Teaching Top Down Design of Analog/Mixed Signal Ics Through Design Projects

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Teaching Top Down Design of Analog/Mixed Signal ICs Through Design Projects

Andersson, Martin; Wernehag, Johan; Axholt, Andreas; Sjland, Henrik

Published in:
FIE 2007: 37th annual Frontiers in education conference - global engineering: knowledge without borders,
opportunities without passports, Proceedings

Published: 2007-01-01

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Citation for published version (APA):

Andersson, M., Wernehag, J., Axholt, A., & Sjland, H. (2007). Teaching Top Down Design of Analog/Mixed
Signal ICs Through Design Projects. In FIE 2007: 37th annual Frontiers in education conference - global
engineering: knowledge without borders, opportunities without passports, Proceedings. (pp. 40-43). IEEE-Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..

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Session T1C

Teaching Top Down Design of Analog/Mixed

Signal ICs Through Design Projects
Martin Anderson, Johan Wernehag, Andreas Axholt and Henrik Sjland
Dept. for Electrical and Information Technology, Lund University.
Box 118, SE-22100 Lund, Sweden.
E-mail: {man, jwg, hsd}@eit.lth.se
Abstract This paper describes a project course that
focuses on the design of analog and mixed signal circuits
through a systematic top down design flow. In the project,
the student will be involved in the planning, modeling,
circuit level design, physical level implementation and
measurement verification of for example a successive
approximation (SA) ADC or a class-D audio amplifier.
Throughout the project, the project members will improve
their design skills and create an understanding for the
importance of a systematic top-down design methodology
at the different levels of the design flow.
Index Terms IC design, IC projects, top down design.
IC design projects are important parts of the electrical
engineering education that are often specifically asked for by
representatives of the IC design industry, for example when
recruiting master thesis workers. In the projects, the students
get a chance to use their prior knowledge and practice real
world situations like team work and work planning that span
beyond the typically well-defined problems taught in
traditional courses. They are allowed to make mistakes that
could be very expensive in the real world, and learn from
them. Altogether, the projects create an understanding and
experience in the design of mixed signal System-On-Chips
(SOCs) that are hard to teach in any other way. Despite all
their benefits, we have throughout the years found several
problems like:

The prior knowledge and motivation of the students are

very different. It is hard to find tasks simple enough for
poor students, yet challenging enough for the motivated.
Students tend to not follow their own time plans for the
project, often as a result of competing examinations in
other courses. The result is that they get to short time for
the final verification of their design.
One or a few students make the work for the whole group,
and the others do not learn anything.
Students lack a structured way of working.
The project supervisors have a too heavy workload.

This paper presents a new course organization for the 2006

projects, where a structured top down design flow is stressed,

through a new lab course, the design of the course material as

well as the examination.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In section II, the
traditional view of top-down design is given for completeness,
in section III the currently implemented course organization is
explained, in sections IV and V we exemplify by giving some
more details about two different design projects. Finally we
conclude and give some further suggestions for future
improvements of this course.
The constantly larger mixed signal integrated circuits and the
pressure to get the designs right in a minimum of design spins
drive the need for improved design methodology among
circuit design engineers.
Mixed signal circuits are
characterized by a medium to high amount of complexity, and
typically high accuracy requirements exists for some of its
circuit elements. While design automation is practical and
essential in digital design, analog circuits are not well suited
for automation. Analog designs are typically transformed from
concept to implementation by hand, which makes the design
slow and error prone as compared to digital circuit design. As
an alternative to design automation, analog designers have to
develop a systematic design methodology that is more
The traditional bottom up design process starts with the design
of individual blocks which are then combined to form the
system. The block design starts with a specification and ends
with a transistor level implementation. Each block is verified
against their specification. Once verified separately, the blocks
are combined and verified together at the transistor level. This
approach has several important problems [1]:

System level verification has to be done using slow

transistor level simulations.
Little if any architectural / structural exploration is
performed, high level improvements are often missed.
Several expensive steps like system-level verification and
test development has to be performed sequentially which
increases the overall design time.

