The Fourteen Infallibles
The Fourteen Infallibles
The Fourteen Infallibles
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Table of Contents
Holy Prophet [P.B.U.H. & H. P] ............................................7
LINEAGE ...................................................................7
YEAR OF THE ELEPHANT ..............................................7
THE DIVINE MISSION ...................................................8
"WARN THE NEAREST KIN" ............................................9
CONFRONTING POLYTHEISM .........................................9
THE FIRST MUSLIM MARTYRS ...................................... 11
THE BAN ................................................................. 11
THE IMMIGRATION .................................................... 12
THE BATTLE OF BADR ................................................ 13
AL-HUDAYBIA PEACE TREATY ..................................... 13
The Invasion Of Mecca .................................................... 15
THE CRUCIAL HOURS ................................................. 18
A SPECIAL NOTE ....................................................... 18
IMAM ALI (A.S.) .......................................................... 19
LINEAGE ................................................................. 19
ALLAH'S SACRED HOUSE ............................................ 19
THE FAVOURED CHILD ............................................... 19
AND WARN YOUR NEAREST KIN ................................... 20
THE HYPOCRITES ...................................................... 21
THE CHRISTIAN DELEGATION ...................................... 21
Prophet Mohammad's Daughter :Fatima Al-Zahra (AS) .............. 26
LINEAGE ................................................................. 26
A WOMAN OF VIRTUE ................................................ 26
THE SECLUSION........................................................ 26
THE BLESSED BIRTH OF FATIMA ................................... 26
THE BLESSED MARRIAGE ............................................ 27
FATIMA'S DOWRY: A SHIELD ....................................... 28
THE WEDDING DAY ................................................... 29
MARRIAGE LIFE ........................................................ 30
THE REWARD FOR THE MESSAGE .................................. 30
THE PURIFIED HOUSEHOLD ......................................... 30
FATIMA'S DISPLEASURE ............................................. 31
THE FATHER'S DEMISE ............................................... 31
FATIMA'S EARLY DEATH ............................................ 31
THE LAST MESSAGE .................................................. 32
Imam Al-Hasan (A.S.) ..................................................... 34
LINEAGE ................................................................. 34
THE ERA OF IGNORANCE VIS-?-VIS ISLAM ....................... 34
THE INFIDELS AND THE HYPOCRITES ............................. 34
IMAM AL-HASAN'S RULE ............................................ 35
THE FINAL JUDGMENT IS WITH ALLAH ........................... 35
THE AGGRESSOR ARMY.............................................. 36
THE ERA OF THE PRECEDING IMAMS: AL-BAQIR AND ALSADIQ (A.S) ............................................................. 69
THE UNIQUE TESTAMENT ........................................... 70
MUSA AL-KADHIM'S IMAMATE ..................................... 70
THE STORY OF HISHAM IBN SALIM ................................ 71
IMAM AL-KADHIM'S COMPANIONS ................................ 72
SAFWAN IBN MIHRAN'S STORY .................................... 72
THE STORY OF ALI IBN YAQTIN .................................... 74
Imam Ali Al-Ridha (A.S.) ................................................. 77
LINEAGE ................................................................. 77
AL-RASHID .............................................................. 77
IMAM AL-RIDHA (AS) AND AL-MAMOUN ......................... 78
A JOURNEY OF RETURN .............................................. 79
Imam Mohammad Al-Jawad(A.S.) ....................................... 83
LINEAGE ................................................................. 83
THE FIRST ENCOUNTER .............................................. 83
THE ABBASI CLAN OBJECTS ........................................ 84
MEETING FOR A TEST ................................................ 85
A POLITICAL MARRIAGE ............................................. 86
THE GOOD LEGACY ................................................... 88
Imam Ali Al-Hadi (A.S.) ................................................... 89
LINEAGE ................................................................. 89
SARIYA: THE BLESSED FARM ....................................... 89
THE IMAMATE.......................................................... 89
A BIG OVEN ............................................................. 90
THE WAY TO SAMARRA .............................................. 91
HIS STAY IN SAMARRA ............................................... 92
THE IMAM'S ACHIEVEMENTS ....................................... 93
JA'FER THE LIAR ....................................................... 94
HIS MARTYRDOM ..................................................... 94
Imam Hasan Al-Askari (A.S.) ............................................. 96
LINEAGE ................................................................. 96
THE TWO PRECIOS OBJECTS ........................................ 96
LOVE FOR THE PROPHET'S HOUSEHOLD ......................... 97
IMAM HASAN AL-'ASKARI (AS) ..................................... 97
IMAM AL-'ASKARI'S ERA ............................................. 98
MARTYRDOM .......................................................... 99
The Awaited Imam: Mohammad Al-Mehdi (A.S.) ..................... 101
LINEAGE ................................................................ 101
PROPHETIC HERALD ................................................. 101
THE 15TH OF SHA'BAN ............................................... 102
THE HOUSE'S BASEMENT ........................................... 104
babies and send them to grow up in the country's open air so that they would
enjoy a healthy life.
HALIMATU AL-AS'DIYYA agreed to have the orphan, Mohammed. He
stayed with her till he was four years old. She brought him back to his
mother who died two years later. When he was eight years old, his
grandfather died; so, his uncle ABU TALIB took him in his custody and
was eager to protect him. ABU TALIB was a merchant, and the people of
Mecca used to make business journeys to the north: BILAD AL-SHAM
(Greater Syria), and to the south to Yemen. The holy QUR'AN refers to
these journeys in the following verses:
{For the protection of QURAYSH, their protection during their trading
caravans in the winter and in the summer. So let them worship the Lord of
this House Who feeds them against hunger and gives them security against
fear}. [QURAYSH: 1-4].
Mohammed (P.B.U.H.), the young boy, accompanied his uncle during
one of his journeys to AL-SHAM. When Mohammed twenty years old, he
was well-known for his truthfulness and uprightness, hence he was called
the noble and wealthy ladies of Mecca. She was also one of his relatives.
When she heard about his uprightness, she entrusted him with her trade
business. He excelled in the commercial experience and trading rules.
KHADIJAH was impressed by his good morals and self-dignity. She
married him and gave him full authority over her wealth and business.
With such potentials of will and youth, besides the wife's wealth, he took
the side of the oppressed and helped the poor and the needy. His wife gave
birth to six children, two boys: AL-QASIM and ABDILLAH, and four girls:
sons died soon after birth prior to his Divine mission. He was patient and
endured their death as being Allah's will and was pleased with His decision.
He (P.B.U.H.) earned the people's great respect. They used to seek his help
to solve their problems. They entrusted him with their trusts. They never
heard him lie or cheat. The holy QUR'AN refers to his morals thus:
{And most surely you conform (yourself) to sublime morality}. [ALQALAM: 4].
The people of that era used to worship idols made of stones, wood, or
even dates (which they ate when they got hungry), but he (P.B.U.H.)
worshipped none but the One God, "Allah Almighty", following in the
footsteps of his great grandfather Prophet Abraham (as), father of all
monotheists. Prior to his prophetic mission, Mohammed (P.B.U.H.) used to
spend most of his time in the cave of HIRA on top of a mountain in north
Mecca. He used to go there secretly and spend the whole month of Ramadan
every year in prayer and worship of Allah.
(P.B.U.H.) again expressed his inability to read. At the third order to read,
the Prophet felt heavy pressure and could actually read what the arch-angel
ordered him to read. The first chapter of the holy QUR'AN (according to the
order of revelation) was revealed to him. That chapter says:
{Read in the Name of your Lord Who created (everything)' He created
Man from a clot. Read, and your Lord is most honorable, Who taught (to
write) with the pen; taught man he knew not} [AL-ALAQ: 1-5].
Through that revelation, Mohammed (P.B.U.H.) was chosen as a Prophet
at the age of forty. He was ordered to guide the idolaters and the infidels to
the right path, to change the dark era of ignorance and infidelity into an era
of knowledge and birth light of faith. The holy QUR'AN says:
{And We have not sent you but as a mercy to the worlds}. [ANBIYA:
107]. The Messenger of Allah left the cave and hurried back to his home
where he told his wife about the event. She immediately believed in his
Divine mission. He was a bit confused but she encouraged him and was the
first woman who swore allegiance to him. His cousin, Ali son of ABI
TALIB, then ten years old, was the first male who believed in his mission.
Ali, since an early age (when four years old), grew up in Mohammed's
house because of hardship that befell his father ABI TALIB.
During those days, people from far places came to Mecca to perform the
pilgrimage, a ritual performed since Prophet IBRAHIM'S (as) era, when he
was ordered by Allah to call people to perform it. The holy QUR'AN says,
{And proclaim among men the pilgrimage; they will come to you on foot
and on every lean camel, coming from every remote place}. [Pilgrimage:
27]. Those pilgrims used to bring with them different stuff needed by the
people of Mecca, so the city was a commercial center besides being a place
to ridicule and slander him in public; he even accused him of insanity and
madness. Yet the infidels could not achieve their aim of stopping the spread
of Islam. They often thought of killing the Prophet but were afraid of his
uncles ABI TALIB and HAMZA, the bravest among them.
When the infidels of Mecca found that their plots to end the call to Islam
were in vain, and that the new religion spread and gained new followers,
they resorted to a mean plot. They imposed an economic and social ban on
the Muslims. They wrote a document of four items as following:
1- No one was to sell to or buy from the Muslims
2- The enemies of Mohammed must be supported.
3- No one was to marry from the Muslims or be married to them.
4- Any kind of contact with Muslims was forbidden.
The document was fixed on the KA'BA'S gate for all to see.
It became quite impossible for the Muslims to live in Mecca. ABU
TALIB suggested to his nephew that the HASHIMI family should take
refuge in a valley near Mecca called SHI'B ABI TALIB. He held a meeting
of the family members and said to them, "Mohammed will move to the
SHI'B. Everyone of you is to protect him and support him to the end". The
embargo lasted three years which were the most difficult for the Muslims.
They could scarcely find someone to sell them food. Each one of them
could not find even a date to eat but had to share it with another person. Ali
(as) and his brothers used to bring some food secretly from Mecca. During
the sacred months, the young men of the HASHIMIS could find some food
and buy it. The QURAYSHI arrogant encouraged the sellers to increase the
prices so that the Muslims could not find enough food to eat. ABU LAHAB
used to shout in the market, "O people! Increase the prices! Don't allow the
Muslims to buy what they need!"
What hardship it was! It was then the same as it is today when the
arrogant forces, the enemies of Islam and Muslims, who always impose
similar economic sanctions against the Muslim countries which refuse to
bow to them. Every time there are people who take the opportunity and raise
the prices of their stuff, such people are not considered believers at even if
they call themselves Muslims.
Three years of that embargo could not affect the Muslims' morale, hence
the embargo was in vain. Some QURAYSHI leaders regretted their people's
stance, and little by little the ban came to an end. The Muslims were no
longer afraid of going back to their homes in Mecca. Moreover, there was
the Divine help. An earth-worm ate all the document except the part where
the name of Allah was mentioned. When the people saw what had happened
to the document, they were sure that Allah was displeased with them. Many
of them became Muslims.
A short time after the lifting of the embargo, the Prophet's uncle ABU
TALIB died along with the Prophet's wife Lady KHADIJAH. The Prophet
suffered a great loss since both were his main supporters. QURAYSH
increased its pressure on the Muslims and on the Prophet himself. He
advised his followers to immigrate to ABYSSINIA. He said to them, "There
is a king there who does not do injustice to others".
A group of Muslims led by JA'FER, the Prophet's cousin, left Mecca for
ABYSSINIA (Ethiopia).
QURAYSH conspired secretly to assassinate the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) on a
certain night. He was informed of the conspiracy by Allah. He told Ali of
his intention to immigrate to Medina since QURAYSH was planning to kill
him. He asked Ali to sleep in his bed and be ready to meet the plotters. Ali
slept in the Prophet's bed while the infidels besieged the house that night.
The Prophet managed to leave the house unnoticed. When they attacked his
bed, they were stunned to see Ali in his place. They became angry at their
failure. The holy QUR'AN refers to that incident in the following verse:
{And when those who disbelieved devised plans against you, that they
might confine you or slay you or drive you away, and they devised plans,
and Allah, too, had devised plans, and Allah is the best of planners}.
[ANFAL: 30]. The Prophet's immigration to YATHRIB (later called ALMEDINA AL-MUNAWARA) was of a major impact on and importance for
the Muslims. That year marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar. The
people of AL-MEDINA rejoiced at the arrival of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.).
They welcomed him outside the city at a place called THANIYYAT ALWIDA.
He immediately ordered the Muslims to build a mosque as a center from
which to carry out Islamic activity and a symbol of their unity. With the
help of each other, they managed to build it within a short time. Every day,
the Muslims met at the mosque to perform the daily prayers and to listen to
the Prophet's instructions and guidelines. The second thing he achieved was
creating brotherly ties between each Muslim and another. They no longer
felt the hostility that led to quarrels. They became one solid community, full
of awareness, watchful of their enemies, the enemies of Islam. They formed
committees for different activities such as: to learn and teach the
QUR'ANIC verses, to enjoin good and forbid evil. Some talked to people
about Islam, some learned the religious instructions, and others cooperated
in different activities.
leave the city and stay outside during the Muslims' three-day stay. The
Prophet, together with 2,000 of his followers, performed the minor
pilgrimage (UMRA). They went round the holy KA'BA and glorified Allah
the Almighty. They stood in rows around it and performed their prayers.
The rituals had a great impact on the people of Mecca who watched the
Muslims. Some even expressed their wish to embrace Islam. The
QURAYSHI leaders were angry and insisted that the Muslims should not
stay more than three days. Some of the Muslims wanted to stay but the
Prophet ordered them to leave according to the treaty's conditions.
The Muslims achieved a real victory when they uttered publicly in
Mecca: "There is no god but Allah!" Only a few years ago, it was
impossible for them to do so.
near the KA'BA'S gate. He praised Allah and recited some QUR'ANIC
verses, then he addressed the people of Mecca. He said: "What do you
expect me to do to you now?" In a feeble voice, choked with tears, they
said, "As a brother and son of noble brother would do".
They confessed how cruel they were to him and how badly they had
treated him. However, they hoped for his forgiveness and kindness. He
(P.B.U.H.) said, "You treated me badly, accused me of lies and insanity.
You chased me out of my home town and house. You waged wars against
me" The infidels and the idolaters were overwhelmed by fear and could
not utter a ward. They believed it was the due time for the Prophet to seek
revenge against them, and that they would suffer the same torture the early
Muslims had suffered at their hands. However, the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) never
thought of revenge nor of torture. He alone was looking up to a promising
future for Islam and the Muslims.
He added, "Regarding myself, I shall forget the past and forgive you. Go
now, you are all free". None of the infidels expected to hear the big news
and sense such kindness. They were now assured of their safety. Most of
them embraced Islam immediately. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) stayed in holy
Mecca for a few days to arrange its affairs. He appointed one of the
believers to administer the community. He then left the holy city with his
followers, returning to AL-MEDINA.
Following Mecca's invasion, Islam became a major force to reckon with;
oppression came to an end. Islam spread throughout the country, and the
Muslims achieved victory in many battles such as HUNAIN and Yemen.
The worst tyrants of those days were the rulers of Persia and Rome, the
greatest two states with the mightiest armies in the world. The Romans, only
few years before then, had achieved victory over the Persians, hence they
considered themselves more powerful and more mighty. Suddenly, they had
now to face a challenging force: that of Islam.
The arrogant usually fear the revolutionary movements, specially the
ideological ones; hence, the Romans decided to end the newly born Muslim
force. The Muslims got the news of the mighty Roman army of 40,000
fighters heading towards their borders. Some of the Arab tribes of the
distant borders joined forces with them.
The Muslims received such news while they were suffering from a
shortage in food and had not yet harvested their crops. However, the
worshippers of Allah, the true believers, knew that the defense of Islam had
a priority over all other matters. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) ordered them to
prepare themselves to fight the Romans. Few days later, some 30,000
Muslims made their approach towards the war front. Some could not find
the necessary weapons and, hence, could not join the Prophet in this
expedition of TABUK. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) left Ali (as) behind in the
city to protect it against sudden plots of the hypocrites. He (P.B.U.H.) said
to him, "You are to me as HAROUN (Aaron) was to MUSA (Moses), only
no Prophet shall come after me".
However, many forgot (or pretended to forget) that declaration and went
astray. They were deviated by satanic motivations.
I- The reader will come across words such as:
a. ABU, ABA and ABI.
The change of the vowel is related to grammar rule regarding subjective
or objective case of noun. II- P.B.U.H and A.S.
