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LEVEL THREE LEARN IN YOUR CAR°CD ITALIAN by Henry N. Raymond & Ester Pavelko Learn In Your Car is the only language learning system designed to teach a foreign language in your car as you drive, without the aid of a textbook. This booklet contains the entire recorded text for your reference so that you can see how the ‘words are spelled. This booklet also contains additional expla- nations which will be helpful to you if you have trouble understanding some of the concepts. ABOUT THIS COURSE Learn In Your Car ~ Italian, Level Three is a continuation of Leam in Your Car Italian, Level Two. Level Three begins ‘where Level Two ends. Level One is designed and organized primarily with the traveler in mind. Level Two continues with more complex vocabulary and grammar. Level Three intro- duces more advanced grammar and vocabulary for the con- tinuing student, The following guidelines are used: 1. The basic premise is that communicating in a language requires learning words, phrases, and sentences; but you can't eam to communicate effectively in a language unless you know the individual meaning of each word. 2. The emphasis is on communication. Words, phrases, or Sentences can be used to communicate. It is not always necessary to use a complete sentence to convey a thought. 3. It teaches the way a child learns. Children start by learning, ‘one-word sentences, then two-word sentences, etc. progress- ing to more complex sentences as they learn more vocabulary and grammar. 4. The important words you need to survive and get around are taught first. Grammar is taught with examples rather than rules, 5. Usually no more than one new word is introduced at a time, (Level Three occasionally introduces more than one word when it is easy to distinguish the new words.) This means you won't hear a sentence or a phrase and wonder which sound corresponds to which word. (Various forms of previously introduced verbs are used along with new words.) 6. No textbook is required. The fact that no more than one new word is introduced at a time enables you to use the CDs effectively without referring to a textbook. The CDs are designed to be used without a textbook so that you can use them while driving a car or while doing other things which require similar amounts of concentration. 7. Literal (word-for-word) translations are used as much as possible, This enables you to understand how a sentence or phrase is constructed and what the individual words mean, HOW TO USE “LEARN IN YOUR CAR - ITALIAN” ‘The lessons start immediately at the beginning of Disc One with no introduction so that you don’t have 10 listen to the same introduction over and over again, Simply start the first disc and play through the first lesson, For each expression, you will hear the English version fol- lowed by a pause, then the Italian translation Tollowed by a pause, ten the Italian translation a second time followed by a third pause. At first, you will only be able to imitate the Italian words in the two pauses after the Italian translations (the sec- cond and third pauses). As you learn and progress, you will be able to recall and recite the Ialian version during the first pause before you hear the first Italian translation, Be sure to speak the Italian expressions out loud, The rate at which you Jearn will be significantly slower if you do not speak the Italian expressions aloud. Play the first lesson several times until you learn most of it ‘Then start playing the first followed by the second until you learn most of the second. As you progress, keep adding lessons. Always go back to the beginning to reinforce the material you have already learned. (As you progress through Pretedin Mexico the material, you may want to restart at some place other than the very beginning of the first disc. This is fine as long as you know all the material ahead of your starting point. Later lessons are designed with the assumption that you already know the material in earlier lessons.) NOTES ABOUT THE TEXT + Words which are underlined in phrases in the text have the same meaning in both English and Italian, When a new word is introduced, it will usually be underlined * Literal translations are in parentheses with an “ (L. This isa literal translation)” + Words in brackets [like this] are understood or indicate con- text, but are not heard on the dises. such as: NOTES ABOUT THE CDs * The CD format, with each lesson on a separate track, allows ‘you to instantly target the exact lesson you wish to review. ‘The disc and track numbers for each lesson are listed in the Table of Contents, + The Italian and English translations are on separate chan- nels. If you wish to hear only the Italian translations, simply adjust the balance control of your CD player so that you hear only the Halian version. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Tony Pavelko and Maria for putting up with us while we worked on this project. Thanks. to Rosanna Ferraro for editing, Cindi Raymond for reviewing and Drew Aldridge of Exxell Studios in Oceanside, California for recording & programming. Thanks also to Anneite Norris and Rick Knowles for taking care of so many details, Henry Raymond and Ester Pavelko Produced & dist by Penton Overseas, tne. 2470 Impala Drive, Carlsbad CA 92008-7226 USA 760-431-0060 » HO0-748-5804 » Fax: 760-431-8110 ‘eal: [email protected] + Website: pute: pentonoveseas.com ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘The Verb "To Be", Future Tense 2 Lesson 75....The Verb "To Have", Future Tense 3. Lesson 76...The Irregular Verb "To Go", Future Tense 4. Lesson 77...Other Iregular Future Verb Stems 5. Lesson 78,..Practice with the Future; "Are", "Ere" and "Ire" Verbs 6. Lesson 79...Days of the Week 7. Lesson 80,..Months of the Year 8. Lesson 81...At the Doctor's Office 9. Lesson 82... At the Dinner Table 10. Lesson 83...Reflexive and Reciprocal Verbs 11. Lesson 84... Speaking About the Past with Reflexive Verbs Dise 2: Teacks 1-11 1, Lesson 85...Reflexive Verbs 2 Lesson 86...Clothes 3. Lesson 87...Colors 4, Lesson 88...Ordinal Numbers 5. Lesson 89...The Verb "Fare" and its Idiomatic Expressions. 6. Lesson 90... The Present Conditional Tense with "Are" Verbs 7. Lesson 91....The Present Conditional Tense with "Ere” Verbs 8. Lesson 92... The Present Conditional Tense with "Ire" Verbs 9. Lesson 93...The Present Conditional Tense with Iregular Verbs esson 94... Meanings of "Dove the Conditional IL. Lesson 95....The Different Meanings of the Verb “To Know" Dise 3: Tracks 1-8 1. Lesson 96...Use of the Iregular Verb "Piacere* 2. Lesson 97...General Greeting Expressions and Others Requiring the Verb "Stare" 3. Lesson 98... The Gerund and the Role of "Stare" 4. Lesson 99...Use of "Buono®, "Bello", "Bravo" and their Placement in the Sentence 5. Lesson 100...Common Expressions 6. Lesson 101...Several Meanings of the Verb "Dovere" 7. Lesson 102... The Verb "Dare" and its Idioms 8. Lesson 103...The Paritve 10, LESSON 74 ‘THE VERB “TO BE”, FUTURE TENSE ‘Tomorrow, | wil be late. Will you he home next month? (Familiar) Will you be there tomorrow? (Polite He will be with his uncle, She willbe with her aunt... Today willbe a beautiful day. We will be tired by [at] noon... Will you be on the next plane? (Plural) ‘They will be together next Week, sensnsnoe ‘They willbe atthe bus station within an hour. sul"= "su" +I" ="on the” In lian, the subj Example: To mi chiamo Sandro e tu? Siete di Los Angcles voi Polite forms are “Lei ( pronoun "you" is used in familiar and potite forms, The fami “voi” (plural. These familiar forms are used to address paren ular) and “Loro” (plural. These are written with a capitalized it LEZIONE 74 IL VERBO “ESSERE” NEL TEMPO FUTURO Doman sarin ritardo. ‘Sarai a casa il mese prossimo? Lei] sara li domani? ‘Lui sara con suo zo. ‘Lei sara con sua Zia Oggi sari una bella giomata, ‘Saremo stanchi a mezzogiomo, ‘Sarete sul prossimo aereo? ‘Saranno insieme la prossima settimana, ‘Saranno al capolinea entro un’ora. ‘ones are: “tu” (singular) and Jatives, close friends and children My name is Sandro and you? Are you (people) from Los Angeles? alin onder to distinguish them from “lei” (she) and "loro" (they). Polite forms are used among persons who are not well acquainted, persons of ‘older age and persons we generally regard with respect. Its quite common for two persons who have been neighbors for 30 years to be still using the polite form with one another. Example: 1o mi chiamo Paolo ¢ Lei? Noi siamo Italiani e Lore? My name is Paolo and you? ‘We are ltalians and you? “Therefore, whenever the exact meaning of the subject pronoun “you” in the senterce is not quite clear, this text will usually specify the subject pronoun form by adding: familiar, polite, singular or plural You cw) You (voi) = Famili py Familiar, singular; specified in this text as (Familiar) You (Lei) = Polit, singular; specified inthis text (Polite) specified inthis text as (Plural) You (Loro) = Polite, plural; specified inthis text as (Polite, Plural) As was mentioned (esso”, rarely used in Italia [pronouns can be easily recognized by the verb endings. LESSON 75 ‘THE VERB “TO HAVE”, FUTURE TENSE, { will have a new job next month. Will you have time to go tothe store? (Familiar) Yous hae plenty of tie odo. Polite) He will have a lot of time. ‘She will have good luck. Michael will have a problem if he doesn’t go. We will have our tickets by tomorrow. Will you have enough time to buy groceries? (Plural) ‘They will have too many things to sellin one day. al” a" 40" ="t0 the” rier lessons, subject pronouns “I” (io), “you” (tu, Lei, voi, Loro), “he” (li), ‘we" (noi), and “they” (loro) ate frequently omitted in talian, This is because the * dei), LEZIONE 75 IL VERBO “AVERE” NEL TEMPO FUTURO _ Av n novo lavoro il mese prossimo. ‘Auta tempo di andae al supermercato? {Lei avrd motto tempo per fal. {Lui} ava molto tempo. {Lei av fortuna Michele avr un preblema se non va. “Auremg i nostri bigiett per doman. “Aurste abbastanza tempo per fare la spess? "Auranno troppe cose da vendere in un giomo, LESSON 71 ‘THE IRREGULAR VERB “TO GO" FUTURE TENSE will go home. You will goto the movies. Familiar) Will you go to aly? (Polite) She will go by car He will go tomorrow. ‘We will go together ‘You people will go next week ‘They will goto the hotel Iwill go tothe {Will you go to church? (Familiar) LESSON 77 OTHER IRREGULAR FUTURE VERB STEMS Iwill keep my suitcase First [will drink this soda ‘Then they will drink the milk. Will you keep your old refrigerator? (Familiar) {Will you want to invite a lot of people? (Familiar) 1 will be able to visit my uncle He sill want to watch the soceer game thi afternoon. Will he be able o go tomorrow? Twill know it by tonight, We will know fit] for sure within 24 hours... {will have r@ leave by 3 0° clock, ‘You people will have to pay again. will see you the day after tomorrow. They illsee the movie next week, 1 will come at 8:30. Will you come tothe lake? (Polite) Twill fall down, : Te will fall down the mountain, aT “Lore adrann all albergo LEZIONE 76 IL VERBO IRREGOLARE “ANDARE” NEL TEMPO FUTURO 10 andrd a casa, “Tw andrai al cinema, To andr’ in farmacia vodka in eiesa (tl? LEZIONE 77 ALTRI VERBI IRREGOLARI NEL TEMPO FUTURO Jo tern la mia valgia Prima herr questa soda, Poi loro berranno il latte. ‘Tent il wo veechio frigorifero? ‘Norra invitare molta gente? To potrd far visita a mio zio. [Lui] vorra guardare la partta di calcio questo pomerigeto. Pottd andare domani? To lo saprd entro stasera, ‘Lo sapremo di sicro enzo 24 ore. Dourb pantie enue le ie. ‘oi dovrete pagare di nuovo, “Ti vedrd dopodomai Medrano il film la pressima setimana, ‘er alle oto e mezza ‘Neral logo? Ho cade Cara (gi) dalla montagna This lesson shows several common verbs which are irregular when conjugated inthe future tense. Most irregular talian verbs are regular when conjugated in the Tutufe tense, but a few, like those shown in this lesson and the previous three lessons are iregulae. ‘To conjugate an irregular verb inthe future tense, you must know the future stem. Use the same future endings which are used for conjugating regular verbs in the future tense. For example, the verb “tenere” (to keep) has a future stem “torr”. Soto form the future tense, simply add the regular future endings to this fture stem, For example: Ending tern teria) terra) ter(emo) terr(ete) tem(anno) LESSON 78 LEZIONE 78 Rene ICE WITH THE FUTURE: PRATICA DEL FUTURO CON RRS TERE: ANDUICE: VERBS. TERMINANTTIN GARE” CERE” E°IRE™ £5 yu gin aah 4 my ma comin Faia. Pada co cio? 10 my female cousin. (Polite) Le par con ia ogi ripest wit nec {Lui parlera con mia nipote, She is going to tlk to my nephew. Lei) puslerd 2 mio ripote “My brother is poing to speak co my sistr-infa, Mio fratello parler a mia eognata. ‘Arg you guys going to1alk to your uncle? arlercte a vostro zio? ‘They are going 1 speak with their aunt. -Loro pal co a oro ia {will speak to my brother-in-law. arlero a mio cognato. 