In a top-down design the process from concept to

transistor level design is systematic. A set of principles for an
effective top-down design is outlined in [1]:

1-4244-1084-3/07/$25.00 2007 IEEE

October 10 13, 2007, Milwaukee, WI
37th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference

Session T1C

The design shall be able to be simulated by all members

of the design team in all types of its description
(behavioral, schematic, layout).
During the design process each change to the design is
verified against the previously verified design as dictated
by the verification plan.
A design process that includes careful verification
planning where risks are identified up-front and modeling
plans are developed to mitigate the risks.
A design process that have multiple steps, starting with
simple models that are refined as details become
Specifications and plans are manifested as executable
models and scripts that can be used in the design process,
rather than as written documents.

A comprehensive verification strategy including simulation

and modeling plans is needed. The plans specify which test to
run, how to perform them, and which blocks that shall be at
transistor level during the test. For blocks represented by
models, the effects that must be included in the model are
identified for each test. The simulation plan is applied initially
to the high-level description of the system where it can be
quickly debugged. Once validated, it can be applied in
transistor level simulations. Mixed level simulations verify the
block function in the system context. Each level is fully
designed before moving on to designing the next level. By
doing so, the design is partitioned into smaller blocks that can
be designed in parallel. Following a top down design
methodology both minimizes the risk for, and the impact of
changes that come late in the design cycle.
The eight-week full-time course is divided into three phases.
A study, planning and modeling phase with two labs on
behavioral modeling and mixed level simulation is followed
by the schematic and layout level implementation, and finally
the fabrication and measurement verification. The course flow
is illustrated in figure 1.
Different project assignments have been given in the past, for
example the design of an SA-ADC or a class-D amplifier. In
these projects of medium complexity, the students are faced
with both traditional analog design problems like noise,
bandwidth and distortion, but also mixed signal issues like for
example timing between analog and digital parts, circuit
structuring and crosstalk.
I. Prerequisites
The basics of analog circuit design such as circuit elements,
noise, distortion and bandwidth are taught in the courses
Analog Electronics and Advanced Analog Design. The course
Analog IC Design focuses on the analog design flow and
integrated analog building blocks such as amplifying stages
and current mirrors etc. The course Integrated A/D and D/A
Converters cover data converters, mixed level modeling and
simulation using Verilog-A and spectreVerilog. The digital
design flow is taught in the course Digital IC Design.


II. Course material

As input to the project work there are six documents as
illustrated in figure 1. The requirement specification
describes the project assignment, the electronic input and
output interfaces as well as the dynamic range, bandwidth and
power requirements of the system. It is the task of the group to
break down the requirement specification into requirements
for each building block in the system design phase. The
project report template is assisting the student to
systematically document the results from each phase of the
project. It is important that the student reflects upon the design
methodology in the project report, and that it is clear which
considerations that were made during the different phases of
the project. The verification strategy is divided into a
modeling plan and a simulation plan guiding the students on
how to model and verify their blocks and systems. The
schematic strategy, layout strategy and measurement
strategy documents are all assisting the student with
theoretical and practical information on for example design
methodology, how to organize the design database, how to
make and verify layouts and how to verify the fabricated
circuits by measurements.
III. Pass requirements
The examination that contains six compulsory parts (marked
with dashed boxes in figure 1) is done continuously during the
project. First of all, in the system design phase, a lab course
on Verilog-A modeling and mixed level simulations with
spectreVerilog is completed. At the end of each design phase,
a design review is held, where the supervisor simulates and

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October 10 13, 2007, Milwaukee, WI
37th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference

Session T1C
verifies the operation of the circuit model as specified in the
verification strategy. At the design reviews the documentation
is checked to make sure that the students document their work
continuously. It is not recommended to start the next design
phase before passing the preceding design review. Before tape
out, the project must pass all three design reviews according
to the verification plan. After fabrication, the students shall do
a measurement verification of their chip. Finally, the design
project is summarized and conclusions are drawn in the
project report.

frequency behavior of the amplifier is simulated with

SpectreRFs periodic AC analysis. The simulated open-loop
DC gain is 65 dB and the phase margin is 74 with a closedloop gain of 17 dB.

