Scripta Medica 41 Broj 2
Scripta Medica 41 Broj 2
Scripta Medica 41 Broj 2
Nov izgled i sadraj asopisa UREDNICI
Znaajna prekretnica D. VASI
Evaluative Measures for Resource Quality: Beyond the Impact Factor
Redo Surgery After Multiple Coronary Endarterectomy
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Glavni urednik
Rajko Igi
Senior Editors
Aleksandar Lazarevi
Slobodan Milovanovi
Milo P. Stojiljkovi
Dejan Bokonji
Marija Burgi-Radmanovi
Radoslav Gajanin
Ljerka Ostoji
Nenad Ponorac
Jelica Predojevi-Samardi
Aida Rami
Nela Raeta
Duko Vuli
Enver Zerem
Milan Jokanovi
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Arthur C. Guyton
Alon P. Winnie
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Reporting statistics in
The need for quantitative evidence in medical judgments
was recently formalized as evidence based medicine [1,
2]. This concept was recognized a long time ago when, in
the second century AD, Galen noted that
A thing seen but once cannot be accepted nor regarded
as true Something can only be accepted and considered
true, if it has been seen very many times, and in the same
manner every time.
Galens words were almost entirely ignored until modern
biological and medical statistics emerged. Thanks to an
English statistician, Ronald Fisher (1890-1962), the advent
of powerful statistical methods made a great impact on
studies related to health. Statistical methods continued to
develop, and today we can improve study design, estimate
adequate sample size and provide reliable analysis of the
This issue of the journal presents an abbreviated paper
from the J BUON (Journal of Balkan Union of Oncology)
devoted to descriptive statistics [3]. The authors indicate
frequent errors in various publications, including use of
the mean and standard error of the mean (SEM) instead
of the mean and standard deviation (SD) to report variations of sample data. Unfortunately, some editors and peer
reviewers frequently fail to indicate such shortcomings.
Nagele [4] noted mistakes in several papers published in
anesthesia journals (Table 1), but similar mistakes likely
occur in many other journals as well.
Table 1. Standard error of the mean (SEM) instead of standard
deviation (SD) used to indicate data variation.*
112/405 (27.7%)
31/137 (22.6%)
48/257 (18.7%)
European Journal of
7/61 (11.5%)
Researchers and clinicians depend upon accurate and descriptive statistics along with the correct use of inferential statistics to adequately summarize collected sample
data. They apply these tools to characterize features of
data distributions and estimate population characteristics.
As clinicians, we can gain information from carefully executed studies that provide convincing evidence. We need
to know how such conclusions can influence our practice
of medicine. For example, when it is shown that a certain
drug or technique is better than another, we may use that
information to the advantage of the patient.
In the former Yugoslavia, medical researchers have long
lacked published guidance about methods for effectively
collecting and reporting their statistical data. The paper
from the J BUON [3] now brings some specific and detailed
help, but researchers would be well advised, as well, to consult several recently published books on medical statistics
in English [5-8].
Darko Goli, MD, PhD
Head, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
Clinical Center Banja Luka
78000 Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska,
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Ranko krbi, MD, PhD.
Head, Department of Clinical Pharmacology
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Banja Luka
78000 Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska,
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Gennadiy Voronov, MD
Chairman, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain
J. H. Stroger Hospital of Cook County
Chicago, IL 60612, USA
2. Anonimous. Clinical evidence handbook. London: BMJ, 2009.
3. Igic R, Stoisavljevic-Satara S. Statistical presentation of data in
biomedical publications. J BUON 2010;15:182-7.
4. Nagele P. Misuse of standard error of the mean (SEM) when
reporting probability of a sample. A critical evaluation of four
anesthesia journals. Br J Anesth 2003;90:514-6.
5. Campbell MJ, Swinscow TDV. Statistics at square one. London,
6. Campbell MJ. Statistics at square two: Understanding modern
statistical applications in medicine. London, 2006.
7. Lang TA, Sesic M. How to report statistics in medicine.
Philadelphia, American College of Physicians, 1997.
8. Myles PS, Gin T. Statistical methods for anesthesia and
intensive care. Edinburgh, Butterworth, 2000.
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Prikaz knjige
Prikaz knjige je opis njenog sadraja, kritika analiza, procena kvaliteta i ukazivanje na znaaj te publikacije. Engleski izraz book review se kod nas ponekad krivo prevodi
kao recenzija knjige, a ne prikaz knjige. Recenziranje
knjiga se vri pre njihovog objavljivanja, a prikaz knjige se
pie nakon to je knjiga objavljena.
Postoje dva pristupa pisanju ovih prikaza: deskriptivni i
kritiki. Za razliku od deskriptivnog prikaza, u kom autor istog uglavnom daje osnovne podatke o knjizi, kritiki
prikazi, pored opisa knjige, sadre procenu knjige kojom
prikaziva informie itaoca o kvalitetu dela. Kritiki prikazi imaju za cilj da izvre procenu kompetentnosti autora
knjige i kvaliteta informacija u njoj, te obaveste itaoca
moe li to delo, i u kojoj meri, podsticati donoenje boljih
odluka u datom domenu zdravstva. Uz to, kritika kojom se
izraava neslaganje i ukazuje na nedostatke knjige ili nekog
strunog dela, predstavlja glavnu pokretaku snagu koja
vodi napretku u svim naunim i strunim oblastima, ali i
podizanju akademskog nivoa. (1) Imajui u vidu injenicu
da je veima naih biomedicinskih asopisa, donedavno,
mahom publikovala deskriptivne prikaze knjiga, Scripta
Medica e podsticati kritike prikaze koje nameravamo
povremeno objavljivati u naem asopisu. Razlog za publikovanje ovih prikaza je, izmeu ostalog, i u tome to
itaoci radije itaju prikaze knjiga nego druge lanke u
asopisu. (2)
Kratka instrukcija o tome kako se piu prikazi knjiga data
je 1980. godine. (3) Ona je i danas aktuelna pa je u nastavku taj tekst dat u celini.
