrier, trans. by Carol Klio illus. by Simon Mendez, are Prehistoric
paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-5124-3098- Burrell, illus. by Katherine Ferrier (Mar. Ancestors of Modern Animals (Apr. 1, paper,
1), ages 1118. 1, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-5124- $7.99, ISBN 978-1-5124-1159-1) and
3066-0), ages 711. Prehistoric Sea Beasts (Apr. 1, paper, $7.99,


Book Marine
Kids Seized
by by
SunSun Junk
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series )

TrueTrue Einstein
thethe Leonardo
da Vinci
da Vinci
thethe Newton
of the
of the
Dinosaurs Time
Machine PenPen
Future Antigravity
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S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

ISBN 978-1-5124-1158-4), ages 812. $8.99, ISBN 978-1-4998-0447-8). hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-4998-
And The Sickening History of Animals perform in a heavy-metal band. 0416-4) by Sago Mini, ages 24. Dragon
Medicine by John Farndon, illus. by Ages 25. siblings Ella and Owen star in four
Dean Venitia, issues four titles, including Mama, Look! by Patricia J. Murphy, titles, including The Cave of Aaaaah!
Plague! Epidemics and Scourges Through the illus. by David Diaz (Feb. 14, hardcover, Doom! (Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
Ages (Apr. 1, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1- $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4998-0080-7). 978-1-4998-0393-8), and Attack of the
5124-3075-2) and Tiny Killers: When Curious baby creatures and their mothers Stinky Fish Monster! (Mar. 7, hardcover,
Bacteria and Viruses Attack, ages 812. discover the world around them. Ages $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4998-0394-5), by
36. Jaden Kent, illus. by Iryna Bodnaruk,
LERNER/MILLBROOK Toucans, Too by Bethanie Deeney ages 68. Tales of Sasha welcomes A
Series Murguia (May 2, hardcover, $17.99, New Friend (May 2, hardcover, $16.99,
Joining Millbrook Picture Books are ISBN 978-1-4998-0421-8) is a tale fea- ISBN 978-1-4998-0398-3) and Princess
Porcupines Picnic: Who Eats What? by turing cockatoos, toucans, and gnus. Lessons #4 by Alexa Pearl, illus. by Paco
Betsy Rosenthal, illus. by Giusi Capizzi Ages 36. Sordo (July 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
(Feb. 1, hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-1- Blobfish Throws a Party by Miranda 978-1-4998-0400-3), ages 68. Blast
4677-9519-7), ages 48; If You Were the Paul, illus. by Maggie Caton (May 2, Back! revisits The Salem Witch Trials
Moon by Laura Salas, illus. by Jaime Kim hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4998- (July 25, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-
(Mar. 1, hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-1- 0422-5). Sea creatures hear different 1-4998-0451-5; paper, $5.99, ISBN
4677-8009-4), ages 58; Noah Websters things when Blobfish issues an invitation 978-1-4998-0450-8) and The Space Race
Fighting Words by Tracy Nelson Maurer, to his party. Ages 48. (June 13, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-
illus. by Mircea Catusanu (Apr. 1, hard- A Cat Is Better by Linda Joy 1-4998-0451-5; paper, $5.99, ISBN
cover, $19.99, ISBN 978-1-4677-9410- Singleton, illus. by Jorge Martin (June 978-1-4998-0452-2) by Nancy Ohlin,
7), ages 711; and Strange Fruit: Billie 13, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- illus. by Roger Simo, ages 710. And
Holiday and the Power of a Protest Song by 4998-0278-8), makes a droll case for Behind the Legend introduces Bigfoot
Gary Golio, illus. by Charlotte Riley- choosing a cat over a dog for a pet. Ages (May 2, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-
Webb (Feb. 1, hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 48. 4998-0426-3; paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-
978-1-4677-5123-0), ages 812. Fairy Floss: The Sweet Story of 1-4998-0425-6) and The Loch Ness
Cotton Candy by Ann Ingalls, illus. by Monster (May 2, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN
LIBROS PARA NIOS Migy Blanco (May 30, hardcover, $17.99, 978-1-4998-0424-9; paper, $9.99, ISBN
Series in Spanish ISBN 978-1-4998-0238-2), tells of this 978-1-4998-0423-2) by Erin Peabody,
Peanuts adds La gran aventura de Snoopy y treats 1904 debut at the Worlds Fair in illus. by Victor Rivas, ages 810.
Woodstock (Snoopy and Woodstocks Great St. Louis. Ages 48.
Adventure) by Charles M. Schulz, adapted Im Not Little! by Alison Inches, illus. LITTLE, BROWN
by Lauren Forte, trans. by Alexis Romay, by Glenn Thomas (Mar. 7, hardcover, Chee-Kee: A Panda in Bearland by
illus. by Scott Jeralds (Apr. 4, paper, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4998-0377-8). A Sujean Rim (Feb. 7, hardcover, $17.99,
$3.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-7810-6), ages monster whos fed up with being called ISBN 978-0-316-40744-1). A panda
37. And The World of Eric Carle wel- little has a change of heart when his new struggling to fit in in his new country
comes Una casa para Cangrejo Ermitao (A sibling arrives. Ages 48. saves the day when other bears get in a
House for Hermit Crab) by Eric Carle (May Ready, Set, Build! by Meg Fleming, jam. Ages 48.
2, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- illus. by Jarvis (Apr. 4, hardcover, Claymates by Devorah Petty, illus. by
9444-1), ages 58. $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4998-0175-0), Lauren Eldridge (June 20, hardcover,
chronicles a dogs construction of a house $16.99, ISBN 978-0-316-30311-8). In
LION HUDSON for him and his bird friend. Ages 48. this photographic friendship adventure,
I Want a Friend by Anne Booth, illus. What Daddies Like by Judy Carey two balls of clay sculpt themselves into
by Amy Proud (May 1, hardcover, Nevin, illus. by Stephanie Six (Apr. 11, various shapes. Ages 48.
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-7459-7707-2). Two hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4998- I Promise by David McPhail (Mar. 7,
preschoolers learn about friendship, 0197-2). A father bear and his cub spend hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-316-
sharing, competition, and empathy. Ages a special day together. Ages 48. 29787-5). Baby Bears mother explains
35. the meaning of a promise in this story
Series underscoring the permanency of family
LITTLE BEE Sago Mini introduces Costume Party! love. Ages 48.
Heavy Metal Jam! by Cinder Slash, illus. (July 25, hardcover, $5.99, ISBN 978-1- The Three Billy Goats Gruff by Jerry
by Captain Kris (June 13, hardcover, 4998-0414-0) and Hide and Peep! (May 2, Pinkney (May 9, hardcover, $17.99,

88 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

ISBN 978-0-316-34157-8). This rendi- room. Ages 610. examining the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921.
tion of a classic folktale includes a final The End of the Wild by Nicole Ages 14up.
gatefold. Ages 48. Helget (Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.99, The Unlikelies by Carrie Firestone
Trollbella Throws a Party by Chris ISBN 978-0-316-24511-1). Fern tries to (June 6, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-
Colfer, illus. by Brandon Dorman (July protect her familys way of life in this 316-38286-1). Five teens forge an
11, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-316- novel set against the backdrop of the unlikely clique and embark on a summer
38340-0). Queen Trollbella celebrates her fracking controversy. Ages 812. of vigilante good samaritanism. Ages
birthday in this picture-book companion Higher, Steeper, Faster: The 14up.
to the Land of Stories series. Ages 48. Daredevils Who Conquered the Skies Defy the Stars by Claudia Gray (Apr.
You Dont Want a Unicorn! by Ame by Lawrence Goldstone (Apr. 18, hard- 4, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-316-
Dyckman, illus. by Liz Climo (Feb. 14, cover, $18.99, ISBN 978-0-316- 39403-1). In this sci-fi adventure
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-316- 35023-5) examines the history of aviation exploring what it means to be human,
34347-3). When a boy throws a coin in a and its pioneers. Ages 812. two teens take a voyage through the
well asking for a pet unicorn, he has no Knock About with the Fitzgerald- galaxy. Ages 15up.
idea whats in store. Ages 48. Trouts by Esta Spalding, illus. by Sydney Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor
Zip! Zoom! On a Broom by Teri Smith (May 9, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN (Mar. 28, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-
Sloat, illus. by Rosalinde Bonnet (July 978-0-316-29860-5). This sequel to Look 0-316-34168-4). An orphan on a quest
25, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-316- Out for the Fitzgerald-Trouts offers more for answers stars in this fantasy set in a
25673-5). In this counting Halloween sibling adventures. Ages 812. world where the dream chooses the
tale, 10 witches flying on a broom fall off The Star Thief by Lindsey Becker dreamer. Ages 15up.
one by one. Ages 48. (Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- Stranger Than Fanfiction by Chris
CatStronauts: Mission Moon (Apr. 0-316-34856-0). The stars in the sky Colfer (Mar. 7, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN
18, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-316- come to life to defend themselves against 978-0-316-38344-8). Four teens learn
30747-5) and Race to Mars (Apr. 18, those who want to harness their powers. about the power of friendship and
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-316- Ages 812. empathy during a road trip with the star
30748-2) by Drew Brockington launch a Bang by Barry Lyga (Apr. 18, hard- of a hit TV show. Ages 15up.
graphic-novel series about an elite group cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-316-
of cat astronauts. Ages 610. 31550-0) centers on a boy living with Series
Classroom 13: The Unlucky Lottery guilt for having accidentally killed his Magnolia Says Dont by Elise Parsley
Winners of Classroom 13 by Honest sister a decade earlier. Ages 12up. adds If You Ever Want to Bring a Circus
Lee and Matthew J. Gilbert, illus. by Dreamland Burning by Jennifer to the Library, Dont! by Elise Parsley
Joelle Dreidemy (June 6, hardcover, Latham (Feb. 21, hardcover, $18.99, (May 2, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
$15.99, ISBN 978-0-316-46465-9), ISBN 978-0-316-38493-3). A girl finds 0-316-37661-7), ages 48. What the
debuts a series set in an unlucky class- a skeleton on her property in this novel Dinosaurs Did picks up What the
Dinosaurs Did at School: Another Messy
Adventure by Refe Tuma
and Susan Tuma (June 6,
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN
ages 48. Peter Powers
is back in Peter Powers and
the Itchy Insect Invasion! by
Kent Clark and Brandon
T. Snider, illus. by Dave
Bardin (Mar. 7, hard-
cover, $15.99, ISBN 978-
0-316-35947-4), ages
610. The Bad Books

From Little Plane Learns

to Write by Stephen Savage
(Macmillan/Roaring Brook/

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 89
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

will conclude with Bad News by LITTLE, BROWN/POPPY MACLAREN-COCHRANE

Pseudonymous Bosch (Mar. 28, hard- Seven Days of You by Cecilia Vinesse Downward Mule by Jenna Hammond,
cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-316-32048- (Mar. 7, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0- illus. by Steven Page (Mar. 7, hardcover,
1), ages 812. The Land of Stories by 316-39111-5). Relationships that a teen $17.99, ISBN 978-1-365-44567-5), fol-
Chris Colfer wraps up with Book 6 (July thought were stable start to explode in lows a barnyard menageries yoga journey.
11, hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-0- her last week in Tokyo before moving All ages.
316-35589-6), ages 812. And Kate back to the U.S. Ages 15up. Fixit the Dragon: Dare to Dream by
Elliotts Buried Heart (July 25, hard- A Tragic Kind of Wonderful by Eric T.L. Derby, illus. by Anna Leliwa (July
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-316- Lindstrom (Feb. 7, hardcover, $17.99, 11, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-365-
34441-8) is the final volume of Court of ISBN 978-0-316-26006-0). A girl with 51611-5), centers on a dragon who
Fives, ages 12up. bipolar disorder stars in this story about dreams of running the fix-it shop in the
exposing our true selves and being loved castle. All ages.
LITTLE, BROWN/PATTERSON for who we really are. Ages 15up. Gone Cuckoo by Nancy Allen, illus.
How to Be a Supervillain by Michael by Louise Schroeder (Feb. 7, hardcover,
Fry, presented by James Patterson LITTLE ISLAND $17.99, ISBN 978-1-365-44572-9). A
(May 2, hardcover, $13.99, ISBN 978-0- Gold by Geraldine Mills (June 1, paper, cuckoo bird finds foster parents to raise
316-31869-3) introduces a boy from a $11.99, ISBN 978-1-910411-55-1). her young in this tale of parental love. All
long line of famous supervillains who Twins in a world devastated by volcanic ages.
doesnt have a bad-guy bone in his body. explosions find an old manuscript that Hush That Hullabaloo by Donna
Ages 814. sends them on a search for gold. Ages Marie Merritt, illus. by Chris Demarest
Pottymouth and Stoopid: A Middle 912. (June 20, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
School Story by James Patterson and Once Upon a Place, compiled by 1-365-51622-1). In this story set in
Chris Grabenstein, illus. by Stephen Eoin Colfer, illus. by P. J. Lynch (Apr. 1, Scotland, wee ones make a mess of
Gilpin (June 19, hardcover, $13.99, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-910411- Grandpa Gooses house. All ages.
ISBN 978-0-316-34963-5). Two bullied 37-7), collects poems and short stories by Tilly the Turtle by T.L. Derby, illus.
underdogs win the day when their trou- Irish writers. Ages 912. by Heath Gray (Apr. 4, hardcover,
bles inspire a hit TV show. Ages 812. Wherever It Is Summer by Tamara $17.99, ISBN 978-1-365-51627-6).
Sci-Fi Junior High by Scott Seegert Bach (June 1, paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1- When her pals help her with a problem,
and John Martin, foreword by James 910411-56-8) spotlights the deep friend- Tilly discovers what true friendship
Patterson (Feb. 21, hardcover, $13.99, ship between two teenage girls with a means. All ages.
ISBN 978-0-316-31516-6). In this series four-year age gap. Ages 13up. Tommy Toe by Peter Frazier, illus. by
launch, the smartest kid in the universe Makarand Desai (May 9, hardcover,
enrolls in Sci-Fi Junior High, an inter- LITTLE PICKLE $17.99, ISBN 978-1-365-51634-4). An
galactic space station. Ages 812. Yawning Yoga by Laurie Jordan, illus. imaginative boy realizes that its okay to
Dragonflies by James Patterson and by Diana Mayo (Feb. 24, hardcover, be himself. All ages.
Gabrielle Charbonnet (May 22, hard- $18.95, ISBN 978-1-939775-10-8). The Monstrous Alphabet by Nixie
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-316-43131- Poems and pictures depict calming yoga Fae, illus. by Dino Turull (Feb. 21, hard-
6). Twin sisters star in this novel set in a poses. Ages 48. cover, $25.99, ISBN 978-1-365-51617-
future world where teens are imprisoned Yes We Are! by Michael Genhart, 7), offers an alphabetical introduction to
and forced to fight for their survival. illus. by Ken Min (May 16, hardcover, monsters that people fear in various cul-
Ages 14up. $18.95, ISBN 978-1-939775-13-9), tures. Ages 1118.
emphasizes that same-sex parents are just
Series like heterosexual parents in their love for MACMILLAN/
I Funny continues with School of Laughs: each other and their kids. Ages 48. FARRAR, STRAUS AND GIROUX
A Middle School Story by James Patterson 123 Go! by Chiu Anh Urban (July 25,
and Chris Grabenstein, illus. by Jomike LORIMER hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-0-374-
Tejido (Apr. 3, hardcover, $13.99, ISBN Series 30587-1). This counting book features
978-0-316-34960-4), ages 812. And Deal with It offers Transphobia: Deal with sliding vehicles. Ages up to 4.
Middle School issues Escape to Australia It and Be a Gender Transcender by J. Bloom by Deborah Diesen, illus. by
by James Patterson and Martin Wallace Skelton and Wallace Skelton, Mary Lundquist (Mar. 7, hardcover,
Chatterton, illus. by Daniel Griffo (Mar. illus. by Nick Johnson (Feb. 1, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-374-30250-4). A
6, hardcover, $13.99, ISBN 978-0-316- $22.60, ISBN 978-1-4594-0766-4), ages mother and daughter plant a garden and
27262-9), ages 812. 914. watch it bloom into something as beau-

90 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

tiful as their love. Ages 26. inspire their community to build a shared what happens when your best friend
Mimi and Bear Make a Friend by garden in the city. Ages 37. makes a new pal. Ages 47.
Janee Trasler (May 16, hardcover, $16.99, Blue Ethel by Jennifer Black May I Have a Word? by Caron Levis,
ISBN 978-0-374-30360-0). Mimi and Reinhardt (May 30, hardcover, $17.99, illus. by Andy Rash (May 23, hardcover,
her toy bear discover the value of friend- ISBN 978-0-374-30382-2). After a cat $16.99, ISBN 978-0-374-34880-9).
ship in this follow-up to Mimi and Bear in rolls in sidewalk chalk and turns blue, a Word chaos ensues when refrigerator
the Snow. Ages 26. pink kitten teaches her that being dif- magnet letters C and K argue and storm
We Are Brothers, We Are Friends ferent can be a good thing. Ages 46. off. Ages 48.
by Alexandra Penfold, illus. by Eda Emmas Circus by Candace Fleming, Newtons Rainbow: The
Kaban (Feb. 28, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN illus. by Christine Davenier (July 25, Revolutionary Discoveries of a Young
978-0-374-30201-6). Two brothers star hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-374- Scientist by Kathryn Lasky, illus. by
in this tale of family, friendship, and love. 39907-8). When Emma isnt allowed to Kevin Hawkes (Apr. 18, hardcover,
Ages 26. go to the circus, it comes to her. Ages $17.99, ISBN 978-0-374-35513-5), pro-
Princessland by Emily Jenkins, illus. 46. files a young Isaac Newton. Ages 48.
by Yoko Tanaka (Feb. 7, hardcover, Escargot by Dashka Slater, illus. by Pedal Power: How One Community
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-374-36115-0). This Sydney Hanson (Apr. 11, hardcover, Became the Bicycle Capital of the
tale of a would-be princess reveals the $16.99, ISBN 978-0-374-30281-8). In World by Allan Drummond (Mar. 28,
magic that surrounds us, if only we this interactive tale, a French snail is dis- hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-374-
choose to see it. Ages 36. tressed to find a carrot in his saladuntil 30527-7) tells of the women and children
Green Green: A Community he tries it. Ages 46. who led the social movement that made
Gardening Story by Marie Lamba and A New Friend for Sparkle by Amy Amsterdam the most bike-friendly city
Baldev Lamba, illus. by Sonia Snchez Young (June 27, hardcover, $16.99, in the world. Ages 48.
(May 9, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0- ISBN 978-0-374-30553-6). This follow- Jasmine Toguchi, Mochi Queen
374-32797-2). Neighborhood kids up to A Unicorn Named Sparkle reveals (July 11, hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-

Can I Tell You About My Book of Feelings Go Yogi! I Have a Question About Death
Gender Diversity? A Book to Help Children with Everyday Yoga for Calm, Happy A Book for Children with Autism Spectrum
A Guide for Friends, Family Attachment Difficulties, Learning or Healthy Little Yogis Disorder or Other Special Needs
and Professionals Developmental Disabilities Understand
their Emotions
The Mouse and the Storm Big Tree is Sick
Who Are You? Childrens Reflexology to Reduce A Storybook to Help Children Cope with
The Kids Guide to Gender Diversity All Birds Have Anxiety Anxiety and Help Soothe the Senses the Serious Illness of a Loved One

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 91
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

0-374-30410-2) and Jasmine Toguchi, ISBN 978-0-374-30425-6). A teen this story centers on a child soldier in
Super Sleuth (July 11, hardcover, struggles to deal with her fathers ter- Uganda who survived to help others.
$15.99, ISBN 978-0-374-30413-3) by minal cancerin all the wrong ways. Ages 1318.
Debbi Michiko Florence, illus. by Ages 1218. Beautiful Broken Girls by Kim
Elizabet Vukovic, launch a chapter-book The Other F-Word by Natasha Savage (Feb. 21, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN
series starring a spunky Japanese- Friend (Mar. 7, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-374-30059-3). After two sisters
American girl. Ages 69. 978-0-374-30234-4). Two teens con- drown themselves, a neighbor receives
Hazy Bloom and the Tomorrow ceived via in vitro fertilization search for letters from one of them, revealing secrets
Power by Jennifer Hamburg, illus. by answers about their donor. Ages 1218. and lies. Ages 1418.
Jenn Harney (Feb. 28, hardcover, $15.99, Sad Perfect by Stephanie Elliot (Feb. I Believe in a Thing Called Love by
ISBN 978-0-374-30494-2), debuts a 28, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-374- Maurene Goo (May 30, hardcover,
series about a girl who can envision 30375-4) is a novel revealing how love $17.99, ISBN 978-0-374-30404-1). A
future trouble. Ages 710. helps a teenage girl cope with Avoidant/ Korean-American girl known for botched
I Love You, Michael Collins by Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. Ages romances uses K-Drama techniques to
Lauren Baratz-Logsted (June 20, hard- 1218. snag a boyfriend. Ages 1418.
cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-374-30385- What I Lost by Alexandra Ballard
3). In 1969, a girl writes letters to her (June 6, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0- Series
favorite astronaut as America prepares for 374-30463-8). Hoping to gain back all The Pout-Pout Fish Far, Far from Home by
the moon landing. Ages 812. that shes lost, Elizabeth takes an active Deborah Diesen, illus. by Dan Hanna
Almost Paradise by Corabel Shofner role in her recovery from anorexia. Ages (Apr. 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-
(July 25, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- 1218. 374-30194-1), is a new Pout-Pout Fish
0-374-30378-5). Ruby strives to clear Soldier Boy by Keely Hutton (June Adventure, ages 26. Tractor Mac by
her mothers name when shes wrongly 13, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-374- Billy Steers rolls on with Tractor Mac
imprisoned for helping her boyfriend 30563-5). Part nonfiction, part novel, Harvest Time (July 25, paper, $4.99, ISBN
commit a crime. Ages 1012. 978-0-374-30600-7) and Tractor Mac
Bubbles by Abby Cooper (July 18, Parades Best (July 25, paper, $4.99,
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-374- ISBN 978-0-374-30599-4), storybooks
30290-0). How will a girl who sees bub- with stickers, ages 25; and Tractor Mac
bles above peoples heads revealing their Worth the Wait (May 9, hardcover, $8.99,
thoughts deal with knowing more than ISBN 978-0-374-30115-6), ages 27.
she should? Ages 1012. And Rip and Red plays on with
Knifes Edge by Hope Larson, illus. Tournament of Champions by Phil Bildner,
by Rebecca Mock (June 27, hardcover, illus. by Tim Probert (June 6, hardcover,
$19.99, ISBN 978-0-374-30044-9). $16.99, ISBN 978-0-374-30507-9),
The twin adventurers from Compass South ages 812.
search for treasure in this seafaring
adventure. Ages 1012. MACMILLAN/
When My Sister Started Kissing by FEIWEL AND FRIENDS
Helen Frost (Mar. 14, hardcover, $16.99, The Jelly Bean Tree by Toni Yuly (June
ISBN 978-0-374-30303-7). This novel- 20, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-
in-verse recounts a life-changing 250-09406-3). Too tall to do everything
summer in the lives of two sisters. Ages her friends can do, a giraffe provides the
1012. perfect place for a mother birds nest.
Survivors Club: The True Story of a Ages up to 4.
Very Young Prisoner of Auschwitz by Daddy Depot by Chana Stiefel, illus.
Michael Bornstein and Debbie Bornstein by Andy Snair (May 16, hardcover,
Holinstat (Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.99, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-250-05889-8).
ISBN 978-0-374-30571-0). With the When Lizzie goes shopping for a new
help of his daughter, Bornstein tells of father, she realizes hers is the best of all.
being one of the youngest survivors of Ages 25.
Auschwitz. Ages 1014. Motor Goose by Rebecca Colby, illus.
All the Ways the World Can End by From A Place to Read by Leigh Hodgkinson by Jef Kaminsky (July 11, hardcover,
Abby Sher (July 11, hardcover, $17.99, (Bloomsbury) $16.99, ISBN 978-1-250-10193-8). This

92 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
reimagining of familiar tales gives trains, planes, trucks, and From bestselling childrens
boats starring roles. Ages 25.
Stay: A Girl, a Dog, a Bucket List by Kate Klise, illus. by
M. Sarah Klise (July 18, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-250-
10714-5). Astrid discovers that what her aging dog most wants
to do is spend time with her. Ages 35. The beautiful sequel to Janes ON BIRD HILL,
Dont Blink! by Tom Booth (June 6, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN filled with warmth and wonder (and ducks!)
978-1-250-11736-6). A girl and her animal friends challenge
readers to a staring contest in this interactive picture book. Ages
An imaginative and
Princess Tales Around the World: Once upon a Time in original depiction of one
Rhyme with Seek-and-Find Pictures by Grace Maccarone, of lifes everyday miracles.
illus. by Gail de Marcken (Feb. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- -- Kirkus (starred)

1-250-06103-4). These retellings of familiar stories include Sweetly surreal.

-- Publishers Weekly
hidden pictures. Ages 46.
Way of the Warrior Kid by Jocko Willnick (June 6, hard-
cover, $13.99, ISBN 978-1-250-15107-0). With the help of a
Navy SEAL uncle, Marc enters sixth grade strong enough
inside and outto face his nemesis. Ages 812.
The Principals Bra Is Missing by Holly Kowitt (May 2,
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-250-09132-1). A popular older
girl asks a sixth-grade nobody to crack the case of a missing
shopping bag. Ages 912.
A Whisper of Horses by Zillah Bethell (Apr. 4, hardcover, ISBN: 978-1-943645-22-0
$16.99, ISBN 978-1-250-09394-3) is a futuristic fantasy about
an orphan girl on a quest to find the last horses on Earth. Ages
Forget Me Not by Ellie Terry (Mar. 14, hardcover, $16.99,
ISBN 978-1-250-09627-2). In this novel in verse, a girl with The enchanting next installment to
Tourette syndrome tries to hide her quirks at her new school. Janes beloved LITTLE FROG series
Ages 1013.
Perfect by Cecelia Ahern (Apr. 4, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN
978-1-250-07412-6). Celestine fights to put an end to a tyran-
Most things that are scary
nical leader and system in this sequel to Flawed. Ages 1218. are just new. Vivid...a thing
Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller (Feb. 28, of beauty.
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-250-09596-1). In search of a -- Publishers Weekly

treasure map, a teenage pirate captain facilitates her own kidnap- Rich...glowing.
-- Kirkus
ping by enemy pirates. Ages 1318.
Love and Other Alien Experiences by Kerry Winfrey (July
11, paper, $10.99, ISBN 978-1-250-11952-0). An agoraphobe
finds first love and the true meaning of home by stepping out-
side of her house. Ages 1318.
The Love Interest by Cale Dietrich (May 16, hardcover, COMING WINTER 2018
$17.99, ISBN 978-1-250-10713-8). When two teen spies dis- LITTLE FROG AND THE LONG WINTER NAP

guised as love interests compete for a girl, whoever she rejects

is destined to die. Ages 1318.
The Cruelty by Scott Bergstrom (Feb. 7, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN: 978-1-943978-22-9
ISBN 978-1-250-10818-0). A girl trains as an assassin to deal
with the gangsters who have kidnapped her father. Ages 1718.
Both Releasing March 2017
distributed by PGW/Legato,
The 65-Story Treehouse by Andy Griffiths, illus. by Terry Denton an Ingram Content Group Company
(Apr. 4, hardcover, $13.99, ISBN 978-1-250-10246-1), is a new

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 93
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Treehouse adventure, ages 610. Dustin wants out of his crib and the long-suf- 58. Pets on the Loose uncovers The
Hansens Microsaurs return in Tiny- fering dog that keeps him out of trouble. Great Art Caper by Victoria Jamieson
Raptor Pack Attack (July 18, hardcover, Ages 26. (June 13, hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-
$13.99, ISBN 978-1-250-09025-6), ages This Bears Birthday by Alyssa Satin 1-62779-118-2), ages 610. Puppy
710. Jurassic Carp by Mo OHara, illus. Capucilli, illus. by Lorna Hussey (June Academy welcomes Pip and the Paw of
by Marek Jagucki (Mar. 7, hardcover, 20, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- Friendship by Gill Lewis, illus. by Sarah
$12.99, ISBN 978-1-250-06357-1), 62779-701-6). Bear is determined to pre- Horne (Mar. 21, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
marks the finale of My Big Fat Zombie pare for his birthday party all by himself. 978-1-62779-798-6; paper, $5.99, ISBN
Goldfish, ages 710. Bedtime Math Ages 26. 978-1-250-09285-4), ages 79. The Evil
Series adds How Many Guinea Pigs Can John Deere, Thats Who! by Tracy Emperor adds King Flashypants and the
Fit on a Plane? by Laura Overdeck (June Nelson Maurer, illus. by Tim Zeltner Evil Emperor (June 20, hardcover, $13.99,
6, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-250- (Mar. 28, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- ISBN 978-1-62779-809-9), ages 710.
07229-0), ages 711. New Jungle Book 1-62779-129-8). This biography of The Book of Shadows by Ruth Hatfield
Adventures offers Spirit of the Jungle by Deere reveals how he invented the steel concludes The Book of Storms (June 6,
Bear Grylls (May 30, hardcover, $16.99, plow. Ages 48. hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-62779-
ISBN 978-1-250-11150-0), ages 812. Take Your Time: A Tale of Harriet, 003-1), ages 1014. And Silver wraps up
And The Monsters Daughter joins The the Galpagos Tortoise by Eva Furrow with Just Dreaming by Kerstin Gier, trans.
Ministry of Suits by Paul Gamble (July and Donna Jo Napoli, illus. by Laurel by Anthea Bell (May 2, hardcover, $17.99,
25, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-250- Molk (Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN ISBN 978-1-62779-080-2), ages 1218.
07683-0), ages 913. 978-0-8050-9521-0) relays a tortoises
Shipwreck Island wraps up with adventure. Ages 48. MACMILLAN/HOLT/GODWIN
Found by S.A. Bodeen (Feb. 14, hard- Who Wants to Be a Princess? What What Is Baby Gorilla Doing? by
cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-250-02783- It Was Really Like to Be a Medieval Christena Nippert-Eng, illus. by John
2), ages 1013. Nadia Aguiars The Princess by Bridget Heos, illus. by Migy Dominski and Miguel Martinez (June 13,
Book of Tamarind concludes with The (Mar. 21, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-62779-
Great Wave of Tamarind (Mar. 28, hard- 0-8050-9769-6), compares the life of a 479-4), takes a photographic look at a
cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-312-38031- fairy tale princess to that of a medieval gorillas busy day. Ages 26.
1), ages 1014. Razorland gains princess. Ages 48. The Giant of Jum by Elli Woollard,
Vanguard by Ann Aguirre (July 25, hard- Eyes of the World: Robert Capa, illus. by Benji Davies (July 11, hardcover,
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-250-08982- Gerda Taro, and the Invention of $17.99, ISBN 978-1-62779-515-9). A
3), ages 1218. Jonah concludes the Modern Photojournalism by Marc giant hunts for a snack in this rhyming
Styclar Saga by Nikki Kelly (Feb. 7, Aronson and Marina Budhos (Mar. 28, read-aloud. Ages 48.
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-250- hardcover, $22.99, ISBN 978-0-8050- Mommies Are Amazing by Meredith
05154-7), ages 1218. Taran Matharus 9835-8) focuses on two photojournalism Costain, illus. by Polona Lovsin (Apr. 4,
Summoner continues with The pioneers during the Spanish Civil War. hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-62779-
Battlemage (May 9, hardcover, $18.99, Ages 1218. 651-4). This companion to Daddies Are
ISBN 978-1-250-07632-8), ages 1218. Bad Romance by Heather Demetrios Awesome celebrates mothers of all kinds.
Genius introduces The Con by Leopoldo (June 13, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- Ages 48.
Gout (July 3, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 1-62779-772-6). A girl trapped in a Prudence the Part-Time Cow by
978-1-250-04582-9), ages 1318. And destructive relationship finds a path to Jody Jensen Shaffer, illus. by Stephanie
Ladybirds welcomes Sunkissed by Jenny freedom and happiness. Ages 1418. Laberis (June 13, hardcover, $16.99,
McLachlan (Apr. 25, hardcover, $16.99, Pyromantic by Lish McBride (Mar. ISBN 978-1-62779-615-6), introduces a
ISBN 978-1-250-06150-8), ages 1318. 21, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0- cow who is scientist, architect, and
8050-9863-1). In this sequel to Firebug, inventor. Ages 48.
MACMILLAN/HOLT something deadly has been unleashed on Wet by Carey Sookocheff (June 20,
My World: A Book of First Words by the magical community. Ages 1418. hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-62779-
Frann Preston-Gannon (Feb. 28, hard- 775-7) reveals different ways to get
cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-62779- Series wetfrom puddles to pools to puppy
530-2) is a visual dictionary for youngest Fairy Animals of Misty Wood greets kisses.. Ages 48.
readers. Ages 26. Daisy the Deer (Feb. 28, paper, $5.99, Whats Your Favorite Color? by Eric
Out! by Arree Chung (June 6, hard- ISBN 978-1-62779-738-2) and Sophie the Carle (May 2, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-62779- Squirrel (Feb. 28, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-0-8050-9614-9). In this companion
553-1) offers a tale about a toddler who 978-1-62779-740-5) by Lily Small, ages to Whats Your Favorite Animal?, Carle

94 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

and 14 other illustrators share their van Gogh. Ages 1418. Slack (Mar. 21, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
favorite colors. Ages 48. 978-1-62779-194-6). A turtle tugboat
Bravo! Poems About Amazing Title in Spanish saves the day in this companion to
Hispanics by Margarita Engle, illus. by Bravo! Poemas sobre Hispanos Elecopter and Monkey Truck. Ages 25.
Rafael Lopez (Mar. 14, hardcover, $18.99, Extraordinarios (Bravo! Poems About Maya Lin: Artist-Architect of Light
ISBN 978-0-8050-9876-1), highlights Amazing Hispanics) by Margarita and Lines by Jeanne Walker Harvey,
the accomplishments of Latinos from Engle, illus. by Rafael Lopez (Mar. 14, illus. by Dow Phumiruk (May 2, hard-
many countries. Ages 812. hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-250- cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-250-
The Journey to Dragon Island by 11366-5), ages 711. 11249-1) profiles the Vietnam Veterans
Claire Fayers (May 16, hardcover, $16.99, Memorial designer. Ages 48.
ISBN 978-1-62779-421-3). In this Series Monkey Brother by Adam Auerbach
sequel to The Voyage to Magical North, the Calpurnia Tate, Girl Vet returns in (June 27, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
crew of the Onion has another swashbuck- Counting Sheep by Jacqueline Kelly, illus. 1-62779-600-2) introduces a boy and his
ling adventure. Ages 812. by Teagan White and Jennifer L. Meyer younger brotherwho happens to be a
The Day the World Went Nuclear (Apr. 4, hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-1- monkey. Ages 48.
by Bill OReilly (June 20, hardcover, 62779-870-9, ages 710. And Tuesday My Daddy Rules the World: Poems
$19.99, ISBN 978-1-250-12033-5) McGillycuddy Adventures continue in about Dads by Hope Anita Smith (May
adapts Killing the Rising Sun for young Blueberry Pancakes Forever: Finding 16, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-
readers. Ages 1018. Serendipity by Angelica Banks (Feb. 7, 8050-9189-2). Poetry captures the
Vincent and Theo: The Van Gogh hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-62779- strength and beauty of the father-child
Brothers by Deborah Heiligman (Apr. 156-4), ages 812. relationship. Ages 48.
18, hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-0- Cricket in the Thicket: Poems
8050-9339-1) showcases the deep friend- MACMILLAN/HOLT/OTTAVIANO About Bugs by Carol Murray, illus. by
ship between brothers Theo and Vincent Turtle Tug to the Rescue by Michael Melissa Sweet (May 9, hardcover, $17.99,

TITLES Kar-Ben! from


Talia and the Passover Scavenger Yaffa and Fatima

Yossi and the Monkeys Haman-tushies Hunt Shalom, Salaam
Jennifer Tzivia MacLeod Linda Elovitz Marshall Shanna Silva Fawzia Gilani-Williams
illus. Shirley Waisman illus. Francesca Assirelli illus. Miki Sakamoto illus. Chiara Fedele
Ages 4-9 $17.99 Ages 3-8 $17.99 Ages 4-9 $17.99 Ages 4-9 $17.99
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

ISBN 978-0-8050-9818-1), pairs 08795-9). A boy and his dogs imagina-

poetry with facts about bugs. Ages tive journey spotlights the wonder and
610. beauty in the world. Ages 37.
Jack London and the Wild Child: Forests First
Klondike Gold Rush by Peter Home (Apr. 18, paper, $5.99,
Lourie, illus. by Wendell Minor ISBN 978-1-250-10383-3) and
(Mar. 28, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN Forests First Day of School (Apr.
978-0-8050-9757-3), describes 18, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-250-
how London drew on his experi- 10387-1) by Tara Zann, illus. by
ences to create his fiction. Ages Dan Widdowson. A shy girl teaches
812. a boy who has grown up in the wild
Blooming at the Texas the ways of modern life in these
Sunrise Motel by Kimberly titles launching a series. Ages 57.
Willis Holt (Mar. 28, hardcover, The Fix-It Friends: Have No
$16.99, ISBN 978-1-62779- Fear! (May 16, hardcover, $16.99,
324-7). A girls garden brightens ISBN 978-1-250-11577-5) and
the lives of her grandfather and the Sticks and Stones (May 16, hard-
residents of his motel. Ages 814. cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-250-
Count All Her Bones by April 11576-8) by Nicole C. Kear, illus. by
Henry (May 2, hardcover, $17.99, Tracy Dockray, debut a series starring a
ISBN 978-1-62779-591-3). Cheyenne motley crew of problem-solving kids.
sets out to save her former captor in this Ages 69.
sequel to Girl, Stolen. Ages 1218. Bug Girl by Benjamin Harper and
A Lie for a Lie by Robin Merrow Sarah Hines Stephens, illus. by Anoosha
MacCready (Feb. 28, hardcover, $16.99, Syed (May 2, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN
ISBN 978-0-8050-9109-0). A teenage 978-1-250-10661-2). A girl develops
photographer discovers that her father is superhero bug powers in this series
leading a double life. Ages 1218. From Old MacDonalds Things That Go launch. Ages 812.
Romeo, Juliet & Jim by Larry by Jane Clarke, illus. by Migy Blanco Fakespeare: Something Stinks in
(Candlewick/Nosy Crow).
Schwarz and Iva-Marie Palmer (June 6, Hamlet (May 23, hardcover, $13.99,
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-62779- hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-62779- ISBN 978-1-250-10159-4) and
250-9) launches a trilogy about heirs to 116-8), ages 914. And Secrets of the Starcrossed in Romeo and Juliet (May
rival Parisian fashion houses who befriend Dragon Tomb welcomes The Emperor of 23, hardcover, $13.99, ISBN 978-1-250-
an American. Ages 1418. Mars by Patrick Samphire, illus. by 10162-4) by M.E. Castle, illus. by Daniel
Jeremy Holmes (July 18, hardcover, Jennewein, starts up a series about three
Series $16.99, ISBN 978-0-8050-9908-9), ages kids who get lost in Shakespeares works.
Marty Frye, Private Eye by Janet 1014. Ages 812.
Tashjian, illus. by Laurie Keller, reap- Traitors Circle: The Traitors Kiss
pears in The Case of the Missing Action MACMILLAN/IMPRINT by Erin Beaty (May 9, hardcover, $18.99,
Figure (June 27, hardcover, $13.99, ISBN Go Big or Go Gnome! by Kirsten ISBN 978-1-250-11794-6). In this series
978-1-250-11661-1) and The Case of the Mayer, illus. by Laura K. Horton (Mar. debut, an orphan girl accepts an appren-
Stolen Poodle (June 27, hardcover, $13.99, 14, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-250- ticeship with a matchmaker. Ages 1418.
ISBN 978-1-62779-460-2), ages 69. 11127-2). A gnome discovers his talents Freya by Matthew Laurence (Mar. 14,
Masterpiece Adventures continues as a barber and saves a gnome beard com- hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-250-
with Trouble at School for Marvin & James petition. Ages 36. 08817-8). The Norse goddess of love
by Elise Broach, illus. by Kelly Murphy Doris the Bookasaurus by Diana tries to reclaim her lost power and take
(Apr. 11, hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978- Murray, illus. by Yuyi Chen (July 4, down an evil corporation in this series
1-62779-318-6), ages 69. My Life by hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-250- launch. Ages 1518.
Janet Tashjian gains My Life as a Ninja 11676-5). A dinosaur shows her little
(Apr. 11, hardcover, $13.99, ISBN 978- brothers that books are fun. Ages 37. Series
1-62779-889-1), ages 812. The Book Everywhere, Wonder by Matthew Super Happy Party Bears return in
Scavenger releases The Unbreakable Code Swanson, illus. by Robbi Behr (Feb. 7, Staying a Hive (Mar. 14, paper, $5.99,
by Jennifer Chambliss Bertman (Apr. 25, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-250- ISBN 978-1-250-10047-4) and Going

96 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7



Laura Purdie Salas, Gary Golio, Mary McCoy Elana K. Arnold
illus. Jaime Kim illus. Charlotte Riley-Webb Ages 1318 Ages 13-18
Ages 5-8 Ages 812 $18.99 $18.99
$19.99 $19.99 Pure weird Unflinchingly candid,
A must-read, must-discuss entertainment from unapologetically girl, and
that will speak to children and start to finish. devastatingly vital.
linger with adults. Booklist Kirkus




Bob Raczka, Kate Hosford, C. M. Surrisi Amber J. Keyser

illus. Simone Shin illus. Gabi Swiatkowska Ages 914 Ages 13-18
Ages 5-9 Ages 5-9 $16.99 $18.99
$17.99 $18.99 800-328-4929
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Nuts (Mar. 14, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978- format hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-0- Williams (June 13, hardcover, $17.99,
1-250-10049-8) by Marcie Colleen, illus. 312-52174-5), A Stampede of Dinosaur ISBN 978-1-62672-413-6) imagines the
by Steve James, ages 58. And Disaster (June 13, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-0- consequences of an ocean without sharks.
Diaries continues with Robots! by R. 312-52298-8), and A Traffic Jam of Trucks Ages 410.
McGeddon (May 23, hardcover, $9.99, (Feb. 21, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-0- Recess Warriors: Hero Is a Four-
ISBN 978-1-250-13562-9), ages 812. 312-52160-8; June 13, large-format Letter Word by Marcus Emerson (Apr.
hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-0-312- 11, paper, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-62672-
MACMILLAN/PRIDDY 52172-1), ages 3up. And Priddy 708-3). In this graphic novel, heroes and
Night Night Farm (Mar. 7, hardcover, Learning presents Number Puzzles (May villains face off on the playground. Ages
$9.99, ISBN 978-0-312-52163-9) by 9, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-0-312- 710.
Roger Priddy bids goodnight to farm 52212-4), ages 58. Cilla Lee-Jenkins: Future Author
animals. Ages 13. Extraordinaire by Susan Tan, illus. by
MACMILLAN/ROARING BROOK Dana Wulfekotte (Mar. 28, hardcover,
Series Big Cat, Little Cat by Elisha Cooper $16.99, ISBN 978-1-62672-551-5). In
All books are by Roger Priddy: New (Mar. 14, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- this series debut, an aspiring author
Babys First Sound Books are Farm 1-62672-371-9) tells of the friendship shares stories about her new sibling,
(Apr. 25, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-0- between a young and an old cat, who one being biracial, and her path to literary
312-52164-6) and Zoo (Apr. 25, hard- day must move on. Ages 36. greatness. Ages 812.
cover, $8.99, ISBN 978-0-312-52165-3), Hector the Collector by Emily Beeny, The Dolls Eye by Marina Cohen (Feb.
ages up to 2. Alphaprints continues illus. by Stephanie Graegin (July 4, hard- 28, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-
with Easter Fun! (Feb. 14, hardcover, cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-62672-296- 62672-204-0). When Hadley discovers a
$7.99, ISBN 978-0-312-52156-1) and 5). After teasing acorn-collecting Hector, glass eye in the attic of her new house,
Fun in the Sun! (May 16, hardcover, his classmates discover that collections her life changes forever. Ages 812. The
$7.99, ISBN 978-0-312-52518-7), ages are special. Ages 36. Emperors Ostrich by Julie Berry (June
up to 3; and Charlie the Champ (Apr. 25, Hello Goodbye Dog by Maria 13, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-312- Gianferrari, illus. by Patrice Barton (July 59643-958-0). In this fantasy, a dairy
52177-6), ages 2 to 5. Chunky 3 Packs 25, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- maid in search of her lost cow must save
offers Playtown Chunky Pack: Construction 62672-177-7). What is a dog devoted to the empire when the emperor mysteri-
(July 11, hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-0- his girl to do when he isnt allowed in her ously disappears. Ages 912.
312-52196-7), ages up to 3. Touch and school? Ages 48. Faith and Fury: The Temple Mount
Feel issues My First Numbers Touch and John Ronalds Dragons: The Story and the Noble Sanctuary: The Story of
Feel (June 6, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN of J.R.R. Tolkien by Caroline McAlister, Jerusalems Most Sacred Space by Ilene
978-0-312-52153-0), ages up to 3. First illus. by Eliza Wheeler (Mar. 21, hard- Cooper (July 25, hardcover, $19.99,
100 adds First 100 Numbers (Mar. 7, hard- cover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-62672-092- ISBN 978-1-59643-530-8) offers an
cover, $5.99, ISBN 978-0-312-52282-7) 3), is a picture-book biography of this illustrated history of this citys Temple
and First Farm Words (Mar. 7, hardcover, author. Ages 48. Mount. Ages 914.
$5.99, ISBN 978-0-312-52283-4), ages Noisy Night by Mac Barnett, illus. by Magellan: Over the Edge of the
13. Brian Biggs (Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.99, World by Laurence Bergreen (July 4,
New First Learning Play Sets are ISBN 978-1-59643-967-2). An apart- hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-1-62672-
Colors (May 2, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN ment buildings noisy residents keep each 120-3) is a young readers adaptation of
978-0-312-52184-4) and First Words other awake. Ages 48. Over the Edge of the World: Magellans
(May 2, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-0- A Perfect Day by Lane Smith (Feb. Terrifying Circumnavigation of the World.
312-52186-8), ages 13. Lift-the-Tab 14, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- Ages 1014.
offers Easter (Feb. 14, hardcover, $8.99, 62672-536-2). A perfect day means dif- Flight Risk by Jennifer Fenn (July 18,
ISBN 978-0-312-52158-5), ages 13. ferent things to different animals. Ages hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-62672-
Mini Tab celebrates Easter (Feb. 14, 48. 760-1). This novel inspired by true
hardcover, $5.99, ISBN 978-0-312- Shawn Loves Sharks by Curtis events centers on a boy who has stolen
52157-8), ages 13. Shiny Shapes gains Manley, illus. by Tracy Subisak (Apr. 25, and crashedthree airplanes. Ages
Easter Surprise! (Feb. 14, hardcover, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-62672- 1218.
$7.99, ISBN 978-0-312-52159-2), ages 134-0). A boy loves sharks more than Saint Death: A Novel by Marcus
25. Joining Picture Fit are A Parade of anythinguntil his nemesis picks Sedgwick (Apr. 25, hardcover, $17.99,
Animals (Feb. 21, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN sharks as her class project. Ages 48. ISBN 978-1-62672-549-2). A teen con-
978-0-312-52173-8; June 13, large- If Sharks Disappeared by Lily tends with human and drug trafficking

98 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

on the U.S.-Mexican border. Ages 978-1-62672-331-3). An incompetent 978-1-62672-317-7). Two bored badgers
1418. fox tries to terrorize chickens, but instead have nothing to dountil their mother
becomes the mommy of three chicks. suggests they help with the laundry. Ages
Series Ages 711. 36.
Georgie and Friends are back in Pigs Might Fly by Nick Abadzis, Little Plane Learns to Write by
Georgies Best Bad Day by Ruth Chan illus. by Jerel Dye (July 11, paper, Stephen Savage (June 6, hardcover,
(Apr. 18, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- $15.99, ISBN 978-1-62672-086-2) $16.99, ISBN 978-1-62672-436-5). A
1-62672-270-5), ages 36. My Pet introduces a world where highly evolved plane who loves to sky-write learns a
Human issues My Pet Human Takes Center pigs fight warthogs for dominion of the lesson about determination. Ages 36.
Stage by Yasmine Surovec (Mar. 21, hard- skies. Ages 812. Tony by Ed Galing, illus. by Erin E.
cover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-62672-074- Real Friends by Shannon Hale, illus. Stead (Feb. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
9), ages 610. Scripps National by LeUyen Pham (May 2, paper, $12.99, 978-1-62672-308-5), relays a tale about
Spelling Bee adds Spell Across America by ISBN 978-1-62672-785-4), is a graphic a boy, a horse, and an enduring friend-
Kris Hirschmann, illus. by James K. novel about the happiness and heartache ship. Ages 36.
Hindle (May 16, hardcover, $17.99, of making first friends. Ages 812. Now by Antoinette Portis (July 11,
ISBN 978-1-62672-175-3), ages 610. Science Comics: Flying Machines: hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-62672-
And The Keep of Ages by Caragh M. How the Wright Brothers Soared by 137-1). A girl shares her favorite things
OBrien (July 11, hardcover, $17.99, Alison Wilgus, illus. by Molly Brooks in this companion to Wait. Ages 37.
ISBN 978-1-59643-942-9) concludes the (May 23, paper, $12.99, ISBN 978-1- Goldfish Ghost by Lemony Snicket,
Vault of Dreamers trilogy, ages 1218. 62672-139-5). This series debut focuses illus. by Lisa Brown (May 2, hardcover,
on these aviators. Ages 913. $17.99, ISBN 978-1-62672-507-2). A
MACMILLAN/ROARING BROOK/ Spill Zone by Scott Westerfeld, illus. goldfish who crosses over to the other
FIRST SECOND by Alex Puvilland (May 2, hardcover, side searches for the perfect home. Ages
Making Scents by Arthur Yorinks, illus. $22.99, ISBN 978-1-59643-936-8), 38.
by Braden Lamb and Shelli Paroline launches a series set in a lethally dan- Becoming Bach by Tom Leonard
(June 27, hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978- gerous place located on the former site of (Feb. 28, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
1-59643-452-3). A boys parents are dog Poughkeepsie, destroyed by a toxic spill. 1-62672-286-6). This illustrated look at
fanatics and his siblings are their prize Ages 1519. the life of Johann Sebastian Bach is
bloodhounds. Ages 710. recounted from his perspective. Ages
The Big Bad Fox by Benjamin MACMILLAN/ROARING BROOK/ 48.
Renner (June 20, paper, $15.99, ISBN PORTER Someone Like Me by Patricia
What Are You MacLachlan, illus. by Chris Sheban (July
Waiting For? by 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-
Scott Menchin, 62672-334-4). This semi-autobiograph-
illus. by Matt ical tale illuminates what it might take
Phelan (May 16, to become a writer. Ages 48.
hardcover, $16.99, Listen: How Pete Seeger Got
ISBN 978-1- America Singing by Leda Schubert,
62672-152-4). A illus. by Ral Coln (June 13, hardcover,
badger and a $17.99, ISBN 978-1-62672-250-7) cele-
rabbit spend a day brates the life of this musician. Ages 59.
searching for a sur- Grand Canyon by Jason Chin (Feb.
prise. Ages 28. 21, hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-1-
Laundry Day 59643-950-4) offers an illustrated explo-
by Jessixa Bagley ration of the Grand Canyon, past and
(Feb. 7, hardcover, present. Ages 712.
$17.99, ISBN Max by Sarah Cohen-Scali (Mar. 7,
hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-1-62672-
071-8). In 1936 Nazi Germany, the life
From The Secret
Project by Jonah
of a boy raised to be the perfect Aryan
Winter, illus. by changes when he befriends a Jewish boy.
Jeanette Winter Ages 1518.
(S&S/Beach Lane)

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 99
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Series Traveler by L.E. DeLano (Feb. 7, Epic Battle to Save the World by P.J. Hoover
Dog and Bear star in Bear in the Chair paper, $10.99, ISBN 978-1-250-10040- (Feb. 28, hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-
(Feb. 21, hardcover, $5.99, ISBN 978-1- 5). A teenage writer discovers that every 0-7653-9082-0), ages 812.
62672-497-6 and Dog Changes His Name mirror is a portal into an alternate version
(Feb. 21, hardcover, $5.99, ISBN 978-1- of her life. Ages 1318. MAGINATION
62672-498-3) by Laura Vaccaro Seeger, The Truth About Happily Ever Blossom Plays Possum: Because Shes
ages up to 3. After by Karole Cozzo (May 16, hard- Shy by Birdy Jones, illus. by Janet
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-250-12797- McDonnell (June 19, hardcover, $15.95,
MACMILLAN/SWOON READS 6). A theme-park princess must put her ISBN 978-1-4338-2735-8). Courage and
Duels & Deception by Cindy Anstey life back together after her happily-ever- friends support help a girl connect with
(Apr. 11, paper, $10.99, ISBN 978-1- after falls apart. Ages 1318. others and be more confident. Ages 48.
250-11909-4). An heiress and her law- Grow Happy by Jon Lasser and Sage
yers clerk are kidnapped by those plot- Series Foster Lasser, illus. by Chris Lyles (Feb.
ting to destroy her reputation and steal Kate Evangelistas Dodge Cove con- 13, hardcover, $15.95, ISBN 978-1-
her fortune. Ages 1218. cludes with No Second Chances, (May 16, 4338-2331-2). A girl cares for her garden
Romeo & Whats Her Name by paper, $10.99, ISBN 978-1-250-10067- and cultivates her own happiness. Ages
Shani Petroff (Feb. 7, paper, $9.99, ISBN 2), ages 1318. 48.
978-1-250-11114-2). An unprepared Mapping My Day by Julie Dillemuth,
understudy is forced to appear onstage MACMILLAN/TOR TEEN illus. by Laura Wood (Mar. 13, hardcover,
with her secret crush. Ages 1218. To Catch a Killer: A Novel by Sheryl $15.95, ISBN 978-1-4338-2333-6).
Wesley James Ruined My Life by Scarborough (Feb. 7, hardcover, $17.99, Flora, who loves drawing maps, uses
Jennifer Honeybourn (July 18, paper, ISBN 978-0-7653-8191-0). A teen uses them to convey information about her
$10.99, ISBN 978-1-250-12373-2). A forensic science to solve the cold-case life. Ages 48.
waitress at a medieval-themed restaurant murder of her mother Ages 1218. Priscilla Pack Rat: Making Room
finds herself falling for her nemesis Roar by Cora Carmack (June 13, hard- for Friendship by Claudine Crangle
coworker. Ages 1218. cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-7653- (Mar. 13, hardcover, $15.95, ISBN 978-
Amid Stars and Darkness by Chani 8631-1) launches a series about a girl 1-4338-2335-0). A collector finds it hard
Lynn Feener (July 18, hardcover, $17.99, groomed to be queen of a land ruled by to part with her things when its time to
ISBN 978-1-250-12376-3). A teen must violent magical storms and those who give gifts. Ages 48.
impersonate an alien princess after being control them. Ages 13up. When You Look Out the Window:
mistakenly kidnapped. Ages 1318. A Story About Phyllis Lyon and Del
Internet Famous by Danika Stone Series Martin by Gayle E. Pitman, illus. by
(June 6, paper, $10.99, ISBN 978-1-250- Nightstruck issues Night Magic by Chris Lyles (June 5, hardcover, $15.95,
11437-2). A teen blogger must decide if Jenna Black (May 30, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4338-2736-5), profiles this
her online romance can survive the stress ISBN 978-0-7653-8006-7), ages 1218. politically active lesbian couple. Ages
of real life. Ages 1318. Veronica Rossis Riders greets Seeker 48.
Meg & Linus by Hanna Nowinski (May 16, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- Why Am I Blue? A Story About
(Apr. 18, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- 0-7653-8256-6), ages 1318. Refuge for Being Yourself by Kalli Dakos, illus.
1-250-09860-3). Two best friends navi- Masterminds joins Kathleen Baldwins by Viviana Garofoli (June 26, hardcover,
gate school, drama club, Star Trek A Stranje House (May 23, hardcover, $15.95, ISBN 978-1-4338-2734-1).
fandom, and being gay. Ages 1318. $17.99, ISBN 978-0-7653-7604-6), When a frog questions why he is blue
Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde (Mar. ages 1318. Flying continues with instead of green, his friends teach him
14, paper, $10.99, ISBN 978-1-250- Enhanced by Carrie Jones (July 25, hard- how special being blue is. Ages 48.
11139-5). When three BFFs go to cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-7653-3658- World of Pausabilities: An Exercise
SupaCon in search of fandom, they end 3), ages 13up. And Steeplejack picks in Mindfulness by Frank J. Sileo, illus.
up finding love. Ages 1318. up Firebrand by A.J. Hartley (June 6, by Jennifer Zivoin (Feb. 13, hardcover,
These Ruthless Deeds by Tarun hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-7653- $15.95, ISBN 978-1-4338-2323-7),
Shanker, Kelly Zekas (Mar. 14, paper, 8813-1), ages 13up. advises readers to live mindfully by
$10.99, ISBN 978-1-250-12795-2). taking pauses. Ages 48.
Evelyn copes with sinister Victorian MACMILLAN/TOR TEEN/ Someone to Talk To: Getting Good
London society and a tangled love life in STARSCAPE at Feeling Better by Paola Conte, Larissa
this sequel to These Vicious Masks. Ages Series Labay, and Cheryl Sterling, illus. by
1318. Tut: My Immortal Life offers Tut: My Claire Keay (Apr. 17, paper, $14.95,

100 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
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S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

ISBN 978-1-4338-2672-6) explains illus. by Harry Pulver (June 20, paper, 988-8341-37-5) offers a lift-the-flap look
what to expect during the course of $9.99, ISBN 978-1-944995-14-0), ages at opposites. Ages 35.
therapy. Ages 610. 37. The Bizarre Baron Inventions Jack and the Beanstalk: A Folktale
The Tallest Bridge in the World: introduces The Magnificent Flying Baron by Nina Twe (May 1, hardcover, $18.99,
A Story About Social Anxiety by Ellen Estate by Eric Bower, illus. by Agnieszka ISBN 978-988-8341-36-8) features art
Flanagan Burns, illus. by Anthony Lewis Grochalska (May 16, hardcover, $15.99, inspired by the paintings of Giuseppe
(June 26, hardcover, $15.95, ISBN 978- ISBN 978-1-944995-13-3), ages 912. Arcimboldo. Ages 57.
1-4338-2760-0) The therapist of a boy And The Legend of Skyco issues Spirit
with social anxiety disorder helps him Quest by Jennifer Frick-Ruppert, illus. by Series
face his fears. Ages 812. Lorna Murphy (Apr. 4, hardcover, Minedition Classics issues Rickie &
Girl: Love, Sex, Romance, and $15.99, ISBN 978-1-944995-11-9). Henri: A True Story by Jane Goodall, illus.
Being You by Karen Rayne, illus. by Ages 912. by Alan Marks (May 1, hardcover, $12,
Ramsey Beyer and Nyk Rayne (June 13, ISBN 978-988-8341-35-1), ages 57.
paper, $15.95, ISBN 978-1-4338-2339- MIDPOINT TRADE/RED DEER
8), addresses gender and identity, rela- Eat This! A Kids Field Guide to Fast MONTH9BOOKS
tionships, and more. Ages 1518. Food Advertising by Andrea Curtis Blood Road by Amanda McCrina (Apr.
(Mar. 14, paper, $14.95, ISBN 978-0- 25, paper, $15, ISBN 978-1-945107-88-
MICHAEL OMARA 88995-532-5). This follow-up to Whats 7). Determined to save a girls life, a boy
Series for Lunch? spotlights the impact of the sets out on an ancient trade route leading
Buster Reference adds I Wish I Knew fast food industrys advertising on chil- into territory claimed by a hostile tribe.
That: Cool Stuff You Need to Know by dren. Ages 812. Ages 12up.
Steve Martin, Mike Goldsmith, and Nathan by Susan Ouriou (Apr. 1, Of the Trees by E.M. Fitch (Feb. 28,
Marianne Taylor (May 1, paper, $8.99, paper, $11.95, ISBN 978-0-88995-547- paper, $15, ISBN 978-1-944816-61-2).
ISBN 978-1-78055-466-2); and Off 9). A boy confronts and overcomes his When her friend goes missing, a girl
With Their Heads! All the Cool Bits in demonsat home and at school. Ages whos able to hear the deadly whisper of
British History by Martin Oliver, illus. 1014. the trees knows that the men of the forest
by Andrew Pinder (June 1, paper, Yellow Dog by Miriam Korner (Mar. have taken her. Ages 12up.
$8.99, ISBN 978-1-78055-465-5), 15, paper, $12.95, ISBN 978-0-88995- Project Emergence by Jamie Zakian
ages 812. 546-2). After peer pressure leads to a bad (Mar. 14, paper, $15, ISBN 978-1-
prank, Jeremy meets a man who intro- 945107-85-6). Twins are among a group
MIDPOINT TRADE/AMBERJACK duces him to the world of dog sledding. of teens trying to survive the voyage from
Dream Me by Kathryn Berla (July 11, Ages 1216. a dying Earth to Mars. Ages 12up.
paper, $11.99, ISBN 978-1-944995-20- Closing Down Heaven by Lesley The Sky Throne by Chris Ledbetter
1). The boy Babe dreams of nightly is Choyce (Mar. 30, paper, $12.95, ISBN (Apr. 18, paper, $15, ISBN 978-1-
from the distant future. Ages 1218. 978-0-88995-543-1). In this free-verse 945107-87-0). On his way to becoming
The Magnificent Island of Edgar novel, Hunter propels himself out of this king of the Greek gods, Zeus learns to
Dewitt by Ferrill Gibbs (July 18, world and into the next after pushing his seize power, neutralize his enemies, and
paper, $11.99, ISBN 978-1-944995- bike too far. Ages 1417. fall in love. Ages 12up.
21-8). Will a boy who jumps into a hole
in the woods and lands on an idyllic MINEDITION Series
island stay there, or return to his home- Monster Munch by Tobias Krejtschi The Adventures of Sherlock Bones by
town, which is threatened by a wildfire? (May 1, hardcover, $11.99, ISBN 978- Lauren Baratz-Logsted starts up with
Ages 1218. 988-8341-40-5). Monsters star in this Doggone (Feb. 21, paper, $7.99, ISBN
Bluff by Julie Dill (Feb. 7, paper, lift-the-flap introduction to shapes. Ages 978-1-945107-30-6) and Dog Not Gone!
$10.99, ISBN 978-1-944995-05-8). 35. (Feb. 21, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-
Since she and her father are broke, The Old Lion and the Little Rabbit 945107-33-7), ages 912. Laws of
Chelsea sneaks into a casino, and her win- by Keiko Kaichi (May 1, hardcover, Summoning issues Summoner Rising by
ning streak leads to a dangerous addic- $17.99, ISBN 978-988-8341-24-5). In Melanie McFarlane (Mar. 28, paper, $15,
tion. Ages 1318. this tale of loneliness and friendship, a ISBN 978-1-944816-62-9), ages 12up.
rabbit teaches a predator about the power And There Once Were Stars continues
Series of love. Ages 35. with Here Skies Surround Us by Melanie
Eddie the Electron returns in Eddie the Opposite Surprise by Agnese Baruzzi McFarlane (June 27, paper, $15, ISBN
Electron Moves Out by Melissa Rooney, (Apr. 1, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978- 978-1-945107-83-2), ages 12up.