1 am _going to sell my skits to my friend. ‘Nenderd i miei sci al mio amico. Ate you going to-ell your sailboat? (Familiar) ‘Nensera la tua barca a vela’? , ‘Ae you going sel you motrbot inthe spin? Pot). ender Suo moves in prays He will sell his car this winter, ""Nendera la sua macehina quest'invern. ‘She is going to sell her house this summer... ‘ender a sua casa quest estate. We are going to sell our property next year ‘Venderemo la nostra propriettVanno prossimo, ‘Are you going to sell your vacation home this year? (Plural), Venderete la vosta casa-di campagna quest'anno? ‘he ging (sl tency maaan ever ao ali se ‘They are going to sell everything during the autuma. Nenderanno tuto durante Faucunno. am going to finish this hook soar “on Presto finizd questo libro, ‘Soon I will finish this book Are you going o finish by tomorrow? (Familiar) FFinirsi per domani? ‘Are you going to finish your jb today? (Polite) Finira i suo lavoro ogg? He is going to finish his tp nest week “Pini suo slag a prossima setimana, 6 ‘She will finish her homework tonight. von nia j suo compit stasera, Itis going to finish in few minutes. : vs Fira tra pochi minut ‘We are going o finish working within an hour Finiremo di lavorareentro un‘ora, {L. Will finish to.work within an our] ‘We wil nish the ousescark by ten PM. Fnremo le uli pe le is Are you peopie going to finish your work on time? te intempo il vostro lavoro? ‘They are-going to finish before you. (Familiar) Tow fant rma ‘The English “near future tense” is expressed by the phrase “to be going to" asi “Tam going to buy”, oF “He is going to sll, ee, Hafan does not have an equivalent alan uses the simple future tense to express the same idea as demon- ‘strated in tis lesson. For example, “Lam going to sel...”and "I will el...” are both expressed by “Io venderd..." Ifyou want to express action happening in che near Futute, simply add a time adver’ or phrase such as “tomorrow™ (@omani) or “within two days” (entro due giomi), Future action chat will happen in the near future can also be expressed with the present tense plus atime adverb or phrase, For example, "I'm poing to sell my car tomorrow.” can be expressed by the equivalent of“ sell my car tomor- ow.” (lo vendo la mia macchina domani. LESSON 79 LEZIONE 79 DAYS OF THE WEEK —IGIORNI DELLA SETTIMANA, ‘Today is Sunday. --Oxgi é domenica Yesterday was Saturday wns. “ler era sabato ‘Tomorrow will be Moni. : Doman’ sari ined. ‘The day aftr tomorrow will be Tuesday “Dopodomani sara martes ‘The day before yesterday was Friday. vals ier exe ener T went fo the movies last Wednesday. ‘Son andato al cinema mereoled torso. “There was a big party Thursday night {C’e stata una grande festa gioved) sera My grandfather willbe here Tuesday. ‘Mio nonno sara gui marth My grandmother left Monday. Mia nonna ¢ parts lune My nephew is going oattve this Saturday nipote arrivera questo sabato. If today is Wednesday. then tomorrow wil! be Thursday. -...Se 088i & mercoled! domani sara gloved! 1 go to church on Sunday. Vado in chiesa la domeni My nigge bougit fer tickets last Friday. Mia nipote ha comprato i sto bglieti venerd score, LESSON 80 LEZIONE 80. MONTHS OF THE YEAR I MESI DELL'ANNO {went to Maly in Januaty Sono andato in Malia in gesaio. In February the weather was very cold In ebbraiofaceva moto freddo. In February it made much coid, March was sery windy. la March it pulled Wind. soe MAKEDtrava vento. $ drove trom France to Germany in ABrib «= Ho guidato dalla Francia alla Germania in apite. In May { brought the boat to Sweden, In maggio ho portato la barcy ie Svezia, Indune, I traveled by train 10 Norway IITan giugme sono andao in Norvegia inten, In June f went to Norway by train In lly the weather was really great. en In luglio ha fatto bellssimo tempo. Tn duly i es ade very ‘eau wei, i Butin August it rained tot, ‘Main agosta ha piovuto molt, the cloud = : SOT navola September has been cloudy. oe ‘Sattembte é stato navoloso. But then October was quite sunny. Ma poi in