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Audi Navigation System Plus - MMI Operating Manual

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Operating Manual

MMI Navigation System plus

Vorsp rung durch Technik
Thank you for choosing the MMI Navigation System plus.
Your new Audi is designed with the latest technology, ena bling you to control all
on-board electronic systems and other settings centrally via the MMI.

We recommend that you read thi s Operating Manual carefu lly so that you quick-
ly become familiar with all the available functions of the MMI and can ta ke full
advantage of them in everyday use.

Please note that this Operating Manual is intended to supplement the informa-
tion in the Owner's Manual for your vehicle, so it should only be used in conj unc-
tion with the current edition of the Owner's Manual.

We wish you safe and enjoyable motoring with your Audi.


2 Table of Contents

About this Operating Manual 4 Supported media and file formats . . . 32

Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Controls ...................... . s
Overview ..................... . s System settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3S
Controls and displays at a glance ... . s Setting the time/date . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3S
Notes on traffic safety ............ . s Adjusting the sound............... 3S
Cleaning and care ................ . 6 Adjusting the system volume . . . . . . . 36
Notes on software Licences ........ . 6 On-board Handbook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Restarting the MMI system (Reset) . . 37
MMI control console ......... . 7 Other settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Switching the MMI system on/off ... . 7
Adjusting the volume ............ . 7 Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
How to use the controls . ... ....... . 7 Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
MMI touch ..................... . 8 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Speller for Letters/numbers ....... . 9 Bonding a mobile phone via Bluetooth 40
Menus and symbols .............. . 11 Calling up the telephone . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Dialling a telephone number . . . . . . . . 43
Multi-function steering wheel 13 Storing a telephone number . . . . . . . . 44
How to use the multi-function Answering and ending telephone ca lls 4S
steering wheel ................. . . 13 During a telephone call . . . . . . . . . . . . 4S
Using the telephone ............ . . 14 Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Navigating . .................... . lS Listening to voicemail messages . . . . . 47
Listening to the radio ............. . 16 Emergency call functions . . . . . . . . . . 47
Playing media ................... . 16 Calling up the directory . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Finding a contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Speech dialogue system ..... . 19 Using a contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
How to use the speech dialogue Importing/exporting contacts . . . . . . SO
system ........................ . 18 Storing a new contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . SO
Notes on the overviews of commands 20 Other settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sl
Global commands .............. . . 20 Troubleshoot ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3
Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Audi connect .. . ................ . 21 Audi connect ................. . SS
Messages (Audi connect) .......... . 22 Introduction . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... . SS
Navigation ..................... . 23 Setting up ...................... . SS
Radio . ............... . ........ . 24 Configuring using myAudi .. .. ..... . S6
Media . ............... . ........ . 2S An overview of Audi connect services S6
Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) hotspot ...... . 60
Media drives/connections ... . 26 Configuring the data connection .. .. . 61
Introduction .. ... .............. . . 26 Online usage meter .............. . 62
Notes ... ... .. .. . . ..... .. .... .. . 26 Notes on Audi connect ......... ... . 62
SD card readers ................. . 27 Troubleshooting ................. . 64
DVD drive ...................... . 27
Jukebox ........................ . 28 Navigation .................... . 6S
Bluetooth audio player ........... . 29 Navigating .................... . 6S
Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) audio player .. . 29 Calling up the navigation menu .. .. . 6S
Audi music interface ............. . 31 Entering a destination ............ . 6S
Starting/stopping route guidance ... . 70
How to use the map .............. . 70
Table of Contents 3

Google Earth map display . . . . . . .. . . 71

Electric range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 72
Other settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 73
Calling up traffic information . . . .. . . 76
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 79
Mecca display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 79

Entertainment . . . . . . . ... . ... . . 80

Listening to the radio ... . ... . . 80
Calling up the radio . . . . . . ... . ... . . 80
Radio functions . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . . 81
Other settings . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . . 82
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . . 83

Playing media . . . . . . . . ... . ... . . 84

Calling up the media menu ... . ... . . 84
Media centre . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . . 85
Other settings . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . . 86

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

4 About this Operating Manual

This Operating Manual contains important in-

formation, tips, suggestions and warnings.
@ For the sake of the environment
Texts with this symbol refer to points rele-
Please ensure that this Operating Manual is vant to the protection of the environment.
always kept in the vehicle. It should always be
available to anyone else driving the vehicle, @ Note
i.e. anyone renting, borrowing or buying the
Texts with this symbol contain additional
vehicle from you.
information of a more general nature.
Some sections of this Operating Manual do
not apply to all vehicles. If this is the case, a
text at the start of the section indicates which
vehicles it applies to, e.g. "Applies to vehicles:
with multi-function steering wheel". This op-
tional or vehicle-specific equipment is also
marked with an asterisk"*".

Illustrations are intended as a general guide,

and may vary from the equipment fitted in
your vehicle in some details.

At the beginning of this Operating Manual,

you will find a table of contents showing all
the items described in this manual in the or-
der in which they appear. An alphabetical in-
dex is included at the end of the Operating

All references to positions s uch as "left",

"right", "front" or "rear" are given as seen fac-
ing in the direction of travel.

* Optional or vehicle-specific equipment.

~ The section is continued on the following

.&. Refers to a "WARNING" within the same

section. If the WARNING symbol is followed

by a page number the warning text referred to
is included in a different section .

Texts with this symbol contain safety infor-
mation. They warn you of serious dangers,
possibly involving accident or injury.

Texts with this symbol draw your attention
to a possible risk of damage to your vehi-
Overview 5

Controls and displays at a glance
The Multi Media Interface (MMI) combines different communication, navigation* and entertain-
ment systems in your Audi.

Fig. 1 MMI controls and displays

You can operate your MMI system via the MMI your vehicle's equipment and features,
control console, the multi-function steering please refer to your Owner's Manual.
wheel* or the speech dialogue system* - This manual describes the equipment
fig. 1: available for the vehicle at the time of
going to print. Some of the equipment
CD Multi-function steering wheel 13
described here will not be available until
@ Driver information system .... 13
a Later date, or may only be available in
@ MMI display certain markets.
@ Button for folding the MMI di s- - The arrangement of the system compo-
play in and out nents on right-hand drive models* may
@ ON/OFF button ..... . .... .. . . 7 be slightly different from the Layout
@ Buttons for calling up menus di- shown in Fig. 1. However, the symbols
rectly ..................... . 7 used to identify the controls are the
(j) MMI control console 7 same.

@ Note Notes on traffic safety
I - Please note that only the MMI and its
You should only perform certain functions,
components are described in this Operat-
\D e.g. enter a destination, wh ile the vehicle is
Lil ing Manual. For more information about
...... stationary. Always be prepared t o stop IJll.
6 Overview

operating the system in the interest of your

own safety and that of other road users .

.&. WARNINCi - I
- Today's driving conditions require your
full attention. As the driver, you have full
responsibility for the safety of the vehi-
cle and other road users. For this reason,
only operate the MMI system when the
traffic conditions allow you to do so safe-
ly and when you can maintain proper
control of your vehicle - risk of accident.
- The volume of the audio sources (radio,
CD player, etc.) should only be set at a
level which enables you to hear distant
police and emergency vehicles clearly -
failure to do so could result in an acci-
- Please observe the laws regulating the
use of telephones in vehicles.

Cleaning and care

For information on the care and cleaning of
the infotainment system's controls and dis-
plays, please refer to the Care of vehicle and
cleaning chapter of your car's Owner's Man-

Notes on software
For information o n the MMI system's software
a nd its lice nce conditio ns, select: IM ENU I but -
ton > cont rol but ton Setup MMI > Version in-
formation > section Software info; or go to
www.audi.com/ software info.
MMI control console 7

MMI control console - Mute/pause: Briefly press the ON/ OFF but-
ton. Or: Turn the ON/ OFF button anti-clock-
Switching the MMI wise.
system on/off - Unmute/resume: Briefly press the ON/ OFF
button . Or: Turn the ON/ OFF button clock-
The MMI system is switched on/off automati- wise.
cally when the ignition is switched on/off. In
addition it can be switched on/off manually. @ Note
- To switch on manually: Briefly press the When you switch on the MMI system, very
ON/OFF button @ page 5, Fig. 1. Or: high/very Low volume Levels are automati-
Press the IMENU I button or one of the but- cally reduced / increased to a preset Level.
tons for calling up menus directly @ .

When the system is switched on, the Last se- How to use the
lected menu will be displayed, and the Last se- controls
lected audio source will be played.
You can easily call up the various functions of
- To switch off manually: Press and hold the the MMI system with its intuitive and stand-
ON/OFF button until the MMI switches ardised control layout.
off. The MMI system will not be switched on
automatically when the ignition is switched
on if it was turned off manually the Last
time it was operated.

The MMI system remains in operative mode

for approximately ten minutes after the igni-
tion is switched off. If you do not press any
button or the rotary pushbutton on the MMI
control console within this period, the MMI
system will be switched off automatically.

@ Note
- If the engine is switched off and the bat-
tery charge Level is Low, the MMI system
will be switched off automatically.
- There may be a delay in folding out/
switching on the display.

Fig. 2 How to use the controls

Adjusting the volume
Using the ON/OFF button, you can adjust the Selecting and confirming a function
volume of an audio source or system message "" To select a function: Turn the rotary
(e.g. during a speech dialogue) directly while pushbutton to the desired function.
it is being played. .,. @ To confirm the selection: Press the rota-
ry pushbutton. .,..
- Volume up/down: Turn the ON/OFF button
~ page 5, Fig . 1 clockwise or anti-clock-
I wise.
8 MMI control console

Calling up a function in a corner of the symbol @ Fig . 4 and the ring on the outside
display of the touch pad on the rota ry pushbutton
.,.. Press the control button that corre- lights up .
sponds to the corner of the display. For in-
Entering letters, numbers and symbols
stance, the top right control button corre-
sponds with the top right corner of the dis- Important: You must be able to enter text or
play. numbers.
- Use you r finge r to write letters, numbers
Calling up the main menu
and symbols on the touch pad. When the
.,.. Press the button marked IMENU I CZ) system recognises characters, they wi ll be
page 5, Fig. 1. The MMI menus (e.g. Ra- shown on the MMI display (!) Fig. 3 and
dio) are displayed. may be read out by the system. The selected
Calling up a menu directly character will be copied into the entry field.
- To select a different character: Turn the ro-
.,.. Press the corresponding button @ towards tary pus hbutton clockwise or anti-clockwise
the menu yo u wish to open (e.g. IRADIO Ior @ and press it.
- To enter a space: Move your finger from left
Returning to the previous function level to right across the touch pad. If the menu
language is Arabic: Note the direction of
.,.. Press the I BACKI button CZ).
- To delete a character: Move your finger from
MMI touch right to left across the touch pad. If the
The fv1fv1I touch pad is located on the surface menu language is Arabic: Note the direction
of the rotary pushbutton. of writing.
- To end the entry/go to the selection list:
Press the rotary pushbutton .

Finding a contact in the directory

Importa nt: The directory must have been
ca lled up page 48.

- To jump to a particular initial letter in the

list: Write the desired letter on the touch
pad with your finger.
- To narrow your search: Write further letters
Fig. 3 Entering a navigation destination
on the touch pad with your finger.
- To end the entry/go to the selection list:
Press the rotary pushbutton.

Moving the crosshairs/map

Important: A map must be displayed
page 65.
- To move the crosshairs on the standard
map: Press the rotary pushbutton. The
Fig. 4 Display when MMI touch is active
crosshairs will appear on the map. To move
the crosshairs, move your finger in the de-
When you can operate the system us ing the s ired direction on the touch pad. Or: Put
MMI touch pad, the MMI screen s hows the
MMI control console 9

your finger on the corresponding area at the - To browse through the album covers: Move
edge of the touch pad. your finger to the left or right on the touch
- To move the Google Earth map: Press the pad.
rotary pushbutton. The crosshairs will ap- - To select an album cover: Press the rotary
pear on the map. To move the map, move pushbutton.
your finger in the desired direction on the
Operating the DVD main menu
touch pad. Or: Put your finger on the corre-
sponding area at the edge of the touch pad. Important: A video DVD must be playing
page 84.
Adjusting the sound focus
- To select a menu option: Move yo ur finger
Important: The balance/fader option must be
up/dow n or to the left/right on the touch
selected page 35.
- To move the crosshairs of the sound focus: - To confirm your selection: Press the rotary
Move your finger in the desired direction on pushbutton.
the touch pad.
((!)) Note
Browsing through/selecting album covers
You can set the volume of the MMI touch
Important: The Media menu must be open spoken cues according to your own prefer-
and a source must have been selected ences page 36.
page 84.

Speller for Letters/numbers

Fig. S Speller

- To enter a letter/number: Turn the rotary - To delete a letter/number: Us ing the rotary
pushbutton and use the pointer CD Fig. 5 pushbutton, turn the pointer to + @ and
to select the desired letter/n umber. These- press the rotary pushbutton. To delete all
lected letter/number will appear larger in characters in the entry field, se lect + and
the selection ring @ . Press the rotary push- press and hold the rotary pu s hbutton until
button to confirm the letter/number. Your all characters have been deleted.
N entry wi ll appear in the entry field @ . When - To enter a special character: Press the con-
you have entered all characters, select and trol button for 0-9 0 Fig. 5 and enter the
\D confirm OK desired special character (such as a hyphen
...... or full stop) using the speller for numbers. 1J1J>

10 MMI control console

- Input help: In some cases (such as the navi- Overview of the symbols in the speller
gation function) ce rtain letters are not avail-
The symbols of the speller for letters/ num-
able for selection if they are an illogical op-
bers are explained in the follow ing table:
tion. This means that yo u can only select
those letters that are offered as a logical
possibility for this entry.

Symbol/ marking Explanation

The selected character is highlighted in wh ite and appears la rger
CD Pointer
in the selection ring.
@ Selection ring The character selected with the pointer appears larger.

To enter a space in the entry field.

~~ To move the cursor in the entry field forwards and backwards.

OK To confirm the entry.

To switch from lower case to upper case letters and vice ve rsa.
Menu language Arabic: To s how additional Arabic characters.
To switch the speller from letters to numbers and vice versa.
To show language-s pecific special characters or the Cyrillic alpha-
Menu language Arabic: To switch between Arab ic and Roman

List To display a list of suggestions.

To delete the character to the left of the cursor.
@ + ! Delete
If the menu language is Arabic: Note t he direction of writing .
@ No. of entries The number of list entries found is displayed.
E.g. while e ntering a destination, a li st of large towns fi rst and
@ List of suggestions
then other towns in a lphabetical o rder is displayed.
@ Cursor The position that is currently being edited is marked.
The cu rrent e ntry is di s played.
~ Entry field Menu language Arabic: A vertical line on the left/right side of
the cursor indicates where the next character will be inserted.
MMI control console 11

Menus and symbols

Fig. 6 Menus and symbols

Symbol / marking Explanation

0 Selected option Selected function

Arrow for
@ Further available functions
Mute Audio source muted page 7

TMC Reception ofTMC traffic information page 77

Copying procedure Copying audio/video files to the ju ke box page 28
Time Time setting page 35
0 Telephone Missed calls page 43
Unread text message (SMS)
Crossed-out e nvelope: text message memo ry is full
Signal strength bars for Reception strength of mobile phone network of a connected mo-
mobile phone* bile phone page41
Reception strength of the active connection, or
Signal strength bars for PIN: Enter the SIM PIN code
data connection* PUK: Enter the PUK code
SIM: Insert the SIM card page 55
@ TP Reception of traffic announcements table on page 82
@ Update procedure Update of the navigation database page 38
@ Import procedure Import/update of contacts in the directory/call List

~ Bluetooth* Bluetooth device connected page 29 I page 41

Network coverage of the active connection page 51
2G: GSM network
3G: UMTS network
0 @ 2G/3G/LTE* LTE: LTE network
I When a data connection has been established, a symbol indicat-
ing the active data connection @ Fig. 6 appears in the status
Lil line of the MMI display
12 MMI control console

Symbol / marking Explanation

Entries that can be changed using the speller for letters/ num-
@ Entry field
bers page 9
Settings for the selected function that can be called up by press-
@ Selection list
ing the rotary pushbutton
Submenu with additional functions that can be called up by
@> Arrow
pressing the rotary pushbutton
@) Heading Selected menu (e.g . Telephone)
Multi-function steering wheel 13

Multi-function steering - To confirm your selection: Press the left

- To scroll through lists rapidly: Scroll the
How to use the multi- left thumbwhee l quickly.
function steering - To open/leave a submenu: Press the~ but-
Applies to vehicles: with multi-function steering wheel The equipment installed on your vehicle de-
You can use the multi-function steering wheel termines which of the following tabs are avail-
to operate a number of MM! functions and able:
the driver information system, adjust the vol- - 1st tab: Information on car, assist systems
ume and switch the speech dialogue system* - 2nd tab 1 >: Warning/indicator lamps, driver
on/off. messages, speed warning
- 3rd tab : Radio/media page 16
- 4th tab: Telephone* page 14
- 5th tab: Navigation* page 15

@ Steering wheel button

- To call up the assigned function : Press the
[!] button on the multi-function steering
- To change the assigned function: On the
Fig. 7 Driver information system MMl, select IMENU I button > Car > control
button Car systems* > Vehicle settings >
Steering wheel button.

@ Adjusting the volume

You can adjust the volume of an audio source
or system message (e.g. during a speech dia-
logue) directly while it is being played.

- Volume up/down: Scroll the right thumb-

Fig. 8 Controls on the multi-function steering wheel wheel up/down.
- Mute/pause: Scroll the right thumbwheel
Important: The ignition and the MMI system down. Or: Press the right thumbwheel.
must be switched on page 7. - Unmute/resume: Scroll the right thumb-
wheel upwards. Or: Press the right thumb-
(!) How to use the driver information wheel.
The driver information system shows informa - @ Switching the speech dialogue system
tion @ in severa l display tabs @ .
- To switch on: Briefly press the 51 button on
- To switch between tabs: Press the left/right
the multi-function steering wheel. Give a
side of the I<l t>I button.
spoken command after the beep signal. IJll>
- To select a function: Scroll the left thumb-
wheel to the desired function.
l) The second tab is only visible if one or more warning/
indicator Lamps or driver messages are displayed or if
...... the relevant system is switched on.
14 Multi-function steering wheel

- To switch off: Press and hold the~ button For more information on the symbols dis-
for several seconds. Or: Say the command played, refer to page 48.
Call list: The call lists contain a ll received,
For more information about the speech dia- placed and missed calls page 43, Fig. 30.
logue system, refer to page 19.
i Note
Navigation cue during active route
guidance* - The functions of the telephone can be
operated using the multi-function steer-
- To have the last navigation cue repeated:
ing wheel only if the telephone equip-
Press the QJ button. ment was installed at the factory .
- To adjust the volume of the navigation
- The functions of the telephone depend
cues: Scroll the right thumbwheel up/down on your mobile phone and whether they
while a navigation cue is being played. are supported by your mobile network
service provider.
Using the telephone
Overview Incoming calls
Applies to vehicles: with multi-function steering wheel Applies to vehicles: with multi-function steering wheel
and telephone and telephone

Caller information: Depending on whether

the caller is stored in the directory and wheth-
er the telephone number is transmitted with
the call, the name, the telephone number or
Unknown will appear on the display of the
driver information system.

- To answer a call: Press the left thumbwheel

when there is an incom ing call.
Fig. 9 Directory - To ignore a call: Se lect and confirm Ignore
when there is an incom ing call.
Important: A mobile phone must be connec- - To end a call: Select and confirm End call.
ted to the MMI page 41, and the tele-
phone display tab must be displayed During a telephone call
page 13. Applies to vehicles: with multi-function steering wheel
and telephone
.,.. Select:~ button.
- To make a further call: Select and confirm
- To call a directory contact: Select and con- Hold > ~ button > Directory or Call list >
firm Directory. Select and confirm a contact. entry in list.
- To call a contact in the call list: Select and - To answer a further call when you are talk-
confirm Call list. Select and confirm a con- ing on the phone and have another call on
tact. hold: Select and confirm Replace. The cur-
Directory contacts: Only directory contacts for rent call will be replaced by the incoming
which a telephone number is stored are dis- call.
played in the driver information system. If Other functions are:
several telephone numbers are stored for one
contact, the list of stored telephone numbers Microphone off: If you select and confirm this
is displayed first when the contact is selected. option, the caller will no longer be able to .,..
Multi-function steering wheel 15

hear you; you will still be able to hear the call- - To display the compass when route guid-
er. ance is not active: Select and confirm Com-
Hold/Resume: You can put a call on hold and
- To cancel the active route guidance: Select
retrieve it from the hold queue later.
and confirm Stop route guidance.
Switch: You can switch between two phone - To switch the navigation cues on/off: Select
calls (one of them will be on hold at any given and confirm Voice guidance on/Voice guid-
time). Select End call to end whichever call is ance off.
active. The call on hold will remain in the hold - To start route guidance to the stored home
queue and can be retrieved by selecting Re- address: If applicable, select and confirm
sume. Stop route guidance, and then select Home
Conference: Up to five callers and one caller address page 69.
on hold can take part in a conference (depend-
ing on the network service). To set up a fur- Display when route guidance is active
ther call, select Hold to place all the members Applies to vehicles: with multi-function steering wheel
and navigation system
of an existing conference on hold. You can
then press the ~ button to place another call
to a contact in the directory or the call list. Se-
lect Resume if you want to retrieve all partici-
pants in an existing conference from the hold

@ Note
The option Call waiting must be activated
on your mobile phone and on the MMI
Fig. 10 Display when a lane change is required
page 52 for you to be made aware of
incoming calls during a conversation. The
call options depend on your mobile net-
work service provider. For more informa-
tion, contact your service provider.

Applies to vehicles: with multi-function steering wheel
and navigation system Fig. 11 Display when a turn-off is requi red

Important: A destination or tour plan must Important: A destination or tour plan must
have been entered page 65, the route have been entered page 65, the route
guidance function must have been started guidance function must have been started
page 70, and the navigation display tab page 70, and the navigation display tab
must be open page 13. must be open page 13.
The following options are available when you CD Distance to turn-off
press the ~ button:
@ Total distance to destination/
N - To display the navigation screen when next stopover
route guidance is active: Select and confirm Estimated time of arrival
Route guidance. Name of motorway, major road
...... or street you are driving on. The
16 Multi-function steering wheel

symbol 0 in front of the street Listening to the radio

name indicates that you are be- Applies to vehicles: with mult i-function steering wheel
ing directed to turn into the
Arrow indicating direction of up-
coming turn-off
@ Lane recommendation
0 If an arrow is displayed, a bar
graph wi ll also appear. The few-
er bars are displayed, the short-
er the distance to the turn-off
point. Fig. 12 Radio menu

The following functions are available w hen Important: The radio/media disp lay tab must
route guidance is active: be displayed page 13.
- To have the last navigation cue repeated : ... Select: ~ button.
Press the QJ button.
- To adjust the volume of the navigation - To set the waveband: Select and confirm
cues: Scroll the right thumbwheel up/ down the waveband.
while a navigation cue is being played. - To tune to a station from the station list:
Select and confirm a radio station .
If route guidance has not been started, a com-
- To tune to a station from the memory list:
pass is shown in the navigation display tab.
Select and confirm Memory and then select

and confirm a radio station.
- To call up media via the source list: Select
The route calculated by the navigation sys- and confirm an audio source.
tem is a recommendation of how best to
reach a destination. Pay attention to traffic
Lights, no-stopping signs, Lane change re-
Playing media
Applies to vehicles : with multi-function steering wheel
strictio ns, one-way streets, etc.
Important: A media drive must contain audio
((Di Note files page 28, and the radio/ media d isplay
An exclamation mark"!" in front of the tab must be displayed page 13.
street name indicates that the navigation ... To play an audio file: Select and confirm a
data of the MMI system do not contain all track .
the information on this street or street ... To pause/resume playback: Press the right
section. Pay attention to traffic rules s uch thumbwheel. To continue playback, press
as one-way streets or pedestrian zones. the right thumbwheel again .

