Fiber reinforced composites have been used in several applications for several years and the market is continuously
growing. It is known that the addition of fibers for reinforcing of matrix has advantages, especially the mechanical
properties of the composites. Environmental and economic concerns are stimulating new research in the development
of sustainable fiber for reinforcing polymer matrix. Particularly attractive are new materials in which a good part is based
on natural and renewable resources, hence aggravating the environmental concerns that may result in the depletion and
dwindling of wood resources from forest. This assessment report provides detailed world production of natural fiber and
the inherent looming danger envisaged if attention is not shifted from its continuous usage. It has been stated that natural
fibers are renewable and sustainable, but they are in fact, neither i.e. living plants are renewable and sustainable, from
which natural fibers are taken, but not the fibers themselves. The US market reports that the composite market was
2.7 billion pounds sterling in 2006 and it is estimated to reach 3.3 billion pound sterling by 2012 with a 3.3% annual
growth. Natural fiber market in the US experienced a 13% growth rate (275 million kilograms) between 1994 and 2004
and the demand for the natural fibers continues to rise. The average global annual market growth for natural fibers
between 2003 and 2007 was 38%, while Europe saw the highest annual growth rate of 48%. This market was estimated at
0.36 million metric ton in 2007 and it is expected to reach 3.45 million metric ton in 2020. Fiber reinforced market is a
multibillion dollar business and the natural fiber composites take a fair part of it.
Environment, sustainability, natural fiber
Cellulose Wood, Jute, hemp bamboo, palm leaves Paper, cardboard, binder in cement-based building
boards and reinforced plastics
Textile fibers Vegetable and animal Fibers; wool, cotton, linen, Textiles
jute, hemp, sisal, coconut fiber
Dietary fibers Vegetables: e.g. oat gum, oat bran, psyllium, Naturally occurring in foods, used as additives in
pectin, soy fiber, wheat bran, cellulose food to promote health
traditional bers reinforced composites (FRCs) with daily and eorts need to be sustained to replenish the
lower environment impact materials. quantum being utilized.
Natural organic bers are a heterogeneous group of Although Brazil is nowadays world biggest producer
compounds of plants or animal origin.1 Some are of natural bers, with about 200 thousand hectares of
majorly used in industry and some occur in food. planted area, accounting for the production of about
Table 1 shows dierent sources of natural bers and 175,000 tons per year of ber, since the decade of 1980s
the secondary products emanating from them. its production tends to dwindle because eorts are not
deployed to grow this business, lack of incentives result-
ing in the Brazilian ber low prices in the external
World production of natural fiber
market; the low technological level of the sector, and
The aim of the natural bers production in the dierent non-existence of integrated research and extension pro-
countries is to use several strategies toward bringing grams. The cultivation using traditional systems, with
income and labour positions to the countrymen and low return on investments have resulted in workers
women. These points have been under discussion in under high degree to the occupational risks.
several countries. Leao et al.2 presented a position
paper on the sustainability of natural bers, mainly Environmental concern
abaca. This paper focussed on new opportunities ema-
and human impact
nating from increase demand by the car makers in
applying natural bers in their parts. Several crop In December 2004, the UN Food and Agriculture
bres have been developed in Brazil for reinforcing pur- Organization (FAO) Intergovernmental Group on
poses. For the automotive industry, which requires Hard Fibres and on Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres,
large quantities with uniform quality, the alternatives thought of calling for a United Nations International
are sisal (170,000 ton/yr.). For South America, the Year dedicated to natural bers. The purpose was to
alternatives are que in Colombia, abaca in equator, focus worlds attention on the role that natural bers
ax in Argentina and curaua in Venezuela. It must be play in contributing to food security and poverty
understood by the target countries of drugs, is that crop alleviation. After extensive preparations by the FAO,
bre can be an economic alternative to coca in the the UN General Assembly declared 2009 as the
Andes region, therefore an instrument of land International Year of Natural Fibres.4 The
reform and drug reduction plantations. This new International Steering Committee set up in 2005 to
exploits has brought a wide gap in the replenishment guide the activities of the IYNF, adopted a denition
of these natural resources as daily discovery and of natural bers as those renewable natural bres of
application of these bres have depleted the reserve plant or animal origin which can be easily transformed
thereby bringing the World to a dire agony of global into a yarn for textiles. This denition, by limiting to
warming.3 yarn for textiles, does not do justice to the enormous
Several companies have a strong program which diversity of products natural bers can produce, like, in
makes them apply natural bers based components in addition to textiles for clothing, strings, ropes, paper,
their products. This is noticeable in some companies and to strengthen building materials, etc. These are
like Volkswagen do Brazil, DaimlerChrysler, General other application currently explored in the usage of
Motorsdo Brazil. Some of the natural bers currently Natural bers.