The letters stand for words: Peace be upon him and ALAIHI, ALAIHA,
ALAIHUM AL-SALAM: Peace on him, her, them. III- BINT means
daughter of IBN means son of
used to drink wines and gamble. Since childhood, Ali never turned to those
idols nor bowed to them. He never took to bad deeds since he was in the
company of the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H) who taught him every good
quality. He would listen to him, comprehend his words, and act accordingly.
Ali was not yet 10 years old when Allah the Almighty chose Mohammed to
dewier the Divine mission of Islam. Ali was the first male to believe in his
prophet-hood and to support him in his struggle.
The bounties of Allah bestowed on him since his birth in the Sacred
House, then his stay at the Prophet's house, then his being a pioneer in
believing in the religion of Islam. He was chosen for a special role; to
become one of Allah's signs. {Surely Allah has chosen him in preference
over you, and He has increased him abundantly in knowledge and in
physique, and Allah grants His kingdom to whomsoever He pleases, and
Allah's is Ample-giving, knowing} [The Cow: 247]. Ali (as) was of a
medium height, rather stout, full of energy and activity that was to the
benefit of Islam, and in support of the Messenger of Allah. Some idolaters
used to slander the Prophet (P.B.U.H) who tried to avoid them, while Ali
was always ready to confront them. He was ready to punish whoever tried to
hurt the Prophet.
be followed. Through marriage, they gave birth to the purified Imams whose
names and qualities were revealed to the Prophet (P.B.U.H). This is how
Allah rewards His righteous servants. Allah the Almighty gave IBRAHIM
the good news of a son and a grandson, although IBRAHIM was then very
old. {Then We helped those who believed against their enemy, and they
became the uppermost}. [AL-SAFF: 14].
Following the Prophet's immigration to YATHRIB (AL-MEDINA ALMUNAWARAH), the infidels waged wars against the Muslims, and many
battles took place. Some Muslims were afraid of fighting those battles, and
some would flee the battlefield at the crucial moments. Only Ali was always
ready to help. He created fear in the heart of the enemy. His bravery and
might helped achieve victory for the Muslims in many battles and helped in
the spread of Islam. He managed to defeat the enemies one after the other.
For instance, in the battle of the Trench (or AL-AHZAB), AMRO IBN
WIDD, the most brave of the QURAYSHIS, managed to cross the Trench
that the Muslims had dug round the city to halt the enemy's advance. He
challenged the Muslims and called them to fight him. No one dared come
out to fight him except Ali. It was a crucial moment. The infidels' greatest
goal was to confront and destroy the Muslims. The enemy surrounded them
from all sides. Ali came forward and faced AMR. With one stroke of his
sword, he killed him and achieved a great victory for the Muslims and a
great defeat for the infidels. Similarly, during the battles of BADR, UHUD,
KHAIBAR, and HUNAIN, Ali was always nearby to achieve victory,
destroying the enemy of Islam.
Regarding Ali's role in the battle of the Trench, the Prophet used to say,
"Ali's stroke in that battle was better than the worship of all mankind".
test. They entered the Prophet 's Mosque. Fourteen of them were of high
office, dressed in splendid attire, carrying their crosses. They tolled their
bells and performed their prayers. The Muslims were angry but the Prophet
calmed them and said, "Leave them now, we shall have a talk with them
The Prophet invited them to embrace Islam. He ordered them to give up
the worship of the cross, not to eat pork, and to consider Jesus as a Prophet,
not as a deity. When they asked him who the father of Jesus was, he recited
to them this QURANIC verse: {Surely the likeness of ISA (Jesus) is with
Allah as the likeness of Adam: He created him from dust then said to him:
Be! And he was. This is the truth from your Lord, so do not be (one) of
those who dispute (about it)}. [AL-IMRAN: 59].
But the Christian delegation insisted on calling Jesus a deity, so the
Prophet was ordered by Allah to challenge them, through prayer, top invoke
a curse on the liars. The QURANIC verse 61, chapter AL-IMRAN, was then
revealed. The delegation asked for time to discuss the matter. When they
were alone, their chief said, "If Mohammed comes with the noble persons of
his tribe, then he is not a Prophet, and we can challenge him. If he comes
with his nearest and dearest, then we had better not challenge him because
he is a real Prophet; otherwise, if we challenge him, nothing will remain
from Christianity".
The holy QURAN says, {But whoever disputes with you in this matter
after what has come to you of the knowledge, say, "Come! Let us call our
sons and your sons, our women and your women, and our souls (nearest and
dearest) and your souls (nearest and dearest), then let us humbly pray and so
lay the curse of Allah on the liars}. [AL-IMRAN: 61].
The next morning, while the Christians were waiting, they were stunned
to see the Prophet (P.B.U.H) leading his household. He came carrying ALHUSAIN and holding AL-HASAN'S hand (his grandsons). Fatima
(daughter, mother, and wife) followed her father the Prophet, and her
husband Ali followed her, carrying the banner of Islam. Ali was the soul
nearest and dearest to the Prophet (P.B.U.H). The members of the
delegation were afraid of praying, and they were ready to pay the JIZIA
(Non-Muslims' tax) and thus have the right to keep their own beliefs. They
promised not to conspire against the Muslims.
Through that QURANIC verse (AL-IMRAN:61), all Muslims and nonMuslims became aware of Ali's and his family's sublime office. His two
sons according to the book of Allah (AL-IMARAN: 61) are the sons of the
Prophet (P.B.U.H), and Ali in this very verse is the Prophet's soul. Such a
fact is the greatest favor of Allah bestowed Ali (as) whom Allah the
Almighty designated for a sublime role. {And when We made the House a
pilgrimage for people and a (place of) security, and (said): Appoint for
yourselves a place of prayer on the standing place of IBRAHIM. And We
enjoined to IBRAHIM and ISMAEL saying: Purify My House for those
who go round it and for those who abide in it and for those who bow and
prostrate}. [The Cow: 125].
Islam achieved a complete victory when holy Mecca was invaded in the
8th year of HIJRAH. The holy Prophet ordered Ali to climb on his shoulder
and remove all the idols that were placed on its rooftop. All the idols were
thrown down and crushed into pieces. It was not an easy task to break down
the idols which the Arab tribes worshipped. But Ali was not afraid of
breaking all of them. Just as he had destroyed their brave men with is sword,
he destroyed the idols they used to worship. It was another favor of Allah
bestowed on him to accomplish such a task.
One day the Messenger of Allah said to him, "O Ali! No one knows you
more than I do, and no one knows me more than you do". The Prophet
(P.B.U.H) was quite aware of Ali's sublime status and his important future
role as a truthful successor and protector of Islam and the Book of Allah. He
would do his best to teach the Muslims the holy QURAN and its
interpretation. He would be the head of the believers of the Muslim
community. The infallible Imams would be from his progeny. He (P.B.U.H)
was sure that Islamic science and knowledge would spread through Ali and
his successors. He used to say, "Ali is always with the Truth, and the Truth
is always with Ali. Ali is the best listener who comprehends what he hears".
The Prophet was sure of Ali's sublime role because Allah the Almighty
had informed him of it, hence he became his best teacher. He kept him near
him to teach him all that he knew. He taught him the QURANIC sciences
and ordered him to keep a record of those sciences in a book. Ali had that
book, a precious treasure kept by his sons and grandsons, the blessed Imams
(peace be upon them all). {O Apostle! Deliver that which has been revealed
to you from your Lord; and if you do not, then you have not delivered His
message (at all), and Allah will protect you from the people}. [ALMAIDAH: 67].
It became necessary for the Messenger of Allah, to inform the people of
Ali's sublime office. When the above mentioned verse was revealed to him,
he was on his way back from his last pilgrimage to holy Mecca in the 10th
year of HIJRAH. He was then accompanied by more than 120,000 pilgrims
from different Islamic places.
Although he (P.B.U.H) performed his mission during the period of 23
years, this QURANIC verse (AL-MAIDAH: 67) refers in particular to a
certain message; it was: to appoint his successor, and that it equaled all his
efforts in calling people to Islam during all those long years in holy Mecca
and Medina. Hence, he immediately stopped the caravans of pilgrims at a
place a few miles away from Mecca. He then ordered those who were ahead
to come back to the place of gathering which is known as "GHADIR
[SWAMP] KHUM", and those who were behind to join the others.
A pulpit with a sunshade was set up for him. He got up the pulpit and
addressed the attendants. He said, in his long and important sermon, "Am I
not the master of every believer?" They all said, "Yes, your are". He then
took Ali's hand and raised it up for all to see Ali and declared him as his
successor in authority. He said, "To whomsoever I am the master, Ali is his
master. O Lord! Befriend Ali's friends, and be the enemy of his enemies. O
Lord! Help whoever helps him, and defeat whoever confronts him. O Lord!
Keep the truth at his side wherever he turns".
All the believers then came and congratulated Ali (as). The first to do so
was UMAR IBN AL-KHATAB who said to Ali, "Rejoice, O son of ABI
TALIB! You have become my master (guardian) and the master of every
believing man and woman".
It was a major event witnessed by tens of thousands of pilgrims who
performed the HAJJ that year. In fact, Ali (as) was one of Allah's clear
signs, some of Allah's treasure spared for the sake of Islam, and for the
benefit of Muslims. He comes next to the Messenger of Allah. The infallible
Imams are chosen from his and Fatima's offspring.
There are many QURANIC verses that refer to those who are worthy of
Islamic leadership. Some of them refer to the pioneers who embraced Islam,
and surely Ali (as) was the first. Other verses refer to those who struggle
bravely and who do not flee the battle field; those who love to struggle for
the sake of Allah more than they love their wives, children, and wealth.
Everyone knew that Ali was at the head of such opponents of the enemies of
Allah. He was the most pious, the most brave and the nearest to the
Messenger of Allah. They were all sure that he was qualified for the
Muslims' leadership after the Prophet (P.B.U.H).
The Messenger of Allah informed all the Muslims of Ali's sublime
qualities and status, so that nobody would doubt it. the holy QURAN says:
{. Such is the grace of Allah; He gives it to whomsoever He please, and
Allah is the Lord of mighty grace}. [The Iron: 21]. In fact, the Messenger of
Allah (P.B.U.H) and Ali (as) are the greatest bounties bestowed by Allah on
His creatures. Had people been aware of such bounties, they would have
enjoyed Allah's full bounties and blessings, and He would have helped them
to enjoy every kind of knowledge and true civilization. The holy QURAN
{Had they kept to the (right) path, we would have certainly given them to
drink of abundant water}. [Jinn: 16]. The Muslims today are in a dire need
for such a sublime example in order to follow his footsteps and act
accordingly. Ali was a pioneer in accepting Islam. Prejudice and fanatism of
the era of ignorance did not tarnish him. He wholeheartedly loved Islam and
struggled day and night for its sake. He suffered from the infidels' harms
and was ready to die in the Prophet's bed in order to save the Messenger of
Allah from the infidels' plot. He participated in all the Muslim battles and
was the most brave. He feared no human being and was firm in his belief in
the Almighty, the One and only Lord of the World. He used to say, "If the
unseen is uncovered to me, my certain belief (in Allah) will not increase (it
is quite perfect)".
Being such a unique figure in faith and bravery, Imam Ali raised his
children AL-HASAN, AL-HUSAIN, and ZAINAB, besides his
companions: MALIK AL-ASHTAR and MAYTHAM AL-TAMMAR, to be
embodiments of his school of thought, the most perfect school whose
headmaster was born in the Sacred House of Allah and who enjoyed
martyrdom in the sanctuary of a mosque while he was performing his
prayers at the early dawn.
His school is the school of struggle in words and in deeds for the sake of
the truth and justice, for the sake of Islam, and for the sake of Allah. It is the
school of the winners in this life and in the hereafter.
* *
Righteous wives recall her life as a wife of Ali (as) and consider her as a
role model of the righteous wife.
Mothers remember her sublime statue as a mother of the infallible
Imams, thus they follow in her footsteps in raising their children. Fathers
remember how she grew up in the lap of the Messenger of Allah, the
Prophet (P.B.U.H), who prepared her for the highest status of a believing
Prior to telling Fatima's story, her mother, Lady KHADIJAH, should first
be mentioned. Lady KHADIJAH was one of the wealthiest women in holy
Mecca. Many prominent figures desired to marry her for her wealth, but she
rejected all those who proposed to her. She surprised them by her choice to
marry Mohammed the son of ABDILLAH, the truthful young man who was
not at all among the rich, though he belonged to the best family among the
Men and women of Mecca criticized her for such a choice but she paid
no attention to them and did not change her mind. In fact, she was quite a
wise lady who chose the best life's partner, though most people could not
comprehend that fact. KHADIJAH was a woman of talent and brilliant
intellect. No wonder she raised such a sublime daughter like Fatima (as).
KHADIJAH and Mohammed led for many years a happy and peaceful
life till he was chosen to be a Prophet entrusted with the Divine mission of
Islam. Lady KHADIJAH was the first woman to believe in him, and she
supported him with all her might and means. The arrogant and the idolaters
of Mecca demonstrated their hostility towards Mohammed, causing him a
great deal of hardship. A social and economic ban was imposed on
Mohammed and his followers. The good wife endured the hardships for the
sake of Allah and His religion, Islam. She comforted her husband and
shared his concerns. She all her affairs.
New signs seemed to bring the good tiding of relief when KHADIJAH
was pregnant with a new baby who stirred in her womb. At the due hour of
childbirth, and when the pain of labor intensified, QURAYSHI midwives
refused to give her a hand and help her deliver her child. Allah's miracles
happen quite often. During the time of her difficulty, suddenly the room was
lit with a bright light. Four bright women appeared near her. They sat near
her and gently spoke to her. They said to her, "Fear not ! we are guests sent
by Allah". She felt at ease, so she relaxed. Quietly she gave birth to a female
baby: Fatima, with the help of the four ladies who were: SARAH,
PROPHET IBRAHIM'S wife, ASIA, the righteous wife of Pharaoh,
MARYAM (Mary), the mother of Prophet Jesus, and KALTHAM sister of
Prophet MUSA (Moses) (peace be on them all). However, there are some
people who wonder at such miracles and are heedless of Allah's might.
Before Fatima, KHADIJAH had given birth to three other daughters.
was married to her maternal cousin AL-RABEE' IBN AL-AAS. The other
two were married to the two sons of ABI LAHAB who became a deadly
enemy of the Prophet and ordered his sons UTBAH and UTAYBAH to
divorce their wives. UTHMAN married both of them, one after the death of
the other. Neither one of them gave birth to any children.
The only daughter who lived in the house of the Prophet was Fatima (as)
who was of a uniquely sublime personality. She resembled her father in
features and in high morals.
When the days of hardship were over, following the Prophet's
immigration to YATHRIB, many prominent figures sought Fatima's hand in
marriage but were all rejected. All the suitors hoped to enjoy the sublime
status of being near the Messenger of Allah through marrying Fatima. But
Fatima was Ali's dear cousin. None deserved being her husband except Ali
(as), the Prophet's first supporter and the brave defender of Islam. It was
Allah's will that none should marry her except Ali (as).
When the Prophet's two sons died while still children, the arrogant of
Mecca degraded the Prophet (P.B.U.H), claiming that he would have no
progeny. Allah refuted their claim. The QUR'ANIC chapter ALKAWTHAR was revealed; in it the Almighty says, {Surely, We have given
you AL-KAWTHAR (abundance in offspring), so pray to your Lord and
make a sacrifice. Surely he that hates you is the one cut off}. [ALKAWTHAR: 1-3].
One day the Prophet's companions were at the Prophet's Mosque. They
talked about the Prophet's only daughter, Fatima. ABU BAKR, one of them,
said, "Many prominent figures from the immigrants (AL-MUHAJIREEN)
and the Muslim's of AL-MEDINA (AL-ANSAR) have sought Fatima's
hand, but the Messenger of Allah has not approved the proposal of any.
However, Ali has not proposed to her yet. I think if he proposes, the
Messenger of Allah will accept him". SA'AD IBN MU'ATH, the chief of
AL-WAS, a tribe of the ANSAR, said, "Let us see Ali and encourage him to
seek her hand. Perhaps we may thus do a good deed".
They left the Mosque looking for Ali. They found him in the city's
outskirts watering an orchard for one of the ANSAR landowners. They
greeted him, then ABU BAKR said, "Brother Ali, you are one of the best
people. You enjoy every quality that pleases Allah and His Messenger. It is
time for you to have a wife. Why don't you propose to the Prophet's
daughter, Fatima? The daughter of the Messenger of Allah may be yours.
