Class Code: Lecturer:: Bscs-I Badr Sami

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Class code:
Badr Sami
The adoption of Electronic Banking by
commercial enterprises has been in existence
since the mid 90s, much greater in number
due to lower operating costs associated with
it. Electronic banking has initially
been in the form of automatic teller machines
and telephone transactions.
More recently, it has been transfer made by
the Internet, a new delivery channel for
banking services that benefits both customers
and banks. Internet banking system services
can include: Open an account, Balance
enquiry, Request for Cheque book, Beneficiary
payments (EFT), Viewing monthly.
Furthermore, customers application for
electronic banking facilities is expanding as
the cost savings on transactions over the
Internet are significant.


First and foremost I am ever grateful to my Allah to

whom I owe my life. I would also like to thank my
parents for giving me the opportunity to study at
the university of karachi.
I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to our
guide and respected Sir Badr Sami for his
valuable guidance to prepare the project and in
assembling the project material.
I am very thankful for his faithful blessings and for
providing necessary and related facilities required
for our computer project file.
In last I also want to thank those directly or
indirectly took interest to complete my project file.


Project report on Banking Management
Submitted of the computer practical
Class BSCS-I
For the practical fulfillment of the
requirement for the syllabus.

Submitted by: Unsa Jawaid



Certified that unsa jawaid have undertaken

the project entitled,
Bank Management System
the project submitted by her is the outcome
of the work carried out by her during the
academic session.
This is to further certify that she have work
genuinely conducting the experiment and
work put by her is the original and outcome of
her own efforts.
Mr. Badr Sami
(ICS lect.)
CONTENTS Topics page

1. Introduction 7
2. Aims for application8
3. Proposed Objectives..9
4. Problem description.10
5. Module description..11
6. Input specification12
7. File specification13
8. Screen design14
9. Objectives16
10. Database Design.17
11. Screen shots..18
12. Processing and Validation...27
13. E R diagrams29
14. Testing33
15. Hardware and Software Specification
16. Conclusion.42
17. Bibliography44

General Overview of the Problem:

A bank is a commercial or state institution that

p r o v i d e s fi n a n c i a l s er v i c e s , i n c l u d i n g i s s u i n g
money in form of coins, banknotes or
d e b i t c a r d s , receiving deposits of money, lending money
and processing transactions. A co m m e r c i a l b a n k a c c e p t s
d e p o s i t s f r o m c u s t o m e r s a n d i n t u r n m a k e s l o a n s based
on those deposits. Some banks (called Banks of issue) issue
banknotes a s l e g a l t e n d e r . M a n y b a n k s o ff e r
a n c i l l a r y fi n a n c i a l s e r v i c e s t o m a k e additional
profit; for example: selling insurance products, investment
products or stock broking .C u r r e n t l y i n m o s t j u r i s d i c t i o n s
commercial banks are regulated and r e q u i r e
permission to operate. Operational authority
i s g r a n t e d b y b a n k regulatory authorities and
p r o v i d e s r i g h t t o c o n d u c t th e m o s t f u n d a m e n t a l
banking services such as accepting deposits and making loans. A
c o m m e r c i a l b a n k i s u su a l l y d efi n e d a s a n i n s t i t u ti o n
t h a t p r o v i d e s s e l e c t e d banking services without meeting the
legal definition of bank .Banks have a long history, and have
influenced economy and politics f o r c e n t u r i e s . I n
h i s t o r y, t h e p r i m a r y p u r p o s e o f a b a n k w a s t o
p r o v i d e l i q u i d i t y t o t r a d i n g c o m p a n i e s. B a n k s
advanced funds to allow business to purchase
i n v e n t o r y, a n d c o l l e c t e d th o s e f u n d s b a c k w i t h i n t e r e s t
w h en t h e goods are sold. For centuries, the banking industry
only dealt with business n o t c u s to m e r s . C o m m e r c i a l
l e n d i n g t o d a y i s a v e r y i n t e n s e a c t i v i ty, w i t h b a n k s
c a r e f u l l y a n a l y z i n g t h e fi n a n c i a l c o n d i t i o n o f i t s
b u s i n e s s c l i e n t s t o d e t e r m i n e th e l e v e l o f r i s k i n e a c h
l o a n t r a n s a c t i o n . B a n k i n g s er v i c e s h a v e expanded to
include services directed at individuals and risks in these much
smaller transactions are pooled.

