CHap 1,2,3,4 & 5

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1.1 General
RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) is a construction technology which evolved with the
evolution of different structural materials in the 18th century during the Industrial
Revolution. Industrial Revolution brought in new technology which helped in the
manufacture of various materials. Now a Days Reinforced concrete structures are one of
the most popular structure systems. Many Civil Engineering students are using reinforced
concrete structure systems for their designs. But there are many cases where they design
structurally questionable buildings because they are trying to express their design ideas
with limited knowledge about Reinforced Concrete Design. Frequently the structural
member design would not be their primary focus.
Although there is the possibility that excessive structural considerations may disturbing
their search for unique designs, basic structural calculation is important for design.
Structurally sound solutions can make their design concepts closer to reality.
Unfortunately most Civil Engineering Institute concentrate their curriculum on visual
design education rather than a balanced education of design and structure. The balanced
education does not mean equal class time for structural and design classes. But it is
essential that students can at least discriminate that their design has a reasonable structure.
Many students use the commonly available books on structural graphic standards as a
reference. But they are not applicable to many different conditions.
Furthermore, reinforced concrete structures need a lot of calculations and different
condition inputs because it is a composite material of concrete and steel. The Reinforced
Concrete Structure Design program (RCSD), which has been developed for this thesis,
can help Civil Engineering students and users to analyze their designs and understand
structural fundamentals. Although there are many reinforced concrete structure programs,
most programs are targeting advanced level users who have a background in structural
engineering. The RCSD program is for beginner level users such as Civil Engineering
undergraduate and graduate students with limited knowledge about structures. For this, it
provides a graphical input method and a step-by-step calculation procedure to help users.

With this program, it is possible for the user to design basic structural parts such as slab,
beam, column and footing. Also the program is based on the American Concrete Institute
Code. The ultimate goal of this program is that users can analyze their own designs using
this program and determine structural proportions of their design idea.
The rapid development of the computer in the last decade has resulted in rapid adoption
of Computer Structural Design Software that has now replaced the manual computation.
This has greatly reduced the complexity of the analysis and design process as well as
reducing the amount of time required to finish a project.
1.2 Statement of the Study
This study involves the development of design software for Beam, Column, Footing and
1.3 Objective of the Study
1. To make the design Calculation simple, easier and rapid.
2. To get knowledge and to use the American Concrete Institute Code (ACI 318-05).
3. To develop a software for the design of several structural element (Beam, Column,
Stair, Footing) according to the provision & procedure of the American Concrete
Institute Code (ACI 318-05).
4. To get economical section without any arithmetic mistakes.
1.4 Computer software
Software is a program that enables a computer to perform a specific task, as opposed to
the physical components of the system (hardware).
This includes application software such as a word processor, which enables a user to
perform a task, and system software such as an operating system, which enables other
software to run properly, by interfacing with hardware and with other software. Practical
computer systems divide software into three major classes: system software,
programming software and application software, although the distinction is arbitrary, and
often blurred. Computer software has to be "loaded" into the computer's storage (such as
a hard drive, memory, or RAM). Once the software is loaded, the computer is able to
execute the software. Computers operate by executing the computer program. This
involves passing instructions from the application software, through the system software,

to the hardware which ultimately receives the instruction as machine code. Each
instruction causes the computer to carry out an operation moving data, carrying out a
computation, or altering the control flow of instructions.
1.5 Software Engineering
Software engineering is the study and an application of engineering to the design,
development and maintenance of software.
Typical formal definitions of software engineering are:

Research, design, develop, and test operating systems-level software, compilers

and network distribution software for medical, industrial, military,
communications, aerospace, business, scientific, and general computing

The systematic application of scientific and technological knowledge, methods,

and experience to the design, implementation testing, and documentation of

A software engineer is a licensed professional engineer who is schooled and skilled in the
application of engineering discipline to the creation of software. A software engineer is
often confused with a programmer, but the two are vastly different disciplines. While a
programmer creates the codes that make a program run, a software engineer creates the
designs the programmer implements. By law no person may use the title engineer (of
any type) unless the person holds a professional engineering license from a state licensing
board and are in good standing. A software engineer is also held accountable to a specific
code of ethics.
1.6 Structural Design
Structural design is the methodical investigation of the stability, strength and rigidity of
structures. The basic objective in structural analysis and design is to produce a structure
capable of resisting all applied loads without failure during its intended life. The primary
purpose of a structure is to transmit or support loads. If the structure is improperly
designed or fabricated, or if the actual applied loads exceed the design specifications, the
device will probably fail to perform its intended function, with possible serious

consequences. A well-engineered structure greatly minimizes the possibility of costly

1.7 Structural design process
A structural design project may be divided into three phases, i.e. planning, design and
Planning: This phase involves consideration of the various requirements and factors
affecting the general layout and dimensions of the structure and results in the choice of
one or perhaps several alternative types of structure, which offer the best general solution.
The primary consideration is the function of the structure. Secondary considerations such
as aesthetics, sociology, law, economics and the environment may also be taken into
account. In addition there are structural and constructional requirements and limitations,
which may affect the type of structure to be designed.
Design: This phase involves a detailed consideration of the alternative solutions defined
in the planning phase and results in the determination of the most suitable proportions,
dimensions and details of the structural elements and connections for constructing each
alternative structural arrangement being considered.
Construction: This phase involves mobilization of personnel; procurement of materials
and equipment, including their transportation to the site, and actual on-site erection.
During this phase, some redesign may be required if unforeseen difficulties occur, such as
unavailability of specified materials or foundation problems.
1.8 Engineering Design Process
The engineering design process is a series of steps that engineers follow to come up with
a solution to a problem. Many times the solution involves designing a product (like a
machine or computer code) that meets certain criteria and/or accomplishes a certain task.
Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to
ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and
potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible
Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how
well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.

Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several
design solutions to identify the best characteristics of each that can be combined
into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success.
Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a
proposed object, tool, or process such that an optimal design can be achieved.
Engineering design process illustrated briefly in flow chart below-

Define the Problem

Do Background Research

Specify Requirements

Brainstorm, Evaluate and

Choose Solution

Based on results and data

make design changes,

Develop and Prototype

prototype, test again and


review new data

Solution Meets

Solution Meets Requirements

Partially or Not at All

Requirements Test Solution

Communicate Result
Engineers do not always follow the engineering design process steps in order, one after
another. It is very common to design something, test it, find a problem, and then go back
to an earlier step to make a modification or change to your design. This way of working is
called iteration.
1.9 Reason for developing this Software

Beam, column, footing, stair are the important elements of the whole building. Engineers
should have to be careful and sincere to give an economic design within minimum time.
This software will serve following purpose;
1. It will not only give accurate result but also save time and money.
2. Design can be completed quickly, hence saving time it will increase the efficiency
of an engineer.
3. It will reduce the error due to arithmetic mistakes some error of mathematic
number and minimize the amount of manually handled data.
4. Various types of building elements and mist of the cases, the engineers perform
the design from their experience, which is not accurate and not economical. This
software will reduce the labor and time and will ensure economical design.
1.10 Reason for using Visual Studio 2015 and C Sharp
C# (C Sharp) is an elegant, simple, type-safe, object-oriented language that allows
enterprise programmers to build a breadth of applications. It is a user friendly language.
C# is better than C++ because

It has a huge standard library with so much useful stuff that's well-implemented
and easy to use.

It allows for both managed and native code blocks.

It allows you to treat class-methods' signatures as free functions (i.e. ignoring the
statically typed this pointer argument), and hence create more dynamic and flexible
relationships between classes.

Assembly versioning easily remedy DLL problems.

Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft.

It is used to develop computer programs for Microsoft Windows, as well as web sites,
web applications and web services. Visual Studio uses Microsoft software development
platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation,
Windows Store and Microsoft Silverlight. It can produce both native code and managed
code. It has easy code navigation, fast builds, and quick deployment. Visual Studio
increases productivity and makes it easy to do work alone or as part of a larger team.

Visual C# is an implementation of the C# language by Microsoft. Visual Studio supports

Visual C# with a full-featured code editor, compiler, project templates, designers, code
wizards, a powerful and easy-to-use debugger, and other tools. The .NET Framework
class library provides access to many operating system services and other useful, welldesigned classes that speed up the development cycle significantly.

Reinforced Concrete Structure
2.1 General
Concrete is one of the most popular materials for buildings because it has high
compressive strength, flexibility in its form and it is widely available. The history of
concrete usage dates back for over a thousand years. Contemporary cement concrete has
been used since the early nineteenth century with the development of Portland cement.
Despite the high compressive strength, concrete has limited tensile strength, only about
ten percent of its compressive strength and zero strength after cracks develop. In the late
nineteenth century, reinforcing materials, such as iron or steel rods, began to be used to
increase the tensile strength of concrete. Today steel bars are used as common reinforcing
material. Usually steel bars have over 100 times the tensile strength of concrete; but the
cost is higher than concrete. Therefore, it is most economical that concrete resists
compression and steel provides tensile strength. Also it is essential that concrete and steel
deform together and deformed reinforcing bars are being used to increase the capacity to
resist bond stresses.
Advantages of reinforced concrete can be summarized as follows (Hassoun, 1998).

It has a relatively high compressive strength.

It has better resistance to fire than steel or wood
It has a long service life with low maintenance cost
In some types of structures, such as dams, piers, and footing, it is the most

economical structural material.

5. It can be cast to take any shape required, making it widely used in precast
structural components.
Also, disadvantages of reinforced concrete can be summarized as follows:
1. It has a low tensile strength (zero strength after cracks develop).
2. It needs mixing, casting, and curing, all of which affect the final strength of
3. The cost of the forms used to cast concrete is relatively high. The cost of form
material and artisanry may equal the cost of concrete placed in the forms.

4. It has a lower compressive strength than steel (about 1/10, depending on material),
which requires large sections in columns of multistory buildings.
5. Cracks develop in concrete due to shrinkage and the application of live loads.
2.2 Safety
A structure must be safe against collapse; strength of the structure must be adequate for
all loads that might act on it. If we could build buildings as designed, and if the loads and
their internal effects can be predicted accurately, we do not have to worry about safety.
But there are uncertainties in:

Actual loads;
Forces/loads might be distributed in a manner different from what we assumed;
The assumptions in analysis might not be exactly correct;
Actual behavior might be different from that assumed etc.

