Mornings at Kms

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Mornings at KMS

Homework Club:

Must be in the building by 8:05 am

Must be able to prove that you have homework
Must go straight to Homework Clubcannot stop at locker
Students will sign-in with Hall monitor at 8th grade door and sign-in at
Homework Club.
o If students dont show up at H.C., then they will not be allowed in to
morning H.C. again and will only be able to attend the After-school
Students must stay in HC until the bell rings at 8:28am.

Teachers need to notify front office, by email, day before and what time to
allow students down to classroom.
o Office will notify Hall Monitors, so they know who to let in the
Students must go directly to classroom and not to locker.
Students must stay in room until bell rings at 8:28am..If students finish
early, they are not allowed to leave the classroom for any reason.

Students are allowed entry at 8:10am
Students may go back outside once done with breakfast (up till 8:25am);
but from 8:25 or after, students must stay in caf until entry bell at 8:28am.

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