In todays world , the way of functioning and managing the

system has been totally changed. There is a sudden and adrupt
changes in the structure, maintenance and modification,
handling, leveling inside every system. Without managing system
through computer applications and programming, the
development of infrastructures are unfinished. There are many
errors and drawbacks without use of computer programming and

As we know that, necessity is the mother of

invention, so in todays challenging world, every system is
developed and launched by the use of computer software and

Aim for this application:

The project that we have undertaken aims to develop a banking

system that is clean, user-friendly and multi-functional.
Development of this application includes a number of fields such
that user feels comfortable and the system appears as dynamic
to him. The project Banking System includes the following

Transactions can be done with minimum user events.

All transactional details and accounts are stored in files on

stable storage.

Customers can view their own account details and can use
them as necessary

Customer can inquire an account and can inquire about

All customers data are stored in files on a stable storage

Account holders have to pass through a login system to

enter their accounts

This system possess password-protected administrative

access; thus preventing the whole management system
from unauthorized access

To provide flexibility for secure and save transaction.

For better performance.

Reducing man power.

For doing work more accurately.

Faster performance.

Proposed System And Objectives:

The application will be extremely beneficial for

the Customers intending to use and operate their bank account
and will get various benefits in the field of management of
accounts on a clean and user-friendly platform.

Bank Account System, is a simple application, which is

especially generated and designed for the bank in order to enter
the applicant information about his or her bank account and can
perform other function like currency change. It is user name and
ID protected as well.

Following are the major objectives behind the new proposed


It creates a user friendly environment, where a normal user

can access through all the benefits of the system.
It provides security from unauthorized access, only admin or
authorized users are access granted to the system.
It increases efficiency and saves the time.
No any danger and obstacles from external entities.
Easy access of saved data inside the system.
Complex Banking operations and Transaction operations are
efficiently handled by the application
It is cost effective
It has ease of use along with complete reference
It is highly secured and less time consuming; hence time
wastage can be avoided
Up to date records of the customers are maintained by the

Problem description:

The Bank Management System is

an application for maintaining a persons account in a bank. The
system provides the access to the costumer to create an
account, deposit/withdraw the cash from his account, also to
convert currency. The following documentation provides the
specification of the system.

We are mainly concerned with developing a banking

system where a Customer can submit his/her deposit
amount to bank if he/she has an account or can create a
new account in this bank. Customer can also view the
status and change currency of his/her bank account, can view
account balance. One can easily maintain the above things if
he/she has an account by login through his unique account

Module description:

module description
Create File Selecting this create a new file
for the user by accepting input
such as account number, name
and amount
Open Account Opens the new account for the
user by accepting input such as
account number, name and
minimum balance
Search Enables to search for the details
of the given account number

Deposit Provides option to deposit

amount from the given account
Withdraw Provides option to withdraw
amount from the given account

View Account Displays only one account

detail at a time

Currency Exchange Provides option to exchange

currency of amount

Input Specification:

Struct Information Variable Descripti Data Size

Name on Type

1. acc_no Applicant int 2

account no.
2. name Applicant char 20

3. bal Applicant float 4


File Specification:

Name Description Data

*ff file pointer to create account File Pointer

*fp file pointer to deposit amount File Pointer

*fp file pointer to withdraw amount File Pointer

*fp file pointer to view details of File Pointer

*fp file pointer to exchange currency File Pointer

*fp file pointer to exit system File Pointer

Screen Design:
Output screen design:

Input Design is the process of converting a user-oriented

description of the input into a computer-based system. This
design is important to avoid errors in the data input process and
show the correct direction to the management for getting correct
information from the computerized system.
It is achieved by creating user-friendly screens for the data entry
to handle large volume of data. The goal of designing input is to
make data entry easier and to be free from errors. The data entry
screen is designed in such a way that all the data manipulates
can be performed. It also provides record viewing facilities.