Mnogi asopisi objavljuju prikaze knjiga. U nekim
asopisima to se vri u redovnim kraim rubrikama, a
ponekad se pojavljuju svesci asopisa koji znatno vie prostora posveuju prikazima knjiga kao to to, na primjer,
ini Nature. Pisac prikaza knjige analizira sadraj djela i
obavjetava itaoce kakve je namjere imao autor djela, kakav je uspjeh i kakve propuste nanio prilikom postizanja
svojih ciljeva, kakav je jezik i stil, koja je centralna tema,
ta obuhvata, a ta ne obuhvata knjiga i koje su najjae i
najslabije strane knjige. Poeljno je da pisac prikaza knjige
komparira knjigu sa srodnim djelima, ali i sa ostalim
knjigama koje je napisao isti autor. U naim biomedicinskim asopisima se izuzetno retko sreu paralelni prikazi
vie knjiga koje obrauju isti predmet. Takvi prikazi su
osobito korisni kada je u pitanju udbenika literatura jer
pomau studentima i postdiplomcima za koju knjigu da se
Faruk Hadziselimovic
treatment concept and long-term
follow up results
Kindertagesklinik Liestal
Oristalsstrasse 87a 4410 Liestal
[email protected]
Unescended testes (cryptorchidism), incomplete descent at birth of one or both
testes affects 1-3% of boys and is the most common endocrine disease in
childhood. If untreated, the undescended testis may develop progressive failure
of spermatogenesis and has a higher incidence of carcinoma that may manifest
in adolescence and adulthood. Endocrine and primary end organ failures are the
two etiological factors most frequently held responsible for the increased incidence
of infertility in unilateral and bilateral cryptorchidism. The cryptorchid testis has
a typical histology showing depletion of germ cells and impaired maturation of
gonocytes accompanied by intestinal brosis and Leydig cell atrophy. In 70% of
males with isolated cryptorchidism, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism is the cause
of undescended testes. The number of Ad spermatogonia that develop in infancy
during the period of mini puberty (the stem cells for mature spermatozoa) is severely
reduced . The ultimate aim of all therapy for cryptorchidism is to have both testes
in the scrotum and to achieve normal fertility. Hormonal treatment is recommended
for all patients prior to orchidopexy and those at high risk of infertility (no Ad
spermatogonia). Treatment includes Kryptocur for inducing epididymo-testicular
descent and Buserelin (LH-RHa) for prevention of infertility. If unsuccessful surgery
should be performed before patients second birthday.
Seventy percent of cryptorchid patients exhibit hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. In boys with unilateral cryptorchidism, testicular pathology caused by hormonal imbalance
was bilateral; 71% of scrotal testes had a reduced number
of germ cells, and 75% had impaired transformation of
gonocytes into Ad (Adult dark) spermatogonia. Evidence
of a relative post-pubertal gonadotropin deficiency became
even more pronounced when LH plasma values were correlated with Ad spermatogonia. While both high infertility risk (HIR) and intermediate infertility risk groups had
normal basal LH levels, the low infertility risk group had
LH levels in the hypogonadotropic range.
Our long term, prospective follow-up study used hormonal
analyses to confirm a previously observed inverse correlation between FSH and sperm count [1.2]. Furthermore,
we established that patients with bilateral cryptorchidism
had higher FSH plasma values than those with unilateral
cryptorchidism [2]. At first glance, these findings suggest
that primary testicular failure causes the hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. However, we find that gonadotropin
levels are more highly correlated with the presence or absence of Ad spermatogonia than with the number of un-
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Figure 1. Histology of testicular tissue: normal and cryptorchid
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
presence or absence of heparin or direct thrombin inhibitors, and they were all negative. The diagnosis of FVII deficiency was confirmed by measuring FVII activity, which
was only 2% of normal. In preparation for surgery, two
units of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) were transfused and
recombinant factor VIIa (Novosoven) was requested from
a pharmacy.
The patient was taken to the operating room, and 90 mcg/
kg of Novoseven intravenously (IV) was given prior to
surgical incision. Subsequently, a partial TURP was performed under general anesthesia. The patients intraoperative course was uneventful. Estimated blood loss was 200
ml and he received 1200 ml of crystalloids. The patient
was extubated without complications and then taken to
the postoperative anesthesia care unit (PACU) in a stable
Following extubation, the patient was noted to have moderate facial edema. Respirations were unlabored and breath
sounds were clear to auscultation bilaterally. The patient
quickly developed hypertension with systolic blood pressures in the low 200s. Other vital signs including heart
rate remained stable. It was feared that the patient may
have had either an allergic reaction to the recombinant
Factor VII or fluid overload. The hypertension was treated
with furosemide and antihypertensive hydralazine and
labetalol IV. Diphenhydramine and corticosteroids were
given IV in the event that this was an allergic reaction.
The patient responded to the treatment and was eventually discharged from the PACU with stable vital signs in-
Stiljkovic et al.
Congenital FVII deficiency is a rare bleeding disorder
with high phenotypic variability, and the incidence is approximately 1:500,000 (2). In the majority of patients,
FVII deficiency is associated with only mild hemorrhagic
disorder. However, surgery may be associated with severe
bleeding, and preoperative FVII replacement is advocated
(3). FVII replacement has traditionally been achieved with
FFP, protrombin complex concentrates or plasma-derived
FVII concentrates. However, in 2005, a recombinant FVIIa (Novoseven) was FDA approved for the prevention and
treatment of bleeding in patients with congenital FVII deficiency undergoing surgical procedures. In this case, No-
Hunter DJW, Berra-Unamuno A, and Martin-Gordo A. Prevalence of Urinary Symptoms and Other Urological Conditions in
Spanish Men 50 Years Old or Older. J Urol 1997;155:1965-70.
2. Mariani G, Konkle BA, and Ingerslev J. Congenital Factor VII
Deficiency: Therapy with recombinant Activated Factor VII a
Critical Appraisal. Haemophilia 2006;12:19-27.
3. Mariani G, Dolce A, Marchetti G, et al. Clinical Picture and
Management of Congenital Factor VII Deficiency. Haemophilia
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Substance abuse has crossed social, economic and geographic borders and presents significant problem that is
facing society today. The prevalence of cocaine abuse in
young adults (including women) is markedly increased
over the past two decades. Approximately ninety percent
of cocaine-abusing women are of childbearing age. Thus,
it is not surprising to find pregnant women who abuse
this drug. During the early months of pregnancy, cocaine
abuse may increase the risk of miscarriage. When the drug
is used late in pregnancy, it triggers premature labor and
may cause an unborn baby to die or to have a stroke, which
can result in irreversible brain damage. [1] Thus, prenatal
cocaine exposure may affect infant development. [2]
The diverse clinical manifestations of cocaine abuse combined with physiologic changes of pregnancy, and pathophysiology of coexisting pregnancy-related disease might
lead to life-threatening complications and significantly
impact the practice of obstetric anesthesia. A complete understanding of the physiology of pregnancy, pathophysiology of pregnancy-specific disorders and anesthetic implications of cocaine abuse in pregnancy is essential for safe
anesthetic plan for this high-risk group of patients. [3]
We found distressed female in labor pain demanding a csection. She revealed that she had general anesthesia once
for a cesarean section. She denied food ingestion in the last
five hours. On inspection the airway appeared manageable
despite the presence of a cervical collar, which necessitated meticulous planning of airway management. After discussing the situation with the obstetrical team a decision
was made to allow labor to progress, with surgical intervention if necessary. Aspiration prophylaxis was administered accordingly. Availability of an emergency airway cart
in the operating room was verified. The anesthesia team
was summoned again three hours later for emergency cesarean section due to failure of labor to progress. Patient
was placed supine in the LUD position with a roll under her
shoulders and pre-oxygenated with her head at a 20-degree elevation. She underwent uneventful rapid sequence
induction and was subsequently intubated with c-collar in
place and in line neck stabilization. A stress dose of steroids was administered. Anesthesia was maintained with
sevoflurane in nitrous oxide and oxygen.