102 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Dino Records: The Most Amazing

Prehistoric Creatures to Have Ever
Lived on Earth! (June 13, paper, $14.99,
ISBN 978-1-4263-2794-0) rounds up
dinosaur facts and records. Ages 812.
National Geographic Kids Ultimate
Space Atlas by Carolyn DeCristofano
(June 6, paper, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-
4263-2802-2) compiles maps and facts
about the solar system, the Milky Way,
and deep space. Ages 812.
National Geographic Kids United
States Atlas (July 11, paper, $12.99,
ISBN 978-1-4263-2831-2) includes
maps, stats, facts, and pictures. Ages
This Book Stinks! Gross Garbage,
Rotten Rubbish, and the Science of
Trash by Sarah Wassner Flynn (Mar. 28,
paper, $14.99, ISBN 978-1-4263-
From Me Tall, You Small by Lilli LArronge (OwlKids) 2730-8) addresses composting and recy-
cling, landfills and dumps, and ways to
MONTH9BOOKS/TANTRUM Kwame Alexander, Mary Rand Hess, and reuse rubbish. Ages 812.
The Magnificent Glass Globe by N.L. Deanna Nikaido, photos by Joel Sartore What Would Happen? Serious
Bergeson (Apr. 4, paper, $15, ISBN 978- (Feb. 14, hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978- Answers to Silly Questions by Crispin
1-945107-81-8). Inside a trunk owned 1-4263-2767-4) pays tribute to the Boyer (July 11, paper, $14.99, ISBN
by their grandfather, siblings discover a beauty, diversity, and fragility of the 978-1-4263-2770-4) explores scenarios
glass globe with extraordinary powers. animal world. Ages 48. that could happen if the world was
Ages 9up. You Can Be a Paleontologist! slightly different. Ages 812.
Discovering Dinosaurs with Dr. Scott Cat Tales: True Stories of Kindness
MUSEUM OF MODERN ART by Scott D. Sampson (Apr. 4, hardcover, and Companionship With Kitties by
The Great New York Subway Map by $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4263-2728-5) pro- Aline Alexander Newman (Apr. 11, hard-
Emiliano Ponzi (May 9, hardcover, vides an introduction to paleontology. cover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-4263-2734-
$19.95, ISBN 978-1-63345-025-7). This Ages 48. 6). This follow-up to Puppy Love and Paws
introduction to basic concepts of graphic Chomp! Fierce Facts About the Bite of Courage focuses on felines. Ages 10up.
design showcases the New York City Force, Crushing Jaws, and Mighty Motor Girls: How Women Took the
subway system. All ages. Teeth of Earths Champion Chewers Wheel and Drove Boldly into the
Sonia Delaunay: Art Is Life by Cara by Brady Barr (June 13, paper, $12.99, Twentieth Century by Sue Macy (Feb.
Manes and Fatinha Ramos (June 13, ISBN 978-1-4263-2839-8) spotlights 7, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-4263-
hardcover, $19.95, ISBN 978-1-63345- big biters in the animal kingdom. Ages 2697-4). Stock car racer Danica Patrick
024-0) profiles this painter and textile, 710. contributes a foreword to the daring
theater, and fashion designer. All ages. Abe vs. Jeff: The Civil War as Seen women who got behind the wheel of the
From Both Sides by Rosalyn Schanzer first cars and paved the way for change.
MUSEYON (Apr. 4, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- Ages 10up.
Series 4263-2661-5). Abraham Lincoln and
Tyrannosaurus Series adds I Will Love Jefferson Davis are the focus of this Civil Series
You Forever by Tatsuya Miyanishi (June 1, War history. Ages 812. Look & Learn presents Big Cats (Feb.
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-940842- Brain Bogglers: Over 100 Games 21, hardcover, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-
17-2), ages 57. and Puzzles to Reveal the Mysteries of 4263-2701-8) and Look Outside (Feb. 21,
Your Mind by Stephanie Warren hardcover, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-4263-
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS Drimmer (May 2, paper, $12.99, ISBN 2702-5), ages 25. Explore My World
Animal Ark: Celebrating Our Wild 978-1-4263-2423-9) features puzzles, discovers Rain Forests (July 18, paper,
World in Poetry and Pictures by games, and brain facts. Ages 812. $4.99, ISBN 978-1-4263-2828-2) and

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 103
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Ducklings (Mar. 7, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-1-4263-2726-1), and Weird but True NOBROW/FLYING EYE
978-1-4263-2715-5) by Marfe Ferguson Know-It-All: U.S. Presidents (July 4, Safe & Sound by Jean Roussen, illus. by
Delano; and Sea Otters (July 18, paper, paper, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-4263-2796- Loris Lora (May 16, hardcover, $17.95,
$4.99, ISBN 978-1-4263-2825-1) and 4), ages 812. ISBN 978-1-911171-28-7). Rhyming
Honey Bees (Mar. 7, paper, $4.99, ISBN text and art introduce a host of baby ani-
978-1-4263-2713-1) by Jill Esbaum, Series in Spanish mals. Ages 15.
ages 37. First Big Books introduces National Geographic Readers offers Boo! by Ben Newman (Apr. 11, hard-
National Geographic Little Kids First Big Balanceate, Perezoso! (Swing, Sloth!) (July cover, $13.99, ISBN 978-1-911171-05-
Book of Things That Go by Karen de Seve 11, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-1-4263- 8). A mouse isnt the only one who thinks
(July 11, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978- 2937-1), ages 25; Las Tormentas (Storms) hes the bravest animal around. Ages 35.
1-4263-2804-6), ages 48. And Jump (July 11, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-1- My Very Own Space by Pippa
into Science adds Earthquakes by Ellen 4263-2935-7), ages 46; and Los Delfines Goodhart, illus. by Rebecca Crane (July
Prager (July 18, paper, $7.99, ISBN (Dolphins) (July 11, paper, $4.99, ISBN 11, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-
978-1-4263-2833-6) and Honeybees by 978-1-4263-2933-3), ages 58. 911171-12-6). A rabbit tries to read his
Deborah Heiligman (July 18, paper, book in peace, but theres too much
$7.99, ISBN 978-1-4263-2835-0), ages NEW YORK REVIEW BOOKS going on around him. Ages 35.
48. National Geographic Little Kids The Fire Horse: Childrens Poems by The Secret of Black Rock by Joe
adds First Big Book of Weather by Karen Vladimir Mayakovsky, Osip Mandelstam, Todd-Stanton (June 13, hardcover,
de Seve (Mar. 14, hardcover, $14.99, and Daniil Kharms, trans. by Eugene $16.95, ISBN 978-1-911171-25-6). Erin
ISBN 978-1-4263-2719-3), ages 48. Ostashevsky (Mar. 14, hardcover, $16.95, ignores the rumors surrounding a huge
Joining Holidays Around the World is ISBN 978-1-68137-092-7), collects rock and explores the mysteries of the
Celebrate Passover: With Matzah, Maror, poetry from the early years of the Soviet coral reefs. Ages 37.
and Memories by Deborah Heiligman Union. Ages 68. Wild Animals of the South by Dieter
(Mar. 14, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1- The Milk of Dreams by Leonora Braun, trans. by Jen Calleja (May 16,
4263-2745-2), ages 710. Carrington (Apr. 4, hardcover, $15.95, hardcover, $35, ISBN 978-1-909263-97-
New National Geographic Almanacs ISBN 978-1-68137-094-1) presents nine 0), is a bestiary of Southern Hemisphere
are National Geographic Kids Almanac illustrated stories by this surrealist animals. Ages 5up.
2018 (May 9, hardcover, $24.99, ISBN painter and writer. Ages 69.
978-1-4263-2773-5; paper, $14.99, The Doormans Repose by Chris NOMAD
ISBN 978-1-4263-2772-8); and Raschka (May 16, hardcover, $17.95, Series
National Geographic Kids Almanac 2018, ISBN 978-1-68137-100-9) compiles 10 Explore Your World moves along with
International Edition (May 9, paper, stories about the goings-on inside a New Explore Comets and Asteroids! With 25
$14.99, ISBN 978-1-4263-2774-2), York City apartment building. Ages Great Projects by Anita Yasuda, illus. by
ages 812. Real or Fake? issues More 10up. Bryan Stone (July 11, hardcover,
Far-Out Fibs, Fishy Facts, and Phony $19.95, ISBN 978-1-61930-511-3),
Photos to Test for the Truth by Emily NOBROW ages 710. Build It Yourself picks up
Krieger (May 16, paper, $7.99, ISBN All Kinds of Cars by Carl Johanson Innovators: The Stories Behind the People
978-1-4263-2778-0), ages 812. Insects: (Mar. 14, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978- Who Shaped the World by Marcia Amidon
Find Adventure! Go Outside! Have Fun! 1-911171-01-0). This Swedish illustrator Lusted, illus. by Tom Casteel (July 11,
Be a Backyard Insect Inspector! by Libby presents a visual collection of cars and hardcover, $22.95, ISBN 978-1-61930-
Romero (Apr. 25, paper, $12.99, ISBN wacky forms of transportation. Ages 35. 516-8), ages 912. Girls in Science
978-1-4263-2740-7) is a new Ultimate The Land of Nod by Robert Louis greets Archaeology: Cool Women Who Dig
Explorer Field Guide, ages 812. Stevenson, illus. by Robert Hunter (Feb. by Anita Yasuda (Apr. 11, hardcover,
Joining Ultimate Explorer Guides is 14, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1- $19.95, ISBN 978-1-61930-496-3) and
Explore, Discover, and Create Your Own 911171-04-1), offers this classic poem Zoology: Cool Women Who Work with
Adventures With Real National Geographic about dreamland with new art. Ages 37. Animals by Jennifer Swanson (Apr. 11,
Explorers as Your Guides! by Nancy hardcover, $19.95, ISBN 978-1-61930-
Honovich (Mar. 14, paper, $14.99, Series 501-4), both illus. by Lena Chandhok,
ISBN 978-1-4263-2709-4), ages 812. Brownstones Mythical Collection ages 912. Mystery and Mayhem
And Weird but True continues with welcomes Arthur and the Golden Rope by releases Daring Heists: Real Tales of
Weird but True Human Body: 300 Joe Todd-Stanton (Feb. 14, hardcover, Sensational Robberies and Robbers (May 16,
Outrageous Facts About Your Awesome $18.95, ISBN 978-1-911171-03-4), hardcover, $19.95, ISBN 978-1-61930-
Anatomy (Mar. 28, paper, $7.99, ISBN ages 59. 531-1) and Weird Disappearances: Real

104 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
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S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Tales of Missing People (May 16, hard- raphy centers on J.F.K.s 1963 civil rights 38; and Little Captain Jack by Alicia
cover, $19.95, ISBN 978-1-61930- address. Ages 8up. Acosta, illus. by Mnica Carretero (Apr. 11,
526-7) by Tom McCarthy, 912. And hardcover, $15.95, ISBN 978-84-
Inquire and Investigate issues Cells: Series 945415-0-6), ages 48. Egalit presents
Experience Life at Its Tiniest by Karen The Adventures of Pettson & Findus Bow-Wow-Meow by Blanca Lacasa, illus.
Bush Gibson, illus. by Alexis Cornell by Sven Nordqvist continues with The by Gomez (May 16, hardcover, $16.95,
(July 11, hardcover, $22.95, ISBN 978- Camping Trip (Apr. 4, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-84-945415-7-5), ages 48.
1-61930-521-2); and The Holocaust: ISBN 978-0-7358-4277-9), ages 48.
Racism and Genocide in World War II by And Rainbow Fish returns in You Cant Series in Spanish
Carla Mooney, illus. by Tom Casteel Win Them All, Rainbow Fish by Marcus Somos8 offers Un avestruz con mucha luz
(Apr. 11, hardcover, $22.95, ISBN 978- Pfister (June 1, hardcover, $18.95, (Ozzy the Ostrich) by Jos Carlos Andrs,
1-61930-506-9), ages 1215. ISBN 978-0-7358-4287-8), ages 48. illus. by Bea Enrquez (June 13, hard-
cover, $15.95, ISBN 978-84-945415-8-
NORTHSOUTH NUBEOCHO 2); La siesta perfecta (The Perfect Siesta) by
The Green Umbrella by Jackie Aza Series Pato Mena (June 13, hardcover, $15.95,
Kramer, illus. by Maral Sassouni (Feb. 1, Somos8 presents Ozzy the Ostrich by Jos ISBN 978-84-945415-4-4), ages 37;
hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-0-7358- Carlos Andrs, illus. by Bea Enrquez El espejo en la casa de mam/El espejo en la
4218-2). Elephant takes a walk in this (June 13, hardcover, $15.95, ISBN 978- casa de pap (The Mirror in Mommys
tale of imagination, sharing, and friend- 84-945415-9-9); The Perfect Siesta by House/The Mirror in Daddys House) by
ship. Ages 48. Pato Mena (June 13, hardcover, $15.95, Luis Amavisca, illus. by Betania Zacarias
Hold Your Temper, Tiger! by Carol ISBN 978-84-945415-3-7), ages 37; (Apr. 11, hardcover, $15.95, ISBN 978-
Roth, illus. by Rashin (Mar. 7, hardcover, The Mirror in Mommys House/The Mirror in 84-945415-6-8), ages 38; and El
$17.95, ISBN 978-0-7358-4274-8). Daddys House by Luis Amavisca, illus. by pequeo pirata Serafn (Little Captain Jack)
When his mother tells him to hold his Betania Zacarias (Apr. 11, hardcover, by Alicia Acosta, illus. by Mnica
temper, a tiger wonders where to hold it. $15.95, ISBN 978-84-945415-5-1); The Carretero (Apr. 11, hardcover, $15.95,
Ages 48. Untold Story of the Tooth Fairy by Andrs, ISBN 978-84-945415-1-3), ages 48.
Mr. Benjamins Suitcase of Secrets illus. by Zacarias (May 16, hardcover, Egalit issues Ni guau ni miau (Bow-
by Pei-Yu Chang (May 1, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-84-944446-1-6), ages Wow-Meow) by Blanca Lacasa, illus. by
$18.95, ISBN 978-0-7358- Gomez (May 16, hardcover,
4280-9). This tale about the $16.95, ISBN 978-84-
importance of personal 945415-2-0), ages 48.
freedom is based on the true From ABC Gulls by Beth Rand
story of Walter Benjamin. (Islandport) ONEWORLD
Ages 48. The Circus by Olivia Levez
Sloppy Wants a Hug by (June 13, paper, $9.99, ISBN
Sean Julian (Feb. 7, hardcover, 978-1-78607-094-4). A teen
$17.95, ISBN 978-0-7358- who has everything except her
4273-1). A sprite wisely decides fathers attention learns the
not to hug a sloppy tree dragon. meaning of family and home
Ages 48. after running away to join the
So Happy Together by circus. Ages 1318.
Jutta Langreuter, illus. by Birdy Flynn by Helen
Stefanie Dahle (Mar. 7, hard- Donohoe (May 9, paper,
cover, $17.95, ISBN 978-0- $11.99, ISBN 978-1-78074-
7358-4279-3). A bunny saves 939-6). A boy finds the
his frightened sisters when a courage to do the right thing
storm approaches. Ages 48. in this novel about growing
A Time to Act: John F. up, making friends, and being
Kennedys Big Speech by true to yourself. Ages 13up.
Shana Corey, illus. by R.
Gregory Christie (Apr. 4, ORCA
hardcover, $18.95, ISBN 978- An African Alphabet by Eric
0-7358-4275-5). This biog- Walters, illus. by Sue Todd

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S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

(Mar. 14, hardcover, $9.95, ISBN 978-1- and himself. Ages 12up. ISBN 978-1-4598-1416-5), and Pinch Me
4598-1070-9). This ABC book intro- by Gabrielle Prendergast (Mar. 28, paper,
duces African animals. Ages up to 3. Series $9.95, ISBN 978-1-4598-1364-9), ages
More Than Balloons by Lorna Crozier, Just Enough issues Why Do Families 12up. And Retribution introduces
illus. by Rachelle Anne Miller (Apr. 4, Change? Our First Talk About Separation Terminate by Natasha Deen (Apr. 18,
hardcover, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-4598- and Divorce by Jillian Roberts, illus. by paper, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-4598-1462-
1028-0), compiles rhymes celebrating Cindy Revell (Mar. 21, hardcover, 2), ages 12up.
love. Ages up to 3. $19.95, ISBN 978-1-4598-0951-2), ages
You Can Read by Helaine Becker, illus. 36. Orca Echoes welcomes Justine ORCA/7TH GENERATION
by Mark Hoffmann (Feb. 28, hardcover, McKeen, Thermostat Chat by Sigmund Series
$19.95, ISBN 978-1-4598-1324-3). This Brouwer (Mar. 28, paper, $6.95, ISBN PathFinders greets Danny Blackgoat,
celebration of literacy portrays reading as 978-1-4598-1201-7) and Wild Cards by Dangerous Passage by Tim Tingle (Feb. 1,
a daring adventure. Ages 48. Jeff Szpirglas (Feb. 14, paper, $6.95, paper, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-939053-15-
Wolf Island by Nicholas Read, photos ISBN 978-1-4598-1211-6), both illus. 2), ages 1216.
by Ian McAllister (Mar. 14, hardcover, by Dave Whamond, ages 79. Tank &
$19.95, ISBN 978-1-4598-1264-2). Fizz are back in The Case of the Missing ORCA/DANCING CAT
Photos illustrate this story of a wolf and Mage by Liam ODonnell, illus. by Mike The Bermuda Shipwreck by Eric
his mate raising a family on an island off Deas (Apr. 11, paper, $9.95, ISBN 978- Murphy (May 1, paper, $12.95, ISBN
the rainforest coast. Ages 58. 1-4598-1258-1), ages 811. Lets Eat: 978-1-77086-479-5). Forced by crooks
Kings of the Court by Alison Hughes Sustainable Food for a Hungry Planet by to dive for sunken gold, cousins learn
(Mar. 14, paper, $9.95, ISBN 978-1- Kimberley Veness (Feb. 7, hardcover, about a Civil War shipwreck and their
4598-1219-2). When a basketball coach $19.95, ISBN 978-1-4598-0939-0) joins family history. Ages 1113.
is sidelined midseason, the team announcer Orca Footprints, ages 812. And Orca The Darkhouse by Barbara Radecki
and mascot step up to save the season. Origins celebrates Birthdays: Beyond Cake (May 1, paper, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-
Ages 811. and Ice Cream by Nikki Tate and Dani 77086-478-8). A teen discovers that the
Dominion by Shane Arbuthnott Tate-Stratton (Mar. 7, hardcover, $24.95, scientist she knows as her father may in
(Feb. 21, hardcover, $19.95, ISBN 978- ISBN 978-1-4598-1297-0), ages 912. fact be her kidnapper. Ages 13up.
1-4598-1117-1). Molly and her family Orca Currents flows on with Bullies
collect spirits aboard their airshipand Rule by Monique Polak (Feb. 21, paper, ORCA/HERITAGE HOUSE
one launches her on a hunt for the truth $9.95, ISBN 978-1-4598-1438-7), Food Series
about her history. Ages 1014. Freak by Alex Van Tol (Feb. 1, paper, Coastal Spirit Tales releases Whale Child
Blood on the Beach by Sarah Harvey $9.95, ISBN 978-1-4598-1339-7), Jungle by Caroll Simpson (Feb. 1, hardcover,
and Robin Stevenson (Mar. 21, paper, Jitters by Lisa Dalrymple (Mar. 28, paper, $19.95, ISBN 978-1-77203-135-5), ages
$14.95, ISBN 978-1-4598-1293-2). $9.95, ISBN 978-1-4598-1349-6), and 58.
After a peer disappears and an adult dies, Quiz Queens by K.L. Denman (Feb. 14,
teens on a remote island track down the paper, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-4598-1396- ORCA/HIGHWATER
culprit. Ages 12up. 0), ages 1014. Orca Limelights pres- When We Were Alone by David
Drawn Away by Holly Bennett (Feb. 1, ents He Who Dreams by Melanie Florence Alexander Robertson, illus. by Julie Flett
hardcover, $19.95, ISBN 978-1-4598- (Feb. 1, paper, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-4598- (Mar. 1, hardcover, $18.95, ISBN 978-1-
1252-9). Jack is whisked from math class 1102-7), Show Mode by Raquel Rivera 55379-673-2). A girl asks about her
into an encounter with the heroine of (Mar. 28, paper, $9.95, ISBN 978-1- grandmothers past in this tale of empow-
The Little Match Girl. Ages 12up. 4598-1204-8), and Strings Attached by erment and strength. Ages 48.
The Most Dangerous Thing by Diane Dakers (Feb. 21, paper, $9.95, Fire Starters by Jen Storm, illus. by
Leanne Lieberman (Mar. 7, paper, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-4598-0970-3), ages 1114. Scott B. Henderson (Mar. 1, paper,
ISBN 978-1-4598-1184-3). A teen bat- Orca Sports adds Deadpoint by Nikki $18.95, ISBN 978-1-55379-685-5).
tling depression grapples with her rela- Tate (Feb. 1, paper, $9.95, ISBN 978-1- After the sheriffs son wrongly accuses
tionship with her body and with a boy 4598-1352-6), ages 1115. Joining Orca two boys of arson, the truth gradually
interested in her. Ages 12up. Soundings are Desert Slam by Steven comes to light. Ages 1214.
Subject to Change by Karen Nesbitt Barwin (Feb. 1, paper, $9.95, ISBN 978- Will I See? by David Alexander
(Feb. 28, paper, $14.95, ISBN 978-1- 1-4598-1372-4), Identify by Lesley Robertson, illus. by GMB Chomichuk
4598-1146-1). When Declan learns the Choyce (Apr. 18, paper, $9.95, ISBN (Mar. 1, paper, $18.95, ISBN 978-1-
truth about his parents divorce, he must 978-1-4598-1406-6), In Plain Sight by 55379-674-9). In this story illuminating
reconsider all he knows about his family Laura Langston (Feb. 7, paper, $9.95, the issue of missing and murdered

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S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Indigenous women, a teen finds strength Where Will I Live? by From A Cat Is Better
in the spirit of those from the past. Ages Rosemary McCarney (Apr. by Linda Joy Single-
14up. 4, hardcover, $19.95, ton, illus. by Jorge
Martin (Little Bee)
ISBN 978-1-77260-
ORCA/NIMBUS 028-5). This photo-
The Snow Knows by Jennifer McGrath, essay focses on young
illus. by Josee Bisaillon (Feb. 1, hardcover, refugees whove been
$22.95, ISBN 978-1-77108-441-3) forced from their home-
shares the joys of winter and the wilder- lands. Ages 59.
ness. Ages 38. A Month of Mondays by
A Harbour Seal in Halifax by Joelle Anthony (Mar. 7, paper,
Doretta Groenendyk (Feb. 1, hardcover, $10.95, ISBN 978-1-77260-
$22.95, ISBN 978-1-77108-414-7) 026-1). A girls life is upended
relays the true story of a seals adventure when her mother moves back
on the streets of Halifax. Ages 49. to town after a 10-year absence.
Abigails Wish by Gloria Ann Wesley, Ages 913.
illus. by Richard Rudnicki (Feb. 1, hard- Breaking Faith by E. Graziani
cover, $22.95, ISBN 978-1-77108-439- (Mar. 14, paper, $12.95,
0), is a story of a black Loyalist family in ISBN 978-1-77260-024-7).
the early years of the colony of Nova A teen recounts her life in
Scotia. Ages 59. this novel about family, mental Six Blind Mice and an
LNuk: The Mikmaq of Atlantic illness, and addiction. Ages 13up. Elephant by Jude Daly (Apr. 11, hard-
Canada by Theresa Meuse (Feb. 1, paper, The Pain Eater by Beth Goobie (Mar. cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-910959-42-
$17.95, ISBN 978-1-77108-452-9) 7, paper, $12.95, ISBN 978-1-77260- 8). Based on an Indian fable, this animal
traces the customs, tradition, and history 020-9). A rape victim finds that a class tale is set in South Africa. Ages 4up.
of the Mikmaq people. Ages 710. writing project involving one of her Surprise! Surprise! by Niki Daly
Cure for Wereduck by Dave Atkinson attackers might help her regain control of (Mar. 14, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
(Feb. 1, paper, $12.95, ISBN 978-1- her life. Ages 13up. 1-910959-99-2). In the absence of a baby,
77108-445-1). When the full moon Saying Good-bye to London by Julie a husband brings his wife a piglet to
arrives and the rest of her family turns Burtinshaw (Mar. 14, paper, $12.95, raise. Ages 4up.
into wolves, Katie turns into a wereduck. ISBN 978-1-77260-029-2). Awaiting How to Be a Tiger by George Szirtes
Ages 812. the arrival of their baby, two teens (Mar. 14, paper, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-
Black Water Rising by Robert grapple with the reality of becoming 910959-20-6) compiles poems featuring
Rayner (Feb. 1, paper, $17.95, ISBN parents. Ages 13up. animals. Ages 5up.
978-1-77108-443-7). A teen is caught in Undiscovered Country by Jennifer Where Zebras Go by Sue Hardy-
the middle of a community controversy Gold (Apr. 4, paper, $12.95, ISBN 978- Dawson (Mar. 14, paper, $8.99, ISBN
when rains threaten to flood his New 1-77260-031-5). After her mother dies, 978-1-910959-31-2) rounds up poems
Brunswick community. Ages 1215. Cat postpones college to work in a war- spanning a range of themes. Ages 7up.
torn city, where a love interest clouds her Peter in Peril: Courage and Hope in
ORCA/OOLIGAN future path. Ages 13up. World War Two by Helen Bate (Mar.
Series 14, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-
The Blue Thread Saga continues with OTTER-BARRY 910959-57-2). In this graphic novel, a
Seven Stitches by Ruth Tenzer Feldman Monster Baby by Sarah Dyer (Apr. 11, Hungarian boy experiences the terror of
(Feb. 14, paper, $14.95, ISBN 978-1- hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-910959- war. Ages 8up.
932010-88-6), ages 1418. 27-5). Little Monster isnt happy about
the arrival of his baby brotheruntil he OWLKIDS
ORCA/SECOND STORY finds he has a new admirer. Ages 3up. Me Tall, You Small by Lilli LArronge
Hand over Hand by Alma Fullerton, My Daddy Is a Silly Monkey by (Mar. 14, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-
illus. by Renne Benoit (Apr. 4, hardcover, Dianne Hofmeyr, illus. by Carol 1-77147-194-7) celebrates the comple-
$16.95, ISBN 978-1-77260-015-5). Thompson (May 16, hardcover, $17.99, mentary roles of parent and child.
After persuading her grandfather to take ISBN 978-1-910959-13-8). A girl revels Ages 25.
her fishing, a girl catches the biggest fish in growing up with a playful single Up! How Families Around the
of the day. Ages 58. father. Ages 3up. World Carry Their Little Ones by

110 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
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S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Susan Hughes, illus. by Ashley Barron 14, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1- Fullerton, illus. by Kim La Fave (Feb. 8,
(Apr. 11, hardcover, $15.95, ISBN 978- 77147-074-2), ages up to 3. And new hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-77278-
1-77147-176-3) shows how parents carry Chirp stories, adapted by J. Torres, are 012-3). A girl in Sri Lanka helps with the
babies in various locales. Ages 25. Foiled Again (Mar. 14, paper, $4.95, monsoon-season rice planting for the first
Bill Bowerbird and the Unbearable ISBN 978-1-77147-191-6), Sandnado time. Ages 48.
Beak-Ache by Tyler Clark Burke (Mar. 14, (Mar. 14, paper, $4.95, ISBN 978-1- Waiting for Sophie by Sarah Ellis,
hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-77147- 77147-185-5), Treasure Trap (Mar. 14, illus. by Carmen Mok (Apr. 3, hardcover,
154-1). A bird with an aching beak turns paper, $4.95, ISBN 978-1-77147-187- $10.95, ISBN 978-1-77278-020-8). A
to his friends for help. Ages 37. 9), and Volcano Escape (Mar. 14, paper, boy impatient for his sister to be old
Liam Takes a Stand by Troy Wilson, $4.95, ISBN 978-1-77147-189-3), ages enough to play with him gets some help
illus. by Josh Holinaty (Mar. 14, hard- 37. from his Nana. Ages 58.
cover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-77147-161- My Beautiful Birds by Suzanne Del
9). Twins and their younger brother star PAGE STREET Rizzo (Mar. 8, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN
in this tale of one-upmanship and stra- 100 Backyard Activities That Are the 978-1-77278-010-9). In a refugee camp,
tegic thinking. Ages 37. Dirtiest, Coolest, Creepy-Crawliest a Syrian boy is consumed by thoughts of
Milo and Georgie by Bree Galbraith, Ever! Become an Expert on Bugs, what he has lost. Ages 610.
illus. by Jose Bisaillon (Apr. 11, hard- Beetles, Worms, Frogs, Snakes, Birds, Macy McMillan and the Rainbow
cover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-77147-170- Plants and More by Colleen Kessler Goddess by Shari Green (May 15, paper,
1). In this story about adapting to (May 2, paper, $19.99, ISBN 978-1- $9.95, ISBN 978-1-77278-017-8). A
change, Milo finally ventures outside of 62414-373-1) offers activities and facts deaf girl struggles with resentment as her
his house in a new city. Ages 37. about backyard creatures and nature. mother sells their house and adds a step-
Phoebe Sounds It Out by Julie Ages 512. father and stepsisters to their family.
Zwillich, illus. by Denise Holmes (Apr. Epic Lego Adventures with Bricks Ages 812.
11, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1- You Already Have: Build Crazy Road Signs That Say West by Sylvia
77147-164-0). Phoebe struggles to learn Worlds Where Aliens Live on the Gunnery (May 1, paper, $11.95, ISBN
how to spell her name at school. Ages Moon, Dinosaurs Walk Among Us, a 978-1-77278-023-9). During a road trip
37. Mad Scientist Clones an Army of across Canada, the bonds among three
My Canada: An Illustrated Atlas by Mutant Bugs and You Bring Their sisters are by turns tested and strength-
Katherine Dearlove, illus. by Lori Joy Hilarious Tales to Life by Sarah Dees ened. Ages 1218.
Smith (May 16, hardcover, $18.67, ISBN (July 25, paper, $19.99, ISBN 978-1-
978-1-77147-264-7) prsents facts about 62414-386-1) rounds up building proj- PAN MACMILLAN
Canada and a map of the country. Ages ects using Lego bricks. Ages 612. Alien Adventure by Yu-hsuan Huang
48. (Apr. 1, hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-
Simone: The Best Monster Ever! by PAJAMA 5098-3579-9). Two boys build a rocket
Rmy Simard (Apr. 11, hardcover, Good Morning, Grumple by Victoria and zoom off on a space adventure with
$16.95, ISBN 978-1-77147-293-7). Allenby, illus. by Manon Gauthier (Mar. aliens. Ages 35.
Comics relay the friendship between a 22, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1- Fairy Friends by Yu-hsuan Huang
girl and a monster. Ages 58. 77278-014-7). A mother fox knows how (Apr. 1, hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-
Moto and Me: My Year as a to cajole her reluctant offsping to get up 5098-3578-2). A fairy whisks two girls
Wildcats Foster Mom by Suzi Eszterhas in the morning. Ages 13. off to Fairyland in this interactive story.
(Apr. 11, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978- Under the Umbrella by Catherine Ages 35.
1-77147-242-5). This wildlife photogra- Buquet, illus. by Marion Arbona (Mar. 1, Zippo the Super Hippo by Kes Gray,
pher reveals how she cared for an hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-77278- illus. by Nikki Dyson (Apr. 1, paper,
orphaned wildcat in Kenya. Ages 710. 016-1). When the wind snatches a mans $8.99, ISBN 978-1-4472-7991-4) intro-
Meatless? A Fresh Look at What umbrella and drops it at a boys feet, a duces a hippo who aspires to be a flying
You Eat by Sarah Elton, illus. by Julie friendship ensues. Ages 48. superhero. Ages 37.
McLaughlin (May 16, hardcover, $16.95, Waters Children by Angle Animal Stories for 5 Year Olds
ISBN 978-1-926818-43-6), is an intro- Delaunois, trans. by Erin Woods, illus. (June 1, paper, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-5098-
duction to vegetarianism. Ages 812. by Grard Frischeteau (Apr. 21, hard- 3877-6) and Animal Stories for 6 Year
cover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-77278-015- Olds (June 1, paper, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-
Series 4). Kids from around the world tell what 5098-3878-3), selected by Helen Paiba,
You Are gains You Are Three by Sara water means to them. Ages 48. collect tales by various authors. Ages
OLeary, illus. by Karen Klassen (Mar. When the Rain Comes by Alma 57.

112 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
NorthSouth Books is Ready for Spring 2017!

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As of 1/1/2017 NorthSouth Books will be distributed by Simon & Schuster Distribution.

S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Dindy and the Elephant by Elizabeth by Kasia Nowowiejska (Mar. 21, hard- 12. And new Magical Stories include
Laird (Apr. 1, paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1- cover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4748-3323-3). Disney Bambi Magical Story (June 30,
4472-7240-3). A British child comes to A puppy helps teach opposites. Ages 13. hardcover, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-4748-
terms with leaving her beloved childhood All the Ways I Love You (Mar. 3, 7413-7), and Scooby-Doo Magical Story
home in India. Ages 79. hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4748- (Apr. 7, hardcover, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-
The Story of Holly and Ivy by Rumer 9012-0) and Good Night Little One 4748-6868-6), ages 58.
Godden, illus. by Christian Birmingham (Mar. 3, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-
(May 1, paper, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-5098- 4748-9011-3) by Susan Larkin, illus. by PAVILION
0505-1). On Christmas, an orphan knows Jacqueline East. These board-book tales An Animal ABC by Alice Pattullo (May
the doll she sees in a shop window is meant spotlight 10 animal families. Ages 24. 1, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-
for her. Ages 79. Animals (May 12, hardcover, $9.99, 84365-313-4) takes an alphabetical tour
The Dolls House by Rumer Godden, ISBN 978-1-4748-7800-5) and My of the animal kingdom. Ages 46.
illus. by Jane Ray (May 1, paper, $8.99, World (May 12, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN Fly Away Peter by Frank Dickens,
ISBN 978-1-5098-3669-7). A new illus- 978-1-4748-7798-5) are lift-the-flap illus. by Ralph Steadman (May 1, paper,
trator revives Goddens story of the life of chunky board books introducing animals; $9.99, ISBN 978-1-84365-321-9), tells
a doll family whose world is upended when and nature. Ages 24. of the friendship between a giraffe with
a cruel new doll moves in. Ages 710. Bedtime Lullabies (Mar. 3, hardcover, a short neck and a bird who cant fly.
Jakes Tower by Elizabeth Laird (June 1, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4748-9018-2) and Ages 57.
paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-5098-2671- Bedtime Prayers (Mar. 3, hardcover, The Amazing Dinosaur Detectives:
1). When life becomes unbearable, Jake $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4748-9019-9), illus. Amazing Facts, Myths and Quirks of
and his mother run away to the home of by Stephen Witlow, feature classic and the Dinosaur World by Maggie Li
his formidable grandmother. Ages 813. modern entries. Ages 24. (Apr. 1, hardcover, $13.99, ISBN 978-1-
Reaching the Stars: Poems About Hoot Howl Halloween by Becky 84365-307-3) explores all things dino-
Extraordinary Women & Girls by Jan Wilson, illus. by Samantha Meredith saur. Ages 58.
Dean, Liz Brownlee, and Michaela (June 30, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978- The Saga of Erik the Viking by Terry
Morgan (June 1, paper, $8.99, ISBN 978- 1-4748-7116-7). This book with a Jones, illus. by Michael Foreman (June 1,
1-5098-1428-2), collects poems about sound button explores a haunted house. paper, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-84365-314-
real and fictional females who accom- Ages 24. 1). Erik and his crew go in search of
plished impressive things no matter what Noisy Baby Animals (June 2, hard- adventure in this tale originally pub-
society thought. Ages 912. cover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-4748- lished in 1983. Ages 912.
4572-4) and Noisy Backyard (June 2,
Series hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-4748- Series
Princess Mirror-Belle stars in Princess 4571-7) are photographic books New Fairy Tale retellings by Lynn
Mirror-Belle Bind Up 1 by Julia Donaldson revealing sounds of nature. Ages 24. Roberts-Maloney, illus. by David
(June 1, paper, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-5098- A Treasury to Read with Grandma, Roberts, are Cinderella: An Art Deco
3872-1), ages 57. Jeremy James returns illus. by Rebecca Harry (July 14, hard- Fairy Tale (May 1, paper, $9.99, ISBN
in Elephants Dont Sit on Cars (June 1, cover, $14.99, ISBN 978-1-4748-7495-3) 978-1-84365-319-6), Sleeping Beauty: A
paper, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-5098-1876-1) compiles 80-plus stories and rhymes. Mid-Century Fairy Tale (Apr. 1, hard-
and Never Say Moo to a Bull (June 1, Ages 36. cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-84365-291-
paper, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-5098-1878-5) 5), ages 36; and Rapunzel: A Groovy
by David Henry Wilson, illus. by Axel Series 1970s Fairy Tale (Apr. 1, paper, $9.99,
Scheffler, ages 510. Moone Boy issues Little Baby Bum stars in four musical ISBN 978-1-84365-318-9), ages 57.
The Marvellous Activity Manual by Chris storybooks, including 5 Little Monkeys
ODowd and Nick V. Murphy (May 1, (Mar. 10, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1- PEACHTREE
paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-5098-3259- 4748-9497-5) and The Wheels on the Bus Fantastic Flowers by Susan Stockdale
0), ages 812. And Masquerade by Laura (Mar. 10, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1- (Mar. 1, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-
Lam (June 1, paper, $12.99, ISBN 978- 4748-9503-3), ages 12. Little Learners 56145-952-0) introduces an array
1-5098-0778-9) joins the Micah Grey welcomes Little Box of Books (Apr. 7, unusual flowers. Ages 26.
Trilogy, ages 12up. hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-4748- Spectacular Spots/Magnficas man-
7566-0), My First Letters (Apr. 7, hard- chas by Susan Stockdale (Mar. 1, paper,
PARRAGON cover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4748-6974-4), $8.95, ISBN 978-1-56145-978-0). This
Down, Up, Pup: Listen, Look, and and My First Numbers (Apr. 7, hardcover, bilingual book reveals the different rea-
Learn Opposites by Annie Baker, illus. $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4748-6976-8), ages sons animals sport spots. Ages 26.

114 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Mrs. McBee Leaves Room 3 by Hiding Game by Gwen Strauss, illus.

Gretchen Brandenburg McLellan, illus. by Herb Leonhard (Feb. 1, hardcover,
by Grace Zong (Apr. 1, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4556-2265-8), tells
$16.95, ISBN 978-1-56145-944- of the daughter of poet Andr Breton,
5). At the end of the year, kids whose family hid from the Nazis in
find a way to celebrate their France. Ages 510.
teacher. Ages 37. Lotta Crabtree: Gold Rush
Prince Ribbit by Jonathan Fairy Star by Lois V. Harris (Mar.
Emmett, illus. by Poly 1, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
Bernatene (Mar. 1, hardcover, 1-4556-2230-6) spotlights this
$16.95, ISBN 978-1-56145- performer who supported her
761-8). In this twist on The family by entertaining miners
Frog Prince, Martha is skep- during the Gold Rush. Ages
tical that a talking frog will 612.
turn into a prince. Ages 37. Saluting Our Grandmas:
Zebra on the Go by Jill Women of World War II by Col.
Nogales, illus. by Lorraine Cassie Barlow USAF (Ret.) and Sue
Rocha (Apr. 1, hardcover, Norrod (May 1, paper, $18.95,
$16.95, ISBN 978-1-56145- ISBN 978-1-4556-2319-8) compiles
911-7). What happens when stories about women who served in
circus animals dash out of the ring? WWII. Ages 812.
Ages 48. The Sioux Code Talkers of World
Flowers for Sarajevo by John War II by Andrea Page (Mar. 1, hard-
McCutcheon, illus. by Kristy Caldwell cover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-4556-
(Apr. 1, hardcover, $19.95, ISBN 978-1- 2243-6) follows seven Sioux who joined
From How the Queen Found the Perfect Cup
56145-943-8). This story of a boy who of Tea by Kate Hosford, illus. by Gabi Swiat- the First Cavalry in WWII and fought
discovers the power of beauty and kind- kowska (Lerner/Carolrhoda) against Japan. Ages 812.
ness during wartime in Bosnia includes a A Dog Steals Home by Kathleen
musical CD. Ages 710. 2189-7). When the larger New Orleans Schrenk (Mar. 1, paper, $8.95, ISBN
streetcars need help, Charlie the mainte- 978-1-4556-2228-3). A boy who volun-
Series nance streetcar comes to their rescue. All teers at a dog shelter must make impor-
William Bees Stanley sets up shop in ages. tant decisions that will affect others.
Stanleys Store (Mar. 1, hardcover, $14.95, Mumbo Jumbo, Stay Out of the Ages 813.
ISBN 978-1-56145-868-4), ages 37. Gumbo by Johnette Downing, illus. by
King & Kayla sleuth on in King & Kayla Jennifer Lindsley (Feb. 1, hardcover, PENGUIN/CARTOON NETWORK
and the Case of the Missing Dog Treats (Mar. $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4556-2300-6). Series
1, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1- During Cajun Mardi Gras, a rooster vows Adventure Time gains Friendship and
56145-877-6) and King & Kayla and the that he will not end up in the gumbo. All Junk, illus. by J.J. Harrison (Feb. 28,
Case of the Secret Code (Mar. 1, hardcover, ages. hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-0-515-
$14.95, ISBN 978-1-56145-878-3) by Chicory and Roux: The Creole 15802-1), ages 812. Steven Universe
Dori Hillestad Butler, illus. by Nancy Mouse and the Cajun Mouse by Todd- stars in Keep Beach City Weird: You Cant
Meyers, ages 79. Dog Chronicles wel- Michael St. Pierre, illus. by Lee Brandt Hide the Truth!!! by Ben Levin and Matt
comes Leo, Dog of the Sea by Alison Hart, Randall (Feb. 1, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN Burnett (Apr. 18, paper, $7.99, ISBN
illus. by Michael G. Montgomery (Apr. 1, 978-1-4556-2237-5). In this retelling of 978-1-101-99515-0), ages 812. And
hardcover, $12.95, ISBN 978-1-56145- an Aesop classic, a city mouse and a We Bare Bears issues Bears: Awesome at
964-3), ages 710. And Fred Bowen bayou mouse agree to disagree about Everything by Christa Roberts (Apr. 18,
Sports Stories picks up Outside Shot by their cultural traditions. Ages 38. paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-101-99615-
Bowen (Mar. 1, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN Tad Lucas: Trick-Riding Cowgirl by 7), ages 812.
978-1-56145-955-1), ages 712. Laura B. Edge, illus. by Stephanie Ford
(Feb. 1, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- PENGUIN/DAWSON
PELICAN 4556-2277-1), is a biography of this Big & Little Questions (According to
Littlest Streetcar by Vernon Smith (Feb. Texan woman renowned for her daring Wren Jo Byrd) by Julie Bowe (Mar. 21,
1, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4556- riding. Ages 58. hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-8037-

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 115
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

3693-1) is a novel about an introvert 0-7352-2797-2). Rabbit and his friends 978-0-399-18634-9). Murder, madness,
trying to hide her parents divorce, and try to solve the mystery of the scary voice and sea monsters combine in this novel
the new girl who wants to steal her best coming from his burrow. Ages 35. set on an eerie island. Ages 1014.
friend. Ages 79. Mamas Kisses by Kate McMullan, See You in the Cosmos by Jack
The Girl in Between by Sarah Carroll illus. by Tao Nyeu (Mar. 28, hardcover, Cheng (Feb. 28, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
(June 20, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- $16.99, ISBN 978-0-525-42832-9). 978-0-399-18637-0) relays the story of a
0-7352-2860-3). In an old mill, a girl Rainforest animal mothers call their wan- space-obsessed boy, his dog Carl Sagan,
and her mother take shelter from memo- dering babies to bed with a lullaby. Ages and his journey toward family, love, and
ries of life on the streetsuntil devel- 35. hope. Ages 10up.
opers show up. Ages 12up. Splat! by Jon Burgerman (June 20, You May Already Be a Winner by
Juniper Lemons Happiness Index hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-7352- Ann Dee Ellis (July 11, hardcover,
by Julie Israel (June 27, hardcover, 2876-4). In this book featuring visual $16.99, ISBN 978-1-101-99385-9). A
$17.99, ISBN 978-0-7352-2817-7). gags, a flip of the page brings such hap- girl trying to keep hope alive plots to win
After discovering a break-up letter penings as a pie in the face and a deluge a big jackpot so she and her sister can
addressed to You that her sister wrote of water balloons. Ages 35. leave their trailer park. Ages 10up.
the day she died, Juniper is determined Blue Sky White Stars by Sarvinder The Lake Effect by Erin McCahan
to find the addressee. Ages 12up. Naberhaus, illus. by Kadir Nelson (June (July 11, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
13, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0- 0-8037-4052-5). A teen who has lined
PENGUIN/DIAL 8037-3700-6), pays tribute to the beauty up a summer job at a lakeside house dis-
Found Dogs by Erica Sirotich (July 18, and wonder of Americas history, land- covers his eccentric boss has an affinity
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-399- scape, and symbols. Ages 48. for attending funerals. Ages 12up.
18641-7) is a counting tale featuring The Book of Mistakes by Corinna And Then There Were Four by
dogs adopted from a shelter. Ages 25. Luyken (Apr. 25, hardcover, $17.99, Nancy Werlin (June 6, hardcover,
Black Belt Bunny by Jacky Davis, ISBN 978-0-7352-2792-7). Splotches $18.99, ISBN 978-0-8037-4072-3). A
illus. by Jay Fleck (July 11, hardcover, and spots become part of an artists works group of teens struggle to save them-
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-525-42902-9). A in this look at how mistakes can inspire selves when it seems their parents are
bunny with a black belt is faced with a creativity. Ages 48. plotting to have them killed. Ages
daunting task: making a salad. Ages 35. Life on Mars by Jon Agee (Feb. 28, 14up.
Charlotte and the Rock by Stephen hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-399-
W. Martin, illus. by Samantha Cotterill 53852-0). A young space explorer visit- Series
(Mar. 14, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- ing Mars is sure there is no life on the Ladybug Girl by Jacky Davis, illus. by
1-101-99389-7). When a girl asks for a planetso who ate the cupcakes he David Soman, welcomes Ladybug Girl and
pet and receives a rock, they become best brought for a snack? Ages 48. Her Papa (May 9, hardcover, $5.99, ISBN
friends. Ages 35. Feel the Beat: Dance Poems that 978-0-8037-4035-8), ages up to 3; and
Daddy Honk Honk by Rosalinde Zing from Salsa to Swing by Marilyn Ladybug Girls Day Out with Grandpa
Bonnet (May 9, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN Singer, illus. by Kristi Valiant (Mar. 7, (May 16, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
978-0-399-18676-9). A foxs friends help hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-8037- 0-8037-4032-7), ages 35. Ordinary
him figure out how to be a good father to 4021-1), offers poems celebrating dance, People Change the World spotlights I
a noisy gosling. Ages 35. plus a CD. Ages 58. Am Sacagawea by Brad Meltzer, illus. by
Dragons Love Tacos 2: The Sequel Keith Haring: The Boy Who Just Christopher Eliopoulos (June 13, hard-
by Adam Rubin, illus. by Daniel Salmieri Kept Drawing by Kay Haring, illus. by cover, $14.99, ISBN 978-0-525-42853-
(May 2, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-0- Robert Neubecker (Feb. 14, hardcover, 4), ages 58. Bea Garcia is back in The
525-42888-6). The dragons continue $16.99, ISBN 978-0-525-42819-0), is a Curse of Einsteins Pencil by Deborah
their search for tacos in this follow-up biography of this pop artist, written by Zemke (June 6, hardcover, $15.99, ISBN
tale. Ages 35. his sister. Ages 58. 978-0-8037-4155-3), ages 69. And
Flash the Fish by Paul Kor (Apr. 4, Cosmic Commandos by Christopher Hamster Princess encounters Giant
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-7352- Eliopoulos (July 4, hardcover, $13.99, Trouble by Ursula Vernon (May 9, hard-
2746-0). A shiny silver fish and his ISBN 978-1-101-99448-1). In this cover, $12.99, ISBN 978-0-399-18652-
family help a lost baby whale find her graphic novel, different-as-can-be twin 3), ages 812.
way back home. Ages 35. brothers accidentally bring their favorite
The Giant Jumperee by Julia video game to life. Ages 812. PENGUIN/DUTTON
Donaldson, illus. by Helen Oxenbury The Bone Snatcher by Charlotte Beyond the Bright Sea by Lauren Wolk
(Apr. 18, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- Salter (Feb. 14, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN (May 2, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-

116 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

101-99485-6). A girl who was set adrift with Crash! (May 9, paper, $5.99, ISBN Joining Where Is...? are Where Are the
in a skiff as a baby tries to piece together 978-0-448-49012-0) and Dont Sneeze! Galapagos Islands? by Megan Stine, illus.
her history in this novel about identity (May 9, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-0-451- by John Hinderliter (May 16, paper,
and belonging. Ages 10up. 53343-2) by Nancy Krulik, illus. by $5.99, ISBN 978-0-451-53387-6); and
We Are Okay by Nina LaCour (Feb. Louis Thomas, ages 68. Where Is the Eiffel Tower? by Dina
14, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-525- The Fantastic Frame continues with Anastasio, illus. by Tim Foley (May 16,
42589-2). A girl who has left her old life Look Out! Ghost Mountain Below by Lin paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-0-451-53384-
behind is at the center of this novel about Oliver (July 11, hardcover, $11.99, 5), ages 812. Who Was...? welcomes
grief, friendship, and the healing power ISBN 978-0-448-48093-0), ages 79. four additions including Who Are the
of kindness. Ages 14up. The Kat Sinclair Files welcomes Final Rolling Stones? by Dana Meachen Rau,
Girl by Michelle Schusterman, illus. by illus. by Andrew Thomson and Nancy
PENGUIN/ Harrison (Apr. 4, paper, $5.99,
GROSSET & DUNLAP ISBN 978-1-101-99558-7);
Albert the Alphabetical and Who Was Princess Diana?
Elephant (Mar. 7, hardcover, by Ellen Labrecque, illus. by
$8.99, ISBN 978-0-515- Jerry Hoare (Apr. 4, paper,
15731-4) and Grandfather $5.99, ISBN 978-0-448-
Clock (Mar. 7, hardcover, 48855-4), ages 812. And Jim
$8.99, ISBN 978-0-515- Hensons The Dark Crystal
15733-8) are tales about picks up Song of the Dark Crystal
learning the alphabet and by J.M. Lee, illus. by Cory
telling time. Ages 35. Godbey (July 18, hardcover,
Second Grade, Here I $17.99, ISBN 978-0-399-
Come! by D.J. Steinberg, 53981-7), ages 12up.
illus. by Laura Wood (June
27, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN PENGUIN/PAULSEN
978-0-515-15809-0), com- Baby Boo, I Love You by
piles classroom poems for Sheryl Haft, illus. by Jane
second graders. Ages 57. Massey (May 2, hardcover,
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-399-
Series 54782-9). Interacting with her
Joining The World of Eric beloved doll, a girl emulates a
Carle is I Love Mom with The From Up! by Susan Hughes, illus. by Ashley Barron (OwlKids) warm parent-child relation-
Very Hungry Caterpillar by ship. Ages 35.
Eric Carle (Mar. 14, hardcover, $8.99, Stephanie Olesh (July 25, paper, $8.99, I Just Want to Say Good Night by
ISBN 978-0-451-53346-3), ages 35. ISBN 978-0-448-47982-8), ages 812. Rachel Isadora (Mar. 14, hardcover,
The Escapades of Clint McCool by Jane Power Rangers come to the rescue in $17.99, ISBN 978-0-399-17384-4). As
Kelley, illus. by Jessika von Innerebner, Tournament of Terror by Neo Edmund the sun sets on the African veld, a girl
starts up with Octo-Man and the Headless (June 13, paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-0-515- delays bedtime by bidding each animal
Monster (May 9, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978- 15971-4) and The Venomous Eclipse by goodnight. Ages 35.
0-448-48753-3) and Sol-Ray Man and the Adrianne Ambrose (June 13, paper, Steppin Out: Jaunty Rhymes for
Freaky Flood (May 9, paper, $5.99, ISBN $6.99, ISBN 978-0-515-15970-7), ages Playful Times by Lin Oliver, illus. by
978-0-451-53339-5), ages 68. George 812. And What Was...? continues with Tomie dePaola (Feb. 21, hardcover,
Brown, Class Clown is back in Return to What Was the Age of the Dinosaurs? by $17.99, ISBN 978-0-399-17434-6). This
the Scene of the Burp by Nancy Krulik, Megan Stine, illus. by Gregory Copeland poetry collection by the creators of Little
illus. by Aaron Blecha (Mar. 21, paper, (Feb. 28, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-0-451- Poems for Tiny Ears celebrates joyful tod-
$5.99, ISBN 978-0-448-48287-3), ages 53264-0); What Was the Holocaust? by dler activities. Ages 35.
68. The Haunted Library releases The Gail Herman, illus. by Jerry Hoare (June The Chupacabra Ate the
Ghosts at the Movie Theater by Dori 27, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-0-451- Candelabra by Marc Tyler Nobleman,
Hillestad Butler, illus. by Aurore 53390-6); and What Was the Wild West? illus. by Ana Aranda (Mar. 7, hardcover,
Damant (Feb. 21, hardcover, $14.99, by Janet B. Pascal, illus. by Stephen $17.99, ISBN 978-0-399-17443-8).
ISBN 978-0-451-53436-1), ages 68. Marchesi (Apr. 25, paper, $5.99, ISBN Three goats are fearful of being eaten by a
And The Kid from Planet Z debuts 978-0-399-54424-8), ages 812. legendary monster. Ages 58.

118 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Lexie the Word Wrangler by 16304-3). During a time out in his bed- by Melanie Crowder (June 13, hardcover,
Rebecca Van Slyke, illus. by Jessie room, a boy discovers a spaceship to $17.99, ISBN 978-0-399-16900-7). This
Hartland (Mar. 28, hardcover, $17.99, board, a starry sky to visit, and a moon to tale of corruption, greed, survival, and
ISBN 978-0-399-16957-1), introduces a circle around. Ages 37. family is set in Bolivias crime world.
cowgirl who would rather wrangle words The Castle in the Mist by Amy Ages 12up.
than cattle. Ages 58. Ephron (Feb. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN Ten Miles One Way by Patrick
Bens Revolution: Benjamin Russell 978-0-399-54698-3). Tess and Max dis- Downes (Mar. 21, hardcover, $17.99,
and the Battle of Bunker Hill by cover a magical castle where wishes come ISBN 978-0-399-54499-6). A boy knows
Nathaniel Philbrick, illus. by Wendell trueif hawthorn trees dont get you that his love for a mentally ill girl runs
Minor (May 23, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN first. Ages 812. deeper than the demons that plague her.
978-0-399-16674-7). This story of a boy The Great Treehouse War by Lisa Ages 14up.
living in Boston at the start of the Graff (May 16, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
Revolution is a young readers adaptation 978-0-399-17500-8). After her parents Series
of, Bunker Hill: A City, A Siege, a divorce, Winnie barricades herself in her Terry Borders Peanut Butter is back in
Revolution. Ages 79. treehouseand her friends decide to join Peanut Butters Delicious Colors (July 11,
Lucky Broken Girl by Ruth Behar her. Ages 812. hardcover, $6.99, ISBN 978-0-399-
(Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- Bone Jack by Sara Crowe (Feb. 7, 54883-3), ages up to 3. Whats the Big
0-399-54644-0). Based on the authors hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-399- Deal presents Whats the Big Deal About
life, this is the story of a Cuban girl 17651-7). In this story of magic and Freedom by Ruby Shamir, illus. by Matt
adjusting to her new life in New York myth, a boy straddles the worlds of life Faulkner (May 2, hardcover, $17.99,
City in the 1960s. Ages 10up. and death to save his father and best ISBN 978-0-399-54728-7), ages 48.
Walking with Miss Millie by Tamara friend. 10up. Princess Juniper of Torr by Ammi-Joan
Bundy (July 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN Crazy Messy Beautiful by Carrie Paquette (June 27, hardcover, $16.99,
978-0-399-54456-9) reveals the friend- Arcos (Feb. 7, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN ISBN 978-0-399-17153-6) is the final
ship between a white girl and her elderly 978-0-399-17553-4). A boy blindsided Princess Juniper adventure, ages 812.
black neighbor in 1960s Georgia. Ages by the complications of love and art stars And The Raven Files adds Enemy
10up. in this story about tumultuous teenage Exposure by Meghan Rogers (Mar. 14,
romance. Ages 12up. hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-399-
PENGUIN/PHILOMEL Girling Up: How to Be Strong, 17618-0), ages 12up.
The Almost Impossible Thing by Smart and Spectacular by Mayim
Basak Agaoglu, edited by Michael Green Bialik (May 9, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN PENGUIN/PRICE STERN SLOAN
(Apr. 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0- 978-0-399-54860-4). This actress and Raybot and Weebot by Adam F.
399-54827-7). Though her friends try to scientist offers advice to help teens shape Watkins (June 27, hardcover, $17.99,
deter her, a rabbit insists on finding a their futures. Ages 12up. ISBN 978-0-8431-8301-6). When the
way to fly. Ages 37. The One Memory of Flora Banks by star of Raybot Robot finds a tiny robot in
Marigold Bakes a Cake by Mike Emily Barr (May 16, hardcover, $17.99, the junkyard, he discovers the kid brother
Malbrough (July 18, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-399-54701-0). A girl with he never had. Ages 35.
ISBN 978-1-5247-3738-2). A fastidious, no short-term memory perseveres to find
excitable cat who loves to bake is driven a boy able to penetrate her fractured PENGUIN/PUFFIN
to distraction by some busybody birds. mind. Ages 12up. Series
Ages 37. Speak of Me As I Am by Sonia Spy Dog stars in Gunpowder Plot by
Pass It On by Sophy Henn (Apr. 11, Belasco (Apr. 4, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN Andrew Cope (Apr. 1, paper, $7.99,
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-399- 978-0-399-54676-1). This story of grief, ISBN 978-0-14-136999-0), ages 710.
54775-1) celebrates the excitement of honesty, and the healing power of art And Puffin + Pantone issues five new
sharing lifes joys with others. Ages 37. focuses on two teens suffering the loss of classics, including The Adventures of Tom
The Ring Bearer by Floyd Cooper a loved one. Ages 12up. Sawyer by Mark Twain (May 16, paper,
(Apr. 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0- This Impossible Light by Lily Myers $9.99, ISBN 978-0-425-28903-7) and
399-16740-9). In this story about a (June 6, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0- Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
blended African-American family, a boy 399-17372-1). This novel in verse (May 16, paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-0-425-
takes his role in his mamas wedding very explores body image, eating disorders, 28899-3).
seriously. Ages 37. self-worth, and inherited psychological
Time Out! by Ale Barba (June 27, scars. Ages 12up. PENGUIN/PUTNAM
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-399- An Uninterrupted View of the Sky Charlies Boat by Kit Chase (May 16,

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 119
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-399- Ashes to Asheville by Sarah Dooley uncovers disturbing family secrets. Ages
25702-5). Charlie, Lulu, and Oliver have (Apr. 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0- 14up.
a fishing adventure in this companion to 399-16504-7). Two sisters take off on a
Lulus Party and Olivers Tree. Ages 35. road trip to fulfill their mothers dying Series
Garcia & Colette Go Exploring by wish. Ages 10up. Princess Posey, First Grader stars in
Hannah Barnaby, illus. by Andrew Joyner Edgeland by Jake Halpern and Peter Princess Posey and the First Grade Play by
(June 20, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- Kujawinski (May 9, hardcover, $17.99, Stephanie Greene, illus. by Stephanie
0-399-17675-3). When friends cant ISBN 978-0-399-17581-7). In this Roth Sisson (Feb. 7, hardcover, $13.99,
agree on where to go, they set off on their thriller set in a world with edges with an ISBN 978-0-399-17568-8), ages 58.
own journeys. Ages 35. abyss below, two kids discover that what Conspiracy of Us concludes with The
Play with Me! by Michelle Lee (Jan. exists beyond the abyss is worse then Ends of the World by Maggie Hall (July
24, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN, 978-0- anyone had imagined. Ages 10up. 18, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-399-
399-54601-3). Pip wants to play with Jasper and the Riddle of Rileys 16652-5), ages 12up. And Marie Lus
Nico, but Nico wants to play his cello. Mine by Caroline Starr Rose (Feb. 7, Legend wraps up with Champion: The
Ages, 3-5. hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-399- Graphic Novel (Apr. 25, paper, $14.99,
Sometimes Its Storks by L.J.R. 16811-6). Two brothers escaping an ISBN 978-0-451-53434-7), ages 12up.
Kelly, illus. by the Brothers Hilts (Feb. 7, abusive father set out on a treacherous
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-399- journey to Alaska during the Klondike PENGUIN/RAZORBILL
25682-0). A stork misplaces a baby in Gold Rush. Ages 10up. And Were Off by Dana Schwartz (May
this tale riffing on the question of where Alex and Eliza: A Love Story by 2, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-448-
babies come from. Ages 35. Melissa de la Cruz (Apr. 11, hardcover, 49381-7). A teens plans are upended
Dad and the Dinosaur by Gennifer $17.99, ISBN 978-1-5247-3962-1) when her mother abruptly decides to join
Choldenko, illus. by Dan Santat (Mar. 28, relays the story of the romance between her on her summer trip across Europe.
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-399- young Alexander Hamilton and Eliza Ages 12up.
24353-0). With the help of his father and Schuyler in 1777. Ages 12up. Empress of a Thousand Skies by
a toy dinosaur, a boy tackles his fears. Flame in the Mist by Rene Ahdieh Rhoda Belleza (Feb. 7, hardcover, $17.99,
Ages 58. (May 2, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0- ISBN 978-1-101-99910-3). In this sci-fi
The Great Henry Hopendower by 399-17163-5). In feudal Japan, an alche- duology debut, a princess-in-exile and
Justin Roberts, illus. by Deborah mist whose father is a samurai uncovers a her accused killer fight to save the uni-
Hocking (June 6, hardcover, $16.99, history of secrets, betrayal, and murder. verse. Ages 12up.
ISBN 978-0-399-25744-5). An aspiring Ages 12up. The Library of Fates by Aditi
magicians late grandfather taught him A Psalm for Lost Girls by Katie Bayerl Khorana (July 18, hardcover, $17.99,
that magic is everywhere. Ages 58. (Mar. 14, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- ISBN 978-1-59514-858-2). Set in a
My Little Half-Moon by Douglas 0-399-54525-2). When saintly Tess dies world inspired by ancient India, this stars
Todd Jennerich, illus. by Kate Berube and people want her canonized, her sister a princess who unlocks ancestral magic to
(May 16, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- tries to prove that Tess was more than a save her land. Ages 12up.
0-399-16901-4). A determined child saint. Ages 12up. A Million Junes by Emily Henry
goes the extra mile to cheer up the shy, Nemesis by Brendan Reichs (Mar. 21, (May 16, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
lonely half moon. Ages 58. hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-399- 0-448-49396-1). In this follow-up to The
Prince and Pirate by Charlotte 54493-4). This sci-fi duology launch Love That Split the World, teens from
Gunnufson, illus. by Mike Lowery (May introduces a girl who is murdered every feuding families fall in love and uncover a
9, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-399- other year on her birthday, only to wake curse. Ages 12up.
17604-3). Two fish with big personalities up hours later. Ages 12up. This Is Really Happening by Erin
feud over their shared tankuntil a Given to the Sea by Mindy McGinnis Chack (Apr. 25, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN
smaller fish arrives. Ages 58. (Apr. 11, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- 978-0-448-49358-9). BuzzFeed editor
Stinkbomb and Ketchup-Face and 0-399-54461-3). Loyalties collide, Chack chronicles her life experiences in
the Badness of Badgers by John friendships are tested, and romance this essay collection. Ages 12up.
Dougherty, illus. by Sam Ricks (Feb. 7, blooms in a world where the sea is The Valiant by Lesley Livingston
hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-1-101- risingand is inescapable. Ages 14up. (Feb. 14, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
99662-1). Debuting a series thats a send- Rosie Girl by Julie Shepard (July 11, 0-448-49378-7) recounts a girls tumul-
up of fantasy quest novels, this tale hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-399- tuous journey from Celtic princess to
involves a campaign to rid the kingdom 54864-2). After her father dies, a trou- female gladiator and darling of the
of Great Kerfuffle of badgers. Ages 812. bled teen searching for her birth mother Roman empire. Ages 12up.

120 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Series (May 2, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0- from its bowl, he fears its been stolen
Dragons vs. Drones continues with 425-28799-6). Wearing her cat mask, but his knowing mother finds a solution.
Enemy of the Realm by Wesley King (Mar. Lily is ready to start a new schooland Ages 46.
7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- then her teacher makes her remove it. Give Bees a Chance by Bethany
59514-799-8), ages 812. Teddycats Ages 46. Barton (Apr. 25, hardcover, $16.99,
return in Claws of Life by Mike Storey Splotch by Gianna Marino (May 2, ISBN 978-0-670-01694-5) celebrates
(May 30, paper, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-101- hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-451- bees and their importance to humankind.
99885-4), ages 812. The Glittering 46957-1). When a boys fish disappears Ages 48.
Court gains Midnight Jewel by Richelle
Mead (May 30, hardcover, $19.99, ISBN
978-1-59514-843-8), ages 12up. And
The Merciless issues The Merciless III:
Origins of Evil by Danielle Vega (July 11,
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-448-
49352-7), ages 14up.

Maud: A Novel Inspired by the Life of
L.M. Montgomery by Melanie Fishbane
(May 16, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
0-14-319125-4) spotlights Montgomerys
teenage years on Prince Edward Island.
Ages 12up.
Shooter by Caroline Pignat (Apr. 4,
paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-0-14-318758-
5). A lockdown at their high school traps
five students in the boys restroom. Ages

ABC Pasta: An Entertaining Alphabet
by Juana Medina Rosas (Feb. 7, hard-
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-101-
99978-3) uses pasta, noodles, and a few
forks and spoons to help teach the
alphabet. Ages up to 3. PAPERB

If I Were a Kangaroo by Mylisa

Larsen, illus. by Anna Raff (Apr. 4, hard-
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-451-46958-
8). At bedtime, a parent imagines all the
animals he or she might be. Ages up to 3.
Say Hello, Sophie by Rosemary Wells
(Mar. 7, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-
101-99925-7). A toddlers grandmother
helps her realize that saying hello to
grown-ups isnt so hard after all. Ages up
to 3. NOW IN

Little Excavator by Anna Dewdney

(June 6, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-
101-99920-2). As Big Rigs work hard at
a construction site, they find a job that Rooted in relationships. Grown with care.

only Little Excavator can do. Ages 25.

Lilys Cat Mask by Julie Fortenberry

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 121
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Renato and the Lion by Barbara with different artistic passions enter a Tale by Beatrix Potter, illus. by Eleanor
DiLorenzo (June 20, hardcover, $17.99, fashion competition that will change Taylor (Mar. 7, hardcover, $7.99, ISBN
ISBN 978-0-451-47641-8). Combining both of their lives. Ages 12up. 978-0-241-29333-1), debuts a series of
history and magic, this tells of a boy Once and for All by Sarah Dessen tales dealing with first experiences and
whose family immigrates from Italy to (June 6, hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-0- emotions. Ages 35.
America during WWII. Ages 57. 425-29033-0). When Ambrose comes to
The Quest for Z: The True Story of work for Lounas wedding-planner mother, Series
Explorer Percy Fawcett and a Lost Louna is appalled by how many women Spot stars in Find Spot at the Museum by
City in the Amazon by Greg Pizzoli he dates, and hes appalled by her refusal Eric Hill (June 6, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN
(June 13, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- to socialize. Ages 12up. 978-0-14-137596-0), ages 35.
0-670-01653-2) profiles this British Everything Beautiful Is Not Ruined
explorer who disappeared from the by Danielle Younge-Ullman (Feb. 21, PENGUIN YOUNG READERS
Amazon jungle in 1925. Ages 812. hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-425- Series
Funny Girl: Funniest. Stories. 28759-0). Ingrid must survive a grueling Kate and Mim-Mim by Lana Jacobs
Ever. by Betsy Bird (May 9, hardcover, wilderness experience to prove to her presents Kate in Oz (June 6, paper, $3.99,
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-451-47731-6) mother that she has the strength to pursue ISBN 978-0-515-15772-7), ages 35;
compiles short stories, essays, comics, her dreams. Ages 14up. and Little Kate Riding Hood (June 6,
and poems by 25 contemporary authors. A Good Idea by Cristina Moracho paper, $3.99, ISBN 978-0-515-15771-
Ages 812. (Feb. 28, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978- 0), ages 67. Doctor Who, originated
The Epic Fail of Arturo Zamora by 0-451-47624-1). In a Maine town full by Roger Hargreaves, offers four mashup
Pablo Cartaya (May 16, hardcover, of secrets, a teen is determined to bring storybooks by Adam Hargreaves,
$16.99, ISBN 978-1-101-99723-9). A her best friends murderer to justice. including Dr. First (Apr. 25, paper,
Miami boy learns the power of poetry and Ages 14up. $5.99, ISBN 978-0-515-15846-5) and
protest when a developer threatens his Perfect Ten by L. Philips (June 6, Dr. Twelfth (Apr. 25, paper, $5.99,
community. Ages 10up. hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-425- ISBN 978-0-515-15849-6), ages 37.
Felix Yz by Lisa Bunker (June 6, hard- 28811-5). After breaking up with the Max and Ruby appear in Maxs Bug
cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-425-28850-4) only other gay guy at school, Sam (June 27, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-
chronicles the month leading up to the searches for love in this rom-com with 0-515-15741-3) and Maxs Lunch (June
procedure that will separate Felix from a touch of magic. Ages 14up. 27, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-0-515-
the fourth-dimensional creature living 15738-3) by Rosemary Wells, illus. by
inside him. Ages 10up. Series Andrew Grey, ages 67.
The Metropolitans by Carol Jonathan Londons Froggy reappears in Smithsonian gains Curious About Ice
Goodman (Mar. 14, hardcover, $16.99, Froggy Goes to Grandmas (Apr. 4, hard- Cream by Bonnie Bader (June 20, paper,
ISBN 978-1-101-99766-6). The day cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-101-99964- $3.99, ISBN 978-0-515-15773-4) and
Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, four teens 6), ages 35. The Witches of Benevento Scary Plants! by Janet Lawler (Feb. 14,
help a museum curator find a book of continues with Respect Your Ghosts by hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-0-451-
Arthurian legends that holds the key to John Bemelmans Marciano, illus. by 53372-2), ages 68; and Spacesuits by
preventing another attack. Ages 10up. Sophie Blackall (Apr. 18, hardcover, James Buckley Jr. (June 20, hardcover,
My Future Ex-Girlfriend by Jake $13.99, ISBN 978-0-451-47183-3), ages $14.99, ISBN 978-0-515-15776-5),
Gerhardt (May 16, hardcover, $16.99, 710. Smithsonian adds Seven Wonders of ages 89. Animal Jam kicks off with
ISBN 978-0-451-47541-1). The three the Solar System by David Aguilar (May Call of the Alphas by Ellis Byrd (June 27,
stars of Me and Miranda Mullaly fumble 30, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-0-451- paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-0-451-53447-7)
through boyfriend territory for the first 47685-2), ages 10up. The Dove and The Phantoms Secret by Christa
time. Ages 10up. Chronicles by Karen Bao concludes with Roberts (June 27, paper, $6.99, ISBN
Well, That Was Awkward by Rachel Dove Alight (May 23, hardcover, $17.99, 978-0-451-53448-4), ages 812. What
Vail (Feb. 28, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN ISBN 978-0-451-46903-8), ages 12up. Would Captain Picard Do? Captains Orders
978-0-670-01308-1). In this take on And Traitor to the Throne by Alwyn from the U.S.S. Enterprise by Brandon T.
Cyrano de Bergerac, many twists occur Hamilton (Mar. 7, hardcover, $18.99, Snider (May 16, paper, $7.99, ISBN
before the perfect eighth-grade couple ISBN 978-0-451-47785-9) joins Rebel 978-0-515-15714-7) is a new Star Trek
gets together. Ages 10up. of the Sands, ages 12up. novel, ages 812. And Power Rangers
The Fashion Committee by Susan star in The Legend of Ninja Steel (June 13,
Juby (May 23, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN PENGUIN/WARNE paper, $3.99, ISBN 978-0-515-15976-
978-0-451-46878-9). A girl and a boy Big Brother Peter: A Peter Rabbit 9), ages 68.

122 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

PENGUIN UK Teddy the Terrible by Christian Series

Ladybird Five Minute Stories (Apr. 1, Jolibois, illus. by Marianne Barcilon First Concepts with Fine Artists
hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-0-241- (Apr. 1, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- unveils Birds & Other Animals with Pablo
24242-1) collects bedtime tales featuring 4413-2318-7). A young forest bully Picasso (Apr. 24, hardcover, $9.95, ISBN
animals, pirates, and magical adventures. becomes a lovable teddy after the inter- 978-0-7148-7418-0), ages 13. And
Ages 59. vention of a mama bear. Ages 48. Cook in a Book serves up Pizza! An
No Turning Back by Beverley Naidoo Interactive Recipe Book by Lotta Nieminen
(Apr. 1, paper, $12.99, ISBN 978-0-14- PHAIDON (May 22, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-
136890-0). A shopkeeper befriends Sipho Animals Hide and Sneak: Animals by 0-7148-7409-8), ages 24.
as he struggles to survive on the city Bastien Contraire (May 22, hardcover,
streets of South Africa in the 1990s. $9.95, ISBN 978-0-7148-7422-7). POISONED PEN
Ages 14up. Spreads present images that belong The Last to Die by Kelly Garrett (Apr. 4,
togetherexcept one. Ages 13. paper, $10.95, ISBN 978-1-929345-30-
Series Circle, Triangle, Elephant: A Book 4). A pact that bored friends make to
Puffin Books gains The Animals of of Shapes and Surprises by Kenji break into each others houses spins out
Farthing Wood: The Adventure Begins by Oikawa and Mayuko Takeuc (Apr. 24, of control when one of them is killed.
Colin Dann (Apr. 1, paper, $11.99, ISBN hardcover, $9.95, ISBN 978-0-7148- Ages 1418.
978-0-14-136874-0) and Mistress 7411-1) introduces commonand
Mashams Repose by T.H. White (Apr. 1, unexpectedshapes. Ages 13. Series
paper, $8.99, ISBN 978-0-14-136873- Before & After by Jean Julien (Mar. Faith Flores Science Mysteries adds
3), ages 79; and Beowulf, Dragon Slayer 13, hardcover, $12.95, ISBN 978-0- Code Red by Janie Chodosh (Feb. 7, paper,
by Rosemary Sutcliff (Apr. 1, paper, 7148-7408-1). Readers flip back and $15.95, ISBN 978-1-929345-28-1),
$8.99, ISBN 978-0-14-136869-6), forth to compare before-and-after scenarios. ages 1418.
ages 911. Ages 24.
Are You A Monkey? A Tale of POLIS
PERSEA Animal Charades by Marine Rivoal City of Angels by Kristi Belcamino
When You Never Said Goodbye: (May 1, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-0- (May 9, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-
An Adoptees Search for Her Birth 7148-7417-3). Animals play charades in 943818-43-3). A destitute L.A. teen
Mother: A Novel in Poems and this tale revealing animal behavior and living above a punk-rock bar risks her life
Journal Entries by Meg Kearney (Feb. characteristics. Ages 35. investigating the disappearance of a girl.
21, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN Ages 1318.
978-0-89255-479-9). An
aspiring poet searches for her Series
birth mother in this novel. Devon Santos stars in
Ages 917. Thunder Road by Ted Dawe
(June 13, hardcover, $18.99,
PERSNICKETY ISBN 978-1-943818-44-0),
Series ages 1318. And Vengeance
Little Frog returns in Little by Gregg Olsen continues in
Frog and the Spring Polliwogs The Boy She Left Behind
by Jane Yolen, illus. by Ellen (Mar. 14, hardcover, $18.95,
Shi (Apr. 11, hardcover, ISBN 978-1-943818-31-0),
$15.95, ISBN 978-1- ages 1318.
943978-22-9), ages 35.
PETER PAUPER Claire Winteringhams
Rosie & Crayon by Deborah Alphabet Parade by Claire
Marcero (Apr. 1, hardcover, Winteringham (Mar. 1, hard-
$16.99, ISBN 978-1-4413- cover, $10.95, ISBN 978-0-
2287-6) is a story addressing 7649-7659-9) is an ABC
a childs loss of a pet, process book starring a cast of ani-
of grief, and ability to love mals. Ages up to 5.
again. Ages 48. From Who Broke the Vase? by Jeffrey Turner (S&S/Aladdin) Lines and Triangles and

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 123
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Squares, Oh My! by Zoe Burke, illus. by The Egg by Britta Teckentrup (Apr. 1, boy discovers mirrors hidden in a closet
Carey Hall (Mar. 1, hardcover, $10.95, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-3-7913- that reflect a different world. Ages 10up.
ISBN 978-0-7649-7864-7). A cat dis- 7294-5) reveals eggs in all their fragility,
covers the different shapes found in the complexity, and variety. Ages 4up. Series
world. Ages up to 5. 13 Art Materials Children Should Wildwitch continues with Life Stealer
Know by Narcisa Marchioro (May 1, (Mar. 7, paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-
PORTABLE hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-3-7913- 78269-085-6) and Bloodling (May 9,
The Funniest Knock Knock Jokes 7260-0) shows how materials used by art- paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-78269-086-3)
Ever (May 16, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978- ists have evolved over the centuries. Ages by Lene Kaaberbol, trans. by Charlotte
1-62686-365-1) and The Wackiest Joke 8up. Barslund, illus. by Rohan Eason, ages
Book Ever (May 16, paper, $4.99, ISBN 912.
978-1-62686-380-4). Joke collections. PRINCETON ARCHITECTURAL
Mud Book: How to Make Pies and Smile Cry: Happy or Sad, Wailing or
POWERHOUSE/POW Cakes by John Cage, illus. by Lois Long GladHow Do You Feel Today? by
Baby to Brooklyn by Rajiv Fernandez (Apr. 4, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1- Jess Racklyeft, illus. by Tania McCartney
(Apr. 11, hardcover, $6.99, ISBN 978-1- 61689-552-5) presents this hybrid art (Mar. 1, paper, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-
57687-785-2) compares the world of book and unorthodox cookbook, first 925335-37-8). This flip-over book exam-
Brooklyn babies to that of their cool, published in the mid-1950s. Ages 35. ines emotions. Ages 25.
urban parents. Ages up to 3. A Walk in the Forest by Maria Dek The Chalk Rainbow by Deborah
Dustrats: Or, The Adventures of Sir (Apr. 4, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1- Kelly, illus. by Gwynneth Jones (July 1,
Muffin Muffinson by Adria Regordosa 61689-569-3) invites children to dis- hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-925335-
(Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- cover the woods as a place for both imagi- 45-3). A boy with autism stars in this
1-57687-821-7). A babys dreams spring native play and contemplation. Ages 36. tale of love, trust, and seeing life through
to life as her caretaker deals with mis- others eyes. Ages 48.
chievous dust characters. Ages 37. PUFFIN CANADA The Fix-It Man by Dimity Powell,
Luca the Luchadora by Cynthia The Bonaventure Adventures by illus. by Nicky Johnston (Mar. 1, hard-
Leonor Garza, illus. by Alyssa Bermudez Rachelle Delaney (May 2, hardcover, cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-925335-34-
(Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- $16.99, ISBN 978-0-14-319850-5). A 7). A girl and her father rebuild their
57687-827-9). Told by boys she cant be boy with no performing talent enrolls in lives after the loss of her mother. Ages
a superhero, Luca finds a heroic Mexican a circus school in hopes of saving his 48.
role to play. Ages 37. fathers failing circus. Ages 812. The Leaky Story by Devon Sillett,
illus. by Anil Tortop (Apr. 1, hardcover,
Series PUSHKIN $17.99, ISBN 978-1-925335-39-2). An
Animal Colors and More by Katie Viggers Clementine Loves Red by Krystyna abandoned book refuses to be ignored in
(Mar. 7, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- Boglar, trans. by Antonia Lloyd-Jones this tale of imagination, family, and the
57687-829-3) is a new Animal title, and Zosia Krasodomska-Jones, illus. by magic of books. Ages 48.
ages 37. Bohdan Butenko (June 6, paper, $13.95, Ollies Treasure by Lynn Jenkins,
ISBN 978-1-78269-118-1). Adventure illus. by Kirrili Lonergan (June 1, hard-
PRESTEL ensues when three children in rural cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-925335-42-
Animal Asanas: Yoga for Children by Poland find a frightened girl crying in 2). In this story about mindfulness, a
Leila Kadri Oostendorp, illus. by Elsa the woods. Ages 79. grandmothers treasure map leads a boy
Bahia (Apr. 1, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN The Wild Swans by Hans Christian to happiness. Ages 48.
978-3-7913-7275-4), showcases yoga Andersen, trans. by Misha Hoekstra, Our Dog Benji by Pete Carter, illus.
poses featuring animals. Ages 4up. illus. by Helen Crawford-White (Feb. 7, by James Henderson (Mar. 1, hardcover,
Dreaming Giant: A Childrens Book paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-78269-122- $17.99, ISBN 978-1-925335-33-0). A
Inspired by Wassily Kandinsky by 8), offers a new translation of this classic boys dog inspires him to be a bit less
Veronique Massenot, illus. by Peggy tale. Ages 812. fussy at mealtimes. Ages 48.
Nille (May 1, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN A House Without Mirrors by Marten Through the Gate by Sally Fawcett
978-3-7913-7279-2). Kandinskys 1940 Sanden, trans. by Karin Altenberg, illus. (May 1, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-
painting Sky Blue inspired this story by Moa Schulman (Mar. 28, paper, 925335-41-5). This story about resilience
exploring the heart and mind of a $13.95, ISBN 978-1-78269-121-1). In and coping with change centers on a girl
sleeping giant. Ages 4up. this ghost story about overcoming loss, a adjusting to her new home. Ages 48.

124 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
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S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Series All Aboard the London Bus by Patty ISBN 978-1-63322-243-4) is a gift book
A Kids Year offers A Kiwi Year: Twelve Toht, illus. by Sam Usher (May 4, hard- featuring this song and a sound chip.
Months in the Life of New Zealands Kids cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-84780-857- Ages 110.
(June 1, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- 8). Poems celebrating London spotlight a Animal Heroes: The Wolves,
925335-44-6) and A Canadian Year: family exploring the city. Ages 58. Camels, Elephants, Dogs, Cats,
Twelve Months in the Life of Canadas Kids The Story of Space: A First Book Horses, Penguins, Dolphins, and
(June 1, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- About Our Universe by Catherine Barr Other Remarkable Animals That
925335-43-9) by Tania McCartney, illus. and Steve Williams, illus. by Amy Proved They Are Mans Best Friend
by Tina Snerling, ages 49. Husband (Apr. 6, hardcover, $17.99, by Julia Moberg, illus. by Jeff Albrecht
ISBN 978-1-78603-003-0), is a follow- Studios (Apr. 1, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN
QUARTO/IVY up to The Story of Life. Ages 58. 978-1-63322-159-8), compiles stories of
Series Wild Adventures by Brita Granstrom animal heroes. Ages 712.
New 30 Second titles are The Human and Mick Manning (Feb. 4, paper, Bird Brains: The Wild & Wacky
Body in 30 Seconds by Anna Claybourne, $11.99, ISBN 978-1-84780-754-0) out- World of Birds by Jeremy Hyman, illus.
illus. by Wesley Robins (May 4, paper, lines activities to encourage awareness by Haude Levesque (Apr. 1, hardcover,
$9.95, ISBN 978-1-78240-486-6); and appreciation of the natural world. $14.95, ISBN 978-1-63322-153-6),
Inventions in 30 Seconds by Mike Ages 69. shares information about bird brains and
Goldsmith, illus. by Chris Andersen A Rocketful of Space Poems by John bird behavior. Ages 812.
(May 4, paper, $9.95, ISBN 978-1- Foster, illus. by Korky Paul (Feb. 15, Fooled Ya! How Your Brain Gets
78240-485-9); Oceans in 30 Seconds by Jen hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-84780- Tricked by Optical Illusions,
Green with Diva Amon, illus. by Robins 486-0). Poems imagine goings-on in Magicians, Hoaxes & More by Jordan
(May 4, paper, $9.95, ISBN 978-1- space. Ages 811. D. Brown, illus. by Emily Bornoff (June
78240-487-3); and Weather in 30 Seconds 1, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-
by Green with Adam Scaife, illus. by Series 63322-158-1), is an introduction to neu-
Tom Woolley (May 4, paper, $9.95, Pairs debuts with Pairs! in the Garden roscience and psychology. Ages 812.
ISBN 978-1-78240-488-0), ages 811. (Mar. 1, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1- Its a Fungus Among Us: The Good,
84780-883-7) and Pairs! Underwater the Bad & the Downright Scary by
QUARTO/FRANCES LINCOLN (Mar. 1, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1- Carla Billups and Dawn Cusick (Apr. 1,
The Five Misfits by Beatrice Alemagna 84780-882-0) by Smriti Prasadam-Halls, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-63322-
(May 4, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1- illus. by Lorna Scobie, ages 25. Little 154-3) offers facts on fungus science, plus
84780-637-6). Five happy-go-lucky mis- People, Big Dreams introduces Marie activities. Ages 812.
fits living in a ramshackle house use their Curie by Isabel Sanchez Vegara, illus. by You Talking to Me? Discover the
unique talents to deflect criticism. Frau Isa (Mar. 2, hardcover, $14.99, World of Words, Codes, Emojis, Signs,
Ages 25. ISBN 978-1-84780-962-9), ages 48; Slang, Smoke Signals, Barks, Babbles,
Deep in the Woods by Christopher and Agatha Christie by Vegara, illus. by Growls, Gestures, Hieroglyphics &
Corr (Mar. 2, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN Elisa Munso (Mar. 2, hardcover, $14.99, More by Catherine Ham, illus. by
978-1-84780-726-7). In this retelling of ISBN 978-1-84780-960-5), ages 58. Anthony Owsley (Apr. 1, hardcover,
a Russian folk tale, a bear comes across a Build a... issues Build a... Butterfly (May $14.95, ISBN 978-1-63322-155-0),
house filled with woodland creatures. 4, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1- explains how humans and animals com-
Ages 36. 84780-922-3) and Build a... T-rex (May municate. Ages 812.
Magic! New Fairy Tales from Irish 4, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-
Writers, edited by Siobhan Parkinson, 84780-923-0) by Kiki Ljung, ages 58. Series
illus. by Olwyn Whelan (Mar. 1, paper, And Discover... welcomes The Ancient Classic Nursery Rhymes Retold pres-
$12.99, ISBN 978-1-84780-763-2), Greeks (June 1, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN ents Hey Diddle Diddle by Joe Rhatigan,
compiles stories by seven contemporary 978-1-84780-951-3) and The Aztec illus. by Alejandro OKif (Feb. 13, hard-
Irish authors. Ages 37. Empire (June 1, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN cover, $12.95, ISBN 978-1-63322-161-
9 Months: A Month by Month 978-1-84780-950-6) by Imogen 1), and The Itsy Bitsy Spider by Rhatigan,
Guide to Pregnancy for the Family to Greenberg, illus. by Isabel Greenberg, illus. by Carolina Farias (Feb. 13, hard-
Share by Courtney Adamo and Esther ages 811. cover, $12.95, ISBN 978-1-63322-160-
van de Paal, illus. by Lizzy Stewart (May 4, 4), ages 15. New Modern Retellings,
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-84780- QUARTO/MOONDANCE retold by Charles Nurnberg and Joe
975-9), sets out to prepare children for Happy Birthday to You! by Colleen Rhatigan, are The Adventures of Tom
the arrival of a new sibling. Ages 48. Madden (Mar. 1, hardcover, $12.95, Sawyer by Mark Twain, illus. by Glenn

126 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Harrington (June 1, hardcover, $17.95, Little Book Of titles, ages 47. Find QUARTO/QUARRY
ISBN 978-1-63322-148-2); and Around Your Way releases In Deep Space: Travel Series
the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne, illus. Through Space and Practice Your Math and New Lab titles are Clay Lab for Kids: 52
by Rosemary Woods (June 1, hardcover, Mapping Skills (May 1, hardcover, Projects to Make, Model, and Mold With
$17.95, ISBN 978-1-63322-149-9), ages $14.95, ISBN 978-1-68297-047-8) Air-Dry, Polymer, and Homemade Clay by
26. And joining Poetry for Kids are and Underground: Travel Through an Cassie Stephens (May 1, paper, $24.99,
Carl Sandburg, edited by Kate Benzel, Underground World and Practice Your Math ISBN 978-1-63159-270-6), ages 410;
illus. by Robert Crawford (May 1, hard- and Mapping Skills (May 1, hardcover, Geology Lab for Kids: 52 Projects to Explore
cover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-63322-151- $14.95, ISBN 978-1-68297-046-1) by Rocks, Gems, Geodes, Crystals, Fossils, and
2); and Walt Whitman, edited by Karen Paul Boston, ages 58. A Journey Other Wonders of the Earths Surface by
Karbiener, illus. by Kate Evans (May 1, Through takes A Journey Through Garret Romaine (May 1, paper, $19.99,
hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-63322- Transportation by Chris Oxlade, illus. by ISBN 978-1-63159-285-0), ages 612;
150-5), ages 813. John Haslam (July 1, hardcover, $16.95, and Energy Lab for Kids: 40 Exciting
ISBN 978-1-68297-152-9), ages 58. Experiments to Explore, Create, Harness,
QUARTO/QEB and Unleash Energy by Emily
Magic with Coins and Hawbacker (May 1, paper,
Everyday Objects by Jake $24.99, ISBN 978-1-63159-
Banfield (July 1, hardcover, 250-8), ages 1014.
$14.95, ISBN 978-1-68297-
151-2) showcases magic QUARTO/SEAGRASS
tricks. Ages 710. Seagrass Dreams:
Twist Braids & Ponytails A Counting Book by
by Joel Benjamin (June 1, Kathleen Hanes (May 1,
hardcover, $12.95, ISBN hardcover, $17.95, ISBN
978-1-68297-150-5) intro- 978-1-63322-125-3). This
duces 30 step-by-step hair- counting book introduces
styles. Ages 712. marine animals that make
their home in seagrass. Ages
Series 37.
Wee Gallery Bath Books Open Wide: The
issues Color Me: Whos in the Ultimate Guide to Your
Ocean? (Apr. 1, paper, $12.95, Teeth by Susan Grigsby (May
ISBN 978-1-68297-141-3) 1, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN
and Color Me: Whos in the 978-1-63322-123-9) pro-
Pond? (Apr. 1, paper, $12.95, vides an historical look at
ISBN 978-1-68297-140-6) teeth, plus tips on caring for
by Surya Sajnani, ages up to them. Ages 68.
3. Busy People welcomes How Could We Harness
Librarian by Lucy M. George, a Hurricane? by Vicki Cobb,
illus. by Ando Twin (Mar. 1, illus. by Theo Cobb (May 1,
From John Deere, Thats Who! by Tracy
hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-68297- hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-63322-
Nelson Maurer, illus. by Tim Zeltner
135-2), ages 47. Fairytales Gone (Macmillan/Holt) 246-5), examines hurricanes and how
Wrong releases Whos Bad, Whos Good, their destruction might be diminished.
Little Red Riding Hood? A Story About Ages 912.
Stranger Danger by Steve Smallman, What on Earth? gains Bees by Andrea
illus. by Neil Price (Apr. 1, hardcover, Quigley, illus. by Paulina Morgan (June Series
$15.95, ISBN 978-1-68297-139-0), ages 1, hardcover, $12.95, ISBN 978-1- The Thornton Burgess Library adds
47. My Little Book of Rocks, Minerals and 68297-149-9), ages 69. And Follow The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk (Mar. 1,
Gems by Claudia Martin (May 1, hard- the Link picks up From Frogs Legs to the paper, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-63322-293-9)
cover, $15.95, ISBN 978-1-68297- Titanic: A Journey Through Technology by and The Adventures of Peter Cottontail
147-5) and My Little Book of Tractors by Tom Jackson, illus. by Nick Shepherd (Mar. 1, paper, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-
Rod Green (July 1, hardcover, $15.95, (May 2, paper, $14.95, ISBN 978-1- 63322-292-2) by Thornton W. Burgess,
ISBN 978-1-68297-153-6) are new My 60992-957-2), ages 710. ages 47.

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 127
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

QUARTO/WALTER FOSTER JR. $14.95, ISBN 978-1-63322-296-0), ages 1, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-
ABC Spanish: Take a Fun Journey 811; and The Know Nonsense Guide to 68297-142-0). When his father tells a
Through the Alphabet and Learn Measurements: The Awesomely Fun Guide to bear that hugging is the best thing, a
Some Spanish! by Aless Baylis (Apr. 1, How Things Are Measured! (May 1, hard- forest hugging fest ensues. Ages 35.
hardcover, $12.95, ISBN 978-1-63322- cover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-63322-297- The Street Beneath My Feet by
283-0) introduces Spanish words for ani- 7), ages 812. 101 Things releases 101 Charlotte Guillain, illus. by Yuval
mals. Ages 36. TV Shows to See Before You Grow Up by Zommer (Mar. 1, hardcover, $22.95,
Many Moons: A Fun Guide to Erika Milvy (Apr. 1, paper, $12.95, ISBN ISBN 978-1-68297-136-9) is a foldout
Learning About Moon Phases by Rmi 978-1-63322-277-9), ages 812. Good book revealing urban and rural under-
Courgeon (Mar. 1, hardcover, $16.95, for You gains Yoga for You: Feel Calmer, ground scenes. Ages 58.
ISBN 978-1-63322-298-4) explains the Stronger, Happier! by Rebecca Rissman
phases of the moon and the various shapes (Apr. 1, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1- Series
it resembles. Ages 46. 63322-319-6), ages 812. And Super Animosaic offers Can You Find Me? by
The Complete Book of Fashion Skills issues How to Code 2.0: Pushing Surya Sajnani (July 1, hardcover, $12.95,
History: A Stylish Journey Through Your Skills Further with Python (May 1, ISBN 978-1-68297-146-8), ages 36.
History and the Ultimate Guide for hardcover, $12.95, ISBN 978-1-63322-
Being Fashionable in Every Era by 284-7), ages 812. QUERCUS
Jana Sedlackova (May 1, paper, $12.95, Shes So Boss by Stacy Kravetz (Apr. 4,
ISBN 978-1-63322-183-3) explores QUARTO/WIDE EYED paper, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-68144-416-
world history and culture through the Spot the Mistake: Lands of Long Ago 1). This guide aims to give girls the con-
lens of fashion. Ages 812. by A.J. Wood and Mike Jolley, illus. by fidence and skills they need to transform
Frances Castle (July 6, hardcover, $19.99, their passions into a business. Ages
Series ISBN 978-1-84780-964-3), challenges 14up.
Joining Lift-a-Flap Language Learners kids to find 20 mistakes in each historical
is The Enchanted Forest: An English/Spanish scene. Ages 710. Series
Lift-a-Flap Fairy Tale Adventure by Wilf the Mighty Worrier is back in King
Samantha Chagollan, illus. by Evgenia Series of the Jungle by Georgia Pritchett (July
Golubeva (May 1, hardcover, $16.95, Life on Earth debuts with Farm: With 11, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-
ISBN 978-1-63322-242-7), ages 36. 100 Questions and 70 Lift-Flaps! (Mar. 2, 68144-123-8), ages 813. And the
Cook Me A... presents Cook Me a Rhyme: hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-84780- Australia Trilogy gains Long Dark Dusk
In the Kitchen with Mother Goose by Bryan 905-6) and Human Body: With 100 by J.P. Smythe (Apr. 4, hardcover,
Kozlowski (Apr. 1, hardcover, $16.95, Questions and 70 Lift-Flaps! (Mar. 2, hard- $17.99, ISBN 978-1-68144-203-7), ages
ISBN 978-1-63322-218-2), ages 511. cover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-84780- 13up.
Wacky welcomes 50 Wacky Things 906-3) by Heather Alexander, illus. by
Animals Do: Unbelievable Things That Andres Lozano, ages 36. Atlas of gains QUERCUS/JO FLETCHER
Animals Do That Seem Too Crazy to Be Atlas of Miniature Adventures: A Pocket- Series
Real! by Tricia Martineau Wagner (Apr. Sized Collection of Small-Scale Wonders by Skyscraper Throne concludes with Our
1, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1- Emily Hawkins, illus. by Lucy Lady of the Streets by Tom Pollock (Apr. 4,
63322-295-3), ages 710; and 50 Wacky Letherland (Mar. 3, hardcover, $9.99, paper, $14.99, ISBN 978-1-68144-381-
Inventions Throughout History: Weird ISBN 978-1-84780-910-0), ages 69. 2), ages 1214.
Inventions That Seem Too Crazy to Be Real! Science x 10 adds 100 Steps for Science:
by Joe Rhatigan (June 1, hardcover, Why It Works and How It Happened by Lisa QUIRK
$14.95, ISBN 978-1-63322-294-6), ages Jane Gillespie, illus. by Yukai Du (Apr. Geekerella: A Fangirl Fairy Tale
712. And Land Mammals of the World: 6, hardcover, $22.99, ISBN 978-1- by Ashley Poston (Apr. 4, hardcover,
Notes, Drawings, and Observations About 84780-843-1), ages 710. And The $18.99, ISBN 978-1-59474-947-6).
Animals That Live on Land by Juan Carlos School Of enrolls The School of Music by A sci-fi geek girl attends a con in this
Alonso (May 1, hardcover, $19.95, ISBN Meurig Bowen and Daniel Frost (Apr. 6, fandom-fueled twist on the fairytale.
978-1-63322-196-3) is a new Animal hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-1-84780- Ages 14up.
Journal, ages 811. 861-5), ages 811.
New Know Nonsense books by Heidi Series
Fiedler are The Know Nonsense Guide to QUARTO/WORDS & PICTURES Find Momo offers Lets Find Momo! A
Grammar: The Awesomely Fun Guide to the Hug Me Please! by Przemyslaw Hide-and-Seek Hardcover by Andrew
Way We Use Words! (Apr. 1, hardcover, Wechterowicz and Emilia Dziubak (Apr. Knapp (Apr. 18, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN

128 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s
978-1-59474-958-2), ages 25. And
Warren the 13th continues with Warren
0-553-51001-0). A baby transitions from
the care of her birth mother to that of her
Spring 2017
the 13th and the Whispering Woods by Tania
del Rio, illus. by Will Staehle (Mar. 21,
adoptive parents. Ages 37.
Lilly and Fin: A Mermaids Tale by
Picture Books
hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-59474- Cornelia Funke (May 16, hardcover,
929-2), ages 10up. $9.99, ISBN 978-1-5247-0101-7).
Mermaids meet humans looking to grow
RANDOM HOUSE their cache of sea creatures. Ages 710.
A Cat Named Swan by Holly Hobbie 5 Worlds: The Sand Warrior by
(Feb. 28, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- Mark Siegel and Alexis Siegel, illus. by
0-553-53744-4) is the story of a rescue Xanthe Bouma and Matt Rockefeller
cats adoption and the joy he brings to his (May 2, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-
new family. Ages 37. 101-93586-6), debuts a sci-fi fantasy
Colettes Lost Pet by Isabelle adventure series whose installments are
Arsenault (May 23, hardcover, $17.99, each set on a different planet. Ages 812.
ISBN 978-0-553-53659-1). When a girl Babymouse Tales from the Locker:
cant find anything to talk about with the Lights, Camera, Middle School! by
kids in her neighborhood, she invents a Jennifer L. Holm, illus. by Matthew
pet. Ages 37. Holm (July 4, hardcover, $13.99, ISBN $16.99 978-1-4413-2287-6
Nella the Princess Knight by 978-0-399-55438-4). In this series
Christine Ricci, illus. by Alessandra launch, graphic-novel heroine Babymouse
Sorrentino (Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.99, begins middle school. Ages 812.
ISBN 978-1-5247-1875-6), is based on Hyacinth and the Secrets Beneath
the Nickelodeon series about this uncon- by Jacob Sager Weinstein (May 23, hard-
ventional heroine. Ages 37. cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-399-
On the Spot: Countless Funny 55317-2) begins a fantasy trilogy cen-
Stories by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and tered around the magical rivers that form
Lea Redmond, illus. by Sanne te Loo Londons sewers. Ages 812.
(May 30, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- Izzy Kline Has Butterflies by Beth
1-101-93230-8), invites kids to use Ain (Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
stickers or small found items to fill in the 978-0-399-55080-5). This novel in verse
blanks in stories. Ages 37. introduces a girl juggling first-day jit-
Poppy Louise Is Not Afraid of ters, new friends, and preparation for the
Anything by Jenna McCarthy (Apr. 11, school musical. Ages 812. $16.99 978-1-4413-2318-7
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-385- Kale, My Ex, and Other Things to
39086-6). Her sister is determined to Toss in a Blender: And Other Cleanses
find something that will scare Poppy for a Broken Heart by Lisa Greenwald
Louise. Ages 37. (May 30, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
This Book Will Not Be Fun by 0-399-55638-8). A girl devises a creative
Cirocco Dunlap, illus. by Olivier Tallec summer plan for getting over a breakup.
(June 6, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0- Ages 12up.
399-55061-4). A mouse tries to guar- Summer Unscripted by Jen Klein
antee readers peace and orderdespite (June 13, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
escalating chaos. Ages 37. 1-5247-0004-1) Rainie has a foolproof
Where Do Jet Planes Sleep at scheme to date a summer co-worker
Night? by Brianna Caplan Sayres, illus. until an alluring boy with a complicated
by Christian Slade (May 16, hardcover, past joins the staff. Ages 12up.
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-399-55448-3), Words on Bathroom Walls by Julia
reveals what planes do at bedtime. Ages Walton (July 4, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN $16.99 978-1-4413-2482-5
37. 978-0-399-55088-1). At his new school,
Wonderful You: An Adoption Story a teen is desperate to keep a girl from
by Lauren McLaughlin, illus. by Meilo So learning that he struggles with schizo-
(Apr. 25, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- phrenia. Ages 12up.
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Series Molinari (Mar. 14, paper, $6.99, ISBN baby native Australian animals. Ages up
Mitzi Tulane, Preschool Detective 978-1-101-93639-9), ages 812. to 5.
reappears in The Secret Ingredient by 100 Cupboards releases The Door
Lauren McLaughlin, illus. by Debbie Before: a Prequel by N.D. Wilson (June Series
Ohi (July 11, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 27, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-449- Coco Banjo stars in Coco Banjo and the
978-0-449-81916-6), ages 25, and 81677-6), ages 812. 100 Dresses con- Super Wow Surprise by N.J. Gemmell
Gerald McBoing Boing by Dr. Seuss, illus. tinues with Ghost of a Chance by Susan (June 1, paper, $9.99, ISBN 978-0-
by Mel Crawford (May 9, hardcover, Maupin Schmid (July 25, hardcover, 85798-737-2), ages 68. Lulu Bell
$16.99, ISBN 978-1-5247-1635-6), is $16.99, ISBN 978-0-553-53373-6), ages returns in Lulu Bells Best Friends Ever by
a new Classic Seuss title, ages 59. 812. Hilo returns in The Great Big Boom Belinda Murrell, illus. by Serena Geddes
Comics Squad issues Detention! by by Judd Winick (Feb. 21, hardcover, (May 1, paper, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-14-
Jennifer L. Holm, Matthew Holm, $13.99, ISBN 978-0-385-38620-3), ages 378257-5), ages 69. And Netball
Jarrett J. Krosoczka, and Victoria 812. Princess DisGrace reappears in The Gems scores Count Me In (June 1, paper,
Jamieson (July 4, paper, $7.99, ISBN Dragon Dance by Lou Kuenzler (Mar. 21, $8.99, ISBN 978-0-14-378119-6) and
978-0-553-51267-0), ages 710. hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-0-553- Go with the Flow (June 1, paper, $8.99,
Carnival in a Fix by Philip Reeve, illus. 53782-6), ages 812. Prizewinners of ISBN 978-0-14-378117-2) by B. Hellard
by Sarah Mcintyre (Feb. 14, hardcover, Piedmont Place releases Escape from and L. Gibbs Prani, ages 79.
$12.99, ISBN 978-0-385-38800-9), is Funland by Bill Doyle (Apr. 11, hard-
a new Not-So-Impossible Tale, ages cover, $15.99, ISBN 978-0-553-52181- RANDOM/CROWN
710. School of Dragons adds Flying 8), ages 812. Welcome to Wonderland Goodnight, Numbers by Danica
Machines! by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld continues with Beach Party Surf Monkey McKellar, illus. by Alicia Padrn (Mar. 7,
(July 25, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1- by Chris Grabenstein (May 23, hardcover, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-101-
101-93346-6), ages 710. And Magic $13.99, ISBN 978-0-553-53610-2), ages 93378-7). In this bedtime counting
Tree House releases Super Edition: World 812. And DC Super Hero Girls wel- book, children say goodnight to objects
at War, 1944 by Mary Pope Osborne, comes Katana at Super Hero High by Lisa around them. Ages 25.
illus. by Sal Murdocca (Mar. 14, paper, Yee (July 4, hardcover, $13.99, ISBN The Catawampus Cat by Jason Carter
$6.99, ISBN 978-0-553-50885-7), ages 978-1-101-94068-6), ages 912. Eaton, illus. by Gus Gordon (Mar. 21,
710; and Magic Tree House Fact Tracker: hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-553-
World War II: A Nonfiction Companion to RANDOM HOUSE AUSTRALIA 50971-7). A cat with a skewed point of
Magic Tree House Super Edition: World at Ten Little Owls by Renee Treml (May 1, view has everyone looking at everything
War, 1944 by Mary Pope Osborne and hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-0-14- with fresh eyes. Ages 48.
Natalie Pope Boyce, illus. by Carlo 378056-4) is a counting tale featuring 10 Dog Trouble! by Galia Oz (May 23,
hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-0-399-
55020-1). Julies friends and brothers
pitch in to help find her missing new
dog. Ages 812.
Jake the Fake Keeps It Real by Craig
Robinson and Adam Mansbach, illus. by
From Play with Me! Keith Knight (Mar. 28, hardcover,
by Michelle Lee $13.99, ISBN 978-0-553-52351-5),
launches a series about a jokester who
fakes his way into a music and art
academy. Ages 812.
Lemons by Melissa Savage (May 2,
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-5247-
0012-6) is the tale of a girl adjusting to
her new life, her quirky detective
neighbor, and a search for Bigfoot. Ages
The Transference Trilogy: The
Dragons Price by Bethany Wiggins
(Feb. 21, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
0-399-54981-6) introduces a series about

130 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

a girl who chooses a dragon over an Addie Bells Shortcut to Growing driving accident. Ages 12up.
enemy prince. Ages 12up. Up by Jessica Brody (Feb. 14, hardcover, Now I Rise by Kiersten White (June
Goodbye Days by Jeff Zentner (Mar. $16.99, ISBN 978-0-399-55510-7). 27, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-0-553-
7, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-553- After Addie makes a 12tth-birthday wish 52235-8). The Dracul siblings must
52406-2). In this novel about finding to be 16, her life fast-forwards four years. decide what theyll sacrifice to fulfill
strength and hope after tragedy, a teen Ages 10up. their destinies in this sequel to And I
blames himself for the accident that In Darkling Wood by Emma Carroll Darken. Ages 12up.
killed his best friends. Ages 14up. (Mar. 14, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- Shadow Run by Michael Miller and
Missing by Kelley Armstrong (Apr. 0-399-55601-2). Alice races to save the AdriAnne Strickland (Mar. 21, hardcover,
18, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-399- secret-filled Darkling Wood at the end of $17.99, ISBN 978-0-399-55253-3). In
55032-4). A girl begins to question her grandmothers garden from destruc- this sci-fi adventure, a starship crew navi-
whether all the teens who came before her tion. Ages 10up. gates a galaxy of political intrigue and
left their mining town voluntarilyor at The Quest to the Uncharted Lands power games. Ages 12up.
all. Ages 14up. by Jaleigh Johnson (June 13, hardcover, Somebodys Baby by Lurlene
Trusting You & Other Lies by Nicole $16.99, ISBN 978-1-101-93312-1). McDaniel (July 11, hardcover, $17.99,
Williams (June 20, hardcover, $17.99, Determined to explore new worlds, Stella ISBN 978-0-385-74423-2). A girl whose
ISBN 978-0-553-49877-6). A teen stows away on her parents airship. Ages music career has taken off must face her
unhappy about attending family camp 10up. past when her half-sister surfaces. Ages
with her feuding parents falls for a know- This Would Make a Good Story 12up.
it-all counselor. Ages 14up. Someday by Dana Alison Levy (May 16, We Were Liars Collectors Edition
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-101- by E. Lockhart (May 23, hardcover,
Series 93817-1). On a cross-country family $18.99, ISBN 978-1-5247-6458-6) is a
Mad Scientist Academy continues with train trip, Sara feels shes changing along new edition of this novel, with new con-
The Space Disaster by Matthew McElligott with the landscape. Ages 10up. tent. Ages 12up.
(July 11, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- Bad Blood by Demitria Lunetta (Mar. What to Say Next by Julie Buxbaum
0-553-52382-9), ages 58. A Dragons 14, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-101- (July 11, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-
Guide wraps up with A Dragons Guide to 93805-8). A girl discovers a family secret 0-553-53568-6). Kit asks an unlikely
Making Perfect Wishes by Laurence Yep and a past full of magic that could both new frienda socially isolated boyto
and Joanne Ryder (Mar. 14, hardcover, save her and put her in mortal danger. help her find the truth about her fathers
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-385-39236-5), ages Ages 12up. tragic car accident. Ages 12up.
812. And Will Wilder returns in The Brave New Girl by Rachel Vincent The Whole Thing Together by Ann
Lost Staff of Wonders by Raymond Arroyo (May 9, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0- Brashares (Apr. 25, hardcover, $18.99,
(Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0- 399-55245-8). In this series launch, set ISBN 978-0-385-73689-3). In this tale
553-53967-7), ages 812. in a world where everyone is the same, about betrayal and love, kids from two
only Dahlia is unique. Ages 12up. sides of a fractured family come together
RANDOM/DEL REY The Football Girl by Thatcher one summer. Ages 12up.
Series Heldring (Apr. 4, hardcover, $16.99, Windfall by Jennifer E. Smith (May 2,
The Generations Trilogy by Scott Sigler ISBN 978-0-385-74183-5). When Tessa hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-0-399-
comes to a close with Alone (Mar. 7, hard- opts to play football and her boyfriend 55937-2). When Alice buys a winning
cover, $18.99, ISBN 978-0-553-39319- becomes a teammate, they adjust to lottery ticket for her best friend, his new-
4), ages 14up. changes in their relationship. Ages found wealth creates a gulf between
12up. them. Ages 12up.
RANDOM/DELACORTE The Go-Between by Veronica Antisocial by Jillian Blake (May 16,
The Explorers: The Door in the Alley Chambers (May 9, hardcover, $16.99, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-101-
by Adrienne Kress (Apr. 25, hardcover, ISBN 978-1-101-93095-3). In this story 93896-6). After a phone hacking at a
$16.99, ISBN 978-1-101-94005-1). In about identity and belonging, a privi- school upends students lives, Anna tries
this series start-up, a boy stumbles upon leged girl lives a lie after moving from to save those she cares about and protect
a mysterious society. Ages 812. Mexico City to Los Angeles. Ages 12up. her own secrets. Ages 14up.
The Many Worlds of Albie Bright The Heartbeats of Wing Jones by No Good Deed by Kara Connolly
by Christopher Edge (May 30, hardcover, Katherine Webber (Mar. 14, hardcover, (July 18, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
$16.99, ISBN 978-1-5247-1357-7). A $17.99, ISBN 978-0-399-55502-2). A 0-385-74393-8). In this reimagining of
boy searches for his late mother in a par- teen finds solace in running after her the Robin Hood legend, a contemporary
allel universe. Ages 912. older brother kills two peers in a drunk- ace archer finds herself in Sherwood

132 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Forest. Ages 14up. 7364-3712-7), ages 37. And Disney/ sneaks into the library at night through
One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. Pixar Cars 3 Deluxe Junior Novelization the book drop. Ages 37.
McManus (May 30, hardcover, $17.99, (May 9, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-0- If My Love Were a Fire Truck: A
ISBN 978-1-5247-1468-0). Everyone is a 7364-3725-7; paper, $6.99, ISBN 978- Daddys Love Song by Luke Reynolds,
suspect when five teens walk into school 0-7364-3726-4) is a new Junior Novel, illus. by Jeff Mack (Apr. 18, hardcover,
detention and only four walk out alive. ages 710. $16.99, ISBN 978-1-101-93740-2),
Ages 14up. celebrates a fathers love for his son.
Series Even Superheroes Have to Sleep by Littles: And How They Grow by
Nate the Great reappears in Nate the Sara Crow, illus. by Adam Record (Mar. Kelly DiPucchio, illus. by AG Ford (June
Great and the Missing Birthday Snake by 14, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-399- 13, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-399-
Andrew Sharmat and Marjorie Weinman 55806-1), reveals that superheroes, cow- 55526-8), offers an ode to the busy lives
Sharmat, illus. by Jody Wheeler (June boys, princesses, and astronauts all have of babies. Ages 37.
20, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-101- to sleep, too. Ages 25. Where Is Bear? by Jonathan Bentley
93467-8), ages 69. Alexander McCall Amanda Panda Quits Kindergarten (June 13, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-
Smiths School Ship Tobermory sails on by Candice Ransom, illus. by Christine 0-399-55593-0). At bedtime, a boy
with The Sands of Shark Island (July 11, Grove (June 20, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN searches for his missing bear. Ages 37.
hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-0-399- 978-0-399-55455-1). In this series
55401-8), ages 812. The Shadow Queen debut, Amanda opts to join her brother RANDOM/ELSEWHERE
by Lee Bacon (June 13, hardcover, in second grade. Ages 37. Questions Asked by Jostein Gaarder,
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-553-53406-1) joins Bunnys Book Club by Annie trans. by Don Bartlett, illus. by Akin
Legendtopia, ages 912. Project (Un) Silvestro, illus. by Tatjana Mai-Wyss Duezakin (May 9, hardcover, $14, ISBN
Popular continues with Totally Crushed (Feb. 7, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0- 978-0-914671-66-4). A boy asks ques-
by Kristen Tracy (May 9, hardcover, 553-53758-1). A book-loving bunny tions about loss, language, magic, and
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-553-51052-2), ages
10up. Melissa Greys The Savage Dawn
(July 11, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- Redleaf Lanes award-winning Wisteria Jane series
0-385-74469-0) concludes The Girl at
Midnight, ages 14up. And Seeker by
Arwen Elys Dayton concludes with
Disruptor (Feb. 7, hardcover, $18.99,
ISBN 978-0-385-74411-9), ages 14up.
Humorous and relatable
. . . a gentle lesson
about taking personal
Disney Princess Heart Strong debuts
Foreword Reviews
with Storybook #1 (July 25, hardcover,
$8.99, ISBN 978-0-7364-3802-5) and A valuable lesson
Storybook #2 (July 25, hardcover, $8.99, about tact for any age.
ISBN 978-0-7364-3803-2), ages 37. Kirkus Wisteria Jane
ISBN: 978-1-60554-411-3
Flip-It Picturebacks adds Disney/Pixar
Cars 3 (May 9, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978- Warm and inviting . . .
0-7364-3727-1) and Disney Princess: Ariel Young readers
and the Big Baby/Rapunzel Finds a Friend will fall in love with the
by Amy Sky Koster and Ella Patrick, mischievous Wisteria Jane
illus. by Jeffrey Thomas (July 25, paper, and her curious playmate.
$5.99, ISBN 978-0-7364-3747-9), ages School Library Journal
37. New Picturebacks are Disney
Frozen: The Frozen Monster (July 25, paper,
$4.99, ISBN 978-0-7364-3729-5) and Visit
Disney Palace Pets: Whisker Haven Tales: for Redleaf Lanes entire list of Bingo Did It!
ISBN: 978-1-60554-491-5
Meet the Critterzens! by Kristen L. Depken award winning childrens books.
(July 25, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-0-

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 133
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

being a human being. Ages 37. Stevensons 1951 poetry collection. Where Are You? by Sarah
You Cant Be Too Careful! by Roger Ages 46. Williamson (June 6, hardcover, $16.99,
Mello, trans. by Daniel Hahn, illus. by ISBN 978-1-5247-0063-8). This explo-
Roger Mello (Apr. 4, hardcover, $18, Series ration of colors, shapes, and landscapes
ISBN 978-0-914671-64-0). This story Little Golden Books welcomes Barbie: introduces prepositions and search-and-
about the importance of kindness and the My Book of Puppies (July 25, hardcover, find concepts. Ages up to 3.
dangers of greed reveals the consequences $4.99, ISBN 978-1-5247-1508-3); Blaze Bear Likes Jam by Ciara Gavin (Feb.
of a single action. Ages 58. and the Monster Machines: Rootin Tootin 14, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-399-
My Valley by Claude Ponti, trans. by Racetrack! by Frank Berrios, illus. by 55179-6). In this follow-up to Bear Is Not
Alyson Waters, illus. by Ponti (Mar. 7, Niki Foley (July 25, hardcover, $4.99, Tired, Bear wants to eat only jam after
hardcover, $24, ISBN 978-0-914671-62- ISBN 978-1-5247-1668-4); Disney tasting it for the time. Ages 37.
6), introduces an enchanted world fea- Classic: Cinderellas Friends by Jane If Your Monster Wont Go to Bed by
turing tiny creatures, flying buildings, Werner, illus. by Al Dempster (May 2, Denise Vega, illus. by Zachariah OHora
and giants. Ages 59. hardcover, $4.99, ISBN 978-0-7364- (Mar. 14, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
3713-4) and Disney Classic: The Lucky 0-553-49655-0), offers a step-by-step
RANDOM/GOLDEN Puppy by Jane Werner Watson, illus. by manual for putting your monster to bed.
Robert Louis Stevensons A Childs Allen Hubbard and Don Bestor (May 2, Ages 37.
Garden of Verses by Robert Louis hardcover, $4.99, ISBN 978-0-7364- Naptastrophe! by Jarrett J. Krosoczka
Stevenson, illus. by Alice Provensen and 3686-1); Disney Elena of Avalor: The (May 2, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-
Martin Provensen (Feb. 14, hardcover, Geckos Tale by Melissa Arps, illus. by 385-75483-5). What happens when a
$15.99, ISBN 978-0-399-55537-4). The Heather Martinez (July 25, hardcover, girl repeatedly insists she does not need a
original artwork has been digitally $4.99, ISBN 978-0-7364-3721-9); nap? Ages 37.
restored for this new edition of Disney Junior: The Lion Guard: The I Got a New Friend by Karl Newsom
Imaginary Okapi by Judy Edwards (May 23, hardcover, $16.99,
Katschke, illus. by ISBN 978-0-399-55700-2). A girl and
Gabriella Matta and her new puppy have a lot to learn about
Francesco Legramandi each other, but their friendship is worth
(July 25, hardcover, $4.99, the work. Ages 48.
ISBN 978-0-7364-3719-6) Margaret and the Moon by Dean
and Disney Junior: Miles from Robbins, illus. by Lucy Knisley (May 16,
Tomorrowland: Ghost Moon by hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-399-
Lauren Forte (July 25, hard- 55185-7), profiles this math genius who
From You Dont Want cover, $4.99, ISBN 978-0- wrote the computer code for NASAs
a Unicorn! by Ame 7364-3717-2); Disney Palace moon landing. Ages 48.
Dyckman, illus. by Liz Pets Whisker Haven Tales: A Were All Wonders by R.J. Palacio
Climo (Little, Brown) Paw-some Costume Party! (July 25, hard- (Mar. 28, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-
cover, $4.99, ISBN 978-0-7364-3723-3); 1-5247-6649-8). This story starring
and Disney/Pixar Cars 3 (May 9, hard- Auggie and his dog Daisy brings Wonders
cover, $4.99, ISBN 978-0-7364-3730-1). message of choosing kind to a picture-
book audience. Ages 48.
RANDOM/KNOPF Im Awake! by Maxwell Eaton III
Bird, Balloon, Bear by Il Sung Na (Mar. (May 2, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-
14, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-399- 375-84575-8). In this send-up of young
55155-0). A bird new to the forest tries early risers and parents who like to sleep
to find the courage to befriend a bear in, a hamster tries to wake up his father
who already has a friend: a balloon. at dawn. Ages 58.
Ages 25. The New Ocean: The Fate of Life in
Swish and Squeaks Noisy Day a Changing Sea by Bryn Barnard (May
by Birgitta Sif (June 13, hardcover, 2, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-0-375-
$16.99, ISBN 978-0-399-55622- 87049-1) examines the future of our
7). Two imaginative mice siblings oceans and how human actions may
contend with a variety of sounds change them. Ages 58.
throughout their day. Ages 25. Ivy by Katherine Coville (Mar. 7,

134 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-553- graffiti war. Ages 12up. Lance Rubin (Feb. 7, hardcover, $17.99,
53975-2) is a fantasy starring a girl and 10 Things I Can See from Here by ISBN 978-0-553-49700-7). In this
her grandmother, a healer who runs a Carrie Mac (Feb. 28, hardcover, $17.99, sequel, the hero of Denton Littles
hospital for fantastical creatures. Ages ISBN 978-0-399-55625-8). A teen deals Deathdate tackles big questions about
710. with anxiety while falling in love with a lifeand death. Ages 14up.
14 Hollow Road by Jenn Bishop girl and faces new worries when sent to Words in Deep Blue by Cath
(June 13, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- live with her father. Ages 14up. Crowley (June 6, hardcover, $17.99,
1-101-93875-1). When a tornado Denton Littles Still Not Dead by ISBN 978-1-101-93764-8). After her
destroys the houses of both Maddie and
her crush, neighbors open their home to
the two families. Ages 812.
Wonder: Movie Tie-In Edition by
R.J. Palacio (Feb. 14, hardcover, $16.99,
ISBN 978-1-5247-2019-3) includes
photos from the forthcoming Wonder PRESENTS:

o o ks
film. Ages 812.

B oa rd B
Little Ripleys
Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn
Eves (Mar. 28, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN
978-1-101-93599-6) launches a trilogy
set in a world where social prestige
derives from a trifecta of blood, money,
and magic. Ages 12up.
Grace and the Fever by Zan Its great to be diff
and one of a kind.
Romanoff (May 16, hardcover, $17.99,
ard books
Believe It or Not! bo
ISBN 978-1-5247-2084-1). Grace has a
romance with her musical idol in this ull find!
story about what it means to be a fan are the wackiest yo
and a friend. Ages 12up.
Grendels Guide to Love and War by
A.E. Kaplan (Apr. 18, hardcover, $17.99,
ISBN 978-0-399-55554-1). A misfit
who seeks to take down his nemesis ends
up falling for his enemys sister. Ages
Rickety Stitch and the Gelatinous
Goo: The Road to Epoli by James Parks
Ripleys Believe It or Not!
and Ben Costa (June 6, hardcover, ODDphabet and Wacky 1-2-3
$18.99, ISBN 978-0-399-55613-5; make learning letters and
paper, $14.99, ISBN 978-0-399-55614- numbers tons of fun! From
2). A singing skeleton searches for his a painting elephant to
origins in this debut book of a full-color singing mice, and everything
graphic-novel series. Ages 12up. in between, each quirky
The White Road of the Moon by character is based on a true
Rachel Neumeier (Mar. 14, hardcover, Ripleys-veried story!
$17.99, ISBN 978-0-553-50932-8). A
girl who runs away meets a mysterious
stranger and a ghost who need her des-
perately. Ages 12up.
Youre Welcome, Universe by
Whitney Gardner (Mar. 7, hardcover,
$17.99, ISBN 978-0-399-55141-3). A
graffiti artist who is the only deaf student
Please check out for more information!
at her school gets dragged into a town

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 135
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

brothers death, Rachel works at a book- tion of grumpy animals being awakened REDLEAF
store with her former crush, exchanging and sent off to their own beds. Ages Kimmys Marvelous Wind-Catching
letters between the pages of books. Ages 37. Wonder by Linda Glaser, illus. by
14up. Secrets I Know by Kallie George, Rachael Balsaitis (Apr. 11, hardcover,
illus. by Paola Zakimi (May 23, hard- $16.95, ISBN 978-1-60554-436-6).
Series cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-101- Kimmy is determined to make a kite that
How to continues with How to Raise a 93893-5) spotlights an imaginative girls will soar. Ages 36.
Mom (Mar. 28, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN magical worldin her own backyard.
978-0-553-53829-8) and How to Get Your Ages 37. REGNERY KIDS
Teacher Ready (July 4, hardcover, $17.99, Danny McGee Drinks the Sea by Series
ISBN 978-0-553-53825-0) by Jean Andy Stanton, illus. by Neal Layton (May Freddy the Frogcaster returns in Freddy
Reagan, illus. by Lee Wildish, ages 48. 2, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-5247- the Frogcaster and the Flash Flood by Janice
The Nora Notebooks wraps up with 1736-0). A mischievous boy gobbles up Dean (Apr. 3, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
The Trouble with Friends by Claudia Mills, everything in the entire worldexcept 978-1-62157-470-5), ages 48.
illus. by Katie Kath (Mar. 7, hardcover, his sister. Ages 48.
$12.99, ISBN 978-0-385-39169-6), ages Emma and the Whale by Julie Case, RIPPLE GROVE
710. The Extraordinary Journeys of illus. by Lee White (Mar. 7, hardcover, Mr. Tanner by Harry Chapin (May 9,
Clockwork Charlie by Dave Butler $17.99, ISBN 978-0-553-53847-2). hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-
(June 13, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- A girl helps rescue a baby whale that has 9913866-8-0). This tale of a shopkeeper
0-553-51299-1) moves along with The washed ashore. Ages 48. who sings baritone is based on the late
Giants Seat, ages 812. And The Witchs The Forever Garden by Laurel singers 1973 song. Ages 57.
Child welcomes Julia Defiant by Snyder, illus. by Samantha Cotterill (May Graduation Day by Piotr Parda (Mar.
Catherine Egan (June 13, hardcover, 2, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-553- 21, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-0-
$17.99, ISBN 978-0-553-53335-4), ages 51273-1). A gardener and her young 9913866-7-3). A girl uses the actions of
14up. neighbor star in this tale of gardening others to grow something beautiful. Ages
and friendship. Ages 48. 518.
RANDOM/LAMB Independence Cake: A Revolutionary
Dreaming the Bear by Mimi Thebo Confection Inspired by Amelia RUNNING PRESS
(Apr. 11, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- Simmons, Whose True History Is Tiny Blessings: For All Seasons (Apr.
0-399-55750-7). A lonely girl who con- Unfortunately Unknown by Deborah 4, hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-0-7624-
tracts a mysterious illness after her family Hopkinson, illus. by Giselle Potter (May 6180-6) and Tiny Blessings: For My
moves to Yellowstone befriends an 9, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-385- Family (Apr. 4, hardcover, $7.99, ISBN
injured bear. Ages 12up. 39017-0), tells of this cake baker who 978-0-7624-6178-3) by Amy Parker,
Optimists Die First by Susin Nielsen wrote the first American cookbook. Ages illus. by Sarah Walsh, encourage toddlers
(Feb. 21, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- 48. gratitude for lifes gifts. Ages up to 3.
0-553-49690-1). A depressed teen grows Little Fox in the Forest by Stephanie Roar and Sparkles Go to School by
close to a new boy in her art therapy class. Graegin (Feb. 28, hardcover, $17.99, Sarah Beth Durst, illus. by Ben
Ages 12up. ISBN 978-0-553-53789-5). In this Whitehouse (June 6, hardcover, $16.99,
Girl Rising: Changing the World wordless tale, two friends follow a fox ISBN 978-0-7624-5986-5), centers on a
One Girl at a Time by Tanya Lee Stone into the woods and discover a wondrous dragon dealing with first-day-at-school
(Feb. 14, hardcover, $22.99, ISBN 978- and magical world. Ages 48. anxieties. Ages 36.
0-553-51146-8). Photos illustrate this Mickey Mantle: The Commerce Some Dads (May 2, hardcover, $9.95,
book inspired by the documentary film of Comet by Jonah Winter, illus. by C.F. ISBN 978-0-7624-6199-8) and Some
the same title, created by Girl Rising, a Payne (Feb. 7, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN Moms (Apr. 4, hardcover, $9.95, ISBN
global campaign for girls education. 978-1-101-93352-7), centers on this leg- 978-0-7624-6200-1) by Nick Bland
Ages 14up. endary New York Yankee. Ages 48. emphasizes that, though fathers and
mothers have different characteristics,
RANDOM/SCHWARTZ & WADE RANDOM/YEARLING they all love their kids. Ages 36.
Go Sleep in Your Own Bed by Series Sesame Street I Can Do It! A Treasury
Candace Fleming, illus. by Lori Nichols Sprout Street Neighbors by Anna Alter of Stories (Apr. 4, hardcover, $14.99,
(May 2, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- continues with Bon Voyage (May 2, paper, ISBN 978-0-7624-6163-9). In these
0-375-86648-7). Pigs discovery of Cow $6.99, ISBN 978-1-5247-0053-9), ages tales, Sesame Street characters help chil-
sleeping in his sty sets off a chain reac- 69. dren navigate new situations. Ages 37.

