Cessna Aircraft Catalog (1961)

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You'll find an amazing aray of big-plane features on the 15O

for '61 . . . high-stability wing, Land-O-Matic gear repositioned

for improved ground handling... Para-Lift flaps... all-metal
construction...all-new "eyes-on-the-road" instrument
panel ... new rear cabin windows (for an extra 15% in added
i/isibilitv)... tubeless tires . . . steerable nose wheel ...
positive--action brakes . . . full 8o-pound luggage space . . .
smooth, powerful, 100-hp Continental engine... large cabin
doors with flush inside door handles and semi-flush window
Iatches.., spacious interiors with optional individually ad-
justable seating . . . and there's much, much more! All adding
up to solid reasons why the 1.50 is the biggest value in two-
place airplane history!

SKYHOOK fte Skyhook for'61 ...Cessna's advanced designed, rotary-wing aircraft....

incorporates new, outstanding, years.ahead engineering achievements 0f mechani'
cal simplicity for maintenance, performance, and operating ease previously unavail-
able in rotarywing aircraftl The Skyhook oflers many new "Firsts" in aviation
RoTARYWING AIRCRAFT a supercharged, reciprocating Continental engine...
established and available to every Skyhook owner . . . TtlE W0RLD'S FIRST RoTARY'
WING AIRCRAFT WITH SIMPLICITY 0F DESIGN there's less moving parts to
assure longer service life, minimum rnaintenance expense . . . THE WoRLD'S FIRST
AIRCRAFT made possible by stability (comparable to a fixed-wing airplane) that
greatly simplifies control characteristics. All this PLUS the largest, most deluxe
cabin area ever developed for a fourplace, rotary wing aircraft . . . An exclusive,
patented airspeed indicator that automaticaly indjcates maximum speed for
existing operating conditions and eliminates mental error... Cruising Speeds up
to 122 mph . . . Climb rate 0f 1,030 fpm . ..ll'laximum Cruising Range of 5.4 hours
with auxiliary tanks (90 gallons total,60 gallons standard)...and BEST 0F ALL,
the Skyhook is ready now to create new utility and transportation concepts in
travel flexibility tor your companyl Arrange for a FIRST look! See your Cessna
Dealer N0W!
Take the measure of the exciting new 172 and you'll see how rnuch
more you can expect and get in '611 For instance, the 172 provides a
new fuselage that incorporates a new, more streamlined wind-
shield . . . all-new engine compartment. . . a new, longer, wider, lower
look (three inches lower)... a roomier instrument panel for "eyes-
onthe-road" operation... new fashionably elegant interiors... a new,
outside baggage door for easy loading and unloading. And the 172
has a "spacious'for'four" size cabin for stretch-out, move'around
freedom... high-wing stability.. . Para-Lift flaps ... Land-O-lvatic
gear... Continental 0-300-C engine for years of dependable, thrifty
operation (the sarne engine that powered the 172 to two world's non'
stop endurance records)...and a host of other feaiures...all
unparalleled in the low-cost, four-place, full-size class!
MAXMUM SPEED ,., .,.,..139MPh
TAKEOFF RUN ,..,.74oft,
LANDING ROLL .. ..640 ft.
SERV|CE CE LING .15,100 ft,
BAGGAGE CAPAC TY . . .12O lbs.
GRoss WEGHT 2,2OO lbs.
ENG NE. . .145-hp continental
All Performance Figures Are Based on Gross weight

SKYHAWK There's bjg, big news in '61! For the first time, the
I72 has an upper classmate. The Skyhawk. A distinctive,
new, deluxe version ... featuring all the great benefits of the
172...p|us such key feature standouts as a new engine-
driven vacuum pump,., new, all-electric, push-button starter
on the 0-300-D Continental engine... a complete set of gyro
and primary flight instruments . . - and your choice of six
fully painted flight/sweep selections! the deluxe
equipped Skyhawk is loaded with other -And
extra equipment
normally optional on most airplanesl The Skyhawk is a
prestige and value-packed standout in the low-cost class.

Al Performance Figures Are Based
How much stepped-up power, performance, prestige, and
dollar-for-dollar value can you expect and get in a 175 tot
'61? Look it over and you'll get a quick and positive answer.
Look at the flight/sweep styling. Study the new "Blend Temp"
heating and ventilation system for maximum year'round com-
fort. lnspect the new magnetic fuel gauges. Add to these
features "floating cowl suspension" and the exclusive Cessna
"stand-by standards" .. . Land-O-Matic gear... Para-Lift
flaps... all-metal construction ... sky-high fashion interior
styling. .. and you have the top-value in a low-cost, step-up
opportunity for 1961 ... The Cessna 175 for'61!

SEAT|NG CAPACTTY ............Fow

TAKE,OFF RUN.. .. . ........ .. .735 ft.

