Michel Thomas v3 - French Course Transcript - WITH ANSWERS
Michel Thomas v3 - French Course Transcript - WITH ANSWERS
Michel Thomas v3 - French Course Transcript - WITH ANSWERS
Foundation [8CDs]
Advanced [4CDs]
Builder [2CDs]
Vocabulary [5CDs]
Michel Thomas v3 French(Franais)
Foundation [8CDs]
Noun: -
Any word where you can place the article The in front is a Noun. E.g the happiness, the
situation, the opportunity.
Verb: -
Any word where you can place the to in front is a verb. To be, to have, to see, to show
Adjective: -
Any word where you can place the am or is in front is an adjective. Happy, proud,
There are 3-ways to use My in French and it depends on Noun Gender whether it is Le | La |
Usage of Following
Un | Une
La | Le | Les
Ta | ton | tes
Leur | Leurs
Sa | son | ses
Du | de | des
Ma | mon | mes
Cest | ce cont
Usage of Following
Notre | nos
I Je
My/Mine Le >= Mon [Pronounced as Lay]
Mon oncle, mon pre (father), mon frre (brother)
Mon livre (book),
La >= Ma [Pronounced as Laaa]
Ma mre (mother), ma soeur (sister), ma familie
Les >= Mes [Pronounced as Leh]
Mes amis (friends), mes parents
You [Formal] Vous
All of you Vous
You [Informal] Tu/te/toi
Your Votre |
We/One Nous | On
We are nous sommes
One are [Pronounced as somm]
Ourselves Nous
Us Nous
They/them [Masculine] ils
They/them [Femenine] elles
They are [Masculine] Ils sont
They are [Femenine] Elles sont
Their [to them] leur
He Il
Him [To him] Lui
His Sa/son
She elle
Her [To her] Lui/son
Himself/herself/itself/yoursel se
It a
It is Cest
I am Je suis
you are vous tes [Formal]
tu es [Informal]
I am = Je suis
He/She/it is = il/elle/a est
You are [Formal] = vous tes
You are[informal] = tu es
We are = nous
They are = ils/ells sont
Question Forms
Have/Has =
I have =
He/She/it has =
You/We/They have =
You [informal] have =
To have to (must) =
I He/She/it must (have to) =
You/We/They must (have to) =
You [informal] must (have to) =
Had =
I/ He/She/it had =
You/We/They had =
You [informal] had =
Had to =
I/he/she/it had to =
You/We/They had to =
Shall/Should =
I/He/She/it shall/should =
You/We/They shall/should =
You [informal] shall/should =
Should have =
I/He/She/it should have =
You/We/They should have =
You [informal] should have =
Would have =
I/ He/She/it would have =
You/We/They would have =
You [informal] would have =
May/to be allowed to =
I may { to be allowed to } =
You/We/They may {to be allowed to} =
Will/going to =
I will =
He/She/it will =
You/We/They will =
You [informal] will/going to =
Would =
I/He/She/it would =
You/We/They would =
You [informal] would =
When saying
- Like that
- That way
It is like that cest comme a
It is not like that nest pas comme ca
It is not possible for me that way nest pas possible pour moi comme a
I (Soft) Je
Sorry-OR-Regret regrette
I am sorry-OR- Je regrette
I regret
But Mais
I am sorry but Je regrette mais
I am sorry but it is not very comfortable for me Je regrette mais nest pas trs comfortable
that way pour moi comme a
I am sorry but it is not very acceptable for me Je regrette mais nest pas trs acceptable pour
that way moi comme a
Remarkable remarquable
It is very remarkable Cest trs remarquable
considerable considrable
Rule: French Pronunciations of English Words
Words in English ending in
ent and ant come from French. They all are the same, with same meaning and same spelling
different Different
Important important
It is not very different that way Nest pas trs different comme a
But it is very important for me mais cest trs important pour moi
Rule: French Pronunciations
Words ending in s in French maybe pushed to the next word, if the following word starts with a
vowel and it takes sound of English Z.
e.g very important would be
[Pronunciation Only] tr zimportant
Evident vident
Recent rcent
constant Constante [la constante]
Rule: French Pronunciations of English Words
Words ending in the following in English
- ary
- necessary
- military
- contrary
What kind of reservation do you want for Quel sorte de rservation voulez vous pour ce
tonight soir
Quel sorte de rservation veux tu pour ce soir
What impression do you have of the political Quel impression avez vous de la situation
and economic situation in France at the present politique en economique en france prsent
time -OR-
Quel impression as tu de la situation politique
en economique en france prsent
What kind [What sort of] reservation do you Quel sorte de rservation voulez vous pour moi
have for me -OR-
Quel sorte de rservation veux tu pour moi
What kind [What sort of] reservation do you Quel sorte de rservation voulez vous pour ces
want for tonight soir
Quel sorte de rservation veux tu pour ces soir
Rule: French Pronounciation Consonant at the end of the word is not sounded unless it is followed by e and
e is always silent
The consonant at the end of the word is NOT sounded e.g sorte [it is pronounced as sort]
Important -> importaan
Restaurant -> restauraan
fast vite
It is very fast Cest trs vite
It is too fast for me Cest trop vite pour moi
Rule: French Grammar Rule
The English to form with French Words end in ere.g.
To Speak -> Parler
To Listen - > couter
To Speak Parler
To Listen couter
You speak Vous parlez
You speak too fast for me Vous parlez trop vite pour moi
Tu parles trop vite pour moi
To go Aller
Rule: French Pronunciation
The consonant at the end of the word is NOT sounded however when the next word starts with
a vowel [a,e,i,o,u] then the last word gets shifted onto the next word e.g
You go/you are going -> Vous allez -> [vou sallez] and the shifted s takes the sound of z
You go/you are going Vous allez
Tu vas
You are going too fast for me Vous allez trop vite pour moi
Tu vas trop vite pour moi
It is very good Cest trs bon
So/if Si
It is so good Cest si bon
If Si
If it is so good Si cest si bon
To know Savoir
I would like to know if it is so good Je voudrais savoir si cest si bon
Why pourquoi
I would like to know why it is so good Je voudrais savoir pourquoi cest si bon
I would like to know where you are going Je voudrais savoir o vous allez
Je voudrais savoir o tu vas
I would like to know where you are going to Je voudrais savoir o vous allez diner ce soir
have dinner tonight Je voudrais savoir o tu vas diner ce soir
Rule: French Pronunciation
The consonant at the end of the word is NOT sounded however when the next word starts with
a vowel [a,e,i,o,u] then the last word gets shifted onto the next word e.g
Port -> [Pronounced as Por]
Airport aroport
La Porte
Rule: French Pronunciation Careful Consonants [C, R, F and L]
The consonant at the end of the word is NOT sounded however when the next word starts with
a vowel [a,e,i,o,u] then the last word gets shifted onto the next word except for four [4]
These are
- C, R, F and L
These are the only four Careful Consonants that maybe pronounced at the end of the word in
French but without an e
Avec [Pronounced as avec] so full word is pronounced
Bag = sac [Pronounced as sac] so full word is pronounced
Exceptions are
White = blanc [Pronounced as blan]
Frank = franc [Pronounced as fran]
White wine = vin blanc [Pronounced as vin blan]
A glass = un verre [Pronounced as un verr]
A glass of white wine = un verre de vin blanc [Pronounced as un verr de vin blan]
In English usually the to forms are called full verbs it is referred to as infinitive also.
In franais [To Form] is expressed with an ending and that is r. it can be either er
[pronounced as a]
And sometimes come in a ending ir E.g
To come = Venir
To leave/To Depart = partir
To sleep = dormir/sommeil
To know = Savoir
To have = avoir
To see = voir
Will you come eat with me Voulez vous venir manger avec moi
Veux tu venir manger avec moi
I must Je dois
I must speak with you Je dois parler avec vous
Will you speak French with me Voulez vous parler franais avec moi
Veux tu parler franais avec moi
I must know where it is Je doi savoir o cest
I am je suis
tired fatigu
now maintenant
I am tired/fatigued je suis fatigu
I am very tired/fatigued now je suis trs fatigue maintenant
busy Occup [pronounced as occupay]
I am very busy now je suis trs occup maintenant
A little Un peh
I can Je peux
I can a little Je peux un peh
Not now Pas maintenant
Not for me thank you Pas pour moi merci
I cannot Je peux pas-OR-
Je ne peux pas
Rule: French Negation
When in a sentence any type of negation is used in franais ne is added just as a signal. It is
just a signal
Parler (To Speak)
I je parle (I speak)
He Il parle (He
She Elle parle (She
it a parle (it
You Vous parlez
You Tu parles
We nous parlons
aller (To go)
je vais (I go)
Il va (He goes)
Elle va (She goes)
a va (it goes)
Rule: French Usage of I and Usage of He/She/it More Similarities
T endings
I am = je I have = I am going = Je
suis j'ai vais
He is = Il He has = He is going =Il
est il a va
I stay | I am staying je reste
He Il
She Elle
[Pronounced as L.A Los Angeles]
He is staying Il reste
She is staying Elle reste
My Friend Mon ami
My friend is staying Mon ami reste
Everybody Tout le monde
Everybody is staying Tout le monde reste
I am not staying | I stay not Je ne reste pas
I dont stay
I am busy Je suis occupp
I am not busy now je ne suis pas occup maintenant
I am tired | I am fatigued Je suis fatigu
I am not tired je ne suis pas fatigu
Rule: French Gender-based Rules Male-Female verb
For Female mostly e is added to the verbs
ready Prt
[Pronounced as Prey]
I am ready [Male] je suis prt
I am ready [Female] je suis prte
[Pronounced as Pret]
is Est
[Pronounced as a]
He is il est
[Pronounced as il a]
It is c'est
It is not Ce n'est pas
He is ready Il est prt
She is ready Elle est prt
I stay | I am staying je reste
Rule: French Tense Rules
There is no Am, is or Are, ing in French
There is no Dos or Donts in French
I am ready je suis prt
I am ready to eat[Male] je suis prt mange
I am ready to eat[Female] je suis prte mange
I am busy Je suis occupp
I am tired |I am fatigued Je suis fatigu
I eat | I am eating Je mange
I speak | I am speaking je parle
[Pronounced as parl e is not
Do you speak | Are you speaking Parlez-vous
You wait | you are waiting Vous-attendez
Are you waiting Attendez-vous
Attendes tu
Wait!!! (you) Attendez!!
Wait a moment attendez un moment
attendes un moment
You do not wait | you are not waiting Vous ne attendez pas
Tu ne attendes pas
why pourquoi
Why do you wait | Why wait you | Why are you Pourquoi Attendez-vous
waiting Pourquoi Attendes tu
We are leaving Nous partons
At what time quelle heure
At what time do you leave | At what time are you quelle heure Attendez-vous
leaving quelle heure Attendes-tu
Rule: French Usage of We
With we [Nous] must add on or onz at the end of the verbs
We | us Nous
With us avec nous
You are waiting vous attendez
tu attendes
We are waiting Nous attendons
You speak | You are speaking | You do speak vous parlez
tu parles
We speak | we are speaking | We do speak nous parlons
To start | To commence [commencer] Started|Commenced [commenc]
[Visualise by having commencing in mind] I started = jai | Je ai commenc
I/He/She/it start = je/il/elle/a commence He/She/it started = il/elle/a a commenc
You [Formal] start = vous commencez You [Formal] started = vous avez commenc
You [informal] start= tu commences You [informal] started = tu as commenc
We start= nous commenons We started = nous avons commenc
They [Masculine | Femenine] start= ils/elles They [Masculine | Femenine] started = Ils/elles ont
commencent commenc
You start | You are starting vous commencez
tu commences
We start | We are starting nous commenons
At what time are you starting | At what time do quelle heure commencez-vous
you start? quelle heure commences-tu
Do you start | commencez-vous
Tomorrow (next day) demain
At what time do we start tomorrow quelle heure commenons-nous demain
At what time are we starting tomorrow
At what time do you start tomorrow quelle heure commencez-vous demain
OR quelle heure commences-tu demain
At what time are you starting tomorrow
I am ready[Male] je suis prt
I am ready[female] je suis prte
I am starting Je commence
I am not starting Je ne commence pas
He is starting Il commence
She is starting Elle commence
She is ready Elle est prte
She is not starting | She doesnt start Elle ne commence pas
It is Cest
It is not Cest
It is not Ce n'est pas
Rule: French Usage of it by itself only When it is not followed by ing
It | this | that = a
It | this | that a
It starts | It is starting a commence
It is ready Cest prt
It is possible Cest possible
It is very important Cest trs important
It is very different Cest trs difficile
It is not necessary Ce n'est pas ncessaire
It is not ready Ce n'est pas prt
It is not starting | it doesnt start Ce n'est pas commence
I can je peux
He can il peut
She can elle peut
It can start now a peut commencer maintenant
now maintenant
It must a doit
It must start now a doit commencer
It cannot start now a doit commencer maintenant
Rule: French Vocabulary
It is encouraged to guess vocabulary as 1200+ words are of French origin
To encourage encourager
I/He/She/it encourage = je/il/elle/a encourages
You [Formal] encourage = vous encouragez
You [informal] encourage= tu encourages
We encourage= nous encourageons
They [Masculine | Femenine] encourage= ils/elles
To develop dvelopper
I/He/She/it develop = je/il/elle/a dveloppes
You [Formal] develop = vous dveloppez
You [informal] develop= tu dveloppes
We develop= nous dveloppons
They [Masculine | Femenine] develop= ils/elles
Sentiment | Feeling sentiment
Of French origins des origines franaises
To arrive [arriver] Arrived [arriv]
I/He/She/it arrive= je/il/elle/a arrive I arrived = Je suis arriv
You [Formal] arrive = vous arrivez He/She/it arrived = il/elle/a est arriv
You [informal] arrive= tu arrives You [Formal] arrived = vous tes arriv
We arrive= nous arrivons You [informal] arrived = tu es arriv
They [Masculine | Femenine] arrive= ils/elles arrivent We arrived = nous sommes arriv
They [Masculine | Femenine] arrived = ils/elles
sont arriv
At what time do you arrive | At what time are you quelle heure arrivez -vous
arriving quelle heure arrives -tu
At what time do you arrive tomorrow quelle heure arrivez-vous demain
At what time are you arriving tomorrow quelle heure arrives -tu demain
Tomorrow morning demain matin
Morning matin
To spend the morning passer la matine
To spend the whole morning
To spend the evening passer la soire
To spend the whole evening
Day jour
Good day | Hello | Good morning bon jour
To spent the day passer la journe
To spent the whole day
In/To Paris [For Cities] Paris
In/To London [For Cities] Londres
In/To France [For Countries] En France
In/To England [For Countries] En Angleterre
At what time do we arrive in Paris tomorrow quelle heure arrivons nous Paris demain
morning matin
I am Je suis
I am arriving | I arrive j'arrive
I am busy [cannot be expressed as I am Je suis occupp
I am tired [cannot be expressed as I am tiring] Je suis fatigu
I am ready [cannot be expressed as I am read- Je suis prt
is going va
am going vais
He is going il va
He is going to start soon il va commencer bientt
He is Il est
There L
He is there Il est L
Is not n'est pas
He is not there | he is not in il n'est pas l
Disc # 4/8 Foundation Course
who Qui
[Visualise by having who has the key in mind]
is Est
[Pronounced as a]
Who is there Qui est l
He is there Il est l
My friend is there mon ami est l
Everybody is there Tout le monde est l
Nobody (Not a person) personne
A person une personne
The person La personne
Nobody is there | Nobody is in Personne est l
[Google Translate] Il n'y a personne
Everybody is ready Tout le monde est prt
She is ready elle est prte
He is ready il est prt
To go To be | going to be
I am going to be = je vais tre
He/She/it goes | He/She/it is going to be =
il/elle/ a va tre
You [Formal] are going to be = vous allez tre
You [informal] are going to be = tu vas tre
We are going to be = nous allons tre
They [Masculine | Femenine] are going to be =
ils/elles vont tre
is going va
Who is going to be there tonight Qui va tre L ce soir
He is going il va
She is going Elle va
Everybody is going Tout le monde va
Nobody is going Personne va
All | Everything Tout
Everything is going Tout va
Very well trs bien
Everything is going very well Tout va trs bien
Nothing Rien
Nothing is going Rien va
Nothing is going to be ready today rien ne va prt aujourd'hui
Has a
He is ready Il est
Nothing is ready rien est prt
Who is ready qui est prt
She is ready Elle est prt
Everybody is ready Tout le monde est prt
Nobody is ready Personne est prt
Everything is ready Tout est prt
is Est
is going Va
I am je suis
I am going Je vais
I am ready [Male] je suis prt
I am ready [Female] je suis prte
I am going to be ready soon [Male] Je vais tre prt bientt
I am going to be ready soon [Female] Je vais tre prte bientt
He is Il est
She is Elle est
Everybody is ready Tout le monde est prt
Everybody is going to be ready Tout le monde va tre prt
He is going Il va
She is going Elle va
Who is going Qui va
Everybody is going Tout le monde va
Nobody is going Personne va
It is going a va
How comment
Hows it going Comment a va [Greeting]
a va [Greeting is shortened]
It is going well? [Greeting] a va bien?
[Meaning you are asking the other person if
everything is going well ?]
