Concepts in Solids Anderson

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Lectures on the Theory of Solids

Pm Wm Anderson
Princeton University

orld Scientific
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Lectures on the Theory of Solids
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P. W. Anderson
Philip W. Anderson has been the Joseph Henry Professor of Physics at Princeton
University since 1978. Professor Anderson received his Ph.D. in physics from Harvard
University in 1949. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1977for work in condensed
matter physics. He has taught at CambridgeUniversity (1967-1975)and has been a Fellow
and Honorary Fellow at Jesus College (1969-1975) and a Visiting Fellow at Churchill
College, Cambridge University (1961-1962). From 1949 to 1984Dr. Anderson served at
Bell Laboratories as Chairman of the Theoretical Physics Department (1959-1961),
Assistant Director of the Physical Research Laboratory (1974-1976) and as Consulting
Directorof the Physical ResearchLaboratory (1976- 1984). In addition to the Nobel Prize,
Professor Anderson's honors include the Oliver E. Buckley Prize of the A P S (1964), the
Dannie Heineman Prize of the Academy of Science at Gottinger (1975), the Guthrie
Medal and Prize (1978), the National Medal of Science (1983), the Foreign Association
Academia Lincei (1985) and an Honorary Fellowship from the Institute of Physics (1985).
He is a member of the American Philosophical Society and has been a Foreign Fellow of
the Indian Academy of Sciences,a Foreign Fellow of the Japan Academy of Sciences, a
Foreign Member to the Royal Society and has been a member of the American Academy
of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences Council. He has lectured at
the University of Wisconsin, Duke University, the University of California at San Diego,
and Harvard University.

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Special Preface
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I reread Concepts in Solids with both pride and embarrassment. Pride, both because it was
this set of lectures which inspired Brian Josephson to invent his effect--not every book can
point to the precise Nobel prize it inspired--andbecause I did, in avery brief space,manage
to touch some of the key topics which are still not adequatelycovered in your average solid
state theory book. For instance, it is shocking that the main texts used in this country still
do not touch on the Mott transition or the "Magnetic State." I was aiming at conceptual,
not mechanical physics, and I hope I got there.
Embarrassment, because after all, there has been 30 years of physics since then. For
instance, I note that I guessed absolutely wrong in dismissing tight-binding theory out of
hand: it has not yet totally come into its own but it is, in my present opinion, the right way
to think about most bonding in solids. I am not ashamed of skipping localization--only
Mott was interested in it, and neither of us yet knew where to go next. I was prescient about
broken symmetry-as Josephson realized-but left out phase transitions, as I myself
Nonetheless, I believe that the average student will still be harmed less by this book
than by any number of other books I should not name, and I welcome the reissuance.

P. W. Anderson
March 1991

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These notes were for a course given at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, in the fall
and winter terms of 1961- 1962. Nominally, it was for second- and third-year graduate
students who had had a survey course in solid-state physics, and were interested (at least)
in theory; but I assumed very little formal theoretical background. I think the notes can be
read by anyone who has had a thorough course in quantum mechanics, but the reader who
knows something about solids will find them much easier, and will also not be misguided
by my rather arbitrary and specialized choice of material.
The idea of the course was to teach a number of central concepts of solid-state
physics, trying to choose those -band theory, nearly free electrons, effective Hamilto-
nian theory, elementary excitations, broken symmetry -which lay as near as possible to
what I consider to be the main stream of development of the subject. Such a choice is
necessarily arbitrary - whose fields, such as dislocation theory, transport theory and
fluctuation-dissipationtheorems, magnetic resonance theory in all its forms, and critical
fluctuations, which could easily be argued to be quite as important, were ignored, simply
because the course was of finite length. My choice of examples was even more arbitrary.
For instance, the choices of the electric field case of effective Hamiltonian theory and of
excitons to illustrate collective excitations were made because I thought the students were
likely to encounter the more usual examples elsewhere. From time to time, to liven the
course up a bit, I introduced original material; the discussions of the limitations of nearly
free electron theory, of the philosophies of elementary excitation theory, and of broken
symmetry are new, and that of the magnetic state is not widely available.
The language and presentation are very informal; very few changes were made from
my original lecture notes as written. I might add that little effort has been made to bring
them up to date. Both limitations are of course implicit in the idea of a lecture note volume.
I would like to express my gratitude for the hospitality of Professor Mott and the

Cavendish Laboratory, the secretarial staff of which prepared the original version of the
notes. Mr. Liu Sham was kind enough to edit the notes and write in most of the equations.

Murray Hill, New Jersey

January 1963
by Mrs. Shyama Ramankutty on 06/16/16. For personal use only.
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1. Introduction
A. Preparation and Texts
B. Plan of the Course
C. Generalities and Classification of Solids

2. One-Electron Theory 9
A. Hartree-Fock Theory 9
1 . General Philosophy of Hartree-Fock 9
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2. Derivation of Self-consistent Equations: Second Quantization 15

B. Energy Bands in Solids 28
1. Perturbation Theory for Weak Periodic Potential:
Brillouin and Jone Zones and Symmetrized Plane Waves 28
2. The Cellular Method: Quantitative Calculation of
Binding Energy 43
3. Exchange and Correlation in the Free-Electron Gas 53
4.The O.P.W. Method 61
C.One-Electron Band Theory in the Presence of Perturbing Fields 77
1. Introduction 77
2. Weakly Bound Impurity States 80
3. Motion in External Fields 82
4. Breakdown Effects 88
5. Rigorous Basis of Effective Hamiltonian Theory 91

3. Elementary Excitations 96
A. The Idea of Elementary Excitations: Generalities
on Many-Body Theory 96
1. The Variational Theorem 97
2. The Exclusion Principle 97
3. Screening 99
4. The Concept of Elementary Excitations 99
B. The N + I Body Problem 104
1. Quasi-Particles 104
2. Effects of Phonons in the N + 1 Body Problem 112

C. Quasi-Particles in Metuls: The Ferrni Liquid 126
D. Collective Excitations 132
1. Excitons 132
2. Spin Waves: Heisenberg Hamiltonian and the Magnetic State 157
3. Ferromagnetic Spin Waves 164
4. Antiferromagnetic Spin Waves and Broken Symmetry 175

Bibliography 183
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by Mrs. Shyama Ramankutty on 06/16/16. For personal use only.
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The subject of these lecture notes is "Concepts in the Theory of Solids"-in

point of fact I should have said "in the Quantum Theory of Solids," because there is
very little of our understanding of the properties of matter which does not depend to
some extent on the quantum theory. Some acquaintance with the quantum theory
will be necessary: a certain understanding of the matrix formalism and trans-
formation theory as well a s of elementary wave mechanics. For instance, time-
dependent perturbation theory and operator equations of motion will be used without
much further explanation but not techniques of modern field theory; these will be, if
necessary, derived from scratch.
What preparation in the solid-state area is necessary is determined by the intent
of this course, which is not to survey the phenomenology of the properties of solids
but to go somewhat more deeply into what is behind these properties. In many
cases, this means that we shall t r y to understand why solids behave as they do, but
in many others of course-perhaps more-we shall simply be coming to the
questions at which our real understanding fails. It will then, clearly, be a great
help to have a reasonably wide knowledge of what the properties of solids are.
Kittel's "Introduction to Solid State Physics" (1) is an excellent text which surveys
the field on a level preparatory to what will be said. In other words, some famil-
iarity with such concepts a s Debye T3 specific heat, Brillouin zones, free-electron
specific heat o r spin paramagnetism, electron or nuclear paramagnetic resonance,
and others of the more or less standard theoretical ideas and experimental tech-
niques will be assumed. No texts have even attempted to cover solid-state theory
as a whole at any basic level since Seitz in 1940 completed "Modern Theory of
Solids" ( 2 ) ; and that is in fact by far the b e s t text still. This may indicate that we
have not made much progress since 1940 in basic understanding, only in investi-
gating much wider classes of phenomena, which is t o some extent t r u e . In any
case, the only answer so far found to the problem of modernizing the "Modern
Theory" has been to issue a series of books containing review a r t i c l e s , the so-called

"Seitz-schrift" o r Seitz-Turnbull series (Solid State Physics -Advances i n Re-

search and Applications), which is probably the best single source at this point.
Kittel's book is very good, but except possibly in the one field of crystal symmetry
in the second edition, it is not very complete on any one subject. Special areas a r e
covered reasonably well in certain books- e - g . , Ziman's "Electrons and Phonons"
(3) and other books on special subjects such a s dislocations, magnetic resonance,
etc. Wannier's "Elements of Solid State Theory" (4) and Peierls' book (5) should be
mentioned, each of which is probably the result of some such selection as will be
made here, but a quite different one. A magnificent, but quite advanced, and quite
condensed text is Landau and Lifshitz' "Statistical Physics" (6). A forthcoming
text which will cover a very wide area of solid-state physics from the point of view
of group theory and symmetry principles w ill be M. Lax, "Symmetry Principles in
Solid-state Physics" (6a). In any case, books and articles used for sources in any
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given area w i l l be mentioned.


1. First some general ideas about solid-state physics, including the classifi-
cation of solids into types, and some broadly general things about the quantum
chemical facts we might hope to explain from a deeper point of view: occurrence.
properties, e t c . , of the different types.
2 . The next and possibly most important and fundamental area is the purely
one-electron band theory, since probably most of the basic questions such as bind-
ing, symmetry, band structures, e t c . , a r e primarily determined by the bands.
What we hope to lead up to, via some study of the older methods and results, a r e
the more recent ideas of Phillips, Cohen, Heine, and others about the success of
the almost-free electron model, and some of the speculations one can then make
about binding-energy trends and the quantum chemistry of solids.
Another subject will be the modern developments in one-electron band theory in
the presence of perturbations, external fields, impurities, etc. : i. e. , effective
mass theory.
3. Next we comment on the reason why such manifest oversimplifications as the
one-electron theory discussed above work-namely , the idea of elementary
excitations, probably the single most fruitful theoretical concept in all of solid-
state physics. After discussing the theoretically simple case of insulators and the
less simple case of metals, we go on to discuss various possible kinds of collective
elementary excitation-excitons, spin waves, and phonons i There a r e also some
more general remarks about collective excitations which apply to all of these.
4 . In discussing spin waves we shall treat magnetism. Here the fundamental
questions are why and when materials a r e magnetic-the question of the magnetic
state, o r when free spins occur-and what causes the interactions among the spins
which lead to ferro- o r antiferromagnetism. We shall also use this as an example
of some general facts about condensation.


I suppose any course on the theory of solids should start with a definition of a
solid, although we all know that the physicist rejects the definition of a solid as
(roughly) what hurts your toe when you kick it, and defines it as a regular array of
atoms in the sense of having, to a good approximation, translational symmetry
under some one of the space groups.
At this point we have already slipped past three of the most fundamental ques-
tions of solid-state physics: (1)Why is a solid? (2) How does one describe a solid
from a really fundamental point of view in which the atomic nuclei themselves
as well as the electrons a r e treated truly quantum-mechanically? (3) How and why
does the solid hold itself together?
The first of these can be the subject of bitter semantic and philosophical argu-
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ment, but as f a r as I know no one can give a real proof, or even a good qualitative
reason, as to why the ground or lowest energy states of almost all assemblages of
atoms are regular rather than irregular in nature. For instance, in the simplest
possible case of a box full of rigid spheres under pressure, everyone assumes for
obvious reasons that the regular closest packing (cubic or hexagonal) has the
smallest volume and therefore, under pressure, the lowest energy; but I know of
no proof that that is so.
Landau has expressed this point of view (7): that the ground state of such a sys-
tem must have some invariance group. After all, the initial Hamiltonian +
Hnuc is invariant under the f u l l space translation and rotation group. In one case
we know about -He4 at low pressure-and possibly another-He3-the ground state
of the system a s a whole retains the f u l l translation and rotation group, although in
the latter it may be only full translation symmetry that is maintained. In all other
cases, the system condenses, by which we mean it chooses a still lower symmetry,
namely a periodic space group. It is quite unreasonable in fact to expect a system
starting from a Hamiltonian with the full translation-rotation group symmetry to
have a lowest state with no symmetry at all. Perhaps it is a more interesting
question why there are not more qilantum liquids, not why there are no cases of
glass-like lowest energy states. I feel this is an interesting point of view but
hardly a convincing argument.
The second question may be one which present interest in solid He3 and He4 w i l l
see solved in at least an approximate way fairly soon. although I have never yet
seen a satisfactory fully quantum-mechanical description of a solid, with all the
zero-point motion adequately included, starting from a realistic description of the
atomic interactions.
A s f a r a s the third question is concerned-how and why a solid holds itself to-
gether-I think we will give an adequate if approximate account when we come to
talk about phonons and collective excitations.
Knowing then, a s an experimental fact, that solids do exist, we can ask in gen-
eral what sorts of solids there a r e and how one might classify them. There are a
number of phenomenological ways of classifying solids-for instance, one which
you may find most familiar is by symmetry, which is a rigorous mafhematical way
of going about it, and a most useful one, but not directly related to the binding
forces and other physical properties of solids.

In Seitz' and Kittel's opening remzrks one finds a classification which is much
more to the point of this course, according to the type of chemical bond which,
from a phenomenological point of view, is responsible for the binding energy of the
substances. Seitz' classification contained five categories : (1)metals, (2) ionic
crystals, (3) valence or covalent crystals, (4) molecular crystals, and (5) semi-
By now we realize that in every real sense the distinction between semiconduc-
tors and metals o, valence crystals as to type of binding, and between semiconduc-
tors and any other type of insulator a s to conductivity, is entirely artificial; semi-
conductors do not represent in any real sense a distinct class of crystal. To the
remaining four categories Kittel added a fifth, of great interest from the point of
view of dielectrics and ferroelectrics but otherwise not distinct in any very
important way from molecular or ionic crystals: hydrogen-bonded crystals. Thus
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we have a reasonable classification into 5 types (see Table 1).

I note in connection with each type of crystal the most significant properties,
which can in almost all cases be shown to follow from ideas about the forces which
bind the crystals. I hope these connections may become clear to you in the course
of these notes. Finally, it i s significant to put down as a last column the a r e a s of
the periodic table in which each category occurs.
There is one noteworthy thing about this table of occurrences which is not dis-
cussed very often. If we look simply at the elements on the left- and right-hand
sides of the periodic table: the elements, say Li and N a , with one extra electron
in the s and p bands, or even at Al with one p electron, as opposed to those ele-
ments with one, two o r even three holes in the p bands, we find that the former a r e
metals where the latter tend to form molecular or at best valence crystals. One is
so often led to believe in a fundamental symmetry between holes and electrons that
it is worthwhile to point out that chemically they a r e quite dissimilar. Later on,
in discussing magnetism, we shall find quite the same dichotomy between the be-
havior of a few holes in the d shell as opposed t o a few electrons. The two types of
phenomena may be related and will be discussed later.
It is also important to discuss the extent to which this classification fails.
Naturally one can think immediately of a number of obvious cases in which the
classification fails, but the principle still holds -e .g , the ammonium halides,
(NH4)+Cl-, etc. ; here the NG is molecularly bound, the crystal as a whole ionic
with a slight overtone of hydrogen bonding. The occurrence of molecule - like
groups in ionic crystals is quite common.
More important and interesting by far is the existence of a range of substances,
which, it is by now understood, completely fill in the territory between the three
strongly bound categories of metals, ionic and valence crystals. For instance, let
us start from NaC1. which is certainly almost purely ionic in nature, and increase
the valency of the two constituents in the same row of the periodic table. MgS still
remains in the typically ionic NaCl structure, and obeys most of the relationships
one expects for an ionic crystal. Alp, on the other hand, is already a member of
the group of semiconducting valence-like crystals of ZnS structure (zincblende) of
III-V elements ; more completely investigated are the closely analogous InP and
AlSb. We all h o w that Si itself is a valence semiconductor par excellence. With
increasing atomic number the true ionic crystals become r a r e r and rarer; ZnS
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by Mrs. Shyama Ramankutty on 06/16/16. For personal use only.

Type or
Type "canonical" Cause of binding Properties Occurrence
Molecular Ne o r N2 Van der Waals attraction: Resistivity R hi h . (a) r a r e gases
crystals Mutual polarization, an n- Binding weak. n (refr. in-
I (b) lower, right-side
body effect dex), E ( low: elements: C, N, 0, H, F,
electrons seldom mobile. S, P, Cl, etc. No elec-
Close-packed structures tropositive, few heavy
Hydrogen- H20 Hydrogen bonds- lower- Moderately weak bind Same as above except al-
bonded ing of K.E . of proton by n
(-10- 100 x molecular) '";B;L ways contain H and an
crystals 0-H-0 low, peculiar dielectric electronegative element .
properties because of mo- 0, F etc.
bile p. Loose structures
Ionic NaCl Ionic bond: Madelung Very strong binding, close- Metal from left (electro-
crystals potential + shell effects packed structures (rather), positive) side-Na, K,
which make ionization R high, n2 low, E high Ca-with a right-side,
energies right (ionic pol. 1, ionic conduc- preferably low at. -wt.
tion, low- mobility elec. element-0, F, C1
tronic conduction
Metals Na, A1 Metal1ic bond -low Moderate to strong binding, Widest occurrence: to
K.E.of electrons be- close packing, R low,dR/dT>O left of H, B, Si, As, Te;
cause of free motion in (metallic conduction). if no atoms to right it is
metal Metallic appearance (=low- a metal; it cften is any-
frequency absorption band) way. Combinations of
elements at random
usually metals
Valence Diamond "Valence bond''-like Hard, strongly bound, loo e- Rare but important. Low
crystals bond of organic chem- packed structures. High n z , central elements: c ,
istry. Distinct in prin- and E . R variable, but high N , P,Si, B a r e typical
ciple from metal? mobility conductivity constituents

itself, CdS, CdTe a r e all very valence- or even metal-like in character. Ca, Sr,
and Ba, on the other hand, tend to retain their property of forming ionic-like oxides
and sulfides-although one could explain this on the basis that the next orbitals
available to them, those which a r e filled in their neighbors Sc and V, are d and not
p orbitals and so are unsuitable for tetrahedral bonding-e.g., in terms of a
valence crystal argument. It has been shown quantitatively that most of the alkali
halides are pretty good ionic crystals in the sense that the charges on the two ions
are pretty much 21, but otherwise the quantitative degree to which this is so, even
in oxides, is very much in doubt. The silicates, for instance. typically crystallize
in valence-like, not ionic, structures.
Even more disturbing is the fact that the distinctions between valence crystals
and metals and between ionic crystals and metals a r e gradually losing their clear-
cut character with our increasing knowledge of the broad and little-investigated
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field of intermetallic compounds. I cannot hope to give you a reasonable insight

into this area because there are few clear ideas as to the quantum chemistry behind
the bewildering variety of phenomena. One example will show how bad things can
b e , namely, the stoichiometric intermetallic compound NaTl(8). This is a metal
with good conduction, not a semimetal, of a structure such that the Tl's form a
diamond lattice, the Na's occupying the large interstices in the T1 lattice which
themselves also form a diamond lattice. Since the T1 is such a relatively large ion,
this is by no means a close-packed structure, in fact it is one to be expected of a
typically valence-type crystal. The only way one can make sense out of that is to
suggest that the Na's have ionized to Naf, donating the odd electron to T1 which is
now TI-, having an sp3 configuration suitable for the diamond lattice. The fact that
the Na is indeed ionized is confirmed by nuclear resonance evidence, the details of
which I shall not discuss here. Thus we have in a single substance metallic conduc-
tion of a reasonable order, ionic charge-transfer, and an open, valence-type
This then is a brief survey of the general features of the quantum chemistry of
solids. I would repeat that I have made no attempt at completeness, even relative
to Seitz' first chapter, in which he discussed, for instance, order-disorder, atomic-
size relationships,and the Hume-Rothery alloys, subjects I pass over only because
of lack of time, and because they are well treated in the literature, not because of
their lack of interest and importance. I would emphasize that a whole area, that of
intermetallic compounds, remains almost unexplored.
Another way in which the lines, at least between valence crystals and metals,
have begun to blur is the general realization that the basic electronic structure of a
valence crystal like Si, which can be a fairly good insulator, is not noticeably
different, when looked at in a broad sense, from the electronic structure of a good
metal. That is, when one studies the electrons with a tool such as plasma reso-
nance o r positron annihilation, which resolves electronic density distributions and
the like only on the scale of volts -i.e., tenths of rydbergs -rather than tenths of
volts, they resemble quite closely the free electron F e r m i sphere, as is also true
of many good metals. It is to be emphasized that the nature of the binding forces in
such crystals has a s yet not been amenable to calculation, so that we do not have a
clear quantitative idea as to the sources of the binding energy and whether they are
more valence- than metallic-like.

A few other ways of categorizing solids might be discussed broadly here. There
is, for example. the question of their magnetic properties. The great majority of all
solids are either diamagnetic o r , in the case of a fairly large number of metals.
slightly paramagnetic with little temperature dependence. There are, however,
groups of substances in which there is evidence that the atoms in the solid state re-
tain free, orientable spin and in some cases orbital magnetic moments. This may
be evidenced by the presence of strongly temperature-dependent paramagnetism,
increasing at low temperatures, o r by the phenomenon of ferro- o r antiferromag-
netism-i. e . , ordered arrangements of magnetic moments, occurring most often at
reasonably low temperatures.
The widest occurrence of such moments is perhaps in the more o r less ionic
salts of atoms with unfilled shells of 3d, 4f, o r 5f (or to a lesser extent 4d and 5d)
electrons - the iron, r a r e earth, and actinide groups. The canonical example is
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MnF2. It is a fair generalization that these a r e electrons which are in inner shells,
in the sense that the bulk of their density i s to be found inside the last maximum in
the density of the outer, valence electrons. The occurrence or nonoccurrence of
such moments in ionic crystals follows fairly well-known and well-understood rules
of the quantum chemistry of ionic complexes.
Another category, the magnetic molecular crystals, solid crystals of organic
free radicals, is, while of considerable interest to chemists, probably only worth
a footnote here.
On the other hand, in crystals which are not s o ionic-oxides and sulfides of
earlier members of the 3d group such a s Ti and V, o r of 4d elements-the situation
is by no means as clear-cut, as Morin has shown in a series of investigations (9).
and the boundary between the magnetic and the nonmagnetic state is still being
drawn and is not completely understood.
The situation in metals is even more confused. Here, aside from the f groups,
in all but two known cases only substances containing one of the later members of
the iron group -Mn through Ni-are ever magnetic. There are a large number of
compounds ( e . g . , CoSi2, almost the first superconducting compound of nonsuper-
conducting elements to be found) of magnetic elements which a r e not magnetic, but
so far only two metals, ZrZn2 and ScIn3, not containing magnetic ingredients, a r e
found to be magnetic. I need hardly say that the quantum chemistry of this situation
is almost a complete mystery at this writing.
Another phenomenon, superconductivity, seems to give us a broad classifica-
tion of metallic elements, alloys, and intermetallic compounds, depending
relatively little on structural details and in some broad way on the basic quantum
chemistry. Superconductivity seems to be the rule rather than the exception among
metals. One can in fact state the requirements for its occurrence thus: Practically
the only islands of nonsuperconductivity among nonmagnetic metals occur at

l A s an alloy I will hereafter define a substance with some perceptible range of

composition variation and thus presumably at least a partially random atomic
arrangement; as a compound, a substance with a well-defined stoichiometry and
atomic arrangement. It is convenient not to use the word alloy for the latter.

very small valence-electron to atom ratios-normally two or less and around a few
elements in the sixth column -W (no longer Mo) and alloys of similar valence to
atom ratio. Magnetic metals and semimetals a r e also not superconducting. Again
the reasons for these rules are at best only qualitatively understood (10).
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1. General Philosophy of Hartree-Fock

Naturally the starting point and the basis for the one-electron theory are the
Hartree-Fock equations, which play an absolutely fundamental r o l e in solid-state
physics. On Hartree-Fock theory good sources are Seitz' chapter and appendix,
and Reitz' article in the Seitzschrift (11). One may get the impression that modern
many-body theory, of which one h e a r s s o much, goes far beyond Hartree-Fock,
and that therefore we should not bother with such old-fashioned stuff. This is not
at all true-in fact, modern many-body theory has mostly just served to show us
how, where, and when to u s e Hartree- Fock theory and how flexible and useful a
technique it can be. For instance, Cohen and Ehrenreich (121, among others, have
related plasma and correlation energy to Hartree-Fock; Valatin, Thouless (13),
and others have studied nuclear collective motion by a "time- dependent" Hartree-
Fock theory; and even the theory of superconductivity can be brought into a form
almost identical with Hartree- Fock (14). In magnetism, the biggest and most im-
portant recent developments are the achievements of the "unrestricted" Hartree-
Fock method (15).
The basic idea of the Hartree-Fock equations is this: One wishes to find the
lowest eigenstate *(ri . . . r n ) of a system of interacting electrons having a

where V(rj) is an external potential of some s o r t - the potential of the nucleus in an

atomic problem, of the atom c o r e s , usually, in a solid-state problem, etc.


It is difficult, however, to solve problems involving more than one electron in

an external potential-even H e and H2. the two simplest many-electron problems,
are susceptible only to a rather lengthy numerical analysis which shows no capa-
bility at all of generalization to more complicated systems. The first thing one
hopes to do, then, is to find some way of treating one electron at a time. The
obvious way to do this is to treat the electrons as statistically independent: that is,
to use a product wave function:

since in this way the probability density I Ji 1 2 , as well as all other single-electron
quantities of each electron, are independent of those of the others. One would then
try to calculate each of the functions by solving a wave equation in which the inter-
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action e2/rij is replaced by i t s average value over the probability distribution of

all the other electrons:

2 e #.(r.) = E. #.(r.)
r.1. 1 1 1 1 1
' J

This is the Hartree approximation; it was later proved that these equations assured
that the resulting total energy should be an extremum relative to all neighboring
product-type functions. As you can s e e , the only way to solve these equations is
self-consistently. One must assume a set of JIj, recalculate the $'s using the
mean interaction t e r m derived from the assumed $,'s, and substitute tnese again
in the Hartree equations, finally hoping to make the result self-consistent.
The product function, however, does not satisfy the Pauli exclusion principle,
nor the more fundamental restriction of the F e r m i statistics that the wave function
should be antisymmetrical; in fact, the antisymmetric wave function which comes
closest to obeying the hypothesis of statistical independence of all possible one-
electron quantities such as probability density, current, etc., is the Slater-Fock

+l;(rl) ... *

(Note: The coordinate rj is here assumed t o denote both space and spin variables.)

In this determinantal wave function \Ir , on the other hand, the motions of p a i r s
of electrons are not entirely uncorrelated, because, for instance, the exclusion
principle requires that if r1 = 1-2 and the spin coordinates of the two electrons are
a l s o identical, then the f i r s t two columns are identical and the determinant
vanishes. I'll leave it as a n exercise f o r the reader to show that in the case of just
two electrons the probability density of finding one at r 1 , the other at 1-2 is
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(ifthe spins are parallel; if antiparallel, the second t e r m is absent).

Clearly this changes the mean interaction e2/r12 which should be used to de-
termine the wave function $J 1, and Fock showed from the variational principle that
the new correct wave equation is the Hartree-Fock equation:

Note that our sums over j can include j = i because the j = i interaction t e r m s
are identical and cancel. Thus the linear operator on the left-hand side is identical
f o r all wave functions, and the single-particle wave functions are automatically
orthogonal for different eigenvalues Ei (and of c o u r s e orthogonalizable if the eigen-
values a r e the same).
A brief comment on the spin problem. In the first place, a fact that has tended
t o be forgotten, although some realization of it existed in the literature of the
thirties, is that there is, of course, no restriction requiring that the wave-function
s e t s f o r opposite spins be identical, orthogonal, or have any particular relationship.
A solution often exists with identical orthogonal sets of functions, f o r up and down
spins, and can be reasonably accepted in many problems not involving magnetism;
but there is no guarantee that it is the best solution even then. In magnetic
problems the Hartree-Fock equations for up and f o r down spins are necessarily
different; the biggest difference, and one often neglected, can be seen if we a s k
what would happen if we calculated the Hartree-Fock energy of the function
if that is empty, but the identical function with spin up, $. , is full. The
*i,-o 1,a

rather large i = j term, which cancels if ~7= u', is in this case still present, and
can have a large effect. The "novel" idea that the two sets of functions for u f cr'
need not be identical nor orthogonal is called the "unrestricted Hartree-Fock"
approximation and it has important consequences in the theory of magnetism.
Two cautions about the Hartree-Fock method i n general must be given. First,
not only a r e there no theorems whatever about the uniqueness of solutions, but it is
obvious in a number of cases that several completely different types of solutions
exist, only one of which h a s any relationship to the actual ground state of the sys-
tem under consideration. In other words, one can achieve a perfectly self-
consistent solution of the Hartree-Fock equations and have it represent, not only
not the actual ground state of the system under consideration (as in the case of the
f r e e electron gas when superconductivity is possible) but not even by any means the
most stable Hartree-Fock solution, nor even an approximate exact state. An
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example is given by the problem of H2: two protons and two electrons (16). It is
obvious that i f one h a s a one-electron potential V(r) which h a s a certain symmetry
-as in this case (Figure 1) in the interchange of the two protons-one may try
a b
V (r)

Figure 1

one-electron functions which reflect this symmetry. In this case, if we choose a

function Oa(r) centered about a , such functions are 8, + @t-, and 8, - %, which
a r e even and odd functions, respectively. Now there a r e various ways in which the
self-consistent field may be forced to maintain precisely the initial symmetry of
V(r). In this case it is easy: If we put each electron into (@a+ 8 b )/./z = @even,
one with spin up and one with spin down, we clearly retain an even V(r). Another
way, under more complicated conditions. would be to f i l l up all states belonging t o
a given irreducible representation, i.e., f i l l up a "shell" or a "band." In both
cases we retain the original symmetry-spherical in the atom, periodic in the solid.
The above solution is indeed the correct one, rather close t o the ground state
of the H2 molecule, when the protons a r e close together; we have in fact made up
the molecular orbital wave functions for this molecule. But when the protons are
far apart, a much superior solution can be obtained by putting one spin-up electron
in Oa, the second, spin-down one in @,. This is the Heitler-London approach, or
at least close to it. In the molecular orbital solution, when the molecules are f a r
apart, the two electrons spend half their time on the same atom, so that the wave
function is, in the separated-atom approximation. half H + H and half p + H-; and

the latter energy is far higher than the former. There a r e true excited states of
the system near p + H-, and true states near H + H. but the M.O. wave function
does not have any close resemblance to any real excited state. This is a danger in
Hartree-Fock which has been overlooked on occasion-that a perfectly good self-
consistent solution may not even be close to any of the actual excited states.
In modern many-body theory tests have been developed (17), which I shall not
attempt to discuss, to verify whether a given solution is locally stable relative to
other nearby solutions-i.e., whether it is a minimum o r a maximum relative to
other determinantal functions. This would probably dispose of the difficulty here,
but not necessarily so in all cases.
A second point is also illustrated by this example, in the case in which the atoms
are f a r apart. That is, that often a self-consistent solution of the Hartree-Fock
equations, which may. as in this case, be the correct one, is nonetheless an un-
satisfactory final eigenfunction of the problem, because it does not adequately take
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the symmetries into account. We have here made up a determinantal wave function
with the electron of spin up in wave function g a , that of spin down in @b: call it

What of *a.kbt? That is, in fact, an entirely equivalent wave function as far a s
symmetry is concerned; and neither is a satisfactory total wave function because
neither transforms according to an irreducible representation of the symmetry
group. The correct wave functions are

* singlet = - *a + b t


*triplet = t r k

which is equivalent through a spin rotation to the true Hartree-Fock solution

rk = 1
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and similarly to rk acbi'

It is nonetheless possible to obtain from Hartree-Fock not only the triplet's
energy but also that of the singlet, if we a r e willing to go outside the method and
rely on our knowledge of spin eigenfunctions. This can be done by comparing the
energy Of rkatbt. with that of rkafbt.
In Hartree-Fock, these two energies differ by a certain term which comes from
the additional correlation of the two electrons in the parallel spin case which we
derived [ Eq. (1)] :

P ( r l , r 2 ) =. P product - q1*(rl)P2*(r2 ) *2 (r1 )rk 1 (r2 )

which leads to an energy difference

Now the Dirac-Van Vleck vector model tells us that the energies of the states must
depend on the spins according t o the operator product J u ub, and in the
former case the mean value of this is J/4. in the latter -J/4. The true singlet, on
the other hand, has energy -3J/4; thus we may estimate its energy by evaluating
the exchange integral from the atbt - a t b + difference.
This technique has two morals-first, that with a bit of ingenuity one can often
go beyond Hartree-Fock quite far, in situations such a s spin problems, where we
have additional knowledge of the form of the interaction, and where Hartree-Fock
alone does not immediately give u s the correct symmetry type of eigenfunctions.
The same kind of trick is now used in problems such as the rotation of nonspheri-
cal nuclei, where Hartree-Fock gives u s an ellipsoidal self-consistent field which
clearly does not satisfy the necessary requirement that the wave function must be
an eigenfunction of angular momentum ; but one can quite artificially take the
Hartree-Fock solution and rotate it, forcing it into the form of the proper solution

The second moral deals with the s a m e type of problem in a n infinite system-
e . g . , suppose we had discussed a whole lattice of widely separated atoms, as in a n
antiferromagnet. In such a large system it often occurs that the true solution to
the problem is in fact the Hartree-Fock unsymmetric solution rather than a sym-
metrical substitute-e .g . , the true ground state of an antiferromagnet is really
not a singlet, but rather each atom has a definite spin attached t o it. But when two
Hartree-Fock solutions differ f o r a n infinite system, new and very real difficulties
come up, because of the peculiar properties of self-consistency. Namely, in o r d e r
to get from one solution to the other, each of the N-4) Hartree-Fock eigenfunctions
must undergo a canonical transformation, s o that the transformation is in some
sense the product of an infinite number of unitary transformations. This means
that the two states have essentially z e r o overlap, the kind of situation which the
field theorists make frightening by saying they are actually in different Hilbert
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spaces. Nonetheless, the fact that in infinite systems two self-consistent solutions
can be entirely qualitatively different, as different a s two phases-say a solid and
a liquid-of the same substance, is of great interest and importance. Similar
phenomena occur in superconductivity and even in the everyday question of conden-
sation of a solid-the piece of m a t t e r with which we deal can discard a symmetry
element of the underlying hamiltonian and set up its own unsymmetric self-
consistent field. These problems will be discussed more fully in the final part of
these notes.

2. Derivation of Self-Consistent Equations: Second Quantization

All of this has been rather a digression from the application of Hartree-Fock
theory to electrons in solids. In o r d e r to further emphasize the physics behind
Hartree-Fock and to derive a few extra results easily, such as Koopmans' theorem,
I shall here give a fairly unusual version of the basic derivation of Hartree-Fock
from the variational principle. This will also serve to introduce the concepts of
creation and destruction operators which will be of use in l a t e r p a r t s of this course.
The standard derivation may be found in many texts (see, f o r instance, Refs. 2 and
A s I stated before, practically the only manageable way of representing a many-
particle wave function

* ( r l . . . rN)

is in t e r m s of product functions

Of course, this is a very special kind of many-electron function; but it is possible

to show that any actual reasonable many-particle wave function may be expanded
linearly in terms of a sufficient number of such products-for instance, a many-
variable Fourier integral is just such an expansion.

Now a simple product like this is not a suitable wave function for a set of identi-
cal quantum mechanical particles, which a r e in principle not distinguishable. As
you all know, the only kinds of particles which appear i n nature are either Bose
particles, for which symmetric wave functions a r e required, o r Fermi particles,
which have only antisymmetric functions. In both cases a suitable generalization
of the product exists: for Bose, the symmetrized product

and for Fermi, the antisymmetrized product or determinant

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In these wave functions the only relevant information is the fact that a particle is
in @ I , another in 0 2 , etc. If we had chosen the 9 ' s from an orthonormal set, in
fact, a reasonable way to denote the function would be a s

* (rl.. .rN) - \k (nl in q1,n2 in g2, . . .) = \k(n1,n2,n3.. .)

This is called the "n" o r "occupation number representation. " For fermions,
of course, N may be only zero or 1by direct computation, while for bosons n
may take on any value. Examples:

.k (n =
l , n 2 = 0,n3 = 0 . . .) corresponds to 8 1(r1)

etc .
This can be thought of as simply a linear unitary transformation from one set of
variables to another. One way of seeing that this must be so is to take advantage of
the freedom of choice of the 9 to use a particularly simple set, namely, the set of
6 functions 6 (r - R), where now the function index n for 9n is the continuous
variable R. The function \k(nR = 1, nR*#R = 0 ) is the function with one particle
definitely at R ; while one may obtain any one-particle function by a unitary trans-

which then gives us the unitary transformation

where the wave function O(R) plays the role, as in the ordinary one-particle theory,
of a unitary transformation (R I @) between the r-space representation and the @
representation. Similar techniques may be employed to express any n-particle
function which is properly antisymmetric in t e r m s of the functions labeled by one
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particle at R1, a second at R2. etc. (Hereafter we limit ourselves to fermions.)

