MCQ of Microsoft Excel

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MS-EXCEL QUESTION B. Exclamation (!

C. Hash (#)
1-1. Comments put in cells are called .. D. Ampersand (&)
A. Smart Tip
1-9. Which area in an Excel window allows entering
B. Cell Tip
values and formulas?
C. Web Tip
A. Title Bar
D. Soft Tip
B. Menu Bar
1-2. Comments can be added to cells using .. C. Formula Bar
A. Edit -> Comments D. Standard Tool Bar
B. Insert -> Comment
1-10. Multiple calculations can be made in a single
C. File -> Comments
formula using..
D. View > Comments
A. Standard Formulas
1-3. Which menu option can be used to split windows B. Array Formula
into two? C. Complex Formulas
A. Format -> Window D. Smart Formula
B. View -> Window-> Split
C. Window -> Split
Click Here for Answers
D. View > Split
1-4. Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet 9 C / 10 B
is called.
2-1. An Excel Workbook is a collection of .
A. Accessing
A. Workbooks
B. Referencing
B. Worksheets
C. Updating
C. Charts
D. Functioning
D. Worksheets and Charts
1-5. Which of the following is not a valid data type in
2-2. What do you mean by a Workspace?
A. Group of Columns
A. Number
B. Group of Worksheets
B. Character
C. Group of Rows
C. Label
D. Group of Workbooks
D. Date/Time
2-3. MS-EXCEL is based on .?
1-6. Which elements of a worksheet can be protected
from accidental modification?
A. Contents
B. Objects
D. OS/2
C. Scenarios
D. All of the above 2-4. In EXCEL, you can sum a large range of data by
simply selecting a tool button called ..?
1-7. A numeric value can be treated as label value if
A. AutoFill
precedes it.
B. Auto correct
A. Apostrophe ()
C. Auto sum
B. Exclamation (!)
D. Auto format
C. Hash (#)
D. Tilde (~) 2-5. To select an entire column in MS-EXCEL, press?
1-8. Concatenation of text can be done using
B. CTRL + Arrow key
A. Apostrophe ()

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C. CTRL + S C. 5,436.8
D. None of the above D. 6.8

2-6. To return the remainder after a number is divided 3-3. How do you display current date and time in MS
by a divisor in EXCEL we use the function? Excel?
A. ROUND ( ) A. date ()
B. FACT ( ) B. Today ()
C. MOD ( ) C. now ()
D. DIV ( ) D. time ()

2-7. Which function is not available in the Consolidate 3-4. How do you display current date only in MS Excel?
dialog box? A. date ()
A. Pmt B. Today ()
B. Average C. now ()
C. Max D. time ()
D. Sum
3-5. How do you wrap the text in a cell?
2-8. Which is not the function of Edit, Clear A. Format, cells, font
command? B. Format, cells, protection
A. Delete contents C. format, cells, number
B. Delete notes D. Format, cells, alignment
C. Delete cells
D. Delete formats 3-6. What does COUNTA () function do?
A. counts cells having alphabets
2-9. Microsoft Excel is a powerful.. B. counts empty cells
A. Word processing package C. counts cells having number
B. Spreadsheet package D. counts non-empty cells
C. Communication S/W Package
D. DBMS package 3-7. What is the short cut key to highlight the entire
2-10. How do you rearrange the data in ascending or A. Ctrl+C
descending order? B. Ctrl+Enter
A. Data, Sort C. Ctrl+Page Up
B. Data, Form D. Ctrl+Space Bar
C. Data, Table
3-8. In the formula, which symbol specifies the fixed
D. Data Subtotals
columns or rows?
Click Here for Answers A. $
B. *
/ 9 B / 10 A C. %
D. &
3-1. Which Chart can be created in Excel?
A. Area 3-9. Excel displays the current cell address in the .
A. Formula bar
B. Line
C. Pie B. Status Bar
D. All of the above C. Name Box
D. Title Bar
3-2. What will be the output if you format the cell
containing 5436.8 as #,##0.00? 3-10. What is the correct way to refer the cell A10 on
A. 5,430.00 sheet3 from sheet1?
B. 5,436.80 A. sheet3!A10
B. sheet1!A10

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C. Sheet3.A10 C. tools
D. A10 D. view

4-8. Which key do you press to check spelling?