We have all proposed to her and have been rejected. It seems Allah and His
Messenger want Fatima to marry you".
On hearing those words, Ali felt great longing to get nearer to the
Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H) through marrying Fatima. But alas! He did
not have enough money to give her a dowry. However, he was encouraged
by them. He put his trust in Allah and made his way towards the Prophet's
house. He expressed his great wish to marry Fatima. The Prophet (P.B.U.H)
rejoiced on hearing Ali's proposal and said, "O Ali! Many men have already
proposed to her before you. When I told her of their proposals, she turned
away in disapproval. Now, you wait while I tell her of yours.
The Prophet entered her room and said to her, "O Fatima! Here is Ali son
of ABI TALIB. You know his blood relation to you and his great struggle
for the sake of Islam. I have prayed to my Lord to send you the best of His
creatures and the one He loves most to be your husband. Ali has made a
proposal to marry you. What do you say?" Fatima did not turn away; she
silently expressed her approval. The Prophet glorified Allah and conveyed
to Ali her approval of his marriage proposal.
The Prophet (P.B.U.H) came to Ali and happily said to him, "Ali! Do
you have anything for a dowry?!" Ali said, "May my parents be sacrificed
for you! By Allah, you know my own (financial) situation. I have nothing
except my sword, shield, and camel". The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, "You
cannot do without your sword with which you fight the enemies of Allah.
You need your camel to water your date palms and to transport your daily
food. You ride it in your trips. But I accept the shield as a dowry for your
marriage. Go sell it and come back with its price".
Ali (as) sold the shield for 480 DIRHAMS and came back with the
money which he gave to the Prophet (P.B.U.H) It was the dowry for the
most noble and honorable lady, the best among all creatures past and
The Prophet (P.B.U.H) divided the money into three parts. A third was
for the new home's furniture. Another third was for perfumes and other
necessary thing for the bride, and the last third was kept with UMM
SALAMA (the Prophet's wife) to spend on the wedding day. He then gave
some money to AMMAR IBN YASIR and SALMAN AL-FARISI and to
other companions. He said to them, "Buy for my daughter what is necessary
for a new home". They bought the necessary items which were: A gown for
7 DIRHAMS, a head scarf for four DIRHAMS, a bedcover made in
KHAIBAR, a wooden bed, two mattresses of wool and fiber, four food
dishes made in AL-TAIF, a wool curtain, a mat, a flour hand-mill, two
bowls, a water-skin, a milk pot, a water pot, a copper container, and other
such items.
They brought them to the Prophet (P.B.U.H) who checked them and was
satisfied with the new home's furnishing. He said. "May Allah bless this
household!". Some QURAYSHI men said to the Prophet, "You have
married your daughter to a poor man". He said, "By Allah, I have not! it was
Allah Who has ordered me to marry her to Ali. My Lord had informed me
of this marriage on the night of my ascendancy to heaven".
Ali and Fatima enjoyed their life of happiness in their simple house. The
Prophet (P.B.U.H) used to visit them now and then on various occasions. He
would talk to them about the virtues of patience and uprightness. One day
he (P.B.U.H) said to Fatima (as), "Allah has chosen two men from among
the people of the world. One is your father and the other is your husband".
Fatima was a righteous wife, hence she was not annoyed when her
husband was often away, fighting for the sake of Allah. She would always
prepare his weapons and other needed items for him. She would encourage
him to always is for every believing wife! She was quite aware of her
husband's sublime status as well as sacred status in Allah's sight, so she
respected him as a woman respects and obeys her religious leader, her
Imam. Ali was the dearest person to the Messenger of Allah. He was his
brother (in religion), successor, and trustee. Ali respected her, too, and
considered her sublime status, not only for her being his wife, but also for
being the one dearest to the Messenger of Allah. She was part of him
(P.B.U.H), of the same brightness, patience, and modesty, and she was the
head of all women of the world. She was chosen by Allah for such an honor.
The holy QUR'AN says:
{Surely Allah chose Adam and Noah and the descendants of IBRAHIM
and the descendants of 'IMRAN above all nations. Offspring, one from the
other, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing}. [AALI-'IMRAN: 33-34] Poverty
never disturbed her life. She carried out the house work, grinding wheat and
barley, cooking and baking bread. She was a unique model for believing
She was also quite aware of her duty towards the struggle for the sake of
Allah. During the battle of UHUD, when her father was wounded, she was
near him, addressing his wounds and comforting him. During the time of
hardship, she was a woman of deeds, not a woman of tears.
In the 3rd year of HIJRAH, Fatima gave birth to her first son. The
Prophet (P.B.U.H) called him AL-HASAN. A year later she gave birth to
her second son, AL-HUSAIN (Junior HASAN).
The Prophet (P.B.U.H) greatly rejoiced at the birth of his two grandsons.
He actually considered them a reward for his struggle and hardship in
inviting people to Islam. He used to embrace the two children and say,
"These HASAN and HUSAIN are my two sons; they are the two fragrant
flowers, the heads of the youth of Paradise".
"O Lord! These are my household, my nearest and dearest. They are part
of me; whatever hurts them hurts me, whatever saddens them saddens me. I
am on war against whoever is on war against them. I am at peace with
whoever is at peace with them. I am the enemy of their enemy and the friend
of their friend. They are part of me and I am part of them. O Lord! Bless
them with Your bliss, Your mercy, Your forgiveness, and Your pleasure.
Purify them with a thorough purification". In fact, they led a righteous life
free from all sins and errors. Their attributes were and are Allah's signs to all
mankind, though most people are not aware of this fact.
The Prophet's great regard for Fatima was not due to her being his own
daughter. Blood relation was not the criterion for him to evaluate the
members of his family. Rather, it was on account of her great piety and
awareness of Allah the Almighty. She enjoyed most of the Prophet's
attributes. Allah Almighty confirmed the purified Fatima to be the mother of
the infallible Imams. The Prophet often referred to her sublime status. As
mentioned in SAHIH AL-BUKHARI, he (P.B.U.H) once said, "Fatima is
part of me. Whoever makes her angry, makes me angry too". He once
addressed her saying, "O Fatima! Allah is pleased at your pleasure and
displeased at your displeasure".
Fatima's happy days came to an end when her father, the Messenger of
Allah, fell sick and soon passed away to be near his Lord. Fatima's difficult
days, the days of suffering, started when everything changed at her father's
demise. A few of the companions appointed ABA BAKR as the caliph, and
most people followed suit and swore the oath of allegiance to him. Ali (as)
felt the Muslims' need for unity and for their firm stand against their
enemies, so he made no demand of his right and preferred to remain silent.
Muslims have always been in need of unity against their enemies, and
Islam will always be in need of it till the Day of Judgment.
However, Fatima (as) considered it her duty to warn the people of the
grave wrong they were doing. She made her way to her father's mosque
where the Muslims gathered around the new caliph. She publicly made it
clear that Ali (as) had the right to the caliphate more than anyone else. She
warned the Muslims of the great calamity if divisions settled among them
instead of unity. The future would bring great evils if they kept silent and
did not support the truth. She referred to her right to the FADAK property
which belonged to her father and his household and never to the common
people. The Prophet's daughter surely could not and would not claim
ownership of something if it were not hers. How strange it was to tarnish her
with such an accusation! Fatima is one of the five purified people according
to the above quoted QUR'ANIC verse 33 of Chapter AL-AHZAB! There are
other QUR'ANIC verses that laud her sublime status. However, many
people were heedless of that fact.
Due to such hardships, Fatima felt sick and resorted to silence and
seclusion. Women from the MUHAJIREEN and the ANSAR visited her
during her sickness to wish her well. They asked her how she was feeling.
She thanked Allah and praised Him, invoked peace and blessing of Allah on
her father, then said, "By Allah! I now fully resent your world and detest
your men. Evil, indeed, is that which their souls have sent forward before
them; Allah's wrath is on them, and in the torment shall they abide. Why
were they hostile to ABI AL-HASAN? By Allah they hated his unbiased
sword for the sake of Allah. Surely they are the mischief-makers, though
they are unaware of it".
{Is He then Who guides to the truth more worthy to be followed, or is he
who himself does not go aright unless he is guided? What, then, is the
matter with you?! How do you judge?} [YUNIS: 35].
When the women conveyed to their men Fatima's words, their chiefs
went to her to apologize. They said to her, "O Mistress of all women! Had
your husband mentioned the affair to us, we would not have sworn the oath
of allegiance to anyone else". Fatima (as) said, "Go away! You have no
excuse after having been warned, and there is no order following your
conclusion. It is the story of Fatima who gave birth to AL-HASAN, ALHUSAIN and ZAINAB AL-KUBRA.
It is the story of the wife who strived for her husband's rights. It is the
story of the Prophet's daughter who was a copy of him in virtue and
greatness. Fatima is the mother of all righteous people.
Whoever loves the Messenger of Allah loves Fatima.
Whoever hates him, hates her.
Fatima is purified by Allah the Almighty.
Peace and blessing of Allah be on FATIMA AL-ZAHRA.
Following the demise of the Messenger of Allah, ABU SUFYAN and his
infidel party conspired secretly against Islam. Their infidelity was still in
hide, while their great concern was to halt the achievement of political and
financial power by AHLUL BAYT (the Prophet's household). They strove
to keep such power within their own control. Through plots, they achieved
their goal, hence MU'AWIYAH IBN (son of) ABI SUFYAN proclaimed his
domination over the country of AL-SHAM (greater Syria: Palestine, Jordan,
Lebanon plus today's Syria). He accumulated a great wealth and forced his
authority on the Muslim world.
Following the assassination of the third Caliph, OTHMAN IBN 'AFFAN,
people swore allegiance to the Prophet's cousin and son-in-law Ali (as),
father of AL-HASAN and AL-HUSAIN. As soon as Ali (as) became the
Muslims' Caliph, the hypocrites and the deviated openly unveiled their
hostility towards Ali (as) and waged wars against him. Thus, within a short
period of time during his caliphate, he had to fight in the Battle of the
Camel, the Battle of SIFFIN and the Battle of AL-NAHRAWAN.
It was the irony of fate to see the "followers of the camel" siding with
"the followers of ABI SUFYAN" along with the misled KHARIJITES. The
enemies of Islam and those of AHLUL BAYT mobilized their forces and
raised their swords in the face Imam Ali (as). During the course of those
events, three deviated men conspired under the claim of sparing the
Muslims the perils of the deteriorated situation which they thought was the
result of the confrontation of three dangerous men: MU'AWIYAH, AMRO
IBN AL-'AS and Imam Ali (as). They though that they would reform the
Muslim community if they killed all three of them at one and the same time.
The result of their sick mentality was the martyrdom of Imam Ali (as), the
pious and just caliph, while the other two survived.
MU'AWIYAH, whose concern was only to achieve power and seize the
caliphate, lent a deaf ear to Imam AL-HASAN'S letter. MU'AWIYAH was
ready to commit every crime in order to be the leader. He sent his spies and
got in touch with the Imam's army leaders. He bribed some leaders and
promised others with high offices if they abandoned their Imam and joined
him. Many accepted the bribes and joined the enemy's camp in broad
daylight. Others conspired even to lay their hand on their legitimate Imam
and hand him over to MU'AWIYAH. Thus, they violated their vows of
allegiance and betrayed their sublime leader. MU'AWIYAH, the cunning
fox, advised them to stay in office till the battle time, then to leave their
Imam alone to face his defeat.
Within few months of secret plots, MU'AWIYAH managed to have most
of the tribes' chiefs on his side. Those tribes' chiefs knew that Imam AL-
That was the story repeated with Imam AL-HASAN (AS): the
KHARIJITES had by then found an excuse to give up the fight and even
assassinate their own Imam Ali (as).
Could such people be Muslims or claim to defend Islam while they
helped the enemies of Islam achieve their devilish goals? Throughout
history, hypocrites play the same role. They are not sincere in their faith, so
they turn away rather than face death. The real believers are always firm in
conviction and ready to die for the sake of their religion.
disgracing them in public. Those who betrayed the Imam could not even
enjoy the least gratitude from MU'AWIYAH.
In the wake of those events, IMAM AL-HASAN (AS) and his household
made their way towards Al-Medina where they settled while the
UMAYYAD clan dominated Al-KUFA. On the pulpit of IMAM ALI (AS),
ZIYAD IBN ABIHI (a bastard) and later his son ruled the country. Those
who sought excuses to justify their stance regarding IMAM ALI'S rule and
later rejected his pious son's rule bowed their heads in front of
MU'AWIYAH'S bloody swords. They at last came to know- thought too
late- the important advice of the legitimate Imams. They perceived the great
calamity that befell them. They regretted their own actions but such regret
was of no use.
Those who, during five years of Imam Ali's rule and a few months of
IMAM AL-HASAN'S, disobeyed the infallible Imams for trifle reasons or
excuses, no longer offended MU'AWIYAH'S agents who had a free hand to
do whatever they desire. None of them uttered a word of objection. No
figures such as TALHA and AL-ZUBAYR raised the banner of
confrontation. Not a single KHARIJITE made a show of sedition or
disobedience. The hypocrites had their golden opportunity to play their role.
At the dark era of history, Ali's companions and followers were the only
ones who confronted the tyrannical rule and were blessed with martyrdom.
As for those on his pay list, they crept on their bellies and praised the unjust
rulers. They never forgot to slander Imam Ali (as) in order to please the
tyrants. How wonderful it is to confront the tyrants of history, yet it is
impossible to oppose the One worshipped by all!
The holy QUR'AN says: {Surely you cannot guide whom you love, but
Allah guides whom He pleases, and He best knows the followers of the right
path}. [AL-QASAS: 56]. The Imam was quite aware of the Prophet's
mission which was: to convey the Message of Allah to the people and to
keep on preaching and advising them, whether they accept it or not; it makes
no difference. Similarly, the Imam's task was to follow in the footsteps of
the Prophet and to safeguard the religion of Allah: Islam.
IMAM AL-HASAN (AS) tried his best to show the truth to all people
and make them aware of being misled by the false claims of rulers and by
leaders who articulated Islamic beliefs while remaining infidels, enemies of
the religion. The Imam (as) taught his followers to be patient and to tolerate
injustice when it is for the sake of Allah. Through, he nurtured the seeds of
revolution through the heroic role of his brother IMAM AL-HUSAIN.
IMAM AL-HASAN'S achievement was part of IMAM AL-HUSAIN'S
revolution. Thus, the Prophetic tradition regarding both of them is a clear
evidence of their roles. The said tradition says:
"AL-HASAN and AL-HUSAIN are two Imams (leaders) whether they
are in office or not"
We are quite aware of the unjust people's reaction to the demise of
Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H). they were careless of the Prophet's last will,
though they had often heard every word of it and had known its
significance. At his demise, they forgot every word and betrayed the
Prophet's holy household. They entrusted the Muslims' affairs to the
enemies of Islam, thus preferring blindness to clear insight and darkness to
the bright Divine light. The holy QUR'AN says: {And as to THAMUD, We
showed them the right way, but they preferred blindness to guidance}.
Had they obeyed Allah's order, they would have enjoyed His bounties
and achieved a great might and knowledge. They disobeyed Him, so they
suffered loss and were unjust to their own selves. Due to their blindness and
utter ignorance and violation of their covenants, Imam HUSAIN (as)
enjoyed martyrdom while MUAWIA and his clan assumed the caliphate
along with an aggressive policy against all the righteous believers. Many
IMAM HUSAIN was still in Mecca, waiting for news from his envoy in
KUFA. Before getting any news, he performed the HAJJ rituals and decided
to leave the holy city. Prominent figures in Mecca tried to make him change
his mind and stay with them. They said to him, "You are quite aware of the
people of AL-KUFA. They had refrained from supporting your father and
your brother after him. They will as well refrain from supporting you. They
are of no firm faith. They may articulate readiness to support you, but they
will soon raise their swords in your face. Do not leave the holy city'. IMAM
HUSAIN (AS) did not change his mind, insisting on performing his Divine
mission: To die for the sake of Allah and the Truth. He performed the rituals
of HAJJ (pilgrimage) in haste without staying to the end of the HAJJ
Thus, YAZID mercenaries did not have the chance to shed his holy blood
in the holy city. He set out towards Iraq along with his nearest and dearest
family members accompanied by righteous followers. He had no news from
his envoy, as previously mentioned, due to IBN ZIAD'S strict control over
KUFA along with other measures he undertook. He put spies along the
roads to inform him of IMAM HUSAIN'S approach.
During that night, darkness wrapped the whole area. IMAM HUSSAIN
(AS) gathered his followers and relatives, praised Allah the Almighty then
said, "Surely I know not of better and sincere followers than you are to me.