It is going very well a va trs bien
It is going very well like that a va trs bien comme a
It is going to be ready soon a va tre prt bientt
I am going to be ready soon [Male] Je vais tre prt bientt
I am going to be ready soon [Female] Je vais tre prte bientt
To go | going to [aller] Aller
I go | I am going | I am going to = je vais
This can be sometimes a Handle and sometimes
He/She/it goes | He/She/it is going to = il/elle/
a verb.
a va e.g its a verb as below:
You [Formal] go | You are going to = vous allez I am going there
You [informal] go | You are going to = tu vas I am going home
We go | We are going to = nous allons
They [Masculine | Femenine] go | They are going to Its a handle as below:
= ils/elles vont I am going to see it
I am going to do it
I am going to have it
I am going to call you tomorrow
To do/To make [faire] faire
I do = je fais
He/She/it does = il/elle/a fait
You [Formal] do = vous faites
You [informal] do= tu fais
We do= Nous faisons
They [Masculine | Femenine] do= ils/elles font
To say/To tell [dire] Said/Told [dit]
[Pronounced as dear] I said/told = jai | Je ai dit
[Visualise by having such a dear word in mind] He/She/it said/told = il/elle/a a dit
I say/tell = je dis You [Formal] said/told = vous avez dit
He/She/it says/tells = il/elle/a dit You [informal] said/told = tu as dit
You [Formal] say/tell = vous dites | Vous dit We said/told = nous avons dit
You [informal] say/tell = tu dis They [Masculine | Femenine] said/told = Ils/elles
We say/tell = nous disons ont dit
They [Masculine | Femenine] say/tell = Ils disent
To take [prendre] Took/Taken [pris]
I take= je prends I took/taken= jai | Je ai pris
He/She/it take = il/elle/a prend He/She/it took/taken= il/elle/a a pris
You [Formal] take = vous prenez You [Formal] took/taken= vous avez pris
You [informal] take= tu prends You [informal] took/taken= tu as pris
We take= nous prenons We took/taken= nous avons pris
They [Masculine | Femenine] take= ils/elles They [Masculine | Femenine took/taken= Ils/elles
prennent ont pris
He understands Il comprend
Everybody understands very well Tout le monde comprend trs bien
Nobody understands Personne comprend
You are leaving vous partez
tu partes
We are leaving Nous partons
I am leaving Je pars
I am going je vais
Everybody is leaving Tout le monde pars
Nobody is leaving Personne pars
I am waiting Je attend [jattend]
Everybody is waiting Tout le monde attend
Nobody is waiting Personne attend
To take prendre
I am taking Je prend
He is taking Il prend
Too much trop de
Time temps
Too much time trop de temps
It is taking too much time a prend trop de temps
It doesnt take too much time a ne prend pas trop de temps
It is not taking too much time
To sell [vendre] sold [vendu]
I take= je vends I sold = jai | Je ai vendu
He/She/it take = il/elle/a vend He/She/it sold = il/elle/a a vendu
You [Formal] sell = vous vendez You [Formal] sold = vous avez vendu
You [informal] sell = tu vends You [informal] sold = tu as vendu
We sell = nous vendons We sold = nous avons vendu
They [Masculine | Femenine] sell = ils/elles They [Masculine | Femenine] sold = Ils/elles ont
vendent vendu
I am selling je vend
He is selling Il vend
Everybody can start now Tout le monde peux commencer maintenant
Everybody must start now Tout le monde doit commencer maintenant
Will you come with me Voulez vous venir avec moi
at the house la maison
will you come have dinner with me at the Voulez vous venir diner avec moi la maison
house tonight because ce soir
I would like to speak with you. Parce que
It is very important for me Je voudrais parler avec vous
Cest trs important pour moi
And et |aussi
And I would like to know et je voudrais savoir
at what time you're going to be here quelle heure allez-vous tre ici
because I am going to prepare the dinner for us Parce que je vais prparer le dinner pour nous
To prepare [prparer] Prepared [prpar]
I/He/She/it prepare= je/ il/elle/a prpare I prepared = jai | Je ai prpar
You [Formal] prepare = vous prparez He/She/it prepared = il/elle/a a prpar
You [informal] prepare= tu prpares You [Formal] prepared = vous avez prpar
We prepare= nous prparons You [informal] prepared = tu as prpar
They [Masculine | Femenine] prepare= ils/elles We prepared = nous avons prpar
prparent They [Masculine | Femenine] prepared = Ils/elles
ont prpar
Rule: French Verbs
(many French verbs can be formed simply by adding er to an English verb)
[Michel Thomas Explanation]
Simply Simplement
Formation Formation
observation observation
To form Former
I/He/She/it form= je/ il/elle/a formes [Pronounced as formaay]
You [Formal] form = vous formez
You [informal] form= tu formes
We form= nous formons
They [Masculine | Femenine] form= ils/elles
To conform Conformer
[Pronounced as conformaay]
To Confirm [Confirmer] Confirmed [confirm]
[Pronounced as confirmaay] I Confirmed = jai | Je ai confirm
I/He/She/it confirm= je/ il/elle/a confirme He/She/it Confirmed = il/elle/a a confirm
You [Formal] confirm = vous confirmez You [Formal] Confirmed = vous avez confirm
You [informal] confirm= tu confirmes
We confirm= nous confirmons You [informal] Confirmed = tu as confirm
They [Masculine | Femenine] confirm= ils/elles We Confirmed = nous avons confirm
confirment They [Masculine | Femenine] Confirmed = Ils/elles
ont confirm
Will you confirm the reservation for me Voulez vous confirmer la rservation pour moi
Veux tu confirmer la rservation pour moi
To observe [Observer] Observed [observ]
[Pronounced as observay] I Observed = jai | Je ai observ
I/He/She/it observe= je/ il/elle/a observe He/She/it Observed = il/elle/a a observ
You [Formal] observe = vous observez You [Formal] Observed = vous avez observ
You [informal] observe= tu observes You [informal] Observed = tu as observ
We observe= nous observeons We Observed = nous avons observ
They [Masculine | Femenine] observe= ils/elles They [Masculine | Femenine] Observed = Ils/elles
observent ont observ
To reserve [rserver] Reserved [rserv]
[Pronounced as reservay] I Reserved = jai | Je ai rserv
I/He/She/it reserve= je/ il/elle/a rserve He/She/it Reserved = il/elle/a a rserv
You [Formal] reserve = vous rservez You [Formal] Reserved = vous avez rserv
You [informal] reserve= tu rserves You [informal] Reserved = tu as rserv
We reserve= nous rservons We Reserved = nous avons rserv
They [Masculine | Femenine] reserve= ils/elles They [Masculine | Femenine] Reserved = Ils/elles
rservent ont rserv
A table une table
Will you reserve a table for two for dinner for Voulez vous rserver une table pour deux pour
tonight dner pour ce soir
Veux tu rserver une table pour deux pour
dner pour ce soir
To invite [Inviter] Invited [invit]
[Pronounced as aanvitay] I Invited = jai | Je ai invit
I/He/She/it invite= je/ il/elle/a invites He/She/it Invited = il/elle/a a invit
You [Formal] invite = vous invitez You [Formal] Invited = vous avez invit
You [informal] invite= tu invites You [informal] Invited = tu as invit
We invite= nous invitons We Invited = nous avons invit
They [Masculine | Femenine] invite= ils/elles They [Masculine | Femenine] Invited = Ils/elles ont
invitent invit
To consider [considrer] Considered [considr]
I I/He/She/it consider= je/ il/elle/a considre I Considered = jai | Je ai considr
You [Formal] consider = vous considrez He/She/it Considered = il/elle/a a considr
You [informal] consider= tu considres
We consider= nous considrons You [Formal] Considered = vous avez
They [Masculine | Femenine] consider= ils/elles considr
considrent You [informal] Considered = tu as considr
We Considered = nous avons considr
They [Masculine | Femenine] Considered = Ils/elles
ont considr
To accept [Accepter] Accepted [accept]
[Pronounced as acceptay] I Accepted = jai | Je ai accept
I/He/She/it accept= je/ il/elle/a accepte He/She/it Accepted = il/elle/a a accept
You [Formal] accept = vous acceptez You [Formal] Accepted = vous avez accept
You [informal] accept= tu acceptes You [informal] Accepted = tu as accept
We accept= nous acceptons We Accepted = nous avons accept
They [Masculine | Femenine] accept= ils/elles They [Masculine | Femenine] Accepted = Ils/elles
acceptent ont accept
the condition la condition
Will you accept the condition Voulez vous accepter la condition
Vas-tu accepter la condition
Preference prfrence
To prefer [Prfrer] Preferred [prfr]
[Pronounced as preferay] I Preferred = jai | Je ai prfr
I/He/She/it prefer= je/ il/elle/a prfre He/She/it Preferred = il/elle/a a prfr
You [Formal] prefer = vous prfrez You [Formal] Preferred = vous avez prfr
You [informal] prefer= tu prfres You [informal] Preferred = tu as prfr
We prefer= nous prfrons We Preferred = nous avons prfr
They [Masculine | Femenine] prefer= ils/elles They [Masculine | Femenine] Preferred = Ils/elles
prfrent ont prfr
To Play [Jouer] Played [Jou]
I/He/She/it play= je/ il/elle/a joue I Played = jai | Je ai Jou
You [Formal] play = vous jouez He/She/it Played = il/elle/a a Jou
You [informal] play = tu joues You [Formal] Played = vous avez Jou
We play = nous jouons You [informal] Played = tu as Jou
They [Masculine | Femenine] play = ils/elles jouent We Played = nous avons Jou
They [Masculine | Femenine] Played = Ils/elles ont
I play with my friend je joue avec mon amie
I play with my sister je joue avec ma sur
I play with my brother je joue avec mon frre
We play with our parents nous jouons avec nos parents
Sister | Sisters soeur | Surs
My sister | His sister | Her Sister Ma sur | Sa sur | Sa soeur
Brother | Brothers frre | Frres
My brother | His brother | Her brother Mon frre | Son frre | Son frre
Father Pre
My Father | His Father | Her Father Mon Pre | Son Pre | Son pre
Mother Mre
My mother | His mother | Her mother Ma mre | Sa mre | Sa mre
Parents Des parents
My Parents | His parents | her Parents Mes parents | Ses parents | ses parents
our sister notre sur
our brother notre frre
our father notre pre
our mother notre mre
our parents nos parents
I play with our parents je joue avec nos parents
Friend | Friends ami | copains
Boyfriend Copain
Girlfriend Petite amie
I play cricket, soccer and Taekwondo je joue cricket, football et taekwondo
We play with her sister and his parents nous jouons avec sa sur et ses parents
She plays with her parents and her brother Elle joue avec ses parents et son frre
I play with je joue avec
My sister ma sur
His brother son frre
Her father son pre
And our parents et nos parents
Rule: French Usage of verb endings with you
Er is eliminated and added ez however sounded the same when there is er or r ending
Rule: French Usage of verb endings with We
r is eliminated and added ent however sounded the same when there is er or r ending
Rule: French Usage of verb endings with I/He/She/it
Er/ r is eliminated when there is er or r ending verbs
Verb Verb
Prfrer (To prefer) Parler (To Speak)
I je prfre (I Prefer) je parle (I speak)
He il prfre (He Preferss) Il parle (He
She Elle prfre (She Prefers) Elle parle (She
it a prfre (it Prefers) a parle (it
Nobody Personne ne prfre (Nobody Prefers)
Everybo Tout le monde prfre (Everybody
dy Prefers)
You vous prfrez Vous/tu parles
We nous prfrent nous parlons
To understand comprendre
To understand it | him Le compredre
To understand her La compredre
To understand them Leur compredre
To understand you Vous compredre
To understand us Nous compredre
To understand me Me compredre
I cannot understand it Je ne peux pas le comprendre
I cannot understand him
I cannot understand you Je ne peux pas vous compredre
I cannot understand them Je ne peux pas Leur compredre
I cannot understand her Je ne peux pas la compredre
Can you understand me Pouvez-vous Me compredre
To say/To tell Dire
To say it Le dire
To tell you Vous dire
To tell us Nous dire
To tell me Me dire
I must tell you Je dois vous dire
Late Tard
later Plus tard
I am going to tell you later Je vais vous dire plus tard
To take prendre
To take it Le pendre
I am going to take it Je vais le pendre
I am going to take him
To know Savoir
To know it Le savoir
I would like to know it Je voudrais le savoir
I would like to know him
I must know it Je dois le savoir
To have Avoir
To have it Le avoir
Rule: French words can be contracted with added [apostrophe]
To have it [le avoir] can be written as [lavoir]
I would like to have it Je voudrais le avoir (lavoir)
I would like to have him
I must have it today Je dois le avoir aujourd'hui
When do you want to have it Quand voulez vous le avoir
To buy [acheter] Bought [achet]
[Visualise by thinking buying an Ashtray] I Bought = jai | Je ai achet
I/He/She/it buy= je/ il/elle/a achte He/She/it Bought = il/elle/a a achet
You [Formal] buy = vous achtez You [Formal] Bought = vous avez achet
You [informal] buy= tu achtes You [informal] Bought = tu as achet
We buy= nous achetons We Bought = nous avons achet
They [Masculine | Femenine] buy= ils/elles They [Masculine | Femenine] Bought = Ils/elles ont
achtent achet
To buy it Le acheter
I would like to buy it Je voudrais le acheter
Because parce que
I must have it Je dois le avoir (lavoir)
To prepare prparer
To prepare it Le prparer
Will you prepare it for me Voulez vous le prparer pour moi
Will you accept the condition Voulez vous accepter La condition
Much/ very much/many beaucoup
Thank you very much | Thanks a lot Merci beaucoup
Thanks very much
I would like very much Je voudrais beaucoup
To accept accepter
To accept it Le accepter
It is cest
It is not nest pas
I would like very much to accept the condition Je voudrais beaucoup accepter La condition
But Mais
I am sorry je suis dsol
But I cannot accept it Mais Je ne peux pas le accepter (laccepter)
Because it is not acceptable for me that way parce que nest pas acceptable pour moi
comme a
Her La
To see her La voir
I am going to see her tonight Je vais la voir ce soir
them leur
To see them Leur voir
I am going to see them tonight Je vais Leur voir ce soir
To see you Vous voir
I would like to see you Je voudrais vous voir ce soir
I am going to see you tonight Je vais vous voir ce soir
Rule: French Rule Implication of that
[English EQUV.] I hope = [Franais EQUV.] I hope that
So that is added in French
I hope that = J'espre que
To hope [Esprer] Hoped [espr]
[Visualise by thinking I aspire] I Hoped = jai | Je ai espr
I/He/She/it hope= je/ il/elle/a espre He/She/it Hoped = il/elle/a a espr
You [Formal] hope = vous esprez You [Formal] Hoped = vous avez espr
You [informal] hope= tu espres You [informal] Hoped = tu as espr
We hope= nous esprons We Hoped = nous avons espr
They [Masculine | Femenine] hope= ils/elles They [Masculine | Femenine] Hoped = Ils/elles ont
esprent espr
I hope J'espre
I hope that J'espre que
I hope that I am going to see you tonight J'espre que Je vais vous voir ce soir
Because I would like very much to see you parce que Je voudrais beaucoup vous voir
To find [trouver] Found [trouv]
I/He/She/it find= je/ il/elle/a trouve I Found = jai | Je ai trouv
You [Formal] find = vous trouvez He/She/it Found = il/elle/a a trouv
You [informal] find= tu trouves You [Formal] Found = vous avez trouv
We find= nous trouvons You [informal] Found = tu as trouv
They [Masculine | Femenine] find= ils/elles We Found = nous avons trouv
trouvent They [Masculine | Femenine] Found = Ils/elles ont
To find it | him Le trouver
To find her La trouver
To find them Leur trouver
To find me Me trouver
To find us Nous trouver
We find | We are finding Nous trouvons
I find | I am finding je trouve
Will you tell me Voulez vous me dire
Will you tell me where it is Voulez vous me dire o cest
Because parce que
I cannot find it Je ne peux pas le trouver
To call [appeler] Called [appel]
I/He/She/it call= je/ il/elle/a appelle I Called = jai | Je ai appel
You [Formal] call = vous appellez He/She/it Called = il/elle/a a appel
You [informal] call= tu appelles You [Formal] Called = vous avez appel
We call= nous appelons You [informal] Called = tu as appel
They [Masculine | Femenine] call= ils/elles We Called = nous avons appel
appellent They [Masculine | Femenine] Called = Ils/elles ont
To call it | him Le appeler
To call you vous appeler
To call them leur appeler
To call her La appeler
To call me Me appeler
Can you tell me Pouvez-vous me dire
Can you call me later Pouvez-vous me appeler plus tard
To help [aider] Helped [aid]
I/He/She/it help= je/ il/elle/a aide I Helped = jai | Je ai aid
You [Formal] help = vous aidez He/She/it Helped = il/elle/a a aid
You [informal] help= tu aides You [Formal] Helped = vous avez aid
We help= nous aidons You [informal] Helped = tu as aid
They [Masculine | Femenine] help= ils/elles aident We Helped = nous avons aid
They [Masculine | Femenine] Helped = Ils/elles ont
To help [Assister] Assisted [assiste]
I/He/She/it assist= je/ il/elle/a assiste I Assisted = jai | Je ai assiste
You [Formal] assist = vous assistez He/She/it Assisted = il/elle/a a assiste
You [informal] assist = tu assistes You [Formal] Assisted = vous avez assiste