Finally, we would like to have the structure safe against brittle failure (gradual failure
with ample warning permitting remedial measures is preferable to a sudden or brittle
2.3 Building Code Requirement for Structural Concrete
Buildings must be designed and constructed according to the provisions of a building
code, which is a legal document containing requirements related to such things as
structural safety, fire safety, plumbing, ventilation, and accessibility to the physically
disabled. A building code has the force of law and is administered by a governmental
entity such as a city, a county, or for some large metropolitan areas, a consolidated
government. Building codes do not give design procedures, but specify the design
requirements and constraints that must be satisfied. Of particular importance to the
structural engineer is the prescription of minimum live loads for buildings. While the
engineer is encouraged to investigate the actual loading conditions and attempt to
determine realistic values, the structure must be able to support these specified minimum
loads. Many countries have their own structural design codes, codes of practice or
technical documents which perform a similar function.It is necessary for a designer to
become familiar with local requirements or recommendations in regard to correct
practice. In this chapter some examples are given, occasionally in a simplified form, in

order to demonstrate procedures. They should not be assumed to apply to all areas or
situations. However, the Uniform Building Code (UBC) and other model codes are
adapted by jurisdictions, such as Cities, or States as governing codes. Material and
methods are tested by private or public organizations. They develop, share, and
disseminate their result and knowledge for adoption by jurisdictions. The American
Concrete Institute (ACI) is leading the development of concrete technology. The ACI has
published many references and journals. Building Code Requirement for Structural
Concrete (ACI 318 Code) is a widely recognized reinforced concrete design and
construction guide. Although the ACI Code does not have official power of enforcement,
it is generally adapted as authorized code by jurisdictions not only in United States but
also many countries. The ACI318 Code provides the design and construction guide of
reinforced concrete. ACI has been providing new codes depending on the change of
design methods and strength requirement.
2.4 Safety Provisions of the ACI Code
Load factors are applied to the loads, and a member is selected that will have enough
strength to resist the factored loads. In addition, the theoretical strength of the member is
reduced by the application of a resistance factor. The criterion that must be satisfied in the
selection of a member is
Factored Strength Factored Load
In this expression, the factored load is actually the sum of all working loads to be resisted
by the member, each multiplied by its own load factor. For example, dead loads will have
load factors that are different from those for live loads. The factored strength is the
theoretical strength multiplied by a strength reduction factor. Equation (1.3) can therefore
be written as
Nominal Strength X Strength Reduction Factor Load X Load Factors
Since the factored load is a failure load greater than the actual working loads, the load
factors are usually greater than unity. On the other hand, the factored strength is a
reduced, usable strength and the resistance factor is usually less than unity. The factored
loads are the loads that bring the structure or member to its limit.


2.5 Design Methods of Reinforced Concrete Structure

Two major calculating methods of reinforced concrete have been used from early 1900s
to current. The first method is called Working Stress Design (WSD) and the second is
called Ultimate Strength Design (USD). Working Stress Design was used as the principal
method from early 1900s until the early 1960s. Since Ultimate Strength Design method
was officially recognized and permitted from ACI 318-56, the main design method of
ACI 318 Code has gradually changed from WSD to USD method. The program of this
thesis is based on ACI 318-05 Code Which published in 2005.
2.5.1 Change of Design Methods according to ACI 318 Code (PCA, 1999).
ACI 318-56: USD was first introduced (1956)
ACI 318-63: WSD and USD were treated on equal basis.
ACI 318-71: Based entirely on strength Method (USD) WSD was called Alternate Design
Method (ADM).
ACI 318-77: ADM relegated to Appendix B ACI 318-89: ADM back to Appendix A
ACI 318-95: ADM still in Appendix A Unified Design Provision was introduced in
Appendix B
ACI 318-02: ADM was deleted from Appendix A (ACI, 2002).
2.5.2 The Working Stress Design (WSD)
Traditionally, elastic behavior was used as basis for the design method of 16 reinforced
concrete structures. This method is known as Working Stress Design (WSD) and also
called the Alternate Design Method or the Elastic Design Method or Allowable stress
design. This design concept is based on the elastic theory that assumes a straight-line
stress distribution along the depth of the concrete section. To analyze and design
reinforced concrete members, the actual load under working conditions, also called
service load condition, is used and allowable stresses are decided depending on the safety


factor. For example allowable compressive bending stress is calculated as 0.45f c. If the
actual stresses do not exceed the allowable stresses, the structures are considered to be
adequate for strength. The WSD method is easier to explain and use than other method
but this method is being replaced by the Ultimate Strength Design method. ACI 318 Code
treats the WSD method just in a small part.
The working stress method may be expressed by the following:
f allowable stresses (fallowable)


where, f = an elastically computed stress, such as by using the flexure formula f = Mc/I
for beam.
fallow = A limiting stress prescribed by a building code as a percentage of the compressive
strength fc for concrete, or of the yield stress f y for the steel reinforcing bars.
2.5.3 The Ultimate Strength Design (USD)
The Ultimate Strength Design method, also called Strength Design Method (SDM), is
based on the ultimate strength, when the design member would fail. Since 1971 the ACI
Code has been totally a strength code with strength meaning ultimate. Select concrete
dimensions and reinforcements so that the member strength are adequate to resist forces
resulting from certain hypothetical overload stages, significantly above loads expected
actually to occur in service. The design concept is known as strength design. Based on
strength design the nominal strength of a member must be calculated on the basis of
inelastic behavior of material. In other words, both reinforcing steel and concrete behave
in elastically at ultimate strength condition.
The strength design method may be expressed by the following,
Strength provide Strength required to carry factored loads
where the strength provided such as moment strength is computed in accordance with
rules and assumptions of behavior prescribed by a building code, and the strength
required is that obtained by performing a structural analysis using the factored loads.
The design procedure is roughly as follows:


Multiply the working loads by the load factor to obtain the failure loads.
Determine the cross sectional properties needed to resist failure under these loads. (A
member with these properties is said to have sufficient strength, and would be at the verge
of failure when subjected to the factored loads.)
Proportion your members that have these properties.
Basic Assumptions for Concrete in Ultimate Strength Design method (ACI):
l. Sections perpendicular to the axis of bending that arc plane before bending remains
plane after bending.
2. A perfect bond exists between the reinforcement and the concrete such that the strain in
the reinforcement is equal to the strain in the concrete at the same level.
3. The strains in both the concrete and reinforcement are assumed to be directly
proportional to the distance from the neutral axis (ACI 10.2.2).
4. Concrete is assumed to fail when the compressive strain reaches 0.003 (ACI 10.2.3).
5. The tensile strength of concrete is neglected (ACI 10.2.5).
6. The stresses in the concrete and reinforcement can be computed from the strains using
stress-strain curves for concrete and steel, respectively.
7. The compressive stress-strain relationship for concrete may be assumed to be
rectangular, trapezoidal, parabolic, or any other shape that results in prediction of strength
in substantial agreement with the results of comprehensive tests (ACI 10.2.6). ACI 10.2.7
outlines the use of a rectangular compressive stress distribution which is known as the
Whitney rectangular stress block.
8. Reinforcing steel will yield when strain is equal to Ey and stress after yield is always fy.
2.6 Loads
Loads that act on structures can be divided into three general categories:


2.6.1 Dead Loads: Dead loads are those that are constant in magnitude and fixed in
location throughout the lifetime of the structure such as: floor fill, finish floor, and
plastered ceiling for buildings and wearing surface, sidewalks, and curbing for bridges.
2.6.2 Live Loads: Live loads are those that are either fully or partially in place or not
present at all, may also change in location; the minimum live loads for which the floors
and roof of a building should be designed are usually specified in building code that
governs at the site of construction
2.6.3 Environmental Loads: Environmental Loads consist of wind, earthquake, and
snow loads. Such as wind, earthquake, and snow loads.
The load factors are 1.7 for live load and 1.4 for dead load. Other factors are given in
Table 2-1: Factored load combinations for determining required strength U


Factored load or load effect U


U = 1.4D + 1.7L
U = 0.75(1.4D + 1.7L + 1.7W)


U = 0.9D + 1.3W
U = 1.4D + 1.7L
U = 0.75(1.4D + 1.7L + 1.87E)


U = 0.9D + 1.43E
U = 1.4D + 1.7L
U = 1.4D + 1.7L + 1.7H

Earth pressure

U = 0.9D + 1.7H
U = 1.4D + 1.7L

Settlement, creep, shrinkage, or temperature

change effects

U = 0.75(1.4D + 1.4T + 1.7L)

U = 1.4(D + T)


2.7 Required Strength

The required strength U is expressed in terms of factored loads, or related internal
moments and forces. Factored loads are the loads specified in the general building code
multiplied by appropriate factors. The factor assigned is influenced by the degree of
accuracy to which the load effect can be determined and the variation which might be
expected in the load during the lifetime of the structure. Dead loads are assigned a lower
load factored than live load because they can be determined more accurately. Load factors
also account for variability in the structural analysis used to compute moments and
shears. The code gives load factors for specific combinations of loads. In assigning
factors to combinations of loading, some consideration is given to the probability of
simultaneous occurrence. While most of the usual combinations of loadings are included,
the designer should not assume that all cases are covered. Various load combinations must
be considered to determine the most critical design condition. This is particularly true
when strength is dependent on more than one load effect, such as strength for combined
flexure and axial load or shear strength in members with axial load. Since the ACI 318
Building Code is a national code, it has to conform to the International Building Code,
IBC2012 and in turn be consistent with the ASCE-7 Standard on Minimum Design Loads
for Buildings and Other structures. These two standards contain the same probabilistic
values for the expected safety resistance factors iRn where is a strength reduction
factor, depending on the type of stress being considered in the design such as flexure,
shear, or compression, etc.
Factored Load Combinations for Determining Required Strength U in ACI Code
U = 1.4(D + F)


U = 1.2(D + F + T) + 1.6 (L + H) + 0.5(Lr or S or R)


U = 1.2D + 1.6 (Lr or S or R) + (1.0L or 0.8W)


U = 1.2D + 1.6W + 1.0L + 0.5(Lr or S or R)


U = 1.2D + 1.0E + 1.0L + 0.2S


U = 0.9D + 1.6W + 1.6H


U= 0.9D + 1.0E + 1.6H



D= Dead Load
L= Live Load
E =Earthquake Load
W= Wind Load
T= Self-Straining force such as Creep, Shrinkage & Temperature Effect
H=Load due to the weight & lateral pressure of soil and water in soil
Lr = Roof Load
R= Rain Load
S= Snow Load
F= Lateral fluid pressure Load
Due Regard is to be given to sign in determining U for combinations of loadings, as one
type of loading may produce effects of opposite sense to that produced by another type.
The load combinations with 0.9D are specifically included for the case where a higher
dead load reduces the effects of other loads. The loading case may also be critical for
tension controlled column sections. In such a case a reduction in axial load and an
increase in moment may result in critical load combination.
Except for
The load factor on L in Equation (3) to (5) shall be permitted to be reduced to 0.5 except
for garages, areas occupied as places of public assembly, and all areas where the live load
L is greater than 100 lb/ft2.
Where wind load W has not been reduced by a directionality factor, it shall be permitted
to use 1.3W in place of 1.6W in Equations (4) and (6)
Where earthquake load E is based on service-level seismic forces, 1.4E shall be used in
place of 1.0E in Equations (5) and (7).