Click Here for Answers A. F3
1D/2B/3C/4B/5D/6D/7D/8A B. F5
/ 9 C / 10 A C. F7
D. F9
4-1. Which language is used to create macros in Excel?
A. Visual Basic 4-9. To record a sequence of keystrokes and mouse
B. C actions to play back later we use:
C. Visual C++ A. Media player
D. Java B. Sound Recorder
C. Calculator
4-2. Which of the following is not a term of MS-Excel? D. Macro Recorder
A. Cells
B. Rows 4-10. We can save and protect the workbook by
C. Columns A. Write Reservation Password
D. Document B. Protection Password
C. Read-only Recommended
4-3. How many worksheets can a workbook have? D. Any of the above
A. 3
B. 8
C. 255 Click Here for Answers
D. none of above 1A/2D/3D/4B/5B/6C/7C/8C/
9 D / 10 D
4-4. Which would you choose to create a bar diagram?
A. Edit, Chart Set-5
B. Insert, Chart
5-1. The first cell in EXCEL worksheet is labeled as
C. Tools, Chart
D. Format, Chart A. AA
B. A1
4-5. Which setting you must modify to print a C. Aa
worksheet using letterhead? D. A0
A. Paper
B. Margin 5-2. What happens when dollar signs ($) are entered in
C. Layout a cell address? (ex. $B$2:$B$10)
D. Orientation A. An absolute cell address is created.
B. Cell address will change when it is copied to another
4-6. What do you call the chart that shows the cell.
proportions of how one or more data elements relate C. The sheet tab is changed.
to another data element? D. The status bar does not display the cell address.
A. XY Chart
B. Line Chart 5-3. What are the tabs that appear at the bottom of
C. Pie Chart each workbook called?
D. Column Chart A. Reference tabs
B. Position tabs
4-7. The spelling dialog box can be involved by C. Location tabs
choosing spelling from ________ menu. D. Sheet tabs
A. insert
B. file 5-4. What is represented by the small, black square in
the lower-right corner of an active cell or range?

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A. Copy handle 6-1. B7:B9 indicates:
B. Fill handle A. Cells B7 and cell B9 only.
C. Insert handle B. Cells B7 through B9.
D. Border C. Cell B8 only.
D. None of the above.
5-5. In Excel, a Data Series is defined as what?
A. A type of chart. 6-2. The Cancel and Enter buttons appear in the:
B. A cell reference. A. Title bar
C. A collection of related data B. Formula bar
D. A division of results C. Menu bar
D. Sheet tabs
5-6. In Excel, the Fill Color button on the Formatting
toolbar is used for what? 6-3. MS-EXCEL can be used to automate
A. To insert a background. A. Financial statements, Business forecasting
B. To add borders. B. Transaction registers, inventory control
C. To select a distribution of figures. C. Accounts receivable, accounts payable
D. To add shading or color to a cell range. D. Any of the above

5-7. In help menu of Excel, which of the following tabs 6-4. NOT, AND, OR and XOR are
are found? A. Logical Operators
A. Contents tab B. Arithmetic operators
B. Answer Wizard tab C. Relational operators
C. Index tab D. None of the above
D. all of the above.
6-5. In a report, you need to show the monthly rainfall
5-8. A __________ is a grid with labeled columns and in Nepal. The best way to do this is to insert a
rows. A. calendar
A. Dialog box B. photograph of rainfall
B. Worksheet C. chart showing rainfall amounts
C. Clipboard D. database of rainfall
D. Toolbar
6-6. You want to record experiment information and
5-9. The active cell: create a chart that shows the rate of crystal growth
A. is defined by a bold border around the cell. over a period of time. The best application to use
B. Receives the data the user enters. would be:
C. It is the formula bar. A. word processing
D. Only A and B. B. spreadsheet
C. database
5-10. Which function is used to calculate depreciation,
D. graphics
rates of return, future values and loan payment
amounts? 6-7. You are editing an worksheet that you had
A. Logical previously saved. If you want to save the edited sheet
B. Math & Trigonometry without losing the original one, which command should
C. Statistical you use?
D. Financial A. New
B. Save As
Click Here for Answers C. Edit
1B/2A/3D/4B/5C/6D/7D/8B/ D. Save
9 D / 10 D
6-8. If you want to have a blank line after the title in a
worksheet, what is the best thing for you to do?