We assist = nous assistons You [informal] Assisted = tu as assiste
They [Masculine | Femenine] assist = ils/elles We Assisted = nous avons assiste
assistent They [Masculine | Femenine] Assisted = Ils/elles
ont assiste
To help it | him Le aider
Can you help me Pouvez-vous me aider
Can you help her Pouvez-vous La appeler
Can you help them Pouvez-vous leur appeler
I would like very much to help you Je voudrais beaucoup vous aider
When can you call me Quand pouvez-vous me appeler
When are you going to call me Quand allez-vous me appeler
I am going to call you later Je vais vous appeler plus tard
And Et [a]
Will you call me later Voulez vous me appeler plus tard
And can you tell me at what time it is going to et pouvez-vous me dire quelle heure a va
be ready tre prt
Because I must have it today parce que je dois la avoir aujourd'hui
If it is possible si cest possible
Yes Oui
No Non
Rule: French
In a hurry Press
[Visualise by thinking pressed for time]
I am in a hurry je suis press
[French Equv.] [I am pressed for time]
I am very much in a hurry je suis trs press
[French Equv.] [I am very much pressed for
I am sorry but I cannot wait [to await] for you je suis dsol mais je ne peux pas vous
Because I am in a hurry and I have to leave attendre
soon parce que je suis press et je dois partir bientt
I am going to see him Je vais le voir
Rule: French
to him = lui
to her = lui
Now infront of a verb lui both times mean to her or to him
(when him is used in the sense "to him", the French word is not le but lui)
(when her is used in the sense "to her", the French word is not la but lui) however when not
infront of a verb it is elle
him Le
To him lui
To give [donner] Gave/given [donn]
I/He/She/it give= je/ il/elle/a donne I gave/given = jai | Je ai donn
You [Formal] give = vous donnez He/She/it gave /given = il/elle/a a donn
You [informal] give= tu donnes You [Formal] gave /given = vous avez donn
We give= nous donnons You [informal] gave /given = tu as donn
They [Masculine | Femenine] give= ils/elles We gave /given = nous avons donn
donnent They [Masculine | Femenine] gave /given =
Ils/elles ont donn
To carry | To wear [Porter] Carried [port]
I/He/She/it carry= je/ il/elle/a porte I carried= jai | Je ai port
You [Formal] carry = vous portez He/She/it carried = il/elle/a a port
You [informal] carry= tu portes You [Formal] carried = vous avez port
We carry= nous portons You [informal] carried = tu as port
They [Masculine | Femenine] carry= ils/elles We carried = nous avons port
portent They [Masculine | Femenine] carried = Ils/elles
ont port
Ready to wear prt porter
To bring [To carry something] Brought [apport]
[Apporter] I brought= jai | Je ai apport
He/She/it brought = il/elle/a a apport
I/He/She/it bring= je/ il/elle/a apporte
You [Formal] brought = vous avez apport
You [Formal] bring = vous apportez
You [informal] brought = tu as apport
You [informal] bring= tu apportes
We brought = nous avons apport
We bring= nous apportons
They [Masculine | Femenine] brought = Ils/elles
They [Masculine | Femenine] bring= ils/elles
ont apport
To bring you Vous apporter
To bring her La apporter
To bring him Le apporter
To bring them Leur apporter
To bring me Me apporter
I am going to bring you something Je vais vous apporter quelque chose
The book le livre
I am going to bring you the book Je vais vous apporter le livre
To send [envoyer] Sent [envoy]
I/He/She/it send= je/ il/elle/a envoie I sent= jai | Je ai envoy
You [Formal] send = vous envoiez He/She/it sent = il/elle/a a envoy
You [informal] send= tu envoies You [Formal] sent = vous avez envoy
We send= nous envoyons You [informal] sent = tu as envoy
They [Masculine | Femenine] send= ils/elles We sent = nous avons envoy
envoient They [Masculine | Femenine] sent = Ils/elles ont
To send it | him Le envoyer
To send [to him] lui envoyer
It [to him] le lui
To send them Leur envoyer
To send her La envoyer
To send you Vous envoyer
To send me Me envoyer
I am going to send him the book Je vais lui envoyer le livre
I am going to send it to him Je vais le lui envoyer
Will you send it to him Voulez vous le lui envoyer
when can you send it to him? Quand pouvez-vous le lui envoyer
I am going to see him tonight and I am going to Je vais le voir ce soir et je vais lui donner le
give him the book livre
to her lui
I am going to see her tonight and I am going to Je vais la voir ce soir et je vais lui donner le
give her the book livre
Who qui
to who, to whom qui
it is for me Cest pour moi
it is for you Cest pour vous
it is for us Cest pour nous
it is for him Cest pour lui
it is for her Cest pour elle
(note that after pour, we say elle and not lui)
with him Avec lui
with her Avec elle
Disc # 6/8 Foundation Course
I am going to give it Je vais la donner
I am going to give it to him Je vais la donner lui
Rule: French
When its not clear whether talking about him or her as both means lui then the below form is
lui = him/to him
elle = to her
(that is much less ambiguous than je vais le lui donner)
I am going to give it to her Je vais la donner elle
I am going to bring him the book Je vais lui apporter le livre
I am going to bring her the book Je vais lui apporter le livre
I am going to bring the book to him Je vais apporter le livre lui
I am going to bring the book to her Je vais apporter le livre elle
Them | to them Leur
Money | Silver La argent
I am going to send them the money Je vais leur envoyer la argent
My Mon [Masculine Form]
Ma [Feminine Form]
Mes [Plural]
Father Pre
my father Mon pre
[Because it is masculine]
mother mre
my mother Ma mre
[Because it is Feminine]
with my father Avec mon pre
with my mother Avec ma mre
my parents Mes parents
his Son [Masculine Form]
Sa [Feminine Form]
Ses [Plural]
his father Son pre
his mother Sa mre
his parents Ses parents
her father Son pre
her mother Sa mre
her parents Ses parents
His | Her Father Son pre
[Father is Masculine
His | Her Mother Sa mere
[Mother is Feminine
His | Her Parent Ses parents
s [Plural Form]
their Leur pre
their father Leur mre
their mother Leur parents
their parents
Rule: French Usage of Leur
(leur means "them" and "to them")
Them | To Them = Leur
Their = Leur
I am going to bring them their book Ja vais leur apporter leur livre
Will you tell him | Voulez vous lui dire
[French Equv.] Will you say [to him]
will you tell him that I am going to call him Voulez vous lui dire que je vais le appeler plus
later tard
To ask [Demander] Asked [demand]
[Visualise by thinking you are demanding I asked= jai | Je ai demand
something] He/She/it asked = il/elle/a a demand
I/He/She/it ask= je/ il/elle/a demande You [Formal] asked = vous avez demand
You [Formal] ask = vous demandez You [informal] asked = tu as demand
You [informal] ask= tu demandes We asked = nous avons demand
We ask= nous demandons They [Masculine | Femenine] asked = Ils/elles ont
They [Masculine | Femenine] ask= ils/elles demand
will you ask him Voulez vous lui demander
[French Equv.] Will you ask [to him]
will you ask him if he can wait for me Voulez vous lui demander si il [contracted and
pronounced as sil] peut me attendre
I don't have the time now Je ne pas le temps
(French nouns can be masculine or feminine)
police La police
army Las arme
Love amour
Rule: French Gender of Nouns in French
Le [Masculine]
La [Feminine]
A for Le
Un for La
CD6-Track 7 [From 2:00 minutes] Unable to grasp the concept of pas des
no coffee for me Pas caf pour moi
no problem pas de problem
[pronounced pa-d]
no cream for me pas de crme pour moi
[pronounced pa-d]
no sugar for me Pas de sucre pour moi
[pronounced pa-d]
nobody understands why Personne comprendre pourquoi
I don't understand je ne comprend pas
I understand it je Le compredre
I don't understand it je ne Le compredre pas
true vrai
it is true Cest vrai
it is not true Ce nest pas vrai
[French Equv.] Ce pas vrai
nay bit will be eliminated in speaking many
times however pas indicates negation.
Is it not possible [French Equv. Written] Ce nest pas vrai
[French Equv. Spoken] Ceest pas vrai
nay bit will be eliminated in speaking many
times however pas indicates negation.
Is that so? |Is that true| is it so | is it true Cest vrai ?
truly | really vraiment
Sincerely | Genuinely sincrement
Honestly Franchement | honntement
I don't understand je ne comprend pas
I don't understand it je ne le compred pas
I don't understand him je ne le compred pas
I don't understand her je ne la compred pas
I don't understand them je ne leur compred pas
I don't understand you je ne vous compred pas
he doesn't understand you il ne vous compred pas
he doesn't understand us il ne nous compred pas
he doesn't understand me il ne me compred pas
I understand very well je comprends trs bien
I understand you very well Je vous comprend trs bien
I don't understand you very well je ne vous compred pas trs bien
nothing | Not anything rien
I don't understand je ne comprend pas
Rule: French Pas is removed in spoken context
(que and qu'est-ce que are interchangeable,in a question followed by a verb, but after qu'est-
ce que there is no inversion)
Qu'est-ce que is widely used
What do you want? Qu'est-ce que vous voulez
Qu'est-ce que tu vas
Que voulez vous
What do you know? Qu'est-ce que vous savoir
Qu'est-ce que tu savoir
Que savez vous
Que sais tu
What do you have for me? Qu'est-ce que vous avec pour moi
Qu'est-ce que tu avec pour moi
Que avec-vous pour moi
Que as tu pour moi
what do you want? Qu'est-ce que vous voulez
Qu'est-ce que tu vas
what do you want to say? Qu'est-ce que vous voulez dire
Qu'est-ce que veux tu dire
When using I Will You need to go to original verb, add rai to the end of the original verb
When using He/She/it Will You need to go to original verb, add ra to the end of the original
When using We Will You need to go to original verb, add rons to the end of the original
When using You [Formal] Will You need to go to original verb, add rez to the end of the
original verb
When using You [Informal] Will You need to go to original verb, add ras to the end of the
original verb
When using They Will You need to go to original verb, add ront to the end of the original
I will = rai is added to the end of the verb They will = ront is added to the end of the
To say/tell = dire = I will say/tell = je dirai
To wait = attendre = I will attendre= To say/tell = dire = They will say/tell = ils/elle
j'attendrai diront
To understand = comprendre = I will To wait = attendre = They will wait = ils/elle
understand = Attendront
Je comprendrai To understand= comprendre = They will
To leave = partir = I will leave = je partirai understand = ils/elle compredront
To leave = partir =They will leave = ils/elle
He/She/it will = ra is added to the end of We will = rons is added to the end of the
the verb verb
To say/tell = dire = He/She/it will say/tell = To say/tell = dire = We will say/tell = Nous
il/elle/a dira dirons
To wait = attendre = He/She/it will attendre= To wait = attendre = We will wait = Nous
il/elle/a attendra Attendrons
To understand = comprendre = He/She/it will To understand= comprendre = We will
understand = Il/elle/ca comprendra understand = Nous compredrons
To leave = partir = He/She/it leave = il/elle/a To leave = partir =we will leave = Nous
partira partirons
You [Formal] will = rez is added to the end You [Informal] will = ras is added to the
of the verb end of the verb
To say/tell = dire = You [Formal] will say/tell To say/tell = dire = You [Informal] will say/tell
= vous direz = tu diras
To wait = attendre = You [Formal] will To wait = attendre = You [Informal] will
attendre= vous attendrez attendre= tu attendras
To understand = comprendre = You [Formal] To understand = comprendre = You [Informal]
will understand = vous comprendrez will understand = tu comprendras
To leave = partir = You [Formal] will leave = To leave = partir = You [Informal] will leave
vous partirez = tu partiras
What would you like to have = [French Equv.] What would you like to take
What would like to have to drink = [French Equv.] What would you like to take to drink
What would you like to have to eat = [French Equv.] What would you like to take to eat
I am going to have [take] a cup of coffee Je vais prendre une tasse de caf
[French Equv.] I am going to take a cup of
To dine le dner
to have dinner de prendre le dner
to have lunch de prendre le djeuner
lunch le djeuner
will you have lunch with me Voulez vous prendre le djeuner avec moi
Veux tu prendre le djeuner avec moi
Breakfast [The Small lunch] petit djeuner
will you have breakfast with me tomorrow Voulez vous prendre le petit djeuner avec moi
morning demain matin
Veux tu prendre le petit djeuner avec moi
demain matin
I will do it je le ferai
Rule: French
(in English, "will you", "will you please" is the only time that "will" does not mean future
will you please | Would you please | Do you Voulez vous
want to Veux tu
will you come with me Voulez vous venir avec moi
Veux tu venir avec moi
Do you want to come with me? [Question Voulez vous venir avec moi ?
Tone] Veux tu venir avec moi ?
Will you tell me Voulez vous me dire
Veux tu me dire
Do you want to tell me [Question Tone] Voulez vous me dire?
Veux tu me dire?
[Is that you want] do you want to come with Est-ce que vous voulez venir avec moi
me Est-ce que tu veux venir avec moi
Disc # 8/8 Foundation Course
I am lifting it Je le lve
I am lifting myself up, i.e. I am getting up Je me lve
we are getting up | we are getting ourselves up Nous nous levons
you're getting up Vous vous levez
Rule: French Usage of Se Himself/Herself/themselves/itself
(for "himself", "oneself", "itself" etc use se)
he is getting up Il se lve
one is getting up On se lve
I am going to get up Je vais me lve
one is going to get up On va se lve
Please S'il vous plat [Formal]
S'il tu plat [Informal]
will you get up please? Voulez vous vous lve S'il vous plat
at what time are you going to get up tomorrow quelle heure allez-vous vous lve demain
morning? matin
quelle heure vas-tu lve demain matin
To ask demander
I am asking Je demande
I am asking you Je vous demande [Formal]
Je tu demande [Informal]
I am asking myself |I wonder Je me demande
To call appeler
I call you tomorrow [Correct French] Je vous appele
I will call you tomorrow Je vous appelerai demain
my name is | I call myself | I am called as Mon nom est
Je me appel | Je m'appelle..
to call back Rappeler
[Visualise by thinking replay]
Will you call back? Voulez vous me rappele
I am going to call you back Je vais vous rappele
will you ask him to call me back Voulez vous lui demande de me rappele
Will you tell him to call me back Voulez vous lui dire de me rappele
I call you back later Je vous rappele plus tard
I am going to call you back Je vais vous rappele plus tard
I will call you back later je vous rappelerai plus tard
I remember | I recall myself Je me rappele
[Google Translate] Je me souviens
I don't remember | I do not remember | I dont Je ne me rappele pas
To hurry |To Dispatch Oneself pcher
[Visualise by thinking dispatching oneself]
I am hurrying | I dispatch [myself] Je me dpcher
I am going to hurry | I am going to hurry Je vais me dpcher
I must hurry | I must hurry [myself] Je dois me dpcher
one is going to hurry [oneself] On va se dpcher
we are going to hurry [ourself] nous allons nous dpcher
you have to hurry [yourself] Vous dois vous dpcher
will you hurry please [yourself] Voulez vous vous dpcher S'il vous plat
Voulez vous vous dpcher S'il tu plat
Rule: French Usage of en for all countries and continents
Enough assez
I have enough j'ai assez
I have [of it] enough | I am fed up with it j'ai en assez
Rule: French
(that also means "I am fed up with it")
I am really fed up with it! j'ai en assez
to need | to have need of Avoir besoin
I need this book | I [have] need of this book j'ai besoin de ce livre
I need to do it | I [have] need to do it j'ai besoin de le faire
one must On doit | il faut
one must do it | it is necessary to do it Il faut le faire
It is necessary [for me] | I need Il me faut
It is necessary [for me] to do it Il me faut le faire
what you want to do now? Que voulez vous faire maintenant
Qu'est-ce que vous voulez faire maintenant
if you want |if you like | its alright with me Si vous voulez [Formal]
si tu veux [Informal]
(that also means "It's all right with me") Si vous voulez [Formal]
si tu veux [Informal]
To miss [manquer] Missed [manqu]
I/He/She/it miss= je/ il/elle/a manques I missed= jai | Je ai manqu
You [Formal] miss = vous manquez He/She/it missed= il/elle/a a manqu
You [informal] miss= tu manques You [Formal] missed= vous avez manqu
We miss= nous manquons You [informal] missed= tu as manqu
They [Masculine | Femenine] miss= ils/elles We missed= nous avons manqu
manquent They [Masculine | Femenine] missed= Ils/elles ont
I miss you | you are being missed by me Tu me manqu
They miss her = she is being missed by them Elle leur manque.
She misses them = they are being missed by Ils/Elles lui manquent.
Rule: French Formal You [vous] have ez endings EXCEPTIONS 3 Cute Ts
(vous verbs end -ez, with only three exceptions)
There are 3-exceptions where for vous no ez endings Three Cute Ts as described by
[Michel Thomas]
1. tes-vous ==== No ez ending with verbs ===== You are
2. vous faites = No ez ending with verbs ===== You make | You do
3. vous dites = No ez ending with verbs ===== You say | You tell
Can Handler
I can = je peux
You [Formal] can= vous pouvez
You [Informal] can=tu peux
He/she/it can= il/elle/a peut
We can = nous pouvons
They [Masculine | Femenine] can = Ils/elles peuvent
Must (to have to) Handler
I must (have to) = je dois
You [Formal] must (have to) = vous dois
You [Informal] must (have to) = tu dois
He must (have to) = il doit
We must = nous devons
They [Masculine | Femenine] must = Ils/elles doivent
Do you want | Will you Handler
I want (want to) = je veux
You [Formal] want (want to) = vous veux
You [Informal] want (want to) = tu veux
He wants (wants to) = il veux
Would like Handler
I would (would like to) = je voudrais
You [Formal] would (would like to) = vous voudrais
You [Informal] would (would like to) = tu voudrais
He would (would like to) = il voudrait
To know Handler
I know = je sais
You [Formal] know = vous sais
You [Informal] know = tu sais
He knows = il sait
To have Handler
I have = j'ai
You [Formal] have = Vous-avez
You [Informal] have = tu as
He has = il a
We have = nous avons
They have [Masculine | Femenine] = ils/ells ont
You have Vous-avez
Rule: French Usage of PAST TENSE with Handlers
When using any type of handler full verb is to be utilized
(You can also express the past tense using handles. In English, "can" in past tense is "could". So
for "I didn't understand you", you can say "I couldn't understand you")
I did = I could
I did not = I could not
I could Je pouvais
I couldnt | I could not Je ne pouvez pas
I couldn't understand you | I didnt understand Je ne pouvez pas vous comprendre
I did not understand you
he didn't wait for us | He couldnt wait for us | Il ne pouvait pas nous attendre
He could not wait for us
Rule: French Usage of PAST TENSE with Handlers
When using any type of handler full verb is to be utilized
Had to PAST TENSE Handler
I had to = je devais
You [Formal] had to = vous devais
You [Informal] had to = tu devais
He had to = il devait
I had to je devais
he had to il devait
he had to leave il devait partir
Rule: French Usage of PAST TENSE with Handlers
When using any type of handler full verb is to be utilized
Wanted PAST TENSE Handler
I wanted (wanted to) = je voulais
You [Formal] wanted (wanted to) = vous voulais
You [Informal] wanted (wanted to) = tu voulais
He wanted (wanted to) = il voulait
Knew Handler
I knew = je savais
You [Formal] knew = vous savais
You [Informal] knew = tu savais
He knew = il savait
to know savoir
I knew Je savais
I didn't know Je ne savais pas
Rule: French Usage of PAST TENSE with Handlers
When using any type of handler full verb is to be utilized
had Handler
I had = j'avais
You [Formal] had = Vous- avais
You [Informal] had = Tu avais
He had = il avait
I had j'avais
I didn't have the time to do it Je ne avais pas le temps de le faire
I had not the time to do it
Rule: French Usage of PAST TENSE with Handlers
When using any type of handler full verb is to be utilized
Was/Were = Handler
I was = Je t [J'ai t]
You [Formal] were = vous tais
You [Informal] were = tu tais
He was = Il tait
I was Je t [J'ai t]
it was a t
it wasn't a ne t pas
it was not possible to do it that way a ne t pas possible le faire comme a
because I was very busy Parce que Je t trs occup
yesterday evening | Last night hier soir
yesterday morning hier matin
yesterday afternoon hier aprs-midi
There L
I was there last night, but nobody was there Je t l hier soir mais personne tait l
I like J'aime
Its best to use the following sentence structures as its more clearer
(if you have two pronouns that both begin with l- then le, la always comes before lui, leur. Any
pronouns that don't begin l- come first, such as vous le "it - to you"
When verbs end with ent with They. ent is silent and pronounced as exactly like He/she/it.
To begin Commencer
we are starting | We start | We do start Nous commencons
let's start! commencons
at what time are we starting? quelle heure commencons nous
at what time are you starting? quelle heure commencez-vous
start now! Commencons maintenant
don't start now! Start a little later! Ne commencons pas maintenant!
Commencons un peuh plus tard
I don't understand Je ne comprend pas
I don't understand anything je ne comprend rien
I don't understand any more je ne comprend plus
it is ready Cest prt
it is starting now a commence maintenant
everybody is starting Tout le monde commence
my friend is starting Mon ami commence
my friends Mes amis
my friends are starting Mes amis commencent
my friends are arriving tonight Mes amis arrive ce soir
To leave partir
We are leaving Nous partent
let's leave! partons
at what time are you leaving? | At what time do quelle heure partez vous
you leave quelle heure partes tu
at what time are we leaving? | At what time do quelle heure partons nous
we leave
don't leave Ne partez pas
To prepare prparer
he is preparing it Il le prpare
they are preparing it Ils le prparent
elles le prparent
he is not accepting it Il ne le accepte pas
he doesn't accept the condition Il ne le accepte pas la condition
everybody is ready Tout le monde est prt
everybody is starting Tout le monde est commence
my friends are starting Mes amis commencent
my friends are arriving Mes amis arrivent
my friends are leaving Mes amis partent
they are leaving | they leave Ils partent
elles partent
To sell vendre
They are selling it Ils le vendrent
Elles le vendrent
Rule: French await
In French you do not Wait for somebody
You await somebody
To wait [Await] attendre
they are waiting Ils attendent
Elles attendent
They are waiting for me | Ils me attendent
[French Equv.] They are awaiting me Elles me attendent
My friends are waiting for me Mes amis me attendent
[French Equv.] my friends are awaiting
wait! Wait a moment! Attendez!
attendez un moment
attendes un moment
let's wait here! Attendons ici
Don't wait! Ne attendez pas
They are waiting for you Ils vous/tu attendent
[French Equv.] they are awaiting you Elles vous/tu attendent
(For non -er verbs: don't sound the final consonant of the infinitive stem in the short box, except for
"they" forms)
I am waiting | I wait Je attende
[Pronounced as atton]
he is waiting | He waits Ill attende
[Pronounced as atton]
they are waiting | they wait Ils attendent
Elles attendent
[Pronounced as attond]
everybody is leaving | Everybody leaves Tout le monde partent
[Pronounced as par]
I am leaving | I leave Je pars
[Pronounced as par]
they are leaving | They leave Ills partent
Elles partent
[Pronounced as parrt]
To sleep [Dormer] Slept [dormi]
[Visualise by having University Dorment in mind] I slept= jai | Je ai dormi
I sleep = je dors He/She/it slept = il/elle/a a dormi
He/she/it sleep = il/elle/a dort You [Formal] slept = vous avez dormi
You [Formal] sleep = vous dormez You [informal] slept = tu as dormi
You [informal] sleep= tu dors We slept = nous avons dormi
We sleep= nous dormons They [Masculine | Femenine] slept = Ils/elles ont
They [Masculine | Femenine] sleep= ils/elles dorment dormi
To Sleep [coucher] Slept [couch]
[Visualise by having cushion in mind] I slept= jai | Je ai couch
I sleep = je couche He/She/it slept = il/elle/a a couch
He/she/it sleep = il/elle/a couche You [Formal] slept = vous avez couch
You [Formal] sleep = vous couchez You [informal] slept = tu as couch
You [informal] sleep= tu couches We slept = nous avons couch
We sleep= nous couchons They [Masculine | Femenine] slept = Ils/elles ont
They [Masculine | Femenine] sleep= ils/elles couch
I am sleeping | I sleep Je dors
[Pronounced as dorr]
he is sleeping | He sleeps Il dort
[Pronounced as dorr]
everybody is sleeping | everybody sleeps Tout le monde dort
[Pronounced as dorr]
my friends are sleeping | My friends sleep Mes amis dorment
[Pronounced as dorrm]
she is sleeping | She sleeps elle dort
[Pronounced as dorr]
To Serve [server] Served [servi]
I serve = je sers I served= jai | Je ai servi
He/She/it serves = il/elle/a sert He/She/it served = il/elle/a a servi
You [Formal] serve = vous servez You [Formal] served = vous avez servi
You [informal] serve= tu sers You [informal] served = tu as servi
We serve= nous servons We served = nous avons servi
They [Masculine | Femenine] serve= ils/elles servent They [Masculine | Femenine] served = Ils/elles ont
better mieux
I feel [myself] better Je me sens mieux
Rule: French
(note comparitive and superlative: good-better-best is bon-meilleur-le meilleur but well-better-best
is bien-mieux-le mieux)
Good | Better | Best == bon-meilleur-le meilleur
Well | Better | Best == bien-mieux-le mieux
Better meilleur
Best le meilleur
Than Que
The other Lautre
this wine is better than the other ce vin est meilleur que lautre
it is the best wine [in] of the house Ce le meilleur vin de la maison
I feel [myself] fine
I feel [myself] better Je me sens mieux maintenant
I feel [myself] much better now Je me sens beaucoup mieux maintenant
Rule: French sentir bon
(sentir bon means "to smell", not "to feel good")
To smell [sentir | flairer | odeur] smelt [sentait]
I smell = je sens
He/She/it smell = il/elle/a sent
You [Formal] smell = vous sentez
You [informal] smell = tu sens
We smell = nous sentons
They [Masculine | Femenine] smell = ils/elles sentent
It smells good a sent bon
It does not smell good | it doesnt smell good a ne sent pas bon
To sleep dormir
I am sleeping Je dors
[Pronounced as dorr]
he is sleeping Il dort
[Pronounced as dorr]
one is sleeping On dort
[Pronounced as dorr]
they are sleeping Ils/elles dorment
[Pronounced as dorrm]
Rule: French
(for -er verbs, you drop the -r from the infinitive in the short box to leave -e, or -ent for "they".
For non -er verbs, the short box is je --s, il --t, ils --ent)
To do/To Make faire
I am doing | I do Je fais
[Pronounced as fey]
I am not doing it | I dont do it Je ne le fais pas
[Pronounced as fey]
he is doing it | He does it Il le fait
[Pronounced as fey]
one is doing it | One does it On le fait
[Pronounced as fey]
one is not doing it that way | one does not do it On le fait pas comme a
that way [Pronounced as fey]
Rule: French
(that also means "it is not being done that way")
it is not being done that way | On le fait pas comme a
It is not done that way
it is making a big difference that way | it makes a fait un grand diffrence comme a
a big difference that way
Rule: French
(english nouns ending ence/ance are the same in French, and are La)
it doesn't make much [of] difference a ne fait pas un beaucoup de diffrence
how much [of] time | how much time Combien de temps
I don't have much [of] time Je ne pas beaucoup de temps
Too late | Too [much] late trop tard
it is too late Cest trop tard
Too fast | Too [much] fast Trop rapide/vite
you're going too fast Vous allez trop rapide/vite
tu vas trop rapide/vite
it is too much Cest trop
To work [travailler] Worked [travaill]
I/He/She/it/everybody/nobody work= je/ il/elle/a I worked= jai | Je ai travaill
travaille He/She/it worked = il/elle/a a travaill
You [Formal] work = vous travaillez You [Formal] worked = vous avez travaill
You [informal] work = tu travailles You [informal] worked = tu as travaill
We work = nous travaillons We worked = nous avons travaill
They [Masculine | Femenine] work = ils/elles They [Masculine | Femenine] worked = Ils/elles ont
travaillent travaill
Rule: French
(for -ir verbs, in the short box, you drop the consonant that you don't sound. The endings are still
-s and -t, though)
I am sleeping | I sleep Jo dors
everybody is sleeping Tout le monde dort
my friends are sleeping Mes amis dorment
I feel [myself] it Je me le sens
dinner is being served | one serves dinner On sert le dinner
put the book on the table please Mettez le livre sur la table
don't put it here! Ne le mettez pas ici
To start commencer
start now! Commencez maintenant
don't start! Ne commencez pas
let's start! commencons
let's not start! Ne commencons pas
let's wait! Attendons
let's not wait! Ne attendons pas
let's put the book on the table Mettons le livre sur la table
Per | On | via | by | through par
terre Earth
on the floor Par terre | Sur le sol
let's not put it on the floor Ne le mettons pas par terre
don't put it on the floor! Ne le mettez pas par terre
Rule: French
(in a positive command, the pronoun goes after the verb)
Put it here! Mettez le ici
To drink [boire] Drank/drunk [bu]
[Visualise by having boiling in mind] I drank/drunk= jai | Je ai bu
I drink = je bois He/She/it drank/drunk = il/elle/a a bu
He/She/it drink = il/elle/a boit You [Formal] drank/drunk = vous avez bu
You [Formal] drink = vous buvez You [informal] drank/drunk = tu as bu
You [informal] drink = tu bois We drank/drunk = nous avons bu
We drink = nous buvons They [Masculine | Femenine] drank/drunk = Ils/elles
They [Masculine | Femenine] drink = ils/elles boivent ont bu
Disc # 2/4 Advance Course
don't put it there Ne le mettez pas l
I am putting it here | I put it here Je le mets ici
we are putting it here | We put it here Nous le mettons ici
don't put it here Ne le mettez pas ici
put it here Mettez le ici
don't put it there Ne le mettez pas l
put them on the table Mettez les sur la table
don't put them on the floor Ne le mettez pas par terre
I am calling you | I call you Je vous appelle
Je tu appelle
you are being called On vous appelle
[French Equv.] One is calling you On tu appelle
call me later! appellez moi plus tard
don't call me today, call me tomorrow Ne me appellez pas aujourdhui, appelle moi
wait for me! Attendez moi
[French Equv.] Await me!
wait for me here! Attendez moi ici
[French Equv.] Await me here!
Rule: French
(an alternative to this imperative is a polite form using
voulez-vous Formal
Voules-tu - Informal
Will you wait for me Voulez vous mattendre [me attendre]
[French Equv.] Will you await me Voules-tu mattendre [me attendre]
wait for me! Attendez moi
[French Equv.] Await me!
don't wait for me Ne me attendez pas
[French Equv.] Dont await me!
You have to wait [await] for me | You must Vous-devez mattendre [me attendre]
[await] wait for me
one has to [await] wait for me | One must On dois mattendre [me attendre]
[await] wait for me
wait for me! Attendez moi
[French Equv.] Await me!
don't wait for me Ne me attendez pas
[French Equv.] Dont await me!
Rule: French Future Tense Usage of Will
I = ai
You = ez
He/She/it = a
They = ont
We = ons
I have Jai
He/she/it has Il/elle/a a
they have Ils/elles ont
We have Nous avons
To leave Partir
I will leave | Je partir ai demain
[French Equv. Future Tense]I [to leave] have
tomorrow [French Equv. Spoken Future Tense]
Je partirai demain
he will leave tomorrow Il partir a demain
[French Equv. Future Tense] He [to leave]
has tomorrow [French Equv. Spoken Future Tense]
ie partira demain
they will leave tomorrow Ils/elles partir ont demain
[French Equv. Future Tense] They [to leave] [French Equv. Spoken Future Tense]
have tomorrow Ils/elles partiront demain
we will leave tomorrow Nous partir ons demain
[French Equv. Future Tense] They [to leave] [French Equv. Spoken Future Tense]
have tomorrow nous partirons demain
you will leave tomorrow Vous partir ez demain
[French Equv. Future Tense] We [to leave] [French Equv. Spoken Future Tense]
have tomorrow vous partirez demain
tu partires demain
To leave/To Depart [Partir] Left [parti]
I leave = pars I left = jai | Je ai parti
He/She/it leaves= il/elle/a part He/She/it left = il/elle/a a parti
You [Formal] leave = vous partez You [Formal] left = vous avez parti
You [informal] leave= tu pars You [informal] left = tu as parti
We leave= nous partons We left = nous avons parti
They [Masculine | Femenine] leave= ils/elles They [Masculine | Femenine] left = Ils/elles ont parti
To leave [Future TENSE]
I will leave= partirai
You will leave= partirez | partires
He/She/it/one/everybody/nobody will leave=
They will leave= partiront
We will leave= partirons
To do/To make Faire
To do/To make [Future TENSE]
I will do/make= fairai
You will do/make= fairez | faires
He/She/it/one/everybody/nobody will do/make=
They will do/make= fairont
We will do/make= fairons
I will do it Je le fairai
[French Equv. Future Tense] I [to do] have -OR-
Je le ferrai
He/she/it will do it Il/elle/a le faira
[French Equv. Future Tense] He/she/it [to -OR-
do] has Il/elle/a le ferra
They will do it Ils/elle le fairont
[French Equv. Future Tense] they [to do] -OR-
have Ils/elle le ferront
You will do it vous le fairez
[French Equv. Future Tense] You [to do] tu le faires
have -OR-
vous le ferrez
tu le ferres
We will do it Nous le fairons
[French Equv. Future Tense] We [to do] -OR-
have Nous le ferrons
(There are a few exceptions in the future tense, but they concern stems and not endings. For
example -oir verbs contract)
Below are some of the exceptions
To be able | to be able to Pouvoir
To be able | to be able to [Future Pourrai | pourra | pourront | pourrons | pourrez |
I will be able = pourrai
You will be able to = pourrez | purres
He/She/it/one/everybody/nobody will be able to
= pourra
They will be able to = pourront
We will be able to = pourrons
to have to devoir
To have to [Future TENSE]
I will have to = devrai
You will have to = devrrez | devrres
He/She/it/one/everybody/nobody will have to =
They will have to = devrront
We will have to = devrrons
I will have to Je devrai
we will have to leave soon Nous devrrons partir bientt
On devrra partir bientt
To have Avoir
To have [Future TENSE] [EXCEPTION]
I will have= aurai
You will have= aurez | aures
He/She/it/one/everybody/nobody will have=
They will have= auront
We will have= aurons
I will have it Je le aurai
we will have it Nous le aurons
On le aura
To know Savoir
To know [Future TENSE] [EXCEPTION]
I will know= sorai
You will know= sorez | sores
He/She/it/one/everybody/nobody will know=
They will know= soront
We will know= sorons
I will know Je sorai
To say/ To tell dire
To say/ To tell [Future TENSE]
I will ask/tell= dirai
You will ask/tell= direz | dires
He/She/it/one/everybody/nobody will ask/tell=
They will ask/tell= diront
We will ask/tell= dirons
I will tell you later Je vous dirai plus tard
To write crire
To write [Future TENSE] [EXCEPTION]
I will write= crirai
You will write= crirez | crires
He/She/it/one/everybody/nobody will write=
They will write= criront
We will write= crirons
I will write to you Je vous crirai
I will do it Je le fairai
he won't do it | He will not do it il ne le faira pas
he won't tell you why he won't do it | Il ne vous dira pas pourquoi il ne le faira pas
He will not tell you why he will not do it
To put mettre
To put [Future TENSE] [EXCEPTION]
I will put= mettrai
You will put= mettrez | mettres
He/She/it/one/everybody/nobody will put=
They will put= mettront
We will put= mettrons
I will put it here
Rule: French
All English composite verbs ending -mit come from the French mettre).