being used are Pematec (curaua), Toro (sisal, coir and Addition of more value to natural bers by convert-
jute), Incomer (sisal and jute), Ober (jute, curaua), ing bers to products is also a common practice.5 Jute,
Indaru (jute and sisal), Antolin (imported kenaf,). for instance, is a natural ber, grown in a crop rotation
Table 2 shows a detailed world production of natural system with rice/vegetables, providing the farmers with
bers and it is evident that bers are being exploited a protable crop all year round. Jute is biodegradable.6
Table 2. Natural fibers production and their producers. improved ber-matrix adhesion as reported in the lit-
erature. Frequently used physical reagent are corona
World production
and plasma treatment while chemical additives mostly
Fiber (103 ton) Largest producers
cited in literature include silane, alkaline, acetylation,
Bast maleated coupling and enzyme treatment as armed by
Flax 830 Canada, France, Belgium the author.2 Growth and utilization of natural bers is
Hemp 214 China, France, Philippines a socially responsible venture, supporting livelihoods of
Jute 2300 India, China, Bangladesh millions of small-scale farmers and low-income work-
Kenaf 970 India, Bangladesh, USA ers.8 The jute industry in India, for instance, the biggest
Ramie 100 China, Brazil, Philippines, India in the world, provides direct employment to about 0.26
Leaf million workers and supports the livelihood of around
Abaca 70 Philippines, Ecuador, Costa Rica 4 million farm families. Bangladesh in 2008 produced
Curaua >1 Brazil, Venezuela 931,000 tons of jute, involving 750,000 farmers, 145 jute
Pineapple 74 Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia
mills, and a total work force of 2.5 million.3
Fernando et al.9 conducted an extensive study on the
Sisal 378 Tanzania, Brazil
environmental aspects of bast Ebers crop production
and use, through the analysis of the crops interaction
Coir 100 India, Sri Lanka
with its environment, management practices and pro-
Cotton 25,000 China, India, USA
cessing options. In addition, several bio based chains
Oil Palm 40 Malaysia, Indonesia were considered in the analysis. Assessment of data
Grass retrieved from literature was supplemented with results
Bagasse 75,000 Brazil, India, China obtained from national and international organizations
Bamboo 30,000 India, China, Indonesia such as the Food and Agriculture Organization. This
study came up with global energy requirement in terms
of natural bers materials and residues used to produce
All parts of the jute plant are useful: leaves for food, energy at the end of life cycle of these bers. This is
husk for rewood, and the pith to make the ber. Jute illustrated in Figure 1.
bags are reusable, with a life of approximately 34 years. More than 60% of the worlds cotton is grown in
Jute bags have one of the lowest carbon footprints of China, India, and Pakistan, where it is cultivated
all available reusable bags, largely due to the manual mainly by small farmers and its sale provides the pri-
processes involved in their production. Jute scores mary source of income of some 100 million rural house-
equally well in water footprint. Nearly all growth in holds.10 An estimated 1.52 million small farms in West
the world population of about 2.3 billion people, and Central Africa grow cotton with about 10 million
between 2009 and 2050, is forecast to take place in the people employed in the regions cotton sector. Raw
developing countries. Large numbers of people living in cotton with about 50% of exports is vital to the econo-
these countries are dependent on agriculture, while they mies of Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, and Togo.11
also cherish an improved quality of life.