Donkoh et al.
When selecting an anesthesia technique each case must be
analyzed individually and particular issues addressed accordingly [3]. For instance, the airway tends to be more
edematous and vascular during pregnancy, and rheumatoid arthritis may affect synovial joints in the c-spine.
Even in the absence of a c-collar, avoidance of neck extension would still be prudent and a smaller size tube recommended. Cocaine abuse is known to have effects on
hemodynamic status and possibly hemostasis [4]. In our
intoxicated pregnant trauma patient, we chose balanced
general anesthesia, which led to a favorable outcome for
both the mother and the fetus.
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Since its introduction by Carlens in 1959, [1] mediastinoscopy has become an important tool for diagnosis of mediastinal lesions and staging of mediastinal malignancies. It
is more accurate at staging lung cancer than the computed
tomographic scans or positron emission tomography scans.
(2). From all the complications only less then 0.5% have
clinical significance, the worst is a massive hemorrhage,
which requires a trained team and well equipped operating
theatre for thoracic, vascular and cardiac surgery (3). The
rate of recurrent nerve paralysis or vocal cord palsy after
mediastinoscopy has been reported at less than one percent. These complications are more common in redo neck
surgery. Some other causes of operative injury to the vocal cords include intubation and placement of esophageal
stethoscopes, pacemaker placement, medial sternotomy,
carotid surgery, internal mammary artery harvest, and
We present a patient with mediastinal mass, who developed transient recurrent laryngeal nerve paresis and airway compromise after this procedure.
Case Presentation
A-55-year-old, 168 cm tall, weighing 60 kg, a smoker with
one-week history of neck swelling and hoarseness presented to emergency department with chest pain. Patient was
found to have mediastinal lymphadenopathy, and superior
vena cava syndrome. No wheezing or stridor was observed
during deep breathing. Diffuse neck edema was present
with distended veins on the left side. Rest of the airway
exam was favorable. Second IV was inserted on the lower
extremity and patient was taken to the operating room. Inhalation induction was facilitated with dexmedetomidine
and ketamine. Intubation with 7.5 size ETT, was smooth
and atraumatic. Direct laryngoscopy view was grade one.
Cuff was inflated with 5 ml of air to control the air leak.
General anesthesia was maintained with sevofluraine in
oxygen and air. Cisatracurium was administered before
surgical stimulation. At the end of the procedure patient
met criteria for extubation and was transferred to PACU
in stable condition with oxygen via facemask. During the
recovery room stay he developed dyspnea and stridor with
deep breathing. He was treated with warmed, humidified
oxygen, nebulized racemic epinephrine IV hydrocortisone
Joseph et al.
2. Cerfolio RJ, Ojha B, Bryant AS, Bass CS, et al. The role of FDGPET scan in staging patients with non-small cell carcinoma.
Ann Thorac Surg 2003;76:861-6.
3. Carlens E, Hambraeus GM. Mediastinoscopy. Indications and
limitations. Scand J Respr Dis 1967;48:1-10.
4. Widstrom A. Pulsy of the recurrent nerve following mediastinoscopy. Chest 1975;67:365-6.
5. Roberts J R and Wadsworth J. Recurrent laryngeal nerve monitoring during mediastinoscopy: predictors of injury. Ann Thorac
Surg 2007;83:388-91.
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Tomislav Kai
Beograd, Srbija
Moderna medicina se tokom poslednjih decenija transformie u nauku zasnovanu
na dokazima. A do dokaza o ekasnosti novih lekova se dolazi naunim metodima i
oni su u rezultatima randomiziranih klinikih studija (RTC), pa se unose u Preporuke
za dijagnostiku i terapiju, koje publikuju sva profesionalna udruenja: amerika,
evropska pa i nacionalna. Preporuke bi trebalo da olakaju snalaenje lekara i
stimuliu ih da bre prihvataju novine u terapiji i bolje lee svoje bolesnike. Meutim,
jedna inae dobra ideja nosi u sebi protivrenosti koje usporavaju planirani proces.
Probleme otvara injenica da farmaceutska industrija nansira RTC, nansira i
istraivae i komitete za pisanje preporuka, zbog ega jasni konikti interesa stvaraju
atmosferu kojoj nedostaje transparentnost i poverenje. Tako dolazi do sukoba izmeu
preporuka i prakse. Poueni prisustvom konikta interesa (mita i korupcije) na svim
nivoima do SZO, lekari u praksi vrlo uzdrano ili skeptino gledaju na preporuke koje
im stalno nude nove lekove, u iju vrednost oni argumentovano sumnjaju, mada su
svesni da ne mogu stalno leiti svoje bolesnike znanjima sa studija medicine. Politika
u zdravstvu trebalo bi da promovie kontinuiranu medicinsku edukaciju, zasnovanu
na naunim dokazima. To je teko izvedivo, jer pritisak novca dovodi do apsurdnog
izjednaavanja naune medicine s alternativnom tj. tradicionalnom, i svi oni napori za
promociju RCT-a bivaju obesmiljeni. Bolesnicima nikada nije bilo lako, ali sada nije
lako ni lekarima.
Prof. dr Tomislav Kai
[email protected]
Klasa I
Dokaz i/ili opta saglasnost da je data terapijska ili dijagnostika procedura povoljna, korisna, i
Klasa II
Klasa IIa
Klasa IIb
Klasa III*
Dokaz ili opta saglasnost da terapija ili popstupak nisu korisni/efektivni, a neki mogu biti i tetni
Podaci iz samo jedne randomizirane klinike studije ili velikog broja nerandomiziranih studija
Konsenzus miljenja eksperata i/ili mali broj malih studija: retrospektivne analize i registri
pojedinana ili grupna miljenja, svesni jakih uticaja industrije i na njihovo formiranje i promociju kao eksperata i
na formiranje i objavljivanje njihovih miljenja.