ottobre ha fatto molto sole. ‘But then in October it has made much sun. In November it going to be rainy In novembre piover’ molto, In November it will rain a lt 1's going fo snow a fot in December, levichera moh in dicembre “alia” =" rom the” LESSON 81 LEZIONE 81 AT THE DOCTOR'S OFFICE DAL DOTTORE I need a doctor. soem Ho bisogno i um sttore, Assaoe.as possible, : pi: presto possi. De you know a good dentist? (Polite) ‘Conosce un buon dentists? What's your problem? /What do you have? (Polite). Che cosa? Ira very sick. [L: () stay very bad] ‘Si molto male [feel nauseous/Thave (the) nausea. Ho la aausea 1 don’t feel wel [Non mi sento bene. have a pain her. on Ho un dolore qui ‘He has an injury. : SoMa una feria Someone is injured . CES Qualeune & feito. the foot Npiede the leg Ia gamba the ankie ~ Ta caviglia the back la schiena the am iI braccio tbe hand the finger the fead the tooth. aneye the eyes, the mouth the blood Thave a very bad headache. have a wothache. Thave a stomach ache. Is it broken? Do you have somet cone LESSON 82 AT THE DINNER TABLE We have a reservation for seven o’clock, May [have a hotle of wine, please? ass me the vegetables, please. (Familiar) lease bring me some mineral water (Polite) Carbonated or non carbonated? ‘What are your specials today?/Which is the dish of the day? What isthe specialty of the house? ‘What time do you serve Lunch? (Plural ‘At what time do you open? (Plural When do you clo? (Plural) What’ for dese. one more/another. I siould lke arother fone more glass of mi Three more hess please. May we have «lite more cheese? (Pole) ‘Would you ike some eream in your coffee?/De you take cream inthe coffee? (Familian) ‘Would you like some meat?/Do you desire some meat? (Polite) [would like a steak. please row do you want your meat cooked? TL. How do you want it cooked. the meat? (Poiite) What are my choiees?sWhat choice do 1 have? ..e.0 rare / medium. ‘well done /cil cooked 1 Seoul like some mare jam, please... Do yo have ay tes rut (Par ‘The meal was very bad /We have eaten badly ‘This knife is irexpensive This knife costs litle Do you desize another (different) plate? (Polit) Give me spoun, please. (Familiar. Excuse me, may Thave another napkin? (Palit) I heed a bigger boul ‘Who is zoing odo the dxhes2/Who washes the dishes? Is there an ashiray here? What vatetyof fruit do you have? (Plural) sun orecehio ‘un oechio sli occhi Ta bocea il sangue Ho un brutto mal di testa Ho mal di demi. Ho mal di siomaco, E roto? i for {against an earache? (Familiar). Hai qualcosa gontro il mal d’orecchi? rst person singular, present tense of the verb “Stare” (To stay to stand oF to be). LEZIONE 82 ATAVOLA, _Abbiamo una prenotazione per le sete. Pourei avere una bottglia di vino, per favore? Passami le verdure, per favore. Mi poi dell'acqus minesale, per favor. ‘Gasata o naturale? ‘Qual’e i piatto del giorno? Qual’ il pitta della casa? A che ora serve il pranzo? ‘A chie ora aprite? ‘Quando chindote? 10 Cosa ct di dessert” ‘un altro “Norte un altro bicchire di late lire te bis. per favore. otremmo avere ancora un pd di formaggio? Prendi panna nel caffe? Desidera della came? Vorrei una bistecca, per favore Com la vuole cots la carne? Che scelta ho? al sangue ben cotta ‘Nore del'altra marmeltata, per favore. Avete dell fruttafxsca? -Abbiamo mangiate male. ‘Questo cotello costa poco. Desidera un altro piato? Dammi un cucchiaio, per favore. Mi seus, pote avere un alten tnvagliln? Ho bisogno di una tazza pia grande. ‘Chi lava i pat? .C’e un posacenere qui? ‘Che varieta di frutaavete? We need two more chairs Abbiamo bisogno di alire due sedie, Where do you keep the silverware? (Familia ‘Dove tion le pasate? We would ke toad 109, --Norremmo ordinare adesso. LESSON 83 LEZIONE 83 REFLEXIVE AND RECIPROCAL VERBS —VERBI RIFLESSIVIE RECIPROCI {0 wash oneself lavarsi Twzash my ear ‘Lavo la mia macchina. wash myself 'm washing myself Fomilavo, You wash yourself (Familiar)... Tut avi ‘You wash yourself. (Polite) Lei si lava He washes himself /She washes herself /t washes itseit/ Si lava One washes oneself. We wash ourselves,/ We wash each other. Noi ci laviamo, ‘You wash yourselves,/You wash each other. Voi vi lavate. ‘They wash themselves [They wash gach other. (Familiar... Loro si