The occupation-number representation is thus merely a convenient way of writing
an expansion in determinantal wave functions. One begins to obtain formally simpler
and more useful results when one introduces further types of quantum-mechanical
operators called "creation" and "destruction" operators, operating on these func-
tions in such a way as t o add or remove-create or destroy-a particle in a parti-
cular wave function.
If we have a set of functions, o n , which are orthonormalized, we introduce an
t o r , more simply, Cnt which, operating on any n-representation
operator Con
function ( n 1 , q . . . . ,nN). adds a new particle in the state on. That i s ,

ct, *(n1,n2, ...,nn ...) = *(n 1,n2 ,...,nn +I...)

We also introduce its hermitian conjugate Cn, which has precisely the opposite
effect, that of reducing nn by one, i . e . , destroying a particle in state n. It is
important to note two things: first, that in fact f o r fermions the determinant with
two or more particles in state n vanishes, SO that CL = 0 if acting on a state *
with nn = 1 o r greater. This is most easily described by saying ( C i ) 2 = (Cn)2 = 0.
The second is that the phase of the wave function, and thus even its sign, r e m a i n s
undetermined by this definition so f a r . Thus if we have the wave function

9 (0.. .nl = 1, 0 . . . ) - Ql(r)

we don't know yet what phase to give the determinant

C+ * (o . . . n 1 = 1 , o . . . ) = + ( o...n l = l , n = 1 , 0. . . I

whether to say this is


or vice versa, or to give the corresponding determinant an arbitrary phase factor.

In fact, of course, the phase is arbitrary in this c a s e , since physical resuIts
cannot depend on it. However, the phase is relevant in comparing two determinants
built up by creating particles in various ways-for instance, we may wish to com-
pare the above wave function, which we can write C2 t (C1 *
t 1 vat) with one in which
t (C2
we first create the particle in state 8 2 and then that i? state 81:C1 t *vat).
Clearly, if the first is written
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the second must be

which is just the negative of the first one. This then may be described by specify-

(CJCJ + CJC1')l 'kvac) = 0

In fact, you can see immediately that in order to make sure that the wave functions
remain antisymmetric in interchange of r1 and 1-2, and since the only way we
specify which is rl and which is 1-2 is the order of the factors in the creation
product, it is sufficient to make the creation operators for different n anticommute:
C1t C2t + Ci C\ = 0, when applied to any wave function.
This anticommutation rule enormously complicates the explicit representation of
the Ct ls as matrices, so that, although such representations can be found, we
shan't give them here.
You can see by taking the Hermitian conjugate that CnC,' + CnvCn = 0, and that
CB = C i 2 = 0 actually is just the n = n' element of this rule. It is possible to work

out for onesex-1 leave this as an exercise--that c,c~,, + cLtcn = 0. n'# n, &so.
This leaves only C,Cn t
These products are in fact very simple.
and CnCn.
. . * *
Consider their effect on 0' = *(. .'fi=0 , . .) and on 1 = (. ..% = 1 ,.. .) ; the .
dots represent identical sets of all other indices.

CLCn * o = 0 because CnBo = 0

CnCAYl = 0 because Ctn e l = 0

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t = +Ikl cn*l = ?Yo

The phases are undetermined but they must be the same, SO that

t =
cncp0 = *0

Since all wave functions can be written as linear combinations of these two types,
these equations say that for all 9 ,

t + cnc; t
= 1; thus CnCn' + cn,c; = 6 nn'

Also we see that the operator CnCn is the operator which measures the number of
electrons in state n.

C,C, = n c 'C = 1 -nn
n n n

So far we have shown that we can set up a complete algebra of determinantal

wave functions by using the occupation number representation and creation and
destruction operators-in fact, we can drop out the former and just s t a r t with the
vacuum always, writing

*(nl,n2,...,nN,.. .) = (c;)n'(C;)n2.. .(CL)nN.. . *vac


To make use of this we must also expand physical observables in t e r m s of creation

and destruction operators. This is in fact not hard. The way in which it can be
done is most simply illustrated by considering the case of a simple one-electron
space potential V (r). First let's look at the effect of V(r) on a one-electron func-
tion. If we have a set of Orthogonal functions Qn(r),

Vmn is the usual matrix element I

Q L VQ, dr . Thus as far as one-electron
functions are concerned, V(r) has the s a m e effect as
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v- Cctv c
m,n mn

a s we see by applying this to Cn *vat - Qn(r).

Similarly, in a two-electron problem, we know that by indistinguishability V(r)

must act on both coordinates, so we insert V(r1) + V(r2) into the hamiltonian or
other observable we study. Calculating the effect of this on a product,
Cbm(r,)@ml(r2), we get

which is just the effect, again, of destroying either m or m', multiplying by the
appropriate V, and replacing by n, i.e., the same operator. (I leave to the
reader the exercise of showing that anticommutation of the C's and antisymmetri-
zation lead to the right signs for determinants.)
Now just one more step will make obvious the general rule for forming observ-
ables, such as the hamiltonian. in this theory. Let us make the canonical trans-
formation to 6 functions 6 (r - R), and t o the corresponding creation and
destruction operators *t(R), U(R). The notation *t and rk is used here because
these operators a r e often referred to as the electron field operators, and play a
very similar role to the wave function 9 of the ordinary Schriidinger equation; they
are an operator version of this c-number quantity - hence the name, "second
quantization. " The transformation is of course

and multiplying through by (R' lm) = @&, and summing, we get the inverse trans-

and we recognize the 6 function in the sum: x ( R ' I m ) (m IR) = 6 (R' - R),

*t(R') = t *
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Inserting Eq. (2) into Eq. (1) we obtain

V - m ,n
/ d R /dR' Qm(R)*'(R) /dR" Orn(R')

and again the sums introduce a series of 6 functions and we get

V - JdR qkt (R)V(R)q (R)

a formula which looks self-evident. The quantity under the integral sign is often
called a "density"- in this case a "potential density. "
Again I leave to the reader the proof that the obvious rule can be applied also to
the interaction potential

6u u u (4)
m p n l

and, correspondingly, one can write down a kinetic energy density, s o that

This form in t e r m s of the field operators is useful primarily because it may be

expanded i n t e r m s of any set of one-electron functions we may wish t o use.
NOW, at last, we can come to the derivation of the Hartree-Fock equations and
Koopmans' theorem in this formalism. Both of these a r e most easily proved if we
take advantage of the freedom of transformation among the various possible s e t s of
8,'s in terms of which we might express Eq. (5), and express everything in t e r m s
by Mrs. Shyama Ramankutty on 06/16/16. For personal use only.

of the solutions we hope eventually to achieve. That i s , we choose a set Qn of

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which the first N are the states occupied in the lowest-energy determinantal wave
function. This lowest-energy function i s , then, written

YN = nN= 1 c+ *
n vac

If *N is to have the lowest energy, we must require that

be a minimum, and thus that

where we have ignored the variation of the second Y because it gives precisely the
complex conjugate, and we shall ensure normalization later.
We can take care of all possible infinitesimal variations of Y N by varying each
of the q n of which it is composed in turn, that is, by varying each C n t . Thus we
must ensure that

t is taken as an arbitrary linear combination of C l $ k

If dCn
.I. I

6 ~ =1 ,z bmc,ln, we may assume that 6m = is zero, to ensure normalization,

while those other m < N all give automatically z e r o because (CA)' = 0. Thus
our testing function 6 C'n = z , , ~ 6 C'm ,. we can in effect require: for all
M>N, niN:
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Straightforward evaluation of this does give the Hartree-Fock equations; but I

should like to go by a more physical route and demonstrate Koopmans' theorem at
the same time.
Expanding X in Eq. (5) in terms of our assumed set of solutions, w e obtain

x = c x'
mn cicn + ;c Vhnp c;cicncp

where X1 is the one-electron part of (5):

Vlmnp has been def b e d previously as Eq. (4).

Let us now evaluate the commutator of X with the creation operator for one of
the occupied states, CL. Using our anticommutation relations in a straightforward
manner, we can see that

[c;.,.;] = c:cnc; + c:c;c, = c;

[c:cn,c:] = cn

The rule is thus that where a product of two operators does not contain Cn it
commutes with CL; otherwise we annihilate Cn and leave the odd Cn t operator
behind. Thus the commutator with a creation operator has much the same effect as
the operator itseli. Note that

so commutation through a destruction operator leads to the conjugate result with a

minus sign.
The commutator of Cnt through the four-operator product depends in sign on
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whether Cn appears in the first o r second possible place:

the last because the Cn must be anticommuted through C1 before annihilating the
Ct, .
Using these simple rules we obtain

Now, finally, let us apply this to the evaluation of the energy variation, Eq. (6).
We commute any C i through the hamiltonian X; this gives

The first t e r m is immediately z e r o , because state n is definitely occupied in the

right-hand s t a t e , definitely not in the left. We are left, then, with the scalar prod-
uct term containing the commutator: the second in Eq. (8) above.
If we did not have the three-fermion t e r m s in [X. CA ] , this would be easily
solved, simply by demanding that

that is, that

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In fact, the mixing of different occupied states is irrelevant; we could always, by

t diagonalize the matrix hmn and find a set of states f o r
linearly combining the Cn,

[X.C;] = EnCL

Precisely the same procedure is followed i n principle in determining the effect

of the three-fermion t e r m s . A t e r m of the f o r m C t CtC w i l l in many cases auto-
m l P
matically give z e r o ; p, for instance, must b e one of the occupied states, or
t or C1t
Cp*vac = 0. But if CP destroys the particle in state j, i.e., CP = C., J
must replace i t because otherwise the scalar product will be z e r o ; the state on the
left has j occupied. Finally, the only way i n which M can get occupied is for the
t to fill it.
other of C& o r C1 We have then the following two types of terms:

(V . - t
VMjnj) CMnj and -(V. . - V. t
Win jMjn jMnj) Mnj

Looking at the definition of V , we see that it is symmetrical against exchange of

inner and o u t e r indices, so that these two are identical and cancel the 1 / 2 in
Eq. (7). A l s o , we see that Vhlnnn = V M ~ ~s o .that we may insert, if we like,
the term Cnnn, symmetrically. The factor n. is just unity when applied to the
product function, and the final equation is

all m
(K'mn Cm
t + c
j =I
(Vmjjn-V . .)Ct ) = E Ct
m1n1 m n n (9)

(Again, we may rediagonalize among the occupied wave functions.)

That this is indeed the Hartree-Fock equation may be verified by transforming to
the space (electron field) representation. Equation (9) is then
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The s u m s over m give 6 functions in such a way that this becomes

Since a l l the t (R)'s are linearly independent, the coefficient as a function of R
must be z e r o ; this coefficient is the Hartree-Fock equation, Q.E.D.
Koopmans' theorem is much easier t o prove. It is that the coefficient En is pre-
cisely the excitation energy required to remove the electron in the state on in
Hartree-Fock approximation.
The energy of the Hartree-Fock state as a whole, EH-F, may be defined simply
X e ~ - ~
- EH-F*'H-F (+ off-diagonal t e r m s , Of course)

The total energy of the state in which electron n is removed is given simply by

We may obtain a comparison by using the commutator,

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But this last product is precisely what we evaluated in calculating 6 E ; we evalu-

ated the diagonal term, and defined it a s E n C i ; thus

It costs energy En to remove one electron in state n. This is Koopmans' theorem.

In fact, in this form it is not quite rigorous because EH-F and c n are not quite
comparable, being the energies of two systems having different numbers of elec-
trons. It can be shown that En nevertheless is the meaningful quantity when dis-
cussing differences in energy caused by emptying two different states 8,.
This, then, is the physical meaning of the parameters En. They a r e not
directly related to the total energy EH-F, because, of course, the En contains the
interaction energy of the particle n with all the other particles m, and when we
remove this particle we lose the whole of this interaction energy. If we then re-
move a particle m, its removal energy will not contain its interaction with n,
although Em does contain that energy. Thus the sum of all the En's must have
subtracted from it the total interaction energy in o r d e r to avoid counting the inter-
action twice. Thus

n n. m
28 C O N C E P T S IN S O L I D S

t (except for t e r m s which excite triplets of particles)

The equation [X. C i ] = EnCn
could have been guessed at more or less a priori as a statement of the physical
sense of the Hartree-Fock approximation. In other words, what one wishes to do
is to find a set of operators which create one-electron excitations, and to f i l l the
lowest N of these one-electron states. The self-consistency requirement on the
ground state amounts, then, to asking that the interaction terms, on the average
and within the limitations of our approximation, act like an average potential for
the states we choose, and not excite other one-electron states-we think of
[ X, CL 3 as i (aCn/8t)
t and require that the time development not excite other
states. All the complications of manipulation came, not from the calculation of
t , but in proving that that led to a minimum total energy.
[X, Cn]
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The above is one of the most straightforward examples of the use of commuta-
tors with the hamiltonian- i. e. , equations of motion-to determine both the ground
state and the excitation energies in a many-body problem (18). This is a technique
which is useful in most of the branches of many-body theory, although it is
probably gradually being replaced by the more general and complete, but similar,
method of Green's functions.


Now we go on to discuss the much more practical and much less formal ques-
tions involved in the use of Hartree-Fock to calculate energy bands in solids.
In this area the articles of Reitz ( l l ) , H a m (19), and Wigner and Seitz (20) in
Vol. 1 of the Seitzschrift a r e of great value, as well as Brooks (21) and Jones'
book (22). In discussing the calculation of energy bands and cohesive energies, I
shall cover the following topics.
1. Perturbation theory for weak periodic potentials-this will give us some con-
cept of Brillouin and Jones zones.
(I will not talk about tight binding, which doesn't seem ever to be a very useful
technique in real solids as f a r as band theory is concerned.)
2. The cellular method.
3. Free electron gas and its exchange energy-brief comments on correlation
4 . 0. P. W. and cancellation theory.

1. Perturbation Theory for Weak Periodic Potentials.

Brillouin and Jones Zones and Symmetrized Plane Waves
No one, of course, knows how to solve exactly-even by machines-the general
integrodifferential Hartree-Fock equation in all but the very simplest cases. The
approximations that are used a r e all based simply on estimating some kind of
periodic local potential in which the electrons move, and solving the.wave equation
in this periodic potential V(r). As we shall now discuss, there are various general
characteristics common to the solutions of all such wave equations, which are

probably most easily described in this, one of the simplest of all approximation
schemes, and one which it is now realized applies roughly to many metals.
Of course the simplest of all band structures is that which results in the limit
that the periodic potential vanishes entirely. But to understand how t o r e g a r d that
a s a band structure, we must first look at the case of a relatively weak periodic
potential, V ( r ) .
Every crystal s t r u c t u r e has an underlying simple space translation group or
"Bravais lattice, " composed of translations along three linearly independent
vectors a a 2 , a3 ; and this symmetry ensures that
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There a r e always an infinite number of possible ways to choose a l , a2, and a3,
but they all generate the same lattice and have the same primitive cell size

52 = al . (a2 x a3)
A s a consequence of this periodicity, the Fourier transform of V ( r ) , V(k), re-
duces to a Fourier s u m rather than a Fourier integral:

vol .
-ik-rv(rl) ,=ik.(rnal + naZ + la3)

This last sum vanishes when summed over 1, m , n unless = 2an k.a2 = 2an2 k.a3 = 2rn


where n n and n3 are all integers. These relationships can only be satisfied
1 2
when k is a vector K = n b + nZb2 + n3b3 of the reciprocal lattice of the
1 1
Bravais lattice of our crystal. One can define b., the basis vectors of the re-
ciprocal lattice, by a. . b. = 26..-i.e., bi is perpendicular to two lattice vec-
1 1 11
tors and has a length determined by the third; or by

V(r) =c k

(K is the set of reciprocal lattice vectors.)


This may be inverted to give

V(K) = /dr eXerV(r)

but, since e
a.(r + lal + ma2 + M,) = .iK-r

V(K) =L
J dr e i K - r
primitive cell

All the consequences of lattice symmetry are summarized in the form of the expres-
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sion (10).
NOW we substitute V(r) into the Schrijdinger equation.

- -
V2rk(r) + V(r)*(r) = E*(r)

In the absence of V ( r ) the solutions will be plane waves,

pk = 'EQk

The simDlest boundarv conditions at the surfaces of the crystal which we can impose
a r e the Born-von Karman periodic boundary conditions-that we imagine the lattice
folded into itself in each of the three possible directions x, y , and z , so that the
lengths in each of the three directions a r e L1. L2, L3. and L1 L2 L3 = N . Thus
q ( x + L 1 , y. z) = *(x.y.z) so that kxLl = 2rn,, k, = 2rnx/L1. Thus there is
one possible state for each volume @d3/NQ i n k space, since there is one state
for each parallelopiped of volume (2rl3/L1L2L3 (two states, of course, counting
Now when we introduce V(r) the different plane wave states a r e no longer inde-
pendent. We can, however, still hope, if V is weak, that the real wave functions
are mostly made up Of a Single plane Wave @k. and s o we label them with a par-
ticular k:

The Schr-dnger equation then becomes the following set of coupied linear equa-
tions for the ak's and Ek,

We see immediately from the expression for V that in general these matrix ele-
ments vanish unless k' - k is some reciprocal lattice vector K . The vector
K = 0 gives us an average potential (k I V I k) = Vo, which is a trivial constant
added to all the energies; all the other V ' s have the effect of coupling k with some
vector k + K connected to it by a translation of the reciprocal lattice. Thus our
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wave function must really be

ak +K8k+K
(reciprocal lattice)

and our equation system is

(E - Ez + K)ak + K = v p + c
'K'%+K +K'

At a general point, perturbation theory can be expected to converge; if so, we

see that ak is of order V so that the last term on the right is of order

V and should be neglected. The result of doing s o is

lVkl 2
E - Ek
O =c
K E-EE+~

If, finally, V is sufficiently small, E Eo

and we get

Thus the plane-wave energy spectrum and the plane-wave functions are simply
weakly perturbed by a n admixture of states of wave vector k + K. K belonging to
the reciprocal lattice.
It is worth noting that a wave function of the form of Eq. (11) may be written

(L + c
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*k = e ik-r a k + K e x s r ) = e ik.r uk(r)


where, as we saw in expanding V(r), q ( r ) is periodic with the lattice period

because it is a Fourier sum over reciprocal lattice wave vectors. This is Bloch's
famous result; it obviously does not depend on the convergence of the perturbation
theory, but is true in general.
A related fact is that from the point of view of the translational symmetry of the
lattice, Qk and 9 k + Kare essentially the same, because if we perform a lattice
translation T by A = 11a 1 + 12 a2 + l3 %,

Thus group-theoretically they have the same symmetry properties, and can be ex-
pected to mix; we shall see the consequences of this when we discuss Brillouin
The expression (12) is not satisfactory when the sum on the right is not small,
as will always occur at a large number of places in k space, because there are a
number of regions where

= h2 (k +K)2/2m = 62k2/2m = EE

This occurs near points at which

2k.K + K2 = 0

which occurs whenever the component of k I I K has the value -1/2K,the other
two components being arbitrary. Thus, since - K is a reciprocal lattice vector
also, this occurs wherever k lies on the plane bisecting a reciprocal lattice vector
(Figure 2 ) .


w I I
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I 1
I Figure 2 I

Now if V is really s m a l l , and if k does not lie at an intersection of two such

planes, we can still approximate all the t e r m s in the perturbation sum except the
one referring to K by using Ek = EE. These additional t e r m s then add up to an
unimportant constant correction, and we a r e left merely with a quadratic equation
to solve for the two strongly coupled components of the wave function:
lVKl 2 2
E - EE
- EZ+K
+ c
K'+ 0, K


0 0
(where w e could, if we had to, correct both Ek and Ek+K for the perturbation
caused by all the other states. It is not good to correct only one of the two ener-
gies, since that causes a n unphysical shift in the zone boundary).

Let us set k = K/2) + k,,+ kI' kI being the irrelevant component perpendi-

cular to K along the bisector plane, and k l l that parallel to K, the distance of k frnm
the plane. Then the above equation becomes

[E - 5 { (K/2I2
=I2 + k2l l

x [E - {(K/2)2
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= lVKl 2

so that

E = - "
[(K/2)2 + ki

Figure 3 is a sketch of this equation along a line of constant K

I' This shows the

Figure 3

band gap = 2VK at the Brillouin zone boundary. The periodic potential, there-
fore, has the effect of breaking t h e continuity of the E vs. k curve, E = fI2k2/2m.
at each of the planes (k-K) = IKI /2, so that a sketch of the curve as a whole might
look as shown in Figure 4.
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Figure 4
We note that at each of these zone boundary points there is a formal solution of
the equation continuing on past the boundary. This formal solution at k is in fact
identical with the solution at k' = k - K, which is an illustration of a general prop-
erty that can easily be shown from our starting equation: the energy may be
regarded as a continuous but multivalued function of k, with the periodicity of the
reciprocal lattice: E(k + K) = E(k).
The planes at which the gaps appear to open are. from that point of view, rather
arbitrary; they are picked out by a perturbation calculation, which, in principle,
in a sufficiently unsymmetric lattice, does not give any unique prescription-e.g.,
for where the band gaps a r e smallest o r for where the bands may be flat. Nonethe-
less the symmetry is usually such that the band structure is even in k space. If it
is, the Brillouin zone boundaries can never be really very far from the positions of
smallest band separation, and the relative minima and maxima in the energy. A
serious violation of this would require strong spin-orbit coupling and the absence of
centers of symmetry.
One can show that the innermost set of these plane boundaries encloses exactly
one unit cell of reciprocal lattice space-simply because we can draw the cell about
each point of R. L. S., and no point can be left out. This is called the first

Bnllouin zone. We can if we like use the so-called "reduced zone scheme" of
translating all energy surfaces by various K ' s t o d r a w the band structure entirely
within this f i r s t zone, as a multivalued function of k. The zone clearly has a
volume ( 2 ~ )/ a , so it contains exactly N states, one for each primitive cell of the
NOW we go on to the subject of Jones zones o r "large zones" (22). SO far, I have
assumed that the lattice potential V(r) has no symmetry other than the straighffor-
ward translation group-I have based everything on the simple Bravais lattice.
Many lattices have more than one atom per primitive cell of the Bravais lattice;
many have additional rotation or inversion symmetry within the Bravais lattice,
e .g., the f . c . c . or b . c . c . Nonetheless, as Jones has shown, this does not neces-
sarily cause any V(K) t o vanish. When, however, the lattice symmetry contains
screw axes and glide planes in addition to straight translations and rotations, it is
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possible in many cases for the V(K) to vanish identically for certain sets of planes.
An extremely important example is the diamond lattice (23), which has a glide
plane of reflection-translation symmetry. A simple but not rigorous way of finding
the extra selection rules on V is to assume the atoms identical and spherically
symmetric. As you all h o w , the Bravais lattice for the diamond lattice is the
face-centered cubic lattice with al = (a/2, d 2 , O ) , a2 = (a/2, 0, d 2 ) , etc. The
corresponding reciprocal lattice is a b.c.c. one with r.1. vectors K = (27r/a)(l, 1, l),
etc.; (2001, etc.; 220; 311; 222; etc.
Now the two atoms in the primitive cell are related by the vector (a/4, a/4, a/4).
Thus their contributions t o the potential, assuming spherical symmetry, a r e just
proportional to the x-ray structure factor

rhus when 1 + m + n = 2(2N + l), N an integer, S vanishes: that is, for the 200,
222, 420, 600, etc., planes. According to o u r perturbation-theory calculation,
this would mean that the corresponding energy gap would vanish, and the corre-
sponding Brillouin zone boundaries would disappear.
The fact is that this difficulty can be repaired in a higher order of perturbation
theory. In general, even though VK may vanish there will exist two K's, K1 and
K2. such that Kl + K2 = K and VK
f 0 # VK
For instance, in this case Vlll

and v+l -1 -1
do not vanish. Now k is near the bisector plane of 2*/a (200), in
general Ek and Ei + 2x/a (111) will not be close, so that we can treat ak +

by perturbation theory. Then
and % +

e f ak
V K1 + K2 + 'iZak+K1


(Ek - E' + K1)ak+ K1 = VK1 ak
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so the net effect is to have an effective potential f o r the K zone boundary as in the
following equation:

(E - EE + KIak + K = VK

K - c
K1+ K2 = K


and this effective potential causes an energy gap in precisely the manner in which a
r e a l matrix element VK would.
Thus we have the general result that at every Brillouin zone boundary-except
for certain special symmetry points, the discussion of which is quite beyond the
scope of these lectures-there is a band gap. Of course this does not mean that a s
a function of energy t h e r e is always a gap, because the gaps at different p a r t s of
the zone boundary certainly occur a t different energies, so that the bands in general
In the limit that the potential is weak but not vanishing, we can regain a very
simple and often useful approximation t o the band structure: namely, neglecting the
parts of the bands near the zone boundaries, we look on the free-electron energy
2 2
fi k /2m a s a form of band structure. That is, we take the free-electron para-
boloid and fold it back into the reduced zone scheme.
When we regard the free-electron parabola a s a kind of band structure, in two
o r three dimensions r a t h e r complicated things happen a s we fold each piece of the
of the free-electron paraboloid into the f i r s t zone; one obtains complicated degen-
eracies, level places, etc. I reproduce h e r e (Figure 5), for general interest, the
resulting energy vs. .k curves along the line from the origin to the hexagonal face
of the zone boundary for the f . c. c . space lattice, i. e . , along k = (x, x , x ) . As you
see, a quite complex band structure in the reduced zone may, when spread out into

the "extended zone, " be not far from a simple free-electron parabola. Study of
those free-electron functions which reflect onto the points of special symmetry in
the zone- particularly the origin r - alIows us to guess from symmetry alone
which wave functions at such a point may remain degenerate, and which are only a
coincidence of the free-electron approximation. F o r instance, at the point A all
the functions have the f o r m e -
+ i ( b x /a) e~ i(Z*y/a) e + i(Zaz/a) and can be sepa-

rated out into four groups, or sets of "symmetrized plane waves" (see Figure 5),
given in Table 2. These symmetrized plane waves are of importance in band cal-
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Figure 5

Table 2
Degeneracy S.P.W. Label

1: 2*x
cos -
a cos a z?!.cos rl
1: 2 RX
sin - sin -
2 RZ
sin 3 r2
a a a
3: 2*x
cos - cos 3 2 xz etc.
a sin -, r15
a a
3: 2*x
cos - sin sin%, etc.
a a r;i5
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Now, to come back to the problem of Jones vs. Brillouin zones, the thing t o note
is that the gap at a second-order zone boundary, 2Vgeff, is likely to be consider-
ably smaller than that at a first-order boundary. Thus, while we expect in general
a gap at every boundary, there may well be particularly large gaps, in cases with
complicated symmetries, only at the true first-order boundaries. These a r e called
the boundaries of the "Jones zones. " There is no necessary relationship between
the volume of a Jones zone, in t e r m s of number of states per atom, and the volume
of a Brillouin zone; the Jones zone need only have some rational number r > 1
states of each spin per atom. For instance, again returning to the well-known case
of the diamond lattice, the first Brillouin zone is the cell bounded by zone bound-
aries corresponding mostly to the (111) K vector, but that octahedron has the tips
of its six corners cut off by the (200) boundaries. In the Jones zone of diamond,
the octahedron's tips a r e not broken off and the cell has 9/8 of an electron per
The search for particularly important zone boundaries may extend beyond the
search for boundaries where V f 0 and on to those for which V is particularly
large. In general, we expect such a boundary to be one with a big x-ray structure
factor, which can be simply guessed by looking at the x-ray pattern (only of course
when all atoms a r e alike, o r nearly so, since the effective potentials for x-rays
and low-energy plane electron waves a r e quite different). For instance, in diamond
the structure factor for (111)is

while that for 1 + m + n = 4N (220, 440, 400, etc.) is 2 , IFI2 = 4 . It is then

likely that the (220) group of planes bounds a particularly important Jones zone.
If we look at this group of r.1. vectors, we realize that they a r e the vectors of a
face-centered-cubic r.1. of cube-edge size 2 ~ / a(4). which is therefore the recip-
rocal lattice of a body-centered lattice of cube size a/2, containing eight cubes for

every cube in the original f . c . c . lattice. The first Brillouin zone of this lattice
has, then, since the b . c . c . has only 2 atoms per cube instead of 4 , 8/2 o r 4 states
per atom of the f . c . c . lattice, and 2 per atom of the diamond lattice-4 altogether,
counting spin.
Another way to look a t this pseudo-body-centered lattice is to draw the diamond
lattice, Figure 6. The b . c . c . lattice which gives these strong reflections is

0 = 1st plane of f .c .c. lattice

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0 = 2nd plane of f . c. c . lattice

@ = intermediate plane of
diamond lattice

obtained by completing the missing positions of the tetrahedron around each atom t o
make up a cube, a s shown by the 0 ' s in Figure 7 . This shows that just twice as

Figure 7

many states fit into its Brillouin zone; there are four electron states per atom in
the strong Jones zone of the diamond lattice.
This has all been worked out in detail as a particularly good illustration of the
semiempirical validity of the quantum chemical r u l e which gives t h t Jones zones
their importance: Crystals tend to choose a structure such that a strong, sym-
metrical Jones zone can be exactly or almost exactly filled. The reason f o r this is
easy enough to see : If the number of electrons in the valence bands of the crystal
is such that on the free-electron model the F e r m i surface would just come up to
the Jones zone boundary, then the development of that boundary lowers the energy
of the group of free electrons near the zone boundary, by lowering the energy of
occupied electronic states relative to unoccupied ones.
To estimate this effect quantitatively, suppose that the appropriate VK has mag-
nitude V. On the average, roughly, each electron within energy V of the Fermi sur-
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face has had its energy lowered by V/2, so that the lowering is (V2/2 (density of
states at Fermi surface). That density is given on the free-electron model as
follows :
d n 1
density of states p e r electron = -
dE n

Thus the binding energy per atom would be

The reader must be cautioned that the numerical factors in this estimate cannot
really be evaluated t o better than order-of-magnitude accuracy; in fact, the ener-
getics of this situation are in considerable dispute a t present (24).
That this can be a rather large effect, and one which is very likely to determine
crystal structure, may be seen by estimating its effect in some real substances.
For instance, the free-electron Fermi energy in diamond would be 30 ev (about
2 rydbergs), and about half that in the much-less-dense crystals S i and Ge. (This
we obtain simply by calculating kF from n = kF3/3s2; kF in diamond turns out to
be about 3 x lo8 c m - l , in Si about 2 X 108/ c m . ) Actual values of the components
of the potential seen by the free electrons are available from Herman's (23)and
Phillips' (25) calculations; they give V220 = about 0.4 ryd, o r 5 ev in diamond, and
about 0.15-0.2 ryd, or 2 ev in Si. Thus the gain in cohesive energy is very large:
3 volts, o r half of the total, in diamond, and 1 . 5 volts in Si. Naturally this is a
very rough estimate, but it shows that this can be a real and controlling effect in

the usually rather delicate balance of energies which determines the crystal struc-
ture a substance will assume. It is a n interesting fact that the K = 111 VK also
plays an important role near the band gap in diamond and silicon, being vital in
opening up the gap at certain symmetry points a t which VZ2,, cannot act, especial-
ly r. Thus a considerable contribution to binding comes also from V 1 l l . Probably
this is typical of the combinations of several factors which determine observed
crystal structures.
There are a number of physical and chemical morals which I should like to draw
from this rough calculation before going on to more quantitative things. In the
first place, note that we see here a physical reason for the open, valence-type
structure quite divorced from the idea of directed bonds as little sticks coming out
of the atoms in definite directions. An open structure can represent simply a
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means of bringing the important Jones zone boundaries out into the area of the
Fermi surface in a polyvalent substance. I should, however, caution you that bond
directivity does seem to exist as a chemical fact, and that the calculation of which
precise s t r u c t u r e , having about the right density and Jones zone shape, a given
substance will assume, is probably a matter of the complicated interplay of very
many Fourier components of V . It usually had better be left to the successful
techniques of semiempiricism and chemical instinct for the time being; but w e
do a t least see some of the principles involved, and they do not, as Pauling might
suggest, require scrapping the very successful apparatus of the band theory.
Second, note that in both cases V was in fact small enough that perturbation theory
is not very bad. This is rather a shock for diamond, but true-diamond's gigantic
energy gap is just a consequence of the fact that the whole energy scale is wide for
carbon, and does not represent a really large departure from the nearly free
electron picture.
Finally, I should mention that t h i s application to diamond and silicon is actually
one of the most recent such applications; a much older and more thoroughly cover-
ed area is the application to certain alloy structures-or rather intermetallic
compound structures -and particularly to the famous Hume-Rothery alloys. For
a good treatment, see Jones (26). These a r e compounds of various more-or-less
complicated cubic structures, which tend to have a prominent Jones zone of con-
siderable symmetry lying very n e a r the Fermi surface. These are no doubt caused
by the same effect, but undoubtedly the energy contributuions are of a considerably
smaller magnitude than those in the valence structures. We see this from the fact
that these compounds retain their metallic character, indicating that the zone
boundary does not open up very much of a gap. It is also worth emphasizing that
even, for example, in the diamond case, certain special symmetry directions-
the corners of the Jones zone, which are, in t e r m s of symmetry, equivalent to
the center of the reduced zone r- cannot be split simply by the one component
V220 in the nearly free picture, so that other components of V, particularly, as we
mentioned, Vlll, play a controlling role in opening up the actual gap which causes
insulating behavior.

2. The Cellular Method: Quantitative Calculation of Binding Energy

This is a n entirely different method, in m y ways, which has shown itself by
far the most accurate in calculating cohesive energies of metals. The cellular
method, first used by Wigner and Seitz, unfortunately seems t o be easily applicable,
for known reasons, only to the monovalent alkali metals.
The cellular method contrasts in almost every possble way with the methods
based on plane waves. In the almost-free electron model, and. as we shall see, in
the 0. P. W. method, the wave functions are chosen from the start as proper band
functions, satisfying the boundary conditions imposed by the periodicity of the
lattice; the effort is then to treat sufficiently accurately, by perturbation or other
methods, the effect on these functions of the potentials of the ion cores. The
cellular method starts from the attempt t o find as exact a potential and as exact
by Mrs. Shyama Ramankutty on 06/16/16. For personal use only.

a solution as possible in the region of the ion cores, and proceeds to approximate
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the boundary conditions enforced by periodicity. It appears that in calculating

energies this is the more accurate procedure, but that it is only SO for the lowest
wave functions in the s band of a solid.
The procedure is t o divide the real space lattice into unit cells in precisely the
same way one forms the Brillouin zone in the reciprocal lattice: by bisecting the
vectors to the near neighbors. In the b. c. c . lattice usually assumed by the
alkalies, this gives us the regular octahedron of '/4 '/4 '/4 planes chopped off at the
corners by % 00 planes-a total of 14 faces- with which w e a r e already familiar.
The idea of the cellular method is that this polyhedron is not really very different
from a sphere, and that in the outer regions in which the departure occurs, the
potential is very weak and the wave function smooth. Thus the approximation is
made that the unit cell is precisely spherical. This causes a number of simpli-
fications in the problem of numerically integrating the wave equation for the low
1. The remainder of the lattice may as well be assumed spherically symmetric
also; since the distance between atoms in the alkalies is such that the cores overlap
very little, the potential from the other cells is only electrostatic, and by this
assumption vanishes entirely since the lattice as a whole is neutral.
2 . Also, the atom core, being a closed shell, is spherical; as a result we have
a spherically symmetric- i. e . , entirely separable -wave equation to solve with-
in the cell.
3 . For the lowest state of the s band, which has of course k = 0 and thus a wave
function which is simply periodic, uo(r), the boundary condition takes on the simple
form that the slope d*/dr I = R cell = 0. This is because the wave function
must approach the cell boundary horizontally, since it must by reflection sym-
metry be even about the boundary. The lowest atomic state is the spherically
symmetric state for which d*/dr l r = = 0. The essential physical basis for
the cohesion of the alkali metals and in fact f o r the so-called "metallic bond" is
the fact that the energy of the state for which d*/dr I = Rc = 0 is considerably
lower than the energy of the state i n the f r e e atom. Wigner has called this the
"boundary correction" and, in his Seitzschrift article (25), estimated it for a wide
variety of metals.

We can see immediately from rather crude considerations that this must be so.
The spherical symmetry allows us to separate the wave equation - V 2 + V(r)* =
E* into angular and radial equations by assuming = [ U L (r)/r] Ym (8, 0 ), and
the equation for UL is

Here the units are atomic ones, r being measured in Bohr radii and all energies
in rydbergs. Outside the core of the alkali atom V = - 2 Z / r = - 2/r in this case
of a monovalent atom; inside V more complicated, and also is not in fact a
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local operator but includes exchange with the core electrons. Nonetheless we may
for qualitative purposes treat it as a pure potential - 2Z(r)/r (Figure 8).

