Reconditioning and Reconstruction: A Second Wind For Serbian Kindergartens
Reconditioning and Reconstruction: A Second Wind For Serbian Kindergartens
Reconditioning and Reconstruction: A Second Wind For Serbian Kindergartens
Procedia Engineering 117 (2015) 751 765
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Ni, Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, 18000 Ni, Serbia
St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Politekhnicheskaya, 29, Saint-Petersburg, 195251, Russia
A great number of preschool buildings in Serbia, mainly in south-eastern part of Central Serbia, have been examined as a part of
scientific project carried at Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Nis. Even though this is an on-going project with
data still being collected, there has been sufficient material to make an overview of field situation and draft framework for
proposed reconstruction strategy as a main goal of this study. This analysis presents the basis for examining and valorizing local
preschool facilities. In addition to treating structural, environmental and aesthetic (internal and external) properties of the
buildings, we carried out analysis of energy status of preschool buildings. Investigation of foreign experience with the process of
revitalization of this group of buildings has served as the framework for the final part of the chapter, which offers suggestions for
improving quality of preschool facilities in Serbia.
by Elsevier
by Elsevier
Ltd. This
is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
under responsibility of the organizing committee of SPbUCEMF-2015.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of SPbUCEMF-2015
Keywords: Energy efficiency, existing preschools, heat loss, energy recovery, heating.
1. Introduction
This chapter primarily focuses in the general principles related to refurbishment and remodelling of buildings.
However, considering preschool facilities as buildings designed for children, there are some differences from other
1877-7058 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of SPbUCEMF-2015
types of buildings. The chapter deals with specific aspects of refurbishment that are directly applied to preschool
All buildings are, to a large or small degree, eventually affected by some form of obsolescence or inefficiency;
they fail to meet some, if not all, of the users needs or statutory requirements. Regardless of whether the building is
fully or partially occupied or vacant, this occurs for three main reasons: firstly, construction standards and
requirements that are continually improving (e.g. most recent is enhance in energy efficiency policy); secondly,
wear and tear as well as exposure to the elements results in on-going deterioration or other adverse changes in the
building structure and fabric; thirdly, advances in technology and rising demands of users and workers for better and
more comfortable internal environments. Additionally, educational concepts and policies have been changed, so
even solidly built preschool buildings have to be renovated.
sites natural advantages and features in order to achieve kindergartens high performance goals by embracing
natural site conditions.[7]
Each of the users of the built environment has an active role in reducing energy, protecting the surroundings and
incorporating a sustainable environment in the existing building. In this way, children have opportunity to see
directly how human activities impact ecological systems and can actively be immersed into learning about strategies
to protect natural habitats. Environmental education at an early age is the key to raising future generations of
citizens who think green [8]. Preschool institutions have a unique opportunity to convey the significance and
meaning of implementing green design and good environmental practice to the youngest population (Figure 2).
Fig. 2. Royal Kids Day Care Center, Winnipeg, MB; Beaumont Day Care, Winnipeg, MB; Framing Kindergarten in Dongnai, Vietnam, by Vo
Trong Nghia Architects
Fig. 3. Jardin Infantil Pajarito La Aurora, Medelln, Colombia; Adventure Aquarium in Camden, New Yersey; Kindergarten
Barbapapa,Vignola, Italy; Solhuset - Denmarks nursery
Construction period
31.5 years
1324.7 m2
59.5 m2
Table 1 shows that the building stock of kindergartens in Serbia is very old. The average age of the buildings is
more than 30. Most of them were built in 1970s and 1980s, which was considered as the most prolific period of
construction activity in Serbia. Further in the survey, it was concluded that the existing buildings were built in a
good manner and with a good building praxis of the time. However, the problem is in regular maintenance of the
buildings. In a period of more than 30 years, as it is suggested in Figure 1, the buildings should have already
undergone numerous reconstruction and refurbishment cycles. For example, faades should have been revitalized at
least once so far, services and fixture as well, while the interior should have been replaced at least five times.
Nevertheless, it was found that most of the buildings have not been reconstructed yet, aside from adding some
furniture and other equipment (childrens toys etc.), mostly obtained through humanitarian donations.
