2011 Backdirt
2011 Backdirt
2011 Backdirt
Gregory E. Areshian
Managing Editor, Backdirt
Julie Nemer
Publications Manager, CIOA Press
Hadley Jensen
Editorial Assistant, Backdirt
Carol Leyba
William Morosi
For more information, or to request a subscription, please contact the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press at: 310-825-7411 or email [email protected]. Read Backdirt online at: www.ioa.ucla.edu/publications/backdirt 2012 UC Regents
Cover Photo: Mouths of the cave galleries, Areni-1 Cave Complex, Armenia Photo: Gregory E. Areshian
2011 must be tempered by the nancial difculties that we face in the University of California system. The draconian cuts are long gone but continue to impact our work here at the Institute. At the same time, we continue to receive essential private individual and foundation support that allows us to retain and attract the best professors and students to remain one of the best research centers and graduate programs in North America. Our research is moving steadily ahead while our graduate students ourish around the world. Our success is due in no small part to many peoplerst and foremost to the tremendous support of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cotsen. We also must acknowledge the faculty of the Institute, who continue to do cutting-edge research, creating knowledge and mentoring their graduate students. We also are grateful to have a phenomenal staff headed by Dr. Gregory Areshian, who doubles as both assistant director and visiting professor. We recently were fortunate to bring on board Kathlene Avakian (Finance) and Julie Nemer (The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press), who join the incomparable veteran team of Amber Cordts-Cole, Helle Girey, Evgenia Grigorova, Hadley Jensen, Laura Lliguin, Tyler Lawrence, Vanessa Muros, Cheri Quinto, Jill Silton, and Tom Wake. The bottom line is that we have met the challenges of this economic recession and continue to be a leader in archaeological research and teaching. Over the past year, we have reorganized the Cotsen Institute Press with Professor Willeke Wendrich as the rst editorial director and chair of the Editorial Board. We have a larger and more comprehensive board of editors. If we learn anything from history and archaeology, it is that organizations must be exible and adaptable to meet any unexpected and expected challenges. As I enter my tenth year as director, I am proud to acknowledge our supporters, volunteers, administrators, faculty, students, and staff for the outstanding work and attitude that they bring to our Institute.
B A C K D I R T 2011 | 1
Death By Stoning: How Natural Disasters Rock, Michael Moseley 15 Archaeological Organic Residue Analysis, Hans Barnard 19 Metallurgy, Ecology, and Human Creativity in the Ancient Near East, Brett Kaufman Radiocarbon Dating: A Bibliographic Essay, R. E. Taylor 93
1 4
The Worlds Oldest: Discoveries in Armenia Inductions into the National and American Academies AIA Site Preservation Award Lloyd Cotsens Gift to the People of China Graduate Students - Recipients of National Science FoundationAwards
2 | B A C K D I R T 2011
58 65
Gregory Areshian et. al., Areni-1 Cave Complex, Armenia Aaron Burke, Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project, Israel Ernestine Elster, Scaloria Cave, Italy
Researchers Notebook
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati, Maria Cecilia Lozada, Sandra Orellana, Merrick Posnansky, GregSchachner, Monica Smith, Charles Stanish, Jo Anne Van Tilburg
First Annual Archaeology Graduate Student Conference, Hadley Jensen A Year of Friday Seminars, Lana Martin
114 115
B A C K D I R T 2011 | 3
A Continuing Evolution
W ORLD W AR II, UCLA has gradually become the home to an archaeological community of scholars, students, supporters, and volunteers centered on the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology. Our community is one of the largest in the nation and, indubitably, the largest such community on the West Coast. Hundreds of people comprise and shape this community, creating a powerful intellectual domain composed of the interests, visions, backgrounds, and resources of its members. The evolution of Backdirt reects that growth. Founded a quarter-century ago as an in-house newsletter published by volunteers, Backdirt reported on the activities of a handful of professional and amateur enthusiasts of archaeology and few events at UCLA. The essay by Merrick Posnansky that follows reects on the dedication and efforts of the rst publishers as well as the problems and intricacies that accompanied their work. In 2006 Backdirt changed into a full-color, magazine-style annual review and expanded its content, which was predicated upon the growth of research projects and publications of the Cotsen Institute and of the Archaeology Graduate Interdepartmental Program. Today the Cotsen Institute runs eld projects in North, Central, and South America, the Near East, Europe, Asia, and Africa, and multidisciplinary research has become the norm rather than the exception. The diversity of theoretical perspectives espoused by archaeologists and other explorers of the human past at UCLA reects the major trends in global archaeological thought. We are adjusting the form and content of Backdirt to reect these new trends. First, this issue of our annual review reects the academic activities of the Cotsen community in a more comprehensive manner: we attempt to give all segments of those activities a more adequate representation, which is reected by the changes that we are introducing in the structure of Backdirt. Second, we shift the focus from reporting on activities of individual scholars and other members of the Cotsen community to presenting a general perspective of world archaeology as seen by that community. In the Features section of this issue, Hans Barnard reects on the current state of biochemical residue analysis in archaeology. Academics, students, and members of the public with broad interests in archaeology may add this article to their introductory reading list, while scholars specializing in this
particular eld will nd a useful synopsis of the research in residue analysis carried out at UCLA. The work of scholars afliated with the Cotsen Institute is represented in the Features section by a very useful analytical bibliographic essay by R. Ervin Taylor concerning the current developments in radiocarbon dating within a broader historical overview of the method. Among the best papers written in 2011 by UCLA doctoral students, Brett Kaufmans research formulates a new hypothesis concerning the spread of tin bronzes in the Old World. Features also includes one of the best guest lectures of 2011 given at the Cotsen Institute, Michael E. Moseleys discussion of a specic model of environmental deterioration as primary cause of the collapse of earliest complex agricultural societies in South America. It is our belief that the history of archaeology is one of the least valued areas of scholarship in the United States. The wealth and importance of archaeological thought created by previous generations is underappreciated, and, therefore, beginning with this issue, Backdirt will contain a section titled Reections on Past Achievements, inaugurated by a personal memoir of James Sackett and devoted to one of the unquestionable leaders in Paleolithic archaeology of the twentieth century, Franois Bordes. Professor Sackett was a doctoral student of the dean of American Paleolithic studies, Hallam Movius, at Harvard. He also co-directed excavations with Bordes. He reects on Bordes contribution to scholarship and narrates a personal story that includes elements of his biography that are most likely unknown even to many of his French admirers. We also restructured the section of research reports. Here we present unpublished materials by UCLA-afliated archaeologists and summarize other research activities of the Institute. Its rst part contains progress reports on exciting eld projects conducted in Armenia, Israel, and Italy, while the second part is composed of brief research notes. Along with research and publishing, the Cotsen Institute is vitally concerned with creating new generations of scholars. Reports from the chairs of the Archaeology Graduate Interdepartmental Program (John Papadopoulos) and of the UCLA/Getty Conservation Graduate Program (David Scott) describe the achievements in their areas. Backdirt presents proles of graduate students, including the four recipients of 2011 NSF graduate scholarships.
4 | B A C K D I R T 2011
The presentation of other activities of the Cotsen community also evolves into two separate, more focused sections: Community Conversations and Community Events. The four pieces included in Community Conversations have intentionally diverse content: the interview with Rowan Flad, currently Associate Professor at Harvard University, represents individual achievements of UCLAs Ph.D. alumni in archeology; in his interview, Cotsen Institute donor David Boochever muses on the importance of archaeology as perceived by a non-academic; Peter Gould recounts an event reecting the diverse scope of volunteers involvement with the Institutes eldwork; and Jill Silton, in a series of unique photographs of burial rituals from Tibet, represents one of the many contributions by the Institutes volunteers. Although activities of the Cotsen Institute Press have been on the rise for several years, in 2011 new policies and procedures were instituted which, together with the appointment of Willeke Wendrich as Editorial Director and Chair of the new Editorial Board and of Julie Nemer as Publications Manager, provide a more solid foundation for the Institutes publication goals during these very challenging economic times. Backdirt not only presents the recently published and forthcoming volumes, as it used to do, but also begins to selectively publish New Books authors and editors previews of books in press. Finally, in order to reignite the discussion concerning the intellectual and social relevance of archaeology, we are opening a new section, Opinions and Letters to Backdirt, in which Giorgio Buccellati discusses the importance of sustainable preservation of archaeological sites and its role for local communities (Tell Mozan, Syria) and Hans Barnard reects on the psychological attitudes necessary for successful archaeological publishing. All in all, the reader will nd the 2011 issue of Backdirt quite different from the previous ones, with differences that we hope you nd intellectually stimulating and thought provoking.
Machu Picchu: Exploring an Ancient Sacred Center
By Johan Reinhard Reinhard examines some key architectural features at Machu Picchu and nearby sites and interprets them as forming parts of this ceremonial center, where economic, political and religious factors combined to lead to their construction in one of the most rugged areas of Peru. July 2007 $44.95 (paper) ISBN 13: 978-1-931745-44-4
Moche Fineline Painting From San Jos de Moro
By Donna McClelland, Donald McClelland, and Christopher B. Donnan By discussing and illustrating more than 200 painted vessels from San Jos de Moro, this volume provides insights about a community of ancient Peruvian potters who shared a distinctive painting style and left a fascinating record of their achievement. June 2007 $49.95 (paper), $85 (cloth) ISBN:1-931745-38-2 (paper) 1-931745-39-0 (cloth)
Berenike 1999/2000: Report on the Excavations at Berenike, Including Excavations in Wadi Kalalat and Siket, and the Survey of the Mons Smardagus Region
Edited by Steven E. Sidebotham and Willeke Wendrich The results of the 1999 and 2000 excavations by the joint mission of the University of Delaware, Leiden University and UCLA, have been published in a comprehensive report, with specialists analyses of different object groups and an overview of evidence for the trade route from the Indian perspective. Lavishly illustrated with photographs, drawings, plans, and two large fold-out maps of Berenike and Sikait, the emerald/beryl mines of the Roman Empire. July 2007 $40 (paper), $70 (cloth) ISBN 13: 978-1-931745-28-4 (paper) 978-1-931745-29-1( cloth)
This edited volume provides the rst overview of the Archaic Period (9000 BC 2200 BC) in the Cuzco Valley.
To place an order contact our distributor, David Brown Book Company, at (800) 791-9354 or at www.oxbowbooks.com. Or call the Cotsen Institute Publications Unit for more information at (866) 628-2985.
Cotsen Institute of Archaeology University of California, Los Angeles A210 Fowler Building/Box 951510 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1510 Backdirt: Annual Review is published by AL-31 The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA Address Service Requested A210 Fowler Building/Box 951510 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1510 Web site: www.ioa.ucla.edu Publications e-mail address: [email protected]
Winter 2006
The Annual Review of News, Research & Activities of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA www.ioa.ucla.edu/backdirt
B A C K D I R T 2011 | 5
1986 WAS a period of hope for the Institute of Archaeology. A lot of thought was given to the future, and a planning committee was established to design the conguration for the Fowler Museum in which the UCLA Institute of Archaeology was to be housed. It was at this time that the rst Backdirt was published. It was designed as a biannual newsletter for the Institute, though there were many years when only one issue was produced. There were two years in which new directors came into ofce1989 and 2002when Backdirt did not appear at all, and in the fall of 1999 it dropped the appellation of newsletter. Little did we know that it would last 25 years and become the glossy agship publication for the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology that it is today. The Institute and its editors are to be congratulated for maintaining what is now a hardy annual, and its avid readers consider it essential reading and wish it many happy returns. At the Institute we regarded the newsletter as our window onto the world. A short video called Invitation to Adventure was produced in 1987 but did not return the anticipated rewards of increased membership for Friends of Archaeology or support for the Institute. Premiums of tote bags, caps, and tee shirts were also tried, but not until the Institute actually moved into its new premises in 1989, with more space and improved facilities, did the Institute begin to grow into its present status as a major research unit on campus and an important archaeological institution of North America. The new Institute brought all the archaeologists together in one building with an expansion of activities, a pruning of some, and an enlarged audience for archaeology. Backdirt started with a mere 12 pages, and the editors were two stalwart volunteers, Fellows of the Institute, Peggy Polinger and Stephanie Serlin. The aim of the newsletter was to tell the archaeological world of Southern California and our friends at UCLA, and outside, about the work we were doing and to show our pride in the achievements of individual archaeologists, both faculty and students, at the Institute. There were no color illustrations; those only came in 2003, though color was used to highlight sections of Backdirt from 1996. The logo of the Institute, initially an ornamental IA, was superseded in 1987 by a drawing of an archaeologist in silhouette sieving back dirt, and in 1992 by a concentric petroglyph. However, the front-page logo for Backdirt reverted back to a stark, stylized IA after 1999. Backdirt has informed its readers about the history of archaeology at UCLA, with features on outstanding excavations and on the arrival or death and departure of outstanding faculty and friends. Many of its obituariesfor Maria Gimbutas, Jim Hill, Clem Meighan, Franklin Murphy, and Elsie Sandefurare particularly memorable.
6 | B A C K D I R T 2011
One of the reasons for the creation of Backdirt was clearly the Institutes need for visibility. Other organized research units had regular newsletters that had circulations both within and outside the campus. The Institute, founded in 1973, had been run creatively for 10 years by Giorgio Buccellati, who established a strong publications division, managed on a shoestring by Dr. Ernestine Elster. They produced periodic book reviews of important books and Archaeology at UCLA which largely provided timely notes from the eld and served to inform everyone about the important work UCLA archaeologists were undertaking around the world. The book reviews (Bibliographic Leaets) and Archaeology at UCLA, normally up to four pages long, provided many of our graduate students with their rst writing opportunities and allowed them to create a kind of calling card that they could send out with their job applications. The Institute also published, with the help of grants from the Fellows of the Institute, the prestigious hard-cover Monumenta Archaeologica series (now with more than 20 outstanding publications to its name) and various in-house-produced paperback books and reports, many of which have gained a wide distribution. The UCLA Archaeological Survey was at that time an integral part of the activity of the Institute and had existed as an arm of the Anthropology Department before the Institute was established. The chief archaeologist, a post now subsumed under the role of the assistant director, administered the Survey. For many years the Survey was responsible for publishing the Journal of New World Archaeology. With cessation of the Journal after 1987, and closure of the Surveys successor, the Information Center, Backdirt became even more important as a conveyor of news about archaeology at UCLA and the role of the Institute in the archaeological life of Southern California. From its earliest issue Backdirt contained a Did You Know? section by then administrative analyst of the Institute, Ilene Swartz, which has kept readers informed about the successes and family achievements of our student body. Backdirt has also chronicled the progress of our public programs which have brought so many distinguished speakers to our campus and kept us up-to-date about what is important in the archaeology of the wider world. A cursory glance at the back issues of Backdirt provides insight into the history of archaeology at UCLA, the creation of an Institute at the Fowler with generous endowments from Lloyd Cotsen, and the ebb and ow of archaeological interest at UCLA. Our 25-year anniversary is cause for celebration, and we are condent that Backdirt will continue its transformational growth. n
B A C K D I R T 2011 | 7
The worlds oldest leather shoe, ca. 3,500 BCE, Chalcolithic Period, Areni-1 cave complex, Armenia. Photo by Patty Civalleri.
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Archaeologists say they have found the world's oldest known winery in a cave in Armenia, indicating that humans were fermenting grapes during the Copper Age, more than 6,000 years ago. "This is, so far, the oldest relatively complete wine production facility, with its press, fermentation vats and storage jars in situ," said Hans Barnard, the lead author of an article about the study published on Tuesday in the peer-reviewed Journal of Archaeological Science.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) Arque logos descubrieron la instalaci n para fabricar vino m s antigua encontrada hasta ahora, utilizando t cnicas bioqu micas para identificar una cosecha de hace unos 6, 000 a os de antig edad en lo que ahora es el sur de Armenia . La excavaci n muestra una imagen de una sociedad compleja donde los asistentes a un entierro tomaban una cosecha especial hecha en un cementerio que estaba en una cueva, informaron el martes los investigadores en la revista Journal of Archaeological Scienc e. "Se trata de la instalaci n para hacer vino m s antigua que se conoce", dijo Gregory Areshian de la Universidad de California en Los Angeles, que ayud a liderar el estudio, en una entrevista telef nica. La dataci n por carbono mostr que una uva deshidratada encontrada cerca de una prensa de uvas se cultiv hacia el 4, 000 a.C., dijo su equipo. Esto supone que tiene 1,000 a os m s que cualquier otra instalaci n para fabricar vino descubierta hasta ahora, seg n el equipo de Armenia, Estados Unidos e Irlanda.
New York. Think of it as a kind of prehistoric Prada: Archaeologists have discovered what they say is the world!s oldest known leather shoe. Perfectly preserved under layers of sheep dung (who needs cedar closets?), the shoe, made of cowhide and tanned with oil from a plant or vegetable, is about 5,500 years old, older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids, scientists say. Leather laces crisscross through numerous leather eyelets, and it was worn on the right foot; there is no word on the left shoe.
The shoe was discovered by scientists excavating in a huge cave in Armenia, part of a treasure trove of artifacts they found that experts say provide unprecedented information about an important and sparsely documented era. (AP Photo/Department of Archaeology University College Cork)
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The artefacts were discovered by Armenian, US and Irish archaeologists inside a cave complex in southern Armenia, near the border with Iran and close to a village that still makes its own wine, Vino Sudafricano embotellado en researchers said.
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While the shoe more closely resembles an LL Beantype soft-soled walking shoe than anything by Jimmy Choo, these were probably quite expensive shoes, made of leather, very high quality, said one of the lead scientists, Gregory Areshian, of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at the University of California, Los Angeles. It could have fit a small man or a teenager, but it was most likely worn by a woman with roughly size 7 (37.5) feet. The shoe was discovered by scientists excavating in a huge cave in Armenia, part of a treasure trove of artifacts they found that experts say provide unprecedented information about an important and sparsely documented era: the Chalcolithic period or Copper Age, when humans are believed to have invented the wheel, domesticated horses and produced other innovations. Along with the shoe, the cave, designated Areni-1, has yielded evidence of an ancient winemaking operation and caches of what may be the oldest known intentionally dried fruits: apricots, grapes, prunes. The scientists, financed by the National Geographic Society and other institutions, also found skulls of three adolescents in ceramic vessels, suggesting ritualistic or religious practice; one skull, Areshian said, even contained desiccated brain tissue older than the shoe, about 6,000 years old. It!s sort of a Pompeii moment, except without the burning, said Mitchell Rothman, an anthropologist and Chalcolithic expert at Widener University who is not involved in the expedition. The shoe is really cool, and it!s certainly something that highlights the unbelievable kinds of discoveries at this site. The larger importance, though, is where the site itself becomes significant. You have the transition really into the modern world, the precursor to the kings and queens and bureaucrats and pretty much the whole nine yards. Previously, the oldest known leather shoe belonged to Oetzi the Iceman, a mummy found 19 years ago
They were found on the same site where archaeologists had in June 2010 discovered a perfectly preserved leather moccasin dating back 5,500 years, considered to be the world's oldest shoe. Radiocarbon analysis by researchers at University of California Irvine and Oxford University has dated the installation to between 4100 BC and 4000 BC, or the Late Chalcolithic Period, also Vinoterapia y la known as the Copper Age. belleza The findings included a rudimentary wine press and a clay vat surrounded by grape seeds, withered grape vines, and remains of pressed grapes, as well as potsherds and even a cup and drinking bowl. "For the first time, we have a complete archaeological picture of wine production dating back 6,100 Todos a Sud years," said Gregory Areshian, co-director of the excavation and assistant director of the University of California Los Angeles's Cotsen Institute of Archaeology.
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An archaeologist looking at the oldest known wine press in Armenia.
Hans Barnard / UCLA / Reuters
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El equipo encontr el zapato de cuero m s antiguo del mundo, de unos 5,500 a os, en la misma cueva el a o pasado.
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Analysis of the residue found on the vat confirmed the presence of a plant pigment only found in El lagar o recipiente para hacer el vino de zumo y uvas aplastadas, por lo que grapes and pomegranates. "Because no remnants of pomegranates were found in the excavated area, we're confident that the vessels held something made with grape juice," Mr Areshian said. He added that the vat - a shallow, metre square basin surrounded by a thick rim - resembles wine presses in use as recently as the 19th century throughout the Mediterranean and the Caucasus.
habr a contenido unos pocos litros funcionar a previsiblemente con la tradicional t cnica de pisar la uva descalzos, dijo Areshian.
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WASHINGTON Archaeologists have unearthed the oldest winemaking facility ever found, using biochemical techniques to identify a dry red vintage made about 6,000 years ago in what is now southern Armenia. The excavation paints a picture of a complex society where mourners tasted a special vintage made at a caveside cemetery, the researchers reported this week in the Journal of Archaeological Science. "This is the world's oldest known installation to make wine," Gregory Areshian of the University of California Los Angeles, who helped lead the study, said in a telephone interview. Carbon dating showed that a desiccated grape vine found near a wine press was grown around 4000 B.C., his team reported. This makes it 1,000 years older than any other winemaking facility discovered, the team from Armenia, the United States and Ireland reported. The team found the world's oldest leather shoe, about 5,500 years old, at the same cave complex last year. The wine press would have held a few gallons of juice and crushed grapes, likely working with the timehonored technique of barefoot stomping, Areshian said. "This was a relatively small installation related to the ritual inside the cave. For daily consumption they would have had much larger wine presses in the regular settlement," said Areshian, who was deputy prime minister of Armenia in 1991. Chemical traces point to grape juice and, given the lack of refrigeration, the juice would certainly have been
In one of the amazing discoveries of recent times, archeologists digging an Armenian cave Wednesday unearthed a moccasin-like shoe which is probably 5,500-year-old. The shoe, astonishingly, resembles a modern shoe; and Visit Science Fair for your daily dose of scientific news, from was found extraordinarily well-preserved - stuffed with grass and probably even an insulator. dinosaurs to distant galaxies. Science Fair is written by scienc Tied up with a leather cord along the seams at the front and back, the shoe is made from one single piece of reporters Dan Vergano and cowhide - the technique that is akin to the modern-day "whole cut" designation of shoes, which are sold at Elizabeth Weise and weather By John Hendel premium prices. reporter Doyle Rice. Their subjec 1 are often controversial and Stre alw Among the ancient caves of Armenia hid a taste for wine likely red wine. The-Wall they stem-cell research, slime on a(US), new archeological discovery that reveals, undisturbed and never looted, am te Though the size of the shoe is similar to the present women's reports size seven the shoe appears to be tailor-made By Dan Vergano, USA Wine's time with humankind goes back more than 6,000 years, slush on Mars. More about the te TODAY than six millennia old: for the right foot. However, since there is not much certainty about Armenian feet of the era, it is not sure whether
Archaeologists uncork The oldest wine press World's Oldest Winery: discovery New Scientific Discovery
reports an archaeology team from Armenia.
Updated Outside a mountain village still known for its wine-making skill, archaeologists une Discovered in the AreniAreni-1 vat set in a platform for treading grapes, along with the well-preserved remains of Talking about the shoe, leading scientist Gregory Areshian, of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at the University of California, Los Angeles, said that the shoe looks grapes, seeds and vine leaves, dating to about 6,100 years agoa thousand years o cave near the Iranian fairly like an L. L. Bean-type soft-soled walking shoe. Areshian further added that "these were probably quite expensive shoes, made of leather, very high quality." Subscribe to Scienc other comparable finds.
The cave from which the shoe was discovered is part of a treasure trove of artifacts, most of which, as per experts, belonged to the Chalcolithic period or Copper Age UCLA archaeologist Hans On three pot shards, researchers from the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at the U Subscribe the era when humans made a number of innovations, including the invention of the wheel. Barnard, the ancient wine California, Los Angeles, found a residue of malvidin, a pigment that gives grapes an press find appears in an red hue. Sign up for Science Fair e-m !" Login or register to post comments
Archaeological Science. The Related News Areni-1 which was ranked number seven on the list of the top complex Areni-1 by the Joint study reports discovery of a wine vat, wine-stained pots Project of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography twelve scientic discoveries of 2010 in the world in all areas and grape remains, as well as a drinking bowl, located near a Blogroll cemetery inside the cave. of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, the of human knowledge, together with the creation of a gel con"We believe the wine was made there for ritual activity," says Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA, and the University taining anti-HIV medication tenofovir (no. 1), the discovery of UCLA's Gregory Areshian, co-director of the excavation site. "But the people living outside the cave in the region likely made Telecom Sector College Cork, Ireland brought unprecedented global recognia new species of dinosaurs wine called Glamosaur 2), all the time," he says, based on the (no. evidence of the developexpertise needed to craft the wine vats and pots. tion to Armenia and its cultural heritage. More than 200 mass ment of a new, highly effective testing method for autism (no.4), Archaeologists have found evidence of wine-making throughout the ancient the 4,000 BC carbon dating media outlets in three dozen countries provided in 2011 an a new species of a cat-size monkey in world, thebut forests of Colombia at the site appears the oldest yet for confirmed wine vessels, The team 581g found chemical evidence of that a grape- can be extensive coverage of the worlds oldest wine making installa(no.5), and the discovery of Areshian the adds. Gilese planet coloring compound, along with the preserved grape remains. Fermented wine and beer's production is widely thought to 6). tion and the discovery of the worlds oldest leather shoe from a habitable zone in a galaxy 20 light years away (no. n have spurred the spread of agriculture and trade in prehistoric
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The ancient seeds belonged to a domesticated grape variety, known as Vitis vinifer Delivered by FeedBurner that is still used to make red wine today, the team reported.
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"It looks like this cave complex was used during the Copper Age as a cemetery and ritual," said UCLA archaeologist Gregory Areshian, who was co-director of the exca "The production of wine could be related to those rituals."
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A layer of ancient sheep dung above the wine press site preserved much of the grape material from decay. The same team reported discovery of an ancient leather shoe at the site last year. "It is a wonderful site," Areshian says. "The preservation is very
STANISH AND LOTHAR VON FALKENHAUSEN were recently inducted into the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Described as an honoric society of distinguished scholars engaged in scientic research, dedicated to the furtherance of science and technology and to their use for the general welfare, the NAS is one of the highest honors in the world a scientist can hold. The National Academy of Sciences was established in 1863 by a congressional act of incorporation signed by Abraham Lincoln that calls on the Academy to act as an ofcial adviser to the federal government, upon request, in any matter of science or technology. Director of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA and Professor of Anthropology, Charles (Chip) Stanish specializes in the evolution of complex societies and has done extensive eldwork in the Lake Titicaca basin of highland Peru and Bolivia. Over the last 25 years, he has uncovered sites that span more than six millennia of human occupation in the highland and coastal Andes. He also has attracted attention for the role that the online auction site eBay has played in the illegal trafcking of antiquities. Currently he is starting a major excavations project in Armenia devoted to the study of the emergence of complex societies during the Neolithic of the Near Eastern highlands. At his induction, Stanish was commended for his work, both theoretical and empirical, on the evolution of complex societies with a focus on Andean South America. Founded in 1780, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences is an independent policy research center that conducts multidisciplinary studies of complex and emerging problems. The Academys elected members are leaders in the academic disciplines, the arts, business, and public affairs. Founding Fathers of the United States were among the rst members of the Academy. Lothar von Falkenhausen is Associate Director of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology and Professor of Chinese Archaeology and Art History at UCLA. Educated at Bonn University, Peking University, Kyoto University, and Harvard University, his research concerns the archaeology of the Chinese Bronze Age, focusing on large interdisciplinary and historical issues on which archaeological materials can provide signicant new information. He has published numerous writings on musical instruments, culminating in his book Suspended Music: Chime Bells in the Culture of Bronze Age China (1993). Other publications concern ancient Chinese bronzes and their inscriptions, early Chinese ritual, regional cultures, ancient trans-Asiatic contacts, and the history of archaeology in East Asia. His Chinese Society in the Age of Confucius (1000-250 B.C.): The Archaeological Evidence (2006) received the Society for American Archaeology Book Award. Von Falkenhausen is also editor of the Journal of East Asian Archaeology, Early China Special Monograph Series, Salt Archaeology in China, a corresponding member of the Deutsches Archologisches Institut, and an Honorary Research Fellow, Shaanxi Institute of Archaeology. n
Lothar von Falkenhausen, Associate Director of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology and Professor of Chinese Archaeology and Art History, UCLA
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of the 112th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, the Founding Director of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA, Professor Emeritus of the Ancient Near East and of History, and Director of the Mesopotamian Laboratory of the Cotsen Institute Giorgio Buccellati received the newly established AIA Award for Best Practices in Archaeological Site Preservation. Upon accepting the congratulations from the Cotsen Institute on this occasion, Giorgio told Backdirt : The title of the newly established award by the Archaeological Institute of America has an interesting ring to it: Best Practices in Archaeological Site Preservation. Interesting, because of the stress on practice, which implies that something concrete is being accomplished. It was an honor for me to receive this award the rst time it was offered, and a cause for reection. An honor. I mean it in a sense that goes beyond the obvious. The kind of work I have been doing at Mozan, ancient Urkesh, is not exactly popular. Not only is it not in current practice, but my effort is often viewed with benign indulgence at best. Hence honor meant approval and encouragement. And a cause for reection. Not being in any way a conservator, the qualication of best practices seemed best suited for my approach. What I developed over the years was a special sensitivity for problems, a good dose of common sense in trying to cope with them, and an eagerness to nd help wherever I could. And yet, inevitably, practice turned into theory. The key question revolved around the connection between conservation and site preservation on the one hand and archaeology on the other. The integration of these various aspects became an important goal of mine, and part of the answer came in the form of a major component of the Urkesh website, where data and interpretation are treated extensively. Besides integration, perception. With regard to the architecture, I was seeking to safeguard the document and to present the volumes and their setting in a meaningful way. In so doing, I came to realize how I was trying to identify unifying points of view from which the perception would be best for the visitor, and I came to see how this was an effort, in fact, to capture the points of view from which the ancients were perceiving their own built environment. Finally, relevance. The effort did not originate primarily as a social service, even though it did serve that purpose well. Not specically trying to be relevant was in the end a source of relevance for myself in the rst place. I was learning, learning from listening to actual questions and to the questions I thought I could anticipate. What better best practice? n
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Cotsen Institute does not limit1 his interests to archaeology and philanthropy. Lloyd Cotsen is also an avid collector of folk art, textiles, and ancient art who has made exceptional cultural contributions through publications on and exhibitions of his collections and through donations to museums across the country. Lloyd Cotsens collecting history started when he was just a boy with baseball cards and stamps. These early collections are currently housed and catalogued along with his art collections. His rst major art collection was assembled between 1960 and 1994 when he was CEO and chairman of the Neutrogena Corporation. Cotsen prefers to acquire materials that are not well studied; his goal is to encourage the investigation and preservation of lesser-known art forms. For this reason, the Cotsen Collections are accessible to researchers and are regularly featured in publications and museum exhibits. His collections have introduced thousands of people to rare, wonderful, and eclectic objects. Collections donated by Lloyd Cotsen have become integral to many museums including the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, the Museum of International Folk Art in Santa Fe and the Racine Art Museum. While serving in the Navy in 1950-51 Lloyd Cotsen acquired his rst Chinese bronze mirrors. He placed bids on several mirrors at an auction house in Hong Kong but returned to the States before the sale. He later found that he had won only four. Gustaf VI Adolf King of Sweden, who assembled an important and extensive collection of Chinese art during his reign, had outbid him. This November, Lloyd Cotsen loaned his collection of Chinese bronze mirrors to the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens in Pasadena for its rst and only U.S. exhibition. The exhibit will be on view from November 12, 2011 to May 14, 2012. The mirrors, which date from the Shang dynasty (1600-1046 B.C.) to the Jin (Jurchen) dynasty (11151234 CE), include pieces with glass or silver inlay, lacquered
Silvered Eight-lobed Mirror with Vines, Birds, and Mythical Animals Cotsen collection number: O-0792 Tang dynasty (618907 CE) diameter: 18.40 cm overall height (knob): 1.50 cm overall height (rim): 0.70 cm weight: 1088 g
and painted surfaces, double-tiered construction, or silver and gold gilding. The exhibition also includes a small number of ancient Chinese textiles from the Cotsen Collection and examines the history, technology, and iconography of both mirrors and textiles. The exhibitions opening was accompanied by the release of a two-volume book on the mirror collection edited by Lothar von Falkenhausen and co-published by the Cotsen Occasional Press and the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press. The rst volume is a catalog of the collection with an introductory article by Suzanne Cahill. The second volume comprises eleven articles by leading scholars examining various topics relating to ancient Chinese mirrors. After the close of the exhibition, Lloyd Cotsen will donate his mirror collection to the Shanghai Museum. An unsolicited return of cultural heritage materials to the country of origin is almost unprecedented but Cotsen has always considered himself a temporary custodian of the objects in his collections, all of which are all ultimately donated to public institutions. As an archaeologist, Cotsen is both aware of and an advocate for the protection of international cultural heritage. His decision to repatriate his mirror collection to China was a result both of his own views and of the 2009 Memorandum of Understanding signed by the United States and China. Cotsen hopes that once the mirrors are returned to China that they will be, in some sense, re-contextualized. Research on the collection by future scholars will take place alongside the vast archaeological resources of the Shanghai Museum. n
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National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships awarded to four CIOA students:
20102011, UCLA STUDENTS were awarded an exceptional number of the highly coveted three-year National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowships. In spring of 2011, one of our rst-year graduate students, Ben Nigra, was also awarded the NSF Fellowship, bringing the total to four. The range and diversity of the projects these students are working on is truly phenomenal. Two students, Brett Kaufman and Hannah Lau, are working in the ancient Near East; Kevin Hill and Ben Nigra are both working in the Andes. The research of each recipient is detailed below.
Ben Nigra was born and raised outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He received a B.A. in anthropology at the University of Chicago. His honors thesis investigated the expression of group identity on Perus southern coast via the form and design of wooden spoons. Before joining the Cotsen Institute, Ben conducted eldwork in northern Chiles Tarapaca Valley; in Ilo, Peru; and in southern Perus Vitor Valley. His adviser at UCLA is Charles Stanish, director of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology and professor of anthropology. Bens NSF research focuses on the interaction of two distinct archaic states at
1. Editorial Assistant, Backdirt
borderland outposts during the Andean Middle Horizon (A.D. 5001000). During his graduate work at UCLA he will examine how Wari and Tiwanaku populations exploited desert resources at the recently discovered site of Millo II in southern Peru. Millo lies in the Vitor Valley, a rare area where Tiwanaku and Wari inuence overlaps. His research will test the hypotheses that (1) Wari and Tiwanaku were contemporaneous in Vitor during the Middle Horizon, and (2) that each states expected pattern of resource exploitation at this borderland outpost was modied by virtue of direct contact with the other. To assess contact between these states, Ben will develop a method for detecting organic residues originating from Schinus molle, a plant that may serve as a proxy for land use and economic exchange. Molle is a small red berry (pink pepper) that was fermented into a beverage served at redistributive feasts and in ritual contexts. While Wari was a known producer of chicha de molle, Tiwanaku preferred maize beers. Organic residue analysis will be conducted on sherds from Wari and Tiwanaku ritual drinking vessels to test for beverage exchange between the two groups. If interaction can be positively identied, he will then juxtapose the site-settlement patterning found in Vitor with known strategies of colonial enclave placement for Wari and Tiwanaku. He hypothesizes that the presence of a foreign state counterpart in the valley will affect how each group settled, exploited local resources, and interacted with host communities. Brett Kaufman received his B.A. at Brandeis University, in Near Eastern studies and economics. His adviser at UCLA is Dr. Aaron Burke, Associate Professor of the Archaeology of Ancient Israel and the Levant. Brett specializes in Bronze and Iron Age Levantine archaeology, with a focus on archaeometallurgy.
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He was recently awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship for his studies concerning the connection between the production of metals and the timber fuel required to produce them. The research is based on bronze weapons and jewelry excavated from the site of Enot Shuni in the southern Levant. Enot Shuni was a large burial ground, and excavations revealed that it is the rst site known in the Levant with continuous occupation from the Early Bronze Age IV through the end of the Middle Bronze Age II (ca. 23001530 B.C.) (see his featured article in this issue of Backdirt). Brett has recently published an article about Phoenician citizenship in North Africa in MAARAV: A Journal for the Study of the Northwest Semitic Languages and Literatures. His dissertation will be the rst comprehensive analysis of Carthaginian metallurgy utilizing data spanning a 600-year period from the foundation of Carthage until its destruction by Rome. Hannah Lau grew up in San Francisco and received her B.A. in anthropology and history, with a minor in modern Middle Eastern studies, at the University of Pennsylvania. She has participated in eldwork in Israel, at Tell es-Sa/Gath; in Kenya, as part of the Laikipia Regional Survey Project; and at Og lanqala in the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan. At UCLA, Hannah works with Dr. Elizabeth Carter, Professor of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures. She is primarily interested in the study of faunal remains in the Near East and its implications for reconstructing political economy and historical ecology, and in landscape archaeology in the Near East.
Hannah received an NSF Graduate Research fellowship to support her graduate research in historical ecology and zooarchaeology in the ancient Near East. Faunal data from archaeological sites contributes to our understanding of past human society, illuminating aspects of economy, social organization, and political and ritual structure. She is currently working on two projects that use zooarchaeological data to reconstruct aspects of political economy and historical ecology in antiquity. As part of the Naxivan Archaeological Project (a joint University of Pennsylvania and Azerbaijani project) in the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan in Azerbaijan, her research is directed toward understanding the historical ecology of the Sharur region through analyses of zooarchaeolgoical remains from the site of Og lanqala and the Early Bronze Age (Kura-Araxes) sites of Kultepe II and Makhta. Og lanqala is a multi-period hilltop fortress site in northwest Nakhchivan, and while the site has been intermittently occupied through the present, her work focuses primarily on the Iron Age occupations. Hannahs research specically focuses on the ways in which the local Iron Age population at the fortied site interacted with their environment, by analyzing how animals contributed to their subsistence economy and how these animal management strategies may have differed from those of nearby communities synchronically and diachronically. Her goal is to clarify the sociopolitical and economic ties between local and imperial state entities, agropastoralists, and semi-transhumant groups and how those relationships may have shifted with changes in the political and social landscape during antiquity.
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In addition to working in Azerbaijan, she also works with faunal remains from the Halaf site of Domuztepe (ca. 5900 5400 BCE) in southeastern Turkey. The Halaf period (ca. 60005200 cal BCE) in northern Mesopotamia falls between two periods of Near Eastern history marked by dynamic change: the early Neolithic inception of farming, and the Chalcolithic development of complex societies. The Halaf is traditionally viewed as a relatively static period marked by a widespread horizon of material culture, although recent work has demonstrated there is considerably more regional and local variation than is often appreciated. This period undoubtedly contained some signicant developments with regard to the way people related to one another and organized themselves economically and socially, thus creating a bridge between the preceding and succeeding periods of change. The primary goal of her research at Domuztepe is to explore the development of commensal politics at a Halaf center during this critical period of social development. To accomplish this, she has evaluated faunal material excavated from a special feasting deposit at Domuztepe and compared it with faunal material from both quotidian refuse at the site and two other special feasting contexts. This comparison provides a more nuanced, qualitative understanding of the composition of large feasting events at Domuztepe and allows her to explore the broader sociopolitical implications of these events. Kevin Hill grew up in Moorpark, California. He attended Harvard University, where he received his B.A. in anthropology with a focus in archaeology and biological anthropology. As an undergraduate he participated in eldwork in the American Southwest. Kevin currently works in the Titicaca basin of Peru, with an interest in state formation, political economy, and craft specialization. At UCLA Kevin is advised by Dr. Charles Stanish, Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Cotsen Institute. Kevins research tests models of economic specialization as imperial strategies in the Inca Empire ca. A.D. 14201532. He will focus on the nature of craft specialization and commodity production in an Inca province in the Lake Titicaca basin of highland Peru. The specic questions to address center on the nature of pottery manufacture in imperial Inca installations and outlying settlements in the region. The empirical questions to be addressed are: did the Inca employ new and technologically more costly manufacturing processes in their urbanized political centers, or did they rely on existing technologies in the region? If new technologies were indeed introduced coincident with Inca control, were these restricted to the imperial centers, or were
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they also utilized in secondary and tertiary centers as well? The analysis of this pottery will utilize a eld emission gun variable pressure scanning electron microscope (FEGVPSEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray (SEM/EDX). This equipment allows for nondestructive analysis of ancient pottery and provides information on microstructure, surface properties, and compositional characteristics such as slip thickness, ring temperatures, post-ring paints, and temper. The generation of these data will allow him to test the degree to which the Inca Empire altered existing pottery technologies in the region and the degree to which, if any, this new technology was centralized throughout their provinces. This information, in turn, will allow him to address the larger theoretical questions of imperial strategies of commodity production in urban installations. If the data demonstrate that new technologies were imported by the Inca, then we can conclude that imperial authorities exerted control over commodity production via their control of the manufacturing process. If the data demonstrate that the Inca period pottery production technique was not new, then the conclusion follows that control was achieved via the actual distribution of these commodities. If the rst pattern holds, then Kevin will test further to see if these manufacturing techniques were restricted to imperial centers or if they were also found in lower-level settlements. The degree to which these technologies were centralized will provide a good empirical proxy on the degree of state control in pottery production and, by implication, the degree of state control over other commodities. The health of any graduate program can best be gauged by its students and their research, and the exceptional performance of the students of the UCLA Archaeology IDP well reects the programs No. 1 standing in the recent National Research Council rankings published in 2010. n
URING THE FIRST DECADE of the twenty-rst century, human losses of life and property from natural disasters exceeded those from war. Earthquakes, tsunamis, oods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and landslides have all exacted a deep toll. The question we face is this: is this vexing condition unique to the new millennium, or is this the nature of the human condition from times long past? Archaeology is well positioned to inform us about this question.
1. Guest lecture at the Directors Council of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology 2. Department of Anthropology, University of Florida
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The title of my lecture Death by Stoning, refers not to social vengeance. Instead it treats the human consequences of how big rocks from earthquakes are made smaller by El Nio oods, then smaller still by abrasive ocean currents. Waves eventually deposit sand-sized stones on beaches where winds blow them inland, completely burying human landscapes. Seen in geoarchaeological perspective, the devastating synergisms of convergent catastrophes are normal but not recognized because their time scales elude our detection. I illustrate this with a narrative of the combined environmental inuences that contributed to the demise of Americas earliest civilization in coastal Peru. As always, more research is needed! but we are now in a position to offer some tantalizing results from recent eld work.
Changes in the physical environment are products of either solar energy conveyed by the ocean and atmosphere or nuclear energy from the earths mantle ultimately conveyed to the surface through tectonic plates. The Andean Cordillera is rapidly growing due to high rates of tectonic activity that produces magnitude >7 earthquakes every decade and volcanic eruptions every lifetime. The towering mountains split the continent into two climate systems, an arid one on the western side and a wetter one in the east. The Pacic watershed is a hyper-arid landscape with a highly regimented meteorological and marine regime. Along the cold Pacic littoral, strong, north-owing coastal currents and strong daily winds occur in association with a temperature inversion that inhibits rainfall.
The regime breaks down when El Nio intrusions of warm equatorial waters bring torrential showers to the normally rainless watershed. People have inhabited this risky watershed for 12 millennia, making the Andes a perfect laboratory for investigating natural hazards and disasters and their effects on human society. Fatalities are inevitably highlighted in the media coverage of contemporary crises. Yet from an evolutionary perspective, a large loss of life from a natural disaster is generally inconsequential in the long term due to high human reproductive rates. Some 65,000 people were tragically killed in Perus May 1970 magnitude 7.9 Rio Santa earthquake, but the population decit lasted less than a mere 12 months. A much more sensitive measure of impact is the destruction of subsistence infrastructure that gauges temporary or permanent loss of human habitat. When the means of making a living are signicantly disrupted or destroyed, pre-catastrophe populations will not bounce back as fast or may not recover at all (an example of the latter is New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina). Humans are well aware of hazards that impact society rapidly and dramatically. Yet there is little understanding of fully comparable physical transformations that transpire gradually and accumulatively over more than two generations. Similarly, if one catastrophe exacerbates the impact of another, awareness of the synergism is often lost (although there is a Middle Eastern saying: Hailstorm hits the previously beaten place, meaning that disasters may form a sequence and accumulate) when the events are separated in time. Nonetheless, disasters
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and diseases are similar in that healthy populations generally survive an afiction. Yet, if a second or a third malady strikes in close succession, then the convergent crises can challenge survival. In effect, it is the notion of the perfect storm that helps us understand civilizational decline. One catastrophe, no matter how bad, can be handled by resilient human societies. However, two or more catastrophes in combination create synergies that can destroy civilization.
In the coastal region of the Supe and Huara rivers, Peruvian investigators have evidence of multiple catastrophes at the end of what is billed as Americas oldest civilization. The archaeological sites include the largest New World architectural works for the preceramic time period that began around 3000 BCE and oresced a millennium later. The people pursued highyield shing complemented by specialized farming, and they erected stone-faced mounds, elaborate stone courts, and elite residences. This developed out of Late Pleistocene maritime adaptations that were enriched and intensied as rising sea levels created thousands of bays and coves during glacial meltback. The inlets signicantly enhanced biodiversity. They also provided essential shelter for netting small schooling sh from diminutive wooden rafts and petite reed craft. Contrary to the situation along the American Northwest coast, harvesting the Andean littoral was severely constrained by the lack of vegetation. To sustain growing populations, sher folk began tending perennial cotton for ber and hardy trees for wood and fruit by 5,000 years ago. As irrigation agriculture advanced upstream and inland, it became a separate profession. The emergence of separate economies marks the beginning of preceramic civilization, according to Dr. Ruth Shady, the prime mover of Rio Supe research. Indeed, emerging elites managed the complex economy by controlling its scarcest resource: arable valley bottomland. This essential resource occurs in discrete valley side pockets, each irrigated with its own simple canal system. Each was home to separate sets of preceramic monuments as if they were separate estates. From the shoreline complex of Aspero, the architectural centers were strung up the narrow valley, more than 23 km, past the very large (66 ha) complex of Caral, the ancient capital. Six centers have been cleaned and stabilized to create an impressive tourist circuit that has brought to light evidence of an ancient earthquake and other calamities.
The structural devastation is uniquely well preserved because the damage was not repaired but systematically lled over and buried to create a new surface for a nal phase of construction that was insubstantial by former standards. Many monuments exhibit short-lived reconstructions, but others were simply abandoned. Using only the Templo Mayor and damage to the Huaca de los Sacricios, one of the temples at coastal Aspero, a preliminary magnitude (M) of 7.2 was calculated for the seismic event. This is a minimal estimate. Evidence of terminal preceramic shock is now available at four other Supe centers and at the Bandurria monumental complex south of the Rio Huacho. Even if this were the largest earthquake in recent millennia, as it may have been, fatalities were modest because the common populace lived in lightly built quarters of reed and mat that did not result in hazardous collapse even when occupied hill slopes gave way and buried valley side canals. Avalanches were pervasive in the coastal mountains and extended over an area of at least 5,500 km2 if the temblor was only M 7.2. This geological mass wasting resulted in enormous loads of loose seismic debris lying unrestrained upon the rainless desert landscape.
Predictably, the next disaster to afict the region was one or more strong El Nio/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) disturbances. Collapsed masonry rubble was covered by ood slack water sediment in at least one area of Caral, but the time sequence is not clear. Historically, strong ENSO events that generate rains recur roughly every 15 years or so. Precipitation is the result of warm equatorial sea and air temperatures replacing normally cool ones, and the consequences of El Nio are well known. Fishing suffers less than farming because seafood remains available even while it changes in nature due to the inux of warm-water species. Deaths from drowning are less problematic than famine resulting from ood destruction of irrigation systems and of food stores in reed, mat, and adobe architecture. Tropical disease, pests, and vermin accompany tropical temperatures that have lasted about 18 months during recent centuries.
Seasonal rivers carrying runoff from high mountain rains disgorge rocky rubble into the sea every year. Deltas do not form because the material is transported up the coast by very robust longshore currents. The stones grind together and become smaller as they are propelled along the sea oor. Waves cast rocks onto the beach, beginning with cobbles, near river mouths, which grade down to pebbles and eventually to sand as the distance of marine transport increases. Robust daily winds off the ocean engage loose beach sand and will blow it inland. Some beaches have widened during Holocene times, but often the amount of sediment added to the shoreline is roughly equal to the amount that is eroded away and lost in deep water.
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On very rare occasions, perhaps once or twice per millennium, sections of the sediment transport system are completely overwhelmed when excessive loads of geological waste are ejected into the sea. A NASA analysis of time-lapse, high-altitude imagery documented this rare process when the 197273 El Nio ooding of the Rio Santa disgorged extraordinarily profuse waste generated by the M 7.9 Santa earthquake of 1970. Longshore currents engaged and transported the material northward well in front of the former littoral in deeper water than had been normal. Waves then cast up cobbles, pebbles, and sand, creating a narrow 20-km-long linear beach ridge representing a new shoreline positioned seaward of the earlier one by up to 1 km in one area near the river mouth. This alteration of the littoral happened rapidly, within a year or two; we know this because the new ridge is visible in 1975 satellite images. The strong ENSOs of 198283 and 199798 then ushed out more seismic debris that was added to the structure and to supplies of beach sand available for aeolian transport. The Rio Santa beach ridge provides an analogue for interpreting the creation of the Medio Mundo formation, a unique 100-km-long beach ridge that arises south of the Rio Huacho. This high linear mound extends across and closes inlets and coves, and forms valley mouth embayments. It literally straightened the formerly crenulated shoreline. It impoverished the littoral because loose cobbles and shifting pebbles do not provide secure footings for marine life. Additionally, the linear mound literally pushed shing into deeper, open, riskier, unprotected waters. Consequently, the early era of extraordinary maritime productivity came to an abrupt end that was eventually replaced by more circumscribed yields of today. Initially, sea foods offered little disaster relief because marine topography and marine life entered an era of radical physical readjustment that endured for decades.
could carry. Furthermore, it moved the shoreline seaward by cutting off innumerable embayments. The stranded coves dried, creating numerous sand ats. Powerful daily winds off the ocean transported the new supplies of ne material up to 30 km inland. Much of the landscape was loosely buried in shifting sediment, including farmland, settlements, and monumental centers. Humans rebuild after earthquakes and El Nios, but not so when tiny stones are on the move. ENSO beach sediments feed pulsing sand storms. Tempests anew each morning as winds build power until sun down. Air stream debris assaults eyesight and seeking relief people move elsewhere. The lower Supe region was largely abandoned until sediments stabilized after several centuries. This was certainly not the end of preceramic farming. Arable valley lands were available upstream from Caral and in similar altitudes in parallel drainages. Yet, in overview, this nal assault by tiny stones pushed farming into higher elevations, just as cobblestones pushed shing into deeper waters. The synergistic disasters split and impoverished the fruitful economic symbiosis that sustained the Caral and Supe civilization.
Presumably, Medio Mundo formed within a year of the rst strong El Nio that followed the large preceramic earthquake. The written histories of seismic and ENSO events suggest that the same preceramic generation of people impacted by the earthquake was also impacted by the El Nio event that generated the nucleus of the Medio Mundo formation. Consequently, rapid and profound environmental stress is expectable. The Medio Mundo formation is the longest known Andean beach ridge. This speaks to creation by an exceptional seismic shock, potentially the greatest of Holocene times. Yet, the regional fatalities from this catastrophe and deaths caused by ensuing El Nio perturbations were modest in comparison with the enduring loss of population due to permanent habitat impairment from stones of cobble and sand size. Thus, the humbling of Americas rst civilization, Caral, tells us that nature has inicted great human losses in the past. Given this, the present and the future should come as no surprise. n
Beach ridge formation added a new source of stress along the lower watershed: invasion by saltating sands. Medio Mundo often graded from cobbles and pebbles into sand that winds
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Methods for organic residue analysis can be divided into two large categories, here identied as microscopic and molecular (Figure 2), so named not after the nature of the residue, which is both microscopic and molecular, but after the technique of their analysis. The search for smaller and smaller organic residues is a logical continuation of archaeological practices, aided by constantly developing insights and techniques. Much like Sherlock Holmes who used a magnifying glass to nd critically important evidence previously missed by, for instance, Inspector Lestrade, archaeologists have turned from temples, palaces and mausoleums toward potsherds, aked stones and bone fragments. At the same time, archaeology has shifted from nding things to nding things out. A microscope is now standard equipment for any archaeozoologist or paleoethnobotanist, and many have successfully used polarized light or electron microscopy to study inorganic as well as organic artifacts. Spectroscopy is another group of techniques that similarly developed out of the study of light and is often used in combination with microscopy. The surfaces of all the objects around us absorb and reect specic parts of the white light that usually surrounds us. The effect is that different objects appear to us as having different colors. This can provide important information, such as the difference between ripe and unripe tomatoes or, at a more scientic level, differences in the molecular composition of ripe and unripe fruits. Likewise, objects can be investigated with other sources of radiation energy, such as X-rays, sound, or particles (electrons, neutrons). Comparable to the resultant color of an object in visible light, different materials will respond differently to each of these incident beams. Next to reection and absorption, the result can furthermore be the transmission or the scatter of the energy, or its emission in a different form (Figure 2, top). Originally, the various methods that were developed based on these phenomena were used to identify inorganic molecules, and later also to study organic residues. At UCLA, expertise in these techniques and their applications in archaeology is mostly concentrated in the UCLA/Getty Masters Program in the Conservation of Archaeological and Ethnographic Materials.2 Like other techniques, microscopy and spectroscopy have both advantages and disadvantages. Often, they can be deployed nondestructively on solid materials, although several instruments require samples to be removed from the object for
2. See, for instance, H. Barnard, A. N. Dooley, and K. F. Faull, New data on the Eastern Desert Ware from Sayala (Lower Nubia) in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, gypten und Levante 15 (2005): 4964; H. Barnard, S. H. Ambrose, D. E. Beehr, M. D. Forster, R. E. Lanehart, M. E. Malainey, R. E. Parr, M. Rider, C. Solazzo, and R. M. Yohe II, Mixed results of seven methods for organic residue analysis applied to one vessel with the residue of a known foodstuff, Journal of Archaeological Science 34 (2007): 2837; H. Barnard, A. N. Dooley and K. F. Faull, An introduction to archaeological lipid analysis by combined gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS), in Theory and Practice of Archaeological Residue Analysis, ed. H. Barnard and J.W. Eerkens, British Archaeological Reports International Series 1650 (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2007), 4260; H. Barnard, L. Shoemaker, M. Rider, O. E. Craig,
Figure 2: The general principles of microscopic (top) and molecular (bottom) methods for organic residue analysis.
special preparation. Observations are usually compared with known standards, introducing issues regarding the accuracy of the match and the choice of the standards. Imperfect and even perfect matches may represent compounds that were not among the standards and can thus not be correctly identied. More important are the problems created by materials with a heterogeneous composition, either because of inherent qualities (ceramics, organic residues) or because of changes over time (metals, organic residues). Related to this is the inuence of the size of the area investigated and the number of readings taken, as heterogeneous materials will by their very nature respond differently in different places. Large areas, on the
R. E. Parr, M. Q. Sutton, and R. M. Yohe II, Introduction to the analysis of protein residues in archaeological ceramics, in Theory and Practice of Archaeological Residue Analysis, ed. H. Barnard and J.W. Eerkens, British Archaeological Reports International Series 1650 (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2007), 216231; K. F. Faull, A. N. Dooley, F. Halgand, L. Shoemaker, A. J. Norris, C. M. Ryan, A. Laganowsky, J. V. Johnson, and J. E. Katz, An introduction to the basic principles and concepts of mass spectrometry, in Protein Mass Spectrometry, ed. J. Whitelegge, Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry 52 (Amsterdam and Oxford: Elsevier Science, 2009), 146; H. Barnard, A. N. Dooley, G. Areshian, B. Gasparyan, and K. F. Faull, Chemical evidence for wine production around 4000 BCE in the Late Chalcolithic Near Eastern highlands, Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (2011): 977984.
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other hand, may return a signal that is actually a mix of two or more distinct responses. The identication of the individual molecules that make up an organic residue usually starts with removing the residue from the archaeological object on which it was preserved by dissolving it into a suitable extraction solution. This is therefore an inherently destructive technique. The choice of extraction solution is determined by the molecules of interest and the analytical method to be used, thus closing off other avenues of research. To identify individual, unknown compounds in a complex mixwhich is how most archaeological organic residues present themselvesit is rst necessary to separate the sample into its components (Figure 2, bottom). This is usually done by means of chromatography, with the sample either in solution (liquid chromatography) or evaporated into a gaseous state (gas chromatography), or by electrophoresis (in a gel). Following this, the individual molecules are identied using mass spectrometry. This is a group of different but closely related techniques that use measurements of the mass of a molecule and its fragments for its identication. At UCLA, expertise in these techniques and their applications in archaeology is mostly concentrated in the Pasarow Laboratory for Mass Spectrometry.3 Theoretically and practically, the best way to approach complex archaeological residues is to determine the presence of a specic predetermined compound (Figure 1). Is compound X present in the sample? is a very specic research question, especially compared with the more open-ended question, what is the composition of this complex mix of unknown compounds? It is also more in keeping with the ways in which most analytical methods and instruments are set up. One method to reliably identify very small quantities of a predetermined compound is to use liquid chromatography combined with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). This combination of instruments separates a complex sample into its
3. See, for instance, D. A. Scott, N. Khandekar, M. R. Schilling, N. Turner, Y. Taniguchi, and H. Khanjian, Technical examination of a fteenth-century German illuminated manuscript on paper: A case study in the identication of materials, Studies in Conservation 46 (2001): 93108; D. A. Scott, S. Scheerer, and D. J. Reeves, Technical examination of some rock art pigments and encrustations from the Chumash Indian site of San Emigdio, California, Studies in Conservation 47 (2002): 184194; D. A. Scott, M. Dennis, N. Khandekar, J. Keeney, D. Carson, and L. Swartz Dodd, An Egyptian cartonnage of the Graeco-Roman period: Examination and discoveries, Studies in Conservation 48 (2003): 4156; D. A. Scott, L. Swartz Dodd, J. Furihata, S. Tanimoto, J. Keeney, M. R. Schilling, and E. Cowan, An ancient Egyptian cartonnage broad collar: Technical examination of pigments and binding media, Studies in Conservation 49 (2004): 177192; C. Fischer and I. Kakoulli, Multispectral and hyperspectral imaging technologies in conservation: Current research and potential applications, Reviews in Conservation 7 (2006): 316; S. V. Prikhodko, C. Fischer, R. Boytner, M. C. Lozada, M. Uribe, and I. Kakoulli, Beyond death: Forensic investigations of pre-Columbian mummies from the Tarapac Valley, Chile, using variable pressure SEM and Raman spectroscopy, Microscopy Today 15/6 (2007): 610; I. Kakoulli, Egyptian blue in Greek painting between 2500 and 50 BC, in From Mine to Microscope: Advances in the Study of Ancient Technology, ed. A. Shortland, I. Freestone, and T. Rehren (Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2009), 101112.
Figure 3: General layout of a mass spectrometry instrument. The sample inlet converts the sample into a form t to enter the ion source and separates it into its components. The different compounds are subsequently charged in the ion source. The mass analyzer then separates ions of a different mass in either time or space, after which each is detected in a detector. The output consists of one or more mass spectra and often also a chromatogram.
components by liquid chromatography and subsequently allows only molecules with a predetermined mass into a collision chamber lled with an inert gas. The masses of the fragments that result from their collisions are measured and compared with the spectrum of masses produced by the molecule of interest (Figure 3). A positive identication is made if the sample returns a signicant signal for the selected transitions at a specic time after its injection into the instrument (the retention time of the authentic compound). The disadvantage of this approach is that it requires a fair amount of prior knowledge about the material in order to select the molecule of interest, but the obvious advantage is that the method of identication can be precisely tailored to show its presence. Despite the associated technical and theoretical complexities, archaeologists are especially interested in the possibility of unraveling a complex mix of unknown compounds, and indeed many research projects strive to do so. Their instrument of choice is one capable of combined gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). A GC/MS instrument separates a complex sample into its components by gas chromatography, after which these are ionized by electron impact (EI+) ionization and subsequently identied with a relatively high degree of certainty by comparing the mass spectra of the formed ions with those from known molecules in one of several very large digital libraries (Figure 3). The advantages of these instruments are the very high resolving power of gas chromatography and the fact that the abundant fragment ions formed during EI+ ionization produce a ngerprint for individual molecules. Disadvantages include the requirement for thermal stability of the analytes, which often necessitates their chemical treatment (derivatization), and the relatively small volumes that can be investigated as compared with other methods. Obviously,
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only molecules that go into the used extraction solution and subsequently survive derivatization, evaporation and ionization will be available for analysis. These are mostly lipids, stable and well-studied compounds, but widespread in nature and therefore seldom unambiguous concerning their source, as well as alkaloids and terpenoids, which are usually more specic concerning their source. Methods to increase the specicity of this method to identify the origin of the residue include the search for biomarkers, molecules that are considered specic for a certain source. Lipid biomarkers, however, are relatively uncommon or often decompose into less diagnostic compounds. Another approach is to identify source materials by the relative proportion of two or more different nondiagnostic lipids, which is then compared with the ratios in a database generated from known sources.
compounds to interrogatefor instance, lipids, polysaccharides or proteinsas it is not possible to investigate all groups of organic compounds at the same time. Unless a sample is analyzed multiple times in various wayswhich is often problematic owing to the lack of sample material, funding, or expertisethis choice determines not only the methods and instruments used, but to a large degree the outcome as well. In residue analysis, it is as if we were conned to studying a needle found in a haystack made from a multitude of different grasses, and we only retrieved that needle because we were using a magnet. The second problem is the samples exposure to taphonomic and diagenetic processes. It has now been shown that under the right circumstances, organic residues may survive for a very long time but usually not in their original composition. Shortly after their deposition, organic molecules are subject to microbiological attack and chemical decomposition. This is an area where paleontologists and food scientists have ventured, but their time scales are different from those relevant to archaeology. Organic residues in an archaeological context change not only at the molecular level, but also with respect to the proportion of their components, because of selective decay and leaching. This means that neither molecules nor their relative ratios will match modern equivalents. One way to address this issue is to assemble a specic archaeological online database, like those that exist for GC/MS spectra or fresh proteins. It should be obvious that organic residue analysis alone can never provide irrefutable answers to archaeological questions and that such research can only be effective within the framework of a larger research project in which the chemical analytical ndings are combined with archaeological, anthropological, historical and ethnographical data. On the far end of this spectrum are analytical biochemists; on the other end are anthropological archaeologists. Given their very different educational backgrounds and professional practices, there exists an inevitable disconnect between them. This gap is even larger in the United States, where basic education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is widely available but mostly benets only those students with an interest or a talent for it, and where education in the history and philosophy of the discipline is almost entirely missing from scientic curricula. Closing this gap will denitely enrich both the scientic and scholarly communities. Within the eld of archaeology, publications on organic residue analysis are mostly concentrated in Archaeometry and the Journal of Archaeological Science; when published elsewhere, and not in general scientic journals such as Nature, Naturwissenschaften, Science, or the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, they may appear in a wide variety of specialized journals, often making them difcult to nd. Indeed, biochemists sometimes use archaeological samples to address biochemical rather than archaeological research questions. As archaeologists do not regularly read Analytical Chemistry nor
biochemists Archaeometry, the two groups are kept from connecting, although powerful online search engines have now helped to remove this obstacle. More difcult to mitigate is the reluctance on the part of both disciplines to publish information on the analytical or anthropological methods used in their studies. A disinclination attributed to these being either common knowledge among their readers or outside the scope of the journal. Valuable information thus fails to make its full impact on the larger scholarly and scientic communities, which in turn leads to misunderstandings on both sides and heated debates, such as those on blood residues on ancient stone tools and cannibalism in prehistoric North America. The most important requirement to achieve productive cooperation within an archaeological research project is an open dialogue among all participants. Communication should be aimed at a critical understanding of the methods, prospects and limitations of all research avenues (Figure 1). Archaeologists should not enter a cooperative project with unrealistic expectations. They need to be aware that failures are severely underreported in the literature and that much time, effort, and funding must be invested in method development. Analytical biochemists should understand that identication of the molecules is only a small part of the research, which mostly revolves around sample selection and translating results into human behavior. A closely related challenge is establishing more consistency in both the generation and interpretation of data, a step needed in order to establish the accuracy and robustness of a certain approach or to evaluate the efcacy of the eld as a whole. Currently there seems to be too little effort to standardize methodologies or cross-check results, practices well established in the natural sciences. These weaknesses open the eld up to more severe challenges and skepticism than would otherwise be warranted. Given these issues, among others, there is an ongoing debate about relations between the natural sciences, anthropology and archaeology. Archaeology is remarkable as a discipline in that it does not really have specic tools, methods or technologies, but by its very nature seems to be an interdisciplinary endeavor. The basic archaeological tools are usually purchased in a local hardware store catering to builders and decorators rather than from a specialized archaeological supplier. Stratigraphic understanding and many elements of ceramic analysis derive from geological methods, while survey and mapping techniques are adapted from those developed by architects, marine navigators and spies. Other disciplines often consulted for ideas include biology, forensic science, material science, and biochemistry. Archaeological theory is mostly anthropological theory, but also includes elements of (evolutionary) biology, history, linguistics, art history, and physics. Such a mix of methods and theory originating in other disciplines is not at all uncommon among the sciences. So it is hardly surprising that techniques from the natural sciences have made their way into the eld of archaeology since the 1950s. Radiocarbon analysis, for
UCLA Professors Kym Faull (left) and Hans Barnard (right) present their work on the molecular residues of wine in 6000 year old pottery from the Areni-1 cave complex, Armenia at the annual meeting of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (Denver, 6 June 2011).
instance, is now universally accepted as the gold standard for dating, and geographical information systems (GIS) seem to have a general appeal. Archaeology is ideally situated to be a place where the soft and the hard sciences (at UCLA, in the North and South campuses, respectively) can meet, something that already happens today. This needs to be encouraged, rather than rejected in an effort to establish the priority of one set of useful theories and tools over another. Denying the natural sciences a place in archaeology is, in a way, comparable to disregarding historical sources before making a critical assessment, or ignoring the theoretical background behind any kind of research. Conversely, handing the discipline of archaeology over to the natural sciences seems not to make much sense either. Instead, it seems time to recognize that archaeology is a discipline in its own right, albeit one with a more interdisciplinary character than most, and that we need to work together to further develop and dene it. This may or may not ultimately result in the creation of a more specic archaeological intellectual toolkit as geology developed from a branch of physics into an independent discipline by creating its own specic methods and techniques, especially in the elds of geophysics and geochemistry. Perceiving scientists as mere technicians or anthropologists as irrational dreamers will not advance either eld. The issue is not whether archaeologists should become chemists or chemists archaeologists, but how scholars and scientists from different elds can cooperate effectively to tease as much information as possible out of the material remains of the human past, whether one is using theoretical anthropological models, radiocarbon analysis, GIS, or organic residue analysis to do so. n
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Fr a nois Bordes
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personal qualities and professional accomplishments. In any case, what follows is only a brief sketch of the man and his work. My treatment of Bordes himself may have particular interest, since most such attempts one encounters in the literature are exercises in hagiography whose subject emerges more in a form reminiscent of a heroic equestrian statue than of a complex living man. Gratifyingly, the only public monument to Bordes is, in fact, the tram station accessing his old building at the University of Bordeaux. On the other hand, my treatment of his work must of necessity be too brief to do the job adequately. Interested readers can, however, nd more thorough exegeses of the topic in several of my publications which remain readily available.
the entire country, he joined the Resistance as a Maquisard. He sometimes worked in obscurity as a coal miner to avoid being sent to Germany as a labor conscript. He referred to this period as the time he truly worked in the underground. Then came a dangerous and eventful two years as a fugitive fighting in the Maquis, an adventure nally brought to an end by a serious grenade wound. At the end of the war he returned to university life, gaining his doctorate at the Sorbonne (1951) with a classic dissertation that substantially revised the loess and gravel geoarchaeological sequence of the Paris Basin. In 1956 he became a professor at the University of Bordeaux, quickly gathering about him a coterie of students and researchers in what was to become the famous Institut du B O R D ES LIFE H IS TO RY Quaternaire. And so Bordes Bordes knapping int at UCLA, circa later 1960s. The found himself reigning over the author is standing behind him. Henri Louis Franois Bordes conduct of Paleolithic archaewas born in 1919 in the Perigord ology in the Perigord as a whole. And he remained doing so region of southwestern France, a landscape of lofty cliffs, until his untimely death by heart failure 25 years later during a dense stands of forests, and green valleys richly scattered visit to the University of Arizona, Tucson. He was buried in the with charming villages that retain much of their medieval and Perigordian village of Carsac, where he had long maintained a Renaissance character. However, as evidenced by the appalling house that served both as his retreat and the operations center slaughter represented by the heart-wrenching lists of names for his excavations. on their World War monuments, they no doubt seem more charming to passing tourists than to local inhabitants, whose BORDES THE MAN roots go deep. Bordes grew up as a member of the provincial bourgeoisie, comfortable and cultivated but stilllike the Bordes was one of a kind. He was a sturdy, vigorous, restless, rough-hewn peasantry that surrounded itsolidly grounded in volatile man. He could be gruff, rough, curmudgeonly. His occasional, seemingly uncontrollable outbursts of anger could the traditional culture, prejudices, and manners of the region. His enthusiasms as a boy involved the then famous Stone be as unsettling as they were inappropriate to the occasion. Age romance La Guerre de Feu (largely forgotten until given And he practiced a congenital but milder testiness as a kind of new life in the recent American lm The Quest for Fire) and a art form. To cite but one example: when knapping int tools, bicycle, on which his far-ranging explorations of the Perigord at which he was an expert, it always seemed to upset him when soon gave him an expert knowledge of its natural history and he inevitably arrived at the point of exhausting the ake core, archaeology. His talents were recognized early, and at the which he would then hurl away in disgust, accompanied by a remarkably young age of 15 he was issued a permit to excavate yell of merde! Although often bad-humored, he was nonethea rockshelter site at Le Roc de Gauvaudun. In 1936 he entered less very good-natured, quite a different thing, especially when the University of Bordeaux, majoring in geology and biology, he found himself in the high-spirited atmosphere of a student and meeting his future wife, Denise de Sonneville-Bordes, who site crew, or when cleaning a stratigraphic section with one or two experienced colleagues, or, again, when relaxing in the was to become a leading expert on the Upper Paleolithic. He joined the military at the outbreak of World War II company of a French household that shared his own cultural but was soon demobilized after the fall of Francea devasbackground and outlook. Especially among the last he could tating event that no doubt fed his aggressive francophilia. In be charming, thoughtful, and a delightful conversationalist. 1942, when the Germans extended their occupation into to His habitual suspicion of other nations never extended to their
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individual citizens (with the of thought played complementary roles and had much possible exception of the to learn from each other. English, whom he seems Some sort of reconciliation never to have forgiven for between the two would have Trafalgar and Waterloo), lent a holistic hybrid vigor to whom he welcomed both as French Paleolithic archaeology crew members and students. that it sorely lacked. A more And he was uncommonly far-sighted man than Bordes generous in sharing his would have realized this. data with any researchers, The second fault I see is regardless of nationality, no doubt related to the rst. once they had mastered This was his apparent belief some degree of expertise in that he had hit upon the right the trade. approach to Paleolithic archaeI used the word trade ology and that, consequently, advisedly, because a key the job of his successors would facet of Bordes character Bordes excavating at rockshelter of Pech de lAz with student crew. largely be to work out those of was his pride in being a its permutations he himself had neither the time nor the inclijourneyman eldworker, or homme de terrain. Given his natural contrariness, this often tempted him to assume the role of an nation to pursue. Seemingly, these were likely to amount to intellectual philistine. (He once listed for me all of the classic little more than intellectual embellishment of what he himself books that he would not want on a desert island, taking care to had already achieved. As he once put it to me: Look Jim, Ive built a town, laid out the streets and sewers and electric lines, omit all of the great works most of us at least claim we would and constructed the houses; if you want to put a statue in the want to have.) Yet he was, in fact, a cultivated man. Even more importantly, he was a well-recognized writer of science ction, town square, feel free to do so. Of course, this kind of hubris is not rare in eminent archaeologists habituated to domiunder the pen-name of Francis Carsac (inspired, of course, from his beloved home in the Perigord), publishing seven full- nating their eld, but it is sooner or later defeated by sciences length novels and a score or so of short stories. Interestingly restless need to more or less constantly be taking new, often enough, these were translated into several European languages unexpected turns. In the face of this, one has the choice either (they were especially well received in the Soviet Union) but of encouraging ones followers to wrestle with new advances or of moving to a new venue where ones expertise, habitual were never destined to appear in English. I am not a fan, let practices, and reputation still carry great value. Possibly this alone a judge, of the sci- genre but remember being struck accounts for Bordes ultimately devoting his last three years of by one of his stories that dealt with a mysterious planet whose inhabitants were totally immobilized by apathy. I cannot help research not to the Perigord but instead to early man sites in the Murchisan Basin of Western Australia. but suspect that the premise especially intrigued, and at some level disturbed, Bordes, who to my knowledge was never incurious, who possessed an almost tactile sensitivity to the world around him, and who was never bored. It bears adding that his career as a popular writer both contributed to, as well as reected, the remarkably straightforward, unpretentious, and solid style of his scientic writings, which to my mind have been equaled by few prehistorians. Although, on balance, I regard Bordes as a remarkable man, and certainly an eminent scientist, there are two aspects of his self-centered character that to my mind marred, or at least tempered, his achievement. One was the factionalism he promoted in French academic life, especially marked by his failure to come to terms with the Paris school of academics researching the Stone Age headed by Andr Leroi-Gourhan. True, it is difcult to imagine two such different characters: the boisterous, hard-headed geologist from Bordeaux, and the somewhat difdent, highly cultivated, but perhaps overimaginative scholar from Paris. Yet, despite their intellectual differences and remarkably different styles, the two schools
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impact, as we have noted, inuenced Old Stone Age research well beyond France itself. The nature of this contribution is most easily dened in terms of the background against which it arose, which we shall call the traditionalin contrast to the Bordesianera that followed. Given the taphonomic complexity of their sites and the recalcitrant, one might say deantly alien, nature of Paleolithic stone tools, traditional researchers understandably adopted a form of what I call straight archaeology. In other words, they pursued a craft-like involvement with their archaeological record, cultivating a narrowly empirical preoccupation with the typology of its artifacts and the makeup of the deposits from which they derive. Dismissing paleoethnological interpretation as premature speculation at best, they concentrated their efforts upon industrial systematicsthat is, the task of dening typological variation among their stone tool assemblagesand, in turn, taking advantage of whatever light could be shed by stratigraphy, constructing taxonomic skeletons of how the lithic industries they segregated organized themselves over time and space. Their aim, in short, was (and, in truth, largely still remains) not to interpret but rather to map the lithic industrial variation that structures the Paleolithic archaeological record. Of course, disciplines involved in digging up and making sense of the premodern past are based in one form or another of straight archaeology. But what set traditional Paleolithic research apart was the assumptionquite understandable in the light of its empirical grounding in stone tools and stratigraphy, along with its strong historic connection with geologythat the Stone Age archaeological record should be attacked in a manner that emulated the approach that earlier had been used by paleontologists in unraveling the fossil record. They might use words like culture and tribe (tribus), but these signify no more than that stone tools were made by people and that these people were no doubt primitive. Yet, given the quite special nature of their archaeological record, it is not surprising that efcacy (perhaps sciences most powerful tool when confronting empirical ambiguity) prompted them to regard stone tools at least metaphorically as if they were indeed fossils. The most singular expression of this idiom of research was their attempt to ground systematics upon fossiles directeursthat is, diagnostic artifact types like Mousterian hand-axes, Gravette points, and Solutrean laurel leafs, whose restricted distributions as index or zone typefossils in the archaeological record were believed to delineate the major cultural traditions (perhaps more accurately termed as industrial blocks) of Paleolithic times. Now, the notion of the fossile directeur tended to foster two more implicit assumptions. The rst was that the Paleolithic record paralleled the paleontological record in such a manner that we should expect to nd a one-to-one correlation between its archaeological levels and the obvious natural stratigraphic units of the site deposits in which they are found. The second was that any given industrial complex, like any given
paleontological complex, should be more or less invariant in the manner in which it expresses itself: in other words, a specic stone tool tradition should give rise to only one characteristic type of industry in any specic block of time and space in the archaeological record. Given our current heightened knowledge of the complexity of the Paleolithic record, it is easy to see how the paleontological model greatly restricted the grasp of traditional prehistorians. Assuming to nd a lock-step correlation between cultural and natural stratigraphy, they deemed it sufcient to excavate a site only in terms of its more obvious stratigraphic unitsthat is, the usually thick zones of relatively homogeneous sedimentological composition, which may indeed represent the major episodes of its depositional history but which at the same time can in reality incorporate several distinct archaeological horizons that often vary signicantly in the details of their typological makeup. As a result, excavation techniques themselves inadvertently mixed these horizons and consequently blurred the archaeological record. At the same time, the differences that distinguish one archaeological industry from another were framed largely in terms of the presence or absence of the key fossiles tool forms. Indeed, so little attention was paid to the supposedly banal areas of typology that a large proportion of the stone tool artifacts excavators initially brought to light never found their way back to the laboratory at all. One of the sadder but highly informative tasks any historian of Paleolithic archaeology should undertake is to occasionally leave off reading the old site reports and instead excavate the spoil heaps of their excavators in order to discover the amount and kind of lithic material so many of them discarded. As a result of all this, the artifact assemblages recovered for any given time period within any given region tended to exhibit a homogeneous and quite stereotyped aspect. And when, in turn, those from different time periods were compared, they inevitably appeared to exhibit fairly distinctive qualitative breaks reminiscent of the manner in which index fossils delineate temporal phasing in geological history. Thus it might be said that prehistorians literally created an empirical archaeological record that did in fact parallel the paleontological record in consisting of a more or less straightforward succession of industrially invariant stages which could be simultaneously identied and dened by a series of index fossile forms. It should be obvious that all this promoted a kind of methodological circularity whereby prehistorians were capable of observing as excavators only what they had already assumed to be true as taxonomists. To be sure, I exaggerate, overgeneralize, and, in the case of a handful researchers, probably fail to do justice to their efforts. Furthermore, the above paragraphs qualify as no more than informed supposition on my part, since traditional Paleolithic archaeologists were too insular and at the same time too bonded by shared if unstated assumptions ever to write explicitly about issues of method and theory. In any event, I believe it fair to state that the traditional logic of
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inquiry promoted excavation techniques and classicatory procedures that dramatically reduced the ability of researchers to perceive novelty or to appreciate the more subtle kinds of variability and alternate patterning that might reside in Paleolithic archaeological deposits.
However tedious, the above recital of what traditional Paleolithic archaeologists did should serve to greatly simplify my abbreviated treatment of what Bordes himself accomplished. Although his achievement was massive, it is fair to say that he did not so much reinvent the eld as reformulate it: a matter of clearly perceiving the shortcomings of his predecessors and developing new methods to compensate for them. To be sure, as in any science, many of Bordes contemporaries were on the same track, conducted research along similar methodological lines, and in certain areas probably surpassed him. Nonetheless, the bulk of his own contributions, popularized without doubt by his stature in the eld and the impact of his personality, so branded European Paleolithic archaeology in the period 19591980 that it is altogether tting that the era bears his name. My treatment of the substance and bite of the Bordesian approach will no doubt seem colorless to those readers unfamiliar with rockshelter sites like Laugerie-Haute, Combe Grenal, and Pech de lAz, with which his name is directly attached, let alone with those, such as the Harvard excavations at the Abri Pataud, which he generously placed in the hands of foreigners. A serious reader might wish to consult the most exhaustive, if now outdated, treatment available of the world according to Bordes, Rockshelters of the Perigord (1980), authored by Henri Laville, Jean-Philippe Rigaud, and myself. Here, however, we must be content with the bare bones of the story. To a great extent, what might be called the Bordesian approach simply involves a strategy designed to greatly enhance the overall quantity and quality of the data realized from the archaeological record. Excavation techniques now take on the character of stratigraphic dissection whereby artifact assemblages are segregated not according to a sites major depositional blocks but instead with reference to the specic occupational horizons and the minimal sedimentological units discernible within them. (In some instances this has led to a nearly tenfold increase over the divisions traditional excavators earlier recognized at the same sites.) All lithic material, including unused tool blanks and industrial debris, is now saved, along with the standardized tools shaped (as a rule) by retouch. They are richly documented with respect to their provenance and, equally important, accompanied by representative samples of faunal, palynological, and sedimentological data carefully segregated with reference to their respective archaeological horizons. This latter information is employed to develop a chronostratigraphic approach to spacetime systematics, wherein the design of regional space-time schemes entails a holistic level-by-level correlation of the site
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stratigraphies involved, founded as much upon their paleoenvironmental contents as upon the artifactual contents of their occupational horizons. While it might fairly be argued that such advances in the technology of archaeological research are simply renements of earlier sampling and analytic procedures, their combined effect has nevertheless been to cause a leap in the degree of resolution with which prehistorians are able to observe and control the archaeological record. Moreover, although they constitute common practice today, this was not the case a half-century ago. No less important, this effort is complemented by a new approach to systematics that has had an equally profound effect. In brief, the traditional concept of the qualitative fossile directeur has been set aside in favor of the notion that it is the relative frequencies of several tool types viewed in the ensemble, rather than the presence or absence of a few of them viewed individually, that is essential to rened systematics. Again, the basic idea is not new. But it was Bordes who rst saw clearly that translating the notion of what one regards as industrially diagnostic into quantitative terms was not simply a matter of counting but, in addition, that it required the introduction of two new elements into the methodology of systematics. One is that artifact typology and the ordering of archaeological assemblages must constitute distinct procedures: in other words, the denition of an assemblages formal content must be operationally distinguished from its genetic afliations to other assemblages in space-time systematics. As we have seen, this distinction was never clearly made in the traditional approach, since it was the inherently circular role of fossile directeurs to dene simultaneously an assemblages content and assign it within some larger ordering scheme. The second is that artifact classication must be extended to the entire range of formal variation occupied by recognizable tools rather than simply to those specic areas that potentially possess the greatest diagnostic value in assemblage ordering. This banalization of artifact classication in the form of standardized type-lists makes it possible for every artifact recognized as a purposeful stone tool to be assigned to a specic type category and subsequently be counted. Obviously, without this global typological inventorying, which was by no means consistently recognized in traditional systematics, quantitative statements about relative tool frequencies lose most of their meaning. Armed with its comprehensive type-lists and some relatively simple techniques of statistical description, Bordesian systematics revealed that the archaeological record is a vastly more complicated affair than the traditional approach envisaged. Perhaps most importantly, we no longer conceive of it as comprising simple linear successions of stereotyped industries, but instead as a complex of highly polymorphic industrial complexes which can assume a variety of alternate expressions at one and the same time in any given region. Bordes coined the term volution buissonnante (literally bushy, but perhaps better translated as ramifying, evolution) to account for this polymorphism.
Bordes (note cowboy hat and bola tie), Dr. Jean Gaussen, and author at the site of Solvieux, the largest excavation in an open-air deposit in the Perigord. Gaussen, a pioneer in open-air research, was the last of the great French independent scholars-prehistorians.
explanationunderlying the patterns of activities conducted on Paleolithic living oors. The idea was not a new one, to be sure, as attested by much of the work begun earlier by prehistorians in sub-Saharan Africa and by the splendid open-air sites being attacked at the same time as our own by Leroi-Gourhans group in the Paris Basin. Yet, on the other hand, and much more familiar to the North American audience, was Bordes redenition of the Mousterian as a polymorphic complex of four distinct tool complexes, or assemblage-types, which supposedly interstratied in the rockshelters of the Perigord and which consequently were thought to be somehow quasi-contemporary. Here his thinking does seem to have paleontological overtones, since he argued that these assemblage-types had independent genetic connections to earlier, pre-Mousterian (that is, lower Paleolithic) industrial traditions. Since Bordes sometimes referred to these connections as being cultural, it seemed to followat least when ltered through the mind-set of anthropologically trained American archaeologiststhat he must have believed that the Mousterian assemblage-types themselves actually represented four distinct ethnic groups, or tribes, which somehow shared the Perigord more or less simultaneously. And, their argument continued, would not a more likely explanation be that the assemblages in fact represented four different sets of spatially segregated activities conducted by one and the same ethnic group, rather than more or less the same set activities practiced by four different ethnic groups? Finally, it did not require, at least among the New archaeologists of the time, much of a reductionist intellectual jump to see in Bordes alleged position a parallel to the outmoded normative approach they attributed to traditional Americanist archaeology, in contradistinction to the processual approach they themselves advocated. The most noticeable reaction to this particular instance of Bordes-style polymorphic variability (at least in the sense that bellowing smoke is the most noticeable attribute of a steam engine) was, of course, the so-called Mousterian debate between Bordes and Lewis Binford. To be sure, the basic issue it raises is of the utmost importance, particularly in prehistoric archaeology: how are we to distinguish in the archaeological record between what might be called activity and ethnicity, task and groupin other words, between what was going on and who was doing it? We need not attempt to untangle the course of the debate here, both because any anglophone archaeological student has at least a rough idea of what it was about and because my own role as a participant was far from dispassionate or unbiased. Sufce it to say that, to my mind, the direction it took was in about equal measure salutary and damaging to the progress of archaeological thought in this country and to the manner in which New World archaeologists regarded their Old World colleagues. In any event, our concern here is restricted to Franois Bordes, whose role in the business is marked about equally by ambiguity and irony. For one thing, it was already starting to become clear to him, as well as to many other knowledgeable
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researchers at the time, that his four assemblage-types did not adequately organize Mousterian industrial variability. For another, faults were beginning to appear in his chronostratigraphic scheme for the Perigord, which suggested that the assemblages were not in fact contemporaneous in the manner he rst thought. Hence the premise on which the debate was founded became questionable fairly early in the game. Then again, Bordes himself actually debated very little, at least in print, and then largely in English. For the issue was very much an Anglo-Saxon affair, which was met with a mixture of bemusement, if not indifference, even in France itself. Finally, to be frank, it would be interesting to know whether the debate itself was not something of a canard in any event. The only source for many of the popular notions Americans hold about it derive from the imaginative Selbfestschriften that Binford himself wrote as companion pieces to his own articles. This is not to say, I hasten to add, that Bordes would not have enjoyed a confrontation with Binford along personal lines. Although I never saw the two of them together, I suspect that Bordes was genuinely attracted to Binford, a man whose intelligence, brand of humor, combativeness, and need for self-assertion matched his own, and whonot being a Paleolithic archaeologist himselfcould enthusiastically confront Bordes in a manner he might not tolerate from a fellow expert in the trade. There is little I can add, since I can recall Bordes speaking to me only twice of the matter, and even then simply in the form of casual remarks tossed off during the course of eldwork. The rst time, he said that he in fact initially suspected that the Mousterian assemblage-types were indeed activityspecic, most likely representing varying expressions that one and the same culture might take in its seasonal rounds; and that he only later abandoned this view because he could nd no corresponding differences in their associations with faunal assemblages, hearths, site organization, and so forth. I took this to mean that he viewed the question of Mousterian variabilityas he did most Paleolithic issuesas a largely empirical matter which could only be resolved on strictly empirical terms. Here, of course, he was speaking in the guise of a straight archaeologist for whom paleoethnological interpretation could wait. The second time the subject came up his words took a more cynical turn: in short, that the debates real value lay in the fact that it was an easily grasped and easily popularized matter that served to promote his reputation among Anglo-Saxon archaeologists and students who were otherwise too ignorant of Paleolithic archaeology to know the difference between a burin and a hand-axe.
Finally, a word is in order regarding Bordes quite special relationship to America, which he rst saw in 1959, revisited numerous times, and where he ultimately met his untimely death. His feelings about the United States, true to his contradictory character, were highly mixed. For he was intensively chauvinistic, as we have seen, and in fact viscerally
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anti-American when it came to matters like foreign policy. Some of his remarks on the topic were callously insensitive, especially to those of us who had lost family, friends, and neighbors on French soil in two world wars. Yet his love of our land, as opposed to the foreign policy of our nation, was itself altogether genuine. He was particularly attracted, as are many Europeans, by the vast and raw beauty of the Southwest, an attraction no doubt enriched by an almost juvenile nostalgia for the lore of the old Far West created by American cowboy novels and movies. And there was something in the openness of the American character he particularly enjoyed, perhaps, fairly or not, in contrast to the supposed reserve of our anglophone counterparts across the ocean. My impression is that Americans were more likely than his own countrymen to nd him in a relaxed, congenial, and receptive mood. In part this was due to the fact that he was as welcome in New York as in Los Angeles, in Chicago as in San Francisco. And American intellectual life of those years probably seemed less factionalized and partisan than it was in France (a fact, as we have seen, for which he himself must bear some responsibility). Then too was the great esteem he enjoyed among American replicators of stone tools, stemming from his early association with Donald Crabtree. Knappers all belong to the same fraternity and practice a craft and mind-set that override ethnic, linguistic, and even archaeological boundaries. As a result, Bordes was able to forge close and empathetic bonds with skilled colleagues who may never have known nor cared how the stratigraphy of Pech de lAz correlates with that of Combe-Grenal or why the former Perigordian III stage is now called Perigordian VI. I imagine he welcomed the intellectual vacation this afforded. Bordes was fond of American students, and they reciprocated warmly. They found it difcult to resist someone who loved to show off, spoke English so colorfully and amusingly in a strong French accent, all the while sporting a cowboy hat and a Far West bolo tie. But, at a more fundamental level, they felt the force of his scholarly dedication and eagerness to share his knowledge; they appreciated the fact that he took them seriously, even if they did not always have the preparation needed to follow the details of his argument. I believe this is why he took so much care in writing that lucid exposition of Mousterian archeology, A Tale of Two Caves (1972), which to my knowledge sadly never appeared in French. Bordes relations with his fellow prehistorians in America are not so easily summarized. While he was highly respected by nearly allhe was (and remains so 30 years after his death) the center of controversy with respect to theoretical mattersI doubt he took it all too seriously. To be sure, he admired the accomplishments and vigor of North American archaeologists and for obvious reasons followed developments in Paleo-Indian research closely. But he never bought the proposition that archaeology is anthropology or it is nothing. And he thought the philosophical posturing of the New Archaeology of his era pretentiously absurd. At the same time, he seemingly felt that
the problem was exacerbated by the fact that most American archaeologists were to be found in academic departments of universities and colleges, intellectual settings which by their own nature promote theoretical controversy for its own sake (especially among those of its participants who otherwise would have nothing of substance to say). I suspect he held, probably rightly, that American archaeology would be better served if the country possessed a semi-independent, empirically oriented scientic establishment comparable to the excellent Centre National de la Recherche Scientique, which supplied the bulk of the full-time archaeological researchers in France. Again, of course, I simplify. No one denies that a scientic engine cannot be driven without good theory, and Bordes
knew this as well as any American archaeologist. But to the end he remained a militantly down-to-earth homme de terrain. It was ignorance and intellectual pretension, not ideas, that he opposed. And if he sometimes struck Americans as being disinterested and oversimplistic in handling theoretical questions, we must keep in mind the dualistic nature of his character. For archaeological theory must have seemed rather dull in comparison with the rich store of novelty and imagination he found in sharing the same mind with his alter ego, Francis Carsac. Perhaps Americans would have had a greater and more nuanced appreciation of Franois Bordes had they also been given the opportunity to know Francis Carsac. But Carsac, unfortunately, never spoke a word of English. n
A horizontal exposure of a stone pavage found in the uppermost Paleolithic occupation oor at Solvieux.
A so-called fond-de-cabane made of large blocks. A similar block lying nearby bears the remains of an engraving of horse and deer hoofs done in the style of the famous painted cave of Lascaux.
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T 2011
A RCHAEOLOGY I NTERDEPARTMENTAL P ROGRAM at 1 UCLA is a graduate program in which students can acquire a uniquely congured body of knowledge from multiple departments within the university. There are currently over 30 enrolled graduate students in the Archaeology IDP, and our students have covered the globe in their pursuit of academias highest degree. We are proud to announce the following ve recently completed Ph.D. dissertations.
Ancient Human Systems, under the supervision of Professor Monica L. Smith. DAVIDE ZORIs dissertation, entitled From Viking Chiefs to Medieval States in Iceland: The Evolution of Social Power Structures in the Mosfell Valley, was supervised by Professor Jesse Byock. Two other students, SETH PEVNICK and JENNIFER RASHIDI, are nearing completion of their dissertations and hope to le in the coming months. Seth Pevnick, currently the Richard E. Perry Curator of Greek and Roman Art at the Tampa Museum of Art, is completing his dissertation, Foreign Creations of the Athenian Kerameikos: Images and Identities in the Work of Pistoxenos-Syriskos (supervised by Professor John Papadopoulos). Jennifer Rashidis dissertation is entitled Animals, Disease and Medicine in the Ancient Near East: Towards a Pathocoenosis of Ancient Mesopotamia (supervised by Professors Gail Kennedy and Robert Englund). The range and scope of the research of our recent Ph.D. students, in terms of theory and methodology, on the one hand, and the regional focus, on the other, give ample testimony to the capacity of the Archaeology IDP. In addition, a whole slew of students have recently completed their M.A. degrees in Archaeology: Kanika Kalra, Brett Kaufman, Karl La Favre, Hannah Lau, Hillary Pietricola, Catherine Pratt, and Stephanie Salwen. We are especially proud of our students for their success in competitive funding at the university and national levels. The four students recently awarded National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships are showcased in the News section. But I would like to add that three of our continuing studentsBrett Kaufman, Kristine Olshansky, and Catherine Prattwere awarded competitive year-long Graduate Research Mentorships for 20112012. Congratulations to them all!
JAMIE APRILE completed her Ph.D. with a dissertation entitled Pylos and Nichoria: A Case Study in Urban/Hinterland Political Economy; under the supervision of Professor Sarah P. Morris. Dr. Aprile is currently teaching part-time at the University of Texas at Austin. PETYA HRISTOVAs dissertation, entitled Masks and People: Reconstructing the Early Mycenaean Funerary Ritual through Archaeological Images and Context, was completed under the supervision of Professor Sarah P. Morris. Dr. Hristova is currently teaching part-time at San Jose State University. JOHN (MAC) MARSTON (currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Joukowsky Institute of Archaeology at Brown University) completed his dissertation entitled Evaluating Risk, Sustainability, and Decision Making in Agricultural and Land-use Strategies at Ancient Gordion, supervised by Professor John Papadopoulos. Mac was nominated as the student marshal for the doctoral hooding ceremony. This is the highest honor bestowed annually upon two among all the graduating Ph.D. students at UCLA, and this was awarded to him for his outstanding achievements during doctoral study at UCLA. ELIZABETH MULLANE (currently IHUM Fellow at Stanford University), completed her dissertation entitled Megaliths, Mounds, and Monuments: Applying Self-organizing Theory to
1. Archaeology Graduate Interdepartmental Program, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, and Department of Classics, UCLA.
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S P O T L I G H T O N 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 F I R S TY E AR ARCHAEO LO G Y I D P S TU D ENTS
The 20102011 incoming class consisted of six highly talented students, all with stellar undergraduate degrees. Two of these studentsChristine Johnston and Evan Carlsonentered the program with an M.A. from other institutions, Christine from the University of British Columbia (in her native Canada), Evan from Columbia University in New York. Christine, who came to the program with a four-year fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSRHC), is working in Aegean and eastern Mediterranean archaeology under the supervision of Professors Morris and Papadopoulos, while Evan is working on Near Eastern archaeology with Professor Elizabeth Carter. The other four 20102011 students came to the program with B.A. degrees from some of the nest institutions in North America: Ben Nigra (University of Chicago) is working on Andean archaeology under the guidance of Professor Charles Stanish and was recently awarded a three-year National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship; Chelsey Fleming (New York University) is working on Aegean prehistory and Classical archaeology with Professors Morris and Papadopoulos and is the recipient of the UCLA Chancellors Prize; Kathryn Chew (Scripps College) is studying Egyptian archaeology under the guidance of Professor Willeke Wendrich and was awarded the Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship; and Kristine Olshansky (UC Santa Barbara) is working on Near Eastern archaeology with Professors Stanish and Areshian and was awarded a UCLA year-long Graduate Research Mentorship for 20112012. All six students have already left their mark on the program, and we look forward to tracking their future academic growth.
T H E I N C O M I N G C L A S S O F 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 ARCHAEO LO G Y I D P S TU D ENTS
The talent and diversity of the incoming class of 20112012 IDP students is truly exceptional. Two studentsEllen Hsieh and Hsiu-ping Leehail from Taiwan; another, Myles Chykerda, from Canada. All three are entering the program with completed M.A. degrees. Ellen was awarded the highly prized Taiwan Ministry of Education Fellowship, which offers three years of funding; she was also awarded a Fulbright Fellowship. Two of the rst-year cohortTerrah Jones and Rachel Moywere awarded UCLA Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowships, and Rachel was also awarded the Chancellors Prize. Two of our incoming students have strong backgrounds in the sciences: Laura Grifn in physics and chemistry, Terrah Jones in chemistry and anthropology. Laura, who also holds an M.S. in physics from UCLA, will be working with Professor Ioanna Kakoulli in the eastern Mediterranean, and Terrah will be working with Professor Charles Stanish in the Andes. Both Hsiu-ping Lee and Ellen Hsieh will be studying the archaeology of China, Hsiu-ping under the supervision of Professor Lothar von Falkenhausen, Ellen with Professor Min Li. Rachel Moys regional focus is on Egypt, where she will work with Professors Willeke Wendrich and Kara Cooney, and Myles Chykerda will be working on Classical Greek archaeology with Professors Morris and Papadopoulos. The faculty and staff of the IDP, together with the greater Cotsen community, are looking forward to welcoming the new rst-year students in the fall, and we wish them every success in the program and during the time they spend at UCLA.
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BEN NIGRA was born and raised outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He received a B.A. in anthropology at the University of Chicago, concentrating on archaeology and physical anthropology. Before joining the Cotsen Institute, Ben conducted eldwork in northern Chiles Tarapaca Valley; in Ilo, Peru; and in southern Perus Vitor Valley. At UCLA, he works with Charles Stanish (Director, Cotsen Institute, and Professor, Department of Anthropology). His research interests are in state expansion, frontiers, economic incorporation, and political economy during the Andean Middle Horizon.
CHELSEY FLEMING will be a second-year graduate student studying classical archaeology under Sarah Morris (Steinmetz Professor of Classical Archaeology and Material Culture, Department of Classics) and Professor John Papadopoulos ( C h a i r, A r c h a e o l o g y Graduate Interdepartmental Program). Before coming to UCLA, she completed a B.A. in classical archaeology and ne art from New York University and is interested in the iconographic exchange between cultures in the Mediterranean Basin. Her research interests include the archaeology of colonialism, the art and archaeology of Magna Graecia, and the relationship between text and image.
CHRISTINE JOHNSTON is a native of Vancouver, BC, and comes with a masters degree in classical and Near Eastern archaeology and a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of British Columbia. Her interests lie in economic and political history, and exploring the ways in which economic interaction and trade facilitated cross-cultural exchanges. Regionally, she focuses on the Mediterranean world of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages, and has participated in field programs in the Levant, Greece, and in the Pacific Northwest. She works with Professor John Papadopoulos (Chair, Archaeology Graduate Interdepartmental Program) and Sarah Morris (Steinmetz Professor of Classical Archaeology and Material Culture, Department of Classics).
EVAN CARLSON received an M.A. in anthropology from Columbia University and has a B.A. in Classical and Near Eastern civilizations, Greek, and computer science. His primary research focus is the social makeup and formation of ancient cities, as seen analytically through the lenses of phenomenology, spatial theory, mobility, and power relations. Evans M.A. thesis examined early settlements and urban centers as gathering places for different people who lived through changing social identities, conicts, synergy, and attempts at control that inevitably arise when people inhabit a closely packed, constantly changing space. Evan came to UCLA to work with Professor Elizabeth Carter (Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures) on researching the relationship between rulers and urban populations in the formation of four planned capitals constructed on virgin soil between the fourteenth and thirteenth centuries B.C. in the Near East.
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KATHRYN CHEW received her B.A. in anthropology and media studies from Scripps College in Claremont, California. She also studied Egyptology and archaeological methodology at the American University in Cairo. In her graduate work at UCLA, Kathryn will focus on the interrogative abilities of georeferenced three-dimensional models, specically on the delineation and representation of spatial valuation and use for the enhancement of the phenomenological content of models. Kathryn will also engage with UCLAs recently launched Digital Humanities graduate certication program, as well as a variety of other digital projects under the guidance of her academic advisor, Professor of Egyptian Archaeology Willeke Wendrich.
KRISTINE MARTIROSYANOLSHANSKY grew up in Armenia and moved to the United States in 2000. She received her B.A. in classical civilization and Russian language from UC Santa Barbara. She has participated in the excavations of the medieval capital Dvin in Armenia and has been conducting eldwork at the Areni-1 Chalcolithic cave site in Armenia since 2008. For her graduate studies, she works with Charles Stanish (Director, Cotsen Institute, and Professor, Department of Anthropology) and Gregory Areshian (Assistant Director, Associate Researcher, and Visiting Professor, Cotsen Institute) and her primary research interests are the Neolithic and Chalcolithic of the Near East, ancient landscapes and natural environments, lithics and ceramic analysis, and GIS applications in archaeology.
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MYLES CHYKERDA comes from Edmonton, Canada, where he received a B.A. Honours in Anthropology and Classics (2004) and joint M.A. in classical archaeology and in humanities computing (2010), both from the University of Alberta. Although originally interested in the archaeology of the Roman army, his focus shifted to Greek defensive strategies at both the city and regional level while studying under Dr. Margriet Haagsma. Through his Ph.D. work, he plans to expand these concepts to a broader geographical, material, and temporal range in order to examine the emergence of state organization and regional identity in the Thessalian plains.
LAURA GRIFFIN grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, where she got a B.S. in physics and chemistry from Emory University. She also holds a M.S. in physics from UCLA. Laura has done ecological eld research on the microbial cycling of sulfur in the coastal ocean, and she is currently working with Professor Ioanna Kakoulli (Archaeological and Ethnographic Conservation and Materials Science) on projects involving the chemical characterization of ceramics from coastal Mayan and Panamanian sites. Through a combination of techniques in geochemistry, molecular biology, and modeling, Laura plans to examine patterns of access to terrestrial and aquatic resources, domestication and food production technologies, population density effects, and the topologies of human networks.
ELLEN HSIEH comes with a masters degree in anthropology from National Taiwan University. She had prior Neolithic archaeology experience, but shifted to historical archaeology and maritime archaeology, which are developing elds in Taiwan. Her M.A. research focused on imported ceramics in an aboriginal village site in northeast Taiwan, and in her future studies she intends to expand her previous research to take a broader perspective to discuss the dynamic relationship among different groups around the Asia waters, especially in the seventeenth-century European contact era.
H. P. (HSIU-PING) LEE graduated from the Institute of History at National Taiwan University and is interested in the ancient Chinese civilization and archaeology, with a special focus on the interrelationship between political domination and material culture during the Shang-Zhou period (ca. 1046211 B.C.). Although he studied ancient Chinese history, he used a lot of archaeological evidence in his masters thesis at NTU, discussing and analyzing the social development of Nanyang Basin, the region between the Yellow and Yangzi Rivers. He is looking forward to working with Professor Lothar von Falkenhausen (Department of Art History; Associate Director, Cotsen Institute).
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RACHEL MOY was born and raised outside of Chicago, Illinois. She received her B.A. in classical archaeology and Near Eastern Studies from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Previously, Rachel has conducted eldwork at Megiddo in Israel and the Garfield Farm Excavation in Illinois. At UCLA, she studies under the direction of Professor of Egyptian Archaeology Willeke Wendrich. Rachels research interests include Egyptian religion, reuse of sacred space and construction of religious landscapes, and foreign interactions, especially with Nubia.
TERRAH ERRAH JONES is from Green Bay, Wisconsin, and she received B.A. degrees in both anthropology and chemistry from Ripon College. While in attendance at Ripon College her focus was on archaeological science using chemical techniques to compositionally analyze ceramic artifacts from 19th century Scotland. She has also done work in Moquegua, Peru assisting with the creation of an electronic database for paleobotanical remains from Cerro Bal (ca. AD 650 900) and the Ring Site (ca. 11,400 BP). In her graduate work here at UCLA she works with Charles Stanish (Director of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, Professor in the Anthropology Department) and her primary interests are pre-Columbian Andean archaeology, trade and exchange in archaic states, and expanding her knowledge in archaeological science.
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UCLA/G ETTY M ASTER S P ROGRAM in the Conservation of Archaeological and Ethnographic Materials is a cooperative effort between UCLA and the Getty Conservation Institute. It is administered by the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology and grants a three-year M.A. degree in conservation, aiming to educate and train students in the highest standard of conservation practice. We accepted six very well-qualied students in the fall of 2009, and they are all safely on track to nish their M.A. degrees in 2012:
the Treatment of Archaeological Copper and Copper Alloys for consideration by Anatolian Archaeological Studies. LILY DOAN is a southern California native who completed her B.A. in anthropology from California State University, Long Beach. Her internships included work at the UCLA Fowler Museum, the Gordion excavations in Turkey, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Her thesis work examines how an artist interview should be conducted, which is an important component in the conservation of contemporary art, and which may inuence the study and treatment of a Balinese cili gure. She retains an interest in collections that range from archaeological to contemporary, in the collaborative nature of conservation, and in the preservation of living traditions. In April 2010, Lily co-presented a poster on A Comparison of Block Lifting Materials and Techniques at the 2010 Association of North American Graduate Programs in the Conservation of Cultural Property (ANAGPIC) annual conference. ELIZABETH DROLET is from Atlanta, Georgia, and received her B.A. in archaeology from Boston University. Last summer, Elizabeth worked on the conservation of stone, bronze, and iron objects at the site of Gordion in central Turkey, on the cleaning and repair of Minoan ceramics, bronzes and beads at the INSTAP Study Center in East Crete, and on the documentation and maintenance of earthen architecture at the site of Tell Mozan in northern Syria. She also participated in a materials characterization workshop at the KamanKalehyk excavation in central Turkey in the summer of 2010. Elizabeth is currently working on research into the deterioration of archaeological ceramics, the thesis to be entitled Characterization of the Deterioration of Low-Fired Ceramics in Varying Burial Environments. This summer, Elizabeth will
TESSA DE ALARCON received her B.A. in studio art from Carleton College in Northeld, Minnesota. Last summer she interned at Kaman Kalehyk in Turkey and also at the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles; this summer she will begin her third-year internship at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. In April 2011, Tessa presented a poster called Cahuilla Sandals: Materials and Construction Methods at the 2011 Association of North American Graduate Programs in the Conservation of Cultural Property (ANAGPIC) annual conference. Also in April 2011, she presented an invited paper titled Improvements in the Histological Analysis of Archaeological and Cultural Materials Using Photoluminescent Semiconductor Nanocrystals at the 2011 Society for American Archaeology annual meeting in a symposium sponsored by the Society for Archaeological Sciences. Tessa has also submitted a coauthored paper entitled Case Studies in Basketry Repair: Two Abenaki Baskets to the Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, and another paper called A Comparative Study of Corrosion Inhibitors for
1. The UCLA/Getty Masters Program in the Conservation of Archaeological and Ethnographic Materials, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, and Department of Art History.
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be assisting with the excavation and conservation of materials at the site of Tell Tayinat in southeastern Turkey, and will be working on the repair of ceramics and continued work on the conservation of the earthen architecture at Tell Mozan. In the fall, she will start a year-long internship in the Sherman Fairchild Center for Objects Conservation at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. In April 2010, Elizabeth coauthored a paper called The Chemical characterization and Removal of Lac Dye Staining on White-Gound Ceramics which was presented at the 2010 Association of North American Graduate Programs in the Conservation of Cultural Property (ANAGPIC) annual conference. In April 2010, Elizabeth also presented an invited paper with the title The Use of the VPSEM in Archaeological Conservation: Two Case Studies at the symposium From the Field to the Microscope: In Situ Scanning Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis in Conservation, Art and Archaeology. The symposium was co-organized by the Materials Science and Engineering Department and the UCLA/Getty Conservation Program and partially funded by the Kress Foundation. In February 2011, Elizabeth co-presented a poster on The Identication of Fibers from a Mummy Bundle, Tarapaca Valley, Chile in the Archaeology Graduate Student Conference at UCLA. In April 2011, Elizabeth presented an invited paper titled Differential Burial Environments: Effects on Low-Fired Ceramics and Implications for Archaeological Research at the 2011 Society for American Archaeology annual meeting in a symposium sponsored by the Society for Archaeological Sciences, as well as a paper entitled Time, Erosion and Earthen Architecture: Documenting the Effectiveness of Protective Shelters for Mud-Brick Structures at the 2011 ANAGPIC annual conference. NICOLE LEDOUX is from Boston, Massachusetts, and received her B.A. in anthropology from Harvard University. In the summer of 2010, Nicole completed an internship in archaeological conservation at Poggio Colla, an Etruscan site in Italy. She also spent part of the summer documenting and treating ancient Nubian artifacts at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. For her third-year internship, Nicole will be working at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. In April 2010, Nicole presented a paper called Treatment and Technical Study of a Lakota Beaded Hide and co-presented a poster entitled A Comparison of Block Lifting Materials and Techniques at the 2010 Association of North American Graduate Programs in the Conservation of Cultural Property (ANAGPIC) annual conference. In April 2011, she
presented a poster on An Investigation of Loss Compensation Materials for the Conservation of Coiled Basketry at the 2011 ANAGPIC annual conference. Nicole is currently completing research on this topic for her M.A. thesis. DAWN LOHNAS is from Santa Barbara, California, and received her B.A. in studio art with a minor in anthropology from UCLA. In the summer of 2010, Dawn worked at the National Museum of the American Indian, helping to prepare a range of objects from across the Western Hemisphere for exhibit in Innity of Nations, currently on display at the George Gustav Heye Center in New York City. Her projects included treatments on a variety of peyote ceremonial objects, as well as quill treatment and stabilization on a Cree Mtis hide jacket. She also treated several vessels now on display on the National Mall in Washington, DC. In April 2011, Dawn presented a poster called Characterization and Analysis of a Likely Khipu from Northern Chile at the 2011 Association of North American Graduate Programs in the Conservation of Cultural Property (ANAGPIC) annual conference. This poster is the result of an ongoing study of a piece from the UCLA Fowler Museum collection, which will soon be submitted for publication. For her masters thesis, Dawn is evaluating the effectiveness of calcium hydroxide nanoparticle dispersions for the consolidation of painted earthen architectural surfaces. Next fall, she will be interning in the Antiquities Department at the Getty Villa. ROBIN OHERN is from Honolulu, Hawaii, and received her B.A. in religious studies from Swarthmore College, as well as an M.A. in theological studies from Harvard Divinity School. This summer, Robin will be working at the Cleveland Museum of Art. Her two projects include documenting and treating a group of Islamic ceramics and a sixteenth-century wood polychrome sculpture from Germany. In April 2010, Robin co-presented a poster called A Comparison of Block Lifting Materials and Techniques at the 2010 Association of North American Graduate Programs in the Conservation of Cultural Property (ANAGPIC) annual conference. In February 2011, she presented two posters at the UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Graduate Student Conference. She presented again her poster on block lifting materials and techniques and, in addition, a poster called Identication of Fibers from a Mummy Bundle, Tarapaca Valley, Chile. In April 2011, Robin presented her thesis research on the surface encrustation of Komo masks at the 2011 Association of North American Graduate Programs in the Conservation of Cultural Property (ANAGPIC) annual conference. Lastly, Robin wrote an article
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titled Case Study on the Treatment of a Portrait Vessel on a portrait vessel from Tiahuanaco, Bolivia, published in Retreatability: Problems in the Conservation of Archaeological Ceramics, edited by David A. Scott (Los Angeles: Conservation Science Press). CINDY LEE SCOTT is from Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada, and received her B.A. and M.A. in classical archaeology from Brock University, Canada. Her pre-program work in conservation was conducted on the island of Crete at the Institute for Aegean Prehistory Study Centre for East Crete. During the summer of 2010, Cindy Lee worked at the National Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongerawa. There she worked on materials from the early twentieth century for an upcoming exhibit at Te Papa, and participated in the assessment and consolidation of a number of large ethnographic objects for outgoing loans. Among these objects was a Maori waka, a 15-meter-long wooden war canoe adorned with albatross feathers and paua shells, used by the indigenous peoples of New Zealand. She also assisted in the on-site consolidation and stabilization of a number of greater-than-life-sized wooden sculptures, currently on loan at the small local museum, Te Manawa, in Palmerston North, New Zealand.
In April 2010, Cindy Lee presented a paper called The Chemical Characterization and Removal of Lac Dye Staining on White-Ground Ceramics at the 2010 Association of North American Graduate Programs in the Conservation of Cultural Property (ANAGPIC) annual conference. The following year at ANAGPIC, she presented a poster on the conservation treatment of a Makah Indian basket. Cindy Lee will complete her third-year internship at the Museums of New Mexico, Santa Fe. There she will have the opportunity to work on ethnographic collections, including a collection of Navajo ceramics, in addition to working on-site at a number of pueblos. During the summer of 2011, she plans to take part in the Haiti Cultural Recovery Project, run in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institute. The UCLA/Getty Masters Program in the Conservation of Archaeological and Ethnographic Materials also enrolled eight new students in the fall of 2011: Alexis North, Ayesha Fuentes, Brittany Dolph, Caitlin Mahony, Carinne Tzadik, Catherine Mallinckrodt, Geneva Griswold, and Madeleine Neiman. We welcome them to the Cotsen Institute and look forward to sharing their successes in the program.
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ALEXIS NORTH received her B.A. in anthropology and classical history from New York University in 2006. During that time she excavated at paleoanthropological sites along the East African Rift Valley, at a Classical Greek marketplace in the Peloponnesos, and the Late Roman city of Aphrodisias, in southwestern Turkey. She completed 2 1/2 years of preprogram conservation work at the Brooklyn Museum of Art, and is interested in both the conservation of, and ethical questions surrounding, burial sites, mummies and other human remains.
BRITTANY DOLPH graduated from the State University of New York at Buffalo with a B.A. in anthropology. Originally concentrating on cultural anthropology, she expanded her focus to include archaeology after attending field school at Old Fort Niagara, on Lake Ontario. Her interest in conservation was piqued by participation in a re-housing project and subsequent work with historic artifacts at the National Museum of American History in Washington, DC. She has most recently worked as a technician for two years in the Objects Conservation Laboratory at the National Gallery of Art. While she is interested in megalithic art, she is also looking forward to gaining experience with ethnographic objects, and especially those comprised of organic materials.
CAITLIN MAHONY received her bachelors degree in anthropology from Skidmore College in 2009. As an undergraduate, she had the opportunity to conduct ethnographic eldwork in Samoa and became interested in cultural objects and their need for preservation. Her preprogram experience includes internships at the National Museum of the American Indian, National Museum of Natural History, University of Pennsylvania Archaeology and Anthropology Museum as well as the Ethnological Museum in Berlin. This fall, she begins her masters study at UCLA where she hopes to strengthen her skills of analysis and treatment of materials of cultural heritage.
C AT H E R I N E ( C A S E Y ) MALLINCKRODT received a B.A. in anthropology from Washington University and M.F.A. (88) from Yale University. She is an active studio artist, and has worked in leadership of non-prot educational institutions, and as an independent radio producer. Casey is currently a pre-program intern in the anthropology conservation lab at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, working primarily on large-scale wooden objects. She previously worked in the sculpture conservation lab at MoMA, and for private conservators in New York City.
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G E N E VA G R I S W O L D received her B.A. in art history and Hispanic Studies from Scripps College, and her M.A. in Art History from The Courtauld Institute of Art. Geneva has also assisted with the treatment of the Royal Presidio Chapels stone faade, located in Monterey, CA, as well as with the architectural stabilization efforts of the Shunet el-Zebib, a Second Dynasty funerary monument located in Abydos, Egypt. Her research interests include the treatment of painted surfaces, ceramics, as well as preventive conservation methods.
MADELEINE NEIMAN attended Bryn Mawr College where she majored in anthropology with a focus on archaeology and ethnohistory. She was introduced to archaeological conservation while working in the field on excavations in Virginia and New Mexico. This past fall, Madeleine completed a pre-program internship in the Colonial Williamsburg Foundations archaeological conservation lab where she participated in the treatment of a variety of ceramic and metal artifacts. Her current research interests include the conservation of ceramics and the ethics of treating archaeological collections.
AYESHA FUENTES was born and raised on Whidbey Island in Washington State. She has a B.A. in art/religion from Williams College and a M.A. in art history from Tufts University. While pursuing her rst graduate degree, she worked for the Objects Conservation Lab at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Ayesha is particularly interested in devotional objects, mortuary art, and the use of human remains in material culture as well as issues of consecration. For her masters thesis, she wrote on Tibetan skull cups. At the moment, she is particularly fascinated by issues of conservation of South Asian arts and religious monuments.
CARINNE ARINNE TZADIK attended the University of Texas at Austin and graduated in 2007 with a B.A. in art history and a minor in chemistry. She has most recently been working at the UCLA Fowler Museum doing her preprogram work. Carinne will focus her studies on conservation techniques for metal and stone.
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KARA COONEY (Assistant Professor of Egyptian Art and Archaeology) earned her Ph.D. in Near Eastern Studies from Johns Hopkins University in 2002. She has been part of major archaeological excavations in Egypt at the royal temple site of Dahshur, elite Theban tombs and the craftsmens village of Deir el Medina. In 2005, she was co-curator at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art for Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs. Her rst book, The Cost of Death: The Social and Economic Value of Ancient Egyptian Funerary Art in the Ramesside Period was published in 2007. CHRISTOPHER DONNAN (Professor Emeritus of Anthropology and Chair of the Cotsen Institute Executive Committee) completed a book about the excavations of Dos Cabezas, a companion guide to the popular Moche Tombs at Dos Cabezas published by the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press. Donnan has also authored a book on the excavation of Chotuna, a site that corresponds to an ancient Peruvian legend. The book, Chotuna and Chornancap: Excavating an Ancient Peruvian Legend, is forthcoming from the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press in January 2012. SUSAN DOWNEY (Professor of Art History) has been a member of the Mission Franco-Syrienne de DuraEuropos (Syria) since 1988 and continues to instruct, publish and lecture on the results of this multi-year project. While she contributes to the Interdepartmental Archaeology Graduate Program through the instruction and mentorship of graduate students, she is also very active in a number of key administrative committees at UCLA. Downey also regularly teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Greek and Roman art and archaeology and travels for public and university lectures on her research in Syria and Iraq. IOANNA KAKOULLI (Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and incoming Chair of the UCLA/Getty Masters Program in the Conservation of Archaeological and Ethnographic Materials) operates in the multidisciplinary eld of archaeological sciences (interfacing science and archaeology) with research interest in the study of material culture from the macro to the nano-length scale using novel noninvasive and non-destructive techniques and portable imaging and spectroscopic technologies. She is the director of the Archaeomaterials Group (http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/ioa/archaeogroup/), and co-director of the Tarapac Valley Archaeological Project in northern Chile and project ByzanTiuM (Byzantine Technique and Materials) in Cyprus. RICHARD LESUREs (Associate Professor of Anthropology) interests include ancient belief systems, social relations, and sociopolitical organization, as well as the conceptual framework of archaeology and the history of anthropological thought. His eld research has concerned pre-state (Formative) societies of Mesoamerica and he has worked along the Pacic coast of Chiapas and in the highland state of Tlaxcala. Prof. Lesure recently published Settlement and Subsistence in Early Formative Soconusco: El Varal and the Problem of Inter-site Assemblage Variation with the Cotsen Institute Press, and in 2011 the monograph The Goddess Diffracted: Explaining Femaleness in Prehistoric Figurines with the Cambridge University Press. MIN LI (Assistant Professor of Archaeology of China) received his Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Michigan in 2008, and his MA in Anthropology from University of British Columbia in 2000. Focusing mostly on Chinese archaeology, Li has co-directed excavations at Daxinzhuang funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, conducted lab research on faunal remains and ceramics, and participated in land survey, and underwater reconnaissance on shipwrecks and coastal settlement sites at Changdao Archipelago.
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KATHRYN MCDONNELL (Assistant Professor of Roman Archaeology) is a Classical archaeologist interested in various aspects of Italian archaeology, particularly the material culture and archaeology of the Roman Empire. She co-directed the excavations at San Martino in Torano di Borgorose, Italy. Her research interests include Roman tombs, the archaeology of non-elites, the archaeology of gender, Latin epigraphy, and historical and Roman slavery. Her current project is a book on Roman tombs and the construction of social identities. Since 2004, SARAH P. MORRIS (Steinmetz Professor of Classical Archaeology and Material Culture in the Department of Classics and Advisor of the Post-baccalaureate Program in Classics), along with John K. Papadopoulos, and Lorenc Bejko (ICAA & Institute of Archaeology, Tirana, Albania) co-directed the excavation of the burial tumulus at the site of Lofknd. The project was carried out as a collaboration of the Cotsen Institute, the International Center for Albanian Archaeology (ICAA) and the Institute of Archaeology, Tirana. The overall aim of the Lofknd Archaeological Project was to initiate protohistoric investigations in south-central Albania and the nal season of excavations at the Early Iron Age tumulus was in 2007. Morris is also exploring Bronze Age vessels from Greece to trace the early development of wine and wine-related materials. The primary research projects of JOHN K. PAPADOPOULOS (Professor of Classics & Chair of the Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Archaeology) all have to do with the theme of death and particularly burial grounds in the formative period between ca. 1200 and 600 B.C. He is actively involved in the excavation, research, and publication of three important Early Iron Age cemeteries: the burial tumulus of Lofknd in Albania, the Early Iron Age cemeteries in the area of the Athenian Agora, and the cemetery that spans the Late Bronze Age through the early Classical period at the site of Liatovouni in Epirus, northwest Greece. Research on these cemeteriesone in the heart of the ancient Greek world, the other two on its peripheryare dispelling scholarly notions of a Dark Age and are showing that this is a formative period that led directly to the creation of the ancient Greek city-state. In addition to her research interests, ELLEN PEARLSTEIN (Associate Professor of Information Studies with joint appointment in the UCLA/Getty Masters Program in the Conservation of Archaeological and Ethnographic Materials) continues to promote collaborative conservation education. In 2008, Pearlstein received funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities and hosted a symposium entitled, Storage Symposium: Preservation and Access to Archaeological Materials The results of the symposium will be published electronically through the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press in their new digital publications series. GREGSON SCHACHNER (Assistant Professor of Anthropology) is a Southwestern archaeologist currently working on three primary research projects: completing a book manuscript based upon his recently completed eldwork in the El Morro Valley of New Mexico; continuing his examination of social developments during the Pueblo I period (A.D. 700900); and establishing a long-term research project east of Petried Forest National Park in Arizona. Schachner is also working with Tiffany Clark, a Research Associate of the Cotsen Institute, to organize and manage the extensive collections of materials from the Pajarito Archaeological Research Program, a major research project (19771981) directed by the late Professor James N. Hill.
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DAVID SCOTTs (Professor of Art History and Conservation of Archaeological and Ethnographic Materials) principal interests are the analysis of museum objects, the characterization of pigments, ancient metals and microstructure, the teaching of conservation, and the archaeometallurgy of pre-Hispanic Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. He is involved in a number of research projects, including recent data collection from museum objects at the San Diego Museum of Man.
MONICA SMITH (Professor of Anthropology), along with Dr. R.K. Mohanty, directs the excavation project at Sisupalgarh, India, an ancient city of the early centuries A.D. Smiths research examines the role of cities for the ordinary person in the past, and how urbanism developed as centers of economic, social, ritual and political networks. She also sustains a long-term interest in the archaeology of food, the growth of ancient states and empires, and the way in which ordinary goods dene and sustain trade networks in both the past and the present. Her most recent book, A Prehistory of Ordinary People, was published by the University of Arizona Press in 2010. CHARLES (CHIP) STANISH (Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Cotsen Institute), his graduate students, and Peruvian colleagues have continued their excavations and mapping of a major settlement complex in the northern Titicaca Basin of Peru. This area, known as Taraco, housed a massive mound and pyramid complex from approximately 1400 B.C. to A.D. 900. Excavations revealed adobe pyramids that were constructed in the rst millennium A.D. along with earlier complex architecture from the rst millennium B.C. In 2010, Charles Stanish was elected to the National Academy of Sciences. Based on years of eld research in the Titicaca Basin, Stanish just published a book for a wide audience in the Cotsen Institutes World Heritage and Monument Series, under the title Lake Titicaca: Legend, Myth, and Science. LOTHAR VON FALKENHAUSENs (Professor of Art History and Archaeology of East Asia and Associate Director of the Cotsen Institute) interest comprises Chinese archaeology in all its aspects, including connections with other parts of Eurasia. His publication, Chinese Society in the Age of Confucius (1000-250 B.C.): The Archaeological Evidence, won the 2009 Society for American Archaeology Book Award. Professor von Falkenhausen was recently inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
WILLEKE WENDRICH (Professor of Egyptian Archaeology) is co-directing a UCLA excavation and survey project in Egypt that concentrates on the landscape around Lake Qarun in the Fayum Oasis, and specically the development of agriculture. In cooperation with the Rijksuniversiteits Groningen (the Netherlands) and archaeobotanist/co-director Ren Cappers, the project concentrates on the two major periods in which agriculture was developed in this region: the Neolithic and the Greco-Roman periods. Wendrich is also Editor-in-Chief of the recently launched UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology online, a worldwide cooperation of Egyptologists, archaeologists, linguists, art historians, geologists and all other disciplines that are involved in research in Egypt. She also is the Faculty Director of the UCLA Digital Humanities Incubator Group and a member of the Cotsen Institute Digital Initiative Committee. In 2011, she assumed the position of Editorial Director and Chair of the Editorial Board of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press.
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Supporter Spotlight
An Interview with David Boochever
HJ (Hadley Jensen): Could you tell me about your background and your personal interest in archaeology? DB: I wouldnt be much of a history buff if I couldnt relate my interests to my background, so here goes: My father was in the U.S. Foreign Service, and our family lived and traveled in Europe when I was growing up. I attended an elementary school in Luxembourg established by the European Union (actually, a precursor of the EU) with separate sections in French, German, Dutch, and Italian. It was not that long after the end of World War II, and I was the only American in my class, so I was more aware of national differences and national histories than I would have been at an American school. Later I developed my own mild case of what the historian William David Boochever (left) at the Krapina Neanderthal Museum in McNeill calls his stubbornly sophomoric urge to understand Croatia. things. I think anyone subject to this urge is naturally drawn to historical explanations, and from there its a pretty straight path to archaeology, which is the only source of information about most of human history. Written records, when they survive, are sometimes composed long after the events they describe, and their authors often have agendas other than dispassionate scientic inquiry. Archaeology provides a way of checking the written record, as Lothar von Falkenhausen shows in his recent book on early China. HJ: Gregory (Areshian) told me about your interest in comparative linguistics, especially as it relates to archaeology. Could you discuss how you became interested in this? DB: Again, I think it probably traces back to elementary school and being intrigued by the differences and similarities in languages. My parents enrolled me in the French section. German was our foreign language, though I didnt learn as much as I might have out of solidarity with my French and Belgian classmates, for whom it was a matter of family pride to do poorly in foreign languages. (Things must have changed in middle school, since most of them ended up speaking several languages uently, but by then Id moved on to American schools.) I regretted it later, as my parents told me I would, and Ive dabbled in other languages since then. Later I became interested in the question of how and why many languages of Europe, Western Asia, and India are related. The evolution of these different languages from a (hypothetical) common source happened long before the rst written records, so it is up to archaeology to verify and date the evidence deduced by linguists from modern spoken languages and the earliest written sources. It turns out that the archaeological evidence is not unequivocal, and there is controversy about when and how the
1. Editorial Assistant, Backdirt
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process occurred: its hard to determine what language people speak by looking at their material environment. Some of the issues involve tracing the movements of people or uncovering other evidence of language dissemination. The contributions to the recent book by Hans Barnard and Willeke Wendrich on the archaeology of nomadism may offer some guidance here. HJ: Gregory said you came to an Indo-European conference here? DB: Yes, I was introduced to the Cotsen by my neighbor, Charlie Steinmetz, whos a very avid amateur archaeologist, and once I saw the tremendous resources available, I was eager to get more involved. I met Gregory early on because he is one of the few archaeologists at the Cotsen Institute who has studied these Indo-European issues. There is a separate Indo-European Program at UCLA and they hold an annual conference. Most of the papers deal with linguistic issues that seem quite abstruse to nonspecialists (at least to this one), but in some years there have been talks that are accessible to the broader community, and Ive attended a couple of those. HJ: As a representative of the public/intellectual community, is there anything in particular youd like to see in the development of the Institute? DB: I read an interesting article by the mathematical physicist Freeman Dyson in which he categorizes mathematicians as either problem-solvers, whom he calls frogs, or broad theorybuilders, whom he calls birds. Frogs and birds make equally important contributions. Its a matter of approach. I would never presume to compare professional archaeologists to such homely creatures, but I think it might be possible to classify archaeology acionados in this way. Some of us (the frogs) really want to go out and dig, nd something new, be the rst to explore a site. Others (the birds) want the big picture: what does it all mean, how did it all start, are these similar things related or did they evolve independently? In this landscape, Im denitely a bird, interested in large processes and big generalizations. I do recognize that professional archaeologists and historians need to proceed with caution. One way to work from facts and the careful study of material evidence and still keep us birds happy is through comparative studies. As professional academic support for my suggestion, I enlist the article Toward a Comparative History of European Societies by the great French historian Marc Bloch, in which he promotes the comparative method in history (and also notes the success of comparative linguistics in the study of IndoEuropean languages.) HJ: Weve touched on this in a number of different ways, but can you tell me about your experience here and your impression of why its a unique place for scholarship and learning? DB: One thing that strikes me is that theres a great collegiality; the professors seem to work together and with their students on a very collaborative basis. And I think that the interest in communicating about the eld to the public is unusual. Not every archaeology department is as interested in recruiting and being accessible to interested lay people as the Cotsen is. A lot of the credit for these developments goes to Institute Director Charles Stanish. Its been a lot of fun for my wife Kathleen and me: weve traveled with the friends weve made here to Armenia to visit Gregorys site, to China, to the south of France to visit caves with Upper Paleolithic paintings. At UCLA youre also close to many other departments and organizations on the cutting edge, and that makes the Cotsen a unique place to learn about archaeology. n
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Alumni Spotlight
An Interview with Rowan Flad1
HJ (Hadley Jensen): Youre a professor of anthropological archaeology at Harvard, focusing specically on the emergence and development of complex societies in Neolithic and Bronze Age China. Can you tell me more about your research interests and how your experience at UCLA led you to this? RF: Ive been working for the last decade mostly in the Yangzi River Basin, trying to understand how that part of East Asia was a signicant area for developing complexity during the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age and specically focusing on the development of economic systems, and how economy and religion, ritual, and other aspects of society were interconnected. Ive been doing this through a number of different eld projects, the rst of which was the project that I focused on for my dissertation at UCLA. It was an excavation of a very large, signicant site called Zhongba in the middle of the Three Gorges regionan area that was ooded behind the big Three Gorges Dam that was built in the rst decade of this century. I worked there with another one of my UCLA classmates, Pochan Chen, whos now a faculty member at National Taiwan University in the Anthropology Department there. Hes actually at Harvard this year as a visiting fellow, so were working on both wrapping up some of the long-term writing projects associated with our dissertations, but also on some new work weve been conducting together more
1. Department of Anthropology, Harvard University 2. Editorial Assistant, Backdirt
Rowan Flad with augering crew in Chengdu Plain during the 2008-2009 season.
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recently, some of which has been in collaboration with other UCLA grads as well. So my work at UCLA has profoundly directed my research for the last decade because of the connection between the research questions I was interested in for my dissertation work and the collaborating institutions that Ive been working with ever since. There are a lot of ways in which, both structurally and intellectually, my UCLA experience was fundamentally important to what Im doing these days. HJ: I know a close collaborator of yours is Lothar Von Falkenhausen, professor of art history at UCLA and associate director of the Cotsen Institute. How did he inuence your interest in Chinese archaeology? Who was your major inspiration during your time at UCLA? RF: Lothar has had a tremendous inuence on the way in which Ive gone about doing what Im doing. And hes of course solidied and enriched my interest in Chinese archaeology. He certainly helped me understand what aspects of what I was initially interested in were possible and would be worthwhile contributions to the eld as a whole. He clearly played the most important role in identifying a project that both Pochan and I could do substantive work on in a way that would contribute to the eld more generally. Thats perhaps the most difcult thing to do in Chinese archaeology, and probably in archaeology in other parts of the world toodetermine where one can gather appropriate data for researching specic questions in a way that is as ideal as possible. And it was very difcult, particularly in the 1990s, when it had only just become possible to do collaborative eldwork in China, for non-Chinese archaeologists to navigate the process for establishing eldwork. Lothar was one of the very few people who was able to do that during this formative stage. He enabled both Pochan and me to gain access to a very important site and to be able to do things in a way that was conducive to doing the sort of research we wanted to do. So in that way, Lothar had a really profound effect on the way that my research has developed. He was not someone who dictated a research question, by any means. He made available an opportunity to work on a particular project and essentially let us gure out what it was about the project that was both interesting to us and more broadly interesting to anthropological archaeology. His mentorship had a very good balance between direction and letting us nd our own way. HJ: This leads me to another question. Have you always been interested in academia and teaching ? Why are you doing this instead of something else?
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RF: I dont know that Ive always consciously been interested in academia, but perhaps I have the temperament for it. My father is an academiche was a geographer who taught at Vassar College for most of his career. My mother is an academically inclined non-academic, so there was that aspect of my background that I think affected me and made academia a logical eld to consider. I also went to the University of Chicago as an undergrad, and thats an institution thats very special in the way the undergraduate curriculum is structured; it prepares you very well to be an academic. Its the sort of institution where even as a freshman its necessary to engage in academic dialogue, and you do it all the time for the whole time youre there. So I think that also played a role in preparing me for and making me interested in pursuing academia. HJ: I was reading about your various research projects, which tackle a pretty wide range of topics, including salt production in ancient China, new survey strategies and the archaeology of landscape, humananimal interaction, and, more broadly, the development of complex societies during the second millennium. Can you give a brief summary of each of them? RF: I should state that, although on the surface the various things that Im doing seem rather disparate, theyre all connected in one of two ways. What Im most interested in right now and moving forward in the next decade or so is, in various ways, investigating this crucial time in East Asian history that is one of the seminal periods in the emergence of complexity in China and East Asia generally, and that is the time period around 2000 B.C. (end of the third millennium and into the rst millennium B.C.). Theres a lot going on in different parts of East Asia and China that all relate to the bigger picture of the way in which Chinese civilization, for lack of a better word, develops. This period has been most intensely investigated in the region of China called the central plains, the lower Yellow River Valley in particular, by scholars for almost a century, but its only recently, in the last few decades, that signicant amounts of research specically focused on this time period has brought more light to other regions of East Asia that were clearly in various degrees of contact with the central plains and with each other, and that very interaction that has been identied for quite some time as playing a signicant role in the emergence of Chinese civilization more generally. So what Im particularly interested in doing is trying to further our understanding of that particular time period by looking at the various manifestations of complexity in different parts of China at that time. Part of my work in the Sichuan
Basin has been focused on that, by trying to understand the emergence of economic specialization, for example, in the case of Zhongba, but also changing patterns of settlement and site interrelationships, which is a main focus on another project that Ive been mostly focused on for the last ve years. Thats a project called the Chengdu Plain Archaeological Survey, which Ive been helping direct along with Pochan Chen and Gwen Bennett, whos another UCLA grad and is now at McGill University, as well as a number of institutions in East Asia (National Taiwan University and then a few Chinese institutions, including Peking University and the Chengdu City Institute of Archaeology). Several of us directors have been leading a project that is adding a completely new set of data to the archaeological understanding of the region around Chengdu, which is the capital of the Sichuan Province. The Chengdu Plain has become an area of intense archaeological interest since the 1980s, when a couple of pits full of elephant tusks and bronze heads and gold and jade and all sorts of other great goodies were found at a site called Sanxingdui. This site had been known for a long time, but only after the discovery of these pits was it really understood to be of a greater degree of importance to understanding emerging complexity in the second millennium B.C. than it had been previously. Although those components of that site were identied in the late 80s, and other nds throughout the plain, particularly in and around the city of Chengdu, have also come to light in the interim, most of our understanding of emerging complexity and diachronic change in this region has been based on these specic individual nds at a number of sites. Theres been very little effort placed on both integrating those sites into a larger kind of landscape and also understanding some aspects of the archaeological patterning of this time period, particularly the way in which settlements were patterned across the landscape and how that may have changed over time. So this is something, since it was not being investigated in any real fashion by our colleagues in China, we decided to work on in collaboration with them. Since 2005 weve led this survey project, which has involved both traditional surface survey techniques as well as systematic coring across a fairly large region. Weve also done some geophysics and some geomorphologic work and are really trying to integrate these various approaches to the broader landscape and the pattern of settlements that we can bring together to understand this aspect of the archaeological pattern of the region. Thats another component of trying to understand this important time period in the Sichuan Basin.
Some of the other projects that I have on my plate are also involved in looking at this time period in other regionsin the northwest where Ive done a little bit of pilot research at a site called Donghuishan looking at early wheat remains there. And the reason Im interested in that is not so much because of the importance that those data have for understanding agricultural change in the areaalthough I nd that question interesting but rather because wheat and barley, both of which have been found at the site, are two markers of very long-distance interactions across Eurasia that are increasingly common in the second millennium B.C. across northern China. These remain broader patterns of long-distance interaction that I think play a signicant role, particularly in the northwest of China, in these issues of emerging complexity. So thats another way in which Im trying to get at these broader questions through a specic data set that relates to this time period. I said there were two main topics that excited me in terms of the research Ive been doing. One is this issue of emerging complexity in the second millennium. The other has to do with humananimal interactions, and that has to do in part with my general interest in these questions, but I also have some training from UCLA, primarily with Tom Wake, in zooarchaeology. I employed this training to fairly useful purposes in my dissertation work by being able to incorporate animal bone analysis into our overall understanding of the changes in the organization of production at the salt production site. So, in my initial work, I basically employed it to that end, but Ive been interested in
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trying to engage with various aspects of humananimal interactions in China partly with the desire of trying to promote zooarchaeology research of various kinds. Ive been working with Professor Yuan Jing, whos a zooarchaeologist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Archaeology, to nd ways to help promote the eld by engaging in workshops and bringing people together in various ways and also publishing some of the material thats been worked on in China and in various forums outside of China. I am also trying to think about the importance of some of the data that have been published previously in terms of understanding humananimal interactions in the context of ritual, for example, and the way in which we understand the spread of the use of animal domesticates across different parts of East Asia. So, its sort of a separate topic, although in certain ways it clearly overlaps with the former. HJ: Have you found that there are a lot of other people doing this sort of work in China right now (on the larger question of emerging complexity?) RF: I think that this general research topic is one that excites a lot of peopletheres currently a nationwide project on emerging civilization, called the Wenming Tanyuan Project. Its a nationally funded project in China that involves a large number of institutions trying to understand more or less the same time periodthe early Bronze Age and also a little earlier as well, and the patterns of activity that were important to emerging complexity. Now a lot of the effort of that project has been focused on the Central Plains, the area of primary importance in terms of the traditional origin of Chinese civilization. Although not exclusively focused there, the emphasis is clearly on the Central Plains, and so I think that my interests connect very closely to that and the excitement that a lot of Chinese archaeologists have for trying to understand that time period. But as someone whos been educated in the anthropological archaeology tradition, what Im also trying to help promote is an interest in really teasing apart the various aspects of complexity, the various ways in which societies were integrated, hierarchies were constructed and maintained, and institutions were developed. So my questions are framed in a slightly different way than perhaps some archaeologists in China frame theirs as they work on the same time period and some of the same databut I think in very complementary fashion. You mentioned the difculty that one can face in doing work in China as a non-Chinese archaeologist. I think those difculties are real, but they are the result of a fairly short time frame within which international collaborative research has been possible. I mentioned before that its only since the early 1990s that its been legally possible for Chinese archaeologists
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within China to collaborate with archaeologists outside of China in formal ways in order to investigate certain questions. So were now almost 20 years into this, but 20 years actually isnt a very long time when it comes to disciplinary development. Its only really in the last decade or so that there has been an increase in the number of international collaborations, and there are these periodic reshufings that occur in the National Cultural Relics Bureauwhich have the effect of complicating the procedures for getting permission and so forth. Ultimately, I think (and I hope) the archaeological establishment in China will develop procedures that are transparent and obvious and not overly burdensome, that will promote this sort of international collaboration. I think that theres a lot to be gained from other archaeological traditions, because they bring new perspectives and different techniques and different ideas about how similar data might be examined, or new data might be brought to light or different interpretations can come about. In my experience, most Chinese archaeologists who are growing up these days in the academic tradition in China are very eager to interact with the global archaeological community, but theres a difference between eagerness for collaboration and formal permissions. So the bureaucratic aspect is always going to be something that is fraught with complexity. HJ: Clearly youve collaborated with and coauthored publications with quite a few Chinese scholars and institutions. Do you think archaeology somehow bridges the cultural gap between American society and Chinese society? RF: I think that, generally speaking, people who are connected to one another across cultures through a particular type of activity or an academic endeavor or a scientic orientation often will be able to talk with each other about things in ways that they wouldnt otherwise because of their shared interests. I do think its the case that Chinese archaeologists and American archaeologists, or archaeologists from different parts of the world, because of the nature of their training in the discipline, start from different places and have different questions they want to ask. Having conversations about those differencesbecause theres a common topic or interestallows for conversations that might not otherwise take place. But it doesnt mean that there arent still cultural differences that persist. I think the deeper the tradition of international communication, the easier it is to bridge gaps. I think that archaeology is, particularly in China, more of a historical discipline than a scientic one, and so, unlike certain very scientic disciplines like chemistry or physics that have longer traditions of shared research goals and normative practices that are very much cross-cultural and
international, theres more of a cultural bias in terms of research orientation in history and archaeology than in those elds. And yet, there is, I think, still a great deal of similarity in terms of research interests that allows for cross-cultural communication. So thats one component of the issue that youre talking about, but thats specically related to the archaeology communitythe community of researchers. I think that when ones talking about the broader public, there are some aspects of archaeology that facilitate cross-cultural communication. For example, the exposure of fascinating aspects of Chinese history to an American public makes China and the Chinese less mysterious, exotic, more understandable and more a part of a broader understanding of global history and so forththats part of what historians and archaeologists and social scientists more generally are attempting to do with their scholarship. That doesnt necessarily serve to bridge gaps between individuals, but rather to make other cultures more familiar and less foreign. HJ: The only other thing I would ask is whether you think Ive missed anything that youd like our readers to know about? It can be specic to your work or to your experience at UCLA. RF: Well, something we havent talked about much, which I think is worth mentioning because its important, particularly for the readership of Backdirt, is a little bit about how I interact with some of my colleagues who arent working in China who are classmates of mine from UCLA. One thing I was very fortunate to have when I was at UCLA was a cohort of classmates, both in my same year and the years more junior and senior to me, who I very much enjoyed interacting with and who I still get a lot out of. Particularly having gone through several stages of academia, one realizes how valuable it is and how important it is to have people who you can bounce ideas off of, who you can share papers drafts with, and who you can talk with at meetings and otherwise interact with on both a formal and an informal level. I think I was fortunate to have a fair number of people with whom I had that kind of relationship when I was at UCLA. The people I see at the SAAs every year, for example, many of them are UCLA colleagues in one form or another. I interact quite regularly with several of my former classmates, including the ones who work in China, but also J. Cameron Monroe, whos now at UC Santa Cruz, Liz Arkush, whos now at Pittsburgh, and others. Its great to have that network, and I think its one of the very important aspects of a graduate careerto develop networks of colleagues who can be supportive when and if you do move on to an academic position. I know its a different entity these days, but when I was there, the Friends of Archaeology was a very active community of
vocational archaeologists who were really vital to the way that the graduate students did their work. A volunteernamely, Lady Harringtonjoined me in the eld, at her own expense, coming to China and helping me with some of my zooarchaeological analysis, and really was a great asset. I think most of the graduate students of my time had the great benet of interacting with great people, both classmates and faculty and the broader community of archaeologically interested people around UCLA at the time. I was in the archaeology program at UCLA, but of course, the majority of archaeology graduate students in the year I started (as I think was generally the case) were in anthropology, including those I just mentioned, and yet there wasnt any sort of divide between us. There were slightly different requirements we had to take, but it was a great asset to have the Cotsen Institute as a space within which we could all interact and feel like we were part of the same entity, even if there were disciplinary boundaries that separated us administratively. When one looks at this situation from a faculty perspective, I think its even more apparent, because its really impossible to escape, at most institutions, from a fair amount of connement based on administrative boundaries even when you have a great deal in common with people who are working in the same discipline, but in a different department. So its very difcult to achieve that balance, and when I was at the Institute and in the Archaeology Interdepartmental Graduate Program, I think it was achieved reasonably well. n
Rowan Flad standing near an extension of the Great Wall in the Hexi Corridor, Gansu in 2005.
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irected me to d ry go re G s bulk in back. e capital of hi th ng to gi in ed d w , de at en se sc t de occasion to nbul e fron Our flight from Ista r blue afternoon, cruised past the th e th an once as the trip progressed, I had e death Mor is known as th bilisi on a clea s and as at gl se n t er gh Georgia, T ri od m t st on fr po e w th st took it as ild ing to a ne nsider th at Sta lin-era reception bu d up to one of its three jetways. co in the United States, but at the time I ju ere mine. stle at sw steel terminal, and ne 100 or so passengers in an orderly se ness intended to ensure that the best view esearc her/ R nd s he A irbus d isgorged it orkers, cousins, and at least two a ki gory is the Assistant Director and Associate UCLA T Gre tw A rc haeology at of e ut it st if fevered rush of gues y to taste adventure in the Southern In n se ot C ad Pro fessor at the o sites in southern tw t ec sp in to archaeological visitors re y ne ur d our host on a jo in the Soviet Caucasus and beyond. customs zone, we walked stra ight an enia. After a d istinguished academic career in a Ph.D. A rm an ever to w m st ge un Stepping out of the suspended just below the broad, yo nd co se e or ldhe was th regory joined Gould, toward a sign, Peter Gregory A reshian. Gregory led us off w the Soviet Institute of A rc haeologyG e USSR n th om st, smiling face of our ho a freshly washed green four-w heel fr idealists in the A rmenian govern ment w he he fell out to her til across the parking lot clearly inspired by old Land Rovers ot bled. He served briefly as Vice Premier un engulfed y gn crum mafias th at ultimatel gineered drive vehicle of a desi obscure Eastern European factory. ic om on ec ng si ri e an with th . Eventually, they en es at st t but manufactured in and a young woman student newly ie ov S er rm fo l w returned, severa l smal no igran, d ha h ry rt go no re G y ne y. ur tr jo Gregory, his driver T un s had just made the at evening. his removal from the co homeland on a U.S. passport. te ta S e th om fr d ve arri ter, to excavate in his ultimate destination th la r s ou ar , ye ia en rm A n, va re from Ye
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1. University College, London
sland be
tween G
eorgia an
d Armen
Gregorys plan was to head on the highway south and east toward the main border crossing between Georgia and Armenia, then proceed through picturesque mountains and valleys to Yerevan. Our trip began without incident. We headed out of the airport and down George W. Bush Street, past neglected Khrushchev-era housing blocks, the occasional retail front, and much ill-kept land: decrepit conditions that made the boulevard seem a tting commemorative to W. As we left the connes of Tbilisi, the countryside became lush and green, mountainous, and spotted with impoverished but intriguing villages and signs of ancient occupations the earliest of which, in this region, date easily to the Paleolithic. Curiosity was inevitable in such circumstances, and we began to pepper Gregory with questions about the economy, the ecology, the landscape, the politics, the language, the history, the Armenian alphabettopics seeded by new and unexpected sights as they appeared through the increasingly bug-splatted windshield. Gregory is a formidable intellect with an encyclopedic knowledge of the Near East and its history. Thus, our questions unleashed a lecture on the history of the region, its people, and its culture delivered by a master teacher who retains a youthful enthusiasm for his subject. However, Gregory became captivated with his subject and left the driving to Tigran, who was an expert at the wheel but a novice in negotiating southern Georgias geography. After over an hour of driving, Gregory was startled out of his lecture by some unfamiliar territory. He glanced at his watch and realized with horror that, 30 miles or so back, Tigran had missed a crucial left turn. We were now headed not into Armenia directly, but on an extended excursion through southern Georgia. Gregory faced a quick decision. He had familiarity with these roadshe had last driven them in the 1980s but little changes in these partsand to turn back would add as much time to the trip as to go forward, so he elected to proceed. We would miss the mountains and forests of northeastern Armenia but could enjoy the equivalent on the Georgian side. At rst, the venture proceeded smoothly through small Georgian villages along side open elds. Then we encountered our rst pothole. Though not very deep, it presaged what was to come. Gradually, the road worsened. During the Soviet era, this had been a major thoroughfare that carried a daily commerce of cars, buses, and trucks between Yerevan and Tbilisi. But those were days when the Armenia/Georgia border was an imaginary line rather than a sequence of barbed-wire fences supervised by armed border patrols. With the fall of the Wall, border fences sprang up throughout the former USSR, and once-busy roads such as this one were all but abandoned. Maintenance for such roads, on either side of this remote border spot, came to a halt.
By 2010, a succession of harsh winters and blazing summers had worked over the asphalt. With each mile, the potholes were deeper and more frequent, the verge increasingly raw soil as the asphalt strip narrowed even as it became more perforated. Increasingly, the edge of the road disappeared into soil, bushes, and overhanging trees. For 20 or more miles as we edged ever more slowly toward Armenia, the population dwindled, the road disintegrated, and the forest loomed ever more gloriously but ominously in the waning hours of daylight. As our rate of progress slowed, Gregorys condence ebbed. Borders have a tendency to close in these parts. On the border between Syria and Turkey at Kamishli, only 4 hours per day are allotted to admitting crossing trafc. We were going to hit this remote mountainous border post after 8 p.m. Guards could be asleep or at least at dinner. As we approached to within ve miles of the border, Gregory warned us to prepare emotionally for rejection. It was possible there would be no one to grant us an Armenian entry visa at the border, leaving our only option a backtrack over the crumbling road in the pitch black of a Georgian mountain nightthat is, assuming we were readmitted to Georgia. The prospect was grim. When we reached the Georgian border post, a lone guard granted us access to the exit-stamp pavilion. There, while redand-black-shirted inspectors gave the truck the once-over, we were ushered out of Georgia by a smiling ofcer who readily stamped our passports and handed us over to the Armenians. After all, it was our problem, not his, if the Armenians would not let us in. As we walked up the dirt road through no-mans-land toward the forward Armenian post, the pounding question was: Would we nd an ofcer willing to issue us a visa? We nervously approached the converted shipping container that served as the border outpost. Out stepped three Armenian guards, surprised and skeptical at the arrival of four obviously misplaced travelers. There was no Visa Man. Gregory stepped forward and launched bravely into an explanation of where we were headed and why. He explained that we were a team of archaeologists and friends heading to inspect sites in the south. Archaeologists! One of the guards popped a question: Was Gregory associated with The Shoe? When he shyly conceded that, indeed, he was one of the discoverers of The Shoe, doors began to open for us. The Visa Man, who was already home and at dinner, was told to gulp down his food and head straight back to handle our paperwork. A word about The Shoe. In the preceding season, the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia digging together with Gregorys team from the Cotsen Institute in ancient caves had unearthed what came to be recognized as the oldest complete leather shoe ever recovered5,500 years old, made of hide
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and lined with grass. Its impeccable condition and ancient provenience had made little rustle in the world of archaeology until, just two weeks before we arrived, news of the nd was broadcast in esteemed media like the New York Times and the International Herald Tribune (and lampooned on the air by David Letterman). The Shoe briey became an international sensation. In Armenia, the news elicited a moment of national pride (and spawned a spree of tomb lootingincluding at Gregorys own siteby locals in search of the gold rumored to be stuffed into the shoes). Meanwhile, Gregory was elevated to heroic status in the country that had evicted him more than a decade before. Thanks to our association with The Shoe, it appeared we would soon be heading over the mountains to Yerevan. Within half an hour, the Visa Man had nished his dinner and made his way to the border to initiate the laborious, 55-minute process of carefully documenting our entrance into Armenia. Our arrival was noteworthy at this postwe learned that only a dozen cars pass this way dailyand while the Visa Man was at work on our passports, word of the famous archaeologist was passed 100 yards up the road to the nal border-crossing ofce. So it came to pass that, as our Visa Man was applying the requisite stickers to our passports with precise care, there appeared in the cramped door of the container a tall, darkhaired man of middle age who wore a bright white shirt and epaulets with two gold bars. The Commander of the post had arrived to inspect the visitors. Without ado, he launched into a discourse with Gregory. For those in the party without the language, the fast and furious Armenian sounded ominous. Had Gregorys past been unearthed? Was his entry to be challenged? Were we never to get out of no-mans land? More than one of us harbored growing anxiety as the fevered conversation ensued. As matters transpired, though, it seemed that the Commander had been an archaeology student in college and studied under a student of Gregorys, from whom he had learned of the great archaeologist. Suddenly, a lover of antiquity was face-to-face with his mentors mentor, and matters took a new turn. As the nal touches were put on our passports, the four of us were hustled up the road to the Commanders border ofce. We were ushered toward overstuffed leather chairs and directed to sit. From a locked compartment behind us, a box of painted glasses appeared. Reaching into a cupboard behind his desk, the Commander withdrew a large plastic soda bottle, lled now with homemade Georgian wine. The glasses were lled and there was nothing but for us toast the famous archaeologist and his friends as the sun slowly sank behind us in the west.
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The wine itself was thin and sharp, a brownish color suggestive of clay but palatable if taken in broad draftswhich, as custom would have it, was the way wine is drunk on the border of Armenia. Toasting done, we were ready to gobut our passports were in the Commanders hands, and one glass was clearly insufcient bonhomie for such an important occasion. The glasses were relled. Our women friends attempted to demur, but the Commander informed us jocularly that our visas would be revoked if we did not nish the second glass. To ensure sufcient wine, a second soda bottle of home brew was handed in from outside the ofce. So it was down the hatch one more time, this one accompanied by bagel-shaped sweet breads that ultimately became our meal for the night. Not yet satised, our glasses were lled yet again, and the Commander produced a camera with which to record our nal round of toasts. With one last draining of the glasses, we were ushered back into our truck and, as foggy darkness shrouded the mountains, we were admitted at last to Armenia. The rest of the trip was as fast-paced as Tigran could make it. He had been driving for over ten hours by the time we entered his homeland, and we had three to four more hours before we made to Yerevan. For about ve miles, the road on the Armenian side of the border equaled the Georgian in potholes and disintegrating tarmac. Once onto a good road, we surged forward at 100 to 110 km per hour, roaring up mountain roads and racing down the other side. The night was dark and the road steep, curving, and narrow. Trafc was surprisingly abundant and slower moving; passing on curves became the norm. One by one, passengers drifted off until eventually all of the back seat slept. As the truck hurtled through the night, I maintained a steady chatter with Tigran (or with myself, since we shared no language) just to ensure a measure of noise to keep our driver functional. At last, just after midnight, we ew over the last mountain pass and the lights of Yerevan and the Ararat Plain spread out before us, one-third of Armenia clustered in one large, dense valley. The effect was as startling as it was unexpected, like the rst view of Los Angeles coming out of the mountains. We reached our hotel and bade good night to Gregory. As we made our way to our room, grateful that rules had been stretched and meals interrupted to enable us to sleep at the Golden Tulip rather than on the roadside no-mans land between Georgia and Armenia, one moral of the story became clear: archaeologists should always treat their students well you never know when one of them may rescue a colleague and transform a potential disaster into a once-in-a-lifetime experience. n
oin the new Archaeological Travel Program of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology and embark on an unforgettable exploration of important but little-known archaeological sites. Let our distinguished faculty and researchers take you around the worldfrom Canada, Peru, Armenia, Panama, and Egypt, and on to China, Central Asia, and the Mediterraneanas they introduce you to the cultural heritage and traditions of local people and facilitate your participation in ongoing excavations, dialogue with foreign scholars, and exclusive viewings of artifacts and art objects.
For more information on the Archaeological Travel Program of the Cotsen Institute, please contact Helle Girey, Director of Public Programs, at [email protected] or (310) 825-0612. Learn more about Friends of Archaeology at our website: www.ioa.ucla.edu. The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA is a premier research organization dedicated to the creation, dissemination, and conservation of archaeological knowledge and heritage on a global scale.
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Tibetan religious tradition, which is currently practiced in, among other places, the provinces of Sichuan and Qinghai in the Peoples Republic of China.3 Here the grassland and the high rugged mountains clad with owers in the spring are sparsely populated. Narrow roads often follow deep river gorges and climb zigzagging over mountains. Prayer ags in many different arrangements with specic denotations are frequent elements in the landscape. The sky burial tradition is practiced to dispose of the corpses of commoners.4 It was rst recorded in the Book of the Dead, a twelfth-century Buddhist treatise. However, it is believed to be a much older tradition.
1. This text is based solely on information obtained through my Tibetan guide/interpreter during my Tibetan travels in Sichuan and Qinghai 2006, 2008, 2009, and 2010. 2. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA 3. The Peoples Republic of China prohibited the use of sky burial during the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s; this ban lasted until the reforms of the 1980s. 4. Excluded are persons who died of infectious diseases or accidents, pregnant women, and children under 18.
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When a person dies, the corpse is washed, put in a fetal position, wrapped in white cloth, and put in a corner of the domestic tent. For three days monks chant prayers in the tent. Then at dawn, the family brings the body to the sky burial place and stays through the dismemberment. At this location there is often a chorten (reliquary) and a small shrine for the lama, who will dissect the body. At these sites, prayer ags are commonly seen, some of which may be put there by the family of the deceased. A knotted cotton thread may be placed from the head of the deceased pointing uphill to guide the soul. Then, in order to attract vultures, the lama burns juniper branches and sounds a wind instrument. Once the bones are cleaned by the vultures, they are ground and mixed with tsampa (roasted barley our) and yak butter. Both vultures and smaller birds are then able to consume what remains of the body. The birds, commonly referred to as sky dancers,5 take ight, carrying the soul of the deceased to the heavens to await reincarnation. Offering the esh and bones of the deceased as nourishment to the birds is in itself a sacred act. It is also of religious importance that birds, by feeding on the body, have no need to kill. Although some elements of the sky burial ritual vary slightly, the importance of the soul reaching the heavens through the birds is a consistent feature. n
5. From to the Buddhist term Dakini, which stems from an ancient tale of a Tantric princess, who carried the souls of the dead to the sky.
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Nomad tent
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Sichuan site: close up of a dismemberment area with division for women and men
Qinghai site
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Vulture found in the provinces of Sichuan and Qinghai Qinghai site: birds circling above newly dismembered body
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Joint Project of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA, and the University College Cork, Ireland (co-directors Boris Gasparyan, Gregory E. Areshian, and Ron Pinhasi), conducted in 20072010 at the Areni-1 cave complex in the middle part of the Arpa River Valley (Vayots Dzor Province, Armenia), have already generated major international interest among scholars, the mass media, and the general public. This is due to several factors, most notably the outstanding preservation of organic material belonging to the later phases (ca. 42003500 BCE) of the Chalcolithic which is nearly unprecedented in Near Eastern archaeology (Areshian et al. 2012; Barnard et al. 2011; Pinhasi et al. 2010). The most signicant nds of 20072009 included the worlds oldest leather shoe known at present, the wine-pressing installation (excavations of which were completed in 2010), enigmatic clay structures inside the cave galleries, a number of copper artifacts, and a heterogeneous assemblage of pottery reective of long-distance cultural interactions. The long eld season of 2010 started on June 20 and closed on September 9. Excavations were conducted in four areas currently designated as Trenches 14, with most efforts concentrated on Trench 2 (T2) and Trench 1 (T1) inside the galleries of the cave complex. We also carried out smaller-scale excavations in the Rock Shelter Area of the complex in front
1. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA 2. Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia.
of the mouths of cave galleries designated Trench 3 (T3), and in Trench 4 (T4) on the slope of the talus slanting from the RockShelter Area toward the Arpa River bank. The goal of the excavations in the newly opened T2 was to establish whether the so-called Central Gallery had, in the past, ended at the point where it ends today, before our excavations, or continues deeper and farther. Work in T1 continued exploration of the upper (rst) Chalcolithic layer and was intended to complete the excavations of the Chalcolithic winepressing structure dated by 14C to ca. 4000 BCE. In T3, further stratigraphic investigations were carried out. Finally, more data was collected from the mostly Chalcolithic midden uncovered in T4. One of the most important conclusions from this season was that the stratigraphy of each of the trenches is drastically different from the others. As a result, future research should take two directions: (1) each stratigraphic unit of every trench must be individually correlated, both chronologically and contextually, one with another; (2) explanations of the stratigraphic differences must follow the establishment of such correlations. TRENCH 2. The grid of T2, which consisted of 13 complete and 10 partial 1 1 m squares, was afxed above the present oor of the cave at the presumed end of the Central Gallery. To a depth of 1.85 m, the deposits in T2 consisted of slightly slanting layers of cultural ll of different colors (brown, light gray, and dark gray), disturbed by an intrusion dated to the sixth to eighth centuries CE by the nding of two silver Sassanian coins. Artifacts in the ll were infrequent, and its nature should be further investigated through micromorphological studies. At the depth of 1.85 m below the modern surface of the gallery, samples of pottery clearly identiable with the early stage of the
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Kura-Arax assemblage were uncovered. They include a carinated shallow bowl with a red-burnished external surface and small handle under the rim, a large gray globular vessel with a prototypical semi-globular lug, and others. Further study of the stratigraphic and chronological position of these samples is especially important because it may clarify the process of formation of one of the geographically largest typological associations of artifacts of the Early Bronze Age (ca. 33002300 BCE) of the ancient Near East. The Kura-Arax samples found in T2 immediately overlaid an earlier Chalcolithic layer represented by painted black-on-red vessels characteristic of the uppermost Chalcolithic layer in T1 dated to 41003800 BCE (calibrated 14 C). The chronological and cultural relationship between the Kura-Arax ceramic assemblage and the underlying Chalcolithic layer in T2 requires further investigation during upcoming eldwork seasons. Three hypothetical research questions can possibly be answered: (1) Does the Kura-Arax ceramic assemblage appear within the upper Chalcolithic layer together with the painted black-on-red pottery? If not, (2) does the immediate stratigraphic superposition of the Kura-Arax assemblage reect an uninterrupted chronological sequence? And, if not, (3) what is the probable time span of the break that may have existed between these two primary depositional contexts despite the fact that the upper stratigraphic unit with the Kura-Arax pottery immediately follows the lower with painted pottery? One of the most important ndings made in T2 during the season was the presence of a narrow corridor continuing from the Central Gallery deep into the cliff and the discovery of a new passage branching westward from the same gallery. Both clearly indicate that our previous research had underestimated the size and complexity of the cave complex. TRENCH 3. Excavations in T3 rened our understanding of the upper part of the stratigraphic sequence of the RockShelter Area in front of the cave galleries mouths. The identication of two layers of medieval structures has been conrmed. Dating to the late thirteenth and fourteenth centuries CE, the uppermost layer is represented by bread ovens (Armenian tonir) dug into the underlying layer which is dated to the period of the Islamic Caliphates domination of Armenia (late seventh to the rst half of the ninth century CE). This layer, second from the top, is represented by the lowest portions of the walls of small dwellings built of river boulders, pebbles, and rock conglomerate and plastered with dirt containing chaff. The absence of remains belonging to the preceding Sassanian period (other than the aforementioned Sassanian coins, which may have continued to circulate during the rst century of the Caliphate) underneath the lower medieval layer, and the gap in occupation between the two medieval layersthat is, during the High Middle Ages (tenththirteenth centuries CE)may indicate that caves of the Arpa River Valley were used as hideouts by the local population during periods of wars, political instability, and economic destitution, and abandoned in times of political stability and economic prosperity. No denable cultural stratigraphic unit has been identied thus far between
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the lower medieval layer and the upper Chalcolithic layer. However, the presence of a few scattered potsherds typologically dated to the Early Iron Age (ca. eleventhninth centuries BCE) and to the beginning of the Middle Bronze Age (ca. 2000 BCE), together with animal dung deposits, suggest that the cave complex was most likely visited and used by herdsmen as a sheep shelter during those periods. Underlying the second medieval layer, three consecutive Chalcolithic layers have been identied. These are represented by packed clay oors with crushed vessels and other artifacts found in situ and cylindrical bins made of light-brown clay with traces of replastering. The bins become narrower toward their mouths. Multiple artifacts related to household and other production activities were found in the three Chalcolithic layers of T3. This assemblage includes the remains of hearths, grinding stones, animal bones, seeds, awls, looms, and even the remains of copper smelting and casting. The metallurgical assemblage consists of piles of raw ore (Figure 1), casting waste, a mold for casting ingots, and nal products (knives) made of arsenical copper. The majority of stone implements found in T3 are of obsidian, although chert artifacts are also present in the assemblage. The coloration of obsidian may suggest that it originated from two groups of sources: Pokr Spitakasar (or Geghasar) and the Vorotan group, located at of 90 km and 95 km from Areni-1, respectively; hopefully, forthcoming analyses will identify the sources more precisely. Judging from the presence of fragmentary cores and aking products, the production of chipped-stone tools took place in the rockshelter area, though a specic manufacturing area has not been identied thus far. High-quality int deposits are easily accessible within a distance of 20 km or less from Areni-1, whereas obsidian does not occur in the Arpa River Valley. The predominance of obsidian in the Chalcolithic lithic assemblage at the site may reect a traditional preference for, and experience in, manufacturing obsidian implements despite the obvious economic rationality
Figure. 1. Copper ore and crushing/grinding pebble pestle from the upper Chalcolithic layer (rst half of the fourth millennium BCE).
Figure. 2. Trench 1; general view of the upper Chalcolithic layer, ca 4000-3800 BCE.
of using chert tools in this particular location. At the same time it suggests an intensive interregional network of commodities exchange. The most common stone tools are retouched blades, end scrapers, backed knives, burins, and chisels. Artifacts with bifacial processing include sickle inserts and arrowheads. One obsidian artifact was shaped by polishing of the edges and parts of the surface. As a whole, the assemblage of stone tools is characteristic of hunting, crop harvesting, and household activities related to secondary processing of products such as skins, bone, and wood. Artifacts related to spinning and weaving suggest that textiles, mats, and basketry were also produced in the Rock Shelter Area. TRENCH 1. Excavations of T1 revealed a pattern that is entirely different from T3. Three goals were pursued in that trench in 2010: (1) exploration at the western end of the trench where a new opening in the wall of the gallery was uncovered during the previous season; (2) completion of the excavations of the wine-pressing structure in the second (from top) Chalcolithic layer; (3) further excavations of stratigraphic units identiable as the rst (uppermost) Chalcolithic layer (Figure 2.) Excavations of the opening at the western end of T1 uncovered a passage leading into a new cavity. In this passage a human mandible was found, as well as fragments of Chalcolithic pottery, a segment of a plastered oor, and traces of re. The
unexpected discovery of the front half of a goat was made deep into this corridor. The remains of the goat, including skin, desiccated esh, and hair, were preserved due to a process of natural mummication that occurred in the extremely dry environment of the cave. Since the goat was found in the transitional stratigraphic unit between the desiccated dung layer dating to post-Chalcolithic periods of occupation (Bronze Age and medieval) and the rst Chalcolithic cultural layer, the goat mummy must be dated by 14C. Excavations of the wine-pressing structure discovered during the previous season in squares Q19/R19 of the second Chalcolithic layer (dated ca. 4000 BCE) of T1 were completed in 2010. This installation consists of a 1 m wide shallow clay tub (Locus 1) with raised edges made of packed clay slanting toward the mouth of a large jar (Locus 2) inserted into its lower end. This design suggests that a liquid originating on the platform was meant to ow into the jar, interpreted as a vat. The basin may well have been for the pressing of grapes on its surface, with the juice owing into the mouth of the jar in the center of the installation, an interpretation endorsed by the discovery of desiccated grapes, pomace, grape seeds, and grape skins still attached to pedicels, and even of grape rachises (stems) and desiccated vines in close proximity (Areshian et al. 2012; Barnard et al. 2011). The identication of malvidin
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(pigment responsible for the color of red wine) by means of biochemical analysis of residues on potsherds from Loci 1 and 2 strongly suggests the pressing of red grapes (Barnard et al. 2011). It is logical to assume that red grape juice had to stay for awhile in the vessels in order to leave any traces and residues, which is an indication that fermentation of grape juice into red wine most likely occurred. The jar/vat is a 62 cm high, dark gray vessel with an ovoid base. After completing the excavation inside the jar and taking out a part of its bottom for residue analysis, it became evident that the jar was broken and then restored with bitumen, placed into an admirably preserved net of knotted rope, and installed in a pit dug into the surface of the second Chalcolithic layer. After that, the pressing basin was built around the mouth of the vat. To our surprise, inside the vat, together with grape seeds, a single human tooth was found mixed with dried and carbonized organics. Some 15 cm below this, a human long bone was uncovered under a large rock slab (15 23 cm). Unfortunately, both the distal and proximal ends were broken, making a more specic identication difcult. The long bone was mixed with several fragments of rope and various dried and carbonized oral detritus. Several centimeters below this, a 5 cm long, thin copper sheet was found. The copper sheet was neatly cut from a larger artifact, possibly the wall of a drinking bowl or cup. The contents of the jar also included pieces of charcoal. The whole context suggests that wine pressing in the cave was not intended for regular consumption or, generally, for a variety of feasting ceremonies. Rather, it took place in connection with, and for the purpose of, rituals related to the deposition of human remains. Excavations of other loci in the two upper Chalcolithic layers of T1 conrmed the connection between wine making in the cave and funerary and sacricial rituals. A total of 11 loci (including the vat of the wine pressing structure) were excavated in T1 during the 2010 eld season. Two of the eleven loci (Loci 2 and 69) belong to the second Chalcolithic layer (ca. 42004000 BCE), while the other nine belong to the rst (uppermost) Chalcolithic layer (ca. 40003800 BCE) of T1. The loci can be subdivided into two groups: six red vessels and ve circular plastered structures. Both the ceramic vessels and plastered structures contained human and/or other organic remains. Within these loci, a variety of well-preserved artifacts were excavated, including basketry, wool and linen textiles, cordage, fragments of copper objects, and implements of wood and bone. In the rst (uppermost) Chalcolithic layer, three loci were especially distinguished. Locus 14 (in squares P17/18 and Q17/18) is a large plastered circular basin with a diameter of 1.5 m and a height exceeding 65 cm. The locus was excavated down to a at plastered bottom, with the exception of a 20 cm wide section left along the southern part of the circular wall. The contents were primarily composed of a substantial quantity of potsherds, fragments of plaster, several small stone slabs, fragments of human and animal bones, charcoal, carbonized oral remains, a single semicircular copper object (broken bracelet?), and a single twig
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painted with blue pigment and partially burnt after painting (Figure 3). The function of this structure still remains unclear. It must also be noted that in several areas small round spots of orange pigment appear on the walls and base of the structure. Locus 40 (in square L17) is a red-burnished vessel elaborately painted with black paint. The mouth of the vessel was sealed by placing the neck of another red-burnished vessel over the painted vessels rim and plastering the two together. A wooden peg was pushed into the plaster seal. The function or signicance of these pegs found throughout the trench is yet unclear. The top half of the complete vessel is decorated with a row of vertical alternating lines and dots, while the ovoid base is decorated with the images of the sun, a body of water running around the lower body of the vessel, mountain goats, and snakes (Figure 4). As of today, the pictorial composition on this vessel is the rst of its kind found in the Caucasus and in the highlands of the Near East. Morphotypologically it belongs to the group of
Figure. 3. Trench 1; painted and subsequently burnt twig, upper Chalcolithic layer, ca 4000-3800 BCE.
Figure. 4. Trench 1; black-on-red painted clay funerary urn, upper Chalcolithic layer, ca 3900 BCE.
black-on-red (BOR) Chalcolithic painted pottery well known in the area spanning from southwestern Turkmenistan to the central part of western Iran. The wealth of its decoration is matched by its contents. The vessel clearly served asand most likely had been made with an initial intent to serve asa funerary urn. It contained the remains of the right half of the body of an adult woman wrapped in reed mats and tied with cordage. Small pieces of the desiccated soft tissue were still attached to her skeleton. The cranium and the left half of the body were absent. There could be little doubt that the body was cut into parts and the skeleton carefully deeshed after death, before the soft tissues were allowed to naturally disintegrate. Thus, Locus 40 can be characterized as a dismembered primary burial which was part of rituals performed in the cave complex during the Chalcolithic. Other nds from within the urn include potsherds, organic detritus, charcoal, and pieces of plaster. Locus 63 (in squares L17/M17) is a plastered clay cylindrical structure which yielded one of the most signicant nds of the season: a well-preserved and complete primary burial of an infant with accompanying grave goods. The deposition of the infants body was preceded by placement of several objects. The infant was buried atop an animal hide with the fur still intact; a ceramic bowl was placed upside down near her/his feet, and a cup carved from animal hor (Figure 5) was placed near the head. The torso was covered with a coiled bowl-shaped basket (Figure 6). Atop these a stone slab was placed, which was, in its turn, covered with large fragments of bicolored matting and potsherds. Above these were placed a few cremated bones of an adult, which were
covered with more matting and potsherds. The care with which this infant was buried, together with the accompanying goods, make this burial stand out from others found in the cave. Its signicance also lies in the phenomenal preservation (by natural mummication) of such fragile remains: a signicant amount of soft tissue is still extant and hair is still attached to the scalp. Additionally, this concrete evidence of cremation of the deceased leads us to believe that the ash concentrations observed in other loci may also be the remains of cremations. This hypothesis is strengthened by the discovery of small fragments of human bones with traces of burning within those ash concentrations; however, micromorphological analyses will be necessary to conrm or reject this hypothesis.
Figure 5. Trench 1; drinking cup made of horn, upper Chalcolithic layer, ca 3900 BCE.
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Figure 6. Trench 1; painted basket from a childs burial, upper Chalcolithic layer, ca 3900 BCE.
The excavations season of 2010 substantially advanced our understanding of the Areni-1 cave complex and brings up a number of questions concerning social complexity and trajectories of transformation of Chalcolithic societies in the Near Eastern highlands. The virtual absence of evidence of household activities inside the galleries of the cave complex clearly indicates that those areas were not inhabited during the Chalcolithic. Rather, the inner space of caves was used as sacred area for complex rituals that included both primary and secondary depositions of dismembered and complete human remains. Wine played an important role in those rituals. The very substantial scale of ritual activities performed by a large community of people is conrmed by the discovery in several Chalcolithic layers both in T1 and T2 of multiple loci interpreted as remains of such activities. Judging from household remains found in the Rock Shelter Area (T3) outside of the mouths of the cave galleries, only a small group of Chalcolithic people actually lived there. This group may have guarded the sacred caves and serviced the performers of rituals who came from other locations. This hypothesis creates an enigmatic situation, because it assumes the presence of a substantial Chalcolithic population inhabiting the Arpa River Valley outside caves, despite the fact that, at present, Chalcolithic settlements are virtually unknown in that area. Discovering sites and patterns of Chalcolithic occupation in the valley will be an important goal for future explorations.
Areshian, G. E., B. Gasparyan, P. Avetisyan, R. Pinhasi, K. Wilkinson, A. Smith, R. Hovsepyan, and D. Zardaryan. 2012. The Chalcolithic of the Near East and southeastern Europe: Discoveries and New Perspectives from the Cave Complex Areni-1, Armenia. Antiquity, in press. Barnard, H., A. N. Dooley, G. Areshian, B. Gasparyan, and K. F. Faull. 2011. Chemical Evidence for Wine Production around 4000 BCE in the Late Chalcolithic Near Eastern Highlands. Journal of Archaeological Science 38:977984. Pinhasi, R., B. Gasparian, G. Areshian, D. Zardaryan, A. Smith, G. Bar-Oz, and T. Higham. 2010. First Direct Evidence of Chalcolithic Footwear from the Near Eastern Highlands. PLoS ONE 5(6): e10984, 15.
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2007 UNDER the co-direction of Aaron A. Burke (UCLA) and Martin Peilstcker (Israel Antiquities Authority), the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project (JCHP) continued its progress in 2009 and 2010 toward achieving the projects four primary objectives: research, publication, conservation, and presentation of Jaffas archaeological heritage. As a cultural heritage project, the JCHP differs substantially from many archaeological projects, which adhere principally to the expeditionary model. Expeditionary projects are usually of short (and often uncertain) duration, with limited objectives and, oftentimes, a narrow temporal focus that is conned to specic period(s) of interest, irrespective of the potential advantage of a longer, diachronic or deep time perspective. This report addresses the projects accomplishments in 2009 and 2010 within the framework of its four overarching objectives, with a view toward the goals of the 2011 to 2015 excavation seasons. RESEARCH AND CONSERVATION. In 2009, excavations continued within the visitors center in Qedumim Square, after initial soundings in 2008. The excavations, under the supervision of George Pierce, were carried out by eld staff Kyle Keimer, Krystal Lords, Brett Kaufman, Hillary Pietricola, and Heidi Dodgen, all UCLA graduate students. Professional monument conservators from Los Angeles, Leslie Friedman and Ben Marcus, undertook preliminary work to enable expansion and deepening of the excavations. A team of 18 eld school participants from four countries made possible an extensive excavation within the enclosed space of the center. The goal of the excavations included (1) exploration of the cultural sequence in this area of the tell (mound), with a focus on pre-classical phases; (2) estimation of the potential for relating renewed excavations to the work undertaken by Jacob Kaplan between 1955 and 1974; and (3) assertion of the feasibility of
1. Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, and Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA
cooperation between the various institutions participating. The excavation experience proved very successful in all three respects. The excavation area was deepened across most of the northern extent to the depth of the small probe conducted in 2008, vastly widening the exposure of the western rooms of a large complex dated to the Hellenistic period that dominates the area. A small and deep sounding in the center of the excavations revealed what appears to be an Achaemenid phase (ca. fthfourth centuries) of construction within the area. While the sounding was not large enough to permit an exposure of an architectural plan in this phase, this operation also unearthed Iron Age sherds (ca. 980539 B.C.), suggesting that this part of the tell may have been occupied during the Iron Age. For safety reasons, it was not possible to continue deeper and, consequently, bedrock was not reached in this area. It remains possible, therefore, that Bronze Age layers still lay below the Iron Age remains. Despite this, the excavations revealed an impressive and unique limestone ashlar building preserved to a height of two stories, which is dated to the Hellenistic period on the basis of major phases of ll deposits and the structures architectural history. Unfortunately, owing to the fact that this structure was intentionally abandoned and then backlled in the Early Roman period, no living oors dated to the Hellenistic phase were identied during the excavations. Subsequent conservation work by the Israel Antiquities Authority and the Old Jaffa Development Corporation in 2009 and 2010 have prepared the excavations for public viewing as part of a newly designed exhibit on Jaffa within the visitors center (Figure 1).
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Figure 1. Western side of the Hellenistic complex exposed in 2009 within the Jaffa visitors center.
In 2011 the project will proceed toward one of its main objectives, the renewal of excavations within Jacob Kaplans main area, known as Area A, where a monumental gate facade of Ramesses II was unearthed in an early stage of Kaplans work, as well as extensive evidence of a Late Bronze Age Egyptian garrison kitchen. The sequence of Egyptian occupation identied previously spans nearly three centuries (ca. 14601150 B.C.), as demonstrated through a wide range of Egyptian New Kingdom ceramics. Historical sources from the period conrm that Jaffa during this period served as an Egyptian imperial outpost and port in Canaan, facilitating nearly annual Egyptian campaigns into Canaan and points north. The renewal of Area A excavations are principally focused on obtaining additional lines of data from the Late Bronze Age phases of the site, which can provide a new understanding of the archaeological context. To address questions of social interaction and ethnicity through material culture excavated in this area, we will seek to collect a wide array of faunal, oral, and residue samples that can contribute to our understanding of the diet of Jaffas inhabitants, which, on the basis of previously excavated ceramics, are anticipated to be predominantly Egyptian in orientation. This will not only
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illuminate aspects of food preparation and consumption among the Egyptian population (something that has not been possible in archaeological contexts in Egypt owing to limitations on the sampling of archaeological remains), but it will also reveal the degree to which the Egyptian garrison interacted socially with the local Canaanite population and the extent to which processes of acculturation and adaptation were at work among these populations. PUBLICATION. Since August 2009 and during a hiatus of excavation in 2010, efforts by JCHP staff were principally dedicated to a continued effort to publish results from Jacob Kaplans excavations of the Bronze and Iron Age remains of Jaffa undertaken between 1955 and 1974. Work continued with funding from the Shelby White-Leon Levy Program for Archaeological Publications, and the preliminary results of these efforts have been published in the journal Near Eastern Archaeology (Burke and Lords 2010), providing the rst in-depth analysis of any part of Kaplans early excavations. Additional results of the publication initiative appeared in 2011 in The History and Archaeology of Jaffa 1, the rst volume of the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project series (Burke and Mandell 2011; Keimer 2011; Peilstcker and Burke 2011). The Kaplan
Figure 2 . The Lion Temple as seen during the 1972 excavations, photo from the Kaplan Archive.
Publication Initiative, which has been ongoing since 2007, is approaching the nal stages in the completion of the nal reports addressing these excavations. In 2011, in addition to the inauguration of renewed excavation of the Egyptian fortress, the publication initiative will address Kaplans Area A excavations from 1970 to 1974, during which an oft-discussed temple known as the Lion Temple was excavated. Preliminary assessments now suggest that the temple had two phases of history during the Late Bronze Age, which may clarify why its precise date has been a contentious issue (Figure 2). PRESENTATION. Beginning in the fall of 2009, the JCHP began using a NextEngine 3D desktop scanner to digitize the ceramics and artifacts uncovered. Funded by a UCLA Faculty Research Grant, the adoption of this technology was intended not only to increase the quantity and quality of data collected for artifacts in a way that made possible further study of artifacts outside of the eld, but also to facilitate the inclusion of artifact scans in digital archives and 3D models. In 2010 protocols were established for creating publicationready illustrations of ceramics in keeping with their traditional representationnamely, by means of prole drawings. This process should reduce costs associated with illustration in the
long term, as nonspecialist participants are able to operate the scanner, while automated batch conversions of scanned sherds will enable the creation of prole drawings (Figure 3) In addition to publications, one of the primary avenues for the dissemination of the projects results is the project website, which was recently revamped and continues to broaden in scope. The website will permit the dissemination of a wide array of resources that can be accessed not only by researchers but also by laypersons interested in Jaffas cultural heritage. Resources, which will range from 3D digital scans to bibliographies and site guides, will be added regularly as new developments warrant.
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In four years since its inception, the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project has succeeded despite some signicant challenges, not the least of which has been the declining economic environment since 2007. Its success is foremost the result of the projects commitment to the analysis and publication of legacy excavation data, such as that of Jacob Kaplans excavations in Jaffa, which have provided an important guide for strategically approaching the continued exploration of Jaffas archaeological heritage. Additionally, the project has carefully sought to invest in new technologies such as 3D artifact scanning and an online database that help reduce reliance on technical specialists, but also increase efciency by reducing total processing time for lab work with artifacts. In the year ahead, the project will continue to expand its efforts to incorporate the latest methods, as we seek a sustainable and responsible approach to the renewal of excavations in Area A in Jaffa. n
Burke, A. A. 2009. The 2008 Annual Report of the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project. Backdirt 2009:3435. Burke, A. A., and K. S. Burke. 2008. Investigating a Forgotten Port: The Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project. Backdirt 2008:7075. Burke, A. A., and K. V. Lords. 2010. Egyptians in Jaffa: A Portrait of Egyptian Presence in Jaffa during the Late Bronze Age. Near Eastern Archaeology 73(1):230. Burke, A. A., and A. R. Mandell. 2011. Egyptian Flowerpots from Kaplans Area A Excavations: Cultural and Historical Implications. In The History and Archaeology of Jaffa 1, edited by M. Peilstcker and A. A. Burke, pp. 261270. The Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project 1. Monumenta Archaeologica 26, series eds. A. A. Burke and M. Peilstcker. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, UCLA. Keimer, K. 2011. Area B: A Test Case for the Publication of the Kaplans Excavations in Jaffa. In The History and Archaeology of Jaffa 1, edited by M. Peilstcker and A. A. Burke, pp. 251259. The Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project 1. Monumenta Archaeologica 26, series eds. A. A. Burke and M. Peilstcker. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, UCLA. Peilstcker, M., and A. A. Burke (editors). 2011. The History and Archaeology of Jaffa 1. The Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project 1. Monumenta Archaeologica 26. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, UCLA.
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CAVE IS ON the edge of the Tavoliere Plain in southeast Italy, near the Adriatic Coast, and has both an upper and a lower chamber (Figure 1). It was discovered by chance in 1931 when workmen, preparing to install a water line from the city of Manfredonia to the remote villages of the Gargano peninsula, set off explosives, exposing a dark, unexpected crevasse. Eventually, the authorities were called in, and human remains were identied along with a scatter of bone and stone tools and pottery on the oor of the newly discovered chamber (Figure 2). A short excavation followed and artifacts were removed to the local museum. As for the lower chamber, it was not discovered until decades later by young amateur cavers in search of adventure. A pattern of short excavation season followed by closure was to repeat over decades, culminating in the UCLA-University of Genoa excavations in 19781980, co- directed by Marija Gimbutas (UCLA) and Santo Tine (University of Genoa), both
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now sadly deceased. However, in collaboration with an international group of scholars (U.S. [this author], Italy [E. Isetti and A. Traverso], Hungary [L. Bartosiewicz], and England [J. Robb and team]), a report of the Scaloria excavations is now being prepared for publication. This volume will include as much of the earlier unpublished data as is available: a history of discovery (1931), explorations over the years (19311980), and an evaluation of the signicance of the cave to the Neolithic villagers of the Tavoliere Plain. Among my collaborators, John Robb of Cambridge University has involved a number of scholars (Maryanne
Tafuri, Rome, and Chris Knusel, Exeter) with special expertise in the study of ancient human skeletal remains and burial ritual, since the cave yielded evidence for almost three dozen burials (Figure 3). Robb submitted and received back from the Oxford Radiocarbon Unit 17 new radiocarbon dates that cluster between ca. 5500 and 5200 B.C., based on human bone collagen. A tight pattern of dates such as these gives strong support to the use of the cave during the Early and Middle Neolithic periods of the southeast Tavoliere, with its hundreds of Neolithic hamlets encircled by ditches. Members of Robbs team are examining ratios of carbon and nitrogen isotopes on femora along with strontium isotopes on dental enamel to investigate diet and mobility. The results of this research are eagerly awaited. To highlight this report, I invite you to join John Robb as he entered the cave for the rst time in the spring of 2010 and was led through the passages by one of the speleologists. This is taken from his e-mail: . . . (the) cave probably had an ante-chamber which is now collapsed and under a big cone of detritus, and this would have been where most everyday activities were: keeping herds, cooking, etc. . . . [W]here there was light and air and access . . . the area where [the 1979] excavation trenches [were] . . . was just inside this antechamber . . . [which was] used for burial and was most likely the inner end of the daily activities zone. It is low, and in most places you cannot stand up fully. The oor is irregular and slopes
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gently in some places, quite steeply in others. The soil is patchy. There are baby stalactites and bits of the ground are concreted. It feels dark, damp and airless but this might have been different when the original entrance was open. From this loosely dened Upper Chamber the oor slopes steeply away in several directions; the Cave [developed] . . . by fracturing between limestone layers rather than by tunnel-like dissolutions. . . . [I]t is not a series of clearly dened, smoothly bordered passages and rooms. The slope is quite steep in places (up to 60 degrees) and interrupted by stalactites, boulders, chutes, twisty bits, etc. And the ceiling is usually about a meter high so crawling is often necessary. The best way to think of getting around the cave is basically a lot like an ant crawling between two sheets of irregularly crumpled paper. You really have to know where you are going; there isnt just one path. . . . You also lose a sense of connection to the outer world very quicklyvisibility and audibility go downmaybe 30 meters hearing and around 10 meters straight line of sight. The last bit of path to the Lower Chamber involves quite a steep scramble . . . poorly dened and irregularly bounded. There is an area where one can stand up and in one or two places the ceiling is quite high. All the whole pots have been removed, although in some cases the bases are still concreted in place. The
so-called [lustral] basin is about 70 cm long by about 50 cm wide and is only a few cm deep; were it not lled with water it would actually be quite easy to miss (Figure 4). The cave continues down below the water level so that the bottom part of it is ooded. The water level uctuates according to how much it has been raining. The cavers we went with commented that the overall cave was a lot drier this time than it usually is (so we came out moderately muddy from crawling and rolling around instead of completely coated in slippery, clayey mud). This means that parts of the lower end of the cave, where there are archaeological deposits, are occasionally actually under water. What drew Neolithic visitors 7,500 years ago to crawl through the dark, dank passage leading to the Lower Chamber and then to use this space for some ritualized, mysterious activities? John Robbs narrative clearly describes a chamber difcult to access, encrusted with stalactites and stalagmites, whose strangeness alone may have lured some of the local population to explore and use this space. Several of our collaborators are wrestling with this question, and, as the manuscripts arrive here at my desk at the Cotsen Institute, I see that we are rich with hypotheses. Look for a completed manuscript in 2012. n
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Researchers Notebook
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MARA CECILIA LOZADA, Department of Anthropology, The University of Chicago and Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA AUGUSTO CARDONA, Centro de Investigaciones Arqueolgicas de Arequipa HANS BARNARD, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology and Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA WILLEKEWENDRICH, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures and Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA
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Researchers Notebook
Bead-net dress, Egyptian, Old Kingdom, Dynasty 6, 23232150 B.C. Findspot: Egypt, Giza, Tomb G 2342 D (now G 5520 D). Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Harvard UniversityBoston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition, 33.1020.1 Photograph 2011 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
SANDRA L. ORELLANA, Department of Anthropology, California State University, Dominguez Hills, and Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA
Giza, Western Cemetery, Tomb G 2342 = G 5520 (= Lepsius 28), looking northwest, January 16, 2004. Photograph by Peter Der Manuelian. Courtesy Peter Der Manuelian
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MERRICK POSNANSKY, Departments of History and Anthropology and Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA
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MONICA L. SMITH, Department of Anthropology and Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA RABINDRA KUMAR MOHANTY, Deccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute
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Researchers Notebook
(CHIP) STANISH CONTINUED to analyze the materials from the Titicaca Basin. Along with several co-authors, he published several articles on the Tiwanaku occupation in the region, including work on trade routes and political geography. He also published two theoretical articles, one on the use of ritual geography in the Inca Empire and a second on the nature of markets in the prehispanic Andes. Stanish also published a book called Lake Titicaca: Legend, Myth and Science written for a general audience. This is the second book in the World Heritage and Monuments series of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press.
Rano Raraku is composed of consolidated tephra ash, or tuff. The volcanic crater is partially lled with a marshy, freshwater lake roughly 350 m in diameter and encircled by thick reeds covering today about 45% of the southern third of the lakes surface. Modern studies of Late Quaternary sediments collected in core samples taken from the lake reveal a stratied pollen record from the last 30,000 years, suggesting that the island was once covered with dense forests of palm and other trees and shrubs. Forest disappearance in Rano Raraku is inferred to have been human induced, caused by intensive quarrying activity on the southeastern interior slopes.
Our excavations are concentrated on two statues (RR-001-156 and RR-001-157), which were chosen because they are nearly unique on
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Figure 1: Dorsal view of statue RR-001-156, July, 2011.
Easter Island (Figure 1). They and only one other statue have complex petroglyphs carved on their backs, faces, and arms. The carvings are variants of a narrow range of elements and are arrayed in very interesting compositions. Most are well within the norm of Rapa Nui iconography, but some are very unusual. Many are crescent designs referred to as vaka (canoe); they also may be rei miro (gorget). One of our most interesting nds during our second statue excavation was an egg-shaped mass (800 g) of concentrated, intensely pure red pigment (kiea) tucked away under an overhang of bedrock (papa) carved with petroglyphs. Red pigment was an indispensable aspect of Rapa Nui ritual life, and remains today a valuable part of personal display during performance art. Along with a small basalt stone incised with a unique carving of a canoe (vaka) uncovered earlier during excavation of RR-001-157, this nd gives us a tantalizing glimpse into the ritual concerns of artisans and others who frequented the Rano Raraku interior.
We are providing seasonal, informal learning experiences for ve to ten gifted Rapa Nui students in either archaeology or conservation, most of whom attend the Universidad Internacional SEK in Santiago. One of them was sufciently inspired to conduct XRF analyses of a large sample of more than 700 stone tools (toki) we have excavated to date. Another is captivated by the petroglyphs on the backs of the statues and is now drawn to rock art analysis.
Our colleagues Christian Fischer (UCLA) and Monica Bahamondez, Director of the Centro Nacional de Conservacin y Restauracin in Santiago, have installed sophisticated monitoring equipment using above- and below-ground sensors to study the microclimate and weathering factors. The system will be in operation until March 2012 to cover an entire year and the environmental data are downloaded on a monthly basis by Tahira Edmunds and sent to C. Fischer. In May 2011, both statues underwent protective treatment (Figure 2). Two water-repellent formulations were used to apply a protective treatment to the surfaces of both statues. One consisted of a solution of BS290 at a concentration of 15% (V/V) diluted with Aguarras Mineral. The other was Cave Clear-S, a ready-to-use solvent-based water repellent readily available in Chile. After some preliminary trials the different products were applied with a portable sprayer following a wet-on-wet application methodology until saturation of the surface was observed. The water-repellent solution at 15% was primarily used for the treatment of the exposed, and most weathered, parts of the statues. Once treated with the solution at 15%, the surface was sprayed with pure solvent in order to increase the penetration depth of the active product, followed by a nal application of Cave Clear-S. On the excavated parts of the two statues, which are in much Figure 2: Conservation treatment better condition, only Cave Clear-S was applied. of RR-001-156 by CIOAs Christian On days with intermittent rain we were amazed to see how well the repellant Fischer, May 2011. did its job. Droplets quickly beaded up and didnt penetrate the surfaces of either statue. We noted that the stone surfaces dried within a maximum of 10 minutes. These are subjective observations, of course, and a detailed assessment will be carried out in March/April 2012 during the last phase of conservation intervention that will follow our next excavation season. JO ANNE VAN TILBURG, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA
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NE OF THE MOST substantial technological hallmarks of complex societies is the ability to smelt mineral ores and extract elemental metal. Gold, silver, iron, and copper can all be found as native metals and have been cold-worked or worked with minimal heat by humans since at least the eleventh millennium BCE (Craddock 1995; Roberts, Thornton, and Pigott 2009). Copper carbonates such as malachite and azurite were the rst ores to be smelted in the sixth millennium BCE via the pyrotechnical harnessing of timber fuel in the form of charcoal (Figure 1). The earliest archaeological attestations of this advanced metallurgy come from across Anatolia, southeastern Iran, and the Balkans (Craddock 2000; Roberts, Thornton, and Pigott 2009). Advanced alloying processes were already in place in Anatolia due to the sheer abundance of polymetallic ore sources and metals such as nickel, antimony, arsenic, and tin which have left their signatures in some of the earliest complex copper alloys produced (Yener 2000). The dual occurrence of arsenic and copper in some ores led to the discovery of arsenical copperthe rst bronze alloy. By the fourth millennium BCE, societies across the Near East began to demand this strong, corrosion-resistant alloy despite the great technical difculties and possible health risks that production posed (Shalev and Northover 1987). Alongside pure copper, arsenical copper alloys persisted as the metallurgical technology of choice until the mid-third millennium, when the Sumerians of the Early Dynastic III period (ED III) adopted tin bronze technology (Moorey 1994), which was the intentional addition of tin to coppera technology that had been known previously in Anatolia for at least 500 years and that required the smelting of two distinct ore types, followed by the co-melting of copper and tin. In both the New and Old Worlds, humans rst utilized pure copper, then arsenical copper, and nally tin bronze. Due to the nearly identical mechanical, aesthetic, and corrosion resistance properties shared by arsenical copper and tin bronze, anthropologically oriented archaeologists and students of the history of technology have long struggled to provide a convincing explanation for the increase in demand that ancient Near Eastern civilizations exhibited for tin bronzes. From a metallurgical point of view, compared with pure copper, the presence of arsenic or tin in a copper alloy provides enhanced
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properties such as strength, hardness, weldability, corrosion resistance, as well as improved aesthetics. The application of pyrotechnological and thermodynamic principles to the study of the early usage of these metals has been hitherto lacking in research. Copper and tin ingots of near elemental purity, as well as ingots with mixed arsenic and copper, were traded across the Near East, and today we can calculate the amounts of fuel that would have been required to melt these metals. Ongoing research undertaken by the author shows that tin is nearly 6 times more fuel-efcient than pure copper. A further demonstration of fuel saving potential is provided when comparing common alloys of comparable mechanical properties. It is suggested that a tin bronze with 10% tin content is about 25% more fuel efcient than an arsenical copper with 3% arsenic content. In modern materials science applications, a 5% increase in efciency is considered signicant. It now appears that the only quantiably appreciable difference between tin bronze and arsenical copper is the vastly different fuel-efciency requirements. Indeed, whereas copper and arsenical copper require a closed furnace environment for production, it is well-known that tin can be melted in an ordinary re (Rhead 1935). In some parts of the New World such as the Andes, it is likely that humans chose this alloy progression not for fuel efciency but for aesthetic purposes (Lechtman 1996). Arsenical coppers with an arsenic content above 8% look silvery, and tin bronzes look gold. Independently developed in both the eastern and western hemispheres, parallel sequences of a technological repertoire can be viewed as a lesson to archaeologists that similar cultural choices may not necessarily be dictated by the same underlying adaptive mechanisms. Before proposing cultural and ecological causations for the adoption of various metal technologies, it is worthwhile to review briey the chronological progression of the appearance of copper and its alloys throughout the Near East. This article does not only synthesize the metallurgical progressions and technological choices exhibited by ancient Near Eastern societies, but also poses questions that represent the current state of research being undertaken by archaeologists and archaeometallurgists.
the Early Bronze Age I (Palmieri et al. 2002), evidence that includes objects containing a mix of two or more metals such as silver, copper, arsenic, nickel, antimony, and iron. One of the most long-standing debates in the eld of archaeometallurgy concerns where the tin came from. The sources of tin continue to elude archaeologists to this day (Franklin, Olin, and Wertime 1978). It is very likely that the earliest tin came from Anatolia, but those sources seem to have run out of available lodes bearing tin by the Old Assyrian period. Another region often considered by scholars is Afghanistan; and some scholars look as far as the British Isles at Cornwall (although this is a highly implausible source before the rst millennium BCE) (Muhly 1985). By the Old Assyrian period (ca. 19001800 BCE), huge quantities of tinabout 100 tons in a 40- to 50-year period alonewere being shipped to the Anatolian karum of Kani alone (Larsen 1982). Unlike lead isotope analysis, which is our best current method for identifying the provenience of several metals except tin, tin isotopic research has not been developed due to a number of constraining factors that are unlikely to be resolved in the near future.
Along with Anatolia, the Iranian plateau is another area where some of the earliest bronze metallurgy and technological experimentation is attested. The Iranian plateau is anked on its west by the mineralrich Zagros Mountains, and to its north by the Caucasus, a region well known for its wealth of copper, iron, and other ores. By 3600 BCE, people at the site of Tepe Hissar were using a crucible that required a high degree of pyrotechnic knowledge to produce (Thornton and Rehren 2009). By the late fourth/early third millennium BCE, arsenical iron (speiss) was being produced at the same site, perhaps indicating an attempt to create an arsenic-rich metal to be melted down later into a copper alloy (Roberts, Thornton, and Pigott 2009). This would represent the earliest attempt to co-smelt multiple metals. Tin bronze was adopted most thoroughly on the Iranian plateau in the early second millennium BCE, but some sites were already beginning to incorporate tin bronze in the third millennium (Frame 2010).
It is tting to begin this discussion in Anatolia, home to rich mineral resources in its vast mountain ranges such as the Taurus. These resources lent themselves to smelting experiments by humans from at least the sixth millennium BCE. These same mountain ranges were also rich in timber, marking Anatolia as a region incredibly well suited for metallurgical activity due to its abundance of fuel. The Uruk settlers who reached Hacinebi in the fourth millennium BCE found a culture that had already developed advanced metallurgical technology (Stein 1999). And archaeologists have recovered evidence for complex polymetallic alloys at sites such as Arslantepe from the end of the fourth millennium in
Not only was Mesopotamia witness to the earliest fully developed urban civilization, writing, and irrigation agriculture, but the Sumerians of the EDIII period (ca. 2500 BCE) were the rst to adopt tin bronze technology (Moorey 1994). This was likely due in large part to a lack of timber fuel, a by-product of both natural conditions and land-clearing activities intended to create pasturelands for faunal domesticates such as goat, sheep, and cattle. In tandem, this proliferation of faunal domesticates made huge quantities of dung fuel available. As mentioned above, tin can be melted in an ordinary re, and it is likely that access to dung fuel helped spur the adoption of tin. As discussed above, tin bronze technology was invented
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Figure 1
B Dually occurring chalcopyrite (copper colored) and arsenopyrite (silver colored), on a quartz base. Copper, arsenic, and iron are the most prevalent metals.
C Tin oxide ore of cassiterite, the source of tin in the Old World.
D Realgar, or arsenic ruby consisting of arsenic and sulfur, perched on a base of sphalerite, containing mostly zinc and iron.
E Chalcopyrite and pyrite nodes, neighboring galena, all on a sphalerite base. This polymetallic ore therefore contains copper, iron, silver, lead, zinc, and sulfur.
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Figure 2. (A) This socketed spearhead from ~2000 B.C. contains 4.14% arsenic and 93.9% copper, placing it well within the ideal range of 2-6% arsenic for a functional weapon or tool. The dark streaks in the micrograph are iron suldes leftover from production, and the white dots and streaks are lead leftover as impurities from the ore. (B) This bronze dagger dating to ~2300 2000 B.C. contains some of the earliest tin to be imported into the Levant. It is composed of 10.64% tin, making it a beautiful early example of a true tin bronze (tin content 10-14%). The faint branch-like streaks are dendrites, common to a tin and copper matrix. The white spots are impurities of lead, which comprises 2.62% of this alloy.
in the mountainous areas to the north of Mesopotamia some half-millennium earlier, but the technology and tin resources were never in demand until the time of the Sumerians, which raises some interesting questions: Why tin? Why at different times across various regions was tin bronze in demand, hundreds of years after its invention? It is unfortunate that modern geopolitical circumstances preclude scientic excavations at present in Iraq, but it may be possible to clarify these questions via application of thermo-technological principles, combined with what we already know about the mechanical and aesthetic properties of copper and its alloys. The eld of archaeology is currently witnessing a sea change in analytical capabilities, making it possible for research questions to be answered in the laboratory and not just in the eld. Under the Akkadian Empire (ca 22502100 BCE), perhaps the worlds rst empire and with its famous early leaders such as Sargon and his grandson Naram-Sin, the production of tin
bronze was halted in the Jezireh (northern Mesopotamia). Interestingly enough, tin bronze production continued in Sumer at Ur and was resumed by the Ur III dynasty (De Ryck, Adriaens, and Adams 2005). The Sumerians likely had continual access to the Persian Gulf in this period despite their Akkadian overlords. Does this mean they were receiving tin from what they called Meluhhathe Harappan of the Indus Valleyvia sea trade? The best scholarship can do currently is to pose these questions, as the answers remain elusive. The sphere of Sumerian inuence extended from India to Anatolia. Just after the Sumerians of the ED III adopted tin bronze, so did the Harappans and the Anatolians (Kenoyer and Miller 1999; Lamberg-Karlovsky 1972). It is also likely that tin bronze was adopted at around the same time in the Khabur triangle and the Balikh, at sites such as Tell Brak, as well as at Mari, but we are still awaiting a comprehensive analysis of the metals that have been excavated from this region.
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The current state of research in earliest Egyptian metallurgy is unfortunately rather undeveloped. We now believe that the Egyptians were relatively late to adopt tin bronze, only at the beginning of the second millennium BCE (Maddin, Stech Wheeler, and Muhly 1977). This can be viewed as the third wave of tin bronze adoption, some 500 years after the Sumerians, Anatolians, and Harappans began to select this metal as their alloy of choice. The southern Levant was also somewhat late to adopt tin bronze but did so before the Egyptians in what may be considered the second wave of adoption. Tin bronze begins to appear here in the Early Bronze Age IV (ca. 23002000 BCE). It is interesting to note that tin bronze occurs only in daggers during this period. Most of the metallurgical production evidence from this time comes from the northern Levant, whereas most of the alloy data comes from the southern Levant. Evidence of metallurgical activity can be found at sites such as at Byblos, Tell Mardikh (Ebla), Ras Shamra (Ugarit), and Hama in the northern Levant (Philip 1989). By the beginning of the second millennium BCE, tin bronze is more heavily utilized (Branigan, McKerrell, and Tylecote 1976; Philip et al. 2003). Our knowledge of metallurgical progressions in the Levant has been hampered by a dearth of archeometallurgical studies from the many major excavations in Syria and Lebanon, and by a focus on metal antiquities of unknown provenience from Israel. Current work is being undertaken by the author that analyzes well-stratied metal artifacts from the southern Levant spanning the Early and Middle Bronze Ages which should help elucidate some of these resource and technological choices (Figure 2). This research shows that adoption of bronzes in the southern Levant led to a timber conservation of nearly 9% via tin augmentation alone in the Middle Bronze Age IIA-C. No less important for answering why tin bronze became such a desired commodity is the issue of paleoenvironmental changes. Anthropogenic deforestation, combined with the severe Late Holocene climate episode of ca. 2200 BCE (Dalfes, Kukla, and Weiss 1997), provides an environmental context for analyzing technological choices made by humans. Individual humans and cultures have always had to adapt to ever-changing endemic processes, external pressures such as warfare and disease, as well as shifts in their environmental realities. Archaeology is uniquely suited to study human reactions to long-term environmental change, and one of the best ways to ascertain these reactions is by the collection and analysis of palynological evidence such as pollen cores and through other paleoethnobotanical methods. Considering that the exploitation of fuel resourcesin the form of arboreal, herbaceous, or dung assetsdictates the amount of metal production that people could achieve, it is essential to reconstruct paleoenvironments in order to gauge the availability of vegetation, including fuel resources. For example, if a paleoethnobotanist can determine how much oak tree pollen uctuated over time,
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then we can begin to grasp how much timber could have possibly been utilized by humans in the surrounding areas. From the fourth to the second millennia BCE, forest stands were gradually diminished throughout southern Anatolia, northern Mesopotamia, and the northern Levant. This is mostly attributed to forest-clearing activities for purposes of metallurgical, ceramic, and plaster production (Miller 1985), although another substantial reason for the clearing of land was to make way for olive tree orchards (Baruch 1986). Humans then began to rely on dung fuel that was harvested from their sheep and goat ocks (Wilkinson 2003). Indeed, a greater availability of fuel sources spurred by this by-product of large-scale domestication (Algaze 2008) enabled humans to create more goods that demanded energy to produce. By the time of the greatest societal restructuring in the last three centuries of the third millennium BCE, the southern Levant had lost a third of its forest stands (Horowitz 1974; Palumbo 1990). In addition and in tandem with deforestation, there is an abundance of evidence pointing to severe geomorphological shifts (Rosen 1986; Wilkinson 1999), a steep drop in precipitation levels (Faust and Ashkenazy 2009), and even the complete disappearance of bodies of water such as the Bet Shean lake in the mid-third millennium and the Qatna lake by the mid-second millennium (Horowitz 1979; Valsecchi 2007). The combination of these anthropogenic and climatic effects culminated in what is known as the Late Holocene climatic episode. The volatile period immediately preceding these worsening conditions and fuel shortages was witness to the rst large-scale spread of tin bronze. Is it likely that Near Eastern elites would have consciously chosen to utilize tin bronze as an energy-saving mechanism? Conservatively estimating trade volumes from the Old Assyrian (ca. 1900 BCE) texts at karum Kani reveals that 100 tons of tin were shipped in a 40- to 50-year period to this one emporium alone (Larsen 1982). At Mari on the Middle Euphrates, 16 talents 10 minas (~490 kg) of tin were deposited in the palace treasury of King Zimri-Lim (eighteenth century BCE). A contemporary letter from the Mari archive documents the shipment of 10 talents (~300 kg) of tin from the capital to the royal family of Aleppo (Malamat 1971). Tin ingots dating to the Late Bronze Age and weighing roughly 100 kg were excavated in a maritime context off the coast of Haifa in modern-day Israel (Galili and Shmueli 1982; Hauptmann 2007). By the NeoAssyrian era (early rst millennium BCE), tribute shipments routinely included 100 talents (~3000 kg) of tin (Muhly 1973). Further attestation of the concern with which Near Eastern Bronze Age elites considered their timber resources can be garnered from texts that allude to deforestation practices. These indications come from such contemporary works as the Epic of Gilgamesh (mid-third millennium), in which the hero journeys through the Land of the cut-down ERIN-trees (Hansman 1976), a region apparently known for its deforestation. This is particularly interesting, as the Sumerians of the ED III were the rst humans to adopt and utilize tin bronze consistently.
The Hebrew Bible also contains references to Iron Age deforestation as well as to timber resource management:
Open your doors, Lebanon, that the re may devour your cedars. Wail, cypress tree, for the cedar has fallen, because the mighty are spoiled. Wail, oaks of Bashan, for the thick forest has come down. (Zechariah 11:12) He cuts down cedars for himself, and takes pine and oak, and strengthens for himself the trees of the forest, and plants a r tree and the rain nourishes it. And it will be for a man for fuel. (Isaiah 44:1415)
Considering the large quantities of tin listed in representative textual sources, harnessing the fuel-efciency potential of tin would most certainly have been recognized as a highly effective forest management strategy by elite planners. There is substantial paleoethnobotanical and archaeometallurgical evidence for various cultures of the time period and beyond managing their timber resources, such as at Wadi Feinan in the Early Bronze Age (ca. 29002350 BCE) (Engel and Frey 1996). Old Babylonian (ca. 1800 BCE) metallurgical crucible technology as excavated at Tell edh-Dhibai was likely designed in order to conserve charcoal fuel in this region of scarce vegetation (Davey 1988). There is convincing evidence for the early origins of dehesa oak stand management that directly coincides with the earliest mining and smelting activities on the Iberian Peninsula during Phase II of the Copper Age Millaran cultures (ca. 22001600 BCE) (Stevenson and Harrison 1992). At Rio Tinto, the slag produced from the Iron Age through the end of Roman period would have required about 100 million tons of timber to produce. Spread over more than a millennium, this would translate to a sustainable amount of about one million tons a year (Craddock 1995). The entirety of timber resources on the island of Cyprus was repeatedly stripped and regenerated no less than 16 times to support metallurgical activity over three millennia (Constantinou 1982). Theophrastus praised fourth-century BCE Cypriot rulers for their forest management. The siltation of harbors across the ancient Mediterranean is mostly attributed to erosion caused by heavy deforestation for fuel (Hughes and Thirgood 1982). It is also quite possible that Punic metalworkers at Carthage (fourth century BCE) were concerned with fuel conservation as evidenced by clay-quartz heat-insulating layers in the iron forges (Docter et al. 2003). Ethnographic studies reveal that metalsmiths working in modern, preindustrial contexts are well aware of the caloric potential of different oral species (Babu 2003). The great amount of time needed to regenerate tree stands indicates that this resource must be subjected to long-term planning and elite control if metallurgical activity is to ourish. For a preferable species like oak, regeneration of deforested stands could take around 50 years in the southern Levant (Gophna, Liphschitz, and Lev-Yadun 1987) and 5080 years in Cyprus (Constantinou 1982), although coppicing and pollarding may reduce the temporal requirement. The Kefar Monash bronze tool and weapon hoard may represent
archaeological evidence of four actual lumberjacks who left their gear in the site of an ancient oak forest (Mazar 1990). Although it is unreasonable to suggest that any single reason is responsible for the success or collapse of a given culture, it may be suggested that a failure to adapt to shifting environmental realities is symptomatic of a general inability to incorporate technological and economic decision-making in light of natural resource constraints. What is clear is that there is no metallurgical production without timber charcoal fuel, leaving scholars with the task of rst quantifying this relationship in terms of energy usage, and then qualifying the relationship based upon cultural processes and adaptive mechanisms. Different regions would have felt the impact of climatic or anthropogenic degradation of their surrounding forest stands to varying degrees, both in terms of erosion and fuel shortages. The model discussed above does not attempt to explain the reasons for tin adoption in every region, but two points should be clear: (1) the fuel efciency of alloys should be considered at least as signicant as the other properties usually associated with archaeometallurgical analysis, such as strength, hardness, and weldability, and (2) the Sumerians of the ED III and the Levantine cultures of the EB IV likely adopted tin bronze mainly for its fuel efciency over copper and arsenical copper. It would also be benecial to develop a eld methodology that correlates forest stand availability through pollen cores and other paleoethnobotanical techniques with archaeometallurgical analysis of well-stratied alloys over time. Observing the interchanging relationships between timber management and metallurgical selection can provide informed research on the economic and cultural demands, choices, and social values of ancient cultures, from both technological and cultural ecological perspectives.
Algaze, G. 2008. Ancient Mesopotamia at the Dawn of Civilization: The Evolution of an Urban Landscape. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Babu, T. M. 2003. Advent of the Bronze Age in the Indian Subcontinent. In Mining and Metal Production: Through the Ages, edited by P. Craddock and J. Lang, pp. 174180. London: British Museum Press. Baruch, U. 1986. The Late Holocene Vegetational History of Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), Israel. Palorient 12:3748. Branigan, K., H. McKerrell, and R. F. Tylecote. 1976. An Examination of Some Palestinian Bronzes. Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society 10:1523. Constantinou, G. 1982. Geological Features and Ancient Exploitation of the Cupriferous Sulphide Orebodies of Cyprus. In Early Metallurgy in Cyprus: 4000500 BC: Acta of the International Archaeological Symposium, edited by J. Muhly, R. Maddin, and V. Karageorghis. Larnaca: Pierides Foundation, Cypriot Antiquities Department. Craddock, P. T. 1995. Early Metal Mining and Production. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. Craddock, P. T. 2000. From Hearth to Furnace: Evidences for the Earliest Metal Smelting Technologies in the Eastern Mediterranean. Palorient 26:151165. Dalfes, H. N., G. Kukla, and H. Weiss. 1997. Third Millennium BC Climate Change and Old World Collapse. Berlin: Springer. Davey, C. J. 1988. Tell edh-Dhiba I and the Southern Near Eastern Metalworking Tradition. In Papers from the Second International Conference
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on the Beginning of the Use of Metals and Alloys, Zhengzhou, China, 2126 October 1986, edited by R. Maddin. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. De Ryck, I., A. Adriaens, and F. Adams. 2005. An Overview of Mesopotamian Bronze Metallurgy during the 3rd Millennium BC. Journal of Cultural Heritage 6:261268. Docter, R. F., F. Chelbi, B. M. Telmini, B. Bechtold, H. Koens, K. Schmidt, and W. V. Neer. 2003. Carthage Bir MassoudaPreliminary Report on the First Bilateral Excavations of Ghent University and the Institut National du Patrimoine (20022003). Bulletin antieke beschaving: babesch. 78:43. Engel, T., and W. Frey. 1996. Fuel Resources for Copper Smelting in Antiquity in Selected Woodlands in the Edom highlands to the Wadi Arabah/Jordan. Flora. Morphologie, Geobotanik, kologie. 191:2939. Faust, A., and Y. Ashkenazy. 2009. Settlement Fluctuations and Environmental Changes in Israels Coastal Plain during the Early Bronze Age. Levant 41:1939. Frame, L. 2010. Metallurgical Investigations at Godin Tepe, Iran, Part I: The Metal Finds. Journal of Archaeological Science 37:17001715. Franklin, A. D., J. S. Olin, and T. A. Wertime. 1978. The Search for Ancient Tin. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution and National Bureau of Standards. Galili, E., and N. Shmueli. 1982. A Cargo of Copper and Tin Ingots from the Sea of Haifa. Center for Maritime Studies News 8. Gophna, R., N. Liphschitz, and S. Lev-Yadun. 1987. Mans Impact on the Natural Vegetation on the Central Coastal Plain of Israel during the Chalcolithic Period and the Bronze Age. Tel Aviv 13:7184. Hansman, J. 1976. Gilgamesh, Humbaba and the Land of the Erin-Trees. Iraq 38:2335. Hauptmann, A., and B. Deutsches Bergbau-Museum. 2007. The Archaeometallurgy of Copper: Evidence from Faynan, Jordan. Berlin; New York: Springer. Horowitz, A. 1974. Preliminary Palynological Indications as to the Climate of Israel during the Last 6000 Years. Palorient 12:407414. Horowitz, A. 1979. The Quaternary of Israel. New York: Academic. Hughes, J. D., and J. V. Thirgood. 1982. Deforestation, Erosion, and Forest Management in Ancient Greece and Rome. Journal of Forest History 26:6075. Kenoyer, J. M., and H. M.-L. Miller. 1999. Metal Technologies of the Indus Valley Tradition in Pakistan and Western India. In The Archaeometallurgy of the Asian Old World, edited by V. C. Pigott, pp. 107152. Philadelphia: The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania. Lamberg-Karlovsky, C. C. 1972. Trade Mechanisms in Indus-Mesopotamian Interrelations. Journal of the American Oriental Society 92:222229. Larsen, M. T. 1982. Caravans and Trade in ancient Mesopotamia and Asia Minor. Bulletin of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies, pp. 3345. Lechtman, H. 1996. Arsenic Bronze: Dirty Copper or Chosen Alloy? A View from the Americas. Journal of Field Archaeology 23:477514. Maddin, R., T. Stech Wheeler, and J. D. Muhly. 1977. Tin in the Ancient Near East: Old Questions and New Finds. Expedition, Winter: 3547. Mazar, A. 1990. Archaeology of the Land of the Bible 10,000586 BCE. 1st edition. Anchor Bible Reference Library. New York: Doubleday. Miller, N. F. 1985. Paleoethnobotanical Evidence for Deforestation in Ancient Iran: A Case Study of Urban Malyan. Journal of Ethnobiology 5:119. Moorey, P. R. S. 1994. Ancient Mesopotamian Materials and Industries: The Archaeological Evidence. Oxford/New York: Clarendon Press.
Muhly, J. D. 1973. Copper and Tin; The Distribution of Mineral Resources and the Nature of the Metals Trade in the Bronze Age. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 43. New Haven. Muhly, J. D. 1985. Sources of Tin and the Beginnings of Bronze Metallurgy. American Journal of Archaeology 89:275291. Palmieri, A., F. Begemann, S. Schmitt-Strecker, and A. Hauptmann. 2002. Chemical Composition and Lead Isotopy of Metal Objects from the Royal Tomb and Other Related Finds at Arslantepe, Eastern Anatolia. Palorient 28:4370. Palumbo, G. 1990. The Early Bronze Age IV in the Southern Levant: Settlement Patterns, Economy, and Material Culture of a Dark Age. Contributi e Materiali di Archeologia Orientale 3. Rome: Universit di Roma La Sapienza. Philip, G. 1989. Metal Weapons of the Early and Middle Bronze Ages in SyriaPalestine. BAR International Series 526. Oxford: Archaeopress. Philip, G., P. W. Clogg, D. Dungworth, and S. Stos. 2003. Copper Metallurgy in the Jordan Valley from the Third to the First millennia BC: Chemical, Metallographic and Lead Isotope Analyses of Artefacts from Pella. Levant 35:71100. Rhead, E. L. 1935. Metallurgy. London: Longmans, Green and Co. Roberts, B. W., C. P. Thornton, and V. C. Pigott. 2009. Development of Metallurgy in Eurasia. Antiquity 83:10121022. Rosen, A. M. 1986. Environmental Change and Settlement at Tel Lachish, Israel. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 263:5560. Shalev, S., and J. P. Northover. 1987. Chalcolithic Metal and Metalworking from Shiqmim. In Shiqmim I: Studies Concerning Chalcolithic Societies in the Northern Negev Desert, Israel (19821984), edited by T. E. Levy, pp. 357371.BAR International Series 356. Oxford. Stein, G. J. 1999. Rethinking World Systems: Diasporas, Colonies and Interaction in Uruk Mesopotamia. Tuscon: University of Arizona. Stevenson, A. C., and R. J. Harrison. 1992. Ancient Forests in Spain: A Model for Land-Use and Dry Forest Management in South-west Spain from 4000 BC to 1900 AD. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 58:227247. Thornton, C. P., and T. Rehren. 2009. A truly Refractory Crucible from Fourth Millennium Tepe Hissar, Northeast Iran. Journal of Archaeological Science 36:27002712. Valsecchi, V. 2007. Vegetation and Environmental Changes during the Middle-Late Holocene at Tell Mishrifeh/Qatna: Climate Versus Land-Use. Urban and Natural Landscapes of an Ancient Syrian Capital: Settlement and Environment at Tell Mishrifeh/Qatna and in Central-Western Syria, Proceedings of the International Conference held in Udine, 9-11 December 2004, Udine, 2007, Edited by D.M. Bonacossi.Wilkinson, T. J. 1999. Holocene Valley Fills of Southern Turkey and Northwestern Syria: Recent Geoarchaeological Considerations. Quarternary Science Reviews 18:555571. Wilkinson, T. J. 2003. Archaeological Landscapes of the Near East. Tucson: University of Arizona. Yasuda, Y., H. Kitagawa, and T. Nakagawa. 2000. The Earliest Record of Major Anthropogenic Deforestation in the Ghab Valley, Northwest Syria: A Palynological Study. Quaternary International:The Journal of the International Union for Quaternary Research 7374:127136. Yener, K. A. 2000. The Domestication of Metals: The Rise of Complex Metal Industries in Anatolia. Studies in the Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 4. Boston: Brill.