Usporavanje tempa razvoja novih i efikasnih lekova, i medikalizacija odnosno komercijalizacija ivota uinili su da
se pritisak industrije na medicinu pojaava i preko granica
prihvatljivih za otvoreno, kritino drutvo. Medicinski
akademski krugovi su previe ukljueni u marketing novih
lekova i terapijskih procedura, u perpetuiranje mitova o
lekovima kao maginim mecima koji ciljaju na bolest.
Kao veliki uspesi promoviu se marginalne i nategnute razlike u efikasnosti u odnosu na efikasnost lekova koji su
decenijama u upotrebi, pa se posle esto izraava uenje
zato lekari opte prakse ne prihvataju rezultate klinikih
Nove analize ozbiljno dovode u pitanje i osporavaju napore
i intervencije za smanjenje zdravstvenog rizika u dve najmasovnije oblasti: hipertenziji i dislipidemijama.
Hipertenzija konstatuje se fijasko terapije osim za bolesnike sa vrlo visokim krvnim pritiskim, jer vai pravilo
polovine: polovina bolesnika ne zna da ima hipertenziju,
polovina od onih koji znaju se ne lei, polovina od onih koji
se lee, ne lee se pravilno, samo 10 - 30% leenih dostie
ciljne vrednosti, a analiza nesponzorisanih studija kod
bolesnika sa blagom i umerenom hipertenzijom ukazuje
da terapija koja traje 30 godina produava ivot za samo 24
Dakle, nije sluajno to su u Tabeli 2, eksperti u komitetima stavili na poslednje mesto po verodostojnosti svoja
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
like klinike studije od kojih treba da zavise globalni terapijski stavovi, industrija finansira direktno ili indirektno.
Direktno, kada to ini eksplicitno, a indirektno, kada jedna
velika firma voenje studije u kojoj se ispituje njen lek formalno poveri nekoj uglednoj instituciji, a ona sama odredi
vei deo tima eksperata koji rukovode istraivanjem. Po
zavrenom ispitivanju, kada dobijene rezultate treba ugraditi u preporuke, arogantno ispoljava svoju snagu nalazei
naina da njeni tienici budu najuticajnije linosti u
timovima za pisanje preporuka. Onda je normalno da
se takvi komiteti zalau za sve nie normalne vrednosti
krvnog pritiska, to se desilo 2003. godine, kad su i niske
vrednosti od 120-139 mm Hg bile oznaene kao prehipertenzija. Princip je isti kod komiteta u drugim forumima
i za druge dijagnoze, mada nije uvek jasno kako se stie taj
status, ko ih postavlja niti koliki je njihov realni uticaj na
medicinsku praksu.
Prava senzacija je dola s vrha britanske medicine: 2004.
je British Medical Journal (BMJ) objavio da vie od 50%
lanaka o efikasnosti lekova koje publikuju Lancet, New
England Journal of Medicine i BMJ piu autori-duhovi
Oponenti su: istraivai, individualci, kritini duhovi, lekari koji hoe da misle svojom glavom, i antiglobalisti.
Meu oponentima je dosta starih lekara, profesora i
naunika najvieg ranga, od kojih su neki ogoreni, drugi
zabrinuti, a njihovi stavovi zasluuju panju.
Attilio Maseri, veliko ime italijanske kardiologije, je jedan
od ogorenih i sa te pozicije kae na inauguralnom predavanju za visiting profesora Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu da Preporuke najvie odgovaraju: apotekarima,
koji nisu uili kliniku medicinu, lekarima koji su suvie
leerni da bi mislili, lekarima koji su proseni, posluni i
pokorni, lekarima koji misle politiki korektno.
Heneghan C. EBM Guidelines: Evidence based medicine. Evidence Based Medicine 2004;9:61 doi:10.1136/ebm 9.2.61
Lenfant C. Clinical research to clinical practice Lost in translation. N Engl J Med 2003;349;868-76.
Kai T. Terapija kao spoj nauke i prakse. U Kai T i Ostoji M
(urednici), Klinika kardiovaskularna farmakologija, 5. izdanje,
Integra, Beograd 2009:1-23.
Sturman MF. The medicalising of America, part I. Easy Diagnosis 2005a;2(8): Augus 2, online.
Shepherd J, Blauw GJ, Murphy MB et al. Pravastatin in elderly
individuals at risk of vascular disease (PROSPER): a randomized controlled trial. Lancet 2002;360:1623-30.
Abbasi K.Transparency and trust. BMJ 2004;329: doi:10.1136/
bmj 329.7472.0-g
Steg PG, Lopez-Sendon J, Lopez de Sa E et al. For the GRACE
investigators. Arch Int Med 2007;167:68-73.
Bassand JP, Priori S, Tendera M. Evidence-based v impressionist medicine. How best to implement guidelines. EHJ
Tricoci PL, Allen JM, Kramer JM et al. Scientific evidence
underlying the ACC/AHA clinical practice guidelines. JAMA
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Traganje za dokazima
o ekasnom i sigurnom
Pri razmatranjima efektivne farmakoterapije, glavno nastojanje kliniara je usmereno na procenu efektivnosti i sigurnosti leka ili drugih terapijskih procedura. Kako lekar
moe biti siguran u dokaze koji se nalaze u literaturnim
izvorima (knjigama i asopisima)?
Nivo dokaza se moe uproeno svesti na to kako su
vrena istraivanja kojima se dolo do odgovarajue tvrdnje. Hijerahija dokaza se obino predstavlja ovim redosledom: (I) zakljuci dobijeni na osnovu prikaza i analize vie
randomiziranih klinikih studija (engl. systematic review
of randomized clinical trials - RTC) i tzv. meta-analize
su najsnaniji izvor, a slede (II) randomizirana klinika
studija, (III) opservaciona studija (cohort study, casecontrolled study ili cross-sectional survey), (IV) prikaz
sluajeva i na kraju (V) lino miljenje autoriteta. (1)
Baze podataka
Velika baza izvornih podataka je Medline. Ona obuhvata
preko 5.000 asopisa koji izlaze u vie od 70 zemalja. Besplatno je dostupna online na World Wide Web (WWW)
putem PubMed. Ostale baze podataka su AMED, CINHAL,
Current Contents, Embase, Health Star, Medicine, Premedicine, Psychinfo, ali i Google Scholar i
Pri traenju vieg nivoa dokaza, a posebno randomiziranih
klinikih studija i drugih kvalitetnih klinikih ispitivanja,
dobro je pored Medline i drugih izvornih baza podataka,
kombinovati pretrage s filtriranim i sintetisanim bazama podataka. Primeri za prvu grupu izvora su; Cocharne
Controlled Clinical Trials Register ili Evidence-Based Digests (npr. Evidence-Based Cardiology, Evidence-Based
Eye Care, Evidence-Based Medicine, Evidence Based
Mental Health), Health Technology Assessment Database
i NHS Economic Evaluation Database, a za drugu grupu:
American College of Physicians PIER, Clinical Evidence,
Cocharne Database of Systematic Reviews (DARE), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness, EvidenceBased on Call.