136 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s
Small Press.
Important Books.
The Blue Songbird by Vern Kousky with Batgirl: New Hero of the Night by
(Apr. 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0- Matthew Manning (Mar. 28, paper,
7624-6066-3). A songbird flies off to $5.99, ISBN 978-1-338-11741-7) and Where do you go
find the song that only she can sing.
Ages 48.
Darth Vader: Sith Lord (Feb. 28, paper,
$5.99, ISBN 978-1-338-02982-6),
if your home is no
When I Carried You in My Belly by ages 812. Bobs and Tweets bounces longer safe?
Thrity Umrigar, illus. by Ziyue Chen along with Perfecto Pet Show by Pepper
(Apr. 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0- Springfield, illus. by Kristy Caldwell
7624-6058-8), celebrates a mothers bond (Jun. 27, hardcover, $9.99 ISBN 978-0-
with her child. Ages 48. 545-87073-3), ages up to 3.
Someone Elses Summer by Rachel Sam Battles the Machine! by Jack
Bateman (May 9, hardcover, $17.99, Chabert, illus. by Sam Ricks (Apr. 25,
ISBN 978-0-7624-6219-3). A teen honors paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-0-545-
her late sisters bucket list, which includes 87378-9) is the sixth installment of the
a cross-country road trip with the boy next Eerie Elementary series. Howl at the
door. Ages 13up. Moon is the third volume in Haggis and
Tank Unleashed by Jessica Young, illus.
SASQUATCH/LITTLE BIGFOOT by James Burks (May 9, paper, $4.99,
If I Were a Whale by Shelley Gill, illus. ISBN 978-1-338-04525-3), Ages 57.
by Erik Brooks (Feb. 21, hardcover, $9.99, More additions to Branches are March
ISBN 978-1-63217-104-7) teaches about of the Vanderpants (The Notebook of
whales in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic Doom #12) by Troy Cummings (June
Oceans through illustrations and rhymes. 27, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-1-338-
Ages up to 3. 03452-3), ages 6-8, Baxter Is Missing
The Childrens Garden: Growing (Owl Diaries #6) by Rebecca Elliott
Food in the City by Carole Lexa Schaefer, (Apr. 25, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-1-338-
illus. by Pierr Morgan (May 2, hardcover, 04284-9), and Super Rabbit Boy Powers
$16.99, ISBN 978-1-57061-984-7) is a Up! (Press Start! #2) by Thomas Flintham
new take on Andrea Dwyers 1994 book (May 9, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-1-338-
that invites children to experience urban 03473-8), ages 5-7.
farming through hands-on outdoor activity. Peppa Pig adds several new titles By Rosemary McCarney
Ages 48. including Peppa Visits the Aquarium by Canadas Ambassador to the UN
Curious Kids Nature Guide: Explore Meredith Rusu (Feb. 28, paper, $5.99,
the Amazing Outdoors of the Pacific ISBN 978-1-338-05417-0), Around the
Northwest by Fiona Cohen, illus. by World with Peppa (June 27, paper, $3.99,
Lets talk to children
Marni Fylling (May 2, hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-1-338-13980-8); Georges about what life is like
ISBN 978-1-63217-083-5). Fun facts New Dinosaur (June 27, paper, $3.99, for refugee children
such as baby raccoons are smaller than a ISBN 978-1-338-13976-1) by Eone;
bar of soap showcase the natural wonders and Princess Peppa by Annie Auerbach
and their families
of the Pacific Northwest. Ages 59. (July 25, paper, $8.99, ISBN 978-0- around the world.
545-62786-3), ages 35.
SCHOLASTIC Shopkins picks up five new titles
Dolphin Dreams by Catherine Hapka including Comic Collection by Tristan
(May 9, paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-338- Demers (June 27, paper, $7.99, ISBN
13642-5). Two friends share a fondness 978-1-338-14857-2), and Shop the Vote
for a special dolphin whose wellbeing by Sydney Malone (June 27, paper,
tests their friendship. Ages 812. $4.99, ISBN 978-1-338-13556-5), ages
48. A Piece of Cake by Meredith Rusu
Series (Apr. 25, paper, $3.99, ISBN 978-1-338-
The Willow Falls series welcomes The 13558-9), ages 48, and Hooray for
Last Present by Wendy Mass (Feb. 28, Shoppywood! by Judy Katschke (Apr. 25,
paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-0-545-31017-8), paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-1-338-12856-7),
ages 812. Backstories moves forward ages 68, are new Shopkins: Shoppies
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

stories. And Star Wars: Jedi Academy Moon Princess by Barbara Laban Anderson (Apr. 25, paper, $8.99, ISBN
shines on with The Force Oversleeps (July (July 25, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- 978-1-338-13274-8). An evil penguin
25, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-0-545- 1-338-11855-1). Set in Shanghai, this wants to take over the world with the
87574-5), ages 8-12. mystery-adventure focuses on a girl whose help of a polite octopus and a snowman
mother has disappeared. Ages 812. who loves hugs. Ages 710.
SCHOLASTIC/CARTWHEEL Who Let the Gods Out? by Maz Lesser Spotted Animals by Martin
I Will Love You by Alyssa Satin Capucilli, Evans (Mar. 28, hardcover, $16.99, Brown (Dec., $18.99978-1-338-08934-9).
illus. by Lisa Anchin (Mar. 28, hardcover, ISBN 978-1-338-06556-5) features a With humor and wit, this book presents
$17.99, ISBN 978-0-545-80310-6) rein- boy whose life becomes intertwined with animals that you never get to see, from
forces a mothers never-ending love for a a 1,964-year-old-girl, Zeus, and the rest the numbat to the zorilla, and everything
child. Ages 35. of the Olympians. Ages 812. in between. Ages 7-10.
Papercuttables by David Landis Washed Ashore by Kerr Thomson Eden Summer by Liz Flanagan (June 27,
(Mar. 28, paper, $8.99, ISBN 978-0-545- (May 30, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-338-
83488-9) combines adventure and paper 0-545-90420-9) follows teens caught up 12120-9). In order to find her friend
craft in a story that features a dinosaur in the mystery of the body of a whale and who has gone missing, Jess retraces the
named Sleepysaurus and a sugar-loving a man who wash up on a wild Scottish summer they spent together and uncovers
plant named Sweet Root. Ages 710. island. Ages 12up. secrets. Ages 12up.
Wild Lily by K.M. Peyton (Feb. 28,
Series SCHOLASTIC EN ESPAOL hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-338-
StoryPlay Books adds a quartet of titles; Cmo eligen sus mascotas los dino- 08160-2). Set in the 1920s, this coming-
Down by the Cool of the Pool by Tony saurios? by Jane Yolen, illus. by Mark of age-story revolves around Lily who
Mitton, illus. by Guy Parker-Rees Teague (June 27, paper, $6.99, ISBN 978- falls in love with the rich and arrogant
(May 30, hardcover, $5.99, ISBN 978-1- 1-338-16020-8). In this book, enormous Anthony. Ages 12up.
338-15841-0), The Three Little Pigs and dinosaur children surprise their parents The Wrong Train by Jeremy de Quidt
the Somewhat Bad Wolf by Mark Teague by bringing home a wild menagerie of (July 25, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-
(May 30, hardcover, $5.99, ISBN 978-1- unusual pets. Ages 35. 1-338-12125-4) collects scary stories
338-15774-1), Were Going on a Spooky Los pinginos adoran los colores/ about train nightmares. Ages 12up.
Ghost Hunt by Ken Geist, illus. by Guy Penguins Love Colors by Sarah Aspinall
Francis (June 27, hardcover, $5.99, (Apr. 25, paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-338- SCHOLASTIC/GRAPHIX
ISBN 978-1-338-14189-4), and Maybe a 12776-8) introduces colors through the Toby Goes to School by Franck Girard,
Bear Ate It by Robie H. Harris, illus. by antics of six creative penguins. Ages 48. illus. by Serge Bloch (June 27, paper, $9.99,
Michael Emberly ((May 30, hardcover, Gaby, perdida y encontrada by ISBN 978-0-545-85283-8). Toby, the class
$5.99, ISBN 978-1-338-16110-6). Angela Cervantes (Apr. 25, paper, $6.99, clown, is popular with friends, but the
Stinky Face offers Its Time for School by ISBN 978-0-545-84843-5) tells the adults in his life arent laughing. Ages 710.
Lisa McCourt (June 27, hardcover, $6.99, story of a girl whose mother has been The Adventures of John Blake:
ISBN 978-1-338-13582-4). There Was deported and is looking for a forever Mystery of the Ghost Ship by Philip
an Old Lady adds There Was an Old Lady home for herself and her favorite shelter Pullman, illus by Fred Fordham (May 30,
Who Swallowed a Bat! by Lucille Colandro, cat. Ages 812. hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-1-338-
illus. by Jared Lee (July 25, hardcover, 14912-8). In this graphic novel adven-
$6.99, ISBN 978-1-338-13580-0, Series ture, John Blake and his mysterious ship
ages up to 3. New to Clifford is Clifford va a kinder- are doomed to sail between the centuries,
garten by Norman Bridwell (June 27, searching for a way home. Ages 812.
SCHOLASTIC/CHICKEN HOUSE paper, $3.99, ISBN 978-1-338-04504-8). Time Shifters by Chris Grine (May
The Apprentice Witch by James Nicol Ages 35. Hombre Mosca welcomes 30, paper, $12.99, ISBN 978-0-545-
(July 25, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- Hombre Mosca contra el matamoscas! by 92657-7). When Luke investigates an
1-338-11858-2) centers on Arianwyn Tedd Arnold (June 27, paper, $3.99, eerie blue glow in the woods behind
who has flunked her witchs assessment ISBN 978-0-545-64613-0). Ages 48. his house, he stumbles upon a robot
and must face her archrival. Ages 812. And Peppa Pig presents Peppa va a nadar, Abraham Lincoln riding a friendly
Boy X by Dan Smith (Feb. 28, hard- illus. by Eone (Apr. 25, paper, $3.99, dinosaur, and a sassy ghost. Ages 812.
cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-338- ISBN 978-1-338-14499-4). Ages 35.
06564-0) is a survival adventure starring Series
Ash McCarthy who has been kidnapped SCHOLASTIC/FICKLING New to Cleopatra in Space is The Golden
to a remote tropical island. Ages 812. Evil Emperor Penguin by Laura Ellen Lion by Mike Maihack (June 27, hard-

138 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

cover, $22.99, ISBN 978-0-545-83871- by Jared Chapman (July 25, hardcover, unruly, and unconventional family.
9), and the Newts Trilogy concludes $17.99, ISBN 978-0-545-93428-2). Ages 812.
with Battle for Amphibopolis by Doug When the parts of speech gather, Verb A Promising Life: A Novel of
TenNapel (June 27, hardcover, $19.99, is always the staruntil Noun comes Coming of Age with America by Emily
ISBN 978-0-545-67664-9), ages 812. along. Ages 48. Arnold McCully (July 25, hardcover,
Braced by Alyson Gerber (Mar. 28, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-439-31445-9). Set
SCHOLASTIC/LEVINE hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-545- in 19th-century St. Louis, Jean Baptiste
A Squash and a Squeeze by Julia 90214-4). Just as she is about to face a Charonneau learns first-hand the clash
Donaldson, illus. by Axel Scheffler (Dec., great year at school with good friends, between what some call progress and the
$16.99, 978-138-05220-6) brings back soccer and an almost boyfriend, Rachel consequences it has for Native Americans.
this long out-of print-edition of this learns that her scoliosis has gotten worse Ages 12up.
story. Ages 3-5. and she will have to wear a full body Honestly Ben by Bill Konigsberg
The Too-Scary Story by Bethanie brace. Ages 812. (Mar. 28, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
Murguia (June 27, hardcover, $16.99, In the Shadow of the Sun by Anne 0-545-85826-7). In this companion to
ISBN 978-0-545-73242-0). Grace wants Sibley OBrien (June 27, hardcover, $17.99, Openly Straight, Ben confronts pressure
Papa to tell her a scary bedtime story, but ISBN 978-0-545-90574-9) is a survival at school and repression at home, as he
her little brother doesnt want it to be too tale set in North Korea about a brother figures out what it takes to be truly
scary. Ages 35. and sister who must save their father, who himself. Ages 14up.
Back to School with Bigfoot by has been arrested for spying. Ages 812. Into the Hurricane by Neil Connelly
Samantha Berger and Martha The Lotterys Plus One by Emma (June 27, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
Brockenbrough, illus. by Dave Pressler Donoghue, illus. by Caroline Hadilaksono 0-545-85381-1). Two teens who have
(June 27, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- (Mar. 28, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- recently lost loved ones find themselves
0-545-85973-8) is a first day of school 0-545-92581-5). The debut childrens trapped on an island when a deadly
story told from the point of view of a book from the author of Room centers on hurricane approaches. Ages 14up.
hairy giant. Ages 48. what happens when a grandfather with
Wordplay by Adam Lehrhaupt, illus. dementia comes to live with a large, SCHOLASTIC/ORCHARD
Big and Little Are Best Friends:
A Story of Two Friends by Michael
From Charlotte the Scientist Garland (May 9, hardcover, $14.99,
Is Squished by Camille Andros, ISBN 978-0-545-87097-9). In this
illus. by Brianne Farley rhyming concept book, an elephant and
a mouse, opposites in almost every way,
are best friends. Ages 35.
Jack and the Beanstalk and the
French Fries by Mark Teague (July 25,
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-545-
91431-4) is a retelling of the classic
story in which Jack and the Giant opt
for French fries over beans. Ages 35.
Monsters New Undies by Samantha
Berger, illus. by Tad Carpenter (June 27,
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-545-
87973-6) offers a rhyming tale of self-
reliance via a monster who needs a new
pair of undies. Ages 35.
Happy Dreamer by Peter H. Reynolds
(Mar. 28, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
0-545-86501-2) celebrates dreaming big
and finding your own unique path to
happiness. Ages 48.

TBH: A True Story Collab by Hunter

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 139
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

March (Apr. 25, paper, $14.99, ISBN 978- ISBN 978-1-338-15769-7), and Clare the 6), Rosalie the Rapunzel Fairy (Feb. 28,
1-338-05399-9). March, the face of Caring Fairy (June 27, paper, $4.99, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-1-338-05502-
AwesomenessTV, interviews YouTube ISBN 978-1-338-15770-3), all by Daisy 3), and Ruth the Red Riding Hood Fairy
stars who share never-before-told stories Meadows, ages 710. And Geronimo (Feb. 28, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-1-
about family, friendship, love, heartbreak, Stilton adds eight new titles including: 338-05505-4), ages 710. Unicorn in
and more. Ages 12up. Operation: Secret Recipe (Geronimo Stilton New York debuts with Louie Lets Loose!
#66) (June 27, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978- (May 30, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-1-
Series 1-338-08782-6), The Ship of Secrets 338-05508-5) and Louie Takes the Stage!
Fact Attack, a new series about weird (Geronimo Stilton and the Kingdom of by Rachel Hamilton (May 30, paper,
and crazy facts, launches with The Wacky Fantasy #10) (June 27, hardcover, $4.99, ISBN 978-1-338-05512-2), ages
World of Living Things: Plants and Animals $14.99, ISBN 978-1-338-08880-9), The 710. And another new series, Victor
by Melvin Berger and Gilda Berger, illus. Smelly Search (Geronimo Stilton Cavemice Shmud, Total Expert, takes off with
by Ed Miller (June 27, paper, $7.99, #13), The Mysterious Message (Geronimo Lets Do a Thing! by Jim Benton (May
ISBN 978-1-338-03839-2), ages 68. Stilton Micekings #5) (July 25, paper, 30, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-0-545-
$7.99, ISBN 978-1-338-08872-4), and 93229-5), ages 710.
SCHOLASTIC PAPERBACKS Pirate Spacecat Attack (Geronimo Stilton
Boo La La #1: School for Ghost Girls Spacemice #10 (May 9, paper, $7.99, ISBN SCHOLASTIC POINT
by Rebecca Gmez (July 25, paper, 978-1-338-08860-1), ages 710. The Beautiful Lost by Luanne Rice
$4.99, ISBN 978-0-545-91798-8) Goosebumps SlappyWorld adds two (June 27, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-
launches a new series about Boo Academy, titles: Attack of the Jack (June 27, paper, 1-338-11107-1). After Maias mother
the worlds premier haunting school. $6.99, ISBN 978-1-338-06836-8) and leaves, she embarks on a road trip to
Ages 68. Slappy Birthday to You (Feb. 28, paper, reunite with her and is unexpectedly
$6.99, ISBN 978-1-338-06828-3) by joined by Billy, with whom she is secretly
Series R.L. Stine, ages 812. Happily Ever in love. Ages 12up.
The Wish Novel series continues with Afterlife adds Crushed (July 25, paper, Just Another Girl by Elizabeth Eulberg
four new titles: Allie, First at Last by $5.99, ISBN 978-0-545-93257-8) and (Mar. 28, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-
Angela Cervantes (June 27, paper, $6.99, Ghostcoming! (July 25, paper, $5.99, 545-95628) is a tale of how battle lines are
ISBN 978-0-545-81268-9), Best Friend ISBN 978-0-545-93256-1) by Orli drawn between girls even though they
Next Door by Carolyn Mackler (July 25, Zuravicky, ages 812. The Titanic dont know each other. Ages 12up.
paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-0-545-70945- Treasure by Eric Luper (Apr. 25, paper, Lucky in Love by Kasie West (July
3), ages 812, and Donut Go Breaking My $4.99, ISBN 978-1-338-14926-5) is a 25, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-338-
Heart (Apr. 25, paper, $6.99, ISBN 978- new Key Hunters story, ages 7-10. And 05801-7). When the serious and diligent
1-338-13742-2), and Youre Bacon Me Little Rhino continues with Trophy Maddie wins the lottery, her world is
Crazy by Suzanne Nelson (Mar. 28, paper, Night by Ryan Howard and Krystle upended and she doesnt know whom to
$6.99, ISBN 978-1-338-09919-5), ages Howard, illus. by Erwin Madrid (Mar. trust. Ages 12up.
912. The Bad Guys reappear in The 28, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-338- The Wonder of Us by Kim Culbertson
Bad Guys in the Furball Strikes Back by 05238-1), ages 710. (Apr. 25, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
Aaron Blabey (Apr. 25, paper, $5.99, Ghost Attack by David Lubar (June 27, 0-545-73151- When Riya moves to
ISBN 978-1-338-08749-9). ages 710. paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-0-545-87348-2) Berlin, her lifelong friendship with
And Creepella von Cacklefur adds The launches the Monster Itch series for Abby is at risk, so she plans an epic
Haunted Dinosaur by Geronimo Stilton ages 7-10. Lola by Ellen Miles (May 9, adventure to keep them from growing
(July 25, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-338- paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-1-338-06910-5) apart. Ages 12up.
08789-5), ages 710. finds a home in the Puppy Place series, Worthy by Donna Cooner (Mar. 28,
Dr. KittyCat purrs on with Pumpkin ages 7-10. Added to Rainbow Magic is hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-545-
the Hamster by Jane Clarke (May 9, paper, Carmen the Cheerleading Fairy by Daisy 90393-6) is a story of bullying and super-
$4.99, ISBN 978-0-545-94193-8). ages Meadows (May 9, paper, $6.99, ISBN ficiality that centers on a high school
710. A new series, Friendship Fairies, 978-1-338-05484-2), ages 710. And where an addictive new app rates rela-
launches with four titles: Esther the Meadows pens four tales for the new tionships and creates turmoil. Ages 12up.
Kindness Fairy (June 27, paper, $4.99, Rainbow Magic Storybook Fairies No Good Deed by Goldy Moldavsky
ISBN 978-1-338-15767-3), Mary the series: Elle the Thumbelina Fairy (Feb. 28, (May 30, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
Sharing Fairy (June 27, paper, $4.99, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-1-338-05495- 0-545-86751-1) is a follow-up to Kill the
ISBN 978-1-338-15768-0), Mimi the 8), Mariana the Goldilocks Fairy (Feb. 28, Boy Band in which teenage activist
Laughter Fairy (June 27, paper, $4.99, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-1-338-05499- Gregor Maravillas summer at Camp

140 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Save the World turns into cutthroat Hats Off to You! by Karen Beaumont,
warfare when a competition for a prize is illus. by LeUyen Pham (Feb. 28, hard-
announced. Ages 14up. cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-545-47423-8).
In this sequel to Shoe-La-La!, three
SCHOLASTIC PRESS friends go to Chez Chapeaux to search for
Dog on a Frog? by Kes Gray, Claire perfect hats for their mothers. Ages 48.
Gray, illus. by Jim Field (July 25, hard- Old Turtle: Questions of the Heart
cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-338-11695-3). by Douglas Wood, illus. by Greg Ruth
In this sequel to Frog on a Log?, animal (Mar. 28, hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978-
rhyme pairs show that every animal has 0-439-32111-2). This companion to Old Join Lyla as her
special places to sit. Ages 35. Turtle provides more inspiration, solace
Mama Lion Wins the Race by Jon J. and hope for young readers. Ages 48. animal friends teach
Muth (July 25, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN
978-0-545-85282-1). Racing teams star-
Penguin Day by Nic Bishop (Feb. 28,
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-545-
her the joys of yoga.
ring lions, tigers, pandas and more set off 20636-5). Photographs of rockhopper
on a car race that shows how the journey penguins show how their families are just
For ages 26
is more important than crossing the finish like ours. Ages 48.
line first. Ages 35. Rolling Thunder by Kate Messner,
Pig the Winner by Aaron Blabey illus. by Greg Ruth (Apr. 25, hardcover, Eight gorillas screech.
(June 27, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978- $17.99, ISBN 978-0-545-47012-4) Lyla folds in half,
1-338-13638-8). Pig is a cheater and a honors veterans and their families with clasps hands under feet,
sore loser but when he challenges his a story of the annual Memorial Day
friend to a kibble-eating contest, he might Rolling Thunder Ride for Freedom
and lets out a laugh.
finally learn a lesson about playing nice. Parade in Washington, D.C. Ages 48.
Ages 35. Ugly Cat & Pablo by Isabel Quintero,
Plankton Is Pushy by Jonathan Fenske illus. by Tom Knight (Apr. 25, paper,
(Apr. 25, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978- $6.99, ISBN 978-0-545-94091-7)
1-338-09896-9). In this underwater launches a series about a not-so-attractive
picture book, Plankton tries to get cat and his well-dressed mouse friend.
Mussel to open his mouth. Ages 35. Ages 710.
The Queens Handbag by Steve Army Brats by Daphne Benedis-Grab
Antony (May 30, hardcover, $17.99, (Mar. 28, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
ISBN 978-1-338-03293-2). In this 0-545-93205-9). The story of the Bailey
search & find book, a chase to find the family, who have just moved to an army
Queens stolen handbag takes the reader base with a secret. Ages 812.
all over the U.K.s greatest landmarks. Beanstalker and Other Hilarious
Ages 35. Scarytales by Kiersten White (July 25,
Tool School by Joan Holub, illus. by hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-545-
James Dean (July 25, hardcover, $16.99, 94060-3). Fairytales take on a spooky
ISBN 978-0-545-68520-7). Five house- twist and feature princes and prin-
hold tools come to life and teach that cesses who are zombies and vampires.
teamwork makes a difference. Ages 35. Ages 812.
Are We Still Friends? by Ruth Defender of the Realm by Mark
Horowitz, illus. by Blanca Gomez (Feb. 28, Huckerby, Nick Ostler (Mar. 28, hard-
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-545- cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-545-93666-
64521-8). A friendship between a bee- 8). In this tale, an ordinary girl and a Hardcover 32 pages
keeper and an apple grower is strained by prince battle for the fate of Great Britain. 978-1-62203-891-6 July 2017
a bee sting and a misunderstanding. Ages 812.
Ages 48. Dirt by Denise Orenstein (July 25, To order: Call 888.303.9185
Billy Bloo Is Stuck in Goo by Jennifer hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-545- Email [email protected]
Hamburg, illus. by Ross Burach (July 25, 92585-3) demonstrates the power of Contact your local sales rep
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-545-88015-2) friendship by way of a scrawny, friendless
is a rhyming read-aloud. Ages 48. girl and a rambunctious pony. Ages 812.

S ound s True .com

S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Family Game Night and Other $16.99, ISBN 978-0-545-92409-2) is a and Pippas mom dies, their father falls
Catastrophes by Mary E. Lambert (Feb. mystical adventure about a pulls-no- apart and Jake and Pippa speak out to
28, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-545- punches princess and the power of her save the family. Ages 812.
93198-4) focuses a girl who is coping with magical pen inspired by the life and This Is Just a Test by Wendy Wan-
a mother who is a hoarder. Ages 812. times of Gabrielle dEstres, a 16th-cen- Long Shang and Madelyn Rosenberg
The Goldfish Boy by Lisa Thompson tury French princess. Ages 812. (June 27, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
(Feb. 28, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- Reformed by Justin Weinberger (Mar. 1-338-03772-2). As he prepares for his
1-338-05392-0). In this debut novel, a 28, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-545- bar mitzvah, David Da-Wei Horowitz is
boy struggling with severe OCD is at the 90252-6). Nice kid and nerd Ian is the caught in a culture clash of his Jewish
center of the kidnapping of the toddler victim of a prank gone wrong and ends and Chinese grandmothers, and worries
next door. Ages 812. up in bully reform school. Ages 812. about a nuclear attack. Ages 812.
Hear the Wolves by Victoria Scott Restart by Gordon Korman (May 30, The Trail by Meika Hashimoto
(Mar. 28, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-338- (July 25, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-
1-338-04358-7) is a survival story 05377-7). A bully gets a fresh start after 1-338-03586-5). Toby and Lucas planned
centering on Sloan, who is terrified to a memory-loss-inducing accident, but to hike the Appalachian trail together,
stay alone during a storm after losing her can he really change? Ages 812. but now Toby has to do it on his own.
hearing in one ear. Ages 812. Ages 812.
How to Speak Dolphin Wandmakers
by Ginny Rorby (Mar. 28, Apprentice by Ed Masessa
paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-0- (July 25, hardcover, $12.99,
545-67607-6) tells the ISBN 978-0-545-86177-9).
story of a girl who strug- Henry Leach the Eighth
gles to help her autistic and his sister, Brianna, have
half-brother who bonds survived a faulty spell,
with a captive dolphin. defeated a wicked spell-
Ages 812. caster, and saved the world,
Keys to the City by Lisa but now they must con-
Schroeder (May 30, hard- vince Grand Wand Master
cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0- Coralis to take them on as
545-90738-5). Lindys apprentices. Ages 812.
summer homework assign- Night Witches: A
ment to find her true pas- Novel of World War Two
sion takes her through the by Kathryn Lasky (Mar. 28,
streets of New York accom- hardcover, $17.99, ISBN
panied by a friendly dog. 978-0-545-68298-5) is an
Ages 812. historical fiction adventure
Making Bombs for starring Valya, who joins a
Hitler by Marsha Forchuk brigade of teen girl fighter
Skrypuch (Feb. 28, hard- pilots. Ages 912.
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0- Becoming Maria: Love
545-93191-5). When Lida, From Puppy, Puppy, Puppy by Julie Sternberg, and Chaos in the South
who is not Jewish, is sent to a Nazi work illus. by Fred Koehler (Boyds Mills) Bronx by Sonia Manzano (July 25, paper,
camp and assigned to make bombs, she $9.99, ISBN 978-0-545-62185-4)
plans sabotage. Ages 812. plunges the reader into a troubled and
Otherwise Known as Possum by Slacker by Gordon Korman (Apr. 25, loving Latino family in the Bronx in the
Maria Laso (Feb. 28, hardcover, $16.99, paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-0-545-82316-6) 1950s. Ages 12up.
ISBN 978-0-545-92795-6). After losing features slacker Cameron Boxer who Dark Breaks the Dawn by Sara B.
her mother, the heretofore home- forms a fake school club to do good Larson (May 30, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN
schooledand mischievousPossum deeds but is forced to take it seriously. 978-1-338-06869-6) is the first of a
Porter sturggles when she is sent to a real Ages 812. duology that reimagines Swan Lake,
school. Ages 812. Stealing Our Way Home by Cecilia featuring Princess Evelayn of Eadrolan
The Princess and the Page by Galante (June 27, hardcover, $16.99, who fears a corrupt king. Ages 12up.
Christina Farley (Mar. 28, hardcover, ISBN 978-1-338-04296-2). After Jack Frogkisser! by Garth Nix (Feb. 28,

142 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
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S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-338- The Brewster Triplets add Revenge of the SEVEN STORIES/
05208-4). When Princess Anya is forced Happy Campers by Jennifer Ziegler (Apr. TRIANGLE SQUARE
to live with her evil stepfather, she 25, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-338- Ann at Highwood Hall by Robert
embarks on a quest to free herself and her 09119-9), ages 812. The second Graves, illus. by Edward Ardizzone
land. Ages 12up. Everland title is Umberland by Wendy (Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-
The Lines We Cross by Randa Abdel- Spinale (May 9, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 1-60980-743-6) is a reproduction of the
Fattah (May 9, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-0-545-95318-4), ages 12up. And childrens book of verse evoking the
978-1-338-11866-7). Michael questions Super Slug of Doom by Matty Long (June world of Victorian England, originally
his parents anti-immigration stance 27, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-338- published 50 years ago. Ages 59.
when a beautiful, smart, and funny 05435-4) is a new Super Happy Magic The Siege and Fall of Troy by
Muslim refugee shows up at school. Forest Story, ages 48. Robert Graves (Apr. 11, hardcover,
Ages 12up. I Survived True Stories storms ahead $13.95, ISBN 978-1-60980-742-9) is a
Prisoner of War: A Novel of World with Tornado Terror: True Tornado Survival newly designed edition of Gravess 1965
War II by Michael P. Spradlin (June 27, Stories and Amazing Facts from History and book that brings the Trojan War to life.
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-0-545- Today by Lauren Tarshis (Feb. 28, hard- Ages 812.
85783-3) explores the harsh realities of cover, $12.99, ISBN 978-0-545-91943-
the Bataan Death March and captivity on 2), ages 710. Welcome to Camp Woggle by SHADOW MOUNTAIN
the Pacific front during World War II Adele Griffin, illus. by Mike Wu (May 9, Series
through the eyes of a young prisoner of hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-0-545- Dragonwatch: A Fablehaven Adventure by
war. Ages 12up. 73291-8) joins Oodlethunks, ages 812. Brandon Mull (Mar. 14, hardcover,
Overturned by Lamar Giles (Mar. 28, The Pip Bartlett series adds Pip Bartletts $18.99, ISBN 978-1-62972-256-6) is
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-0-545- Guide to Unicorn Training by Maggie a sequel to Fablehaven. Ages 8up.
81250-4) revolves around Nikki Tate Stiefvater, and Jackson Pearce (Feb. 28,
who gambles illegally to get out of hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-0-545- SILVER DOLPHIN
Las Vegas where her father has been con- 70929-3, ages 812. And Ranger in My First Words, illus. by Aino-Maija
victed of murder. Ages 12up. Time marches on with Escape from the Metsola ( (Apr. 11, hardcover, $12.99,
Velocity by Chris Wooding (Feb. 28, Great Earthquake by Kate Messner, illus. ISBN 978-1-62686-968-4) helps children
hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-0-545- by Kelley McMorris (June 27, paper, learn their first words. Ages 1up.
94494-6) is a thriller about two friends $5.99, ISBN 978-0-545-90983-9), Sleepyhead, illus. by Flora Chang
a race car builder and driver who face ages 710. (Mar. 14, hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-
Widowmaker, a deadly three-day race. A new chapter book series, Remy 62686-874-8) is a bedtime story that has
Ages 12up. Sneakers, launches with Remy Sneakers vs. children look, point, touch, count, and
Hearts & Other Body Parts by Ira the Robo-Rats by Kevin Sherry (Apr. 25, say goodnight to their animal friends.
Bloom (Mar. 28, hardcover, $17.99, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-338- Ages 1up.
ISBN 978-1-338-03073-0). Sisters Esme, 03460-8), ages 710; while another new Dig, Dig, Digger! by Gareth Lucas
Katy, and Ronnie are smart, talented, and series, The Spy Next Door, debuts with (Apr. 11, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-
gorgeous witches who meet their match Mutant Rat Attack! by Jay Cooper (Feb. 1-62686-936-3) is a sound book with
when monsters come to high school. 28, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-0-545- buttons that features hippos, bears,
Ages 14up. 93297-4), ages 710. And Vega Jane camels and other animals who build a
welcomes The Width of the World by playground. Ages 3up.
Series David Baldacci (Feb. 28, hardcover, Dinos on Deck! by Gareth Lucas
Bowser and Birdie offers two by $17.99, ISBN 978-0-545-83196-3), (June 13, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-
Spencer Quinn: Arf (Apr. 25, paper, ages 912. 1-62686-938-7). A dinosaur adventure
$6.99, ISBN 978-0-545-64335-1), and Wings of Fire flies on with Escaping story on the high seas. Ages 3up.
Bow Wow (June 27, hardcover, $16.99, Peril (June 27, paper, $6.99, ISBN 978- Kisses for Kindergarten by Macky
ISBN 978-1-338-09134-2, ages 812. 0-545-68545-0) and Storm of Sands Pamintuan, illus. by Livingstone Crouse
Graceful (May 30, paper, $6.99, ISBN (June 27, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- (June 13, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
978-0-545-77314-0), is the final story of 0-545-68547-4) by Tui T. Sutherland, 1-62686-703-1) is a read-aloud that
the Willow Falls series by Wandy Mass, ages 812. The Wish List launches features Stella, who has decided to stay
ages 812, and The Bad Guys return with Worst Fairy Godmother Ever! by home with her puppy instead of going to
in Mission Unpluckable by Aaron Blabey Sarah Aronson (May 30, hardcover, the first day of kindergarten. Ages 3up.
(Feb. 28, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-0-545- $14.99, ISBN 978-0-545-94151-8), My Fabulous Fairy Tale Collection
91241-9), ages 710. ages 812. (Feb. 14, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-

144 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

1-62686-976-9) features six tales. Beast (Feb. 7, hardcover, $8.99, 62686-907-3) is a new Lift-and-Learn
Ages 3up. ISBN 978-1-62686-897-7), Cinderella Peek-Through Book, ages 3up.
My First Animal ABC by A.J. Wood, (Mar. 14, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-1- And Peek-a-Boo Sliders offers
illus. by Maurice Pledger (May 16, hard- 62686-900-4), and Rapunzel (Mar. 14, Construction (June 13, hardcover, $8.99,
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-62686- hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-62686- ISBN 978-1-62686-732-1), and Pets
776-5) features fold-out pages that teach 898-4), by Dan Taylor, ages 1up. Up, (July 11, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-
the alphabet and introduce animals from Up, Up in the Tree by Maxime Lebrun 62686-768-0), illus. by Nathalie Choux,
all over the world. Ages 3up. (Apr. 11, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1- ages 1up.
Push-Pull-Turn! Dump Truck Gets
to Work! by Peter Bently, illus. by Joe
Bucco (Apr. 11, hardcover, $15.99, ISBN
978-1-62686-837-3) is an interactive
book that brings a construction site to
life. Ages 3up.
Push-Pull-Turn! Fire Truck to the
Rescue! by Peter Bently, illus. by Joe
Bucco (June 13, hardcover, $15.99, ISBN
978-1-62686-836-6) covers the world of
fire trucks, fire stations and firefighters.
Ages 3up.
Push-Pull-Turn! Up in the Air! by
Peter Bently, illus. by Joe Bucco (May 16,
hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-1-62686-
838-0) is a rhyming story that focuses on
flying vehicles. Ages 3up.
Trace Race: Things That Go by
Klara Hawkins, illus. by Andi Landes
(May 16, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-
62686-964-6) features a rocket ship, a
train, a boat, and other things that go,
and includes a die-cut path for toddlers
to move their fingers along. Ages 3up.
The Magnificent Book of Animals
by Tom Jackson, illus. by Val Walerczuk
(May 16, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-
1-62686-742-0) offers oversized pages
with facts and illustrations about mam-
mals. Ages 8up.
The Magnificent Book of Dinosaurs
and Other Prehistoric Creatures by
Tom Jackson, illus. by Rudolf Farkas
(Apr. 11, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-
1-62686-743-7) takes young readers
back millions of years to the age of the
dinosaur. Ages 8up.
The Magnificent Book of Ocean
Creatures by Tom Jackson, illus. by Val
Walerczuk (June 13, hardcover, $18.99,
ISBN 978-1-62686-744-4) showcases 36
animals that live undersea. Ages 8up.

First Stories welcomes Beauty and the

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 145
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

SIMON & SCHUSTER 1). In this coming of age tale, a boy whos (May 2, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-
Bad Guy by Hannah Barnaby, illus. by the last in his class to go through puberty 4814-7193-0) centers on the drama and
Mike Yamada (May 9, hardcover, $17.99, tries to fake it. Ages 1114. politics of high school when two teens
ISBN 978-1-4814-6010-1) focuses on Be the One: Six True Stories of become entangled in a cut-throat prom
sibling rivalry and the special bond Teens Overcoming Hardship with date auction. Ages 14up.
between brothers and sisters. Ages 48. Hope by Byron Pitts (May 16, hardcover, Tash Hearts Tolstoy by Kathryn
Magic Spell by Julie Paschkis (Apr. 4, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4424-8382-8) Ormsbee (June 6, hardcover, $18.99,
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- shares inspiring stories of six young ISBN 978-1-4814-8933-1). In this novel
2210-9) transforms word play into fun people who overcame abuse, bullying, about the pitfalls of Internet fame and
via a magician and his trusty assistant. war, drug addiction and mental illness. peer pressure, Tashs Web series goes
Ages 48. Ages 12up. viral. Ages 14up.
Not Quite Narwhal by Jessie Sima, First We Were IV by Alexandra Two Roads from Here by Teddy
(Feb. 14, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- Sirowy (July 25, hardcover, $18.99, Steinkellner (June 20, hardcover, $17.99,
1-4814-6909-8). This debut picture ISBN 978-1-4814-7842-7) is a thriller ISBN 978-1-4814-3061-6) presents
book tells the story of a young unicorn, in which a group of friends create a five high school seniors who experience
born under the sea, who thinks hes a secret society that spirals out of control. potential outcomes of life-altering deci-
narwhal. Ages 48. Ages 12up. sions. Ages 14up.
Sea Monkey & Bob by Aaron Mars One by Jonathan Maberry (Apr. 4,
Reynolds, illus. by Debbie Ridpath Ohi hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- Series
(Apr. 25, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- 6161-0). Tristan falls in love just as he Andy & Sandy presents Andy & Sandy
1-4814-0676-5) features Bob the puffer and his family are readying to leave Earth and the Big Talent Show by Tomie
fish and his best buddy Sea Monkey, who to be on the first mission to colonize dePaola, and Jim Lewis (June 13, hard-
learn to overcome fear. Ages 48. Mars. Ages 12up. cover, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-7947-9,
That Neighbor Kid by Daniel Save the Date by Morgan Matson ages 48. Anna, Banana, and the Little
Miyares (May 9, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN (May 2, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- Lost Kitten by Anica Mrose Rissi, illus. by
978-1-4814-4979-3). When a girl finally 4814-0457-0). Charlies high hopes for a Meg Park joins the Anna Banana series,
says hello to the new boy next door, she perfect family weekend to celebrate her ages 610. FunJungle releases Panda-
makes a new friendwith a tree house! sisters wedding are dashed when chaos monium by Stuart Gibbs (Apr. 4, hard-
Ages 48. prevails. Ages 12up. cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-
Tidy by Emily (Mar. 21, hardcover, The Education of Margot Sanchez 4567-2, ages 812. And Mike Lupicas
$17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-8019-2) by Lilliam Rivera (Feb. 21, hardcover, Home Team series scores with Point
teaches lessons about the environment $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-7211-1) A Guard (Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
though Peter the badger, whose extreme debut coming-of-age tale set in the South 978-1-4814-1003-8) ages 812.
tidiness threatens the entire forest. Bronx that features Margot, whose shop- The Kicks is back with Under Pressure
Ages 48. ping spree has forced her to work in her by Alex Morgan (May 16, hardcover,
We Are the Dinosaurs by Laurie familys struggling grocery store to pay $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-8150-2),
Berkner, illus. by Ben Clanton (Mar. 21, off her debt. Ages 14up. ages 812. To All the Boys Ive Loved
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- Far from the Tree: Young Adult Before follows up with Always and
6463-5) presents Berkners popular song EditionParents, Children, and the Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han (Apr. 4,
in a picture book. Ages 48. Search for Identity... Our Differences hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-
Bubble by Stewart Foster (May 2, Unite Us by Andrew Solomon, adapted 3048-7), ages 12up. In Over Their
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- by Laurie Calkhoven (July 25, hardcover, Heads by Margaret Peterson Haddix
8742-9). Eleven-year-old Joe who has $18.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-4090-5) (Apr. 11, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-
never had a life outside of the hospital adapts Solomons book that explores the 1-4814-1761-7) is a new Under Their
finds hope with a new nurse. Ages 810. impact of extreme differences between Skin title, ages 812. First Class Murder
The House of Months and Years by parents and children. Ages 14up. by Robin Stevens (Apr. 4, hardcover,
Emma Trevayne (Feb. 7, hardcover, Here Lies Daniel Tate by Cristin $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-2218-5) is
$16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-6255-6) is Terrill (June 6, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN the third Wells & Wong Mystery, ages
the story of a girl who must travel 978-1-4814-8076-5). A street-savvy 10up. And Dragons Green by Scarlett
through time to save her familys memo- runaway looking for a place to call home Thomas (May 30, hardcover, $17.99,
ries. Ages 812. realizes he might have conned his way ISBN 978-1-4814-9784-8) is next up
Spurt by Chris Miles (Feb. 7, hard- into the wrong family. Ages 14up. in the Worldquake Sequence, ages
cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-7972- Say No to the Bro by Kat Helgeson 912.

146 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

S&S/ALADDIN Champion by Shelley Fraser Mickle Moon Shadow by Erin Downing

Beep Beep Beep Time for Sleep! by (Mar. 28, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- (May 16, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
Claire Freedman, illus. by Richard 1-4814-8070-3) tells the story of this 1-4814-7521-1). Thirteen-year-old Lucia
Smythe (Mar. 7, hardcover, $17.99, beloved race horse and his handlers. Frank discovers that she can become the
ISBN 978-1-4814-9011-5). Sleepy Ages 812. girl shes always wanted to be with the
machines settle in for the night in this A Dash of Dragon by Heidi Lang and help of a little moon magic. Ages 812.
rhyming book. Ages 47. Kati Bartkowski (July 11, hardcover, Rules for Thieves by Alexandra Ott
Way Past Bedtime by Tara Lazar, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-7793-2) A (June 6, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-
illus. by Rich Wake (Apr. 25, hardcover, 13-year-old master chef has a lot to prove 4814-7274-6). After orphan Alli Rosco is
$17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-4952-6). as she tries to run a five-star restaurant cursed with a deadly spell, she must join
Little Joseph turns into a bedtime super- that serves cooked monsters while out- the legendary Thieves Guild to try and
sleuth as he tries to solve the mystery of smarting a greedy loan shark. Ages 812. save herself. Ages 812.
what happens after the lights go out. The Emperors Riddle by Kat Zhang William Wenton and the Impossible
Ages 47. (May 2, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- Puzzle by Bobbie Peers (May 23, hard-
The Starry Giraffe by Andy Bergmann 4814-7862-5). Mia Chen embarks on a cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-7825-0).
(June 13, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- hunt for a long-lost treasure while on a A puzzle-solving genius is forced to use
1-4814-9100-6). A generous giraffe gives summer trip to China. Ages 812. his skills to face a danger that has been
away all of his apples to his hungry friends. Fairest of Them All by Sarah Darer lurking in the background for years.
Ages 48. Littman (May 9, hardcover, $17.99, Ages 812.
Who Broke the Vase? by Jeffrey ISBN 978-1-4814-5130-7). In this Exit Strategy by Lauren Allbright
Turner (Apr. 4, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN follow up to Charmed, Im Sure, Sleeping (June 6, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-
978-1-4814-7953-0). A little dog who Beautys daughter is cursed when she 4814-7912-7). Twelve-year-old Ross tries
accidentally breaks a vase struggles with enters a design competition that requires to discover the formula for being funny
fibbing. Ages 48. a needle. Ages 812. and getting his classmates to like him in
Oakwing: A Fairys Tale by E.J. Clarke Holly Farb and the Princess of the his new school. Ages 913.
(May 16, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- Galaxy by Gareth Wronski (June 6, Love You Like a Sister by Robin
1-4814-8191-5). In this debut novel, a hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- Palmer (May 23, paper, $7.99, ISBN
12-year-old girl finds herself on an epic 7177-0). Kidnapped by aliens who mis- 978-1-4814-6642-4). Four soon-to-be-
adventure of tiny proportions after being take her for a princess, Holly fights to get stepsisters must learn to work together as
transformed into a fairy. Ages 710. back to Earth in time for a big test at they try to make their parents wedding
American Pharoah: Triple Crown school. Ages 812. day a day to remember. Ages 913.

From Barnaby Never Forgets by

Pierre Collet-Derby (Candlewick)

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 147
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

My Top Secret Dares & Donts by about an ordinary 10-year-old with an Serena Geddes (Mar. 7, paper, $5.99,
Trudi Trueit (Mar. 14, paper, $7.99, extraordinary talent: Aleca Zamm Is a ISBN 978-1-4814-6988-3) joins
ISBN 978-1-4814-6904-3). Kestrel must Wonder (June 6, paper, $6.99, ISBN 978- Marguerite Henrys Misty Inn series
battle evil twin sisters and overcome her 1-4814-7060-5) and Aleca Zamm Is Ahead along with Teachers Pet (July 11, paper,
own worst fear to prevent the foreclosure of Her Time (June 6, paper, $6.99, ISBN $5.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-6991-3), ages
of her grandmothers beloved lodge. 978-1-4814-7063-6). by Ginger Rue, 7-10; while Marguerite Henrys Ponies
Ages 913. illus. by Zoe Persico, ages 710. The of Chincoteague concludes with The
Princesses, Inc. by Mari Mancusi Bow-wow Bus by Paul DuBois Jacobs and Road Home by Catherine Hapka (Apr. 11,
(July 18, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1- Jennifer Swender, illus. by Stephanie paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-5996-9),
4814-7900-4). Hailey and her friends Laberis (Apr. 11, paper, $5.99, ISBN ages 812.
form a babysitters club in order to raise 978-1-4814-6229-7) checks into the Max welcomes three new novels: I
money to see their favorite YouTube star Animal Inn series, ages 710. And Am Fartacus by Mark Maciejewski (Apr.
at a local ComicCon. Ages 913. Crown of Three presents A Kingdom 18, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-
The Sleepover by Jen Malone (May 16, Rises by J.D. Rinehart (May 30, hard- 6419-2), Under Locker and Key by
paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-5260-1). cover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-2449- Allison Hymas (Apr. 18, paper, $7.99,
Three besties must piece together what 3), ages 913. ISBN 978-1-4814-6342-3), and The
happened after an epic sleepover goes Donnys Inferno adds Down in Flames Wild Bunch by Jan Gangsei (July 11,
awry. Ages 913. by P.W. Catanese (Apr. 4, hardcover, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-6828-
Spring Break Mistake by Allison $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-3803-2), 2), ages 913.The Misadventures of Max
Gutknecht (Mar. 7, paper, $7.99, ISBN ages 812. The Friendship Garden Crumbly 2 by Rachel Rene Russell
978-1-4814-7153-4). A tween uses her offers Starry Skies and Fireflies by Jenny (June 6, hardcover, $13.99, ISBN 978-
photography skills to track down a missing Meyerhoff, illus. by va Chatelain (Feb. 1-4814-6003-3) is the second install-
classmate during a class trip in New York 7, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- ment of this new series featuring
City. Ages 913. 7051-3, ages 710. Nyx the Mysterious by middle-schooler Max Crumbly, ages
Star-Crossed by Barbara Dee (Mar. 14, Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams (Apr. 913. Mrs. Smiths Spy School for Girls
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- 4, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- launches a new series by Beth McMullen
7848-9). Mattie is chosen to play 7014-8) is the latest Goddess Girls, ages (July 4, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-
Romeo opposite her crush in the eighth- 812. And The Great Mouse Detective 1-4814-9020-7), ages 913. And Ice
grade production of Shakespeares play. returns with Basil and the Lost Colony Cream Summer by Megan Atwood (May
Ages 913. (May 16, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1- 2, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-
Sydney Mackenzie Knocks Em 4814-6413-0) and Basil in the Wild West 4814-9047-4) is the first in a series of
Dead by Cindy Callaghan (Mar. 7, hard- (Feb. 7, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- Orchard Novels about friends who live
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-6569-4). 6410-9) by Eve Titus, illus. by Paul and work together on an apple orchard,
Aspiring young actress Sydney moves to Galdone, ages 69. ages 812.
Delaware after her parents inherit a cem- Heroes in Training carries on with Penelope Perfect presents Private
etery, and becomes involved in a mystery Hermes and the Horse with Wings created by List for Camp Success (Apr. 25, paper,
surrounding the Underground Railroad. Joan Holub et al., illus. by Craig Phillips $5.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-6604-2), and
Ages 913. (Apr. 4, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- Project Best Friend (Apr. 25, paper, $5.99,
Willows vs. Wolverines by Alison 8831-0), ages 69. And second up in ISBN 978-1-4814-6601-1) by Chrissie
Cherry (Apr. 11, hardcover, $17.99, The It Girl trilogy is Team Awkward by Perry, illus. by Marta Kissi, ages 710.
ISBN 978-1-4814-6354-6). When Izzy Katy Birchall (Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.99, Piper Morgan swims on with Piper
and MacKenzie go to a new summer ISBN 978-1-4814-6365-2), ages 913. Morgan Makes a Splash by Stephanie
camp, an all-out boys vs. girls prank war Jeter Publishing tosses out Baseball Faris, illus. by Lucy Fleming, ages 69.
ensues. Ages 913. Genius by Tim Green and Derek Jeter PIX adds This Little Piggy: An Owners
You Throw Like a Girl by Rachele (Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- Manual by Cyndi Marko, (June 13,
Alpine (Feb. 14, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978- 4814-6864-0), ages 812. Made by hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-
1-4814-5984-6). During summer vaca- Hand offers Bicycles by Patricia Lakin 6826-8), ages 6-9. And three new titles
tion Gabby is torn between competing in (Feb. 7, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- join The Secret Rescuers series by Paula
a beauty pageant and playing baseball. 4814-7896-0), ages 812, and Skateboards Harrison, illus. by Sophy Williams: The
Ages 913. by Patricia Lakin (Feb. 7, hardcover, Baby Firebird (July 18, paper, $5.99,
$17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-4833-8), ISBN 978-1-4814-7613-3), The Sky
Series ages 8-12. Unicorn (Mar. 7, paper, $5.99, ISBN
Aleca Zamm launches with two titles Pony Swim by Judy Katschke, illus. by 978-1-4814-7610-2), and The Storm

148 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
Books are
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s NEW

Dragon (Mar. 7, paper, $5.99, ISBN

978-1-4814-7607-2), ages 710.
Sparkle Spa shines on with Glam
Opening! by Jill Santopolo, illus. by
ular instrument. Ages 48.
Rutabaga Boo! by Sudipta Bardhan-
Quallen, illus. by Bonnie Adamson (Mar.
14, hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-1-
Cathi Mingus (June 20, paper, $5.99, 4814-2461-5). Two simple wordsruta-
ISBN 978-1-4814-6395-9), ages 7-10. baga and booplayfully celebrate the
And Dragon Captives by Lisa McMann special bond between a mother and her
(Feb. 7, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- son. Ages 48.
1-4814-5681-4) joins The Unwanteds Super Manny! by Kelly DiPucchio,
Quests, ages 812. illus. by Stephanie Graegin (July 4, hard-
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-5960-
S&S/ALADDIN/BEYOND WORDS 0). Manny can conquer zombie bears,
Growing Friendships: A Kids Guide cloud monsters and alien robots but must Out of School and Into Nature:
to Making and Keeping Friends by find his inner superpowers to overcome The Anna Comstock Story
Follow the life and career of naturalist
Eileen Kennedy-Moore and Christine his real-life nemesis. Ages 48. Anna Comstock, who defied social con-
McLaughlin (July 18, paper, $14.99, This House, Once by Deborah ventions and pursued the study of science.
ISBN 978-1-58270-588-0) features more Freedman (Feb. 28, hardcover, $17.99, An inspirational must-read for budding
than 200 cartoons that help kids with ISBN 978-1-4814-4284-8). Inviting scientists and those who teach them.
social skills. Ages 69. readers to think about where things come Starred Kirkus Reviews
978-1-58536-986-7, Hardcover, $16.99
The Book of What If..? Questions from and what nature provides, this book
and Activities for Curious Minds by asks: what was your home, once? Ages
Matt Murrie and Andrew McHugh 48.
(Apr. 18, paper, $12.99, ISBN 978-1- Tales for the Perfect Child by
58270-528-6) asks questions to Florence Parry Heide, illus. by Sergio
encourage kids to explore and engage Ruzzier (Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
with the world around them. Ages 812. 978-1-4814-6379-9) offers a never-
before-published story in this new edi-
Series tion of this chapter book. Ages 610.
Be What You Want continues with So, Fables You Shouldnt Pay Any
You Want to Work with Animals? by J.M. Attention To by Florence Parry Heide A Symphony of Cowbells
Bedell (Apr. 4, paper, $12.99, ISBN 978- and Sylvia Worth Van Clief, illus. by During the spring, as the dairy cows make
their way up the mountainside, their
1-58270-597-2), ages 812. Sergio Ruzzier (July 25, hardcover, cowbells play a wonderful symphony!
$16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-6382-9). 978-1-58536-968-3, Hardcover, $16.99
S&S/ATHENEUM This new edition of subversive fables is
Firefighter Duckies! by Frank W. the companion to Tales for the Perfect
Dormer, (May 30, hardcover, $17.99, Child. Ages 610.
ISBN 978-1-4814-6090-3). A story One Shadow on the Wall by Leah
about the Firefighter Duckies, who rescue Henderson (June 6, hardcover, $16.99,
gorillas, whales and dinosaurs. Ages 48. ISBN 978-1-4814-6295-2). Set in
Halloween Good Night by Rebecca Senegal, this tale is laced with magic
Grabill, illus. by Ella Okstad (July 25, realism about a boy who finds it impos-
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- sible to keep the promise he made to his
5061-4). This combination bedtime, dying father. Ages 812. A Book of Bridges:
Here to There And Me to You
Halloween, and counting tale features Our Story Begins: Childrens
What is a bridge? Through informative
sweet, not scary, monsters. Ages 48. Authors and Illustrators Share Fun, sidebar text and detailed illustrations,
The Music of Life: Bartolomeo Inspiring, and Occasionally Ridiculous readers are given an opportunity to see the
Cristofori & the Invention of the Piano Things They Wrote and Drew as Kids, many ways bridges can connect us.
by Elizabeth Rusch, illus. by Marjorie ed. by Elissa Brent Weissman (July 4, A fine introduction to bridges and the great
Priceman (Apr. 18, hardcover, $17.99, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- truth of connectivity. Kirkus Reviews
978-1-58536-996-6, Hardcover, $16.99
ISBN 978-1-4814-4484-2). Biographer 7208-1) gathers childhood works by some
Rusch and two-time Caldecott Honor of todays foremost childrens authors and
artist Priceman team up to tell the story illustrators, revealing their nascent talent.
of the invention of the worlds most pop- Ages 812.
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Three Pennies by Melanie Crowder illus. by Katherine Tillotson (Mar. 7, S&S/BEACH LANE
(May 2, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- Can an Aardvark Bark? by Melissa
4814-7187-9). A girl in foster care tries 1571-2) is an homage to the melodies of Stewart, illus. by Steve Jenkins (June 13,
to find her birth mother before she loses nighttime for each critter that sings, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-
her forever. Ages 812. hoots, or glows. Ages 48. 5852-8) explores the many sounds of all
Wormwood Mire by Judith Rossell Cyclone by Doreen Cronin, illus. by kinds of animals from salamanders to
(July 25, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- TBA (May 16, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN porcupines. Ages 28.
1-4814-4370-8). In this sequel to 978-1-4814-3525-3). Noras blames her- Feathers and Hair, What Animals
Withering-by-Sea, Stella is sent away to the self when her cousin Riley falls into a Wear by Jennifer Ward, illus. by Jing
moldering old family estate, where she coma after a ride on Coney Islands famed Jing Tsong (Mar. 7, hardcover, $17.99,
discovers two odd cousinsand a mys- rollercoaster. Ages 812. ISBN 978-1-4814-3081-4) shows the
tery. Ages 812. Outside In by Jennifer Bradbury feathers, fur, skin, or hair of different ani-
The Many Reflections of Miss Jane (June 6, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- mals. Ages 28.
Deming by J. Anderson Coats (Feb. 28, 4424-6827-6) is based on the true story Shake a Leg, Egg! by Kurt Cyrus,
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- of a homeless 12-year-old in Chandigarh, (Mar. 14, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
6496-3) features a high-spirited young India who stumbles on a secret garden 1-4814-5848-1) celebrates the excite-
woman who is part of a group of Civil full of sculptures and sees the possibility ment and anticipation of a soon-to-be
War widows and orphans brought to the of another way of life. Ages 812. born-baby by way of a family of geese.
frontier in the Washington Territory. The Whole Sky by Heather Henson Ages 28.
Ages 10up. (July 25, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- We Love You, Rosie! by Cynthia
Quicksand Pond by Janet Taylor Lisle 1-4424-1405-1). When a devastating Rylant, illus. by Linda Davick (Feb. 28,
(May 16, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- sickness spreads through a thoroughbred hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4424-
1-4814-7222-7). Newbery Honor author farm community, a young horse whis- 6511-4). A day in the life of Rosie the
Lisle spins a tale about a pivotal summer perer is determined to find out why all dog teaches the concept of opposites.
in two girls lives set on the shadowy and the foals are dying. Ages 812. Ages 37.
mysterious King Louies Shoes by D.J. Steinberg,
Quicksand Pond. Ages 10up. Series illus. by Robert Neubecker (July 11,
Murder Among the Stars by Adam Spring brings a new Olivia story, Olivia hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-
Shankman and Laura L. Sullivan (June the Spy by Ian Falconer (Apr. 4, hardcover, 2657-2). When King Louie XIV dons
13, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-5795-8), high heels to make him appear taller and
4814-4790-4) In this sequel to Girl ages 4-8. The Bulldozer Books forge falls on the dance floor, he learns a lesson
About Town, a murderer is picking off ahead with Bulldozer Helps Out by Candace about his subjects. Ages 48.
young Hollywood starlets gathered at the Fleming, illus. by Eric Rohmann (May 16, My Little Fox by Rick Chrustowski
swanky Hearst Castle, and Lulu Kelly hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- (May 9, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-
might be nextunless she can find the 5894-8), ages 47. The Chicken 4814-6961-6). Rhyming text tells the
killer first. Ages 14up. Squad squawks again with Dark tale of foxs first year of life right next to
Shadows: Yes, Another Misadventure by his Mama. Ages up to 5.
Series Doreen Cronin, illus. by Stephen Gilpin The Secret Project by Jonah Winter,
Gaston and Friends follows up Gaston (Mar. 14, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978- illus. by Jeanette Winter (Feb. 7, hard-
with Antoinette by Kelly DiPucchio, illus. 1-4814-5049-2), ages 710. And Sam cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-6913-5).
by Christian Robinson (Feb. 21, hard- the Man offers Sam the Man & the Set in New Mexico, this book tells the
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-5783- Rutabaga Plan by Frances ORoark story of the creation of the atomic bomb.
5), ages 48. Dowell, illus. by Amy June Bates (Feb. 14, Ages 58.
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- Life by Cynthia Rylant, illus. by
S&S/ATHENEUM/DLOUHY 4069-1), ages 69. Brendan Wenzel (June 27, hardcover,
Priscilla Gorilla by Barbara Bottner, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-5162-8)
illus. by Michael Emberley (Mar. 7, S&S/ATHENEUM/JACKSON offers a meditation on finding beauty
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- Bob and Tom by Denys Cazet (July 25, around us every day and finding strength
5897-9). The day Priscilla gets a book hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- in adversity. Ages 5up.
about gorillas, she instantly becomes 6140-5). Two bumbling and bored
obsessed and her whole class goes gorilla. turkeys try to figure out what to do with Series
Ages 47. their day. Ages 48. Lighthouse Family welcomes The Sea
All Ears, All Eyes by Richard Jackson, Lion by Cynthia Rylant, illus. by Preston

150 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

McDaniels (Mar. 14, hardcover, $15.99, Sirotich (June 6, hardcover, $12.99, (May 9, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-
ISBN 978-1-4814-6025-5), ages 610. ISBN 978-1-4814-9546-2). Teamwork 9432-8) and Marion and the Secret Letter
And Pug & Pig tugs along with Pug & is the lesson in this book based on the (Feb. 28, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-
Pig Trick-or-Treat by Sue Lowell Gallion, nursery rhyme, The House That Jack 4814-8702-3) by Callie Barkley, illus. by
illus. by Joyce Wan (July 25, hardcover, Built. Ages 47. Tracy Bishop, ages 59.
$17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-4977-9), Dragons Rule, Princesses Drool! by Daisy Dreamer springs forward with
ages 28. Courtney Pippin-Mathur (May 2, hard- Daisy Dreamer and the Totally True
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-6138- Imaginary Friend (Apr. 4, paper, $5.99,
S&S/GALLERY 2). When princesses invade the dragons ISBN 978-1-4814-8630-9) and Daisy
The Maddie Diaries: A Memoir by land, how will they ever learn to get Dreamer and the World of Make-Believe
Maddie Ziegler (Mar. 7, hardcover, along? Ages 48. (Apr. 4, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-
$21.99, ISBN 978-1-5011-5066-1). A Delivery Trucks! by Jeffrey Burton, 8633-0) by Holly Anna, illus. by
teen dance prodigy explains the hard illus. by Jay Cooper (May 30, hardcover, Genevieve Santos, Ages 59. The Data
work she put into her rise to stardom and $7.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-9219-5) is a Set logs its sixth book with Invasion of the
offers the lessons shes learned. Ages truck-shaped, lift-the-flap book about Insects by Ada Hopper, illus. by Sam
14up. delivery trucks. All ages. Ricks (Apr. 4, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-
4814-7116-9), ages 59. And Popcorn by
S&S/LITTLE SIMON Series Frank Asch (July 25, hardcover, $7.99,
Babys Big Busy Book by Karen Katz Its Raining, Its Pouring by Poppy Green, ISBN 978-1-4814-9958-3) is a new
(Feb. 7, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-1- illus. by Jennifer A. Bell (Mar. 7, paper, Frank Asch Bear Book, ages 25.
4814-8830-3). Baby wakes up, eats, and $5.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-8589-0) is the Galaxy Zack soars ahead with Ready, Set,
gets ready to play in this jumbo-sized lastest installment of The Adventures Blast Off! by Ray ORyan, illus. by Jason
busy book featuring touch-and-feels, lift- of Sophie Mouse, ages 59. The Bear Kraft (Mar. 28, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-
the-flaps, mirrors, and more. Ages 14. Books add Bear Counts by Karma 1-4814-8595-1), ages 59. Heidi
Catch Me If You Can by Cindy Jin, Wilson, illus. by Jane Chapman (July 4, Heckelbeck is back in Heidi Heckelbeck
illus. by Stephan Lomp (May 30, hard- hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- and the Magic Puppy by Wanda Coven,
cover, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-9218-8) 9952-1), ages 25. Captain Awesome illus. by Priscilla Burris (June 6, paper,
is an interactive book in which young flies on with Captain Awesome Takes Flight $5.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-9521-9), ages
readers fingers become a part of the by Stan Kirby, illus. by George OConnor 59. And Laugh Out Loud presents
reading experience. Ages 14. (May 2, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- Laugh Out Loud Animals (Apr. 25, paper,
The Road That Trucks Built by 9441-0), ages 5-9. And two titles join $6.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-8117-5) and
Susanna Leonard Hill, illus. by Erica The Critter Club: Amy on Park Patrol Laugh Out Loud More Kitten Around (July
25, paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-
9959-0) by Jeffrey Burton, ages 57.
New Books for Newborns is a new
series that kicks off with three titles:
Blanket of Love by Alyssa Satin Capucilli,
illus. by Brooke Boynton Hughes (May
16, hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-
8972-0); Mama Loves You So by Terry
Pierce, illus. by Simone Shin (Mar. 14,
hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-
8159-5); and Welcome Home, Baby! by
Abigail Tabby, illus. by Sam Williams
(June 27, hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-
5344-0103-7), ages up to 3. Once upon
a World welcomes Rapunzel by Chloe
Perkins, illus. by Archana Sreenivasan
(Mar. 21, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-
4814-9072-6), ages 24. And Rider
Woofson returns in The Big Bad Woof by
From Rhino in the
Walker Styles, illus. by Ben Whitehouse
House by Daniel Kirk
(Abrams) (July 25, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 151
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

4814-9188-4), ages 59. book series discovers that his favorite Saints, Misfits, Monsters, and
Super Turbo charges ahead with Super book series might be less fictional than Mayhem by S.K. Ali (June 13, hardcover,
Turbo vs. the Pencil Pointer by Lee Kirby, he thought. Ages 812. $18.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-9924-8).
illus. by George OConnor (July 4, paper, The Heart of Everything That Is: A Muslim teen stars in this debut as a
$5.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-9438-0), ages Young Readers Edition by Bob Drury Flannery OConnor-obsessed book nerd
59. When Your adds When Your and Tom Clavin, adapted by Kate Waters who suddenly finds herself caring
Elephant Has the Sniffles (July 11, hard- (Feb. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1- about what other people think of her.
cover, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-9504-2) 4814-6460-4) offers the story of the Siouxs Ages 14up.
and When Your Lion Needs a Bath (July 11, chief Red Cloud, the only American
hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- Indian in history to defeat the United S&S/SIMON PULSE
9502-8) by Susanna Leonard Hill, illus. States Army in a war. Ages 10up. In a Perfect World by Trish Doller
by Daniel Wiseman, ages 24. And The The Beast Is an Animal by Peternelle (May 23, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
World of Eric Carle welcomes My First van Arsdale (Feb. 28, hardcover, $17.99, 1-4814-7988-2). Carolines life is
Peek-a-Boo Animals by Eric Carle (June 6, ISBN 978-1-4814-8841-9). A girl with a upended when her mother is hired to
hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 0-978-1-5344- secret talent must save her village from open a clinic in Cairo, Egypt. Ages 12up.
0105-1), ages 24. the soul eaters. Ages 14up. The Shadows We Know by Heart
Eat the Sky, Drink the Ocean, ed. by by Jennifer Park (Mar. 14, hardcover,
S&S/MCELDERRY Kirsty Murray, Payal Dhar, and Anita $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-6351-5).
Whobert Whover, Owl Detective by Roy (Mar. 7, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN Leah has been miserable since her brother
Jason Gallaher, illus. by Jess Pauwels 978-1-4814-7057-5). Nineteen female died and her mother started drinking,
(July 18, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- contributors from India and Australia until she finds herself falling for a myste-
1-4814-6271-6). Whobert Whover, Owl offer a collection of science fiction and rious boy who lives in the forest behind
Detective, tries to keep his woods safe in fantasy tales that reimagine what girls her house. Ages 12up.
this who-who-dun-it. Ages 46. and boyscan be. Ages 14up. Untitled by Jenna Evans Welch (July 4,
Hey, Boy by Benjamin Strouse, illus. hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-5344-
by Jennifer Phelan (May 2, hardcover, Series 0100-6). Addie hopes that a road trip
$15.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-7101-5). This A Fiery Friendship by Lisa Fiedler, illus. through the rolling hills of Ireland will not
debut is a tale about the unfaltering love by Sebastian Giacobino (May 23, hard- only bring the romance and adventure she
between a boy and his pet. Ages 48. cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-6971-5) seeksbut also help fix her shattered rela-
Long May She Wave: The True launches Ages of Oz, a series that stars tionship with her brother. Ages 12up.
Story of Caroline Pickersgill and Her Glinda, the good witch, ages 8-12. The Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett
Star-Spangled Creation by Kristen Dark Artifices continues with Lord of (Apr. 4, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-
Fulton, illus. by Holly Berry (May 2, Shadows by Cassandra Clare (May 23, 4814-7877-9) presents a teen spin on
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- hardcover, $24.99, ISBN 978-1-4424- Youve Got Mail, as Bailey must choose
6096-5) centers on the girl who sewed 6840-5), a Shadowhunters novel, ages between her online crush and her co-
the American flag that inspired the lyrics 14up. And The Pudding Problem by Joe worker. Ages 14up.
of the National Anthem. Ages 48. Berger (May 9, hardcover, $13.99, ISBN At the Edge of the Universe by
Rodzilla by Rob Sanders, illus. by Dan 978-1-4814-7083-4) is the first of a new Shaun David Hutchinson (Feb. 7, hard-
Santat (May 9, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN series, Lyttle Lies, featuring an 11-year-old cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-4966-3).
978-1-4814-5779-8). Caldecott Medalist prone to stretching the truth, ages 812. A gay teen believes the universe is slowly
Santat illustrates a tale, told as a news shrinking as things he remembers are
report, of a chubby monstrosity on a tear S&S/SALAAM READS being erased from others memories.
through the city. Ages 48. Aminas Voice by Hena Khan (Mar. 14, Ages 14up.
Binny Bewitched by Hilary McKay, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- Blacksouls by Nicole Castroman (Apr.
illus. by Tony Ross (June 27, hardcover, 9206-5). A Pakistani-American Muslim 11, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-
$16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-9102-0). When girl struggles to stay true to her familys 4814-9105-1) is a sequel to Blackhearts in
a girl finds the money someone left vibrant culture while simultaneously which Edward Teach Drummond risks
behind at an ATMand then loses it blending in at school after her mosque is mutiny in order to save his crew from
she must play detective. Ages 812. vandalized. Ages 812. attacking Spanish ships. Ages 14up.
Gnome-a-geddon by K.A. Holt, The Gauntlet by Karuna Riazi (Mar. Bombshell by Rowan Maness (July 4,
illus. by Colin Jack (May 2, hardcover, 28, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-
$16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-7845-8). A 8696-5) A trio of friends get trapped inside 4164-3). A bored suburban teen who
fan of the Triumphant Gnome Syndicate a mechanical board game. Ages 812. creates alternative lives online life is

