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Skin Cancer Awareness

By: Isabella Loe, Jazlyn Hernandez, and Sofia Lucido

Friday, November 18, 2016

What is Melanoma?
History of Melanoma
-First diagnosis was by scientists
that found the diffuse melanotic
metastases in columbian
skeletons from Peru
-The first medical documentation is
in the writings of Highmore, Bonet,
and Henrici and Nothnagel in the
late 17th century Europe.
-Dr. William Norris who was a
general practitioner was the first to
find the origins for hereditary
Melanoma in 1820

How Melanoma Impacts Lives

People with melanoma can have
difficulty getting types of health
insurances and a mortgage. Also
after treatments a person's body
can take day, months or even
years to adjust to changes while
experiencing fatigue, lymphedema,
neuropathy, and psychosocial and
emotional changes.

tatistics and Information

-Chances of getting Melanoma are
greater after having 5 or more sun
-With 76,380 new cases being
diagnosed in the US in 2016,
around 13% will die.
-Melanoma accounts for less than
1% of the skin cancers but is
responsible for the most deaths,
leaving someone die from the
cancer every 52 minutes.
-Sores that do not heal
-Pigment, redness or swelling that
spreads outside the border of a spot
to the surrounding skin
-Itchiness, tenderness or pain
What to look for
Existing growths and molds on the
skin that have changed in size,
shape, or color.
-New moles and growths that are
not symmetrical and are abnormal
-Generally are black, brown,
skin-colored, pink, red, purple, or
-people with immediate family
diagnosed are at a higher risk
- ABCD rule
A: Asymmetry
B: Border
C: Color
D: Diameter

Regular daily use of an SPF 15 or
higher sunscreen reduces the risk
of developing squamous cell
carcinoma by about 40 percent and
the risk of developing melanoma by
50 percent
How it impacts cells
-Melanoma is overproduction of
pigmentation in skin cells called
-Caused by overexposure to UVA
and UVB rays from sun
-Melanocytes found in epidermis
(surface of skin)
Diagnosis, Treatments
-The only way to correctly
diagnosis Melanoma is by getting a
biopsy previously recommended
by a doctor.
-Treatment may involve surgery,
radiation, medications, or in some
cases chemotherapy.
-If diagnosed and treated early
melanoma is nearly 100% curable

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