Accident Sensor With Google Map Locator: Steffie Tom Aparna Redkar

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IJIRST International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 2 | Issue 10 | March 2016

ISSN (online): 2349-6010

Accident Sensor with Google Map Locator

Steffie Tom
UG Student
Department of Electronics & Telecommunications
Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Goa

Aparna Redkar
UG Student
Department of Electronics & Telecommunications
Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Goa

Keval Velip
UG Student
Department of Electronics & Telecommunications
Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Goa

Rohit Talekar
UG Student
Department of Electronics & Telecommunications
Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Goa

Michelle Araujo E Veigas

Head of Dept.
Department of Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering
Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Goa

According to statisticsroad to safety, in a highly populated country like India, the usage of vehicles are rapidly increasing and
at the same time people lose their lives because of accidents and poor emergency facilities. Hence, the value of human life is
ignored. These lives could have been saved if medical facilities were provided at the right time. This paper proposes a system
which can be installed in any car on the road at a minimal cost, acting as a solution to the mentioned drawback. An
accelerometer sensor is used to sense the vibrations and tilt generated by the vehicle when it meets with an accident. This digital
output from the sensor is used by the Arduino Uno controller, which is the heart of the system, to trigger the GSM module to
deliver an SMS to preprogramed numbers such as ambulance, police station, family member of the victim etc. indicating that an
accident has occurred. The accident location is provided by the global positioning system (GPS), which provides the latitude and
longitude of the location, and with this information a link is sent in the SMS depicting the accident spot via Google map service
Keywords: Accident, Accelerometer sensor, Arduino Uno, Google map, GPS, GSM


With the rapid development of society, there are some side-effects including the increasing number of car accidents. On an
average one out of every three motor vehicle accidents results in some type of injury. There are many solutions proposed to
avoid the problem. The dominating features of most cars seen on the roads today revolve around safety system. Safety is a top
concern for automakers and will continue to be as long as cars remain on the road. Our goal for the automotive safety system is
to provide a level playing field for all vehicles, regardless of age on the roads. These risks include collisions and nonresponsive
drivers after accidents and lack of location information after an accident has occurred. Our Accident sensor system has two parts,
first is controlling device which sends the messages and the other is mobile unit which receives the messages. The system
processes, interfaces, connections, data transmission and reception of data between the controlling device and mobile unit are
working successfully. The main objective of the system is to provide security for the vehicle user and also detects the accident if
occurred and informs the respective authority through wireless technologies. Many lives are lost due to improper post-accident
signaling and tracing out the exact location. Our project provides solution for the above stated problem which involves
intimating the nearby hospitals and relatives by giving the accident location of vehicle using GSM and GPS technologies. If any
accident occurs in highway or any other place, the accident information system will get activated and message will be
transmitted to respective authority. In case of any accident, the tilt in the accelerometer sensor increases beyond the limit and
information is sent to GSM module. The GSM can send message to respective authority along with the exact location of the
accident. This exact location is determined by the GPS server by determining the latitude and longitude of the location. The
location can be viewed by the emergency service personality via the Google map locator. The heart of our system is the Arduino
controller, which acts as an interface between all the modules. Thus this system ensures life security.
This project is an intelligent accident alert system which not only notifies accident occurrences but also provides its exact
location where the accident has taken place. The system core is built around the powerful Arduino microcontroller. A 3 axis

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Accident Sensor with Google Map Locator

(IJIRST/ Volume 2 / Issue 10/ 022)

accelerometer connected to Arduino is used to detect the accident condition. On detection, Arduino reads the current coordinates
from GPS module and sends an SMS to predefined numbers though SIM900 GSM modem. This SMS carries location
information, so a quick help can be sent to save the victim. This system is not only efficient but also worthy to be implemented.
To make this process all the controls are made using Arduino whereas a LCD is used to display the coordinates.

Fig. 1:

Fig. 2:


GPS Module
The System (GPS Global Positioning) is a space age navigational system that can pinpoint your position anywhere on the globe,
usually within a few yards or meters. GPS uses a constellation of 24 satellites in precise orbits approximately 12,000 miles above
the earth. The satellites transmit data via high frequency radio waves back to Earth. GPS uses satellite ranging to triangulate your
position. In other words, the GPS unit simply measures the travel time of the signals transmitted from the satellites, then
multiplies them by the speed of light to determine exactly how far the unit is from every satellite it's sampling.
Distance= velocity (speed) x time
Then locking onto signal from minimum 3 different satellites, GPS can calculate a latitude and longitude and track movement.
With four or more satellites in view, the receiver can determine the user's latitude, longitude and altitude. GPS receiver uses
NMEA -0183 protocol as defined by the National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA). It gives output messages as follows.
So we get 7-8 different messages.
GGA-Global positioning system fixed data. GLL- Geographic position latitude/longitude.GGA contains message ID, UTC
position, latitude, longitude, north-south, east-west. Message ID- $GPGGA that is called as protocol header. These all data
retrieve into software microcontroller. Then this date (location) is send to preprogrammed number using GSM system.

