Us Vs FL Constitution Notes

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Name ________________________________________________________________________ Period _________ pg.

# __________

Comparing the United States and Florida Constitutions

SS.7.C.3.13 Compare the constitutions of the United States and Florida.

1) Explain the basic outline of the U.S. Constitution and Floridas Constitution.
United States Constitution

Florida Constitution

Contains a _______________________that lists

Contains a _______________________that lists

the ______________________ and

the ______________________ and

Begins with We the people- shows that

Begins with We the people shows that

_____________ than the FL Constitution

_________________than the US Constitution


______ articles

____________________ page

____________ pages

Contains a
Enumerated list of rights for the people.

Contains the

Written as a

Written as a

Contains a
_________________________________ stating
the Constitution is the

Deals with _________________________ issues
that impact state residents.

2) What does the US Constitution and the Florida Constitution have in common?

3) What part of the Florida Constitution protects individuals rights?

4) What is the Supremacy Clause? And where is it found in the US Constitution?

5) What is the Florida Declaration of Rights?

6) Why did some states create their own Constitution?

Amendment Process
1) Complete the chart to summarize how to amend the U.S. Constitution:


added to the

make the amendment process so difficult?

did the founding fathers

3) Explain each of the 5 methods to propose an amendment to the Florida Constitution , then
draw an illustration that symbolizes each method.



4) How is an amendment to the Florida Constitution ratified?

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