Compressible Flow: Speed of Sound

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Compressible flow

Readings: [1] chapter 2

Speed of sound
Consider an acoustic wave propagating into quisecent air as shown in figure. The flow properties change
infintesimal amount and the proess is isentropic. The flow is one dmensional and unsteady and can be
easily turned into steady by redefining the cordinate system as show in fig(b). In figure (b) the wave
is stationary and we would see the flow approaching the wave at a speed a and on the left of the wave
front the flow retreating from the wave at speed of a dV . Transforming cordinate system does not
affect the thermodynamics properties.


p + dp 2 1 p
+ d dV
T + dT a T


p + dp 2 1 p
+ d
a dV
T + dT a T

Applying conservation of mass and momentum equations

Aa = ( + d)A(a dv)
dV = ad
p + a2 = (p + dp) + ( + d)(a dv)2
a2 =
Substituting pv = Constant we get

dp = C1 d
= p/
= RT
a = RT
Mach number
The ratio of local speed of the the fluid to its acoustic speed a, called the Mach number. M 2 is the measure
energy of directed fluid to the kinetic energy of random molecular motion. M achnumber = a
of kinetic u

or u/ RT

Referece states
Important physics in the flow can be brought out clearly by the use of refrence states.

Sonic state
It is the state where the flow velocity equals velocity of sound. Properties are denoted by , T , p ..

Stagnation state
The state where the velocity is zero. Properties are denoted by o , T0 , p0 ... Stagnation state is attained by
a isentropic decelaration process. This is alocal quantity independent of the process taking place in the
actual flow under investigation. Using energy equation
h 0 = h + u2
CpT0 = CpT +
T0 = T +
T0 1 2
=1+ M
T 2
p0 1 2 1
= 1+ M
p 2
0 1 2 1
= 1+ M

The relation between critical and stagnation conditions can be found by equating M=1
T0 +1
T 2
p0 + 1 1
p 2
0 + 1 1

Reference state in T-s and p-v diagrams

[1] Maurice Joseph Zucrow and Joe D Hoffman. Gas dynamics. New York: Wiley, 1976, 1, 1976.
u2 /2Cp
1 M <1

* M =1

M >1

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