The following options are available when you

press the ~ button:

- To select a source: Select and confirm a

source, e.g. Audi music interface.
- To call up a radio station via the source list:
Select and confirm a waveband. .,..
Multi-function steering wheel 17

((!)) Note
The MMI media drives do not support
ORM-protected files; these files are
marked with the symbol i'.D.

18 Speech dialogue system

Telephone Call (XY)

Audi connect Enter number
Navigation Redial
Directory Dictate text message
Radio Read new message
Media Read new e-mail
Tone Navigate to (XY)
Help Enter address
Help Speech Dialogue System Stop route guidance
Help Telephone Map
Help Audi connect Line (XY)
Help Navigation Next I Previous page
Help Map Cancel
Help Radio Online destinations
Help Media

'11 ELE Bf,I O~E

Enter number Call List
Dial number Redial
Delete number I Correction Call mailbox
Directory Enter I delete PIN
Call (XY) Dictate text message I Read text message
business I private I land line I mobile Favourites

Navigate to (XY) Fast route I eco route I short route

Business address I private address Route List
start I stop route guidance Calculate alternative routes
Directory Online destinations
Last destinations Special destination
Favourites Next Audi service I railway station I airport I hotel I
Home address hospital I parking space I service area I restaurant I
Enter address I country I town petrol station
Exclude route I Exclude route for (XY) km I m
Dynamic traffic avoidance on I off

Day map I night map I additional info on or off I intersection map on or off
2 D driving position or 2 D north position map I 3D driving position map I destination map I Overview map
Automatic zoom on I off

Flight information I Train information

City events
Online news
Facebook I Twitter

Station (XY) SD card 1 I SD card 2
Ensemble (XY) Audi music interface I Bluetooth I
Frequency (XY) Wireless LAN I Jukebox
Station List I Memory List Tracks I Artist I Album I Playlists I Album browser I
Traffic programme on I off Video I Genres
Folder up

Fig. 13 Overview of commands

Speech dialogue system 19

Speech dialogue How to help the system understand you

system Speak clearly in a normal volume. Speak Loud-

er if you are driving fast.
How to use the speech
Speak in a normal tone without Long pauses.
dialogue system
Applies to vehicles: with speech dialogue system Avoid speaking when the speech dialogue sys-
You can operate many infotainment func- tem is saying a cue.
tions conveniently by voice. Close doors, windows and sun roof* to reduce
background noise. Make sure that passengers
are not talking when you say a command.

Keep the air outlets of the air distribution sys-

tem pointed away from the microphone,
which is fitted in the vicinity of the front inte-
rior lights in the headliner.

The system should only be operated by the

driver, since the handsfree microphone is di-
Fig. 14 Talk button and right thumbwheel rected towards the driver.

Other settings
Important: The ignition and the MMI system
must be switched on page 7, you must not Press the Setup MMI control button to access
be talking on the phone, and the parking aid the main menu if you would Like to change
must not be active. other settings, e.g. for the individual speech
training to adapt the system to your voice,
"'To switch on: Briefly press t he 5l button
the Command display or the volume of the
Fig. 14 on the multi-function steering
navigation cues page 38.
whee l* and give a spoken command after
the beep signa l.
"'To switch off: Press and hold the 5l button -

for severa l seconds. Or: Press and hold any - Please direct your full attention to the
button on the MMI control console. road at all times! As the driver, you have
"'To cancel your input: Press the 5l button full responsibility for the safety of the
and say a new command. Or: Say the com- vehicle and other road users. For th is rea-
mand CANCEL. son, you should only use the functions in
a manner that allows you to maintain
Input help control of the vehicle in all situations -
The system guides you through the input rou- accident ri sk!
tine with cues and messages. - The speech dialogue system must not be
used in cases of emergency, since the
- Input help messages on screen: After the
voice changes in stressful situations. This
speech dialogue system is switched on, the
could result in a failed or delayed tele-
MMI display will show a selection of possi-
phone connection. Always dial emergen-
ble commands. The command display can be
cy numbers manually!
switched on/off in the main menu via Setup
MMI > Speech dialogue system.
0 @ Note
N - Spoken input help cues: To have the system
I - The dialogue is paused when an incom-
play the commands currently possible,
ing telephone call is received; you can
\D switch on the speech dialogue system and
Lil continue the dialogue by ignoring the .,..
...... say Help .
20 Speech dialogue system

call. If you answer the call, the dialogue Alternative commands are separated by the
will be cancelled. symbol "I"; for example you can say: Tele
- No navigation cues* or traffic announce- phone I (or) Navigation I (or) Radio.
ments are given when a dialogue is run-
Commands that belong together and should
ning .
be spoken as a sequence are marked with the
- You can select an entry from a list both symbol">"; for example yo u can say: Enter
via the speech dialogue system and us-
address > (a nd subsequently) Enter country.
ing the rotary pushbutton .
- Please note that the speech dialogue As a rule, only the main commandos are dis-
system is not available for Cabriolet played. However, the system may also recog-
models. nise some synonyms. For example, for busi
- The speech dialogue system does not ness address you can also say work address,
support commands in Arabic. office address, the office or work.

Notes on the overviews

of commands
Applies to vehicles: with speech dialogue system

The following overviews show you the com-

mands that you can give to operate the MMI
via the speech dialogue system.

Global commands
Applies to vehicles: with speech dialogue system

You ca n give global command s any time, irre-

spective of the menu currently se lected.

Function Say:
Calling up the menu Telephone I Directory I Navigation I Radio I Media I
Audi connect I Car I Tone
Having t he system play the possi- Help I Help Speech dialogue system I Help Telephone I
ble commands Help Navigation I Help Map I Help Radio I Help Media I
Help Audi connect
Telephon e functions Call (XV), e.g. Call John Smith I
Enter number I Redial I Directory I Dictate text message I
Read new text message I Read new e-mail
Navigation functions Navigate to (XV), e .g. Navigate to John Smith I
Enter address I Stop route guidance I Map I
Online destinations I Online destination (XV)
Selecting an entry from a list Line (XV)
Scrolling through a list Next page I Previous page
Switching off the speech dialogue Cancel
Speech dialogue system 21

Applies to vehicles: with speech dialogue system and telephone

Important: A mobile phone must be connec-

ted to the MMI page 41, and the Tele-
phone menu must be open page 43.

Function Say:
Calling a contact from the di rec- Call (XV), e.g. Call John Smith
Dialling a specific number stored Call (XV) business I private I land line I mobile,
for a contact e.g. Call John Smith private
Dialling a phone number when an Call I Call business number I Call private number I Call land
address card is open line I Call business mobile
Displaying the call li st Call list
Calling the last number dialled Redial
Dialling a telephone number Enter number > enter phone number in blocks of individual
digits when requested, e.g. 07441 234 567 > Dial
Correcting an entered phone Delete number I Correction
Displaying contact information Directory > enter desired contact when requested,
e.g. John Smith
Calling up the favourites Favourites > Line (XV)
Listening to voice mail messages Call mailbox
Entering the SIM PIN code Enter PIN > enter PIN in individual digits when requested >
Correcting an entered PIN Correction I Delete PIN

by saying only the first name or sur-

@ Note
- If you have a mobile phone that trans- - For more information on which mobile
mits first names and surnames separate- phones are supported, please go online
ly, you can select directory contacts both (e.g. www.audi.com/bluetooth or
by entering the full name ("first name, www.audi.com / mp3) or contact an Audi
su rname" or "surname, first name") and dealer.

Audi connect
Applies to vehicles: with speech dialogue system and Audi connect

Important: The requirements for Audi connect

must be met page 55. .,..

22 Speech dialogue system

Function Say:
Calling up an Audi connect service Audi connect> follow the directions given by the system
Audi connect services Weather I Travel information I Online news I City events I
Fuel prices I Train information I Parking information I
Flight information I Twitter I Facebook
Search areas for Audi connect In vicinity of destination I In immediate vicinity I In new
services town

<(!) Note
Please observe the notes in the chapter
Notes on Audi connect page 62.

Messages (Audi connect)

Applies to vehicles: with speech dialogue system and Audi connect

Requirements Profile) must be connected to the MMI

A SIM card with a messaging and data option
must be inserted in the SIM card reader* The declaration of consent must have been ac-
page 55. cepted page 52.
Or, a SIM card with a data option must be in- The Telephone menu must be open
serted in the SIM card reader and a mobile page43.
phone with activated MAP (Message Access

Function Say:
Dictate text message Dictate text message I Dictate text message to (XV) > fol-
low the directions given by the system
Commands for text editing Read I Continue I Delete I Re-record I Replace with (XV) I
Add recipient I Send
Having messages read out Read text message I Read e-mail
Replying to an opened text mes- Reply
Forwarding an opened text mes- Forward > Add recipient I Insert template I Send

(e.g. www.aud i.com/bluetooth or

@ Note
www.audi.com/ mp3) or contact an Audi
- The "Dictate text message" service is not dealer.
available in all languages and markets. - Please observe the notes in the chapter
Your Audi dealer will be able to provide Notes on Audi connect page 62.
you with more detailed information.
- For more information on which mobile
phones are supported, please go on line
Speech dialogue system 23

Applies to ve hicles: w ith speech dialogue system and navigation system

Important: The Navigation must be open You can say the fo llowing commands to enter
page 65. a destination:

Function Say:
Calling up a navigation list Last destinations I Favourites
Calling up your home address Home address
Entering an address with assis- Enter address > follow the directions given by the system
tance from the system
Entering an address directly Enter address > name of town, street and house number,
e.g. "London, Edgwa re Road 132"
Individual commands for entering Enter country > Enter town I Enter post code I Enter street I
a destination Enter house number I Enter centre
Making corrections while entering Correction
a destination
Entering a town centre as the des- Enter address > town when requested > Centre > Start route
ti nation guidance
Navigating to a contact Navigate to (XY), e.g. Navigate to John Smith
Navigating to a specific address Navigate to (XV) business address I Private address,
stored for a contact e.g. Navigate to John Smith business address
Navigating to favourites Favourites > Line (XV) >start route guidance when reques-
Starting route guidance when an Navigate I Navigate to private address I Navigate to busi-
address card is open ness address
Changing the address while route Enter address > desired address when requested > confirm
guidance is active new destination when requested
Adding a stopover while route Enter address > enter desired address when requested > Set
guidance is active as stopover
Starting route guidance after en- Start route guidance
tering a destination
Cancelling the active route guid- Stop route guidance
Calculating three alternative Calculate alternative routes
Entering a special destination with Special destination > enter desired search area when re-
search area with assistance from quested > enter desired category and, if necessary, subcote-
the system gory when requested, e.g. "Restaurant"
Categories for entering special Audi Service I Railway station I Airport I Hotel I Hospital I
destinations Parking space I Service area I Restaurant I Petrol station
~ Entering a special destination with Special destination and search area,
\D search area directly e.g. "Find petrol station in immediate vicinity"
24 Speech dialogue system

Function Say:
Search areas for entering special In immediate vicinity I In vicinity of route I In vicinity of
destinations destination I In vicinity of stopover I In new town I Nation-
wide I In new country
The following special destination Next Audi Service I Next railway station I Next airport I
examples can be set directly as Next hotel I Next hospital I Next parking space I Next serv-
the destination ice area I Next restaurant I Next petrol station
Entering an online destination* Special destination (XV), e.g. "Online destination Palace
Displaying an online destination* Show in list I Show on map

You can say the following commands to make

additional navigation settings:

Function Say:
General map options Map I Day map I Night map I Additional route info I Addi-
tional info overview map I Additional info off I Intersection
map on/off
Map type 2D driving position map I 2D north position map I 3D driv-
ing position map I Destination map I Overview map I
Standard map I Traffic map I Google Earth map
Automatic map zoom Automatic zoom I Automatic zoom off I Automatic inter-
section zoom
Displaying the route list Route list
Displaying remaining distance/ Destination info
time while route guidance is active
Setting the navigation cues during Voice guidance on I Voice guidance off I Voice guidance
active route guidance compact I Voice guidance complete I Voice guidance traffic
Dynamic traffic avoidance Dynamic traffic avoidance on I Dynamic traffic avoidance
Route criteria Fast route I Eco route I Short route
Excluding the next section of the Exclude route
Excluding a certain section of the Exclude route for (XV) metres/kilometres/yards/miles

may have to spell destinations to enter

(D} Note
them for route guidance.
- Depending on the selected menu lan- - Please observe the notes in the chapter
guage and the country you are in, you Notes on Audi connect page 62.

Applies to vehicles: with speech dialog ue system

Important: The Radio menu must be open

page 80. .,..
Speech dialogue system 25

Function Say:
Selecting a waveband FM I AM I DAB*
Tuning to a station from the sta- Station (XV) I Ensemble (XV) a) I Station list > Line (XV)
tion list
Tuning to a station from the Memory list > Line (XV)
memory list
Setting the frequency Frequency (XV)
Receiving traffic news stations Traffic programme on I Traffic programme off
and switching traffic announce-
ments on/ off

a) Applies t o the DAB* waveband

Applies to vehicles: with speech dialogue system

Important: The Media menu must be open

page 84 .

Function Say:
Selecting a source directly Jukebox I CD I SD card 1 I SD card 2 I Audi music interface I
Bluetooth I DVD I Wireless LAN *
Selecting audio/ video* files from Video I Playlists I Artist I Album I Tracks I Genres I Album
the jukebox browser
Selecting audio/video* files from Video* I Playlists I Artist I Album I Tracks I Podcasts I Genres
an iPod (source : Audi music inter- I Composers I Audiobooks
Navigating in a structure of fold - Folder up I Line (XV)
ers/ li st

26 Media drives/connections

Media drives/ when the files are played. If this information

is not stored on the relevant medium, the
MMI system will use the database of metada-
Introduction ta from Gracenote. Nevertheless, additional
information may not be d isplayed in some ca-
The MMI system includes various media drives ses.
and connections. For example, you can play
audio/video* files from the jukebox or connect Restricted functionality: If yo u experience re-
a portable player to the Audi music interface stricted functionality, reset the Media set-
and operate it via the MMI. tings to the factory defaults page 38.

If you experience restricted functionality of

Notes the jukebox, reset it to the factory settings
General notes
For information on the characteristics of the
Media and format limitations: The MMI sys- supported media and file formats, please re-
tem (including the SD card reader and the fer to page 32 onwards.
connection for the USB mass storage device*)
has been tested for use with many of the
CD/DVD mode
products and media currently available on the
market. However, there may be some devices/ CD/DVD and format limitations: In view of
media and audio/video* files that are not sup- the variety of CDs/DVDs and the difference in
ported or cannot be played, or the functionali- memory capacities, the functionality may be
ty may be limited under certain circumstan- restricted in the case of some storage devices.
ces. Under certain circumstances, audio CDs/video
DVDs that are copy-protected or CDs/DVDs
Copyright: Please note that copyright law also
that do not comply with the standard audio
applies to audio/video* file s.
format, a nd multisession CDs cannot be
The MMI media drives do not support DRM- played at all, or the functionality may be lim i-
protected files; these files are marked with ted. We recommend always finalising the
the symbol ffi. burning process when creating multisession
Data storage: Never store important data on CDs. Multisession is not supported for DVDs.
SD cards, the jukebox, CDs/DVDs or portable Handling CDs/DVDs and the DVD drive: To
players. Audi shall not accept a ny liability ensu re perfect, high-quality playback and
whatsoever for the loss offiles and media. avoid read error messages or damage to the
Loading times: The more files, folders or play- media drive, always store unused CDs/DVDs in
lists are stored on a storage device, the longer a s uitable case and do not expose them to di-
it will take to load the audio files/video* files. rect sunlight. Do not use:
We recommend using a storage device which - Damaged, dirty or scratched CDs/DVDs
contains only audio/video* files. If you want - Single CDs/DVDs (d iameter 8 cm I 3 inches)
to reduce the time it takes to load the audio/ - Non-circular CDs/DVDs (shape CDs)
video* files, you can create subfolders (e.g. for - CDs/DVDs with stic ke rs
an artist or a lbum). The loading time will be - Protective rings
extended add itio nally if you are importing da-
- Cleaning discs
Thermal cut-out: In the case of unusually hot
Additional information: Additional informa-
or cold outside temperatures, it is possible
tion stored on audio files (e.g. artists, tracks,
that CD/DVD playback wi ll temporarily not be .,..
album covers) will be displayed automatically
Media drives/connections 27

possible. A thermostat switch is installed to

protect the CD/DVD and the reading laser.
{(D Note
Store the SD cards in a suitable case to
Laser devices: Laser devices are divided into protect them from dirt and dust and to
the safety classes 1 to 4, as specified by DIN avoid damage.
IEC 76 (CO) 6/VDE 0837. The optical readers
installed in your vehicle are classified as safe-
DVD drive
ty class 1. Lasers used in devices that fall into
this category are very weak and well screened, The DVD drive is located in the glove box.
so there is no danger if used correctly.

Device cover: Never remove the device cover.

The device has no components that can be
serviced by the owner.

SD card readers
The SD card readers are Located in the glove
Fig. 16 DVD drive

-To load a CD/DVD: The CD/ DVD w ill be

drawn in automatically. Insert the CD/ DVD
(text facing upwards) into the DVD slot @
Fig. 16, holding it straight.
- To eject a CD/DVD : Press button (!).

After it has been ejected, the CD/ DVD wi ll be

pulled back into the DVD drive automatically
Fig. 15 Inserting an SD card after about ten seconds if it is not removed
from the DVD slot.
- To insert an SD card : The missing corner of
the SD card must face to the front right; the The DVD drive is started and operated via the
printed side should face up, and the contact MMI page 84.
s urface s hould face down. S lide the SD card
into the slot in the card reader (!) until you CD CAUTION
feel it engage Fig. 15. - Never use any force to push a CD/ DVD in-
- To remove an SD card: Briefly press the SD to the drive. The CD/ DVD will be drawn
card to release it. into the slot automatically.
- Do not insert any CDs/ DVDs with stickers
The SD card readers are started and operated
into the media drive . The stickers could
via the MMI page 84.
become detached from t he CD/DVD and

CD CAUTION damage the drive.

Only use one-piece SD cards. If you use @ Note

adapter cards (more than one piece), the
Playback cannot be guaranteed if the CD/
SD card can become detached from the
DVD contains audio/video files with a high
N adapter (e.g. caused by jolting, etc). Parts
I data rate.
~ could then get stuck in the drive, impairing
\D the functionality of the system.
28 Media drives/connections

Jukebox lect and confirm a folder, and press and hold

the rotary pushbutton for several seconds.
Audio/video files on a CD/DVD-ROM, on a USB
All files in the folder w ill be selected for de-
mass storage device or on an SD card can be
copied into the jukebox.
- To delete files/folders: Select the control
""'Select: IMEDIAi button > control button Set- button for Start deletion > Yes, delete files.
tings > Fill/delete jukebox. The status of the deletion process will be
shown on the MMI display. During the dele-
The used/free space in the jukebox memory tion process the playback of the jukebox is
(approx. 10 GB) and the number of stored interrupted; it is started again automatically
tracks are shown on the MMI display. once the deletion process has been comple-
Filling the jukebox ted.

- To select files/folders: Select Copy data to The jukebox is started and operated via the
jukebox > source >files/folders. To select MMI page 84.
all files/folders, press the control button for
All. Or: Select and confirm a folder, and CD CAUTION
press and hold the rotary pushbutton for Only copy audio/video files while the en-
several seconds. All files in the folder will be gine is running; otherwise the vehicle bat-
selected for copying. tery will be discharged.
- To start the copying procedure: Press the
control button for Copy. The status of the @ Note
copyi ng procedure will be s hown on the MMI - For legal reasons it is not possible to
display, and the corresponding symbo l will copy tracks from audio CDs onto the
appear in the statu s line page 11. jukebox.
- To hide the copying procedure: Select and - Files that have already been copied are
confirm Continue copying in background. recognised and greyed out automatical-
The copying procedure will be hidden. ly; they will not be copied again.
- To cancel the copying procedure: Select and - It is not possible to copy and play audio/
confirm Cancel copying procedure. Or: Re- video files in the DVD drive at the same
move the source you are importing files time.
from . Files that have already been copied - For legal reasons there is no export func-
will remain stored. tion for the jukebox.
During the copying procedure, the audio files - Files or tracks that do not include stored
are automatically sorted according to the cat- additional information are listed as un-
egories in the media centre based on the addi- known. Audi recommends that you mark
tional information stored for the files the audio files with the corresponding
page 85. The video files copied can be additional information (e.g. ID3 tags).
found in the Videos category of the media - Please note that copyright law also ap-
centre. plies to audio/video* files. When hand-
ing over your vehicle e.g. to a new buyer,
Deleting the jukebox reset the jukebox to the factory settings
Important: Th e jukebox must contain audio/ page 38.
video files.