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A. Re-format the spreadsheet C. A box
B. Insert a row D. None of the above
C. Increase the column width
D. Use the spacebar 7-5. How do you tell one cell from another?
A. By numbers
6-9. In order to arrange the countries from those with B. By letters
the highest population to those with the lowest, you C. By its address
need to sort on the population field in D. by color
A. ascending order
B. descending order 7-6. Give me an example of a cell address.
C. alphabetical order A. 11 25
D. random order B. 911
C. 41A
6-10. In order to perform a calculation in a D. A21
spreadsheet, you need to use a:
A. table 7-7. Which is an example of a formula?
B. formula A. =A1+A2
C. field B. =add(A1:A2)
D. variable C. A1+A2
D. SUM(A1:A2)

Click Here for Answers 7-8. Which is an example of a function?

1B/2B/3D/4A/5C/6B/7B/8B/ A. =add(A1:A2)
B. =A1+A2
9 B / 10 B
C. =SUM(A1:A2)
7-1. The box on the chart that contains the name of D. A1+A2
each individual record is called the ________.
A. cell 7-9. What is the symbol for multiplying?
B. title A. >
C. axis B. /
C. !
D. legend
D. *
7-2. If you want all of the white cats grouped together
7-10. What is the symbol for dividing?
in the database, you need to sort by ________.
A. Color, then Gender A ./
B. %
B. Pet Type, then Color
C. Pet Type, then Gender C. &
D. Color, then Pet Name D. #

7-3. You accidentally erased a record in the sheet.

What command can be used to restore it immediately? Click Here for Answers
A. Insert 1D/2B/3C/4A/5C/6D/7A/8C/
B. Copy 9 D /10 A
C. Undo Multiple Choice Questions of Microsoft Excel
D. Replace
8-1 A function inside another function is called
7-4. Where a row and a column meet, what do you call _______
that? A. Nested function
A. A cell B. Round function
B. A block C. Sum function
D. Text function

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8-2 Which of the following is not an underline option C. Spreadsheet
in the format cells dialog box? D. Word processing
A. Double
B. Single Accounting 8-10 You can group noncontiguous worksheets with
C. Double Accounting A. The alt+enter key
B. The ctrl key and mouse
D. Single Engineering
C. The shift key and the mouse
8-3 Formulas in Excel start with D. The group button on the standard toolbar
A. %
B. =
C. + Click Here for Answers
D. - 1A/2D/3B/4D/5C/6A/7C/8D/
9 C / 10 B
8-4 The default header for a worksheet is
A. Username Multiple Choice Questions of Microsoft Excel
B. Date and Time 9-1. What is the AutoComplete feature of Excel?
C. Sheet tab Name A. It automatically completes abbreviated words
D. None B. It completes text entries that match an existing entry
8-5 Which of the following is not an option of the in the same column
spelling dialog box? C. It completes text and numeric entries that match an
A. Ignore existing entry in the same column
B. Ignore all D. It completes text entries that match an existing entry
in the same worksheet
C. Edit
D. Change 9-2. Which of the following is correct?
8-6 Which of the following methods will not enter data A. =AVERAGE(4, 5, 6, 7)
in a cell? B. =AVERAGE(A1, B1, C1)
A. Pressing the Esc key C. =AVERAGE(A1:A9, B1:B9)
B. Pressing an arrow key D. =All of the above
C. Pressing the tab key 9-3. Which of the following function will return a value
D. Clicking the enter button to the formula bar of 8?
A. ROUNDUP(8.4999, 0)
8-7 The cell reference for cell range of G2 to M12 is
_______ B. ROUNDDOWN(8.4999, 0)
C. ROUND(8.4999, 0)
A. G2.M12
B. G2;M12 D. Only B and C
C. G2:M12 9-4. How to restrict to run a macro automatically when
D. G2-M12 starting Microsoft Excel?
8-8 What is the keyboard shortcut for creating a chart A. Hold down the SHIFT key during startup
from the selected cell range? B. Hold down the CTRL key during startup
A. F2 C. Hold down the ESC key during startup
D. Hold down the ALT key during startup
B. F4
C. F8 9-5. How to remove the unwanted action from
D. F11 recorded macro without recording the whole macro
8-9 The Software which contains rows and columns is again?
called ______ A. By using the Find and Edit Action Option
A. Database B. By clicking on the Refresh button in the Macro toolbar
B. Drawing C. By edit the macro in the Visual Basic Editor
D. Macro cannot be edited.