152 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
Where friendship, acceptance,
and togetherness live.
Sterling Children's Books

Together Always Norton and Alpha Thousand Star Hotel

9781454923268 February 2017 9781454924999 March 2017 9781454918301 March 2017
$14.95 Hardcover with jacket $14.95 Hardcover with jacket $17.95 Hardcover + CD
99 48 pages Ages 4+ 911 44 pages Ages 4+ 99 40 pages Ages 4+

Hoot and Honk Just Can't Sleep Dance is for Everyone Big Little Hippo
9781454921257 March 2017 9781454921141 April 2017 9781454919063 April 2017
$14.95 Hardcover with jacket $16.95 Hardcover with jacket $14.95 Hardcover with jacket
1010 40 pages Ages 2+ 810 32 pages Ages 3+ 810 40 pages Ages 3+
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

threatened by a stalker. Ages 14up. Want by Cindy Pon (June 13, hard- $10.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-8131-1), ages
Boy by Blake Nelson (June 6, hard- cover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- 14up.
cover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-8813-6). 8922-5) is a sci-fi thriller set in a near-
Cool kid Gavin Meek is captivated by a future Taipei plagued by pollution S&S/SIMON SPOTLIGHT
new girl at school and finds new ways to that affects the poor but not the rich. Series
express his own truth. Ages 14up. Ages 14up. Billy Sure Kid Entrepreneur expands
Finding Whats Real by Emma When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya with Billy Sure Kid Entrepreneur and the
Harrison (Mar. 28, hardcover, $17.99, Menon (May 30, hardcover, $17.99, Attack of the Mysterious Lunch Meat (May
ISBN 978-1-4814-4215-2). In this ISBN 978-1-4814-7868-7). This romantic 9, paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-
sequel to Escaping Perfect, Cecelia comedy features two Indian-American 7909-7) and Billy Sure Kid Entrepreneur vs.
Montgomery returns after running teens whose parents have arranged their Manny Reyes Kid Entrepreneur (Feb. 7,
away to deal with the downside of her marriage too early in their lives. paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-7906-6)
newfound fameand her mothers Ages 14up. by Luke Sharpe, illus. by Graham Ross,
Presidential campaign. Ages 14up. Cherub concludes with Shadow Wave ages 812. And new Boss Baby Movie
Fragile Like Us by Sara Barnard by Robert Muchamore (Apr. 4, hardcover, titles are Meet Your New Boss! by Natalie
(July 18, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-5674-6), Shaw, illus. by Joey Chou (Feb. 14, hard-
1-4814-8610-1). This story of what it ages 14up; Chloe Snows Diary cover, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-5792-7),
takes to break the bonds of friendship launches with Confessions of a High School ages 15. Big Wisdom from a Little Boss by
features the inseparable Caddy and Rosie Disaster by Emma Chastain (Mar. 7, R.J. Cregg (Feb. 14, hardcover, $7.99,
whose friendship is threatened by new- hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- ISBN 978-1-4814-7011-7), ages 5up;
comer Suzanne. Ages 14up. 8875-4) about a lovable but flawed high- and The Boss Baby Junior Novelization by
Hellworld by Tom Leveen (Mar. 21, schooler, ages 12up. Tracey West (Feb. 14, paper, $6.99,
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- Program follows up with The Adjustment ISBN 978-1-4814-7006-3), ages 710.
6633-2). In an effort to put her family by Suzanne Young (Apr. 18, hardcover, Cupcake Diaries offers Mia Measures
back together, a teen struggles to dis- $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-7132-9), ages Up by Coco Simon (May 9, paper, $6.99,
cover what happened to her mother 14up. Echoes of Memory by A.R. Kahler ISBN 978-1-4814-7903-5), ages 812.
who disappeared during a ghost hunt. (Mar. 14, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978- Eloise marches on with Eloise and the Big
Ages 14up. 1-4814-3260-3) is the second book in the Parade (May 9, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell Ravenborn trilogy, ages 14up. Monstrous 978-1-4814-8819-8) and Eloises Summer
(July 18, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978- by Thomas E. Sniegoski (May 30, hard- Vacation (May 9, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
1-4814-3207-8) stars Lisa Maxwell who cover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- 978-1-4814-8820-4) by Kay Thompson
must travel back in time to find a myste- 7718-5) is the second installment of the et al., illus. by Tammie Lyon, ages 4-6.
rious book that could save her future Savage series, ages 14up. And Simon And new additions to Franken-Sci High
from a dark force. Ages 14up. True launches with two titles: Deep Water are Monsters Among Us by (July 25, paper,
Such a Good Girl by Amanda K. by Katherine Nichols (May 2, paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-9133-4) and
Morgan (June 20, hardcover, $17.99, $10.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-8106-9) and Whats the Matter with Newton? (July 25,
ISBN 978-1-4814-4957-1). Nearly per- One Cut by Eve Porinchak (May 2, paper, paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-9130-3)
fect Riley Stones has her by Mark Young, illus. by
entire life planned out and is Rustam Hasanov, ages
From I Spy with My Little Eye by Paula Vsquez
willing to do anything to (Gibbs Smith) 812.
make sure everything stays The Hidden World of
according to her plan. Ages Changers presents The
14up. Spiders Curse (July 11,
A Void the Size of the paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-
World by Rachele Alpine 4814-9826-5) and The
(July 4, hardcover, $17.99, Spirit Warrior (Mar. 28,
ISBN 978-1-4814-8571-5). paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-
After Rhylee kisses her sister 4814-8084-0) by H.K.
Abbys boyfriend, Abby dis- Varian, ages 812. In Due
appears and she and her Time moves forward with
family grapple with the con- Hang Ten for Dear Life! by
sequences of her action. Nicholas O. Time (May 9,
Ages 14up. paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-

154 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s
Star Bright Books
4814-9654-4le, ages 812. And Living to school. Ages 48.
Spring 2017
in... travels ahead with Living in... Sister Day! by Lisa Mantchev, illus.
Australia (Mar. 7, paper, $3.99, ISBN by Sonia Snchez (June 13, hardcover,
978-1-4814-8092-5) and Living in... $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-3795-0). A
Egypt (July 11, paper, $3.99, ISBN 978- girl is on a mission to get her older sister
1-4814-9712-1) by Chloe Perkins, illus. to play with her. Ages 48.
by Tom Woolley, ages 57. Spring for Sophie by Yael Werber,
Looking Up! The Science of Stargazing is illus. by Jen Hill (Feb. 21, hardcover,
a new Science of Fun Stuff book by Joe $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-5134-5).
Rao, illus. by Mark Borgions ages 68. Sophie watches and waits and wonders
Secrets of American History reveals if spring ever come? Ages 48.
The Founding Fathers Were Spies! Calico Girl by Jerdine Nolen (Feb. 14,
Revolutionary War by Patricia Lakin, illus. hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- Books and Bricks
by Valerio Fabbretti (July 4, paper, $3.99, 5981-5) recalls 12-year-old Callie By Sindiwe Magona
ISBN 978-1-4814-9969-9) Secret Agents! Wilcomb and her familys triumphant Illustrated by Cornelius Van Wright
Sharks! Ghost Armies! World War II by journey from slavery to freedom. PB 978-1-59572-779-4 | $8.99
Laurie Calkhoven, illus. by Valerio Ages 812.
Fabbretti (July 4, paper, $3.99, ISBN Effie Starr Zook Has One More
978-1-4814-9948-4), ages 6-8. You Question by Martha Freeman (Mar. 7,
Should Meet, a new series of Level 3 hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-
Ready-to-Read biographies, kicks off with 7264-7). City girl Effie is unhappy about
Duke Kahanamoku by Laurie Calkhoven, spending the summer on her aunt and
illus. by Stevie Lewis (May 16, paper, uncles farm in Nowheresville, Pa., until
$3.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-9700-8) ages she stumbles across a mystery that leads
68. And joining Youre Invited to a her into an old family feud. Ages 812.
Creepover is It Spells Z-O-M-B-I-E! by Vilonia Beebe Takes Charge by
P.J. Night (July 25, paper, $6.99, ISBN Kristin L. Gray (Mar. 7, hardcover,
978-1-5344-0082-5), ages 812. $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-5842-9).
Vilonia is determined to prove shes
S&S/WISEMAN responsible enough to care for a dog. I Am Vincent van Gogh
Ribbit by Jorey Hurley (Feb. 7, hardcover, Ages 812. By Gabriel Martin Roig
Illustrated by Fatima Garcia
$16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-3274-0) is Reaper by Kyra Leigh (May 9, hard-
HC 978-1-59572-770-1 | $19.99
the story of a year in the life of a frog cover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-7196-1).
family. Ages 37. Sixteen-year-old Rosie Wolf is sure when
I Dont Draw, I Color! by Adam you die, you go straight to Paradise, until
Lehrhaupt, illus. by Felicita Sala (Mar. 21, she wakes to discover she has died in an
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- accident and that Paradise isnt what she
6275-4) explores the power of color. thought it would be. Ages 12up.
Ages 48.
If I Had a Little Dream by Nina Laden, Series
illus. by Melissa Castrillon (Feb. 7, hard- Jeter Publishing throws out Fair Ball by
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-3924-4) Derek Jeter with Paul Mantell (Apr. 18,
celebrates the wonder of the world. hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-
Ages 48. 9148-8) ages 812. And The Secret
Mouse and Hippo by Mike Twohy Cookie Club adds P.S. Send More Cookies
(Feb. 7, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- by Martha Freeman (May 16, hardcover, A Stick Until
4814-5124-6). Mouse paints a portrait of $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4814-4824-6), By Constance Anderson
HC 978-1-59572-777-0 | $17.99
Hippo, who returns the kindness in an ages 812. PB 978-1-59572-778-7 | $7.99
unlikely way. Ages 48.
Pax and Blue by Lori Richmond (Feb. 7, SKYHORSE/RACEHORSE
hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4814- Goodwin the Goat by Don Freeman
5132-1). Pax, the littlest everywhere he (May 16, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1- Star Bright Books
goes, makes an unlikely friend on his way 944686-57-4). From the author of

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 155
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Corduroy comes a posthumous, never- hunt hunt where anyone could be the their backs. Ages up to 1.
before-published story of a mischievous killer and every mistake could be her Around the World Right Now by
young goat named Goodwin. Ages 36. last. Ages 14up. Gina Cascone and Bryony Williams
The Duke of Bannerman Prep by Sheppard, illus. by Olivia Beckman
SKYHORSE/SKY PONY Katie A. Nelson (May 2, hardcover, (May 15, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-
Eustace & Clyde by Marina Aizen (May 2, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-5107-1040-5). In 1-58536-976-8). In this multicultural
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-5107- this contemporary retelling of The Great travelogue, young readers are invited to
1502-8). Two koalas who couldnt be Gatsby, a dirt-poor teens opportunity at travel the world and experience all the
more different need to find a new home an elite school is threatened by a flashy people, places, and things that exist on
together. Ages 36. playboy. Ages 14up. our planet. Ages 48.
Open in Case of Emergency by Richard The Girl Who Wouldnt Die by Full Moon Lore by Ellen Wahi, illus.
Fairgray (Apr. 4, hardcover, $16.99, Randall Platt (May 2, hardcover, $16.99, by Ashley Stewart (Apr. 15, hardcover,
ISBN 978-1-5107-1690-2). In this ISBN 978-1-5107-0809-9) tells a WWII $16.99, ISBN 978-1-58536-965-2)
tongue-in-cheek story, a boy loses his story in which girl must turn her back on cycles through the calendar to share the
go-to box marked Open in Case of her family and Jewish faith and help the legends and stories about each months
Emergency at the moment he needs it Germans if she is to survive. Ages 14up. full moon. Ages 48.
most. Ages 36. My Fairy Godmother Is a Drag Here to There and Me to You by
Touch the Earth by Julian Lennon Queen by David Clawson (May 2, hard- Cheryl Keely, illus. by Celia Krampien
and Bart Davis, illus. by Smiljana Coh cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-5107-1411-3). (Feb. 15, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-
(Mar. 7, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- Chris Bellows falls in love with his step- 1-58536-996-6) explores bridges of all
5107-2083-1). Recording artist Lennon sisters boyfriend and looks at his step- forms from suspension to humble stone
collaborates on an interactive book that family in a new way. Ages 14up. crossings and shows how they connect
teaches children how to help save the people. Ages 48.
environment. Ages 36. Series Little Red Rolls Away by Linda
Cold Summer by Gwen Cole (May 2, Project Droid continues with a third Whalen, illus. by Jennifer E. Morris
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-5107- book, My Robot Ate My Homework by Nancy (Apr. 15, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-
0766-5). To save himself and win the girl Krulik and Amanda Burwasser, illus. by 1-58536-987-4). The story of a little
next door, Jackson must learn to control Mike Moran (Mar. 7, hardcover, $13.99, barns relocation and adjustment to a new
his time-traveling ability that sends him ISBN 978-1-5107-1020-7), ages 79. place will reassure and comfort young
back to WWII. Ages 12up. readers facing changes in their own lives.
Maybe in Paris by Rebecca SLEEPING BEAR Ages 48.
Christiansen (June 6, hardcover, $16.99, Grandma Loves You! by Helen Foster Smell My Elephant by Tina Ballon
ISBN 978-1-5107-0880-8). Keira James, illus. by Petra Brown (Feb. 15, Debord, illus. by Kim Jackson Debord
Braidwood lands in Paris with her autistic hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-58536- (Apr. 15, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-
brother, Levi, and has high hopes, but soon 373-5). In this rhyming tale, Grandma 1-58536-992-8). A boy who loves his
realizes that he is sicker than she ever bunny joyously welcomes a new arrival. stuffed elephant want to know where his
imagined. Ages 12up. Ages up to 4. scent comes from. Ages 48.
The Next Together by Lauren James Grandpa Loves You! by Helen Foster A Symphony of Cowbells by Heather
(June 6, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- James, illus. by Petra Brown (Feb. 15, Preusser, illus. by Eileen Ryan Ewen
5107-1021-4). In this time travel novel hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-58536- (Mar. 15, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-
told in parallel time streams, a teen 374-2). Grandpa bunny celebrates the 1-58536-968-3). Petras favorite prize
couple in love lose each other over and special relationship he has with a child. dairy cow loses her bell and the whole
over again. Ages 12up. Ages up to 4. herd is out of harmony. Ages 48.
Riptide Summer by Lisa Freeman Mommy Loves You! by Helen Foster Why Did the Farmer Cross the Road?
(May 2, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1- James, illus. by Petra Brown (Mar. 15, by Brooke Herter James, illus. by Mike
5107-1167-9). In this sequel to Honey hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-1-58536- Herrod (Mar. 15, hardcover, $16.99,
Girl, Nani must learn to live outside the 941-6) is a rhyming bunny tale of a ISBN 978-1-58536-963-8) is an offbeat
rules that once made her queen of the mothers love for a baby. Ages up to 4. take on a knock-knock joke featuring the
beach. Ages 12up. Welcome, Baby! Keeping You Safe antics of farm animals. Ages 48.
The Bakersville Dozen by Kristina by Susan Kathleen Hartung (Feb. 15, Willow and the Wedding by Denise
McBride (July 4, hardcover, $17.99, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-1-58536- Brennan-Nelson, illus. by Cyd Moore
ISBN 978-1-5107-0805-1). In this 377-3). Art and text reinforce the mes- (May 15, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-
thriller, Bailey is tricked into a scavenger sage that babies are safest sleeping on 1-58536-966-9). In this follow-up to

156 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Willow, Willows favorite Uncle Ash The Dead Inside: A True Story by
refuses to dance at his own wedding Cyndy Etler (Apr. 1, hardcover,
Ages 48. $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4926-
Out of School and into 3573-4) recounts her 16
Nature: The Anna Comstock months in Straight, Inc., the
Story by Suzanne Slade, illus. controversial, now defunct
by Jessica Lanan (Mar. 15, rehab center that was
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- accused of using unethical
1-58536-986-7). This picture and abusive treatment
book biography examines the methods. Ages 1417.
life and career of naturalist and Girl Out of Water by
artist Anna Comstock, who Laura Silverman (May 1,
defied social conventions and pur- paper, $10.99, ISBN 978-1-
sued the study of science. Ages 610. 4926-4686-0). Anises plans for
The Skydiving Beavers of Idaho: surf-filled summer in Santa Cruz are
A True Tale by Susan Wood, illus. by ruined when a family emergency forces
From Teddy the Terrible by Christian Jolibois,
Gijsbert Van Frankenhuyzen (Apr. 15, illus. by Marianne Barcilon (Peter Pauper) her to go to Nebraska, the childhood
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-58536- home of the mother who abandoned her.
994-2) presents the story of a town that SOUNDS TRUE Ages 1417.
must relocate its beaver population by Zoo Zen, Count to Ten: A Yoga Story The Long Ride Home by Tawni
airdropping them. Ages 610. for Kids by Kristen Fischer, illus. by Waters (June 1, paper, $10.99, ISBN
Susi Schaefer (July 1, hardcover, $17.95, 978-1-4926-4543-6). A road trip to
Series ISBN 978-1-62203-891-6). In this scatter her mothers ashes turns into a
Stella Batts adds a new installment, rhyming and counting story, Lyla learns journey of self-discovery as Harley navi-
Stella Batts: Broken Birthday by Courtney yoga poses from animals at the zoo. gates a romance with unexpected conse-
Sheinmel, illus. by Jennifer A. Bell Ages 26. quences. Ages 1417.
(Apr. 15, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1- Love and Vandalism by Laurie Boyle
58536-921-8), ages 7up. And new to SOURCEBOOKS FIRE Crompton (May 1, paper, $10.99, ISBN
Tig Ripley is Tig Ripley: Hard Rock by The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco (Mar. 7, 978-1-4926-3605-2). A former screw-up
Ginger Rue (Mar. 15, hardcover, $16.99, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4926- on the path to recovery catches Rory in
ISBN 978-1-58536-947-8), ages 9up. 3582-6). When Tea accidentally resurrects the act of vandalizing with graffiti and
her brother from the dead and learns she offers her a deal. Ages 1417.
SOHO TEEN is a necromancer, she is ostracized from the The Revenge by Hannah Jayne (July 1,
The Free by Lauren McLaughlin (Feb. 28, other witches in her family. Ages 1217. paper, $10.99, ISBN 978-1-4926-4736-
hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-61695- Pretty Fierce by Kieran Scott (Apr. 1, 2). After Hope breaks up with Tony, he
731-5). This 21st-century response to paper, $10.99, ISBN 978-1-4926-3798- vengefully makes public the location of
Walter Dean Myerss novel Lockdown takes 1). The daughter of professional assassins, her phone and puts her life in danger.
a look inside a juvie jail, where Isaac Kaia flees with her boyfriend to escape a Ages 1417.
West is fighting for a second chance. hit man. Ages 1217. The Sky Between You and Me by
Ages 14up. Stranger Things Have Happened by Catherine Alene (Feb. 7, hardcover, $17.99,
The Leaf Reader by Emily Arsenault Jeff Strand (Apr. 1, paper, $10.99, ISBN ISBN 978-1-4926-3853-7). To honor her
(June 13, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978- 978-1-4926-4539-9). At 15, Marcus mothers memory, Rae quests for perfec-
1-61695-782-7). Marnie Wells discovers Millian III, great-grandson of the famous tion in the rodeo, which leads her to dan-
she can tell the future by reading tea leaves Zachary the Stupendous, must save his gerous weight loss. Ages 1417.
and what she learns about basketball star great-grandfathers honor with an illusion Stealing Candy by Stewart Lewis
Matt Cotrell could turn deadly. Ages 14up. that shocks, stuns, and astonishes. Ages (May 1, paper, $10.99, ISBN 978-1-
Unearthly Things by Michelle 1217. 4926-3888-9). Levon kidnaps Candy, a
Gagnon (Apr. 11, hardcover, $18.99, Coming Up for Air by Miranda rock stars daughter, from boarding
ISBN 978-1-61695-696-7). Jane Eyre Kenneally (July 1, paper, $10.99, ISBN school, but she winds up calling the shots
gets a Gossip Girl twist in this retelling 978-1-4926-3011-1). Maggie risks a during their road trip. Ages 1417.
set in the world of San Franciscos most college scholarship and a chance at the Ultimatum by K.M. Walton (Mar. 7,
fabulous elitewho will do anything to Olympics when she trades swimming for hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4926-
stay on top. Ages 14up. love. Ages 1417. 3507-9). After their mother dies and their

158 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

father succumbs to alcoholism, two

brothersone a quiet artist, the other a
staying hidden. Ages 410.
The Pants Project by Cat Clarke Tanglewood
popular artistmust reconcile. Ages
(Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-
4926-3809-4). A transgender teen must Spring Titles
change his schools policies to be who he
Series wants to be. Ages 913.
Follow Me Back is the title of a new Speed of Life by Carol Weston (Apr. 4,
series and its inaugural book by A.V. hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4926-
Geiger (June 1, paper, $10.99, ISBN 5449-0). The advice columnist with whom
978-1-4926-4523-8), ages 1417. The 14-year-old Sofia Wolfe shares her secrets
Heartbreak Chronicles present Paper is her Dads girlfriend. Ages 1114.
Hearts by Ali Novak (July 1, paper,
$10.99, ISBN 978-1-4926-5336-3), a Series
companion to Heartbreakers, ages 1217. Dino Riders rides on with How to Hog-Tie
And The Six concludes with The Silence a T-Rex (July 1, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-
by Mark Alpert (July 1, hardcover, 1-4926-3626-7), How to Rope a
$17.99, ISBN 978-1-4926-4896-3), ages Giganotosaurus (Apr. 4, paper, $5.99,
1217. The Storymakers welcomes Wanted ISBN 978-1-4926-3620-5), and How to
by Betsy Schow (Feb. 7, paper, $10.99, Tame a Triceratops (Apr. 4, paper, $5.99,
ISBN 978-1-4926-3599-4). ages 1217. ISBN 978-1-4926-3617-5) by Will
Dare. Ages 710. New to The Dragon
SOURCEBOOKS JABBERWOCKY Brothers are The Dragon Hunters (Apr. 4,
ASPCA My First Puppy (May 1, hard- hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4926- Argyle Fox
cover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1-4926-4942-7). 4861-1) and The Dragon Tamers (June 1, Letourneau | Ages: 4-7 | 32 pp. (cl)
A pet adoption story for very young readers hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-4926- ISBN: 978-1-939100-09-2 | $17.99
told in partnership with the ASPCA. 4864-2) by James Russell, illus. by Link
Ages 13. Choi, ages 48.
Cheer Up, Ben Franklin! by Misti Fairy Tale Reform School continues
Kenison (July 1, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN with Tricked by Jen Calonita (Mar. 7,
978-1-4926-5247-2) is the first volume hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-1-4926-
in a board book series to introduce prom- 3795-0). Ages 1013. Fashion
inent characters from our nations begin- Academy adds Fashion Face-Off by Sheryl
ning to very young readers. Ages up to 3. Berk and Carrie Berk (July 1, paper,
The Queen Is Coming to Tea by $7.99, ISBN 978-1-4926-4499-6), ages
Linda Ravin Lodding, illus. by Constanze 1014. The Friendship Bracelet launches a
von Kitzing (Feb. 7, hardcover, $16.99, Friendship Bracelet series by Arlene
ISBN 978-1-4926-0757-1). When Ellie Stewart (July 1, paper, $6.99, ISBN 978-
finds out the queen is coming to tea, she 1-4926-3768-4), ages 812. Little
enlists the help of her stuffed animal Legends carries on with The Genies Curse
friends to make it a memorable affair. (May 1, paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-4926-
Ages 48. 4256-5), and The Great Troll Rescue (Mar. 7,
Shark Lady: The Daring Tale of paper, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-4926-4253-4)
How Eugenie Clark Dove into History by Tom Percival, ages 710. And Bijou
by Jess Keating, illus. by Marta Alvarez by Susan Hughes (Feb. 7, paper, $5.99, Chester Raccoon
Miguens (June 1, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-4926-3403-4 joins Puppy and the Almost
ISBN 978-1-4926-4204-6) is a biography Pals, ages 710. Scarlet and Ivy adds Perfect Sleepover
of a groundbreaking scientist who studied The Whispers in the Walls by Sophie Penn | Ages: 3-8 | 32 pp. (cl)
sharks. Ages 48. Cleverly (May 1, paper, $7.99, ISBN ISBN: 978-1-939100-11-5 | $16.95
How to Catch the Easter Bunny by 978-1-4926-3406-5), ages 1014. And
Adam Wallace, illus. by Andy Elkerton Soccer Sisters offers Out of Bounds by
(Feb. 1, hardcover, $10.99, ISBN 978-1- Andrea Montalbano (Apr. 4, paper,
4926-3817-9). The Easter Bunny has a $7.99, ISBN 978-1-4926-4481-1),
basket full of treatsand tricks for ages 812.
Distributed to the trade by PGW/
Perseus and major wholesalers
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

ST. MARTINS/DUNNE 59572-784-8). A rhyme illustrated with 978-1-59572-759-6). Hitler admirer-

Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones (Feb. 7, multicultural images. Ages up to 4. turned-hero Captain Wilm Hosenfeld,
hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978-1-250- Up and Down by Catherine Hnatov, the subject of a bestselling book and the
07921-3). In this coming-of-age story, a illus. by Catherine Hnatov (Feb. 15, movie The Pianist, is introduced to teens.
teens sister is taken by the mysterious hardcover, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-59572- Ages 15up.
Goblin King. Ages 1218. 785-5). Black and white cats set against
colorful backgrounds teach opposites. Series
ST. MARTINS GRIFFIN Ages 14. Babies Everywhere? welcomes three
A Crown of Wishes by Roshani Chokshi Counting Colorful Shapes by Isabel newbies all in Haitian Creole/English:
(Mar. 28, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978- Hill (Apr. 15, hardcover, $12.99, ISBN Carry Me (Feb. 15, hardcover, $6.99,
1-250-08549-8). Gauri, the princess of 978-1-59572-776-3) teaches shapes, ISBN 978-1-59572-781-7), Eating the
Bharata, has been taken as a prisoner of colors and numbers through Art Deco Rainbow (Feb. 15, hardcover, $6.99,
war by her kingdoms enemies. Ages 1318. design in Miami Beach. Ages 37. ISBN 978-1-59572-782-4), and Families
I Am a Secret Service Agent: My A Stick Until... by Constance Anderson (Feb. 15, hardcover, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-
Life Spent Protecting the President by (Apr. 15, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978- 59572-783-1), ages up to 4.
Dan Emmett (June 6, hardcover, $18.99, 1-59572-777-0) shows how a simple stick
ISBN 978-1-250-13030-3) is an adapta- can become a tool or a toy. Ages 48. STARFISH BAY
tion of Within Arms Length that offers an Books n Bricks: Rebuilding Mayano Muddle & Mos Worm Surprise by
inside look at the Secret Service from an School by Sindiwe Magona, illus. by Van Nikki Slade Robinson (Apr. 1, hardcover,
agent who protected presidents George Right Cornelius (May 1, paper, $8.99, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-76036-030-6). A
H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. ISBN 978-1-59572-779-4). Salminas was little duckling doesnt know what to
Bush. Ages 1318. a broken-down scary place until parents, serve his goat-friend for a surprise picnic.
The Inevitable Collision of Birdie & students, and teachers rallied together to Ages 35.
Bash by Candace Ganger (July 25, hard- improve themselves and the school. Free as a Cloud by Bai Bing, illus. by
cover, $17.99, ISBN 978-1-250-11622- Ages 1012. Yu Rong (Apr. 1, hardcover, $17.95,
2). Bash is barely keeping it together I Am Vincent van Gogh by Gabriel ISBN 978-1-76036-035-1). A myna bird
when he falls for the smoking hot near- Martin Roig, illus. by Fatima Garcia loses his desire to swing when he is taken
valedictorian Birdie. Ages 1318. (Apr. 15, hardcover, $19.99, ISBN 978- from the jungle into a home. Ages 57.
1-59572-770-1). This introduction to Go, Green Gecko! by Gay Hay, illus.
Series the artist includes reproductions of by Margaret Tolland (May 1, hardcover,
The Dream Walker Trilogy concludes paintings and illustrations of his family. $17.95, ISBN 978-1-76036-033-7) is a
with Dream Forever by Kit Alloway Ages 1014. read-aloud about the life cycle of the
(Mar. 28, hardcover, $18.99, ISBN 978- Defying the Nazis: The Story of green gecko. Ages 57.
1-250-00125-2). ages 1318. Captain Wilm Hosenfeld by Herman Watch Out, Snail! by Gay Hay, illus.
Vinke (May 1, hardcover, $21.99, ISBN by Margaret Tolland (May 1, hardcover,
Cat Up Cat Down by Catherine Hnatov
(Apr. 15, hardcover, $7.99, ISBN 978-1- From The Giant Jumperee by
59572-780-0). An introduction to the Julia Donaldson, illus. by Helen
concept of opposites. Ages up to 4. Oxenbury (Penguin/Dial)
Show Me How to Be a Friend by
J.A. Barnes (Feb. 1, hardcover, $6.99,
ISBN 978-1-59572-773-2) presents
photos of children playing that demon-
strate how to be a good friend. Ages up to 4
Show Me How to Use the Potty by
J.A. Barnes (Feb. 1, hardcover, $6.99,
ISBN 978-1-59572-774-9) offers photos
that introduce potty training and good
hygiene. Ages up to 4.
Read to Me (Haitian Creole/English)
by Judi Moreillon, illus. by Kyra Teis
(Feb. 15, hardcover, $6.99, ISBN 978-1-

160 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s


$17.95, ISBN 978-1-76036-032-0 show- 4549-2114-1). A dancing 45-pound
cases the native New Zealand Powelliphanta alligator joins Mrs. Irainas ballet class.
snail on its perilous nighttime hunt. Ages Ages 3up.
57. Do Your Ears Hang Low? by Jenny
When Mu Meets Min by Shen Shixi, Cooper (Mar. 7, hardcover, $12.95, ISBN
illus. by Shen Yuanyuan (June 1, hard- 978-1-4549-1614-7). This song comes to
cover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-76036- life in a picture book with a mirror on the
034-4) explores the tumultous relation- final spread. Ages 3up.
ship that happens when a cat is introduced Ella Who? by Linda Ashman, illus. by
into a family with a dog. Ages 57. Sara Sanchez (Apr. 11, hardcover, $14.95,
ISBN 978-1-4549-1904-9). On moving
STERLING day, a girls parents are too distracted to
978-1-68010-053-2 Price $16.99 US
Hoot & Honk Just Cant Sleep by Leslie notice the elephant in the living room.
Helakoski (Mar. 14, hardcover, $14.95, Ages 3up.
ISBN 978-1-4549-2125-7). An owlet Elly and the Smelly Sneaker:
and gosling have just hatchedfrom A Riches to Rags Story by Leslie Gorin,
each others nests. Ages 25. illus. by Vamos (Apr. 4, hardcover, $14.95,
My Dads the Coolest by Rosie Smith, ISBN 978-1-4549-1817-2) is a tale about
illus. by Bruce Whatley (Mar. 7, hard- a princess who wants to be like other kids
cover, $6.95, ISBN 978-1-4549-2479-1). and play baseball. Ages 3up.
Animal fathers and their offspring show Sharks (June 6, hardcover, $7.95,
how dads are specials. Ages 2up. ISBN 978-1-4549-2128-8). Created in
My Moms the Best by Rosie Smith, collaboration with the American Museum
illus. by Bruce Whatley (Mar. 7, hard- of Natural History, this book showcases
cover, $6.95, ISBN 978-1-4549-2480-7). more than 400 shark species. Ages 3up.
Animal babies demonstrate why Mom is World Pizza by Cece Meng, illus. by 978-1-68010-039-6 Price $16.99 US
the best. Ages 2up. Ellen Shi (June 6, hardcover, $14.95,
Hello, Baby! (Apr. 4, hardcover, ISBN 978-1-4549-1946-9). When Momma
$6.95, ISBN 978-1-4549-2317-6) pre- spots a wishing star, she accidentally wishes
pares future siblings for welcoming a new for world pizza instead of world peace.
baby. Ages up to 3. Ages 3up.
Move It! (Apr. 4, hardcover, $6.95, Im Not Afraid of the Dark by Helena
ISBN 978-1-4549-2311-4) encourages Haratov, illus. by Jakub Cenkl (Mar. 14,
children to hop, waddle, strut, and more. hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-4549-
Ages up to 3. 2170-7). A lift-the-flap book that reas-
Almost Everybody Farts by Marty sures readers that nothing scary lurks in
Kelley (Apr. 4, hardcover, $12.95, the dark. Ages 48.
ISBN 978-1-4549-1954-4) is a rhyming Together Always by Edwina Wyatt,
story in which everyone but Mom farts. illus. by Lucia Masciullo (Feb. 7, hard-
Ages 3up. cover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-4549-2326-
978-1-68010-044-0 Price $16.99 US
Big Little Hippo by Valeri Gorbachev 8). A goat and pig remain best friends
(Apr. 4, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1- even when one moves far away. Ages 48.
4549-1906-3). The youngest and smallest Amazing Animal Babies by Chris
in his family, Little Hippo doesnt want Packham, illus. by Jason Cockcroft (Feb.
to wait to grow up. Ages 3up. 7, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-4549-
Caring for Your Lion by Tammi 2337-4). A BBC wildlife expert travels
Sauer, illus. by Troy Cummings (May 2, the world to introduce baby animals to
hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-4549- children. Ages 4up.
1609-3). What happens when you expect Baby Dolphins First Swim (June 6,
an itty-bitty kitty, but get a lion instead? hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-4549-
Ages 3up. 2236-0) examines a baby dolphins first
Dance Is for Everyone by Andrea Zuill day in the ocean. Ages 4up.
(Apr. 4, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1- Norton and Alpha by Kristyna Litten 978-1-68010-054-9 Price $16.99 US
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

(Mar. 7, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN Paleozoic era to the Quaternary

978-1-4549-2499-9). A robot and era, with fold-outs and booklets.
his robot-dog are baffled when they Ages 810.
stumble upon something theyve Invent It! by Rob Beattie (Mar. 7,
never seen beforea flower. hardcover, $12.95, ISBN 978-1-4549-
Ages 4up. 2349-7) takes kids from idea to pro-
Thousand Star Hotel by totype to selling the product and
Brandon Reese (Mar. 7, hardcover, demonstrates that youre never too
$17.95, ISBN 978-1-4549-1830-1). young to start inventing. Ages 8up.
In this book that includes a music Mango Delight by Fracaswell
and audio book CD, the Grammy- Hyman (June 6, hardcover, $14.95,
winning Okee Dokee Brothers ISBN 978-1-4549-2332-9). When
create a fanciful storyinspired by Mangos BFF becomes her EFF (ex-
the folktale The Fisherman and friend-forever), she hatches a revenge
His Wife. Ages 4up. plan that backfires. Ages 913.
Wolf Pups Join the Pack by
(June 6, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN Series
978-1-4549-2237-7). Developed in Lady Pancake & Sir French Toast
conjunction with the American pours on The Case of the Stinky Stench
Museum of Natural History, this by Josh Funk, illus. by Brendan
book captures a year in the life of a Kearney (May 2, hardcover, $16.95,
wolf pup. Ages 4up. ISBN 978-1-4549-1960-5). Ages
Make a Yellow Dot the Sun 58. Lift-the-Flap Adventures
(Mar. 21, paper, $12.95, ISBN 978- From My Daddy Rules the World by Hope welcome Bug Hunt (Apr. 4, hard-
1-4549-2288-9) encourages readers to Anita Smith (Macmillan/Holt/Ottaviano) cover, $8.95, ISBN 978-1-4549-2108-0)
think creatively, draw freely, and create and Dinosaur Discovery (Apr. 4, hardcover,
their own brand of imaginative art. numerical facts. Ages 5up. $8.95, ISBN 978-1-4549-2087-8) by
Ages 512. Grace Hopper: Queen of Computer Salina Yoon, ages 37. And new Fun
Out of This World Jokes & Riddles Code by Laurie Wallmark, illus. by Lift-the-Flap Books are Miss Bunnys
by Michael J. Pellowski (May 2, paper, Katy Wu (May 16, hardcover, $16.95, Shapes (Feb. 7, hardcover, $8.95, ISBN
$6.95, ISBN 978-1-4549-2257-5). SA ISBN 978-1-4549-2000-7) is a picture 978-1-4549-2231-5) and Mr. Monkeys
collection of gags about physics, biology, book biography of boundary-breaking Numbers (Feb. 7, hardcover, $8.95, ISBN
scientists, outer space, the cosmos, and woman who revolutionized computer 978-1-4549-2230-8) by Becky Baur, ages
more. Ages 512. science. Ages 5up. up to 4.
Scared Silly Jokes & Riddles by My First Communion by Susan See-Through Stories springs forward
Michael J. Pellowski (May 2, paper, Collins Thoms, illus. by Tinou Le Joly with Springtime Splash! by Anne Passchier
$6.95, ISBN 978-1-4549-2256-8) col- Snoville (Feb. 28, hardcover, $12.95, (Mar. 7, hardcover, $8.95, ISBN 978-1-
lects jokes, riddles, and puns on spooky ISBN 978-1-4549-1453-2) commemo- 4549-2500-2); and Snuggle Time Stories
things like vampires, werewolves, and rates this special day. Ages 5up. continues with Time for a Nap by Phillis
zombies. Ages 512. Dont Bug the Insects: Fascinating Gershator, illus. by David Walker (Mar.
The Adventures of Your Brain by Facts About Natures Most 7, hardcover, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-4549-
Dan Green, illus. by Sean Sims (July 4, Misunderstood Creatures by Ben 1981-0), ages 35.
hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-4549- Richmond (June 6, hardcover, $12.95,
2512-5). Flaps, pull-tabs, wheels, and ISBN 978-1-4549-2137-0). Told from STERLING/SCRIBBLERS
pop-ups introduce the wonders of the the point of view of the bugs and accom- Knock! Knock! Whos There? A Potty
human brain. Ages 5up. panied by photos, this book teaches about Training Picture Book by Elissambura
Around the World in Numbers by ecology and conservation. Ages 610. (Mar. 7, hardcover, $8.95, ISBN 978-1-
Clive Gifford, illus. by Josh Hurley Prehistoric Atlas: A Voyage of 911242-85-7) teaches bathroom etiquette.
(June 6, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1- Discovery for Young Paleontologists Ages up to 5.
4549-2518-7) compiles curiosities such by Oldrich Ruicka, illus. by Toms Tuma Lift-the-Flap Numbers (Apr. 4, hard-
as the 10,000 light bulbs on the (Mar. 7, hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1- cover, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-911242-97-0)
Titanic, the 1500 paintbrushes needed 4549-2252-0) is an atlas that travels and Lift-the-Flap Words (Apr. 4, hard-
to paint the Eiffel Tower, and other through time from the Big Bang to the cover, $9.95, ISBN 978-1-911242-98-7)

162 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

are new counting and naming books. STONE ARCH hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-939100-
Ages up to 5. Series 11-5). Chester Raccoon is excited about
The Lonely Little Ghost by Bndicte Basketball Break by CC Joven, illus. by his first sleepover, but when nighttime
Guettier (Apr. 4, hardcover, $14.95, Alex Lopez (Feb. 1, paper, $3.95, finally comes, he misses his bedroom and
ISBN 978-1-912006-64-9). An invisible ISBN 978-1-4965-4260-1) joins wants to go home. Ages 38.
ghost with no friends is very lonely until Sports Illustrated Kids Starting Line Argyle Fox, illus. by Marie LeTourneau
something wonderful and unexpected Readers, ages 46. And You Choose (Mar. 14, hardcover, $17.99, ISBN 978-
happens. Ages up to 5. Stories: Scooby-Doo presents The Case 1-939100-09-2). Argyle Fox defies everyone
The Big Book of the Dark by Helena of the Clown Carnival by Laurie S. Sutton, who told him that he cant play his games
Haratov, illus. by Jir Franta (May 2, illus. by Scott Neely (Feb. 1, paper, in the springtime wind. Ages 47.
hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-911242- $6.95, ISBN 978-1-4965-4335-6),
99-4) opens kids eyes to what goes on in ages 712. TATE
the night and includes five pullout gate- The Parrot Song by Edouard Manceau
folds. Ages 7up. STOREY (Mar. 14, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-
Wild for Horses: Posters and 1-84976-497-1). Children enjoy the fun
STERLING/SCRIBO Collectible Cards Featuring 50 of parroting their parents. Age 3.
The World of Work by Silvie Sana, illus. Amazing Horses (Mar. 7, paper, $12.95, Singer and the Paint by Mira Shapur,
by Milan Star (Mar. 7, hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-61212-888-7) contains illus. by Fredun Shapur (Mar. 14, hard-
ISBN 978-1-911242-87-1) takes a look images and information about favorite cover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-84976-475-
at the world of work and the different breeds. Ages 7up. 9). New text accompanies the original
jobs people have. Ages 7up. 1966 illustrations of a tale of a paint job
Peter and the Wolf (June 6, paper, TANGLEWOOD upended by a dog. Ages 3up.
$7.95, ISBN 978-1-911242-84-0) and Chester Raccoon and the Almost Meet Georgia OKeeffe by Marina
Samiras Garden Ballet School (June 6, Perfect Sleepover by Audrey Penn, Muun (Mar. 14, paper, $11.95, ISBN
paper, $7.95, ISBN 978-1-912006-61-8) illus. by Barbara Leonard Gibson (May 16, 978-1-84976-487-2). Meet Georgia
by Fiona Macdonald, illus. by Annaliese

Adventure science in the

Stoney, are the first two installments in a
series that follows the fortunes of a group
of working-class students at an inner-city
dance academy. Ages. 812. high himalayas with W.W.F.
STERLING/WHITE STAR KIDS Naturalist Jon Miceler...
My First Book of Big & Small (May 2,
hardcover, $6.95, ISBN 978-88-544-1110-
4), My First Book of Colors (May 2, hard-
cover, $6.95, ISBN 978-88-544-1107-4),
My First Book of Numbers (May 2, hard-
cover, $6.95, ISBN 978-88-544-1108-1),
and My First Book of Opposites (May 2,
hardcover, $6.95, ISBN 978-88-544-
1109-8) by Agnese Baruzzi are early con-
cept books. Ages 3up.
Play Yoga: Have Fun and Grow
Healthy and Happy! by Lorena Valentina
Pajalunga, illus. by Anna Lang. (Apr. 4,
hardcover, $14.95, ISBN 978-88-544-
1111-1) features 20 animal positions that
will get kids moving. Ages 5up.
Classic Fairy Tales by H.C. Andersen,
illus. by Francesca Rossi (Apr. 4, hard- AVAILABLE THROUGH
cover, $16.95, ISBN 978-88-544-
1102-9) collects some of his best-known
works. Ages 6up.
SNOW LEOPARD AD.indd 1 1/25/2017 5:09:24 PM

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 163
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

OKeeffe and draw, paint and play your THOMAS NELSON and Mouse enjoy Bears shelves of books.
way through her artworks. Age 7up. The Evaporation of Sofi Snow by Ages 37.
Jill & Lion by Lesley Barnes (Mar. 7, Mary Weber (June 6, hardcover, $15.99, Bug Bear by Patricia Hegarty, illus.
hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-84976- ISBN 978-0-7180-8090-7). With the by Carmen Saldana (Mar. 1, hardcover,
437-7). Jill returns in a new adventure to mysterious ice planet Delon looming over $16.99, ISBN 978-1-68010-053-2).
help a sad lion. Ages 5up. Earth, Sofi Snow searches for her brother Owl helps Bear get rid of a pesky bug.
and believes the alien planet may hold Ages 37.
TEXT the key. Ages 13up. Glitter by Stella J. Jones, illus. by Judi
How to Be Happy: A Memoir of The Noble Servant by Melanie Abbot (Mar. 1, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
Love, Sex and Teenage Confusion by Dickerson (May 9, hardcover, $14.99, 978-1-68010-039-6). Gloria the rhino
David Burton (Apr. 11, paper, $13.95, ISBN 978-0-7180-2660-8). In this re- loves glitter and soon her entire town is
ISBN 978-1-925240-34-4). A discus- imagining of the tale, Lady Magdalen covered with it. Ages 37.
sion of teenage depression, friendship, and Steffan the Duke of Wolfberg must Me Too, Grandma! by Jane Chapman
sexual identity, suicidal feelings, aca- work together to reclaim their rightful (Mar. 1, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-
demic pressure, love, and family. Ages titles after being betrayed and cast out. 68010-042-6). When Grandma brings a
14up. Ages 13up. baby cousin for a visit, Ollie is jealous.
Lullaby by Bernard Beckett (Feb. 14, Ages 37.
paper, $11.95, ISBN 978-1-922182-75- Series Thats What Friends Are For by
3). In this psychological thriller, a The Unblemished Trilogy continues Suzanne Chiew, illus. by Caroline Pedler
brother must make a scientifically with Unraveling by Sara Ella (July 11, (Mar. 1, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-
exciting but ethically questionable hardcover, $15.99, ISBN 978-0-7180- 68010-040-2). Badger, Hedgehog, and
decision about his brain-damaged twins 8103-4). Mouse must band together to fix a stream
health care. Ages 14up. that has run out of water. Ages 37.
The Road to Winter by Mark Smith TIGER TALES Three Little Pugs and the Big, Bad
(June 13, paper, $11.95, ISBN 978-1- Bear Hugs by Libby Walden, illus. by Cat by Becky Davies, illus. by Caroline
925355-12-3). Finn has survived alone Vicky Riley (Mar. 1, hardcover, $7.99, Attia (Mar. 1, hardcover, $16.99, ISBN
for two years on a rugged coast since a ISBN 978-1-68010-519-3) is a rhyming 978-1-68010-043-3). Three little pugs
virus killed everyone he knew, but when tale filled with nicknames and hugs. who live with their mother in the woods
a stranger arrives, everything changes. Ages 25. must set out on their own and steer clear
Ages 14up. I Love You, Little One by Patricia of the Big, Bad Cat. Ages 37.
Waer by Meg Caddy (Mar. 14, paper, Hegarty, illus. by Thomas Elliott. A Tiger Tiger by Jonny Lambert, (Mar. 1,
$11.95, ISBN 978-1-922182-21-0). In rhyming touch-and-feel book. Ages 25. hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-68010-
this fantasy, Lowell, a waer, a human Lullaby Farm by Stephanie Shaw, 044-0). An old tiger is revitalized when
who takes the form of a wolf, encounters illus. by Rebecca Harry (Mar. 1, hard- he is reluctantly left in charge of a cub.
the mysterious Lycaea. Ages 14up. cover, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-68010-512-4). Ages 37.
Its bedtime on the farm and mama We Are Family by Patricia Hegarty,
THAMES & HUDSON sheepdog has trouble getting her wriggly illus. by Ryan Wheatcroft (Mar. 1, hard-
The Big Book of Beasts by Yuval puppies to bed. Ages 25. cover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-68010-054-
Zommer, Barbara Taylor (Apr. 18, My First Bedtime Prayers by Anna 9). Every family is different but they all
hardcover, $19.95, ISBN 978-0-500- Jones (Mar. 1, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN stick together with love. Ages 37.
65106-3) brings to life some of the 978-1-68010-520-9) introduces simple
grizzliest, hairiest, bravest, wiliest, and bedtime prayers such as Now I Lay Me Series
most fearsome beasts in the animal Down to Sleep and The Lords Prayer. Animal Rescue Center welcomes The
kingdom. Ages 47. Ages 25. Homeless Foal (Mar. 1, paper, $4.99, ISBN
Pajamarama: Carnival: See the One Happy Tiger by Catherine 978-1-58925-498-5) and The Injured Fox
World Through Stripes! by Michal Rayner (Mar. 1, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN Kit (Mar. 1, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-1-
Leblond, illus. by Frdrique Bertrand 978-1-58925-234-9) teaches counting 58925-499-2) by Tina Nolan, illus. by
(May 23, paper, $16.95, ISBN 978-0- through a tigers adventures in friend- Anna Chernyshova, ages 68. New to My
500-65125-4). A boys fantastical car- ship. Ages 25. First Fairy Tales are The Elves and the
nival comes to life with a striped screen Bears House of Books by Poppy Shoemaker, adapted by Maria Alperin, illus.
that is laid on top of the images on Bishop, illus. by Alison Edgson (Mar. 1, by Erica-Jane Waters (Mar. 1, paper, $7.99,
each page. Ages 59. hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-68010- ISBN 978-1-58925-496-1) and The Ugly
038-9). Friends Fox, Rabbit, Hedgehog, Duckling, adapted by Alperin, illus. by Sue

164 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7






Legend of the G ato r M a n


Scooby-Doo and Mystery Inc. visit an archaeological
While Scooby-Doo and the gang visit a tourist town,
dig, but the scientists are missing, including Professor
the Mystery Machine vanishes in a patch of thick fog.
Dinkley. The professors journal reports a series of
Other vehicles have gone missing as well. Mystery Inc. is
frightening encounters with something called the Gator
on the case! But can they unravel the mystery of the Mist
Man, and the gang is convinced that the creature has
Monster, or will they get lost in the fog? Action-packed text
kidnapped the crew. Has the legend of the Gator Man
and comics-style art combine in this Scooby-Doo mystery!
come true, or is it all a big crock? Action-packed text and
comics-style art combine in this Scooby-Doo mystery!

of e
Le g en d Mtha n of the
Reinforced Library Binding 008-012
G ato r NEE
Reinforced Library Binding 008-012

Copyright 2016 Hanna-Barbera. Copyright 2016 Hanna-Barbera.
SCOOBY-DOO and all related characters and elements SCOOBY-DOO and all related characters and elements
are trademarks of and Hanna-Barbera. are trademarks of and Hanna-Barbera.
(s16) (s16)

S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Eastland (Mar. 1, paper, $7.99, ISBN 978- Gliding Animals by Sneed B. Collard Yee, illus. by Shaoli Wang (Feb. 15,
1-58925-497-8), ages 37. And My Little (Mar. 14, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978- paper, $8.95, ISBN 978-1-926890-15-9)
World expands with four titles, including 0-88448-496-7) and City Fish Country is a new Shu-Li chapter book, ages 69.
Noisy Noisy Digger by Jonathan Litton, Fish: How Fish Adapt to Tropical Seas and
illus. by Fhiona Galloway (Mar. 28, hard- Cold Oceans by Mary Cerullo, photos by TREEHOUSE
cover $12.99, 978-1-58925-242-4), ages Jeffrey Rotman (Mar. 14, hardcover, Scent of Rain by Anne Montgomery
37,. There are three Touch-and-Feel $17.95, ISBN 978-0-88448-529-2). (Mar. 28, paper, $15.95, ISBN 978-0-
books: 123 (Mar. 1, hardcover, $8.99, Ages 812. 9963901-4-9). Can Rose, who is running
ISBN 978-1-68010-511-7) and Colors from a Fundamentalist Mormon commu-
(Mar. 1, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN 978-1- TIN HOUSE nity, and Adam, escaping a life of abusive
68010-510-0) by Jonathan Litton, illus. How to Do Nothing with Nobody All foster care, find a better life together?
by Fhiona Galloway, ages 25; and First Alone by Yourself by Robert Paul
Words by Libby Walden, illus. by Fhiona Smith is a handbook on how to avoid TUNDRA
Galloway (Mar. 1, hardcover, $8.99, ISBN boredom and a primer on solitude. Can You Find My Robots Arm? by
978-1-68010-521-6), ages 25. Ages 813. Chihiro Takeuchi (July 4, hardcover,
Pet Rescue Adventures offers four $16.99, ISBN 978-1-101-91903-3)
new titles, including The Rescued Puppy TOON takes the reader into a mechanical world.
(Mar. 1, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-1- Adele in Sand Land by Claude Ponti Ages 25.
68010-402-8) and Sammy the Shy Kitten (June 6, hardcover, $12.95, ISBN 978-1- Count Your Chickens by Jo Ellen
(Mar. 1, paper, $4.99, ISBN 978-1- 943145-16-4), ages 3up, and Wordplay Bogart (Feb. 7, hardcover, $16.99,
68010-401-1) by Holly Webb, illus. by by Ivan Brunetti (May 2, hardcover, ISBN 978-1-77049-792-4). Dozens of
Sophy Williams, ages 2-5. Peekaboo Baby $12.95, ISBN 978-1-943145-17-1), chickens strut their stuff at the county
Animals by Maddie Frost (Mar. 1, hard- ages 48 are new Toon Level 1 books. fair. Ages 25.
cover, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-68010-514-8) Sam Sorts by Marthe Jocelyn (Feb. 14,
is new to Slide and Seek, ages 2-5. To Series hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-101-
Baby with Love adds Love You, Baby! Giggle and Learn welcomes Somethings 91805-0) is a concept book that follows
(Mar. 1, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 978-1- Fishy: Toon Level 1 by Kevin McCloskey up Hannahs Collections, Ones and Twos,
68010-517-9) and Twinkle, Twinkle, Little (Apr. 4, hardcover, $12.95, ISBN 978-1- and Where Do You Look? Ages 37.
Baby (Mar. 1, hardcover, $9.99, ISBN 943145-15-7), ages 48. There, There by Tim Beiser, illus. by
978-1-68010-515-5) by Sarah Ward, Bill Slavin (June 6, hardcover, $16.99,
ages up to 3. TRADEWIND ISBN 978-1-77049-752-8) is a tale told
360 Degrees is joined by Animal Journeys Boonoonoonous Hair by Olive Senior, in verse of a whiny rabbit pushing a
by Patricia Hegarty, illus. by Jessica illus. by Laura James (Feb. 15, hardcover, patient bear to the end of his tether.
Courtney-Tickle (Mar. 1, hardcover, $17.95, ISBN 978-1-926890-07-4). Ages 37.
$12.99, ISBN 978-1-944530-04-4), The A girl learns to love her difficult-to- Carson Crosses Canada by Linda
Earth Book by Jonathan Litton (Mar. 1, manage and voluminous hair. Ages 48. Bailey, illus. by Kass Reich (May 30,
hardcover, $29.99, ISBN 978-1-944530- When Morning Comes by Arushi hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-101-
06-8), and Things That Grow by Libby Raina (Feb. 15, hardcover, $18.95, 91883-8) features a sassy septuagenarian
Walden, illus. by Becca Stadtlander, ages ISBN 978-1-896580-69-2). Alternating and her quirky canine on a road trip. 48.
8up. from four characters points of view, this The Fog by Kyo Maclear, illus. by
book explores the roots of the Soweto Kenard Pak (May 2, hardcover, $16.99,
TILBURY HOUSE Uprising and apartheid in South Africa in ISBN 978-1-77049-492-3). In this envi-
Far Side of the Moon: The Story of 1976. Ages 13up. ronmental fable, a yellow warbler lives
Apollo 11s Third Man by Alex Irvine, on a beautiful island where he pursues
illus. by Ben Bishop (Mar. 28, hardcover, Series his hobby of human watching. Ages 48.
$16.95, ISBN 978-0-88448-452-3) is a On My Bike by Kari-Lynn Winters, illus. Harry and Clares Amazing
retelling of the moon-landing mission that by Christina Leist (Feb. 15, hardcover, Staycation by Ted Staunton, illus. by
follows astronaut Michael Collins, com- $12.95, ISBN 978-1-926890-13-5) and Mika Song (Feb. 7, hardcover, $16.99,
mander of the lunar orbiter. Ages 812. On My Skis by Kari-Lynn Winters, illus. ISBN 978-1-77049-827-3). Siblings
by Christina Leist (Feb. 15, hardcover, make their own fun but when Clare
Series $12.95, ISBN 978-1-926890-03-6) join makes all the rules, Harry has a plan to
How Nature Works has two additions: the On My series, ages 25. And turn the tables. Ages 48.
Catching Air: Making the Leap with Shu-Li and the Magic Pear Tree by Paul Its Great Being a Dad by Dan Bar-el,

166 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

illus. by Gina Perry (Apr. 4, hardcover, Series English and Tagalog edition. Ages
$16.99, ISBN 978-1-77049-605-7). Narwhal and Jelly are back in action in 412.
Dad comes to the rescue when Bigfoot, Super Narwhal and Jelly Jolt: A Narwhal
Unicorn, and Robot run into trouble. and Jelly Book by Ben Clanton (May 2, Series
Ages 48. hardcover, $12.99, ISBN 978-1-101- All About Asia welcomes All About
Dog Night at the Story Zoo by 91829-6), ages 69. Japan: Stories, Songs, Crafts and Games for
Dan Bar-el, illus. by Vicki Nerino Kids by Willamarie Moore, illus. by
(July 4, hardcover, $14.99, ISBN 978-1- TURNER Kazumi Wilds (Feb. 21, hardcover,
101-91838-8). Its dog night at Open Series $14.95, ISBN 978-4-8053-1440-1) and
Mic Night, and they bark their tales. The Broken Sky Chronicles continues All About the Philippines: Stories, Songs,
Ages 710. with Above by Jason Chabot (Feb. 7, Crafts and Games for Kids by Gidget
The Big Book of Canada: paper, $19.95, ISBN 978-1-68162-604- Roceles Jimenez, illus. by Corazon
Exploring the Provinces and 8), ages 12-17, and finishes up with Dandan-Albano (Feb. 21, hardcover,
Territories by Christopher Moore, illus. Beyond, (May 16, paper, $19.95, ISBN $14.95, ISBN 978-0-8048-4848-0),
by Bill Slavin (Apr. 4, hardcover, $34.99, 978-1-68162-607-9), ages 1217. And ages 812.
ISBN 978-1-101-91894-4). A new The United Continuums by Jennifer Brody
edition for Canadas Sesquicentennial. (July 11, paper, $17.95, ISBN 978-1- UNIV. OF MINNESOTA
Ages 912. 68162-262-0) concludes the Creekfinding: A True Story by
Innocent Heroes: Stories of Animals Continuum Trilogy, ages 1218. Jacqueline Briggs Martin, illus. by
in the First World War by Sigmund Claudia McGehee (Mar. 7, hardcover,
Brouwer (Feb. 14, hardcover, $16.99, TUTTLE $16.95, ISBN 978-0-8166-9802-8)
ISBN 978-1-101-91846-3) celebrates The Monkey King: A Classic Chinese brings to life the story of an eco-
the important role animals play in war. Tale for Children by David Seow, illus. system restored in northeast Iowa.
Ages 912. by L.K. Tay-Audouard (Mar. 28, hard- Ages 4up.
A Soldiers Sketchbook: The cover, $9.95, ISBN 978-0-8048-4840-4) Dead Mans Rapids by William
Illustrated First World War Diary of is inspired by Chinese folktales and leg- Durbin and Barbara Durbin (Apr. 11,
R.H. Rabjohn by John Wilson (Mar. 7, ends. Ages 39. hardcover, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-5179-
hardcover, $16.99, ISBN 978-1-77049- Pan de Sal Saves the Day by Norma 0223-0). In the north woods of
854-9) is a diary featuring the text and Olizon-Chikiamco, illus. by Mark Minnesota in the late 19th century,
drawings of Rabjohn, a trained artist, Salvatus (Feb. 7, paper, $8.95, ISBN 13-year-old Ben Ward signs up for a
of his three years of soldiering. Ages 978-0-8048-4754-4). This story from harrowing log drive. Ages 8up.
10up. the Philippines is in a new bilingual

From Mouse and Hippo by Mike Twohy


W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 167
S p r i n g C h i l d r e n s A n n o u n c e m e n t s

UNIV. OF NEW MEXICO $15.99, ISBN 978-0-8249-5681-

Series 3). A girl has a tea party with her
Sisters in Blue: Sor Mara de father. Ages 47.
greda Comes to New Mexico/
Hermanas de azul: Sor Mara de Series
greda viene a Nuevo Mxico by Bunnies hop along with No, Bunny
Anna Nogar and Enrique by Pamela Kennedy, illus. by Claire
Lamadrid, illus. by Amy Crdova Keay (Mar. 7, hardcover, $7.99,
(June 15, hardcover, $19.95, ISBN 978-0-8249-1651-0) about a
ISBN 978-0-8263-5821-9) is bunny has been taking things that
new to the Querencias series, dont belong to him and Uh-Oh,
ages 913. Bunny by Pamela Kennedy, illus.
by Claire Keay (Mar. 7, hardcover,
WHAT ON EARTH $7.99, ISBN 978-0-8249-1650-3)
The Nature Timeline in which Bunny has been a little
Wallbook: Unfold the Story careless: drawing on the walls,
of Naturefrom the Dawn of knocking over Mamas plant, and
Life to the Present Day! by tearing the pages of a book. Ages
Christopher Lloyd, illus. by Andy 25.
Forshaw (May 2, hardcover,
$19.95, ISBN 978-0-9932847- ZEST
3-1) features a six-foot fold-out Sonia Sotomayor: A Biography
timeline of evolution and a by Sylvia Mendoza (Apr. 25, hard-
pocket magnifier. Ages 614. cover, $10.99, ISBN 978-1-
The Shakespeare Timeline From Keep a Pocket in Your Poem by J. Patrick Lewis, illus. by 942186-09-0) profiles the first
Johanna Wright (Boyds Mills/Wordsong).
Wallbook: Unfold the Latina justice and third woman
Complete Plays of (May 30, hardcover, $15.95, ISBN 978- appointed to the U.S. Supreme
ShakespeareOne Theater, Thirty- 0-7611-8950-3) celebrates the idea that Court. Ages 8up.
eight Dramas! by Christopher Lloyd every mistake is an opportunity to make The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory
and Nick Walton, illus. by Andy something beautiful. Ages 314. Girls: A Kaleidoscopic Account by
Forshaw (June 4, hardcover, $19.95, Christine Seifert (May 30, hardcover,
ISBN 978-0-9932847-6-2) presents all Series $14.99, ISBN 978-1-942186-45-8)
of Shakespeares plays on a six-foot fold- Doodle Adventures adds The Rise of the examines the events leading up to the
out timeline, set in the iconic Globe Rusty Robo-Cat! by Mike Lowery (June catastrophic fire from the perspective of
Theatre. Ages 614. 27, hardcover, $12.95, ISBN 978-0- six young women who lived the story.
7611-8721-9), ages 8up. Indestructibles, Ages 12up.
WISDOM TALES created by Amy Pixton, illus. by Stephan Things We Havent Said: Stories of
Princess Sophie and the Six Swans: Lomp, continues with Baby Animals Abuse and Recovery, ed. by Erin
A Tale from the Brothers Grimm by (Apr. 4, paper, $5.95, ISBN 978-0- Moulton) (June 27, hardcover, $16.99,
Kim Jacobs (Apr. 1, hardcover, $16.95, 7611-9308-1) and Things That Go! (Apr. ISBN 978-1-942186-34-2) encourages
ISBN 978-1-937786-67-0) is a retelling 4, paper, $5.95, ISBN 978-0-7611- teens to speak out on tough issues by
of the classic tale. Ages 48. 9362-3), ages 12. providing teens with stories that engage,
The Rock Maiden: A Chinese Tale of questions for further discussion, and
Love and Loyalty by Natasha Yim, illus. WORTHYKIDS/IDEALS resources. Ages 14up.
by Pirkko Vainio (Mar. 1, hardcover, $17.95, My First Birthday (Mar. 7, hardcover, Year One: A Real-World Survival
ISBN 978-1-937786-65-6). A reimag- $5.99, ISBN 978-0-8249-1999-3 intro- Guide by Genevieve Morgan (May 2,
ining of this legend about a woman who duces the festive symbols of a birthday paper, $13.99, ISBN 978-1-942186-
mourns her husband lost at sea. Ages 48. celebration. Ages 13. 27-4) picks up where Undecided left off
Daddys Girl by Helen Foster James, to prepare 20-somethings for the real
WORKMAN illus. by Estelle Corke (Apr. 4, hardcover, world. Ages 16up.
My Book of Beautiful Oops! A Scribble
For additional listings of spring 2017 childrens books, as well as our exclusive sneak
It, Smear It, Fold It, Tear It Journal
preview of publishers fall 2017 offerings, visit publishers
for Young Artists by Barney Saltzberg