Cocharne Library sadri korisne informacije iz razliitih
baza podataka koje se mogu pretraivati zajedno. Zato
mnogi kliniari poinju pretragu unutar Cocharne Li-
tske kue obino pokae podatke koji porede lek koji bude
reklamiran s konkurentskim koji je davan u subterapijskim dozama. Nee taj saradnik saoptiti smrtne sluajeve
ili teke neeljene efekte leka. On, usput, obino navede
nekoliko uticajnih lokalnih lekara koji primenjuju taj lek.
Biete takoe ubeivani da se na lek, mada je skuplji od
konkurentskog, ipak, zbog svega drugog vie isplati.
Iskusni farmakolozi savetuju lekare(4): Primite predstavnika farmaceutske kue samo onda kada mu zakaete
prijem i to uradite ako vas dotini proizvod interesuje, ne
dozvolite da vam on deklamuje nauen tekst, pitajte ga ono
to vas interesuje, traite da vam pokae nezavisne publikovane dokaze o tom leku iz poznatih asopisa, ne pridajte znaaj promotivnim brourama jer one esto sadre
Greenhalgh T. How to read a paper. The basis of evidencebased medicine, third edition. London: BMJ, 2006.
Cocharne A. Effectiveness and efficiency. London: Nuffield
Provincial Hospitals Trust, 1972.
Kai T. Lini stav: Preporuke i praksa. Scripta Medica,
Anonymous. Getting good value from drug reps. Drug Ther
Bull 1983;21:13-5.
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Bojana Petri
University of Essex
United Kingdom
Osim uloge kritike u prikazima knjiga, i sam nain kritikovanja naunih dela se menjao tokom istorije. Dok se
u 19. veku prikazivai nisu ustezali da kritikuju ne samo
delo, ve i autora lino, pa i da iznose ironine i sarkastine
primedbe, takav nain kritikovanja je ustupio mesto odmerenoj i konstruktivnoj kritici, koja radije bira indirektna sredstva izraavanja. Ovakav razvoj izraavanja
naune kritike konstatovan je u razliitim naunim disciplinama, ukljuujui medicinu, na engleskom, francuskom
i panskom jeziku (4-6), pa i na srpskom jeziku u oblasti
knjievnih nauka (7).
Istorijska prouavanja pokazuju da su prvi prikazi knjiga, objavljeni u engleskim asopisima u 17. veku, sluili
prvenstveno kao obavetenje o sadrini novih knjiga i da
su se esto sastojali iz obimnih citata iz dela sa vrlo malo
prateeg komentara; meutim, sa sve intenzivnijim objavljivanjem novih naslova, pojavila se potreba da se knjige
kritiki ocenjuju kao orijentir itaocima na koje knjige da
obrate panju (1,2). Kritiko procenjivanje tako postaje nezaobilazni element prikaza knjiga.
Prouavanja strukture prikaza knjiga pokazuju da je evaluacija prisutna u svim segmentima teksta. Tako u studiji
prikaza knjiga iz hemije, ekonomije i lingvistike MottaRoth (3) otkriva etiri opta elementa strukture koji se
pojavljuju u gotovo svim prikazima knjiga, pri emu svaki
moe da sadri evaluaciju. Prvi segment je uvodno predstavljanje knjige, koje definie optu oblast kojom se knjiga
bavi, daje napomene o autoru, navodi koju vrstu italake
publike bi knjiga mogla posebno zanimati, i smeta knjigu
u iru oblast u odnosu na druga slina dela. Drugi segment
daje opti prikaz knjige s osvrtom na njenu organizaciju i
teme svakog poglavlja. Trei segment se detaljnije bavi delovima ili aspektima knjige koji zasluuju posebnu panju,
bilo zbog svojih vrlina ili mana. Konano, u etvrtom segmentu, knjiga se preporuuje itaocima zbog svoje vrednosti ili uprkos navedenim manjkavostima, ili se izrie
opta negativna evaluacija celog dela. Iako je ovaj model
nastao na osnovu prouavanja prikaza na engleskom jeziku, pokazalo se da vai i za druge jezike. Na primer, uputstvo za pisanje prikaza knjiga u oblasti medicine na srpskom
jeziku (4) sadri sve elemente ovog modela.
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Hyland, K. Disciplinary discourses. Social interactions in academic writing. London: Longman, 2000.
Salager-Meyer, F., Alcaraz Ariza, MA., Pabn Berbes, M. Collegiality, critique and the construction of scientific argumentation in medical book reviews: A diachronic approach. Journal of
Pragmatics, 2007, 39/10:1758-74.
Motta-Roth, D. 1998. Discourse analysis and academic book
reviews: A study of text and disciplinary cultures. In: Fortanet,
I., Posteguillo, S., Palmer, JC., Coll, JF. editors. Genre studies in
English for academic purposes. Castell: Universitat Jaume I,
1998, pp 29-58.
Igi, R. Kako se piu saoptenja o medicinskim istraivanjima.
Sarajevo: Veselin Maslea, 1980.
Salager-Meyer, F., Alcaraz Ariza, MA. Negative appraisals in
academic book reviews: A cross-linguistic approach. In: Candlin, C., Gotti, M. editors. Intercultural aspects of specialised
communication. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2004, pp 149-72.
6. Salager-Meyer, F. 2010. Academic book reviews and the construction of scientific knowledge (1890-2005). In: Posteguillo,
S., Gea Valor, ML., Garca Izquierdo, I., Esteve, MJ. editors.
Linguistic and translation studies in scientific communication.
Bern: Peter Lang.
7. Petri, B. Scholarly criticism in a small academic community: A
diachronic study of book reviews in the oldest Serbian scholarly
journal. In: Salager-Meyer, F., Lewin, BA. editors. The word
and the sword: Criticism in the academy. Bern: Peter Lang (u
8. Lors Sanz, R. (Non-)critical voices in the reviewing of history
discourse: A cross-cultural study of evaluation. In: Hyland, K.,
Diani, G. editors. Academic evaluation. Review genres in university setting. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, pp 143-60.
