Frangieh, 2015
Frangieh, 2015
Frangieh, 2015
AbstractRenewable energy has made a stunning entrance to power quality [5], [6], [7] and [8]. The issue of power quality is
the market. In Lebanon there are some projects taking place of great importance to the wind turbine [6]. Theres a need to
such as Hawa Akkar and Beirut River Solar Snake (BRSS). They find solutions to these problems, using different technologies
are used to reduce the reliance on hydrocarbons (petrol-based) such as smart meters, monitoring system, controllers, remote
generation. The integration of these systems (wind energy, hydro ability. The integration of wind energy into a weak system is a
energy, solar power etc.) created different kinds of problems in challenge; voltage fluctuation, voltage dips, swells and swags
the grid. Whether system stability problems or Power Quality are created due to the uncontrollable resource and the nature of
issues, these issues need solving. Classically passive filters were the DWIG (Distributed Wind Induction Generators) on the
used but nowadays active filters such as Static Synchronous
already weak system. This causes stability issues, reliability
Compensator (STATCOM) and Dynamic Voltage Restorer
and power quality issues which need to be solved [9].
(DVR) are chosen for the task. STATCOM is a device that
regulates the voltage level or the reactive power in the system. It
is used to maintain voltage stability, enlargement of critical A. Power Quality
clearing time. DVR is a voltage restorer that can solve the voltage 1) International Electro Technical Commission Guidelines
power quality issues. This paper will integrate the STATCOM The International Electro-technical Commission (IEC)
and the DVR for voltage control and harmonics filtering. The gives the procedures for determining the power quality
simulation has been done by MATLAB/SIMULINK and shows characteristics when a wind turbine is involved [10].
the work of the STATCOM and the DVR combined.
2) Voltage Variation
KeywordsWind Turbine, STATCOM, Active Filters, DVR, Wind speed and induction generator torque are the main
Harmonics, Power Quality cause of voltage variations. These voltage variations are
directly related to real and reactive power variations. Voltage
I. INTRODUCTION Sag/Dips/Swell, Short Interruptions and Long duration voltage
variation are common voltage variation issues. The amplitude
In the last couple of decades, the creation, implementation of voltage fluctuation depends on grid strength, network
and perfection of renewable energy has occurred. It has impedance, phase-angle and power factor of the wind turbines
progressed through time with increasing reliability. The [5].
integration of renewable energy such as wind, photovoltaic,
fuel cell, and tidal to the grid solved many problems and 3) Harmonics
replenished the exceeding and ascending need for electrical Harmonics are created due to power electronic switching
energy but created plenty more. In Europe 2012 renewable devices in the system. The harmonic content in a voltage or
energies covered 14% of gross final energy consumption current should be under the limit at the Point of Common
compared to 12.9% in 2011. The European Union has over a Coupling (PCC). The IEC-61400-21 establishes a guideline to
100-GW of renewable energy installed capacity at the end of base the study of harmonics on [10]. The filtering by rapid
2012 [1]. In Lebanon the renewable energy sector is being switching largely reduces the lower order harmonic current, but
created and trying to enlarge. The Lebanese government plan the remaining current will have higher order frequency content
to install 200 MW of solar farms by 2020. The Beirut River which can be easily filtered-out.
Solar Snake (BRSS) projects goal to install 10 MW of
photovoltaic farms along the Beirut River [2]. Hawa Akkar is 4) Consequences of the Issues
another project installed in Akkar Lebanon. This wind farm The power quality issues damage equipment such as
will generate 60 MW which is enough power to supply 60,000 Microprocessors, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs),
households a year and its aim is to reduce the rationing periods Variable Speed Drives (VSDs) and delicate control systems. It
in Lebanon [3], [4]. This leads to a more complex electrical may cause the tripping of Contactors and protection devices. It
network or Grid. This enlargement and enrichment in can lead to stopping sensitive equipment such as PCs, and
equipment has caused problems such as stability, reliability and even stop the process of plants.
Fig. 8. a) Voltage drop at PCC when wind turbine is starting, b) Voltage at
Fig. 7. MATLAB/SIMULINK model of (a) STATCOM, (b)DVR Critical load Bus (with DVR compensation), c) Injected voltage by DVR
Fig. 14. PCC characteristics without Load Tracking a) Load power, b)PCC
current, c) Injected current