Conditions of The Integumentary System
Conditions of The Integumentary System
Conditions of The Integumentary System
- Benign Tumors
- Precancerous conditions
- MAlignant tumors
Epidemiology: Affects nearly 100% of the older white population. it is most common in fair
complexioned, blue or green eyed, middle-aged men with a history of sun exposure (solar
- There is a known risk of malignant degeneration and subsequent metastatic potential in
neglected lesions
- almost half of the estimated 5 million current cases of skin cancer began as actinic
keratosis lesions
● 5-Fluorouracil (Efudex)- A topical antimetabolite that inhibits cell division comma or
masoprocol cream
● Cyrosurgery Using liquid nitrogen
● Curettage by electro desiccation( superficial tissue destruction through the use of bursts
of electrical current)
● sun protection factor (SPF)- spf 15 sunscreen 30 to 60 minutes before going outside
- spf 30 is recommended for people of fair complexion
-sunscreens are not recommended for infants under 6 months of age
-infants should be kept out of the sun or shaded from it comma fabric with a tight
weave , such as cotton , is suggested
3. Bowen Disease (PRecancerous)
- Can occur anywhere on the skin ( exposed and unexposed areas) or mucous
membranes ( especially the glans penis in uncircumcised males)
- it presents as a persistent , brown to reddish brown , scaly plaque with
well-defined margins
- often the person has a history of arsenic exposure in youth
- Multiple lesions have been associated with an increased number of internal
malignancies and therefore require close follow-up
- treatment is with surgical excision and topical 5-fluorouracil
- Dr.Jean Nicholas MArjolin first describe the occurrence of ulcerative lesions within the
scar tissue in 1828
- Term given to aggressive epidermoid tumors that arise from areas of chronic injury and
for me squamous cell carcinomas
- shield burns wounds are common sites , but any chronic wound can transform into
- Serious form of skin cancer
- the melanomas occur most frequency frequently in the skin but can also be found in the
oral cavity , esophagus , anal canal , vagina , or meninges or within the eye
- associated with intensity > duration of sunlight exposure
- levy that are changing or a typical , especially if greater than 50
- can cause pain , swelling , bleeding or sensation of itching , burning
2. Nodular Melanoma
- most aggressive form in can be found on any part of the body with no specific
site preference: men 60 years of age and older affected more often than women
- it is often described as a small , suddenly appearing but quickly and lodging ,
uniformly and darkly pigmented papule (may be grayish)
- Accounts for approximately 15% of the cutaneous melanomas
- Please type in which the dermis and metastasizes early
- Chronic inflammatory skin disease. It is the most common type of frequently
already present during first year of life affecting more than 10% of children
- Often associated with increased levels of serum immunoglobulin E
- AD is considered as early manifestation of atopy that appears before the
development of allergic rhinitis or asthma
- ( the word at to pick from the atopy refers to the group of three associated
allergic disorders- asthma allergic rhinitis or hay fever- in atopic dermatitis)
-( Where is usually a personal or family history of allergic disorders present , and
atopic dermatitis is often associated with food allergies as well
- AD Begins in a form of a red , aging , cresting rush classified as acute dermatitis. as the
child grows , the chronic form of dermatitis result in skin that is dry, t thickened, and
brownish gray in color (lichenified)
- Xerosis and pruritus are the major symptoms of atopic dermatitis and cause the greatest
morbidity with severly excoriated asians , infection , and scarring
_ viral , bacterial , and fungal secondary skin infection may cause further
changes in the skin
_ is staphylococcus aureus is the most common bacterial infection
- Daily care( hydration and lubrication) Off the skin is important, and application
(2-3x daily) of emollient to prevent Evaporation and retain moisture should be
- Dreams or ointments containing petrolatum maybe , and those that contain urea
or lactic acid improve the bonding of water in the skin and prevent evaporation
1. Acute- read , using , cresting rush , extensive erosion , exudate , pruritic vesicles
2. Subacute- Erythematous skin , scaling , scattered plaques
3. Chronic- Chicken skin , increased skin marking secondary to scratching ,
post-inflammatory pigmentation change
- Can be an acute or chronic skin inflammation caused by exposure to a chemical ,
mechanical , physical , or biological agent
- it is one of the most common environmental skin diseases occurring at any age
- as people age , they may develop delayed cell mediated hypersensitivity to a variety of
substances that come in contact with the skin
Common sensitizers include:
- Nickel ( Found in jewelry and many common foods)
- Chromates ( used in tanning leathers)
- Wool fats ( particularly lanolin found in moisturizers and skin cream)
- Rubber additives (latex
- Topical Antibiotics (typically neomycin and bacitracin)
- Topical anesthetics, such as benzocaine or lidocaine
- Silicone
a) Therapies is most likely to see this reaction in a sensitized person with an
amputation using a silicon type of interface in a prosthetic device ( designed to
reduce shear, decrease a repetitive stress, and absorb shock
b) silicone sheets used for scar reduction in the post-burn population may also
result in an episode of contact dermatitis
- Intense pruritus ( itching), erythema ( redness), and oedema of the skin to two days
after exposure in previously sensitized persons
- clinical manifestations begins at the site of exposure but then extend to more distant
- this condition may progressed to vesiculation , using or watery discharges , crusting ,
and scaling
- primary treatment is removal of the offending agents: treatment of the skin is secondary
- The development of areas of very dry , thin skin and sometimes shallow ulcers of the
lower legs primarily as a result of venous insufficiency
- the client commonly has a history of varicose veins or DVT
- The process of stasis dermatitis begins with:
● Edema of the leg as a result of his load venous return
● as the venous insufficiency is continuous , the tissue becomes hypoxic from
inadequate blood supply
● this poorly nourished tissue begins to necrose
● the lesion are very slow to heal because of a lack of oxygenated blood
● gait training is an important part of compression , the gold standard , in the
treatment of stasis dermatitis
● gradient compression erupts and stockings work well in the recumbent position,
but ambulation with the muscular contract relax cycle pushes the venous return
within the compressive field
- Formerly known as a diaper rash: describe skin damage resulting from urine or feces
- some health care providers refers to this condition as “peri-rash” ( affecting the
perineum between the anus and external genitalia), but the term IAD is recommended
because usually a larger area than the perineum is affected
- IAD is clinically and pathologically distinct from pressure ulcers and intelligence
dermatitis or dermatitis of the skin folds
- ad is characterized by redness with or without blistering , erosion , or loss of skin barrier
function as a result of chronic or repeated exposure to urine or fecal matter
- A common chronic facial disorder of middle-aged and older people affecting
approximately 10% of the general population
- Erythema, flushing, telangiectasia, papules, and pustules affecting the cheeks and ose
of the face
- Enlarged nose is often present
- Early mistaken for SLE (butterfly Rash)
- Has often been linked with gastrointestinal disturbance, in a causal relationship between
helicobacter pylori (bacterium that causes gastritis.