May Allah reward you with His best rewards. I believe tomorrow is our day
to meet those enemies. Now you are all in relief of your allegiance to me.
Night is dark, so take it as a cover and go home. The enemies want only me.
If they get me, they will be satisfied with their catch".
The holy Imam made it clear to them that whoever stayed with him
would surely be killed. He encouraged them to leave in the darkness to spare
them the feeling of shame as they retreated, if they preferred to withdraw.
But as soon as he had finished his words, the righteous relatives and
followers made their brave decision clear to him. At the head of the speakers
was hi half-brother AL-ABBAS who said, "Why should we leave you? Is it
to survive at your own expense? We pray to Allah never to let us see such a
day". Then others spoke, all preferring death to life for his sake. The brave
followers such as HABIB IBN MUDHAHIR, Muslim IBN USAJA,
ZUHAIR IBN AL-QIN and the others welcomed death in his defense and
said, "Praise is due to Allah Who has honored us in being at your side,
fighting your enemy and dying in your presence".
They were overwhelmed with Divine tranquility and were most truthful,
most sincere. On that dark night, in the camp of the holy Imam, nothing
could be heard but the utterance of glorification of Allah and the praising
His will. All were ready to enjoy martyrdom, eager to meet death.
IMAM HUSSAIN now and then talked with them and filled their hearts
with true faith. They all longed to meet their Lord, hence they tuned to Him
for forgiveness. They murmured: "Our Lord! Surely we have heard a
preacher calling to faith saying: 'believe in your Lord', so we did believe.
Our Lord! Forgive, therefore, our faults and pardon our wrong deeds, and
make us die with the righteous. Our Lord accept the sacrifice of Your
purified servants (the Prophet's household, the AHL AL BAYT), and let
people hear our call, and turn towards us; You are all-Knowing, allHearing". On the other side of the field, in the enemy's camp, IBN SA'AD'S
troops enjoyed eating and drinking just as cattle enjoy their food. Songs and
music could be heard. They were sure of their victory against the handful
strugglers in IMAM HUSAIN'S camp, hence they rejoiced at their victory
before hand.
minarets in calls for daily prayers, the sublime figures of the Prophet's
household suffered every kind of oppression and persecution. Could not
those so-called Muslims read the QURANIC verses in favor of the Prophet's
household? The holy QURAN says:
{Say (Oh, Mohammed): I ask you no recompense at all save love for my
relatives} [AL-SHURA: 23].
SA'AD'S troops were not satisfied with their dirty performance against
the martyrs' holy bodies, so they put the Imam's dearest and nearest women
and children in chains and led them to the city of KUFA which once was
Imam Ali's residence during his caliphate. All the city's inhabitants knew
Imam Ali's noble daughter Lady ZAINAB, daughter of the sublime Lady
Fatima AL-ZAHRA, the Prophet's only daughter. They had often seen her in
her father's house while their women visited her and attended her meetings
and listened to her talks.
Now they saw her at the head of the arrested women and children. The
KUFIAN women and men felt a great shame. Stifled in tears, they cursed
IBN SA'AD and IBN ZIAD. Could that be enough? Could they be forgiven
for turning away from the Imam's call for help? Could their men, who sent
the martyred Imam letters calling him to their country to lead them along the
right path, then withdrew their help, be ever forgiven? Lady ZAINAB
ordered them to stop crying and in a speech exposed their shameful deeds.
Her words were lashes inflicted on their backs. Could her words awaken the
sleeping masses and revive in them the fading awareness?
History tells us that her words were the most effective, next to the
sublime martyr's blood that brought YAZID'S tyrannical rule to an end.
martyred father and brothers, and his family were Prophet Mohammed's
offspring. He said to the crowed, "if there is someone who knows me, it is
alright, but if others do not know me, then I will inform them who I am. I
am the son of Mohammed AL-MUSTAFA (the chosen Prophet), I am the
son of ALI AL-MURTADHA (Allah is pleased with him), I am the son of
FATIMA AL-ZAHRA, the head of all women, I am the son of the one
wrapped in blood, slain in KERBALA.
IMAM ZAIN AL-ABIDIN went on making clear to the attendants his
actual status till everyone who heard him started crying and cursing YAZID.
The people of Damascus were stunned at the actual truth. Could those
captives be the Prophet's dearest and nearest? What a heinous crime YAZID
had committed! What a big lie he had spread!
On knowing the truth, a great unrest spread in the city, a revolution was
about to start and shake YAZID'S firm control of AL-SHAM. He
immediately ordered the departure of the captives to Al-Medina, and the
martyrs' heads to be buried. The people were ordered never to utter IMAM
HUSAIN'S name if they wanted to avoid imprisonment and killing.
for his generosity in the pre-Islamic era, though she was not yet Muslim. He
set her free in regard due to her honorable status. In pursuit of the sublime
morals of the holy Prophet, his truthful and trustworthy cousin ALI (AS) put
Islamic ethics to practice.
Ali's action had a good impact on the Persian captives who felt at ease
and no more worried about their future. They became sure of Islamic justice
and tolerance. Undoubtedly, Islamic instructions and teachings do not
discriminate between Arabs and non-Arabs, or between white and black. All
are equal in rights and should enjoy the caliph's protection and care, since he
is supposed to be the best man after the Messenger of Allah. They felt
special love for Ali (as).
Soon after this event, SHAHRBANO daughter of YAZDAJERD was
chosen a wife for IMAM AL-HUSAIN (AS), the younger son of IMAM
ALI (AS). She gave birth to a son who was named ALI AL-ASGHAR (Ali
the Junior), known also as ZAIN AL-ABDIN (the best of the worshippers)
due to his great piety and chastity. He is the fourth Imam from the Prophet's
lineage. Some historians do not know the exact story of SHAHRBANO as it
has been related. IMAM HUSAIN (AS) had another son called ALI ALAKBAR (Ali the Senior) who greatly resembled the holy Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) and who was blessed with martyrdom at the battle of KERBALA
on the 10th of MUHARRAM the year 61 of HIJRA.
IMAM ZAIN AL-ABIDIN (AS) resembled his grandfather IMAM ALI
(AS) in bravery, patience and piety along with his sound knowledge and
brilliant talent. Narrators say that when he accompanied his father on their
way to KERBALA, he was full of determination and prowess. When the
battle started, everyone had a sword and a shield. ZAIN AL-ABIDIN'S
shield was a bit longer for him and reached his knees, He immediately bent
the extra length then broke it out to have the shield fit. The attendants were
surprised at his strength and praised his strength. Yet he could not make use
of his bravery on the day of the battle. He suffered a fever that threw him in
bed. It was Allah's will that he should be sick at that apex of the fight, hence
be was spared martyrdom at that age in order to survive and play his role in
keeping the Prophet's progeny safe, despite the tyrants' decision to end all of
IMAM HUSAIN'S offspring.
It was Allah's will that protected him and kept him alive while all other
males were blessed with martyrdom at the battle of KERBALA. They left a
bright record in the Islamic history though their struggle against oppression
while their enemies are cursed throughout history. At the end of that tragic
event, women and children were chained then taken to KUFA accompanied
am Ali son of AL-HUSAIN". The tyrant said, "Has not Allah killed Ali son
of AL-HUSAIN?" The Imam said, "I had a brother called Ali; the people
killed him". IBN ZIAD said, "Surely, Allah had killed him". The Imam said,
"Allah takes the souls at death". IBN ZIAD was vexed because the Imam
refuted his claims. He shouted, "dare you answer me?' He ordered his
mercenaries to kill him, but his Aunt Lady ZAINAB protected him with her
arms and said, "By Allah! I will not let him go. Kill me before you kill him.
Are not you satisfied with the blood you have shed of my men?" IBN ZIAD
could not kill a woman, hence the Imam's life was spared.
The captives were released, and the Imam ordered the caravan to first
make their way to KERBALA to pay homage to the martyrs' graves. They
stopped there and shed hot tears on the sacred spot of martyrdom. Since
then and throughout the years, the area has become a fortress of worship that
relates the heroic roles of its figures who confronted injustice and
oppression. Then the caravan made its way towards the city of the
Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.). All its inhabitants, young and old, women
and men, came out to meet the bereaved members of the Prophet's family.
They cried bitterly and shed hot tears on hearing the details of the
tragedy. They blamed themselves and expressed regret for their negative
stance. They crowded round the Imam to offer condolence and prayed to
Allah to forgive them. The Imam (as) stood up and addressed them saying,
"Praise is due to Allah the Lord of the worlds, the Compassionate, the
Merciful, the Master of the Day of Judgment, the Creator of all creatures. O
people! Allah, Whom do I praise, has tried us with grave calamities. Islam
has been grossly damaged. Imam HUSAIN (father of Imam ZAIN ALABIDIN) has been killed. His severed holy head has been raised on lances
and paraded to people, carried from town to town. His women and children
have been made captive. It is a tragedy of no like. O people! We have
become homeless chased for no guilt nor sin, for no damage done to Islam
by us. By Allah, had the Prophet approached them to fight s as he had
advised them to treat us well, they would not have exceeded in hostility. We
are from Allah, and to His shall we return. To Him we complain our
hardship; He is Mighty in revenge on the unjust".
His words stirred great sadness in the masses that filled the place with
crying and wailing. They sensed the great damage inflicted on Islam and
were ready to rebel and revenge.
The tragedy of KERBALA was a big shock that awakened heedless
people and stirred their abated feelings, hence several uprisings erupted
against the infidel rulers. One year only after the battle of KERBALA, a
revolution exploded in the city of the Messenger of Allah. The people
attacked the UMAYYAD agents and followers. They repealed their
allegiance to YAZID and chased his governor out. When YAZID heard of
the revolution, he sent a big army led by MUSLIM IBN UQBA to invade
Al-Medina. Several hundreds of innocent people were killed at a battle
called AL-HARRA. The troops had a free hand to commit all crimes for
three days. They plundered properties, destroyed homes, and raped chaste
women. Finally, the people of Al-Medina gave in to the aggressive army
and swear the oath fed to be YAZID'S slaves. They paid a high price for
their indifference when IMAM HUSAIN called for help.
Another uprising started in HIJAZ. It was led by ABDILLAH IBN ALZUBAIR, the deadly enemy of the Prophet's family. He waited long to have
the opportunity to assume power. The martyrdom of Imam HUSAIN
provided him with such an opportunity. Under the cover of revenge for
Imam HUSAIN'S blood, he declared his revolution. He never thought of
AHLUL BAYT was quite clear.
On seeing revolts start here and there, IBN AL-ZUBAIR was encouraged
to fight YAZID. He formed an army and started a battle near holy Mecca.
Many people were killed and the holy KA'BA was thrown with fire balls by
YAZID'S men. Before the battle was over, YAZID was killed and his men
withdrew, in the wake of hearing the news. IBN AL-ZUBAIR enjoyed
authority for a while until he was killed by AL-HAJJAJ during ABDUL
One of the many revolts that started due to the battle of KERBALA was
one very well-known as "The repentant uprising" (THAWRAT ALTAWWABIN). It started in AL-KUFA in the year 65 of HIJRA, and
extended to include AL-BASRA and Al-Median (Iraq), and was labeled:
THAWRAT AL-TAWWABIN, after the name of a groups of KUFIANS
who expressed their great repentance at their holding back in IMAM
HUSAIN'S struggle against infidel YAZID, though they had previously sent
him letters to come to KUFA and enjoy their support. They declared their
sincere repentance and were led by SULAIMAN IBN AL-SURD ALKHUZAE'. It is said that their number mounted to 16,000. the repentant left
AL-KUFA and headed towards IMAM HUSAIN'S holy gravesite.
They put on their shrouds and swore never to return to their homes until
they effected revenge against the killers. They tried to make up for their
shortcoming in the battle of KERBALA by killing the Imam's enemies or
being themselves martyred. They raised their voices calling revenge for
Imam HUSAIN'S blood. Their shouts spread everywhere. When they
reached the holy grave, they cried day and night then made their way
towards the Syrian territory. They continued reciting the following
QURANIC verse: { therefore turn to your Creator (repentant), so kill
yourselves, that is the best for you with your Creator, so He turned to you,
surely He is the Oft-returning, the Merciful}. [The Cow: 54].
They met IBN ZIAD'S army on the way and were about to defeat him
had no help reached him on time. They continued fighting until they were
all killed. Thus they passed away as models of repentance and penitence;
thus they left behind for the following generation to inherit the essence of
revolution against all oppressors and tyrants of the world. In the wake of
YAZID'S death, uprisings increased against the UMAYYAD rule. ALMUKHTAR IBN UBAID AL-THAQAFI'S revolt started also in KUFA in
the year 66 of HIJRA.
AL-MUKHTAR called the KUFIANS to avenge the shedding of the
Imam's blood, and many people responded to his call. He put his hand on
the official treasure and distributed the money on those who joined him. He
controlled the affairs in KUFA and tried to enhance his office through
writing to IMAM ZAIN AL-ABIDIN (as) in Medina. He asked for the
Imam's support and offered him allegiance. The Imam did not response
The Imam (as) resembled his two grandfathers: the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
and Imam Ali (as), in morals and ethics. He was of sound religious
knowledge of QURANIC sciences. He was generous, pious and of sublime
demeanor. It is related that he was one day in the presence of the
UMAYYAD caliph UMAR IBN ABDIL AZIZ. When he left, the caliph
asked the attendants, "Who is the most honorable of all creatures?" some of
the flatterers said, "Your Excellency, you are". The caliph said, "No I am
not. it is he who has just left".
This incident indicated his sublime status and the respect he enjoyed
among the people. Another indication of his sublime morals and forgiveness
is linked to MARWAN IBN AL-HAKAM, the deadly enemy of AHLUL
BAYT, peace be upon them. AL-HAKAM was the one who advised AlMedina's governor to kill IMAM HUSAIN when the Imam refused to swear
the oath of allegiance to infidel YAZID. AL-HAKAM was also among
those who fought Imam Ali (as) in the battle of the camel and in SIFFIN.
Yet, none could spare AL-HAKAM'S family from the citizens' wrath and
revenge except Imam ZAIN AL-ABIDIN. That was on the day when the
inhabitants of Al-Medina rebelled against the UMAYYAD domination. The
IMAM (AS) provided AL-HAKAM'S women and children a safe haven
with his own family.
Such high morals are confined to those infallible figures chosen by Allah
the Almighty. IMAM ZAIN AL-ABIDIN'S qualities were not different from
his grandfather's. the Messenger of Allah pardoned the infidels and the
hypocrites after the invasion of Mecca. He (P.B.U.H.) set free all those who
were supposed to be punished for their crimes against the early Muslims and
the Prophet himself.
Similarly, Imam Ali (as) pardoned MARWAN IBN AL-HAKAM who
participated in the battle of the camel. He set him free, though he could have
punished him as a criminal of war. He let him go though he was sure that
MARWAN would join MUAWIA'S camp and fight him in SIFFIN, as he
actually did. Surely such is the HASHIMI generosity and forgiveness. His
other outstanding characteristic was his unique generosity. Many needy
families lived on his personal help. He used to carry food to them, under
disguise, so they never knew his real identity until he was blessed with
martyrdom and no longer came to assist them. They said, "We missed the
secret alms at the demise of Ali son of AL-HUSAIN, ZAIN AL-ABIDIN,
peace be on him".
When IMAM HUSAIN (AS) made his way towards Iraq and camped at a
place named KERBALA, he was accompanied by his women and sons,
including ALI ZAIN AL-ABIDIN and his wife Fatima and tier son:
Mohammed AL-BAQIR who was only four years old. Thus the little child
witnessed the tragic events of the battle of KERBALA. He witnessed the
tragic martyrdom of his grandfather IMAM HUSAIN (AS) and of other
relatives and followers who fell one after the other in the battlefield and
covered the area with their noble blood. He also underwent captivity along
with his parents and relatives when they were taken to KUFA and later to
AL-SHAM (Greater Syria). He saw the holy head of his grandfather and
other martyrs' heads carried on lances. He saw the people of AL-SHAM
celebrate the occasion and YAZID'S hostility towards AHLUL BAYT (as).
He saw everything and heard every word; thus, he perceived through his
childhood the tragic events, while he started learning Islamic sciences at the
hands of his father IMAM ZAIN AL-ABIDIN (AS).