The load factor on H shall be equal to zero in Equation (6) and (7) if the structural
action due to H counteracts that due to W or E. Where lateral earth pressure provides
resistance to structural actions from other forces. It shall not be included in H but shall be
included in the design resistance.
2.8 Design Strength
The strength of a particular structural unit calculated using the current established
procedures is termed nominal strength. For example, in the case of a beam the resisting
moment capacity of the section calculated using the equations of equilibrium and
properties of concrete and steel is called the nominal moment capacity Mn of the
The purpose of the strength reduction factor f are (MacGregor, 1976; and Winter, 1979):
To allow for under-strength members due to variations in material strengths and
To permit for inaccuracies in the design provisions
To reflect the degree of ductility and required probability of the member under the load
effects being considered
To reflect the importance of the member in the structure.
Strength Reduction Factors, F, of the ACI CodeTension controlled sections


Compression controlled sections


Members with spiral reinforcement ...0.75

Other members ...0.65

Shear and torsion


Bearing on Concrete
Plain Concrete



2.9 Concrete Cover for Reinforcement


Concrete cover for reinforcement is required to protect the rebar against corrosion and to
provide resistance against fire. The thickness of cover depends on environmental
conditions and type of structural member. The minimum thickness of reinforcement cover
is indicated in the drawings, or shall be obtained from the relevant code of practice.
Below are the specifications for reinforcement cover for different structural members in
different conditions.
a) At each end of reinforcing bar, net less than 1 inch or 25 mm or less than twice the
diameter of the bar.
b) For a longitudinal reinforcing bar in a column, not less than 8/5 inch or 40 mm not less
than the diameter of such bar. In case of columns of minimum dimension of 8 in or 20 cm
under, whose reinforcing bards do no not exceed in or 12 mm a cover of 1 inch or 25
mm to be used.
c) For longitudinal reinforcing bars in a beam, not less than 6/5 inch or 30 mm or less
than the diameter of the bar.
d) For tensile, compressive shear or other reinforcements in a slab or wall not less than
3/5 inch or 15 mm, not less that the diameter of such bar.
e) For any other reinforcement not less than 3/5 inch or 15 mm, not less than the diameter
of such bar.
f) For footings and other principal structural members in which the concrete is deposited
directly against the ground, cover to the bottom reinforcement shall be 3 inch or 75 mm.
If concrete is poured on a layer of lean concrete, the bottom cover maybe reduced to 2
inch or 50 mm.
g) For concrete surfaces exposed to the weather or the ground after removal of forms,
such as retaining walls, grade beams, footing sides and top etc. not less than 2 inch or 50
h) Increased cover thickness shall be provided as indicated on the drawings, for surfaces
exposed to the action of harmful chemicals (or exposed to earth contaminated by such
chemicals), acid, alkali, saline atmosphere, sulphorone, smoke etc.
i) For liquid retaining structures, the minimum cover to all steel shall be 8/5 inch or 40
mm or the diameter of the main bar, whichever is greater. In the presence of sea water and


oils and waters of a corrosive character the covers, shall be increased by 2/5 inch or 10
j) Protection to reinforcement in case of concrete exposed to harmful surroundings may
also be given by providing a dense impermeable concrete with approved protective
coatings. In such a case the extra cover mentioned in (b) & (i) above may be reduced.
k) The correct cover shall be maintained by cement mortar cubes (blocks) or other
approved means. Reinforcements for footings, grade beams and slabs on a sub-grade shall
be supported on re-cast concrete blocks as approved by EIC. The use of pebbles or stones
shall not be permitted.
l) The minimum clear distance between reinforcing bars shall by in accordance with IS:
456 2000 or as shown in drawing.
2.10 Selection of Bar and Bar Spacing
Common reinforcing bar sizes range from No. 3 to No. 11 (No. 10 to No. 36), the bar
number corresponding closely to the number of eighth-inches (millimeters) of bar
diameter. The two larger sizes, No. 14 (No. 43) [1.75 inch. (43 mm) diameter] and No. 18
(No. 57) [2.25 inch. (57 mm) diameter] are used mainly in columns.
It is often desirable to mix bar sizes to meet steel area requirements more closely. In
general, mixed bars should be of comparable diameter, for practical as well as theoretical
reasons, and generally should be arranged symmetrically about the vertical centerline.
Many designers limit the variation in diameter of bars in a single layer to two bar sizes,
using, say, No. 10 and No. 8 (No. 32 and No. 25) bars together, but not Nos. 11 and 6
(Nos. 36 and 19). There is some practical advantage to minimizing the number of
different bar sizes used for a given structure.
Normally, it is necessary to maintain a certain minimum distance between adjacent bars to
ensure proper placement of concrete around them. Air pockets below the steel are to be
avoided, and full surface contact between the bars and the concrete is desirable to
optimize bond strength. ACI Code 7.6 specifies that the minimum clear distance between
adjacent bars not be less than the nominal diameter of the bars, or 1 inch. (For columns,
these requirements are increased to 1.5 bar diameters and 1.5 inch.) Where beam
reinforcement is placed in two or more layers, the clear distance between layers must not


be less than 1 inch, and the bars in the upper layer should be placed directly above those
in the bottom layer.


Review of Structural Design on the ACI Code
3.1 Beam
3.1.1 Introduction
Beams are structural elements carrying transverse external loads that cause bending
moment, shear forces and in some cases torsion across their length. Concrete is strong in
compression and very weak in tension. Steel reinforcement is used to take up tensile
stresses in reinforced concrete beams. When the bending moment acts on the beam,
bending strain is produced. The resisting moment is developed by internal stresses. Under
positive moment, compressive strains are produced in the top of beam and tensile strains
in the bottom. Concrete is a poor material for tensile strength and it is not suitable for
flexure member by itself. The tension side of the beam would fail before compression
side failure when beam is subjected a bending moment without the reinforcement. For
this reason, steel reinforcement is placed on the tension side. The steel reinforcement
resists all tensile bending stress because tensile strength of concrete is zero when cracks
develop. In the Ultimate Strength Design (USD), a rectangular stress block is assumed
(Fig. 3-1).

Fig 3-1: Reinforced rectangular beam (Ambrose, 1997)

As shown Fig. 3-1, the dimensions of the compression force is the product f beam width,
depth and length of compressive stress block. The design of beam is initiated by the
calculation of moment strengths controlled by concrete and steel.
3.1.2 Types of Beam
Fig. 3-2 shows the most common shapes of concrete beams: single reinforced rectangular
beams, doubly reinforced rectangular beams, T-shape beams, spandrel beams, and joists.
In castin-place construction, the single reinforced rectangular beam is uncommon. The


T-shape and L-shape beams are typical types of beam because the beams are built
monolithically with the slab. When slab and beams are poured together, the slab on the
beam serves as the flange of a T-beam and the supporting beam below slab is the stem or
web. For positive applied bending moment, the bottom of section produces the tension
and the slab acts as compression flange. But negative bending on a rectangular beam puts
the stem in compression and the flange is ineffective in tension. Joists consist of spaced
ribs and a top flange.

Fig. 3-2: Common shapes of concrete beam (Spiegel, 1998)

3.1.3 Reinforced Concrete Beam Design Parameters
a. Reinforcement Ratio:
The amount of steel reinforcement in concrete members should be limited. Over
reinforcing (the placement of too much reinforcement) will not allow the steel to yield
before the concrete crushes and there is a sudden failure. The reinforcement ratio in
concrete beam design is the following fraction:


The reinforcement ratio, , must be less than a value determined with a concrete strain of
0.003 and tensile strain of 0.004 (minimum). When the strain in the reinforcement is


0.005 or greater, the section is tension controlled. (For smaller strains the resistance factor
reduces to 0.65 because the stress is less than the yield stress in the steel.)

b. Maximum Reinforcement:
Based on the limiting strain of 0.005 in the steel, x(or c) = 0.375d so
= 1 (0.375d) to find As-max
The values of 1 are presented in the following Table 4.1:

c. Minimum Reinforcement:
Minimum reinforcement is provided even if the concrete can resist the tension, in order to
control cracking.
Minimum required reinforcement:

f c

A= b d


But not less than


fy w



fy is the yield strength in psi

bw is the width of the web of a concrete T-Beam cross section
d = the effective depth from the top of a reinforced concrete beam to the centroid of the
tensile steel.

d. Cover for Reinforcement:

Cover of concrete over/under the reinforcement must be provided to protect the steel from
corrosion. For indoor exposure, 1.5 inch is typical for beams and columns, 0.75 inch is
typical for slabs, and for concrete cast against soil, 3 inch minimum is required.
e. Bar Spacing:
Minimum bar spacing are specified to allow proper consolidation of concrete around the
reinforcement. The minimum spacing is the maximum of 1 in, a bar diameter, or 1.33
times the maximum aggregate size.
f. Effective width beff :
In case of T-Beams or Gamma-Beams, the effective slab can be calculated as follows:

For interior T-sections, beff is the smallest of:

L/4, bw + 16t, or center to center of beams


For exterior T-sections, beff is the smallest of

bw + L/12, bw + 6t, or bw + (clear distance to next beam)

When the web is in tension the minimum reinforcement required is the same as for
rectangular sections with the web width (bw) in place of b.
When the flange is in tension (negative bending), the minimum reinforcement required is
the greater value of-



A = c b d




A = c b d


fy is the yield strength in psi
bw is the width of the web of a concrete T-Beam cross section
beff is the effective flange width
3.1.4 Design Procedure

Rectangular Beam
1. Assume the depth of beam using the ACI Code reference, minimum thickness

unless consideration the deflection.

Assume beam width (ratio of with and depth is about 1:2).
Compute self-weight of beam and design load.
Compute factored load
Compute design moment (Mu).
Compute maximum possible nominal moment for singly reinforced beam

7. Decide reinforcement type by Comparing the design moment (Mu) and the
maximum possible moment for singly reinforced beam (Mn). If Mn is less
than Mu, the beam is designed as a doubly reinforced beam else the beam can
be designed with tension steel only.
8. Determine the moment capacity of the singly reinforced section.(concretesteel couple)
9. Compute the required steel area for the singly reinforced section.
10. Find necessary residual moment, subtracting the total design moment and the
moment capacity of singly reinforced section.

T-shape Beam
1. Compute the design moment (Mu).
2. Assume the effective depth.
3. Decide the effective flange width (b) based on ACI criteria.
4. Compute the practical moment strength (Mn) assuming the total effective
flange is supporting the compression.


5. If the practical moment strength (Mn) is bigger than the design moment
(Mu), the beam will be calculated as a rectangular T-beam with the effective
flange width b. If the practical moment strength (Mn) is smaller than the

design moment (Mu), the beam will behave as a true T-shape beam.
Find the approximate lever arm distance for the internal couple.
Compute the approximate required steel area.
Design the reinforcement. 9. Check the beam width.
Compute the actual effective depth and analyze the beam.

