Results Press Release For December 31, 2016 (Result)

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Creation, not construction.

To, To,
The Assistant Manager, The General Manager,
National Stock Exchange of lndia Limited BSE Limited,
Listing Department, Corporate Relationship Department,
'Exchange Plaza', 1d floor, Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), DalalStreet,
Mumbai-400051 Mumbai-400001

Date: February 03,2017

Sub: Press release on Q3 FY2017 Financial Results

Ref: NSE Symboland Series: KOLTEPATIL and EQ

BSE Gode and Scrip Code: 9624 and 532924

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find attached herewith copy of press release on Q3 FY 2017 Financial results.

This is for your information and record.

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same.

velopers Limited

Vinod Patil
Gompany Secretary and Gompliance Officer
Membership No. A13258
Encl:As above


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2nd Floor, City Poin! Dhole Patil Road, Pune - 411 001. Mahanshtra" Indla Tel.: +91 20 6622 6500 Fu I +91 20 6622 6511 Web : www,koltepatil,com

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Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. Q3 FY2OI7 Financial Results

Strong collections of Rs. 247 crore, higher by 32o/o YoY
Revenue up 27o/o YoY to Rs. 226 crore
Net Profit expands 3oo/o YoY to Rs, 18 crore

pune, 3d Februaru, 2O17: Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. (BSE: 532924, NSE: KOLTEPATIL), a leading
pune-based real estate player announced its results for the third quarter ended 31st December,

Kolte-patil adopted Ind-AS framework starting Q1 FY17, Comparable prior period numbers have been
restated in compliance with Ind-AS for a meaningful comparison.

Financial Hiohliqhts - 03 FY17

o Revenues were up 27o/o yoy to Rs.226.4 crore in Q3 FY17 as compared to Rs. 178.5 crore in Q3
o EBITDA was up L7o/oYoY to Rs. 55.4 crore in Q3 FY17 as compared to Rs. 47.4 crore in Q3 FY16
. pAT (post minority interest) was higher by 30% YoY to Rs. 18.0 crore in Q3 FY17 as compared to
Rs. 13.9 crore in Q3 FY16
e EPS for Q3 FY17 stood at Rs. 2.39 as compared to Rs. 1.83 in Q3 FY16

Financial Hiohliohts - 9M FY17

r Revenues were up 15olo YoY to Rs. 632.2 crore in 9M FY17 as compared to Rs. 548.6 crore in 9M
r EBITDA was higher by ZLo/o YoY to Rs. 171.6 crore in 9M FY17 as compared to Rs. L4t.7 crore in
9M FY16
o pAT (post minority interest) expanded 38o/o YoY to Rs. 55.6 crore in 9M FY17 as compared to Rs'
40.3 crore in 9M FY16
o EPS for 9M FY17 stood at Rs. 7.34 as compared to Rs. 5.31 in 9M FY16

Ooerational Hiohliohts - ()3 FY17

. The Company recorded new sales bookings of 0.32 msf in Q3 FY17 as compared to 0.57 msf.

Q2FYL7 and 0.52 msf. in Q3 FY16

o The value of area sold stood at Rs. 195 crore in Q3 FY17 as compared to Rs. 329 crore in Q2
FY17 and Rs. 304 crore in Q3 FY16

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. Collections stood at Rs. 247 crore in Q3 FY17 as compared to Rs. 234 crore in e2 Fy17 and Rs.
187 crore in Q3 FY16

Ooerational Hiohliqhts - 9M FY17

. The Company recorded new sales bookings of 1.54 msf. in 9M FY17 as compared to L.47 msf. in
9M FY16
. The value of area sold stood at Rs. 894 crore in 9M FY17 as compared to Rs. 887 crore in 9M
e Collections stood at Rs. 711 crore in 9M FY17 as compared to Rs. 576 crore in 9M FY16

Mr. Rajesh Patil, Chairman and Managing Director, Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. said, "Q3
was an eventful quafter with the announcement of the demonetization of Rs, 500 and Rs 1,000
currency notes. This initiative will create a level playing field and in the long run benefit all organized
developerc like us. We were beginning fo see a clear revival in sales volumes in October, prior to this
announcement, on the back of a buoyant festive season this year, Sa/es were impacted post the
announcement given the uncertainty that prevailed in the market,

During this period of uncertainty, we have stuck to our core philosophy, focused on execution and
cash flows across all our projects, which has resulted in strong colledionsof Rs. 247 crore during the
quarter, Our collections have been consistent and robust this entire year to the tune for Rs. 711
crore in 9M FY17, Our financial and operational performance also continues to see good
imprcvement. Revenue for 9M FY77 was up 75.2o/o YoY to Rs. 632 crore. EBITDA margins have
expanded 130 bps YoY to 27.7o/o on the back of overall cost competitiveness, Profit after tax has
expanded 38o/o to Rs. 55.6 crore in 9M FY17. Net margins have expanded 150 bps to 8.8o/o. We
continue to execute well across all our projects and offered 0,46 msf for possession during Q3, taking
our total tally for 9M Ff 17 tu 1.7 msf.

The economic environment impacted sales volumes with the uncertainty and cash crunch causing
customers to defer their purchase decisions, We recorded pre-sales of 0.32 msf. or Rs. 195 crore
during the quarter. However, we are confident that the slowdown will be a temporary phenomenon
and we have already started seeing an uptick in the volumes in the ongoing quarter. With several
initiatives like the implementation of REP .,/., passage of GST and simplification of environmental laws
etc, we are well-positioned to capitalize on the shift from unorganised developers to transparent,
strong brands of repute like Kolte-Patil. Additionally, several initiatives announced in the Union
Budget will aid sector recovery. Expectations of a steep reduction in interest rates and fall in inflation
will improve consumer sentiment and spur demand. We will continue to maintain our thrust on
execution and cost efficiencies at all projects and utilize the cash flows to further strengthen our
balance sheet,"
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About Kolte-Patil Developerc Limited:
Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. (BSE: 532924, NSE: KOLTEPATIL), incorporated in 199t, is a teading real estate
company with dominant prcsence in the Pune residential market. Kotte-Patil is a trusted name witi a reputation
for high quality standards, design uniqueness, transparency and the detivery of projeds in a timely man'ner. The
company has developed and constructed over 50 projects including resideitiat complexes, commercial
complexes and IT Parks covering a saleable area of -72 mittion square feet across pune and'Bengaluru.

Kolte-Patil markets its prciects under two brands: 'Kolte-Patil'(addressing the mid-income segment) and ,24K'
(addressing the premium luxury segment). The Company has execuied projects in muttipte segments -
standalone residential buildings and integrated townships. Several of the company's projects halve been certified
by the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC).

Consolidating its leaderchip position in Pune, the company forayed into the Mumbai market in 2013 focusing on
low apital intensive society re-development projects. The company has already signed six projeds tilt dale at
prime loeations across the city.

The Company's long-term bank debt and non-convertibte debentures have been rated'A+ Stabte'
the highest rating acarded by CNSIL to any publicly tisted residentiat reatesfate player in India.
/ by CNSIL,

For more details on Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd., visit

For fufther information, please contact:

l'layank Slnghee Varun Dlvadkar/Shiv Muttoo
Kolte Patll Developerc Ltd. CD& Indla
501, The Capital, BKC, Bandra (E), Mumbai Horniman Circle, Fort, Mumbai
Tef: +91 77700 10545 Tel: +91 2266/.5 L222 / L207
Email: Email: [email protected] /[email protected]


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