He suffered from the tyranny of the UMAYYAD rulers as he was
contemporary to YAZID'S regime and those of ABDUL MALIK IBN
MARWAN and his two sons (AL-WALID and HISHAM). He also
witnessed the aggressive policy of one of their most cruel governors: ALHAJJAJ IBN YUSUF, a wild beast, who imposed a house arrest on the
Imam's noble father while all other people enjoyed their freedom of speech
and could say and write whatever they wanted. He, AL-HAJJAJ, deprived
the holy Imams of their freedom and warned whoever came in contact with
them. Hence, people could not benefit from his father's religious sciences,
nor could they convey their religious inquiries to him for only one reason:
His being the grandson of Ali son of ABI TALIB and son of IMAM
However, there were many who were brave enough to get in touch with
the Imam and enjoy his company. One of those brave men was JABIR IBN
ABDILLAH AL-ANSARI, the only surviving companion of the Prophet
(P.B.U.H.) until then. Eh was quite old and conveyed a message from the
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) to IMAM AL-BAQIR 9AS).
JABIR used to sit at the Prophet's mosque and utter the words: BAQIR
AL-ILM (cutting through abundant knowledge). The people of Al-Medina
were amazed on hearing him utter those words often and thought that he
was delirious. He would then swear to them that he was quite sane and was
uttering only what he had heard from the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.). he
(P.B.U.H.) one day said to JABIR, "O JABIR! You will live until you see a
son born from my offspring. His name is my name, his features are my
features. He will enjoy abundant knowledge, he is: BAQIR AL-ILM". Thus
he explained to them his insistence on uttering his nickname.
One day, when JABIR was walking along the alleys of AL-Medina, he
saw a boy whom he stopped and asked, "What is your name, O young boy?"
the boy said, "My name is Mohammed son of Ali son of AL-HUSAIN".
JABIR kissed his head and said, "May my parents be your sacrifice! Your
grandfather the Messenger of Allah sends you his greeting". The boy in turn
sent his greeting to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and hurried home to tell his
father of that incident. On hearing it, IMAM ZAIN AL-ABIDIN ordered his
son to stay at home, for fear of the aggressive rulers who had put the Imam
and his family under their surveillance. He knew that they would harm him
if they knew of his future Imamate.
JABIR used to meet AL-BAQIR and discuss religious matters with him.
He realized that the Prophetic sciences were entrusted to him. One day he
said to him, "O son! You will solve different problems and answer all
inquiries. O son of Ali son of AL-HUSAIN son of Ali son of ABI TALIB!
You are among those who enjoy Divine sciences at an early age". Then he
recited the following QURANIC verse: {O YAHYA! Take hold of the Book
with strength, and We granted him wisdom while still a child}. [MARIAM:
12]. Nearly 100 years after HIJRA passed when IMAM ZIAN AL-ABIDIN
died. He entrusted the Imamate to his son Mohammed AL-BAQIR who was
then 40 years old.
During IMAM AL-BAQIR'S Imamate, two of ABDUL MALIK'S sons,
AL-WALID and SULAIMAN, ruled successively. Then UMAR IBN
ABDIL AZIZ assumed power, then ABDUL MALIK'S other two sons,
Whoever of those rulers visited Al-Medina, he would visit IMAM ALBAQIR due to his religious status among the Muslim. They would also
invite him to Damascus. They wanted to keep him away from Al-Medina
where they feared the people might be influenced by him, especially when
the UMAYYAD domination was getting weak throughout the vast Islamic
world. Such a situation gave the Imam a better chance to act, and it lessened
the pressure on him, hence people could visit him and listen to his lessons
and sermons. He used to hold meetings every morning when different
branches of sciences were taught and religious education was conduced.
Sciences during his time made a big progress hence the era was labeled
"golden". A great number of Prophetic narrations are related by him.
His was also the era of Islamic awareness. Fifty years following the
battle of KERBALA were enough for people to realize that the UMAYYAD
who ruled under the cover of Islam were not at all real Muslims. Those great
men (IMAM HUSAIN (AS) and his followers) who scarified their lives for
the sake of Islamic awareness taught the others clear lessons. Hence the
Muslim believers raised the banner of revolution against injustice,
corruption and deviation. Revolts started in many places. KERBALA'S
bright torch of martyrdom illuminated the road for them.
Many ALAWIS declared revolution but they failed. Even the revolution
led by ZAID IBN ALI, IMAM AL-BAQIR'S brother, did not achieve
success when his followers abandoned him. With a few of his supporters, he
fought bravely but was finally defeated due to the enemy's great number. He
was a pious, God-fearing worshipper, and very brave. IMAM AL-BAQIR
(AS) and his family were greatly saddened by his tragic defeat, thus he was
blessed with martyrdom.
Yet IMAM AL-BAQIR (AS) witnessed not only the UMAYYAD
tyranny but the ABBASIDE one as well. Just as the UMAYYAD exploited
religion to achieve their goal, the ABBASIDES raised the banner of
devotion to AHLUL BAYT and struggled under the slogans of revenge for
AHLUL BAYT'S martyrs, while they actually sought to achieve their own
goal of authority and leadership. Hence, ABU Muslim AL-KHURASANI,
ABU SALAMA, and ABU AL-ABBAS AL-SAFFAH became combatant
When UMAR IBN ABDIL AZIZ became caliph, he tried to make up for
the damage inflicted on the Prophet's household by the preceding rulers. At
the order of cursed MUAWIA, the prayer leaders were ordered to curse the
leader of all believers: Ali (as) from the mosques' pulpits. UMAR IBN
ABDIL AZIZ immediately ordered them to stop the cursing , although he
could not remove the black disgrace from the UMAYAYD history. He also
ordered the return of the FADAK property to AHLUL BAYT after they
were deprived of it for many decades. FADAK was Fatima's own property
given to her by her father as a gift. The right procedure taken by UMAR
IBN ABDIL AZIZ exposed the great injustice done to AHLUL BAYT by
the oppressive rulers. He also ordered the recording of Prophetic narrations,
something which was banned for a hundred years.
IBN ABDIL AZIZ'S rule did not last long (nearly two years). Soon after
him, HISHAM IBN ABDIL MALIK seized power and increased pressure
on the Prophet's family. This motivated JA'FER, the eldest son of IMAM
AL-BAQIR (AS), to stand during the pilgrimage season, when thousands of
men and women gathered in the sacred house, and introduce his father and
himself to the pilgrims. He said, "Praise is due to Allah who entrusted
Mohammed with Prophet-hood and honored us through him. We are the
elite of Allah's creatures and the best of His worshippers. Lucky is he who
follows us; miserable is he who opposes and hates us".
HISHAM'S brother MASLAMA was among the pilgrims and who heard
those words. He saw how the pilgrims were influenced and how they
crowded around JA'FER and his father (peace be on both), confirming their
sublime status. MASLAMA felt a bitter hatred and conveyed to his brother
the whole incident. HISHAM was vexed at the young man who dared speak
to the people and call them to follow him and his father. He wondered: How
dare JA'FER and his father declare their right to the caliphate? How could
they ignore the UMAYYAD domination?
He ordered his governor in Al-Medina to send IMAM AL-BAQIR and
his son to Damascus which was then the seat of the Islamic government. It
was a beautiful big city with huge buildings and grand mosques.
IMAM AL-BAQIR and his son had no option except to set out to
Damascus. When they reached it, they were kept waiting for three days
before being called to HISHAM'S court. In fact, HISHAM intended to
humiliate them in front of his mercenaries and court attendants. On the
fourth day, he invited them to his court which was decorated at its best,
surrounded with beautiful gardens. Guards stood in two rows on both sides.
They were dressed splendidly, showing angry faces. The army leaders,
dignitaries and UMAYYAD prominent figures stood with bows and arrows
aiming at a certain target set up especially fro that purpose.
IMAM AL-BAQIR entered and saluted the attendants without addressing
HISHAM with the title of "leader of the believers". This had a serious
impact on HISHAM and on the attendants who were unable to utter a word.
IMAM AL-SADIQ later related the event. He said, ". When we entered,
my father in front and I behind him; HISHAM shouted: 'O Mohammed!
Take the bow and the arrow and shoot with the seniors of your folks".
"My father said, 'I am too old to do it; see if you excuse me!' "HISHAM
shouted: 'I swear by Him Who honored us through His religion and His
Prophet (P.B.U.H); you are not excused!'
"The tyrant thought the IMAM would fail in aiming at the target and thus
would be degraded in front of the mob of the country. He pointed to
someone to hand the Imam a bow and an arrow. The Imam took the bow,
fixed the arrow and when it exactly in the heart of the target. He took a
second arrow and threw it cutting the first one in half. He took another
arrow and another one. Until he used nine of them without missing the
target "HISHAM was confused and shouted: 'O father of JA'FER! You are
the best shooter of all Arabs and non-Arabs, yet you claim you are too old
for it!' "HISHAM regretted his hasty praise and gazed on the ground,
leaving the Imam still standing. The Imam became angry and, as it was his
habit, lifted his head up and looked at the sky. When HISHAM saw anger
on the face of the Imam, he stood up, went to him, took him in his arms and
seated him on his right side. Then he said to him, 'O Mohammed!
QURAYSH will still rule the Arabs and non-Arabs as long as it has men
like you! By Allah the Gracious, it is well done! How did you learn it?
when? Who aught you this? Can JA'FER shoot arrows as well as you can?'
"IMAM AL-BAQIR (as) said, 'We inherit perfection!"
"The tyrant was red with anger. He said, 'What?! Are not we sons of
ABDI MANAF, of the same lineage?" "The IMAM (AS) refuted his claims.
He said, 'We are all the sons of ABDI MANAF, but Allah has entrusted
only us with His perfect knowledge and Divine secrets".
"HISHAM said, 'Has not Allah sent Mohammed from the offspring of
ABDI MANAF to all people, to the White, the Black, and the Yellow?!
How can you inherit what is not yours? Does not Allah say: {Surely We
inherit the earth and all those on it?} how could you inherit this knowledge
while you are no Prophets, and there is no Prophet after Mohammed
"The Imam said, 'We have got it through Allah's words: {Don't move
your tongue with it to make haste of it} [AL-QIYAMA: 16]. What he did
not tell others he told us according to the order of Allah. That is why IMAM
ALI (AS) said, 'the Messenger of Allah taught me a thousand doors leading
to knowledge, each door leading to a thousand other doors'. The holy
Prophet entrusted him only with that knowledge and it has been our
inheritance rather than others of our folks".
"HISHAM was shocked and did not know what to say. He said, 'What is
your need?" "The Imam said, 'I have left my family, wife, and children
behind. They surely mess me". "HISHAM said, 'May Allah spare them
missing you; go back to them and set out today".
While IMAM AL-BAQIR (AS) was in Damascus, he one day met some
Christians who were on their way to meet one of their learned scholars
during a religious celebration. The Imam accompanied them. The Christians
lived peacefully among the Muslims and practiced their rituals according to
their beliefs. IMAM AL-BAQIR attended that meeting and sat with the
others. The Christian bishop looked at him. Since he did not know him, he
asked him, "Are you one of us or one of the blessed nation?"
The Imam (as) said, "One of the blessed nation"
The Bishop said, "are you one of its scholars or of its ignorant ones?"
the Imam said, "I am not of its ignorant ones".
The Bishop said, "You claim you go (after death) to Paradise where you
eat and drink but no defecate".
The Imam said, "Yes". The Bishop said, "Prove it to me". The Imam
said, "The fetus in its mother's womb eats from her food, drinks from her
drink, but does not defecate". The Bishop was stunned at the answer and
said, "You claimed you were not of its scholars".
The Imam said, "I said, 'I am not of its ignorant ones". The debate
continued for a long time until the Bishop was defeated. He became angry
and said to his followers, "By Allah! I will not talk with you or see you for
twelve months".
He thought they had purposely brought the Imam with them to defeat
him in the debate. The above mentioned story spread throughout Damascus
and the people became aware of the Imam's sound knowledge at all levels.
When HISHAM heard of it, he made up his mind to annoy the Imam, so he
sent his mercenaries to the towns along the route of YATHRIB (Al-Medina)
to spread a lie claiming that the son of Ali son of AL-HUSAIN had joined a
Christian monastery and had accepted Christianity. Thus, the people were
ordered not to talk to his caravan nor to host them, nor to sell them food or
drink. The people were even ordered to close their town gates in their faces.
The Imam's caravan left Damascus for YATHRIB. They reached one of
the towns on their way. They were very tired and thirsty. They dismounted
from their animals near that town to get some food and water then to
continue their journey. They found the town gates locked and the people's
doors closed. People usually act according to their rulers' whims.
The travelers were short of water, and the doors were closed; so, what
could they do? The Imam (as) stood on a big rock and spoke to them gently
and patiently, but they lent him a deaf ear, insisting on their stance. He then
raised his voice and recited some QURANIC verses warning them of Allah's
wrath just as Prophet SHUAIB had warned his people. He recited to them
the following QURANIC verses:
{And to MADIAN (We sent) their brother SHUAIB. He said: 'O my
people, serve Allah, you have no god other than Him; clear proof indeed has
come to you from your Lord, therefore give full measure and weight and do
not diminish to men their things, and do not make mischief in the land after
its reform; this is better for you if you are believers}. [A'RAF: 85]
Then the Imam addressed the people of the town saying, 'O people of the
unjust town! What remains with Allah is better for you! I am what remains".
As soon as he uttered those words, one of their old men shouted at his folk,
saying, "O people! By Allah, this is SHUAIB'S invocation. Fear Allah and
open your doors for this holy man. If you do not, you will suffer Allah's
wrath. I am a mere adviser to you, so listen to me". On hearing the wise
man's warning, the people were afraid and realized their big sin of opposing
their Prophet's grandson in order to please the oppressive ruler: HISHAM.
They opened the doors and hosted the caravan and asked the Imam to
forgive them. Surely in every person there is some feeling of pure faith that
can be awakened in due time.
The era of IMAM AL-BAQIR was the most crucial in Islamic history
and the most important. During his time, various Islamic sects came into
existence and political parties confronted each other. Strong return to norms
of the era of Ignorance spread among the people. People started boasting of
their forefathers' lineage, hence the tribal prejudice was stirred and conflicts
appeared. The UMAYYADS encouraged such norms. A life of luxury,
indecent practices, and unlawful accumulation of wealth could be noticed
throughout the Islamic world.
The Imam tried his best to put things right and spare the people the
deviated life. He set up centers for preaching and guidance in order to keep
religion free from distortion. He also confronted the deviated sects through
care for AHLUL BAYT'S School of Thought that was set up by his
grandfather ALI IBN ABI TALIB (AS) and his grandsons, the purified
Imams. Great numbers of religious scholars attended his school and
benefited from his religious knowledge and QURANIC sciences.
He spent his life struggling for the sake of Allah. He confronted the antiIslamic trends and the oppressive rulers. At the age of 58, a sinful hand of
The only request the Imam made was to let him return to Al-Medina so that
he would be able to carry on his lessons in Islamic sciences. HISHAM
agreed, and the Imam returned to the mosque of his grandfather, the
Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H). he carried on his mission, giving religious
lessons to his students who were ever-increasing in number, whether old or
young. Thus, the Prophet's family enjoyed the respect of all Muslims.
IMAM AL-BAQIR possessed sound and deep knowledge which his
students learned and spread in different cities and towns. They spread the
Imam's instructions throughout all towns and villages and conveyed his
religious verdicts which became widely known everywhere.
HISHAM'S mercenaries felt the great danger that the Imam's lessons
endangered the authority of the rulers through exposing facts that were
previously hidden. Yet the mercenaries could do nothing to stop the Imam's
lessons or halt the people's new awareness. The UMAYYAD control of the
affairs of the Muslims was getting weaker and weaker, and people
everywhere confronted the oppressive rulers and rejected their injustice.
Hence, IMAM AL-BAQIR managed to proceed with his lessons while his
students kept increasing in number throughout the Muslim world.
growth to achieve victory, while the other group was more anxious for
power and managed to enjoy support of the majority of people who were
actually suffering from the injustice of the ruling clique. The people
regarded AL-ABBAS'S party as the real movement that could save them
from injustice. Moreover, BANU AL-ABBAS raised slogans of revenge for
the martyrs of the Prophet's family and of calls to set al prisoners in the
UMAYYAD prisons free. They claimed they would hand over the
leadership (the caliphate) to its owners: the Prophet's offspring.
Two influential figures joined AL-ABBAS'S party. They were; ABU
were active in confronting the UMAYYAD domination and in supporting
BANI AL-ABBAS'S party. They had a major impact on the events. But
soon they discovered that BANI AL-ABBASS were not different from
BANI UMAYYAD. Their claims of revenge for the martyrs' blood and
devotion to the Prophet's progeny were all lies behind which their lust for
power was hidden.
