04 Subgrade Construction
04 Subgrade Construction
04 Subgrade Construction
1. Scope
This item of work deals with construction of Subgrade with approved materials
as per the terms of contract agreement and shall dealt with in complete compliance to
the technical specifications; placement and compaction shall be carried out in
accordance with clause 305 of specifications.
The construction shall confirm to the specific alignment, lines and grades given in
the drawing.
Prior to the commencement of this work, the materials proposed to be used for
such subgrade shall be sourced suitably. Different sources shall be earmarked for
different stretches giving due regard to the load of haulage and most importantly the
suitability and quantum of material availability.
The material used in subgrade shall generally be soil, morrum, gravel, a mixture
of these or any other approved material. In respect of quality of material, such material
shall be ensured to be free of logs, stumps, roots, rubbish for any ingredients likely
deteriorate or affect the stability of the subgrade. The material resulting from the
roadway excavation if found suitable will also be used. Material which is having CBR 10%
minimum shall be used in subgrade.
2. Procedure
1. The toe line and centre line are marked and pegs will be driven.
3. The material shall be spread in layers of uniform thickness not exceeding 250 mm
compacted thicknesses over the entire width of the subgrade by mechanical
means and will be graded with grader to the required camber.
4. Moisture content of the material shall be checked and extra required will be
5. The moisture content of each layer shall be checked and it should be with in the
range of OMC +1% to OMC -2 percent. If moisture content is found out of these
limits the same will be brought within limits by addition of water or by aeration as
the case may be.
6. The compaction shall be done with the help of vibratory roller of 8 to 10 ton static
weight. Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted to the densities specified in the
specifications which are mentioned at the end of this document for reference. The
rolling pattern will be finalized in trial stretch.
7. On compaction of the particular stretch necessary field testing shall be carried out
Field density shall be done in the manner and frequency as specified below.
8. If the required field density is not achieved, compaction shall be continued till
required density is achieved.
9. Loose pockets if any will be removed and replaced with approved material.
10. The above stages shall be repeated till the top level of the subgrade is reached to
the specified levels and grades. The top levels shall be checked and shall be within
+20mm to -25mm of designed level.
11. All relevant QA and QC documents will be maintained for all stages of subgrade
12. In case the original ground is in subgrade level or is in cutting and if the density
after compaction is not 97% minimum the ground will be loosened upto a depth of
250mm and will be compacted in accordance with 305.3.5 and 305.3.6 of technical
3. Equipment/Machinery:
Grader 1 No as a minimum.
Tippers 10 Nos as a minimum
Water Sprinkler 1 No as a minimum
Roller 80 to 100KN 1 No as a minimum
4. Material specifications
Maximum Particle size Shall not be more than 50mm or should not be more
than 2/3rds of compacted layer thickness which ever
is minimum.
Free swell index Max 50 %
Liquid limit Max 50 %
Plasticity index Max 25 %
CBR(4 days soaked) Min As per Highway Design @ 97% MDD
5. Density Requirements of Subgrade
Type of Work Maximum Laboratory dry unit weight when tested as per IS
2720(Part 8)
Subgrade Not less than 17.5 KN/cu.m.
All employees working within the limit of this project shall follow the guidelines / rules &
regulations as mentioned in HSE PLAN.
Quality Assurance & Quality Control of this work shall be as per Quality Assurance
Manual and corresponding Quality Assurance Plan. All quality records as appended to
this procedure shall be maintained in appropriate formats.
9. Traffic
As per the standard construction practices necessary traffic management measures shall
be provided viz. signs, marking flags, lights and flagmen. Fixed signs, barriers and other
traffic control devices shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition till such time they
are required. Throughout the construction period site management shall maintain
public vehicular access along the existing right of way.