9. Shaw, P., Vassileva, I. Co-evolving academic rhetoric across culture: Britain, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany in the 20th century.
Journal of Pragmatics, 2009, 41:290305.
10. Duszak, A. editor. Culture and styles of academic discourse.
Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1997.
11. Moreno, AI., Surez, L. A study of critical attitude across English and Spanish academic book reviews. Journal of English for
Academic Purposes, 2008, 7/1: 15-26.
Faruk Hadziselimovic,
Nela Raeta, 2Mirko
atara, 2Radoslav Gajanin,
Dejan Bokonji,
1. Kindertagesklinik Liestal
1. A 6-year-old male undergoes an elective repair of inguinal
hernia. An undescended testicle is encountered in the inguinal canal. Thus, in addition to a high ligation repair of the indirect hernia sac, an orchiopexy is performed. Which of the
following statements is true?
a. Germ cell tumors are very rare type of testicular cancer.
b. Increased serum human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
level is almost always found in association with seminoma.
c. Orchipexy does not reduce the likelihood that this patient
will develop testicular cancer.
d. A biopsy of suspected testicular cancer may be safely performed under local anesthesia via a scrotal incision.
e. Seminomas are insensitive to radiation therapy.
2. Which tumor marker is most often associated with hepatocellular carcinoma?
a. Beta-hCG
b. Alpha-fetoprotein
c. CA 19-9
d. Carcinoembrionic antigen
e. CA 125
3. Gout is a syndrome caused by deposition of urate crystals.
It typically presents as an acute monoarthritis of rapid onset.
The first metatarrsophalangeal joint is the most commonly
affected joint (podagra). Diagnosis is usually made clinically.
Describe various treatments of acute attack of gout.
4. The Achilles tendon does not have a true synovial sheath. It
is surrounded by a paratendon (fatty areolar tissue that separates the tendon from its sheath). The early pain of Achilles
tendinitis is caused by injury to the paratendon rather than
to the tendon itself. Pain is greater when the patient gets up in
the morning and often improves with continued walking, as
the tendon moves more freely inside the paratendon. Similarly, pain increases when exercise is begun and often improves
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
1. C. Testicular cancer is the most common solid tumor found
in young adult men. More than half of painless solid swellings
of the body of the testis are malignant, with peak incidence
in men aged 25-35 years. About half of testicular cancers are
seminomas, which tend to affect older men, and have a good
prognosis. Criptorchidism significantly increases the affected
individuals risk of testicular cancer. Orchiopexy (the placement of cryptorchid testicles back in the scrotum) does not
alter their malignant potential. Thus, examination for the tumor detection in such persons should be performed regularly.
a. Ninety-five percent of testicular tumors arise from germ
cells. These tumors include seminomas, non-seminomas, embrional cell carcinomas, choriocarcinomas, and teratomas.
b. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is found in almost
100% of choriocarcinomas, and teratomas.
d. Seeding of malignant cells can occur along the biopsy tract
site. Therefore, orciectomies should be approached trough an
inguinal incision.
e. Seminomas are highly sensitive to radiation therapy. (In
men with good prognosis non-stage 1 seminoma who have
had orchidectomy, radiotherapy may improve survival and be
less toxic than chemotherapy, except in men with large volume disease, in whom chemotherapy may be more effective.
Standard radiotherapy treatment comprises 30-36 Gy in 1518 fractions.)
2. B. Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) is associated with hepatocellular carcinoma. More than 70% of patients with an HCC larger
than 3 cm will have an elevated AFP level.
Hadziselimovic et al.
5. C. Four types of primary lung tumors exist: adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma, and
large cell carcinoma. Small cell carcinoma usually originates
in the major bronchus near the hilum. It is known for its rapid
growth and early metastasis to both lymphatic and blood vessels. It is therefore considered by many to be metastatic at the
time of diagnosis.
a. Squamous cell carcinoma accounts for 30% of primary
malignant lung tumors. It occurs centrally in the segmental,
lobar, or mainstem bronchi. Slow growing and late to metastasize, this type of tumor lends itself to resection if diagnosed
early enough.
b. Adenocarcinoma accounts for 40% of malignant lung tumors. It is most often peripheral in location. Like squamous
cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma is late to metastasize and
may be resectable.
d. Ten percent of malignant lung tumors involve large cell
carcinomas, which are also usually located in the periphery.
These tumors show rapid growth and early metastasis, but are
known to be less aggressive than small cell carcinomas. The
majority of large cell carcinomas are poorly differentiated adenocarcinomas.
f. Hodgkins disease is a lymphoma that usually presents asymptomatic adenopathy and constitutional symptoms of fever, night sweats, and weight loss. Hodgkins lymphomas are
highly responsive to radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
6. The Child-Pugh classification of cirrhosis is a method of
predicting operative mortality. Patients with cirrhosis are
at increased risk for associated morbidity and mortality for
any kind of surgery. The operative mortality associated with
Childs classes A, B, and C is 2%, 10%, and 50%, respectively.
Score A is 5-6, score B is 7-9, and score C is 10 points or higher.
Following Child-Pugh Classication Points are used for the
Relevant Calculation
Hepatic encephalopathy
1, 2
3, 4
7. D. This is the classic description of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. Patients present with history of projectile emesis and
often have a palpable, oliveshaped mass in the right upper
quadrant. The contrast study images show the gastric outlet
obstruction of pyloric stenosis. It is four times more common
in male infants and usually presents at 4 to 8 weeks of age.
Dehidratation is often seen with a hypokalemic, hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis. All resulting electrolyte abnormalities should be corrected prior to proceeding to the operating
room. Most patients resume oral intake within 12 hours of
surgery. (The Fredet-Ramstedt pyloromyotomy is the classic
operation performed.)
a. Duodenal atresia presents as bilious emesis in the newborn
and is associated with the classic double bubble sign on abdominal x-rays.
b. Cholangiocarcinoma is a tumor of the biliary tree; it is nor
typically seen in children.
c. Hirschprungs disease presents as a relative colonic obstruction and difficulty-passing stool due to an aganglionic
segment of the distal colon.
e. Intestinal malrotation is a surgical emergency and must be
considered. Infants with malrotation might vomit, however,
they would also have distension and pain, which are symptoms not usually found in children with pyloric stenosis.
8. Hiccup presents repeated involuntary spasm of the diaphragm, followed by sudden closure of the glottis, which
checks the inflow of air and produces the characteristic sound.