Examples are below:-
To commit Commettre
To omit Omettre
To permit Permettre
To submit Soumettre
To promise [Promettre] Promettre
I promise = je promets
He/She/it/one promises = il/elle/a promet
You [Formal] promise = vous promettez
You [informal] promise= tu promettes
We promise= nous promettons
They [Masculine | Femenine] promise= Ils/elles
I promise Je promets
I promise you Je vous promets
Je te promets
Promise me | Promise Promet moi
Can you promise me Pouvez-vous me promettre
Pouves-tu me promettre
I will put it here Je le mettrai ici
To Take Prendre
To Take [Future TENSE] [EXCEPTION]
To be tre
To be [Will be] [Future TENSE]
I will be= je serai
He/She/it/one/everybody/nobodywill be= sera
You [Formal] will be = vous serez
You [informal] will be = tu seres (seras)
We will be= nous serons
They will be= ils/elle seront
I will be Je serai
he will be Il sera
they will be Ils/ells seront
we will be Nous serons
you will be Vous serez
Tu seres (seras)
Rule: French Usage of To go = Aller
(the French verb aller is irregular because it comes from three separate Latin verbs)
I'm going | I am going | I am going to je vais
he is going | He is going to Il va
they are going | They are going to Ils/elles vont
they're going to be here soon | They will be Ils/elles vont tre ici bientt
here soon
they will be here tonight | They are going to be Ils/elles vont tre ici ce soir
here tonight -OR-
Ils/ells seront ici ce soir
Rule: French
(the key to the short box is the sound of the 1st person je)
Nobody knows where it is personne sait o cest
everybody wants to see it tout le monde veut le voir
nobody can find it Personne peut le trouver
everything must be ready today tout doit tre prt aujourdhui
Rule: French
(whereas the key to the long box is the infinitive of the verb)
nobody knows Personne sait
we know Nous savons
Rule: French
To take = Prendre
To take back = rependre
To learn = apprendre
To understand = comprendre
(prendre, comprendre, apprendre, rependre all lose -d- in nous, vous, ils)
To learn apprendre
To learn [Apprendre] Learned/learnt [appris]
I learnt/learned = jai | Je ai appris
I/He/She/it learn= je/il/elle/a apprend He/She/it learnt/learned = il/elle/a a appris
You [Formal] learn = vous apprendre You [Formal] learnt/learned = vous avez appris
You [informal] learn= tu apprends You [informal] learnt/learned = tu as appris
We learn= nous apprenons We learnt/learned = nous avons appris
They [Masculine | Femenine] learn= ils/elles They [Masculine | Femenine] learnt/learned =
apprennent Ils/elles ont appris
To learn [Future TENSE] [EXCEPTION]
I will learn = apprendrai
You will learn = apprendraz | apprendras
He/She/it/one/everybody/nobody will learn =
They will learn = apprendront
We will learn = apprendrons
we understand nous comprenons
Do you understand? You understand? Comprenez-vous? [Formal]
Comprenez-tu? [Informal]
Est-ce que vous comprenez [Formal]
Est-ce que tu comprenez [Informal]
Do you understand it?
Do you understand me? Me comprenez-vous? [Formal]
Me comprenez-tu? [Informal]
Est-ce que vous me comprenez [Formal]
Est-ce que tu me comprenez [Informal]
We are taking it nous le prenons
Why don't you take it? | Why are you not Pourquoi ne le prenez vous pas
taking it
Why arent you taking it
they take | they are taking ils/elles prennent
they take it | they are taking it ils/elles le prennent
they don't understand it ils/elles ne le comprennent pas
To have =
To be =
To go =
I have Jai
he has Il a
they have Ils/elles ont
I go Je vais
he's going | He is going Il va
they're going | They are going Ils/elles vont
we have Nous avons
you have vous avez
tu as
we are going Nous allons
you are going Vous allez
Tu vas
I am Je suis
he is il est
they are Ils/elles sont
we are nous sommes
you are vous tes
tu es
where are they? o sont-ils/elles?
they are not there | They are not in Ils/elles ne sont pas l
Rule: French
(l also means "to be in, to be home")
To be in | To be home l
they are not in Ils/elles ne sont pas l
he's not in Il ne pas l
(for the past tense, use avoir. So, "I bought it" becomes "I have bought it")
(-er verbs, r is dropped now end (accet with e), and both sound the same)
To speak Parler
I spoke j'ai parl
[French Equv.] I have spoken
he spoke Il a parl
[French Equv.] He has spoken
did you speak? | have you Spoken Avez-vous parl
as-tu parl
we didn't speak with him Nous ne avons pas parl avec le/lui
We havnt you spoken with him
when did you speak with him? Quand avez-vous parl avec le/lui
When have you spoken with him Quand as tu parl avec le/lui
To buy Acheter
[PAST TENSE] achet
did you buy something? Avez vous achet quelque chose
Have you bought something As tu achet quelque chose
what Que | quoi
what did you buy? Que | Quest-ce que vous avez achet
What have you bought Que | Quest-ce que tu as achet
To prepare Prparer
[PAST TENSE] prpar
he prepared a dinner Il a prepare le dinner
He has prepared a dinner
To start | To begin Commencer
[PAST TENSE] commenc
The film started | the film has started Le film a commenc
already dj
still, still more encore
toujours plus
I would like another cup of coffee Je voudrais encore une tasse de caf
a little more encore un peu
not yet pas encore
[French Equv.] Still not | [not] still
we haven't started yet Nous ne avons pas commenc encore
Nous ne avons pas encore commenc
I have it je l'ai
I don't have it Je ne lai pas
I have them je l'ai les
I don't have them Je ne les ai pas
I have some, I have some of it je en ai
I don't have any Je ne ai pas
I have Je ai [Jai]
I have not Je ne ai pas [je nai pas]
You have Vous avez
Tu as
You have not Vous ne avez pas
Tu ne as pas [tu n'as pas]
We have nous avons
We have not Nous ne avons pas
He/she/it has il/elle/a a
He/she/it has not Il/elle/a ne a pas
They have Ils/elles ont
They have not Ils/elles ne ont pas
I bought it | I have bought it Jai le achet
I didn't buy it | I have not bought it Je ne ai le pas achet
I bought them | I have bought them Jai les achet
I didn't buy them | I have not bought t hem Je ne ai les pas achet
I bought some for you | I have bought some for Je en ai achet pour vous
you Je en ai achet pour toi
To find Trouver
[PAST TENSE] trouv
I didn't buy any today because I didn't find any Je ne ai pas achet aujourd'hui parce que je ne
I have not bought any today because I have ai pas trouv
not found any
how many did you buy of them? Combien en avez vous achet
How many have you bought of them Combien en as tu achet
where did you buy them? O les avez vous achet
Where have you bought them O les as tu achet
to forget Oublier [Visualise by having oblivion in mind]
[PAST TENSE] oubli
I forgot where I bought them j'ai oubli o je ai les achet
I have forgotton where I have bought them
To call Appeler
at what time did you call? quelle heure avez vous appel
At what time have you called quelle heure as tu appel
at what time did you call me? quelle heure me avez vous appel
At what time have you called me quelle heure me as tu appel
This morning Ce matin
she called me this morning Elle me a appel ce matin
She has called me this morning
why did you call me? Porquoi me aves vous appel
Why have you called me Porquoi me as tu appel
why didn't you call me? Porquoi ne me aves vous pas appel
Why have you not called me Porquoi ne me as tu pas appel
I called them Jai les appel
I have called them
I called him Jai le/lui appel
I have called him
I called her Jai le appel
I have called her
I called you Jai vous appel
I have called you Jai tu appel
I didn't call you Je ne vous ai pas appel
I have not called you Je ne tu ai pas appel
to ask Demander
[PAST TENSE] demand
I asked you Je vous ai demand
I have asked you Je tu ai demand
I didn't ask you Je ne vous ai pas demand
I have not asked you Je ne tu ai pas demand
why did you ask me? Porquoi me avez vous demand
Why have you asked me Porquoi me as tu demand
why didn't you ask me? Porquoi ne me avez vous pas demand
Why have not you asked me Porquoi ne me tu pas demand
Rule: French PAST TENSE re verb endings re dropped and replaced with u
(20) 3.14
(-re verbs take -u in past tense)
To sell Vendre
I sold it | I have sold it Je ai le vendu
why did you sell it? | Why have you sold it Porquoi le avez vous vendu
Porquoi le as tu vendu
why didn't you sell them? Porquoi ne les avez vous pas vendu
Why have you not sell t hem Porquoi ne les as tu pas vendu
he sold them Il les a vendu
He has sold them
we sold some Nous en avons vendu
We have sold some [of it]
To wait Attendre
[PAST TENSE] attendu
I waited | I have waited Je ai attendu
I waited for you | Je ai vous attendu
I have awaited you Je ai toi attendu
you didn't wait for me Vous ne me avez pas attendu
you have not awaited me tu ne me avez pas attendu
why didn't you wait for me? Porquoi ne me avez vous pas attendu
Why have you not awaited me Porquoi ne me as tu pas attendu
Rule: French PAST TENSE ir verb endings re dropped and replaced with i
(21) 1.49
(instead of avoir, you can use a construction involving tre)
he prepared the dinner Il a prpar le dinner
He has prepared the dinner
dinner is prepared le dner est prpar
he sold it Il a le vendu
He has sold it
everything is sold Tout est vendu
To serve Servir
one served the dinner On est servi le dinner
To understand Comprendre
[PAST TENSE] compris
To include Inclure
[PAST TENSE] compris | inclus
The service le service
Service included Le service est compris
Service has included
Service is not included Le service ne pas compris
Service has not included
Did you understand? Avez vous compris
Have you understood As-tu compris
Did you understand it? Avez vous le compris
Have you understood it As-tu le compris
Est-ce que vous le avez compris
Est-ce que tu le as compris
Le avez-vous compris ?
Le as tu compris ?
Vous le avez compris ?
tu le as compris ?
did you understand me? me avez vous compris ?
Have you understood me me as-tu compris ?
Est-ce que vous me avez compris
Est-ce que tu me as compris
Vous me avez compris ?
tu me as compris ?
why did you not understand me? Porquoi ne me avez vous pas compris
Why have you not understood me Porquoi ne me as tu pas compris
I understood you Je vous ai compris
I have understood you Je tu ai compris
I understood you well Je vous ai bien compris
I have understood you well Je tu ai bien compris
I understood you very well Je vous ai trs bien compris
I understood you very well Je tu ai trs bien compris
To take Prendre
(prendre becomes pris) [PAST TENSE] pris
I took them Je les ai pris
I have taken them
I took some of it Je en ai pris
I have taken some [of it]
why did you take them? Porquoi les avez vous pris
Why have you taken them Porquoi les as tu pris
why didn't you take them? Porquoi ne les avez vous pas pris
Why have you not taken them Porquoi ne les as tu pas pris
To learn Apprendre
(apprendre becomes appris) [PAST TENSE] appris
I learned | I have learned Jai appris
I learned something today Jai appris quelque chose aujourdhui
I have learned something today
To put Mettre
(23) 2.48 [PAST TENSE] mis
(mettre becomes mis)
Where did you put it? O le avez vous mis
Where have you put it O le as tu mis
Where did you put them? O les avez vous mis
Where have you put them O les as tu mis
Was/Were Handler
I was = j'tais
You [Formal] were= Vous tiez
You [Informal] were= tu tais
He/she/it was= il/elle/a tait
We were = nous tions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were = Ils/elles
had Handler
I had = Je avais
You [Formal] had= Vous aviez
You [Informal] had = tu avais
He/she/it had = il/elle/a avait
We had = nous avions
They [Masculine | Femenine] had = Ils/elles avaient
I had Je avais
he had il avait
they had Ils/elles avaient
we had Nous avions
you had Vous aviez
tu avais
A plane Un avion
we had a plane Nous avions un avion
29) 1.09
(-rais, -rait, -raient, -rions, -riez express "would" and can be used with any verb)
Disc # 3/4 Advance Course - CD 3 (74.12)
I will = je -rai Verb Endings
He/She/it will = il/elle/a ra Verb Endings
You [Formal] will = vous rez Verb Endings
You [informal] will= tu ras Verb Endings
We will= nous -rons Verb Endings
They [Masculine | Femenine] will= Ils ront Verb
(2) 2.48
(-oir verbs in the past tense end -u e.g. voir becomes vu)
To see Voir
I saw it Jai le vu
if I had seen it Si je le avais vu
if I had seen it I would have bought it Si je le avais vu je le aurais achet
To know Savoir
(savoir becomes su) [PAST TENSE] su
if I had known it si Je le avais su
I would have told you je vous aurais dit
if I had known it, I would have told you si Je le avais su, je vous aurais dit
if you had told me, I would have seen it and I Si vous me dit je le aurais vu et je le aurais
would have bought it achet
(3) 3.19 Il ne voudrait pas attendre
He wouldn't wait | He would not wait
You wouldn't wait vous vous ne voudriez pas attendre
Tu ne voudrias pas attendre
we wouldn't wait nous ne pas voudrions attendre
Rule: French
(so "would" is -rais etc, and "would have" is therefore aurais etc)
he would sell it Il le voudrais vendre
he would have sold it Il le aurait vu
I did it Jai le fait
I have done it
I didn't do it Je ne le ai pas fait
I have not done it
Why did you do it? Porquoi le vous avez fait
Why have you done it Porquoi le tu as fait
Why didn't you do it? Porquoi ne le vous avez pas fait
Why have you not done it Porquoi ne le tu as pas fait
I told you Je vous ai dit
I have told you
I didn't tell you Je ne vous ai pas dit
I have not told you
you didn't tell me Vous ne me pas dit
You have not told me tu ne me pas dit
Why didn't you tell me? Porquoi ne me vous pas dit
Why have you not told me Porquoi ne me tu pas dit
(4) 2.07 tais
was Etais | tiez
had Avais
Aviez | avais
would have Aurais
Auriez | aurais
I was busy j'tais occup
He was not here Il ne tait
Who was there last night? Qui tais l hier soir
Qui tais il y a pas ici
nobody was there Personne tais il y a
Personne tais l
I was there with my friend but you were not j'tais il y a avec mon ami mais vous ne tiez
there pas il y a
j'tais il y a avec mon ami mais tu ne tiez pas
il y a
I was very busy and I didn't have the time to do j'tais trs occup et je ne ai pas le temps le
it faire
I was very busy and I have not had the time to
do it
Rule: French PAST TENSE -oir Verb Endings
(5) 1.58
(avoir becomes eu, savoir becomes su, pouvoir becomes pu, devoir becomes du, voir becomes
To see Voir
To know Savoir
(savoir becomes su) [PAST TENSE] su
To have Avoir
To be able to Pouvoir
To have to Devoir
I have known Jai su
I have had | Ive had Jai eu
Did you see? Avez-vous vu
Have you seen Tu as vu
Did you see it? le avez-vous vu
Have you seen it le tu as vu
Where did you see me? O me avez vous vu
Where have you seen me O me as tu vu
I was there last night but I didn't see you j'tais il y a hier soir mais je ne vous ai pas vu
I was there last night but I have not seen you [Formal]
j'tais l hier soir mais je ne vous ai pas
j'tais il y a hier soir mais je ne tu ai pas vu
j'tais l hier soir mais je ne tu ai pas vu
Where were you? O tiez vous
O tais tu
I didn't see you Je ne vous ai pas vu
I have not seen you Je ne tu ai pas vu
Rule: French PAST TENSE Three diving boards
The three steps on the diving board are:
you would have seen it if you had been there Vous le auriez vu si vous aviez t l hier soir
last night Tu le aurais vu si tu avais t l hier soir
Rule: French PAST TENSE No diving after Handlers Only used a full verb
(of course, you don't "dive" after a handle verb)
Was/Were is a Handler
Had/Had been is a Handler
You do not dive after Handlers
Rule: French PAST TENSE Only Dive after any form of Have and To Be
The two diving boards are:
To be
And you only go into PAST TENSE after these two diving boards
Pouvais | [Google Translate] Pourrais Pourrais[Google Translate]
Could/Did PAST TENSE Handler Could/Did PAST TENSE Handler
I could/did = Je Pouvais
He/she/it could/did = Il/elle/a pouvait
You [Formal] could/did = Vous pouviez
You [Informal] could/did = tu pouvais
We could = nous pouvions
They [Masculine | Femenine] could = Ils/elles
you can vous pouvez
tu peux
Rule: French PAST TENSE
"you don't have to wait" is not
"you mustn't wait"
but "you don't need to wait")
To need | To have need Avoir besoin
you don't have to wait vous ne devez pas attendre
[French Equv.] You must not wait tu ne dois pas attendre
you don't have to wait Vous ne avoir pas besoin de attendre
[French Equv.] You dont have the need of
It is not necessary for you to wait ce n'est pas ncessaire vous attendre
It is not necessary for you [to] await
you don't have to give it to him Vous ne avoir pas besoin de le lui donner
[French Equv.] You dont have [the need] to Tu ne avoir pas besoin de le lui donner
give it to him
You dont have to Vous ne avoir pas besoin
[French Equv.] You dont have the need Tu ne avoir pas besoin
I dont have to Je ne pas avoir besoin
[French Equv.] I dont have the need
He/She/it doesnt have to Il/elle/ a ne avoir pas besoin
[French Equv.] He/She/it doesnt have the
We dont have to Nous ne avoir pas besoin
[French Equv.] We dont have the need
They dont have to Ils/ells ne avoir pas besoin
[French Equv.] They dont have the need
You dont have to give it to him Vous ne avoir pas besoin de le lui donner
[French Equv.] You don't have to need to give
it to him
You dont need to give it to me Vous ne avoir pas besoin de me le donner
[French Equv.] You dont have the need to Tu ne avoir pas besoin de me le donner
give it to me
Rule: French Rule Usage of Will Polite Request or Future Tense
(11) 1.39
("Will" usually expresses the future, but not always)
Will you tell me? Voulez vous me dire
veux tu me dire
When will you tell me? Quand allez vous me dire
Quand veux tu me dire
Quand me dirai vous
Rule: French Rule PAST TENSE Alternate to Diving into the PAST TENSE
Usage of Was and Had and ais Handles
Instead of Diving into the Past we can use Handlers more specific ending in ais handlers
(12) 2.53 tais
was Etiez | tais
had Avais
Aviez | avais
could Pouvais
Pouviez | pouvais
had to Devais
Deviez | devais
Wanted Voulais
Vouliez | voulais
Knew [savais]