When the data is entered it will check for its validity. Data can be
entered with the help of screens. Appropriate messages are
provided as when needed so that the user will not be in a maize
of instant. Thus the objective of input design is to create an input
layout that is easy to follow.

A quality output is one, which meets the requirements of the end

user and presents the information clearly. In output design it is
determined how the information is to be displaced for immediate
need and also the hard copy output. It is the most important and
direct source information to the user. Efficient and intelligent
output design improves the systems relationship to help user
decision-making. Designing computer output should proceed in
an organized, well thought out manner; the right output must be
developed while ensuring that each output element is designed
so that people will find the system can use easily and effectively .

A database is an organized mechanism that has the capability of

storing information through which a user can retrieve stored
information in an effective and efficient manner. The data is the
purpose of any database and must be protected. The database
design is a two level process. In the first step, user requirements
are gathered together and a database is designed which will
meet these requirements as clearly as possible. This step is called
Information Level Design and it is taken independent of any
individual DBMS. In the second step, this Information level design
is transferred into a design for the specific DBMS that will be used
to implement the system in question. This step is called Physical
Level Design, concerned with the characteristics of the specific
DBMS that will be used. A database design runs parallel with the
system design. The organization of the data in the database is
aimed to achieve the following two major objectives.
Data Integrity
Data independence
Normalization is the process of decomposing the attributes in an
application, which results in a set of tables with very simple
structure. The purpose of normalization is to make tables as
simple as possible. Normalization is carried out in this system for
the following reasons.
To structure the data so that there is no repetition of data , this
helps in saving.
To permit simple retrieval of data in response to query and
report request.
To simplify the maintenance of the data through updates,
insertions, deletions.
To reduce the need to restructure or reorganize data which new
requirements arise.

Screen Shots:

Welcome screen
Creating account
Logging in as existing customer
Depositing Amount
Withdrawing Amount
Viewing Details
Converting Currency
Processing and validation:

Main menu:
There are number of options regarding users to creating
a new account or logging in as existing customer to access the
facilities system providing or exit the system after accessing the
user requirements.

Creating new account:

All the requirements should be filled with
proper with correct identification such as account number, name
and initial deposit.

Logging in as existing customer:

Correct account number should be
required to access through existing customer otherwise this
facility is not executable. There are also number of options
regarding users to avail the facilities system is giving to the user.

Depositing and Withdrawing account:

This required a amount customer want to deposit or withdraw and

show the current balance after executing customers
Viewing details:
Correct account number should be required in order
to view details of customers account .If not entered correct
account number, then it cant be accessed.

Converting currency:
This required a number of money user want to
convert and also required the name of currency user wish to
convert in.

Each account number should be unique throughout all
the existing records. Name should be of character type and
account number should be of digit. Character and digits are not

Checking of size:
Account number cannot be greater
than 2 of size.
Name cant be greater than 20 characters.

E R Diagrams

E R Diagram for creating account

E R Diagram for depositing and
withdrawing amount
E R Diagrams for viewing details
E R Diagram for currency converter
Programming Testing
Test Plan: Test Objective
To check whether program runs or not.
2. To check if the program menu displays all menu
options or not.
3. To check all options are right or not.

4. To check account was created or not.

5. To check if the program add amount after depositing.

6. To check if the program subtract amount after


7. To check if view detail option shows the info or not.

8. To check if currency converter works properly or not.

9. To check if the exit option works or not.

10. To check whether menu options return back or not.

11. To check whether menu is opened after entering

correct account number.

12. To check whether msg of account no. is not valid

prompt or not when incorrect account no. is entered.

13. To check if the color text are displayed or not.

Test Case 1

Test Objective To check whether program runs or not.

Test Data Running the program.

Expected Result Main screen should display successfully.

Test Result Main screen appears correctly.

Conclusion Expected result matches actual result.

Test Case 2
Test Objective To check if the program menu displays all menu
options or not.

Test Data Open the main menu

Expected Result All the options should be displayed correctly
with serial order

Test Result Menu options are displayed in right order

Conclusion Expected result matches actual result.
Test Case 3

Test Objective To check all options are right or not.