- the affected person reports burning or staining with episodes of flashing that come and
go , but the condition may worsen over time , causing lasting readiness , pimples ,
telangiectasis, or nasal hypertrophy (rhinophyma)
- Benign fatty fibrous Yellow plaques , nodules or tumors that develop in the subcutaneous
layer of the skin
- most often associated with disorders of the lipid metabolism , primarily biliary cirrhosis ,
and uncontrolled diabetes
- may have no pathologic significance but can occur in association with malignancies
such as leukemia , lymphoma , myeloma
1. Impetigo
- A superficial skin infection commonly caused by staphylococcus or a streptococci
- most commonly found in infants , young children to 25 years of age , older
- occurs most often during hot , humid weather
- predisposing factors include:
● close contact in schools , overcrowded living quarters
● poor skin hygiene
● anemia , malnutrition
● miner skin trauma
Contagouis through: AUTOINOCULATION
- Small macules ( flat spots) rapidly develop into vesicles or small blisters that became
pustular (pussed filled). When did vesicle breaks , ezekiel o crest forms from the exu
- Neither fever nor pain is typically a component of impetigo and if present suggest
another diagnosis. if the infection is extensive , then malaise , fever , and
lymphadenopathy may be present
2. Cellulitis
- A rapid spreading acute information with infection of the skin and subcutaneous
tissue that spread widely through tissue spaces
- streptococcus pyogenes or staphylococcus is the usual cause of this infection in
- haemophilus influenzae type b in in children , although other pathogens may be
● Post-operatively
● elderly with tm or diabetes mellitus
● open wounds
● Malnutrition
3. Abscess
- Cavity containing pause and surrounded by inflamed tissue
- result of localized infection
- commonly a staphylococcal infection
4. Syphilis
- Highly contagious, spread from person to person by direct contact
- source occur at the site of infection, mainly on the external genitals, vagina, and,
anus, or rectum
- transmission occurred during vaginal , anal , oral sex
- CAUSATIVE AGENT: Treponema Pallidum
● First stage: Syphilis Chancre (painless sores) with lymphadenopathy
● Secondary- Nerurologic s/sx- Dorsal column medial leminiscal pathway (tabes Dorsals)
- Abnormal gait, numbness, tremor
- Rash that can appear all over the body , most often on palms and soles
- the appearance of the skin lesions occur after the primary chancre disappears
5. Lyme’s Disease
- Is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected blacklegged ticks
- typical symptoms include fever , headache , fatigue , at ritus , and a
characteristic skin rash called erythema chronicum migrans
- CAUSA TIVE AGENTS: Borrelia burgdorferi- most common
- - Borrelia Mayonii- rarely
1. Herpes 1 ( herpes simplex)
- itching in turn is followed by vesicular eruption on the face or mouth
- AKA cold sore, recurrent herpes labialis, fever blister
2. Herpes 2
- Common cause of vesicular genital eruption
- spread by sexual contact
- AKA genital Herpes
● S/SSx
- Flu like symptoms , like fever , chills , fatigue and body aches
- genital itching , burning or irritation
- painful genital blister or source that break open
- Headaches
- painful urination or dysuria
- swollen lymph nodes
3. Herpetic Whitlow
- Simple infection of the terminal phalanx caused by herpes simplex 1 and 2
- tingling pain or tenderness of the affected digit followed by throbbing pain ,
swelling and redness
4. Herpes Zoster (shingles)
- Cause varicella-zoster virus ( chicken pox)
- pain and tingling affecting the spinal or cranial nerve dermatome
- red papules progressing to vesicles
- accompanied by fever , chills , malaise gastrointestinal disturbance
- (+) Post Herpetic Neuralgic pain
5. Warts
- Benign infection by human papilloma virus (HPV)
- Transmission: direct contact in autoinoculation
- Location: hands and fingers
- plantar wart: on pressure points of the feet
● Cryotherapy
● Electrodissection
● Curettage
● Salicylic acid