Faruk et al.4 embarked on comprehensive literature
review on natural bers with emphasis on environment
Replacement strategy
and sustainability issues, the study explained that the During the rst part of the last century, eorts are
greatest challenge in working with natural ber rein- geared toward developing a more viable means of
forced plastic composites is their large variation in replacing the usage of natural bers and this is noticed
properties and characteristics. Nayak et al.7 reported by the alternative application of synthetic ber in vari-
that a bio-composites properties are inuenced by a ous facets of life. Natural bers are being displaced by
number of variables, including the ber type, environ- synthetic, man-made materials such as polyester,
mental conditions (where the plant bers are sourced), acrylic, and nylon. These materials are much cheaper
processing methods, and any modication of the ber. and easier to manufacture in bulk, and easily create
It is also known that recently there has been a surge of uniform colours, lengths, and strengths of materials
interest in the industrial applications of composites that can be adjusted according to specic requirements.
containing bio bers reinforced with biopolymers. Synthetic materials like bers and plastics with their
The overall characteristics of reinforcing bers used in products like synthetic fabrics and acrylic carpets
biocomposites, including source, type, structure, com- have successfully taken over the markets, which were
position, as well as mechanical properties, will till then a domain of natural bers and materials.
greatly aect matrix reinforcement. Moreover, chemi- In just over 15 years (19391954), the percentage of
cal treatment of natural ber appears to have recorded American women who preferred silk hosiery dropped
down from 93% to 0.2%, while nylon went up from bers are preferred to glass bers.17 Natural bers are
around 5% to 98.7%.12 The production of synthetic less abrasive for tooling while glass in the form of air-
materials, however, is a strong contributor to carbon borne particles can cause respiratory problems. During
emissions and waste.13 According to the United the last decade, the automotive sector, especially in
Nations Industrial Development Organization, it is esti- Germany, has responded with considerable interest in
mated that every person in the world is responsible for these materials. Automotive brands such as
19.8 tons of carbon dioxide emissions in their lifetime, Volkswagen, Audi, BMW, Daimler Chrysler, Opel,
simply because the clothes include synthetic bers.14 Peugeot, Renault, and Mercedes Benz trucks have com-
Materials of renewable resources on their own can ponents made of natural ber composites.10
contribute toward sustainable development too, if they
are exploited in such a way that the rate of use does not
exceed the rate of renewal.15 These natural materials
are being rediscovered for applications in product Reinforcing of matrix with natural bers and/or bio-
design. Agricultural bers, like ax, hemp, sisal, etc., polymers have developed signicantly over the past
are currently receiving considerable interest in the eld years because of their signicant processing advan-
of industrial applications, as a source of reinforcement tages, biodegradability, low cost, low relative density,
to manufacture polymer composites. This interest is high specic strength and renewable nature. The impact
partly due to the environmental concern about syn- on the matrix has not been fully welcome in many lit-
thetic ber composites. Second, they have a potential erature due to its conicting outcome as discussed in
in cost and weight reduction. They can be used as rein- this study.
forcing bers instead of glass bers in composite mater- Further research is required to overcome obstacles
ials.16 They have a high specic stiness (e.g., ax has a such as moisture absorption, inadequate toughness,
stiness comparable to glass at half the density) and and reduced long-term stability for outdoor applica-
natural ber composites have non brittle fracture tions which are all major drawback to natural bers.
behaviour, which is an advantage in automotive inter- Signicant research is currently underway around the
iors. Finally, from the view of occupational (during world to address and overcome the obstacles mentioned
assembly and handling) health and safety, natural above. This eort to develop a sustainable reinforcing
materials with improved performance for global appli- 8. Li H and Sain MM. High stiffness natural fiber-rein-
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