I knew = je savais
He/she/it knew = il/elle/a savait
You [Formal] knew = vous saviez
You [Informal] knew =tu savais
We knew = nous savions
They [Masculine | Femenine] knew = Ils/elles
knew Savais
Savais | Saviez
I didn't want to do it | I did not want to do it Je ne voulais pas le faire
he didn't want to tell me | He did not want to Il ne voulait pas me dire
tell me
I knew Je savais
I didn't know | I did not know Je ne savais pas
nobody knew where it was, nobody could find it Personne savait pas o c'etait, personne
pouvait le trouver
(these are the few cases where you don't dive)
Rule: French PAST TENSE Diving into the Past with Had and Would have
(13) 2.24
(that applies to the simple past. For "had" of course you must dive)
To want to vouloir
[Past Form of Want becomes Wanted] [PAST TENSE] voulu
(vouloir becomes voulu)
if I had wanted to have it, I would have bought Si je avais voulu le avoir, je le aurais achet
(14) 3.49
(there is one more handle: aller. In the past, use ais)
if you had called me this morning and if you Si vous me aviez appel ce matin et si vous
had told me that you were going to arrive me aviez dit
today, I would have waited for you and we que vous alliez arriver aujourd'hui
would have had dinner Je vous aurais attendu et nous aurions dner
(17) 5.00
(so the w-ing tenses "I was (go)ing, they were (go)ing - can be used with any verb. In French,
the -ing verb is an -ais, -ait verb)
was leaving/was departing | were leaving/were
I was leaving = partais
He/She/it was leaving= il/elle/a partait
You [Formal] were leaving = vous partiez
You [informal] were leaving= tu partais
We were leaving= nous partions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were leaving= ils/elles partaient
Was staying | were staying
I was staying = restais
He/She/it was staying= il/elle/a restait
You [Formal] were staying = vous restiez
You [informal] were staying = tu restais
We were staying = nous restions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were staying = ils/elles rsitaient
Was waiting | Were waiting
I was wating = attendais
He/She/it was waiting= il/elle/a attendait
You [Formal] were waiting = vous attendiez
You [informal] were waiting = tu attendais
We were waiting= nous attendions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were waiting = ils/elles attendaient
Was speaking | were speaking
I was speaking = parlais
He/She/it was speaking = il/elle/a parlait
You [Formal] were speaking = vous parliez
You [informal] were speaking = tu parlais
We were speaking = nous parlions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were speaking = ils/elles parlaient
Was eating | were eating
I was eating = mangeais
He/She/it was eating = il/elle/a mangeait
You [Formal] were eating = vous mangiez
You [informal] were eating = tu mangeais
We were eating = nous mangions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were eating = ils/elles mangeaient
Was understanding | were understanding
I was understanding =je comprenais
He/She/it was understanding = il/elle/a comprenait
You [Formal] were understanding = vous compreniez
You [informal] were understanding = tu comprenais
We were understanding = nous comprenions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were understanding = ils/elles
Was starting | were starting
I was starting = je commenais
He/She/it was starting = il/elle/a commenait
You [Formal] were starting = vous commencez
You [informal] were starting = tu commenais
We were starting = nous commencions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were starting = ils/elles commenaient
Was arriving | were arriving
I was arriving = je arrivais
He/She/it was arriving = il/elle/a arrivait
You [Formal] were arriving = vous arriviez
You [informal] were arriving = tu arrivais
We were arriving = nous arrivions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were arriving = ils/elles arrivaient
Was analysing | were analysing
I was analysing = je analysais
He/She/it was analysing = il/elle/a analysait
You [Formal] were analysing = vous analysiez
You [informal] were analysing = tu analysais
We were analysing = nous arriv analysions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were analysing = ils/elles analysaient
Was doing | Were doing
I was doing = je faisais
He/She/it was doing = il/elle/a faisait
You [Formal] were doing = vous faisiez
You [informal] were doing = tu faisais
We were doing = Nous faisions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were doing = ils/elles faisaient
Was Making | Were making
I was making = je faisais
He/She/it was making = il/elle/a faisait
You [Formal] were making = vous faisiez
You [informal] were making = tu faisais
We were making = Nous faisions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were making = ils/elles faisaient
Was saying | were saying
I was saying = je disais
He/She/it was saying = il/elle/a disait
You [Formal] were saying = vous dites | Vous disiez
You [informal] were saying = tu disais
We were saying = nous disions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were saying = Ils/elle disaient
Was telling | were telling
I was telling = je disais
He/She/it was telling = il/elle/a disait
You [Formal] were telling = vous dites | Vous disiez
You [informal] were telling = tu disais
We were telling = nous disions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were telling = Ils/elle disaient
Was taking | were taking
I was taking = je prenais
He/She/it was taking = il/elle/a prenait
You [Formal] were taking = vous preniez
You [informal] were taking = tu prenais
We were taking = nous prenions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were taking = ils/elles prenaient
Was seeing | were seeing
I was seeing = je voyais
He/She/it was seeing = il/elle/a voyait
You [Formal] were seeing = vous voyiez
You [informal] were seeing = tu voyais
We were seeing = nous voyions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were seeing = Ils voyaient
Was selling | were selling
I was selling = je vendais
He/She/it was selling = il/elle/a vendait
You [Formal] were selling = vous vendiez
You [informal] were selling = tu vendais
We were selling = nous vendions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were selling = Ils/elle vendaient
Was preparing | were preparing
I was preparing = je prparais
He/She/it was preparing = il/elle/a prparait
You [Formal] were preparing = vous prpariez
You [informal] were preparing = tu prparais
We were preparing = nous prparions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were preparing = Ils/elle prparaient
Was confirming | were confirming
I was confirming = je confirmais
He/She/it was confirming = il/elle/a confirmait
You [Formal] were confirming = vous confirmiez/confirmez
You [informal] were confirming = tu confirmais
We were confirming = nous confirmerons
They [Masculine | Femenine] were confirming = Ils/elle confirment
Was reserving | were reserving
I was reserving = je rservais
He/She/it was reserving = il/elle/a rservait
You [Formal] were reserving = vous rserviez / rservez
You [informal] were reserving = tu rservais
We were reserving = nous rservons
They [Masculine | Femenine] were reserving = Ils/elle rservaient
Was inviting | were inviting
I was inviting = je invitais
He/She/it was inviting = il/elle/a invitait
You [Formal] were inviting = vous invitiez
You [informal] were inviting = tu invitais
We were inviting = nous invitions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were inviting = Ils/elle invitaient
Was accepting | were accepting
I was accepting = je acceptais
He/She/it was accepting = il/elle/a acceptait
You [Formal] were accepting = vous acceptiez
You [informal] were accepting = tu acceptais
We were accepting = nous acceptions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were accepting = Ils/elle acceptaient
Was hoping | were hoping
I was hoping = je esprais
He/She/it was hoping = il/elle/a esprait
You [Formal] were hoping = vous espriez
You [informal] were hoping = tu esprais
We were hoping = nous esprions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were hoping = Ils/elle espraient
Was finding | were finding
I was finding = je trouvais
He/She/it was finding = il/elle/a trouvait
You [Formal] were finding = vous trouviez
You [informal] were finding = tu trouvais
We were finding = nous trouvions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were finding = Ils/elle trouvaient
Was calling | were calling
I was calling = je appelais
He/She/it was calling = il/elle/a appelait
You [Formal] were calling = vous appeliez
You [informal] were calling = tu appelais
We were calling = nous appelions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were calling = Ils/elle appelaient
Was helping | were helping
I was helping = je aidais
He/She/it was helping = il/elle/a aidait
You [Formal] were helping = vous aidiez/aidez
You [informal] were helping = tu aidais
We were helping = nous aidions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were helping = Ils/elle aidaient
Was buying | were buying
I was buying = je achetais
He/She/it was buying = il/elle/a achetait
You [Formal] were buying = vous achetiez
You [informal] were buying = tu achetais
We were buying = nous achetions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were buying = Ils/elle achetaient
Was giving | were giving
I was giving = je donnais
He/She/it was giving = il/elle/a donnait
You [Formal] were giving = vous donniez
You [informal] were giving = tu donnais
We were giving = nous donnions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were giving = Ils/elle donnaient
Was carrying | were carrying
I was carrying = je portais
He/She/it was carrying = il/elle/a portait
You [Formal] were carrying = vous portiez
You [informal] were carrying = tu portais
We were carrying = nous portions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were carrying = Ils/elle portaient
Was bringing | were bringing
I was bringing = je apportais
He/She/it was bringing = il/elle/a apportait
You [Formal] were bringing = vous apportiez
You [informal] were bringing = tu apportais
We were bringing = nous apportions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were bringing = Ils/elle apportaient
Was sending | were sending
I was sending = je envoyais
He/She/it was sending = il/elle/a envoyait
You [Formal] were sending = vous envoyiez
You [informal] were sending = tu envoyais
We were sending = nous envoyions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were sending = Ils/elle envoyaient
Was asking | were asking
I was asking = je demandais
He/She/it was asking = il/elle/a demandait
You [Formal] were asking = vous demandiez
You [informal] were asking = tu demandais
We were asking = nous demandions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were asking = Ils/elle demandaient
Was operating | were operating
I was operating = je oprais
He/She/it was operating = il/elle/a oprait
You [Formal] were operating = vous oprez
You [informal] were operating = tu oprais
We were operating = nous oprions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were operating = Ils/elle opraient
Was negotiating | were negotiating
I was negotiating = je ngociais
He/She/it was negotiating = il/elle/a ngociait
You [Formal] were negotiating = vous ngociiez
You [informal] were negotiating = tu ngociais
We were negotiating = nous ngocions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were negotiating = Ils/elle ngocient
Was cooperating | were cooperating
I was cooperating = je cooprais
He/She/it was cooperating = il/elle/a cooprait
You [Formal] were cooperating = vous coopriez
You [informal] were cooperating = tu cooprais
We were cooperating = nous cooprions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were cooperating = Ils/elle
Was deciding | were deciding
I was deciding = Je dcidais
He/She/it was deciding = il/elle/a dcidait
You [Formal] were deciding = vous dcidez
You [informal] were deciding = tu dcidais
We were deciding = nous dcidions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were deciding = Ils/elle dcidaient
Was thinking | were thinking
I was thinking = Je pensais
He/She/it was thinking = il/elle/a pensait
You [Formal] were thinking = vous pensiez
You [informal] were thinking = tu pensais
We were thinking = nous pensions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were thinking = Ils/elle pensaient
Was explaining | were explaining
I was explaining = Je expliquais
He/She/it was explaining = il/elle/a expliquait
You [Formal] were explaining = vous expliquiez
You [informal] were explaining = tu expliquais
We were explaining = nous expliquions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were explaining = Ils/elle expliquaient
Was writing | were writing
I was writing = Je crivais
He/She/it was writing = il/elle/a crivait
You [Formal] were writing = vous criviez
You [informal] were writing = tu crivais
We were writing = nous crivions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were writing = Ils/elle crivaient
Was smoking | were smoking
I was smoking = Je fumais
He/She/it was smoking = il/elle/a fumait
You [Formal] were smoking = vous fumiez
You [informal] were smoking = tu fumais
We were smoking = nous fumions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were smoking = Ils/elle fumaient
Was teaching | were teaching
I was teaching = Je enseignais
He/She/it was teaching = il/elle/a enseignait
You [Formal] were teaching = vous enseigniez
You [informal] were teaching = tu enseignais
We were teaching = nous enseignions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were teaching = Ils/elle enseignaient
Was informing | were informing
I was informing = Je informais
He/She/it was informing = il/elle/a informait
You [Formal] were informing = vous informiez
You [informal] were informing = tu informais
We were informing = nous informions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were informing = Ils/elle informaient
Was sleeping | were sleeping
I was sleeping = Je dormais
He/She/it was sleeping = il/elle/a dormait
You [Formal] were sleeping = vous dormiez
You [informal] were sleeping = tu dormais
We were sleeping = nous dormions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were sleeping = Ils/elle dormaient
Was serving | were serving
I was serving = Je servais
He/She/it was serving = il/elle/a servait
You [Formal] were serving = vous serviez
You [informal] were serving = tu servais
We were serving = nous servions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were serving = Ils/elle servaient
Was feeling | were feeling
I was feeling = Je sentais
He/She/it was feeling = il/elle/a sentait
You [Formal] were feeling = vous sentiez
You [informal] were feeling = tu sentais
We were feeling = nous sentions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were feeling = Ils/elle sentaient
Was working | were working
I was working = Je travaillais
He/She/it was working = il/elle/a travaillait
You [Formal] were working = vous travailliez
You [informal] were working = tu travaillais
We were working = nous travaillions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were working = Ils/elle travaillaient
Was putting | were putting
I was putting = Je mettais
He/She/it was putting = il/elle/a mettait
You [Formal] were putting = vous mettiez
You [informal] were putting = tu mettais
We were putting = nous mettions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were putting = Ils/elle mettaient
Was reading | were reading
I was reading = Je lisais
He/She/it was reading = il/elle/a lisait
You [Formal] were reading = vous lisiez
You [informal] were reading = tu lisais
We were reading = nous lisions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were reading = Ils/elle lisaient
Was living | were living
I was living = Je habitais
He/She/it was living = il/elle/a habitait
You [Formal] were living = vous habitiez
You [informal] were living = tu habitais
We were living = nous habitions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were living = Ils/elle habitaient
Was working | were working
I was working = Je travaillais
He/She/it was working = il/elle/a travaillait
You [Formal] were working = vous travailliez
You [informal] were working = tu travaillais
We were working = nous travaillions
They [Masculine | Femenine] were working = Ils/elle travaillaient
I am staying Je reste
I was staying Je restais
[we are basically using W-ing here
adding ais for Past tense]
we were staying here nous restions ici
he is waiting for me Il me attend
[French Equv.] He is [awaiting] me
he was waiting for me Il me attendait
[French Equv.] He was [awaiting] me
We are waiting for you Nous vous attendons
[French Equv.] we are [awaiting] you
we were waiting for you Nous vous attendions
[French Equv.] we were [awaiting] you Nous te/toi attendions
he is leaving Il part
he was leaving Il partait
We are leaving Nous partons
we were leaving nous partions
Rule: French PAST TENSE The imperfect Tense
(the w-ing tense is used more in French than in English. The w-in tense expresses a straight line
in the past, e.g. "I was doing it" je le faisais)
I was doing it Je le faisais
I was telling it Je le disais
To read lire
I was reading Je lisait
To write crire
I was writing Je crivais | j'crivais
I was doing it Je le faisais
Rule: French PAST TENSE
(in French, this straight line could also be a broken line, meaning in English "I used to do it" or "I
did it repeatedly (every day, very often) )
Often Souvent
Very often trs souvent
Every day tous les jours
All the time tout le temps
frequently frquemment
I used to do it
I did it (continuous line)
I did it every day (broken line)
I did it often (broken line)
he prepared it this morning il le a prpar ce matin
he prepared it (every day), he used to prepare it
Rule: French No new ir verbs and oir verbs will be added to French Language
(18) 3.03
(-er verbs can usually be guessed from the English equivalent.
