Nature of Sociology

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Nature of Sociology

Sociology is the branch of knowledge and it has its own characteristics. Sociology has different
nature in society. It is different from other sciences in certain respects. The following are the
main characteristics of sociology as enlisted by Robert Bierstedt in his book " The Social Order"
and they are as follows:1.
Sociology is an independent science :- It is not treated and studies as a
branch of any other science like philosophy or political philosophy or history.
Sociology is the social science and not a physical science :- As a
social science it concentrates its attention on man, his social behaviour, social activities and
social life.
Sociology is the categorical and not a normative discipline :Sociology "Confines itself to statement about what is, not what should be or ought to be". As a
social science sociology is necessarily silent about questions of value and it is ethically neutral.
Sociology is the pure science and not an applied science :- The
main aim of pure science is the acquisition of knowledge and it is not bothered weather the
acquired knowledge is useful or can be put to use.

Sociology is the relatively an abstract science and not a

concrete science :- Sociology does not confine itself to the study of this society of that

particular society or social organization, or marriage, or religion, or group and so on. It is in this
simple sense that sociology is an abstract nor a concrete science.

Sociology is the generalizing and not a particularizing or

individualizing science :- Sociology tries to find out the general laws or principles about

human interaction and association, about the nature, from, content and the structure of human
groups and societies. It tries to make generalisations on the basis of the study of some selected
Sociology is the general science not a special science :- The area
of inquiry of sociology is general not specialised. It is concerned with human interaction and
human life in general. It only studies human activities in a general way. Anthropology and social
psychology often claim themselves to be general social science.
Sociology is both rational and an empirical science :- There are two
broad ways of approach to scientific knowledge. Empiricism is the approach that emphasis
experience and the facts that result from observation and experimentation. Rationalism is
stresses reason and the theories that result from logical inference.

Sub - divisions or Branches of Sociology

Sociology is fast growing and popular discipline. Sociologists are at work to bring into its range
of study almost all aspects of man's social life. Sociology has a tendency to break down into
an endless list of specialties. Thus it has several specialized areas of inquiry each of which
may employ its own approach and techniques. So that sociology have its sub-divisions or
branches and they are as follows:1.

Historical Sociology :- Historical is the one of the branches of

sociology. In a sense that all sociological research is historical for the sociologists
normally go into the records pertaining to the events that have happened or have been
observed. ' Social history is history which deals with human relations, social patterns,
mores and customs and important institutions other than monarchy and army'.

Sociology of Knowledge

:- Sociology of knowledge is also the
branches of sociology. This branch is pre-supposes the idea " that our knowledge is in some
measure a social product". In the book "New Science" (1725) Vice tried to show how heroic
literature constituted the thought mode of a specific kind of society. " According to Marx and
Engles, all knowledge has been distorted, directed and conditioned by the intrested conscious
and unconscious, of conflicting exploited and exploiting classes".

Political Sociology

:- In the time of Aristotle the thinkers have been
making systematic study of concrete political phenomena. They have been observing how
political phenomena influences and get influences by the rest of the social structure and
culture. As Semelser N.J. says , " Political sociology can be defined as the study of the
interrelationship between society and polity, between social structures and political

Social or Human Ecology

:- Ecology is a branch of biology and
has largely concerned with the environment of the lower animals and plants. It refers to the
influence of the environment upon human ecology. A community, from the ecological point of
view, includes a focal area plus the surrounding territory . Its size is determined by the extent
of its economic and social influence. This ecological conception is used by the sociologists in
their study of the community.

Rural Sociology

:- Rural sociology is a specialised field of sociology. It
deals with the society of village or rural society. It is a systematic and scientific study of rural
society. " Rural sociology is the sociology of rural life in rural environment" by Sanderson. "
Rural sociology is that study human relationships in rural environment" by Bertand. It provides
us that knowledge about the rural social phenomena which can help us in making contribution
to the development of rural society.

Military of Sociology
Folk Sociology
Urban Sociology


Sociology of Arts
Sociology of Sexual behaviour
Sociology of Culture
Sociology of Action
Industrial Sociology
Economic Sociology or The Sociology of Economic Life
Sociology of Mass Society
Sociology of Methodology
Sociology of Social Structure
Sociology of Theory
Sociology of Psychology, etc

Thus, sociology have many branches on the study of the society. Sociology has already made
intensive studies in fields like social stratification, mass media of communication, public
opinion and bureaucracy. The horizons of sociology are expanding gradually. Its scope is
becoming wider to encompass all the realms of man's social life

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Uses of Sociology
Sociology is the youngest social science in the compare of other social sciences. It is gradually
develop and still it has made remarkable progress. In modern times, there is a growing
realisation of the scientific study of social phenomena and the means of promoting what Prof.
Giddings calls human adequacy ( human welfare ). The study of sociology has a great value
especially in modern complex society and some uses of sociology are as follows :-