Hence, ABU Muslim and ABU SALAM wrote a letter to IMAM ALSADIQ (AS) in which they offered him leadership of the movement against
the UMAYYAD rule. They swore the oath of allegiance to his caliphate. On
getting the letter, the Imam burnt it in front of his attendants. It was his clear
answer in rejecting the offer because he knew that their struggle was for
personal interests more than for the Muslims' welfare. Due to his refusal,
they joined the ABASSI group on condition that they would enjoy ministry
offices. Finally, in the wake of a big battle, MARWAN IBN AL-HAKAM,
the last UMAYYAD caliph, was killed and ABU AL-ABASS AL-SAFFAH
assumed leadership. He was a blood-thirsty person; he was very cruel and
not any different from the preceding rulers. ABU SALAM became his
minister whose end came at the hand of his friend ABI Muslim ALKHURASANI.
At first AL-SAFFAH claimed to be a supporter of AHLUL BAYT'S
rights and pretended to seek revenge for the martyrs of the battle of
KERBALA, hence he treated AL-SADIQ (AS) gently just for a short while.
During those days, the official theologians (court ULEMA-FUQAHA)
used to get their salaries from the state treasury. Hence, they accompanied
the rulers whether in mosques or in the state offices to justify their practices
and to please them. They were the supporters of the oppressive rulers
because they were on their pay list.
The people used to pay to the state one-fifth of their earning as ZAKAT
(religions duty/poor rate) and the non-Muslims used to pay JIZYA (nonMuslim protection tax) since they lived peacefully in the Muslims' land and
enjoyed their rights under the protection of the Muslims. The state used such
revenues to pay its officials, employees, and court theologians.
IMAM AL-SADIQ and his companions kept themselves far from such
groups that strove for material gains. The Imam considered the ruler as a
usurper of the caliphate, hence it is always unlawful to deal with tyrants and
meetings. Moreover, he often summoned the Imam to blame him for his
stances, to warn him, and even to threaten him because of such stances.
From all his heart he often wished to kill him with both his hands but
could not do it! Hence, he directed all his hatred towards the Imam's
followers who were often jailed and brutally tortured to confess the names
of other followers. As a result of the oppressive policy, the followers of
Imam AL-SADIQ were arrested, tortured, killed, and secretly buried in
mass graves throughout the city of AL-ANBAR. Yet his greatest concern
lingered: to get rid of IMAM AL-SADIQ (AS) himself. But the Divine care
kept the Imam safe despite all devilish plots.
It is related that once AL-MANSOUR made up his mind to end the
Imam's life. He swore by Allah to kill him, hence he summoned him at midnight. He said, "May Allah kill me if I do not kill him". When the Imam
entered AL-MANSOUR'S room, he saluted him, but AL-MANSOUR did
not return the salutation. He was exploding in anger and said, "O JA'FER!
You incite people against me. You encourage them to revolt against me".
The Imam calmly said, "I do not! The source of your information is the
enemies of the Prophet's family".
He proved to him the wrong claims and managed to convince him in the
discussion. AL-MANSOUR'S anger vanished and he said, "I think that you
are truthful". He ordered his agents to take the Imam back home and to treat
him with all respect and honor. It is said that the Imam (as) was summoned
eight times by AL-MANSOUR with the letter's intention to kill him, but on
seeing him, he could not achieve his objective and would order him sent
back home with respect and dignity.
The reason behind AL-MANSOUR'S behavior was not a sudden feeling
of mercy. Mercy could not find its way to his heart. He himself, with his
own hands, had cut the body of his minister ABI Muslim AL-KHURASANI
into many pieces at that same place. He shed the blood of several hundred
innocent and pious believers. In fact, fear only stopped him from the
fulfillment of his devilish intention. Whenever he met the Imam, he felt
great fear on seeing his sublime figure and had no way but to show respect
and justify his anger through accusing backbiters and liars. He would even
testify to the Imam's truthfulness.
It is related that AL-MANSOUR used to say, "Whenever I intended to
kill him, the face of the Messenger of Allah appeared in front of me, so I
was scared to death, unable event to move my hand".
IMAM AL-SADIQ (AS) carried on his teaching lessons in every circle,
and his students increased in number and spread throughout the Muslim
world. They spread his teachings wherever they went. His students studied
various scientific fields. Each was assigned a special task or activity. Some
of his students sat at mosques to teach people the religious legislation,
verdicts, and what is lawful or unlawful. Some taught the interpretation of
the holy QURAN and answered inquiries related to various issues. Some
confronted the universe and its Almighty Creator. They learned about the
AL-MANSOUR was told one day, "Praise is due to Allah, O caliph! You
have gotten rid of all your enemies!" He said, "Not at all. I cannot feel at
rest as long as JA'FER son of Mohammed is alive".
Soon after this devilish hint, the mercenaries killed sixty-five year old
IMAM AL-SADIQ who was blessed with martyrdom by poisoning. When
AL-MANSOUR heard of the Imam's martyrdom, he shed false tears,
crocodile tears, then said, "We are from Allah, and to Him shall we return".
He immediately wrote a letter to his agent in Al-medina Mohammed IBN
SULAYMAN. He said in his letter, "If JA'FER IBN MUHAMMED has
entrusted (the Imamate) to someone in particular in his will, then get that
person and behead him at once".
The tyrant thought that he could thus put an end to the Imamate of AHL
AL-BAYT. However, the infallible Imam was aware of such a risk, so he
entrusted the Imamate to his son MUSA son of JA'FER in front of his
faithful companions. Then he wrote a will in which be entrusted authority to
five persons: AL-MANSOUR himself, SULAYMAN the agent in AlMedina, ABDILLAH IBN AL-AFTAH son of JA'FER, MUSA son of
JA'FER, and HAMIDA, his wife. Al-Medina's ruler was at a loss; he did not
know what to do. He wrote a letter to AL-MANSOUR and informed him of
the said will. AL-MANSOUR again failed in his aim since it was impossible
to behead those mentioned in the will.
The Imam (as) was quite clever, blessed with a deep insight that
protected his successor in the office of the Imamate. IMAM AL-SADIQ
was blessed with martyrdom in the year 148 of HIJRA and was buried at
AL-BAQIE cemetery near his father, grandfather, and grandmother Fatima
AL-ZAHRA, and his uncle AL-HASAN, peace and blessing of Allah be
upon them all.
The Imam (as) witnessed big events at a crucial junction of the Islamic
history. His era formed a major turn in the drive of Islamic life, stamped
with his holy name, hence it is known as "the era of IMAM JA'FER ALSADIQ". It was an age when different concepts were mixed and
contradictions of opinions spread. The people were in serious need to
differentiate between what is good and what is bad. IMAM AL-SADIQ
(AS) was the best to sort out the odds and separate the truth from falsehood.
Up to our time, his teachings are still the bright torch leading to the right
Prior to their rise to power, AL-SAFFAH and his brother, along with
SALAMA AL-KHALLAL, prominent figures of the time and deadly
enemies of the UMAYYADS, demonstrated great pain at the injustice
inflicted on the ALAWIS. They expressed a great anger at the bloodshed in
KERBALA. However, as soon as they assumed power, little by little they
exposed their true face and showed their wicked intentions and ambitions.
They openly expressed their hostility towards the Prophet's family members
and filled their prisons with them, even put most of them to death. At that
time, Imam AL-SADIQ'S name enjoyed a high reputation throughout the
Muslim world.
As previously mentioned, AL-MANSOUR was quite aware of the
Imam's influence, his sublime virtue, and his sound knowledge. He himself
listened to the Imam's lessons and saw how numerous his students were,
hence he decided to stop those lessons by all means.
At first he kept his intention secret but soon made it public and started
chasing the Imam's students and followers. He (AL-MANSOUR) even
appointed a killer as a governor in Al-Medina and ordered him to put the
Imam under severe house arrest and to continue bothering him. The
governor was Mohammed IBN SULAIMAN who could not achieve his
In the year 148 of HIJRA, IMAM AL-SADIQ was blessed with
martyrdom: he was poisoned by AL-MANSOUR'S mercenaries. When ALMANSOUR heard of the Imam's demise, he ordered his governor in ALMedina to search for the Imam's will and know who his successor in
Imamate was, to arrest him, and to immediately put him to death. The
governor searched the house for it. He found it and read it. The Imam had
entrusted authority to five persons: AL-MANSOUR (the caliph) himself,
Mohammed IBN SULAIMNA (Al-Medina governor), ABDILLAH ALAFTAH (son of the late Imam), MUSA (his other son), and to his (the late
Imam's) wife, HAMEEDA.
When the governor read the will, he was at a loss as to what to do. He
informed AL-MANSOUR of its contents and waited for his instructions.
AL-MANSOUR, too, was now at a loss and was stunned at the Imam's
sharp intellect and far insight. He knew that the late Imam was aware of his
evil intentions; this is why he resorted to that procedure. He found it
impossible to kill those mentioned in the will.
BAYTS' School of Thought), hence he created many Islamic sects and used
the court theologians to achieve his goals. He flooded them with wealth and
ordered them to start different Schools of Thought vis--vis IMAM ALSADIQ'S School. They were provided with official facilities while his (ALMANSOUR'S) assistants encouraged people to join those Schools. The era
of AL-MANSOUR'S reign was the most damaging in the Islamic history
and the most bitter. He managed to create more than one hundred religious
IMAM AL-KADHIM enjoyed his father's care for twenty years and was
quite aware of AL-MANSOUR'S hostile stance towards the Prophet's
family. Hence, his name as a new Imam was kept secret, unknown to the
rulers. Very few of his close following knew him but never mentioned his
name to avoid AL-MANSOUR'S spies. They received his instructions and
guidelines with a great difficulty. It was quite risky to convey his
instructions to his supporters who were at a loss regarding whom to contact
for religious information. One of those followers was HISHAM IBN
SALIM whose following story indicates the difficulty in reaching the Imam.
IMAM AL-KADHIM (AS) was contemporary of the following ABASSI
rulers: AL-MANSOUR, AL-MEHDI, AL-HADI, and HAROUN ALRASHID. He spent ten years of his Imamate during AL-MANSOURS'
caliphate. Those years were the most hard of his life and the darkest in
Islamic history. AL-MANSOUR used to arrest the Imam's followers in
groups, torture them, kill them, then bury them secretly in their prisons.
Following AL-MANSOUR'S death, the prisons were opened and the buried
bones of the prisoners were discovered. Only then did the people come to
know the great injustice that took place at those fearful prisons.
At the death of AL-MANSOUR, his stupid son AL-MEHDI ALABASSI assumed power. He was a playboy who publicly expressed his
hostility towards the Prophet's family. However, he was not as oppressive as
his father was. Hence, things improved in general.
AL-MEHDI AL-ABASSI tried once to annoy IMAM AL-KADHIM. He
summoned him to Baghdad and threw him in prison. Soon after a horrible
nightmare, he set him free and sent him respectfully back to Al-Medina.
During his short regime, AL-MEHDI often met him at his palace. One day,
a dialogue related to FADAK (the property which the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
gave to his daughter Fatima and she was deprived of it after his demise).
ready to give him back FADAK. The Imam refused to take it unless it was
given back within its full borders. The ABASSI ruler asked him, "What are
its borders?" the Imam said, "If I mention its borders, you will not give it
back to me". The caliph insisted on knowing its borders, so the Imam said,
"The first border is in Eden in the south". AL-MEHDI'S face changed color.
The Imam said, "The second border is SAMARKAND to the east". AL-
MEHDI frowned. The Imam said, "The third border is to the west of
Africa". AL-MEHDI indignantly said, "And what is the fourth?" the Imam
said, "Armenia and the Black Sea". AL-MEHDI said, "You left nothing for
us. Come, have my place (on the throne)"
The Imam said, "I told you that you would not give it back to me if I
mentioned its borders". This dialogue indicates that the Imam (as) wanted to
show the ABASSI ruler that all the Muslim world was usurped by the
ABASSI rulers and by the UMAYYADS before them. It was not the matter
of a small piece of land, but the whole Muslim countries. AL-MEHDI ALABASSI did not rule long. His son AL-HADI, whose personality was weak,
succeeded him in office. His rule also came to an end soon. HAROUN ALRASHID became the caliph after him.
pays him the one-fifth and the poor-rate. He even gave him the garment you
presented to him".
AL-RASHID was very angry and said, "I will investigate the matter. If it
is true, I will put him to death". He at once sent for him and said, "What
have you done with the garment I offered you?" IBN YAQTIN said, "I have
perfumed in a sealed case". AL-RASHID said, "Bring it now".
IBN YAQTIN ordered one of his servants to bring it to him, telling him
where he could find it. the servant came back with the sealed case which he
put it in front of AL-RASHID who opened it and found the garment in it. he
was no longer angry and said, "Put it back in its place and go away wellguided. I will not believe whoever speaks behind your back". He then
ordered the servant to be whipped one thousand stroke after which he died.
ALI IBN YAQTIN then realized why IMAM AL-KADHIM had returned
the garment and advised him to keep it. such and other incidents led ALRASHID to realize the important status of IMAM AL-KADHIM. He
decided to get rid of him, so he sought the advice of his minister KAHLID
AL-BARMAKI, the deadly enemy of IMAM AL-KADHIM (AS). ALBARMAKI knew well that the Imam's nephew, ALI IBN ISMAEL, envied
his uncle. He advised AL-RASHID to call him, offer him presents, then ask
him about his uncle's activity. The nephew said, "I left my uncle in AlMedina. He is the best condition with so much wealth and so many men. It
seems that there are two caliphs: one is in Iraq and one is in HIJAZ".
The caliph understood the nephew's hint, hence he decided to get rid of
Imam. He ordered him arrested and imprisoned in Basra. The governor of
Basra was ISA IBN JA'FER. He treated the Imam quite well when he saw
his great piety and adoration. When AL-RASHID knew of the good
treatment, he ordered the Imam transferred to another prison, so the Imam
was jailed in AL-FADHIL IBN AL-RABI'S prison. He stayed long in that
prison. AL-RABI felt the grace of the Imam, hence he treated him with
great respect. He moved him to a good house where he was given the best
food and was allowed to meet some of his followers. Sometimes, he was
allowed to leave the house and make some rounds in the city of Baghdad,
then return. AL-RASHID was scared to death of the Imam's good reputation
and feared that people might follow him. He ordered his imprisonment in
AL-SINDI IBN SHAHIK'S prison and ordered IBN SHAHIK to treat Imam
with cruelty.
With chains in feet and his hands, IMAM AL-KADHIM (AS) stayed
long in that prison. Then AL-RASHID sent his minister YAHYA ALBARMAKI to tell the Imam that AL-RASHID had sworn to set him free if
he apologized to him. AL-RASHID intended to humiliate him and expose
his weakness in front of the people to prove that he himself was the caliph
of the Muslims.
The Imam knew his intention, so he said to AL-BARMAKI, "I and
HAROUN will son separate. He will achieve his objective". The Imam
spent 20 years of his life in AL-RASHID'S prisons.
Finally, IBN SHAHIK was ordered to give him poisoned dates. As soon
as he ate them, the Imam was blessed with martyrdom. The court
theologians and doctors claimed that his death was due to some kind of
natural sickness and for no other reason. However, the people had different
opinions. They were quite aware of the reason behind his death. They knew
who was behind it.
Nowadays, the Imam's shrine in KADHIMAIN, Baghdad, Iraq, is a
landmark testifying to the crimes committed by HAROUN AL-RASHID
and his likes. Such crimes cannot be hidden no matter how long they may be
kept secret, nor can they extinguish the torch of Islam. The Almighty says,
{They desire to put out the light of Allah with their mouths and Allah will
not consent save to perfect His light, though the unbelievers are averse}.
[AL-TAWBA: 32].
can see it now. ALI IBN MUSA ahs succeeded his father and claimed the
Imamate. You have sworn to kill whoever claims Imamate after him".
AL-RASHID said angrily, "Has it not been enough what we have already
done to his father?! Do you want me to kill them all?" Those words of ALRASHID indicated the atrocities which he had committed against IMAM
AL-KADHIM (AS). However, that did not halt his attempt to get rid of ALRIDHA (as). He often tried but failed because Allah's will protected the
Imam (as) who one day said in reference to AL-RASHID'S attempts, "By
Allah, he cannot do anything to me which I hate. This is clear from words
reached me from my grandfather the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.)".
Allah, the Manager of all affairs, provided IMAM AL-RIDHA with
protection against AL-RASHID'S oppression, just as He protected the
Prophet's offspring: IMAM ZAIN AL-ABIDIN survived the battle of
KERBALA and assumed his role in the Imamate.
