Account Information Form
Account Information Form
Account Information Form
Republika ng Pilipinas
Kagawaran ng Pananalapi
Kawanihan ng Rentas Internas Information Form 1701AIF
July 1999 (ENCS)
(To be accomplished & filed with BIR Form No. 1701
For Self-Employed and Professional Individuals/ unless taxpayer opted for Optional Standard Deduction)
Estate and Trusts (Engaged in Trade or Business)
1 For the Year 2 Category: Taxpayer/Filer Self-Employed Professional Estate Trust
5 Name of Administrator / Trustee (If Individual, Last Name first, followed by First Name and Middle Initial)
111 Total Manufacturing Overhead (Sum of Items 103 to 110) 111A 111B
112 Total Manufacturing Costs (Sum of Items 100, 101 & 111) 112A 112B
113 Add: Work in Process, Beginning 113A 113B
114 Less: Work in Process, Ending 114A 114B
115 Total Cost of Goods Manufactured 115A 115B
116 Add: Finished Goods Inventory, Beginning 116A 116B
117 Less: Finished Goods Inventory, Ending 117A 117B
Schedule 6 ( For Estates and Trusts ) Payments to Heirs/Beneficiaries (Attach Additional Sheets if Necessary)
Name TIN Amount Tax Withheld
I declare, under the penalties of perjury, that this return has been made in good faith, verified by me, and to the best of my knowledge and belief,
is true and correct, pursuant to the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and the regulations issued under authority thereof.
Taxpayer's Signature Over Printed Name
Note: Attach additional sheets, if necessary
* If Taxpayer's income is from long-term contracts, the tax return shall, likewise, be accompanied by Certificates of Percentage
of Completion during the taxable year of the projects performed under existing contracts issued and signed by the Architect or Engineer.
* Husband and wife earning business and/or professional income shall accomplish separate Account Information Forms
(Form 1701AIF-1) for their respective businesses/professions.
* Attach additional sheets to the Income Tax Returns and Account Information Forms, if necessary