3.2. Evaluation of the building(s)
Thorough analysis will be conducted through the analysis of one building among all surveyed kindergartens. This
building is chosen as representative in order to be specific and clear when discussing particular aspects and elements
of design and usage of the building. The observed building is the kindergarten Bambi in Nis, built in 1978, within
new residential area that has been developing since late 1960s (Figure 5). With total built area of 1670sqm, this
building is classified as large building in its building category. Total area is divided in two floors, ground floor and
the first floor. The floor plans are given in Figure 4.4. The ground floor is design to be used by elder children (4-6
years), while the first floor has three specialized group rooms for the nursery.
Fig. 4. Existing layout of Kindergarten Bambi in Nis (Lj. Kovacevic, 1978) - (left); exterior and interior of kindergarten (right)
The building was constructed in massive system with bearing brick walls. This type of construction has shown
great results from the aspects of durability, and in this case, it is evident that main supporting elements of
construction are in good shape and do not need to be repaired. This is also approved by the table in Figure 4 (taken
as a referential), showing that expected lifetime of structure can be much more than 34 years. Additionally, it is
good to emphasize that this type of construction is not considered as unhealthy and dangerous, so there is no need
for a replacement for these reasons (e.g. asbestos walls, which were used at the time, would be a problem).
The faades of the observed building are made of red brick, which makes durable skin that does not require
frequent repair, which is the case with rendered facade. As shown in Table 1, facades made of brick are very
common in this type of buildings in Serbia. Nevertheless, despite the durability of brick facade, after more than 30
years of use, such facades have been disrupted. In this particular case: the brick looks worn out, concrete elements
have lost the intensity of pre-existing colour, there are inappropriate graffiti at faades and small physical defects
have appeared in the surface. Overall methods of refurbishment may differ (from revitalization of existing structure
to building new one over the existing one), but before final decision another aspect must be examined- energy
efficiency of the envelope. Although the building has been built carefully and in accordance with building
regulations of the time, since then, the policy regarding energy efficiency has been changed several times.
Introduction of high level standards has resulted in a need for evaluating the existing building envelopes. True, this
new policy cannot be used retrograde, but in terms of possible reconstruction which concerns a very fragile and
vulnerable population, such as children, a legal basis is less significant than the overall welfare of children.
Therefore, additional layer of insulation could be installed on external walls, if necessary.
The roof of the building is simple flat roof which is not used as a terrace. Maintaining this kind of roof on regular
basis is a ground rule to avoid bigger problems and damages caused by leaking as result of failure of hydroinsulation on the flat surface of the roof. Beside this technical suggestion, it may be acceptable to re-design the
existing rooftop and create green-roof construction in the form of open terrace which can be used by children and
Plumbing, sewage, heating system and other fixture should have been replaced more than once, but in the
absence of financial support for maintenance, these systems are working in more or less original setup. The basic
concern should be addressed to renovation of all toilets and kitchen services in the building. However, at this point,
beside the replacement of worn-out elements of mentioned services, it may be appropriate to consider installing
adequate cooling system which will reduce overheating in summer period, the aspect that has not been counted on at
the time of building design. Nowadays, this is a common element of building standards. Aside from convenient
appliances, heating and cooling system may be improved by using and designing passive system for heating and
cooling in the building (e.g. solar panels can be easily installed on the flat roof).
If we focus on the rooms which are used by the children, we can conclude from the layout of the examined
kindergarten, shown on Figure 4, that our kindergartens have been designed with more concern for the safety of the
children then for their developmental needs. For this reason, there are numerous partition walls which are used to
divide the area into separate rooms for sleeping, playing, bathing and placing lockers. We can conclude that this
simple scheme is a product of plain thought that a closed room is much easier to control. But at the same time, it is
obvious that there are some areas in the building that are not used enough, and look like waste of space. Given
that our research findings show that all our kindergartens are overloaded [7] it is justified to search for better
utilization of the existing spaces.