- To select files/folders: Select Delete data

from jukebox > structure of folders in juke-
box> files/folders. To select all files/fold-
ers, press the control button for All. Or: Se-
Media drives/connections 29

Bluetooth audio player - Please consider the volume control on

Applies to vehicles: with Bluetooth interface your portable audio player, Audi recom-
mends that you set this to maximum vol-
You can use the Bluetooth audio player to
play music from your mobile phone wirelessly
- Which media functions are supported
via the MMI.
depends on the Bluetooth audio player
Important: The vehicle must be stationary, you are using.
and the Bluetooth function of your portable - For more information on which devices
player and the Audio player page 52 of are supported, please go online (e.g.
the MMI system must be switched on . www.audi.com/bluetooth) or contact an
Audi dealer.
Connecting a Bluetooth audio player

""Select: I MEDIA i button > control button Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi)

Source > Bluetooth audio player > Connect
audio player
new Bluetooth audio player. The Bluetooth
Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect
audio players available will be displayed.
""Select and confirm the desired Bluetooth Wireless LAN-enabled (Wi-Fi) media players
audio player from the list. (e.g. smartphones) can be connected using
... Select and confirm Audio player. The MMI the Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) hotspot and operat-
will generate a PIN to establish the connec- ed via the MMI. Using a UPnP server opp or a
tion . UPnPIDLNA server integrated in the media
""Select and confirm Yes. player, you can access the media centre of
"" Enter the PIN to establish a connection on your Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) audio player. In ad-
dition, you can use the Audi MMI connect opp
your mobile phone. Or: If the PIN is already
being displayed on your mobile phone, con- to access Internet radio programmes*.
firm it on the phone and in the MMI. You Important: The Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) function
have about 30 seco nd s to enter the PIN
must be activated on the media player and on
the MMI, and a network connection must have
Depending on the device you are using, the been configured page 61. The Audi MMI
media are started and operated using the connect app or a UPnP server app must be in-
portable player or the MMI system stalled on your media player, or you must be
page 84. using a UPnP/DLNA server integrated in the
media player.
@ Note - To bond a WLAN audio player: Select
- Pay attention to any connection queries IM EDIAi > control button Source> WLAN
on your Bluetooth audio player. audio player. The MMI display will show a
- Bluetooth devices only have to be bon- message that no Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) audio
ded once. Any Bluetooth devices that player has been connected to the system .
have already been bonded to the MMI The access codes for the Wireless LAN (Wi-
system once are connected automatical- Fi) hotspot will be displayed page 60.
ly when they are within range. - Use the settings of the Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi)
- You can bond several Bluetooth audio hotspot for the media player you are us ing.
players to the MMI system; however only - To start the WLAN audio player: Start the
0 one connection is active at a time. Audi MMI connect app or a UPnP server
I - The system supports the Bluetooth pro- app, or enable media sharing on your device.
tocols AVRCP (1.0/1.3) and A2DP. The first song from you r device's media cen-
Lil tre will be played. .,..
30 Media drives/connections

- To operate the WLAN audio player: Use the Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) hotspot of the MMI
MMI to operate the WLAN (Wi-Fi) audio when it is within range.
player. - Inserting or removi ng a SIM card from
- To start Internet radio 1>:
Select the control the SIM card reader causes the Wireless
button for Media centre. Select and confirm LAN (Wi-Fi) connection to be reconfig-
the Internet radio folder. ured. This may cause a short interruption
in the audio playback of some media
_& WARNING players.
- Do not allow the features of the Wireless - Please observe the notes in the chapter
LAN (Wi-Fi) hotspot to distract you from Notes on Audi connect page 62.
watching the traffic - this can cause an - Please note that the Wireless LAN (Wi-
accident. Fi) connection does not automatically
- Laptop computers and similar devices enable you to use the Internet. Further
can only be operated safely when the ve- information can be found from
hicle is stationary because of their page 55 onwards.
weight; any loose objects can be catapul- - To avoid interruptions in audio playback,
ted through the vehicle in an accident deactivate the energy saving function on
and cause serious injuries. Always make your media player, or connect the player
sure that such devices are securely stow- to a charger.
ed while you are driving. - The time it takes to load audio files de-
- No Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) devices may be pends on the media player in use and on
used from the front seats in the areas the number of files stored.
around the airbags while the vehicle is - A maximum of 2,000 entries per directo-
being driven. Please also observe the ry are shown on the MMI display.
safety warnings in the chapter "Airbag - For more information on using a Wire-
system" under "Important safety notes less LAN (Wi-Fi) audio player, please go
on the front airbag system" in the sepa- to www.audi.com or ask an Audi dealer.
rate Owner's Manual for your vehicle.

Please note that it is your responsibility to
take precautions regarding data protec-
tion, anti-virus protection and protection
against loss of data on mobile devices
used to connect to the Internet via the
Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) hotspot.

((D Note
- The Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) audio player
only needs to be connected to the MMI
via the Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) hots pot
once. Depending on the device, a media
player that has already been bonded will
automatically be reconnected to the

ll Only availa ble with the Audi MMI connect app

Media drives/connections 31

Audi music interface Setup

Introduction The Audi music interface is located in the cen-

tre console beneath the centre armrest.
Using special adapter cables*, you can con-
nect your portable player (e.g. fv1P3 player) to
the Audi music interface and operate it via
the fv1fv1I. The adapter cables* are available
from Audi dealers or specialist retailers.

Fig. 18 Connecting a portable player

- To connect an adapter cable: Connect the

adapter cable* @ Fig. 18 to the Audi mu-
sic interface CD before connecting the porta-
Fig. 17 Adapter cable ble player (e.g. iPod) .
- To disconnect the adapter cable from the
@ iPod adapter cable*Ii Pod adapter cable Audi music interface: With the release tab
@ pressed, pull the connector off the Audi
Stereo adapter cable with 3.5 mm jack music interface.
plug* - To disconnect the iPod adapter cable/iPod
adapter cable plus* from an iPod: With the
Mini USB adapter ca ble*
release tabs @ pressed, pull the iPod con-
@ Micro USB adapter cable* nector out of the iPod.
USB adapter cable* Depending on the device you are using, the
media are started and operated using the
AV adapter cable*
portable player or the MMI system
@ Adapter cable for Apple devices with Light- page 84.
ning connection*
CD CAUTION - To avoid damaging the connection,
Handle the adapter cable with care. Make please take care when detaching the con-
sure the cable does not become pinched or nector from the Audi music interface.
trapped. - Very high or very low temperatures (a
common occurrence in a car's interior)
can cause damage to portable players
and/or impa ir their performance. Please
do not leave your portable player in the
vehicle in case of extreme temperatures.

{(D Note
- Do not use USB extension cables or
~ adapters as these cause performance is-
\D sues. IJll>
32 Media drives/connections

- It cannot be guaranteed that portable - The Apple Lightning connector does not
players which do not meet the specifica- support video playback.
tion USB 2.0 will function properly. - iPod/iPhone/iPad malfunctions also af-
- USB hubs are not supported. fect the operation of the MMI. In this
- Some iPod versions (e.g. iPod shuffle) case, please reset your iPod/iPhone/
cannot be connected with the iPod iPad.
adapter cable/iPod adapter cable plus*. - Please refer to the iPod/iPhone/iPad op-
You can connect these devices using the erating instructions for important infor-
optional adapter cable with 3.5 mm jack mation on how to use your iPod/ iPhone/
plug*. iPad. We recommend that you update
- If you would like to play videos, you can the iPod/iPhone/i Pad software to the lat-
also connect your iPod to the Audi music est status.
interface with the AV adapter cable*. You - For more information on the Audi music
will also require an Apple AV cable. interface and on which devices are sup-
Please refer to the iPod operating in- ported, please go online (e.g.
structions for more information on Ap- www.audi.com/bluetooth) or contact an
ple AV cables. Audi dealer.

Supported media and file formats

The following audio/video file specifications ore supported by the DVD drive, the jukebox, the SD
cord readers and the connection for the USB moss storage device*:

Audio files Video files

Supported SD/SDHC/SDXC/MMC memory cards : with a capacity of up to 64 GB
media DVD drive: audio CDs (up to 80 minutes) with CD text (artist, album, t rack)*, CD-
ROMs w ith a capacity of up to 700 MB; DVDR/RW; video DVD and audio DVD
compatible with video DVD
Audi music interface: portable players (e.g. iPod page 31, MTP playe rs, USB
mass storage devices belonging to "USB Device Subclass 1 and 6" compatible
with USB 2.0: USB sticks, USB MP3 players (p lug-and-play capable), external USB
flash memories and externa l USB hard drives)
File system USB mass storage devices: FAT, FAT32, NTFS
Memory cards: exFAT, FAT, FAT32, NTFS
USB mass storage partitions: max. 4
CD/DVD file systems: IS09660, Joliet, UDF
Meta data Album covers: GIF, )PG, PNG up
to 800x800 px.: depend ing on
ava ilab ility, the album cover will
be displayed using the corre-
sponding medium or Gracenote.
Format MPEG-1/- Windows MPEG-2/- MPEG-1/- ISO- ISO- Windows
2 Media Au- 4 2 MPEG-4; MPEG-4 H. Med ia
Layer 3 dio 9 and DivX 3, 4 264 Video 9
10 and S; (MPEG-4
Xvid AVC)
Media drives/connections 33

Audio files Video files

File exten- .mp3 .wma; .m4a; .mpg; .avi .mp4; .wmv
sion .asf .m4b; .mpeg .m4v;
.aac .mov
Playlists .M3U; .PLS; .WPL; .M3U8; .ASX
Specifica- Up to max. 320 kbit/sec and 48 Up to max. 2000 kbit/sec, 720x576 px and
tions kHz sampling frequency 25 fps
Number DVD drive: max. 1000 files per medium
of files Jukebox (approx. 10 GB of storage): max. 3000 files can be copied
USB mass storage device and memory cards: max. 10000 files per med ium,
max. 10000 files per playlist/di rectory

on the Language set on the system; it

<@ Note
cannot be ensured that these characters
- The format Windows Media Audio 9 are displayed correctly.
Voice is not supported by the media - The manufacturer will provide you with
drives. information on the "USB Device Sub-
- We recommend a compression rate of at class" of a USB memory device.
least 160 kbit/sec for MP3 files. In the - Some functions of MTP players such as
case of audio files with variable bit rate, video playback and the rating of tracks
the display of the remaining playing time are not supported.
may differ from the actual figure.
- The display of country-specific characters
(e.g. for 103 tag information) depends

Subject Advice
Audi music interface/Bluetooth Please observe the notes on the Audi music interface
audio player*: The portable page 31/Bluetooth audio player* page 29. For information
player/Bluetooth audio player is on which devices are supported, please see the Audi mobile de-
not supported. vice database (www.audi.com/bluetooth) page 40, Fig. 24.
Audi music interface: When Set the volume of the portable player to about 70%of maxi-
starting playback via the adapt- mum (Input level) page 86.
er cable with 3.5 mm jack plug*
or AV adapter cable*, the vol-
ume is too high/low.
Audi music interface: The porta- On some mobile phones or audio players, playback is not possi-
ble player is not recognised as a ble if the battery charge is very Low (less than 5 % of its capaci-
source. ty). After it has been plugged in, the portable player will only
be recognised as a source in the MMI again when it has suffi-
cient battery charge.
Audi music interface: Problems The Audio player function is switched on. Switch the function
during audio playback via an off page 52 when you are not using a Bluetooth audio
i Pod/i Phone/i Pad. player*.
34 Media drives/connections

Subject Advice
Audi music interface: lnterfer- Audi music interface is already selected as the source when the
ence audible when plugging in adapter cable/portable player is being connected. Activate the
or unplugging the adapter cable mute function or another audio source (e.g. radio page 80)
with 3.5 mm jack plug*/AV before connecting/disconnecting the portable player.
adapter cable* or when connect-
ing or disconnecting the porta-
ble player to the adapter cable
with 3.5 mm jack plug*/AV
adapter cable*.
Bluetooth audio player*: Play- To ensure problem-free playback, only one interface should be
back problems. in use at any one time.
Jukebox: The tracks in the im- When importing playlists, you must copy all files yourself.
ported playlist are greyed out.
Media centre: Imported tracks If you cannot find imported tracks via the media centre, th is
cannot be played or cannot be could mean that they are not supported and have been moved.
found. To free up some memory space, select the contro l button for
Settings > Fill/delete jukebox > Delete, folder: Unplayable
Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) audio Close the Audi MMI connect app on the connected devices
player: More than one device is (e.g. smartphones) that you do not want to use as the W ireless
connected to the Wireless LAN LAN (Wi-Fi) audio player. Also close any UPnP server apps on
(Wi-Fi) hotspot. A device (e.g. a the devices, or disable media sha ring on any integrated UPnP/
smartphone) is shown as the DLNA servers. Connect the desired device as a Wireless LAN
source and cannot be changed. (Wi-Fi) audio player page 29.
Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) audio Some mobile phones may experience audio playback problems
player: Playback problem s. if the Internet connection in the vehicle was not establi shed via
the SIM card reader* of the MMI control con sole and the mo-
bile data option is activated on the mobile phone. Deactivate
the mobile data option on your mobile phone.
System settings 35

System settings Time zone

When selecting the correct time zone, a List of
Setting the time/date
corresponding countries is displayed as an ex-
The time can be set manually or via CPS*. ample.

Time format
When this option is set to 24h, for example
13:00 will be displayed as the time. When it
is set to AM/PM, for example 1:00 PM will be

Date format
When this option is set to TI.MM.YYYY, for
example 31.12.2013 will be displayed as the
Fig. 19 Setting the time zone
date. When it is set to MM/DD/JJJJ, for exam-
ple 12/31/2013 will be displayed. When it is
.. Select: I MENU I button> control button
set to JJJ-MM-DD, for example 2013-12-31
will be displayed.
The Time can be set manually. The Time Adjusting the sound
source* must be set to manual. You can adjust the sound and volume of the
MM! individually. The settings depend on the
equipment fitted in your vehicle.
The Date can be set manually. The Time
source must be set to manual.

Time source*
manual: All time settings are adjusted man-

GPS 'ti: The time and date are set via GPS de-
pending on the time zone (selected manual-
ly). If you take your vehicle into a different
time zone, the Time zone will have to be ad-
Fig. 20 Sound settings
justed manually on the MMI.

Automatic summer time*

When the automatic summer time option is
on, the time will be set one hour forward or
back automatically when summer or winter
time starts.

Manual summer time

If this function is on, an hour is added to the
~ Time set. Fig. 21 Adjusting balance/ fader
fYl .. Select: I MENUI button > Tone.
36 System settings

@ Systems Telephone*

The vo lume of the Telephone* and Naviga- Ring tone: see page 51, Telephone set-
tion * functions, the Speech dialogue sys- tings
tem*, the Traffic announcements and the
Ring tone volume/ Microphone input level:
Parking aid* can be adjusted individually
The volume of the selected ring tone/the vol-
page 36.
ume of a telephone call can be adjusted by
@ Subwoofer* I @ Bass I Treble turning the rotary pushbutton. The volume of
a telephone call (Microphone input level) can
You can adjust the Subwoofer*, Bass and Tre-
only be adjusted during the call.
ble settings by turning the rotary pushbutton.
New settings apply only to the currently acti- Message volume: Turn the rotary pushbutton
vated audio source, allowing the settings of to adjust the volume of the tone ind icating re-
each audio source to be adjusted individua lly. ceipt of a text message.

Balance/fader (sound focus) Speech dialogue system

- To set the left/right volume ratio: Select Turn the rotary pushbutton to adjust the vol-
and confirm Balance. Turn the rotary push- ume of the spoken cues.
button clockwise or anti-clockwise to the de-
sired position.
- To set the front/rear volume ratio: Select Traffic programme/ DAB announcements*:
and confirm Fader. Turn the rotary pushbut- see page 82, Announcements*
ton clockwise or anti-clockwise to the de- Traffic programme volume/ Announcement
sired pos ition . volume: You can adjust the volume of a traffic
- To set the volume ratio using MMI touch: announcement by turning the rotary pushbut-
Move your finger in the desired direction on ton.
the MMI touch pad.
- To set the sound focus*: Select and confirm Navigation*
Focus > all (evenly distributed sou nd focus)/ Voice guidance: see page 75, Voice guid-
front/ rear (sound focus distributed evenly in ance
front/rear interior of vehicle) .
Navigation cues during call: see page 75,
GALA (speed-dependent volume Voice guidance
Volume of spoken cues/ Entertainment vol-
You can adjust the automatic volume adaption ume: Volume of navigation cues while route
to the interior noise Level by turning the rotary guidance is active. The in-car entertainment
pushbutton. fader is an option that reduces the volume of
Surround * the current aud io source when the parking aid
is active or a navigation cue is being played.
Turn the rotary pushbutton to adjust the vol-
ume of the s urround effect. MMI touch

Turn the rotary pushbutton to adjust the vol-

Adjusting the system ume of the MMI touch's spoken cues.
volume Parking aid*
"'Select: I MENU I button> Tone > Systems. Turn the rotary pushbutton t o adjust the vol-
ume of the beeps.
System settings 37

On-board Handbook Updating browser contents

Applies to vehicles: with On-board Handbook Calling up the main menu
The On-board Handbook includes the Owner's 0 Closing the browser
Manual for your vehicle and the MMI Operat- Press the IBACKI button if you would like to re-
ing Manual. turn to the previous page.

Not paying attention to the road traffic can
lead to serious accidents and loss of life.
Only use the On-board Handbook when the
traffic conditions allow you to do so safely.
You must maintain proper control of you r
vehicle at all times. As the driver, you bear
the responsibility for road safety.
Fig. 22 Browser for the on-board handbook
@ Note
Installing the On-board Handbook - The On-board Handbook is not available
Important: The On-board Handbook must be in all countries. Your Audi dealer will be
loaded into the DVD drive page 27. able to provide you with more detailed
- To install the On-board Handbook: Select
- Switch off the ignition while you are in-
the IMENU I button > Car > control button
stalling/updating the On-board Hand-
Handbook > confirm the message > CD/
DVD > Start update. The Handbook will be
- Please note that the On-board Handbook
shown on the MMI display once the installa-
is not a substitute for the printed Own-
tion has been comp leted successfu lly.
er's Manual.
- To update the On-board Handbook: Select
the IMENU I button > control button Setup
MMI > System update > CD/DVD > Start
Restarting the MMI
download > OK. system (Reset)
Starting the On-board Handbook

- To start the On-board Handbook: Select t he

IMENUI button> Car > control button Hand-
book. The On-board Handbook will automat-
ically load in the language that is set under
the option Menu language in the MMI

Using the on-board handbook

Fig. 23 Combination of buttons fo r resta rt
The following functions are available when us-
ing the browser Fig. 22: ... Press and briefly hold the lMENU I button,
the rotary pushbutton and the top right con-
CD Calling up the start page
trol button Fig. 23 simultaneously and
N @ Opening/closing s ide menus then release the buttons again.
@ Zooming in on browser contents (50 to
\D 200 %)
@ Stopping a loading process
38 System settings

Other settings ing setup, you can use the function Reset
speech training .
... Select: IMENU I button >control button Set-
up MMI. Display brightness
You can adjust the brightness of the MMI dis-
play by turning the rotary pushbutton.
The language of texts shown on the MMI dis-
play and the driver information system as well Factory settings
as the language of the navigation cues* and You can reset the following functions to the
speech dialogue system* can be altered. factory settings:
The number of languages available depends - Sound settings
on the market. - Radio
- Media
Measurement units
- Jukebox contents
The following measurement units can be set - Directory*
on the MMI display and the driver information
- Telephone*
- Bluetooth*
- Speed (km/h or mph) - Navigation settings*
- Distance (km or miles) - Navigation and online memory*
- Temperature (C or F) - Speech dialogue system*
- Pressure (bar or psi) - Password data encryption
- Consumption (ltr/100 km, mpg (US), mpg
You can select the desired options individually
(UK) or km/ltr)
or mark Select all entries. Select and confirm
- Capacity (litres, gallons (UK) or gallons
Restore factory settings.
System update
Speech dialogue system*
The system update function can be used to
Command display: The display of possible
update the MMI software.
commands during a speech dialogue can be
switched on/off. - Insert the storage medium with the update
data into the appropriate drive 9 page 26.
Short dialogue: This option can be switched
- Select and confirm the appropriate drive>
on/off; when it is activated, the spoken cues
Start update.
played by the system are abbreviated.
The duration of this process depends on the
Volume settings: Turn the rotary pushbutton
size of the update.
to adjust the volume of the spoken cues.
For further information on the System up-
Individual speech training (only possible
date, please go on line to www.audi.com/ blue-
when the vehicle is stationary): You can use
tooth or ask an Audi dealer.
the individual speech training to adapt the
speech dialogue system to your voice or pro- For more information on the navigation map
nunciation so that the speech dialogue system update service* and on myAudi special desti-
can then better recognise what you are saying. nations*, please go online (e.g.
The individual speech training prompts you to www.audi.com/ myaudi) or contact an Audi
repeat 20 spoken phrases that consist of cer- dealer. 1111>

tain commands and blocks of digits. If you

would like to delete the stored speech train-
System settings 39

Reset media driver

The media driver package selected is reset to

the factory defaults.

Data encryption

You can protect your personal data, e.g. con-

tacts in the directory or navigation destina-
tions*, with a personal password. When re-
placing the MMI device, your personal data
can only be transferred to a new device with
your password. The pre-set password
("MMI3G") is valid until you set your own per-
sonal password .

Version information

The software version of the MMI and the navi-

gation database* are displayed . In addition,
you can use the Software info function to dis-
play information on the MMI's software and li-
cence conditions.

40 Telephone

Telephone CD CAUTION
Introduction -Always obey the laws regu lating the use
Applies to vehicles: with telephone of telephones in vehicles.
- You must switch off the te lephone in
Using the telephone
areas where the use of mobile tele-
To make phone calls via the MMI, you must phones is prohibited. Please observe all
connect your mobile phone to the MMI via relevant caution notices and regulations.
Bluetooth. After bonding your mobile phone
to the MMI system via Bluetooth, you can op- {!)) Note
erate the telephone functions conveniently via The maximum range of the Bluetooth con-
the MMI. nection is limited to the interior of the ve-
hicle. The connection can be susceptible to
.&. WARNING - interference from other electronic devices .
-According to health organisations, mo-
bile phones may interfere with the func- Bonding a mobile
tion of pacemakers. A minimum di stance
phone via Bluetooth
of 20 cm should be kept between the
mobile phone aerial and the pacemaker. Before you start
- Do not carry a mobile phone in your Applies to vehicles: with telephone
breast pocket directly over the pace-
maker when the phone is switched on.
- If you s us pect interfere nce, switch the
mobile phone off immediately.
- The speech dialogue system page 19
must not be used in cases of emergency,
s ince the voice changes in stressful s itua-
tions . This could result in a failed or de-
layed tele phone conn ection . Always di a l
emergency numbers manually! Fig. 24 This QR code takes you directly to the mobile
device data base (data connection costs vary according
- Switch off your mobile phones in all
to your mobile phone contract).
areas where there may be a risk of explo-
sion. Remember that these areas may For information rega rding which function s
not a lways be ade quat e ly ma rked. Such your mobile phone su pports, contact your mo-
places a re filling st ations, fuel and chem- bile netwo rk service provide r or cons ult t he
ical storage facilities or tran s port mobile device data base at www.a ud i.com/
vehicles a nd other pla ces w here fumes, bluetooth.
chemi ca ls (e .g. from leaking propane or
fuel vapours in vehicles or building s) o r
large quantities of dust particles (e .g.
from flour, wood or metal) could accu-
mulate in the air. This warning als o ap-
plies to all other places where you would
normally switch off your engine.
- Tod ay's driving co nditions require the full
attention of drivers. Plea se see page 5,
Notes on traffic safety.
Telephone 41

Connecting a mobile phone .... Enter the PIN to establish a connection on

Applies to vehicles: with telephone your mobile phone. Or: If the PIN is already
being displayed on your mobile phone, con-
firm it on the phone and in the MMI. You
have about 30 seconds to enter the PIN

Please note any additional system queries on

your mobile phone, e.g. whether the phone
should connect automatically in the future.
On some mobile phones, you may also need to
download the directory separately.