3.2 Column
3.2.1 Introduction
Columns support primarily axial load but usually also some bending moments. The
combination of axial load and bending moment defines the characteristic of column and
calculation method. A column subjected to large axial force and minor moment is design
mainly for axial load and the moment has little effect. A column subjected to significant
bending moment is designed for the combined effect. The ACI Code assumes a minimal
bending moment in its design procedure, although the column is subjected to compression
force only. Compression force may cause lateral bursting because of the low-tension
stress resistance. To resist shear, ties or spirals are used as column reinforcement to
confine vertical bars. The complexity and many variables make hand calculations tedious
which makes the computer-aided design very useful.
3.2.2 Types of Columns
Reinforced concrete columns are categorized into five main types; rectangular tied
column, rectangular spiral column, round tied column, round spiral column, and columns
of other geometry (Hexagonal, L-shaped, T-Shaped, etc.).
Fig. 3-3 shows the rectangular tied and round spiral concrete column. Tied columns have
horizontal ties to enclose and hold in place longitudinal bars. Ties are commonly No. 3 or
No.4 steel bars. Tie spacing should be calculated with ACI Code.


Fig. 3-3: Column types

The columns are also categorized into three types by the applied load types. The column
with small eccentricity, the column with large eccentricity (also called eccentric column)
and biaxial bending column. Fig 3-4 shows the different column types depending on
applied load.

Fig. 3-4: The column types depending on applied load.

Eccentricity is usually defined by location:

Interior columns usually have


Exterior columns usually have large eccentricity

Corner column usually has biaxial eccentricity.

Fig. 3-5: Eccentric loaded conditions (Spiegel, 1998)

But eccentricity is not always decided by location of columns. Even interior columns can
be subjected by biaxial bending moment under some load conditions Fig. 3-5 shows some
examples of eccentric load conditions.
3.2.3 ACI Code Safety Provision for Column
For columns, as for all members designed according to the ACI Code, adequate safety
margins are established by applying load factors to the service loads and strength
reduction factors to the nominal strengths. Thus, for columns, Pn Pu and Mn Mu are
the basic safety criteria. For most members subject to axial compression or compression
plus flexure (compression controlled members the ACI Code provides basic reduction
= 0.65 for tied columns
= 0.75 for spirally reinforced columns
The spread between these two values reflects the added safety furnished by the greater
toughness of spirally reinforced columns.


There are various reasons why the values for columns are lower than those for flexure
or shear (0.90 and 0.75, respectively). One is that the strength of under reinforced flexural
members is not much affected by variations in concrete strength, since it depends
primarily on the yield strength of the steel, while the strength of axially loaded members
depends strongly on the concrete compressive strength. Because the cylinder strength of
concrete under site conditions is less closely controlled than the yield strength of millproduced steel, a larger occasional strength deficiency must be allowed for. This is
particularly true for columns, in which concrete, being placed from the top down in a
long, narrow form, is more subject to segregation than in horizontally cast beams.
Moreover, electrical and other conduits are frequently located in building columns; this
reduces their effective cross sections, often to an extent unknown to the designer, even
though this is poor practice and restricted by the ACI Code. Finally, the consequences of a
column failure, say in a lower story, would be more catastrophic than those of a single
beam failure in the same building.
For high eccentricities, as the eccentricity increases from eb to infinity (pure bending), the
ACI Code recognizes that the member behaves progressively more like a flexural member
and less like a column. As described in Chapter 3, this is acknowledged in ACI Code
9.3.2 by providing a linear transition in from values of 0.65 and 0.75 to 0.90 as the net

tensile strain in the extreme tensile steel

increases from fy/Es (which may be taken

as 0.002 for Grade 60 reinforcement) to 0.005.

At the other extreme, for columns with very small or zero calculated eccentricities, the
ACI Code recognizes that accidental construction misalignments and other unforeseen
factors may produce actual eccentricities in excess of these small design values. Also, the
concrete strength under high, sustained axial loads may be somewhat smaller than the
short-term cylinder strength. Therefore, regardless of the magnitude of the calculated
eccentricity, ACI Code 10.3.6limits the maximum design strength to 0.80cfJP 0 for tied
columns (with = 0.65) and to 0.85P0 for spirally reinforced columns (with = 0.75),
where P0 is the nominal strength of the axially loaded column with zero eccentricity.
The effects of the safety provisions of the ACI Code are shown in Fig.3-2.and represents
the actual carrying capacity, as nearly as can be predicted. The smooth curve shown


partially dashed, then solid, then dashed, represents the basic design strength obtained by
maximum design load stipulated in the ACI Code for small eccentricities, i.e., large axial
loads, as just discussed. At the other end, for large eccentricities, i.e., small axial loads,

Fig.3-6: ACI safety provisions superimposed on column strength interaction diagram.

ACI Code permits a linear transition of from 0.65 or 0.75, applicable for

fy/Es (or

0.002 for Grade 60 reinforcement) to 0.90 at

= fy/Es at

= 0.005. By definition,

the balanced condition. The effect of the transition in is shown at the lower right end of
the design strength curve.
3.2.4 Behavior of Axially Loaded Column


When an axial load is applied to a reinforced concrete short column, the concrete can be

considered to behave elastically up to a low stress of about


fc If the load on the

column is increased to reach its ultimate strength, the concrete will reach the maximum
strength and the steel will reach its yield strength, fy, The nominal load capacity of the
column can be written as follows:
P0= 0.85fcAn + Astfy
Where, An and Ast= the net concrete and total steel compressive areas, respectively.
An = Ag Ast
Ag = Gross concrete area
Two different types of failure occur in columns, depending on whether ties or spirals are
used. For a tied column, the concrete fails by crushing and shearing outward, the
longitudinal steel bars fail by buckling outward between ties, and the column failure
occurs suddenly. Much like the failure of a concrete cylinder.

Fig. 3-7: Behavior of Tied and Spiral Column


A spiral column undergoes a marked yielding, followed by considerable deformation

before complete failure. The concrete in the outer shell fails and spalls off. The concrete
inside the spiral is confined and provides little strength before the initiation of column
failure, A hoop tension develops in the spiral, and for a closely spaced spiral` the steel
may yield A sudden failure is not expected Figure 3-, shows typical load deformation
curves for tied and spiral columns. Up to point a, both columns behave similarly. At point
a, the longitudinal steel bars of the column yield, and the spiral column shell spalls off,
after the factored load is reached, a tied column fails suddenly (curve b), whereas a spiral
column deforms appreciably before failure (curve c).
3.2.5 Biaxial Bending
The design of eccentrically loaded columns using the strain compatibility method of
analysis described requires that a trial column be selected. The trial column is then
investigated to determine if it is adequate to carry any combination of Pu and Mu that may
act on it should the structure be overloaded, if Pu and Mu from the analysis of the
structure, when plotted on a strength interaction diagram such as Fig. 3-7, fall within the
region bounded by the curve labeled "ACI design strength." Furthermore, economical
design requires that the controlling combination of Pu and Mu be close to the limit curve.
If these conditions are not met, a new column must be selected for trial. This Method
permit rectangular or square columns to be designed if bending is present about only one
of the principal axes. There are situations, by no means exceptional, in which axial
compression is accompanied by simultaneous bending about both principal axes of the
section. Such is the case, for instance, in corner columns of buildings where beams and
girders frame into the columns in the directions of both walls and transfer their end
moments into the columns in two perpendicular planes. Similar loading may occur at
interior columns, particularly if the column layout is irregular.
The situation with respect to strength of bi-axially loaded columns is shown in Fig. 3-8.
Let X and Y denote the directions of the principal axes of the cross section. In Fig. 3-8(a),
the section is shown subject to bending about the Y axis only, with load eccentricity ex
measured in the X-direction .The corresponding strength interaction curve is shown as
case (a) in the three-dimensional sketch in Fig. 3-8(d) and is drawn in the plane defined
by the axes Pn and Mny . Such a curve can be established by the usual methods for uniaxial
The situation with respect to strength of bi-axially loaded columns is shown in Fig. 3-8.


Let X and Y denote the directions of the principal axes of the cross section. In Fig. 3-8(a),
the section is shown subject to bending about the Y axis only, with load eccentricity ex
measured in the X-direction .The corresponding strength interaction curve is shown as
case (a) in the three-dimensional sketch in Fig. 3-8(d) and is drawn in the plane defined
by the axes Pn and Mny . Such a curve can be established by the usual methods for uniaxial
bending. Similarly, Fig.3-8(b) shows bending about the X axis only, with eccentricity ey
measured in the Y direction. The corresponding interaction curve is shown as case (b) in
the plane of Pn and Mnx in Fig. 3-8(d). For case (c), which combines X and Y axis
bending, the orientation of the resultant eccentricity is defined by the angle [3]:

=tan1 x =tan1 ny
M nx


Fig 3-8: Interaction diagram for compression plus biaxial bending:


uniaxial bending about Y axis;

uniaxial bending about X axis;
biaxial bending about diagonal axis;
Interaction surface.

Bending for this case is about an axis defined by the angle with respect to the X axis.
The angle in Fig. 3-8(c) establishes a plane in Fig. 3-8(d), passing through the vertical
Pn axis and making an angle with the Mnx axis, as shown. In that plane, column strength
is defined by the interaction curve labeled case (c). For other values of A, similar curves
are obtained to define a failure surface for axial load plus biaxial bending, such as shown
in Fig. 3-8(d). The surface is exactly analogous to the interaction curve for axial load plus
uniaxial bending. Any combination of Pu, Mux, and Muy falling inside the surface can be
applied safely, but any point falling outside the surface would represent failure. Note that
the failure surface can be described either by a set of curves defined by radial planes
passing through the Pn axis, such as shown by case (c), or by a set of curves defined by
horizontal plane intersections, each for a constant Pn, defining load contours.
The nominal ultimate strength of a section under biaxial bending and compression is a
function of three variables Pn,Mnx and Mny which may also be expressed as Pn acting at
eccentricities ey=Mnx/Pn and ex= Mny/Pn With respect to the X and Y axis.
Constructing such an interaction surface for a given column would appear to be an
obvious extension of uniaxial bending analysis. In Fig. 3-8(c), for a selected value of ,
successive choices of neutral axis distance c could be taken. For each, using strain
compatibility and stress-strain relations to establish bar forces and the concrete
compressive resultant, then using the equilibrium equations to find Pn, Mnx, and Mny one
can determine a single point on the interaction surface. Repetitive calculations, easily
done by computer, then establish sufficient points to define the surface. The triangular or
trapezoidal compression zone, such as shown in Fig. 3-8(c), is a complication, and in
general the strain in each reinforcing bar will be different, but these features can be
The main difficulty, however, is that the neutral axis will not, in general, be perpendicular
to the resultant eccentricity, drawn from the column center to the load Pn- For each


successive choice of neutral axis, there are unique values of Pn, Mnx, and Mny and only for
special cases will the ratio of Mn/Mnx be such that the eccentricity is perpendicular to the
neutral axis chosen for the calculation. The result is that, for successive choices of c for
any given , the value of in Fig.3-8(c) and d will vary. Points on the failure surface
established in this way will wander up the failure surface for increasing Pn, not
representing a plane intersection, as shown for case (c) in Fig. 3-8(d).
In practice, the factored load Pu and the factored moments Mux and Muy to be resisted are
known from the frame analysis of the structure. Therefore, the actual value of
=arctan(Muy/Mux) is established, and one needs only the curve of case (c), Fig. 8.16d, to
test the adequacy of the trial column. Alternatively, simple approximate methods Bresler
load contour method and Reciprocal method are widely used. Bresler load contour method

The load contour method is based on representing the failure surface of Fig. 3-8(d) by a
family of curves corresponding to constant values of Pn. The general form of these curves
can be approximated by a non-dimensional interaction equation [3]:

M ny 2
M ny 0
M nx 1
M nx0

Mnx0=Mnx; when Mny = 0.
Mny0=Mny. When, Mnx = 0.


