Reduce ship size: The lightship weight may be reduced for example by (expensive) lightweight
materials, more sophisticated structural design involving possibly formal optimization and
reducing the ship length. None of these options is straightforward. The ship length should
consider hydrodynamic aspect as well as production and weight aspects. However, reducing the
required power during the design stage by the assorted measures discussed below will reduce in
turn the weight of engines, power trains and fuel tanks and yield considerable secondary savings
due to smaller ship size.
Reduce speed: Speed reduction is a very effective way to reduce fuel consumption and emission.
HSVA reports fuel savings of typically 13% for bulkers or tankers, 16-19% for containerships,
for a speed reduction by 5%, Mewis and Hollenbach (2007). Slow steaming reduces in itself fuel
consumption significantly. However, the ship is then operated in off-design, thus sub-optimal
condition. This offers assorted potential improvements to reduce the fuel consumption further:
electronically controlled main engines allowed better efficiencies at slow steaming and reduce
also lubrication oil consumption; controllable pitch propellers allow better propeller efficiency
over a wider range of rpm; adapted new bulbous bows may reduce wave resistance considerably.
On the other hand, waste heat from exhausts and cooling water is considerably reduced and may
require reconfiguration of auxiliary engine systems for slow steaming. In sum, a supporting
engineering analysis is recommended when deciding on slow steaming for a longer time.
The largest levers in ship design lie in the proper selection of main dimensions and the ship lines. Ship
model basins should be consulted to assess the impact of main dimensions based on their experience and
data bases. On a more detailed level, for a given speed and ship weight, all components of the ship
resistance, Bertram (2000a), may offer fuel saving potential:
Frictional resistance of bare hull: The frictional resistance (for given speed) depends mainly on
the wetted surface (main dimensions and trim) and the surface roughness of the hull (average hull
roughness of coating, added roughness due to fouling). Ships with severe fouling may require
twice the power as with a smooth surface. The battle against marine fouling is as old as seafaring,
Bertram (2000b). Silicone-based coatings create non-stick surfaces similar to those known in
Teflon coated pans. In addition to preventing marine fouling effectively, these smooth surfaces
may result in additional fuel savings. Figures of up to 6% are quoted by shipping companies. An
average hull roughness (AHR) of 65 m is very good, AHR = 150 m standard, and AHR > 200
m sub-standard, Hollenbach and Friesch (2007). As a rule of thumb, every 25 m of hull
roughness corresponds to 0.7-1% of propulsion power, N.N. (2008c). As a more exotic approach,
a film of air on part of the hull reduces friction and in turn fuel consumption. The air cavity ship
uses compressors to constantly pump air under the ship. However, the technical effort is
considerable. Researchers work on fuzzy acrylic paints that will contain thin air films. The air
film may even inhibit bio-fouling, preventing barnacles and other organisms from attaching
Wave resistance of bare hull: For given main dimensions, wave resistance offers large design
potential. Moderate changes in lines can result in considerable changes of wave resistance. As the
length of the created waves depends quadratically on speed, the interaction of bulbous bow and
forebody of the ship changes with speed. Thus a bulbous bow changes effectiveness with speed.
Bulbous bows should be designed based on CFD (computational fluid dynamics), but in most
cases fast codes based on simplified potential flow models suffice, Bertram (2000a). A formal
optimization is recommended as this may offer substantial savings on typical designs, Hutchison
and Hochkirch (2007), typically 4-5% can easily be gained and 1-2% improvement are feasible
even on hulls that are deemed already highly optimized in limited form variations with CFD and
model tests in model basins, Fig.1, Abt and Harries (2007). Optimization of the aftbody lines
requires considerably higher computer resources due to the dominant effects of viscosity and
turbulence. However, pilot applications show the feasibility of the approach and formal
optimization of aftbody lines is expected to appear soon as a standard option in ship design. Hull
optimization, whether based on potential flow models or viscous flow models, is particularly
attractive for new designs where the ship owner can and should specify that such an optimization
is performed. For existing ships, refits of bulbous bows may have payback times of less than a
year, Hochkirch and Bertram (2009), but it is frequently problematic to obtain original hull
descriptions. Service providers (classification societies, model basins, consultants) cannot divulge
proprietary lines of one client (shipyard) to another (ship owner).