After connecting successfully

The signal strength bar page 11, Fig. 6
and the Bluetooth symbol ~ will appear in
the status Line of the MMI display when the
mobile phone has been connected successful-
ly. In addition, the contacts on the mobi le
phone are automatically Loaded into the direc-
tory of the MMI. This may take several mi-
nutes, depending on how many contacts are
stored on the mobile phone.
Fig. 26 PIN display for entry on mobile phone
If there is no memory capacity Left fo r directo-
Requirements ries and you connect another mobile phone, a
message will appear asking you to replace the
The ve hicle must be stationary, and the igni-
contacts from one of the phones. If you select
tion must be switched on.
the option Restricted use of telephone, only
The Bluetooth function and the discoverability the contacts from the mobile phone and the
option of the MMI system page 52 and Local MMI memo ry (public) will be available
the mobile phone must be activated. page48.
The MMI and the mobile phone you would Like
to bond must not be connected actively to any (!) Note
other Bluetooth device. - Making and receiving telephone calls via
the MMI is only possible using the Blue-
Connecting a mobile phone
tooth connection (Handsfree) .
... Select the ITELI button > Connect mobile - Bluetooth devices only have to be bon-
phone > Find new devices. The available ded once. Any devices that have already
Bluetooth devices are s hown on the MMI been bonded to the MMI system are con-
display. Or: Search for the MMI system via nected automatically when they are
the Bluetooth device search function on within range and the ignition is on.
you r mobile phone. - You can speed u p the a utomatic connec-
... Select and confirm the desired mobile tion by authorising the MMI connection
phone from the List of Bluetooth devices on your mobile phone.
shown. - You receive the SIM PIN code from your
.... Select and confirm Handsfree. The MMI will mobile network service provide r togeth-
\D generate a PIN for the connection Fig. 26. e r with t he SIM card. If you enter the lill>
.... Select and confirm Yes.
42 Telephone

SIM PIN code incorrectly three timesl> in

a row, the SIM card will be be blocked . A
PUK (personal unblocking key) must be
entered in order to reactivate the SIM
- You can bond several mobile phones to
the MMI system; however only one con-
nection is active at a time.
- Any Bluetooth device that is already ac-
Fig. 28 Adapter cables for Audi Phone Box
tively connected to the MMI system is
disconnected when another device is Important: A mobile phone must be connec-
connected to the system. ted via Bluetooth page 41.
- The Bluetooth connection between the
system and the mobile phone is auto- - To establish a connection with the external
matically terminated when you Leave the car aerial: Place your mobile phone onto the
car. middle of the telephone symbol in the Aud i
- For further information regarding your Phone Box with the phone's display facing
mobile phone, contact your mobile net- upwards. When doing so, make sure that
work service provider or refer to the op- there are no objects between the Audi
Phone Box and the mobile phone.
erating instructions for your mobile
phone. For information on using a phone - To charge the mobile phone with a USB
in your car, please go online (e.g. charging cable: Connect your mobile phone
www.audi.com/bluetooth) or ask an Audi to the USB charging socket @ Fig. 27 us-
dealer. ing a USB charging cable.

For ease of use, Audi offers special USB charg-

Using the Audi Phone Box ing adapters* Fig. 28. The following USB
Applies to vehicles: with Audi Phone Box charging adapters are currently available :

Using the Audi Phone Box* and a USB charg- @ USB adapter for devices w ith micro USB
ing adapter for your mobile phone, you can connector*
use the vehicle's external aerial to make and
@ USB adapter for devices with Apple Light-
receive calls and charge your phone. The use
ning connector*
of the external aerial reduces radiation in the
vehicle and also ensures better reception USB adapter for devices with Apple dock
quality. The Audi Phone Box is located in the connector*
centre console beneath the centre armrest.
Loose objects can be flung around in the
passenger compartment in the event of
sudden driving or braking manoeuvres.
This could result in serious injuries and al-
so cause you to Lose control of the vehicle.
Always keep the centre armrest closed
when driving.

Fig. 27 Audi Phone Box

ll Th e number of possible attempts depends on the SIM

Telephone 43

The following telephone functions are availa-

(D} Note
ble 9 Fig. 29:
- The Audi Phone Box is not available in all
countries. Your Audi dealer will be able CD Messages* 9 page 46
to provide you with more detailed infor- @ Call list 9 page 43
mation. @ Di rectory 9 page 48
- To avoid malfunctions, ensure that the Favourites 9 page 45
mobile phone is correctly placed inside Enter number 9 page 44
the Audi Phone Box.
- If the mobile phone is placed in the Audi
Dialling a telephone
Phone Box in a bag or a protective case,
this may interfere with the connection to
the external aerial. From the directory
- Audi recommends the use of Audi Genu- Applies to vehicles: with telephone
ine Accessories. Audi has tested these
You can dial a te lephone number directly from
products for suitability, reliability and
the directory 9 page 48.
- USB charging adapters are available
from Audi dealers or specialist retailers. From a list
Applies to vehicles: with telephone
- An enhanced transmission quality cannot
be guaranteed if more than one mobile
phone is placed inside.

Calling up the
Applies to vehicles: with telephone

Fig. 30 Selecting a telephone number from the ca ll


Important: A telephone number must be stor-

ed in the call list or the favourites .

... Select: ITELI button.

Fig. 29 Telephone functions Call list

- To dial a telephone number: Select and con-
Important: A mobile phone mu st be connec-
firm the desired telephone number in the
ted to the MMI system 9 page 41.
call list. Select and confirm Call .
... Select: ITELI button.
Symbols in the call list 9 Fig. 30:
The MMI display will show the telephone
menu that was last activated. You can call up
CD Numbers dialled

the telephone functions by pressing the ITELI @ Missed calls

I button again while the Telephone menu is @ Received calls
fYl open.
44 Telephone

Favourites - To delete letters/numbers individually: Se-

- To dial a telephone number: Select and con- lect and confirm + .
firm a favourite. Select and confirm Call. - To delete all the numbers/letters you have
entered at once: Turn the speller to+ and
Control button Dial press and hold the rotary pushbutton.
- To dial a telephone number: Select and con- You can enter DTMF tones ("touch-tones") us-
firm the desired telephone number in the ing the speller while you are talking on the
Call list. Select and confirm Call. phone.

Via the speller Storing a telephone

Applies to vehicles: with telephone
Telephone Dial ~1 Storing a new telephone number
6 7 Applies to vehicles: with telephone
5 8
y 9
You can store a new telephone number as a
3 +

2 4 contact in the directory page 50.

Storing from the call List
Applies to vehicles: with tel ephone
You can store telephone numbers from the
Fig. 31 Entering a telephone number via the speller
for numbers
call list in the directory.

Fig. 32 Entering a telephone number via the speller Fig. 33 Storing a telephone number in the directory
for letters
Important: A telephone number must be stor-
.. Select: ITELI button > Enter number. ed in the call list .
- To enter a telephone number using num- .. Select: ITELI button > Call list> Phone num-
bers: Enter a telephone number using the ber> Store in directory.
speller for numbers Fig. 31.
- To store a telephone number as a new ad-
- To enter a telephone number using letters:
dress card: Select and confi rm New contact.
Press the control button for A-Z . Enter a ser-
Enter a Surname. Enter additional data if
ies of letters, e.g. AUDISERVICE using the
desired. Select and confirm Store contact.
speller for letters.
- To assign a telephone number to an exist-
- To dial a telephone number: Select and con-
ing address card: Select and confirm a con -
firm OK. Or: Press the control button for Di-
tact in the list. Select and confirm Store
al. The current audio source is muted while
ronbct. ~
the connection is established.
Telephone 45

To answer a further call: If you are already

((D} Note
talking on the phone when someone else
- The contacts are only stored in the MMI calls, select Answer to place the current call
directory. on hold and to answer the incoming call. If
- You can edit the directory ~ page 50. you select Ignore, the incoming call w ill be
Storing in the favourites
Caller information: Depending on whether
Applies to ve hicles: w it h telephone
the caller is stored in the directory and wheth-
In addition to the mailbox number, you can er the telephone number is transmitted with
store up to nine contacts in the List of favour- the call, the name, the telephone number or
ites. Unknown will appear on the MMI display and
on the driver information system.
~Select: ITELI button> Favourites .

- To store a new telephone number as a fa- {(D Note

vourite: Select and confirm Create favourite - The audio source is muted automatically
> New contact. Enter a Surname and further when you make or rece ive telephone
data if required. Enter a Phone number. Se- calls.
lect and confirm Store contact. - If the MMI display was switched off, it
- To store an existing telephone number as a will be switched on automatically when
favourite: Select and confirm Create favour- there is an incoming call.
ite > a contact in the List. If applicable, se-
lect and confirm the desired telephone During a telephone call
number. Applies to vehicles: with telephone
- To delete a stored favourite: Select and con-
firm the favourite > Delete. Important: A call must be in progress.

~ Select: Control button Options.

Answering and ending
- To make a further call: Select Further call >
telephone calls Directory or Call list > entry in List.
Applies to vehicles: with telephone
- To answer a further call when you are talk-
ing on the phone and have another call on
hold : Se lect Replace. The current ca ll will be
replaced by the incoming ca ll.

Other functions are :

Switch microphone off: If you select and con -

firm this option, the caller wi ll no longer be
able to hear you; yo u will still be able to hear
the caller.
Fig. 34 Incoming call Hold/ Resume: You can put a call on hold and
retrieve it later from the hold queue. On hold
~ To answer an incoming call: Press the con-
appears on the MMI display, toget her w ith the
trol button for Answer. duration of the call on hold.
~ To ignore an incoming call: Press the con-
trol button fo r Ignore. Switch: You can switch between t wo phone
~ ~To end a call/cancel the dialling process: calls (one of them w ill be on hold at any g iven
\D Press the control button for End call. time). Select End call to end wh ichever ca ll is
...... active. The ca ll on hold will remain in the hold ..,.
46 Telephone

queue and can be continued by pressing the Control button Folder

control button for Options and selecting Re Depending on you r mobi le phone, any availa-
ble text message folders will be displayed
Conference: Up to five callers and one caller (e.g. Sent text messages).
on hold can take part in a conference (depend-
Control button New
ing on the network service). To set up a fur-
ther call, select Hold to place all the members - To send a text message: Select and confirm
of an existing conference on hold . Press the Create new text message. Enter a recipient.
Options control button. Select and confirm Enter text using the MMI touch pad or the
Further call and choose a telephone number speller. Select and confirm Send.
from the Call list or the Directory. Alterna- - To send a text message template : Select
tively, select Enter number. To add this caller and confirm the template you require from
to the existing conference, select Conference. the list. Enter a recipient. Select and con-
Select Resume if you want to retrieve all par- firm Send.
ticipants in an existing conference from the - To save a text message as a template: Cre-
hold queue. Show conference participants al- ate a text message. Select and confirm
lows you to display the participants. Store as template.

There are already ten text message templates

<@ Note
saved in the MMI. You can save up to ten addi-
- The option Call waiting must be activa- tional templates.
ted on your mobile phone for you to be
made aware of incoming calls during a Control button Read
conversation. You can have the MMI read an opened text
- The display for the incoming call may re- message to you.
main for several seconds afterwards; this
depends on the type of mobile phone (f} Note
you are using. Should you use the func- - For more information on which mobile
tion Replace or Ignore in the MMI sys- phones are supported, please go online
tem during this time, it is possible that (e.g. www.audi.com/ bluetooth or
the active call will be ended. www.audi.com/ mp3) or contact an Audi
Messages - You can also use the speech dialogue sys-
tem to easily dictate a text message
Text messages
Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect and mobile phone
with Bluetooth Message Access Profile

Depending on your mobile phone and yo ur E-mail

Applies to vehicles : with Audi connect and mobile phone
mobile phone contract, you may be able to
with Bluetooth Message Access Profile
send and receive text messages via the MM!.
Depending on your mobile phone, you may be
.,.. Select: ITELI button > Messages > if necessa - able to send and receive e-mails via the MM!.
ry Text messages.
Important: Your mobile phone must have
If you receive a text message, this will be message access rights activated in its Blue-
shown on the MMI display. tooth s ettings (MAP - Message Access Profi le) .

.,.. Select: ITELI button > Messages > if necessa-

ry E-mail. ..,..
Telephone 47

If you receive an e-mail, this will be shown on Reply: Enter text using the MMI touch pad or
the MMI display. the speller. Or: Select a text from the List of
Control button Folder
Forward : The open text message/e-mail can
Depending on your mobile phone, any availa-
be forwarded to another recipient.
ble e-mail folders will be displayed (e.g. Sent
e-mails). Navigate to: If address data are available in
the sender's directory entry, it is possible to
Control button New navigate to the sender of the open text mes-
- To send an e-mail: Select and confirm Cre- sage/e-mail.
ate new e-mail. Enter a recipient. Enter text
Extract number: Any telephone numbers con-
using the MMI touch pad or the speller. Se-
tained in the text message/e-mail can be dis-
lect and confirm Send.
played and used.
- To send an e-mail template: Select and con-
firm the template you require from the List. @ Note
Enter a recipient. Select and confirm Send .
Messages deleted using the MMI are also
- To save an e-mail as a template: Create an
automatically deleted on the mobile
e-mail. Select and confirm Store as tem-

There are already ten e-mail templates saved Listening to voicemail

in the MMI. You can save up to ten additional
Applies to vehicles: with telephone

Control button Read

.,. Select: ITELI button >control button Mail-
You can have the MMI read an opened e-mail box.
to you.
- To enter the mailbox number: Select and
((!)) Note confirm List and select and confi rm the de-
s ired number. Or: Enter the mai lbox number
For more information on which mobile
using the MMI touch pad page 8 or the
phones are supported, please go online
speller page 9 . Select and confirm OK.
(e.g. www.audi.com/bluetooth or
- To dial the mailbox number: Press the con-
www.audi.com/mp3) or contact an Audi
trol button for Mailbox.
(id) Note
Message options
- This service must be set up and activated
Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect and SIM card inser-
ted (with data option/Message Access Profile) on your mobile network before you can
use it. For more information, contact
Important: A text message/e-mail must be your service provider.
open. - The mailbox number depends on your
.,. Select and confirm Options. service provider.

Delete: The open text message/e-mail will be

Emergency call
0 functions
~ Call: A ca ll will be made to the sender of the
I Applies to vehicles: with telephone
fYl open text message/e-mail.
Important: A mobile phone must be connec-
...... ted to the MMI system page 41. Ill-
48 Telephone

.. Select: ITELI button> Enter number> Enter together w ith a symbol indicating where they
emergency number (e.g. 112) > OK. are stored Fig. 35:

@ Public MMI directory: These contacts can

.&_ WARNING be seen and used by any user, irrespective of
- Since your telephone operates via radio which mobile phone is connected.
waves, a connection cannot be guaran-
No mobile phone bonded: Every new contact
teed under all circumstances. Do not rely
will be stored in the public directory
solely on your telephone when a vital
page 50.
communication (e.g. medical emergency)
is involved. Mobile phone bonded: In order to store a
-Always follow the directions of the emer- contact in the public directory so that it is ac-
gency operators when making an emer- cessible to all users, it must be marked as
gency call and do not end the call before Visible to all page 49.
you are requested to do so.
@ Private MMI directory: These contacts are
only visi ble if the correspond ing mobile phone
i Note
is connected.
Emergency numbers are not the same for
@ Mobile phone: These contacts are stored
all countries. Please make sure that you
on the mobile phone and are only visible if the
know the emergency number for the coun-
corresponding mobile phone is connected.
try yo u are in.
If there is no mem ory capacity Left for directo-
Calling up the directory ries and you connect another mo bile phone, a
Applies to vehicles: with telephone message wi ll appear asking you to replace the
contacts from one of the phones. If you select
After a mobile phone has been connected suc-
the option Restricted use of telephone, on ly
cessfully, the contacts from the mobile phone
the contacts from the mobile phone and the
are automatically imported into the directory
Local MMI memory (public) will be ava ilable.
of the fv1fv1I system.
You can open the directory via the Telephone*
menu and via the Navigation* menu.

(!,) Note
- Please pay attention to any synch roni sa -
tion queries on your mobile phone. You
must confirm any synchronisation quer-
ies from the directory before the con-
tacts can be loaded from your mobile
phone into the MMI directory.
Fig. 35 List of contacts
- Whi ch contacts are displayed on the
.. Select: ITELI button > Directory. MMI depends on the mobile phone you
are usi ng . For more information on
- To select a contact: Select and confirm a which mobile phones are supported,
contact in the directory. The address ca rd please go online (e.g. www.audi.com/
will be displayed. bluetooth or www.audi.com/mp3) or
contact an Audi dealer.
The co ntacts are displayed in alphabetical or-
- In certain cases, contacts from a mobile
der; they can be sorted according to first
phone may not be transmitted in alpha-
name/s urname page 53 and are displayed
betical order. If there are too many Ill>
Telephone 49

entries, contacts with certain initial let- ""'Select: ITELI button > Directory > contact
ters may not be displayed on the MMI from directory.
- Call: Select and confirm the desired tele-
- The contacts in the local MMI memory
phone number. Or: Select the telephone
(public) are visible anytime and are
number you would like to call and press the
therefore not protected against access
control button for Call.
by other users.
- Navigate to: Select and confirm the des ired
destination. Or: Select the destination you
Finding a contact would like to navigate to and press the con-
Applies to vehicles: with telephone
trol button for Navigate to. To start navigat-
... Select: ITELI button> Directory. ing, select and confirm Start route guid-
- Select and confirm Find contact. Enter the
name. Or: Select and confirm the contact via Visible to all
List. You can mark a contact so it is Visible to all
The system searches for both the first name ~-The contact will then be stored in the local
and surname within a name. MMI memory (public) @ page 48, Fig. 35
and can be accessed by all MMI users. If a
i Note contact is not defined as Visible to all, it is
stored in the local MMI memory (private) @ .
You can scroll rapidly through long lists by
It is only visible when the mobile phone on
turning the rotary pushbutton quickly.
which the contact is stored is connected.

Using a contact Read contact

Applies to vehicles: with telephone
The MMI system automatically creates a name
tag for each contact in the directory, which
you can have the system read to you.

Send contact
You can send the chosen contact as a text
message in the vCard format (.vcf) page 46.

Copy contact
A copy of the contact will be stored in the lo-
cal MMI memory (private).

You can now change the details in the entry

fields using the speller page 9 or the MMI
touch pad page 8 page 50.

Delete contact
You ca n delete only the contacts in the loca l
MMI memory (private/ public).

Send message*
Fig. 37 Selecti ng a destination You can send the selected contact a text mes-
sage page 46 or an e-mail page 46. 1J11.
50 Telephone

account, you will receive the myAudi PIN in

(Id) Note
the account.
- Contacts that have been edited in the
MMI directory cannot be updated auto- (0 Note
matically on the connected mobile
- Please observe the notes in the chapter
phone. Audi recommends that you edit
Notes on Audi connect page 62.
mobile phone contacts on the mobile
- For more information on the myAud i ac-
phone itself.
count, please see www.audi.com/myau-
- You can only edit/delete the contacts in
the local MMI memory (private/public).
- The imported contacts are stored in the
- You can delete all public or private con-
local memory of the directory you are us-
tacts at once by selecting Delete public
contacts or Delete private contacts in
- You can import up to 500 contacts. You
the directory settings page 53.
can call up the memory capacity of the
directory any time page 53.
Importing/exporting - Never store important data on SD cards
contacts or USB mass storage devices. Audi shall
Applies to vehicles: with telephone not accept any liability whatsoever for
You can import or export contacts in the the loss of data or media.
vCard format(.vcf) into or from the directory.
Storing a new contact
Important: An SD card must be inserted in the
Applies to vehicles: with telephone
SD card reader page 2 7, or a USB mass stor-
age device must be connected to the Audi mu-
sic interface page 31.

"'"Select: ITELI button> Directory > control

button Settings.

- To import contacts from a storage device:

Select and confirm Import contacts > SD
card or USB storage device > desired con-
tacts > Import.
- To export contacts to a storage device: Se- Fig. 38 Creating new contact
lect and confirm Export contacts > SD card
or USB storage device > desired contacts > ... Select: ITELI button > Directory > New con-
Export. tact.
- To select all contacts at once for import/ex- Surname/First name
port: Select and confirm Import contacts/
Export contacts > SD card or USB storage Enter the surname and first name using the
speller page 9 or the MMI touch pad
device > control button All > Import/Ex-
page 8.
- To import contacts from your myAudi ac- Phone numbers
count: Select and confirm Import contacts
You can store up to five telephone numbers
> myAudi account > enter myAudi PIN.
for each address card. In addition, you can as-
You must have a myAudi account before you sign a type (business or private) and a cate-
can import contacts from the myAudi ac- gory (land line, mobile or fax) to each tele-
count. You o nly have to enter the myAudi PIN phone number. You can also select a tele-
once. When you store a vehicle in your myAudi phone number that you use frequently as ....
Telephone 51

preferred number. This number is then dis- mobile phone contacts on the mobile
played first when the address card is opened. phone itself.

You can import a telephone number from the

Call list into an address card by selecting the Other settings
option New number and then pressing the Telephone settings
control button for List. Applies to vehicles: with telephone

Business addresses/Private addresses ... Select: ITELI button >control button Set-
You can store a business address and a private tings.
address in an address card. To delete the busi-
Telephone settings
ness or private address, select the function
Delete postal address. Volume settings 1>: Ring tones are played
when you select the funct ion Ring tone. Press
The function Create navigation destination the rotary pushbutton to store the selected
can be used to create a Navigation destina-
ring tone. For the settings Ring tone volume/
tion* from the selected address. The input Microphone input level and Message volume,
menu will appear on the MMI display so that see page 36, Adjusting the system volume.
you can add any necessary address details.
Network settings: Connect to yo ur service
Structured addresses from a mobile phone provider's network using the Login function
that include details of the country, post code,
automatically or select a network manually
town and street are imported into the directo-
from a list of available networks. Network se-
ry directly.
lection can be used to select the availab le net-
E-mail* works for the current pos ition of the vehicle.
This option is only available when the manual
Use the speller page 9 or the MMI touch
login setting is activated.
pad page 8 to enter an e-mail address.
SIM PIN settings: When Autom. SIM PIN
@ Note recognition is on, the SIM PIN will be auto-
matically saved in the MMI after it has been
- The contacts in the local MMI memory
(public) are visible anytime and are entered for the first t ime. You can save the
therefore not protected against access PIN codes of four different SIM cards on the
MMI. If this function is switched off, the PIN
by other users.
currently stored in the MMI will be de leted. If
- The new contact you have created is stor-
Autom. SIM PIN recognition is activated, no
ed in the local memory of the directory
SIM PIN query is made. When the o ption Ac-
you are currently using.
tivate is se lected at SIM PIN query, the sys-
- Whether addresses can be imported de-
tem asks for the SIM PIN code every time you
pends on your mobile phone.
switch it on. Select Deactivate if yo u do not
- You can store up to SOO contacts in the
want the system to make a SIM PIN query
local memory of each public or private
when you switch it on. The setting for Auto-
matic SIM PIN recognition is ignored in this
- Contacts that have been edited in the
case. Some SIM cards do not allow the SIM
MMI directory cannot be updated auto-
PIN query to be deactivated. Using the
matically on the connected mobile
Change SIM PIN function , you can change the
phone. Audi recommends that you edit
PIN code for your SIM card. First enter the ex-
isting PIN code for your SIM card. The SIM .,.

...... 1) Depends on t he connected mobile phone
52 Telephone

PIN code can only consist of numbers from 0 Bluetooth: When this function is on, the Blue-
to 9. The new SIM PIN code has to be entered tooth symbol will appear on the MMI display.
twice, as a precautionary measure, and is stor- The Bluetooth discoverability of the MMI can
ed on the SIM card. be switched on/off using the settings visible/
invisible. Devices which have already been
Mailbox number: You can enter or edit the
bonded can connect via Bluetooth even when
mailbox number using the MMI touch pad or
discoverability is deactivated. Once you have
the speller via the entry field Number. The
connected your mobile phone, you should
mailbox number can be deleted with the op-
switch Bluetooth to invisible to prevent the
tion Delete mailbox number.
MMI from being discovered by third parties.
Serial number (IMEi): The serial number of You can switch off the Bluetooth function. It
the telephone module installed in the MMI will then not be poss ible to establish a Blue-
system is displayed. tooth connection.