lavano, to look at oneselt -guardarsi ook at myself. [Ho] mi guardo. We look at ourselves. [Noi] ci guardiamo, 10 get up /to get oneself up alearsi 1 am geting myself up 1 will gotup ina white Will you get [yourself] up early? When will you get yourself] up? (Familia). ‘When are they going to get [themselves] up? 10] mialz. Wo} mi alzeri tra poco, -{Tu} ti alzerai presto? Quando t alzerai? Quando si alzerann? to rememberio recall 10 oneself, ricordars remember, myself, recall “on J0 mi ricardo. You remembe. (Fumiliat) Ta isicont He remembers “Lal sisiconta ‘We remember. Noi cLricontiamo, You people remember Voi xi rican, ‘They remember Lor sisiconano [remember you [U-Iremember of you) [Ho] mi ricardo di te {remember this place [To] mi ricardo quesio post. {will remembec/ I wil remind mse. Holm scorder to wake velar Tomorow wl wakeup at TAM Domani misveglier® alle sete. to fll asleep addormentarsi I'm falling asleep fall sleep. {Ho} miaddormento We wil fall asleep S000. on Nol ci addormenteremo presto. twenjoy onesel"/to have fun divert They are enjoying themselves. {oro} i ivertono. [Are you enjoying yourself? (Familia) (Lu ti divert? ‘Are you enjoying yourselves?/Are you having fun? LVoil vi divertte? He is having fun/ He is amusing himself Luisidiven, Will you have fun tomorrow? (Familie) [Tul tidivertirai domani? ‘They will nave fun at the park. to feel Do you fe! tired? (Familia). ‘cel tired today. to fll in love You fallin love with ily to take an interest in / 10 interest onesel in 1 am interested in many things. . He is intrested in everything. She takes an interest in you. My parents call cach other atthe office. ‘Annamaria and Anita help cach other a 1 ‘They don’t write to one another very often {Loro| si diverirann al patco, (Tul t.senti stanco? {Ho} mi sentostanco ogei “Tu tLinnamori de aia. “interessarsi Jo mi interesso di molte cose. ‘Lu sLinteressa di tutto, ‘Lei simteressa dite miei geniton si telefonano in uficio, Annamaria e Anita sjaiutano molto. “[Loro} now si srivono molto spesse. “atthe of “tothe” Areflexive verb refers the action of the verb back to the subject and its reflexive pronoun. A transitive ‘ction on to an object. Notice the difference between the transitive verb “lavare” (to wash “something” and the re ive verb “lavarsi” (to wash oneself), A reflexive verb can be identified by the si” ending inthe infinitive form ("si ‘means “onesell” in this ease), Reflexive verbs are used frequently in Italian. The reflexive form ofa verb can have & saibstantally different meaning from its non-reflexive form. Reflexive pronouns must agree with the subject “Tu th.”, "LeifLui i.” "Noi ei..", “Voi vi”, “LOro si." Notice that the reflexive pronouns “mi”, “ti”, "si", “ei", “Vi” ane refes Which were presented exrier. 4 A reflexive pronoun is usually placed in front ofa conjugated verb, but can also be attached tothe end of an infinitive verb form, ‘The plural pronouns “ei”, "vi", and “si” can also mean “each other” or “to each other”, In this case they are called “reciprocal pronouns”. This i called “reciprocal construction”. Reciprocal construction always has a plural subizc LESSON 84 LEZIONE 84 SPEAKING ABOUT THE PAST VERBI RIFLESSIVI NEL WITH REFLEXIVE VERBS _PASSATO PROSSIMO. 1 remembered. {0} mi sono rcondato. WOKE UP. {fo} mi sono svegliato ‘You woke up. (Familiar) {Tu} t sei sveglito He woke up. . . {Lil sie svealiato. ‘We woke up... : {Noi cisiamo svegliai ‘You people woce up. a : [oi] vi siete sweat ‘They woke up. (Feminine plural) . {Loro} sisono svegliate [woke up at 6M, : [Ho] misono sveglito alle sei di matting, ‘What time did zou wake up? (Familia) ‘A che ora ti sei svegliato [tu]? ‘When did you getup’? (Familiar) ‘Quando ti sei alzato? She fell asleep. [Lei] si@ addormentata ‘What time did jou wake up? Polite) “A che ora sie svegliato [Leil? ‘We saw ourselves yesterday. [Noi ei siaimo vis ier. enjoyed myself [Ho] mi sono divertio, Did you enjoy yourself at the theatee? Ti seidivertito a teatro? Tiwvsted my [the] ankle. [lo] misono slogato ls caviglia. [sprained my the] wrist {la} mi sono slogato il polso. ‘hurt my back. (L. I myself have made bad atthe back.) [fell in love. (Masculine) : He fell in love with her. | was interested inthis job. He (ook an interes! in