168 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

Children's Stories Warmed by Jewish Wisdom

Our growing list of authors includes: David Adler, Eric Kimmel,

Marc Lumer, Karen Rostoker-Gruber, and Sylvia Rouss

find out more at

an imprint of Behrman House and Gefen Publishing

Reviews living not far from where he grew up,

whose father and brother both work in the
mine and who constantly feels the pull of
his hometown, and Ann, a frustrated and
lost young woman who fantasizes about

Fiction another life that she believes will always

elude her. The two are drawn together fol-
lowing overwhelming personal losses after
Spaceman of Bohemia the accident. What follows is a complex
Jaroslav Kalfar. Little, Brown, $26 (288p) portrayal of trauma, grief, and how to find
ISBN 978-0-316-27343-5 light in the darknessquite literally, in
A Czech astronaut travels to an inter- fact, in the case of Lyle, an older miner
stellar dust cloud in an attempt to redeem trapped underground after the accident,
his family name in this wonderfully jubi- who is forced to confront the meaning of
lant and touching debut novel. Beginning his life and what might come next if he is
with the launch of the spaceship JanHus1, saved. The voices of these characters are as
the novel promptly flashes back to explore Erika Carters ambitious debut novel, Lucky memorable as their struggle to keep going
the complex motivations of the titular You, delves into the ennui that comes with being in the face of tragedy. (Mar.)
young and unsure (reviewed on p. 171).
spaceman, Jakub Prochazka. The son of a
Communist sympathizer who tortured The Barrowfields
dissidents, Jakub chooses to leave his mothers mysterious disappearance. As he Phillip Lewis. Random/Hogarth, $26 (368p)
beloved homeland and wife, Lenka, to dredges up the towns best-kept secrets, ISBN 978-0-451-49564-8
bring renown to the oft-overlooked Czech the line between past and present blurs, In this charming, absorbing, and
Republic. Once in space, Jakub encoun- ghosts of the departed shadowing the assured debut novel, a young man tries to
ters a possibly hallucinated alien spider footsteps of those still living. Mahonys make sense of his fathers life and the pas-
named Hanus, who interrogates him on quest is, at its core, a journey of self-dis- sions that unite themnamely, a devo-
philosophies both existential and per- covery, yet his presence, much like his tion to literature and a rueful nostalgia for
sonal. Through their conversations, Jakub mothers, creates a ripple that churns into their Appalachian homeland. In the nov-
is forced to confront Lenkas new, seem- a tempest, ultimately threatening the sta- els sweeping opening, the narrator,
ingly happier life without him, as well as bility of the town as a whole. The lavishly Henry Aster, describes how his father, also
the ghosts of his fathers violent past. populated cast of characters boasts unique named Henry, briefly escaped his home-
Their debates come to a head in the dust quirks, hidden motivations, and a dan- town of Old Buckram, N.C., to attend
cloud Chopra, where Jakub must risk his gerous instinct for self-preservation. In college and pursue soaring literary ambi-
mission, earthbound life, and contact Mulderrig, Mahony learns, all is not as it tions, convinced that inside him was
with Hanus. Written in an erudite comic seems; the departed prove to be the least something magnificent. After marrying
style, the novel boldly switches tones like of his worries. While the plot hurtles and gaining a law degree, though, the
a spacesuit built for multiple planetary along at a rapid pace, leading inexorably elder Henry learned that his mother is ill,
atmospheres: from the historical to the to the heart-pounding final conflict, Kidd and he returned to Old Buckram, where,
domestic, from out-of-this-world fables to injects ample doses of macabre humor and following a bout of professional success,
brutal terrestrial reality. Agent: Marya lyrical description in this memorable he bought a sinister-looking hilltop man-
Spence, Janklow & Nesbit Associates. (Mar.) story from a strange, bold new voice. sion known as the vulture house. There,
(Mar.) he raised his family and toiled away end-
Himself lessly on a mysterious, Casaubon-esque
Jess Kidd. Atria, $26 (384p) ISBN 978-1-5011- The Underworld work of literature. Younger Henry relates
4517-9 Kevin Canty. Norton, $24.95 (256p) ISBN 978- all this years later, sometime in the 90s,
In her exceptional debut novel, Kidd 0-393-29305-0 after having followed a very similar trajec-
explores the dark corners of the human Set in the 1970s, this stunning and tory: he too, after gaining a law degree,
mind in small-town 1970s Ireland, cre- deeply moving novel follows a disparate has found himself back in Old Buckram.
ating a haunting story that moves cast of characters in the mining town of But his father is gone, the rest of his
between the supernatural and the mun- Silverton, Idaho, before and after a disas- family is in shambles, and his girlfriend
dane. A murder mystery on the surface, trous fire in the mine that changes their the aptly if cutely named Storyhas her
the story digs past the traditional who- lives. Hope isnt easy to keep alive in this own family problems to sort out. Lewis
dunit structure to paint a rich portrait of hard-drinking, hard-living town, and evokes his settings beautifully, and his
village life. Mahony, a charming young everyone secretly dreams of somehow get- prose is bracingly erudite. This debut has
man who can communicate with the dead, ting out, even when so few of them actu- the ability to fully immerse its readers.
returns to Mulderrig, Ireland, his birth- ally manage to do so. The story is (Mar.)
place, in search of the truth about his anchored by David, a college freshman

170 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

The Kingdom
Emmanuel Carrre, trans. from the French by
John Lambert. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $27 [Q&A]
(400p) ISBN 978-0-374-18430-8
The latest from Carrre (Limonov) is a tale PW Talks with Jonathan Shaw
of modern and ancient Christianity, filtered
through a text thats equal parts memoir, Ink Stains
academic essay, and fictional exploration.
Starting first with the authors brief, intense Although known primarily for his work as a tattoo artist,
relationship with religion in the early Shaw is also a talented writer whose latest book, Scab Vendor
1990s, the book follows Carrres path as he (reviewed on p. 172), draws on his own life.
eventually finds fault with his faith. From
here, he turns back the clock to parse out I had no idea you were a writer. kinds of retreats and therapy. I
the lives of early Christian evangelists, par- I get that a lot. I was in the tattoo field found that the written word is the
ticularly Paul and Luke, starting in 50 CE. for 30 years, so I understand. But now most healing modality Ive been able
Combining scholarship, biblical reference, its just part of the mosaic and Im to find.
and imagination, Carrre brings the exploits comfortable with it. The comparisons to Charles Bukowski
of these men, working to spread the story of Did you have any reservations about are obvious, but Scab Vendor reminded
Jesus to the masses while being persecuted the books title, since it emphasizes me more of Hubert Selby Jr. and
and challenged by detractors, to life. The tattooing? Henry Miller in terms of tone and
author approaches every moment with the No, actually. That kind of represents style.
mind of a skeptical storyteller, plugging in me coming to terms with Henry Miller was an
personal theories about the identities of the it. You have history, and influence to a degree. I
authors behind biblical letters and gospels you cant pretend it never really like the way
and questioning the validity of the many existed. If it wasnt for our Miller had this certain
miracles Jesus is said to have performed. pasts, we wouldnt be the freedom of expression
Jumping back and forth through time people we are today. he just let himself rant.
at one point, talk of the Virgin Mary leads You use multiple narra- But he fell short as a
to a tangent on Internet pornresults in tives in the book. One of writer because he fell in
a frequently fascinating book written by a which is a young guy love with his own fart
curious, sharp mind. (Mar.) talking to Ciganoyour gas, you know?
alter ego of sortson the Bukowski was an incred-
Lucky You beach in Mexico. ibly sparse writer. He
Erika Carter. Counterpoint, $26 (375p) Right. I had written a few was a self-editing writer
ISBN 978-1-61902-899-9 stories that were going to evolve into and you can see the difference. He
Carters ambitious debut novel delves this book while I was living in Veracruz. could say something in a sentence that
into the ennui that comes with being young Once I got back to L.A., Johnny Depp would take Henry Miller paragraphs
and unsure. Three 20-something women asked what Id been doing. He read a to get across. Hubert Selby Jr. was a
Ellie, Chloe, and Rachel, friends living in few chapters and suggested I turn this great friend and all these guys were
the same Arkansas town where they went into a screenplay because he was very big influences on me.
to collegecircle in and out of each oth-
interested in playing this character. I How do you feel about the Bukowski
ers lives as they each grasp for identity and
spent a year and a half writing a comparisons?
purpose. Ellie seeks romantic validation
screenplay, and the character of Cigano I think the Bukowski references are
from a distant musician and her married
came out during that process. For what- coming from lazy journalists parroting
boss while slipping slowly into drink.
ever reason, thats how the screenplay each other. Bukowski was an influence,
Chloe suffers from a variety of mysterious
wanted to be written. It jumps around but I dont want to be the next
health problems she is not eager to cure or
instead of following a linear thread. Bukowski. I was fortunate enough to
even to understand. Rachel lives with her
Was writing this a cathartic exercise? know the guy and we hung out a lot.
sanctimonious boyfriend, whose wealthy
parents pay for a house in the Ozarks where Theres nothing more cathartic than He was a cool guy and a good friend
they all contribute to The Project, an off- going over your life with a fine-tooth and somewhat of a mentor to me. It
the-grid lifestyle based on vaguely new-age comb. Im a recovered alcoholic and wasnt one of those all-night drinking
ideas of health and spirituality. For all their Ive been through every 12-step pro- sessions that [was] such an influence
devotion to their assorted identities, be it cess known to man. Ive worked with on my writing so much as reading his
girlfriend, mistress, or participant in The shamans in the Amazon and done all stuff. Kyle Tonniges
Project, the women struggle to find a direc-
tion that sticks. This fruitless search is relat-

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 171

able to anyone who has ever been young and

confused, and Carters no-nonsense prose is
darkly witty, lacking the self-indulgence or
Mikhail and Margarita
Julie Lekstrom Himes. Europa (Penguin, dist.), $18 trade paper (336p) ISBN 978-1-60945-375-6
mean-spiritedness often seen in stories about

modern youth. While the characters are imess confident, carefully crafted debut novel
each charming and believable, there is little begins in 1933 Moscow with poet Osip
narrative tension outside of their destructive Mandelstam and satirist Mikhail Bulgakov
spirals. Still, Carters compassion for her lost sharing a quiet moment at a restaurant. Later that
young women is clear, and the story never night, Mandelstam is arrested because of his unpub-
falters from the starkly realistic trajectories lished poem about Stalin. The Writers Union selects
marked out for the protagonists. The result Bulgakov to draft a letter pleading for the poets release.
is a clever and honest look at the conse- Bulgakov witnesses the determined efforts of
quences of youthful malaise. (Mar.) Mandelstams wife to save her husband and his work.
He also becomes better acquainted with Mandelstams
The Book of Polly
mistress, Margarita, who eventually becomes Bulgakovs
Kathy Hepinstall. Viking/Dorman, $26 (336p)
mistress and inspiration for his masterpiece, The Master
ISBN 978-0-399-56209-9
and Margarita. While the Mandelstams are sent into exile, Margarita is con-
Hepinstalls Southern coming-of-age
demned to a prison camp. Bulgakov follows her to Siberia, as does the govern-
novel, about a girl who worries that her
ment agent who loves her. The story blends political and literary history with fic-
68-year-old, Virginia Slims-smoking
tion, alternating among moments of gritty realism, deep emotion, irony, and
mother will die from cancer, could easily
have been a TLC reality series caricature, insight. Himes evokes a world of geniuses and hacks, dangerous men and endan-
with Polly Havens a hybrid of Granny from gered men, muses and martyrs. She adeptly details brutality and betrayal as well
The Beverly Hillbillies and Shirley MacLaines as creativity and the uncertainties of censorship: one moment the not-so-secret
Ouiser Boudreaux in Steel Magnolias. police trash Bulgakovs apartment, the next Stalin insists a commissar give
Instead, its full of laughter and warmth and Bulgakov his jacket. This novel offers two profiles in courage: a satirist struggling
sadness. The Walgreens-working widow under a dictator who has no use for satire, and the woman Himes imagines
who must not suffer fools at all is modeled inspired the iconic novel about the survival of love and literature under bureau-
on the authors mother, a Louisiana native. Is cratic tyranny. (Mar.)
Pollywho tries to kill all the varmints
destroying her garden, yet painstakingly
nurses an orphaned squirrel she names Scab Vendor: (other kids got [the] Hardy Boys I got
Elmera bigger handful than her Confessions of a Tattoo Artist Hieronymus Bosch), and his largely
10-year-old daughter Willow, who tells Jonathan Shaw. Turner, $21.95 trade paper absent father, famed jazz musician Artie
whoppers about her mother so she remains (400p) ISBN 978-1-68162-915-5 Shaw, on his adult life, which was a whirl-
larger than life, too big for the Bear (aka Famed tattoo artist Shaw (Narcisa: Our pool of drugs and alcohol. The gritty,
cancer) to take down? The girl, as clever and Lady of Ashes) uses multiple narrative gutter style of prose is sharpened by
smart-mouthed as her mother, narrates threads, vacillating between first person and Shaws gift for dialogue and sharp insight.
through age 16 and never loses pitch. Polly third person, to tell his life story in this This tale is one of shame, humility, and
stays true to her cantankerous self, refusing sprawling, experimental autobiography. wonder at how it all happened. Agent:
to divulge her secrets to her daughter, and The book is framed around an imagined Mark Gottlieb, Trident Media. (Mar.)
Phoenix Calhoun, her adult sons high conversation between a young man and a
school friend, acts the righteous dude as he famous tattoo artist named CiganoShaws The Mermaids Daughter
watches over the two women. This is a warm alter ego of sortsinterspersed with Ann Claycomb. Morrow, $15.99 trade paper
and fresh tale, made so by characters as vignettes from Shaws life. Through this (448p) ISBN 978-0-06-256068-1
varied as the evil Montessori-schooled twins framework Shaw revisits his foggy memo- The tale of the Little Mermaid may be
next door, Willows steadfast friend Dalton, ries of an often chaotic childhood and well-known, but dont look for the
and a Bible-thumping faith healer. (Mar.) explores the influence of his actress mother, Disneyfied version in Claycombs fine
an alcoholic with a flair for the dramatic debut. Here, the story swirls around

Our Reviewers
Elisa Chemayne Agostinho Donna Chavez Sara Grochowski Diane Langhorst Nora Ostrofe Will Swarts
Allen Appel Lynda Brill Comerford Patricia Guy Anaea Lay Mary Pender-Coplan Lelia Taylor
Allen Appel IV Jessica Daitch Bob Hahn Michael Levy Leonard Picker Misty Urban
Chris Barsanti Stefan Dziemianowicz Katrina Niidas Holm Alice McClintock Gwyn Plummer Robin Vidimos
Nancy Bloch Shaenon Garrity Stephanie Howlett-West Sheri Melnick Diane Reynolds Martin Ward
Vicki Borah Bloom Marcie Geffner Beverly Jackson Patrick Millikin Eugene Reynolds Nancy Weber
Mitzi Brunsdale Rebecca George Jon Jeffryes Libby Morse Carol Robins Rona Wilk
Charlene Brusso Krystyna Poray Goddu Mary M. Jones Julie Naughton Antonia Saxon
Henry Carrigan Laurie Gold Michael M. Jones Eric Norton Sara Schulman
Donis Casey Daphne Grab Gary Kramer Dionne Obeso John Seven

172 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

Kathleen Conarn, a young student backdrop of the incessant ocean, this inven- Wyn worries about the possibility of testi-
learning opera at conservatory. Shes not tive story captures the mystery, tragic loss, fying in a retrial, she seeks to uncover the
just any music student, but an amazing and beauty of Hans Christian Andersens mystery of the undeveloped rolls of film
soprano from a family of musical talents original mermaid tale while thoughtfully she finds in the cottage. Greenwood has suc-
(her Irish-born father, Robin, is a famous and passionately updating it. (Mar.) ceeded in writing an emotionally charged
composer). Kathleen has always experi- novel with many layers, rounded out by a
enced extreme pain piercing the bottom The Golden Hour cast of memorable characters. (Mar.)
of her feet and, strangely, the only thing T. Greenwood. Kensington, $15 trade paper
that temporarily soothes her is seawater. (304p) ISBN 978-0-7582-9057-1 Who You Think I Am
She feels a strong connection to the sea, Greenwoods (Where I Lost Her) latest Camille Laurens, trans. from the French by
though her mother drowned herself in explores one womans struggles as she Adriana Hunter. Other Press, $14.95 trade
Ireland when Kathleen was just a baby. remembers a traumatic event from 20 paper (208p) ISBN 978-1-59051-832-8
When it turns out that the women in years earlier and tries to come to terms Told through documents including depo-
Kathleens family have had a history of with her separation from her husband. sitions, transcriptions, and novel fragments,
suicidal acts near the sea for more than a Wyn Davies works on commissioned Laurenss (In His Arms) intricate and cerebral
few generations, the situation begins to paintings in her half of a New York City novel explores the construction of identity
smell fishy, and Kathleens girlfriend, duplex, where she lives with her four- and the politics of age, gender, and desire.
Harry (short for Harriet), wants to take year-old daughter, Avery; her estranged The story is introduced through tapes of
her to Ireland to see if they can uncover husband, Gus, lives in the other half. Wyn therapy sessions between divorced 48-year-
some truth about Kathleens family his- jumps at the chance to spend time in a old comparative literature professor Claire
tory and her suffering. Claycomb struc- cottage in Maine, courtesy of her friend Millecam and a therapist identified only as
tures the book into three acts, like an opera, Pilar. Though she enjoys painting in the Marc B. Frustrated by her elusive lover, Joe,
and deftly switches between Kathleens and peace of the Maine cottage while caring Claire decides to track him by friending his
Harrys voicespunctuated by Robins for Avery, she is upset that a conviction sometime roommate, Chris, on Facebook.
Composer Notesto create the effect of may be overturned for Robert Rousseau, To interest the younger KissChris, she
singers baring their souls. Written with the man who has served 20 years in prison constructs a persona using the name Claire
RADIO_HALF_H_0116.qxp_Layout 1 1/28/16 2:54 PM Page 1
attention to musicality and the murmuring for raping her when she was only 13. As Antunes and a photograph of a younger

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woman she claims she found on Google. Her were happy, but now all she knows is that tans, and murder, only to leave Cuba for the
immersion in the virtual relationship with she will do anything to get her son back. In United Statesfalls to his son, Elias, to
Chris and her false persona deepens, and between them is Caitlin Bryce-Daniels, unravel in 2007, after the same Rembrandt
both begin to obsess herbut when she Finns longtime best friend and now painting turns up for sale in a London auc-
tries to make a break, disaster strikes. As Violets close friend as well, whom Finn tion house. In this quest, he enlists a dissi-
the voices of Marc B., Claires ex-husband blackmails into helping him by threat- pated book-dealer-turned-detective named
Paul, and a writer named Camille Laurens ening to reveal a horrible secret. The narra- Mario Conde. But as Mario Conde delves
are added to the narrative, the facts first tive, which alternates between the three, as into the mystery of the painting, he unearths
established begin to dissolve, breaking well as past and present, is undeniably sus- the secret history of the Kaminiskys
open to reveal new possibilities. Though penseful. The conclusion is a bit neat, but ancestor Elias Ambrosius (his friendship
heavy-handed disquisitions on gender Strawsers exploration of marriage, its with Rembrandt in 17th-century
disparity and female aging early in the expectations, and motherhood are spot-on, Amsterdam, the heresy embedded in the
book may deter some readers, Laurens crafts making for an absorbing read. (Mar.) painting, and the crisis of faith that deter-
the novels nested secrets meticulously, mined the familys ensuing itinerancy) and
producing tricky and thought-provoking Heretics becomes acquainted with Yadine, the
surprises until the very end. (Mar.) Leonardo Padura, trans. from the Spanish by young, punkish heiress to the Kaminsky
Anna Kushner. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $27 legacy, as she searches for a missing friend. If
Almost Missed You (544p) ISBN 978-0-374-16885-8 this sounds like a lot, its still only scratching
Jessica Strawser. St. Martins, $25.99 (320p) In Heretics, Padura (The Man Who Loved the surface of this voluminously detailed
ISBN 978-1-250-10760-2 Dogs) unfurls nearly 400 years in the dispa- epic, which seems designed to challenge the
In Strawsers nerve-wracking debut, a rate fortunes of the Kaminsky family, who, limits of how much story a book can con-
womans husband leaves with their son, in 1939, flee Nazi Germany for Havana tain. Padura attempts to join a hardboiled
shattering her life and catching others in having staked their survival on a single mystery story to a historical epic, and the
his devastating wake. Violet and Finn family heirloom: a small portrait of Christ resulting tonal shifts sometimes strain the
Welsh and their three-year-old son, Bear, painted by Rembrandt. The story of what material, while still lending stylistic flair to
are on vacation in Florida when Violets happened afterhow the then-nine-year- the Kaminskys plight. (Mar.)
world is turned upside down. Although old Daniel Kaminsky came to disavow his
Finns life before marrying Violet was Jewish faith and become embroiled in a The Adventures of John Carson in
marked by tragedy, Violet thought they Dickensian underworld of thieves, charla- Several Quarters of the World: A
Novel of Robert Louis Stevenson
Brian Doyle. St. Martins/Dunne, $25.99
Tadunos Song (240p) ISBN 978-1-250-10052-8
If fans of Robert Louis Stevenson want to
Odafe Atogun. Pantheon, $24.95 (240p) ISBN 978-1-101-87145-4
read Doyles latest novel, they should not be

niting a retelling of the Orpheus myth, an indict- misled by the word adventures in the title.
ment of totalitarian inhumanity, and a Kafkaesque The book is actually a subtle contemplation,
meditation on identity within the spare language told through the eyes of a young Stevenson,
of fable, Atoguns memorable debut novel testifies as he passes a year at a boarding house in San
to the power of both oppression and art. Its protagonist, Francisco. There he waits for his sweetheart
a musician known only as Taduno, runs afoul of the to divorce her unfaithful husband, earning
money for his future wedding by writing.
ruthless Nigerian government for stirring up the popu-
His favorite inspiration is the owner of the
lace with his protest songs. Losing his famous voice as a
boarding house, Mrs. Carson, and her hus-
result of their brutality, he goes into exile. Three
band, Mr. John Carson. As he listens to
months later, he receives a letter from his girlfriend,
their tales of traveling the world, he
Lela, warning him that their homeland is changing dan-
reflects on his life, his future, and the kind
gerously. Deciding to reunite with her, Taduno returns
of writer he wants to be. Readers looking
to Lagos only to discover that no one recognizes him, all of the documents that
for a thrilling adventure story would be
prove his identity have mysteriously disappeared, and Lela has been abducted by
better off rereading Kidnapped or Treasure
the government in its attempt to gain leverage over him. Taduno realizes that the Island, but, as Doyles Stevenson narrates, he
only way to regain his identity is to regain his voice. But his musical rebirth has is aware of the quietness of his story and is
an impossible cost: will he save Lela by singing for the government, or remain not afraid of drawing attention to it. While
true to his people and his soul? Readers familiar with Nigerian political history or the book could perhaps have a more apt
the countrys late musician-activist Fela Kuti will find echoes of both in the title, anyone looking for rich prose and a
novel. But Atogans allegory, at once bleak and hopeful, needs no external glosses unique perspective on one of the worlds
to speak clearly and powerfully. (Mar.) most beloved authors will enjoy Doyles
characterization. A fine homage to the

174 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

writing of Stevenson that will suck you future. Donohue fashions a sparkling Follow Me into the Dark
into the mind of a working writer. (Mar.) story exploring the mother-daughter bond, Felicia C. Sullivan. Feminist, $16.95 trade
with Nics lovely scenes with her horse and paper (320p) ISBN 978-1-55861-945-6
The Lost Daughter Collective a possible romance for Gail adding extra Sullivans debut novel (after her memoir,
Lindsey Drager. Dzanc (PGW, dist.), $15.95 depth. Woven in is the threat of a possible The Sky Isnt Visible from Here) opens with a
trade paper (176p) ISBN 978-1-941088-73-9 stalker, resulting in an interesting final gripping scene in a hotel room where a
Drager (The Sorrow Paper) mixes fairy twist. While the narrative at times borders womans hair is on fire. As Kate, the nar-
tale and gender politics into her novel of on the saccharine, ultimately, it makes for rator of the first chapter, describes the inci-
interlinked fictions about father, daugh- a genuinely warm, uplifting read. (Mar.) dent, certain details become clear: Kates
ters, and how we tell stories. In these sec- mother is dying of cancer; Gillian, the
tions fathers tell stories to daughters,
fathers lose daughters, and fathers realize
sometimes that maybe they never had
daughters at all. While the language of
folktale is often invoked, including allu-
sions to Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan,
Drager also trades in stranger logic as
well: scholars of wrist studies, cold art
methodology, museums of paternal
understanding, and more. The stories
connect to form a greater whole, yet many
feel isolated as well; characters reappear
and shift throughout; and sometimes very
short sections also include diagrams, tex-
tual trickery, and epigraphs. The themes
include father-daughter relationships, but
also the nature of storytelling as a gen-
dered art and the way that texts can be
misread through both scholarship and
their own tellings. Ultimately, Dragers
book is clever and formally rich, but a pal-
pable coldness remainsthe layers seem
to distance the characters more than illu-
minate them. (Mar.)

Every Wild Heart

Meg Donohue. Morrow, $14.99 trade paper
(288p) ISBN 978-0-06-242983-4
Top San Francisco radio personality
Gail G.G. Gideon uses her show as a ral-
lying cry for unhappy singles, proving to
them that they can make it in the world,
and thrive, without a significant other.
After all, her own divorce nine years ear-
lier was the inspiration for the show.
Luckily, she has her 14-year-old daughter,
Nic, and a genial relationship with Nics
father, Tyler. When Nic suffers a traumatic
brain injury after falling from her horse,
Gail is determined to protect her daughter
at all costs, even if it means not letting her
ride, which devastates Nic. When Nic, nor-
mally a quiet, thoughtful and responsible
girl, starts making reckless decisions,
including a flirtation with the popular
17-year-old Lucas Holt, Gail begins to ques-
tion everything about their lives and their

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 175

woman in the hotel room, has been of everything else. Edgar is eight when scarcely escape nods to Ernest
sleeping with Kates stepfather; and Kate is the novel opens. Albino and borderline Hemingway and Graham Greene, but
the one who set Gillians hair on fire. Other autistic, hes having a hard time making it Vidich most deliberately evokes F. Scott
details, however, remain hazy as a story of in urban New Jersey, and he finds himself Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby, from the
intergenerational pain, abuse, and mental tempted to take the protection offered by opening epigraph to the denouement. The
illness unfurls. Truth becomes slippery as a mysterious bearded middle-aged man high quality of the authors prose makes
the narrative jumps in time and point of who is often found patrolling his neigh- this a worthy homage. Agent: Will Roberts,
view, leaving as many questions as clues. borhood in a pickup truck. Edgars widowed Gernert Company. (Apr.)
Gillian has her own story of grief to share, mother, Lucy, does her best to care for
and Jonah, Kates stepbrother, seems to him, but shes still haunted by her dead Conviction
match the profile of a local serial killer. It husband and chafing under the household Julia Dahl. Minotaur, $25.99 (304p) ISBN 978-
quickly becomes clear that many of the rule of her stern Italian mother-in-law, 1-250-08369-2
characters own accounts cannot be trusted, with whom she and Edgar live. The novel In Dahls outstanding third novel fea-
and reading becomes an exercise in fitting has the plot of a much briefer book, and, turing Brooklyn freelance reporter
the pieces together. Many moments are while some readers may revel in its rich Rebekah Roberts (after 2015s Run You
engaging, but vagueness and withheld description, others will find it self-indul- Down), Rebekah agrees to help DeShawn
information obscure the more compelling gent. Secondary characters come across as Perkins, who claims hes innocent of the
human mysteries of the book. (Mar.) more quirky than credible, and the intro- crime that sent him to prison at age 16
duction of the point of view of a ghostly murdering his foster parents and foster
Our Short History character disrupts the flow of the narra- sister in 1992. DeShawn claims that a
Lauren Grodstein. Algonquin, $26.95 (352p) tive. Scenes set in the deserted woods of cop, who unquestioningly accepted a
ISBN 978-1-61620-622-2 the New Jersey Pine Barrens have an eerie crack addicts ID of him, coerced his con-
Karen Neulander has a rotten deal. power, as do flashbacks to the early years fession. The narrative alternates between
Diagnosed with stage-IV ovarian cancer, of Lucys marriage. While the plot is sus- the original murder investigation in Crown
she tries to manage her healthsurgeries penseful enough to keep the pages Heights, where riots pitted Orthodox Jews
and treatments to prolong her lifeas turning, Lovado blunts the edges of difficult and black residents against each other,
well as her careerpolitical consultant to subjects such as suicide and child endan- and Rebekahs
a philandering New York City coun- germent, making for an emotionally easier present-day
cilman running for reelection. Most story. 125,000-copy announced first printing. sleuthing in the
important is her six-year-old son, Jake. Agent: Bill Clegg, the Clegg Agency. (Mar.) quickly gentri-
While Jake knows she has a terminal ill- fying neighbor-
ness, Karen fiercely protects his world and hood. Many of
pens a book for himthe very book we Mystery/Thriller the cases orig-
are reading, in factso that she can leave inal players are
him something tangible as a guide for his The Good Assassin still out there,
life without her. Knowing she wont be Paul Vidich. Atria/Bestler, $26 (224p) including
around forever, Jake suddenly wants to ISBN 978-1-5011-1042-9 Rebekahs for-
find his father, Dave, the love of Karens Cuba in the late 1950s provides the merly Orthodox
life, who ditched her when he learned she backdrop for Vidichs simmering, old- ex-cop friend, Saul Katz; the woman in
was pregnant. Grodstein (A Friend of the fashioned literary spy tale, the sequel to line to be the next Brooklyn DA; and the
Family) deftly explores family relationships, 2016s An Honorable Man. The CIA highly dubious eyewitness, all of whom
but the device of Karen writing a book for director persuades retired agent George have something to fear from Rebekahs
her son is cumbersome and artificial. The Mueller to go to Cuba during the per- probing. Dahl excels at revealing the inner
power of the book is also undermined by ilous last throes of the Batista regime to workings of enigmatic subcultures while
the sentimental circumstances and pre- investigate Toby Graham, a CIA operative maintaining peak suspense. She also pro-
dictable ending: will Karen let Dave, who suspected of assisting Fidel Castros rebel vides a terrific whoa, I didnt see that
has changed and is eager to have a mean- fighters with diverted CIA weaponry. coming moment. Agent: Stephanie Rostan,
ingful relationship with the son he never Posing as a magazine travel writer, Levine Greenberg Literary Agency. (Mar.)
knew he had, be a part of her sons future Mueller reconnects with Jack and Liz
without her? (Mar.) Malone, old friends who have relocated to The Cutthroat:
Cuba and are unable to see the coming An Isaac Bell Adventure
Edgar and Lucy upheaval in their lives, both political and Clive Cussler and Justin Scott. Putnam, $29
Victor Lodato. St. Martins, $27.99 (544p) personal. Tobys betrayals arent limited to (400p) ISBN 978-0-399-57560-0
ISBN 978-1-250-09698-2 his mission, and Mueller must make a An intriguing premiseJack the
The sprawling second novel by the choice between justice and duty, between Ripper is alive and well and rampaging
author of Mathilda Savitch zooms in on its loyalty to his profession and to his friends. across early-20th-century America
two title characters to the near-exclusion A novel of prerevolutionary Cuba can boosts bestseller Cusslers 10th Isaac Bell

176 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

adventure (after 2016s The Gangster, also novel featuring marine biologist and Banana Cream Pie Murder:
coauthored with Scott). Wealthy industri- sometime government agent Marion A Hannah Swensen Mystery
alist William Pape asks Bell, the Van Doc Ford (after 2016s Deep Blue) is the Joanne Fluke. Kensington, $26 (368p)
Dorn Detective Agencys chief investi- fate of Florida Everglades property owned ISBN 978-1-61773-220-1
gator, to look for his missing 18-year-old by retired fishing guide Tootsie Barlow. At the outset of bestseller Flukes
daughter, Anna, who has run away from Barlows property is near Marco Island, subpar 21st Hannah Swensen mystery
her home in Connecticut to become an which during Prohibition was the site of a (after 2016s Christmas Caramel Murder),
actress in New York. When Anna turns war between bootleggers, such illegal Hannahs mother, Delores Swensen, hears
up butchered in her Manhattan boarding activities as human smuggling (mostly screams and then gunshots coming from
house room, Bells investigation leads him Chinese), and the 1925 disappearance of the residence of retired stage actress Tori
to the bodies of other young women, all of Deputy J.H. Cox, who may have mur- Bascomb, a friend and neighbor. Might
whom have slashed throats and strange dered a woman a few years earlier, along Tori be giving an acting lesson in her
markings carved into their skin. Bell per- with his whole family. Barlows ancestors home studio? When Dolores goes over to
suades his boss that, even though they have were involved in the bootlegging battle, Toris place, shes horrified to find the
no actual client, its their duty to bring the and Docs sometime lover, Hannah Smith, actress lying dead on the studio rug.
perpetrator to justice. The detective finds is a descendant of the murder victim. Fortunately, amateur sleuth Hannah is
that the killer, now known as the Now Barlows few remaining relatives are about to return home to Lake Eden,
Cutthroat, has a connection with a trav- meeting with fatal accidents, and Doc and Minn., from her honeymoon with Ross
eling play, a modernized version of Dr. his boat bum hipster pal, Tomlinson, Baron. With her customary knack for fig-
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Fans of historical head to Marco Island to investigate. There uring things out, Hannah follows hunches
action novels will find a lot to like. Agent: they confront a number of human mon- until she comes to a conclusion, but the
Peter Lampack, Peter Lampack Agency. (Mar.) sters controlled by a most unlikely mas- motive is a little harder to determine.
termind, who takes an interest in Hannah Hannah and former suitor Det. Mike
The Widows House thats something of a stretch in this frag- Kingston then make an alarming dis-
Carol Goodman. Morrow, $15.99 trade paper mented adventure. Author tour. Agent: covery, leading to a cliffhanger ending.
(368p) ISBN 978-0-06-256262-3 Esther Newberg, ICM. (Mar.) An overly simplistic story and inconsis-
Gourgey_Cap City Kids Ad_v2.pdf 1 1/19/2017 1:50:03 PM
Clare Martin, the narrator of this grip- tent behavior make this less effective than
ping read from Hammett Prize winner
Goodman (River Road), and her husband,
Jess, sell their twice-mortgaged Brooklyn

Cap City Kids

loft and move to Concord, N.Y., where Clare A g
grew up and the couple attended college. llin
th i ew
They cant afford to buy a home, so they n ies
accept jobs as caretakers of River House, ser
their former writing professors dilapidated
mansion. At first, the change in scenery A homeless young hacker A teen artist A high school intern
proves beneficial to them both; stalled with nothing to lose... on the run... facing deportation...
author Jess begins making progress on his
next book, and the estates blood-soaked
history inspires Clare to write a novel of her
own. But when Clare starts seeing ghostly
figures and hearing cries in the night,
readers will be forced to wonder whether
River House is actually haunted or Clare !
IN 2017
is suffering a mental breakdown. Though COMING
the storys setting and tone pay homage to
such authors as Edgar Allan Poe, Shirley
Jackson, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the
fresh plot and modern characters give this
twisty contemporary gothic a timeless feel.
Agent: Robin Rue, Writers House. (Mar.) Gourgeys smart Dont miss the suspense when these talented
mystery-thriller hard luck teens take on Washington, DC!
Mangrove Lightning is a well-constructed
game of wits.
Randy Wayne White. Putnam, $27 (384p) Id love to see this as a movie!
ISBN 978-0-399-57668-3
-BookLife Prize for Fiction
Critics Report
Contact the author: [email protected]
At issue in bestseller Whites enter-
taining, if less than compelling, 24th

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 177

[In My Own Words]

The Book That Scared Me
by Brad Parks
In Parkss domestic thriller, Say Nothing (Dutton, Mar.), a federal judge and his wife are devastated when
someone kidnaps their six-year-old twins.

hat summer was so hectic. Digging up from a storytelling standpoint, money is boring.

Sara Harris
bodies from long-ago unsolved homicides. What character might have something else a
Putting people in comas. Double-crossing kidnapper wanted?
hedge fund managers. Every day it was just, I was a mile into my usual route, nearing a
you know, something. But none of it was what I bend in the road. I lifted my left leg to take my
needed: a plot for a novel I actually felt com- next stride. By the time I put it down, the answer
pelled to read, much less write. came to me. A judge. A federal judge. One who
Then one morning, after my most recent idea is about to hear a case of great consequence.
had collapsed under its own weight, I was jog- Someone steals his children to blackmail him
ging when I remembered some advice from a into rendering a certain verdict.
writer friend: You have to write the book that I started writing that afternoon. To keep
scares you, he said. After all, if it scares you, things simple, I made the judges life a lot like
chances are good itll scare someone else. mine. In addition to having two school-aged
But what, I asked myself as I ran, scares me? children, he lives in rural Virginia, he adores his wife, he has
Flash back to an incident a few years earlier, when my two- this awesome job. And then, piece by piece, I took that
year-old son got his finger caught in a door and ripped off a idyllic existence and blew it up. The kids. The job. The mar-
chunk of fingernail. I had never been squeamish about inju- riage. Before long, in the book now known as Say Nothing, its
ries, but seeing my sons blood, hearing his howls, I nearly all in jeopardy.
passed out. Thats when I learned: my childrens trauma Having a plot that came out of a place of sheer personal
would always be far more distressing than my own. terror opened up an emotional intensity like nothing I had
So there I was jogging, thinking about what scared me, ever experienced as a writer. There were days when I came
and what immediately came to mind was something hap- away from the keyboard totally drained, feeling the hell I was
pening to my children. Like, say, a kidnapping. But why putting these characters through like it was my own.
would someone take my (or anyones) kids? Money, sure. But Because, of course, in so many ways, it was.

other books in the series, but fans will cer- up a secret action team to hunt down the lead role in bestseller Jances imaginative
tainly enjoy the abundance of tasty recipes. perpetrators. The stakes escalate when 12th Reynolds thriller (after 2016s Claw
Agent: Meg Ruley, Jane Rotrosen Agency. CIA officer Bill Gorman informs Vaccaro Back). Ramey is second-in-command at
(Mar.) that theres another bomb headed toward High Noon Enterprises, a cybersecurity
the U.S. A number of exciting subplots firm owned by Ali and her husband, B.
Without Mercy raise the suspense. Whats particularly Simpson, in Cottonwood, Ariz. When
David Hunt and R.J. Piniero. Forge, $27.99 refreshing is the authors willingness to Roger McGeary, a boyhood friend of
(496p) ISBN 978-0-7653-8260-3 give readers a vivid picture of brave men Rameys employed by another cyber-
This unrelenting thriller from Fox and women attempting to stop destruc- security company in California, jumps
News commentator Hunt and Piniero tion, without shying away from relating to his death off a cruise ship into the
(The Fall), their first collaboration, offers what happens when they fail. Agent: English Channel, McGearys aunt turns
constant action, sympathetic heroes, Matthew Bialer, Sanford J. Greenburger to Ramey for answers. It turns out that
believable evildoers, and absolute authen- Associates. (Mar.) the ships owner, genius Owen Hansen,
ticity on every page. Shortly after ISIS sets whose father committed suicide, is tar-
off an atomic device at Bagram Airfield, Man Overboard: geting other children of suicides such as
the largest U.S. military base in An Ali Reynolds Novel McGeary. While Ali handles interviews,
Afghanistan, terrorists drive a massive oil J.A. Jance. Touchstone, $25.99 (368) Ramey tracks the online footprints of
tanker into the tip of Manhattan and deto- ISBN 978-1-5011-1080-1 Hansen, who calls himself Odin, and
nate a second nuclear device. The Stu Ramey, a brilliant software guy Frigg, Hansens all-knowing artificial
American president, Laura Vaccaro, sets with the social skills of an onion, takes a intelligence sidekick and companion, to

178 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

whom Jance imputes nearly human char- events. Gentle humor and an evocative
acteristics. Frigg becomes a major player sense of the Yorkshire Dales landscape
as Hansen and the folks at High Noon compensate for an implausibly prolific
race to a climactic showdown. Agent: Alice killer with hackneyed motives. Chapman
Volpe, Northwest Literary Agency. (Mar.) barely hints at the potential for romance
between Samson and Delilah, and their
Lucky developing friendship and suggestions of
Henry Chang. Soho Crime, $24 (224p) coming scandals in Bruncliffe should
ISBN 978-1-61695-784-1 leave readers eager for the sequel. Agent:
Jack Yu has no regrets about taking Oli Munson, A.M. Heath (U.K.). (Mar.)
lives in self-defense in a spate of violent
incidents, in Changs middling fifth crime The Third Squad
novel featuring the NYPD detective (after V. Sanjay Kumar. Akashic, $15.95 trade paper
2014s Death Money). His superiors have (240p) ISBN 978-1-61775-497-5
ordered him to see a psychotherapist, May Karan, the hero of this murky noir from
McCann, who Jack is discomfited to find Kumar (Artist, Undone), is an encounter
is not only Asian but extremely attractive. specialist with the Third Squad, a special
Jacks personal life has been in flux since branch of the Mumbai police. The branch
his lover, Alexandra Lee-Chow, broke off furthers the cause of justice by carrying
contact in the midst of contentious out hits on the most egregious criminals.
divorce proceedings after he was caught Karan, a new recruit with infallible aim,
on videotape taking the elevator to and has Aspergers, which makes him particu-
from Alexs Chinatown apartment. All larly suited to the black-and-white world
this serves as the less-than-compelling of his jobuntil that same binary sense of
context for the main story line, in which right and wrong leads him to directly dis-
Jack must deal with the crimes of a child- obey a kill order, because it matters to
hood friend, Lucky Louie, the former him whom he shoots. Written in the first
leader of the Ghost Legion gang. Lucky and third person (with one foray into
survived being shot twice in the head, but second person), the overly dense narrative
resumed a life of crime after his release and its many threads provide occasionally
from the hospital. Chang offers no new confusing insights into Karan. One of the
insights into the mind of a cop torn by more interesting characters is Mumbai,
divided loyalties to past and present. which Kumar evokes with lyrical prose
Agents: Dana Adkins and Debbie Phillips, (In the night the city yields to the will of
Adkins & Phillips Agency. (Mar.) those who hold remorse for ransom. This
city of noir sleeps at dawn. The nights
Date with Death: debris waits for the tide). (Mar.)
A Dales Detective Mystery
Julia Chapman. Minotaur, $25.99 (384p) Lenins Roller Coaster
ISBN 978-1-250-10936-1 David Downing. Soho Crime, $27.95 (336p)
This series launch from Chapman, a ISBN 978-1-61695-604-2
pseudonym for Julia Stagg (the Fogas The October Revolution of 1917 pro-
Chronicles), delivers an engaging twist on vides the backdrop for Downings out-
the lonely-hearts killer motif. Since her standing third historical featuring British
divorce, Delilah Metcalfe has struggled to spy Jack McColl (after 2015s One Mans
keep her web design and online dating Flag). At his fathers funeral in Scotland,
businesses afloat in rural Bruncliffe, McColl reunites with his lover, American
Yorkshire. After she leases out an office journalist Caitlin Hanley, with whom he
space, she learns that her new tenant is has a complicated past: two years earlier,
Samson OBrien, her deceased brothers McColl arrested her younger brother,
best friend, who abruptly left Bruncliffe for Colm, for his role in an Irish republican
London years ago. Despite animosity from plot after first offering him a chance to
Delilah and other locals, who view his escape. Despite this incident, Caitlin is
sudden return with suspicion, Samson eager to make the most of their time
opens a detective agency, and his first client together before work separates them.
leads him to a series of seemingly accidental McColls boss in the Secret Service dis-
deaths connected to Delilahs speed-dating patches him on a mission to determine

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 179

how the Transcaspian Railway can be put turns up at the bottom of a crevasse. Fate brings the Reaper, Liza, and Michael
out of action as part of British efforts to Suspects include the leading lady, with together on a snow-laden Christmas Eve in
prevent Germany from taking over whom he was having an affair; the script- the village of Shiloh, R.I., a place travelers
Central Asia. Meanwhile, Caitlin travels writer, whos also the directors put-upon tend to skip unless they are aficionado[s]
to Russia to report on the efforts of the daughter; and members of the local Eyak of high-profile true crime stories. The lit-
Bolshevik regime to create a new society. tribe, who strongly object to Welshs erally and figuratively explosive denoue-
In addition to balancing plot and char- portrayal of Alaskan natives. When a ment shatters some long-held illusions
acter development perfectly, Downing snowstorm traps the cast and crew, its up and brings carefully concealed secrets and
gives readers unfamiliar with the issues of to Charlotte to track down the killer. unvoiced pain to the surface. Norman
the time all they need to know. Agent: Pegau deftly depicts a Progressive-era skillfully examines such themes as hypoc-
Charlie Viney, Viney Agency. (Mar.) woman with a complicated past whos risy, cruelty, forgiveness, and redemption
trying to start anew. Agent: Natalie in this unsettling novel. (Mar.)
Murder on Location: Lakosil, Bradford Literary. (Mar.)
A Charlotte Brody Mystery The Road to Ithaca
Cathy Pegau. Kensington, $15 trade paper Whirlwind Ben Pastor. Bitter Lemon, $14.95 trade paper
(288p) ISBN 978-1-4967-0058-2 Hilary Norman. Severn, $28.99 (240p) (352p) ISBN 978-1-908524-80-5
Pegaus engaging third Charlotte ISBN 978-0-7278-8673-6 Pastors solid fifth Martin Bora mystery
Brody mystery (after 2016s Borrowing In this well-crafted standalone from (after 2015s Tin Sky) takes the
Death) opens in the spring of 1920 with Norman (Fear and Loathing and six other Wehrmacht investigator from Moscow,
journalist Charlotte still adjusting to her Sam Becket thrillers), the Reaper, a self- where hes been stationed, to Crete in
new life in Cordova, Alaska. Her relation- proclaimed psychopath and serial killer, early June 1941, soon after the German
ship with Deputy James Eddington is stalks New England. Meanwhile, Michael occupation of the island and three weeks
proceeding apace, and she enjoys Rider, the scion of a prominent family, is before Hitlers invasion of the Soviet
reporting for the Cordova Daily Times. in a downward emotional spiral, and Liza Union. Boras mission is to secure 60 bot-
After businessman Wallace Meade per- Plain has become a copy editor and ghost- tles of choice Cretan wine on behalf of
suades Hollywood director Stanley Welsh writer for blogs, abandoning her dreams of NKVD chief Lavrenti Beria. But once the
that Cordova is the perfect place to shoot being a journalist in the mold of Dan detective arrives in Crete, he receives a
his movie, Charlotte is assigned to cover Rather and Connie Chung. Discovering much different assignment. A British
the filming on location. The focus of her what it is that unites these seemingly dis- POW has reported to the Wehrmacht
story changes quickly after Welshs body parate people is the books main pleasure. War Crimes Bureau that, during the
recent battle for Crete, a British NCO
observed eight German paratroopers enter
Catalina Eddy: the home of a prominent Swiss national,
where he soon heard gunfire. After the
A Novel in Three Decades departure of the paratroopers, this witness
Daniel Pyne. Blue Rider, $27 (480p) ISBN 978-0-399-17165-9 discovered all the civilian occupants slain.
While Bora isnt as memorable a character

as Bernie Gunther, Philip Kerr fans will
hree loosely connected novellas, each focused on a
still find this depiction of an honest
homicide case, make up this gritty, darkly witty,
German cop working under adverse war-
and often bitter California noir from Pyne (Fifty
time circumstances intriguing. Agent:
Mice). In The Big Empty, set in Hollywood in
Meryl Zegarek, Meryl Zegarek PR. (Mar.)
June 1954, PI Rylan Lovely, an Army vet, investigates
the murder of the ex-wife who betrayed him with his
Dead in the Water:
blind best friend; along the way, Lovely rescues a child, A Mattie Winston Mystery
Gilbert Kirby. In Losertown, set in San Diego in June Annelise Ryan. Kensington, $25 (352p)
1987, Kirby, now an assistant U.S. attorney, is trapped ISBN 978-1-4967-0665-2
between a politically appointed boss, Sabrina Colter, Ryans delightful eighth Mattie
somebodys kid sister crossed with a poisonous snake, and his lover, FBI agent Winston mystery (after 2016s Stiff
Tina Z, as they attempt to trap a drug lord. Kirby never knows that hes the Competition) opens with the Sorenson,
father of Tinas Marine daughter, Willa, whos arrested for killing her husband in Wis., medical examiner testifying at the
Portuguese Bend, set in Long Beach in June 2016. Paralyzed homicide detec- murder trial of Tomas Wyzinski. It seems
tive Riley McCluggage and freelance photographer Finn Miller try to crack the like an open-and-shut case, since Mattie
case. Pynes wounded characters walk their mean streets honorably in this compel- found Tomass girlfriends head in his
ling account of attempts to find sense in a senseless world. Agent: Victoria Sanders: refrigerator. Soon after, Mattie investi-
Victoria Sanders & Associates. (Mar.) gates the death of Carolyn Abernathy, a
young woman who apparently died of nat-

180 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

ural causes. Neither case is on Matties

mind when the bodies of her colleague
Hal Dawson and his girlfriend, Tina
The Satanic Mechanic:
Carson, turn up in the local lake. Pieces A Tannie Maria Mystery
begin to fit together to create an unex- Sally Andrew. Ecco, $26.99 (320p) ISBN 978-0-06-239769-0
pected pictureall four deaths are

related. In Mattie, whose exhausting and ood heals, arouses, coerces, and kills in Andrews
often hilarious life includes her detective sublime second psychological cozy featuring South
fianc, teenage stepdaughter, sick friend, African agony aunt Tannie Maria van Harte (after
upcoming wedding, and energetic two- 2015s Recipes for Love and Murder), which also
year-old, Ryan has created an appealing offers an immersion course in a polyglot post-Apartheid
and oh-so-human protagonist. Anyone culture. Afrikaans and Xhosa spice the luminous English
who has ever raised a child, had a relation- sentences; skin is just another detail. Still, old grudges
ship, or juggled a job and a complicated
survive. When Bushman leader Slimkat is poisoned
personal life will relate. Agent: Adam
with honey-mustard sauce on the kudu kebabs, Maria
Chromy, Artists and Artisans. (Mar.)
suspects the white cattle baron whose land the Supreme
Court awarded to Slimkats people. Hunky cop Hank Kannemeyer fears losing
Murder on the Red River
Maria and demands she quit sleuthing, but he needs her forensic taste buds.
Marcie R. Rendon. Cinco Puntos, $15.95
Another murder at an exotic PTSD workshop, which Marias attending because of
trade paper (208p) ISBN 978-1-941026-52-6
her guilt over her abusive husbands death, quashes her thrumming desire for
An appealing 19-year-old heroine, Renee
Cash Blackbear, lifts Rendons first mys- Henk. Tannie Marias authentic recipes, for which Andrew credits many sources,
tery, set in Fargo, N.Dak., andon the other are easy to make far from the veldt. Her food wisdom is universal, unassailable:
side of the Red RiverMoorhead, Minn. potato salad eases worry; warm orange pudding makes one feel whole. Agent: Isobel
Sheriff Wheaton rescued Cash at age three in Dixon, Blake Friedmann Literary Agency (U.K.). (Mar.)
the aftermath of the accident in which her
drunken mother rolled the family car con-
taining Cash and her brother and sister. first meeting with Leonard Pine at a night- Riley and her second in command, Det.
Lawfully separated from her family in what time money fight in the country. In Sgt. Zain Harris, think it more likely that
she considers a kidnapping, Cash grew up in a The Parable of the Stick, Hap learns an Ruby ran away from home. Then Rubys
series of foster homes. Feisty, sensitive, and early lesson about dealing with schoolyard father receives a video on his phone that
smart, Cash is now a farm laborer and a pool bullies. In Blood and Lemonade, Haps shows Ruby running through some
shark, and her only real friend is Wheaton. mother provides a poignant lesson on doing woods, pleading for help, and its clear
When she hears a radio announcer say one the right thing when she returns a lost, that someone has abducted her. Kate and
morning that Wheaton has found a body in a beaten-up young black child to his family, Zain and their team probe every area of
field on the Minnesota side of the river, she only to face hostility and distrust. Another Rubys life, exploring both her private
drives to the crime scene. There Wheaton highlight is Apollo Red, in which Hap and online personas. They eventually
enlists her aid in investigating the stabbing tells girlfriend Brett and daughter Chance a unearth political, business, and police
death of Day Dodge, a native worker from the few stories about his father, a larger-than- shenanigans, which may or may not be
Red Lake Reservation. Mystery readers life character, whose kindness and chari- related to Rubys disappearance, plus a
should know that Rendon, the author of Pow table actions often seemed to contradict series of online social interactions, some of
Wow Summer and other childrens books, his racist talk. This loose collection of which expose their participants to grave
focuses more on the abuses Native Americans tales showcases some of Lansdales most danger. Readers will want to see more of
suffer than on the efforts to solve Dodges personal and reflective writing to date. Kate and Zain, both of whom have trau-
brutal murder. (Mar.) Agent: Danny Baror, Baror International. matic pasts that affect their present pri-
(Mar.) vate lives and job performances. (Mar.)
Hap and Leonard:
Blood and Lemonade Cut to the Bone Betrayed: The Nicole Jones Series
Joe Lansdale. Tachyon, $15.95 trade paper Alex Caan. Skyhorse, $25.99 (436p) ISBN 978- Karen E. Olson. Severn, $28.99 (224p)
(240p) ISBN 978-1-61696-253-1 1-5107-1943-9 ISBN 978-0-7278-8681-1
Fans of Lansdales Hap and Leonard A missing-persons case drives British In Olsons adrenaline-charged third
novels (Rusty Puppy, etc.) will welcome this author Caans fast-paced debut. When novel featuring the former computer
wonderful compilation of vignettes and epi- Ruby Day, video blogger, role model, and hacker usually known as Nicole Jones
sodes from Hap Collinss early life in East favorite of millions of teenage girls, disap- (after 2016s Shadowed), FBI agents inter-
Texas, most of which deal with issues of pears, Rubys parents, who live in London, cept Jones as she arrives one morning at
racism and injustice. Tire Fire relates immediately inform the authorities, the Cape Cod bike shop where shes been
the full story of teenager Haps memorable fearful of foul play. Det. Chief Insp. Kate working. Back at the station, shes asked

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 181

such errand, Mick makes a deal with blues

Skeleton God singer Martika Daniels that allows her to
run the record studio Black Kat
Eliot Pattison. Minotaur, $25.99 (320p) ISBN 978-1-250-06762-3
Recordings and later involves him in the

dgar-winner Pattison remains without peer at inte- scramble to get Black Kat music played
grating a fair-play whodunit into a searing por- on the jukeboxes that Abrams controls in
trayal of life under an oppressive and capricious Detroits Darktown. Mick must contend
regime, as shown by his ninth Insp. Shan Tao Yun with members of the black community
mystery (after 2014s Soul of the Fire). Shan, who lost his who distrust whites, as well as with
previous position after uncovering uncomfortable Abramss notorious boss, John Luca.
truths, now works as a constable in the secluded Tibetan Allyn is solid on the infighting for mob
town of Yangkar. Shan has done his best to stay off the control and on the racial discord that led
radar of anyone in power, hoping that his diminished to the riots of 1967, but hes superb on
every detail about the black music scene,
profile will enable less harsh treatment to continue for
from the clubs and makeshift recording
his imprisoned son, Ko. But events overtake Shans
studios to the stars, both recognized and
intention when locals hear a surprising sound emanating
unrecognized. (Mar.)
from the tomb of a centuries-dead lama. The tomb turns out to contain two other
corpses: one of a Chinese soldier who died decades earlier; the other of a
Judas Wolf
Westerner, killed just hours before. The shocks for Shan dont end there. Both
Robert J. Wolfe. Wolfe, $15 trade paper
men seemed to have been murdered in exactly the same manner. Even readers
(330p) ISBN 978-1-519608-36-9
unfamiliar with the physical and cultural devastation China has wrought in Tibet In cultural anthropologist Wolfes cap-
will find themselves engrossedand movedby Pattisons nuanced portrayal. tivating second Alaska-based mystery
Agent: Natasha Kern, Natasha Kern Literary Agency. (Mar.) (after 2015s Falling Walrus), the gover-
nors chief of staff, Marlin Fosburger, fears
that a decline in the number of moose
about a laptop that once belonged to her. It gang are transferred to Sleeper, then could negatively affect tourism and be
contains data suggesting that she was plan- Anna. But Sleeper thinks Phil was mur- used against his boss in an upcoming elec-
ning to kill mobster Tony DeMarco, a dered, and as he investigates, with the aid tion campaign. Fosburger convenes a
business associate of her late father. All of cop Lento Gonzalez, hes repeatedly summit of experts, who agree that the
the evidence against Jones has been bril- offered money to stop poking his nose in cause of the problem is the higher-than-
liantly engineered by manipulating or other peoples business. Hes also rou- desirable ratio of wolves to moose, but not
fabricating records, images, bank trans- tinely beaten in case he doesnt take the about how to manage the wolf population.
fers, and emails. FBI agent Zeke Chapman hint. Still, the stubborn and cunning The ultimate decisionto relocate some
offers her a way to save herself: come to Sleeper is able to navigate his way through of the predators to the Kenai Peninsula
work for him to discover whos behind the the case, which may involve money laun- infuriates Mel Savidge, a maverick
frame. Who can she trust? What is she pre- dering. Visits to a strip club and anthropologist, who views the plan as an
pared to give up to achieve her goals? These Chinatown stakeouts help evoke the grit- indirect death sentence for the wolves
questions keep the reader wanting to know tier side of San Francisco. Haslett adds because of the Kenais isolation. The peril
more. Although technology is at the heart depth to Sleepers character by detailing of the situation becomes even clearer
of the story, dont expect any geeky depen- his gambling habits and his uneasy rela- when Mel learns that it could uninten-
dence on techie minutiae in this well- tionship with his ex-wife, Maggie, who tionally lead to an epidemic of dangerous
written, character-driven thriller. Agent: figures prominently in the story. (Mar.) parasitic infections. Mel enlists the aid of
Josh Getzler, Hannigan Salky Getzler. (Mar.) series lead Camilla Mac Cleary and
The Jukebox Kings Camillas sidekick, Nicholas John, in a
Trouble No More: Doug Allyn. Stark House, $17.95 trade paper desperate race to forestall that disaster.
A Sleeper Hayes Novel (258p) ISBN 978-1-944520-17-5 Wolfe knows his stuff and successfully
Court Haslett. 280 Steps, $15.95 trade paper This superior crime novel set in 1960s integrates esoteric details into a compel-
(208p) ISBN 978-82-93326-78-6 Detroit, from Allyn (Motown Underground) ling story line. (BookLife)
Set in 1977 San Francisco, Hasletts stars Irish Mick Shannon, a former prize
nifty prequel to Tenderloin finds Skid Row fighter and ex-felon. Mick stumbles into a The Hunting Ground:
fixer Sleeper Hayes helping his quasigirl- new career when elderly mobster Moishe Deuce Mora Series, Vol. 2
friend Anna, a sculptor, by looking for her Abrams uses him to collect the vig (the Jean Heller. Heller, $14 trade paper (410p)
missing stockbroker brother, Phil interest paid to a moneylender) owed him ISBN 978-0-692-77961-3
Matthews. When Phil turns up dead, in the neighborhood known as 8 Mile, Down-to-earth and resourceful Chicago
apparently a suicide, further trouble the border between the dark heart of journalist Deuce Mora finds herself
ensues as the deceaseds debts to a Chinese Detroit and the whiter suburbs. On one embroiled in a mystery surrounding a

182 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

child trafficking ring in Hellers worthy new threat looms, Millie must untangle interactions among nobles, politicians,
sequel to The Someday File. While Deuce fairy and human secrets before both Earth business interests, and an unstable phys-
and her boyfriend, Mark, are on a nature and Arcadia are irreparably damaged. ical environment. The Interdependency is
stroll in Chicagos Dan Ryan Woods, Baker has a wonderfully subtle touch with a collection of far-flung, human-colo-
Marks dog picks up a human bone. The delicate emotional, psychological, and nized, barely habitable planets strung
discovery sets in motion a police excava- romantic elements, and she builds a solid together by the Flow, a naturally occur-
tion of the area, which unearths multiple foundation of complex and interesting ring, limited-access, faster-than-light
bodies of children, believed to be street characterization upon which she layers network. The planets are governed by the
kids and others lost through the foster heart-pounding action and a brilliantly concept of obligate mutual reliance and
care system. In addition to having a vested twisty plot. Each word is deliberately ruled by those who control access to the
interest in the case, Deuce is also eager to chosen for maximum effect. Everything Flow, but a change to the Flow that would
be the first to cover the story. After she readers think they know about both worlds leave established planets isolated to die
takes a transient foster kid under her will be upended by this enthralling seems imminent. This would disrupt the
wing, Deuces drive to help uncover the installment. Agent: Rachel Kory, Scovil plans of the ambitious noble
identity of the victims increases threefold. Galen Ghosh Literary. (Mar.) Nohamapetan family, which is involved
As the investigation begins to have far- in a rebellion raging on the outermost
reaching implications, Deuces own safety The Return planet of End; Kiva Lagos, the foul-
is threatened. Heller, herself a journalist Joseph Helmreich. St. Martins/Dunne, mouthed, opportunistic owners represen-
and former investigative reporter, crafts a $25.99 (256p) ISBN 978-1-250-05219-3 tative on a starship owned by one of the
tightly constructed mystery featuring a An artfully crafted opening line (If the Nohamapetans rivals; Marce Claremont,
protagonist of tremendous empathy and a conspiracy theorists are right and it never a scientist carrying data from years of
bent toward thoughtful introspection. happened, then the day it didnt happen secret research into the Flow; and the
(BookLife) began innocently enough) paves the way young new emperox, Cardenia, guided by
for an intriguing setup in Helmreichs her simulated ancestors. Scalzis storytelling
debut novel of humankinds first centers on dynamic and quick-thinking
SF/Fantasy/Horror encounter with alien intelligence. The players with strong personalities who
coinciding of a lunar eclipse with the engage in spirited social interactions,
Phantom Pains winter solstice prompted television cov- making the slightly dubious physics for-
Mishell Baker. Saga, $15.99 trade paper erage that inadvertently captured live givable. Expect several future works set in
(416p) ISBN 978-1-4814-5192-5 video of an alien abduction in California. this sprawling universe. Agent: Ethan
Picking up four months after the end of The victim, washed-up celebrity physi- Ellenberg, Ethan Ellenberg Literary. (Mar.)
Borderline, Baker once again immerses cist Dr. Andrew Leland, who had been
readers in a modern-day fantastical Los retained to provide expert commentary on Silence Fallen:
Angeles, blurring the line between per- the celestial event, was seen lifted up into Mercy Thompson, Book 10
ception and reality with breathtaking the sky by an unseen force emanating Patricia Briggs. Ace, $27 (384p) ISBN 978-0-
ease. Many of Hollywoods biggest stars from a green structure. Almost seven 425-28127-7
and directors are secretly paired with fairy years later, Leland is found wandering in a Briggs delivers her usual action and
Echoes, who boost the humans creativity in desert, but he denies knowing anything danger in the 10th Mercy Thompson
exchange for a taste of mortal life and tal- about the abduction, claiming that he urban fantasy (after Fire Touched), and adds
ents. Series protagonist Millie, a would-be retired from scientific research and has a surprising playfulness. Mercy, a cunning
filmmaker, has developed coping strategies spent those years working as a farmhand. coyote shifter and ghostwalker, is kid-
for her physical and mental disabilities Brilliant young physicist Shawn Ferris napped and taken to Italy by Iacopo
that prove surprisingly useful for dealing becomes obsessed with learning the truth Bonarata, the most powerful and deadly
with these supernatural entities. Seeking about what happened to Leland. The plot Old World vampire. Her psychic link to
independence, she pulls away from the takes some clever turns, though the her mate, Adam, and the Tri-Cities were-
Arcadia Project, the quasi-official bridge ending doesnt quite live up to the begin- wolf pack is severed. When she escapes to
between humans and fairies, and gets a ning, and Helmreichs characters are satis- the Czech Republic, the ever-resourceful
job at Valiant Studios, her own apart- fyingly multidimensional. (Mar.) and quick-witted heroine appropriates an
ment, and a workable therapeutic routine. old e-reader to contact the pack. Later she
But her friendship with her former boss, The Collapsing Empire becomes the prisoner of a vampire witch,
Caryl, and the potential of a relationship John Scalzi. Tor, $25.99 hardcover (336p) and an escape may require unleashing the
with her own Echo, Claybriar, keep ISBN 978-0-7653-8888-9 Golem of Prague. Meanwhile, Adam and
pulling her back into the projects realm Scalzi (the Old Mans War series) a team of supernatural buddies travel to
of influence. The continued struggle delivers a strong opener for his fast-paced Europe to extricate Mercy and determine
between the Seelie and Unseelie fairy new space opera series, setting up key why she was kidnapped. Though she is
courts is echoed in the ripples caused by players along the primary travel corridor able to reestablish a small psychic connec-
the climax of the first book, and, when a of an empire overflowing with complex tion to her people, the novel suffers from