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Accident Sensor with Google Map Locator

(IJIRST/ Volume 2 / Issue 10/ 022)

Fig. 3:

The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board base on the ATmega328. ATmega has features like speed 20MHz, power supply 1.8
- 5.5 ,operational range -40 degree celcius to 85 degree celcius , 32KB flash ,1KB EEPROM ,2KB RAM . Arduino has 14
digital input/output pins (6 of which can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16MHz crystal oscillator ,a USB
connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button.
We have used three analog pin which is taking input from the accelerometer(x-axis, y-axis and z-axis),seven digital pins out of
which 6 are connected to the LCD display and one to the transmitter pin of GPS module, pin1(tx) is connected to receiver pin of
GSM modem.

Fig. 4:

GSM module
GSM is global system for mobile communication and used to send message to pre-programmed number. The modulation
technique used is GSMK. The protocol used by GSM modem for setup and control is based on the Hayes AT- Command set. AT
is the abbreviation of Attention. GSM AT commands are extension commands. For example, +CMGS (Send SMS message),
+CMGL (List SMS messages), and +CMGR (Read SMS messages) are extended commands. The main objective of this
application is whenever accident occurs it will send message and position of vehicle which is accessed using GPS to preprogrammed number.
We have used only 2 pins of GSM module RX and GND. It is externally powered with a 12V adaptor.
GSM Air Interface specifications:
Table - 1
Tx/Rx Frequency Slotting
Tx/Rx Time Slot Spacing
Frame Period
Users per Frame
Time Slot Period
Bit Period
Modulation Data Rate
ARFCN Number
ARFCN Channel Spacing

3 Time slots
0 to 124 and 975 to 1023

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Accident Sensor with Google Map Locator

(IJIRST/ Volume 2 / Issue 10/ 022)

Fig. 5:

Accelerometer Sensor
An accelerometer is a Micro-Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) sensor which measures static (earth gravity) or dynamic
acceleration in all three axes. It measures level of acceleration where it is mounted which enable us to measure acceleration/
deceleration of object like car, or tilt of a platform with respected to earth axis, or vibration produced by machines.
Accelerometers measure in terms of g (g is acceleration measurement for gravity which is equal to 9.81m/s).
Acceleratometer converts mechanical motion into electrical output. Schematic of Acceleratometer is shown in figure below.

Fig. 6: Schematic of Accelerometer

Mass is a sensing element which is connected to system through spring K and damper R. when system is subjected to
acceleration, Mass deflects. This deflection of mass is converted to electrical signal. Summation of all the forces on mass is 0.
ma + R(dx/dt) + Kx =0
ma = -R(dx/dt) - Kx
a = -(R/m)(dx/dt) (K/m)x
where m= mass of the body, x=relative movement of mass with respect to the frame, R= damping coefficient, K= spring
coefficientThus by knowing x, R, K for a specific sensor, acceleration can be determined.

Fig. 7:

LCD Display
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen is an electronic display module and find a wide range of applications. A 16x2 LCD display
is very basic module and is very commonly used in various devices and circuits. These modules are preferred over seven
segments and other multi segment LEDs. The reasons being: LCDs are economical; easily programmable; have no limitation of
displaying special & even custom characters (unlike in seven segments), animations and so on. A 16x2 LCD means it can display
16 charactersper line and there are 2 such lines. In this LCD each character is displayed in 5x7 pixel matrix. This LCD has two

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Accident Sensor with Google Map Locator

(IJIRST/ Volume 2 / Issue 10/ 022)

registers, namely, Command and Data. The command register stores the command instructions given to the LCD. A command is
an instruction given to LCD to do a predefined task like initializing it, clearing its screen, setting the cursor position, controlling
display etc. The data register stores the data to be displayed on the LCD. The data is the ASCII value of the character to be
displayed on the LCD.

Fig. 8:


Fig. 9:

This paper provides the design which has the advantages of low cost, portability, small size and easy expansibility. The platform
of the system is Arduino Uno along with accelerometer sensor, GPS and GSM, interfacing which shortens the alarm time to a
large extent and locates the site of accident accurately via Google map service provider. This system can overcome the problems
of lack of automated system for accident location detection. Consequently, the time for searching the location is reduced and the
person can be treated as soon as possible which will save many lives.

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Accident Sensor with Google Map Locator

(IJIRST/ Volume 2 / Issue 10/ 022)

This system has multiple application like it can be used for physically disabled person to send his current location incase he is
in trouble and needs help by simply replacing accelerometer sensor with a switch

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