Call options Audio player: In order to be able to use the

Bluetooth audio player as a source in the Me-
Call forward: Forwarding incoming calls to
dia menu page 84, the function must be
your mailbox or to another phone number can
switched on. To avoid problems in Telephone
be activated/deactivated.
or Media mode, switch the Audio player func-
Call waiting: The warning (beep) that there is tion off when you are not using the Bluetooth
an incoming call during a telephone conversa- audio player.
tion can be activated/deactivated.
MMI name: The Bluetooth name of the MMI
Transmit caller ID : Sending your telephone system (e.g. "AUDI MMI 2613") is displayed
number in outgoing calls can be activated/de- and can be changed.
activated. With the Network-dependent op-
tion, the setting agreed in your mobile net- Connections
work service contract will be used. The set- See page 61 onwards
tings apply only to the Telephone menu in the
MMI system. When the Bluetooth connection Network connection (WLAN)
has been severed, the settings of your mobile See page 60 onwards
phone apply.
Message settings
Text message centre: The number of the text
Device management: All Bluetooth devices message centre of your mobile network serv-
bonded to the MMI system are displayed in a ice provider is dis played . If no number has
list. The device that is currently connected is been stored, you can enter the number of the
marked with a Bluetooth symbol. To switch text message centre using the speller. For
between the Handsfree profile and the Audio more information, contact your service provid-
player profile while a mobile phone is connec- er.
ted, select the Bluetooth device and change
Text message dictation licence: If the func-
the profile via the function connect (the vehi-
tion has not yet been activated, or if you wish
cle must be stationary). Use the function dis-
to activate it again, select Activate text mes-
connect to disconnect the active profile. To
sage dictation. If the licence is activated, its
delete bonded Bluetooth devices one at a
validity and expiration date will be disp layed
time, select a device and delete it by selecting
in this menu . You can have the MMI warn yo u
the function Delete Bluetooth device. The
when the licence is due to expire.
Find new devices function searches for all
Bluetooth devices within range and displays Text msg diet. declaration of consent: You
the m in a list. must confirm the declaration of consent in
Telephone 53

order to use the Dictate text message Sort order

page 22 function. Please ensure that all You can sort the contacts in your directory al-
users of the vehicle agree to the declaration of phabetically according to the surname or first
consent. name.

@ Note Show public contacts

- You can bond several mobile phones to You can choose to activate or deactivate the
the MMI system; however only one con- display of public contacts. Select yes to show
nection is active at a time. all contacts in the Local MMI memory (public);
- All bonded Bluetooth devices can be de- if you select no they are hidden if a mobile
leted by resetting the Bluetooth func- phone is connected to the MMI.
tion to the factory settings page 38.
Download phone book

Directory settings To update the contacts in the MMI, you can

Applies to vehicles: with telephone download the contacts from your mobi le
phone manually. Depending on the mobile
... Select: ITELI button> Directory> control
phone you are using, the Bluetooth connec-
button Settings. tion may have to be disconnected and re-es-
Memory capacity tablished before you can update the contacts.

The Memory capacity of the directory will be Delete contacts

displayed. You can delete all contacts in the Local memo-
You can manage up to 10500 contacts with ry at once by selecting the option Delete all
the directory. Up to 2000 contacts can be Loa- contacts. Select Delete private contacts to
ded from your mobile phone into each private delete all contacts stored in the Local memory
directory. Additionally, you can create up to (private). The contact s in the Local memory
500 contacts in the Local MMI memory (pri- (public) can be delet ed by selecting Delete
vate), as well as 500 in the Local MMI memory public contacts.

Applies to vehicles: with telephone

Subject Advice
Connecting the mobile phone to Check that Bluetooth discoverability is switched on in the MMI
the MMI fails. and on your mobile phone. On some mob ile phones, discovera-
bility is deactivated automatically after a s hort time.
Or: Restart your mobile phone.
For more information, please refer to your mobile phone's op-
erating manual.
After the mobile phone was con- Avoid using special characters in names.
nected not all/none of the con- Avoid using contact groups.
tacts were Loaded into the MMI.
54 Telephone

Subject Advice
Some telephone functions are The telephone functions will depend on the mobile network
greyed out/not available. service provider and the mobile phone used. For furthe r infor-
mation, please contact your mob ile network service provider,
see the operating instructions for your mobile phone, or con-
sult the Audi "Tested mobile phones" database located at
Some telephone functions are On corporate phones, some Bluetooth settings may not be
greyed out/not available, even compatible with the system or the Bluetooth function of your
though the mobile phone sup- mobile phone may have been deactivated. For more informa-
ports them. tion, contact your system administrator.
Audi connect SS

Audi connect Connecting via a SIM card

Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect
Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect

Audi connect services allow on line informa-

tion to be directly transmitted and integrated
into the vehicle.

Thanks to a Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) hotspot, it is

possible to use a mobile device to access the
Internet in the rear of the vehicle during jour-
neys or anywhere in the vehicle when it is sta-

- Only use Audi connect services when the
traffic conditions allow you to do so safe-
ly - risk of accident! Please see page 5,
Notes on traffic safety.
- The Audi connect services should only be
used via a Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) hotspot Fig. 39 Inserting the SIM card (mini SIM ca rd, actual
when the vehicle is stationary or from size)
the rear seats if the vehicle is in motion -
risk of accident! Requirements
The vehicle must be stationa ry, a nd the igni-
@ Note tion mu st be switched on.
Please observe the notes in the chapter
Inserting SIM card
Notes on Audi connect page 62 be-
fore using the system. ... Insert your mini SIM card (printed side fac-
ing up, contact s urface facing down) into
Setting up the slot of the card reader Fig. 39. The
missing corner of the SIM card should be at
Requirements for Audi connect the front Left. Then push the SIM card into
Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect the s lot until you feel it engage .
An Internet connection is required in order to ... Ente r the PIN cod e for your SIM card in the
use Audi connect. To connect to the Internet, MMI.
the following conditions must be met: .,.. Press the control button for OK.
... To allow the MMI to connect automatically
- A SIM card with a data option must be inser- in the future, select and confirm Yes.
ted in the SIM card reader of the MMI ... To establish an Internet connection for Audi
page SS. connect services, confirm the prompt on the
- A data connection for Audi connect services display with Yes.
must be configured page 61.
After connecting successfully
N After connecting successfully, one or two sig-
~ nal strength bars @ ! @ page 11 , Fig. 6 (de-
\D pending on the connection type) will be dis-
...... played in the status Line of the MMI display. .,..
56 Audi connect

You can now use Audi connect. Logging into myAudi in the vehicle
Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect
... Select: IMENUI button> Audi connect .
... Confirm the system query of whether an In- Before you use some Audi connect services
ternet connection should be established (e.g. Facebook), you will need to connect your
with Yes. vehicle to your myAudi account.

Removing SIM card

... Briefly press the SIM card. The card will then
eject from the slot. Remove the SIM card.

i Note
Making and receiving telephone calls via
the MMI is only possible using the Blue-
tooth connection (Handsfree) page 41.
Fig. 40 Audi connect menu
Configuring using
Activating/configuring certain Audi
connect services
Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect

Before you first use ce rta in Audi connect serv-

ices, it is necessary to activate/configure them
via your personal myAudi account:

- If you do not yet have a personal myAudi ac- Fig. 41 Logging into myAudi
count, please register on the Internet at
www.audi.com/myaudi. ... Select: IMENU I button> Audi connect > Log-
-Add your vehicle to you r myAudi accou nt. A in (!) Fig. 41.
myAudi PIN for your vehicle will be created. ... Enter your myAudi PIN using the MMI touch
-Activate/confi gure the Audi connect services pad page 8 or the speller page 9.
you require for your ve hicle in your myAudi ... Confirm the entry with OK.
account. You can then use all the Audi connect services.
-Whe n you call up certa in Audi connect serv-
ices on the MMI, it may be necessary to also
ente r your myAudi PIN in o rd e r to connect
CD Note
You will receive you r myAudi PIN after set-
the vehicle to myAudi.
ting up a myAudi account. For more infor-
Detailed information on configuration can be mation, please see www.audi.com/myau-
found on the Internet at www.audi.com/ di.
An overview of Audi
connect services
Basic functions
Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect

... Select: IMENU I button> Audi connect > de-

sired Audi connect service.
Audi connect 57

The following functions may be available to - Select and confirm an entry and press the
select depending on the Audi connect service control button for Functions> Refresh. The
chosen: entry will be updated.

Selecting a search area

Travel information
- In immediate vicinity: The information re- Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect
quired will be displayed for the area in which
you are currently located. Information on landmarks and tourism tips in
- In vicinity of destination: If you have en- the search area selected.
tered a navigation destination, you can have .,. Select an confirm a landmark to have deta ils
the information you require displayed for displayed.
the area around your destination.
- In new town: You can enter any town using Parking information
MMI touch page 8 or the speller page 9 Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect
and will then receive the information re-
quired. Information on places to park and parking
fees in the search area selected.
Show on map
Using the control button Settings, yo u can
Shows different entries or a single entry on sort the car parks according to Distance or the
the map. Number of empty spaces.
- Select and confirm an entry and press the
control button for Functions > Show on Fuel prices
map. The entry selected will be shown on Applies to vehicles: with Aud i connect
the ma p.
Information on filling stations with the
Read cheapest prices for your ve hicle in the search
area selected.
You can have the MMI read selected content
to you. Using the control button Settings, you can
sort the fuel prices by price or by distance.
- Select and confirm an entry and press the
control button for Read out. The selected
entry will be read out by the MMI. Weather
Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect
Navigate to
Information on the current weather and
If an entry contains a location (e.g. in City weather forecasts for the search area selected
Events), this ca n be used as a navigation desti- (e.g. at destination).
nation in the MMI.

- Select and confirm an entry and press the Flight information

control button for Navigate to. The location Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect
selected will be taken as the navigation des-
Information on flights and current arrival/de-
tination by your MMI and route guidance
parture times in the search area selected.
will be started.
.,. Enter a flight number using the MMI touch
pad page 8 or the speller page 9 or se-
N The entries of the Audi connect servi ce selec- lect a flight us ing the sea rch area function.
~ ted will be updated.
58 Audi connect

Train information You can choose the following categories in the

Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect Facebook menu:

Information on stations and current arrival/ - Nearby: Friends located near you are dis-
departure times in the search area selected. played.
-Timeline: Your Facebook t imeline is dis-
... Select and confirm the train information de-
sired (e.g. Public transport).
- News Feed: New posts (e.g. from fr iends or
... Select and confirm Start search.
groups) are displayed.
- Events: Events to which you have been invi-
City events ted are displayed.
Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect
- Messages: Messages you have received are
Information on events of different categories displayed.
in the search area selected. - Friends: All your Facebook friends are dis-
played .
... Select and confirm a category, for example
Sport. Depending on the Facebook category chosen,
... Select an confirm an event to have details different Functions will be available to you:
- What's on your mind?: You can update your
Face book status with the help of ready-
Online news made temp lates or text blocks personalised
Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect using myAudi.
Important: You must have subscribed to news - Where are you?: You can enter your current
feeds in your myAudi account and your vehicle location and make it visible to others.
must be connected to myAudi ~page 56. - Show on map: An entry (e.g. friends nearby)
is shown on the map.
With this service, you can call up the latest - Refresh:The Facebook function selected is
headlines from your preferred news providers updated.
in the MMI.

... Select and confirm a headline. Q Note

- Further settings (such as Account Set-
((I)) Note tings and Privacy Settings) cannot be
If you have not yet subscribed to any per- changed in the MMI. If you wish to
sonal news feeds in your myAudi account, change anything in these menus, please
pre-configured news feeds will be shown do so on the Face book website itself.
on the MMI display. - You can only connect one Facebook ac-
count to your myAudi account.
- You can use the Internet to add personal
templates at www.audi.com / myaudi.
Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect
- Audi connect enables access to the Face-
You can access the most important functions book service. Audi cannot guarantee that
of your Facebook account via the MM!. this service will be available indefinitely;
this is the responsibility of Facebook.
Important: You must have a Facebook account
and your vehicle must be connected to myAu-
di ~ page 56 .

... Select and confirm a category, for example

News Feed.
Audi connect 59

Twitter this service w ill be available indefi nitely;

Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect this is the responsibility of Twitter.

You can access the most important functions

of your Twitter account via the MMI. Audi connect services in the navigation
Important: You must have a Twitter account Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect
and your vehicle must be connected to myAu-
The following Audi connect services are cur-
rently available:
.... Select and confirm a category, for example
- Navigation with Google Earth page 71
and Google Street View page 72.
You can choose the following categories in the - Point of interest search (e.g. restaurants):
Twitter menu: For planning a route via the MMI control
console page 66 and the speech dia-
- Tweets: All the tweets you have created are
logue system page 23.
-Adding a destination to your MMI via your
- Home: All the tweets from people you are
myAudi account or Google Maps
following are displayed.
page 68.
- Following: Everyone you are following is dis-
- Online traffic information: Up-to-the-mi-
nute reception of information on accidents,
- Followers: Everyone who is following you is
roadworks and other disruption page 77
- Picturebook navigation: Pictures with loca-
Depending on the Twitter category chosen, tion information from an SD card, your
different Functions will be available to you: myAudi account or Google Street View can
be used for route guidance page 67.
- New tweet: You can send a new tweet with
- myAudi special destinations*: Your person-
the help of ready-made templates or text
al specia l destinati ons can be imported to
blocks personalised using myAudi.
your MMI via an SD card.
- Refresh :The Twitter function selected is up-
- Navigation map update service*: Naviga-
tion map updates can be imported to your
- Favourite: You can "favourite" a tweet to
MMI using an SD card.
show that you like it.
- Audi connect e-tron services*: Audi connect
- Retweet: You can repost a tweet to share it
services developed especially for the Audi
with other people.
A3 Sportback e-tron. For more information,
please refer to your Owner's Manual.
OJ} Note
- Further settings (such as your account, @ Note
language, Tweet privacy, and location
- The Audi connect service navigation map
settings) cannot be changed in the MMI.
update service* allows you to find out
If you wish to change anything in these
which software version is installed in
menus, please do so on the Twitter web-
your vehicle. You can then check whether
site itself.
a new version is available at
- You can use the Internet to add personal
www.audi.com/myaudi. You can also
templates at www.audi.com/myaudi.
have the new navigation data installed
0 - You can only connect one Twitter account
N by an Audi dealer (carries additional
I to your myAudi account.
~ charges).
\D - Audi connect enables access to the Twit-
ter service. Audi cannot guarantee that
60 Audi connect

- For more information on the myAudi ... Select: ITELI button > control button Set
special destinations* and the navigation tings > Network connection (WLAN) .
map update service*, please see the Op-
You can select the following settings in the
erating Manual for Audi connect at
www.audi.com/myaudi. Network connection (WLAN) menu:

WLAN active
Audi connect services for telephones
The Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) hotspot is deactiva-
Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect
ted when the vehicle leaves the factory. Set
The following Audi connect services are cur- the Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) hotspot to visible
rently available: before establishing a connection between
your vehicle and your Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) de-
- Messages: To dictate text messages and
have them read to you page 22.
- E-mail: To send and receive e-mails and have - off: To deactivate the MMI system's Wire-
them read to you page 46. less LAN (Wi-Fi) hotspot. It will not be pos-
- Creating contacts on your PC via your myAu- sible to establish an Internet connection.
di account and loading the contacts into the - visible: To activate the MMI system's Wire-
directory of your MMI system page 50. less LAN (Wi-Fi) hotspot and use it to estab-
lish an Internet connection.
Audi connect services in the Media menu - invisible: To keep the MMI system's Wire-
Applies to vehicles: with Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) audio play-
less LAN (Wi-Fi) hotspot active, but to make
er it invisible for other devices. It will not be
possible to connect to new Wireless LAN
Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) audio player: To access
(Wi-Fi) devices.
the media centre of your player (e.g. smart-
phone) connected via Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) Wireless LAN (WiFi) settings
page 29. Additionally, you can use the Audi
The Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) connection between
MMI connect app to access web radio pro
you r vehicle and the Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) de-
vice (laptop or mobile phone) is encrypted .
Before a connection can be establi shed, you
((D} Note
must enter the following va lues/ settings
For more information on Wireless LAN when setting up your Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) de-
(Wi-Fi) audio players and for a list of sup- vice (these values can be edited as required):
ported devices, see www.audi.com/con-
nect or ask an Audi dealer. - Access point (SSID): Name of the Wireless
LAN (Wi-Fi) network.
- Encryption type: WEP, WPA or WPA2.
Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi)
- Password: Depending on the encryption
hotspot type, a password is generated in the MMI
Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect
system to encrypt the Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi)
You can use your MMI system as a Wireless connection. This password can be changed.
LAN (Wi-Fi) hotspot for connecting to the In- Please select a secure password. When us-
ternet on up to eight Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) de- ing the encryption type WEP the password
vices. While you are driving, small, Light Wire- must be exactly 13 characters long. With
less LAN (Wi-Fi) devices that are not perma- encryption type WPA or WPA2 the password
nently attached to the vehicle must only be must be at least 8 chara cters (max. 63 char-
operated from the rear seats. acters) long.

Important: Th e ignition must be switched on.

Audi connect 61

- Discoverability: To switch the discoverability the system abroad: We strongly recom-

of the Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) network on or mend that you use a data flat rate. For
off. more information, contact your service
- Use settings: To copy the new settings into provider.
the MMI system. Subsequently, you must - For more information on Audi connect
update the changes on your mobile Wireless services, visit www.audi.com/connect or
LAN (Wi-Fi) device. ask an Audi dealer.

A WARNING Configuring the data

- Do not allow the features of the Wireless connection
LAN (Wi-Fi) hotspot to distract you from Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect
watching the traffic - this can cause an
You must configure a data connection before
you can use Audi connect services.
- Laptop computers and similar devices
can only be operated safely when the ve-
hicle is stationary because of their
weight; any loose objects can be catapul-
ted through the vehicle in an accident
and cause serious injuries. Always make
sure that such devices are securely stow-
ed while you are driving.
- No Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) devices may be
used from the front seats in the areas
around the airbags while the vehicle is Fig. 42 Configuring data connection
being driven. Please also observe the
safety warnings in the chapter "Airbag ~Select: I MENUI button> Audi connect> Set-
system" under "Important safety notes tings> Data connection.
on the front airbag system" in the sepa-
You can select when you would Like the system
rate Owner's Manual for your vehicle.
to establish an Internet connection in the Da-

ta connection menu. The online connection is
severed automatically when a requested Audi
Please note that it is your responsibility to connect service no longe r requires any further
take precautions regarding data protec- data.
tion, anti-virus protection and protection
against loss of data on mobile devices The following options are available:
used to connect to the Internet via the
Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) hotspot.
- if requested: A data connection will only be
@ Note established on request.
- without request: A data connection will be
- You might require a separate mobile
established automatically for the use of
phone contract with extra costs before
Audi connect services.
you can use the Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi)
- never: A data connection will not be estab-
hotspot. For more information, contact
lished. It is then not possible to call up Audi
your service provider.
N connect services. IJll>
I - Depending on your mobile phone tariff,
fYl you may be charged for receiving data
Lil packets online via the Wireless LAN (Wi-
,...., Fi) hotspot, especially if you are using
62 Audi connect

When a data connection has been establish- Reset configuration

ed, a symbol indicating the active data con-
An on line profile is created and configured au-
nection @ Fig. 42 appears in the status line
tomatically. The Connection settings you have
of the MMI display. changed manually are reset to the default set-
You can cancel an active data connection man- tings.
ually by setting the Connect option to never.
(!} Note
Data roaming
-According to the factory settings, the da-
The Data roaming function is deactivated ta connection will be interrupted initially
when the vehicle leaves the factory. Data when you travel abroad to protect you
roaming must be activated(.!) before you can from unexpected roaming charges. If
use a data connection abroad. you want to use Audi connect services
abroad, you must first activate the Data
MMI online
roaming option.
With the MMI online function, you can allow - When using Google Earth you will be
or deny the use of Audi connect services if the asked explicitly whether you want to al-
connection is set to without request or if re- low roaming before the system dials into
quested> yes. a foreign mobile phone network.
- For more information on roaming charg-
Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) devices
es, contact your service provider.
You can use the WLAN devices function to al-
low or deny a connection to the Internet.
Online usage meter
Connection settings Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect

Depending on the SIM card used, the connec- .,.. Select: IMENU I button > Audi connect> Set-
tion may be configured automatically. Howev- tings > Online usage meter.
er, these settings can be changed. For more
The number of t he data packets sent/received
information, contact your service provider.
via the MMI system is displayed. Select Reset
-APN: The system access point depend s on consumption meter to reset the consumption
your mobile network service provider and is statistics to zero.
assigned automatically.
- User name: The user name for your on line Notes on Audi connect
profile is assigned by your mobile network
service provider. Audi connect services
- Password: The password for your online pro- Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect

file is assigned by your mobile network serv-

ice provider. {i) Note
-Authentication: Depending on your mobile - Audi connect services are only available
network service provider, an authentication with an existing mobile phone contract
(identity verification) for your service provid- (or one set up separately) and if you are
er may be necessa ry. If thi s is the case, se- in an area with mobile phone network
lect secure; otherwise choose the option coverage. Depending on your mobile
normal. phone tariff, you may be charged for re-
ceiving data packets online, especially if
The new settings will not be stored until you
you are using the system abroad. Be-
exit the Connection settings menu by press-
cause of the high level of data usage, we .,...
ing the IBACKI button.
Audi connect 63

strongly recommend using an unlimited erly. You can use our myAudi platform,
data plan. for example, to activate further Audi
- The mobile phone standard LTE* is not connect services and to transfer data to
available for use in all countries. For fur- and from your vehicle. You must register
ther information, please consult an Audi once in order to be able to connect your
dealer or your mobile network service vehicle to the platform. AUDI AG col-
provider. lects, processes, transmits and uses the
- In order to use Audi connect services, personal data you must provide for the
you will need a SIM card with a data op- registration as is necessary to ensure
tion; to use LTE*, the SIM card will also that AUDI AG can provide the services
need to have an LTE data option. and that you can use them . Your data are
- The availability, scope, provider and price not passed on to third parties. Using the
of the services offered can vary, as can myAudi platform and your mobile
the way in which the services are dis- phone, you can transmit data to your ve-
played on the screen. These variations hicle for the functions of your Aud i con-
depend on your country, model, model nect services und allow certain vehicle
year, device and mobile phone contract. data to be transmitted from your vehicle.
- Whether Audi connect services can be - If you activate certain information serv-
used depends on the availability of serv- ices included in your Audi connect port-
ices provided by third parties. folio you can use the corresponding func-
- Please also observe the notes in the tions directly in your vehicle after enter-
chapter Telephone page 40. ing your personal identification data (for
- For more information on Audi connect, example for access to social networks).
see www.audi .com/connect or contact In this case we pass on your identifica-
your Audi dealer. For information on the tion data to the corresponding service
conditions of your mobile phone con- provider. You can then access your per-
tract, please contact your mobile net- sonal content via a secure communica-
work service provider. tion channel. Th is content is displayed
and can be used in the vehicle. AUDI AG
will not sto re your personal content. The
Data protection
necessary connection data are processed
Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect
and used in accordance with legal re-
quirements to ensure t hat the services
@ Note
are provided and function properly.
- AUDI AG collects, processes, transmits
- More information is also ava ilable in the
and uses the personal data you provide MMI: IMENU I button > Audi connect >
in accordance with legal requirements to
About Audi connect.
ensure that the individual Audi connect
services are provided and function prop-

64 Audi connect

Applies to vehicles: with Audi connect

Subject Advice
Audi connect services: Some Before you first use some Audi connect services, it is necessa-
Audi connect services are greyed ry to activate/configure them via your personal myAudi ac-
out/not available. count: Detailed information can be found on the Internet at
Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) hotspot: Delete all existing WLAN (Wi-Fi) connections on your mobile
Problems establishing a Wireless device and restart it.
LAN (Wi-Fi) connection.
Navigating 65

Navigating - Street and town names can change;

therefore the names stored on the MMI
Calling up the can in exceptional cases be different
navigation menu from the actual names.
Applies to vehicles: with navigation system - For more information on the navigation
The navigation system guides you directly to map update service*, please see the Op-
your destination, avoiding traffic obstruc- erating Manual for Audi connect at
tions and using alternative routes if desired. www.audi.com/myaudi.