The exponents 1 and 2 are exponents depending on column dimensions, amount and
distribution of steel reinforcement, stress-strain characteristics of steel and concrete,
amount of concrete cover, and size of lateral ties or spiral. Bresler reciprocal method
A simple, approximate design method developed by Bresler has been satisfactorily
verified by comparison with results of extensive tests and accurate calculations It is noted
that the column interaction surface in Fig. 3-9(d) can, alternatively, be plotted as a
function of the axial load Pn and eccentricities ex =Mny/Pn and ey =Mnx/Pn, as is shown in
Fig. 3-9(a). The surface S1 of Fig. 3-9(a), can be transformed into an equivalent failure
surface S2, as shown in Fig.3-9(b), where ex and ey are plotted against 1/Pn rather than Pn.
Thus, ex = ey = 0 corresponds to the inverse of the capacity of the column if it were
concentrically loaded P0, and this is plotted as point C. For ey = 0 and any given value of
ex, there is a load Pny0 (corresponding to moment Mny0) that would result in failure. The
reciprocal of this load is plotted as point A. Similarly, for ex = 0 and any given value of ev,
there is a certain load Pnx0 (corresponding to moment Mnx0) that would cause failure, the
reciprocal of which is point B. The values of Pnx0 and Pny0 are easily established, for
known eccentricities of loading applied to a given column, using the methods already
established for uniaxial bending, or using design charts for uniaxial bending.


Fig 3-9: Interaction surfaces for the reciprocal load method.

An oblique plane S2 is defined by the three points: A, B, and C. This plane is used as an
approximation of the actual failure surface S2.Note that, for any point on the surface S2
(for any given combination of ex and e), there is a corresponding plane S2. Thus, the
approximation of the true failure surface S2 involves an infinite number of planes S2
determined by particular pairs of values of ex and ey, i.e., by particular points A, B, and C.
The vertical ordinate 1/Pn,exact to the true failure surface will always be conservatively
estimated by the distace 1/Pn,approx to the oblique plane ABC (extended), because of the
concave upward eggshell shape of the true failure surface. In other words, 1/Pn,approx is
always greater than 1/Pn,exact .which means that Pn,approx is always less than Pn,exact.
Bresler's reciprocal load equation [3] derives from the geometry of the approximating
plane. It can be shown that

1 1 1 1
= +
P n Pnx 0 P ny0 P0


Pn = approximate value of nominal load in biaxial bending with eccentricities ex and ey
Pnyo = nominal load when only eccentricity ex is present (ey = 0)
Pnxo = nominal load when only eccentricity ey is present (ex = 0)
P0 = nominal load for concentrically loaded column.
Test result indicate that above equation may be inappropriate when small values of axial
load are involvef such as when Pn/P0 is in the range of 0.06 or less.For such cases the
member should be desined for flexure only.

Design Procedures

Short Columns with small eccentricities

1. Establish the material strength and steel area.
2. Compute the factored axial load.
3. Compute the required gross column area.
4. Establish the column dimensions.
5. Compute the load on the concrete area.
6. Compute the load to be carried by the steel.
7. Compute the required steel area.
8. Design the lateral reinforcing (ties or spiral).
9. Sketch the design.

Short Columns with large eccentricities

1. Establish the material strength and steel area.
2. Compute the factored axial load (Pu) and moment (Mu).
3. Determine the eccentricity (e).
4. Estimate the required column size based on the axial load and 10%
5. Compute the required gross column area.
6. Establish the column dimensions.
7. Compute the ratio of eccentricity to column dimension perpendicular to the
bending axis.
8. Compute the ratio of a factored axial load to gross column area.
9. Compute the ratio of distance between centroid of outer rows of bars to
thickness of the cross section, in the direction of bending.
10. Find the required steel area using the ACI chart.
11. Design the lateral reinforcing (ties or spiral).
12. Sketch the design.


3.3 Footing
3.3.1 Introduction
The foundation of a building is the part of a structure that transmits the load to ground to
support the superstructure and it is usually the last element of a building to pass the load
into soil, rock or piles. The primary purpose of the footing is to spread the loads into
supporting materials so the footing has to be designed not to be exceeded the load
capacity of the soil or foundation bed. The footing compresses the soil and causes
settlement. The amount of settlement depends on many factors. Excessive and differential
settlement can damage structural and nonstructural elements. Therefore, it is important to
avoid or reduce differential settlement. To reduce differential settlement, it is necessary to
transmit load of the structure uniformly. Usually footings support vertical loads that
should be applied concentrically for avoid unequal settlement. Also the depth of footings
is an important factor to decide the capacity of footings. Footings must be deep enough to
reach the required soil capacity.
3.3.2 Types of Footings
The most common types of footing are strip footings under walls and single footings
under columns. Common footings can be categorized as follow:
1. Individual column footing (Fig 3-6a): This footing is also called isolated or
single footing. It can be square, rectangular or circular of uniform thickness,
stepped, or sloped top. This is one of the most economical types of footing. The
most common type of individual column footing is square of rectangular with
uniform thickness.
2. Wall footing (Fig3-6b): Wall footings support structural or nonstructural walls.
This footing has limited width and a continuous length under the wall.
3. Combined footing (Fig3-6e): They usually support two or three columns not in a
row and may be either rectangular or trapezoidal in shape depending on column. If
a strap joins two isolated footings, the footing is called a cantilever footing.


Fig 3-10: Footing types (Spiegel, 1998)

4. Mat foundation (Fig3-6f): Mats are large continuous footings, usually placed
under the entire building area to support all columns and walls. Mats are used
when the soil-bearing capacity is low, column loads are heavy, single footings
cannot be used, piles are not used, or differential settlement must be reduced
through the entire footing system.
5. Pile footing (Fig3-6g): Pile footings are thick pads used to tie a group of piles
together and to support and transmit column loads to the piles.
3.3.3 Design Consideration
Footing must be designed to carry the column loads and transmit them to the soil safety
while satisfying code limitation. The design procedure must take the following strength
requirements into consideration:


The area of the footing based on the allowable bearing soil capacity
Two-way shear or punching shear
One-way shear
Bending moment and steel reinforcement required
Dowel requirements
Development length of bars

3.3.4 Design Procedure

Individual column footing

1. Compute the factored loads.
2. Assume the total footing thickness.
3. Compute the footing self-weight, the weight of earth on top of the footing.
4. Compute the effective allowable soil pressure for superimposed service loads.
5. Compute required footing area.
6. Compute the factored soil pressure from superimposed loads.
7. Assume the effective depth for the footing.
8. Check the punching shear and beam shear.
9. Compute the design moment at the critical section.
10. Compute the required steel area.
11. Check the ACI Code minimum reinforcement requirement.
12. Check the development length.
13. Check the concrete bearing strength at the base of the column

3.4 Stair
3.4.1 Introduction
Staircase is an important component of a building providing access to different floors and
roof of the building. It consists of a flight of steps (stairs) and one or more intermediate
landing slabs between the floor levels. Different types of staircases can be made by
arranging stairs and landing slabs. Staircase, thus, is a structure enclosing a stair.
3.4.2 Types of Staircases
There are different types of Stairs, which depend mainly on the type and function of the
building and on the architectural requirements. Some of the common types of staircases
based on geometrical configurations:


Fig 3-11: Types of Staircases


Single flight staircase (Fig 3-7 a)

Two flight staircase (Fig 3-7 b)
Open-well staircase (Fig 3-7 c)
Spiral staircase (Fig 3-7 d)
Helical staircase (Fig 3-7 e)

Architectural considerations involving aesthetics, structural feasibility and functional

requirements are the major aspects to select a particular type of the staircase. Other
influencing parameters of the selection are lighting, ventilation, comfort, accessibility,
space etc.


Fig 3-12: Transversely Supported Stairs

For purpose of design, stairs are classified into two types; transversely, and longitudinally
A. Transversely supported (transverse to the direction of movement):
Transversely supported stairs include:
a. Simply supported steps supported by two walls or beams or a combination of
b. Steps cantilevering from a wall or a beam.
c. Stairs cantilevering from a central spine beam.
B. Longitudinally supported (in the direction of movement):
These stairs span between supports at the top and bottom of a flight and
unsupported at the sides. Longitudinally supported stairs may be supported in any
of the following manners:


Fig 3-13: Longitudinally Supported Stairs

a. Beams or walls at the outside edges of the landings.
b. Internal beams at the ends of the flight in addition to beams or walls at the
outside edges of the landings.
c. Landings which are supported by beams or walls running in the longitudinal
direction. d. A combination of (a) or (b), and (c).
Stairs with quarter landings associated with open-well stairs.
3.4.3 Components of Stairs
The definitions of some technical terms, which are used in connection with design of
stairs, are given.

Tread or Going: horizontal upper portion of a step.

Riser: vertical portion of a step.
Rise: vertical distance between two consecutive treads.
Flight: a series of steps provided between two landings.
Landing: a horizontal slab provided between two flights.
Waist: the least thickness of a stair slab.
Winder: radiating or angular tapering steps. h. Soffit: the bottom surface of a stair

h. Nosing: the intersection of the tread and the riser.
i. Headroom: the vertical distance from a line connecting the nosings of all treads
and the soffit above.


Fig. 3-14: Stairs main Components

3.4.4 Design Procedure
Design procedure foe single flight Stair

First calculate the loads.

Then calculate maximum moment.
Check the depth. If ok then go to next steps otherwise change the section.
Calculate reinforcement.
Check for bond and development length.
Calculate reinforcement of first flight and spacing.
Sketch reinforcement details.