Hiccups follow irritation of afferent or efferent nerves or of
medullar centers that control the respiratory muscles, especially diaphragm. Swallowing hot or irritating substances may
stimulate afferent nerves. High blood CO2 inhibits hiccups,
while low CO2 stimulates them. Hiccups are more common in
men and often accompany diaphragmatic pleurisy, pneumonia, uremia, alcoholism, or abdominal surgery. The cause of
most prolonged or recurrent hiccups can be determined, but
the cause of other episodes may never become apparent.
Various simple measures may be tried, such as, increasing
PaCO2, and inhibiting diaphragmatic activity by series of deep
breath-holdings or by re-breathing deeply into a paper bag.
A plastic bag should not be used, because it may cling to the
nostrils. Vagal stimulation may work: drinking glass of water
rapidly, swallowing dry bread, or inducing vomiting. Inhalation of carbogen (5% CO2 and 95% O2) is of value, particularly in postoperative patients. Metoclopramide 10 mg p.o. bid
to qid may help to some patients. Sometimes even bilateral
phrenicotomy does not cure all cases.
9. Medical doctors and researchers spend a great deal of time
reading research papers. They must read papers for several
reasons: to review them for a conference or seminar, to keep
current in their field, or for a literature survey of a new field.
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
The differences between the qualitative and quantitative research (the overstated dichotomy) in health care may be presented as follows:
Methods: observation, interview
Reasoning: inductive
Sampling methods: theoretical
Strength: validity
Methods: experiment, survey
Reasoning: deductive
Sampling method: statistical
Strength: reliability
If the objective of the research was to explore, interpret or
obtain a deeper understanding of a particular clinical issue,
qualitative methods were almost certainly the most appropriate ones to use. If, however, the research aimed to achieve
some other goal (such as determining the incidence of a disease or the frequency of an adverse drug reaction, testing a
cause-and effect hypothesis or showing that one drug has a
better risk-benefit ratio than other), qualitative methods are
clearly inappropriate!
Doctors have traditionally placed high value on numberbased data, which may in reality be misleading, reductionist
and irrelevant to the real issues. The increasing popularity
of qualitative research in the biomedical sciences has arisen
largely because quantitative methods provided either no answers, or the wrong answers, to important questions in both
clinical care and service delivery.
Aleksandar M. Lazarevi,
Sandra Lazarevi
Specijalistika ordinacija interne
medicine Cardio, Banja Luka,
Republika Srpska
Bosna i Hercegovina
Adresa za korespondenciju:
Prof. Dr. Aleksandar M. Lazarevi
Specijalistika ordinacija interne
medicine Cardio
Pave Radana 17
78000 Banja Luka
Republika Srpska
Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel. 051 346 000
Fax: (+387) 51 346 001
E-mail: [email protected]
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Prikazi knjiga
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Monografija o sulfasalazinu je vieautorsko delo, koje potpisuju prof. dr Momir Mikov i asist. mr pharm. Svetlana
Goloorbin-Kon s Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u
Novom Sadu, prof. dr Ranko krbi i asist. mr sc. med.
Nataa Stojakovi sa Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u
Banjoj Luci i prof. dr John Paul Fawcett i njegovi studenti
Elizabeth Yee, Marie Kong, Eugenie Huang, Pauline Hung,
Goldie Wong i Philip Tsai, svi sa Farmaceutskog fakulteta
Univerziteta Otago, Novi Zeland.
Pored tekstualnog dela, knjiga sadri est dijagrama, tri tabele i 244 reference. Pisana je odlinim engleskim jezikom,
lakog i razumljivog stila. Podeljena je u osam glavnih poglavlja: Otkrie, Fiziko-hemijske karakteristike, Farmakokinetika, Farmakodinamika i terapijska primena,
Neeljeni efekti, Farmaceutski oblici, Budunost sulfasalazina i Saetak, a na kraju slede reference.
Autori su ovim delom eleli da obelee sedamdesetogodisnjicu otkria sulfasalazina (1939 - 2009). Nanna Svartz
je dola na ideju da u jednu molekulu spoji sufapiridina
(jedan od sulfonamida) i 5-aminosalicilnu kiselinu (mesalazin; 5-ASA), poto su dotadanji pokuaji da se reumatoidni artritis lei pojedinanom primenom sulfonamida
ili salicilata ostali neuspeni.
Kao nastavnik farmakologije, moram da istaknem da je
posebna vrednost ove knjige u tome to se itaocu, a to bi
svakako trebalo da budu i nai dodiplomski studenti, daje
pogled na sulfasalazin koji znaajno odudara od onoga to
se nalazi u dostupnoj udbenikoj literaturi na naem jeziku. U tom smislu, sulfasalazin nije tek puki prolek ili nosa
za mesalazin, koji se iz njega oslobaa u distalnim partijama digestivnog trakta azo-redukcijom pod dejstvom enzima iz crevnih bakterija i proizvodi kompletan antiinflamatorni efekat, ve supstanca, koja per se, ali i preko drugog
metabolita sulfapiridina, proizvodi brojne povoljne terapijske efekte, koji nisu samo lokalni, tj. ogranieni na crevo,
ve i sistemski. Time se i predstava o mestu sulfasalazina u
savremenoj farmakoterapiji menja od starog, gotovo opsoletnog, leka koji moe da se koristi u inflamatornoj bolesti
creva, ali ga je bolje zameniti njegovim metabolitom mesalazinom, koja je sredstvo prvog izbora, u jo znaajan
lek koji zauzima svoje mesto u leenju niza bolesti, meu
kojima i reumatoidnog artritisa, ulcerativnog kolitisa,
Crohnove bolesti, psorijatinog artritisa, juvenilnog artri-
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Tip podataka
Broj strana
(S. ibali)
(T. Kai)
Broj poglavlja
Indeks pojmova
500 din
Profesor S. ibali, u dva uvodna poglavlja, iznosi opte podatke koji se odnose na antibiotike, ukljuujui farmakokinetiku, metabolizam, sigurnost i efektivnost, rezistenciju,
kombinovanje antibiotika i mikrobioloko testiranje osetljivosti. Tu je lepo prikazan i istorijat otkria antibiotika.