... Select: INAVI button. Entering a destination

After calling up the navigation, the menu that Entering an address
was last open w ill be displayed. Applies to vehicles: with navigation system

- To switch between the map and the desti-

nation entry screen: Press the INAVI button
again .

- Today's driving conditions require the full
attention of drivers. Please see page 5,
Notes on traffic safety.
- Pay attention to traffic rules when driv-
ing. Fig. 43 Enter destination
- The route calculated by the navigation
system is a recommendation of how best ... Select: INAVI button > control button Desti-
to reach a destination. Pay attention to nation > Address.
traffic lights, no stopping s ign s, lane
- To change the country: Select and confirm
change restrictions, one-way streets, etc.
Country and enter a country.

- To enter a destination via the town/post
code: Select and confirm Town/post code.
- Should the navigation directions contra- Enter a town or a post code. Press the con-
dict the current traffic regulations, you trol button for List if necessary. Now you
must always follow the traffic regula- can select the town from the list and con-
tions. firm it. Select and confirm additional details
- The volume should only be set at a level for the destination such as the Street,
which enables you to hear distant police House number, Special destination in town
and emergency vehicles clearly - failure or Centre. Start the route gu idan ce func-
to do so could result in an accident. tion.
- To enter a destination via the street: Select
@ Note and confirm Street. Select a town from the
- Snow or other obstructions on the GPS list and confirm it. Enter a street. Select and
aerial or interference caused by trees or confirm additional details for the destina-
large buildings could affect the reception tion s uch as the House number or an Inter-
0 of the satellite signals and make posi- section.
I tioning difficult. GPS reception and vehi- - Start the route guidance function.
fYl cle positioning can also be adversely af-
Help entering an address: While you are en-
Lil fected by deactivation or a malfunction
...... tering an address, s uggestions based on your ..,..
of severa l satellites.
66 Navigating

previous e ntries are ma de in the entry field fo r CD Fig. 44 in the Legen d menu. Select and
the tow n. Yo u can set the suggested tow n as confirm Start route gu idance.
the destination by pressing the control butto n
Additional information on the point selected
for List. Furthe r towns matching your entry
with the crosshairs: If yo u use t he cross hairs
are Listed below the entry fie ld (large tow ns
to select a Locat io n on the map, any exist ing
first and then other tow ns in alphabetical or-
information on thi s Locatio n (e .g. add ress,
der) . In addition, th e total number of towns
traffic information or special destinat ions)
found is dis played CD Fig. 43.
w ill be displayed @ .

Setting a destination from the map Stacked map content: If severa l special desti-
Applies to vehicles: with navigation system nations are Located close to each other, t he ir
symbols are s tacked on the m a p @ .
A Location on the map can be set as a desti-
Entering a special destination
Applies to vehicles: w ith navigation system

Fig. 44 Set t ing a destinat ion from the m ap

Tour N,1v 1g,1t1on Trafficl Fig. 46 Entering a special destinat ion

B Asamkirche Maria de Victoria
""' Select : INAVI but t on > control button Desti-
o Asam kirche Maria de Victoria
nation > Special destinations.
(D) I ngolstadt, Neubaustrasse 1

Start route guidance

- To change the search area : Select Search
i( Calculate alternative routes .. area . Now yo u ca n select a sea rch a rea from
...Set as stopover .. t he Li st a nd confi rm it .
Destination Settings
- To find the name of a special destination in
the selected search area: Select Find entry.
Fig. 45 Setti ng map position as desti nation
Enter the name of t he specia l desti nation .
- To call up the map: Press the INAVI button - To find a special destination in a certain
re peated ly unt il t he ma p a ppea rs. category: Select Select category. Se lect and
- To set a convenient map scale (in order to co nfirm a cat egory, fo r example Airport or
be able to move the crosshairs faster) : Turn myAudi special destinations.
the rota ry pus hbutton clockwise/anti-clock- - To find a special destination in the selected
w ise . search area: Select and confi rm a category
directly (fast access CD Fig. 4 6) . You ca n
- To move the crosshairs: Press t he rota ry
pus hbutton. Move the crossha irs o nto the now select and confi rm a special destina -
destinatio n us ing the MMI t ouch pad
page 8 . The following sea rch cat egories a re availa ble:
- To use the destination for route guidance:
In immediate vicinity: You can select specia l
Press t he rota ry pushbutto n. Select symbol
destinations from d iffe rent cat egories . The .,..
Navigating 67

special destinations are displayed in a list, pletely because they are too long. If you
starting with destinations in the immediate select one of these entries with the rota-
vicinity and going up to destinations within a ry pushbutton, detailed information on
radius of 200 km. the selected entry will be displayed auto-
matically after a few seconds.
In vicinity of route: Special destinations
along the route can only be selected when the
route guidance function is active. The special Picture destinations (picturebook
destination is located directly on or in the im- navigation)
Applies to vehicles: with navigation system
mediate vicinity of your route.
Pictures with Location information can be im-
In vicinity of destination: You can select spe-
ported into the MMI from an SD card, a USB
cial destinations from different categories; for
storage device or your myAudi account and
example, you can look for a hotel at the desti-
used for route guidance.
nation .

In new town : Enter the name of the town in

the speller. You can select special destinations
from different categories. This function can be
used to find special destinations in a town ir-
respective of the destination.

Nationwide: You can either find the special

destination by entering the name or by select-
ing it from different categories. A special des-
tination can be found irrespective of your cur- Fig. 47 Selecting an image f ile to im port
rent position and your destination. You can
use this function, for example, to navigate to ... Select: INAVI button > control button Desti-
a n airport in the country curre ntly selected. nation > Picture destinations.
In new country: Enter the name of the coun- Filling picture box
try in the speller. A special destination can be
found irrespective of your current position and - To select files: Select: cont rol button Set-
destination. You can use this function to find tings > Fill picture box> SD card, USB or
special destinations that you already know in myAudi. The folders/ image files on the
a new country. source will be displayed. Select and confirm
the file required. To select a ll the files in a
(!)) Note folder, press the control button for All. If
you are importing pictures via myAudi, you
- For more information on the myAudi
may need to enter the myAudi PIN for your
special destinations*, plea se see the Op-
account. You only have to enter the myAudi
erating Manual for Audi connect at
PIN once. When you store a vehicle in your
myAudi account, you will receive the myAu-
- The distances to special destinations are
di PIN in the account.
shown as the crow flies from your cur-
- To start the copying procedure: Press the
rent location (arrow not filled in) . The ac-
control button for Copy. The status of the
tual driving di stance between your cur-
copying procedure will be shown on the MMI
rent position and the special destination
0 display.
N is updated automatically (filled in ar-
I - To hide the copying procedure: Select and
confirm Continue in background . ..,.
\D - Sometimes there are destination entries
in the list that cannot be displayed com-
68 Navigating

- To cancel the copying procedure: Select and

(!)) Note
confirm Cancel copying procedure.
- Please observe the notes in the chapter
Using pictures Notes on Audi connect page 62.
- Filtering picture display: Press the control - A total of 1,500 pictures can be stored in
button for Filters. the picture box.
- In order for all imported picture destina-
The following filters are available :
tions to be displayed on the map, Picture
All: ALL imported pictures will be displayed. destinations must be activated in Map
content page 74.
Date created: ALL imported pictures will be
displayed arranged by their date of creation.
Online destinations
Location : Pictures s howi ng the vicinity of your Applies to veh icles: with navigation system and Audi con-
current Location or of an entered destination nect
will be displayed. You can look for special destinations online.
Street View: Pictures created using the Goo-
Important: The requirements for Audi connect
gle Street View function Save @
services must be met page 62.
page 71, Fig. 52 will be displayed .
... Select: INAVI button > control button Desti-
myAudi: All pictures imported from your
nation > Online destinations.
myAudi account will be displayed.

- To display the functions of the picture des- - To perform a Google search in immediate
tination selected: Press the rotary pushbut- vicinity/in vicinity of destination/stop-
ton . overU: Select and confirm Google search in
immediate vicinity or Google search at des-
The following options are available : tination/stopover. Enter a search item (e.g.
- Start route guidance restaurant) and confirm yo ur entry with OK.
- Display Alternative routes to the picture Select and confirm a special destination >
destination Start route guidance .
- Set as stopover - To perform a Google search in a new
- Show Destination on map town 1 >: Select and confirm Google search in
- Store in directory page 73 new town > Find town . Enter the name of
the town and confirm your entry with OK.
- Display Additional information stored in
Enter a search item (e.g . restaurant) and
confirm your entry with OK. Select and con-
Deleting pictures firm a special destination > Start route
- To delete pictures individually: Select: con-
- To call up destinations from myAudi ac-
trol button Settings > Delete pictures > De-
lete pictures individually. count2>: Se lect and confirm Call up dest.
from myAudi account. If required, enter the
- To delete by import source : Select: control
myAudi PIN for your account. The contacts
button Settings > Delete pictures > Delete
stored in the myAudi account will be dis-
by import source > desired source.
played. You only have to ent er the myAudi
PIN once. When you store a vehicle in yo ur ..,_

ll Provider at the time of print

2> Important: You must have created an account at
www.audi.com/myaudi, added a vehicle to t he ac-
count and stored a d estination.
Navigating 69

myAudi account, you will receive the myAu- ""' Select a recent destination from the list and
di PIN in the account. Select and confirm a confirm it.
contact. Select and confirm a private/b usi- ""'Start the route guidance function.
ness navigation destination > Start route
guidance. {(D Note
In the Destination details menu, you can dis- You can delete the list of last destinations
play additional information on online destina- page 75.
Loading a destination from the directory
@ Note Applies to vehicles: with navigation system
- For more information on the myAudi ac- You can navigate directly to entries in the di-
count, please see www.audi.com/myau- rectory.
di .
- Please observe the notes in the chapter Important: The directory must contain con-
Notes on Audi connect page 62. tacts with private/business addresses stored
as destinations page 50.
Setting a favourite/home address as the ""' Select: INAVI button > control button Desti-
destination nation > Directory >select a contact.
Applies to vehicles: with navigation system
""'Select and confirm a private/business ad-
Using the favourites makes it easier to enter dress.
destinations that you use often. ""'Start the route guidance function.

Important: A favourite or home address must

Entering a destination via the
be stored page 73 .
""' Select: INAVI button > control button Desti- Applies to vehicles: with navigation system

nation > Favourites.

""' Select: INAVI button > control button Desti-
""'Select and confirm a favourite/your home
nation > Address > Coordinates.
""'Select and confirm the Latitude and Longi-
""' Start the route guidance function.
tude coordinates. Start the route guidance
@ Note
- The favourites and home address you Entering a stopover/tour plan
have stored can be displayed on the map, Applies to vehicles: with navigation system
called on the telephone, overwritten or
You can enter up to nine stopovers directly in
deleted page 73.
the tour plan or using the various ways of en-
- The favourites are displayed on the map
tering destinations.
when the scale is up to 2.5 km.

Loading last destination

Applies to vehicles: with navigation system

The last destinations are stored automatical-

ly and can be loaded again directly as a new
N destination.
fYl ""' Select: INAVI button > control button Desti-
Lil nation > Last destinations.
Lil Fig. 48 Tour plan
70 Navigating

Important: You must have entered a destina- It is only possible to calculate alternative
tion page 65 . routes for ind ividual destinations.
... Select: I NAVI button > control button Tour. You can use the Via function to determine the
course of the alternative route yourself.
- To enter a destination as a stopover: Select
and confirm the symbol for entering a stop- Enter special destination in town: With this
over @ Fig. 48. Enter a destination option yo u can look for e.g. tourist attractions
page 65. Select and confirm Set as stop- or public buildings (hospital, cinema, recrea-
over in the Destination details menu. tion areas, etc.) in the vicinity of the town en-
- To change a tour plan: Press the control tered. The special destination can be set di-
button for Tour. Select and confirm the des- rectly as the destination.
tination/stopover and then select Change, Select centre: The navigation system calcu-
Move, Delete or Start tour plan from here. lates a route leading to the centre of these-
- To store a tour: Press the control button for lected town /district.
Tour. Select and confirm Tour memory and
then Store tour. Enter a name. Destination on map: The destination is shown
- To load/delete a tour: Press the control but- on the map.
ton for Tour. Select and confirm Tour mem-
ory and then Load tour/ Delete tour. How to use the map
Applies to vehicles: with navigation system
The following information is displayed in the
legend menu of the tour plan Fig. 48:

(!) Location of the vehicle

@ Symbol for entering a stopover
@ Stopover entered

route guidance
Fig. 49 Map with crossha irs switched off
Applies to vehicles: with navigation system

- To enter a new destination and start route

guidance: Select I NAVI button > control but-
ton Destination > enter destination > Start
route guidance.
- To restart/stop the last route guidance: Se-
lect INAV I button > control button Destina-
tion > Start/ Cancel.
When you enter a new destination, the follow-
ing additional functions are available in the Fig. 50 Map with crosshairs switched on
Destination details menu page 66, Fig. 45:
- To call up the map: Press the I NAV I button
Calculate alternative routes: Three suggested
repeated ly until the map appears.
routes are calculated for the destination cur-
- To switch on the crosshairs: Press the rotary
rently entered. The legend menu will show in-
pushbutton whi le the map is being dis-
formation on the a lternative route, s uch as
played. ..,.
the distance to the destination and the calcu-
lated arrival time.
Navigating 71

- To switch off the crosshairs: Press the Google Earth map

I BACKI button.
Crosshairs switched off: Applies to vehicles: with navigation system and Audi con-
CD Orientation: The map is displayed either
You can have the map display satellite im-
from the north position or from the driv-
ages using the Google Earth map display.
ing position.
@ Scale: Turn the rotary pushbutton clock-
w ise/anti-clockwise to zoom in or out. The
automatic zoom is s hown above the scale
when the function is activated~
page 75.
@ Distance to destination/stopover
Calculated time of arrival at destination/
Speed displayl>
Fig. 51 Google Ea rth map display
@ Altitude display
(j) Location of the ve hicle
@ Display of upcoming turn-off
Additional information page 74

Crosshairs switched on:

@ Additional information on the point selec-

ted with the crossha irs: If you use the
crosshairs to select a point on the map,
any existing information on this location,
Fig. 52 Google Ea rth map display with Google Street
e.g . the address, will be displayed. View
@ Display of position coordinates of the
crosshairs (longitude/latitude) Importa nt: The requirements for Audi connect
@ Moving along the route: This function can services must be met page 55.
be used while route guidance is activated. ... Select: INAV I button > control button Set-
Turn the rotary pushbutton clockwise/an-
tings > Map display > Google Earth .
ti-clockwise to move the map along the
current route. For this map display the system uses data
@ Destination details menu: Display of de- packets received onli ne in the form of satellite
tails available for the point on the map pictures and combines these pictures with the
yo u have selected (e.g. address). The se- road netwo rk from the Standard map display.
lected point can be set as a destination or The MMI has a memory capacity of 2 GB for
stopover, stored in the directory or called temporarily storing the map/ navigation data
on the telephone. received online (corresponds to map/naviga-
@ Calculating alternative routes for the des- tion data for about 4000 km of ro ute guid-
tination currently entered page 76 ance). You can also use the loaded satellite
pictures for route guidance without an active .,..
@ Map contents such as traffic information,
I favourite destinations or restaurants
ll Applies to vehicles without camera-based speed Limit
...... display only
72 Navigating

data connection as long as these pictures are

{(D) Note
- You can delete the data stored by the
Google Street View Google Earth map display using the Fac-
With Google Street View, you can explore tory settings function page 38.
many locations all over the world virtually - Google Earth is an Audi connect service
from the perspective of a pedestrian. Google that is updated at regular intervals when
Street View is available as soon as the symbol it is called up. This can take a few sec-
CD Fig. 51 is shown in the legend . onds.
- Please observe the notes in the chapter
To start Google Street View, turn the rotary
Notes on Audi connect page 62.
pushbutton to select a scale below 30 m.
- When the Google Earth map display is
The following options are available: switched on and the position 30 map
type is selected, the MMI d isplay auto-
- To photograph the current Street View im-
matically switches to the position 20
age: Press the control button for Save @
map while you are driving through a tun-
Fig. 52. Or: Press and hold the rotary
pushbutton until the camera is triggered.
- For safety reasons, the Google Street
- To explore a destination step-by-step: Press
View functions cannot be used wh ile the
the rotary pushbutton w hen the symbol @
vehicle is moving.
is visible.
- To zoom in/out of the current display (up
to 4x): Turn rotary pushbutton to the left/ Electric range
Applies to vehicles : with plug-in hybrid drive
right @ .
- To pan the view to the left/right or move it The additional information option range
up/down: Drag your finger across the MMI (electric) shows you the maximum distance
touch pad in the desired direction. you can drive using electric power. This takes
into account factors such as road categories,
If available, Google Street View shows a pic-
speed and road elevation.
ture of your destination during the last two
manoeuvres of your route guidance. For this,
the function Additional info must be switch-
ed on page 74 .

Additional information

In the Map content menu page 74, you

can activate the function to show add itional
information on the MMI display such as Pan-
oramio photos of landmarks/special destina-
tions. To show the additional information Fig. 53 Electric range display
move the crosshairs onto an item on the map
and press the rotary pushbutton. In the Addi- .,. Select: INAVI button > Settings > Additional
tional information menu, yo u can now look at info > range (electric).
pictures of landmarks or special destinations,
An additional window will appear in the map
for example.
view CD Fig. 53. You can use the w hite li ne
@ to determine the electric range of yo ur ve-
hicle. .,._
Navigating 73

The map scale in the additional window is ad-

justed automatically according to the vehicle's
((lj) Note

range. Please note that, for data protection rea-

sons, the display of favourites and a home
\) Note address depends on the currently bonded
mobile phone. To be able to use the fa-
- The electric range is always shown using
vourites and a home address independent-
the map orientation 2D north pos..
ly of the bonded mobile phone, please
- Depending on the equipment fitted in
store the favourites/home address in the
your vehicle, the electric range may be
public directory of the MMI (Visible to all)
shown in the standard or traffic map
page 49. This will make your favourites/
home address access ible to all users of the
Other settings
Storing a favourite/home address Storing a destination in the directory
Applies to vehicles: with navigation system Applies to vehicles: with navigation system

The favourites you store ore automatically Two addresses (private/business) con be stor-
displayed as a contact in the directory. ed as a destination for each contact in the di-
.. Select: INAVI button > control button Desti-
nation > Favourites. .. Select: INAVI button > control button Desti-
nation >enter destination > Store in direc-
- To store a favourite: Select Create favour- tory.
ite. Select and confirm a favourite with the
functions displayed . - To store a destination as a new address
- To store your home address: Select Home card: Select New contact. Enter a name. En-
address. Select and confirm the home ad- ter additional data if desired. Select and
dress with the functions displayed . confirm Store contact.
- To assign a destination to an existing ad-
A home address can be stored for each mobile
dress card : Select and confirm an address
phone/SIM card bonded to the MMI system,
card. Select and confirm Store contact. If a
as well as for the public MMI directory. This
destination is already stored in an existing
address is only visible when the corresponding
address card, the old destination wi ll be
directory is active page 48.
overwritten automatically.
Other functions are:
Show as favourite: If you would like to be
- Call: Select and confirm a favourite/your able to access the destination quickly, you can
home add ress. Select a nd confirm Call. add it to the li st of favourites w hen this func-
- Change: Select and confirm a favourite/your tion is switched on~ page 69.
home address. Select and confirm Assign
new favourite/Reassign home address. Basic settings
- Show on map: Select and confirm a favour- Appli es to vehicles: with navigation system
ite/your home address. Select and confirm
.. Select: INAVI button > control button Set-
Destination on map.
- Delete: Select and confirm a favourite/your
0 home address. Select and confirm Delete fa-
N Route criteria
~ vourite/home address.
fYl Dyn. traffic avoidance: When the dynamic
traffic avoidance function is on, the route is
...... automatically optimised using the current
74 Navigating

traffic information. If the MMI system does 20 driv. pos./20 north pos.: The map depicts
not display a detour route although the dy- the vehicle's current location. The map is set
namic traffic avoidance function is on and a to face the direction of travel or north.
traffic jam has been reported on the planned
30 driv. pos.: When th is function is activated
route, this is because the estimated time re-
~,the current veh icle position is displayed in
quired for the detour is longer than the esti-
a three-dimensio nal map, and t he map is set
mated time required for remaining on the
to face the direction of travel. If the map scale
route with the traffic jam.
is more than 100 km, the map is set to face
Route type: You can select a short, fast or north.
economical (eco) route.
overview: The entire route from the vehicle
Motorwayll /Vignettell / Toll road 1) / Tunnel 1)I position to the final destination is displayed
Ferry 1>/Motoran l>: If you do not want the on the map. The map scale va ries according to
navigation system to include motorways, vi- the length of the route. The map is set to face
gnette/ toll roads, tunnels, ferries or motorail north .
transit routes in the route calculation, you can
Map display
set the option avoid 1>. You can use the Vi-
gnette option to set the countries for which Standard page 70
you possess a vignette.
Google Earth page 71
Closed certain times: Select avoid to exclude
Traffic page 77
roads that are closed at certain times of the
day (e.g. pedestrian zones) from the route cal- Map content
culation. When auto is selected, the MMI sys-
The display of map content such as traffic in-
tem will determine whether t he restricted
formation , favourite destinations or restau-
road can be included in the route calculation
rants can be switched on~ and off.
based on the entries stored in the navigation
data . Additional info

Seasonally restricted: Select avoid to exclude Important: The route gu idance function must
roads that are closed during certain seasons have been started page 70.
(e.g. mountain passes) from the route calcula-
Route info: During route guidance, up to
tion. When auto is se lected, the MMI system
three upcoming manoeuvres together with
will determine whether the seasonally restric-
their calculated distances and times are dis-
ted road can be included in the route calcula-
played page 70, Fig. 49. In addition, the
tion based on the entries stored in the naviga-
street you are currently on, upcoming turn-
tion data .
offs, traffic info rmation or special destina-
Map colours tions on the current route are d isplayed. The
next upcoming turn-off is shown in the bot-
day/ night: The map is displayed with a light/
tom line .
dark background colour.
Overview map: The entire route from the ve-
auto: When the lights are on, the map
hicle position to the final destination is dis-
scheme will switch from day to night.
played in the additional info.
Map type off: No additional info is shown.
destination: The map indicates the destina-
tion a nd is set to face north.

ll Not available in the Mexican market

Navigating 75

Intersection map Petrol station message

When this option is on, a detail view of the in- When the fuel gauge is below the reserve
tersection is displayed temporarily in the ad- zone, a message will appear when this func-
ditional info when there is an upcoming turn- tion is on . Confirm this message, and a list of
off. petrol stations in the vicinity will be displayed.
When you select one of the petrol stations,
Auto zoom
the route to this station will be ca lcu lated
on: The map scale is selected automatically based on the current position of your car.
according to the category of the road you are
Speed display 1)
on (motorway, major road, other road) to en-
sure that you always have the best possible You can switch the display of the maximum
overview of route ahead. When there is an up- speed limit on motorways, dua l carriageways
coming turn-off, the map display will auto- and other major roads on and off if it is stored
matically zoom in for a better view of the de- in the navigation data.
tails. This will be indicated in the map's leg-
Voice guidance
end menu @ c:::> page 70, Fig. 49.
Voice guidance: The navigation cues can be
Intersection: When route guidance is active
played in complete or compact form. You can
and there are upcoming turn-offs, the map
use the traffic option to have the system p lay
display will temporarily switch to a more de-
only those announcements on traffic obstruc-
tailed scale so that the road layout can be
tions that are re levant for your route. Select
identified more easily.
off if you do not want the system to p lay any
off: The map scale you have set will remain navigation cues.
Navigation cues during call: You can switch
Online traffic data* the navigation cues while you are on the
phone on ~or off.
The Online traffic data function is switched
on when the vehicle leaves the factory. You Entertainment volume: see c:::> page 36, Navi-
can select off at any time to deactivate the re- gation*
ception of on line traffic data .
Volume of spoken cues: see c:::> page 36, Navi-
Online traffic data licence* gation*

If the Online traffic information option has Delete favourites

not yet been activated or if you wish to acti-
You can delete stored favourites individually
vate it again, se lect and confirm Activate on-
or all at once.
line traffic data. If the licence is activated, its
validity and expiration date will be displayed Delete last destinations
in this m enu.
The destinations that were last entered are
When the Reminder: licence validity option is stored automatically. You can delete them in-
switched on, a message will be s hown on the dividually or all at once.
MMI display three months before the licence
Deleting myAudi special destinations
Destinations that you import from your myAu-
di account to your MMI are automatically IJll>
ll Applies to vehicles without camera-based speed Li mit
...... display on ly
76 Navigating

saved. You can delete them individually or all Exclude route

at once. When route guidance is activated, a section of
Presentation mode the calculated route that you have set will be
avoided if possible. The navigation system will
Use the Presentation mode to plan and dis-
ca lculate an alternative route.
play a route effectively by displaying map con-
tents or route criteria. You can enter your The blocking of the route that you have en-
start location manually (Set start location) if, tered applies only to the current route guid-
for example, you wou ld like to calculate a ance; if required, the route section to be avoi-
route starting from a different position than ded must be re-entered.
the current position of the vehicle . Start the If yo u exclude a route section, this section will
Presentation mode to simu late a route guid- be hatched in red and wh ite on the map.
Information on country
@ Note With this option you can view the speed limits
For further information on the on line traf- for towns and country roads in t he country
fic data licence, please see www.audi.com/ you have selected . This information is dis-
connect or ask an Audi dealer. played automatically when you cross a border.