you. She was interested in modern ar. {Io} mi sono fatto male alla schiena, (Lui) si innamorato di tei [Ho] mi sono interessato di questo lavoro, [ui] si interessato dite [Leil sig intenessata d’arte moderna {In halian, the passato prossimo of reflexive and reciprocal verbs is always conjugated with the auxiliary verb “essere” Note thatthe past participle must agree in gender and number with the subject le enjoyed himself She woke up. We (boys) got bored. They (girls) got dressed, ' Inte LESSON 85 REFLEXIVE VERBS, NEGATIVE I don’t wash myself, ‘We don’t wash ourselves ‘They don’t see each other ‘You don't remember, (Polite) {don’t remember this place. won't wake up early tomorrow. ‘Aren't you going to get up? (Familiar) She is not falling asleep. We will not fall sleep. {did not remember You did not wale up. (Familian) He did not wake up. We did not wak: up. We did not see ourselves. ‘They did not wake up. { didn't wake up at 6 o'clock, 1 did not tvist my ankle. 1 did not hurt my back LESSON 86 CLOTHES have to buy some new underwear. ‘These clothes are worn out need some new shoes... : ‘Are you going to buy some sacks, 100" (Familiar) have to wash my pants. . ‘This isa very pretty dress. ‘Where is my suit? (Mens suit) ‘My suit is not ready yet, (Woman's suit), when referring to one’s body parts, one usually says “i polso” (the wrist ‘or “i suo polso” when it’s clear whose wrist is being referred to, Lui sie divert. Lei sie svegliaa, [Noi ci siamo annoiat ‘Lore si sono vestite fea of “i mio polso” (my west) LEZIONE 85, VERBI RIFLESSIVI NELLE FRASI NEGATIVE, [1o} non mi tavo. Noi} non ci laviamo, [Loro} non si vedono. [Lei non siricorda 15 16 [Non mi icordo questo posta, [Non mi svegliend presto domi, [Non ti alzi (tl? {Lei] non siaddormenta, «= {Nai} non ci addormenteremo, {fo] non mi sono ricordata {Tul non sei sveglit. {Lai non sie svegtiato. [Noi] non ci siamo stegliat [Noi] non gi siamo vist {Lovo} non si sono svegl [Ho] non mi sono svegtato ale si {Ho} non mi sone slogato ta eavigtia. {Uo} non misono fatto mae lla schiena. LEZIONE 86 INDUMENTI/VESTITL Devo comprare delle mutande nuove, ‘Quest vestti sono gonsunti Ho bisogno di scarpe nuove. ‘Compri anche dai calzini? Devo lavare i miei pantaloni. Questo & un yestita molto carino. ‘Dov'e il mio abito? I mio tailleur non & ancora pronto. When will ite ready? Quando saa pronto? ‘What are you going to wear?/What age you putting on? Che cosa time? (Familiar) ‘That's a very nice sweater -.Quello un bel maglione. Where can buy a good [beautiful] swimsuit? Dove posso comprare un bel costums bag? Meee a lee ee a On Have you seen my tat? Famitin) ‘Hai visto il mio cappeli’ {need to clean my tes /I need to have my ties cleaned... Ho bisogno di farpulire le mie cravat My blouse is tom “Lic mia camicetta® strappata. ‘What is your size?/What size do you have? (Polite) “Che tagia ha? Take size 40./Thave size 40. oH ta aga 40, {need new gloves, Ho bisogno di guanti nuovi. Emmissing @ love. ‘Mimanca un guano pair un paio bought a new pair of glasses “au H comprato un nuovo paio di acchiali. {ust bought ane pair of sunglass ITTIMe appena comprato un nuovo pa di esha da sole Is this your coat? (Familiar) . [E* questo il tuo cappotta? sate ondinelee ome vase LESSON 87. LEZIONE 87 COLORS. TCOLORI Vorrei del vino rosso, per favore. Le place il vino bianca? 1 would like some red wine, please. Do you like white wine? (Polite. Beal i 7 18, the forest. la foresta ‘The sky is very black at night., Ll cielo & molto pero di notte. He had a brown car. - ~-Lui aveva una macchina marrone, pment She is brown haired. Lei é bruna. has a silver color, os os Ha un colore argento. {In Hain, brows objects are referred to as “marrone”, whereas brown hair is called “castano” (chestnut), or “bruro” Colors are adjectives and as such must agree in gender and number with the word they modify. This generally means {hat colors ending in “o” are masculine and that “o” changes to an “a” i the color deseribes a feminine object. How- ever, some colors such as “rosa” (pink), “marrone™ (brown), “blu” (blue) of “viola” (purple) remain unchanged regard less of gender and number, LESSON 88 ORDINAL NUMBERS first the second guest house the third lawyer He was the fourth cook, She ill be