Interior is a very important element of kindergartens. Interior is directly related to children, so it must be
carefully designed and built. Moreover, this is the area of greatest action in renovation process. The easiest way to
improve childrens environment without large structural changes is to make a new interior. As Figure 4.5 shows, the
designer of the observed building has not paid so much attention to childrens environment in terms of making an
inspiring environment for them. Furthermore, very few changes have happened since the kindergarten was opened
34 years ago. The interior has kept the original appearance, but today it looks rather worn and torn than it should
be appropriate for 21st century children. Brand suggests furniture and equipment replacement once in 3 years [2],
but in this case, only internal walls have been repainted once in 3 years.
4. Refurbishment and remodeling of preschool buildings- proposal for new practice in Serbia
There are three levels of a childs positive feelings about a certain place, such as kindergarten, and these include:
bonding to a place, identifying with a place, and a feeling of belonging to a place as the highest level [9]. In addition
to the social aspect of this connection, the actual ambient of the place also plays an important role. Keeping in mind
the importance of preschool period for the development of healthy personality of a child and society as a whole, it is
necessary to harmonize comfort level of the existing kindergartens with modern standards. The process of
revitalization is a good opportunity to remodel kindergartens in order to increase the ambient value of these
buildings. In order to achieve the necessary comfort of preschool facility users, the space is to fulfill certain
requirements in terms of functional, shape and materialization aspects.
Once the kindergartens are remodeled, several improvements can be made [10]. Primarily, this can be achieved
through size and regular arrangement of skylights which enable passive solar gain, greater amount of daylight, as
well as transverse ventilation. Largest glass openings need to be orientated towards south, while small window
locates on the north side. Regular arrangement of facade and roof openings enables natural ventilation of the
building. The size of the windows can be enlarged and the window parapets can be lowered so the children can have
a better view. This enables connection with the surrounding environment, which is especially important during the
days when the weather does not allow children to play outside. The use of natural faade materials, which are more
appropriate for children, would also be beneficial. Remodeling of facility envelope (faades and roofs) leads to
energy performance improvement, as well as the enhancement of functional and aesthetic values of the building
(Figure 5). Repainting and the use of appropriate colors will make children feel better about these buildings.
Fig. 5. Renovated kindergarten Taka Tuka Land, Berlin and Nido Piccolo Day Care Centre, Berlin
As a part of scientific project conducted at Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Nis, in the period
2010-2014, a large number of kindergartens, mainly in south-eastern part of Central Serbia, has been surveyed
(Figure 6). The reasons for survey are: preservation of the existing buildings, improvement of accommodation
conditions for children and better learning environment. Negative aspects of these buildings are very similar. These
include: inadequate functional organization of some kindergartens, their unsatisfactory energy efficiency, and
faades that are in such poor shape which reduces the ambient value of the buildings. Reconstruction includes both
changes in the interior and changes in the structural system of the building. Usually, faade remodeling is done
simultaneously with the changes in function. However, there are only a few kindergartens that need such extensive
reconstruction. On the other hand, many kindergartens should have their faades revitalized. Structurally, the
faades are in good condition, but functionally and aesthetically they do not fulfill the necessary requirements. In
this context, faade envelope renovation is also significant from the aspect of improving architectural and visual
integrity and identity, which is related to the feeling of pleasantness, affiliation and childrens need to accept the
facility as new home easily.
Fig. 6: Kindergarten Lane, Leskovac; Preschool facility Bosko Buha Vranje; Kindergarten Maslacak, Nis; Kindergarten Nasa radost,
Recent revitalization has been limited to repainting the walls and repairing the roofs, while nothing has been done
in terms of improving efficiency. Revitalization is desirable because of unsatisfactory energy efficiency and
inadequate functional and aesthetic aspects of these buildings. The process of revitalization is also a good
opportunity to remodel kindergartens in order to increase the ambient value of these buildings.