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9-6. What should be add before a fraction to avoid C. CTRL + H
entering it as a date? D. CTRL + C
A. //
B. FR 10-3. How to specify cell range from A9 to A99 in Excel?
C. Zero A. (A9, A99)
B. (A9 to A99)
D. Zero Space
C. (A9 : A99)
9-7. Which of the following function will use to find the D. (A9 A99)
highest number in a series of number?
A. MAX(B1:B3) 10-4. Selecting the Column G & H then choose Insert-
B. MAXIMUM (B1:B3) >Columns. What will happen?
C. HIGH (B1:B3) A. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column F
D. HIGHEST(B1:B3) B. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column G
C. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column H
9-8. What does the NOW() function return? D. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column I
A. It returns the serial number of the current date and
time 10-5. How to restrict the values of a cell so that only
B. It returns the serial number of the current date whole numbers between 9 and 99 can be entered in a
C. It returns the serial number of the current time cell.
D. None of the above A. The Settings tab under the menu Format -> Cells
B. The Settings tab under the menu Data -> Validation
9-9. What value will display if the formula = $55.00+5 C. The Settings tab under the menu Data -> Filter ->
is entered into a cell? Advanced Filter
A. $60 D. the Settings tab under the menu Format ->
B. 60 Conditional Formatting
C. $55.00+5
D. $60.00 10-6. Clear the contents by pressing DELETE key from
a keyboard will clear
9-10. What is the shortcut key to insert current date in A. Text Only
a cell? B. Format Only
A. CTRL + D C. Contents Only
B. CTRL + T D. Both Contents and Format
C. CTRL + ;
D. CTRL + / 10-7. Which of the following shortcuts can be used to
insert a new line in the same cell?
Click Here for Answers A. Enter
1B/2D/3D/4A/5C/6D/7A/8D/ B. Alt + Enter
9 B / 10 C C. Ctrl + Enter
D. Shift + Enter
Multiple Choice Questions of Microsoft Excel
10-8. What is the quickest way to select entire
10-1. Which of the following syntax is correct regarding worksheet?
to SUM function in Excel? A. Choose Edit -> Select all from the Menu
A. =SUM (A1, B1)
B. Click on the first column, press Ctrl, and then click on
B. =SUM (A1:B9) the last column
C. =SUM (A1:A9, B1:B9) C. Click on the first column, press Shift, and then click on
D. All of the above the last column
10-2. What is the shortcut key to hide entire column? D. Click on the rectangle box on the upper left corner
A. CTRL + where column headings and row headings meet
B. CTRL + 0

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10-9. A smart tag will be removed from a cell when MCQ@Questions in cell C1?
A. the cell is moved A. =A1 + @ + B1
B. the cell is hidden B. =A1 # @ # B1
C. the data in the cell is changed or deleted C. =A1 & @ & B1
D. the formatting of the cell is changed D. =A1 $ @ $ B1