Figure 8

We are interested in the low s states (L = O), and thus the boundary condition
at r = 0 is that be finite, so that U = 0 and increases linearly. Let u s
start with some very low energy El and mentally integrate the equation out
from this boundary condition at the origin. Before we reach the "classical
turning point" at Rt (El), E - V > 0, and d 2U/dr 2 has the opposite sign from U
and the curvature is toward the axis; thereafter, however, U>O, d2U/dr 2 > O and
the curvature is away from the axis: U blows up. Now let us sketch in a sequence
of increasing energies El,E2, E3, and Ef,the actual free-atom eigenvalue. We
see that the free-atom eigenvalue is above the energy at which the wave function is
flat at RceU and then increases from then on and blows up (Figure 9). The result-
ing gain in kinetic energy can be rather large. In the case of sodium, for instance,
it is 3 112 volts; in Li it is higher, in the high alkalies, K, Rb and Cs, lower.
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Figure 9

From the diagram it is also possible to get a pretty good idea of the accurate
and ingenious method developed by Kuhn, Van Vleck, Brooks (21), and Ham (18)
for calculating this energy. On both diagrams I have indicated the fact, valid for
all the alkali metals, that the size of the core orbitals (Is in Li, 2s2p in N a , etc.)
is very considerably smaller than that of the atomic cell. This means that there
is an appreciable region of the radial integration in which we know exactly the
potential we must use, namely, V = - 2/r. Inside the core, of course, the poten-
tial is unknown; what w a s done in the earlier calculations in this region was to
start with a Hartree or Hartree-Fock potential and to modify it to fit the observed
series of spectral term values, which are known to great accuracy for the alkali

Kuhn and Van Vleck pointed out that in fact it might never be necessary to
integrate a radial equation through this region. If one is t o use a set of empirical
energy levels from the optical spectrum to adjust one's potential anyhow, might
there not be a way to extract the necessary information directly from the optical
spectrum itself?
The Kuhn-Van Vleck method is simpler in principle than the more accurate
and complete technique which was finally worked out by Brooks and Ham. Their
method w a s to consider the wave function as integrated, starting from U = 0 at
R = 0, out to the point Rcore. At this point all the information one needs to c a r r y
the integration further is the logarithmic derivative (l/U) (dU/dr) l r =
This number will be some function of the starting energy E ; as we see, it will
start out a t some high value f o r l a r g e negative E , decrease through zero, and
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eventually resemble a cotW1 curve. From the point Rcore on, we know the poten-
tial to be of the form (- 2/r) exactly, and Wamier and o t h e r s have found analyti-
cal forms for the two solutions a t an arbitrary energy. Then we can f i t these

Figure 10

solutions to any given value of (1/U) (dU/dr) and determine the properties of the

which can lead to dU/dr I -
solution at any energy. In particular, we can analytically determine the values
of (1/U) (dU/dr) I = 0, which a r e then the

values at the observed s p e c t r a l t e r m energies. These we can then plot; a hypo-

thetical s e t are the x's in Figure 1 0 . Knowing roughly the appropriate shape, we
can try t o draw a smooth curve through these given points, and assume that that is

the correct (l/U)(dU/dr)I = (El.

We also know analytically, again because we know the precise analytic be-
havior of solutions of the Coulomb wave equation, what value of (1/U) (dU/dr)I
is necessary to lead to (1/U) (dU/dr) I = 0 . Call this (1/U) (dU/dr) I o.
We then just interpolate our smooth curve to this value, and that gives us a value
Eo of the lowest eigenvalue.
In fact, because of the rather unmanageable shape of the curve for the loga-
rithmic derivative, that is not the correct quantity to plot; rather, as Kuhn him-
self first pointed out, the right quantity to give a really smooth extrapolation is
the quantum defect, which at the free-atom eigenvalues is just the quantity bm in
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the Ritz interpolation formula for the alkali spectrum,

b m is closely related to the phase shift 6 which occurs in collision theory, but
extra complications which are of no interest except to specialists a r e introduced
by the long-range character of the Coulomb potential. In any case, it is found-
and can be proved mathematically- that one can find a quantity 6 which interpo-
lates smoothly between the observed spectral s e r i e s terms and which can be used
to satisfy any desired boundary condition at the cell surface. In Ham's article
are given, to three o r four significant figures, the resulting k = 0 energies f o r a
number of densities in each of the five alkali metals.
The major advantage of this method, and possibly one of the most important
reasons why most cohesive energy- as opposed to actual band shape- calcula-
tions by other methods have been unsuccessful, is that the many-body effects in
the interaction of valence with core electrons a r e contained essentially exactly in
the empirical values of the quantum defect which a r e used. It may even be that
within Rcore there is no reasonable local potential V(r) which would give the
observed eigenvalue spectrum ; as we mentioned, even in H - F the correct potential
is nonlocal. This seems in fact to be the main reason why the early Wigner-Seitz
calculations were good for Li and Na, but rather bad for K and unworkable for Rb
and Cs, while the Q. D. M . seems to have no difficulty with the heavy metals, in
which core polarization and exchange a r e large effects because the c o r e s are
larger and less tightly bound.
The location of the one energy level at k = 0 , then, is done superlatively w e l l
by the Q.D.-cellular method; and it is precisely its advantage over all other
methods, that at least one level can be located in absolute value accurately. None-
theless, that cannot be the whole battle ; we must first insert the so-called "Fermi
energy," the extra kinetic energy which appears because the rest of the electrons
48 C O N C E P T S IN S O L I D S

have to go into states higher up in the band. Then we must make a s e t of rather
large corrections for electron interactions, the sum of which, however, turns out
to be fairly s m a l l .
That the F e r m i energy is a rather large effect is clear f r o m Wigners qualita-
tive argument (20), which suggests that a substance with a full s band would be
almost unbound. F r o m the point of view of integrating the radial equation, a state
at the top of the band must be one which changes s i g n from the atom t o its neigh-
bors, which means that * = 0 at R
not d*/dr = 0 at Rc. The energy of the
* = 0 is probably about as much above the energy of the
wave function for which
free-atom wave function, E as E is below: One can see that in a sense 0 at
I 0
= is roughly an intermediate criterion between * I = 0 and d*/dR! = 0 (Fig-
ure 11). Thus f o r a half-filled band we might expect to lose in F e r m i energy half
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or more of the 3 to 4 volts of energy gained i n the k = 0 state, and it indeed turns
out that we do.

To calculate the F e r m i energy it is necessary to have a reasonably accurate

estimate of the band structure throughout the occupied region of k space. It turns
out that this is a difficult and often inaccurate calculation, using the cellular
method, for points near the boundary of the first zone, o r f o r higher bands in
which the wave functions no longer are s like in the cells. The reason is that the
solutions of the wave equation within the cells are the s, p, d, e t c . , eigenfunctions
of angular momentum with L = 0, 1, 2 , etc.. . . The accuracy of ones calculation
or extrapolation decreases rapidly as L increases, so that the fitting of prescribed
boundary conditions for a wave function with L 2 3 o r 4 is a very difficult matter.
This is because of the effective repulsive potential energy L(L+l)/r2 which keeps
the electrons out of the core region in the appropriate optical energy levels, while
the wave functions needed for boundary-value fitting in the solid problem do pene-
trate to the c o r e .

It turns out, unfortunately, that band wave functions for reasonably large k
contain very appreciable components which must be described by wave functions
of high angular-momentum values. The easiest way to s e e this is Shockley's
"empty lattice" test-one may expand symmetrized plane waves, which are a pos-
sible s e t of band wave functions, in spherical harmonics about the center of the cell,
and one finds indeed that, for k ' s near o r beyond the zone boundary, they have rather
appreciable L 2 3 or 4 components. Although progress has been made in the
mathematical problem of fitting spherical harmonics to correct boundary condi-
tions, the accuracy remains questionable for all but the alkali metals.
For the alkali metals, of c o u r s e , the problem is not v e r y serious, because
a large fraction of the electrons a r e in k values well within the first zone. The
trick which is used here is t o expand the energy E(k) as a power s e r i e s in k about
the origin; by symmetry the first term is z e r o and the second, the so-called
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effective mass t e r m ,
n n
E = E o + -h'k' +...
2m *

may be obtained by a calculation using the "k-p" perturbation theory. The prin-
ciple of this method is to w r i t e down the wave equation satisfied by, not the total
wave function 'kk(r),but only the periodic part uk. We s t a r t with the usual wave

v 2 + Y(.)] u k ( r ) e ik-r -- Ek\eik'r

Clearly everything but V 2 commutes with e , s o that the exponential may be
factored out after the following computation:


When we compare this with the equation for the eigenfunction 'k = u
0 0'

- -f2m
V uo + V(r)uo = Eouo

we see #at, aside from the term

it is the same equation and, since uk is periodic, has the same boundary conditions.
Thus we can, for sufficiently small k, treat this term a s a perturbation to get an
expression for the energy at k in terms of solutions at k = 0. In fact, one may use
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this expression with only slight modifications at any general point ko to find the
wave functions and eigenvalues at neighboring points.
In our particular case of the alkalies, the term k - p contains the gradient opera-
tor and so makes an odd function out of an even one and vice versa. This means
that the diagonal matrix element (uon, (k-p) uOn) vanishes, s o that the first-order
correction vanishes. The second-order correction i s , by standard perturbation

so that

It would appear at first sight that the effective mass always increases-the band
becoming flatter-since the sum on the right would be expected to be > O , with
En>Eo. This is indeed true for Li, in which there a r e no p bands (since px is a
vector, all the important matrix elements a r e to p bands) lower than the valence
band; but it need not be so in general, and is not in fact in any other alkali except
possibly Na. The matrix elements to bands representing closed shells are thus
quite important.
Although the original calculation of Wigner and Seitz used the k.p theory
directly, Bardeen (27) very shortly introduced a much simpler and more accurate
procedure by observing that the first-order correction to the wave function could be
calculated essentially exactly. This is done by directly iterating the wave equation

% = uo(r)
+ ul(r) + -..

(-gv2v - + Eo) u1 = k*Vuo

A particular solution for u l , he observed, is

by Mrs. Shyama Ramankutty on 06/16/16. For personal use only.

(as one finds by substitution; the inhomogenous t e r m and the V(k*r).Vuo term can-
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cel). That does not satisfy the boundary condition, which is obviously (since u1 is
to have the symmetry of a p function and be periodic) that it vanish on the cell
We can make the solution vanish on the cell boundary by adding to it a p-function
solution of the homogeneous equation,

where P is a solution at fixed energy Eo of the radial wave equation

2 2 2m
d P
- -2
P(r) + - ( E ~ - vP) = o
dr r ti2



We immediately recognise that the quantum-defect method is set up to give us

directly, via an interpolation from the optical spectrum of p states, all the inter-
esting properties of the wave function P(r), at least in the outer part of the cell.
By using a number of clever transformations, Bardeen w a s able to write the second-
order energy corrections entirely in terms of t h i s first-order correction t o the
wave function, and even in terms of its behavior at the boundary of the cell:

m r dP -
Q! =-=
m* '3 Rc

The proof (partly due to Silverman and others) is rather lengthy, so I shall not dis-
cuss it here.
In all the alkali metals the perturbation theory converges quite well, because ~0
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is quite smooth (the perturbation is (Y (k-V)uo). In Na ~0 is practically constant over

90 per cent of the unit cell. Thus the kinetic or Fermi correction EF is just that
for a free-electron gas, corrected for the modified effective mass. This is

where 5 is determined by

This may be written

EF =
2 (3) nd


48 a 3o r 3
= 1n

It will give us a feeling for the orders of magnitude of the various effects to
give the various relevant quantities for a number of alkali metals (see Table 3).

Table 3
Cohesive Kinetic Uncorrected
boundary correc- cohesive Observed
correction g tion energy cohesive
Element rs -Eo EI-E,, ev m* EF.ev EI-Eo-EF,ev energy, ev

Li 3.21 0.69ryd= 4.0 0.67 1.90 2.10 1.65

9 . 4 ev
Na 3.96 0.625 r y d = 3.15 1.02 2.0 1.15 1.20
8 . 5 ev
Rb 5.20 6.27ev 1.65 1.10 1.23 0.42 0.85
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This is adequate to show the general run of the results. As we guessed, the
Fermi kinetic-energy correction tends to run one-half to two-thirds the boundary
correction, and the difference accounts in an order-of-magnitude fashion for
the binding energy of the metal. Note that the cohesive energy is the smallest
energy in the problem, being calculated as the difference of much larger numbers
-this is almost always the case and represents the great source of difficulty in
binding-energy calculations. It is not hard to calculate bands with an accuracy
of 0.1 ryd or so, and that is usually satisfactory for an idea of the general band
structure. which i s often on the scale of rydbergs, or at least 0 . 4 to 0 . 5 ryd;
but binding energies are 0 . 1 or less.

3. Exchangeand Correlationin the Free-Electron Gas

At this point you may be a bit surprised to see that we a r e so close to having
calculated the actual binding energy. You may well say: What about the Coulomb
interactions of the metallic electrons themselves 1 We have ostensibly ignored
these entirely, in that we have used only the ion core field in calculating our wave
In point of fact, the valence-electron interactions have been taken into account
in great part, in a very clever and unobtrusive way. What Wigner has done is in
effect to include the interaction of valence electrons when they a r e on different
atoms, because he has made the nearby cells neutral rather than charged + I , as
they would be if only the ion cores were present; but he has intentionally left out
the interaction of electrons in the same cell. This is a very reasonable approxima-
tion for the exchange and correlation effects. First, as to exchange-we know that
the exclusion principle makes a "hole" in the distribution of parallel spin electrons
around a given electron. The Coulomb repulsion tends to force the ant'iparallel
spin electrons a s well away from the neighborhood of a given electron, s o the net
effect is to remove approximately a f u l l electronic charge from the neighborhood of

the given charge. The radius of this hole is of the order r SO it is reasonable to
calculate the wave functions a s though only one electron at a time were allowed
within each unit cell. The result is t h a t , without solving any very complicated
wave equations, the wave functions with which we deal have been calculated to an
accuracy practically equivalent to Hartree-Fock. The fact that the hole is rela-
tively smaller in polyvalent metals and that therefore this approximation would not
work may be another reason for the difficulty of binding-energy calculations in such
Nevertheless, in order to obtain truly accurate final answers, it is essential to
go back, using these wave functions, and attempt a more complete estimate of the
"many-body" corrections. We expect the sum of them all to be close to zero for
the above reasons, but the individual t e r m s will be fairly large.
What enabled Wigner and Seitz (28, 29) to make a good estimate of these terms
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is the fortunate fact that the electrons in the alkalies, except for the constant
"boundary correction" which lowers the total energy a s a whole, behave much like
a gas of truly free electrons. A s we r e m a r k e d , in over 90 per cent of the volume
of the unit cell the wave functions are practically e & . r in Na. That allows us to
use the theory of the self-interaction energy of the free-electron gas. This theory
is greatly simplified by the fact that the g a s must be "homogeneous" in space-that
is, its properties at each point in space must be the same.
The first correction one applies is the Hartree one, the mean field of all the
electrons. In the free-electron c a s e , this is the self-interaction energy of the
entire uniform charge distribution, and diverges as V2/3; but of course this
divergence must be canceled by an equal and opposite term from the ion charges,
which ensure neutrality. The usual procedure in studying the free-electron gas is
to ignore this t e r m completely ; one replaces the ion cores by a uniform "jelly" of
positive charge which precisely cancels the mean charge of the free electrons.
In the real alkali metal, on the other hand, there is such a t e r m , large in fact
relative to the cohesive energy. We have included the interaction with everything
except the central sphere of charge, so we have to include the Coulomb self-energy
of a sphere of charge e and radius Reell = rsao, which is 3e /5R = 6/5r ryd.
A s you s e e , in Li that is more than 4 volts and destroys all agreement.
To set against this we must calculate the two effects which tend to keep the
electrons a p a r t , exchange per se and correlation. The latter energy is defined,
rather artificially, as the difference in energy between the best Hartree-Fock
solution and the correct one. We shall not calculate the correlation energy here,
but we can do the exchange effect, and, because the mathematics and the ideas will
be of use to us later, we shall.
The H-F equationincludingexchange, realizing that the Hartree t e r m in the case
of the free-electron gas i s a trivial constant, is

k' occ

Because the system a s a whole still h a s translational symmetry, we can obtain a

self-consistent solution, if not necessarily the lowest one, by assuming

Then the exchange terms become

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2 ik'. (r-r')
= V C 'lr-rfl = A(r-r')

This does have translational symmetry (doesn't depend on r ir') and therefore the
solutions of the equations can indeed be plane waves.
We can actually compute the f o r m of A(r - r'), which is often called the poten-
tial of the exchange hole. Much of t h i s development is due to Dirac (30). We can
think of it as the potential of a "hole" in the charge density surrounding the elec-
tron a t r' :

p(r-rl) = V ce
k occ
ik- (r-r')

3 3
n - 477 k~ kF
8x -6a

and R = l r - r ' l , this is


COS kR dk e

- 0 as k - 0

P(R) = 2n
ekF [- cos kFR
+ 3 1
Sin 5 R

A picture of the exchange hole is given in Figure 12. (Note that the singularities
at R = 0 cancel out. ) This plot shows the total effective density of parallel spin
electrons at R seen by an electron at zero.
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Figure 12

The corresponding kernel. the exchange potential A(r-r'), is Of course e P

divided by R = r-r':
cos %R

These functions, with their characteristic very long range oscillatory behavior
at -, a r e extremely common and very useful in the theory of the free-electron gas.
A is similar to the "Green's function" of the free-electron gas, and those of you
familiar with spin resonance will recognize in A(r) the Ruderman-Kittel function.
The long-range, oscillatory behavior is the result of the sharp upper limit in the
integration over the F e r m i distribution, and occurs only when there is a free Fermi
surface. These two functions contain 2k@ rather than kFR because they result
from a slightly different integral, but the reason for the oscillators is the same.
The exchange contribution to the energy of a given plane-wave state k is easily
deduced from

which, from the convolution theorem for folding a Fourier transform, is


Ak = /&t eikeRA(R)

This Fourier transform may be calculated directly, o r as follows:

A(r) = p(r)/r, so that, again using the convolution theorem,
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But p(k') is just e / V when k is occupied, k < kF, 0 otherwise; SO

A = - - 4*e
- 1 d3k'
Ik-k'l2 2a Ik-k'l

This integral, SO f a r as I know, must be tediously evaluated by direct means; it

w a s done by Dirac in 1930. The result is

- k2
1 I]

This integral is a very famous and useful function. We may sketch the quantity
in brackets a s follows: Its value at k = 0 is 4 ; the singularity in the denominator
is canceled by In I k+kF/k-k I -.* 2 W 5 . At k = k there is a second singularity,
but it is of the form 0 In 0 = 0 so A = 2, but the slope is infinite at that point
(Figure 13).
We can think of this curve as a smudged-out replica of the Fermi distribution
function, with the infinite slope corresponding to the sharp drop at the F e r m i s u r -
face. The reason for it is the fact that when k < kF, the denominator goes to z e r o
at k' = k ; but when k>kF, it does not. The z e r o is an integrable one but just barely

so. That in turn reflects the long-range nature of the Coulomb potential: the
2 1
Fourier transform of l/r is 2 ~ / k .
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Figure 13

F r o m A(k) we c a n calculate two things: First, the mean exchange energy,

which will be (1/2N) z l p ( k ) . We s e e A varies from (2 t o 4) times 0.612/rs;
the average factor is about 3: Eexch = - 0.916/rs, which cancels out a large pro-
portion of the 1. 2/rs Coulomb self-energy . Nonetheless, the difference 0. 25/rs
ryd z 0.85 ev in Na is enough to remove a large fraction of the cohesive energy.
The remaining correction is the "correlation energy, " which is the correction
which must be made because electrons even of antiparallel spin tend to stay away
from each other. There is an enormous literature on this correction term ; suffice
it to say that Wigner and, later, Pines (31), by interpolating over a rather wide
range between expressions which are certainly good for rs 5 1 and others which
a r e equally good for rs 2 10, but neither of which has any reasonable hope of being

'The infinite slope can be directly demonstrated by taking

V A =-
k k E2 [ c k OW.
c - 1
&+bk)occ. I k-k I I 2 ]

2 cos e
= - 4*e
V c
surface of F e r m i sphere
Ik - k ' l z

The surface element goes like k dk, so we get a logarithmic divergence k dk/k2 .

close f o r rs = 4, obtain the following estimate. From the fact that it is not rapidly
varying in the known range and that various estimates agree, we can guess it to be
valid within 2 20 per cent: Ecorr = 0. 88/(rs + 7.8) ryd. [ This is not what has
been used by many authors, which is an earlier expression of Wigner's which he
corrected in a footnote in 1938 (29).] With this expression we obtain the results
given i n Table 4.

Table 4

Uncorr Ecohp ev AEHF, ev AECOrr, e V Total, ev Ex@. , ev

Li -2.1 1-19 -1.09 -2.0 -1.65

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Na -1.15 0.96 -1.02 -1.2 -1.2

Rb -0.42 0.73 -0.92 -0.61 -0.85

I should caution you that the tables I give here are not authoritative and do not
represent the most exact or best results which have been achieved by the Q.D.M.
For more detailed results I refer you to the actual papers, especially Ham's
article and that of Brooks in the Varenna Summer School report. As pointed out in
this last paper, the good agreement achieved by Ham is lessened by various further
corrections. The only sure conclusions which can be drawn are perhaps these:
that Wigner's estimate of the correlation energy for free electrons is not far from
the correct value; and that we do indeed know the true physical origins of the co-
hesion in the alkalies. Corrections which a r e of the order of the e r r o r of 2 0 . 2 ev
in the correlation energy might be further terms in the Fermi energy, and most
importantly the corrections to exchange and correlation arising from the fact that
the wave functions are not free-electron ones. A s we may see later, it is not
legitimate just to insert m* in our formulas for these effects, and the t r u e nature
of these corrections is not as yet known. [See, however, Phillips' work, to be
discussed shortly (25). ] These corrections could easily be of order 20 per cent of
the correlation energy.
One aspect of the numerical results of the Q.D.M. which is striking and very
encouraging is the almost equally good agreement with that on the energy, which is
obtained on the compressibility of these metals. Many earlier calculations, and
most calculations by other methods, give very bad compressibilities. After all,
the compressibility is a second difference of the binding-energy curve. The reason
the Q.D.M. is s o good is probably that we do know quite well the form of the
dependence on density of all the terms: the Eo term, because it can be calculated
s o accurately ; the rest, because it is determined by general theoretical considera-
tions. The kinetic energy goes as l/rs 2 , the exchange, Coulomb, and correlation
energies a s l/rs, roughly. Often a very good fit to the pV curves is obtained with
Bardeen's semiempirical equation of state based on this idea (27):
60 C O N C E P T S IN S O L I D S



Now I should like to return briefly to the exchange energy before going on to dis-
cuss the 0. P . W. method. The other aspect of A(k) which is important is that it
represents a k-dependent correction to the self-energy Ek of the electron of
2 2
momentum k: E = (h k /2m*) - A(k). This is the characteristic behavior of a
nonlocal potential such as exchange. The property of being nonlocal i s usual for
effective potentials caused by the various kinds of many-body effects. The poten-
tial is A C = f A ( r - r')@(r')d r ' ; by the convolution theorem, this is transformed
into a k-dependent correction AGk = AkQk to the self-energy, which can be
by Mrs. Shyama Ramankutty on 06/16/16. For personal use only.
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thought of as a n effective mass correction in a rough kind of w a y , caused not by

the periodic potential of the lattice but by the change in the exchange hole with
momentum of the particle.
In the special case of exchange, using the Coulomb interaction, the effective

negative slope, dEk/dk ~

mass correction diverges just at the Fermi surface: Since A(k) has an infinite
= + precisely at the Fermi surface. The density
of states falls to zero logarithmically. This would: if correct, be in contradiction
with many experimental results on low-temperature specific heat, spin paramag-
netism: etc. Wigner pointed out in the original papers that in fact the long-range
part of the Coulomb interaction would be screened in a real electron gas by the
slight displacements of the other electrons nearby which also are involved in the
correlation energy. A rough calculation of this potential screening leads to an
effective potential e - b r / r : where k,, is the Debye wave number, of the order of
Then the singularity i n A(k) gets smeared out and the effective mass coned-
tion is not divergent. We should emphasize that the "exchange hole" i s still a long-
range, oscillating function with a singularity in k space at the F e r m i surface, but
the effect of this on the exchange potential A is smeared out by shortening the range
of interaction. The curve for A(k) vs. k then looks something like Figure 14.

Slater approx.

kF Figure 14

The net result is a decrease in effective m a s s whose value may be smallish

(5 to 20 per cent) at metallic densities.
In a real crystal the density of free electrons is not constant, the free-electron
model is not valid, and A is no longer A ( r - r ' ) but A(r, r ' ) ; it is both nonlocal
and space-varying. An approximation which is often made and is due t o Slater (32)
is to neglect the nonlocal character of A in t h i s case, and to try to replace it by
the best local potential A(r) 6 (r-r'), which will then be proportional t o the 1/3
power of the local density. The 6 function h a s a constant Fourier transform, s o
what is being done is replacing A(k) by an appropriate average (see Figure 14).
The criterion f o r this being a workable approximation is that the density of elec-
trons be slowly varying compared t o the size of the exchange hole, which is roughly
rs ; then the nonlocal potential will sample regions of roughly constant exchange
potential. Such a n approximation would be unthinkable in the alkalies, where
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r >r and thus >> lengths in which variation occurs, but may be better in
s core
polyvalent substances where r
1 - 2 . A r a t h e r exhaustive study of t h i s question
by Phillips in diamond, with rs = 1.3(33), showed that the Slater approximation was
not serious there, although there were 20 t o 30 per cent corrections t o some as-
pects of the band structure, notably to the over-all height of the F e r m i surface from
the lowest state k = 0, L = 0. This is, of course, an effect which is always to be
expected, corresponding to the momentum dependence of A(k) for the t r u e free-
electron gas. 1

4. The 0. P. W. Method
Now we go on to study a method which h a s as yet never been very successful in
calculating binding energies, but which has been remarkably successful in calculat-
ing band structures. The fortunate re-emergence of this powerful method a t the
same time that experimental methods of a number of kinds became available f o r the
detailed investgation of complicated band structures-and all band s t r u c t u r e s ex-
cept the alkalies are complicated- has led t o a complete revolution in the last
10 years in the understanding of the behavior Of electrongin solids.
The 0. P. W , method was invented by Herring in 1940 (34) and used by Herring
and Hill (35) in their calculation of the binding energy of Be. The fact that the
resulting binding energy was not very good r a t h e r obscured the fact that the calcu-
lation probably gave a very good band s t r u c t u r e - as Herring remarks in the origi-
nal paper. The basic idea is the following: One has very little hope that a
calculation based on the nearly free electron perturbation theory - i . e . , on t r u e
plane waves a s starting eigenfunctions - can possibly be practicable in a real solid.
This is true for two reasons. The f i r s t is that the potential of the atom c o r e s

'Probably the first comment on nuclear matter as a F e r m i gas was made by

Van Vleck, in pointing out that in that case a l s o the exchange effective m a s s cor-
rection might lead t o a lighter m* - an effect which occurs and is vitally impor-
62 C O N C E P T S IN S O L I D S

actually becomes extremely large in the region near the nuclei, so that there is no
hope that it can be treated as a perturbation. In some sense we must introduce a
more nearly exact solution in this region, because the true eigenfunctions must
vary rapidly there, and that variation is describable only in terms of plane waves
with very high k vectors.
The second reason is even more convincing. It is that even if we were t o suc-
ceed in doing the calculation using plane waves, to infinitely high order, the result
would probably not converge to the right answer for our purposes. That is because
in all real metals there a r e a number of core levels - in Be or C, the ( l s ) 2 , in
more complex atoms many more, which have very large binding energies relative
to the valence electron levels we a r e after. Thus at any k in the Brillouin zone
there are one or more core band levels, to which the lowest eigenvalue of a correct
calculation will tend. As is well known, the calculation of higher eigenvalues is a
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relatively difficult matter.

H e r r i n g ' s solution t o this problem w a s the almost obvious one of taking as start-
ing wave functions not plane waves, but plane waves orthogonalized to the wave
functions of the core levels. This will at the very least solve the second difficulty
if the core wave functions a r e reasonably well chosen. It is fortunate that because
of the fact that the core levels are mostly in the region of the strong and relatively
well-known potential coming from the nucleus, even the Hartree approximation is
really quite accurate f o r them, since electron-electron interaction effects a r e not
very serious. Thus the choice of core functions is not a sensitive problem.
It was already noticed by Herring that the choice of orthogonalized plane waves
as starting functions led t o at least a partial solution of the first problem, also.
In orthogonalizing the smoothly varying plane-wave functions to the core levels, one
introduces into the plane waves very rapid variations peaked up near the nucleus.
It was at first merely observed empirically that this rapid variation seemed to be
just such as to make the starting function a passable solution of the wave equation
in the strong region of the core potential, so that the procedure did seem t o con-
verge at a manageably rapid rate.
Let us now write down the theory formally. The core functions obtained in some
way such as from a Hartree-Fock theory for the free atoms we shall call

where this is the nth core orbital about the jth atom. If X is really a core orbi-
tal, it must be an adequate approximation that the overlap from R. to R. + a is
negligible. (Herring devised ways of treating any residual overlap perturbation
theoretically. ) Thus

Then the corresponding band functions for a given k within the fhst Brillouin
zone a r e just the "tight-binding'' functions

These too a r e orthogonal and normalized, if (13) is satisfied.

The various possible plane waves which belong to a given k in the first B Z may
be labeled by the reciprocal lattice vectors K:
by Mrs. Shyama Ramankutty on 06/16/16. For personal use only.

The orthogonalized plane wave function is then

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is the overlap integral between the plane wave and the core function:

k,n =& d r exp [ - i ( k + K ) * r] e

lXn(r - R.)

-i(k + K) .r

This is just the (k +Kith

F o u r i e r component of X, o r , if you like, it is the ampli-
tude of the momentum-space wave function X (p) at p = k + K :
= Xn(p=k+K)
Unfortunately, the orthogonalized plane waves, Eq. (14), a r e neither normal-
ized nor orthogonal among themselves. Thus we must use the standard treatment

for nonorthonormal functions : We must solve for the eigenvalues E of the secular

in which E w d l appear in some off-diagonal elements also. The general element

of (16) may be computed, at the cost of considerable labor, and is
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En is the nth core-energy level. We have assumed that the core bands a r e very
narrow, which is implied by the vanishing overlap. Ei is the free-electron kinetic
2 2
energy fi k /2m. As you can s e e , this is a rather complicated expression, even
though each of its terms is in principle directly calculable, once we know V ( r ) and
the core levels.
The procedure is to solve, of course, not the infinite determinant (16)but a
finite one obtained by judiciously truncating the number of plane waves which we
consider. In general, one may still be left with a rather large secular determinant
to solve- although with modern machines quite large numbers of plane waves may
be used, up to 20 or more-but in order to get results easily and to test conver-
gence it is usual to concentrate on a few special symmetry points of the Brillouin
zone. At a symmetry point, we can form symmetrized combinations of plane
waves, as we discussed earlier in connection with the almost-free electron model,
of different symmetry types; and the symmetry types cannot be mixed by the opera-
tion of the periodic potential.
You will remember, for instance, that for the f.c.c. space lattice, and k = 0,
we could form the following sets of symmetrized plane waves, all coming from

- 1, -+ 1, -+1):
linear combinations of the eight functions corresponding to K = 2a/a (+

rl :
2n x
cos - COS-
2 ny COS-
272 1
a a a

I-H s i n -2 a x
s i n -2 "Y

r15 : cos -
2rrx cos 2ky 2 az +permutations
sin - 3
a a a
2ax s i n 2ny 2T Z
r2; : cos - sin - +permutations 3
a a a

Of all these, only r l connects with the K = 0 plane wave Go = 1. Thus by

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solving a 2 X 2 equation for r l , and no further equations except the calculation of

diagonal elements, we have taken into account nine plane waves. W e could add to
this the six plane waves of K = 2a/a (2 2 , 0 , 0 ) e t c . , by including six symmetrized
plane waves
r15 : sin-,
etc. 3

rl : cos-
+ c o sa 9 + cos-4az

and a two-dimensional representation r12: cos (4*x/a) - cos (4*y/a) (2). Then we
would have included 15 plane waves effectively with no more than third-order secu-
lar equations, and that only in the c a s e of the three r l waves.
Unfortunately, together with this advantage we have the disadvantage that at
such a symmetry point the orthogonalization process is not only simplified, but
oversimplified. In the above example, imagine that the substance under study had
only 1s core electrons (this is a fictitious case but adequate to show the principle).
Then the only s e t s of orthogonalized plane waves which a r e not automatically
orthogonal to the c o r e s by symmetry are those of symmetry rl: cos (2rrx/a) x cos
x cos ; cos (4nx/a)+ c o s + cos; and the plane wave k = 0. These must all be ortho-
gonalized to the 1s functions, and the full secular determinant worked out, although
now, of course, it is not very complicated. In a l l other cases, we work directly
with plane waves alone, for which the secular determinant is merely

and is at most of second order.

In general, this will happen a t any symmetry point f o r some sets of plane waves.
In Si, there are I s , 2s. 2p orthogonalizations to be made, the former two to the
r l s e t s , the latter t o r15. On the other hand, the sets rig
and r12are still auto-

matically orthogonal to all cores, because they have d-like symmetry n e a r the
atom; and r is like xyz, a state of f-like symmetry: no orthogonalizing need be
done short of Lu for this.
While saving a great deal of trouble, t h i s also causes trouble because these
functions then retain their precise plane-wave character, without any atomic-like
appearance near the c o r e s of the atoms. In order to give them the rapid variation
near the core which is characteristic of Bloch functions, a relatively l a r g e number
of plane waves must be introduced before truncation; the convergence of the
O . P . W . method for these functions is relatively slow. It is not quite as slow as
one might fear, because already from this example we see that we must go t o
rather large K vectors to find waves with which these combine; there is a physical
reason for this which we shall understand shortly.
by Mrs. Shyama Ramankutty on 06/16/16. For personal use only.

