Class Code: Lecturer:: Bscs-I Badr Sami
Class Code: Lecturer:: Bscs-I Badr Sami
Class Code: Lecturer:: Bscs-I Badr Sami
Class code:
Badr Sami
The adoption of Electronic Banking by
commercial enterprises has been in existence
since the mid 90s, much greater in number
due to lower operating costs associated with
it. Electronic banking has initially
been in the form of automatic teller machines
and telephone transactions.
More recently, it has been transfer made by
the Internet, a new delivery channel for
banking services that benefits both customers
and banks. Internet banking system services
can include: Open an account, Balance
enquiry, Request for Cheque book, Beneficiary
payments (EFT), Viewing monthly.
Furthermore, customers application for
electronic banking facilities is expanding as
the cost savings on transactions over the
Internet are significant.
Project report on Banking Management
Submitted of the computer practical
Class BSCS-I
For the practical fulfillment of the
requirement for the syllabus.
1. Introduction 7
2. Aims for application8
3. Proposed Objectives..9
4. Problem description.10
5. Module description..11
6. Input specification12
7. File specification13
8. Screen design14
9. Objectives16
10. Database Design.17
11. Screen shots..18
12. Processing and Validation...27
13. E R diagrams29
14. Testing33
15. Hardware and Software Specification
16. Conclusion.42
17. Bibliography44
General Overview of the Problem:
Customers can view their own account details and can use
them as necessary
Faster performance.
Problem description:
Module description:
module description
Create File Selecting this create a new file
for the user by accepting input
such as account number, name
and amount
Open Account Opens the new account for the
user by accepting input such as
account number, name and
minimum balance
Search Enables to search for the details
of the given account number
Input Specification:
Struct Information
File Specification:
Screen Design:
Output screen design:
When the data is entered it will check for its validity. Data can be
entered with the help of screens. Appropriate messages are
provided as when needed so that the user will not be in a maize
of instant. Thus the objective of input design is to create an input
layout that is easy to follow.
Screen Shots:
Welcome screen
Creating account
Logging in as existing customer
Depositing Amount
Withdrawing Amount
Viewing Details
Converting Currency
Processing and validation:
Main menu:
There are number of options regarding users to creating
a new account or logging in as existing customer to access the
facilities system providing or exit the system after accessing the
user requirements.
Converting currency:
This required a number of money user want to
convert and also required the name of currency user wish to
convert in.
Each account number should be unique throughout all
the existing records. Name should be of character type and
account number should be of digit. Character and digits are not
Checking of size:
Account number cannot be greater
than 2 of size.
Name cant be greater than 20 characters.
E R Diagrams
Test Case 1
Test Case 2
Test Objective To check if the program menu displays all menu
options or not.
Test Case 4
Test Case 6
Test Case 8
Test Objective To check if currency converter works properly
or not.
Test Data Enter currency.
Expected Result Amount must be converted according to
desired currency.
Test Case 10
Test Case 12
Program Weakness:
Program Strength: