Database of Translation Agencies All Countries
Database of Translation Agencies All Countries
Database of Translation Agencies All Countries
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Copyright 2003-2007 by
All rights reserved. No part of this database shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo
Legal Disclaimer
The author and publisher of this database make no warranties of any kind with regard to the accuracy of the database content and accept no liability of a
Agency name
Jorge Serod
001YourTranslationServic Karel Kosma
01 Translations Inc
Denis Supe
Chief proje
Javier Paya
Darren E. P
Sean Lee
Dr. Waldema
Martina Cha
Bianca Adri
24translate GmbH
Ms. Menge
24translate SIA
2service technology com Zhe Piao
Shimaa Sol
3r Consortium Limited
Rami Kohli
3V Systems, Inc.
Laszlo J Veg
Jim Wanek
Bill Jin
Ok-S. Dang
Gabriel Lig
A&A Lingua
A&A Traducciones
Ana Perez
Astrid Coste
Alexander St
Agata Woni
A1 Spanish Services
R. Thomas S
A1 translations bv
Lex Dupuis
Theodora La
Olaf Brodack
Hugues Man
Jorge Fonse
AAA Presentations
Claude Franc
Susanne Ev
aaateam24 corporation
Aaateam24 C
Marisa Calvo
Aivars Holm
AAC Global Oy
Ms Sari Well
Aadake Worldwide
Michelle Gla
AAGIR bureautique
Alain GIRA
Danuta Jani
Cristina Rive
Gnter Juan
Abalones France
Melissa Hen
Abanico, s.r.o.
Viera Viskup
Abbaye Traductions
ABC Swedish Translation Katarina Bov
ABC Traductions
abc translate
Ruth Kenny
Mr. Antoine
ABC Translations
Armando Pat
ABC Translations
Amanda Stot
ABC WordExpress
Serge Rocco
Abdelaziz Interpreting
Joseph Dow
Ettore Peyro
Lucia Kash,
ABM Intertext
Andrada Man
Karim Al-Ab
Thom Kolton
Above Translations
Dorota Bier
Abraham Translations
Bryin Abrah
Abraxis Translations
Bracha de M
Kerry Lynn
Christina Co
Ibrahim Abu
Academia Polonica
Ewa Masowska
Academy International
Yao Yves Om
Gisela Galvi
Academy Translations
Robert Kloib
Francine Kui
Dr. Francois
Kaoru Wata
Helena Blom
Nadia Opari
Vance V. Mebo
Accurate Connections
Accurate Japanese Language Services
Accurate Language Servi Ester Ewing
Accurate Language SysteAracelis Wit
Cristina Rive
Ms. Susan E
Luminita Br
ACP Traductera
Marta Jirik
Marije Stam
Activa Translations
Alvaro Torre
Delphine Mai
Nathalie Har
Active Translators
Florin Bloju
Krista Suisl
Ad Altum Translations
Klli Kolde
Ann Vanden
Inta Bartase
Mark Brown
Hanan Edwa
ADD Translations
Delporte Do
Virginie Lois
Leo Kantor
Daniel Gond
Jim Turner
Inger Lise S
Andrew Wall
Saadiah Har
Marie DESO
Chris Bulzac
Adlais Un
Aled Evans
Admark Translations
Edith Vad-B
Admin Services
Charmaine S
Suzanne Bla
Advent Translation
Alexander S
Matyas Stan
Riccardo Ter
AFC, Inc.
Paul Baylis
Hailu Gtsad
Rachid EL K
Aida Djikic
Agency Personal-Neva
Anna Komar
Agenda Translations
Christina Ja
Agentura Alie
Pavlna Ople
Monika Gloc
Edita Hovad
Andrea Di M
Jean-Pierre B
Liz Osborne
Tom Graham
Milena Shop
Michel Hendr
Mr. Khaled
Shaukat Hay
Alamo Translators
Elizabeth Va
Alawy, LLC
Rachel Alaw
Alaya Inc.
Barbara Th
Klean Xhelil
Albanian Translations
Cathrin Mitc
Sandra Alb
Albydel Solutions
David Dexte
Alchemy Translations
Alden Translations
Tracey Fitzg
Alef to Zed
Ghada Assaf
Aleph Translations
Aurora Huma
Cristina Fer
Adelheid Luz
Al-Kitaba Vertaalburo
All About Languages
Charles Asc
Lorna Nelso
Paula Lorenz
Pawan Bahu
Qin Zhang
Allan Ismail
Allieds Interpreters
Allan Ismail
allingus PLS
Kamil Kartal
All-Lingua GmbH
Marc Boettc
Allon Inc
Asami Hase
Allround Service
Monica Nada
Allround Translations
Mette Hanse
All-Round Translations
Hans van de
Nienke Groe
Fridtjof Nan
Olivier Depe
Alpha CRC
Paul Mangell
Mariana, Car
Gerassimos A
Elsbeth Lss
Elena Konik
Tom Griese
Alpha-Omega Language Se
Andrew Jam
AlphaPlus Training & Tran Jamie Rober
Alphonse Consultants
Lucian Dumi
Altanero Translations
Tim Altaner
Ossama Abd
Svetlana Gl
Claudie Ha
Richard Wa
Amazon Translations
Thomas Joh
Bruno Bovey
AmCham Estonia
Craig Rawlin
Ameraz, LP
Ulrich Scheff
American Pie
Avi Michel J.
Jorge Yerovi
America's Translators
Robert P. Ca
Ami Pros
Sherey Goul
Amir Translations
Anna Mincze
Alena Bucova
Mara Ester
Analog Translations
Anna Mattss
AnD Solutions
Loredana Ris
Andalucia Communications
Andiamo! Language Serv Sarah Forbe
Ando Translations
Andrew Huddleston & Lis Andrew Hudd
Andromeda Translations & Language C
Anglia Translations Ltd
Anthony Wit
Anglitekst Translations
Ineke Kuipe
Flavio Ricci
Oksana Rud
Mziane Afti
Anita Povlse
Ana Soto
Customer se
Api Service
Paola Zanac
Aplomb Translations
Andrew Stu
Appointments Bi-Language
Aprimondo Di Ricci Claud Dott.ssa Cla
APS International, Ltd.
Ann Mickow
Charles Jam
Aqua PR Fordtiroda
Zsohr, Zsu
Marie Koubo
Caroline Qui
Aquent LLC
Michael Gro
Aquitaine Traduction
Alex Rychle
Aquus Media
Miroslaw Wil
Micheline Wi
Arabia Translations
Ms. Dina Ab
Muhammad I
Dr. Abdulma
Nabih Bolbol
George N. H
Cesare Avan
Arancho BCN
Cristina Gas
Arancho Nordic Oy
Alfredo Spa
Arc Translations (Carolin Carolina Ra
Monica Borg
Archetypon SA
Petros Dudis
Jenny Chee
ArchiText Inc.
Chad LaCroi
Raoul WEIS
Argentine Translator
Ines Waiz
Argentum Traducciones
Valeria Ferr
Peter Argon
Argn Traductores
Alejandro De
Oleg Vigods
Aleksandar K
Michael Mali
Marta Stemb
Steven Smit
Armineh Joh
ARNA Translation
Oleg Kiselev
Arshad Meh
Dan Loubier-
Marta Arnal
Elena Ivano
Arteletra Tradues
Arthur International
Valentini Am
Natalie Zloc
Sandra CFO
Carole Couq
Jenny Woon
David M Har
Lenka Mach
Aslan Translation
Mayda Lyon
Nataliya Tar
Petr Muzikar
Aspena, s.r.o.
Martin Cetk
Stefan Stef
Eloy Ferrer
Geoffrey Bo
Margarita Ch
Mr Paolo Mar
Asya Translation
Ozan Seckin
Angela Smit
Anna Sedov
Gabriele Hir
Michele Gal
Julie Harper
Caroline Baj
Alex Wang
Caroline Si
Stanka Vitlo
Tyler Longm
Natalia Gor
Jack Berry
Austria Sprachendienst
Mrs. Lisbeth
Carla Vale
automotive-translation.c Christian V
Auvergne Traduction Tec Bertrand Mal
AV Tehnotrans O
Andres Virro
AV Translation Services
Aleksander V
Manuel Her
Luis Miguel
Maria Nassar
AVATAR translations
Eirik Kvam
Miles Avison
Michael Koot
Aviv Translations
Roni Goldrie
Avrasya Translation
Sevay Tunc
AWW Translations
Hatem Abac
Axi Traductions
Laurence Ri
Nigel Masse
A-Z Lingua
Toli Simeon
AZ Traductions
Sylvie Moha
A-Z World
Ana Maria Z
Nienke Kok
Rustam Rus
B P Translations
Beate Pause
B.I.Europa Documentacin
Manuel Herr
B2win Translations
B2win Transl
Babble Company
Than Than Wi
Heine Esper
Babel Media
Sarah Jewis
Babel Translation
Babelx Technologies
Saadia Sar
Elizabeth M
Babylon Consult
Cynthia Nav
Dr. U. Kozok
Emad Hassa
Anthony Bal
Guntar Vein
Cindy Luo
Ricardo Bar
Benjamin Bar
Basis Technology
Bastille Translation Servi Christine S
Bstkusten's TranslationsLoole Hagbe
BAT&D - Buenos Aires TraFlorencia Mo
BAT, Babel Associated TraJean-Louis
Baumann Translations
Ursula Bau
Bavel Translations
Bay Area Translations
Willow Rams
Bay Translations
Karin Weld
Ali Helmy
BBM Enterprises
BC Electronic Company SClaudia S. I
BCM Translations
Sergio Medi
Bea Wenzel
Bedford Translations
James VALE
BEEDIE Service
Petra Biede
Marija Georg
Belga Translations
Jacques Per
Frdric Will
Bella Traduction
Beltranslation International
Beluga Linguistics S.L.
Jan Hinrichs
Luciana Barr
Kyoung Y. W
Berger & Ray CommunicatBarbara Ber
Berkeley Scientific Translation Service
BERLUKAS CommunicatioBernard Ars
Best Translated
Synnve Lan
Silvia Tudo
Birgitte Eng
Mike Hunter
Ivy Han
BG Communications InterMaryse M. Be
BGText (Broadcast GlobalStojka Polin
BiBytes Chinese Translat Wallace
Big Ben Translation Bure Mr. Vitaly D
Big Ben Translations
Hilde Thijs,
Oksana Joye
Bilis Traductions
Directeur c
Billes Translation
Matthieu Bil
Victoria Ree
Biotext LLC
Dr. Karl J.
Lily Ruban
Birlemi Diller
Can Ceylan
Petra Prcac
Birotech bvba
Johan Rossee
Mr. Kevin
BITS International
Mr. Sandeep
Sandeep Nul
Michel Lamb
Lawrence Pa
Bluechip Translations
Felix Capell
Manuela Re
Blueprint Translations
Blueworld Translations
Alberto Jelm
BMF text+
Birgit Micha
BOCCA Prevoditelji
Ana Dizdare
Bochert Translations
Henning Boc
Bogumila B
Nancy Bonn
Farrah Gran
Caue Figuei
Gemma Will
Hander Hei
BrazBiz Ltda
Richard Ber
Aparecida Te
Brazil Translation.Com
Odilon Louz
Vikash Kuma
Jonathan Ko
Mariano Desc
Dr. med. Qi
Bruno Schwarzbach
Dr. Erik Sc
Vera Wagne
Blanka Mys
Burcin Aydo
Lodovico Pa
Leonid Erem
Iwona Gorcz
Luisa Crosar
Button Translator
Mikel Jon Bu
Byron Creative
Peter Butche
Antonio Vilei
C.C. Translation
Carole Coul
C.E.T. Srl
Paola Bassol
Carlos Maia
Cabinet de la Hanse
Mr Cornelis
Cabinet Trad'smith
Sophie Smith
Ayelet Naka
Charles As
Michael Moff
John Handsc
Lawrence Ch
Sabina Winkl
Carel Translations
Rusinka Dim
Carlsson Translation
Martin Carls
Chelbi Ayme
Casa de Traduceri
Oana Dorob
Alan Lambso
Castle Languages
Lisa Castillo
Paul Becker
CBG-Konsult AB
Ms Joanna D
CC Scientific, Ltd
Carmen Rom
CD Language Solutions
Cristina Did
Cedilla BV
Diane McCar
Philippe Pail
Cndida Val
Celestone China
CEM Translations Ltd
Robert Goh
Centre for Education & TrAnnette Gral
Centro De Traducciones Silvia Gmez
Centro Traduttori Milano Giorgio Gabr
Centro Zacatlan
Francisco G
Marco A. F.
Ugur Develi
Martina, Ale
Elena Lvova
China Beacon
Lian Hao
China Yujiatrans
Guihua Liu,
China-Link International Michael Wan
ChinaTrans N.V.
Staf Vanger
Chinese Translation
Chinese Translation & Tr Roamer Wan
Chow Stanle
Chris Ling
Sandra Stoj
Cipherion Translations
Mark Rodger
Citec Information
Mari Nelimar
CITI Traductores
Jaime Arroy
CITI Traduzioni
Fabrice Lanf
CJK Translation
Gary Go
CK Translations
Claudia Kru
Heinrich Pl
Alfredo Nom
Bernard Viq
CMC Service
M. Cristina
CNM Translations
Paul Boulter
Codice Translations
Sandra Birc
Jrme Legr
Jacques Le
Colortoon Co.
Columbia University Tutoring and Tra
COM2 Translations
Antonio Selv
Comadres, Inc.
Enna Calder
Vronique Vi
Sue Orchard
Sobha Wilso
Jeannette S
Monica Zugl
Compass Languages
Leo Brennin
Aja McClana
Achim Falk
Comsys Services
Norman New
COMTEC Translations
Claire Howa
Roy Arve Ga
Comtextos Tradues
Lorecy Scava
Piret Hanver
Roger Chade
Martine Ouel
Tonya Trayk
Marijke HO
Kristian Vla
Continuum d.o.o.
Gavrilo Siva
Conversa Language Cent Justin Steitz
Maria Gabrie
Jeremiah Cos
Helena Lind
Convey Translations AB
Helene Tornq
Peter Culley
Jerzy Katoli
Corporate Translations
Ted Gawlicki
Dan O'Conne
Luis Buenav
Robert Caste
Corvus Translations
Glenn Corey
Christian L'
Lise Ragan,
Seema Mund
Creer Corporation
Sam Luu
Cristina Bet
Fiona Kosca
Mr. Vincent
Cronica, Ltd
CrossGap srl
Mrs. Angeli
Edward A. C
Rachna Sud
CSR Group
Alejandro J.
CT Belgium
Bruno Blont
Antonella Sa
Samantha L.
Joseph Nune
Andrus Klik
Tina Scanla
Amanda Joh
D.O.G. Dokumentation
Dr. F. Mass
Karin Van L
Abel YU
Danabel Limited
David A. Oj
Ljubomir Co
Daniele Ca
Daniela Gott
Alfredo vil
Daphna Levi
Darin Communicaton
Andrea Serpi
Jaswinder S
Data Translations
Jo Hofmans
Datadokumentasjon AS
Aly Pirbay
Doreen Leh
Jay Rossi
DDS Europe
Ellen van Me
Ejvind Rose
Douchka Lec
D'easi Creations
P. U. Mistry
Gigel Baesu
Hansa Deep
Deha Translation
Derya Ramo
DELTA International CI
Gerhard A.
Delta Lngua
Delta Text
Marjo Frings
Delta Translation
Delta Translation Service Joe Lewis
Deming Services
Mr. Balaji S
Robert Mac
Deutsche Schule
Katja Welter
Leonardo De
diaLOC, S.L.
Dialog One, LLC
Roberto Fon
Dialog Translation
Serhiy Synha
Dialog Translations
Hans Christ
Dilogos Translations
Martin Boyd
Max Grauert
Tanya Macdo
Photeinos Sa
Birgit Kaise
Diem Languages
Wislene Bea
President &
Diken Research
Igor Vesler
Moonika Nis
Olivier Lewin
Dixon Associates
Marie Lycett
DL Multimedia
Emma Kreuz
DM Translations
Dmax, Inc.
DNR International Langu David Klepin
Doc-All Ltd.
Mohammed I
DocuCo Kft
Cseko Ildiko
Documens Translation
DocuTrans, Inc.
Ms. Gabrie
Dogma Translations
Paul Penaflo
Elisa Moro
Nicola Hump
DrTango, Inc.
Sales depar
Mohamed Mo
Julie Napier
Dnya Tercme
Candan Geli
Dheeraj Gula
Denzel L. Dy
Erik Dupont
E.G.B. Translations
Erez Buttel
Yoo Mee So
Gloria Lee
Abhishek S
EAM Consultants
Annie Lin
Brian Finch
EastSun Translations
Branda Son
Anna Biagi
Ash Chowdh
eb Graphics Design
Elly Jung, B
Ms. Deniz O
Devon Cole
Janine Dunn
ECOLE Argentina
Alexandre P
Ecrivus International
Ectranslator Translation Mr. Nie Jing
Edentext Translation ServMichael Ibgh
Edit Internet And Translation
Editora Sur Economa, S. L.
EEC Kulaszewski
Arkadiusz B.
EET Services
Maci Falgs
Effective Translations
Matthew Sc
Ego Translating
Mark Aleinik
Mohamed A
Fatma Awad
Sabry Game
Prof. Sanjib
El Salvador Translation
Enti Bracam
Adriana Chir
ElaN Languages
Karl Vanker
Elanex, Inc.
Troy Helm
eLanguages, Inc.
Pamela Peter
Eldon Bureau
Kathy Buckl
Mr. Imad Al
Joseph Lee
Svetlana Zu
Yordanka Iv
Lauren Liu
Tarun Patel
Rosalind Sm
Eloquence S.r.l.
Mark Alberto
Elarbi El Ma
Saim zgrl
Eleni Zissi
EN & CO Translation
Nagi Idris
Andrew Koro
Enge Translations
Airi Enge
Carolien Lae
Janine Hoffm
Beverly Vict
Petr Borovi
English Services
Mariana Poz
English translations
Branko Milic
Jan Meinhof
Clive Darling
Valeria Vero
Alexandr R
Graham Bow
Bev Corwin
Chen Xiao
Epsilon Translation
Grace Michae
Angelina As
Bruce Capell
Jose M. Esc
Pawel Walen
Estilo Translations
Etc Net Oy
Ilona Josep
Janos Fekete
Sylvie Pigea
Eureco Group
Eureka Translations
Pascaline D
Timothy Za
Patricia Chi
Euro Translations
EuroChina Consultants LtCompany Dir
EuroGreek Translations Limited
Deniss Podle
Hossam Las
Urbain KAL
Gilbert Doc
Zlia Pereira
Sonia Pizzi
Lina Elhage
Europa Plus Translations
Europa Translations
John Bennet
Nicolas Cha
Rossano Ros
Eurotranslate SRL
Tapi Alina-D
Franoise or
Jane Brodie
Nadia Farca
Pavla Gruzo
Abhishek Ta
EVS Group
Thomas Weis
EVS Poland
Iwona Popis
Cecilia Brod
ExactLingua, L.L.C.
Dr. Ralph R
Philippe Ric
Excel Translations
Chris Parent
Maria Kanga
Exclusive Translation
Exclusive Translations
Dorin Apava
Lorraine Bat
Mag. Ekater
Grzegorz Kl
Manager - Mr
Expert Translators
ExperTeach Gesellschaft Andreas von
Experts In Translation
Project Mana
Explicon AB
Jan Sundstr
Agnieszka A
Samuel Ame
Expressions, Inc.
Luli Ueda
F&L Translation and Interpreting Serv
F. Traducciones
Barbara CO
Faravon Donishmand
Elena Prince
Fardah Co
Farid Younes
Fast Translate
Helen Adam
Jochem Vro
Sandra Marc
Christian Fa
Fabiano Ferr
Feanor O
Andrea Boche
Mr. Govind
George Fich
Thomas Jose
Inna Hakala
FinnTeam Translations
Fintel Ltd
Regine Saint
First Translations
Danny Goos
Philipp K
FLE s.p.r.l.
H K Lim
Florella Ltd
Veronika Ne
FLS Translations
Veronica Kh
Foreign Study
M. Tax
James Bonal
Edith van de
Fototext AB
Paul Olovss
Roy Fox
Ivan Knezek
FoxP2 Translations
Daniela INH
Lonie Ni Ch
Fredson-Clems CC
Mr. Frederi
Abi Freeman
Catherine Pe
Mr. Manoj C
Fernando Al
Mohammad E
Gabriel Tsal
Jan Gregr (
Galal Co.
Galal Moham
Suraj Chand
Galaxy Translations
Steve Vetri
Gary Bokobz
Directrice d
Garratt Translations
Helena Garra
Pham Ngoc
Kanako Mat
Ignacio Ant
Gemini Translations
Natalie Mar
Gemmell Translations
General Documentation Resources (
Generum O
Genesis - Bereshit
Dr. Natalia
Craig Buckst
Gentil Translations
Karine Genti
GENUINE, s.r.o.
Zuzana Bari (Georgian
Mag. Ekater
Rusudan Kik
Ingo Wagen
Lukasz Kami
Get It
Barbara Lis
Gherguta Vertalingen
Daniela Ghe
Mauricio Per
Glemus-Com Ltd
Global Access
Global Arena
Carolyne Cu
James Miller
Ihab Badran
Alex Boggio
Global eSolutions
Nadia Ali
Global Flag&Associates
Kenji Yabe
Andrew Trot
Global Linguists
Chanda Pipla
Global Listings
Nikki Fisher
David Grunw
Gunay Rahi
Global Understanding
Patricia Nich
Lolly Colomb
Global-Business-Service LAndreas Ho
GlobalContentStrategy.c Victor Alons
GlobaLink Translations Lt Susan Culp
Globalization Group, Inc. Kevin Maryo
Globalization Partners In Martin Spet
Global-Lingual Pte Ltd
Ms Josephin
GlobalReady, LLC
James Keller
Barbara Jak
Lola Castrui
Ann Huwaer
Dirk Wouter
Marta Mara
Gloire Traducciones
Gloria Prez
Savas Pavlid
Aridana Gra
GLTaC, Inc.
Doug Strock
Barbara Bac
Go Global Translations
Teresa Cres
John Zeng
C/O: Marion
GoRussian Group
Al Polonski
Lucie Zaplet
Gabriela Sy
Grata Ltd.
Andreas M
Rabin Rachal
George Boya
Gregory Meul
Gregory Meu
Sylvie Gadn
Olivia Bravo
Tim Mylward
Paulene Gra
Helen Crispi
H Nilsen
Hermod T.H.
Hachi International
Nelia Nazare
Atomer Yon
Kamal Hasan
Bertrand Bo
Handsome Translations
Angie Yan
Paul Gromek
Hastings McKay
HCR - Informtica E Tra Joo Ruivo,
Ashi Fachler
Hebron LLC
Tom Daniel
Eleonora Be
Barbara r
Heron OU
Tnu Mesal
Herros Ltd.
Karl Aladjov
Heinz Herol
Dewi Mahara
H. Hendriks
HI Communications
Harue Iwash
HK Enterprise
Harish Upad
Heike Demm
HL Language Solutions
Luis Nijjar o
HL Trad
Eric le Poole
HM Translation Service
Haydee Moji
Khanh Le
Andrej Holc
Ms. Miki C
Nadezhda Iv
Andrey Trube
HotLan Translation
Monet Gao
Hourglass Translations
Alfonso Blan
Basem Al A
Ben Iwayam
Natacha Min
Hubor d.o.o.
Mirela Hude
Mariya Dimi
Hungarian Services
CEO Hajosi E
Sandor Sojn
Christian Pri
I.S.S.A. bvba
Hilde Denev
Ana Ippolito
Jan Zizka
Francesca Fe
Ibidem Group
Katarzyna W
Iceni Enterprises
Mikiko Sakur
Jim Duck
Vicky Hanco
Diana Iksite
Ricardo Da
Ideaz Technologies
Kevin Hollan
Gaurav Nab
David Girott
Claudio Rus
Carmen Men
Idiomas s.c.
Jacek Orope
Carlos R. Mi
Eva Maria S
Ifama GmbH
Joel Guttmann
iLen Technology
Cathy Issart
Mariam Deam
IM - Ingls en Malaga
Sara Bustin
Ingrid Ludwi
Adiel Steph
Imperial Translation
David Boyd
Sylvia Stras
Terena Bell
Larry Rosenf
Indic Lingo
Arvind Sing
Vidya Pingle
Manager: Zha
Johannes Ta
Ivonne Kelln
Jimmy Sous
Dan Foamete
S Roy Chaud
InfoResearch Services
Infotranstech India Pvt. LAshok Varm
Ing. Eva Harnett
Eva Harnett
Ana Snche
INK Catalunya
Marta Dal
INKO Fachbersetzungen
Asad Zaman
Yannis Pistof
Mary McBrie
Mr. Antonio
Insignia Translations
Paul Penaflo
INTEGRA d.o.o.
Andreja Kos
Vanesa River
Viacheslav I
intellect propels
Gudrun Kop
Intellecta Srl
Emanuele Pol
Intellingua, Inc.
intellitext LanguageServi Louise Pomm
Inter Business Solutions Jose Gomez
Inter-American TranslatinMs. C. Bascuas
Mr. Dubocag
Jana Rogers
Michel Hoeb
Kerstin Con
Tsetska Rad
interlanguage s.r.l.
Susanna Ferr
Kerlin Liiva
Ms. Atanaso
Sabine Pawl
Benedetta Sc
David Medra
Laura Marin
Ivan Karaba
Inter-Set translations
Tina Klitgaa
Samia Ishaqu
Interverbum AB
Malin Flyrin
Olaf Renoldi
Jrme Gamb
InterWorld Translations
Jeremy Melto
Marianne No
Elise Weaver
Intredec Translations
Alex Snche
InvaCon Translations
Christina J
Nathalie NA
Cherry Zhan
Martin Strb
Jacqui Must
Ho Hui Lin
Irina, Vladim
Martine Char
Yolanda Mar
Dennis Smit
Issam's Tolkservice
Issam El-Ali
Audrey Sacco
Sabina Bruz
Maria Grazia
Benedetto Pr
Mr Fabrizio
Javier E. Ro
Beverly Corn
Siby Chack
Giovanni Ga
ITP Europe
Vronique E
Michael Roc
Enaut Urres
Luc Vanden
David Klepin
Sakthi Selva
Mitsuko Mae
Stone Chen
Vitesh Doch
JB Translations
Jaime Bone
Juan Castilla
Jensen Localization
Lani Hendrik
JES Corporation
Osamu Takah
Mr. W. Jette
Anna Susha
Antonio, Ha
JK translation
Jitendra P. K
JK translation
Olga Protop
JM Communication GmBH
JMG Translation
John Garsid
JMS Textservice
Marcel Steu
Sage Aught
Jofre Publishing
Sara Jofre
Joheens Productions
Paul Oghogh
Joho-Translation Tokyo
Kazuo Ooya
JP Translations
Jana Paul
JR Language Services
Sergio A Ruf
Vilma Jaksta
JTG, inc.
Tahmena Ra
JTI Inc.
Steven Chen
Miki Jeon
S. Kahaner
JurisTrans s.r.o.
Bedich Had
Kingson Lui
K International
Bernd Leck
Kades Trans
Alexandru T
Wendy Leech
Robert Kapl
Kavensis Ltd
Ljupce Sto
KBK Corporation
Mr. Sadao O
KC Communications
Kim Carlson
Dr. Mohamed
Marlies von
Duke van St
KERN Corporation
Kate Partlan
Kern Services
Bohumil KE
Monique Ke
Key Translations
Olena Mank
Elizabeth Sa
Janna Lundb
KL Fachbersetzungen
Martin Stau
David Lee
Kim, Jung B
Micha Sola
Murali Balak
KoLangs Inc.
Kolme Lovi Lingvistika OUM. D. Dunde
Komel Translations
Patrice K. H
Chiharu Hig
Kosmos Srl
Daniela Fav
Krishna Infoways
Mr. Gireesh
KR-Manuaali Ky
Ksrao international
Karumoju S
Kubus Translations
Wieland Has
Kushagr Translators
Anamika Sin
Emin Aliyev
Neil Payne
KX Translations
Katia Xenop
Oleg Yesipov
L J Translations
Ekjitra Jiemj
Lisa Mercier
Robert Helo
Carmen Laca
Gilles Digna
Lan Do
Mateusz Fab
Hazel Shin
Neha Saini
Kenny Kim/T
LangTran Service
J-L Krassow
Vivek Raj
Ben Taylor
Language Connections - M
Chris Merritt
Language Consult
Anette Vest
Ivan Castillo
Language Department
Paul Elwood
Nafisa O'Bri
Rick White
S Kansal
Language Marketplace
Language Matters
Rosangela Fi
Vignani Mari
Language Networks BV
Yuri Voronts
Language Partners
Language Point
Giorgio Nigr
Gillian Taylo
Gabriela Etc
Nou Yang
Language Solutions
Dr. Isabelle
A. Malik
Juan Salcedo
Joseph M. C
Languages At Space
Languages by Nicole, Inc President: N
Languages for Austria
Susan Geibl
Gus Kenyon
Michelle Lau
Paul Herrera
Rodrigo Men
LanguageWire A/S
Anne Schmi
Sergio Corde
LanguageWorks, Inc.
Farzanah Ga
Victoria Lyal
Laura Berga
David Slade
L'atelier de traduction
F. Peyrouny
Alejandro R
LavaLingua Translating
Daniel Wolfe
Mrs Emilie Kr
Mel Menend
Lazos de Amistad
Fernanda Ar
lb translations
Amougou Ze
Dongsung, C
Julien JOLY
Lead News
Sajeesh P. M
Learningcurveasia Pty
Andrew Wall
Yana Statel
Rajiv Arora
Karin Baier
Lemoine International
Lemon Tree S.n.c.
Bettina De M
Beno Celso L
Jerzy Wasik
Customer Se
Mr Levente
Roman Bulki
Lexi Tlkebroo O
David Salga
Natalie Kno
Arzu Kasimov
Lexicon SA
Andonis God
Lexicon Translations
Cecilia Agua
Lexis Communications
Lexis Sas
Cristina Mat
de le Court
Lexi-tech International
Paola Ludovi
Eleftheria P
Sophie Cadel
LF Line, s.r.o.
Ms. Lenka K
Libra-k translation agenc Serge Brylo
Sumira Lund
Rosalind Co
LingBridge Translations
Paula Amato
Lingo Systems
Jeff Williams
Luciana Pe
Stan Yanaki
Lingonova Consulting SerAmy Mao
Adam Asnes
Lenka de Gr
Lars Hj
Lingua Consultants
Jaco Breyte
Ms. Julia Be
Lingua Franca
Francisco S
Dolors Plani
Lingua Nordica Oy
Lingua Port
Lingua Tech Singapore
Nickson Che
Lingua Translation
Nilay Keskin
Lingua Translations
Marzia Hillm
Lingua Translations
Alfred (Fred
Lingua Translations
Lingua21 Limited
Lucia Tale
Heidrun Wol
Nelson Tact
Linguae Mundi
Wilfried Bon
Philippe Bri
Linguainvest Lda.
Gabriela Lima
Nina Elin Br
Mike Freem
Monica Lauri
Adrienne Par
Linguamaster UK ltd
Linguamax Ltd
Grace Azadv
Rob Gartenb
LinguaNet srl.
Alex Brenna
Linguapool GmbH
Maria Svistunova
Anna Pownall
Mina Iveta B
Elina Lagoud
Mariana Mir
LinguaVox, S.L.
Marie Guill
mw Cyril Lo
Linguist Translation
Anna Kapesi
Linguistic Solutions
John Lin
Andrey Yum
Lingvo Ltda
Lucy Petrouc
Lingvoexpert Translatio
Olga Savele
Valentine U
Edmund Lui
Eduardo Cas
Victor Kurec
Linuxdesign AS
Lion-Net Ltd.
Gera Branov
Liquid Translations
Gordon Fis
Alex Shurch
Litinterp UAB
Ruta Jakutie
Evdoxia Ren
Littera Sr
Milica Petrov
Ralf Van de
Michael Car
LocalEyes Sverige AB
Localization Services
Karin Sepp
Localize Technologies
Gary Prioste
Localsoft S.L.
Randall Mag
LocaTran Translations
Jack Zuo
Dina Fayed
Lilian Alves
Marc Giroult
Judith Santo
Lopa Agency
Vladimir Lop
Robert Fiute
Mara Ins B
Lorraine Translation
Marlne Cla
Attila Hajdu
Vladimir Kri
Lydia Lakel-
Ms. Hoang L
Marija Jovan
Lilly V. Khe
Paul Morriso
Kristen Corr
Tatiana Stru
Lycon Translation
Julia Wang
V.R. Sasidar
Marco Ballar
M. E. Services Communica
Michael E. S
Milena Tosh
Jonathan Mil
Barbara Sum
Margarita Tr
Janusz Pasn
Magnolia Translations
Magnum Group, Inc.
Vivian Isaak
Nana Segedi
Manama Translation CentrMahmoud A.
Mandarin Chinese Translation, Interpr
Ma'oz Services Transpres Elad Ma'oz,
Maramir Translation servi Ahmed Farou
Marc Jordan
Marc Jordan
Mariposa Interpreting
Sandie Cerv
Gustavo Ban
MarkeM d.o.o.
Andrej Kose
Paulo Pinto
Daniel Bosis
Lourdes All
Tessy De Ry
Mr Roberto D
Vavrinec Hu
Max Grauert
Richard BR
Ms. Camiller
MBGJ.ORG Limited
Martin Goet
Yanina Gullin
MC Translation Agency
Oppy Dita
Stacey Ber
Najate Bahi,
Medatta Creations
Haryati Moh
Caroline Mar
Mikhail Lask
Lawrence Vis
Jimmy Kwon
MediaMate GmbH
(Mr.) Jens B
Eugenia Enc
Isabel Reis
Clarice Ann
MedicaLingual Inc.
MeeTincS SA
Andr Vasan
Irena Alexa
Carole Sama
Mag. Meinrad
Christophe K
Mercury Translations
Sofia I. Kio
Irina Dyako
Mrs. Kiriaki
Pascal Pauly
Iris Tiessens
Martine Leb
Microfusa S.L.
Jordi Guber
Mikal Le Ga
Nadia Belker
Nagore Ugar
Mincor, Inc.
Jaime Minin
Mind Communications
Sridhar Sam
Simon Damo
Denis Lebed
Kevin Guerri
Radoslaw Pil
Caroline M
Michael Pow
Tigran Khac
Modways Translations
Neel Rattan
Tomas Hutte
Moloi Translators cc
Leonard Mol
Mondi Talen
Lian Pelkma
Mondial Traduction
Miss Hasnaa
Mondo Services
Adrin Pre
Owner: Hara
Hector Zenil
Monteiro Lobato
Albina Irtug
Paco Lema
Mother Tongue
Subbanna Va
MTM LinguaSoft
Myriam Sifta
Oleksandr M
Sales and M
Joop Jansse
Paresh Agarw
Multilize Inc
Vitaly Borok
MultiMedia SRL
Nicolae Sfet
Mirella Orm
Bill Briere
Paola Wolfs
N.E.C. Traducciones
Carolina or
Nadya Emanu
Bhushan Bho
Israel Naog
Nslund Charlamov
Natalia Diachuk's Agency Yaroslav Me
Natalie's Translation Services
Natasha's Translations
Natasha Bar
Natig llc
Aliheydar P
Simon Perre
Eileen Flosn
Negrin Vertaaldiensten
Roberta Neg
Sachin Vaid
Nelles Translations
Don Hanley
Jesus Prieto
Ahmadreza N
Yuri Patchko
Nero Translations
Benjamin Sm
Greg Lubeck
Shy Avni
Brigitte Yip
Harry Kissing
Newtype, Inc.
Raissa Spat
Karthik Tiru
Ralf Nissan
Nirmal Kuma
Lene Drages
Dr. John P.
Nota Bene
Notary Service of Clevel Lydia L Mart
Nova Language Services Alanna
Tamuna Jang
Noriko Mats
Nu-Fantex Technology
NZTC International
Matt Heenan
Objectif Traduction
Florence Ail
OCE Translations
Eddy Elshou
Betty Galian
Osama Huss
Krzysztof Ju
Mr. Casper
OG Translations
Oil Translators Agency
Christiano (
Dan Scheie
Elisa Cote
Bob Potts, V
Mirko Cervin
Omnitrad S.n.c.
Rivola Dott.
Onat Translations
Asim Onat
Ren R. Salq
Ftrai Dnes
Andrea Mod
Emilian Serb
Diane Hangh
Tekla dor
Linda Stern
Opportunities Translatio Marisa Scha
Orange Text
Benjamin Bar
Prateek Nir
Orbis Ltd
Ulyana Safr
Mr Costas Na
Ordkommisjonen AS
General Man
Anders Fjll
Robert Selli
Egle Pedak
O Kuues Element
OU Prolegomena
O Tlkekunstnikud
Oui Translate
Clara Irisso
Susana Hour
Tamsin Pear
Outsource Translation
Over the Word
Julien DEMA
Oy Dynaline Ltd
Jenita Kokk
Oy Projekt-Makarna Ab
Pivi Nystr
Somsak Pat
Emelie Hull
Ray Habaye
Julia Otmak
Pampa Translations
Maria Diaz
Paname Translations
Pandraiku Translations
Kurt Bamert
Merve Arsla
Isabelle Du
Kevin McGa
Everhard He
Parsi Translation
Mahdi Most
Vickie Peggs
Birgit Bichle
Passus Tekstcreaties
Gwen Noens
Passwords Communicat
Kirk Ander
Reem Ahmed
Michael Van
Paul Media
S. Paul
Paulo Jos
Paulo Fern
Unni Lie
Peak Translations
Helen Provar
Zeynep Demi
Milena Mand
T. Waalkes
Joannes Ver
Alex Pylov
Svetlana Koz
Irina Shadr
Ivelina Stoi
Anja Pesche
PF Media Group
Anna Lee
Elisenda Mit
Bernard J Phi
Katja Leadle
Ervin Piros
Mr. Siravic
HR Departm
Planet Lingua
Mauro Vigia
Planet Syndication
Alenka Hall
Katerina Ch
Platin Translation
T. Baskocak
Marek Zalew
Laura Ords
Krystian Zaj
Anna Biela (H
Henry Krzyw
Kasha Lityn
Maggie Lee,
Poorna Translations
Puttu P Kulk
Portal da Traduo
Carlos Henr
Krystyna Be
Emre Yildiri
Paul Prasan
Pragma Publishing
Laurent Sain
PragRo Consulting
Madalina Tu
Kerstin Kr
Ildiko Pomp
Prestige Translation
Krishna Lim
PRESTO Translations
Ing. Milan H
Pretass s.r.o.
Prevajanje Multilingual / Sinja Zavrta
Prime IT Solutions
R. A. Abbasi
Primovere Linguistics
Alric Van De
Mihaela Pric
Printex 2000
Mr. Dean Iv
Priority Translation
Bill Reis
Giuseppe Bia
Private Company Solovio Andriy Solov
Pro Lingua
Jozsef Gal
Felix Comla
Ann Loos
Pilar Rodrg
Nina Edenho
Reinhold W
Prolang Translations
Prolangs Inc.
Youngsoon L
Mark Stamm
Andrei Tcho
Anna Neijss
Andy Overm
Alexandru B
Rainer Slom
Jim Cottrell
Beata Boa
Dragan IBA
Dawn Millica
Simon Velez
Pulse Group
Kym Wong
Punjab Translators
Costanza Or
Fiammetta E
Patric Thom
PUSH International
Jason O'Dwy
SOV Chhunte
Ali Mehdiza
Manu Rodrig
Quality Language
Matt Truema
Julia Heath
QualityLogic Inc.
Queensland Interpreting Helen McMa
QuicConsult EDIT
Rashid Hasa
Charles Ree
Kathy Grzes
Rachel Kremer
Mikhail Agib
Stan Cheren
Rapport International
Wendy Peas
Shamil Rash
Mr. Koitzsch
Real Translation
Dr. S Ali, Dr
Aziza Tuych
Gaston Rena
Rene de Graaf
Rene de Gr
Rakesh Meh
Erin Berzins
Silvana M. K
Consuelo Pet
RGP Translations
Rebeca Ramb
Emily Diam
Brian Kratt
Domenico Be
RiteEdit Assistance
Roman Sulo
Rolandas INC.
Rolandas Dir
Sandra R. R
Rossion Inc
Peter McNau
Roy Transcription
Yollande Roy
Roy's Resources
Roy F. Coch
Rpquin Translations
Ricardo Pal
RR Translations
Rosana Russ
Fleur Grego
Arkady Grouz
Supreet Nar
Olga Sirenk
Russian Services
Marina Huyt
Russian translation
Russian Translation Agen Anna Abros
Russian Translation Center
Russian Translation MatteIgor Shevko
Russian Translation Servi Kate Humph
Russian-English Translati Lenny
Natalia Rom
RussianWorks, Inc.
Alice West
Michael Lau
Pam Palmer
Adela Veron
Cristina D
Ron Smith
Anar Qafarov
Sadowska Languages
Saeculii, LLC
Ivan Vande
Peter Holm-
Velia Lopez
Saint Augustine
Birgit Nudin
Sajan, Inc.
Emily Blaisde
Sally Skow
SaluTranslators, Inc.
Doroteya Teo
Sara Translations
Stoyan Yord
Sara Vu Services
Jaya Bhat
Stevan Alco
Roberto Rey
Wafaa Mohiy
Lois Turel
Alexandra Y
Ralph Bland,
Cherie Plai
Sc Duotrad SRL
Simona Pasc
Ramona Stoi
Patrick Hoog
Gitte Peters
Anja Weggel
Walter Herz
Sci-Tech Translations
Deborah Mc
Emmeline G
Dmitriy Kova
Fabio Descal
Pierre Duqu
Frank ter Re
Elodie Brule
Siozic Didel
Guida Lopez
Select Language
Clive Hawki
Diva D Real
SELIG s.a.s.
Selta-B Official Translat
Stefan Balc
Anny Karaka
Janne Lavia
Mark Kieran
Juan Kriete
Gemma San
Ekkapol Me
SFG team
David Keroll
SG Graphics
Jin Y. Guan
SH3, Inc
Jackie Smith
SHADI Translations
Shadi Alfar
Shakerin Translation
Director: Mr
Shakti Enterprise
C.E.O.: Gaja
Shamrog Translations
Shanghai Global-RoamingZhijun JIAN
Mr. Antonio
Grady Loy
Shoaib & Co
Karina Livm
Walaa Sale
Silk Road
Shahram Ch
Marco Pedrol
SimulTrans Ltd.
SimulTrans, L.L.C.
Sinaforum - AssociazioneDavide Vona
Sino Translation Compan Kanghui
Yuehua Qi
Anna Cantin
Isabel Rodr
Sittag International
A. Fattah
Six800 Ltd
Lisa Castillo
Ursula Morin
Skansa Translations
Astrid Norde
Skillby Spraktjnst
Malin Skillby
Skjal Translations
Skovgaard Europe
Skrivanek Latvia
Aiga Veckaln
sl communication
Birgit Schmi
Martin Ches
SLS Translation
Richard Han
Mike Sekine
Alaa El-Shi
Smart Planning UK
Mrs. Mirella
SmithLee Productions, InDavid Smith
Smyrna Tercume (TranslaMehmet Balc
Marije Stam
Kiril de JA
Harry Stoja
Softrad Translation
Xavier Maco
SOFTtalk Translations
Philip Riley
Soft-Trans Bt.
Software Engineering Co.,Takeshi Mat
Software Translations
David Norm
Soget srl
Michele Buo
Solard Ltd.
Solard comp
Geoffrey So
Sott Global
SourceWord translations Maksim
South-Estonian Translati Indre Tenno
sowabusiness services
Spanish Express, Inc.
Carlos F. Riv
Mr. Alfonso
Spanish Steps
Spanish Translation - MedArt C. Anderson
Spanish Translation Bure Miguel Ortiz
Spanish Translations Bureau Ltd
Spanish Unlimited, LLC
Maria A. Ke
Spanish VO specialists
Claudia Nel
Mara ngele
Sparkle Media
Markus Wa
Eva Lorente
Liliana Medi
Spencer Translations
Jorge Spenc
Cristina Ro
Milos Prudek
Mia Kvarnefo
Jeanette Myl
SPZ Tradues
Snia Ponte
Nick Roach
Sergio Roge
James Zhou
Ssknet Research
SSP Services
Stella Mary
SSV Traducciones
Stack Ltd.
Mariya Kulik
Wael Elemam
Anna Scher
Star TS UK/Ireland
Stars Group of TranslatorShri Pal Sh
Eliana Ponto
Steady Promotion
Andrei Albu
Stephens Translation Ser Marco
STF Traducation
Paul Ayah
STI Translations
Arnoud Altin
Karina Disch
Stoquart SA
Dimitri Stoq
Story Worldwide
Zoey Cooper
Maria Janum
Lon Schultz
Strides Associates
Saloman R J
Strombus Ltd.
Leonids Bar
Catherine Neill
Studio Alias
Monica Berto
Studio Barone
Michael Deli
Studio DM
Antonio Del
Roberto Gode
Barbara Cupi
Studio Moretto
Hillary Ngai
Studio PaoloRisso
Paolo Risso
Susan Willi
Rosaria Mari
Larissa San
Studio Traduzioni
Marinos Geo
STV Translations BV
drs Olivier
Nihit Ranjan
Ilaria Celest
Anna Kyrych
Gerten Suhr
Thomas Brad
Rajat Dutta
Elisa Troiani
Mrs. Iryna
Valeriy Rezi
Jose M. Mon
Maria, Gulna
Rajeev Kapo
Swedish Abstracts
Rickard Enst
Roxana Amb
Mini Puri
Patrick Drag
Philemon Lo
Digvijay Par
Mara C San
Laurence Ca
Philippe Vuk
TAB International
Bektash Ahl
Tadelec Technologies
Tadeusz Bili
Yasmeen Ra
Dom Bourne,
Thea Galem
Talkfinance srl
Nathalie Go
Talking China
Tara Translations
Paula Connol
Targem Translations
Wolf Markow
Heather Han
Eduardo Nat
Hans Van L
Nicolas Brau
Jarda Kafka
Ioannis Kass
Technotext NL
L. Mokhova
Laurent Lega
Supriya Dev
Malin Perss
Teknotrans AB
Christian H
Andre Lupen
William Mar
Mark Newto
Tercume Burosu
Kemal, Zia
Ozan en
Project Mana
Matej Klime
Franois Tes
Tetras, s.r.o.
Milos Kucik
Texel Localization
Alex Finkels
Kasia, Fran
text translate AG
Manuela Rina
Mag.Otmar L
Textminded, Inc.
Texto Translations & Co
Aggeliki Kar
Michel Lafl
Murielle Cha
Jochen Wilh
Geoffroy Des
Gnther A.
Gary Keens
Arthur Koo
Steven Ste
JoAn Finuca
Fiona Foyer
The Interpreters
Julia Fontes
Deeny Kapla
Mary Majkow
Andreas Zier
Nicole Cee
Lydia Wei
Esther van V
Bjrn Dahlb
Pavitra Jain
Hasan Alkan
Dianne Mille
think'Z GmbH
Tanja Cumm
Zane Brakov
TIS Translation
Mr. Sajja T
Titl Media
Velibor Rajk
Tlumaczenia Online
Deeny Kapla
TNS opinion
Oscar Rivir
John D
To Localise
Mr Antoine L
Today Translations
Filipe Samor
Tohii Translation Co., Ltd. Dillon Zheng
TOIN Corporation
Badih Sardo
Leo Kok
Tlkekeskus O
Agur Piirisild
Tolmach Translations
Vladimir St
Kevin Yang
John Shoule
Jennie Como
Herman Jos
Ai Arakawa
Trad Online
Mathieu Mar
Per Amann
Enrico Rover
Johann Schw
Adolfo Balli
Tradestar France
Fabienne Bo
Tradestar UK
John Hadfiel
Viveca Silk
Marc Nez
Marta Klauz
Tradoc International
Tradoc, Lda
Francisco A
P. Keraudren
Andre Salles
Isabel Horta
Daniel Duart
Francesca Za
Traducciones E.I.K.
Ewa Irmina
Traducciones fg
Paul Feith
Traducciones SORT
Ignacio Parr
Vernica Fe
Gabriela Gem
Agustina Pog
Tradues & Cia.
Traducom SRL
Mariana Pop
Rodrigo Cris
Traducta Inc.
Benoit Desja
Traduction France
Traductions JC
Judith C. Ch
Traductions Sympalys
Traductions Telicus
Evanthia Kat
Kathy Blais
Alexandra W
Traductot SRL
Bianca Con
Miika Arhio
Kevin Solan
Tradumedia CB
David Corne
Aura Navarr
Jos Ramn
Mar Anton
Silvia E. Tus
Evelyn Harri
Jader Franc
Traduttori Associati
Tradux Translations
Elke Fernn
Antonella De
Paula Lpez
Mirka Kiljala
Anastasia N
Amira Atalla
Olga Sobchu
Mr. Kushwah
Trans-Caribe CommunicatSherry E. Al
Lucia Angele
Trina Teri
Michelle Kor
Transcom Global
Ozgur Oncel
K. David Br
Sultan Ghaznawi
Transcription Professionals
Janet Miller
Evelyne Beno
Transdoku GmbH
Trans-Edit Group S.r.l.
Laura Gori
Dr E Cervoni
Margaret Jo
Manuel Lpe
Raja Sen
Mr. Alex Se
Roman Majo
Jos Luis Le
Translatasia & Interpreta Bernice Swa
Translate 4u
Turan Pehlivan
Mauro Cleric
Heather Bail
Daniela Pen
Mehmet Tanri
Edward Glov Christopher
Translated s.r.l.
Marco Tromb
Translate-info agency
Natalia Ship
Translateit LLC
Ms. Julia Pe
Artem Prykh
Matthew Tra
Radek Sturg
Philippe van
Translation BA
Tina Bischof
Translation BT
Piotr Dobrzy
Translation Bureau
Andrey Ryko
Translation Bureau
Virginia Ali
Sandra DeLa
Khatuna Mgeb
TransLation Crew
Susan Eusta
Translation Experts
Felipe de la
Translation Fixation
Stephen Ed
Yvonne Bjr
Ian White
Ram Kesarw
Jn Luptk
Manuel Lago
Translation Ministries
Jonathan Sa
Translation Office
Oksana Pro
Translation One
Irfan Ahama
Isabelle Bas
E. P.
Camilo Mun
Translation Village
Mohamad Is
Translation Wiz
Mauricio Tor
Translation World
Lena Yakime
Translation World
Mariela Tor
Mark Ryan
Sultan Faiza
Eman Elabd
Guido L. Bot
Dorothy Li
Ignacio Jim
Dr. Gerhard
Translations - Group
Dr Alicia Mo
translations CE
Translations Diana Grassi Diana Grassi
Translations Internationa Mr. Ivan Rus
Translations Provider
Dr. Daniel K
Translations, Inc.
Khadija Laas
Helena Pong
Theodoros V MSoC K
TranslationSmart, Inc.
Dan Barus Administrato
Maria Luisa
Translatio-Uebersetzung Dora de la
Translaton Chamber UK LAngelika Da
Translator Legal and Financial, S.L.
Translator Studio
Audrey Manc
Monika Zdu
Rafal Laszcz
Gabe O'Mea
Translatrservice AS
Helge Haver
Susan Yeung
Translatum Oy
Jaana-Mari A
Translavic BV
Ewa Posecka
Ewa Majews
Ewa Ozga
Graham Patr
Sangeet Gill
Graz: Dr. Br
Nicole M. De
Ronaldo Bel
Translingua Ltd.
Stoyan Ger
Translingua Ltd.
Vera Lusche
Translingua Ltd.
Simeona Ma
Translingua Sprachen
Susanne Voll
Hebe Marto
Leonor Fern
Translogia Oy
Markku Krist
Per Magnus
Judith Hildt
Mohamed Ga
Mykola Dem
Adrienne G
Exequiela Go
Nino Gulli
Transpose SA
Maria Rosa D
Transpose.Info, Inc.
Pascale Dani
Trans-Print India
Pawan Kumar
TransProof Services
Carole Hogn
Cristina Rier
Maruti Shin
Tim McMilla
TransTech Services
Tony Real
Transxpress Ltd
Patrick Have
TranSyntax, Inc.
Michael Hol
Tres Puntos
Yamit Himm
Iryna Shapa
Tridiom S.L.
Marta Berna
Tristan Translations
Marc de Tris
Orest Guy
Mara Campbell
Paola Votter
B.A. Taleb
Bryan Lattk
Yoko Tsumur
Tszorf Translations
Maurice Tszo
Jane Ramos
Haluk Demir
Turkish Translator
Selim Koyun
Peter Grdo
twigg's translations
Alan Twigg
Twinz Idiomas
Kenneth Og
Simon J Smi
typo:world GmbH
Marisa Card
Monika Zuka
UAB "Transer"
Gintare Bern
UAB Kalbininkai
UAB Industry Service Ce Kristina Ker
UAB Verslo strategija
Edita Malisa
Ubasta, llc
Mrs. Jelena
Heinrich Lie
Sabine Halle
bersetzungsbro FMC - T
Franoise Ma
bersetzungsbro Terber Klaus Glatze
bersetzungsdienst MagisMag. Maria
UBIK srl
Ubiqus France
Patricia Nm
Ubiqus Ireland
Cormac Lapt
Ubiqus Reporting UK
Natalie Leas
Ubiqus Spain
Blanca Cobo
Ubiqus USA
Andres Do
Jonathan St
UK Medical Writing
Dr. Rodney
UK TechTrans Ltd.
David Cogan
Matsumoto T
Wayne Choi
Nathalie Ar
United Languages
Rajesh Men
Mojdeh Kaz
Universal Translations
Richard Ber
Universal Translators
Kishore Rat
Larry Green
Ivan Salenk
Ursus Traduzioni
Wanda Zang
Ushuaia Solutions
Julieta Coiri
Aleksandr A
Andris Lank
V Do Translations
Naheed Virk
C. Naomi Os
Tom J. Fl
Karthick Vai
Krishna Lim
Virgil Baidoc
Ravinder Na
Jos Fuchs -
Roel Paapen
Liana Fedkin
Verter IT
Sergio Brag
Vertice Translate
Ana Izabel M
Vertimo namai
Egl Lenkut
Vertimu biuras
Sergej Alein
Chanin Ballance
Edmond Mik
Vidushi Academy
Ridhi Malhot
Tuan .Q. Do
Ana Mara Ho
Violetmedia GmbH
Klaus Schmi
George Iovc
Virtual Words
Pierre Lona
Virtus, spol. s r. o.
Lubomir Skar
Vishal Bharat
Rajesh Walv
Mohamed Ka
Vision Translations
Kinnar Jhave
Mohamed Ka
Nico Nortje
VITS LanguageLink
Vivanco & Garca
Sonia Mart
VJ. or Veera
Voice Shop
Voices for Health, Inc
Scott Van Ti
VOX Translations
Eduardo D.
Vrisekoop Talen
Martine Kui
VSI Ltd.
Emily Mclea
Vyncke Communications Eva Vyncke
Wagner Consulting Ltd.
Mr. Wagner
Wahab Ltd
Abdul Waha
Ms. Sophine
Usama Eissa
Steve Hann
Web Trans
Natalia Chik
Alina Barro
Tanya Good
Modesto Aro
Dev Mazoom
Abozar Arab
Ramonita Ro
Monika Boxle
Britney Xion
Ramesh Sul
Westminster SONUS
Grace de Ha
Andrs Rom
Pavel Turcha
Janaina Witt
Ms Sylke De
Wilson Productions
Wings Language Consult Julio Maram
Winsome Translators
Tanzim Ahm
Renney Lyu
WLS (Words Language SeMary Butler
WLS Translations
Jill Bishop
Wolfestone Translation
Anna Bastek
Laura Saldiv
Word Gym
Lois Thomas
Steve Dass
Wordbank Ltd
Wordbase Translations
Margarida S
WordCare Team
Agnes Simo
Denise Crain
WordHouse localisation bv
Saskia Steur
Pablo Gme
Aditya Bede
Kao Yang
Laura Molina
Marisa Syrelli
Pannalal Bha
Elena Twose
World Class
Begoa Asti
Silvina Marc
Leonard Sca
Worldsupport Inc.
Yasuyuki Kit
David Wray
Mandar Pura
WR Linguistics
Mr M Wilkes
Writing Ltd
WSL-Weizamn Softaware R
L ivka Herm
Chaimaa Adl William Eleanor L.
XA International
James Turl
Ariana Duar
Christina Ch
Pravda Pask
Ycomm Europe NV
Yeminli Tercmanlar BirliAbdullah Ero
Yeminli Tercme
Oxana Pilati
Mihail Yepan
Kate Porokh
Smith Park
Kajal Sojitra
Yulya Lutay
Yuri Slisaruk, Pe
Yyang Services
YYTranslation Medical Tr Stalin Wake
YYZ Translations (a bran Sultan H. G
Z STUDIO spol. s r.o.
Zaharicom, Inc.
Alexandra E
Zanagar Consulting
Ertan Zanag
Zappmedia GmbH
Karsten Woh
Ing. Marek K
Malory Mangi
Zia Rahman
74 translation agencies (all either gave permission for the listing or registered directly through w
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Management: [email protected], Central service coordination: [email protected],
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Vance V. Mebo
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Jobs: [email protected], General: [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
Istanbul: [email protected], Technical Translations: [email protected], Ankara: bilge.kahramanyol
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected]
Fridtjof Nansen Office: [email protected], Graf Ignatiev: [email protected], Advertising and Marketing
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Bro Berlin: [email protected], Bro Cottbus: [email protected], Bro Frankfurt(Oder):
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Ossama Abdel Salam: [email protected], [email protected], Ahmed Mehany: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], Submit your document for the expert review via e-mail at: translations@aetsinternationa
Jay Forte: [email protected], Kenneth Erwin: [email protected]
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Patricia Beiger
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Michael Grossman: [email protected]
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Online contact form at:
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Jobs: [email protected], Jenny Cheesman: [email protected], Info: [email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Info: [email protected], Employment (Steven Smith): [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Daniel Estill, Ari Batista, Adriana Rieche
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Info: [email protected], Valentini Amarantidou: [email protected], Despina Amarantidou: [email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
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Jobs: [email protected]
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Online form at:
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[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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Editorial director (Heine Esperon): [email protected], General inquiries: [email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], Product information: [email protected], Government Solutions: USG@basistech.
For translators: [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Vacancies: [email protected], Website: [email protected], General information: [email protected], Custome
Information: [email protected], customer service: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Job application: [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
General: [email protected], Mr. Meng: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
Translation department: [email protected], Client department: [email protected], Market depar
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
USA: [email protected], Belarus: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
Barbara Berger: [email protected], Tim Ray: [email protected], General: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], auxiliary email: [email protected], personal emails: [email protected], nan
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
General: [email protected], Maryse M. Benhoff: [email protected], Sabrina Darrigo: sab
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Alberto Jelmini: [email protected], Orders/Quotations: [email protected], Freelancers: jobs@blueworld
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], applications: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Translations and Quotations : [email protected], Accounts Department: [email protected], General Qu
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
Quote: [email protected], Jobs: [email protected], Caue: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], Orders: [email protected], Application: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Information: [email protected], Information (DE): [email protected], Information (FR): [email protected], Freelance Translat
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
Human Resources: [email protected], Quotations: [email protected], Operations Manager (Natascha Ost
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Order: [email protected], Info: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
Antonio Vilei
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Germaine Broadbent
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jobs: [email protected], Info: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Hannah Thuijs: [email protected], J.C.W. de Groot: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] or [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Translation: [email protected], Interpretation: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], Online contact form at:
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[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Shenzhen: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Beijing: beijing@brighttrans.
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], Job: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
Employment Opportunities - Freelance translators, Translation Intern, etc: [email protected], Sales Enquiries (Translat
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
For translation service: [email protected], For other inquiries: [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], stephanie.nieuwjaer@communi
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected]
E-mail: Jobs: Info: [email protected], Annika Leander: [email protected], Malin Norman: malin.norman@comtex
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Susanne Steinegger: [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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Luis Echeverry CEO: [email protected], Consuelo Echeverry CFO: [email protected], Veronica Amador Office Administ
[email protected]
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Glenn Corey
[email protected]
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[email protected], Andr Moreau: [email protected], Caroline Napier: cnapier@dialogueint
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], Wilmenia Santiago: [email protected], Ewandro Magalha
Birgit Kaiser-Fernane: [email protected], Christine Zschumme: [email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
Jobs: [email protected], Info: [email protected], Quotations: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (Petra), [email protected] (Manfred)
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
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CV submission: [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], send an email with updated CV at: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
General Inquiries - [email protected], Sales - [email protected], Business Development - [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
Employment: [email protected], Interpretation: [email protected], Translations: trans
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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Clive Darling
[email protected], [email protected]
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Jobs: [email protected], Info: [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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Employment: [email protected], [email protected], To ask general questions or give us feedback: info@elc
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
EVS UK: [email protected], EVS Bulgaria: [email protected], EVS Offenbach: [email protected], EVS Berlin: berlin@e
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
General: [email protected], Cecilia Brodelius Agemark: [email protected], Per Dahlstrm: [email protected], Maria Daniels
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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Hong Kong: [email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected] - for quotes and inquiries about our services and consulting, [email protected] - for technical
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
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Fabiano Ferreira: [email protected], Jobs: [email protected], Quotes: services@fcsitranslatio
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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Catherine Hao: [email protected], [email protected]
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Jobs: [email protected], Info: [email protected], Invoices: [email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], Canada: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
Marion Gorenstein: [email protected], Translations: [email protected], Online contact
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], Adriana Francisco: [email protected], Kiki Mazzucchelli: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], recruitment enquiries: [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
Andrey Trubetskoy - Director: [email protected], Baskakova Irina - manager, vice-director: [email protected], Kasia
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
Imogen Duthie, Jose Maria
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
General e-mail: [email protected], e-mail for subcontractors: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Support: [email protected], General Inquiries: [email protected], Account Status: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
General: [email protected], Robert Bigler: [email protected], Gerald Bigler: [email protected], Herta Big
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
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Arika Rochprihati
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Translation e-mail: [email protected], company e-mail: [email protected], Andreja Kos: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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Ms. C. Bascuas
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
General Information: [email protected], Sales: [email protected], Customer Service: support@interlations.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
rvices Corporation
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
For quotes: [email protected], general inquiries: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Translation Division: [email protected], Slavic Languages Division: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected] (General Questions & Information), [email protected] (Sales & Marketing Department), web@jp
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Jobs: [email protected], Info: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
General: [email protected], Kim Carlson: [email protected], Hideto Tadenuma: hideto@kccommuni
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ahmet Kenbil
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected]
General: [email protected], Jobs: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
General: [email protected], Jobs: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
General affairs: [email protected], [email protected], Translation order: [email protected],
[email protected]
Online contact form at:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jolanda Janssen: [email protected], The Netherlands: [email protected], L&L USA: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
Angela Cohen
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
General Information: [email protected], Webmaster: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
contact through the website
[email protected]
[email protected]
General Information: [email protected], Juan A. Morales: [email protected], Webmaster: Jo
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Informes, listas de precios y cotizaciones: [email protected], Atencin a clientes: clientes@lan
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], accounts@language-ex
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
Greensboro: [email protected], Richmond: [email protected], Kathleen Quinby: kwq
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected]
Gen. Info & Quotes: [email protected], Managing Director: [email protected]
Juan Salcedo
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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Questions: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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For general information: [email protected], to schedule an interpreter: scheduling@legaltranslatorsne
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Rio: [email protected], Sao Paulo: [email protected], Salvador: [email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected]
For job applications: [email protected], Product information and sales: [email protected], Technical support for Lingsof
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
Translations: [email protected], Community interpretation: [email protected], Conference interp
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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Gabriela Lima
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Alex Brenna
[email protected]
Dr. Ing. Sergio Naurelli: [email protected], Lisa Kienast: [email protected], Yvonne Speck:
Maria Svistunova
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
Michael Cardenas: [email protected], USA: [email protected], Argentina: latinamerica@localconcep
[email protected]
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General: [email protected], Mara: [email protected], [email protected], Rosa: [email protected], ro
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Klaus Neumann: [email protected], Info: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
Estimate Inquiries: [email protected], Freelancer Inquiries: [email protected], Regular Employment Inquiries: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], Online contact form at:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
General Inquiries: [email protected], Translations/Payment: translations@lysvietnamesetranslation.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected]
USA: [email protected], Beijing, China: [email protected], Tianjin, China: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected]
Online contact form at:
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], Dott. Roberto Di Scala: [email protected], Dott. Elisabetta Sandri: sandri@mauscript.
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
Tina Cargile: [email protected], Shelly Orr Priebe: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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Olivier Den Hartigh
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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Richard Park
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Mondi Talen Brabant: [email protected]
[email protected]
Jobs: [email protected], Adrin Prez Montes: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Enrique Travieso: [email protected], Sales: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Beijing: [email protected], Krzysztof Kazala: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
General: [email protected], Translation department: [email protected], Interpreting: interp
[email protected]
Major contact (Taipei: Contact person: Jeff Lee: [email protected], Other contacts: Chicago: Contact person
Quotations: [email protected], Matt Heenan: [email protected], Glenn Johnston: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], Argentina: [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
Art C. Anderson
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], Mr Costas Nadalis: [email protected]
Fredrik Bolin: [email protected], Leyla Krner ier: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Julien DEMARTY - Sales manager: [email protected], Nadge TISSIER - Language manager: traduction@ov
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
General e-mail: [email protected], e-mail for subcontracts: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected]
Caroline Dieleman: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Management: [email protected], Localization, translation: [email protected], Jobs: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], Jobs: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], Emanuela.Rodriguez@publicis-blueprint.
[email protected]
Customer Support: [email protected], General Inquiries: [email protected], Request For Proposal: rfp@
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Petach Tikva: [email protected], Jerusalem: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
Rachel Kremer
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected]
Mrs Helen Corban
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (customer service), [email protected] (careers)
[email protected], [email protected], postmaster@english-russian-trans
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Alice West: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], employment information: [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Poland: [email protected], USA: [email protected], Resume: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
Localization: [email protected], Sales: [email protected], Technical Support: [email protected], Inf
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
Ute Ogholoh
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
Clive Hawkins: [email protected], Servizi di traduzione: [email protected], Servizi di interpret
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Janne Lavia: [email protected], Sales: [email protected], Info: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected]
Any inquiry: [email protected], Mr. Ahmed Al- Shazly: [email protected], Mr. Walaa Al-Shazly: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
Julia Zhu: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
General information, work orders: [email protected], Sales: [email protected], Support services: support@shi
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected]
Aiga Veckalne: [email protected], Anda Prakelevia: [email protected], Agnese Birnbauma-Egl
[email protected]
Adam Pietrasik
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
See website
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[email protected], [email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Solard company Belarus: [email protected], Solard company USA: [email protected], Webmaster: webmaster@solard.
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], MSN: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Contact form at:
Art C. Anderson
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
General: [email protected], Mara ngeles Prieto: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
General Info, PR: [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
General: [email protected], Helne Andersson: [email protected], Isabelle Kliger: isabelle@sprakgruppe
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
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Wael Elemam
[email protected]
[email protected]
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Mathieu de Angli: [email protected], General: [email protected]
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Michael Holtmann: [email protected], Info: [email protected], Jobs: [email protected]
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Mara Campbell
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Ana Izabel Mendonca - Quality Assurance: [email protected]
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[email protected], Pierre Lonard (Belgium): [email protected], Natasha Cloutier (The Netherlands):
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Job openings: [email protected], General: [email protected], Service: [email protected], Customer Support: customer.
Job openings: [email protected], General: [email protected], Service: [email protected], Customer Support: customer.
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Argentina: Ms. Argentina: Ms
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135 Jolibois, Lavaltrie, Qubec, J5T 1X6, Canada
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348 Valley Rd., Suite 1, West Grove, PA 19390, USA
82 Rue Joseph Tortelier, Rennes 35000, France
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2509 Cardigan Court, Bel Air Crest, Los Angeles, CA 90077, USA
1010 Haddonfield-Berlin Rd, Suite 401, Voorhees, 08043, USA
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Rua Mourato Coelho 1430 - cj.121, So Paulo, SP 05417-002, Brazil
Hillermeier, Wuppertal 42111, Germany
Onze de Setembre, 8, 08192 Sant. Quirze del Valls, Bacelona, Spain
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42B, William Gladstone str., Cofoa 1000, Bulgaria
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Oranmore, Co. Galway, Ireland
3111 N. Tustin St. Suite 235, Orange, California, 92865, USA
Kosirnikova 15, Zagreb, 10000, Croatia
43 Sy
527/6 Dien Bien Phu Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 70000, Vietnam
Gessayova 3, Bratisalava, 85102, Slovakia
Via Nazario Sauro 1/2, Bologna, 40121, Italy
8378 Sale Avenue, West Hills, California, 91304, USA
Suite 136, 1385 Hwy 35, Middletown, 07748, USA
1001-a, 6, Devika Tower, New Delhi 110019, India
Av. Rivadavia 1985, Buenos Aires, 1033, Argentina
Av. Monplaisir, Brussels, 1030, Belgium
No.5 Anshan Road Shanghai, Shanghai 200000, China
3rd FL. GeoAhm Building, New Office, 1449-7, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea
5195/3 modern housing complex Manimajra, Chandigarh 160101, India
569 West Windsor Road, North Vancouver, B.C., V7N 2N7, Canada
1762 de Champigny, Montreal, Quebec, H4E 1M1, Canada
46/3 South Street, Valletta VLT 11, Malta
Eckenheimer Landstrae 46-48, Frankfurt am Main, 60318, Germany
Regentova 20, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Viale della Resistenza n. 2, 10028, Trofarello (TO), Italy
6 Field End, Coulsdon, Surrey CR5 2AY, UK
Business House, Higher Wych, Malpas, Cheshire SY14 7JT, UK
93 S.Karagiorga str., Athens, 166 75, Greece
Ilukstes 109-23, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia
Bd. Gheorghe Magheru nr.7, bl.D, sc.1, et.6, ap. 20, interfon 20C sector 1, Bucharest, Romania
Warsaw, 00-113, Poland
Chausse de Louvain 550, Brussels, 1030, Belgium
Corrientes Av. 1922 Floor 12 Suite 122, Buenos Aires, 1045, Argentina
410 Park Avenue, New York, 10022, USA
52 Hataasia Street Po Box 449, IL-89100 Arad, Israel
Rua Sinais De Fogo, Lt. 3.14.04-h, Esc. B, Parque Das Naes 1990-605 Lisboa, Portugal
5650 Yonge St., Suite 1500, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M2M 4G3, Canada
295 Madison Avenue, 45th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10017, USA
16, Tsimiski Street, 54624, Thessaloniki, Greece
Bekassinenau 115, Hamburg 22174, Germany
Room 1033, Orientalpearl garden, 9# 2nd floor, Pearl Middle Street, Guangzhou 510470, China
Hertfordshire, UK
Kuusistontie 35, Kristiinankaupunki, FI 64100, Finland
13/23 Vincenti Buildings, Strait Street, Valletta VLT 08, Malta
6 Wellington Court, Wellington Street, Cambridge, CB1 1HZ, UK
Belgrano 4789, Buenos Aires 1653, Argentina
666 St. Nicholas Ave #43, New York, 10030, USA
863 Spyglass, New Braunfels - Texas 78130, USA
21540 30th Drive SE, Suite 320, Bothell, Washington, 98021, USA
Gularovskogo, 10, 2, Moscow 121090, Russia
Rue Sainte-Veronique 14, Liege 4000, Belgium
University of Ulster, Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 0QB, UK
P.O. Box 31, Warsaw 17, 02477, Poland
Rua Fradique Coutinho, 532 Apt.162, So Paulo, 05416000, Brazil
Pf 950, Budapest, 1463, Hungary
Jabotinsky 35, Ramat-gan, Israel
PO Box 563308, Charlotte, NC 28256-3308, USA
18, Vidyasagar Society, Nr Mahesh Society, Bibawewadi, Pune, India
1919 M Street, NW, Suite 220, Washington, DC, 20036, USA
MI Bldg., 1-10-4, Higashi-Gotanda, Tokyo 141-0022, Japan
Via G. Falcone, 54, Monsano (AN) 60030, Italy
Unit 2, 10 Pepper Street, Cape Town 8001, South Africa
#74, Canteen Street, "Sterling Plaza" Ii Floor, Pondicherry 605001, India
Av. Presidente Wilson, 165 / Sala 1308, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 20030-020, Brazil
10 Morris Dr. Unit 39, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3K 1Y4, Canada
Chalfont, Pennsylvania 18914, USA
Suit 1612, Building 2, Renji Mountain Villa, No. 1 Zizhuyuan Road, Haidian Distric, Beijing, China
Atlanta, 30303, USA
24 Hawgood Street, London, E3 3RU, UK
48A Bosstraat, 3500 Hasselt, Belgium
P.O. Box 1365, Lightning Ridge NSW, 2834, Australia
1 Alta Vista, LA 9000, USA
Box 7045, Gteborg 402 31, Sweden
Turnergasse 29/11, Vienna, A-1150, Austria
Jindisk 7, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Via San Zanobi, 66/R, 50129 Firenze, Italy
72 Great James Street, L'Derry, BT48 7DE, UK
The Bard na nGleann Group, Ballingeary, Co Cork, Ireland
21 Princess Avenue, Delmore Park, Boksburg, Johannesburg 1401, South Africa
R. Pea 431, BS AS 1020, Argentina
Krasnogvardejskaja St. 29-7, Zaporizhja 69002, Ukraine
PO Box 7204, Littleover, Derby, DE1 0EJ, UK
Silvermills, Edinburgh EH3 5BF, UK
E - 47/5, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase - II, New Delhi 110020, India
Chennai, India
Domstraat 35, Baal, 3128, Belgium
Dubosekovskaya ul., 5/6, Moscow, 125080, Russia
Lomas de Ssmeralda, C3-1B #69, Carabobo, San Diego, La Esmeralda, 2006, Venezuela
26 Cogalnicianu Str., Chisinau, Moldova
62 Barton House, Barton Hill, Bristol, BS5 9SL, UK
230 South Broad Street, Suite 704, Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA
PO Box 24, blaxcell NSW 2142, Australia
1776 Mentor Avenue, Cincinnati 45212, USA
180 Hope Street, Glasgow, G2 2UE, UK
358 N Front Street, Hartford 25247, USA
7595 Redwood Blvd, Novato, CA, 94945, USA
10-2, Jln 1/27F, KLSC, Section 5, Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur 53300, Malaysia
Head Office: 28-5-303, 6chome, Sugawara, Higashi-yodogawa-ku, 5330022, Osaka, Japan
4000 SE 82nd, Suite 1000 #162; Portland, OR 97266, USA
Craig House, 64 Darnley Street, Glasgow, G41 2SE, UK
1101 Dove Street, 250, Newport Beach, California, 92660, USA
81 Centurion Building, London SW8 4NZ, UK
39-A, Nanyang View 639638, Singapore
Second Floor, Lector, Court, 151-153 Farringdon Road, London, EC1R 3AD, UK
1871 Woodslee Drive, Troy, Michigan, 48083, USA
13 Skelton Close, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, HP9 1EA, UK
C/ Restoy 51 32, Almeria, Spain
475 N Midway Dr #205, Escondido 92027, USA
4747 Collins Ave., Miami Beach FL 33140, USA
P.O. Box 244413, Boynton Beach, Florida, 33424, USA
710 - 277 Wellington St. W., Toronto, M5V 3E4, Canada
14 The Drive, Woodpark, Ballinteer, Dublin, Dublin 16, Ireland
160 St Lucia Street, Valletta MT-VLT 07, Malta
Ca. Pedro Canga 141, Urb. San Roque, Lima, Lima33, Peru
21 Jiniwin Road, Rochester, Kent ME1 2DJ, UK
S.Vurgun str.69, apt.2 Baku, Azerbaijan
Aliso Viejo, 92656, USA
Suite 34.2 Concourse House, Leeds LS11 7DF, UK
P.O. Box 465433, Atlanta, GA 30042, USA
Danziger Strasse 4, Bad Bentheim, 48455, Germany
San Francisco de Sales, 36, Madrid 28003, Spain
75 Cait Court, Ancaster, ON L2R 6P7, Canada
1875 South State Street, Suite 2400, Orem, 84097, USA
Washington, DC, Novelty, OH, Chicago, IL, USA
20 Maxwell Road, Tanjong Pagar, 069113, Singapore
19710 Ventura Blvd, Suite 203, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, USA
Room 520, Fucheng Mansion, North Li Shi Lu No. 98, Xicheng Dis
23E, West Unit, Xinghe Building, Fumin Village, Futian District, Shenzhen, 518045, China
Room 8-708, Changjiang Buildding, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214028, China
6904 SW 114th Place - Unit B, Miami, FL 33173, USA
2/11ul. Pionerskaya, Torez, 86600, Ukraine
25thf Loor, Haitian Zonghe Building, Caitian Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 518030, China
Opletalova 55, Prague, CZ -110 00, Czech Republic
159 Baranof W., Westerville, Ohio, 43081, USA
PO Box 250757, 10025, New York, USA
Jiraskova 9, Jablonec Nad Nisou 46601, Czech Republic
Riia 21-7, Tartu 51010, Estonia
P.O. Box 19921, Kalamazoo, MI, 49019, USA
Bhaktaput, Jagati, Nepal
39 Vasil Levski Blvd., Sofia 1142, Bulgaria
Rue de Priesmont 20, 1495 Marbais, Belgium
522 Brewers Mill Rd, Harrodsburg 40330, USA
Carlton Avenue, Greenhithe, Kent DA99DR, UK
Concepcin Bistegui 630A, Desp. 1, Atlanta/Mexico City, 03100, Mexico
Cair Paravel, George Lane, Glemsford CO10 7SB, UK
Room905, 9th Floor, Lijing Building, Wu Yang Xin Cheng, 123# of Guangzhou Avenue Mid., Dongshan District, Guangzhou, Guangdong
303 - 3600 Ridgewood Avenue, Montreal (Quebec) H3V 1C2, Canada
Tompa u. 8.,4.
F fasor 150-154., Szeged, 6726, Hungary
1-7-9, Surabhi Sapphire, 303 Opp. Musheerabad Telephone Exchange, Golconda X Roads, Hyderabad-500020, Andhra Pradesh State,
9, rue Seguier, Paris, 75006, France
Daalstraat 125, Grimbergen 1852, Belgium
P.O. Box 661466, Sacramento, 95866, USA
Bodegemstraat 189, Dilbeek (S.M.B.) B-1700, Belgium
Ms. Ana Ippolito: O'Higgins 2202 6 B - Capital Federal Argentina
Sokolska 31, Prague 2, 12000, Czech Republic
Steinge 14, Ehingen-Kirchen, 89584, Germany
11, Brook Hey Avenue, Bolton BL3 2EQ, UK
Kostverlorendijk 2, Piershil 3265 LD, The Netherlands
Trafalgar 50, 3-2, Barcelona, Barcelona, 08010, Spain
Wschodnia 14/7, 82-500 Kwidzyn, Poland
1-44-5 Nishihara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0066, Japan
112 Trelawn Avenue, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 4R2, Canada
School of Management & Languages, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, UK
70 Raj Nagar, Pitampura, 110034, India
Enric Delaris 7, Manlleu 08560, Spain
Soborna Pl. 8/1, Bila Tserkva 09100, Ukraine
Veit Stoss Strasse 24, Munich, D-80687, Germany
Via Luni N. 59, Cerveteri (Rome) 00050, Italy
141 N State St #242, Lake Oswego, OR 97034, USA
Sanderglacisstr. 9a, 97072 Wrzburg, Germany
Madrid, Spain
Kyiv, Ukraine
Quinta Dios, Av. Nicanor Bolet Peraza, Santa Mnica, Caracas, 1040, Venezuela
6180 Laurel Canyon Boulevard, Suite #245, North Hollywood, CA 91606, USA
Design Works, William Street, Felling, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, NE10 OJP, UK
Gorkogo st., 22/210, Dnipropetrovsk, 49038, Ukraine
Lderstrde 9, 4., 1201 Copenhagen K, Denmark
8370 Wilshire Blvd - Suite 200, Beverly Hills, CA 90211, USA
15, Maitri Apartments, A-3, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi, Delhi 110063, India
C/Muntaner, 200, 6-8, Barcelona, 08036, Spain
P.O. Box 409375, Chicago, IL 60640, USA
20 Gregory Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 6BG, UK
Torshamnsgatan 39B, Box 13, SE-164 93 Kista, Stockholm, Sweden
Holzweg 6-8, Flonheim 55237, Germany
Rua Caraibas, 493 Perdizes, Sao Paulo, Brazil
18, rue Stephenson, Paris 75018, France
4475 Mission Boulevard Suite 232, San Diego, CA 92109, USA
9021 Melrose Avenue, Suite 205, Los Angeles, 90069, USA
Gagarin avenue, block 115, room 48, Dnepropetrovsk, 49050, Ukraine
31 Pound Road, Hemingford Grey, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE28 9EF, UK
Juniper House, White Lane, Ash Green, GU12 6HJ, UK
21 - 23 East Street, Fareham, Hampshire, PO16 0BZ, UK
85a/7 Krzywoustego Str., 51-166 Wroclaw, Poland
P.O. Box 239, 352 Edgemere Road (Rear), Lynnfield, MA 01940, USA
Praga 48 Int 301 COL Juarz, Mexico City, 06600, Mexico
57 rue de la Paix, 53000, Laval, France
An der Strusbek 60-62, Ahrensburg 22926, Germany
14 boulevard Morland, 75004 Paris, France
210 Middle Road, Suite 06-04 IOI Plaza, 188994, Singapore
Room 19C, 1138 Chang An Road, Shanghai, 200070, China
Paul-Gerhardt-str. 10, Wiesbaden 65199, Germany
La Bretonnire, Baillou, France
20 Camden Crescent, Bath BA1 5HY, UK
10061 Riverside Drive, Suite 142, Toluca Lake, California 91602, USA
2 Jalan Bukit Merah Central #14-04, Singapore, 159835, Singapore
Republic Of Iraq, Baghdad, Near Al-Mustansiriyah University 00964, Iraq
per. Kataeva 1/5a, abonent's box 41, Odessa 65012, Ukraine
2909 Hillcroft Ave. # 538, Houston, 77057, USA
111, rue Duke, Bureau 1500, Montreal (Quebec) H3C 2M1, Canada
93 Pearscroft Court, London sw6 2bj, UK
8619 NW 68th Street, Miami 33166, USA
Stensjgatan 56 3v., Malm 21765, Sweden
Via Luca Giordano 51, 80129, Naples, Italy
80/1, Tigne' Street, Sliema SLM 04, Malta
ul. Barlickiego 21, Bielsko-Biaa 43-300, Poland
Recruit Cosmos Building 8F, 2-10-36 Kita-Saiwai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-0004, Japan
203 YGM-Harada, 1-13-4 Harada, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, 8120063, Japan
t Hou 13, 8404 GH, Langezwaag, The Netherlands
Krupskoy Street, 45, Saint-Petersburg, 192148, Russia
J-worldvil, 318-17, Shinjeong6-dong, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, 158-076, Korea (South)
2, Raghukul, Shree Seva Soc. Aurangabad road, Panchavati, Nasik, 422003, India
Office 2, bld. 2, 28 Tverskaya str., Moscow, 103050, Russia
Kl.Sperlgasse 1/21, Vienna 1020, Austria
46 Marcel, St Thomas, Quebec J0K 3L0, Canada
Julianaweg 88A, Volendam 1131 DD, The Netherlands
2-16, 1-chome, Nakaikegami, Ota-ku, Tokyo 146-0081, Japan
Vereda da Vargem, Conj. Hab. do Amparo, lote E, 5 esq. AV, Funchal 9000-276, Portugal
5, Ruona Ufuoma Street, Agbelekale, Abule-egba, Lagos, Agbelekale, Abule-Egba 23401, Nigeria
2-9-6 Hyakuninn-cho, Takeuchi Building, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169 0073, Japan
P.O.Box 16537, Luanda, 16222, Angola
P.O.B. 670, Tel-Mond, 40600, Israel
15 A Avenue Herrmann-Debroux, Brussels 1160, Belgium
Colegio Mercantil 1 Cuadra Abajo 20 Vrs al Norte, Leon, Nicaragua
7101 SW 102 Avenue, Miami, FL 33173, USA
18 E Vergara Street, Batangas City 4200, Philippines
29 rue Alphonse Munchen, Luxembourg 2172, Luxembourg
Weseler Str. 145, 46149 Oberhausen, Germany
513 Deer Haven Drive, Suite Foxp2, Webster, NY 14580, USA
Elco House, 22-24 Homecroft Road, Woodgreen, London N22 5EL, UK
Upes St. 5, Vilnius LT-09308, Lithuania
99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite G-10, Alexandria, 22314, USA
420 N. Center Drive #250, Norfolk, VA 23502, USA
3rd Floor, Samkyung Building, 372-10, Seokyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul 121-838, Korea
Gumei Road, Shanghai 201102, China
Saedinenie 66 entr.B, ap.10, Shumen 9700, Bulgaria
Postbus 347, Nijmegen 6500 AH, The Netherlands
115 Sixth Avenue, Pelham, NY, 10803-1609, USA
Delnicka 643/40, Prague, 17000, Czech Republic
Surditas House, Bromsgrove Road, Redditch, B97 4QY, UK
BLK 10 Gloucester Toad, #07-31, 210010, Singapore
5 Shei Pai Tau Road, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
Carina Building, Milton Keynes, mk14, UK
Colombres 2048, 1ro B, Altos de San Martin, Cordoba, Cordoba, 5008, Argentina
17, 00700 Helsinki, Finland
Bilmarkinkatu 3, Turku, 20100, Finland
30 Alam Segar V, Pondok Indah, Jakarta, Indonesia
Nadejda, Sofia, 1229, Bulgaria
No. 18, Stanei Str., Sector 4, Bucharest 07000, Romania
Unit 5, Borehamwood Enterprise Centre, Theobald Street, Borehamwood, WD6 4RU, UK
8, Omer Ebn El Khattab Street, Ard Elgenina, Cairo, Elzawia Elhamra, 11290, Egypt
Halis Ahmet Work Center No:6 Floor 3/10, Istanbul, 34530, Turkey
P.O. Box 73951, Lynnwood Ridge 0040, R.S.A., South Africa
Unit B, 11/F., Right Emperor, Commercial Building, 122 - 126 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong
Bockenheimer Landstrae 108, Frankfurt/Main, 60323, Germany
Dam 5/7, Amsterdam, 1012 JS, The Netherlands
The Russ Building, 235 Montgomery Street, Suite 946, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA
Turkovej 1727/5, Trencin, Slovakia, 91101, Slovakia
6 The Walks East, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE29 3AP, UK
96 Station Road, Burley in Wharfedale, LS29 7NS, UK
Business Centre, 28 Mezhyhirs'ka St., # 37, Kyiv 04071, Ukraine
23rd Floor, Bonham Trade Center, 50 Bonham Strand East, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, China
#238, Zhong Shan Nan Road, #2008/2028, 210005, China
Viale delle Province 2, Rome, 00162, Italy
208 Plaza Centre Building, 3505 Silverside Road, Wilmington, Delaware 19810, USA
20, Sector 12-a, Panchkula 134112, India
Av.dr Francisco J.C.Lopes 36, Benavente 2130, Portugal
Unit C, 16th Floor, Century House, No. 3-4 Hanoi Road, T. S. T., Kowloon, Hong Kong
1300 Nicollet Ave Ste. 3032, Minneapolis 55403, USA
Hardenbergstrasse 2, 24 105 Kiel, Germany
Koza sokak, 147/5, GOP, Ankara 06670, Turkey
Postbus 15893, 1001 NJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Rm. 812 MiGeum Park Bldg., GeumGok, BunDang, SeongNam, 463-805, Korea (South)
ul. Gimnazjalna 16/25, Zakopane, 34500, Poland
#370, 6th Main, 1st cross, SadanandaNagar, Bangalore, 5600016, India
Postal address: Postkontor Box 165, 41502 Johvi, Ida-Virumaa, Estonia
500 NE Spanish River Blvd., Suite 19, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA
Forest House, First Floor, 16-20 Clements Road, Ilford IG1 1BA, London, UK
7 Stubbs Point, London E13 8JL, UK
Nrodn 37, Praha 1, 110 00, Czech Republic
16 N. Goodman St., Rochester, 14607, USA
2360 Bell Tower, 10104-103 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 0H8, Canada
607 N Easton Road Bldg C, Willow Grove, 19090, USA
1532, Tilak Road, Pune 411030, India
15 Kippewa Dr., Ottawa, Ontario K1S 3G3, Canada
357 Ravinia Way, Lawrenceville, 30044, USA
P.O. Box 1021, Warren, 48090, USA
10 St. Anne Street, Attard BZN 12, Malta
121 S. Meramec Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105, USA
5-7 Kingston Hill, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 7PW, UK
15 Broughton Avenue, Littelover, Derby, Derbyshire DE23 6JA, UK
7010 W. Hwy. 71 Suite 340 PMB 324, Austin, TX 78735, USA
P.O. Box 715, Hampstead, NH 03841-0715, USA
130 7th Avenue #303, New York, NY 10011, USA
13 Mill Street, Unity Wharf, London, SE1 2BH, UK
356 Broadway, Suite A-13, New York, NY 10013, USA
Spaulding ave 103, Pueblo, Colorado 81008, USA
P.O. Box 8087, Pittsburgh, PA 15216, USA
Schwimmbadstr. 4, Bad Hall A-4540, Austria
Alexander House, 94 Talbot Road, Old Trafford, Manchester M16 0PG, UK
2849 Michigan NE, Suite 100, Grand Rapids, MI 49506, USA
68 Chandos Road, Newbury, Berks RG14 7EF, UK
34726 31st CT SW, Federal Way 98023, USA
2295 S. Hiawassee Road, Ste 204, Orlando, Florida, 32835, USA
20 B Conquer Hill Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3, Ireland
1000 Bldg., 6200 Dutchmans Lane, Suite 307, Louisville, KY 40205, USA
22a Libertus Road, CHELTENHAM, GL51 7EH, UK
3 Eaton Place, Brighton, BN2 1EH, UK
Estudio I - Calle Carabelas 2 - Puerta 54, Playa Puebla de Farnals, 46137, Spain
299 South Main, Suite 1700, Salt Lake City, UT 84111, USA
Piazza Napoli, 24, Milan 20146, Italy
Av. Nilo Peanha, 50/615 - Centro - CEP: 20020-906 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil
17 rue de Choiseul, Paris 75002, France
285 D'Angouleme, Boucherville, QC J4H7V3, Canada
Frankopanska 5a, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
32A Hereford Road, London W2 5AJ, UK
The Malthouse, Regent Street, LLANGOLLEN, LL20 8HS, UK
5, Graf Ignatiev St., Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
C/ Maximo Garcia Garrido, 12, 1? D, Santurtzi Vizcaya, 48980, Spain
Sint Nicolaasstraat 10, Maastricht, 6211 NN, The Netherlands
190 Middle Road, #19-05 Fortune Centre, 188979, Singapore
76 rue de la Plaine des Bouchers, Strasbourg 67100, France
134 Moo 5, Chaingraknoi, Samkok, Pathumthani 12160, Thailand
848 S.Clearview Pkwy, suite 205, New Orleans 70123, USA
401, Gurukripa Bldg, Plot-66, Road, Hindu Colony Rd.no1, Dadar East, Mumbai, 400014, India
Xin Kang Yuan, Building 7, Suite 102, Xisanqi East Boulevard, Haidian, Be
c/o WOLF GROUP SPA Via Cascina California 39/43, Erba, CO, 22036, Italy
Centauro 1 1B 03007 Alicante, Spain
L66/b A.F.E.Jamia Nagar Okhla N.Delhi, New Delhi 110025, India
51 Windsor park Gardens, Sprowston, Norwich, NR6 7PR, UK
#3, Block No. 14-E, F-8 Markaz, Ayub Market, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan
65, rue Pascal 75013 Paris, France
Dinkelbergstr. 1, D-79
Unit 10 Trident Way, International Trading Estate, Brent Road, Southall, Middle
Unit 05, No 09, 22 St., Mirza Shirazi St., Motahhari St., Tehran 1596836817, Iran
3, Ambika Vijay Society, Nizampura, B/H: Saraswati School, Mehsana-nagar, Baroda, Gujarat 390002, India
Lavender Court, Market Square, St Neots Cambs, PE19 2AF, UK
Maria-Theresien-Str. 49, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Borluutstraat 1, Temse 9140, Belgium
Tachovske namesti 90/2, Praha 13000, Czech Republic
214 Comet Ave, Clearwater, 33765, USA
P.zza G. Savonarola, 3/3, Genova, 16129, Italy
Building 4, 8 Geroyiv Stalingradu Prospekt, Kyiv, Ukraine
Ramurele 41/15, Targu Mures, 4300, Romania
20 BP 1419 Abidjan 20, Abidjan RCI, Cote D'ivoire
Santiago, Chile
1377 Manor Lane, Bay Shore 11706, USA
91-602, Jiang'an Road, Shanghai 200233, China
Place Favresse 47, La Hulpe 1310, Belgium
2182 Saginaw SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506, USA
4521 Coppolla Circle, Sacramento 95827-2926, USA
Wen Xing Dong Er Li 18-701, Xiamen, 361008, China
Baslica, 17, Madrid, 28020, Spain
Sydney Office: Level 20, Tower 2 Darling Park, 201 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Chandigarh, India
Avenida del General Peron, 32 Planta 23 L, Madrid 28020, Spain
Piombino, 57025, Italy
Via Brioschi, 61 Milano, 20141, Italy
Bruck 9, A-4842 Zell am Pettenfirst, Austria
Dubai, UAE
Woodgreen Farm Buildings, Mead Lane, Upper Basildon, RG8 8NA, UK
#216B, Street 63, Boeung Keng Kang 1, Chamkar Mon, Phnom Penh, P.O. Box 972, Cambodia
Einsteinstrasse 59, Ulm, 89077, Germany
209 Jalan Usj 12/1, Uep Subang Jaya, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan 476310, Malaysia
1282 Kings Road, Victoria, V8T 1X9, Canada
P.O. Box 44107 RPO Kensington Sq, Burnaby, BC V5B 4Y2, Canada
6370 W Flamingo Rd, Suite 14-R, Las Vegas, NV 89103, USA
Ibsengatan 41, Box 699, Stockholm 11479, Sweden
305 Great Portland Street, London, W1W 5DD, London, UK
Ar-Dachaidh, Lumphanan, Aberdeenshire, AB31 4QL, UK
Jan Pieter Heijenstraat 102K, Amsterdam 1053GT, The Netherlands
Prospekt Myru 53-308, Chernihiv 14005, Ukraine
Atlanta, USA
3, Sverdlova Street, Yalta, 98600, Ukraine
Yekaterinburg 620141, Russia
2 Khmelnytske shosse, ofice 111, Vinnytsia, 21000, Ukraine
19 Old Road, Weston, MA 02493, USA
1338 Vickers Drive, Tallahassee 32303, USA
Translation House, Bernires-le-Patry, 14410, France
Europa House, Marsham Way, Gerrards Cross, Bucks SL9 8BQ, UK
#17, Fenglin 2nd Rd., Sanchih Hsiang, Taipei County 252, Taiwan
4179 3rd. Ave. #217, San Diego, CA 92103, USA
Kiefertstrasse 2, Laaber-Ried 93164, Germany
Sondorilor Str. No. 18/c Ap1, Medias 551061, Romania
Room 11a, Suntime International Mansion, No. 450, Fushan Road, Shanghai 200122, China
Rm C, 24F, No.55, 800 Lane, West Zhongshan Road, Shanghai 200051, China
20F, 200 Huaihai Zhonglu, Shanghai 200021, China
RM 801, Building #15, Lane 1880, Longyang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, 201204, China
Room 512, Jinlong Zhidi Building, No.588, Cang Yi Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, 200120, China
16, Zheng Hua Road, Zhengzhou, Henan, China
10700 Richmond Ave., Suite 100, Houston, TX, 77042, USA
Rainbow House, 3 Gower Street, Sheffield S34 7HA, UK
7c Shangtian Building,70 Nanyuan Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 518031, China
Rm. 14-A1, LuBan building, No.7022, HongLi Rd., Futian District, Shenzhen, 518034, China
Rm903, Bldg18, Kangdaer Garden, Buji Town, Shenzhen 518112, China
Shenzhen, 518000, China
The Sky Castle, B-12G, Jingtian Rd., Shenzhen 518034, China
C. P. O. Box 702, Tokyo 100-8692, Japan
Baross u. 4/1., Budapest, H-1192, Hungary
San Diego, C
1 Rue Martel, Paris 75010, France
Hseyin Onat Sk. 15/d A.Ayranc-ankaya, Ankara 06500, Turkey
Barbaros Bulvari No: 21 D: 10, Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey
Riviera Tower 3, 226/15-16 Bond Street, Muang Thong Thani, Bangkok 11120, Thailand
35 Dankao road, Paknam sub-district, Muang district, Samutprakarn, 10270, Thailand
5 Wedgwood House, Lambeth Walk, London, NA SE116LJ, UK
Old Batford Mill, Lower Luton Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 5BZ, UK
13421 N. 42 St, Phoenix, AZ 85032, USA
Moor Park, High Street, Wing, Leighton Buzzard LU7 ONR, UK
ASK House, Northgate Avenue, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 6BB, England, UK
Rue de la Semence 27 / 8, Brussels, B-1080, Belgium
4966 El Camino Real, Suite 101, Los Altos, CA 94022, USA & Dodaarslaan 55, 3645 JB Vinkeveen, The Netherlands & TOIN Corporatio
14-16 Vineyard Rd, Swanson, Auckland 1008, Aotearoa, New Zealand
Kichijoji Kitamachi 4-12-12, Musashino, Tokyo, 180-0001, Japan
Misyuku 2-4-4, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0005, Japan
Markensgate 35, Kristiansand, 4612, Norway
Kadegriend 5, Almere, 1356 CA, The Netherlands
Lime 16/7-31, Tallinn, 10312, Estonia
24/93 Otradny prosp., Kiev, 03061, Ukraine
p.o.b. 3241, Ramat-Hasharon, Israel
12604 NW Barnes Road, Suite 7, Portland, Oregon 97229, USA
405 Croydon Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 3PR, UK
Waterside house, basin rd North, Hove, West Sussex, BN41 1UY, UK
Hindeweide 34, Nieuwegein 3437 EK, The Netherlands
Rua So Mateus 1068, Juiz de Fora MG 36025001, Brazil
Maadi, Cairo, Egypt
Via Rocca 40a, Cuneo, 12020, Italy
Werkenstraat 64, Werken 8610, Belgium
852 Lafayette, Longueuil j4k 3a5, Canada
Room No 202, Seshing Green Core Bldg., Deungchon-dong, Gangseo-gu, Seoul 157-033, Korea
Illit Business Center, POB 4168, Modiin Illit 71919, Israel
Nihonseimei Ichibancho Bld., 23-3 Ichibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0082, Japan
927 Gerrard St East, Toronto M4M 1Z1, Canada
37 Aldon Close, Vinters Business Park, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 5QF, UK
4 Charlotte Mews Pavilion Place, Exeter EX2 4HA, UK
47, New street, Mylapore, Chennai 600004, India
Profesor B. Baguena 4-402, 46009 Valencia, Spain
8, Domaine des Douglas, Force, 53260, France
132-4, Place des Jardins des Vosges, Montreal (Qc), H3E 2B3, Canada
Place de l'Etrier 4, Geneva 1224, Switzerland
Via Bentini 15, Bologna, 40128, Italy
Zeller Str. 17, 53175 Bonn, Germany
Monterrey 132-304, City: Mexico, D.F., 06700, Mexico
24, rue Auguste Baudon, Mouy, 60250, France
Av Rio paragua Conj. Res. Prado Humboldt, Edf. Cuji Piso 10-106 Caracas 1080, V
Viale della Repubblica 193/I, Treviso 31100, Italy
Bodelschwinghstrasse 2, D-73054 Eislingen, Germany
Juzna Ul. 20 10040 Zagreb HR, Croatia
Largo Carducci 7, Trento 38100, Italy
Torre de la Riba s/n, La Garriga 08530, Spain
C/ Profesor Tercedor Daz, 4, 3D, Granada, 18003, Spain
Vanhatie 51 as 4, 15240 LAHTI, Finland
Jl. Pinang Emas III blok UT no. 8, Pondok Indah Jakarta Selatan 12310, Indonesia
10 Barley Mow Passage, London, W4 4PH, UK
3 Imm 5 Passage Dr Duaso, 93.000, TETOUAN, Morocco
119, Ditton Hill, Long Ditton - Surrey KT 6 5 EJ, UK
P.O.Box 26142, Sharjah, UAE
pos. Gorny, 6-24-54, Kirovohrad 25019, Ukraine
Media City, Dubai, UAE
Chemin de la Fous, Lauret, 34270, France
508, Jaina Tower, District Center, Janak Puri 110058, India
P.O. Box 22484, Lake Buena Vista FL 32830, USA
Middlesex University Translation Institute, Trent Park Campus, Bramley Road, Oakwood, UK
2nd Floor , K-42, B.K.Dutt Colony, Lodhi road, New Delhi 110003, India
. Moysesa 431, iad nad Hronom 96632, Slovak Republic
842 Longhorn Hollow, Southlake, TX 76092, USA
Plaza Peru 126, Concepcin, 9170000, Chile
Chemin Des Postes, 82, Waterloo 1410, Belgium
Kyshynivska st., 61/3, Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyy, Odesa Region 67700, Ukraine
7, Shiv Shakiti Co-Op. Housing Society, Kurar, Malad, East, Mumbai 400097, India
Ralinda Building, 210 West 200 North, Suite 101, Provo, UT, 84601, USA
201, 202 Bansal Tower, Ashok Vihar, Phase-II, New Delhi 110052, India
Carretera Alicante-San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, 03690, Spain
Tbilisi, Georgia
121 S.W. Salmon Street, 11th Floor, Portland, 95204, USA
11767 Katy Freeway, Suite 225, Houston, TX, 77079, USA
Al-Tatweer Al-Hadaree, Al-Zarqa, 962, Jordan
Avenida 15 No. 109 - 65, Bogota, Colombia
Kyiv 12125, Ukraine
Rua Silva Rosa 259, Rio De Janeiro 21050-650, Brazil
Jyvskyl Science Park, Ylistnmentie 31, FIN-40500 Jyvskyl, Finland
PO Box 54, Lier, NO-3401, Norway
35, av. H. d'Estienne d'Orves; Les Anemones, K84; 83160 La Valette du Var, Postal address (Germany): Buschstr. 14, Bonn, 53113, G
F3, Building 16, 18 Bei San Huan Dong Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100013, China
1601 Building 13, Jianwai SOHO, 39 East 3rd-Ring Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100022, China
Ahmed Mahmoud St., Cairo, 11531, Egypt
Sakshanskoho st. 91/4, Kyiv, Ukraine
c\Marqus de Valdeiglesias n6 5-A, Madrid, 28004, Spain
1130 Taylor Street, San Francisco 94108, USA
11-a, Horodetskoho street, Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Nieuweweg 91B, Soest 3765GC, The Netherlands
Amenabar 1680, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires C1426AKF, Argentina
Salt 343, Jordan
108 North Virgina Ave, Falls Church 22046, USA
1825 Ponce de Leon, Suite 378, Coral Gables, FL 33134, USA
Lincoln 1017, suite 14, Santo Domingo, 80900, Dominican Republic
153 Filolaou st. 3rd floor, 116 32 Pagrati, Athens, Greece
1756 N Bayshore Dr, # 20J, Miami, 33132, USA
5-8-13 Namiki, Koriyama City, 963-8026, Japan
Imperial Nishi-Shinjuku Bldg. 7F, 5-3-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan
1705 Fairfield Road, Lindenhurst, Illinois, 60046, USA
Auweg 33, D-69412 Eberbach/Baden, Germany
Darvenitza block 13 flat 79, Sofia 1797, Bulgaria
Maaltecenter Blok G, Derbystraat 365, 9051 Gent (SDW), Belgium
ankaya Caddesi 2/3, ankaya Ankara 06600, Turkey
Kazim zalp Cad. Melika Altinay Ish.110/7, Antalya, Turkey
Sosyuri 6, of. 221, Kyiv 02090, Ukraine
Room 1602, 108 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong, 852, China
Dubai, 00971, UAE
PO Box 4810, Manassas 20109, USA
2 Merrimans Hill Road, Worcester, WR3 8AA, UK
Seoul, 139-923, Korea
3685 Ivanrest Sw, Grandville 49418, USA
Chiyoda Ku Ida Bridge 1-12-9 Third Morikawa Building, Tokyo, 102-0072, Japan
2550 Blackwood Street, Victoria, B.C. V8T 3W1, Canada
Kharkiv 61112, Ukraine
3 Rusanivsky Boulevard, Room 10, Kyiv 02154, Ukraine
Xuetian Town, Chongchuan District, Nantong 226001, China
58 - 850 Huntingwood Drive , Toronto, ON, M1T 2L9, Canada
Kvitkova 2898/60, Zlin, 76001, Czech Republic
8345 NW 66th Street #4110, Miami 33166, USA
5901 Northcrest Dr., Flower Mound 75028, USA
Prinzregentenstrasse 40, Berlin, Berlin, 10715, Germany
Flat 2/2. 284 Maxwell Road, Glasgow, UK
Portuguese and French translations and technical writing. We provide high quality, accurate, and confidential translations devices of al
01 Translations INC is a global translation company established on an international scale and specializing in multilingua
100 MOV (100 Languages) is Ukraine's foremost translation agency rendering a large scale of translation/interpreting services. Our su
1-800-Translate provides a complete range of translation and localization services--certified translation and interpretation, multilingua
Welcome to 1-A Korea, the most trustable Asian language provider in Korea! 1-A Korea has been providing major Asian language tran
More than 20 years of experience, offering you flawless translations from and into about 50 languages. This applies to your image bro
1Global is a company geared towards high-quality translations, for which they have a team of more than 500 professionals for the diff
About 30 local and 600 distant freelancers translate 60+ languages. Specialize in translating eastern European languages, such as Ru
Technical & Commercial Translations, Russian + languages from Eastern Block.
The agency covers all languages and subjects, virtually...
1-Stop Translation stays true to its name by providing simple translation services to desktop publishing and all other services that fall Translation Services Dr. Labusga ( Translations between Polish, Spanish, German, English and other languages. G
Our goals are built on the principles of excellent service, meeting both end-user and interpreter's / translator's needs... all at a price w
A team of sworn translators in Arabic, English, French, Spanish - German - Portuguese on site. Legal, financial, technical and medical
Jobs at - Translators might be requested to translate a free sample text of no more than 300 words. - Translat
24translate is a young, innovative and expanding business that is setting new service standards in the field of human translation. The
Translations in major languages.
We have many multi-linguistic experienced translators in several fields such as IT, medical, physics, finance and so on. Especially, not
Firmly committed to providing top-quality services, 2tr is backed by the proven track record of its founders, Adriana Fe
Technical translation specialised in French and English for transport and logistics.
Translation in English and Portuguese.
German, Chinese and English translation and proofreading/editing services.
Specialised agency in translation srevices with high quality and low prices.
Specialists in Interpreting, Translation, Dubbing, Voice Over and Proofreading. Areas of Expertise: Law, Courts, Police, Social Services
3V Systems, Inc. is a California corporation, established in 1996. We translate from English into European languages and back.
English, German, Turkish translations.
4Translation, Inc. provides a full range of professional language services. For over 6 years 4Translation has delivered documentation in
Your top-quality translation service covering over 30 languages and 25 fields worldwide from Seven Translation based in Shanghai.
We are looking for frelance translators of any language pairs who have graduate linguistic degrees and at least 5 years of experience a
A La French offers a wide range of professional translation services from French into English and from English into French. A La French
Translation services from and into English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan and Galician. For translations into a
Accurate document including web site translation by professional and trained native speaking translators. Instant translation quotes a
We do all languages.
Translations from and into French.
A&A Lingua Translation Bureau was established in autumn 1999. Young, flexible and actively developing company has dedicated itself
Company is also known as "A&A Translators". We are a team of Official Translators able to undertake interpretation and translation job
Translation, DTP, proofreading and localisation from English, Italian and German to Romanian in the marketing, business and technica
Albanian, Arabic, Basque, Bosnian, Brazilian, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Cantonese, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dan
Dolmetscher und bersetzerdienst fr alle Sprachen und Fachgebiete. Standardsprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Franzsisch, Italienisch,
A.B.C. Translation Agency is working within A.B.C. Group of Companies that consists of 5 companies: A.B.C. Translation Agency (focus
A.N.A.T. works in over 75 languages!
Translations from all major European and Asian languages to Croatian and Serbian and vice versa.
Language pairs: German, English, French, Spanish --> Polish, Russian, Lithanian, Latvian and more. For more details visit our
Translation from English to standard academic Spanish, sensitive to Puerto Rican, Mexican and Continental dialects; also translation fr
Into and from many languages. Service & Efficiency.
A2Z Global is a nifty language company with international affiliation, specializing in expert and complete translation of computer softw
Founded in Concord, California, in 1978, A2Z Printing Center has grown over the years to meet the changing needs of customers. Ori
Translation and localization services in 33 languages.
High quality translations made by native speakers from and to English, German, Arabic, Italian and Polish.
Translation is an art and not a science. iSP is a real people translators company, and all translators are native speakers of the target la
AAA mobilizes for you our network of over 100 carefully selected translators in 17 countries. The translations are managed and proofr
English to Spanish certified translations & interpretations in any field.
Translations, software and web site localization and interpreting in 100 plus languages. Over 20 years experience.
Translation of Farsi-English vice versa. Other main European languages. Almost all fields. Many university profs.involved.
Certified & Notarized Translations of Spanish, German and Hebrew Documents.
All world languages, any language combination, every field, express, 365 days/year, 7 days/week, 24 hours/day, all kin
All world languages, any language combination, every field, express, 365 days/year, 7 days/week, 24 hours/day, all kinds of services a
All world languages, any language combination, every field, express, 365 days/year, 7 days/week, 24 hours/day, all kinds of services a
Their aim is to always provide quality translations. That is why they place at your disposal a large team of expert native translators, w
AABX is a Latin America specialist providing a full range of translation services.
Established in 1969, AAC Global Oy is the leading language service and language technology company in the Nordic countries. AAC Gl
We are always looking for the best translators. E-mail your resume to: [email protected]
Socit propose des services de traduction toutes langues, de secrtariat et de comptabilit. Nous travaillons avec des traducteurs et
The languages offered are English, Indonesian, Malaysian, German and Dutch. (Acceptance of assignments after consultation only)
Languages: English, Estonian, Finnish, German, Russian, Swedish. They are looking for experienced translators who are fluent in diffe
Offer professional Chinese <-> English translation, web site and software localization, web base applications development.
Aaron Language Services has an amazing variety of translators waiting to help you in languages in addition to English. They have nati
We are referred to as the Specialist Translation Agency A.A.U. Largo. Since 11 years we have been present on the Polish and internati
English (International), Greek, Russian. 10 years employment with accounting/law firms Simultaneous conference interpreting.
All languages. Professional native and official translators in the destination language. All types of texts: general, technical, scientific, le
Con los mejores profesionales traductores nativos, con perfecta locucin y expresin. Traduccin al o del ingls, francs, alemn, italia
Translation services are available in practically all languages. The present management team is able to put together any combination o
LANGUAGUES: all EU + others. FIELDS OF COMPETENCE: Technical - automobile/devices/electronics/process/quality/manuals/www
Translate from the following languages: Spanish (Latin American and Peninsular), English (UK and USA), French, German, Italian, Por
Since 1997, ABC Translations has provided a complete translating and interpreting service for law firms, patent agents and commercia
ABC Translations hires translators who are committed to upholding high ethical standards in language translation and material localiza
ABC WORDEXPRESS Translations & Interpretations, a division of WORDEXPRESS CORPORATION, is a full-service language company o
Certified court interpreting Spanish/ English. Teleinterpreting and translating services. Sec. clearance. Medical and international affairs
TRADUCTIONS Franais/Arabe et Arabe/Franais.
More than 45 world languages are available.
Founded in 1979. Provides translations services for science, industry, business, law and medicine in all languages. We are always inter
26 years in French.
The agency makes use of translators and consultants who are native speakers of the target languages, completely bilingual with the s
The company is currently the only agency in Ireland offering this service. Ablana also offers editing services for all types of documents
ABLE Innovations LLC, a US-based Content and Product Globalization firm, specializes in process consulting, technology integration an
They are making contacts with people all over the world with different cultures and languages at an increasing rate. Effective commun
English to Romanian and French to Romanian translations, proofreading, editing services.
We provide translation, interpretation, transcription and voice-over services throughout the east coast.
Above Translations is a Polish company established in 1994, providing a wide range of translation, language consulting and DTP servic
German to English translations.
English, Dutch and Hebrew translations.
AbroadLink is a company servicing translation, globalization and localization to multinational corporations and SMBs in need of high-qu
ABS Translation and Interpreting Services is a full service language company working in all major languages and subjec
Professional Translation & Interpreting Services in over 150 languages. The best Interpreters we have ever used, we would love to us
Some of the languages we work with: Acholi Afghan Afrikaans Akan/Twi Albanian Amharic Arabic Arawak Armenian Ashanti Assyrian A
Abundant Destiny Resources, A company providing Subtitles/Translations services for various local and overseas TV Channels.
Arabic, Norwegian, Polish.
Just one click to connect Poland - Europe, Europe - Poland. Our highly qualified language experts are willing to help yo
Translation of any text from English to French and from French to English.
Academy Interpreting & Translations Int'l - Translation and interpreting language services including conferencing, legal, transcription,
The Academy of Languages is a 40 year old company specializing in all language services. We are the only Baltimore Agency approved
Accent language centre opened in 1990 and has welcomed hundreds of students every year. Accent is fully accredited as an education
Language agency which provides translation and interpreting services in over 60 languages.
They translate, interpret and teach in up to 120 languages.
Professional translation TO and FROM English. Specializing in business documents, technical manuals, patents, medical materials etc.
We specialize in translating from and into German and English, but also provide translations from French into German and French into
In New York City and right at home, Access France is the only source you need for effective language instruction, whether for busines
Japanese-English translation. Based in Adelaide, South Australia.
We cover all languages throughout the United States. Medical Evaluations, Insurance Investigations, Depositions Hearings, Employee
Translation/interpretation English/Arabic and vice-versa as well as cultural orientation. The full profile could be e-mailed at your reque
Acclaro is a localization firm providing language and technical services to global business and technology companies. Acclaro provides
Reliable translation services agency. high quality language solutions. Corporate member of the American Translators Association in a g
Language services in all languages. Thirty years spent working for industry and service companies make Accu one of the oldest and o
Translation agency. Offices in Australia, France and now in the UK. First established in Sydney, Australia in 2002.
Translation and web site translation in English and Czech.
Professional Japanese <=> English translating, interpreting, and cultural training services.
Translation and interpreting services. Most languages. Reliable and competent services.
As global Internet access continues to blend cultures and "shrink" the world, accurate translations and related communication are at a
Accurate Russian Translations (Moscow, Russia), headed by Andrei Gerasimov, Ph.D., has provided English-Russian tran
Multi-lingual support service FOR ALL LANGUAGES AND FIELDS. Portable Interpretive equipment for rent or sale. StepWe translate all languages and all fields. Native, specialized translators.
Member of the ATC. ISO 9002 accredited.
Accuworld delivers translation, typesetting, interpretation, intercultural training and destination services to Fortune 500 companies aro
We have a group of experienced translators specializing in translation between English and traditional/simplified Chinese.
Our mai
ACIT is an enterprise founded by certified translators and interpreters, to help corporate companies build bridges of successful busine
Translations from major languages to Chinese.
Specialized in handling your Technical and Scientific Translation needs
ACP Traductera is a translation agency based in the Czech Republic, Central Europe. We provide translation and localiza
They mainly offer translations from and into Dutch, but also other language pairs are possible. Freelancers with English, Dutch, Germa
28 languages with just one call...
Singapore-based translation company providing translation, interpretation, transcription, web site, and software localisation services in
Language services: Translation - Interpretation - AV Voice-Over - Writing+Editing in all major languages!
All languages, all subjects.
Activ-Translations is a Language Services Company that is committed to bringing you accurate, cost-effective and localization services
Activa Translations provides translation and interpreting services in all fields and language combinations at excellent market prices.
Specialized in Northern and Eastern languages. * Translators working in their native languages * Networks of international correspond
Our team offers reliable professional support with translations and localization as well as providing useful information in the form of cr
Translation of all language pairs.
AD 3DOORS O (LLC) has been operating in the translation services market since 1992. Our team comprises the best experts of their
The primary languages are Estonian, Russian, English, Finnish and German. We also translate from and into Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish
Conference interpreters, written translations, editing, all languages.
Specialized in legal translations. They guarantee that a practicing lawyer will review every translation that you receive from them (from
English, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish into English, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish.
Languages: All. AD VERBUM Ltd is a translation agency specialising in technical translations and documentation. AD VERBUM is a full s
One of the leading Turkish companies for Translations in Istanbul/Turkey - we provide best quality. All for reasonable prices by using A
Translation, software localization, web site translation in English, Spanish and Spanish dialects in Spain and Latin America.
All kinds of translation undertaken.
For 20 years, Adams Globalization has provided comprehensive turnkey solutions for globalization. Adams Globalization delivers softw
The company is working on Tr, Eng, Ita, Sp, Arabic, Fr, Ger, Dutch, Azerbaijani, Albanian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Czech, Persian, Crotian,
ADAPT is a language services provider with a specialization in the fields of Life Sciences & Health Care, and IT & Telecommunications.
Adaptrans provides a range of fast and accurate translation and other language-based services from office in central Cairo. Our client
English to French Translation and multilingual Free Translator Software; translation, marketing and cultural adaptations, dedicated onl
The companys competence: technology, science, economics, law, medicine, data, electronics, telecommunications, manuals, advertis
Translations from major languages into French. Everything that is multilingual is part of our business!
Our Translation Agency offers written translation services with a focus in banking and legal documentation, and performs translation s
The company has been in business since 1997, providing high-quality translation services for clients around the world. The key words
Agency that handles all languages into Norwegian, and Norwegian into all languages. Please read more at
Professional translation & interpretation services for your needs in English<>Turkish language pair.
Adhibit offers several language services to business, education institutions and private individuals alike. Adhibit works in several marke
Established on 1st March 2000. Had done many translation works on banking documents, company profiles and legal documents. Eng
Translation in Spanish<>French.
Adith Multilingual Services (Pvt.) Ltd is one of the largest multilingual organizations in Asia. We provide integrated multilingual service
English - Polish - English, experienced translators & prompt service.
We specialise in translating both from Welsh to English, and English to Welsh.
Translation agency - Creativity in Translation.
We, at Admin Services strive to be leaders in translating & office support services thus alleviating companies of administrative nightm
Adroit Infoactive is a leading translation company based in India, providing high quality and cost-effective translation solutions in mor
Established in downtown Chicago since 1960. Expert Translation and Multilingual DP into all languages.
Translation, Conference and Community Interpreting in over 150 languages serving all branches of the government, healthcare faciliti
Translations between all major languages. All projects sent via specialist FTP site, and return via there with invoices for action. We spe
We are Certified Translators and Simultaneous / Consecutive/Telephonic Interpreters - all native speakers - Our company has been in
Specialising in German and Russian into English translation, proofreading and typesetting. Member of the Institute of Linguists.
Advent Translation provides interpreting services and written translations of materials on any topic in over 50 languages. Their succes
English-Ukrainian, Ukrainian-English translations.
A-E TRADS and its network of translators is able of handling for you all types of translations, business-orientated as well as technical.
Czech translation agency. Translations from West European languages to languages of new candidate EU countries. A large database o
Farsi, Korean, Pashto, Russian, Serbo-Croat, Spanish, Tagalog, Turkish, Urdu, Albanian, Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, English. AegisMEP i
aemilia tradux has been offering a comprehensive range of top quality professional translation services since 1989: we deal with legal
Specializing in French-English translation and localization for the UK, US, French & French Canadian markets since 1991. ISO9001. All
Afford offers comprehensive service packages for its clients at the prices of freelance translators, while offering the reliability, experien
Translations in Hindi, Pashto, Punjabi, Russian, Urdu, Dari (Afghan Persian), English, Farsi, Ukrainian. Freelancers are welcome to appl
Amharic, Arabic, French, Housa, Ibo, Kirundi, Kinyarwanda, Oromo, Shona, Somali, Swahili, Tigrinya, Twi and More Languages!
Arabic-French-English translation of different types of documents. Certified translation for documents distined for courts, administratio
Spanish to English and English to Spanish translations.
The agency offers high quality translation of all types of documents, establishing face-to-face contacts in a target language, interpreti
All languages, all kinds of translation, all spheres.
All European languages. Main combinations DE <> EN, FR, IT, NL, ES, PT, SV, DA, NW, RU. All subject areas. Main fields: cosmetics, fo
Translations from major European languages to Czech and Slovak.
Translation and interpretation agency for Eastern European languages, especially Czech and Slovak language.
We offer full language services, from translations and editing to interpretation to "full service" management and delivery of multi-lang
Notarized translations. Translations notarized by a court-appointed translator are offered in almost all the languages we translate. Exp
Translations: English-Spanish. Specialist Subject Areas: Economics & Finance, Oil industry, International development, Immigration, T
AHA Translation Inc. is located in Burlington ON close to Toronto. AHA is a Translation Office who performs translations in English, Ger
AHOVAN TRANSLATION SERVICES has been established as a reputable translation company involving Farsi translation from/into Engli
Translations from Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Russian to Turkish
We provide language solutions to small, medium and large businesses, institutions and individuals, and are well acquainted with the li
General, technical, financial and business translations in most of the world's major languages.
Quality translations between Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Mongolian, and English.
Since its establishment in 1992, with the quality-oriented, costumer-focused, fast and economical solutions, Akademi Translation Serv
We provide professional translation services. What we can offer is support translating mainly from / into Bulgarian. As a premier trans
Quality is everything. More than 20 years of experience in IT. Specializing in English to Dutch translations related to IT, games and Eu
Dear Global Customers, Akurasi is the English-to-Indonesian translations specialist. we at AKURASI Translation Services rank ourselve
Al-Falah Foundation specializes in providing translated works about Islam in English, German and French. We also offer our services fo
Main duty of our company: 1. Translation English into Arabic & vice versa. 2. Translate differnent types of topics, economic, commerci
Dear all, it will be our pleasure to register our agency with u, thax.
ALAFIAS ENGINEERING working framework aims to optimize efficiency, to complete the work done on schedule, and to meet your nee
Alafranga Translation and Interpreting Services Ltd. is an Istanbul-based Turkish Translation and Interpreting Company, providing wide
We are a professional language service of Pakistan specializing in Chinese translation and typesetting, who handle any matter related
We are a Pakistan based translation providing company with educated and experience native speaker translators in the following 28 la
We provide language solutions to small, medium and large businesses, institutions and individuals, and are well acquainted with the li
Arabic software localization and web design. Arabic Desktop Publishing (Adobe InDesign) and pre-print services.
Looking for native speakers of the following languages as part-time checkers/editors: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Swed
Aiming to become a key player in Biomedical Translation, Localization and Cultural Adaptation.
Areas of Expertise: Legal, Medical, Historical, Computer Software Localization, Technical Documents and Manuals, Educational Materia
A network of professional native Albanian experts joined together with the sole purpose of providing accurate language services. Free
Translation and interpreting in English and Portuguese. Company based in Brazil.
Basque, Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, English, French, Galician, German, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Arabic.
English to Tagalog, Tagalog to English, English to Kapampangan.
ALEF to ZED provides a complete range of trilingual translation services to modern businesses and to individuals in Arabic, English and
Our competitive edge feeds on our passion for language and for effective communication. This is why we define ourselves as 'linguistic
Alesta Translation Bureau is translating various languages (English - Turkish, French - Turkish, German - Turkish...) in many fields incl
Translation, editing and revision in any language you need. Special treatment of technical texts and special formats (computer program
English<>Spanish Translation, Editing, Proofreading, Literary Criticism, Writing.
All language pairs.
They translate into the majority of European languages.
Experienced translators in Madrid, Spain offer professional translation between English and Spanish. All types of translators are neede
Alima Translation Services, S.L. translate all the languages of the European Union and of eastern and central Europe, as well as the As
Deutsche technische Texte in klares Niederlndisch
Provider of Spanish translation services, including certified translations and website translations. Transcriptions of cassettes and other
A group of translation, training and management bureaus in UAE (Sharjah & Dubai), Muscat (Oman) & Ramallah (Palestine) with expe
We translate all sorts of texts from Arabic to Dutch and from Dutch to Arabic, also certified translations. Please contact us for more in
As the UK's Premier Translation and Interpreting service, they specialise in interpreting for Legal Services, Business, Local Governmen
All Language Alliance, Inc. provides professional foreign language translation, multilingual document translation services, legal transla
154 Languages, fastest turn-around and some of the strictest quality assurance procedures in the industry.
Translations from English to Chinese (both traditional and simplified), Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polis
We can provide you with translations, typesetting, artwork, video subtitling, foreign language website or interpreting. Our multilingua
Translations of all major languages.
All linguex translations provides language service in over 28 major languages. We are medical translation specialists. Rates vary accor
Based on a tradition of 26 years expertise offering multilingual solutions to the largest corporations in Brazil and worldwide, All Tasks w
Reliable Language Translation Service by Qualified Native Translators for Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Punjabi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu
All Translations Company. Translations and DTP services for over 50 languages for West & East European, Asia and Middle East.
Translations from English to Zulu, Afrikaans, Sotho, Xhosa, Ndebele, Pedi, Tswana, Swazi, Tsonga, Sign language. Freelancers please a
Translations into English from Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, German, Dutch, and also, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, P
Translations between major world languages.
ALC offers Document translation, Web site and software localization, Desktop Publishing and Testing, Interpreting services, including l
Since its establishment in Amman, Allieds interpreters do many works for Jordan Gov. in the translation field. Higher Education, Civil
Since its establishment in Amman, Allieds interpreters do many works for Jordan Gov. in the translation field. Higher Education, Civil S
Translations between Turkish and other world languages.
ALLLINGUA INTERNATIONAL TRANSLATION SERVICES is your source to Global access. They are your prime contact when you need tr
Reach Japanese Market today. ALLON offers a full suite of Japanese marketing services, including Translation, Web/DTP Design, and O
Translation agency based in Munich for more than 20 years and operating in all notable industrialized countries. They offer the followin
All-Round Translations, based in The Hague (the Netherlands), is an established name in the translation world. Founded over 55 years
We serve Southern California. We provide only verbal interpreting. Most languages available.
Spanish and French into English translation. American translators. From 0.08 USD per word.
For ongoing jobs company is looking for experienced translators in different language combinations. Please send your rates and CV by
Translation and legalisation in all European languages. We provide work for qualified translators from all languages. You are not engag
We have certified translators (English, Arabic, French) long experience. They have worked as translators, interpreters, proof readers o
The office is specialized in legal and medical translation, they also help providing consultation in Machine Translation.
We do legal and ordinary translation. We translate any type of documents, films and others. We are located in Dubai and our translatio
ALP Surveillance is a translation and Quality Inspection Company registered, licensed and approved by the Government. Date of estab
High quality language translations and proofreading by French and English professional translators who only ever translate into their m
Alpha CRC is a specialist localization Company with many years experience in translating and adapting software products for the globa
English-Spanish, Spanish-English, Portuguese-Spanish, Spanish-Portuguese. We also translate other pairs. In that case, contact throu
AMC is a consulting company emphasizing on Purchasing, Supply Chain & Materials management. They also provide translation servic
Dear colleagues, we would like to establish a mutually rewarding business partnership with you in the translation, web design and sof
They translate the biblical works of Seventh day Adventist teachings.
Translating into 68 different languages.
ATS, a professional provider of multilingual translations, interpreting service nationwide including Sign Language, has an extensive arr
Translations of the following pairs of languages: English>Greek, French>Greek at EUR 0,04/word, proofreading included, prepared in
Alpha Translations Canada Inc. is a Canadian-based company, offering a wide range of translation and language consulting services to
Language pairs: German, French, Spanish and Italian into English. English into French and German.Subjects: Pharmaceutical, medicin
Translation and interpretation services from English, German, French, Italian, Spanish into Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian in nearly
Translation & interpreting services from English, German and French in Greek and vice versa.
We translate out of and into any language in the world and have native speaking translators for a vast range of languages. Freelancer
English to German translations.
Services provided: Translation, ad hoc and conference interpreters, conference interpreting equipment, typesetting. Alpha-Omega's ai
All languages including British Sign Language.
We rely on a huge network of both single and multilingual, reliable and efficient partners, spread all over the world (more than 40 lang
This is a licensed office which has 14 years of experience. The office is well known locally for good quality, punctuality and low cost. Th
Our company has been founded on the basic idea of realizing The Human Civilization Continuance goal, where the concept of continua
Translation of different types of documents; Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpreting Services on conferences, meetings, business
Professional English<>Arabic translators. Established in 1990. They guarantee to complete translation jobs of this pair of languages p
We are working primarily in English-Russian language combination. If you would like to register with the agency as a freelance transla
Translation agency.
Al-Sur Traducciones S.L. offers you a complete range of linguistic services: technical, legal, business, medical and officially certified tra
The agency specializes in technical translations providing professional translation and interpreting services to clients from most variou
To/from English and official languages of South Africa - Afrikaans, Zulu, Venda, N & S Sotho, Tswana, Xhosa.
English to Arabic translations and DTP.
A dedicated group of experienced journalists, writers and researchers. Experience - 20 years. job profile - creative writing, scripting, f
Translations/editing in: Portuguese<>English, Afrikaans<>English, Afrikaans<>Portuguese.
Languages: All.
Amadeus Translations is a leading international translation agency with a worldwide network of translators. More than 500 language tr
Technical translations made by engineers and sworn translations. Languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Japan
More than 75 languages offered translation / writing / editing / interpreting.
Amanara Certified Translation specialises in translation of documents for official purposes. Most of our clients are individuals who need
English, French, Spanish. Specializing in legal, financial and commercial translating and interpreting.
Specializing on serving non-profit grassroots organizations at lower rates than usual. Translations between most major language comb
Translation from English into French. Specialized in Software and Documentation Translation.
The American Chamber of Commerce Estonia provides Estonian, Russian and Finnish to English translation services with Native Ameri
Ameraz offers translation, localization and typesetting in any language, with a dependability and competitive price that are difficult to
American Evaluation and Translation Service, Inc. (AETS) provides expert translations in over 100 languages. AETS translators are exp
American Language Technologies, Inc. is a full service translation company based out of Dallas, Texas providing various language relat
American Literary Translators Association (ALTA) was founded in 1978 to provide essential services to literary translators and to create
Company run by professional translators and interpreters with fifty years experience between them. Translation, interpr
Translation agency specialising in the following languages, in and out of European languages: Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Rus
American Translation Link - Specializing in website/software localization and user's manual.
American Translation Partners gives your organization the power to communicate, comprehend and collaborate in any language. Start
We are experts with ample experience in corporate translations. We offer the best translation service for English-Spanish and Spanish
Translation agency profile: WELCOME: You've just come upon one of the best translation providers in the Americas; and, we are ready
Their language translation services can help you convey your message in almost any language to facilitate your international commun
Work mainly with Latin American and European languages. Please view the website and make a phone call if you require more informa
Established in 2001 for translation of books and science researches. We translate from Arabic to English and from English to Arabic.
Translation from German mainly to American English.
The agency translates into a wide range of languages, including Polish, Czech, Chinese, Arabic, Turkish etc. as well as all the more "us
Legal Translation (accredited translators)
Translation and interpreting in all languages.
Our translation agency is running since 1960. We translate from/into all languages, especially sworn and judicial translations.
Amsall's Translation Trophy Translation Agency helps Small and Midsize Businesses with their Global Communication, in particular Tran
Translations between Czech, Slovak, English and German. Freelancers please apply at:
A company, affiliated to a major entertainment network, specialised in subtitling movies and programs from Arabic into English and vi
Turkish translation.
Translate from English to Norwegian and vice versa, also from English to Romanian and vice versa, available soon French. Papers can
We are a team of freelance university graduated translators, full members of the CPTCBA (Buenos Aires City Association of Sworn Tran
Freelancers are welcome. Translations in virtually all languages.
Analog Translations was founded in 1999. They translate between French, Swedish, English and Spanish. They have experience in ma
Italian -> English, English -> Italian. We have native translators in both English and Italian.
Translations of all types of documents for various sectors of the economy as well as for individuals.
As a language services provider offering translation, interpreting, typesetting, training and voice-overs, we work with all types of docu
Czech, English, German, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Slovak
Medical and technical translation in English and Danish.
They provide translations from any known language to other known language on earth.
Established in 1989, the company works in all major world languages. Our client list covers technical and engineering companies, pub
Medical translations, English into Dutch.
Translation mainly in Azeri, English and Russian.
Translation of web sites, manuals, and software programs between English and French.
Highly specialised in Japanese language translations.
Chinese - Russian: 0.03/0.03 USD, 20.00/20.00 USD, Russian- English: 0.03/0.03 USD, 20.00/20.00 USD, Chinese-English: 0.03/0.0
A. Krishna Rao, who has rich experience of more than 22 years in the translation periods heads the services. Translation services are p
Anonymous Translations Service (ATS) is a service company specializing in translations of English-Indonesian v.v documents. They tra
We translate all kind of texts in all areas (law, economic, art and literature, medicine, sport...).
We have over 20 years experience in language services and provision. We are experts on Telephone Interpreting, its applications and
With more than 10 years of experience in multilingual content delivery, ANTHEA provides each client with a unique access to industry
With more than 10 years of experience in multilingual content delivery, ANTHEA provides each client with a unique access to industry
With more than 10 years of experience in multilingual content delivery, ANTHEA provides each client with a unique access to industry
Work with Highly Skilled Professionals who can provide first class services in a timely and straightforward manner!
Translations from/into English, Ukrainian, Russian, German, Dutch, Swedish.
Anyword is a French translation company which works with more than 2000 freelance translators installed all around the world. We ar
Legal and Economic Department This is dedicated exclusively to the translation of legal, economic and financial texts, including contra
AP Translation is a Danish Translation agency which offer translations to Danish, English and German and proof reading at a very favo
Translation is not just a mechanical discipline, it's an art! Welcome to APA Translations. We have over 40 years' experience in the trans
Translation and web related services in Chinese-English-Chinese.
Apex Translations, Inc., provides quality translations to technical, legal, medical, and business clientele throughout the world. We focu
API Service can provide translations in many language combinations covering a wide variety of subject matters. If you are an expert t
Established in December 1990. Taking translation work from January 1991.translation from English to Hindi,urdu,and vise versa is do.
Aplomb Translations is a professional London-based translation company that offers a complete range of translation services. The com
APOSTROPH Translations provides a whole range of services of the very highest quality, at competitive rates. APOSTROPH works with
Appendix is the premier Technical Publications and Translation services provider in Canada. We are part of the Sonovisio
Translation services in over 100 language combinations, including all European, Eastern European, Scandinavian, Arabic, Asian, Middle
Translations in English, French, German, Kikuyu, Kirundi, Lingala, Portuguese, Arabic, Swahili, Tigrinya.
Applied Language Solutions translate all kinds of documents from simple letters to large technical documents for specialist Medical, Le
Translations from into and out of every European and world language.
Recruiting translators of all major languages.
Translations to/from all main languages.
As a legal support firm assisting attorneys worldwide, APS International, Ltd. specializes in all aspects of legal translation. APS also tra
Aqua PR Consulting LLC was established in 2004 as a direct outcome of the activity in translations of the company owners starting in
Agency was formed in 1990, specializes in English and Spanish languages. Cooperated with many Czech and foreign companies - IKEA
Translations between major European languages.
To come soon, please visit our website in the meantime .
Professional service provider delivering Creative and IT solutions through consulting, outsourcing and recruiting. Looks for experience
We are a small agency (4 people) established 20 years ago in Bordeaux. About two thirds of all our translations are related to the loca
Aquus Media is a new enterprise providing the highest quality Polish translation services. Our native-speaking translators are ready to
Translations from German to French, French to German, English to German.
As simple as 1 - 2 - 3: Highest Quality, Best Rates, Perfect Deadlines. Arabia Translations ... Your Wide Gate into World! Send us for a
ATG is a premier translation-related services provider with an uncompromising commitment to quality, product performance and on-t
Arabic Bridge is a provider of language-related services located in Egypt. Our services include Arabic translation, localization, proofrea
Our services include - Translation, Interpretation and Desk Top Publishing. We have established PREFERRED STATUS with several large
Translation: English/Arabic - Arabic/English. Contracts, legal,depositions, miltary, patents, medical, patents, media, voice-over, Middle
Specialization / Background: Banking, Health, IT, Industry, Economics and Finance, Machines and Tools, International Developments,
We are a team of professional and freelance translators affiliated to the University of Alexandria (we are mostly faculty, translation ins
We are one of the leading translation organizations in the Middle East specialized in translating training operation and services manua
Integrated Arabic Translation Services and Cultural solutions with the best of rates.
Sworn Translation.
As a leading provider of Arabic localization, and since establishment in 1994, Arabize has been committed to deliver locally and cultura
Arabic-Spanish-English-French. Also other languages available. Correspondents in Arab countries and Europe. The owner is Ph.D. in S
Arabweb is specialized in translating into Arabic all kind of applications such as, websites, legal & financial documents, technical & med
Alongside their expertise and experience in translation and copywriting in a vast range of languages, they also offer a specialist servic
Software localization and translation of texts and web pages into Arabic.
Arancho is an Italian multinational founded in 1993, with offices in Italy, Spain and Finland, that operates in the multilingual documen
Arancho BCN is the Spanish affiliate of the Arancho Group, founded in 1993 in Italy, with offices in Italy, Spain and Finland. The Group
Founded as Lexis in 1993, Arancho is an Italian multinational, with offices in Italy (Rimini and Mirandola - MO), Spain (Barcelona) and
AraSols is dedicated to offer a wide range of Arabic Translation and localization Services to provide our customers with complete optim
Here are just a few of the hundreds of on-line glossaries and dictionaries that the company uses for their general and specialized tran
We solve ALL your com..unication problems. Give us call.. and experience SERVICE.
In today's globalised world of international relations, it is essential to have a command of foreign languages in order to be able to run
Archetypon operates in the Information and Communication Technology sectors and emphasizes on quality of services and products. T
Architekst offers a skilled and multi-faceted translation service. We have the software to work in all current word processing formats,
Founded in 1994 by Hans Fenstermacher, ArchiText Inc. offers translation, localization, and globalization services to Global 2000 comp
ARCHIVO CERO TRADUCCIONES is a translation agency located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We work for national and international com
In house: DE, EN, ES, HU, RO > FR, FR, EN > DE. Their team: all kind of translations from/into HU, RO. Average rate: 0.05 EUR/word
Argentina-based agency offers its English to Spanish translation service. Technical, commercial and scientific texts.
We are a team of experienced freelance translators providing translation and localization services from English into Spanish. We are sp
Full service tranlsation agency. Offering Translation, Software Localization, Video Production/Narration and Interpretation.
Translations in all major language pairs.
Technical translation in English and Russian, in the telecom, hardware, software and mechanics fields.
Argos is a privately held American-British owned translation company offering services for all the European languages with an emphas
Argus Translation Agency has been established in 1928. Since then, the main field of activity concentrated on translation of the Laws
English, Slovene, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, French translations.
Translation and technical writing in English of user guides and manuals.
We are a team of professional translators with many years of in-house and freelance experience an a large clientele of local, regional a
Translation of Middle Eastern languages.
ARNA Translations: ==Accurate Reliable Neat and Adequate==.
CVs from translators are welcome! The agency is formed by a group of professional trnslators, each of who is specialized in different f
Technical translation, interpretation, web site localization in Portuguese, English, Spanish. NOTE: Resumes just by e-mail, no phone ca
Arrow & Bow consists of a small professional team of academic translators - all highly specialized with comprehense experience - who
We deal in Translation involving English, Urdu, Pashto, Arabic at very reasonable costs.
Translation in English and Danish.
Your 1-stop partner for an accurate Translation in & from English, French and Romanian.
Translations from English to Catalan and Spanish.
Arte.doc Translation & Interpreting Agency. Professional written and verbal interpreting of technical, juridical, economical and other do
Language services in all languages.
Translation and copywriting (including creative, technical, legal and medical texts, software and ICT, and teaching material). Proof-rea
Greek translations (from or to Greek) and most of the official languages spoken in the world and translation services in general have b
Translations of world major languages.
Arts & Letters provides translation and interpretation services to and from all major languages, as well as language training, English fo
They provide legal and business translation services between Polish and English. The staff includes sworn translators, linguists, lawyer
ASALI TRADUCTIONS LANGUES ARABES ET EUROPEENNES. Langue de dpart Arabe, Franais, Anglais. Langue d'arrive Arabe, Fran
Interpreting and Translation Company with highly skilled, knowledgeable translators with a fast turnaround time and competitive price
ASAP QA Localization is a unique, full-service Internationalization agency. ASAP QA Localization brings together the skills of multi-tale
ASAP Translation Team specializes in translating your documentation into any major foreign language so that it reads as though it wer
As one of the leading translation companies in Europe, they have both in-house and contractual qualified translators and interpreters.
A-Script Service O is a small company located in Estonia, a member state of the European Union. Our company provides various serv
French translation company specializes in sport and leisure activities (tourism, art, cinema, etc.)
Turkish, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, Hungarian, Greek, Russian, Italian and more.. Besides translations we can also offer servises like w
We translate into and out of 40 different languages.
We specialize in Japanese translation, web localization, global marketing development and business services, assisting businesses wan
Verztec is a technology focused company with an expertise in providing globalization consulting, localization and internationalization s
Asian Absolute provides language translation, marketing and new media services for China and the Asia Pacific markets.
Specialist Japanese/English translation in the area of finance, securities, economy and business.
English, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Malay, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Spanish to Simplified/Traditional Chinese.
Asiastar has a highly professional translation team ready to service your translation needs. Well-trained translators, editors, proofread
ASIST is always interested in inquiries from highly trained, professional freelance translators and editors in all languages.
English < > Czech translations, DTP, page layout, design and typesetting, web design and writing, teaching English and Czech.
English - Turkish, Turkish - English. Translations, interpretations.
We serve to the translation requirements of all the national and international languages. We have been working in this industry for a l
Translations from Ukrainian/Russian to English and v.v. and from Ukrainian/Russian to German and v.v.
One of the most respected professional foreign language translation and consulting firm in the world. Having a database of over 1,500
We are translation agency established in 1994, based in Brno in Czech Republic. We are specialized mostly on Central and Eastern Eur
We can translate 590 standard pages/day (160 housand words) on average, 81 fields, from and into 51 languages. We create in-hous
Asphodel is an outsourcing company that provides translation, interpretation and proof-reading services as well as certification (legaliz
ASSERTIO Language Services was created in 2000 to meet the specific needs for translation and localization services in the IT industr
Translations from and into all languages. Since it was founded in 1985, A.R.I. has been at the head of a vast network of exchanges an
At AT&T Ltd, translations and typesetting into all major languages of the world are carried out to the highest professional standards en
An association, their member companies provide all possible translation services.
Members of the ATC adhere to a strict code of professional conduct, are carefully vetted before admission into membership and carry
Translations from English to Bosnian.
We are a Bulgarian Translation Services Center established sixteen years ago in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. We do written general translations a
Aston Linguistic Services - Italian translation agency based in Bologna.
Translations to/from Italian and other language combinations. We provide translation services for any kind of documents, websites, of
Asya Language Services offers translation and localization services for texts, website translations and software localization. Fast, accu
For 55 languages.
Atalaya Global has excellent teams of translators in every European language. Recent projects include the following: * nine-month ass
Atec Translation is one of the most complete and effective providers in the localization field. With a team of highly qualified and experi
The agency has specialised in German translations.
We are a translation agency ATLANTIS based in Russia, St. Petersburg, all of our translators have university degrees in linguistics and
Atlantis Translation Services Ltd is a long established company with a proven track record and a secure future. Their guiding principle
At Atlas Dialect we translate from English into all major business languages and vice versa, but a special emphasis is placed on langua
Atlas International German Language Specialists offers expertise in both technical and non-technical translations in German-English-G
Atlas Interpreting, LLC is a full-service translation and interpreting company that specializes in legal, medical, educational and busines
Atlas is a translation network operating in Moscow since 1991. Since that time a translation network has become one of the biggest t
English, French, German, Italian, Russian. Translations in all fields, from and into: English, French, German, Russian.
Services provided in all major languages. Specialization in the Latin American Market Place.
Atlas Translations is an established, professional company, with an excellent reputation within the language and translation industry. A
Translation and localisation services. All language pairs available. Only qualified native translators used.
Translation and layout/design services. Languages: English, German, French, Russian, Finnish, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Italian, S
They translate texts into and from English, German, Finnish, Russian, Latvian, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and Spanish.
Atril France distributes the Dj Vu translation software in France and offers associated services such as training courses and multiling
Founded in 1994 with its headquarters in Bloomington, Minnesota, USA, Alex Translation Services (ATS) offers complete language serv
English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, German, others on request.
English < > French translations. Freelancers please apply at [email protected]
Agency founded in 1996, soon celebrating 10 years of prosperous activity!!! Consisting of small group of native speakers, all PhD, spe
Translation services are available in 70 languages: Afrikaans, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Azeri, Belarusan, Bosnian, Brazilian
Auerbach International is the United States' leading, full-service Marketing and Language firm. They specialize in specific kinds of US a
Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian to Russian and English.
Australian Multi Lingual Services is a leading provider of multilingual document translation and interpreting services working in over 80
We offer: translation, interpretation, proof reading, editing, copy writing, galleys etc. in various languages. We are currently looking fo
Localization / Translation / Globalization
Automotive industry technical translation, marketing and technical texts editing. English > French, 20 years experience, senior transla
Technical and scientific translations.
AV Tehnotrans has been specialising in the translation of technical texts from the English and Russian languages to the Estonian langu
English, Bosnian, Croatian, Hungarian, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovenian translations.
Pl. visit our website for full details.
Based in Dallas, Texas, USA.
Avance Associates is a firm that provides services in the areas of translation, copy writing, copy editing, internet marketing, and desig
Avantgarde Translations, Inc. is a comprehensive, one-stop provider of translation and terminology management services. Our linguis
Founded 1996. Member: ATA. Accepts resumes. Requires 3 years exp., certification/accreditation where available. Translates English in
Scientific, medical and technical translations - Specialized in: industry, chemistry, cosmetics, technology, new materials. Translators ex
Avatar Group Translation Bureau offers you high-quality translation services. For them, quality stands for correctness of text, fast wor
AVATAR translations provides translations between several languages, first and foremost the combinations
Aviation Language Schools, Inc.,(ALS), requires on site, (in the US), interpreters for specific dates. The interpreters must be bilingua
Avid Translation provides interpretation, document translation, proofreading, editing, and content and message localization for reachin
Avison Consulting has an extensive network of translators covering many languages. We act as an agency, coordinating your translatio
Avitra - Auroville international translators, is a multilingual team of translators, all native speakers, in the Auroville International Town
The company, which specializes in providing translation services to both the business and academic world, employs dozens of translat
Avrasya Language Services, found in 1990 in Istanbul, is one of the biggest translation and localization companies in Turkey with its b
Awangarda is a translation company based in Warsaw (Poland). We provide top quality translations, website translation and software l
Our speciality is Arabic translations. Our uniqueness is expressed simply by the fact that the working leader of this firm is the only per
Major languages translated. Join the agency by submitting your details at: AXI Trad
Translation and interpretation in all major languages.
Professional translation and Interpreting agency covering all language combinations. Services include: Website Translation, Legal Tran
All native speaking translators. Preferable prices. Graphics. Trados.
Translations in major world languages.
They do mining, engineering and software translations from English to Spanish and Spanish to English. They also do interpretation in
RUSSIAN-DUTCH-ENGLISH. Professional, quick, oral and written translations, sharp prices. All-round, translations in any field. Special
Document and website translation service agency for Azerbaijani, Turkish, Farsi, Russian and English.
German <-> English translations by qualified native speakers.
B&K specializes in technical translations and writing + software localization. All rates on our website.
Translation services (30 languages). "Laser accurate" translation of manuals, manufacturer's booklets, marketing, training documents
Multilingual solutions to document producers from a worldwide network - and to any location in the world.
Web-based translation agency with headquarters in Italy and a branch in Brazil.
Translation, proofreading and teaching between English and Burmese. Babble is always recruiting qualified and experienced translator
BabbleShop offers an extensive range of foreign language services including multilingual translations and web localization services. Ba
Babel Latina Editorial Group works with the following languages: English, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch, French, Swedish, Portugue
English<>Chinese translations.
Our goal is to provide a faster response and a higher level of quality to our clients essential elements in all of our projects. Our disti
Babelx is a worldwide network of Translation Agencies, eBusiness experts, Web Developers, Web Publishers, eMarketers
Firma realizeaz traduceri simple i legalizate, pentru acte oficiale sau documente pe diverse specialiti, din i n urmatoarele limbi st
Technical, Scientific and Literary translations.
Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia).
A starting translation agency. They need a lot of your help and cooperation. They are qualified in English.
BAIAN Iran Association is honored to introduce itself as an accredited Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) specified to Language st
High-quality translation services from English to German or German to English. Also: editorial, proof-reading, and typing work in both
We are mainly focused on translation from / into a wide variety of languages including Arabic, English, German,.........Freelancers plea - Translations and Interpreting - certified interpreters, translators, English, Franais, Portugus, Espaol, Italiano,
Eesti - inglise, eesti - soome, eesti - vene, eesti - saksa, eesti - rootsi, eesti - taani, inglise - eesti, soome - eesti, vene - eesti, saksa -
Fullservice translation company. All Nordic, Slavic, Baltic, European etc languages. ISO 9001: 2000 quality sertificate. Established 199
We provide translations to and from English, Estonian, Finnish, German, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Swedish. 99
Bamboo is a new born baby in translation career. We name it Bamboo cause we hope it can grow up gradually and thrively with all me
Headquartered in Arkansas, USA and with offices in the US and PR China, Bankys is a top provider of secure document translation ser
Baraka Translations was established in 1998, and is an established, professional company, with an excellent reputation within the lang
Our Source Languages: Russian, French, Italian, Spanish, German, English. Our Target Languages: English, Spanish, Russian, French.
We are a full-service translation and simultaneous interpretation company working with translators and simultaneous interpreters in 7
Our team members are highly educated in, and masters of, our native languages and also both highly proficient in our
Since 1990, this company has been providing a range of language services including legal and technical translation, web site design, D
If youre considering internationalizing your software, its because expansion into overseas markets is important to your business. By
Bastille Translation Service is a translation provider specializing in business translation. Spanish, English, French, German, Italian. If y
Bstkusten's Translations (Bstkustens versttningar) was started in Sweden in 1989 as a combined secretarial and translation agen
Since 1989 offering technical translation/editing services into Spanish and multilingual Desktop Publishing in more than 20 languages.
Association of professional, skilled and experienced native translators. Since the early 90's, translators have been successful in supply
Translations, Interpreting and Mediation in Portuguese, English, German and French. I am Swiss and have been living in Brazil and wo
We offer translation services in the following languages: Hebrew, English, German, Dutch, Polish, Yiddish, French, Spanish, Italian, Po
Languages: Afrikaans, Albanian, American Sign Language, Amharic (aka Ethiopian), Amoy (aka Fukienese), Apache, Arabic, Armenian
We are a small, woman-owned translation agency looking currently for experienced translators who work into Can. Fren
BAYAN-Tech provides high quality translation services from and to different languages including Arabic, English, French, Farsi and Urdu
Translation and interpretation in Chinese-English-Chinese.
Language pairs: English > Spanish, Portuguese > Spanish, German > Spanish. We work for other agencies and individual customers i
We specialize in English to German and German to English translations.
Bedford Translations is a leading provider of technical translation, product localisation and globalisation services, with native technical
Translations from English to German; native speakers only; specialising in: cinema/film/TV, computers, software, business, marketing,
We focus on the following language pairs (CCJK = Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese and Korean): English <--> CCJK,
Languages: English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Thai, Romanian, Mongolian, etc.
Beijing E-C Translation Ltd. is one of the largest translation and localization service providers in Asia. Since the establishment in 1997,
We supply high quality translation and relative services. We hope to co-operate with your company in translation and relative fields. O
Chinese-English translations.
As a Chinese company with years of successful experiences in translation and localization, we have been helping quite a lot of foreign
Beijing Lang-ease Information Technology Company Limited is committed to providing professional Chinese translation services global
Beijing S-C Translation Co., Ltd is a professional translation corporation which is registered at Beijing Industrial and Commercial Admin
Beijing Translation Network - Professional translation service in more than 40 languages in areas of information technology, law, mach
The firm has gathered together a group of experienced translators and court appointed interpreters with excellent knowledge of variou
Translation from and into all languages. Our main languages are Arab, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish,
Dutch-French-German-English-Portuguese-Spanish and Danish into Dutch-French-German-English-Spanish-Portuguese.
Based in
We translate technical manuals, advertising and sales materials, websites, and legal texts into the following languages: English, Spani
Beluga is specialized in globalization of dynamic website projects with continuous update cycles (Web 2.0 clients e.g.: openBC/XING, L
AREAS OF EXPERTISE (English, French, Spanish into Brazilian Portuguese): Technical (hardware-software, telecom, e-commerce, e-bu
A translation agency located in Italy and can provide a wide range of services at reasonable rates including translations, proofreading
Translation, Localization, Globalization, Terminology & Translation Memory Creation and Maintenance, Alignment, Desktop Publishing,
As an IBM Korea's localization vendor, BENEXtra Korea has extensive experiences in messaging & collaboration and e-learning softwar
French<>German translations
English to Danish translations - and Danish to English.
For more than 30 years Berkeley Scientific Translation Service has provided high-quality translations to corporate clients in all industri
Small agency located in Montreal and specializing in Energy, Electromechanical Engineering, Contract Documents, Environment and G
English to Ukrainian and Russian translations. We have have a very strict policy with the respect to the quality of our translations, the
A small translation agency.
English to Norwegian translations.
Bestrans Translations Inc.(China) is a professional translation and localization agency focusing on technical translation, software locali provides certified translations, authorized translations, and legal translations, from and into over 20
Company was founded in 1998. The main activity is the localization (partial/full) for the entertainment industry. All clients belongs to
Beter Engels Taalbureau translates exclusively from Dutch to English, and is specialised in areas of marketing, corporate communicatio
Today's international marketplace presents the challenge of communicating in many languages, a process which can be complicated. B
A network of freelance translators, spread all around the world and working from and to English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch and
Translation in Danish and English. is based in Nottingham, UK, and offers professional language translation services between English and all major
A full set of integral localization services including translation, engineering, DTP, localization testing, QA and project management.
Located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and is one of the leading Canadian Agencies. Being located in Quebec of course gives agency an
Broadcast Global Text Ltd. located in Sofia, Bulgaria, is one of the leading Bulgarian subtitling companies. They can translate and subt
China-based, professional Chinese<>English translation/localization service provider, dedicated in handling your materials in Simplified
Over 25 languages
Please, be so kind as to visit website at and find all the information that you need there.
Specialised in both private and public sector translation and interpreting. all documents, all languages, translated by professional tran
We provide English>Spanish, Spanish>English, and English>Creole translations as well as bilingual copywriting and DTP for the Hispa
For permanent, temporary and contract positions, we deal with ALL world languages, although some are more frequently sought after
Bilingual Solutions provides translating, interpreting, proofreading, editing, and technical writing services for corporate and private clie
Freelancers are welcome to apply at:
Our translation work is specialize in translation in French, Spanish and English. Native from France and living since several years in Me
English and Spanish Professional Translators. Bilingual and bi-cultural native speaker linguists guarantee accuracy and cultural approp
Translation Experts for the Medical World. Several years experience in the management of translation projects. Each client will be ass
Biotext, LLC, a full-service translation and localization firm, is ready to help you conceptualize your international marketing project. Th
Translations from Ukrainian and Russian into english and vice versa.
Giving translation services (oral and written) on mostly general topics, legal, medical and technical texts.
We're Biro 2000 d.o.o. from Slovenia and we translate 36 languages and its combinations. 1. We translate with Cat tools - Trados 5.5
General Technical Commercial Legally Certified Translations.
Interpreting and translation service based in Wenzhou City, China. Available in professional commercial ENGLISH, SPANISH, CHINESE
Translation in European, Western and Asian languages.
BITS Private Limited was set up to cater exclusively to the translation demand arising from within and outside India.
English to Polish translations.
Translation and interpreting (including conference interpreting) English/French/Polish.
Polish-Russian, Russian-Polish and more languages.
English to Polish translations.
We offer highly-specialised translation in all european languages at competitive rates.
We are a professional translation, interpreting and voiceover company based in London with over a thousand translators, interpreters
Blade Translation Services is your solution for simple, quality translations at affordable prices. We exclusively use native-speakers, and
BLI Translations offers translation, interpreting and desktop publishing services from and into over 140 languages.
Languages: Arabic, Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Indonesia, Cantonese, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Latin, Pers
A translation and interpreting services company. Let them take care of your translation and interpreting needs in any language and re
High quality, contemporary translations to and from Swedish, French and English.
Translations into or from English for Arabic, Hebrew, Asian languages, European languages and East European languages by professio
Blue World Editors is a service that specializes in English for the U.S., the U.K. and other regions. We offer twenty years' experience in
The agency covers every sphere of translation.
See website.
Blueprint is an English-Spanish translation agency that specializes in architecture, design, engineering, construction and the like. Our
We work in collaboration with expert freelance translators (native speakers) for all the main languages of the world. Ancient language
English to German and German to English translation services.
Specialized in translation of various types of texts from and into Croatian. Interested in employing freelance translators.
They translate into and from the following languages: Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Basque, Bosnian, Breton, Bulgarian, Byelorussian, C
Our goal is to help clients communicate effectively on a global scale when localizing a wide range of products. While tra
Bulgarian, Russian, German
A skilled team translates from and into all 11 official South African languages, European, Asian and other African languages: official la
Translation agency BonaLingua makes translations to many languages. We are located in the heart of Europe. Try us out!
English (US), French
Your Cost-Effective Translation and Localization Partner Established in 2004, Borlan is a China-based translation and localization servic
Any translation from and into Turkish to any of the other major world languages, by experienced graduates of the most prestigious Tra
Translations of all subjects of all languages.
I have established a work at home company, offering foreign language lessons online. I manage the program and am looking for indiv
Translation, in its most basic sense, is the conversion of words from one language source to another. However, in most cases, you are
Bowne Translation Services is a large translation agency based in New York with offices in Paris, London and Hong Kong. A division of
Chinese <> English localizations, translations & interpretations.
We support over 50 languages including major languages such as English, German, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic. Freelancers
Braahmam is a leading language service provider that specializes in technical and non-technical translation, website loc
Brack & Associates Ltd is a major translation and interpreting company based in Derby, England. Formed over 30 years ago, we are C
Reliable, experienced, and flexible team of conference interpreters and translators. All the members of their team have completed the
Professional agency has over 17 years of experience. All languages - all fields - free price quotation - interesting rates
Translations into and from most world languages including all community languages used in the UK.
Portuguese (Brazilian), English, Spanish language services.
Translations English-Portuguese, Portuguese-English. Areas of expertise: Oil & Gas - HSE - Legal documents - Contracts - Platforms -
BGW is a Cameroon-based Language Service provider. We offer high-quality professional services in editing and translation, from Engl
With offices in New York and So Paulo, Brazil, and a track record of over ten years, we can assist in various projects from business pr
Language translation into All European and Norht and South American languages. Very affordable prices translating into ENG SPA POR
Translation in English and Brazilian Portuguese, based in San Francisco.
They deal in all kinds of translation jobs, from all fields {software, medicines, social, financial} in Japanese language.
Professional English/Spanish and Spanish/English translations. Those are the two languages that they chose to specialise in. They can
Translation & Localization. Ready to translate your product into one or more foreign languages? Bridge360 has the expertise you need
Bridge-Linguatec is a language services company with headquarters in the United States and subsidiary offices in Argentina, Chile and
As a multilanguage translation service provider, Bridgenova provides all language translation solutions to or from Chinese, including do
Brightlines Translation is the One Stop Solution to all your global publishing needs. They can manage the whole, or part of your multili
Consulting firm with language consulting dprt. Language pairs: Germ-Chin/ Eng-Chin/ Chin-Germ/ Eng-Germ/ Germ-Eng. Freelancers
The agency works according to a German industry standard known as DIN-Norm 2345, which is the standard adopted throughout the
Certified translation and interpretation, DTP, localisation, voice-overs and video production in 65 languages.
They translate your documents in all fields from and into Chinese, German, and English.
Languages: Polish, English, German, French, Russian, Czech. If you need translations into/from other language please contact us. Du
Freelancers are welcome to browse the list of current projects and also get registered in the lists of freelancers. Register now! It is ab
They translate using both print and electronic media: Web sites, Business Plans, Rsums, Technical and scientific literature.
Native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese with almost 10 years of experience as freelance translators, always trying to reach the high st
Translations from all major European languages to Polish.
Bubbles Translation Services provides a one-stop service for all your language translation needs. Using highly skilled staff backed with
We are a translation and interpreting office in Munich, which has employed only highly-qualified technical translators in all areas of ind
The Translation Workshop. Editorial and creative services. At our Translation Workshop we write various types of texts and perform Po
Turkish translation agency in Istanbul, specialized in legal texts.
Our network of certified translators offers professional services in more than 20 languages, including legal and technical translation an
ISO 9001:2000 Certified Corporate supplier of Medical and Technical language services for most European, Asian and Middle-Eastern l
Finnish, English, Russian.
English, French, German, Italian, Spanish. Italian Localization, Translation & DTP Services. From Professionals to Professionals. Busine
We translate websites, business letters, tender offers, financial reports, advertisements and other marketing materials.
Business Language Services was founded in 1990 with the aim of providing high quality translation, interpreting and language training
English, German, Polish legal, business and technical translations. Freelancers are welcome to apply.
BLC provides translating and interpreting services. Translation of documents, business correspondence, manuals, business presentatio
Translations in accordance to the national requirements of the necessary formalities and standards of documentations. Legalization of
The translation agency was established in Budapest in 1999. Provides translations in major languages.
Translations from Dutch, English, Finnish, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish into Russian.
Translation services.
We offer quality Translation and Proofreading services of documents. Italian, English, French, German. We have specialized experience
Translation agency profile: We work in translation in these languages: English, Spanish, French and Basque. We can also translate from
Specialists in production of multi-lingual design, typesetting & artwork of all world languages including European, Central European an
ByteTranslation needs freelance translators and proofreaders in all languages. Please e-mail us your CV (in the email body or as an att
Translation in IT, automotive, technical, medical, pharmaceutical, security, environmental fields. Surveys, questionnaires, games, prod
Languages: English, German, French into Italian.
CIT has been in existence for over 20 years, starting off as a French/German to English and English to French/German translation age
C.P. Gauger is an information management and electronic publishing company. From large catalogs to simple spec sheets, we can help
C.P. Gauger is an information management and electronic publishing company. From large catalogs to simple spec sheets, we can help
Cabinet Champollion is a French-based company specialized in translation and localization for the computer industry since 1986. Over
Backed by a track record stretching over 30 years, and based at the very nerve center of the business district, CABINET DE LA HANSE
Translations in all languages. Teaching all languages - individuals and groups all over the world. Tailor-made in company training and a
Technical and Sworn translations. All translations made by target language native speaker translators. Quality and expertize are our ke
California Interpreter & Attorney Services(CIAS) provides top quality translation and interpretation services in Spanish, Chinese, Korea
Global Consultant Interpreter network providing conference interpreter services anywhere in the world.
Specializes in providing translation and editing services. Our spheres of activity are broad and range from consultancy in the field of t
Japanese, English (UK, English (US). High quality translations at a reasonable cost and on time.
Traduction de textes, de pages web et de documents du franais vers le russe. Services, tarifs, forme de commande en ligne. Moteurs
English-Spanish translation, adaptation, transcription, and interpretation. Audiovisual specialists.
International communication translations.
Translations from English to Danish, from Danish to English, from Swedish to Danish and from Norwegian to Danish.
CanElsa International Group provides professional assistance to individuals, investors and companies to improve and strengthen their
Language combinations are: Spanish into English, Spanish into French, French into English, English into French, Russian into English.
Translation in major world languages, in agriculture, finance, healthcare and hospitality field.
We are in the process of developing international translation services. First, we would like to hear from translators from English into al
The quality and the success of a translation always depends on the linguistic perfection of the translator. Translating is a question of co
11+ experience in translating documents for: construction companies, universities, law firms, medical equipment companies, software
Translations from: English, German, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, French, Dutch, Spanish to Swedish. Freelancers please apply at: www
Founded in the 2005 through a collaboration with a few European translators teams we set our mission to offer multilingual documen
Translations from major all European languages, specialising to and from Swedish.
Through its services, the agency wants to facilitate communication. At present, they support 32 foreign languages and several special
Translations between major European languages. Asian and African languages are available on request.
Team of experienced translators and interpreters are among the world's best ranked professionals as they all have university degrees
Bem-vindo ao Site da Castilho & Associates, uma empresa especializada em solues lingsticas e tradues, tcnicas e literrias, pa
Since 1986, Castle Associates has provided high-quality translation, desktop publishing and software localization services in all major
CAT currently counts on the services of approximately 60 bilingual translators, from various countries; qualified professionals specializ
Translation, terminology and web site translation in major world languages.
We offer translation services from Spanish and Catalan to English, French and German (and vice versa).
CBG is looking for both experienced and novice technical translators who work with translation on a professional basis. The company w
Founded in 1982, this team of bilingual (English-Spanish) insurance professionals, attorneys, healthcare professionals, academically a
Ccaps is a localization agency specializing in Brazilian Portuguese. The company is internationally recognized for translation accuracy,
CCJK -- Your Reliable Localization Partner!
Our network of fine translation agencies enables us to provide you with high-quality translations and interpretors in a variety of subjec
Team of 10 experienced French translators working mainly in the localisation industry.
CPSL offers integrated solutions covering the entire life-cycle of your product, from the initial internationalization consultancy, content
Languages covered: English, Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese.
Translation of over 100 languages.
Professionals with a great command of translation.
We provide cost-effective translation & interpretation services in major languages to various companies and agencies.
English (US), French, English (International), Spanish (Latin America), Spanish (International)
We are a small agency with experienced people from Mexico and Cuba. We can translate a big range of documents. -English to Spani
Our goal is to provide translation and interpreting services of the highest quality by employing the best translators and using state-ofTranslation portal uniting freelance translators of different languages.
Fast, accurate document translations available - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks of the year! Experienced, native-speaking t
A full-service translation and interpretation company that provides accurate language translation and on-time delivery of a cost-effect -Translation Services has been translating from and into 32 different languages with its proffessional simultane
CG, a 25 year old translation company, at the cutting edge of technology, based in Versailles, France, translates and interprets in all a
A new translation agency looking for translators of all languages to build its database.
Chinese - English and English - Chinese translations.
The website is named "ChampionTranslatorServices" for the reason that its host is the winner of the 1st Prizes at China Young Transla
Translations: in all European and many other languages, from Czech into a non-Czech language and vice-versa, from a non-Czech into
All language combinations.
We are the largest network of Chinese translators and interpreters. We add the following values to our clients: 1. Quality. All work is d
Translations from Dutch, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Malay to Chinese. Freelancers please apply.
They cover all of the most commonly used business languages in addition to some of the more unusual ones. Translation between Eas
English to Chinese translations.
Since its foundation, our company develops so rapidly that now, our company has over 1,000 SOHO contracted translators and interpr
Chinese to English and English to Chinese translations. Being the ONLY fully operational translation agency in Singapore catering to a
Chinese Language Services offers specialized services for all types (business, technical & general) of Translation, Interpretation and ot
Linguistic solution provider offering Chinese-related document translation, interpretation and software localization.
Local Eyes China provides the very highest quality translation and localisation services from English into Chinese. Local Eyes works bo
Translation and web related services in English-Chinese.
CTRAS (Chinese Translation & Trading Services) is a provider of Chinese business solutions based in China. CTRAS is striving to build a
Chizai Corporation is a leading supplier of high-quality Japanese patent translation, search, and information services. Chizai provides a
CHOCO Translations offer Professional Translations, Editing, Proofreading, Data Conversion, Medical Transcription and Typesetting for I
Chris Translation supports over 250 languages including major languages such as English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, and Kor
Our company, CII- Conference Interpreters International, based in Australia, with offices in the UK and Brazil, offers services in the tra
Leading Croatian Translation Agency.
Italian - Chinese and vice versa, Chinese - English and vice versa.
Cipherion Translations is a Dublin, Ireland based translation company with a track record of over 15 years in the global language servi
Professional translators that specialize in selected technical fields, working in close cooperation with the customer.
Translation services English and Spanish/best rates.
CITI offers a complete range of services for companies of all sizes and description. Everything from translating technical manuals to sc
One of the leading providers of quality CJK (Chinese/Japanese/Korean) translation in Australia. Always looking for NAATI accredited tra
We are a NJ based agency but we have worldwide clients. We are currently looking for partners to post to work for us. We work with m
They have all languages availabe to translate and teach.
Professional translations done by highly expertise translators; we translate English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Portug
High-quality literary website translation and localization from English into Russian and Ukrainian.
Clever Translation Company provides up-to-date information about society, economy, law, regulation, policy, science, technic, news re
English to German.
We provide quick, efficient and high quality translation services in over 20 languages.
Medical/Regulatory Writing & Translation: Clinical study documentation (IB, IF, CRF, etc.), SOPs, validation protocols/reports, CMC, pa
CLS Communication, headquartered in Switzerland, is a globally active service and technology provider specialized in translating, editi
Translation agency based in Italy. All languages combinations. Word-perfectionists and native professional translators. Editing, proofre
CNM Translations offers high quality translation, interpreting, localisation, voice-over and subtitling services. Our collaborators are qua
CNX Translation Service provides Translation, Proofreading and Voice Recording service from English > Thai > English.
The Number 1 Translations Agency for the Sports Industry.
Specialising in English/Italian translation with many fields of technical expertise, but also offering other European pairs.
Cogen is a leading provider of translation and language consultancy services, handling multilingual technical and medical translation p
COGITEXTE was founded in the spring of 2003 with the goal of offering clients affordable translation services meeting their specific ne
ColorToon is a new provider for localization and globalization services, based in Cairo, Egypt. Although it has a small foot-steps in the
Columbia University Tutoring and Translating Agency (CUTTA) is an agency of Columbia Student Enterprises. Managed exclusively by g
Committed to providing: translations with "original text" flavor, terminology and style consistency, punctual deliveries, fair prices, avai
Comadres, Inc. Multicultural Marketing is a marketing-oriented translation and marketing communications firm. We primarily work in m
Translation... Native, expert linguists skilled in most world languages and specialties. Books, movies, company manuals, business lette
ComExcel is based in Rennes, the capital of Brittany (France). Our mission is to provide a service enabling the interchange of informa
Comms Multilingual offers professional translations into and from over 100 languages. We specialise in complex, multilingual projects
CommuniCare is the only specialised worldwide translation company for the pharmaceutical, healthcare and medical industry, offering
Being based in Dubai we naturally provide high quality Arabic translation as well as legal and public relations services for companies w
Translation, localisation and desktop services in all Middle Eastern, European and Asian languages.
English - Spanish Portuguese. Translation/localisation full-service firm. Post production subtitling. 35+ years experience.
CompanynewsGroup knows that listed companys financial communication stretches beyond the confines of its own domestic stock ma
Translations from/to major world languages.
About Compass: on the market since 1998; employing/hiring over 350 freelance and in-house translators, interpreters, editors, web a
Translation services between major languages.
Freelance translators apply at:
My name is Matt Sundakov. I am the Founder and Director of an international company based in Wellington, New Zealand, and named
From English to Malayalam.
We are a group of computer specialists, webdesigner, designers and translators from Germany with good references. In case of transl
COMSYS Globalization & Enterprise Content Management Practice provides a full suite of globalization, internationalization, localizatio
Portuguese, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, Flemish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese
In addition to our team of in-house translators, who work from English, German, Danish and Norwegian into Swedish, the company al
Offers translation and interpreting services in practically all official and national languages.
ComText Group has offices in Norway, Sweden and Denmark, 90 employees, revenue USD 15 mill. ComText-Apropos has 30 employee
Translation English, Portuguese, Spanish, French.
Translations to and from German, English, French, Italian, Spanish and they are able to provide other language combinations upon re
We, Conaissance, provide high quality language-related services to international clientele ( . Located in I
California based company. One of the largest providers in U.S.A for translators/interpreters of all languages to DEPARTMENT OF JUSTI
CIG is a partnership of 17 professional conference interpreters which has been providing clients with language consultancy and interp
Interpretation between Russian and English.
Confluent Translation Services is a young translation agency with offices on the Rhine in Leiden, the Netherlands, specializing in transl
Company providing translation services in total of 26 languages, as well as complete logistic support in organising seminars and congr
Connect Language Services offers all languages with the support from their professional team of translators and interpreters. With ov
Translation agency.
Translations from nearly any language into nearly any language. Technical Users Manuals: translation, editing, in any file format. Softw
The translation bureau was established in 1991. They offer written and oral translations into and from Estonian and Russian.
Connexion Corporate Communications has been active on the international translation market since 1987. Our clients are almost all b
Main Languages: English to Spanish. Books, articles etc...
Brazilian translation agency, specializing on translating to and from Portuguese (Brasilian). Our translators have full experience on com
Founded 1980. Translation from and into all main world languages. Specialized in business, law and technique.
English, German, F
Customized translation services from any current text or image file format: From/To English, French, Spanish, Catalan, German and It
Translation from and into all major world languages with specialization in French, Spanish and Portuguese.
Bulgarian translation agency based in Sofia, acting since 1998 on the Bulgarian translation services market. Professional translations f
Translates English texts into Dutch.
Localization of software, help and documentation - Translation of technical manuals and other documentation - Fast, reliable quality se
Language services in all languages.
Specialization: Software localization, information technology, telecommunications and business-related translations. Background: 8 ye
Continuum is specialized in software localization, information technology, telecommunications and business-related translations. Stron
CONTRAD.COM is a fast-growing translation/localization company, serving clients who seek to establish on the Eastern European mark
We are a Cincinnati, Ohio based language center that provides translation and interpretation services, as well as language classes. We
We offer translation and interpreting services. Our translators are specialized in different fields, such as medical, legal, technical, litera
Converteris specializes in transcription and translation. In addition we also offer a wide range of post production options. Here is a list
Translation from/to French, Swedish and English.
For to be able to register you in the data base, please fill in the form on the website
All main languages mainly to and from Finnish. Professional translators in Finland specialising in a wide variety of fields.
Specialized in translating and editing business documentation, humanitarian / non-governmental organization documents, and is amo
Corporate Services provides specialist translation and interpretation services in the areas of finance, law, banking, and insurance. Lan
We specialize in providing the highest quality technical translations for the pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device and insurance indu
Delivering quality translation and interpreting services for technical projects, in almost 100-languages, since 1995.
Correct Translations was founded to address the dire need for competent, professional translation services in Estonia. We provide tran
Spanish publishing services. Proofreading and copy edition of any kind of Spanish-written text. Translations from / to English. Spanish
Are you a qualified and highly skilled translator? If so, Cortext would like to hear from you. They are particularly interested in translato
Your complete satisfaction with their services is very important, and the company can provide you with names and contact information
We are 30 years old. We do translation in all languages.
Translations between major languages.
COSMIC GLOBAL LIMITED provides a full range of translation, localization and typesetting Services. They provide translation and Type
Cosmopolitan Languages Services is a network of several freelance professionals worldwide and offers translations in different fields.
Cosmos Multilingual Services strives to overcome linguistic and cultural differences so that you may succeed in any market, be it dome
Languages: Engl., Fr., Sp., It., Port.Fields: administrative., technical, associations, etc.
We specialize in providing translations for the Fragrance/Beauty/Cosmetics industry.
Small but growing translating/interpreting company with 16 years experience in hi-tech and scientific translating, in par
Since 1993, Course Crafters has specialized in designing and developing educational materials for English Language Learners (ELLs) a
English-Spanish Specialists.
We can deal with all European and major non-European languages: Arabian, Czech, Chinese, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, English, French
Creative Miracles is a leading provider / supplier of Translations, Content Writing, Copy writing and Website services. We provide Trans
Since its establishment in 1975, Creer Corporation has operated both in Japan and overseas, providing a wide range of services cover
Crestec has been providing exceptional commercial printing, translation and fulfillment services to the global business community for
Crimson Medical Translation specializes in providing language translation to the medical technology and life science industries. Crimson
Cristaldo Associates is a minority and woman-owned company, providing language services with special emphasis on addressing the n
We are working in translation and subtitling for 17 years, first with my own work, as a freelancer, later as an Lt company. Just to men
CTA provides quality translation and subtitling from the most of the European languages, including English, German, French, Dutch, S
Quality translations between: English and Croatian, Bosnian and Serbian and viceversa. We can also provide you with translations from
CTL provides professional language solutions translation, interpreting, localization, and more for clients in Vietnam, Southeast Asia
Translations between English, German, Hungarian, Slovak and Czech.
CrossGap is a dynamic, rapidly growing high-tech localization and translation company. To sustain its growth the company is constant
A division of Crowe & Associates, CroweGlobalNet is an international marketing communications agency specializing in the design and
Interpreting & Translating Agency serving all of USA.
Crystal Hues Limited (CHL), a global consortium, is the premier provider for localization and internationalization services in India, spec
We make translations involved with 25 languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Romanian, Arabic, Chinese,
All language combinations.
CTC Translation & Localization Solutions, member of LISA, was established in 1997. It is one of the biggest localization and translation
Professional translation and interpretation services in all languages, including sign language. Unbeatable rates and all their staff is ex offers a team of academic and professional writers and researchers. We offer writing and research services, particula
We provide both English to Polish and Polish to English translation, editing, proofreading, and web copywriting services for exacting in
Translations from English, French, Italian, Spanish into Turkish. Freelancers please visit:
English (US), German, Multi-Lingual - Western European
English-->Tagalog, Tagalog-->English, English<>Arabic, Arabic<>English, English<>Japanese, Japanese<>English.
We are a sma
Cybertec USA, Inc. is a small but well known high level technical translation bureau in the NY Metro Area. Please understand that Cyb
Offering top quality translation services. We can translate your company brochures, sales catalogues, contracts, operatational manual
High Quality Professional Translation & Editing Services: English-Belarusan, English-Russian, English-Ukrainian, Polish-Belarusan, Polis
CyraCom is committed to helping healthcare providers more efficiently communicate with patients by providing the best quality medic
CzechEnglish and EnglishCzech Translations.
Services include all the languages of Eastern and Western Europe, in addition to Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean and Thai,
D&M Language Services is a translation agency focused mainly on the Latin American market. Services: Translation, Editing & Proofre
Specialist in European language combinations. I personally work in DE-EN and FR-EN and have almost 20 years experience in translat
Their translations are carried out by native speakers. They are all qualified graduate translators or engineers, chemists and experts wi
We can translate your texts from and into all European languages, including less frequently used language combinations. We are alwa
Translation and interpreting, as well as foreign language consulting.
Translations from Arabic, Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, Hebrew, French, Nigerian, Swahili, Fulani to English.
We are a translation agency situated in Belgrade, Serbia and we do translations from and into Serbian, English and Italian. Soon we w
Translating from and to different languages, specializing in Hebrew.
We specialise in Italian, mainly business documents.
danilingua! has experience with non-native English (Asian, and others) language and cultures. Furthermore: French, Italian, Bulgarian
Estes numeros de traducao referem-se a servicos prestados nos idiomas: portugues, ingles, espanhol, frances, italiano, alemao, japon
Dar Al-Hilal is a Jordanian transaltion agency. It mainly translates books from Arabic into foreign languages and vice versa. DOcumen
Established in 1995. Translation of Contracts, Agreements, Medical Reports, Documentry films, Interpreters to Accompany Delegation
DAR is a translation company providing high quality written translation, editing and writing services in various languages. Our high qu
Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Danish, Dutch, English, German.
Ours is a bureau for translation, typesetting, dubbing and voicing in all Indian Languages and Arabic, Dari, Pushto, Persian/Farsi, Nepa
Translations between major European languages.
Datadokumentasjon A/S - translation of your software and documentation into Norwegian.
Translations in all major languages.
Translation and interpretation in all Asian languages.
72 foreign languages translated into English.
Translation and interpreting services in Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakh and other CIS languages.
db Sprachenservice provides professional translations into most languages.
Core competence: Localization and globalization, development and integration of software with an emphasis on east-as
Our agency is relatively new, although we've been in the international communications business for the last 10 years. In addition to lo
Translation services from and to more than 30 languages.
Sworn, qualified translator. Spanish --> Dutch. German --> Dutch. English --> Dutch.
For at sikre, at en fremmedsproget modtager forstr og opfatter et budskab efter hensigten, er det vigtigt, at oversttelsen er af god
Translation and Interpretation in English/Spanish pairs. Specializing in the legal field in areas such as worker's comp, social security, c
De Lengua was created out of the need for major advertisers and companies in general to more efficiently reach our growing Hispanic
Undertake translation work for following languages English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi.
Debat is a translation company that was founded in 1995. It is located right in the heart of Barcelona in the Raval area, the citys grea
DeboSoft offers a translation service for its customers, mainly translating websites.
English (International), German into Romanian. Background: EN_RO: Translation, editing, proofing, and testing using Microsoft Office
Translation from US English into several languages. We are always looking for Sales Executives / Qualified translators in all fields of ex
Deha Translation and Localization Services, renders services for translation and localization particularly in top languages such as Engl
What makes Delta special is its unique combination of tradition and innovation. They draw their knowledge, their professionalism, and
Portuguese translation company, owned by two lawyers, especialized in legal, advertising, marketing, finance, internet and IT. They co
Delta Text can offer translations into and from the Dutch, English and German languages and combinations of these three languages a
Translations of Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chechen, English, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Kurdish, Romanian, Rus
Looking for high quality language translation at a cost-effective price? Have documents to translate urgently and need a company who
For customers: Quality, Integrity, Rapidity. Everything to satisfy your needs. A professional Agency for Professionals like you. Unbeata
We specialize in Asian and European languages.
Turkish translation services.
Deutsch trans is a team of translators providing simultaneous and consequtive interpreting and written translations between Russian a
bersetzungsservice DEUTSCH.PL spezialisiert sich hauptschlich auf die deutsche und polnische Sprache und kann somit professione
Italian, German and English language services. Language pairs: Italian-German, Italian-English, English-German (and viceversa).
We translate everything from German to English or from English to German.
Languages we manage: Spanish to English, English to Spanish, French to English, English to French. Expertise in: automotive, legal, b
Spanish Translation Experts with advanced capabilities to handle English Spanish Translation Projects.
We will be pleased to be of service to you by doing your translation jobs. We can translate in all Indian regional languages and global
diaLOC is a Localization Professional Service company, specialized in Linguistic Services for the English <-> Spanish ma
Dialog One language services offers you a very important solution. They can provide your organization with over the phone interpreta
We can translate any type of text from or into Ukrainian, Russian, English or other major European language (one of which with us is
English (US), English (UK), French
Translations from Spanish to English and Spanish to French.
Translations by native speakers (DIN2345). Reliable and on time. Favourable price.
Dialogue Conference Interpreters is an association of experienced professional conference interpreters based in Toronto, Canada.
Language services in major European languages.
Dianex Ltd Subject areas: Company is a specialist in technical translations from/into Russian, but they also cover other subjects and o
Senior partners are native Greek speakers and hold Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees from The George Washington University, Washington, DC
A translation agency would appreciate to be considered as reliable source of translation jobs from English into Brazilian Portuguese. A
Die Sprachprofis fertigen Standard- und Fachbersetzungen in allen Bereichen an. Hierunter zhlen z. B. technische Texte (Gebrauchs
We offer Translation & Interpretation services in more than 30 languages, but our special target languages are: English, Albanian, Gre
DiffusionWB is providing a fast reliable and friendly service by native speakers. we are a freelance translator currently based in Englan
Japanization: Localization: Web Site, Software / CD-ROM / Documents Localization.
Russian and Ukrainian services: Integrated Language Support Technical and Legal Translation Conference and Court Interpreting
Direct Translations is a premier online translation service at very affordable prices, specializing in providing English translations of Fren
Complete range of translation and interpretation services: Main language combinations: English Estonian/ Russian English; Germa
Professional Technical translations & Software localisation to various actors in the Computer industry, including Hardware vendors and
LANGUAGE INDEX: Afrikaans, Albanian, Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Farsi,
DL Multimedia is looking for translators from and into any language.
They specialize in providing translation services from German to English and English to German.
Mainly English to Japanese translations.
International Language Services - Specializes in technical translation in the automotive industry and other engineering fields, specifica
The world becomes a smaller place. Today's corporations and enterprise operate globally but act locally. The main concern is naturally
Our translations jobs are mainly technical, especially automotive. Our language pairings are chiefly from English into German, French,
Translations services in 80 languages. If you are a Translator or Project Manager and would like to send us your resume : traducteur@
DocuTrans, Inc. has been in the translation business for over 11 years and is located in Utah. Our team consists of over
Dogma is a provider of translations and software localization. At Dogma, it does not matter if you need to translate a single page or a
English<>German translations.
The agency translates into German, English and French. The areas of specialization include politics, economics, marketing, law, softwa
Conference interpreting and technical equipment globally.
English to Italian translations.
Nueva Oficina de Traductorasespaol / holands. Hemos unido las fuerzas para atenderle an ms pronto y con mayor flexibilidad. Po
Dora Wirth Languages is a specialised translation service provider for pharmaceutical, healthcare, clinical research and regulatory orga
Translation and editing in a wide range of fields and matters! If you cannot find the words, If you want to say it your wa
Dove is a leading provider of translation services to the international insurance and reinsurance markets.
Dragomano consistently exceeds client expectations in quality and delivery of translations in the life science and medical equipment fi
Spanish to English Translation Service - A translation service based in Spain, using experienced English mother tongue translators. Sp
Technical translation into Spanish in the healthcare and medical fields.
Translation and interpreting services in all languages.
DSK-Language Services bv always looking for freelance translators to strengthen our team. We are a flexible organisation and serving
DTECH Translation is a Danish translation service with an extensive network in the Nordic and Eastern European countries. DTECH Tra
What We offer? We offer DTP in ME languages, as well as some European and Asian Languages. We are fully equipped with the most i
Company works with translators for most European languages, Arabic, Chinese and Irish. Qualified and experienced, their translators
Since 1977.
DURU Interpreting Service: All spoken languages worldwide, all subjects. 24-hour service 7 days a week. All our interpreters are extre
A newly established translation agency. They provide the best quality translation work.
Over 200 languages translated, with the correct cultural translation and dialect. Translation is performed by experts fluent in the langu
Area of expertise: German to English scientific/technical material.
Dynamic Language Center, a Seattle-based, family-owned business, providing virtually any language-related service, including: * Fore
A well known Legal Translation Office, established in Dubai, duly licenced by the U.A.E. Ministry of Justice, and serving the Whole U.A.
Portuguese Translation and Interpreting Services - Located in the Dallas, Texas area, firm offers a high quality translation and interpr
Translation, interpretation, localization for English, German and Korean.
E Facilities Management and Solutions, offers translation and interpretation services in all Indian and International languages. We wor
Languages: Russian, Azeri, Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Armenian, Georgian. Profile: Legal and any official documentations. Other services: voice-o
Specialized in Scandinavian languages (Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish), as well as English and Dutch. Sworn translations possib
We provide translation services in almost every language for diverse fields of expertise and industries. Our translation professionals sp
Accurate English/Korean translation of technical, legal, medical, personal information.
E4NET is a language service provider that specializes mainly in supplying Asian languages such as Korean, Chinese, Tha
A strong team of 10 translators. English to Hindi, English to Punjabi, Punjabi to English, Hindi to English.
Translation and marketing advice in German, French, Swedish and Spanish.
10 years experience translating from English to Spanish. $.15 per word. If you need quick turn around time with excep
We translate English, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), Malay, Indonesian, Hindi, Tamil, Japanese, French, German, Spanish, Italian
With over fifteen years experience of document translation, from contracts to commercial literature and user manuals, East West Com
We provide translation services of any kind. Business-, commercial- or technical documents as well as translation of websites, letters a
Translations can be undertaken from Chinese to English and English to Chinese. Our work is of the highest standard.
We are a Chinese localization company, we commit ourselves to translating English, German into Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chine
Only free-lancers are accepted. Visit our website, download the date sheet and submit it as required.
East-West Service is a small company working with big customers. They make use of the Internet, e-mail, fax machines, telephones a
EasyLucca was launched in 2003 in Lucca. We offer professional interpreting services, official, commercial, legal and technical translat
Any language, specialist in minority languages, carefully selected experienced mother tongue translators.
We translate from English/Swedish into Danish.
Specialized in Arabic localization, delivering a total solution to business segments targeting potential markets in the Mid
We are a translation office located in Istanbul / Turkey and making translations almost in all languages.
Translations from all languages into Romanian. Freelancers are welcome to apply:
Established in 1984, Echo International enjoys a reputation for quality, timely services and innovative solutions delivered with superior
Interpreters/Translators in all languages. We have reliable and professional freelance translators/interpreters at affordable cost effecti
French to English, Tagalog to English, English to Tagalog translations.
Main services are: technical, legal and commercial translations, translations for publication and multilingual documentation projects (e
ECOLEs mission is to help maximize efficiency for companies providing translation and other linguistic services. Our global network all
High quality translation agency offering: all languages, all fields of study, always deliverd on time, high quality work. Do not hesitate t
We are a group of freelancers providing professional translation from English to Chinese or vice versa.
Specialists in medical translations from and into English and Chinese (Simplified & Traditional).
All languages professional translation. Cost-effective quality certified translations, free quotation on request, notarized translations ava
Translations into/from: Albanian, Ancient Greek, Arabic, Armenian, Basque, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Cambodian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatia
Edit-Internet and Translation. Translation in 60 languages, web design and web site hosting company since 1993.
Traducciones al alemn Edicin en alemn
Polish translations - since 20 years professional translations for Polish. See our homepage for details.
Low cost and high quality translation and design.
We work as a subcontractor for translation and localization agencies, focusing on the English<>Spanish and English<>Portuguese (Br
EGO Translating offers translations between Russian and other 77 languages. Freelancers please apply at:
We are a fast growing agency based in Egypt, all translators and proofreaders had at least Bachelor degree in English language and Tr
EgyMark principle activities include Offshore Development, ERP/CRM Solutions, Implementation, Web Design & development, Outsour
Egypto Translation Services (ETS) is amongst the world's leading providers of translation services and technology solutions. Translatio
Highly trained translators with 7 years experience working together in several projects in almost all fields including localization, law an
Top-quality translation services at moderate prices. We do not offer internships or full-time employment. Same-day rush assignments
We are undertaking all foreign and Indian languages translation jobs. Many multinational, Government organizations, International ba
ELA is a nationwide and international language company. It provides translation, interpretation, tape transcription and cultural training
Leading Belgian Translation Agency.
Elanex provides top-quality professional translation services, using our global network of human translators, combined with Elanex-de
Whether you need an interpreter to help you understand a client who speaks a different language, or a professional translator to trans
Source language to English, and vice versa translation and interpretation.
Offers translation and interpreting services. We have got direct and indirect translation services, our native translation staff will transla
Elhoda Languages and Computer Centre is set up five years ago. For the most part, their managerial board has long years of experien
We are the best multilingual translation and localization service provider in Singapore, as claimed by many of our Global 1000 MNC cli
Dutch Russian, Russian Dutch, Ukrainain Dutch, English Russian, Russian English.
ELISAR is a Translation & Legalization Agency, specialized in professional translations of all types and sizes of documents and legalizat
We offer total language Services which include Translation, Telephone-Interpreting, Interpretation, Sign Language, Proof reading and
We are specialized in Chinese, Spanish, and English document translations. We are always looking for highly qualified translators in Ch
We are working in Communication Skills training and translation services.
eLocalize is one of the fastest growing translation and localization agencies in the Middle East. We provide translation into and out of A
Accurate translation of documents is fundamental when companies and products cross national borders. Our translators have been ca
All languages.
Elrom is a leader in the field of translations for broadcast media, gaining a solid reputation for excellence, both in the level of service i
We are a small scale language school and translating service agency and we mostly do translations in English, French, Spanish, Germa
Interpret and translate French, Norwegian and Arabic, and can procure interprets for other languages. I have experiences in telephon
Realizamos traducciones solamente Espaol-Turco-Espaol veya Ingles-Espaol-Ingles.
EL-TRANSLATIONS is a Greek language services agency specializing in technical, medical legal and defence matters. Our translators a
EN has been offering its services to hundreds of clinets in the UK and around the globe. Major governmental authorities, blue chip com
enai E-Consulting Internacional is a team of professional and native translators to provide high quality Translations and Interpreting o
Financial, legal and corporate communication translations. European Union languages. Looking for highly experienced translators in fin
Enea Multi-Lingual Solutions is dedicated to providing reliable, accurate and culturally sensitive language translation support, enabling
Energia Co. Ltd is a translation agency which is situated in Western Ukraine. We are dealing with translation, interpretation for busines
We provide customized solutions to meet your English/Estonian language needs.
Good quality translations from and into the Dutch language.
Translations: English <=> German, French <=> German, Dutch <=> German, German <=> English.
Translating and Consecutive Interpretation Services are available in different languages: Portuguese, English, French, Italian, Spanish
Translation, revision and proofreading of scientific, technical and academic articles and texts from Portuguese to English and English to
Japanese, Spanish, French, Italian, German, English etc. To apply for a Language for Life position by email: In subject line write your
Norwegian Language Services - Small network of native-speaking translators, copywriters, technical writers and journalists, based in N
Translations in Hungarian to English, English to Hungarian, Hungarian to German, German to Hungarian, Polish to Hungarian, Hungari
Translations from English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian to Czech and Slovak.
High Quality Translation services at cost effective rates. In the market since 1998. Language pairs: EN into SP, SP into EN, Portuguese
English - Serbian and Serbian - English, translations. Commercial, Law, Court Cases, papers' clippings, business, constructing, tourism
EVTranslators is the leading English to Vietnamese Translators Network specialized in complex and high-volume English to Vietnamese
English to German translations. Freelancers please apply at:
We are an independent company specializing in Chinese document translation service. Our goal is to provide excellent quality translati
We are an independent company specializing in Chinese document translation service. Our goal is to provide excellent quality translati
Translation of documents and web sites from Dutch to English.
Their specialty is easy and quick document translation from English into Farsi, and from Farsi into English. They also offer translations
We carefully select fully qualified translators who are experienced in the subject matter, and are native mother tougue speakers in the
Translations from English, French, German to Turkish.
We offer web site localization in all languages, translation and interpreting in English, French, Spanish, German, Japanese and Chinese
Our agency was established by my environmental engineer husband and by me, who is a professional English-Hungarian technical and
English to Korean translations.
Expert linguistic services since 1989. Palette of 10 European languages. Wide range of fields covered. VAT-registered enterprise in the
Quality, timely translation and transcription services by reliable and trustworthy company. Full project management provided. Capable
Chinese translation company, focusing on English - Chinese translation, including, Chinese English interpreter, desktop publishing, in B
Epsilon Translation is an upcoming GILT player from Malaysia. Malay, Thai, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Burmese & Tagalog are our forte.
Since 1996, EQHO has been helping companies communicate to a global audience on a local level. The company provides turnkey lang
We specialize in "equine" translations, and have translated many horse-related books, articles, video's, DVD's and Websites, from Dut
Our Equipo (Team) has more than 20 of experience in the different areas of translation. Working as a team gives us the chance to wo
English to French translations.
EQUUS Traducciones S.L. is a comprehensive translation & localization company. Based in Granada, Spain, EQUUS is made up of a hig
Translation and Localization from English into Russian and Bulgarian, editing, cultural consulting, documentation search and more.
Since 1986, Eriksen Translations Inc. has placed a premium on talent and quality. Our skilled in-house professionals and network of fr
International market consulting and trade planning, translation and interpretation, and travel services.
e-scripto is a translation provider specializing in websites, brochures, technical manuals and software localization. High volumes, tight
Eser Translations deals with highly specialized translations; written and oral. Also available are various trainings and courses. Not only
Esnet traducciones realiza trabajos de la maxima calidad y profesionalidad. Solo los mejores colaboran con nosotros. Realizamos una
We translate every type of documents in any format. Accurate translations. We only work with native translators. A great experience i
Technical Translations German, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Greek, Spanish, Dutch, Finnish, Russian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithua
Translation, localization.
Esprit International uses native speaking professionals to produce intelligent, targeted translations that are culturally and linguistically
Translations from major languages to Polish. Freelancers in all languages are welcome to apply at:
Esquire Language Services provides language services for the legal community. We staff attorney document review projects, translat
Specialised exclusively in Eastern European languages.
Estilo Translations is specialized in translation into/from Western European languages. They have in-house competence in Swedish, En
Translation and interpretation in most languages.
Translations from 40 languages to Russian and Ukrainian. Freelancers please apply at:
Australia-based English-Chinese translation services with NAATI accreditation.
Professional and quick translations on valuable prices. Specialists in all European languages (+some other, like Afrikaans, Arabic, Chin
English - Hungarian, Czech - Hungarian, Slovak - Hungarian, Hungarian - English, Czech - English, Slovak - Englsih, Russian - Hungar
You may send them an email attaching your CV to [email protected]. Eurbabel offers a complete range of services, which include tr
Eureco France is a human-sized translation agency belonging to an international group. Based in France, we will be able to answer you
Translation from and into all the languages of the EEC, with direct translations featuring some 70 European Union language combinati
Given the national character of most of the agency's clients, the largest part of their business is of course writing and translating Engl
Professional translation services since 1996. Eureka Translation is in the business of providing technical translation services of english
Our main operating language combinations are translations from and into Maltese, English, Italian, French and German.
Translation and Interpretation between Japanese and all major European languages.
Euro Translations is an international team of experts: their skills not only cover the languages which they translate, but also extend in
Translations of technical and business documents into all the modern European languages.
English to Chinese translations.
Specializes in providing technical, medical and general translation services from English into Greek, Greek into English and French/Ger
All of our translators are native speakers of the target language, with at least 5 years of experience in professional translation. We tra
Translations from major European languages to Romanian. Freelancers please apply at:
EuroLingo is one of the leading translation and localization houses in Eastern Europe, and with branches throughout the region it is fu
The Eurologos Group is a leader among translation and multilingual editing multinationals. It has 30 offices on four continents and pro
We are the Buenos Aires agency of Eurologos Group which head office is in Brussels. Eurologos Group assures the production and con
General business texts, marketing, finance. Press releases and other time sensitive materials. Primarily in/from the European languag
Eurologos Israel works in some 25 languages in Israel mainly to and from Hebrew, English and Arabic, but with 33 offices around the
Eurologos-Lisboa is part of the Eurologos Group and is interested in receiving CVs from freelancers who work with the Portuguese lang
Eurologos-Toronto is a translation agency located in Canada and linked to 30 offices worldwide, part of the Eurologos Group. We enjoy
As the name implies, EuroNet Language Services, Inc. specializes in the European languages, both of Western and Eastern Europe; ho
Since 1986, Euronet has been offering high-quality translation and interpretation, serving the international communication needs of b
Translations from Bulgarian and Czech to German.
Experts in medical and legal translation and interpreting. All languages. Speciality in Eastern European and Rare languages.
Our agency is able to translate in Chinese, Russian, Italian, Spanish, British English, American English, French, German, Portuguese, A
We deal with Trade mark registration and patents in Europe and the UK, as much we translate legal documets from Arabic to English,
ECI, a leading subtitling company in central London, UK. ECI is constantly on the lookout for freelance translators / subtitlers that can
We specialize in Swedish-English and English-Swedish language combinations, but we also offer many of our services in other languag
Translation services in European and Oriental languages. Freelancers are welcome to apply. Please indicate your rates and include sam
The European Localization Center (ELC) is a company providing solutions to the challenges associated with globalization including soft
We provide specialized translation in the following fields: law, technik, EU, economy, etc. Our main language pairs are: German, Englis
Specialization / Background: Banking, Health, IT, Industry, Economics and Finance, Machines and Tools, International Developments,
We translate in all fields of expertise from every language into every language, performed only by well skilled native speakers, who kn
euroscript Luxembourg S. r.l. is a leading service provider specializing in the process-oriented management of multilingual data and
At Euroservices Traductions we are specialised in translations and we work with public and private companies who require high quality
ALL LANGUAGES, FROM AND INTO SPANISH: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, Basque, Catala
Translations from major European languages to French. Freelancers please apply at: and at www.e
Translations (mostly film scripts/documentaries and fiction, off and on) from German, English, Hebrew into French, as w
Technical and commercial translations.
All part of the Single European Market. The borders have disappeared and Europe is one country with one currency. The Single Europe
We are a dynamic team of professional Romanian translators. We translate mainly in/from Romanian, English, French,Italian, Spanish
Translation services are offered in the following languages: English, French, Italian, Dutch, German, Spanish and Portuguese.
Founded in 1969. Provides a prompt, reliable and confidential service from and into all languages in commercial use worldwide. Also p
The company covers many areas but specialises in German to English, Italian to English. Also, all Indian and Asian languages, both fro
e-verba offers translation services for texts from a range of areas including art, marketing, business, IT and tourism. Our most freque
Professional services of translation of documents from English, French, Spanish, German and Hungarian to Romanian and Hungarian,
Ever-Est services is committed to providing a wide range of specialized and professional services - translations, interpreting, promotio
For the last 5 years we are engaged in translation job works in native languages such as French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Chinese
The EVS Group provides a comprehensive range of specialist language services, from translation to nomenclature, from localisation to
EVS TRANSLATION SERVICES was founded in 1991 and has now an international presence. We provide industry-specific language ser
E-Word On-Line Translation Services is a leading Hungarian translation office providing professional language services from and into a
Translations from/to all major languages to/from Scandinavian languages.
High quality, timely, and competitively priced language services in any language pairs of documents, websites, and other products targ
We handle every combination from/into French.
Top Romanian translation agency. Interpreting services and conference equipments suplier. English, French, German, Italian, Spanish,
A leading IT company in Slovakia, exe offers a range of translation services through its localization department. Specia
An international organization with associates world-wide to serve the need for bilingual or multi-lingual translation and interpretation s
Since 1972, Executive Services Ltd., has provided efficient and competitive translation services to all EU countries, the Balkans, USA a
Executive Translations is a language services firm specializing in German-English and English-German translations primarily for interna for IT - DE and for GE - RU - DE.
Interpreting and translation in English<>Polish.
Our expertise covers Chinese (simplified and traditional), English, Japanese, German, French, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, D
English, German, Swedish, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Slovenian, Serbian, Ukrainia
With over two decades of experience in the art of translation, Expert Translators has produced several million words of translated mat
Sie operieren international und bentigen Untersttzung bei der bersetzung Ihrer Fachtexte aus den Bereichen Netzwerktechnologie
Multilingual translations. Experts In Translation always searches for freelance translators in order to insert them in its database. If you
We focus on clients in the IT, telecom, banking and financial sectors, as well as retail and marketing. Language pairs in demand are us
55 languages, all pairs, all subjects, sworn translations, interpretations, online order form soon on The lowest price
Toronto based translation, simultaneous interpretation and tour-guide services in all languages.
Express bersetzung specialized in the ff. areas of expertise: Legaldocuments; Banking; Finance; Literature; Tourism; Ecology; Techn
Expressions offers Japanese from/to English, French, Chinese, Korean, German, Spanish, and Russian, among others.
Our team are all foreign language specialists and experts at assessing and meeting our clients' needs. We offer translation services to
EzGlobe is a full-service localization company specializing in software, online help, documentation, website and marketing collateral loc
Translation and Interpreting Services for your company. F&L has been working in these fields since 1988, serving companies, organiza
English, French, Spanish, Korean.
f4r translation, lda is a dynamic, qualified and friendly Translation office based near the city of Porto in Portugal. For f4r translation, ld
Unsere bersetzer bersetzen ausschlielich in Ihre Muttersprache: aus dem Deutschen und Englischen ins Bulgarisch Estnisch Ka
Translations to and from all major official and national languages. If you are interested in working for us as a freelance translator then
For any Romanian into English or English into Romanian translation, Romanian into French or French into Romanian translation, Englis
Serious, professional and extremely precise translating/interpreting/proofreading service in electrical, medical, scientific and personal
The fast and accurate work is carried out by a very small team of translators who translate to and from Spanish, English and Brazilian
This gives you access to a wealth of the most diversified specialist translators across the globe, without having to pay higher prices to
Communicate in any Language. They offer a 24-hour translation service for all needs, including assured quality, with no Minimum Cha
A translation agency, Fatilnguas, Lda., provides translation and proofreading services from German/French/English/Spanish/Italian int
FCSI is a Portuguese (Brazilian and European) translation company providing Portuguese translation services and Portuguese translato
On the market since 1998. They translate from Russian, German, English, Italian, Spanish to ESTONIAN and vice-versa any kind of te
FEAT specialises in the authoring and translation of corporate, financial, marketing documentation and legal translations. The company
Translation and interpretation company with large network of translators serving oil/gas, legal, life sciences, multi-meda, government
Languages: Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Assamese, Azerbaijani, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dani
We have been providing our services to global companies (such as Dell Computer or YAMAHA) for more than 8 years. We are therefor
Fezam Company deals with translation from German, English, Russian, Arabic languages to Turkish and from them to Turkish languag
FG provides a comprehensive suite of integrated globalization services and solutions for organizations to achieve their worldwide sales
Translations in all European languages.
Internationalization. Translations for manuals and help. Any language.
Proofreading of English documents English to Swedish and Swedish to English translations.
We are permanently at your service should you require a high quality Portuguese to English or English to Portuguese translation.
Chinese is one of the beautiful languages in the world, and also one of the most widely-used languages. With its different nature from
A small translation and copywriting company.
From English, Swedish and Danish into Finnish.
Fintel Ltd is a subsidiary of the Maltese law firm CDF Advocates. It is one of Malta's largest translation agencies with clients ranging fr
Professional language and translations services. First Edition Translations has a strong team of translators and editorial co-ordinators w
Experienced Technical Literary and Scientific Translators. English/Spanish/English pairs. Quality translations at competitive rates. Cont
Based out of New York City, First to Last Translation Services (FLTS) was founded in 2001 by Regine Saintil, a native Haitian Creole sp
All Languages - All Topics.
With native-language speakers and subject-matter experts in nearly every language from around the globe, FIS is the translation com
Flarus provides professional translation services for over 40 languages. Headquarter in Moscow. All languages.
FLE is a full-service design house that provides speedy and polished translation to any desired language so you can market your produ
Translations from/to major world languages.
Central and Eastern Europe translation and communication company.
Certified translator specialized in legal terminology.
The company is dealing with industrial marketing and consulting primarily, and the translation is a necessary demand mostly in every
FLS Translations is a translation agency based in Israel, providing a variety of translation services to meet every client's needs. Servic
At Fluent Language Solutions, we offer Translating and Interpreting Services in more than 180 languages to clients in Charlotte and R
Our company, FLUENT SERVICES Pvt. Ltd., INDIA is focused in JAPANESE / ENGLISH, CHINESE / ENGLISH translation and other servi
Whether you need translation to or from Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese,
Languages: Japanese, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Polish, Greek, Russian
Recently setup in the active and competitive market of the language services providers, Focus Translation Studio is growing up steadil
Founded in 1988 by Philip Zietsman, Folio Translation Consultants is one of South Africas oldest translation services. As such, we prov
We are glad to introduce ourselves, FolioTS, a leading language service provider and typesetter located in Pondicherry, India.
Software localization, web globalization, and technical translation services for regulated industries, especially pharmaceuticals, medica
Foreign Language Institute is a provider of document translation services for attorneys, patent agents, and scientific advisors working
English to Chinese, Chinese to English, French to Chinese, Chinese to French, German to Chinese, Chinese to German,
Our Translation Service provides certified and notarized translations in over 100 languages and dialects in the fields of education, busi
A full service localization company specializing in voiceover, subtitling, creative writing and production services in all languages. The in
Main target language is Dutch. Therefore you might be interested in this presentation. Should you need more information, please do n
Experience with translations for the European Parlaiment. Literature. Education/children.
Spanish, English-German, German-English, English-French, French-German, Italian.
All language pairs. Manuals, operating instructions, market materials, web sites, annual reports.
A five-strong internal German-English translation team that also offers most European languages through partners in Austria and abro
Translations from/to Czech language. They regularly co-operate with 120 translators and they also have more than 1200 additional tra
Experts in all the languages.
Company has been committed to providing state-of-the-art service for over 10 years. Service is rated second-to-none. Many multinati is part of the Bard na nGleann Group and provides Irish language translation services.
Fredson-Clems CC is a registered close corporation specialized in: 1. Translation (French-English); 2. Interpretation (French-English-S
We are Paula Ferrari and Gabriela Rosell, sworn translators and members of the Professional Association of Sworn Translators of the
English, German, French > Russian, Ukrainian translations.
Freeman Williams Language Solutions. We offer translation, interpreting, proofreading, revising, language consultancy and general b
We provide extensive graphic and linguistic support to translation agencies and clients alike. For further information, please take a loo
Refer web page
Multilingual Subtitles, IVR messages, voice-overs, interviews, broadcast commercials, closed captions, transcriptions and script transla
If you are interested in working with the agency in a full-time or part-time capacity, please forward your CV to personnel@FundAssist.
FutureTrans, is a leading ISO(001:2000 certified localization and translation Agency in the Middle East established in 1994, based in E
English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
Competent English --> German translations in the fields of electrics/electromechanics technology, pharmacy/pharmaceutics,biochemis
Gerard W. Kellen and his carefully selected associates are experts in the field of translating. Only translators who are fully conversant
Translation of major languages into Greek, legalisation of translations for all Greek authorities, interpreting services.
Translations 1) German to Czech. 2) From Western European to Eastern European languages. 3) Some other combinations (e.g. Engli
That is Galal Co. located in Alexandria, Egypt. We are the best translation agency here in Alexandria. We translate from English to Ara
We subtitle Indian Movies in various international languages.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you the services of Galaxy Translations. We offer languages services in over
Galimatias - Language Training and Translations. Galimatias is a Finnish language company founded in Helsinki in 1996. The company
Game Localization Network offers a range of translation and localization services to game developers and game publishers. We provid
From commercial translations to software and web localisation, Garboktrans provides tailor-made translation services to meet your req
gardyneHOLT Translation Services can help your business communicate successfully with the rest of the world in Asian, European, Mid
Translations from English, Dutch, Flemish, Japanese to French.
Professional Swedish to English translation services.
Translations between major world languages. Freelancers please apply at:
GBS Ltd is a Vietnamese professional translation and localization agency focusing on general, technical and medical translation, websi
Dynamic team of qualified translators, created with the goal of providing its clients with translation services of the highest quality at th
English to Spanish translations.
Technical and pharmaceutical translation specialists.
Translations from modern German and Dutch as well as from medieval German, Flemish and Dutch to English.
Will translate documents from and into all major languages of the world.
Lti, leedu, norra, itaalia, hispaania, inglise, saksa, soome, rootsi, trgi keelest.
Genesis - Bereshit Multilingual Translations provides translation services and specialist translators in a wide variety of languages, inclu
Geneva Worldwide was established in 1903 and is the oldest agency of its kind in the New York area. We provides language solutions
Professional interpretation and translations to and from English, Chinese (Mandarin), Japanese, German, French, Spanish, Afrikaans.
Gentil Translations deals with Haitian Creole and French. We specialize in the legal, medical, business, advertising and general fields.
I would like to express our readiness and potential to assist you with all translations from West European into East European, Nordic, for GE - RU - DE and for IT - DE.
GEORGIAN as well as all languages of former USSR including Chechen and Armenian. Training and professional translation in all areas
German Accurate and Certified Translations provides expert translating and interpreting services in over 200 languages.
Perfect solutions for YOUR demands on translation and interpretation.
We specialise in literary translations from British English into German and vice versa. For more information please visit our website.
Wroclaw-based bureau provides translation and interpreting services from most languages into Polish.
GERMANITAS beschftigt sich mit bersetzungen aus dem Deutschen ins Polnische und umgekehrt. Unter der Firma Germanitas arbei
GET IT has been operating in the translation market since 1995. We are one of the largest translation companies in Poland, occupying
Language: German>English. Expertise: Banking/Financial;Legal (general, patents); IT/Software; Technical; Fiction.
Translations from any language to any language.
Glagol Translation Group has been translating from English, German and Russian since 1997. Over this period they have translated mo
We are a group of translators who work from home. We can translate any type of document or paper in general. We charge very chea
Translations in major European languages.
To this end, Global arena has established a database of thoroughly tested translators, editors and proofreaders with unique field expe
All Languages Translation and Interpreting agency. All fields Translation and Interpreting. Agency employs only freelance professional
Translation and localization services in all major languages. Specializes in technical translations including human assisted machine tra
See our website for details.
We are a husband and wife team of professionals based in the United States (West Virginia), specializing in authentic Arabic translatio
From simple text translation to complete software internationalization and localization, the company will provide your company with th
Global eSolutions offers multilingual content services for 26 major languages. Services include content development, translation, desk
A group of professional translators and editors based in Osaka, Japan. Their scope of work is in the translation, editing of from English
Global Language Services was founded in 1995 by Owner and President, Jewel C. West. Realizing the need for professional, accurate a
We provide a professional service to meet our customer requirements in practically any language required.
GLS translates into 100+ languages the following types of documents: technical manuals and patents, regulatory documents, medica
Translation agency providing all languages to mostly UK corporate and government organisations.
As an agency based at Singapore and New Delhi (India), we provide linguistic services, covering all Indian, South-East asian languag
Please visit:
Global LT is an international communications solutions company that provides translation and localization consulting for regulated indu
Brand management and culturalization of marketing content.
Translations of Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, English, French. Translators, if you are interested in joining us, then please send
Translation is a necessary universal human activity due to multiple contacts among individuals and communities of different languages
GTIS provides worldwide high-level translation and interpreting services with careful attention to detail and cultural sensitivity. Our tea
At Global Translations, the translation process goes beyond the word-by-word. The company takes into account the context and the cu
Translating and interpreting in all languages and all areas througout the USA.
Founded in 1967, Global Translations & Interpreters Services Inc. was formally established and incorporated in 1972. Global is an indu
Translation agency in Dublin, catering for literally all languages.
Global Translation Solutions Ltd. (GTS) is the leading provider of professional translation, revision, proof-reading and other language s
We offer translation services and combine the use of Spanish, English, French and German. Our team is formed by professional transl
UK based Transltion agency offering translation in any language of the world. We believe in quality not in quantity. Guaranteed Custom
Global Trust, LLC. offers you cooperation in translations to and from Azeri (Azerbaijani), Russian and Turkish. Global Trust translates fr
We specialize in the translation of marketing collaterals and Web sites from English to Spanish and viceversa. We also translate ISO Q
We aim to have at least two translators on file for each language combination. In most cases we have been working regularly with the
English to Spanish translations. Spanish to English translations. Localizations.
The agency focuses on the following areas: General industry,machine-buidling, automobile industry, chemical industry, electronics/ele provides Project Management, Technology and Linguistic solutions to companies in need of a strategy to p
GlobaLink Translations Ltd. provides clients with professional, high quality, and customized translations into ALL LANGUAGES, as well a
The GGI Difference: Business model: customer focused/client-tailored/peak quality Top professionals from across industries Glob
Services include: translation, multilingual desktop publishing, software internationalization & localization, website internationalization &
We provide a broad range of Asian and European language related services. Our services include: translation, editing, proofreading, d
We are a group of seasoned globalization professionals who have come together to offer clients world-class services, bringing them th
Writing translations into great number of languages made only by native speakers.
We would like to introduce ourselves as a Danish translation Company. We have been in this field for some years, and we have in our
A multi-service translation agency with resources worldwide providing low-cost, effective translations and services in many industries.
GlobalVision International, Inc. specializes in providing translation and localization solutions to high-tech industries involved in softwar
Valencia, Spain based agency with wide experience and expertise in English - Spanish - Dutch translations. Besides these specialised l
Team of Professional Translators at your service! They offer you a brief description of the services provided by their Team of Profession
PRESENTATION: We are a mainly web-based translation agency. We count on a working team of specialised and highly-experienced tr
16 in-house translators, from all EU languages into Greek and from Greek and English into all EU languages, ISO 9001/2000 certified
The leading localization company offers the translation, Desktop Publishing (DTP), and Engineering (HTML & On-line Help compiling an
GLT is globalization, LOCALISATION and TRANSLATION agency working since 2003 and offering its services covering the braches of te
Global Language Translations and Consulting, Inc. (GLTaC) is a technical translation service providing translation, DTP, interpreters and
Each translation project receives the attention of a team of language professionals. The project manager will guide you through step-b
We provide you with tailormade language services. We translate much more than words: we translate your message, your culture, yo
GMS Language Services has been a supplier of language services for governmental organisations and international companies for fif
Dynamic Italian translation / localization company specializing in into Italian translations from English, French, German and other lang
They are into this field from last 2-3 years. So any sort language translation jobs are undertaken and providing 99% accuracy at the b
Industry-Specific Certified Translation Teams in over 40 languages. 35 years of Translation Experience.
Godis International Consultation Center (G.I.C.C) was established in Eindhoven, the Netherlands on September 1st, 2005. G.I.C.C pro
We are a Translation Interpreting agency. We provide simultaneous, consecutive, phone and conference interpreting services in the fo
We are a China based translation/localization service company with ten years history. We are a reliable payer, and work together with
Specialists in software and website localisation. Source Language: English. Target languages: All European, SC, TC, JP and KO. We als
Language services from foreign languages to Russian and Ukrainian and vice versa.
Translations: English <-> Japanese, English <-> Chinese, English <-> Korean, Japanese <-> Chinese, Japanese <-> Korean, Chinese
GOOD ENTERPRISE SZ LIMITED is a professional translation institute incorporated under approval of the concerned authorities of She
GoodChinese provides comprehensive localization, globalization and translation services for world languages. GoodChinese delivers cli
Our network of meticulously tested specialists can translate almost any language pair in existence. As an emergent company we are c
Russian/English, Ukrainian/English, English/Russian, English/Ukrainian. Rates up to $0.04 per word.
Gotone is a well-known translation and interpretation agency in China, covering 80 languages and different industries. We have provid
The agency was founded in 1995 with the aim of providing language services of the very highest quality. In order to achieve this goal,
All languages
New York/New Jersey translation company provides translation from/into most European and Asian languages utilizing restheirces of n
GRADUS CZ, Ltd., a translation agency. Experience: 12 years. Languages: English, Czech, German, French, Russian, Polish, Portugese
Wide-profile translation agency providing good quality. Main language pairs: Englis-Estonian, German-Estonian, English-Russian.
Green Crescent Translations takes great pride in providing our clients with high quality language translation services at a cost effective
Nepali, Hindi, Urdu and English.
Greg Translation Agency was established in 1999 and until present, it operates an agreement with the CS of the MFA of Bukgaria. At p
Translation from English, French and Spanish into Dutch.
Founded in 1998 in Kentucky. Experience in all major languages and dialects of these languages (US, UK, AU English, Ca, Fr, Haitian, A
Established for over 12 years, working for companies and Government departments both here and abroad, we can translate your mar
GS Translation, Inc. is a full service translation and localization firm headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia with production facilities in Mex
General, IT, Pharmaceuticals, Legal.
Based in northern Europe company concentrates on the main European languages and have a particularly broad spectrum of translati
Multilingual translations. Experienced translators are welcome to join.
We have qualified and experienced translators and proofreaders, worldwide, for the following languages: Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Chin
How to find the right German/English/French translator at the best rate? Contact Gnther Strauss, translations done by
Sworn public translators and interpreters in English, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Spanish.
Professional translation from English into Norwegian, Norwegian into Danish, Danish into Norwegian.
Hachi International is composed of trilingual professionals (Japanese, English, Filipino) who transact business directly with foreign nat
We translate from Haitian Creole to any language and from any language to Haitian Creole.
We are A member of TUCED and making notary certified sworn Translations in 66 languages both in Turkey and European Union.
We translate Arabic English, any type of translation.
Professional translations of all types of documentation. Although Dutch into English and English into Dutch translations account for the
The activities of Hamilton Europe include: * Translation and localization of technical, financial, legal documents * Language Training vi
Handsome Translations works between Chinese and major European and Asian languages, tapping the wealth of our seasoned and ins
Simultaneous, Consecutive, Translation, etc.
A translation agency looking for very experienced translators working in various field of work. They offer good rates to our translators
Effective certified or non certified translation between Turkish-English-French. Heavily experimented on the french legal, civil engineer
Translation and interpreting in several languages.
Cultural consulting, translation, interpreting, language instruction and accent improvement. is a leading provider of professional multilingual solutions, focused on assisting companies and individuals to transc
Translation, copywriting and proofreading in English and Dutch.
Agency is always very interested in cooperate with other agencies; please send your details.
Hebrew, English.
English to Korean, Korean to English, specialists in religious terminology.
Translations from and into Chinese, Dutch, and English.
We are a technical translation agency, and work together with freelancers.
Italian translation and translations from/to all languages.
Translation in English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Serbocroatian and Russian.
Written translations from English to Estonian language, from English to Russian language, written and oral translations from Russian t
Herros Ltd. is a Bulgarian translation agency authorized by the Bulgairan Ministry of foreign affairs to do legal translations. We provide
Translations from English, Norwegian, German and French into Norwegian, German and French.
HeVN is a company competency in Language Training, Interpreter and Translations for Indonesian, English, Spanish, and Japanese. H
HHCE is a modern translation agency that offers customers the benefit of many years of experience. English, Danish, Dutch, Finnish,
Specializes in Japanese translation and interpretation.
Hieronymus is the leading translation and software localization company for central and eastern Europe.
Only English-Portuguese translations.
HighTech Passport, Ltd. - Full-service software localization agency.
Language Translation is changing the world by bridging the gap faster than one can imagine. Every thing is going Global these days, a
We offer commercial and technical translation, interpretation for meetings and conferences, simultaneous translation equipment, mult
Hispana Language Services is a specialist translation service with a difference. We are specialists in the translation of English>Spanis
The agency translates from English into Arabic and vice versa. In addition, the agency translates from Spanish into Arabic and vice ve
HispanoAmerican Communications is a Spanish<>English Translation Agency located in Gilbert, Arizona. Translators who desire to wor
Accurate, well times translation from English and French into Arabic and from Arabic into English. Our work is based on more than 18
We have different professionals in French, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese. They can translate their respective languages in En
HK-bersetzungen ist spezialisiert auf Texte aus den Bereichen Recht, Wirtschaft und Finanzen, Banken, Politik und Verwaltung sowie
HL Language Solutions effectively facilitates communication in a broad range of circumstances.
Translation & interpretation agency based in Paris. We focus on Legal & Financial industry. Reactivity and service minded company.
HM Translation Service specializes in English to Spanish and Spanish to English translations.
Auswahl unserer Sprachen: Englisch, Spanisch, Franzsisch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch, Niederlndisch, Schwedisch, Dnisch, Norwegis
Vietnamese - English translations.
Here at Hola Translation Company, we provide translation services for corporate clients and individuals all around the world. All service
German < > Slovenian translations. DEUTSCH - BERSETZUNG - SLOWENISCH.
Industrial translation, Patent translation, Medical translation, Financial translation service. Established in 1986. We became listed on th
Translation from English into Russian.
The Hope Business Consultancy aim to help International companies enter into Chinese Markets. Or other way around, the Chinese co
Translations of Arabic, English, Farsi.
Translations by native speakers in all languages. Focussing on technology, quality management and organisational development.
HOROS is a professional notary translation & legalization service, which has been operating with a team of experts in law, translation
Translations of major language pairs.
Spanish, Portuguese.
Hovercraft is an international translation office in Cairo, Egypt.
Hrouf Translation Office translates documents written in English into Arabic and vice versa in the filed of Economics, Finance and Se
Language services in all major languages.
Translation services from English to eastern Asian languages for patent, scientific documentation, technical manual/instructions. Areas
HTF provides language translation services into over 100 languages specialize in English, Japanese, Korean, German, French, and Itali offers translation in the following languages: Arabic, English, French and more languages can be offered upon re
A firm of interpreters and translators based in France, certified ISO 9001 (v2000, BVQI), and an approved supplier of translation servi
Croatian Translation Agency - Hubor d.o.o. Range of services: translations of all kinds of documents and texts from Croatian to Italian
Russian-English Translation, Legal (Certified and Notarized) Translation of Documents in the US, Free Estimate, Reasonable Rates.
Humain Lingua is a team of trusted quality translators provide translations between many of the combinations of French, English, Itali
Hungarian translation services are available from Hungarian Services from or to English, and many other language pairs. (Romanian,
Hungarian Translation Service - Cleveland - Hungarian/English translation service in Cleveland USA. Technical, business and personal t
Hunnect Limited provides official translations in the following areas: - pharmaceutical, biology, clinical trials, medicine product charact
Started in 1990. Since 15 years we have been providing scientific and technical translations to 1000's of our esteemed clients/ organiz
Traduction: Informatique logiciel (localisation), aide en ligne, documentation (logiciel et matriel). Participation des projets de dplo
We can provide translations in the following languages: all European languages: Dutch, French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, etc
I.R.D.I. translation and correspondence support services are here to support individuals and international business community in over
Specialists in mainly technical, medical, pharmaceutical and juridical written translations and otherwise from and into Dutch, French, E
English/French/German/Italian/Portuguese into Spanish and vice versa translations.
Providing services on the Czech market since 1998 and during their existence they have gained sufficient experience in this field. Curr
The company specializes in German/English technical translations. The company also provides technical translations in over 35 Europe
IBC Language Services provide translation and multilingual search engine marketing services to companies throughout the United Kin
Specialized in English - (Castilian) Spanish and Dutch - Spanish. Fields: business, commerce, agriculture, transport, industry, tourism,
Translation company based in Spain providing high in Spanish, English, French, German and Catalan.
Translation in English and Polish.
Iceni is a fast-growing provider of high-quality translation and copywriting services geared to the needs of businesses operating intern
Teams of top-notch professional conference interpreters in the major world languages for all types of bilingual and multilingual events
The agency specializes in Medical Interpretation and Translation. They provide a written, first-person report of field interpretations inc
Translation/localization services between English and over 50 languages (see web site for listing). Desktop publishing. Transcription. F
Creative department of
Translations from and into any major world languages.
ICTAC is an international team of business experts, economists, linguists and specialists for intercultural skills and communication. As
IFL was set up in 2003 with the simple and efficient concept of taking industry and management expertise to Argentina to enable the
Idea Media offers translation services in the following areas: Jurisprudence, Finance, European Union documentation (legal, econom
Normal, technical, advertising, commercial and legal translations between Arabic and most international languages: English, Russian,
Ideas Translated is concerned exclusively with translations from and to Brazilian Portuguese. ONLY Freelancers translating between Br
Provides English and French translation services in business, technical and HTML/website areas.
Hebrew <=> English Medical, Medical-Legal, Pharmaceutical & Investsigational materials, brochures, informational kits and consent fo
Idiom Offers Reliable, Accurate and Relevant Professional Human Translation and Localization Services in over 100 world languages.
Specializes on translation of technical documents. Big volumes. All languages of Europe plus many used in Asia.
Since January 1990 Idiomas has provided expert linguistic advice and assistance across Europe, earning itself a reputation for quality,
Translation, drafting and proofreading in Spanish, English, German, French, Italian and Portuguese. Native translators who specialize i
Translations in all languages. Freelancers are wanted. Send your CVs to: [email protected].
Translations between major European languages.
Spanish Translation and Typesetting.
With bases in the Canary Islands, Mlaga and Valencia (Spain) Coventry and Birmingham (UK) this young and dynamic company offer
Connecting to the Spanish-speaking World.
All European languages plus Arabic, Chinese and Japanese. We have in-house translators, but also work with freelance personell.
Multi-lingual translation company specializing in engineering, business, software localization and terminology databases.
iinterpret is a full-service interpretation company located in the San Francisco Bay Area, that offers interpretation services in all major
They offer translation and localization services for software, online help files, web sites, databases, documentations into the following
Translation in all languages and for all technical areas. Agence de traduction toutes langues tous domaines.
ILS International Language Services Ltd. and its predecessors have been continuously present in the Hungarian translation and interp
Translations from Italian into European, East European and Asiatic languages.
Translations (English and Spanish). Native translators with university degrees. Competitive prices and personalised service.
English<>Spanish, Freelance Certified Public Translators, IM Translation & Training.
Translations from major European languages to German.
From English and German to Hungarian.
Written translation between Traditional or Simplified Chinese and English. Real-time oral interpretation between Mandarin Chinese and
Since 1995 Impressum A & A Publishers and Translators Ltd. offers highly qualified, professional translating of a wide range of literatu
In Every Language is a Louisville, KY, USA, based provider with translators and interpreters available in 60+ different languages.
We view our work for our clients as an opportunity to promote their products and services professionally. We provide the quality requi
We translate from Hebrew to English and all European and Asian Languages. Additionally, into Hebrew from English, European and As
IndianScripts is India based Translation Agency that offers human translation by native translators residing in their native land from E
We provide translation jobs, with regard to Indian, Islamic, CIS, most other Asian, and East European languages. We are in capacity t
Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Nepali, Sinhala, etc.
Translation in German <> English.
Our company represents itself individual enterprise. My agency realizes translations from English, Russian, German, French, Italian, K
ICT provides translation and oral interpretation services for customer, including from English into Chinese and reverse.
The Indonesian Translation Service is a specialist translation agency committed to linking you with your markets, target groups, emplo
Highly-skilled translator/editor since 1973. As yet, STILL THE ONE AND ONLY native Indonesian Interpreter & Translator in the U.S. re
Your complete solution for all Indus Languages in North America. We are a group of language professionals. We Offer wide range of lin
Sensing a huge void in the "word" market, we've created a company with a real twist. The mediocre standard of translation offered by
Welcome to Inextran Services, where you can find Interpreters and Translators in Berlin!
Specialized in providing professional English-Portuguese or Portuguese-English translation services, INFINITE Translations seeks to str
We translate from and/or to Arabic, Armenian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese,
The translation agency provides translation and interpretation services from and to most world languages. Besides, we offer represent
Inforays translation service handles all Indian languages (from English or vice versa) which include: Hindi, Bengali (Both India & Bang
Multilingual translation and localization company. Employs freelancers - only experienced translators who can meet the deadlines.
In multilingual communication since 1979, Infotranstech India (P) Ltd has emerged today as the premier Translation company in India
Technical translations from major European languages into Czech.
We translate from EN to CA, ES and from CA, ES into EN. Experience in Microsoft products (Exchange, MSN, Xbox,...), technical texts,
INK Catalunya offers a wide range of language services, including proof-reading, editing and consultancy, and takes on
Ihr internationaler Auftritt ist bei unseren aufmerksamen und qualittsbewussten Profis in besten Hnden. Wir arbeiten mit vielen qua
Microsoft Experienced Translation Agency from Pakistan, localziation of major Microsoft & Telecommunication Applications in Urdu, Pas
Inlingua provides foreign and English language training, plus translation and interpretating services at locations in Rosslyn, Virginia, a
We translate all languages when you need them. We can notarize and certify our translations. Attention to accuracy and detail to best
English to Japanese translations. Linguists, please submit CV to [email protected].
INPRINTING applies international marketing and customer management criteria to linguistic communication. Our main assets are com
English to Spanish translations, software localization, technical translations.
Top quality Translations, Voice-overs, Proof-reading, Interpreting, Subtitling, and Dubbing in over 120 languages. Customised assessm
For over ten years, INTAC Co., Ltd. has provided clients in Japan with a comprehensive range of multilingual services to assist in their
Translations from major European languages to Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian and Macedonian.
IES is an angloargentine company focused on the English language both for Spanish speaking people and foreigners, established to gi
Specializing in editing, transforming and delivering documents in any format.
Integrated Language Services provides a comprehensive and professional language service to commerce and industry.
A full Service company dealing in Indian and International languages.
At Intellego we provide a wide range of language solutions to companies and individuals in more than 28 languages. Freelancers pleas
Patent translation for all language combinations. Freelancers welcome, but only translators / proofreaders with extensive experience i
We translate many language pairs especially including Italian as a source or target language. Our customers are mainly companies. W
Intellingua specializes in high-quality, high-volume translation of technical documents from English to Japanese (and vice-versa).
The company was founded in 1990 as a specialist translation service. Since that time we have grown to become a high-performance p
Inter Business Solutions es una empresa espaola especializada en la consultora de desarrollo de negocio entre empresas extranjera
Company provides services in most languages, most subjects, except books.
Our multilingual database contains over 150,000 gastronomical terms - an indispensable prerequisite for correct translations in: Germ
INTERCHALLENGE is a premier translation and localization services provider with an uncompromising commitment to quality, professio
Multi lingual translation agency.
Intergraphics is a skilled, multi-lingual graphic services company with a reputation for quality and follow-through. Since
Translation in Spanish and Portuguese.
One stop solution for Bulgarian translation and interpretation needs. If you need a reliable partner then look no further, Interlang offe
Delivering a comprehensive range of top quality professional services since 1986: technical, financial, legal, and promotional translatio
INDONESIAN ENGLISH TRANSLATION SERVICES. Besides, they also provide you professional interpreting services, and translation s
InterLations is a language translation company specializing in translations in Finance and IT and the language pair English-German.
INTERLEX Communications is a Budapest-based multi-language LSP, providing services primarily for government agecies, internationa
They translate all major European languages into Estonian and vice versa. In addition, they offer translations from one foreign langua
We offer a full range of translation services in all European and many Asian languages. Our translators work in the following areas dep
All languages, all subjects. They are always looking for qualified translators (with a degree) in or out of German. Trados is a must!
Translations from Czech, English, French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Macedonian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian,
The Legal and Financial Translation Experts.
Translation, brochure and poster pre-press, search optimisation, web design and digital newsletters in English, Japanese, Chinese and
Translations from German or English into all kind of languages - European languages as well as Asian languages. Freelancers please a
Translations for companies, over 50 languages in different areas.
InterNation, Inc. provides translations for any business or discipline, whether for science and industry, law and business or marketing
IBT, incorporated in 1978, provides translation and interpretation services in over 62 languages to individuals and to companies condu
We are specialized in translation under all its forms (written, whispered, consecutive and simultaneous) as well as in the rental of simu
For 24 years, we have been helping clients address the lucrative foreign language markets effectively both within the U.S. and interna
International Corner is a highly specialised translation company, which has been working in the language sector for many years. The c
Translations between major languages.
We service only the Houston and surrounding areas here in Texas. Our company specializes in hard to find dialects. Languages transla
Professional Translating and Interpreting Services in over 200 languages and dialects.
Translating and interpreting of most languages of the world. Translation price based on the amount of words of the source language.
International Language Services is a professional interpreting and translation agency dedicated to improving multi-lingual business re
International Services is an American company with global presence, providing Spanish, European, Asian and other language solution
Full service localization company providing translation, engineering, DTP and Project Management services. From English into all Europ
We are a full service translation agency that can translate any letter, document, manual, or anything else that needs to be translated
Offers interpreting and Translation services in more then 52 languages.
Established in 1998 when Korea experienced heavy exchange crisis, ITS (International Translation Services) is a translation and localiz
International Translation Solutions (ITS) is a full-service translation, multilingual typesetting and multicultural marketing firm specializ
Translations from and into all European and major world languages. We concentrate on medical, pharmaceutical, legal, mechanical, el
Translations between all major languages. Become a part of our exciting interpreter-agency community and open an International Tra
International Translators is based in Morocco. We translate from/to Arabic, English, French, Spanish & Italian. We work on several file
Translations to and from English in over 100 languages. Translations to and from over 100 languages other than English. Delivery of tr
We are an online business translation.we do this job in 20 languages in which most properly are, Germany, English, Spanish, Turkish,
We translate from English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, Romanian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Serbian, Croatian, Latin, Ar
InterpreNet, Ltd is Chicagos international network of interpreters and translators covering an extensive range of languages.
Interpreter Services Provide Interpreters for Conferences and Meetings in Sicily and whereabouts. Simultaneous Interpreters. Consec
From English or French into Russian or Ukrainian.
Experienced, Accurate and Professional
18 years of experience in various fields, in particular: oil and gas (all related topics: drilling, exploration, geology, workover operations
ISI provides language solutions tailored for you. The company analyzes each project for audience, background, purpose, formatting a
Whether it is the written or spoken word, ITL can offer translation services, interpretation services, language training, public relations,
Translations in over 10 languages, specializing mainly in translations to and from Russian and Ukrainian.
The largest localization bureau in Scandinavia with over 20 years of experience. Bureau offers all the Scandinavian language combinat
Intersphere is an international localization company with offices in Beverly Hills, CA and Seoul, Korea.
We do all type of translations in all languages mainly in Indian langauges. Any takers?
INTERTEXT Multilingual Translation and Documentation was founded in 1988. Since then it has developed spectacularly into what it is
We translate and interpret to and from all European, African and Asian languages. We translate legal, commercial, financial, life scienc
InterTrans Exchange, upheld by Matrix, ISO 9001 and Investor in People standards, is a non-profit establishment offering prompt and
Interverbum offers a global network of experts in all types of language management.
Voice-overs in all languages with native professional voice over talents including studio production service.
Delivery of recordings
Intervoices provide media production, voice recording, talent, casting, translation and directing services for documentaries, corporate
Translation services in all languages and fields.
Providing professional translation services to and from all major Western and Asian languages, multilingual desktop publishing and we
Intex Multilingual Communication provides expert translation, interpreting and typesetting services in all languages for a comprehensi
We translate from English, German, French, Spanish into Russian/Ukrainian (native).
Offers translations from Danish, Dutch, French, German, Spanish and Swedish into English.
English (International), Swedish, Danish, Norwegian.
INTONATION LIMITED is one of the UK's leading Translation and Interpreting Agencies. A unique company comprising 2 specialist dep
Company offers translation and localization of technical, medical, economical, financial, banking, and marketing documents from/to En
The major portion of their activity involves translation from Japanese, German, French, and other European languages into English, an
Spanish (International), English (International)
Created in 1989. Translators are all professionals and they can offer high quality of translations in all languages. They also propose ex
Wir bieten Qualittsbersetzungen zu fairen Preisen und unerwarteter Liefergeschwindigkeit an. Unsere Kunden sind aus den verschie
An experienced service provider for all your translation, interpretation and proofreading tasks. Our main working pairs are English =>
IPPWORLD is a Singapore registered company that pioneer Global Localization Management (GLM) services. Founded in 1994, IPPWOR
We are a Singapore-invested company located in SHANGHAI, CHINA, and specialized in multilingual translation and Desktop Publishin
IPS offers you English-German and French-German translations for EUR 0.80-/standard line or EUR 0.08/translated word, minus volum
Ipso Facto is UK based and works with a plethora of accredited translators and interpreters who provide clients with high quality trans
Our firm specialized in Intellectual Property and Corporate translations in all languages you may require. We have offices in Southern
Our wide range of services cover from pre-press work, concept-design of documents, manuscript writing, editing, translation, graphic
15000 members who translate from all world languages into Arabic and vice versa. - submit translation and interpreting services in co
English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Turkish, Hebrew into Russian, Ukrainian.
Language and Translation Services.
Chinese, English, French, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Portuguese, etc.
Spanish, French, Arabic.
iSpeak is a translation & localization firm with a large roster of small to large clients ranging from corporate to NGO to government en
versttning av olika dokument frn Svenska till Arabiska och vise versa.
IT&T sets the highest standards for technical, biomedical & marketing translations.
International Translation Agency Ltd (ITA) was established in 1992 in Malta. From our central base in the Mediterranean, we have prov
Firma oferuje panstwu uslugi w zakresie tlumaczenia, obejmujaca ponad 22 jezyki ! - Wloski, Polski, Angielski, Francuski, Niemiecki, H
Going beyond Italian legal translations, they assist attorneys and private clients on the administrative side of Italian law. Access to Ita
English (UK), French, Spanish (Spain). Offer proofreading, interpreting, assistance with cultural issues, voiceover.
Italica is a leading language services company that has been providing excellent services throughout the world in the field of language
Translation, Localization, Proofreading and Editing Services from English and Spanish into Italian. Areas of expertise: IT, Software, Har
We are an Italo-Romanian service company willing to answer to your translation request. Our company, thanks to its translation serv
English-Spanish-Portuguese translation company with experience in legal, business, tech, medical and advertising materials.
Iterotext is not your typical translation company!
English to Hindi, Malayalam, Punjabi, Kannada, Tamil, French and vice versa.
Languages: Byelorussian, Chinese, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, Flemish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Kazakh, Korean, Latvia
Translations in all common languages by expert native speakers. Integration of the translation and localization in the documentation a
Because we understand the importance of speaking the same language.. In a globalized world the essential tool to expand borders an
Communication in multiple languages is indispensable to any global company, and the correct information is a vitally important issue.
ITR International Translation Resources provides accurate, cost-effective, high quality technical translation to major corporations throu
English to Russian and Russian to English corporate translation and localization solutions. We translate: legal and technical documents
High-quality translation, localization, and proofreading services: Finnish, German, Italian, Russian, Swedish, English, Estonian.
German-English (mother tongue). INDUSTRIES: Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, Engineering, Building & Construction, Architecture, S
ITtranslations is a translation agency entirely dedicated to the translation of technical texts from/to European languages. We've been
Empresa especializada em Transcries de cassetes udio, CD's, Video-conferncias e ainda servios de Traduo, Interpretao e Pro
Iverson Language Associates, Inc. provides strategic solutions for managing document translation. Our clients are companies and org
Czech translation services. Our main objective is quality, reliability, discretion, speed and reasonable price while fulfilling your requirem
We are able to accommodate all projects, regardless of size and expertise, in almost every language combination. Freelancers please
Translation services in major world languages.
Our company offers translation and interpreting services in English, French, German and Italian. Our translator/interpeter is always re
Company is in business for 25 years. Company is not a typical translation agency ("paper pushers :-)") The business is technology tra
Sworn translation agency in the languages English, Dutch & Japanese. Other languages on request.
Specializing in technical translation in the automotive industry and other engineering fields, specifically Japanese to English patent tra
We offer tranlation of official documents and academic works from Arabic to English and vice versa.
Translations from German, English, French and Spanish into PORTUGUESE (European and Brazilian). We are only interested in resume
English <> French translations.
Jai Translations is a translation agency based in India. We would like to help you in Translation, Editing/Proofreading, Typesetting and
Translation, interpretation, web site localization and promotion services in Japanese and English. Based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
English (US), Japanese. Vast experience in Japanese DTP. Worked on development of original Pagemaker J with Aldus Corp. Work exte
20 years (1985-2005) in Interpreting, Translation & Consulting services: Run by native Japanese experts. Native Japanese translation
The Japanese Translation Network is a company which specializes in translation of computer related documentation from English to Ja
The agency specializes in Japanese translation for film, animation, comics and pop culture. They also provide business translation serv
English, Japanese, Korean, German, French, into Chinese and vice versa.
Our network of experts grows day-by-day, and currently our language combinations for interpretation and translation are: Finnish-Eng
JTS was initiated in 1995 by two translators, a native speaker of Dutch holding Indonesian citizenship and a British expatriate. They d
Translation of data from English to languages like Spanish, German, Italian, French, Portuguese, etc.. A strong work force of professio
We are a Multilingual Translation company based in Los Angeles specialized in Audio Services (Voice-Over, Dubbing,..) for Movie Produ
JCLT has been established to provide assistance with the dilemma posed by the language bariers to hospitals, retail businesses, manu
More than ten years of experience translating all kind of texts from English Into Spanish. Experience in tecnical, medicine, law, literatu
Jensen Localization specializes in high quality translation and localization of financial software, E-Commerce Websites, technical docum
We offer translation between any combination of English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese. Our specialties are Computers,
Japanese-English Translations. Group of translators from around the world.
Translation in English and Dutch.
Art, biology, agriculture, medicine, physics, IT technology, oil & gas, legal, engineering industry. We are a professional translation agen
Korean<->English patent translation in most of fields including electronics, IT, mobile, mechanics, chemistry, medical, etc. Much expe
Only Russian to English language conversion projects.
GSL Translation Agency is a branch of the law firm GSL Law & Consulting. They provide translation, proofreading, editing and analytica
JM Communication is specialized in handling technical translation requests, working in all European languages as well as other widely
We specialize in English and French translation (in both directions) and are part of a network of translators, which allows us to handle
Legal and financial translation agency in the Netherlands, customer base consists of legal and financial service providers in the broade
J-Node is a group that provides technical translation service of English into Japanese and vice versa, and information services via the
Translation services in the following language pairs: Portuguese - English - 0,04/SW, English - Portuguese - 0,04/SW, Portuguese -
Have been in the business of translation for the past years and has carried out translation jobs for so many companies, educational in
Joho-Translation Tokyo offers unparalleled translation services for Asian languages including Japanese, Chinese and Korean along with
We work from French and English into Portuguese in areas of Business, Law and Oil, Administration.
The company provides professional translation services, creative writing and marketing communication services. They also specialize i
Multimedia & software localization, internationalization, technical writing, desktop publishing, web globalization, technical translation,
Have experience in legal, medical interpretation, translation. Court hearings in Los Angeles, California.
The Translation Department offers translations from and into all major languages, in fields such as accounting, advertising, art, busine
We translate English into the following Filipino languages: Tagalog, Cebuano, Waray, Ilocano, Ilonggo, Bicolano, and Kapampangan.
Translation of legal texts and EU affairs. Interpreting (Andr JOSTEN is a member of AIIC)
Multilingual Translation and Interpretation Services.
Translations between all modern languages, specializing in Hispanic Markets.
JSB offers the following services: translation, interpretation, desktop publishing, proof checking & back translation, audio video tape tr
We translate: Economical, medical, financial, environmental, social, nature protection, IT, industrial, administrative, tax, telecommunic
JTG, Inc. is a language consultancy firm specializing in localization, translation and linguistic outsourcing solutions. Our reputation for
JTI features services in Translation, Software and Online Help Engineering, Desktop Publishing & Pre-Press Print Ready, Quality Assura
JTS is one of the leading company in localization industry in Korea since 1984 by establishing stable and large pool of q
English to Mandarin Chinese translations and interpretations.
Julia Translation Agency and Language Center was founded in 1990. It is a legal agency working in all fields of translation and interpre
Vertaalbureau Bothof is the legal translation specialist. Bothof only uses specialist legal translators who translate into their mother ton
Juriscribe has significant experience translating a wide variety of corporate and legal documents, providing quality translations for som
Translations from major European languages to Czech and Slovak.
Sign language services. Our comprehensive range of services enables your organisation to respond to the needs of deaf consumers. W
Established since 2004 with principle activities of Translation and interpretation services from English to Tamil and vice versa.
JWC was founded in 1999 by a linguist and computer scientist with the aim of exploiting technology to increase the quality of human t
The Multilingual solutions company.
Translations in English, French, Italian, Portuguese (Brasilian Portuguese), Spanish.
Translation Services Noodi is a leading and the only ISO-certified Finnish translation company, offering a complete range of translation
The translation agency KNTM provides language services for companies, institutions and persons working in the field of culture,
Provide translation from Indonesian into English and English into Indonesian for all kinds of products particularly brochures and adver
Kado provides high-quality professional translations of your document to and from the following languages: Bulgarian, English, French
Kalimera Business offers professional language outsourcing services in over 43 spoken languages around the world. Our company is h
Translations into and from Russian, Spanish, French and English.
Kartika Sentra Bahasa Translation Service (KSB) was founded in 1997, employing 6 home-based staffs and more than 15 on-project b
16-year translation company. Languages: Turkish, English, German, Russian, Bulgarian, Arabic, French, Spanish in all subjects.
Professional Translations: German < > English.
Kavensis is a translation and localization services provider established in 1992. We are committed to ensuring that our
KBK Translates Meanings, Not Words.
If you were looking for a professional, reliable English to Japanese/Japanese to English tran
KC Communications offers a variety of services to meet your multilingual needs. We provide all graphic design services, typesetting, c
Translation agency.
We are specialised in translation of medical, engineering and scientific researches and articles.
We are on the market since 1992. Employing/hiring over 350 freelance and in-house translators, interpreters, editors, web and softwa
German - English Afrikaans (source and target).
All major languages translated. We always welcome applications from qualified and motivated candidates.
KERN is a market leader in language services with more than 40 branches in Europe, North America and Asia. They are a leading lang
A full range of services in foreign language communication: translations and interpreting in all languages, rental of interpreting equipm
Services in foreign language communication: translations and interpreting in all languages, rental of interpreting equipment, software
Slovak, English, Spanish translations. Small agency.
Established 1984; employing over 60 native speakers as subcontractors; covering most European languages; translations into/from En
Translations from English, Arabic, Chinese, German, French into Ukrainian, Russian. If English is your native language or you have a li
Data and image processing, DTP, Chinese translation and localisation.
We are based in Nanjing, China. We can offer the following pairs: Chinese, Japanese, Korean and English.
Translation agency profile: KeyWord Translations is one of a kind company, specializing in English, Hebrew and Russian languages writ
Keywords Italia: your partner for all your linguistic needs. Experts in software, hardware, on-line guides and technical manual localizat
Availability Promptness Competitive rates Qualitative realisations Compliance with your deadline Creation of client-specifi
Chandigarh, North India based English to Hindi, Punjabi and vice versa translation, editing, proof-reading, interpretation etc. by profes
Translations of Justice department, translations of educational documentation.
Company provides you with swift and authoritative translation at a fairly charged price. It thus helps you save the large sum of money
Language is Our Business. KJI offers: Written text translation, Desktop publishing, Web site and software localization, Labeling expert
Our company mainly translates from English and German into Swedish and the other way around, but also manage other language co
We are providing various translation services in national and international arena. In a world without borders in terms of globalisation a
KLEIO HSS provides translation and text editing services from German and/or Dutch to English for academics and other scholars.
Based in Korea, KL-LINK is one of the fast growing Korean localization agencies with a strong team of qualified and experienced transl
English, French, German, Russian to Polish translations. We are open to cooperation and accept applications from individual translator
KnowledgeWorks is a comprehensive Language translation service company catering to the needs of global companies in India and ab
With the spirit of "All Solutions for Your System", KoLangs Inc. has been established for the purpose of Software Localization and Tech
English, Estonian, Russian.
Languages we deal with: French, English, Spanish, Russian.
Kommunikation Ost-West (East-West Communications) provides expert translations in almost all East European Languages: Russian, U
Technical translation from English to German.
We are specialists in the Korean and English languages. We also service Chinese, Japanese, German, French, Spanish, Arabic, etc.
Translation and interpreter service in three languages, Japanese, Thai and English.
Studio Kosmos strips away linguistic barriers. Our interpreters (who work only in their native languages), our highly specialised techni
Our company can undertake the translation of any language into Greek and, limitedly, into English.
Manuaali Ky, founded with the operations model to business to business. The main branch of the company is translating, design and im
Translations from English to Telugu, and Telugu to English. They solicit other international assignments regarding freelance writer job
Translations into German, all languages. Highly technical translations English-German. Marketing, investment, advertising.
Translates from Hindi to English and vice versa.
Kvaloy Nettverk Ltd. is a translation and consulting services company. Our company is based in Samsun, Turkey and Baku, Azerbaijan
We undertake English-Swahili and Swahili-English translations, proofreading, voice overs and editing.
At Kwintessential, they pride themselves on their high quality of delivery and close customer service, in turn they require this from ou
Translation and proofreading services. Specialized in French, Dutch, English, Spanish and Italian - other languages upon request. Com
Translations into Ukrainian and Russian, EUR 0.07-0.09/per word.
A Thai localization and translation services company that offer you a wide variety of languages that you rarely find in the market. They
Translation services in major languages.
An authorized supplier for the Translation Bureau since 1987. Major fields of work: automotive, aeronautics, technical fields.
All fields of specialization. All language combinations. International cooperation with companies, institutions and translation agencies.
L2L Translators in an International Technical Translation Company, which has in addition to its Mother Branch based in MontrealCanad
L-3 Communications is a government contracting company specializing in Linguist Operations and Technical Support. We are located in
Psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic text and translation research and translation services: English-Ukrainian-Russian-German. We hav
Spanish translations from English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Catalan.
Our team consists of highly professional and exclusively native translators, each one with proven experience within their fields of expe
English to French translation based in Ottawa, Canada.
Lan Do & Associates, LLC was established in 1993 and has since maintained a steady growth. Our talent pool consists of more than fiv
Asian languages.
Translation from/into Polish, English, Russian. Language Assistance.
Areas of experience: IT: 8 years; Life Sciences (Medical/Pharmaceutical): 7 years; Financial: 7 years; Marketing: 7 years; Automotive
We are an upcoming translation / interpretation company based out in India having offices in Delhi & Bangalore. Services we provide:
Especializacin: Langrow services es una agencia lider en el peru en el servicio de traduccion, interpretacion, enseanza de idiomas y
ISO9001 Certified. Finest translation quality in Korea. LangStar, Inc. - Translation, software localization and website localization compa
We offer a full translation service in all languages using outstanding, highly qualified professional translators. We translate legal, techn
Looking for new translators. Translations in English, French, German, Russian.
Language & Culture Worldwide, LLC (LCW) offers training, consulting, and communications services to meet your most sophisticated g
We are a leading Delhi based translation agency dealing with translation jobs for more than 5 years. We have groups of experienced,
We do English to Spanish translation, Spanish Editing and Proofreading, ESL and Spanish instruction.
We offer professional, experienced interpreters in almost any foreign language, including: Spanish, Vietnamese, Farsi, French, Arabic,
Their professional, accurate, timely and highly cost-effective translation and interpreting services have earned us a solid reputation am
With the rapid expansion of international business, a global approach has become a necessity for many growing organizations. Whet
Translation, editing, proofreading, interpreting and language training in English and Danish.
We are pleased to introduce ourselves as Language Consultancy Services, a company dealing in translation, interpretation and recruit
Translation in English, German, French and Spanish; Simultaneous, Events production, Audio & Video edition & translation; Business E
Bridging the gap between the USA and Europe. Translation, website development, international voice-over talent, DTP - quark, pagem
More than 50 languages.
Translations between major languages.
Language Group is one of the leading translation companies based in the UK.
A wide range of language services - e.g. translations, interpreting, teaching languages, guiding, dubbing etc.
Language Intelligence is continually seeking new free-lance members to join their approved supplier list of qualified translators and ed
Here at Language Interpreters Limited, we undertake multi language translation and interpretation. Based in Essex and London, our la
Language Link offers translation and interpreting services into and out of a wide variety of languages, including all European language
We provide translations and interpreting in over 60 languages. Over 15 years experience. Any subject matter. All translations compl
Language Localist was started in year 2000 with the specific purpose to help people communicate. They are a full-service translation a
Complete Contextual Translation services including medical, legal, business and web sites. Portuguese, Spanish, French (European an
Language Matters gives you access to complete fluency in any of over 100 different languages, from Albanian to Yiddish.
Language translation and interpreting services. We specialise in Spanish, French, Portuguese and English combinations but undertake
Language Matters, Inc. is a business-to-business service committed to providing world-class language service. Our goa
Language Network is an North-Italy-based translation group (Turin) of free-lance translators with experience in the translation of tech
Language Networks makes your business translations easy and affordable! Need a text translated? We offer our clients the best qualit
Operating since 2003. Offering multilingual translation, typesetting, Fit to Size and Voice Over.
Translation: Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Ruman, Russian, Spanish. Service of inte
Language Power, Translation department - LPTD: a high standard translation service. The leader of translation in Scandinavia. Langua
120 translators worldwide, translating major languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Dani
Translation, interpreting and language instruction, in over 55 languages.
Interpretation and Translation in 56 languages. Simultaneous Interpretation in French/English/Spanish.
LSA is your complete language solution: 179 languages.
We handle translations in and from almost all Indian and International languages, from all domains. We also undertake training and in
English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese translations.
Translation and Interpreting services in over 90 languages.
Language Solutions, Inc. is an agency with networks to trained and qualified professional interpreters in the language HMONG.
A small translation agency which invests in accurate and precise work.
International communications in over 40 languages. Translators wishing to apply must have at least 7 years of full time professional t
Translations from and into Swedish and English.
The Language Technology Centre translation and localization service helps companies produce high-quality multilingual documents, w
Translations in almost all major languages.
Language Translation Service (LTS) is a U.S. based translation agency offering affordable excellence in Spanish, French, German, Russ
Established Russian translation practices in Russia, Ukraine and North America.
Tell us what you are looking for and we will get you in touch with professional translators and interpreters ready to work on your proje
Full service agency specialized in adapting texts to target markets with editorial staff knowledgeable of cultural and institutional idiosy
Translations between major world languages.
Our team of professional and native speakers translators is the tool that you need to break the language barrier. In our opinion, a tran
Arabic, Bengali, Brazilian Portuguese, Cantonese, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian
All languages into English as the owner is an English native speaker. Therefore all finished jobs are proof read and vouched for by the
National award-winning language service specialising in comany brochures, user manuals, website and technical, legal, commercial tra
Working with only the most professional, experienced and credentialed translators, we offer our service in more than 70 written langu
Translation between English, French, German, Latin and a number of other languages, in the fields of IT, retail and marketing.
We provide our services in many languages. Some of the languages for which we provide services: Acehness, Adarigna, Afarigna, Afri
They operate nation wide. They are always hiring freelance interpreters and translators around the world.
We provide our corporate and private clients with tailor-made training and translations in all major languages. All our trainers are nati
Translation and Interpreting - more than 75 languages.
Languages4you was founded in September 2000, with a view to supplying international businesses in Switzerland and the UK with a n
Language services in all languages. Freelancers with high speed internet connection are welcome to apply: [email protected]
We translate from and to all the most important European languages, mainly Spanish, English, French, German, Italian and Portugues
LanguageWire is a leading provider of translation and other language services that enables businesses to identify and work with trans
language-wise is a language services company providing global solutions for multilingual communication. We offer translation, localisa
Our translation services are provided by certified linguists. In order to offer the fullest range of services, we also recognize a number o
Translation services in all major languages.
LangZONE is a translation and localization company located in Massachusetts, USA. Founded by a team of experienced language profe
Offering professional and friendly translation, interpretation and localization services, desktop publishing and editing. Featuring ATA ac
Etabli dans le Sud-Ouest de la France, au cur du Prigord, L'atelier de traduction a t cr par Stphanie Peyrouny Gilormini et Fr
Specializing in Spanish / English translation services. is an Internet consulting firm that provides state of the art technology with outstanding service. has
At LavaLingua, we do excellent Russian-English-Russian translations. Using a native speaker from each language ensures that nothing
We bring a wealth of experience in all major languages and dialects of the world, for use in your business as well as personal requirem
English to Samoan translations.
Lazar & Associates is a translating, interpreting and international public relations agency. We translate and interpret in over 150 langu
We specialize in legal, technical, financial, medical and commercial document translation. The benefits you will enjoy include: Rush Se
We are a newly formed agency of translators. Our name is LBT standing for Languages Bridge Translations. We are four experts, all gr
LCGen is the Korea's leading provider of translation and localization services. We're focusing on overcoming cultural and language barr
We are a French translation Agency specialized in technical translations. We use Trados 6.5 Version, Catalyst, SDLX and Transit.
Le Reve Twn established and owned by professionals with extensive proficiency and mastery in language translation and interpretation
Lead News is a media house managed by top professionals based in Kochi. Our endeavor is to meet international standards. We ensu
We have been operating as a translation agency since January 2004. The languages we deal with are all European languages as well a
Freelance Translations for Students, Business and individuals, Western Management, Thai Staff.
A company that offers language lessons, translations and a website for teachers. We offer all language translations, but mainly Finnish
Translation (business, technical, literature, user's manuals, books), proofreading, copywriting, transcription, ebooks, digital publishing
Quality service in record turnaround time remains their trademark. The companys dynamic team of competent and seasoned commu
Leduc, Germain and Associates provides translation, revision and writing services in French, English, Italian, Portuguese, Brazilian Por
Translation Agency LEGA TRANS is authorized by the Consuls Department attached to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bulgaria, which
Translation of all languages and all subjects by Qualified Professional Translators. The agency works in collaboration wit
Specialization / Background: Banking, Health, IT, Industry, Economics and Finance, Machines and Tools, International Developments,
We specialize in legal & financial translation. We always provide you with best quality translation.
Legal Translation Solutions provides high priority translation services for all aspects of litigation, from primary documentation to suppo
Translations from English to Arabic, French, German, Haitian Creole, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish & over 50 other
An agency based at New Delhi & Singapore we provide linguistic services, covering all Indian & major other global languages. All our N
Leinhuser und Partner is a leading translation service provider for the IT, Finance and Automotive industries on the German market.
Translations. Interpreters and equipment for conferences. Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Jap
Lemoine International is a multinational provider of globalization services, enabling companies in the information techn
We translate from and into Arabic, Dutch, English, Finnish, Flemish, French, German, Greek, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedis
Language Translation for more than 100 languages! They welcome the opportunity to work with experienced freelance translators and
A Brazilian company, with offices in four major Brazilian cities, counting with over 40 in-house translators as well as a team of DTP pro
English to French translations.
Global localisation and translation experts. Annual turnover 7 million. Partners in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Spain a
Translations into Polish, English, German, French. is a multilingual agency that provides affordable language services in the languages of the world.
Levito & Vever focuses on Community legislation and as such we are also highly qualified for the translation of European Union tender
Legal and business translations. Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian.
Translations in all combinations between the following languages: Estonian, English, Latvian, German, Finnish, Lithuanian, Russian, Fr
A translation agency based in Spain. Uses freelancers.
Lexicomm delivers insights for communicating effectively in a global economy. We produce culturally nuanced implementations of you
Languages: English, Russian, Azeri, Turkish, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Greek, Georgian etc.
Lexicon SA is an ISO 9001:2000-certified translation company. It is one of Greece's largest document translation agencies, whose clie
Through our large global network of qualified and experienced linguists, we provide tailored translation solutions across more than 10
Translations from more than 30 languages into Spanish.
Lexikum, a multitask enterprise, specializes in meeting the linguistic needs of corporate and private clients. Translations from English,
Translation, Localization and Multilingual Desktop Publishing, Lexis Communications ensures your success in presenting concepts and
Centro traduzioni in lingua - tutte le lingue UE ed extra-UE, servizi di interpretariato.
A team of sworn translators to and from English, French, German, Russian and all Slavic Languages on site. Legal, financial, technical
Translation in all language combinations.
Lexi-tech International is Canada's largest private translation company, with offices in five Canadian cities (Moncton, Quebec, Montrea
Translation / Editing / CAT Tools Greek, Balkan, European and Middle East languages Interested in native speakers from/into our langu
Lexitra Communications is a Montreal-based company that focuses its activities on telecommuting. We offer multilingua
LEXITRANS, incorporated in Lima, Peru in 1982, is Peru's leading company in the field of translation, interpreting, as well as word proc
Operating through a worldwide network of translators, translation agencies, and professional linguists, Lexpress is able to provide clie
Translation of a broad range of subjects both technical and non-technical from and into English. All translations are supplied electronic
Specialist and general translations into a wide range of languages, with a focus on Central and Eastern Europe. Simultaneous and con
Liaison Multilingual is continually searching for highly competent and experienced translators and interpreters. Liaison Multilingual wou
Libra-k generally specializing in one core language - Russian, thus we can provide an exceptionally high-quality service while at the sa
(We will submit later)
They specialise in translations into Central and East European languages, but the number of target languages handled is considerably
Lighthouse Translations offers professional services for nearly every language and culture, supporting small and large businesses acro
We are in translations, specialising in French to English on contract or freelance basis. Kindly contact us for a quote.
Languages: English, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Farsi, Pashto and German.
Line One Translations is a technical, commercial and legal translation agency. It offers translation by native speakers both into and ou
CERTIFIED TRANSLATIONS: Commercial contracts, records, by-laws, testaments, judgments, deeds, power of attorney, patents and t
Languages: 72. Lingo Systems provides customer-focused translation and localization services for global companies. They specialize in
Translation of Portuguese/Russian languages into English. It covers correspondence, legal, technical, advertising and general magazin
The Lingo Translation Agency. 1.The Lingo Translation Agency applies ISO 9001-2000 quality system in translation, interpretation, and
Full service translation agency. We translate anything from a simple letter to technical manuals and anything in between from any lang
LingoDeal is a free and open marketplace for language services such as translation, interpretation, localization, editing, language teac
Translation in Spanish and English of technical documents.
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce our team and engage you in a partnership for international communication. We have
Provides a unique combination of internationalization software and services.
Vancouver Translation Service: IT, Business, Legal, Medical, Technical, Food Product Labelling, Pharmaceutics, Marketing, etc. LingoSta
All kinds of translations between Turkish and other languages.
Translations between English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Russian, Swedish and Danish.
The Copenhagen-based translation agency Lingtech A/S was established in 1993 with translation of chemical and technical texts as its
We do African languages including Zulu, Xhosa, Venda, Pedi, Sotho, Shangane, Tswana, Ndebele, Tsonga and Shona. We do European
LINGUA FRANCA specializes in professional translations for modern industries. We concentrate on main European languages (English,
We try to provide the most reliable and accurate translations from/into all the modern languages, being Spanish the most required on
Nos adaptamos a las necesidades y recursos de nuestros clientes, por ello le ofrecemos una amplia gama de servicios: desde traducci
Lingua Nordica can offer you translation services that satisfy all your linguistic needs. We are able to deal with language combinations
Comprehensive range of language training, transcription, interpretation, and proof reading services. Arabic, Cambodian, Cantonese, C
Lingua Tech is one of the pioneer translation/localization companies in Singapore and is amongst the most successful today. We have
Lingua Translation.
Our network of 300 experienced and professional mother-tongue translators cover all languages and subjects with particular expertise
Quality translation Hebrew / German / Hebrew. Technical documents. Localization. Sales and Rentals.
All languages translated.
English to Italian translations.
Translations: our main focus lies on technical translations (manuals, machine tools, software, hardware etc.), other translations on req
Linguaction is a translation firm founded over ten years ago. Our company was able to gain an enviable share of the market by develo
LinguaLab offers professional translation and proofreading services from US/UK English, Swedish, Danish into Norwegian and from Sw
At Lingualearn the company is able to offer their clients a professional translation service. The company caters for virtually any of the
Lingualink is a language center devoted to translation from and to different languages, especially English-Spanish / Spanish-English tr
Lingualinx: Your Link to the World. Full service LSP: Translation, Interpretation, Desktop Publishing, Transcription, Multilingual Copywr
We are firstly a Language school (Intensive Spanish Summer Courses) for adults and companies. But we also offer a translation and in
Providing accurate translation and typesetting for over 120 languages. Specialist in Indic (Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi and Punjabi) and Mi
Linguamax is a UK-based translation agency. We deliver translation services such as translation, interpreting, typesetting and design,
We are a Budapest based translation agency working with almost all the languages in the world. We are continuosly searching translat
They're looking for professionals in every language.
High-quality translations, copywriting for discerning customers in industry, politics and the media.
LinguaNet Italia srl.con sede nella provincia di Pisa, parte dell'azienda multinazionale LinguaNet ltd. con uffici in Inghilterra, Francia,
LinguaPoint is one of Germany's established language services vendors. Based in Munich, and with a branch office in Spiegelau, Lingu
Technical translation and localization, multilingual publishing in Arabic, German, Italian, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Czech, Hungarian
We offer translation services from the Croatian language into English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Dutch, Slovene, Macedonian,
English-Greek professional translations. Translation of official documents in partnership with the Greek Consulate in London.
Linguassist offers a fast and professional translation service, undertaking work of any size, from advertising flyers and website-inform
LinguaStar is a professional translation agency, dealing with translations in any language pairs and all type of documents - both of priv
Linguavox, S.L. is an integrated language service provider offering translations in any language combination. We do not accept CVs by
All Languages - Low prices - Quick service, also after 5 PM - world-wide network.
Technical translation in English-Chinese-English in the electronics, communications, networking and information technologies fields.
Translation of your documents in all languages.
Linguist provides translation service, teaching, training, and other language related services, serving the business and aca
Currently we are ready to provide translation for the following pairs of languages: European languages: English, German, French, Ital
We are a Translation agency mainly Working on freelancing projects for MNCs, Production Houses, IT Firms etc. We are into this busin
LSI is one of the largest providers of language translation services companies in the United States. LSIs portfolio includes software lo
Translation, Interpretation, Conference Management.
Linguitronics (LT) provides Chinese-related linguistic solutions including document translation, interpreting, technical writing, as well a
Lingva Translation Centre offers the following services: English-Serbian Translations, Serbian-English Translations, Consecutive interpr
Lingvart offers you extensive translation and localization services for success of your global business. Large language portfolio, DTP, p
Serious, fast work, with the best of intentions. Portuguese into English, English into Portuguese.
Professional translations from/into major world languages of any kind. Freelancers please apply at:
Lingvopedia is a multilingual language translation company, which offers high quality translations in any-language under one roof at e
Translations from main languages to Russian. Freelancers please apply to [email protected]
LINK specializes in Finnish-English translations, but we provide translations in other languages through our international network of pr
Link Languages provides a range of language services including Translations, Interpreting, International Branding, Marketing and Inte
Simultaneous and Consecutive: English/Spanish-Spanish/English.
Our translators are masters of their native languages. They are carefully selected for each project to have the background and termin
We are a new company based in Lancaster, England. We take quality as a given factor in our service and thus reward our translators w
German-Norwegian language services.
Lion-Net is a leading provider of localization and translation company. We are based in Israel and managed by a team of executives w
LIS-Translations is a full service language company located in New York City. We provide translation and interpretation services in over
Interpreting and Translation Services.
Translation-related services in Greek and English.
Littera Sr is a small translation agency, a department of Atom Trade Company established in 1989. The agency was established by a g
Multilingual language services.
Translations between English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish. Freelancers please apply at: www.livetranslation.c
Working language pairs Pashto, Dari, Farsi/Persian, Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Bengali, Urdu, Punjabi, Gujrati, Tamil, Sinhalese, Marathi, Nep
The first translation agency in Riga (since 1988). Main languages - Latvian, Russian, English, German, French. In total approximately
One-stop shop We can provide a complete, end-to-end service encompassing all aspects of document creation, technical translation
A fast growing technical translation vendor offering an unprecedented combination of quality, flexibility and cost reduction.
Locabase is a localization and audioproduction agency active on a global basis and views its core mission as serving the game and inte
Multilingual language services.
LocalEyes is a rapidly growing company, always on the lookout for new talent. To send them your CV, click on the relevant button at th
Language translation and localization services for software, hardware, data communication, high-tech manufacturers and information
Localize Technologies is a global leader in localization, internationalization, and multilingual content management. We have served ove
Localsoft is a world-class localization service provider with more than 15 years of experience in the localization industry. Localsoft offe
We specialize in providing Japanese, Chinese and English translation. We are currently looking for talented individuals to join them as
Founded in 2002, LocaTran Translations is a professional translation and localization company based in China. We have been dedicatin
There is a huge increase for localization into Middle East Languages in the past few years, and it's supposed to be increasing over the
We translate from and into Brazilian Portuguese and Latin American Spanish. We also handle multilingual Projects. LocHouse bases its
Localization of IT documentation/online help/user interface from English to French. We are in constant need for skilled translators in t
Logoscript is a supplier of multilingual solutions to global enterprises. Founded in 1996 and based in Barcelona, Logoscript provides so
Professional multilingual solutions provider with over 10 years experience. Translations, localization, DTP, interpreting, proofreading, s
Logrus is a provider of software localization solutions making it possible for software publishers and other companies to ensure global
Translation of web sites, documents, books etc. from Spanish to English. All work carried out by native speakers of English living in Ar
LOPA Agency specialises in English, German, French, Russian, Bulgarian, Slovak, and Czech.
LOQUAX is currently looking for translators both in Poland and in other countries. They are looking for experienced translators in all la
We translate a wide variety of subject fields (English - Spanish - French) and specialise in simultaneous and consecutive interpretation
English into French only
Translation, writing and proofreading, from and to French, English and Spanish.
Based in the Netherlands, they focus primarily on technical translations to or from Dutch and English. In addition, they offer authoring
Languages: English into Hungarian. Services: TEP (Translation, Editing, Proofing), project preparation, terminology extraction and ma
Translation of Oriental languages.
We usually translate from English and Hebrew into French.
Translations from major languages to Chinese. Specilized in legal translation as well as interpretation.
English to German translations.
Although it is newly established, LTC company is proud of a professional contingent of professors, experts, languages bachelorsin tr
Communicate with clients for their specific requirements, analyze the documents and make the working schedule; Select appropriate
Translations from major world languages into Greek and other European languages.
Languages: Korean, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, English.
French Translation Service - a network of independent freelance linguists.
Translation in 22 languages, in the technical, financial, legal, medical, and business fields.
Translations: English <=> Russian, Russian <=> Ukrainian.
If you are in the need of translation services please contact us. We can translate all types of technical papers, legal documents, broch
Luisa Translating Bureau Ltd. was founded in 1992 and has grown to be one of the largest translation companies in Estonia. Our main
LUSOSCRIPT is a translation agency with its headquarters located in Oeiras, a small town near Lisbon. Established in 1997, the agenc
LUZ is a value-driven translation and localization service provider to corporate clients worldwide. Our translators are distinguished, qu
Lviv Linguistic Center provides translation, interpreting, proof-reading and typesetting services. Under a high quality assurance proces
LXTrans' mission is to provide professional translation services for extremely demanding customers. Their strict quality control proced
A translation agency in China established to provide clients with professional and affordable linguistic solution, covering translation, in
Lyler (Shanghai) is a business consulting company. They are offering English/Chinese translation/interpretation, language training and
We wish to introduce ourselves as a Language Translation Services company based out of INDIA; we specialize in providing translation
Translation, DTP and Localization from English to Vietnamese, Laothian, Thai, Khmer (Campodian) and Burmese. Professional, Prompt
Our company, thanks to its translation service, its able to satisfy any kind of legal, commercial, technical request, in a very short time
Translations between major languages.
Does your company want to improve its global sales? Is your company looking for business partners overseas? Are you looking for pro
We can offer you translations in the following languages, categorised according to basic cost and level of difficulty. English, French, Ita
Able to transulate documentd from five languages: Portuguese, French, Spanish, German, Mandarin
We provide quality services to world clients and agencies on 24/7 basis for Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Japanese and Korean mainly
We offer the best result based on the experience of our highly qualified personnel.
English, Dutch, French and Polish to Italian translations. Italian to Dutch. Italian to English.
We offer professional English-Russian translations and English-Russian interpreting by native Russian speakers in conjunction with adm
Magellan International Corporation - provides software localization services, especially into double-byte Japanese, Chinese and Korean
Magika J - Diamond is a translation agency, serving those, who need translations from English into Bulgarian or from Bulgarian into En
Business, Technical, Legal.
We focus on software localization, web translations, technical translations for IT & telecom, industry, publishing and selected areas of
Regular and certified translations within dozens of languages. In order to continue providing our customers with a high standard of se
A full-service foreign language communications company established in 1992. Magnum Group offers a full range of services to suppor
All major languages translated.
We are a small translation agency based in Hamburg / Germany. We are specialized in patent translations and are still looking for expe
Providing translation services in all world languages.
Translation in 3 Asian Languages: Malay, Indonesian and Chinese (two directions).
Translation from Polish to English and from English to Polish all documents: medical, business, law, books and school resource.
English/Arabic translation. Legal, economic and medical texts. Translation of training materials and multi-media presentations. Resear
MCTIT is run by a linguist and a native speaker of Mandarin Chinese with many experience in sphere of technical translation, language
Largest localization, translation, copywriting and DTP agency in Southern Israel.
All types of translation: legal, technology, science, literature and politics. Languages: English, Arabic, Swedish, Farsi, French, Spanish,
An international network of freelance lawyers and financial specialists who translate your documents into their native languages.
Founded in 1992, MARIDATA is a network of translators, terminologists and communicators which specializes in the translation of inte
Our agency is interested in translating literary and non-literary texts from Arabic into English and vice versa.
Providing Federal Certified, Court Certified, Administrative Certified, Medical Certified, Court Registered and Qualified Interpreters in a
Company providing Russian & other FSU languages translations and serving corporate customers and other translation agencies world
Spanish-English, English-Spanish. Business / Science / Technical Specialty Certified translators. Accredited translator.
English (US), French, German, Spanish, Slovenian.
Marketing Consulting Group is dedicated to ensuring your quality translation. Our specialized translator design your custom design wo
Mark-in is a Brazilian company comprising a team of professional translators and interpreters, specialized in translations, interpretatio
Source languages: English, French, Portuguese, Italian, Galician, Spanish. Target languages: Spanish, Galician.
Major European languages translated.
Martindale Linguistic Solutions provides translators of Arabic and its dialects, and other languages of the Middle East/North Africa/Sou
Maryland Comp provides flawless translation services in over 100 different languages and dialects, while meeting demanding deadline
ALMASAR Translations, a division of MASAR Technologies, Inc., USA, offers professional context-based, culturally, politic
English - Farsi certified translation, English - Farsi translation, Farsi editing and proofreading, Farsi DTP.
Full Portuguese/English and English/Portuguese Translation Services, as well as Notary Public Services.
While we specialize in translating from English to Spanish, we also translate to and from all languages including: English, Spanish, Fre
Masterlingua offers translation services from English to Spanish and proofreading services in Spanish, for general documents, as well
Company established in 1987 at the beginning only as a language school. Eventually, we became also a translation agency. We offer v
They specialize in simultaneous translation as core business for meeting planners. In a rapidly evolving context of the professional me
MasterWord Services is a leading provider of industry specific language support. MasterWord was established in 1993 and serves over
Traduzioni: testi tecnico-scientifici, legali, letterari dall'Italiano alle lingue straniere e viceversa.
Max Diez Technical Translations offer top quality English-to-German and German-to-English translations in these areas: - Semiconduc
Central & Eastern European, Baltic & Balkan languages - Technical Translations & DTP Solutions, Mac & PC. Translations from English o
Translations by native speakers (DIN2345). Reliable and on time. Favourable prices.
We have expertise in Asian and European languages and work with a strong team of 50 freelance translators, in addition to our in-hou
French to English and vice versa, Italian to English and vice versa, Maltese to English/French/Italian and vice versa.
All languages, all fields.
Translation and localisation of web sites in English and German in the financial and technical fields.
MBL is a team of qualified, professional sworn translators, proofreaders and correctors assisted by a solid team of experts in the differ
Translation for English - Indonesia or Indonesia to English.
McElroy Translation Company has provided technical, scientific, and legal document translation services to and from all languages for 3
Work in all major languages. Project Managers are certified experts in FrameMaker, QuarkXPress, InDesign, PowerPoint, HTML and oth
McNeil Technologies' family of language and technology service companies, makes it one of the most respected corporations in North
English and German translation, conference interpreting, localisation and subtitling service based in Australia. Experienced free-lance
Translation in English, Spanish and Chinese, in the legal and commercial fields.
MDTranslate.Com was founded in April 2002. Our mission is to serve our clients in all issues concerning Eastern European languages a
Our office, MECATRAD, provides translations on scientific or technical subjects, especially in areas such as industrial analyses, control
We provide translation, interpretation and desktop publication services. Specializing in English, Malay, Indonesian, Mandarin, Cantones
Germany's top translation agency for medical and pharmaceutical translations. All languages, most topics. Quality assured. Doctors of
Medical and pharmacological translations.
Media Consulta International Limited is an international company. Our head office is in Germany and we have 30 offices around the w
They recruit translators. Translations in Czech, English, German, Italian, French, Dutch, Spanish, Swedish, Portuguese, Slovenian, Mac
MediaComm is a Hong Kong based language service provider for the Public Relations and Mass Media sectors. They specialize in the w
Medialink, Inc. is a full service design company whith over 14 years of experience. They specialize in bringing your ideas to the Chines
- Agency offering marketing services with special emphasis on localization; - founded in 1996; - worldwide network of more than 1,50
All info is available at . We are only interested to work with experienced translators located in Romania.
Small company specialised in Medicine, having Portuguese (European and Brazilian) as major working reference.
Specialization / Background: Banking, Health, IT, Industry, Economics and Finance, Machines and Tools, International Developments,
English to Brazilian Portuguese medical and scientific translations.
English and other languages to Japanese translations in medical fields. Japanese to English and other languages translation in medica
Translation/interpreting from Bulgarian to English and from English to Bulgarian of documents-INS,diplomas, certificates (marriage, di
Translations from 22 languages to French; and from French to 22 languages.
A global language and communications service provider based in beautiful southern Austria, right in the heart of the EU. They not only
Translations between major European languages and Hungarian.
Court-sworn translation and interpreting in Polish, English, German, Italian, French, Spanish and Russian.
We are a very reliable, fast & rapidly growing translation bureau! We Offer You: A Good Service, On Time & Within Budget. For All Lan
Language is a living thing. It accompanies each and every user throughout their lives and follows the developments of the human race
We translate every documents in English, French, Spanish, German at affordable price and we do our best to honor your deadline as w
Merrill Brink International ( delivers ISO Certified high-quality translations and localisation services to a client b
Translators for the past 10 years! To reach more customers, you could translate your website into French or/and other languages!
meta<lang> has been carrying out high volume translation and language engineering since 1992. We have since developed a broader
They offer translation in several languages and for great price!!
Metamorfose Vertalingen is an agency that focuses in particular on the businesses community and public authorities. They offer transl
The first and the only translation agency in the region providing all sorts of translation services to the local customers.
With an experience of more than 14 years in the field of professional translation, the agency can provide translation services in almos
Technical translation from Greek to English, in the engineering and computing fields.
We translate general, business, marketing, sales, and technical documents into the major Western European languages.
Just the leader of Lithuanian market.
Constantly looking for freelance translators specializing in the following areas: - Professional audio/video - Computer music - Music ha
Offers translation and interpretation services in Arabic, Hebrew, Turkish, Farsi and Somali.
Since 1995 for translation agencies they have been suppliers of accurate, timely and affordable translation services of most Middle Ea
Superior English/Arabic translation quality. Professional editors check every translation work to achieve the highest quality possible. W
MTT (UK) offer guaranteed translations in all languages and subjects using mother tongue speakers only. ITI corporate members, ISO
We are Migal Translations from Hungary and we have many experienced translators (native speakers, of course) who would be able to
Translations are performed from Hebrew, French and Romanian into English and from English, French and Romanian into Hebrew. Tec
MilaTova offers professional translations into any European language and into Hebrew, editing and proofreading, including technical, le
Milega Services is a service company headquartered in Madrid specializing in translating most European and Asiatic languages.
Translations in Latvian, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Russian, Basque, Bulgarian, Czech, English, German, Italian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish
Mincor Inc. specializes in translations from English to Latin American Spanish in all forms. Our subjects range from business, technica
1.Translation Agency. 2.IT solutions and services.
MYL provides online translation in a range of different Asian and European languages.
MIR Associates, Inc. is multi-lingual communications company positioned on the high- end of the language services market offering u
MIR Perevodov provides a high quality language translation service at competitive prices. We are a professional translation agency wit
We translate from and into many languages including: Danish, Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hausa, Hebrew, Hindi, It
MK-International is a well established company with branches in the UK, (MK-International (UK) Ltd) and Slovakia (MK-International).
Over 40 languages and 1500 translators and native speakers from all over the world. All disciplines e.g. law, science, art. Very reason
We provide total solutions on language processing such as multilingual translation, language-processing solution, searching engine for
We make translations in all spheres from and in Armenian, Russian, German and English.
Afghani, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Assamese, Assyrian, Baluchi, Bengali, Bulgarian, Burmese, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Du
All skilled Scandinavian tranlators/localizers are invited to apply. Please send your resume, and information about rates and software p
Translation of 11 South African languages, including Kenyan Swahili; Ugandan Acholi; and some of other African languages South Afric
English to Spanish translations. Also: English to Catalan, French to Spanish/Catalan, German to Spanish/Catalan, Italian to Spanish/C
With over 10 years experience, Monde specialises in translation, proof-reading, typesetting, website localisation and website developm
Experts in translation / proofreading / copywriting / languagetraining.
Mondial Traduction is a growing translation agency that has evolved from a continuous effort of young translators, all professionals gr
Translations from major world languages to Spanish and German. Freelancers are welcome to apply at:
Please send your freelancer-translator-applications to: [email protected] They translate from and into the most language
Mondovortoj translates texts from and into various languages, and also corrects texts that have already been written in one of those (
English-Spanish, English-Portuguese. Technical translations, promotional texts, web sites.
Professional English to Hungarian translation, editing/proofreading and localization services at competitive rates.
We are pleased to introduce our self as one of the most leading New Delhi based linguistic service provider since APRIL 2003. Morphe
A wide network of language specialists in interpreting, translations, typesetting, desktop publishing and consultation in foreign langua
Law, technical, financial and other types of translations.
All languages, written, consecutive and telephonic translation.
MOST is one of 10 biggest translation agencies in Ukraine. English, French, Russian, Ukrainian.
Accredited interpreters & translators in over 80 languages & dialects. Servicing the GTA and surrounding areas.
Our in-house team of experienced translators currently enable us to translate from most European languages into French. We are spe is a certified language translation agency that you can trust to provide you with professional language translation, mul
We just love what we do. Translation. Around 25 dedicated translators, in languages as far reaching as Polish to Punjabi and quite a fe
MTM LinguaSoft specializes in website globalization and translations of written content in any language. We combine project managem
Translations from major European languages to Ukrainian and Russian.
MTS is a full-service company, providing translations in over 80 language combinations. They welcome introductions from qualified fre
Through years of assisting major companies and business clientele around the globe, Mughamrat, Co has successfully developed the m
Translation from/to most of European/Asian languages. Freelancers please apply at:
We are a full service multicultural marketing company. Our award winning team helps clients to undertake advertising a
We are an agency that provides translation, interpretation and multicultural services for evry language and culture of the world. Certif
MultiLing is renowned for its ability to implement translation and localization technology in its translation services, saving the client on
English to German translations. We also make translations in the following pairs: French > German, German > Portuguese, English >
Professional translation in the Punjabi, Urdu, Chinese, Bengali, Albanian, Hindi and other languages. 12 years' experience and expertis
All main language services.
Translation and web site localisation in Urdu, Dari, Farsi, Pashto, Arabic, all Indian and Asian languages.
Multilize is a company dedicated to multilingual localization. The company currently numbers 20 specialists: project managers, transla
Certified translations in English, French and Romanian. Other languages available upon request, including Cambridge certified in advan
Translations from English, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Norwegian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russ
Reliable, accurate, always available. Applicants are welcome: English, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Spanish.
Our translation agency offers services in a wide range of languages and projects including web sites, manuals, and legal material. All t
Traducciones tcnicas realizadas por traductores expertos y especializadas a todos los idiomas requeridos. Globalizacin, internacional
MuPu is a full-service multilingual solution provider. We specialize in managing foreign-language printing projects, from concept to del
A small translation agency.
South Africa's translation link with the Middle East. We specialize in affordable, accurate and speedy translations from Arabic into Engl
Deals with translation from English into Urdu. Main areas are philosophy, history, religion and other social seiences. Though they are a
German<>English language services.
My Translation Manager can handle projects from and into virtually any language. However, their main working languages (including th
The service includes translations in all combinations of languages and of all types of texts. If you are a native-speaking translator with
German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Catalan, English, French.
Language pairs: Arabic into English, English into Arabic/Urdu/Hindi, Urdu into English/Arabic/Hindi, Hindi into Arabic/English/Urdu.
Translation and interpreting from and into English, Bulgarian, French and Russian (the latter only for interpreting).
We provide true translation services in/into English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch and other foreign languages in most eco
Specialist teams of doctor-translators in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese and Swedish. Other languages
Translation and web site translation in Japanese and English. Based in Honolulu, Hawaii.
A team of highly qualified and experienced to do translation work in the following languages - English, Hindi and Marathi (Regional Ind
High speed translation service in India. Ready on line as well as off-line advanced set up, quality work environment. Expert working st
Language courses, Preparation for Tests Examination syndicate of Cambridge University and TOEFL, Exhibition-sales of educational lite
Dutch / English, Dutch / French, English / French, English / German, English / Polish, English / Portuguese, English / Russian, English
English Russian translations/interpreting.
Please see our website.
We are the National Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ethiopia, NATIE based in Addis Ababa, the nations capital. Ours is s
With National Interpreting Service (NIS), you can communicate from English into more than 150 languages* within 35 seconds. Freel
Provides translation and business services: Philipino, Tagalo, Cebuno, Spanish, business services to asian countries, we can represent
Precise and affordable translation with more than 140 languages.
Agency specialised in the translation of scientific and medical documentation.
Technical translation services for the oil and gas, mining, metallurgy, telecommunication industries. Prevailing English/Russian languag
All languages and combinations.
We are a Dutch translation agency. Our languages are: Dutch, English, German, Italian and French. For tests of less than 2000 words
Neilsoft provides testing & localization services for English, European (German, French, Italian, Spanish, Czech, Hungarian, Polish) & A
From simple one-page to complex technical documents.
Nmeth & Psztor Int'l is a Budapest based ISO-certified translation company. Except for Icelandic and Albanian, we handle all Europe
Translation and localization company based in Spain. Documentation, software and web translation services. Main languages: English,
Translation of documents to and from Farsi for more than 15 years. #1. Localization of telephony systems and for Farsi users, includin
Neotech is the largest translation company in Russia, offering a full range of linguistic services to global corporations. Neotech is curre
Nero Translations provides translations in over 20 languages. We have the capacity to cater for all your translation needs, from technic
We translate from all major European languages into Central European languages (e.g. German-Polish, English-Russian or French-Rom
We are specialized in technical industrial and commercial documents translations. We offer normal and urgent translation services. We
Net-Translators provides complete translation and localization solutions in more then 40 languages in a wide range of industries, includ
Translations from any language to Asian and European languages.
A translation company made up of true professionals with many years of experience in a variety of subjects including, business, legal,
Established in 1996 Network Languages offer a Translation service in over 1000 languages and typesetting/DTP in over 2000 language
New Century Translation Ltd. is a professional translation house offering you top quality, speedy and inexpensive translation services o
Please check out our web site. Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Polish, German, French, Portuguese - any of these languages into English o
New Lingo (Translation Services) Ltd. is always on the lookout for talented new linguists. If you are a freelance translator/editor and w
Seeking Perfectness! That's All! Translation from English to Arabic and vice versa. French to Arabic and vice versa.
New-Global Translations provides professional translation services, with superior quality, accuracy and turnaround. Available to you 2
Translating all languages. 15 years of experience. Fast turnaround guaranteed. Professional Translations from and into all languages, i
Newtype, Inc. provides translation and complete graphic arts services in over 130 languages.
Translation, interpretation, proofreading, copyediting, creation and use of terminology databases, editing, literary and stylistic refinem
Singapore based translation services agency provides professional, cost-effeective Asian language translations. We offer translations f
They have access to the latest terminology banks, dictionaries and reference material, and constantly monitor developments to keep
English to Chinese translations.
All kinds of language services.
Technical writing, design and translation of web sites into Arabic, English, French, German, Russian, and Spanish.
We work 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, delivering each translation right on time!
The company makes translation from German, Czech, French, Italy, Japanese, and Portugal to English & vice-versa. The company is re
The main language is Polish. Combinations with other languages: Englisch, German, Russian, Ukrainian and others. Seldom languages
English, French, Spanish, German to Italian translations and viceversa. Furthermore, thanks to the cooperation of several external na
Noorderlicht Translation Agency provides translations into and from the following languages: Arabic, Armenian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Ch
Norbert Znker & Kollegen have been successfully working as interpreters and translators for some 30 years. We translate German, E
We offer translations to and from all the following languages: Finnish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Swedish, German, English, Frenc
We specialize in nordic languages: Dannish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish. We translate from and to nordic languages, also 2 nordic lan
Various translation services of English-Norwegian and Norwegian-English texts, including proofreading and editing. Area
NORICOM Tolke- og Translatrtjenester AS is a leading provider of language services to companies, public authorities and private indi
We are a growing linguistic services agency (a.k.a. translation and related services) which provides the following: Multilingual Comm
Translation services in over 60 languages
Dutch, English, Flemish, German.
With over 1,000 interpreters available in over 100 languages, Northwest Interpreters, Inc. guarantees prompt, effective, and correct s
Translations in Norwegian, Danish, English, French, Nynorsk Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish
Russian, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese. Linguists apply here:
We concentrate English to Spanish translation and edition. My Staff are native of Puerto Rico, Agentina, Venezuela, Mexico.
Nova Language Services is a company founded in 1998 offering translation and interpretation services. Nova provides language solutio
Translation of various kinds of documents.
NovaWord Technologies specializes in linguistic and DTP services for European and Asian language combinations. Our areas of expertis
A localization company that offers different language combinations (IT, Marketing and Medical localization). Company doesn't particula
Novus Istanbul Language Works - A partner to meet your high end expectations... Novus Istanbul Langauge Works is a professional tr
All languages, all language combinations. Job application:
Translations, Interpretatation and related language services in most languages.
Nu-Fantex helps organizations release high-quality local-language products into international markets. Nu-Fantex's document translat
Translation of business, marketing and financial documents, and documents on legal, medical and technical subjects in a variety of lan
Services tels que la sous traitance de traduction, de la PAO/DTP, saisie, gestion administrative, apporteur d'affaire, etc. English, Finnis
Please see
We provide English to Spanish translations in medicine, dentistry, software localization, ERP, SAP, IT, education, telecommunications. W
Ocean2Gulf, can provide the best Arabic language services including: Translation, Sofwtare Localization, Web Site localization, Biligual
Oceanside Translations is private agency that focuses mainly on on-line translations, with maximum emphasis on the customer and hi
All of our translations are written by native speakers who combine specialized know-how with totally bilingual skills. Our translations a
Written translations of any combination of Romanian > English > French. General topics, legal, economic, technical, cultural, etc. Our
Translation in Polish<>English.
Our company's mission is to provide an excellent professional translation and voice over recording services, delivering outstanding qua
Sworn Translators of English/Spanish with expertise in the Oil and Gas Industry - Solid technical understanding of oil-and-gas-related
We basically do translation works (English/Portuguese/English) for oilfield companies (oil drilling platforms/drill ships, etc) and we also
Translation proper, translation revision (editing), reviewing and project management. Flexibility, Precision, Meeting dead
English to Croatian, Spanish to Croatian, Croatian to English.
Sworn translation in English<>Indonesian.
Translation services in Spanish, German, Italian, and Tagalog. Our key points of interest include: competitive rates, no dependency on
Arabic, Spanish and other translations in all areas.
Translation-proofreading-localization more then 30 languages.
Integral Translation and Interpreting Solutions. Quality, agility, customised service and confidentiality. Native translators and specialise
Omni Resource, founded in 1991, is a woman owned small business serving Corporate, Government and Military customers. Omni spe
English (US), Spanish (Latin America)
Translation and linguistic service agency with high quality standards and prompt deliveries. Staff of professionals and native language
We are specialised in the translation of European and non-European texts covering a wide range of sectors: technical, mechanical, ele
Translations, editings, interpretings, conferences, technic.
One Planet is diligent, reliable, and hardworking, always finish on time, and never exceeds the quote. From a business card to four-co
Translation in Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Swedish etc.
Written and oral translations European and Asian languages, Technical translation & installation assistance, Guiding services in many R
Translation, Interpretation, language tuition.
all languages
Multilingual Translation and Localization Services (from German/English into all other business languages).
OneWold Language Services: Arabic, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, Russian, Mandarin, Japanese, Thai, Malay,
English (International), French, German, Romanian
Translation of your immigration, business, and legal documents to and from any foreign language and English by native translators.
OnLine Translation cooperates with freelance translators all over the world as we offer our clients professional translations among all la
Russian translation agency is looking for cooperation with other translation agencies in different countries or direct clients. We translat
Lingua Translation Centre, limited company [OOO]. Founded 3 September 2003. The company provides translation and interpreting se
Working with a staff of well qualified and experienced professionals, we provide translation of a high quality at reasonable prices and s
Translations between English, Russian and Ukrainian.
The team is always looking for great translators to join them.
Opportunities Translation Agency has been working inside Brazil for 30 years and has started working with Germany and France since
Opticentre is expert at leveraging technology to optimize workflow and productivity. Our company employs the world s
Language services including legal and technical translation, web site design, DTP services and software localization. Company has a te
We are a reputed Language Solutions company located in Gurgaon - India's IT services hub. Our esteemed customers include McKinse
Oratio is a specialist provider of translation, interpreting and copyediting services for commercial and investment banks, asset manage
English-Russian and Russian-English translation of specialist texts primarily in oil & gas related subjects, i.e. pipelines, drilling rigs and
Today ORCO offers a full range of technical translation and localisation services with a yearly average production reaching 5 million tra
We provide translation and multimedia software adaptation between the Nordic languages and between the Nordic languages and Eng
Translations between Chinese and other languages.
We offer the highest quality service for the most competitive price. We work in all language combinations. As well as extensive transl
OrientTran Information Technology, Inc. is a professional company focusing on quality English to Chinese (Simplified Chinese and Trad
We specialize in translations and in foreign language desktop publishing. We translate to/from all Asian, European and African languag
With a background of over 15 years in translation and language Service, ORION specializes in technical documentation and translation
Language translation, language interpretation, sign language interpretation, technical & business writing, professional writing, academ
We provide professional technical localization and translation based upon German or English source documents. Additionally, we partn
All languages.
OSullivan Communications is a full-service language management partner. Over the past decade their Trans-Plus process has revolu
The Open World translation bureau works with practically every European and Asian language, plus those spoken in the countries of th
Estonia-based translation bureau that offers high-quality medium-price translations of any topic. The language list includes Estonian,
Dussan was founded in 1992 among the first translation companies in Estonia. It is the member of the Association of Estonian Transla
Inglise, vene, soome, prantsuse, saksakeelest, itaalia, hispaania, portugali, taani, rootsi keelest.
PROLEGOMENA is specialized in translating technical texts. Estonian, Spanish, Dutch, English, Italian, Greek, Lithuanian, Latvian, Norw
Experience shows that most translations in Estonia are from Estonian into English, Finnish, French, German, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russ
Oui translate is a professional text translation company dedicated to the specific needs of cosmetic and beauty companies.
Oui tra
English into Spanish as well as Spanish into English Translations, also Portuguese to English, English to Portuguese, Spanish to Portug
Established 1996 - we specialise in media translations, scripts, computer games, manuals, advertising copy and software. Core langua
Translators are welcome to register in the database.
Over The Word draws on the expertise of its two principals, whose careers are rooted in the world of financial translation. Both of us g
Dynalines translation know-how covers a broad range of texts needed in business life. On these pages, we present a few of our core a
Swedish, English and Danish into Finnish.
Trade knows no boundaries only if you have the right means. Communication is a must. What if you don't have the right tool: the lang
Thai<>English, Chinese>English, English>Chinese language services.
Translations: from Hungarian to foreign language, from foreign language to Hungarian, from foreign language to foreign language. Fre
We offer high quality translations of specialist literature and literature. Also Language reviews/Proof reading. Do you have a high volum
Offers Japanese-English translation, interpretation and software localization. Specializes in the semiconductor industry, high-tech equi
If you are an experienced translator with internationally competitive charges and are seeking additional work, please complete our on
Auckland - Sydney - Berlin. Translation, editing, voice-over, multilingual DTP, language training, interpreting. All languages, but particu
Inglese => Italiano, Inglese => Olandese, Inglese => Tedesco, Inglese => Urdu, Inglese => Punjabi, Inglese => Spagnolo, Inglese =
We offer Urdu and Punjabi language services.
English to Arabic and Arabic to English translations only. Freelancers please visit
We are always ready to consider new applications from language or DTP experts. Freelancer Application From. Palex offers the full ran
Pampa Translations is an innovative provider of translation and localization services in Latin America. Our aim is to help
All translations specialising in French, English and Hebrew. Accredited translator. 10 y. Experience. Very reasonable rates. Free quote.
Translations from Spanish into German.
Panlingual Translation and Interpretation Agency (Iran-based) can sort out all your translation needs from and to Farsi (Persian). Just
We translale documents and web-content between English and Scandinavian languages. Our speciality is content regarding scientific a
Professional French-English translations. Mollie Brady has a BA in the French language and is dedicated to her linguistic skills in both t
Thai, English, German, French translations.
Provides Turkish English Translation services. Unlike other approaches to translation, they focus on only one language pair - Turkish En
Small multifaceted translation company, providing translation, proofreading, editing, reviewing, transcription from English, French, Sp
English to Chinese translations.
Paragraf is a small technical translation company specialized in English to French (Canadian) and French to English translation and loc
Specialists in pharmaceutical and medical translation. Translation agency offering all language combinations, employing freelance tran
Para-Plus Translations has been in business for the last 25 years. We provide interpreting and translation services in over 75 language
Parity Translation has over ten years' experience in the delivery of specialist translation services in all major languages and is an integ
Language Service Provider in Barcelona. All languages, specialiced in German/English-Spanish/Catalan. Translation, interpretation, pro
Our Editorial Translation is your localised publication.
A team with five international languages combination translation capabilities. The team are university degree holders for their respect
Partnertrans is one of the world's leading providers of localisation solutions to the interactive entertainment industry.
Copywriting in Dutch, translation from French and Spanish to Dutch, proofreading, correction.
Language pairs: Russian - English, English - Russian. SPECIALIZATION: Automotive Industry, Automatic Control Systems, Aviation, Cu
Passwords Communications, Inc. provides multilingual translation, editorial and writing services to U.S. and internation
Patent Translations Inc - Serving attorneys, legal professionals and scientists and specializing exclusively in translations of patents for
The agency PATENTNA PISARNA, d.o.o., Ljubljana, a limited liability company, has been successfully active in the field of protection of are technical translators who specialize in translation of foreign patent applications into English, in particular of
We are a patent and technical documentation translation service agency, which is professional in patent translation. We have experien
Offers patent translation between Japanese and English and patent search. Based in Tokyo.
A combination of care and accuracy for all your legal, technical, medical and business translations. Trained lawyers specialist translato
Translators and publishers in Kannada language fron any Indian language or English.
We are experts in software testing. Whether you have an internal localization team or have contracted with a localization service provi
27 year successful track record. Most language combinations covered. All types of texts and wide range of fields.
Pearl Linguistics offer professional translation services, interpreting services, voiceover, proofreading and transcription services to busi
We are an experienced translation agency. We usually work with all European Languages and most part of Middle East languages, Chin
Offers translations in all major world and European languages. The main languages are Bulgarian and English and from both language
We are an Indonesian translation agency working under a NGO called Yayasan Suara Bhakti (YSB) or Voice of Dedication Foundation.
Translation: general, corporate, marketing, political, technical, legal, medical, academic texts. (E-G, G-E & F-G). Confer
German translation services.
Penna-Europa Translations, based in Budapest, Hungary, provides translation and interpretation services to companies throughout Eur
PENNY LANE Translations provides high quality professional translation and interpreting support for a wide range of languages, includi
Translation into all languages, especially European and Indian.
PeopleWords, Online translation services. PeopleWords relies on freelancers and handles all language pairs. Online workspaces dedicat
Pioneered international translation quality in Ukraine. Most technical and business subjects. 25 languages. 10 years in translation mar
If you have any problems please call +49 172 8649032.
PerevodRu is a team of professional Russian translators and interpreters for all type of technical/nontechnical/legal and commercial s
English - Russian, Russian-English, German - Russian, Russian - German, Grench - Russian, Russian - French, Spanish - Russian, Russ
Perfectrans highlights the following: Our specialization in Chinese translation, especially in English Chinese translation. Our ATA certific
The agency has freelance translators from most languages: Russian, German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Czech, Polish, Bulgari
Written translations (of general and specialized texts) . Simultaneous interpretation: accompaniment of delegations and individuals, b
Technical, medical and legal translations by native speakers. Conference interpreting services, consulting, proof-reading. English, Germ
PF Media Group Inc. has a long record of service excellence and a big number of large corporations as repeat clients including the Can
Pharmalexic looks for specialists and translators with experience in pharmaceutical or medical area from Spanish into English and Spa
Translation isnt as simple as putting words into another language. Keeping all the important sense of the original relies on the transla
Translation company established in Portugal since 1994. High quality standards. Strict deadline compliance. Quality control procedures
From English & other Languages into Russian & Ukrainian and vice versa.
Translations to and from all Scandinavian languages and English.
Information department of
Piros Pharma is a Hungarian company specializing in English>Hungarian medical and pharmaceutical translations. Our medical doctor
Thai, English translation located in Thailand.
Planet Lingua provides global, high-quality language solutions. We apply the knowledge and experience we have acquired in the most
Agency is at your disposition for co-operation in translation projects. Please visit the site for information regard
We are translating from more than 20 languages into Turkey and revers. We are providing accompaniment services for foreign guests
They serve a number of financial institutions in Korea with its unique expertise in the industry for translation of customer documents,
Pluralia Bureau de Idiomas is a Translation agency based in Buenos Aires, Argentina since 2003. We offer translation services from Sp
Software localization, technical & patent translations, legal, economic, etc. Localization: Corel Print Office 2000, Corel Print House 200
Point Expression Translation Service located in Taiwan is looking for talented freelances to team up with us. Only the native speakers o
Poland Resources specializes in translations from English to Polish and from Polish to English. Have more than 20 years experience in
We are a leading provider of translation, localization, technical writing and interpretation services that enable business to deliver locall
Polarity Post Production of San Francisco, is proud to introduce its new division The Localization Group. The Localization
Translation and Interpreting office working with the Polish, German and English languages.
Comprehensive translation services, constant development, the strongest commitment to work and competitive prices. -FREE ONLINE
Translation and interpreting from English to Polish, Russian to Polish, and English to Russian.
English to Polish and Polish to English translations.
Polish-English translations.
Translations/interpretation services into Polish language.
Professional translation from Ukrainian and Russian into foreign languages, translation of legal documents.
Polyglot offers translation from English to Chinese and from Chinese to English, with special expertise in academic, business, and tech
Document translation. Notarization services. Translation of economic, medical, scientific, legal, IT and other specialized texts. Technica
Polyglot is a professional multilingual solutions provider specializing in technical translation, software localization, website localization,
Languages: Kannada, English and Sanskrit. Sub; poetry, humanities and laws and grammar.
Quality with the best cost/benefit: Translation / Localization / DTP: English <> Portuguese <> Spanish <> German <> Italian <> Fre
Translation in English - Dutch and Dutch - English.
We offer language translation services for corporate clients and individuals all around the world. We perform translation services for m
Languages pairs: Turkish - English - Turkish, Turkish -Serbian - Turkish, Turkish - German - Turkish, Turkish - Arabic - Turkish, Turkish
Typesetting, translation and data conversion services.
We specialise in financial newsletters to be translated from English US/UK into French. We are seeking full and part time contracts, ren
We provide written translations and translator services in all languages, but our strength are the Slavic languages for those you can fo
We provide English/Chinese translations for the financial services industry in traditional and simplified chinese. Additionally, we also pr
We are highly specilized in technical, legal and economic translation, software localization, translation of web pages, DTP, interpreting.
We are a company that provides quick and efficient services in the following areas: Professional Translations; Translation Memory; XM
Precision Language Services provides seamless document translation and interpretation services for over 90 languages. Bilingual profe
Translations of over 80 languages as well as typesetting of your translated document, subtitling and voice-over services.
PREM DAN would like to get in touch with the best translators and interpreters. Our database of translators is open to any professiona
The company helps you succeed, by effectively adapting your products and services to meet the demands of the global marketplace. C
Chinese (Taiwan, Traditional) / multi-lingual.
With a strong focus on the public sector and community languages, Prestige Network are the largest provider in the UK of a comprehe
Focus Language: Thai to English to Thai. We have 2 teams of experience translators and interpretators. We also offer proofreading, ed
Established in 1990 the Presto Agency specializes in Eastern European languages. Their employees' dedication to customer satisfactio
Translations from German and English to Czech and Slovak. Freelancers are welcome to apply:
Prevajanje v/iz 28 jezikov. / The best and the fastest translation services and verifications for translations to Croatian, Serbian, Bosnia
We are a small agency that specializes in interpretations and translations. We currently have clients all throughout the U.S. and we ar
A translation agency, based in the South of Paris, France. They are looking for new translators willing to work with them. They need p
Primovere Linguistics provides: Translations, names and slogans, subtitles and voice over, phonological and phonetic transcriptions, we
The agency's team includes highly specialised freelance translators, interpreters and proofreaders, who are graduates in Linguistics an
Translations from English, French, German, Chinese, Irish, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Turkish,
A translation agency with experience in the last 7 years, having over 2000 customers.
Top Quality, Rapid, and Competitively priced Spanish Translations. By focusing only on English / Spanish translation we are able to ens
Our firm has been offering technical translation, DTP, technical writing and training services since 1989 (ISO-certified since 1995). Ou
We are a translation and copywriting company based in Malta, in the middle of the Mediterranean. Our motto is: Precise. Punctual. Pro
Translations from and to major world languages.
Pro Lingua Limited was founded in 2002, with its head office in Trgu-Mures, Romania, with the aim of creating a company that provid
Pro Lingua Consultants is a small but very efficient Abidjan-based translation agency. We handle any type of translation assignments f
Pro Spanish Translation offers translations from Spanish into English and English into Spanish. We have over ten years of experience.
Provide high-performance, cost-effective translation and desktop services in over 75 languages. Company has 2 divisions: Biomedical
Prodoc was established in 2002 by a group of linguistic and technical experts, and is one of the leading localization companies in China
At Production, we take care of all your multilingual communication requirements. We write or edit your documents, translate or localiz
Good translations do not substitute words from one language to another. Good translations convey the meaning and flavor of the orig
Russian Interpreter and Translation Services is a company providing translation services. We have been working on the translation ma
Translate and publish various literatures "Professional Translation" for short, screen name.
Thanks to a great team of highly qualified experts, their thorough knowledge of languages and specialized in a wide range of subjects
PTA is a newly established translation agency created in the year 2001 with the initiative of a group of professional tran
Translation services from Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (British/American), Estonian, Finnish, Fr
The PROFESSIONAL TRANSLATIONS COMPANY has existed since 1998. Its main field of activity is translation, information and consult
First-hand, first-class translations from and into Spanish, German and most other European languages!
Areas of Specialization: Computer hardware manuals, Software operation and update manuals, Technical documents and manuals, Lit
We are a knowledge process outsourcing company. We are looking for knowledge translation like engineering, medical etc.
Translations from English and Spanish to German.
Provision of professional technical, legal and commercial translation services from and to any of the following languages: English <=>
Translation services between the languages of Turkish and English.
S/W and H/W Technical Translation Service. Integrated localization service into Korean for software and hardware, including translation
We make translations of legal, medical, technical and other documents from/ into more than 30 European and Oriental languages. No
Worldwide freelance opportunities available: E-mail them to: [email protected] Continuously seeking experienced interpretation pro
We specialize on translations between European and former USSR languages. We have a strong team of translators/editors in oil&gas,
Offers all language pairs.
ProLogos is always available when you have special linguistic communication problems. Whether a text needs to be translated into ano
We provide live telephone interpreting 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in more than 150 foreign languages. If you would like to be co
We provide translation services from Chinese (Traditional & Simplified)-to-English and vice versa, Japanese-to-English and vice versa,
Proton Translations is a translation house based out of the United States. We pride ourselves on offering error-free work with fast turn
ProTrad & Consulting places at your disposal: a young, professional team, specialized in translations from German, English and French
Brindamos servicios de traduccin en los siguientes idiomas: Ingles > Espaol (y vice-versa), Portugus > Espaol (y vice-versa), Ale
The company translates your website faster and more cost-effectively than a "standard" translation company. Get on the globalization
ProTranslations provides global language translation solutions. Not just translating words, but understanding the language, culture, an
Most European languages.
Translation company Proverbum ltd is professionally trained and technically equipped to perform the following services with high quali
We are a translation agency in Poland. We specialize in English-Polish, Polish-English translations. We translate English subtitles into P
Languages: English, German, Italian, French, Russian, Spanish, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, Greek, Romanian
PTIGlobal provides turnkey localization services for software, e-commerce, and web-based applications as well as enterprise solutions
Publicis (Blueprint) Languages in London offers a new, foreign language project solution providing centralised translation, project man
Can translate from English > Spanish and Spanish > English, interprative services- as well as voice overs in native English and native
Our aim is to create a target text that is precise in content and in context. We make it a point to understand each source word as we
Translation services at lowest rates by . A premier website providing authentic and native language transl
Punto y Coma has just one aim: to offer a top-quality translation service that is always delivered right on time. Because we know that
From Italian into (almost) every language and from (almost) every language into Italian.
PuntoLOC services range from mere translation of documentation to a complete localization solution covering all phases required to lo
Technical translation, software and web site localization, legal translation, interpreting, desktop publishing for all languages. Freelance
We provide translation booths......
PUSH International is an ISO-quality-accredited translation agency that offers fast, efficient, high quality translations with a superlativ
Dating back to PARAGRAPH, its parent company of modest beginnings, PYRAMID has a record of more than ten years of experience in
As a qualified professional Chinese translation agency, Qingdao OM Translation Co., Ltd. is a famous translation company in China hav
Helps international organization to localize products/service for Thai market. Software. Electronics/Computer. Automotive. Engineering
Native speakers in English, French, German, Italian, Swedish, Romanian, Hungarian, Russian, Bulgarian, Czech, Polish etc.
Quality Language, based in Toronto, Canada, specializes in English-Chinese and Chinese-English translation and other language-relate
More that 15 years in the market, highly reliable.
Quality Spanish Translation Services - Professional Spanish translations. Fast and reliable service.
Translations of major world languages. Quality Translations is always happy to welcome new members to its pool of professional, expe
High quality translations: German/Russian/English in any combinations, Brazilian Portuguese/English/Brazilian Portuguese, Italian/Eng
QualityLogic helps ensure the success of localized software applications with thorough localization testing services that
Q.I.T.S. is one of Australia's leading interpreting and translating services. Conveniently located in the CBD, they are well placed to pro
Urdu - English, English - Urdu, Arabic - English, English - Arabic, Urdu - Arabic, Arabic - Urdu, English - French, French - English, Fren
We offer quick and easy translation English/Portuguese and Portuguese/English. We work online after receiving the payment ticket of
English to French: 75% of business, 20%: French to English, 5%: German to English or French. Areas of specialty: Administration, Ag
At Quicksilver Translations we choose our translators very carefully; we ask for rigour, professionalism and dedication. We ask for proo
Welcomes freelancers.
Translation and copywriting in all major languages. Employment:
We translate everything, in every language always! The sky is the limit! Large volumes welcome! Please ask about specials and discou
R&R INTERNATIONAL Translation Specialists Inc. is a Montreal based, Canadian company, specializing in technical and scientific transla
Profile: Arabic, Brazilian, Portuguese, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Russian,
Language Service Agency (Translation/interpretation and all relevant language services,computer design, printing works, etc.).
Founded in 2001. As of December 2005, the agency has done over 4500 projects for some of the world's leading companies and agen
Multilingual services. Are always looking for qualified translators and IT experts.
Translating, interpreting, certified translation services.
Since 1988, Rancho Park Publishing has been working with translation agencies and their clients worldwide to localize publications in a
Translation and interpretation services between major world languages; foreign language dtp, voice-overs, websites, audio/visual; div
Russian-Turkish, Turkish-Russian, Turkish-English-Turkish.
Translation of all European languages, as well as Russian and Chinese. Processing of all usual file formats. Only experienced and speci
Technical translation from English to French, Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch and Swedish.
We localize clients' media. RealWorld's multilingual versioning abilities and cultural awareness round out the turnkey nature of our med
Translations between English and French.
Translations from Thai and Malay/Indonesian since 1992.
NATO Supplier Reflex Translation Services has established and applies ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System and DIN 2345:199
Translation agency based in Portugal that translates from English, Spanish, and French into European Portuguese.
Translations from major European languages to English.
Relyonus Translation and Editing offers 20 years of experience with diplomatic translation, journalistic education and many years of m
Quality translations primarily from English to international French and/or Canadian French. All other languages as well, as we have acc
Translation, editing and proofreading in English and Dutch.
Reniapol is a 100% solution providing organization in the field of Indo-Polish trade with a high clientele in India as well as in Poland. H
We provide English-German-Russian translation services.
They are very good in translating any word from English to languages like, Twi, Ewe, Ga, Fante, Dagomba and all the ethnic languages
Research India Publications is a leading provider of translation/ interpretation services to some of the world's best known companies,
Restrepo International Language Management, Inc. (RILM) is a full-service translation company. Founded in 2004, RILM has talented
Languages: Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German. Excellent sk
Translation, proofreading, transcription, editing, dubbing and voice-over in English and Spanish.
Translation agency based in Greece, specializing in scientific and technical translations. Working languages: English, Greek, German, F
RIC International is a US-based global translation company. We specialize in providing medical, engineering, and technical translation
RSE is a full service language interpretation and translation corporation which has specialized in the clear conveyance of written and s
Translations from and into the major European languages. Translators please apply at:
New Zealand based translation, proofreading and rewriting.
A translation and localization service provider, providing English-Chinese translation and localization services to both domestic and ove
We are a Malaysian-based company formed chiefly with the aim of providing assistance to individuals, corporations and
English to/from Asian and European languages (over 20 languages). Fast, reliable and reasonable. Team of experienced professional t
We are the language solutions provider behind the international success of many web sites, products, and globalization
They are always interested in hearing from qualified and experienced freelance translators and interpreters world-wide.
Translations of Albanian, Hungarian, Arabic, Italian, Bengali, Japanese, Bulgarian, Korean, Chinese, Norwegian, Czech, Polish, Dutch, P
We can deliver complete solutions incl. translation, proof reading, DTP, etc. according to you requirements. We produce only the excel
Polish-Russian, Lithuanian. Russian-Polish, Lithuanian. Lithuanian-Polish, Russian.
Translations in over 40 languages worldwide.
Roman Amphitheater - Specialized in Arabic translation. Legal and certified Translators at Courts of Law. Certified translation is availab
Provides bidirectional translation of English-Romanian documents and personal correspondence.
Romconect International was established in 2000, in order to respond to the requests formulated both by the customers- natural pers
Rosado Professional Services specializes in the translation and interpretation of English, Spanish, French and Japanese legal documen
24 Hr. Spanish Translation/Interpretation Line, On-Site Interpretation Services, Written Translations. Servicing the Healthcare industry
Technical translation. They translate from French or English to English, French - International, Quebec, Belgium, German, Italian, Russ
Translation from English to French Proofreading. Transcription from micro, mini or standard size cassettes, also from digital recordings
Russian-to-English translation.
My agency works in any kind of traslations (technical, scientific, etc.).
Specializing only in English and Spanish translations and interpretations, through Certified Translators and Accredited Court Interprete
Translation services for Arabic, Byelorussian, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, French, Georgian, German, Romanian, Russian, Spanish
Rubric is a leading localization and translation services provider to companies expanding their global business. By streamlining the loc
Small friendly fun agency offering a high degree of personal service. Over 100 languages coverd seem to get more Arabic than anythi
Russian Localization and Testing Services Providers.
Our Translators are highly-educated specialists who translate in the subjects of their professions into their own mother tongues. We d
French<>Russian translations.
Certified English-to-Russian and Russian-to-English translations of any types of documents: legal, immigration, mining, engineering, o
Russian/Ukrainian - English and English - Russian/Ukrainian translation.
Russian Language Services Worldwide Global Network of Russian Professional Translators/Interpreters all over the World. Any Langu
Russian London Ltd is a professional translations office offering services including: translation, interpreting, voice over, proofreading, e
English<>Russian technical translations specialising in the oil and gas sectors.
Russian Translation Agency is specialised in legal, technical and commercial translations / interpreting from and into Russian, Dutch an
The company provides professional software localization and translation of technical publications.
We offer the following range of services: English Russian translation, Russian English translation, English Ukrainian translation, Ukraini
Russian translators provide technical, personal and business Russian English and English Russian translations as well as Russian Englis
Russian-English Translation Service provides full range of linguistic support for projects requiring Russian-English or English-Russian tr
Why choose RussianStyle translation service? High quality language translation by professional Russian translators; Full editing by qua
English, German, Russian and Ukrainian translations and other services.
Languages: Albanian, Armenian, Azeri, Belorusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Czech, French, Georgian, Hungarian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Macedon
We are a full service translation and interpreting company that specializes in Russian and Ukrainian.
Translation and Interpreting service agency specialising in European languages and cultures including English, French, German, Flemis
We are mainly interested in translators with extensive background in their chosen specialist field, e.g. engineers, lawyers, etc. Further
Japanese to English translations.
Professional translations from English into German. Specialising in Marketing, Market Research and Medicine. Projects have been carri
Translations in the language pair German to Romanian and Romanian to German.
Translations from and into the following languages: English, French, Romanian.
A specialist Japanese translation company dealing, mainly in technical to highly technical material, whereby company has translated c
S.T.T. is a company with more than 15 years experience in technical, commercial and legal translations. All languages.
We have been providing translation, interpreting, language instruction, and other services for US and Thai Government entities for 15
SAAB can offer professional translation and localization services in the English, Azeri, Turkish and Russian languages. Freelancers plea
Russian, English, Polish translation services.
Saeculii Professional Translation Service is a Tokyo based online translations service offering Japanese - English translations. Subject e
We are providing highly qualified Turkish Translation Services.
Translations from Danish, Swedish and Norwegian to English.
18 years translating for automotive industry only. From technical automotive texts, (Workshop Manuals, Owners Manuals, Parts Catalo
One of the best translation agencies in the area. We work on all type of translations. We work with Trados and Transit tools. We are kn
Sajan is a full service global communication technology and translation firm focused on providing a single point of contact for all of yo
Supplies translation, editing and web promotion for Norwegian and English documents with financial or technical content. Sally's Trans
SaluTranslators has experienced Spanish/English and English/Spanish translators and interpreters. The translators have resided in Spa
Samezone was established in 2002 by a group of linguistic and technical experts, and is one of the leading localization companies in C
Samoan general interpretations & Professional Samoan medical and law translations.
We at Samurai Translators have a vast range of talents, and are specialized in each professional field. A translation project is assigned
STP offers professional translation and localization services for the Nordic languages to and from English and German. Their broad sel
Technical Translations for Mechanical Engineering, Automotive, Chemical Engineering and Vacuum Technology. German + EN/US comb
A professional company delivering a range of high quality multi-lingual language services including translation, interpretation, website
The first and only Thai business entity providing full scale of interpretation work (simultaneous, consecutive etc) starting from prepara
Although we are a newly established translation agency we work with professionals who have many years of work experience in the fi
Translations in any field and any format. More than 20 European and Asian languages. 2 professional translators/interpreters at office
Saravu Services best known for its team work and maintaining deadline. Softwares we have:MS Word, FreeHand, Page maker, Leap of
Agency established to participate in building the new Iraq after the war.
French-English and English-French translation services available.
Translations to all languages. Itzulpenak hizkuntza guztietara. Traducciones a todos los idiomas.
Nuestro departamento de traduccin e interpretacin responde a las necesidades de internacionalizacin y globalizacin del mercado,
A network of over 1,000 professional linguists covering more than 50 languages.
Welcome to Satrap, a single source for all your language and print communications needs. Established in 1986, Satrap is a UK market
We specialize in translating web sites. Our main goal is to assist businesses seeking to enter the Latin American market and not mere
Saudisofts localization expertise covers wide variety of services among which the clients can pick & choose based on their needs. The
Arabic Software Development, Distribution & Localization Services.
After 28 years of teaching French to A Level, I did an MA in Translation in 2003 and now run my own business, Savoir Faire French Lan
Commercial and literary translations from Italian into English.
We specialise in all sort of translating and interpreting in Gujarati into English and English into Gujarati. We take all kind of Court , Pol
Our mission is to bring a fresh view of interpreting and translation services, breaking with traditional concepts we are bringing our ow is a Swiss-based translation office. We work hand-in-hand with companies and individuals looking for high-quality
SBC, a full member of ATC and EUATC, has a database of 2000+ experienced and qualified translators, the majority of whom are also
We are a working and serious team, translation in and from English, Spanish, French, Ukranian. Motivated staff trying to deal with the
This is a new and efficiency software & translations company. We have the best programators, the most efficiency web applications de
Scandic is a dynamic and multi-purpose translation service with native speakers in their target languages. The team is supported by
Working languages: Armenian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Heb
Translation agency for translation from and into the Scandinavian languages (Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish).
Scientific and technical translation in Swedish, Danish and English, specifically in gene technology and new biology.
We are experts in the following fields: Technical translations; Medical translations; Legal translations; Financial translations; Sales & M
We offer: Comprehensive communication services including translation, software localization, technical writing and editing, as well as
Achieving international success is always a question of clear communication. Only total awareness of the cross-cultural differences wil
Translations in major languages. Merci d'envoyer votre CV complet avec vos tarifs l'adresse suivante: scicotech@scicotech-translatio
We are specialized in the translation of technical, medical, and scientific texts. We have partner offices and native translators all over t
All languages, all subjects.
Translation from French to English.
Translation services in major European and Asian languages.
English to Slovakian and Czech translations.
Translations of literary, scientific or technical publications - from English (American and British) into French (and conversely).
Translation: business, science and engineering - electronic, electrical eng., chemistry and chemical engineering, physics, optics, autom
All types of translations into Russian and Ukrainian from major European languages.
My agency comprises several sworn translators - and professionals from different specialities. All the professionals involved have a dir
Scripto Sensu is a professional translation agency offering a panel of top-quality translation services, whatever the branch of industry.
Scriptor Dokumentations Service GmbH, a service company for multimedia products & translation in technical documentation, training
Scriptorium Claude Provencher offers premium services in translation from English to French (Canadian and International).
Scriptware provides high quality services for multilingual documentation processes. Technical writing, translations, web-based content
We are able to offer Russian to English and English to Russian translations. Telephone translations are also available.
SDI Media a localization company specializing in multi-media entertainment content. Always looking for specialized language talent wo
Major Czech based agency providing full translation and interpreting service in more than 30 languages. Specialisation in translation f
Italian French translation specialized in environment, tourism, agriculture, marketing and tecnical.
Software localization (user interfaces, help systems and user guides for both Windows and Macintosh platforms). Web site localization
Translations from major languages to Italian.
All freelance translators are state certified and are members of one or all of the following association: ACTION (Association of Translat
English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Danish, Dutch, Swedish translations. If you are a translator inte
Multiple language pairs.
Translation and Conference Interpreting Agency. Translation and interpreting from English, French, Italian and other EU languages into
Translation and localization services. Most often between English, Finnish, Nordic and Baltic Languages, and between English and virtu
A member of the SEPRO Group, SEPROTEC has a wide knowledge base and extensive resources gained from years of experience, com
They have opened up numerous opportunities for companies interested in taking their products and services to international markets.
Serling Servicios Lingsticos Translation and Interpreting Services - Most European and major world languages into and from Spanish
Translation and language teaching in English<>Italian.
Translations from English to Mexican Spanish.
We provide complete Translation and Interpretation Services in over 150 languages, Multi-lingual Content Management, Software Loca
English <> Thai Translation.
We translated from Arabic to English and vice versa and from Italian to Arabic and vice versa. We are the only agency in our area.
Translations, Typesetting from English in to Arabic, Cambodian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, French, Flemish Greek, Hmong, Italian, Korea
SH3 provides comprehensive translation services for the business community with specialization in manufacturing, industrial, pharmac
German into English/Arabic and vice versa, French into English/Arabic and vice versa, Spanish into English/Arabic and vice versa, Itali
As a translation company they translate into and out of 30 languages although their most popular languages are English, French, Germ
Translation of Language copies in all Indian languages i.e. Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Bengali, Assam
High quality document translation at affordable rates in the following language pairs: Japanese-English, French-English. Document Tra
The company is devoted to providing quality service for you with the wholeheart and surefooted work of their managerial and translat
As a subsidiary of Ju Peng Enterprise, Shanghai Ju Peng Translation Co, .Ltd.devotes itself to providing bi-directional tra
Shanghai Kun Lun Trading Co. Ltd. is a trading corporation engaged in real estate development, interior designing, and marketing of c
Shanghai Translation Center is the leading translation services provider in Shanghai, dedicated to the provision of fast, accurate, confi
Specialized Translation Pairs: English & Chinese, English & Korean, English & German, English & Japanese, English & Spanish, English
Shanghai Crossbabel Translation Company Ltd. is a leading agency that specializes in providing translation and interpretation services
A Chinese translation agency.
Sharper Translation Services is a full translation and recruitment services agency. The company provides professional multilingual tran
Translation in English to Arabic.
Translate and interpret in more than 40 languages.
Bowwin is a big and Professional Translation Company based in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan and Shanghai (China). Bowwin prov
Shenzhen ECHO Translation Co., Ltd. is a large translation service company, founded and managed by several experts from well-know
A company specializing in many fields with many languages!
Established since 2000, we have been doing translations for Newsweek, Technology Review and ESPN (Chinese versions). We are gen
Translation and localization English and Chinese in the IT industry.
Shinryoku2006 offers highly professional Japanese to English translation services in scientific and technical areas, particularly chemist
English to Hungarian translations in IT area.
Shoaib & Co is the very vast experience company for translation from different language into English, Urdu, Arabic, and etc, its provid
The company specializes in English, German, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Russian translations and proofreading (also by native spea
They are a translation company wich exist for 10 years. Their language pair is english tof French, English to Arabic. French to arabic a
SIGMA Publishing Services offers DTP services (Typesetting), Data/File Conversion, and also we offer Professional Translations, Editing
Our Company Provides customers with different desktop publishing services in addition to other services with high quality, reasonable
We translate every document from every language into every language. Our translators are mothertongue and/or have language degr
Your languages -- your timeline.
Your languages -- your timeline.
Traduzioni e interpretariati dall'italiano al cinese e viceversa.
English to Chinese:160/thousand Chinese characters, Chinese to English:180/thousand Chinese characters.
Sinometrics provides multilingual software localization and document translation services to assist clients in globalizing products and r
Beijing Hanhua Translation Services - Professional translation service provider for English, German, French, Japanese and Chinese. Of
English <----> Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), Foreign <----> Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), Foreign <----> English. (Foreign:
Sintagma Tradues Limitada - Based in Lisbon, - provides translation services for the areas of multimedia, subtitling, technical and in
All types of documentation (technical, medical, software, aviation, navy, machine tools, automotive and many other fields). Translation
Global, innovative solutions in translation services. Translation of official documents, specialized texts, interpreting, dubbing, subtitling
A professional organization that seeks to enhance the business sector with quality services in the domains of translation, interpretatio
English-German-Swedish any direction. Only industrial, technical doumentation. Everything done in-house. No freelancers, no amateu
The company specializes in medical, technical and financial translation between the Scandinavian languages (Danish, Swedish, Norwe
Do you need help translating something from English or Spanish into Swedish? Leave to someone who knows the terminology, techniq
Skjal provides translation, proof-reading, copywriting and DTP services, always aiming to deliver finished documents as quickly and wi
Skovgaard Europe provides freelance translations between many of the combinations of French, English, Danish and German.
Russian and English to Latvian translations.
Skrivanek maintains a database of over 8000 qualified, tested and experienced translators. Recruitment of translators at Skrivanek is
Skrivanek Translation Services offers translation from English, German into every Eastern-European language (Polish, Czech, Slovak, L
All types of translation between East-European, Balkan and other major languages (a total of 42).
Skrivanek Translation Services is a leading provider of Central and Eastern European language services. We offer: A wide range of tran
Translations, interpreting, localisation, DTP in all European languages, native language is Slovenian.
Sky Courses & Translations has operated since 1995 in the fields of written text translation, simultaneous interpreting and teaching of
Japanese translation company and specialized in localization. Their best areas are: IT, computer software, hardware, web design and v
Ours is an organisation engaged in business process out source non voice based and medical transcription with experienced staff and
Translation Services.
We are a growing translation agency specializing in Slavonic, Baltic and more rare European languages, with Portuguese, English, Ger
Medical translations in English and Dutch.
At SlovoPol we seek to provide for you or your business the highest quality possible in translations and consultation services for the m
Our translation service covers the following language pair: Korean <-> English, Korean <-> Japanese, Korean <-> German, Korean <
SM Consulting, Inc (SMC) is an international, multi-divisional corporation devoted to providing superior customer solutions that includ
Our mission is to be one of the finest suppliers of translation and interpretation services between English and Japanese languages, in
Based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, we offer Spanish/English translations by native translators.
Medical and pharmaceuticals our speciality.
Provides a one-stop-shop for a wide range of interpretation and translation needs. So, "you can be sure of the accuracy and reliability
Originally established in Italy 1985, Founder Member of Imprelingue (the first Italian National Association of Translation Companies - J
SmithLee Productions produces marketing, advertising and training programs utilizing writers, translators, native-born producers, and
SMYRNA Translation Agency and its team proved their specialism in translation with years of experience. In recent years, if we conside
Vertaalbureau Snelvertaler verzorgt vertalingen voor bedrijven, overheden en particulieren naar en uit bijna elke denkbare taal en op
Located in Silicon Valley, California, USA, with a branch office in Buenos Aires, Argentina, we provide translating, proofreading and edi
We are the first private translations agency in Bulgaria with over 16 years of history. Apart from our local customers we have establish
Specializing in software and website localization. Assists companies in their localization projects from English to French and French to
I. Translation from Serbian, Macedonian, Russian, Bulgarian, Slovenian and Croatian to English. II. Translation from English to Serbia
We are a translation agency, based in India.
We are a team of 5 French native speaking translators who have been working together for 4 years now (English / Spanish --> French
SOFTtalk Translations was founded in 1993 to offer first class localization services to IT companies. Over ten years on and we're still w
Soft-Trans Bt. is a small firm in Hungary, filling an important part in the Windows platform software localization and we
Dutch, English (UK), Japanese, Chinese (PRC, Simplified), Korean, Thai, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian.
Founded in 1995 by Denis Supersac, former SAP consultant at SAP AG, Software Translations is a translation company specialising in m
Legal and technical translation agency.
Soget was founded in Milan in 1974, and immediately established itself as a supplier of high quality translations. In over 30 years of e
Translation and interpreting in Russian, Belarusian and English.
Solegendas does mainly subtitling for television, from any languages into European Portuguese. The best quality possible is their main
A team of professional linguists and IT gurus from Ukraine specializing in highly technical translations and software localization into Ru
Our translation agency renders professional translation services for just about any field including the translation of technical, medical
The South-Estonian Translation Centre was founded in 2002 in Tartu. The company provides various translation services into ESTONIA
sowabusiness services is a specialist agency supplying translation and interpreting services. Our agency launched its operation in 1994
Spanish Express, Inc. is a U.S. corporation based in Argentina. We are a team of 23 in-house, degreed, experienced English/Spanish l
A professional agency devoted to Spanish: translating, teaching and tutoring in Ottawa, Canada and in the Dominican Republic.
Translation from English into Spanish.
Medical Doctors, Registered Nurses, Medical Professionals, and Professional Translators are only a click away for your medical translati
Specialising in legal documents and documentation for weddings abroad. Only into and from Spanish - qualified in-house translators a
Translating documents in Spanish. All efforts and commitment are on a particular language. This agency have in house members of th
Legal translations.
Expert voice over talent. Experienced news casting, commercial, movies etc.. voice over translations in Spanish or English.
Spanish/English language services. Freelancers are welcome to apply at:
We welcome you to the new Translators Job Board. This is the place for freelancers to land both big and small jobs. Sig
SPEAKOUT was formed to provide language training for companies. Courses are carefully designed and planned to provide effective, s
Business name registered in Los Angeles, CA. Contact person-owner is a registered Qualified Interpreter in the state of Georgia since
SPELL CITI, a Language, Translation and Interpretation Center based in downtown Buenos Aires, has undertaken to deliver world-clas
Spencer Translations is an established, professional network of highly qualified translators capable of providing a complete language s
Direct and inverse translations in all languages, corrections, sworn translations, simultaneous translation and interpreters. Everything
Medical translations EN<>ES<>PT.
Spox Design, a reliable offshore web development company, supports Open Source technology: Spox Design uses Open Source tools
SPRACHENDIENST GEHRING ist ein innovatives Ubersetzungsburo in Mittelhessen, das qualitativ hochwertige Uebersetzungen in und
Translations between major languages.
Translations, all languages.
All types of translations (economic, scientific, technical, legal, etc.) from and into the major European languages such as English, Spa
All translations are proof-read by an in-house translator. Translation tools: Trados 6.5
SPZ, currently based in Bzios, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, has offered specialist language translation and localization services since 1
Our company is offering outsourcing services related to all aspects of QA and Testing for software and hardware develo
A UK-based translation company with partner companies throughout the EU. Established for over 20 years,we active seek long-term b
English to Native Spanish Translations. Human translation preferred. Regular translation rate : USD 0.04 per source word. Discounts a
Translations into and from English, Spanish, German. Technical and legal. Situated in Mexico City. Fast and proficient.
SSG is a professional translation agency, our business objective is to provide the most competitive solution to our clients without sacri
Company Ssknet Research is a net-based multi-purpose company. We welcome your jobwork. We accept articles in English or Hindi to
We were very happy to introduce ourselves to you all for your kind consideration for utilizing our services in translation and DTP. SSP S
Translation, proofreading and editing services. English - Spanish / Spanish - English. Main areas: law, business, engineering, oil and g
Languages: English, French, German, Russian. Main specialization: Translation/localization into Russian.
English, Japanese and Bulgarian translations.
Founded in early 2002, STAR AG Taiwan Branch is a member of the STAR Group with its headquarters in Switzerland, employing over
International Provider of Information & Translation Technologies as well as Translation Services (translations in more than 170 languag
Our services: Translation, Localization, Editing/proofreading, DTP. STAR Me, located in Cairo, is the only branch of STAR GROUP in the
Sucursal Espaola del grupo STAR.
English (UK), German, French, Russian, Ukrainian.
The STAR Group is Europe's largest privately held technical translation services company. Our unique combination of translation servic
We are a group of professional translators and have worked for several reputed clients in India. Our specilization is from English to Hin
Startlanguages offer a complete range of language solutions in the following areas; Information technology, Telecommunications, Tour
Translation services in: software localisation, telecommunications, business, law, medicine and many other fields. We are also providin
Translation & Legalization Services.
Stephens Translation Services is highly experienced in the translation of English to Italian with over 17 years of experience translating
Translation needs in 10 languages; translation workshops for office personnel. Remember to visit our Web site, the best site in the bu
Translation, interpreting and typesetting, in all languages. Translators and Interpreters send resumes to: [email protected]
Major European and other languages.
Interpreting and translation in English>Russian.
Over 200 languages.
Constantly in the need of new collaboration with freelancers and supplier agencies around the world.
Today, our storytelling is helping build and sustain the business of many regional and global brands. Our storytelling will help your bus
Strategic Agenda is a translation agency that specialises in translating documents for international government and non government o
In principle, they can do translations into and out of all languages. However, we specialize primarily in combinations of the following la
Primary Languages: English (USA &UK); German; Spanish; Flemish; Dutch; Polish; Russian; Macedonian.
Translations - source language: all world languages; target language: all world languages.
Spanish Translation Services Agency offering Spanish translations, Spanish proofreading & Spanish editing. Expertise in the healthcare
Strides Associates (SA) is part of Strides Society a Non Governmental Organization, SA is a group of professionals from different spec
Strombus Ltd is a translation agency established in April 1994 specialising in technical translations and documentation. Today Strombu
Translations of technical documentation: English to German.
English and Japanese translation services including scripts, copywriting, narration and web sites.
STS is a small company started by graduates wishing to make a name for themselves in the translation business. As a result are price
Professional and highly specialised freelance translators for the languages: Italian, English, German, French, Spanish and Dutch. Our
ENGLISH - ITALIAN - DEUTSCH - EXPERTISE and ACCURACY: Services are offered by an experienced team of proven knowledge in th
Translations and interpretations. European languages: English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Norwegian, Swedish, Po
Studio Gambit is a leading regional language vendor providing translation into Eastern European languages (Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hu
Studio Godelli's main office is located in Alfe Menashe, Israel. with branches in Brazil and Italy. A large number of major Israeli compa
Studio Interpreti is a one-stop language centre for all your linguistic requirements. From the companys offices in the heart of Milan, t
Translation and interpreting services. You can reach us by visiting and writing to [email protected] .
Translation Agency based in Brescia, Italy. Please visit
Studio PaoloRisso have many years of experience in the area of technical translations from English into Italian, with special expertise i
Studio Pentenero srl was established in 1977. From the outset, the company has focused on technical translation, teaming with major
English to Italian translations.
Our organization was created 30 years ago as a translation agency. The experience gained over these years has enabled us to develop
Translations into/from all languages.
Studyhood provides translation services for numerous combinations of several languages such as English, French, Spanish, Russian, G
Translations from and into Dutch. English-Thai, Thai-English.
An India based Multilingual Translation, Localization, Globalization & Internationalization Company specialized in the following services
Subtitling company engaged in international film festivals.
We offer professional English-Spanish and Spanish-English translation and interpretation services of the highest quality. Our field of e
We offer translations from Russian, Ukrainian, Byelorussian, English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Czech, Slo
This is an Agency of repute and quality translation. Its members are wel-experiences and highly qualified. Accuracy & Quality is our sl
Our combined network expertise: In the fields of Industry and Technology as well as Business and Finance we translate for you from G
A broad range of multilingual solutions, including translation, localization and DTP services for clients seeking growth in the global mar
Suneng Engineering and Technical Translation Co., Ltd. is a professional translation company registered with Suzhou Industrial and Co
We can translate from English into Russian/Ukrainian, or from Russian/Ukrainian into English. We can help: by e-mail, telephone, and
Superior quality interpreting, translation with Accuracy, and localization services in over 60 languages. They have professional translat
More than 25 years of cummulative translation experience. Extremely talented Linguists and Academecians on payroll. Language pairs
We have been in the business of Translation services for the past 4-5 years. We specialise in translation of Spanish, French, Chinese, J
We translate over 80 world languages.
The agency specializes in Japanese/English only.
All kinds of translations, 30 years of experience. Notarial attestation, legalization in Foreign Ministry & Ministry of Justice, Apostille.
We are a growing translation company in Ukraine, which offers different translation services (you can see them at
A professional team of English > Spanish freelance translators with over 10 years of experience in translation, specializing mainly in: Swahili linguists Association staff will provide you great services with their noble experience in multilingual practice. Our team is build
Translations from major world languages to Russian and from Russian to major languages. More details about our agency one can find
Swan Studio provides services for different types of written translations, especially in the fields of: technology/technics, economics, fin
All types of International Languages Translations and Interpretation works Part. in Hindi, Punjabi and Japanese. With 24 hour service.
Swedish-English-Swedish translations.
English to Swedish translations.
Swiss Solutions is a Romanian Agency which offers translation, interpretation services. Currently, it has 6 internal translators and 120
English, French and Arabic, legal and commercial translation.
Specialized in English / Spanish translations of commercial, marketing, religious, advertising, promotional documents. Translation of w
Synergie is your one-stop source for language consultant services. At Synergie, you can enjoy an array of language-related services, r
We are located at New Delhi, the capital city of India. We provide effecient and cost-effective translation and interpretation services to
Simultaneous and consecutive conference interpretation. Conference organisation. Congreses and Corporate Events. Shareholders' m
Synphonics Pte Ltd is a Singapore based localization company. We are a Language Solutions Provider with extensive experience in pro
syntax is a young, international team of translators making the best use of online communication. In order to maintain currency with
Interested in making contact with experienced, professional, service-minded translators, software localization specialists, and simultan
Brief Background: Established in 1997. In pursuit of Quality Consistency & Service Excellence. Microsoft's Preferred Vendor in Tradition
English/French/Spanish/Portuguese/Dutch/German to Italian/English/French/Spanish legal/financial/medical translations.
Training & Translation, T&T for short, is an Argentina-based company comprised of 5 literary, technical and legal translators who have
T&T TEAM Translations, Sworn translators - Romanian language, Translation into Romanian, translations fields: Technical, Scientific, Bu
Services: written translation, telephone translations, interpretation, corrections, transcription of audio from the main media.
T4RG3T is a language services provider based in Barcelona Spain.
Dutch - French - German. Legal and Sports, Games, Culture, Art. Freelance in other language pairs are welcome.
Translation office in Turkey with high educated professional translators. We are specialized in formal, commercial, touristic, and medic
Technical translation from English to Polish and Polish to English. Specialising in electrical and mining industries manuals and technical
Abu-Ghazaleh Translation, Distribution and Publishing Co. (TAG TDP) is a member of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization, the leading pro
TAKA is a technical and legal translation office, which is based in Bahrain and has another branch in UAE. Taka's team is comprised of
Translations from all languages to all languages.
20 years experience in translating and interpretation.
Translations from any language into Dutch and vice versa.
TALK finance is a Luxembourg-based translation agency specialised exclusively in finance. Our in-depth knowledge of finance and mor
Ever since Talking China's establishment in 2000, Talking China's tremendous achievements in translation, training and conference ser
Translation services from Italian to English/French.
Targem Translations is a New York-based translation firm with a 40-year track record of providing clients with superior quality translati
We go where machines fear to tread or don't reach. In the regions of local translation and adaptation of websites to ma
Translation in Castellano, Spanish and English.
Translation services: Danish & German to English. Quality translations in all subject areas. Native English translators ONLY. Other serv
TARGET TRANSLATIONS S.L is an integrated linguistic services company created in 1984. The services are backed by over fifteen year
Specialized in finance, technology and advertising/marketing.
Taval is a translation company based in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. It translates various texts from several European languages into s
Translation services from Spanish into English and from English into Spanish.
T-Com offers translation and multilingual communication B2B comprehensive solutions. Translation, interpreting, web and software loc
Translations, notarial certification, proofreading and desktop publishing, document supply on floppy disk, Internet, CD Rom.
They translate primarily technical texts in more than 35 languages. Since they supply large contracts to a growing and demanding clie
The company is a part of the globally active technical translation agency and is therefore firmly connected to an international network
Specialization / Background: Banking, Health, IT, Industry, Economics and Finance, Machines and Tools, International Developments,
Send them your curriculum via e-mail: [email protected]
They specialize in technical translations into Greek since 1988. Therefore we have acquired vast experience and have achieved a high
TECHNICIS: Un des leaders franais de la traduction.
Nous avons conu nos services afin de rpondre le mieux possible aux besoi
Translation agency focused mainly on technical translations. Operating on the international market since 1995.
Translations from English and German to Greek.
Technical translations into Russian. Websites translation and localization.
Only technical translations (automotive, electronics...). Applicants: CAT-Tools like TRADOS are mandatory!
TechTrans International simplifies cross-cultural communication and enhances collaboration and understanding through world-class lan
We are always looking for qualified people. If you would like to join our team as a full-time employee or freelancer, please fill out the f
Techworld Language Solutions is mid-sized language service company. Our main capabilities include language translation services, lan
Tectrad Legal & Financial will translate your web site, to the highest quality standards, into French, English, German, Italian, Spanish,
From Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, and Italian to English.
Desktop Publishing in foreign languages. Language services for Indian languages (Urdu, Malayalam, Bengali, Punjabi, Telegu, Hindi, G
We are translation agency working with particularly Turkish, Romanian, Bulgarian. Professional simultaneous interpreters who translat
The Nordic region's leading translation company, translates into any language. Agency receives enquiries from very many talented tra
Translation agency located in Sweden. Mainly technical such as automotive and other related.
Languages translated: Norwegian, English, German. Mother tongue: Dutch.
Telelanguage provides telephonic, in-person and written translation services in over 150 languages. We also offer Interpreter Managem
We undertake all types of translations from ENGLISH to TELUGU. We deliver high quality, fast turnaround Telugu translations at compe
Specialists in legal and financial business translation between forty-two languages, the most popular being French, German, Spanish a
The Tennessee Foreign Language Institute (TFLI), an agency of the State of Tennessee established in 1986 by the General Assembly a
Japanese to English translation services.
For future translations they need French-German, German-French Translators, Dutch - German, Dutch-English, Swedish-German, Swe
Providing Chinese translation and related services.
We offer comprehensive language services: translation into English from French, German & Polish, into German from Polish, into Polis
Turkish, French, English, all combinations... French & English translations under oath from translators under oath, given before French
Tercume24 (Translation24) works with professional and qualified translators (Recta Group) and provides translation on every language
Incorporated as a registered trade mark of Garanti Tercme Hizmetleri ve Ticaret Limited irketi ("Garanti Translation Agency") to pro
Work with any pair language. Work in any specialization. Always looking for talented freelancers who would like to join our translation
When a specialized professional document is translated by a person equipped with only linguistic and no professional knowledge, the r
Terralingua was able to acquire and keep important overseas (translation agencies) and national (direct) clients. Among our top direct
Translations in major language pairs.
A translation company servicing the Ottawa and surrounding region. English to French, French to English.
The translation company offers its services in the field of technical translations, particularly in the fields of mechanical engineering, ele
Texel provides all localization related services including all DTP serivces both on PC and MAC.
An Argentina-based team of University graduated and experienced translators. They offer high quality English-Spanish translation and
Text Appeal provides global brands with insight into local markets, checks central creative for local appropriateness and adapts advert
We translate, adapt, create and formulate. Five source and target languages - German, French, Italian, English, Spanish - can be com
They provide first-rate language services to German and international clients. German-English-German translations and adaptations a
Translation solutions (English - German, German - English, Turkish -German) and other text work with a focus on communication in a
Textminded works closely with its 17-year-old mother company, headquartered in Belgium, as well as with its well-esta
The 1st translation company in Greece with ISO 9001:2000 for its translation services. A 15-year translation experience in day-to-day
Currently we offer translation services into French, Spanish and English.
TeXtoLab provides professional translation, proofreading, writing and localization services (English, French, Chinese, German, Spanish
Translations in Albanian, Arabic, Bosnian, Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Cambodian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dut
Translation & Interpretation. CV's welcome.
Translation in German, English, Japanese, Spanish and French.
Company provides English-to-Thai and Thai-to-English language translation services. They have native Thai translators (pre- and post
We translate: Thai to English, Thai to Chinese, Thai to French, Thai to Russian, Thai to Arab, Thai to Spanish, Thai to Italian, Thai to G
Low cost, high quality, Thai-English translations. Visa assistance and search services.
Translation, interpretation and localization in English, German, Thai, Chinese and Vietnamese.
A small group of dedicated language professionals, The Accurate Translator is a full service translation firm and International cultural c
French/English - English/French translations. French/English interpretations - by phone or as a guide. Property for sale in France. Serv
The ASK Group Limited - Translation - Interpreting - Desktop Publishing - Internet Solutions - Website Design - E-Commerce - Langua
Translations from and into major languages. Freelancers please apply at:
Agency is totally specialised in Dutch. It employs university trained linguists to proofread the translations. Simply the best? You found
An English Education, Proofreading & Translation Service, place where you can get your papers corrected and your specific questions a
The Geo Group has achieved success by focusing on their people. They are committed to working with only the best experts and profe
We translate written documents into an accessible format for people with learning disabilities. It is also suitable for people where Engl
I started my company in 2003. previously I worked for many different attorneys and brockton courts, hospitals etc. I have over 15 ye
The Kitchen is the language services division of TM Systems, the developer of the entertainment industry's only Emmy Award Winning
Please refer to
They have been successfully serving the translation needs of individuals and businesses in the United States and abroad for more tha
Specializing in video/DVD script translation, adaptation and voice over. MP3 files from V.O. talent welcome. Specially in Southern Califo
As good as our words. When you need a translation you can rely on. When it has to be as faithful as possible. When your business dep
TLD provides linguistic and translation services through a core staff of over 1,000 qualified foreign language specialists. TLD's linguists
Adding value to your translations.
Services: Translation, Ad Copy Writing, Editing, Transcription, Voice-overs and subtitles, Court & Conference Interpretation, Academic
Lexiteria can translate and localize publications, manuals, brochures, websites and virtually any text, general or technical, over a wide
Translations in almost all languages.
The Mill Language Engineering provides excellent and reliable translations and subtitles from English into Spanish, Portuguese, Chin
Legal, Medical, Social, Business.
Translations between major world languages. Freelancers please apply at:, www.nationalling
Our services include: localization and translation of software, online help and web content; translation, formatting, and desktop publis
Please visit for the profile and any other information you may need. Below an idea of the languages agency p
The text doctor writes, translates, reviews and edits English and Swedish texts. Also: translations between those languages and Frenc
TOUAREG Agency combines the talent of a senior team of professionals with proven globalization solutions to meet the needs of its cli
Translation work is undertaken only by professionally-qualified translators working into their mother-tongue. Their extensive database
Translations between major world languages. Freelancers please apply at:
Fully qualified, professional translators. Areas of translation covered include engineering, banking, telecommunications, insurance, oil,
We can translate any language accept lower price...attach your document for testing the translation at pavitra_jain1985@
With our extended base of translators, TTI Translations has handled a vast amount of work. Languages used in our translation are Eng
Formed in 1995, The Turkish Link, Inc. is a New York based translation and interpretation agency specializing in the field of document
From and into English: Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, Chinese, Croatian, Hebrew, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Hindi, Hungar
Quality translation service into and out of 140 languages. We would like to hear from experienced and qualified translators who meet
Professional localization agency with headquarters in Germany and teams all over Europe. For more than seven years, their head offic
Think'Z International Europe Ltd. is a translation agency based in Spain, currently employing 4 permanent staff and around 100 freela
At Tianjin Learned Translation Co., Ltd. we understand the pressure of international business. We can offer translation w
Translations from foreign languages into Estonian/Russian, from Estonian/Russian into foreign languages.
Our services include translations in all specialist areas, simultaneous and consecutive interpreting, as well as all kinds of foreign langu
Specialists in the Scandinavian languages, especially Danish, but also Norwegian and Swedish. With excellent contacts
Translation service dedicated mainly to translation of texts between Farsi (Persian) and English/French.
Only translates to and from English, Latin American Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. Outsources a very small part of its workload.
TIS Translation provides translation services in Thai, English, Japanese and Chinese and other languages at reasonable prices. Head o
We translate: Film, video and TV materials for subtitling or dubbing. User and service manuals for vehicles, various machines, home a
Translation in English<>Polish.
TM SYSTEMS is the industry's only Emmy Award Winning lanuage localization software. TM SYSTEMS offers the industry's only "end to
Dear translator, We are not a translation agency. We are company specialised in international opinion studies. For the moment we wor
Technical or technical bi-lingual contractors for the IT Industry. Contracted to work directly with you onsite or freelance offsite. Compa
To Localise can help with your business's language needs in the following ways: Web Sites. The company can translate and Localise yo
Today Translations is a London-based company providing translation, interpreting, website translation and localisation in over 160 lang
ToggleText specialises in languages from the Asian region in addition to translating all major European languages.
English to Chinese and Korean, European Language to Chinese translation and localization.
As Asia's largest localization firm, TOIN knows the cultural subtleties, nuances and linguistic differences like no other. When you work
Translators of Polynesian languages also ....specializing in French - English simultaneous interpreting.
We specialize in combinations of English/Japanese and English/Chinese. Our services include translation, interpretation, transcription,
We have been serving for Tokyo foreign community. We offer computer support & translation for both individuals and corporations (tra
Tolk 24 is a translation agency that offers translation services in more than 60 languages. Specializing in multiple-language translation
Tolkdirect levert tolken voor particulieren, overheid en bedrijfsleven en is een initiatief van vertaalbureau Snelvertaler. Als u binnenkor
Aivaible languages: Estonian, English, German, Danish, French, Spanish, Swedish, Finnish, Russish, Ukraine, Latvian, Lithuanian. Lega
Professional Russian and Ukrainian translations offered for English and German speaking clients. Uncompromised quality, fast turnarou
At PerfectVoices, you'll find experienced and professional male and female voices in many languages at very fair prices. They also offe
For over 20 years, we have been providing translation, graphic design, desktop publishing, web page design and software localisation
At Tongue Tied Kent we have a database of over 2500 translators and interpreters covering all of the world's popular languages and m
Tongue Tied have 7 offices in the U.K and 1 in the U.S. and we Translate,Interpret, DTP (Mac & PC) and have a full blown Print division
Tongues Translation Services is a celebrated provider of high quality technical, scientific translation, medical translation, media transla
We translate from English, French, German, Spanish and Italian to Portuguese and vice-versa. Experienced translators. Italian sworn
Extensive experience with international and multi national corporations, USAID-funded projects, and the World Bank in all types of tra
25 years' experience in the field, in particular in technical translation.
For more information, consult our website
English to French translation services, and French to English translation services.
As a leading translation & interpretation company in Korea, we are providing language services of the highest quality from Korean into
TopTrans Translation and Localization Services provides multi-lingual documentation translation and software/website localization for f
Torindo provides total support for technical manual localization projects. We handle all aspects fluidly- from initial planning to writing,
Professional transltion from English to Chinese, Chinese to English, French to English, French to Chinese. Electronic delivery in word, p
T.C.S. is an independent supplier of Information Technology and Multi-Lingual skills. This unique combination enables us to provide co
A UK based agency established for over 10 years serving major corporates in the UK, Europe and the USA in all languages any subjec
We do all type of translation services.
English to Spanish, French, Italian, German and Dutch. French to Spanish, Italian and German. Spanish to English, French, Italian, Ge
French, Spanish (Spain), German.
Translates from French (Canadian and European) to English and English to French (Canadian and European). RATES: English to French
We work for communication agencies (i.e. advertising and P.R.) and direct clients, issuing the best passports to cross linguistic border
Translations of English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish.
Translation from English to German.
English<>French translations.
Tradesp provides a wide range of simultaneous translation and AV rental services for events anywhere in Mexico. They are based in Me
Tradestar was founded in 1989 and over the years has built up its customer base throughout Europe and beyond by applying a rigorou
Tradestar was founded in 1989 and over the years has built up its customer base throughout Europe and beyond by applying a rigorou
Source and target languages: Finnish, Swedish, English, German. Source languages only: Norwegian, Danish. Licensed translation: Fi
Translations to and from the following languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, French, Italian, German. Interes
Tradlingua is made up of a group of professionals with a broad base of experience, with the clear objective of covering all services ass
We would like to introduce ourselves as a translation & localization services provider. Our experience in this field has been built over m
We provide translation services in 40 languages at best quality and price. These include sworn translations (written and oral), certified
Tradoc is a team of skilled freelancers ready to enroll the translation journey with you. Our goal is to provide quality services, prompt
Tradoc has years of experience in several fields. In order to keep quality high, the language experts translate exclusively into their nat
Established in 1990, have successfully helped large and medium-sized companies with their localization needs in the following areas:
TRADOLEX offers you: high quality language services in: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian. Other languages on r
Translations between English, French, German, Spanish.
Translation agency located in Brazil.
The team at TRADUaction wants text translation into other languages to cease being a problem for numerous companies and individu
Idiomas: Region europea: Ingles, Aleman, Frances, Italiano, Portugues, Catalan, Euskera, Gallego, Valenciano, Bosnio, Bielorruso, Ch
Traducciones Aguaclara trabaja con textos de todo tipo, desde traducciones juradas hasta traducciones comerciales. Si necesita servic
Somos un equipo de traductores e intrpretes autnomos altamente cualificados y especializados en los idiomas polaco, alemn, ingl
Translations from Spanish to English; English to Spanish; Spanish to French, German, Italian, Portuguese.
Translations from and into English, French, Italian, German, Polish, Romanian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Galician and Catalan.
Translation and publishing company based in Barcelona, Spain, over 10 years experience, payroll of 14 (8 multinational translators-lin
Translation agency, interpretation services, foreign language courses, style correction, English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Germa
Translation, Interpreting and Training Services. The languages we offer at present are: Spanish, English, French, German, Portuguese
We are proud to introduce as a highly professional language provider specializing in the translation of general, technical
traducit is an English<>Spanish translation office. If you consider that you could be part of traducit due to your knowledge, ability, ex
English, French, Spanish, Arabic.
Translations from English, German, Spanish to Brazilian Portuguese.
English-French-Romanian Legal and Technical Translation.
Translation, localisation, terminology management and interpreting in Portuguese and other languages. Freelancers are welcome to ap
Traducta offers quick, quality translations in numerous fields through a network of qualified translators. In addition to their internal te
Toutes langues et domaines.
Traductions JC - Specialized translations in Spanish, French and English. Principal translator and reviser with Ph.D.
Our team consists of highly skilled scientists who hold at least a postgraduate degree from France and/or Canada, and who have acqu
Translations between English, French, German, Greek and Latin.
Traduction-Worldwide offers professional translation services to businesses and individuals in all sectors of activity. Our main language
Traducciones: Ingls => Castellano, Castellano => Ingls, Cataln => Ingls.
Translations, interpreting.
Specialised in multilingual voiceovers for multimedia communications, including dedicated translation, recording, editing, post-product
TRADUMEDIA is a Spanish translation company established in Cdiz, Spain. Spanish native professional translations. They offer profes
Tradumot is a translation agency, founded in Merida, Venezuela. We offer translation services from English and French into Spanish. O
TraduNet is an association of Spanish freelance translators. They specialise in translations from any language into Spanish, their moth
The professional team working for them is composed by reliable, accurate and fast professionals. They can translate from English into
TRADUSYSTEM is one of the leading Venezuelan firms in the field of written translations and simultaneous interpretation. We have a tw
More than 20 years translating texts from and into Portuguese/English.
Thanks to its extensive international network of mother-tongue professional translators, our firm is ready to promptly and scrupulousl
The translation agency was set up in July 1996 in Eislingen/Fils (South West Germany). Since then they have had the opportunity to w
Translations from and into Italian, German, English, French, Croatian (Serbian - Bosnian), Spanish and all European languages.
More than 20 years of experience. Translations in Italian from all languages and viceversa in any subject-matter. Experienced freelanc
We translate your documents to more than 30 languages. Best quality translations at best available rates.
Translations from major languages to Spanish. Freelancers please visit
Language services in English, Finnish, French, German, Spanish.
Translation, copywriting and DTP between Indonesian and English, Japanese and French.
Translation into and from over 80 languages. Specialist in Arabic.
Small enterprise created in 1997 in Tetouan, North of Morocco. Experience in translation services and in interpreting. French-Arabic-Sp
Transprint UK was established in 1985. Our extensive client list and large pool of highly qualified professionals and experienced transla
Our agency was established in 1997 in the UAE. We supply private and public sector in the Gulf area with translation and interpretatio
Translations from English and German to Russian and Ukrainian.
Content Provider, English to Arabic and Arabic to English translations.
Our agency is specialized in localization, IT, technical, medical, marketing. Most of our activities are in the main European languages (
We would like to introduce us to your esteemed organizations. TransBuero offers professional translation, editing and proofreading ser
Trans-Caribe Communications, Inc. is a State W/MBE and NMSDC certified translating and interpreting company offering over 25 langu
TRANSCEN is a unique translation and text-editing agency and an integral part of Middlesex University Translation Institute. TRANSCE
TRANS-CO is a private based Agency, established in 2005. The Agency deals with document translation of any profile, i
Asian translation service provider, offering service from English to Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Korean, and vice versa.
TransCom is a young company that has set itself the goal of establishing new standards in the translation field in Israel. The company
Based in Ankara, Turkey, Transcom Global is a corporate organization dedicated to serving the multilingual information and communic
Covers a wide array of technical fields, including medical/scientific, legal, financial, standards and engineering subjects, and have carr
The following is a short list of languages that we provide our services in: Arabic (All Dialects), Baluchi, Bengali, Dari (Afghan Persian),
LANGUAGES TRANSCRIBED: Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, German, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, Hebrew. Note
Translation and localization in all major languages.
English, Spanish technical and scientific translations into French by a PhD French Translator. Competitive rates.
Transdoku GmbH specializes in multilingual translation/localization of technical manuals, software products, and web sit
Trans-Edit Group ("TEG") operates since 1987 in the field of communication, multilingual services for top scientific, technological and i
Translations from Languages: English, Korean, Japanese, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Mongolian, Vietnamese, T
Our company is your best source for professional, value driven low cost service. Established in 1986 and online since 1997, we have c
Our expertise in translating a wide variety of European and international languages is second-to-none. Freelancers please apply at: ww
Translation, interpreting and web site construction in all major languages.
Transjuris has just started providing services in Puerto Rico and the continental United States. In 1983 Transjuris was known as CIT, p
Premier Indian translation company, based in India, operating since 1991 from the Indian capital, New Delhi. Our specialty is Indian la
Greek translation services by native professionals. Exclusive distributors of Atril Dja Vu CAT tool in Greece, Cyprus, Tu
Translations from and into English, German, French and Italian language. In addition to the technical translations (IT, manuals of mac
Translantic Communications is dedicated to helping you adapt your message not only in another language, but also to another culture
Translation and interpreting services from and to most of European languages, specializing in Slovak, English and German language. L
Cantonese / Putonghua / Japanese / Korean / English translation, interpretation, proofreading and copywriting services.
Translation/interpreter services for all the official world languages.
Translate Gate Limited is a very young start-up that aims to provide translation services based on different criteria such as price and q
We focus on localisation of Free and Open Source software. Languages covered are the 11 official languages of South Africa.
Wir bieten hochwertige bersetzungen vorrangig in den Sprachen Deutsch Englisch Franzsisch an. Gerne bernehmen wir aber a
Translations from/into German and major world languages. Freelancers please apply at:
Translation and editing in English and major European languages, and adaptation for British or American markets.
English to Chinese and Chinese to English translations.
Translated is a leading translation service. Great customers, pro-active PMs and really fast payments for our translators.
You are welcome to this agency for English/Chineese/French/German <--> Russian translation. Their prices will be surprising for you.
Qualifizierte bersetzungen in Deutsch.
TranslateIT utilizes the world's finest and most experienced network of linguists and localizers, covering over 300 language combinatio
Translation Services from German/English/Polish into Russian and Ukrainian.
TranslateMedia is a UK based company dedicated to digital document translation. We provide clients with a fast, accurate, and confide
Law, technical, medical translation experienced quality staff quick delivery of large volume translation best price specialized staff in ar
Following is a partial list of languages for which Translatia's expertise and global network can assist you. For languages other than tho
English Polish translations, business, finance, multimedia, www, construction, archaeology, art, media.
English to Spanish translations. Freelancers please apply at:
Trans-Lation is a leading translation and collaterally related services company, with a wide network of highly skilled professionals of la
160 languages available: English, Japanese, Russian, Sanskrit, Arabic, French, Spanish, German, Tibetan, etc
Interpretation and translation of texts in the domain of technology (mechanical and electrical engineering) and justice (
A translation agency.
Translation Agency offers translation services from Italian into English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Swedish
We Provide High Quality Translation into All Languages.
Translations from Serbian into English, German and French and vers vice.
Translation Avenue is a multi-language translation company located in Oregon, USA. Every year they build a database of professionals
All languages.
Translationen jeder Art.
English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Turkish, Dutch and other languages to Russian translations. Web-sites design and lo
En una economa globalizada, las ideas se expresan en varios idiomas. Debido a que Muoz de Toro se desempea a nivel internacion
We are translation agency, that have large experience with translation of the following languages: Russian, English, Ger
The company's team consists of translators, linguists, writers, journalists, editors, experts and consultants in various areas, desktop p
A dynamic company of translation and localization services, situated in Vilnius (Lithuania). We look forward to lasting and friendly prof
Translation Bureau Infotech was established in 1983 and offers translations into and from all languages. All kinds of subjects, e.g. tech
English - Ukrainian, German - Ukrainian, Polish - Ukrainian, French - Ukrainian translations.
Translation from German, English, Russian into Romanian and vice-versa.
A Full Service Language Translation Company.
Different translation of the documents, legalization, other services.
The Translation Center at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, provides a full range of translation and interpreting
The Translators Bureau GEO_TRANSLATE is a staff of experienced translators, having a ten-year experience of work. All our translator
The TransLation Crew have a Consortium of Translators providing translations over a vast area of expertise and in over 50 languages.
At Translation Experts, our mission is to provide you with a customized high quality translation and localization service so that your tra
English, French and Spanish translations and proofreadings.
Fast and correct translation to a reasonable price.
Specialized in translations from / into Eastern European languages.
Translation House is an Australian based translation agency offering an international service in the provision of written translations of
Translation House of Scandinavia is a provider of high-quality language and communication solutions. Our services include: translation
Translation India provides a comprehensive range of translation and communication services to many eminent clients throughout the
We are translation agency in Slovakia. We have six years practice in translation technical business. We are quickly and credible.
Specializing in Spanish for the U.S., Canadian French and German. Have capabilities for uncommon languages such as Chinese and Ar
Our mission is to provide your company with the best and most effective translation services. Communicating your ideas in a broad ra
Translation Ministries is an agency specialized in Christian translation from English into French, English into Spanish and English into S
Translations and interpreting from/into English, French, Italian, Ukrainian, Russian.
We are into translating technical, IT and Medical documents from English to Urdu, Arabic and Hindi languages.
At Translation One, we open the language door. By translating your Voice into any of the major languages, what were once obstacles t
For the last 5 years we are engaged in translation job works in native languages such as French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Chinese
Agency is looking for native translators in the following combinations: English <> Spanish, German <> Spanish, French <> Spanish,
Working language pairs: English to Russian, Russian to English, English to Georgian, Georgian to English, Italian to Russian, Russian t
We provide translation and interpretation services in over 100 different languages including American Sign Language, Formating, Desk
Translation services in 20 languages. Focus on Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese and Japanese.
Translation village is one of the leading international consulting services for English-Arabic translation and interpretation. It is an expe
Providing online (English-Spanish and Spanish-English) translation outsourcing services for International companies. As low as only US
Currently we specialize in providing document translation services from English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Czech, Turk
Translation World provides high level and personalized translation services including interpretation, localization, subtitlin, since 1996, has been providing services in translation and in the management of Multilingual content, Translation Mem
Translations between major world languages and Arabic and Kurdish.
EN<>RU, FR<>RU, FR<>UA, UA<>EN and UA<>RU languages. Native speakers of the target languages.
We are a group of professional translators working together. We focus on quality, service, and complete customer satisfaction. We pro
Translations from English to Brazilian Portuguese and especially vice versa.
The Translation service caters to both your language and style requirements. They translate from Chinese and ma
Translations from major European languages to Russian and other major languages. Freelancers can apply at:
Translationlinks provides translations, interpretations, multilingual desktop publishing, transcriptions and language training solutions to
The info on the website still applies.
French - English - Spanish translation, any document, any service.
International network of highly qualified specialist translators and linguistic science editors. Specialists in science and technology. Tran
English and German to Eastern and Central European languages.
Expertise in Inventions Patents (Pharamceutical Industry-Chemical Industry-Electric Industry-Banking etc.).
Translations International offers translation services at reasonable rates, providing ultimate accuracy and meeting the deadlines. Free
Translations: Source language - English or Slovak, Target Language - Slovak or English. Areas of translations: medicine, pharmacology
French and Arabic Translations.
Language translations from Russian into following languages and vice versa: Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Bulgarian, Byelor
Translations of most world languages. Freelancers please apply at:
Serious and quick service for translation. MSoC is a DIN 2345:1998-04 certified leading force in multilingual communication based in Hagen Wes MSoC is a DIN 2345:1998-04 certified leading force in multilingual communication specialized in techni
Translation from Japanese into English and vice versa.
Translation/Interpretation Services.
A place for professional translations: translation and language services at, free profile, best translation; Eng
Technical, Urgent, Legal, Official Translations. Our languages are Portuguese, French, English, Spanish, Italian, German and Russian.
Translation from English to Spanish, of electronic documents and graphics, in the general and technical fields.
Translating all European languages.
Translations between major languages.
English to Spanish translations. If you hold a higher degree in one of the areas in which Translator is specialised and you would like to
We are a young translation company, based in Scotland. We are specialised in entertainment, computer games, literature, tourism and
We offer professional translations for companies, government and individuals from and into Polish, English, French and Dutch of busin
Premium text translations from and to all major European languages, with a particular focus on Polish, English, German, Dutch, Italian
We are a free translation team based on Riyadh. We do provide translation to and from all languages of the world on time and at fair r
We offer a broad network of translators from around the world; a variety of services, including document translation, software localiza
More than 900 professional translators work for translators-fusion. Our translators are based in all western and eastern European cou
English < > Chinese translations.
Translatum Oy is a Finnish-based translation and language services company specializing in technical and commercial translations and
Specialises in East European languages.
The Translex Translation Agency provides professional translation and interpreting services in a full range of specialties in over 48 dif
English (US), Polish, Russian
Fast, accurate and complete multilingual business-oriented translation services in many language pair combinations at competitive rat
Translations between Dutch, English, German. Freelancers please apply at:
English - German translation service and software-localization in almost every language.
transline is a global language service provider offering translation and localization services for customers targeting international marke
transline is a global language service provider offering translation and localization services for customers targeting international marke
In general, they work from German into more than 40 languages and vice versa. At the same time, their worldwide connections enabl
Translations/interpretations between ALL languages, including American Sign Language, and Voice-over/Narration. We deal with ALL s
Southwestern Ontario agency specializing in bilingual (French, English, Spanish) staffing, communications and translations services.
English<>Portuguese (European and Latin American), English<>Spanish (European and Latin American) translation services.
They translate from all major Western European languages - English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Danish, S
Translations from English / German / French, etc. to Baltic languages (Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian) and Russian, and vice versa. DTP
Translingua Ltd. was founded in 1997 and the core services it offers are the following. 1. Translation: Translation of special literature fr
Translations in Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, Fr
They mainly translate English > German or German > English, but they also offer translations in other languages, such as: Spanish, I
Professional marketing service provider, starting from translation to various terminal marketing products, covering translation, interpre
Translation team.
TransLite is the ideal solution for those seeking to adapt their products and services to the Brazilian market at low localization costs an
The selection of languages used by Translogia includes the following: Finnish, English, German, Swedish, French, Italian, Spanish, Chi
Translation, editing and proof-reading. English - Norwegian - German. Technology - Economy - Law - Medicine - Health.
Translation & Localization
Focus on CCJK translation in petroleum & petrochemical, IT and medical appliance. Be skilled in multilingual desktop publishing; suppo
Translations from German, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish to Chinese.
TransNative is a single-source localization and translation company. It combines both technical and translation expertise. With Enginee
We work with the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Ukrainian. If you are a specialist in the
Translation, localization, copywriting bi-directional DTP specialists & Arabic and Hebrew language and bi-directional translation memor
Fast, accurate professional translation services available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We offer Spanish Translation Services at conv
TransPerfect has a network of over 4,000 certified language specialists in more than 100 languages, and employs a project manageme
Our company's specialists carry out technical translations for a wide range of manufacturing and service industry sectors. We offer pre
Translation services, language consultants, terminology, localization, contents management. European languages + Russian, Chinese,
Multi-language written translation services from/into 16 languages with a strong emphasis on both French and Spanish.
We, at Trans-Print India like to introduce our self as a leading Translation and DTP Company in India, specialized in high quality techni
Professional Norwegian to English translations by native speakers.
TransProz is a unique network of highly qualified and experienced Translation, as well as, Transcription professionals from different sec
We have been providing European companies with technical translation services for nearly 30 years. All our translators have practical
Translations Danish, German, French, English to Spanish and Catalan and from Spanish to Danish.
TransRus is a group of translators, interpreters of Slavish' languages like Russian, Ukrainian, Czech, Polish working for the last 5 year is a multi-lingual translation company offering translation, localization and interpreting services. We translate and loca
Freelancers welcome: at least 5 years' experience in translation business. DejaVu, SDLX or Trados users. Translating from/to Polish on
Transtech Services - Technical and general translation to and from German. Other Germanic and Romance languages also available.
Translation services of major language pairs.
Transtek was founded in 1964 to provide the industry with meaningful and accurate technical translations. Your documents are always
Translation agency for 27 years. Uses native translators from around the world. Spanish, Arabic, German, French, Chinese are their m
TranSupreme provides a full range of language services using the skills of accomplished professionals in over 100 languages. Freelanc
Specialists in localization solutions for the e-Learning industry, Transware offers unrivalled experience and expertise in the localisation
Transxpress offers professional language expertise for more than 100 languages, across a wide range of business-to-business and bus
Translation services from major languages to English. At TranSyntax, we are always pleased to hear from experienced translators of a
A professional localization agency focusing on Computer and Medical Science translation to and from Chinese (Simplified Chinese, Trad
The agency translates all types of documents: general, technical, legal, financial, annual reports, etc. They also specialize in the trans
Translation and interpreting in all major languages and most business and technical fields.
TRIS Translation Centre is the leading company performing professional TRanslation and Interpreting Services in Ukraine since 1993.
At Triview technical translations are always accomplished by a 'native speaker', who is also fluent in the document source language. It
TRUE Subtitles is an Argentina-based company specialized in subtitling, Closed Captioning, transcriptions, and translations in general. - Translations and interpretations from English into Spanish.
Trust Global Translation and Language Services Agency (Trust GTLS) is a translation and language services company dedicated to pro
We specialize in the English / Spanish language pair. Each translation involves three separate certified translators checking each docum
Trustlations Inc. is a web-based translation company specializing in translation and interpretation for global arenas such as Law, Inform
24/7 service in almost all languages.
Translation, Interpretation, Typing, Translation office, Localization services.
Translation in Russian<>English. Company based in Miami, FL, United States.
Translation and interpretation services in Japanese and English for technical documents, medical papers, contracts, business letters, w
We offer translation services in all combinations between English, Hebrew and German. In addition we specialize in translating old Yidd
Translation of B2B and C2C material, web sites, localization, DTP and print-ready text in all commercial languages .
A leading localisation and translation company providing language services in over 40 languages. The aim of company is to assist the
Translation, Training and Counselling Agency is a professional organistion which employs its experience and experienced staff to satisf
TTINET provides a full range of translation, interpretation, DTP, web localization services both for companies and individuals. We are o
Technical translation from English to German.
Professionalism, dedication, integrity and passion. Connecting people from heart to heart.
TUNCA TRANSLATION (TERCUME) SERVICE is a TURKEY-based business providing professional language services for commerce and in
Tureng is a translation and research company, providing you with a prompt and a reliable translation and research services. Tureng of
Translations from and to English, Azerbaijani, Chechen, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Tatar, Turkish, Uigur, Uzbek.
Translations from English to Turkish & Turkic languages like Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Tatar, Turkish, Turkmen, Uigur, Uzbek.
We have established a translation group (freelancers) specialized in English-Turkish language pair, comprising of five translator membe
Our profession is translation... our specialization is Italian/Turkish...!!!
Our dynamically developing company was set up in order to help local and foreign companies or individuals with their business activiti
TW-DAY Translation Services offers high quality accurate translations of text at a price that will make you understand why our repeat c
German - English, English - German.
We Translate all sorts of documents such as contract, Code of ethics, Agreements and on. From Portuguese to English.
Translation services and language courses offered.
Translation from German into English of technical, legal, medical, financial and humanities documents. Both sisters/translators are ATA
Languages: English, German, Polish, Italian, French, Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Slovak, Hun
We offer translation and full language dtp service in all languages, specialising in Indian, Arabic and Asian languages. A full printing se
60 languages.
Two translators and teachers of English, who have lived in English speaking countries, and worked as bilingual secretaries for Internat
Commitment to quality is evident in strict selection of translation professionals and unique 4-step process. With custom-made manage
LINGVISTAI is a Lithuanian company offering translation and interpretation services to and from main European and other languages,
UAB Transer was established in 2005. Our team of translators are exclusively university-educated and experienced language and spec
Translations from English, German and other European languages to Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish, Russian, Estonian.
Our company operating since 2002 is providing translation services from 33 languages, giving language courses and organizing techno
Translation agency profile: Verslo Strategija UAB provides high-quality translations of legal, commercial, certain scientific as well as pr
Translations from Byelorussian, Czech, English, German, Nepali, Russian, Slovak, Spanish to Latvian and Russian. Freelancers please a
Translation services into and from all common languages.
Translations in more than 40 languages for each subject. We exclusively work with native speakers. We offer high quality at competitiv
The agency provides German to French and about 100 other combinations of languages.
Wir bersetzen in nahezu alle Sprachen der Welt. Selbst ausgefallene Zielsprachen wie Armenisch, Urdu oder Punjabi stellen fr uns k
Certified translator and court interpreter sworn. All languages: English, German, French, Spanish and Arabic. Law, Economy, Finance,
UBIK provides high-quality and cost-effective services for any kind of content which requires translation or localization from English an
Prsent l'international comme au coeur des rgions franaises, le groupe [ubiqus] permet ses clients, professionnels, d'optimiser l
Ubiqus Ireland is part of the Ubiqus Group which also has offices in Paris, London, New York and Frankfurt. This provides the capacity
Ubiqus has been in the business of translating professional documents for twelve years. The quality of our document has always come
Ubiqus Reporting, lder en el mbito de la redaccin de actas y sntesis de eventos, propone tambin Servicios de Traduccin y de Inte
Ubiqus has been in the business of translating professional documents for twelve years. The quality of our document has always come
UbriSoft is a growing and quality-focused software localization and web design company dedicated to providing a full r
We were started several years ago by a single freelance translator, and have grown so large, we incorporated 2 years ago with a new
German, English, French, Modern Greek, Russian translations. Computer science, Economics, Engineering, Literature.
UK Medical Writing offers specialised medical and scientific translations and medical writing services. English into Germ
U.K. TechTrans Ltd. is a Tongue-Tied Group company specialising in the Translation and Desk Top Publishing of technical documentatio
We offer you individual, reliable service by our hand picked staff, with translation from English and German to Ukrainian and Russian.
We offer excellent Japanese related translation, between Japanese and English, Indonesian, Malay.
Unikaihatsu Software Pvt. Ltd.(UKS), Mumbai, India is involved in the services of Translation, Software and Web related development
Translation from Esperanto to natural languages.
Medical translation from English, German, Finnish, Swedish and Russian into Estonian, and back-translations from Estonian into Englis
Translations (free or certified) from and into all languages: English, American, German, Arabic, Spanish, Catalan, Korean, Croatian, Da
UNITED-LANGUAGES.IE is an online commercial language agency. The business will have two sides to it. The business offers a corpora
Hundreds of professional translators are just ready to get your translations done right at an affordable price. Always using native spe
Scientific translations - Specialized in: medicine, medical equipment, analysis, botany, etnobotany, biochemistry, biotechnology, biolog
As a leading Translation Bureau we provide our Translation Services on various Indian & Foreign languages for last 12 years. For Last
We translate any kind of english texts into persian or vice versa.
Our translation team are Native speakers of Dari, Pushto, Farsi and English.
Chinese, Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Kurdish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Urdu to
Universal Translations has been established in the City of London for over 40 years. They offer: all languages both translations and i
Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and over 100 other languages.
Have been in the translation business for the last 2 years.
All languages.
Translating and other multilingual services in 150 languages.
Translations from major languages to Ukrainian and Russian.
Hub to a network of over 500 professional translators from around the world, Urban Connections' prompt and accurate service extend
Rush translations to and from Spanish. Simultaneous interpreting. Outstanding quality, reliability and customer service. All our work c
English to Russian and Ukrainian translations (about 5000 words a day).
Translations from/to all languages.
Ushuaia Solutions is a language service provider focused on the localization into all varieties of Spanish ( i.e. Universal, Neutral, Latin
Languages: English, Polish, French, Russian, German, Ukrainian, Italian, Romanian, Portuguese, Spanish. These are a few of the secto
My name is Andris Lanka and I am a director of a freelance interpreters group in Liepaja, Latvia. In our team we have over 14 transla
Experience and Areas of Specialization: More than three years experience in Urdu/Farsi/Arabi to/from English translation and Urdu int
We provide translation services in English and Spanish, Cross Culutral Training, Interpretation Services, How to Sell to the Hispanic Ma
V.I.T.A. provides teams of conferences interpreters for international events in Europe and world-wide and carries out translations of th
Translating all sorts of material from/to Slovak, Czech, English and Dutch.
The company provides translation, typesetting, layout designing, editing, proof reading, language assessment, web content translation
We are a Translation Company and are constantly looking for good professional translators for the following language. If you are inter
We have two teams of translators and interpretators for English to Thai to English, One team specialises in film subtitling and dubbing
Professional company, with in-house revisors, founded 1995, offering all languages, all subjects, focussing on (a.o. subjects) Market R
We provide translation and interpretation services from and into English, French, Hungarian and Romanian. Our area of expertise inclu
English, Greek, Danish, Spanish, Italian, German, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Serbian, T
We provide translation services. The skills and experience of our sworn translators can handle all types of language projects: technica
The agency translates the following languages: Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi and English with precision and accuracy. Vocal, printed or hand-w
We offer services in most languages including: Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Vietnamese, German, and French.
Legal and insurance transcription at extremely reasonable rates.
Our firm, Verbum Art Translation, based in Romania, is specialized in translation and subtitling of TV programs.
Small translation company based just outside Madrid specialising in Spanish to English translation. Experience in automotive, electron
Their translators: are qualified native speakers with a degree in their subject area, have at least 5 years' demonstrable translation exp
English: Specializing in the translation of legal, commercial and technical documents in any language combination of English, French,
English - German / Dutch - German / French - German.
Scientific, medical and technical translations from English, French and Italian into Dutch and Flemish.
From English, French, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Lithuanian and vice versa.
Translation/Localization. Main language pair: English/Brazilian Portuguese. Localization Engineerig services for most European/Eastern
Language services in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish.
UAB "Vertimo namai" ("Translation house") is a new player on the Lithuanian translations market. We offer: Written translations to/fro
We translate to/from English, Lithuanian, Russian, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, and many more. Lithuanian and Russian are main.
Verztec assists companies communicate globally across languages, cultures and medias. Our range of services include Translation & L
Translations between major languages.
viaLanguage is a full service translation and localization company providing fast turnaround, high quality and affordable prices. Our lin
Subtitling in all European languages.
There we translate all languages.
We are Translation agency in Bangalore, India and have been in this field from last 4 years. We are Professional agency and very prom
Multilingual Translation Services.
Translations: English <> Vietnamese, Chinese <> Vietnamese, French <> Vietnamese.
They always look for talented Vietnamese translators, especially English/Vietnamese translators:
VIEWPOINT Company is a cultural and multilingual entity targeting social, academic, business, press, law, and ads communities. Our t
Translation and interpreting services.
Ana Maria Holst Calvosa Official Translator of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica in Spanish, English and French Translations o
We are an upcoming organization involved into the profession of linguistic support services. Our area of specialization is localization an
Languages: Spanish, English, French, Hebrew, Arabic, Catalan, Japanese, Turkish, Italian.
Thank you for your interest in Vision Translation. Thanks to God, we are one of the best-accredited translation offices in the Arab Repu
English to Gujarati Translations with precision quality and timely deliver with the best rates with over 42 years of experience in literatu
Visions for Tranlsation is the famous office in Egypt. So, we can cooperate with you in the feild of the translation in all languages.
1-Company. Overview: VisionTrans is Translation & Localization agency. We have dedicated subject matter technical translators in vari
We provide international and local subtitle translations for video and film, and as such we are looking for qualified free-lance subtitle t
Vita Brevis Language is a language bureau specializing in the translation, proofreading, editing and copywriting of all major European,
Translation of texts into over 80 languages (or into English).
Vivanco & Garca has been working with the most renowned industrial property agents, the most prestigious pharmaceutical laborato
We can provide accurate translation of English-to-Thai-to-English, or even Dutch, German, Spanish, Japanese, French, Chinese, etc., p
Main Languages: English, French, Romanian. Secondary Languages (upon request): German, Italian, Spanish. We offer any combinat
An India based translation agency with the ability to handle over 120 languages using exclusively native professional translators. Data
Translation, web localization, and interpreting services for global and ethnic markets in the IT, healthcare, finance & insurance, and en
Formed in 2000, Voice Between Translations & Interpreting is an Italian/American-operated foreign language translation services netw
Profile: Our foreign artists cover languages from across the globe, with experience of voiceover and translation in every
Language and Culture Solutions, specializing solely in healthcare.
They always work with subject-qualified translators holding advanced degrees. They translate books, articles, brochures, manuals, rep
We provide high-speed high-quality English-Russian and Russian-English translation services.
Translations of a high quality in all European national languages.
VSI is the world leader in foreign-language versioning - subtitling, dubbing, foreign voice-overs and script translation, supported by a
V-Translation is an experienced, not large but selected freelance translation team (English <> Chinese), consists of 8 translators, 4 ed
Translations from English and French into German, proofreading in English, French and German. Specialization: rail transportation, bu
Wagner Consulting Language Services is a full service providor. With offices in the UK, Germany and China is Wagner Consulting Lang
Urdu-English-Punjabi-Mirpuri. Translation, Proofreading & DTP Services.
The company specialises in translation and communication. Founded in 2001 by Walid SOLIMAN , an international translator who aqui
We are the translation company base in Hong Kong.
Wathaek(documents) for translation, is Arabpress Agency; independent department for translation, proofreading, and editing services
Translating, Interpreting and Language Training in 90+ Languages.
Provides web site translation and localization services in many world languages. Specializes in localization of database-driven website
The Agency makes official translations from and into Bulgarian of all kinds of documents and texts. Our translators are highly qualified
Translation and Localization Agency; Webdesign and Web Programming; Computer Consultancy, or "externalization of services".
They are actively recruiting professional translators to expand their global pool of linguist specialists. All languages translated.
See website for profile.
Web-lingo is a leading South African based translation and localisation agency who deals in 85 languages, including specialist knowled
The company is a small group of professional and experienced translators, webmasters, programmers and graphic designers living in
Translation and other related jobs undertaken from/to the following languages: 1.English 2.Arabic 3.Farsi 4.Any Indian language.
The Internet has removed geographical barriers to trade, Web-Translations remove the barrier of language and culture by providing tr
webwide translations specialise in website and software localisation as well as translation of marketing documents. We offer quality se
We are a translation company in London, have been operating for the last 3 years. We constantly recruit qualified translators and inte
Welingo has gathered first class translation specialist, related sector experts ,linguist, and forgriegn native speakers to provide langu
Translation & Interpreting agency. Our staff has over 20 years of experience, have done work for various private and government agen
Welocalize offers Integrated Globalization Services for faster international time-to-market and specializes in the eLearning, Data Stora
Services in any language and any field. Interpreters are available in Wisconsin, Illonois, and Minnesota. Arrangements can be made f
Western Group LLP offers quality legal and translation/interpreting services in Atyrau - the oil capital of Kazakhstan. We translate from
Westminster SONUS provides a complete linguistic service from highly skilled and experienced teams of simultaneous interpreters sup
English, Spanish. Contact this agency and get reply within 24 hours.
Great quality, great service, great prices. is a Colombian-based translation agency. We specialize in text and simulta
Translation In: All types of commercial subjects; Agreements, Contracts; Technical, Medical and Scientific. Catalogues, website, broch
Our agency specializes in the translation of technical and computer-related texts. However, if you have any other translation needs, pl
Translation: Our teams are composed of +300 highly experienced professionals, living and working in their native country, supported
Translation: Our 42 translation teams are composed of +300 highly experienced professionals, living and working in their native count
Professional translation services dealing with all the various combinations of Estonian, English, Russian, Finnish, German, Swedish, Da
Wij vertalen niet alleen in en uit het Engels, Duits en Frans, maar alle talen van de Europese Unie. Verder zijn ook Arabisch, Turks, He
Translations, interpreting, language training, cultural consultancy and advice on export communication by company based in Newcastl
Wilson Productions specializes in video to DVD conversions including Japanese-English and English-Japanese. Wilson Productions is ac
Wings Language Consultants provides a wide range of language services such as tranlation, interpreting, review, editing, localization
Winsome translators is a one-stop translation agency for timely, cost-effective quality work. Being a dedicated team of experienced an
WISE SerTech is an expert translation company, specialized in IT, telecommunication, software localization, medical and automonile fie
WLP offers services in the following languages: Bulgarian, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungaria
Provides translation of all document types from English into most European languages and vice versa as well as software localisation a
WLS Translations provides English - Spanish translation and interpretation services performed by professional native Spanish-speaking
Wolfestone Translation offers high quality translation and interpreting services for all sectors and at competitive prices. Our commitme
Europe's leading translations agency based in Central London offering a range of services including Face to Face Interpreting, Telephon
A language tradition...based on excellence.
The multilingual work we produce is published in a wide variety of countries in all the main regions of the globe, including Europe, the
Akan(Fante), Albanian, Algonquin, Amharique, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bambara, Basque, Baule, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, B
Offering a comprehensive range of translation services to many eminent clients and agencies throughout the world. We provide best q
Offering a complete and reliable translation service, we are proud to say our prices and service is second to none. We are specialists in
All languages. Wordbank is an equal opportunities employer.
We can work in almost any language you require, using native translators and linguists from each country working in their specialist fi
Technical, Legal, Medical document translation; flexible service, attainable prices.
WordCheck provides precise translation to and from all international languages (with a special emphasis on French). Because savvy m
Major languages: Arabic, Chinese(Simplified and Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (UK and US), Finnish, French, German, G
Welcomes CVs of native speakers and accredited translators only. A translation agency that specialises in architecture, building, engin
Language services in all languages. Specialized in software and videogame localization, marketing, finance, fashion. Freelance translat
Words & words was founded and is run by professionals with a profound understanding of the techno-scientific world of communicatio
We are particularly interested in cpoywriting and translation from English and Hindi to Marathi. We also undertake translation of voive
Translations from English to Hmong, Lao, Thai.
The business was founded in 2002 in Toronto, Canada to provide translation and interpretation solutions in an age when global commu
WORDSHOP is a young and ambitious translation agency located in Athens, Greece, comprised by a network of qualified, professional
We are a group of Bengali / Sylheti linguists presently based at Calcutta & Silchar (India).
World-wide business made easy.
Spanish translation/localization specialized in managing multilingual projects for the healthcare, engineering and automation industrie
The agency translates all languages into and from Spanish.
Areas of Work: Education, Environment, Health & Social Services, International Affairs, Management & Admin. Language pairs: Englis
World One Communications seeks to help people communicate at global level. We bridge the gap between language and culture. Thus
A company duly registered with the Registrar General's Department in Accra - Ghana. This company handles translations at all levels i
In World Translations we perform English to Spanish public, technical, legal and commercial translations of texts and all kinds of docum
Three-way translation and interpreting in Russian>English. Also proofreading and messaging. Company based in the United States.
WORLDWIDE LANGUAGE SERVICES is a Corporation that has been serving the public and private organizations in the United States a
We are a translation agency that basically provides project management of your files. We do not have outrages mark-ups as other com
Main focus areas: market research, website localization, software localization. Most common language combinations.
WorldLingo, is a leading innovator and provider of translation and localization services and technology. WorldLingo advances Internet t
WorldLink Technologies Inc., a subsidiary of n-Link Corporation, is a leading multi-disciplinary firm experienced in providing a wide ran
Universe Language SolutionsTM specializes in the full range of language services, from translation of a one-page birth certificate to co
At World Translators UK Limited we offer a variety of services Our main feature includes translation services of Turkish to English and
We are an interpretation service with a new state-of-the art product aimed at aiding the medical community with their interpretation n
All languages and subjects, regardless of the degree of complexity or technical nature of the text, can be handled. Translators are cho
Translations between major world languages.
WORTE means words. An interesting line in the book The Small prince says: Language is the source of misunderstanding. And WORTE
Translating technical matters of all kinds. English-German, Spanish-German. Competitive prices, best quality, always on time. Freelanc
WR LINGUISTICS provides professional interpreting, translation and web localisation services to a variety of companies and public org
If your first language is not English, Writing Ltd can offer you the service of an experienced editorial translator. They do cover all types
WSL has the skills to convert your brand to other languages. We can help you convert your product (software, documentation, online
When it comes to perfection in translation WTL is the key. We translate the following language combinations: Please see them via http
Translations German to English, English to German, English to Polish, German to Polish.
Now in our 38th year of providing technical translations for instruction, maintenance and service manuals, from and into any language
Software localization and translation for the Asian market including Japanese, Chinese and Korean markets. It also offe
XPERTrad ofrece un servicio nico e innovador, el de la traduccin especializada. Somos un grupo de Traductores Pblicos que se encu
Localization / IT products, Websites, e-Learning Highlights: Consistently outstanding translation quality through use of specialized in-c
Translation and Localization Services into/from all CEE languages. The company is ISO 9001:2000 certified.
All kinds of translation-services.
We at Yamane Documentation Inc. have a roughly twelve-year record of achievement as professionals in multilingual tr
Translation/Interpretation Services for: Legal Documentation, Immigration Assistance. Languages: Bulgarian, Russian, Macedonian, S
Translations in German and English, main focus medical translations.
Professional translations Bulgarian<>English.
Ycomm Europe NV was founded in 1998 as the European base of the Yamagata Printing Group to serve Yamagata's multinational clien
Union of Turkish Translators in 81 Turkish cities and 200 Countries. In our website, you can find a Turkish Translator in almost any par
Translation between Russian, Romanian, Moldovian, Turkish.
1. Translation and interpretation. 2. Languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Roumanian, Hungar
Multilingual translation and DTP services.
English/Arabic Translation.
YOT Language LLC is a global translation agency with partners worldwide. We provide translations to virtually any language in the wor
Translate your website into Spanish, French, German, and Italian.
Translation agency in Korea.
As a group of professionals who have been working for several years in the health translation field we decided to combine our profess
Japanese translation company, translation in Japanese, English to Japanese translation, Japanese language translation, Japanese tran
We are a translation center YULEE (situated in Kharkiv, Ukraine) and we offer high-quality translations from English, German, Italian,
Interpreters, translation services in Chinese, English, Ukrainian, Russian languages in Ukraine, Taiwan, China, Hong-Kong. Interpreter
Translation in English and Chinese, tour planning in China and language teaching.
YYTranslation is a translation company professional in medical translation. We offer the medical translation, interpretation, localization
Translations from major languages to English and French. Freelancers are welcome to submit resumes.
Z STUDIO Company s.r.o. has been specializing in user's manual production and translation from foreign languages to Czech language
Zaharicom is making businesses feel at home in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, and
Turkish-English translation.
Companys highly qualified translators have mastered their respective target language as only native speakers can. Professional transl
We are good at translating English in to Urdu and vice versa.
Zeitgeists core business focuses on Europe and European languages. Through a network of partners who share their values and comm
Since 1990, the principal activity of the ZELENKA AGENCY has been the providing of translating and interpreting services. They believ
Translation from and into French, English, German, Dutch, Spanish and Italian. Other languages possible on request. Language course
Translation needs are universal responsibility. Translation is a bridge between two different cultures. In other words it is an expertise w
Having sufficient number of translators in our staff as well as collaborating with companies-partners we offer translation service in alm
It's a newly established house of translation from English into Arabic. It deals with documentations and papers needed for applying fo
Zia Rahman Shekiab Translation Company (ZRS) is a professional association founded to advance the translation and interpreting prof
Disappointed with the quality of products from the cheaper end of the market? We offer a highly professional translation service from
ns devices of all general and highly specialized texts on any subjects, including; legal, financial, and economic matters, medicine, engineering, (desig
n multilingual project management. We guarantee professional translation services in many areas of business (Finance, Legal, Imm
services. Our subject areas include law, finance, business, banking, medicine, home appliances, engineering, medicine, telecommunications etc. tran
n language translations (Korean, Japanese and Chinese) to our precious clients for last 10 years. Our clients span from worldwide prestigious compan
your image brochures, product descriptions, presentation documents, contracts, general correspondence etc.
nals for the different specialities. Company is in a process of ISO 9002 certification, and because of this goal 1Global Translators has elaborated a de
ges, such as Russian, Byelorussian, Polish, Czech and other former USSR languages. High-quality translations from English to the following language
ervices that fall in between. They specialize in Chinese, Korean and Japanese and handle all language pairs that can be derived from the three langua
. all at a price which will not warrant an audit from your finance officer! Our diversified languistics range continues to grow by following trends, expa
ords. - Translators: CAT tools are not required. It's the personal touch that counts. - Translators must include references/(images of) diplomas in th
ranslation. The international network of translation teams allows our cus-tomers to process their orders around the clock. The company is based in H
Especially, not a few our Korean and Japanese translators are possessed of high competence to the demands in the translation circle. If you don't m
s, Adriana Ferreira and Jorge Marinho, with over ten years' experience in the localization industry. We specialize in technical translat
Social Services, Prison Service, Probation Service, Media, Health Service, Local Government, Banking and Finance. LANGUAGE COMBINATIONS: Eng
ocumentation in all major languages for clients throughout the world, specializing in technical language translation and desktop publishing services f
n Shanghai.
Being one of the fastest growing multilingual language solution providers based in Shanghai, Seven Translation has positioned itself
of experience as translators.
nch. A La French is based on a combination of satisfied customers and of an investment in people and technology. This enables us to improve the qu
nslations into another language, contact us at: [email protected] Freelance interpreters: please send your CV stating your language comb
lation quotes available worldwide - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks of the year. Professional document translation into over 90 languages i
dedicated itself to offering high-quality translation and language advisory services to institutions, businesses and private persons who expect efficien
d translation jobs from English into Spanish; French, German, Italian and Portuguese into Spanish and English. We have capacity to translate legal, e
an, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, Flemish, French, Gaelic, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Gaelic, Italian, Ja
ch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Weitere europische Sprachen: ollndisch, Portugiesisch, Griechisch, Finnisch, Norwegisch, Schwedisch, Dnisch, Osteurop
n Agency (focused in general on doing written translations in 30 world languages), A.B.C. Group Translation Agency (focused on consecutive and sim
computer software, help files, manuals, web sites, reports, legal documents, and advertising materials for all industrial, hi-tech, and engineering app
customers. Originally a one and two-color printer, A2Z has added new dimensions with four-color printing, as well as foreign language translations a
of the target language. All translations go through three separate processes: first cut translation for gist and nuance clarification, proofreading one
ged and proofread by our Paris-based team. (14 professionals 7 nationalities). We specialize in finance, law and business communications.
e translators, who specialise in a wide range of subjects, regardless of the field, the required language, and the available time. At Aabam they develo
untries. AAC Global Oy develops the language capital of client companies, thus improving clients' competitive edge. Services include language trainin
e fluent in different languages. Please send your CV and a review of the subject fields to: [email protected]
They have native Japanese speaking translators who can translate directly from Japanese to German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Swedish, an
h and international market. Our regular customers include major Polish and international companies and concerns. High quality, efficient service and
cal, scientific, legal, commercial, etc. Guaranteed texts: if the translation is not correct, they send back your money.
s, alemn, italiano
y combination of experts for just about any type of project: Translation, interpreting, audio-video, graphic art, photography, DTP, musical production
ing services to both large and small organisations throughout the world, thus enabling these organisations to achieve higher sales. In conjunction w
an, Italian, Portuguese (Brazilian and Peninsular), Quechua, Aymara, Japanese and Chinese; into Spanish, English and Portuguese. Other languages
and commercial enterprises. With an international network of professional linguists, we offer accurate translations and interpreting in all languages
material localization.
age company offering written translations, verbal interpretations, multilingual desktop publishing, audiovisuals, website localization and many other
rnational affairs specialists. Conferencing and diplomatic services available also by appointment.
are always interested in bilingual, experienced, top-quality translators. Application information can be found at:
ngual with the source languages, and who have professional qualifications in a wide range of fields.
es of documents ranging from annual reports to brochures, articles, policy statements, press releases, etc. Ablana is a recently formed company offe
y integration and language services for the Fortune 2000. From global content consulting and authoring to localization and testing, clients like GE En
fective communication is essential in all aspects of the business world. This can mean: having a document translated error-free, requiring an interpr
and DTP services to companies worldwide. SOURCE LANGUAGES: English, Polish, French, Spanish. TARGET LANGUAGES: Polish, English.
need of high-quality, professional translations. AbroadLink focuses its resources and experience on the translation of the most important European l
es and subjects. We are particulary interested in freelance translators that work. together as a team translating, editing and proofin
would love to user your services again. Absolute Interpreting & Translations Ltd is one of the premier providers of Interpreting and Translation servic
hanti Assyrian Avar Balinese Baluchi Bambara Basque Belorussian Bengali Berber Bhutanese Bihari Bokmal Bosnian Bulgarian Burmese Cambodian C
ling to help you in translation all kind of texts and documents from European and non European languages into/from Polish. Confer
gency approved by the Maryland Motor Vehicles Adminsitration for document translation. We are an MBE concern and are on the GSA register.
as an education centre for both English and European languages and boasts a reputation of excellence and friendly service.
her for business or personal enrichment. The company offers a comprehensive selection of courses from beginner to advanced levels. The company
ngs, Employee Orientation, Phone Conferences, Interviews, Meetings, Rehabilitation settings. We are hiring freelance nation wide, please send your
d at your request.
cclaro provides translation and localization services in the areas of software, technical documentation, websites, training and support, advertising an
ssociation in a good standing for a number of years. Translation and interpretation services in all major foreign languages, rare dialects and in asl. Ag
he oldest and one of the best translation services in North America. Each task, from the simplest to the most complex, is performed with the utmost
nication are at a premium in delivering your products or services worldwide. For best results, Native Translations are highly recommended. Entrust y
h-Russian translation and localization services since 1980. Our services are notable for the dedication to project-specific QA procedu
or sale. Step-on guides and multi-lingual tours available. DMC for small groups. Open 24/7 with a on-site Notary public.
0 companies around the world. Our team works with your deadline. With one point of contact for project management, each detail of your project re
Our main activity is technical translation and localization. We are used to working with technical, electronic manuals and IT documentation. O
ccessful business to and from the rapidly expanding global marketplace. Unlike many other establishments, Al Ahram Corporation only specializes in
n and localization services with a strong focus on appropriate language use to make the target content available to the Central and
h, Dutch, German, French and Spanish in their combination are very welcome to apply. Their working areas are mainly cultural texts and technical m
ation services in a variety of Asian and European languages for various fields.
ization services of the highest calibre. We will give your company an effective and firm foothold in new markets and with new audiences by adapting
onal correspondents * Professional experts: technicians, engineers, doctors In Practical Terms: * Texts typed directly into current softwares: Word,
experts of their respective fields (translators, proofreaders, designers, project managers, etc.), always making their best effort to reach a perfect re
thuanian, Polish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, French, Spanish and Italian. Please ask about other languages as well, if we have a suitable translato
rom them (from English to Spanish, and vice versa). Non-legal translations are also offered.
ERBUM is a full service translation agency providing a flexible service at a competitive price. Clients receive quality translations and related services,
n delivers software localization and testing, technical translation, Web globalization and desktop publishing with superior quality, and they do it on tim
ersian, Crotian, Macedonian, Polish, Serbian, Japon, Ottoman, Romanian, Russian, Greek languages more than 10 years. Their areas are: sworn and
mmunications. A broad network of offices, production teams and partners throughout Europe and around the world allows us to offer our clients ma
airo. Our client oriented approach, unbeatable quality, cost and return time, has led us to becoming many people's first choice provider of legal, prof
, dedicated online support team to answer all your French speaking customers inquiries.
nuals, advertising, certificates, ID documents, speaker texts, videos, interpreting, Native translators from each country, Engineers, lawyers, econom
ms translation services on projects in the fields of metallurgy (aluminum), oil and gas, ecology, construction, power industry, including nuclear indus
The key words are quality, price and speed - thanks to its short lines of communication, the company can offer you what it believes is the best comb
n several market sectors with English, Swedish and Chinese. Adhibit is based in Kalmar, Sweden.
tilingual services. Adiths comprise one of the largest language laboratory and research units. It is the center for globalizing the voice for global opp
strative nightmares - This in turn ensures that companies can focus on their core business. Our Motto: Integrity, Service Excellence, Deadline Sens
olutions in more than 60 European and Asian languages to companies world-wide. Freelancers are welcome to register at:
ny has been in marketplace since 1994 and we have been expanding permanently since then. We provide translation, localization, intepretation, pag
s. Their success is based on our long-term partnership with professional translators worldwide. These professionals have large experience in their ar
ell as technical. Mainly in the following languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Dutch. Expertise in other languages is
arge database of native speakers and translators, all european languages and many other languages translations. We are looking for a partner on ab
ish. AegisMEP is seeking highly qualified professionals who are interested in exciting opportunities in the US and throughout the world.
deal with legal, technical, financial, and promotional translations and technical literature. We also offer interpretation services, simultaneous and co
1. ISO9001. All translators are in-house; we do not subcontract to freelancers or other agencies. Ultra-fast turnaround, quality and competitive price
Since its establishment Afford has gained extensive experience in various are
welcome to apply.
uage, interpreting on business trips, seminars, tourist visits in the following languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, S
s: cosmetics, food, toys, marketing and advertising, pharma, medicine, IT. Only native speakers with a distinct profile and at least 3 years. Experien
ry of multi-language translation projects. Agentura ONLINE, s.r.o. provides translations from and to a vast number of languages. Every translated do
e translate. Express notarization service is available for English and German translations.
Immigration, Taxation.
on, affiliated to the Fdration Internationale de Traducteurs, FIT. Its members are mostly freelance, and maintain optimal standards of honesty, ef
from/into English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Arabic languages. Our main specialties are Electronics, Business and Automotives.
ssian to Turkish.
nted with the linguistic and cultural issues inherent in the process of cross-cultural communication. Whether your next project involves translation, l
Translation Services provides document, consecutive, simultaneous, website and online translation services in 60 languages with its professional cert
a premier translation services provider, our process of language translations includes utilizing native, educated and experienced language translators
games and European matters. Direct clients include Network Associates, Sybex International and Dutch Ministries. Experience with several localizat
s rank ourselves among the best in Indonesia, but we will leave it to your judgment to rate us upon pondering the facts about us below: We have ex
our services for the translation of articles, books and theses, about Islam, scientific, legal, technical and general fields, into Arabic, English, French
o meet your needs. Taking into account all your requests requires a single interlocutor who can supervise your project from beginning to end.
, providing wide range of translation services from a single letter to highly complex large-scale translation projects which requires coordination of a
matter related to China & Chinese language. We routinely handle different Chinese/English translation materials such as legal agreements, business
following 28 languages: Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bengali, Bosnian, Chinese, Dari, Dhivehi, Farsi, French, German, Hausa, Hindi, Indonesian, Luganda, M
nted with the linguistic and cultural issues inherent in the process of cross-cultural communication. Whether your next project involves translation, l
h, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Danish, Finnish, Hungarian, Chinese (Simplified/traditional), Please contact at [email protected].
cational Materials, Religion. Strengths: Strong knowledge of terminology, Excellent knowledge of Grammar (English and Albanian). Company has bee
bic, English and French. Our document translation services include a wide range of materials in various fields: Advertising material, travel industry p
ves as 'linguistic mediators'. The source and target languages from and into which we offer our translation services include: English, Swedish, Spani
many fields including: commercial, literal, legal, medical texts, dissertation, research and all technical issues namely. Ship and Navigation.
ators are needed, especially those with specialization in the following areas: legal translation, technical translation, scientific translation, medical tran
s well as the Asiatic languages, Arabic, Catalan, Basque and Galician. Freelance translators and interpreters: if you would like to work for the agency
stine) with experience of more than 20 years in performing hundreds of thousands of translations - legal, economic, religious, strategic, political, scie
us for more information.
ocal Government and Health Care Services. They cover Middle-Eastern languages (Turkish, Arabic, Kurdish, Farsi), Sub-Continent languages, Eastern
es, legal translation services, and language interpreting into more than 80 languages and dialects. With headquarters in the Denver Metro area, our
Our multilingual team have the expertise to work on the smallest assignment to a long-term project, involving a variety of languages. You can be a
ates vary according to language pair, complexity, time frame and volume. All linguex provides also legal, business, financial and any other type of tra
wide, All Tasks was the first company to offer localization services in Brazil. Working with more than 30 languages, in the most diverse technical area
il, Telugu, Urdu, Chinese, Japanese, French, Korean, German, Russian, Swedish, Spanish, Danish, Italian, Roman and other Indian and Internationa
uese, Italian, Polish, Czech, Croatian, Slovak and Russian. If you are a free-lance translator and wish to submit your resume, please do so to this e-
ces, including localization from English, German, and other European languages to/from Chinese, Japanese, and Korean and other Asian languages.
ducation, Civil Service Bureau and other departments, and providing conference and events interpretation.
hen you need translations. With over 400 professional free-lance translators they can get your text from (almost) any language into (almost) any lan
Design, and Online/Offline Promotion Campaigns - helping companies get more Japanese customers. "Why Allon Translation?"- 4 Advantages in ch
ffer the following services: expert translations performed by native qualified speakers including quality check for all major language pairs, adaptatio
d over 55 years ago, they are acknowledged experts in the translation of legal and financial documents from and to Dutch, English, French, German
ates and CV by e-mail . All services of Allure Translations conform to the General Conditions of the NGTV. They provide a measure of security for cus
u are not engaged with a working time and place i.e. you can work with our agency remotely. Translating for us means an additional income for you
nd our translation is used by most of the governments and private sectors companies.
t. Date of establishment is 1988 and has been actively engaged in translation and inspection business since then. International Rotary's handbook o
late into their mother tongue. Alpe is located in the greater Toronto area in Canada. We have customers in Canada, USA and in Europe.
ts for the global market. The company employs 100 full-time post-graduate translators and uses a large network of freelance translators, working in
anslation service (Eng-Thai and Thai-Eng) by employing several professional translators with at least Master's degrees from the United States.
design and software development services. We offer you the price of 0.07-0.08 EURO/s.w. for all English><European, Middle East and Asian langua
n extensive array of experience and knowledge that it communicates to its clients ranging from advertising agencies to telecommunication business
d, prepared in Windows XP environment/Word. DTP capabilities (print-ready PDF). Favorite fields: user and workshop manuals, information technolo
ting services to companies spanning the globe. For detailed information on our services, please visit our website
eutical, medicin, automation and robotics, tourism, information science, markeitng, business. Formats: MS Word, Power Point, Excel, Access. Aids: T
ainian in nearly all fields, technical, legal, business and medical as well. All translators must be Russian native speakers, who have a minimum qualif
pha-Omega's aim is to deliver documents accurately and quickly to allow you to get on with your business. Urgent correspondence will receive the sa
and low cost. The office is a member of the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce. They desire to go international.
cept of continuance is meant to allow the Orient World to be acquainted with the cultures, products and services existing in the realm of the West.
tings, business negotiations, site visits and other events; Over 30 European and Asian Languages; Assistance in Conference Organization (hotel rese
of languages perfectly.
ally certified translations, interpreting, multilingual-project management (catalogues, user's manuals, advertising material, etc.), application-softwar
om most various technical fields. Its personnel`s skills allows AltaLingua to provide professional translation and interpreting services in the following
ing, scripting, film making, translation from English to Hindi in the most creative and professional fassion.
500 language translators, based in Europe, Asia, and the Americas contribute their expertise to the companys clients' projects. The companys clien
n, Dutch, Japanese. Applicants must be native speaker of the target language and specialist in subject translation. Must live in Spain.
duals who need their personal documents officialy translated in order to study, get married or buy a property abroad. Apart from that we also have a
language combinations. Freelance translators interested in collaboration should send their CV, while listing any personal experience they have as pa
h Native American English editing. We use only free-lance translators and editors.
are difficult to beat.
nslators are experts in over 80 fields. Their staff of local and native translators and interpreters is updated and improved regularly. If you are a trans
s language related services to Government agencies, Fortune 500 groups, as well as many other well-known corporations.
rs and to create a professional forum for the exchange of ideas on the art and craft of translation. Through an annual conference, newsletters, collab
slation, interpreting, conference interpreting, foreign language typesetting. Concentrating on European languages including Greek an
Japanese, Russian, Ukranian. Agency also does typesetting and design in these languages. Macintosh or PC available. Specialists in legal work.
anguage. Start by telling us what your project is about whether it is translating a document, interpreting a speech or developing a multilingual We
sh and Spanish-English. The quality of our service and our reasonable prices give us an advantage to offer to our clients in Mexico, in the United Sta
d, we are ready to work for you, no matter where you are. American TransTech Services (ATS) provides first rate language translation services, spec
tional communication. They translate many different types of documents from sales literature and catalogs to technical manuals, contracts, medical
re more information.
particular Translation/localization and Global Marketing. We work in 35 languages, including Chinese, Korean, Japanese, ASEAN languages, French,
ch. Papers can be from areas like: legal, bio-medical, electronical (as tv, stereo, audio devices-intructions) to business or personal interpretation.
n of Sworn Translators). Areas of expertise: Business, Education, Finance & Banking, Foreign Trade, Health care & Medicine, Plastic Surgery, IT, Web
perience in many fields, some of which are: texts related to the European Community, economy, electric power, gastronomy, Internet, software man
ll types of documentation for all industry sectors in any language. We work with professionally-qualified native speaking linguists to guarantee quick
ompanies, publishers, academic institutes, management consultancies, pharmaceutical companies amongst many others. We welcome applications
glish: 0.03/0.03 USD, 20.00/20.00 USD, Chinese - French: 0.03/0.03 USD, 20.00/20.00 USD, Chinese - Japanese: 0.03/0.03 USD, 20.00/20.00 US
n services are provided in all the indian languages. They can translate the work of any indian language to English and vice versa. The rates are 400
ments. They translate documents from Bahasa Indonesia to English and vice versa, manually, quickly, without TRANSLATIONS MACHINE/SOFTWARE
cess to industry-specific linguistic resources, as well as project management, engineering and desktop publishing expertise. We offer the following se
cess to industry-specific linguistic resources, as well as project management, engineering and desktop publishing expertise. We offer the following se
cess to industry-specific linguistic resources, as well as project management, engineering and desktop publishing expertise. We offer the following se
he world. We are always looking for good professionals highly specialized in one or two specific areas of specialization. Please don't hesitate to fill-in
ncluding contracts. Scientific and Technical Department This is committed to providing translations of the highest quality in all scientific, medical and
g at a very favourable price. All assignments we receive are translated by professional translators to ensure translations of excellent quality. We trans
nce in the translation business, providing fast, timely and accurate translations that paint a true reflection of the original message or spoken word. W
world. We focus on providing our clients with cost-effective, professional translations, efficiently and on time.
are an expert translator or interpreter and you have skills in specific sectors, we will be glad to expand our team. Send us your CV by fax or e-mail.
rvices. The company specializes in legal, financial and website translations, among other areas. And in fast, efficient and reasonably priced translatio
PH works with highly qualified professional translators. They live wherever their mother tongue is spoken, and are connected to us 24 hours a day, w
the Sonovision-ITEP group and as such can provide translation services, in a global context and in any language. We warranty our
c, Asian, Middle and Far Eastern languages. Translations delivered electronically to your specifications -choice of formats available. They also have A
alist Medical, Legal, Financial and Marketing companies, including whole websites and printed catalogues, into over 140 languages.
on. APS also translates diverse documents such as medical, business (training manuals, advertising) and personal (birth, marriage, and death certifi
ers starting in 1998. Our company serves our customers dealing mainly in the Hungarian, German, English and Romanian linguistic area accumulate
ompanies - IKEA, McKinsey&Comp. Inc., World Alliance Merchant Finance, Boston, IFP Boston, Brown&Root, Houston, ABB Czech Republic, leading b
for experienced translators and proofreaders. Send them your CV together with your references as well as your rates to: [email protected]
ated to the local wine industry. We do our utmost to deal profesionally with other professionals and always keep to payment deadlines.
rs are ready to offer you their multilingual skills coupled with extensive work experience in either translation or copywriting. As well as having the fle
! Send us for a free quote for our multilingual Translation and DTP services!
mance and on-time delivery. Now approaching the end of its second decade of distinguished service, ATG provides a full range of solutions for leading
ation, proofreading, editing, DTP and other services. We are always keen to establish long-term mutually-beneficial work relationships with overseas
th several large Translation Agencies and Language Professionals. We feel this is our forte. We provide NATIVE SPEAKING Translators and Interprete
Established in 1969, our company is working for many companies and organisations such as the Eur
, translation instructors or freelance translators) and are based in Alexandria and Cairo, Egypt. We undertake translations from Arabic into English, F
ervices manuals for Automotive, Trucks, Tractors, Medical Equipments, Home Appliances, Heavy Equipments, Websites, Electrical equipments, DVD,
cally and culturally-relevant localization services that suits Arabic speaking users allover the world. Both Arabic and English.
er is Ph.D. in Spanish linguistics. 30 yrs living and working in this field (simultanious interpretation and senior translator). Al Azhar University in Cair
technical & medical work. We guarantee that our team of experts will work to provide you with a professional service. Quality is our standard; your s
specialist service for Arabic. They are always looking for skilled, experienced translators, subtitlers and voice-over artists in all languages. Apply here
ngual documentation management sector. The Group has become a standing reference in the international multilingual communication scenario, and
and. The Group has become a standing reference in the international multilingual communication scenario, and has extended its activities into all lan
Barcelona) and Finland (Helsinki), that specialises in multilingual documentation translation and management. Now, after more than ten years, we c
complete optimum Arabization solutions. With a clear Vision and Mission, we built AraSols business scope focusing on providing high quality Arabiza
specialized translations. For printed dictionaries the company relies on Girol Books located in Ottawa, Ontario, where they specialize in foreign books
be able to run your business efficiently. Thanks to its wide range of services, Archetipo is the ideal partner for any requirement you may have in thi
and products. The high quality of services provided by the company is clearly reflected by the names of its international partners-customers, such a
ssing formats, and can extend this service to include typesetting in a variety of packages, on Western, Arabic or Asian systems. Freelancers please a
obal 2000 companies. With offices in Massachusetts and California, ArchiText offers a full range of linguistic and language-technology solutions, as w
nternational companies and translation agencies. Our specialization fields include medicine, pharmacology, chemistry, biotechnology, technology & e
0.05 EUR/word.
with an emphasis on Eastern European support. With a decade of professional translation, localization and desktop publishing experience, Argos has
on of the Laws passed by Turkish Republic. Argus Translation Agency regularly provides the English and French version of the Laws (such as decree-
local, regional and international organizations, private firms and state institutions. We translate into Eastern Armenian from English and Russian. Ou
company which consists of the professional linguists and translators. Graduated from Institutions of Higher Education and specialized in linguistics,
ed in different fields. It started providing translations from alllanguages into Spanish, but now we are incorporating other languagecombinations on a
perience - who focus on top quality technical translations into all European languages.
cal and other documents, web pages, program products, business correspondence. Legalization of documents.
erial). Proof-reading and typesetting for all languages (fonts for all alphabets). Graphic layout, tailored to the target group. Translation and layout of
general have been right from the establishment of ARTION one of its main fields of activity.
ining, English for foreign businessmen, and most other language-related business services. In todays international business environment, dealing w
nguists, lawyers and economists. They are interested in cooperation with freelance translators who can deliver quality translations between English
ve Arabe, Franais, Anglais. Spcialits: Marketing-publicit > Actes judiciaires, Tlcommunications, Organisations internationales, Audiovisuel, In
ompetitive prices. Legal, business, banking, advertisement, literary and entertainment, are some of the industries we are currently servicing.
lls of multi-talented teams, a synergy outperforming both independent service providers and the localization majors. It brings responsive, creative e
nd interpreters. The company is based in the UK, and they are providing services for our clients globally. This means that they have a worldwide team
des various services in the field of linguistic processing of text and speech: Written translations of text, Transcribing of speech, Editing. Freelancers p
businesses wanting to develop business with Japanese customers and Japanese companies wanting to do business in English speaking markets.
ationalization solutions.
itors, proofreaders, production staff and project managers provide accurate translations for most of the languages.
industry for a long time now and have been successfull in providing quality work to indivisuals and corporates.
se of over 1,500 skilled, professional translators and interpreters worldwide, they have content experts in virtually every field and language.
and Eastern European languages (Czech, Slovak, Polish, Hungarian, Russian, etc.). We use only Czech native speakers for Czech translations, Slovak
create in-house translation databases based on TRADOS or TRANSIT products (for unified terminology). Our offer further includes Court authorised
ification (legalization). The languages we translate from/into are English, Bulgarian, French, German, Italian and Arabian. Additionally, Spanish, Rus
n the IT industry. ASSERTIO LS has extensive experience in providing technical translations, website and software localization and DTP. We are positi
of exchanges and circulation of documents translated into the various languages of the international community. A.R.I., which over the years has ear
ship and carry full professional indemnity insurance cover to safeguard your interests.
al translations as well as translations of specialized texts, mainly in the fields of medicine, economics, finance, environment, energy and the environm
ts, websites, offers, company profiles, patents, correspondance. Online language courses.
tion. Fast, accurate, confidential language interpretation and translation. Translate your written forms, signage, agreements, applications and any ot
nine-month assignment involving the translation and review of 2 million words of medical articles from Japanese, Swedish, Dutch, Flemish, German,
ified and experienced translators and editors and professional project managers who have been in the localization business for more than five years,
linguistics and a relevant background of at least 3 years. Currently, we do translations from the most European languages into Russian and Ex-Sovi
uiding principle of A creative and systematic approachembodies the philosophy of their company and their commitment to their clients. In this age
laced on languages spoken in the 10 countries, which in 2004, joined the European Union. We have developed expertise in the translation of docum
of the biggest translation companies in Russia. A translation network also has offices in Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Czechia, Hungary and in the Balt
tion industry. Atlas is able to offer a complete range of high quality language and translation services from start to finish. Translators are all specialis
e language services from translation, desktop publishing to voice over, website localization and much more.
rs, all PhD, specialized in fields: law, commerce, medicine, technical. Higly responsible, accurate and on time. Translations from English, German, Ita
osnian, Brazilian-Portuguese, Bulgarian, Cambodian, Catalan, Chinese, Creole, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dari, Dutch, Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, Flemish
fic kinds of US and Global Marketing, cultural consulting, and a full spectrum of language services. These include North America's most rapidly gener
rking in over 80 languages and dialects. At Australian Multi Lingual Services, we pride ourselves on the quality of our services. To the customer, that
ently looking for professional freelance translators with English as their mother tongue (especially from French, Spanish, Italian...).
Estonian language.
ces. Our linguists are professionals who can accommodate translation and multilingual communications needs for more than 100 languages and diale
slates English into Spanish, Japanese, Chinese simplified and traditional), Korean, French, German, Vietnamese, Arabic, Hebrew, Italian, and Portug
f text, fast work and compliance with terms. There are almost 100 specialists/philologists of different languages and fields working in their translatio
o Norwegian, Norwegian into English, Swedish into Norwegian, Danish into Norwegian but we are able to assist you with other language combination
ust be bilingual (English & other language). The interpreters must be technicology oriented. No travel fees to the US, but travel paid within the US
ernational Township, India. Avitra's services are 1)language translation, 2)website localization and 3)subtitling & voice-over. With a resident populatio
zens of translators who specialize in a wide range of languages, including: Hebrew, English, Arabic, Russian, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Polish
urkey with its business partners in Netherlands, Thailand, England and Australia, with its branches in Istanbul and USA, with its yearly 20 million wo
and software localization services to international companies. We offer translations between English, German, French, Spanish and all Central and E
m is the only person in the world who is a Certified Public Translator in both directions: Swedish to Arabic and vice versa. Tens of translators are tryin
n=trad AXI Traductions comprises a team of translators and interpreters working in a translation centre in the Paris region. This translation centre is
tion, Legal Translation, Conference Interpreting, Technical Translation, Pharmaceutical Translations, Meeting Interpreting, etc. We are always looking
terpretation in the area of British Columbia, Alberta and Washington state. They are Trados and Fortis users.
ing documents, etc. Translation of literature and poetry. Notarized translations in all areas of law, including international, customs and immigration l
on services. BabbleShop has offices in Bangalore, Delhi and London. Our team extends from technical staff to native bilingual translators to creative
edish, Portuguese, Chinese, Latin, Japanese, Arabic, Russian, Greek, Polish, Czech. Freelancers are welcome to submit your resumes.
jects. Our distinctive professional paths allow us to offer deep knowledge in several subjects like medicine, engineering, IT, jewellery, subtitling, etc.
rs, eMarketers and Professional Translators located in major countries and regions around the world who are engaged in website glo
toarele limbi strine: limbi de larg circulaie: englez, francez, german, italian, spaniol, rus. Alte limbi strine: albanez, arab, bulgar, ceh
to Language studies. Translating documents, articles, books, etc in English, Farsi, French, German.
ng work in both languages. Just let us know about any job you would like to have done - we would love to do it for you!
vely with all member's efforts. Lauguage is a wonderful bridge between nations, we just hope we can be a good bridge builder to make all people un
translation services for international business and government. English-Chinese, Chinese-English. About Us: Human Translation Only, Translators W
within the language, communication and translation industry. Baraka Translations provides a professional and personal service dedicated to ensurin
Russian, French.
nterpreters in 70 countries, most languages, and fields of specialization. Please see our website for more information:
ficient in our respective second languages. We combine our talents to give you great translations and interpretation in both Japanes
b site design, DTP services and software localization. Company has a team of experts to translate pamphlets, marketing plans, computer manuals, p
r business. By ensuring that your software is as precise and powerful in any language as it is in English, internationalization forms the foundation fo
an, Italian. If you have the necessary experience and training, please feel free to contact them at [email protected] and tell
ranslation agency specializing in Estonian and Swedish. They collaborate with translators mainly in Estonia and Sweden but also in other countries in
n 20 languages.
essful in supplying translations from/into all EU languages to leading translation companies worldwide as well as to the European institutions. They a
n Brazil and working in the area of language teaching and translations for 16 years. Your texts are translated by Brazilians, but I always proofread th
nish, Italian, Portuguese, Rumanian, Russian, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Danish, Chinese.
rabic, Armenian, Azeri, Bahasa, Basque, Belorussian, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Bikol (aka Vicol), Bulgarian, Burmese, Camboge (aka Khmer), Chamor (aka
into Can. French, Portuguese, Mexican Spanish, Italian, Russian, Arabic, and Japanese. Resumes with rates and availability informa
, Farsi and Urdu & African languages such as Fulani, Hausa, Yorba and N'Ko.
ual customers in USA, U.K., Germany, Spain, Italy, etc. Competitive rates based on source words amount.
ative technical translators employed worldwide. Their professional and efficient approach delivers quality translation solutions that allow you to pres
sh <--> CCJK, German <--> CCJK, French <--> CCJK, Japanese <--> Chinese, Korean <--> Chinese, Russian <--> Chinese. Accurate Translation is
hment in 1997, we focus our services on software and website localization, technical translation, and DTP for the langauage pairs of English/Germa
elative fields. Our company is very good at English-Chinese and Chinese-English translation, interpretation, Multilingual Desktop Publishing, website
a lot of foreign enterprises to create their Chinese websites, thus offering them an opportunity to open an alternative channel to get demonstrated t
services globally, it now offers translation and interpretation services in over 40 languages covering the various major business and industrial sector
mmercial Administration Bureau and is approved by the government. Our translation services cover 33 foreign languages, including English, French,
logy, law, machine and web localization. Experienced typsetting service in QuarkExpress (on MAC), Framemaker, Indesign, Pagemaker, etc...
wledge of various languages and native speakers. Croatian, English, French, German, Italian, Albanian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Se
uese, Spanish, Russian and Turkish. Over 20 years of experience in the translation business.
Based in Antwerp, Belgium. Easy access to the library of the Higher Institute for Translators and Interpreters. (
: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Catalonian, Dutch, Finnish, Swedish, Chinese, Arabic, Farsi, Russian, and Belarusian. Other
openBC/XING, Our source languages are German, English and Spanish. Target languages are the languages of all major internet markets (
ommerce, e-business, educational products), Business (financial, manufacturing, distribution, human resources, CRM, ERP) and Marketing. Translat
s, proofreading and interpreting. They are specialized in European languages, Japanese and Hebrew into Italian. 0.1- 0.12 EUR per word. Projects a
earning software, and collaborative portal solutions, etc. Currently, we are localizing 100% of Lotus products to help IBM Korea offer better services
ts in all industries, as well as to entrepreneurial start-ups, patent law firms, and consultants. BSTS specializes in the translation of legal materials an
ronment and Geography. Owner has extensive industrial and management experience. Target language, mostly Canadian French, from English and S
anslations, therefore we only work with professional translators. If you too, have high quality work standards and ethics, please feel free to submit y
software localization, website localization and desktop publishing. We have built a sound international reputation based on quality, service and reliab
d into over 20 languages. Our expertise centers on technical, legal, financial, as well as specialized documents related to scientific re
ents belongs to the growing industry of the videogames, they manage all the formats. Among others company supplys the following services: transla
e communication, international development cooperation, software manuals, and art, philosophy and literature.
e complicated. Betmar Languages offers the necessary experience and expertise to provide accurate translation of words and ideas from language to
man, Dutch and Italian. Thanks to a state of the art technology, they can manage important projects with short deadlines while assuring consistency
h and all major languages. Specialisms include label translation, packaging translation, health and safety translation, website translation and localisa
gives agency an English-French-English specialization, however, since they are a multilingual agency they handle some 128 language combinations a
nslate and subtitle your movie for TV, Video, DVD or DLP Cinema CineCanvas to and from practically any language. BGText Ltd. has created a subt
als in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Mandarin and Cantonese (from or into English), truly one of the kind in this unique language combina
ofessional translators. speedy turnaround, competitive rates, high quality. Helpful project managers will support and advise you. Applications from q
TP for the Hispanic markets --in the U.S. and Latin America.
tly sought after than others. Experienced, qualified freelance translators and interpreters are welcome to apply.
and private clients. We specialize in translation of texts and documents into three languages: English, Russian and Ukrainian. Linguists, proofreader
cultural appropriateness. Wide range of specialization in most subject matters. Low Rates.
lient will be assigned a Project Coordinator who will work in close association with the client on each of his/her translation projects, in order to maint
ting project. The company translates your medical protocols and informed consent forms, localize your medical computer software, compile your use
ols - Trados 5.5 or higher or Wordfast. 2. We always aim that our translators are experts in a specific area of translation. 3. We offer unified prices in
rs, interpreters and voiceover artists. We cover the complete range of European, Scandinavian, Eastern European, Middle Eastern and Asian Languag
e-speakers, and we have one simple set of rates for all assignments. We currently offer virtually all languages, at a standard rate of 0.14 per word.
arin, Latin, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Urdu and many more. We provide translation, interpretation, edition, proof-re
anguage and rest assured of getting the job done well. They are always looking for native and specialised translators and interpreters of every langu
es by professional native language translators living in country of target language. DTP for all translations.
s' experience in translation editing, copywriting, press and public relations, news, magazine features, reviewing and criticism.
d the like. Our vast experience in the field allows us to provide our clients with a quick, reliable translation service. We invite you to visit our website
Byelorussian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Farsi, Finnish, Flemish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Greek (Ancient),
ucts. While translation is important, it is only part of the total project. Technical and cultural considerations affecting your product mu
ages: official languages of the United Nations: English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Russian and Chinese. European: German, Italian, Portuguese, Croa
calization service provider and own a team of experienced localization professionals with deep technological know-how, and can provide CCJK (Chine
ooking for individuals to hire teaching foreign languages. The goal of the program is to provide quality lessons at the lowest cost possible, making it
cases, you are not seeking to merely translate words, but are looking to translate a concept or an idea. At Bowne Global Solutions (BGS) the compa
g. A division of Bowne and Co., Bowne Translation Services is the premier provider of language services to the financial and legal industries. Our clie
n, website localization, graphics and multimedia localization, software localization, games localization, localization engineering, DTP,
s ago, we are Corporate Members of the ITI and an approved supplier to the European Union. We work with PCs and Apple Macs.
completed their studies at the Institute of Translation and Interpretation, University of Vienna or similar schools. Their in-house language repertoire
ation, from English to French and vice versa. We specialize in development and project management. We have built experience over thepast seven ye
om business presentations and professional web sites to personal correspondence and visiting associates. We offer our services for various persona
o ENG SPA POR ITA FRE DUT GER. We also do other Western European and Asian languages upon request. Just send us your documents and ask fo
se in. They can translate all business documents, certificates, manuals, business proposals, etc. They use only certified translators who have years o
ertise you need for software, hardware and hardcopy projects. Software, hardware and hardcopy projects in all file formats. Extensive technical kno
ntina, Chile and Brazil. It was founded in 1983 by Raphael Alberola, former President and CEO of Berlitz International, Inc. We provide premier trans
se, including document translation, website localisation and software localisation. Established in 2000, Bridgenova has got years of experience servic
t of your multilingual process, from untranslated text to the final document allowing you to concentrate on what you do best.
ng. Freelancers in China or Germany working in one of the above language pairs. Freelancers with strong language background and proven technica
lovak, Polish-Slovak translations. Interpreters available, competivive prices and much more ...
contact us. Due to the dynamic growth of our company we invite experienced and professional translators (preferably native-speakers), interpreters
each the high standards set by our clients that continually test and evaluate us to provide a rigorous feedback on the quality of their work. English -
aff backed with decades of experience in the translation industry, Bubbles Translations Services is able to provide high quality translations. In any lan
all areas of industry, business, science, research and technology for over 25 years. In order to insure a suitable and factually correct translation, th
and perform Polish-English and English-Polish translations. We specialise in guidebook and map translations, and therefore the subjects of nature, la
al translation and interpreting around the world. Experienced Professional Translators: If you wish to join a dynamic, greatly-motivated team, send u
Middle-Eastern languages, since 1936. Preferred vendor to a number of Fortune 500 Healthcare Corporations.
ssionals. Business & Languages srl, founded in 1996 by localization experts, has established itself as one of the foremost vendors of high-quality tran
nguage training services to businesses throughout Europe. BLS is a full member of UK Association of Translation Companies (ATC) and was one of th
ness presentations, international conferences, etc. from English, German, Russian, French and other languages to Polish, and from Polish to the othe
Legalization of translations. Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Ivrit, Japanese, Kor
ized experience also in: International trade, Accounting, Health, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Chemistry.
ral European and all Asian and Far Eastern languages and dialects. Excellent rates. Produce multi-lingual design, artwork and print and distribute glo
ody or as an attachment).
translation agency. Today CIT specializes in the provision of Interpretation & Translation services in most international and all local languages and th
ets, we can help you reach your goals. CPG is celebrating more than 50 years of customer satisfaction. They translate into and from all languages. T
ets, we can help you reach your goals. CPG is celebrating more than 50 years of customer satisfaction. We'll find the right translator for your industr
nce 1986. Over the years, Cabinet Champollions translators, localizers and project managers have acquired an extensive knowledge of localization t
y training and also open school groups. Academic Direction and consultancy. Interpreting.
Chinese, Korean, Japanese, French, German and every language in the world, including the most exotic languages such as Hmong or Croatian.
in the field of translation to translation and management of large-scale projects. Every translation job is handled and managed as a project. For eac
n ligne. Moteurs de recherche russes. Collection de liens utiles vers les sites principaux de lInternet russe. Vente et location de noms de domaine.
trengthen their ability to penetrate the international market successfully, especially in the Spanish speaking countries.
an into English.
m English into all languages. If you are interested please feel free to submit your resume.
a question of competence, skills, accuracy and confidence. It is indispensable that the translator disposes not only of linguistic smartness but, above
ngual documentation, application localization and website localization services to document producers from a single source to any location in the wo
=>Arabic. Our rates 0,07 USD per word. We are a groupe of native speakers.
several specializations, in 6 offices throughout Romania. They target mainly companies and corporations doing business in multilanguage environm
versity degrees in translation and/or interpretation in their corresponding language combinations. They deal with all major languages and pride them
e literrias, para o Portugus, Ingls, Espanhol, Francs, Alemo, Romeno, Russo, Blgaro, Polons, Hebraico e Lituano.
es in all major European and Asian languages to well-known firms such as Novell, Hewlett-Packard, Corel, and WordPerfect, as well as to several int
sionals specialized in several fields who translate into their mother tongue. Our experience and know-how enable us to carry out accurate written tra
The company works with original documents written mainly in English, German and Swedish, and to a lesser extent in all other EU languages. In te
academically accredited translators and advertising specialists dedicates itself to the translation of contract and promotional language for the insura
ation accuracy, in-depth local knowledge and business reliability. Ccaps has developed a vast network of competencies, comprised of experienced na
easingly important industry for nearly six years and supported by a dedicated team of highly qualified and disciplined professionals, CCJK provides a
variety of subject areas from and to Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. If you require a translation into or an
ultancy, content creation / authoring, translation, localization, publishing and distribution of the material in any media and via all channels. They prov
using state-of-the-art quality assurance systems. Your translations will be consistent, proof read and delivered on time. We have the experience an
tive-speaking translators for over 50 languages. We provide accelerated time to return and greatly reduced project costs.
of a cost-effective product. Since 1985 Certified Translation Services offers a full range of quality services from language localization for product man
ional simultaneous, consecutive and text translators since 1998. Main translation services. 1. Written translation. 2. Simultane (konferans) eviri. 3.
terprets in all areas: technical, legal, financial, medical, scientific and literary. Each request for translation or interpreting is carefully understood in o
a Young Translators' Competition in Honour of Han Suying (for participants below the age of 44) in 1991 and 1995, the 2nd Prize at the said Contes
non-Czech into another non-Czech language, notarised translations, of audio and video material. If you would like to co-operate with them as a tra
ty. All work is done by certified translators and interpreters who have an average of 10 years of experiences in different fields. Each translation work
on between East Asian languages, especially Chinese and: English, Korean, Japanese, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Mongolian,
tors and interpreters in China as well as around the world who specialize in English, Japanese, Korean, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian
e catering to a global clientele, we operate on a 24/7 basis. We can be reached all the time via [email protected], or call our Senior Manager Mich
pretation and other language assistance services. The services are rendered exclusively by a group of qualified and experienced native speakers from
Eyes works both for end users and multi-language translation vendors globally.
riving to build a bridge of languages for all domestic and overseas customers. We deeply know that the full potential of business will not be realized
hizai provides a range of high-quality translations between various languages, all done by our dedicated team of professional technical translators. L
ypesetting for Indian, European and Asian languages. We always use native speaker translators.
hinese, and Korean. For any special language, we secure two or more translators or native editors familiar with the language in a reliable quality che
rvices in the translation and interpretation fields. We know that international conferences and conventions demand the highest level of accuracy and
language services industry. We are a friendly, energetic, flexible and reliable team of professionals delivering expertise in the translation, desktop pu
al manuals to scientific publications, from revision work to the layout of web pages, not to mention interpreting services and voice-over services.
We work with more than 20 languages and our website link, which is currently being updated is
Chinese, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish and all idioms. Interpreting with equipment for simultaneous interpreting and equipment for conferences, we a
echnic, news related to your concern matter of Vietnam. We will acquire, organize, disseminate and archive information, including database creation
ports, CMC, patents, package inserts, labels, etc. Translation languages: Dutch, English, and Hebrew. We provide our services at any location in Eur
ranslating, editing and processing multilingual content for the finance, life science and telecommunications industries. Over 180 well-known global or
orators are qualified and experienced language professionals who work in Lingala, Afrikaans, Romanian, Urdu, Italian, Swahili, French, Canadian Fre
al translation projects of complex product literature into Western, Eastern or Asian languages.
ot-steps in the market, but it made great results and gained the trust of many clients over the world. We offer a full range of publishing services, es
exclusively by graduate and undergraduate students of Columbia University, their relationship with Columbia provides them with unique access to th
fair prices, availability and flexibility, project follow-ups, a warm welcome and plenty of enthusiasm for they enjoy what they do! COM2 your be
marily work in marketing communications and advertising. Our translations are frequently "cultural adaptations" of marketing copy, both for the U.S
s, business letters, trade show displays -- whatever the assignment, we consistently demand word-for-word precision. Freelancers please visit: www
ange of information within the network of business life. By providing our clients with a quality translation service, we enable them to access internat
ngual projects and also offer typesetting, web site localisation, voice recordings and more.
dustry, offering a full range of language services with an emphasis on written translation
or companies working in the UAE, GCC and the Middle East. In addition, our translation agency also offers services for the following languages: Azar
mestic stock market, and assists it with comprehensive translation services: press releases, IR websites and reference document. Reactivity: your pr
, editors, web and software developers; member of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Trade, the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgari
and, and named Comprehensive Book Translation Services (CBTS). Our company has the skills and resources to provide high quality translations of a
n case of translating we are specialized in German to English (and vice versa) subtitles, lyrics, essays, manuals, poems, movies, esoteric, prose, lett
tion, localization and translation services. The scope of language translation services exceeds 100 languages and dialects.
alian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Serbo-Croat, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkis
the company also works with a large external network of skilled and specialised translators, as well as authorised translators. These translators have
as 30 employees, including 7 inhouse sworn translators and 14 inhouse technical translators. We translate into most languages and have clients with
nations upon request. They are looking for translators for German/Chinese and Chinese/German and German/Russian and Russian/German. Please s
) . Located in India, we cater to both organizations, as well as individuals. We have a wide range of services some of which are as follows:. 1.Langua
reters. With over 15 years experience in delivering quality language services, they provide a complete solution for all your language needs.
le format. Software: Translation, editing, formatting including user interface redesign, compiling, QA/Testing, financial or marketing material.
are almost all business-to-business organisations within the IT, healthcare and other (high) technological industries, requesting translations in all EM
perience on commercial and technical translations. Very competitive fees: US$ 0.05/word for English or French to/from Portuguese. Please check fee
liable quality service - All European languages, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and many more.
ckground: 8 years of experience in translating technical and other material. End-clients of our services include: Microsoft Corp., Hewlett-Packard, No
nslations. Strong technical background, commitment, and use of CAT tools make our team the best choice for complex, demanding and/or high-volu
European markets. Our major scope is translation and localization from English into Polish, but we also support other pairs including languages used
age classes. We are always looking for new translator contacts to have for future projects. We do translations of any/every language.
technical, literal, among others. Please do not hesitate to ask for a quotation.
s. Here is a list of a few of our offers: Voiceovers/Dubbing, Subtitling, Website Translations, Marketing Translations.
nts, and is among the very few translation services skilled at translating religious & theological materials.
insurance. Language pairs: Polish - English, English - Polish. Corporate Services enjoys the reputation of a unique team that can be entrusted with t
insurance industries. Types of documents we regularly translate include web sites, CRFs, informed consents, questionnaires, marketing materials, m
We provide translations involving any combination of English, Estonian and Russian, as well as proof-reading and editing services. We are currently e
sted in translators who specialise in specific subjects such as automotive, medical, electronics. Please email your C.V. to Robert Castelo at services@
tact information of clients who could give you feedback about their services. Visit for complete information about the co
lation and Typesetting services into European, Asian and all Indian languages. They have a network of nearly 2500 linguists who are the best in the
ifferent fields.
rket, be it domestic or international. They provide timely quality translation; interpretation, teleconferencing and all other language based services s
slating, in particular in aerospace industries. Following source languages into French: Chinese, English, Italian, Spanish, Catalan, Ru
arners (ELLs) and their teachers. As leader in ESL and dual language publications, they are always interested in expanding their pool of resources.
English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swed
e provide Translation Services in Indian as well as Foreign Languages. We translate material such as Brochures, Websites, Advertisements, Educatio
services covering interpreting, translation, temporary and permanent professional staff placement, and management services. Founded within the s
community for more than 30 years. Available languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish
ustries. Crimson is certified to the ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 13485:2003 quality standards and has an outstanding reputation for superior quality wo
ddressing the needs of the Spanish-speaking minority. A broad range of services is available, including interpretation, translation, and instruction ac
ny. Just to mention some of our work, we have translated into Portuguese over 30 hours of scriptless material for EPK of Lord of the Rings, we are th
rench, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Spanish, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Portuguese, Slovene and others into Croatian and vice versa. Freelancers and
, Southeast Asia and the world over, offering linguistic and cultural expertise in 39 languages with specialization: Accounting, advertising, marketing,
any is constantly looking for freelance resources who can help to carry out large and technically complex multilingual translation and localization pro
the design and translation of advertising collateral materials and new media into most foreign languages.
es in India, specializing in multilingual and multicultural projects - pioneering the localization activities in India since 1989. It was registered as a pub
Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Ukranian, Dutch, Greek, Danish, Swedish, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian, Turkish, Bulgarian, Hindi
and translation company in Shanghai City of China. We have over 40 full-time English-Chinese translators and 10 DTP engineers. We specialize in pr
their staff is experienced in medical, legal, social and business proceedings. Their written translations are thorough and accurately proofread before
rvices, particularly in the areas of Linguistics, Literature, Philosophy, and Information Technology. We can offer assistance in the research and writin
for exacting individual and corporate clients.
We are a small group of five seasoned, reliable and trusted freelance translators of materials in the language pairs listed above based in Manila, Ph
stand that Cybertec is NOT an "Agency" -- we are proud to be translators, all of us, and not "agents", even when we contract with freelance profess
ational manuals, websites and many other documents from English to Chinese and from Chinese to English. Fast service and competitive price.
Belarusan, Polish-Russian, Polish-Ukrainian, French-Belarusan, French-Russian, German-Belarusan, German-Russian. You could be pleasantly surpris
st quality medical interpretation and translation services. We pioneered the development of 'transparent' language services and specialize in providin
diting & Proofreading, DTP, Transcription, Audio files. Languages: English <> Spanish / English <> Portuguese / Other language combinations upon r
ence in translating across a wide range of fields. I work only with trusted partner translators with whom I have worked on a long-term basis.
and experts with degrees and at least 2 years' professional experience. All translations are cross-checked. D.O.G. supplies you with a finished produ
ns. We are always interested in talented new people to join our team. If you are a translator, interpreter, language teacher or other language speciali
ian. Soon we will have Arabic and Russian languages in our offer as well. More than 13 years of experience and specialized in all kinds of translation
alian, Bulgarian, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Norwegian, Portugese, Czech, Greek, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Farsi, Slovenian, Japanese, Korean and upon
es. Our high quality services are based on a large translators database, having extensive industry specific knowledge and hands on experience in var
sian/Farsi, Nepali, Malay and Singhalese. We have experienced and professional native translators on our panel. We have experience in doing the lar
sis on east-asian languages. Since 1997 we have managed projects for global players like Siemens AG, Bosch Indramat, ThyssenKru
In addition to looking for qualified translators in all language combinations and fields of expertise, we are also on the lookout for copywriters and cul
telsen er af god kvalitet. Dette glder ikke mindst pa omrder, hvor en misforstelse kan f omfattende personlige eller konomiske konsekvenser.
ocial security, children and family services, insurance, ancillary estates, trafic, immigration, etc.
rowing Hispanic community in the U.S. We all know that nowadays, more than ever, good communication is a basic tool for trade and growth of busi
Microsoft Office tools or special tools from clients, TRADOS. Software, help, documenation for IT, mobile phones, printers, computers, railway transpo
n all fields of expertise. If you would like to work with DeepTrans please e-mail your resume in ENGLISH as a word file. Make sure to use your name
es such as English, French, German and Italian and also Spanish, Russian and Arabic, within the body of our company for which a translation team o
ssionalism, and their technological competence from two sources: Translingua and Logos. DELTA was founded in 1998 as a subsidiary of Logos, a ma
and IT. They count on a 50 members team, working on the above technical subjects, on most european languages. Their values: quality, hontheir, c
ree languages are possible. In principle we deliver translations of all kinds of texts. In addition to this, we are specialized in the translation and revis
a company who will respect the deadline? From a simple A4 page to entire technical manuals, we are poised and ready to respond with the perfect s
e you. Unbeatable rates adapted to your budgets. Small and large companies, they have the solution. For partners: All freelancers are welcomed to
mit professionell ausgefhrte bersetzungen zu sehr attraktiven Preisen und termingerechte und schnelle Realisierung Ihres Auftrags garantieren. U
ges and global languages. We can also do legal translations. Please feel free to tell us about your needs. We can also arrange interpreters in Bangalo
> Spanish markets (both European and American Spanish) . During the past ten years, we have accrued a solid experience in vertic
hone interpretation, face-to-face interpretation and document translation services 24 hour 7 days a week at a reasonable cost. Their professional cu
andard texts within 24 hours, at the most three days. You can place your texts at any time using your account. Because of time differences, we tran
r subjects and other languages. The area of expertise is technical documentation ranging from project specifications to design codes and Governmen
Washington, DC and B.Sc. degrees from the University of Athens, Greece. All other associates hold (or are about to obtain) graduate degrees from
Portuguese. A translation agency headquartered in Brasilia, capital of Brazil. They've been in business since 1991.
xte (Gebrauchsanweisungen, Handbcher, etc.), juristische Texte (Vertrge aller Art), wirtschaftliche Texte (Firmenkorrespondenz, Firmenprsentati
based in England. Here we work with any body in needs of our service (firms, offices, translation agencies). We do translation and proofreading from
urt Interpreting Multilingual Applications Localization Web-based Solutions Terminology Management Integrated Documentation Suppo
nslations of French and German. We pride ourselves in providing a service that is high quality, cost-effective, quick.
English; German Estonian / Russian German. However, they also provide translations from/into Scandinavian languages and other Western Euro
re vendors and manufacturors, Software publishors and developers, data processing service providers, etc. from/to main european languages and u
Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, Flemish, , French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, No
ern is naturally bridging the gap between people and converting communication into understanding.
erman, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Hungarian, Romanian, Croatian, Slovene, Slovak, Polish, Czech. However, pairings from Hungarian are also
onsists of over 250 translators, graphic designers and desktop publishers for all languages. The requirements for our translators are
ingle page or a book. We provide accuracy, high quality and fast turnaround at very competitive rates. Dogma works with the following languages: S
ing, law, software, medicine, art and architecture. They interpret for market research, on television, at conferences, conventions, in meetings and in
flexibilidad. Porqu recurrir a un profesional?Traducir no solamente es cuestin de transferir palabras sueltas de un idioma al otro. El acto de tradu
regulatory organisations worldwide. Languages handled: Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, G
say it your way, If you have to say it in another way, If you need the right word at the right place, Just contact us. We'll do the Job!
al equipment fields. Clients benefit from Dragomano's focus upon 'exacting requirements' and well-executed deliverables. Documents are translated
translators. Specialise in translating from Spanish and Catalan into English.
ion and serving our client's needs are our number one priority. We have a reputation for high quality translations. As an official Trados partner we wo
ries. DTECH Translation currently employs native-speaking translators, engineers, and computer scientists and has a well-established network of free
with the most important DTP Applications like Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe InDesign, Adobe PageMaker, Interleaf/Quicksilver, QuarkXPress, Graphics e
heir translators only translate into their native tongues. They are selected on the basis of their expertise in the field required for the clients documen
reters are extremely well trained and have many years of experience. They know how to interpret the speaker's intentions, reflect those intentions c
ncluding: * Foreign language Translation in over 90 languages, along with editing, proofreading * Graphic Design/Desktop Publishing * Interpreting (
the Whole U.A.E. + Qatar & Oman. Dealing Mainly in English/French and generally in all other languages, authenticated by their respective Embassi
guages. We work with native translators. We also provide multilingual website design and voice over.
professionals specialize in technical, medical, and hi-tech documents, alternative medicine, tourism, law, websites, personal translations, and more,
, Chinese, Thai and Japanese. Established in 1995, we have been successfully providing high quality localization services to our lead
Spanish, Italian, Korean, Burmese, Thai, Russian, Vietnamese, Portuguese and Latin. Freelncers please send your CVs to [email protected]
East West Communication Company brings you its know-how in Eastern and Western European, Middle Eastern and Asian languages, with a focus o
ebsites, letters and so on. Languages most asked for at this moment are Dutch, English, German, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Hungarian, Bulgarian and R
aditional Chinese and act as a support team for other big translation companies throughout the world. Located in ShenZhen, GuangDong Province C
s, telephones and the mails from a place in the country called Husby-Lnghundra located between Stockholm and Uppsala, Sweden, and very near
kets in the Middle East, from website translation to website marketing, to ensure compliance to the Arabic culture in terms of conten
ed with superior customer care. They take great pride in long-term, successful relationships with both clients and vendors alike. To support their end
able cost effective tariff. We cover all world languages. We have over 1000 interpreters on our database available at short notice. We select the very
tion projects (e.g. manuals, brochures, software, CD-Roms, subtitling, scripts), Business language and cultural training for English speakers, Busine
obal network allows us to continually submit projects of the highest quality while keeping costs reduced to the most competitive rates in this charged
o not hesitate to contact us, we will respond to your e-mail within a matter of minutes!
translations available.
hinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Flemish, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Korean, Kurdish, Icelan
Portuguese (Brazilian) language pairs. We can translate from English into Iberian (Spain), Mexico/U.S., Neutral Latin-American and Southern-Cone S
anguage and Translation with more than 5 years experience. During the last year we managed to gain clients in other language pairs like German in
pment, Outsourcing, Training, and Translation. Quality assurance and differentiated service are two of the top priorities at EgyMark. Our Language p
ions. Translation and localization can prove challenging. We can assure you that there is no magic spell that guarantees success when it comes to pr
alization, law and patent, business and finance, humanities, technical documents and brochures. Main working languages: English<>Arabic, English<
terpretation, Translation of documents, Video subtitling, Video recording, Audio recording, Transcripts from audio or video.
with Elanex-developed cutting-edge automation technologies. We are seeking professional translators in all major language pairs. All Elanex transla
anslator to translate your Web site or company manual, eLanguages, Inc. will help you become global. The world economy is changing and companie
staff will translate your texts with the highest professionalism and the shortest time. You can easily ask for a budget getting in contact with us.
ears of experience over the sector of languages in no uncertain terms. This Educational centre has been dealing with English, Arabic, French, Germa
al 1000 MNC clients. We pride ourselves in offering the best quality, timely delivery and professional project management at very competitive price.
ts and legalization of all types of official documents. Our Company provides high quality translations, responsibility and loyalty in the relationship wit
of reading and Editing in African, Asian, European, Eastern European, Oriental, Latin American and other rare and hard to find Languages at very co
ranslators in Chinese and Spanish. Desktop Publishing professionals are welcome to contact us as well. Professional translators and interpreters in a
nto and out of Arabic, Farsi, Urdu and Turkish as well as some other regional languages. We have specialized expertise in IT, telecommunications, so
s have been carefully vetted, are perfectly bilingual (Italian and English), only translate into their mother tongue and have at least five years profes
evel of service it provides to clients and the quality of work it performs. Translation services are additionally available in many other areas such as bu
Spanish, German, Italian into Serbian and vice versa but other pairs from English into French, Spanish, German, Italian is also possible. The fees ar
ces in telephone interpreting, attendance, simultaneous, consecutive, police, health and social, and knowledge in Swedish and Danish. Translate pro
ur translators are professionals with extensive experience and we use CAT tools, translation memories and term bases to ensure that translation is b
s, blue chip companies, TV stations, hundreds of law firms, publishing companies and many others are among our clients. Translation and interpretin
Interpreting of any pair language. We also have a team of professional Web Design and Internet Marketing promotion to offer full service to your n
pport, enabling our customers to perform in a global environment. Our goal is to be a national leader in providing federal, state, and local governme
tion for business partners in Ukraine. We can translate and confirm our translation in order to present it in official institutions throughout the world.
talian, Spanish, German, among others. The multidisciplinary team at English at Work is composed of teachers, translators, proofreaders and coord
h and English to Portuguese. Conference interpretation to and from English, Portuguese and Spanish.
line write your name and position title. Send resume as Word attachment, pdf file, or text to: [email protected]
garian, Hungarian to Polish, English to Polish, Polish to English, Spanish to Hungarian, Hungarian to Spanish, German to Hungarian, Hungarian to Ge
EN, Portuguese into SP. Areas of specialization: Entertainment, Health Care, Human Resources, Marketing, Legal. Capacity to handle large projects,
quality translation service. We have extensive project experience in IT, semiconductor manufacturing, telecommunications, machinery, automobile m
quality translation service. We have extensive project experience in IT, semiconductor manufacturing, telecommunications, machinery, automobile m
fer translations from Dari (Afghani) to English, German to Farsi, and Farsi to German. As well, they provide superior proofreading, transcription, and
speakers in the target language. We have always kept within the clients deadline, and budget, and will only take on jobs that allow us to do so. We a
an technical and scientific translator. We can translate from any EU languages into Hungarian at reasonable prices.
ovided. Capable of handling your general, medical, technical and specialized projects in the following languages: Arabic, Chinese/Mandarin, Cantones
g are our forte. Our network within networks is truly our compelling differentiator. With headquarters centrally located in the heart of SEA and two lo
des turnkey language solutions that range from complex software and web application localization to traditional document translation, layout and prin
e chance to work more efficiently and faster. Every work is proof-read; our prices are competitive; our work is professional.
ade up of a highly qualified team of linguists, technicians, engineers, editors, project managers and administrators with many years of experience a
d network of freelance linguists are leaders in the industry and the very best in the business. We provide multilingual services to companies and org
volumes, tight deadlines, limited budget? Breathe easy, e-scripto has it covered!
urses. Not only European languages are translated but most exotic ones as well.
ealizamos una seleccion exahustiva para buscar la persona que mejor se adapta al perfil de su traduccin. Posteriormente, dicha traduccin es revis
, Latvian, Lithuanian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Croatian, Slovenian, Hungarian, Serbian, Japanese, Chinese. Please ask fo
nd linguistically appropriate for specific markets. Our specialities: video and voice-overs; technical (chemicals, MSDS, software, technology, etc.) plu
ojects, translate documents and provide interpreters for conferences and depositions. We handle projects in many languages, including French, Spa
ns, Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Vietnamese) and on every field of expertise! Any amount of work can be managed. All this without VAT inside
which include translation, editing and proofreading in the main commercial and communication languages: English, Spanish, German, French and Ita
e to answer your needs for translations in more than 50 languages. All of our translators are specialist and experienced translators with linguistic tra
uage combinations. Other languages on request (Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, etc.). The EURECO group is always looking for skilled individua
ranslating English to French and French to English, but they can also provide the same quality services in Spanish, German and Mandarin.
vices of english and french documents for a diverse client community. Our areas of industry service to date include: computers (software localization
t also extend into specific technical or scientific fields. They are able to provide specialised language services for business engaged in international tr
nslation. We translate from and to: English, German, French, Russian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian. Can't see your
e region it is fully in touch with local demands, requirements, and tastes, so it can produce high quality localization. It is in a unique position to offer
ntinents and produces linguistic services (translations/adaptations, localization, layouts, and Web publishing) where the languages are spoken. Its m
duction and control of linguistic quality on site and has been able to realize the agreement between the two factors that are perpetually in contradic
ropean languages with key strengths in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Russian. Common management with Eurologos St Petersburg Over
ces around the world (see the website) there are very few language combination they do not handle. They only employ experienced n
Portuguese language.
roup. We enjoy 25 years of experience in our field. We translate in all languages and create customized glossaries and technolets for each of our clie
tern Europe; however, they also regularly translate into all other major languages. Their translation teams consist of native speakers and experts in
tion needs of businesses, associations and government and contributing to the improvement of its customers competitiveness in global markets. Lin
n, Portuguese, Arab and Brasilien Portuguese. Fields: technical, scientific and law translations.
abic to English, Hebrew to English, as much also we translate French/Arabic - Legal Translation.
btitlers that can provide the top quality services their clients require. They require translators/subtitlers in over 40 languages; visit their website to fi
n including software localization, website internalization, global content management systems, and testing and interpretation services.
German, English, Russian, French, Slovakian and the most of the EU-langugages into Hungarian as well as from Hungarian into the languages abov
Established in 1969, our company is working for many companies and organisations such as the Eur
eakers, who know their profession. Our satiesfied customers are for example SIEMENS, Fischer-Ski, and many more. High quality standards and com
uire high quality linguistic support. Apart from quality, Euroservices Traductions can also offer your company a series of other equally important adva
Basque, Catalan....
p and at
o French, as well (from the other tongues into Hebrew, German and English); also technical translation in all EU-combinations (with
e Single European Union means that you can as easily trade with a customer/supplier in Germany as you can in Wexford, but with one difference, y
talian, Spanish and German. All translators are certified by the Romanian Ministry of Justice.
guages, both from and into English. Freelance translators required for the above.
Our most frequent language pairs are EN-SP and SP-EN, but we also work with PT, FR, IT and DE. We are always eager to meet new translators and
and Hungarian, as well as proofreading for the same language combinations. If you want to be part of the team of freelance translators, please ask t
eting, promotion of commercial relations and organization of events - for companies which are interested in establishing new commercial relations w
panese, Chinese, Pujabi, Hindi, Tamil, etc. Our rates very well compare with those of other agencies. We shall be pleased to do your translation job i
m localisation to language training and advertising support, for clients from all areas of international business. To ensure quality and completion to sc
ic language services. Our clients include multinational corporations, financial and legal service providers, advertising and marketing agencies, agricul
rom and into all EU languages. We work with professionals being native to the target language holding a degree in both translation and in the releva
talian, Spanish, Dutch are only few of the lanuages we handle with in our activity. Do not hesitate co contact our specialists 24 hours a day!
ment. Specializing in Central European languages, exe solutions include localization, globalization, product testing, translation and in
Balkans, USA and Canada, through international translation and publishing companies. In Greece, we provide multi-lingual translation services to lo
arily for international corporations, management consulting firms, and high-tech companies.
, Portuguese, Dutch, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, Arabic, Indonesian, Greek and other languages.
translated material, from and into Spanish and Portuguese, as well as other major language combinations.
werktechnologie, Telekommunikation, Telematik sowie IT allgemein? Das Servicepaket der ExperTeach GmbH gewhrleistet, dass Sie die bestehenden
atabase. If you are interested to work with them and if you are qualified for the profession as translator and interpreter and are experienced in this
demand are usually one of the Scandinavian languages on one side - and the main Western European ones on the other. We're technology driven, h
Ecology; Technology (Automobile). Undertakes translations from German into English and French.
tion services to individuals or small and larger businesses. We translate all business languages using the expertise of a wide network of professional
ng collateral localization. EzGlobe services clients in the IT, e-learning, medical, science, finance and industrial domains and offers localization/transl
panies, organizations, individuals, etc., always with the best service, and the most competitive rates of the market. Do not hesitate to contact F&L fo
r translation, lda it is important to bridge over all the disadvantages that may impair the results of the factors: Quality and Time. We provide high q
Estnisch Kasachisch Kroatisch Lettisch - Litauisch Makedonisch Russisch Polnisch Rumnisch Serbisch - Slowakisch Slowenisch
translator then follow the link at and complete our questionnaire.
anslation, English into French or French to English translations you can rely on FacTraduceri. You will be provided with accurate document translation
h and Brazilian Portuguese. However, we can also offer a wider range of language combinations and specialist fields thanks to our excellent contacts
ish, English-Spanish, Farsi-Russian, Russian-Farsi, Russian-Dari, Dari-Russian, Russian-Turkish, Turkish-Russian, Uzbek-Russian, Russian-Uzbek, Uzb
o Minimum Charge. Translations made by professional translators with after sales support. They give you a 100% automated system for fasest job a
uguese translators or interpreters for English to Portuguese or Portuguese to English translation assignments for projects of any size in any subjects.
a any kind of texts, from technics to law, from vital records to notary deeds. They make use only of native speaker translators. Their rate is 0.08 eur
s. The company's hand-picked, customer-focused and fast-expanding network of translators and consultants works in tandem with in-house quality
a, government and consumer industries. We also provide globalization and localization of companies. Our language pairs are extensive and we can a
an, Czech, Danish, Dari, Dutch, English, Farsi, Finnish, Flemish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Ind
We are therefore properly prepared and equipped for this kind of cooperation. The efficiency of such cooperation is maximized by the latest CAT tech
Turkish language with its experienced first class, professional translators for all kinds of subjects for more than 25 years in Bursa city of Turkey.
worldwide sales and branding objectives. FG clients maximize the return on their globalization investment through informed, accelerated entry into i
ent nature from other languages, Chinese has been one of the most difficult barriers for companies and institutions, which are planning to tap into C
ents ranging from the Government of Malta to the European Commission. Fintel Ltd specialises in translations from English, French, German, Italian
co-ordinators who manage all aspects of the translation service. Multi-Lingual.
aitian Creole speaker with over ten years of experience as a freelance translator.
translation company that can handle all of your document translation projects. From legal papers and business communications, to marketing, educ
rket your product anywhere in the world. From simple text document to the highly specialised technical terminology, FLE delivers high standard eve
mostly in every industrial project. That is the reason that first of all they focus on every kind of industrial texts. The other areas: producing, operatio
s needs. Services include technical, medical, legal, business, and literarily translation, as well as localization of software and websites and consecutiv
Charlotte and Raleigh, North Carolina and all across the United States. Freelancers please apply at:
and other services including software localization and Corporate Training. To make it short, our strengths are: Twenty full time translators / interpret
anese, Chinese, Hebrew, Malay, Indonesian, Arabic, French, German, Spanish or any other language, you can be sure you are paying the lowest rate
Greek, Russian, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Eastern European languages. Freelancers please apply at:
wing up steadily, thanks to the high quality of its products, the high level of professionalism, attention to the customers specific needs and an essen
s such, we provide translations in every major language internationally. Our location in Cape Town, the hub of intellectual Africa, enables us to offer
Folio Translation Services offers Professional Translation, Editing, Proofreading for all European, Asian, and Indian Languages along with T
dvisors working in the field of Intellectual Property and Patent Law. The great majority of intellectual property translation services provided by the F
e to German, Spain to Chinese, Chinese to Spain, Russian to Chinese, Chinese to Russian, Japanese to Chinese, Chinese to Japanes
nguages. The in house studio is ISDN equipped. Ratecard and more information at Voices can be listened to instantly on w
Austria and abroad. They are quality certified (Austrian -Norm scheme), and use modern translation memory, terminology management and dedica
Many multinational companies use their services to improve their international communications. This has increased their exposure to different world
ench-English-Swahili-Lingala); 3. Academic facilitation; 4. Legal facilitation (for immigrants, refugees and unemployed people...); 5. Other related se
nslators of the city of Buenos Aires. Since 2003 we run FReelance, an Argentinean company composed by a team of professional teachers and trans
y and general business services. Offering a friendly, efficient and high-quality service, the partners have 15 years of project management experienc
nd script translations.
994, based in Egypt, dedicated only to serving translation providers, Our client list starts from Small and Mid-Sized translation agencies, to huge MLV
eutics,biochemistry/biomedicine. Experience in translation work covers more than ten years; delivering translations to university members who had t
ully conversant with both the source and the target language, but also have a good knowledge of the subject of the text and know its specific terms,
ions (e.g. English to Simplified Chinese or Japanese and others). Certificates: ISO 9001 and DIN 2345.
m English to Arabic and from Arabic to English. Hope to cooperate with each other.
vices in over 120 languages. Our specializations range from Advertising to Engineering to the Medical Industry. If you are intereste
. The company organizes language training in 16 languages (Nordic, Baltic, European and Asian languages) for businesses and the Finnish governm
hers. We provide translation, audio recording, software localization and linguistic playtesting in all the key languages for games.
, European, Middle Eastern and Pacific languages. Freelancers please visit
nslation, website and software localization. Competitive prices, punctual delivery of services and high quality translations make us a reliable service
est quality at the lowest costs. Language pairs: English-Spanish, Spanish-English, English-French, French-English, English-Portuguese, Portuguese-E
anguages, including Eastern European and Far Eastern languages. We translate numerous fields of specialization, including technical, scientific, medi
uage solutions in over 180 different languages. Our services include interpreting, translation, transcription localization and more. We sevrice federal,
ish, Afrikaans.
general fields.
opean, Nordic, Asian and other languages that you might need. Please check our Life Sciences for closer information about our experience in technic
tion in all areas, big projects, powers of attorney, documents, films, fiction, European Union documents.
ermanitas arbeiten staatlich beeidigte Dolmetscher fr die deutsche und polnische Sprache. Weitere Informationen sind aus der
and, occupying top position in the Warsaw Business Journal ranking. Our company provides services of the highest quality. We perform translations
e translated more than a hundred thousand pages. Now offering: Russian, English, German, French, Italian, Chinese and Japanese.
ique field expertise and linguistic sensitivity. Augmenting this pool of selected native speakers, they offer a dynamic staff of experienced engineers a
Arabic translation (both Arabic to English and English to Arabic), professional writing and editing services, and desktop publishing. We believe that tra
ompany with the specialized services and expertise to meet all of your global communication needs. At Global Edge Solutions the company uses the
of from English<=>Asian languages. In collaboration with Epsilon Translation in Malaysia, the group has 115 translators who specialize in translation
onal, accurate and timely interpretation services while working in the medical field, she has accumulated over 10 years of experience in providing th
ments, medical literature, legal and trade agreements, business and financial statements, marketing, advertising and public relations materials, mag
asian languages and major other global languages used worldwide. We have interpreted for several Heads of States of Important countries.
r regulated industries, language training, cultural awarness training and relocation assistance. They only work with qualified experts in their subject
erent languages.
nsitivity. Our team of truly bilingual professional linguists offers fast, reliable, and professional translation services. Primary languages we work with a
ntext and the culture to adapt your materials so that they appear innate to your local customers. Their selected team of linguists includes: translator
Global is an industry leader in Canada specializing in legal, medical and technical communication services.
ther language services into the Maltese and English languages as well as in a vast range of other targer languages from all European languages as a
fessional translators from Ricardo Palma University-Peru. Our mission is to satisfy our customers, bring a quality product and to create jobs. We can
ranteed Customet Satisfaction is our moto and first aim of our service. we will do alterations free of charge unitil your satisfaction. We are specialise
ust translates from all major languages to Azerbaijani, Russian, Turkish and vice versa on any specialization field. All work is handled by fully qualifie
gularly with the translators for over two years. All translators, where possible, are native speakers of their target language we will let you know if t
electronics/electrical engineering, plastics technology, aerospace, mechanical engineering, telecommunication, transport, environment, medical, pha
a strategy to publish multilingual content in a structured, predictable and controllable way. We focus on regulated industries, life sciences, informati
UAGES, as well as offering a wide range of multi-language typesetting / desktop publishing, regional verification, printing, and shipping services, to e
ndustries Global structure: lean/efficient/flexible Latest technology & proven process 100% Client retention. Services: 50+ Languages Softw
nationalization & localization, software and website testing, globalization consulting services. Freelancers may contact them.
proofreading, desktop publishing (dtp) / typesetting, website translation / localisation, volume typing / data entry, transcription & accounting service
ringing them the best and most cost-effective solutions. We have worked on the client and vendor sides, in each and every role: management, tech
we have in our team highly qualified and experienced linguist for each language combination. Professionals, who are native in their own language an
any industries.
olved in software, hardware, telecom, internet, engineering and manufacturing. They partner with their clients to enable them to reach their global m
ese specialised languages we can take on any world-language at Spanish prices and world-quality.
m of Professional Translators, information about their work experience in the field of translation and their rates, which they certain can be very usef
-experienced translators that only translate into their native languages, this ensuring the quality of their output. Our clients from around the world s
elp compiling and testing, Screen capturing, Software testing) for English and Chinese pair. We're good at IT, Telecom, Marketing and Legal fields.
e braches of technical documentation, telephony, medical, imaging, office equipment, automotive, software, e-site localization and other documenta
interpreters and narrators in over 60 languages. Our primary focus is on technical translations for the chemical, pharmaceutical, medical, legal and
u through step-by-step analysis of the job, identifying the audience, languages or dialects, and any cultural issues that may affect the transmittal of
your culture, your subtile meanings and your details. Highest Quality Services with a reliable and professional style, at competitive prices.
ompanies for fifteen years. We offer language training, translation, editing, proofreading & interpreting services in Scandinavia & the U.S. All teacher
and other language combinations available on request. Highly skilled and experienced staff working on tight schedules and leaving nothing to chanc
005. G.I.C.C provides solutions for culture, history, technology, trade, and other aspect's language barrier difficulties in different countries. By sufficie
rvices in the following language pairs: English<>Spanish, English<>Portuguese, English<>French, English<>Italian, English<>Vietnamese, English
and KO. We also provide English remastering for MT generated English. We employ mostly freelance translators and provide them withon-line trackin
Korean, Chinese <-> Korean. Looking for experienced freelance translators for the following languages: Japanese -> English (English native speaker
thorities of Shenzhen, China. We are fully experienced and specialized in translating gift box specifications and user manuals for electric appliances a
nese delivers client-friendly services for major corporations and medium-sized enterprises. GoodChinese employs native speaking specialists in each
mpany we are constantly seeking skilled language professionals. If you are client-focused, quality-driven and have a boundless love of languages we
We have provided high qualified services to SAP, VW, HP, ABB and other famous companies in the world.
hieve this goal, from the very beginning they have worked exclusively with translators, interpreters and teachers with the requisite education and ex
restheirces of native speakers working with professional translators in many specialized fields. GLS also provides certified translations for legal docu
olish, Portugese, Spanish, Dutch. Subject: glass industry, automotive, chemistry, medicine, foreign trade, legal,EU programs, EU standards, air-cond
a cost effective price. Specializing in over 80 international languages, Green Crescent Translations is staffed by a team of professional, international
f Bukgaria. At present, GREG Agency EOOD employs over 120 translators into/from languages of different combinations, who have additional qualific
Ca, Fr, Haitian, African French, Philipino Tagalog vs. US Tagalog, etc.) Large and small jobs, negotiable rates.
nslate your marketing/technical material and website into any target language and train your own staff to communicate. All of our staff are highly qu
facilities in Mexico City, Mexico. The company provides large volume English to Spanish translation for both agencies and corporations. GS Translatio
rum of translation services for English/German. technical manuals medical texts legal contracts advertising copy slogans/buzz-words. Comp
elorussian, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portugu
ations done by professional translators. Language Specialties: German, French and other European languages. Industry Specialties:
with foreign national counterparts. The Hachians' varied backgrounds such as trainings and scholarships received from the Japan Foundation nad Jap
account for the larger part of the workload, a network of self-employed translators has grown over the years of its own accord through mutual co-o
uage Training via the Internet and in the Paris, France area * Conference Interpreting & events, including Press Conference organization, localization
easoned and insightful translators. Handsome Translations always welcomes high-caliber translators working between Chinese and major European a
our translators and are expecting in exchange the highest quality possible.
iduals to transcend the barriers of global communication. is an online translation and localization company. They provide professio
ons. We provide highest quality on lowest prices. We translate from/to Bulgarian to/from English, French, Italian, German, Greek, Russian, Spanish,
nd Japanese. HeVN corporation available service in communication strategies, Public Relations Consulting, film making, advertisements, company pro
Dutch, Finnish, Spanish, Swedish, Flemish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese.
al these days, and so is Hindi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Urdu and many other languages of India. Agency can translate your documents in-house from and
quipment, multilingual websites, Spanish courses and cross cultural training. Our customers include individuals as well as large and medium sized c
English>Spanish>English, and Spanish regional languages English>such as Catalan, Basque and Galician. We also offer the flexibility of a total trans
ho desire to work for them should send their resumes and rates to [email protected].
n more than 18 years of intensive translation/interpretation works that stand for more than 10 million words in all aspects of life.
languages in English, Hindi and vice-versa. For all type of languages (mentioned above) translation please contact: Harish Upadhyaya.
rwaltung sowie Hochschulen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf Englisch und Franzsisch, aber auch alle anderen europischen Verkehrssprachen werden an
world. All services are performed by experienced translators, with a solid professional background, and a profound knowledge of their native languag
ame listed on the Osaka Securities Exchange Nippon New Market "Hercules" Standard Index.
the Chinese companies who are interested in investing business in a foreign English speaking countries,we will assist the trasnlating work from larg
aw, translation and courier service in Moscow - the capital of Russia - since January 1991. HOROS provides services in the and preparation of all kin
Finance and Securities, Management, Insurance, Telecommunications, Computer Softwares, Internet-related, Education and others.
tructions. Areas of specialization include bio-technology, pharmaceutical, biomedical and life sciences and other basic/applied sciences.
rench, and Italian to Chinese. More info on our website. please select english section if you can not read Chinese font.
oatian to Italian, English, German and Slovenian language done by a team of experienced and professional translators.
h, English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Russian and all Balkan languages.
product characteristics, - telecommunication and mobile telephony, - European Union (law, integration, education), - finance, accounting, economics
clients/ organizations located allover India and Abroad. We are rendering our services to most of the Pharmaceutical, Engineering, Private/ Govern
rojets de dploiement (document, logiciel, compte-rendu, interprtation). Autres domaines : juridique, marketing, techniques diverses.
mmunity in over 80 different languages. Their professional translators will insure your material is interpreted the way you wished it to be. Furthermo
Dutch, French, English, German, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Turkish, Czech, Slovak, Russian, Swedish, Danish, but also all other EU
n this field. Currently they have more than 120 regular clients from the Czech Republic, Germany, Great Britain, Belgium, France and Switzerland. Th
over 35 European, Asian and African languages, e.g. Chinese, Dutch, French, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish and many more. Your orde
the United Kingdom. Our interpretation service is based mainly in the Greater Manchester region. We specialise in multilingual e-commerce and Int
dustry, tourism, insurance, manuals, etc. Also editing of Spanish texts. Interested in employing freelancers Spanish - English.
operating internationally. Our clients include leading enterprises in financial services, investor relations (IR) and disclosure, consultancy, advertising a
tilingual events: international conferences, management seminars, shareholders' meetings, press conferences, webcasts, conference calls, voice-ove
Transcription. Freelance translators, interpreters and transcriptionists are welcome to apply at any time (see site for application instructios).
munication. As a link between the continents it is our aim to make you fit for the global market. ICTAC also provides speech coaching and subtitling
a to enable the highest quality and service levels at very competitive rates. Translation and localization into Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese, multil
(legal, economic and program based), Medicine and pharmacology, Advertising, Chemistry, Biology, Technical engineering sciences, Agriculture, Mag
glish, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Persian, Urdu, Japanese.
ing between Brazilian Portuguese and English are welcome to apply. Other translators please do not disturb.
and consent forms, Medical Charts, Medical Journal articles, Israel Government Public Regulations; Social Security & Insurance claims; notarization
ld languages.
tion for quality, reliability, confidentiality and flexibility. In addition to our permanent in-house staff, our operational group includes a consistent and
who specialize in different subject areas: economy, technology, science. All projects are carried out via the Internet, thus ensuring a rapid turnaroun
c company offers flexibility and professionalism in the translation service. Made up of native translators, all of whom are either degree or diploma qu
ces in all major languages. iinterpret has been in business since 1983, and is a Hispanic woman owned business. iinterpret offers highly qualified an
o the following major Asian languages: Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai. If you are interested to join their database o
rin Chinese and English. Drafting, editing, and revision services for Chinese and English documents.
ange of literature including technical (documentation and instruction manuals), software localization, scientific, medical, financial, legal, business an
ive land from English to any Indian language - (Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Punjabi, Urdu, Tamil, Telegu, Malayalam, Kannada, Nepali, Sanskrit, Oriya, A
re in capacity to supply Indian languages in Unicode fonts, a capability which very few have. Presuming that you may already be having a good netw
ench, Italian, Kazakh, Turkish, Japanese, Uzbek, and Russian Languages. We can provide the following services: written translations; oral translation
t groups, employees, partners and colleagues in Indonesia through quality bahasa Indonesia language services.
r in the U.S. recognized with an ATA Active Member status exclusively for English <> Indonesian. Translator is proficient in Business translations (ad
wide range of lingual services; translation, interpretation, voice recording at very affordable rates. We provide the services but not limited to Urdu, P
ation offered by others is simply not good enough for us. We are zealous to the point of perfection in all our work. We offer translation, editing and p
ffice located in a strategical place near Potsdamer Platz in the middle of Berlin.
ons seeks to strengthen the communicating power and sustainable prosperity of its clients. Unlike most of our competitors, we translate between En
h India & Bangladesh), Urdu, Tamil, Marathi, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Gujarati, Oriya, Assamese. Inforays talented pool of translators ensure q
ompany in India offering high quality Multilingual Translation, localization & high-end documentation services. Our commitment to quality is ensured
If interested contact us at the mobile number above from 10.00 to 20.00 or send us a mail to the address
and takes on general and technical translations from and into all major languages. Our services cover the entire document publishin
n mit vielen qualifizierten freiberuflichen bersetzern aus aller Theylt zusammen, und unsere Mitarbeiter bersetzen nur in ihre jetheyilige Mutterspra
slyn, Virginia, and Odenton, Maryland. In addition, we offer professional Consecutive Interpreting Training at our schools.
d detail to best serve our customers. Price quotes and references upon request. We are always looking for certified translators whith good reference
assets are competence, moderate pricing and time saving. All our services are provided by professional collaborators, co-ordinated by a team of lan
omised assessment schemes at low levels. Certification/validation of in-house courses for industry & commerce and educational institutions, tailor-m
o assist in their product localization strategy. INTAC's services cover a broad range of multilingual communication: text translation for brochures, pre
stablished to give an answer to the current communication needs of institutions, companies and individuals. IES is a bureau of professional translato
Latin, Ukrainian-Spanish, Ukrainian-Polish, Ukrainian-Hebrew. The company provides oral translation services for most of the declared language pair
ve experience in patent translation / proofreading. Beginners only if they also have a university degree in engineering, science or patent law.
-performance provider of comprehensive language services, with a worldwide network of in-house and independent translators and interpreters wor
esas extranjeras y ucranianas, facilitando la implantacin de las empresas extranjeras en Ucrania y el intercambio comercial con los potenciales clie
hrough. Since 1991, we have been providing the finest professional translation and typography in over forty languages to governme
, Interlang offers outstanding customer service, competitive rates and high quality services.
tional translations, technical literature and terminology management, desktop publishing, software localisation, interpretation services, international
nd translation services for other foreign languages, including Mandarin, Japanese, Arabic, French, Dutch, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and
es, international organizations and businesses. INTERLEX is an ISO-certified company, working with a large network of partners in Hungary and glob
foreign language into another.
owing areas depending on their experience and qualifications: General, Legal, Business, Marketing, Technical and Literary and sworn translations. We
ssian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Ukrainian to Bulgarian. Translations from Bulgarian to Czech, English, French, Hungarian, Italian, Japane
s or marketing and advertising, and specializes in foreign language voice-overs and subtitling. We have our own industrial strength, in-house record
ompanies conducting business domestically and internationally. We also provide desktop publishing and foreign language and ESL classes.
e rental of simultaneous translation & allied congress equipment ( audio-visual and sound ). We work in more than ten languages of the world.
.S. and internationally. We can translate to and from virtually any language and have the talent to create accurate, effective adaptations of print and
ny years. The company aims at providing an even better and even more reliable service. This means that we choose the people we work with caref
nguages translated: African--most dialects, Arabic (Gulf & Egyptian), Albanian, Amaharic, Armenian, Algerian , Ashanti, Assamese, Baluchi, Bassa, B
rce language.
ual business relations and health care access to those with limited English language skills. ILS oral interpreters are proficient in more than 30 langua
guage solutions for companies both large and small, from voices recorded around the world for the Fortune 500 to software translation for a techno
sh into all European languages and many more. Yes they are interested in working with freelancers in all of the above mentioned area's. For Enginee
o be translated from any language to any other language. We are accurate, fast and fairly price.
ation and localization business specialized in electronics, communication, information technology and financial sector. ITS has succeeded in overcomi
g firm specializing in all major languages for all global markets. ITS provides its services to individuals, companies and organizations from all over th
mechanical, electrical, engineerings texts / IT
nternational Translators franchise in your area! You can own a business backed up by the reputation of a solid, well established company. Internation
on several file types (html, xml, pdf, eps, word, excel, php, asp, cfm, etc.)
h. Delivery of translations in most formats for PC or Mac, International diplomatic & protocol assistance, Foreign language invoicing assistance, Spee
oatian, Latin, Arabian, Persian, Japanese, Chinese, Greek, Hebrew, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian into Russian and Ukrainian. Freelancers please visit w
over operations, well control, reservoir studies, geophysics, refining, etc), business-finance-banking, legal, electricity, mining, international organizat
e, formatting and layout, size of room, number of speakers, output. The company knows what to ask the companys clients so ISI can best approac
public relations, business skills & etiquette, settlement etc ...ITL can provide a rapid interpretation service by telephone in almost every language fro
guage combinations and most European languages as well. Call them for a price offer on an actual assignment.
y into what it is today: one of the leading companies in the Spanish translation sector. More than 300 clients and a permanent in-house staff of 10 w
ncial, life sciences and general documents. We are always looking for accomplished linguists to join our network on a freelance basis. If you are a tra
ng prompt and precise interpreting and translation assistance in around 50 world languages. We are constantly looking to improve and upgrade our
of recordings ready to broadcast on CD/DAT, per e-mail or download, MusicTaxi and APT-X.
ries, corporate presentations, commercials, on-hold messages, e-learning, and other foreign language services. Services in English North American,
blishing and web site and software localization services. Delivering to you the highest quality translations, most competitive pricing, and best custom
a comprehensive range of industries and purposes. When you make us your preferred language partner for localizing your products, marketing you
2 specialist departments: Technical and City Legal Translations, Intonation enjoys a reputation for quality and service in all fields of industry, law and
ents from/to English, German, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Slovenian, and Russian. Freelancers are welcome.
into English, and their clients include patent attorneys and the research divisions of major corporations.
us den verschiedensten Fachbereichen, so dass wir alle Sprachkombnationen und die meisten Fachbereiche anbieten.
are English => French and Spanish => French. Over the past few years, our team has acquired a great experience as translators, proofreaders and
n 1994, IPPWORLD offers total solutions to businesses and professionals faced with complexities in managing global initiatives.
sktop Publishing. Relying on the rich source in Shanghai, China, we take the advantage to obtain the most excellent EN<>Chinese translations, the
rd, minus volume discounts of up to 50% (1% per page), payable 30 days after invoice. No VAT will be charged.
gh quality translation and localisation services. All translators are selected for excellent linguistic and cultural expertise in the industry area of the as
es in Southern California and in Santiago, Chile. Our sister company provides you and your clients Intellectual Property Services (patents, trademark
slation, graphic design, desktop publishing (typesetting, layout and scanning), and film making to printing management, co-ordination of local printin
g services in conferences, congresses and other ocasions. - organizes scientific congresses and symposia.
government entities. To date, iSpeak has developed a worldwide platform of production centers and directly produces over 50 languages. iSpeak 10
n, we have provided professional interpreting and translation services as well as other services connected with the LSP sphere of activities, from and
ki, Niemiecki, Hiszpanski, Portugalski, Holenderski, Szwedzki, Dunski, Norweski, Finski, Grecki, Rosyjski, Wegierski, Rumunski, Serbski, Chorwacki, C
w. Access to Italian data bases for title searches, company financials, Italian auto records and more is part of the valued added services offered.
eld of languages. Some of these services include translation, interpreting, proofreading and writing. We provide only the best service and guarantee
T, Software, Hardware, Technical documentation, Web Site, Automotive, Engineering, Marketing and Advertising, Business/Financial, Press Release, S
ranslation service, its able to satisfy any kind of legal, commercial, technical request, in a very short time and with excellent results. Due to our Eng
information: technical writers, translators, graphic designers, desktop publishers & printers.
, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian. Translators apply at:
pand borders and open business opportunities is through multilingual communication. We offer your Company linguistic solutions from translation of
mportant issue. ITP Global Net`S considers translation by native speakers to be the best, and has built a global network of local native translators. Th
nical documents, finance statements, marketing and advertising materials, corporate websites and more.
, Architecture, Shipbuilding, Logistics, Materials, Processes, Transportation. BUSINESS: Commerce, Foreign Trade, Management, Marketing. OTHER:
es. We've been providing top quality translations to the most important translation companies (SDL, Bowne, Logos, etc.) on a regular basis for more
panies and organizations nationwide that have an ongoing need to communicate business-critical information. More information can be found at our
g your requirements.
ter is always ready to provide good a good and value for money service.
technology transfer (license and product brokering) and company has therefore a substantial demand for document translations. Company has in-h
ested in resumees for In-House positions (no freelancers). Specialized in automotive translations.
ypesetting and also Data conversion in Asian, European and Indian languages. We are having translators more than 10-15 years experience in trans
ario, Canada.
ese translation specialists in all Japanese/English and English/Japanese technical, Medical, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Engineering, Electronic, Scient
atriate. They defined the quality of JTS. We offer translation by native-language translators into English, Japanese, Dutch, French, and Indonesian.
sinesses, manufacturing companies, customer service centers, schools, travel agencies, law firms and a variety of other buisnesses across the natio
technical documentation, manuals and user guides including artwork and DTP into the Scandinavian (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish) English,
are Computers, Telecommunications, Electronics, Electronic equipment, Machinery, Standards, Contracts, Proposals, Patents, Articles related to the
translation agency and we offer professional and affordable language translation, proofreading and websites localization services provided by linguist
ng and analytical services. Our areas of specialization include: - law - banking and finance - accounting and taxation - technical documentation. Lang
as other widely spoken languages of the world. We can translate all documents and texts that you need for your business, including technical produc
ws us to handle any volume of work. Nothing is too big, nothing is too small. This also allows us to offer you translation services in a variety of langu
rs in the broadest sense of the word. All language pairs. Working with highly qualified translators. Big or small projects, we always make the deadline
ervices via the Internet The group can innovatively overcome such traditional translation difficulties as low efficiency, high cost, low quality and slow
, Portuguese - Spanish - 0,04/SW, Spanish - Portuguese - 0,04/SW, Portuguese - French - 0,05/SW, French - Portuguese - 0,05/SW, Italian - Po
, educational institutions and government parastaltals in need of translating jobs. The company is now trying to make a further move into the intern
ean along with over 50 other languages. We provide quality of the highest caliber at an affordable rate delivered to you promptly.
also specialize in translation and terminology management software and act as the exclusive reseller for TRADOS products in Israel. A professional t
sing, art, business, information technology, education, law, medicine, science and technology. JS&A is a Corporate Member of the American Translato
x, telecommunications, political and legal texts, user manuals and the EU documentation. We are working with all main European languages.
reputation for dependability, quality assurance and cost-effectiveness has made us a leading choice for organizations needing translation and localiz
Quality Assurance and Project Management in more than 25 language combinations over several platforms including the WIN, MAC, Linux, and UNI
arge pool of qualified resources of translators, reviewers, proofreaders, DTP experts, and engineers with various and abundant field
on and interpreting. Main languages: Bulgarian, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Greek. We work keeping the good traditions an
heir mother tongue. Has a national network of interpreters and translators. Languages include German, English, French, Spanish and Italian but mo
slations for some of the nation's top international law firms, financial institutions and major corporations. Documents are usually translated and/or e
af consumers. We deliver qualified and experienced interpreters, trainers and consultants, providing deaf people with access to your service. Your pa
ality of human translation while reducing the turnaround time and cost. Since its conception has closed all fiscal years with a net profit and can now
ge of translation, localisation, and documentation services. We are a professional organisation aiming at catering for all of the customer's translation
ield of culture, education, marketing and tourism. The services of KNTM include translation, proof-reading as well as stylistic revision of texts.
ur company is headquartered in the emerging Romanian metropolis of Bucharest and we also operate in towns such as Ploiesti, Tulcea and soon Bud
15 on-project based translators for English, Indonesian, Chinese, Arabic, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, French, Dutch, Portuguese and Malay. The age
ring that our clients receive a superb service at a reasonable cost. Source Languages: English, German .
to English translation service, you have come to the right place.
Target Languages:
, typesetting, copywriting, editing, proofreading, web design, translations and photography. All languages.
web and software developers. Our services: Translation and Interpretation from / to main 42 world languages in any field of human knowledge.
e a leading language service provider for the world of industry, commerce, politics and culture, with decades of experience. They offer a full range of
rpreting equipment, software and website localization, foreign language typesetting and printing.
ment, software and website localization, foreign language typesetting and printing.
or you have a linguistic background, please send your resume to: [email protected]
in-house Translation, we currently handle Patents, Research Documents, Legal Documents, IT UI and Help Files, News Paper Articles and General B
languages written translations in a variety of subject areas. We work exclusively with these three languages so you can receive the best possible tra
manual localization, technical translations, website globalization and consecutive, negotiations, simultaneous and whispered interpretation services.
of client-specific glossaries Localization and geographical adaptation Realisation of translations strictly in native language Acceptance of jobs
e sum of money in hiring professional translators. To insure the quality, company especially invites experts at Foreign Languages College of Peking U
Labeling expertise, Conversational and simultaneous interpretation, Multilanguage voice-over, Globalization process consulting. Business is Our Lang
her language combinations projects. We only work with translators translating into their mother tongue.
f globalisation and a way better communication, Klas Translation Services is fully aware of the importance of English and French languages' potentia
perienced translators, linguists, and software engineers. We have wide range of experiences in IT, Computer software and hardware, Internet and We
idual translators. If you are willing to join out team please send your detailed resume: [email protected]
in India and abroad. They offer translation services to & from English to all Asian and European languages across major Domains. They often have r
zation and Technical translation and has been leading the industry of Korea for providing more organized and professional services since 1993.
ages: Russian, Ukrainian, Belo-Russian, Slovenian, Croatian-Serbian (Bosnian), Bulgarian, Macedonian, Albanian, Czech, Polish, Moldavian, Romanian
ecialised technical translators, and our state-of-the-art translation methods constitute a complete communication service. We offer accurate docume
g, design and implementation of operation instructions and technical documentation in English, Finnish, German and Swedish.
ance writer jobs in English language from India regarding various publications.
aku, Azerbaijan and our translation services cover Turkey, South Caucasus and Central Asia countries. We are providing quality translations from/into
re this from our translators who they treat as part of the company. With flexible terms and co-operative staff they always like to hear from new and
n request. Competitive rates, quality translations, deadlines always met. Please feel free to email us for any further information. Always looking for n
ation agencies. Translations: standard, specialized, sworn (prices by the number of characters or number of words). Interpreting: consecutive, simul
MontrealCanada, different other branches located in various European and Middle Eastern countries.
We are located in Herndon, Virginia just outside of our nation's capital. We are currently looking for qualified applicants to fill positions as Arabic Trans
ir fields of expertise. We cover most of the European languages and work with computer-aided translation tools, such as TRADOS 7.0, Wordfast, SD
of more than five hundred highly qualified linguists, painstakingly recruited from a wide variety of backgrounds, within the Nations array of cultures,
rs; Automotive, Mechanicals: 9 years; Telecommunication: 7 years; ERP: 8 years; Education: 7 years; Other: Social Work publications.
Tools: S
es we provide: translation and localization, placement services, interpretation services, multilingual surveys, market research, outsourcing, corporat
a de idiomas y alquiler de equipos de interpretacion para conferencias. nuestros clientes son empresas de nivel a1 en el mundo que trabajan en el p
ate legal, technical, medical, business, and personal documents promptly, accurately and confidentially. We pride ourselves on quality work at comp
sophisticated global training and development challenges. They specialize in helping you train in the languages, locations, and cultures of your glob
f experienced, well qualified and established translators including natives and experts in nearly all fields.
d reputation among a range of public and private sector clients in the UK and internationally. They also provide transcriptions, voice-overs, website a
izations. Whether your company needs an extensive medical translation for worldwide distribution, simultaneous interpreters for a business confere
tion and recruitments in all foreign languages. We are a professional company and have a panel of good translators and interpreters, both natives as
nslators and editors in all languages. English (US), French, Japanese, German, Chinese (Hong Kong, S.A.R. China), Spanish (International). Langua
d London, our language interpretation services provide European language translation alongside ethnic language translation. As UK interpreters and
opean languages. We cover all areas from aerospace to zoology, including new technologies and industries.
nslations completed by both a professional translator and editor. We use freelance translators, ATA certification preferred, contact the translation em
ice translation agency specializing in language translations for different businesses. They translate for companies in all types of industries and can pr
h (European and French Canadian Translations), Chinese and Japanese, as well as over 140 other languages!
but undertake project management of other world language combinations. In addition to the standard professional services offered to our clients, w
vice. Our goal is to help your company achieve your objectives in the local, national and international markets by providing for your
nslation of technical, financial and legal texts and offers translation from English, German, Italian, French and Spanish into German, Italian, English
the best quality translations for only 0.15 EUR per word for West European, 0.18 EUR per word for East European and 0.20 EUR per word for North
Service of interpretation: Arabic, Chinese, English, France, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish. Fields: corporate docu
dinavia. Language Power Center always needs new teachers and translators in the most languages. Why not to join their team? Please download the
Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Russian, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Slovakian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, Albanian, G
training and interpretation assignments for the same languages. We are interested in building our database of freelance translators!
e professional translation experience. Please submit a comprehensive rsum by email only listing rates as well as references.
documents, websites and localized software cost-effectively and within limited timescales. The service covers a large variety of languages and subje
, German, Russian, Italian and English translation services with prompt deliveries, and guaranteed customer satisfaction.
k on your project.
titutional idiosyncrasies in target countries. Multilingual DTP. Localization of software and globalization of websites.
r opinion, a translation must be seen as if it had been originally written in the target language. There is no size for an important Project. If you need
ngarian, Italian, Japanese, Kikuyu, Korean, Mandarin, Nigerian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Serbo-Croat, Slovak, Span
commercial translations into and out of most world languages. High quality assured, all work is proof-read, edited by a 2nd professional of equal ca
0 written languages.
, Afarigna, Afrikaans, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Aramaic, Armenian, Assamese, Azeri, Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Indonesia, Balinese, Bassa (Liberia
the UK with a number of language services, using highly qualified linguists/translators (native speakers).
n and Portuguese. We are mostly dedicated to localization, web design and IT, but work in all kind of subjects. We are interested in employing freelan
work with translators in a more manageable and transparent manner than the traditional market allows. Our service for facilitating translation work h
slation, localisation, interpreting, editing, proofreading, transcription, copywriting, typesetting, DTP, voice-over, dubbing, multilingual multimedia, lan
nize a number of other qualifications. Rely on us to deliver a quality product, on time, on budget and in the format of your choice.
language professionals, LangZONE strives to provide a different level of service to its clients looking at localization as a means to expand their reve
eaturing ATA accredited translators and interpreters. Always happy to add experienced and competent translators/interpreters to our database. Plea
Gilormini et Frdric Peyrouny, tous deux traducteurs diplms de l'Institut de traduction de Sarrebruck (Allemagne). Un atelier, une philosophie. L'a has been in business for more than 4 years and have developed the skills and knowledge to serve you in the most cost effective manner.
es that nothing is lost and that style, detail, even humor are retained. Please contact us for a quote!
rsonal requirements. The company has been expanding steadily and has continued to develop its expertise, technological literacy, range of services,
over 150 languages and dialects, in addition to formatting, typesetting, graphics and printing. Our translators have demonstrated high-quality, reliab
clude: Rush Service, Certified Translators & Linguists, Professional Customer Service, Free Estimates Accuracy, Quick Turnaround.
r experts, all graduates from translation schools, holders of Masters of Arts in translation studies. We specialise in finance, law, marketing and comm
d language barriers to meet customer's satisfaction. We have experienced in information technology, telecommunications, e-business, network solut
d interpretation. It is committed to providing the highest quality service in this field and it only employs certified professionals with impressive expe
dards. We ensure high quality in providing content and printing of the magazine. We also undertake translation, content providing in Malayalm langu
uages as well as Russian, Arabic, Rumenian. We can translate any kind of document and can arrange sworn translations. All translators are native sp
gital publishing.
asoned communications professionals has demonstrated time and time again their commitment to delivering timely and quality service. Copy Writing
e, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, German, Russian, Arabic, Chinese and Japanese. We also deliver linguistic training in any of these languages from
Bulgaria, which give us the right to accomplish official translations and legalizations in all departments, institutions and embassies, situated in the t
Established in 1969, our company is working for many companies and organisations such as the Eur
ntation to supporting materials. Whether you need a translation for a legal contract, evidence document, financial statement, deposition, patent, lett
uages. All our Native linguists possess a minimum of a Masters' degree in English/concerned language and over 15 years of experience. We are ATA
erman market.
rmation technology, e-learning, engineering and financial industries to enter global markets with top-quality multilingual products. L
translators and interpreters worldwide. Must have a minimum of 8 years of professional-level experience in translation or interpretation. A university
eam of DTP professionals and software engineers. Company is an ATA Corporate member, as well as member of other international associations such
many, Spain and Sweden. Affiliates in Asia and South America, over 60 language and project management specialists. Local knowled
an Union tenders. One of the company's main areas of expertise is the translation of legal texts arising in the course of law firms' work. We are hono
entations of your message in print, video, audio, and interactive formats. Lexicomm goes beyond translation, helping our clients successfully underst
cies, whose clients include some of the world's leading companies ( Lexicon specialises in legal and financial tra
s more than 100 worldwide languages (from and into English). At Lexicon Translations we are always looking for the best staff and translators to join
s from English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Hebrew into Spanish, English, German, Italian, French, Portuguese, Russ
g concepts and products to global audiences and markets. Languages: English, Franais, Deutsch, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese. Career Opportunities
uebec, Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto). Lexi-tech International is proud to serve all levels of government in Canada and a multitude of private clients
er multilingual translation services including Technical Translation, Website Translation, and Glossary Development. Lexitra Commun
ell as word processing, transcription, editing, formatting, voiceover, conference organization and supply of temporary personnel at competitive rates
to provide clients with a broad range of services, in all major world languages and several dialects. Their "niche" service is global naming. Since 199
aneous and consecutive interpreting services for business meetings, conferences, training sessions and more, including the provision of all technical
Multilingual would welcomes your resum at any time, by fax, e-mail attachment, or mail.
while at the same time reduce costs and implementation time. Services: Technical, legal, commercial, finance, fiction and other translations; Interp
is considerably greater: Albanian, Macedonian, English, Azerbaijani, Moldavian, German, Belorussian, Polish, Italian, Bulgarian, Romanian, French, C
businesses across the world for document translations, event interpretations, and web localization. We staff only native-speakers, guaranteeing accu
oth into and out of English for: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Czech, Polish, Hungaria
y, patents and trademark documents, birth, marriage, and death certificates., diplomas, degrees and other academic texts, foreign trade documents
hey specialize in software, on-line applications, technical documentation, training materials, e-learning solutions, and business systems (including ER
eneral magazines.
erpretation, and proof-reading. The Lingo Translation Agency employs interpreters/translators holding degrees and experienced in specific areas of s
n from any language to any other language. We are accurate, fast and very fairly priced.
, language teaching and others. LingoDeal is also a portal that publishes linguistic deals and links to providers from all over the web.
ation. We have a group of experienced Lionbridge, SDL, and Bowne Global Solutions (now Lionbridge) certified translators specializing in translation
g, etc. LingoStar Translation Vancouver: English French Translation, French English Translation, Dutch English Translation, English Dutch Translation,
nical texts as its business domain. Initially this was limited to patent applications, when Lingtech had a customized fully-automatic machine translatio
We do European languages including Afrikaans, English, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and Swedish. As well as Japanese, Russian, Chinese
uages (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, and some others). MORE Translators in main EUROPEAN Languages (and with various Mo
Additionally, we provide legalization and consultancy services to many Spanish companies and pro
desde traduccin de documentos, interpretacin, traduccin y localizacin de pginas web, formacin, gestin de equipos internos de traductores, e
e combinations made up of almost one hundred languages, including the more uncommon languages. Our network of business partners is wide, wh
n, Cantonese, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Frisian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Korean, Latin, Malay
oday. We have been servicing government agencies, large MNCs and reputable SMEs in the region for the past 10 years. Lingua Tech can help you r
ticular expertise in the legal, financial, technical and commercial sectors. We guarantee high quality translations at very competitive rates and absolu
nslations on request. Our languages are German, English and Italian, other languages on request. Interpretation (simultaneous conference interpret
arket by developing business connections with provincial, national and international customers. During all these years, we have worked hard to set u
chnical texts especially advertising. Freelancers can send their CV by e-mail. We answer all e-mails.
an and from Swedish, Danish and Norwegian into UK English. We also proofread texts from US into UK English.
ually any of the major languages and any sector of industry. This is possible because of their very large network of professional translators. The com
lingual Copywriting, Voice-overs, Subtitling, Multicultural Research, Website Localization, Multimedia Development.
anslation and interpretation service. All the translators working for us will have to be freelancers and will be paid under Spanish prices for rates per
Punjabi) and Middle East languages (Arabic, Farsi, Kurdish, Pashto, Dari and etc.). They also do all European and African languages (Somali, Amhara
ng and design, voice-overs, subtitling, cultural briefing, research and language tuition that meet your needs on time, first time, every time. All subje
ilterra, Francia, Germania, Polonia, Stati Unitie le recentemente istituite Ungheria, Romania, Slovenia, Rep.Ceca e agenzie partners in Asia. Operiam
piegelau, LinguaPoint has successfully established itself as a vendor in the IT translation sector, specializing in localization.
e, Macedonian, Serbian, Albanian, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian as well as from these languages into Croatian. Up
ts - both of private and corporate clients. We have in-house translators, specialized in different fields - mainly law, finance, tourism, medicine. We w
usiness and academic world as the medium of communication and understanding in and between organizations. Linguist Center has been owned and
an, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch. Scandinavian languages: Swedish, Norwegian, Danish. Slavic languages: Russian, Ukranian, Belorus
into this business for over five years. We Translate techincal documents, Computer related or software translation,literature, play scripts etc. Rates
des software localization, DTP, audio-visual conversions, consecutive and simultaneous interpreting services, and foreign brand name analysis. In ad
riting, as well as website and software localization. As Linguitronics specializes in Chinese-related translation and localization services, all their emplo
ortfolio, DTP, proofreading and editing. Flexible prices and conditions. To learn more visit
er one roof at extremely competitive prices. We value the quality and time utilization of the services that we offer. Get your online estimate and see!
keting and International Market Planning, Multimedia Design through to Production and Subtitling.
und and terminology required for your particular type of business. Professional editors review our translations for accuracy, completeness, terminolo
ur translators with payments to reflect their linguistic skills which bring us new and repeat customers. We are global in outlook and will consider all l
services in over 150 languages and dialects. LIS translators must have a minimum of 8 years of professional-level experience in translation or interp
ablished by a group of freelance translators to meet the increased demands for high quality translation of foreign business partners. It is situated in
e, Marathi, Nepali, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Malaysian, Thai, Khmer, French ( for France and Canada), German, Italian, Greek, Spani
approximately 30 languages. Wide range of themes. Consecutive and simultaneous interpretation. Written translations with notaries certification.
nical translation, software localization, website localization, project management, glossary management and development, graphics editing, journalis
e game and interactive entertainment sectors. We also cover the infotainment, edutainment and communication sectors as well. We perform genre a
ant button at their site. Please provide your personal details in English. LocalEyes is present in several countries to offer you complete translation, lo
nd information service providers. All linguists are professionals with great experience and are current with the latest terminology and practical langu
have served over 200 clients in diverse industries with personalized, dedicated service. We are the leading high-tech localization vendor in Silicon Val
y. Localsoft offers localizations for print material, on-line text, websites, linguistic QA, DTP, voiceovers and more.
o join them as freelance translators. Potential individuals must have at least three years of experience translating between these languages - Japane
been dedicating to provide translation and localization services of the highest quality into and from most Asian languages including Simplified Chine
easing over the coming years, so it's our pleasure to be one of your vendors for Middle East Languages through the localization services we support.
House bases its quality, processes and standards on the expertise of its owners. Lilian Alves has been in the Localization Market for almost 10 years.
ript provides software localization, technical translations, desktop publishing, engineering and linguistic services which enable companies to adapt th
proofreading, subtitling, transcriptions and other language related services. All European languages in the most important subject matters: medical,
nslators in all languages who consider themselves specialists in any area. Full translation services in 150 languages of the world.
offer authoring and editing services for English-language technical documents. Ensuring that your English source documents are perfect will go a lo
raction and management, Trados consultancy, DTP. Field of Expertise: IT, Software Loc, , Technical, Medical, EU, General. Software: Trados, DejaVu,
bachelorsin translating and interpreting correspondences, contracts, documents, special materials, i.e.: laws, finance, medicine, engineering Besi
ect appropriate suppliers and organize a project team; Coordinate with suppliers to complete glossaries translation and ask the clients to approve it b
cuments, brochures, websites, product manuals, proofreading, and much more. The following are the languages that we translate: Chinese, Czech,
onia. Our main areas of translation include: law, economy, technology and medicine. Specialists with relevant higher education and experience or la
997, the agency began its activity specializing in the German language. Later on, however, Lusoscript started offering other EU languages, after an
stinguished, quality-tested language professionals with life sciences expertise. LUZ works with over 2,000 linguists throughout Latin America, Europe
ssurance process, they translate from English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian, Polish, Czech, Latin, Greek, Hungarian into Ukrainian an
control procedures and certified staff of translators assure the most accurate results for theor clients. They strongly believe that no project is finishe
g translation, interpretation, voiceover, DTP, software/website localization. Area of expertise: accounting, banking, business, commerce, construction
age training and business consultation services. Their goal is to help people who do not speak the same languages understand and communicate wit
ding translation services in all major international languages. We have networked with more than 7000 professional translators, and have 400 langu
very short time and with excellent results. Due to our English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Romanian, Croatian, Serbian, mother tongue collab
looking for professional and accurate multilingual translations for your brochures and other documents? In that case contact team at Macfarlane In
ish, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. Danish, Swedish, Norwegen and Dutch. Russian, Finnish, Greek, Czech, Polish, Croatian and Rumanien
d Korean mainly.
Our feature services: Accompany interpretation from 150-200USD/day - you get 25% of contract price as commission if you f
unction with administrative and technical support supplied by native English speakers. Our translators only work in their mother tongue. It is very im
ulgarian into English, mainly, but we have the capacity to translate From Russian into English, as from English into Russian, also. Considering the ne
ected areas of life sciences. We were founded in 1989. Our typical language range: from English, German, French into Polish, Russian, Czech, Slova
standard of service, we would like to invite talented people to work with the very best of translation services, by joining our team! If you have perfe
vices to support global business communications: Translation, Editing & Proofreading; Website Localization; Audio/Video Production; Linguistic Consu
looking for experienced patent translators for the language pair German into English. We offer a long-term relationship and will send patents regular
ation, language experts with a keen understanding of the needs of commercial and industrial clients. MCTIT meets a very precise needs within the b
rench, Spanish, German, Italian. Prices: translation 30 per 1000 words, interpreting 18 per hour.
nslation of internal and external corporate communications from English into French. We can also take care of a full range of related services, includ
nterpreters in all Languages (including Sign language) for all areas of translation and interpretation. Family owned & operated since 1979. Rated 10
agencies worldwide. A founder of the Russian National Association of Translation Companies, a member of the Translators Union of Russia. When yo
stom design work to maximize business/personal need as required. Each plan is developed from scratch specifically for your companys unique situat
s, interpretation, localization, editing and formatting texts, dubbing and subtitling, Video, Tapes, Cd and DVD Transcription.
anding deadlines. To ensure accuracy, each translation is created by a team of professionals who are native speakers of the specific language as well
lturally, politically and religiously sensitive translations and interpretations of written and spoken Arabic (Arabic-English & English-Ar
h, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese and Japanese. We offer accurate, and reliable professional translation services. Translator
ments, as well as for the following specializations: Software and hardware, Technical, Web sites, Business and finance, Travel and tourism, Nutrition
ency. We offer very accurate translations. We employ only local known translators. We have worked for many important international companies. We
professional meeting industry, the need for clear, fast and rich content messages has increased the demand for language professionals with the nece
nd serves over 300 clients on four continents in over 75 languages. They have been recognized by the Texas Business Hall of Fame and as a Futu
: - Semiconductor Technology - Integrated Circuits and ASICs - Information Technology - Telecommunications - Software Publish your documents in
s from English or French into Czech, Slovak, Polish, Hungarian, Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Moldavian, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, C
standard texts within 24 hours, at the most three days. You can place your texts at any time using your account. Because of time differences, we tra
on to our in-house team of translators. We work in IT, Medical, Legal and financial domains.
erts in the different areas involved in the translation process. Language pairs: English/Spanish - Spanish/English.
languages for 35 years. From historical roots in Austin, Texas as a family business, McElroy Translation has emerged as an industry leader that enjo
ations in North America. McNeil Multilingual was established in February 2000 through the acquisition of the Ampac group, which had been a leader i
ean languages and we offer professional translation services from/to these languages. We translate all kinds of technical and specialised documents.
alyses, control and measurement, mechanics, machine tools, etc. Our team is made of engineers working together with qualified translators and int
darin, Cantonese, Hakka, Japanese, Spanish, German, French, Arabic and Burmese. Translators are welcomed to register with our company. Contac
ured. Doctors of medicine and pharmacists of all language pairs sought. Good and prompt payment.
s around the world. Please visit to learn more about our company.
Slovenian, Macedonian, Albanian, Latvian, Polish, Slovak, Romanian, Estonian, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Russian.
ecialize in the writing, editing and translation of press releases, dubbing/voice over scripts and subtitles. They believe in specialization. At MediaComm
as to the Chinese community throughout the United States and overseas. Whether you need a document translated or a marketing plan complete wi
more than 1,500 translators; - all translators are native speakers; - we use only tested translators and editors/proofreaders; - we offer
Established in 1969, our company is working for many companies and organisations such as the Eur
ation in medical fields. Proofreading & medical writing in English and Japanese.
es (marriage, divorce, school,birth, wills etc.), articles, some poetry, novels, dubbing of films, Interpreting (in courts, conferences, hospitals, meeting
U. They not only active throughout Europe, but also operate in the USA, South America, Japan, China and Korea, as well as many other countries wo
get. For All Language Combinations From: 8 Eurocents per source word. Listed here are some of the most popular languages that we are asked to t
the human race. Now more than ever before, functionalized language has become one of business and education; the much discussed age of comm
ur deadline as well.
es to a client base that operate in a range of sectors including IT hardware/software, electronics, medical, pharmaceutical, specialist automotive, leg
oped a broader range of services to assist our customers with languages and technology. We focus on the translation of high volume technical servic
hey offer translations into and from more than forty languages. They constantly expand their external translation capacity. So if you are a freelance
rvices in almost every language and in any field. Among their clients there are some of the biggest firms in their area and abroad: "Once our client,
music - Music hardware and software - MIDI applications - Digital audio hardware and software - Digital video hardware and software - Multimedia so
most Middle Eastern and Central Asian languages. They translate English to and from Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Hebrew Yiddish, Hindi, Kurdish, P
ality possible. We are known for our high quality translations. We only use the services of native speakers who are professional and experienced tran
members, ISO certified, over 25 years in the business. 99% customer total delight for all projects ranging from private individuals to global corpora
would be able to accomplish the advertised project. They are familiar with the use of MS Office and Trados 6,5 as well. We can undertake translations
to Hebrew. Technical writing and editing are performed in English and Hebrew.
ng technical, legal and medical translation. MilaTova guarantees quality control and absolute confidentiality. English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portug
iness, technical, advertising, marketing, to spiritual books and texts. We also provide translations from Spanish to US and UK English by using nativ
arket offering unparalleled quality in 75 languages at very competetive rates. Our clients include: medical facilities, law offices, insurance companies
tion agency with translators into over 150 languages, including French, Italian, German, Japanese, Chinese and English to Spanish translations. Any
ebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Pashto, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Turkish, Afrikaans, Arabic, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech
International). They carry out translation and proofreading in all Central European (CE) and Eastern European (EE) languages and most world langu
ech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Fijian, Finnish, Georgian, Greek, Gujarati, Gurkhali, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Kannada, Kashm
and software programs (word processors, CAT tools, DTP programs) to [email protected].
ages South African languages include: Zulu; Xhosa; Setswana; Sepedi; Sesotho; Tshivenda; Xhitsonga; IsiNdebele; Siswati; Afrikaans and English. T
an to Spanish/Catalan, English to French, German, Portuguese, Dutch, Italian, and the Scandinavian languages. Spanish to English, French, Italian, G
ebsite development.
rofessionals graduates of King Fahd Advanced School of Translation of Tangier, Morocco. They can translate from business to technical documents in
most languages of the world, in all fields - they are specialized in technical, IT and biotech translations.
n one of those (mainly spanish, english, french and german). Mondovortoj also makes reviews for books and papers for international associations as
2003. Morpheus is one stop solution for handling your entire language related service requirement. We have always provided our client the best co
foreign languages; up-to-date word processing and desktop publishing, communication software and hardware; MOSAIC Language Services is one
nch. We are specialized in technical translation and localization. We are used to working with technical and audiovisual texts, electronic manuals and
ranslation, multilingual document translation services, proofreading and other Language related services. With headquarters in Beirut-Lebanon, our
bi and quite a few in between. With the major bio tech companies as our clients and counting at least one IT company every month into our family o
Medical Science Universities throughout China. We are able to translate quickly using our enormous translating network. All of us, including the admi
anslations. We are looking for experienced technical translators in the fields of medical technology, dentistry and dental technology, pharmaceuticals
oject management expertise with use of the state-of-the-art technology to provide outstanding quality and customer service to our clients.
om qualified freelance translators in all language pairs, particularly those who also have a specialization such as legal, medical, literary, etc.
developed the methods and technology to handle Arabic localization processes efficiently and straightforwardly. We possess the technical expertise t
e advertising and marketing, research, telemarketing, training, direct marketing, translation projects.
ng the client on translation costs while improving quality. But this was not enough. MultiLing has become one of the exclusive/elite language translat
ese, English > Portuguese, French > Portuguese, Spanish > Portuguese.
nce and expertise of providing translation of various documents such as: books, booklets, leaflets, posters, translation of legal documents, marriage,
nagers, translators, DTP-engineers, software and localization engineers, QA engineers (testers). All employees of Multilize have extensive experienc
The MuPu team is made up of the best and the brightest. (Real people. Great work.)
Arabic into English and vice versa. We also do interpreting, editing and proofreading.
ges (including their local, regional or national variants) are: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Greek, Danish, Estonian,
translator with professional qualifications, send in your CV:
her languages according to volume and delay (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian)
hi (Regional Indian Language)off/ online. Engaged in the field since last 30 years.
pert working staff. 24-hour online support. Languages: English to Japanese, English to French.
educational literature, Notarization of translations and legalization of documents, Translation and interpreting from and into English, Arabic, Bulgaria
ussian, English / Spanish, English/ Albanian, French / English, French / Polish, French / Russian, German / English, German / Russian, Polish / Englis
apital. Ours is so far the only accredited professional body which strives to develop and standardize translating and interpreting practices in the coun
seconds. Freelancers apply at:
can represent you here in the U.S We also do training and development.
Russian language pair. Other languages Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Dutch, Asiatic. Technical, scientific, legal documentation, specs, schem
an 2000 words we charge 0.08/word, for test of more than 2000 words we charge 0,06/word. We are looking forward to get more work.
rian, Polish) & Asia Pacific (Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese) languages and includes strong capabilities in test planning, bu
andle all European languages. Our teams of translators and revisers specialise in law, medicine, economics and engineering. We provide HiFi translat
users, including voice over. #2. Translation and linguistic validation of different documents, manuals, brochures, questionnaires, etc. used for Irania
Neotech is currently the only translation company on the Russian market with a quality management system certified to international ISO 9001:2000
ds, from technical manuals to press releases. We currently have the ability to deliver translation services in the following languages: Czech, Danish,
on services. We do translate all European languages combinations and some Asiatic ones. Our translations are always done by mother tongue transl
ndustries, including: software localization, website translation,medical translation and much more...
business, legal, literary, financial, technical manuals, publicity etc. All the work is proofread twice by different translators and they deliver with on tim
2000 languages. We offer the best Quality, Expertise and Service available anywhere on the planet! If you wish to experience the greatest translati
ation services over 45 languages. Some of our language combinations are: English into: Chinese/Arabic/Danish/French/German/Japanese/Hindi/Kor
or/editor and would like to work with us periodically, please visit their web-site to open their online translator recruitment form. Please do not email
vailable to you 24 hours per day. Whether you are an individual with a single e-mail translation, or a corporate customer with industrial translation de
all languages, if you need to know more about our services, or a quotation send us an email and we will contact you straight away.
stylistic refinement, technical and literary editing, revision of documentation and cultural adaptation, translation of audio- and videomaterials etc.
er translations from English to Japanese, Chinese (both Simplified and Traditional), Korean, Malay, Bahasa Indonesia, Arabic, Hindi and Tamil and vice
to providing the highest quality translation services while *guaranteeing the best price to our customers. Our company's success has been built on s
e company is registered member in the National Translators Association, New Delhi since 1985.We did translation jobs for Govt. of India, Defense M
ldom languages possible, for example Kazakh. CAT Software: Trados, Transit. Since January 2002.
eral external native translators, my agency is able to cover the most important European and non European languages.
n, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese,
late German, English, French, Spanish, Italian and Russian for you. In the case of other languages we rely on our qualified freelance workers, whom
English, French, Dutch. Freelancers can apply at:
d editing. Areas of Translation: Information booklets, magazine articles, book summaries for businesses; Brochures, fliers, booklets,
and private individuals. NORICOM Tolke- og Translatrtjenester AS offers professional translation services, interpreter services, language training an
ltilingual Communications and Solutions: translation, editing, terminology management, etc. Web site localization Multilingual Market Research
e, and correct service for any of your translation and interpretation needs. The agency is very selective in choosing its interpreters and translators. T
anguage solutions for all communication needs through specialist departments offering specific solutions for each sector.
reas of expertise include medicine, automotive industry, e-learning, finances, legal, marketing, games, tourism, web content, software and online he
oesn't particularly offer rare combinations but some of your pairs are still what you are looking for. Company can offer English into Italian German in
a professional translation agency in Istanbul, Turkey, offering translation services for corporative clients and individuals worldwide. All services are of
ument translation process includes translating text, formatting documents, and adapting graphics. Appropriately and sensitively adaptating your do
a variety of languages.
English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Polish, Spanish, Swe
mmunications. We also provide DTP and software engineering services in all languages.
zation, Biligual DTP, Bilingual Technical Writing, Bilingual Media Writing. Ocean2Gulf has long experience working for many international clients such
ustomer and his or her requirements. For the most part, our translators are bilingual they come from mixed families, and are university graduates
r translations are rigorously proof-read before delivery to the customer by e-mail or any other format required.
ltural, etc. Our rate is 10 Euros/300 words for any combination of languages and any topic. One-page tests accepted, if you want.
outstanding quality exceptionally fast & conveniently. 1. Eng > Foreign languages and vice versa; 2. Voice over services; 3. Language learning.
nd-gas-related areas.
tc) and we also provide translator/teacher/intructor/radio operator/hands to work "on the job" under contract when necessary.
Meeting deadlines. Major language pairs: Russian <--> English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Latin, CIS languages. A
dependency on translation software, and loyalty/volume discounts. Our translators are required to have lived for an extended period of time in the c
mers. Omni specializes in turn-key software localization, web and intranet related work as well as technical documentation and training in Asian, mid
ative language translators specialized in various industries with many years of experience. We work with Companies operating in the following secto
mechanical, electronic, chemical, ceramics, economic-financial, commercial, legal, tourism, advertising, literary, environmental, journalistic, etc.
card to four-color product literature to complete multi-language technical documentation, One Planet will handle all your global communications nee
se, Thai, Malay, Romanian, Dutch, German, Hindi. Translation, interpretation, typesetting, language courses.
nts. We translate from/into Russian language documents, service and operation manuals etc.
d interpreting services in more than thirty languages, including most main European, CIS and oriental languages. Clients include local, national and i
ble prices and short deadlines. As specialists in the Eastern European languages we work together with experienced native speaking translators livin
nd France since 1998. We translate from Portuguese into English and English into Portuguese. We can also translate from French in to Portuguese or
s the world s best-of-breed tools and technologies to achieve more consistent translation work and greater time/cost efficiencies. In
mpany has a team of experts to translate pamphlets, marketing plans, computer manuals, patents, specifications and discovery documents. Each do
include McKinsey India, J.W Thompson, Sapient Technologies, Suzuki Motors, Nestle India, American Express and a few other multi-national compan
s, asset managers, insurers and law firms, with offices in Hong Kong, Taipei, and Shenzhen. We provide English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French,
drilling rigs and equipment, refineries, processing etc. Other technical subjects also handled. They are interested in more translator CVs.
ng 5 million translated words (most of which are in software localisation) and almost 7 man-years in engineering, testing, DTP and Project Managem
xtensive translation and interpreting services, we provide typesetting and web localisation in all languages. We have on-site language consultants to
hinese and Traditional Chinese) translation and vice versa, software localization, website localization, multilingual DTP and technical writing services.
African languages, for example Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Kurdish, Spanish, Portuguese, Russ
and translation between the languages: English-Chinese, English-German, Japanese to German, English to Portuguese, English to Czech-Hungarian
writing, academic writing, training & online presentation, trans-cultural communication, desktop publishing. Major languages translated.
onally, we partner with localization specialists to help you localize your software for virtually any worldwide market. However, without careful planning
ocess has revolutionized business translations. They support the entire design and production cycle of each project and manage the complex multi-la
e countries of the CIS and Russia. Translations from Russian into foreign languages and vice versa are mainly done by our staff translators. This ensu
udes Estonian, Russian, Finnish, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Danish, Norwegian, Hungarian and Polish.
Estonian Translation Companies and the member of European Union of Associations of Translation Companies. The company specializes in translating
n, Latvian, Norwegian, Polish, Portugese, French, Swedish, German, Finnish, Danish, Czech, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Belorussian, Russian
ithuanian, Russian and Swedish, and the other way round O Tlkekunstnikud provides them all, thereby ensuring good quality for a reasonable p
Our translators come from all over the world, work on a freelanc
re. Core languages are: French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Finnish, Czech, Hungarian, Russian, Chinese (simplified), Ja
on. Both of us graduated from prestigious French translation schools and cut our teeth performing various jobs. These ranged from translation itself,
ew of our core areas and the most typical language pairs we offer. In addition to translations, we also do stylization.
ht tool: the language? Here we are to translate and interpret you to have the maximum out of your connections with the world. Any language from a
ave a high volume project? We can offer you a discount! Do you need the translation right away? We are quick and reliable! Languages: English, Swe
high-tech equipment and other engineering fields. Office in Wilsonville, Oregon.
omplete our on-line Contractor Application Form. The translation company that never compromises on quality.
gnolo, Inglese => Portoghese, Inglese => Greco, Inglese => Polacco, Inglese => Turco, Spagnolo => Inglese, Spagnolo => Italiano, Spagnolo =>
fers the full range of technical translation, software and Web site localization and globalization services. The company specializes in technical transla
aim is to help companies reach the markets that speak our languages and live our cultures, through cost-efficient solutions of unpar
(Persian). Just send us an email! Our team of experienced translators and interpreters can assure you of quality services.
ding scientific and medical issues. To see our total service profile, please go to our site.
pair - Turkish English. Areas of specialization include medical, legal, business and technical translation.
ish, French, Spanish, Italian and German to European and Brazilian Portuguese. Free quotes. Technical, literary, medical, economical, law, automotiv
nslation and localization. Our fields of specialization include IT, banking, HR, medical and automotive translation.
g freelance translators.
er 75 languages and dialects. We specialize in legal and medical interpretations and translations.
and is an integral part of Parity's ability to offer a "one-stop-shop" for international deployment of systems and training.
erpretation, proofreading and other language services. Qualified and native translators and proofreaders. High Quality and confidentiality. We are me
or their respective languages. Experience of around 40 months; freelancing. Language combinations: English (British) to French / German/ Russian
ms, Aviation, Cutting and Welding Machines, IT, Oil and Gas, Power Engineering, Software Localization. Translation, Software Localization, DTP servic
nd international firms looking to open doors into new markets. Translation Services from Spanish and French into English and from E
s of patents for information, litigation and filing from Japanese, Chinese, German, French and Russian only, into English and Japanese only.
of protection of industrial property since 1953. Presently, the office employs about thirty people. The technical areas are covered by in-house associa
in particular of patent documents published in Japanese, German and French, as the demand for translation of technical and legal documents into E
e have experience of more than 7 years. Our translators are professional in their areas of expertise, as well as in delivering high quality translations
cialist translators ready to serve you. There are many translation agencies which claim to be able to carry out legal translations. Very few of them ha
, Hardware, Business, Marketing, Telecommunications, Electronics, Machinery, Electrical Appliances, Mobile, Games and Medicine.
on service provider, it makes sense to use our testing team once localized versions of your software are available. The localization process is complex
services to business, charities, public service, health service, medical and legal clients. Services are provided in every language and dialect.
m both languages and into them they can translate all European languages.
on Foundation. Our translators are language graduates with a range of technical backgrounds and at least three years experience in international tr
& F-G). Conference Interpreting: simultaneous, consecutive & escort interpretation (E-G & G-E, F-G). Adaptation: commercial and ar
throughout Europe. We translate legal, financial, IT and technical documents from and into Hungarian, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, S
kspaces dedicated to translation works. Community-driven rating system. Multi-currency secure online payments.
d commercial subjects. We are also into proofreading, typesetting , call conferences to Russian/CIS clients and other corporate requirements related
- Russian, Russian - Spanish, Chineese - Russian, Russian Chinese.
Our ATA certification, the seal of quality for translation agencies. Our carefully devised procedure guaranteeing highest quality for Chinese translatio
Polish, Bulgarian etc. They want to receive translations from any languages into Bulgarian and from Bulgarian into any languages.
d individuals, business-talks and negotiation services, aid in presenting the products of your company at exhibitions.
cluding the Canadian Federal Government and Air Canada. PFM provides translation, audio/video versioning, Website, software and multimedia local
English and Spanish intro French. Translation agency devoted to offering global linguistic solutions to the pharmaceutical, BioTech and medical device
s on the translators intimate knowledge of the language and the subject matter itself. Phillips Noble offers the services of a team of expert translato
ntrol procedures. High profile native professionals. CAT and terminology tools. These are the reasons why the world's leading companies in the locali
medical doctor and pharmaceutical chemist translators are providing high quality translations by focusing fully on the needs and wishes of our custo
ed in the most varied areas of business and strongly support the use of new technologies. Planet Lingua's corporate culture is guided by a global vis
er documents, policies and manuals, etc. from Korean to English and vice versa as well as interpretation. They are the only translation agency in Ko
ervices from Spanish into English. For further information about us please refer to
Print House 2000, Intranet Content Management System, Sun Education Web Learning Center, Ethentica SecureSuite 1.5, etc. Web pages: Overseas
ative speakers of Chinese to translate English into mother tongue or ones of English to do Chinese are needed. Please send your detailed resume wit
s experience in the field. We produce a daily radio show in Polish and are very current on the latest terminology. Literary, technical and military subj
to deliver locally relevant and culturally connected products, services and communications anywhere in the world. We translate science and technolo
he Localization Group provides production services, including multilingual services, website localization, graphics, audio and DVD aut
-FREE ONLINE QUOTE- Polish Translators specialise in electronic format document translations - received via email and/or our web site.
iness, and technical documents. Polyglot also offers more comprehensive service packages, including editorial and other advice to college applicants
texts. Technical documentation translation. Interpreting services. Accompanying translation services for business trips abroad. Phone calls abroad.
n services for more than 30 world languages. All services are performed by a powerful team of experienced translators, interpreters, proofreaders an
e contracts, renewable on a monthly basis. Invoicing and payment methods are flexible.
hose you can found very good prices for translations from/in Romanian, English, French into/from Czech, Slovak, Polish, Russian, Ucrainean, Serbian
nally, we also provide editing and layout for the Chinese translations.
on Memory; XML Translations; Translation Quality Control; Multi-Language Typesetting; XML Enabled Typesetting; Character Language Typesetting; F
. Bilingual professionals work only into their native languages on teams of translator, editor, and proofreader. Documents for Legal, Human Resource
any professional in the translation field who would like to work with us. Other professionals: DTPs, graphic designers and web designers; sound & dig
l marketplace. Company uses highly qualified language providers around the world, so you always receive the best quality translations of your produ
K of a comprehensive range of language services. Established over a decade ago, they have gained a reputation for quality and dependability, emplo
proofreading, editing, voice-over, and conference translating. Focus mainly in 2 areas: entertainment eg film subtitling; commercial and business incl
omer satisfaction has made them one of the leading translation companies in Prague. Experienced, native speaking proofreaders, working with a poo
U.S. and we are expanding. We have language from A-Z and we can gaurantee a fast turnaround on any job. We are always looking for new interpre
anscriptions, web content, speeches, intermediation for freelance translators. DU>EN, GE>EN, FR>EN, SP>EN, LAT>EN, SAN>EN, EN>DU, GE>DU,
n Linguistics and certified by the Ministry of Justice for legal translations, as well experts in various fields - ready to meet and flexibly adapt to their
are able to ensure the highest quality for each order. English and Spanish are the native languages of our translators. Our translators reside in the
ince 1995). Our services include the translation from Italian and English into the main European and Oriental languages (and vice versa). We are loo
e. Punctual. Professional. Period. These four words describe in a nutshell our promise to prospective clients.
pany that provides its clients with high-quality and reliable translations. The particular quality of services and the customer service, and thus along w
n assignments for both domestic and international clients. Being so small means that we deliver affordable quality translation. We are reliable and wi
of experience. All of our translators translate into their native language.
ns: Biomedical and General. Biomedical Division specializes in highly technical translations and works for pharmaceutical, medical devices, clinical re
mpanies in China. We provide quality and efficient localization services for the CCJK (simplified and traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) marke
nslate or localize them in just about any language combination and process them all the way to a professional product. We can assist you with assig
avor of the original document and respect the cultural nuances of the country or people where it will be used. To achieve quality, PAE assigns your pr
translation market since 1996, and since that time we have shown impressive growth. Among our regular customers there are well-known Russian
nge of subjects, Professional Translation guarantees first rate quality in professional fields such as law, computing, finance, commerce, marketing &
ofessional translators who offer high quality translation and localization services in all combinations between English, Italian, Romani
ian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (European/Brazilian)
ion and consulting services. Our business priorities are long-term contract-based support for corporate clients. We are particularly interested in integ
nd manuals, Literary texts, Marketing materials, Tourism, History, Military History, Culture, WEB localization, Private and business correspondence. 4
s: English <=> German <=> Afrikaans, under the auspices of a Sworn Translator of the High Court of South Africa, Transvaal Local Division. In add
uding translation of program resources, help contents, program manuals, along with DTP and pre-press film production, and translation service of We
languages. Notary certification is available.
itors in oil&gas, corporate finance and medical specialties. Our agency also perforoms desktop publishing services in all the languages that we transl
nslated into another language or a publication needs to be edited to bring it up to a high stylistic level or the use of an interpreter is necessary. ProL
uld like to be considered for employment, please email your resume to: [email protected]
and vice versa, plus other Asian and European languages. We excel in handling all types of documents and presentations: Commercial: company pro
k with fast turnarounds and great prices. Proton Translations works with all languages, focusing primarily on: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, English, Fars
lish and French into Romanian; professional solutions for accurate translations; promptitude and punctuality in meeting deadlines, providing a high
he globalization train that's leaving the station and make your website international: that is, multilingual. Their core website design and translation e
age, culture, and country where your documents will be utilized. Translators work with all the main languages handling a variety of documents - med
with high quality:. - Translation project analysis - preliminary, project and postproject analyses;. - Translation of large volume projects - translation
subtitles into Polish for one of Polish distributors. Our prices vary from 5 Euros per page to 10 Euros depending on the text given.
eek, Romanian, Estonian, Czech, Danish, Finnish, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Swedish, Ukrainian, Albanian, Kazakh, T
rprise solutions for any locale in the world. Our services include: End-to-end Project Management, Internationalization consultation, Native-language
on, project management and production expertise for your international client account teams. Currently working in more than 30 languages worldwi
rce word as well as the overall meaning and background of the source text to achieve this result. We speak the research industry's lingo. We unders
anguage translation & proofreading services in English, Punjabi & Hindi at lowest rates. Get document, legal, technical, medical & certified translatio
e we know that when you are trying to open the door for your company in foreign markets, translate your catalogues or advertising material, build y
s required to localize products, including translation, editing, proofreading, transcreation, project management, desktop publishing, engineering and
ages. Freelance translators please use our online questionaire or directly contact Anita Vogl ([email protected]). Other questions should be direc
with a superlative service offering at a reasonable cost. For ad hoc or contractual translation and localization projects in all language combinations, w
of experience in providing quality translation and interpreting services. It was the first exclusive translation agency for the French Embassy in Cambo
ny in China having good reputation in language translation service & business translation service industry who can organize and deliver multilingual t
anguage-related services. Our company is experienced in the translation of all kinds of business documents and materials, including brochures, prop
ofessional, experienced translators and interpreters in all languages, translation editors, and DTP experts.
ese, Italian/English/Italian, Spanish/English/Spanish, French/English/French. For all pairs we charge 10 cents US per source word. Areas of expertise
services that validate every aspect of the localized product. Our services include testing in 36 languages and range from verifying co
ll placed to provide onsite interpreters throughout Australia and translating services around the globe.
- English, French - Urdu, Urdu - French, French - Arabic, Arabic - French.
yment ticket of 9,00 euros or R$35,00 per page. Please contact [email protected]
ministration, Agriculture, Humanities, Public Relations, advertising, merchandising, labelling, packaging, manuals.
We ask for proof of linguistic or translation qualifications, and in most cases we ask the candidate to do a short test to check his/her linguistic skills.
scientific translations, revision, Editing Services and DTP Services in a variety of languages including English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, It
anian, Russian, Spanish, Yiddish. The agency is member of ITA. Its clients: National Geographics Israel, Teva Phamaceutical Industries, University of
panies and agencies. Rainbow is a localization expert in Asian languages, an offshore DTP and Engineering solution, and develops its own language to
publications in all major languages. Our in-country designers, typesetters and proofreaders provide world-class professional support for all of your cl
nced and specialised translators (TRADOS). Price offers within 12 hours, competitive prices, exact keeping of deadlines.
d DIN 2345:1998-04 professional standard. Key clients of Reflex are top rated multinational companies. Reflex Translation Services provide translatio
any years of meticulous editing. They can provide top-notch translations to or from any of their base languages (English / Russian / Uzbek / Ukrainia
as we have access to ATIO directory (ATIO = Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario) . Custumers are provided with a terminological
as in Poland. Having experienced both Indian and Polish environments, we understand the needs in a better way and aim to serve as a one-stop sh
thnic languages in Ghana. They are the life line to your dead line in translations. Just give them a try.
wn companies, Organization and Government Departments. We can handle wide range of multilingual communication needs like Translation, Interpre
M has talented translators and interpreters who translate into and from their native language (English, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish). These experts
eek, German, French, Italian, Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish and more. We provide translation / interpretation services for the Greek State and numer
ical translation services in all the major European, Asian, and American languages. Our specialization, focus, industry-leading quality management s
of written and spoken ideas in over 140 different languages, working on behalf of the legal and medical professions as well as insurance, aerospace,
porations and public institutions with their communication needs to enable them to project the right corporate image. This includes
d professional translators.
d globalization projects. While you go about your core business, we take care of the tongues. Our broad range of expertise in IT eng
Polish, Dutch, Portuguese, Farsi, Russian, Finnish, Slovenian, French, Spanish, Gaelic, Thai, German, Turkish, Greek, Urdu, Gujerati, Vietnamese, Hi
e only the excellent quality and on time translations. Our translators are native speakers with long time experiences in field of technical translations.
lation is available in more than 150 languages and dialectsTranslation of legal documents into all languages. Simultaneous interpreters are available
rs- natural persons and small and medium organizations, and by the large corporations. Its purpose is, that through professionalism and respect for
legal documents, personal correspondence, and business contracts.
an, Italian, Russian, Ukranian, Bulgarian, Albanian, Polish, Spanish - Latin America and Spain, Portuguese - Portugal, Latin America, Norwegian, Dan
gital recordings.
Court Interpreters.
mlining the localization and translation process, they reduce your time-to-market while increasing your return on investment. Rubric is completely c
tongues. We don't use machine translation. At Rus Lingo, we want to know who your target audience is and where your translated material will be p
, engineering, oil and gas, commercial (export/import), banking, patents, medical, biotechnology, construction, marine biology, genealogy, film indus
proofreading, editing, desktop publishing, multilingual multimedia presentations, language-specific consultancy, training and recruitment. As we onl
nslation, Ukrainian English translation, Mail forwarding to Ukraine, Free Russian translation, Abstract Russian English translation.
s Russian English translation of web pages. The team consists of Russian-English translators and interpreters, as well as Web designers and program
glish-Russian translation, interpreting, compilation of abstracts or other language-related services. We have unique expertise in translating sensitive
l editing by qualified professional linguists & experts; Expertise in legal, commercial, local government documentation; Prompt, efficient and persona
yrgyz, Macedonian, Moldavian, Portuguese, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Croatian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Uzbek. If you are a
German, Flemish, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish and Russian. Other languages from Europe and Asia are available on request.
rs, etc. Furthermore, only applications with a detailed CV will be considered, and sending in a suitable translation sample will speed up the applicatio
have been carried out for well-known brands such as American Express, AT&T, Barclays, British Airways, Canon, easyJet, Heinz, Hilton, Novartis, Palm
as translated countless hundreds of thousands of pages. The main client base are law firms in the United States, England, Japan, et al. Other main
entities for 15 years. Our special areas of expertise are military, police, and various activities involved in special operations command. We work with
tions. Subject expertise includes Arts & Humanities, Geographic & Demographic, Language & Linguistics, Recreation & Leisure, Society & Culture, Sc
als, Parts Catalog, Flat time rate charts, training videos, etc) to Administrative/Purchasing areas of automotive companys (systems, procedures and
act for all of your globalization needs. Sajan offers advanced technology and service solutions for your expanding language and communication requ
nt. Sally's Translations employs native speakers of both English and Norwegian.
e resided in Spanish and English speaking countries. They are fluent in both languages. Other Latin Languages are available.
companies in China. We provide quality and efficient localization services for the CCJK (simplified and traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) ma
ject is assigned to a translator who knows what is talked about in the source document, so there will be no more "A lot of words but no substance" p
Their broad selection of experienced in-house and freelance translators ensures that the company can take on your project, no matter what subject
+ EN/US combined with all languages. Our specialists are engineers, chemists, physicists, biologists, technical authors and experienced technical tr
tation, website localization, type-setting and voice-overs. We offer a bespoke solution tailored to suit your language needs. Visit our website today f
ng from preparation of documents, translation, setting up of booth and headsets including audio-video equipment. They can provide 6 UN languages
erience in the field of translations. We offer translations from/into Bulgarian into/from all European languages, and Chinese, Japanese, Arabic.
reters at office and more than 50 freelancers. Certifications and legalizations of foreign documents for Bulgaria and Bulgarian documents for abroad
maker, Leap office, Inpage, Excel, Photoshop, Coreldraw, Power point. We can give file Unicode, pdf and eps forms Specialization:General, Compute
n del mercado, desarrollando soluciones lingsticas avanzadas. Adems de traducir palabras, nuestros servicios tambin incluyen una transposici
t and not merely translating their web pages but also having them indexed in all major Latin American search engines with keywords in Spanish with
heir needs. These services include: Engineering. Software Localization and Building, Arabization (Arabization is a technology and methodology of suc
Faire French Language Consultancy, which offers technically accurate and stylistically appropriate translations, tuition and a high-quality proofreading
d of Court , Police, Local Government, National Health, and other public services.
bringing our own. By removing the difficulty of language barriers, we assist in building communication and cultural skills. Personalized service is alwa
for high-quality, reliable and rapid written and oral translations. We provide translation, proofreading and editing in English, French and German, as
whom are also members of a relevant national translating body. Native or bilingual speakers of the target language are always used and SBC alway
is supported by professional Scandinavian interpreters, translators, copywriters and editors. Professionals with a high level of training and education
man, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Macedonian, Moldavian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Serbo-Croat, Slovak, Sl
ions; Sales & Marketing translations. We only employs native speakers who translate into their mother tongue. We are interested in all language pai
ing, as well as consulting and training. Full support of all the major translation tools and formats. Key fields of expertise: software, IT, technology, en - fast, reliable and professional translations in all languages and subjects. They are always in need of translators who deliver go
nclude all West European, East European and Scandinavian languages as well as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai and Vietnamese. Our service spect
differences will enable you to communicate effectively with your global partners. Translating is much more than simply plugging in words. The comp
s, optics, automation, web site and software localization, and many more. Language combinations: EN<->PL; DE<->PL.
lved have a direct relationship with me, so the quality of the results is assured. Unlike conventional agencies, where hundreds of translators come a
nch of industry. Their volition: to provide companies with linguistic solutions allowing them to win in all markets.
-based content management. The company has long-lasting cooperation with freelancers, but is always open to freelancers with specific specialisms
n in translation from major European languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Italien etc.) to East European languages - localizations, manuals
site localization. Localization of multimedia titles on cd-rom. Translation of marketing documents (business communication, technical specifications,
tion of Translators/Interpreters of Nevada), NAJIT (National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators) and ATA (American Trasnlators Ass
a translator interested in working with Selig, fill in the form at:
experience, combined with the application of the latest technologies for use in language services: localization, translation, interpretation. All this is pr
tional markets. With over 10 years of translation experience, Sercominter has the expertise to assist you in all of their translation and interpretation
, Software Localization, Software Testing and Engineering, Language Quality Assessment, Multimedia and Web Localization and Language Related G
g, Italian, Korean, Malay, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Dutch, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Laotian, Polish, Russian, Swedish, Vietnamese et
vice versa, Italian into English/Arabic and vice versa, Chinese into English/Arabic and vice versa, Russian into English/Arabic and vice versa, English
sh, French, German, Italian, Spanish, etc. Farsi translation services from providing Farsi translation to or from English and m
Bengali, Assamese, Oriya, Punjabi, Urdu & Sindhi as well as foreign languages like French, German, Japanese, Russian, Italian, Nepali and Arabic
ial and translators team, which team are composed of foreign experts, experienced professors of various languages from more than 20 famous high
directional translation services for multiple languages and localization and the fields served that are extended to various specialties.
marketing of construction materials. The company is composed of professional translators / interpreters over 40, translation supervisors over 20 an
accurate, confidential and professional translation solutions as well as top-quality simultaneous interpretation services.
panish, English & Italian. As a fast growing company, WTC sincerely welcomes organizations and individuals who are interested in this industry to joi
etation services. At present, our monthly translation capacity amounts to more than 3.5 million words. More and more corporations at home and abr
multilingual translation services including Oil & Gas, Legal, Technical, Medical, Financial, Commercial, Business, Marketing and Scientific documents. S
a). Bowwin provides professional services including document translation, website/software localization, DTP and interpretation in over 80 languages
from well-known universities in China such as Qinghua University, Beijing University, Fudan University and Shanghai Communication University, etc.
cularly chemistry, and in translation of legal and academic documents and texts. We also work with commercial or business documents. Reasonable
d etc, its provide efficienc and cost effective to provide best services to their customers.
o by native speakers) in various combinations of these languages. The company can offer translations from and into French, Spanish, Italian, Polish,
nch to arabic and arabic to french, they would like to get work with defferent companies or agencies in over world.
slations, Editing, Proofreading and Medical Transcription for Indian, European and Asian languages. We offer fast accurate DTP services through our
lity, reasonable time & affordable prices. SigmaType provides you with Highly Qualified Language Professionals in Translations in/from English and Ar
e language degrees.
products and reaching worldwide audiences. The Sinometrics staff consists of expert, native-speaking translators, talented graphic designers and de
glish. (Foreign: Korean, Japanese, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Malaysia, etc).
technical and interpretation. Visit Sintagma Tradues online to know more about it and the range of services.
lds). Translations and interpreting from and into western and eastern languages.
bbing, subtitling, in Spanish (Spain) - Spanish (Latin America) - French - English - Italian - Portuguese. 15 years of experience, expert team, compet
n, interpretation and computer-based hot services. Professional, deadline-oriented and quality providers.
ers, no amateurs, no outside contributors. Transit, Trados, etc. never used externally.
inology, technique and has the ability to add the right tone to your text.
s quickly and with as little effort on the part of clients as possible. Skjal services, among others, the following language pairs; English-Icelandic, Icel
at Skrivanek is governed by a specific ISO directive. Recruitment for each target language is carried out by the branch located in the target languag
Czech, Slovak, Latvian, Russian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Slovakian) and into Chinese. Their QA is covered by ISO 9001:2000, pr
de range of translation, interpreting, localization and other language services. Centralized project management of all orders from our international p
and teaching of English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Swedish and Portuguese for foreigners.
eb design and video games. PR and marketing is another strong service and they will manage your marketing without you visit Japan. Company hire
enced staff and infrastructurre. We offer to complete the work in time for most competitive service charges. Pilot works are done free of cost. At pres
e, English, German and Dutch as the source language. Slavotrad provides an efficient and reliable service for any text.
rvices for the most reasonable prices. We provide professional translations between English, Polish, and Latin for a variety of documents. We also do
man, Korean <-> Chinese,Korean <-> Russian, Korean <-> Spain, Korean <-> Italian. If you want to request for the other language pair, please in
ons that include language and intelligence support services to defense, intelligence and homeland security agencies. SMC establishes relationships w
e languages, in a wide variety of disciplines, all at an affordable cost. From Okinawa to the world - Smack Translations.
n Companies - Jan 1993), Full Member of ATC since 1993. Main areas of expertise: luxury goods sector, corporate communication, logistics, energy.
producers, and voice talent. These programs may involve multiple languages formatted to audio, video, disk-based and web-based multimedia, or w
rs, if we consider the importance of foreign language in international relations, it is easily realized that the translation is very important profession. B
reading and editing services to companies from a wide range of sectors. We have vast experience in the translation and editing of scientific, business
e have established partner cooperation with agencies from Finland, Austria, the Czech Republic, South Africa, Germany, the UK, Holland, Spain, the
and French to English.
For several years we have been building what we believe to be an ideal background for a career in the expert translation fields
and we're still working with many of the same customers as back then, while our customer base is still continuously expanding. We are ideally placed
zation and website localization from English to Hungarian. Our motto is that a high level localization provides the half-success of an a
specialising in multilingual project management and translation for the implementation of SAP. English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese
er 30 years of experience, Soget's language services have extended to meet evolving market needs and to keep up with our customers' business exp
ble is their main goal. They also work into Italian, Spanish, French, Brazilian Portuguese, hiring native free-lancers.
alization into Russian and Ukrainian languages. Our core advantages: 1. Native Ukraine and Russian speakers will make translations ensuring perfect
hnical, medical and juridical texts, software documents, videogame descriptions and website internationalization) from/into many different languages
s into ESTONIAN, LATVIAN, LITHUANIAN to private companies, government organizations, and individuals. Nevertheless, Southern-Estonia as a reg
peration in 1994. Since that time, sowabusiness services offers an ongoing evolutionary process that has brought it to its current structure. sowabus
nglish/Spanish linguists who have been delivering high-quality translation and localization projects for over 12 years. In addition, we work with a net
se translators and legal experts. High quality, checking and proof-reading in-house. Consular services offered.
members of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting, the Institute of Linguists, and also Spanish Sworn translators in house licensed by the Spa
mall jobs. Sign up now for free and grab a Pre Launch PRO membership at $0.
vide effective, stimulating and enjoyable classes tailor-made to match your company's requirements. We are situated in the province of Barcelona. T
of Georgia since 2002. Available for Spanish-English and English-Spanish translations & interpretations exclusively. All industries catered. Rush jobs
liver world-class service with the level of excellence and quality required in today's global markets. SPELL CITI was organized in 1997 and, since the
lete language solution, to help you achieve international presence and effectively communicate to your foreign markets. Spencer Translations offers
ers. Everything your company needs for communicating and relating with the whole world. If you are a translator with a passion for languages and y
n Source tools such as PHP, Zope, and PostgreSQL for web application development. Company also sponsors translation of open source documents a
as English, Spanish, French, Galician, Portuguese, Italian, German, Danish, Dutch, etc.
services since 1994. Clients range from multi-national corporations to small highly specialized companies. Our staff is composed of qualified gradua
dware development companies, with focus on Localization testing, QA, localization engineering and functional testing. We have mai
eek long-term business to business translation assignments. SERVICES: Translation of all EU, Eastern European & the major Far Eastern languages i
ord. Discounts available upon discussion of project's features. Areas: General, IT, Computer (hardware & software), literature (novels, etc.)
ts without sacrificing quality, service or speed. Any language, any time. The team at SSG will work fast to find a solution to your needs. With our ne
and DTP. SSP Services offers Professional Translations, Editing, Proofreading and Medical Transcription, DTP services, Data/File Conversions for India
mploying over 850 full-time professionals in 36 offices in 28 countries. We have wide coverage of just about all European and Asian languages.
R GROUP in the Middle & Near East. STAR Me is an arabization company that has been achieving enormous development and growth during the last
anslation services, technology and process delivers industrial strength technical translation services to our clients.
m English to Hindi.
unications, Tourism, Legal, Marketing and Technical. We also offer up-to-date language courses, all based on modern teaching models.
re also providing simultaneous and/or consecutive interpreting, both in one-to-one and in group situations.
ence translating documents for US Government overseas. From literature, health and mechanical documents.
t site in the business! We work only with freelancers with 10+ years experience. If you qualify, submit your resum to [email protected] and
ll help your business, too. We tell stories that are contextually relevant stories that influence people's behavior in ways that are measurable.
n government organisations. We offer: Best resources; A partner who understands you specialist needs; You can sleep while we work; You get comp
the following languages: English (U.K., U.S.A., Canada, Australia), French (Europe, Quebec), German, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish,
n the healthcare, medical, academic, education, restaurant, human resources, financial, retail, and publishing industries. Specialist in Spanish websit
m different specializations. SA is working for raising funds and income generation program for unemployed Graduated youth. The greater part of the
Today Strombus Ltd is a full service translation agency providing a flexible service at a competitive price. English (US), German, French, Latin, Russ
result are prices are highly competitive: $0.05 pro word / $20 per hour, all rates are negotiable. We would take freelancers on our books. Examples
nd Dutch. Our strong points: accuracy, reliability, confidentiality and quick delivery. CAT tools: Trados 5.5 - Wordfast - Transit ADSL connection 24 ho
nowledge in the Language Services sector. Ample competence in Business and Commercial problem solving, at all levels and internationally. Special
an, Swedish, Polish, Russian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Turkish, Danish, Dutch, Czech, Greek, Romanian, Ukrainian, Serbian, Serbo-Croatian, Croatian e
ech, Slovak, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Croatian, Serbian). Apart from translation the customers can outsourc
r Israeli companies are long-standing clients and Studio Godelli has an extensive and ever-growing international clientele. Our commitments to cust
eart of Milan, the company operates with clients all over the world in all major world languages. With over a decade of experience in the translation
ecial expertise in patents and manuals. The know-how that we make available to you is based on the large number of experts (including a research
ming with major motor vehicle manufacturers to meet their needs for foreign language technical documentation. Over the years, the experience gain
ed us to develop and expand into our current set-up as an editing agency specialised in processing printed words and pictures in all languages.
nish, Russian, Greek, German, Arabic, Dutch, Italian, and many more.
lowing services: Translation, Localization Globalization, Content Writing, Multilingual Search Engine Optimization, Multilingual DTP, Interpretation, an
ish, Czech, Slovakian, Dutch, Greek and other languages. Issue (renewal) of documents from archives, police, court, etc. Document preparation fo
e for you from German and English into the following European languages: Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Greek, Hungari
the global marketplace.
dustrial and Commercial Administration Bureau. Since the founding, the company has established stable co-operation relationship with hundreds of
telephone, and 3-way phone conversation. 3-Way Calls allow partners in different locations to share the same phone call. We provide English / Russi
ssional translators that specialize in law, medicine, finance, energy, as well as general purpose translators. Sun Translation combines a wide range
Language pairs: English - Urdu, Urdu - English, English - Arabic, Arabic - English, English - Hindi, Hindi - English, Urdu - Hindi, Hindi - Urdu, Arabic
ench, Chinese, Japanese, Portugal, Italian, Russian, German, Hindi, Marathi, Gujrati, Tamil, Telegu, Malayalam, Kannada, Punjabi, Assamese, Bengali
ing mainly in: -Computers and software localization (SW, Help files, Documentation, CD-ROM, Training and Web pages) -Technical documents and m
r team is build with Swahili native speakers who come from different background of specialty. Besides swahili, we also offer services in other popular
ncy one can find at our website: . Freelancers please apply at:
, economics, finances, telecommunications, building, informatics/computing, software localization, literature, law etc. We translate the following kind
4 hour service. Resourcing and helping corporates to recruit International Language experts and right caliber manpower. Either internal (as an empl
slators and 120 external translators. We translate in/from Romanian into/from English, French, Spanish, Italian, German and other 30 European lang
ated services, ranging from translation, interpretation, copywriting, editing, proof-reading to typesetting and desktop publishing. Languages are ava
tion services to companies, government organizations, international banks, not-for-profit organizations and individuals. We also provide to them bus
hareholders' meetings, presentations, board meetings, press conferences, TV/radio Simultaneous interpretation by IR, Soudproof Booths, Professi
xperience in providing and integrating translation, software localization, multilingual desktop publishing, web localization and print solution for clients
currency with today's quickly evolving technologies, syntax translators have not only several years of experience in translation, but are also technic
ts, and simultaneous and consecutive interpreters who would work with them on a freelance basis:
ndor in Traditional Chinese since 2001. 2003 Microsoft Excellent in Localization Award. LISA member from 2003. Main Scope of Services: Software/W
ators who have come together to offer a unique International Quality service. For us, Quality is First and we make sure our translation, transcription
al, Scientific, Business, Localization, Personal and Emigration, Accounting, Products presentation and Catalogues, Software Localization, Desktop pub
the leading professional group of companies in the Arab world. The widely reputable group has branches and representative offices in numerous cou
s comprised of experts specialized in various subjects with long expertise providing profesional tranlation and interpretion services. High committme
nance and more specifically Investment Funds (including hedge funds, property funds and private equity funds) and Insurance enables us to provide
conference services has undoubtedly made it one of the biggest language service providers in Shanghai and East China area. Among Talking China
quality translations at competitive rates. They offer translation, interpretation, consultation, DTP and editing/proofreading services. They specialize in
websites to make them readable, visitable a second time and increase stickiness, we have ample experience in cultural creativity for
NLY. Other services: Editing, Copywriting, Voice-over, English language instruction, Presentation coaching. English language solutions. Right on targe
ver fifteen years of experience meeting the needs of leading national and multinational corporations and institutions. TARGET TRANSLATIONS' qualif
and software localization, real time email translation, 3 hours urgent translations, overnight translations, corporate language teaching and multilingu
demanding clientele they are constantly looking for freelance translators to expand and support our team. The prerequisite for working with them is
ational network of experts which covers the entire field of the patent system and intellectual property. In the last 20 years, the companys firm has g
Established in 1969, our company is working for many companies and organisations such as the Eur
chieved a high level of professionalism and perfection. Their annual output for the year 2000 was just over 10.000 pages. This figure is steadily incr
ssible aux besoins de nos entreprises clientes en matire de qualit, de cot et de dlais.
h world-class language translation and interpretation processes, language instruction, logistics, and people.
on services, language fluency training, interpretation services, and cultural awareness training. We work in a wide range of European, Asian, Middle E
alian, Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch. They are continually seeking new people to join their team of legal and financial translators. You can send yo
Telegu, Hindi, Gujarati, Tamil, Marathi and others). Very proficient with Trados, WinAlign and Multiterm. They are looking for qualified linguists in thei
rs who translate from English, French, German, Dutch to Turkish, Bulgarian, Romanian languages. We are only agency in Turkey who can put multili
ny talented translators, so to make it easier to handle these enquiries in future agency will be placing a registration form on the website at www.tek
ations at competitive prices. We know how hard it is to win a customer and we also know how easy it is to lose one. That's why the service you will g
man, Spanish and Italian. Temple's business rests on being able to deliver precision, at speed. To make that happen we recruit the the most highly
eral Assembly and dedicated to responsive public service, strives to facilitate intercultural communication through the provision of quality language i
h-German, Swedish-English, Russian. They need also proofreaders of Spanish, German, Arabic, English. Working on PC + Mac (Indesign, Framewor
olish, into Polish from English & German. We specialize in translating dissertations - with massive discounts for students and recent graduates.
Agency") to provide translation and localization services over internet, TERCUMEX.COM, with its headquarter in Besiktas, Istanbul and its branch in K
nowledge, the result is either an unprofessionally sounding document, or, worse, a document with a different meaning.When such a document is tra
g our top direct clients are the Brazilian branches of John Deere, Case/New Holland, Massey Ferguson, Volvo (Construction Machinery Division) and M
engineering, electrical engineering and automation. The firm was founded in 1992 by Doc. Dr. Ing. Pavol Kucik, the long term period university teach
d adapts advertising copy to local cultures around the world. Benefits: cost-effectiveness, speed-to-market, global consistency and local relevance. C
d adaptations are their core business. TEXTBRO REUL is a tight and proficient team of around 80 native language translators and interpreters from
h its well-established network of partners around the world. Textminded is therefore a complete resource for businesses and corpora
e in day-to-day business communication texts always focusing on reliability, confidentiality and immediate responsiveness.
ch, Danish, Dutch, English, Farsi, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Mo
(pre- and post-graduates) working with native English-speaking proofreaders and writers, all in the same office together during normal business ho
alian, Thai to German, Thai to Vietnamese, Thai to Cambodian, Thai to Laos, Thai to Indonesian, Thai to Persian, Thai to Dutch, English to Thai, Chi
merce - Language Training - Design & Print - Serviced Offices - Publishing - All Languages - All Subjects - Technical & Large Project Specialists - Mem
xperts and professionals who are passionate about bringing real-world value to their translation agencies and clients.
ave over 15 years of experience. I have 3 employees and we specilize in Arabic, Cape Verdean, Portuguese, Spanish, And French.
Award Winning language translation, dubbing, subtitling and closed captioning technology. The Kitchen works to and from every language, with all w
ad for more than 30 years. they are proud of their proven track record and their fine reputation among the diverse range of professionals who make
Southern California. All languages. Native speakers only.
ur business depends on it. That's when you call in UPS. UPS Translations offer comprehensive, mother tongue translations of the written word, the s
. TLD's linguists are distinguished by their certifications, academic credentials, and extensive translating, interpreting and teaching experience in ove
tion, Academic Credentialing, Desktop Publishing, Cultural Consultation, Corporate Language Training. Languages: all; Fields: all. Freelancers: send
cal, over a wide selection of languages. We have certified legal and medical translators for many of the world's languages.
desktop publishing of technical documentation and marketing literature; multimedia localization for web based applications; global content manage
uages agency provides. - English into most languages, such as French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portugese, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish. A
needs of its clients. TOUAREG offers its customers the guarantee of numerous years of experience in managing translation and globalization solutio
nsive database of over 3,000 freelance translators enables them to handle projects in every language and any subject matter.
, insurance, oil, industry, commercials, information technology, chemistry, financial, media, leisure, environment, food, shipping Excellence and reli
nslation are English, Chinese (Simplified/Traditional), Japanese, Korean, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Malay, Indonesian, Tamil, Thai, Cambodia
ld of document translations, website localization and interpreting in Turkish. Our expertise encompasses the disciplines of Law, Science, Technology,
, Hindi, Hungarian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian.
tors who meet the following criteria: Minimum 3 years freelance experience or 2 years in-house translation experience. Experience of working with T
their head office in Berlin has been supporting IT businesses in introducing their products to foreign markets. Established global players put the sam
ound 100 freelancers throughout the world. Over the past 14 years Think'Z has enjoyed an outstanding international reputation providing Global Lan
of foreign language documentation and publications. In addition we offer a comprehensive company service - Just try us! It goes without saying that
lent contacts for Finnish, Icelandic and Greenlandic. Specialisms include medical and pharmaceutical translation, technical, legal and
prices. Head office is located at Samutprakarn province(5 miles from Bangkok). We strive to maintain the high quality translation while keeping in m
chines, home appliances, etc. Software and WEB pages. English - Serbian (or Serbo-Croatian), French - Serbian (or Serbo-Croatian), Italian - Serbia
y's only "end to end" solution for language transcription, translation, dubbing, subtitling and closed captioning. TM SYSTEMS works to and from any
moment we work with all the official European languages and main regional languages. Our main translation work consists of translating, proofreadin
offsite. Company specializes in the placement of translators native to your target language and experienced in your industry. Translation Services: d
and Localise your web site's text, branding, graphics, pictures, links, feeds and code. Each country has its own most popular search engines and it i
n over 160 languages using a global network of 1500 linguists. Their specialist areas include Finance, Broadcast, Health, Legal, Manufacturing, Medi
When you work with TOIN, your manuals, websites and applications will have the right impact in Asian markets.
, transcription, editing and proofreading. We are always looking for good freelance translators in a wide range of subjects so please feel free to send
orporations (translation for those all over the world). Language: English into Japanese. Rate: 15yen~25yen/1 Eng word. Specialized field: IT Related
uage translation, we are a particularly good choice when it comes to translating large projects such as users manuals that need to exist in several la
Als u binnenkort een tolk nodig heeft, dan bent u aan het goede adres. Tolkdirect is u graag van dienst met een tolk die met u meedenkt.
Lithuanian. Legal, business, technical and other bacround texts and synchron translations. The conference services. Publishing.
ty, fast turnaround and reliable service. Your key to East European markets.
. They also offer an excellent translation service in all languages. They specialize in recording voices for telephone IVR prompts, voice mails, on-hold
are localisation in almost all Asian languages by the native Asian linguists and graphic designers.
nguages and many of the more obscure ones as well. We can receive your document in any format and return the translation in any format suitable
wn Print division. We have over 500 worldwide clients supported by over 50 commendation letters from 'Blue chip' clients that refer to our Quality, Ac
, media translation and screen play translation services. We also offer general translation, multilingual copyediting, and multilingual copywriting in E
. Italian sworn translator. English translators have port-graduation in Translation. Reliable and speedy.
all types of translation and all languages. We are accurate, punctual, and dedicated and we offer competitive prices.
om Korean into the world\'s other major languages and vice versa for 6 years. Our main service fields are all kinds of manual translation, website tr
ning to writing, editing, DTP, and printing. We provide Trados-powered translations for 30 languages. Our client-oriented teams handle all facets of a
s to provide comprehensive website design and language translation services to promote your website on a truly global scale.
ges any subject and any software. High level in-house DTP skills creates added value for publishing, marketing and training and we have extensive
ench, Italian, German, Dutch. Italian to English, Spanish, French. German to English, Spanish. Dutch to English, Spanish. Portuguese to English, Spa
French to English: 0,085 or US$0.10 Source word. Hourly Rate: 25,00 US$30.00. Daily vo
nguistic borders. We also offer a second-to-none copywriting service in French and English.
are based in Mexico City and work with top translators and simultaneous interpreters to provide comprehensive and cost-effective translating and co
plying a rigorous quality assurance policy at its offices in the UK and France. Their reference list includes some of the world's biggest manufacturers
plying a rigorous quality assurance policy at its offices in the UK and France.
d translation: Finnish>English.
German. Interested in freelance translators: potential collaborators will be required to complete a translation test. All selected translators will be inclu
all services associated with translation and interpreting, transmitting a precise reflection of the thoughts expressed by our clients, and a faithful ima
een built over many years, which allows us to easily cater to your needs of translation and other non-linguistic services, with our primary focus on hi
rvices, prompt replies and to keep in touch for a better understading of your demands. Producing a perfect translation, allowing the words to shape
ly into their native language. Tradoc has carefully selected the people it work with for their training, their specialist expertise, their creativity and the
llowing areas: IT, Medical, Automotive, Marketing, Finance, Engineering, General Business. European Portuguese as well as Brazilian Portuguese (th
languages on request. Interpreting services, Website Design Our competent and experienced language experts will translate, interalia, the following
es and individuals. The TRADUaction understands that translation is an essentially human undertaking: translation machines are incapable of "under
, Bielorruso, Checo, Croata, Danes, Eslovaco, Esloveno, Fines, Griego, Holandes, Noruego, Polaco, Rumano, Ruso, Serbio, Sueco. Region oriental -
necesita servicios de interpretacin, consulte la disponibilidad geogrfica de nuestros intrpretes y las tarifas que se aplican a cada lengua. En la a
nary, specialised and sworn. Interpretation: sworn, simultaneous, consecutive, telephone, liaison, etc. Electronic documentation centre: consultancy,
o, alemn, ingls y espaol. Nuestros servicios de traduccin, correccin, interpretacin y formacin se caracterizan por su calidad y alto grado de ex
l translators-linguistics, 2 graphic designers, 1 computer expert, 3 administration and support). External translation teams all over the world. Turnov
ese and German sworn translators translating into Spanish. From Spanish into the following languages: English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Germa
neral, technical and legal documentation into English and Spanish or Portuguese for the Latin American market.
edge, ability, experience and responsability, fill in the application form at:
heir internal team which mainly counts English to French translation specialists, their external network of translators reaches all American and Europ
who have acquired their expertise through many years of international professional practice either within the business world and/or as university re
main languages are English, French, Spanish, German, Italian and Portuguese. Freelancers are welcome to apply.
g, post-production & format conversion/compression, aural proofing, DVD-authoring, etc. We welcome contact from voiceover talents in different lan
hey offer professional translation and interpreting services that include a large number of language combinations covering several fields of specializa
into Spanish. Our enterprise has been created to give a quality service in the specified time and with complete security.
nish, their mother tongue. Therefore they only translate into Spanish. They work exclusively for translation agencies abroad at subcontractor rates. A
om English into Spanish and vice versa. Texts to translate can be of any field since they are specialized in almost every area.
n. We have a twenty+ year experience and we basically offer our services in English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
and scrupulously satisfy any translating, interpreting, advisory and training request. We are talking about a team of over one hundred linguists, who
opportunity to work with many local and international clients and they would be delighted to welcome you as one of their new customers. Their team
ienced freelance translators wishing to cooperate with us are welcome, please send us your CV.
erienced translators, interpreters, typesetters, proofreaders and graphic designers enable us to deal with specialist and technical fields alike. We pro
nd interpretation services. We run legal translation courses for translators. Trans Gulf Management has become number one in the Gulf region in its
an languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch). Typically, target language is either French or English. We work with p
roofreading services in GERMAN-ENGLISH-GERMAN with tight deadlines, Quality and complete confidentiality. Bridging barriers for multi-lingual spe
ng over 25 languages, including Sign Language. Established in 1994 in Winter Park, Florida, and now in Clermont, Florida, Trans-Caribe Communicati
tute. TRANSCEN is able to draw upon the specialist expertise of professional translators, linguists and academics working across multiple disciplines
any profile, in English, Albanian and Serbo-Croatian languages. Our Agency staff is composed by professional and qualified translat
and vice versa. Freelancers of Asian languages are welcome and of other language pairs could also sending your resume for registering with them.
. The company operates according to international professional standards and employs the best translators in the country. TransCom operates in acc
and communication needs of professional organizations like yours. Our multilingual services and solutions enable us to meet virtually any language
, and have carried out numerous projects for various EU institutions including the European Parliament, the European Council, the European Commis
fghan Persian), Farsi, French, Hindi, Pashto (Afghan / Pak), Punjabi, Russian, Sindhi, Tamil, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek and many more...
h, Hebrew. Note: We can handle other languages on request, especially if given notice in advance.
s, and web sites. Using only mother-tongue translators/localizers guarantees that all linguistic aspects of the target language are re
hnological and industrial companies on one side, and in the financial-legal area on the other. Two-decade long experience in document translation an
, Vietnamese, Thai, Malay, Indonesian, Swiss, Laotian, Burmese, Cambodia, Dutch, Turkish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Polish, Latin, Esperanto, Nep
997, we have collective and comprehensive knowledge and experience in translation and proofreading services. Meaning that we are able to provide
known as CIT, providing services only to the legal field. We are now extending to a variety of fields due to demand. We are U.S. Certified to translate
alty is Indian languages across a variety of subject areas translation and DTP. We also offer other Asian and European languages at competitive ra
manuals of machines, chemistry, medicine, wood working technology, automotive industry) we provide the translations of literature as well.
another culture, another market. Rely on the creativity and intellect of the companys top-flight language professionals, aided by cutting-edge softw
h as price and quality, but also based upon the source of the request, being it a business, an individual or a non-profit entity.
men wir aber auch Auftrge mit anderen Sprachrichtungen. Hierfr greifen wir auf unsere kompetenten bersetzungspartner zurck. Dabei garantie
uage combinations. This allows us to offer our customers the highest quality translations available today. Additionally, we can provide creative and cu
te, and confidential translations service, tailor-made to suit their budget, quality requirements, and time constraints.
lized staff in area of law, medicine, electronic, machine engineers. We have lawyers, engineers and doctors in our staff. Our official website is www.t
other than those listed here, please contact them. Afrikaans, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic (Standard), Arabic (Moroccan), Armenian, Azerbaijani, Beng
ofessionals of language, covering diverse knowledge areas. Trans-Lation offers a complete range of language services: translation corporate services
) and justice (sworn interpreters and translators) . Languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Polis
Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Polish, Rumanian, Bulgarian, Albanian, Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, Greek, Turkish, Ch
g your documents professionally and accurately. Translation and Beyond offers high quality and professional Translation at excellent prices. Reliable
of professionals willing to work with them as freelance translators. Most of their work is done in InDesign, Word and WordPerfect, and our translation
es design and localization. DTP. They are interested to hear from professional translators with a minimum of 3 years experience. Please e-mail them
vel internacional, trabajamos permanentemente en ms de una lengua. Para el estudio, la transmisin fiel y exacta de las ideas en varios idiomas fo
n, English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Latvian, Estonian, Polish, Moldovian, Uzbek, and many more.
reas, desktop publishers and designers. The bureau has set a clearly defined process for translation and other operations to fulfill the projects to clie
nd friendly professional relations with your company. DISKUSIJA provides translation, localization, interpreting, editing, proofreading and typesetting
d interpreting services, including translation, transcription, interpretation, localization, Web site globalization, Internet translation, an
l our translators have the higher education and make professional translations. We shall help you to translate materials, concerning any sphere of ac
50 languages. All Translators are professional, experienced and are referenced. They encourage them to build up a glossary of preferred terms for t
so that your translation reads as though it were an original document. We believe that translating content must go beyond simply converting text fr
translations of 40 world languages to/from English by highly qualified and NAATI accredited translators.
ude: translation, localisation, editing/proofing, terminology management, language consultancy, Desktopping/layout, performed for all types of busin
hroughout the world. Being in India, we can afford to provide quality translations at economical prices, starting from as low as 0.04 USD per English
d English into Spanish. On the side, we also provide a service of christian conference interpretation. Beside its religious/theological specialization, Tra
once obstacles to global communication suddenly become opportunities. We handle a full array of subject-matters - from the ultra technical to the si
panese, Chinese, Pujabi, Hindi, Tamil, etc. Our rates very well compare with those of other agencies. We shall be pleased to do your translation job i
h <> Spanish, Arabic <> Spanish, Japanese <> Spanish, Chinese <> Spanish. All translators translate into their native language only and must hav
ssian, Russian to Italian, Italian to Georgian, Georgian to Italian, French to Russian, Russian to French, French to Georgian, Georgian to French, Ger
n. It is an experienced team specialized in Medical-Pharmaceutical, Tech-Engineering, Business, Agriculture, General literature. It is the office of a f
s low as only US.08 per word. All translators are Certified and native speaking. Service provided in a fast and easy way via the Internet. Our outsour
sh, Czech, Turkish, Azerbaijan into Russian (Ukrainian) or vice versa. In the nearest future, our repertoire will grow. Large translation projects are o
ation, subtitling, proofreading, etc., in Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch to companies and institution
Translation Memories, and Glossary & Terminology Management. We have a Professional Translation Division that provides Human Translation Servic
faction. We provide accurate language translation services into various languages among of which are English, French, and German into Arabic and
Chinese and many other languages into perfect English, and they translate from almost any Asian and European language into perfect Chinese.
echnology. Translations group handles translations in over 20 languages and also the linguistic editing and revision of scientific articles and papers fo
deadlines. Free quote and sample translation. Online translations status. Best prices on the web. Secure online payments using PayPal and Visa/MC.
ulgarian, Byelorussian, Chechen, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, English, Estonian, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japane
d in Hagen Westf./Germany and specialized in technical, medical technical and pharmaceutical translations.
n and Russian.
ou would like to work with us, please complete the following questionnaire:
ure, tourism and leisure. We have already worked for a few independent film productions, web sites and publications.
Dutch of business, legal, pharmaceutical and medical texts, technical instructions, international contracts, web sites through correspondence. Swor
n, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, French, Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish. High-end levels of sophisticated translation services, including free-of-charge te
oftware localization and Web site globalization; quick turnaround of quotes and projects; and accurate translations that are proofread for quality con
n European countries, in the former Soviet Union, the USA and in certain South American countries. Every text is translated by specialists whom we
ranslations and localization as well as DTP and language-training services for clients in Finland and abroad. We offer one-stop-shopping for Nordic, B
es in over 48 different languages. The Agency has multi-lingual scientists, engineers and other distinguished native-speaker linguists available for spe
competitive rates.
rnational markets. Through their offices in numerous countries they can support you in all major languages close to the markets. And with tQM, the
rnational markets. Through their offices in numerous countries they can support you in all major languages close to the markets. And with tQM, the
nnections enable them to offer you combinations such as Italian French, or Italian Slovenian, as well as many others. They always welcome appl
ons services.
utch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, etc., while our target languages are virtually all Eastern European languages: Bulgarian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, H
vice versa. DTP is available as an extra service. Web content localization, QA and proofreading. Freelancers are welcome.
cial literature from and to a large number of languages, including some rare ones. Translation of documents plus certification and legalization in the
arsi, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Se
ization costs and uncompromising quality. Software localization and/or document translation companies can count on our highly qualified team as a
n, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Hungarian. Services in other languages are available depending on the customer's needs.
ublishing; support almost every language; support so many DTP applications on PC and Mac, such as FrameMaker, QuarkXpress Passport, QuarkXpre
e. With Engineers residing in our office, together with our in-house translators, both well-equipped with a broad range of skills and top-notch softwa
specialist in the field of translation and you are interested in co-work with us, you are welcome to our team. We are looking for talented, industrious
ervices at convenient prices. Other Services: Proofreading, Editing, DTP. Request your free quote.
oject management staff in over 30 locations in North America, Europe, and Asia, ready to meet our clients' needs, around the clock and around the w
rs. We offer precise technical translations from English to Russian and vice versa. Our technical specialisation areas are IT, Mechanical equipment, E
ssian, Chinese, Japanese. In-house and freelancers. Quality assured firm - ISO 9001.
h quality technical translations in all Indian Languages into and from English. We are well established, having more than 17 years experienced Transl
om different sectors. They are also associated with software development teams for working on specific area assignments (viz. Website Localisation,
have practical experience in various engineering and business sectors, in addition to specific training in and mastery of the different European Langu
the last 5 years undertaking technical , non-technical, scientific, software, legal, commercial translation, localization, proofreading.
nslate and localize documents, manuals and web sites for companies in the automotive, business, medical, entertainment, information technology, e
ents are always assigned to native born and educated translators. Based on their experience, they will not need to use a dictionary to perform their
ese are their most frequently requested translations though other languages are also translated.
the localisation of courseware, LMS and LCMS software, websites, and instructor-led material in over 70 languages. Transware is the only full-service
translators of all languages. All translators must have a minimum of five years professional experience in their relevant fields of expertise. To meet w
NG DIRECTOR: ROMAN TRATESCHKI. I have founded the translation and service office TRATESCHKI TRANSLATION in Renningen, Germany, in 1998.
ize in the translation of WEB pages. You choose the language, and they provide the service.
ne since 1993. Among our clients, there are departments and representative offices of such companies and organizations as SONY, Philips, Shenck G
ce language. It is of course essential that the translator has a thorough knowledge of the technical subject matter. It is for that reason that Triview
ons in general. We work mainly in English and Spanish, but can accomodate any language pair our customers need. We permanently accept resum
edicated to providing quality translation and language services to its worldwide clients.
king each document to ensure accuracy - the main translator, an editor and a content expert. We also offer DTP services for all major software progr
is to assist the clients, from initial strategy to content integration to ensure that the challenge of globalisation is met.
d staff to satisfy your needs. Our professionally-oriented trainers, counselors and translators have the necessary knowledge and skills to meet your
ommerce and industry. Our clients - many of whom come to us by recommendations - include global players, international organizations, and private
ices. Tureng offers a wide range of language translation solutions for documentation, web, and software applications in all languages particularly in E
anslator members, almost 10 years ago, in Turkey. From this time on, we have undertaken many translation jobs in Turkey and abroad in assorted fi
business activities in today's linguistically diverse world. Multinational business needs communication in foreign languages, often in the mother tongu
why our repeat customers say, WOW! We do this through a streamlined workflow that specializes in translation of English to/from the major Asian l
ch, Slovak, Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Lithuanian, Latvian, Slovene, Serbian, Croatian, Greek, Macedon
ies for International Companies. Have been working as translators for the past 10 years, for clients in Argentina and abroad. Being native in Spanish
m-made management software, they track, simultaneously, thousands of documents and translators without a hitch, making sure your project is alw
her languages, and uniting qualified translators and interpreters alongside of proofreaders and stylists. The goal of Lingvistai is to satisfy all our clie
guage and specific-field specialists. We offer translation and interpretation services in many fields as well as translation from audio and/or video stora
fic as well as press and advertising texts in the following language combinations: English < > Lithuanian, French < > Lithuanian, English < > Rus
ty at competitive prices.
tellen fr uns kein Hindernis dar. Im TerberTeam arbeiten muttersprachliche bersetzerinnen und bersetzer. Unsere Erfahrung gewhrleistet die un
from English and French into Italian: software applications; videogames & multimedia; technical documentation; web content; printed manuals; bro
ls, d'optimiser l'change d'informations orales et crites grce ses prestations, sur-mesure, d'interprtariat et de traduction. Contactez-nous, nous
es the capacity to handle large volumes, take advantage of time differences to expedite delivery, to react quickly and to cover meetings virtually any
as always come from the understanding of the topic, however technical it may be. Our certified native speaking translators and interpreters are expe
uccin y de Interpretacin. Ahora, podemos acompaarle tanto en el plano oral como en el escrito. Sobre la base de un documento escrito en papel,
as always come from the understanding of the topic, however technical it may be. Our certified native speaking translators and interpreters are expe
go with a new name to better reflect our growth. And, by using the same freelancers that all the larger companies with higher overheads use, we ca
l documentation to and from all languages, utilising the latest releases of all major software formats, together with TRADOS and Transit Translation
n and Russian.
d development exclusively for the Japanese market. UKS offers cost effective services as given below and wish to know if we could have an opportun
an, Croatian, Danish, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindi, Lithuanian, Mongolian, Japanese, Greek, Russian, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Czech, Turkish, Bulga
offers a corporate service which will initially propose corrections of foreign company profiles, quarterly and annual financial reports and proof readin
sing native speaker translators for the target language. Experienced, skilled translators with native fluency.
chnology, biology, environmental science. Translators experienced in scientific and technical publications.
years. For Last 12 Years we have the privilege of rendering our services to a number of Leading Corporate Houses, Trade Associates, Advertising Age
ce in Translation. We have done more than 10,000,000 words in the above languages. We have done translation for different levels of Government in
Turkish, Urdu to Arabic translations. Translators, please submit your CV to: [email protected]
anslations and interpreters, extensive expertise in legal and financial translations, an efficient, confidential and personal service.
service extends beyond Japanese and English to all European and Asian languages. We specialize in Investor Relations, Marketing Research and On
, Neutral, Latin American, Iberian, country-specific, etc.) and Brazilian Portuguese. We can blend marketing and cultural needs to offer an efficient, f
few of the sectors in which we operate: Agriculture, Architecture, Automation, Chemistry, Business, Information, Technology, Accounting, Law, Econ
over 14 translators/interpreters of which there are 3 full time doctors for medical translations, an MBA for business and legal texts, several BA in En
on and Urdu interpretation. We have translated various types of documents including INS, Legal, Educational, IT, Marriage, and Divorce documents f
the Hispanic Market, Advertising Bilingual Services, Bilingual Relocation Services, ESL Classes as a family, Spanish classes as a Family or in a group
anslations of the highest quality from and into all languages. Before applying, please visit our website at
ntent translation and other related services. The company has professionals in Malay, Eng, Tamil, Mandarin and Japanese. The company assures prom
If you are interested to be a part of a fast paced industry let us know your qualifications, the languages you can handle and your contact information
ng and dubbing in all formats. The other on all aspect of commercial documents and business especially banking and finance.
jects) Market Research. High quality standards in both translation and communications.
f expertise includes the following fields: IT, Internet, localisation, technology, electronics, telecommunications, mechanics, patents, automotive. The
nian, Serbian, Turkish, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Flemish, French, Dutch, Croatian, Czech, Swedish, Japanese.
ojects: technical manuals, press releases, contracts, financial statements or advertising material, legal documentation, educational projects. We assu
inted or hand-written documents are translated. Translation work has been undertaken in Bay Area for the last four years and is being accepted by
translation experience, work exclusively in their field of expertise, live and work in Europe, America, Australia, Asia and South Africa.
nglish, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Dutch. Translations by native professionals in the target language, edited by a second translator. Neder
nslations to/from 33 languages; Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hun
Translation & Localization, Seminar & Conference Interpretation, Multilingual Voice-overs, Software Internationalization & Development, Software Te
e prices. Our linguistic fluency and rigorous standards ensure that you send the right message to your target audience every time. A global business
mmunities. Our translation service includes all major languages, such as French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Hebrew, and
s localization and not only translation. We try hard to add local flavor to your original copy. While maintaining the quality of your original copy. Prese
n the Arab Republic of Egypt. We translate from and into several languages. Our translation services are characterized by quality, speed and reasona
ience in literature field. Working with major research agencies for language validations as well as expertise in telecom, health general, management
nslators in various fields, which give us the advantage of having a strong team of terminology experts, in addition to our precise time management
lance subtitle translators to maintain in our data base and hire on a title by title basis.
major European, African and Asian languages. If you would like to work for Vita Brevis Language as a freelance translator, editor, proofreader or copy
eutical laboratories and important industrial, legal and technical companies in Spain since 1995. We translate from/to German, Danish, Dutch, Frenc
Chinese, etc., please contact us.) We can handle all kinds of document translation and in all fields of professionals. Have your documents translated
r any combination of the main languages, and, upon request, the combinations of the secondary languages with Romanian.
anslators. Database of translators and specialists is large enough to serve your needs -- but agency is small enough to get to know you and your ne
urance, and engineering & manufacturing industries.
n services network specializing in document translations, website localization and interpreting in over 75 language combinations.
ation in every major platform of the spoken word; from commercial and corporate pieces, to film dubbing, animation and multimed
s, manuals, reports, advertising, agreements, industry news, policies and procedures, regulatory issues, glossaries, guidelines, practices and recom
supported by a full range of in-house services, including transcription, video editing and sound recording. Located in the heart of London's West End,
ranslators, 4 editors, 2 proofreaders and 2 DTP engineers. All detailed CVs are available upon request.
nsportation, business and regional aircraft, tourism. References available upon request.
onsulting Language Services able to ensure highest quality. Our translators are all native speakers of their mother tongue and are highly qualified in
slator who aquired a long experience in many fields of translation. Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish.
editing services. Arabpress Agency established Wathaek 5 years ago to meet its need to areliable service in the field of translation. Wathaek mission
-driven websites.
highly qualified and we can manage in almost all spheres of expertise.
ecialist knowledge of more than 20 African languages. Being an online-based company, it allows Web-lingo to satisfy your translation needs promptly
gners living in Miami, Florida, USA, having many contacts with translators all over the world. All work is always proofread to maintain consistency th
by providing translation and localization services. Export into new and emerging markets with out unique SAL service.
offer quality services from and into 28 languages. Freelancers please apply at:
o provide language service to meet customers' requirments. We work with international well-known translation institutes, to provide international st
overnment agencies. Registered judicial interpreter for the State of Georgia, USA. Fast turnaround and competitive prices. Daily output is 3500 word
ing, Data Storage, Supply Chain Management, Life Sciences and Data Security industries. Our services include globalization consulting, internationa
can be made for other states.
e translate from English, Italian, Kazakh, Turkish to Russian and vice versa. Do not hesitate to benefit from our experience gathered in cooperation w
nterpreters supported by the very latest Bosch digital interpretation technology to accomplished translators who have experience of an extensive ra
ext and simultaneous translation of business documents and materials. Our clients are mainly mid-sized and large companies that value quality, con
website, brochures, user guides, books on the fly 2-3 pages translations; Sworn translations. Other services: Bileteral, Consecutive experienced pre
lation needs, please let us know and we shall try to accomodate them by selecting a member of our team who has the right background. Our langua
try, supported by carefully selected 3rd party reviewers in each target language/country and managed by a dedicated staff. All of them apply WHP q
eir native country, supported by carefully selected 3rd party reviewers in each target language/country and managed by a dedicated staff. All of the
an, Swedish, Danish, French, Italian, Spanish, Latvian and Lithuanian, but will always hear out your wishes and try to fulfil them. Wiedemanni's activ
bisch, Turks, Hebreeuws en Oost-Europese talen ons niet vreemd. De orintaalse talen, zoals het Japans en het Chinees, worden door andere vertaa
oductions is actively seeking experienced native speakers of various languages, particularly Japanese, for translation and live interpreting assignmen
g, localization and technical authoriting in Spanish, English, French, German, Japanese, Chinese and Portuguese. This agency is oriented to compan
experienced and professional translators from reputed universities of India and abroad, we are always confident to meet specific requirements of ou
d automonile field. Currently, we are working with Microsft Korea, Welocalize, LionBridge, Sony Korea, Epson, etc. We believe that we can provide yo
Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish. If youre a translator and would like to register to wo
re localisation and web design. Also runs professional translation courses from French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese into English and Englis
Our commitment to quality means that we only utilise native/first language speakers. We also pride ourselves on the efficiency, reliability and speed
reting, Telephone Interpreting, Written Translations and Proof Reading. Over 100 Languages including: Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Bulgaria
ng Europe, the USA, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, the Far East, South America and Africa. While we dont pretend to be expert in l
an, Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Chechen, Chinese(Cantonese), Chinese(Mandarin), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Edo, English, Estonian, w, Farsi, F
e provide best quality translations in different languages at very reasonable price. We have certified and expert translators with academic qualificatio
are specialists in South Asian languages such as Tamil, Punjabi, Urdu, Nepali, Bengali and HIndi to name a few and also have inhouse staff for most
ecause savvy marketers know that you must speak to customers and employees in their own languages - both round the world and right here at hom
ch, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (European and Latin American
building, engineering and technical work. Primary languages: Dutch, English, French, German.
eelance translators please send CV to [email protected] (only native translators, min. 3 years of experience and degree in T&I or equiva
f communication and translation, from production planning through to management of projects and the most sophisticated quality control processes
slation of voive overs, commentory and jingles. Ad agencies are welcome to send their samples and judge our work.
n global communication has become one of the keys to success in business. We work in only three languages: English, French and Spanish. Those a
d, professional translators and designers. Headed by Marisa Syrelli, an experienced translator who has studied in the U.K. and holds the Institute of
mation industries.
ge pairs: English into Spanish. Main translator: Heriberto Pags, MA. ATIO Certified Translator.
nd culture. Thus, we enable different groups of people to share their ideas, exchange information and collaborate across boundaries.
ns at all levels in French and English languages. Good work is assured for every client.
l kinds of documents.
United States and overseas for over fifteen (15) years; enjoying a finest reputation worldwide. Our difference relies in our experience, the prompt re
ps as other companies. We charge 10 - 20% above the translator cost and that is it. We have freelance translators that enable us to translate your
ances Internet translation with new technologies and features designed to provide a seamless experience for consumers. Headquartered in Nevada,
ding a wide range of translation and localization services to customers ranging from small local companies and public service providers to large mult
certificate to coordination of multi-language, multi-venue simultaneous interpretation services for international conferences with thousands of intern
to English and English to Turkish Our offices are located near Oxford Street We offer first-class translations for both verbal and for documentation pu
interpretation needs. The one thing that differentiates us from our competitors is our product. It is something that no other company has. Its purpo
nslators are chosen by their expertise and all of the translators working with Worldwide specialize in various technical disciplines. As full-time transla
ng. And WORTE tries to create a bridge between two languages and is not restricted only to languages but it also tries to join people of various field
o cover all types of translation, from fiction to academic non-fiction and business to business and can give you a quote on any of these aspects.
e them via Payment Methods: Bank Transfer, Moneybookers or Post office. Samples can be furnishe
to any language. We work with advertising agencies, graphic studios and printers. From a simple business card to a high profile ad slick or technical
s. It also offers a wealth of general information on both internationalization (i18N) and localization (l10n) . Links to Asian Web page
os que se encuentra en contacto permanente y en donde no se realizan trabajos tercerizados sino persolalizados.
specialized in-country, in-house translation teams. Unique methodology adapted to the specific requirements of each client. Focus on long-term or s
multilingual translation and Japanese and English-language localization of software. In addition to our three pillars of business trans
Macedonian, Serbian/Croatian.
ultinational clients in Europe. Initially focusing on print coordination services, they soon widened their scope and engaged further in translation and D
almost any part of the world. Our website aims to promote cooperation between Turkey and other nations through Turkish translators.
manian, Hungarian, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Turkish, Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Finnish, Portuguese.
uage in the world and in variety of industries. We are always looking for new talents! If you are a professional with master or bachelor degree, if you
ine our professional knowledge to serve the health and wellness business around the world.
erman, Italian, French, Spanish, Polish and some other languages into Ukrainian and Russian. We guarantee a complete and accurate translation of y
ng. Interpreters (Arabic, English, Russian languages) in Dubai / United Arab Emirates.
on, localization. We provide high quality proof-reading with less charge (about 80 dollars per thousand words) . Choose us, believe us, and make wi
Czech language since the very beginning of its existence. Since then, many manuals are being used by their customers till today. They translate and
se, Arabic, and Japanese. Zaharicom's experienced team of translators not only represents the best linguistic skills - but also has a fine-honed unde
fessional translation into several languages executed in parallel and on schedule. Foreign languages make specific technical demands on DTP and Pr
alues and commitment, they can also serve markets in Asia, the Middle-East, Africa, and North and South America.
es. They believe the following principles to be of utmost importance: Maintaining absolute discretion as far as the content of translated documents o
s an expertise which supplies international communication. For this reason, translation is divided into subgroups which really needs professionalism a
n service in almost all combinations to/from the following languages: Arabic, Greek, Polish, Armenian, Hebrew, Portuguese, Azerbaijani, Hindi, Roma
for applying for jobs abroad.
nterpreting professions and foster the professional development of individual translators and interpreters. Association membership is available to ind
n service from our Ankara and Istanbul offices. Conference, localization, document, audio, DTP etc. Latest computers and software. Project size/typ
atters, medicine, engineering, (design, building and construction, electronics, mechanical, industrial, petroleum and oil rigs, transportation, and railw
dicine, telecommunications etc. translations from/into Russian, Ukrainian into/from most of European and Oriental languages. We are open to coope
from worldwide prestigious companies such as Microsoft, Toshiba, NTT, Volvo, Canon, Compaq and Agfa, etc to multi-language vendors from all ove
obal Translators has elaborated a demanding Procedures and Quality Control System, which ensures "zero defect" translations (in the "1Global Trans
m English to the following languages: Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bosnian, Brazilian, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Catalan, Chin
an be derived from the three languages. They are always on the look out for reliable translators and proofreaders.
s to grow by following trends, expanding our most popular languages and sourcing 'rare' dialects. All this, to further both private and public enterpri
he clock. The company is based in Hamburg. Subsidiaries have already been founded in Berlin, Italy, Latvia and Switzerland.
the translation circle. If you don't mind, they will undoubtedly serve you. We are convinced of our high quality.
e specialize in technical translations, from a few words on a label to complex million-word projects involving TEP, DTP, QA and testin
ce. LANGUAGE COMBINATIONS: English => Dari, English => Farsi, English => Hindi, English => Punjabi, English => Urdu and vice versa; Dari =>
n and desktop publishing services for leading technology and industrial companies. 4Translation is a leader in translation technology by implementin
ven Translation has positioned itself as a professional commercial and technical translation firm dedicated to providing complete multilingual languag
. This enables us to improve the quality of our translations and our turnaround times whilst reducing your costs. We are truly the gateway for your b
our CV stating your language combination, subjects of specialisation and rates to [email protected]
translation into over 90 languages including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian and m
private persons who expect efficient and professional handling of their materials. The orientation of Bureau's translators to specific spheres of activi
We have capacity to translate legal, economic, scientific and most other business fields. Eventually would be nterested in freelance translators.
Hindi, Hungarian, Gaelic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxemburgish, Maltese, Mandarin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romania
sch, Schwedisch, Dnisch, Osteuropische Sprachen: ussisch, Tschechisch, Polnisch, Ungarisch, Rumnisch, Bulgarisch, Estnisch, ettisch, Litauisch, S
ncy (focused on consecutive and simultaneous translations), Legal Translation Agency (focused on doing legal translations), A.B.C. World Languages
ustrial, hi-tech, and engineering applications. A2Z comfortably handles all common foreign languages.
ance clarification, proofreading one for quality control, and a pre-publication proofreading for accuracy. Services include content management solutio
vailable time. At Aabam they develop services and solutions that are tailored to each sector.
ge. Services include language training, translation and localization services, skills training and terminology development. Are you interested in produ
panish, Italian, Russian, Swedish, and Greek, to name some of their languages outside of English. Naturally, they also translate from these language
ns. High quality, efficient service and low costs attract many corporate customers for whom we provide comprehensive translation/interpreting servic
hotography, DTP, musical production, computer programming, animation, multilingual voice-over artists... We strongly advise you to translate all you
ADVANTAGES: Internal Technical Competence Ability to Manage Large Projects + several millions of words per year + several thous
hieve higher sales. In conjunction with our sister company (, we work with e-learning and multimedia co
ns and interpreting in all languages across a range of commercial, technical and legal areas.
ebsite localization and many other services in more than 100 languages. In addition to the highly professional in-house staff, WORDEXPRESS benefi
a is a recently formed company offering a wide range of translation and literary services. In addition to specialising in-house in Spanish, French and
zation and testing, clients like GE Energy, Hologic, Intellisync and KPG rely on ABLE Innovations to deliver an outsourced, turn-key solution for produ
ated error-free, requiring an interpreter at a conference or meeting, marketing your business to a potential client, assistance in a teleconference call
n of the most important European languages (and their variants on the American continents), providing one of the broadest range of specialization f
translating, editing and proofing, but we welcome individual translators well . If you fall into this category and your rates are within
f Interpreting and Translation services in the UK. What makes Absolute Interpreting & Translations Ltd more prominent than other companies? Provi
an Bulgarian Burmese Cambodian Cantonese Carib Catalan Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dari Dutch Efik English Eritrean Esperanto Estoninan Ewe
guages into/from Polish. Conference service (the interpreters and technical equipment)also available by the mail order as well as t
r to advanced levels. The company understands that French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, and English are important tools for yo
training and support, advertising and marketing communications. Acclaro uses proven, standard technologies to increase quality, maintain consisten
nguages, rare dialects and in asl. Agency is woman owned and operated. In business as of 1994. Legal, Financial, Industrial, Life Sciences, Manufact
mplex, is performed with the utmost quality control and sensitivity to your needs. Your documents receive quality and speed of execution.
are highly recommended. Entrust your foreign language publications to their Experienced Professionals who will help you succeed in reaching your ta
n to project-specific QA procedures and a deep understanding of the clients target audience. An active member of ATA (USA), ITI (U
ement, each detail of your project receives personal attention. Our services are offered for any language and in any location. Our experienced langua
c manuals and IT documentation. Our translators are specialized in various domains, such as IT, computer, electronics, telecommunications, medica
hram Corporation only specializes in the following: 1. Written translation; 2. Consecutive translation; 3. Simultaneous interpreting; 4. Whisper transl
ent available to the Central and Eastern European audience accurately and appropriately. You can expect all the benefits of dealing w
nd with new audiences by adapting your products and services to meet the demands of the global marketplace. Our stringent quality control proced
ectly into current softwares: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher... * Communication via fax, diskette, CD ROM, Internet... * Fast response time adap
heir best effort to reach a perfect result. We offer ranslation/proofreading of any required documentation (contracts, cooperation agreements, user in
well, if we have a suitable translator, we will make you a proposal.
y translations and related services, including desktop publishing. Agency cooperates with professional film studio hence providing visual aid materia
uperior quality, and they do it on time. The team of experienced and efficient project managers, technically proficient native-speaking linguists, and
0 years. Their areas are: sworn and official, technical, law, chemistry, textile, automotive, web etc. and interpreting and simultaneous services are av
rld allows us to offer our clients market proximity and optimum support in well over 50 languages.
's first choice provider of legal, professional, technical, medical and more general translations.
ountry, Engineers, lawyers, economists and doctors as specialist translators, Express assignments, Authorised translators, Certification of personal d
er industry, including nuclear industry, and other industrial subject-matter. We translate into Russian from English, as well as from German, Spanish
you what it believes is the best combination of these three that you can find. And with its extensive database of professional translators, you can be
globalizing the voice for global opportunities. We provide cost-effective and user friendly services in various languages. We give special emphasis on
, Service Excellence, Deadline Sensitive. SERVICES RENDERED: Typing (Documents, Manuals, Thesis, etc.), Brochures, Business Cards (Bulk), Busin
tion, localization, intepretation, pagination and SDL services. We work with TRADOS, WordFast, Quark Express and Framework among others. A com
als have large experience in their areas of specialization. In the Russian market, Advent Translation has acquired a reputation as a reliable partner fo
round, quality and competitive prices have made us France's leading translation company.
extensive experience in various areas such as economics, finance, banking, accounting, marketing, PR, medicine, law, psychology, technology and e
Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Slovakian, Russian, Arabic, Turkish, Tartar, Chinese.
er of languages. Every translated document will undergo thorough proofreading in order to verify grammar, stylistics and terminology of a translated
ain optimal standards of honesty, efficiency, reliability and confidentiality, bound by a strict code of professional ethics. Translating and interpreting se
r next project involves translation, localization, subtitling, transcribing or desktop publishing, we can take care of your project from start to finish.
languages with its professional certified translators to both private and public sectors in Turkey and in abroad.
nd experienced language translators to first translate your documents into the required language. Then, a second equally qualified translator will edit
es. Experience with several localization projects for eBay and Microsoft. Worked on localization of games like Final Fantasy XI, Perimeter, colin mcrae
he facts about us below: We have extensive, broad, long experience, we have the most reliable translation manpower, we work with/maintain compre
fields, into Arabic, English, French and German, for individuals and companies.
Translation/Localization: Combinations between the Russian language and the European languages; Combinations b
ts which requires coordination of a team of translators, effective utilization of CAT Tools, strict adherence to deadline and pretty sensitive confidentia
such as legal agreements, business correspondence, corporate brochures, marketing documents, circuit diagrams, educational degrees, current affa
usa, Hindi, Indonesian, Luganda, Malaysian, Nepalese, Pashto, Russian, Singhalese, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Tamil, Thai, Tajik, Turkish, Urdu, Yorub
r next project involves translation, localization, subtitling, transcribing or desktop publishing, we can take care of your project from start to finish.
sh and Albanian). Company has been translators, interpreters, editors, and proofreaders since 1993. Expert knowledge of computers and a wide ass
vertising material, travel industry publications, press releases, catalogs, manuals, brochures, packages, newsletters, contracts, e-marketing docume
ces include: English, Swedish, Spanish, Danish, Portuguese, Tagalog, German, Catalan, Russian, Japanese, French, Hebrew, Italian, Yiddish, and Ara
n, scientific translation, medical translation, business translation, etc. Traductores profesionales en Madrid, Espaa traducen entre el espaol y el ing
ou would like to work for the agency and have experience in the translating and/or interpreting field, please send your CV to: [email protected]
mic, religious, strategic, political, scientific & so on fields, as well performing more than 450 international, regional, national and local conferences, sy
rters in the Denver Metro area, our legal and corporate translation agency is dedicated to servicing the foreign language needs of law firms, Fortune
variety of languages. You can be assured that no matter how large or how small - you can rely on our efficient service.
s, financial and any other type of translation. Our rates are in Canadian currency. Accurate, fast, easy and cost-effective. We hire native translators w
s, in the most diverse technical areas, we have always been ready to accept the most challenging projects, meeting expectations as to standards of
any language into (almost) any language. High quality translations and professional service are motto.
n Translation?"- 4 Advantages in choosing ALLON: 1: Expertise in Japanese Language/Culture; 2: Synergy with Promotion/Design/Consulting servic
all major language pairs, adaptations and localization, proof reading, interpretation (simulteanous and consecutive, layout dtp and print.
to Dutch, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. They are also one of the few translation companies in the Netherlands with the Taalmerk a
means an additional income for you or even a main means of support, indeed. You should have a diploma for a completed MA degree in the relevant
. International Rotary's handbook of Procedures (500 pages)have been translated and printed out for distribution by this Company. Language Pairs:
of freelance translators, working into different languages. With engineering/QA, DTP, graphic design and audio staff all in-house, Alpha provides a t
opean, Middle East and Asian language pairs translation, 200 EURO per website of up to 10 webpages (you send us your own content, photos, logos,
shop manuals, information technology, legal texts. Delivery time: 5,000 words per working day.
eakers, who have a minimum qualification of a Bachelor of Arts and at least 5 years' experience in the industry. Alphabet's team follows the policy o
nt correspondence will receive the same standards of scrutiny as specialist documentation as each assignment, large or small, is assessed for querie
We have always believed that the translation is the prime mover on the road of reaching at the goal of continu
Conference Organization (hotel reservations, equipment, logistics, etc.); Web Page Localization; Software Localization; Legalization of Documents w
g material, etc.), application-software localisation, DTP jobs, transcripts of video and audio tapes, Web-site design and translation projects and searc
nterpreting services in the following fields: Mechanics, Automotive, Constructions, Electronics, Finance-banking, IT, Legal-administrative, Marketing,
ents' projects. The companys clients include law firms, government agencies, corporate entities and private individuals from Britain, the US, Russia
oad. Apart from that we also have a number of law firms and other companies.
ersonal experience they have as participants in non-profit grassroots organizations, social movements or activism. We cannot reply to all application
mproved regularly. If you are a translator or an interpreter in a technical field or have more than five years of experience in the translation or interpre
nual conference, newsletters, collaboration with other professional organizations, and the triquarterly publication of Translation Review, ALTA works
an languages including Greek and Russian and non-European languages: Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean. Legal and pub
ech or developing a multilingual Web site. Our certified translators and interpreters will accurately convey the message, regardless of language, med
clients in Mexico, in the United States, and around the world. We guarantee the best linguistic and technical results. At American Translations, we t
language translation services, specializing in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Complementary services include DTP, CAD, WP and engineering draw
chnical manuals, contracts, medical records and immigration papers - the list is endless. Whatever the language or subject, the aim of their languag
panese, ASEAN languages, French, German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, a few African languages (such as Wolof, Swahili, Igbo, Zulu). We do recr
& Medicine, Plastic Surgery, IT, Website Translations, Legal, Marketing & Advertising, Religion, Decoration. Our language pairs are: English > Spanish
gastronomy, Internet, software manuals, culture, marketing, medicine etc. Of course they feel at home with general texts and they like to write sum
peaking linguists to guarantee quick, accurate results of a high quality to maximise our clients' business in foreign speaking markets.
ny others. We welcome applications from qualified linguists with a minimum of 5 years' experience in the above sectors.
se: 0.03/0.03 USD, 20.00/20.00 USD, Chinese - German: 0.03/0.03 USD, 20.00/20.00 USD, Chinese - Spanish: 0.03/0.03 USD, 20.00/20.00 USD.
h and vice versa. The rates are 400 per page in Indian Rupee or 10 US dollars per page.
expertise. We offer the following services in more than 40 languages: - Translation and publishing of technical & commercial documentation - Locali
expertise. We offer the following services in more than 40 languages: - Translation and publishing of technical & commercial documentation - Locali
expertise. We offer the following services in more than 40 languages: - Translation and publishing of technical & commercial documentation - Locali
tion. Please don't hesitate to fill-in our online Translators form on !
quality in all scientific, medical and technical fields. Information Technology and Software Localization This specialises in the translation of IT progra
ations of excellent quality. We translate commercial correspondance, brochures, catalogues, manuals, websites and much more. All translations rem
original message or spoken word. We offer translations in the following areas: commericial, legal, scientific, financial, medical. Other services: Voice
. Send us your CV by fax or e-mail. Please point out if you are a translator or an interpreter.
ent and reasonably priced translations of courses. Documents translated by Aplomb read as fluently as the original document because their translati
any language. We warranty our accuracy, provide TAC and editing services as well. We work with the defence department in translat
formats available. They also have AutoCad for the translation of technical drawings and specifications.
er 140 languages.
Romanian linguistic area accumulated over the years with translations in technical, economic and legal domains. Main domains of translation: constr
ton, ABB Czech Republic, leading banks on the Czech market, insurance and telecommunication companies, breweries, etc. Contract with Directora
to payment deadlines.
opywriting. As well as having the flexibility needed in fullfiling your commercial translation needs, Aquus Media offers fast, professional and reliable c
s a full range of solutions for leading technology companies in technical documentation, software localization, Web and multimedia applications as w
ial work relationships with overseas partners and be their service provider in the Arab region. A strategic long-term partnership with a reliable servic
PEAKING Translators and Interpreters at VERY competitive rates - while maintaining QUALITY and ACCURACY as paramount to projects.
s and organisations such as the European Commission, the Council of Europe, United Nations, UNESCO, WHO, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuber
nslations from Arabic into English, French, German, Italian and Japanese, and vice versa. We are taking advantage of the new electronic possibilities
ebsites, Electrical equipments, DVD, Satellite, Mobiles, LCDs, Remote Control, Cameras, Games,, Software, Data Suites, Printers, Food Receipts, G3
ingual communication scenario, and has extended its activities into all languages, including those used in the Baltic countries, Arabic-speaking natio
has extended its activities into all languages, including those used in the Baltic countries, Arabic-speaking nations and the Far East. The Arancho Gro
ow, after more than ten years, we continue to rely exclusively on the services of mother-tongue translators, selected according to their individual sp
ng on providing high quality Arabization service to enrich our Arab region with world's knowledge, culture and technology.
ere they specialize in foreign books and tools for the professional translator. The company specializes in many different areas, including: advertising
ny requirement you may have in this field. Contact us for all your language needs!
national partners-customers, such as Microsoft, IBM and the European Commission. Archetypon is an established international player in the Software
anguage-technology solutions, as well as full source-content development services through its English Source Group. ArchiText is the pioneer of ABR
stry, biotechnology, technology & engineering, education, tourism, oil & gas, marketing & advertising, business & finance, economics, accounting, le
op publishing experience, Argos has come to be associated with service excellence, high quality translations and outstanding value. Argos is ISO 900
ersion of the Laws (such as decree-laws, regulations, communiques, circulars) published in Turkish Republic to its subscribers, as well as to the real
enian from English and Russian. Our language services include translation, editing, proofreading, website translation and desktop publishing. Our ar
ation and specialized in linguistics, translation and foreign languages all of our members provide high-quality translation/localization into the Russian
ng other languagecombinations on account of prospective business developments. Thus, all language combinations are welcome.
et group. Translation and layout of home pages. "Online" linguistic updating of home pages. Subtitles for TV, video and DVD. Terminology managem
nal business environment, dealing with foreign languages has become an integral part of their everyday activities. In order to meet the challenges th
uality translations between English and other languages in the area of law and business documentation.
ors. It brings responsive, creative expertise to your project. ASAP QA Localization is YOUR one stop solution for the internationalization and localizat
ans that they have a worldwide team equipped with the latest technology ensuring speed of delivery.
akers for Czech translations, Slovak for Slovak language etc. For more details please visit OUR MAIN FEATURES: 100% confidence
er further includes Court authorised translations, consecutive, simultaneous and court authorised interpreting,Interpreting on the telephone, Turnkey
Arabian. Additionally, Spanish, Russian and Chinese translations may be requested if certification is not required.
e localization and DTP. We are positioned in the quality translation market while offering very competitive rates. Being based in Barcelona (Spain), w
A.R.I., which over the years has earned the trust of some of the most prestigious clients in the world economy, is on the way to turning translating i
vironment, energy and the environment, external relations, education and social affairs. We have a highly qualified staff of professional translators fr
greements, applications and any other document into the languages your customers understand, their own.
, Swedish, Dutch, Flemish, German, Turkish, Czech, Spanish, Italian, and French for end client Abbott Laboratories * two-month assignment involvin
n business for more than five years, ATEC is sure to realize client need and plan and even a simple idea to a professional looking final product, which
languages into Russian and Ex-Soviet Union languages (Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Ukrainian, Kazakh and other). We have an experience in work
mitment to their clients. In this age of globalization and increasing worldwide communication, excellent translations are vital to the success of every
xpertise in the translation of documents in a wide variety of categories; therefore we translate from annual reports to instruction manuals and from
a, Czechia, Hungary and in the Baltic countries (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia). They have extensive experience in technical, legal and financial sphe
to finish. Translators are all specialists, working into their mother tongues. Atlas is member of the Association of Translation Companies and the Inst
anslations from English, German, Italian, slovenian, Serbian, French into CROATIAN.
tch, Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, Flemish, French, Gallego, Georgian, German, Greek, Haitian-Kreyol, Hebrew, Hindi, Hmong, Hungarian, Icelandic, Ilok
North America's most rapidly generated and highest quality translations from and into 80 languages and subjects, plus desktop publishing (DTP), ca
our services. To the customer, that translates as accuracy and fast turnaround at competitive rates.
Spanish, Italian...).
more than 100 languages and dialects. Accuracy, service and your total satisfaction are our guarantee! Freelancers please apply at: www.avantgard
Arabic, Hebrew, Italian, and Portuguese. Also Farsi, Thai, Tagalog, and MORE! Main areas are business, hi tech, biotechnology, government documen
and fields working in their translation bureau. English, German, Finnish, Russian, Estonian, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, French, Spanish, Italian, H
voice-over. With a resident population in Auroville of nearly 2000 individuals representing more than 35 nationalities and various professional backgro
ch, Spanish, Italian, German, Polish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Turkish, Chinese, Korean, and more. The company has rendered translations for some of
d USA, with its yearly 20 million words translation capacity and job experience of about 15 years. Having served many big domestic and internationa
versa. Tens of translators are trying all the time to match this achievement. We work with a number of other languages as well. We are fully equipp
is region. This translation centre is also the hub of a network of translators and interpreters working all over the world.
preting, etc. We are always looking for quality freelance translators covering all language combinations.
national, customs and immigration law, as well as patent, taxation and family law. Legalization. Sequential and simultaneous translations. A highly sk
ative bilingual translators to creative designers and domain experts. Our mission is to help our customers to grow their business grow into untapped
eering, IT, jewellery, subtitling, etc. Main working languages: Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish. Ap
who are engaged in website globalization. Participation in the network offers significant advantages to all users.
Babelx technolo
ine: albanez, arab, bulgar, ceh, chinez, croat, danez, ebraic, finlandez, greac, japonez, latin, macedonean, maghiar, norvegian, ol
bridge builder to make all people understand each other more and better.
man Translation Only, Translators Work in Teams, Dual Native-Language Method, Printed and Electronic Documents.
rsonal service dedicated to ensuring that the meaning of your message is understood in whichever language you require it.
d interpretation in both Japanese and English. We translate the meaning, the sense, the tone and the subtleties that make Japanese
arketing plans, computer manuals, patents, specifications and discovery documents. Each document is translated by a native speaker who is familiar
onalization forms the foundation for the future growth of your company.
[email protected] and tell them your area of technical specialization: law, marketing, finance (including accounting), human resources, etc.
weden but also in other countries in the world. Apart from translation, they offer a variety of services including proofreading and editing, for exampl
to the European institutions. They are specializing in IT, medicine, telecom and finance. Of course, all their deliveries are fully proofread (2 pairs of e
Brazilians, but I always proofread them in order to guarantee the high quality required by Europeans.
mboge (aka Khmer), Chamor (aka Chamorro), Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese), Czech, Danish, Dari (aka Farsi in Iran), Dutch, Estonian, Ethiopian
ion solutions that allow you to present your documents in any language with complete confidence. They are committed to providing expert translatio
--> Chinese. Accurate Translation is seeking qualified candidates to join our team:
langauage pairs of English/German/French/Spanish into and from Chinese (Simplified Chinese and Trad itional Chinese), Japanese, Korean, Thai an
ingual Desktop Publishing, website localization, software localization, multimedia localization and etc. China HuayiNet Translation Company Ltd. is a
ative channel to get demonstrated to the Chinese. Our services of website localization, which are of a high quality, highly efficient, but inexpensive,
major business and industrial sectors. Long-Ease has gained the trust of its clients by virtue of its conscientious attitude and high quality translation
nguages, including English, French, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Arabian, etc. and many professional fields, including telecommunica
Indesign, Pagemaker, etc...
ers. (
rsi, Russian, and Belarusian. Other European and Asian languages are also available.
ages of all major internet markets (Asia, Europe, North / South America). We are looking for highly Internet focused professional freelance translato
CRM, ERP) and Marketing. Translation, editing, proofreading, quality assurance, software tests and alignment. SAP R/3 System translation & docum
0.1- 0.12 EUR per word. Projects also involve translating web-sites in various European and Asian languages, however they can also handle a large
help IBM Korea offer better services in the Korean IT market. We have successfully been providing quality translation services for CAD/CAM solutions
d ethics, please feel free to submit your candidature by filling out the form at: as completely as possible.
based on quality, service and reliability, and hope to extend our services to you. We are providing services in the languages of English, Chinese, Jap
ocuments related to scientific research, marketing materials, and internal audits. Our certified/accredited translators operate under
upplys the following services: translation, proofreading, voice over, engineering, bitmaps design, integration, etc.
of words and ideas from language to language-culture to culture. They can assist you with any project from start to finish. When you work with Betm
deadlines while assuring consistency. Their aim is to offer the same services as a translation agency at a lower rate. Translators are proud to say tha
ion, website translation and localisation, and translation of all kinds of commercial and technical documents. We welcome CVs from appropriately qu
age. BGText Ltd. has created a subtitling school in our country and has introduced theoretical principles in the Bulgarian practice of subtitling. Their
nd in this unique language combination. Specialties include: general business, legal, patents, chemical, IT, automobile, finance, telecommunication,
nd Ukrainian. Linguists, proofreaders, editors, technical writers, and lecturers, whose main working language pairs are English into/from Russian and
omputer software, compile your user hand guides and interface guides, validate your software command strings and help files, and make sure your
slation. 3. We offer unified prices in all types of texts no matter the language combination or its terminology. We can negotiate on price if the volum
, Middle Eastern and Asian Languages. We translate all kinds of documentation from agreements and contracts through to technical specifications, c
a standard rate of 0.14 per word. We are always looking for new freelance translators. Send your CV plus your native language, language pairs, ra
tors and interpreters of every language and field. Please contact them if you are interested.
e. We invite you to visit our website to learn more about us and our services.
n, German, Greek, Greek (Ancient), Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Macedonian, Marathi, Moldavian, Norw
ations affecting your product must also be taken into account and appropriate international teams built according to your unique req
German, Italian, Portuguese, Croatian, Polish, Serbian, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Bulgarian, Flemish, Czech, Dutch, Greek, Hebrew, Hu
-how, and can provide CCJK (Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Japanese and Korean) solution to the information technology, life sciences, aut
the lowest cost possible, making it accessible to everyone, regardless of race, background or income. The program was developed on the basis that
e Global Solutions (BGS) the company understands and, therefore, takes translation beyond simple words and focuses on the best way to deliver th
ancial and legal industries. Our clients include top multinational financial services companies and leading international law firms, worldwide.
n, localization engineering, DTP, QA and Testing. Since its inception in the year 2000, it has earned appreciation from its clients arou
. Their in-house language repertoire features English, German, French and Spanish, yet agency also provides interpretation and translation teams in
ilt experience over thepast seven years, providing project write-up, editing, and translation services in all domains of integrated participatory develo
le formats. Extensive technical knowledge to deliver on complex translation projects. Bridge360 can help you every step of the way from identifying
onal, Inc. We provide premier translation and interpretation services with an uncompromising commitment to quality and on-time delivery. Whether
a has got years of experience servicing overseas clients, domestic foreign-invested and domestic clients. There are several tens of languages in whic
at you do best.
erably native-speakers), interpreters and proof-readers of many languages and specialization fields to work with us. We offer jobs for highly-skilled la
high quality translations. In any language, from Arabic to Zulu. Covering all subjects including technical, legal, business, software and many, many
and factually correct translation, these are carried out exclusively by native speakers. We translate from every language to German and vice versa. O
therefore the subjects of nature, landscape, architecture, history, tourism and outdoor pursuits. The best example is the book Why Poland presenti
mic, greatly-motivated team, send us your personal and professional information: or by em
oremost vendors of high-quality translation and DTP services in Italy. They translate from English, French and German into Italian.
Companies (ATC) and was one of the first Language Excellence (LX) Centres in the UK. These days, we work with companies throughout the UK to
o Polish, and from Polish to the other languages. The range of services we offer includes not only translations and interpreting, but also assistance in
onesian, Italian, Ivrit, Japanese, Korean, Modern Greek, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian.
artwork and print and distribute globally mainly on behalf of Corporations in USA.
tional and all local languages and the arranging of conferences, seminars, meetings, etc. that require these services and equipment.
slate into and from all languages. The areas of expertise are: Industry & Technology, Automotive, Business (General), Engineering, Entertainment (G
the right translator for your industry and your target reader. Our memory tools, formatting experience and cultural savvy all combine to ensure the
xtensive knowledge of localization tools, procedures and formats. Expert in localizing websites and popular software applications for Windows, OS/2
and managed as a project. For each project we select the best translator for the job, out of our extensive translator pool. "Call-Translation" works w
ly of linguistic smartness but, above all, of a certain creativity and of accurate knowledge concerning habits and cultural structures. Therefore it is so
odance and key role in negotiations for conducting agreements on international level.
gle source to any location in the world. Our expert services include: translation, multilingual desktop publishing and typesetting, document proofing,
business in multilanguage environments. They have a team of 21 in-house translators, proofreaders, DTP specialists and project managers working i
all major languages and pride themselves on meeting the toughest deadlines, and delivering "meaning-for-meaning" translations and interpretation
ordPerfect, as well as to several international translation agencies. At our web site, you can read about Castle Associates' approach to quality, review
us to carry out accurate written translations in various fields such as banking, automibile industry, public services among others.
ent in all other EU languages. In terms of target languages, the company translates documents into nearly all official European Union languages and
promotional language for the insurance, banking and financial and healthcare industries.
ncies, comprised of experienced native speakers who translate 15 language pairs to and from Brazilian Portuguese. Transparent communication with
ined professionals, CCJK provides a wide range of globalization services to help organizations expand their businesses internationally into every corn
f you require a translation into or an interpretor for a language other than those mentioned, please do not hesitate to contact us. We might just be a
edia and via all channels. They provide services for international companies working in software, telecommunications, engineering, the automotive s
n time. We have the experience and skills to ensure that your translations are professional in an extensive range of languages and areas. Our servic
nguage localization for product manuals, to multilingual website development, power point presentations and the translation of technical documents
2. Simultane (konferans) eviri. 3. Konsektif (ardil) eviri - consecutive translation. 4. Ticari ilikilerinizde eviri. commercial interpretation.
rpreting is carefully understood in order to meet effectively client's requirements. All CG translators/interpreters are highly qualified and have proven
5, the 2nd Prize at the said Contest (1st Prize left unawarded) in 2003, and 2 Prizes for Excellent Translation also at the mentioned Contest as well
ke to co-operate with them as a translator on an external basis, you can learn more in the employment opportunities section.
fferent fields. Each translation work is proofread by another translator and a bilingual professional in underline field. We also keep track of the client
Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Mongolian, Vietnamese, Thai, Malay, Indonesian, Swiss, Laotian, Burmese, Cambodia, Dutch, Turkish, Czech, Slovak, Hunga
erman, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Arabic, Dutch and more, which allows us to provide you with fully satisfying service about the multilin
om, or call our Senior Manager Michael Wang at +65 81985918 For our track record and our commitment to you, kindly login to our website
nd experienced native speakers from mainland China, South Korea & Thailand. Being native speakers, knowing the culture and changing trends of th
ntial of business will not be realized without full attention to the localization needs of Chinese market. Our solutions are designed to meet even the m
professional technical translators. Languages: Japanese, English, French, German, Korean, Russian, Chinese,Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish,
he language in a reliable quality check system to avoid possible translation errors by a single person.
nd the highest level of accuracy and speed in communicating to delegates from different parts of the world. For this reason, C.I.I. only recruits from
pertise in the translation, desktop publishing, multimedia, e-learning and software localization fields.
nd equipment for conferences, we are your complete solution for your event. We also offer professional services for video and audio dubbings, and p
mation, including database creation and maintenance, including (but not limited to) the following fields: Collect and classify law document, trade pol
tries. Over 180 well-known global organizations are partnering with CLS Communication for solutions that boost the efficiency of their corporate com
alian, Swahili, French, Canadian French, German, Spanish, Tamil, Kinyarwanda, Wolof, Douala and many more. We are always interested in employin
full range of publishing services, especially for right to left languages like Kurdish, Farsi, Urdu, Hebrew and, of course, Arabic. Also, we provide trans
vides them with unique access to the institution's diverse expertise. As such, they have been able to serve the New York community and beyond for
joy what they do! COM2 your best com port between two languages!
of marketing copy, both for the U.S. Hispanic and multicultural markets (Polish, Asian, etc.) and for international clients as well. However, a good pe
, we enable them to access international markets under ideal conditions. In this way, the pitfalls of a deficient communication can be avoided.
es for the following languages: Azari, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Malayalam, Norwegian, Portuguese, R
rence document. Reactivity: your press release is translated within 24 hours. Coverage: CompanynewsGroup translates your documents from and to
n Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Association for Building Partnerships. Our Services: Translation and Interpretation from/to m
provide high quality translations of all kinds of books, manuals and websites: technical and otherwise - covering almost any language pair and any su
poems, movies, esoteric, prose, letters, books, computer and more. Some of our following references so far: Translation of the known german softw
d translators. These translators have various industrial and commercial specialisations, together covering practically all areas and fields.
most languages and have clients within IT, Telecom, Medical, Technical/Mechanical Industry, Law, Oil & Gas and public sector. ComText-Apropos is also
ssian and Russian/German. Please send them your rsum and translation or equivalent certificates.
e of which are as follows:. 1.Language Solutions: Conaissance provides culturally and linguistically accurate document translations. We undertake w
Confluent Translation Services is a member of the Dutch Association of Interpreters and Translators (NGTV) and, as su
es, requesting translations in all EMEA languages. We use free-lance translators intensively and enjoy an excellent reputation among them for our ap
/from Portuguese. Please check fees for other languages and other services.
Microsoft Corp., Hewlett-Packard, Nokia Mobile Phones, Microsoft Croatia, Oracle, Computer Associates, Canon, Toshiba, Logitech and many others. C
any/every language.
e team that can be entrusted with the most difficult and important documents.
estionnaires, marketing materials, manuals, patents and more. We also provide Linguistic Validation services in support of Global Outcomes Researc
editing services. We are currently expanding to meet our clients' needs and are beginning to provide combinations involving Finnish, Latvian and Lit
r complete information about the company or call 888.965.2600. Prices are already competitive, but with a 10% discount on your first project, you'v
00 linguists who are the best in the industry. They are always looking for freelance translators, localization professionals and typesetters to join their
all other language based services so that you can easily communicate with your target market in the local culture and language.
sh, Italian, Spanish, Catalan, Russian, German, also French into Chinese, Russian, English, German, Spanish. 10 translators. Contra
Websites, Advertisements, Educational Books, Lessons,Certificates, Legal Documents, Letters, Technical, Literatures and Software content. In Indian
ment services. Founded within the service industry, Creer Corporation continually strives to improve customer service and satisfaction, coupled with
Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Greek, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Hungarian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Hebrew, French Canadian, Brazilia
g reputation for superior quality work. The firm has a diverse international staff and promotes a pleasant, casual, and innovative work environment.
tion, translation, and instruction across Montgomery, Philadelphia, and Bucks counties.
EPK of Lord of the Rings, we are the company in Portugal that has translated and subtitled more TV series for DVD as well as more Portuguese film
tian and vice versa. Freelancers and proofreaders who fit the profile described on the website are welcome to apply. Please send your CV as well.
Accounting, advertising, marketing, construction, medicine, pharmacy, finance, ecomonics, trading, cultural, connotation check, social science, lingu
gual translation and localization projects. The resources CrossGap is looking for comprise localizers and technical translators (from any language into
ce 1989. It was registered as a public limited company in 1995, the only one in India to achieve this distinction in the organized sector. CHL\'s serv
0 DTP engineers. We specialize in providing high quality translation, localization and DTP services to those who have these requirements.
Our exp
gh and accurately proofread before they are delivered. They specialize in Workers' Compensation claims and legal litigation.
ssistance in the research and writing of essays and dissertations, as well as prepare comprehensive technical documentation, i.e. analyses, training,
airs listed above based in Manila, Philippines, and our offshore clients are based in different parts of the globe. Our rate is US$0.05-0.15 per source
n we contract with freelance professionals living elsewhere, by necessity. We have to offer you the integrated work of a team that has been working
service and competitive price.
e services and specialize in providing these services to the healthcare industry, where precision and cultural accuracy are vital.
Transparent Lang
Other language combinations upon request. Fields of expertise: Oil & gas, environment, agriculture, medicine, pharmaceutics, telecommunications a
G. supplies you with a finished product that is quality-tested and formatted. All common formats (Interleaf, FrameMaker, QuarkXPress...) are support
e teacher or other language specialist and would like to work with Daffodil Services, please complete the attached form and send it back, with your C
specialized in all kinds of translations. Fast, reliable, confidential and professional services. Certifications: - University of Belgrade B. A. English Lan
dge and hands on experience in various fields, as well as extensive experience in writing and translating technical documents. Each translated docum
We have experience in doing the large projects. We can work in PC and Mac(word, excel, powerpoint, quark) with and without Unicode, XML and htm
AG, Bosch Indramat, ThyssenKrupp, Saurer Group (Switzerland), Metler Toledo (Switzerland), Bosch Telecom (Denmark), Natoil (US
the lookout for copywriters and cultural consultants. If you've created advertising or marketing copy in a language other than English, or you've con
sic tool for trade and growth of business outreach. Communication implies words, syntax, expressing complex ideas and concepts, conveying feeling
printers, computers, railway transportation, financial applications, website contents. Medical, technical, social - written or online documents. DE-RO:
d file. Make sure to use your name as the filename for the attached resume file.
pany for which a translation team of members who have proved themselves in the translation industry and also a full-fledged and technical staff exp
1998 as a subsidiary of Logos, a market leader in machine-based translation; managers from Translingua, a renowned pioneer in localization service
es. Their values: quality, hontheir, client satisfaction and longlasting relationships with their clients and translators team.
ecialized in the translation and revision of medical texts and European Union texts, in the translation of non-fiction, and non-specialist and scientific
ready to respond with the perfect solution. Our proven global infrastructure provides us with the flexibility to respond to any translation need.
rs: All freelancers are welcomed to apply, they also provide translation training.
erung Ihres Auftrags garantieren. Unser bersetzerteam besteht ausschlielich aus erfahrenen und qualifizierten bersetzern aus Polen, Deutschlan
rued a solid experience in vertical industries such as IT, Telecommunications, ERP/CRM, Electronics, Marketing, Medicine, Automotiv
asonable cost. Their professional cultural and linguistic mediators, not only address the language barriers, but cultural differences as well. Whether y
ecause of time differences, we translate for you round the clock, 24 hours a day.
ons to design codes and Government regulations. This also includes graphic materials, such as drawings, diagrams, charts etc. The rates:On the loca
t to obtain) graduate degrees from Greek Universities in Physics, Chemistry, Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Mechanical/Electrical Engineering, and ha
enkorrespondenz, Firmenprsentationen, Geschftsberichte, Bilanzen, etc.) sowie Texte aus allen anderen Fachgebieten.
o translation and proofreading from English to French-Creole and vice versa. We also provide lessons in these languages.
Integrated Documentation Support Expert Witnessing Multilingual Content Design and Management Regulatory
Compliance Verification A
/to main european languages and using the leading edge technologies (Help & HTML compilers & editors, translation memories, software editors & te
ese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese , Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Tur
Docall, aim to establish these bridges for the international community, by providing efficient, accurate and affordable translation services. Our modus
r, pairings from Hungarian are also required sometimes. We insist on our translators using Trados the memory of which is our property.
rements for our translators are that they are native speakers of the language that they are working in, that they are certified by the
orks with the following languages: Spanish, English, German and French.
e un idioma al otro. El acto de traducir requiere un conocimiento y comprensin profunda de ambas lenguas. Adems requiere un conocimiento infal
nglish, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
ust contact us. We'll do the Job! Language Specialties: Hebrew, French, English, Spanish and Just say it.
iverables. Documents are translated from a wide range of information from research to delivery across all therapeutic areas, comprising: clinical tria
. As an official Trados partner we work with Trados TeamWorks, therefore it is necessary for all our translators to work with at least Trados version 6.
Quicksilver, QuarkXPress, Graphics editing software............and more. Why Us? If you need a professional and reliable partner to handle DTP and Tra
eld required for the clients document. Translations are constantly monitored to ensure that high quality standards are maintained. All types of docum
intentions, reflect those intentions correctly in the right context and make everything understandable to the audience. A confident manner that is al
/Desktop Publishing * Interpreting (both Spoken Language and American Sign Language) * Narration * Transcription. Dynamic Language Center is a
s, personal translations, and more, as well as in software translation and localization. Employs more than 100 accomplished translators across the gl
localization services to our leading business partners, Microsoft, HP, Oracle, PeopleSoft, 3Com, Sun Microsystems, Sony, Borland, B
r CVs to [email protected]
and Asian languages, with a focus on communication with new European Eastern countries. East West Communication Company has received ISO90
Polish, Hungarian, Bulgarian and Russian. But also other Central- and Eastern European languages are possible. All our translations are done by nat
n ShenZhen, GuangDong Province China. The company has a team of experienced professional in-house translators and editors and hundreds of free
d Uppsala, Sweden, and very near Arlanda Inter-national Airport. The agency offers translations in the following languages: Albanian, Arabic, Armen
vendors alike. To support their enduring growth, they are constantly screening and qualifying valuable new members to join their internal full-time
at short notice. We select the very best translators for you. Our commitment to you: Low price levels, professionalism (ethical and confidential servi
raining for English speakers, Business English language training, Language consultancy (e.g. Language Audits; assessment of language competence
ost competitive rates in this charged and demanding market. We are here to assure our clients that their clients will receive top of line services and a
Hungarian, Korean, Kurdish, Icelandic, Italian, Macedonian, Modern Greek, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slo
atin-American and Southern-Cone Spanish, and into Brazilian Portuguese. We also translate from Portuguese and Spanish into. American English. M
other language pairs like German into Arabic and French into Arabic, all translation are done and proofread according to Maximum quality criteria to
orities at EgyMark. Our Language pairs is preferred to be English, Arabic, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Farsi, Japanese and Chinese. We provid
antees success when it comes to producing perfectly translated and localized products. You need to choose a partner who has experience and know
or language pairs. All Elanex translators must satisfy the following criteria: Native fluency in the target language; Certification by a professional trans
economy is changing and companies today need to be able to communicate effectively with their clients. We offer you a wide range of language serv
with English, Arabic, French, German and Hebrew for pretty fairly long years.
agement at very competitive price. As our motto states, we are "globalizing your solutions". We provide linguistic translation, desktop publishing and
ty and loyalty in the relationship with our clients. Finished work is delivered accurately, efficiently and punctually and we are capable of delivering urg
d hard to find Languages at very competitive rates with fast turnaround. Our fields of expertise are: IT, telecommunications, web site and software l
nal translators and interpreters in all other languages are welcome to submit their resume to be included in our database for potential translators.
ertise in IT, telecommunications, software, web sites, automotive, financial and medical, as well as many other fields. We are the SDL-TRADOS trans
and have at least five years professional experience in the translation of technical, legal, financial and business documents. All our translators are u
able in many other areas such as business and technical documentation and internet websites. The highest quality translators are employed to provi
Italian is also possible. The fees are negotiable.
Swedish and Danish. Translate prose, poetry, biographies and cooperate with publishing houses and language services across the country. Have lon
bases to ensure that translation is both accurate and consistent across even the largest projects. We provide in all language pairs from and into Gree
ur clients. Translation and interpreting is offerd in over 84 languages and dialects by thousands of qualified translators and interpreters.
g federal, state, and local government agencies and commercial enterprises with a comprehensive spectrum of language translation services custom
al institutions throughout the world. We are translating from Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak into English, German, Franch, Italian and othe
translators, proofreaders and coordinators, of different nationalities, all committed with the quality and results of their work. English at Work is alway
man to Hungarian, Hungarian to German, French to Hungarian, French to English, Hungarian to French, Italian to Hungarian, Hungarian to Italian, E
. Capacity to handle large projects, we have delivered 600.000 words in four weeks. We also provide edition and proofreading services.
speaking translators who are highly qualified and experienced in many different fields. With a large network of professional translators, especially na
unications, machinery, automobile manufacturing, chemical engineering, economics, law, environmental protection, pharmacy, metallurgy, constructi
unications, machinery, automobile manufacturing, chemical engineering, economics, law, environmental protection, pharmacy, metallurgy, constructi
on jobs that allow us to do so. We are interested in hearing from freelance translators about their experience and qualifications.
Arabic, Chinese/Mandarin, Cantonese, Dari, English, Farsi, French, German, Hausa, Hebrew, Korean, Hindi, Japanese, Kirywanda, Pashto, Polish, Por
cated in the heart of SEA and two locations in Japan, we are the only Malaysian company listed on Multilingual. We have completed projects for repu
rs with many years of experience and a variety of specializations. After eight years in business, EQUUS has become one of the leading localization c
gual services to companies and organizations in the public and private sectors including Fortune 500 companies, financial institutions, corporate law
riormente, dicha traduccin es revisada por otro traductor, con lo que se garantiza un trabajo perfecto. Pidanos un presupuesto sin compromiso.
n, Japanese, Chinese. Please ask for a for a free estimate! We would be glad to provide solutions for your translation projects!
SDS, software, technology, etc.) plus translation and typesetting in North/South American Spanish and Quebec French, as well as all European, Asia
ny languages, including French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Dutch, Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Freelancing opportun
managed. All this without VAT inside the EU (if you have a valid EU Community VAT identification number)!
h, Spanish, German, French and Italian. Carried out by translators with the help from experts from many different areas and natives to the lands yo
ienced translators with linguistic training and they all work into their mother tongue.
de: computers (software localization , webpage localization), electronics, information technology, mechanics, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications.
business engaged in international trade. They have the knowledge and experience to manage a global project from a single central point, through a
h, Slovak, Slovenian. Can't see your language listed here? Please contact us for the latest complete listing. We are always looking for new talented tr
on. It is in a unique position to offer direct in-country services to clients who want to give their product the edge in any of the local or regional mark
re the languages are spoken. Its motto is "relocalizing language production", since all production can be delocalized except for languages. That is wh
ors that are perpetually in contradiction: quality and price. Our skilled translators can translate any type of document from and/or into several langu
dle. They only employ experienced native speaking freelancers with a proven record of quality work. All work is double-checked and proofread by a s
s and technolets for each of our clients. We are proud members of the Toronto Board of Trade and many other associations worldwide.
st of native speakers and experts in various fields, including finance, law, advertising, and medicine.
mpetitiveness in global markets. Lina Mavroudi, the founder, is a translator and interpreter with more than 20 years of experience. She grew up in B
0 languages; visit their website to find out more about the requirements and how you can apply.
nterpretation services.
Hungarian into the languages above.
s and organisations such as the European Commission, the Council of Europe, United Nations, UNESCO, WHO, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuber
more. High quality standards and competitive prices are the elements of our successs.
ies of other equally important advantages: - Rigorous respect of delivery times - Excellent value for money - A sincere willingness to listen to and fu
ion in all EU-combinations (without Greek), and Chinese. Eurotexte: 5 persons, 4 languages and cultures with about 35 colleagues t
Wexford, but with one difference, you do not speak the same language. Eurotranslate will ease the difficulties facing your business communication.
eager to meet new translators and we often collaborate with other agencies as an outsourcer.
f freelance translators, please ask them for a recruitment form, fill it in and send it to them together with your detailed CV (resum) with two refere
blishing new commercial relations with foreign markets, particularly those of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Italy, but meet difficulties because of
pleased to do your translation job if any. On hearing from you we shall submit our rates for the same.
ensure quality and completion to schedule, you can count on the following fundamental criteria at EVS: expertise: in-depth specialist knowledge from
ing and marketing agencies, agricultural providers, manufacturing and service companies.
in both translation and in the relevant field with over 10 years of work experience. We work in all EU language combinations. Quality assurance is a
roduct testing, translation and internationalization. Backed by state-of-the-art technology and with strong technical support from the
ulti-lingual translation services to local institutions, technical and advertising companies, law firms and government agencies. We apply professional
hrleistet, dass Sie die bestehenden gesetzlichen Richtlinien erfllen und die Dokumentation Ihren Kunden in der Sprache anbieten, die sie auch ver
rpreter and are experienced in this field, you may send them your Curriculum Vitae by e-mail to [email protected].
he other. We're technology driven, having support for most of the common file formats.
e of a wide network of professional translators specializing in various fields. We are currently recruiting freelancers.
t. Do not hesitate to contact F&L for any question you may have.
Quality and Time. We provide high quality translations in all subject areas. Our in-house translators are professionally qualified and with considerable
erbisch - Slowakisch Slowenisch Tschechisch Ungarisch Usbekisch Weirussisch. Auerdem bersetzen wir auch in folgende Sprachen: Dn
with accurate document translation, with consideration given to the type of document - we can translate material ranging from a legal document to
lds thanks to our excellent contacts with trusted freelance colleagues worldwide. Translators are welcome to join:
automated system for fasest job assignments.Tech/Engineering, Aerospace, Automotive, Information Technology, Travel and Tourism, Colloquial, M,
projects of any size in any subjects. Freelancers please apply at:
er translators. Their rate is 0.08 euro/word for all language pairs. They assist especially Italian investors and business man in Estonia.
rks in tandem with in-house quality control specialists to provide the best service at the best price.
ge pairs are extensive and we can accomodate any size job. We also accept resumes for freelance interpreters and translators.
ew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Khmer, Kirghiz, Korean, Kurdish, Laotian, Macedonian, Marathi, Malay, Mong
s maximized by the latest CAT technologies. Our translators have highly-developed technical proficiencies, and are used to working with CAT techno
h informed, accelerated entry into international markets and subsequent penetration of previously inaccessible locales. Our highly effective globaliza
ns, which are planning to tap into China markets. Find2Fine is well positioned to serve you to overstep this barrier. We are specialized in providing Tr
owledgeable and professional translators and interpreters, both in-house and around the globe. Born out of Regines desire to have closer relationsh
ommunications, to marketing, education and human resources materials, FIS is a professional document translation specialist company.
ftware and websites and consecutive or simultaneous conference interpreting. Upon request, we will also notarize and apostille documents and tran
enty full time translators / interpreters plus 5 part time translators; They are technically qualified too. (B.E. - 1, M.E. -2, software engineers - 4, me
sure you are paying the lowest rate for the highest quality work. FNS has a network of in-country translators, including the companys own full-time
tomers specific needs and an essential but highly efficient organizational ability.
ellectual Africa, enables us to offer a specialised service in African languages ranging from Ashanti to Zulu. We also have access to native speakers o
and Indian Languages along with Typesetting in Windows and Macintosh.
anslation services provided by the Foreign Language Institute involves German, Japanese, French, Chinese, Russian and Korean.
to Chinese, Chinese to Japanese, Korean to Chinese, Chinese to Korean, Arabic to Chinese, Chinese to Arabic translations. Freelanc
erminology management and dedicated translation office management software. Specialisms include financial, PR (esp. magazine), energy, tourism a
sed their exposure to different worldwide markets. They have over 2000 translators on their database. They strive to find the highest quality of trans
loyed people...); 5. Other related services. Fredson-Clems CC is a South African company managed by Frederick M Nyembue. The website is still un
m of professional teachers and translators specialized in Spanish, English and Portuguese languages. FReelance professionals are characterized not o
s of project management experience in the translation industry. All languages and subject areas covered.
ed translation agencies, to huge MLV's & SLV's allover Europe, the United States, and the Far East. We provide: Translation/Editing/Proofreading/Rev
ns to university members who had to compete with many others for project grants.
he text and know its specific terms, are able to perform this task satisfactorily. Kellen maintains that the path to domination of a foreign language ev
al Industry. If you are interested in working as a free-lance translator with Galaxy Translations, please forward your resume to the e
usinesses and the Finnish government. The company also offers translation and revision services in most languages. The companys courses are car
nslations make us a reliable service provider. Some of our most recent projects were for: Honda (400,000 words), Intel (180,000 words), Agfa manu
including technical, scientific, medical, legal, and economic texts. The translations are carried out by professional translators whose mother tongue
ation and more. We sevrice federal, state city and private industry. Let us show you the Geneva Advantage.
tion about our experience in technical translation (Medical devices manuals, Pharmacy instruction slips, Symbian mobile software localization (for SI
est quality. We perform translations and interpretations of varying degrees of difficulty, in numerous languages and different fields and specialisation
mic staff of experienced engineers and devoted project managers. With this synergistic production team, Global Arena will transform your message
sktop publishing. We believe that translation is more than a conversion of words. It requires an in-depth knowledge of each culture's values and rule
ge Solutions the company uses the companys huge network of international specialists to quickly and accurately localize everything from marketing
years of experience in providing these critical services to those who were in need. Jewel later founded Global Languages Services and specializes in
and public relations materials, magazine and newspaper articles, business and private correspondence We have always maintained a rigorous quali
We offer the expert services of our highly qualified and richly experienced Native linguists. They have the mental pr
h qualified experts in their subject matter to provide our clients with flawless end results. Please send your CV for consideration to the following e-m
s. Primary languages we work with are to/from English, Russian, Azerbaijani (Azeri), Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Uzbek, Farsi.
eam of linguists includes: translators, terminologists, proofreaders, editors, technical writers and marcom copywriters. Each linguist is a native langu
product and to create jobs. We can send you a text sample free of charge. Texts we translate are regarding fields such as: technical, medical, fashio
your satisfaction. We are specialised in Social and health care and medical documents from English to Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Gujarati, Canto
All work is handled by fully qualified, highly proficient translators who are native specialists with first language competence in source and target lan
language we will let you know if this is not the case. New translators are employed on the basis of two references from UK clients (if possible) and
ransport, environment, medical, pharmaceutical. German < > English, German < > Spanish, German < > French, English < > Spanish, English <
d industries, life sciences, information technology, broadcast, telecommunications, financial services, manufacturing, logistics, e-Learning, energy.
printing, and shipping services, to ensure that all of your translation needs can be conveniently handled by a single service provider. Let us handle al
Services: 50+ Languages Software/Web Localization Document/Help Translation DTP/Engineering QA/Testing Audio/video.
y, transcription & accounting services. Languages: Cambodian, Hindi/Tamil, Hong Kong Cantonese, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Simplified C
and every role: management, technology, language, sales, and finance. On the client side, we have built localization departments for Fortune 500 c
are native in their own language and also experts in the specific subject area, are handling the translation of all the documents. Since we are a serio
enable them to reach their global markets. They are staffed and equipped with experts who can convert your products from English to an array of f
which they certain can be very useful and beneficial to you due to the growing demand of translations in the globalized world. The TEAM is led by a g
Our clients from around the world send us their documents by fax or e-mail and have them back the same way. We translate from and into all Europ
te localization and other documentation translation using different CAT tools. We also provide proofreading and editing services. All collaboration term
pharmaceutical, medical, legal and engineering communities. Our translators are all skilled, native-language speakers with advanced degrees or ext
s that may affect the transmittal of your message in a given context. By helping to define the purpose of your translation project your project manag
n Scandinavia & the U.S. All teachers, translators & interpreters are native language experts as well having as specific expertice in finance, law, IT, c
edules and leaving nothing to chance. Small, medium and big projects welcome. Most subject areas covered.
ies in different countries. By sufficiently knowing the present and future historical missions, G.I.C.C connects cultures, builds up understanding, and
lian, English<>Vietnamese, English<>Russian, English<>Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), English<>Hmong, English<>Sign Language (America
-> English (English native speaker), English -> Japanese (Japanese native speaker), Chinese -> English (English native speaker), English -> Chin
ser manuals for electric appliances and electronic products. For further information about us, please visit our website:
native speaking specialists in each region, and tracks quality and timeliness for over 4000 subject matter expert translators in many specialized field
e a boundless love of languages we want to hear from you. Please send us your resume:
with the requisite education and experience. Their colleagues are tested and all their work is subject to random checks on their part. As a result of
s certified translations for legal documents, medical documents, immigration papers, adoptions, etc. Competive prices available for many languages
U programs, EU standards, air-conditioning, education, arts, human resources, IT, manuals. Proofreading: by native speakers in all mentioned langu
a team of professional, international translators that not only is able to provide our clients with high-quality translations, but a high degree of authen
nations, who have additional qualifications. Bulgarian, prices between 0.05-0.12 per word source. German>Bulgarian, prices between 0.05-0.12 per
nicate. All of our staff are highly qualified and experienced and work only into their native language within their own specialist areas.
cies and corporations. GS Translation provides high quality Spanish translation and competitive pricing because it utilizes both freelance and in-hous
g copy slogans/buzz-words. Company is continually expanding the range of target languages, so should your preference not be quoted in the list b
n, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Qazaq, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish.
anguages. Industry Specialties: automotive, computing, SAP, marketing and all technical documents.
from the Japan Foundation nad Japanese Government (Monbusho) Scholarship Program, plus their long residency in Japan, all in all produce a syne
its own accord through mutual co-operation and following requests for translations into or from other European languages.
ween Chinese and major European and Asian languages to join its fast growing professional team.
on company. They provide professional translation services in all languages around the world. Being an online agency they are able to offer both hig
German, Greek, Russian, Spanish, Czech, Polish, Dutch, Romanian, Turkish, Arabian. We do online translations and serve corporate and private clie
your documents in-house from and into English, Hindi and Gujarati, (URDU, MARATHI, BENGALI and PUNJABI by arrangements) with as much care a
as well as large and medium sized companies from all industry sectors looking to have an impact on their English and Spanish-speaking audiences a
o offer the flexibility of a total translation service whereby all subject matters can be translated in any language thanks to our extensive database of
l aspects of life.
ischen Verkehrssprachen werden angeboten. Wir suchen immer nach bersetzern mit belegbarer Erfahrung in den oben genannten Fachbereichen.
d knowledge of their native language. Why Choose Us? Well aware of the current growing importance of English to Spanish translations in todays wo
ces in the and preparation of all kinds of personal, business, legal and technical documents. Translations from Russian, and into Russian, from the fo
basic/applied sciences.
), - finance, accounting, economics, - operating systems, enterprise resource planning, - electronics (manuals, application instructions), - home and
utical, Engineering, Private/ Government/Foreign Joint Venture/ Multinational/ Software companies in India and Abroad. We have undertaken and ex
g, techniques diverses.
way you wished it to be. Furthermore, they will translate all your emails, letters, memo's, faxes and any other material from your client, and give yo
edish, Danish, but also all other EU languages. Our tasks also include DTP, prepress, web creation and maintenance, ... etc. Always looking for exper
Belgium, France and Switzerland. They always try to treat each client individually and usually the same translators work for regular clients. Reasonab
Spanish and many more. Your orders are translated by experienced translators who only translate into their native languages. Specialist fields: Softw
isclosure, consultancy, advertising and PR, real estate, law, IT, eCommerce, manufacturing, distribution, and retailing. We have expertise in both tec
webcasts, conference calls, voice-overs etc. Also: Translation of Conference Documentation, Liaison Interpretation, Sign Language Interpretation.
des speech coaching and subtitling services to the film and media industry, translations and interpretation in all languages, and software localization
nish and Brazilian Portuguese, multilingual project management, technical services, desktop publishing, graphics, websites, etc.
gineering sciences, Agriculture, Magazine and newspaper articles, Company press releases etc. With our broad network of co-operation partners and
nal group includes a consistent and reliable network of translators, editors and proof-readers with proven experience. They are selected and manage
net, thus ensuring a rapid turnaround time. All documents maintain their original format. The company offers orthographical and grammatical proofre
om are either degree or diploma qualified, with experience in this sector guarantee a project of high quality is carried out. High quality translations,
iinterpret offers highly qualified and experienced linguists with expertise in legal protocol, medical terminology and business technology.
medical, financial, legal, business and general texts from and into the following languages: Canadian French, English (US) Spanish (Latin America), P
Kannada, Nepali, Sanskrit, Oriya, Assamese, Marathi and others) and vice-versa.
may already be having a good network of suppliers, two factors due to which you can always try and test new opportunities: a) Possibility of better
written translations; oral translations; simultaneous translations at the conferences, forums, meetings, etc.; organization of conferences; secretaria
oficient in Business translations (advertising copy; bank/financial reports; contracts; patents; IPOs), Scientific and Technical (medical; engineering;
services but not limited to Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto, Balouchi, Kashmiri, Hindi, Gujrati and Bengali.
k. We offer translation, editing and proof-reading, all in one. We bridge the culture gap between West and East, cross-exchanging cultural ideas. Our, where you will find information about the services we offer.
mpetitors, we translate between English and Brazilian Portuguese only. This enables us to be in constant control of translation quality.
alented pool of translators ensure quality translation at an economic cost right within your deadline.
r commitment to quality is ensured by our team of more than 600 highly qualified, professional Translators, Revisers, Interpreters, DTP experts and
er the entire document publishing process, from the preparation, drafting and translation of originals to the typesetting, final editing
en nur in ihre jetheyilige Muttersprache, damit knnen Sie sicher sein, das dass Niveau der bersetzten Texte Ihre Ansprche zufrieden stellen wird.
ators, co-ordinated by a team of language and marketing experts. This guarantees an effective control over every stage of the work process and rep
: text translation for brochures, press releases, advertising copy; the selection and recording of native voices for promotional videos, video games, c
is a bureau of professional translators who are exclusively specialized in Spanish and English. They cover the fields of science and technology, law a
most of the declared language pairs. We are currently not employing freelancers.
e combinazioni linguistiche per l'Italiano e l'Inglese verso le lingue: Arabo, Bulgaro, Ceco, Cinese, Croato, Finlandese, Francese, Giapponese, Lituano
ent translators and interpreters working in almost every language. Experience and linguistic competence across an extremely wide range of specialis
o comercial con los potenciales clientes, distribuidores, fabricantes, suministradores ucranianos de diferentes productos, servicios y tecnologas. TRA
ver forty languages to government agencies and all types of private business. Intergraphics uses only native translators for each lang
nterpretation services, international project management. One of the first translation centres in Italy to be awarded Quality System certification to I
ork of partners in Hungary and globally, enabling the meeting of a wide range of customer demands while sustaining continous focus on full client sa
Literary and sworn translations. We also offer consecutive and simultaneous interpretation, language classes and web design.
French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Macedonian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Ukrainian. Translat
industrial strength, in-house recording studio and represent hundreds of professional voice actors located in and around NYC in over 75 languages a
oose the people we work with carefully and we make sure that we are always up to date as regards new technology. It also means that we make su
shanti, Assamese, Baluchi, Bassa, Bosnian, Bengali, Bulgarian, Cambodian, Czech, Cherokee, Chinese--most dialects, Croation, Dari, Danish, Dutch,
re proficient in more than 30 languages, ranging from Spanish and Bosnian to Cantonese and Vietnamese. ILS continually adds languages as the im
to software translation for a technology company or a technical web site translation for an expanding small business. Serving all clients with the sam
bove mentioned area's. For Engineering and DTP freelance services candidates should preferably reside in the Netherlands.
ctor. ITS has succeeded in overcoming difficult business environment caused by exchange crisis and achieving high growth. Now, ITS is a stable tran
es and organizations from all over the world, from small "boutique" design firms to large, Fortune 500 corporations. From agriculture to haute culture
ell established company. International Translators will provides methods necessary to obtain and retain customers for a successful interpreting busin
language invoicing assistance, Speech preparation, Advertising: camera ready ads in foreign languages, Brochures, posters, labels, Website Design i
city, mining, international organizations, politics, marketing-advertising. References provided on request. Close communication with customer. Accur
nys clients so ISI can best approach and best achieve the most accurate, cost-effective, timely service. The company can create a project glossary,
a permanent in-house staff of 10 working in the centrally located office in Barcelona attest to this. Translation has been the core activity for over a d
on a freelance basis. If you are a translator/interpreter in any of the European or African languages please e-mail us your resume so that we can exp
ooking to improve and upgrade our services whenever we can, if you feel you can be an asset to our services let us know.
all languages by our freelance translators: the target language is always the translators native language.
Services in English North American, English British and European English Aus/NZ/ South African, Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, F
ompetitive pricing, and best customer service. Specialized translation services into all European and Asian languages.
izing your products, marketing your services in the global village, communicating with your non-English speaking audiences in the U.S, or establishi
vice in all fields of industry, law and commerce. Their service portfolio includes translation, interpreting, proof reading, transcription, web site transla
ce as translators, proofreaders and project managers in various agencies in Paris, France. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.
bal initiatives.
ent EN<>Chinese translations, the best quality and the competitive rate. We immediately gained access to the language experts of the highest calib
ertise in the industry area of the assignment and translate into their mother tongue only.
operty Services (patents, trademarks, copyrights, domain names, licensing) throughout the world. We are the no nonsense approach to your IP need
ement, co-ordination of local printing, multimedia localisation, CD-ROM production, quality assurance and delivery control.
uces over 50 languages. iSpeak 100% guarantees that clients receive better service, higher quality and more favorable pricing than they can obtain
e LSP sphere of activities, from and into the major European languages as well as Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, Maltese, Arabic and Russian. We do h
only the best service and guarantee that you might expect from a professional and well established company. Italica provides services in any langua
ith excellent results. Due to our English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Romanian, Serbian, Croatian mother tongue collaborators, we are able to
our multilingual documentation project is managed from content creation through printing by Iterotext.
guistic solutions from translation of documents, simultaneous, conference and consecutive interpretation, to desktop publishing and localization serv
etwork of local native translators. The companys network makes it possible to create translations in many languages in a wide range of topics. Utiliz
s, etc.) on a regular basis for more than 5 years. We work with experienced linguists specialized in technical fields in all the formats available on the
ment translations. Company has in-house translators and cooperate with freelancers.
an 10-15 years experience in translation field and always use native tongue translators for all our translations and also we can use TRADOS. We ass
tical, Engineering, Electronic, Scientific, Legal, Medical and other commercial and business translations.
e, Dutch, French, and Indonesian. Translation into English are done both by native-language and highly experienced local translators. Numerous clie
of other buisnesses across the nations. World wide interpreting and translating services in the following languages: Spanish, Italian, French, German
lization services provided by linguists with university degrees in translation with almost all language combinations. Our specialization is translation fr
ion - technical documentation. Languages: Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese.
business, including technical product documentation, websites, contracts, legal and marketing texts and correspondence. Under normal circumstance
slation services in a variety of languages such as Italian, German, Spanish and more..., much more.
Portuguese - 0,05/SW, Italian - Portuguese - 0,05/SW. All our translators are native in the language to translate, and have superior formation on
make a further move into the international as it has all the resources required to translate. If you engage us with a very good pay, you will not regre
to you promptly.
products in Israel. A professional translations firm, specializing in Hebrew/English translations, the writing of business plans and marketing commun
tions needing translation and localization services. Our fields of expertise include legal, financial, banking, pharmaceutical, chemical, biological, food
ding the WIN, MAC, Linux, and UNIX environments. Linguists please apply at:
with various and abundant field experiences during around two decades.
work keeping the good traditions and respecting your personality. Welcome.
French, Spanish and Italian but more exotic languages like Chinese and Russian.
ents are usually translated and/or edited by lawyer-linguists who are native of the country where the documents are intended to be used. The comp
with access to your service. Your partner in delivering services to the deaf community.
years with a net profit and can now count on a team of 15,685 professional, native-language translators and a vast and enviable portfolio of custome
for all of the customer's translation and documentation needs by providing a flexible and personaliased service of the highest standard. Noodi's rang
as well as stylistic revision of texts. Our translators are specialists in linguistics and translation, who are chosen for the tasks on grounds of their spe
ch as Ploiesti, Tulcea and soon Budapest, Hungary. We offer professional profile services including translations, interpreting, subtitling, transcription
tch, Portuguese and Malay. The agency specializes in translation and interpreting services provided by its own translators/interpreters or outsourced
man .
slation solution with 35 years of experience with expertise in a wide range of industries including machinery & equipment, electronics, telecommunic
xperience. They offer a full range of services in foreign language communication: translations and interpreting in all languages, rental of interpreting
you can receive the best possible translation between these language pairs. Our translations are accurate, highly qualitative and professional. Subjec
whispered interpretation services. Keywords Italia is always interested in expanding our human resources - both freelance and in-house. We are loo
ive language Acceptance of jobs exclusively in our specialist fields Possibility to organise a quality control by a second freelance translator.
eign Languages College of Peking University and Institute of International Relations. Carefully examining the original texts, company assures that th
ss consulting. Business is Our Language. If translation were simply a matter of picking the right words, you wouldnt need a specialist. KJI uses in-c
ish and French languages' potential today and focuses its experience and specialization on those languages but we are also targeting the clientele
ware and hardware, Internet and Web site, Marketing, ERP, CRM, Telecommunication, Financial and Banking, Automotive and Machine translations, e
s major Domains. They often have requirement for Native translators in Asian and European Languages. Their Business model is named as "Network
Czech, Polish, Moldavian, Romanian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian. And this is in both directions, for translations into German and from German. Up
n service. We offer accurate documentation and expert language assistance in all sectors. We enable our customers to navigate the seas of foreign m
and Swedish.
oviding quality translations from/into Turkish, Azeri, Swedish, Norwegian, English, French, German, Arabic, Farsi, Pushtu, Urdu, Dari, Bulgarian, Geor
her information. Always looking for new talents: freelancers, please feel free to email us.
s). Interpreting: consecutive, simultaneous, sworn. Conferences: providing materials, translators and equipment.
anslators presents a complete solution to all your translation needs with the highest quality and most qualified team to offer translation services fro
such as TRADOS 7.0, Wordfast, SDLX and Star Transit for guaranteed consistency. Our translation services include the complete process, from the v
within the Nations array of cultures, and subjected to intensive testing prior to being accepted as members of the Lan Do team. They enable Lan Do
Tools: SDL Trados 2006 (with SDLX 2006); Catalyst 5.0; LocStudio 4.8; Transit 3.0; Passolo 5.0; Deja vu 3.0.
rket research, outsourcing, corporate language training. We are in this field since 2003.
a1 en el mundo que trabajan en el peru y en diversos paises de latinoamerica y usa. nuestra especialidad abarca campos como la mineria, banca, ley
locations, and cultures of your global workforce by providing Intercultural Development Programs which build cross-cultural mindsets for everyone in
ranscriptions, voice-overs, website and software localisation and certification in all languages.
s interpreters for a business conference, or a website designed to specifically appeal to a specific region, Language Connections can provide for all yo
ors and interpreters, both natives as well as Indians in all foreign languages and we are always ready to fulfill our customer requirements in terms of
a), Spanish (International). Language Intelligence provides translation, localization, and globalization services for companies that operate in the mul
translation. As UK interpreters and translators, we provide foreign language interpretation for Asian and Arabic languages. We provide professional i
in all types of industries and can provide translation services in any subject matter into any language. They are in capacity to supply Indian & Islam
nal services offered to our clients, we provide telephonic interpreting, free translation of small texts/phrases/language learning help and a monthly n
al markets by providing for your language communication needs. Mistakes in communication are embarrassing and costly. We offer a
an and 0.20 EUR per word for North European and Asian languages. Call us at 00 800 033 00 333 (toll-free from Belgium, UK, Germany, Switzerland
ian, Spanish. Fields: corporate documentations, commercial instruments, accompany of communication, website, texts, newspapers, magazines, tou
in their team? Please download the form (DOC, Win Word) and send it back to them by e-mail, fax or ordinary post. You are welcome to attach your
an, Croatian, Slovenian, Albanian, Greek, Turk, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese.
reelance translators!
as references.
arge variety of languages and subject areas. From the company's offices in beautiful Kingston upon Thames, South-West London, the company's de
or an important Project. If you need a Portuguese or Spanish translation, we are the right people for you.
Serbian, Serbo-Croat, Slovak, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, Yoruba. Languages by Nicole is
ed by a 2nd professional of equal calibre. Very personal service with total commitment to getting it right first time, every time. National award-winnin
Indonesia, Balinese, Bassa (Liberia), Baluchi, Bangla, Bashkirian, Belarussian, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Bushman, Cambodia
e are interested in employing freelancers, so feel free to send your application to [email protected]
ice for facilitating translation work helps customers find precisely those translators who can answer the customers particular needs. LanguageWire
ubbing, multilingual multimedia, language consulting, cultural advice and event management in any language. For more information and employmen
on as a means to expand their revenues. We offer a full-range of multilingual solutions based on commercial CAT tools and internally-developed proc
ne). Un atelier, une philosophie. L'atelier de traduction est une petite structure qui entend incarner des valeurs propres l'artisan : l'amour du trava
nological literacy, range of services, customer and turnover. Our objective is to make sure that the service we offer is carried out competently, impar
ve demonstrated high-quality, reliable work, and many times are certified and specialize in legal, medical/pharmaceutical, and technical fields. Lazar
uick Turnaround.
n finance, law, marketing and communication, IT. We are experienced translators in the above fields. In law, we have been translating Articles of Ass
nications, e-business, network solutions, industrial utilities and system solutions. Our have qualified translation resources including project managers
professionals with impressive experience and expertise. Our services: Interpetation, Translation, Rapporteur. Languages: All languages (mainly: Kor
slations. All translators are native speakers and highly qualified. Working method : 6 PCs AMD ATHLON XP 2600+ and Acer Aspire portable PC AMD A
ely and quality service. Copy Writing - Translation Services - Revision/Adaptation/Proofreading - Website Creation and Maintenance. All their texts ar
ing in any of these languages from the introductory to the expert level. Other specialized or custom-made courses are available.
ns and embassies, situated in the territory of Republic of Bulgaria.
s and organisations such as the European Commission, the Council of Europe, United Nations, UNESCO, WHO, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuber
statement, deposition, patent, letter, or other document, Legal Translation Solutions can complete it for you quickly and accurately.
15 years of experience. We are ATA Corporate members, Platinum members, GoTranslators Go members. We cover Arabic, Bulgarian, Croa
-quality multilingual products. Lemoine International provides the full range of multilingual content globalization services including lo
slation or interpretation. A university degree in a technical subject and an established record of performance in commercial translation/interpretation
other international associations such as The American Chamber of Commerce. Company provides services to and from all major languages, including
ement specialists. Local knowledge. Global reach. Language Specialties: English, Spanish, Chinese, French, Swedish, Danish, Germa
rse of law firms' work. We are honoured to be a reliable business partner of several clients of considerable prestige such as e.g. some of the Europea
ping our clients successfully understand and market their products and services to diverse audiences worldwide Lexicomm is a client-focused profess
da and a multitude of private clients, in all sectors of the economy, with particular attention to the automotive, financial and pharmaceutical fields. W
Development. Lexitra Communications has established a network of professional translators world-wide - all European countries, M
rary personnel at competitive rates. They provide their clients with translations into Spanish, English, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Japanes
service is global naming. Since 1990, they have conducted more than 2,000 linguistic evaluations for more than 10,000 name candidates. They hav
luding the provision of all technical equipment. Documentation, website, software and help file localization. Translations in a wide range of specialist
ction and other translations; Interpreting services; Web sites and software localization; Editing, proofreading, revising, rewriting and copywriting; D
an, Bulgarian, Romanian, French, Croatian, Russian, Spanish, Czech, Serbian, Portuguese, Estonian, Slovak, Dutch, Greek, Slovenian, Norwegian, H
native-speakers, guaranteeing accuracy, style and cultural relevance. At Lighthouse Translations, we continously expand our team to meet business
an, Finnish, Czech, Polish, Hungarian, Slovak, Slovene, Catalan, Welsh, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, A
mic texts, foreign trade documents, balance sheets. TECHNICAL TRANSLATIONS: Translation of technical, scientific, commercial and general texts, s
and business systems (including ERP, CRM, and database tools). For a free copy of their award-winning, "Guide to Translation and Localization: Prep
d experienced in specific areas of study. 2. Translators/interpreters are certified specialists experienced in a certain field of knowledge. 3. Good tran
ranslators specializing in translation between English and traditional/simplified Chinese, and between French and traditional/simplified Chinese. Our m
anslation, English Dutch Translation, Spanish English Translation, English Spanish Translation, German English Translation, English German Translatio
d fully-automatic machine translation system for patent translation from English to Danish developed PaTrans the first of its kind worldwide.
AN Languages (and with various Mother Tongues) ARE CURRENTLY REQUIRED. Please forward your C.V. to [email protected]. Contact person
o many Spanish companies and professionals. What we basically intend is to provide fast and efficient service to our clients and good remarkable wo
ork of business partners is wide, which enables us to choose the right expert for each job from a worldwide network. Because of this network, we ca
nese, Javanese, Korean, Latin, Malay, Mandarin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Sanskrit, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai
10 years. Lingua Tech can help you realize your full business potential by offering you - our rich resources and value-added services. We are equippe
at very competitive rates and absolute confidentiality. Associate members of the ATC.
years, we have worked hard to set up quality linguistic services and have followed and kept pace with the evolution of language and technology; this
of professional translators. The company works closely with their clients to ensure a quality translation, well-presented, accurate and relevant to the
under Spanish prices for rates per word by bank wire transfer. We mainly need translators from Spanish to French, English, German, Italian, etc.
African languages (Somali, Amharaic, Tigranya etc).
me, first time, every time. All subjects and all languages.
e agenzie partners in Asia. Operiamo da oltre 20 anni nel settore della localizzazione multilingue di prodotti e servizi, mettendo a punto procedure in
m these languages into Croatian. Upon request, other combinations of these languages are also possible. We offer: a 24-hour service for urgent docu
Linguist Center has been owned and operated by the high effective and responsible staff. Our commitment and honest to our customers are our ma
nguages: Russian, Ukranian, Belorussian. Pacific languages: Chinese, Japanese, Hindi, Gujarati. MiddleEastern languages: Arabic, Hebrew. Freelance
on,literature, play scripts etc. Rates will be quoted as per requests. Please contact us on +919819060255- Linguistic Solutions.
foreign brand name analysis. In addition our language translation services also include machine translation with post-editing to corporations and ins
localization services, all their employees are required to possess high proficiency in the Chinese language. You are welcome to visit their Chinese we
obal in outlook and will consider all languages. WE ARE CURRENTLY RECRUITING. We offer the following linguistic services: 1) TRANSLATION (techni
working as a sub-contractor for other localization companies. Lion-net has recognized the growing need for translation and localization services ma
el experience in translation or interpretation. A university degree in a technical subject and an established record of performance in commercial trans
n business partners. It is situated in Nis, the second largest city in Serbia, with easily reachable offices in the very center of the city. Our offices occu
ada), German, Italian, Greek, Spanish (Latin American and European) Romanian, Czech, Russian, Estonian, Kazakh, Hungarian, polish, Bulgarian, Cr
elopment, graphics editing, journalistic editing, proofreading and desktop publishing. We cover ALL commercial languages.
sectors as well. We perform genre and platform-specific text adaptations in nearly all language combinations imaginable. What is more, the agency
to offer you complete translation, localisation and adaptation solutions, while supporting you in the distribution, communication, and sales of your pr
test terminology and practical language usage, especially where technical matters are concerned. Translation Memory Tools such as Trados Translato
anguages including Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CCJK). Our team composed of professionals in translation, localiza
he localization services we support. Locaworks is a Multilingual Localization Services company, located in Cairo - Egypt. Our main languages are: Ara
lization Market for almost 10 years. Maria Isabel Fontes has been in the market for more than 10 years and has been internationally recognized for
which enable companies to adapt their products and generate revenue from markets around the world. Our mission is to offer clients a highly person
mportant subject matters: medical, technical, IT, business and legal. Quality at fair prices, speed and flexibility. Your goal is our mission.
es of the world.
e documents are perfect will go a long way toward ensuring that your other language versions are complete and accurate.
General. Software: Trados, DejaVu, SDLX, IBM TM, Passolo, etc. Price: from EUR 0.06/source words + discount on repetitions/matches, payment via
nance, medicine, engineering Besides, today, the barrier of language is hindering most of Vietnamese businesses in business and purchasing requi
n and ask the clients to approve it before the end of translation phase; The suppliers finish the translation according to the working schedule while m
that we translate: Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian. Other languages
gher education and experience or language specialists in cooperation with proofreaders perform translation works in the said areas.
ering other EU languages, after an increasingly growing demand. Our services are assured by a team of in-house professional translators, with prove
ts throughout Latin America, Europe and Asia with advanced degrees in chemistry, microbiology, biochemical engineering, and device engineering. W
Greek, Hungarian into Ukrainian and Russian. Lviv Linguistic Centre is officially ISO 9001: 2000 certified. They provide: experienced translators, inte
ngly believe that no project is finished until they get a satisfied customer. LXTrans offers the personalized service you are looking for. You can surely
, business, commerce, construction, contract, economy, engineering, financing, insurance, marketing, medical, law, patent, technology and others li
s understand and communicate with each other well. They can also serve as a bridge that connect the buyer and seller from different parts of the w
nal translators, and have 400 language professionals working in house in various offices of ours around the globe to give our clients native translatio
atian, Serbian, mother tongue collaborators, we are able to guarantee the efficiency of our work. Our services: TRANSLATION: the process of transla
, Spanish-Portuguese.
case contact team at Macfarlane International Business Services. They are based in Germany, the centre of the European Union, the largest econom
zech, Polish, Croatian and Rumanien. Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Turkish. Your translation will be done by professional translators with many yea
ontract price as commission if you fly your clients into China and I can arrange interpreters for them Conference simultaneous interpretation from 11
n their mother tongue. It is very important for the translation to be linguistically and culturally appropriate for the field in which you are working. We
to Russian, also. Considering the needs of the years which are in front, we can as well serve tourism needs with qualified translators and guidiance.
joining our team! If you have perfect command of a foreign language and think you could join us, please do not hesitate to register at: www.transl
o/Video Production; Linguistic Consulting; Desktop Publishing; Subtitling; Conference Interpretation and equipment. Magnum Group's core of 9 emp
onship and will send patents regularly. In most of the cases you will have about 2 to 3 weeks to complete a translation. If you are interested to join
ts a very precise needs within the business community. We provide linguistic and cultural training services to companies whose interests take them
full range of related services, including proof-reading, layout and copy writing.
d & operated since 1979. Rated 10 out of 10 among interpreters. Interested interpreters/translators please submit resume including rates, areas of
ranslators Union of Russia. When you need translations into Russian or other FSU languages, you can count on MARK to provide the highest quality w
lly for your companys unique situation and backed by proper guideline and well-written way.
We work from and into English (UK/US), Portuguese(BR/PT), Spanish, French, German and Italian.
kers of the specific language as well as specialists in the subject areas of the translations' content.
bic (Arabic-English & English-Arabic) of technical, engineering, business, legal and personal documents, web site pages, logos/artwo
ance, Travel and tourism, Nutrition and health. We also offer virtual bilingual secretary services.
ortant international companies. We offer translations from and into many different languages.
anguage professionals with the necessary communication skills required for multilingual meetings in the 21st century. Multilingual communication is
usiness Hall of Fame and as a Future 500 company. MasterWord excels at handling complex projects under tight deadlines while maintaining atten
Software Publish your documents in correct local language: - Press Releases - White Papers - Articles - Manuals Max Diez's competitive flat rates allo
an, Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Montenegrian, Albanian, Macedonian, Greek, Turkish, Arabic.
Because of time differences, we translate for you round the clock, 24 hours a day.
rged as an industry leader that enjoys high profile visibility and a reputation for excellence.
ac group, which had been a leader in the translation industry for the past 12 years. As a corporate sponsor of the American Translator's Association,
chnical and specialised documents. Interpreter and desktop publishing services are also available. We translate from/to the following Eastern Europe
er with qualified translators and interpreters. Our performances' quality is acknowledged by several major companies.
register with our company. Contact Haryati Mohd Taha on [email protected]
Hungarian, Russian.
ieve in specialization. At MediaComm, they only work on English and Chinese texts. They believe in colloquialism. Whether it is British English, Ame
ed or a marketing plan complete with printed material and total package media blitz, or just something in between, MediaLink, Inc. is here to give y
roofreaders; - we offer
s and organisations such as the European Commission, the Council of Europe, United Nations, UNESCO, WHO, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuber
rts, conferences, hospitals, meetings). They give over the phone estimates. Express service available. Competent, quick and professional team. It s
as well as many other countries worldwide. Technical translations (operating manuals, online help documentation etc.), Patent translations, Localiza
ar languages that we are asked to translate in and out of: English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic. ....Whil
n; the much discussed age of communication has catalyzed new developments. While language always defines new limits, it also supersedes old one
maceutical, specialist automotive, legal and financial. For more information please refer to our website or contact us directly.
ation of high volume technical service literature as well as service and software manuals. This means that we use working methods which provide a n
n capacity. So if you are a freelance translator and interested in attracting new orders, please do not hesitate to send them your details.
dware and software - Multimedia software - Consumer audio/video appliances. English>German, English>Spanish, English>French, English>Italian,
Hebrew Yiddish, Hindi, Kurdish, Persian [Farsi] Dari, Turkish, Urdu and much more.
private individuals to global corporations. Technical, legal, medical, financial, insurance, typesetting proofreading, websites, voiceovers, telephone ca
well. We can undertake translations into all Central-European languages with skilled native translators.
sh, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Russian and Hebrew are the main languages we translate. Freelancers are welcome to register.
s, law offices, insurance companies and varous high-tech companies. MIR Associates offers a comprehensive range of solutions for your translation r
English to Spanish translations. Any subject matter including HR, marketing, medical and technical translations.
EE) languages and most world languages are available on request. They also supply other B2B services, especially low cost - high quality printing wit
onesian, Japanese, Kannada, Kashmiri, Kazakh, Konkani, Korean, Kurdish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Norwegian, Oriya, Persian
le; Siswati; Afrikaans and English. They provide translation, checking of translated material by qualified translators, editing/proofreading. They also
business to technical documents in several volumes including translation of manuals, standards, patents, texts of a legal, financial, medico-scientifi
ers for international associations as the ACM and the IEEE, and assessments for european organizations like ELRA/ELDA. For this, Mondovortoj mak
ways provided our client the best communication tools whether it be translation, interpretation, placement of language professionals, localization, p
MOSAIC Language Services is one of British Columbia and Canada's leading language agencies.
isual texts, electronic manuals and IT documentation. Our translators are especialized in various domains, such as technical and industrial translatio
eadquarters in Beirut-Lebanon, our Arabic translators are Native Arabs. Our translation agency is dedicated to servicing the foreign language needs
pany every month into our family of clients we are also looking freelancers. If you love your Mother Tongue-Join the family!
etwork. All of us, including the administrators of Mt, are medical students or doctors who can translate English into Mandarin and vice versa quickly a
dental technology, pharmaceuticals and marketing authorisations. Applicants should have extensive computer skills for freelance work. Interesting p
We possess the technical expertise that enables clients to create and execute a successful Arabic localization with high quality results. Our excellent b
he exclusive/elite language translation and localization service providers that possesses translation technology, thus offering greater flexibility to its
f Multilize have extensive experience in localization; the company has well-established processes and a net of reliable translation providers world-wid
We get the job done right. (The first time. Every time.)
We run an ethica
tuguese, Greek, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Vietnamse, Hindi, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Hungaria
om and into English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Armenian, Dutch, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Latin, Lithuanian, German, Norwegian, Persian, Portugues
h, German / Russian, Polish / English, Polish / French, Polish / Russian, Portuguese / English, Russian / English, Russian / French, Russian / Polish, S
nd interpreting practices in the country. It comprises qualified and experienced professionals with specializations in medical, legal, finance, technical,
ong capabilities in test planning, build engineering, manual & automated testing, and developing test automation suites. The software testing & loca
questionnaires, etc. used for Iranians. #3. Different translation and DTP projects.
fied to international ISO 9001:2000 standards. Neotechs key areas of expertise are in the oil and gas industries, vehicle manufacturing, information
ollowing languages: Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, Flemish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Latvian, Lithua
to experience the greatest translation and language service available then please contact Sheighla on 0800 358 will not be disappointed.
ruitment form. Please do not email them. New Lingo translation services offers a compelling business proposition: 24-hour ordering and customer s
stomer with industrial translation demands, including complex web site translation, the companys leading translation services can uniquely address
sia, Arabic, Hindi and Tamil and vice versa. Domain specializations include media & marketing, software & IT and engineering. We assist companies
mpany's success has been built on strict adherence to the first principles of translation services- use only translators who are competent in their field
n jobs for Govt. of India, Defense Ministry. The company is registered member of Hyderabad Translation Institute, ICICI Knowledge Park, Hyderabad
ian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Somali, Span
r qualified freelance workers, whom we specially select according to the project and the subject area.
ses; Brochures, fliers, booklets, and letters for businesses; Catalogues and copyediting for businesses; Computers, science and tech
reter services, language training and courses in foreign languages and cultures.
on Multilingual Market Research Transcription services (e.g. verbatims) in many languages. We specialize in business/commercial translations: m
ng its interpreters and translators. Their interpreters are put through a very rigorous screening process and are thoroughly tested before being certi
web content, software and online help and technical documentation... NovaWord provides high quality services including translation, editing, proofre
offer English into Italian German into Italian French into Italian English into French English into Spanish, English into German.
duals worldwide. All services are offered by a powerful team that consists of elaborately selected translators, proofreaders, and quality assurance m
and sensitively adaptating your documents, on-line help systems, websites, and other browser-based documentation to conform to the standards o
for many international clients such as: Oracle, Lucent, Lotus, Microsoft, Ricoh, Prophecy and many multilingual vendors such as OrientScript, WTB t
milies, and are university graduates in various arts and technical subjects. Located in Prague in the Czech Republic, our second base is on the U.S. A
hen necessary.
Chinese, Latin, CIS languages. Average translation turnaround: 2000-5000 words / day. General rates: Translation, incl. revision (ed
an extended period of time in the country of origin of their language specialty. They must also have at least an undergraduate degree in their foreig
mentation and training in Asian, middle-Eastern and Western Languages. All major project support services provided - from DTP to product testing a
nies operating in the following sectors: mechanical, engineering, building, textile, ecological and thermotechnical, electronic and electrotechnical, IT
all your global communications needs. One Planet selects the translation specialists for your projects from more than 3,300 professional language e
Clients include local, national and international large and small businesses and organisations as well as private individuals. Full-time employees: 10
ced native speaking translators living in target language territories. Our main fields of translation are technical, marketing, economic and legal texts.
ate from French in to Portuguese or into English. Our area of specialization : medical, psychology, biology, literature,engineering and pharmaceutical.
greater time/cost efficiencies. Industry Specialties: BPO Localization Technology Centre of Excellence.
s and discovery documents. Each document is translated by a native speaker who is familiar with the field, assuring that the technical and cultural a
d a few other multi-national companies who prefer us as language partners in India. Keeping in view the growing market for language services in Eu
Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, German and Spanish services on a fully in-house basis.
in more translator CVs.
, testing, DTP and Project Management tasks. English, German, French, Turkish, Bulgarian, Serbian, Macedonian into Greek. ORCO S.A. is always se
ave on-site language consultants to check projects in exotic languages ensuring your final product is highly accurate and culturally sensitive. For all
Kurdish, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Urdu and so on. Our graphics team specializes in all Roman character sets as well as in non-Roman characte
r languages translated.
t. However, without careful planning to include localization into the development process at the beginning of your project, localization can be very ex
ct and manage the complex multi-language communications requirements of their clients. OSullivan Communications translates into all languages. T
ne by our staff translators. This ensures high efficiency and top-quality work.
he company specializes in translating legal, business, and financial texts (standard documents, contracts and agreements, business correspondence,
n, Belorussian, Russian
over the world, work on a freelance basis, and are dedicated to meeting the high standards of our clients. As a hiring pre-requisite, Oui translate se
These ranged from translation itself, which gave us the linguistic expertise necessary for any good translation professional, to that of coordinator-edit
Spagnolo => Italiano, Spagnolo => Portoghese, Francese => Italiano, Francese => Portoghese, Tedesco => Italiano, Tedesco => Portoghese, Tedes
pany specializes in technical translations in fields such as electronics, software/hardware, IT, and telecommunications. Palex managers and employee
cost-efficient solutions of unparalleled quality. Our linguists, computer-assisted translation experts, engineers and DTP specialists ar
uality and confidentiality. We are members of the Spanish association of translation companies ACT (Member of EUACT) an the German Chamber of
itish) to French / German/ Russian / Spanish. Also conversant with four Indian languages:. Hindi, Gujarati, Bengali and Marathi. Rates for internation
d French into English and from English into Spanish, specializing in marketing copy, corporate law, general business, technical docum
eas are covered by in-house associates, who are academically trained engineers, three of them specialising in the field of chemistry, three of them p
echnical and legal documents into English is particularly strong in these languages. However, we also translate patents, articles from scientific and m
al translations. Very few of them have the slightest idea of what is involved in this. The Paul Janssens Translation Agency is well aware of what a law
. The localization process is complex and multi-faceted, and those directly involved may be too entrenched in localizing the content to be objective w
years experience in international translation business. We also have expert support from native English speaking freelancers. We have clients all ove
. Adaptation: commercial and artistic texts, subtitling, studio adaptation. Copy-writing. Voice-over: corporate clients and film industr
German, French, Spanish, Italian, Scandinavian languages, Dutch, Baltic languages, Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Romanian, Serbian, Croatian, Bo
ther corporate requirements related to Russian language. Services: Language Translation; Language Interpretation; Linguistic Engineering; Linguisti
ighest quality for Chinese translation projects. Perfectrans bridges the language gap by providing top quality Chinese translation service at the most
to any languages.
bsite, software and multimedia localization services for most European and Asian languages.
rvices of a team of expert translators. We demand that our linguists are also qualified experts in their professional fields. All our linguists translate in
rld's leading companies in the localization industry want us to be their partners in information technology, life science, financial, e-learning, and man
n the needs and wishes of our customers. Our Translation agency is looking for certified medical and pharmaceutical specialist translators. If you wis
rate culture is guided by a global vision that is focused towards its clients. We assist companies and organizations across the board in capitalizing the
re the only translation agency in Korea with several experienced staff in the international banking community. Please quote \"
Suite 1.5, etc. Web pages: Overseas construction DB build project for International Contractors Association of Korea etc. English to Korean: hundred
ease send your detailed resume with the following requirements to [email protected] : 1. The names of translation memory tool you pre
Literary, technical and military subject matter a specialty. Spanish to English and Spanish to Polish translations are also available. Reasonable prices
d. We translate science and technology-related products: software and hardware manuals, help systems, training courses, advertising campaigns and
n, graphics, audio and DVD authoring for the corporate market. Let us transcribe your titles into any language, record the dialogue,
nd other advice to college applicants, students, and authors seeking publication in professional journals.
s trips abroad. Phone calls abroad. Search of particular information in the Internet with consecutive translation. Documents legalization. Apostille aff
DTP: Adobe InDesign specialist, FrameMaker, PageMaker, Office, CorelDraw... Translation Memory tools management. Native translators for targe
lators, interpreters, proofreaders and quality assurance managers with a solid professional background. We offer translation services by professiona
Polish, Russian, Ucrainean, Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian languages. For Translator services from/into English into/from Czech, Romanian the pri
Character Language Typesetting; Font Development; Software Localization; Food and Cosmetics Product Label Compliance; Consulting. The langua
cuments for Legal, Human Resources, Internal Communications, Web Design and Marketing divisions are delivered on time/budget & properly forma
ers and web designers; sound & digital video engineers; 3D experts, infographics and animation; Authorware programmers, Multimedia designers...
or quality and dependability, employing professional translators, many with an excellent knowledge of public sector issues, to meet all client requirem
ng proofreaders, working with a pool of three thousand translators ensure high quality translations. A diverse client base of international companies
are always looking for new interpreters and translators to help our agency grow.
to meet and flexibly adapt to their customers' requirements.
ators. Our translators reside in the United States, Spain, England, and Latin American countries. If you request a translation into Spanish of a specif
guages (and vice versa). We are looking for freelance translators, mother-tongue language specialists, proofreaders, localization engineers and tech
customer service, and thus along with these the satisfaction of the increasing number of national and international customers, have positioned the
y translation. We are reliable and willing to work through the night if need be so as to meet our clients' deadlines.
ceutical, medical devices, clinical research organization, and medical communications and publihsing companies.
nese, Japanese, and Korean) markets. Prodoc is a vital localization service provider in the CCJK market. We have acquired impeccable project manag
oduct. We can assist you with assignments into or from any of the common languages of the world (the Amercias, Europe, Asia and the Middle East
achieve quality, PAE assigns your projects to field-specific language professionals who are fully bilingual and bicultural. The translations are reviewed
mers there are well-known Russian and foreign firms banks, plants, transnational corporations, government agencies, software engineering compa
g, finance, commerce, marketing & advertising, general information, technical areas as well as sworn translations, software and user manual localiza
etween English, Italian, Romanian, Albanian, and French at competitive prices. Our standards comprise the best quality in linguistic
sh, Portuguese (European/Brazilian), Romanian, Serbian (Cyrillic/Latin), Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish into Russian, Belarusian, Uk
e are particularly interested in integrated technically challenging projects. We widely practice cooperation on a permanent basis, providing multi-lang
ate and business correspondence. 40, 000 words per month in the fields of literary, technical, and scientific translation for companies and private ind
ca, Transvaal Local Division. In addition to translation services, the certification of copies of originals is also undertaken.
s in all the languages that we translate. We work on Mac and PC platforms in all common dtp software. We translate in the following languages: Arm
of an interpreter is necessary. ProLogos can also help you with the solution to very specific language problems, for example the preparation of tech
ntations: Commercial: company profiles, press releases, advertisements, product brochures, promotional materials. Legal : contracts, memorandum
abic, Bengali, Chinese, English, Farsi, French, German, Gujurati, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Korean, Malay, Polish, Portuguese (European and
meeting deadlines, providing a high ratio between quality and price. In order to ensure short delivery terms, terminology consistency and style unifor
ore website design and translation expertise has led to the development of some tools that can be used to effectively and economically produce high
ndling a variety of documents - medical, technical, promotional, etc and are accredited by the American Translators Association. ProTranslations spe
large volume projects - translation of techical documentation, legal documentation, economic and financial documentation, literary texts and web ap
dish, Ukrainian, Albanian, Kazakh, Turkish, Arab, Japanese, Chinese, Norwegian, Sanskrit, Hindi, Slovenian. PSD translation agency is recruiting tran
ation consultation, Native-language translation, Localization engineering, Linguistic and functionality testing, Multilingual web content management,
in more than 30 languages worldwide, our international network of linguists, translators, journalists, copywriters and editors provide a single point o
esearch industry's lingo. We understand the business of market research and how research software applications work. This makes Pulse uniquely q
hnical, medical & certified translation at lowest rates. For free quote log on .
gues or advertising material, build your corporate image, or just reply to urgent correspondence, it's not just what you say, it's how you say it that c
cts in all language combinations, we also offer typesetting/DTP, print management, website recompilation, copywriting and copy adaptation and inte
cy for the French Embassy in Cambodia. We now enjoy the enviable reputation of being Cambodias premier translation agency, and we are continuin
n organize and deliver multilingual translation services in almost every major cities of China. With our unceasing efforts, we have made lots of achie
materials, including brochures, proposals, press releases, feasibility reports, and corporate websites. All members of our organization are bilingual E
per source word. Areas of expertise: business, technical, translation of documents, literature, history. Currently we are not looking for freelance tran
ages and range from verifying copy fit in dialog boxes to checking for subtle nuances that can create unintended connotations, and e
est to check his/her linguistic skills. On the other hand, we will remain loyal to those translators who always produce high-quality translations on tim
nch, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Italian, German, Chinese and Japanese. Our clients include large multinationals that require integrated linguistic s
maceutical Industries, University of Derby, Eiry Global Solutions, MultiLingua Communications Ltd.(USA), BeyondGuide(USA), CPR Devices, law firms
n, and develops its own language tools for the LION industry. Its founder previously worked in the most prestigious software company and was direc
rofessional support for all of your client's international marketing efforts. Whether your clients are entering one foreign market or twenty, we can lev
(English / Russian / Uzbek / Ukrainian). What makes them special is their eagerness to deliver on deadline for accepted projects and keeping their w
s are provided with a terminological research report table (TSL) to allow them to review our lexical sources. Work requests go through a 4-phase pro
y and aim to serve as a one-stop shop for all tourism and trade related equirements. Established in 1996, we have catered to a wide variety of custo
ation needs like Translation, Interpretation, Localization, proofreading, Editing, Transcription, Language placements, books/ Periodical translation etc.
Portuguese, Polish). These experts include highly trained, experienced translators, lawyers, nurses, and other bilingual professionals with 10+years
ices for the Greek State and numerous private and public sector companies, as well as estimed journals, such as Nature, the Lancet and the Times
ustry-leading quality management standards, and customer-centered attitude have earned us the trust of many of the world's best technology, bio-m
ns as well as insurance, aerospace, entertainment, financial and travel industries. Our 25+ year history we have provided a full range of language c
corporate image. This includes the preparation of documents, translation work, editing and proof-reading services in both English a
oad range of expertise in IT engineering and DTP enables us to provide complete solutions for all localization needs. The advantages
eek, Urdu, Gujerati, Vietnamese, Hindi, Welsh. It is a Roevin requirement for all our translators to be educated to degree level, holding a recognised
ugh professionalism and respect for the business partners to eliminate any potential linguistic barrier, when a deed is drawn up in another language
gal, Latin America, Norwegian, Danish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Swedish, Dutch, Greek - Ancient and Modern), Arabic, Hindi, Punjabi, Malay, J
n investment. Rubric is completely customer-focused, and their customers include world-class companies such as Toshiba, IBM, Macromedia and Terr
re your translated material will be published. Particular content and style for one country does not necessarily work uniformly in other countries. Ou
marine biology, genealogy, film industry, etc. Established in 1993. Translators / interpreters are accredited contractors of the federal government of C
training and recruitment. As we only specialise in Russian and languages and dialects of Former Soviet Union counties you can be assured that we h
ish translation.
well as Web designers and programmers. All Russian translators are native Russian speakers.
ue expertise in translating sensitive documentation where error-free translation is mandatory. Bidding packages, drawings, reports, presentations. O
ation; Prompt, efficient and personalized service; SDL TRADOS 2006-enabled translation technology; Complete encryption security of emailed docum
men, Ukrainian, Uzbek. If you are a professional interpreter or translator, and are interested in joining our team, please send your resume to: info@
, England, Japan, et al. Other main clients are research institutes and high tech companies. The fees are reasonable and turn-around time is very go
operations command. We work with the DEA, FBI, NCIS, JIATF-West, DoD, JUSMAG-Thai, and others.
ion & Leisure, Society & Culture, Science & Technology, Social Sciences, Computer & Internet, and Business & Commerce. Free-lance professionals a
mpanys (systems, procedures and Software, Human resources, Training Courses, Administration procedures, Safety Standards, Contracts, etc) . Ex
g language and communication requirements and is ISO 9001:2000 certified. We specialize in a wide range of services that include document transla
Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) markets. Samezone is a vital localization service provider in the CCJK market. We have acquired impeccable project
our project, no matter what subject or how complex. The company uses the latest computer-assisted translation technology to provide consistency w
uthors and experienced technical translators, all native speakers. Please use our application form in
t. They can provide 6 UN languages (English, French, Mandarin, Spanish, Arabic, Russian) plus some others in region such as Korean, Japanese, Bah
nd Bulgarian documents for abroad. Interpretations (both simultaneous and consecutive) on meetings, conferences and other events. Software and
ms Specialization:General, Computer books, Leaflets, Advertisements, Books, websites, internet magazines, slides, medical documents ... etc. Lanug
s tambin incluyen una transposicin intelectual y cultural. Este proceso se denomina localizacin. Nuestra misin es rentabilizar al mximo la invers
gines with keywords in Spanish with the newly translated Spanish language link.
technology and methodology of successfully enabling a product in Arabic), Documentation Translation and DTP, On-line Help Localization and Buildin
tion and a high-quality proofreading service. I work with other qualified linguists who carry out proof reading, and whose expertise is available for co
al skills. Personalized service is always available for our customers and yours.
in English, French and German, as well as translations into Italian, Spanish, Russian and, given an extra day, any other major European or non-Eur
age are always used and SBC always endeavours to meet any technical or specialist vocabulary requirement. All translations are checked by another
high level of training and education. They are native speakers of a Scandinavian language, and they work rapidly, efficiently and accurately.
We are interested in all language pairs but require that you are using Trados.
pertise: software, IT, technology, engineering, aviation/aerospace. Key languages: English, German, French, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Potuguese
simply plugging in words. The company has many years of experience to offer as well as a competent communications office. The company is a tran
ere hundreds of translators come and go, I concentrate on some language pairs (to or from Spanish) and I specially emphasize trust and cooperatio
n languages - localizations, manuals, automotive, technical, financial, legal etc. Full conference and congress services - place, accommodation, equip
munication, technical specifications, etc.) Translation/reworking into Italian of articles for IT magazines. Translation/reworking into Italian and produc
) and ATA (American Trasnlators Association). We specialize in legal and judicial terminology, as well as Human Resources.
nslation, interpretation. All this is provided at international level, serving large organizations with a global presence.
SEPROTEC's commitment to
their translation and interpretation requirements. They work in all major languages : German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian etc. Their exp
glish/Arabic and vice versa, English into Arabic and vice versa.
translation to or from English and many other languages for some of the world's best known companies. They are in a unique position to deal with a
ges from more than 20 famous higher schools such as Fudan University, East China Normal University, Shanghai International Studies University, as
With its substantial integrated pool of human resources, the company currently has a team of tr
0, translation supervisors over 20 and foreign experts over 10 as well as freelancers over 1000, we excel in translation / interpretation outsourcing o
are interested in this industry to join us. If you are a company wishing to go into translation business but don't know how, please contact our Busine
more corporations at home and abroad prefer to our translation services as their first priority. We have signed long-term translation contracts with m
arketing and Scientific documents. Sharper Translation Services also provides on-site foreign language translation and instruction for individuals or g
interpretation in over 80 languages. Offering high quality professional translation at excellent prices, we have clients around the globe. If you are int
hai Communication University, etc. The company headquarters is in Shenzhen and has branches in Shanghai and Guangzhou. We provide a superb q
nto French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Ukrainian, Norwegian, Finnish, Danish, Swedish and other European languages, too. Prices see
accurate DTP services through our experienced DTP operators, professional translations and always use Native speaker translators for all our langua
Translations in/from English and Arabic Other languages available upon request. We are native Arabic speakers with over 25 years of English experi
s, talented graphic designers and dedicated project managers with extensive backgrounds in business and technology. With their translation capabili
of experience, expert team, competitive rates, full confidentiality. We are interested in working with freelancers around the world.
ranch located in the target language country. New translators are recruited by means of advertisements in the local press and on online job sites, on
QA is covered by ISO 9001:2000, prices are competitive. They offer free-of charge samples (up to 500 words) to win Your trust.
f all orders from our international project management center in Prague - contact just one address and we'll take care of everything! A comprehensi
thout you visit Japan. Company hires only Japanese natives who live in Japan as they believe translators must use their target languages in everyda
works are done free of cost. At present we are looking forward for translation to international languages. We have a team of experts to complete the
a variety of documents. We also do cultural impact/compatibility studies for clients introducing new ideas or products into the USA and/or Poland. O
or the other language pair, please inquiry to us first. We'd be happy to hear your ask.
cies. SMC establishes relationships with each of its clients, developing a thorough understanding of each clients mission, determining the critical issu
e communication, logistics, energy. EU languages. Our free lance translators have a minimum of 10 years experience. Quality control procedures.
ed and web-based multimedia, or web sites. The finished media can be distributed by posting, broadcasting, or mailing. Cultural consulting is also av
ation is very important profession. But in today's conditions, it must be taken into consideration that this service should be offered as soon as possib
on and editing of scientific, business, financial, legal, literary, medical and pharmaceutical texts, as well as those relating to communication, Internet
rmany, the UK, Holland, Spain, the USA, Hungary, Russia, Italy, Ireland, Poland, France, Croatia, etc. We avail of a pool of over 2000 subject-special
reer in the expert translation fields of Automotive / Motorcycling / Engineering / IT-related products, Multimedia products, Web Design tools, Video G
sly expanding. We are ideally placed to offer management of all types of localization projects, from web site information and press releases to localiz
provides the half-success of an application in the software business. Localization is our mission in helping people to be able to utilize
German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese Dutch are the main languages we deal with.
l make translations ensuring perfect quality of our work. 2. We do proof reading free of charge. 3. Our prices are much more lower than European. 4
from/into many different languages of the world. We offer: written translation from/into different languages, interpretation (synchronous and seque
rtheless, Southern-Estonia as a region of our identity is important for our placement within the general Estonian translation environment. Tartu as a
t it to its current structure. sowabusiness services of today, apart from translation and interpreting services has also been recognised among consult
ars. In addition, we work with a network of Spanish linguists who reside in the country they linguistically represent: Spain, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and
slators in house licensed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. So they understand the culture of Spain and Latin America.
ated in the province of Barcelona. They provide: General and business English; Specialist business courses eg: finance, customer service, marketing
y. All industries catered. Rush jobs gladly accepted. Servicing all business and/or individuals with interpreting and/or translating needs throughout
as organized in 1997 and, since then, has been determined to provide a personalized service even with large-scale projects, also ensuring utmost re
arkets. Spencer Translations offers a fast turnaround and a cost-effective solution to your language requirements. All their translators are highly exp
with a passion for languages and you would like to work in a company like Spider's Web, send them your CV by e-mail indicating your source and ta
taff is composed of qualified graduated translators who are coordinated by professionals with more than 30-year experience in the marketplace. Ove
functional testing. We have main test lab in Europe, Tallinn (Estonia) with sales offices in UK and Ireland and more than 60 full time
& the major Far Eastern languages into English. Translation of English into all EU, Eastern European & the major Far Eastern languages. OUR AIM: to
solution to your needs. With our network of native speakers around the globe, you can rest assured that your message is translated correctly... The
ices, Data/File Conversions for Indian, Asian, African and European languages. Indian languages: Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Mala
The STAR Group ranks 4th in the localization industry. As the only privately owned, non-public company in the gr
opment and growth during the last five years. Our main working languages: English > Arabic, French
nish, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Italian, Spanish Europe, South America), Slovak, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Bulga
ated youth. The greater part of the generated income will be transferred to the Societys Account for development of underprivileged and vulnerable
reelancers on our books. Examples of our works at Language pairs: German - English, French - English, Spanish - Eng
fast - Transit ADSL connection 24 hours a day. Free estimates upon request. Special reductions on the first project!
ll levels and internationally. Specialised in the analysis of written texts and optimum capacity in the development of professional Communications in
Serbian, Serbo-Croatian, Croatian etc. Asian languages: Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese etc. Other
slation the customers can outsource to Studio Gambit a full range of tasks that are a part of localisation process. The services include project mana
clientele. Our commitments to customer service:. Client satisfaction: We provide the best solution for all translation, software localization and DTP r
ade of experience in the translation industry, the company guarantees professionalism and continuity. Silvia Hassan, the proprietor, is an interpreter/
er of experts (including a research chemist and a biologist) who work with us, generating synergies designed to meet the demands of all the specific
Over the years, the experience gained in dealing with large corporate clients and products, targeting an extremely wide cross-section of end users, h
Multilingual DTP, Interpretation, and Transcription. They are in this field for many years, and they have in their team highly-qualified and experience
ourt, etc. Document preparation for marriage, family reunification. Apostille, documents legalization.
an, Finnish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish.
ation relationship with hundreds of institutions around the world. We are looking forward to more co-operation opportunities with our customers thr
one call. We provide English / Russian / Ukrainian translators for live telephone conversation.
Translation combines a wide range of professional translation and interpreting solutions, rigorous quality control and competitive pricing to keep ou
, Urdu - Hindi, Hindi - Urdu, Arabic - Hindi, Hindi - Arabic, English - French, French - English, Arabic - French, French - Arabic, Urdu - French, French
pages) -Technical documents and manuals (New Technologies) -Consumer electronics (audio, video, hi-fi, appliances, telephony, home security...) -A
e also offer services in other popular spoken languages in Africa: French, Afrikaans, Zulu, and many more.... Tell us what you want and we will delive
etc. We translate the following kinds of documents: brochures, catalogues, user manuals, instructions, tender documentation, business plans, pers
npower. Either internal (as an employee) or external (On Contract Basis OR periodically as they require). Training Corporates Internal Staff with bas
German and other 30 European languages. Price rates: between 0.03 Eur/word - 0.13 Eur/word. We are interested in finding freelancers and establi
ktop publishing. Languages are available in Chinese (Traditional/Simplified), English, French, Japanese, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Korean, F
iduals. We also provide to them business support, administrative back-up and business process out sourcing services from India.
n by IR, Soudproof Booths, Professional Sound Systems, Video Projectors, Video production, Lighting, Videoconferences, Webcasts. Specialised trans
ization and print solution for clients around the world. We help our client to communicate effectively in this global market: on paper, in person and in
e in translation, but are also technically and technologically literate. syntax matches its translators with the product's target country or market. Offer
Main Scope of Services: Software/Web Site Localization/Globalization, Technical Doc Localization/Globalization, H/W & S/W Testing & Verification Sup
e sure our translation, transcription and interpreting work meets the highest International Standards. We know, the activity of translation does not o
resentative offices in numerous countries around the world. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAGorg) was established in 1972. TAGorg developed o
erpretion services. High committment to quality, punctuality and reasonable competitive prices has kept an ongoing relationship with many global or
and Insurance enables us to provide high-quality translations in many language combinations (mainly European languages). Our financial translators
st China area. Among Talking China's projects, there are international conferences, training seminars, press conferences, high-profile business meet
ofreading services. They specialize in all areas of Hebrew and Yiddish translation projects.
erience in cultural creativity for clients like Coca-Cola, Fisher Price, Telefnica, Seat, Mattel, Audi, Bimbo and the Catalonian Governm
ons. TARGET TRANSLATIONS' qualified and highly specialized translators cover all major languages and all fields of translations, from technical to co
prerequisite for working with them is the use of TRADOS, sufficient professional experience and proof of translation work carried out previously.
20 years, the companys firm has grown to one of the largest patent translation agencies in Europe. Every year, the company translates thousands
s and organisations such as the European Commission, the Council of Europe, United Nations, UNESCO, WHO, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuber
00 pages. This figure is steadily increasing over the years, keeping at the same time quality at a premium level. Their aim is to provide our clients wi
e range of European, Asian, Middle Eastern, and South American languages. Our translation projects include everything from marketing materials t
looking for qualified linguists in their native languages who are interested in providing translation and interpretation services to this company. In ord
gency in Turkey who can put multilingual events into services for international organisations,agencies and institutes. We also can provide simultaneo
ion form on the website at In the meantime, agency is processing all applications manually, which takes a little time.
ne. That's why the service you will get from us is second to none!
pen we recruit the the most highly skilled people; continuously monitor their performance; employ rigorous editorial procedures and the latest techn
h the provision of quality language instruction, translation and interpretation services, professional development for interpreters, translators and lan
esiktas, Istanbul and its branch in Kizilay, Ankara, is owned and managed by certified translators who have years of experience in their fields.
aning.When such a document is translated by a person educated and with experience in the relevant area, they will immediately understand all nua
nstruction Machinery Division) and Microsoft. We can provide you vast network of technical and non-technical free-lance translators all over Brazil an
he long term period university teacher at University of Zilina in Zilina. In its beginnings the company provided, first of all, consulting services in the f
l consistency and local relevance. Clients include: Allianz, Gap, Orange, P+G, Siemens, Sony, Vertu (see for examples).
ge translators and interpreters from different professional backgrounds, e.g. law, science, technology, business and finance, publishing and public re
urce for businesses and corporations seeking technical, marketing, legal, and intra-company document translation, as well as softwa
Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Moldavian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Serbo-Croat, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, S
, Thai to Dutch, English to Thai, Chinese to Thai, Japanese to Thai, Korean to Thai, French to Thai, Russian to Thai, Arab to Thai, Arabic to Thai, Spa
e and public sectors, areas of specialization include medical, technical, automotive, educational, telecommunications, governmental and legal sectors
cal & Large Project Specialists - Member of The Association of Translation Companies
e range of professionals who make use of their services. Working in conjunction with a vast network of highly skilled, native speaking language spec
anslations of the written word, the spoken word, the digital word, the scripted word and the creative word. And because you need the work delivered
eting and teaching experience in over 50 of the world's languages. TLD is assisting federal, state, and local governments across the nation to prepare
dish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish. Also most Eastern European languages, such as Russian, Polish, Czech, Hungarian.
translation and globalization solutions across a range of industry verticals. The Agency has earned its reputation for its professionalism, service qua
ubject matter.
Indonesian, Tamil, Thai, Cambodian, Vietnamese, etc. TTI is always on the lookout for experienced and capable professionals. Please find more det
plines of Law, Science, Technology, Internet, Advertising, Manufacturing, Medicine, Finance and Software Development. We translate documents ran
ience. Experience of working with Trados and other TM tools. If you are looking to join our team of professional translators, please email your CV to
tablished global players put the same trust in us as successful start-ups. Their special advantage: a network of technically versed it translators and m
onal reputation providing Global Language Solutions to many important companies of worldwide renown. The agency offers every European languag
t try us! It goes without saying that all orders are completed on time and in the form requested by you, the client. All you need to do is tell us which
uality translation while keeping in mind the punctuality of delivering our work to customers. We also have a team of professional interpreters of vari
(or Serbo-Croatian), Italian - Serbian (or Serbo-Croatian), German- Serbian (or Serbo-Croatian), Spanish - Serbian (or Serbo-Croatian), Russian - S
TM SYSTEMS works to and from any language and with any character set; reduces time and overall costs by nearly 50% in every step of the process
k consists of translating, proofreading and back translating the questionnaires we use. Our main translation needs are EN to/from all European langu
our industry. Translation Services: documents, training manuals or marketing material, anything you need transformed into any language for any su
most popular search engines and it is via these that most people find web sites. The company can ensure your new site is found and ranked highly by
Health, Legal, Manufacturing, Media, Publishing, Software and Diplomatic issues.
subjects so please feel free to send us your resume. We are also planning to expand into Korean translation soon.
g word. Specialized field: IT Related Document, Technical Instruction, Online Help / Website localization, Business Document / Press release, Financi
es. Publishing.
e IVR prompts, voice mails, on-hold advertising, multimedia presentations and websites, games, radio and TV advertising, audio-books, dubbing, vo
he translation in any format suitable to you. Website translation is one of our specialisations. We can work with most formats including DOC, PDF and
' clients that refer to our Quality, Accuracy and competive pricing, whilst adhering to deadlines. We have over 4000 native translators based all over
g, and multilingual copywriting in European languages such as French, English, Dutch, Italian, German and Spanish as well as non-European langua
ds of manual translation, website translation, software localization, multimedia translation, interpretation service for business meeting and tour, etc.
riented teams handle all facets of a job, allowing us to amass knowledge and know-how that will increase quality. The result is well-produced, user-f
global scale.
y Rate: 25,00 US$30.00. Daily volume: 2000 to 2300 source words. Terms: 30 days.
and cost-effective translating and conference interpreting services into most languages and fields of specialization required by businesses, associatio
f the world's biggest manufacturers and service providers. All their translators work into their mother tongue and Tradestar's quality assurance syste
rvices, with our primary focus on highest quality, timely delivery and maximal confidentiality. We have enough resources and a flexible infrastructure
lation, allowing the words to shape your ideas, your projects, your dreams, we prepare the path of your success. As the most powerful means of com
st expertise, their creativity and their speed. Every year Tradoc deals with the translation of thousands of pages of text. The familiarity with modern
as well as Brazilian Portuguese (through dedicated resources in Brazil), also cover most other major language pairs.
will translate, interalia, the following: Software, Contracts, Internet Pages, Correspondence, Patents, Tenders, Expertises, Documentation, Scientific
on machines are incapable of "understanding" all the subtleties, variations and interpretations of human language. However, by virtue of being huma
e se aplican a cada lengua. En la actualidad, se encuentran a su disposicin traductores de ingls, francs, alemn, italiano, portugus, ruso, blgar
documentation centre: consultancy, localisation, compiling of translation memories and terminology glossaries, management of Knowledge and mu
an por su calidad y alto grado de exigencia y rigurosidad en su realizacin. Todo ello bajo un prisma personalizado para ofrecer exactamente lo que
on teams all over the world. Turnover in 2006 almost 1 Mio. . Gross margin: 30% We settle complex translation and language problems, in most E
Our members of staff are experienced, hold translation degrees and remain up-to-date in their corresponding areas. They are knowledgeable and
tors reaches all American and European languages, such as Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, Russian, etc. Their team of translation experts in
siness world and/or as university researchers. The diversity of our scientists expertise allows us to offer translation services in the fields of chemistr
covering several fields of specialization including economic, financial, legal, technical, a very competitive price. Their highly qualified an
ies abroad at subcontractor rates. At TraduNet they have a large database of freelance translators who specialise in a wide range of fields (business,
and Spanish.
of over one hundred linguists, whose vast personal experience is backed up by an extensive organisation, which uses the latest computer systems
of their new customers. Their team consists of committed and highly skilled professional translators with university degrees and experience in the m
st and technical fields alike. We provide professional, confidential and cost-effective translation services. Accuracy and meeting the deadlines of our
umber one in the Gulf region in its field. We are known for paying attention to accuracy and meeting deadlines. Although we deal with all languages
French or English. We work with professional freelancers exclusively translating into their mother tongue.
idging barriers for multi-lingual speeches, we sustain unparalleled leadership in the language services industry by addressing the long-term languag
Florida, Trans-Caribe Communications has grown into a reputable business providing clients in the United States and abroad with the utmost in qua
working across multiple disciplines and in a wide range of languages (from European to non-European minority languages) .
ofessional and qualified translators and interpreters with satisfactory experience and qualification concerning respective fields of tra
e country. TransCom operates in accordance with the principle of adapting the translation to the wishes and demands of the client, with emphasis on
e us to meet virtually any language communication need. With its experienced staff, Transcom Global provides quality assured services at competitiv
pean Council, the European Commission and EcoSoc. They are also regularly contacted as as freelance linguistic consultants by the European Centra
perience in document translation and processing, localization of software and Web sites, interpreting and pre-press in support of integrated corporat
arian, Polish, Latin, Esperanto, Nepali, Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Singhalese, Bengali, Tagalog, Pukhto, Persian, Hausa, Kiswahili, Serbian, Romanian, Alban
Meaning that we are able to provide the most value and innovation per your dollar spent. We provide a satisfaction guarantee for all services provide
d. We are U.S. Certified to translate througout the U.S. and Puerto Rico. We only accept jobs that we can truly do with excellence and expediency.
ionals, aided by cutting-edge software tools for document, terminology and translation management, and communicate worldwide. The quality of yo
profit entity.
The main mission of Translate Gate Limited is to offer a down to earth service to people, being those businesses, individuals, or no
zungspartner zurck. Dabei garantieren wir, dass unsere Partner entsprechend qualifiziert sind und ber eine hervorragende bersetzerische Kompet
ally, we can provide creative and custom solutions designed specifically for your business translation needs.
occan), Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bengali, Bulgarian, Burmese, Chinese (Cantonese), Chinese (Mandarin), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dari, Dinka, Dutch,
vices: translation corporate services, software and web sites localization, multilingual publishing, IT services, pre-press services, massive electronic
tuguese, Russian, Chinese, Polish, Czech, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Greek and Turkish.
atian, Slovenian, Greek, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and Norwegian, and from all these languages into Italian. If you are a freelance professi
slation at excellent prices. Reliable and experienced translators are based around the world and are specialists in their fields, whether it's Finance, L
and WordPerfect, and our translation jobs are from English to other languages. Translators can only work toward their native language. They are look
perations to fulfill the projects to client's full satisfaction. An on-going monitoring over the correctness and required quality of translations as well as
diting, proofreading and typesetting services. We translate form English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Latvian, Estonian, Spanish, Italian, Czech
alization, Internet translation, and desktop publishing. Over 70 languages offered. Translators include faculty and language instructo
terials, concerning any sphere of activity beginning with private correspondence, localization of the program supply and localization of web sites. Ou
p a glossary of preferred terms for the Client and ask any questions which may help them provide a better translation. Desk top Publishing DTP: they
go beyond simply converting text from one language to another. Translation Experts is a full service translation provider. We offer document translati
out, performed for all types of businesses in Denmark and abroad. Translation House of Scandinavia's in-house state-authorised translators and nat
rom as low as 0.04 USD per English word. Certified and professional translators with academic qualifications as well as practical experience in variou
ligious/theological specialization, Translation Ministries offers a regular translation service for the European and Chinese languages. Some of our stre
s - from the ultra technical to the simply prosaic - and handle source materials ranging from basic correspondence, brochures, and reports, to specia
pleased to do your translation job if any. On hearing from you we shall submit our rates for the same.
native language only and must have a university qualification in Translation. All areas of knowledge are required with particular emphasis on IT, ma
Georgian, Georgian to French, German to Russian, German to Georgian.
eral literature. It is the office of a full-time freelancers with a wealth of expertise in the areas of language and culture. Their team specialize in two
y way via the Internet. Our outsourcing service is a great business tool for translation companies and freelancers. We take care of those jobs you so
ow. Large translation projects are often complex and might involve the coordination of teams of translators and editors. We can also produce DTP, d
tch to companies and institutions in Europe, Asia, North and South America. We offer our services in every area of commercial and
provides Human Translation Services with translation and localization capabilities in 43 different languages. Of particular importance is our complet
ench, and German into Arabic and vice versa. Our goal is to capture the exact meaning of the source text without compromising the integrity of the
n of scientific articles and papers for the academic community who needs to publish in prestigious scientific journals.
ayments using PayPal and Visa/MC. Low downpayments. Discounts up to 10% for all returning clients.
Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Moldavian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Serbo-Croat, S
ites through correspondence. Sworn translations Polish-Dutch-English of diplomas, certificates of good behaviour, insurance documents, driving licen
services, including free-of-charge text layout and formatting. Affordable rates and various discount incentives.
ns that are proofread for quality control. What sets us apart from other translation agencies is our customized solutions. We don't exist to simply tra
translated by specialists whom we have tried and tested, and every translator works exclusively into his or her mother tongue. Constant quality con
ffer one-stop-shopping for Nordic, Baltic and Russian translations by native speakers.
ve-speaker linguists available for specialized projects who co-operate with a highly qualified staff of translators and interpreters who are proficient in
to the markets. And with tQM, the transline Quality Management System, they are able to provide you with the highest quality standards for your m
to the markets. And with tQM, the transline Quality Management System, they are able to provide you with the highest quality standards for your m
y others. They always welcome applications from qualified off-site translators and interpreters.
Bulgarian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Romanian, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Slovenian, Macedonian, Albanian, Russian, Ukrainian, Estonian,
certification and legalization in the corresponding government institutions. Proof - reading in Bulgarian and in foreign languages. Devising Power Po
gian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Singhalese, Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese.
nt on our highly qualified team as a sound way of incorporating Brazilian Portuguese to their simultaneous-language localization projects. In brief, wh
r, QuarkXpress Passport, QuarkXpress Simplified Chinese for Mac, QuarkXpress Traditional Chinese for Mac, QuarkXpress Korean for Mac, QuarkXpre
range of skills and top-notch software localization and translation tools, we built up over 9 years of solid experience. We are a regional service provid
re looking for talented, industrious people who want and can work in the sphere of translation. We are looking not only for philologists, but also for
re than 17 years experienced Translators, can handle any eventuality/programme/format for all Indian Languages. We are able to fulfill your almost
gnments (viz. Website Localisation, Multi-media communications, Marketing Collaterals etc). They offer their esteemed clients following strengths as
tery of the different European Languages. Freelancers wanted! Applications from freelancers are always welcome for combinations of the following m
tion, proofreading.
tainment, information technology, education, technical and legal industries. Our translators and interpreters hold advanced degrees in multiple acad
to use a dictionary to perform their translations because they know the subject matter intimately. Translations are always reviewed by an editor, who
es. Transware is the only full-service, professional localization company that has dedicated itself exclusively to fulfilling the complex requirements of
levant fields of expertise. To meet with increasing client demand, preference will be given to translators working in their home countries. Please ema
N in Renningen, Germany, in 1998. It is a family-owned enterprise, which occasionally works with the help of free employees. The core business is d
nizations as SONY, Philips, Shenck GmbH, SmithKline Beecham, Parexel, Turkish Embassy in Ukraine, National Bank of Ukraine, Creditanstalt Bank (A
er. It is for that reason that Triview employs translators with backgrounds in electronics, mechanical engineering, and process technology etc. Freela
ed. We permanently accept resums via email from subtitlers with ample experience in the use of subtitling software (owning a subtitling software i
ervices for all major software programs and platforms (Windows and Mac). Please feel free to contact us toll free in the US 877-255-0717 or from o
knowledge and skills to meet your needs. You can rely on us.
ernational organizations, and private individuals. We have the necessary know-how to carry out your assignments to the required standards. We can
ons in all languages particularly in English, French, German and Spanish. Mterilerine hzl ve gvenilir hizmet sunmay ilke edinen Tureng, eviri ve
in Turkey and abroad in assorted fields and our translation group grew in number. Today, Turkish Translators Group contains 20 active translator me
nguages, often in the mother tongue of the business partner. We offer our professional services to cut away linguistic constraints and so to promote
of English to/from the major Asian languages: Chinese Simplified and Traditional, Japanese, and Korean, etc.
Serbian, Croatian, Greek, Macedonian, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Arabic. For most of these languages we can translate in any combination.
and abroad. Being native in Spanish and proficient in English we can offer high quality translations that are accurate in grammar, syntax, and style.
ch, making sure your project is always on time. Translation software ensures document consistency and accuracy. Using the latest technology they
of Lingvistai is to satisfy all our clients needs, therefore we follow the principles of quality monitoring to ensure the best possible quality level of all
h < > Lithuanian, English < > Russian, German < > Lithuanian, Russian < > Lithuanian, Polish < > Lithuanian, Latvian < > Lithuanian and som
sere Erfahrung gewhrleistet die unmiverstndliche bersetzung auch technisch komplizierter Details. Selbstverstndlich werden die Texte unserer
web content; printed manuals; brochures, packagings and catalogues; marketing materials; training & sales resources. Send your resume to work
de traduction. Contactez-nous, nous sommes toujours votre coute et prt vous proposer la solution qui vous convient. Ubiqus, acclrateur d'c
and to cover meetings virtually anywhere in the world. Freelancers see:
ranslators and interpreters are experts in many fields such as pharmaceutical, medicine, law, finance or technology.
de un documento escrito en papel, o un fichero electrnico, podemos traducir en la mayora de las combinaciones de idiomas, como francs, ingls
ranslators and interpreters are experts in many fields such as pharmaceutical, medicine, law, finance or technology.
gaining itself an admirable reputation for its capability to work within budged, and at the lowest cost without sacrificing quality.
es with higher overheads use, we can offer the same service with lower cost than our competitors.
th TRADOS and Transit Translation Memory systems. The U.K. TechTrans Ltd. world-wide client base, which has been developed over 13 years, in
know if we could have an opportunity to be associated with you for the Japanese/English language support. Our team is capable of carrying out the
e, Indonesian, Czech, Turkish, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Serb, Romanian, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Italian, Slo
al financial reports and proof readings. Eventually, once acquired the trust of the customer, we will request sole rights to writing their company profil
s, Trade Associates, Advertising Agencies, Pharmaceutical Concerns, Consulates etc. for their translation requirements. When you need to take your
for different levels of Government in Canada , Afghanistan, Iran and also for International and National agencies.
ersonal service.
lations, Marketing Research and Online Research. We combine our access to research panels across the globe with accurate and prompt translation
cultural needs to offer an efficient, flexible and optimized translation and localization solution which allows you to communicate with the target marke
Technology, Accounting, Law, Economics, Construction, Electricity, Electronics, Pharmacy, Finance, Jurisprudence, Information Technology, Localisat
ss and legal texts, several BA in English/Interpreting for automotive, IT and EU texts and a native English speaker who polishes the English part for
Marriage, and Divorce documents from English to Urdu and several legal documents from Farsi/Arabic to English. We have intimate knowledge of so
apanese. The company assures prompt and quality service to their customers.
handle and your contact information. Preference shall be given to those who can handle foreign languages and located in India. Languages we are lo
echanics, patents, automotive. The translations and interpretations are done by highly qualified persons and we have consultants in all our fields of
ation, educational projects. We assure confidentiality for our clients. Our goals are high quality, linguistic accuracy and on-time delivery.
our years and is being accepted by the U S Courts and Government Offices as well as by attorneys with success. Sanskrit texts are also translated.
edited by a second translator. Nederlands: Gespecialiseerd in de vertaling van juridische, commercile en technische teksten in elke combinatie tusse
innish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian
ization & Development, Software Testing, Global Learning & Hosting. Whether it is an enterprise-wide application using the latest technologies, a mis
ience every time. A global business market demands global communications. With services in over 50 different languages, a wide range of industry
e, Japanese, Russian, Hebrew, and Arabic. We do translate all types of texts. We translate books, guidelines, manuals, research, academic papers, s
quality of your original copy. Presently we are handling 8 Indian languages (Kannada, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Gujarathi, Urdu & English). In n
rized by quality, speed and reasonable fees, considering the quality of our integrated translation services which include a number of steps. We check
ecom, health general, management, etc fields. All translators are native Gujarati.
n to our precise time management deliverance. We currently have the capacity of 100 subject matter translators.
anslator, editor, proofreader or copywriter (mother tongue speakers only), please complete the form at:
m/to German, Danish, Dutch, French, Greek, English, Italian, Japanesse, Norwegian, Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Spanish and Swedish, either st
ls. Have your documents translated accurately and promptly by experienced freelance translators. Please allow us to be of service to you.
ugh to get to know you and your needs on a personal level. And agency has quality assurance processes in place to ensure the accuracy, appropriate
e combinations.
bbing, animation and multimedia projects. Our voice and translation talent represents among the most versatile and professional in
es, guidelines, practices and recommendations, etc., on areas that include legal, banking, financial, commercial, scientific, medical, corporate, audio
d in the heart of London's West End, VSI offers a concentration of in-house linguistic expertise and specialised audio, video, graphics and technical fa
To receive more information please feel free to visit our website at
eld of translation. Wathaek mission is to provide morethan 40 arab daily newspaper with articles, reports, analysises, and journalistic circulations co
sfy your translation needs promptly and efficiently. Boasting a resource base of more than 300 regular and specialist linguists, Web-lingo offers gen
roofread to maintain consistency throughout all pages. English - Spanish - German - French - Portuguese - Italian - Russian - Czech - Polish - Chine
nstitutes, to provide international standard translation service for customers all over the world. With our talent specialist, and respectful attitude, we
ve prices. Daily output is 3500 words and weekly output is 30,000 words. Price per word is .07 or $40.00 minimum. Interpreting rate is $45.00 per h
lobalization consulting, internationalization, localization, translation, engineering, testing, and voice over recording solutions.
xperience gathered in cooperation with major international and local companies, authorities and small businesses.
have experience of an extensive range of specialist subjects. Westminster SONUS has many years of experience assigning teams of simultaneous in
ge companies that value quality, confidentiality and service. Let us show you why our clients rate their level of satisfaction as "Very High", all the tim
eteral, Consecutive experienced presentable translators for: Business meetings, Negotiations, Presentations, Official Openings, Exhibitions, Seminars
as the right background. Our language pairs are currently English-Russian and Russian-English.
cated staff. All of them apply WHP quality controls and metrics. They are experts in their fields and dedicated to specific clients. Our area of expertis
aged by a dedicated staff. All of them apply WHP quality controls and metrics. They are experts in their fields and dedicated to specific clients.
y to fulfil them. Wiedemanni's active contacts with Estonian universities, national institutes and embassies will most likely enable the translation bur
tion and live interpreting assignments in the Las Vegas area. English and Japanese copywriters, interviewers and reporters wanted for free-lance ne
. This agency is oriented to companies, organizations and individuals, among others. Moreover it looks for interested and qualified translators to join
to meet specific requirements of our clients on the grounds of hard-earned experience of our translators over the years.
. We believe that we can provide you highest quality service with reasonable price. Fore more information, please feel free to find us at sales@wises
ator and would like to register to work with us please send an email to [email protected] and leave your details.
Portuguese into English and English into French, German, Italian and Spanish. Two courses are offered: (1) WLS Certificate in Translation which is
Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Bulgarian, Cantonese, Czecho-Slovak, Danish, Dari, Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Ko
e we dont pretend to be expert in languages in which we do not specialize, we are very confident about the ones we know well. They include: West
Edo, English, Estonian, w, Farsi, Finnish, French, Gaelic(Irish), Georgian, German, Greek, Hausa, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Ibibio, Igbo, Indonesi
nd also have inhouse staff for most European languages. Contact us now for a free quote, you will not be dissapointed.
und the world and right here at home. The most qualified linguists: WordCheck employs only the most qualified and knowledgeable linguists - exper
uese (European and Latin American), Russian, Slovenian, Spanish (European and LatinAmerican), Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese and others.
phisticated quality control processes. The experience that Words & words has accumulated over the past ten years, working in both Europe and Latin
nglish, French and Spanish. Those are the languages we know best. Larger translation companies offering services in a wide range of languages may
the U.K. and holds the Institute of Linguists Diploma in translation, Wordshop aims to become a leading provider of one-stop shop translation and c
across boundaries.
es in our experience, the prompt response to all requests, and the outstanding quality of our services. Worldwide Language Services now employs o
sumers. Headquartered in Nevada, WorldLingo has a rich history of innovation and today performs thousands of translations every day for business,
ublic service providers to large multi-national corporations and government agencies worldwide. Based in Bellevue, Washington, WorldLink has been
oth verbal and for documentation purposes. We also offer translating services in other languages, such as Russian, Japanese, Chinese, etc.
at no other company has. Its purpose is simple. Have you ever needed an interpreter in your hospital only to find that all of your interpreters are un
nical disciplines. As full-time translators, they are fully up to date with developments in terminology and technology in their particular fields of expert
o tries to join people of various fields, let it be technical, commercial or creative. WORTE is a firm working in the field of GERMAN to English and Engl
TRANSLATORS who work in minority languages both in the UK and overseas. We are only interested in applications from UK based INTERPRETERS.
in Hebrew and Arabic, as well as FIGS (French, Italian, German, Spanish) and CCJK
ost office. Samples can be furnished upon request. Competitive negotiable rates. We will be more than happy to meet your needs.
o a high profile ad slick or technical bulletin in Arabic, Chinese, German, Spanish, French....or any language we can assist you.
l10n) . Links to Asian Web pages, dictionaries and internationalization sites are available. Career opportunities are listed.
XPERTrad brinda un servicio especializado y confidencial en donde el cliente encontrar la solucin que necesita. XPERTrad es la solucin difere
ur three pillars of business translation, technical translation and localization, we also have a proven track record in Web development
engaged further in translation and DTP activities. Ycomm Europe provides translation services from English into all European languages, with an emp
gh Turkish translators.
h master or bachelor degree, if you understand what quality and confidentiality means to clients, if you take responsibility for your commitment, em
perience in filling the goals of translation services to the diversity of health providers Industries such as: Researchers, Hospitals, governmental Healt
mplete and accurate translation of your documentation and our prices are quite acceptable.
tomers till today. They translate and produce user's manuals used in many different industrial fields such as consumer electronics, office equipment,
lls - but also has a fine-honed understanding of cultural implications and industry-specific requirements.
c technical demands on DTP and Prepress service providers. Use their Express Service for DTP and Film Exposure. Contextual and technical convers
e content of translated documents or the subject of interpreting are concerned; Protecting data against information leakage; Strict keeping of delive
which really needs professionalism and it is an intellectual and mental activity. TRANSLATORS, should know and research the subjects which they tra
ortuguese, Azerbaijani, Hindi, Romanian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Russian, Byelorussian, Indonesian, Serbian, Chinese, Italian, Slovak, Croatian, Japan
ation membership is available to individuals (Active, Corresponding, Associate, Student) and organizations (Corporate, Institutional).
uters and software. Project size/type is not a problem Turkish - Russian - Arabic - Romanian - Germanic - English - French - Trad. Chinese - Scandin
nd oil rigs, transportation, and railways), agronomy, agriculture, ecology, and environment, veterinary, biology and computer sciences, law- jurisprud
al languages. We are open to cooperate with other agencies throughout the world and are interested in employing freelancers, native speakers of En
multi-language vendors from all over the world. With 8 years specialized experience in various subjects, we can help you to manage your translation
" translations (in the "1Global Translators Quality Assurance Policy" attached is a draft of Quality Manual). At the same time, the company does its u
ulgarian, Byelorussian, Catalan, Chinese, Chuvash, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, French, Georgian, G
her both private and public enterprise's growing needs. Our unique service has established our place in the Greater Manchester. This allows us to m
nvolving TEP, DTP, QA and testing of web, mobile and desktop applications and documentation in fields ranging from IT, telecom, ene
h => Urdu and vice versa; Dari => English, Dari => Farsi, Dari => Hindi, Dari => Punjabi, Dari => Urdu and vice versa; Farsi => Dari, Farsi => Eng
iding complete multilingual language solutions for cross-cultural commercial and technical exchanges worldwide in more than 30 languages covering
We are truly the gateway for your business opportunities in French speaking countries.
nslators to specific spheres of activity, availability of a wide range of professional consultants, and in-house editing of all translated texts guarantee t
egian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Serbo-Croat, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, All Specialization
arisch, Estnisch, ettisch, Litauisch, Serbokroatisch, Albanisch, Weitere Sprachen: rkisch, Persisch, Hebrisch, Arabisch, Japanisch, Chinesisch, Kore
nslations), A.B.C. World Languages Center (focused on general foreign language teaching) and Language Training Center (focused on language train
nclude content management solutions, multilingual website design and deployment, translation of existing content, marketing materials, and techni
pment. Are you interested in producing comprehensive language and communication services? Would you like to be at the cutting edge of language
also translate from these languages to Japanese. Aaron Language Services also has translators who are native speakers of the target languages av
A.A.U. LARGO co-operates with the team of excellent translators professionals, experts from various fie
ongly advise you to translate all your documentation, brochures, contracts and technical manuals into your clients native language. This is a value-a
s of words per year + several thousands interpr. hours per year Project management system + translation project manager + interpretation projec
k with e-learning and multimedia companies to increase their sales by providing them with both English and non-English language voice files.
-house staff, WORDEXPRESS benefits from the skills, experience and resources of over 5000 free-lance translators, interpreters, desktop publishers
ng in-house in Spanish, French and German, Ablana has a pool of qualified professional translators, catering for all other major languages. The comp
sourced, turn-key solution for products and supporting materials that cost less to localize, publish, support and update while guaranteeing quality, on
, assistance in a teleconference call, able translations ltd. understands the need for effective, communication they are committed to making this th
he broadest range of specialization found in the industry. On an ongoing basis AbroadLink searches for qualified and prepared professional who are lo
tegory and your rates are within .01-.10 per words...we would like to hear from you. ABS is always looking for new team members
minent than other companies? Providing quality, professional and confidential interpreting & translations. Employs over 600 qualified, experienced an
h Eritrean Esperanto Estoninan Ewe Faeroese Fante Farsi Filipino Finnish Flemish Fon French G'aelic Galician Georgian German Greek Gujarati Gurkh
by the mail order as well as the interpreter assistance during your business trip to Poland. Apart of translation we offer short Polis
nd English are important tools for you and your company and are also aware that your time is valuable. To accommodate your needs, the company i
increase quality, maintain consistency, reduce turn-around times, improve service, and lower costs to their clients. Please see our website for more d
, Industrial, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Retail, Real Estate, Advertising, Information Technology, other fields.
and speed of execution.
help you succeed in reaching your targeted market areas! With a global mind, they are attentive to quality, accuracy and cultural issues, delivering L
ve member of ATA (USA), ITI (UK), and UTR (Russia), Dr. Gerasimov has 9 years of experience in engineering (Ph.D. in data process
ny location. Our experienced language experts work with any specialized vocabulary or scope of project. Accuworld provides same day quotes with c
onics, telecommunications, medical, legal documents, which allow us to meet customers demands.
pect all the benefits of dealing with a professional multi-language vendor. We would like to start cooperation with you. We offer you
Our stringent quality control procedures ensure that your intended meaning is unmistakably clear in the target language. We carefully screen our lan
nternet... * Fast response time adapted to your needs * PAO (Illustrator, X-Press, Autocad)
cts, cooperation agreements, user instructions, manuals, quality system, etc.) into several languages pairs.
hence providing visual aid materials in different languages for conferences, workshops etc. Agemcy translates into Latvian and Russian from all Eur
cient native-speaking linguists, and technical experts and desktop publishers using the latest software tools and technology will work to expand you
anslators, Certification of personal documents and documents for foreign requirements. International contact agencies in the USA, England, France,
rofessional translators, you can be sure that it can handle any language combination for you, however obscure.
uages. We give special emphasis on cultural acceptance for the target audience. Adiths is recognized as an official checker for Indian and foreign lan
hures, Business Cards (Bulk), Business Forms, Compliment Slips / Greeting Cards, Envelopes, Flyers, Setting up of Invoice Books, Letterheads, Pam
nd Framework among others. A complete list of publishers - references is available upon request.
a reputation as a reliable partner for many well-known Russian and foreign companies. They provide their clients a full range of language services:
, law, psychology, technology and environmental protection. The company is continually extending its group of well-trained and reliable translators a
tics and terminology of a translated document. Proofreading is included in the price of the translation, so you do not need to pay any extra charges.
thics. Translating and interpreting services from and into English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese and Russian are provided.
equally qualified translator will edit and proofread each document in each language. You have come to the right place!
l Fantasy XI, Perimeter, colin mcrae rally 4/2005, Mission Impossible, Rogue Ops, Chicago 1930 and Magic the Gathering: Battleground.
uropean languages; Combinations between the Chinese, the Japanese languages and the European languages; Combinations between the European
s, educational degrees, current affairs,... etc. Moreover, We also offer China Business Coordination Services. Details are at:
wledge of computers and a wide assortment of software including: Trados, Adobe Frame Maker, Microsoft Word, Corel Word Perfect, and Adobe Acrob
ers, contracts, e-marketing documents or any other type of written material. We cover translations of commercial, financial, and technical documen
a traducen entre el espaol y el ingls. Ofrecemos una gama completa de traduccin y buscamos traductores con todo tipo de especializacin: tradu
, national and local conferences, symposiums, seminars and meetings, and not to forget training of more than 150 groups of graduates in translatio
nguage needs of law firms, Fortune 500 companies, and government clients in Colorado and nationwide, employing professional foreign language tra
ffective. We hire native translators with University Degrees, who have many years of experience. Certified translators available. Notarized translation
ng expectations as to standards of quality and negotiated deadlines. With a production capacity of five million words per month, a modern and robu
Promotion/Design/Consulting services; 3: High Quality; 4: On-time Delivery & Competitive Price. ALLON brings Japanese cutomers to you by offering
mpleted MA degree in the relevant language and certain experience, and you should send us your CV or visit our offices to get translation assignme
n by this Company. Language Pairs: From English into Turkish. We are not interested in employing freelancers. Interested in Translating : School Boo
taff all in-house, Alpha provides a total solution, delivering a high-quality end result on time and to budget. Over the years Alpha has worked with m
us your own content, photos, logos, how it should look like, etc.) and, if you want us to, we can create your own CAT tool analogous to Trados, Passo
Alphabet's team follows the policy of quality, efficiency and professionalism. Translation sample required from candidates.
rge or small, is assessed for queries, translated and independently proofread to ensure that you or your foreign readers are in receipt of an accurate
ad of reaching at the goal of continuance, we therefore have enrolled the best of the elite of the free-lance translators available locally and who are c
ation; Legalization of Documents with all Bulgarian Authorities and Foreign Embassies in Sofia, Bulgaria; Experienced Team of Professional Translato
viduals from Britain, the US, Russia and most parts of Europe. The company is able to provide language translation services in almost any country. T
erience in the translation or interpretation industry, please feel free to contact the agency via email. Email your detailed resume, including projects w
of Translation Review, ALTA works to enhance the professional status of literary translators, and to provide forums for Theoretical and practical stud
essage, regardless of language, medium or setting. Please keep in mind that our services go beyond interpretation and translation. We also offer a v
ults. At American Translations, we translate to the world!!!! Our team of highly qualified translators, readers, and editors is made up of native North
DTP, CAD, WP and engineering drawings. Our team is committed to quality: highly skilled professionals, state of the art technology and a commitme
or subject, the aim of their language translation services is always to achieve quality and accuracy in the target language.
lof, Swahili, Igbo, Zulu). We do recruit freelancers for these languages ([email protected]).
nguage pairs are: English > Spanish, Spanish > English, French > Spanish, Spanish > French. Being experienced linguists, we translate from and in
eral texts and they like to write summaries, i.e. to translate only the "important part" of a text. They work with the translation tool TRADOS, allowing
n speaking markets.
commercial documentation - Localization of software, web content and related documentation - Development of web-based tools dedicated to trans
commercial documentation - Localization of software, web content and related documentation - Development of web-based tools dedicated to trans
commercial documentation - Localization of software, web content and related documentation - Development of web-based tools dedicated to trans
ncial, medical. Other services: Voice over, transcription, interpreting, typesetting & DTP.
al document because their translations are always carried out by experienced translators who are mother-tongue speakers of the target language. T
defence department in translation of manuals and service bulletins. We are ISO9002 compliant and as a secure facility we adhere t
Main domains of translation: constructions, production technology, computer science, mechanical engineering, technical documentation (production,
weries, etc. Contract with Directora Generale for Translations of EU, Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic and Ministry of Interior. Areas covere
ffers fast, professional and reliable content delivery. We have only one principle: your offer is worthy of being translated into Polish. Main Clients:. El
b and multimedia applications as well as conference interpreting services; all in Arabic and English and other languages too!
rm partnership with a reliable service provider in the Arab world would be a valuable tool for companies to achieve their mission and present preciou
paramount to projects.
he Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Consumers International, European Court of Human Rights, OECD, DVS, CBD, CEA, ECO, EE
ge of the new electronic possibilities provided by the Internet for offering our online services worldwide. We offer our translation services mainly, tho
Suites, Printers, Food Receipts, G3 Satellite Telecommunication Networks. We use Trados, SDLX , Star Transit 3.0 , Alchemy Catalyst 5.0 (Develop
tic countries, Arabic-speaking nations and the Far East. Arancho has been meeting the expectations of an increasingly larger number of customers,
and the Far East. The Arancho Group has been meeting the expectations of an increasingly larger number of customers, while also earning their tru
cted according to their individual specialisations. We also continue to use CAT systems and software that, through the creation and utilisation of pers
ferent areas, including: advertising, marketing/promotional, b2b, b2c, p2p, e-commerce, hardware, financial, legal, software, technical, web sites.
international player in the Software Globalization sector where it constantly improves and upgrades its services in order to meet the requirements o
oup. ArchiText is the pioneer of ABREVE, a content globalization methodology that raises content usability, streamlines content deployment, and sa
& finance, economics, accounting, legal, and software localization. Our language pairs are: English<>Spanish, French<>Spanish, Portuguese<>Span
outstanding value. Argos is ISO 9001:2000 certified, has an international staff of 50 in-house employees, 400 freelance translators, and a client list
s subscribers, as well as to the real persons and legal entities upon demand.
tion and desktop publishing. Our areas of specialization are advertising, marketing, business, economics, finance, legal, industry, technology, compu
nslation/localization into the Russian language to all kinds of local and global companies. Our translators and proofreaders have over 8 years of profe
ns are welcome.
eo and DVD. Terminology management (continuous maintenance and updating of terminology lists). Administration of multi-lingual assignments. Re
. In order to meet the challenges this presents, companies must have the ability to rapidly work with different languages in a way that permits the f
he internationalization and localization, of all your projects (software, web site, video games, etc). As an international specialist in multilingual softw
MAIN FEATURES: 100% confidence guarantee of your materials. Speed: turn-around time within 24, 12 or even 2 hrs! Free proof-reading by an ind
erpreting on the telephone, Turnkey conference service, A wide range of electronic dictionaries and language instruments,Dubbing and translations
eing based in Barcelona (Spain), we are quite focused on translating into Spanish and Catalan but in order to offer a wider range of languages we h
s on the way to turning translating into a fully-fledged industry. Faced with the internationalization of communications, distribution and production st
ed staff of professional translators from and into English, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Russian and 35 other languages and we have the capacit
es * two-month assignment involving the translation of customer survey comments for McAfee Security Systems in French, German, Italian, Brazilia
essional looking final product, which every client can experience the benefits of one stop project management in translation and localization and feel
er). We have an experience in working with foreign customers from Germany, Italy, Sweden, Poland, UK, and doing technical and medical projects fo
ns are vital to the success of every company. Atlantis Translation Services Ltd is able to react promptly and flexibly to developments in markets and
ts to instruction manuals and from patents to sales presentations. Furthermore we offer reliability, speed, confidentiality and competitive rates. Our
n technical, legal and financial spheres. The Human Resource Data Base includes more than 1500 translators, proof-readers and reviewers. The qua
Translation Companies and the Institute of Translation and Interpreting. The reputation is based on the long-standing commitment to quality and se
Hmong, Hungarian, Icelandic, Ilokano, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Kashmiri, Korean, Kurdish, Ladino, Loatian, Latin, Latvian, Lithuani
s, plus desktop publishing (DTP), camera-ready artwork, printing, voiceovers, interpreting and transcriptions.
biotechnology, government documents, and advertisements. Does multilingual desktop publishing. Does over One million words per year. Utilizes ove
ies and various professional backgrounds, we have an in-house team of professionals at our disposal for all European and Indian languages, and can
s rendered translations for some of the largest bodies in Israel. Every translator employed by Aviv Translations is experienced, and translates only in
many big domestic and international companies since its foundation, Avrasya had a great success in satisfying its customers with its peculiar qualit
nguages as well. We are fully equipped for all kinds of assignments involving the professional use of arabic in multilingual communication. But our m
multaneous translations. A highly skilled team of interpreters you can rely on during negotiations (including telephone), meetings, conferences, sem
an, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish. Apart from our main languages of expertise, we welcome all qualified and experienced translators willing to provide
to all users.
Babelx technologies encompasses a complete set of solutions that are designed to meet the most challenging requi
edonean, maghiar, norvegian, olandez, persan, polon, portughez, srb, slovac, suedez, turc, ucrainean, vietnamez.
e subtleties that make Japanese and English unique, using the skills of natives in each language and working together with you to re
by a native speaker who is familiar with the field, assuring that the technical and cultural aspects of the material are translated accurately with the
accounting), human resources, etc. Once they have received your resume, they should ask you to complete a test passage in the field you have spe
roofreading and editing, for example. It has proved to be of great value to their clients that they are constantly updating their own database of mod
ries are fully proofread (2 pairs of eyes). Translators from association are reliable and conscientious people, probably your best choice for a partner
in Iran), Dutch, Estonian, Ethiopian (aka Amharic), Farsi (aka Dari in Afghanistan), Finnish, Flemish, French, Fukienese (aka Amoy), Ga, Gaelic, Gal
mitted to providing expert translation solutions that empower you to exploit today's global business market.
Chinese), Japanese, Korean, Thai and other Asian languages. We are interested in the experienced translators for the above languages.
yiNet Translation Company Ltd. is a large translation service company created and managed by several experts from famous universities such as Qin
y, highly efficient, but inexpensive, will make it possible for you to obtain the largest rewards with the minimum inputs. Each day, we can get at leas
Now we are seeking to provide services for overseas translation agencies or companies by subcontracting.
onal fields, including telecommunication, legal contracts, IT, pharmaceutical, finance, culture, construction industry, mechanical industry, automobile
used professional freelance translators and proofreaders with proven track record in web projects and strong writing skills. Basic understanding of pr
wever they can also handle a large number of desktop publishing jobs. They already work with many important translation agencies besides direct c
tion services for CAD/CAM solutions to one of the world's leading digital design and content companies. In addition to our software/hardware localiza
e languages of English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, German, Italian and other Asian and European languages. QUOTATION: English to Chine
to finish. When you work with Betmar, your message will be precise and your project completed on time. They provide the highest quality translatio
te. Translators are proud to say that they always respect deadlines thanks to a good communication between them and their customers. If you are a
welcome CVs from appropriately qualified translators, please ensure that you include details of rates, and whether you offer any services additional
lgarian practice of subtitling. Their pioneering efforts have found expression in the organization of the First Bulgarian Seminar for Subtitlers in Sofia
obile, finance, telecommunication, marketing, engineering, subtitling, voice-over, etc. Visit our website site at
and help files, and make sure your business letters don't contain embarrassing cultural bloopers. Let Biotext be your bridge to the international busi
e can negotiate on price if the volume of work is large. Or we can discuss on price after each project arrives. 4. We also offer subtitling services and
hrough to technical specifications, correspondence, share offers, web sites, media information and sales presentations and are used to short deadlin
native language, language pairs, rates and any proofreading services you offer to [email protected]. Also indicate whether your tran
acedonian, Marathi, Moldavian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Serbo-Croat, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, U
uilt according to your unique requirements. Bodeux International LLC will help you identify the big picture and what you need to acco
, Czech, Dutch, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Yugoslav, Serbian, Slovak, Ukrainian. South African: Sepedi, Sesotho,Setswana, i
mation technology, life sciences, automotive and telecommunication industry. Together with our commitment to quality, personalized services and co
am was developed on the basis that communication is the greatest boundary between all mankind, it should not be, especially in this day and age. I
ocuses on the best way to deliver the meaning behind the words. Translation, when completed in this way, is a detailed process that includes the follo
ppreciation from its clients around the globe for excellent communication, quality of work, project management and quick turn arou
erpretation and translation teams in all other languages on call. Their team delivers translations in all formats, on diskette or paper, via fax, modem
ery step of the way from identifying the business requirements to building your own internal team and processes.
uality and on-time delivery. Whether you require the translation of a Birth Certificate or courtroom interpreting, our network of translators and interp
re several tens of languages in which we can provide our service, yet in daily work, English, Japanese and Chinese is the main languages we transla
us. We offer jobs for highly-skilled language professionals fluently speaking and writing in English, French, German, Russian, Portuguese, Italian and
usiness, software and many, many more. In any software format. Bubbles Translations Services is committed to providing you with the best quality
nguage to German and vice versa. Of course, we also do translation from one foreign language into another. We are legally responsible for the lingu
le is the book Why Poland presenting Polish cultural heritage. It was published by Hachette Livre Poland in 2005. We translated chapters from eleve
th companies throughout the UK to satisfy their language requirements. BLS provides a high quality translation, interpreting and language training s
d interpreting, but also assistance in all sorts of business contacts. BLC offers the expertise of in-country translators and interpreters combined with
rkish, Ukrainian.
eral), Engineering, Entertainment (General), Medicine (General) Full-time freelance translators with Trados proficiency preferred...
ral savvy all combine to ensure the clearest, most consistent communication possible quickly and cost-efficiently.
are applications for Windows, OS/2 and Macintosh platforms, our team also translates Scientific documents and Marcom materials for a wide range o
ator pool. "Call-Translation" works with over 200 translators in Israel and abroad. Our services: 1. Translations in a wide variety of languages (Over
cultural structures. Therefore it is so important that your texts are translated exclusively by native speakers, to guarantee a translation at the highes
nd typesetting, document proofing, PDF creation for electronic distribution or remote printing, webcontent and DTP revisions, upgrading / downgrad
sts and project managers working in two main departments: medical/technical and legal/business, plus a network of more than 200 tested freelance
sociates' approach to quality, review a list of past and present clients, and consider our vast experience and wide range of service offerings. The site
s among others.
ficial European Union languages and their local variants in other parts of the world. In total, a little over 20 different languages and language variant
se. Transparent communication with clients and the use of top human and technological resources are key company concepts. Ccaps specializes in te
esses internationally into every corner of the world. The companys mission is to orchestrate and optimize adequate resources to deliver the best qua
te to contact us. We might just be able to help! There are currently no project manager or internationalisation and localisation specialist positions av
ions, engineering, the automotive sector and has become the language company of reference for the pharmaceutical industry worldwide. From ALL
of languages and areas. Our services are provided to a large number of companies and institutions including the Agency for Restructuring and Mod
e translation of technical documents. Certified Translation Services offers translation and interpretation services in all global languages. They provide
. commercial interpretation.
are highly qualified and have proven experience. Get to know the company's organisation and technical means, download practical files, optimize yo
o at the mentioned Contest as well as a Consolation Prize at the 1st CASIO Cup National Translation Competition. Moreover, the webmaster has rallie
eld. We also keep track of the clients feedback of each translator so we can make sure we keep the best translator in staff. 2. Speed. Since we have
utch, Turkish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Polish, Latin are their special advantages. They are always on the lookout for experienced, I.T. literate freel
satisfying service about the multilingual solution including translation, interpretation, localization and internationalization etc. In others words, we ar
e culture and changing trends of the languages are the strength which assures the best quality and accuracy. Translations of Chinese, Korean & Tha
ns are designed to meet even the most exacting quality standards, and we have provided the professional solutions for a great variety of companies
anish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Dutch, Arabic, Thai, and others. Applications for freelance translator positions no longer acc
his reason, C.I.I. only recruits from an international pool of highly qualified and experienced interpreters, providing the highest possible standard of
clients operating in the software, telecommunications, technical, pharmaceutical and medical device fields, we are always looking to work with profe
nd classify law document, trade policy about industry your company concern. Introduce associations, function offices and potential enterprises. Prop
the efficiency of their corporate communication. CLS has 260 in-house experts in Europe and the United States and a global network of 750 specialis
e are always interested in employing qualified freelancers who can offer translation, interpreting, voice-over, subtitling, localisation, transcription.
urse, Arabic. Also, we provide translation services from English to Arabic, our native language. ColorToon started as a company providing publishing
clients as well. However, a good percentage of our work involves technical translation. Spanish seems to be the most requested language, nonethele
We believe that every company should be able to access international markets. However, finding affordable quality
alayalam, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Singhalese, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish and Urdu. For a complete list of languages that we
nslates your documents from and to the main languages of the European Union (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, etc.)
lation and Interpretation from/to more than 30 languages in any field of human knowledge, Internationalization and Localization of software, web-s
almost any language pair and any subject. Our work is based on efforts of carefully selected freelance professional translators living in the countries
nslation of the known german software manual "FixFoto" (now Image Factory) for editing digital images including software related programs/files; al
ment translations. We undertake website localization, multilingual typesetting and graphic designing. Conference interpreting and voice-overs are ou
nt reputation among them for our approach that is highly professional, service-minded and human alike.
oshiba, Logitech and many others. Continuum was the first official Trados service provider in Croatia. Some of our references include translations in
e and language.
Spanish. 10 translators. Contracts with French Space Agency (CNES) and European Commission.
res and Software content. In Indian Languages we deal with all other Indian Languages such as Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati,Oriya, Bengali, Kashmiri, Ka
rvice and satisfaction, coupled with regular training and continual research in order to build the finest structure in these areas. Creer Corporation aim
, Hebrew, French Canadian, Brazilian Portuguese, North American Spanish, Central American Spanish, South American Spanish.
VD as well as more Portuguese films into foreign languages. We work with most languages from the EU into Portuguese and the other way round als
notation check, social science, linguistics, banking, business, denistry, electronics, education, law, health care, investment, IT, engine, maritime, leat
translators (from any language into Italian and vice versa), proofreaders, technical reviewers, graphic designers and desktop publishers.
n the organized sector. CHL\'s services are the solutions to the cultural and linguistic unfamiliarity of the market, which are the main obstacles in th
Our expertise and experience is in the translation of various technical documentations, localization of website, software
umentation, i.e. analyses, training, etc. We also offer translation services in English, French, Spanish and Italian.
rk of a team that has been working together for 15 years, consisting of translators, editors and proofreaders with many specialties -- from engineer
Transparent Language Services go beyond simpler forms of interpretation and translation because the speakers' intent, tone, cul
armaceutics, telecommunications and IT, marketing, law, tourism, and scientific and technical publications, among others. Translations tools and sof
d form and send it back, with your CV and an accompanying letter, to [email protected]
sity of Belgrade B. A. English Language and Literature - Association of Scientific and Technical Translations of Serbia
l documents. Each translated document is proof read and edited by a second translator before it is delivered to the client, to ensure the translation's
and without Unicode, XML and html file. We can work with Heartsome editor in all the languages and Trados in Hindi. We can also provide .wav file
Telecom (Denmark), Natoil (USA/Norway), O'Hara Technologies (Canada) and many others. We offer complete turn key projects, sp
ge other than English, or you've conducted extensive ethnic market research, please don't hesitate to drop us a line to tell us more at info@ddrgloba
eas and concepts, conveying feelings and nuances, with an ingredient of cultural insight, traditions and beliefs. Thats what translation and transcrea
ritten or online documents. DE-RO: General, Constructions, Technical, IT, computers etc. Usual workload: 2-6000 words/day EN-RO, more if needed
owned pioneer in localization services, joined DELTA as new employees. DELTA is built on this experience. Their range of services includes translation
n, and non-specialist and scientific books and texts, and in editing dictionaries.
bersetzern aus Polen, Deutschland und sterreich. Wir bersetzen fr Sie Texte und Dokumente aus unterschiedlichsten Fachbereichen, wie z. B. R
Marketing, Medicine, Automotive or Legal, from Localization and Translation to DTP or Project Management. Our goal is to provide c
ltural differences as well. Whether you are a Government entity, corporate account or an individual needing assistance with your non-English speakin
ble. We offer you quality at prices under the average market price. We calculate based upon the number of characters, without spaces, in the origina
ms, charts etc. The rates:On the local UK translation market, where the rate per 1000 words varies from 90 to 120, company is able to offer as littl
anical/Electrical Engineering, and have a long experience in translation. All our associates are native speakers permanently located and living in Gre
Compliance Verification Abstracting Indexing Compendiums Multilingual Databases Credential Evaluation Referrals Language
tion memories, software editors & testing tools, various DTP packages...). Background : They have more than 15 years of experience in all technical
able translation services. Our modus operandi is clearly defined - providing the best possible translation services, on schedule, and with affordable pr
in, that they are certified by the American Translator Association (ATA) and have professional translation experience for at least 7 ye
ms requiere un conocimiento infalible de la lengua meta. Para una correspondencia impecable a sus clientes en holands, usted necesitar a un pro
ese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Urdu.
eutic areas, comprising: clinical trial documentation, including efficacy and tolerance evaluation studies; patents and product licensing; contractual d
work with at least Trados version 6.5.5. We offer our clients every language combination and area of expertise they might need.
iable partner to handle DTP and Translation in many languages, Mac or PC, you can rely on us - of course at page prices that are competitive for l10
s are maintained. All types of documents can be translated - web pages, business letters, company reports, brochures and promotional literature, pr
ence. A confident manner that is also suited to the occasion is always assured. Absolute discretion is guaranteed. We interpret at: business presenta
tion. Dynamic Language Center is a corporate member of the American Translators Association, a charter member of The Association of Language C
complished translators across the globe that were born and educated in the country of the target language, have relevant academic degrees, and pr
Microsystems, Sony, Borland, BMC, Samsung, etc., at home and abroad over 10 years of experience in localization. In addition to tr
cation Company has received ISO9001:2000 certification, and won the trust of major industrial companies such as St Gobain, Thales, Siemens, IBM
All our translations are done by native speakers. This means that the documents are being translated into the language by somebody who speaks t
ors and editors and hundreds of freelancers. All of them are chosen from a number of applicants by our rigorously examination, they all have bachel
languages: Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Chechen, Chinese (two main variations), Croatian, C
mbers to join their internal full-time production staff, as well as to act as primary resources within their external sub-contractor database. Professiona
alism (ethical and confidential service), competence & reliability, (positive) references, speed of delivery, quality assurance. We provide a 24 hour se
will receive top of line services and access to the growing demand for effective and efficient global communication. We are here for your business to
anian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Others.
d Spanish into. American English. Most of our clients are in the United States, Canada and the U.K.
ding to Maximum quality criteria to ensure perfect and accurate translation. Translating from 1999 and till now, we took part in translating websites,
, Japanese and Chinese. We provide translation, localization and DTP services. Please visit for references and translation
rtner who has experience and know-how. ETS is the solution. At ETS, we understand that your translation and localization projects need to be fully f
Certification by a professional translation organization, or multiple years of full-time translation experience. In addition, most of our translators are
r you a wide range of language services that will help you do just that. With the growing change in demographics in the U.S., accurate translations w
translation, desktop publishing and software/web engineering services for software, web sites, product brochures and catalogues, user manuals, tra
and we are capable of delivering urgent translations within a matter of hours or very large jobs to meet your deadlines. Our Company offers service
munications, web site and software localisation, law marketing electronics, patents, medical, mechanics, Certificates, Diplomas, Transcripts, Benefits&
documents. All our translators are university graduates in either Mechanical or Electronic Engineering, Economics, Finance or Law and have former p
y translators are employed to provide fast and reliable translations in a wide variety of languages. Subtitles are produced using custom software cap
ervices across the country. Have long experiences and I write novellas, essays and translate romans from English, French, Norwegian and Arabic and
ll language pairs from and into Greek: translation - websites and software localization, conference interpretation, subtitling and voice-over.
their work. English at Work is always looking for highly motivated experienced people to join their team.
o Hungarian, Hungarian to Italian, English to Italian, Italian to English, Czech to Hungarian, Hungarian to Czech, English to Czech, Czech to English,
proofreading services.
ofessional translators, especially native Vietnamese linguists across Vietnam, we can meet your various needs for Vietnamese translations and trans
n, pharmacy, metallurgy, construction engineering and textiles! We specialize in: Translation of project, product and technical documentation. Comm
n, pharmacy, metallurgy, construction engineering and textiles! We specialize in: Translation of project, product and technical documentation. Comm
d qualifications.
nese, Kirywanda, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese. Email for free consultation at
e have completed projects for reputed airlines, financial institutions, huge cosmetics names, plethora of manufacturers, software giants, reputed au
me one of the leading localization companies in Spain. Our language pairs are English and French to Spanish.
financial institutions, corporate law firms, health care facilities, government agencies, and international organizations. We attribute our companys s
tion projects!
nt areas and natives to the lands you are trying to reach. This guarantees an undisturbed communication in which ever area, economical, scientifica
rmaceuticals, telecommunications.
m a single central point, through a single contact.They offer quality assurance. By providing successful translations they add value to the clients' pro
e always looking for new talented translators in all language combinations. Please feel free to forward us your CV to [email protected] or fill in the
in any of the local or regional markets, or even internationally. Each of EuroLingos branches carries a large portfolio of products and services that c
zed except for languages. That is why Eurologos never ceases to open new offices in the world\'s most important centres, where the languages are s
ouble-checked and proofread by a second translator and they attempt to provide customers with a first-class service with unbeatable standards.
ssociations worldwide.
ars of experience. She grew up in Beirut, between two worlds, East and West, with two mother tongues and an innate liking for communication. She
he Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Consumers International, European Court of Human Rights, OECD, DVS, CBD, CEA, ECO, EE
incere willingness to listen to and fulfil your needs. Many companies have already experienced Euroservices Traductions and are very satisfied with th
tures with about 35 colleagues throughout Europe and around the world; our experience: film script translation and dubbing in Fren
ly, but meet difficulties because of their unfamiliarity with the language, market, legal regulations, usage and customs. The companys task is to dev
e: in-depth specialist knowledge from native speakers, it: in-house department for IT formatting and localisation, customised: client and project-bas
ombinations. Quality assurance is a major concern at E-Word by using a three level quality assurance system eliminating all possible faults of the tra
trong technical support from the companys own resources, exe provides the highest quality of service to corporate and government
nt agencies. We apply professional project management by employing 4 dedicated in-house Project Managers who revise and edit incoming translat
wir auch in folgende Sprachen: Dnisch Englisch Finnisch Franzsisch Griechisch Italienisch - Niederlndisch Portugiesisch Spanisch T
y, Travel and Tourism, Colloquial, Medical (Manuals), Bus/Financial, Human Sciences, Law, Mechanical (Manuals), Military Services, Industry, Sports,
nd translators.
, Macedonian, Marathi, Malay, Mongolian, Norwegian, Punjabi, Persian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Serb-Croat, Slovak,
re used to working with CAT technology, tagged texts, and PDF formats. For example, they are able to translate directly into source files(i.e. typogra
ocales. Our highly effective globalization solutions enable products, services and messaging to be culturally correct and locally relevant. FG skillfully a
r. We are specialized in providing Translation services in such areas as corporate finance document, analysis reports, press release, legal and technic
nes desire to have closer relationships and better communication between clients and language specialists, FLTS strives to provide more personalize
e and apostille documents and translations. We work with the wide spector of languages and we are interested to cooperate with freelancers.
M.E. -2, software engineers - 4, mechanical engineer 2, chemical engineer -1) ; Turn around time: 25 to 30 pages a day (extendable, if pre-planned
luding the companys own full-time Moscow and Jerusalem staff, which means you get the most accurate translation, done by skilled professionals w
lso have access to native speakers of rare regional languages from across the continent.
are native speakers, highly qualified and well experienced in the translation field.
an and Korean.
e to find the highest quality of translators in specialist subjects this is to ensure a superior service. The minimum requirement for any of their transla
rofessionals are characterized not only by their superior linguistic skills but also by their awareness regarding cultures, their constant research and t
ranslation/Editing/Proofreading/Reviewing, DTP, Project Management., Audio Production, Localization & Engineering, Consulting, & Testing. Our Majo
domination of a foreign language evolves in these different stages: Understanding Speaking Writing - Conversation full command of grammar
ges. The companys courses are carefully planned for the varied needs of the companys clients. By creating an open atmosphere, the company moti
, Intel (180,000 words), Agfa manuals (230,000 words), Dell, HP, Canon, Novartis, NEC, Arinc, Marriott.
d many others.
al translators whose mother tongue is the target language, and who are knowledgeable in the subject matter. The translations are performed in close
mobile software localization (for SIEMENS mobiles), Chemicals, Forklift Trucks manuals, Mobile Cranes manuals). References for each project are av
nd different fields and specialisation. We have considerable experience in translating telecommunications, IT, technical, financial, legal, medical, phar
Arena will transform your message into any world language within a wide range of subject fields.
ge of each culture's values and rules of conduct. My name is Ihab Badran; I am a professional translator born and raised in Egypt, with first-hand kn
y localize everything from marketing communications materials and corporate documentation to complete software applications. The company combi
nguages Services and specializes in legal and medical; the most accredited and experienced translation and interpretation service on the Pacific Coa
always maintained a rigorous quality control process for all translation projects. Simply put, we just don't make mistakes.
e linguists. They have the mental prowess and analytical ability to do justice to any kind of translation and they are sensitive to the specific needs of
or consideration to the following e-mail address: [email protected] IMPORTANT NOTE: Effective January 1, 2005, Langua Tutor and Langua Tra
riters. Each linguist is a native language professional and an expert in their subject area. Many of them are accredited by organizations such as the
s such as: technical, medical, fashion magazines,brochures, data sheets, manuals, informative texts, web sites.
ompetence in source and target language. All translated materials undergo proofreading and editing completed by experts of the subject area. Glob
ces from UK clients (if possible) and a sample translation, if appropriate. Afrikaans, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Azeri, Belarussian, Bengal
h, English < > Spanish, English < > French, Spanish < > French. Beginning with 0.08 per word in the source language.
le service provider. Let us handle all of the components of your translation project and we will ensure that it is completed and delivered on time and
esting Audio/video.
apanese, Korean, Malay, Simplified Chinese, Tagalog, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, Arabic, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Irish, La
ation departments for Fortune 500 companies, and established some of the most highly automated environments in the world at a time when other
he documents. Since we are a serious agency, our freelance translators offer us their best rates, and this of cause, will also be of your benefit. We a
alized world. The TEAM is led by a group of three professional translators with more than 8 years of experience in the translation of documents in th
We translate from and into all European languages. We pride ourselves of having highly competitive rates between 0,03 and 0,14 per source wo
diting services. All collaboration terms are the matter of negotiation, but we are flexible enough to respond to any demand.
akers with advanced degrees or extensive experience in their fields. Languages offered are: Afrikaans, Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Assamese, Benga
nslation project your project manager can ensure that the most appropriate tone and style are applied to your message. Having analyzed the projec
ecific expertice in finance, law, IT, customer service, medicine etc. to name a few.
tures, builds up understanding, and promotes cooperation in different countries. With its principles of honesty, trust and mutual benefit, G.I.C.C allie
English<>Sign Language (American), English<>Bosnian, English<>Polish, among others. We also provide translation services in a variety of langua
h native speaker), English -> Chinese (Chinese native speaker), Korean -> English (English native speaker), English -> Korean (Korean native spea
translators in many specialized fields. GoodChinese boasts professional quality service and competitive pricing. We offer document Translation/Inter
checks on their part. As a result of this procedure, in recent years they have managed to keep the level of complaints down to 0.1 - 0.15%. They ha
prices available for many languages (per page). Also available for subtitling/film production
ations, but a high degree of authenticity that can only be achieved by a native speaker.
arian, prices between 0.05-0.12 per word source. French>Bulgarian, prices between 0.05-0.12 per word source. Software: Trados 2006 professional
utilizes both freelance and in-house translators and editors for quality assurance and efficiency. Our staff enables GS Translation to meet high-volum
eference not be quoted in the list below, please do not hesitate to ask. Target languages: Danish, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Ru
y in Japan, all in all produce a synergetically international effect in Hachi's services and products. Hachi International adopts the Japanese-style of m
ency they are able to offer both high quality and competitive rates of their services. Their mission is to provide comprehensive, expert translation an
and serve corporate and private clients. Herros Ltd. has been established in 1993.
arrangements) with as much care as the author takes in developing it. Interpretation,Web authoring, Editing, Proof reading and DTP projects are do
and Spanish-speaking audiences and connect with them.
hanks to our extensive database of professional, fully qualified translators, who only translate into their mother tongue.
o Spanish translations in todays world, Hola Translation Company counts with both, in-house and in-country translators, from all the Spanish speaki
ssian, and into Russian, from the following foreign languages are handled: Czech, Slovak, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, and
pplication instructions), - home and foreign policy, - official documents (birth certificates, passports), - land registry, medical reports, Cvs. In order t
broad. We have undertaken and executed successfully bulk translation assignments for our India/Germany/Russia/ Norway/ U.S./ Japan/ France ba
aterial from your client, and give you complete correspondence support 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Moreover, all of these services are reasonabi
ce, ... etc. Always looking for experienced translators and/or professional revisors and DTP specialists (in Belgium) .
s work for regular clients. Reasonable prices and discounts to regular clients.
ve languages. Specialist fields: Software and hardware localization, Web site localization, data and telecommunications systems, electrical engineerin
ailing. We have expertise in both technical and non-technical fields. We have expertise in translation of annual reports, environmental reports and CS
, Sign Language Interpretation.
etwork of co-operation partners and translators data base Idea Media translates to/from such languages: Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, English, F
nce. They are selected and managed by able project managers and project coordinators who supervise the entire flow, from the smallest to the mos
hographical and grammatical proofreading in any of the languages the company works with, as well as style revision for texts in Spanish. External se
ried out. High quality translations, tailor made to clients needs. We have access to the best translators and interpreters, in order to offer in a fast an
sh (US) Spanish (Latin America), Papiamentu (Haiti), Catalan, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Gaelic, German, Italian, Maltese, Norwegian, Portugu
pportunities: a) Possibility of better service and more competitive quotes (mentioned below). b) Possibility of expanding your language base, by add
anization of conferences; secretarial services; excursion services; we also can provide foreigners with cars and drivers (meetings at the airport, esco
nd Technical (medical; engineering; economics; computer/information science; software localization), Industrial Engineering, International Trade & R
ross-exchanging cultural ideas. Our high caliber professional staff offer rapid, reliable work when most needed, adding special luster to your docume
Then you've come to the right place! We translate texts from almost every language into Spanisch and vice versa. Our main areas of expertise are I
of translation quality.
sers, Interpreters, DTP experts and Editors offering their expertise in various language combinations and disciplines using latest computers and softw
to the typesetting, final editing and printing of your documents. We have a team of highly-qualified staff with years of language exp
re Ansprche zufrieden stellen wird. Wir kooperieren auch mit namhaften bersetzungsbros und knnen Ihnen somit auch andere Sprachkombinat
y stage of the work process and represents a profitable liaison between customers and language specialists. The result is a turnkey service aimed at
promotional videos, video games, commercials; and DTP design and production of instruction manuals, posters, and product packages. In Septemb
ese, Francese, Giapponese, Lituano, Polacco, Portoghese, Rumeno, Slovacco, Spagnolo, Svedese, Tedesco. Preventivi a richiesta.
an extremely wide range of specialist fields, efficient working processes and reliable delivery of your documents and texts are the hallmarks of our se
oductos, servicios y tecnologas. TRADUCCION. Inter Business Solutions ofrece servicios de traduccin comercial diseados para ofrecer unos traduct
y native translators for each language to ensure accuracy and cultural sensitivity. In addition, Intergraphics offers design and print m
ded Quality System certification to ISO 9001:2000 and Italian standard UNI 10574. In-house team of 12 editors and project managers. As an Italian
ning continous focus on full client satisfaction. Activities: translation and interpretation to and from all european and major non-European languages
d web design.
venian, Spanish, Ukrainian. Translations from Russian to English and vice versa.
around NYC in over 75 languages and counting. Please visit our Web site at and follow the link to our on-line voice talent d
ogy. It also means that we make sure that our translations are carefully checked, so that our clients can be confident that we always guarantee them
ects, Croation, Dari, Danish, Dutch, Ebo, English--mostl dialects, Ethiopian, Farsi-Persian, Iranian, Finnish, French--most dialects, German--most dia
ontinually adds languages as the immigrant and refugee population of the Chicago area becomes more diverse. ILS provides written translation serv
ness. Serving all clients with the same perfection, high quality standards and friendly, attentive service. A feel of intimacy, immediate turnaround and
gh growth. Now, ITS is a stable translation business with clients at home and abroad. Particularly, they welcome the challenge of non-Roman letter b
ns. From agriculture to haute culture, biotech to InfoTech, advertising to trade secrets, medical to homeopathic, e-commerce to e-learning, telecomm
s for a successful interpreting business. Would you like to apply for employment at our company or maybe just would like us to put you in our list of
es, posters, labels, Website Design in various languages, Website hosting at reasonable rates,sound files, animations, upgrades, Website announcing
ommunication with customer. Accuracy, technical expertise. Professional translators and interpreters graduated from the Central University of Venez
pany can create a project glossary, incorporate and leverage translation memory, develop a style sheet, resolve page layout conflicts, match fonts, a
s been the core activity for over a decade and INTERTEXT has executed a vast number of projects in almost all imaginable fields. Antecedentes: Co
us your resume so that we can explore the possibilities of working together.
omplete audio productions such as phone messaging, radio commercials, sound mixing for industry promotional films and much more...
n, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish,French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean,Polish, Portugu
g audiences in the U.S, or establishing your corporate image overseas, you can be assured that your goals will be met with optimum success and in a
ading, transcription, web site translation, multilingual desktop publishing and legalization into and from all major languages. They also provide langu
anguage experts of the highest caliber and quickly developed a reputation for unsurpassed quality and professionalism, which continues to be enhan
vorable pricing than they can obtain from other international translation firms.
Maltese, Arabic and Russian. We do have even other languages upon request such as Korean, Greek, Portuguese, Turkish and more. We employ a tea
lica provides services in any language and is formed by excellent and experienced translators. The use of foreign languages as evolved and expande
tongue collaborators, we are able to guarantee the efficiency of our work. Our services: TRANSLATION: the process of translating a text develops in
y all translation companies act mainly as project managers relying solely on a network of freelance translators to complete your translations. Iterote
ktop publishing and localization services. Our areas of expertise are: computer science, marketing, legal, communications, telecommunications, mac
ages in a wide range of topics. Utilizing the latest technology including document management systems, database translation systems (TRADOS), an
ds in all the formats available on the market. Our quotes and deadlines are as tight as possible.
=partprof&eid_c=16252&eid_s=16252 Company could offer you cooperation in the following language combinations: E-G, J-G-J, J-E-J, J-F-J If you a
d also we can use TRADOS. We assure that we will deliver superior quality translation and typesetting services with very compatible pricing and alwa
ced local translators. Numerous clients have made use of our services. Clients range from private individuals to hotel business centres, from NGOs t
s: Spanish, Italian, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Korean, Romanian, Arabic, Greek, Turkish, Hindi, Polish, Bulgarian, Finnish and ma
s. Our specialization is translation from/to CIS languages. Translators work exclusively in their special fields and areas of expertise. We cooperate wit
ndence. Under normal circumstances you should count on a delivery of up to 2000 words per day from us. However, more urgent requests are hand
siness plans and marketing communications, catering almost exclusively to the business community.
aceutical, chemical, biological, food, agriculture, engineering and information technology. We work with any language pair combination. For more inf
are intended to be used. The company can perform sight translations, summaries, and full translations of written documents. Juriscribe's translator
ast and enviable portfolio of customers. Our aim, right from day one, has been to offer our customers a guarantee of cost, quality and quick delivery.
f the highest standard. Noodi's range of languages is constantly growing according to the changing needs of our customers.
or the tasks on grounds of their special fields and competency. Texts are always revised by a native speaker of the target language.
nterpreting, subtitling, transcription, localization, consulting. Visit for more about us.
nslators/interpreters or outsourced to freelancers. Our previous clients are B&S Europe (Brussels), Fle Shezen Office (Hongkong), ZTE Co. Ltd., Abb
all languages, rental of interpreting equipment, software and website localisation, foreign language typesetting and printing. Their dynamic network
qualitative and professional. Subject areas: General correspondence, e-mails, reports, presentations, catalogues, surveys, invitations, newsletters; W
freelance and in-house. We are looking for translators, proof-readers, DTP specialists and Project Managers.
inal texts, company assures that the translations are accurate and fluent.
dnt need a specialist. KJI uses in-country translators with business experience as well as language expertise to help you build effective relationships
t we are also targeting the clientele satisfaction in other languages as well. Our firm is honoured by our professional translator's contribution in succ
motive and Machine translations, etc. We provide timely, high quality services at reasonable rates. Please have a look at the attached brochure for m
into German and from German. Upon request, some languages are also available in other combinations, such as Russian-English.
ers to navigate the seas of foreign markets without running into linguistic heavy weather.
Pushtu, Urdu, Dari, Bulgarian, Georgian, Russian, Turkmen, Uzbek, Tadjik, Kazakh and Kirgiz languages. More information about our services is avai
eam to offer translation services from and into English, French, Arabic, Italian, Spanish, German, Chinese and Danish.
de the complete process, from the very first, preliminary study of the document, through the translation stage and until the proof-read, edited and d
e Lan Do team. They enable Lan Do & Associates, LLC to offer services to our clients in more than 70 languages. Lan Do & Associates, LLC translate
Engineering (Help compilation): WebWorks Publisher Professional 7.0; RoboHelp 2002 & X3.
campos como la mineria, banca, leyes, finanzas, comercio, medicina. Idiomas(trabajando): english>spanish, spanish>english, portuguese>spanish
ss-cultural mindsets for everyone in your organization, as well as Training Localization Solutions which include translation, design and development c
customer requirements in terms of quality and timely delivery which we feel is the essence of work. For smooth conduct of business the general ter
in capacity to supply Indian & Islamic languages in Unicode fonts, a capability which very few other service providers possess.
guage learning help and a monthly newsletter offering language related articles, resources and a client showcase.
barrassing and costly. We offer a single source for organizations seeking multilingual capabilities in over 100 languages. Language M
Belgium, UK, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and France) or 020 3300333 from the Netherlands.
, texts, newspapers, magazines, tourist guides, catalogues, brochures for events and exhibitions.
uth-West London, the company's dedicated team of linguists provides first class translations in a large variety of subject areas and languages. Transl
ese, Yoruba. Languages by Nicole is always looking for talented and energetic individuals to interpret, translate and teach languages: www.language
e, every time. National award-winning business language training in Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Cantonese, Danish, Dutch, English (ESOL), French,
ian, Burmese, Bushman, Cambodian, Cantonese, Catalan, Chaldean, Castialian Spanish, Chinese simplified, Chinese Traditional, Ciluba, Creole-Fren
rs particular needs. LanguageWire is built upon LanguageWire Direct, an interactive network of language experts from around the world. After we h
tools and internally-developed procedures to streamline the localization process. The LangZONE team also includes project managers, localization e
ropres l'artisan : l'amour du travail bien fait, la minutie et la ralisation sur mesure. Ici, ce n'est pas tant la quantit qui prime, mais bel et bien la
er is carried out competently, impartially and consistently between and across language and cultural boundaries. This is achieved through a pool of h
aceutical, and technical fields. Lazar & Associates is a quality translation agency, certified with the General Services Administration as an MBE, SBE, W
have been translating Articles of Associations, documents relating to the case opposing the Nigerian state and some oil companies. Besides, one of o
nguages: All languages (mainly: Korean, Mandarin, French, Italian, Arabic, German, Portuguese, Spanish , German, Russian, Japanese). Interpreters
+ and Acer Aspire portable PC AMD ATHLON 2800+, networked together. Epson and Lanier Laserjet color printer. Fax abd scanner machine. ADSL co
n and Maintenance. All their texts are read by professional revisers prior to delivery.
es are available.
he Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Consumers International, European Court of Human Rights, OECD, DVS, CBD, CEA, ECO, EE
rs. We cover Arabic, Bulgarian, Croation, Cantonese, Chinese, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Russian,
lobalization services including localization, internationalization, product testing, multilingual desktop publishing, and technical transla
ommercial translation/interpretation.
from all major languages, including Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian, French, German and Russian. Company works with translation and localiz
rench, Swedish, Danish, German, Arabic, Italian, Norwegian, Finnish, Portuguese, Japanese. Industry Specialties: Automotive, Bank
exicomm is a client-focused professional services firm dedicated to providing clients and partners with mission-critical translation, localization and so
nancial and pharmaceutical fields. We are actively recruiting French revisors for in-house positions in both Ottawa and Montreal (southern shore, Bro
rman, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Chinese on a daily basis, in the areas of Accounting, Art, Architecture, Agriculture, Advertising, Au
10,000 name candidates. They have a global reputation as a leader in linguistic analysis of new company, product, service, and web site names. Le
lations in a wide range of specialist DTP applications. Terminology management, including terminology database creation.
vising, rewriting and copywriting; DTP and graphic design services; Publishing services. Languages of translations from/into Russian. All modern Eur
ch, Greek, Slovenian, Norwegian, Hungarian, Turkish, Swedish, Latvian, Ukrainian, Finnish, Lithuanian. And also: Arabic, Hebrew, Korean, Thai, Japa
expand our team to meet business growth. In addition to our in-house staff, we also work with freelance translators, reviewers, proofreaders and ed
ussian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Greek, Turkish, Afrikaans, Flemish, and several more. Line One Translations was established in 1991 (as L
fic, commercial and general texts, scientific articles, essays, reports, technical manuals and handbooks, journalistic articles, brochures and advertisi
o Translation and Localization: Preparing for the Global Marketplace", visit
traditional/simplified Chinese. Our main activity is technical translation and localization. We are used to working with technical, electronic manuals a
nslation, English German Translation, Japanese English Translation, English Japanese Translation, Korean English Translation, English Korean Transla
ork. Because of this network, we can provide you with official translations as well as translations in varied specialist areas, in any language. Besides w
anish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai, Vietnamese, Other. Freelancers apply at:
ue-added services. We are equipped with a huge database of certified translators for all languages to help you capture a larger market share. In add
on of language and technology; this has enabled us to pay constant attention to our customers and to answering their needs. We offer translation an
ented, accurate and relevant to the target readership. The translation is despatched either physically or electronically, according to the client's prefer
vizi, mettendo a punto procedure interne atte a realizzare le versioni pi al\'avanguardia per le lingue straniere: tra queste lo sviluppo di strumenti i
r: a 24-hour service for urgent documents, free test translation for major projects.
stic Solutions.
post-editing to corporations and institutions. Founded in 1967, LSI has a talent pool of more than 4, 000 carefully screened translation and interpre
re welcome to visit their Chinese website for more information on current employment opportunities.
services: 1) TRANSLATION (technical and standard); 2) INTERPRETATION (consecutive and simultaneous); 3) WEB LOCALISATION; 4) LANGUAGE
slation and localization services mainly for Hebrew and Arabic languages and developed expertise in this arena. Currently, Lion-Net provides localiza
y center of the city. Our offices occupy 60m2 with all the necessary and advanced office and computer equipment (including scanner, laser printer, n
kh, Hungarian, polish, Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian, Turkish, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Albanian, Bosnian, - Amharic, Oromo, Tigrinya, Afr
ginable. What is more, the agency has its own, state-of-the art sound studio where full-scale sound productions are implemented by experienced en
ommunication, and sales of your products in international markets. Languages: English, Finnish, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Russian, Dutch, Germ
mory Tools such as Trados Translators' Workbench guarantee the translation and localization of all your training, marketing and sales materials efficie
professionals in translation, localization and DTP provides quality solutions to meet every need. All translations are translated by native speakers of
Egypt. Our main languages are: Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew, Urdu, Turkish, German, French and Italian. Our translators cover variety of fields of translatio
on is to offer clients a highly personalized service while providing a quality solution for their global product development needs and long-term collab
n repetitions/matches, payment via PayPal or bank transfer. Performance: up to 10,000 words/day proofread.
es in business and purchasing requirement. For that reason, the formation of LTC is the bridge to connect everyone wherever you are, whatever you
ding to the working schedule while make modifications according to the feedback of sampled controls and the glossaries approved by the clients; The
panish, Ukrainian. Other languages available upon special request. We have a small operation which allows us to provide competitive pricing, excepti
e professional translators, with proven experience in the translation area, and a selected group of freelance translators, revisers and interpreters.
ineering, and device engineering. We are currently seeking to expand our list of approved translation vendors. In particular, we are seeking to estab
rovide: experienced translators, interpreters, proof-readers, and project managers. Rigorous quality control (ISO 9001: 2001 certified) . Absolute re
you are looking for. You can surely count on the right staff for every challenging project you have.
RANSLATION: the process of translating a text develops in several steps: the complete reading of the text before the beginning of the translation, th
European Union, the largest economic area in the world. They can provide you with a wide range of professional and competitively priced services wh
ofessional translators with many years experience, who are in most cases certified too.
simultaneous interpretation from 1100USD/day Skype/telephone 24/7 online interpreting from 25usd/hour Audio/video-to-text-transcription.
e field in which you are working. We make sure that the translation carries the sense of the original and reads as well (if not better!)
ent. Magnum Group's core of 9 employees works with over 1,500 freelance translators worldwide, representing most languages and fields of expertis
lation. If you are interested to join our team, we look forward to receiving your CV as a word document. Please indicate your education, fields of spe
mpanies whose interests take them to unfamiliar parts of the world, to enable them operate effectively. We have developed a training method and an
mit resume including rates, areas of travel, and certification or qualification information via fax or email. We do not hire interpreters as employees, we
ARK to provide the highest quality work within your deadlines. Competitive translation pricing... Company delivers in the software of your choice: Pa
We also have a team of translators as well as partners throughout the world working in other languages such as Breton, Bulgarian, Catalan, C
nts, web site pages, logos/artwork, books & conversations in many regional dialects. We specialize in technical/engineering, legal, b
tury. Multilingual communication is more than translation of speeches and documents. It includes an overall flexible approach towards conference or
ht deadlines while maintaining attention to detail through customized client solutions. MasterWord Services' language professionals have industry spe
Max Diez's competitive flat rates allow the customer to receive an instant quote. Flexible turn times will meet most business requirements. Electronic
able We offer you quality at prices under the average market price. We calculate based upon the number of characters, without spaces, in the origin
e American Translator's Association, McNeil Multilingual is dedicated to upholding the highest professional standards of the language services industr
rom/to the following Eastern European languages. Armenian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish
. Whether it is British English, American English, Cantonese or Mandarin, they strive to provide their clients with high quality language products that
en, MediaLink, Inc. is here to give you the best their experience has to offer.
he Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Consumers International, European Court of Human Rights, OECD, DVS, CBD, CEA, ECO, EE
n etc.), Patent translations, Localization (of software and websites), Terminology management (creation and maintenance of terminology databases)
rwegian, Danish, Icelandic. ....While here are just some of the Industries that we have expertise in: Aerospace, Automotive, Biomedical, Electronics
ew limits, it also supersedes old ones. Merle and Sheppard Language Consulting has set itself the task of fulfilling the current and future demands of
working methods which provide a number of benefits to our customers. One of the most unique aspects of the meta<lang> solution is the priority
, websites, voiceovers, telephone calls, document certification - all with delivery guaranteed.
ge of solutions for your translation requirements and to ensure the highest quality, our professionally accredited translators always translate into the
y low cost - high quality printing with direct delivery to destinations worldwide. Quality is their watchword and customer satisfaction their key. They a
hi, Nepali, Norwegian, Oriya, Persian, Polish, Punjabi, Pushto, Romanian, Serbo-Croat, Sindhi, Sinhalese, Slovak, Somali, Swahili, Swedish, Tamil, Tel
rs, editing/proofreading. They also have in-house provision of translators for different languages if they have to tackle a big project. They also have
of a legal, financial, medico-scientific, advertising or multimedia nature etc...Lanuguage pairs: arabic-english-french-spanish-german. Fast delivery b
A/ELDA. For this, Mondovortoj makes use of native speakers and professionals with experience in different areas, from Science to Philosophy, Law o
as technical and industrial translation, computing, electricity, telecommunications, economic, financial, medical, legal, advertising and marketing, wh
rvicing the foreign language needs in various domains ranging from the most technical manuals to the most personal documents. We have it all, and
o Mandarin and vice versa quickly and accurately. Moreover, as medical workers, our members encompass several medical fields and thus we have d
kills for freelance work. Interesting projects and prompt payment are assured. Dedicated project management and a friendly working relationship t
high quality results. Our excellent background in product migrations to Arabic had satisfied companies such as Macintosh, Philips, Intermec Technol
hus offering greater flexibility to its clients by improving and adapting this technology to fit every need. Their translation software is called Fortis. Th
able translation providers world-wide. The company is leaded by Vitaly Borok. Before Multilize he worked for six years as Executive Director of the R
e. Every time.)
ulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Polish, Rumanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Ukrainian, Arabic, Heb
man, Norwegian, Persian, Portuguese, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, French, Finnish, Czech, Turkish, Croatian, Chinese and Hebrew
Russian / French, Russian / Polish, Spanish / English, Spanish / French, Ukrainian / English, Ukrainian / French. We certify and notarize our translatio
n medical, legal, finance, technical, scientific and literary translating. The association undertakes projects involving translations from Ethiopian local
suites. The software testing & localization team at Neilsoft manages various aspects of testing by integrating several tried-and-tested tools and tec
n, Icelandic, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish. Freelance translators: As a fast will not be disappointed. We challenge you to try us out and experience the difference. Quality-conscious, reliable, friendly, helpful and fle
n: 24-hour ordering and customer service - and 24-hour project management from the base in New Zealand. Asian and European languages. All su
ation services can uniquely address your needs. Put the companys total suite of services to work, to globalize your website and reach key new mark
engineering. We assist companies with their media, marketing and website localization also. We employ native translators and have a cost-effective
ors who are competent in their field and who translate into their mother tongue. With experienced, tried and tested, in-house and freelance translat
Slovakian, Slovenian, Somali, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian. We can also provide certified and/or specialist translation in many of these lang
es; Computers, science and technical writing; Manuscript editing and evaluation; Sales brochures, fliers, letters, other advertising m
business/commercial translations: marketing, advertising, finance, HR, accounting, etc., i.e. every subject that is typically taught in a business schoo
horoughly tested before being certified by the State of Washington. Every prospective employee is required to be either certified, authorized, or qua
ofreaders, and quality assurance managers with a solid professional background. In order to ensure a consistent high quality accompanied with tech
ation to conform to the standards of any given locale enables your message to be heard loud and clear. Nu-Fantex will work with you to create a cus
vendors such as OrientScript, WTB translations, AATS, Transpiral translations and RPTranslate.
ic, our second base is on the U.S. Atlantic coast in the Daytona Beach area (Florida) . A translation service acts as a bridge, which helps partners b
es: Translation, incl. revision (editing): $0.04 0.08 per word of source text. Revision (editing) only: $0.02 0.05 per word of sourc
undergraduate degree in their foreign language and have maintained a minimum 3.8/4.0 GPA in their language coursework. Finally we pride ourselve
ded - from DTP to product testing and from audio work to tool strategies. Federal GSA contract.
electronic and electrotechnical, IT and telecommunications, plastic and paper-transformation, chemical, agricultural, legal, financial, insurance, scie
than 3,300 professional language experts worldwide. Carefully screened for their technical expertise, writing skills, and computer literacy, the comp
ndividuals. Full-time employees: 10, plus an ever increasing database of well over 100 experienced translators and interpreters, all of whom have hig
marketing, economic and legal texts. The languages we translate from and into are: Hungarian, English, German, Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian, Bulga
ng that the technical and cultural aspects of the material are translated accurately with the correct terminology.
market for language services in Europe, we are soon opening a branch in Germany. You could use this to your advantage at competitive Indian rate
into Greek. ORCO S.A. is always seeking people who are willing to work in the fast-growing area of translation and localisation.
s as well as in non-Roman character sets such as Chinese, Japanese, Cyrillic, Hebrew, and Arabic. We work on both PC and Mac platforms, employin
r project, localization can be very expensive, as there is much more to localization than simply translating the manuals!
tions translates into all languages. The Trans-Plus multi-language publishing system helps you manage the complex process of creating global comm
eements, business correspondence, etc.). The translators in Dusaan are well equipped with modern dictionaries and translation software (computer
hiring pre-requisite, Oui translate seeks only professional translators, with previous cosmetic experience, and translating into their mother tongue ex
fessional, to that of coordinator-editor, where we not only learned to evaluate and improve the translation of others, but also to launch, monitor and
iano, Tedesco => Portoghese, Tedesco => Spagnolo, Greco => Inglese, Italiano => Inglese, Italiano => Spagnolo, Italiano => Tedesco, Italiano =>
ions. Palex managers and employees are pros of their business and have gained wide experience of providing solutions in these areas. Their interact
engineers and DTP specialists are all graduates and postgraduates from prestigious universities of Argentina, the United States and
ali and Marathi. Rates for international languages @ 0.1 US dollar per word and indian languages @ 0.05 US dollars per word.
eneral business, technical documentation and literary texts. Editorial Services include copyediting, substantive editing, copywriting, a
e field of chemistry, three of them practising as mechanical engineers also handling designs and models, and a physicist also covering electronics an
atents, articles from scientific and medical journals, medical studies, pharmaceutical test protocols and other technical materials from a number of o
n Agency is well aware of what a lawyer expects from a translator: a legal text translated by a team of specialist translators and revised by people wi
alizing the content to be objective when it comes to functionality testing and verifying translation. In addition to verification of translation accuracy, w
g freelancers. We have clients all over the world and we have handled every kind and size of document imaginable during these eight years. We spec
orporate clients and film industry. Certification of documents (E-G). Special Services: Coordination of Ojibway cultural consulting an
on; Linguistic Engineering; Linguistic Training; Localization Voice Over & Substitute. Translation (Russian to English and vice versa) of: Engineering p
nese translation service at the most competitive price. We have on board full time professional Chinese translators with ATA and TAC certificates, an
al fields. All our linguists translate into their mother tongue and have a minimum of 5 years experience in translation. Phillips Noble has the facilities
ence, financial, e-learning, and many other projects. We have the right people and the right technology to put your words in the right place.
cal specialist translators. If you wish to work for our Translation agency dealing with medical translations, please submit your CV and motivation lett
s across the board in capitalizing the global potential of their products and services in order to succeed in their target markets. We streamline your la
rea etc. English to Korean: hundreds of technical & patent specifications for filing applications in South Korea. Korean to English: hundreds of technic
of translation memory tool you presently use. 2. Price Formula 3. Certificate in Translation 4. Area of Expertise 5. Two Samples of work 6. Two late
courses, advertising campaigns and (tele)marketing, as well as all kinds of materials produced by manufacturers and intermediaries. Our aim is to e
language, record the dialogue, subtitle the video, and author the title to DVD. Polaritys Localization Group provides a full range of
Documents legalization. Apostille affixing. IT-services. For language pairs, see our web-site.
gement. Native translators for target languages. Internal DTP team. Feel free to contact us any time.
translation services by professional human translators, competitive rates, and quick turnaround time. The company offers FREE QUOTES on all proj
into/from Czech, Romanian the prices are very affordable. We are ready to travel where is the need for a Translator is. Don't hesitate to contact as
Compliance; Consulting. The languages we work with are: Arabic, Cambodian, Cantonese, Chinese(simplified and traditional), Creole, Czech, Danish,
ed on time/budget & properly formatted by typesetters experienced with the conventions of foreign fonts. FTP & custom browser-accessible data tran
ogrammers, Multimedia designers...Translations into all languages and of all subjects are carried out by a team of engineers, computer experts, econ
nt base of international companies continue to use their services, including manufacturing companies, consulting firms, promotional agencies, and la
translation into Spanish of a specific country, a translator who is from that country and resides in that country is assigned to your project. In this w
nal customers, have positioned the company in the first rank of the translators market in less than three years. Our guiding principles: QUALITY Hig
acquired impeccable project management skills through years of working knowledge and experience of subject matter in the localization industry. W
s, Europe, Asia and the Middle East). OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: Translation, revision, copywriting, sworn translations, interpretation, localization, Tu
tural. The translations are reviewed for completeness and accuracy before they are sent back to you. Their translators are accredited and have exte
encies, software engineering companies, theatres, medical centers, and many others. Our customer base spans across more than twenty countries,
ise the best quality in linguistic jobs, implementation of the client's requirements and timely project delivery.
Turkish into Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian. The company is always happy to arrange for a possible fruitful cooperation with the skilled translators an
ermanent basis, providing multi-language support for our corporate customers business. Our company development is based on constant improvem
ation for companies and private individuals worldwide, 1992-present. We are native speakers of Russian residing in Russia. Every translation work is
ate in the following languages: Armenian, Azeri, Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Cantonese, Czech, Dutch, English (US/UK), Estonian, Farsi, French (Canad
or example the preparation of technical terminology, etc. ProLogos only employs translators and language experts with university degrees. Quality c
als. Legal : contracts, memorandum and articles of association, property deeds, cooperation agreements, terms and conditions, court judgments, wi
y, Polish, Portuguese (European and Brazilian), Romanian, Russian, Spanish (European, Mexican, and South American), Thai, Turkish, and Vietnames
inology consistency and style uniformity we use the Language Service Provider TRADOS 7.0.
vely and economically produce highest quality translations of your web pages.
ors Association. ProTranslations specializes in large projects books, magazines, manuals, websites, and groups of related documents. ProTranslations
mentation, literary texts and web applications;. - Distribution of translated documentation in desired format - printed, electronic, online. Services ar
translation agency is recruiting translators from all over the world. We recruit professional and reliable translators for all language combinations. You
tilingual web content management, High-end DTP and graphics localization, Complete video and audio services. PTIGlobal is committed to developin
and editors provide a single point of purchase for all your client's translation, transcreation, cultural adaptation and localization needs. Originally est
s work. This makes Pulse uniquely qualified to localize your software and its complementary suite of tools. Our services include the localization of on
at you say, it's how you say it that counts. That is why we offer a full range of services that will allow you to communicate correctly and professional
writing and copy adaptation and interpreting ... in fact anything to help make your business work overseas!
slation agency, and we are continuing to strengthen this position through the quality of our services. Located in the heart of NGO territory on bustlin
efforts, we have made lots of achievements and have established long-term cooperation relationship with many companies of various countries and
s of our organization are bilingual English/Chinese speakers who are well qualified to meet our clients' individual needs.
unintended connotations, and everything in between. QualityLogic employs native language speakers and native-born testers to ver
uce high-quality translations on time. In the same way as we do with our clients, we try to build long-term relationships with our translators.
s that require integrated linguistic services. We offer these services on a national and international level through a team of fully qualified and experi
ous software company and was director for ex-Mendez China and Mendez Taiwan. The company is based in Beijing and found online at http://www.3
oreign market or twenty, we can leverage your language translation capabilities to give your agency new revenue opportunities in multilingual typese
cepted projects and keeping their word with respect to highest quality.
requests go through a 4-phase process: 1. translation; 2. accuracy revision (edit) ; 3. quality control; 4. proofreading.
e catered to a wide variety of customers in different industries coming from varied backgrounds, providing customized services to our clients. Our ob
ts, books/ Periodical translation etc. in almost all the major foreign languages as well as Indian regional languages.
Nature, the Lancet and the Times Literary Supplement. As we are based in Greece, where business operation costs are low, are prices are highly co
provided a full range of language communication services nationally and internationally for hundreds of clients in virtually every industry.
alization needs. The advantages of working with us: In-house technical expertise and support. Fully qualified, certified, and experien
o degree level, holding a recognised post-graduate Translation Qualification and / or membership of an official Translation Body such as the Institute
ed is drawn up in another language that Romanian, or has to be passe from Romanian in another language.
rn), Arabic, Hindi, Punjabi, Malay, Japanese, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, and others.
Toshiba, IBM, Macromedia and Terra Lycos. Rubric will ensure that you are successful and 100% satisfied today, tomorrow and into the future.
ork uniformly in other countries. Our translators are in-country native accredited language professionals, specialists in their particular field of experti
tors of the federal government of Canada (Immigration and Refugee Board, Canada Border Services Agency). Registered with the Ministry of Financ
nties you can be assured that we have the best professionals available in the UK.
drawings, reports, presentations. Our firm guarantees non-disclosure of information we receive. We will gladly sign non-disclosure agreements with
encryption security of emailed documentation, as the need arises (PGPNetShare); Rates for translation start from 45 per 1000 words.
We can a
ble and turn-around time is very good, coupled with the first class service to all clients. The majority of translators have been with company for som
fety Standards, Contracts, etc) . Experts using Trados 7 suite and DTP software. Translation: English to Mexican Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese-Spani
vices that include document translating, website localization, graphic design, globalization consulting, and software localization. Going beyond langu
We have acquired impeccable project management skills through years of working knowledge and experience of subject matter in the localization ind
technology to provide consistency with previous projects, a wide range of file format capabilities and faster turnaround times.
ces and other events. Software and website translations. Proof reading. Certification of translations by sworn translators. Reasonable rates. They us
s, medical documents ... etc. Lanuguages we undertake: English > all Indian languages > English.
n es rentabilizar al mximo la inversin del cliente, ampliando su mercado potencial. Disponemos de las herramientas informticas ms avanzadas (
On-line Help Localization and Building, HTML and Web Content Localization, Linguistic Validation, Testing and QA of Localized Software and Document
d whose expertise is available for consultation, providing an additional quality control measure. I have many years experience of working both with
translations are checked by another linguist to ensure the highest quality of translation is returned to you.
ations office. The company is a translation service provider specializing in advertising copy as well as documents of a business, legal and technical na
ally emphasize trust and cooperation with my working people. Main language pairs supported: English>Spanish, French>Spanish, German>Spanish
n/reworking into Italian and production of manuals and books for the IT editorial sector.
SEPROTEC's commitment to the translation industry, its preoccupation for quality, added value and the performance of services supplied, dif
Portuguese, Russian etc. Their expertise is the result of many years of extensive business experience in South America, Europe, Asia and the United
e in a unique position to deal with any type of Farsi translation project you may have. is seeking new freelance staff. They are expanding their netwo
International Studies University, as well as senior consultants from foreign-funded firms and professionals of a wide range of industries. More than 2
mpany currently has a team of translators up to 1,000 and more, the personnel, employed as full-time and part-time, who exclusivel
ation / interpretation outsourcing of architectural project in several languages, technological manual and others papers. We will service our clients w
now how, please contact our Business Development Department for detailed information. If you are an experienced translator or interpreter looking
ng-term translation contracts with many international firms and governmental organizations.
n and instruction for individuals or groups, simultaneous and consecutive translation/interpretation, cross-cultural training, classes, and relocation as
ents around the globe. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us.
d Guangzhou. We provide a superb quality and highly efficient translation service in the areas of technology, business, law, published books, software
peaker translators for all our languages. We deliver good quality at very competitive prices and always meet deadlines for all orders from our clients.
with over 25 years of English experience. We provide the expertise needed to conduct business with cross cultural barriers dealing. We offer a reliabl
ology. With their translation capabilities in over 35 languages and their extensive software experience, Sinometrics can take on the most complex loc
cal press and on online job sites, on the basis of personal recommendations, and through direct contact/applications from the translators themselve
e care of everything! A comprehensive quality management system that ensures you receive a perfect translation. Rapid turnaround. Extensive DTP
e their target languages in everyday settings. They hire only native English speakers or bilingual for Japanese-English translators. No outdated lang
ducts into the USA and/or Poland. Our services are made available to clients by a variety of means, including through our secure internet site, email,
mission, determining the critical issues that they are facing and subsequently providing solutions that can quickly make a positive impact - working v
should be offered as soon as possible. Thus, we target to reach to you by aiming to offer fast and accurate service in our office and using our 20 yea
relating to communication, Internet and education, and have worked both in the American and international markets. We translate and edit specializ
a pool of over 2000 subject-specialised translators and interpreters in various fields, meeting the high quality requirements of our clients. Apart from
products, Web Design tools, Video Games / SAP projects, as well as a really effective and highly flexible team able to deliver in the shortest time sup
mation and press releases to localization of software applications and user documentation translation. As a company, we have many years of experi
language specialisation, intensive exploitation of cutting-edge technical resources and the use of strict operational procedures allow us to offer, not o
much more lower than European. 4. We can take large projects and perform them easily and quickly. 5. Our corporate clients who have been delive
erpretation (synchronous and sequential), website internationalization & website promotion throughout the WWW.
translation environment. Tartu as a university town and a contemporary research centre with its human resources makes it possible for us to provid
also been recognised among consulting (business matching & market research), business education, and Internet service suppliers. During these yea
nt: Spain, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Chile. This true "in-country" condition ensures that our translations are the most natural-sounding for the target
Latin America.
nance, customer service, marketing, sales; Workshops; Conversation classes; Above courses are also available in Spanish; A confidential translation
nd/or translating needs throughout the United States of America. We accept paypal and other forms of payment. Payment must be verified prior to
s. All their translators are highly experienced and work into their mother tongues using computer-assisted translation tools, ensuring our commitmen
e-mail indicating your source and target languages for translations, whether you are specialised in any particular field and the professional experien
experience in the marketplace. Over the last 12 years SPZ has supplied more than 30 million words to clients. Our current capacity exceeds 6 millio
and and more than 60 full time employees. We are: European, low cost, top quality, outsourcing partner for QA and testing. Langua
Far Eastern languages. OUR AIM: to provide the best possible service to our clients.
essage is translated correctly... The Smart Services Group offer a wide range of professional translation solutions: Translation of Business Documents
ngali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Sylheti, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu. Asian, African and European languages: Af
wned, non-public company in the group of top localization and tools providers, we have the important advantage that we can guarantee stability and
c, German > Arabic. We have great experience in the various fields of translation (e.g. technical, economic and software localization). We profession
ussian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Languages of the former Yugoslavia, Greek, Turkish, Hebrew, Japanese, Chine
t of underprivileged and vulnerable communities. Translation: Accounting, Agriculture, Finance, History, International Org/Dev/Coop, Law (general),
sh, French - English, Spanish - English, Arabic - English and visa versa. Please contact us for further information.
nesian, Thai, Vietnamese etc. Other languages: Somali, Singhalese, Tagalog, Urdu, Pashtu, Icelandic, Finnish, Albanian, Amharic, Armenian, Bengali
. The services include project management, terminology management, software engineering, functional testing, desktop publishing, and other tasks
ion, software localization and DTP requirements. Outstanding results: All our work is covered by a comprehensive guarantee. Deadlines: Clients alw
an, the proprietor, is an interpreter/translator with thirty years' experience in a vast range of areas. The company is a member of FEDER.CEN.TR.I, a
meet the demands of all the specific fields in which we are called upon to operate. This combined specialisation of English > Italian translation and te
y wide cross-section of end users, has enabled the company to extend the company's range to the most disparate areas, without losing sight of the
eam highly-qualified and experienced linguists for each language combination. Moreover, they have in-house DTP & Software experts, who are well v
ol and competitive pricing to keep our customers consistently satisfied. With a dedicated sourcing department we are always working to bring down c
nch - Arabic, Urdu - French, French - Urdu, English - German, German - English.
nces, telephony, home security...) -Automation and Process control systems -Quality assurance/control -Medicine (equipment) -Health and safety E
ocumentation, business plans, personal and business correspondence, web-sites and many other documents. SWAN Foreign Language Studio offers
g Corporates Internal Staff with basic language requirements and providing internationally recognized certificates. We would also like to invite your k
Russian, Italian, Spanish, Korean, Finnish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian and other Eastern European languages. They welcom
erences, Webcasts. Specialised translations, multilingual project management. Fields of expertise: Finance, IT, Communications (press/advertising) S
l market: on paper, in person and in cyberspace. Our Services: Translation, Copy-writing / Copy-editing, Video / Audio Transcription, Multilingual Typ
uct's target country or market. Offers translation services English-German, German-English, German-Spanish, German-Italian, German-Portugese, G
he activity of translation does not only involve finding equivalents in a foreign language, but also providing a high-quality product which can be easil
blished in 1972. TAGorg developed over the years the largest leading provider of professional services in the Arab world and the Middle East. With ov
ing relationship with many global organization such as UNEP and other GCC's regional institutions, governmental directorates and private companies
anguages). Our financial translators fully understand the specific concepts and terminology of these sectors.
erences, high-profile business meetings, on-site technical exchanges and overseas delegation receptions. Talking China has been authorized as trans
mbo and the Catalonian Government. Experts in Spanish and Portuguese. This company is run by British people with a no-fail menta
of translations, from technical to commercial, from legal to literature, however demanding your requirements may be. Company's rigorous system o
the company translates thousands of patents in all languages of the world and in practically all patent classes, and the companys business is growi
he Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Consumers International, European Court of Human Rights, OECD, DVS, CBD, CEA, ECO, EE
Their aim is to provide our clients with top quality translations at a reasonable price within a realistic deadline.
rything from marketing materials to training manuals to highly technical specifications of websites. Our language training includes both foreign lang
on services to this company. In order to meet their high quality standards, all linguists are required to take a short translation test. On successful ev
tes. We also can provide simultaneous interpreting sound system for your international conferences, congress and events in Turkey, Romania, Bulga
orial procedures and the latest technology and invite external monitors to evaluate our quality assessment procedures.
for interpreters, translators and language instructors, and cultural awareness programs, which are designed to meet the needs of the state governm
will immediately understand all nuances of professional slang and specialized terms in the source text and be able to produce a document with the a
e-lance translators all over Brazil and Latin America. We also employ several in-house linguists that edit and proofread all our translated projects. We
st of all, consulting services in the fields of driving machines and organised various meetings (conferences, seminars) for specialists und scientists fr
nd finance, publishing and public relations. This is why they provide both the impeccable linguistic skill and the specialist knowledge a language serv
ent translation, as well as software and website localization. We mainly deal with European and Asian languages. Our mottos are acc
ai, Arab to Thai, Arabic to Thai, Spanish to Thai, Italian to Thai, German to Thai, Vietnamese to Thai, Cambodian to Thai, Loas to Thai, Indonesian t
ons, governmental and legal sectors of the economy to name a few. We translate not only documents, but also provide simultaneous translations by
lled, native speaking language specialists, they provide comprehensive and accurate industry specific translations communicating effectively and pro
ecause you need the work delivered on time, on brief and on budget, you can have our word on that too. When UPS works with text, we are able to
nments across the nation to prepare for a dramatic increase in the amount of government information translated into foreign languages. In addition
for its professionalism, service quality and reliability. They deliver the following targeted solutions to their clients: Software localization and technica
pment. We translate documents ranging from technical manuals, legal contracts and marketing collateral to financial statements, training manuals, e
echnically versed it translators and marketing specialists working in their respective countries of origin. This guarantees premium quality language so
ency offers every European language combination that you may require. Professional translators specialise in the fields of IT, Marketing and Website
t. All you need to do is tell us which format and which medium you prefer for your completed order. Our deadlines are flexible, but do depend on the
m of professional interpreters of various languages to facilitate any professional needs of customers. We translate documents from Thai into English,
ly 50% in every step of the process; protects against piracy through encryption and watermarking; eliminates videotape; does away with all shippin
s are EN to/from all European languages. Please visit our web site at for more details on our activities.
ormed into any language for any subject. Company can transcribe any existing audio video presentation and transform it into any language. Comple
w site is found and ranked highly by relevant searches on these engines. Together with you and the companys site design partners, the company ca
s Document / Press release, Financial Document, Correspondence, Magazine Article (literature / music / film / culture), Children's Book.
vertising, audio-books, dubbing, voice overs for documentaries and industrial movies etc. They have many years experience in composing and recor
00 native translators based all over the world all of which specialize in certain market sectors and our growth rate is running at 25% p.a. We look fo
ish as well as non-European languages like Arabic, Farsi, and African languages such as Kenyang and Ejagam.
for business meeting and tour, etc. We do translation for many firms including IBM, Sun, Microsoft, Volvo, Sharp, Canon, Samsung, LG Electronics a
d Tradestar's quality assurance system includes translation being systematically revised by a translator with the opposite mother tongue, assisted by
sources and a flexible infrastructure to tackle the work efficiently. Our main expertise areas are IT and Industrial Engineering. We translate from Eng
As the most powerful means of communications, words will preserve their meaning, changing only their form. Because We know what we are doing
of text. The familiarity with modern technology and contemporary business practices means that Tradoc can provide translations in nearly all speciali
xpertises, Documentation, Scientific Papers, References, Text- and Reference Books, Legal Texts, Scripts and Screenplays, Catalogues, Technical Rep
e. However, by virtue of being human, it is tied to many such "human" limitations. Translation requires time, a good knowledge of the languages cou
n, italiano, portugus, ruso, blgaro, griego, dans, sueco, rabe, japons, nerlands, chino y noruego, as como de gallego, euskera y cataln.
do para ofrecer exactamente lo que nuestros clientes necesitan al mejor precio del mercado. Cada trabajo solicitado por nuestros clientes es eficient
and language problems, in most European languages together with Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese and Russian. Dja vu, Trados and SDL regu
areas. They are knowledgeable and passionate in their work and are always working by our clients side because their success and progress is our o
Their team of translation experts in various fields is one reason why Traducta is regarded as a leading provider of accurate translations to Fortune 50
on services in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, biology, physics, agronomy, environment, and engineering (mechanical, electrical, electronic, sof
itive price. Their highly qualified and experienced team of translators and interpreters offer premier standards of service and workmanship for each
uses the latest computer systems to co-ordinate the entire work flow.
sity degrees and experience in the most diverse sectors, such as business, finances, technology, software, medicine, chemistry, law, multimedia, pub
y and meeting the deadlines of our clients are our main targets. As we are based in the United Kingdom, we have a great advantage in being able to
Although we deal with all languages but we are specialized in translation from any language into Arabic and vice a versa.
y addressing the long-term language needs of clients operating in global business environments. TransBuero is committed to provide enhanced value
s and abroad with the utmost in quality translating and interpreting services. Besides the language skill prerequisites in choosing the right translator
ncerning respective fields of translation and interpretation. The Agency provides translations based on quality and professionalism.
ands of the client, with emphasis on the quality of the translation, language editing, timely execution and maintenance of continuous contact with th
ality assured services at competitive prices. Some of our services include translation, localization (website, software, DTP, subtitling, voice-over and
consultants by the European Central Banks. Their main languages are English to Maltese and vice-versa. They also carry out work from Italian to Ma
ss in support of integrated corporate communications. First Italian company to obtain the ISO 9000 Quality Certification in 1996.
Kiswahili, Serbian, Romanian, Albanian, Bulgarian, Portuguese, Lithuanian, Croatian to Chinese. Freelancers please apply at:
Subject areas: Medicine, Archaeology, Biology, Biomedical, Economics, Islamic Studies, Law and Legal, Lit
unicate worldwide. The quality of your translation is a reflection of your professional commitment. Any translation agency can do business and satisf
those businesses, individuals, or non-profit entities , ensuring that they receive a reliable, professional, and courteous service, and last but not leas
vorragende bersetzerische Kompetenz verfgen. Profitieren Sie von unserem Fachwissen, unserer Qualifikation und Erfahrung!
Czech, Danish, Dari, Dinka, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French (Parisian), French (African), Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hmong, Hunga
alian. If you are a freelance professional translator, carefully fill in the form at:
their fields, whether it's Finance, Law, Medicine, Marketing or any other business. We Prompt services and offer you the best rates. All work is proo
their native language. They are looking for translators for English to Russian and English to Vietnamese translations. They require an outstanding kn
ed quality of translations as well as confidentiality are guaranteed. The bureau is provided with the necessary equipment to render high-quality servi
n, Estonian, Spanish, Italian, Czech, Dutch, Norwegian, and Danish into Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, and Russian. Thanks to our long experience (
e faculty and language instructors at the university, professionals recruited worldwide, and an array of top graduate students. All tra
ply and localization of web sites. Our translators translate complex technical, medical, and juridical texts. Also the language connoisseurs will correct
ation. Desk top Publishing DTP: they can offer this service at extremely competitive prices and in many languages.
rovider. We offer document translation, website translation, content localization in a variety of different languages and industries. Visit us online at w
tate-authorised translators and native translators cover the most commonly requested European languages: Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, English, G
well as practical experience in various subjects and fields enable us to provide quality translations in almost any language and subject. From the time
hinese languages. Some of our strengths: serious and professional, fast answers, each project with a dedicated project manager, long term oriented
e, brochures, and reports, to specialized and technical literature, electronic collateral, and audiovisual scripts. Translation Ones translators work exc
with particular emphasis on IT, mathematics, geography, international business, marketing, textile industry and tourism. A working knowledge of an
ulture. Their team specialize in two language pairs: English to Arabic and Arabic to English.
s. We take care of those jobs you sometimes have to turn down during peak times. Your delivery times can become faster, increasing customer satis
editors. We can also produce DTP, design and publishing of operation manuals, advertising materials or similar publications. We are ready to assist y
every area of commercial and general subjects at best quality and price. All translations that we provide have passed through our 3
particular importance is our complete line of Arabic and Chinese solutions. Our Professional Services Division provides consulting in Multilingual Term
ut compromising the integrity of the author's style of expressing ideas and to adapt modern phrases and ideas to fit into another language. The exac
Romanian, Serbian, Serbo-Croat, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Tajik, Tatar, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Uzbek.
r, insurance documents, driving licences, notarial acts, certificates of civil status, tax declarations, court certificates
lutions. We don't exist to simply translate documents. We're here to make sure you communicate the right message with confidence.
mother tongue. Constant quality control, coupled with the high standards we demand, ensures that our translations are of the highest quality. We ca
nd interpreters who are proficient in all subjects. If you are interested to be considered for a position of a freelancer in our Translation Agency please
highest quality standards for your multilingual project. transline is always looking for qualified freelance translators and proofreaders. If you are a fr
highest quality standards for your multilingual project. transline is always looking for qualified freelance translators and proofreaders. If you are a fr
anian, Russian, Ukrainian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, plus Arabic, Armenian, Albanian, Turkish, Greek, etc. - a total of more than 30 languages an
reign languages. Devising Power Point presentations based on preliminary written materials. 2. Interpreting: Simultaneous interpreting at conferenc
, Urdu, Vietnamese.
age localization projects. In brief, whatever your software localization and document translation needs are, you can rest assured that TransLite, with
kXpress Korean for Mac, QuarkXpress Japanese for Mac, InDesign, Pagemaker, Illustrator, Freehand, Photoshop, CorelDraw, MS Word, MS Publisher.
ce. We are a regional service provider helping our clients reach out beyond their domestic markets. TransNative is a regional leader in Website Local
ot only for philologists, but also for engineers, medical people, lawyers with the higher European education rite us about you, please (we are interes
s. We are able to fulfill your almost every requirement and have proper setup for every part of translation job for example: translation, typing, proof
emed clients following strengths as part of their reliable and trustworthy association: Absolute commitment to Timely Delivery, Assurance to meet t
for combinations of the following most demanded languages: fr, en, de, es, and it . If you are interested in working with us please read our require
advanced degrees in multiple academic fields as well as commanding the art of translation. The ability to write to and from another language requir
e always reviewed by an editor, who carefully compares the translation to the original text, refines the style and improves the grammar.
filling the complex requirements of the training industry. Our clients rely on us to adapt their content to be linguistically and culturally relevant for ea
n their home countries. Please email your CV to: [email protected], detailing your translation experience, qualifications, areas of expertise and
e employees. The core business is dedicated German and Slovenian to the translations and to interpret and make the job of lector for the language c
nk of Ukraine, Creditanstalt Bank (Austria), Raiffeisen-Bank (Austria), CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON, World Bank, OCSE, USAID, UNA, NATO, Soro
and process technology etc. Freelancers apply at:
s to the required standards. We can support all European and major non-European languages (Turkish to all other language and vice versa). Agents,
unmay ilke edinen Tureng, eviri ve aratrma hizmetleri alannda faaliyet gsteren bir firmadr. Tureng eviri ve Aratrma Hizmetleri, ngilizce, Fran
up contains 20 active translator members (Native Turkish Translators) in different expertise fields. Our group executes the undertaken jobs in home
uistic constraints and so to promote the success of our clients. Our translators, proofreaders, interpreters and teachers working in Hungary and abro
ate in grammar, syntax, and style. Large experience in medical translations. Rates are U$S 0.04 per word.
y. Using the latest technology they guarantee your project is done correctly and in a timely manner. This includes a state of the art document manag
the best possible quality level of all the translations. Our main area of specialization is legal, financial, technical, economical, medical texts contrac
n, Latvian < > Lithuanian and some others. In particular, their staff has huge experience in the translations of EU legislation.
rstndlich werden die Texte unserer Kunden aus einer Hand bersetzt. Die Einheitlichkeit der Terminologie ist ein Qualittsmerkmal unserer Arbeit.
es de idiomas, como francs, ingls, alemn, italiano, castellano, portugus, flamenco, sueco, dans, griego, ruso, japons, chino, etc.
UbriSoft help you reach new markets, whether in Spain or abroad. We focus on the end results so t
as been developed over 13 years, includes many International and Multi-National companies, a large number of which are household names. Transla
team is capable of carrying out the services as mentioned below: 1) Translation: Native level translation from Japanese to English and vice versa of
ghts to writing their company profile, financial reports, corporate brochures, commercial letters, speeches, policies and company statements. We wi
ments. When you need to take your business global, it is necessary to understand your client's language and culture. We make it possible for you to
You cant find any reliable source like our agency in those language pairs.
We will be with you till your work is ready for print. We will provid
th accurate and prompt translation services to ensure that corporations anywhere can access the information they need, when they need it in the la
communicate with the target markets in the language they speak and with the cultural values they share.
e, Information Technology, Localisation, Marketing/Publicity, Mathematics, Mechanics, Medicine, Metallurgy, Multimedia, Music, Nuclear, Politics, Psych
er who polishes the English part for combinations to English. We translate to/from EN - LV, DE - LV, EN - RU, SE - LV language groups. We use CAT to
. We have intimate knowledge of south asian life, culture and philosophy. Languages offered: English, Urdu, Farsi, Arabic, Hindi, Punjabi. Equipment
cated in India. Languages we are looking for: 1. Arabic 2. Dutch 3. Spanish 4. French 5. Italian 6. German 7. Portugese 8. Japanese 9. Chinese 10.
have consultants in all our fields of expertise, thus ensuring the accuracy of the terminology and of the translations.
che teksten in elke combinatie tussen de talen Nederlands, Engels, Duits, Frans, Spaans en Italiaans. Alleen moedertaal-vertalers. Standaard revisie
sh, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Yiddish. Proofreading of texts. Texts are proofread by n
using the latest technologies, a mission-critical e-commerce portal, a multilingual Content Management System (CMS), an online Learning Managem
anguages, a wide range of industry specializations and an international network of translators, viaLanguage is your resource for complete localizatio
nuals, research, academic papers, specialized documents, press essays, political, etc., and the URL texts.
ndi, Gujarathi, Urdu & English). In near future we are planning to add almost all Indian languages.
nclude a number of steps. We check the source text by a specialist to identify all its aspects and determine the best translator among our team of ve
Team: VisionTrans employs a wide range of specialists including language trainers, language evaluators, language materials developers, projec
s to be of service to you.
to ensure the accuracy, appropriateness, and quality of translations -- so you get the best value for your money. Since database of agency includes
ost versatile and professional individuals in the business, collectively with hundreds of years of experience in the UK and abroad. Lan
scientific, medical, corporate, audio or movie scripts, aviation, education, technical. Visit their web site and apply immediately!
dio, video, graphics and technical facilities which is, quite simply, unrivalled by any other company. Offices and associates in France, Germany, Spain
ises, and journalistic circulations covering manyareas; policy, economic, literature, religion, sports, humanities, and sciences. Plus to translation serv
alist linguists, Web-lingo offers general, technical and specialised translations to all kinds of businesses, such as professions of ICT (incl. UI/UA/UG),
pecialist, and respectful attitude, we build our name with our qualified works.
assigning teams of simultaneous interpreters to satisfy the specific requirements of both clients and subject matter. With our guidance, support and
cial Openings, Exhibitions, Seminars, Press Releases, Coctails, Business guides for all types of engagements, Full hospitality service for foreign busin
specific clients. Our area of expertise includes Automotive, Engineering, Software, ERP/HR/CRM/BI, Finance/Banking,Class Room Courseware & eLea
ost likely enable the translation bureau to find solutions even for the most exotic languages.
sted and qualified translators to join Wings in order to increase its member staff.
e years.
Apart from being professional linguists, our translators are also experts in fields such as computer science, literature, law, patent, finan
S Certificate in Translation which is suitable for novice translators. Focuses on practical translation training with subject areas typical to commercial t
reek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Kurdish, Lingala, Lithuanian, Mandarin, Nepali, Pashtu, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Se
s we know well. They include: West European: Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish. Oriental: Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Korea
i, Hungarian, Ibibio, Igbo, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Jula, Kongo, Korean, Krio, Kriol, Kurmanji, Latvian, Lingala, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay,
and knowledgeable linguists - experts in the fields of medical, scientific, high tech, financial, government, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, advertisin
s, working in both Europe and Latin America, enables company to take on each new project with the responsibility of offering products and services
es in a wide range of languages may have little or no control over the final product. By specializing in just three languages, we are able to put all our
r of one-stop shop translation and communication services worldwide in the most efficient and economic way for its customers.
e Language Services now employs over 1,000 freelance interpreters and translators to meet demand, serving in over 150 languages, a powerful netw
translations every day for business, governments and organizations around the globe. WorldLingo also has offices in Europe and Australia.
ue, Washington, WorldLink has been providing innovative translation and localization services to a growing list of customers since 1973. WorldLink pr
d that all of your interpreters are unavailable? Avoid the consequences of an improper diagnosis or dismissal of a non-English speaking patient due t
gy in their particular fields of expertise. While Worldwide specializes in arranging technical translations, translations of a more general nature are als
ield of GERMAN to English and English to German translations. Although the main domain of focus is technical translations, covering chiefly mechan
We have an online application form which must be completed by any translator or interpreter wishing to app
, Spanish) and CCJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean). We also handle Russian, Dutch, Port
an assist you.
Visite nuestra pgina web y realice consultas sin cargo. SUBJECT AREAS: Med
ack record in Web development, manual writing, and IR and CSR services. Please visit our website at to l
ll European languages, with an emphasis on the different 'flavours' or language variants pertaining to each country. They are always looking for high
ponsibility for your commitment, email us your resume and we'll be glad to work with you further!
hers, Hospitals, governmental Health Entities, Individual Health Care Providers, etc.
utsource some of your work, we would be interested in establishing long-term cooperation with your company.
umer electronics, office equipment, calculation and computing technology, medical equipment, measuring instrument technology, construction equip
e. Contextual and technical conversion of Web sites, software and online documentation into foreign languages and cultural idioms. Company employ
on leakage; Strict keeping of delivery terms of finished work; Processing large volume of texts in the shortest time possible; High linguistic quality a
esearch the subjects which they translate in order to give meaning to their translations. Also they should satisfy their customers with their meaning
ese, Italian, Slovak, Croatian, Japanese, Slovenian, Czech, Korean, Spanish, Danish, Latin, Swedish, Dutch, Lettish, Tartar, English, Lithuanian, Turk
orate, Institutional).
- French - Trad. Chinese - Scandinavian - etc., any pair. We only employ translators living in Turkey.
nd computer sciences, law- jurisprudence, forensic matters, commercial, scientific and technical literature of almost all kinds, manuals, tenders, broc
g freelancers, native speakers of English, German, French, Spanish, Polish and other European and Oriental languages.
elp you to manage your translation projects in unexperienced supreme quality or expand your business into the core markets in Asia. Now, you are
same time, the company does its utmost to ensure that the cost of this Quality System and of relying on the best translators has a minimal impact
Farsi, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish (Gaelic), Italian, Japanese, Kirghiz, Korean,
ter Manchester. This allows us to make a distinctive and substantial impact for our clients. We pride ourselves in providing excellent service for both
ds ranging from IT, telecom, energy and pharmaceuticals to business, finance and legal affairs. We are fully qualified in related local
e versa; Farsi => Dari, Farsi => English, Farsi => Hindi, Farsi => Punjabi, Farsi => Urdu and vice versa; Hindi => Dari, Hindi => English, Hindi =>
in more than 30 languages covering a wide range of fields such as architecture, engineering, mechanics, electromechanics, electric power, automobi
g of all translated texts guarantee that the quality of Bureaus services matches your high expectations. Translators apply at:
nian, Vietnamese, All Specialization : Working in a team is the guarantee for the high quality translations, which agency provides, with Canarians an
g Center (focused on language training programs). The Translation Team of A.B.C. Group of Companies contains more than 40 full-time qualified tran
nt, marketing materials, and technical and corporate documents in the following areas: sports, medical, mathematics, engineering, chemical industr
be at the cutting edge of language and communication services and technology development? Would you like to work in a young and stimulating en
speakers of the target languages available to assist their highly skilled translators if anything should not be clear. These same translators check the f
ofessionals, experts from various fields of science, consultants and linguists with considerable practical experience. If you already found our offer wo
s native language. This is a value-added service to the product or service you are trying to sell.
ect manager + interpretation project manager + permanent translators and interpreters + freelance translators and interpreters + systematic moni
rs, interpreters, desktop publishers, voice talents, writers, editors and transcribers.
ll other major languages. The company offers translation services under the following broad headings: commercial, financial, legal, literary, technica
pdate while guaranteeing quality, on-time delivery and complete satisfaction. Locations in Boston, Massachusetts and Seattle, Washington, with add
and prepared professional who are looking forward to offering high quality services and to establishing successful long-term business relationships. M
ooking for new team members that can offer high quality and good turnaround.
s over 600 qualified, experienced and native speakers. Covering over 150 languages. Using only professional and native linguists with at least 4 to 5
rgian German Greek Gujarati Gurkhali Hakkahausa Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Iberian Ibibio Icelandic Igbo Indonesian Irish Italian Japanese Kachin Ka
f translation we offer short Polish language courses to easy your business life in Poland. Years of experience made us one of the fo
mmodate your needs, the company is pleased to provide a complete range of personalized services. The company offer: On-site Classes, Private Less
acy and cultural issues, delivering Linguistically Correct Translations to ensure your success.
gineering (Ph.D. in data processing), 25 years of experience in translation, and 56 books translated to his credit. Recent clients inclu
rld provides same day quotes with competitive prices. Please visit our website at for more information.
dle large and small projects and unlike other Chinese translation agencies, we only promise what we can do. We are willing to provide free translatio
peration with you. We offer you all the projects related to target languages such as Bulgarian, Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, L
nguage. We carefully screen our language professionals to ensure that they have the right combination of education and industry experience to deli
nto Latvian and Russian from all European Union languages as well as Lithuanian, Estonian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Albanian, Norwegian, H
technology will work to expand your boundaries and offer you a world of possibilities.
encies in the USA, England, France, Poland, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Finland, Norway, the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Baltic St
al checker for Indian and foreign languages. We regularly cater to various national and international corporate including private sectors, government
s a full range of language services: written translations (on any topic with any combination of languages), interpreting, simultaneous interpreting, co
well-trained and reliable translators and interpreters. Translators with knowledge of rare languages or experienced in specialist fields may work for us
not need to pay any extra charges. We focus on translations of economic and legal documents, as well as translations of technical documents, espec
athering: Battleground.
al, financial, and technical documents for sectors such as automotive, banking and finance, advertising and marketing, travel and tourism. Alef to Ze
50 groups of graduates in translation as well university courses. We deal with around 12 international languages. holder of No.1 license from Palestin
ords per month, a modern and robust infrastructure, on-going investments in technology, as well as in research and market development, we have b
apanese cutomers to you by offering an integrated suite of Japanese services. Please go to our website or contact us to find how ALLON can be a key
terested in Translating : School Books; Student articles, thesis etc.; editing of the same; childrens books; prospectus; Bank Credit Agreements; Sal
the years Alpha has worked with many of the world's biggest IT companies. The language combinations the company offers are: English (US and U
CAT tool analogous to Trados, Passolo, Transit, Wordfast, Deja Vu, etc., which you can keep for yourself and/or even sell to others after paying for it
readers are in receipt of an accurate and well adapted reproduction of the original.
ators available locally and who are capable of translating in the major domains from the English into the Arabic language and to localize the translati
nced Team of Professional Translators and Interpreters; Use of Translation Memory Tools (TRADOS, SDLX, Star Transit) and Other Advanced Technolo
on services in almost any country. The company provides language translation, as well as website translation services. Virtually all the companys tra
n and translation. We also offer a variety of language services to help you penetrate overseas markets and succeed in international settings. Among
editors is made up of native North Americans and Mexicans with many years of experience who are strongly committed to the quality of their work
the art technology and a commitment to surpass your expectations, assure your satisfaction. You will not find a better team or a better price. Write
d linguists, we translate from and into every Spanish variant. Other language combinations are available (Portuguese, Italian, German, Dutch, Norw
he translation tool TRADOS, allowing them to provide you with translations of high quality and consistency. Their translators and collaborators all pos
web-based tools dedicated to translation and terminology management: Anthe@TMS and Anthe@Term.
web-based tools dedicated to translation and terminology management: Anthe@TMS and Anthe@Term.
web-based tools dedicated to translation and terminology management: Anthe@TMS and Anthe@Term.
e speakers of the target language. The company is used to complex documents. Translators, whenever necessary, are hand-picked experts in the sub
as a secure facility we adhere to all current standards and requirements for confidential documents. All our quotes are free of charg
chnical documentation (production, maintenance and user's manuals), contracts, tenders, business correspondence, reports.
nd Ministry of Interior. Areas covered: general economy, banking, insurance, legal, aviation,processing and converting industries, IT, scuba diving, pu
nslated into Polish. Main Clients:. Electrolux, Zanussi, AEG, Lavazza, Statoil, Moulinex, Sharp, Tefal, Segafredo, Osram, BP, CSCI, X-FAB and many ot
ve their mission and present precious happiness to their clients. Such partnership is what we are offering. We can provide a high-quality Arabic trans
ts, OECD, DVS, CBD, CEA, ECO, EEA, EMEA, ETH, EURONATURE, EZA, FIA, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, INTERNATIONAL IDEA Stockholm (Internationa
our translation services mainly, though not exclusively, through e-mail. Our mother tongue is Arabic but many translators on our team are fully bilin
3.0 , Alchemy Catalyst 5.0 (Developer Edition w/all plugins) and SDL Localization Suite Professional, For DTP we use Arabic version for Quark Page-
singly larger number of customers, while also earning their trust, thanks to more than 12 years of sector-specific experience, and absolute reliability
stomers, while also earning their trust, thanks to more than 12 years of sector-specific experience, and absolute reliability.
h the creation and utilisation of personalised glossaries and translation memories, offer important linguistic advantages (uniform terminology), econo
in order to meet the requirements of its international partners and achieve complete customer satisfaction. Building on accumulated knowledge and
amlines content deployment, and saves companies significant costs as part of an end-to-end localization solution. Localization costs are often reduce
ench<>Spanish, Portuguese<>Spanish, English <> French. We can handle important projects and use CAT tools. Our team is made up of 40 collabo
elance translators, and a client list with numerous global 1000 companies. All of these aspects combined have helped to distinguish Argos as the ex
, legal, industry, technology, computers, software, web, arts, humanities, social sciences, education, and fiction.
on of multi-lingual assignments. Reception and delivery in all common file formats. Focused consultancy with regard to different countries, cultures a
nguages in a way that permits the flow of business to continue uninterrupted. Arts & Letters offers the professional experience and services to ensu
tional specialist in multilingual software, web site, video game internationalization and localization, in 8 years they have taken over 50 products to co
2 hrs! Free proof-reading by an independent native speaker for Czech and Slovak translations! Ability to assign more translators for one project. Tra
truments,Dubbing and translations from audio tapes, video tapes and CD presentations.
er a wider range of languages we have developed alliances with single language vendors in other countries that follow our standard procedures.
tions, distribution and production strategies, A.R.I. has found it essential to have a structure of multi-disciplinary agencies organized around one com
in French, German, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish, European Spanish, and Dutch * translation of over 500,000 words for end
translation and localization and feel the difference between well managed service and unreliable or unstable individual translators.
ng technical and medical projects for them. Currently for our customers in Italy we translated User Manuals in pumping from English into Russian, a
ly to developments in markets and can meet even the most exacting requirements. The company has a modern infrastructure using the latest techn
entiality and competitive rates. Our database enables us to match specific subject to find Translators with appropriate subject knowledge for your tra
oof-readers and reviewers. The quality control system ensures that, whenever possible, a native speaker performs the translation into the target lan
nding commitment to quality and service. With considerable experience, Atlas can provide added value and a complete language solution. Atlas has
no, Loatian, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Marathi, Moldovan, Nepali, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak,
pean and Indian languages, and can take on work in a large array of language combinations and subject fields, for very competitive rates.
experienced, and translates only into his native language. Through the years Aviv Translations has garnered hundreds of satisfied clients from all w
s customers with its peculiar quality understanding. It had a respectful and challenging position in the market with its great successes in job quality
ltilingual communication. But our main languages are Arabic, English, French, Swedish. We are the producers of living translations.
hone), meetings, conferences, seminars. Guides-interpreters. Linguistic analysis of a name or trademark. "B&L Consulting" Translation Academy is t
rienced translators willing to provide a professional and responsible collaboration. Main Subject Areas: Cinema/Video (subtitling and scripts)Commun
meet the most challenging requirements for communicating online through websites in any language. It is the defacto standard agai
an, vietnamez.
working together with you to reach the people with whom you want to communicate. Full editing and proof-reading ensures the op
updating their own database of modern Estonian, including terminology and expressions not found in the standard dictionaries.
kienese (aka Amoy), Ga, Gaelic, Galician, Ganda, Georgian, German, Greek, Gujarati, Haitian Creole, Hebrew, Hindi, Hmong, Hungarian, Ibo, Iceland
om famous universities such as Qinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University and Shanghai Communication University etc. HYW has more
nputs. Each day, we can get at least 10 web pages localized (In case of urgency, the schedule can be further discussed). We will charge only USD0.0
s or companies by subcontracting.
Languages: From major languages like English, German, French, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Arabic, Russian
ry, mechanical industry, automobile, environmental protection, energy, chemical industry, etc.
ng skills. Basic understanding of programming languages is required as well as a perfect command of the source language. Collaborators should be
ranslation agencies besides direct clients. Web-sites they have translated: in French and Dutch, in Dutc
on to our software/hardware localization expertise, we have been a Korean language provider for the State Board of Equalization, Sate of California s
ages. QUOTATION: English to Chinese:$0.03-0.05 one source word, Japanese to Chines:$0.03-0.05 one source word, Korean to Chinese:$0.03-0.05
rovide the highest quality translations and interpreting services in an efficient, timely, and cost effective manner. By matching the talents of the mos
em and their customers. If you are a freelance translator, register at: Please do n
er you offer any services additional to translation, such as proofreading, interpreting or dtp. Please ensure you list any relevant qualifications. We on
arian Seminar for Subtitlers in Sofia and the development of the EZTitles subtitling software, which is selling well both in Bulgaria and abroad.
your bridge to the international business community. The company knows your market, and the company is sensitive to the cultural nuances among
We also offer subtitling services and we deliver 300 hours of programme every month into Slovenian and Croatian. We have a special programme to d
ations and are used to short deadlines and a very rapid turnaround of work. Our clients include: investment banks, engineering and chemical compa
om. Also indicate whether your translations are checked by another translator before they are sent to us.
cture and what you need to accomplish to get your project done right, with the end result being that your product is successfully ad
frican: Sepedi, Sesotho,Setswana, isiSwati, Tshivenda, Xitsonga, Afrikaans, English, isiNdebele, isiXhosa and isiZulu. Asian: Japanese, Chinese, Kore
quality, personalized services and competitive prices, we are capable in serving both MLVs and direct clients from all over the world. Languages we tr
be, especially in this day and age. I work to change this, to expand those boundaries, ultimately erasing them. I would like you to work with me in a
tailed process that includes the following: Analyzing source language in relation to the intended audience and target languages, Completing translat
anagement and quick turn around time. The experts at Braahmam have helped its clients meet their requirements in various areas
n diskette or paper, via fax, modem or e-mail in any standard layout. Agency is also proud to serve all your conference interpretation needs.
ur network of translators and interpreters are experienced professionals you can rely on to ensure accurate and culturally appropriate translations ea
se is the main languages we translate. Our advantage is our responsibility to quality. We provide a "try before you pay" policy. It is totally free!
n, Russian, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish. We also welcome polyglots and translators or proof-readers of new EU countries languages: Estonian, L
providing you with the best quality translations, to your delivery requirements and at a cost that is right for you. They also place high value of the o
are legally responsible for the linguistic and technical accuracy of our translations in every individual case. Translations are executed in according wit
. We translated chapters from eleven to sixteen. One of our flagship translations is a book entitled Warsaw Traveller, which was published by Thoma
interpreting and language training service in over 150 language combinations. We have experienced in-house translators for the common European
ors and interpreters combined with the simplicity and security of dealing with a company based in Cracow, Poland.
iency preferred...
Marcom materials for a wide range of customers specialized in new information and communication technologies.
a wide variety of languages (Over 40 Languages). 2. A wide range of fields of translation legal, medical, financial, marketing, technical and many
uarantee a translation at the highest stage. Mistakes and misunderstandings are avoided, the verbalism is perfect, language and country-specific fig
TP revisions, upgrading / downgrading as per our customers specifics. Technical writing, processing product presentation films, webinars and printin
e range of service offerings. The site also provides a set of useful links for translators and translation buyers.
ent languages and language variants. In addition, the company also translates large volumes into the main Asian languages, i.e. around 10 different
any concepts. Ccaps specializes in technical translation, software and web localization, translated content maintenance (online and offline) and multim
ate resources to deliver the best quality in the most reasonable lead time. We cherish quality the same as efficiency and never sacrifice quality for th
nd localisation specialist positions available. However, if you are a freelance translator or copy-editor and are interested in working with us, please se
e Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture and the Ministry of Economy and Labour. We do translations (sworn and standard) and in
n all global languages. They provide all commercial languages from or into English. They are mainly looking to work with translators in the US and C
download practical files, optimize your translation or your conference, home in on quality and be reassured on confidentiality. Fill in a form, if you ar
. Moreover, the webmaster has rallied over a glittering galaxy of stars, some of whom are winners of 1st Prize at the afore-mentioned Contest, other
or in staff. 2. Speed. Since we have access to a large network of translators and interpreters we are able to immediately match the best translator fo
ut for experienced, I.T. literate freelancers to join their rapidly growing team:
alization etc. In others words, we are able to serve you with fast, accurate and confidential translation of commercial, legal and technical documents
anslations of Chinese, Korean & Thai to English and vice versa. Interpretation assignments for Chinese & Korean to English and vice versa at your de
ons for a great variety of companies, institutes, and government organizations. Subject Areas: Translate from English to both Simplified and Traditio
e translator positions no longer accepted on continuous basis. Previously, they have regularly been accepting applications for freelance translator po
ng the highest possible standard of interpreting. In short, in selecting C.I.I. for your interpreting and translating needs, you will not only have acces
re always looking to work with professional and qualified translators within these market sectors - working in over 40 of the world's major languages
fices and potential enterprises. Propose the methods promotion ex-import. Study market. Introduce prestigious law company for collection, agreeme
nd a global network of 750 specialists, enabling corporations to communicate more effectively in their global markets. Through state-of-the-art lang
as a company providing publishing solutions for Arabic language, the mother tongue for ColorToon. Then, its activities were expanded to include all
most requested language, nonetheless, we work in a multitude of languages (European, Latin American, Asian, Middle Eastern, etc.) We also require
However, finding affordable quality translation services can be difficult. This is why we are committing ourselves to offering a first-class translation s
complete list of languages that we service please visit our site. Founded in 1996 by Mr. Salah Al Zein, a former instructor, translator and trainer ope
n, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, etc.). Expertise: the company is the leading financial communication translator: 5,000 releases and hundreds of annu
and Localization of software, web-sites, other products. Why Us: cultural awareness, client tailored solutions, working with TRADOS, native speakers
al translators living in the countries of the target language. We have a very good experience in helping various agencies in USA and Europe, when th
software related programs/files; also translated english subtitles to german subtitles of some movies like "What the bleep do we know" (quantum p
interpreting and voice-overs are our other services. Our clients include public and private companies, government agencies, convention centers, an
r references include translations in other areas, such as copywriting texts, bids, white papers, case studies, contracts and literary work (5 novels tot
work of more than 300 translators with advanced degrees in medicine, pharmacology, biology, business, marketing, law, engineering, finance and ch
Gujarati,Oriya, Bengali, Kashmiri, Kannada, Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, Urdu, Oriya, Sanskrit, Assamese, Punjabi and all other Indian Languages. Also
n these areas. Creer Corporation aims to provide a service second to none. With this goal in mind, it carries out regular staff training and is constant
erican Spanish.
uguese and the other way round also, but thus far most of our work is into Portuguese. We welcome translators/subtitlers from any language into Po
vestment, IT, engine, maritime, leather shoes, nuclear, printing, software, hardware, shipping, politics, Wireless Devices, transport, translation, proo
, which are the main obstacles in the implementation of any market expansion strategy globally.
s, localization of website, software and e-learning lessons also DTP which include FrameMaker file, Pagemaker file, Indesign file etc.
We have ov
h many specialties -- from engineering to medical -- working in many European and American languages, and managed for quality with ISO 9001-20
ause the speakers' intent, tone, cultural perspective and idiom is imparted along with their words. We provide a complete spectrum of communicatio
ng others. Translations tools and software: SDLX and TRADOS, Proficiency in Windows, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Acrobat Professional. DTP software:
he client, to ensure the translation's accuracy and comprehensibility and to ascertain there are no omitting, typing errors or other errors. To ensure
Hindi. We can also provide .wav file and MP3 files. We (husband + wife) ourselves are Punjabi (native) and Hindi (near native) translators with 18 ye
r complete turn key projects, specialized consulting and technical advise and support especially during the implementation phase. In
ine to tell us more at [email protected]. You can read about us and our great work at We think you'll find us pleasant to deal
hats what translation and transcreation are all about! Our mission is to provide high quality and accurate translation, transcreation/adaptation (creat
been involved in transnational projects in Europe and Middle East countries undertakes to complete and deliver its projects in a proper and timely ma
nge of services includes translation, localization, and quality assurance of technical documentation, specialized texts, software, multimedia, internet
edlichsten Fachbereichen, wie z. B. Recht, Medizin, Industrie, Wirtschaft und vielen anderen. Wir bieten auch beglaubigte (amtliche) bersetzungen a
ement. Our goal is to provide clients with the comprehensive language solutions, the best quality, and the premium customer servic
tance with your non-English speaking customers they can help you.
cters, without spaces, in the original text. Use our online calculator (above right on the homepage) or our [pricelist].
20, company is able to offer as little as 60. Translation of graphic materials, which is priced on an hourly basis, is charged at 30 per hour as oppos
rmanently located and living in Greece. Our translators have an excellent command of both languages concerned, and have translated a large volum
years of experience in all technical fields and translation tools, particularily in Computer science and Communications. Quotes are free and immedia
No matter where you come from, at the end of the day you want your content to be well understood a
ation experience for at least 7 years. We match each translation with the translator who has a specific strength and experience in tha
holands, usted necesitar a un profesional holands.Porqu nosotras?Aproveche la oportunidad de tener a una oficina en el pas de la lengua me
and product licensing; contractual dossiers; medical and scientific papers; product specifications; patient information leaflets; product labels and pac
e prices that are competitive for l10n business. Our Staff!! Our DTP specialists work on both PC and Mac with Word, FrameMaker, InDesign, QuarkXP
hures and promotional literature, product specifications, press releases, company publications, contracts, manuals, instructions and surveys. Comple
. We interpret at: business presentations, negotiations and the making of contracts; meetings and conferences of institutes, associations and clubs;
er of The Association of Language Companies, as well as the Localization Industry Standards Association.
relevant academic degrees, and professional translation experience, each living in their homeland countries. EGB Translations is a professional trans
in localization. In addition to translation service, E4NET can provide all types of localization works including DTP, Audio recording, v
as St Gobain, Thales, Siemens, IBM, and lOral. An official supplier to the European Commission and the European Parliament, East West Communi
nguage by somebody who speaks that language as a mother tonque. Because of this there will be a clear to read translation. Offcourse your text sh
y examination, they all have bachelor degree or above and are highly qualified experts with years of experience in translation and relevant industries
e (two main variations), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (American and British), Estonian, Finnish, Flemish, French, German, Georgian, Gree
ub-contractor database. Professional, Experienced Translators, Proofreaders, ML Publishing Specialists, and Software Engineers, who are interesting
assurance. We provide a 24 hour service, 7 days a week. Our freelance translators also work during weekends and evenings therefore reliability is as
n. We are here for your business to reduce work load, handle overflow projects, increase capacity, or just plain and simply to cut costs. So if you thin
we took part in translating websites, the basic one is Microsoft Office 2003 and many others for differents puroses in UK, Malaysia and Canada, plus t
calization projects need to be fully functional, error-free and cost-effective, and that is a top priority that requires speedy service and immediate acti
ddition, most of our translators are specialists in one or more subject areas and work types. Although this is not a requirement, Elanex classifies all t
s in the U.S., accurate translations will be one of the keys to making your business successful.
s and catalogues, user manuals, training handbooks, press releases, technical white papers, financial reports, presentation slides and other marketi
dlines. Our Company offers services in over 20 languages - translation, typesetting and interpreting for any client or purpose. We also offer services
es, Diplomas, Transcripts, Benefits& welfare, automotive and technical translations in general.
, Finance or Law and have former professional experience in corporate working environments. We specialise in Business and Financial Documents, C
produced using custom software capable of creating a range of fonts. Elrom's technicians meticulously prepare offline subtitles to synchronize perfec
, French, Norwegian and Arabic and cooperate gladly with other writers. So dont hesitate! Take a call or write a mail!
English to Czech, Czech to English, Slovakian to Hungarian, Hungarian to Slovakian, English to Slovakian, Slovakian to English, Hungarian to Roman
r Vietnamese translations and translation related services. Our primary goal as the leading Vietnamese Translators Network is to establish long term
and technical documentation. Commercial document translation. Website localization such as HTML translation, Flash files, CGI/Java/Perl translation,
and technical documentation. Commercial document translation. Website localization such as HTML translation, Flash files, CGI/Java/Perl translation,
cturers, software giants, reputed authors, listed Malaysian companies and top vendors worldwide.
tions. We attribute our companys success to the exceptional talents of our in-house employees and our freelance associates around the world. Wer
h ever area, economical, scientifical, technical, etc., you may need. Another asset to Eurbabel is its integration into Eurdesign, which allows you to t
olio of products and services that can be adapted to suit any budget, work plan, or deadline. Every product is tailored according to the individual clie
centres, where the languages are spoken!
nnate liking for communication. She was educated in France and has worked in Europe, Asia and the US. Euronet is member of the Hellenic Associa
ts, OECD, DVS, CBD, CEA, ECO, EEA, EMEA, ETH, EURONATURE, EZA, FIA, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, INTERNATIONAL IDEA Stockholm (Internationa
uctions and are very satisfied with the quality of our services but above with all our professionalism and our willingness to satisfy their needs. Our cli
translation and dubbing in French, German and English (with professional speakers/ actors) .
stoms. The companys task is to develop close and solid collaboration with the companys Clients and to satisfy their often very different requiremen
customised: client and project-based glossaries, translation memory, personalized language training, project management: multilingual work or larg
minating all possible faults of the translated text. We are proud to note that we have earned ISO Qualification on August 10th, 2005. Among translati
ce to corporate and government clients in the information technology, life sciences and financial industries. Microsoft, Hewlett-Packa
ho revise and edit incoming translations from our wide base of translators taking an effective Total Quality Management procedure according to the D
disch Portugiesisch Spanisch Trkisch Arabisch und Iranisch. Weitere Sprachen auf Anfrage.
Military Services, Industry, Sports, Telecom, Electronics (Manuals), Art/Literary, Marketing, Medical, Science.
ssian, Serbian, Serb-Croat, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tajik, Thai, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese
directly into source files(i.e. typographically modified files), thereby minimizing logistical problems and reducing overall costs. We are continuously re
ct and locally relevant. FG skillfully adapts products and content to the linguistic, technological, and experiential needs of varying international marke
strives to provide more personalized service tailored to each client. At FLTS, we understand the importance of committing to deadlines without hind
s a day (extendable, if pre-planned) ; Working experience in Japan and business experience with Japanese corporate clients. Software is our special
tion, done by skilled professionals with advanced degree who live in that country, understand the nuances of the language. The company can transla
requirement for any of their translator is to have a degree or equivalent. To apply to become a translator please e-mail them your CV.
ures, their constant research and their interdisciplinary work consulting experts from different fields. We are defined by the excellence of the service
ng, Consulting, & Testing. Our Major language combinations are: English>Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Greek, Turkish, Hebrew, Kurdish, English>Dari, Pashto
sation full command of grammar and finally the ability to recognize and use the target languages fine nuances and idioms, to play with words and
pen atmosphere, the company motivates the participants to be more active in the lessons. The company support learning with oral and written exer
e translations are performed in close cooperation with our clients and experts in the subject matter, chosen by the client or supplied by us, proofread
. References for each project are available upon request. Our company, GENUINE, s.r.o. (Ltd.) is based in Slovakia and is a part of the global networ
nical, financial, legal, medical, pharmaceutical, ecology, marketing, construction, and automotive industry texts among many others. GET IT offers a
d raised in Egypt, with first-hand knowledge about the Arabic language and culture. Nancy, my wife, was born in the U.S., and edits my English trans
re applications. The company combines detailed processes and technologies with the companys own sophisticated and specialized proprietary tools,
2005, Langua Tutor and Langua Translations have consolidated under one name, Global LT, Ltd. and moved to a new location in Troy, Michigan.
dited by organizations such as the ITI, ATA, SFT and the United Nations. All linguists pass a rigorous screening process and must prove relevant ind
by experts of the subject area. Global Trust may also be your partner in localisation services. The price for translation is: $0.03-$0.04 per word. Shou
rmenian, Azeri, Belarussian, Bengali, Bosnian, Serbo-Croat, Bulgarian, Burmese, Catalan, Chichewa, Chinese, (Simplified), Chinese, (Traditional), Cre
ompleted and delivered on time and according to your specifications. Our goal is not only to meet the needs of our clients, but to exceed their expec
h, French, German, Italian, Irish, Latin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish etc. Rates: USD 0.09 to USD 0.16 depending on volume, complexity
s in the world at a time when other companies were only starting to consider the use of language automation. On several occasions, we have saved
se, will also be of your benefit. We are an internet-based translations company and thanks to the low costs in that business form our rates are very r
n the translation of documents in the English and Spanish languages. They work with a group of more than 14 translators in Guatemala City, catego
een 0,03 and 0,14 per source word- depending on size of translation, format, language combination and deadline. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:
Arabic, Armenian, Assamese, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Far
message. Having analyzed the project, the project manager will select from Glyph's network of translation talent the professional whose experience,
ust and mutual benefit, G.I.C.C allies people with different languages in the world to reach trustful communication and cooperation.
lation services in a variety of language pairs. We are always willing to subcontract both interpreters and translators in various languages for interpr
We offer document Translation/Interpreting Services. We can translate between English, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, etc. High quality language trans
aints down to 0.1 - 0.15%. They have been helped to achieve this result by adhering to the principle generally accepted throughout the world of ass
s GS Translation to meet high-volume, tight deadline translation needs without detriment to accuracy and quality. Our team of in-house editors man
onal adopts the Japanese-style of management, organization and system to ensure Kaizen-based delivery of services and products to its clientele.
omprehensive, expert translation and language services to help people communicate with the world around them. They have successfully translated
oof reading and DTP projects are done with same precision. Hindi & Gujarati are dynamic & inventive languages, they flow in every region of world.
nslators, from all the Spanish speaking Latin American countries, and Spain. This allow us to provide precise translations, considering dialect terms, n
an, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish. Since 1991 HOROS has serviced more than 500 000 documents.
try, medical reports, Cvs. In order to achieve consistent translations the company use computer aided translation software (TRADOS), while the com
sia/ Norway/ U.S./ Japan/ France based companies. We have very good Infrastructure to execute huge volumes of translation assignments without a
, all of these services are reasonability priced for individuals and small business owners.
ations systems, electrical engineering and electronics, marketing and logistics, mechanical and automobile engineering. The company offer two diffe
nian, Latvian, Lithuanian, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Latin, Danish, Faeroe, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish, Bulgarian, Czec
e flow, from the smallest to the most extensive and complex jobs that require months of execution.
ion for texts in Spanish. External secretarial services for times in which your company has too much work or a lack of staff. From all types of admini
preters, in order to offer in a fast and professional manner, translation of any text of any language in the World. Clear and uncluttered tariffs: If a tra
talian, Maltese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Provencal, Albanian, Bulgarian, Czech, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Serbo-Croat
panding your language base, by adding the languages that you may not be having.
ivers (meetings at the airport, escort); technical and literary editing; and notary certification Our prices can be quite competitive in the internation
ngineering, International Trade & Relations and Marketing. Author of numerous featured articles published in The ATA Chronicle since 1995 and prof
dding special luster to your documents. We love what we do. So will you.
a. Our main areas of expertise are IT-Technology and business, but we also translate texts dealing with technology, medicine, law and culture, to nam
es using latest computers and software applications including Translation Memory Tools. Services offered: translation & globalization, pre-press/DTP,
staff with years of language experience in both the public and private sectors, along with state-of-the-art IT equipment. Our specia
result is a turnkey service aimed at the international market. INPRINTING's customers are business companies and public or private organizations th
and product packages. In September 2000, the London office - INTAC (U.K.) Ltd. - was established, to further expand our range of services and to
ntivi a richiesta.
diseados para ofrecer unos traductores profesionales, meticulosamente seleccionados, capaces de afrontar las diferentes tareas del negocio interna
aphics offers design and print management and can provide you with marketing-driven print collateral as well as strategic marketing
and project managers. As an Italian TC, we are specialized in translations from/into Italian, however all language combinations are offered. Looking
the link to our on-line voice talent database, where you can listen to demo samples of our voice talent. We also have a video editing facility in-hous
dent that we always guarantee them work of the highest possible quality. International Corner specialises in many areas, some of which are: - Softw
h--most dialects, German--most dialects, Greek, Gujarati, Haya, Hebrew, Hindi--most dialects, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Jamaican Creole, Japa
LS provides written translation services in more than 80 languages to hospitals, law firms, major businesses and associations.
ntimacy, immediate turnaround and any service a client may require, including special "first translation experience" advice.
the challenge of non-Roman letter based translation works like Japanese, Chinese and Korean.
e-commerce to e-learning, telecommunications to telemarketing and legal to financial, there is almost nothing written that ITS cannot translate.
ould like us to put you in our list of subcontractors for future projects? Please send in your resume and email us at [email protected] or fill
ons, upgrades, Website announcing service: They will announce your website on over 200 major search engines for $200.USd, additional language
page layout conflicts, match fonts, and meet output requirements. The company works with highly educated, native speaking, subject-matter specifi
maginable fields. Antecedentes: Competitive prices/rates, term/delivery date accomplishment, experience and high quality.
n, Japanese, Korean,Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese, Brazilian Portuguese.
met with optimum success and in a timely manner. This is our commitment to you.
alism, which continues to be enhanced today. Concerning the English to European and other Asian Language, we have set up a perfect translation n
Turkish and more. We employ a team of professional fully-fledged translators and interpreters, some of whom have been active in this highly specia
languages as evolved and expanded dramatically in today's society and it has become a major aspect in the development and interaction between b
ess of translating a text develops in several steps: the complete reading of the text before the beginning of the translation, the search for the specifi
o complete your translations. Iterotext goes far beyond its competition with capabilities that include:
nications, telecommunications, machinery, health care, community and technology. ITLanguage Services and it's team of professional interpreters, t
e translation systems (TRADOS), and Automatic Replacement System (ARS), the company increases the companys efficiency and lowers translation
ions: E-G, J-G-J, J-E-J, J-F-J If you are interested, please let them know and submit your cooperation proposal.
ith very compatible pricing and always meets your deadline. We can also translate Birth, Marriage, Divorce and all other certificates. We will also pro
hotel business centres, from NGOs to international organizations, from multinational companies to government institutions. For the last five years tw
di, Polish, Bulgarian, Finnish and many more. With more than 35 million people in the United States today who speak a language other than English
areas of expertise. We cooperate with freelance translators and native speakers all over the world. Depending on the type and kind of the source tex
ver, more urgent requests are handled, too. All our translations are performed exclusively by certified translators-native speakers with qualifications
n documents. Juriscribe's translators are capable of handling projects of all sizes, from simple contracts of a few pages to project financing documen
e of cost, quality and quick delivery. We have always stood apart from our competitors due to our capacity to integrate technology into the translatio
e target language.
ffice (Hongkong), ZTE Co. Ltd., Abbot Laboratory, PT Telkom, PT Danone, PT Asuransi Indonesia, The Indonesian Attorney General's Office, CMNP, Ra
of Alchemy Software Development products and an Exclusive Dealer of SDL desktop pro
nese is a complex and challenging task. Given the fact that Japanese is a "double byte" language, the Japanese translation is more difficult than with
nd printing. Their dynamic network of KERN language schools provides a full range of language courses for private clients, corporate and public orga
, surveys, invitations, newsletters; Web pages translation; Academic articles and papers, reviews, abstracts, course syllabi; Nursing articles, patient
help you build effective relationships around the world. Work with a service provider who can give your business a native touch in print, on the web,
onal translator's contribution in successful works in construction, engine, hydraulics, computer and engineering field as well as social sciences such a
look at the attached brochure for more information. Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be delig
s Russian-English.
formation about our services is available at Our translators are NATIVE only speakers with long experience in translation b
L2L Translators professional staff consists of specialized translation teams, proof-readers, linguists and editors. Each translation team has
nd until the proof-read, edited and deliverable product. We offer quality and punctuality at very competitive rates.
Lan Do & Associates, LLC translates pamphlets, protocol materials, brochures, and consent forms. We provide the finished product, formatted to th
02 & X3.
anish>english, portuguese>spanish, spanish>portuguese. antecedentes: nuestra empresa esta trabajando desde 1995, aunque varios aos antes y
anslation, design and development consulting, and global delivery services for all the training initiatives you take to multi-cultural audiences. If you a
conduct of business the general terms and conditions are mentioned below: 1. We are bound and will honour all communications between us via em
ders possess.
ver 100 languages. Language Matters can provide for all your translation, foreign language interpreter and sign language interprete
subject areas and languages. Translations may be undertaken by the company's in-house professionals or they may be allocated to freelance colleag
nish, Dutch, English (ESOL), French, German, Greek (modern), Japanese, Italian, Korean, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish a
ese Traditional, Ciluba, Creole-French, Creole-Haitian, Croatian, Czech, Damara, Danish, Dari, Dinka, Dogri, Dutch, Dzhongan, Ebra, English, Eskimo
s from around the world. After we help businesses identify the most appropriate translators, then customers and translators can communicate direct
des project managers, localization engineers, DTP and QA specialists. Our services include: Software and Web Localization, Technical Translation, Mu
antit qui prime, mais bel et bien la qualit ! En clair, il s'agit l d'un certain art de la traduction , qui n'exclut pas nanmoins le recours aux outils
This is achieved through a pool of highly specialised and accredited translators and interpreters. They are skilled and qualified linguists who translat
es Administration as an MBE, SBE, WBE, and DBE and a Corporate member of ATA and the Association of Language Companies.
me oil companies. Besides, one of our colleague is a sworn translator and interpreter in the Department of Military Justice in Cameroon. So our Agen
an, Russian, Japanese). Interpreters wanted: All freelancers are welcome to submit their resumes. They must be willing to travel to Malaysia and to
Fax abd scanner machine. ADSL connection to the Internet from all PCs. Operating system: Windows XP pro on all PCs. Microsoft Office 2000 on all
ts, OECD, DVS, CBD, CEA, ECO, EEA, EMEA, ETH, EURONATURE, EZA, FIA, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, INTERNATIONAL IDEA Stockholm (Internationa
e, Korean, Malay, Persian, Russian, Yiddish etc as the language used globally & Assamese, Arabic, Bengali, Kannada, Farsi, Gujarati, Hindi, Kashmiri,
publishing, and technical translation. Lemoine Internationals range of customers includes major global companies such as Hewlett-P
ny works with translation and localization tools and is able to deliver fast, reliable and cost-effective translation services. The rates range around U$
ry Specialties: Automotive, Banking, Toys, Medical Appliances, IT, Telecommunications, Economics, Finance, Health sector, Law, Mar
ritical translation, localization and software engineering services. These services include document translation, globalization for software and Web ap
and Montreal (southern shore, Brossard), and experienced EN-French translators for all our offices. We welcome applications from Europe. Canada
tecture, Agriculture, Advertising, Automotive Industry, Banking and Insurance, Business, Chemistry, Computer Science, Construction, Ecology, Econ
uct, service, and web site names. Lexpress naming projects have been as large as 72 languages, using 2 linguists per language, for 144 people on o
s from/into Russian. All modern European, Latin, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Chinese (traditional & simplified), Arabic, Farsi, Hindi, Bengali, Thai, Vie
Arabic, Hebrew, Korean, Thai, Japanese, Chinese and others. Translations are mainly performed from: English, German, Italian, French, Spanish.
ors, reviewers, proofreaders and editors from across the world. If you're interested in working for Lighthouse Translations, please send us your rate
ations was established in 1991 (as Language Lines) and successfully operated with an expanding client base. Since the new Millennium (January 1 2
tic articles, brochures and advertising texts., catalogs, business letters, faxes, e-mails, business reports, financial texts , marketing documentation,
with technical, electronic manuals and IT documentation. Our translators are specialized in various domains, such as IT, computer, electronics, teleco
Translation, English Korean Translation. Applications from freelance translators and interpreters are welcome.
st areas, in any language. Besides written translations, we offer proofreading, text revision, typing and language assistance over the telephone with
apture a larger market share. In addition to having a distinct advantage of being in a regional hub, Lingua Tech dutifully lives up to Singapores wides
their needs. We offer translation and interpretation services in several languages for any kind of service and/or documents. Some examples are: Fr
cally, according to the client's preference. Payment can be made online using a credit card, by bank transfer or cheque. All translations are subject to
tra queste lo sviluppo di strumenti interni per assisterci nella gestione di vari formati file, produzione di glossari e ottenimento di uniformit linguistic
y screened translation and interpreting professionals tested for subject and translation/interpreting expertise, who work in more than 115 foreign la
WEB LOCALISATION; 4) LANGUAGE TRAINING. Please visit our web site for more information and an application form.
Currently, Lion-Net provides localization, translation, DTP and technical writing services. We in Lion-Net aim to provide accurate translation services w
t (including scanner, laser printer, notebook, PCs etc.) and 4 telephone lines. Our staff includes 3 permanently employed Project Managers, an accou
an, - Amharic, Oromo, Tigrinya, Afrikaans, Swahili, Somali, Moroccan French. Specialization: Your Gateway to Translation and Documents, Services
are implemented by experienced engineers and language directors. The core languages we concentrate on here are German, English ( GB and US )
nish, Swedish, Russian, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and more.
re translated by native speakers of the target language and reviewed for accuracy and style by a second language professional specializing in a give
s cover variety of fields of translation, such as: IT Technical, Multimedia, Engineering/Automation, Medical, Hardware, Communications, Finance/Eco
opment needs and long-term collaboration that generates added value. We provide customized services to companies who market their products ab
ne wherever you are, whatever you do, whenever you need and any languages you use. If you have an important translation or interpretion assignm
ssaries approved by the clients; The proofreaders will randomly sample the translated draft to control the quality one to three times during the trans
provide competitive pricing, exceptional service and a fast turn around time. Pricing: Pricing varies from $0.03 to $0.15 per source word (depending
n particular, we are seeking to establish a firm working partnership with established translation suppliers and reviewers who can provide scalable tran
9001: 2001 certified) . Absolute respect of clients deadlines. Competitive prices. Excellent translation quality is guaranteed by our careful selection
the beginning of the translation, the search for the specific terms, the creation of a glossary, the consultation with the client in order to understand
and competitively priced services which are essential for the rapid growth of your company in the globalization era.
most languages and fields of expertise. The company specializes in technical translations, including localization, adapting a translation to its specific m
ndicate your education, fields of specialisation and price per word source text.
developed a training method and an approach toward client service which delivers entirely cost-effective training solutions for our customers. Our se
s in the software of your choice: PageMaker, FrameMaker, Quark, whatever your requirements. When you need a complete project-or just a translat
uch as Breton, Bulgarian, Catalan, Celtic Irish, Chinese, Creole, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Ice
n technical/engineering, legal, business/marketing and web site translations, localization and training. For more info, visit our web si
ble approach towards conference organizers and delegates over and beyond linguistic skills, translation equipment, multilingual document processing
t business requirements. Electronic data exchange for the most widely used word processing software packages. Need a German adaptation of your
acters, without spaces, in the original text. Use our online calculator (above right on the homepage) or our [pricelist].
ds of the language services industry, and fully endorses both ISO 9000 and ELISA protocols.
ungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian. Areas of translation expertise: E-Commerce, E-learning/computer gam
high quality language products that appeal to the target audience/readers. They only assign jobs to native speakers of the target language to assur
ts, OECD, DVS, CBD, CEA, ECO, EEA, EMEA, ETH, EURONATURE, EZA, FIA, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, INTERNATIONAL IDEA Stockholm (Internationa
ntenance of terminology databases), Planning and production of documentation (operating manuals, online help documents etc.).
Automotive, Biomedical, Electronics, Information technology, Pharmaceuticals, Semiconductors, Telecommunications, Metallurgy, Engineering, Trans
the current and future demands of a progressive life in the new world of language. Individual linguistic competency is a gateway to international m
meta<lang> solution is the priority we give the human element. It is of utmost importance to employ the best qualified and trained staff and combin
translators always translate into their native language. After translation is completed in the requested language, our editors and proofreaders carefu
stomer satisfaction their key. They always apply these ethics in every job, no matter how small, and try to provide their services with a personal tou
Somali, Swahili, Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Dari, Farsi, German, French.
ackle a big project. They also have a provision of team translators who work together for newer projects in our field, e.g. microsoft, cell-phones, an
ch-spanish-german. Fast delivery by e-mail, express courier or fax. Interpreting service: in addition to translations, the team offers simultaneous, c
egal, advertising and marketing, which allow us to cover all of our customers' needs. Our guarantees are: quality to meet your needs, respect for de
al medical fields and thus we have divided the translators into different translation groups according to their majors. In this way, we can assure you
d a friendly working relationship these are our strengths. Please apply to us on using the online form and the keyword "translation
Macintosh, Philips, Intermec Technology; Easysoft, Mirnah, Barcode Gulf and many more. We have dedicated highly qualified department for all kinds
nslation software is called Fortis. Their clients include Dell Computers, QLogic, Procter & Gamble, and other Fortune 500 companies.
years as Executive Director of the Russian branch of one of worlds top-five translation companies. All project managers have at least 5 years experie
We certify and notarize our translations at customer's request and deliver them by courier service or priority mail.
ng translations from Ethiopian local languages (Amharic, Oromiffa (Afan Oromo), Tigrinya, Gurage, Afar and Somali) into international languages (En
veral tried-and-tested tools and techniques into test processes. Our services cater to: software products (CAD/CAM/CAE & Engineering collaboration
ish. Freelance translators: As a fast growing company, we are continuously looking to expand our global network. Please check Recruitment section
ur website and reach key new markets. The companys expertise and specialization in large scale corporate website translations will give your enterp
translators and have a cost-effective, proven virtual offshore delivery model for translations.
ted, in-house and freelance translators, NK Businesscenter offers its clients a quality translation service at fair prices. Our head office is located in S
typically taught in a business school. We also do some technical translations, but in a limited number of fields: documents dealing with dental produ
e either certified, authorized, or qualified either through DSHS Language Interpreter Services and Translations (LIST), the American Translators Asso
high quality accompanied with technically accurate and culturally appropriate translations, NILW always prefers having the translated texts proofrea
ex will work with you to create a customized technical translation solution containing the following elements: Project Management, Linguistic Service
as a bridge, which helps partners bring a project to a successful conclusion. We realise that your businesss image is a reflection of the quality of ou
$0.02 0.05 per word of source text. Review: $0.02 0.04 per word of source text. Free test translation.
oursework. Finally we pride ourselves on our exclusive failsafe. All projects are proofread for readability and correctness by me, owner and chief tran
ural, legal, financial, insurance, scientific, medical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, commercial, publishing, literary, publicity, artistic, food, tourist. We han
s, and computer literacy, the company's translators produce target language documents that communicate your message accurately and clearly wit
nd interpreters, all of whom have higher linguistic education and many of whom are native speakers. Managers: Paul John TIBBENHAM, director; Ale
Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovakian, Polish, Romanian, Albanian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Spanish, P
dvantage at competitive Indian rates if your services or products need to be localized, or if your business representatives should need interpreting s
nd localisation.
lex process of creating global communications materials while achieving the highest possible quality. Services include concept development design
and translation software (computer aided translation tools SDLX, Trados, Star Transit), and have experience in translating a wide range of banking, in
ers, but also to launch, monitor and manage highly complex projects. Translations into Englsih, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Flemmish, Portuges
lo, Italiano => Tedesco, Italiano => Francese, Italiano => Portoghese, Italiano => Maltese, Italiano => Polacco, Maltese => Inglese, Portoghese =
utions in these areas. Their interaction has been polished for several years and now lets us represent a dynamic, well-coordinated and efficient team
gentina, the United States and certain European countries. By working with Castilian Spanish linguists we guarantee we can provide
bstantive editing, copywriting, and proofreading in English and Spanish. Consulting Services include literature evaluation and transla
hysicist also covering electronics and computer science. The remaining staff are paralegal patent and trade mark administrators, who are translators
hnical materials from a number of other languages, including Italian, Dutch, Russian, Korean, Chinese, etc. We have been in business since 1987 and
ranslators and revised by people with qualifications in law - this was after all where the company started out. The company can translate affidavits,
verification of translation accuracy, we offer functionality testing and compatibility testing on operating systems used in the target markets. We offer
e during these eight years. We specialize in Indonesian (bahasa Indonesia), English, Malay, Japanese and Tatun. We would welcome any translation
f Ojibway cultural consulting and translation services (more aboriginal languages will be provided in the future)
sh and vice versa) of: Engineering projects (Eng. dwgs in AutoCAD, Microstation, etcs.); PPT presentations & all type of Technical/Non- technical/ le
rs with ATA and TAC certificates, and some have been certified by the United Nations, the United States Department of State as professional langua
tion. Phillips Noble has the facilities of providing typesetting and printing services. Information can be sent and received electronically and finished d
rget markets. We streamline your language projects and improve your return on investment by ensuring immediate responsiveness, using an efficie
rean to English: hundreds of technical & patent specifications for filing applications in foreign countries (semiconductor, LCD, telecommunication, etc
5. Two Samples of work 6. Two latest references including company names, e-mail and telephone number. Their web sites addresses are a plus but
s and intermediaries. Our aim is to ensure all of our projects are delivered on time, on budget and with the highest measures of quality. The last soft
Group provides a full range of services (including script translation, talent casting and coordination, subtitling, project managemen
any offers FREE QUOTES on all projects. By employing a language company of highly skilled and educated specialists in information technology, law,
ator is. Don't hesitate to contact as you are looking for partner or a service supllier in Bucharest, Romania.
traditional), Creole, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Farsi, Finissh, French, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hmong, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian,
custom browser-accessible data transfer site available for large or sensitive documents. WBENC, MNCERT cert.; CCR, SBA, Ariba Supplier registry.
f engineers, computer experts, economists, lawyers, doctors, journalists and linguists. At PREM DAN, their total quality translation system guarantee
firms, promotional agencies, and law firms. PRESTO is a comprehensive translation and interpreting service specializing in: prospectuses, catalogue
s assigned to your project. In this way the language of your finished translation will sound as the language of a native speaker of the country you ch
Our guiding principles: QUALITY Highly qualified translators team - Quality Assurance The materials that we handle, which are translated exclusively
matter in the localization industry. We have successfully managed business-critical products for leading software and hardware companies including S
lators are accredited and have extensive experience in the specific subject fields their clients need such as automotive, technical, biomedical, pharm
across more than twenty countries, including Great Britain, Germany, India, USA, France, Israel, Italy, Spain. Our team is built of translators, proo
ration with the skilled translators and interpreters. Submit your resume to the following e-mail address: [email protected] or fill in the ques
ent is based on constant improvement of quality and increase of the package of provided services, making our service available to a wide range of c
in Russia. Every translation work is made by a translator that is both an excellent linguist and a professional in the area of the material of translatio
UK), Estonian, Farsi, French (Canadian/European), Georgian, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Latvian, Lithuania
ts with university degrees. Quality control is in the hands of experienced university professors who are active in the training of translators and interp
and conditions, court judgments, witness statements, provisions and regulations of mainland China. Finance: annual reports, stock offer documents
rican), Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese. Our translators are experienced, qualified, and excel in the industry. We offer free quotes, returned to our cus
related documents. ProTranslations' focus is to build long-term partnerships with client businesses. This way, the translators can focus on your spec
nted, electronic, online. Services are performed in company offices using the state-of-the-art computer equipment, most up-to-date translation tool
s for all language combinations. You can send your CV with a cover letter to [email protected]
PTIGlobal is committed to developing ongoing, long-term partnerships with our clients. This commitment mandates a dedication to personal service,
nd localization needs. Originally established to meet the needs of Publicis Blueprint's international publishing clients, we have provided managed lan
ervices include the localization of online help, operating manuals, newsletters, dialog boxes, user interface text and all user documentations. We are
municate correctly and professionally, regardless of the channel or media you choose: Translation - To and from Spanish; sworn translations. Transla
he heart of NGO territory on bustling Street 63 and catering to a range of international, government, business and domestic customers, PYRAMIDs
companies of various countries and regions. Presently, our clients have covered over twenty countries and regions of the world, and our cooperators
s and native-born testers to verify translations. Our native speakers are uniquely qualified to evaluate the translation in a cultural co
a team of fully qualified and experienced translators, all of whom are genuine experts in their chosen fields, and who work exclusively in their moth
g and found online at Company has 13 years experience in Localization as follows: Lotus Dublin: 6 years as Localizatio
opportunities in multilingual typesetting, design and printing for all of your client's international marketing needs. And, frequently, providing these "
mized services to our clients. Our objective is to build long-term relationships with our customers through a highly professional approach and willing
osts are low, are prices are highly competitive on an international level. Reference letters from satisfied clients and translator CVs are available upon
ns Technical and Engineering Translation Group and Medical and Pharmaceutical Translation Group. Both groups provide a full range of translation
d to assist your personnel perform better in English and guarantee that the documents you or your company produce are of the high
qualified, certified, and experienced professionals at every stage of the process. Integrated content authoring, translation, editing, p
nslation Body such as the Institute of Translation & Interpreting. A certain level of experience in the field of translation is preferred. Please email you
egistered with the Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations of the Province of British Columbia, Canada.
gn non-disclosure agreements with you. Full range of translation services, including project correspondence, standards and specifications, presentat
45 per 1000 words.
We can also arrange for the legal translation to be authenticated by an official notary, as may be required by certain auth
rs have been with company for some time, they are all natives of the language that they specialize in, coupled with the fact that they are all highly q
Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese-Spanish, German-Spanish. Localization from European or Latin American to Mexican Spanish .
re localization. Going beyond language translation services and delivering a powerful global communication technology, Sajan also offers an experie
ubject matter in the localization industry. We have successfully managed business-critical products for leading software and hardware companies inc
around times.
entas informticas ms avanzadas (software CAT), que nos permiten trabajar con mayor eficiencia y calidad. Nuestro equipo cuenta con traductores
of Localized Software and Documentation, Glossary Creation, Consulting & Software Feasibility studies for Arabization.
rs experience of working both with French and English and am skilled in text revision. Specialisms: Business, Media, Advertising, Tourism, Humanitie
of a business, legal and technical nature. The company offers high-quality translations in over 20 languages. Thanks to our highly competent team o
erformance of services supplied, differentiate the company from its competitors in the disparate industry of translation. We believe in offering the be
aff. They are expanding their network of freelancers and are looking for well qualified translators/interpreters, coming from different language backg
wide range of industries. More than 2,000 experienced translators and interpreters of all industries and different languages make up of their talent ta
e and part-time, who exclusively interrupt and translate various individual languages, most of them are professionals of the field wit
papers. We will service our clients with technological superiority, proper pricing and speed delivery in 40 foreign or domestic minority languages as w
ced translator or interpreter looking to join a high-caliber team, please contact our HR department.
anslation services in more than 100 languages through international cooperation. To let clients know the quality of our translation, wed like to offer
ness, law, published books, software localization, website and multimedia localization, DTP, and simultaneous and general interpretation. We also lea
lines for all orders from our clients. We will satisfy your needs. Please find below our language combinations for translation services. Our areas of ex
l barriers dealing. We offer a reliable translation for personal and business documents with a competitive pricing (No minimum Charge) with Precise
cs can take on the most complex localization projects and meet demanding release schedules. Sinometrics enables you to deliver international produ
n. Rapid turnaround. Extensive DTP facilities and a wide range of file formats. Use of TRADOS translation memory solutions. Top quality at competitiv
nglish translators. No outdated language is acceptable in the such high speed era.
ugh our secure internet site, email, fax, or registered mail. SlovoPol Group LLC was established in 2006 as a low-cost source of professional translat
make a positive impact - working very closely with each client to provide effective solutions using leading edge technologies and superior resources
ce in our office and using our 20 years of translation experience. We will be proud of giving translation service to you.
kets. We translate and edit specialized texts in different fields. We work with texts in Spanish, English, Portuguese, French, Italian, German and Heb
quirements of our clients. Apart from our legal database product APIS-SOFITA BG LAW (see
We would like an opportunity to provide you with expert translation in the fields of: A
pany, we have many years of experience in the world of translation and localization. We still firmly believe in providing a flexible, high-quality translat
al procedures allow us to offer, not only the technical/linguistic services that constitute our core business, but also tailor-made solutions aimed at off
porate clients who have been delivering to us many projects during a year are qualified for large discounts. 6. We have efficient project managemen
es makes it possible for us to provide high-quality translation services for the whole of Estonia. One of our main targets is uncovering and taking adv
t service suppliers. During these years sowabusiness services has been cooperating with many foreign translation agencies, which have contributed t
most natural-sounding for the target market. This differs greatly from translations produced by professionals who reside in the U.S. and whose Spani
. Payment must be verified prior to performing job, and will be processed promptly following completion of assignment. Will gladly answer any que
ation tools, ensuring our commitment to quality and service. They specialize in the translation, editing and revision of technical texts in most major l
field and the professional experience you have had up to now.
ur current capacity exceeds 6 million words per year. We supply translations to many sectors including the following: Automotive, Computing, Teleco
tner for QA and testing. Language Specialties: EMEA, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese and others.
: Translation of Business Documents: Accounting Records, Annual and Quarterly Reports, Articles of Incorporation, Auditor Logs, Contracts, Feasibilit
African and European languages: Afrikaans, Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Amharic, Azerbaijani, Basque, Brazilian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Cata
that we can guarantee stability and continuity in the service and support we provide to our partners, in keeping with the high standards of reliability
software localization). We professionally translate Internet sites, diagnostic systems, software localization, IT documentation, product manuals and u
k, Turkish, Hebrew, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Korean, Farsi, Arabic, Hindi, Urdu etc.
onal Org/Dev/Coop, Law (general), Management, Printing & Publishing, Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc., Tourism & Travel.
banian, Amharic, Armenian, Bengali, Khmer, Punjabi, Tamil and others. Freelancers are welcome to submit CV to: [email protected]
desktop publishing, and other tasks necessary to create a local version of software, website, multimedia or printed documentation. Established in 19
e guarantee. Deadlines: Clients always get the work on time. Professionalism: All our employees are highly professional and experts in their fields. C
y is a member of FEDER.CEN.TR.I, an association of over 150 language centers located throughout Italy, which is in turn a member of EUATC, the Eu
f English > Italian translation and technical expertise enables us to offer you an excellent quality product at a very competitive price in accordance w
te areas, without losing sight of the company's core competencies in automotive engineering, manufacturing and automation, electronics, informatio
& Software experts, who are well versed in the following softwares: PageMaker, Framemaker, Indesign, QuarkXpress, and CorelDraw, and Adobe Ac
are always working to bring down costs and pass these benefits onto their clients.
(equipment) -Health and safety Energy -Automotive & Aviation -Natural resources (environment, water engineering, irrigation). The team is quite
WAN Foreign Language Studio offers full-scale translational services referring to translations from Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian into: English, German, I
. We would also like to invite your kind attention towards our Marketing services. As you know there are lots and lots of Multinational Companies and
n European languages. They welcome language experts to join Synergie. Our references: Clients: Johnson & Johnson; Bayer Healthcare; Osim; ABN
Audio Transcription, Multilingual Typesetting, Multilingual Desktop Publishing, Software Localization, Prepress, Multilingual Website Localization, Web
h-quality product which can be easily read and understood by a target audience.
world and the Middle East. With over 750 multi-disciplinary professionals, working out of 50 offices across Asia, Africa, Europe and North America, T
directorates and private companies.
China has been authorized as translation and interpretation service vendor by many five-star hotels, consulates, governmental units and multinatio
tish people with a no-fail mentality, finding out solutions in a flexible, but reliable way.
y be. Company's rigorous system of quality control ensures the coherence and precision of all translations before delivery to the clients.
nd the companys business is growing strongly. The company translates patents for clients in Europe, the USA, Asia, and Japan. The companys reg
ts, OECD, DVS, CBD, CEA, ECO, EEA, EMEA, ETH, EURONATURE, EZA, FIA, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, INTERNATIONAL IDEA Stockholm (Internationa
ort translation test. On successful evaluation, you will be added to their select group of linguists. Please contact Supriya Devnani at supriya@indianla
nd events in Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and of course other Balkan and Black Sea conturies. With having knowledge and experience of supply
eet the needs of the state government and its employees, the business community, foreign language educators, and the public at large.
e to produce a document with the appropriate meaning in the target language, using only correct and relevant terminology. This is the philosophy b
fread all our translated projects. We have the ability to deliver you top quality work and provide high volume services while meeting strict deadlines.
nars) for specialists und scientists from Slovakia and abroad. In 1998 the company was taken over by son, Mgr. Milos Kucik, and since that time the
pecialist knowledge a language service handling challenging commercial, legal, financial and technical texts needs.
n languages. Our mottos are accuracy, reliability, quality, flexibility and not pricy. Our customers are, among others, Siemens, Dictap
to Thai, Loas to Thai, Indonesian to Thai, Persian to Thai, Dutch to Thai. We also provide interpreters in various languages in Thailand.
provide simultaneous translations by phone or in-person for individuals and groups alike. Additionally, the Accurate Translator provides voice service
UPS works with text, we are able to apply four different validation processes to ensure error-free translations: checking, proof-reading, top-editing a
into foreign languages. In addition, TLD is working with corporations in translating their web sites to foster cultural sensitivity and improve accesibil
: Software localization and technical translation to IT and Telecommunications companies Localization and translation services to Life Sciences organ
cial statements, training manuals, e-learning courses, web sites, medical journals, software, policy and procedure handbooks, newsletters and much
antees premium quality language solutions geared to the target market's specific mentality. Whatever your need - translation to all European langua
fields of IT, Marketing and Website Localisation. By demanding the highest standards from native employees Think'Z is able to guarantee clients top
es are flexible, but do depend on the length of the text. On average you can reckon with about 5-10 pages (about 1250-2500 words or 125-250 stan
documents from Thai into English, Chinese, Japanese and vice versa. Our translation covers a wide range of documents from business contracts, us
deotape; does away with all shipping costs and customs delays; generates a more efficient end result; with matched language versions, in any form
nsform it into any language. Complete turnkey operation. Agency can produce a new video, audio or CBT (computer base training) production for yo
ite design partners, the company can build, host and maintain your web site. If your customer base is international, your customer loyalty magazine
experience in composing and recording music and sound effects to suit any of your projects. They'll produce your recordings in the file type, compre
e is running at 25% p.a. We look forward to working with you in the future.
, Canon, Samsung, LG Electronics and other major companies. And we have extensive experience in localization of websites, manual and other proj
pposite mother tongue, assisted by continuously up-dated glossaries where necessary. Over the last nine years they have increased the number of t
Engineering. We translate from English, French and German into Spanish and Catalan. Furthermore, we do other non-linguistic tasks, such as deskt
ecause We know what we are doing. Our company supports translation to and from English, Italian, Romanian of text and Web pages.
eenplays, Catalogues, Technical Reports, Advertising Copy etc. Do you already work on a concrete project? We will advise you of all the possibilities
od knowledge of the languages country of origin and especially, a vast dominion of the language into which it is being translated. This will always be
do por nuestros clientes es eficientemente distribuido de acuerdo a la disponibilidad, la especializacin del contenido y los recursos de nuestro ampl
sian. Dja vu, Trados and SDL regular users. Moreover, we are also specialised in desktop publishing both in our neighbour languages and double bit
To satisfy the demands of an ever-changing market, we are constantly updating our database of
accurate translations to Fortune 500 companies and others nationwide. Another is their ability to offer an unprecedented level of service in terms o
mechanical, electrical, electronic, software). Our scientists have a thorough knowledge of the target languages and follow a procedure of continuou
service and workmanship for each and every project under their supervision.
ne, chemistry, law, multimedia, public relations, and many more. If you are a qualified freelance translator, you are invited to apply for registration i
e a great advantage in being able to offer our services worldwide and are delighted to say that we have managed to win the trust and appreciation o
ommitted to provide enhanced value addition for International economic competitiveness. Quality and cost-represents a major challenge for each org
ites in choosing the right translator and/or interpreter to represent our clients, ETHICS and being a Team Player is a MUST! Our clients include: Walt
nance of continuous contact with the client to ensure the best possible results. The office has a wealth of translating experience in different fields, in
are, DTP, subtitling, voice-over and transcription), motion graphics and graphic design.
so carry out work from Italian to Maltese and vice-versa and general French - Maltese and German - Maltese. They are seriously committed to confid
fication in 1996.
n agency can do business and satisfy some customers by focusing only on price or lead times. At Translantic Communications the company prefers t
teous service, and last but not least, ensuring that our staff receive on-time and just compensation.
und Erfahrung!
eek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hmong, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Khmer, Korean, Kyrgyz, Lao, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, M
All languages are our native language. We offer the best prices in the Market of Agency a
ons. They require an outstanding knowledge of grammar in your native language and the ability to deliver jobs on time. Software: Windows XP, Ado
an. Thanks to our long experience (our company was established in 1993), rigorous quality control process, large database of experienced translato
of top graduate students. All translators have advanced degree in the subject area requested. The Translation Center also provides t
e language connoisseurs will correct the already translated material and redact it. Our Translators Bureau will render a service of language accompan
nish, Swedish, Norwegian, English, German, French, Spanish and Italian. Furthermore, we are members of an international network which enables u
nguage and subject. From the time we had entered this service sector 8 years back, an eye for detail, stringent quality checks and the willingness t
project manager, long term oriented (Vs one shots), 4 years of experience in translation, 7 years in conference interpretation, competitive rates.
anslation Ones translators work exclusively into their own mother tongue and are matched to projects according to their particular areas of expertis
tourism. A working knowledge of any translation memory will be valued as well as experience in translating web pages using the latest programmes
me faster, increasing customer satisfaction. You can sell more without having to go through the costs and problems of hiring new employees. Visit us
blications. We are ready to assist you during your stay in Ukraine with our best simultaneous and consecutive interpreters, our managerial staff will
ovide have passed through our 3-step quality process to make sure that they have the appropriate terminology, nuances and style,
ides consulting in Multilingual Terminology, Content and Knowledge management. We are experts in the efficient use of databases to manage your
fit into another language. The exact meaning of the source text can only be translated accurately if the translator has a perfect understanding and
ns are of the highest quality. We can translate and convert all current Macintosh and PC formats.
cer in our Translation Agency please forward a current and comprehensive resume or CV with a covering letter stating your area of interest to: biuro
ors and proofreaders. If you are a freelance translator looking for work, please read their information for freelance translators at:
ors and proofreaders. If you are a freelance translator looking for work, please read their information for freelance translators at:
total of more than 30 languages and more than 100 language pairs.
ultaneous interpreting at conferences, symposia, seminars with teams of interpreters and the necessary interpreting and sound equipment. Consec
an rest assured that TransLite, with its staffs expertise and the technology incorporated to its methods, can provide a high quality standard.
CorelDraw, MS Word, MS Publisher. Background: Transmart is an integrated solution provider offering you wide range of high quality localization and
s a regional leader in Website Localization, Software Localization, Automotive, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Telecommunication, Machinery, E-Learning,
s about you, please (we are interested in your level of education, working experience, sphere of interests...). Our address is [email protected]. At
example: translation, typing, proofreading, editing, evaluation and formatting etc. We are highly quality and time conscious company.
mely Delivery, Assurance to meet the Quality Standards, Above all, unmatched Cost-Effectiveness. They can offer you Translation and Transcription
king with us please read our requirements and conditions and submit the Registration Form at:
o and from another language requires experience, understanding, research and an innate knowledge. We provide cost-effective and timely delivered
stically and culturally relevant for each market they do business in. They include SkillSoft, Knowledgepool, DigitalThink, Microsoft, Symantec, Epic pl
ualifications, areas of expertise and current rates. More employment details at:
the job of lector for the language couple. We can offer or arrange as required also other language combinations by free employees, only legally swo
nk, OCSE, USAID, UNA, NATO, Soros-Fond, Tacis, etc. Since 1993, we performed a huge scope of work and established relations with many clients in
r language and vice versa). Agents, representatives, distributors needed Tunca Translation Service Turkey Company is seeking agents, representativ
Aratrma Hizmetleri, ngilizce, Franszca, Almanca ve spanyolca bata olmak zere hemen her dilde belge, internet ve yazlm uygulamalar alannd
ecutes the undertaken jobs in home offices especially. We have an internet-based network of workstations, our members perform translation jobs in
achers working in Hungary and abroad have business experience as well as high educational standards. Both qualities are of the highest importance
s a state of the art document management system and the latest translation assistance software. they translate in over 100 different languages and
economical, medical texts contracts, memorandums, laws, bid documents, official announcements, financial reports, theses, official speeches etc. O
U legislation.
We focus on the end results so that we can deliver the greatest return on your IT investment. We take pride on your success.
which are household names. Translation is undertaken of manuals etc. of all types, relating to the oil and gas industry, agricultural equipment, packa
panese to English and vice versa of technical and non technical documents in various fields like software, mechanical, electrical, electronics, chemica
es and company statements. We will also offer less complex interpreting and translating services to private customers. In all our dealings we will gua
ure. We make it possible for you to communicate with your associates and clients in their language and show them that you value their business cult
ork is ready for print. We will provide more than 3 proof read upon your request at different level of work without any extra charge.
media, Music, Nuclear, Politics, Psychology, Testing, Science, General Technical, Telecommunications, General Texts, Tourism.
LV language groups. We use CAT tools (Trados, SDLX, Star Transit and RCWintrans) and our rate is around 0.04 0.06 Euros per source word depe
, Arabic, Hindi, Punjabi. Equipment and Resources: Inpage (Urdu Software), Acrobate reader/writer, Email and Fax access, Internet access, and Dict
rtugese 8. Japanese 9. Chinese 10. Canadian French 11. Greek 12. Swedish 13. Norwegian 14. Finnish 15. Polish 16. Bulgarian 17. Croatian 18. Cze
dertaal-vertalers. Standaard revisie door 2de vertaler. Deutsch: Spezialisiert in der bersetzung von juristischen, kommerziellen und technischen Do
ng of texts. Texts are proofread by native-speaking editors; Validation of translations with translators signatures and/or at the notarys office; Interp
(CMS), an online Learning Management System (LMS), customer relationship management (CRM) system or a conference that requires simultaneou
est translator among our team of very highly selected translators, some of whom are university staff or native speakers of languages other than Ara
nguage materials developers, project managers, translators, interpreters, editors, proofreaders, programmers, network and communication specialis
. Since database of agency includes translators for over 120 languages, agency can translate your documents into or from almost any desired langu
rience in the UK and abroad. Language Specialties: All major languages worldwide. Industry Specialties: Voiceover agency and voice
ssociates in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Egypt, Israel and the United States. Permanent staff of in-house linguists cove
nd sciences. Plus to translation service,Wathaek provides clients with proofreading and editing services raising a slogan "ready for print". Language
professions of ICT (incl. UI/UA/UG), Engineering, Law or E-commerce, Advertising or Construction, Health Care, Medicine, Research or Telecoms.
slation, intepretation and Video/Audio translation. Professional specialist, Professional Attitude and Professional Management is our service requirme
tter. With our guidance, support and consummate technical resources, you can be assured that language will not be a barrier at your next multi-ling
hospitality service for foreign businessmen, airport pickups, hotel rezervations, care hire, escorting on business trips, travel reservations and arrang
cience, literature, law, patent, finance, medicine, telecommunication, physics, electrical engineering, information technology, etc.
ubject areas typical to commercial translation. Uses a wide range of document types. Allows specialization in specific subject areas. Certification awa
se, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croat, Somali, Spanish, Swedish, Swahili, Tamil, Tigrinya, Turkish, Twi, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese and Yoru
hinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese. Middle Eastern: Arabic, Hebrew. South American: Portuguese, Spanish. Scandinavian: Dani
ala, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Mongolian, Ndebele, Norwegian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Roma, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian
ty of offering products and services with a high degree of quality. In order to guarantee this, Words & words counts on a highly specialized team and
anguages, we are able to put all our efforts into making your translations the best they can possibly be. Words Your Way works with a diverse group
its customers.
over 150 languages, a powerful network serving clients in the legal, medical, administrative fields and the community.
customers since 1973. WorldLink provides translations, localization, and interpretation services for over 80 languages.
non-English speaking patient due to a lack of communication. No one should be denied medical care because of his or her limited English skills. This
ns of a more general nature are also undertaken. Other areas of activity, such as legal, banking, and insurance, are fully covered. In addition to spe
anslations, covering chiefly mechanical, electrical, electronics, chemical, computers etc. We also look forward and wish to venture in the creative field
nslator or interpreter wishing to apply for work. If you work as an interpreter AND translator please only fill in one application form.
We do not a
Russian, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish, Turkish, and other European and Asian language
tas sin cargo. SUBJECT AREAS: Medicina, Informtica, Literatura, Historia, Geografa, Turismo, contabilidad, Antropologa, Industria Automotriz, Trad
try. They are always looking for highly-qualified translators (native speakers) specialised in translating technical documents. Visit: www.ycomm-euro
e are in search of well-known companies with a great credibility like yours that can help us to create and establish an ideal pattern for the Health tra
ment technology, construction equipment, automotive and motorcycle industry, electronic musical instruments, photo technology, air-condition equip
nd cultural idioms. Company employ native speakers as voice talent in their own studios to produce foreign language synchronization, voice overs of
me possible; High linguistic quality and expertise of translations; Internal and external cooperation with the most qualified translators in individual fie
their customers with their meaningful translations in accordance with the usage of the texts. They can not claim that they have enough experience
sh, Tartar, English, Lithuanian, Turkish, Estonian, Macedonian, Ukrainian, Finnish, Malay, Uzbek, French, Mongolian, Vietnamese, Georgian, Norwegia
ost all kinds, manuals, tenders, brochures, literary works, paperbacks, theatre scripts, marketing, reports, advertisements, official documentation, sp
core markets in Asia. Now, you are just a click away from finding out what quality service really means.
st translators has a minimal impact on the final price to the client, hereby they follow a cost-saving policy in all areas that do not affect quality of co
, Italian, Japanese, Kirghiz, Korean, Kurdish, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Moldavian, Mongolian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romania
providing excellent service for both end-user client (s) and the serving agent. Please be aware that our agents will be vetted for 'suitability' before a
re fully qualified in related localization services, such as DTP, engineering and testing in Western European languages. For additiona
> Dari, Hindi => English, Hindi => Farsi, Hindi => Punjabi, Hindi => Urdu and vice versa; Punjabi => Dari, Punjabi => English, Punjabi => Farsi, P
mechanics, electric power, automobile, communication, chemical engineering, metallurgy, energy sources, environment, law, finance, information tec
agency provides, with Canarians and Spaniards from the mainland involved in working together with foreigners of several nationalities. All have a wi
more than 40 full-time qualified translators. A.B.C.s Translation Team includes the Legal Translation Team (about 15 translators) specializing in doing
atics, engineering, chemical industries, among others. The languages we work in are: English, Spanish, German. Our fees go from: $0.02 per sourc
work in a young and stimulating environment? AAC Global Oy has challenging and varied work for you at 11 offices around Finland and in Stockholm
These same translators check the finished translations into their native languages. When you need translation to and from Japanese, ask ALS.
e. If you already found our offer worth of consideration please visit our web page to find out more
al, financial, legal, literary, technical, IT, scientific and general, in addition to monitoring of foreign print media.
and Seattle, Washington, with additional centers in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, please visit
long-term business relationships. Main languages: English, Spanish, German, Italian and French.
native linguists with at least 4 to 5 years experience and qualifications. Learn more about our recruitment process. Very competitive rates and faste
ian Irish Italian Japanese Kachin Kamba Kannada Kashmiri Kazakh Khmer Kirghiz Konkani Korean Kurdish Latin Latvian Lingala Lithuanian Luganda
perience made us one of the foremost group for tutorial assistance to foreign corporations and diplomatic institutions. Just click!
offer: On-site Classes, Private Lessons, Small Group Classes, Specialized Classes, Literature and Conversation Classes, Translation and Interpreting
to his credit. Recent clients include Volvo Cars Russia, Philips, Ericsson, Babylon Ltd. and more. References are available at http://w
are willing to provide free translation samples for testing. Please give us an opportunity to render our service to you. We will prove your choice is rig
Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Ukrainian, etc. Our source languages are a
, Slovenian, Albanian, Norwegian, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese and Arabic. Agency can also provide translations from Latvian or Russian into the abov
ech Republic, Hungary, the Baltic States, and Germany. EU documentation, all immigrants' languages All Nordic language services. Languages: Swed
:2000 certification.
ADENYUR Translation Agency has a significant and scrupulous experience in performing translation services for companies s
cluding private sectors, government departments, advertising agencies etc. Adiths achievements have won appreciation from both clients and assoc
eting, simultaneous interpreting, consecutive interpreting, translations from audio and video source materials, translation and soundtracks for video
in specialist fields may work for us only after passing a special selection procedure developed for this purpose by the management. All the office sta
tions of technical documents, especially in the areas of automotive, general mechanical and electrical engineering, power supply, chemistry, and info
eting, travel and tourism. Alef to Zed serves leading organizations as well as other size companies across all industries. Our clients see us as their ow
holder of No.1 license from Palestinian National Authority and No.1 in Palestine, as well as in UAE and Oman. We do translate from and into : Arabic
nd market development, we have been market leaders in Brazil since 1991. We were the first company in South America to adopt Trados, and we no
ectus; Bank Credit Agreements; Sales, agency, distributorship, franchising Agreements; Business or Work Agreements; Consultancy; Advisory Repor
mpany offers are: English (US and UK) to: Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, French, Italian, Spanish (European and Latin American), Ger
ven sell to others after paying for it not more than 1000 EURO. Or, if you are a translator, you could work for us. Pls send us your CV if you are a fre
We are looking forward to collaborating in translation projects in the following activities: 1-Translation fro
ansit) and Other Advanced Technologies of Translation; - Personalized Customer Glossaries and Termbases for Large Projects; Translation Project Ma
vices. Virtually all the companys translators are members of professional bodies such as the London Institute of Linguists, the London Institute of Tr
eed in international settings. Among these offerings are brand name analysis, glossary development and software localization, to name a few. Americ
mmitted to the quality of their work and to the satisfaction of our clients. We work as a team to achieve the best linguistic results. We offer personali
better team or a better price. Write to us with your project idea and we'll be glad to quote immediately.
uese, Italian, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Japanese, among others). Please contact us for further details.
translators and collaborators all possess an extensive experience in translation, some of us also have a background in the fields of teaching and inte
, are hand-picked experts in the subject matter of a translation as well as proficient linguists. One of Aplomb's key strengths is that the company str
All our quotes are free of charge and all of your documentation is returned to you.
rting industries, IT, scuba diving, pulp and paper, brewing, medical, civil engineering. The agency cooperates with established group of proven freela
n provide a high-quality Arabic translation service, with high productivity rates by using the latest TRADOS translation memory software. Our strateg
ONAL IDEA Stockholm (International Democratic Election Assistance), IPA, IPIECA, LSHTM, OMGE, AEBR (Association of European Border Regions), C
anslators on our team are fully bilingual. To ensure smoothness and authenticity, a native speaker of the target language revises the final translation
use Arabic version for Quark Page-Maker In-Design Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Acrobat PDFs Freehand FramMaker ... and more, we
ntages (uniform terminology), economic benefits (reduced costs) and procedural shortcuts (shorter delivery times). Thanks to the constant growth o
ing on accumulated knowledge and technical background Archetypon's services are distinguished for their added value at all levels and customer req
. Localization costs are often reduced by 20-40% by implementing the ABREVE methodology into a traditional localization workflow. For more inform
. Our team is made up of 40 collaborators: in-house and freelance translators (Spanish, French and English native translators), sworn translators, lin
elped to distinguish Argos as the expert language provider with an Eastern European locale and a decidedly Western business approach.
fields of translation/localization: IT, Software, Civil Engineering, Websites, Audio/Video Equipment, Household Appliances, Agriculture, Technical Equ
ard to different countries, cultures and languages. Interpretation (consecutive and simultaneous).
nal experience and services to ensure effective, accurate communications at every organizational level. They provide peace of mind when worldwide
y have taken over 50 products to completion for the leading software and video games editors. ASAP QA Localization = quality services with a creati
more translators for one project. Trados based translations (faster and cheaper). Cheap Czech, Slovak and Hungarian translations. Significant discou
ation of over 500,000 words for end client GlaxoSmithKline since 2004.
vidual translators.
umping from English into Russian, and in machinary from Sweden into Italian. We are an official translator of a German Medical Research Institute. W
infrastructure using the latest technology, providing added benefits for the client. The company fully understands their clients worldwide commitme
riate subject knowledge for your translation. We only work with linguists who are known to us for their accurate work and their thoroughly professio
ms the translation into the target language. Every document is then double-checked by reviewers and proof-readers who ensure that it complies with
mplete language solution. Atlas has no hidden charges, and there is usually no additional fee for urgency.
omanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, Welsh, Yiddish.
ndreds of satisfied clients from all walks of Israeli life, and in the past year also in Europe and the United States.
ith its great successes in job quality, on time deliveries, honesty and professional organization. Focused on the requirements and expectations of its
living translations.
Consulting" Translation Academy is the first and only translating company in Odessa, Ukraine affiliated with Ukrainian Translators Association.
deo (subtitling and scripts)Communitarian themes, Cosmetic, Economy, Engineering (mechanical, civil, electronic, aeronautical, nautical, agricultura
. It is the defacto standard against which other web globalization tools will be developed.
nd proof-reading ensures the optimum accuracy of our translations. When interpreting, we strive for perfection and we communicate
d dictionaries.
ndi, Hmong, Hungarian, Ibo, Icelandic, Ilocano, Indonesian (aka Bahasa), Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Kazakh, Khmer (aka Camboge), Kirghiz, Korea
ation University etc. HYW has more than 30 staff workers and more than 5000 part-time translators, interpreters, website designer, software engine
cussed). We will charge only USD0.05 for each word. For details, please visit us at
e, Korean, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Portuguese, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese, Dutch just to name a few, into Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chine
language. Collaborators should be natives living in the target markets. We offer faire rates, a fast payment policy and long term state-of-the-art we
h, in Dutch, Spanish, Swedish, Italian and German, in German and Arabic. If you should need additiona
word, Korean to Chinese:$0.03-0.05 one source word, French to Chinese:$0.04-0.06 one source word, German to Chinese:$0.04-0.06 one source w
By matching the talents of the most highly educated, verbally skilled translators/interpreters available with assignments appropriate to their experti
t any relevant qualifications. We only accept CVs in English, unless you offer Spanish paired with languages other than English, when we will accept
tive to the cultural nuances among your customers. A well-crafted translation of your marketing literature, advertising brochures, and user manuals
. We have a special programme to deliver the translation with time codes in a special format such as PAC or STL. Should you need more information
ks, engineering and chemical companies, insurance companies, patent agents, steel producers, publishers and advertising companies, embassies and
your product is successfully adapted for your chosen target markets, on time and on budget. With over a decade of experience in lo
ulu. Asian: Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Hindi, Indonisian, Malaysian, Philipino, Urudo, Other African languages: Wolof, Swahili, Kirundi, Dioula,
all over the world. Languages we translate from English to: Chinese, Simplified (Mainland China), Chinese, Traditional (Taiwan China), Chinese, Trad
would like you to work with me in accomplishing this goal, which I realize will require a collective effort, something I cannot do alone. I invite anyon
rget languages, Completing translation by network of prequalified, in-country, native speakers of the target languages who ensure both the words a
requirements in various areas including IT, Telecom/Mobile phones, Finance, Legal, Automobile, Marketing, Education and Life Scie
culturally appropriate translations each and every time. If you are a translator and are interested in translating with Bridge-Linguatec, please comple
EU countries languages: Estonian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian and Hungarian. Applicants should have extensive knowledge in at le
They also place high value of the overall service they provide - as a valued client, you will be appointed an experienced dedicated project manager t
eller, which was published by Thomas Cook Publishing in 2006. We work for the Samotnia Refuge Mountain School and the Karkonoska Mountain Res
nslators for the common European languages and we work with a network of specialist translators for other language combinations and to handle p
cial, marketing, technical and many more. 3. Translation of user manuals. 4. Desktop publishing. 5. Translation of brochures. 6. Urgent translations
t, language and country-specific figures of speech are considered if translations are dispatched by native speakers. Because of the competence of th
sentation films, webinars and printing are also some of our expert services. We do also dataentry, audio transcription (English - English) in the fields
languages, i.e. around 10 different languages in total. CBGs business activity covers a wide range of industries, but currently the main translation
nance (online and offline) and multimedia projects. These features, combined with excellence in project management, have made Ccaps the growth
ncy and never sacrifice quality for the sake of gaining any unrealistic and irresponsible efficiency.
rested in working with us, please send your CV and letter of motivation to [email protected].
slations (sworn and standard) and interpreting (consecutive & simultaneous). Standard rates apply to: Polish, English, German, Russian and French.
nfidentiality. Fill in a form, if you are a client, a translator or an interpreter. We reply within 24 hours.
the afore-mentioned Contest, others are graduates with M.A., Phd, LLM or STD degrees conferred by such topnotch universities as Warwick Univers
ediately match the best translator for each assignment we receive. Each of our translators only works on one project a time to ensure fast delivery. 3
rcial, legal and technical documents, interpretation, web and software localization and internationalization in the most languages throughout the wor
to English and vice versa at your desired location. Voice Over by Native Speakers ( male & female voices ). Consultancy on inputs for developing & t
glish to both Simplified and Traditional Chinese Website and Software Localization Technical, Legal, Medical, Marketing Translation.
plications for freelance translator positions; however, we have now decided to hire new staff only via our Translation Intern program (which started in
needs, you will not only have access to the finest interpreters available, but also have the professional backup of an agency with a proven track reco
We would be delighted to hear from you. Contact us at [email protected] OR visit our website at
aw company for collection, agreement and signing contract. Information about ex-import tax and procedure for ex-import. Introduce products, serv
rkets. Through state-of-the-art language and content technologies, Swiss bank security standards and customer-centric services, CLS can offer inter
ivities were expanded to include all publishing and localization services for the most used languages all over the world.
Middle Eastern, etc.) We also require interpreters in a variety of languages. Our company uses terminology management programs. Please view our w
to offering a first-class translation service at competitive prices, whatever the subject area and the language. We have the right people and tools to
nstructor, translator and trainer operating in Arabic and English at renowned institutions in Canada and the Middle East, Communication Legal Transla
,000 releases and hundreds of annual reports translated in full each year.
rking with TRADOS, native speakers, extensive experience with highly specialized translations, 5 years successful experience with professionals abro
encies in USA and Europe, when they have too much work and cannot cope themselves or if they just do not have suitably qualified and experience
the bleep do we know" (quantum physics) and several documentations; translated some stories, sessions and essays written by the known german
nt agencies, convention centers, and multinational organizations across a variety of industries. 2.Multilingual subtitling for DVDs: We have native lan
racts and literary work (5 novels totalling more than 800.000 words).
ng, law, engineering, finance and chemistry. Each translator must complete our Translator Qualification System, which includes strict guidelines for
nd all other Indian Languages. Also we deal with all Foreign Languages such as French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese,Dutch, Swedish, Finnis
egular staff training and is constantly researching ways to improve the quality of the service it offers in order to give complete satisfaction to its cus
subtitlers from any language into Portuguese, especially German-Portuguese. More of our work and company can be consulted at
Devices, transport, translation, proofreading, copywriting, Post DTP Proofing, voice over, qualuty control, website localization, software localization, w
We have over 5 years experience in using Trados and SDLX, so we can provide the very competitive and preferential quotatio
anaged for quality with ISO 9001-2000 type procedures. We specialize in the "high end", high quality area of the translation business and more than
complete spectrum of communication services in more than 150 languages. These services include over-the-phone interpretation - available through
Acrobat Professional. DTP software: Illustrator, CorelDRAW, Photoshop, QuarkXPress, PageMaker, FrameMaker, Publisher. All of our work, before bein
ng errors or other errors. To ensure the translation's consistency we create a terminology databases for each client. We match the translated text's a
(near native) translators with 18 years experience in field. We both are translators and broadcaster with News Section of All India Radio (Govt. of Ind
ng the implementation phase. In order to secure an orderly transfer of knowlegde and skills to the customer we provide extensive co
think you'll find us pleasant to deal with and quite responsible about timely payment. DDR Global: Your Global Business Partner.
ion, transcreation/adaptation (creative translation), proofreading, copyediting, and production supervision services to those who need to cross the la
s projects in a proper and timely manner in accordance with the terminology required for such projects and also by conducting searches for ensuring
exts, software, multimedia, internet publications, marketing materials, websites, and e-learning products. Their priority is the development of innova
aubigte (amtliche) bersetzungen an. Eine hohe Qualitt der bersetzung und Soliditt bei Realisierung aller Auftrge sind fr uns selbstverstndlic
Multiple languages: If you wish to simultaneously translate a source text to multiple languages, we automatically set up a translator team
s charged at 30 per hour as opposed to the UK standard 35 to 45.For large orders company is always prepared to negotiate a reduced rate. Docu
d, and have translated a large volume (exceeding 10,000 pages) of technical material for some of the leading players in the field of agricultural chem
Gas Communication C
tions. Quotes are free and immediate, and project schedules and delivery dates thoroughly met.
our content to be well understood and your communication clearly delivered to your partners, targeted market and audience. Docall will make this ta
c strength and experience in that particular field (e.g. technical, medical, legal etc.) and we try to have this translator work on all fu
a oficina en el pas de la lengua meta para todas sus traducciones y por lo tanto disponer de una profesional con el holands como lengua materna!
tion leaflets; product labels and packaging; store signage; and, medical books and journals. Dragomano works exclusively with native language tran
rd, FrameMaker, InDesign, QuarkXPress and Illustrator, Freehand and Photoshop and Several plug ins, extensive Acrobat use, and of course the use
ls, instructions and surveys. Completed translations are produced to client specification, and can be delivered by email, CD, fax or hard copy.
f institutes, associations and clubs; court proceedings, police operations, interrogations, and prison operations; notarial matters and discussions bet
B Translations is a professional translation company that understands that translation services have not only become mandatory in the global marke
ncluding DTP, Audio recording, video translation as well as the full scope of software testing services in Windows, Macintosh, Linux a
an Parliament, East West Communication Company also works for international institutions and organisations.
d translation. Offcourse your text should be easy to be implement into the country, with different culture and habits, after it is translated.
n translation and relevant industries. Each translation job from our clients is culturally correct, completed by a translator with strong related backgro
h, French, German, Georgian, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Kurdish (East and West)
ware Engineers, who are interesting in offering their services should submit appropriate background information to the Manager, Translation Services
nd evenings therefore reliability is assured. Please contact us on above listed number for quotes /further enquiries or email us on above address.
nd simply to cut costs. So if you think you may be interested or maybe we just tweaked your curiosity and youd like to hear a little more, give us a
s in UK, Malaysia and Canada, plus translation of User manulas for Mobiles, Printers, Fridges and digital Cams, Transportation materials for Bus World
speedy service and immediate action. It takes time, effort, know-how, and a professional approach to make a localization project successful. ETS is
a requirement, Elanex classifies all translation projects by subject and work type. If you do not have specialty areas you will only be suited to projec
esentation slides and other marketing collaterals in 17 Asian and 10 European languages. Our efficient worldwide operations with local expertise wil
t or purpose. We also offer services such as language training, website localisation, editing, proofreading and transcription.
usiness and Financial Documents, Company Documents and Statements, Legal Documents, Technical Documents, Web sites.
fline subtitles to synchronize perfectly with the original audio, then online technicians imprint them onto film or create online subtitles for digital repr
ian to English, Hungarian to Romanian, Romanian to Hungarian, English to Romanian, Romanian to English, German to Romanian, Romanian to Ger
rs Network is to establish long term relationships with our partners, becoming an integral part of their international expansion to the Vietnamese ma
ash files, CGI/Java/Perl translation, Single byte/double byte conversion, database translation, local search engine submission and reporting.
ash files, CGI/Java/Perl translation, Single byte/double byte conversion, database translation, local search engine submission and reporting.
e associates around the world. Were always on the lookout for freelance linguists who are, above all, sticklers for quality. We seek translators with e
nto Eurdesign, which allows you to translate or actualize your own established site, or to create a new one from scratch, without having to depend on
lored according to the individual clients project management requirements. To date EuroLingo has successfully completed and delivered a wide rang
t is member of the Hellenic Association of Translation Bureaus, of the Panhellenic Association of Translators (member of the F.I.T.), of the Profession
ONAL IDEA Stockholm (International Democratic Election Assistance), IPA, IPIECA, LSHTM, OMGE, AEBR (Association of European Border Regions), C
gness to satisfy their needs. Our clients represent an excellent reference for us and we do hope that you will soon become one of them.
heir often very different requirements through an individual and highly tailored approach focusing the companys attention on the requested peculiar
anagement: multilingual work or large-volume translations: EVS project managers take responsibility for your deadline, security: absolute confidentia
August 10th, 2005. Among translation tools we are using TRADOS 7.0, SDLX 2005, Alchemy's Catalyst, Transit and DejaVu. Please feel free to ask fo
stries. Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Dow Jones Reuters (Factiva) and the Slovak Government are among clients that depend on exes
ement procedure according to the DIN 2345 standard that is ISO 9001 compliant to our work. Member of the Greek Chamber of Commerce, Americ
overall costs. We are continuously researching and implementing the latest translation and typography technologies, and we believe this gives us a m
standing on China's society and custom, on our experience in consulting firms and financial institutions, on our skilled full time staffs and extensive f
ommitting to deadlines without hindering quality. While we have branched out to include a variety of languages, Haitian Creole has remained a cent
orate clients. Software is our specialty area. We adhere to strict time schedules.
language. The company can translate documents overnight, so you can complete your business transaction the next day. FNS International clients i
ned by the excellence of the services we offer, the fulfillment of deadlines and objectives agreed upon, and the strictest confidence regarding the ha
brew, Kurdish, English>Dari, Pashto, Hindi, Tagalog, Tamil, English>Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Sorani, Kurmanji, Swahili, Igbo, Hausa, Xhosa,
and idioms, to play with words and to be able to tell jokes and anecdotes with the same impact on listeners in the target language as on the ones i
learning with oral and written exercises, simulated work situations and team work. The company gives the companys clients the tools for successfu
e client or supplied by us, proofread the translated material. At our web site you can find our updated price list.
a and is a part of the global network of agencies and freelancers, localized in most European countries. We are delivering translations from and into
among many others. GET IT offers a full range of translation/interpretation and related services. We permanently cooperate with a group of over 700
the U.S., and edits my English translations into flawless American English. Together, we create a product that is easily understandable and marketab
d and specialized proprietary tools, to provide custom engineered solutions that meet the specific needs of the companys clients. Working closely w
rocess and must prove relevant industry knowledge. The company provides quality translation services in over 40 languages, including French, Germ
tion is: $0.03-$0.04 per word. Should you need any more information about us, you are welcome to visit our website.
mplified), Chinese, (Traditional), Creole, Krio, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dari, Dutch, Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, Flemish, French, Fujian, Gaelic, Georgia
n several occasions, we have saved companies more than one million dollars on a single project. On the vendor side, we have helped employers achi
t business form our rates are very reasonable. To handle different files, we have all the software needed.
anslators in Guatemala City, categorized according to their specialty areas and languages. In this way, translators are able to provide clients high qu
ine. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Translation of legal documents and European Law, IT and technical handbooks, scientific and technological comm
Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Farsi, Filipino, Finnish, French (Canadian), French (European), Georgian, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, H
he professional whose experience, education and skills match the unique needs of your job. Because of Glyph's many contacts, both local and intern
on and cooperation.
ors in various languages for interpreting assignments and translation projects respectively.
se, etc. High quality language translation by professional translators. Full editing by qualified professional linguists. Project management of large or
ccepted throughout the world of assigning translations to the native speakers of the target language. For this reason they work with many foreigner
y. Our team of in-house editors manages client translation memories and glossaries to ensure that translations are consistent, accurate, and meet th
m. They have successfully translated variety of different documents in the fields of Business, IT, Legal, Medical and Engineering and many others. The
slations, considering dialect terms, neologisms, abbreviations, obscure jargon, etc., guaranteeing the quality of the translations. We translate over 1
n software (TRADOS), while the companys terminological databases are managed by MultiTerm terminology management. The company applies stri
of translation assignments without any problem. We have highly qualified, experienced professional translators in Foreign and Indian languages.
eering. The company offer two different service options and a client-friendly pricing policy. Your texts can be processed in all conventional formats. T
orwegian, Swedish, Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Byelorussian, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Arabian, Chinese, Japanese, Tur
ck of staff. From all types of administrative tasks or mailings to customers services via telephone, either by giving you a number customers can call
Clear and uncluttered tariffs: If a translation is quite extensive or difficult, we will prepare you a prospective quote for the work to be carried out, fre
rian, Polish, Romanian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Armenian, Azeri, Buryat, Chechenian, Chuvash, Estonian, Georgian, Kalmyk, Kazakh, K
quite competitive in the international markets! 1 page of written translation (2000 symbols) 7 10$; 1 hour of oral translations (60 minutes) from
e ATA Chronicle since 1995 and profiled in the Translation Journal of January 1998.
ation & globalization, pre-press/DTP, transcription, ites & web designing. Clients: Government Agencies, major MNCs, UN agencies, Export-import firm
he-art IT equipment. Our specialist areas include general translation, technical translation, advertising copy translation, legal translat
nd public or private organizations that require professional linguistic assistance to be competitive in their specific market sectors.
xpand our range of services and to provide our European clients with cost-effective localization support.
diferentes tareas del negocio internacional. Los servicios de traduccin comercial pueden ayudarle a comunicar su mensaje en el idioma de su destin
al as well as strategic marketing planning for the foreign language market. In collaboration with expert web designer David Greene,
have a video editing facility in-house that can produce subtitles in virtually any language.
ny areas, some of which are: - Software localization - Automobile Industry - Machine Tools - Electronics - Gas, installations - Computer Science - Mec
esian, Italian, Jamaican Creole, Japanese, Kannada, Kikongo, Kosti, Korean--most dialects, Latin, Lebanese, Lingala, Marathi, Mende, Norwegian, Pid
for $200.USd, additional language announcements are $100.USd (price includes meta tag and index file information to optimize your internet prese
ive speaking, subject-matter specific, professional translators. All documents go through a separate review by equally skilled editors. This is in addit
have set up a perfect translation network, which includes freelance translators for more than 30 languages, specialized in various fields, with Manu
ave been active in this highly specialized field for over twenty-five years. We are proud to mention, amongst our satisfied clients, several UN agencie
elopment and interaction between business relations and cultures. As a global economy inches its way to the forefront, communication skills are mo
anslation, the search for the specific terms, the creation of a glossary, the consultation with the client in order to understand better the eventually m
zing the original content to ensure that information matches the region & cultures.
team of professional interpreters, translators, editors, project managers and desktop specialists are committed to providing you with optimal custom
ys efficiency and lowers translation costs. The ITP Advantage: a network of local native translators in 24 languages, technically knowledgeable trans
ll other certificates. We will also provide discount for the word count exceeds 10,000 words.
nstitutions. For the last five years two renowned multinationals have contracted us to provide translation services. During the last four years JTS has
eak a language other than English and another 45 million foreigner visitors coming each year, the need for immediate interpreters and translators a
the type and kind of the source text, we choose the most appropriate translator for your project. We do our best to please our customers with the q
-native speakers with qualifications in the respective fields. We do our best to deliver the translations in the exact formatting as your original. All info
pages to project financing documentation with thousands of pages of text. Documents which Juriscribe handles on a regular basis include corporate
egrate technology into the translation process. We can manage the localization project in a high level. With the idea of "Market for survival, quality fo
Attorney General's Office, CMNP, Ragnarok Online (Korea), JTCA (Japan), several law firms, etc. Our sworn translator is the top list in 5 embassies
We provide high quality translations, responding to all your Japanese language needs on g
te clients, corporate and public organizations. KERN offers the perfect solution for all your language needs.
rse syllabi; Nursing articles, patient information leaflets; Literary translations (books, novels, articles and stories, video and film scripts); Tourism - t
a native touch in print, on the web, in large group events, individual settings, and more. Learn about our expertise in: Translation Processes, Graphic
eld as well as social sciences such as economy, law, philosophy and policy. Our firm's essential principles are based on quality and punctuality in term
with long experience in translation business. References and CVs are available upon request.
editors. Each translation team has its own specialization such as medical, legal, trade or Internet and information technology.
he finished product, formatted to the exact specifications required and camera-ready for print. We provide interpretations, translation, and transcript
e 1995, aunque varios aos antes ya funcionaba como una asociacion de profesionales dedicados al trabajo con el idioma ingles. en los ultimos dos a
to multi-cultural audiences. If you are a freelance translator, they welcome you to join their Resource Bank by completing and submitting your inform
communications between us via email. 2. Translations can be sent from your end via email and we will send back the translated text via the same m
er and sign language interpreter, localization and customized language classes. (Language classes offered only in Atlanta, GA USA.)
may be allocated to freelance colleagues from the company's database of over 2,600 thoroughly assessed linguists. The company's highly trained pro
ch, Dzhongan, Ebra, English, Eskimo, Estonian, Farsi (Afghan), Farsi (Iranian), Fijian, Finnish, Flemish, Fulani, Galician, Georgian, German, Greek, Gr
translators can communicate directly on the LanguageWire platform to produce high-quality translations in a very efficient manner. To ensure the be
pas nanmoins le recours aux outils les plus modernes en la matire. ALLEMAND + ANGLAIS >> FRANAIS
and qualified linguists who translate exclusively into their mother/native tongue. Our promise: The commitment to quality, competitive rates and pr
age Companies.
y Justice in Cameroon. So our Agency translates all documents related to legal matters. In the area of Finance, we have translated, in association w
willing to travel to Malaysia and to engage with our company as fixed duration contract employee". Translators: Freelancers and agencies are welco
ONAL IDEA Stockholm (International Democratic Election Assistance), IPA, IPIECA, LSHTM, OMGE, AEBR (Association of European Border Regions), C
ada, Farsi, Gujarati, Hindi, Kashmiri, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Sylheti, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu etc as Indian
bal companies such as Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Microsoft, Computer Associates, and SAP. With worldwide headquarters in Salt Lake Ci
ervices. The rates range around U$ 0.08 and may go as low as U$ 0.05 in case of large projects. Company is capable of translating around 50.000 w
obalization for software and Web applications, and outsourced engineering services. Our clients include global Fortune 500 organizations, academic i
e applications from Europe. Canada is a well-kept secret in terms of cost of living (housing, utilities, etc.) and quality of life. For more information on
cience, Construction, Ecology, Economics, Education, Energy Engineering, Finance, Fisheries, Government Agencies, Industry, Legal, Letters Patent,
abic, Farsi, Hindi, Bengali, Thai, Vietnamese and the all ones of former USSR countries. Daily capacity of translation: Up to 60 000 words.
anslations, please send us your rates for TEP, along with your CV.
ce the new Millennium (January 1 2000) the company has been run by its present owner and has provided a professional translation service to many
l texts , marketing documentation, research monographs, rsums, theses, websites. INTERPRETATION: business meetings, conferences, seminars
h as IT, computer, electronics, telecommunications, medical, legal documents, which allow us to meet customers demands. We handle large and sm
assistance over the telephone with reference to any questions regarding aspects of language and translation. We are proud to be able to offer all se
utifully lives up to Singapores widespread reputation for top-quality, efficient service with high cost-effectiveness. We specialize in ALL Asian languag
documents. Some examples are: French, English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Japanese, Italian, etc.
heque. All translations are subject to the procedures recognised as professional by the professional translation bodies, the ITI and IoL. The company
ottenimento di uniformit linguistica e terminologica attraverso le varie componenti di un prodotto. I nostri traduttori, unicamente madrelingua e sp
ho work in more than 115 foreign languages to deliver the precision and fluency needed for the global business market.
ovide accurate translation services with excellent quality, timely delivery and competitive pricing.
mployed Project Managers, an accountant, engineer and 2 lawyers. Littera Translation Agency gathers a group of certified translators who are able to
anslation and Documents, Services in Afghanistan. Liwal offers translations to and from every major language in Afghanistan to English, Arabic, Russ
are German, English ( GB and US ), French, Spanish and Italian. We dispose of a comprehensive pool of experienced actors and voice-over artists fo
e professional specializing in a given subject. Every translation is checked word for word against the original and changes are made to ensure that t
ware, Communications, Finance/Economics, Sport, Marketing, Legal,...etc. Our translation team members all of seniority level for their field of experi
anies who market their products abroad. In order to allow our clients to focus on their core business (e.g. the design and development of their produ
t translation or interpretion assignment, you can call LTC Company with complete confidence - knowing that youre working with the best. Our servic
one to three times during the translation phase, and check the full text when translation is finished; Arrange the format of the translated files accor
o $0.15 per source word (depending on the service needed, language chosen and volume of translation). Minimum order is $15.00. Payments: via Pa
ewers who can provide scalable translation and linguistic review services depending on our project and volume forecasts.
guaranteed by our careful selection of translators and rigorous quality control procedures.
th the client in order to understand better the eventually misunderstandings, the translation of the text, the final reading of the result and the verifi
apting a translation to its specific market, an approach that requires knowledge of the market's customs and culture. Magnum also has carved a nic
solutions for our customers. Our services are specifically structured to reflect the needs of each client. All our services are overseen and rigorously c
complete project-or just a translation-delivered to meet the most demanding client's specifications...e-mail your project. Translators are qualified in
ian, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Japanese, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Prussian, Romanian, Romany, Russian, Serbian, Slovak,
Need a German adaptation of your English website? Please ask for a special quote.
Multiple languages: If you wish to simultaneously translate a source text to multiple languages, we automatically set up a translator team
ommerce, E-learning/computer games/multimedia, IT and computer-related texts, Telecommunications, Technical specifications (requiring knowledg
kers of the target language to assure quality and accuracy of work. The agency is constantly on the lookout for enthusiastic, high caliber language e
ONAL IDEA Stockholm (International Democratic Election Assistance), IPA, IPIECA, LSHTM, OMGE, AEBR (Association of European Border Regions), C
documents etc.).
ons, Metallurgy, Engineering, Transport, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Medicine, Patents, Sport, SO...PLEASE CONTACT US TODAY FOR A FREE QU
ncy is a gateway to international markets. However, in the majority of otherwise modern and future-oriented companies there is still an obstacle in t
ualified and trained staff and combine them with the most effective resources available. Our translators are situated in-house and use the latest equi
our editors and proofreaders carefully review each translation to ensure the highest accuracy, terminology and style.The majority of our interpreters
e their services with a personal touch that larger agencies sometimes seem to forget. MK-International (.com) looks forward to working with you.
ield, e.g. microsoft, cell-phones, and other technical translations. They work for companies needing their training manuals translated, translate for a
ons, the team offers simultaneous, consecutive and negotiation interpreting service for business trips and meetings; stand assistants for trade fairs a
to meet your needs, respect for deadlines, competitive prices for high quality services.
ors. In this way, we can assure you that we will be able to provide the best services to our customers.
ly qualified department for all kinds of localizations: I - Software Arabic Localization. II- Content localization. III- Arabic Web localization.
ne 500 companies.
nagers have at least 5 years experience in localization. Multilize has its office in the center of St.-Petersburg, with a total of 160 square meters. We h
ali) into international languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Arabic), as well as vise versa. NATIE is interested in close collabora
AM/CAE & Engineering collaboration), web-based applications & web-sites, online help systems and documentation.
ite translations will give your enterprise a faster time to market, a lower total cost of ownership (TCO), and business quality copy in whichever langu
NK Businesscenter recognizes that it is not just the word accuracy of a translation that is impo
ocuments dealing with dental products, wine and food, clothing, etc. Our agency is headquartered in Canada, with two offices in the US and France.
IST), the American Translators Association (ATA) or Northwest Interpreters qualification for non-certificated languages. All credentials are verified.
having the translated texts proofread by native speakers of the target language.
ect Management, Linguistic Services. Nu-Fantex works with a number of industries to provide technical translations, including those involved with co
ectness by me, owner and chief translator, before being released for delivery.
blicity, artistic, food, tourist. We handle a wide range of documents: installation and maintenance manuals, specifications, product catalogues, contra
message accurately and clearly within the context of their cultures. The company translates into and from most languages and works in all major te
ian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Turkish. In case you need quick translation services of high standard and value, please do not
ntatives should need interpreting services. Our Services include Translation, Interpretation, Training, Localization, Voice-Overs and Subtitles, Patent
lude concept development design for multi-language versions desktop publishing with fully balanced typography regardless of the language com
nslating a wide range of banking, insurance, commercial, transportation, construction, business and other texts. The translations also include nume
, Italian, Dutch, Flemmish, Portugese, Chinese, Japanese, Greek and into all Nothern and Eastern Europenan languages.
Maltese => Inglese, Portoghese => Spagnolo, Russo => Italiano, Turco => Inglese. Freelancers are invited to apply at:
well-coordinated and efficient team. Successful use of state-of-the-art technologies and stage-by-stage quality control system lets us eliminate any
ts we guarantee we can provide a unified version of Spanish that will be well accepted by audiences in Spanish speaking communiti
literature evaluation and translation review, project management, quality control and product name development. For further inform
administrators, who are translators for foreign languages (English, German, French) at the same time. Whenever a necessity arises, there are exter
ave been in business since 1987 and most of our clients are patent law firms and patent law firm departments of companies in US and Japan.
e company can translate affidavits, judgements of the court, legal submissions, articles of association for companies, writs, powers of attorney, degr
sed in the target markets. We offer language translations and editing in more than 20 different languages.
We would welcome any translation project related with our language specialization.
ype of Technical/Non- technical/ legal & commercial subjects; video tapes. Interpretation Russian to English and vice versa for all type of Industries
eceived electronically and finished documents can be provided in a variety of formats and packages. We can solve all your translation document need
ate responsiveness, using an efficient work method based on a Just-in-Time project management and state-of-the-art technology, and by relying on
web sites addresses are a plus but not a must. 7.Your addresses, regular phone and mobile phone number 8. Description of how you became a tran
st measures of quality. The last software applications are available, as Trados 6.5 and STAR Transit XV.
subtitling, project management, Q/A, website localization and DVD authoring), while our team of professional, native-speaking tran
lists in information technology, law, finance and other fields, enterprises avoid the errors that might arise from entrusting their work to people who h
ong, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Loatian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, S
cializing in: prospectuses, catalogues, promotional materials operator and service manuals technical documents of all types, legal documents, econo
dle, which are translated exclusively by professional translators, go through a meticulous linguistic and terminological review. A specialist translator
and hardware companies including Siemens, Symantec, Microsoft, HP, and Philips and have also forged a robust relationship with L10N multilingual v
motive, technical, biomedical, pharmaceutical, legal and chemical. The company works closely with your Company to make sure the company unders
Our team is built of translators, proofreaders, and project managers who are fond of their work, true professionals with many years of experience. W
ervice available to a wide range of clients. As a full-cycle agency, we render the whole package of translation and information services: from oral sim
he area of the material of translation; All finalized translations are reviewed by another skilled specialist in the same area. Our prices are rather com
Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese (Latin American and European), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slova
he training of translators and interpreters (linguists, literature experts, terminologists, researchers into technical language). Whatever your linguistic
nual reports, stock offer documents, financial statements, feasibility study reports, bank products and financial instruments, funds and bonds prospe
fer free quotes, returned to our customers within one business day. Following translation all projects are also edited by a native speaker of the proje
e translators can focus on your specific business - building glossaries, reviewing language choices with other translators and taking the time to carefu
nt, most up-to-date translation tool and with constant cooperation with clients. Translation is performed using the most widespread translation tool T
es a dedication to personal service, high quality work, and sensitivity to our clients' cost goals and timelines.
nts, we have provided managed language solutions over the past 4 years for a number of agencies across Europe and the US, working on an extens
nd all user documentations. We are looking for translators to add to our current network.
Spanish; sworn translations. Translation of websites and search engine optimisation. Interpreting - Simultaneous, Consecutive, whispered. Transcript
nd domestic customers, PYRAMIDs offices are pleasant, modern and professionally run; its staff expert, respectful, and discreet. To ensure its legal s
s of the world, and our cooperators and partners have spread all over the world. We may organize and provide quality translation & interpretation in
te the translation in a cultural context to avoid potentially offensive connotations. In addition to their in-depth, idiomatic knowledge
who work exclusively in their mother tongue, ensuring that target documents read with intelligent, natural flow. As a result clients such as Pfizer, G
Lotus Dublin: 6 years as Localization QA team leader ITP Dublin: Engineering managerITP India: Engineering manager ITP Korea: Country Manager
s. And, frequently, providing these "back-end" services for your international clients makes the difference between getting the project or a "Thanks,
s provide a full range of translation services: document translation, software and web localization, interpreting, and multilingual desktop publishing.
ompany produce are of the highest quality. We guarantee delivery of your work at top notch speed rarely available elsewhere in Ma
authoring, translation, editing, proof-reading, IT engineering, DTP. Direct contact with the people who are "hands on" your project, th
ndards and specifications, presentations, spreadsheets, drawings, manuals, training materials, HTML files, flash presentations, graphic user interface
as may be required by certain authorities and governmental bodies. Charged on per document basis.
ith the fact that they are all highly qualified in their specialist fields.
nology, Sajan also offers an experienced technical implementation and integration team. Identified as our CSG (Consulting Services Group), this tea
ftware and hardware companies including Siemens, Symantec, Microsoft, HP, and Philips and have also forged a robust relationship with L10N multil
stro equipo cuenta con traductores e intrpretes nativos titulados, cuya experiencia y profesionalidad garantizan una gestin atenta y personalizada
nks to our highly competent team of native speakers accuracy of the translation is assured right down to the smallest detail.
lation. We believe in offering the best possible quality without interfering with the necessary policies to reduce costs, supplying services adapted to
ming from different language backgrounds and possessing special additional competence in various fields. is always interes
anguages make up of their talent tank, who are well organized in their perfect network covering major cities including Shanghai, Beijng, Nanjing, Gu
are professionals of the field with long years of experience engaging in foreign languages education and are ones with many years o
r domestic minority languages as well as website domestication / globalization, translation / dubbing / title production services. Kun Lun will strive f
of our translation, wed like to offer trial translation of about 200-word manuscript to a new client. We believe actions speak louder than words.
translation services. Our areas of expertise include: Medical, Finance, Law, Computer, IT, Legal, Management, Education, Healthcare, Management, W
es you to deliver international products with complete confidence and accuracy. Sinometrics is eleven years old and privately held. The company emp
solutions. Top quality at competitive prices. For more details, visit our website or write to us at [email protected]. Background: Quality assurance
-cost source of professional translations and cultural analyses. We operate out of Denver, Colorado in the United States. We specialize in technical, m
technologies and superior resources. As a result, SMC has successfully forged strong relationships with key Federal agencies. SMC has consistently d
g/en/index.php?sid=4ee00d3fe4c4f70f853cfa12731d67ab) encompassing all Bulgarian Acts in force translated into English we have experience and h
expert translation in the fields of: Automotive, Motorcycling, Engineering, IT-related products, Multimedia products, Web Design tools, Video Games
iding a flexible, high-quality translation service at reasonable rates. It is this approach that has ensured continuity within our customer base and tha
o tailor-made solutions aimed at offering complete strategic and operational services supporting internationalisation.
e have efficient project management system. 7. We use Trados as our main CAT tool, so we can handle major projects while maintaining uniform ter
agencies, which have contributed to the expansion of our proposal and performance possibilities. We work with Germany, USA, Great Britain, Spain
reside in the U.S. and whose Spanish is many times contaminated after having adopted English as their everyday language for a number of years.
nment. Will gladly answer any questions you may have in either language, Spanish or English.
and others.
n, Auditor Logs, Contracts, Feasibility Studies, Financial Statements, Insurance Documentation, Investor Reports, Marketing Material, Translation of T
Bosnian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dari, Danish, Duala, Dutch, Estonian, Farsi, French, Finnish, Flemish, Georgian, G
with the high standards of reliability and responsibility we have upheld over more the than 20 years of our existence.
umentation, product manuals and user's guides. STAR Me has a highly qualified team of translators who have excellent command in translating and
ed documentation. Established in 1992, Studio Gambit has built the organisation structure and skills which allow it to routinely achieve the vital qual
ssional and experts in their fields. Cost effectiveness: All-inclusive, highly competitive pricing. takes into consideration proofreading, editing and com
in turn a member of EUATC, the European Union of Associations of Translation Companies. The companys services extend to all languages and field
automation, electronics, information technology, telecommunications and pharmaceuticals. As partners in the ETC international consortium with he
press, and CorelDraw, and Adobe Acrobat reader, MS-Office (word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access), HTML and XML, ASP, .NET, C++, COBOL, FoxPro,
ering, irrigation). The team is quite familiar with IT and the use of the Internet, FTP client, CAT tools.
an, Bosnian into: English, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Swedish, Slovenian, Russian, Greek as well as translations from all these languages into
lots of Multinational Companies and Other big Corporates operating in Noida, Greater Noida, Delhi and Haryana (INDIA). In our marketing service w
nson; Bayer Healthcare; Osim; ABN Amro Bank; Citibank; Coca-cola; Sony; Epson; Honeywell.
ltilingual Website Localization, Web Design. Languages: We speak your language, we can translate Asian, European and Middle East languages: Sim
Africa, Europe and North America, TAGorg provides the highest quality services and professionalism. TAGorgs services cover the major professional
, governmental units and multinational companies and has made noticeable contributions to the political, economical and cultural communications b
sia, and Japan. The companys regular clients include: Patent law offices (approximately 200 worldwide), Patent departments of large corporations,
ONAL IDEA Stockholm (International Democratic Election Assistance), IPA, IPIECA, LSHTM, OMGE, AEBR (Association of European Border Regions), C
knowledge and experience of supplying conference interpreting and translation services for governments and international organization. We can help
erminology. This is the philosophy behind Terminus technicus translation agency, which began as a loose-knit association of professional translators i
vices while meeting strict deadlines. For more information please visit us at
Milos Kucik, and since that time the company offers technical translations, interpreting and DTP in most Central, East and West European languages
among others, Siemens, Dictaphone, Lexmark, IRIS, Scansource, Vodafone, and Ferrari.
languages in Thailand.
te Translator provides voice services for such items as PBX recordings, voice overs, and commercials for radio and television.
Our international c
ecking, proof-reading, top-editing and back-translation. Established in 1947, we have the experience and expertise to deal with just about any langu
ral sensitivity and improve accesibility for non-native English speakers. TLD currently has offices in Washington, DC, Dublin, Ireland and San Juan, P
ation services to Life Sciences organizations including medical, bio tech and pharmaceutical companies Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpretation
- translation to all European languages, professional software and multimedia localization or customized marketing solutions: they offer everything y
nk'Z is able to guarantee clients top quality and a fast turnaround time.
t 1250-2500 words or 125-250 standard lines) per working day and per language. Qualifications: As part of our comprehensive measures for Quality
uments from business contracts, user manuals for computer and software programs, business letters, newsletters, brochures, press releases, minut
hed language versions, in any format. TM SYSTEMS sells its software modules and offers a "Global Lanuguge Network" of superior dubbing and subt
ter base training) production for you from Script to Screen, and deliver it to you in any language, on any format. CD, DVD, digital tape, VHS or profe
nal, your customer loyalty magazines should be too. The company is experienced publishers of multi-language magazines and with the companys pa
r recordings in the file type, compression, bit and sampling rates you need, and with the file name you request. They deliver the final product via Em
of websites, manual and other projects including DTP works. We basically use Trados for translation consistency. If you have any plan to enter into K
hey have increased the number of their in-house specialists and have also built up a network of translators to deal with most languages, including th
will advise you of all the possibilities and send you a free and non-binding quotation: [email protected]
being translated. This will always be the case, although new technology is making the work much easier. Through Internet connections, TRADUactio
nido y los recursos de nuestro amplio equipo. Nuestra prioridad es la calidad y la precisin en todos los trabajos que realizamos. Trabajamos de man
neighbour languages and double bit languages. We have deep and great expertise in dealing with any computer and software issues (we develop int
constantly updating our database of professionals and incorporating new translators, proof readers and editors so that our clients always receive the
cedented level of service in terms of quality work and fast turnarounds. You can count on Traducta for all your translation needs - from the simplest
and follow a procedure of continuous quality improvement. They produce translations in French, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian
are invited to apply for registration in their translator database. Some of their translators are certified and therefore authorized to legalize the transla
to win the trust and appreciation of our clients throughout the years. Our work includes English, French and Arabic translations and our translators
sents a major challenge for each organizational unit in any company. Major industries turn to new and existing markets to enhance their presence. T
is a MUST! Our clients include: Walt Disney World Co.; State of Florida Department of Health; State of Florida Department of Corrections; Blue Cros
ting experience in different fields, including large projects both in Israel and abroad.
ey are seriously committed to confidentiality and quality control. For this reason, revision work is always carried out inhouse by the partners in the f
ding in: Russian, Latvian, English, Italian, French, Turkish, Arabic, Hindi, Portuguese, Hungarian, and Romanian.
munications the company prefers to concentrate on delivering quality at all levels. The company consider that translation is a joint effort that deman
, Lao, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Mongolian, Nepali, Norwegian, Nuer, Oromo, Pashto, Persian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese (Continent
est prices in the Market of Agency and Freelance Translators. The Quality of our translation is the top, and it is very accurate. Each of your documen
n time. Software: Windows XP, Adobe InDesign CS, Adobe Acrobat (to generate pdf files), ftp software, Word, WordPerfect (file should be opened a
e database of experienced translators who are native speakers we are able to offer top quality services. We also ensure the respect of clients deadli
anslation Center also provides training in the theory and practice of translation and interpretation, and special courses in medical an
der a service of language accompaniment of on-line business and hold a conversation with foreign partners. One of the basic principles of our Trans
ernational network which enables us to translate into and from, e.g., the Baltic, the Eastern European and the Asian languages.
quality checks and the willingness to go that extra mile to satisfy the client requirement made us sustain, grow, expand and create a success story.
to their particular areas of expertise. Each document is then translated, edited, and proofread by a team of two or three professional translators to
terpreters, our managerial staff will book a hotel room for you, meet you at the airport and help manage your schedule by organizing conferences, p
erminology, nuances and style, and that they meet our client's guidelines. We work with a wide network of freelance translators and
t use of databases to manage your terms and authored content in any format and structure including but not limited to - MS Access, MS SQL, Gupta
or has a perfect understanding and awareness of the terms specifically used in this industry.
eting and sound equipment. Consecutive interpreting at summits, business meetings and events with smaller number of participants, or for individua
ange of high quality localization and globalization services in simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Arabic,
munication, Machinery, E-Learning, ERP, Financial, Distribution, and Manufacturing translations. Our translation and localization service solutions ena
r address is [email protected]. At the earliest possible date we'll consider your CV and send you a test to estimate your level of knowledge.
e conscious company.
r you Translation and Transcription Services for any language combinations (English to any language, and vice versa) from the following list: English
e cost-effective and timely delivered document translation, website translation and interpreting services to and from Asian, Middle Eastern and Europ
Think, Microsoft, Symantec, Epic plc, NCR, Element K, and many others in the global learning arena.
by free employees, only legally sworn translators, linguist and experts in many fields.
blished relations with many clients in Ukraine and abroad. Among our translators, there are both specialists and generalists, so we can translate docu
any is seeking agents, representatives and distributors of top quality translation service in all countries world wide.
embers perform translation jobs in electronic format. All of the members of our group acquire high level of computer knowledge. Softwares that we
n over 100 different languages and are Corporate members of the American Translators Association.
ports, theses, official speeches etc. Other key areas are, telecommunications, agricultural, environment protection, IT, educational, advertising texts
ustry, agricultural equipment, packaging machinery, conveyor systems, pumps, cranes, paper and pulp making machinery, glass manufacturing mac
nical, electrical, electronics, chemicals, etc. 2) IT Related: Software development, Web page designing, Globalization and localization of IT and Web p
mers. In all our dealings we will guarantee absolute confidentiality. We will operate the transfer of documents and information through the use of ec
m that you value their business culture. As Professional Translation Agency, we sustain the confidentiality of the documents and facts revealed to us
0.06 Euros per source word depending on the size, format and deadline of the project.
ax access, Internet access, and Dictionaries. Qualifications: All of translators are highly educated professionals who have Masters and Bachelors deg
16. Bulgarian 17. Croatian 18. Czech 19. Estonian 20. Farsi (Persian) 21. Hebrew 22. Hungarian 23. Kurdish 24. Polish 25. Romanian 26. Russian 2
kommerziellen und technischen Dokumenten in jeder Sprachenkombination mit Deutsch, Englisch, Franzsisch, Spanisch, Italienisch und Niederln
and/or at the notarys office; Interpretation: Consecutive translation, . Simultaneous translation, Interpretation during business trips, Interpretation
onference that requires simultaneous or consecutive on-site interpretators, our clients are assured of top notch quality results with a maximum valu
Turn Key services: Translation software localization Mobile localization Website localizati
o or from almost any desired language, and agencys network of partners in Europe, Asia, and Australia expands coverage to almost 200 languages
anent staff of in-house linguists cover all major languages and are supported by a large network of freelance linguists in several countries. They are a
slogan "ready for print". Language pairs: Arabic><English, Arabic><French. Wathaek always welcomes accredited freelancers only.
be a barrier at your next multi-lingual conference or meeting. The scope and diversity of translation requirements are enormous - the options and la
trips, travel reservations and arrangements. Our aim is to become a BUSINESS and SOLUTION PARTNER to both froreign and national clients.
technology, etc.
cific subject areas. Certification awarded on the basis of continuous assessment. (2) IOL Diploma in translation: suitable for working or experienced
guese, Spanish. Scandinavian: Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish. East European: Czech, Estonian, Greek, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish,
Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Tatar, Thai, Tigrinya, Turkish, Ukrainian, U
nts on a highly specialized team and on state of the art technology. Teamwork, technical knowledge and service excellence characterize the work of
our Way works with a diverse group of translators and editors, based locally and internationally, and the accuracy of all translations is checked by a s
his or her limited English skills. This is where our Interpreter device comes into play. Simply place the Interpreter between you and your non-En
are fully covered. In addition to specializing in the translation of technical manuals, Worldwide also has the capability to prepare multi-language broc
wish to venture in the creative field like subtitling the films in German for example. Company also possesses certain experience in creating industria
e application form.
We do not accept any other form of applications and applicants must allow up to 14 days for us to respond to applications. P
opologa, Industria Automotriz, Traducociones Pblicas (documentos jurdicos), Cine & Televisin, Mercadotecnia, Publicidad, Filosofa, Sociologa, Re
The YTC HEALTH TRANSLATION staff will be happy to serve you, and is looking forward to
hoto technology, air-condition equipment, mobile phones, computer games etc. They offer complete service, which covers the entire conversion proc
age synchronization, voice overs of documentaries, commercials and Web sites. They are pleased to proofread texts that have already been translat
qualified translators in individual fields; Team cooperation between agency employees, translators, and editors, enabling processing of large projects
that they have enough experience and knowledge that unless they havent. All these frames and rules are the ZE-PAX TRANSLATION s objectives.
isements, official documentation, special assignments, linguistic services for congresses, and so forth. Certified and sworn translations upon request
reas that do not affect quality of company. In order to achieve this, 1Global has adopted a highly decentralised structure, that is modern, flexible, a
wegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Serbo-Croat, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Tajik, Tatar, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian,
ll be vetted for 'suitability' before a 'job' is assigned to them. We also ask that clients provide an environment where interpreters are at no risk from
opean languages. For additional information, please contact us. Language: Brazilian Portuguese.
abi => English, Punjabi => Farsi, Punjabi => Hindi, Punjabi => Urdu and vice versa; Urdu => Dari, Urdu => English, Urdu => Farsi, Urdu => Hind
nment, law, finance, information technology, electronics, telecommunications, medicine, advertising, consulting, commerce and patent among others
f several nationalities. All have a wide and extensive knowledge of translation and provide a rapid top-class service at reasonable prices. Agency is a
15 translators) specializing in doing in particular legal translations. A.B.C. Group of Companies has been operating in Ukraine since 1995 and provid
Our fees go from: $0.02 per source word. For further details please contact us or visit our webpage at:
n, Bouygues Btiment International, Cegelec, CNIM Babcock Wanson, Le Joint Franais (LJF), Process Conception Ingnieire (PCI), Cinetic, Rapid C
ss. Very competitive rates and fastest turnaround (Most translations are done on the same day). Computerised booking and management system w
atvian Lingala Lithuanian Luganda Luxembourg Macedonian Malay Malayalam Maldivian Malinke Maltese Mandarin Mande Marathi Marwari Matabele
lasses, Translation and Interpreting. The company helps you solve all your foreign language-related challenges. You will not need a collection of spec
etc. Our source languages are all the west Europe and American languages.
om Latvian or Russian into the above languages. Jobs at AD VERBUM Ltd.: Agency works only with high quality translators and interpreters. The tes
anguage services. Languages: Swedish, Lithuanian, English, Estonian, German, Turkish, French, Persian, Spanish, Hungarian, Russian, Rumanian, Po
ranslation services for companies such as Bank Electronika, LUKOIL, Oil & Gas Engineering Company VNIIST (Russian National Scientific Research I
eciation from both clients and associates. It has been covered in the news media and is referred for linguistic services in the media. We provide tran
anslation and soundtracks for video clips, translation of films and computer games, localization of software and translation / language support of mu
y the management. All the office staff, the translators and the interpreters hold college or university degrees.
g, power supply, chemistry, and information and communication technologies. We also translate websites, letters, advertising texts, newspaper artic
stries. Our clients see us as their own, personal translation department and know that they can rely on us to deliver individualized solutions on time
e do translate from and into : Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Okrainian, Urdo, Persian, Turkish, Japanese, Chinese, Hebr
America to adopt Trados, and we now hold the greatest number of installed dongles. We have also developed many proprietary tools and technical g
ments; Consultancy; Advisory Reports; Quality Certificates; Damage Reports; Insurance Surveys; Quality Inspection and other similar works in Quali
European and Latin American), German, Portuguese (European and Brazilian), Japanese, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Korean. German, Fren
Pls send us your CV if you are a freelance translator. We have some immediate jobs for you too.
ollowing activities: 1-Translation from English into the Arabic language, including documents, books, manuals, magazines, the PDF files, and the ele
arge Projects; Translation Project Management; Assistance to Foreign Citizens, arriving to Bulgaria (accomodation, rent-a-car, real estate purchase, l
Linguists, the London Institute of Translation and Interpreting or similar professional bodies of the highest standards. The companys aim is to ensur
e localization, to name a few. American Translation Partners draws upon a worldwide network of more than 5,000 certified and accredited linguistic e
linguistic results. We offer personalized attention, on-time job deliveries, and absolute confidentiality. We are committed to quality translations so th
nd in the fields of teaching and interpreting. Their goal is to deliver a text without the translated "feel", but which gets your message through with a
ey strengths is that the company strives to meet your deadlines, no matter how ridiculous. Sometimes this is achieved by translators using special w
h established group of proven freelancers. Cooperation with new ones possible upon passing an introductory tests.
ation memory software. Our strategy is based on providing a reliable, continuous and effective way of handling translation projects with a high level
tion of European Border Regions), CARITAS International, United in Mission (VEM), NGOs, IGOs, financial and monetary institutions, universities, art
anguage revises the final translation from Arabic. We also have competent proofreaders to make certain that the final product is mistake-free. We gu
ehand FramMaker ... and more, we are expert in SGML and XML and can produce EPS outline for Arabic text. Our computer infrastructure includes D
s). Thanks to the constant growth of a group that has become a standing reference in the international multilingual communication scenario, we hav
value at all levels and customer requirements from consulting, to final product delivery and quality assurance.
e translators), sworn translators, linguists, proofreaders & editors, and experts in each of our specialization fields. Our translations are double-check
ppliances, Agriculture, Technical Equipment and Machinery, Tourism and Travel, Entertainment, Advertisement, Finance, Economics, Marketing, Busin
ovide peace of mind when worldwide communication is essential to your business success. Arts & Letters Language Services is your full-service partn
tion = quality services with a creative and a technical plus for the software, web site, and video game sector. ASAP QA Localization provides a full ra
re is aimed at offering their clients the best possible service when it comes to adapting technical, literary, marketing, economic and legal documents
erman Medical Research Institute. We do large English-Latvian/Lithuanian/Estonian projects for a translation company from Belgium. Upon request
s their clients worldwide commitments and supports them with their constant attention to uncompromising quality. Their success is the driving force
ers who ensure that it complies with strict standards of accuracy and stylistic quality.
equirements and expectations of its customers, Avrasya is always in a renovation and development process regarding its quality system, organizatio
c, aeronautical, nautical, agricultural), Hardware, Jewellery, Localisation, Marketing and Advertising, Medicine (equipments and products), Military eq
perfection and we communicate excellently to provide you with the best source to target language interpretation possible. We guara
hmer (aka Camboge), Kirghiz, Korean, Lao, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Maithili, Malay, Maltese, Magyar, Mandinka, Marshallese, Marathi, Maya
s, website designer, software engineers and etc. Our company headquarters in Beijing, and there are branches and subsidiaries in Shanghai, Guangz
Subject areas: We specialize in the fields of automobile, energy & engineering, telecommunications, trans
Arabic. If you should need additional information, price list or quotations, please feel free to contact me. They would be pleased to start a partnersh
o Chinese:$0.04-0.06 one source word, Spanish to Chinese:$0.05-0.06 one source word, Italian to Chinese:$0.05-0.06 one source word, Russian to
nments appropriate to their expertise, they provide the match making, organizational, and job management skills required to successfully complete
tising brochures, and user manuals can mean the difference between success and failure of your product. Let them help you plan your entrance into
Should you need more information on our services, please ask for the price list. Please note we're available for you from Monday to Friday from 8a
vertising companies, embassies and legal firms. With the use of e-mail, fax and data-post, geographical location is no problem and our customers a
over a decade of experience in localization project management for high-tech industries, Bodeux International LLC provides focused
ional (Taiwan China), Chinese, Traditional (Hong Kong China), Japanese, Korean.
ng I cannot do alone. I invite anyone interested to get involved. If you speak any languages other than English contact me to maintain a position in
uages who ensure both the words and cultural nuances are properly addressed, Editing and proofreading translated text using the company's Linguis
rketing, Education and Life Sciences. We handle all Indic languages and most international languages.
ith Bridge-Linguatec, please complete the form at: We currently have only freelance posi
ld have extensive knowledge in at least one of the following fields: information technology, telecommunication, finance, banking, insurance and law.
ienced dedicated project manager that effectively becomes your language consultant and is available to offer any help and advice that you may nee
l and the Karkonoska Mountain Rescue Service, and write and translate texts for all firms or institutions dealing with regional promotion and the dev
uage combinations and to handle peak workloads. We regularly work with all types of texts (sales/marketing, legal, technical, financial etc.), in all m
f brochures. 6. Urgent translations from one day to the next. Our tools & software: Translation Memory (TM) is a technology that stores and matche
rs. Because of the competence of the precise translating on the one hand and the necessarily adapted translating on the other hand, together with a
tion (English - English) in the fields of medical and general subjects. We collaborate with various vendors, companies in India and abroad.
but currently the main translation volumes are to be found within the following areas: auto engineering, EU affairs, home appliances, mechanical en
ment, have made Ccaps the growth leader in its segment since 1999. To receive information on Ccaps and have access to relevant industry articles, f
y is headquartered in Singapore and established its translation base in Shenzhen China, also owns a sales office in Australia.
otch universities as Warwick University, Harvard University, etc., some have been classroom interpreters for senior Chinese students studying abroad
ject a time to ensure fast delivery. 3. Competitive Rate. In order to make our services more accessible to our potential clients we strive to run China
most languages throughout the world. Freelancers are invited to send CVs.
ultancy on inputs for developing & testing of Chinese based software solutions. Consultancy for any other Chinese language related applications.
eting Translation.
on Intern program (which started in 1997). Accordingly, they are no longer able to accept applications on a continuous basis for freelance positions.
ex-import. Introduce products, services to potential ex-importer. Introduce potential ex-importer. Exhibition activities: Inform exhibition information,
centric services, CLS can offer international clients a broad range of tailor-made services and solutions. This wide spectrum of services ranges from
e have the right people and tools to translate the documents our clients entrust us with.
e East, Communication Legal Translation firmly believe that customer satisfaction is achieved through unwavering commitment to quality. This earne
experience with professionals abroad, stable partnership with foreign companies from Sweden, Germany, Austria, Poland, Romania. What else you
ve suitably qualified and experienced linguists. We will meet and even exceed your expectations in all language pairs you may require, offering very
ssays written by the known german author Jonathan Dilas; translator for (germany) unpublished esoteric sessions and texts for works of Jane Rober
titling for DVDs: We have native language expertise for French, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese, Mandarin, Japanese, Malay,
which includes strict guidelines for quality as well as industry and subject expertise. All of our translators are native speakers of their target langua
, Portuguese,Dutch, Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Polish, Norwegian, Czech, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese and Korean, Catalan, Ukrainian, Malay,
give complete satisfaction to its customers. Creer Corporation's unique network has spread throughout the world, keeping pace with rapid globalizat
n be consulted at Personally, I am also engaged in training for subtitling. We would very much wish to bild a partnership with you
Our services are specially designed to meet the quality, cost and deadline require
ompetitive and preferential quotation on the basis of Trados or SDLX analysis report and provide both formats of TM to you if necessary.
translation business and more than 60% of our work consists of sub-contracts from other Translation Companies. We are not "cheap" sub-contracto
ne interpretation - available through standard phone lines or our patented telephone technology - onsite interpretation, translation, interpreter testin
blisher. All of our work, before being delivered, undergoes thorough quality control by our expert linguists and desktop publishers in order to ensure
nt. We match the translated text's appearance to the layout and design of the original, or as per client specifications, in regards to graphics, fonts, h
ction of All India Radio (Govt. of India's organisation) since 1986. We are in the market for translation and vo in Punjabi and Hindi. I, myself have do
ustomer we provide extensive coaching and training to the project team. For the handling of asian characters (Chinese, Japanese, Ko
usiness Partner.
es to those who need to cross the language barrier in order to communicate with non-English speakers.
by conducting searches for ensuring accuracy and reliability of terms used in translations thanks to its staff of translators who deal with such project
riority is the development of innovative and creative solutions. They invest continually in both their employees and new technologies in order to con
trge sind fr uns selbstverstndlich. Auch unsere Preise sind wirklich gnstig. Klicken Sie einfach und vergleichen.
omatically set up a translator team for you. Working as team enables all the translations to be made available punctually even when time is short [v
d to negotiate a reduced rate. Document format: Documents may be forwarded to them in virtually any application. MS Word, Excel, AutoCAD, MS P
yers in the field of agricultural chemicals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, etc (e.g. FMC, Astra Zeneca, Dupont, BP, Intel, Sun Microsystems, Acer, etc).
Oil and
Gas Communication Computer Hardware and Software Electronics Project Financing and Management Corporate Law Insuran
ave this translator work on all future assignements for that specific client, which assures consistency in quality and terminology.
el holands como lengua materna! Adems tenemos acceso directo a la documentacin necesaria como fuente de la terminologa especfica porque
xclusively with native language translators domiciled in the target market. Their translators are carefully chosen and tested to ensure that only suit
Acrobat use, and of course the use of several tools support our daily work. Our Translators also familiar with translation tools like (Trados, SDLX, Tra
notarial matters and discussions between lawyers and clients; private discussions. The DURU Interpreting Service also offers interpreting as a servic
ome mandatory in the global market place, but have also proven to be very difficult to obtain. That is why its important for you to choose a professio
anslator with strong related background, edited by a qualified reviewer word-for-word, and then a proofreader provides final quality control for ensu
e, Korean, Kurdish (East and West), Latvian, Lithuanian, Lower Sorbian, Macedonian, Malay, Marathi, Moldavian, Mongolian, Norwegian (Standard N
like to hear a little more, give us a call or send us a project and decide for yourself if were worth working with or not. Youve got nothing to lose and
ansportation materials for Bus World, we took part also in translating the Congress database into Arabic and this is the recent job we did.
calization project successful. ETS is a translation provider that has been doing this for over 10 years. Whether you are a localization company or a s
eas you will only be suited to projects we classify as 'general' subject matter, which are rare. Would you like to join our team? If you think you meet
e operations with local expertise will reinforce your marketing and business expansion initiatives into Asia and Europe, namely: Asia China/Hong Ko
reate online subtitles for digital reproduction. Quality controls are always employed to confirm translations and double-check that every project is up
nal expansion to the Vietnamese markets. We will help you achieve your objectives in local, national and international markets by providing professio
r quality. We seek translators with excellent writing skills, editors with a flair for language, and proofreaders with a meticulous eye for detail. We look
cratch, without having to depend on two or more service providers (extra charges and coordination problems) or to buy an expensive, contract-base
ompleted and delivered a wide range of products to satisfied clients, in a number of specialized fields: IT field, Healthcare, Automotive, Education, T
mber of the F.I.T.), of the Professional Chamber of Greece and of the French-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce. The company's key principles are Confid
tion of European Border Regions), CARITAS International, United in Mission (VEM), NGOs, IGOs, financial and monetary institutions, universities, art
attention on the requested peculiarities. Ever-Est services is a young and dynamic company whose activities are based on the rich experience of its
adline, security: absolute confidentiality with security requirements in line with your needs.
nd DejaVu. Please feel free to ask for assistance in using any of these computer aided translation tools. Our office is equipped with both PC and Mac
ong clients that depend on exes accuracy and costeffectiveness. Headquartered in Slovakia, exe has local offices in Australia and the
eek Chamber of Commerce, American Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, British Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and Euro Business Association, all of
es, and we believe this gives us a market-edge. We also have all the latest state-of-the art communication technologies at our disposal, so distance
killed full time staffs and extensive freelance translator network, and on our commitment to quality and turnaround time, we are able to deliver supe
Haitian Creole has remained a central and essential part of our operation. As a small company, we are able to specialize in select languages and su
next day. FNS International clients include such organizations as the U.S. State Department, United Airlines, US-Russia Business Council, United Nat
trictest confidence regarding the handling of information. Freelance, more than a languages consultancy, a solution to your communication needs.
manji, Swahili, Igbo, Hausa, Xhosa, Afrikaans, Somali, Zulu, Shona, &Yoruba/..German>Arabic, Turkish, Farsi, Greek, Hebrew.
he target language as on the ones in the source language. Kellen not only knows the translation business, but also has ample experience in selectin
panys clients the tools for successful professional communication in foreign languages. Finnish for foreigners is one of the companys main fields for
elivering translations from and into more than 30 languages. We work mainly with TRADOS at highly competitive prices and offer various translation
cooperate with a group of over 700 translators who have undergone our restrictive recruitment procedure. Apart from a perfect command of the so
ompanys clients. Working closely with the companys clients The company is committed to providing cultural translation into language which is up to
0 languages, including French, German, Spanish, Italian, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Dutch and Swedish.
mish, French, Fujian, Gaelic, Georgian, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hausa, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Igbo, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Ka
de, we have helped employers achieve the highest levels of profitability, as well as customer and employee satisfaction.
s are able to provide clients high quality translations performed by translators with detailed and updated knowledge in their fields of expertise. The w
s, scientific and technological communications and reports, political texts and articles, general texts. Please, visit our website: www.gloiretraduccione
, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malayalam, Malaysian, Marathi, Nepali, Norwegian, Orya
many contacts, both local and international, assuring quality work from native translators is never a problem. Meanwhile, our engineers and designe
s. Project management of large or complex translation jobs. Expertise in many different fields. Prompt and efficient service.
ason they work with many foreigners who have lived for many years in their country and are fluent enough in Czech to translate from it into their ow
e consistent, accurate, and meet the quality standards our customers expect.
d Engineering and many others. They work with you every step of the way to insure that the final product fully meets your expectations and is done
he translations. We translate over 120 languages. Our large network of in-country, bilingual translators, allow us to respond quickly to the clients tra
agement. The company applies strict quality assurance procedures to the companys translations. The company assigns the translators to the jobs b
Foreign and Indian languages.
essed in all conventional formats. Their clients, who come from all sectors of industry and commerce, all have one thing in common: they were all s
g you a number customers can call or by diverting your calls to their offices when necessary.
e for the work to be carried out, free of charge and with no compromise.
onian, Georgian, Kalmyk, Kazakh, Khakass, Kyrgyz, Latvian, Lithuanian, Mari, Nivkh, Russian, Tadjik, Tatar, Turkmenian, Uzbek, Yakut, Arabic, Beng
f oral translations (60 minutes) from 10$; 1 hour of simultaneous translations from 30$; Other services - can be realized at the agreed prices.
eters, be it for an appearance in court, for conferences - and of course - not just in Berlin.
NCs, UN agencies, Export-import firms, Fortune 500 companies, Publishers and Trade Promotion Councils in India and abroad are among our major c
g copy translation, legal translation, website translation, software localisation, multilingual projects, corrections and transcriptions. W
market sectors.
u mensaje en el idioma de su destinatario de manera que sea comprendido correctamente. INTERPRETACION. Tanto si una reunin es nacional, com
ert web designer David Greene, Intergraphics localizes websites in several languages with graphics and voice over talent.
stallations - Computer Science - Mechanics - Robotics - Telecommunications - The Food Industry - Automation - Literature. International Corner can
ala, Marathi, Mende, Norwegian, Pidgin English, Polish, Portuguese--most dialects, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian--most dialects, Serbian, Sindhi, Slove
ually skilled editors. This is in addition to the extensive proof readings and verifications that are part of the companys procedures before submitting
cialized in various fields, with Manual translation focused on. All our translators are native- speakers, and professional in the relative field they are e
satisfied clients, several UN agencies (such as the Secretariat of the Multilateral Fund for the implementation of the Montreal Protocol, the Conventio
efront, communication skills are more important today than ever. By providing people with the opportunity to learn or use a second and third langua
understand better the eventually misunderstandings, the translation of the text, the final reading of the result and the verification of it. Due to this
o providing you with optimal customer service and a quality end product. call us for a free quote at 1-866-534-6602 or go to
ges, technically knowledgeable translators in every field, a translation data base system (TRADOS) to save translation costs and increase efficiency. S
. During the last four years JTS has also been contracted by an international development organization. Materials we have translated cover a broad r
ediate interpreters and translators acces has never been greater. JCLT offers a fast an inexpensive solution for the problem posed by the language ba
to please our customers with the quality of our work. We meet our customer's deadlines and we aim to complete all orders in the shortest possible
t formatting as your original. All information, data and material disclosed in working with JM Communication is handled under strict confidentiality. I
n a regular basis include corporate charters, bylaws, minutes of meetings, annual reports, prospectuses, securities filings, merger and acquisition an
ea of "Market for survival, quality for benefits, and management for progress", we firmly believe that we are top-grade professional service provider
slator is the top list in 5 embassies in Jakarta. Qualification of our translators: English (Sworn) (1 person): Graduate of the English Department, IKIP
video and film scripts); Tourism - travel guides, tourist information, tour guides; Promotional materials, brochures; Technical - instruction manuals,
se in: Translation Processes, Graphics and Print-Ready Documents, International Regulations, Technology for Translation and Project Management, C
d on quality and punctuality in terms of the service we provide for our clientele, prioritize and value the confidentiality principle as a must. Build u
n technology.
Our services include translation of documents, manuals, journal articles, correspondence, reports, memos, multimedia, etc. Cove
etations, translation, and transcription services. We provide translation services in the legal, court, technical and medical fields. We have translated
el idioma ingles. en los ultimos dos aos hemos multiplicado nuestro crecimiento en el area de traduccion e interpretacion. nuestras tarifas promedio
k the translated text via the same medium with proper editing and formatting (in word, or excel or power point). This will have to be reworked if the
fered only in Atlanta, GA USA.) Our ultimate goal is to help your company operate more effectively, whether your needs are local, n
s. The company's highly trained project managers act as your single point of contact and work as part of your team to coordinate all your translation
lician, Georgian, German, Greek, Greenlandic, Guarani, Gujarati, Guragigna, Hadiya, Hakka, Hausa, Hebrew, Hindi, Hmong, Hungarian, Icelandic, Ig
y efficient manner. To ensure the best service for our customers, we want to establish ties with translators around the world. If you are a profession
to quality, competitive rates and prompt delivery is our promise to you. Translations are always checked, our rates are very competitive and we alwa
we have translated, in association with the British translation company Culture Gap Hoppers, Annual reports, financial statements of some multinatio
tion of European Border Regions), CARITAS International, United in Mission (VEM), NGOs, IGOs, financial and monetary institutions, universities, art
hi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu etc as Indian languages. We provide Translation, Interpretation, Editing, Proofreading, Voice-over, Subtitling, Coaching, Placem
ide headquarters in Salt Lake City, Lemoine International has offices in Germany, Italy, Spain, France, and Ireland. Visit us at www.
able of translating around 50.000 words/day counting only with company's in-house team. Please feel free to request any type of information from t
tune 500 organizations, academic institutions and governmental agencies. Our approach to your project begins with our understanding of cultural si
ality of life. For more information on our company, please visit We invite interested applicants to fill out our application form at the
ies, Industry, Legal, Letters Patent, Literature Maritime, Marketing, Medicine, Mining, Pharmacy, Petroleum Industry, Psychology, Stock Exchange, Te
essional translation service to many national and international companies, businesses, organizations and private clients.
demands. We handle large and small projects. We are willing to provide free translation samples for testing. Please give us an opportunity to render
e are proud to be able to offer all services in our field from under the same roof. All of our translators are professionals and work under strict confide
. We specialize in ALL Asian languages and have the most competent translators in the region. You can rest assured that our translators will produce
dies, the ITI and IoL. The company can, at the client's request, keep an electronic copy of any translation undertaken in order to ensure consistency
uttori, unicamente madrelingua e specializzai in un unico settore sono congiuntamente con le "memorie di traduzione" delle nostre banche dati, la ch
certified translators who are able to provide the best quality translations on time. All translations are completed by native s! peakers of the language
Afghanistan to English, Arabic, Russian, French, German. Liwal Limited, has a translation division, with 4 full time translators and more then 20 freel
nced actors and voice-over artists for language productions. And we only work with native speakers unless you require a convincing foreign accent. W
changes are made to ensure that the proper terminology is used consistently throughout the entire document. We have built a sound international
eniority level for their field of experiences. Advanced Desktop Publishing tools are used by our experienced DTP specialists. In addition to regular DTP
sign and development of their products) Logoscript supports its clients by managing many of the tasks involved in the localization or translation proc
re working with the best. Our services are to translate and interpret 05 languages and for seminar, conference, negotiation, tourist Please visit our
e format of the translated files according to the original layout, and deliver to the clients in the form of e-mail, paper, CD, etc. PRICE: Minimum rate
l reading of the result and the verification of it. Due to this procedure, applied to any kind of translation, from the most complex to the simplest one
ture. Magnum also has carved a niche helping companies make their first moves into international markets by offering linguistic consulting for multil
rvices are overseen and rigorously checked , and we work to exact quality requirements. Projects are carefully monitored from beginning to end, ens
r project. Translators are qualified in specific subject matter they work with .Just a few samples from the translators' CVs: "Moscow State Institute o
omatically set up a translator team for you. Working as team enables all the translations to be made available punctually even when time is short [v
al specifications (requiring knowledge of mechanical and electrical engineering), Finance and banking, Legal and court procedures, Contracts and oth
tion of European Border Regions), CARITAS International, United in Mission (VEM), NGOs, IGOs, financial and monetary institutions, universities, art
mpanies there is still an obstacle in the way of potential development. The word-for-word transfer of content into another language normally leads to
ed in-house and use the latest equipment and software tools in their dedication to consistently provide a quality service to our customers. meta<lan
tyle.The majority of our interpreters are Court Certified or Court Registered Interpreters. Great care is taken to find exactly the right person for the
manuals translated, translate for a number of insurance companies, using computer assisted tools. They specialize in almost every sector from indu
gs; stand assistants for trade fairs and sector exhibitions in Morocco and abroad. Their range of services goes far beyond pure translation services. S
h a total of 160 square meters. We have a leased 10 Mb direct line to our Internet provider which allows us fast communication. Our FTP and HTTP s
ATIE is interested in close collaboration with translation companies such as yours, and you are there for kindly most welcome to forward translation
ess quality copy in whichever language you require. Combined with the companys professional web development services, the companys profession
ccuracy of a translation that is important but the cultural localization as well, something that only experienced native language speakers can convey
ns, including those involved with computer software, computer hardware, telecommunications, and factory automation. In addition to these IT indu
fications, product catalogues, contracts, company presentation brochures, illustrative folders, Internet website texts, newsletters, reports, press rele
h standard and value, please do not hesitate to contact us at the address written above.
, Voice-Overs and Subtitles, Patent and Intellectual Property Services. As a growing company, we are right now focusing on providing translation ser
phy regardless of the language combinations and character sets involved copywriting in English and any other source language delivery of comple
The translations also include numerous large-scale user manuals (automotive, IT, telecommunications, etc.) and OU Dussan has also participated in
control system lets us eliminate any errors. Fortunate combination of technical competence and correct stylistic presentation is a advantageous feat
in Spanish speaking communities in America and Europe. As regards Portuguese, our linguists are native speakers, born in Brazil. L
development. For further information, including references, publications and a portfolio of work samples, please visit www.password
r a necessity arises, there are external associates, experts from the University or engineers active in industry, at hand. As a well established office w
companies in US and Japan.
nies, writs, powers of attorney, degree certificates and marine bills of lading from and to a wide range of languages. Many major law firms have hono
d vice versa for all type of Industries like: Engineering consultancies (oil & Gas, petrochemicals);Pharmaceuticals; Gems & Jewelry; Food; Electronic
e all your translation document needs, saving your time and money in the Process. We will assign an Account manager to you who will act as you po
he-art technology, and by relying on a worldwide team of expert professionals. In short, our goal is to guarantee your success and complete satisfact
escription of how you became a translator (a plus, not a must) 9. Specify work type. Full time or part time. 10. Preferred ways of payment. 11. Any
ofessional, native-speaking translators ensures a culturally correct version of the original material every time. With over twenty-five
ntrusting their work to people who have language training only and no subject matter expertise. Our staff keep abreast of terminology in these rapid
manian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, and more!!!
gical review. A specialist translator who is assigned to quality control oversees this process. This work is carried out according to strict professional r
to make sure the company understands your "in-house" terminology. The company translates your documents into one language or simultaneously
s with many years of experience. We also work with freelance translators, who have proven their abilities through rigorous selection testing. Twelve i
information services: from oral simultaneous and sequential translation, written translation, correcting and editing to making-up, designing and rep
me area. Our prices are rather competitive: the usual price for translating is 0.04 USD per word of the source text.
Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Tajik, Turkish, Ukrainian, Uzbek.
language). Whatever your linguistic problems may be: you can trust ProLogos Sprachendienste.
struments, funds and bonds prospectus. Multimedia: localization of CD-ROMs and computer applications, software on-screen manuals, Internet con
ted by a native speaker of the project's target language. We guarantee your project will be correct and of the highest possible quality, meeting our e
slators and taking the time to carefully review the final translation to meet your project goals.
e most widespread translation tool Trados which combines two technologies - segmentation and translation memory. The translation process is organ
e and the US, working on an extensive range of international advertising and marketing campaigns. If you'd like to be included on our freelance tran
, Consecutive, whispered. Transcription/Dubbing of tapes and videos. Software localisation. Creation of terminology databases. Text revision (conten
ul, and discreet. To ensure its legal status and compliance with professional business standards, PYRAMID is registered with the Cambodian Ministry
uality translation & interpretation in almost every major cities of China, other Asian countries, America and European countries. On the basis of our
in-depth, idiomatic knowledge of languages, our localization testers have strong technical skills and backgrounds. Language Specia
As a result clients such as Pfizer, Govt. of Canada (CMHC), Covance Canada, Abbott Labs, CAE, Alstom, Mitel, Nokia, Hydro-Quebec and many mor
nager ITP Korea: Country ManagerITP China: Asian ManagerMendez Greater China. (China + Taiwan. Agency offers Asian full localization services in
n getting the project or a "Thanks, but no thanks" email. Professional typesetting services have become a critical value-add in today's localization m
We translate documents in 80 global languages, though most of our work is centered on translating between
We also conduct training and coaching for professionals at executive level. Our training ex
o are "hands on" your project, thus resulting in significant time savings and cost benefits. The widest range of localization tools - all
Consulting Services Group), this team of professionals helps you extend the value of your translation investment.
robust relationship with L10N multilingual vendors. To meet our clients' expectations for quality, speed and cost-reduction, we focus on improving an
una gestin atenta y personalizada de cada proyecto. Nuestros traductores trabajan coordinados por un jefe de proyecto dedicado. Todo el equipo s
osts, supplying services adapted to the changing needs of our customers, whatever the size. is always interested in contacting new experienced freelance staff who can take on assignments on a freelance basis. Are you a q
uding Shanghai, Beijng, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Suzhou. Another 500-odd capable translators special in localization and
and are ones with many years of overseas experiences, with substantially practicable experience in translation, they fully command
uction services. Kun Lun will strive for better quality services in adherence to professionalism, severity and timeliness to satisfy clients' needs.
With our utmost sincerity and most efficient services, wed like to become your permanent partner and make grea
ucation, Healthcare, Management, Websites Economics, Commerce, Culture, Insurance, Health, Insurance, Marketing, Science and Tourism. I will be
nd privately held. The company employs over 25 staff and contractors headquartered in Seattle, Washington.
net. Background: Quality assurance: From our international coordination centre in Prague, we send your texts out to language and subject experts a
States. We specialize in technical, medical, computer science, website, and environmental-related translations. Our translators are native English an
ral agencies. SMC has consistently demonstrated its capabilities to succeed in responding to mission critical needs with highly capable personnel ofte
o English we have experience and have translated large company documentation and have/are executing a variety of localisation projects in the foll
We are able to handle between 200000 and 300000 source words per month!!! On the other
y within our customer base and that has established us as a leader in our market.
Our services, covering over 100 languages, include: translation, localisation, publishing, graphics and CAD, technical and editing services, p
ojects while maintaining uniform terminology and style (this is our particular strength - we have successfully completed many large (500000+ words
Germany, USA, Great Britain, Spain, France, Estonia, Russia, Ukraine, China, and Hungary, among others.
All translation projects completed by Spanish Express, Inc. undergo three steps,
, Marketing Material, Translation of Technical & Legal Documents: Product Specification, Engineering Documentation, Industrial Engineering, Installat
ench, Finnish, Flemish, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Hmong, Icelandic, Irish, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Korean, Kaz
Our CAT tool, Transit/TermStar, also provides a strong alternative to Trados both in terms of efficiency and, equally as important, in terms o
cellent command in translating and editing into Arabic. For the translation, we use Transit XV & TermStar. Transit is STAR's Translation memory syste
t to routinely achieve the vital quality ingredients of a successful localisation project - critical time scale, budgetary goals, technical and translatory
ation proofreading, editing and comprehensive quality control. Confidentiality: All work is covered by a guarantee of the strictest confidentiality. Stu
ces extend to all languages and fields of specialty and comply with UNI standards. Clients receive a value added service. All the companys translato
TC international consortium with headquarters in Brussels, the company has worked together with the European Union for over fifteen years, transla
L, ASP, .NET, C++, COBOL, FoxPro, Java, and PHP etc. Sublime provides 24-hour services, and their customer care staff is available 24 hours online
(INDIA). In our marketing service we can translate and convey your messages to all these orporates (We have complete database of these companie
an and Middle East languages: Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Bahasa Indonesia, Tagalog, Thai, Vietnamese, Mya
rvices cover the major professional areas such as accounting, auditing, intellectual property, business / management / financial / ICT consultancy, r
mical and cultural communications between China and the outside world. Languages Covered: English, Japanese, German, French, Italian, Spanish, P
tion of European Border Regions), CARITAS International, United in Mission (VEM), NGOs, IGOs, financial and monetary institutions, universities, art
ernational organization. We can help to you in planing and budgeting of the events and other public relation and publicity activities of your organiza
ociation of professional translators in different fields who assisted each other with parts of their assignments requiring expertise outside of their rang
East and West European languages - hereby the firm is supported by many freelance partners, specialists and scientists from Slovakia and abroad.
d television.
Our international cultural commerce services helps in globalization and localization of company products and services while also adv
se to deal with just about any language requirement, no matter how technical or creative. As to price, it is our policy to be as inexpensive as you ca
ous and Consecutive Interpretation to companies of both private and public sectors as theyll as international organizations The TOUAREG Agency m
ng solutions: they offer everything you'll require to be successful in the global markets.
omprehensive measures for Quality Assurance we are guided by the requirements of DIN 2345 with regard to translation orders. DIN 2345 sets the
rs, brochures, press releases, minutes of meeting, thesis, organization documents, correspondence documents, training manuals, web sites, others.
twork" of superior dubbing and subtitling facilities throughout the globe, equipped with the Emmy Award Winning software, providing an outsource f
agazines and with the companys parent company, DDMA Media Ltd,The company offer a one-stop contract publishing service. If need full-time, part
If you have any plan to enter into Korean market or if you have any needs for Korean language services, please contact us. We are prepared to prov
h Internet connections, TRADUaction can be in permanent contact with translators from around the world and receive a translation first hand in reco
que realizamos. Trabajamos de manera eficiente, profesional y con rapidez, manteniendo todos los datos referentes a los trabajos y a los clientes en
and software issues (we develop internally most of our highly specialised software). Our main clients are Spanish and Catalan institutions, several EU
o that our clients always receive their texts translated, proofread and edited by specialists in the relevant fields.
anslation needs - from the simplest to the most challenging and technically complex. And with Traducta on your team, you can bank on first-class tra
n, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian. Upon the clients wish, the translation can be certified by a certified translator. In addition, for patent documen
ore authorized to legalize the translation of your documents, e.g. contracts, birth certificates, marriage certificates, diplomas, judgments, decrees of
bic translations and our translators combine their expertise to make sure that all of your documents are accurately translated in the three languages
arkets to enhance their presence. Translation services play a major role in applying homeland scripts. Our expertise in a small range of economic ac
partment of Corrections; Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida; Marriott Cypress Harbour; Marriott Royal Palms; Marriott vacation Club International; Ma
out inhouse by the partners in the firm. Over 65% of translation work is also carried out inhouse.
anslation is a joint effort that demands cooperation from all participants, from the client (who may provide legacy translations or specialized glossari
e (Brazilian), Portuguese (Continental), Portuguese (African), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Sinhala, Slovak, Somali, Spanish (Continental), Spanish (
ery accurate. Each of your documents will be reviewed independently by four specialized translators, to insure the accuracy and quality of our transla
WordPerfect (file should be opened and closed in WordPerfect, no conversions allowed). Please send a responses to [email protected]
ensure the respect of clients deadlines and confidentiality. We work with CAT programs Trados, StarTransit. Our general rates are between EUR 0.06
nd special courses in medical and legal translation. New services available include medical interpreter training online and tele-interpr
of the basic principles of our Translators Bureau is an individual approach to each of our clients and strict observance of confidentiality. Thus the Bu
ian languages.
expand and create a success story. For complete list of our services and more details, please visit our website -
hedule by organizing conferences, presentations, or participation in exhibitions. We will be glad to help you with establishing good business contacts
ork of freelance translators and interpreters distributed throughout the world. This allows us to take advantage of time zone differen
ited to - MS Access, MS SQL, Gupta, Oracle, RTF, HTML, XML, SGML. Our DTP experts work with and author in many of the most popular Desktop P
anese, Korean, Vietnamese, Arabic, German, French and Russian, etc., including translation, multilingual desktop publishing (DTP), graphic design, p
nd localization service solutions enable our clients to deliver local language products, services, applications, training and content in a culturally appro
ersa) from the following list: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, Thai, Arabic, Indonesian, Japanese, Urdu, Hindi an
om Asian, Middle Eastern and European languages. Send us your document to be translated via email as an attachment at [email protected] or c
generalists, so we can translate documents of various kinds. If necessary, we can use CAT tools. If you need, we can specify our charges for simultan
uter knowledge. Softwares that we are familiar with may be expressed as Trados, Transit TermStar, MS Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher, Fr
n, IT, educational, advertising texts etc. Our staff interprets for the top officials in meetings with the representatives of international companies or or
machinery, glass manufacturing machinery, water treatment, air purification, diesel and gas engines, measurement of air gas and fluids, drilling and
ion and localization of IT and Web products for Japanese market. Our Strengths : 1. Our team comprises of members having knowledge of practical
d information through the use of ecommerce-like operations. E-mail will be the obvious main medium by witch we will exchange files with customers
documents and facts revealed to us and abide by them strictly to the agreed delivery schedules. We provide the fastest and most efficient translatio
ho have Masters and Bachelors degrees. Translation Experience: Our professional and efficient approach delivers quality translation solutions that all
Polish 25. Romanian 26. Russian 27. Serbian 28. Tajik 29. Turkish 30. Ukranian 31. Uzbek 32. Urdu 33. Indonesian 34. Japanese 35. Khmer 36. Ko
Spanisch, Italienisch und Niederlndisch. bersetzer ausschlielich Muttersprachler. Standard Korrektur von einem 2. bersetzer. Franais: Traductio
Mobile localization Website localization -Desk Top Publishing - Testing. Industries: IT Telecom Military Automotive Energy Healthcare - Educa
coverage to almost 200 languages if needed. Experience of agency and specialties include all types of business documents, financial documents, co
uists in several countries. They are always looking for skilled, experienced translators, subtitlers and voice-over artists in all languages. They are esp
ed freelancers only.
ts are enormous - the options and language permutations are endless. Translators must be familiar with both the subject and the media in which the
suitable for working or experienced translators, focuses on practical and theoretical training, subject areas wide-ranging but choice restricted by ex
ngarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian/Croatian, Turkish. One rule always applies: we never work into languages in which
excellence characterize the work of words & words and guarantee satisfaction and recognition from the clients.
ter between you and your non-English speaking patient, push the button, and you and your patient are instantly connected to a qualified, trained
ility to prepare multi-language brochures, company reports, product sheets, and other items. These can be typeset and/or desktop published in the
rtain experience in creating industrial brochures in German, right form designing and drafting. Advertising, copy writing are the fields calling to WOR
ndor, we offer top-quality services on-level with the worlds highest standards. In-
serve you, and is looking forward to initiate a promising business relationship with your company in the near future.
ch covers the entire conversion process of foreign manual into Czech manual. After a foreign user's manual is received along with all additional requ
exts that have already been translated. Company can supply you with professional advice about all your text needs. Asia Service: Hindi, Pashto, Fars
enabling processing of large projects with the shortest terms of delivery possible; External and internal final text editing and corrections; Competitive
E-PAX TRANSLATION s objectives. ZE-PAX TRANSLATION knows the value of their work and pay enough attention to their work in order to satisfy a
nd sworn translations upon request. Please do contact Jorge M. Felix-Serodio: Email: [email protected]
tructure, that is modern, flexible, and innovative, and which makes intensive use of new technologies and tele-work and gets rid of unnecessary str
Tatar, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek. The lowest prices not hurting quality!
here interpreters are at no risk from 'Health and Safety' breaches before 'surgeries' are held.
glish, Urdu => Farsi, Urdu => Hindi, Urdu => Punjabi and vice versa.
commerce and patent among others. Its clients come from businesses of various scales and types including Fortune 500 companies, as well as varie
ce at reasonable prices. Agency is also able to deal with texts or situations of a technical or official nature. Lines of agency are open 24 hours a day
ng in Ukraine since 1995 and provides translation/interpreting services to numerous national and international commercial companies, embassies, la
on Ingnieire (PCI), Cinetic, Rapid Charge Filling, Datapaq, GL Events, OREFI, Solaronics Chauffage, OET, ARS Mtal, CPS Technologies, Segula, Inge
ooking and management system which makes the process efficient. Investing heavily in up to date technology and software. Secured by Professiona
n Mande Marathi Marwari Matabele Mongol Nepali Norwegian Nynorsk Oriya Oromo Pali Pashto Persian Polish Portuguese Prakrit Punjabi Putonghua Q
ou will not need a collection of specialists. The company comes to your office or home at your convenience. To fit tight schedules, the company offe
ranslators and interpreters. The test translation is a must to get registered in the translators database.
, Hungarian, Russian, Rumanian, Polish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Norwegian, Serbian, Danish, Bosnian, Icelandic, Croatian, Italian, Bulgarian, Portugu
ssian National Scientific Research Institute for Construction and Operation of Fuel and Power Sector Pipelines and Facilities), a number of companies
vices in the media. We provide translation services in any form: - from print media to electronic media and in any language (foreign language to Eng
We use Trados 6.5 LSP CAT tool and build terminologies, which allow us to maintain consistency. We are fully equipped with all the equipment and
ver individualized solutions on time, on budget and with the highest measures of quality.
any proprietary tools and technical glossaries and dictionaries in the most complex technical areas. We can offer high-level translation and localizatio
d Traditional), Korean. German, French, Swedish to: English (US and UK).
agazines, the PDF files, and the electronic books with the capability of fitting together of the inclusions of any of the mentioned particulars and prep
ards. The companys aim is to ensure that the companys clients communicate effectively, to provide language translation services on time and accur
certified and accredited linguistic experts. At our home office in Boston, our in-house project managers serve as your advisors from start to finish. I
h gets your message through with all the linguistic and cultural nuances which are specific for the target language of your choice.
ieved by translators using special working methods. On other occasions, documents are split between translators and harmonized by a lead translat
anslation projects with a high level of professionalism and accuracy using industry-standard translation systems like TRADOS in order to provide a sy
onetary institutions, universities, art galleries, museums, research institutions, biotechnology companies, medical technology companies, IT compan
final product is mistake-free. We guarantee speedy and accurate translations.
computer infrastructure includes DSL and FTP server, all hardware and Arabic localization software for Mac and PC.
ual communication scenario, we have extended our activities into all languages, including those used in the Baltic countries, Arabic-speaking nations
. Our translations are double-checked by our editors and submitted to a demanding quality control process. See our video presentation at www.arch
Our team has a sound background and experience in the localization market. W
ge Services is your full-service partner, helping enable your company to meet all it's international business language needs.
AP QA Localization provides a full range of custom services to match the specific needs of your projects and your organization. Multilingual localizatio
ing, economic and legal documents. As part of its permanent commitment to providing quality, A.R.I. has introduced a rigourous and multi-stage ch
mpany from Belgium. Upon request we are ready to send you our customers' recommendations. We are glad to propose you the following services o
ty. Their success is the driving force behind their growth and their future.
rding its quality system, organizational structure and technology. Our business is to translate all your diagnostic tools, technical bulletins, and owner
quipments and products), Military equipment, Music, Pharmaceutics, Social Politics, Software, Training manuals, Videogames, Watch making (instruc
ndustry and professsional organizations to ensure their evolving needs are reflected in our eSolutions.
nterpretation possible. We guarantee your privacy and confidentiality at all times. Add our professional, accurate service to your team
ndinka, Marshallese, Marathi, Maya, Mien, Mossi (aka More), Nahuatl, Navajo, Nepali, Norwegian, Nuer, Oromifa, Oriya, Pashto (aka Pushto), Persian
nd subsidiaries in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Shenzhen and Xiamen. Since its foundation in 1995, depending on the experts and scholar from m
ineering, telecommunications, transportation, business, finance, government, patent, website, newsletter etc. We also deal with translation projects
05-0.06 one source word, Russian to Chinese: $0.05-0.06 one source word, Arabic to Chinese: $0.05-0.06 one source word, Vietnamese to Chinese:
s required to successfully complete the translation process. As a crucial part of this process Betmar Languages pledges to operate with integrity, com
em help you plan your entrance into foreign and multilingual domestic markets before you make costly mistakes.
you from Monday to Friday from 8am-5pm and during the weekends if necessary. Also before or after working hours when we know there's a job to
is no problem and our customers are based all over the world. All our translators are highly qualified and translate both into their native language a
ernational LLC provides focused experience in your target markets with a keen understanding of the necessary balance between bus
iar with: Computer Software/Hardware, CAD/CAM, e-Business, Electronics, Enterprise Management (ERP, CRM, SCM), Automotive, Medical Equipme
ed text using the company's Linguistic Quality Index to deliver the greatest degree of accuracy, Returning completed translations in the same forma
nance, banking, insurance and law. Literacy in IBM Translation Manager, Trados or other Translation Memory tools is desirable. The command of Polis
y help and advice that you may need. So you think all this is wildly exaggerated sales stuff just to try and get your business? Try Bubbles Translatio
with regional promotion and the development of local products. We offer graphic design, printing and binding, and have extensive experience in prod
al, technical, financial etc.), in all major languages. All work is checked by a second linguist before despatch. For urgent, short jobs we can usually p
technology that stores and matches source and target language segments in a database for future use. This important tool is designed to help & en
g on the other hand, together with an advantageous price-performance ratio which this company, as freelance translators are able to offer to you, th
ccess to relevant industry articles, feel free to subscribe to the Ccaps Newsletter either by accessing the company's website and clicking the Newslet
r Chinese students studying abroad or seasoned simultaneous interpreters, some have been well-renowned translators and interpreters for years in
ential clients we strive to run China Beacon at minimal overheads. Our large volume of work can also allow us to charge our clients at a very comple
nuous basis for freelance positions. Translators interested in working for the agency as freelance patent translators are now requested to apply for t
ties: Inform exhibition information, book show-case, receive samples, support to decorate and display samples Invite customers to visit show case
e spectrum of services ranges from the editing of multilingual annual reports, the machine translation of a colleagues memo from overseas, the tran
cel, our clients have the assurance of a high quality translation at a competitive price.
commitment to quality. This earned us the loyalty of prominent customers, such as Majid Al Futtaim Group, Emirates Airlines, McDermott, Emirates
a, Poland, Romania. What else you get: 24/7 support, full confidentiality, competitive pricing, project team focused on quality, consistency and accur
airs you may require, offering very reasonable and competitive rates which are still always negotiable. For details, please refer to the following webp
s and texts for works of Jane Roberts and Carlos Castaneda; also translated some lyrics for several music bands like Braitlag or Chemical Brothers; w
hinese, Mandarin, Japanese, Malay, Thai and Regional Indian languages. Through our strong network of language experts, we can provide you prem
tive speakers of their target language, ensuring the greatest degree of accuracy and fluidity.
Korean, Catalan, Ukrainian, Malay, Bulgarian, Croatian, Latin, Romanian, Tagalog. Further, we also provide Content Services such as: Content writin
, keeping pace with rapid globalization and the ever-changing information industry. We aim to meet our clients' many different needs and the variou
wish to bild a partnership with you, and especially to be able to contact Mary Carroll, whom I greatly admire.
TM to you if necessary.
Moreover, we have cooperated with many world famous companies such as IBM, HP, Kodak, Samsung and Carrier. Our
. We are not "cheap" sub-contractors, and our reliability and the quality of our work have earned the trust and preference of our clients and a stead
tation, translation, interpreter testing and training, and assessment services. All of CyraCom's interpreters are trained in medical vocabulary and con
esktop publishers in order to ensure a final product of the highest quality. Confidentiality of every document is guaranteed.
ons, in regards to graphics, fonts, highlighting, drawings, tables, header and footer etc. Languages: Hebrew, English, French, Spanish, German, Itali
Punjabi and Hindi. I, myself have done Masters in Punjabi and my wife has Doctrate in Punjabi. As student of Language and with interest in Literatur
aracters (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai) we have developed higly efficient systems based on M9First technology.
nd new technologies in order to consistently and reliably offer their customers the services they require. They enable you to address your clients in t
Quality: Translations are a matter of trust. As a market leader, we offer you professional translations ac
on. MS Word, Excel, AutoCAD, MS PowerPoint, Visio Professional, CorelDraw and Microstation are the software packages most commonly used by cli
ntel, Sun Microsystems, Acer, etc). Translation capability: English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Greek in any combination thereof.
gement Corporate Law Insurance Public Administration Health Care Management Pharmaceutical Geology and Geophysics Mining Ma
de la terminologa especfica porque vivimos en la cultura/sociedad meta.Quines somos?Nuestra oficina consiste de dos traductoras autnomas co
and tested to ensure that only suitably qualified translators, editors and reviewers are applied to projects, thus ensuring that even very complex m
nslation tools like (Trados, SDLX, Trans It....etc) and several plug-ins, extensive Acrobat use, and of course the use of several tools support our daily
e also offers interpreting as a service to business people visiting Germany. DURU Translation Service: All spoken languages worldwide, all subjects. 2
portant for you to choose a professional translation company. EGB Translations has the resources and strategic partners around the globe to fulfill th
ovides final quality control for ensuring that each document is flawless before delivery. We offer timely, personalized services at reasonable prices an
Mongolian, Norwegian (Standard Norwegian, New Norwegian), Persian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian and European), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, S
r not. Youve got nothing to lose and with ECOLE, we assure you, theres a lot to gain.
ou are a localization company or a software publisher, or you need your corporate web site localized, ETS can be the best choice. ETS provides a high
in our team? If you think you meet our requirements, register with us now: Elanex does n
rope, namely: Asia China/Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, The Philippines, Burma, Laos, Cambodia
ouble-check that every project is up to the standards to which Elrom's clients have become accustomed.
onal markets by providing professional Vietnamese translations of the highest quality for all of your communication needs.
ealthcare, Automotive, Education, Telecom, Media, Energy, Military, and others. And each one has fulfilled the EuroLingo guarantee of consistency, q
company's key principles are Confidentiality, Quality, Flexibility, Efficiency and Reliability. The offices are located in the center of Thessaloniki, on the
onetary institutions, universities, art galleries, museums, research institutions, biotechnology companies, medical technology companies, IT compan
based on the rich experience of its founders - Pavla Gruzov and Luciano D'Orsogna - in the field of linguistic, promotional and organizational servic
e is equipped with both PC and Macintosh computers equipped with the most required office and publishing software necessary for complex DTP pro
ologies at our disposal, so distance is no object. Our watchwords are reliability, quality and price. Our translators are all specialists in their fields. In
nd time, we are able to deliver superior service to clients, and enjoyed consensus reputation among clients for high quality and reliable services.
pecialize in select languages and subject matter of which we can provide accurate and culturally appropriate translations. SERVICES: , Translation (
Russia Business Council, United Nations, World Bank, law firms, international corporations, and educational institutions.
eek, Hebrew.
ne of the companys main fields for foreigners employed in Finland. The company offer basic and advanced courses, from private tuition for business
prices and offer various translation and interpreting services. We work with native speaking freelancers with extensive experience in the particular a
t from a perfect command of the source and target languages, they also have practical experience in their areas of specialisation. Consequently, you
nslation into language which is up to date and grammatically correct in all relevant languages, and which is tuned to the relevant audience - for exam
and Swedish.
o, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer, Kirundi, Korean, Kurdish, Kurmanji, Kurdish, SoraniLao, Latvian, Lingala, Lithuanian, Mac
dge in their fields of expertise. The work process includes translating, proof-reading, editing and unifying the document prior to its final delivery, a co
our website:
n, Marathi, Nepali, Norwegian, Orya, Polish , Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese (European), Punjabi, Russian, Serbian, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, S
anwhile, our engineers and designers will have already begun assessing the technical and visual elements of the job in preparation for reformatting t
ech to translate from it into their own native language. Company provide services ranging from translating, interpreting, proof reading and language
to respond quickly to the clients translation needs. Whether you need to translate, Legal Documents, Websites, Scientific Research Papers, Marketin
assigns the translators to the jobs based on their native language and expertise in the relevant topic. The company makes sure that the appropriate
e thing in common: they were all searching for a translation agency offering client-friendly and reasonable prices and conditions. Projects: Web site
menian, Uzbek, Yakut, Arabic, Bengali, Burmese, Cebuano, Chinese (Simplified, Traditional, Mandarin, Cantonese, Taiwanese) Farsi, Indonesian, Hind
corrections and transcriptions. We have both local and international clients and we cooperate as well with other translation agencies
nto si una reunin es nacional, como internacional, formal o informal, es difcil conseguir el mejor resultado si existen barreras de idioma. Inter Busi
iterature. International Corner can manage translations from/into the 25 languages of the member states now belonging to the EU. We can offer th
most dialects, Serbian, Sindhi, Slovenian, Spanish--most dialects, Swahili, Swedish, Taiwanese, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Vietnamese, W
panys procedures before submitting the completed files to the companys customers.
ional in the relative field they are engaged. Also all our translations are based on software like: Trados, SDLX, Wordfast, to keep the term consiste
he Montreal Protocol, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the World Health Organization), various (EU)European Institutions (such as Eurstat, OS
rn or use a second and third language we help ensure our position in a world market and increase professional possibilities.
nd the verification of it. Due to this procedure, applied to any kind of translation, from the most complex to the simplest one, we can always guaran
h, validate & maintain standards for European, Asian & Middle Eastern Languages.
602 or go to
ation costs and increase efficiency. Services Offered: Technical translation by local natives in 24 languages, HTML-based translation (TRADOS).
we have translated cover a broad range of areas; from technical to legal documents, from financial reports to news articles, training material, broch
e problem posed by the language barrier. We offer services for oral and written translation of legal and non-legal documents, medical, technical infor
e all orders in the shortest possible period of time. We guarantee confidentiality and security of your documents. Our price is 0.03-0.12 euros per w
andled under strict confidentiality. If you are in need for a translation, please send us your documents and we will be happy to give you a quote (with
es filings, merger and acquisition and joint venture agreements and insurance policies.
-grade professional service provider in Hong Kong. Globalization is the way the world is going. This is a society where information has become one o
ate of the English Department, IKIP Jakarta registered by Gubernatorial Decree No. 2228/2001 and top list in 5 embassies. English (Regular) (1 of 6
es; Technical - instruction manuals, user guides, product catalogues; Movie subtitles; Business card translation; Journalistic texts, magazine and new
ntiality principle as a must. Build up firmly on those work ethic principles, Klas Translation Services are providing reliable and hard to please service
orts, memos, multimedia, etc. Covering the areas of science, industry, medicine, law, literature and many others.
medical fields. We have translated letters, brochures, protocols, consent forms and other forms for the City and County of San Francisco, State of C
pretacion. nuestras tarifas promedio son de u.s.$ 0.07 por palabra fuente, sujeto a revision de los archivos de nuestro cliente. calidad y cumplimient
This will have to be reworked if there is some special requirement from your end. 3. The price per word is applicable on the source language (the or
whether your needs are local, national or global. Language Specialties: 100 languages. Industry Specialties: Manufacturing, product
am to coordinate all your translation needs in the timescale you require. The company's own business process management and workflow control sy
di, Hmong, Hungarian, Icelandic, Igbo, Irish, Indonesian, IsiSepedi, Italian, Japanese, Kambatic, Kazahk, Khmer, Kikuyu, Kiswal, Konkani, Korean, K
d the world. If you are a professional translator, you can register with LanguageWire and receive assignments suited precisely to your competencies
es are very competitive and we always strive to meet your deadlines. Our clients include multinational companies; television and radio broadcasting
ncial statements of some multinationals such as BNP Parisbas, Commerzbank, Asahi Tech, etc. So, we will be very grateful to cooperate with you. W
onetary institutions, universities, art galleries, museums, research institutions, biotechnology companies, medical technology companies, IT compan
ce-over, Subtitling, Coaching, Placement and Escorting & DTP Services. Our forte is providing the high quality work at reasonable rates.
uest any type of information from them . Freelancers are welcome to apply at the web-site.
with our understanding of cultural similarities and differences throughout the world. To this foundation we apply linguistic, subject-area and technica
fill out our application form at the Career page and to contact the Director of Recruitment, Paola Ludovici (an immigrant herself) at pludovici@lexite
ase give us an opportunity to render our service to you. We will prove your choice is right!
ionals and work under strict confidentiality. We pay special attention to the confidentiality of the assignments and take this into account at every sta
red that our translators will produce accurate translations while being sensitive to the related audience. Our committed project team will ensure that
taken in order to ensure consistency across documents if further translations are to be requested. Translators are encouraged to contact clients direc
ione" delle nostre banche dati, la chiave di volta delle nostre agenzie, permettendo un sostanziale risparmio sia in termini economici che di tempisti
by native s! peakers of the languages and are proofread very carefully. Quality is our number one priority. We have a network of in-country translato
e translators and more then 20 freelance Translators. Liwal helps business reach customers, suppliers and employees in Afghanistan market. The com
equire a convincing foreign accent. We work with PCs, consoles and handhelds of all types across all media. The young team at Locabase is now cap
We have built a sound international reputation based on quality, service and reliability, and hope to extend our services to you. We aim at becoming
pecialists. In addition to regular DTP tasks, LocaWorks covers wide varieties of DTP services, such as: Screen Capture, Conversions, Postscript Produ
negotiation, tourist Please visit our website or contact us for futher information and quotation.
per, CD, etc. PRICE: Minimum rate per word is $0.09. We provide free pick-up and delivery of jobs, and provide printed material or one compact disk
e most complex to the simplest one, we can always guarantee the quality of ur work. REVISION: the work of revision it consists in reading an alread
onitored from beginning to end, ensuring that deadlines are always met and that services are 100% accurate from a linguistic, technical and cultura
ors' CVs: "Moscow State Institute of Foreign Relations, Faculty of International Law, Bachelor's Degree in Law"; "Legal advising in civil cases, repres
ally, Marketing, Educational, IT, Legal, Medical, Telcom(munications), Engineering, Petroleum, Naval and Environmental.
the engineering, technical and software fields. Please check our water desalination/
Quality: Translations are a matter of trust. As a market leader, we offer you professional translations a
court procedures, Contracts and other legal documents, Marketing/advertising/PR materials, Medical and pharmaceutical texts, Professional business
onetary institutions, universities, art galleries, museums, research institutions, biotechnology companies, medical technology companies, IT compan
another language normally leads to confusion. A thorough understanding of both the content to be transferred and the prevailing cultural conditions
service to our customers. meta<lang> has selected translators from amongst the most qualified and knowledgeable human linguists to provide the
nd exactly the right person for the job. This goes both for individuals' subject expertise and their mastery of the required languages or dialects. We
ize in almost every sector from industry, legal, General, Medical/Pharmaceutical, Telecommunications, Tourism, etc.
r beyond pure translation services. Some of these are: revision of texts already translated, proofreading, transcription from audiocassette.
ommunication. Our FTP and HTTP servers provide fast and reliable access. The company network counts over 30 computers including dedicated web
ost welcome to forward translation projects to us which require expertise in the aforementioned local and foreign languages.
t services, the companys professional translation services will give your company the global presence it requires. Call to learn about the companys
mation. In addition to these IT industries, Nu-Fantex works extensively with leading companies in the medical industry, with a separate division dedi
ocusing on providing translation services from German, Spanish and Italian language to English. We also do Indian language into english and vise v
ource language delivery of completed files for printing or electronic output in-house printing in our facilities on two continents website localizat
OU Dussan has also participated in the translation of thousands of pages of EU legislation into the Estonian language together with other translatio
ative speakers, born in Brazil. Language Specialties: English into Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. Industry Specialties: Software L
hand. As a well established office we represent a number of Slovenian clients as well as large European companies and numerous clients from the U
es. Many major law firms have honoured the company with their custom, these include: De Bandt, Van Hecke & Lagae; De Caluwe, Akin, Gump, Stra
Gems & Jewelry; Food; Electronic and consumer durables; Conferences and seminars; Banking and finance; Logistics-shipping. Russian typesetting
nager to you who will act as you point of contact during the translation process. Our extensive translation team covers around 30 languages into an
your success and complete satisfaction. We normally work in the following fields: Communication and business management. Law and insurances. In
referred ways of payment. 11. Any other information that could add to your credibility.
very time. With over twenty-five years in the business, the Localization Group at Polarity Post Production is your out-of-house audio
breast of terminology in these rapidly changing fields. We evaluate new dictionaries and purchase them if they meet our language standards. We als
out according to strict professional rules, built on respect for terminological standards, consistency, clear-cut phrase structure and grammatical corre
h rigorous selection testing. Twelve in-house employees and about seventy freelancers work for our agency. We also have a database of many profes
ng to making-up, designing and replicating documents, as well as various accompanying services. PROFESSIONAL TRANSLATIONS in figures: More
re on-screen manuals, Internet contents. Technical: instruction manuals, work procedures, environment evaluation reports, safety procedures, Chine
ghest possible quality, meeting our exacting and demanding standards. If you are interested in joining our team of freelance translators, please cont
ory. The translation process is organized in a form of a translation team. Team work develops communication skills which leads to better and more o
pean countries. On the basis of our enterprise tenet "Survival with quality, developing with good reputation and credit standing", with our sacred pro
backgrounds. Language Specialties: Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch
Nokia, Hydro-Quebec and many more have entrusted us with their projects.
ers Asian full localization services in all Asian languages with SC and TC as core languages.) Operations manager is ex-Lionbridge/BGS with 12 years
l value-add in today's localization marketplace! Trade typesetting and related services are our primary business. We are your vendor and invisible to
is centered on translating between English and the dozen major European, Asian, and South American Languages, such as German, French, Spanis
executive level. Our training experts excel in designing and producing custom-made training packages for specific English language
range of localization tools - all formats, all platforms. Final product appears as if developed BY native speakers FOR native speakers
eduction, we focus on improving and fostering teamwork and successful collaboration with MLVs and SLVs. Our efforts ensure that both our clients a
proyecto dedicado. Todo el equipo sabe que la competencia, el dinamismo y el conocimiento del argumento, de las tecnologas y de los objetivos de
anguage service providers to hold certificates of conformance with ISO 9001:2000, we can guarantee what few others can offer to the users of our
ts on a freelance basis. Are you a qualified translator or interpreter? Interested in joining the team? Feel free to contact them with your CV, including
anslators special in localization and business partners are dotted in Hong Kong, Australia, America, Britain, France, Japan, South Korea and German
ranslation, they fully command of comprehending and aligning the original versions of texts and are able to ensure the quality of tra
eting, Science and Tourism. I will be happy to answer all questions concerning our DTP and translation services. You can test us before you trust us.
t to language and subject experts at our branches in countries throughout the region, where they are translated, checked and proofread, and finally
ur translators are native English and Polish speakers, and are aware of cultural subleties not generally noticeable to foreign learners of a language. O
s with highly capable personnel often operating in the most austere field conditions. SMC offers some of the most exiting and challenging career opp
ty of localisation projects in the following fields: Automotive (Caterpillar, John Deere, Hyunday), Railway Vehicles (Bombardier), Cars (Mitsubishi, Me
e words per month!!! On the other hand, we feel that our strong professional background, combined with an especially adapted working environmen
AD, technical and editing services, printing, multimedia and website production.
Express, Inc. undergo three steps, each performed by a separate, professional linguist: a) translation b) editing c) proofreading / final review.
ion, Industrial Engineering, Installation & User Manuals, Medical Documents, Patent Descriptions, Product Brochures, Pharmaceutical, Published Wor
n, Japanese, Javanese, Korean, Kazakh, Khmer, Lari, Latin, Laotian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Lingala, Malay, Maltese, Mongolian, Moldavian, Norwegian,
nd, equally as important, in terms of pricing. Complete convertibility of Trados legacy translation memory is possible, allowing migration with very lit
is STAR's Translation memory system, which allows you to translate quickly, with consistency and therefore also cost-effectively. TermStar is a progr
e of the strictest confidentiality. Studio Godelli's attractive pricing policy takes into account technical difficulty, volume and any special requests. To e
service. All the companys translators are native speakers of the target language with expertise in specific fields. The company also draws up glossar
Union for over fifteen years, translating the Community's regulatory requirements (directive 83/189/ECC). This ongoing experience has helped wide
re staff is available 24 hours online at yahoo, msn and aol messenger ids. They strive to provide you translations in any International language as p
omplete database of these companies operating in Delhi and NCR). Introduction of your company profile, location, services, presentations, messages
sia, Tagalog, Thai, Vietnamese, Myanmar (Burmese), Khmer (Cambodian), Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Bengali, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, Sinhala.
ment / financial / ICT consultancy, recruitment, legal services and translation. In a world where English has become the official language for business
German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Russian, Tai and Arabian, etc.
onetary institutions, universities, art galleries, museums, research institutions, biotechnology companies, medical technology companies, IT compan
publicity activities of your organization. In addition to these services we provide is to translate documents,publications and any presentation materi
uiring expertise outside of their range. Such cooperation continues and agency's database with contacts for translators and consultants in more and
products and services while also advising on how to do business in foreign countries. We also can assist by establishing contacts, setting appointme
anizations The TOUAREG Agency management team together with its pool of dedicated translators, interpreters, editors, proofreaders, localization e
anslation orders. DIN 2345 sets the following conditions for proper execution of a translation order: The source text must be made available by the
shing service. If need full-time, part-time, permanent or temporary staff with language skills, the company can give you a choice of qualified candida
contact us. We are prepared to provide you with a service of the highest quality but the lowest price in comparison to our competitors in Korea. Man
ceive a translation first hand in record time. Agency offers the quickest, most professional, and also economical service as expenses tied to translatio
tes a los trabajos y a los clientes en forma estrictamente confidencial. El cumplimiento de los plazos y la responsabilidad con la cual encaramos nues
and Catalan institutions, several EU institutions and 3 large corporations based in Germany, apart from local minor clients. We are only interested in
tor. In addition, for patent documents, the accuracy of the translation is reviewed by an intellectual property expert.
s, diplomas, judgments, decrees of divorces, wills and testaments, etc. Company translates your documents at a reasonable price from and into all
ely translated in the three languages. Our translations are thoroughly checked, carefully edited and proofread before delivery to our clients. This serv
ise in a small range of economic activities caters to provide value Translation to ensure flexible accommodation of your inputs, imperative for produc
iott vacation Club International; Marriott's Orlando World Center; Mitsubishi Motors of the Caribbean; Environmental Care, Inc.; National Training Ce
y translations or specialized glossaries) through to the final reviewer (who may communicate any style or terminology corrections to the translator fo
ali, Spanish (Continental), Spanish (Americas), Swahili, Swedish, Ta Bedawie, Tadjik, Tagalog, Thai, Tigrigna, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietna
e accuracy and quality of our translation. Our translators have more than 10 years of experience in the field of Translation.
general rates are between EUR 0.06 and EUR 0.12 per source word, depending on the languages involved as well as size and complexity of the docu
vance of confidentiality. Thus the Bureau represents the best correlation of price and quality.
establishing good business contacts to Ukrainian companies. Our attractive tour guides will also show you Ukrainian sights. Our professional team pr
advantage of time zone differences to meet the tightest deadlines and requirements.
many of the most popular Desktop Publishing Tools including but not limited to Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Capture; MS Publisher; QuarkXPress;
publishing (DTP), graphic design, printing, and binding, etc. Transmart is skilled in handling all kinds of files created with desktop publishing (DTP) t
donesian, Japanese, Urdu, Hindi and ALL other official Indian languages.
chment at [email protected] or call toll free (877) 881-8317 or upload your document here and we will give you a free quote within 24 hours.
can specify our charges for simultaneous and consecutive interpreting. We cannot specify some projects we performed for confidentiality reasons.
ord, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher, Frontpage), Adobe, etc. We are very willing to be awarded in your translation project and would like to demonstrat
nt of air gas and fluids, drilling and rock crushing equipment, electronics, etc. etc. Language combinations covered range from the regularly used Fre
mbers having knowledge of practical Japanese and experience in translation. UKS has native Japanese speakers in staff. 2. High quality translation on
e will exchange files with customers and translators. We will also have an interactive web-site. A program will be available, on the client side, to up-l
fastest and most efficient translation services possible. We have proved our acumen in translation jobs. Our native translators are well versed with th
quality translation solutions that allow you to present your documents in many language with complete confidence. Your translation will be complete
ian 34. Japanese 35. Khmer 36. Korean 37. Kurdish 38. Lao 39. Malay 40. Pushto 41. Singhalese (Sinhalese) 42. Sylheti (Sylheti) 43 Thai 44. Vietna
m 2. bersetzer. Franais: Traduction de documents juridiques, commerciaux et techniques entre les langues : franais, anglais, allemand, espagno
documents, financial documents, contracts and court documents, medical reports and records, and software manuals. Ask, and agency is will let you
rtists in all languages. They are especially interested if you translate into one of the less common languages, are a copywriter, or have a particular s
urselves to the communication between china and the world, to parnter with chinese company on their way to go overseas, to be guide for overseas
subject and the media in which the translation will appear. Sometimes speed of delivery to the client seems all important but it must not be allowed
ranging but choice restricted by examination structure, document types mainly drawn from journalistic sources, includes literature option, diplomas
never work into languages in which we do not have the relevant copywriting skills.
set and/or desktop published in the software of your choice, or presented to your company in print-ready hard copy.
writing are the fields calling to WORTE. The services WORTE currently offering are: German-English and English-German technical translations, interp
ighest standards. In-house, experienced and professional staff. Cutting edge computer
ceived along with all additional requirements necessary for the translation and conversion process and all other production conditions are approved,
ds. Asia Service: Hindi, Pashto, Farsi, Chinese, Korean, Japanese... Asian languages demand special attention when editing texts and prepress files.
editing and corrections; Competitive prices; Very broad coverage of topics from the fields of economics, technology and humanities; Handling of all m
n to their work in order to satisfy and meet their customer satisfaction and also expectation.
ork and gets rid of unnecessary structure. In the "1Global Translators List of Rates" which you can find enclosed, you will be able to see that prices
une 500 companies, as well as varieties of government agencies, organizations and institutions around the world.
of agency are open 24 hours a day and at weekends and your translation can be faxed or e-mailed in various text processor formats and of course a
mmercial companies, embassies, law and audit firms, industrial enterprises and research companies, etc.
tal, CPS Technologies, Segula, Ingemat, Steim, SEH, Boet Stopson, Lecq and many others.
nd software. Secured by Professional Indemnity Insurance. Carrying out quarterly Customer Satisfaction Survey. Absolute Interpreting & Translation
uguese Prakrit Punjabi Putonghua Quechua Riksmal Romanian Russian Samoan Sanskrit Scottish Serbian Serbo-Croat Sesotho Shona Signlanguage
t tight schedules, the company offers phone, E-mail, and video conference courses. Whenever you can spare 20 minutes, pick up the phone and lea
Croatian, Italian, Bulgarian, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Czech, Georgian, Slovakian, Kurdish, Chinese, Thai, Arabic, Albanian, Latvian and others.
d Facilities), a number of companies within the JSC Gazprom group, as well as other Russian and foreign companies government departments, and o
y language (foreign language to English and Indian language to English & viz. versa). 1. Translation in any form. (From print media to electronic med
quipped with all the equipment and software necessary for professional work from CAT tools and conference equipment to DTP applications. Of cours
high-level translation and localization services in more than 30 languages. Our team makes widespread use of up-to-date technology to improve clie
the mentioned particulars and preparing them for printing directly on paper. 2-The conversion of the website entirely, conserving the same layout, in
nslation services on time and accurately. As a translation agency the company is able to provide any type of language translation services, including
your advisors from start to finish. In addition to overseeing your project and guaranteeing its timely completion, project managers can find solution
e of your choice.
s and harmonized by a lead translator. For more details, see Their FAQs page. On completion, translations are always checked - sometimes by anoth
l technology companies, IT companies, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, publishers etc. We handle large and small projects in all fields and lang
rience in the localization market. We use Translation Memory Technologies and are experienced in such CAT-tools as TRADOS, SDLX, Alchemy Cataly
organization. Multilingual localization: Audio Design, Video Design, Graphic Design, Desktop Publishing. ASAP QA Localization short- and medium-te
uced a rigourous and multi-stage checking and control procedure. New information technologies have profoundly changed their methods of working.
propose you the following services on written translation from English into Russian - 0.05 EURO per word. However, the rates are always negotiable a
tools, technical bulletins, and owners manuals etc. with a perfect & smooth translation process that are held by the highly experienced translators w
Whether it's government, for-profit, SME or multinational, we have the knowledge, experience, technology and management
al, accurate service to your team to make sure the language barrier is no obstacle to what you want to accomplish. Language Speci
Oriya, Pashto (aka Pushto), Persian, Philipino (aka Tagalog), Polish, Portuguese, Pueblo, Punjabi (aka Panjabi), Quechua, Quiche, Romanian, Russian
g on the experts and scholar from many universities and research institutes and with the support of numerous clients and from various social organiz
Rates: Our normal rate for SC and TC is US dollar 0.06/ per source word (depending on com
ource word, Vietnamese to Chinese: $0.05-0.06 one source word, Thais to Chinese: $0.05-0.06 one source word, other languages to Chinese: $0.04
ledges to operate with integrity, communicate clearly, compensate fairly, and treat both the client and translator with due respect.
ours when we know there's a job to arrive. If we're handling large projects, we stay in the office, especially because of the time difference for clients
te both into their native language and into their specific area of expertise such as commerce, engineering, computers, finance, law, media, patents e
necessary balance between business, marketing and technical requirements. Language Specialties: All languages with special emph
eted translations in the same format and layout as the source files (where feasible). BGS is the world's largest translation services provider having co
s is desirable. The command of Polish is not required. Should your skills and expertise match our above-mentioned requirements, please e-mail us (i
d have extensive experience in production of website text. We also possess a library of hundreds of photographs taken in Wroclaw, the Sudety Moun
urgent, short jobs we can usually provide a 4-hour turn-around and for larger jobs we will work evening and weekends to meet the agreed deadline
portant tool is designed to help & ensure consistency and enhance efficiency. Translation Memory should not be confused with machine translation, s
anslators are able to offer to you, they are your adequate contact person for your translation. A network of German, Italian, English, Spanish, French
y's website and clicking the Newsletter button or by sending an email message to [email protected].
slators and interpreters for years in various specialties, still others have been esteemed diplomats having worked abroad for many years in a numbe
charge our clients at a very completive price. Our rate will include translating, editing and formatting.
ors are now requested to apply for the next Translation Intern program. Thank you.
Invite customers to visit show case. Arrange transport, hotel, interpreter. Other service according to your company's needs.
gues memo from overseas, the translation of corporate communication texts and the adaptation of advertising or marketing material all the way to t
rates Airlines, McDermott, Emirates Post, Jumairah International, Thuraya, Media House, Emirates Environmental Group and many companies throu
like Braitlag or Chemical Brothers; website translations; and translated essays, homeworks, stories, lyrics, help files, FAQs and so on. More referenc
e experts, we can provide you premium quality translations as subtitles for DVDs. We can also do video-editing and integrate the subtitles into the D
ent Services such as: Content writing and copy writing for Brochures, Advertisements, News Letters, Emails, Websites,Training Programs, Banks, Edu
many different needs and the various challenges of industry, translating our experience and expertise into your success.
P, Kodak, Samsung and Carrier. Our service will save you time, and our price is very competitive: USD 0.035/Word.
preference of our clients and a steady stream of work from them. We use Trados, SDLX and Dj Vu, PageMaker, QuarkXpress, Acrobat, Corel Draw
ained in medical vocabulary and concepts, enabling CyraCom to better meet the critical needs of healthcare professionals and the diverse communit
nguage and with interest in Literature, we can do wonders with words. We have done many welfare and informative brochures for our clients in US, U
irst technology.
able you to address your clients in their native language, bringing you the decisive advantages that come with clear, effective communication tailored
offer you professional translations according to the quality standard DIN2345. You can trust our work.
ackages most commonly used by clients. The clients: major to small companies, which provide design, manufacture and construction services to th
y combination thereof.
ology and Geophysics Mining Manufacturing Logistics in Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan.
e de dos traductoras autnomas con amplia experiencia en traducir para empresas espaolas, licenciadas y juradas en el Juzgado de Instruccin de
ensuring that even very complex medical, technical or pharmaceutical information is conveyed accurately. Many of our specialist translators are doct
se of several tools support our daily work. Our company is working since years for several translation agencies. This is why we are used to all the spe
anguages worldwide, all subjects. 24-hour service 7 days a week. NEW: our own network of experts with 200 translators throughout Germany. We t
artners around the globe to fulfill the need for language translations in any language or industry. As a first-rate translation services provider, our tran
zed services at reasonable prices and we are capable of delivering urgent translations within a matter of hours. We specilize in IT, telecommunication
an), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Wolof, etc.
the best choice. ETS provides a high-quality and professional solution for all your translation, localization, DTP and consulting needs.
ner_registration.aspx Elanex does not subcontract to other translation agencies, and if you work as part of a translation team you will need to agree
Philippines, Burma, Laos, Cambodia Europe France, Italy, Germany, Spain, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Portugal, Russia, Poland, Turkey.
specialty, superior knowledge of both source and target languages & good command of CAT Tools such as Trados and SDLX.
l technology companies, IT companies, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, publishers etc. We handle large and small projects in all fields and lang
omotional and organizational services. The company is able by virtue of the companys established relations with various companies, professional org
are all specialists in their fields. In addition, they are all trained to be especially attentive to the needs of each individual customer. We have extensi
What helps Find2fine's translation service stand out from the crowd is: ou unparalleled expertise in translations, ou
slations. SERVICES: , Translation (Documents, Brochures, Signs, Instructions, Etc.), Proofreading, Editing, Interpretation, EBT and Arbitration, Pho
ollowing: Annual reports, Books, Booklets, Brochures, Display banners, Educational kits, Information cards, Manuals, Newsletters, Pamphlets, Poster
es, from private tuition for businesses to training in small groups, intensive courses, advanced skills-based courses and seminars. The companys are
ensive experience in the particular area. They are educated and proven linguists and translators and have studied and specialized abroad.
of specialisation. Consequently, you can be certain that your documents will be translated by a specialist in the given area and that the translation w
to the relevant audience - for example engineers. The companys client list includes major international companies such as Hewlett Packard, Wester
o, Latvian, Lingala, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Malayalam, Marathi, Maltese, MongolianNdebele, Nepalese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portu
ument prior to its final delivery, a complete service for which they charge US$0.07 per word. By following this process, they are able to guarantee an
rbian, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish (European), Spanish (S. American), Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietn
job in preparation for reformatting the final translated project. Once the initial translation has been completed, the entire document is carefully revie
reting, proof reading and language teaching to the creation of presentations, catalogues, orthographical adjustment of web pages and the creation
Scientific Research Papers, Marketing Material, or Generic Documents, our specialist will be able to provide you with an accurate translation on any o
ny makes sure that the appropriate terminology and glossaries are used by the translators, which they receive before commencing the translation. T
s and conditions. Projects: Web sites, user interfaces, software and hardware manuals, resource files, product specifications, press releases, present
, Taiwanese) Farsi, Indonesian, Hindi, Hockien (Fuji), Japanese, Ilocano, Indonesian, Khmer, Kurdish (Kurmanji and Sorani), Lao, Malay, Mongolian, P
with other translation agencies to provide translations into Spanish/Catalan. Language Specialties: We translate to and from all mai
isten barreras de idioma. Inter Business Solutions es experta en organizar tales reuniones y ofrecemos un servicio de interpretacin preciso y diplom
elonging to the EU. We can offer the best quality level in translations into Italian, our native language. Ours is a very flexible organisation able to pin
ordfast, to keep the term consistency, and save cost for long-termed clients. We contract our translators based on their personal linguistic achievem
an Institutions (such as Eurstat, OSCE, the CoE), the Scottish Court Service (Lockerbie Trial), the World Bank, the African Union, FIATA, ICAA as wel
documents, medical, technical information. is looking for freelance interpreter and translators. Please send your resumes to: resu
Our price is 0.03-0.12 euros per word depending on the language pair, difficulty of the source text and deadlines.
here information has become one of the most valuable commodities. And its effective presentation in different languages is an essential part of succ
embassies. English (Regular) (1 of 6 persons): Graduate of the English Department, Padjadjaran University and former local staff of an embassy wit
ournalistic texts, magazine and newspaper articles; Training and education, curriculum guidelines, schooling and instruction, phrase books.
L2L Translators recognize the need for a translation service that would communicate the meaning of technical materials rather than providing li
County of San Francisco, State of California Department of Social Services, City of Berkeley Public Health, San Mateo County Mental Health, State o
estro cliente. calidad y cumplimiento son nuestros pilares de cada proyecto. Palabras clave: \"calidad y cumplimiento con tarifas economicas\"
able on the source language (the original text language) and includes the price for editing and formatting (in word or excel or power point). This will
anagement and workflow control system, the LTC Organiser, keeps track of all translators and all relevant information about them, and supports the
Kikuyu, Kiswal, Konkani, Korean, Kulo- Konta, Kurdish, Kyrgyz, Laotian, Latin, Latvian, Lingala, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Maithili, Malagasy, Malay, M
ited precisely to your competencies. Registration is completely free of charge and without obligation. Besides facilitating translations, LanguageWire
s; television and radio broadcasting organizations; law firms and organizations; building and contracting companies; specialist and professional journ
y grateful to cooperate with you. We are able and ready for any job in the above mentioned fields. And we would be very grateful to receive more jo
l technology companies, IT companies, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, publishers etc. We handle large and small projects in all fields and lang
rk at reasonable rates.
nguistic, subject-area and technical expertise to meet your objectives, audience and production requirements.
d take this into account at every stage of the translation process; when the information is being handled and also after the work has been complete
mitted project team will ensure that the goods are delivered on time, all the time.
e encouraged to contact clients directly whenever it seems necessary to clarify ambiguities, suggest improvements to the original text, or to put forw
in termini economici che di tempistica di consegna ai nostri partners commerciali per i loro progetti. Questi fattori ci hanno permesso di costituire un
ve a network of in-country translators that we cooperate with on regular basis and three in-house translators in case there is a project that requires
yees in Afghanistan market. The company create value for their clients by providing a one-stop shop in translation, as well as data conversion service
young team at Locabase is now capable of looking back on six years experience during which numerous projects have been localized. 4 full-time em
rvices to you. We aim at becoming the supplier of choice for translation and localization services in Asia by providing our clients with powerful integr
pture, Conversions, Postscript Production, PDF Production and Editing, Illustration Editing,...etc. When the case comes to be Engineering or Testing,
With motto of PRESTIGE QUALITY RELIABILITY, LTC company appreciate your business and promise you high quality and excellent custome
printed material or one compact disk. In case the native speaker for proofreading is required, we charge 20% extra fee. The final price will be based
sion it consists in reading an already translated text in order to verify the stylistic and terminology accuracy, and, if possible, the confrontation with
Legal advising in civil cases, representation in courts, English/Russian translation"; "Moscow Academy of International Commerce, Diploma in econo
offer you professional translations according to the quality standard DIN2345. You can trust our work.
ceutical texts, Professional business correspondence. Our personnel: The highest quality work is ensured because our translators work in their own f
l technology companies, IT companies, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, publishers etc. We handle large and small projects in all fields and lang
nd the prevailing cultural conditions transforms poor data transfer into real communication. A lively and dynamic understanding of previously foreign
able human linguists to provide the highest quality translations in over 30 languages, including Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, Ko
required languages or dialects. We offer translation, interpretation services, voice-over's, document review and much more. We help our clients brid
computers including dedicated web, ftp and mail servers as well as file servers with RAID. The DTP team has Macintosh computers. The backup syst
. Call to learn about the companys translation and interpreter services for the key language markets of the world. Key languages include, among ma
ian language into english and vise versa. We are a professionally managed company with well-qualified and scholastic language experts. This along
uage together with other translation agencies, which are members of the Estonian Association of Translation Companies. Translation Agency OU Du
Industry Specialties: Software Localization, Web Localization, Electronics, Broadcasting, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Telec
es and numerous clients from the United States, Japan, Australia and other countries before the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office. We represen
Lagae; De Caluwe, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld (USA); Lyons & Lyons; White & Case; Stibbe, Simont, Monahan & Duhot; Debacker & Associ
gistics-shipping. Russian typesetting in various formats. We also provide translation services for German/French/Japanese/Korean and Spanish langu
covers around 30 languages into and out of English. We carefully select and continuously monitor all our linguists to ensure that you always get the h
management. Law and insurances. Industrial engineering. Mechanical engineering. Construction. Economy and finance. Medicine and pharmacy. Infor
tion is your out-of-house audio department. For more information or to obtain a price quote for your project, please contact Charles
meet our language standards. We also utilize the latest specialized glossaries published on the Internet. And because your needs may be different fro
EFFICIENCY: Proactive Attitude - Harmonised Workflow - Satisfied Customer A well-trained team works
lso have a database of many professional translators to whom we can turn if our workload so dictates. The authority and professionalism of our colle
L TRANSLATIONS in figures: More than 5 years of work in the field of translation, information and consulting services More than 6,000 successfu
on reports, safety procedures, Chinese medicine, engines and gas turbines, automobiles, telecommunications equipment, medical instruments, gene
ls which leads to better and more open mutual communication. It also enables the team members to function in a more efficient manner.
redit standing", with our sacred promise of faith, punctuality, quality and confidentiality, all the members of our company will wholeheartedly provide
, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kaz
is ex-Lionbridge/BGS with 12 years localization experience. In 2005, the company had 100% customer retention!
We are your vendor and invisible to your clients. Your account relationships are always protected 100%... Guaranteed! Our success depends on it.
es for specific English language needs on the job. We occasionally conduct training for support staff.
ve speakers FOR native speakers. And, of course, the commitment to quality and confidentiality of service is standard professional p
fforts ensure that both our clients and Samezone gain a significant competitive advantage in the market and a prosperous business relationship for
as tecnologas y de los objetivos de mercado aaden valor a los productos del cliente y le permiten optimizar la inversin. Realizamos traducciones g
others can offer to the users of our services. Our efficient work processes, the use of the latest technologies and the best resources available for eac
able to ensure the quality of translation results. Besides, the company organizes from time to time experts, if necessary, to direct a
, checked and proofread, and finally returned to you in any format you choose. We are committed to providing you with excellent service. We unders
to foreign learners of a language. Our company website is For a free translation estimate please contact us through the informa
t exiting and challenging career opportunities available today. At SMC, we offer more than a job - we offer the chance to join a family where employ
(Bombardier), Cars (Mitsubishi, Mercedes, Ratola), Milk and Beer Products Production lines (Dexma GmbH), Domestic and professional appliances (
ecially adapted working environment infrastructure (software and hardware) as well as a thorough knowledge of Computer Aided Translation tools (T
reating products that meet the needs of final users, working on all the linguistic and cultural aspects of translations.
This comprehensive production process ensures that the Spanish materials delivered by us are of the highest pos
res, Pharmaceutical, Published Works, Quality Assurance Reports, Safety Analyses, Schematics. Other Services: Translaion of Advertisements, Web
Mongolian, Moldavian, Norwegian, Oromo, Pashto, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Scottish, Serbian, Singhalese, Spanish, Slovak,
cost-effectively. TermStar is a program for managing and viewing electronic dictionaries. These tasks are summarized in the concept "Terminology M
ume and any special requests. To ensure fast turnaround on large-scale projects, translator teams are immediately available for either single-langua
The company also draws up glossaries and is always on hand to answer its clients' linguistic queries.
ongoing experience has helped widen the company's horizons, not only giving the company a solid legal grounding but also providing valuable know-
, services, presentations, messages to the directors of these companies and highly valued customers, which surely attract more customers and bus
me the official language for business, the management of the group realized the need to promote the translation service, particularly to and from En
l technology companies, IT companies, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, publishers etc. We handle large and small projects in all fields and lang
ations and any presentation materials from Western European languages to Turkish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Serbian, Ukranian, Russian, Georgian, Ar
lators and consultants in more and more areas is growing every day. Terminus technicus not only has translators who are at home in more than 126
editors, proofreaders, localization engineers and QA experts are committed to offering you the Ultimate customer experience in terms of quality of
text must be made available by the client There must be co-operation between the contractual partners: The client must make available all inform
on to our competitors in Korea. Many companies are pleased with our high quality and professionalism. Our normal price for English into Korean tran
ervice as expenses tied to translations such as postage and paper are eliminated. At TRADUaction work only professional translators who translate
abilidad con la cual encaramos nuestra tarea as como tambin la consulta especializada son tambin cuestiones bsicas para nosotros. Adems en n
nor clients. We are only interested in projects where quality, both linguistic and/or graphic, is a must. We have a very close relation with our high qua
reasonable price from and into all European languages and deliver the translated text according to their General Terms and Conditions via e-mail, C
ore delivery to our clients. This service is provided at no extra charge. We have carried out work for International Organizations, NGO's and governm
f your inputs, imperative for production, planning and promotion. The world stage is under constant development that makes it necessary to seek s
ntal Care, Inc.; National Training Center; Access Film L.T.D.; Ripley's Believe It or Not; Orlando Science Center...AND MUCH MORE!
ology corrections to the translator for future use). The company asks that the companys translators have a flawless command of their mother tongu
as size and complexity of the document (please see the attached standard price list). Our areas of expertise include medicine, medical equipment,
an sights. Our professional team provides the best value and is your reliable partner.
pture; MS Publisher; QuarkXPress; and most MacroMedia products. With our programming team we can provide support for C++, C#, .NET, XHTML
ted with desktop publishing (DTP) tools including FrameMaker, PageMaker, InDesign, QuarkXpress, Photoshop, Freehand, Illustrator, Coreldraw, or M
roject and would like to demonstrate our proficiency. We assure that your translation projects will be handled with utmost care. You can rest assure
ed range from the regularly used French German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Dutch, Danish, Greek, Turkish and Arab
n staff. 2. High quality translation on time with 100% confidentiality. 3. Quick turnaround time. UKS assures feedback within 24 hours for any custom
available, on the client side, to up-load the files that need translating onto our server using Active Server Pages (ASP). Once translated, the custom
ve translators are well versed with the source and target text, and interpret the meaning at its best. We believe in accuracy of any given text includin
ce. Your translation will be completed accurately and by professional, experienced linguists by the deadline stated to you at the start. We charge an
. Sylheti (Sylheti) 43 Thai 44. Vietnamese 45. Hindi 46. Telugu 47. Malayalam 48. Gujarathi 49. Marathi 50. Punjabi 51. Oriya 52. Bengali 53. Kannad
ranais, anglais, allemand, espagnol, italien et nerlandais. Traducteurs professionnels travaillant dans leur langue maternelle. Rvision de contrle p
uals. Ask, and agency is will let you know if they have the experts who can handle your translation. All translations go through a rigorous process of
overseas, to be guide for overseas enterprises on their way to explore China market. With professional specialist, professional attitude and profess
mportant but it must not be allowed to compromise accuracy and presentation. Westminster SONUS has considerable experience of these issues an
includes literature option, diplomas awarded on passing 3 examination papers, examination held once each year in January.
German technical translations, interpretations. Proposed services: Dubbing, web site translations, copy writing, technical writing, and animation film
roduction conditions are approved, the entire translation process begins and ends with graphical assembly of the Czech manual and final printout.
en editing texts and prepress files. Comprehensive service for the Japanese market: translations, research and business service.
gy and humanities; Handling of all major language combinations; Large number of translators (currently we work with more than 500 translators);
you will be able to see that prices are competitive in relation to the high quality the company offers. Additionally, project management system allo
t processor formats and of course also provided on paper, floppy or CDrom. Many languages are covered by associates of agency in-situ, thus not ob
greement. It depends of TRADOS analyse. Please send us your document and we will send you our accurate quotation ASAP.
Absolute Interpreting & Translations Ltd linguists are registered on its unique bespoke software ITMS (Interpreting and Translation Management Sys
Croat Sesotho Shona Signlanguage Sindhi Tagalog Tajik Tamil Telugu Temne Thai Tibetan Tigre Tigrinya Tokpisin Tonga Tuareg Turkish Turkmen Ukra
minutes, pick up the phone and learn French. The company can assist you in organizing your trip to French-speaking countries. Their method of ind
We have over 120 highly qualified translators who possess at least 7-year experience working
(From print media to electronic media). 2. Translation in any subject. (Technical and business documents, Patent, Financial etc.). 3. Translation with
pment to DTP applications. Of course, we have a broadband internet connection and FTP space.
-to-date technology to improve client satisfaction in terms of quality, speed of response and cost reduction. Offering in-house training courses and a
rely, conserving the same layout, including the wording and the graphics to the Arabic language and the localization of the translation, add to the ca
uage translation services, including the translation of personal documents, patents or marketing documents. The company is also able to provide leg
, project managers can find solutions to your technical and logistical challenges. We promise accuracy, punctuality and professionalism in everything
ways checked - sometimes by another translator, always in-house (depending on your document). So you only receive a first class product. The comp
d small projects in all fields and languages (325 language combinations). All translations are carried out by native speakers. A detailed price list is av
We ensure the consistency, quick turnaround and high quality of all the translations we prov
A Localization short- and medium-term objectives are: to build on its successful collaboration with numerous software, web sites and game editors, a
changed their methods of working. Today no one can be unaware of the importance of integrating new tools available for professionals to ensure gr
er, the rates are always negotiable and discounts are also available. The cost of translation services depends on the subject of the text, its volume, t
the highly experienced translators with expertise in the related area. We are also aware of the fact that production cycles in the various industries ar
, technology and management capabilities to support our customers' most challenging web globalization needs.
Website globaliz
to accomplish. Language Specialties: Specialized in Japanese and English. Industry Specialties: High-Tech, Engineering, Medical, Le
uechua, Quiche, Romanian, Russian, Samoan, Sinhalese, Slovak, Somali, Spanish, Sudanese, Swahili (aka Kiswahili), Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Telug
ents and from various social organizations, HYW company has completed the translation and interpretation of more than 100 state-level major cons
, other languages to Chinese: $0.04-0.06 one word. FIELDS: IT, Medicine, Mechanics, Law, Chemical Engineering, Communication, Petroleum, Wate
use of the time difference for clients in US and Asia. We have a broadband ADSL internet 1MB/sec connection which enables us quick replies to your
uters, finance, law, media, patents etc. This ensures that translations are not only accurate but also fully convey the meaning of the original texts. In
All languages with special emphasis in Western European, Eastern European, Asian. Industry Specialties: Software and Internet rela
anslation services provider having completed substantial corporate efforts in more than 60 languages and dialects. With a global network of more tha
taken in Wroclaw, the Sudety Mountains and other parts of our region.
ekends to meet the agreed deadlines. BLS also provides a comprehensive DTP & print, telemarketing language training business.
onfused with machine translation, since Translation Memory stores and reuses already-created human translations. We keep every client TM and by
an, Italian, English, Spanish, French and Chinese ... translators are always at your disposal.
abroad for many years in a number of specialized fields or have been prestigious lecturers at esteemed foreign institutions of higher education. We
r marketing material all the way to the outsourcing of corporate language departments.
l Group and many companies throughout the world. Take a look at our web pages to get an idea of what we can do for you and contact us today to
iles, FAQs and so on. More references can be found at, our dual language website. At normally we calculate with 0,08 EUR
nd integrate the subtitles into the DVDs. We understand the basic international business processes, and ensure that all projects undertaken by us a
sites,Training Programs, Banks, Educational Books, Story Books, Motivational Books, Educational Documents, Presentations, Welfare programs, proo
, QuarkXpress, Acrobat, Corel Draw, Office XP, etc. We have an office in Portugal, for additional resources, research, consultants and localization. Ra
CyraCom improves communication with limited- and non-English proficient (LEP/NEP) patien
ear, effective communication tailored to your target audience. At DELTA, these central issues are a natural part of how they do business.
shop and language templates: We support market leaders such as eBay, XT-Commerce or Afterbuy. In our shop you will find templates, which we ha
ture and construction services to the Oil and Gas industry. Here are only a few of them: Kvaerner Plc Paladon (Systems) Ltd Foxboro (GB) Ltd Fishe
das en el Juzgado de Instruccin de Rtterdam y La Haya respectivamente. Qu traducimos?Tenemos experiencia en traducciones tcnicas: comerc
of our specialist translators are doctors or biomedical engineers who also have language degrees. The company can build teams quickly to support m
his is why we are used to all the specific processes and needs of our clients. Our company offers extensive service, high throughput and perfect qua
nslators throughout Germany. We translate your text in the original, true to style, culturally verified and, if necessary, with target-group specific into
anslation services provider, our translation process/work method involves native, highly skilled and experienced translators who will translate your d
We specilize in IT, telecommunication, mechanical and auto engineering, etc. To confirm the quality of our service, we will gladly translate up to two p
d consulting needs.
slation team you will need to agree to do all work yourself that you commit to doing for us. In other words, you cannot take on work for us then del
n, Portugal, Russia, Poland, Turkey. Our professional services enable our clients to successfully penetrate into the competitive markets and build a co
d small projects in all fields and languages (325 language combinations). All translations are carried out by native speakers. A detailed price list is av
various companies, professional organizations, Chambers of Commerce and public institutions, to offer a high standard of quality, while accompanyi
ndividual customer. We have extensive experience translating for multinational companies. We have foreign partners in France, Denmark and German
aralleled expertise in translations, our interactive collaborations with many professional translation companies in Hong Kong, our solid partnerships w
pretation, EBT and Arbitration, Phone Interpreting, Transcription, Voice-overs, Desktop Publishing. * We are open to and capable of exploring any ot
als, Newsletters, Pamphlets, Posters, Presentation folders, Reports, Stationary systems and any kind of Print ads.
es and seminars. The companys areas of expertise are oral communication, business, finance, law, HR, environment, technology, IT, construction, in
iven area and that the translation will then be verified by a language specialist.
ies such as Hewlett Packard, Western Digital Corporation and Intel Corporation, as well as many other companies intent on expanding their global pr
orwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese, (Brazilian), Punjabi, Pushto, Russian, Romanian, Sanskrit, Serbian, Shona, Sinhalese, Slovak, Slovenian,
ocess, they are able to guarantee an optimum and precise translation that each and every one of the clients deserves. Translators have the honor of
etan, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese. We do employ freelancers occasionally if they can qualify with our clients. Most will need a Ph. D. in thei
he entire document is carefully reviewed by a second translator. This additional step in the process ensures linguistic accuracy and stylistic consisten
ment of web pages and the creation of their foreign language versions.
efore commencing the translation. The translated texts are checked by a second translator (proof reader) who is experienced in the topic of the tran
nd Sorani), Lao, Malay, Mongolian, Pashto, Sinhalese, Tagalog, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, Uighur, Urdu, Vietnamese.
We translate to and from all main European languages. Catalan, Spanish > Spanish, Catalan; English, French, German, Italian, Portu
io de interpretacin preciso y diplomtico. Inter Business Solutions slo trabaja con intrpretes cualificados y con experiencia que pueden interpreta
very flexible organisation able to pinpoint the specific needs of customers and provide fast and precise answers. Backed by a wealth of experience, w
on their personal linguistic achievements and their specialty that match your subject of work. Based on years of experience, we have tried and reac
reading an already translated text in order to verify the stylistic and terminology accuracy, and, if possible, the confrontation with the original text.
nguages is an essential part of success in any field of endeavor. In this day and age, fast, accurate and professional translation cannot be dispensed
ormer local staff of an embassy with many experience. Japanese (1 of 4 persons): A former official translator of Japanese Manufacture in Jakarta. K
We guarantee you the highest quality with the most reasonable prices.
ateo County Mental Health, State of California Personnel Board, Kaiser Permanente, University of California Medical Center, San Francisco and the D
d or excel or power point). This will have to be reworked if there is some special requirement from your end or if reqired in all the 3 formats mention
ation about them, and supports the project manager throughout the whole translation management process. At the Language Technology Centre the
donian, Maithili, Malagasy, Malay, Malayalam, Maltese, Manipuri, Marathi, Marshallese, Masai, Mien, Mizo, Mongolian, Nahuatl, Ndebele, Nepalese, No
litating translations, LanguageWire also manages the coordination, invoicing and payment processes in order to make it easy for customers and sup
es; specialist and professional journals and magazines; humanitarian, cultural and religious organizations; financial institutions; hospitals and medic
be very grateful to receive more jobs from you. Our motto is: The better output in a very short time. We have the necessary tools such as electron
d small projects in all fields and languages (325 language combinations). All translations are carried out by native speakers. A detailed price list is av
o after the work has been completed. We ensure that the information received while working on a translation assignment will remain confidential wit
ts to the original text, or to put forward modifications considered necessary due to cultural factors. One main difference between their services and t
i ci hanno permesso di costituire un solida e importante rete di contatti commerciali in vari settori.
ase there is a project that requires intensive cooperation, network environment and close supervision. Our agency also employs experts for various
n, as well as data conversion services in the SGML/ XML/ HTML conversion, PDF conversion, e-books, image conversion and scanning, OCR and mult
have been localized. 4 full-time employees and as many as 60 freelancer translators, creative heads and engineers are presently employed by Loca
ding our clients with powerful integrated solutions at competitive prices. We want to be part of all of your global challenges. From translation and loca
omes to be Engineering or Testing, then our knowledge will provide you the highest quality services for these issues. Quality is the major issue when
ra fee. The final price will be based on the files difficult level, skill handling complex level and the required handover time. CAT tools are software wh
tional Commerce, Diploma in economics, international trade operations"; "Academy of National Economy, Department of Environmental Protection";
e shop and language templates: We support market leaders such as eBay, XT-Commerce or Afterbuy. In our shop you will find templates, which we h
e our translators work in their own first languages. Most translators are educated to degree level. All have long experience in language, translation a
d small projects in all fields and languages (325 language combinations). All translations are carried out by native speakers. A detailed price list is av
understanding of previously foreign languages is the master key to success in business and communication with others. But it is not only about ma
arsi, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Malay, English, French, Italian, Russian, German, Dutch, Danish, Czech, Slovenian, Portuguese, Gree
much more. We help our clients bridge the international communications gap accurately, cost effectively and on time.
cintosh computers. The backup system allows restoring data to any date within the last month.
d. Key languages include, among many others: Europe - French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Polish, German tra
olastic language experts. This along with our positive attitude, hard work and dedication ensures Quality and Customer Satisfaction. Delivering Quali
mpanies. Translation Agency OU Dussan offers consecutive translation service (negotiations, lectures, seminars, presentations, notarial transactions
and Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications, IT, Banking and Finance, Advertising and Marketing, Healthcare, Legal Translation.
ectual Property Office. We represent Slovenian companies abroad and we even represent a number of non-Slovenian companies in foreign countries
ahan & Duhot; Debacker & Associs; Schlitz, Linden & Grolig; Vanderelst, Wijckmans, Everaert & Witters; Linklaters & Paines (USA). The company a
to ensure that you always get the highest quality service for your money.
ance. Medicine and pharmacy. Information technologies and telecommunications. Quality management. Electrical engineering industry. Automotive.
project, please contact Charles Xavier at 415-421-6622 ext. 106, or via e-mail at [email protected].
use your needs may be different from those of any other client for language services, we build and maintain a customized list of the terms used in e
ustomer A well-trained team works on building up and maintaining a stable and constant contact with the clients, by reacting promptly to the incom
rity and professionalism of our colleagues lets us approach even the most difficult projects with confidence.
ervices More than 6,000 successfully performed orders More than 150,000 pages of total written translations made More than 5,000 hours of o
ompany will wholeheartedly provide you with accurate, duly and low-cost language translation, interpretation, website translation, software translat
donesian, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian and Iberian), Romanian,
Executives and professionals can enjoy our coaching services either as part of a corporate package or as individuas for a reason
nversin. Realizamos traducciones genricas, especializadas y juradas. Somos expertos en la traduccin de pginas webs. Junto con nuestros servici
the best resources available for each contract, ensure the success of our customers' projects. From the complex management of technical documen
ou with excellent service. We understand the importance of every project, and we are confident that our ISO-certified quality assurance strategies gu
ase contact us through the information provided on our website or email at [email protected]. Our prices are lower than the average going rate fo
ance to join a family where employees are valued and respected. SMC is lead by a strong management team, with a clear commitment to excellence
mestic and professional appliances (Philips, Moulinex, Bosch, Stihl, Sony), Medicine and Pharmacy (Laboratoire Servier, Local Clinics), Printers, scann
Computer Aided Translation tools (Trados, DjVu, Transit, SDLX), will enable us to be a most effective collaborator of your dynamic and innovative
elivered by us are of the highest possible quality, and is what has helped us build the strong reputation for quality we enjoy in the industry.
Translaion of Advertisements, Web Design, Webpage Localisation, Multimedia Localisation, Software Localisation. Languages we translate: Spanish,
bian, Singhalese, Spanish, Slovak, Somali, Sorani, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Turkish, Thai, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Venda, Vietnamese, Welsh, Xhosa, Yo
nslating financial, legal, technical, electronical and electrical as well as marketing documents, as well as software and website localization. We also pr
rized in the concept "Terminology Management". We always provide consistent and high quality translations at the due time. We guarantee you best
ely available for either single-language or multi-language projects. We go out of our way to ensure that price quotations and work schedules are the
g but also providing valuable know-how in the many technical issues subject to legislative action. In addition, cooperation with other consortium me
ely attract more customers and business for your airline, with this service we can bring the feedbacks, queries, suggestion and may be requirements
service, particularly to and from English. In 1985, Abu-Ghazaleh for Legal Translation was established. In a further and greater recognition of the s
d small projects in all fields and languages (325 language combinations). All translations are carried out by native speakers. A detailed price list is av
an, Ukranian, Russian, Georgian, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Turkmen, Uzbek, Kirghiz, Tadjiki, Kazakh, Persian, Arabian, Hebrew. And of course, if you pl
who are at home in more than 126 specialized areas, but also consultants, proofreaders, linguists and copywriters, who are able to work together t
client must make available all information relevant to the translation A suitable translator must be selected The client must receive accompanying
al price for English into Korean translation is USD0.09 per English word. This price includes basically the proofreading by our in-house editors. If you
ofessional translators who translate into their own native language. This is one of the best translating teams for Russian.
bsicas para nosotros. Adems en nuestro desempeo por ofrecer un amplio servicio de calidad, acabamos de incorporar tres idiomas ms a nuestr
very close relation with our high quality clients and we work as a production unit with no commercial or marketing activities.
Terms and Conditions via e-mail, CD, floppy disk or ordinary mail directly to you. Please ask for a free estimate. They guarantee in advance that all
l Organizations, NGO's and governmental agencies, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), BMW, international newspapers and magazines as w
t that makes it necessary to seek services at competitive rates in order to maintain cost escalations. We call upon you to express your interest with
ess command of their mother tongue, specialize in a limited number of fields and share the companys philosophy of putting quality first. The compa
ude medicine, medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, biochemistry, chemistry, domestic appliances, automotive industry, IT, electronic, education, fin
e support for C++, C#, .NET, XHTML, and Flash. With our intimate understanding of certain vertical markets and with our complete support of most
eehand, Illustrator, Coreldraw, or MS Word. on the strength of our powerful support team, strict QC/QA system and standard operation flow, we are
th utmost care. You can rest assured that we shall give you the finest service.
ch, Danish, Greek, Turkish and Arabic to Eastern European languages such as Russian, Czech, Polish, Hungarian, Slovenian, Romanian etc. and also
back within 24 hours for any customer queries. For clients in Japan, UKS has representative in Japan contactable on the mobile. 4. Cost effective ser
(ASP). Once translated, the customers will have the ability to download the translated files. There are very few translation companies that can offer
n accuracy of any given text including general, technical, commercial, legal, etc. We provide Authentic Translation Certificate that ensures the desired
d to you at the start. We charge an inclusive price with NO hidden charges based solely on a word count. While language translation is our core activ
e maternelle. Rvision de contrle par un 2me traducteur. Italiano: Specializzati nella traduzione di documenti giuridici, commerciali e tecnici in tutt
ns go through a rigorous process of translation by translators knowledgeable in their individual fields as well as proofreading and editing by native sp
st, professional attitude and professional management, we gain our name in this sector.
rable experience of these issues and from our extensive database of specialist translators we will assign the most accomplished expert working only
echnical writing, and animation film scripting, creative translations. Localized translation and creating market verbiages in foreign languages are the
usiness service.
k with more than 500 translators); Very simple service system; Possibility to use intranational courier service for delivery of materials from and to th
y, project management system allows company to make very large urgent translations with very quick deadlines. The greatest reward for efforts of
ciates of agency in-situ, thus not obliging to outsource a vast number of jobs. Subject Areas: 0.01 Euros per character is basic price for most subje
tation ASAP.
ng and Translation Management System) that has been designed and created over the last 8 years which only allows native speakers, CRB checked
Tonga Tuareg Turkish Turkmen Ukrainian Urdu Uzbek Vietnamese Welsh Wolof Xhosa Yiddish Yoruba Zande Zulu Zuni
aking countries. Their method of individual evaluation allows them to determine your needs with accuracy and to develop a program tailored to them
at least 7-year experience working with the banking, legal, metallurgy (aluminum), oil and gas, construction, and other industrial subject-matter.
, Financial etc.). 3. Translation with Integrated services. (Brochure, presentation, profile, graphics integration, audio and video, general documenting
ation and Interpreting works in compliance with ISO 9001:2001 quality management system. Registation number: 01-T4705/2004-01662. Certified
ring in-house training courses and an attractive incentive policy, we are able to count on the most qualified team in the market. The many awards re
tion of the translation, add to the capability of publishing of these Arabic translated sites into the famous Arabic forums, groups and the submission
company is also able to provide legal, financial, business, medical and technical translation services. The company provides language translation se
y and professionalism in everything we do. Every one of us interpreters, translators, multilingual typesetters, cultural consultants and project man
ceive a first class product. The company is so confident of the quality of their translation that the company offers a 30-day peace of mind guarantee
uality of all the translations we provide. This is achieved through an accurate, well-planned human resources management and sophisticated quality
ware, web sites and game editors, and confirm its leadership in multilingual software, web and video game localization. To develop its internationaliz
ilable for professionals to ensure greater efficiency in the field of translation. Computer-Assisted Translation (C.A.T.). C.A.T. (Computer-Assisted Tran
he subject of the text, its volume, the language and terms of delivery and design requirements. For special technical texts we recommend to make
n cycles in the various industries are becoming ever shorter and competition more intense which requires delivery of documentation on time with re
ation needs.
hili), Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, Tigrinya, Tongan, Trukese (aka Chuukese), Turkish, Turkman (aka Turkoman), Twi, Uighur, Ukra
ore than 100 state-level major construction projects such as Gezhouba Key Water Control Project, Yellow-River Diversion Works and West to East Ga
ncers abroad to be our middleman between us and foreign translation companies! We will provide high commission fees. Your enquiries are welcome
g, Communication, Petroleum, Water works, Electronics, Agriculture, Foods, Clothing, Airlines, Automobiles, Metallurgy, Transportation, Energy, Envir
ich enables us quick replies to your messages and recieving larger files. FTP server is being used on regular basis, too. We kindly invite you to visit o
the meaning of the original texts. In addition all our translators sign confidentiality agreements and all material that we handle for clients is treated
ties: Software and Internet related, multi-media, entertainment products (film), medical devices and international marketing materi
s. With a global network of more than 10,000 linguistic professionals, the company has the scale and experience to address your most difficult trans
cal texts, particularly on the subjects of nursing, midwifery and rescue medicine. We also provide courses of English for nurses and auxiliary personn
aining business.
ns. We keep every client TM and by that we provide quality and consistency of the translation.
nstitutions of higher education. We disclose such information not to flaunt our laureates, but to point to the mere fact that we are dedicated to offer
do for you and contact us today to take advantage of our Translation services for legal, advertising, training, marketing, public relations, and other s
ormally we calculate with 0,08 EUR for a translated word and 0.03 for proof reading. In the case of a limited budget, of course, we are ready to calc
hat all projects undertaken by us are completed within the stipulated time period with complete confidentiality, accuracy, and quality. You do not nee
esentations, Welfare programs, proof reading etc. Our other services involve, inter alia, Website Services, Domain Registration, Server space, Websit
ch, consultants and localization. Rates are, of course variable with the language pair (we specialize in Portuguese<>English but do many other pairs
English proficient (LEP/NEP) patients and reduces the risk of errors through the utilization of trained interpreters. This allows healthcare providers to
you will find templates, which we have prepared for you, favourably priced for resale. [more]
ystems) Ltd Foxboro (GB) Ltd Fisher and Rosemount Ltd Bechtel Group Inc. Peroni Pompe SpA Jordan Kent Metering Systems Ltd KEE Process Ltd (f
ia en traducciones tcnicas: comerciales, legales, econmicas, mdicas o mdico-farmacuticas, en gentica, y traducciones literarias e histricas.E
an build teams quickly to support major projects, requiring fast turnaround led by Project Managers who are skilled in both project planning and qua
sary, with target-group specific intonation/s. Our translators are experts in their respective fields and able to read between the lines when needed. R
ranslators who will translate your document into the target language. An equally qualified translator will subsequently edit and proofread each docum
, we will gladly translate up to two pages of material at no cost for you. Hope we can provide you with our top quality service.
cannot take on work for us then delegate it. You will need to be listed as an individual in our network.
competitive markets and build a consistent global brand image. These clients include AutoDesk, Baltimore Technologies, BlackBoard, BNP Paribas, C
andard of quality, while accompanying the companys Clients in the promotion and consolidation of their commercial relations. Ever-Est services, ma
ers in France, Denmark and Germany. Some of our specialist services include the localization of PDF files, terminological continuity, our CAT technolo
Hong Kong, our solid partnerships with the world's top companies and our long-term relationships with intellectuals of diversified academic disciplines
n to and capable of exploring any other specific translation services you may require. LANGUAGES, Haitian Creole, French, Spanish, Italian, Portugue
File Conversion: We do all types of conversions, from source files of any format to the files of any format. Extraction: We also extract text from
ment, technology, IT, construction, insurance, entrepreneurship, presentations, negotiations, sales, marketing, advertising, design, culture, education
ona, Sinhalese, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Spanish, Spanish, (Latin, American), Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Telugu, Tibetan, Tigrignia, Thai, Tu
rves. Translators have the honor of working with diverse and important clients both locally and abroad, in areas of specialization including: legal, fin
ents. Most will need a Ph. D. in their respective field, Juris Doctorate or equivalent depending on the subject area.
experienced in the topic of the translation. The companys quality assurance process includes linguistic, stylistic and terminology checks. The compa
, French, German, Italian, Portuguese > Spanish, Catalan; Spanish, Catalan > English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese; Galicia
n experiencia que pueden interpretar para todo tipo de sectores. PAGINAS WEB. Inter Business Solutions elabora y disea pginas Web y CD-ROMs d
Backed by a wealth of experience, we are dynamic and closely focused on the changes taking place in the marketplace. International Corner belongs
experience, we have tried and reached an effective workflow to manage the translator contacting (Mobile, Skype), data sorting (PDF to word conv
nal translation cannot be dispensed with. We shall persistently follow our business belief "Accuracy, efficacy, and elegance" in offering you the best tr
Japanese Manufacture in Jakarta. Korean (3 persons): Experienced Korean native speaker residing in Indonesia or qualified Korean interpreter gradu
cal Center, San Francisco and the Department of Motor Vehicles. We provide services throughout the State of California, as well as throughout the U
he Language Technology Centre the company takes pride in the company's extensive use of advanced software tools at all stages of the translation
an, Nahuatl, Ndebele, Nepalese, Northern Sotho, Norwegian, Nuer, Oriya, Oromo, Pashtu, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian,
make it easy for customers and suppliers to work together. As soon as you have set up an account at LanguageWire and filled out your profile, we w
ial institutions; hospitals and medical bodies etc. No client is too small or too big . We have a loyal client base and enjoy repeat business from client
he necessary tools such as electronic dictionaries and glossaries, a good terminology data bank relating to law and other domains, and we make an
ignment will remain confidential with the translator. Lingua Nordica is a member of the European Union of Associations of Translation Companies EUA
erence between their services and those of their competitors is that the company mainly uses specialist translators, e.g. medical translators to work
cy also employs experts for various fields of expertise: IT, localization, law, technology, economy, literature, medicine etc. Services we provide includ
ersion and scanning, OCR and multilingual page making. Translation Division of Liwal Limited, No 1 IT Company in Afghanistan and region.
ers are presently employed by Locabase. You will find our offices located right in the centre of Dusseldorf in the artists' quarter in Friedrichstadt. The
hallenges. From translation and localization to testing and consulting, we look forward to developing an ongoing relationship that spans the length o
ues. Quality is the major issue when handling any type of work. In LocaWorks we have designed a tight quality management system (QMS), quality
ver time. CAT tools are software which use translation memory ie. Trados, Transit, DejVu, WordFast etc.
ment of Environmental Protection"; "RF Academy of Sciences, computer simulation, scientific research".
p you will find templates, which we have prepared for you, favourably priced for resale.
xperience in language, translation and in their respective specialization. All completed documents are meticulously proof-read.
others. But it is not only about making profit. Merle and Sheppard Language Consulting make solving an old problem a new pleasure. Living and wo
Czech, Slovenian, Portuguese, Greek, Spanish, Polish, Finnish and Swedish. At meta<lang> we make extensive use of computer-aided translation to
nish, Norwegian, Polish, German translation, and many others. Asia & Middle East - Chinese (simplified, traditional) translation, Japanese, Korean, R
tomer Satisfaction. Delivering Quality on Time is our motto at Orange Tree. We are looking forward to your sharing and outsourcing work to us. We a
presentations, notarial transactions, etc.), simultaneous translation service and also the services of sworn translators. In fact we are proud to say th
nian companies in foreign countries. We also act as an intermediary for other states of the former Yugoslavia as well as Slovenian local agents for a
ters & Paines (USA). The company also provides translations for the United States Embassy. The company can provide certified translations for all ad
l engineering industry. Automotive. Fishing/food industry. Our language combinations include the following languages: Basque, Brazilian Portuguese
, by reacting promptly to the incoming requests of the customers and assigning the tasks to the most competent translator. Immediately after the t
made More than 5,000 hours of oral simultaneous and sequential translation More than 2,000 pages a month with average workload More than
ebsite translation, software translation, language localization service and other related commercial services, such as conference service, exhibition &
azilian and Iberian), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukranian, Vietnamese. Industry Special
ge or as individuas for a reasonable fee. We occasionally coach students and job seekers in interview techniques for scholarships an
as webs. Junto con nuestros servicios de interpretacin (simultnea, consecutiva y de enlace) abarcamos ms de 100 idiomas, entre los cuales figur
management of technical documentation containing thousands of pages, to a single business letter, our objective is to fully satisfy all our customers
ified quality assurance strategies guarantee you a perfect translation. Competitive prices: Our location in central Europe means that we are perfectly
ower than the average going rate for similar agencies, but prices depend on the specifics of each translation.
th a clear commitment to excellence. Additionally, SMC offers excellent compensation plans which include full-time salaries, Blue Cross Blue Shield M
ervier, Local Clinics), Printers, scanners (Epson, HP, Lexmark), Construction industry (Knauf, Hochtief), Mobile phones (Nokia, Sagem, Alcatel, Motoro
Our dedication to the highest quality standards, our competitive rates and our timely deliveries have made us the Spa
Languages we translate: Spanish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Swedish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Czech, Slovak, Th
nda, Vietnamese, Welsh, Xhosa, Yoruba, Yiddish, Zulu. Many other language combinations are also provided based on request. Our areas of experti
e due time. We guarantee you best quality, accuracy, speed and a high respect of deadlines. For DTP we use the following software for both Mac and
tations and work schedules are the best possible solution for all our clients' needs.
operation with other consortium members enables the company to deliver translations produced by native speakers directly in the target country, an
uggestion and may be requirements from these customers as well. Providing Travel desk & assistance (Greeting, Escorting, etc) to Corporates for th
her and greater recognition of the significance of translation for the info sphere we are heading to, Abu-Ghazaleh Translation, Distribution and Publis
an, Hebrew. And of course, if you plan to create new language version of your web site or any digital presentation material, we can supply services f
ers, who are able to work together to produce translations of the best quality. Translations concerning several areas of expertise (for example technic
e client must receive accompanying information with regard to the translation process The target text is drawn up There is an in-house check on
ding by our in-house editors. If you use a freelancer, you should pay for the proofreading cost separately. So, I think that this price is competitive.
corporar tres idiomas ms a nuestra cartera de idiomas: rabe, francs y chino. Visiten nuestra Web: y soliciten presupuesto sin
They guarantee in advance that all your documents will be treated with the utmost discretion and confidentiality.
n you to express your interest with respect to any of the Translation areas catered by us.
y of putting quality first. The company has built up a pool of tested translators throughout the world, allowing the company to assign work from regu
dustry, IT, electronic, education, finances, legal, marketing, tourism, web content, software, technical documentation, etc. We have a positive exper
with our complete support of most media types we can provide you a quality solution that is done efficiently, accurately and delivered on time. We lo
and standard operation flow, we are capable of providing first-class services for customers and meeting the specific requirements of each client throu
Slovenian, Romanian etc. and also Oriental and Far Eastern languages such as Chinese, Thai, Japanese, and others more exotic. All translations are
anslation companies that can offer similar services in Ireland. Even less of these operate in foreign markets. We will mainly focus on SME's as the la
nguage translation is our core activity, our services also include Web Design/Development.
iuridici, commerciali e tecnici in tutte le principali combinazioni linguistiche. Impiego di professionisti madrelingua con revisione di un secondo tradut
roofreading and editing by native speakers and a final check for proper formatting. In this way, agency ensures the highest quality possible. Prices u
biages in foreign languages are the challenges handled successfully by the company.
delivery of materials from and to the client; Quality corporate computer network including connection to the internet and quality technical equipmen
. The greatest reward for efforts of company is to satisfy clients more every day, among them demanding clients in different sectors like Arthur And
aracter is basic price for most subject areas, such as tourism, business texts, publicity, technical manuals etc. Supplements may apply under certain
ows native speakers, CRB checked and qualified linguists to be booked and assigned for our clients interpreting and translation needs.
develop a program tailored to them. The company provides their services any time at your convenience seven days a week.
ADENYUR Translation Agency meets tight deadlines on large translation jobs performed in MS Word, MS Excel,
dio and video, general documenting and Internet multilingual catalogues and manuals). 4. We help customers to localize products for language, cult
in the market. The many awards received from important government and private organizations in the areas of culture, technology and quality cont
orums, groups and the submission of these sites to the search engines into Arabic, for the Arabic speaking visitors to access and browse the sites qu
ny provides language translation services for Spanish, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Russian and many other world languages
ultural consultants and project managers adheres to the strictest codes of neutrality and confidentiality. We appreciate your interest in American T
a 30-day peace of mind guarantee and is always available to resolve queries with regard to a translation.
nagement and sophisticated quality assurance procedures. The translators always have all the needful tools and information on the project, and the
zation. To develop its internationalization and localization activities among its current and future clients To penetrate the Asian market and strengthe
.T.). C.A.T. (Computer-Assisted Translation) is like a technological laboratory making the most of advances in expert systems and artificial intelligenc
nical texts we recommend to make an additional proofreading by specialist in the necessary field (25 % of the translation\'s cost). Also we have bilin
y of documentation on time with realization of clients requests & aspects of in a cost - effective way. We also use your own terminology and avoid r
n (aka Turkoman), Twi, Uighur, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Wolof, Zulu.
iversion Works and West to East Gas Pipeline Project. HYW Company has translated and published more than 100 foreign scientific books. Besides, H
llurgy, Transportation, Energy, Environmental Conservation, Finance, Architect, Geography, Education, Internet, Bio Technology etc. CAT TOOLS: Tra
, too. We kindly invite you to visit our web site If you need translator's CV's please do let us know. Should you need any additiona
hat we handle for clients is treated with the utmost discretion. We translate all types of strategic financial documentation, presentations, technical s
to address your most difficult translation projects. From marketing content and contracts to manuals and training courses, let the company's team t
ish for nurses and auxiliary personnel working at nursing houses and hospitals. The instructor is a fully qualified ex-nurse with a master degree in E
e fact that we are dedicated to offer our friends the best of all services that they can ever find in the spirit of CHAMPIONSHIP! We offer translation a
get, of course, we are ready to calculate a discount lump sum for the whole work. If you prefer a more detailed profile, let us know.
ccuracy, and quality. You do not need to pay us a deposit. Entire payment may be made after receiving satisfactory delivery of service. References c
n Registration, Server space, Website Designing and Development, Maintenance of the websites, Multimedia Presentations, Corporate Presentations.
e<>English but do many other pairs of European and American languages), subject, job size, rush, etc. Pricing is standard for high quality professio
. This allows healthcare providers to move from diagnosis to treatment more efficiently. CyraCom's Transparent Language Services helps healthcare
n addition to translation work, we can also take over editorial reports or proof reading. Depending on the order, we will gladly advise you - just send
ring Systems Ltd KEE Process Ltd (former Klargester Environmental Engineering Ltd) GEA BTT (Batignolles Technologies Thermiques) Phoceene (UK)
raducciones literarias e histricas.En qu forma? Le entregamos las traducciones en forma digital (disquete, correo electrnico) o en papel por corr
ed in both project planning and quality control. All translators have access to translation memories and terminology dictionaries, ensuring that trans
d between the lines when needed. Retention of the original style of a text extends even to the linguistic style employed. We can supply text on any
ality service.
nologies, BlackBoard, BNP Paribas, Compaq, Computer Associates, Creative Technology, Crystal Decisions, Dell, Ericsson, General Electric, Hewlett Pa
cial relations. Ever-Est services, managed by its founders, is a small group of professionals, which initiates, co-ordinates and supervises the entire w
ological continuity, our CAT technology and tagged-text expertise, the compilation and publication of terminological dictionaries and glossaries, repu
ls of diversified academic disciplines throughout Mainland China. Our philosophy is manifested in our utmost efforts to take care of client's needs in
e, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Swahili, Somali, Trigrinia, Arabic. All our translators are native speakers in their target languages an
xtraction: We also extract text from image of any format and replace with the translated text. We are associated with Translators worldwide, so all th
vertising, design, culture, education as well as advanced grammar. The companys number of trainers exceeds 30. The company also helps the comp
, Telugu, Tibetan, Tigrignia, Thai, Turkish, Turkmen, Twi, Ukranian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Welsh, Yoruba, Zulu. We aim to meet any language req
of specialization including: legal, finance, general business, banking, insurance, budgeting, software user manuals, telecommunications, education, h
and terminology checks. The company is currently working on obtaining the ISO 9001:2001 quality assurance certificate to deliver the companys tra
man, Italian, Portuguese; Galician/Basque, Other non-European languages upon request (Chinese, Arabic...). Industry Specialties: M
y disea pginas Web y CD-ROMs de diferentes tipos y complejidad para ayudarle a crear un estilo nico a sus materiales de presentacin en Ucran
tplace. International Corner belongs to a national (Feder.Cen.Tr.I.) and international federation (E.U.A.T.C.).
), data sorting (PDF to word converting, Trados..), project assignment and delivery (large capacity mailbox, FTP), quality control (self-checking by
elegance" in offering you the best translation services possible. With the translation services that we offer, you will find language is no longer a barri
or qualified Korean interpreter graduated from the Korean study in the University of Indonesia. Arabic (1 person): Bachelor Degree of Turkish Univer
ifornia, as well as throughout the United States and have provided services in other countries.
ools at all stages of the translation process, enabling company to deliver high quality translations at the best possible price. With a loyal and constan
uese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Sanskrit, Serbian, Sesotho, Setswana, Shona, Sidama, Sindhi, Siswati, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Southern Soth
Wire and filled out your profile, we will be able to send job postings to you. We hope this is of interest to you, and we look forward to a mutually bene
d enjoy repeat business from clients who have used our services for many years. All work is treated in the strictest confidence and we can offer you
nd other domains, and we make an efficient use of the Internet ressources. We do our job in collaboration with other agencies. Our objective is the i
ations of Translation Companies EUATC as well as the member of the Finnish Chamber of Commerce and the Finnish Employers Confederation of Se
ors, e.g. medical translators to work on medical texts. As the company translates many medical texts, the company has a very large database of spe
cine etc. Services we provide include: Translation of letters, transcripts, websites, instruction manuals, pamphlets etc. We can translate nearly any w
rtists' quarter in Friedrichstadt. The relaxed atmosphere of a ground-floor renovated building combined with ultra-modern technology guarantees a
relationship that spans the length of time and that brings you worldwide success. Request an on-line quotation at our website: or
management system (QMS), quality policy, quality procedures to be followed with every tiniest task, so spot checks for any project phase will be so e
ated materials in the format required. Our services are fully customized to meet you
ition to translation work, we can also take over editorial reports or proof reading. Depending on the order, we will gladly advise you - just send us an
y proof-read.
blem a new pleasure. Living and working with languages is likehaving the world on your doorstep. The focus of the companys activities is always o
se of computer-aided translation tools (eg. Trados, Alchemy Catalyst etc.) to leverage repetitious text and to help ensure consistency within and acr
al) translation, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Thai, Hindi, Urdu, Farsi, and Pashtu
ng and outsourcing work to us. We as a company take utmost care in maintaining the confidentiality of the work assigned to us.
ators. In fact we are proud to say that the first sworn translators having passed the respective examinations here in Estonia are also translators of o
well as Slovenian local agents for a number of Belgrade attorneys. Should you need any information on the Slovenian Law and practice regulating th
ovide certified translations for all administrative, legal or private documents in almost any language you may care to name. The company will invoice
ages: Basque, Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, English, French, Galician, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
t translator. Immediately after the translations are completed, the next phase of the workflow is that of proof-reading, which involves professional ch
with average workload More than 50 corporate clients supported based on permanent contracts. You will find it profitable, efficient and reliable to
as conference service, exhibition & hotel reservation service, marketing research & investigation, business & investment invitation service, commer
e 100 idiomas, entre los cuales figuran: Alemn, rabe, armenio, bielorruso, blgaro, cataln, checo, chino (tradicional y simplificado), dans, eslova
e is to fully satisfy all our customers, however large or small. The main guiding principle of SEPROTEC is to achieve total customer fidelity by providi
Europe means that we are perfectly placed to offer top quality translations in this area. It also enables us to provide you with all the added benefits
me salaries, Blue Cross Blue Shield Medical, Dental, Vision, LT/ST Disability, 401K, plus company match (25% in 2004), vacation, holidays, bonuses a
ones (Nokia, Sagem, Alcatel, Motorola), Thermal Power Plants (AES, EON) etc., etc. During the past years we have been involved in numerous trans
ely deliveries have made us the Spanish translation/localization company of choice of many important translation and localization operations in the U
apanese, Korean, Czech, Slovak, Thai, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Slovenian, Pilipino, Portuguese, Romanian, Ukrainian, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Malay,
ed on request. Our areas of expertise includes: Commerce, Culture, Computer, Education, Economics, Finance, Health, Healthcare, Insurance, IT, La
following software for both Mac and PC: QuarkXPress, InDesign, Illustrator, Pagemaker, MS Office. We offer very reasonable rates that are always ne
ers directly in the target country, and to ensure that the company can take any multi-lingual project a client may need in the company's stride. The S
Escorting, etc) to Corporates for themselves or for their guests from abroad. In case, if you feel any interest or have any query I would be more tha
Translation, Distribution and Publishing (TAG TDP) was incorporated in October 2000, as a limited liability company, and immediately launched its o
n material, we can supply services for your demand with IT engineer and software expert. In event that you are in stage of planning of event or in d
as of expertise (for example technical, legal and economical terminology in a construction contract or a call for tender), are processed by several tra
up There is an in-house check on the translation The final version is forwarded There is revision/correction of shortcomings (if necessary). Ou
company to assign work from regular clients to the same translators, trusted professionals whom the company keeps informed of the companys qu
ation, etc. We have a positive experience of long partnership with translation companies in Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Franc
urately and delivered on time. We look forward to working with you and extending our experetise to support your projects and services.
fic requirements of each client through the customized services. Transmart is skilled in employing so many desktop publishing (DTP) tools required t
hers more exotic. All translations are assigned to fully qualified mother tongue translators, all of whom have specific technical backgrounds, always w
will mainly focus on SME's as the large multinationals have in house translators or use banks, financial institutions etc.
a con revisione di un secondo traduttore. Espaol: Especializados en la traduccin de documentos jurdicos, comerciales y tcnicos en todas las comb
he highest quality possible. Prices usually range between 12 and 25 cents (USD) per word (more exotic languages such as Khmer, Hmong, and Amh
rnet and quality technical equipment at the agency; Dynamic team of project leaders and business managers; Pleasant working environment.
s in different sectors like Arthur Andersen, Chupa Chups, Toysrus, Deutsche Bank, Sun Microsystems, Edreams, Kettal, Iberdrola, Sol Melia, Cuatrec
pplements may apply under certain circumstances such as rush and technical jobs, also translations carried out by agencys sworn-in translators for
s performed in MS Word, MS Excel, Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Visio, MS PowerPoint, AutoCad, CorelDRAW, and other formats.
culture, technology and quality control are testimony to our significant market presence. You can check more details about our company at www.allt
rs to access and browse the sites quickly and smoothly. 3-Dubbing and localizing of the commercials, movies, TV series and presentations into the A
an and many other world languages. Each translation project is unique and each presents different challenges. Once the company has determined th
preciate your interest in American Translation Partners, and we would like to tell you more about us. Please feel free to give us a call at 888.443.237
information on the project, and they always work in one environment which guarantees terms consistency. The proofreading and editing of the trans
ate the Asian market and strengthen their presence in Europe and the US .
ert systems and artificial intelligence. The workstations used by A.R.I.'s translators are equipped with the latest: C.A.T. software, terminological rese
anslation\'s cost). Also we have bilingual translators, and many foreign freelancers and agencies in our database. It allows us to make translations no
e your own terminology and avoid repetitive translations of the same sentences over and over with the help of CAT software that enables consistenc
0 foreign scientific books. Besides, HYW Company has established long-term cooperative relationship with more than one thousand large foreign and
Bio Technology etc. CAT TOOLS: Trados, Transit, SDLX, Wordfast. DTP TOOLS: Quarkxpress, Freehand, Illustrator, Pagemaker, Framemaker, Indesign
now. Should you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us back.
entation, presentations, technical specifications, manuals, contracts, brochures, web sites (including localisation), into or out of whichever language
g courses, let the company's team transform your content and make it available to a worldwide audience accurately and cost effectively.
ex-nurse with a master degree in English philology and rich experience in Teaching English as a Foreign Language and medical English courses. We a
AMPIONSHIP! We offer translation and interpretation services in over 40 languages and covering a range of over 60 fields! Trust us, come to us! We
s standard for high quality professional technical translations in the USA. Rates are always negotiable. We cover between all of us many subjects, bu
Language Services helps healthcare providers 'hear what they say...and see what they mean.'
we will gladly advise you - just send us an email [inquiries]. Variety of documents: HTML, Word, PDF, Excel and Text.
ologies Thermiques) Phoceene (UK) Ltd Schneider Electric LtdShould you wish to obtain a reference from any of these clients, company will be happ
reo electrnico) o en papel por correo o fax. Adems podemos transcribir los textos traducidos en cdigo html (para publicarlas en su pgina web).
ogy dictionaries, ensuring that translations are both accurate and consistent across even the largest projects. Dragomano translates to/from all of th
ployed. We can supply text on any standard data carrier, by mail, e-mail or fax, applying Just in Time priority if that is required. Absolute discretion
ricsson, General Electric, Hewlett Packard, Intel, InstallShield Software Corporation, J.P Morgan & Chase Co., Kodak, Lotus, Merrill Lynch, Motorola, N
dinates and supervises the entire work of external collaborators, while simultaneously maintaining close and punctual contact with the Client. The ra
cal dictionaries and glossaries, republication of filed work (as a matter-of-course all our completed orders are filed). Picture caption: A typical Festa w
rts to take care of client's needs in an immediate, flexible and efficient manner with our unique strengths.
peakers in their target languages and well versed in their source languages. All are highly educated and experienced in a variety of specialized subje
with Translators worldwide, so all the Typeset documents will be proof read by a language-knowledgeable person for completeness, appearance, con
0. The company also helps the companys clients to build language training strategies and networks as well as to promote the use of foreign languag
u. We aim to meet any language request please contact us if the language you require is not in the above list.
s, telecommunications, education, health, environment, human development, human rights, journalism and literature, among others.
rtificate to deliver the companys translations at higher standards of quality. As a supporting member of the Association of Hungarian Translation Co
rabic...). Industry Specialties: Medical/Pharmaceutical, Insurance, Banking, IT/Internet/New technologies, Advertising, Supermarke
P), quality control (self-checking by translator, layout checking by editor, final proof by translator again) and mutual trust (timely purchase order issu
ill find language is no longer a barrier between you and your international customers. With the translation services that we offer, you can reach out t
: Bachelor Degree of Turkish University, residing in Turkey, having experiences as Medical translator of Freelance independent contractor, translator f
sible price. With a loyal and constantly growing client base and more than a decade of experience in the translation industry, the company knows th
k, Slovenian, Somali, Southern Sotho, Spanish, Swahili, Swazi, Swedish, Tagalog, Tajik, Tambaro, Tamil, Tatar, Telegu, Thai, Tibetan, Tigrigna, Tshiven
st confidence and we can offer you a confidentiality agreement. We carry our own indemnity insurance.
ther agencies. Our objective is the idiomatic translation in French. Our language combinations are: English-French, French-English, French-Spanish,
ny has a very large database of specialist medical translators and proof-readers. These specialists have many years experience of dealing with medic
s etc. We can translate nearly any written text that you may have; Revision of written work, which includes careful editing, proofreading and QA to m
a-modern technology guarantees a perfect set of conditions for creative work wholly oriented towards your success.
ks for any project phase will be so easy. The QMS of LocaWorks is totally complying with ISO 9001 Standard and DIN2345 standard for translation se
ustomized to meet your specific quality needs, budget constraints and timing require
Variety of documents: HTML, Word, PDF, Excel and Text. Special fields: Industry commerce
p ensure consistency within and across documentation. And also meta<lang>'s dedicated team of DTP professionals have typesetting expertise in al
assigned to us.
nian Law and practice regulating the protection of patents, trade marks, designs and models, please do not hesitate to contact us. We shall do our b
e to name. The company will invoice a supplement of 25% for this service in accordance with the rates currently in force. The company specializes in
ading, which involves professional checking, grammatical-stylistic quality examination and rapid editing. The final phase consists of the punctual deliv
estment invitation service, commercial contact in China, Chief Representative or Representative Office in China and other related business services.
cional y simplificado), dans, eslovaco, esloveno, espaol, euskera, fins, flamenco, francs, gallego, griego, hngaro, ingls, italiano, japons, latn,
ve total customer fidelity by providing unbeatable quality and added value with respect to our competitors. Our mission is to exceed the expectation
vide you with all the added benefits of dealing with a large multinational agency for prices lower than many Western agencies. Contact us to request
004), vacation, holidays, bonuses and more. It is our hope that this offer combined with our personal care, respect and support will convince you th
ve been involved in numerous translation and interpreting projects related to the accession process of Bulgaria to the European Union and have crea
n and localization operations in the U.S. and Europe, including ForeignExchange, Inc., The Geo Group,, TransPerfect and many other
n, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Malay, Mongolian, Turkish. Languages available include but are not limited to the above list. For more languages, please
Health, Healthcare, Insurance, IT, Law, Legal, Management, Marketing, Medical, Science, Tourism and Websites. We can typeset Books, Journals, and
reasonable rates that are always negotiable according to volume, technicality of the text and deadlines.
need in the company's stride. The Studio Pentenero srl internal staff currently orchestrates a network of translators across Europe. An essential par
have any query I would be more than happy to talk to you about it.
any, and immediately launched its operations. It is registered in Amman, Jordan, as a subsidiary of Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP), a me
n stage of planning of event or in demanding any translation please do not hesitate to ask to us any question.
ender), are processed by several translators, or in cooperation with professionals from those fields.
of shortcomings (if necessary). Our translators are native speakers, graduates in translation studies, members of internationally recognised translat
keeps informed of the companys quality controls, client comments and terminology updates. Each translation passes through a quality assurance pr
ch Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, and USA.
op publishing (DTP) tools required to create a variety of documents on PC or Macintosh, such as Framemaker, Pagemaker, QuarkXpress, InDesign, Il
erciales y tcnicos en todas las combinaciones posibles entre los idiomas espaol, ingls, francs, alemn, italiano y neerlands. nicamente traduct
es such as Khmer, Hmong, and Amharic, or highly technical documents may cost more) with a minimum charge of $60.00. Surcharges may apply to
Kettal, Iberdrola, Sol Melia, Cuatrecasas Abogados, Gomez Acebo & Pombo, Embassy of Canada in Spain, etc.
by agencys sworn-in translators for various languages (e.g. Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Russian and Scandinavian languages).
her formats.
series and presentations into the Arabic language in cooperation and coordination with concerned private studios to carry out this mission successfu
nce the company has determined the difficulty of the material, the languages involved and the subject matter of the translation project, the compan
proofreading and editing of the translated content are fulfilled in several steps which ensure proper style and error-free text.
C.A.T. software, terminological research tools, computerized database, computerized dictionaries, remote access to terminology banks, various tran
It allows us to make translations not only by Russian native speakers, but by target language native speakers. We have experience in using Transit,
AT software that enables consistency in our translations and also helps us save time, energy and money.
han one thousand large foreign and domestic enterprises and organizations such as China National Petroleum Gas Corporation, China National Petro
, Pagemaker, Framemaker, Indesign. For more information about our services, please visit our website at
, into or out of whichever languages are required. We cover all European languages as well as a full range of Eastern, Middle Eastern & Asian langua
e and medical English courses. We also offer Polish-English handbooks titled English for Nurses and Midwives with Exercise and Key and a course boo
60 fields! Trust us, come to us! We are the best of all bests, and what we have to offer cannot be better!
between all of us many subjects, but our strengths are in technical, industrial, electronic, IT, medical/biotech, pharmaceutical, instruments, medical
Special fields: Industry commerce technology finance IT logistics chemicals/pharmaceuticals science media organisation consulting services.
these clients, company will be happy to provide you with a contact name and address.
ara publicarlas en su pgina web).A qu precio?Los precios varan segn el tipo de texto: terminologa, html, y nmero de palabras:desde 0,06/p
agomano translates to/from all of the world's business languages, including Western and Eastern European, Scandinavian, Hellenic, Indian sub-conti
hat is required. Absolute discretion is guaranteed. We translate in all the following fields: - all commercial correspondence fields from advertising ma
ak, Lotus, Merrill Lynch, Motorola, NEC, Nokia, Philips, Samsung, Schneider Electric, Socit Gnrale Groupe, Sony, Verisign, Vishay Intertechnolog
ctual contact with the Client. The rationalization of the company structure permits it to offer high-quality services at absolutely competitive prices. E
d). Picture caption: A typical Festa workstation. Modern technologies reduce our costsand our prices! We are confident that our service is unique, a
nced in a variety of specialized subjects, such as:, Government Program materials (Food Stamps, Medicaid, BEGIN, etc.), Health & Insurance Plans,
for completeness, appearance, consistency of format, and compliance with the typographic conventions of the target country.
ciation of Hungarian Translation Companies the company actively takes Code of Conduct into account through the companys operations and quality
ual trust (timely purchase order issuing, invoice confirming and payment settling). In regard of the DTP section, at iPress, our desktop publishing spe
es that we offer, you can reach out to potential clients and customers in every corner of the world. This, as well as our total respect of the confidenti
independent contractor, translator for Arab Medicare USA, Romo translations, Worldwide translation bureau, Trustforte Translations Co. and Th
on industry, the company knows that the key to the company's success lies in the quality and reliability of the services the company provides. Stand
egu, Thai, Tibetan, Tigrigna, Tshivenda, Tsonga, Tswana, Turkish, Turkmen, Twi, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek, Venda, Vietnamese, Welsh, Wolayta, Xhosa
ars experience of dealing with medical texts and keep their knowledge up-to-date. They are less likely to misinterpret source texts and more likely to
ul editing, proofreading and QA to make sure your work is near perfect. DTP Please visit our website to see more details about o
DIN2345 standard for translation services. What makes us different is that we are working in two shifts, the Morning shift and the Night shift, so tha
t. Special fields: Industry commerce technology finance IT logistics chemicals/pharmaceuticals science media organisation consulting services.
nals have typesetting expertise in all the key industry desktop publishing applications and standards. Some of our references are: Volvo, Daimler Chr
tate to contact us. We shall do our best to serve you and shall also be pleased to send you the necessary forms for filing applications in our country.
in force. The company specializes in the translation of articles of association of companies where they wish to establish registered offices in Belgium
phase consists of the punctual delivery of the final product to the satisfied customer.
garo, ingls, italiano, japons, latn, lituano, neerlands, noruego, polaco, portugus, rumano, ruso, serbocroata, sueco, turco, ucraniano, valenciano
mission is to exceed the expectations of users of our products and services and acquire their total satisfaction.
ern agencies. Contact us to request a full pricelist. References: From government ministries to multinational companies, our company has translated
ect and support will convince you that the SMC team is the best team for you!
o the European Union and have created teams of translators and interpreters specialized in European Union matters (Directives, Recommendations,
ove list. For more languages, please contact us at [email protected] If you require more information, please visit our website at Alte
We can typeset Books, Journals, and Articles and translated documents in the following software's as per your requirement in PC windows platform:
ors across Europe. An essential part of the staff's work consists of seeing that the company's ISO 9002 certified quality system is fully implemented
h Intellectual Property (AGIP), a member of the group and the unchallengeable leader of IP protection in the region. TAG TDP has three main offices
f internationally recognised translation organisations (e.g. ATA, BD), officially appointed to courts and, in general, sworn or authorised. Our transla
sses through a quality assurance procedure including translation, review by a second qualified translator and an update of all glossaries and translat
gemaker, QuarkXpress, InDesign, Illustrator, Freehand, PowerPoint, and MS word, etc. Transmart is able to localize and produce electronic document
of $60.00. Surcharges may apply to rush jobs. Agency offers a 5% discount for immediate payment by credit card. Any errors or accidental omission
sian and Scandinavian languages). Do ask agency for quotes sending or faxing text samples or e-mailing the files concerned! Jobs at a. i. translators
the translation project, the company carefully chooses the right language translator for the job. All the companys translators translate only into the
to terminology banks, various translation and writing aids, DTP software and software to convert files from one format to another (PDF file processi
We have experience in using Transit, Trados, Deja Vu and SDLX. For more information on any questions that you might have, please contact us via e-
as Corporation, China National Petroleum Chemical Corporation, World Economic Forum, HP, Goldman Sachs, Boeing, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZene
tern, Middle Eastern & Asian languages including Russian, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Finnish, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and Korean. All our translatio
armaceutical, instruments, medical devices and equipment, and similar subjects. Please call and we will tell you if that particular subject and langua
Ebay traders: As winner of the eBay competition 2006, we provide online traders with special eBay translatio
nmero de palabras:desde 0,06/palabra, con un mnimo de 12,00 por encargo*traducciones juradas 0,10/palabra (mn. 20,00
ondence fields from advertising mail shots to contract texts; - presentation and specialised texts for institutes, associations and clubs; - for courts a
ony, Verisign, Vishay Intertechnology, among many others. For a partial client listing, please visit:
s at absolutely competitive prices. Ever-Est services, conscious of the importance which the quality of the services offered has for its Clients in foreig
nfident that our service is unique, and that there is no other technical translation partner in Central Europe so well-placed to accommodate your nee
N, etc.), Health & Insurance Plans, Workers Compensation Manuals, Instruction Manuals, Legal Correspondence, Material Safety Data , Personal Do
arget country.
e companys operations and quality assurance processes. The company use terminology databases build throughout the years, which are constantly
at iPress, our desktop publishing specialists ensure that no matter how large or small the translation assignment, the document's international chara
s our total respect of the confidentiality of customers' documents, has allowed us to quickly win the trust of major multinational and government cu
u, Trustforte Translations Co. and The Aktuel translations group in UK, Legal translator in Yasser Kamal Law firm, Cairo, Egypt, Translator at Bahrain
rvices the company provides. Standardized quality control is built into the company's methodology at all stages, in the procedures the company follo
pret source texts and more likely to produce meaningful texts with up-to-date terminology. Another difference is that their translators have good IT to see more details about our services. Languages: Serbian, Slovenian, Bosnian, Croatian, Macedonian, English, Italian, French, German. R
ning shift and the Night shift, so that we guarantee full communication over 24/7, We have two mailing servers, so that you are sure that we receive
Ebay traders: As winner of the eBay competition 2006, we provide online traders with special eBay translation form
r references are: Volvo, Daimler Chrysler, Mercedes, Land Rover, Jaguar, BMW, HAAS CNC, Lincoln Electric, Kodak, Nikon, etc.
tablish registered offices in Belgium. As the company is frequently asked to provide certified translations of official certificates, driving licences or un
f expertise - Up-to-date translation software - Outstanding translators Due to their professional knowledge and qualification in a variety of fields of
sueco, turco, ucraniano, valenciano. Somos una empresa en expansin, siempre en bsqueda grandes talentos y gente emprendedora. Diseadore
panies, our company has translated for many important clients. We are happy to provide references on request.
ers (Directives, Recommendations, etc.). We avail of and have over 9 years experience with Trados starting from version 2.3 and up to 7.0. Other CA
visit our website at Alternatively you can contact us directly on (01) 872 8797 or email us here [email protected]
quirement in PC windows platform: QuarkXpress, InDesign, PageMaker, FrameMaker, MS Word, Tex/Latex, Adobe Illustrator, Photo shop, Flash. We d
quality system is fully implemented. Another essential part of the company's work consists of maintaining the company's technical reference resourc
on. TAG TDP has three main offices (in Amman, Cairo and Algeria) where most of its translation work is done. Though the three offices work very cl
al, sworn or authorised. Our translators have many years professional experience in their specialist areas. We work very closely with every one of ou
ze and produce electronic documentation in many European languages (English, German, French and Russian, etc.) as well as Asian languages and M
d. Any errors or accidental omissions are corrected free of charge, but do not relieve the customer of the responsibility for paying for the work perfo
s concerned! Jobs at a. i. translators & interpreters: Only qualified translators with several years of experience should submit their CVs and will recei
s translators translate only into their native language (e.g. translations to Russian are performed exclusively by Russian language translators). Once
might have, please contact us via e-mail. We are 24 hours on line, and are open to negotiate possible cooperation. In advance, we appreciate your t
ing, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Honeywell, CSEE and Siemens. Therefore HYW enjoys a high reputation domestically and abroad. Its website
anese and Korean. All our translations are undertaken by highly qualified and experienced translators working exclusively into their native language
if that particular subject and language you have is within our range. Our first class quality has given us a very good name in the industry. We are m
e traders with special eBay translation forms together with a HTML editor and a free support processing tool [views].
ssociations and clubs; - for courts and the police, the prison service and other authorities, for notaries and legal practices; - for advertising agencies Work only with the best! Work with us. You can definitely entrust your multilingual translation and
s offered has for its Clients in foreign markets, has created a substantial and continuously updated database of collaborators - advisors, professiona
Material Safety Data , Personal Documents (Birth Certificates; Marriage/Divorce/Death; School Transcripts/Diplomas; Family Records), Medical Info
out the years, which are constantly refreshed from the various suppliers. The companys selection criteria for translators are experience and native i
the document's international characters will always display and print correctly. Our professional consultancy and technical expertise go hand in hand
or multinational and government customers like Macquaries Goodman Asia, Bank of China, RAI Television and many others...
Cairo, Egypt, Translator at Bahrain International Hospital, Bahrain, Translator at Northwest Armed Forces Hospital, Tabuk, KSA, Translator/Administr
in the procedures the company follow and in the tools the company uses.
that their translators have good IT skills and a wide range of translation software. The company can often save their clients time and money by wor
English, Italian, French, German. Rates: evaluation and price estimate available FREE upon request Discounts available for big projects. Generic pro
so that you are sure that we received your emails, a confirmation is to follow your email maximum after 30 minutes, No extra fees are charged for r
rs with special eBay translation forms together with a HTML editor and a free support processing tool [views]. Telephone advice: You can reach us by
, Nikon, etc.
al certificates, driving licences or university degree certificates, the company has built up a substantial database of official certificates from over 50 c
qualification in a variety of fields of expertise, our skilled translators are able to satisfy the constant requirements of the client in every respect. The
y gente emprendedora. Diseadores, comerciales y programadores tienen cabida en nuestra joven plantilla. Envanos tu Curriculum Vitae a info@sar
version 2.3 and up to 7.0. Other CAT tools that we know and use are: SDLX, Wordfast, DejaVu, LocStudio and Star Transit.
Illustrator, Photo shop, Flash. We do all type of Data Conversions from/to PDF, MS Word, MS-EXCEL, TIFF, RTF, JPEG, TEX, TXT, HTML, EPS, QuarkXp
mpany's technical reference resources, the heart of the knowledge built up over the years and made available to the company's translators. Keeping
hough the three offices work very closely together, each office has all adequate resources and a large team of in-house translators. All translators ar
ork very closely with every one of our translators and thereby ensure the quickest and most reliable completion of your order possible. At the same t
c.) as well as Asian languages and Middle East languages such as Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean and Arabic, m
ould submit their CVs and will receive co-operation agreement terms by e-mail.
Russian language translators). Once a translation is completed, the company carefully proofread the document to find any grammatical or syntax err
n. In advance, we appreciate your time and attention. In closing, we look forward to future cooperation.
omestically and abroad. Its website, China Expert Translation Net, is listed in the first place among the translation companies listed by search engine
xclusively into their native languages and within their specialist fields. We can meet the tightest of deadlines, even for very large documents and clien
ood name in the industry. We are members of ATA and advertise regularly in the ATA Chronicle, in the Thomas Register, in the World Trade Magazin
practices; - for advertising agencies, the press and publishers; - for private clients. DURU Language Courses: Since 2004 we have offered language
st your multilingual translation and localization requirements to our company. Best Quality. Prompt Response. Professional Project Management. Com
ollaborators - advisors, professionals, translators and interpreters - specialized in various fields and in possession of approved professional abilities.
nslators are experience and native in the target language. The company can offer translations in the following languages, formats and at the followin
technical expertise go hand in hand. We guide every client in decisions over the correct DTP format. Each project begins by identifying the most effi
ny others...
al, Tabuk, KSA, Translator/Administrative assistant in Swiss Trade Co., Cairo, Egypt, Translator at Farasan General Hospital, Gizan, KSA, Translator/Me
their clients time and money by working directly with their source files.
ailable for big projects. Generic profiles of translators: All translators have BAs in English language and literature and are native speakers of the lang
tes, No extra fees are charged for rush jobs. The last point to mention, is that we are a part of Iraq Developing Program, so if your company is a ven
of official certificates from over 50 countries in Europe, America (North and South), Africa and Asia. Of course the company makes use of this to pro
s of the client in every respect. The quality of our work is ensured by the proper glossaries and TM databases, classified according to the specific fiel
anos tu Curriculum Vitae a [email protected] y pasars a formar parte de nuestra base de datos de Bolsa de Trabajo.
PEG, TEX, TXT, HTML, EPS, QuarkXpress, PageMaker, InDesign, Chart, Graph, Database. We are known for fast and accurate services. We assure tha
the company's translators. Keeping these key assets up to date and adding information about the company's clients' latest products guarantee that
house translators. All translators are adequately qualified, and well experienced.
f your order possible. At the same time our Quality Control carries out continual checks on quality, and we only deliver documents which have been
se, Japanese, Korean and Arabic, maintaining the look, feel and style of the original source documentation. Transmart has dedicated resources for ha
o find any grammatical or syntax errors. If the project requires any special formatting, the company takes the finished translation and put it into the
n companies listed by search engines such as,,, and with the daily click rate of mo
n for very large documents and client confidentiality is always guaranteed. Translations can be independently proof-read, when required, to ensure t
nce 2004 we have offered language teaching on our own premises in the centre of Muelheim. We specialise in German and Turkish but offer other lan
n of approved professional abilities. Ever-Est services, except for the usage of traditional communication systems, makes use of the latest informatio
t begins by identifying the most efficient approach for publishing a client's multilingual documents. Technical writing, translation, DTP and print are a
Hospital, Gizan, KSA, Translator/Medical Secretary at Alawi Tunsi Hospital, Makkah,Saudi Arabia, Medical Translator at King Fahd Armed Forces Hosp
and are native speakers of the languages they translate. They have at least 4 years of experience in their fields of expertise and are tested before j
rogram, so if your company is a vendor to any contracting party of the Program, then we'll provide you with special rates. For the time being, please
e company makes use of this to provide the companys customers with the most exact certified translations. As the companys agency is well-known
assified according to the specific field, the latest translation software Trados, Tranzit, SDLX and Wordfast and the double quality check. In the las
nd accurate services. We assure that we will deliver best quality services at very competitive prices within mentioned turnaround.
ents' latest products guarantee that the company's translators can work efficiently and accurately. A pool of in-house and outside editors ensures ha
deliver documents which have been subjected to several stages of correction and revision. Professional courses: Our wide range of services extends
mart has dedicated resources for handling multilingual publishing of XML, SGML and other documents. In Transmart, the local operating systems an
ished translation and put it into the proper format. The company also delivers the translation back via e-mail, fax, regular mail and overnight courier
m and with the daily click rate of more than 20 thousand times which makes it the No. one among the same trade in the whole country. This website
of-read, when required, to ensure the highest standards of accuracy, particularly recommended for published texts. Most translations are e-mailed im
rman and Turkish but offer other languages on request. We use the latest teaching methods to suit beginners and advanced students. We offer indiv
ing, translation, DTP and print are all indispensable stages in the documentation lifecycle, and therefore these all have to be efficiently coordinated.
tor at King Fahd Armed Forces Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Medical Translator/Interpreter at A. Aziz Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and Medical Tr
of expertise and are tested before joining our team of translators. They use CAT tools, mainly TRADOS 6 and SDLX to ensure the consistency of voc
cial rates. For the time being, please visit our website: and if you need to receive a copy of our company profile, please contact
he companys agency is well-known at the Law Courts, the Ministries of Justice and Foreign Affairs and a wide range of embassies, the company is w
the double quality check. In the last decade the traditional translation business has gone through dramatic changes and has become the main requi
oned turnaround.
use and outside editors ensures hallmark quality and uniform terminology. The company's quality control procedures keep the need for editorial cha
Our wide range of services extends across translations into the following languages: Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Basque, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chines
mart, the local operating systems and applications (including Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese and Korean versions of QuarkXpress, m
x, regular mail and overnight courier. The company can also 'flow' the translated text into PowerPoint, PageMaker, Frame Maker, HTML, PDF, Excel, or
e in the whole country. This website permanently contracts the translation channel of famous website and Liantong International Co
ts. Most translations are e-mailed immediately upon completion but finished work can be expertly laid out to customers' requirements and presente
d advanced students. We offer individual tuition in small groups of up to 10 in modern classrooms as well as intensive, language and literature and d
have to be efficiently coordinated. We work to ensure that print issues are often anticipated, identified and avoided at the DTP stage. The software
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and Medical Translator at Al-Nimas General Hospital, Abha, Saudi Arabia (Arabic-English, VV) or Graduate of Cairo-based Unive
LX to ensure the consistency of vocabulary. Should you require any additional information about our team of translators, feel free to contact us. Pro
ge of embassies, the company is well able to ensure that your documents are legalized by these bodies. Since January 1998 the company has been
ges and has become the main requisite of building partnerships in the context of the global economy. The main challenge nowadays is to provide fas
ures keep the need for editorial changes to a minimum by maintaining up-to-date glossaries. Even more importantly, each of the company's clients'
Basque, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Danish, German, English (US / UK), Estonian, Finnish, Flemish, French, Galician, Georgian, Greek, Hebrew, In
d Korean versions of QuarkXpress, middle east version of InDesign, etc. ) are available for Asian and Arabic Desktop Publishing.
Frame Maker, HTML, PDF, Excel, or any other format the companys clients require. Many of the companys language translators are competent web
.com and Liantong International Commerce Web Site Our translation business mainly includes following fields: Medicine & medica
tomers' requirements and presented in the form of: hard copy, floppy disk, zip disk, or fax. Large texts, presentation and graphics can be delivered
nsive, language and literature and demand-oriented individual courses. References: We have excellent references from all over the world after over
ded at the DTP stage. The software we empoly: Microsoft office XP/2000/2003/2004, various versions of Adobe Illustrator/PageMaker/Photoshop/ In
V) or Graduate of Cairo-based University staying in Cairo, Egypt for more than 10 years! (Arabic-Indonesian, VV). Spanish (1 of 3 persons): Local sta
nslators, feel free to contact us. Project Management: Our PMs are always at your service and you can contact them at any time via email, phone or
anuary 1998 the company has been able to offer a special service for American attorneys to process their affidavits submitted by witnesses in Europ
hallenge nowadays is to provide fast translation services along with faultless quality, and there is no doubt that this promptness, combined with thor
ntly, each of the company's clients' products is followed throughout its history by the same team of translators whenever feasible, ensuring that the
lician, Georgian, Greek, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Catalan, Kazakh, Korean, Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Dutch, Norweg
top Publishing.
uage translators are competent web designers. Therefore the company also offers website translation services as well as software translation. Websit
following fields: Medicine & medical instrument (15%); Computer & IT (15%); Chemistry, Biology & chemical engineering (10%); Law (10%); Econ
ation and graphics can be delivered on CD ROM. Subject specialities include among others: advertising, automotive industry, banking, broadcasting,
s from all over the world after over a decade of successful work for and on behalf of government and private bodies, entrepreneurs and private clien
lustrator/PageMaker/Photoshop/ InDesign/FrameMaker + SGML/Acrobat, QuarkXpress, MivroMedia Freehand MX/10.0/9.0/8.0, Corel Draw 9.0/10.0
. Spanish (1 of 3 persons): Local staff of Spanish Embassy in Jakarta or An Indonesian professional with political and legal experience & former liaso
em at any time via email, phone or fax. Before the start of the project you are obliged to present all requests you have (deadline, use of programs,
ts submitted by witnesses in Europe. In a number of texts which involved court proceedings the companys team of translators came up against a n
whenever feasible, ensuring that the company has a firm grasp of all the product's intricacies and avoid the kind of inconsistencies that would be all t
uanian, Macedonian, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Rumanian, Russian, Swedish, Serbian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanis
well as software translation. Website translation or localization involves translation of a website into different languages, and involves more than a t
gineering (10%); Law (10%); Economy and management (10%); Finance and Insurance (5%) ; Traffic & railway (5%); Mechanism (5%); Architect
ve industry, banking, broadcasting, chemicals & plastics, computing & the internet, construction, international commerce, contracts, electronics, eng
ies, entrepreneurs and private clients including other major translation agencies.
and legal experience & former liason officer of Spanish PM in his visit to Jakarta. French (1 of 2 persons): A Sworn Translator/ Traducteur Assermen
u have (deadline, use of programs, technical and linguistic requirements, TM management), state the services you require (translation, editing, proo
m of translators came up against a number of technical matters. In order to respond to the demand for technical assessments and to provide high-qu
ours/day availability. Our customer service, as well as our team of translators, is available at a stretch. Due to this fact, we are able to successfully m
f inconsistencies that would be all too common without this total focus. The company's quality control procedures have passed the stringent tests en
erbian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanish, Czech, Turkish, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Byelorussian. We can of course offer other languag
guages, and involves more than a typical straight translation project. The companys translators translate the main text of a web site, format any im
y (5%); Mechanism (5%); Architecture (5%); Culture and People (3%); Geology and Environment Protection (3%); Commerce (2%); Education (2%
mmerce, contracts, electronics, engineering, finance, foreign affairs, manufacturing, media, medicine, mergers & acquisitions, metals, oil industry, p
rn Translator/ Traducteur Asserment Gubernatorial Decree Jakarta no.527-1995 & 1715-2000 and former commercial attache of French Embassy in
u require (translation, editing, proofreading, QA, DTP) and send us a PO via email and fax. The Project Manager will noti! fy you regularly of the pro
assessments and to provide high-quality translations the Paul Janssens Translation Agency hired specialists with further education qualifications (as e
s fact, we are able to successfully meet the most urgent needs. Our basic ambition is to ensure that each customer and each ones entire network o
s have passed the stringent tests envisaged by ISO 9002. BVQI certification testifies to the company's long-standing commitment to delivering trans
We can of course offer other languages on request. We are only too happy to help: just send us an e-mail or give us a call! Prices: Our prices for tran
ain text of a web site, format any images to include any foreign language text and translate the website's META tags (keywords, description, etc.), i
%); Commerce (2%); Education (2%); Others (10%). We once translated many English books into Chinese, for example, Credit Management Handb
acquisitions, metals, oil industry, patents, stocks & shares, tobacco, travel & tourism.
mercial attache of French Embassy in Jakarta having experiences as Interpreter of French Businessmen, Interpreter of International Architects Congr
will noti! fy you regularly of the project status but you are welcome to inquire at any time. Our main concern is the quality of your project so you ca
urther education qualifications (as engineers, chemists or technicians) and translation skills and translators with a solid professional background in a
mer and each ones entire network of clients are satisfied. Therefore, the schedule of our office covers 24 hours a day: our highest value is the time o
us a call! Prices: Our prices for translation agencies: Language Group 1. Russian, Polish, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Estonian, Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian
tags (keywords, description, etc.), including any dynamic code which may not show up on printed pages of the website. The company is able provid
xample, Credit Management Handbook, McGraw-Hill. The Chinese Edition was published by China Renmin University Press in Dec. 2004, Leaders an
er of International Architects Congress, Interpreter of International Public Administration Congress, Interpreter for French Ambassadors in Indonesia
he quality of your project so you can be assured that the linguistic quality, consistency in vocabulary and technical perfection will be attained. Editing
a solid professional background in a number of technical fields. This resulted in major companies such as Belgacom and Electrabel being added to th
day: our highest value is the time of the client, and our main satisfaction is the smile of the customer. OUR AIM Development through commitmen
onian, Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Czech, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Rumanian, Belarusian: EUR 0,10 per Word. Language G
website. The company is able provide website translation services virtually to any language. Please feel free to send the company a link to your webs
sity Press in Dec. 2004, Leaders and the Leadership Process, Jon L.Pierce and John W. Newstrom. Irwin McGraw-Hill.The Chinese Edition was publish
or French Ambassadors in Indonesia and Interpreter for the President Megawati. Chinese (2 persons): A Master degree of Jiangsu University with ex
al perfection will be attained. Editing and quality assurance process: After the translation is completed, the project is passed on to our most experien
om and Electrabel being added to the companys long-term customer base which was made up of lawyers. They demonstrated their faith in the com
Development through commitment. We aim to strengthen and further develop our position achieved so far within the translation market of Central
n: EUR 0,10 per Word. Language Group 2: Armenian, Georgian, Kazakh, Uzbek: EUR 0,11 per Word. Language Group 3: English, Italian, Spanish, D
nd the company a link to your website and mention which languages you are interested in, and the company will be happy to send you the company
Hill.The Chinese Edition was published by China Renmin University press in Feb. 2003; Life stories. This book is a famous book that was published b
degree of Jiangsu University with experiences in translating documents of many world-leading clients abroad and in China (GE, HP, Motorola, Routers
ct is passed on to our most experienced linguist for the certain area of expertise. He carefully checks the terminology, language style, use of approp
demonstrated their faith in the companys translation agency which is now considered an expert in the field of technical translations.
n the translation market of Central and Eastern Europe. We are determined to become one of the highest-ranking translation offices of the region co
Group 3: English, Italian, Spanish, Danish, French, Finnish, Dutch, Swedish, Turkish, Greek, Portuguese (European, Brazilian): EUR 0,12 per Word. L
a famous book that was published by University of California Press in 2000 and the Chinese Edition was published in the Peking University Press in Ja
in China (GE, HP, Motorola, Routers, Belden CDT, Red-Hawk, HYUNDAI, York, Sonatel Mobiles, China Unicom, China Construction Bank and Alibaba.c
logy, language style, use of appropriate glossaries (if any), consistency in vocabulary to ensure that the translation is of highest quality. Experts are
chnical translations.
g translation offices of the region concentrating on the professional development of our employees through specialised training, as well as team buil
n, Brazilian): EUR 0,12 per Word. Language Group 4: Chinese (Traditional, Simplified), Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Hebrew,
in the Peking University Press in Jan.2004. Some translation samples as following: Coleparmer Produc
ina Construction Bank and, etc.) residing in PRC or a qualified native speaker graduated from Taiwan University residing in Indonesia. P
on is of highest quality. Experts are consulted at every stage of this process. The project is then passed on to the proofreader who checks the text f
alised training, as well as team building, and by implementing the latest technical innovations of the translation field.
, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Hebrew, Farsi (Persian), Icelandic: EUR 0,16 per Word. Our minimum fee: 50,-Euro. For further information please contac
net/sample.asp Coleparmer Product Catalog Localization website translation from Chinese into English of JBMacat Our tra
n University residing in Indonesia. Portuguese (1 person): A qualified native speaker graduated from Kennesaw University, USA with many experienc
e proofreader who checks the text for spelling errors and formatting issues. Quality assurance is the final stage of the project and is conducted by ou