-ir verbs are a closed book - no new verbs will ever be added, the same for -oir verbs)
Rule: French Two brances of ir verbs
(19) 2.49
-ir verbs have two branches.
1. The one we have been using is finished - no new verbs will be added.
2. The other branch is "living", implying going, becoming, growing, getting - i.e. movement.
finir "to go to the end" or "to finish". These are conjugated differently from other -ir verbs -
you just drop the -r from the infinitive) and (-ss- is used in all the plurals)
The end la fin
To finish | To go to the end Finir
To Finish [finir] Finished [fini]
I finish= Je finis I finished= jai | Je ai fini
He/She/it finish= il/elle/a finit He/She/it finished= il/elle/a a fini
You [Formal] finish= vous finissez You [Formal] finished= vous avez fini
You [informal] finish= tu finis You [informal] finished= tu as fini
We finish= nous finissons We finished= nous avons fini
They [Masculine | Femenine] finish= Ils/elle finissent They [Masculine | Femenine] finished=
Ils/elles ont fini
I finish Je finis
he is finishing Il finit
(-ss- is used in all the plurals)
we finish Nous finissons
you finish Vous finissez
Tu finis
they finish Ils/elle finissent
(20) 2.26
(will now give some French -ir verbs. Try to work out what they mean)
They behave as -er verbs, except the past participle. e.g. ouvert means "open" and "opened")
To open Ouvrir
[PAST TENSE] ouvert
I opened it Je le ouvert
it is open, it is opened Cest ouvert
(also couvert "covered", dcouvert "discovered", offert
To offer Offrir
[PAST TENSE] offert
To cover Couvrir
[PAST TENSE] couvert
Everything is covered Tout est couvert
To discover Dcouvrir
[PAST TENSE] dcouvrir
He discovered it Il le a dcouvrir
To suffer Souffrir
[PAST TENSE] souffert
I offered it Je le offert
I offered it to you Je vous le offert
Je te le offert
I offered it to him Je le lui est offert
Rule: French Usage of Informal You - tu/toi/te
(23) 3.29
(use of tu - it is in the short box and follows the sound of "I", except for three verbs where it
follows the sound of "he")
(tu as an object is te)
you have [Informal] Tu as
You [informal] have not Tu ne as pas [tu n'as pas]
you are going [Informal] Tu vas
you are [Informal] Tu es
You were [Informal] tu tais
You [informal] were selling tu vendais
You have been [Informal] tu as t
You [Informal] will = ras is added to the end of the
(for "I have been doing it for/since", use present tense plus depuis "since")
This is plain and simple. Use Present tense with depuis
I have been dong it for a long time = [French Equv.] I am doing doing it for a long time already
| I am doing it since a long time
I have been living here for ten years = [French Equv.] I live here since ten years already
We have been living here for twenty years = [French Equv.] We live here since twenty years
To live Habiter
How long have you been living here Depuis combien de temps habitez
[French Equv.] vous ici
Since how long do you live here | Since how long you Depuis combien de temps habites tu
live here ici
Depuis quand habitez vous ici
Depuis quand habites tu ici
I have been living here since a long time Je habite ici depuis longtemps
[French Equv.] I am living here since a long time | I live
here since a long time
I have been doing it since a long time Je le fais depuis longtemps
[French Equv.] I am doing it since a long time | I do it
since a long time
Ten Dix
Ten years Dix ans | Dix
I have been living here since ten years Je habite ici depuis dix ans
[French Equv.] I am living here since ten years
[French Equv.] I live here since ten years
Usage of already = dj
dj is thrown at the end of the sentences in French for emphasis
Already dj
Twenty years vingt ans
Twenty years already vingt ans dj
We have been living here for twenty years nous habitons ici vingt ans dj
[French Equv.] We live here since twenty years
[French Equv.] We are living here since twenty years
Worked [travaill]
I work= Je travaill | travaillais
He/She/it work= il/elle/a travaillait
You [Formal] work= vous travailliez
You [informal] work= tu travaillais
We work= nous travaillons
They [Masculine | Femenine] work= Ils/elle
It makes how long that you work here Cela fait combine de temps que vous
travaillez ici
Cela fait combine de temps que tu
travailles ici
How long have you been working here Depuis combien de temps travaillez
[French Equv.] vous ici
Since how long do you work here | Since how long you Depuis combien de temps travailles tu
work here ici
Depuis quand travaillez vous ici
Depuis quand travailles tu ici
You have been living here since ten years vouz habitez ici depuis dix ans
[French Equv.] You are living here since ten years Tu habites ici depuis dix ans
[French Equv.] You live here since ten years
You have been living here since ten years vouz habitez ici depuis dix ans dj
[French Equv.] You are living here since ten years Tu habites ici depuis dix ans dj
[French Equv.] You live here since ten years [already]
he has been working here for a long time Il travaille ici depuis longtemps
[French Equv.] He lives here for a long time | He is
living here for a long time
he has been working here for a long time Il travaille ici depuis longtemps dj
[French Equv.] He lives here for a long time [already]
[French Equv.] He is living here for a long time
Rule: French PAST TENSE Has been | Have been
(1) 6.36
(note that in English, you can use -ing by itself or after a preposition, without expressing a tense,
"he left without saying a word,
seeing is believing
voir c'est croire,
(2) 5.53
To be = tre
(4) 4.34
(for some French verbs, you dive from the tre tower, not the avoir tower. For verbs of coming
and going, use tre)
To come
The time is come instead of the time has come
To come back
To go
To move
I am = Je suis
He/She/it is = il/elle/a est
You are [Formal] = vous tes
You are[informal] = tu es
We are = nous sommes
They are = ils/ells sont
To go Aller
Rule: French Diving into the PAST tre 3rd Group which includes Going and Coming
(there's a third group which includes going and coming, e.g. entrer)
To Enter [entrer] Entered [entr]
I enter = je entre I entered = Je suis entr
He/She/it/one enters = il/elle/a entre He/She/it entered = il/elle/a est entr
You [Formal] enter = vous entrez You [Formal] entered = vous tes entr
You [informal] enter= tu entres You [informal] entered = tu es entr
We enter= nous entrons We entered = nous sommes entr
They [Masculine | Femenine] enter= Ils/elles They [Masculine | Femenine] entered = ils/elles
entrent sont entr
(and one more which is neither coming nor going, rester to stay
(6) 1.38
(monter expresses any motion up:
bringing up,
Carrying up etc.
In any sense except "going up", "coming up", monter uses avoir. This also applies to descendre)
My suitcase Ma valise
the bellboy went up and he brought up my Le garcon est mont et il a mont ma
suitcase valise
he came down il est descendu
heavy lourd
I am sorry but I cannot lift it up because it's too je suis dsol mais
heavy Je ne peux pas le lve up parce que cest trop
Will you lift it up please? Voulez vous le lve s'il vous plait
Veux tu le lve sil tu plait
Usage of Reflexive verbs with [To be = tre] Diving into the Past
I [myself] = Je me suis
He/She/it [himself/herself/itself] = il/elle/a se est
You [Formal] [Yourself] = vous vous tes
You [informal] [Yourself] = tu te es
We [ourselves] = nous nous sommes
They [Masculine | Femenine] [themselves] = ils/elles se sont
I lifted it up Je le lev
I got up | I lifted [myself] up Je me suis lev
(this applies even when you make a non-
reflexive verb reflexive)
To tell Dire
The subjunctive expresses doubt or uncertainty. It is always used after certain expressions
implying doubt e.g.
c'est ncessaire que, il faut que)
It is necessary that Cest ncessaire que
Il ncessaire que
il faut que
Rule: French il faut que je vous demande
(12) 3.12 il faut que je te demande
(So in the short box, -er verbs sound the final consonant and non -er verbs don't. In subjunctive,
all verbs sound the final consonant in the short box, following the form of "they")
it is necessary that I leave Il faut que je part
I must wait
I must finish Il faut que je
we must finish Il faut que nous finissions
you must finish Il faut que vous finissiez
it is necessary that you put it on the table here Il faut que vous le mettriez sur la table ici
he must put it here Il faut que il mette
I must tell you Il faut que je vous dis
I must read it Il faut que je le lis
I must write to you Il faut que je vous ecriv
you must write to me Il faut que vous me ecriviez
Rule: French
(14) 4.28
(in English, whenever you say "I want you to" or "do you want me to", in French you say "I want
that you..." followed by the subjunctive)
I want you to stay here with me Je veux que vous restiez ici avec moi
[French Equv.] I want [that] you stay here with
What do you want me to tell you? Qu'est-ce que vous voulez que je vous dis
[French Equv.] What do you want [that] I tell Qu'est-ce que tu veux que je te dis
I would like you to tell me Je voudrais que vous me disiez
Je voudrais que te me disiez
(15) 8.22
(there are four one-syllable exceptions, where "they" is not the key to the subjunctive)
Ont = have = To have
Sont= are = To be
Vont= going = To go
Font= doing = To do
To be Subjunctive To have Subjunctive
(17) 2.22
(past subjunctive is very easy - just use avant que..., or:)
Before avant
After aprs
before I leave Avant que je part
Before [that] I leave
Before I tell you Avant que je vous dis
Before [that] I tell you
Before I do it Avant que je le fusse
Before [that] I do it
I left Je suis parti
I am left
before I left Avant que je sois parti
before we start Avant que nous commenions
before we started Avant que nous soyons commenc
Most Common Verbs
To hear Entendre
To Touch Toucher
To kiss Embrasser
To feel Sentir
To see Voir
To live Vivre
To love Adore
To like Aimer
To hug Caliner
To kiss Embrasser
To Talk Parler
To speak Parler
To read lire
To write Ecrire
To hear Entender
To understand Comprendre
To study Etudier
To practice Entraiment
To learn Apprendre
To think Penser | Croire
To organise Organiser
To watch Regarder
To answer Repondre
To send Envoyer
To receive Recevoir
To spell Epeler
To teach Enseigner
To cook Cuisiner
To know Savoir | Connatraire
To arrive Arriver
To go Aller
To trust
To believe croire
Disc # 1/2 French Builder Course -
*I want... Je veux...
I want it Je le veux
I want that Je veux a
I want to have it Je veux l'avoir
I want to have that Je veux avoir a
*I would like... Je voudrais...
...to see it/him/her ...le/la voir
...very much like to see her ...beaucoup la
*I must... Je dois...
...speak with her/him ...parler avec elle/lui
...talk to him/her ...lui parler
*I like, I love... J'aime
...to do it ...le faire
(You could say Je voudrais aller l for "I
would like to go there", but it is much better to
use y. y means "to it" or "there" and as a
pronoun comes before the verb. You can push
the -s of je voudrais into y aller)
I am going to go there Je vais y aller
I am going there J'y vais
*sometimes *quelquefois
once, twice, three times une fois, deux fois,
trois fois
for the first/last time pour la
premire/dernire fois
for the next time pour la prochaine fois
I go there sometimes J'y vais quelquefois
...but not often ...mais pas souvent
very often / not very often trs souvent / pas
trs souvent
...but not very often ...mais pas trs souvent
*It's rare C'est rare
It isn't very interesting Ce n'est pas trs
(You can push the -s of trs into intressant)
*besides... d'ailleurs...
...I don't like to do it ...je n'aime pas le faire
*It is too far C'est trop loin
It is very far C'est trs loin
It is very far from here C'est trs loin d'ici
And besides, it's too far from here Et
d'ailleurs, c'est trop loin d'ici
Is it far from here? / How far is it from here?
C'est loin d'ici?
It's not far Ce n'est pas loin
*It is near C'est prs
It is near here (near from here) C'est prs
*to go on foot / to walk aller pied
You can go on foot / walk Vous pouvez aller
It is too far to walk there C'est trop loin pour
y aller pied
(When "to"in English means "in order to" you
use pour followed by the verb)
You can take a taxi Vous pouvez prendre un
One must go there by car (in car) On doit y
aller en voiture
(You can push the t of doit into y aller)
One can / must take a taxi to go there On peut
/ doit prendre un taxi pour y aller
(Track 2, 6.49)
*It's all right (it goes, it is going) a va
It's fine, it's going fine C'est bien, a va bien
It's all right that way / like that a va bien
comme a
It's better C'est mieux
It's going better now a va mieux
Everything is going better now Tout va mieux
It's going much better that way / like that a
va beaucoup mieux comme a
What do you prefer? Qu'est-ce que vous
I prefer it like that Je le prfre comme a
I like it... Je l'aime
...that way ...comme a
...better that way ...mieux comme a
...much better that way ...beaucoup mieux
comme a
I don't like to go there now Je n'aime pas y
aller maintenant
*really vraiment
I don't really like it Je ne l'aime pas vraiment
I don't really like to go there Je n'aime pas
vraiment y aller, vraiment je n'aime pas y
not really pas vraiment
(vraiment means "really" or "truly". vrai
means "true"; c'est vrai means "it's true"; Ah
vraiment? means "Is that so?")
*at any rate (in all case)... en tout cas...
...not tonight ...pas ce soir
...because I am too tired ...parce que je suis
trop fatigu(e)
I prefer (to stay) staying here Je prfre
rester ici
I like better staying here J'aime mieux rester
*I don't feel like... Je n'ai pas envie de
...going out ...sortir
(avoir envie de means "to feel like
something". A noun or an adjective needs de
if it is followed by verb)
I don't feel like... Je n'ai pas envie de
...doing it ...le faire
...seeing it ...le voir
...staying here ...rester ici
I don't feel like... Je n'ai pas envie d'
...going to see it ...aller le voir
...going there tonight ...y aller ce soir
I really feel like going to the movies tonight J'ai
vraiment envie d'aller au cinma ce soir
I feel like seeing this picture J'ai envie de voir
ce film
I feel like going to see this picture J'ai envie
d'aller voir ce film
*It appears, it seems Il parat
It appears that it is very interesting Il parat
que s'est trs intressant
It appears that it is a very interesting picture Il
parat que c'est un film trs intressant
I feel like seeing it J'ai envie de le voir
*It interests me a m'intresse
It interests me very much a m'intresse
It doesn't interest me a ne m'intresse pas
*not at all pas du tout
It doesn't interest me at all a ne m'intresse
pas du tout
*I find it, I think it is... Je le trouve
...very interesting ...trs intressant
What do you think? (What is it that you think?)
Qu'est-ce que vous pensez?
What do you think of it? Qu'est-ce que vous
en pensez?
In my opinion... A mon avis
...one/we can go there ...on peut y aller
...we can go there ...nous pouvons y aller
(on meaning "one" is very often used for "we"
instead of the nous form)
(Track 3, 8.15)
*It is worth the trouble a vaut la peine
It is worth doing it a vaut la peine de le
It is not worth doing it a ne vaut pas la
peine de le faire
It is not worth going there a ne vaut pas la
peine d'y aller
(For "It's not worth it" you can also say Ce
n'est pas la peine)
*I think/believe that... Je crois que
...it's worth it a vaut la peine
Perhaps tomorrow night... Peut-tre demain
le voir
*perhaps peut-tre
But perhaps not tonight Mais peut-tre pas
ce soir
...it's worth going there to see it ...a vaut la
peine d'y aller
...if you like ...si vous voulez
It disturbs me very much a me drange
It doesn't disturb me a ne me drange pas
It doesn't disturb me at all a ne me drange
pas du tout
It annoys me a m'ennuie
It doesn't annoy me a ne m'ennuie pas
*I have the impression that... J'ai l'impression
...she doesn't want it ...elle ne le veut pas
...she doesn't want to do it ...elle ne veut pas
le faire
I want to do it but I won't do it today... Je veux
le faire mais je ne le ferai pas
...because I am too busy to (in order to) do it
today ...parce que je suis trop occup pour
le faire aujourd'hui
(You can push the p of trop into occup)
*It seems (me) that... Il me semble qu'...
...she doesn't feel like going there ...elle n'a
pas envie d'y aller
*In my opinion... A mon avis
...I agree (I am in accord) with you ...je suis
d'accord avec vous
It's OK C'est d'accord
OK, agreed D'accord
*It interests me a great deal a m'intresse
It interests me enormously a m'intresse
But unfortunately it doesn't interest me at all
Mais malheureusement a ne m'intresse
pas du tout
*I dont think (believe) that... Je ne crois pas
...he is going to be there this afternoon ...il va
tre l cet aprs-midi
(aprs means "after" and midi means "mid-
day" or "noon"; midi means "at noon")
*...but we will see ...mais on verra
I don't know if I can do it but we will see Je ne
sais pas si je peux le faire mais on verra
It won't be possible to do it this way Ce ne
sera pas possible de le faire comme a
I don't think so, I don't believe it Je ne le crois
I don't think so Je ne le pense pas
Are you sure? tes-vous sr? / Vous tes
sr? / Est-ce que vous tes sr?