Chapter 4
Reinforced Concrete Structure Designer (RCSD)
4.1 General
RCSD is a computer program for reinforced concrete structure design according to the
ACI Code. It includes beam, column, stair and footing design. Its main purpose is to help
architecture students who do not have enough structural background but need a structural
calculation to design their building. So this program is developed with easy to use
interface based on ACI Code procedures. RCSD provides step by step calculations and is
composed of separate modules for beam, stair, column and footing design. The step by
step design method is considered one of the best methods to help beginning users, like
civil engineering students. For example, users do not need to input the all required data at
once. The program asks the minimum required data and provides default-input data. The
user can use the default data or select other data.
The modular RCSD program structure also has the advantage that each module is
executable separately and the user can add other modules. RCSD is programmed using
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Visual Studio is much easier to learn than other languages
and provides good graphic user interface (GUI). Each module is composed of multiple
pages that have been organized using Microsoft Tabbed Control Dialog Component. Each
module is executed step by step along the tabs. Tabs are divided into frames for better
organization of different category of input and output data.
RCSD is a computer program for reinforced concrete structure design according to the
ACI Code. It includes beam, column, stair and footing design. Its main purpose is to help
architecture students who do not have enough structural background but need a structural
calculation to design their building. So this program is developed with easy to use
interface based on ACI Code procedures. RCSD provides step by step calculations and is
composed of separate modules for beam, stair, column and footing design. The step by
step design method is considered one of the best methods to help beginning users, like
civil engineering students. For example, users do not need to input the all required data at


once. The program asks the minimum required data and provides default-input data. The
user can use the default data or select other data.
The modular RCSD program structure also has the advantage that each module is
executable separately and the user can add other modules. RCSD is programmed using
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Visual Studio is much easier to learn than other languages
and provides good graphic user interface (GUI). Each module is composed of multiple
pages that have been organized using Microsoft Tabbed Control Dialog Component. Each
module is executed step by step along the tabs. Tabs are divided into frames for better
organization of different category of input and output data.
4.2 Beam Module
4.2.1 Introduction
RCSD provides single and double reinforced beam design method in one module in both
WSD and USD method.
4.2.2 Rectangular Beam Design Module
The beam design module has INPUT, RESULT and REINFORCEMENT DETAIL. The
INPUT tab contain Material Strength, Moment, Shear and Dimension.

Fig. 4.1 Beam Design Module


4.2.3 T Beam Design Module

The beam design module has INPUT, RESULT and REINFORCEMENT DETAIL. The
INPUT tab contain Material Strength, Moment, Shear and Dimension.

Fig. 4.2: T Beam Design Module

4.3 Column Module
4.3.1 Introduction
Column is classified into two types spiral column and tied Column. The Tied Column can
be classified into two types Uniaxial and Biaxial Bending. This program provides all
three types of column design. The design of column carrying small eccentricity is
calculated by simple method computed by the ACI method for axial load with small
eccentricity. If axial load is applied with eccentricity the column is sunjected to moment
and more bending strength.


4.3.2 Column Design Module

The column design module has contains three tabs tied column for uniaxial, biaxial
bending and spiral column. The tied portion designs for biaxial bending, uniaxial
bending, axial load. The spiral design portion for axial load as it is weak in bending. Each

Fig 4.3: Column design module.

4.4 Footing Module
4.4.1 Introduction
This program provides design module foe individual column footing. The thickness of the
footing is calculated from two-way and one way shear check and the thickness is checked
with the bending moment at the face of the column.


4.4.2 Footing Design module

Individual column footing module has INPUT, OUTPUT REINFORCEMENT DETAILS
tabs. The INPUT tab contains load, material, column size and soil condition, based on this
data the program calculates footing size and thickness to resist shear.

Fig 4.4; Footing Design Module

4.5 Stair module
4.5.1 Introduction
In stair design module some material property and loading data has to input and it gives
the required section for design reinforcement.
4.5.2 Stair Design Module


Stair module has INPUT, OUTPUT and REINFORCEMENT DIAGRAM tabs. The
INPUT tab requires dimension, material strength, Load. Based on the input data this
program calculates possible section for reinforcement

Fig. 4.5: Stair Design Module


Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Conclusion
This simplified reinforced concrete structure design program for civil engineering
students, based on the American Concrete Institute Code (ACI 318), is expected to help
engineering students to design sound concrete structures. The ultimate goal of this
program is to assist students in the reinforced concrete structures design and guide them
to design structurally safe buildings. ACI Code is the most common code of Reinforce
Concrete structure design, but it is difficult to use for beginner users. This program will
help engineers in determining the economical size and reinforcement requirement of a
structural members such as Beam, column, Footing and Stairs within short times per
American Concrete Institute Code (ACI 318). The main purpose of this program is to
provide as much basic information to users. RCSD does not restrict user to use just one
answer but provides many possibility of structural member design for a set of building
condition. Thus each calculation was divided into several steps, provide typical image for
better understanding, popup window is provided to help to get economical section.
5.2 Recommendations
RCSD has four design module Beam (Rectangular, T-beam), Column (Uniaxial, Biaxial
and spiral), Individual column footing and Stair. There has not been enough time to
actually test this program with students actual design and to get feedback and add assist
buttons. Several improvements can be made to this software such as:
1. Add Three Dimensional (3D) graphical output. Most students are familiar with
3D-computer graphics such as Autodesk AutoCAD. If this software uses the 3d
graphic output, it will be really helpful to students to understand the structure and
connection between structural members.
2. Adding more design modules would give high degree acceptance such as Slab
(One-way solid slab, Two-way slab), Shear wall, Pile foundation, Mat foundation,
wall footing design etc.
3. Different types of unit conversions can be added.
4. Printing the result with reinforcement details can be added.
5. The software can be improve from suitable logic in future.
6. The design should be analyzed repeatedly and thoroughly.
I am hoping that another student will improve this software and develop it to make it an
easier and more useful program.


[1] ACI Committee 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and
Commentary, ACI 318-05 and ACI 318R-05, American Concrete Indtitution 2005.
[2] ACI Committee 315, Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement, ACI 315-99
(Revised 05), American Concrete Institute, 2005.
[3] Nilson, Arthur H., Darwin, David and Dolan, Charles W., Design of Concrete
Structures, 14th Edition, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York, 2009.
[4] Simplified Design of Reinforced Concrete-3rd Edition by Henry Parker.
[5] Phil M Fergution Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals Fourth edition, John, Wiley &
Sons, Inc. 1983.
[6] Jack C. McCormac & Russell H. Brown Design of Reinforced Concrete Ninth
Edition, John, Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2014.
[7] Winter-Urquhrat O Rourke-Nilson Design of Concrete Structures Seventh Edition
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York.
[8] Computer Aided Design of Various Structural Members Using Visual Studio 2010 by
MD. TARIQUL ISLAM, Roll No: 090012, Department of Civil Engineering, RUET,
[9] Reinforced Concrete Structure Design Assistant Tool for Beginners developed by
Kang-Kyu Choi for the faculty of the School of Architecture University of Southern
California, 2002


Appendix A
Computer Program
Beam Module
Rectangular Beam Design
WSD Method
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Reinforce_Concrete_Structure_Design
public partial class Rectangular_Beam_WSD : Form
public Rectangular_Beam_WSD()


Double M, h, b, d, de, As,
private void btnResult_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
fc2 = double.Parse(txtCS.Text);
fy2 = double.Parse(txtYS.Text);
b = double.Parse(txtBW.Text);
h = double.Parse(txtBH.Text);
M = double.Parse(txtM.Text);
bn = double.Parse(txtBN.Text);
fy = 1000 * fy2;
fc1 = 1000 * fc2;
fc = .45 * fc1;
fs = .4 * fy;
n = 29000000 / (57000 * Math.Sqrt(fc1));
r = (fs / fc);
k = n / (n + r);
j = 1 - (k / 3);
R = .5 * fc * j * k;
ab = (3.1416 * (bn / 8) * (bn / 8)) / 4;
d = Math.Sqrt((M * 12000) / (R * b));
de = h - 1.5-.375 - (bn / 8);
groupBox1.Visible = true;
As = (M*12000) / (fs * j * de);
s = (ab * 12) / As;


lblResult.Text = "Steel Area (Sq-in)=" + As.ToString() + "\n" +

"Number of Mainreinforcement:" + Math.Round(As / ab).ToString();
txtAs.Text = Math.Round(As / ab).ToString() + "#" + bn.ToString();
txtd.Text = de.ToString() + "in";
txtb.Text = b.ToString() + "in";

else if (de<d)
groupBox2.Visible = true;
MessageBox.Show("depth is not enough,would you like to design it as a Doubly
Reinforced Beam");
Mc = R * b * de*de;
M1 = Mc;
M2 = M*12000 - M1;
As1 = M1 / (fs * j * d);
As2 = M2 / (fs*j*(de-2.5));
As = As1 + As2;
s2 = (ab*12)/As;
fs1 = 2 * fs * ((k - (2.5 / de)) / (1 - k));
fs1 = fs;
fs1 = 2 * fs * ((k - (2.5 / de)) / (1 - k));
As3 = M2 / (fs1 * (d - 2.5));
s3 = (ab * 12) / As3;


As3 = M2 / (fs1 * (d - 2.5));
s3 = (ab * 12) / As3;
lblResult.Text = "Tension Zone Steel Area (Sq-in)" + As.ToString() + "\n" +
"Spacing C/C (in)=" + s2.ToString() + "\n" +
"Number of nainreinforcement:" + Math.Round(As / ab).ToString() + "\n"+
"Compression Zone Area (sq-in)=" + As3.ToString() + "\n" +
"Spacing C/C (in)=" + s3.ToString() + "\n" +
"Number of nainreinforcement:" + Math.Round(As3 / ab).ToString();
txtAs1.Text = Math.Round(As / ab).ToString() + "#" + bn.ToString();
txtAs2.Text = Math.Round(As3 / ab).ToString() + "#" + bn.ToString();
txtd1.Text = de.ToString() + "in";
txtb1.Text = b.ToString() + "in";

Rectangular Beam Design
USD Method
using System;


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Reinforce_Concrete_Structure_Design
public partial class Rectangular_Beam_USD : Form
public Rectangular_Beam_USD()
double a;
double fc1, fy, Pb, R, Pmax, d, b, M, SRF, d1,fy2,fc2, a2, a3, vu, vc,
double[] a1 = new double[20];
double[] As = new double[20];
private void btnResult_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
fc2 = double.Parse(txtCS.Text);
fy2 = double.Parse(txtYS.Text);
b = double.Parse(txtBW.Text);
d = double.Parse(txtBH.Text);
M = double.Parse(txtM.Text);
vu = double.Parse(txtS.Text);


bn = double.Parse(txtBN.Text);
SRF = .75;
fy = 1000 * fy2;
fc1 = 1000 * fc2;
ab = (3.1416 * (bn / 8) * (bn / 8)) / 4;
Pb = .85 * .85 * (fc1 / fy) * (87000 / (87000 + fy));
Pmax = .75 * Pb;
vc = (2 * Math.Sqrt(fc1) * b * d) / 1000;
R = Pmax * fy * (1 - (.59 * Pmax * fy) / fc1);
s = ((SRF - .1) * .22 * fy * d) / ((vu - (SRF - .1) * vc) * 1000);
d1 = Math.Sqrt((M * 12000) / (R * SRF * b));
if (d > d1)
groupBox1.Visible = true;
a = 3;
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
As[i] = ((M) / (.9 * fy * (d - (a / 2)))) * 12000;
a1[i] = (As[i] * fy) / (.85 * fc1 * b);
a2 = a1[i];
a3 = a2 - a;
if (a3 <= .25)
lblResult.Text = "Reinforcement Area(sq-in)=" + As[i] +
"\n" + "Number of Mainbar:" + Math.Round((As[i] / ab)) +
"\n" + " Spacing of distribution Reinforcement(in):" +
txtAs.Text = Math.Round(As[i] / ab).ToString() + "#" + bn.ToString();


txtd.Text = d.ToString() + "in";

txtb.Text = b.ToString() + "in";
txts2.Text= Math.Round(s).ToString()+"in";
a = a2;
else if (d < d1)
groupBox2.Visible = true;
MessageBox.Show("DEPTH check is not ok. Either increase section or CLICK ok to design it
as a Doubly Reinforced beam");
//Tension Zone area
As1 = Pmax * b * d;
a = (As1* fy) / (.85 * fc1 * b);
M1 = (.9 * As1 * fy * (d - .5 * a));
M2 = (M*12000) - M1;
// copression zone
As2 = (M2 / (.9 * fy * (d - 2.5)));
As3 = As1 + As2;
lblResult.Text = "Tension Zone Reinforcement Area(sq-in)=" + As3.ToString() +
"\n" + "Number of Mainbar:" + Math.Round(As3 / ab).ToString() +
"\n" + " Compression Zone Reinforcement Area(sq-in):" + As2.ToString() + "\n" +
"Number of Mainbar:" + Math.Round(As2 / ab).ToString();
txtAs1.Text = Math.Round(As3 / ab).ToString() + "#" + bn.ToString();
txtAs2.Text = Math.Round(As2 / ab).ToString() + "#" + bn.ToString();
txtd1.Text = d.ToString() + "in";


txtb1.Text = b.ToString() + "in";

txts1.Text = Math.Round(s).ToString()+"in";