Fig. 7. Facility Ivancica during execution works on thermo-insulation and appearance after project completion (left), Figure 4. 9. Kindergarten
Kekec, Ljubljana (right)
Nido Piccolo Day Care Centre is an older building, designed and built in 1983 in Berlin in the process of Housing
System 70 (WBS 170). Renovation of the building was completed with the assistance of Stimulus Package II. The
state of the faade and buildings day care centre were in poor condition and required urgent renovation. The main
principle of the project was to utilize the granted funds, not only to ensure thermal insulation, but also to apply a
new coat for the faade. Kindergarten facility- Zvezdichka, in Varna Municipality, with total constructed surface of
2.256 m2, was built in 1985 (Figure 8). Conducted analysis of technical-energy performances of the facility pointed
to the necessity of making revitalization steps in order to eliminate significant consumption of energy, funds and
environmental influence onto the surrounding area. Outdated wooden windows, bad condition of facilitys mantle,
lack of thermal-insulation, indoor lighting based on non-efficient lights, had influence on general inefficiency and
facilitys outage. Indoor temperature, required for comfortable and pleasant stay of children, was kept on required
level by over-using significant heating fuel quantities, which consequently caused higher energy consumption. All
mentioned negativities had to be eliminated by means of appropriate actions. Therefore, they installed heating and
cooling system (local oil as fuel and boiler room), completed heat insulation of the coldest parts of the facility
(due to lack of funds, they insulated only the north part of the building with investment of 18.000), changed indoor
lighting and placed energy-efficient lighting. Implementation of energy saving measures through improvement of
construction performances provided great benefits, which was shown in comparative display of achieved results.
Fig. 8. Nido Piccolo Day Care Centre renovation of faade in order to increase energy efficiency (left); construction works on faade
rehabilitation and appearance of the facility after revitalization (right)
Table 2. Comparative display of results from 2005 and 2006
Energy (kWh/m2/year)
F class - 410
D class - 221
G class - 94
D class - 52
G class - 1529
G class - 1028
Water (l/m2/year)
Comparative analysis of total consumption of energy, water and CO2 emission for 2005 and 2006 (Table 2), from
the aspect of energy efficiency, provided transmission of the facility from class F into class D, as well as
transmission from class G into class D regarding emission of CO2 into the surrounding environment. Even though
water consumption was decreased during this reporting period, the decrease was not sufficient enough to influence
the change in water class. This project improved indoor comfort for children and personnel and decreased energy
consumption from 189kVh/m2/per year (total of 247 MVh per year). Reported saving amounted to 12.000 per
year. The project also decreased CO2 emission for 42kg/m2/per year. The next step was providing significant water
savings through better management and regular controls and repairs.
Educational institution placed in the Olympiades quarter is the first to comply with the City of Paris climate plan.
The buildings envelope represents an answer to several environmental goals: visual protection, increased natural
light to counteract the surrounding solar screens, no thermal bridges, natural ventilation and double flux in winter.
The result, derived as a response to the mentioned environmental goals, is a thick faade with varied reliefs- bay,
alcove, and concave windows- which are used horizontally on the roof as skylights and house air treatment
machinery and ventilation chimneys (Figure 9). Community Kindergarten of Kajaran Town in Armenia was built
around 1950. Its capacity was 116 children. Protection and preservation of the facility, its exterior and interior
surrounding was not conducted for decades. Front door and windows were in extremely bad condition and their
presence caused significant heat loss, which directly reduced energy efficiency of the building. Therefore, the
Kajaran Municipality applied for the support project for improvement of facilitys performances, including
installation of solar hot water supply system. The works on partial revitalization of the facility were completed in
2010 and they included implementation of energy-efficient lighting, windows and door with improved thermal
characteristics (protection), improvement of floor thermo-insulation and construction of a new hallway. The project
was realized with financial help of community budget, and investment value of works was $ 71.500. Measures of
improving facility energy performances, including installation of solar hot water system, resulted in annual savings
of 3400Nm3 of natural gas and reduction of GHG emission, 6.4t CO2 approximately.