Residual resistance of bare hull (mainly due to flow separation): Flow separation occurs when the
velocity gradients become too large in a flow. Large curvature in flow direction should then be
avoided. Flow separation in the aftbody is delayed by the flow acceleration due to the propeller
and different in model scale and full scale. CFD simulations may help in finding suitable
Rudder resistance: Rudders offer an often underestimated potential for fuel savings. Improving
the profile or changing to a highly efficient flap rudder allows reducing rudder size, thus weight
and resistance. Due to the rotational component of the propeller, conventional straight rudders at
zero rudder angle encounter oblique flow angles to one side at the upper part and to the other side
in the lower part. This creates opposing lift forces which cancel each other, but the associated
induced drag forces add. By twisting the rudder these unnecessary drag forces can be reduced.
Compared to a conventional semi-balanced rudder, a twisted rudder with Costa bulb may have
4% lower power consumption, Fig.2, Hollenbach and Friesch (2007). High-efficiency rudders
combine various approaches to save fuel: twisted rudders are combined with a bulb on the rudder
as a streamlined continuation of the propeller hub, e.g. Beek (2004), Lehmann (2007). In theory,
the gap between the hubcap and the forward part of the bulb should be as small as possible. In
practice there has to be gap sufficient to allow for structural deflection under load and propeller
aperture and rudder and also tolerances that can be realistically achieved under real shipbuilding
conditions. Savings of 2-8% are claimed by the manufacturers.
Added resistance due to seaway: Intelligent routing (i.e. optimization of a ships course and
speed) may reduce the average added resistance in seaways. For example, the Ship Routing
Assistance system, Rathje and Beiersdorf (2005), was originally developed to avoid problems
with slamming and parametric roll, but may also be used for fuel-optimal routing. However, GL
experts estimate the saving potential to less than 1% for most realistic scenarios. In any case,
routing systems for fuel optimization should not only consider the added resistance to motions in
waves, but also the higher rudder resistance due compensation of drift forces.
Added resistance due to shallow water: Routing systems may also consider shallow water and the
associated increased resistance, Friedhoff (2006).
Added resistance due to wind: Wind adds power requirements in two ways: (a) direct
aerodynamic resistance on the ship and (b) indirect power demand due to drift in side winds. The
effect can be evaluated in wind tunnel tests and CFD simulations. Proposals for wind resistance
reductions include frontal spoilers, optimized container stowage and awnings. Savings of 1-1.5%
on the overall power demand have been estimated, Hollenbach et al. (2007). However,
operational constraints hinder practical applications so far.
For each draft and speed, there is a fuel-optimum trim. For ships with large transom sterns and bulbous
bows, the power requirements for the best and worst trim may differ by more than 10%, Mewis and Hollenbach (2007). Systematic CFD simulations are recommended to assess the best trim and the effect of
different trim conditions. Decision support systems for fuel-optimum trim based on such simulations have
been proven to result in considerable fuel savings (typically 5% as compared to even keel) for relatively
low investment, Hansen and Freund (2010). They are expected to become a standard feature on larger
cargo ships within the next decade.
Operate propeller in optimum efficiency point: The propeller efficiency depends among others on
rpm and pitch. Fixed pitch propellers are cheaper and have for a given operating point a better
efficiency than controllable pitch propellers (CPPs). They may be replaced if the operator decides
to operate the ship long-term at lower speeds. CPPs can adapt its pitch and thus offer advantages
for ships operating over wider ranges of operational points. Several refit projects have been
reported, with savings up to 17% quoted due to new blades on CPPs, N.N. (2008a).
Reduce rotational losses: For most ships, there is substantial rotation energy lost in the propeller
slipstream. Many devices have been proposed to recover some of this energy. These can be
categorized into pre-swirl (upstream of the propeller) and post-swirl (downstream of the
propeller) devices. Pre-swirl devices are generally easier to integrate with the hull structure.