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 183

their separation. The tactical teams scenes named Narmoi begins giving birth citys support structure; Lucas, the pre-
in Italy add intrigue, highlight Adams through spawn sacs on her legs. Not long sumed heir, who must make a near-fatal
diplomatic and fighting skills, and deftly after the newborns emerge, they are trip down Earths gravity well; and
showcase the scary gamesmanship of their abducted by winged prism beasts called Lucasinho, long deemed a worthless sex
host, an intriguing new player in the Snatch Vroogi. Narmoi ropes Webrid and addict, who saves a young cousin through
series. (Mar.) Zatell into joining the quest to identify an act of great bravery. Although this
who is behind the snatching and rescue middle volume in a trilogy does not end
Red Spawn Delivery the little Glospra-Sharozdas. Unfortunately, so much as pause, it is still compelling
Anne E. Johnson. Candlemark & Gleam, the flimsy plot is accompanied by paper- throughout. Each of McDonalds view-
$19.95 trade paper (250p) ISBN 978-1- thin characterizations. (Mar.) point characters is made human in fasci-
936460-73-1 nating and occasionally disturbing detail,
Johnsons inordinate fondness for con- Luna: Wolf Moon and the solar system of the 22nd century
fusing language is a major barrier to Ian McDonald. Tor, $27.99 (416p) ISBN 978-0- is wonderfully delineated. Fans of the first
engagement with her offbeat, ostensibly 7653-7553-7 volume will love this one and eagerly look
humorous third science fiction thriller In this powerful sequel to Luna: New forward to the next. (Mar.)
featuring every-alien carter Ganpril Moon, the Dragons, five great industrial
Webrid (after 2013s Blue Diamond families of the lunar colony, fight Lotus Blue
Delivery). The text is full of similes that viciously to increase their power. At the Cat Sparks. Talos, $15.99 trade paper (384p)
can mean nothing to earthlings, or at least end of the first volume of the series ISBN 978-1-940456-70-6
to newcomers to Johnsons universe: Her McDonald has referred to as Dallas in Australian author Sparkss debut novel,
voice rasped like a Seven-Nosed Snardos space, House Corta was brought down by set in a strange postapocalyptic world, is
warning her children about the olfactory legal skullduggery and violent attacks. all middle with no beginning or end. Star
perils of public lavatories. Slapping alien This sequel chronicles the fallout from is a child of the Sand Road who dreams of
descriptors on items like food (shintal House Cortas demise as the other wealth and adventure in the port town of
crisps, fatty zempra salad, and steamed Dragons squabble over the remains and Fallow Heel. Quarrel is an ancient warrior
shamtibby on the half-shell) is hardly hunt the few Cortas still alive. who knows his current mission will be his
thoughtful worldbuilding. This time, Meanwhile, Earths powerful spacefaring last. Both are forced onto the Black Sea,
Webrid finds himself in the midst of a nations maneuver in the background. The not to seek their fortunes but to continue
search for kidnapped babies. His quiet plot follows a half-dozen surviving Cortas: a war that most of the world thinks is
picnic on Bexilla with his friend Zatell is young Robson, who once survived a three- over. Sparks demonstrates technical skill
interrupted when a Glospra-Sharozda kilometer fall during a race through the with prose, but the start of the book is a
confusing jumble, fragmented by the
introduction of several characters points
Stars End of view scattered over a variety of settings.
The mood is relentlessly bleak. The pro-
Cassandra Rose Clarke. Saga, $26.99 (432p) ISBN 978-1-4814-4429-3
tagonists lack agency, which leads to a

n this skillfully orchestrated tale set nearly 2,000 feeling of prologue rather than resolution.
years in the future, Clarke (The Mad Scientists A satisfying conclusion is impossible; the
Daughter) foregrounds a family drama of book ends with the feeling that a stage has
Shakespearean scope against the backdrop of an been set, but the story is yet to come. That
promise is the only hope Sparks offers in
interplanetary corpocracy run by Phillip Coramina, a
this relentlessly grim narrative. Agent: Jill
manufacturer of bioengineered weapons. When Phillip
Grinberg, Jill Grinberg Literary. (Mar.)
is diagnosed with a terminal illness, he deputizes his
oldest daughter, Esme, to call her three estranged step-
Gather Her Round: Tufa, Book 5
sisters home to the family estate at Stars End. As
Alex Bledsoe. Tor, $24.99 (320p) ISBN 978-0-
Clarkes narrative toggles back and forth between these
events and occurrences in the past, it reveals sordid
In the gripping fifth novel starring the
secrets that Esme has gradually become aware ofespe-
mysterious, fairy-descended Tufa (after
cially those connecting her youngest sister, Isabel, to the Radiance, a mysterious Chapel of Ease), the Appalachian moun-
alien influence intimately bound up with the Coramina Groups commerce. tains of Tennessee once again come alive
Clarkes smoothly calibrated mystery is also a coming-of-age tale for Esme, as she with magic, music, and mystery. Bledsoe
accepts her responsibilities as heir apparent to her fathers business. The well- adeptly blends fairy tales and folklore as
developed characters enhance this novel of grand ideas, bringing relatable human he expands the concept of exiled fairies,
motives and vulnerabilities to a world in which industry, government, warfare, much diminished, dwelling in the moun-
and space travel are inextricably intertwined. (Mar.) tains and hollows of America. When a
young Tufa woman, Kera Rogers, is killed

184 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

by an enormous feral hog, it throws her

community into upheaval. Both of her boy-
friends, Adam Procure and Duncan Gowen
The Ravens Table
Christine Morgan. Word Horde, $15.99 trade paper (306p) ISBN 978-1-939905-27-7
(who has just learned of Keras involvement

with Adam), vow to hunt down the animal; hese original stories of Viking adventure ring with
the Tufa leaders look for supernatural historical glory and drama, rising and falling in the
causes behind the attack; and the human rhythms of legends and myths passed down over
authorities seek to protect everyone, the generations. Thriller and fantasy author Morgan
unaware of any strangeness in the air. (Murder Girls) taps into the power of fireside tales in a
When the hog claims another victim, it collection that is steeped in tradition and yet completely
seems as though the situation will only be fresh. Previously published in various anthologies, these
resolved through the use of skillful song stories move from darkly magical (The Barrow-Maid)
and the intervention of uneasy spirits. In to frightening and horrific (The Fate-Spinners)
this installment, Bledsoe explores grief,
without a moment to catch ones breath. Lyrical stories of
guilt, love, and despair as a not-so-
bold adventure (In the Forests of the Far Land) and tri-
random car crash sets off a chain of
umph (To Fetter the Fenris-Wolf) offer relief from the
tragedy and reprisal. The only thing mar-
tension, but are no less stirring than the grimmer ones. These works have the sure,
ring this beautifully atmospheric tale is a
solid feel of a talented author deeply engaged with her source material and genre.
framing sequence that, while solidly exe-
Theyre an excellent read for those who enjoy myths and legends of all kinds. (Mar.)
cuted, draws away some of the tension.
Still, Bledsoe comfortably inhabits the
space where rural fantasy and magic
realism overlap and makes it his own. Empire V: The Prince of Hamlet their guidance counselor, are quirky;
Agent: Marlene Stringer, Stringer Literary. Victor Pelevin, trans. from the Russian by others, such as Ciudad de los Nios, in
(Mar.) Anthony Phillips. Gollancz, $13.99 trade paper which a desperate father bargains for his
(387p) ISBN 978-1-4732-1308-1 lost daughter, are undeniably creepy.
From Moon to Joshua: Author Pelevins newest erudite and MacLeods prose is rich in detail, adding
Sands of Deliverance, Book 1 fantastical take on postmodernist science depth and color to each tale, whether a
Matthew Moffitt. Edge Science Fiction and fiction and horror (following S.N.U.F.F.) vignette or a longer piece. However, his
Fantasy, $5.99 e-book (282p) ISBN 978-1- follows a young man as he is transformed stories are peppered with scenes that are
77053-128-4 into a vampire. On a lark, seeing a note scary just for the sake of it, reminiscent of
This postapocalyptic SF thriller seasons sketched on the sidewalk with a pointing superfluous jump scares in horror flicks.
gritty Wild Weststyle adventure with arrow, 19-year-old Roman follows it, and The Blood and the Body pairs a house
steampunk elements. The Rich Land ends up in the middle of something he party with a freakish Satanic society, but
ships all its criminalsand a few inno- could never ever have anticipated. Soon he the payoff is forced and jarring. The collec-
cents, tooto the Desert Land. They live finds himself strapped to exercise bars in a tion has many entertaining tidbits, but
a hard life in a hard place thats leavened home in Moscow, Russia, where hes falls short of thought-provoking cerebral
by mysterious antihero Drayaden Sinclaire, bitten by a vampire. When the vampire horror. (Mar.)
who fights to save the innocent. Hes armed dies, Roman, now called Rama, is
with a six-shooter, a sword he never draws, endowed with the vampires Tongue, The Fairytale Chicago of
and a strict personal code. On a mission to which rides in symbiosis with his human Francesca Finnegan
find a father and son whove gone missing, body. Highbrow philosophical concepts Steve Wiley. Lavender Line, $14.99 (250p)
Dray discovers that their destination, the overshadow the scant dramatic action as ISBN 978-0-9981492-1-9
town of Joshua, has been obliterated, and Rama is twisted like a corkscrew between Debut author Wileys name is only
the only clue to its destruction is a set of conventional human values and the nar- mentioned in the back matter, so readers
footprints hardened into the desert sand. cissistic arrogance of a so-called superior may wonder whether his whimsical novel
Joined by desert rat Malcolm and former being. (Mar.) is in fact written by young, blue-haired
airship officer Anya Ragnarock, whos had Francesca Finnegan. The hero is called either
enough of escorting people to die in the 13 Views of the Suicide Woods Richard or Rich, depending on his place
desert, Dray fights to learn the truth, even Bracken MacLeod. ChiZine, $18 trade paper in his process of learning about himself
if it means his own death. Setting-wise, (280p) ISBN 978-1-77148-411-4 and the history of Chicago. As Richard, a
theres not really anything new here, but In his first short story collection, horror miserable, wealthy vice president of
Moffitt keeps the action rising. Fans of writer MacLeod brings together the something, he believes the citys past has
dystopias and western settings will find macabre and the offbeat. Stories such as been accurately recorded by dusty histo-
enough flying bullets, intrigue, airships, The Texas Chainsaw Breakfast Club or I rians in their tedious books. As Rich, a teen
and zombies to entertain them. (Mar.) Dont Like Mondays, in which a group of boy who travels on a special lavender train
teenagers are imprisoned in a dungeon by with Francesca, he learns the fantastical

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 185

truths about Chicago. She explains that Martha York is upset that Jordan One Wild Night:
the city of Chicago was built by magic Hamilton, the Duke of Roth, hasnt The One and Only Texas, Book 5
and wind, and corrects all of the pedantic answered any of her letters. Her deceased Melissa Cutler. St. Martins, $7.99 mass mar-
real-world lies. The talented author takes father, Matthew, worked with the duke on ket (304p) ISBN 978-1-250-07188-0
admirable risks with this enchanting tale a prototype torpedo and wanted Jordan to One night with sweetheart and wild child
of magic, self-exploration, and growing have his notes and latest prototype. Tired Skye Martinez leaves country music super-
up by remembering ones youth. There are of waiting, Martha journeys with her star and confirmed bachelor Gentry Wells
illustrations, too, as in any proper fairy spoiled sister, Josephine, and their grand- singing a new tune in Cutlers entertaining
tale. This is a book for intelligent adult mother to the dukes home of Sedgebrook. fifth One and Only Texas contemporary
readers who love a playful escape into As Martha and Jordan work together on (after If Santa Were a Cowboy). Struggling to
teenage fantasies of fleeting first kisses, the prototype, they discover how much finish his album by the deadline, Gentry
exceptional Ferris wheels, extraordinary they enjoy their companionable silence finds his muse in Skye. Her free spirit and
cocktails, and a castle that has the skys and collaboration. While the attraction ignorance of his identity give him a chance
stars for a ceiling. (BookLife) between Jordan and Martha begins to to ditch his persona. Skye believes her failed
sizzle, Josephine schemes to become the marriage and miscarriage were punishments
next Duchess of Sedgebrook. Jordan from God, and knows she should be modest
Romance/Erotica assumes women want him for only his and reserved like the good Catholic woman
title, and Martha is convinced that men she was raised to be, but Gentry proves to
The Lilac Bouquet wont like her for her intellect; the believ- be a temptation too hard to resist. Knowing
Carolyn Brown. Montlake Romance, $12.99 able connection between them enlivens hes about to leave town, she agrees to one
trade paper (299p) ISBN 978-1-5039-4355-1 the tale. Ranney has created a captivating adventurous night with him. Given his life
Brown (the Broken Road series) mean- story line complete with an intriguing on the road and her plan to take over the
ders a bit, in an appealing way, in this cast of characters. (Mar.) family business in Dulcet, Tex., their rela-
contemporary tale of a tiny town with tionship is more likely to end up as a sad
long-held secrets. When Emmy Jo Massey Sunrise Canyon: country song than as a happily-ever-after.
accepts a summer job as a personal assis- Americana, Book 1 Sensitive issues of guilt and rejection are
tant to cantankerous, elderly Seth Janet Dailey. Zebra, $7.99 mass market blended with kinky sex and the humorous
Thomas, everyone in Hickory, Tex., warns (312p) ISBN 978-1-4201-4010-1 antics of spitfire grannies, making this a
her against it. However, Emmy Jo is mar- In romance legend Daileys touching well-balanced love story. Agent: Jessica
rying Logan Grady, and as the first in her first Americana novel (set in present-day Alvarez, BookEnds Literary. (Mar.)
family to be planning a wedding without Arizonas Sonoran Desert), wayward vet-
the impetus of pregnancy, shes deter- eran Jake OReilly finally returns home Home at Last:
mined to make a splash the likes of which after spending three years running from Sanctuary Island, Book 6
her hometown has never seen; that requires his wartime PTSD and his grief over the Lily Everett. St. Martins, $7.99 mass market
extra funds. Emmy Jos job is the target of death of his wife, Wendy. Jakes daughter, (320p) ISBN 978-1-250-07406-5
particular vehemence from her sassy great- Paige, now five years old, has been raised Everetts sixth Sanctuary Island book
grandmother Tandy, a contemporary of by his wifes cousin, therapist Kira (after Close to Home) enchants readers with
Seths. It seems that something went down Bolton. When Kiras grandfather tracks strong, crisp storytelling as a spunky, sweet
between them decades ago, and the curious Jake down in jail, he agrees to post bail in heroine and an unsettled hero see past each
Emmy Jo is determined to solve the mys- exchange for Jake returning to the ranch, others defenses. Marcus Beckett returns to
tery. The focus of the story is old small-town to the dismay of Kira, whos been keeping his home town for a fresh start, opening a
dramathe romance is a rarely visited sub- secrets about Wendy that she knows will bar and beginning a romance with the
plotbut Brown pulls readers along for only cause him more pain. Jake indirectly towns beloved do-gooder, Quinn Harper.
an enjoyable ride. Its impossible not to be receives treatment by assisting Kira with When he ungraciously dumps Quinn
touched by Browns protagonists, particu- her program of equine therapy for trou- believing its the right decision for her
larly Seth, and a cast of strong supporting bled teens; this shift in focus incorporates sakethe townsfolk shun his bar.
characters underpins the charming tale. interesting subplots, provides a fresh take Fortunately, the unflappable Quinn has a
Agent: Erin Niumata, Folio Literary. (Mar.) on PTSD treatment, and keeps the growing plan: she asks Marcus to temporarily pre-
romance between Jake and Kirarather tend to still be her boyfriend. Impulsive
The English Duke: than Jakes recoveryin the forefront. Paige decisions, including a public marriage pro-
The Duke Trilogy, Book 2 and her sweet innocence will tug at heart- posal, encourage heartfelt discussions and
Karen Ranney. Avon, $7.99 mass market strings, but theres no sugarcoating the work the slow, sweet revelation of their vulnera-
(384p) ISBN 978-0-06-246689-1 that Kira and Jake will have to put in to bilities. But just when all is looking up
Ranneys second Duke Trilogy histor- reach a happy ending, and the harsh truths for the couple, Quinn pushes too hard for
ical (after The Scottish Duke), set in of their story make this well-written, Marcus to come to terms with his demons.
late-19th-century England, unites a steady-paced story believable. (Mar.) Series fans will swoon as Quinn and Marcus
reclusive duke and an ingenious inventor. get to know and love each others true selves.

186 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

New readers will struggle a bit to catch up, discovery of the lost city of Atlantis, and by even begins, as the sexy fellowwho
but once the backstory is filled in, theyll threats from a mysterious group of people awakens an overwhelming sensuality Luna
settle in to enjoy a multilayered story of determined to undermine their salvage never knew she hadturns out to be Ruy
family and love, and an unforgettable cast of efforts. While the elements surrounding himself. As the two take tentative steps
characters. Agent: Deidre Knight, Knight Atlantiss discovery are fascinating, Adair toward romance, the secrets theyre both
Agency. (Mar.) relies much too heavily on sexual yearnings keeping lie in wait to destroy the love
to propel the story, at the expense of an theyve found. Fans of Fieldings previous
Stormchaser: otherwise solid plot. Two-dimensional, Andalucan Nights novels (Indiscretion,
Cutter Cay, Book 4 sex-obsessed characters dont stand up to Masquerade) will recognize past heroes and
Cherry Adair. St. Martins, $7.99 mass market the wonder of research and history. Agent: heroines; unfortunately, she also repeats
(352p) ISBN 978-1-250-01634-8 Kimberly Whalen, Whalen Agency. (Mar.) story lines and characterizations. But new
Panting lust and an undersea mystery readers will have no trouble following the
are, sadly, not enough to save Adairs weak Legacy: action, such as it is. (Mar.)
fourth Cutter Cay contemporary romance Andalucan Nights, Book 3
(after Vortex). Dr. Callie West is a marine Hannah Fielding. London Wall (Midpoint, The To-Do List
archeologist who signed on to Jonah dist.), $26.99 (484p) ISBN 978-0-9932917-7-7 Shannon Struth. Solsbury Hill, $3.99 e-book
Cutters expedition near Greece with ulte- Fieldings sprawling Andalucan Nights (254p) ISBN 978-0-9979293-0-0
rior motives. She presents herself as married, trilogy concludes with a dense and disap- Struths sweet contemporary struggles a
though shes actually widowed; the last pointing standalone romantic saga. bit under the weight of its complex story.
thing she wants is for the enigmatic, darkly Budding investigative journalist Luna Free after a contentious divorce, Maggie
handsome Jonah to know shes availableor Ward leaps at the chance to write an expos Harris leaps at the chance to restart her
to find out her true purpose. Jonah battles on an alternative treatment health care life with her teenage daughter back in her
inner demons, trying to resist his attraction center and its founder, Dr. Rodrigo Rueda hometown of Brockport, Conn., where she
to the very married archeologist whose ser- Ruy de Caldern. She abandons her desk inherited her aunts bookstore. But she
vices he secured from under his archrivals overlooking N.Y.C.s Hudson River and didnt count on bumping into her high
nose. However, neither of them can deny the heads for the cobblestone streets of Cdiz, school crush, Cooper Stanton, so soon
chemistry thats building during the long Spain. But a series of chance encounters after settling in. No one warned her that
days and longer nights in an almost magical with a mysterious stranger threatens to the former college baseball star was now a
place. The heat is sidelined by the possible derail the undercover assignment before it town detectiveand hes in charge of
finding whomever vandalized her book-
store. Despite old chemistry reigniting
The Undateable: between Maggie and Cooper, its a long
and slow road to a relationship. Each is
Librarians in Love, Book 1 keeping 20-year-old secrets that could
Sarah Title. Zebra Shout, $4.99 mass market (352p) ISBN 978-1-4201-4183-2 very easily drive the other away. Struths
characters are well developed and are given

room to consult with family and friends
itle (Practice Makes Perfect) launches her Librarians in
about their problems, which is refreshing
Love contemporary romance series with a hilarious
when many contemporaries keep the dia-
and charming first installment. San Francisco resi-
logue between the focus couple. But two big
dent Melissa Bernie Bernard doesnt mean to be a
revelations make the story feels more com-
clich, but when a picture of her is turned into a viral
plicated than it needs to be and take away
Disapproving Librarian meme, she becomes the poster
from the pleasure of watching Maggie and
child for the uptight and unhip. Colin Rodriguez is the
Cooper fall back in love. (BookLife)
token straight guy at a growing fashion magazine, and
his job is on the line: either he turns the disapproving Arms of Promise
librarian into a successful article series, or hes out on his Crystal Walton. Impact Editions, $2.99 e-book
ear. Prickly and at odds from the first, Bernie and Colin (249p) ASIN B01HVLH1MU
spark off each other as he persuades her to participate in Waltons chaste contemporary piles on
30 first dates in 30 days. Delightfully mouthy Bernie (Totally not looking at the bathos, as willful Annabelle Madison
your butt, Mr. Patriarchy) accepts the challenge to prove shes single by choice, struggles to make her own way as a profes-
not because shes undateable, and endures a gut-busting succession of dates gone sional dancer despite her Chicago DA
wrong. Meanwhile, Colin gets a crash course in dating from a womans perspec- fathers insistence that she move back
tive, an experience that forces him into maturity. Their story is funny, engrossing, home and pursue a sensible career. Worse
and delightfully witty. Readers will be eager for the rest of the series. Agent: Louise than landlords and creditors breathing
Fury, Bent Agency. (Mar.) down her neck is the physical threat of a
merciless gangster kingpins goons. Hes

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 187

about to face Annas father in a life-or- finds himself rescued and tended to by the Calif., Tomasi (Batman and Robin) and
death trial and has put out a contract on the lighthouse keeper, Telmo, a burly old Bertram (Zero), have created perhaps the
DAs family. Enter lifelong family friend spinner of tales. While Francisco recovers first biographical horror graphic novel.
Evan ORiley, a former Army Ranger whos at his surprise seaside sanctuary, Telmo Sarah Winchester, widow of firearms
tasked with guarding Anna even though builds a fantastical boat in order to take a magnate William Winchester, employs
shes determined to dodge him at every journey to an even more fantastical- men to continually expand her San Jose
turn. Walton shines at making both char- sounding island. Soon, even the prema- house, night and day. Tomasi depicts
acters lovable through their interactions turely cynical Francisco starts falling for Sarah hallucinating about the dead killed
with children and family, but falls short Telmos tales of mythic adventures and by Winchester rifles: pools of blood and
when it comes to bringing Evan and Anna imagines that anything is possible. Like a enormous veins threaten her and the
together. Despite obvious, highly charged lighter kind of Guillermo del Toro story house, with only the continued ham-
sexual attraction, it seems like theyll never in which the fantasy elementsneatly mering keeping these horrors at bay.
find their way into each others arms. This delivered here in Rocas sharp, duotone Fictional workman Warren Peck is a new-
one is for romance fans willing to overlook styleplay a counterpoint to the black- comer to Sarahs house and, like all the
a few plot contrivances so they can read and-white harshness of the war, Rocas men working there, has a past of horrible
about an adorable couple. (BookLife) slim and affecting novel expertly channels violence. Partially because of this, he and
its characters desires for a grander and Sarah become close. Bertram brings to
more forgiving world. But, like his earlier gory life all of Sarahs delusions as well as
Comics Wrinkles, this story knows that yearning Warrens memories of those he killed. His
for escape doesnt make it happen. (Feb.) male characters tend toward the grotesque,
Terms and Conditions perhaps closest to the work of Frank
R. Sikoryak. Drawn & Quarterly, $14.95 trade Haddon Hall: Quietly, while Sarah is all cheekbones and
paper (108p) ISBN 978-1-77046-274-8 When David Invented Bowie huge eyes. The ghosts here are all in the
This multilevel graphic novel takes the Njib. SelfMadeHero, $22.95 (144p) characters minds but frightening none-
actual texts of the terms and conditions of ISBN 978-1-910593-26-4 theless. (Jan.)
iTunes and translates them into comics Franco-Tunisian cartoonist Njibs slice-
form in the styles of a whos who of comics of-life graphic biography about a formative Batman, Vol. 1: I Am Gotham
here Peanuts, there The Sandman, Dilbert, time in David Bowies early career will Tom King and David Finch. DC, $19.99
Adventure Time, and a hundred moreall nar- occupy a unique slot in what is sure to be a (192p) ISBN 978-1-4012-6777-3
rated by Steve Jobs. Its a prodigious feat of flood of Bowie-related releases this year. The DCs current Rebirth project aims to
pastiche that gives rise to multiple interpre- title comes from the massive old house relaunch the publishers well-loved core
tations. One is that the labyrinthine legalese just outside London that David and Angie characters in their most iconic forms.
of these agreements is possibly the real cre- Bowie moved into in late 1969, where he Kings (The Omega Men) new Batman is
ative output of the digital giants. Another is could reevaluate the then-short career that accessible to new readers (or fans of the
that comics are really just a form of soulless so far was nothing but a string of flops. films) while checking off every item on a
corporate poetry. Still another is that the fic- That, at least is the opinion of Haddon Hall longtime fans wish list. Theres a properly
tion of comics is an agreement made itself, cast as the querulous interpreter brooding but heroic Batman; a looming
between creator and reader, just as these and historian of the momentous events Gotham City with enough atmosphere to
terms are. The work also evokes questions that followed in its sprawling, hippie- and function, as the subtitle hints and the dia-
about creative appropriation and our own musician-packed warren of rooms. Bowie logue hammers on repeatedly, as a char-
digital obsessions. Sikoryak (Masterpiece gathers collaborators like Tony Visconti and acter itself; crisp, detailed artwork by
Comics) is an undeniably talented artist with starts searching for ideas on how to trans- Finch (Brightest Day); and a mix of classic
a keen ability to capture different styles, form from just another long-haired folk characters (hey, the Calendar Man!) and
as well as a sly conceptual satirist and songwriter into a mind-blowing, shape- newcomers like Gotham and Gotham
prankster. Few will ever actually read shifting, glam dystopic avatar. While the Girl, two mysterious heroes with
these terms and conditions, but thats breezy yet sharp and highly colorful art is Superman-level powers. If anything, the
basically the point. (Mar.) certainly evocative, the narratives fuzzy book suffers from being too much by the
way with details both demands too much numbers. Batmans adventures are thrill-
The Lighthouse of the reader and ultimately fails to ingly drawn but light on emotional heft,
Paco Roca. NBM, $15.99 (144p) ISBN 978-1- answer why David invented Bowie. (Feb.) despite some stirring moments. Strong
68112-056-0 themes run through the first volume, but
At the start of this graphic novel set in House of Penance theyre delivered unsubtly, with charac-
the Spanish civil war, Francisco, a young Peter J. Tomasi and Ian Bertram. Dark Horse, ters forever opining darkly on the sym-
Republican soldier, is separated from his $19.99 trade paper (176p) ISBN 978-1-50670- bolism of it all. Its a good, solidly enter-
unit and fleeing Francos men. After 033-5 taining Batman comicnothing less, not
reaching an old lighthouse on the ocean, With this unusual take on the real story a touch more. (Jan.)
he collapses from his wounds and wakes to of the Winchester house in San Jose,

188 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7


Yellow Wolf. Library of Congress, 98519395

Poletown, a once bustling but now deso-
late neighborhood going to prairie and
ruin. He finds that deep poverty, scant
Homing Instincts: Early Motherhood city services, and little police protection
on a Midwestern Farm have birthed a culture of do-it-yourself
Sarah Menkedick. Pantheon, $25 (272p) improvisation and mutual aid among its
ISBN 978-1-101-87141-6 denizens: artists, scavengers, hipsters, and
Menkedick, a native Midwesterner, longtime homeowners hanging on by their
spent her 20s traveling around the globe fingernails. Philp ably captures the frontier
alone, seeking out landscapes and people feel of Detroithe gets attacked by wild
different from her home. Whether she was dogs, fends off a home invader with his
picking grapes in France or teaching shotgun, and is forever gazing at burning
English on Runion Island, Menkedick buildingsas he laboriously rehabs his
was using myself like a Monopoly piece, ruined house from foundation to roof. His
moving around the globe to acquire experi- homebuilding narrative is engrossing,
ence and knowledge. At 31, she and her but his city-building prescriptions are less
husband moved back home to live in a so: he serves up overwrought anticapitalist
small cabin on her familys farm in Ohio Nez Perce warrior Yellow Wolf (pictured here soapboxing against the calculating men in
in 1909), nephew of Chief Joseph, fought in the
and have a baby. Menkedicks intensely 1877 Nez Perce War. From Daniel J. Sharfsteins
suits trying to squeeze every last little bit of
intimate collection of essays chronicles her Thunder in the Mountains (reviewed on p. 191). profit from all I find holy and extols tired
journey from early adulthood, as a young urban farming nostrums that would only
woman who confused travel with experi- to follow the progress of female characters further the hollowing-out of Detroit. The
ence and experience with self-definition is that theyre often more interesting than book shines when he sticks to the radical
into maturity. She beautifully depicts the their male counterpartsacquaints neighborliness of ordinary people in des-
physiological changes and emotional bat- readers with names both new and com- perate circumstances. Photos. (Apr.)
tles that took place in her mind and body monplace. Only diehard comics fans will
as she and her husband adjusted to their likely know the exploits of, say, Ultra The Ambulance Drivers:
new sedentary life. Menkedick is a superb Violet, a bobby-soxer with the ability to Hemingway, Dos Passos, and a
storyteller and her writing is filled with shape-change into her wildest fantasies, Friendship Made and Lost in War
remarkable scientific and literary references. first seen in 1947, or 1985s Sindi Shade, James McGrath Morris. Da Capo, $27 (288p)
She explores her reinvigorated relation- who is trying to commit the greatest ISBN 978-0-306-82383-1
ship with the Midwestern landscape, crime of all: checking out a library book. Two of the most significant writers of
seeing quiet beauty in an environment she But Nicholson makes even the relative their generation, John Dos Passos and
once longed to leave behind. She details the unknowns sound as fascinating as that Ernest Hemingway, are described by
normal day-to-day tensions between her familiar Amazonian warrior, Wonder Morris (Pulitzer) in his evocative, lively
and her husband during the pregnancy. Woman (who, for trivia nerds, first volume about how differently they
She takes comfort in her close family rela- appeared in DCs All Star Comics #8 in emerged from the crucible of WWI. Those
tionships while contemplating her new 1941, in a decade Nicholson calls the differences, and their disparate personali-
identity as a pregnant woman and mother- Golden Age of comics). Since superheroes, ties, affected how each wrote about that
to-be. This is a moving and deeply personal female and otherwise, permeate so much monumental event: Hemingway reveled
look at one womans transformation. (May) of our current culture, its a real treat to in the adrenaline rush of danger and her-
get such rich history of how characters oism, while Dos Passos came away sickened
The Spectacular Sisterhood such as Carol Ms. Marvel Danvers by the wanton destruction and the
of Superwomen: Awesome emerged and evolved, and Nicholson is a banality of the military machine. As Morris
Female Characters from Comic trustworthy, knowledgeable guide. (May) perceptively argues, Unlike Hemingway,
Book History who sought to describe the desolate [post-
Hope Nicholson. Quirk, $24.95 (240p) A $500 House in Detroit: WWI] world with honest clarity, Dos
ISBN 978-1-59474-948-3 Rebuilding an American Passos wanted his writing to change it.
Comic book heroines have come a long Home and an American City The writers met briefly as ambulance drivers
way and not always by the expected Drew Philp. Scribner, $26 (304p) during the war and became friends in the
routes, as Nicholson, founder of Bedside ISBN 978-1-4767-9798-4 vibrant expatriate community of postwar
Press, traces in this informative and enter- In this impassioned memoir, a young Paris. Morriss narrative demonstrates how,
taining encyclopedia of female characters man finds a community flourishing in a despite jealousies and differences, the two
in comics. Moving decade by decade, city so depopulated that houses are worth men found common ground, only to split
Nicholsonwho admits in the introduc- less than a used Chevy. Journalist Philp over their opposing views of the Spanish
tion that her survey is far from definitive, moved to Detroit fresh out of college in Civil War. Both worked feverishly to find a
and reminds readers that one of the reasons 2008 and bought a derelict house in voice for their lost generation and lead a

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 189

literary revolution, albeit in divergent frequently funny expos of its pretensions. Infinite Tuesday:
ways. Dos Passos will be the less recogniz- He begins by describing the schools An Autobiographical Riff
able name to most readers, and Morris founding in 1908 to, in one professors Michael Nesmith. Crown Archetype, $28
does a great service by reinserting him words, raise the oldest of the arts into the (352p) ISBN 978-1-101-90750-4
into the picture of post-WWI American youngest of the professions. Despite these Nesmith may be most remembered for
writers. Agent: Alan Nevins, Renaissance high-minded words, McDonald explains his role as the stoic guitarist in the
Literary & Talent. (Apr.) that HBS was launched largely to provide a Monkees, but his brilliant, candid, and
credential for business-destined blue bloods humorous new autobiographical musings
The Gatekeepers: who required the prestige of a Harvard give readers a much clearer picture of his
How the White House Chiefs of degree. HBS eventually matured, but originality and inventiveness. In a breezy,
Staff Define Every Presidency McDonald deftly skewers the vacuity at the conversational tone, he invites readers to
Chris Whipple. Crown, $28 (384p) core of the MBA curriculum, lamenting join him as he looks back over his life to
ISBN 978-0-8041-3824-6 how many members of a highly intelligent see how hes come to this point. Nesmith
Whipple, a documentary filmmaker and faculty have to resort to bold claims of dis- doesnt move chronologically through his
first-time author, surveys recent U.S. presi- covering that which we already knew. He life; instead, he riffs, letting one topic lead
dential history by profiling chiefs of staff also questions why the school doesnt do into another, building layer on layer of a
from Nixon to Obama. He doesnt quite jus- more to shape the ethics of business, life in music, television, and movies. He
tify his subtitle or even try particularly hard devoting chapters to ignominious graduates riffs on his deep friendships with Douglas
to prove its far-reaching claim, but he does like Jeffrey Skilling of Enron and to the Adams (from whom he gets the title of the
recount a vibrant narrative of the real-world growing gap between the pay of ordinary book), Jack Nicholson, and Johnny Cash,
West Wing and give insight into the oft- workers and CEOs. This institutional his- among others. He tells his side of the
mentioned but little-explained role of tory refreshingly substitutes skepticism for now-well-known contentious backstory
White House Chief of Staff. Repurposing reverence, questioning the limits of business of the Monkees and the roles that the
original interviews conducted for a docu- education and of capitalism in general. musicians played on the set of the televi-
mentary film that Whipple cowrote, The Agent: David Kuhn, Kuhn Projects. (Apr.) sion show, and the ways that his ceaseless
Presidents Gatekeepers, the book is pep- creative drive led him to form his first
pered with stories and insights from many
of the chiefs of staff and other key players
including presidents Carter and George Wild Nights: How Taming Sleep
H.W. Bush. Whipple also draws from other
histories and political memoirs, giving the Created Our Restless World
book an insiders feel as it recounts historical Benjamin Reiss. Basic, $28 (320) ISBN 978-0-465-06195-2
episodes such as the Watergate break-in, the

assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, eiss (The Showman and the Slave), professor of
the 9/11 attacks, and the unsuccessful English at Emory University, takes a historical and
rollout of The confident literary look at sleep, particularly as it is prac-
and fast-paced narrative is enhanced by ticedor notin the modern West. Reiss acces-
having actual historical players contribute sibly addresses an astounding breadth of material,
well-rounded (and sometimes surprising) though he touches only occasionally on the science of
characterizations of presidents and other sleepthis is neither an in-depth neurological discussion
Washington luminaries. In this page- nor a guide to fixing sleep difficulties. From the very
turner of a history, readers will discover beginning, Reiss argues against popular conceptions of
new facets of historical events that they what is considered normal sleep: sleeping in one
felt they already knew. Agent: Lisa Queen, straight shot through the night... with, at most, two
Queen Literary Agency. (Apr.) consenting adults sharing a bed. As he also notes,
virtually nothing about our standard model of sleep existed as we know it two
The Golden Passport:
centuries ago. Electric lighting and factory work removed people from sleep that
Harvard Business School, the
was more attuned to seasonal and regional variations in daylight and warmth.
Limits of Capitalism, and the
Middle-class ideals of multiroomed houses pushed away previous patterns of com-
Moral Failure of the MBA Elite
munal sleeping and sleeping with children in the same room or bed. In the 21st
Duff McDonald. Harper Business, $35 (688p)
century, the blue light emitted by ubiquitous digital screens decreases melatonin
ISBN 978-0-06-234717-6
output, reducing the ability to sleep, and the reliance on 24-hour call centers to
Exploring how Harvard Business
cater to Westerners IT and shopping needs disturbs the sleep patterns of workers
School became a ticket to the highest ech-
elons of money, power, and influence, elsewhere. This is a captivating examination and Reiss gives readers much to
McDonald (The Firm) chronicles the ponder long into the night. Agent: Wendy Strothman, Strothman Agency. (Mar.)
schools history in an irreverent, cynical, and

190 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

post-Monkees band, the First National himself as the classic literary tough guy. ways a splendid book. But its also a bloated
Band. Later Nesmith shot a video for his The brief span of pages motors from a jeep one, filled with irrelevant detailsthe
song Rio and tried to convince others, crash in Venezuela to a cross-country speed of a train, what people packed to
over 10 years before MTV came along, motorcycle odysseyfrom NYC to Death traveland yet inexcusably lacking any
that there should be a broadcast outlet for Valleyprompted by a mysterious inner maps. Its also just a story, and no matter how
music videos. Eventually, Nesmith started voice from beyond. Along the way, well told it is, it reveals nothing of the
up Videoranch, where he developed a tech- Fishbone addresses plastic surgery, an place of the Nez Perce War in the larger
nique for hosting live shows and streaming autopsy, violent death, and sex of the scheme of American colonizers efforts to
them in the virtual world. Nesmiths enter- extremely sweaty variety, each louche suppress native independence. (Apr.)
taining memoir reveals his creative genius, anecdote filtered through a hodgepodge
his canny ability never to take himself too of references that include Platos Phaedrus, Almost Human:
seriously, and his restless questions about Easy Rider, the skepticism of Diogenes, and The Astonishing Tale of Homo
the value of spirituality. (Apr.) a YouTube video of a chimpanzee Naledi and the Discovery that
molesting a frog. Fishbone moderates his Changed Our Human Story
Jane Welsh Carlyle and Her highfalutin asides with earthy language Lee Berger and John Hawks. National
Victorian World and subject matter (bikes, women, booze). Geographic, $26 (256p) ISBN 978-1-4262-1811-8
Kathy Chamberlain. Overlook, $37.50 (400p) Frequent philosophical asides show Berger, a paleoanthropologist at South
ISBN978-1-4683-1420-5 impressive historical range but rarely Africas University of the Witwatersrand,
Jane Carlyles main claim to fame is her surpass stoner profundity, and Fishbone reports on his nearly three decades of work
marriage to Thomas Carlyle, a philosopher displays more than a smidge of self- in South Africawith an excursion to the
and historian who became one of the tow- aggrandizing machismo in his detailed Micronesian island of Palauand the sur-
ering figures of the Victorian era. Carlyle exegesis of a woman getting off as she clings prising discoveries he and colleagues have
herself never published in her lifetime, to him on a bike, or his recounting of the made about early hominins. In short chap-
but Chamberlain, emeritus professor at number of times he has looked death in ters that feature reconstructed dialogue and
City University of New York, argues that the eye (Fishbone includes the sentence: somewhat tiresome prose, Berger relates
her vivid writingsletters, an essay, spo- Its nothing but luck that Im still here). how he used Google Earth as a geological
radic journals, all published posthu- Yet to reduce Fishbone to a chest-thumping aid to scour the South Africa and uncover
mouslygive her claim to independent intellectual gorilla would shortchange the natural chambers and new fossil sites. In
renown. Chamberlain focuses on a short real pleasures of his bold yawp. (Apr.) 2008, his team began excavating one of
period, 18431849, that Carlyle wrote these sites, a cave outside of Johannesburg,
about in detail. The book covers famous Thunder in the Mountains: and found two partial skeletons of a woman
people that she knew, including Charles Chief Joseph, Oliver Otis Howard, and child who represented a new species,
Dickens, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret and the Nez Perce War Australopithecus sediba. Five years later,
Fuller, and Giuseppe Mazzini. It also dis- Daniel J. Sharfstein. Norton, $29.95 (624p) two cavers discovered another cache of
cusses Janes servants and contemporary ISBN 978-0-393-23941-6 bones. Berger led another team there to
reform movements to help low-income Revealing all the strengths and weak- find some 1,300 human fossils, including
people, ensuring a multidimensional view nesses of popular history, Sharfstein (The those of a new hominin species, Homo
of Victorian society. Chamberlains narrative Invisible Line), professor of law and history naledi. Berger may have a sharp eye for
nonfiction technique, richly descriptive, at Vanderbilt University, relates the oft- spotting hominin remains in ancient
often places the reader in a scene. Like told tale of Native American bravery and breccia, but hes less skilled as a writer and
Carlyles letters, the book flits from topic to misguided American policy during the often interrupts his main story with human-
topic and reads like an entertaining novel, Nez Perce War of 1877 through the lives interest anecdotes and asides on the history
including a love triangle as Thomas and exploits of two great tragic figures. of paleoanthropology. Furthermore, the
becomes increasingly, albeit platonically, Sharfstein writes with great skill and due books crucial final chapter remains embar-
enraptured with Lady Harriet Baring. This regard for the sad, human elements of the goed until publication. Bergers finds are
humane, well-documented book provides a U.S. effort to hem in and defeat a defiant certainly interesting, and the H. naledi
solid and readable lay introduction to a fas- people whose great leader remains an discovery is potentially groundbreaking,
cinating literary figure and her world. (Apr.) example of moral courage and bearing. but the book leaves much to be desired.
No other book better brings to the fore (Mar.)
Organ Grinder: the qualities of Chief Joseph or better
A Classical Education Gone Astray explores the dilemma of his pursuer, Gen. Bostons Massacre
Alan Fishbone. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $12 O.O. Howard, a major personage of Eric Hinderaker. Belknap, $29.95 (350p)
trade paper (112p) ISBN 978-0-86547-834-3 Reconstruction whom Joseph frustrated ISBN 978-0-674-04833-1
In this nonlinear memoir, Fishbone, a at every turn. Moreover, Sharfstein dug Hinderaker (The Two Hendricks), professor
classical scholar, translator, and sometime deeper into the sources than any prede- of history at the University of Utah, details
bouncer, merges the lyre of Ancient cessor and unearthed new dimensions of the context and aftermath of Boston
Greece with the roar of a Harley to fashion this particular history. This is in many Massacre of Mar. 5, 1770, when British

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 191

soldiers fired into a Boston crowd, killing cussing specific energy policies. A section Deadliest Enemy:
five people. The massacre has long repre- on renewable energy sources is hopeful Our War Against Killer Germs
sented a turning point in colonial Americas about their potential to help replace fossil Michael T. Osterholm and Mark Olshaker.
relationship with Britain, but competing fuels but skeptical about their ability to Little, Brown, $28 (352p) ISBN 978-0-316-34369-5
narratives about the night remain funda- do it alone, especially unreliable intermit- Infectious disease remains humankinds
mentally unresolved. Hinderaker claims tent sources such as wind and solar power. deadliest enemy and the future looks
no definitive version of the event, instead The books strongest chapters contain an bleak, according to epidemiologist
offering a thoughtful meditation on the extensive discussion of nuclear power that Osterholm and documentarian Olshaker.
episodes significance for shared American dispels much of the alarmism surrounding They lead with a dismal introduction on
identity and memory. Untangling the com- the technology and contends that it must the threat of epidemics before delivering
plex circumstances under which Britain play a major role in a low-carbon power an absorbing account of how epidemiolo-
stationed thousands of troops in Boston in system. Makabe rambles at times, but he gists work and a disturbing description of
the peacetime of 1768, Hinderaker maps synthesizes a wealth of illuminating infor- what humans are doing to keep them in
the colonial anxieties regarding imperial mation into a lucid, thoughtful analysis of business. In the books early chapters, the
control that came to a head with the the future of energy systems. Illus. (Mar.) authors relate how epidemiologists have
shootings. His portrayal of the massacre, dealt with previous epidemics (AIDS,
as well as the months of trials that followed, Days of Slaughter: Ebola, SARS) and achieved a few triumphs
emphasizes the political and social chaos Inside the Fall of Freddie Mac (against smallpox and toxic shock), but
that shaped colonist-British relations while and Why It Could Happen Again they largely look ahead. Expanding popu-
demonstrating how contrasting interpre- Susan Wharton Gates. John Hopkins Univ., lations are wiping out jungles and eating
tations of the event reflected deeper con- $24.95 (304p) ISBN 978-1-4214-2193-3 its wildlife, encountering new microor-
flicts about race, class, and colonial rights. As a former vice president of public ganisms and animal-borne diseases in
By calling attention to the challenges of policy at Freddie Mac, Gates is well addition to the old ones. Global warming
assessing eyewitness narratives, Hinderaker positioned to explain the corporations is a bonanza for mosquito-borne infec-
also manages to bring his account into contribution to the 2008 mortgage tions such as malaria, dengue, and yellow
conversation with recent events. He ends lending crisis that nearly collapsed the fever. Influenzafrom birds and domestic
with a provocative, albeit disappointingly U.S. economy. Freddie Mac and its sister animalsproduced the 20th centurys
brief, reflection on the massacres symbolic entity, Fannie Mae, are the two govern- worst epidemic, and humans are more
resonance with more recent examples of ment-sponsored entities (GSEs) that pur- vulnerable to it today. Antibiotic-resistant
police brutality, making this book impor- chase mortgages from banks. They were bacteria are poised to spur a looming
tant reading for anyone interested in ques- once publicly traded but have operated as disaster, with superbugs heralding a
tions regarding the limits of authority and wards of the federal government since postantibiotic era within decades. This
protest. Maps & illus. (Mar.) 2008. Much of this story has been well is a convincing call to arms, among the
reported already, but Gates adds her own, best of a stream of similar warnings pub-
Buying Time: Environmental sometimes juicy recollections of events lished recently. Urging political leaders to
Collapse and the Future of Energy inside Freddie Mac, along with updates pay greater attention, the authors agree
Kaz Makabe. ForeEdge, $27.95 (296p) on where things currently stand in the with prior warnings that matters will get
ISBN 978-1-61168-931-0 mortgage industry. Her book shines when worse without vastly more planning,
Civilization will come crashing down examining the serious fault line in research, and money. Agent: Frank
from climate change and other planetary Freddie Macs charter and the unresolvable Weimann, Folio Literary. (Mar.)
crises unless we switch to clean energy, conflict in the corporations dual mission
according to this uneven primer on sustain- to broaden home ownership and ensure Dodge City: Wyatt Earp, Bat
ability by fund manager Makabe. He tours mortgage market stability. Gates admits Masterson, and the Wickedest
a variety of looming disasters, focusing on Freddie Mac failed to achieve either mis- Town in the American West
climate change but also touching on an sion, through she places plenty of blame Tom Clavin. St. Martins, $29.99 (400p)
array of phenomena including species loss, elsewhere as well. Her recommendations ISBN 978-1-250-07148-4
water shortages, and rising unemploy- about what should be done to avert Recounting the most famous of cattle
ment and economic instability caused by another mortgage meltdown come across towns and its two most influential
the impending robot takeover. Makabe as surprisingly naive and largely unwork- lawmen, Clavin (Reckless) argues that it
argues that energy is the thread con- able, depending on vague, unenforceable wasnt gunfights but rather the refusal to
necting all these dysfunctions and notions about corporate ethics. fight that eventually tamed Dodge City,
broaches a sketchy theory of how com- Nonetheless, this detailed, thoughtful Kans., the wickedest town in the
plex adaptive systemsfrom the Roman examination of the GSEs before, during, American west. Though the gunfight at
Empire to the modern global financial and after the crisis is a welcome contribu- the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, Ariz., has
systemerode and eventually implode tion to the historical record of a turbulent passed into popular legend, fewer know of
when their marginal energy surpluses time. (Mar.) the Dodge City War, the last hurrah of the
dwindle. Hes more compelling when dis- towns violent legacy, which the legendary

192 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

Wyatt Earp and lesser-known Bat Masterson

A Guaranteed Basic Income resolved without violence. The romanticiza-
tion and mythification of the West and the
Two books discuss a common solution to inequality.
gunslinger is Clavins greatest challenge;
with a firm dedication to the truth, he has
Basic Income: thoughtful study will undoubtedly attempted to confirm what he can and
A Radical Proposal for a Free become a much-cited landmark work qualify what he cannot. Though this fact-
Society and a Sane Economy on its subject. (Mar.) checking may take some of the glamor out
Philippe Van Parijs and Yannick of the popular conception of Earp in partic-
Vanderborght. Harvard Univ., $29.95 Utopias for Realists ular, Clavins book brims with a colorful
(400p) ISBN 978-0-674-05228-4 Rutger Bregman. Little, Brown, $27 collection of real outlaws, sex workers,
Van Parijs and Vanderborght, (272p) ISBN 978-0-316-47189-3 gamblers, and chorus dancers whose per-
respectively professors of economic A universal basic income, a shrunken sonalities, deeds, and even nicknames help
and political science, make a sturdy work week, and global open borders get readers understand why the Western legend
ethical and philosophical argument endorsements from Bregman, a Dutch entranced the nation in the first place. To
for the provision of universal basic journalist and historian. He engagingly know the history of Dodge City is to under-
income (UBI), a regular income paid examines basic income schemes in stand how the West was won, and this his-
in cash to 18th- and 19th- century England, in tory is often just as captivating and strange
every indi- Manitoba in the early 1970s, and among as the legends that have supplanted it.
vidual the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Agent: Scott Gould, RLR Associates. (Mar.)
member of a Indians in North Carolina. His sum-
society, irre- mary of how close the United States Duck Season: Eating, Drinking,
spective of came to passing a basic income law and Other Misadventures in
income from under President Nixon is entertaining Gascony, Frances Last Best Place
other sources and intriguing. For the first time in David McAninch. Harper, $28.99 (288p)
and with no history we are rich enough to finance a ISBN 978-0-06-230941-9
strings sizable basic income, Bregman pro- In this story of an American cooking
attached. claims. The other legs of his triangle his way through France, McAninch does
Such income, are explored with a little less focus and not just go through the motions in order
they assert, can deliver on the demo- heft, with references to futurists esti- to check his experience off some profes-
cratic ideal and help secure basic eco- mates that the typical work week will sional and personal bucket list. He moves
nomic security for all. Their argument be 15 hours by 2030 and that his family to the rural area of Gascony for
rests on several current workforce increased nearly a year and harmoniously integrates
trends: accelerating automation, movement in himself with the locals; he pays respects to
slower and narrower economic the global deeply rooted traditions, and falls in love
growth, and decreasing ecological labor market with the area in beautiful and unexpected
resources. It also rests, later, on a cri- would have ways; and he educates readers about
hunting and cooking duck. While living
tique of the ultimate effectiveness of dramatic
in a historic mill, McAninch, his wife, and
welfare programs. The books first half effects on
his young daughter, are at the mercy of
examines UBIs history in Western world eco-
every challenge of French living. Among
thought; the second moves to imag- nomic output.
minor language barriers, ancient plumbing
ining its practical applications. With For readers on
issues, and maze-like markets, the seasoned
diligent care and occasional graphs, the left, these
food writer gains a valuable education.
the authors examine moral and eco- are appealing notions, presented here
McAninch discovers which ducks (mul-
nomic objections to UBI and difficulties in a breezy, TED talklike style.
lard vs. mallard) are for cooking; he learns
of implementing it. They show that Bregman isnt being glib when he says more about the treasure, and staple, that
discussion of and support for UBI is those who want to change the world is foie gras; and he observes the subtleties
growing (the Swiss have come the need to be as unrealistic, unreason- of welcoming guests or offering directions
closest in recent years with a 2016 able, and impossible as abolitionists, in an area uncharted by Google Maps.
national referendum) but also suffragists, and marriage equality Most importantly, through McAninchs
acknowledge that rightward political activists once seemed to be. A more warm and fluid delivery, readers come
shifts in the U.S. and Europe make it practical handbook, however, is away with a taste and respect for a regional
far less likely that UBI will take root required to make these far-reaching commodity, a handful of enticing recipes,
there. Pitched more toward academics proposals seem achievable. Agent: and a new appreciation for friendships
than lay readers, this thorough, Emma Parry, Janklow & Nesbit. (Mar.) unfettered by origin or boundary. (Mar.)

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 193

How the Hell Did This Happen? America during the psychoanalytically Someone to Watch Over Me:
The Election of 2016 oriented 1940s and 50s; it was given to A Portrait of Eleanor Roosevelt
P.J. ORourke. Atlantic Monthly, $25 (240p) every student entering Sarah Lawrence and the Tortured Father Who
ISBN 978-0-8021-2619-1 College starting in 1940 and the army used Shaped Her Life
For those interested in one more look at a multiple-choice version after Pearl Harbor. Eric Burns. Pegasus, $26.95 (320p)
the unusual road leading to the unlikely However, it had fallen in popularity by ISBN 978-1-68177-328-5
outcome of the unforgettable 2016 U.S. the 1970s, eclipsed by the Minnesota In his second biography about the
presidential election, humorist ORourke Multiphasic Personality Inventory and Roosevelt family, Burns (A Golden Lad)
delivers a wry, dry, and occasionally other personality tests. Despite its occa- focuses on the beautiful yet tragic relation-
laugh-out-loud take. ORourkes chapter sional abuse, the Rorschach regained ship between Eleanor Roosevelt and Elliott
headings are worth a quick glance (A Huck some of its popularity around the turn of Bulloch Roosevelt, her father and the
so Unlike Finn); the throwaway lines are the millennium. Searls dutifully shows charming younger brother of Theodore
good too (John Kasich is a two-word how the test added a whole new visual Roosevelt. Elliott and his wife, Anna
Republican suicide note), and the general dimension to the emerging field of psy- Rebecca Ludlow Hall, were a well-known
content doesnt disappoint (notably chology in general, and the study and and attractive couple. Eleanor was a disap-
Chapter 17, Fashion Notes). ORourke analysis of personality in particular. Illus. pointment to her mother, but to Elliott she
entertains with two ways to replace Agent: Edward Orloff, McCormick Literary. was a miracle from heaven. Where Anna
Americas dreadful election process and (Mar.) was cold and indifferent toward Eleanor,
offers a breezy roundup of POTUS hope- Elliott was warm and loving, introducing
fuls who fell by the wayside even before Literature Class, Berkeley 1980 Eleanor at an early age to the charity work
2016. (Remember Lincoln Chafee?) Julio Cortzar, trans. from the Spanish by that would serve her well into her final
However, ORourkes review of first ladies Katherine Silver. New Directions, $25.95 days. Unfortunately, Elliott was absent for
is sometimes cruel (Eleanor Roosevelt), (304p) ISBN 978-0-8112-2534-2 most of Eleanors childhood. He drank
insensitive (Betty Ford), or just plain Between October and November 1980, heavily, suffered from severe seizures that
boring (Laura Bush). In his view, Americas the late Argentine novelist Cortzar may have been the result of his drinking, and
growing discomfort with leaders has led taught eight classes at UC Berkeley. was addicted to morphine and laudanum.
to the selection of someone with no means Available for the first time in English Burns chronicles several failed attempts to
to lead us. Entertaining as ORourkes through Silvers agile translation, Cortzars send Elliott into rehab, a string of extramar-
quips generally are, its when he gets to sometimes stimulating and sometimes ital affairs, and an illegitimate son; eventu-
the heart of the matter, discussing the pedantic lectures cover topics that include ally Theodore exiled Elliott to Virginia.
mob mentality and the value of indi- literatures relationship to politics and Elliott and Eleanor constantly wrote to each
vidual dignity, individual freedom, and music and the differences between realistic other, and though Elliott died when Eleanor
individual responsibility, that his work and fantastic fiction. In the first and most was only 10 years old, she kept their letters
is most pointed. (Mar.) thought-provoking lecture, written in for the rest of her life. Burnss work is capti-
1980, Cortzar begins by admitting that vating, suspenseful, and heartbreaking; this
The Inkblots: he has always written without really is how biographies should be written. Agent:
Hermann Rorschach, His Iconic knowing why before listing stages hes Linda Konner, Linda Konner Literary. (Mar.)
Test, and the Power of Seeing passed through as a writer: aesthetic,
Damion Searls. Crown, $28 (416p) metaphysical, and historical (the last of Strangers Tend to Tell Me Things:
ISBN 978-0-8041-3654-9 which he still finds himself in). Hes less A Memoir of Love, Loss, and
In this clear and well-illustrated study, engaging in the lectures that discuss time Coming Home
writer and translator Searls shares the and fate and attempt to define literary Amy Dickinson. Hachette, $27 (256p)
histories of Swiss psychoanalyst and psy- realism. He perfunctorily concludes that ISBN 978-0-316-35264-2
chiatrist Hermann Rorschach as well as the difference between realism and fantasy Syndicated advice columnist Dickinson
his eponymous tests evolution and is that the former places a greater (The Mighty Queens of Freeville) shares remi-
reception. As Searles notes, Rorschachs emphasis on plotting and plausibility. niscences in this authentic and heartfelt
test was not totally original; one prece- Cortzar breezily tells one class that he story of life in the small village (pop. 520)
dent was the work of Justinus Kerner, a began Hopscotch, perhaps his best-known of Freeville on the outskirts of Ithaca,
19th-century German Romantic poet and novel, without a precise literary architec- N.Y. One of four kids, Dickinson was raised
doctor. Rorschachs genius lay in ture but instead as a kind of approxima- on a dairy farm, but when she was 12, her
attending to patient-sensitive specifics, tion that little by little found its form. colorful, reckless father lost the property
including those of psychotics, and in Though students questions from each and divorced her mother (who later inher-
developing an interpretative code that class are included, these transcripts never- ited another home in Freeville). Dickinson
revolved around how the patient saw theless lack the vitality of spoken writes of her first failed marriage, her life
movement, color, and form in the ink- exchanges and will most appeal to con- as a single mom (she lived in Washington
blots. After Rorschachs 1922 death at age firmed Cortzar fans. (Mar.) D.C. but summered with her daughter in
37, his test saw widespread use in Freeville), her early job at NPR, and her

194 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

eventual shift to the Chicago Tribunes Ask Weird Dinosaurs: The Strange ONLINE
Amy column. The bulk of the memoir deals
with family topics, her midlife search for
New Fossils Challenging
Everything We Thought We Knew NOW
her own Mr. Darcy (who turns out to be a John Pickrell. Columbia Univ., $29.95 (256p) FICTION
A Perfect Machine Brett Savory. Angry Robot,
hunky contractor named Bruno), coping ISBN 978-0-231-18098-6
ISBN 978-0-85766-630-7, Feb.
with the deterioration of her aging mother, Pickrell (Flying Dinosaurs), editor of
and dealing with her profound attachment Australian Geographic, dishes more dirt on Devil-May-Care Jody Scott. Strange Particle,
ISBN 978-1-5393-4942-6, Jan.
to people, places, and houses. Each chapter dinosaurs, focusing as much attention on
serves as a vignette, and strung together the humans who scour the Earth in search The Heart of What Was Lost: A Novel of Os-
they tell the tale of a reliable, practical of dinosaur fossils as he does on the fossils ten Ard Tad Williams. DAW, ISBN 978-0-7564-
(she owns just four pair of shoes), immensely themselves. Some of his stories are fasci- 1248-7, Jan.

loving daughter, wife, and mother, who nating, such as his account of how NONFICTION
despite her career success remains down to Transylvanian aristocrat Franz Baron Book of Mutter Kate Zambreno. Semiotext(e)
earth and focused on family. Chapters on Nopcsa von Felso-Szilvs moved between (MIT, dist.), ISBN 978-1-58435-196-2, Feb.

surviving her mothers death and restoring hunting for dinosaur bones in Romania Whats So Great About the Eiffel Tower: 70
ties with her elderly father are particularly and serving as a spy in Ottoman Albania Questions That Will Change the Way You
moving. Ask Amy fans will eagerly soak while plotting to be named king of Albania, Think About Architecture Jonathan Glancey.
Laurence King, ISBN 978-178067-919-8, Feb.
up this intimate memoir, and new readers but others are somewhat pedestrian. Each
will feel as if theyve found a compassionate of Pickrells 11 chapters focuses on a geo- The Trump Survival Guide: Everything You
new friend. (Mar.) graphical region and catalogues the speci- Need to Know About Living Through What
You Hoped Would Never Happen Gene
mens found there, with a majority of the Stone. Dey Street, ISBN 978-0-0626-8648-0, Jan.
A Surgeon in the Village: attention paid to the latest discoveries.
An American Doctor Teaches Readers learn of beautiful opalised dino- Architecture and Surrealism: A Blistering
Romance Neil Spiller. Thames & Hudson, ISBN
Brain Surgery in Africa saur bones from Australia and a crested
978-0-500-34320-3, Nov. 2016
Tony Bartelme. Beacon, $26.95 (288p) dinosaur found approximately 13,000 feet
ISBN 978-0-8070-4488-9 up Antarcticas Mt. Kirkpatrick, demon- Faustian Bargains: Lyndon Johnson and
At a time when so many nations lack strating that dinosaurs were widely distrib- Mac Wallace in the Robber Baron Culture
of Texas Joan Mellen. Bloomsbury, ISBN-978-1-
proper medical care, Bartelme, the senior uted across the globe. Unlike his previous 62040-806-3, Sept. 2016
projects reporter for the Post and Courier in book, this one doesnt offer much insight
Charleston, S.C., tells the story of coura- into the evolution of behavior or anatomy, Floating in Sausalito Lars berg, photos by
Lars Strandberg. Kerber Verlag (DAP, dist.), ISBN
geous Dilan Ellegala, a talented Harvard- though he does touch on the evolution of 978-3-7356-0232-9, Sept. 2016
trained neurosurgeon, who seeks to bring feathers and extremely long necks in sau-
meaning to his life with compassionate out- ropods. Despite the title, the dinosaurs Vietnam: A New History Christopher Goscha.
Basic, ISBN 978-0-465-09436-3, Sept. 2016
reach. Bartelme takes the reader on the Pickrell discusses dont seem that weird,
humanistic journey of the Sri Lanka native but given that the rate of discovery has The Last Communard: Adrien Lejeune, the
in his medical school training, his rotations been increasing nearly exponentially, Unexpected Life of a Revolutionary Gavin
Bowd. Verso, ISBN 978-1-78478-285-6, July 2016
of performing delicate operations in a something more strange is bound to appear
New York facility, and his decision to take a soon. Illus. (Mar.)
position at an understaffed missionary hos- tary service themselves, working, and
pital in Tanzania. Some of the segments in Wounded Warrior, Wounded Wife: without a support network. With little
the biography are quite clinical in their Not Just Surviving, but Thriving warning and almost no training, these
graphic depictions of the history of brain Barbara K. McNally. Battle Flag, $7.99 e-book women have learned to serve their families
medicine and the current procedures. The (228p) ISBN 978-1-63393-287-6 as full-time caregivers while their partners
doctor explains the brain surgeons view: Physical therapist and debut author try to recover from broken bones, lost limbs,
You were touching a persons past and McNally, writing in heart-wrenching severe head injuries, and other unspeak-
dreams, everything a person is and would detail, outlines the bitter joy that comes able assaults on their bodies and beings,
be. Tanzania has only three neurosurgeons with being a wife of a wounded military she writes. McNally describes becoming
for 43 million people, so Ellegala begins an service member. Each of the books selected aware of this issue after witnessing a vet-
effective training program with young med- stories illustrates phases of the recovery erans suicide. Along with her own insights,
ical workers in a new group, Madaktari, process from the perspective of a veterans she also shares the sage advice of a number
thats designed to prepare doctors to serve wife. The author frankly discusses anger, of mental health professionals, meant as a
in the global health crisis. Noting the traumatic brain injuries, suicide, and other lifeline to caregivers struggling to under-
shortage of surgeons, Bartelme writes issues. Challenges with sexuality fill a stand their loved ones issues. After more
knowingly of the dedication of a valiant deeply honest chapter. McNally cites find- than a decade of Americans fighting battles
doctor determined to change how modern ings that post-9/11 military caregivers are on multiple fronts, this is a deeply neces-
medicine interacts with the world. (Mar.) more likely to be young (more than 40% sary and poignant offering. (BookLife)
are between 18 and 30), veterans of mili-