Test Data Open menus

Expected Result All options are right

Test Result All options are right and displayed correctly.

Conclusion Expected result matches actual result.

Test Case 4

Test Objective To check account was created or not.

Test Data Enter account number.

Expected Result Bank account must be created.

Test Result Account was successfully created

Conclusion Expected result matches actual result.

Test Case 5

Test Objective To check if the program add amount after

Test Data Deposit amount

Expected Result Amount must be added in bank balance

Test Result Bank balance was updated successfully.

Conclusion Expected result matches actual result.

Test Case 6

Test Objective To check if the program subtract amount after


Test Data Withdraw amount.

Expected Result Amount must be subtracted from bank balance.

Test Result Bank balance was updated successfully.

Conclusion Expected result matches actual result.

Test Case 7

Test Objective To check if view detail option shows the info

or not.
Test Data View detail.

Expected Result Details must be show

Test Result Details appear correctly.

Conclusion Expected result matches actual result.

Test Case 8
Test Objective To check if currency converter works properly
or not.
Test Data Enter currency.
Expected Result Amount must be converted according to
desired currency.

Test Result Currency converted successfully.

Conclusion Expected result matches actual result.
Test Case 9

Test Objective To check if the exit option works or not.

Test Data Run program.

Expected Result Exit program using option.

Test Result Program exits.

Conclusion Expected result matches actual result.

Test Case 10

Test Objective To check whether menu options return back or

Test Data Run program.

Expected Result Menu must be returns.

Test Result Menu returns.

Conclusion Expected result matches actual result.

Test Case 11

Test Objective To check whether menu is opened after

entering correct account number.

Test Data Enter account number.

Expected Result Menu must be open.

Test Result Menu opens.

Conclusion Expected result matches actual result.

Test Case 12

Test Objective To check whether msg of account no. is not

valid prompt or not when incorrect account
no. is entered.
Test Data Enter wrong account number.

Expected Result Message must appear.

Test Result Message appears.

Conclusion Expected result matches actual result.

Test Case 13

Test Objective To check if the color text are displayed or not.

Test Data Run program.

Expected Result Color text should be seen.

Test Result Color text seen.

Conclusion Expected result matches actual result.

Results: Test Objective Results

1. To check whether program runs or not. successful

2. To check if the program menu displays all successful

menu options or not.

3. To check all options are right or not. successful

4. To check account was created or not. successful

To check if the program add amount after successful

To check if the program subtract amount successful
after withdrawing.
To check if view detail option shows the successful
info or not.
To check if currency converter works successful
properly or not.
To check if the exit option works or not. successful
10. To check whether menu options return successful
back or not.

11. To check whether menu is opened after successful

entering correct account number.

12. To check whether msg of account no. is successful

not valid prompt or not when incorrect
account no. is entered.

13. To check if the color text are displayed or successful


Hardware and Software Specification:

Configuration for hardware and software:

It does not need any additional hardware or software to operate

the program, but the following requirements should be strongly
Requirements for hardware:

Pentium II and hardware.

512MB of RAM or higher.
800MHz processor or above.
20 MB of hard disk space.

Requirements for software:

Operating System WINDOWS 98 or higher.

Program TURBO C needs to be installed.
The content of BGI files in the folder TC needs to be copied
in the BIN folder for functioning of graphical attributes.


Program Weakness:

As we know that, no any program can be 100% reliable and

efficient. So there are also some drawbacks from my system
which are as follows:
It cannot perform all the required functions as bank
required, its simply a record of account of customer.
System is not sharply a graphical user interface. There
is just use of some text color.
Its not a multiuser and multitasking program. It cant
perform various task at a single time.

Program Strength:

There are many advantages of using this program as it

contains various features like:

It is actually a user friendly software, as it is just easy

to use by just following the instruction which are
appeared on the screen.
This program needs user account number to access
user information, so that only authorized users are only
allowed to accessed through the internal main system.
Once a record has been saved, duplicate record cant
be made. All the record have different account number
so that there will not be any misplace of the records



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