Sociology studies society in a scientific way. The scientific

knowledge about human society is needed in order to achieve
progress in various field.
Sociology improves our understanding of society and
increases the power of social action. Knowledge of society, social
groups, social institutions, etc. helps us to lead an effective social
Sociology throws more light on the social nature of man.
Sociology delves deep into the social nature of man. It examines
the relationship between individual and society, the impact of
society on man and other matters.
The study of sociology helps us to know not only our society
and men but also others, their motives, aspirations, status,
occupations, traditions, customs, institutions, culture, etc. In a
huge industrialized society are experiences.
The contribution of sociology is not less significant in
enriching culture. Sociology has given training to us to have
rational approach to questions concerning ourselves, our religion
customs, mores, institutions, values, ideologies, etc. It has made
us to become more objective, critical and dispassionate.
Another aspect of the practical side of sociology is the study
of great social institutions and the relations of individuals of each
one of them. The home and family, marriage and family school and
education, religion and morality, etc. are some of the main
institution, through which society functions.

Sociology is useful as a teaching subject too. Sociology is a

profession in which technical competence brings its own rewards.
Sociologists, especially those trained in research procedure are in
increasing demand in business, government industry,
communications, social welfare, etc. and many other areas of
community life.
The need for the study of sociology is greater especially in
underdeveloped countries. Sociologists have now drawn the
attention of economists regarding the social factors that have
contributed to the economic backwardness of a few countries.
Economists have now realised the importance of sociological
knowledge in analysing the economic affairs of a country.
The study of society is a paramount importance in solving
social problems. The present world is best with several social
problems of great magnitude like poverty, beggary,
unemployment, prostitution, over-population, racial-problems,
crime, alcoholism, untouchable, etc. A careful analysis of these
problems is necessary in order to solve them.
Sociological knowledge is necessary for understanding and
planning of society. Social planning has been made easier by
sociology. Sociology is often considered a vehicle of social reform
and social reorganization. It plays an important role in the
reconstruction of society.
The practical utility of sociological techniques. The
techniques developed by the sociologists and other social
scientists are adopted by others. Social survey was developed and
used mainly by sociologists and statisticious, it has become an
essential tool of market research and political polling. Sociologists
provide a great deal of information that is helpful in making
decisions on social policy.
Study of society has helped several governments to promote
the welfare of the tribal people. Not only the civilized societies,

but even the tribal societies are faced with several socio-economic
and cultural problems. Efforts are now being made to treat the
tribal no par with the rest of the civilized people.
Sociology of great practical help in the sense, it keeps us upto-date on modern social situations and developments. Sociology
has been greatly responsible in changing our attitudes towards
fellow human beings. It has helped people to catholic in out look
and broadminded in spirit. It has minimized the mental distance
and reduced the gap between different peoples and communities.
Finally as Prof. Giddings has pointed out " Sociology tells us
how to become what we want to be".
Thus, sociology was used in the different fields of sociologists in the development task of
society and for the welfare of the society. Sociology is as important as to form a good society,
community, and a whole world.

Basic Principles of Social Psychology

Chuck Huff, St. Olaf College
after Eliot Smith & Diane Mackie (1995) Social Psychology. Worth Publishers.

There are individual differences in the extent towhich these

statements describe any particular individual. Personality
psychology is, in part, the study of these individual differences. But
all people, to some extent, behave in a manner consist with these
social psychological principles
Two Fundamental Axioms of Social Psychology
23.The Social Construction of Reality. Each person's view of reality is a
construction shaped by cognitive, emotional, and social processes. Almost
any complex perception (e.g. perception of another's intent) is a social
construction. Many simple perceptions (e.g. the variation in movement of a
light) are also influenced by the above processes. The extent to which a
perception "feels" immediate is no guide to the extent of construction.
24.The Pervasiveness of Social Influence. Other people influence virtually all our
thoughts, feelings, and behavior. This occurs whether those others are
physically present or not, and whether we recognize the influence or not. We
are biased to not recognize this influence, unless it works in our favor (e.g.,
as an excuse).

Three Motivational Principles

These motivational principles guide the social construction of reality,

and the process of social influence. In any particular situation, they
may provide both contradictory and complimentary impulses.

People Strive for Mastery. People seek to understand and predict

events in the social world in order to obtain rewards. People enjoy feeling
competant and effective and will work to obtain these feelings. People will
avoid situations in which these feelings are threatened. People may distort
their actual mastery to achieve a feeling of mastery.

21.People Seek Connectedness. People seek support, liking, and acceptance

from the people and groups they care about and value. People will behave in
ways that will increase liking from these groups.
22.People value "me and mine." People desire to see themselves, and other
people and groups connected to themselves, in a positive light. They will
collect information in the support of this motivation, and distort information
to conform with it.

Three Processing Principles

These three processing principles operate together in a mutually

supporting way to guide our cognitive efforts at understanding
ourselves and others.
Conservatism. Established views are slow to change. Individuals' and groups' views
of the world are slow to change and prone to perpetuate themselves.
Accessibility. Accessible information has large effects. Information that is most
readily available has the most impact on thoughts, feeling, and behavior.
Superficiality vs. Depth. People ordinarily put little effort into dealing with
information. When specifically motivated, however, they can be convinced to
process information at greater depth.

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