Rudders behind the propeller recover automatically some of the rotational energy. Therefore
potential gains should always be considered with rudder behind the propeller to avoid overly
optimistic estimates. Pre-swirl devices include the SVA Potsdam (Potsdam model basin) preswirl fin, pre-swirl stator blades, Liljenberg (2006), and asymmetric aftbodies, Schneekluth and
Bertram (1998). Probably the best known post-swirl device is the Grim vane wheel, Schneekluth
and Bertram (1998). The original Grim vane wheel is located immediately behind the propeller
generating extra thrust. The vane wheel is composed of a turbine section inside the propeller
slipstream and a propeller section (vane tips) outside the propeller slipstream. The vane wheel
became unpopular after several reports of mechanical failures, most notably for the Queen
Elizabeth 2. IHI and Lips BV developed a modified vane wheel supported on the rudder,
overcoming the mechanical problems of the original Grim vane wheel, Fig.3, N.N. (1992). Other
post-swirl devices are stator fins and rudder thrust fins. Stator fins are fixed on the rudder and
intended for slender, high-speed ships like car carriers, Hoshino et al. (2004). Rudder thrust fins
are single foils attached at the rudder, proposed by Hyundai H.I.
Typically 4% fuel savings are claimed for all these devices by manufacturers. As all these devices
target at the same energy loss, only one of them should be considered. Gains are certainly not
cumulative. CFD simulations are the suitable tool to evaluate effects of these devices at full scale
and aid their detailed design. Contra-rotating propellers are a traditional device to recover the
rotational energy losses, Schneekluth and Bertram (1998). More recently, podded drives and
conventional propellers have been combined to hybrid CRP-POD propulsion, Ueda and
Numaguchi (2006), claiming 13% fuel savings.
Reduce frictional losses: Smaller blades with higher blade loading decrease frictional losses,
albeit at the expense of increased cavitation problems. A suitable tradeoff should be found using
experienced propeller designers and numerical analyses.
Reduce tip vortex losses: The pressure difference between suction side and pressure side of the
propeller blade induces a vortex at the tip of the propeller. This vortex (and the associated energy
losses) can be suppressed (at least partially) by tip fins similar to those often seen on aircraft
wings. The general idea has resulted in various implementations, differing in the actual geometric
form of the tip fin, ITTC (1999), namely contracted and loaded tip (CLT) propellers (with blade
tips bent sharply towards the rudder), Fig.3, Sparenberg-DeJong propellers (with two-sided
shifted end plates), or Kappel propellers (with integrated fins in the tip region).
Reduce hub vortex losses: Devices added to the propeller hub may offer cost effective fuel
savings. Propeller boss cap fins (PBCF) were developed in Japan, Fig.3, ITTC (1999), N.N.
(1991). Publications of the patent holders report 3-7% gains in propeller efficiency in model test
and 4% for the power output of a full-scale vessel. Reported gains have to be considered with
caution, Junglewitz (1996). The presence of the rudder significantly reduces the strength of the
hub vortex and hence the gain in propeller efficiency due to PBCF can be reduced by 10-30%,
ITTC (1999). The Hub Vortex Vane (HVV), jointly developed by SVA Potsdam and Schottel,
offers an alternative to PBCF. The HVV is a small vane propeller fixed to the tip of a cone shaped
boss cap. It may have more blades than the propeller. The vendors claim increases of 3% in
propeller efficiency.
Operate propeller in better wake: The propeller operates in an inhomogeneous wake behind the
ship. This induces pressure fluctuations on the propeller and the ship hull above the propeller,
which in turn excite vibrations. The magnitude of these vibrations poses more or less restrictive
constraints for the propeller design. A more homogeneous wake translates then into potentially
better propeller efficiency, for example by a larger propeller diameter or larger blade loading on
the outer radii. For new designs, wake equalizing devices like Schneekluth nozzles (a.k.a. wake
equalizing ducts (WED)), Grothues spoilers, vortex generators, Schneekluth and Bertram (1998),
may therefore improve propulsion and save fuel. For existing ships, despite several refits more
recent independent analyses shed doubts concerning the effectiveness of WEDs, Ok (2005). In
conclusion, partial ducts [like WED] may result in energy saving at full scale, but this was not,
and probably cannot be proven by model tests [], ITTC (1999).