It is, from the start, clear physically that there must be a great deal of can-
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cellation of large t e r m s in the secular equation (16). The matrix elements VKK,
a r e such that without the orthogonalization t e r m s the resulting energy would be the
very large binding energy of the core levels -in diamond, -22.7 ryd. f o r instance.
In some way the orthogonalization t e r m s succeed in assuring that no wave function
is bound with an energy greater that - 2 ryd or s o ; this is the lowest energy of an
atomic function in the valence shell. Thus in some sense all but 10 p e r cent of the
enormous attractive potential energy V(r) h a s been canceled out, f o r functions
which a r e forced to be orthogonal t o the c o r e levels.
The underlying theory of this cancellation, which I shall call "Phillips' cancel-
lation theory, " has been sketched by Phillips and presented very nicely by Cohen
and Heine (36). I shall follow the latter discussion here. A further important
reference is Austin, Heine, and Sham (37).
The basic idea of cancellation theory is that we should try to find the wave
equation which is satisfied, not by the t r u e wave function ?Irk, which is
[ (p2 /2m) + V(r)] Qk = EkQk, but by what Phillips calls the "smooth" p a r t of *--
namely, in this case the plane-wave p a r t @, f r o m which the orthogonalization terms
a r e t o be subtracted.
Let us then do this. If the exact wave function is Eq .(14):

(@: being the core levels), we have




VR, thus defined rather arbitrarily by dividing through by 9 k , t a k e s on a real

meaning when we see that @, varies, we hope, very little in the c o r e region re-
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lative to @
,: so that the division by p k just gives a constant times 0" and that Ek
is small in general relative to a core binding energy En, s o that i t s variation is
negligible. Thus V is something like a t r u e potential.
What it really is is made clear by Cohen and Heine: It is our old friend, a
nonlocal potential. Namely,

as we s e e immediately by integration. The contention of Phillips, essentially by

the above physical reasoning, w a s that VR w a s a repulsive potential (since E is
negative) which often very nearly canceled V .
Cohen and Heine demonstrated this cancellation mathematically in the follow-
ing way: Looking at the equation (14). which in essence defines the "smooth" wave
function pk in t e r m s of the exact wave function \kk, we see that this definition is
by no means unique. After all, in the application we a r e thinking of, the set of
plane waves @ is a complete s e t , so that even the functions gn can be expanded
k+K k
in t e r m s of them. Therefore, we could actually write 'kk entirely in t e r m s of the
set of plane waves without orthogonalization if we liked, but that would of course
give us a very nonconvergent plane-wave expansion; or we could in principle divide
the orthogonalization terms i n any proportion we liked between Q and the explicit

This means that we must define what we mean by "smooth wave function 9'' by
some extra, explicit condition. We know what we mean by it actually: It's the
nearest thing to a few plane waves we can get away with. Cohen and Heine point
out that a mathematical way to express that idea is t o demand that the effective
potential (V + VR) be as weak as possible :

(8.(V + vR) 8 I/( Q 8) = minimum


From this condition, by straightforward mathematics, one obtains the following

equation for (V + V,>@ :
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so that the diagonal element of this effective potential is

The corresponding nonlocal potential is

(Note: Austin, Heine, and Sham (37)have shown since that the denominator is
unnecessary. )
Thus we have proved two things: that the effective potential we are using is
the weakest possible in the above sense; and that it can be expressed as in Eq.
(17). Now note that

T h u s e x c e p t f o r the normalization f a c t o r in t h e d e n o m i n a t o r , t h e potential

is as effectively canceled as it can be by a linear conibiizntion of boriizd states.
Another way of putting it i s that the cancellation i s p r o p o r t i o n a l to the degree t o
which t h e bound s t a t e s f o r m a complete s e t in the region w h e r e V i s l a r g e . Cohen
and Heine g i v e a r e m a r k a b l e d i a g r a m for Si which shows how good the cancellation
c a n b e . ( F i g u r e 15) (In drawing the d i a g r a m as a local p o t e n t i a l advantage i s taken
of t h e fact t h a t f o r s s t a t e s 0 is, for purposes of integration with a c o r e function,
a c o n s t a n t , so that the nonlocality for a :riceiZ 1 is not i m p o r t a n t ) .
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14 Figure 15

Typically, the normalization f a c t o r 1) - c n l ( S ,

about 1.1 or so (see note above).
is r a t h e r close to 1:

Notice that the nonlocality of the potential is very r e l e v a n t in making the

potential behave quite differently f o r different 1 values. For instance, as we
a l r e a d y pointed out, t h e r e is no cancellation for p levels when none of the c o r e
l e v e l s are p-like; we can see t h i s by observing that in t h i s case

VR(r - r') @
(r') = 0

s i n c e t h i s is'the s a m e as

/.=I V(r)Bls(r)81,(r1)BP(rl)

H e r e @ is meant to indicate s o m e s y m m e t r i z e d plane wave which necessarily

h a s p s y m m e t r y , such as a r 15 combination. In g e n e r a l , t h e cancellation is less
70 C O N C E P T S IN S O L I D S

complete for higher and higher 1 values. There is a very obvious reason for this
when we look a t the radial wave equation for an orbital with angular momentum L:

and sketch the potential-energy t e r m (Figure 16). We see that the centrifugal poten-
tial t e r m excludes bound states from the interior region of V , so that for larger L
bound states cannot possibly represent a complete set f o r tne very region where V
is strongest Nonetheless, although this idea does not appear explicitly i n tile

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\ r



mathematics, the large matrix elements of V cannot really be very effective for
these higher L states because the plane-wave states do not penetrate the core very
effectively either-the centrifugal t e r m a c t s also for them. It appears, then, that
some of the cancellation which must occur comes from rather high k plane waves,
which is part of the reason f o r the poor convergence in these states. Actually,
Heine has remarked that a certain degree of cancellation appears in the secular
equation explicitly.
I believe that there remains h e r e t h e possibility f o r further improvement of
this cancellation theory. The nuclear physicists among the r e a d e r s niay have
noticed the remarkable similarity of some of these ideas-both in the Q.D.M. and
in the "cancelled 0. P. W . t o the techniques of multiple scattering theory and the

effective range theory and the use of "T", the scattering matrix, as at1 effective
potential in that theory (38). I think that probably more can be done in analogy with
the multiple scattering theory, especially in eliminating high- momentum continuum
states as well as the bound states from the problem.
h n c e writing triese notes it has conie to my attentioil that tile Gseen's function
method of Ham and Segall [Plzys. R e v . . 124. 1786 (1661)J is a f i r s t step in this direc-
tion: probably the excellent convergence of this and the augmented plane-wave nietnod
(M. M . Saffren, Thesis, N . I . T . , 1959) are due to their similarity to multiple-
scattering theory.

The detailed quantitative work which has been done using 0. P . W . with cancel-
lation is a subject f o r the specialist. I should, on the other hand, like to call
attention t o some of the qualitative features of the behavior of solids which it helps
to explain. There are essentially two categories of these: (1) aspects of the
behavior of "good metals" which are explained by i t ; (2) aspects of the quantum
chemistry of solids which a r e explained by when 0.P . W . is good and when it fails.
1. The more familiar to Cambridge people of these aspects is the remarkable
success of the nearly free electron picture in qualitatively explaining the observed
Fermi surfaces of pure metals. I think t h i s aspect is well enough known to need no
further discussion. Of the conspicuous failures of this generalization, copper is a
case in which the relevant core levels-the d levels-are not far enough down t o be
treated by orthogonalization, and the valence semiconductors turn out to be not so
f a r away as all that from the free-electron sphere, quantitatively.
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A second feature is the really remarkable empirical success in random alloys

and in liquid metals - a s Heine and Ziman (39)have emphasized - of what is called
the "rigid band" model. This is the model in which one ignores the random back-
ground structure of the substance and pretends that the behavior is controlled by a
sort of average band, which contains the average number of valence electrons that
are contributed by each of the constituents. In the extreme form of the model one
assumes that the properties of a metal a r e determined only by the number of
valence electrons per atom, and not by which atoms contribute them. In some
cases even crystal structures can be predicted by this kind of "averaging over the
periodic table." A striking example is the alloy of Mo and Ru, which simulates the
artificial element technetium i n crystal s t r u c t u r e and in a number of other proper-
ties, in all of which Mo and Ru differ markedly from Tc (40). More and more
properties have recently been found to vary rather smoothly with this parameter,
electron/atom ratio, which of course simply determines the size of the appropriate
Fermi surface (10). I do not want to give the false impression that rigid bands
always give a correct description of all properties of alloys and compounds - per-
haps they work less often than not, especially when mixing widely different metals-
but that it is rather a surprise that they work a t a l l , in view of the sensitive balance
of effects which determines most physical properties of metals.
2 . Phillips, Cohen, and Heine have emphasized the relationship of the cancella-
tion theorem to the observed occurrence of valence crystals as opposed to metals.
In the lower- Z members of the periodic table there a r e many fewer core orbitals
which one may use to expand the 6 function in Eq. (18). This means that even the
s part of the potential is less efficiently canceled in the lower elements, while in
the first row there is no p cancellation a t all, and d cancellation begins only
toward the end of the second long period - f r o m gallium on. Thus the remaining
effective potential (V + VR) will be a decreasing function of the row number of the
periodic table - from C to Si to Ge to Sn t o Pb, for instance. Thus the e a r l i e r
members will have stronger zone boundaries, wider gaps, and g r e a t e r energetic
advantages for forming an open valence s t r u c t u r e . All these predictions a r e
beautifully exemplified in these elements of the fourth column.
The variation with the second dimension of the periodic table, i . e . , along a row,
has not been as thoroughly discussed. I think this is a subject which is equally
illuminated by the O . P . W . idea, and I should like to go into it briefly here.

The discussion will be based on the fact that there a r e actually two criteria
determining whether the wave functions of the valence electrons in a solid may be
reasonably well described as a set of orthogonalized plane waves with relatively
small perturbation effects. The first we have already seen - it is that the core
levels be quite deep, s o that the orthogonalization leads to an effective potential
which has its inner core reasonably well canceled out, and there is no strong admix-
ture of core levels into the valence ones.
The second criterion may be understood by remarking that it is quite impossible
energetically for the electronic configuration of an atom in a solid t o be greatly
different from that of the f r e e atom. This is of course borne out very well experi-
mentally by the X-ray structure factors of atoms in solids: They never differ by
any serious displacements of more than one or two electrons from those of the free
atoms. Some of you may have followed the discussion about X-ray measurements
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which seemed t o indicate that iron was missing four d electrons in the solid;
although the experiments did of course turn out to be wrong, this was at least the
occasion for Herring's conclusive demonstration (41) that the energy required to
move the four electrons w a s simply not available from the kinds of energies
involved in cohesion. The displacement of two or three electrons by an appreciable
amount compared t o the Bohr radius a. - from one shell to another - costs ryd-
bergs of energy.
Therefore a second important criterion is that the atomic wave function we
expect the valence electrons to have must be reasonably well describable by the
occupation of plane-wave states within the Femzi s e a of 0 .P . W. 's.
It happens that atomic states a r e indeed not badly constructed to be approximated
in that way under certain conditions. To see that this is so, we may look up [ i n
Bethe-Salpeter, f o r example (42)] the Fourier transforms of atomic wave functions,
i. e . , their wave functions in momentum space. To give some examples, the 1s
function is

-K r
@ 1s = Ae

and its (unnormalized) Fourier transform is

( K ~ + k2)2

that of a 2p function

K kYlm(k)
2 2 3
(K +k)

or of a 3d

3 2
( K +~ k2)* 2' m

A sketch of these functions is given i n Figure 17. All of t h e s e fall off quite
steeply with increasing k a t approximately the points k = K . If the F e r m i s u r f a c e is
not too far from this point, a reasonable approximation to the atomic function may
be achieved with 0 . P . w . ' ~ .
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Figure 17

A second criterion for making such a n approximation is easily visualized if we

consider a Bloch wave made up out of atomic functions @ A reasonable approx-
imation f o r such a wave might be

One s e e s immediately that the momentum space representation of such a function is


It has the value 8 (k + K ) at each of the points connected to k by a reciprocal

lattice vector. Visualizing this in one dimension for, say, the IS function, we may
sketch this function as shown in Figure 18. In momentum space we have a spike at
each value of k + K , of height given by the size of the atomic momentum-space
wave function at that point.
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k-K 0 k k+K

Figure 18
A wave function on the nearly free electron model consists of a single plane wave
or, at best, a few plane waves of very nearly equal energy. The two kinds of wave
function are then very dissimilar if, for instance, as in the above diagram, k and
k - K both have large spikes but do not have very similar energy. That is, the K
vectors must not be too small relative to kF, which must be K. This is equiva-
lent to saying that the important Brillouin zone boundaries must not be too far inside
the Fermi surface, since the Brillouin zone boundary is precisely the point at which
I k - K I i s e q u a l t o Ikl, and, wellbeyondtheBZboundary, I k l > l k - K l b y a f a i r
amount. There will be considerable tolerance in this requirement no doubt, but
certainly when
3 lkl
Ik- KI < -

or so, there is no longer much resemblance between the two types of functions.
The physical sense of this requirement is just that the nearly free electron
picture cannot describe a widely varying electron density very accurately, SO that
if the wave function size ( U K )is small compared to the interatomic distance ( l / K )
0 .P.W. cannot be a good approximation. Another point of view is to say that when
1 / ~is too small the remaining core potential begins to be too strong. The first
requirement physically is equally understandable: The distribution of momentum in
the atomic wave function and in the solid must cut off at roughly the same maximum
kinetic energy; this requires K IJ kF.

The first of these requirements gives us a very straightforward criterion for

"good metal" behavior ; we have seen that the cutoff in the wave function and kF
must fall very near each other, and thus that the BZ must not be too far inside the
Fermi sphere. But at least in Bravais' simple lattices we know that the first
Brillouin zone contains precisely two electronic states p e r atom, so that if the
number of valence electrons is Z ,

mean radius of BZ = kF/($)1'3

(at Z = 2, vol. of BZ = vol. of Fermi sphere). Thus this is very directly a limita-
on Z itself, and says that while a reasonable f i t may be achieved for Z as large as
4 or 5, from then on the wave functions will begin to vary very rapidly in the radial
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direction and plane-wave models w i l l not work.

It is instructive to see how these ideas work out along two typical rows of the
periodic table: the second short period, Na, Mg, etc., and the first transition
series, K , Ca, Si, Ti, .. . .
In the Na, etc., row, we a r e filling first the 3s and then the 3p levels. 3s and
3p atomic levels have radial nodes in their momentum space representations just
as in their radial space functions, but the orthogonalization process will make pre-
cisely the corresponding node structure appear in the O.P.W. function; a s a result
we can think in terms of a "smoothed" space in which the radial nodes a r e ignored,
and assume that the wave-function shape in this "smoothed" space is just that of a
1s o r 2p function.
In 1930 Slater, generalizing from some Hartree calculations and various empiri-
cal data, produced a very successful set of approximate atomic wave functions and
"screening constants" (43) f o r use in atomic and molecular calculations. These
1' -Kr
were smoothed nodeless functions of the form r e , and it seems that the ap-
propriate K to use in our calculation is probably just the K from these formulas.
These screening constants and wave functions have often been used as a pretty rough
estimate of the potential and relevant wave function in the important outer region
of the atom. We give here, for these elements, kF calculated from the atomic vol-
ume in the metal, K calculated as above from Slater, and also the quantity K -
that k at which the atomic momentum functions have fallen to about one-half their
peak value, Table 5. The agreement is not perfect (note that the e r r o r s in Mg and
Table 5
Na Mg A1 Si P

8 1.80 2.20 2.60 3.00

K 1 . 3 9 ~
K1 0.87 1.12 2.00 2.32
z (p:1.6) (S :1 .4)
kF 0.90 1.36 1.55 1.84

A1 indicate a mixing of s and p character in these cases), but it is not bad at all;
and it is amusing to see how nicely one may estimate the volume of a solid just by
looking at the shape of atomic wave functions. P has various complicated crystal
structures and does not resemble a metal at all, nor obey the K 112 2 kF relation-
ship. Thus P. S, and C1 cannot fit into the O.P.W. theory because the density at
which the valence electron distribution would be reasonably uniform would be so
high as to make the Fermi energy and thus the mean kinetic energy much too great
relative to that in the atom. Another way to say it is that in the atom the existence
of the shell degeneracy allows the filling up of a rather densely packed shell of
electrons without excess kinetic energy, because the exclusion principle is satis-
fied by virtue of rather complicated phase relationships among the components of
different momenta. This effect is important only in those elements with more than
two or three electrons in a shell. but in these elements it prevents the formation of
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t r u e metals, because in the true metal these phase relationships a r e necessarily

destroyed and the kinetic energy required to maintain a given electron density near
the core is much too high.
In P, S, C1, as in N, 0, F, the result is the formation of covalently bonded
molecular systems, in which the p-shell holes very much retain their atomic
p-function identity and form directed, saturated covalent bonds.
The same process but with a different result goes on in the transition series.
~ , 6 , and
Here, the electrons involved a r e orthogonalized t o ( l ~ ) (~Z ,S ) ~ (, 3 ~ ) (2p)
( 3 ~ ) ~Thus. they may take on 4s. 4p, and 3d character by virtue of the ortho-
gonalization alone. 0 . P . w . ' ~with k's near zero cannot have appreciable d charac-
ter and only weak p character, so that, naturally, at first, in K and even Ca. the
0.P.W. 's a r e for practical purposes 4s wave functions. At higher k-values. how-
e v e r , a competition between 3d and 4p functions sets in. The 4s functions effective-
ly screen the 4 p but not the 3d, and the higher n value means that K~~ < K ~so ~ ,
that a t this point the density in k space of the 4p function is negligible, and the
electrons - still essentially 0. P. W. 's - begin to f i l l 3d levels. This may be
shown by comparing screening constant K'S and the appropriate Fermi momenta.
Table 6. Here, actually, the agreement is even better than before ; and it is clear
that Sc. Ti, and even V a r e quite satisfactory "O.P.W. metals." (The numbers in
parentheses are calculated by supposing that toward the middle of this series the
Table 6
K Ca sc Ti V Cr Mh

K 1 . l x lo8 1.4 1.65 2.05 2.45 2.85 3.25 ( K ~ ~ )

K 1 0.68 0.87 1.65 2.05 2.45 2.85 3.25 ( K ~ ~ )
(2.2) (2.65) (3.22)
kF 0.75 1.12 1.59 1.89 2.19 2.47 2.57

4s will begin to empty again.) At Cr and Mn, however, and to some extent in V,
the lattice begins to be much less dense than required by the K of the 3d electrons,
and the "3d band" as an entity, separate from merely 0. P. W. 's which happen to
have 3d character near the nucleus, begins to take shape.
The behavior here is quite different from that in the p-shell s e r i e s , however,
because of the presence of the unfilled 4s-4p shell. This always retains some occu-
pation, and as more and more d levels become occupied and the atoms relatively
farther apart, the "O.P. W." Fermi surface loses the 3d electrons and returns to
that appropriate for the 4s-4p electrons alone. Thus somewhere between V and Mn
the d band proper, as a tight-binding band composed of electrons in approximately
atomic states, takes shape; before this point, there is qualitatively no difference
between a d band and any other band.
This appearance of the "inner shell" band at this point is marked by a great
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change in behavior, just a s the failure of 0. P.W. in the p shell w a s narked by the
appearance of molecular and valence structures. Here the metallic character is
retained, but the characteristic magnetic properties of inner shell electrons begin
to make themselves evident - in actual ferro- and antiferromagnetism in the 3d
row, in high magnetic susceptibilities and atypical behavior in the Pd and Pt groups.
In this digression I have tried to show why and how it is that holes in a nearly
full shell and electrons in a nearly empty one behave entirely differently in their
quantum chemical properties ; and also where and why it is that the nearly free
electron picture can no longer be expected to work. I do not believe such an analy-
sis has been carried out before.


1. Introduction
Before we leave the subject of single-electron theory it seems quite important
to discuss the behavior of electrons in solids when some nonperiodic perturbation
is added to the usual periodic field. Naturally, experiments on free electrons in
perfect equilibrium in a solid cannot tell us much about them-at best, aside from
the total energy, we may learn at most the density of states through specific heat
or, hopefully, measurements of X-ray and optical spectra. In order to study the
band structure we must perturb it. The perturbation may consist of externally
applied electric and/or magnetic fields, which a r e f o r practical purposes constant
relative to atomic dimensions, o r of localized perturbing potentials caused by one
or another disturbance of the periodic potential- impurities, dislocations, sur-
faces, etc.
Naturally, a truly weak and local perturbation, such as might be caused by hyper-
fine interaction with a nuclear magnetic moment, o r by the difference between two
isotopic nuclei, can be treated without appreciable complication by ordinary per-
turbation theory. A truly strong, local perturbation. such a s might usually be
caused by an interstitial o r missing atom (vacancy) in the structure, i s an intrinsi-
cally hard problem in a solid a s elsewhere.
78 C O N C E P T S IN S O L I D S

It happens, on the other hand, that the most common category of perturbations
of interest in solids are those which, while they may be strong in the aggregate,
are slowly varying relative to atomic dimensions. For instance, a uniform elec-
t r i c field leads to a perturbing t e r m in the hamiltonian Eex, which even for small
E can become a s large as we like in a large crystal: x--. A uniform magnetic
field is equally large numerically: the vector potential may be taken as r X H/2.
and grows linearly with the position vector r . Potential distributions caused by
dislocations, charged impurities, excitons, surfaces, e t c . , also are often slowly
varying but large. It is in this limit that the "effective hamiltonian" theory may
be expected to be valid.
In this theory the assumption is made that the electron moves entirely among
the states of a single band. We shall discuss the justification for this assumption
later, but it is obvious enough that it is reasonable, in that a potential which is
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nearly constant and smoothly varying may move the electron adiabatically back and
forth among states of nearly the same energy, but will not cause real transitions
into other bands.
I shall f i r s t give a brief discussion of the dynamics of electrons within the
"effective hamiltonian" o r "effective mass" approximation, making the above
assumption; then I shall go somewhat more deeply into some of the background of
this approximation. A number of sources have fairly complete discussions of
electron dynamics within i t : Ziman (3) for electric and magnetic fields, Kohn in
the Seitzschrift Vol. 5 for impurity states (44), Wannier (Chap. 6 of Ref. 4)-
whose approach I shall more or less follow - and various others. Kittel has rather
a nice qualitative discussion of the reason for "effective m a s s e s , " which I recom-
mend as collateral reading (2nd e d . , p. 288) since I shall not be doing it that way.
Wannier's book is reasonably good on the background justification, a s good as any
reference source except one which is difficult but complete: E. I. Blount in the
Seitzschrift , Vol. 13.
It is remarkable that this problem has remained an active one for s o long. The
corresponding free-electron results were known by 1930 -Landau's diamagnetism-
and generalized by Jones and Zener, and by Peierls, shortly thereafter for, re-
spectively, the electric and magnetic field cases, to "quasi-free'' electrons in the
effective hamiltonian approximation (46). Nonetheless, the f i r s t attempt at a
respectable derivation of these results, and understanding of in what sense they
were an approximation, came from Wannier's fundamental paper on the Wannier
functions in 1937. The derivations in Seitz a r e quite incomplete. Again, the first
breakdown of the approximation w a s discussed by Zener in 1934-the Zener effect-
and Houston in 1940. It is, however, only with the work during the past decade of
Luttinger, Adams, Wannier, Kohn, Blount, and Gibson that what one feels is proba-
bly a final understanding of the problem has been reached (45). It is somewhat
surprising that a l l of this effort should be necessary t o solve a single-particle
Schrodinger equation of a particularly simple form, and the results are an object
lesson in precisely how complicated in detail even the simplest phenomena of nature
can be.
Let us then assume that the electron in the presence of a slowly varying potential
does remain within a single band, the energy curve of which is En(k) we discuss
the nth band.

It is instructive to introduce immediately the concept of Wannier functions

an(r R.). These a r e functions obtained from a band of Bloch functions:

by Fourier analysis in the following manner:

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b n = N-'l2 e
' an(Rj)
In a tight-binding band the a are obviously the original tightbinding functions,
because then #(r) is independent of k and z k 6 (r-R.); otherwise the an are a
properly orthogonal, normalized set of functions more or l e s s localized around
the s i t e s R.. In the single-band theory, the an(r-R.) represent the closest thing
1 1
which can be achieved to eigenfunctions of position; they correspond to 6 (r - R)
for free electrons. Let us define a n operator R such that Ran(r - R.) = R.a (r - R.).
3 I n J
Within the limitations that k occupies only the first zone and that R has as
eigenvalues a discrete set of lattice positions, these represent a pair of variables
conjugate t o each other and resembling the p and r of free-electron theory, in that
[k,R] = I

This is because -by definition-

-a a
a (r - R.) aR. a n (r - R.)
aR n J J

= c

[by substitution of (19)for a n ] . Thus i(a/aR) is equivalent t o k, and vice versa.

Now if V(r) is slowly varying, we can approximate

V(r)an(r - R.)1 1 V(R.)a (r - R.) = V(R)an(r - R.)

I n 1 1

In general, for slowly varying magnetic or electric perturbations, it is valid to

assume that V ( r ) actually = V(R). Thus an approximate hamiltonian is

X = En(k) + V ( r ) = Xeff = En(k) + V(R)

+ V(R) or = En(k) + V

Within the same limitations, it is obviously no more difficult to show that in the
presence of a magnetic perturbation such that
by Mrs. Shyama Ramankutty on 06/16/16. For personal use only.

- - f i 2 ( V - = ) eA
/ 2 m2
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it is correct to replace p by iik and A(r) by A(R):

Xeu 2 En(k - r)
eA(R) + V(R)

2. Weakly Bound Impurity States

The simplest of the three kinds of problems to which this formalism can be
applied is that of a charged impurity atom in a semiconductor, such a s P in Si (44).
In Si P occupies substitutionally an Si site, but of course has an extra positive
charge; it is a "donor." The result is that at sufficiently low temperatures an
extra valence electron is bound in the region of the excess positive charge.
It happens that the resulting potential is rather weak, and the appropriate wave
function rather long-ranged, both because Si has a rather large dielectric constant
K (the potential is V = 2e / K r ) and because of the low effective mass. Therefore
one may use the "effective mass" or "effective hamiltonian" approximation. In the
case of the valence electron in Si, the energy surface En(k) consists of a set of
six "valleys" at points (ko,0, 0), where ko = 2*/a (0.85 jI along the six 100 direc-
tions. Near these valleys
2 2 Ei2(k2 + k:)
fi (kx - ko)
En@) = * + *
2m II 2ml
Let us then w r i t e as a trial wave function in one of the valleys
f(r) = F(R)bk = F(R) e an(r - R.)
0 I

and let us note that

k b =i-
a bk = k b k b = k b = O
ko "x 0 0 ko Y ko 2 ko


- ko) F(R)bk
= -
[f F(R) ] bko

- 2i [ F(R)] kobko F(R)k2b

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O ko

so that bko may be factored out of the whole wave equation and we get simply an
anisotropic hydrogen-atom wave equation :

The radius of this resulting wave function is something like h2 K/<m*> e2 =

about 50 Bohr radii in Si, K being 12 and <m*> [ t h e appropriate average t o use
must come from a numerical solution of (21)] about 1/4me.
There a r e , in this approximation, six degenerate wave functions, one coming
from each valley of the energy surface. At the central atom, the effective m a s s
theory can never be really valid, and the failure of the theory causes a perturba-
tion which splits up t h i s degeneracy, with the lowest wave function being a sym-
metrized linear combination of all six, having therefore rather a high amplitude
at the central atom and a n energy rather far from the solution of (21). Kohn and
Luttinger have considered the departures from effective mass theory in great detail.
After correction for this effect, Kohn and Schechter have worked out the rather wild
variation of the F(R) which comes from the interference among the si)r functions
(20). Feher's classic experiments measuring the amplitudes at a variety of
82 C O N C E P T S IN S O L I D S

neighboring sites have given good qualitative but not perfectly quantitative support
to this theory (47). Further detail on these effective m a s s wave functions is not
suitable here.

3. Motion in External Fields

I shall follow Wannier in taking as the simpler example of the behavior and of
the failure of the effective m a s s approximation in the presence of external fields
the case of a uniform electric field rather than of a magnetic one. In an electric
field, the effective hamiltonian is

xeff = En(k) - e E -R
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Taking E in the x direction, this is

It is not very instructive t o t r y to find explicit eigenfunctions of this hamiltonian.

although it can in fact be done, because their interpretation would be rather mean-
ingless, as we can see by realizing that in the free-electron case the electrons
simply accelerate off to infinity.
Instead let u s look at the equations of motion of the two canonically conjugate
variables :

dt a a
ifi = [X, R] = E n (k) (-i-)
ak + i -ak
E n (k)


This is a familiar result f o r the group velocity of a wave packet in a dispersive

medium, but here the packet need consist. if we like, only of a single component
of a definite momentum k , since V E (k) is a function of k alone. This relation-
k n
ship clearly doesn't depend on the form of the perturbation and is a general property
of band electrons.
Next we find the equation of motion of k:

ifi dk = [X,k] = ieE (-
dt a k - k - )a = ieE
"k, "x

Again, this is a remarkably simple result and can be immediately integrated:

k = k + Et/fi. lik is often called the "crystal momentum P " and this equation
0 C'
states that dPc/dt = F , w h e r e F is the force on the charge e . With these two
equations, exact within the effective hamiltonian approximation, we can follow the
motion of a n electron starting in any individual Bloch wave bn(ko), or of a wave
packet centered about a given ko .
Let us plot, then, the E,(k) curve along some line parallel to the x axis in k
space; this will then give the variation of energy in time (Figure 19). Note that
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llS0 x

and of velocity : I
V X = a k

Figure 19

as k increases to the zone boundary we must make use of the periodicity of the en-
ergy bands in k space. We realize that as it passes the boundary it goes on into
the next zone. which is just equivalent to hopping back to the corresponding point
on the opposite face of the zone.
It is rather important to note that the resulting velocity is periodic, going
through negative as well as positive values. The net displacement of a wave packet
can be obtained by integrating the velocity against time :

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Thus after each period the displacement returns to zero. This is not surprising
when we realize that a full band of electrons must not carry any net current, since
an insulator can be described by full bands.
The only reason why a n actual metal or semiconductor carries a current is the
presence of relaxation effects which stop the electrons from undergoing their
periodic displacements as soon as they have accelerated only a tiny distance in
k space : the resulting distribution is slightly increased in the +v direction.
slightly decreased in - v . and the end result is a true current. On the other hand,
in a n insulator there a r e no empty final states available f o r scattering, s o we must
visualize the electrons as actually carrying out the periodic displacement.
The total displacement in the x direction is the band width W/eE . This encour-
ages u s to think in t e r m s of a very useful semiclassical visualization of the band
structure in the presence of an external potential (Figure 20). Semiclassically
(not really classically, because the band concept is not classical) the electron of a
fixed energy can be expected to oscillate back and forth between the upper and lower
band edges. confined by the forbidden gaps.

The total period in time of the oscillation is the time taken for d to move from
one zone boundary to the next: i.e., liK/eE = T. K is 2*/a (a = spacing of planes)
so that the corresponding energy splitting is hw = eEa. The reason for this split-
ting is obvious: a wave function displaced by just a still satisfies the same wave
equation, but the energy displacement is eEa. These "Stark ladders," as Wannier
calls them (48), have actually been observed in p-n junctions. With normal elec-
3 4
tric fields attainable even in quite good insulators- 10 to 10 v/cm o r 10 to
100 esu/cm - this splitting is extremely small- to ev - correspond-
ing to very long periods, of the order s e c , as compared to mean free times
for scattering of the order at the very best. This is the reason why in the
presence of scattering the distribution usually remains very close to equilibrium.
In p-n junctions, on the other hand, and especially in tunnel diodes, one can obtain
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voltages of the o r d e r of the band gap over 10 to 100 lattice spacings, and small
displacements may correspond to a reasonable energy (Figure 21).

p-n junction

- - - - - - -- _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Valence band

Figure 2 1

This energy splitting may also be calculated by a method much more analogous
to the calculation of the splitting of the "Landau levels" which are so important in
the magnetic case. Suppose we attempt to quantize the motion of the electron back
and forth between the two band edges by the semiclassical phase-integral rule:


Let us now take the difference Ak between this and the next possible orbit:

This leads simply to t h e Einstein frequency condition for the splitting:

6 - 1 AE = 2a/T

We have derived A E otherwise earlier, but in the magnetic case this method is the
only simple one.
This then completes the discussion of the behavior of free electrons in homoge-
neous electric fields within the effective hamiltonian theory. A s we see, the phe-
nomena, while fascinating, a r e not very informative about band structure, but
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fortunately the case of the magnetic field is experimentally much more useful (50).
I shall treat this very much more complicated case extremely briefly and then t r y
to say a few words about where and how the whole effective hamiltonian theory
The effect of a magnetic field is to replace the force eE in the crystal momen-
tum equation dpc/dt = F by the Lorentz force e (v/c) 2 H:

Thus in the presence of a magnetic field k moves in a direction perpendicular both

to H and to the gradient of the energy surface, which means it follows a contour of
constant energy about the magnetic field (Figure 22).

Figure 23
2 2
When En = fi k /2m* Eq. (22) is easy to solve, giving the cyclotron frequency
eH/m*c. Otherwise it can be shown in various ways that the frequency is

A E = fiw
= 2ne/fic aA

where A is the area intersected by the appropriate plane normal to the field H.
Correspondingly, there are quantized levels at those energies for which

These a r e the Landau levels, which a r e vital t o the theory of the De Haas-van
Alphen and cyclotron effects, which have been of great value in the study of actual
band structures.
One important consequence of Eq. (22)has come into prominence in the p a s t few
years, particularly through the work of Lifshitz and his group in Kharkov. T h i s is
the possibility of so-called "open orbits" in the magnetic case (51). It is possible
f o r a band structure to be such that as the electron drifts perpendicular t o H along
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a constant-energy surface, t h i s surface intersects the boundary of the zone, and

the electron wanders off into the next zone and the next, and so on (Figure 23).


Figure 23

This orbit is very like that in the electric c a s e ; again, there is no net drift of the
electron in the direction in which the orbit c r o s s e s the boundary, but it can d r i f t in
the other direction perpendicular to H, where electrons in the closed orbits cannot.
Since l / w c , a s opposed t o the electronic case, can be made short compared t o 7 ,
such orbits can have very strong effects. In particular, their existence h a s
explained the decades-old puzzle of the nonsaturation of high-f ield magnetoresist-
It should be emphasized that all of these results are qualified not only by those
limitations of the effective hamiltonian theory which I shall shortly discuss, but
also by the fact that in the magnetic case they are only correct semiclassically,
unless the energy surfaces are, in fact, perfect spheres or ellipsoids. In the case
of cyclotron resonance near a band-degeneracy point in Si and Ge, quantum devia-
tions have been computed and measured for very low quantum-number o r b i t s , by
Fletcher and Luttinger (52, 53).

4. Breakdown Effects
One physically well-understood effect which lies completely outside of the
domain of the effective hamiltonian is the Zener tunneling effect, which is not only
of importance in practical applications of semiconductors but can be demonstrated
quite easily on a very simple model. Let us go back to the perturbation theory for
nearly free electrons and discuss what happens at a zone boundary if we now apply
an electric field.
The equation R (dk/dt) = e E holds in any case, so that in the absence of the
zone boundaries the electrons accelerate indefinitely in the field:
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In fact, we may find a n exact solution of the time-dependent wave equation

by setting * = a(t) exp t

(iR % -
eExa) exp [ik(t)] x = K 2 (k + F) .k - eExe

where now a(t) satisfies a wave equation with a time-dependent kinetic energy
n n

ifi ;ii; = E0 (k(t)) a = ~ ~ ( k + ? ) a


This may be integrated but the result is quite irrelevant; the important thing is that
by allowing k to vary with time the acceleration may be replaced by a time-
dependent k vector and kinetic energy.
Now let us introduce the Fourier component VK of the periodic potential. This
will bring in a constant coupling in the wave equation. between k(t) and k(t) - K ,
which is another state also accelerating constantly. On an energy vs. k diagram,
k - K moves along with k and we may plot it either on the same parabola o r on one
shifted by the reciprocal lattice vector K and crossing it at the zone boundary (Fig-
ure 24). Within the approximation that V is small, it is necessary only to consider
the two k vectors which a r e near the crossing point P. Near this point we may ex-
pand the correct wave function as a sum of the two accelerated plane waves:

* = a @ )exp [i (k + - x] + b(t) exp [i (k -K+ F) x]


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Figure 24

and it is easy to see that we get a pair of coupled equations for a and b :
ifi x = E [k(t)] a + VK b

db = E [k(t) - K ] b + VK a

The hamiltonian matrix is

This wave equation is of a form which is well known, in the theory of adiabatic o r
rapid passage. f o r instance. There are two limiting cases. If V is weak enough,
it acts merely a s a small perturbation. If we s t a r t with a = 1 . b = 0. after
crossing the zone boundary the coefficient a is still large. b is small,. and the
electron simply hops the energy gap and continues to accelerate. One can easily
show that

b = lVKl

a _---.

in this. which is called the rapid limit.

In the adiabatic limit, where V is quite large, it is more nearly correct to
assume that the hamiltonian may be diagonalized at each instant of time, giving
energies for the two states equivalent to the separate band energies En&). In this
case a transforms adiabatically into b, while there is a very tiny probability of
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dt (Ek -
2d b2k2
E k - K ) = --
dt 2m =
m -

4 -200 .
This is by far the m o r e usual case. For a gap of 1 volt and E = 10 c m , P = e
But when E
- 7
10 , as in a p-n junction, P is quite large and tunnelling is perfectly

It was noted recently by Falicov (54). and a good theory was given by Blount (55).
that a similar phenomenon occurs rather m o r e easily in some c r y s t a l s in the mag-
netic case. If a zone boundary interrupts a nearly free electron magnetic orbit,
the electron as it runs around the energy surface can hop into the next orbit (Figure
25). As we have already noted the rate of motion in the magnetic case can become
quite large, and the effect has indeed been observed in M g . The effect is called
"magnetic breakdown. "

3 G
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Figure 25

It is worth noting that in this limit E or H appears in the form

exp - [const/E or H I , so that these results could never appear as the power-series
result of a perturbation theory in E or H, since all derivatives of e-(l/x) vanish at
x = 0. We will find that the effective hamiltonian theory can be proved to be cor-
rect to all orders of a perturbation theory, but of course we have conclusively
shown that it does not contain all physical effects nonetheless. Thus the perturba-
tion theory can be asymptotically convergent at best.

5. Rigorous Basis of Effective Hamiltonian Theory

Now I should like to give a brief discussion of how one goes about improving on
the effective hamiltonian theory (56). A very simple qualitative picture, due to
Adams, will show the principle of this in a graphic way. Consider a very open
lattice in which tight-binding theory is a rather good approximation, SO that the
Bloch functions are the tight-binding functions,

We are assuming that overlap is quite small, so that to a fair approximation the
0n are also the Wannier functions an(r - R.). A picture of the real part of the
Bloch wave function then might be as shown in Figure 26.
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Now in deriving the effective hamiltonian we made the basic assumption that
V(r), the true perturbation by the internal field, could be replaced by V(R), where
V(R) is defined by the relationship

V(R)an(r - R.) = V(R.)a (r-R.)