10-10. Which of the following options is appropriate to 11-6. How to fit long texts in a single cell with multiple
show the numbers 9779851089510 in a cell? lines?
A. Enclose the number is brackets A. Start typing in the cell and press the Enter key to start
B. Place the character T before the number another line
C. Place the character TX before the number B. Use the Wrap Text option in the Format -> Alignment
D. Apply the Text format in the cell and type the menu
numbers C. Use the Shrink to Fit option in the Format -> Cells ->
Alignment menu
D. All of above
Click Here for Answers
1D/2B/3C/4A/5B/6C/7B/8D/ 11-7. If particular workbook have to open each time
9 C / 10 D Excel started, where that workbook should be placed?
Set-11 B. AUTOSTART Folder
Multiple Choice Questions of Microsoft Excel C. EXCELSTART Folder
11-1. Which of the following is correct syntax in Excel?
A. =IF(LogicalTest, TrueResult, FalseResult) 11-8. If the cell B1 contains the formula = $A$1, which
B. =IF(LogicalTest, (TrueResult, FalseResult)) of the following statements is true
C. =IF(LogicalTest, TrueResult) (LogicalTest, FalseResult) A. There is a relative reference to cell A1
D. =IF(LogicalTest, TrueResult), IF(LogicalTest, B. There is an absolute reference to cell A1
FalseResult) C. Further changes in value of A1 will not affect the
value of B1
11-2. Which of the following is correct? D. Further changes in value of B1 will affect the value of
A. =POWER(2^3) A1
B. =POWER(2,3)
C. =POWER(2#3) 11-9. Worksheet can be renamed by
D. =POWER(2*3) A. Adding ? symbol at the end of filename while saving
11-3. Selecting the Rows 5 & 6 then choose Insert- B. Click on Worksheet tab by Holding CTRL Key and type
>Row. What will happen? new name
A. 2 Rows will be inserted after Row 4 C. Double Click on the Worksheet tab and type new
B. 2 Rows will be inserted after Row 5 name
C. 2 Rows will be inserted after Row 6 D. Worksheet cannot renamed
D. 2 Rows will be inserted after Row 7
11-10. What is the shortcut key to hide entire row?
11-4. If 4/6 entered in a cell without applying any A. CTRL + H
formats, Excel will treat this as B. CTRL + R
A. Fraction C. CTRL + 9
B. Number D. CTRL + -
C. Text
D. Date Click Here for Answers
11-5. If the values in A1 is MCQ and B1 is 9 C / 10 C
Questions, which function will return

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YOGESH KUMAR GUPTA ICES COMPUTER 0141-6000046, 8432106468, 7737312346
Set-12 A. Page Layout -> Grid lines -> View
B. Insert -> Grid lines -> View
12-1. What is the shortcut key to insert a new comment C. View -> Grid lines -> View
in a cell? D. Edit -> Grid lines -> View
A. F2
B. Alt + F2 12-9. What will be the result if you type =A1=B1 in cell
C. Ctrl + F2 C1?
D. Shift + F2 A. Yes or No
B. True or False
12-2. Which option allows you to Bold all the negative C. Value of A1
values within the selected cell range: D. Value of B1
A. Zero Formatting
B. Conditional Formatting 12-10. In Excel _______ may not contain in Formula
C. Compare Formatting A. Text Constant
D. Negative Formatting B. Number Constant
C. Circular Reference
12-3. What is the shortcut key to insert new sheet in D. All of them
current workbook?
A. F11
B. Alt + F11 Click Here for Answers
C. Ctrl + F11 1D/2B/3D/4A/5B/6C/7B/8A/
D. Shift + F11 9 B / 10 C

12-4. Which one is the last column header in Excel BY


12-5. In maximum, how many sheets can be set as

default while creating new workbook? EDUCATION & SOCIETY
A. 254
B. 255
C. 256 C-1192, NEW LOHA MANDI
D. No Limit
12-6. New Comment option can be found under
_________ tab JAIPUR,RAJASTHAN
A. Insert
B. Data 0141-6000046, 8432106468,
C. Review
D. View 7737312346
12-7. In Excel, by default Numeric Values appears in
A. Left aligned
B. Right aligned
C. Center aligned
D. Justify aligned

12-8. To show/hide the grid lines in Microsoft Excel


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