Tour settings Calling up traffic

Applies to vehicles: with navigation system
... Select: INAVI button > control button Tour. Dynamic traffic avoidance
Applies to vehicles: with navigation system
Calculate alternative routes
Up to three suggested routes and their char- Using the traffic information received via
acteristics are displayed in the map's legend TMC/TMCpro/ online you can have the MMI
menu. guide yo u past traffic obstructions whenever
possible. For this, the dynamic traffic avoid-
The route w hich was calculated on the basis of
ance must be switched on page 73 .
your criteria is highlighted. In addition the
distance to the destination and the estimated Ci} Note
time of arrival wi ll be displayed . You can use
The "Traffic informati on" function is not
the rotary pushbutton to select th e possible
ava ilable for the markets of the Gulf Coop-
a lternative routes.
e ration Council (GCC) member states or fo r
You ca n use the Via function to determine the the Mexican market.
course of the a lternative route yourself.
It is on ly possible to ca lculate alternative
routes for individua l destinations.

Route list
The route li st is only visible w hen the route
guidance function is active; it contains infor-
mation o n t he route, street names and t he
le ngth of the route sections. On motorways ,
potential parking areas and service stations
wi ll be displayed . You can select them as e .g.
a stopover.
Navigating 77

Traffic information (TMC/TMCpro) - To show the selected traffic information on

Applies to vehicles: with navigation system the map: Select and confirm Show on map.
The hatched line shows the stretch of road
affected by the traffic obstruction Fig. 55.
- To display the next piece of traffic informa-
tion on the map: Press the rotary pushbut-

Traffic information display

CD Coloured warning symbols: Traffic ob-
structions relevant for you r route are shown in
the top section of the list in order of the dis-
Fig. 54 Calling up TMC/TMCpro traffic information
tance from your current location.

Warning symbols with~: Traffic obstruc-

tions that you have avoided.

@ Greyed out warning symbols: Traffic ob-

structions that are not relevant for your route .
They are sorted according to road category
(motorways, major roads, other roads), coun-
try and road number.

Fig. 55 Displaying TMC/TMCpro traffic information on

((!) Note
the map Urgent traffic information, such as a car
travelling in the wrong direction on the
... Select: I NAVI button > control button Traffic.
motorway, is displayed automatically. To
Reception of traffic information is indicated hide the traffic information, press the
I BACKI button or the rotary pushbutton.
by the TMC/TMCpro symbol in the status line
of the display:
Online traffic information
TMC/TMCpro Applies to vehicles: with navigation system and Audi co n-
symbol nect

TMC/TMCpro stations are The MMI system can receive real-time infor-
available and dynamic mation from the Internet regarding acci-
traffic avoidance is switch- dents, roadworks and other disruptions.
ed on page 73.
TMC/TMCpro stations are
not available and dynamic
Greyed out
traffic avoidance is switch-
ed on.
Dynamic traffic avoidance
Not displayed
is switched off.

- To call up the detail view for traffic infor-

mation: Select a piece of traffic information
I from the list and confirm it. Fig. 56 Coloured markings on the map
\D - To call up the next piece of traffic informa-
tion: Press the rotary pushbutton.
78 Navigating

Important: The requirements for Audi connect You can also have the online traffic informa-
services must be met page 55. tion displayed on the Google Earth map dis-
play page 71.
- To switch on the on line traffic data Select
INAVI button >control button Settings > (!) Note
Online traffic data > on .
- Please observe the notes in the chapter
- To switch on the traffic map display: Select
Notes on Audi connect page 62.
INAVI button >control button Settings >
- Every vehicle with active Online traffic
Map display > Traffic.
data contributes to specifying and pre-
Symbol Fig. 56 on the MMI display indi- dicting the traffic situation as precisely
cates the reception of Online traffic informa- as possible. For this purpose, informa-
tion . If Online traffic information cannot be tion on the position of your vehicle is en-
received, the traffic information wi ll automat- crypted and transmitted anonymously to
ically be received via TMC/TMCpro page 77. the traffic data providers at regular inter-
vals. Should you not wish th is to happen,
Traffic information display
you can switch off the online traffic in-
CD Green: no obstructions formation function at any time.
@ Orange: slow-moving traffic - You can call up information on your traf-
fic data licence period in the Online traf-
@ Red: traffic jam fic data licence menu page 75.
Hatched markings show the stretch of road af- - The on line traffic information network
fected by the traffic obstruction. is not yet ava ilable in all countries. For
further information, please see
Coloured warning symbols: A traffic obstruc-
www.audi.com/connect or ask an Audi
tion is ahead (when route guidance is active). dealer.
Greyed out warning symbols: Traffic obstruc-
tions that are not relevant for your route.

You can adjust the settings for the display of

the co loured markings, warning symbols etc.
in the Map content menu page 74.
Navigating 79

Applies to vehicles: with navigation system

Subject Advice
Home addresses that have al- You can assign each directory (public and private) its own home
ready been stored will no Longer address; a home address stored publicly will only be visible
be shown. when no mobile phone is connected page 40 and no SIM
card is inserted in the SIM card reader page 55.
If a mobile phone is bonded, the home add ress of the corre-
sponding private directory will be displayed instead of the pub-
lie home address. We therefore recommend that you store the
home address publicly as well as for every mob ile phone in use.
Further information about the directory can be found on
Favourites that have already Favourites in the public directory of the MMI a re visible to ev-
been stored will no Longer be eryone using the vehicle.
shown. If a mobile phone is bonded, the favour ites of the correspond-
ing private directory will be displayed in addition to the public-
ly stored favourites.
In order to make a favourite available to all users, it must be
stored in the public directory of the MMI. To make a favourite
in the private directory available to all users, it must subse-
quently be marked as Visible to all page 49.

Mecca display
Applies to vehicles: with Mecca display

Important: The display must be set to the

map view.

... Select: Control button Info.

The direction of the Kaaba in relation to the

current vehicle pos ition is s hown on the MMI
di s play.

\) Note
This function is only available for the mar-
kets of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
member states.

80 Listening to the radio

Listening to the radio appears in the memory list. Select and con-
firm the desired memory position.
Calling up the radio - To tune to a stored station: Press the con-
The radio supports the wavebands DAB* (digi- trol button for Memory. Now you can select
tal radio), FM and AM. a station from the memory list and confirm
Memory Radio FM Wavebandl - To set the waveband : Press the control but-

BS AKT Events ton for Waveband. Select and confirm the
BAYERN 1 desired waveband. The current waveband
BAYERN 2 Culture will then appear in the display header. Or:
BAYERN 3 Pop Press the IRADIO I button repeatedly until
BR-KLASS Q Light the desired waveband appears.
Hitradio =a Pop - To display station information (DAB*) : Im-
Functions Settings portant: A station must be se lected from
the DAB* station list, and the Station infor-
Fig. 57 FM station list mation setting must be activated
page 83. Where available, the current
Memory ;.c,i,"; [l,'ll Waveband~
and following rad io programmes CD will be

., BSAKT Events
shown after a few seconds.
D T BAYERN 2 Culture
(!) Note
BR- KLASS - If you leave the range of DAB* reception,
8:0S Culture
radio stations of the selected ensemble 1)
11:00 News
Functions Settings page 83 are marked with a crossed-
out signal reception signal. The symbol
Fig. 58 DAB station list disappears as soon as the radio station
can be received again .
... Select: IRADIO I button. - The DAB* waveband is not available in all
After calling up the radio, the menu that was
- The DAB waveband* also supports the
last open will be displayed. Depending on the
transmission sta ndards DAB+ and DMB
waveband setting, you can select the follow-
Audio, where available.
ing functions:
- To display the station list: Press the I RADIO I
button again. The stations which are cur-
rently within reception range are displayed
in t he station list Fig. 57 a nd can be se lec-
- To select a station: Select a station from the
s tation list and confirm it.
- To store a station from the station list: Se-
lect a station from the station list Fig. 57
and confirm it. Press and hold the rotary
pushbutton until Store station name here

ll Applies to the DAB waveba nd* when the station sort-

ing setting is set to ensemble
Listening to the radio 81

Radio functions Freeze station name (FM)

The current name of the selected station will

Memory~ R,JCJ 1u rM Waveband i
be frozen in the memory list and marked with
97.6 MHz Pop . 11'\ the symbol @ page 80, Fig. 57. Changing
BAYERN 3 j FM station names are not displayed. To release

, Wi
the station name, select and confirm Freeze
station names again.

'" '~'+
~ i:;:c LE!]
@ Slide show (DAB*)
Additional information as a supp lement to
the normal programme (such as images from
Fig. 59 FM waveband functions
the studio, current photographs of artists or
album covers) is shown if available.

(J) Programme guide (EPG) (DAB*)

If available, an overview of the radio stations
within reception range and the current and
following radio programmes will be shown.
Select and confirm a radio programme. De-
tailed information on the radio programme
selected will now be displayed.
Fig. 60 DAB waveband functions
@ Info box
... Select: IRADIO I button > control button If available, the station name and any addi-
Functions. tional information (e.g. track, artist) will be
di s played.
Depending on the waveband setting, you can
select the following functions: Memory list
@ Store station The memory list can contain up to 50 stations
from all wavebands.
Select and confirm the desired memory posi -
tion. The selected station will appear at the - To store a station: Select control button
next free pos ition in the memory list Memory > Store station name. The selected
Fig. 59. station will appear at the next free position
in the memory list. Select and confirm the
@ Radio text (FM, DAB*) desired memory position.
Additional information as a supplement to - To tune to a stored station: Press the con-
the normal programme is displayed. trol button for Memory. Now you can select
a station from the memory list and confirm
@ Seek up/down it.
The previous 1<11111 or next ~I receivable station - To move a stored station: Press control but-
will be selected. ton Memory. Select and confirm the station
in the memory list and then select Move sta-
@ Tuning (FM, AM)
tion name. Select and confirm the desired
The frequency bar will appear. Select and con- memory position.
I firm the desired station frequency.
82 Listening to the radio

Other settings the reception quality becomes weaker. When

the reception is lost in the DAB* waveband,
... Select: IRADIO I button >control button Set- the system will automatically switch to an al-
tings. ternative station in the FM waveband, if the re
Depending on the waveband setting (FM, AM is one available.
or DAB*), you can select the following func- off: The tuner will not switch to alternative
tions: frequencies in the FM waveband. The current
frequency will be maintained, and in some ca-
Sound settings
ses may no longer be received. The Alternative
Refer to page 35, Adjusting the sound. frequency function is automatically switched
on again when the station is changed. When
Announcements* 1)
the DAB waveband is set, the tuner will not
Traffic programme (TP) : Traffic announce- switch to alternative stations in the FM wave-
ments can be received via FM and played by band.
the system irrespective of the selected wave-
band. The function DAB and FM can be used Switch regional stations (FM) 1)
to have the system play traffic announce- Important: The Alternative frequency function
ments from both wavebands while the DAB* must be switched on.
waveband is selected. If, for example, no traf-
Some FM stations split up their transmission
fic announcements are available from these-
and provide different reg ions with regional
lected DAB* station, these are received in the
programmes with differing content. When the
FM waveband. The display of the TP symbol @
function is on~. the system switches to a l-
page 11, Fig. 6 shows you whether the traf-
fic programme is switched on table on ternative region-specifi c fre quencies.
page 82. L band (DAB*)
DAB announcements* : When the DAB an- There are two wavebands for the digital radio:
nouncements* are on* , information on these- Band III and L band. Ensembles in the band
lected station (e.g. news or weather informa- III usually have a larger range extending into
tion) is played. several regions. They can be rece ived at all
Volume of announcements: see page 36
times. In some regions DAB is broadcast in
the L band. When this option is on, stations
TPsymbol Meaning from the L band will also be received.
Displayed The traffic programme func-
Station sorting (FM) 1)
tion is switched on and traffic
announcements will cut in. A-Z: The stations are dis played in the station

Greyed out The traffic programme func- list in alphabetical order. Radio stations with
variable station names are displayed after the
ti on is switched on, but traffic
announcements cannot be re- alphabetical list; radio stations without sta-
ceived. tion names appear at the end of the list.

Not dis- The traffic programme func- ID: The stations in the station list are so rted
played tion is switched off. according to the station's ID (e.g. all BBC ra-
dio stations are sorted together). Rad io sta-
Alternative frequency (FM, DAB*) l) tions without station names are displayed at
on: The tuner attempts to switch to an alter- the end of the list. .,..
native frequency of the current station when

ll Not available in the Mexica n mar ket

Listening to the radio 83

Station sorting (DAB*) Station information

A-Z: The stations are displayed in the station When this function is switched on~ and the
List in alphabetical order. DAB station List is open, information on the
station selected in the station List is displayed
Ensemble: Ensembles comprise various radio
where available.
stations of a specific area (e .g. a town or re-
gion); they are Listed together as an ensemble Delete stored stations
in the station List. To open/close the List of ra-
Important: A station must be stored in the
dio stations in an ensemble, select and con-
memory List page 81.
firm the ensemble. Available sub-pro-
grammes* (additional services provided by You can delete stored stations individually or
DAB* radio stations) are Listed beneath the ra- all at once.
dio station (indented).
((!) Note
Detailed station info
If the Traffic programme or DAB an-
When this function is switched on~ and the nouncements* function is switched on,
station or memory List is open, information on playback is interrupted for announce-
the selected station (e.g. the station name, ments. You can cancel an announcement
artist, track, DAB slide show, radio text/DAB while it is being played by briefly pressing
slide show availability) is shown after approx. the ON/OFF button.
ten seconds.

Subject Advice
A station with poor reception is no Lon- You can store the station in advance and call it up via
ger Listed in the station List after you the memory List page 81.
switch to another station.

84 Playing media

Playing media - To access the next Level up in the structure

of folders: Press the IBACKI button. Or: Se-
Calling up the media lect and confirm Go up.
menu - To access the top Level in the structure of
folders: Press the IMEDIAi button.
You can start and operate various media
- To select the previous/next track/title/
drives via the MM! control console.
chapter: Move the ON/OFF button to the
left/ rig ht briefly Cl<l<l I l>l>I).
- To fast forward/rewind audio/video files:
Move and hold the ON/OFF button to the
Left/right Cl<l<l I l>l>I) until the desired play-
ing position has been reached.
- To pause/resume playback: Briefly press the
ON/OFF button.
- To show the playlist: Press the control but-
ton for Now playing.
Fig. 61 Possible sources
Possible sources are Fig. 61:

Jukebox page 28
@ SD card readers page 2 7
@ DVD drive page27
@ Audi music interface (e.g. iPod, USB or ex-
ternal audio/video input*) page 31
Bluetooth audio player* page 29
@ Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) audio player*
page 29
Fig. 62 Playlist
i Note
Important: A media drive must contain audio/
- You can scroll rapidly through long fold-
video files page 26.
er/track lists by turning the rotary push-
... Select: IMEDIA i button . button quickly. The scro ll speed depends
on the number of folders/tracks.
After ca lling up the media, the display will
- If the Traffic programme (TP) page 82
s how an overview of the sources, or the file
or the DAB announcements* function is
will be played that was playing la st.
switched on, playback is interrupted for
- To select a source: Press the control button announcements. You can cancel an an-
for Source. Select a source from the list and nouncement while it is being played by
confirm it. Or: Press the IMEDIA i button re- briefly pressing the ON/OFF button.
peatedly until the desired source appears. - For safety reasons, the video picture is
- To play audio/video files: Select control not available while the vehicle is moving.
button Media centre > category (e.g. Ar- While you are driving, only the sound is
tists) > folder> track/title. Depending on played.
availability, the playlist will show the track/ - Video playback via an iPod/iPhone/ iPad
title Fig. 62, artist @ , playback time will not continue automatically when you
@ and album cover @ . switch the engine back on after turning it
Playing media 85

Media centre overview. The f irst track of the selected album

will be played.
Several categories for selecting audio/video
files are available in the media centre. Find music
Enter a search term (artist, album or track).
Sourcel Select and confirm OK, and then select and
confirm an audio file.
Artists , DD Folders

[J Alb~ms ~ @ Folders

@ m 'Pril";"
Now playing '1J 0
Find music

The folder structure or the track/chapter list
of the selected source will be displayed. Se-
lect a folder (if applicable) and select and con-
firm a track.
Fig. 63 SD card categories (level 1) (J) Playlists
All available playlists are displayed. Select and
confirm a playlist and then a track.

@ More
The second level of the media centre is dis-

@ Back

The first level of the media centre is dis-

Fig. 64 SD card categories (level 2) played.

.,. Select: IMEDIAi button > control button Me- @ Genres

dia centre. All available genres are displayed. Select and
confirm a genre (e .g. Pop), an artist, an album
Depending on the active source, you can se-
and then a track.
lect audio/video file s from the following cate-
gories and copy them into the playlist @ Videos
Fig. 63, Fig. 64:
All available video files are displayed. Select a
@ Tracks video file from the list and confirm it.
All available tracks are displayed. Select and Repeat
confirm a track.
Important: A category (e.g. Albums) must be
@ Artists selected.
All available artists are dis played . Select and Press the control button for Repeat to narrow
confirm an artist, an album and then a track. down the playlist. If you would like to copy
e.g. all tracks of a selected genre into the
@ Albums
playlist, select a category (e.g. Genres) > de-
All available albums are displayed. Select and sired genre (e.g. Pop)> control button Re-
confirm an album and then a track. peat. If you would like to repeat an ind ividual
N track, select the desired track in a folder and
I @ Album browser
~ press the control button for Repeat. The track
\D All available album covers are displayed. Se- selected will be repeated. ..,..
lect and confirm an album cover from the
86 Playing media

The volume of the portable player will be

(I)) Note
adapted to the MMI system. We recommend
- Only the categories supported by the setting the volume of the portable player to
medium used are available. For example, about 70 percent of the maximum volume.
CD/DVD-ROM tracks cannot be selected
via categories such as Artists, Albums or Random playback
Genres. When you are using an iPod When the function is switched on~. all the
(source : Audi music interface), the cate- files in the playlist will be played and shown in
gories Podcasts, Audiobooks and Com- random order.
posers are also available.
- For safety reasons, the video picture is Repeat track
not available while the vehicle is moving. When the function is switched on~. the cur-
While you are driving, only the sound is rent track in the playlist will be repeated.
- If you change the source while in the Me- Video picture settings
dia menu, the Repeat function will be Picture formats
deactivated automatically.
We recommend using the auto setting for the
- Video playback via an iPod/iPhone/iPad
picture ratio.
will not continue automatically when you
switch the engine back on after turning it Picture ra Information
off. tlo
- On some video DVDs it is not possible to auto The MMI detects the picture for-
select e.g. the audio track, subtitles or mat of the source and displays
track/chapter while they are being the picture using the best possi-
played. ble width-to-height ratio. De-
- If you synchronise a portable player with pending on the sou rce forma t
"cloud" services, the playlists may not be a nd the MMI display installed,
displayed correctly on the MMI. Use the black bars may be displayed on
device's Local media Library. the edges of the pictu re.
zoom The picture is enlarged to fi ll the
Other settings MMI display. Switch this func-
ti on off if the picture is distor-
Important: A source must be selected.
... Select: IMEDIAi button > control button Set- cinema Use this setting for films in the
tings. scope cinema format 21:9. Blac k bars
will be shown on the upper and
Depending on the active source and the stor-
Lower edges of the MMI display.
age device used , you can select the following
original The picture will be displayed us-
ing the picture ratio of the
Sound settings source format. Select this option
Refer to page 35, Adjusting the sound. if the picture shown with auto
selected is d isto rted or partially
Input level cut off.
Important: A portable player must be connec-
ted via an adapter cable with 3 .5 mm jack
plug*/AV adapter cable*I iPod adapter ca ble
(plu s)* page 31.
Playing media 87

Picture ra- Information Subtitles

tio Important: A video DVD must be playing.
4:3 The picture is set to a width-to-
You can select the subtitle setting manually.
height ratio of 4:3. Black bars
It depends on the video DVD whether differ-
will be shown on the edges of
ent languages are available.
the MMI display.
16:9 The picture is set to a width-to- Detailed track info
height ratio of 16:9. Black bars When this function is switched on~ and the
will be shown on the upper and playlist is open, information on the selected
lower edges of the MMI display. track (e.g. the artist, album, embedded album
AV standard : PAL, NTSC or auto can be set as
cover*) as well as the total and remaining
the standard for an externally connected play- playing time will be displayed. When this dis-
er. The same standard must also be set on the play is active, you can also select and confirm
player. If you select the wrong AV standard, a new track or the desired playing position for
the following problems can occur: no picture the current trac k by pressing the rotary push-
or a poor picture or no colour picture. button.