3 I n 3

For a uniform electric field, for instance, this assumes that r m a y be replaced by
its value at the center of the appropriate Wannier function. It is quite easy then to
see that in the very localized case we axe discussing, if V(r) = - er is the linear
potential a s shown in this diagram, V(R) is the stair-step potential shown in Figure
27 and the difference is the sawtooth wave shown in Figure 28. Let us call this
difference X = r - R. obviously, in any physical case X will not look like the
figure, but it can always be defined in t e r m s of this difference, which in turn
depends on an (r - R.). We notice immediately:
1. The difference X is small of the order eEa, where a is the lattice constant,
so that the largeness of the perturbation is entirely contained in the operator R, and
thus the effective hamiltonian theory contains essentially all the ,?urge effects.
2. X is periodic with the lattice period. Therefore to any order in perturbation
theory we may redefine our Bloch and Wannier functions a s the solution of a new
band problem
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Figure 21

Figure 28

and thus eliminate the effect of X. Thus to any order in perturbation theory there
n t
is a new set of bands with new energy (Ek) , new velocity (no longer given exactly
by aE/ak), e t c . , and the effective hamiltonian theory is valid for the new bands
with this proviso. Note however that X is defined in t e r m s of a , which in turn
depends on b s o that the only way to solve the equation is not once and f o r all but
by iteration t o all o r d e r s .
3 . The effect of X on the Wannier functions in this case is in fact an obvious
physical effect which w a s indeed left out of our original theory: an electric field not
only must have the effect of accelerating electrons, it has the effect of polarizing
the individual atoms' wave functions. For instance, it must mix in some of the
p-band functions into the s band, e t c . , and this effect must be there no matter how
localized the Wannier functions a r e . In other words, it is quite obviaus that X may
have interband matrix elements Xnn'; but we expect that these interband matrix
elements will be those of a periodic potential, small of order eEa.

At this point this is merely a program, and it is the actual proof of these results
which has occupied the group of people I mentioned over the past 10 years. To s e e
what must be done, let u s leave the tight-binding approximation and define X f o r a
general band. There a r e actually two ways; the most obvious is in terms of
Wannier function:

Xan(r - R.) = (r - R . ) a n ( r
1 1
- R.)

so that the matrix elements of X a r e

( n , j lXln',j') = I d r a n ( r - R . ) a , ( r - R.') (r - R.')

I n 1 1
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Thus X is a function of R. - R.,, which proves it to be periodic but nonlocal.

3 1
The l e s s obvious way is t h e so-called "crystal momentum representation."
Clearly, since
bE(r) = c e a n ( r - R.)

But using the other representation,

SO that X is the operation - i(a/ak) applied to uk, the periodic part, alone. Again,
this is clearly periodic, since the result is a Bloch function of the same k; but the
operator is nonlocal. This crystal-momentum representation is more valuable in
the magnetic case, because it is also necessary there to expand the operator p
which appears in the perturbation in t e r m s of periodic and nonperiodic parts.
In each of these representations there appears a possible difficulty. This is most
obvious in the first: if the an (r - R.) a r e not sufficiently localized X may have
large or even divergent m a t r i x elements. For instance, the case that Wannier
calculated in his original paper was that of free electrons considered as bands, and
an fell off only as sin r/r, so that the matrix elements would diverge rather
The way around this is the contribution of Gibson and Blount. Notice that we de-

a n ( r - R.) = e 'bf:(r)

This is, however, by no means unique, because the different bkls have an entirely
arbitrary phase with respect to each other, since they are defined only up to an
arbitrary constant factor. Thus we have an infinite space of possible an's:

ik-R. isk
an = C e e bk(r)
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This phase transformation is, Blount showed, very like a gauge transformation,
and most results a r e not really changed by it; but it is convenient to specify the
phases by the requirement that the an be as localized as possible - by a varia-
tional principle, that is.
We can see precisely the same trouble in the a/ak definition; again, each b,
may be multiplied by an arbitrary phase, and it is only by some particular specifi-
cation that we can make X a smooth function of k.
In the case of a single, separate band an may be proved to fall off exponentially
with distance in the best phase specification, and the whole theory is very well con-
vergent. When lines or points of degeneracy occur, the an do not fall off very
rapidly, although they do, in fact, fall off just rapidly enough for convergence. But
much simpler results may be obtained at such a point or line by making new linear
combinations among the different bands in such a way that the Wannier functions a r e
well localized and the X and k operators well-behaved. Then, however, the un-
perturbed band energy is no longer a numerical function En&) but a matrix
(k). This procedure was first used by Luttinger in his treatment of cyclotron
resonance at the degenerate valence-band maximum in Ge. Using this technique of
phase specification, Blount has proved the validity of the effective hamiltonian
theory to all orders of perturbation theory.
It might be worthwhile to comment without further detail on the rather fascinating
complexity of some of the results one can obtain. One important result i s the fact
that to various orders in E or H new and rather surprising terms in various physi-
cal operators enter - for instance, the famous anomalous current in the anoma-
lous Hall effect (57) - which can lead to currents, energy transports, etc. , which
a r e purely quantum polarization effects outside the domain of normal transport
theory. Many other effects, complicated but interesting to the specialist, appear
when such further complications a s spin-orbit coupling are properly introduced.


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Everything I said during the first t e r m of this course w a s based on an approxi-
mation - an approximation, in fact, which we can easily convince ourselves is a
very rough one i n most cases. That was the approximation that the electrons in the
solid move independently of each other, and of the motions, which we did not even
discuss, of the heavy ion cores. At the very best, we have taken into account the
interaction of the electrons - except f o r a brief reference to the Wigner-Pines cal-
culation of correlation energy - in t e r m s only of its average, i. e., of Hartree-Fock
The electrons and ions in a solid do, in fact, interact very strongly, and in what
would be expected to be a rapidly fluctuating way. Two simple instances a r e worth
noting. We saw that the correlation-energy correction was comparable to the bind-
ing energy of the alkali metals, and thus could hardly be considered t o be a small
effect. We also note that the interaction energy of two charges at fairly large dis-
tances must be reduced by the dielectric constant K:e /r
- 2
e / K r . Values of K for
typical solids range in the order of 3 t o 20 even for insulators, s o that the resulting
change in the interaction is rather large.
Both a r e true many-body effects, lying entirely outside the domain of Hartree-
Fock theory. What I shall be doing f o r the remainder of these lecture notes is to
discuss these many-body effects. Unfortunately, no good text on any but the highest
level seems t o exist in this field, even though many of the concepts are not difficult;
perhaps the best is Pines in a set of lecture notes and reprints (58). Other refer -
ences a r e Landau-Lifshitz (Chapter VI of Ref. 6) and, more advanced, but the most
readable of the highbrow books, Thouless, "Quantum Mechanics of Many-Body Sys -
terns" (59); also the Les Houches notes (80).
How can it be then that the use of simple one-electron concepts leads u s s o often
to qualitatively, and even sometimes semiquantitatively, correct conclusions? There
are actually quite a number of answers to this question, with only one of which we


shall be primarily concerned in these next few lectures. Nevertheless it might be

well to list several of them here: (1) the variational theorem, (2) the exclusion prin-
ciple, (3) screening, and (4) the concept of elementary excitations.

1. The Variational Theorem

The first, the variational theorem, almost goes without saying -
but it applies
to the ground-state energy only. That is, although the Hartree-Fock wave function
is not a very accurate approximation to the true wave function of a system containing
many electrons and ions (for a large system, there is almost no overlap between the
two), nonetheless its energy is not anywhere nearly s o bad an approximation.

2. The Exclusion Principle

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In the Hartree-Fock theory of electronic systems the exclusion principle plays a

very important role in reducing the many-body effects. While recognized many years
ago for the free electron gas, this effect has been pin-pointed and formalized, par-
ticularly by Weisskopf (61), and later by Brueckner in the c a s e of nuclear particles;
and a similar effect for finite electronic systems has been particularly emphasized
by MacWeeny (62).
In Section 2-A1 we wrote the Hartree-Fock Wave function for a many-electron
system in the following way:

'HF =occ. nstates cf

nu 'vac
n, u
where the c create electrons in a set of orthogonal orbitals @ which a r e the
nu nu,
best single-electron orbitals of the problem, in the sense that we eliminated all
matrix elements having the effect of exciting one single electron alone out of an occu-
pied state into an unoccupied one M > N. This, as we explained, w a s the

sense of the equation X, cna ] = EncJu + truly off-diagonal terms.
Then any perturbation which can occur must simultaneously take two electrons
out of occupied states n, n' into unoccupied states my m'; the appropriate matrix
elements a r e
98 C O N C E P T S IN S O L I D S

For instance, the lowest-order correction in perturbation theory to the energy is

Because of the exclusion principle, these matrix elements are likely to be rather
small. The reason is that the states m and m' must be chosen from among a sub-
s p a c e of states which are orthogonal to the states n and n', and are likely t o be v e r y
different from them - either to occupy different places in real space, o r to vary
rapidly relative to them, i. e. , to be in different p a r t s of momentum space. Thus
the integral is usually unexpectedly small. A good way t o put it is to point out that
the integral is the Coulomb interaction energy of the c h a r g e distribution
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But, by orthogonality,

i. e., these charge distributions alternate in sign, usually rather rapidly, s o that
their interaction is not very great. This is MacWeeny's argument.
The nuclear physicists put it in the form that electrons n and n' a r e very limited
in the amount of phase-space they can scatter each other into by the exclusion prin-
ciple. For instance, in the free electron gas they have to scatter each other entire-
ly out of the Fermi sphere, and this weakens the scattering (Figure 29). We shall
r e t u r n to this topic both in the study of Fermi liquids and of the magnetic state.

the t r u e
will have a finite modification from qHF for each n. Thus as N 0, -
Note that the scattering of each of the possible p a i r s n, n' will be finite, so that

Figure 29

since qHFis a product of N factors, each of which has been modified by a finite
amount, its overlap with the t r u e 0.

3. Screening
When we introduce a charge - as, for instance, the charge of a particular elec-
tron whose motion we may be studying -into a gas of electrons, the other electrons
will, of course, be attracted by it and move toward it if it be positive, be repelled
and move away if it is negative. In the latter case, for instance, the motion leaves
behind a deficiency of electronic charge relative to the original Hartree-Fock den-
sity, which is equivalent to a certain amount of positive charge. The external elec-
tron thus interacts with other electrons at any distance as though it had a smaller
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charge it has been screened by the other electrons. This acts very strongly to
reduce correlation effects.

4. The Concept of Elementary Excitations

The final idea, and one which I shall be speaking on for some pages, is the idea of
of elementary excitations. This concept again is an idea that has grown rather
gradually, so gradually indeed that one can hardly name an originator, although
perhaps Landau [in 1941 (63) and his book (6) ] more than anyone else is responsible
for the conscious realization that a general approach of this sort existed, He intro-
duced the name "elementary excitations. " Frrjhlich (64) and Fines (65) a r e respon-
sible for the realization of the value of exploiting the methods of quantum field
theory, which has opened up the whole subject of many-body theory as a mathe-
matical discipline; and Kohn (66) and Luttinger (67), along with a number of others
but more than anyone else, for the concept that rigorous proofs of some of the ideas
of elementary excitation theory are possible. But one must not leave out the name
of Debye, as the first user of an elementary excitation theory (Debye phonon theory),
or of Wigner, as the first to reason on the subject of correlated electronic motions.
There are two ideas behind the concept of elementary excitations. First is the
idea that the total binding energy of the ground state is not a very important physical
quantity, and does not have much to do with the behavior of a physical system.
What is important physically is the behavior of the lower excited states relative to
the ground state: those states, that is, which a r e likely to be excited at relatively
low temperatures or by weak external fields. We think immediately of a metal or a
semiconductor, in which all the behavior is determined by the low excited states
which we speak of as having a few moving charge c a r r i e r s , or of the elastic or
thermal properties of a solid, determined by the presence of a small number of
lattice waves, which we call phonons. Thus our interest is often focused on the set
of low-lying excited states of a system as the physically most fundamental property
of it.
The second idea is that the low-lying states often - in fact almost always -
of a particularly simple character, and can be treated with much greater mathemat-
ical rigor and physical understanding than other states. Let me explain the reason
for this.

As I have been emphasizing, in spite of the minimizing effects we have been

talking about, the many-body corrections to the wave function and energy of the
true ground state Y are very great: in particular ?I. and the single-particle
g g
approximation *kHFhave little or nothing to do with each other, because Y differs
in the coordinates of each of the N particles.
Now we do know, usually, something about the group properties of the ground
state. In an insulator, for instance, the electronic wave function has the full
symmetry of the translation group: T*
g = *kg'
F o r simplicity, let us consider excited states of the system with precisely one
added particle. In Hartree-Fock approximation. the lowest such state of a given
crystal momentum k would be the state in which the extra electron is in the lowest
empty band in the state of momentum k:
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This is of course nothing like an eigenstate. We can, however, compare the lowest
eigenstate \kk of momentum k a d one extra electron t o the true ground eigenstate
There will be some operator qk t which represents the relationship between
these two states:

t is that it inevitably represents

The most important thing about the operator qk
only a very small displacement of the entire system. In the simple case we are
discussing, we shall see that in fact out of the N- electrons only those of
momentum k a r e disturbed a finite amount. In more complicated cases, it may be
that every electron is displaced in some sense-as in a plasma oscillation-but
only by an infinitesimal amount.
Thus, as far as almost all the electrons are concerned, *k is the same, nearly,
as *
If, for example, we consider a wave packet made up from k's near a cen-
tral value ko,

we can expect that the resulting disturbance in the wave function will be localized to
the region near ro of size l/Ak. If the wave function were truly Hartree-Fock, of
course, this would necessarily be so:
'packet would be

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In the more general case, we feel that the formation of a packet will result in a
disturbance of the true ground state rk which is localized. Thus the operator

qt (ro. k ) = [dk
0 .
exp [- ik-ro -
k - ko
( x ) ' ] q ;

is an operator which creates only a localized disturbance.

If, then, we form a wave function which has two of these wave packets present

we can expect that the two packets will not interfere with each other very much, for
most of the possible values of ro and r o t . Thus if the excited state Ikk has ex-
citation energy Ek = ('kk 1x1'kk) - E
we can expect that the excited state contain-
ing two such excitations h a s the sum of the two energies, to o r d e r 1/N (that being
the order of the actual overlap of the two wave functions).
E (ko. ko') = E + E + 0 (jq)
k0 kO

This is the fundamental thought behind the concept of elementary excitations :

that in a very large system two such excitations will not interfere, whether they be
simple quasi-particles such as I have discussed here, phonons, excitons, or some-
thing even more complicated. Thus, when the number of excitations present is
sufficiently small, the properties of the system, and particularly the energy, will
be a linear superposition of the properties of noninteracting elementary excitations.
Another consequence in this case is that two qk's which are not interacting will
have the true fermion anticommutation rules. It is not easy to show, but it is true,
that we can always take the q's a s having fermion commutation rules in general.
This, then, is a preliminary definition we can make of an elementary excitation:
An elementary excitation of momentum k is thut operator which creates the lowest
excited state of a particulur type of momentum k from the pound state. From the
above reasoning, we expect these excitations to interact only weakly- in order 1/N,
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in fact-so that the system can contain a relatively large number of them, and thus
be in a state of a very high degree of excitation in terms of absolute number n of
excitations, and still we can treat the excitations as an approximately noninteract-
ing gas of independent particIes. It is important to realize that the above idea of
packet formation is not confined to the particular type of excited state I discussed,
but may be applied t o lowest eigenstates chosen in such a way as to represent single
phonons, spin waves, etc. Another way of saying it is that the concept of elemen-
tary excitations i s a way of linearizing the equations of the system about the true
ground state rather than about some independent particle approximation.
Before going further into qualifications and extensions of the above definition, it
might be very well t o give some concrete examples. In addition, I should like to
support the statement I made earlier that our physical classifications of solids and
of some liquids a r e based to a large extent on the types of elementary excitations
which they exhibit. Thus I shall write the elementary excitations and the types of
material in which they a r e important in list form, with the elementary excitation on
the left and the type of material it characterizes on the right.
1 . Free electronic charge carriers
a . With energy gap, energy minimum
near isolated points in momentum
space Insulators and semiconductors
b. With energy gap, energy minimum
at a surface in momentum space;
charge state peculiar Superconductor
c. No energy gap; Ek vanishes at a
surface in k space Metal (normal)

Note: Polarons a r e merely a further elaboration of all the above, except for the
self-trapped polaron. which may be the dominant excitation in certain substances
which a r e neither metal nor insulator.

2. Density WcIves
a . Longitudinal phonons Solid; quantum Base liquid ; certain
cases of quantum Fermi superfluid
b . Transverse phonons Solid
c. Zero sound Some quantum F e r m i normal fluids
d . Spin.density waves Some quantum F e r m i normal fluids
e . Plasmons -
M e t a l s and many insulators
most charged quantum fluids
Note: Ordinary sound in classical fluids and second sound are not elementary
excitations in the above sense, but purely statistical phenomena. They depend for
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their existence on the establishment of local equilibrium by irreversible processes.

3. Spin fluctuations
a . Ferromagnetic spin waves:
nogap, Am = 1 Ferromagnets
b . Antiferromagnetic spin waves:
gap, Am - 0 a s k - 0 Ant iferromagnets
c . Spin rotations in general;
k not defined, but still an
important example of an "Magnetic state"-ferro-, antiferro-,
elementary excitation theory and paramagnets

4 . Miscellaneous
a . Excitons, including spin A two-particle excitation of insulators,
excitation waves of Slater and perhaps superconductors
b . Rotons (energy gap,
surface in k space) Liquid He4
c . "d-mons" (A density wave of questionable exist-
ence in substances containing two
or more types of carrier with widely
different masses)
d. Various excitations associated
with imperfections in the periodic
structure -surface states,
localized modes, impurity states,
bound excitons, etc. These a r e
a matter for the student of
details - possibly crucial in the
behavior of real solids, but not of
much basic importance in the m. b .p.

As you can see, a majority of the interesting phenomena of solid-state physics

find themselves categorized somewhere in this list. Not all however ; not even,
actually, all the entities which have in common with them the character of small,
elemental disturbances of the regular structure of the normal solid, which in many
ways we treat as independent particles. Such entities a s vacancies, interstitials,
and impurities seem t o deserve a separate category of "elementaryness" which is
not very similar to the elementary excitation idea, primarily in that their behavior
is in a real sense classical rather than quantum mechanical. Dislocations, and
their "quantum" counterparts, quantized vortices and flux lines, are still another
category ; these a r e much larger (size N l/3) and more complicated phenomena.
In the case of each of the elementary excitation types, the approximate inde-
pendence mentioned above allows us a common approach to the calculation and the
understanding of thermal and transport properties. We treat the elementary
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excitations as, to a zero'th approximation, a gas of noninteracting Bose or Fermi

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particles, as the case may be, and then the statistical mechanics and transport
theory become no more difficult than they are for a perfect noninteracting gas. In
more sophisticated applications, we can include the interaction of the elementary
excitations to any desired order ; the lowest order will allow them to scatter on each
other when they approach within a short distance. The interaction which scatters
the elementary excitations, like the excitations themselves, must be considered a s
the result of an actual calculation which necessarily brings in the N-body character
of the system, but in many cases we can treat it phenomenologically or approxi-
mately and achieve reasonable results. Finally, in a number of important cases we
can actually draw conclusions about the nature of the ground state itself by reason-
ing backward from the properties of the elementary excitations, a s in the Debye-
Waller theory of zero-point motion of phonons.


1. Quasi:Particles
Let us talk about the particularly simple example of elementary excitations with
which we started this discussion, namely, free carriers in a semiconductor or in-
sulator. This problem is often called the "N + 1" body problem because we a r e
really interested only in the changes which come from the addition of the extra
particle. There are two general types of elementary excitations; this is an example
of the type which are called "quasi-particles, " because they closely resemble
particles in independent Hartree-Fock single-electron wave functions and because
they have the same commutation rules and charge a s the individual particles in the
medium from which they spring -in the usual case, they a r e fermions . The con-
trasting type of elementary excitation is the collective excitation, which includes
phonons, plasmons. excitons, spin waves, etc. Rotons in He4 are an anomalous
case and share the properties of each type.
t is that it has a finite over-
The characteristic of a quasi-particle excitation qk
lap with the corresponding single-particle approximation c;:

Z finite (not of order l / N ) . This must be thought of as a definition; we cannot

prove that such excitations always exist, nor should we be able to, because there
a r e systems i n which for practical purposes they do not. Equation (1) is not triv-
ial, because we know of course that the overlap between the actual ground state
* g
and the Hartree-Fock approximation qkHF is of order e-N. Thus in discuss-
ing quasi-particles we a r e working with a concept removed only a finite distance
from the independent-particle model, which is a great conceptual advantage.
One way of thinking of Eq. ( l ) , which corresponds very closely to the way the
many-body theorists actually deal with quasi-particles ( 6 8 ) , is to consider the
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question: suppose at time t = O I were to operate on the true ground state with the
operator ck t which creates a particle in (say) a plane-wave state eik.r. Now I wait
a very long time T , during which time the hamiltonian operates on the system, so
that the new wave function at time T is e-iHT 4eg. Now, I ask if the particle is
still in the state k. That means I apply the destruction operator Ck and take the
scalar product with the original ground state. Thus I compute

+iHT -iHTctq
= (*,, e k k g

Now, to evaluate this, it is useful to insert into this matrix element a set of exact
excited states, 0r.e of which is the quasi-particle state qt \k but of which, as we
k g
have said, there may be a very large number. For instance, it is very likely that
c: can have the effect of making a state with two quasi-particles and one quasi-
i i

hole, the sum of the momenta of the three adding up t o k: q: qk qk +k2 - *

1 2 1
Let us call any one of the very large number of such possible excited states Qn,
and note that almost all the possible types of *n w i l l enter not with finite but with
infinitesimal amplitude, because there a n infinity of such states with the same
momentum. (The only possible exception, which is trivial to deal with, is other
band states in a periodic potential.) Thus
106 C O N C E P T S IN S O L I D S

-i(Em- Eg)T
G ~ ( T )= C < g l ck i m > e crnI\lg>

Here the excitation energy E has been defined a s E

an integral in the limit N - m , of the form - Eg . The sum over n w i l l be
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where all the Ens are greater than Ek. Such integrals always lead to rapidly de-
caying functions; thus G(T) at large times is controlled by the one quasi-particle
excitation. We can say that, having created the electron i n state k, an amount Z of
it remains after a very long time, the rest having decayed away into a continuum of
states ; this amount Z behaves a s if it had the energy of the quasi-particle.
Note that this gives us an operational way of defining the quasi-particle opera-
tor qk. That is, we may use the equation

i(E; + E )T
multiply this by e g and integrate to get


i(Ek + E )T
qi = const. l O w d T e g

That is, we can select out of the time-dependent wave function the part belonging to
the true quasi-particle just by appropriately averaging over all times, which gives

6 -function
I <nl cklg>l2
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Figure 30

us infinitely more of the exact quasi-particle function than of any of the background.
In terms of energy spectra, we may-draw Figure 30. Thus if we multiply by an
energy delta-function filter like
1 dT e-iET we can easily pick out the quasi-

behavior i n the T --
particle state and i t s energy. This trick of obtaining exact results by studying the
limit is a characteristic formal device of the M . B . T .
Kohn, Ambegaokar (69),and recently Blount (45) have established a consider-
able number of exact results about the N + 1 electron problem based on these ideas.
One result is to show rigorously that in the equivalent to the one-band approxima-
tion one may use the quasi-particle energy curve E(k) as an effective kinetic-
energy part of a one-band hamiltonian, just as in the theory of Bloch electrons one
may treat the hamiltonian as E(k) + V(R). A second result is t o show that in the
long-range limit the potential is corrected by the macroscopic, static dielectric
constant K ; an electron is attracted to a stationary charge q by a potential eq/Kr,
if the electron is far f r o m the charge.
This last result has received a great deal of attention in the literature. Although
it is trivial from a physical point of view, the mathematical demonstration is not,
and it brings out some interesting points. I cannot in this course go into the full
derivation, but I think it will be instructive in the techniques of the N + 1 body prob-
lem to show roughly what is involved in it.
Suppose there is built up- say by the introduction of the external charge e -an
electrostatic potential V ( r ) in the material, which of course gives rise to a pertur-
bation term in the hamiltonian


V(q) = eiq"V(r)

for a n external charge e .

We have assumed here that the ion cores do not move when the charge is intro-
duced, s o that the potential is not reduced by the dielectric constant corresponding
to the ion-core motion; this is reasonable in a nonpolar semiconductor, and can be
taken into account anyway in other cases.
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A typical matrix element of (3) between two quasi-states K, K+Q is

where obviously all matrix elements with q z Q must disappear by momentum con-
servation. The theorem of Kohn and Ambegaokar is that the scalar product in this
equation is equal to I / K , where K is the dielectric constant of the electron gas, at
least in the limit Q 0, which corresponds to very long range forces [ t h e long-
range part of V is of course V(Q-0)] .
This is a rather surprising theorem at first sight because precisely in the limit
Q=O the matrix element is (I' K, zk\'IK) = total number of particles = N+1.
The reason for this discrepancy is clear, however ; the disturbance due to a single

electron will polarize the entire crystal out to r -

quasi-particle has some basically long-range components because the charge of that

- -, and this long-range effect

leads to peculiar behavior in the limit Q 0 . That this is the reason can be dem-
onstrated in a very direct way. Let us look at a sample of a perfect insulator to
which w e have added a single electron, not in a particular quasi-particle state K
but in a wave packet of the sort to which I referred earlier, made up of a linear
combination of states around a given KO and localized near a point Ro, which
we shall choose as the origin:

Let us first look physically at the problem. We have added an extra electron within
a region of size A R = l / A K at the center of the insulator (Figure 31). We think
therefore that there is one extra electronic charge within this region. If, now, we
consider the resulting polarization of the sphere of dielectric from AR out to the
outer radius R of the sample, this sphere w i l l be polarized by the field E of the
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Figure 31

electronic charge, the polarization being P = [ (K - 1)/4n] E . This Leads to a totaL

surface charge on the inner and outer surfaces of the sphere of

+ (K-1) ( ~ R ) ~ E ( A Rinner

- (K- 1) R~ E(R) outer

and E is the field caused by the net charge,

o r , E r 2 = e/K, and the surface charges a r e f [ ( K - 1 ) / K ] e .

Actually, the sphere is not cut physically by the boundary at AR, so that this
surface charge is approximately compensated by the surface charge on the inner
dielectric sphere. The actual location of the polarization charge is specifiable only
roughly, a s being in the region where the quasi-particle is. All we can definitely
determine is that a fraction (K - I ) / K of the electronic charge appears a t the outer
surface of the sphere, only a fraction 1 / ~ staying behind to be capable of interact-
ing with any local externally inserted charge q .
This is a particularly simple example of a peculiar phenomenon characteristic of
all problems involving charge c a r r i e r s i n polarizable media: that an appreciable
fraction of the moving charge is always effectively at the surface of the sample. In
the metal, in fact, where K (q 0) = -, all the charge is in principle on the sur-
face, in the dielectric only ( K - l ) / ~ Another
. way of putting it is that the infinite
range, Q = 0 , term always behaves anomalously and discontinuously. W e may
also interpret this a s a screening effect-at least partially; the potential of inter-
action of the electron with other charges is reduced by a factor K at long distances.

It remains to show the relationship of these facts t o the Kohn-Ambegaokar iden-

tity involving the matrix element

Note that this, like the constant Z1'2, is a "cross" scalar product between quasi-
particle and bare-particle quantities. This is, in fact, precisely analagous to the
"vertex renormalization constant" of quantum field theory, just as Z is t o the
"wave-function renormalization" constant Z of that theory.
We evaluate Eq. (5) by computing the charge in a sphere containing the sphere
AR within which the quasi-particle is to be found. Introduce a smooth function
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f(r),which is unity for r = A R but falls off to z e r o at some radius R1,where

R >> R1 >> A R. Then the charge within the sphere of radius R1 is given by

dr f ( r ) q t ( r ) *(r)
t k o = O . K0

Let us Fourier-analyze t h i s expression using

and the Fourier expansion (4) of the wave packet *(R=O). Equation (6) becomes

K - KO


/dr f ( r ) eiQ- r
= f(Q)

f (Q) has three properties of importance : (a) f (Q=O) = (4*/3)R1 , the "volume" of
f ( r ) ;@)I f(Q > l/R1) 0, so that f(Q) is more steeply peaked than AK in Q space

and f(AK) 0 ; and (c) c f(Q) = 1. Momentum conservation requires that K =K+Q,
and property (b) then makes the exponential factor just

exp [-r*)]
We expect, since K is very nearly equal to K and the matrix element

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has no reason to vary rapidly with K, that we may perform the sum over K assum-
ing M K constant

(6) = e
f(Q) M(Q) const. exp[-
k N(L~K)~
K - KO

and the sum is just the normalization s u m for the packet. Thus the charge expres-
sion (6)becomes just e 2 f(Q)M(Q). A s we have already remarked, at Q exactly
zero Q

M(0) = N + 1

so that one contribution to the charge is just

31 e (N + 1)

This contribution represents simply that p a r t of the average charge of the entire
electron g a s contained within the sphere R1, and must of course be precisely com-
pensated by the ionic background charge. This part of the charge is easily recog-
nized because it has nothing to do with the packet, since it increases indefinitely
with R1. In fact, one can show that it is unaffected even by removing the wave
packet f r o m within the sphere R1. Thus it is purely a trivial background effect.
If, as is very reasonable, we set M(Q # 0) = a constant, M, the remaining
charge is

eM f(Q) = eM
112 C O N C E P T S IN S O L I D S

[by property (c)] ; this is, then, independent of the radius R1 and is the charge
directly associated with the wave packet itself. This, as our physical reasoning
has told us, is just e/K. Thus we have achieved a physical, but clearly not a
rigorously mathematical, proof of Kohn's identity. The actual proof can apparently
only be carried through by diagrammatic perturbation theory. It is important to
realize that the whole apparatus of N + l body theory has indeed been proved rigor-
ously within the bounds of perturbation theory only, even though in this case in
particular we have every reason to believe that the perturbation theory actually
converges and represents the physical reality accurately.
One result which is of some interest has been added to this by Blount. In effect,
what we have been doing so far corresponds to the zero'th order one-band theory of
Bloch electrons-i. e . , to the effective hamiltonian theory
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X = E(k) + V(R)

Blount points out that one may achieve a full theory of the N + l body problem by
treating the N + l body wave function qK as essentially

*k (rl, r2, . . . ,rN+l) = antisymmetrization of

3 is a perfectly periodic function of the variables of the N+1 particles.
Uo can then be treated very like the Bloch part of the usual wave function, and from
it for instance one can derive, using Kohn and Ambegaokar's identity, the relation-

V(r) -;
V(R) + correction terms of order
av a

The correction terms, however, are quite different from those of the true one-
electron case, a s one would expect, because now V can polarize the atomic cores
as well as the wave function of the added electron.

2. Effects of Phonons in the N + 1 Body Problem

Throughout all of this we have been speaking a s though in the many-body system
only the electrons of the valence band were free to move. This assumption is based
on the Born-Oppenheimer adiabatic approximation, in which it is assumed that all
motions of nuclei a r e infinitely slow relative to those of the electrons, because of
their very great difference in mass. That approximation is very good in the finite
molecular systems for which it was invented, where the electronic excitation
energies and thus their frequencies are indeed very high relative tothose of the ions,
so the ions can be assumed stationary; but of course it must break down entirely in

precisely the region w e have found most interesting, namely, the region of the low-
est energy excitations of a solid, when we cannot a priori consider that electronic
energies a r e large or small relative to ionic ones.
The ionic motions of a solid which are of any importance here may be described
in terms of quantized waves of vibration of the ion cores about their equilibrium
positions (Figure 32). The quantized waves are, as you all know, called phonons.
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0 0- o-- 0 -0-0 --o 0

0 0- 0-o-- 0 - 0 4 -0 0
0 0- 0-- 0 -0-0 -0 0
Figure 32

They a r e themselves elementary excitations of the solid; they were, in fact, the
first set of elementary excitations to be discovered-by Einstein and by Debye, in
1910 or so. Nonetheless it may surprise you to know that many important problems
connected with phonons as many-body collective excitations of a solid remain. For
the time being, however, we are interested only in the phonons as modifying the
properties of t h e quasi-particle excitations we have been discussing.
A s you all know, for a solid with a single atom per Bravais lattice cell, there
are three branches of the phonon spectrum, degenerating to one longitulinal and
two transverse sound waves for long wavelengths and simple crystal directions ;
the frequencies a r e given for long waves by uk = clk or ctk, c being the longitu-
dinal or transverse sound velocity; the energy is Emk.
More complex solids have three or more "optical" branches of the phonon spec-
trum, degenerating for long wavelengths into motions of the different atoms in the
Bravais cell against each other, and in cases in which the two atoms a r e different,

possessing a corresponding dipole moment P per unit volume. As we shall dis-

cuss shortly, in the optical branches the frequencies of longitudinal and transverse

BZ boundary
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Figure 33

waves differ by a finite amount w

- w to at infinitely long waves. We sketch,
then, phonon s p e c t r a f o r a monatomic and f o r an ionic diatomic lattice (Figure 33).
The presence of the phonons has, rather obviously, a number of consequences.
First and most simply, we see that the quasi-particle state is no longer necessar-
ily the lowest-energy excited state belonging t o a given momentum or k vector; in
fact usually it will be a very high energy state relative to the phonon states. This
is the reason why we qualified the definition of an elementary excitation by requir-
ing that the excited state be of a particular type. In the case of quasi-particles as
opposed to phonons, the distinction is really quite easy, since the quasi-particle
operator is a fermion and changes the number of electrons by 1, f r o m N to N+1,
t which creates a phonon, is approximately a boson and
while the operator bK,
changes neither ion nor electron number, but in general the distinction is not SO
t *N is necessarily lower in
simple; for instance, it is not obvious that the state qk
energy than the state qt bt
k-K K N
*with a phonon + a quasi-particle excited; both
operators are fermions and both states N+l particle states.
A much m o r e serious problem comes in when we introduce the concept of
electron-phonon interaction. This interaction has two effects: scattering and
polarization. Before discussing these effects, however, I should like to say a few
words about the electron-phonon interaction itself.

To get s o m e ideas about the form this interaction may take, let u s calculate it
in a simple approximation. One technique, which is very simple but must be
treated with caution, is the so-called "rigid-ion" model. H e r e we assume that the
lattice potential with which the electrons interact is the sum of separate contribu-
tions caused by each ion: V(r) = Z . V(r-R.) or, in second quantization for the
electrons, V = dr 2 .V(r-R.) C
t (r)*(r).
The unperturbed wave functions which
w e use f o r the electrons a r e calculated as though the R. were fixed at lattice points;
the perturbation, then, must come from the displacement of the R., 6R. which is
J J'
caused by the presence of a phonon:

by Mrs. Shyama Ramankutty on 06/16/16. For personal use only.

VV (r-R.) rk t (r)C(rj
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X' = 6Rj *

The 6R. may be analyzed in t e r m s of phonon amplitudes QK:

6R. = const
- e 1

and the C's in terms of Bloch functions:


' "kn t c nk'' . VV(r-R.)