Of course Bien sr, naturellement
Of course I'm sure Bien sr je suis sr
Look! Regardez!
It's on the table C'est sur la table
sr means "sure" and sur means "on")
Will you put it... Voulez-vous le mettre
...under the table? ...sous la table?
...on the floor (terra, land)? ...par terre?
It's on the floor C'est par terre
I'm going to put it on the floor Je vais le
mettre par terre
Will you put it there on the floor? Voulez-vous
le mettre l par terre?
(Track 6, 10.04)
*We have to / must go there Nous devons y
aller, C'est ncessaire d'y aller
*One / we must... Il faut
...go there now ...y aller maintenant
...go there right away ...y aller tout de suite
(You can push the t of faut into the vowel
sound at the beginning of y aller)
I would like to have it right away Je voudrais
l'avoir tout de suite
I must have it straightaway Il me faut l'avoir
tout de suite, Je dois l'avoir tout de suite
*One / We must not... Il ne faut pas
...buy it ...l'acheter
We must not buy it... On ne doit pas
...because it's too expensive ...parce que
c'est trop cher
I need this book, that's all Il me faut ce livre,
c'est tout
*That's all (that)... C'est tout ce que
...I want ...je veux
...you want ...vous voulez
That's all I need (all that is necessary to me)
Oui, c'est tout ce qu'il me faut
Do you need anything else? Est'ce qu'il vous
faut autre chose?
No thank you Non merci
That will be all a sera tout
Will you show me? Voulez-vous me montrer?
*Will you let me (made me) see? Voulez-vous
me faire voir?
I am going to show you something else Je vais
vous faire voir autre chose
I can show you something else Je peux vous
faire voir autre chose
Will you show me what you have? Voulez-
vous me faire voir ce que vous avez?
*Will you let me (make me) know? Voulez-
vous me faire savoir?
I will let you (make you) know tomorrow Je
vous ferai savoir demain
I am going to let you know tomorrow Je vais
vous faire savoir demain
Will you let me know... Voulez-vous me faire
...at what time it will be ready? ... quelle
heure a sera prt?
...at what time it is going to be ready? ...
quelle heure a va tre prt?
*to find out (to enquire oneself) se renseigner
to teach enseigner
enquiries window le guichet de
I'm going to find out Je vais me renseigner
Will you find out? Voulez-vous vous
I need (I have need of) information J'ai besoin
d'un renseignement
I need some information Il me faut des
I must find out... Je dois me renseigner...
...and I will let you know tomorrow ...et je
vous ferai savoir demain
...and I am going to let you know tomorrow
...et je vais vous faire savoir demain
*to be able to pouvoir
the power le pouvoir
He does not have the power to do it Il n'a pas
le pouvoir de le faire
He cannot do it Il ne peut pas le faire
I cannot do it Je ne peux pas le faire
I am not going to be able to do it Je ne vais
pas pouvoir le faire
I will be able to do it Je pourrai le faire
I will not be able to do it Je ne pourrai pas le
(In the future tense, pouvoir contracts. Other
verbs ending in -oir are similar in the future
tense: voir (je verrai), savoir (je saurai),
devoir (je devrai) and so on)
I won't be able to find it here Je ne pourrai
pas le trouver ici
*Do you have any (of it)? En avez-vous? Est-
ce que vous en avez?
No, I don't have any (of it) Non, je n'en ai pas
*There is / are some (of it) Il y en a
There is / are still some, there is / are still some
left Il y en a encore
I don't have any more (of it) Je n'en ai plus
There is / are no more (of it) (We're out of it) Il
n'y en a plus
There isn't / aren't any (of it) Il n'y en a pas
*I'm sorry... Je regrette, Je suis dsol...
...but the aren't any more of it ...mais il n'y
en a plus
(Track 7, 8.13) Comment vas-tu
*How are you? (How are you going?)
Comment allez-vous?
I'm fine (going well). And you? Je vais bien
merci. Et vous?
I'm / It's fine, I'm / It's all right a va bien
*I get by, I manage, I am managing Je me
I get by in French Je me dbrouille en
I will manage, I will find a way (to do
something) Je me dbrouillerai
I don't know how but... Je ne sais pas
comment mais
...I am going to manage ...je vais me
(You use de after demander, dire and
decider if they are followed by a full
(infinitive) verb)
*I am going to decide to... Je vais dcider
I am going to decide to do it Je vais dcider
de le faire
I cannot decide to do it Je ne peux pas
dcider de le faire
I'm going to ask him / her Je vais lui
I'm going to ask them Je vais leur demander
I'm going to ask him / her... Je vais lui
...if he can / if she can do it ...s'il peut / si elle
peut le faire
...to come with us ...de venir avec nous
*I wodld like to ask you... Je voudrais vous
demander de
...to come with us ... venir avec nous
*Will you tell him / her... Voulez-vous lui dire
...to wait? ...attendre?
Will you ask him / her to call me later? Voulez-
vous lui demander de m'appeler plus
I think that he will decide to do it Je crois qu'il
va dcider de le faire
I am decided / determined to do it immediately
Je suis dcid de le faire tout de suit
to try, to try on essayer
*I would like... Je voudrais
I would like to try it on Je voudrais l'essayer
May I? Puis-je...?
May I see it? Puis-je le voir?
Can I see it? Est-ce que je peux le voir?
Is it all right? May I? (You permit?) Vous
(You use de after essayer and oublier if a
verb follows)
*I am going to try... Je vais essayer de
...to do it ...le faire
I don't know if I can do it... Je ne sais pas si je
peux le faire
...but I am going to try to do it ...mais je vais
essayer de le faire
*I am not going to forget... Je ne vais pas
oublier de
...to do it ...le faire
...to tell you ...vous dire
...to give it to you ...vous le donner
...to give it to him / her ...le lui donner
(When there are two l- words, as in le lui and
le leur, le comes before the pronoun
beginning with l-. When there is only one l-
words, all other pronouns such as me, te,
nous, vous come before le)
I would like to give it to you Je voudrais vous
le donner
I would like to give it to him / her Je voudrais
le lui donner
I'm not going to forget... Je ne vais pas
oublier de
I won't forget... Je n'oublierai pas de
...to give it to him / her ...le lui donner
(Track 8, 5.51)
*I really feel like doing it... J'ai vraiment envie
de le faire
...but I don't know if I can do it ...mais je ne
sais pas si je peux le faire
*I will / I am going to try to do it J'essayerai /
Je vais essayer de le faire
She would like to try on the dress Elle
voudrait essayer la robe
He would like to try it on Il voudrait l'essayer
*Is it worth going there? Est-ce que a vaut
la peine d'y aller? a vaut la peine d'y
It's not worth doing it a ne vaut pas la
peine de le faire
One / We can go there now if you want On
peut y aller maintenant si vous voulez
(You can push the t of peut into y aller)
*Will you ask him / her to wait for me? Voulez-
vous lui demander de m'attendre?
Will you tell him / her to wait for me? Voulez-
vous lui dire de m'attendre?
Will you come with me? Do you want to come
with me? Voulez-vous venir avec moi?
*Yes, certainly Oui, certainement
*I would like to Je voudrais bien
I want to Je veux bien
Agreed, certainly D'accord, certainement
Gladly Volontiers
You are very nice Vous tes trs gentil
It's very nice of you C'est trs gentil de
votre part
*OK? Is it OK? D'accord? C'est d'accord?
Does it agree with you? (It goes with you?) Is it
OK with you? a vous va?
Is it all right with you? (It convenes with you?)
a vous convient?
It's all right with me a me convient
It's going well a va bien
It's not all right with me, it's not convenient for
me a ne me convient pas
I like that J'aime a
It pleases me a me plat
It's a good idea C'est une bonne ide
I like that idea J'aime cette ide
That is a good idea a c'est une bonne ide
Disc # 2/2 French Builder Course -
I intend to leave next week J'ai l'intention de
partir la semaine prochaine
I will see you / I'm going to see you... Je vous
verrai / Je vais vous voir
...in a week ...dans huit jours
eight days ago il y a huit jours
*I am going to leave... Je vais partir
...in two weeks / in a fortnight ...dans deux
semaines / dans quinze jours
I am going to / I will see... Je vous verrai / Je
vais vous voir...
...in two weeks ...dans quinze jours
We will arrive in two weeks Nous allons
arriver dans quinze jours
(Asking for directions: If you stop a policeman
to ask for directions you will say Pardon
Monsieur. Simply say Pour aller ... "to go
to...", the place you want to go to and s'il
vous plat? "please?". Using a questioning
tone of voice you can even say just the name
and the place and s'il vous plat?)
(Track 4, 4.46)
Excuse me... Pardon Monsieur/
...(can you tell me) the way to ...pour aller
Place de l'Opra please? ...la Place de
l'Opra s'il vous plat?
...(can you tell me) the way to Lyon / the road
for Lyon? ...pour aller Lyon s'il vous plat?
*Cross the street... Traversez la rue...
*...then you continue / keep going straight
ahead ...puis vous continuez tout droit
...turn left ...vous tournez gauche
...turn right ...vous tournez droite
...at the third street you turn right ... la
troisime rue vous tournez droite
*It is on the right side / to your right C'est
votre droite
(Track 6, 7.46)
*It is... C'est
...terrible ...terrible
...horrible ...horrible
...awful ...affreux
I am going to find out (inform myself) Je vais
me renseigner
I must find out Je dois me renseigner
I have just found out (I come from finding out)
Je viens de me renseigner
*Will you try to... *Voulez-vous essayer de
...get it for me? ...l'obtenir pour moi?
I am going to try to... Je vais essayer de
...get it for you ...l'obtenir pour vous
...do it ...de le faire
I am going to take the plane... Je vais prendre
...to go (in order to go) to London ...pour aller
*It works, it functions (it marches) a marche
It works well like that a marche bien
comme a
*It doesn't work a ne marche pas
It doesn't work well a ne marche pas bien
(Use faire for "to have something done")
*I want to get /space have my shirts washed Je
veux faire laver mes chemises
Will you... Voulez-vous...
...have my suit cleaned (made neat)? ...faire
nettoyer mon costume?
...have the dress cleaned? ...faire nettoyer la
...have it cleaned? ...le faire nettoyer?
One is going to have many problems On va
avoir beaucoup de problmes
*to mean vouloir dire
You mean... (You want to say...) Vous voulez
*I mean... Je veux dire...
That's not what I mean Ce n'est pas ce que
je veux dire
What do you mean? (What do you want to
say?) Qu'est-ce que vous voulez dire?
I don't understand what you mean Ce ne
comprends pas ce que vous voulez dire
*It means... a veut dire...
Will you explain what you mean? Voulez-vous
expliquer ce que vous voulez dire?
Can you explain what that means? Pouvez-
vous expliquer ce que a veut dire?
*What does it mean? Qu'est-ce que a veut
I don't understand what it means Je ne
comprends pas ce que a veut dire
It is / was a pleasant (agreeable) evening C'est
/ C'tait une soire agreeable
to spend a (whole) day passer une journe
to spend a (whole) morning passer une
*together ensemble
If you want, we can go to the movies together
Si vous voulez nous pouvons / on peut
aller au cinma ensemble
We can drive there by car On peut y aller en
It is ridiculous C'est ridicule
It is too bad C'est dommage
I thank you Je vous remercie
*It seems to me that... Il me semble que...
...everything is all right (is going well) ...tout
va bien
*at least (at less) au moins
I would like to go there... Je voudrais y aller
...at least I will see what it is ...au moins je
verrai ce que c'est
*specially spcialement
It is very special C'est (trs) spcial
What speciality do you have? Quelle
spcialit avez-vous?
What is the speciality of the house? Quelle est
la spcialit de la maison?
Especially if you can tell me what you think
Spcialement si vous pouvez me dire ce
que vous pensez
*Above all / Mainly if you can tell me... Surtout
si vous pouvez me dire
*to reflect, to think about rflchir
I am going to think about it Je vais rflchir
Let me think about it Laissez-moi rflchir
I am going to let you know in a week Je vais
vous faire savoir dans huit jours
I will let you know... Je vous ferai savoir
It is going very well a va trs bien
It is going much better a va beaucoup
*to feel sentir
I feel it Je le sens
*I feel fine (feel myself) Je me sens bien
I feel better Je me sens mieux
I feel much better today Je me sens
beaucoup mieux aujourd'hui
I feel much better when I am alone Je me sens
beaucoup mieux quand je suis seul
I work much better when I am alone Je
travaille beaucoup mieux quand je suis
*I don't need / have need of anything Je n'ai
besoin de rien
I don't need / have need of it Je n'en ai pas
I need / have need of that J'ai besoin de a
I need / have need of it J'en ai besoin
(Track 9, 6.31)
*There are too many people here Il y a trop
de monde ici
Everybody is here Tout le monde est ici
Everybody is going to be here Tout le monde
va tre ici
Everybody is going to be there tonight Tout le
monde va tre l ce soir
There are many people Il y a beaucoup de
I don't want to stay here... Je ne veux pas
rester ici
...because there are too many people here
...parce qu'il y a trop de monde ici
...also it is very warm here ...aussi il fait trs
chaud ici
There is no air-conditioning here Il n'y a pas
de climatisation ici
It is not air-conditioned Ce n'est pas
I cannot stand the heat Je ne peux pas
supporter la chaleur
(To say "it is..." when you are talking about
whether, use il fait "it makes...", not
*It is... Il fait
...warm, hot ...chaud
...fine, beautiful weather beau
...fine, beautiful weather beau temps
...cold ...froid
*to be (to have) cold / warm avoir froid /
I am (have) warm J'ai chaud
Are you cold? Avez-vous froid?
(Note: If you say tes-vous froid? this means
"are you a cold person?"
We are warm here Nous avons chaud ici
It is warm here Il fait chaud ici
I am cold... J'ai froid...
...because it is cold here ...parce qu'il fait
froid ici
*to be hungry / thirsty avoir faim / soif
I am hungry (I have hunger / famine) J'ai faim
I am not hungry Je n'ai pas faim
I would like to eat something... Je voudrais
manger quelque chose
...because I am hungry ...parce que j'ai faim
I am thirsty J'ai soif
I would like to drink something... Je voudrais
boire quelque chose
...because I am thirsty ...parce que j'ai soif
What do you want to drink? Qu'est-ce que
vous voulez boire?
*to take, to have (food or drink) prendre
What would you like to have (to eat or drink)?
Qu'est-ce que vous voulez prendre?
(If you want to say "have" referring to food or
drink, never use avoir. Instead use prendre
meaning "to take, intake")
I am going to have (take) a cup of coffee Je
vais prendre une tasse de caf
I am going to have my breakfast Je vais
prendre mon petit-djeuner
Will you have breakfast with me? Voulez-vous
prendre le petit-djeuner avec moi?
At what time do you want to have breakfast
tomorrow morning? quelle heure voulez-
vous prendre le petit-djeuner demain
I am going shopping (to do purchases) Je vais
faire des achats
(Track 10, 7.32)
*myself moi-mme
I think I can do it myself Je pense/crois que
je peux le faire moi-mme
I am going to try to do it myself Je vais
essayer de le faire moi-mme
*anyway, even so quand mme
I am going to do it anyway Je vais le faire
quand mme
I will do it anyway Je le ferai quand mme
*even if... mme si
Even if you tell me that I cannot do it... Mme
si vous me dites que je ne peux pas le
...I am going to try to do it anyway ...je vais
essayer de le faire quand mme
I am going to do it slowly Je vais le faire
It is not going very well a ne va pas trs
It is going badly a va mal
It astonishes me, surprises me a m'tonne
I am surprised Je suis surprise
He is surprised Il est surprise
*He is quite surprised Il est bien surprise
(bien before an adjective means "quite")
*She is surprised Elle est surprise
Are you surprised? tes-vous surpris /
(If you are talking about a woman, add -e to
surpris to make it feminine)
*It doesn't surprise me a ne m'tonne pas
*It is... C'est...
*...magnificent ...magnifique
...superb ...superbe
...great ...formidable
...fantastic, tremendous ...fantastique
*bad / badly mauvais / mal
It is very bad C'est trs mauvais
I don't like it because it is very bad a ne me
plat pas parce que c'est trs mauvais
He is doing it badly Il le fait mal
It is going badly a va mal
It is not going badly today a ne va pas mal
On the contrary, it is going very well Au
contraire, a va trs bien
*It is very light C'est trs lger
It is very heavy C'est trs lourd
It is too heavy C'est trop lourd
*to lift / to get up lever / se lever
I am lifting it up Je le lve
I am getting up (lifting myself up) Je me lve
I am going to get up Je vais me lever
I am going to get up early Je vais me lever
I am going to get up earlier Je vais me lever
plus tt
It is too early C'est trop tt
I am going to get up early (of good hour)
tomorrow morning Je vais me lever de
bonne heure demain matin
*It is very heavy C'est trs lourd
I cannot lift it up... Je ne peux pas le lever
...because it is too heavy ...parce que c'est
trop lourd
without... sans...
...telling me ...me dire
...finding it ...le trouver
...leaving ...partir
...saying a word ...dire un mot