HAROUN AL-RASHID died after having entrusted caliphate to his son
AL-AMIN and, after him, to his other son AL-MAMOUN.
AL-AMIN spent his life in fun and frolic. He neglected the affairs of the
large Muslim world. He also betrayed his brother AL-MAMOUN by
depriving him of his right to the caliphate according to AL-RASHID'S will.
He entrusted it to his young son MUSA whom he named as the successor.
This division between the two brothers stirred wars among the two brothers'
followers and supporters. At last, AL-AMIN was killed and AL-MAMOUN
became the caliph. The division in the ABASSI clan led the authority to
cease watching IMAM AL-RIDHA (AS). This gave him time to carry out
his mission quietly and spread the Islamic tenants. The bloody wars between
both brothers motivated the Muslims to ponder and to have second thoughts.
They realized that both brothers were not qualified to be the Muslims'
leaders. Again the people turned to the ALAWIS to assume their role.
Moreover, the ABBASIS themselves were angry with AL-MAMOUN who
killed his own brother.
AL-MAMOUN chose the city of MARO (MERV) to be his capital in
order to express his gratitude to the KHURASANIS who helped him
achieve power. A year after his ascendance to authority, upheavals spread
throughout the country and revolts led by the ALAWIS erupted everywhere
in holy Mecca, Al-Medina, Yemen, Basra and KUFA. AL-MAMOUN
found himself surrounded by dangers from all sides. He realized the critical
situation and found that the best way for him was to make a show of his
desire to hand the caliphate over to IMAM AL-RIDHA (AS), thus he would
please the ALAWIS who led the revolts against his rule and curb the
upheavals. He was sure of the Imam's rejection, but his minister, ALFADHIL IBN SAHL, encouraged him to write to the Imam. AL-MAMOUN
wrote to the Imam (as) and summoned him to KHURASAN where he met
him in MARO.
The Imam (as) gave various reasons to be spared the visit, but ALMAMOUN insisted again and again till the Imam had no choice except to
go. The Imam knew that the tyrant's son was never devoted to the son of
IMAM AL-RIDHA (AS) accompanied AL-MAMOUN'S envoys who
surrounded him and showed a great deal of respect for him. Some of AlMedina's dignitaries joined the caravan that made its way towards
KHURASAN. At the order of the ruler (AL-MAMOUN), the caravan was
to avoid cities such as QUM where the Imam's followers and devotees were
great in number. However, people heard of his coming and all of them came
out to welcome the grandson of the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.).
They crowded at both sides of the road and glorified Allah the Almighty.
They were all anxious to have a look at his sublime person. The Imam
noticed that AL-MAMOUN'S men tried to separate him from the people, so,
he tried his best to address the people whenever he could. When the caravan
reached NISAPOUR, its people came out to meet him. They had never
dreamed of attaining such a blessing: to enjoy seeing the grandson of the
Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.). their dream had come true, hence, every
man and woman left his/her home to welcome him.
It was a big event of love and devotion to the Prophet's household, peace
be upon them all.
The city theologians and nobles were eager to have the chance to listen to
him speak. But the people's excitement and devotion gave them no chance.
They begged the people to be quiet; they obeyed, and the Imam put his head
out of the pavilion which was on the back of his camel. They saw his bright
face and were again excited. He signaled to them to keep silent. They held
their breath and listened to every word he uttered. The Imam had to tell
them everything but he still had to be careful. He had to be brief. He said,
"My father MUSA AL-KADHIM told me that his father JA'FER ALSADIQ, his father AL-BAQIR, his father ALI ZAIN AL-ABIDIN, his
father AL-HUSAIN the martyr of KERBALA, his father ALI IBN ABI
TALIB said, 'My beloved one, the joy of my eyes, the Messenger of Allah,
said that the angel JIBRAEL heard Allah the Almighty say: The utterance of
LA ILAHA ILLA Allah! (There is no god but the One God) is My fortress.
Whoever enters My fortress is spared My wrath and chastisement'".
Thousands of narrators recorded many other prophetic narrations through
infallible Imams (as). Those narrations are the source of great wisdom and
Leaving NISAPOUR, the caravan approached MARO where ALMAMOUN was to welcome the Imam in great celebration. He hosted him
in a splendid palace, surrounding him with respect and honor.
The people felt happy about the Imam's arrival. They thought the hateful
past would never appear again and that warring was over. They thought that
AL-MAMOUN was ready to give the caliphate to its owner who had come
to him. They thought that a good future was ahead of them. Alas! They were
quite wrong. IMAM AL-RIDHA knew that AL-MAMOUN was not serious
in his offer. He just made a show of compromise for a hidden purpose.
Not only AL-MAMOUN, but also his agents and followers were
concerned about their own social status and high positions with the
During the first year of the imam's appointment as the crown prince, he
was ordered by AL-MAMOUN to lead the congregational prayers of the
religious ritual on the first day of SHAWAL celebrating the achievement of
fasting during the month of Ramadan. The occasion is EID AL-FITR which
all Muslims enjoy. IMAM AL-RIDHA wrote him saying, "You are aware of
the condition we made when I accepted this office. Now do spare me this
duty of leading the prayers".
AL-MAMOUN insisted saying, "I want the people to feel at ease on
seeing you and know your distinction". The Imam (as) agreed on condition
that he would perform it similarly to the performance of the Messenger of
Allah (P.B.U.H.) and Ali (as). AL-MAMOUN agreed saying, "Do it as you
please". AL-MAMOUN ordered his officials, army leaders, and other
people to go early and wait at the Imam's door to accompany him to the
mosque for the prayers.
On that early morning, people gathered along the roads and on their
homes' rooftops to watch the holy Imam on his way to the prayers service.
The troops, the army leaders, and the noblemen were all in their best attire,
on back of their horses, waiting for the Imam to come out. The imam (as)
had a bath, put on his clothes with a white headgear made of cotton. He
wrapped his head with it and left one end on his chest and the other between
his shoulders. He used some perfume then said to his companions, "Do as I
He came out bare-footed, with his garment's sleeves up and his head
towards the heavens as he shouted: ALLAHU AKBAR! Allah is the
Greatest". People echoed his words. When the officials saw him walk, they
alighted from their horses and walked behind him bare-footed in splendid
grace. The Imam glorified Allah and people glorified Him after him.
Glorifications could be heard everywhere and all people left their homes and
crowded along the road sides. It was an event like no other in the town's
In fact, on seeing him, they remembered the Messenger of Allah
(P.B.U.H.), his grandfather. They were taken by the grace that overwhelmed
him. He walked humbly performing a religious ritual in the presence of
Allah the Almighty. However, AL-MAMOUN wanted him to attend prayers
in a royal procession amid decoration and grandeur and thus be exploited by
the rulers after seeing their power and dreadful status.
Yet, the Imam was not to make such a show of the religious celebration,
a Divine ritual of spiritual sacredness. Submission to Allah only should be
demonstrated and all should glorify Allah and worship Him and only Him.
There was a big difference between AL-MAMOUN'S intention behind the
Imam's prayers and the Imam's performance thereof. AL-MAMOUN had no
other way but to halt the performance of such prayers. He immediately sent
to IMAM AL-RIDHA a message saying, "We have asked you more than
necessary and caused you trouble, O son of the Messenger of Allah! So, rest
and someone else will lead the prayers".
The Imam was relieved of the duty. He went back home. On that
occasion, AL-MAMOUN saw how wholeheartedly the people responded to
the Imam, how they were greatly attracted to him. He felt a bitter envy and
remembered how his father, AL-RASHID, had treated AL-RIDHA'S father,
IMAM AL-KADHIM. He saw how AL-RASHID respected him while ALMAMOUN at that time did not know the Imam. He asked his father later
about him. He said to him, "Who is that man whom you have greatly
honored? You stood up for him and seated him nest to you".
AL-RASHID said, "He is the Imam of all Muslims, the Divine sign for
people, His caliph on earth". AL-MAMOUN said, "Are not you with such
qualifications?" AL-RASHID said, "I am the people's caliph by force and
oppression. MUSA IBN JA'FER (IMAM AL-KADHIM[AS]) is the actual
leader through his kinship to the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.). He has the
full right of being in this office more than I am". AL-MAMOUN said, "If it
is his own right, then step aside and let him have it". AL-RASHID said,
"Kingship is barren. By Allah, if you become my rival in its regard, I will
take your life away".
the angel JIBRAEL, that Allah says, 'Between the heaven and the earth
there is dust (smoke gases) that causes waves. There are snakes of green
bellies with spotted backs. Kings hunt the snakes with their eagles to test the
AL-MA'MOUN said, "You, your father, your grandfather and your Lord
are truthful (i.e. they tell only the truth)". That was the first encounter
between AL-MA'MOUN and Imam Mohammed AL-JAWAD (AS). Other
encounters followed, and AL-MA'MOUN acquired more and more
information about the Imam's qualifications. He made up his mind to give
him his daughter in marriage.
and a day was fixed for that test. They chose the chief theologian YAHYA
IBN AKTHAM to raise the religious inquiries to him to answer. The
inquiries should be quite difficult. They promised the theologian a good
present if he defeated the young IMAM AL-JAWAD.
and uttered unclear words. The attendants became aware of his poor
Till that day, he knew no more than one ruling relevant to hunting during
the sacred months, along with one verdict. Now he was taken by so much
detail for such a brief question.
Not only IBN AL-AKTHAM, but also all the attendants were amazed at
the Imam's knowledge. They realized that he was endowed with profound
knowledge despite his young age. He gave them a lesson in religious
verdicts. They understood that verdicts differ according to those details. ALMA'MOUN wanted IMAM AL-JAWAD to ask IBN AKTHAM a question
and he did, but IBN AKTHAM could not know the answer. He said, "By
Allah, I do not know the answer. If you want, let us benefit from your
knowledge in giving the answer". The Imam answered that question.
Following that meeting, AL-MA'MOUN said to his household, "Woe
unto you! Do you not know that the members of that house (the Prophet's
household) alone, out of all creatures, are entrusted with such a Divine
favor? Being young does not mean they are of less knowledge. Do you not
know that the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) started his message by calling
to Islam the leader of the believers Ali son of ABI TALIB who then was
only ten years old? He accepted him at such an early age while he accepted
no other one of his age. Allah has entrusted them with profound sciences;
they are all offspring, one from the other. What the first of them enjoyed of
Divine favor the last of them will also enjoy". They said, "You are right, O
Caliph of the Muslims!"
would surely proceed with his devilish plots to uproot the Imamate which
posed a major risk to his authority and future.
IMAM AL-JAWAD knew all of that, but he had no other choice except
to be patient and to turn to Allah in his affairs.
When the couple grew up and got married, they spent some years in
Baghdad. AL-MA'MOUN tired to make IMAM AL-JAWAD attend the
ABBASI meetings, but he failed. The Imam tried to avoid those meetings,
and if by chance he attended one, he would use it as an opportunity to
advise the attendants and to refute the deviated ideas and the wrong trends
of the era which despite troubles was generally peaceful. The Imam
dedicated his time to reforming the Muslim community.
One year before AL-MA'MOUN'S death, IMAM AL-JAWAD and his
wife left Baghdad for holy Mecca to perform the HAJJ ritual. From Mecca
they went to Al-Medina where they stayed till AL-MA'MOUN'S death. ALMAU'TASIM, who assumed power after AL-MA'MOUN, was more
oppressive than his brother. He spent most of his time drinking, hunting and
having fun. He, however, feared IMAM AL-JAWAD'S influence on people
and the great respect and good reputation the Imam enjoyed. He, therefore,
summoned him to Baghdad to place him under strict surveillance, plotting
against him. The Imam (as) left in Al-Medina his son ALI AL-HADI whom
he entrusted with the Imamate after his demise.
He went to Iraq while the caliph AL-MU'TASIM, with the help of the
Imam's nephew JA'FER son of AL-MA'MOUN and YA'QUB IBN
DAQOOD, the chief theologian at the palace, and other agents, plotted to
get rid of him.
IBN DAWOOD hated the Imam because he considered him a challenge
to his authority among the people and a threat to AL-MU'TASIM'S
leadership. Often in debates, the Imam defeated IBN DAWOOD through
logic and the truth. Once a thief was brought to AL-MU'TASIM'S court and
the theologians were asked to give their verdicts of punishment. IBN
DAWOOD said that the hand should be cut off to the wrist. Most of the
theologians approved of the verdict. Some said it should be cut off as far as
the elbow. AL-MU'TASIM asked IMAM AL-JAWAD about his opinion.
The Imam said that only the fingers should be cut off and the palm should
be kept to help one perform the prayers and other deeds.
AL-MU'TASIM accepted that verdict and ignored the verdicts of the
other theologians. This caused IBN DAWOOD'S great unrest, since it was
the first time that his verdict was ignored.
IBN DAWOOD looked for an opportunity to instigate AL-MU'TASIM
against the Imam. He reminded him of the ALAWIS' danger to his
leadership. He also reminded him of the preceding ABBASI rulers'
treatment of the Prophet's household and that he should follow in their
footsteps. AL-MU'TASIM made up his mind to put an end to him, so he
gave him poisoned food and cowardly used the Imam's wife UMM ALFADHIL who was angry with her husband because he preferred his other
wife. The Imam was blessed with martyrdom on the 6th of THIL-HIJJA, in
the year 220 of HIJRA. He was in the prime of his age. He was buried in
The ABBASI caliph AL-MU'TASIM ordered one of his trusted agents to
tutor IMAM AL-HADI in order to brainwash him with regard to AHLUL
BAYT'S trend and to lead him towards the ABBASI line. The tutor tried to
teach him obedience to the ABBASI rulers and to recognize their legitimacy
to the caliphate, but he was confronted by the young Imam's bright talent
and profound knowledge which he had inherited from the Prophet's
progeny. Despite all his efforts to teach the Imam according to the ABBASI
instruction, the tutor was stunned when one day he asked the Imam to repeat
what he had taught him. The Imam said, "Do ask me about the QUR'ANIC
verses so that I may recite them to you by heart". Perhaps that tutor
forgotten the Prophetic narration that says:
"I am leaving among you two precious (weighty) objects. If you hold
firm to both of them, you will not go astray. They are: The Book of Allah
(the holy QUR'AN) and my offspring. The two will never separate (from
each other) till they meet me at the pool (of AL-KAWTHAR)". The tutor
forgot or seemed to have forgotten that the Prophet's offspring enjoyed the
prophetic sciences and perceived the religious instructions thoroughly as
well as the legislation relevant to every day's life.
Despite the strict watch and harassment, the Imam (as) performed the
duties of his Imamate quietly. When he was twenty years old, he was quite
famous among the Muslim masses. Everyone tried to contact him for
religious information or to solve life's problems.
The ABBASI caliph AL-MU'TASIM died, and HAROUN son of
Mohammed, known as AL-WATHIQ, succeeded him in office. ALWATHIQ was a playboy, careless of his official duties, hence his minister
AL-ZIAT had a free hand to act according to his own whims. He was a cruel
man who opened the prisons' doors widely for the caliph's opponents. He
tortured and killed many detainees. In one prison he built a big oven and
supplied it with torture equipment in order to put an end to the opponents.
Even the caliph's brother AL-MUTAWAKKIL was one of AL-ZIAT'S
victims. He suffered all types of torture at his hands due to the enmity
between the two brothers and their pursuit for authority.
After six years of rule, AL-WATHIQ died and his brother ALMUTAWAKKIL assumed the caliphate. The latter started his regime by
seeking revenge against his brother's minister AL-ZIAT. He threw him in
the very oven which he himself had built. Hence, whoever sows evil will
harvest evil.
As soon as AL-MUTAWAKKIL took hold of the affairs, he
demonstrated hostility towards the Prophet's progeny (as). He was greatly
hostile towards them and exceeded the preceding rulers in his hatred. He
ordered the demolition of Imam HUSAIN'S shrine in KERBALA and
flooded the area with water in order to remove all traces of the holy shrine.
He killed many of its visitors, the devotees of the martyred Imam. He knew
that such visits incited people to revolt against unjust and oppressive rulers.