T Beam Design
USD Method
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Reinforce_Concrete_Structure_Design
public partial class T_Beam_WSD : Form
public T_Beam_WSD()


double fc1, fy, b, h, M, bn,fc3,fy2, hf, bw, p, n,d, k,fs,fc,As1,As,p1,p2,z,jd,fc2,Mc,As2,ab;
private void btnResult_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
fc3 = double.Parse(txtCS.Text);
fy2 = double.Parse(txtYS.Text);
b = double.Parse(txtFW.Text);
h = double.Parse(txtBH.Text);
M = double.Parse(txtM.Text);
bn = double.Parse(txtBN.Text);
bw = double.Parse(txtWW.Text);
hf = double.Parse(txtFT.Text);
fy = 1000 * fy2;
fc1 = 1000 * fc3;
fc = .45 * fc1;
fs = .4 * fy;
d= h - 2.5;
n = 29000000 / (57000 * Math.Sqrt(fc1));
As1 = (M*12000) / (fs*(d-.5*hf));
p = As / (b * d);
ab = (3.1416 * (bn / 8) * (bn / 8)) / 4;
p1 = p * n;
k = ((p1 + .5 * (hf / d) * (hf * d)) / (p1 + hf / d));
p2 = k * d;


pictureBox1.Visible = true;
MessageBox.Show("T Beam is ensured");
z = (3 * k * d - 2 * hf) / (2 * k * d - hf);
jd = d - z;
As2 = (M*12000) / (fs * jd);
fc2 = (M*12000) / (((2 * k * d - hf) / (2 * k * d)) * b * hf * jd);
groupBox1.Visible = true;
Mc = fc2 * (((2 * k * d - hf) / (2 * k * d)) * b * hf * jd);
As = (Mc) / (2 * fs * jd);
lblResult.Text = "Steel Area (Sq-in)=" + As.ToString() + "\n" +
"Number of main Reinforcement=" + Math.Round((As / ab));
txtAs.Text = Math.Round(As / ab).ToString() + "#" + bn.ToString();
txtd1.Text = d.ToString() + "in";
txtb.Text = b.ToString() + "in";
txthf.Text = hf.ToString() + "in";
txtbw.Text = bw.ToString() + "in";

groupBox1.Visible = true;
As = As2;
lblResult.Text = "Steel Area (Sq-in)=" + As.ToString() + "\n" +
"Number of main Reinforcement=" + Math.Round((As / ab));
txtAs.Text = Math.Round(As / ab).ToString() + "#" + bn.ToString();
txtd1.Text = d.ToString() + "in";


txtb.Text = b.ToString() + "in";

txthf.Text = hf.ToString() + "in";
txtbw.Text = bw.ToString() + "in";
MessageBox.Show("T-Beam is NOT ENSURED ,Beam is act as a Retangular Beam");
As = As1;
lblResult.Text = "Steel Area (Sq-in)=" + As.ToString() + "\n" +
"Number of main Reinforcement=" + Math.Round((As / ab));
groupBox2.Visible = true;
txtAs2.Text = Math.Round(As / ab).ToString() + "#" + bn.ToString();
txtd2.Text = d.ToString() + "in";
txtb1.Text = bw.ToString() + "in";

T Beam Design
USD Method


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Reinforce_Concrete_Structure_Design
public partial class T_Beam_Design_USD : Form
public T_Beam_Design_USD()
double fc1, fy, b, d, M, bn, ab, bw,fy2,fc2, hf,a,a2,As,As1,Asf,Mf,Mw,a3,a4,a5;
double[] a1 = new double[20];
double[] Asw = new double[20];
private void btnResult_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
fc2 = double.Parse(txtCS.Text);
fy2 = double.Parse(txtYS.Text);
b = double.Parse(txtFW.Text);
d = double.Parse(txtD.Text);


M = double.Parse(txtM.Text);
bn = double.Parse(txtBN.Text);
bw = double.Parse(txtWW.Text);
hf = double.Parse(txtFT.Text);
ab = (3.1416 * (bn / 8) * (bn / 8)) / 4;
fc1 = 1000 * fc2;
fy = 1000 * fy2;
a4 = hf;
As1 = (M*12000) / (.9 * fy * (d - .5 * a4));
a5 = (As1 * fy) / (.85 * fc1 * b);
// Flenge Area and Moment
Asf = (.85 * (fc1 / fy) * (b - bw) * hf);
Mf = .9 * Asf * fy * (d - .5 * hf);
//Web's Reinforcement Area
Mw = M * 12000 - Mf;
if (a5 > hf) // T Beam Ensure
groupBox1.Visible = true;
a = 3;
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
Asw[i] = (Mw) / (.9 * fy * (d - (a / 2)));
a1[i] = (Asw[i] * fy) / (.85 * fc1 * bw);
a2 = a1[i];
a3 = a2 - a;
if (a3 <= .25)
As = Asw[i] + Asf;


lblResult.Text = "Reinforcement Area(sq-in)=" + (As).ToString() + "\n" +

"Number of Reinforcement=" + Math.Round(As / ab).ToString();
txtAs.Text = Math.Round(As / ab).ToString() + "#" + bn.ToString();
txtd1.Text = d.ToString() + "in";
txtb.Text = b.ToString() + "in";
txthf.Text = hf.ToString() + "in";
txtbw.Text = bw.ToString() + "in";
a = a2;
else if (a5 < hf)
MessageBox.Show("The Beam will act as a RECTANGULAR Beam");
groupBox2.Visible = true;
a = 3;
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
Asw[i] = (Mw) / (.9 * fy * (d - (a / 2)));
a1[i] = (Asw[i] * fy) / (.85 * fc1 * b);
a2 = a1[i];
a3 = a2 - a;
if (a3 <= .25)
lblResult.Text= "Reinforcement Area(sq-in)=" + (Asw[i]) + "\n" +
"Number of Reinforcement=" + Math.Round(Asw[i] / ab);
txtAs2.Text = Math.Round(Asw[i] / ab).ToString() + "#" + bn.ToString();


txtd2.Text = d.ToString() + "in";

txtb1.Text = bw.ToString() + "in";
a = a2;

Tied Column
USD Method
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;


using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Reinforce_Concrete_Structure_Design
public partial class Tied_Column_Uniaxial : Form
public Tied_Column_Uniaxial()
double fc1, dl, ll, fy, b, h, d, pg, pu, Ag,M, h1, a, c, c1, fs, Ast, As1,Mo, Pb, Mb, Md, bn, ab;
private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
fc1 = double.Parse(txtCS.Text);
fy = double.Parse(txtYS.Text);
dl = double.Parse(txtDL.Text);
ll = double.Parse(txtLL.Text);
M = double.Parse(txtM.Text);
b = double.Parse(txtCH.Text);
h = double.Parse(txtCS.Text);
pg = double.Parse(txtCS.Text);
bn = double.Parse(txtBN.Text);
ab = (3.1416 * (bn / 8) * (bn / 8));


pu = 1.2 * dl + 1.6 * ll;

Ag = pu / (.85 * .7 * (.85 * fc1 + .01 * pg * fy));
h1 = Ag / b;
if (h> h1)
//Effective depth of Column d
d = h - 2;
a = pu / (.85 * fc1 * b);
c = a / .85;
c1 = .003 / (.003 + fy / 29000);
//Balanced failure condition fs=fy ,As1=Ast/2
Ast = (pg * Ag) / 100;
fs = fy;
As1 = Ast / 2;
Pb = (.85 * fc1 * a * b) - (As1 * fs) + (As1 * fy);
Mb = Pb * .5 * (h - a) + As1 * fs * (.5 * h - 2.5) + As1 * (d - h / 2);
// overturning moment
Mo = .4 * As1 * fy * d;
// Design Moment
Md = (((pu * (Mb - Mo)) / Pb) + Mo)*12;
if(Md < M)
lblResult.Text = "Steel area (sq-in)=" + Ast.ToString() + "\n" + "Number of bar:" +
Math.Round(Ast / ab).ToString();
MessageBox.Show("Please Change The SECTION");


MessageBox.Show("please Change the section of the column");

Tied Column Biaxial
USD Method
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Reinforce_Concrete_Structure_Design


public partial class Tied_Column_Biaxial : Form
public Tied_Column_Biaxial()
double P, Mx, My, b,fc1,fy, h, ex, ey, m, Po,px,py, bn, ab, As,Ast, Fa, Fb, n, c1, c2, Ix, Iy,
Sutx, Suty, Pn, pg;
private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
fc1 = double.Parse(txtCS.Text);
fy = double.Parse(txtYS.Text);
P = double.Parse(txtTL.Text);
Mx = double.Parse(txtMx.Text);
My = double.Parse(txtMy.Text);
b = double.Parse(txtCW.Text);
h = double.Parse(txtCH.Text);
bn = double.Parse(txtBN.Text);
pg = double.Parse(txtpg.Text);
ab = (3.1416 * (bn / 8) * (bn / 8));
// Reciprocal Method
ex = (Mx * 12 / P);
ey = (My * 12 / P);
m = fy / (.85 * fc1);
Po = (.34 * (1 + .01 * pg * m) * fc1 * b * h)/1000;
// Condition fa/Fa+fb/Fb=1
Fa = .34 * fc1 * (1 + .01 * pg * m);