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the history of the 14C dating method, it was understood that efforts to provide an effective means of accessing the literature dealing with the method would be a challenging undertaking. Frederick Johnson (19041994), who assembled a bibliography published in the rst issue of the journal Radiocarbon (Johnson 1959), was already well aware of this problem: even in his time, the method had been applied to a wide spectrum of scientic and humanities disciplines and topics. And yet Johnson could never have envisioned the international array of journals that would come to contain papers with information dealing with 14C method as both a dating and tracer isotopeincluding anthropology, archaeology, biochemistry, biology, the biomedical sciences, botany, chemistry, environmental science, forensic sciences, paleoanthropology, Quaternary geology and paleontology, geochemistry, geophysics, nuclear physics, paleoclimatology, and paleoceanography. Since English has been the principal vehicle of scientic publishing in the 14C research eld, this discussion will focus on English-language publications. The rst published bibliography of 14C was assembled by Hilde Levi for references from 1946 to 1954 (Levi 1955) which was followed by listings for the years 1956 and 1957 (Levi 1957). The only annotated bibliography of 14C literature assembled by a professional librarian was prepared for sources published between 1946 and 1968 as, rst, a pilot study (Polach 1980) and, then, as a book-length compendium (Polach 1988). This later work listed 14C literature in 14 categories. The categories included bibliographical works (Chapter 1), theoretical works (Chapter 2), techniques and instrumentation (Chapter 3), Conferences (Chapter 13), and Date Lists (Chapter 14). The remaining categories included separate listings of the elds of study to which 14C dating had
1. A longer version of this essay will appear in R. E. Taylor and Ofer BarYosef, Radiocarbon Dating: Archaeological Perspectives (Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, in preparation). 2. Department of Anthropology, UC Riverside, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA, and Keck Carbon Cycle Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, UC Irvine
been applied by 1968. This included general geology (Chapter 4), glacial geology (Chapter 5), ocean studies (Chapter 6), the Pleistocene (Chapter 7), and ve geographical areas of archaeological applications including Africa (Chapter 8), America (Chapter 9), Asia (Chapter 10), Europe (Chapter 11), and Oceania (Chapter 12). Any historically oriented bibliography of 14C dating would begin with Willard Libbys Radiocarbon Dating volume, which summarized some of the initial technical developments and experiments that constituted the foundations on which the method was initially based for the period from 1946 to the mid-1950s. It also contained the rst set of 14C dates, those produced by Libbys laboratory at the University of Chicago. The volume appeared in two editions (Libby 1952, 1955), along with a paperback version (Libby 1965) and hard-cover reprint of the 2nd edition that includes an addendum noting revised values for the contemporary specic activity of natural 14 C, revisions in the 14C half-life value, and initial considerations of the possibilities of systematic variations in 14C values before 4000 BP. This addendum notes that solid carbon decay counting had been made obsolete in the mid-1950s with the development of gas and liquid scintillation decay counting. In addition to the comments of Libby (1967, 1970a, 1970b, 1973, 1979a, 1979b, 1982) relating his own views on the history of the method, other reections and commentaries on various aspects of the history of the development of the technique at Chicago include those of Arnold (1992), Marloe (1980, 1999), de Messires (2001), Suess (1992), and Taylor (1985, 2000a, 2000b). Since the mid-1950s, each decade has witnessed the appearance of book-, chapter-, and journallength papers summarizing the method and its applications as it was viewed when the various contributions appeared. Taken together, they collectively constitute an archive of historical overviews of the development of the method as of their publication date. The most comprehensive of these works (listed in chronological order) include Broecker and Kulp (1956), Polach and Golson (1966), Olsson (1968), Willis (1969), Ralph (1971), Tite (1972: 7690), Michels (1973), Aitken (1974), Ralph and Michael (1974), Polach (1976), Ogden (1977), Taylor (1978),
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Mook and Streurman (1983), Gillespie (1984), Terasmae (1984), Mook and Waterbolk (1985), Taylor (1987), Delibrias (1989), Aitken (1990: 56119), Bowman (1990), Geyh and Schleicher (1990: 162180), Goh (1991), Taylor (1996, 1997, 2000a, 2001), Trumbore (2000), and Walker (2005: 1755). A comprehensive discussion of low-level counting technology as applied to 14C dating can be found in Theodorsson (1996). The use of 14C as a tracer isotope in carbon cycle and environmental studies has been reviewed by Cook et al. (2010). In addition to these items, there is, of course, a wide assortment of discussions of radiocarbon dating in various types of encyclopedias and other reference works. For the rst three decades of 14C dating studies, the primary bibliographic source for individual 14C age determinations were date lists prepared by the various radiocarbon laboratories. The custom of publishing 14C determinations in this form began with the University of Chicago laboratory (Arnold and Libby 1950, 1951). As each laboratory came online, an alphabetic code abbreviation was selected: for example, C (= University of Chicago), GRN (= Groningen), BLN (= Berlin), LE (= Leningrad/Saint Petersburg), QL (= Quaternary Isotope Laboratory, University of Washington), UCLA (= University of California, Los Angeles), UCR (= University of California, Riverside), Gif (= Gif sur Yvette (France), NZ (= New Zealand), U (= Uppsala (Sweden), A (= University of Arizona), and others. When alphabetic codes were prexed to numerical values (e.g., C-530, QL-1320, UCLA-2340), they represented a unique laboratory code assigned to each sample. In some cases, multiple samples from the same site or context were assigned the same number but separate letter codes were added (e.g., QL-1320A, QL-1320B, QL-1320C, etc.). With the development of AMS laboratories in the late 1970s, the same custom of assigning letter designations was continued: for example, OxA (= Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit, United Kingdom), CAMS (= Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA), and UCIAMS (= Keck Carbon Cycle Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, University of California, Irvine). Where the same institution maintained both a decay counting and AMS facility, codes distinguishing the two laboratories were assigned. For example, while the decay counting laboratory in the Department of Geosciences at the University of Arizona used A as their code, whereas the AMS laboratory in the Department of Physics used AA. Date lists have been published in a sequentially numbered series (e.g., University of Arizona Radiocarbon Dates I, University of Arizona Radiocarbon Dates II, etc.). The journal Radiocarbon periodically publishes a listing of laboratory codes (e.g., Radiocarbon 52, no. 4: 17011724 [2010]). Originally, laboratories were listed alphabetically. Currently, the listings of laboratories are separated in different sections by the nation in which they are located. With the advent of AMS laboratories, the decay and AMS laboratories were listed in separate sections.
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The specialized journal devoted originally to the publication of 14C date lists began in 1959 as an annual publication, the Radiocarbon Supplement to the American Journal of Science. It was undertaken in large part because the editor of the journal Science had become concerned by the amount of space given over to the publication of 14C date lists in that journal in the late 1950s (Deevey 1984). By the third volume of this series (1961), the title was shortened to simply Radiocarbon. This journal expanded to two issues per year in 1958, three issues per year beginning in 1973, and, beginning in 2009, became a quarterly publication. Beginning with the Eleventh International Radiocarbon Conference held in Seattle, Washington in 1983, the proceedings of the International Radiocarbon Conferences have been published in Radiocarbon along with major policy statements reecting international agreements dealing with the standard treatment of 14C values (e.g., Long 2000). Publication of the proceedings of the European-based Radiocarbon and Archaeology Conferences are now being published by Radiocarbon. The sixth in the series of these conferences, which began in 1981, was held in Paphos, Cyprus, in 2011. In 1989, Radiocarbon became an international journal of cosmogenic isotope research and the number of laboratory date lists decreased, superseded by general research articles, technical notes, and a few book reviews. A number of both the pioneering and second-generation decay counting laboratories discontinued operations as their directors retired. But a much larger number of newer laboratories have been established and developed in all parts of the world, and AMS facilities have added to the total number. Because of this, although there has not been a net decrease in the number of laboratories undertaking 14C measurements, an increasing number have chosen not to prepare and publish their date lists. This is particularly true of certain commercial laboratories, which, from the very beginning of their operations, viewed the 14C age determinations that they produced as proprietary datathat is, the private property of the clients who paid for the analysis. The advent of AMS technology also increased dramatically the number of 14C analyses produced. The Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit, an AMS laboratory that focuses its attention on archaeological samples, continued the practice of publishing results of its AMS 14C analysis in a modied early Radiocarbon date list format. Beginning in 1984, these results have been published at least annually in the journal Archaeometry. The advent and rapid expansion of the World Wide Web, the creation of websites containing information and materials relevant to 14C studies, and the development of various types of search engines have obviously dramatically expanded the resources now available for retrieving information dealing with the wide range of applications of 14C to various disciplines. Current and all back issues of Radiocarbon are available online at www.radiocarbon.org. That website also provides links to reliable sources of information about the technique. Entering radiocarbon dating as a query term in any search
engine will, of course, pull up literally tens of thousands of hits. Regrettably, as is the case with any information obtained from a web-based resource, it can be difcult for a nonspecialist to evaluate the accuracy of most of the information these sites provide. Sadly, a database that was originally designed to contain the entire corpus of 14C determinations was begun but not continued. This retrieval system for 14C dates was devised by the Radiocarbon Dates Association, Inc., utilizing edge-punched card les employing needle-sorting. Unfortunately, the time required to sort through large groups of cards became excessive as the number of individual dates dramatically increased in the 1970s and the system was discontinued. A very useful index for early 14C values associated with archaeological materials was assembled by Arthur J. Jelinek, who arranged dates published through 1961 on a geographical basis (Jelinek 1962). Despite the efforts of a number of investigators, no retrieval system was developed that would create and maintain a worldwide comprehensive database for 14C age determinations. Several types of 14C data retrieval approaches employing computer-based systems have been proposed, and some have been implemented for selected topics or regions (e.g., Taylor et al. 1968; Gulliksen 1983; Moffett and Webb 1983; Otlet and Walker 1983: 103), but no comprehensive system was ever supported and none currently exist. Several laboratories maintain publicly accessible Internet databases of the measurements carried out in their laboratory (e.g., Strydonck and Roock 2011). In the absence of a comprehensive worldwide database, specialized topical and regional compilations have been developed (e.g. Gajewski et al. 2011). An important venue for the dissemination of research data in 14C studies has been periodic international radiocarbon conferences. The rst formal gatherings were held in 1954, in Copenhagen for European scholars and in Andover, Massachusetts, for North American scientists. The rst international radiocarbon conference was held in Cambridge, England, in the summer of 1955. Although prepared papers were presented at the third conference held in Andover in 1956, these papers were not published. The rst formal publication of the papers presented at an international radiocarbon conference was begun with the Sixth International Conference held in 1965 at Washington State University in Pullman, Washington, USA (Chatters and Olson 1965). Since that time, the international radiocarbon conferences have been held on approximately a triennial basis. The Twenty-First International Conference will be held in Paris, France in 2012. A second series of meetings concerned initially to a large degree with 14 C applications was inaugurated as a result of the introduction of accelerator mass spectrometry. The rst AMS conference was held at the University of Rochester in the spring of 1978, and an approximately triennial schedule for these meetings has been maintained. The twelfth AMS conference was held in Wellington, New Zealand in 2011.
The development of the calibration and correlation of the C time scale has occupied the attention of a number of 14C research groups for more than four decades. The rst paper to include data that addressed this issue was Variations in Concentration of Radiocarbon with Time and Location on Earth by the pioneering Dutch researcher Hessel de Vries (de Vries 1958; Willis 1998). Beginning in the late 1960s, the rst major calibration plot was developed by Hans Suess (19091993) of the University of California, San Diego (La Jolla/Mt. Soledad) Laboratory, employing primarily a series of dendrochronologically-dated bristlecone pine samples produced by Wesley Ferguson of the University of Arizona Tree-Ring Laboratory (Suess 1970, 1978). Suess rst paper on this topic appeared in the volume entitled Radiocarbon Variations and Absolute Chronology (Olsson 1970), which included papers presented at a Nobel symposium, the rst conference to consider the effects on archaeological chronology of the systematic age offsets in 14C time. By way of a historical footnote, Suess had a rare iron silicide mineral (Fe3Si), Suessite, named after him (Keil et al. 1982), although it would have seemed somewhat more appropriate to have named it after his grandfather, a noted Austrian geologist, Eduard Suess. Periodic summaries of the status of 14C calibration research appeared in Radiocarbon in 1986, 1993, 1998, 2000, 2004, and 2009. The Calibration Issue (Stuiver and Kra 1986), Calibration 1993 (Stuiver et al. 1993), INTCAL 98: Calibration Issue (Stuiver and van der Plicht 1998), and 14 C Varve/Comparison Issue (van der Plicht, ed. 2000) contained compendiums of the primary 14C calibration, provided a summary overview of the status of the 14C calibration and comparison data and explicit denitions of calibration in the context of radiocarbon studies. The internationally agreed-upon consensus of calibration and comparison data was assembled in 2004 as IntCal04 (Reimer et al. 2004) and in 2009 as IntCal09 (Reimer et al. 2009). IntCal12 is planned for publication in 2012 (Paula Reimer, personal communication 2011). Currently, the principal computer-based approaches to the utilization of 14C calibration data include, in their constantly updated versions, CALIB (Stuiver and Reimer 1993; Stuiver et al. 2005), CAL (van de Plicht 1993), CalibETH (Nichlaus et al. 1992), Oxcal (Bronk Ramsey 1994), and CALPal (Jris and Weninger 1998). Results of the application of 14C dating in different disciplines have been periodically summarized. A volume commemorating four decades of radiocarbon studies, Radiocarbon After Four Decades: An Interdisciplinary Perspective (Taylor et al. 1992) reviewed the major contributions of 14C as a dating and tracer isotope in the period from its introduction to the early 1990s in archaeology, biomedical research, carbon cycle studies, earth sciences, environmental studies, hydrology, oceanography, and palynology. In 2000, a special issue of Radiocarbon in honor of Renee Kra, the managing editor of the journal for nearly three decades, contained a series of articles addressing the contribution of 14C in Old and New World
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archaeology, geophysics, solar physics, and astrophysics, and in research on the carbon cycle in the oceans and terrestrial ground waters. In 2009, Radiocarbon celebrated 50 years of publication with a Golden Anniversary edition with a series of papers on applications, development, and historical perspectives including articles devoted to discussions of the impacts of 14C on the conduct of both Old World (Kuzmin 2009) and New World (Taylor 2009) archaeology.
Aitken, M. J. 1974. Physics and Archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Aitken, M. J. 1990. Science-based dating in archaeology. London: Longman. Arnold, J. R. 1992. The Early Years with Libby at Chicago: A Retrospective (with R. L. Schuch). In Radiocarbon after Four Decades: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, ed. R. E. Taylor, A. Long, R. S. Kra, pp. 310. New York: Springer-Verlag. Arnold, J. R. and W. F. Libby. 1950. Radiocarbon Dates (September 1, 1950). The University of Chicago, Institute for Nuclear Studies. Arnold, J. R. and W. F. Libby. 1951. Radiocarbon dates. Science 113: 111-120. Bowman, S. G. E. 1990. Interpreting the Past: Radiocarbon Dating. London: British Museum Publications. Broecker, W. S., and J. L .Kulp. 1956. The Radiocarbon Method of Age Determination. American Antiquity 22: 111. Bronk Ramsey, C. 1994. Analysis of Chronological Information and Radiocarbon Calibration: The Program OxCal. Archaeological and Computing Newsletter 41: 1116. Chatters, R. M., and E. A., Olson, compilers. 1965. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference Radiocarbon and Tritium Dating. Springeld: Clearinghouse for Federal Scientic and Technical Information. Cook, G. T., E. M. Scott, and D. D. Harkness. 2010. Radiocarbon as a Tracer in the Global Carbon Cycle. In Environmental Radionuclides: Tracers and Timers of Terrestrial Processes, ed. K. Froehlich, pp. 89138. Radioactivity in the Environment, Vol. 16. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Delibrias, G. 1989. Carbon-14. In Nuclear Methods of Dating, ed. E. Roth and B. Poty, pp. 399433. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Deevey, E. S., Jr. 1984. Zero BP plus 34: 34 Years of Radiocarbon. Radiocarbon 26: 16. Gajewski, K., S. Munoz, M. Peros, A. Viau, R. Morlan, and M. Betts. 2011. The Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Database (CARD): Archaeological 14C Dates in North America and Their Paleoenvironmental Context. Radiocarbon 53: 371394. Geyh, M. A., and H. Schleicher. 1990. Absolute Age Determination: Physical and Chemical Dating Methods and Their Application. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Gillespie, R. 1984. Radiocarbon Users Handbook. Oxford: Oxonian Rawley Press. Goh, K. M. 1991. Carbon Dating. In Carbon Isotope Techniques, ed. D. C. Colman and B. Fry, pp. 125145. San Diego: Academic Press. Gulliksen, S. 1983. Radiocarbon Database: A Pilot Project. Radiocarbon 25: 661666. Jelinek, A. J. 1962. An Index of Radiocarbon Dates Associated with Cultural Materials. Current Anthropology 3: 451477. Johnson, F. 1959. A Bibliography of Radiocarbon Dating. Radiocarbon 1: 199214. Jris, O., and B. Weninger. 1998. Extension of the 14C Calibration Curve to ca. 40,000 cal BC by Synchronizing Greenland 18O/16O Ice Core Records and North Atlantic Foraminifera Proles: A Comparison with U/Th Coral Data. Radiocarbon 40: 495504. Keil, K., J. L. Berkley, and L. H. Fuchs. 1982. Suessite, Fe3Si: A New Mineral in the North Haig Urelite. American Mineralogist 67: 126132. Kuzmin, Y. V. 2009. Radiocarbon and Old World Archaeology: Shaping a Chronological Framework. Radiocarbon 51:149-172. Levi, H. 1955. Bibliography of radiocarbon dating. Quaternaria 2:257-263. Levi, H. 1957. Bibliography of radiocarbon dating. Quaternaria 4:205-210.
Libby, W. F. 1952. Radiocarbon Dating. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Libby, W. F. 1955. Radiocarbon Dating. 2nd edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Libby, W. F. 1965. Radiocarbon Dating. 2nd edition (1st Phoenix edition). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Libby, W. F. 1967. History of Radiocarbon Dating. In Radioactive Dating and Methods of Low Level Counting, pp. 325. Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency. Libby, W. F. 1970a. Radiocarbon Dating. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 269A: 110. Libby, W. F. 1970b. Ruminations on Radiocarbon Dating. In Radiocarbon Variations and Absolute Chronology, ed. I. U. Olsson, pp. 629640. Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell. Libby, W. F. 1973. Radiocarbon Dating, Memories and Hopes. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Radiocarbon Conference, comp. T. A. Rafter and T. Grant-Taylor, pp. xxviixliii. Wellington: Royal Society of New Zealand. Libby, W. F. 1979a. Interview with Willard F. Libby, by Greg Marlowe. New York: American Institute of Physics. Libby, W. F. 1979b. Radiocarbon Dating in the Future: Thirty Years after Inception. Environment International 2: 205207. Libby, W. F. 1982. Nuclear Dating, An Historical Perspective. In Nuclear and Chemical Dating Techniques Interpreting the Environmental Record, ed. L. A. Currie, pp. 14. Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society. . Long, A. 2000. Radiocarbon: Brief History of a Journal. Radiocarbon 42 (1): xviixx. Marlowe, G. 1980. W. F. Libby and the Archaeologists, 19461948. Radiocarbon 22: 10051014. Marlowe, G. 1999. Year One: Radiocarbon Dating and American Archaeology, 19471948. American Antiquity 64: 931. de Messires, N. 2001. Libby and the Interdisciplinary Aspect of Radiocarbon Dating. Radiocarbon 43: 15. Michels, J. W. 1973. Radiocarbon Dating. Chapter 9 in Dating Methods in Archaeology, by J. W. Michels. New York: Seminar Press. Moffett, J. C., and R. E. Webb. 1983. Database Management Systems, Radiocarbon and Archaeology. Radiocarbon 25: 667668. Mook, W. G., and H. J. Streurman. 1983. Physical and Chemical Aspects of Radiocarbon Dating. In 14C and Archaeology, ed. W. G. Mook and H. T. Waterbolk, pp. 3154. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Mook, W. G., and H. T. Waterbolk. 1985. Radiocarbon Dating. Handbook for Archaeologists No. 3. Strasbourg: European Science Foundation. Nicklaus, T. R., G. Bonani, M. Simonius, M. Suter, and W, Woli. 1992. Calibeth: An Interactive Computer Program for the Calibration of Radiocarbon Dates. Radiocarbon 34: 483492. Ogden, J. G. 1977. The Use and Abuse of Radiocarbon Dating. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 288: 167188. Olsson, I. U. 1968. Modern Aspects of Radiocarbon Dating. Earth-Science Reviews 4: 203218. Olsson, I. U., editor. 1970. Radiocarbon Variations and Absolute Chronology. Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell. Otlet, R. L., and A. J. Walker. 1983. The Computer Writing of Radiocarbon Reports and Further Developments in the Storage and Retrieval of Archaeological Data. In 14C and Archaeology, ed. W. G. Mook and H. T. Waterbolk, pp. 91105. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Polach, D. 1980. The First 20 Years of Radiocarbon Dating: An Annotated Bibliography, a Pilot Study, 194868. Radiocarbon 22: 9971004. Polach, D. 1988. Radiocarbon Dating Literature: The First 20 Years, 19471968: An Annotated Bibliography. New York: Academic Press. Polach, H. A. 1976. Radiocarbon Dating as a Research Tool in Archaeology Hopes and Limitations. In Ancient Chinese Bronzes and Southeast Asian Metal and Other Archaeological Artifacts, pp. 255298, ed. N. Barnard. Victoria: National Gallery of Victoria. Polach, H. A., and J. Golson. 1966. Collection of Specimens for Radiocarbon Dating and Interpretation of Results. Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Manual No. 2. Canberra.
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Ralph, E. K. 1971. Carbon-14 Dating. In Dating Techniques for the Archaeologist, ed. H. N. Michael and E. K. Ralph, pp. 148. Cambridge: MIT Press. Ralph, E. K., and H. N. Michael. 1974. Twenty-ve Years of Radiocarbon Dating. American Scientist 62: 553560. Reimer, P. J., M. G. L. Baillie, E. Bard, A. Bayliss, J. W. Beck, C. J. H. Bertrand, P. G. Blackwell, C. E. Buck, G. S. Burr, K. B. V. Cutler, P. E. Damon, R. L. Edwards, R. G. Fairbanks, M. Friedrich, T. P. Guklderson, A. G. Hogg, K. A. Hughen, B. Kromer, G. McCormac, S. Manning, C. Bronk Ramsey, R. W. Reimer, S. Remmele, J. R. Southon, M. Stuiver, S. Talamo, F. W. Taylor, J. van der Plicht, and C. E. Weyhenmeyer. 2004. IntCal04 Terrestrial Radiocarbon Age Calibration, 026 cal kyr BP. Radiocarbon 46 (3): 10291058. Reimer, P. J, M. G. L. Baillie, E. Bard, A. Bayliss, J. W. Beck, P. G. Blackwell, C. Bronk Ramsey, C. E. Buck, G. S. Burr, R. L. Edwards, M. Friedrich, P. M. Grootes, T. P. Guilderson, I. Hajdas, T. J. Heaton, A. G. Hogg, K. A. Hughen, K. F. Kaiser, B. Kromer, F. G. McCormac, S. W. Manning, R. W. Reimer, D. A. Richards, J. R. Southon, S. Talamo, C. S. M. Turney, J. van der Plicht, and C. E. Weyhenmeyer. 2009. Intcal09 and Marine09 Radiocarbon Age Calibration Curves, 050,000 Years Cal BP. Radiocarbon 51: 11111150. Strydonck, M. V., and E. D. Roock. 2011. Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage Web-Base Radiocarbon Database. Radiocarbon 53: 367370. Stuiver, M., and R. Kra, editors. 1986. Calibration Issue. Radiocarbon 28: 8051030. Stuiver, M., and P. J. Reimer. 1993. Extended 14C Data Base and Revised CALIB 3.0 14C Age Calibration Program. Radiocarbon 35: 215230. Stuiver, M., and J. van der Plicht, editors. 1998. INTCAL 98: Calibration Issue. Radiocarbon 40: iii1160. Stuiver, M., A. Long, and R. S. Kra, editors. 1993. Calibration 1993. Radiocarbon 35:1244. Struiver, M., P. J. Reimer, and R. Reimer. 2005. Calib Manual. www.calib. qub.ac.uk. Suess, H. E. 1970. Bristlecone-pine Calibration of Radiocarbon Time 5200 B.C. to Present. In Radiocarbon Variations and Absolute Chronology, ed. I. U. Olsson, pp. 303312. Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell. Suess, H. E. 1978. La Jolla Measurements of Radiocarbon in Tree-Ring Dated Wood. Radiocarbon 20: 118. Suess, H. E. 1992. The Early Radiocarbon Years: Personal Reections. In Radiocarbon after Four Decades An Interdisciplinary Perspective, ed. R. E. Taylor, A. Long, and R. S. Kra, pp. 1116. New York: Springer-Verlag. Taylor, R. E. 1978. Radiocarbon Dating: An Archaeological Perspective. In Archaeological Chemistry II, ed. G. F. Carter, pp. 3369. Advances in Chemistry Series, No. 171. Washington D.C.: American Chemical Society. Taylor, R. E. 1985. The Beginnings of Radiocarbon Dating in American Antiquity: An Historical Perspective. American Antiquity 50: 309325.
Taylor, R. E. 1987. Radiocarbon Dating: An Archaeological Perspective. Orlando: Academic Press. Taylor, R. E. 1996. Radiocarbon Dating: The Continuing Revolution. Evolutionary Anthropology 4: 169181. Taylor, R. E. 1997. Radiocarbon dating. In Chronometric Dating in Archaeology, ed. R. E. Taylor and M. J. Aitken, pp. 65-96. New York: Plenum Press.. Taylor, R. E. 2000a. Fifty Years of Radiocarbon Dating. American Scientist 88: 6067. Taylor, R. E. 2000b. The Contribution of Radiocarbon Dating to New World Archaeology. Radiocarbon 42: 121. Taylor, R. E. 2001. Radiocarbon Dating. In Handbook of Archaeological Sciences, ed. D. R. Brothwell and A. M. Pollard, pp. 2334. London: John Wiley & Sons. Taylor, R. E. 2009. Six Decades of Radiocarbon Dating in New World Archaeology. Radiocarbon 51: 173-212. Taylor, R. E., R. Berger, and B. Dimsdale. 1968. Electronic Dating Processing for Radiocarbon Dates. American Antiquity 33: 180184. Taylor, R. E., R. Kra, and A. Long, editors. 1992. Radiocarbon after Four Decades: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. New York: Springer-Verlag. Terasmae, J. 1984. Radiocarbon Dating: Some Problems and Potential Developments. In Quaternary Dating Methods, ed. W. C. Mahaney, pp. 116. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Theodrsson, P. 1996. Measurement of Weak Radioactivity . Singapore: World Scientic. Tite, M. S. 1972. Methods of Physical Examination in Archaeology. New York: Seminar Press. Trumbore, S. E. 2000. Radiocarbon Geochronology. In Quaternary Geochronology, Methods and Applications, ed. J. S. Noller, J. M. Sowers, and W. R. Lettis, pp. 4160. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union. van der Plicht, J. 1993. The Groningen Radiocarbon Calibration Program. Radiocarbon 35: 231237. van der Plicht, J. 2000. Introduction. In 14C Varve/Comparison Issue, ed. J. van der Plicht. Radiocarbon 42: 313322. Van der Plicht, J, editor. 2000. 14C Varve/Comparison Issue. Radiocarbon 42: 313482. de Vries, H. 1958. Variations in Concentration of Radiocarbon with Time and Location on Earth. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen Series B. 61:1. Walker, M. J. C. 2005. Quaternary Dating Methods. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. Willis, E. H. 1969. Radiocarbon Dating. In Science in Archaeology, A Survey of Progress and Research, ed. D. Brothwell and D. Higgs, pp. 4657. 2nd edition. Bristol: Thames and Hudson. Willis, E. H. 1998. Hessel de Vries and the Groningen Laboratory: Recollections of Pioneers in Radiocarbon Dating. Radiocarbon 40: viviii.
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scientic journals such as Science or Nature reveals that the majority of scientic articles are nowadays frequently credited to more than one author. This phenomenon is also reected in archaeological and anthropological research, where peer-reviewed, edited publications have become increasingly the norm. Apart from the consequences that this may have for the allocation of academic credit, it also requires a change in attitude from individual authors. Based on my personal experience as an author, coauthor, editor and reviewer, I would like to put forward some thoughts on the latter which can be summarized into the three one-liners discussed in some detail below.
of DNA,2 for instance, was published without peer-review because the editor of Nature at the timeJohn Maddoxfeared that no referee would be able to keep information so self-evident condential. More often, innovative ideas are rejected after peerreview, although most are eventually published if the author is sufciently persistent. Most famously this happened to Paul Lauterbur,3 who was later awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the idea of using nuclear magnetic resonance to produce images (MRI); and to Stephen W. Hawking,4 whose idea of black hole radiation was not only theoretically sound, but recently experimentally proven. Both these articles were eventually published in Nature,5 but not without rst being rejected for reasons that in retrospect seem shortsighted. On the other hand, almost thirty articles based on data fabricated by Jan Hendrik Schn were published between 1998 and 2001 in, among others, Science and Nature. These articles were later retracted,6 but the incident clearly illustrates the third and nal of the weaknesses of the peer-review system listed above. Despite these issues, experiments with open peer-review and post-publication peer-review, and the rise of online publicationsstill rather a free-for-allthe system of anonymous peer-review still seems the best of all the bad systems imaginable. The need for peer-review is obvious from the large number of unreliable, misinformed, biased, and (sometimes deliberately) misleading entries on the Internet, where there is far more chaff than wheat to be found, while the more reliable pages resemble peer-reviewed journal pages in a digital format. This quickly becomes evident after entering a query such as pyramids aliens into a search engine instead of visiting a trusted website like the UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology. Obviously the Internet is the quintessential embodiment of freedom of expression and the power of information, but at the hands of ignorant, unscrupulous, and malicious people it becomes an effective weapon of intellectual mass destruction. It is telling that even Wikipedia had to abandon its system of crowd sourcing in favor of a system reminiscent of peer-review. That the same applies to the printed media was demonstrated in 1996 through an experiment of Alan Sokal, professor of physics at New York University.7 He
2. See J. D. Watson and F. H. C. Crick (1953), A structure for deoxyribose nucleic acid, Nature 171: 737738. 3. See P. C. Lauterbur (1973), Image formation by induced local interactions: Examples employing nuclear magnetic resonance, Nature 242 :190191. 4. See S. W. Hawking (1974), Black hole explosions? Nature 248: 3031. 5. See Editorial (2003), Coping with peer rejection, Nature 425: 645. 6. See Z. Bao, B. Batlogg, S. Berg, A. Dodabalapur, R.C. Haddon, H. Hwang, C. Kloc, H. Meng and J. H. Schn (2002), Retraction, Science 298: 961; J. H. Schn, C. Kloc, E. Bucher and B. Batlogg (2003), Retraction, Nature 422: 93. 7. See A. D. Sokal (1996), Transgressing the boundaries: Towards a transformative hermeneutics of quantum gravity, Social Text 46/47: 217252.
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managed to get an article liberally salted with nonsense published in the academic but, at the time, not peer-reviewed journal Social Text because, according to Sokal,8 it sounded good and attered the editors ideological preconceptions. Around the same time Sokal revealed in the journal Lingua Franca that the article was a pastiche of left-wing cant, fawning references, grandiose quotations, and outright nonsense. Nobody enjoys receiving critique on an article or chapter that has been months or even years in the making. Given that some reviewers, editors or collaborators can be more brusque than others, it remains crucial for authors not to respond to rst instincts, but rather to think before taking any action. After the rst rage subsides, the awareness will emerge that if this particular colleague, editor or reviewer had problems with certain paragraphs or statements, the same is likely true for other readers, possibly even most readers. This is the right starting point for taking the opinion of the rst independent but knowledgeable reader seriously and for using it as an opportunity for improvement before the text is printed and can no longer be amended.
This minimalist dictum was taken from the poem Andrea del Sarto (Called The Faultless Painter) by Robert Browning (18121889) and brought back into the public awareness by architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (18861969). Originally intended to apply to the visual arts and architecture, including the design of buildings, furniture and clothing, the adage was also adopted by authors such as Samuel Beckett, Charles Bukowski and Ernest Hemingway. It is most certainly relevant to scientic and scholarly writing where describing observations and expressing ideas needs to be both comprehensive and succinct. At a more basic level, the directive applies to commas, italics, quotation marks, footnotes or endnotes, abbreviations, jargon and words from another language. These should be used as sparingly as possible, only where necessary for understanding the text, and never to introduce ambiguity or to demonstrate the erudition of the author. When an editor or reviewer remarks on their excessive use, this should certainly be reconsidered and probably corrected.
author has spent long hours nding a pun to use in the title or the most creative sentence ever to appear in print, it is grueling to learn that others do not understand or like the way that things are phrased and advise revision or even removal. In other words, they advise the author to kill her or his darling. This is obviously infuriating, but it again has to be realized that if the rst independent reader had problems with this particular section, the same is probably true for most other readers. It is for this reason that this advice is repeated in all textbooks on journalism, creative writing, and lmmaking. Two specic issues that are at the root of many disputes between authors and editors need to be mentioned here. First is the obligation of the author to conform to the house style of the journal or publisher, especially concerning the format of bibliographical references. Second is the phrasing of the title, which should be the shortest summary of the text.9 It should thus not be a question;10 and if a colon is to be used, both the title and the subtitle should make immediate sense to all readers.11 Having a question, a pun or a quote in the title only makes it more difcult to gauge the contents and relevance of the text and does not benet anyone.12 In general, the whole text should be comprehensible for any informed and interested reader, even if she or he has no detailed knowledge of its background or signicance. The best way to check for this is to hand the text to such readers, for instance graduate students, and take any resulting remarks, suggestions, and additions profoundly seriously. The authors next step would be to privately request recognized specialists in the subject of the research to read and comment on the manuscript. If anything, this will prepare the author for possibly even more severe feedback in the form of the remarks by peer-reviewers or the editor. It must always be kept in mind that the assignment of the reviewers and the editor is to improve the product and to protect author(s) and publisher from settling on a mediocre publication. n
9. For instance, A. Martindale and K. Supernant (2009), Quantifying the defensiveness of defended sites on the Northwest Coast of North America, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 28: 191204. 10. For instance, F. Diez-Martn, P. Snchez, M. Domnguez-Rodrigo, A. Mabulla and R. Barba (2009), Were Olduvai Hominins making butchering tools or battering tools? Analysis of a recently excavated lithic assemblage from BK (Bed II, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania), Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 28: 274289. 11. For instance, J. P. Hart and H. J. Brumbach (2009), On pottery change and northern Iroquoian origins: An assessment from the Finger Lakes region of central New York, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 28: 367381. 12. For instance, K. A. Spielmann, T. Clark, D. Hawkey, K. Rainey and S. K. Fish (2009), being weary, they had rebelled: Pueblo subsistence and labor under Spanish colonialism, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 28: 102125.