Despite all hardship and oppression, the sacred shrine was traced out and
is still visited by thousands of devotees from all over the world, throughout
the year. The holy QUR'AN says, {They desire to put out the light of Allah
with their mouths, and Allah will not consent save to perfect His light,
though the infidels are averse thereto}. [AL-TAWBA: 32]. Many poets
composed poetry denouncing AL-MUTAWAKKIL'S crimes against the
Prophet's progeny (as). One of those poets says: By Allah, it was an unjust
crime of the UMAYYADS: To murder the Prophet's grandson,
The son of Fatima. Yet his father's kin (the ABBASIS) had it done:
IBN HARTHAMA relates the following: "While we were on our way
towards Baghdad, the sky was clear blue and the sun was shining. IMAM
AL-HADI put on a garment to protect himself from the rain. Within a few
minutes, clouds gathered; it became dark, and heavy rain came down". The
Imam (as) said to IBN HARTHAMA, "I know that you were surprised on
seeing me putting on the rain garment. You thought that I might know what
you do not. It is not like that. I grew up in the open country and I know the
winds that are followed by rain. When I got up in the morning, I smelled the
wind and expected rain, as you have seen".
The Prophet's household are Allah's chosen people from among all
creatures. They are His true worshippers who are blessed by His favors as
signs to all mankind. They are obedient to His orders and devotees of His
religion. Throughout their lives, they openly struggled against injustice and
tyranny. Their sacrifice for Allah's sake is a clear evidence of their sublime
status. Peace and blessing of Allah be upon them all.
IBN HARTHAMA continues to say the following: "When we reached
Baghdad ('DAR AL-SALAM', the abode of peace), the people came out to
welcome the Imam. At the head was the governor of Baghdad, ISHAQ IBN
IBRAHIM AL-TAHIRI. He said to me, 'O YAHYA! This man is the
Prophet's grandson. You know that AL-MUTAWAKKIL hates him! If you
incite AL-MUTAWAKKIL to kill him, then the Messenger of Allah will
call you to account for it'. I said, 'By Allah, I saw nothing wrong in his
deeds'. When we reached SAMARRA, I met WASIF AL-TURKI, a high
government official, who said to me, 'If one hair of this man is fallen, only I
will be called upon to account for it'. I was surprised at how similar their
opinions were. When I met AL-MUTAWAKKIL, he asked me about him. I
told him of his good conduct, piety and God-fearing attitude. I told him that
I found no weapons in his house, only a copy of the holy QUR'AN and
books of knowledge. I also told him how the people of Al-Medina were
concerned about his safety and how I swore to them that no evil was
intended for him".
AL-MUTAWAKKIL honored the Imam and hosted him in a special
house. However, it is related that, on reaching SAMARRA, the Imam (as)
was kept for one night at a humble in for the homeless. Then ALMUTAWAKKIL met him the second day and gave him a house to live in.
caliph did not insist but asked the imam to recite some poetry for him. He
again refused, but the caliph this time insisted, so the Imam recited few lines
of poetry which portrayed a clear image of the tyrants' life, the life of those
who enjoy every luxury and who have men ready to serve them, then
suddenly they leave everything and settle in graves where they become
foodstuff for each earth worms.
The poetic versed say:
The glories of our blood and state
Are shadows, not substantial things.
There is no armor against the fate:
Death lays its icy hands on kings.
Scepter and crown
Must tumble down,
And in the earth be equally made
To the laborer's scythe and spade.
No fortress on the mountain peak
Could save the kings from the jaws of death
Their pomp and power proved too weak,
The cold earth asks them in contempt:
"Wither is thy robe, crown, and throne?!
"Did cruel Death thy beauty exempt?!
"Did it respect thy royal blood and bone?!" The grave replies
With sorrowful sighs:
"Those beautiful forms "Are but food for the worms!" This poem clearly
highlights the fact that no matter how long one lives, or however rich he
may be, he is surely one day to die and leave everything behind. He takes
nothing with him except his deeds, whether good or bad. He will be called
upon to account for them. It was clear that the Imam wanted to advise the
caliph and to halt his sins and indifference regarding his religious duties and
responsibilities. AL-MUTAWAKKIL did not expect to hear that kind of
poetry; he was shocked, and he cried bitterly. He ordered the servants to
clear the table from wine then apologized to the Imam and bade him
AL-MUTAWAKKIL intended to humiliate the Imam in front of his
attendants. He offered him wine although he knew that wine is forbidden in
Islam and is a sin as heinous as idol worship. When the Imam refused, he
wanted him to recite poetry in praise of the caliph as poets usually do. But
the Imam was not such a flatterer. He slapped the caliph with the actual
image of the tyrants' life and their dreadful end. This caused ALMUTAWAKKIL to cry then give up drinking - though for a while - and
then apologized to the sublime Imam (as).
IMAM AL-HADI had four sons and one daughter. The eldest of his sons
was IMAM HASAN AL-ASKARI (AS). All his sons, except JA'FER, were
of great piety and righteousness. JA'FER the liar was notorious for his bad
conduct. He used to lie and spread false news, hence he was called "JA'FER
the liar". He was not different from Prophet Noah's son who was drowned
for his sins. As a result of his lies, people turned away from him, so he
suffered negligence of any other factor. Lineage of good tree is useless if the
branch suffers a defect.
As previously mentioned, IMAM AL-HADI lived with his parents in AlMedina till he was six years old when his father IMAM AL-JAWAD passed
away. He stayed in Al-Medina till he was 20 years old. That was during ALMU'TASIM'S reign. AL-MUTAWAKKIL summoned him to SAMARRA
where he stayed till AL-MUTAWAKKIL was killed at the hands of his own
successively for seven years which was a peaceful period for the Imam who
did not suffer harassment like the one he had to endure during ALMUTAWAKKIL'S reign. Yet he was deprived of his right to return to AlMedina, his grandfather's town, which he greatly longed to see and preferred
over any other place. That meant that he was in exile and under house arrest.
The peace which he enjoyed for a while was not due to the rulers' good
nature but to their weak authority. The caliphs became weak and mere tools
in the hands of their Turkish officers and others. The latter were the actual
rulers, giving orders of all kinds. They could appoint someone in office and
rob the other of his right. They would do that according to their whims and
desires. They would even kill a caliph and appoint another one. They once
toppled AL-MUTA'IN and put AL-MU'TAZZ in his place.
IMAM AL-HADI was blessed with martyrdom during the caliphate of
AL-MU'TAZZ. It is said that AL-MU'TAZZ poisoned his food and, as
usual, claimed that the Imam had died a natural death. On hearing of his
death, a great number of the HASHIMIS and the ABBASIS gathered at his
house. AL-MU'TAZZ'S men attended his funeral. His son, IMAM HASAN
AL-ASKARI, performed the funeral prayers. He was buried in his own
home in SAMARRA (Iraq) in the year 254 of HIJRA. We love AHLUL
BAYT and respect them and consider them unique examples to be followed.
This is due to their great piety, righteousness and sound faith. Allah
Almighty has purified them; He says so in the following verse of the holy
QUR'AN: {Allah only desires to keep away uncleanness from you, O people
of the House, and to purify you wish a (thorough) purification}. [ALAHZAB: 33].
upon them all. Even their names are confirmed in prophetic narrations. We
are informed of their names and attributes. They are Twelve Imams of
whom Ali (as) is the first and the last is his grandson IMAM AL-MAHDI,
the awaited IMAM in occultation.
These narrations tell us clearly who the authoritative in the Muslim
community are. They confirm their virtue and sublime status. They are
infallible, clear of all wrongdoings or sins according to QUR'ANIC verses
and prophetic narrations. We are ordered to obey them and adhere to their
instructions so that we may enjoy a good life here and in the hereafter. It is
worth mentioning that QUR'ANIC verse 67 of chapter AL-MAIDA was
revealed during the farewell pilgrimage. It is relevant to Imam Ali's
leadership and, thus, the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) conveyed the message in full
on that occasion. The verse says:
{O Prophet! Deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord, and
if you do not, then you have not delivered His message (at all), and Allah
protects you from the people; surely Allah will not guide the unbelieving
people}. [AL-MAIDAH: 67].
He was born in Al-Medina AL-MUNAWARA on the 8th of RABI ALTHANI, in the year 232 of HIJRA. When he was two years old, he
accompanied his father IMAM AL-HADI when he was summoned to Iraq
by orders form the ABBASI ruler AL-MUTAWAKIL. They both settled in
SAMARRA in a house surrounded by the army camps. They were under
strict surveillance by the military (called in Arabic 'ASKAR), hence they
were nicknamed AL'ASKARAIN. At the age of 20, his father passed away.
The son, HASAN AL-'ASKARI, performed the funeral prayers for his
father and buried him. He then declared his Imamate to the people. The
ABBASI ruler AL-MU'TAZZ dared not harm him although he waited for
the opportunity to get rid of him. However, AL-MU'TAZZ died when a
number of influential Turks rebelled against him and killed him in the year
254 of HIJRA.
Prior to his death, AL-MU'TAZZ called his guard SA'ID and ordered
him to arrange the transferring of IMAM AL-'ASKARI form SAMARRA to
KUFA and to get rid of him on the way secretly. When the Imam's followers
knew of the plot, they were very much concerned especially since the said
transfer was being carried out at AL-MU'TAZZ'S orders; that was surely
devilish. However, the Imam left for them a letter putting them at ease. He
told them that by Allah's will, they would be relieved of all concerns. Three
days later, AL-MU'TAZZ was killed by the Turks along with his agent
SA'ID. The ABBASI ruler AL-MUHTADI succeeded him. AL-MUHTADI
tried to rule with justice along the lines of the early RASHIDI caliphs (the
first four caliphs who ruled following the Prophet's demise).
Despite his good deeds, he never concealed his hostility towards the
Imam (as). He chased his followers, jailing and killing them. He even
prevented the imam's followers from visiting their Imam (as). However, he
did not rule long. He was killed one year later by the same Turks who put
his brother AL-MU'TAMID in his place then killed him soon thereafter.
AL-MU'TAMID was a moderate ruler who was more concerned about
the state affairs than anything else; hence, he did not care for the Imam who
was relieved of the ABBASI spies and agents. During his rule, the 12th
Imam, the awaited MEHDI, was born on the 15th of SHA'BAN of the HIJRI
year 255. his mother MERJIS was of royal Roman descent. Although the
ruler's agents knew of his birth, it was the Divine care that kept him safe
despite their plots.
IMAM HASAN AL-'ASKARI was the target of the ABBASI injustice
and tyranny. Despite the rulers' pressure on him and their harassment, the
number of his followers increased after they had witnessed miracles at his
hands. They were in two groups: One group greatly loved him and the other
was greatly afraid of him. He could expose their good or evil intentions. If
someone resorted to him for some special need, he (as) would meet his need
before he mentioned it to him. Those who intended to do him evil were at
once known to him. He would tell them of their evil intention and leave
them in great fear. Among such men of evil intentions was one called ALI
IBN UTTAMISH. When his intention was disclosed, he became a righteous
man and sought the Imam's forgiveness. He witnessed the Imam's great
However, the rulers managed to keep the people away from him through
pressure on his followers. Hence, they resorted to letters as means of
communication in order to obtain his instructions and narrations and
disseminate them. Thus, they could defeat the heretics and the deviated.
Muslims in groups came to QUM and NISAPOUR to get in touch with the
theologians and listen to the Imam's instructions and teachings. They all
longed to see him.
IMAM AL-'ASKARI'S authority did not last more than six years. The
agents of the ABBASI ruler AL-MU'TAMID poisoned his food, hence he
feel ill. AL-MU'TAMID sent few doctors and prominent figures to tend to
him day and night. He tried to clear himself of the accusation of being
behind poisoning the Imam's food.
The Imam suffered sickness for eight days then passed away in the year
260 of HIJRA. As usual, the doctors issued a statement about his death,
claiming it due to natural causes. They also declared that he had left no
children, hence people offered their condolences to his brother JA'FER.
When the holy body was ready for the funeral ceremony and those present
stood up for prayers, JA'FER was about to start the prayers when a child
took hold of his garment and said, "O uncle! Step back; I am to lead the
prayers for my father's body". JA'FER was stunned; he became angry but
had no choice except to obey. The child led the prayers and the Imam was
buried next to his father in SAMARRA.
Their shrines are now monuments and sacred places where people pay
homage to earn Allah's blessings and to appeal to Him to keep them firm on
the right path of AHL AL-BAYT, peace be upon them. As soon as the
burial was over, the awaited Imam disappeared unnoticed. Everyone knew
that he was the awaited Imam, the 12th Imams, the owner of the time
(SAHIB AL-ZAMAN) who will make his presence known to all the people
on a certain day. We appeal to Allah to help us be among his supporters and
1- "The best one among people is he who is aware of his brothers' rights,
the best in performance of those rights, and the most favored by Allah".
2- "Whoever is humble to his brothers in religion, he is considered by
Allah among the truthful, the true followers of ALI IBN ABI TALIB".
3- Once he said to his followers, "Fear Allah, speak the truth, carry the
trusts to whoever trusts you, be he righteous or mischievous. Perform your
prayers with long prostrations and be good to your neighbors. Such is the
mission of Allah's Messenger".
4- He (as) also said, "Worship is not plenty of prayers or plenty of
fasting, but in pondering on the Divine Affair".
5- "Woe unto one who is with two faces and two tongues, who praises
his brother - in religion - in his presence and degrades him in his absence
(through backbiting)!"
6- "Anger is the key to every evil".
7- "The malicious person is the one with the least amount of ease of
In the last year of his life, the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) made his
way to holy Mecca to perform the pilgrimage. He was accompanied by tens
of thousands of Muslims. They learned how to perform the pilgrimage
through his guidance. In Mina, he addressed them, raising many issues. He
advised them to love and to be fair to each other, and to always unite against
the enemies of Islam. He made a reference to his successors by saying,
"Twelve Imams will succeed me; they are all from QURAYSH".
On another occasion, he (P.B.U.H.) said, "The Imams after me are
twelve. All is the first of them and AL-QAIM BI AL-HAQQ (AL-MEHDI)
is the last". On yet another occasion, he (P.B.U.H.) said, "AL-MEHDI is
from my household he will effect equality and justice on this earth when
oppression and injustice become the norm of the day".
He (P.B.U.H.) also declared that AL-MEHDI would be from the
offspring of Fatima (his purified daughter) and Ali (as), especially the
offspring of Fatima's son, AL-HUSAIN (as). He put his hand on his
grandson (AL-HUSAIN) and said, "The MEHDI of this UMMA
(community - nation) is from his offspring". Peace and blessing of Allah be
on all of them.
The good news spread among the Muslims and was a source of great
concern to them as was clearly conveyed by the Messenger of Allah
Almighty. It clearly and frankly indicated the Truth, naming the community
leaders. It was kept in the believers' hearts and recorded in their books of
Prophetic traditions for future generations. Thus, all Muslims, whether
SUNNIS or SHI'ITES, agree that the awaited Imam is the savior, the
promised leader chosen by Allah Almighty to set up Allah's religion on
earth despite the infidels' plots. The awaited Imam was born of a Roman
mother who was called NARJIS. She was the daughter of one of the Roman
kings. Her mother's lineage is traced back to SHIMOUN (SHEMON) ALSAFA, one of the disciples of Jesus (as).
NARJIS was taken prisoner in the wake of a battle between the Muslims
and the Romans which took place in the city of AMURIA. The Muslims
achieved victory, and a great number of prisoners were taken to Baghdad.
It was the norm of the day to see prisoners of war sold at slave-markets
in order to secure their daily bread and accommodation. They were usually
treated well according to the QURANIC orders and Prophetic Narrations.
IMAM AL-HADI (AS) sent someone, a slave trader called BISHR, to
Baghdad to buy a young Roman girl and bring her to him in SAMARRA.
He bought her and brought her to the Imam (as) who told her the good news
of her giving birth to a blessed son: "The Awaited MEHDI who will fill the
earth with justice and equality, clearing it of all injustice and oppression".
NARJIS rejoiced at the good news and lived in the Imam's house peacefully.
She was a pious and righteous woman. Her pregnancy was concealed even
from the women near her. It was Allah's will that she should be the mother
of the wonderful son who will leave all at a loss except the true believers
who believe in his grandfather's message and his forefathers' mission of
Imamate. Peace and blessings of Allah be on all of them.
The holy QUR'AN says,
{And we desire to bestow a favor upon those who were deemed weak in
the land and to make them Imams, and to make them heirs}. [AL-QASAS:
who is to tackle the Muslim's affairs? It is quite important for the Muslims
to have some legal and religious leadership".
The holy QUR'AN says, {O, you who believe! Obey Allah and the
Prophet and those in authority among you}. [AL-NISA: 59]. During the
occultation of the 12th Imam, the Muslims should turn to the righteous
theologians regarding matters relevant to the affairs of their every day life.
AL-QAIM was asked by the Muslims about who they should follow during
his major occultation. He said to them: "Whoever among the theologians is
chaste, careful about his religion, safeguarding himself against following his
own desires, obedient to his Lord, the common people can follow him".