Fb = .45 * fc1;
As = .01 * pg * b * h;
n = Math.Round((29 * 1000000) / (57000 * Math.Sqrt(fc1)));
Ix = b * h * h * h / 12 + 2 * As * (2 * n - 1) * (h / 2 - 2.5) * (h / 2 - 2.5);
Iy= h * b * b * b / 12 + 2 * As * (2 * n - 1) * (b / 2 - 2.5) * (b / 2 - 2.5);
c1 = h / 2;
c2 = b / 2;
Sutx = Ix / c1;
Suty = Iy / c2;
px = ((1 - Mx * 12 / Sutx) * b * h * Fa) / 1000;
py = ((1 - My * 12 / Suty) * b * h * Fa) / 1000;
// Bresler Equation
Pn = (1 / (1 / px + 1 / py - 1 / Po))*1000;
if (Pn>P)
Ast = .01 * pg * b * h;
lblResult.Text = "Reinforcement area (sq-in)=" + Ast.ToString() + "\n" + "Design
Load(kip)=" + Pn.ToString() + "\n" +
"Number of Bar:" + Math.Round(Ast / ab).ToString();
groupBox1.Visible = true;
txtAs.Text= Math.Round(Ast / ab).ToString()+"#"+bn.ToString();
txtb.Text = b.ToString() + "inch";
txth.Text = h.ToString() + "inch";
MessageBox.Show("Design isNOT OK, Please change the section");



<<<<<Spiral Column
USD Method
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Reinforce_Concrete_Structure_Design
public partial class Spiral_Column_Design_USD : Form
public Spiral_Column_Design_USD()
double fc, fy, Dl, Ll, Pg, Ag, D, D1, Ag1, Pc, Ps, As, bnb, ab, dc, Ps1, Ps2, s, Pu, Ac;


private void btnResult_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

fc = double.Parse(txtCS.Text);
fy = double.Parse(txtYS.Text);
Dl = double.Parse(txtDL.Text);
Ll = double.Parse(txtLL.Text);
Pg = double.Parse(txtSR.Text);
bnb = double.Parse(txtBN.Text);
ab = (.7854 * (bnb / 8) * (bnb / 8));
Pu = (1.2 * Dl + 1.6 * Ll);
Ag = (Pu) / (.7 * .85 * (.85 * fc * (1 - .01 * Pg) + .01 * Pg * fy));
D = Math.Sqrt((4 * Ag) / 3.1416);
D1 = Math.Round(D);
Ag1 = (3.1416 * D1 * D1) / 4;
// Load carried by comrete Pc
Pc = .7 * .85 * .85 * Ag1 * (1 - Pg * .01) * fc;
// load carried by steel Ps
Ps = Pu - Pc;
// Steel Area As
As = Ps / (.85 * .7 * fy);
// assuming cover 1.5''
dc = D1 - 2 * 1.5;
Ac = (3.1416 * dc * dc) / 4;
Ps1 = .45 * fc * ((Ag1 / Ac) - 1) / fy;
s = (4 * .11) / (Ps1 * dc);
Ps2 = ((4 * ab) / (dc * s));


lblResult.Text = " Diameter of column (inch):=" + D1.ToString() + "\n" + "Reinforcement

Area (Sq-in),As =" + As.ToString() +
"\n" + "no of bar=" + Math.Round(As / ab).ToString()+"\n"+"Use #3 spiral steel@
inc/c="+ Math.Round(s).ToString();


Footing Design
USD Method
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Reinforce_Concrete_Structure_Design


public partial class Design_Square_Footing : Form
public Design_Square_Footing()

double fc1, fy, W, D, dl, ll,M, a, q, qu, b, c,a3,b3,c3,Asmin,As1,x3,x4, d, b1, x1,p,s,

x2, A, A1, As, h, L, L1,n, bn, ab, m, Vu, Vc;
private void btnResult_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
fc1 = double.Parse(txtCS.Text);
fy = double.Parse(txtYS.Text);
W = double.Parse(txtSW.Text);
D = double.Parse(txtDF.Text);
dl = double.Parse(txtDL.Text);
ll = double.Parse(txtLL.Text);
bn = double.Parse(txtBN.Text);
b1 = double.Parse(txtCW.Text);
q = double.Parse(txtSP.Text);
ab = (3.1416 * (bn / 8) * (bn / 8)) / 4;
A1 = (dl + ll) / (q - W * .001 * D);
L1 = Math.Sqrt(A1);
//length& Width
L = Math.Ceiling(L1*20)/20;
A = L * L;
qu = ((1.2 * dl + 1.6 * ll)) / A; // ksf


//punching Shear
//For equilibrium Vu=Vc
// Vu=A*qu-((b1+d)/12)*(b1*d)/12))*qu
// Critical Depth d calculation
m = (16 * .75 * Math.Sqrt(fc1) * 144) / qu;
a = m + 1;
b = b1 * m + 2 * b1;
c = (-144 * A + b1 * b1);
p = b * b - 4 * a * c;
// quadratic equation is a second order of polynomial
// x = [ -b +/- sqrt(b^2 - 4ac) ] / 2a
if (p > 0)
x1 = (-b + System.Math.Sqrt(p)) / (2 * a);
x2 = (-b - System.Math.Sqrt(p)) / (2 * a);
if (x1 < 0 && x2>0)
d = x1 *(-1);
else if (x2 < 0 && x1>0)
d = x2 *(-1);
// Beam Shear Check
Vu = (L / 2 - b1 / 24 - d / 12) * L * qu;
Vc = 2 * .75 * Math.Sqrt(fc1) * d * L * 12;


equation in

a single variable

if (Vc > Vu)


// Moment Calculation
M = .5 * (L * qu * (.5 * L - b1 / 24)); // k-ft
//Reinforcement Area calculation
n = fy / (.85 * fc1 * L * 12);
a3 = .5 * n;
b3 = d;
c3 = (M*12) / (.9 * fy);
s = b3 * b3 - 4 * a3 * c3;
if (s > 0)
x3 = (-b3 + System.Math.Sqrt(s)) / (2 * a3);
x4 = (-b3 - System.Math.Sqrt(s)) / (2 * a3);
if (x3 < x4 && x3 > 0)
As1 = x3;
else if (x4 < x3 && x4 > 0)
As1 = x4;
Asmin = (0.2 / fy) * L * 12 * d; // inch
if (Asmin > As1)
As = Asmin;


As = As1;
// Thickness of the footing
h = d + 1.5 * (bn / 8) + 3 + .5;
lblResult.Text = "Length Of Footing,L(ft)=" + L.ToString() + "\n" + "Width of Footing=" +
L.ToString() + "\n" + "Reinforcement Area(sq-in)=" + (As).ToString() + "\n" +
"Thickness Of Footing(in)=" + Math.Round(h).ToString() + "\n" + "No of Bar=" +
Math.Round((As) / ab).ToString();
groupBox1.Visible = true;
txtL.Text = L.ToString()+"in";
txtL1.Text = L.ToString()+"in";
txth.Text = Math.Round(h).ToString()+"in";
txtAs.Text = Math.Round((As) / ab).ToString()+ "#"+bn.ToString();
txtAs1.Text = Math.Round((As) / ab).ToString() + "#" + bn.ToString();
MessageBox.Show("Shear Check is Not OK");


Stair Design
WSD Method
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;

namespace Reinforce_Concrete_Structure_Design
public partial class Stair_Design_WSD : Form
public Stair_Design_WSD()
double fc1, fy, t, T, R, nt, As, Ast, s, s1, E0, Vmax, Vd, Vall, bn, w, ww, Mmax, LL, DL, n, R1,
k, j, ba, fc, fs, r,
w2, wt, wl, l1, r1, Ra, L, fl, de, d1, l2, r2, wr, Vd1, Vall1;


private void btnResult_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

fy = double.Parse(txtYS.Text);
fc1 = double.Parse(txtCS.Text);
t = double.Parse(txtWT.Text);
T = double.Parse(txtTW.Text);
R = double.Parse(txtRW.Text);
LL = double.Parse(txtLL.Text);
DL = double.Parse(txtDL.Text);
bn = double.Parse(txtBN.Text);
l2 = double.Parse(txtLeL.Text);
r2 = double.Parse(txtRL.Text);
nt = double.Parse(txtNT.Text);
ba = .7854 * (bn / 8) * (bn / 8);
fc = .45 * fc1;
fs = .4 * fy;
n = (29000 / (57 * (Math.Sqrt(fc1))));
r = (fs / fc);
k = n / (n + r);
j = 1 - (k / 3);
R1 = .5 * fc * j * k;
l1 = (5 / 12) + l2;
r1 = (5 / 12) + r2;
// total Length
L = l1 + r1 + (nt * T) / 12;
//total flight
fl = (nt * T) / 12;
// load calculation


ww = (t / 12) * 150;
//load for step portion
w = ww * (Math.Sqrt(T * T + R * R)) / T;
//wt of flange
w2 = .5 * (R / 12) * 150;
wt = w + w2 + LL + DL + 11.25;
//wt on landing
wl = ww + 11.25 + LL;
wr = 11.25 + LL;
//Moment calculation
Ra = (wl * l1 * (l1 / 2) + wr * r1 * (r1 / 2 + (fl + l1)) + wt * fl * (l1 + fl / 2)) / L;
Mmax = Ra * L / 2 - wl * l1 * (L / 2 - l1 / 2) - wt * (L / 2 - l1) * .5 * (L / 2 - l1);
d1 = Math.Sqrt(Mmax / R1);
de = t - (3 / 4) * .5*(bn / 8);
if (de > d1)
MessageBox.Show("Depth Check is ok");
MessageBox.Show("Depth Check is not ok");
//Reinforcement calculation
As = (Mmax * 12) / (fs * j * de);
s = Math.Round((ba * 12) / As);
//distribution Reinforcement
Ast = .0018 * 12 * t;
s1 = Math.Round((.11 * 12) / Ast);


E0 = (3.1416 * bn * 12) / (bn / 8);

//Shear Check
Vmax = Ra;
Vd = Vmax / (E0 * j * de);
Vall = 3.4 * Math.Sqrt(fc1) / (bn / 8);
if (Vall > Vd)
MessageBox.Show("Shear check is ok");
MessageBox.Show("Shear check is not Ok");
// Bond check
Vd1 = Ra / (12 * de);
Vall1 = 11 * Math.Sqrt(fc1);
if (Vall1 > Vd1)
MessageBox.Show("Bond check is ok");
MessageBox.Show("Bond check is not ok");
pictureBox1.Visible = true;
groupBox1.Visible = true;
txtMR.Visible = true;
txtMR2.Visible = true;


txtDR.Visible = true;
txtDR2.Visible = true;
lblResult.ext = "Main Reinforcement Area(Sq-in)=" + As.ToString() + "\n" +
"Number of reinforcement =" + Math.Round(As/ ba).ToString() + "\n" + "Distribution
reinforcement Area(Sq-in)=" + Ast.ToString() +
"\n" + "Number of reinforcement =" + Math.Round(Ast / ba).ToString();
txtMR.Text = As.ToString();
txtMR2.Text = As.ToString();
txtDR.Text = Ast.ToString();
txtDR2.Text = Ast.ToString();


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