Power System Stability Lecture
Power System Stability Lecture
Power System Stability Lecture
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Power System Stability can be separated into two main categories, angle stability and voltage
1. Angle Stability can be defined as the ability of interconnected synchronous
machines of a power system to remain in synchronism
2. Voltage Stability can be broadly defined as the ability of a system to maintain
acceptable voltages following a system contingency or disturbance.
In this chapter of the notes we will focus on the first of these two main categories of power
system stability, angle stability.
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The motion of the synchronous generators rotor is determined by newtons second law, which
is given as:
J m (t ) = Tm (t ) Te (t ) = Ta (t )
= Total moment of inertia of the rotating masses (prime mover and generator) (kgm2)
= Rotor angular acceleration (rad/s2)
= Mechanical torque supplied by the prime mover minus the retarding torque due to
mechanical losses (eg. Friction) (Nm)
= Electrical torque, accounting for the total three-phase power output and losses (Nm)
= Net accelerating torque (Nm)
The machine and electrical torques,Tm and Te , are positive for generator operation.
The rotor angular acceleration is given by
d m (t ) d 2 m (t )
dt 2
d (t )
m (t ) = m
m (t ) =
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In steady state conditions the mechanical torque equals the electrical torque and the
accelerating torque is zero. There is no acceleration and the rotor speed is constant at the
synchronous velocity.
When the mechanical torque is more than the electrical torque then the acceleration torque is
positive and the speed of the rotor increases.
When the mechanical torque is less than the electrical torque then the acceleration torque is
negative and the speed of the rotor decreases.
Since we are interested in the rotor speed relative to the synchronous speed it is convenient to
measure the rotor angular position with respect to a synchronously rotating axis instead of a
stationary one.
We therefore define
m (t ) = msyn t + m (t )
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From ( and (, we see that equation ( can be written as
d 2 m (t )
d 2 m (t )
= Tm (t ) Te (t ) = Ta (t )
J m (t ) = J
dt 2
dt 2
Being that we are analysing a power system we are interested in values of power more than
we are in values of torque. It is therefore more convenient to work with expressions of power.
Furthermore it is convenient to consider this power in per unit rather than actual units.
Power is equal to the angular velocity times the torque and per unit power can be obtained by
dividing by S rated , so that:
J m (t ) d 2 m (t ) m (t )Tm (t ) m (t )Te (t ) pm (t ) pe (t )
= pmpu (t ) pepu (t )
S rated
dt 2
S rated
S rated
= Mechanical power supplied by the prime mover minus mechanical losses (per unit)
m (t ) d 2 m (t )
2H 2
= pmpu (t ) pepu (t ) = papu (t )
msyn dt 2
Where papu
= Accelerating power
pu (t ) =
m (t )
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When a synchronous generator has P poles, the synchronous electrical angular velocity, syn ,
known more correctly as the synchronous electrical radian frequency, can be related to the
synchronous mechanical angular velocity by the following relationship.
syn =
To understand how this relationship arises, consider that the number of mechanical radians in
one full revolution of the rotor is 2. If, for instance, a generator has 4 poles (2 pairs), and
there are 2 electrical radians between poles in a pair then the electrical waveform will go
through 2*2=4 electrical radians within the same revolution of the rotor.
In general the number of electrical radians in one revolution is the number of mechanical
radians times the number of pole pairs (the number of poles divided by two).
The relationship shown in ( also holds for the electrical angular acceleration (t ) ,
the electrical radian frequency (t ) , and the electrical power angle values.
m (t )
(t ) = m (t )
(t ) = m (t )
(t ) =
m (t ) P (t ) (t )
pu (t ) =
syn syn
Therefore equation ( can be written in electrical terms rather than mechanical:
pu (t )
d 2 (t )
= pmpu (t ) pepu (t ) = papu (t )
dt 2
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Figure 6-3 Simplified synchronous machine model for transient stability studies
The real power delivered from the generator to the infinite bus (and therefore the system) is
E ' Vbus
pe =
sin = pmax sin
X eq
X eq = X 'd + X
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If we consider now the swing equation and assume that pu (t ) 1.0 then:
2 H d 2
= pmpu pepu
syn dt 2
d d
= 2
dt dt
syn dt 2
H d d
= ( pmpu pepu )
syn dt dt
= ( pmpu pepu )d
syn 0 dt 0
H d
syn dt
= ( pmpu pepu )d
Note that the above integration begins at 0 and ends at some arbitrary angle . The value of
d / dt is zero at 0 as the machine is in steady state. The value of d / dt is also zero at
equal to 2, as the rotor changes direction back towards 1. The left hand side of (
equals zero for = 2 and therefore:
( p
pepu )d = 0
If we separate ( into accelerating and decelerating areas we obtain the following
) d + ( p p ) d = 0
3 1442443
areaA 2
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Note how the two elements of ( equate to the areas A1 and A2 shown in Figure 6-5
and in order for the two equations to be satisfied the two areas must be equal. This is why we
call this the equal area criterion.
In practice, sudden changes in mechanical power do not occur as the time constants
associated with the prime mover dynamics are in the order of seconds. However, stability
phenomena similar to that described above can also occur from sudden changes in electrical
power due to system changes such as system faults.
The following three examples illustrate how the equal area criterion can be used to determine
if a system will be unstable after a three-phase fault. The determination of the critical
clearing time (CCT or t cr ), which is the longest fault duration that can be allowed for
stability to be maintained, will also discussed.
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