Brightness: The brightness can be increased/ Child lock

reduced. Important: A video DVD must be playing, and
Contrast: The picture contrast can be in- the password must have been entered (pass-
creased/reduced. word set at the factory: "1234").

Colour: The colour intensity can be increased/ You can use the child lock to rest rict video
reduced. DVD playback. Select and confirm a safety lev-
el (e.g. Level 5). Eight safety levels are availa-
Display full screen ble for the child lock function. If you select
Important: A video file must be playing, and child lock level S*, for example, all DVDs with
the vehicle must be stationary. safety leve ls 1-5 can be played. Playback of
DVDs with a higher safety level will be
The video picture will expand to the full blocked. To cancel all restricted access set-
screen. To switch off the full screen display, tings select off.
press the I BACKI button or any control button.
The chapter list will be d isplayed . Use the function Change password if you
would like to edit the current password for the
Display DVD menu child lock.
Important: A video DVD must be playing, and
Fill/delete jukebox
the vehicle must be stationary.
Refer to page 28, Jukebox.
The DVD main menu will appea r on the MMI
display. To select a menu optio n, move yo ur ~ Note
finger on the MMI touch pad a nd press the ro-
- For safety reasons, the video picture is
tary pushbutton.
not available while the vehicle is moving .
Audio track While you are driving, only the sound is
Important: A video DVD must be playing.
0 - If you change the sou rce wh ile the Media
I The audio track (language and audio format) menu is open, the Repeat track and Ran-
fYl can be adjusted manually. It depends on the dom playback functions are deactivated
video DVD whether different langua ges and automatically. liJl.
Lil audio formats are available .
88 Playing media

- The child lock safety levels comply with

the US standards of the Motion Picture
Association of America (MPAA). Please
note that age ratings for DVDs may vary
between different European countries.
- Not all video DVDs have a child lock fea-
ture .
- If you enter the wrong child lock pass-
word three times in a row, you will not be
able to enter a password for approxi-
mately one minute. The password can
only be reset by an Audi workshop.
Index 89

Adapter cable for Audi music interface ... 31 Balance (sound) ..................... 35
Additional information (radio) .......... 81 Bass (sound) ... ..... . ... . ... . ....... 35
Address, entering Battery, charging /changing ............ 42
MMI control console ................ 50 Bluetooth
Speech dialogue system ............. 23 Audio player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Adjusting the sound (Tone) ...... . ..... 35 Connecting a mobile phone ........... 41
Adjusting the volume Finding devices ..... . ... . . . ......... 51
MMI control console ......... . ... . ... 7 Settings .......................... 51
Multi-function steering w heel ......... 19 Browsing through album covers 8, 85
Alternative frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Buttons
Alternative route . . ........... . ... . .. 73 MMI control console . . . . . . ... ........ 7
Announcements (traffic programme) .... 36 Multi -function steering w hee l . . . . . . . . . 13
Assigning function to button (multi-func-
tion steering wheel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Audi connect ........................ 55
Cable (Audi music interface) ........... 31
Activating ......................... 73 Call list
Apps .... . ... . . . . . ........... . ... . 56
MMI control console ........... . .... 43
Configuring ....................... 60
Multi -function steering w hee l . . . . . . . . . 14
Data connection . . . . . . ......... . ... . 61 Speech dialogue system ............. 21
Functions ......................... 56
Google Earth map ........... . ... . .. 71
Answering/ignoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 45
Google Street View ................. 71
Hold/ resume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 45
Logging into myAudi . . . . ....... . . . . . 56
see also Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
myAudi destinations . . . . ... . . ... . . . . 68
Notes . . . . . . ......... . . . ... ... . ... 62
Ejecting . . . . . ... . ... . ... . . . . . ... .. . 27
Online destinations . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... 68
Load ing . ... .. .. . ... . ... . . . ..... .. . 27
Online traffic information . . ... ... . ... 77
Multi -fun ction steering w heel . . . . . . . . . 16
Requirements . ... . . ... . ... ....... . . 55
Player . . ....... . ... . ... . . . ........ 27
Services . ... . ... . . ... ... ..... ... . . 56
see also Med ia ............ . ........ 84
SIM card read er . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 55
Child lock (DVD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 86
Audi connect services
City events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Troubleshooting .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. . 64
Audi music interface . ... . ... . ......... 31 Cleaning and care ... . ........... .... .. 6
Adapter cable . ... . ... . ... . ......... 31 Command (s peech dialogue system) . .... 19
Connecting/disconnecting ...... .. ... . 31 Conference calling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 45
Disp lay settings . . . . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. 86 Connections
Audio file see Media drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Fast forward/rewind . . .............. 84 Contact
Next/previou s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Ca lling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 49
Playing ........................... 84 Deleting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 53
Audio player Editing ............. ... . . ......... 49
see Bluetooth ... . ... . . . . . . . . ....... 29 Favourites ............... . ......... 45
I Audio track (DVD) .. . ... . .. .. .. ....... 86 Finding . .......................... 49
~ Importing/exporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Audi Phone Box .. . ... . ... . .. .. ... . ... 42
\D Navigating to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Lil AV st andard . . . . . . ... . . . . . ... . . . . . ... 86
Readi ng .. .. ....... . ... . ... . ... . .. 49
90 Index

Selecting ......................... 48 Entering an address ....... ..... ..... 6S

Sending as text message ............. 49 Favourites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Storing ........................... SO Home address . ... . ... ............. 69
Using as a destination ............... 49 Loading from directory .............. 69
Control buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Loading last destination ............. 69
Controls and displays myAudi destinations ................ 68
MMI control console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S, 7 Online destinations ................. 68
Multi-function steering wheel . . . . . . . . . 13 Picturebook navigation .............. 67
Overview .. . ... .. .............. .. ... S Setting from map .................. 66
Copyright Special destination ................. 66
Media drives ....................... 26 Speech dialogue system ............. 23
Start location (presentation mode) .... 73
Cover Flow
see Browsing through album covers .. 8, 8S Stopover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Tour plan ......................... 69
Digital radio (DAB) ................... 81
D Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
DAB (digital radio) Memory capacity ................... S3
L band ............................ 82 MMI touch ......................... 8
Slide show ... . ... ... . ... . ... . ... . . 81 Multi-function steering wheel . . . . . . . . . 14
Data connection Saving address ..................... SO
Configuring . ... . ....... . . ... . ... .. 61 Settings .......................... S3
Data roaming ................... . .. 61 Sort order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3
Resetting configuration ........... . .. 61 Storage location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Usage meter . . ... . ... . ... . ... . ... .. 61 Directory entry
Data encryption 38 see Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Data protection Display
Audi connect ...................... 63 Brightness .... . ......... . ......... 38
Storing a contact . . ... . ... . ... . . ... . SO Google Earth map .. .. .. .. ......... . 71
Date . ....... ......... ... ........... 3S MMI control console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Deleting Multi-function steering wheel . . . . . . . . . 13
Bluetooth device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1 Navigation map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Call lists .......................... Sl Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 86
Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, S3 Traffic information ................. . 77
E-mail ............................ 47 Driver information system . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Entry ........... . ................ 8, 9 Drives
Favourites/home address . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 see Media drives .................... 26
Favourites (contact) . . ............... 45 DTMF tones ......................... 44
Jukebox ........................... 28 DVD
Last destinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Audio track .... . ... . ... .. .. . ... . ... 86
Mailbox number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1 AV standard ....................... 86
Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Child lock ..... . ... . ..... .. ........ 86
Text message ...................... 47 Display settings .................... 86
Tour plan ..... . ............... . . . . 69 Drive ............................. 27
Demo mode Ejecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
see Presentation mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Full screen display .................. 86
Destination, entering ................. 6S Loading .. . ... ........ ........ ..... 27
Alternative route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Main menu ... .......... ...... ..... 86
Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 MMI touch ... ....... ......... ...... 8
Index 91

Multi-function steering wheel ......... 16

Speech dialogue system ...... ... . ... 2S
Handsfree profile .................... 41
Subtitles ................... . ...... 86
see also Media .. . .................. 84 Having text read out
E-mail . ... . ....... . ... . ... . ....... 46
Dynamic traffic avoidance .. . ... . ... . .. 73
Text message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Dynamic volume control
Traffic information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
see Entertainment volume . ... . ... . .. 36
Audi connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
E Emergency calls .................... 47
E-mail ... . . . ..... . ..... . . . ......... 46 Media drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Emergency calls ..................... 47 Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Ending calls . . ........ . ... . . .. . ...... 14 Radio ......... . ... . ... . . . ........ 83
Entertainment volume . . . . ........... . 36 Speech dialogue system ............. 20
Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3
Using the MMI touch pad . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Home address
Using the speller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Editing/ deleting ........... . ........ 73
Storing ........................... 73
Exporting/ importing contacts .......... SO
How to call up a menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
How to use the controls
F MMI control console ................. 7
Facebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S8 How to use the multi-function steering
Factory settings ... . . . . . . . ... . ....... 38 wheel
Fader (sound) ... .. .. ... . . ... . ... . ... 3S Multi -function steering wheel . . . . . . . . . 13
Fast forward / rewind (audio/video file) 84 How to use the speech dialogue system
Favourites Speech dialogue system .. . ....... .. . 19
Disp laying on map . . . . . . ..... ... . . .. 73
Editing/deleting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Entering as destination . . . . . . . . . .
Importing/exporting contacts . . . . . . . . . . SO
Storing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4S, 73
Individual speech training .... .. ...... . 38
File formats (media drives) ............ 32
Info box (radio) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .... 81
Flight information . ... . ... . ... . . ... . . S7
Info (traffic information) ......... . .... 76
Frequency .......................... 81
Fuel prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S7
Via the speech dialogue system ....... 19
Full screen display (DVD) . . . . ... ....... 86
Input level (media) . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .... 86
Interference (radio) . . . . . . . . . . ... . .... 83
G Internet
GALA (speed-dependent volume control) 3S see Audi connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SS
Global commands (speech dialogue sys- Internet connection, establishing . .. .. .. SS
tem) . ... . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 20 Internet radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Google Earth .. . ... . ... . .. .. ... . ... . . 71 iPod
Google search ... . ... . ... . .. .. ... . ... 68 see Audi music interface . ... .. . ...... 31
Google Street View . . . . . . ... . ... . ... . . 71
I GPS (time) ... . ... . ... . ........... . .. 3S
92 Index

J Calling up ......................... 84
Jukebox . . . . . . ... . . . ..... . .. . .... . .. 28
Formats 32
Deleting . . . . ... . . .. ... .. . . ... . . . .. 28
Next/ previous track/ chapter .......... 84
Filling .. . ... . . . . . ... . ... . ... . ... .. 28
Pause ............................ 84
Memory status . . . . .. . ... . ........ .. 28
Picture format ..................... 86
Random playbac k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
L Repeat options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Language, setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Selecting a source .................. 84
Last destinations, deleting .. . ... . ... . . 73 Media centre
Album browser ..................... 85
L band (DAB) .......... . ............. 82
Albums/videos . ... . ... . ... . ... . ... . 85
Artists ... . ... . .................... 85
MMI control console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Genres .. . ... . ... . ........... . ... . 85
Letters, entering (using the speller) ...... 9
Playlists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Licence conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Searching for music ....... . ......... 85
Licence for traffic data, activating ....... 73 Tracks . ... . ............. . ......... 85
Media drives ... . ... . ... . ... . ... . ... . 26
M Audi music interface ... . ... . ... . ... . 31
Mailbox ............ . . . ... . ... . ..... 47 Bluetooth audio player . . ... . ... . ... . 29
Deleting mailbox number ............ 51 DVD drive ... . ... . .. .. . ... . . . . ... . . 27
Entering mailbox number . . . . . . . . 47, 51 Jukebox .. . ....... . ... . ....... . .... 28
Listening to mailbox number ... . ... . . 47 Limitations ... . ... . ........... . ... . 26
SD card reade rs .. . ... . ............ . 27
Supported formats ................. 32
Additional information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Troubleshooting .................... 33
Automatic zoom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) audio player . ... . 29
Calling up . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . 66
Changing map scale . . . . ....... . ... . . 66 Media, playing . . ... . ... .. .. . ... . ... . 84
Colours ............. . ............. 73 MMI control console ... . ... . ... . ... . 84
Di splay ............. . ............. 70 Multi-function steering w heel . . . . . . . . . 16
Di splaying traffic informat ion . . . . . . . . . 77 Memory
Google Earth . . . . . . ... . . . ... . . . . . . . 71 Directory . . ... . ... . ... .. .. . ... . ... . 53
How to use the navigation system . . . . . 70 Memory card
Map content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 see SD card readers ................. 2 7
Operating map legend menu .. . . . . ... . 66 Memory list . ........................ 8 1
Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Memory status
Speech dialogue system . .. . ... . ... . . 23 Jukebox .. . .... . .. . ... . ... . .... . .. . 2 8
Traffic .. . ... . . . . .. . .. .. .. ... . ... . . 77 Menu language . . .. .. .. . ........ .. .. . 38
Type .. .. ... . . . . .. . ... . .. .. .. ... . . 73 Messages (text messages/e-ma il) ....... 46
Using as a destination . . ... . ....... . . 66 Microphone on/off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 45
Using the crosshairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
MMI control console . . ... . ... . ... . ... . . 5
Map update . . . . . . . . ... . ... . ... . ... . . 65
Controls and displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Maximum speed . ... ... .. .. . . . . . ... . . 70 How to use the co ntro ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Measurement units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Rest art .. . ........................ 37
Mecca display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Switching on/ off .. .. .. .. . ... . ... . ... 7
Symbols/ menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
System update . ........ . ...... . ... . 38
MMI controls and displays .............. s N
MMI touch
Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6S
Adjusting sound focus ................ 8
Electric range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Browsing through album covers ........ 8
Entering an address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6S
Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Google Earth map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
DVD ............................... 8
Last destinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Entry (deleting) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Map display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Moving map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
MMI control console ................ 6S
Mobile phone
Multi-function steering wheel ......... lS
Audi Phone Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Online destinations ................. 68
Connecting ........................ 41
Speech dialogue system ............. 23
Music, playing ..................... 29
Starting/stopping route guidance . . . . . . 70
see also Telephone ................. 40
Storing a destination in the directory .SO, 73
Mobile phone tray Tour plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
see Audi Phone Box ................. 42 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
MP3 player, connecting/disconnecting ... 29 see also Destination, entering . . . . . . . . 6S
Multi-function steering wheel see also Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Button ........................... 13 Navigation cues
Call list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 During a call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Calls ............................. 14 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Cancelling route guidance ............ lS
Navigation map update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6S
Compass .......................... lS
Network connection (Wireless LAN) . . . . . 60
Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Network settings .................... 51
Home address ..................... lS
Next/previous track .................. 84
How to use the multi-function steering
wheel ............................ 13 Noise compensation (GALA) . . . . . . . . . . . . 3S
Listening to the radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Notes
Navigation ........................ lS Audi connect SS,62
Navigation cue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Audi music interface ........... ..... 31
Pause ............................ 13 CD/DVD ........................... 26
Phoning .......................... 14 Cleaning and care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Playing media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Copyright (media drives) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Speech dialogue system ............. 13 Data protection (storing a contact) . . . . . SO
Switching between tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Media drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Switching navigation cues on/off lS Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6S
Music Operating Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
see Media, playing .................. 84 Phoning .......................... 40
Software licences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Music collection
Speech dialogue system . . . . . . . . . 19, 20
see Jukebox ....................... 28
Traffic safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s
Mute ............................ 7, 13
Numbers/characters, entering (using the
myAudi ............. . ... . .......... SS
speller) ............................. g
Activating Audi connect services ... ... . S6
Calling up a destination .............. 68
Configuring Audi connect services ..... S6 0
I Importing contacts ................. SO On-board Hand book .................. 37
ON/OFF button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Lil Online destinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
94 Index

Online news ........ . ... . ... ... ..... S8 Storing a station ................... 81
Online search ....................... 68 Traffic programme ................. . 82
Online services Troubleshooting . ... ... ............. 83
see Audi connect ....... . ........... SS Radio text ..... ... ............. ... . . 81
Online traffic information . ....... .. .. . 77 Random playback (media) ...... ....... 86
Online usage meter .............. . ... 62 Redial .... ..... .................... Sl
Overview .. .. .. ... ......... . .... .. .. . S Regional stations (radio) .............. 82
Controls and displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S Requirements
Menus and symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Connecting a mobile phone ........... 41
Speech dialogue system . . ... . ....... 19 Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Resetting (data connection) ............ 61
p Restart (reset) ....................... 37
Restricted use of telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Parking information .................. S7
Rewind (audio/video fi le) . .. .. .. ...... . 84
Pause (audio/video file) . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 84
Ring tone settings ................... 36
Pausing/res uming playback . . . . . . . . 16, 84
Petrol station message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
see Data connection ................. 61
Phone book
Rotary pushbutton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
see Directory .. . ... . . . ... . ... . ... . . 48
Phone pre-installation
see Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 see Tour plan ...................... 69
Route criteria ....................... 73
MMI control console ................ 40 Route guidance
Multi-function steeri ng whee l . . . . . . . . . 14 see Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lS, 6S
Picturebook navigation ..... . ... ..... . . 67 Route list ...... .... ................. 76
Picture destinations ............... . .. 67
Playing s
Contact ... . ... . ... ..... ....... . ... 49 Safety
Possible commands ...... . ... . . . . . .. 20 Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6S
Playing media Phoning . . ........................ 40
Speech dialogue system ... . ....... . . 2S Screen
Plug-in hyb rid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 see Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Point of interest search ............... 68 SD card readers ...................... 27
Presentation mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Secure simple pairing (telephone) .. ..... 41
Public contacts, displaying . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3 Security
Audi connect ...................... 60
R Copyright (media drives) ...... .. . .. ..
Data protection (storing a contact) . ... .
Speech dialogue system . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Alternative frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Seek up/down (radio) .. . ..... .. ... . ... 81
Deleting stations . .. .. .. ............ 82
Selecting a source
Info box .......................... 81
MMI control conso le .. ... . ...... . . .. 84
Memory li st . . ... .......... .. . ... . . 81
MMI control console ................ 80 Selecting a waveband . .. .. . ....... . . . . 80
Moving stations ................. . .. 81 Selectin g source
Multi-function steering wheel ... . ... . . 16 Speech dialogue system .... . ... .. . .. 2S
Next/previous station ............... 81 Sending tone sequence . ... . ...... .... 44
Index 95

Settings Subwoofer (sound) ................... 35

Directory .......................... 53 Summer time . .. ....... .. . ... . ... . .. 35
Media ..... . ...................... 86 Sw itching between calls . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 45
Radio ............................ 82 Switching between tabs
Speech dialogue system . . . . . . . . . 19, 38 see Multi-function steering wheel ..... 13
System .......................... . 38
Symbols ............................ 4
Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Map .............................. 70
Setup MMI (system settings) ........... 38 MMI control console . ....... . .. . . . .. 11
Short dialogue 38 Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 70
SIM card reader ..................... 55 Traffic information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Smartphone System settings ..................... 35
see Mobile phone ............. .... . . 41 Systems (sound) ..................... 35
SMS System update ...................... 38
see Text messages . . . . . . ..... ....... 46
Software licences 6
Software version ........... . ........ . 38
Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Main functions ..................... 43
see Emergency calls . ........... . ... . 47
Microphone on/ off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 45
Source, selecting
Options during a call . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 45
Multi-function steering wheel . . . . . . . . . 16
Settings .......................... 51
Special destination
Speech dialogue system ..... . ....... 21
Changing search area ................ 66
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3
Entering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 66
Telephone number
Speech dialogue system ............... 19
Dialling ........................... 43
. . . ..... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Entering ............. .. .. .. ...... . 44
Audi connect . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . ... . 21
Storing .................. .. ....... 44
Command ......................... 19
Storing from call lists ............... 44
Help commands . . . . . . ....... ... . . .. 20
Text message dictation li cence . ... . .... Sl
How to use the speech dialogue syst em . 19
Text messages ................. . .... 46
Individual speech training ............ 38
Deleting .......................... 47
Input help ...... . ....... . ... . ..... 19
Dictating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Making calls ............. . ......... 21
Having read out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Multi-function steering wheel . . . . . . . . . 13
Sending contact . ... . ........... . ... 49
Navigation 23
Settings ...... . ... . ... . ... . ... . .. . Sl
Overview ....... . .................. 19
Time . ............. . ............... 35
Playing media ... . .................. 25
Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 38 TMC/TMCpro
Switching on/ off ................... 19 see Traffic information (TMC) .. ....... 77
Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 19, 36 Tone (sound) ... . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . .... 35
Speed display (navigation) . ...... .. ... . 70 Tour plan
Speller .............................. 9 Editing ........................... 69
Loading ........................... 69
Station list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Route list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Station name (radio) . . . . . . . .. .. ... . . . . 82
Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Station sorting (radio) ..... . ... ... . . .. 8 2
Storing ....... . .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. . 69
Stee ring whee l
TP (traffic programme) ................ 82
see Multi -function steering wheel . .... 13
Storage location (directory) . .. .. .. .. ... 48
96 Index

Traffic information (TMC) . . ........... .

Calling up .........................
Having read out .................... 77
Showing on map ................... 77
see Selecting a wave band ............ 80
Volume ... . ... . ............... .. .. 36 Weather ........................... 57
Traffic programme (TP), settings .... ... . 82 Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi)
Audi music stream .................. 29
Traffic safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Audio players ...................... 29
Train information ........ . ........... 58
Hotspot .......................... 60
Travel information ................... 57
Settings .......................... 60
Treble (sound) ........... . .. .. ....... 35
Audi connect .. . ................... 64 z
Media drives ....................... 33 Zoom (map) 23, 73
Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Radio .... . ....................... 83
Telephone . .. .. .. .............. .. .. 53
Twitter ............................. 59

Updating software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Using Audi connect services
MMI control console . . . ....... . ... . . 55
Speech dialogue system ....... . ... . . 21

Version information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Video file
Fast forward/rewind ................ 84
Next/previous chapter ............... 84
Playing ............. . ............. 84
Video picture settings ................ 86
Voice guidance
see Multi-function steering wheel . . . . . 13
Volume ... . . ....... . . . ... . ... ... . ... 7
Entertainment volume .............. 36
Input level ........................ 86
MMI touch .. . ... . ... . ....... . ... . . 36
Parking aid .. . ... . ... .. ...... . ... . . 36
Speech dialogue system ... . ... . ... . . 19
System volume . . . . . . . . ....... . ... . . 36
Telephone . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . 36
Traffic programme .................. 36
Volume adjustment
Multi-function steering wheel . . . . . . . . . 13
Speech dialogue system . . . . . . . . . 13, 36
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Operating Manual
MMI Navigation System plus
Englisch 05 .2014

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