Fig. 9. Kindergarten in Paris, renovation by Eva Samuel Architect Urbanist & Associates (left); community Kindergarten of Kajaran Town,
exterior appearance and state of the interior environment before revitalization (right)
Day care centre on Wolgaster Strasse was built in 1980/1981 as a one and two storey buildings in Berlin,
Wedding (Figure 10). This project of revitalization included the following measures: insulation of the roof and
faades with extent insulation, replacement of windows and exterior doors, modernisation of the heating system and
installation of 69sqm solar thermal facility on the roof. A special feature of the project was that solar thermal facility
was for both heating and hot water. An annual primary energy consumption level of 323MWh was achieved. This
corresponded to a reduction in CO2 emissions of around 50 t/a, and annual per capita emissions of around eight
residents of Berlin. Significant savings in operating costs were also expected. Day care centre was able to
successfully safeguard its special educational services in a difficult area on a long-term basis thanks to the
renovation which improved its energy efficiency [11]. Day care centre Akazieninsel, the three-storey building was
built in Plattenbau style, made of prefabricated concrete slabs (type WBS70) in 1977/1978 (Figure 10). It was
definitely time-initiated renovation to improve building energy efficiency, especially since the facility needed a lot
of energy and money for heating. Despite the buildings environmentally friendly heat supply via district heating
from combined heat and power generation (CHP), the level of primary energy consumption was high with
431MWh/a, and associated CO2 emissions of 113 t/a. The main task of the project was to optimise the buildings
envelope. The faade was fitted with a thermal insulation system, flat roof was insulated and the windows and doors
replaced. As compared to the requirements of national Energy Saving Regulation (Energieeinsparverordnung EnEV
2007) for each building component, improvement of 30 percent was achieved. In addition, heat loss of the building
was reduced through structural improvements (reducing the amount of unnecessary glazed areas, incorporating
terraces in line with the exterior walls). Ventilation systems for heat recovery and solar panels on the roof completed
the energy concept. The project prevented 76 t/a CO2 from being emitted, which corresponded to the annual CO2
per capita emissions of 13 residents of Berlin. This was a true investment in the future, which would not have been
possible without the assistance of ERP.
Fig. 10. Day care centre Wolgaster Strasse after renovation (left); Day care centre Akazieninsel in Marzahn before and after reconstruction
Nowadays, there are large numbers of preschool buildings all over the world that represent green practice and
examples which should be pursued (Figure 11). "If energy consumption in the existing building is more than 200-
300 kWh/m2a, as is commonly the case, savings of up to 90% are possible. According to the Energy Institute in
Vorarlberg, Austria, which advises on school rehabilitation, economically optimized refurbishment measures can
reduce heating - energy needs to 20-30 kWh/m2a". Considering the subject matter, future project proposals should
focus on the development of innovative and affordable building renovation solutions for preschool buildings that
can deliver significant improvements in energy performance, while ensuring indoor comfort requirements, noninvasive and reversible solutions. The emphasis should be on eco-innovation and sustainability by integrating costeffective technologies for energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions.
Fig. 11. Faade and vestibule design within the context of thermal faade renovations of kindergarten in Berlin, renovation by Sabine Mller,
Andreas Quednau with Rodney LaTourelle & Louise Witthoeft; Rehabilitation of 1970s kindergarten in Lochham near Munich, 2003
Fig. 12. Floor plan, section and elevation of Cvrcak kindergarten and proposed redesign
For the purpose of preserving heating and cooling energy of Crvcak kindergarten building, the following has
been suggested: installation of photovoltaic panels on the gable roof, increasing building outline insulation
efficiency by means of thermal insulation layer (stone wool) on the object faade, reconstructing one part of the
gable rooftop into intensive green flat rooftop, due to which, among other things, dwelling comfort will raise to a
higher level (Figure 13).
Fig. 13. Cvrcak kindergarten and proposed redesign (Author of the model: J. Tamburic)
Fig 14. Floor plan, section and elevation of Petar Pan kindergarten
The main reasons for remodeling are increasing energy efficiency and improving inappropriate design. In order
to decrease electric energy consumption and achieve optimal warmth comfort inside the object, the photovoltaic
system, considering photovoltaic chains located on the south side of the roof, has been implemented. As far as
esthetic comfort improvement and upgrading are concerned, interventions are achieved via design of faade surface
and, among other things, via color parameter (Figure 15).