K can in turn be expressed in terms of the creation and destruction operators bK
and b_tK for phonons. The interaction, then, has the form of scattering of a n elec-
tron with creation or destruction of a phonon (Figure 34). Much more careful

k+K, n'
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Figure 34

analyses than this rather nai've one can be carried out, and I recommend to you for
a g o d discussion of these the appropriate chapter (Chapter V) in Zimans book (3).
Here I should like to concentrate on one limiting case, that of small k.
One finds upon looking in Ziman's book that in this limit the matrix element M
comes out proportional to K, and thus the interaction is not, a s would appear at
first glance, proportional to the displacement 6Rj = QK of the ions, but to their
strain (or "deformation"), VR. a KQK. This is not a terribly difficult thing to
show within the one-electron theory, but it is interesting to show that it is true in
general, even when mimy-body effects a r e taken into account.
This is very worth doing, because it is meaningless to discuss a displacement
of the ions and ion c o r e s alone without taking into account the fact that they carry
along with them the electrons of the valence band, at least in some sense. If
nothing else, we realize that, since the ion cores have a net charge, when they
form a longitudinal wave of long wavelength it w i l l build up a very large space
charge in the peaks of the wave which is bound to displace the valence electron
charge distribution. In general, it is obvious that the assumption that the valence
electron gas a s a whole does not move a s the ions move is untenable. Thus a great
deal of the electron-phonon interaction must be thought of as already included in the
definition of the phonon excitation itself, just as the electrons which a r e being scat-
tered are not really single independent electrons, but quasi-particles.
The problem is remarkably like that of renormalization in field theory; the
"physical" quasi-particles and phonons we see a r e not the same at all a s the "bare"
particles we can think simply about, and their experimental properties -energy,
interactions, etc.- include contributions from the cloud of disturbance surround-
ing the bare particles. In solid-state theory w e have no divergences of the field-
theoretical sort which irrevocably prevent our finding the true relationship between
the "bare" properties and the "physical" properties; nonetheless, solids are such
complicated things that it is often useful to resort to experiment rather than to
theory in order to evaluate not only the phonon frequencies and quasi-particle

energies, but their interaction. This is the idea behind the deformation potential
theory (70). In this theory we estimate the effects of long-wavelength phonons in
t e r m s of the observable (at least in principle) effects of homogeneous strains.
Imagine then that w e have, f o r simplicity, an insulator, which we deform elas-
tically in s o m e reasonably smooth fashion, so that, if the local displacements are
bR., there is a well-defined local compression A = V. 6R. and, if we like, shear
strain S = s y m m { V 6R. - 1/3v.(6R.)l[ in any local region. We allow the N-body
1 J
electron g a s to deform perfectly adiabatically. Then in the new, deformed lattice
we can form a wave packet *packet (ko, ro) about a momentum ko and in the region
of s u e l/Ak about ro. This region is assumed to have a reasonably uniform de-
formation A , S; otherwise, of course, the lattice would not be adequately periodic,
by Mrs. Shyama Ramankutty on 06/16/16. For personal use only.

so that we could not define the wave vector k t o within the uncertainty Ak. This
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new wave packet of exact quasi-particles has a new energy E' (k ), which differs
n o
from the old one because the lattice is deformed locally; if there were no deforma-
tion, clearly t h e r e would be no energy change at all, no matter how much the d i s -
placements of the atoms might be. Since the atomic motions in a phonon are rather
small, it is reasonable to expect the band energy t o be linear in the deformation,
and the linear constant of proportionality is called the "deformation potential"
constant E:

This empirically defined potential is the true scattering potential f o r the quasi-
particles qt including the nearly infinite changes in C caused by the deforma-
k' g
tion, a s well as the modification of the quasi-particle wave function itself. This
may be shown as follows. The operator which creates a wave packet around
momentum k and position r is

and the number operator which counts whether o r not such a wave packet has been
created is

Then an operator which will have the same effect as the energy (8) on a n actual
packet wave function might be (we shall verify later that it does have the right
118 C O N C E P T S IN S O L I D S

CJ d r Ea(ko) A ( r ) n k (r) + (same f o r S)


Working this out, we get

i(k-k') .r iK-r
/dr f(k-&)f(k'-b) e qkqk1 E a ( b ) AK
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We must assume that K is s m a l l e r than the spread of the wave packet, or the
f factors will not overlap c o r r e c t l y ; this is the requirement already expressed, that
the wave packets must be confined t o a small enough volume so that A is uniform
within them. If K is small enough, we can neglect it in f (k+K-ko) and then make
use of the completeness relationship for wave packet functions,

f2(k-ko) = 1


If then the packet spread is in t u r n small with respect to the range in ko over which
EA (ko) varies, we get finally

This expression may be verified by applying it to the appropriate wave packet,

t f(k' - k o ) q l , e i k ' * r *g
Ea(k)qkqk+K AK
kK k'

= E,(k)AK eiK'rf(k+K-ko)qL eik.r+ g


And, again, if K << A k, the width of f , this just becomes


in agreement with Eq. (8).

In Eq. (9), then, E(k) plays the role Of the matrix element M in Eq. (7) for
- k, K
scattering, in the limit K 0 of very long wavelength phonons, except that M
k, K
multiplies the displacement Q instead of the deformation A . While i t is not hard
to show in a direct calculation using Hartree-Fock theory that M is proportional
k, K
to K, the argument we have given retains its validity in the presence of large many-
body effects, and relates the scattering matrix element directly to experimentally
observable phenomena.
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It is not well known that the above argument fails completely in those crystals
the symmetry of which permits a piezoelectric effect. In such crystals a deforma-
tion, especially a shear deformation Y, cannot only change the effective potential
for the electrons but can set up an electric field E proportional to the s t r a i n . This
gives us a potential t e r m

which is proportional to the total displacement, not the strain. Thus in such a case
the so-called "deformation potential theorem" does not hold. Hopfield h a s analyzed
some of the rather strange consequences which may result from that; it leads to
very anomalous scattering and polarization effects for slow electrons.
In the more usual metals and semiconductors, however, the theorem does hold.
This is particularly important in the case of degeneracy o r near-degeneracy Of two
or more bands, where the theorem is valid, but it is most convenient t o allow the
nn' .
deformation potential E to become a general matrix E in the band indices. In
this case direct computation from the rigid ion model does not give c o r r e c t answers
a s easily.
In the presence of this electron-phonon interaction, the quasi-particles qk may
be scattered from one point to another in the Brillouin zone. At absolute zero.
when there a r e no phonons present, the absolutely lowest quasi-particle state
qkqg in the band is still not scattered, because it cannot emit a phonon, because
it is the only state of the given momentum, energy, and number of p a r t i c l e s ; but
quasi-particle states of higher momentum can scatter with the emission of a phonon,
a s soon as dE/dk > 6 (dw/dk)phonon = lic, where c is the lowest velocity of sound
in the material (Figure 35). If the quasi-particles have an effective m a s s of unity
and c has a typical value of 10 cm/sec, this is

tiL (k - ko)
- > KC

k - ko >
fi - lo5 cm -1

li2 2 mc2 I erg 0.04'K

2m (k - ko) 2 -
2 = ~

That is an enormously low energy, so that for practical purposes w e never deal
with quasi-particles which cannot undergo scattering with emission of a phonon.
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figure 35
We realize immediately that this forces us to modify the original definition of a
quasi-particle elementary excitation, because the quasi-particle state is in this
case no longer a rigorous eigenstate of the entire system. This is a general phe-
nomenon; in almost all cases the elementary excitation states a r e not quite exact
eigenstates because of the possibility of scattering in one form or another.
As far a s I know no one has ever given an absolutely exact mathematical defini-
tion of a quasi-particle in the presence of scattering, but there are a number of
ways of defining quasi-particles which can be satisfactory in any given case. These
may be classified under two philosophical approaches, which we will call the
"pseudo-hamiltonian" approach and the "full renormalization" approach.
The first of these general philosophical approaches to this problem is essentially
that which we have already carried out in our discussion of the deformation potential
That is, we t r y to define the quasi-particles and the lattice motions as best we can,

completely independently of each other, and to leave their interaction in the problem
explicitly. In the deformation-potential discussion we essentially went into the
solid and put rigid clamps on a l l the ion cores, holding them absolutely fixed in the
positions corresponding to some long-wavelength lattice deformation. From this
we got a certain dependence of the quasi-particle energy on the deformation, which,
when we removed the clamps, served as an electron-phonon interaction energy.
In formal terms, we set up an effective hamiltonian for the quasi-particles,

where Heff(r. r') is a linear function of the local deformations A ( r ) and S(r). We
can then introduce A ( r ) and S(r) as quantized coordinates of the many-body prob-
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lem themselves, which w i l l have a quadratic self-energy z k f i w K0 ( P K ~+ Q K ~ )

which must be added in. The interaction terms then can, we hope, be taken into
account by perturbation theory, and lead to a scattering of the quasi-particles, as
follows: The scattering hamiltonian is the deformation potential, Eq. (9):

The normalization of the relationship between A(K) and a phonon creation operator
b g may be obtained from the energy expression:

A = potential energy =
(total energy) =
f i w (n
K K+2)

where S is the compressional stiffness pc2 and u K = cK is the frequency of the

phonon. Thus we may take

The expression from time-dependent perturbation theory for the inverse mean
free time, or transition rate, out of a single state into a continuum of states, i . e . ,
out of k into the states in which a phonon K has been spontaneously emitted, is

M. E . means the scattering matrix element, of course. Physically the only interest.
ing case is that i n which the momentum of the electron is reasonably large, s o that

- mc
>> fikc k >> KO = -

Under these circumstances the change in momentum caused by the phonon is much
greater than that in the energy, so that ! k + K I 2 Iki (Figure 36). Then dn/dE is
just the density of states in the electronic spectrum.
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Figure 36

I shall leave it as an exercise to calculate the lifetime before scattering; the

result is

P = 4K2 .Z(+)(Eg)
T 3

3 2
If the lattice constant is a , P = M/a a n L f i /ma2 is of the order of a n electronic
energy 1 Ry ;hc/a is of the order r m / M x 1 Ry . E , the deformation potential con.
stant, can also be expected to b e of the order 1 Ry, because a 100 per cent defor-
mation will certainly change the electrons' energies completely; so we may say

We see that F ~ / T is indeed quite small, and vanishes satisfactorily for the lowest-
energy quasi-particles .
Associated with the scattering there is an admixture of states near the surface of
constant energy: for a given energy difference A E , this is given in perturbation
theory by

I M . E . 1 2 dn
so that the total admixture of states more than AE from the quasi-particle state in
energy is

This obviously diverges if we allow states Of arbitrarily low energies t o be admixed.

This means that any attempt to define the quasi-particle state as an exact eigen-
state in the presence of the scattering must fail. A s I have emphasized, we can
approach this in two ways, of which the first is the effective hamiltonian theory we
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have just described, in which the quasi-particles a r e exact eigenstates of a

"clamped" system and the electron-phonon interaction is retained in the total
hamiltonian with which we attempt to solve any problem of transport, etc.
The second, contrasting, method is to attempt to deal with the system as a
whole, and to define quasi-particle states which decay in time because of scatter-
ing. This is the method more popular with modern many-body theorists; see
Nozieres (68). A s we shall shortly discuss, such quasi-particle states have not
only a renormalization constant Z but a complex energy Ek + i (fib); we s a y that
they a r e "complex poles of the Green's function." These relate to the propagators
of the fully renormalized theory; a n effective electron-phonon interaction can be
introduced a s the renormalized vertex part of the theory, etc. Carrying out the
whole of transport theory, etc., in this fully renormalized form is as yet hardly
more than a program, but no doubt it is entirely feasible. In semiconductors and
insulators, certainly the f i r s t approach has so far been adequate, and it avoids the
necessity for carrying about various unphysical renormalization parameters such
as Z.
Nonetheless, one could argue that the first approach is a bit ambiguous and
unphysical, because the r e a l quasi-particles c a r r y around with them an extensive
cloud of polarization of the phonons, especially the shorter-wave and optical ones.
But one may imagine that we put clamps only on those longer-wavelength phonons
which can truly scatter the quasi-particles ; t h i s will hardly affect the polarization
cloud of the quasi-particles but will allow us to define them quite rigorously. In
particular, the quasi-particles, being related t o exact eigenstates of an N+l body
system, have fixed momenta and c a r r y the charge e except for the cautions about
handling the Q 0 limit, which we have already discussed. They will obey the
usual type of transport equation with the usual Lorentz force in the presence of
This approach to the problem of quasi-particles in insulators s e e m s t o be per-
fectly rigorous and accurate, at least in nonpiezoelectric crystals and a t sufficiently
low temperatures. In certain cases of extremely strong electron-phonon coupling,
however, the effect of the polarization cloud which accompanies the electrons as
they travel may be r a t h e r large. This characteristically occurs in certain d-band
oxide crystals, where the electron in a d-shell level on a given ion may polarize the
surrounding ions r a t h e r severely, by a large amount relative to their zero-point

fluctuations. The amplitude of the matrix element for hopping of the electron to a
different d-shell ion may be written

(ad I K ~lad )?lattice

1 el 2
(electron on d l ) I lklattice

a is the ordinary Wannier function for the d band, while 'd is the full many-body
wave function. The second factor, the lattice wave-function overlap, will be small.
which greatly increases the effective mass of the quasi-particles. This is the
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physical picture which corresponds to the "self-trapped polaron"- it can move,

but only with a greatly reduced matrix element, and greatly increased m*. At even
rather low temperatures, the probability of the electrons moving by thermal acti-
vation rather than by this tunneling process may become large, which means that
transport i n such materials does not resemble that in ordinary semiconductors at
all (71).
At higher temperatures, even in the normal case, extra scattering by thermally
excited phonons becomes much greater than the spontaneous scattering by emission.
The (matrix e1ement)Z factor in the phonon lifetime must be multiplied by an occu-
pation factor n+l for emission, or n for absorption, where n = l/[ exp (fiw/kgT) - 11 .
This may become quite large for the relevant phonons in a semiconductor, which
a r e those for which

kelectr on - ii

n(K) - -
- -
C .-.10 at 50 - 100K

The thermal scattering of the slowest electrons can become extremely severe, even
at low temperatures, although this does not seem to be very important physically.
At higher temperatures, our formula (10) for the scattering rate fi/r is multiplied
by koTficK, and since K is of order k and kgT varies as k2 we get

B _-
- E2 k3 T3/2
7 2

The T-3/2 dependence of mobility cc = eT/m is a familiar result in semiconductors

Note that as T increases fib will fairly rapidly become large compared to kgT.

I do not know of any discussion of this case; in it the concept of quasi-particles

should not be used without additional justification. It occurs in the region of mobili-
ties around 10 a t room temperatures, a not uncommon s o r t of value in poor semi-
Effects in metals in case the electron-phonon scattering becomes strong a r e
much l e s s well understood than in insulators and semiconductors. In the metal at
low temperatures spontaneous emission cannot take place f o r electrons near the
Fermi surface, because the final electronic state is full. The thermal absorption
and emission processes which lead t o electronic scattering lifetimes have two
different temperature dependences. At low temperatures only long-wavelength
phonons are excited. A s you w i l l r e m e m b e r , the scattering matrix element is pro-
portional t o K1/2, and the possible final states lie approximately on a sphere in
K space, the surface element of which is 0: K dK. Thus
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K2 dK
exp (ficK/kgT) -1

At temperatures above the Debye temperature, all phonon states have an occupation
number proportional to T and fi/r = T/eD (Figure 37).
We can distinguish two cases in the high-temperature limit, K/r > or < kT.
When K/r < kT, perturbation theory of either type is probably quite satisfactory,

coup Ling"

Figure 37
126 C O N C E P T S IN S O L I D S

as can be verified both from a consideration of polarization effects at low tempera-

tures or from the obvious comment that the quasi-particle energy breadth is small
compared to the relevant energy kT at all temperatures. In the opposite, or
strong-coupling, case, however, although it may be argued that transport theory
can be valid (see Ziman's book) it can be shown, as in the old Frohlich-Bardeen
theory of superconductivity (72). that polarization effects will be very large.
Summarizing, we may say that the concept of quasi-particles in the presence of
phonon scattering and polarization-i. e . , of polarons in some generalized sense -
is fairly satisfactory in semiconductors and insulators at low to moderate tempera-
tures, and i n metals such a s N a which have weak electron-phonon coupling, but
that at high temperatures and for strong coupling its relevance has not been demon-
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The Landau "Fermi liquid" theory (73) may perhaps be thought of as a much
more problematical application of the "clamping" or effective hamiltonian idea.
Landau's theory is an attempt to apply the quasi-particle idea to the case of a
degenerate Fermi gas with strong interactions, such as the electrons in metals, or
liquid He3 at low temperatures.
In this case the scattering is an effect of interactions among the electrons them-
selves, so that to justify the use of quasi-particles entirely in terms of a clamping
theory involves putting clamps on the motion not only of the ion cores but of the
electron gas itself. But this cannot be done in any very rigorous way.
Landau's approach is to apply his "clamps" in the sense of prescribing what the
distribution of quasi-particles n(k, r) is to be as a function of position in the metal.
Then, just as we did f o r quasi-particles in the presence of phonons, he supposes
that the energy of a given wave packet qk t (r) varies depending on the density of
other quasi-particles in the same region:

Ek(r) = El: + f,,n(k',r)


It is necessary to keep the index k , indicating which k value the packets of quasi-
particles a r e centered on, because the low-energy quasi-particles may range over
a whole Fermi surface in momentum space. Thus we must handle the distribution
function n with caution. because k and r are not commuting variables and must be
specified only loosely.
We have not a s yet stated what the quasi-particle packets are of. In this case
even the lowest exact excited states of the system are enormously complex. This
may be seen directly from the lowest order in perturbation theory. Consider a
particle k which has been excited above the Fermi surface to kF+a, resulting in

one of the simplest excited states of the noninteracting Fermi system. This elec-
tron may be scattered to the state k = kF+a k - q by a process which excites a
second electron k' to k'+q, so long a s all the energies in the final state are
above the Fermi energy so that the process is not forbidden by the Pauli principle
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Figure 38
(Figure 38). It is no doubt well known to you that the resulting mean free time
varies as the square of the energy increment,

-7 = consts. x
I V I (AE)'

This may easily be seen by observing that f o r any final s t a t e with the hole in state
k' energy conservation requires:

k2 - (k- q) = (k' + q)2 - k-2

This is the equation of a sphere whose diameter is (k- k'): thus we know that
k ' + q must lie on the sphere whose diameter is the vector f r o m k to k'. When a is
small. this sphere can be approximated by planes through k and k', since k'. k,
k-q, and k'+q must all lie very n e a r the F e r m i surface (this is t r u e except for
k ' = -k. which is a very small fraction of the available states). NOW clearly, if k'
lies within (a cos 0 ) of the surface, two types of scattering p r o c e s s are possible:
i f w e p i c k a d ( k - k ' ) a n d s m a l l ( q > l k F - k ' I cos 8, q c a cos O ) , w e m a y h a v e
k k-q, k' - -
k'+q, or k k ' + q , k' - k-q (Figure 39). In either Case, the
possible ranges both of k' and of q for a given O are proportional t o a a A E ; thus

the total scattering probability at this 0 is 0: (AE)2. I leave it a s an exercise to

perform the integration over 0 and get the f u l l expression for the f i / T of the elec-
tron of a given AE.
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Figure 39

What gives one hope that even with scattering the quasi-particle concept has
some meaning is the fact that the lifetime, at least to lowest order, of an electron
becomes longer very rapidly as its energy approaches the Fermi surface. If we
look at higher-order scatterings, we find that the exclusion principle reduces them
even more radically than the lowest-order effect I have just discussed. Goldstone,
Luttinger, Ward, and various others (74) have approached this problem from the
general field-theoretical, full-renormalization approach. That is, they have shown
how one can continue adiabatically, by summing perturbation theory to all orders,
from the spectrum, density of states, and-what summarizes both-the Green's
function of the noninteracting gas to that of one with interactions.
In the case of the insulator, you will remember that we wrote the Green's func-
tion of the system
G(k, t) = <gl {(t)ck(O) Ig> = ZeiEkt + /dEn f(Enle

The energy spectrum of the system could be defined in t e r m s of the Green's func-
tion expressed in t e r m s of frequency:

G(k, w ) = i / G (k, t) e dt

The actual energy spectrum of the states created through Ck t .1s related t o Im G(k);
the existence of the quasi-particle state i s signified by the appearance of a pole of
G at Ek. What the many-body theory does is t o show that, at least to all orders in
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perturbation theory, it is consistent in the metal to assume that G has a pole at a

complex energy

+ i-Rr

so that iK/r is the imaginary part of the energy, or the breadth of the associated
spectrum. The fact that t h i s breadth approaches z e r o as (AEk)2 turns out to be
just sufficient to allow the existence of a sharp F e r m i surface, since the definition
of the quasi-particle s t a t e s then becomes exact as they approach the F e r m i surface.
In the metal the Green's function a s a function of time drops off rapidly a t f i r s t ,
just as it did in the insulator, and then oscillates at a frequency Ek/fi ; but instead
of oscillating indefinitely the oscillations a r e damped a t a r a t e 1/r (Figure 40).

Figure 40
130 C O N C E P T S IN S O L I D S

Metal Insulator
Im Gk(w Im Gk(w:
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Figure 4 1

The corresponding spectral density is as shown in Figure 41. Again, just a s in the
insulator, we may reconstruct the quasi-particle state from the state ct 4 by
applying an energy filter to the latter: k g

Of course, formally this is easily expressed as a time integral:

The quantity E may be allowed to approach zero faster than Ek as Ek 0; this is
the reason one can define a sharp F e r m i surface and assign a definite occupation
probability to a given quasi-particle state.
The limitations on the quasi-particle picture are obviously h / r < Ek- kgT,
and a fortiori, fi/r < EF; ~ / E F is the time constant Df the initial drop in G(t).
From this kind of theory a d with the aid of various identities proved by means
of diagrams, Luttinger and Nozibres have recently obtained directly from perturba-

tion theory many of the results of Landau's Fermi liquid theory (75). It is appar-
ently not yet possible to reformulate the "full renormalization" kind of theory into
an "effective hamiltonian" o r clamping theory. Since the "effective hamiltonian"
approach is more convenient, especially for transport problems, this is a disadvan-
tage relative to Landau's intuitive approach. In addition, the perturbation-theoretic
approach must assume convergence, and it is almost an adage that P. T . never con-
verges; this one can be shown not to.
It is a good question whether a more straightforward "clamping" approach could
not be applied to the problem. We might a s k whether, a s in the case of the phonon
theory, we could not clamp the necessary degrees of freedom of the N-particle
system, without seriously altering the properties of the quasi-particles. One way
of doing this might be to impose on the N-particle system a requirement that the
long-wavelength degrees of freedom not be permitted to be excited-i. e . , that the
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density fluctuation

Pq = c
Ck* Ck

or even the individual such density fluctuations

some small
region of k

be required to be identically z e r o for some sufficiently small q . Since in the N+l

particle problem we could assume that for long-range effects the quasi-particle and
true particle densities were the same (still with of course the very special com-
ments about q = O limits), this would be equivalent to fixing Landau's n(k,r).
Unfortunately, apparently even this will not have the effect of making the quasi-
particles exact excitations of the system, because of the existence of the "exchange"
scattering processes k-k'+q, k'-k-q, which we mentioned. one for each of the
long-wave processes-and, also, the interesting region k' = - k. where all q's
a r e allowed. Perhaps some way of getting around the exchange-scattering question
may be found, but it is suggestive that the known failures of perturbation theory are
connected with the k' = - k region (76).
It is disappointing that a full justification of the quasi-particle idea and of an
effective interaction for the F e r m i gas has not a s yet appeared. Since these con-
cepts are used extensively in places where the Landau quasi-classical distribution
function is not a satisfactory approach-notably , superconductivity and conditions
of strong impurity scattering-it would be highly desirable t o have a fuller justifi-
In conclusion, I should like to say that the idea of the quasi-particle is an
immensely important one for solid-state physics, as of course it is for high-energy
physics. The various ways of thinking rigorously, or more o r less kigorously,
about quasi-particles give us very valuable confidence in the bases of our physical

thinking about solids. Nonetheless, one may overemphasize the rigor with which it
is possible, or even useful, to treat t h e m . A s Landau says in the preface to the
old version of "Statistical Physics": "We a r e talking here about theoretical phys-
ics, and therefore of course mathematical rigor is irrelevant and impossible. "
This is not quite true, but it is very close t o it.
It is well to r e m e m b e r , f i r s t , that almost always the mathematical model we
work with is a highly simplified idealization of the actual physical system already ;
and, second, that all quasi-particle physics is based on perturbation series in the
very nature of its being, since it is an attempt to approximate a full theory by a
theory resembling that of only weakly interacting particles. But we must always
guess what the state from which to start perturbation theory is -that is, what the
physical nature of the system i s , whether metallic, magnetic, insulating, liquid,
or solid. This guess may be right, but it may be terribly wrong, in which case
by Mrs. Shyama Ramankutty on 06/16/16. For personal use only.

very often the only sign may be a mild, hardly noticeable divergence of our per-
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turbation theory. This is what happened in superconductivity. A third caution is

that almost all perturbation s e r i e s do fail in a t least some way, because of the
presence of collective excitations, which often are only to be derived f r o m pertur-
bation theory a s sums of divergent subseries of t e r m s . In general, I believe that
the attitude is at least justifiable that the instinctive use of quasi-particles by the
founders of solid-state physics and by Landau's school is hardly less rigorous than
the sophisticated many-body theory, and perhaps it is more foolproof, because it
has less appearance of being rigorous.

1. Excitons
Excitons in insulators and spin waves in ferromagnets a r e two of the simplest
type of collective excitation. They are remarkably similar in many ways, particu-
larly so in the f o r m a l mathematics associated with them; they also have the deeper
similarity that they have relatively little zero-point motion and few of the complica-
tions which that entails. In each case the reason is that, as in the N + l body prob-
lem, one can start out by formulating the problem in terms of a nearly exactly
definable ground state. In the ferromagnet, this is s o because the ferromagnetic
ground state is characterized (if it exists) by having the total Z-component of spin
M Z = N/2. All the spin-wave states, while they may be very low in energy, are
characterized by MZ = (N/2) - 1, and at worst only very small matrix elements
of the hamiltonian connect them with the ground state.
The situation is more complex for excitons. These a r e , as you know, optical
excitations which we can discuss either according to the Frenkel (77) or the Wannier
(78) models. The Frenkel model is appropriate for tight-binding situations, such as
molecular or ionic crystals, and consists of an excited atomic state moving through
the crystal. F o r instance, it may be a state in NaCl in which one of the p electrons
of the Na+ core is excited to an s level, and the resulting excitation can move.
The Wannier model is more frequently observed and perhaps more interesting;
here one supposes that an electron is excited from one band to the next, but the
resulting quasi-particle and quasi-hole are attracted according t o the weak potential

e2/KR and travel through the Crystal together. In either case it is usually pretty
clear how to define a fixed ground state with no excitons whatever present ; for opti-
cally active excitons, for instance, such as sp transitions, the exciton state of k=O
has opposite parity to the ground state, SO cannot mix with it. However, we shall
see that this simplification i s not entirely true for all excitons.
My sources here will be primarily a n excellent paper by J. J. Hopfield (79), and
another by E . Dresselhaus (80). I don't believe there a r e any good reviews ; the
older theory i s given in Seitz .
For the purposes of qualitative physical ideas, and for comparison with spin
waves, the Frenkel model is the more useful. Let us start with it and then perturb
from it.
The Frenkel model envisages, at least at first, a crystal like solid Ne or Ar, in
which the atoms a r e quite far apart and almost nonoverlapping. The crystal is an
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insulator, of course. We abandon for the nonce any discussion of the basic many-
body problem, and treat the potential by Hartree-Fock; we shall treat the relevant
interactions later by many-body theory, but it is simplest to start from Hartree,
with the usual proviso that because we work with elementary excitations the many-
body effects a r e not too bad. The last band filled we assume to be an s band. Call
the Wannier function of this band as (r-Rj). Because this band is extremely narrow,
the off-diagonal matrix elements

are very small -with respect to what, we shall see shortly.

There is also a "conduction" band -a band of excited states, which we shall for
simplicity again assume to have p-like Wannier functions

ax ' y ' (r - R.)


and very small band widths (i.e ., transfer integrals)

by' etc.
Ik '

The free atoms would have a certain excitation energy

Eo = (E - Es)

from the s to the p state, which in such a solid would not be too seriously modified
by the transformation to Wannier functions. This excitation energy, it is important
to realize, is not close in magnitude to the Hartree-Fock mean energy difference
between the s and p bands.
134 C O N C E P T S IN S O L I D S

The reason is that the band energy difference is for states in which the electron
has been excited completely away from its own atom, so that it finds itself on an
atom which has both s and p electrons, and has therefore the extra coulombic
repulsive energy
u = J la (r-R.)l
p J
- la (r'-R.)l 2 d r
lr-r'l s 1

in addition to the one-electron excitation energy Eo (Figure 42). Another way to

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E (atomic)


Figure 42
put it is that the electron and the hole it left behind it attract each other strongly.
by the full Coulomb interaction (modified only slightly by the dielectric constant of
the medium), s o that it is much easier for the electron to be excited to the p state
on the same atom than on a nearby atom.
Now it is clear that if the b's are small compared to U, then the Frenkel theory
will be pretty well correct, because neither the hole nor the electron will tend to
hop away from their partners. Then the emiton

will be tightly bound, and we shall have a large gap between the continuum of s hole
- p electron band states and the excitons . In the other case, U < b , it will be

relatively easy for the electron and hole to part, and the Wannier picture will be
much better. We shall discuss that case later.
On the other hand, even when the coupling of electron to hole is tight, the pair
can move through the crystal together. The most important mechanism for this in
the present case is the interaction of the electrons with those on nieghboring atoms
This interaction may be written

where 9 may be expanded in t e r m s of creation and destruction operators for the

Wannier functions, c.S and cpx cj"y cpZ:
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There a r e various terms which may have the effect of exciting one atom and de-
exciting its neighbor ; the most important a r e the "directt' or dipolar terms, of
which a typical member is

(.px>t '? zcs/.ix (r-R.)a 1 -

1 s(r-R.)
e2 a * (r'-R ) a (r'-Rk)dr dr'
lr-r'l s
k px

Integrals like this one a r e most easily evaluated in terms of the multipolar expan-

The first nonvanishing term is the dipolar one, the last one above, which gives for
our typical matrix element

where Xsp is the dipole-moment matrix of the atomic states:

X = e /aix(r) xa,(r) d r

and T i s the dipolar interaction operator

In this dipolar interaction operator, which represents the direct electrostatic

interaction of the moving electric dipoles associated with each of the atoms, those
elements of the form which I have given connect states each of which has energy
about Eo above the ground state, a s I sketched before. There are t e r m s which a r e
of the form cp c; :c c,: which create or destroy two excitations simultaneously;
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these a r e of some importance and we shall soon get around to discussing them, but
for the time being they a r e clearly not as effective a s the others because they have
a n energy denominator AE of 2E0. We have now in our hamiltonian

Pi s
+ (cpi, cET ck c j IXsPl2 Tjk) ii,

It is now useful to take a step which is common to almost every problem i n col-
lective excitation theory: the transformation from pairs of fermion operators to
bosons. The most familiar such transformation is the special case of electronic
spin operators. Suppose that instead of the three p functions there were a single
unique one QP. Then the operators involved in the hamiltonian, Eq. (13), associ-
ated with the atom j would be the three combinations

Cjl Cjl - c.t10 cJo
. o = s

t cjo
cjl and ct. c l = p
JO j l

In addition, w e a r e only interested in states in which atom j is either excited or not

excited- that i s , in which np + ns = 1.
These pairs of operators are precisely equivalent to a set of Pauli spin operators

. =
uJZ (A -;) soc c uJ+
. 0
= (0 0
1) u; = (; OD)

acting on a pseudo-spin wave function describing the state of the fh atom.

In the f i r s t place, pairs of Fermi operators referring t o different atoms com-
mute with each other, a s the spin operators do; and second, within the subspace of
the wave functions referring to a single atom these spin operators have exactly the
same algebraic properties as

Thus in that case it would be precisely accurate to write the hamiltonian in the form
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Exactly this correspondence will be used in the magnetic c a s e .

The transformation from spin operators to bosons was discussed exhaustively by
Dyson (81), and can be simplified by a trick the source of which I have forgotten.
So long a s two spin operators or two pairs of fermion operators refer to different
atoms, they commute, just as bosons do. But when two spin operators refer to the
same atom, their commutation relations a r e much more Fermi-like, and this is
the main difficulty in setting up a corresponding set of bosons.
In the c a s e of excitons, and in many cases of spins, this is not a very serious
limitation because the total number of excitations present is rather small, and
therefore the possibility of their coinciding is negligible. In such a case we might
guess that i t would be satisfactory to identify the spinors directly with bosons
according t o the obvious prescription:

- b.3 6.
= btb.
3 1

The s e t s of operators (14) 'lave identical algebraic properties as far a s the most
important pair of levels, nj = 0 and 1, a r e concerned. But the bosons b have mat-
rix elements connecting to an entire ladder of extra states, nj = 2 , 3 , . . . .
The t r i c k for making the correspondence (14) exact is simply to cut off the com-
munication between the bottom two members of the ladder of states and the remain-
der of the ladder. A "barrier" is inserted which projects out just the matrix ele-
ments connecting nj = 1 and nj = 2 , and does not alter the n j = 0 and 1 matrix
elements otherwise (Figure 4 3 ) . The ' b a r r i e r " consists in multiplying by (1-nj)
before using b, at all points, and after using bj. That i s ,

o! = b! (1-n.) 6. = (1-n.)b. n. = 2n.-I

J 1 3 1 J 3 12 J

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n. = O
(1. b.

Figure 43

It is immediately verified that when n j = 1, ut. cannot raise it to n - = 2 , and vice

versa. I J
Other techniques may be as good, a s for instance the Holstein-Primakoff expan-
sion or Wentzels effective hamiltonian approach (82) ; and certain Greens function
schemes are more general (93); but this is by far the simplest demonstration of the
Fermion pair to boson transformation. Using this transformation, the hamiltonian
in the one-excited-level case is now, still exactly,

b.t (1-n.)T. (l-nk)bk 7

X = Eo n. +
J J I Jk
j jk

The generalization of this to the case of degenerate excited states is trivial. In

the case we a r e discussing, we can replace the pair of levels, one triply degenerate,
by the bottom two levels of a three-dimensional harmonic oscillator

Then in order to impose our barrier we simply multiply b by (1-nj), where
n. = n. + n. + n. . then c.4r cs = by (1 - n.), etc. The resulting hamil-
J JX JY Jz J j J
tonian in t e r m s of bosons is

X = Eo nj +T1x1 t
bj (1-n.) * T. * (l-nk)bk
J lk
j j*k

Again, (15) is perfectly exact; the "kinetic restrictions" have been replaced by a
nonlinear interaction.
There are two ways to proceed from here. The second, d i r e c t diagonalization,
we shall illustrate later ; the first is to compute directly the equation of motion Of
the boson operator:
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fi dbf = [x, bt I]
= E bt
0 J
+ IXi2 xb:
' T lk
. (1-n.)(l-nk)

We haveused [b,bt] = 1.
If this equation is allowed to operate on the ground state, which has no excitons
excited, the last two t e r m s a r e identically zero, as a r e the correction t e r m s in the
second. It i s then a linear equation for the bj's, and may be diagonalized by the
linear transformation

from atomic excitons to running waves. The resulting equation is

iFi- dPk
= E P + X 2T . P k
o k

where T is the Fourier transform of the dipolar interaction


Note that Z k = 0 because of t he absence of the j = 0 t e r m . For very long

wavelength excitons, which are the only ones of much interest, and in cubic crys-
tals o r along axes of symmetry, T may usually be diagonalized by separating the
longitudinal and transverse waves ; i . e . , one of its principal axes is along k, two
perpendicular to it.
In the limit k-0, T becomes the famous dipolar sum which is of basic import-
ance in the theory of local fields. As k-0,

and for cubically symmetric s i t es j ,

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4n/3 is the appropriate Lorentz local field factor. The difference between longi-
tudinal and transverse waves as k -0 reflects the long-range character of dipolar
forces; a longitudinal dipolar wave leads to accumulations of charge at the modes
and antinodes of the wave, a t r ans ver s e wave does not (Figure 44).

I1 1 1
+ + + + + node

t t t t t
- - - - - antinode

+ + + + +
Figure 44

Thus the energies of the excitons i n this approximation are

N X 2 + const. X 2 k2 +
E 1 = E 0 + s8n a .-.
2 k2
E, = E
- -NX
+ const. X 2 -a
+ -.-

Probably the best treatment of dipolar sums is in a paper of Cohen and Keffer (84).
The actual values of Ti and Tt depend on details of the structure. The differ-
ence, and indeed the difference between the longitudinal and transverse exciton
frequencies, even in cases in which the Frenkel model is not valid. does not so
depend and is a purely long-range, macroscopic effect. As you can s e e , Tt is the
sum of the fields due to parallel dipoles with the surface o r volume charge at very
large distances effectively canceled out:

which is equivalent t o
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while Ti is the opposite case, equivalent to

as shown above. The difference is entirely caused by the macroscopic surface or

volume charges, which can be calculated by macroscopic dielectric theory. There
is a complete analogy with the theory of Lyddane, Sachs and Teller (85), and others
of the longitudinal-transverse frequency difference of optical phonons .
To show the direct relationship of all this t o classical dielectric theory let us
write down the equation of motion of a classical dielectric, which is

d'P + w
2 P = PE
0 eff

Here P is a coupling constant which can be evaluated in terms of d i p o h matrix

elements by considering the zero-frequency limit, in which we know from straight-
forward perturbation theory that the polarizability of the system of atoms is

& = - 2NX2
= - = - 2NX2 p
EO fiwo wo

In the local-field approximation, the effective field which the atoms see is Eeff =
E + LP, where L is the "local-field constant, I ' 4r/3 for cubic lattices and
transverse waves. The resonant frequency is determined, then, by

(-wr2 + w 02 ) P = p LP

and assuming w r = w o , this gives

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2 (Or -wo) wo = -p L

Awr fiwo - :Lo

L = fiw0 - NX 2 L

This is the same expression we obtained by direct quantum mechanical means. We

shall s e e later how to restore agreement with the more complete classical formula,

2 2
w -wo
- = -a(w=O)- L
w '

Hopfield's paper contains an interesting treatment of the whole exciton problem

in terms of quantization of a classical dielectric medium, which I shall not repeat
because we shall discuss a similar treatment of spin waves later.
I should, however, discuss Hopfield's results on the interaction of excitons with
radiation, because they illustrate some interesting physical points. So far we have
included in our calculations only the longitudinal part, leading t o Coulomb inter-
actions, of the electromagnetic field. The transverse radiation field does not inter-
act with purely longitudinal excitons, but of course it is coupled directly to the
transverse ones by a term of the form

where a h a r e the photon creation and destruction operators, and the matrix ele-
ment may be shown to be


A is a polarization index. Hopfield points out that in the ideal crystal we must not
think of the coupling as leading to absorption of photons by the excitons, but as a
coupling between two independent boson excitations. the spectra of which are as
shown in Figure 45. The exciton velocity is enormously smaller than that of the

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Figure 45

photon, so that the two frequencies c r o s s a t very small k. Naturally, when we

introduce the coupling, the result is to split the spectra near the crossing point as
shown by the dotted lines. Thus in the absence of phonons and imperfections, the
photons a r e not absorbed but strongly dispersed at the exciton frequency. There is
a region of complete opacity, or stop band, for radiation near or in energy; at the
sides of this band the photon velocity is greatly slowed. This is the solid-state
equivalent of the phenomenon of resonance trapping of radiation; it can be thought of
a s the slowing down or stopping of the photon by repeated absorption and re-
emission. Of course in an actual crystal it turns out that the exciton is much more
strongly absorbed by such processes as multiphonon emission than the photon, so
that an absorption-like process takes place near the exciton frequency. This how-
ever must be considered a s a direct absorption from the mixed exciton-photon mode
into phonon or impurity degrees of freedom, not as absorption of photons by the
excitons themselves.
Hopfield and Thomas have succeeded in demonstrating experimentally several of
these properties of excitons in CdS crystals. By observing the absorption in direc-
tions other than the principal axes they have been able to cause a slight admixture
of longitudinal and transverse excitons and thus demonstrate the frequency differ-
ence of these two types of modes experimentally. In other arrangements, with the
aid of magnetic fields, they have shown that the excitons interacting strongly with
photons a r e indeed propagating with a finite, nonzero momentum rather than being
stationary excited atoms, and have roughly measured the exciton velocities experi-
mentally (86).