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 195

Audio while another client, a scuzzy drug dealer,

and a leader of a California-based drug
cartel sound as if theyre fairly bursting
with bravado. Dawe is equally effective in
Fiction finding voices for the novels many charac-
ters who exist in the attitudinal middle
The Mountaintop ground between these two extremes. A
Katori Hall, performed by Larry Powell and Thomas & Mercer hardcover. (Nov.)
Aja Naomi King. L.A. Theatre Works, unabridged,
1 CD, 1 hr., $29.95 ISBN 978-1-68266-014-0 Fields Where They Lay
Hall crafts a fascinating look at the Timothy Hallinan, read by Peter Berkrot.
final hours of Martin Luther King Jr. in Blackstone Audio, unabridged, 9 CDs, 10.5
this fictional dramatization of the eve- hrs., $34.95 ISBN 978-1-5047-5695-2
ning before he was assassinated. King The Mountaintop, which was recorded with Hallinans sixth addition to his chroni-
opens up about his inner demons and his a live audience, is a fictionalized account of the cles of likable professional thief Junior
final hours of Martin Luther King Jr. (reviewed
legacy as he debates with Camae, a hotel Bender takes place just before Christmas,
on this page).
staff member whom he bonds with over but its a merry present to be opened at
the course of the play. Performed in front officer working under a slow-talking any time of the year. Reader Berkrots
of a live audience, the production never sympathetic police chief and a captain tough-but-smart delivery once again
misses a beat and flows effortlessly for the whose speech suggests suspicion and proves a fine match for the glib, genial,
full emotionally intense hour. Actor Larry animosityHarry is assigned the surprisingly moral Junior. Here, he tells
Powell captures Kings power, vulnerability, investigation of the Screen Cutter serial us of being hired, mainly against his will,
and hubris, while actress Aja Naomi King rapist. The two cases remain separate, by a ruthless Russian mobster who goes
(who starred in the 2016 film The Birth of pulling Harry in two directions and intro- by the name Tip Poindexter and wants
a Nation) projects just as much presence ducing him to fellow cops, young and Junior to find out why his suburban mall
and intensity. Integrated throughout the old witnesses, male and female persons of is suffering an uptick in shoplifting.
performance, the sound design propels the interest, and two very different villains With romantic problems adding to his
narrative forward without interrupting it, (the smarmy rapist and a sophisticated general holiday gloom, Junior feels stuck
and the aural montage in the final moments murderer), all enacted with apparent ease in the sad collection of fading shops. The
of the production will move listeners to by the versatile Welliver. A Little, Brown continuing thefts and a couple of murders
tears with its blending of past and present, hardcover. (Nov.) dont improve morale. Berkrot effectively
dynamic use of call and response, and the captures Juniors downbeat despair and
ceaseless vocal drive of actress King as Moral Defense witty, cynical commentary on his sur-
Camae. (Dec.) Marcia Clark, read by Angela Dawe. Brilliance roundings; Poindexters a soft, slightly
Audio, unabridged, 10 CDs, 12.5 hrs., $14.99 accented hiss; and the distinct voices of
The Wrong Side of Goodbye ISBN 978-1-5226-5664-7 the occupants of the mall, like the gar-
Michael Connelly, read by Titus Welliver. Book two in Clarks series featuring rulous, excitable security guard Wally.
Hachette Audio, unabridged, 10 CDs, Samantha Brinkman finds the envelope- Shlomo Semple, hired by the mall to dress
10.5 hrs., $40 ISBN 978-1-61969-428-6 pushing L.A. defense attorney adding as Santa, contributes an ironic story of
Welliver, who portrays protagonist young Cassie Sonnenberg to her client list his own involving his fathers escape from
Hieronymous Harry Bosch in the after the 15-year-olds father and brother Nazi soldiers during WWII thats so fas-
Amazon Prime TV adaptation of Connellys die from knife wounds. The assumption is cinating and so brilliantly enacted by
series, clearly has no problem embodying that the fatal home break-in was payback Berkrot that it almost steals the novel. A
the tough, almost obsessively dedicated after Cassies mother Paula, a city council- Soho Crime hardcover. (Nov.)
Southern California crime fighter. But the woman who was hospitalized and remains
actors previous work in supporting roles in critical condition, helped to pass new See Also Murder
serve him equally well when dealing with anti-gang legislation. But Samantha soon Larry D. Sweazy, read by a full cast.
the other characters that inhabit Harrys realizes that the motives may be a bit more GraphicAudio, adapted, 5 CDs, 6 hrs., $19.99
literary landscape. Prominent among them devious than that. Clark fills her heroines ISBN 978-1-62851-295-3
in Bosch #21 is reclusive octogenarian narration with caustic wit and breezy, Sweazys novel, the first in a series set in
billionaire Whitney Vance. In a voice soft moderately slangy patter that reader rural North Dakota circa 1964, is narrated
and croaky with age and infirmity, he hires Dawe delivers naturally and effortlessly. by its protagonist, Marjorie Trumaine: a
Harry as a private detective to find out if Samanthas bottom-line-focused office smart, remarkably adaptive woman who,
he has a living heir from an affair 65 years manager, Michelle, sounds properly exas- since her husband Hank suffered a hunting
before. Simultaneously, at the San perated by her bosss freewheeling and accident that left him blind and paralyzed,
Fernando PDwhere the former LAPD free-spending style. The forlorn Cassies has been caring for him and keeping the
sleuth is stationed as an unpaid reserve responses are whisper-soft and tentative, family farm in operation by working as a

196 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

professional book indexer. When an single mom trying to make ends meet in Amory Ames, the free-spirited, feminist
unknown killer begins cutting the throats New York whom Shelby befriends later in amateur detective in Weavers series. The
of her neighbors, Marjories penchant for life. A Simon & Schuster hardcover. (Nov.) novel, the second in the series, mimics
research leads Sheriff Hilo Jenkins to seek both Agatha Christie and Dorothy Sayers:
her help in identifying his only cluean Ragtime in other words, everyone is stuck in an
amulet clutched in the hand of one of the E.L. Doctorow, read by the author. Brilliance elaborate countryside estate where murder
victims. Though this rendition features a Audio, unabridged, 7 CDs, 7.5 hrs., $19.99 did and does occur, and the characters, as
full cast, voice actress Nanette Savard ISBN 978-1-5318-3720-4 well as the detective, are very upper-crust.
handles the lions share of the work, por- It isnt easy to imitate musical syncopa- Larkin handles nicely the books balance
traying Marjorie as a determined woman tion in prose, but Doctorow pulls it off in of horror and humor, including the
with a subdued Fargo-esque accent. The the audio edition of his now-classic 1975 jousting between Amory and her husband
other performers handle the rest of the novel. The ebb and flow and swing of his Milo and the fears and follies of the dispa-
well-drawn citizens of Dickinson with sentences, reflecting turn-of-the-century rate characters in the party. She makes this
similar, equally effective accents, particu- jazz genres, are captured perfectly in his an easy and fun listen. A Minotaur hard-
larly Chris Geneback as the weary, under- low-key, fast-paced reading. Doctorow cover. (Oct.)
standably melancholy Hank and James seamlessly interweaves his invented char-
Konicek as the seemingly dependable, acters and incidents with a wide range of News of the World
deep-voiced Sheriff Hilo. The production historical events and people like Houdini, Paulette Jiles, read by Grover Gardner.
includes mood music and sound effects Henry Ford, Emma Goldman, J.P. Morgan, Brilliance Audio, unabridged, 5 CDs, 6 hrs.,
that, in creating wind and rain on the Sigmund Freud, and others to create a $29.99 ISBN 978-1-5113-5677-0
plains, sometimes overpower the dialogue portrait of early-20th-century America Reader Gardner proves yet again that
in this dark, well-crafted whodunit. A that presages the rise of the civil rights he is one of the best voice actors in the
Seventh Street paperback. (Nov.) and womens movements and our involve- audiobook industry today with his
ment in two world wars. Doctorows novel reading of Jiless evocative story of post
Faithful and his narration are gifts to savor. A Random Civil War Texas. His deep, warm voice is
Alice Hoffman, read by Amber Tamblyn. S&S House paperback. (Nov.) such a perfect match for the character of
Audio, unabridged, 7 CDs, 8.5 hrs., $29.99 the elderly widowed Captain Jefferson
ISBN 978-1-5082-2511-9 A Most Novel Revenge Kyle Kidd that listeners immediately
Actress Tamblyn, known for playing the Ashley Weaver, read by Alison Larkin. fall under his spell. Gardners rich vocal
title role in the TV series Joan of Arcadia, Dreamscape Media, unabridged, 8 CDs, 9.5 tones and his faultless timing of Jiless
inhabits Hoffmans story so naturally it is hrs., $34.99 ISBN 978-1-5200-1900-0 prose rhythms draw listeners quickly and
almost as if it was written for her. The Larkins rather high-pitched, upper- deeply into the premise of the story and
novel opens with a car accident involving class British voice is sometimes scratchy the lives of its characters. In 1870, the
two high school seniors on a snowy and a bit stuffy, but its entirely appro- captain is called upon to escort 10-year-
night on Long Island. The accident priate for old Joannarescued from the Kiowa
leaves one of the young women, tribe that abducted and raised
Helen, in a coma and the other, herto distant relatives in
Shelby Richmond, who was northern Texas. As they travel
driving the car, seemingly deter- in his rickety wagon on their
mined to punish herself in perpe- 400-mile journey they share
tuity for what happened to her dangerous adventures and
friend. Tamblyn captures the form a bond that leaves them
bleak despair of the novels with difficult decisions when
opening and then slowly, gin- they finally reach their desti-
gerly, traces Shelbys fledgling nation. A Morrow hardcover.
attempts to build a life for her- (Oct.)
self. Sometimes Shelbys early
behavior is appalling, but it stems from The Mothers
her self-hatred and survivors guilt; the Brit Bennett, read by Adenrele
challenge for Tamblyn is to depict the raw Ojo. Penguin Audio, unabridged,
fury of Shelbys aftermath but also show 8 CDs, 10 hrs., $40 ISBN 978-0-
listeners enough of the characters good- 7352-8825-6
ness and humanity that they champion In a black Southern California commu-
her cause. She portrays Shelby as tough as nity, 17-year-old Nadia deals with the
nails but also achingly vulnerable. She also grief of her mothers suicide by throwing
turns in fabulous interpretations of other herself into a relationship with Luke, the
characters, particularly of Maravelle, a pastors son. The resulting pregnancy and

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 197

abortion are hastily covered up, and the sharing of ideas,

Nadia and Luke go their separate ways. Nonfiction eventually giving
Yet years later, the secret causes ripples rise to revolutionary
that deeply affect their adult lives. The Untold Story of thoughts that would
Meanwhile, the elderly women of the the Talking Book change society and
churchthe mothers, as they are Matthew Rubery, read by Jim the world. He follows
calledact as a kind of Greek chorus, Denison. Blackstone Audio, the trail from basic
having their say in alternating chapters, unabridged, 9 CDs, 11.5 hrs., musical instruments
gossip mixed with wisdom. Reader Ojo $34.95 ISBN 978-1-5047- made out of bone to
creates believable voices for all the char- 4388-4 computer punch cards
actersthe church women and Nadia, Audiobooks have become a billion- to modern laptops and cellphones.
Luke, and Nadias friend Aubrey both as dollar industry. Rubery provides the fasci- Newbern syncs easily with the authors
teens and as adults. She ably brings out nating and rarely told history of the prose. His reading is straightforward and
all the characters conflicting emotions audiobook industry, connecting the dots engaging. He keeps the book flowing
and their complicated relationships. A from the birth of the phonograph and the with an earnest and sincere delivery that
Riverhead hardcover. (Oct.) first narration of Mary Had a Little holds the listeners attention. Even
Lamb by Thomas Edison to the rise of though he presents a lot of information in
The Wonder Audible, the blockbuster digital audio- a relatively short amount of time, he never
Emma Donoghue, read by Kate Lock. Hachette book retailer and producer. He identifies rushes and keeps his tone light. The end
Audio, unabridged, 10 CDs, 13 hrs., $30 ISBN the challenges and critiques that the result is a relaxing listen that is as infor-
978-1-4789-1501-0 format seems to encounter mative as it is enjoyable. A Riverhead hard-
In the mid-19th in every generation, cover. (Nov.)
century, English nurse including cultural accep-
Lib Wright is sent to a tance (is it reading or not?), Our Revolution:
tiny Irish village for concerns about the proper A Future to Believe In
an unusual task. An way to produce an audio- Bernie Sanders, read by the author and Mark
11-year-old girl, book, and censorship. Actor Ruffalo. Macmillan Audio, unabridged, 16
Anna, is being hailed Denison narrates with the CDs, 18 hrs., $39.99 ISBN 978-1-4272-8533-1
as a miracle and poten- right amount of emphasis Senator Sanderss gravelly voice and
tial saint because, it is and speed. He knows how dramatic presentation are surely familiar
claimed, she has eaten to distill the meaning of to listeners. He reads with the same sin-
nothing in four Ruberys prose and tease cerity and earnestness he brought to audi-
months yet survives in good health. Libs out nuance, which is especially crucial ences throughout his extraordinary pri-
job is to watch the girl like a hawk for two given the subject. He does not complicate mary campaign for president of the
weeks and either confirm that she doesnt his reading with vocal flourishes but United States. A seasoned orator, hes par-
eat or expose her as a fraud. But over the employs a controlled and steady pace, ticularly good at changing speed and into-
course of her watch, she uncovers a dark which fits Ruberys preference for narra- nation to emphasize the points he wants
secret and faces an urgent moral tive delivery discussed in the book. A you to understand and absorb. Actor
dilemma. Voice actor Locks narration is Harvard Univ. hardcover. (Nov.) Ruffalo sounds subdued by comparison;
masterful: she creates a wide variety of though he is an ardent fan of Sanders, he
memorable voices with authentic accents Wonderland: doesnt muster the energy, urgency and
(from Libs English accent to many dif- How Play Made the Modern World hopefulness that Sanders does. Though
ferent types of Irish voiceslower-class Steven Johnson, read by George Newbern. the text touches on many points from his
rural people, men, women, the elderly, Penguin Audio, unabridged, 7 CDs, 8.5 hrs., recent campaign, it adds much personal
and innocent little Anna). During scenes $35 ISBN 978-0-7352-8829-4 and political history and detailed plans on
of conversations and arguments, listeners An impressive look at how much of our every issue. The recording was made prior
may think they are hearing a full cast of modern worlds accomplishments have to the 2016 election, and Sanderss opti-
actors, so distinct are the voices and so grown out of mankinds need for play and mistic tone reflects his high hopes that in
committed is Locks performance. At relaxation. The desire for entertainment the coming administration his future to
every moment, Lock is fully engaged, has, according to Johnson, led us to many believe in might begin to be realized. A
giving every word meaning and emotion of our cultural, industrial and technolog- Thomas Dunne hardcover. (Nov.)
and suspense. Its a thrilling, award- ical advancements and revolutions.
worthy performance of this dark and sus- Johnson traces the rise of coffee from A Life in Parts
penseful mystery with a rich historical being viewed as a vile-tasting brew to, Bryan Cranston, read by the author. S&S
background. A Little, Brown hardcover. when properly promoted, popularizing Audio, unabridged, 8 CDs, 9 hrs., $29.99
(Sept.) coffee houses, which became stimulating ISBN 978-1-5082-2631-4
and sober gathering places that sparked Cranston recalls the highs and the lows

198 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

of his life, from his early aimless years and text. He keeps the pace relaxed and the fame, and his most recent return from
his moment of Zen inspiration to be an tone generally understated. He subtly retirement. He opens up about his per-
actor to his acting success on Breaking interjects emotion at key intervals, how- sonal problems, including alcohol and
Bad. Listeners are likely to be fascinated ever, particularly with regard to the abu- drug abuse and failed marriages, pro-
by his growing up in a family of actors and sive antics of his uncle and the tragic viding context but not necessarily
his early career as a police officer. Both his losses in his band and family. Love seems excusing his actions or shortcomings. He
words and tone convey a fitting amount of wistful rather than desperate or heavy- is the ideal narrator for his tale and keeps
humbleness and sincerity that are likely to handed when discussing his complicated the flow of the narration highly conversa-
endear listeners all the more. Cranston relationship with his cousin Brian tional and intimate, so that listeners feel
sprinkles more sobering moments Wilson. He lets his voice crack without as if he is right there with him. His emo-
throughout the memoir, including losses, completely breaking in these moments, tional projection perfectly aligns with the
mistakes, and epiphanies, which gives the leaving the listener with a sense of narrative as he recounts the highs and
production depth. As the narrator, its someone seeking to stay above the fray to lows of his life: listeners can feel the hap-
perfect Cranston, drawing upon his acting the greatest extent possible. Fans of the piness, sorrow, and anxiety in his tone and
skills to determine the right amount of Beach Boys will most appreciate hearing energy as he moves through his life story.
emotional energy in any given passage. Loves story told in his own voice. A Blue A Crown Archetype hardcover. (Oct.)
Listeners can all but hear the tears starting Rider hardcover. (Oct.)
to trickle when he talks about the loss of The Electrifying Fall of Rainbow
loved ones, and he leaves no doubt about Filthy Rich: A Powerful Billionaire, City: Spectacle and Assassination
how much joy his wife and daughter bring the Sex Scandal That Undid Him, at the 1901 Worlds Fair
him. A Simon & Schuster hardcover. (Oct.) and All the Justice That Money Margaret Creighton, read by Callie Beaulieu.
Can Buy: The Shocking True Story HighBridge Audio, unabridged, 8 CDs, 9.5 hrs.,
American Ulysses: of Jeffrey Epstein $34.99 ISBN 978-1-6816-8248-8
A Life of Ulysses S. Grant James Patterson and John Connolly, with Tim In the tradition and style of Erik
Ronald C. White Jr., read by Arthur Morey. Malloy, read by Jason Culp. Hachette Audio, Larsen, Creighton explores the inter-
Brilliance Audio, unabridged, 22 CDs, 27.5 unabridged, 6 CDs, 7 hrs., $35 ISBN 978-1- secting lives of common and elite people
hrs., $39.99 ISBN 978-1-5226-3301-3 4789-4168-2 as they came together at the 1901 Worlds
Voice actor Morey tackles Whites The picture painted of Jeffrey Fair in Buffalo, N.Y., where President
sprawling biography of the larger-than- Epsteinand the abuse and miscarriages McKinley was assassinated. Though
life Civil War commander and popular of justicein this white-collar crime McKinleys assassination is a major focus,
but often scandal-plagued president with account will haunt listeners. The authors Creighton presents many other fasci-
characteristic poise and dignity. The stick with evidence they uncovered rather nating people who were also present, from
audiobook veteran never misses a beat than delving too deep into whys and animal tamers and barrel riders over the
with regard to diction and pacing. The wherefores. The story covers Epsteins Niagara Falls to the man who tried to pro-
style of delivery seems akin to the narra- upbringing, financial exploits, extrava- tect the president and many others.
tion of a made-for-TV historical docu- gant sexual misconduct involving the Reader Beaulieu moves deliberately
mentary. Its not that Morey doesnt let solicitation of underage girls (of which he through the narration, with intentional
himself demonstrate emotiona couple was found guilty), and how he attempted pauses and hesitations when the prose
of scenes in which Grant angrily disci- to cover his tracks during the investiga- demands it and a bit more pitch and vigor
plines soldiers for their mistreatment of tion and bypassed real punishment for his in the more intense scenes. Her straight-
horses certainly grab the listeners atten- crimes. Culp reads with a deep, coarse forward style of delivery coupled with
tion, and the portrayal of Grants bitter voice that draws out the raw and mali- Creightons keen scene setting and mix of
feud with President Andrew Johnson adds cious elements of this true crime tale, but characters serves listeners well in this fas-
an air of palpable soap-opera dramabut can quickly alter his voice to convey the cinating slice of history. A Norton hard-
Morey maintains a somber presence befit- emotions in the quotes from victims. His cover. (Oct.)
ting the nature of both the text and Grant pacing and emphasis draw out the tension
himself. A Random House hardcover. (Oct.) and heighten the drama. A Little, Brown
hardcover. (Oct.) Childrens/YA
Good Vibrations:
My Life as a Beach Boy Not Dead Yet: The Memoir The Littlest Bigfoot
Mike Love, with James S. Hirsch, read by Phil Collins, read by the author. Random Jennifer Weiner, read by Emma Galvin, Keith
Mike Love. Penguin Audio, unabridged, 12 CDs, House Audio, unabridged, 10 CDs, 12 hrs., Nobbs, and Jen Ponton. S&S Audio, unabridged,
15 hrs., $45 ISBN 978-0-7352-8882-9 $45 ISBN 978-0-7352-0896-4 6 CDs, 7 hrs., $29.99 ISBN 978-1-5082-2261-3
For the audio edition of his candid Fans of pop star Collins will relish the This sweet and engaging middle school
memoir, Love, a founding member of the friendly sound of his voice as he revisits story about a budding friendship trans-
Beach Boys, adopts a style that seems his childhood and his early career as a lates beautifully to audio. Twelve-year-old
more akin to reading than performing the child actor, his eventual ascent into music Alice Mayfair feels like a misfit: ignored

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 199

by her rich socialite parents, shuttled audio format, with one narrator acting as middle school as puberty quickly
from school to school, self-conscious the interviewer while more than a half- approaches. The book recounts milestones
about her large size and wild untameable dozen others take up the rest of the char- in Archers life thus far and introduces
hair. Millie Maximus is part of a clan that acters sharing the tales of these adven- readers to the male role models in his life,
lives in the woods, known to humans as turers. Its more entertaining with particularly his father (who restores vin-
Bigfoots. She longs for adventure and multiple voices and it brings the conver- tage cars for a living), stylish uncle, and
wants to learn more about the human sational elements of the story to the fore- thoughtful grandfather. Voice actor
world, but her tribe insists she must stay front, but not always seamlessly; there are Crouch perfectly enacts the young and
hidden for her own safety. When the two points in this production when it sounds curious Archer and creates fun, unique
meet and become fast friends, but their as if the actors were all recorded separately voices for the other colorful characters.
friendship puts the Bigfoots in danger, and the dialogue pieced together later. His emphasis and pacing capture the sto-
especially when Jeremy, a teenage boy Still, the variety of voice actors at work rys progression and humor, much of
obsessed with finding Bigfoots, follows plays well with the story and makes for a which is rooted in Archers precocious-
Alice into the woods. While all three lively listening experience. Ages 10up. ness. His insights and observations are
voice actors are tremendous, actress A Dutton hardcover. (Sept.) mature and rendered in sophisticated lan-
Galvin gives the standout performance. guage, which Crouchs youthful voice
She creates a memorable voice not only for Ugly: A Memoir helps accentuate. Ages 912. A Dial hard-
Alice but also for several secondary char- Robert Hoge, read by the cover. (Sept.)
acters, including a sniffling young girl author. Listening Library,
with allergies, a snobby rich mean girl, unabridged, 4 CDs, 4 hrs., Still Life With Tornado
and an idealistic, free-spirited school $30 ISBN 978-0-7352-8759-4 A.S. King, read by Karissa
principal. As Millie, actor Ponton strays Born with physical Vacker. Listening Library,
from the textual description of her char- abnormalities that dis- unabridged, 7 CDs, 9 hrs., $45
acter, giving her a grittier, tomboyish torted his face and legs, ISBN 978-0-7352-8751-8
voice instead of the beautiful musical Hoge grew up dealing Sarah is 16 and going
voice with the pure sound of a triangle with the typical issues through an emotional crisis.
described in the book, but her Millie is of youth but also She is a talented artist but she
immediately likable and relatable. Nobbs others aversion to his has stopped creating art, as
sounds exactly like an awkward adoles- physical appearance. well as going to school. Instead,
cent kid in his narration of Jeremy. This is His reflection on the she spends her days wandering
a fun and engaging tale that kids will challenges of that coming of age are pow- around Philadelphia, where she literally
love. Ages 812. An Aladdin hardcover. erful; he wants his tale known, but it soon encounters other versions of herself. She
(Sept.) becomes clear with the narration that sad- meets 10-year-old Sarah, 23-year-old
ness isnt the message he is selling. Hoge Sarah, and even 40-year-old Sarahall of
The Inquisitors Tale: admits to the pain caused by social exclu- whom try to get her to face traumatic
Or, the Three Magical Children sion and ridicule but also draws upon a memories and truths that she has been
and Their Holy Dog well of hope and love from family and repressing and denying. Voice actor
Adam Gidwitz, read by the author and a full friends. His story sparks hope in listeners Vackers first-person narration empatheti-
cast. Listening Library, unabridged, 8 CDs, for humankind and energizes them to love cally conveys all the complexities and
10 hrs., $40 ISBN 978-0-7352-8736-5 more and judge less. In a slightly nasal nuances of Sarahs emotional state: denial
In 1242 France, weary travelers at an British voice, Hoges narration proves a and defensiveness, confusion, fear, anger,
inn exchange stories of their encounters perfect match for the emotional tone and and pain. Listeners feel the character
with a group of three children accompa- surprising humor embedded throughout. struggling to understand her family prob-
nied by their dog who are set to be His jovial tone helps listeners derive more lems and work out her inner turmoil,
brought before the king for the threat from the production than readers will while simultaneously trying to avoid
they pose. The story is from the book. Ages 812. A doing so by creating a stable facade.
framed as an inquisi- Viking hardcover. (Sept.) Vacker subtly differentiates among the
tion, with an agent of books characters but doesnt create
the king serving as the The Best Man unique voices for them. For example, she
main narrator and Richard Peck, read by Michael uses a higher pitch to sound childish for
questioning the trav- Crouch. Listening Library, 10-year-old Sarah, a deeper, angry pitch
elers to discern the true unabridged, 4 CDs, 4.5 hrs., for Sarahs father. This production excel-
nature of the children, $30 ISBN 978-0-7352-8886-7 lently brings to life the novels portrayal
who are rumored to In this hilarious coming-of- of a teenager struggling to survive and
have magical abilities. age story, listeners follow overcome childhood trauma. Ages 14up.
The structure lends Archer Magill from first grade A Dutton hardcover. (Oct.)
itself clearly to the in elementary through to

200 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

Childrens/YA them to join him on a new water cycle

adventure. Stein (Tad and Dad) renders his
funny mixed-media paintings in bright
blues and stormy grays, and peppers them
Picture Books with quippy dialogue balloons (Am I
dense, or did I just become a liquid
Be Quiet! again?), proving that science can be
Ryan T. Higgins. Disney-Hyperion, $17.99 empowering on many levels and that you
(40p) ISBN 978-1-4847-3162-8 do you can contain multitudes. Ages
Higginss premise couldnt be simpler: 37. Agent: Holly McGhee, Pippin
Rupert the mouse sets out to create a Properties. (Apr.)
wordless picture book (Theyre very
artistic), but his talkative sidekicks, Carrot and Pea:
Thistle and Nibbs, have more than a little An Unlikely Friendship
trouble with the concept of wordlessness. Morag Hood. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,
This book is going to be so much fun! $16.99 (32p) ISBN 978-0-544-86842-7
Thistle says. Quiet, you! Rupert yells. Newcomer Hood tells a story about dif-
All three mice will be familiar to readers Who or what is the Giant Jumperee that has set ferences with bright colors and quiet
of Hotel Bruce, and, here, Ruperts outsize up camp in Rabbits home? Donaldson and Oxen- humor. Lee and his friends are peas
bury investigate (reviewed on this page).
Groucho glasses and moustache help to round, green, slightly wrinkly cutouts.
establish his credibility as an artistic Colin is a carrot stick, tall and orange. (His
director. This book will be more than slight as a story can be, but Donaldson shaded sides give him handsome sculp-
fun. It will be visually stimulating, he knows that less really can be more, and tural qualities.) Hood lists Colins deficits
explains. What does vishery strigu- her straightforward, occasionally rhyming from a peas point of view. He cant roll,
lating mean? asks Nibbs. It just keeps narration is all the setup her peerless col- she writes as happy peas roll across a thin
on going like that, with ever-less-helpful laborator needs. Oxenbury paints Mama line on a white spread; Colin lies immobile
suggestions from Nibbs and Thistle (A Frog as a dont-mess-with-me matriarch on his side, looking sad. And he isnt very
cucumber!) and ever-more-unhinged whose decisive physicalityhands good at hide-and-seek shows Colin amid
fury from Rupert (Stop filling my bril- planted on hips, belly thrust forward, eyes dozens and dozens of peas; he stands out
liant piece of wordless literature with focused like a laserinstantly establishes instantly, of course. Then Hood turns to
nonsense!). Of course the project marches her as a force to be reckoned with. That Colins strengths: Hes an excellent tower,
right off a cliff, but watching it go is she turns a bit sheepish when her off- a fantastic bridge, and a great slide.
entertainment gold. The storys back- spring is revealed to be the source of the Colin isnt at all like Lee and the other
drops are as polished as the characters, hubbub (her look heavenward is priceless) peas, Hood concludes. And thats just
Higgins breathes emotional life into his just makes her more of a superstar. Ages the way they like it. By using shapes
characters, both visually and verbally, and 35. (Apr.) instead of human characters, the storys
his smart, laugh-out-loud comedy is focus stays on objective qualities rather
expertly paced. Ages 35. Agent: Paul Ice Boy than temperaments or personalities.
Rodeen; Rodeen Literary Management. (Apr.) David Ezra Stein. Candlewick, $15.99 (40p) Hoods message will be clear to even the
ISBN 978-0-7636-8203-3 youngest readers, and the book is espe-
The Giant Jumperee Steins intrepid ice cube hero wants cially suitable for discussions about abili-
Julia Donaldson, illus. by Helen Oxenbury. more from life than a tenuous existence in ties and challenges. Ages 47. Agent: Helen
Dial, $17.99 (32p) ISBN 978-0-7352-2797-2 a freezer and a destiny of being Mackenzie Smith, Bell Lomax Moreton. (Apr.)
Some unseen ghoul or monster is occu- chosenhis fatalist familys euphe-
pying Rabbits burrow. Im the Giant mism for becoming part of someones A Letter to My Teacher
Jumperee, it announces from inside, and drink or cold compress. Ignoring every- Deborah Hopkinson, illus. by Nancy
Im scary as can be! Rabbits pals each thing Ice Boy has been told (Never go Carpenter. Random/Schwartz & Wade,
offer to rout the villain, but the Giant outside. Never ever go outside), he $17.99 (40p) ISBN 978-0-375-86845-0
Jumperee knows exactly which anxiety makes his way to the ocean and discovers Hopkinsons moving epistolary text and
button to push (Bear is told Ill sting you that rather than dissolving into nonexis- Carpenters emotionally incisive flashbacks
like a bee!) and they retreat. That leaves tence, a wide world of adventures awaits: chronicle the evolving relationship between
Mama Frog, who employs the most pow- first as Water Boy, then as Vapor Boy, an impulsive second grader and her life-
erful weapon in a mothers arsenal: and then again as a pellet of summer hail. changing teacher. Never doubting the girls
counting to three. Out bounces her very His return to a solid state brings about a potential, the unnamed teacher holds the
own Baby Frog (Hello, Mama! Im the reunion with his parents, who are stoically rambunctious students attention with a
Giant Jumperee!), elated and unapologetic chilling a patio drink; using his newfound steady, reassuring gaze and deep reserves of
at having snookered the grownups. Its as knowledge and confidence, Ice Boy rallies empathy and patience. Those same qualities

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 201

Bountiful Board Books

Youngest children can explore numbers, animals, emotions, and more in new board books.

Flora and the Chicks tographs of a single childs head appear on left-hand pages (Look
Molly Idle. Chronicle, $9.99 (20p) ISBN 978-1-4521-4657-7 at the happy baby. Can you make a happy face?), and on the
Idle brings her balletic heroine Flora to a younger audience in facing pages, young ones are asked to find the same face among
this nearly wordless board book that finds the girl struggling to photos showing other emotions (Find the happy baby!). White
keep up with a nestful of hatching backgrounds provide maximum contrast for the photos, which
chickens. As the book counts up to 10 readily telegraph each emotion, and an embedded mirror lets
(the numbers are the books only text, children see their own happy, silly, and other emotive expres-
other than The End), children can open sions. Up to age 3. (Mar.)
page-size flaps to follow the unfolding
action. Clad in red overalls and a kerchief, Masha and Her Sisters
Flora is as graceful as ever, lunging and Suzy Ultman. Chronicle, $9.99 (10p) ISBN 978-1-4521-5159-5
dipping with lan as she gathers up the The covers of this delightful board book are cut in the rounded
not-easily-gathered chicks, whose first steps and tussles offer shape of a matryoshka doll, and opening the book doesnt disap-
gentle laughs throughout. Count on multiple readings. Up to point: inside are five doll-shaped pages that flip downward to
age 3. Agent: Steven Malk, Writers House. (Mar.) reveal the next, slightly larger sister. Each is named and briefly
describedNatasha is the storyteller, Olya is the chefand
God Made the Animals their bodies are decorated with objects that reflect their interests,
Marie Turner, illus. by Naomi Romero. Sparkhouse Family, $6.99 (22p) such as pinecones, trees, and snowshoes for nature-loving Galya.
ISBN 978-1-5064-2185-8 (Fittingly, Masha, who encompasses her smaller siblings, is the
Part of the Frolic First Faith series, this board-book-as-mask collector.) Retro graphics and the nifty, well-executed concept
features two die-cut ovoid eye holes so that parents (or the chil- will trigger smiles from readers young and old. Up to age 3.
dren they are reading to) can disguise themselves with the heads Agency: Lilla Rogers Studio. (Mar.)
of nine animals, including a monkey, fish, and panda. Turners
verse emphasizes a divine role in creation, as well as the animals Lines and Triangles and Squares, Oh My!
unique attributes: God made the giraffe,/ who stretches so tall./ Zoe Burke, illus. by Carey Hall. PomegranateKids, $10.95 (24p)
God made the hedgehog,/ who curls up in a ball. The closing ISBN 978-0-7649-7864-7
rhyme draws attention back to humans (God made the animals,/ A gray cat named Bluebell helps introduce children to trian-
and God made you ), but the accompanying image of a pink- gles, squares, circles, and other shapes. Writing in rhyme, Burke
skinned babys head may limit the books audience somewhat. demonstrates how straight lines can form
Up to age 3. (Mar.) triangles and squares, and how, when tilted
or stretched, a square can become a diamond
Good Night, My Darling Baby or rectangle. Halls crisp, pastel-colored art-
Alyssa Satin Capucilli, illus. by Annie Bach. Little Simon, $7.99 (14p) work emphasizes geometry whenever pos-
ISBN 978-1-4814-8119-9 sible, sneaking shapes into wallpaper pat-
In one of two titles kicking off the New Books for Newborns terns, blankets, and landscapes for readers to
line, Capucilli and Bach showcase an array of animal parents bid- identify. Burkes verse can be clunky (What shape are the pil-
ding their offspring good night by moonlight. The repeating lows of yellow/ where Bluebell naps? That sleepy fellow!) but it
language creates a lulling mood (Papa horse sang a good-night largely makes clear what characteristics define each shape. Up to
tune/ to his baby foal beneath the blue, blue moon) as does the age 5. (Mar.)
moody, muted palette of Bachs tenderly illustrated scenes, which
give off a welcoming, folk-art vibe. Simultaneously available: Bear Hugs
Mama Loves You So by Terry Pierce, illus. by Simone Shin. Up to Libby Walden, illus. by Vicky Riley. Tiger Tales, $7.99 (16p) ISBN 978-1-
age 3. Authors agent: Liza Voges, Eden Street Literary. Illustrators 6801-0519-3
agent: Teresa Kietlinski, Bookmark Literary. (Mar.) Walden deploys an unabashedly sugary string of similes and
metaphors as she writes in the voice of a parent singing the
Making Faces: A First Book of Emotions praises of its child: Youre super-cute and cuddly,/ as sweet as
Abrams Appleseed, $7.95 (14p) ISBN 978-1-4197-2383-4 pumpkin pie./ You are my one and only,/ the apple of my eye.
A repeating, baby-directed text introduces five emotions Working mostly in a palette of pastel colors, Riley creates a
happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, and sillinessas demon- lightly anthropomorphic animal cast whose props and activities
strated by facial photos of ethnically diverse children. Large pho- mirror the terms of endearment in the text. While the bouncy

202 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

rhymes and uniformly cheery scenes can feel a bit one-note, as a lemon and tomato, respectively. Unexpected giggles await
testament to a parents unconditional love, it should hit the mark with every page turn. Ages 15. (Mar.)
with many families. Ages 13. (Mar.)
Crowds of Creatures
Good Morning, Grumple Kate Riggs, illus. by Fiammetta Dogi. Creative Editions, $7.99 (14p)
Victoria Allenby, illus. by Manon Gauthier. Pajama (IPS, dist.), $14.95 ISBN 978-1-56846-301-8
(24p) ISBN 978-1-77278-014-7 The duo behind Wild Backyard, On the Farm, and other books
This padded storybook with sturdy cardstock pages follows a presents a sumptuously illustrated primer on collective animal
mothers persistent efforts to get her sleepy grumple out of bed nouns, featuring six creatures. Riggss rhyming narration covers
in the morning. Allenbys intermittently rhyming text traces the land, sea, and sky (A flock of geese flies to nest./ A colony of ants
mothers escalating actions, which involve singing ever-louder: works without rest), and Dogis richly detailed animal portraits
If it only mumbles, No,/ Tickle just one piggy toe/ And sing are elegantly framed against white backdrops: three lions in a
just a bit louder:/ OhOhDont you pout./ The sun is pride scatter up dust as they race across one spread, while a pod of
sweeping the shadows out. Gauthiers naif collages sweetly dolphins frolics in churning turquoise water. Its a lovely, small-
emphasize the warmth between parent and child (they resemble scale introduction to the sometimes surprising language assigned
a cross between a panda and a squirrel), even when the little ones to groups of animals. Ages 24. (Mar.)
eyes are squeezed tight in a desperate attempt to hang onto sleep
a little longer. Ages 13. (Mar.) Dont Move!
Anne-Sophie Tilly, trans. into the Spanish by Yanitzia Canetti, illus. by
How to Bathe Your Little Dinosaur Julien Chung. Annick (PGW, dist.), $7.99 (36p) ISBN 978-1-55451-893-7
Jane Clarke, illus. by Georgie Birkett. Kane Miller, $8.99 (16p) ISBN 978- Framed as a series of questions, this trilingual board book offers a
1-61067-495-9 guessing game as it asks readers whether theyve seen various animals
Originally published in the U.K., this sweet-as-can-be board in English, French, and Spanish. After the initial question (Have
book lets a small boy play parent as he guides a reluctant red dino you seen/As-tu vu/Has visto a...?), each page
through its bath routine: Put in the rubber ducky./ Put in the turn offers a glimpse of the animal to come
squirty fish./ Put in the little dinosaur... Splosh, splash, splish! beside corresponding articles (the/le/el...),
Birketts cheery mixed-media illustrations trace the dinos quick followed by the big reveal. Chung creates high-
conversion to a happy bather, and fabric accents (for a towel, contrast black-and-white silhouettes of each
shirt, and rug) add another dash of coziness. Its just upbeat creature, set against boldly colored backdrops.
enough to persuade some bath-resistant young humans to suc- Readers may lose track of which language is which, but curious
cumb to the inevitable. Simultaneously available: How to Brush children will be intrigued by the differencessometimes subtle,
Your Teeth with Snappy Croc, How to Tuck in Your Sleepy Lion, and sometimes dramaticbetween the animals names: chameleon/
How to Feed Your Cheeky Monkey. Ages 14. (Mar.) camlon/camalen versus warthog/phacochre/jabal, for
example. Simultaneously available: Hurry Up! Ages 24. (Mar.)
My Pictures After the Storm
ric Veill, trans. from the French by Daniel Hahn. Gecko Press USA No, No, Bunny
(Lerner, dist.), $16.99 (32p) ISBN 978-1-77657-104-8 Pamela Kennedy, illus. by Claire Keay. Ideals, $7.99 (16p) ISBN 978-0-
French author-illustrator Veill creates a mischievous take on 8249-1651-0
cause and effect in this paper-over-board title featuring collec- A brown rabbit in overalls develops a case of sticky fingers, but
tions of cartoons in eye-catching primary he soon comes to understand that the items he has wrongfully
colors. Left-hand pages, labeled my pic- taken leave him feeling scared and sad inside. Little Bunny
tures, present objects, people, or ani- comes to this realization on his own, without parental interven-
mals that are transformed by various tion, though repeating, Greek-chorus-style admonitions of No,
events. On one spread, a cake, no, Bunny! drive the message home for readers. Keays gentle
octopus, and pig appear at left, but watercolor-and-ink artwork do a fine job of capturing Little
after an elephant they are obliterated, Bunnys innocent thefts, subsequent emotional turmoil, and
becoming a splitch, a splatch, and a abashed amends he makes to his mother, a friend, and a store
flattened piece of ham. Elsewhere, bread, an apple, and owner. A quote from Ephesians (If a person is stealing, he must
cheese are reduced to crumbs, core, and rind after lunch, stop stealing) cements the books moral takeaway. Simultaneously
and after a cold a lebod and dobado are restored to a available: Uh-Oh, Bunny. Ages 25. (Mar.)

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 203

are at work in the storytelling: rather than with his parents above their hat shop, the Flowers for Sarajevo
building to a single dramatic epiphany or unnamed boy had few friends but I did John McCutcheon, illus. by Kristy Caldwell.
declaration, Hopkinson and Carpenter dream a lot, he explains. Passing a local Peachtree, $19.95 (32p) ISBN 978-1-56145-943-8
(who previously teamed up for Fannie in the pet store, the boy is instantly drawn to a McCutcheon follows Christmas in the
Kitchen and Apples to Oregon) allow the girls weasel: He had big eyes, soft orange fur Trenches with another powerful story of a
trust and confidence to grow little by little. and a playful nature. The boy sneaks the musical performance that defied the
There are setbacksthe girls misbehavior weasel home and hides it from his parents, horror of combat. During the civil war in
during a field trip prompts the normally but after he brings the weasel on a field the former Yugoslavia, a mortar attack in
even-tempered teacher to describe her as trip to a planetarium, chaos ensues, jeop- Sarajevo killed 22 people waiting in line
exasperating (That night my mom ardizing his chances of keeping the pet. for bread. The next day, a cellist appeared
helped me look it up in the dictionary). Leonards fresh, cinematic cartooning has in the square where the attack occurred
But by the end of the school year, the fun with the storys flights of fancy, and played Albinonis Adagio. Vedran
child has become an avid student and class including the boys imagined moon Smailovic played for 22 successive days
leader. And by the end of the story, which journey with the weasel and the animals one for each victim. McCutcheons story
returns to the present day, readers will wildly circuitous path through the introduces Drasko, whose father sells
discover just how powerful a great role museum, traced in a zigzagging dotted flowers in the marketplace where the mas-
model can be. Ages 48. Authors agent: line. But Lavis and Munn never give the sacre occurred. When his father leaves to
Steven Malk, Writers House. (Apr.) story much substance or tension. Pacing is fight, Drasko takes over the flower stand.
uneven, including a second imagined trip After the cellists performance, the
Olivia the Spy into space thats done in a flash. The healing power of Smailovics music is seen
Ian Falconer. Atheneum/Dlouhy, $17.99 lesson the boy learns about responsibility in Draskos impulsive generosity: Please
(40p) ISBN 978-1-4814-5795-8 is barely touched on, and the retrospective take them, he says to a woman buying
Olivia is back after a five-year absence, narrative frame only serves to distance roses. Today they are free. Newcomer
and at first glance she seems as fierce as ever readers from the boys experience. Ages Caldwells strongly drafted artwork
(Mommy, I know how to use the blender, 48. (BookLife) observes the variety of faces in the market
she says, before wreaking blueberry square and the classic European architec-
smoothie havoc on the kitchen). But Olivia Niko Draws a Feeling ture that surrounds it. In an afterword,
soon senses that in her mothers eyes, a kind Bob Raczka, illus. by Simone Shin. McCutcheon recounts a poignant
of behavioral Rubicon has been crossed; Carolrhoda, $17.99 (32p) ISBN 978-1-4677- exchange: Why are you playing where
desperate to learn more about her fate, she 9843-3 there is bombing? a soldier demanded.
resorts to domestic espionage. Falconers Niko is an abstract expressionist, Why are you bombing where I am
elegant charcoal and gouache drawings are although he doesnt know it, nor does playing? Smailovic replied. An audio
a sight for sore eyes, and he comes up with anyone around him. Showing his parents a CD is included. Ages 710. (Apr.)
wonderful camouflages for his heroine, drawing composed of yellow striations
including one involving a Rothko-like and red swirls and knots, he explains, Its
painting. Olivia overhears the word insti- the warm of the sun on my face. When Fiction
tution, deduces that it refers to prison, Dad says he cant see the sun or the face,
andfor a few important pages thinks Niko responds, Its not my face. Its the Magic in the City
that she has been beat. Seeing Olivia warm. So it goes at school, too: everyone Heather Dyer, illus. by Serena Malyon. Kids
cowed, submissive, and sadly packing her wants to know why Nikos artwork Can, $15.95 (144p) ISBN 978-1-77138-203-8
suitcase for what she believes is a trip to the doesnt show what they see: the world in In this brisk and breezy adventure, sib-
Big House may surprise her diehard fans, concretely visual terms. Nikos sadness lings Jake, 11, and Simon, six, are
but its soon revealed that the institution in and sense of being misunderstood lifts unhappy about moving with their mother
question is the ballet, where she, of course, when he meets his new neighbor, Iris: her to London from Canada. While Simon is
steals the show. Falconer leaves no doubt thoughtful, elated expressions as she takes curious about living in a new city with his
that Olivia emerges from her dark moment in his creations make for some of Shins (If aunt, uncle, and
of the soul ready to tackle whatever seizes I Could Drive, Mama) loveliest scenes in 10-year-old
her attention next. Ages 48. Agent: Conrad this touching story. Niko waited for her cousin, Hannah,
Rippy, Levine Plotkin & Menin. (Apr.) questions, writes Raczka (Wet Cement), both boys are
but Iris doesnt need Niko to explain any- upset to leave
Once Upon a Weasel thing. Her own feelings of dislocation and, behind their
Salvo Lavis and James Munn, illus. by Dave more importantly, her self-awareness about father, dog, and
Leonard. Spitball Studio, $15.95 (32p) them, make her both a soul mate and the the house they
ISBN 978-0-9977982-0-3 ideal audience. What more could an artist can no longer
An adult narrator looks back at his ask for? Ages 59. Illustrators agent: Kelly afford. During a
adventures with his childhood pet weasel Sonnack, Andrea Brown Literary. (Apr.) quick stop at a
in this energetic but aimless story. Living magicians stall

204 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

on the way to their aunts home, the boys mother and youngest brother in a car acci- children whose realities seem entirely dis-
are given a stopwatch, camera, and rug, all dent, her ex-military stepfather, who self- similar but, in truth, converge in signifi-
of which turn out to have magical proper- medicates to manage his PTSD, has strug- cant ways, namely in their desire to excel
ties. Jake concocts a plan to rob the Bank gled to hold a job, leaving Fern to juggle and make a difference. The character of
of London, in order to buy back their school, caring for her brothers, and for- Rafael feels somewhat underdeveloped
house in Canada, but a stopover at aging for meals in a nearby forest. As compared to that of Maya, but his persis-
Buckingham Palace results in Jake and Ferns grandfather attempts to gain cus- tence and work ethic make it easy to
Hannah getting trapped in a painting (via tody of the children, a hydraulic fracturing understand why she rallies behind him.
the camera) and Simon meeting the operation Readers will, too. Ages 912. Agent: Tina
Queen; both events set the boys and their brings addi- Wexler, ICM. (Apr.)
family on a new course. Dyer (Ibbys Magic tional changes;
Weekend) creates sympathetic characters in fracking offers Mars One
ever-curious Simon; Jake, whose anger steady, much- Jonathan Maberry. Simon & Schuster, $17.99
over his lost home is deeply felt; and needed income (448p) ISBN 978-1-4814-6161-0
Hannah, who must work up her courage for her family Maberry (the Nightsiders series) falls
to join the adventure. Ages 710. (Apr.) and others but short of his usual level of success in this
will also result sluggish SF novel. Sixteen-year-old
Chester and Gus in the demoli- Tristan Hart and his family are going on a
Cammie McGovern. Harper, $16.99 (272p) tion of Ferns one-way trip to Mars along with 38 other
ISBN 978-0-06-233068-0 forest. Inspired people as part of the privately funded
Chester cant talk; Gus can, sometimes, by her mothers recipe book, filled with Mars One project. The first half of the
but its hard for him. Can they communi- ingredients found in the forest, Fern book is devoted to Tristans training,
cate and trust each other? Chester is a aims to win an annual science fair by celebrity interviews, and appearances on
chocolate lab, and Gus is a fifth grader spreading awareness about the resources the reality television shows that are
with autism whose family hopes hell be that may soon be destroyed. Helget financing the colonization effort, along
more interactive at school with Chester (Wonder at the End of the World) confronts with his interactions with his girlfriend
around. Chester may not have passed his substantial subjects like poverty, environ- Izzy, whom he loves deeply but has
service test (hes skittish around loud mentalism, and mental illness, injecting decided to leave behind. These scenes
noises), but hes smart enough to know humor and hope to provide balance. work individually but, in succession,
what his person needs, and he does a Without lecturing, she encourages leave the tale feeling rather flat. Things
fine and believable job narrating this readers to be thoughtful and curious, like pick up once the ships leave orbit, partic-
book. Always attentive to Gus, the boys Fern. Ages 812. Agent: Faye Bender, the ularly when unexplained malfunctions
ever-hopeful parents, and the kids and Book Group. (Apr.) put the mission at risk, and Tristan real-
adults at school, Chester shows Guss izes that the Neo-Luddites, a cult opposed
struggle to convey his desires and be more Rooting for Rafael Rosales to space travel, have planted agents on
independent. Chester has some similar Kurtis Scaletta. Albert Whitman, $16.99 board. Tristan is very much in the
difficulties, and McGovern (Just My Luck) (288p) ISBN 978-0-8075-6742-5 Heinlein tradition of young heroes, level-
emphasizes his eagerness and empathy, as Rafael Rosales is an 11-year-old headed and highly competent, with
well as his limitations: although Chesters aspiring baseball player from the genius-level engineering skills. But while
trainer convinces herself that the dog can Dominican Republic, whose dedication to Maberry handles the storys conclusion
read, Chester knows thats silly. Meanwhile, the sport and dream of playing for an well, some readers may lose interest before
readers can debate how literally to take American team occupy his every moment. they get there. Ages 12up. Agent: Sara
the idea that Chester does find a way to Nine years later, 12-year-old Maya, a pas- Crowe, Pippin Properties. (Apr.)
talkat least to those who are willing to sionate environmentalist, sees Rafael
listen. Whatever they decide, theyll be playing (badly) as a prospect for the Royce Rolls
charmed by Chesters warmth and loyalty. Minnesota Twins and quickly declares Margaret Stohl. Freeform, $18.99 (400p)
Ages 812. Agent: Margaret Riley, William him her favorite player. Shes drawn to the ISBN 978-1-4847-3233-5
Morris Endeavor. (Apr.) tenacious underdog, believing that, if he Bentley Bent Royce, 16, is the attitude-
can succeed, anyone can. Bijou, a laden bad-girl daughter of the Royces, a
The End of the Wild Dominican girl with connections to both Kardashianesque famous for being famous
Nicole Helget. Little, Brown, $16.99 (272p) Rafael and Maya, provides a thread that family of reality TV royals. Its all an act,
ISBN 978-0-316-24511-1 ties their stories together, through corre- though, and Bent wants nothing more than
Fern, a sixth grader in the fictional spondence, allowing Maya to see her own to shed her TV persona and go to college.
town of Colter, Mich., understands the privilege and better understand Rafaels She is thrilled when the head of the studio,
constant itch of being poor, how its roots. Moving between Rafaels childhood Jeff Grunburg, butts heads with Bents
always a bug biting your back in a place and Mayas present, Scaletta (The Winter of fame-obsessed mother, Mercedes, and
you cant reach. Since the death of Ferns the Robots) weaves a powerful story of two threatens to cancel Rolling with the Royces.

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 205

Keeping Busy
Reading is just the beginning in these activity-centric books.

Show + Tell: Transportation Activities minology, profile mathematicians, and suggest additional
Nous Vous. Wide Eyed Editions, $9.99 paper (18p) ISBN 978-1-84780- activities. Required materials are all readily available: in the
776-2 opening pages, children can use gumdrops and toothpicks
Readers can add their own words and images to this slender like Tinkertoys to build cubes, pyramids, and other three-
workbook about transportation, the first childrens project for dimensional structures; many projects need nothing more
London artists collective Nous Vous. Detachable posters than pencil and paper. Removable paper templates are pro-
highlight three types of vehicles (Noisy vided for some of the activities. Rapaport and Yoder make the
Transportation, Things with Wheels, projects accessible to readers of varying skill levels, whether
and Things that Fly); children can fill in they are learning about basic shapes or developing a more
blank shapes on the posters with 40 advanced understanding of mathematics. Ages 710. (Jan.)
stickers (placing an astronaut next to a
rocket and a surfboard atop a car, for Journal Sparks:
example). An included activity book con- Fire Up Your Creativity with Spontaneous
tains counting and coloring activities, Art, Wild Writing, and Inventive Thinking
storytelling exercises, and other creative prompts (Pack your Emily K. Neuburger. Storey, $16.95 paper (160p) ISBN 978-1-61212-652-4
suitcase for a big journey! What will you take with you? Draw Aspiring journalers who are having trouble getting started
it in). Its a smart and stylish variety book for readers who will find a trove of writing and drawing prompts in this
like to contribute their own two cents. Also available: Show + encouraging guide. Appropriately enough, Neuburger brings
Tell: Animal Activities. Ages 25. (Mar.) a scrapbooked, journal-in-progress aesthetic to the books
pages: doodles, taped-in sidebars, and other artwork accom-
Labyrinth: Find Your Way Through 14 Magical Mazes panies such suggestions as jotting down snippets of over-
Tho Guignard. Wide Eyed Editions, $19.99 (32p) ISBN 978-1-84780- heard conversation, collecting and tracing objects from nature,
998-8 and writing an I Am list poem filled with words that make
Children are invited to explore 14 visually arresting mazes sense to youplaces youve been, arguments youve had,
that increase in complexity as the book progresses. A line of sneaker colors, street names. Detachable pages featuring
instruction accompanies each maze, describing the objective bright patterns and designs are included for Imperfect Paper
(Make your way through the magical mansion to deliver the Quilting and other projects. Neuburger provide graceful,
present at the birthday party) as well as 10 items to locate. encouraging instruction, giving readers the inspiration and
Other mazes ask readers to help police chase a renegade robot go-ahead to forge their own creative paths. Ages 10up. Agent:
through a network of highways in a futurescape of tall build- Kate McKean, Howard Morhaim Literary. (Mar.)
ings, and to help a young man find his date in a museum rem-
iniscent of Pariss Centre Pompidou. Guignards crisp graphics Botanical Beauty:
offer immersive fun for eagle-eyed readers, who will be impressed 80 Essential Recipes for Natural Spa Products
by his creativity and playful use of perspective, whether theyre Aubre Andrus. Switch, $14.95 paper (160p) ISBN 978-1-63079-075-2
threading their way through an overhead view of sunbathing Readers neednt look much further than their own homes for
beachgoers and their umbrellas or tracing a path through a wholesome body and beauty products, suggests Andrus in this
neighborhood whose roads actually recede into the distance. extensive collection of recipes for bath salts, scrubs, masks,
Ages 710. (Mar.) shaving cream, and other items often sold at health and beauty
stores. Airy photographs of ingredients and finished products
Math Lab for Kids: Fun, Hands-On Activities for accompany each recipe, emphasizing their
Learning with Shapes, Puzzles, and Games simplicity and natural components (one
Rebecca Rapoport and J.A. Yoder. Quarry, $24.99 paper (144p) exfoliating scrub uses only baking soda and
ISBN 978-1-63159-252-2 jojoba oil). Other recipes include a mocha
More than 50 activities connected to mathematical con- salt scrub, DIY deodorant, lavender- and
ceptsgeometry, fractals, and tangrams, among othersare tea-tree-oil-based bug spray, lip balm, and
explored through 37 labs that feature step-by-step instruc- toothpaste made from essential oil and
tions and photographs. The authors succinctly describe core baking soda. Broadening the books scope
concepts (In topology, you can stretch, squeeze, or twist a are craft ideas for hair wraps, ties, and a towel wrap, as well as dec-
shape without changing what kind of shape it is), which are orating and packaging tipsa small reminder that homemade
supplemented by sidebars that delve into the associated ter- gift-giving can feel as good as self-care. Ages 14up. (Apr.)

206 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 7

But she quickly learns that older sister

Nonfiction ONLINE
Porsches failing lip gloss collection has
wiped out the familys fortune, and they des- NOW
perately need season six to keep the family The Dead Inside: A True Story PICTURE BOOKS
Do Fairies Bring the Spring? Liza Gardner
from financial ruin. Stohl (the Icons Cyndy Etler. Sourcebooks Fire, $17.99 (304p)
Walsh, illus. by Hazel Mitchell. Down East,
series) pulls readers into the underbelly of ISBN 978-1-4926-3573-4 ISBN 978-1-60893-633-5, Feb.
reality TV and the C-list celebrities and Etlers unnerving and heartrending
Patrick and the President Ryan Tubridy, illus.
wannabes clamoring for a bit of fame. She memoir begins in 1980s Connecticut when
by P.J. Lynch. Candlewick, ISBN 978-0-7636-8949-
adroitly weaves together press releases, posts she was 13; Cyndys father died years earlier, 0, Feb.
from gossip blogs, tweets, and news articles leaving her in the care of her mother, whose
to add depth and verisimilitude to Bents second husband sexually abused Cyndy. We Are Brothers, We Are Friends Alexandra
Penfold, illus. by Eda Kaban. Farrar, Straus and
dizzying world. Stohl creates a laugh-out- When Cyndy began fighting back and Giroux, ISBN 978-0-374-30201-6, Feb.
loud send-up that pulls back the curtain on attempting to escape, she fell in with a
the unreality of reality TV. Ages 14up. bad crowd from nearby Bridgeport. FICTION
The Beast Is an Animal Peternelle van Arsdale.
Agent: Sarah Burnes, Gernert Company. (Apr.) Choosing to enter foster care rather than live S&S/McElderry, ISBN 978-1-4814-8841-9, Feb.
with her mother, Cyndy was eventually sent
The Whole Thing Together to Straight, Incorporated, an ostensible Bone Jack Sara Crowe. Philomel, ISBN 978-0-
399-17651-7, Feb.
Ann Brashares. Delacorte, $18.99 (304p) rehab program/boarding school where she
ISBN 978-0-385-73689-3 spent more than a year being abused, bul- The Luckiest Scar on Earth Ana Maria Spagna.
Brashares (the Sisterhood of the lied, and brainwashed into believing she was Torrey House, ISBN 978-1-937226-66-4, Feb.
Traveling Pants series) traces the tangled a drug addict. Given Etlers recounting of Spurt Chris Miles. Simon & Schuster, ISBN 978-1-
threads that connect two households in this absurd and abusive scare tactics such as 4814-7972-1, Feb.
moving novel set in and around New York spit therapy, in which Straightlings are
The Sky Between You and Me Catherine Alene.
City. Before Rays parents met, his mother spit on by higher-ranking children, and
Sourcebooks Fire, ISBN 978-1-4926-3853-7, Feb.
was married to a man named Robert. That carrying, in which newcomers are carted
marriage ended in a bitter divorce, but one around by their belt loops and underwear, The Valiant Lesley Livingston. Razorbill,
good thing came readers may be stunned that a place like ISBN 978-0-448-49378-7, Feb.

out of it: Rays Straight could exist, let alone that a parent NONFICTION
older half- would willingly send a child there. Details Animal Ark: Celebrating Our Wild World in
sisters, Emma, about the history of Straight, Inc., are Poetry and Pictures Kwame Alexander, with
Mary Rand Hess and Deanna Nikaido, photos by
Mattie, and included in an afterword, not seen by PW. Joel Sartore. National Geographic Childrens
Quinn. Ages 14up. Agent: Myrsini Stephanides, Books, ISBN 978-1-4263-2767-4, Feb.
Remarried, Carol Mann Agency. (Apr.)
Lets Eat! Sustainable Food for a Hungry
Robert has Planet Kimberley Veness. Orca, ISBN 978-1-
another Vincent and Theo: 4598-0939-0, Feb.
daughter Rays The Van Gogh Brothers
age, Sasha, Deborah Heiligman. Holt, $19.99 (464p) ISBN
whom Ray has 978-0-8050-9339-1 Zundert into their contrasting adulthoods
never met. Ray often wonders about Sasha As teenagers, the Van Gogh brothers, in France: painter Vincents life was pre-
when he stays at the Hamptons summer Vincent and Theo, pledged to be com- carious and erratic, while art dealer Theos
house both families share; he and Sasha stay panions in the search for meaning in life was more stable and decorous, if often
in the same bedroom during the weeks and meaning in art. In this intensive lonely. Heiligman tells the brothers story
their respective families are there. Then exploration of their turbulent lives, in short chapters, sometimes just scenes,
one eventful summer when Emma gets Heiligman (Charles and Emma) focuses on and occasionally offers what she calls cro-
engaged and Mattie discovers a buried their complex relationship and anchoring quis (sketches) to give a better sense of
family secret, Ray finally meets Sasha and mutual bond. someone whose whole being cannot be
theres an instant mutual attraction. Both Writing in captured on paper in one steady view. Like
funny and tragic, this sharply observed present tense, Theo. She also recounts, in exhaustive
drama recognizes the complexity of split she follows detail, Vincents frequent cycles of descent
families trying to heal and the ill effects of them from their into mental illness and subsequent
longstanding grudges. Brasharess mas- childhood close- rebounds, as well as the way the brothers
terful orchestration of plot, multidimen- ness as two of six alternately clashed with and clung to each
sional characters, and intriguing subplots children of a other. Extensive back matter includes a
will delight her fans and newcomers alike. Protestant character list, timeline, bibliography, end-
Ages 14up. Agent: Jennifer Rudolph Walsh, pastor in the notes, and authors note. Ages 14up. Agent:
William Morris Endeavor. (Apr.) heavily Catholic Susan Ginsberg, Writers House. (Apr.) 
Dutch village of

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y . C O M 207

He combined infinite book knowledge with an even temperament, and always exhibited
patience and genuine caring toward his customers.

In Memoriam: Dave Dutton

A sales rep sion of Dave Dutton as a bookseller. That

los angeles times

day there was a dozen customers quietly
remembers an perusing the shelves as I entered the back
iconic Southern door from the parking lot. Among them
I noticed CBS News anchor Connie
California Chung sitting on the floor in the travel
bookseller section surrounded by stacks of guide-
books about Greece and Turkey.
By Bob Vickrey Dutton Suddenly the engine of a Harley on the
street just outside the front door revved
One of Southern Californias most famous continuing the legacy: Dave and his up and shattered the tranquility of the
and respected booksellers, Dave Dutton, brother Doug were both dedicated, pop- summer afternoon. All eyes turned to the
the former owner of Duttons Books ular booksellers in Southern California, front door as a burly, unkempt man
in North Hollywood, died at home on and sister Dory continues to be a success- entered, taking off his motorcycle helmet
January 13 after a long illness. He was 79. ful publishers sales rep in the West. to reveal shoulder-length hair and a dark
Dave returned from study and travel scraggly beard. Dave quickly approached

T he stores loyal customers would

never have confused Duttons
Books with a Barnes & Noble,
with its wide aisles, orderly book dis-
plays, and plush-carpeted splendor. Dut-
abroad in the 1970s to run his parents
store. He had promised to stay for only a
year, but ultimately began a bookselling
career that lasted decades.
My job as a book sales rep had me
the menacing-looking stranger and asked
if he needed help. The Hells Angel wan-
nabe looked curiously around the store
and asked meekly, Do you have poetry
books in here?
tons was a hodgepodge of books strewn visiting the store several times a year. Dave chuckled as the tension in the
on shelves, tables, and the cluttered floor. The atmosphere at Duttons always room dissolved and he put his uncomfort-
But it was that very haphazard and old- reminded me of the old sitcom Cheers. able guest at ease. He pointed toward the
fashioned style that longtime customers When customers walked in the front back wall and said, Follow me, and Ill
found charming and comfortablethe door, they were often greeted by name show you more poetry books than you
antithesis of chain store slick. and were made to feel that the store was ever imagined. Dave led him to the
Dave became a masterful bookseller at their second home. Dave was a hands-on poetry section and said, By the way, Im
the Laurel Canyon Boulevard store and bookseller who enjoyed the challenge of Dave. The two shook hands and Dave
always seemed to know where each and matching his customer with the right said: Pull up a chair. Id like to introduce
every beloved volume was hidden among book. you to a man named Dylan Thomas.
the nooks and crannies of his small king- In later years the store was forced to I shook my head in awe and smiled as
dom. He combined infinite book knowl- contend with the stark realities of the I made my way to the back office. I could
edge with an even temperament, and changing book business. Dave and his hear Daves strong baritone voice in the
always exhibited patience and genuine wife Judy, who helped run Duttons, background reading aloud to his new
caring toward his customers. decided to close the North Hollywood friend: Do not go gentle into the good
His parents, Bill and Thelma Dutton, store in 2006 and opted to warehouse night,/ Old age should burn and rave at
who opened their store in 1961 and many of the remaining 50,000 volumes close of day;/ Rage, rage against the
joined the ranks of such legendary local and sell their inventory online. They dying of the light.
booksellers as Vroman, Fowler, Zeitlin, bought real estate in Washington State,
Epstein, Dawson, and Hunter, paved the which became their second home.
Bob Vickrey was a sales rep for Houghton Mifflin
way for a family business that would last Ill always remember one particular for 36 years before retiring in 2008. He now
for almost half a century. Three of the visit to the store many years earlier that writes for several Southwestern newspapers,
Dutton children played vital roles in epitomized the spirit and essential mis- including the Houston Chronicle.


208 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 6
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Its more than just a mystery.

For 75 years, the Boxcar Children have created happy reading memories
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