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an intense reection on the ultimate validity of our eldwork in foreign lands. Identied as we become with the people, committed as we are to recover their territorial past, engaged as we still remain in the more esoteric dimensions of our research, the question of relevance emerges with urgency. Such is the case, today, with regard to our eldwork in Syria. We are identied, we are committed, we are engagedwe denitely have come to feel foreign no more, because of our attitude, because of their openness. Our heart is very much in Mozan while our mind dwells on Urkesh. Our heart is in the streets of Syria today, even while our mind seeks to dene something as seemingly remote as Late Chalcolithic 3 pottery. Seemingly remote? How could such abstractions not be remote when people are dying in the streets? But they do, strongly, matter, because the whole effort ultimately evokes and nurtures the sense of dignity that sustains us humans when everything else collapses around us. As archaeologists, we serve as purveyors of a past in which the present sinks roots that are all the deeper when the sense of identity is under attack. We come to feel that in some
unexpected way, the Syrians of today can also lean on the Syrians of yesteryear whom we help bring back to light. We have, unwittingly, prepared for this. We have prepared as we have been striving to conserve the fragile mud-brick walls of four and more millennia ago, as we have been endowing this remote past with faces and names, as we have been showing how the delicate disentangling of ruins from the grip of the earth is laden with meaning. We have prepared because, in doing this, the people affectedwe who dig, and they who live the resultshave become jointly empowered with the richness of memory. And this memory is the treasure to be defended. Thus it is that we feel condent that, having become the guardians of memory, the Syrians of Mozan will protect the Syrians of Urkesh. Thus it is that the Syrians of yesteryear can in turn lean on the Syrians of today. Communication is the start of preservation. Alongside conservation, alongside interpretation. Communication conceived as education. An education that educates us as much as them, as we all learn, together, that to attribute meaning is to afrm relevance. n
1. Founding Director of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA, Departments of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures and of History, UCLA.
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L. Pierces research on the Egyptian pottery assemblage from Jaffa (Israel) exhibited how the continued production of pottery abroad contributed to the sustainability of Egyptian cultural identity there. Lastly, Joseph (Seppi) Lehner discussed innovations in technology and political economy during the Anatolian Iron Age, especially how metal technology served as a proxy for economic and political behavior, while Ben Shepard spoke about the political economic implications of shifting burial practices in the Middle Holocene, examining several sites of the Cis-Baikal area in Siberia. In the afternoon, a poster session was presented. It was an exciting day of interesting lectures, presentations, and discussions, which serve as a testament to the depth, diversity, and intellectual curiosity of the body of graduate students at the Cotsen Institute. Furthermore, it displayed the unique collaborative and interdisciplinary nature of the interdepartmental graduate program, which includes students from anthropology, archaeology, classics, Near Eastern languages and cultures, and art history. HADLEY JENSEN, Editorial Assistant, Backdirt
John Papadopoulos, Professor and Chair of the Archaeology Graduate Interdepartmental Program, opened the day, followed by a series of student lectures and presentations organized by themeHistorical Environments, Shifting Populations, and Materiality and Value. Three students spoke to each theme and represented a wide range of time periods, regions, and topics in archaeological research. Lana Martin discussed paleoenvironmental instability and plant resource availability on Santa Cruz Island. She was followed by Brett Kaufman, who spoke about metallurgical responses to deforestation in the Early and Middle Bronze Age southern Levant. Ryan Roberts talked about Levantine archaeoseismology, Eric Fries discussed his survey project at a rural Mayan site in Belize, and Karl La Favre spoke about hunter-gatherers in the Lake Titicaca Basin, Peru. Katherine Brunson focused on animal use and exploitation as it relates to social complexity in Late Neolithic China, and Krystal V.
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The UCLA Keck Digital Cultural Mapping Program student project showcase
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that will shape the future of scholarship. This spring, ten of the best undergraduate and graduate student projects produced in courses associated with the Keck program were showcased in a digital poster session at the Faculty Club. Awards were presented for the top three projects, with rst prize going to Guowei Zhang, who used GIS, Google Earth and 3D modeling to investigate the impact of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao on the economy and culture of the city. Second place went to Patrick Tran and Andy Trang, who used the online mapping platform Hypercities to build a narrative following the lives of two Holocaust survivors. Kevin Lloyds project, which won third prize, used 3D modeling to recreate early phases of the Roman Circus Maximus. Also showcased were the projects of Cotsen graduate student Anke Hein (presented by Jack Davey), on her work using GIS to map graves in Sichuan, Southwest China, as well as a collaborative GIS mapping project on the necropolis of Sakkara, Egypt, as part of a class taught by Keck program coordinator Elaine Sullivan. The showcase was a great success, highlighting how geospatial technologies are quickly becoming adopted in the study of the modern and ancient world. A number of Cotsen faculty, including Willeke Wendrich (the Keck program director), Hans Barnard, Diane Favro, and Min Li have participated in the Keck program, incorporating innovative mapping technologies and concepts to their classes. WILLEKE WENDRICH, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures and Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA
the opportunity to present their course research projects to the public. The presentations focused on the ancient necropolis of Sakkara, the burial ground of elites and kings from the earliest moments in Egyptian statehood through the early Christian period. Eight undergraduates reported
From left to right: Back row: Elaine Sullivan, Bethany Simpson, Emily Cole, Anne Austin, Kathryn Chew, Willeke Wendrich, Trevor Owens Front row: Anneliese Brown, Mike Dollar, Brandi Sjostrom, Jillian Bruni, Kirandeep Dhaliwal, Kristy Geschwandtner
P ROFESSOR W ILLEKE W ENDRICH hosted her annual Wepwaut in Westwood event, offering UCLA undergraduate students studying Egyptology
on the latest research at this famous burial ground, covering topics such as the Early Dynastic form of the cemetery, the New Kingdom tomb of Horemheb, and the animal necropolis. Egyptologist and postdoctoral scholar Elaine Sullivan anchored the morning session, lecturing on how GIS and 3D modeling are being used at UCLA to investigate visibility between Sakkara and neighboring sites. In the afternoon UCLA graduate students offered updates on their own research in Egypt and the Levant. Krystal Pierce discussed her work as part of the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project in modern Israel. Emily Cole presented a paper on ostraca written in a mix of the Greek and Demotic languages found at the Egyptian site of Narmouthis. Anne Austin and Bethany Simpson, members of the UCLA/RUG/UoA expedition to the Fayum, demonstrated how 3D scanners are being utilized to record the Greco-Roman town of Karanis with accuracy and speed never before possible. HADLEY JENSEN, Editorial Assistant, Backdirt
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Figure 2: The different vessels as they are cooling down after being red.
as long a half an hour. More important than these observations and the rather crude vessels, however, is the experience. Seeing the complete process through once ensures that it will never be forgottenan important asset for beginning archaeologists who will be confronted with ancient potsherds for the rest of their professional lives. HANS BARNARD, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology and Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA
Figure 1: The students shaping their vessel in the Teaching Laboratory (Fowler A312).
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The laboratories that opened their doors were Anatolian, Ceramic Analysis, Channel Islands, Conservation, East Asian, Egyptian, Mediterranean, Moche Archive, Old Stone Age, Rock Art Archive, South Asian, Southwest, and Zooarchaeology. The featured lecture by Dr. Alexei Vranich focused on a fascinating experiment to test the feasibility that reed boats were
used to transport multi-ton stones across Lake Titicaca from volcanic quarries to the megalithic city of Tiwanaku, Bolivia. If you missed the open house of 2011, look for the announcement on our web page: www.ioa.ucla.edu, at the beginning of May 2012. HELLE GIREY, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA
How Human Societies Became Complex: A Perspective from Near Eastern Caves Dr. Gregory Areshian Assistant Director of Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, Associate Researcher, and Visiting Professor, UCLA
Death and Sacrice at midnight Terror Cave Professor James Brady California State University Los Angeles
MAY 1, 2012
Toil and trouble: UCLAs eld work in the cauldron of postrevolution Egypt Professor Willeke Wendrich Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures and Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA
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ARCHAEOLOGY 2.0: NEW APPROACHES TO COMMUNICATION AND COLLABORATION Eric Kansa, Sarah Witcher Kansa, and Ethan Watrall (Editors) ISBN: 978-1-931745-85-7 Publication Date: November 2011 Series: Cotsen Digital Archaeology Series 1 Price: $39.95 (paperback); free online through eScholarship Archaeology 2.0: New Approaches to Com muni cation and Collaboration, by Eric Kansa, Sarah Witcher Kansa, and Ethan Watrall, represents the rst hybrid print and digital publication of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press and is the rst title in the new Cotsen Digital Archaeology Series. This book
1. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press
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THE LLOYD COTSEN STUDY COLLECTION OF CHINESE BRONZE MIRRORS: VOLUME I: CATALOGUE; VOLUME II: STUDIES (box set) Lothar von Falkenhausen (Editor, Volumes I and II) and Suzanne Cahill (Author, Volume I) ISBN: 978-0-9745168-8-2 (two-volume set) Publication Date: November 2011 Series: Monumenta Archaeologica 25 Price: $450, two-volume box set (hardcover) The Lloyd Cotsen Study Collection of Chinese Bronze Mirrors is a co-publication of the Cotsen Occasional Press and the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press. Volume I, The Lloyd Cotsen Study Collection of Chinese Bronze Mirrors: Catalogue, includes an engaging foreword by Lloyd Cotsen, an overview of major Chinese dynasties and periods, and a brief history of Chinese bronze mirrors by Suzanne Cahill. This volume presents a detailed catalogue of the extensive Cotsen Collection through high-quality images and illustrations of the mirrors in their approximate chronological sequence. Volume II, a set of eleven scholarly essays, goes further to investigate these mirrors as a study collection. Guided by the conviction that this particular constellation of mirrors may lead to substantive insights that cannot easily be obtained otherwise, the leading scholars who contributed to this volume used the materials in Volume I as a point of departure for explorations of topics of their own choice. The resulting diversity of the chapters is notablewith coverage ranging from a discussion of Han mirror inscriptions as modular texts to an analysis of mirrors inlaid with mother of pearland the ndings are as novel and stimulating as they are preliminary.
AN INVESTIGATION INTO EARLY DESERT PASTORALISM: EXCAVATIONS AT THE CAMEL SITE, NEGEV Steven A. Rosen, with contributions by Y. Abadi-Reiss, Y. Avni, D. Bar-Yosef Mayer. M. Gottesman, S. Hermon, Y. Haimi, P. Ryan, B. A. Saidel, I. Segal, R. H. Tykot, J. Vardi, and A. Weisskopf ISBN: 978-1-931745-84-0 (paperback), 978-1-93174583-3 (hardcover) Publication Date: September 2011 Series: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Monograph 69 Price: $69.95 hardcover; $39.95 paperback This book focuses on two primary purposes, one theoretical/ methodological and the other the publication of original data. It comprises a case study of excavations at an early (ca. 2800 B.C.) pastoral site in the Negev. Rosen places the site within the context of the beginnings of multiresource nomadism and provides a broad overview and analysis of a seasonal encampment. He demonstrates the feasibility of an archaeology of early mobile pastoralism and also discusses the anthropological and methodological challenges surrounding this subject. The archaeological assemblages discussed in this book constitute the rst detailed examination of this early desert culture and include materials previously unreported for the region and period.
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LAKE TITICACA: LEGEND, MYTH, AND SCIENCE Charles Stanish ISBN: 978-1-931745-82-6 Publication Date: July 2011 Series: World Heritage and Monuments 2 Price: $45 (paperback) Lake Titicaca and the vast region surrounding this deep body of water contain mysteries that we are just beginning to unravel. The area surrounding the worlds highest navigable lake was home to some of the greatest civilizations in the ancient world. These civilizations were created by the ancestors of the Aymara and Quechua peoples who continue to live and work in Peru and Bolivia along the shores of this legendary body of water. Charles Stanishs Lake Titicaca: Legend, Myth, and Science provides a state-of-the-art description and explanation of the great cultures that developed in this land, from the rst migrants ten millennia ago to the people who thrive there today. Stanish uncovers the world of myth and legend that has grown up around this mysterious place, including the lost continent of Mu, the land of Paititi, El Dorado, and the many mystic ruins of Titicaca. This book also provides the results of a century of scientic research that narrate an even more insightful tale than the legends and myths combined.
THE HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY OF JAFFA 1 Martin Peilstcker and Aaron A. Burke (Editors) ISBN: 978-1-931745-81-9 Publication Date: June 2011 Series: Monumenta Archaeologica 26 Price: $69 (hardcover) The History and Archaeology of Jaffa I, edited by Martin Peilstcker and Aaron A. Burke, lays the groundwork for the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project (JCHP), a research initiative established in 2007 as a joint research endeavor of the Israel Antiquities Authority and the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA. The rst part of the book presents the historical, economic, and legal context for the JCHPs development, while outlining its objectives and the unique opportunities that Jaffa offers researchers. The history of Jaffa and its region, and the major episodes of cultural change that affected the site and region, are explored through a series of articles in Part II, including an illustrated discussion of historical maps of Jaffa from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Recent archaeological discoveries from Jaffa are included in Part III, while Part IV provides a rst glimpse of the JCHPs efforts to publish the Jacob Kaplan and Haya Ritter-Kaplan legacy from Jaffa. Together the twenty-ve contributions to this work constitute the rst major book-length publication to address the archaeology of Jaffa since excavations were initiated at the site some 56 years ago.
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INFORMATION AND ITS ROLE IN HUNTER-GATHERER BANDS Robert Whallon, William A. Lovis, and Robert K. Hitchcock (Editors) ISBN: 978-1-931745-64-2 (paperback), 978-1-93174563-5 (hardcover) Publication Date: February 2011 Series: Ideas, Debates, and Perspectives 5 Price: $95 hardcover, $65 paperback Robert Whallon, William A. Lovis, and Robert K. Hitchcocks Information and Its Role in Hunter-Gatherer Bands explores the question of how information, broadly conceived, is acquired, stored, circulated, and utilized in small-scale hunter-gatherer societies, or bands. This volume brings together a group of leading scholars from multiple disciplines, including archaeology, ethnography, linguistics, and evolutionary ecology. Each of these specialties deals with the question of information in different ways and with different sets of data given different weight. The fundamental goal of the volume is to bridge disciplines and subdisciplines, open a discussion, and see if some common groundeither theoretical perspectives, general principles, or methodologiescan be developed upon which future research concerning the creation and transmission of information in hunter-gatherer societies can be built.
INCA RITUALS AND SACRED MOUNTAINS: A STUDY OF THE WORLDS HIGHEST ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES Johan Reinhard and Maria Constanza Ceruti ISBN: 978-1-931745-77-2 (paperback); 978-1-93174576-5 (hardcover) Publication Date: December 2010 Series: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Monograph 67 Price: $45 paperback; $75 hardcover The Incas performed some of the most dramatic ceremonies known to us from ancient times. Groups of people walked hundreds of miles across arid and mountainous terrain to perform rituals on mountains over 20,000 feet high. The most important offerings made during these pilgrimages involved human sacrices (capacochas). Although Spanish chroniclers wrote about these offerings and state-sponsored Inca processions, their accounts were based on second-hand sources, and the only direct evidence of the capacocha sacrices comes to us from archaeological excavations. In Inca Rituals and Sacred Mountains: A Study of the Worlds Highest Archaeological Sites , Johan Reinhard and Maria Constanza Ceruti describe the results of research undertaken on Mount Llullaillaco (6,739 m/22,109 feet), which comprises the worlds highest archaeological site. The types of ruins and artifact assemblages recovered are described and analyzed. By comparing the archaeological evidence with the chroniclers accounts and ndings from other mountaintop sites, common patterns are outlined; at the same time, previously little-known elements contribute to our understanding of key aspects of Inca religion. This study illustrates the importance of archaeological sites being placed within the broader context of physical and sacred features of the natural landscape.
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he Soconusco region, a narrow strip of the Pacific coast of Mexico and Guatemala, is the location of some of the earliest pottery-using villages of ancient Mesoamerica. Mobile early inhabitants of the area harvested marsh clams in the estuaries, leaving behind vast mounds of shell. With the introduction of pottery and the establishment of permanent villages (from 1900 B.C.), use of the resource-rich estuary changed. The archaeological manifestation of that new estuary adaptation is a dramatic pattern of inter-site variability in pottery vessel forms. Vessels at sites within the estuary were about seventy percent neckless jarstecomateswhile vessels at contemporaneous sites a few kilometers inland were seventy percent open dishes. The pattern is well-known, but the the settlement arrangements or subsistence practices that produced it have remained unclear. Archaeological investigations at El Varal, a special-purpose estuary site of the later Early Formative (12501000 B.C.) expand possibilities for an anthropological understanding of the archaeological patterns. The goal of this volume is to describe excavations and finds at the site and to propose, based on a variety of analyses, a new understanding of Early Formative assemblage variability. Progress in interpretation faces a dilemma: to explain assemblage variability among early sedentary peoples of the Soconusco, should we look forward to specialization and societal complexity or back to hunter-gather strategies of settlement organization? The weighing of these two interpretive options becomes a central theme of the volume. In the end, the Varal evidence indicates that the Formative re-adaptation in Soconusco was a compromise between two sources of food: domesticated/terrestrial and wild/estuary. The Early Formative of the region was characterized by an expanded diet breadth, probably promoted by an introduction of the simple, rounded-bottom cooking potthe tecomate. Rounded-bottom cooking pots allowed direct heating of contents. This innovation opened up new resources for exploitation. Early Formative peoples used the tecomate as a generalized rather than specialized tool, important in salt production but applicable as well to the processing of a whole variety of foods. Use of tecomates to produce foods for immediate consumption favored a strategy of moving people to resources, in contrast to earlier practices of processing marsh clams in bulk for transport to inland sites. Yet Early Formative peoples moved close to, but not simply to the estuary, establishing permanent villages from which they could both travel to the estuary and cultivate crops. Estuary outposts such as El Varal were therefore not permanent living quarters and there was little investment in the construction of residences. People manufactured pottery on-site, much of it elaborately decorated, but the assemblage was oriented toward productive tasks rather than consumption. Further, those tasks involved a heavy use of tecomates for salt production and cooking. Those activities are ultimately the source of the inter-site differences in vessel forms observed in the archaeological record of Early Formative Soconusco. RICHARD LESURE, an associate professor of anthropology at the University of California, Los Angeles, specializes in the social consequences of sedentism and agriculture in ancient Mesoamerica. He has conducted archaeological fieldwork on the coast of Chiapas and in the highlands of Tlaxcala, Mexico. His interests include the emergence of social inequality, variability in organization and beliefs across early Mesoamerica, and interpretive challenges ISBN: 978-1-931745-79-6 in the study of prehistoric art.
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THE CHANKA: ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN ANDAHUAYLAS (APURIMAC), PERU Brian S. Bauer, Lucas C. Kellett, and Miriam Aroz Silva ISBN: 978-1-931745-60-4 (paperback); 978-1-931745-59-8 (hardcover) Publication Date: June 2010 Series: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Monograph 68 Price: $65 paperback; $95 hardcover In A.D. 1438 a battle took place outside the city of Cuzco that changed the course of South American history. The Chanka, a powerful ethnic group from the Andahuaylas region, had begun an aggressive program of expansion. Conquering a host of smaller polities, their army had advanced well inside the territory of their traditional rival, the Inca. In a series of unusual maneuvers, the Inca defeated the invading Chanka forces and became the most powerful people in the Andes. Many scholars believe that the defeat of the Chanka represents a dening moment in the history of South America, as the Inca then continued to expand and establish the largest empire of the Americas. Despite its critical position in South American history, until recently the Chanka heartland remained unexplored and the cultural processes that led to their rapid development and subsequent defeat by the Inca had not been investigated. From 2001 to 2004, Brian Bauer conducted an archaeological survey of the Andahuaylas regiona project that represented an unparalleled opportunity to examine theoretical issues concerning the history and cultural development of lateprehistoric societies in this area of the Andes. The Chanka: Archaeological Research in Andahuaylas (Apurimac), Peru, the culmination of this project, includes an archaeological analysis of the development of the Chanka and examines their ultimate defeat by the Inca.
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SETTLEMENT AND SUBSISTENCE IN EARLY FORMATIVE SOCONUSCO: EL VARAL AND THE PROBLEM OF INTERSITE ASSEMBLAGE VARIATION Richard Lesure (Editor) ISBN: 978-1-931745-79-6 (paperback), 978-1-93174578-9 (hardcover) Publication Date: March 2010 Series: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Monograph 65 Price: $55 paperback; $85 hardcover The Soconusco region, a narrow strip of the Pacic coast of Mexico and Guatemala, is the location of some of the earliest pottery-using villages of ancient Mesoamerica. Early mobile inhabitants of the area harvested marsh clams in the estuaries, leaving behind vast mounds of shell. With the introduction of pottery and the establishment of permanent villages (from 1900 B.C.), use of the resource-rich estuary changed. The archaeological manifestation of that new estuary adaptation is a dramatic pattern of inter-site variability in pottery vessel forms. Vessels at sites within the estuary were about 70 percent neckless jarstecomateswhile vessels at contemporaneous sites a few kilometers inland were 70 percent open dishes. The pattern is well known, but the settlement arrangements or subsistence practices that produced it have remained unclear. Archaeological investigations at El Varal, a special-purpose estuary site of the later Early Formative (12501000 B.C.), expand possibilities for an anthropological understanding of the archaeological patterns. This volume describes excavations and nds at the site and proposes, based on a variety of analyses, a new understanding of Early Formative assemblage variability.
2012 Titles
EXPLORING METHODS OF FAUNAL ANALYSIS: INSIGHTS FROM CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGY Michael Glassow and Terry Joslin (Editors) How does the practice of archaeology benet from faunal analysis? Michael Glassow and Terry Joslins Exploring Methods of Faunal Analysis: Insights from California Archaeology addresses this question. Contributors to this volume demonstrate how faunal remains can be used to elucidate subsistence, settlement, technological systems, economic exchange, social organization, adaptation to variability in resource availability and distribution, and the impacts of historic land use. The sheer prevalence of faunal remains in California archaeological sites means that most archaeologists working in the state inevitably must give these resources their close attention and yet methodological challenges remain. The chapters in this thoughtfully edited volume tackle these challenges, providing strategies for identifying and mitigating sampling bias and recommending quantitative techniques borrowed from a variety of disciplines. The volume also presents examples that illustrate the use of faunal data to test hypotheses derived from microeconomic theory, the applicability of bone and shell chemistry to faunal analysis, and the relevance of faunal data to addressing issues in biology. CHOTUNA AND CHORNANCAP: EXCAVATING AN ANCIENT PERUVIAN LEGEND Christopher Donnan Christopher Donnans Chotuna and Chornancap: Excavating an Ancient Peruvian Legend, explores one of the most intriguing oral histories passed down among ancient Peruvians: the legend of Naymlap, the founder of a dynasty that ruled the Lambayeque Valley of northern Peru centuries before European contact. Naymlap is said to have built his palace at a place that many now consider to be the archaeological sites of Chotuna and Chornancap. In an effort to test the validity of the Naymlap legend, Donnan directed extensive archaeological excavations at Chotuna and Chornancap, completing plans of the monumental architecture, mapping and excavating most of the major structures, and developing a chronology for the sites. This book presents the results of these excavations and demonstrates the extent to which the archaeological evidence correlates with the sequence of events described in the Naymlap legend. CRUCIBLE OF PUEBLOS: THE EARLY PUEBLO PERIOD IN THE NORTHERN SOUTHWEST Richard Wilshusen, Gregson Schachner, and James R. Allison (Editors) Archaeologists are increasingly recognizing the early Pueblo period as a major social and demographic transition in Southwest history. In Crucible of Pueblos: The Early Pueblo Period in the Northern Southwest, Richard Wilshusen, Gregson Schachner, and James Allison present the rst comprehensive summary of population growth and migration, the materialization of early villages, cultural diversity, relations of social power, and the emergence of early great houses during the early Pueblo period. Six chapters address these developments in the major regions of the northern Southwest, and four synthetic chapters then examine early Pueblo material culture to explore social identity, power, and gender from a variety of perspectives. Taken as a whole, this thoughtfully edited volume compares the rise of villages during the early Pueblo period to similar processes in other parts of the Southwest and examines how the study of the early Pueblo period contributes to an anthropological understanding of Southwest history and early farming societies throughout the world. ROCK ART AT LITTLE LAKE: AN ANCIENT CROSSROADS IN THE CALIFORNIA DESERT Jo Anne Van Tilburg, Gordon E. Hull, and John C. Bretney (Editors) With contributions by W. All, C. Backes, Jr., D. Brotherton, J. Davis, J. W. Eerkens, J. W. Finger, A. F. Glazner, A. Kopp, J. L. Pearson, R. Miller Reed, N. Van Slyke, and H. B. White. Rock Art at Little Lake: An Ancient Crossroads in the California Desert presents the UCLA Rock Art Archive teams examination of the petroglyphs and pictographs at Little Lake in Rose Valley, California, through eld recording; the digital capture of rock art imagery; the analysis of that imagery; conclusions from this analysis; and presentation of the surrounding environment and historical context. This book represents the culmination of ten years of seasonal eld surveys in the area and aims to promote a connective web of associations that will break down existing barriers between rock art research and the rest of archaeology. Section One, Vistas, establishes a sense of place for the reader, while the Visionaries section that follows delves into the heart of the research. Through
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the use of reconnaissance and intensive survey techniques, museum studies, formal and stylistic analysis, salvage ethnography, and a research paradigm centered on the landscape, the Little Lake research team demonstrates how to build a framework for analysis that thoroughly establishes the intricacies of cultural and material context. The contributions in this volume carefully examine the discrete technical and symbolic aspects of Little Lake Ranch rock art: chronology, scratched pattern distribution, the desert bighorn sheep and atlatl motifs, and painted rock art. The third section of the volume, Vernacular, includes vivid sketches of the areas local history and the circumstances leading to the high quality of rock art preservation. In addition, a discussion of the material culture, such as the production and use of pottery and basketry, enhances the understanding of the context in which the rock art was envisioned. Finally, an informative summary of the UCLA Rock Art Archives eld, lab, and archival methods are provided, along with a eld guide of rock art motifs chosen to give the reader a sampling of the individual elements considered within this study. THE HISTORY OF THE PEOPLES OF THE EASTERN DESERT Hans Barnard and Kim Duistermaat (Editors) The last fty years have seen extensive research of ancient ports on the Red Sea coast of Egypt, the mines and quarries in the region, and the road systems connecting these to the Nile Valley. What has been missing is a systematic study of the peoples of the Eastern Desert in whose territories these activities took place. Hans Barnard and Kim Duistermaats The History of the Peoples of the Eastern Desert aims to ll this gap, clearly demonstrating that despite a harsh environment and scholarly neglect, the native inhabitants of the Eastern Desert have their own culture and history. Divided into two partsthe rst covering the Holocene until Alexander the Great, and the second the last two and a half millenniathis volume brings together the leading authorities on the area and its peoples to provide an overview of the history of the Eastern Desert that is unparalleled in its comprehensiveness. The extensive range of topics addressed includes, among others, specic historical periods, natural resources, nomadic survival strategies, ancient textual data, and the interaction between Christian hermits and their neighbors. Each chapter summarizes, evaluates, and discusses the historical signicance of relevant archaeological and written sources, providing readers with an essential starting point for future research on the Eastern Desert. LIFE AT HOME IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY Jeanne Arnold, Anthony Graesch, Enzo Ragazzini, and Elinor Ochs Life at Home in the Twenty-First Century crosscuts the ranks of important books on social history, consumerism, contemporary culture, the meaning of material culture, domestic architecture, and household ethnoarchaeology. Using archaeological approaches to human material culture, this volume offers unprecedented access to the middle-class American home through the kaleidoscopic lens of no-limits photography and many kinds of never-before acquired data about how people actually live their lives at home. Those who read this book will likely see their own lives mirrored in these pages and will reect on how others cope with their mountains of possessions and other daily challenges. THE CONSTRUCTION OF VALUE IN THE ANCIENT WORLD John K. Papadopoulos and Gary Urton (Editors) John K. Papadopoulos and Gary Urtons The Construction of Value in the Ancient World brings together in one comprehensive volume the perspectives of leading anthropologists, archaeologists, historians, linguists, philologists, and sociologists on how value was created, dened, and expressed in a number of ancient societies around the world. For more details, see next page.
Ordering Information
To order by phone, please contact Julie Nemer, Publications Manager, at 310-206-9384 or email the Press at [email protected].
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Sneak Preview
C OTSEN A DVANCED Seminar was held on the campus of UCLA in November 2009. Entitled The Construction of Value in the Ancient World, the project was conceived by Gary Urton (Professor of Anthropology, Harvard University) and John Papadopoulos (Chairman, Archaeology Interdepartmental Graduate Program and Professor of Classics, UCLA). The seminar brought together 25 leading scholars working in various parts of the world (anthropologists, archaeologists, art historians, economic historians, historians, linguists, philologists, sociologists), including four MacArthur Fellows. The collection of papers from this seminar will be published in the Cotsen Advanced Seminar Series in 2012. The starting point for the volume is the basic premise that the concept of value is a social construct and is thus dened by the cultural context in which it is created. The questions we raise are not new, and they have been asked often: How was value created, dened, and expressed in any given ancient or modern society? How can students of the past understand the value that might have been accorded to materials, objects, people, places, patterns of action, and so on, by those who produced or used the things that compose the human material record? How was value articulated (e.g., how many of these in exchange for how many of those, or why this word and not another)? What do we know about how objects were valued in the past, whether, for example, in Figure 2: Silver long-haired llama and llama with red blanket. South the pre-industrial market or pre-market economies of the Mediterranean, or the nonHighlands, Inka, reportedly from the market contexts of Oceania and the Pre-Columbian Andean societies? Why were certain island of Titicaca (mid-fteenth to materials (among so many others, gold, silver, feathers, shells, cattle, grain) valued by early sixteenth century). American people in many different parts of the world over other materials? What qualities of physical Museum of Natural History, New substancesfor instance, translucence, scarcity, durability, agewere at the heart of how York. Silver was also a valued comcultures determined, negotiated, and on occasion sanctioned value? How were different modity for a variety of reasons in different cultures of the New World. quantities or numbers of objects, or their negotiated position(s) within ordinal sequences, related to judgments of value? The volume is loosely based on four overarching but closely interrelated themes, which served as foci for discussion: place value, body value, object value, and what we have termed number value. These are not conceived as monolithic, distinct categories, nor are they static; rather, they are interrelated and often collapse into one another. Running through the papers are issues of memory, nostalgia, identity, biography, ideology, style, symbolism, and exchange. The concept of value lies at the intersection of individual and collective tastes, desires, sentiments, and attitudes that inform the ways people select, or give priority to, one thing over another. Scholars from Aristotle to Marx and beyond have been fascinated by the question of what constitutes value. With this soon-to-be published volume, we hope to make a small contribution to this inquiryat the beginning of the twenty-rst century!
Figure 1: Reverse of silver decadrachm of Syracuse (ca. 480479 B.C.). Head of Arethousa wearing olive wreath, llet, earring, and necklace; around her four dolphins and the inscription: (C.M. Kraay and M. Hirmer, Greek Coins, New York 1966: Plate 27, no. 80; photo courtesy Hirmer Verlag GmbH), published as Figure 3 in Chapter 13 of the Construction of Value in the Ancient World, illustrating the importance of silver in the Mediterranean as an item of value and medium of exchange.
1. Archaeology Interdepartmental Graduate Program, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, and Department of Classics, UCLA 2. Department of Anthropology, Harvard University.
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In Memoriam
Virginia Fields
F IELDS , NOTED SCHOLAR of early Mesoamerican art and archaeology, passed away unexpectedly from complications of diabetes. In 1989 she joined Los Angeles County Museum of Art and was the rst curator of Pre-Columbian art. Twenty-two years later, she was senior curator of art of the ancient Americas at LACMA, with many noted exhibitions to her credit. Among her exhibitions of art and culture of ancient Mesoamerica were Mexico: Splendors of Thirty Centuries, Olmec: Colossal Masterworks of Ancient Mexico, Lords of Creation: The Origins of Sacred Maya Kinship, The Road to Aztlan: Art from a Mythic Homeland, and opening in April 2012, Children of the Plumed Serpent: The Legacy of Quetzalcoatl in Ancient Mexico. Virginia was born Virginia Mary Monk in 1952 in Manchester, Connecticut, to a large Irish Catholic family. She married the photographer and lmmaker David Miller. Virginia received her M.A. from San Francisco State. While there, she attended a Maya hieroglyphic writing workshop at University of Texas at Austin and met with well-known Maya scholar and epigrapher Linda Schele. She received her Ph.D. from University of Texas at Austin in 1989 and was inuenced by Linda Schele and the growing understanding of hieroglyphic writing and art. Virginias interest in museum studies grew from an interest in culture and systems of visual communications. She was instrumental in the future planning of a digital resource center for the study of ancient America. The work of setting up an exhibition is rarely understood by the public, but Virginia was successfully formulating ideas, obtaining funding and permissions to borrow artworks from other institutions and governments, transporting the objects, and nally setting up the exhibition. She was described by Joanne Pillsbury, director of Pre-Columbian studies at Dumbarton Oaks, a research institute of Harvard University in Washington, D.C., as a soft-spoken person with herculean energy and powers of persuasion. Under Virginias tenure, LACMAs holdings of ancient American art grew from about 700 pieces to more than 3,000 objects. Among these is a rare collection of Colombian ceramics, and other valuable acquisitions. Los Angeles has lost a strong voice that powerfully articulated the importance of the ancient American cultures to the people of the United States. The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology has lost an academic afliate and a true friend of its support group, Friends of Archaeology. Virginia was always willing to arrange for private tours of her exhibitions to the Friends, acting as the personal tour guide and sharing her passion for everything Mesoamerican.
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HANS BARNARD, Assistant Adjunct Professor and Assistant Researcher received funding to continue his biochemical laboratory studies of residues remaining on surfaces of archaeological artifacts. THOMAS WAKE, Senior Museum Scientist, received funds for the research Proyecto Arqueologico Sitio Drago in Boca del Drago and Panama City, Panama.
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Graduate Students
R E CI P I EN T S O F T H E 2 01 1 COT S EN G R A D U AT E F E L L O W S H I P S
Evan Anders Carlson Claire Aliki Collins Chelsey Quinne Fleming Sonali Gupta-Agarwal Christine Leigh Johnston Kanika Kalra Karl Jeffrey LaFavre Susanna Lam Joseph William Lehner (Seppi) Benjamin Nigra Kristine Olshansky Hillary Pietricola Catherine Elizabeth Pratt
Undergraduate Students
Cotsen Undergraduate Research Fellowships (CURF) were awarded to students representing traditionally underrepresented groups in the archaeological profession, allowing those students to participate in archaeological eldwork.
Bethany Simpson, Archaeology, Travel to Egypt to work on the UCLA/RUG Fayum Project & Research at the University of Michigan Sonali Gupta-Agarwal, Archaeology, Travel to Egypt to work on the Berenike Field Project Lana Martin, Anthropology, Travel to Panama to work on the Proyecto Arqueologico Sitio Drago Project Kuei-Chin Lin, Archaeology, Presentation at the SAA Annual Meeting 2011 Anke Hein, Archaeology, Presentation at the SAA Annual Meeting 2011 Angela Susak, NELC Ph.D., Research at University of Michigan Collections Hillary Pietricola, Archaeology, Travel to Italy to work on the Vultur Archaeology Project Benjamin Shepard, Anthropology, Travel to Russia to work on the Baikal Archaeology Project Joseph Lehner, Archaeology, Travel to Turkey to work on the Kerkenes Dag Project Katherine Brunson, Anthropology, Travel to China to work on the Hexi Corridor Project Kristine Olshansky, Archaeology, Travel to Armenia to work on the Arpa River Valley Project
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Donors and Funders of Projects
July 2010-June 2011
The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA expresses its deepest gratitude to LLOYD AND MARGIT COTSEN for their commitment to the creation of knowledge and continuous support of the faculty, researchers, students, and other afliates of the Institute. Our special thanks go also to the following supporters:1 Dr. and Mrs. Harold Adelson The Ahmanson Foundation Darlene Anderson Apache Corporation Deborah Arnold, DAZ Systems Jeanne Bailey Harris D. Bass, Waters Charitable Trust Millie and Julius Bendat David and Kathleen Boochever Kurt Bost John Bretney Elizabeth Brooks, PhD Bruce Ford Brown Charitable Trust Donick Cary Neil and Sharon Cascadden Beverly Booth Childers Hampartzoum and Ovsanna Chitjian Foundation Roger and Patty Civalleri Conte Productions, Inc. Helene Cooper Marilyn P. Beaudry-Corbett and Donald L. Corbett John Davis and Lorraine Brown Mercedes Duque Eileen Fowler, PhD J. Paul Getty Trust Helle Girey Beverly Goodwin Sonia A. Gottesman Sherman Grancell Debbie Grossman Bruce Hector, MD Marillyn Holmes John and Marguerite Holz Gordon Hull
1. Those listed provided $300 or more in support to the Institute
Katherine Hullett Tracy and Barbara Johnson Gail Kamer Lieberfarb Agnes Lin The Henry Luce Foundation William T. (Toby) MacCary III Nicholas M. Magalousis The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Tomas E. Mendizabal Arthur H. Muir, Jr National Endowment for the Humanities National Geographic Society National Science Foundation Patricia Nettleship Sandra L. Orellana William W. Orrange and Susan Orrange Anita Ostroff John K. Papadopoulos and Sarah P. Morris John and Suzanne Peck Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Pine Paul and Judith Porcasi Julia L. Sanchez Fran and Arthur Sherwood Jill Silton Charles Stanish Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steinmetz Steinmetz Foundation Noel Sweitzer Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. Thomas E. Voytovich David and Marvalee Wake Diane R. Watanabe Joan Giddens Wilken Rita Winston