Another aspect of the Frenkel excitons i s the role played by the high-energy
dipolar terms which we have so far neglected in this treatment. The electrostatic
interaction (11) also contains dipolar matrix elements like

P t s s
k j (Jaixexas)2 (Tjk)xx

which have the effect of simultaneously exciting atoms j and k. The resulting
t e r m s in the hamiltonian, written in terms of the bosons b, a r e
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7 (1-n.)b.
1 1
- T.
* (l-xj)bk

We can make X real in most cases.

The most immediately obvious thing to do is to treat these terms by perturbation
theory assuming, quite justifiably, that the average energy of the appropriate
excited states is just 2Eo. We get a lowering of the total energy of the solid by

AE2 = --I4 T .:T .

2Eo 01 01

which is proportional to R . and is clearly just to be identified with the component
of the Van der Waals attraction of the atoms coming from this particular electronic
transition, computed as it would be for independent atoms.
It is interesting to do this in another way. We saw that in considering the first
exciton with the simpler hamiltonian (15) the nonlinear terms in the equation of
motion of the exciton operator were exactly zero. Thus to that approximation the
first exciton is an exact excited state of the system. W e now make the typical
elementary excitation assumption, that even with physically significant numbers
of elementary excitations present, the interactions of the elementary excitations
can be ignored to some degree of approximation; that i s , both in (15) and in the
terms (16) we a r e now considering, we replace (1-n,) by 1, retaining only the
t e r m s quadratic i n the boson amplitudes.
One must realize that once we have included (16)in the hamiltonian, even the
ground state contains a small amplitude of atomic excited states because of the
pairs of excitons which a r e excited and de-excited. The percentage is not in fact

infinitesimal, since X2T- -

1/2 to 1 ev in good rare gases and ionic crystals, so
the amplitude is of order IkO. 1 . Thus it is a real assumption to set n, = 0 , but in
this case a reasonably accurate one.
Let us then express the new, complete hamiltonian in this linearized approxima-
tion in terms of the boson operators Pkh (A refers to the polarization of the exci-
ton) :

X =
(Eo + X TADC)) Plh Pkh
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Let us try to diagonalize this. Clearly the only way is t o mix, in a way which is by
now familiar from superconductivity theory, the operators P L with 0 and vice-
versa. [Actually, the corresponding transformation was probably f i r s t made by
Bogolyubov in the theory of He4 @?).I Let us then s e t

Bkt = %Bkt - vk B-k t

'k = "kBk - "kBk

To ensure that the new operators have boson commutation rules, we need only check

[Pk,Pi] = 1 if [B, B'] = 1

That is,

\ -2 v 2 = 1

This is automatically satisfied i f we set

'k 'k
t+ = cash -2
vk = sinh-

Now let us substitute into the hamiltonian (17). A particular set of terms may be

These now become

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Thus we have diagonalized the hamiltonian if we set

2Ukvk E;,
= tanhek =a
%+'k Ek

The remaining terms can be written. when we use


The new energy of the excitons, then, is


= E~ cash ek - E~ sinh ek

But by (18) we may set


E = E cosh 0
k k k
E = Ek Sinh Bk
checking that
Ek = Ek (cosh Bk - sinh Bk)

and then
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All of this is remarkably similar to the maneuvers one goes through in diagonalizing
the B.C.S. hamiltonian (88). except that for bosons hyperbolic rather than trigono-
metric angular functions are relevant, and the sign under the square root is c o r r e -
spondingly different. An amusing exercise has been carried out by Suhl (private com-
munication) i n diagonalizing this type of hamiltonian in t e r m s of boson-pair operators

These boson-pair operators have the properties of spins in hyperbolic rather than
real space -i. e . , spins with imaginary S, corresponding to the Legendre functions
of imaginary order.
We also see that, corresponding to the reduction in frequency of the excitons,
there is a decrease in the total energy which may be interpreted very directly as the
appropriate lowering of the zero-point energy of the excitons. Using the identity
2 2
v2 = u + v - 1
f r o m u2 - v2 = 1
we obtain

AE = C ( E ~E
so that the total diagonalized hamiltonian is

t 2 2
where nkh = BkhBkh. Note that Ek = (Eo + 2EoX T k ) l l 2 . This is clearly the
same as (15').
In t h i s representation we have made clear the rather amusing fact, which w a s
pointed out by Hopfield, that the binding energy of molecular crystals may be re-
interpreted as the decrease in zero-point energy of excitons due t o dipolar inter-
action, since it is predominantly Van d e r Waals' attraction.
One r a t h e r important point about this zero-point energy problem deserves some
discussion. In our original hamiltonian we had, aside f r o m the purely atomic
term (E0/2) (ct c - cscs),t only t e r m s referring to exciton operators on different
atoms, which of course automatically commuted. We chose always to take them in
the o r d e r b.t b and a s a result we came out with a hamiltonian involving
I k'
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EiPiPk. The result is the subtractive t e r m above [ i n (19) the t e r m -.El. But
this, of course, while a correct description of our actual physical situation, is not
the correctly quantized hamiltonian of a classical dielectric continuum, which
should come out in the symmetrized form:

Since our assumed system has no obvious physical resemblance t o a classical

dielectric continuum, this need not worry u s much, but it turns out in fact to be all
right anyhow. If we wish to use the symmetrized form we must add on zk E t ,
which, because of the fact that zk % = 0, depends only on the purely atomic
quantity Eo and not on the interactions a t all. Of course the reason this identity is
true is just that we had no j=k interaction t e r m s , which is why we could choose the
order a r b i t r a r i l y in the first place. In spin-wave and phonon problems this rela-
tionship between the classical and quantum starting points will be m o r e t o the point.
Now let us begin to move away from the subject of strictly localized Frenkel
excitons and t o take into account the possibility that the excited electron or hole
may occasionally wander away from i t s partner, in spite of the influence of the
Coulomb field of the other. This means that we must include in the hamiltonian
the t e r m s

but we must also take into account the energy difference U which decreases the
excited electron's energy when it is on the same atom as the hole:

starting from the limit in which U --

The best we can do with the t e r m s (20) is t o t r e a t thsm in perturbation theory,
and finding the f i r s t correction of order
b2/u. In the limit of very large U, the appropriate thing to do is to look a t the
eigenstates of the Coulomb interaction (21). These form themselves into a hier-
archy, according to whether 0, 1, 2, e t c . , pairs of s and p electrons are on the
same atom, with energies 0, U, 2U, etc. So far we have treated only the U = O
degenerate subspace of such states, in which the electron and hole occupy the same
atom; these have been split up by the dipolar interaction, which is clearly small
compared to U. The next stage is to calculate the further splitting of this degen-
erate subspace by virtual transitions in which the electron or hole hops onto an
atom on which t h e r e is already another, which in the limit of U very l a r g e h a s
energy U. To get t h e lowest-order effect, clearly we cannot permit a f u r t h e r
wandering of the electron but must force it t o rejoin its hole on the next hop. We
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project, then, the perturbation series

onto the subspace lo> of "allowable" s t a t e s in which electron and hole a r e together:

and neglect all higher-order perturbations. We can easily accomplish t h i s by keep-

ing only the t e r m s in which the electron o r the hole returns to the atom from which
it came, s o that the second-order effect of (20) and (21) is

(ci)' cs1 + b i j (cpk) cp

- - -1 ( l b .s I 2n s. (1-n:) + lbp i 2 n P ( l - n i )
U Jk J Ik J
+ b sj k bpk j ( csj )t c,(<)'cP
s + c.c.)

The f i r s t two t e r m s a r e a bit unsymmetrical, s o we symmetrize between the pairs

jk and kj. Also we take into account the fact that within the manifold. I0 > of states
we a r e considering, np = 1 - n. and vice versa-either an excited or ground-state
electron is on each atom. We then obtain, for these two t e r m s , the r e s u l t

Ibs 1 2 + Ibp I 2
lk lk
U 2

In t e r m s of the exciton operators,

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= 2 (- nj\ + nj + nJ

The latter form shows that, aside from giving a nonlinear interaction between
neighboring excitons, this t e r m lowers the exciton energies by

The u form w i l l be significant in spin-wave problems.

This diagonal t e r m in the energy of the exciton is not of great importance; it re-
flects the fact that the b t e r m spreads the free-particle levels out into a band, push-
ing down the mean exciton energy. The other t e r m is a more interesting one; it
has precisely the form of the dipolar t e r m s which led to exciton motion, s o that we
may write these t e r m s in the analogous form to the dipolar ones:

b s bp
T . ' =k Wk

The mechanism involved is clearly the virtual hopping of the electron to the neigh-
boring atom, followed by the subsequent hop of the hole in the same direction. This
mechanism for t r a n s f e r is not of much importance for optically active Frenkel ex-
citons but is quite important for forbidden ones, and particularly f o r spin waves.
Clearly the effect of this is to make the exciton spectrum follow slightly the broad-
ening of the single-particle spectrum caused by bjk (Figure 46). As b becomes a t
all comparable with U this model completely fails. A s b increases, we see that


1 p no b

with b
Exciton .~ 3 no b
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S i Figure 46

the energy of the exciton states decreases by - Zb2/U. On the other hand, the

relationships with their neighbors best, decrease a s

energy of the excitons in this model decreases like
energies of the lowest band states, those which take advantage of the proper phase
Zb. Thus the binding

BE I U - Zb+- Zb

so that as soon a s bZ U, the purely localized excitons will have energies not
necessarily below the band edges (Figure 47), and we shall have to make up the

1 Figure 47
Localized exciton

exciton states out of electron states only near the energy minimum, .if we are to
hope to get an exciton beiow the continuum of band levels. In addition, in a material
in which b is appreciable, the Wannier functions a r e more extended and dielectric

screening will decrease the effectiveness of U. Thus we expect a rather s h a r p

transition, as a function of b/U, t o the opposite case of exciton theory, the Wannier
limit, in which electron and hole are seldom on the same atom a t the s a m e t i m e ,
but r a t h e r have a long-range wave function which can be made up from states near
the band minima.
This case can be treated by the "effective one-band hamiltonian" method of band
theory-- in fact, it was the problem for which Wannier started the modern develop-
ment of this theory in 1937 (78). We use the approximate hamiltonian

In general, this leads to r a t h e r complicated equations, even though tractable in

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principle. This is especially SO in the case of degenerate bands, where even the
center-of-mass motion cannot be separated out easily. Fortunately, the most
interesting cases a r e those in which excitons a r e observed reasonably easily. and
these seem to be simple effective m a s s ellipsoid situations, where we can write

and where the center-of-mass and relative motions can be separated out, giving us
an exciton mass tensor (me + mh)a for total motion, and a reduced mass tensor

(-) (Y

for the relative motion. Even where this is not possible- degeneracy, or ellipsoids
with different principal axes-often one particle is much heavier than the other and
good approximations can be found.
The exciton wave function in coordinate representation, then, is

if q is the wave number of center-of-mass motion. 8 is a rather long-range func-

tion relative to atomic distances. It is interesting to contrast the approximations
made in this treatment with those of our previous Frenkel treatment, and t o show
graphically how the exciton moves in the two cases. Call the creation operators for
Wannier functions in the two bands, electron (conduction) and hole (valence)

we(Rj), t
wh(Rj), respectively,

where, for example, we is defined as

e being the empty band. The wave function q may be written

while the approximate hamiltonim amounts to keeping as interaction energy only

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IRj-F$l n e (R.)n
J h

ignoring all off-diagonal elements. Thus in this c a s e t he interaction causes no

motion at all: w;(j) wh&) kg is an eigenfunction of this interaction with energy

The motion instead comes entirely from the bjk p a r t s of the hamiltonian. We may
describe this by means of a diagram giving t i m e, t , v e r s u s position, x, by indicat-
ing an interaction taking place at fixed positions of electron and hole, the two moving
in x space between interactions (Figure 48). The interactions occur at long range

t l

J Rk
Figure 48

only, and have as their only effect holding the electron and hole together. In the
other case, we assumed that bjk was zero and the electron and hole could not move
at all, except that Wh and w: could annihilate each other with matrix element x
[ s e e Figure 49(a)]. In Figure 49@) we show the motion described by equation (22)
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Figure 49

via a virtual jump of electron or hole; this is closely allied to the process of
Figure 48. The kind of diagram shown in Figure 49(a) occurs for Wannier excitons
also, but only in the r a r e event that the paths of electron and hole c r o s s (Figure 50).
That diagram indicates the fact that the effective dipole moment f o r interaction with
an external field, which is diagrammatically as shown in Figure 51, is reduced by

Figure 50
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Figure 51

the inverse of the volume of the exciton state, because annihilation only occurs when
electron and hole a r e near each other. The resulting longitudinal-transverse fre-
quency difference is rather small. It cannot be handled in terms of the effective
Hamiltonian theory alone.
One way of looking at the zero-point corrections which we made to the ground-
state energy and to the frequency of the Frenkel excitons is to observe that they
amount to the inclusion of the so-called "backwards diagrams" in the equations for
propagation of the excitons (see Figure 52). The "backwards diagrams" have a
much larger effect in nuclear many-body theory and in nuclear level structure (89).
These diagrams illustrate the process of summing subsets of diagrams in the many-
body theory.

L I I I !
Ri Rj Rk R1
Figure 52
156 C O N C E P T S IN S O L I D S

Diagrams like those i n Figure 48 are called "ladder diagrams," and solving a
Schriidinger equation for two particles is equivalent to "summing the ladders to
infinite order''- that is, to allowing the interaction-at-a-distance to operate a s
often a s necessary, essentially continuously. Diagrams like Figure 49 a r e often
called ''bubble" or "ring" diagrams, and are related to the dielectric constant of
the material. In the simple case of excitons, there is nothing really preventing our
summing both s e t s together except a certain degree of mathematical complexity,
and we have given limiting cases in which one type of summing or the other is the
more important. In more complicated cases of collective excitations it may only
be possible to "sum" the ladder or bubble diagrams alone. In the case of "bubble"
diagrams it is important usually also t o sum the "backward" ones; this is done by
the random-phase approximation (90).
In the case of the Wannier type of exciton there is no particularly obvious or
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simple way to make the transition to boson operators directly. Instead, we must
follow the more ad hoc procedure of writing down the exciton operators and verify-
ing directly that their commutation r u l e s , in a state in which very f e w a r e excited,
a r e approximately those of bosons. The operator which creates a Wannier exciton
may be written

We then have

The commutator will vanish when applied t o the ground state qg unless Rj = R,,
Rk = R1 because there are no excitons present ab initio in the ground state. -
That means that nh = 1, ne = 0, i . e . , w l we = 0 unless a hole is present on 1 and
an excited electron on m . The commutator has the value unity in that case. In the
exciton case even physically one seldom reaches a state in which this assumption is
invalid, except possibly in certain optical m a s e r s . Thus

Thus it is quite valid to treat the Wannier excitons as bosons. The most exhaustive
treatment of the question in general, of whether and when excitations composed of
fermion p a i r s may be treated as bosons, is in recent work of Blatt and Matsubera
which is stiff reading but does s e e m to settle the fact that they may almost always
be so treated.

2. Spin Waves: Heisenberg Hamiltonian and the Magnetic State

Spin waves in insulators are no m o r e than a modification and generalization of
the Frenkel exciton. They are an exciton i n which the unoccupied or "upper" band
is not a distinct orbital band in the Hartree-Fock potential, but the same band as
that from which the electron has been excited, but with opposite spin. To under-
stand how this can come about, we must discuss briefly the structure of the "mag-
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netic state" in insulators (91).

Let u s s t a r t with the simplest c a s e , that of the ferromagnetic insulator; that i s ,
we suppose that a Hartree-Fock solution- not necessarily the lowest one, but self-
consistent-has all the states in band n with spin up full, all states with spin down

where these two expressions are equivalent (c is the creation operator for Bloch
functions, w for Wannier functions) because the band is full.
You will remember that in the case of Frenkel excitons we started out a s a
zero'th approximation with an atomic excitation energy Eo, which w a s less than the
band excitation energy Ee - Eh by the quantity U which represented the repulsive
energy between the two electrons in upper and lower band Wannier functions on the
same atom.
Leaving aside the interatomic interactions, Eo must be zero in the magnetic
case, because the exc'ited electron goes into the same orbital a s the ground state
one. That is, at this stage it costs no energy to turn over a spin in situ, but only
to turn over the spin and a t the s a m e t i m e move the electron to a neighboring atom.
If the Wannier function is a ( r - R j ) , the energy U is

e' d r l d r 2 la(r1)I2 la(r2)I2

Clearly the f i r s t prerequisite that the magnetic state make any sense at all is that U
be large, particularly relative to the "hopping" o r kinetic-energy integral

bjk = J a*(r-Rj)X a('-Rk) d r


That U must be large may be seen by considering, again, the ferromagnetic case,
taking into account only these two terms in the energy :

b . w.t wku + U c n. n.
Xo = lk 10 It I t

W e may treat Ho in Hartree-Fock approximation, assuming that we fill all the

states with spin up so that <n-t
I > = 1, <njt > = 0. The energy of a hole state in this
potential is of course just
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while that of an electron state is U iE &) (Figure 53). The situation can obviously
Electron band

Hole band E (k)

Figure 53

be stable only if all electronic states a r e above all hc-2 states, i . e . ,

This is a necessary condition, but far from a sufficient one, that the electrons not
just spontaneously f i l l up the down-spin states from the up-spin ones and thereby
convert the ferromagnetic insulator to a nonmagnetic metal.
Now we can study the stability of the ferromagnetic insulator from a second point
of view. That i s , we can compute the energies of "excitons" or "spin excitation
waves" formed by exciting an electron from an up to a down spin state and allowing
the resulting bound complex t o travel through the lattice. We shall find that the
k = 0 exciton- let us use the t e r m "spin wave"- always has zero energy, but that

spin waves of finite wave number may have positive or negative energies. If they
a r e negative, this too represents an instability of the ferromagnetic system, pre-
sumably in the direction of a reorientation of the spins in an antiferromagnetic
array instead.
This approach to the problem is that Of Skater (92) and of Schubin and Vonsovsky
(93). Though historically the first real many-body approach, it does not elucidate
all the information which can be obtained on the system. More complete and essen-
tially equivalent in rigor is the "vector model'' approach, which we shall discuss
The Coulomb interaction does not contain any direct dipolar matrix elements be-
cause the spin-flip transition is doubly forbidden, by spin and parity. Instead,
excitation can only be transferred from one atom to the other by the so-called "ex-
change" matrix elements
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Jjk = I a * ( r - R . ) a ( r - s ) a*(r'-Rk)a(r'-R.)I dr dr'

which a r e the Coulomb self-energy of the "overlap charge density"

jk = a*(r-R.)a(r-%)

Note that because J is a Coulomb self-energy it is necessarily positive.

J multiplies two different groupings of fermion operators:
Xdirect exchange = 3 c { jk
Jjk [wt; i t W j t Wkt

+ wt; wL+ wj+ + [w t wtk + 1' w


wt: w L t w j t wkt I!
The first pair of terms may be re-written

if we a s s u m e that there is always one electron per atom:

n . + n. = 1
1' 1'

We have made the identification of the fermion pair with a spinor, which in this case
is exactly what we usually mean by the spin operator associated with the given atom.
The second pair of terms are more conventional exciton transfer t e r m s ; we see

w.t w. = u. = -1 (u. +u. )

Jt J' J+ 2 JX JY
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etc., so that the total exchange energy can be written in t e r m s of spin operators a s

%direct exchange
= -4
1 c J. ( 1 + u . u . + u
Jk ZJ jk
XJ xk+'yjayk)

= -3
Jk J
J. ( l + a . uk)

The advantage of the spin notation is that it allows us at least formally not to con-
fine our thinking to the study of a single spin wave, but to consider the simultaneous
reversal of any number of spins in the sample. It depends on the basic assumption,
however, that U is very large, as are the excitation energies to all other bands, and
thus that we may take njt +nj! = 1. Of course this is only exactly t r u e in the un-
physical limit U - -, but as m the case of Frenkel excitons we may have recourse
to perturbation theory projected onto the manifold of states for which it is exactly
true. T h e r e s e e m s little doubt that such a perturbation theory would converge when
b/U is s m a l l enough [although Slater has called that into question, for no convincing
reason (94)l.
On the other hand, so long as we express the results on the interactions of the
excitations with each other exactly in t e r m s of the spins u , t h e r e is nothing to pre-
vent u s treating situations i n which indefinite numbers of spin r e v e r s a l s a r e present.
This is, then, rather a new kind of elementary excitation theory; we allow an in-
definite degree of excitation, nexc N , but only of excitations of a certain special
kind. We may or may not be able t o t r e a t the effective hamiltonian (23) of the new
theory exactly. but it is a quasi-exact hamiltonian in almost the same sense as that
of effective m a s s theory s o long as we refuse to allow real-as opposed to virtual-
excitations in which the electrons leave the s i t e s of their corresponding holes perma-
Within this theory a second and very important mechanism f o r spin wave motion
and interaction is the same perturbation-theoretic term we discussed in the exciton
case. A reversed-spin electron may virtually hop to a neighboring atom, giving the

spin wave a finite-size wave function. We can simply transcribe the results we
obtained in the exciton case. The second-order energy is (taking into account that
bjtkt = b j t k i )

+ w.j t wktwktwjc + WjtWktWk+Wjt}

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Without any serious study of the spin-wave problem, it is pretty obvious that the
ferromagnetic s ta te will be stable if 1/2 Jjk > I bjk I2/u so that the energy is mini-
mized by setting all 0 , - uk as positive as possible, while in the opposite case some
antiferromagnetic state will probably be more stable. Let me briefly digress on
the physical origin of these, the two most important t erm s in the exchange inter-
action in insulators. The t er m Jjk is quite directly the Hartree-Fock exchange
term in the interaction energy of electrons in two orthogonal orbitals a(r-R,) and
a(r-Rk) with parallel spin. Because the two electrons have parallel spin, there is
an "exchange hole" in the region where their wave functions overlap, which lowers
their energy when parallel. This energy gain is responsible for Hund's rule in
atoms, the rule that spins of electrons in the same shell will be parallel when pos-
This exchange t e r m is necessarily positive -what, then, of all the arguments
which have raged about the signs of exchange integrals? The reason is that the
Heitler-London theory of the coupling of two atoms gives as the exchange integral
not this alone but an integral involving the full Hamiltonian and arbi t rary functions,
not necessarily orthogonal, replacing a(r-Rj). Such an integral can have arbitrary
sign, and is indeed usually negative. It is this H-L integral which is most often
computed. While Herring (95) has shown that the Heitler-London procedure is nearly
exactly correct f o r singly charged atoms at fairly large distances, it seem s to
me to make the physics clearer to include the primary antiferromagnetic effect as a
separate te r m- -b2/U. This t e r m occurs because when the spins of two electrons
are antiparallel, the exclusion principle no longer requires them t o have precisely
orthogonal wave unctions. They may gain kinetic energy by spilling over into each
others' wave functions.
One can show that when the two wave functions are not automatically orthogonal
by symmetry, the b2/U term almost always predominates; for instance, the lowest

state of two electrons in any arbitrary ordinary potential is always a singlet, indi-
cating antiferromagnetic exchange, according t o a theorem of Wigner (95).
But the working of the exclusion principle can often, as in atoms, cause the wave
functions of two electrons to be automatically orthogonal and b p to vanish. A f e w
isolated cases of insulating ferromagnets, such as CrOZ, obeymg this principle,
a r e known by now, but hundreds of other cases exhibit antiferromagnetic exchange.
The usual magnetic materials in which exchange effects a r e important a r e
oxides or other rather concentrated salts of metals in the iron group or occasion-
ally the other transition groups. A typical case is NiO. In this material the band
of interest is the band made up mostly of d states on the Ni ions, although because

ture. One finds (91) that reasonable values of b's a r e

J 1/3 of b2/U.
- -
of covalent bonding of 0 = p electrons with Ni d states, there is considerable admix-

- 1 ev, of U 10 ev, of
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in this usual case, that z(Ib,ki2/U) > Jjk,. the interaction is referred to as
"antiferromagnetic" and the electron spins unll tend to make u, . U k a s negative as
possible in the ground state or near T=O. The observed state often approximates
reasonably well an a r r a y of two or more sublattices of alternating spins (Figure 54).
in such a case, of course, we a r e indeed dealing with a situation which, viewed

Figure 54

from the ferromagnetic point of view, contains a very large degree of excitation.
A s we remarked, however, that is quite all right so long as we believe that pertur-
bation theory is valid starting from the quasi-degenerate manifold of states with
n + n, = 1 and allowing no r e a l (as opposed to virtual) transitions into free-
electron states.
The criterion for the validity of such a theory must be that b should be consider-
ably smaller than U. In the Frenkel exciton case, you will remember, we had a
rapid, but probably not discontinuous, change from the Frenkel to the Wannier type
of exciton as b became larger compared to U, but here we can easily see that the
transition will be catastrophic.
Just as in the case of Frenkel excitons, the essential question revolves around
the binding energy of the excitons. Here, however, we have not got the additional
excitation energy Eo necessary to excite the electron from the s to the p state on

the same atom; the only energy preventing the degeneration of the system into a
purely metallic state is the binding energy of the electron t o its respective hole.
By freeing the electron from its hole, we can gain an energy of order -
lose the energy U, and have only a second-order energy - Zb2bJ gained by allow-
Zb, but we

ing virtual transitions of the electron away from its hole and vice versa. Thus we
may estimate Zb U as a reasonable value of the transition point from antiferro-
magnet t o metal. Additionally, when b is large, again dielectric screening becomes
a problem and U is naturally smaller.
Another, also rather approximate, way to do the problem of this transition t o
the metallic state is to ask whether the alternating a r r a y can in fact be a stable
Hartree solution of the many-body problem. That is, we can ask what the Hartree
field for the down spin at atom k is relative to that at atom j. Nominally the differ-
ence is U, the repulsive energy between the up-spin electron at j and the down-spin
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one. But in a Hartree theory we should take into account the fact that the up-spin
electron on j is not actually on j all the time, SO that the actual difference in H a r -
tree fields may be considerably smaller.
The electron of up spin on site j hops to each Of its neighbors k with probability
Ibjk/U I2, while equally site k may with probability I bjk/U 1 be occupied by an
up-spin electron. Thus the actual difference in energy between a down-spin state
on j as opposed to k is

= u(1- 22 kI2)
But actually the energy denominator which determines the amount of admixture
should be not U itself but AE, s o we get an equation for self-consistency

AE = U
( 1-
(AEj2 k

( A E ) -~ U (AE)2 = -2UZlb- l 2
This equation may be graphed as shown in Figure 55. Thus the maximum possible
value of b is given by

At any b above this critical value, the magnetic state can no longer be maintained.
It will be unstable against a redistribution of the electrons so that the occupancy of
both spin states is equal, and the state is metallic. The lower iron-series oxides,
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Figure 55

and those of the later transition series - V, Ru, etc., oxides - a r e metallic,
although the mobility of the electrons is quite low, 10-3 or so of that in usual
metals. Some exhibit a t h e r m a l transition which, it has been suggested, may be of
the nature of a metallic-to-magnetic transition (9).

3. Ferromagnetic Spin Waves

Now let us go on to the elementary excitations, first in the ferromagnetic case
(96). The effective hamiltonian is

(where we assume J# > 0).

One of the most important properties of spin vectors, which they have in com-
mon with harmonic oscillators, is that their classical equations of motion are iden-
tical with the quantum ones. Suppose u enters into the hamiltonian multiplied by a
field H: X = - 1/2 Y f i H u. Then, when we calculate the equation of motion of the
operator u in Heisenberg representation :

we obtain

do 2
-yfi H
ifi = [o,u]-

{ This notation means that [ Q , u ] is the dyadic made up of the components [ ui, uj] .}
The commutators of different components are summarized in the relationship

u x u = 2io
- 0.0.
1 1
= 2ie..
ijk k

so that
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[[u,u] HIk = 2 i c 5 ckjlal = 2iHxu


-do_ - Y ( u x H )

which is indeed the classical equation of motion

= Y(SxH)

of a spin S = u/2 in a magnetic field H and with gyromagnetic ratio Y . H may

b e a c-number o r any operator which commutes with u , the spin under considera-
The field H which spin uj 2 e e s is (1/2Yfi) z k Jjkuk. It is convenient to intro-
duce a preferred direction z by also having a s m a l l external field, leading to a
t e r m in the hamiltonian Fi Y H uz, so that we have the equation of motion

J . u . x uk + Y H ( o . X
Ik 1 I

These equations can be used to obtain equations of motion of the spin waves which
are entirely equivalent to those derived by using boson theory, and many of the
properties can be calculated directly using spins and the equations of motion with-
out ever going through the pseudo-boson approximation. Unfortunately, the thermal
and energetic properties are not as easily done t h i s way, although modern Green's
function theories have made considerable p r o g r e s s in this direction. It is neverthe-
less very important to remember that in spin theory, as in harmonic oscillator
theory, most classical results a r e not approximations a t all, and that one's
classical intuition can be of the greatest value.

Let us write out the equation of motion (24) as

dt = J j k ( ~ j y u k z - u ~ u j +z )vojyH

Adding -i times the second to the first, we get

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= i
J. (urukz - u i u j z ) + iYuyH
Ik 3

The fact that only u - ' s enter indicates that spin waves a r e circularly polarized.
Since we a r e interested in calculating all the properties, thermal as well as dynam-
ic, let us make the boson transformation

uj- = b.t (1-nj) u. = 1-2nj

I 12

We have reversed the sign because the ground state corresponds to uz = +1, and a
spin wave involves turning'a spin down. The linear terms in the b's are
2 = iymj
t + & c J~~(bjt -bk)t

When we transform to spin-wave variables Bk we get

In the absence of a magnetic field, the spin-wave frequencies increase as k2 from

the value 0 at k=O. The fact that, aside from the external field, the frequency must

be zero at k=O is the consequence of an identity which comes from the general
equation of motion:

d ui = J j k ( u ~ u h - u ~ j zp) 0
dt B
j jk
and in fact So = Z,oj, the total spin vector itself, is a constant of the motion.
S- is %'
v times the k=O spin-wave operator.
This is the first instance we have come upon of one of the most important gen-
eral rules about collective excitations, which is related to the presence of symme-
try in the hamiltonian. The exchange hamiltonian (23), a s well as the original
hamiltonian from which it is derived, are invariant under the operation of rotation
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in spin space. This is because the Coulomb interactions, as well as the kinetic
energy, do not involve the spins of the electrons in any way; the spins only enter
the problem through the exclusion principle or the more complete statement of
fermion statistics, the commutation relations. But the commutation relations
themselves a r e invariant to spin rotations (of all spins simultaneously, of course):

is also true after the transformation corresponding to a rotation in spin space

++' is then the + component of the wave function when we quantize along 0 , 0 in-
stead of along z (Figure 56).

I 2'

Figure 56

To every invariance of the hamiltonian corresponds a constant of the motion.

Corresponding to time-translation invariance, the constant is E ; t o space-transla-
tion invariance, P ; and t o angular rotation invariance, the total angular momentum
L. These a r e the so-called generators of the symmetry transformations ; f o r
instance, L, = i(a/a@) andwhen a x l a @ = 0

a = 0
s o that [ x , Lz] = 0

Thus rotation invariance in spin space implies [ x,S] = 0 ; S = const. Actually,

this is not an exact symmetry because the magnetic part of the electromagnetic
forces does depend on u ; it is only valid in the limit v/c 0 , so that, e . g. , spin-
orbit coupling violates it. A s a result, real ferromagnets have what is called
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crystal anisotropy energy, which depends on the direction of S in space, but

which is almost always minor in magnitude compared to the exchange, which comes
from Coulomb energies, and which basically determines the magnetic properties.
This approximate symmetry ensures that the frequency of the k;O spin wave
shall be near zero. What is the excited state which comes from excitation of the
k = 0 spin wave? The original ferromagnetic state contained precisely N electrons,
each of them i n the spin-up state, s o that the total spin was S = N/2 (qot = N ) ,
pointed precisely in the z direction. Because of the rotational invariance of the
hamiltonian, the z direction is of course entirely arbitrary, and we could have
quantized along the x o r y direction, o r any other, if we had liked. Correspond-
ing to this, there is a degeneracy i n the ground state; sticking to the z direction of
quantization, we could have chosen

and each of these exact eigenstates has just the s a m e energy as the original state.
By taking the appropriate Linear combinations of these, we could make up a state
with Szt = N/2, with Z pointing in any direction 8 , @. What linear combination
to take can be calculated from the appropriate representation coefficient
DN/2, N/2 ( 8 . 8 ) or by the trick of considering the state N to be made up of
[a(j) is the spin-up component of wave function corresponding to U-]
Q (110 (2) . . . LY (N)

and using the transformation

It is obvious that the s t a t e s obtained by successive excitations of the k=O spin

wave from the state S, = N/2, S = N/2, are the states S = N/2 but
S, = (N/2) - 1 , (N/2 - 2 , etc. This is because

and S- is the "lowering operator" which decreases S, by unity without changing

IS I . Thus we see that the rotational invariance of the ground state and the z e r o
frequency of the k=O mode are equivalent.
The eigenstates reached by the k=O mode excitation are the same even in the
presence of a magnetic field, since SZ and IS I are still good quantum numbers in
the presence of a perturbation RyHS, . Then the frequency of the k= 0 spin wave
is not zero but exactly Y H. N o t e that these statements about the frequency of the
uniform mode are true, in the absence_of spin-orbit f o r c e s , f o r all states of the
hamiltonian; this is obvious because S leads to a m e r e rotation of any state.
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This is the famous theorem that "exchange alone does not broaden the magnetic
resonance frequency." Another way to put it is that the k=O spin wave does not
interact in any way with the k+O waves.
Now, what about k#O spin waves? It is an obvious hypothesis, and does, in
fact, turn out to be true, that when only exchange f o r c e s are considered, the spin
waves will have frequencies joining continuously on t o that of the k=O mode-that
is, w - 0 a s k-0.
This is not obvious, in view of the complications of the k 0 limit in other
problems, and is a result of the short-range nature of exchange forces. For in-
stance, when we take the long-range magnetic dipolar forces into account, the k=O
mode's frequency depends on the shape of the sample because the demagnetizing
effects caused by surface poles depend on sample shape. Also the frequencies of
longitudinal and transverse spin waves differ, s o that t h e r e is no question of con-
tinuity a s k-0. But, in contrast, exchange forces are basically short range,
because aside from magnetic dipolar and spin-orbit effects, a redistribution of spin
moment does not affect the charge distribution in any way perceptible at long range.
This, then, is the important connection which I should like to emphasize, because
it plays a vital role in the general theory of collective excitations and of phase trans-
itions. We start from a hamiltonian

which has perfect rotational symmetry in spin space. In spite of this rotational sym-
metry, the lowest eigenstate state which we postulate-and which, under special
conditions, namely all Jjk < 0, is really the lowest eigenstate-does not have per-
fect rotational symmetry. Only singlet states, Stat = 0 , have that. Therefore the
lowest eigenstate must be degenerate with a large number of other states, pointing
in different directions o r , if we like, with different Sz along the same direction.
A s a result, we conclude that there is at least one form of elementary excitation,
that corresponding to k=O, which gives a rotation of the entire system in spin space,
and which must have frequency w = 0. Under one additional physical condition, the
170 C O N C E P T S IN S O L I D S

trum of elementary excitations which has w 0 a s k 0. -
absence of long-range forces, this implies that there is a whole branch of the spec-

Spin waves a r e by now an experimental phenomenon as thoroughly tangible as

phonons. They have been studied by neutron inelastic scattering, by direct obser-
vation of their magnetic resonances in thin films, by coupling with the phonon
spectrum, and a number of other more indirect ways. Their best-known property,
however, is their effect on the temperature variation of magnetization and of spe-
cific heat. A branch of boson excitations of frequency f i w = A k 2 has a number
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and, when Akm,2 >> kgT, as at low temperatures. this is clearly


e -1

-- 471 (kgT) X const.