Sledi deset poglavlja koja su posveena pojedinim grupama
antibiotika, a zatim su u zasebnim poglavljima obraeni
antimikotici, antivirusna sredstva, terapija lajmanijaze,
toksoplazmoze, anthemintici, i antiprotozoici. U tim
specijalnim poglavljima su date indikacije za primenu
leka, doziranje, farmakokinetika svojstva leka, neeljena
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Prirunik je napisan na 88 strana A4 formata, sa jednostrukim proredom i dobro odabranim naslovima, koji itaocima kao kljune rijei omoguavaju da lagano pronau
pomo u svakoj fazi pisanja rada. Poglavlja u knjizi Zato
i kako pisati (Impact factor, Citiranost lanaka, Pretraivanje baze podataka, Autorstvo i raspored autora, Dozvole, Uputstvo autorima, Kako zapoeti), lanak (Naslov,
Imena autora, Apstrakt/Saetak, Kljune rijei), IMRaD
Struktura lanka (Uvod, Pacijenti i metode, Rezultati,
Diskusija), Zahvala, Citiranje i reference (Sistem citiranja
referenci citat-niz i Sistem citiranja referenci prezimegodina), Pismo urednitvu asopisa, Recenzije, te Praktini primjeri, objanjavaju svaku fazu pisanja naunog
lanka. Prirunik je nastao iz elje autora da studentima
medicinskih fakulteta na junoslovenskim jezicima budu
pribliene osnove medicinskog pisanja. Prirunik se, dakle, bavi samim pisanjem, a ne metodologijom istraivanja, o kojoj postoji vie izvrsnih knjiga na naim jezicima.
Sistematinost i pedagoka optimalnost su na zavidnoj
visini. Tanost definicija i pojmova, klasifikacija i metodinost su tako precizne da se moe predvidjeti redosljed
odjeljaka u tekstu, tako da se tekst lako pamti. Izbor sugerisane literature objanjava ozbiljnost ovog rada.
Knjiga je, u prvom redu, namijenjena studentima medicine koji po Bolonjskom programu studija izuavaju vjetinu
naunog pisanja u toku redovnog studija. Umijee pisa-
nja naunog lanka je vjetina koju treba uiti i koja slijedi odreena pravila. Sam proces uenja nije kratak, ve je
pun potekoa i greaka. Meutim, udbenik poput ovog
olakava poetniku mukotrpni put objavljivanja sopstvenih medicinskih istraivanja.
U drugom dijelu Prirunika, autor prezentira cjelokupni
sadraj korespondencije autora i urednika (a posredno i recenzenata) tokom procesa peer-review recenzije lanka,
u jednom uglednom asopisu (Current Contents; IF-3.6),
od inicijalne submisije do konanog prihvatanja lanka za
publikovanje. Primjer je dobro odabran i edukativan jer
prezentira vrlo izbalansiran nain komunikacije izmeu
autora, urednika i recenzenata koji je vrlo vaan, a nekada i kljuan za konanu odluku urednika da lanak bude
publikovan u asopisu. Dodatni znaaj daje injenica da se
u prvoj recenziji jedan od recenzenata izjanjava o lanku
relativno pozitivno, a drugi relativno negativno. Autor je
cijeli proces recenzije prezentirao in extenzo bez, ini se,
potrebnih skraivanja koja bi olakala itanje teksta, vjerovatno elei u cjelosti prezentirati nain komunikacije u
toku peer-review procesa.
Globalno gledano, smatram da ovaj prirunik po organizaciji, sadraju i pedagokoj sistematinosti znaajno prevazilazi primarnu namjenu, a to je da bude prirunik za
studente medicine. Naravno da je za studente medicine
najvaniji, jer se kua gradi od temelja. Meutim, i pored
oigledne skromnosti autora, ja ovaj prirunik iskreno preporuujem ne samo studentima medicine, ve i svim ljekarima, i to ne samo onim u akademskoj zajednici, nego
i ljekarima praktiarima, jer ako ne objavite ta ste radili,
nakon izvjesnog vremena, niko nee znati da ste bilo ta
Prof. dr Enver Zerem
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
rznutim odmah nakon izolovanja i uterusima (sa spontanom i/ili Ca2+ - indukovano aktivnou) inkubiranim 2h u
vodenom kupatilu bez tretmana PS-om. Ispitivan je efekat
DDC-a (2.5 mM and 5 mM) na PS posredovanu relaksaciju.
Rezultati: DDC potencira relaksantni efekat protamin
sulfata. Tretman sa 5 mM DDC znaajno je inhibirao
CuZn-SOD, dok je aktivnost MnSOD-a rasla. Mehanizam
delovanja DDC-a je postuliran na bazi njegove interakcije
sa dvovalentnim jonima gvoa i CuZn-SOD. DDC helira
dvovalentne jone gvoa, formirajui Fe-DDC komplekse.
Fe-DDC formira stabilne NO-Fe-DDC2 komplekse putem
NO eliminacije i procesa denitrozilacije, to u kombinaciji
sa DDC-om (5 mM) uzrokuje inhibiciju CuZn-SOD. U
miinoj eliji Fe-DDC kompleksi mogu da denitroziluju
tiol grupe unutar K kanala vodei ka efluksu K+ jona. To
dalje vodi ka otvaranju K-kanala, hiperpolarizaciji membrane, inhibiciji Ca2+ influksa i finalno, relaksaciji glatkog
Zakljuak: Kako Fe-DDC i NO-Fe-DDC2 kompleksi
iskljuuju ulogu dvovalentnog gvoa u generisanju hidroksil radikala u Fentonovoj reakciji, DDC takoe moe
da sprei patofizioloke promene uzrokovane gvoem.
Ovakva uloga DDC-a otvara mogunost upotrebe njegovog farmakolokog oblika (disulfiram) u irokom spektru
patolokih promena vezanih za glatke miie.
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management, Stroger Hospital of Cook County, Chicago, IL, USA; 2Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical Faculty, University of Banja Luka, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Figure 1. Data display as a dot plot (A) and box-whisker plot (B).
The median for each set of the data is marked both at the dot plots
and box-whisker plots. The box is marked by the first and third
quartile. The whiskers show the range.
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Scripta Medica
Vol. 41 No 2 October 2010.
Izvetaj sa Internacionalnog
simpozijuma ziologa u
SAD, Slovake, Slovenije, Srbije, panije, vedske, i Ukrajine. Na skupu su prikazani i brojni posteri. Glavne teme
skupa bile su: (1) Neuroendokrina regulacija fiziolokih
procesa, (2) Fiziologija termogeneze, mitohondrija i redoks regulacija, (3) Neurofiziologija u zdravlju i bolesti i
(4) Biofizika u fiziologiji. Na zavrnoj ceremoniji je najpre
odrano predavanje pod naslovom Veliki naunici iz male
zemlje u ratu i miru, a zatim su dodeljene dve nagrade
mladim istraivaima: Ivan aja i Akademik Radoslav
K. Andjus.
Odluka Francuske akademije nauka o izboru Ivana aje umesto Aleksandra Fleminga.