IV. Project management

The project management is performed by the supervisor,
normally a doctoral student. All actual design work is
performed by the students. The role of the supervisor is to act
technical expert, motivating coach and the one that controls
that the verification strategy and the time plan are followed.
Some of the course related material is available on the
homepage [2]. FAQ information can also be posted there.



The project goal is to design a class-D amplifier with high
efficiency and acceptable distortion, using a top down design
flow. Class-D amplifiers are used in many applications and
are today making their way into applications such as portable
computers, musical instruments, wireless communication
devices, battery-powered portable products, high-end
professional amplifiers, advanced TVs and other home
multimedia systems. The class-D amplifiers have higher
efficiencies than classical amplifier topologies, such as classA and class-AB, but require fast transistors to switch the Pulse
Width Modulated (PWM) signal. This makes class-D
amplifiers ideal to integrate on chip to extend battery life, save
space, and reduce cooling cost. The output stage of the class-D
amplifier consists of CMOS power transistors operating as
switches, working either fully on or off. This gives a high
efficiency since ideally no voltage drop occurs over the
transistor in the on-state, and no current is conducted in the
off-state. In reality, losses are introduced by the finite onresistance of the transistors and the power required for
switching. The signal can be represented by the high
frequency switching (square) waveform using PWM, see Fig.
3. The PWM-signals are generated in the analog domain by a
triangular wave and a comparator. The amplifier must be able
to supply 160 mA current into headphones, typically 16 . The
triangle wave generator shall operate at a frequency of 1.0
MHz, which is rather high compared with discrete class-D
audio amplifiers, which generally operate at a few 100 kHz. A
higher frequency pushes unwanted frequency contents up in
frequency and makes filtering of the output signal easier.


The difference between the input and fed back signal is

integrated and compared with a triangle wave in the
comparator. The result from a typical comparison with a sine
wave input is shown in Fig. 2. If the sine wave is higher than
the triangle wave, the output will be high, otherwise it will be
low. Due to the high modulation frequency, the comparator
must be fast. As can be seen the width of the pulses at the
output is modulated, but not the amplitude, hence the name
pulse width modulation. The PWM signal is then fed to a time
delay circuit, a part of the PA driver in Fig. 1, to make sure
that the large nMOS and pMOS transistors in the H-bridge are
not conducting at the same time. This is very important to
reduce power consumption and most of all, prevent the chip
from a breakdown due to the short circuit currents. The delay
circuit is simply a number of inverters connected in series with
skewed transition points achieving pulse shrinking and
widening. The nMOS and pMOS transistors in the output
stage are 5.75 mm and 15 mm wide, respectively, which can
deliver 160 mA to the load. After the delay circuit, the signal
is buffered by drivers to the output stage. They are needed to
drive the large gate capacitance of the output transistors in the
II. Circuit Topology
H-bridge. Just as the delay circuit, the driver stages consist of
The system contains the following important blocks
several inverter stages but in increasing sizes. The signal is
(Fig. 2): triangle wave generator (implemented as a smith
inverted and fed to the right side of the H-bridge, see Fig. 1.
trigger with a capacitive load integrating the square wave to a
An H-bridge is simply two large inverters whose purpose is to
triangle wave), comparator, amplifiers (two stage operational
drive a heavy load, which is a low impedance loudspeaker.
amplifiers), filters, delay circuit, buffers, and H-bridge. The
The H-bridge works like this: When the PWM signal is low,
1-4244-1084-3/07/$25.00 2007 IEEE
October 10 13, 2007, Milwaukee, WI
37th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference

Session T1C
the pMOS transistor on the left side and the nMOS transistor
on the right side conduct. The current will then flow from the
left supply through the load, to the right side ground. As the
signal changes and goes high, the nMOS transistor on the left
side and the pMOS transistor on the right side conduct. Thus,
the current will then flow in the other direction.
III. Measurement Results
The triangle wave generator was measured with an
oscilloscope. The frequency was initially a bit lower than
simulated, but was easily adjusted to 1.0 MHz by applying a
different bias to the charge pump in the oscillator.
To measure the harmonic distortion an audio analyzer
from Audio Precision was used. The output from the H-bridge
was low-pass filtered by a fourth order filter with a -3dB
frequency of 50 kHz. This is needed to avoid high frequency
signals interfering with the measurement. The lowest
measured THD+N was 0.2 % at 1 kHz, 210 mW(rms). The
efficiency was measured by measuring the current drawn from
the supply with a multi meter. The measured efficiency was
71%. The amplifier has also been used to play music on and
was able to drive a 4 load speaker.

finally the closest digital level corresponding to the analog

input signal has been found. Both the conversion rate and
accuracy is determined by the analog building blocks. The
speed is limited by the RC time constants needed for settling
of the comparator of the SC DAC and the metastability and
hysteresis of the comparator. The main design difficulties in
the digital part are correct timing and the speed optimisation
of the critical path (in order for to give the analog time
constants as much of the conversion time as possible).


Successive-Approximation A/D converters (SA-ADC) are one
of the oldest and simplest ADC architectures. Yet, they are
still the most commonly used and their simplicity makes them
well suited for low power and low voltage applications. The
reason SA-ADCs are well suited for mixed signal education
projects is that they contain most design difficulties (such as
co-timing and co-simulation of analog and digital blocks) and
many analog and digital circuit techniques (such as digital
controllers, switched capacitor circuits, amplifiers and
comparators) commonly used in other applications while still
having a moderate complexity necessary for the students to get
an acceptable workload. The students are assigned the design
and speed optimization of an 8 bit charge redistributing SAADC. After successful design and simulations, it is fabricated
in a 0.35 m CMOS process with 3.3V supply voltage. The
clock frequency is targeted at 100 MHz, making the design
challenging in this technology. The SNDR shall be larger than
46 dB. This specification is then broken down by the students
into noise, distortion and bandwidth requirements on the main
building blocks.
II. Circuit Topology
The SA-ADC system, illustrated in figure ?? consists of three
main building blocks. They are a binary weighted switchedcapacitor array used as a charge redistributing DAC and
embedded passive sampling circuit, a comparator and a digital
control unit. An SA-ADC converts one digital bit per clock
cycle using the well known binary search algorithm, which is
implemented in the digital controller. By switching the correct
amount of capacitance to well known voltage levels, the input
signal can be compared to different signal levels by the
comparator, and the logic will successively exclude half the
remaining input signal range from the binary search, and



By going through all the steps of the design flow the students
get a valuable experience from most aspects of the design of a
complex mixed signal SoC. They gain understanding of the
importance of a systematic top-down design methodology. A
new course organization is presented, where the lab course is
intended to teach high level modeling and structuring of a
complex design to make it easier for the students to work in a
structured way in their project. The quite extensive written
course material is intended to reduce the supervisor workload
as well as to support a structured way of working. To force the
students to work continuously with their project and to find
design errors as early as possible, the examination has been
divided into three design reviews.
As improvements for future projects we suggest to let the
students review each-others projects and to improve the lab
course with a lab assignment on the final steps of the design,
layout and post layout verification. That would increase the
interaction between the student groups and reduce the
supervisor workload during the final hours of the project.

Kundert, K., "Principles of Top Down Mixed Signal Design", The

Designers Guide Community, www.designers-guide.org, Feb 2003.


Sjland, H., "Analog/Mixed Signal IC Project and Verification",

Department of Electroscience, www.es.lth.se/ugradcourses/aic, 2006.

1-4244-1084-3/07/$25.00 2007 IEEE

October 10 13, 2007, Milwaukee, WI
37th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference

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