Now we observe that the number of reversed spins per spin wave is precisely 1, so
that the change in Sz is just a T3/2, the famous temperature variation of the
Bloch theory. Dyson (81) has computed correction t e r m s to this variation; there
a r e t e r m s in T5/2 and T7/2 coming from deviations from 6 w = Ak2, but the
first spin-wave interaction term is a completely negligible one of order T4. We
would at first expect A(T) Q: const. - N, so that we expect a T3 term, but the inter-
action of spin waves of long wavelength is very small, essentially because of con-
tinuity with the k=O wave, which h a s no interaction with other spin waves; one finds

w 0
: k2 [const. - [kt2N(k*)]kY2dk'a k2 [const. - T5/2]

where N(k) is the average number of spin waves of wave vector k present. Corre-
spondingly, the correction term is T3/2 T5/2 = T4. The spin-wave specific heat
is also 0: T3/2: the energy is

An important point is illustrated in the behavior of these integrals n e a r k=O.

At any finite temperature, near k=O, the spin-wave density N(k) is the classical

E i ? = 2
Notice that if the system were only two-dimensional, so that the density of states
were a k dk, the integral for the magnetization deviation would diverge logarith-
mically at k 0. Any small external field or spin-orbit coupling can, however,
make the frequency of the k=O spin-wave finite and the integral converge, essen-
tially a s
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T ( cutoff
kBTenergy 1
This two-dimensional divergence is also a very general property of o r d e r e d sys-
tems with short-range forces. For instance, it is believed a two-dimensional crys-
tal would not be thermally stable in the absence of an ordered support of s o m e sort.
However, there apparently exists no actual proof of the absence of a transition in
two dimensions (98).
Now I should like t o make the connection between these results and those of two
different kinds of classical theory. The first is the corresponding problem for
purely classical spin vectors. Suppose that instead of the Pauli spin o p e r a t o r s
u j we had classical spin vectors Sj:

We define S j = J j / b , where Jj is the true classical angular momentum. Thus the

classical exchange parameter is Jjk/fi2. We point this out because o u r artificial
use of S rather than J may introduce factors of fi into equations which are actually
The lowest state of this hamiltonian would be that in which the classical spin
vectors a r e all perfectly aligned in the same direction. We can derive a n approxi-
mate hamiltonian in t e r m s of the classical precessional modes of such an a r r a y by
expanding this energy about the equilibrium position:

so that

s . = s - Z1( S x j2 +s .2

because near equilibrium, the second t e r m is small. Thus

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Here we have assumed that Jjk vanishes except between an atom and its 2 neigh-
bors, an inessential simplification. S- and S+ a r e defined as f o r quantum mechan-
ical spins. We may proceed further by observing that, classically as well as
quantum mechanically, small oscillations fi ( a & / f i ) and fi 112 (a%/&) of
the spin obey the Poisson bracket relationships for canonically conjugate variables.
More simply, we remark that the classical and quantum equations of motion of
spins a r e identical, so that the classical modes of the system are a l s o preces-
sional waves:

That is, we may derive a set of normal modes

wh is given by

which agrees with (25) if in (25) we insert S = 1/2, and also is a purely classical
formula if we substitute J =fiS and realize that Jo, is fi 2 times the classical ex-
change parameter. The hamiltonian reduces to

Of course, the o r d e r is irrelevant classically, but when we quantize the system we

must, as always, choose this symmetrized, Hermitian combination.
The situation with regard to the zero-point motion and energy is at f i r s t confus-
ing. It appears as if there is a discrepancy between the quantized classical Hamil-
tonian and the corresponding quantum results, because quantum mechanically the
energy of the ground state is exactly -NZJS2. and there is no room here for the
correction by the commutator t e r m which must come from reordering the
S+S- + S-S+ t e r m and correcting:
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The situation is saved, a s w a s observed first by Klein and Smith (99), by the
fact that the classical spin corresponding to a quantum spin vector S is
S' = w), 2 2 2
i . e . , S(S+l) = SXJ. + SYl. + SZJ.
2 2 2 2
Thus, SZJ. = S - (Sxj + Syj - S ) ,
and again applying the approximate commutator
S .S . - S . S . =
i sZJ. = is

this is


Thus (26) is the correct correspondence-principle hamiltonian only if we change

S2 to S(S+l), and if we do that it a g r e e s exactly with the quantum result

x = -NZJS + whSiS;

The result is a perfect correspondence between the classical and quantum theo-
retical results. Again, a s in the exciton case when we neglected the "backward
diagrams, the zero-point-motion effect is a rather trivial mathematical exercise

relevant only to the internal dynamics of the individual atoms ; the coypling terms
have a vanishing net zero-point average because the zero-point effect is summed
over all spin waves h and ZA cos = 0 (cos A is, in this c a s e , the Fourier trans-
form of the coupling term).

A second very generally useful semiclassical approach to magnetic problems

was suggested by Landau, Lifshitz, Kittel, and Herring (100). This approach is
very close to the Debye theory of phonons. The idea was to look at the magneti-
zation from a rather coarse-grained point of view as a continuous magnetization
field M(r) obeying the commutation relations of a continuous quantum field,

M(r) X M(r') = iM(r) 6 (r-r') (x consts.)

The form of the hamiltonian, depending on (Sj - &)2, suggests that we use as a
semiempirical hamiltonian density

X = A /dr (VM(r))2
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This can be shown t o be correct for the special case of the insulating ferromagnets,
and it is pretty obviously also the macroscopic consequence of any short-range,
isotropic force-just as elastic theory necessarily gives us a hamiltonian quadratic
in the deformation (Vu) (u the displacement). From this were derived general
magnetization equations of motion valid, one could conjecture, in all ferromagnets:

dM -
- A ( M X V ~ M )+ ~ ( M x H , , ~ ) + (dissipative t e r m s )

This is the Landau-Lifshitz equation, which plays a basic role in all spin-wave and
ferromagnetic resonance theory.
One interesting property of hamiltonians like (27)-and the corresponding ham-
iltonian of elastic theory,

x = 1 vu

: c : vu (C the stiffness elastic tensor)

- is the general argument that two-dimensional systems with short-range f o r c e s

cannot have stable long-range order. We believe readily that the long-wavelength
motions of a system, at least when their frequencies are low, behave classically at
any finite temperature. Then equipartition allows us kBT of energy p e r degree of
freedom k , and the energy is
0: k2(VM(k))2 so <(VM(k))2> -
= kBT

Thus the fluctuation integral

(D the dimensionality)

diverges for D = 2, in both magnetic and elastic cases. Another way of putting it is
that one may, in two dimensions, create a domain of reversed magnetization of size

1 anywhere in the sample, surrounded by a "Bloch wall" of thickness - 1, with
energy (number of atoms in wall) X (VM)2 12 (l/12)M2 = finite. Thus we have a
finite thermal excitation probability for such domains in all areas of the sample,
on any scale and in essentially an infinite number of possible configurations. Thus
long-range order is destroyed. In general, the Landau-Lifshitz equation allows us
to deal with motions and configurations more complex and general than those of
spin waves, so long as they are slowly varying.

4. Antiferromagnetic Spin Waves and "Broken Symmetry"

Finally, I shall give a brief introduction to the subject of antiferromagnetic spin
waves (101). These a r e important because they are probably the simplest and best-
understood case of the various kinds of relationships among zero-point motion,
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symmetry, and elementary excitation spectra which we can lump together under the
name of the "theory of broken symmetry" and which play a vital role in the theory
of almost all forms of quantum condensation -solids and phonons, spin waves,
superconductivity, liqllid helium, and the plasma.
In general, a condensation phenomenon is characterized by the appearance of a
new parameter in the state of what we call the "condensed" system which was not
present in the original system. Above its Curie point a ferromagnet has no mag-
netization in the absence of an external field ; below it does. In an antiferromagnet,
the new parameter is the antiferromagnetic order. We may use. for instance, the
difference in magnetizations of the two sublattices as our parameter-it is often
called the "order parameter. " Order-disorder in alloys has an obvious new para-
meter, as does ferroelectricity. Equally obvious is the long-range order of a solid,
which is not present in the liquid. Liquid helium 11has a parameter which now is
generally understood to be the number of atoms in the zero momentum state. The
liquid-gas system is a little more evasive, but by using the so-called "lattice gas"
method we can make an analogy to a classical order-disorder system. Still more
evasive, but exactly similar, is the order parameter of the superconductor, which
may be defined a s a certain off -diagonal "Green's function" related to the energy
gap -
A l l of these order parameters have one feature in common: When the order
parameter is present, the system has a lower symmetry than in the uncondensed
phase. Again this is quite obvious in most cases, although for the two superfluids
this lower symmetry is rather a peculiar and controversial one, namely a lack of
gauge invariance of the usual sort (perhaps more generally accepted is the idea that
zero momentum plays a special role, i. e. , lack of Newtonian invariance). In most
other cases the change in symmetry is of a kind which is less inflammatory to the
sensitivities of the average theoretical physicist, because he is more familiar with
the existence of perturbations which destroy it. Thus the ideal ferro- and antiferro-
magnet have discarded the rotational symmetry of the exchange forces in spin space,
which is destroyed anyhow by magnetic perturbations. The fact that the ferromag-
netic and antiferromagnetic states do not have time-reversal symmetry (a very
practical point for ferromagnets, since it permits the existence of ferrite gyrators)
should disturb the theorist almost as much as gauge in the superconductor, because
time reversal is usually considered to be an exact symmetry. The solid has

discarded full rotational and translational symmetry, which again does not disturb
our intuition, .but only because we live every day with solid clamps and boxes which
have the same peculiar lack of symmetry. Nonetheless, in all these cases we use
for our hamiltonian, ordinarily, an expression which has the appropriate symme-
try, and then we derive-or assume we can derive-from it a state of the system
which is determined by that hamiltonian but which does not have the symmetry.
This, then, is a general feature, as f a r as I can see, of all condensation phenomena.
Ferromagnetism is unique, or nearly SO, among all these condensed phases, in
that the order parameter in this case is a constant of the motion, at least approxi-
mately. This fact allows u s a great degree of simplification. In the idealized
Heisenberg model of the pure ferromagnet, in the first place, we can write down an
exact ground state of the system; in more complicated models, such as the Heisen-
berg ferrimagnet, we can a t least characterize the ground state by a good quantum
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number-the total spin, and/or the total z component thereof. The existence of
such a good quantum number implies an exact statement about the symmetry of the
ground state. Then we can characterize all excited states by saying that there is
at least one reversed spin. The situation is like that in the N + l body problem, in
that the states with elementary excitations can really be distinguished clearly from
the ground state. Also the amount of magnetization reversal, like the change in
particle number, is a fixed constant per elementary excitation. As we pointed out
already, the existence of the symmetry in the hamiltonian which is "broken" in the
ferromagnetic state implies, of course, that there a r e actually a whole collection
of ground states, in this case N+1. which are transformed into each other by rota-
tion of the whole spin system. Because the spin is a constant of the motion, these
different states are all exact eigenstates of the hamiltonian, and as we saw this
implied that w (k=O) is identically zero.
In nearly all the other interesting cases of condensation, the order parameter is
not a constant of the motion. Let us, for instance, take the simplest case, anti-
ferromagnetism. The hamiltonian of an ideal antiferromagnet of a particularly
simple kind is

where we may simplify things inessentially by supposing that the S's a r e on 2 simple
cubic lattice and that J only acts between nearest neighbors, so that S, may be taken
always to be on the face-centered cubic sublattice A, and S1 on B (Figure 57).
A 0 B O S l A 0


A 0 8 0 A 0

Figure 57

The equation of motion of the spin of the A sublattice is

j neighbors to j

= J
nearest - neighbor
s.xs = - x,s
1 1 [ B ]
pai r s

where SB is the total spin of the other sublattice. Thus, while the total spin
SA + SB is, by our general theorem, a constant of the motion, none of the compo-
by Mrs. Shyama Ramankutty on 06/16/16. For personal use only.

nents of the difference in spin, SA - SB, is:

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The quantity on the right is emphatically not zer o in any possible state of the
system near the antiferromagnetic state ; in the ferromagnetic state it can be. For
instance, the (-) component is

[X, Si - S i ] = J (SiSlz - S; Sjz)


In the state (by no means an eigenstate) in which Sjz = S, Slz = -S, this is

the matrix elements of which are not zero in this s tat e, although, of course, there
is no diagonal element. In general, without going into any long demonstration I
will assure you that SA - SB cannot be a constant of the motion in the antiferromag-
netic case.
On the other hand, what does unquestionably happen is that the rate of precession
of this "order parameter" variable can be extremely slow -negligibly slow in the
limit as the size of the system becomes infinite.
Let u s take the exact equation of motion

jli d (SA-SB) = 25
pai r s

The average spins of the two sublattices, SA and SB, a r e sums of the spins of
very many atoms and are therefore r a t h e r like classical variables, such as the
position and momentum of a macroscopic body; their uncertainties need only be of
relative order N-I/2. If we suppose that SA and SB do have macroscopic mean
values of s o m e s o r t , the mean values of the quantities Sj and S1, though not their
off-diagonal matrix elements-i. e . , quantum fluctuations -seem likely by sym-
metry to be given by

Then we may write a c-number equation of motion inserting the average values
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of the variables:

d 252
55 = -
<sA-sB> N < sA > x <SB>

By setting <SA>= -<SB>,which is clearly the state of lowest average energy, the
right-hand side becomes zero and, at least t o order N, the order parameter
<SA>- <SB> becomes constant. Of course, we have left out the quantum fluctua-
tions on the right-hand side of this equation, but we may suppose that the fluctuations
a r e of order l / f i relative to the mean value of any sum of -N elements. This is
not a t all a rigorous proof but is indicative of the way things go.
On the other hand, because SA - SB is not a true constant of the motion, its
value must fluctuate. In fact, the fluctuation must be of order N . It was proved by
Hulthen (103) that the actual exact ground state of any finite system with
3C = J 2 n . n . Sj . S1 (if J>O) must have &t = SA + SB = 0. This is in fact physi-
cally obvious. But in a state with Rot = 0, <SA> = <SB> = 0, because such a
state is perfectly isotropic. (This is an exact group-theoretical result. )
This s e e m s t o be quite a paradox. Observations and one form of reasoning tell
us that < SA> = - < SB> -N and that this situation does not change macroscopically
i n time ; another reasoning based on symmetry says < SA> = < SB> = 0. The
answer is that the latter is correct in the exact ground state, but that this exact
state is irrelevant because many other states are infinitesimally close to it
(-1/N in energy). Thus if we take as our state one with <SA> = < - S g > - N , this
will persist f o r a very long time but eventually, since it is actually a wave packet
composed of many exact states, will break up.
There is a very close and exact analogy with the behavior of a macroscopic solid
body in free space. Such a body h a s a center-of-mass coordinate Q, a correspond-
ing momentum P. and a hamiltonian P2/2MN, N the number of particles. P=O

stant of the motion. In fact, <Q2> --

will be the exact ground state, and then Q will fluctuate wildly: Q cannot be a con-
as P 0. But the levels are enormously
close together, so that if we want to localize the whole body within a very small
distance, say of the order one lattice constant, A Q -1. the ccrresponding increase
in P is -1, in E -1/N. Thus the energy levels are so nearly degenerate that we

can, for practical purposes, such as f o r investigating the internal structure of the
solid, f i x < Q>, and then study the internal degrees of freedom before < Q> fluctu-
ates appreciably from its preset value. P e r h a p s a more direct example would be
the orientation 0 and angular momentum I o of a macroscopic, rigid, rotating
M Y .
But we must realize two things: first, that the existence of the symmetry which
makes all values of Q, o r of SA - SB, equivalent, makes the frequency of macro-
scopic motion of this variable zero. This is exactly the result we had in respect of
the order parameter S in ferromagnetism, although in our case the order parameter
is not a constant of the motion. The second result is a consequence of the fact that
the fluctuation of this parameter must be infinite. In the case of short-range
forces, the macroscopic energy can only depend on the gvQdient of the order par-
ameter :
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But this will mean that

<Sk2> = Wk
-2 + - ask-0

We expect, then, w k - 0 but wk/k2+-. Actually, in the best-known cases (anti-

ferromagnetism, phonons i n solids and liquids) Wk a k. Surface oscillations of
nuclear matter (104)have. wk 0: k3/2.
The final effect which is always connected with a condensation of this sort, when
a low-frequency mode is present, is a long-range force. I will not have time here
to be able t o g o into detail on the inevitable association of long-range forces with
zero-mass (i. e . , w+ 0 as k 4 O ) particles, but merely mention the two best-known
examples, the SUN-deGennes long-range nuclear spin-spin interaction (105)via
polarization of ferromagnetic o r antiferromagnetic spin moments, and of course the
well-known long-range character of elastic deformation about a point source which
leads to elastic interactions of vacancies, e t c . , in crystals falling off only as l/r.
Now, briefly, I shall give the mathematical treatment of antiferromagnetic
spin waves. Incidentally, much of this m a t e r i a l on spin waves and magnetism
is in my article in Vol. 14 of the Seitzschrift. Antiferromagnetic spin waves are
reasonably well covered by Nagamiya, Kubo, and Yosida (101). A very useful trick
was suggested by Nagamiya, et al.: namely, to invert the axes for the spins on the
B sublattice relative to the A sublattice: for S1, y--y, z+-z, x - x , so that

Sly - - Sly


The reason for switching z and y but not x is to make this a proper rotation, so
that the commutation rules are retained for the new axes. In terms of the new
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Using the approximate expansion

s: St
s. =s-+

which we already discussed in the ferromagnetic case,

When we Fourier transform to spin wave operators (Wich are now approximately

this becomes

x = -NZJS' +

This form of hamiltonian is familiar to u s from the exciton problem, and if you
will look back at the calculation of the "backwards diagrams" in that case, you will
discover that the spin-wave frequency is the square root of the difleyerence of the
squares of the two coefficients:

when the exponential is expanded. Thus we do find verification of our prediction
that W A h in this case. We also find that the zero-point motion diverges as
h+O ; the ordinary amplitudes P A may be written in t e r m s of the eigensolutions
BA as
PA = uhBh
- vhB-h, etc.,
uA = cosh- 2 vA = sinh- 2
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so that both u and v diverge. In both two and three dimensions, the divergence in
Z A < P A > is integrable. SO that one finds merely a certain gain i n energy over the
nominal energy - NZJS', and a certain extra zero-point energy of oscillation of
the total system about the perfect antiferromagnetic state. We must think of the
divergence which occurs in this kind of system as a problem in time scales. The

actual A = 0 mode does indeed have a divergent amplitude, which is necessary in
order that the system be capable of assuming the correctly isotropic ground state;
but effectively the frequency of this zero-point motion is negligible as N -,
which is to say that the various possible states are "quasi-degenerate, " to borrow
a phrase of Bogolyubov (105). Thus it is a suitable approximation to form a packet
of solutions of the motion of the A = 0 mode centered around some pre-fixed orien-
tation, and to study the frequency and the (convergent) zero-point motion of all the
other normal modes of spin precession in the time interval before the motion of the
packet we have formed breaks up the coherence of the unidirectional state.
In actual fact, of course, anisotropy is always present, leading to a field t e r m
which raises the magnitude of the BIP,
t e r m to (Z + anisotropy) so that the fre-
quency becomes

w - )/(JZ+Han)2 - (JZ)2 - )/=Hae =

the famous "energy gap" expression for the antiferromagnetic resonance frequency.
This means actually not that the unidirectional state is really the ground state even
in this case, but that the system must tunnel rather than rotate its way around to the
time- and spin-reversed state, an even slower process which can certainly be com-
pletely neglected. In this system the quasi-degeneracy still exists but only among a
finite number of states.

All of the same r e m a r k s would apply directly to the system of phonons in a

solid. Because the rotational and translational degrees of freedom must have diver-
gent zero-point amplitudes, the frequency goes as 1 k I and the zero-point amplitude
of the lower modes diverges. Similar phenomena are common to Hen and to a

hypothetically neutral superconductor.
It is important to notice that in general a continuous broken symmetry- trans-
lation, gauge, rotation- leads t o w+O, and usually zero-point amplitude
as k-0, where a discrete broken symmetry-such as t i m e reversal in the case
of magnets, o r interchange of sublattices for order-disorder-need not have any
special consequences for the collective modes of the condensed system, unless it
happens that there is at least an approximate continuous symmetry, as occurs for
the magnetic -and it happens also ferroelectric - cases.
This whole subject of "broken symmetry" is quite new as a formal branch of
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theoretical physics, although, as I have mentioned, many of the ideas have been
understood in particular cases for decades. I do not believe, however, that any
general discussion of it from the solid-state point of view exists elsewhere. Still
further complications ensue when the interaction of the collective modes of motion
with the long-wavelength electromagnetic effects -the Coulomb and long-range
dipole forces- is considered. Examples are the magnetostatic effects on spin
waves (106)and the plasma effects in superconductivity (107).
1. C. Kittel. 'Introduction to Solid State Physics, " 2nd ed., Wiley, New York,
2. F. Seitz. "Modern Theory of Solids." McGraw-Hill, New York, 1940.
3. J. M. Ziman, "Electrons and Phonons." Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1960.
4. G. H. Wannier. "Elements of Solid State Theory." Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1959.
5. R. Peierls, "Quantum Theory of Solids," Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1955.
6. L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz. "Statistical Physics." Pergamon,
London. 1958.
6a. M. Lax, "Symmetry Principles in Solid State Physics," to be published
by Mrs. Shyama Ramankutty on 06/16/16. For personal use only.
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(publisher undecided).
7. L. D. Landau, private communication.
8. This discussion is f r o m A. M . Clogston and V. Jaccarino, Phys. Rev.,
121, 1357 (1961).
9. F. J. Morin. B e l l System Tech. J . , 37. 1047 (1958); Phys. Rev. L e t t e r s ,
3 , 34 (1959).
10. A good review is: V. B. Compton, T. H. Geballe, and B. T . Matthias,
Rev. Mod. Phys. , t o be published.
11. John R. Reitz, "Methods of the One-Electron Theory of Solids." in Solid
State Physics, Advances in Research and Applications, F. Seitz and
D . Turnbull (eds.), Academic, New York, 1955, Vol. 1.
12. H. Ehrenreich and M. H. Cohen, Phys. R e v . , 115, 786 (1959); f o r
preceding work see references therein.
13. D. J. Thouless and J . G. Valatin, Phys. Rev. Letters, 5 , 509 (1960).
14. For instance, J. G. Valatin, Phys. R e v . , 122, 1012 (1961).
15. G. W. Pratt, J r . , Phys. R e v . , 102, 1303 (1956); W. Marshall, PYOC.
Phys. SOC. (London), 78, 113 (1961).
16. J. C. Slater, J. Chem. Phys., 19, 220 (1951).
17. D. J. Thouless, "The Quantum Mechanics of Many-Body Systems, " pp. 24-29,
Academic, London, 1961.
18. The first reference I know to this as a general quantum mechanical procedure
is F. J. Dyson, Phys. R e v . , 90, 994; 91, 1543 (1953). He calls it the
"new Tamm-Dancoff" method.
19. F. S. Ham, "The Quantum Defect Method," in Solid State Physics, Advances
in Research and Applications, F. Seitz and D. Turnbull (eds.), Academic,
NewYork, 1955, Vol. 1.


20. E . P. Wigner and F. Seitz, "Qualitative Analysis of the Cohesion of Metals,"

in Solid State Physics, Advances in Research and Applications, F . Seitz
and D. Turnbull (eds.), Academic, New York, 1955, Vol. 1.
21. H. Brooks, Nuovo Cimento S u p p l . , X ] 7, 165 (1958).
22. H. Jones, "Theory of Brillouin Zones and Electronic States in Crystals, "
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1960.
23. The f i r s t to consider that nearly free electron theory might be relevant to the
diamond lattices was F. Herman, P h y s . R e v . , 93, 1214 (1954).
24. A. W. Overhauser, Phys. R e v . , 128, 1437 (1962).
25. J. C. Phillips and L. Kleinman, P h y s . R e v . , 116, 880 (1959); 118, 1153
by Mrs. Shyama Ramankutty on 06/16/16. For personal use only.
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26. H. Jones (Ref. 22), Chap. 5, Sec. 44.

27. J . Bardeen, J . Chem. P h y s . , 6, 367 (1938).
28. E. P. Wigner and F. Seitz, Phys. R e v . , 46, 509 (1934).
29. E. P. Wigner, Phys. R e v . , 46, 1002; Trans. Faraday SOC., 34, 678.
30. P. A. M . Dirac, Proc. Cambridge Phil. SOC., 26, 376 (1930).
31. Probably the best source is D. Pines, in Solid State Physics, Advances in
Research and Applications, F . Seitz and D. Turnbull (eds.), Academic,
New York, 1955, Vol. 1, p. 367.
32. J . C. Slater, Phys. R e v . , 81, 385 (1951).
33. L. Kleinman and J. C . Phillips, P h y s . R e v . , 116, 580 (1959). This is
a n interesting numerical illustration of many of the ideas of the next
chapter. Also note the discussion of exchange in the appendix.
34. C. Herring, Phys. R e v . , 57, 1169 (1940).
35. C. Herring and A. G. Hill, Phys. R e v . , 58, 132 (1940).
36. M. L. Cohen and V. Heine. Phys. R e v . , 122, 1821 (1961).
37. B. J. Austin, V . Heine, and L. J. Sham, Phys. Rev., 127, 276 (1962).
38. See, for instance, K. A. Brueckner in "The Many-Body Problem, " Dunod-
Wiley, P a r i s , New York, 1959.
39. For example: J. M . Ziman. Phil. M a g . , 6, 1013 (1961);C. C. Bradley,
T. E . F a b e r , E . G. Wilson, and J. M. Ziman, Phi2. M a g . , 7, 865 (1962).
40. B. T . Matthias, Phys. R e v . , 97, 74 (1955).
41. C. Herring, J . Appl. P h y s . , S u p p l . , 31, 3s (1960).
42. H. A. Bethe and E. Salpeter, 'Quantum Mechanics of One- a d Two-Electron
Systems, " Academic, New York, 1957, p. 36.

43. J. C. Slater, Phys. Rev., 36, 57 (1930).

44. W. Kohn, "Shallow Impurity States in Si and Ge, " in Solid State Physics,
Advances in Research and Applications, F. Seitz and D. Turnbull (eds.),
Academic, New York, 1957, Vol. 5, p. 258.
45. E . I. Blount, "Formalisms of Band Theory, " in Solid State Physics,
Advances in Research and Applications, F . Seitz and D. Turnbull (eds.),
Academic, New York, 1962, Vol. 13, p. 305.
46. Throughout t h i s chapter I shall omit references for the various effects
unless they are of particular interest in the exposition, o r not well covered
in the various texts. Explanations and original references will be found in
the texts and reviews referred to. Another good source f o r free-electron
effects is A. B. Pippard, "Experimental Analysis of the Electronic Struc-
by Mrs. Shyama Ramankutty on 06/16/16. For personal use only.
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ture of Metals, " Rept. P r o p . Phys., 23, 176 (1960).

47. G. F e h e r , Phys. Rev., 114, 1219 (1959). Note Fig. 8; as far as I know,
this is the only published version of the theoretical r e s u l t s on the inter-
ference effect.
48. G . H. Wannier (Ref. 4), Chap. 6.
49. A . G. Chynoweth, G. H . Wannier, R. A . Logan, and D. E. Thomas, Phys.
Rev. Letters, 5, 57 (1960).
50. See especially Pippard, Ref. 46.
51. A good review of the open-orbit situation is given by R. G. Chambers in his
article on "Magnetoresistance" in "The Fermi Surface, " W. A . Harrison
and M . B. Webb (eds.), Wiley, New York, 1960, p. 100. He r e f e r s to the
important Russian work.
52. J. M . Luttinger, Phys. Rev., 102, 1030 (1956).
53. R. C. F l e t c h e r , W. A . Yager, and F. R. Merritt, Phys. Rev., 100, 747
54. M. H. Cohenand L. Falicov, Phys. Rea. Letters, 7 , 231 (1961).
55. E. I. Blount, Phys. R e v . , 126, 1636 (1962). Another excellent paper giving
a m o r e complete theory is A . B. Pippard, Proc. Roy. SOC. (London),
A270, 1 (1962).
56. References and a more complete discussion will be found in Blount's review
(Ref. 45).
57. R. Karplus and J. M . Luttinger, Phys. Rev., 95, 1154 (1954);
J . M . Luttinger, Phys. Rev., 112, 739 (1958).
58. D. Pines, "The Many-Body Problem," Benjamin, New York, 1961.
59. D. J. Thouless, "Quantum Mechanics of Many- Body Systems, " Academic,
London, 1961.

60. C. DeWitt (ed. ), "The Many-Body Problem, " Methuen, London, and Wiley,
New York. 1959.
61. V . F . Weisskopf, Science, 113, 101 (1951).
62, R. MacWeeny, P r o c . Roy. SOC. (London), A223, 63, 306 (1954).
63. L. D. Landau, J . Phys. U.S.S.R., 5, 71 (1941).
64. Frohlich, Pelzer, and Zienau, Phil. Mug., 41, 221 (1950).
65. T . D. Lee and D. Pines, Phys. R e v . , 88, 960 (1952).
66. W . Kohn, P h y s . R e v . , 105, 509 (1957).
67. J . M . Luttinger, Phys. R e v . , 119, 1153 (1960). See also A. B. Migdal,
J. E. T.P., 32, 399 (1957); Soviet Phys. (J.E. T . P.), 5, 333 (1957).
by Mrs. Shyama Ramankutty on 06/16/16. For personal use only.
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68. The development here is close to that of P. NoziZres' lecture notes, "Le
Problem a N Corps, " Dunod, P a r i s , 1963 (trans. : "Theory of Interacting
Fermi Systems, " Benjamin, New York, 1963). It is also used in
P. NoziGres and J . M. Luttinger, Phys. R e v . , 127, 1431 (1962).
69. W. Kohn, P h y s . R e v . , 110, 857 (1958); see also V. Ambegaokar, Phys.
R e v . , 121, 91 (1961).
70. J . Bardeen and W. Shockley, Phys. R e v . , 80, 72 (1950); for generalization
see C. Herring and W. Vogt, Phys. R e v . , 101, 944 (1956); Ziman's book;
and Blount's article.
71. This situation was f i r s t discussed physically by R . R. Heikes and W. D.
Johnston, J. Chem. P h y s . , 26, 582 (1957); a more complete theoretical
treatment is given by. e . g . , T. Holstein, Ann. Phys., 8, 325, 343 (1959).
72. H. Frohlich. P h y s . R e v . , 79, 845 (1950); J. Bardeen, Phys. R e v . , 80,
567 (1950).
73. L. D. Landau, J.E. T.P., 30, 1058 (1956) [ t r a n s . : Soviet Phys.
(J. E. T . P.), 3, 9201. An excellent review of F e r m i liquid theory which
follows Landau's point of view is A. A. Abrikosov and I. M. Khalatnikov,
UsP. Fiz. Nauk, 56, 177 (1958) [trans. : Soviet Phys. Usp. (London),
66, 68 (1958)l.
74. J. Goldstone, P r o c . Roy. SOC. (London), A293, 267 (1957); W. Kohn and
J. M . Luttinger, Phys. R e v . , 118, 41 (1960); J. M. Luttinger and J. C.
Ward, Phys. Rev., 118, 1417 (1960); J. M . Luttinger. Phys. R e v . , 119,
1153 (1960).
75. J . M . Luttinger and P. Nozigres, Phys. R e v . , 127, 1425, 1431 (1962).
76. This difficulty is mentioned by Abrikosov and Khalatnikov (Ref. 73), App. 1.
Most striking is the failure associated with the B. C.S. theory of supercon-
77 J. Frenkel, P h y s . R e v . , 17, 17 (1931); Phys. 2. Soujetunion, 8 , 185

7'8. The Wannier exciton seems basically to have been introduced in a n excellent
paper by J. C. Slater and W. Shockley, Phys. R e v . , 50, 705 (1936),
although Wannier's paper [ G. H. Wannier, Phys. R e v . , 52, 191 (1937)]
introduces the idea of Wannier functions and the effective hamiltonian as a
formal theoretical scheme.
79. J . J . Hopfield, Phys. R e v . , 112, 1555 (1958).
80. E. Dresselhaus, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 1, 14 (1956).
81. F . J. Dyson, Phys. R e v . , 102, 1217, 1230 (1956).
82. G. Wentzel, Phys. R e v . , 108, 1593 (1957).
83. See also T. Matsubara and J. M. Blatt, Progv. Theoret. P h y s . , 23, 451
(1960), and other papers by the same authors for another approach.
by Mrs. Shyama Ramankutty on 06/16/16. For personal use only.
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84. M . H. Cohen and F. Keffer, Phys. R e v . , 99, 1128 (1955). For the exciton
application see W. R. Heller and A. Marcus, Phys. R e v . , 84, 809 (1951).
85. R. H. Lyddane, R. G . Sachs, and E. Teller, Phys. R e v . , 59, 673 (1941).
86. D. G. Thomas and J. J . Hopfield, Phys. R e v . , 124, 657 (1961).
87. N. N. Bogolyubov, J. Phys. U.S.S.R., 9, 23 (1947).
88. F o r methods similar to these see N. N . Bogolyubov, J. E. 2'. P. , 34, 73
(1958); and Thouless' book.
89 A discussion of this, referring also to Ferrell and others, is given by
G. E. BrownandD. J . Thouless, Physicu, % p o l . , 26, S145 (1960).
90. F o r these ideas it is better to read one of the books on many-body theory
referred to [ (58-60); also Physica, SUPPl., 26, has a number of good semi-
review papers ] than to attempt to study the confusing and profuse original
literature. The names Brueckner, Watson, and Eden a r e especially associ-
ated with "ladder" summing; Pines, NoziGres, Hubbard, and Ferrell with
"ring" sums.
91. For a review giving an expanded version of the viewpoint used here, see
P. W. Anderson, in Solid State Physics, Advances in Research and Applica-
tions, F . Seitz and D. Turnbull (eds.), Academic, New York, 1963, Vol. 14,
p. 99; also most of the relevant references may be found there.
92. J . C . Slater, Phys. R e v . , 52, 198 (1937).
93. S. Schubin and S. Vonsovsky, PYOC. Roy. Soc. (London), 145. 159 (1934).
94. J. C. Slater, Rev. Mod. P h y s . , 25, 199 (1953).
95. C. Herring, Rev. Mod. P h y ~ . ,34, 631 (1962).
96. A brief review of spin waves will be found in Ref. 91. More complete is a
forthcoming article by F . Keffer in "Magnetism," G. T . Rado and H. Suhl
( 4 s . ), Addison- Wesley, Reading, M a s s . , in press.

97. C. J . G o r t e r and J . H. Van Vleck, Phys. R e v . , 72, 1128 (1947).

98. Considerations of this sort are discussed b y Landau and Lifshitz (Ref. 6),
Chap. 13, Sec. 125.
99. M . J. Klein and R . S. Smith, Phys. R e v . , 80, 1111 (1951).
100. C . H e r r i n g and C . K i t t e l , Phys. R e v . , 81, 869 (1951); L. D. L a n d a u a n d
E. M . Lifshitz, P h y s . 2. Soujetunion, 8, 153 (1935).
101. P. W. Anderson, P h y s . R e v . , 86, 694 (1952); L. Hulthen, Proc. Roy.
Acad. Sci. A m s t . , 39, 190 (1936). A r e v i e w is T. Nagamiya, R. Kubo,
a n d K . Yosida, Phil. Mag., Suppl., 14, 1 (1955).
102. A name introduced by J. Goldstone, A. S a l a m , and S. Weinberg, Phys.
R e v . , 127, 965 (1962).
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103. L. Hulthen, A r k . Mat. Astron. F y s . , 26A, NO. 1 (1938).

104. P. W. A n d e r s o n a n d D . J . Thouless, Phys. L e t t e r s , 1, 155 (1962).
105. N. N. Bogolyubov, Physica, SuPPl., 26, S1 (1960).
106. L. R. Walker, P h y s . R e v . , 105, 390 (1957).
107. P. W. Anderson, Phys. R e v . , 112, 1900 (1958).

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