Fig.3: Improving propulsion: CLT propeller (left), PBCF (center), Grim vane wheel (right)
Fig.4: Added resistance in seaway can be assessed Fig.5: Simulation model of engine configuraby potential flow codes
tion to assess fuel consumption based on
operational profile
Avoid oversized auxiliary engines. Better overall energy management systems may balance the energy
demand of the consumers on board reducing peak demands allowing in turn a reduction of the generator
capacity. This in turn reduces the weight of the ship. Simulations of the overall machinery system are able
to predict fuel consumptions for provided energy consumer profile, Freund et al. (2009), Hansen and
Freund (2010). These simulations allow assessment of alternatives and ultimately better balanced energy
4. Increase use of renewable energies
Wind has been the predominant power source for ships until the late 19th century. Wind-assistance has
enjoyed a recent renaissance. Wind-assisted ships use predominantly other means of power (typically
diesel engines) and wind power plays only a secondary role. With increasing ship speed, wind assistance
makes less sense as increasingly efficient sails are needed. Constraints are initial investment, space requirements, stability and required man-power for operation and maintenance. Despite these constraints,
several industrial projects have been realized in the past decade. Wind kites have been brought to commercial maturity by the company Skysails, Fig.6, drawing also on expert advice from Germanischer
Lloyd. Kites harness wind power at larger heights without the stability penalties of high masts. The development has enjoyed large media attention, and in 2007 the first prototype was tested successfully on
the MS Beluga Skysails and the Michael A, N.N. (2008b). Fuel savings in excess of 10% quoted by
the manufacturer apply for slower ships. Flettner rotors are another technology harnessing wind energy
for ship propulsion. After 80 years of obscurity, they have resurfaced in 2008 when Lindenau shipyards
delivered a GL-class freighter equipped with Flettner rotors. These four cylinders, each 27 m tall and 4 m
in diameter, are predicted to save nearly half of the conventional fuel needed by the ship.
Solar energy may supply an environmentally friendly part to the total energy balance of a ship. For inland
ferries, solar power and fuel cells are an attractive option to have zero-emission ships, Fig.7. For other
ships, diesel and solar energy may be combined. Diesel-electric drive systems are already quite common.
Future ships may combine then diesel generators for 50% of the total power consumed, fuel cells providing 30% and a solar generator accounting for the remaining 20%. Solar-power and wind-power can be
combined, using fixed sails equipped with solar panels. This option is employed successfully on the SolarSailor ferries operated in Sydney and San Francisco.
5. Conclusion
There are many technical levers to save fuel and thus emissions for ships. Unfortunately, there is large
scatter in saving potential and quoted saving potential is unreliable. Manufacturers frequently quote best
cases and sometimes extrapolate erroneously results from model tests to full scale ships. Despite these
uncertainties, the compiled information may serve for a first assessment on a case by case basis and
identification of most promising options. This requires interdisciplinary team work of clients and
consulting experts. For a more quantitative assessment, dedicated analyses often based on simulations are
Despite these words of caution, there is wide consensus that significant potential for fuel saving exists and
dedicated consultancy companies can support ship owners and operators in tapping into these potentials.
Many colleagues at Germanischer Lloyd have supported this paper with their special expertise, namely
(in alphabetical order) Bettar El Moctar, Malte Freund, Volker Hppner, Andreas Junglewitz, Reinhard
Krapp, Ralf Plump, Gerd-Michael Wrsig.
Abt, C., Harries, S. (2007), A new approach to integration of CAD and CFD for naval architects, 6th
Conf. Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries (COMPIT), Cortona, pp.467-479.
Beek, T. van (2004), Technology Guidelines for Efficient Design and Operation of Ship Propulsors, Marine News, Wrtsil.
Bertram, V. (2000a), Practical Ship Hyrodynamics, Butterworth and Heinemann, Oxford.
Bertram, V. (2000b), Past, present and prospects of antifouling methods, 32nd WEGEMT School, Plymouth, pp.85-97.
