Sparrow 1977
Sparrow 1977
Sparrow 1977
S. V. Patankar Analwsis of Melting in the Presence
S. Ftamadhyani
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University ol Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. of Natural Confection in the Melt
An analysis of multidimensional melting is performed which takes account of natural
convection induced by temperature differences in the liquid melt. Consideration is given
to the melt region created by a heated vertical tube embedded in a solid which is at its fu-
sion temperature. Solutions were obtained by an implicit finite-difference scheme tai-
lored to take account of the movement of the liquid-solid interface as melting progresses.
The results differed decisively from those corresponding to a conventional pure-conduc-
tion model of the melting problem. The calculated heat transfer rate at the tube wall de-
creased at early times and attained a minimum, then increased and achieved a maximum,
and subsequently decreased. This is in contrast to the pure conduction solution whereby
the heat transfer rate decreases monotonically with time. The thickness of the melt region
was found to vary along the length of the tube, with the greatest thickness near the top.
This contrasts with the uniform thickness predicted by the conduction solution. These
findings indicate that natural convection effects, although unaccounted for in most phase
change analyses, are of importance and have to be considered.
0.5 -
0.70 ~ ~ \
0 -
.Pr- 7 and 70 T-T 5 0 |
/ Ro = 7xl0 6 1.0
* \ H/r0 T„-T s a ,
0.5 -
"i 0.45~""\ "A
<-" 6 0 0
Ste = 0.15 and 0.05 1.0
7x!0 5
_ _ _ _ _
X. \0.I5
, 1 1 1 1 1 1
I 1
0.5 0.5 0.5
Fig. 2 Timewise variation of the tube heat transfer rate Fig. 3 Representative temperature profiles (H/r0 = 4)
This research was performed under the auspices of ERDA contract
No. E(ll-l)-2595.
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