the fifth muse Iwill be the sixth drives, ‘You will be the seventh secretary. (Familia). You will be the eighth fireman. (Polite) eas my ninth bitay. Teil be their tenth wedding univers. | wrote my eleventh postcard received my twelf eter ‘This is the thirteenth copy. ‘The Mth student ‘The 17th engineer ‘The 20th salesman. ‘The 43d fisherman The Sist farmer: the bundredin page, ‘the five-hunded an! foxy-thtd time. the thousandth ight Bu... the millionth bicd LEZIONE 88 NUMERI ORDINALI primoypria la seconda dependence il terzo avvocato Era il quarto cuoca. Sar la quintainfesmiera Sard il sesto autista ‘Sarai la seutima segretaria. Lei sara Pottavo vigile del fuoco. Ho ricevuto la mia dodicesima letra Questa’ fa wedicesima copia quattordicesimo students I diciassetesimo ingeansae TI ventesimo yenditore 1 quarantateesimo pescatore. I einquantunesimo goluatore ta centesima pagina , In cinguecentoquarantareesima volta Ia millesimalampasina it milionesimo uccello 19 20 All ordinal numzers 11 and higher have the ending “esimo” (masculine) or “esima” (feminine). Ordinal numbers 11 and above are usually formed by removing the final vowel from the cardinal number and replacing it with one ofthese two endings. LESSON 89 ‘THE VERB “FARE” AND ITS IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS {0 dohto make = ‘Today I prepare risotto with mushrooms... {L, Today I make risotto with mushiooms) Can you give me a nice smile? amitian IL. Do you make me a nice smile?) ‘What work do you do? (Polite) Paula isa secretary. [L. Paula makes the secretary] George isa clerk. [L. George makes the clerk We keep mom company. [L. We make company to morn}. “The children mase me go.cruzy.. 1 was late forthe appointment [L. I made Tate atthe appointment) Did you stand inline atthe bank? [L, Have you made the queue in benk?) (Familiar) In school we prasticed English/At school we have made ‘sauetsation in English, I still have to. Ifyou don't hurry, you will be late. (L- If you dont hurry, ‘you will make late). (Familiar) Will you do me 3 favor? (Familiar) LEZIONE 89 ESPRESSIONI IDIOMATICHE DEL VERBO “FARE” fare Oggi faccio il risotto ai funghi. Mi fai un bel sortiso? {Che lavoro fa Lei? Paola fa la segretaria, Giorgio fa impiegato. -Facciamo compagnia alla mamma, bbambini mi fanno impazzite. Ho fatto tardiall'appuntamento. Hai fatto aco in banca? A scuola abbiamo fatto conversazion in ingles. Devo ancora fare la traduzione. ‘Se non ti sbrighi Farai tardit Mi fai un favore? {had a bail dream last night. vn Eo fatto un brutto sogno la notte scorsa Do you usually take a bath or a shower? (Familian) i solo fat il bagno o la doccia? Inthe summer we go swimming in the lake, estate andiamo a fare il agno al lago. took many pictures in Venice . “A Venezia ho fatio mole fotografie Saat Ending io faccio w fa ui, lei, Lei fa noi facciamo voi fate oro, Loro anno ‘The irregular very “Taro” (10 do, to make) is used in many idiomatic expressions, so numerous that it would be impossible to include them all in one lesson. Above are examples of some of the most common ones. {In Kalian, the noun “Ia gente” (¢he people) is singular and therefore it is conjugated in the thd person singular: “la gente fa fa spesa. Note thatthe English equivalent is conjugated in the third person plural: “people go shopping.” LESSON 90 LEZIONE 90 THE PRESENT CONDITIONAL TENSE CONDIZIONALE PRESENTE DI VERB WITH “ARE” VERBS TERMINANTI IN “ARE” 1 would buy deodorant ff.) to compere un deodorant x You woul! buya walt ff.) (Familiar)... TY somprstest un portaogti. - You would buy a Swiss watch [if...). Cee Lei comprerebbe un orologio svizzero. ‘He would buy an umbrella {if...). v os Lui comprerebbe un ombrello, «Lei gompretebbe un rezgiseno. Noi compreremmo quest ‘Voi comprereste quell. -Loro comprerehbsro una vela nuova, «lo invitere i miei parenti. She would hiya bra ff). We would buy hese [if ‘You wauld by those [if (Pura. ‘They would.buy anew sail [f.). { would invite my relatives ff. ‘You sould pass the exam [if..| (Familia). Tu supererestil'esame. You soul save time [i]. Polite) Lei rspamierebbe tempo. He would always talk about soccer li Lui parlerebbe sempre di cao. She woul dens the truth fifo.

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