Fig. 15. Petar Pan kindergarten and proposed redesign (Author of the model: J. Tamburic)
5. Conclusion
Achieving sustainable development implies that humankind lives within the limits of the environments capacity,
provides resources for human activities and subsequently absorbs the pollution and waste that these activities
generate. Sustainable construction, as a necessary contributing element of sustainable development in the built
environment, aims at reducing environmental impact of a building over its entire lifecycle, whilst improving its
comfort and safety of its occupants and ensuring economic viability. A significant part of construction fund of
preschool facilities in Serbia and region dates back to the period when environmental and energy efficiency aspects
in architecture were not sufficiently present in design and construction processes. This fact presents the preschool
buildings as energy inefficient. Also, the research has shown that the existing fund of preschool facilities does not
satisfy the needs of society in terms of capacity. Every year there is a waiting list with large number of children who
are waiting to be enrolled into kindergartens. The result of the above mentioned facts are facilities that are not
suitable for their users- children and the environment. These problems point to the need of revitalizing the existing
fund of preschool facilities in terms of environmental, energy aspects and functional aspects/capacities (ensuring
sustainable storage capacity).
The above analysis has shown several different points. Kindergarten buildings in Serbia are old, and that is a fact.
With average total area of more than 1300m2, they can be considered as large facilities that go beyond the size of
average kindergarten building of modern age. Also, it has been seen that those large facilities accommodate large
number of children, which makes facilities overloaded. This results in reduced level of living standard for the
occupants (children and staff) and in additional burdening of the property, which declines faster due to its buildings
Possible way of achieving this is making kindergarten reconstruction a joint venture, an action that will include
several participants. The process of kindergarten reconstruction may include all interested parties and building users.
It also would enable the users (in this case the children attending kindergarten) to identify with the institution by
encouraging a rational, emotional and, especially, personal bond with kindergarten. If children are closely involved
in the design process, they are able to identify themselves the newly created environment. Inspired by childrens
lively drawings, visions and wishes, architects can interpret moods and atmospheric effects and thus define them
more precisely through sketches and spatial models. Architects may also get inspiration for their designs by
observing childrens movements, communication and daily routines. The result may be as a cost-effective building
project, which complies with statutory and technical building regulations. All of this implies a highly experimental
design approach. Such renovations may include young professionals, even the students of architecture. The
advantage of involving young people in such projects is a fact that they are closer in age to children and thus can
better connect with them and understand their needs. As for the re-design process, realisation can be result of
collaboration. Even elements of interior design, as well as garden equipment, can be made on site by children, staff
or parents. Naturally, they would need a little help of professionals.
Principles of green design can be incorporated into new construction projects, major renovation projects, as well
as smaller improvement projects in the existing buildings. Therefore, the adoption of a passive design approach,
which takes into consideration climate change and its impacts, will ensure that buildings remain resilient, healthy,
affordable and resource efficient. The existing buildings are to withstand the impacts of climate change over the next
50-80 years to guarantee their long term sustainability. Therefore, it is important to look into the future, analyze the
way the existing buildings will cope with climate changes using UKCIP scenarios, and take appropriate sustainable
and green measures.
Construction of new facilities or revitalization of the existing ones and their additions need to be based on the
use of solar, wind, etc. power and high energy efficiency heating, cooling, ventilating and lighting systems, while
the existing facility may introduce children and staff with environmental education by designating areas for
recycling, composting, implementing water conservation methods, or using non-toxic cleaning products. One of the
most important aspects of revitalization process is increasing building energy efficiency. This especially refers to
preschool facilities for two reasons: one is that they are public buildings and the other is that children, as primary
occupants, learn about the importance of environmental protection from the early age. Additionally, it is very
important to keep in mind that the users of kindergartens are children who are beginning to learn about the world. If
we are able to get them accustomed to using renewable energy sources at early age, we can be sure that the future of
our environment is in good hands.
The aim of this research is to emphasize the direction of future architectural practice in the area of preschool
institution buildings design. Basic tendency is in the idea that the new design activity is to see the concepts and
principles of green architecture as an imperative. This will, no doubt, result in a well-thought and detailed
environmental-energy successful green buildings
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