Freund, M., Wrsig, G.M., Kabelac, S. (2009), Simulation tool to evaluate fuel and energy consumption,
8th Conf. Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries (COMPIT), Budapest, pp.364-373
Friedhoff, B. (2006), Optimierung des Treibstoffverbrauchs und Simulation des Betriebs von RoRoSchiffen auf Routen mit geringen Wassertiefen, Jahrbuch der Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaft, Springer,
Hansen, H., Freund, M. (2010), Assistance tools for operational fuel efficiency, 9th Conf. Computer and
IT Applications in the Maritime Industries (COMPIT), Gubbio
Harries, S., Hinrichsen, H., Hochkirch, K. (2007), Development and application of a new form feature to
enhance the transport efficiency of ships, Jahrbuch Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft, Springer
Harries, S., Abt, C., Heimann, J., Hochkirch, K. (2006), Advanced hydrodynamic design of container
carriers for improved transport efficiency, RINA Conf. Design & Operation of Container Ships, London
Hochhaus, K.H. (2007), Umweltbetrachtungen zur Schiffahrt, Hansa 144/6, pp.70-76.
Hochkirch, K.; Bertram, V.: Slow Steaming Bulbouws Bow Optimization for a Large Containership, 8th
Conf. Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries (COMPIT), Budapest, pp.390-398.
Hollenbach, U., Friesch, J. (2007), Efficient hull forms What can be gained, 1st Int. Conf. on Ship Efficiency, Hamburg, http://www.ship-efficiency.org/2007/PDF/HOLLENBACH_FRIESCH.pdf
Hollenbach, U., Klug, H., Mewis, F. (2007), Container vessels Potential for improvements in hydrodynamic performance, 10th Int. Symp. Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures (PRADS),
Hoshino, T., Oshima, A., Fujita, K., Kuroiwa, T., Hayashi, F., Yamazaki, E. (2004), Development of
High-performance Stator Fin by Using Advanced Panel Method, MHI Technical Review 41/6, pp.1-4.
Hutchison, B., Hochkirch, K. (2007), CFD Hull Form Optimization of a 12,000 cu.yd. (9175 m3) Dredge,
PRADS 2007, Houston
ITTC (1999), The specialist committee on unconventional propulsors, 22nd Int. Towing Tank Conf.,
Seoul, http://ittc.sname.org/Unconventional%20Propulsion.pdf
Junglewitz, A. (1996), Der Nabeneinflu beim Schraubenpropeller, PhD thesis, Univ. Rostock.
Mewis, F., Hollenbach, U. (2007), Hydrodynamische Manahmen zur Verringerung des Energieverbrauches im Schiffsbetrieb, Hansa 144/5, pp.49-58.
Lehmann, D. (2007), Improved Propulsion with Tuned Rudder Systems, 1st Int. Conf. on Ship Efficiency,
Hamburg, http://www.ship-efficiency.org/2007/PDF/LEHMANN.pdf
Liljenberg, H. (2006), Utilising Pre-swirl Flow Reducing Fuel Costs, SSPA Highlights 2,
N.N. (1991), Propeller boss cap with fins (PBCF) allows more efficient ship propulsion, CADDET Result
84, http://lib.kier.re.kr/caddet/ee/R084.pdf
N.N. (1992), Rudder horn-installed grim vane wheel reduces ships energy consumption, CADDET Result 116, http://lib.kier.re.kr/caddet/ee/R116.pdf
N.N. (2008a), Foul-release smoothes hull efficiency, Marine Propulsion, August/September, p.287.
N.N. (2008b), SkySails hails latest data, The Naval Architect , September, pp.55-57.
N.N. (2008c), Reblading to enhance economy and comfort, Marine Propulsion Feb/Mar, pp.54-55.
Ok, J.P. (2005), Numerical investigation of scale effects of a wake-equalizing duct, Ship Technology Research 52, pp.34-53.
Rathje, H., Beiersdorf, C. (2005), Decision support for container ship operation in heavy seas Shipboard routing assistance, 4th Conf. Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries (COMPIT),
Hamburg, pp.455-467. http://www.ssi.tu-harburg.de/doc/compit/compit2005_hamburg.pdf
Schneekluth, H., Bertram, V. (1998), Design for Efficiency and Economy, Butterworth & Heinemann,
Ueda, N., Numaguchi, H. (2006), The first hybrid CRP-POD driven fast ROPAX ferry in the world, J.
Japan Inst. Marine Eng. 40/2, translated English version:
Van Oossanen, P., Heimann, J., Henrichs, J., Hochkirch, K. (2009), Motor yacht hull form design for the
displacement to semi-displacement speed range, 10th Int. Conf. Fast Sea Transportation (FAST), Athens