LANDTNGROLL . . ... .59O ft.
sERVlcEcElLlNG 15'9oo ft'
BAGGAGE CAPAC|TY .. .. .. .. ... .12O !bs.
GROSS wElGHr ' 2,350 lbs
ENGINE... .,...... 175-hp, "Power-Geared" continental
All Performance Fieures Are Based on Gross Weight

How much can you expect and get from the 182 for '61?
Here's a quick example: Flight/Sweep STYLING ... a full four
inches lower for superb ground handling and easier entry-
exit. .. POWER-and plenty of it, offered by the great,
time-tested, service-proven, Continental 230-hp engine...
SPACE-generous cabin dimensions provide expansive
stretch-out, move-around freedom, plus space for long-trip
luggage requirements... PERFoR IVIANCE you can cruise
at 157 mph or at top speeds of 167 mph, - and you have a
maximum range of 835 miles non stop! All this plus the ex-
clusive Cessna "stand-by standards"... Land-O-Matic gear,
Para-Lift flaps, all-metal construction, high-stability wing, and
dozens of other performance, power, and prestige features!
MAXIMUM SPEED.... .........167 mph
CRUISE SPEED . . .157 mph
MAXIMUM RANGE ... ........835 miles
RATE OF CLIMB . . . .. .. .. .. .1,o3O fpm
TAKE-OFF RUN , ,.. . ..555 ft,
LANDTNG ROLL . ... .. .560 ft.
BAGGAGE CAPACTY .., ,.,..,.12O IbS.
GROSS WEIGHT ....2,650 lbs.
ENGTNE .. ... .. .. .23o-hp Continental
Al Performance Fieures Are Based on Gross Weight

SKYLANE When you buy and fly the Skylane...you'll receive all the
features jn the 182... plus addjtional speed, range, styling,
and a host of equipment extras! More than a dozen equip-
ment items normally considered optional are standard on the
distinctively styled, deluxe-equipped, and fully painted Sky-
lane . . . including gyros with engine-driven vacuum system . . .
Narco Omnigator, l\,4ark ll ... tinted windows and w jndshields...
speed fairings... plus many others. And the Skylane...
the "upper classmate" of the Mighty lViddle line... is the
outstanding dollar value in the medium-priced field.

SEATTNG CAPACTTY . .... ..,. ....Four

MAXMUM SPEED.... . . . . . . . . . .l7O mph
CRUISE SPEED . . .160 mph
MAXIMUM RANGE . . . . . . . . .445 miles
RATE OF CLIMB. ...1,O3O fpm
TAKE,OFF RUN .. .. . ......,...555 ft,
LANDING ROLL ... .. .....560 ft.
SERV|CE CE|L|NG ... .......19,4OOft.
BAGGAGE CAPACITY . .. .. .. ... . 12O lbs.
GROSS WEIGHT . . .2,650 lbs.
ENGINE .. ..23o-hp Continentat
All Performance Fieures Are Based on cross Weieht
The all-new 185-5kywagon carries six, full-size adults and
270 pounds of extra weight allowance with full fuel at
speeds up to 176 mph-or when equipped with floats, will
carry tive tull-si/e adults with extra weiEht allowance to
spare and fulltuel at speeds up to 150 mph... presenting a
profit-boosting package of extra payload, extra power! An out-
l', standing array o{ features and options mark it instantly as
the most productive and versatile airplane of its classl Easily
converted to heavy cargo duty. Quickly adaptable for agri-
cultural spray operation. lnterchangeable float, ski, or wheel
landing gear...260-hp, fuel injection for nimble performance
at full load. "Eyes-on-the-road" instrument panel ...third
window visibility... optional long-range fuel tanks... and
all the other Cessna-proven basic advantages make the 185
Skywagon today's best answer lor carrying profit-packed


L-, o
How much canyou expect and get in a2lOlor'61? There's more
head room... more visibility (with a third window added port and
starboard).., more gracer elegance, and sophisticated style. And
most important, there's proof of performance! Thousands
!i have applauded its distinctive features introduced in 1960-
all the advantages of high-stability wlng plus, positive action,
performance proven, fully retractable gear . . . simplified fuel
injection . .. a big, dependable, 260-hp engine. .. hydraulically
operated Para-Lift flaps..."tlight command" instrument panel...
speeds up to 199 miles per hour. .. posture-padded, adjustable
seating. .. outside access to baggage compartment. .. and a host
of other pertinent points of power, performance, and prestige.
All tested . . . all meetjng the testl

. .........tgo l?{
. .19O mph
... ... 1,O75 miles
. . t,3OO fpm

.. .2O,7OO lt,
12O lbs.
The 310F...the world's b€st all around, light, twin€ngine,
executive aircraft offers twin 2@hp Continental engines... con-

tinuous flow fuel injection... speeds up to 242 mph... a ll way 'round
third windoy, visibility- - - electrically operated retractable land-
ing gear...frve yersatib seating arrangements , , . new needle
nose and fuel tip tank styling. - . optional auto-pilot . . . elec-
trically operated split-tf'pe, dual+urpose flaps... new "eyes-on-
theroad" inslrurne{rt FEnel- . -spacious ba gga ge com partments, . .
extra wide cabin d@. - - - all this, and the "two of everything that
counts-' concept p.wites tni€ twin-engine safety for ihe 310 F . . .
also provides )o.r .ith tuly trice the buy! How much? lt's double
your dream d a l{2fr LirL Thats your answer!
Your Cessna
dealer has a tlight train-
ing plan to lit your
wollD-wtDE satEs
aID S:nvl(l -
ever you go you'll
COOPENAINE OWNER. e!e ry-day schedule. only minutes arYay lrom
FIilANCI G - Your S P - If your individ- lvlost popular is the the Cessna "Golden
VPM AI{AIYSIS - choice of 12 new ual needs do not pres- "Lea rn . to - f Iy - as ' Rule" service. when yo!
'REE the answers to six
With Cessna's for '61 are as ently justify sole owner. you - travel" plan. You see the Cessna dealer's
simple questions, your
Cessna dealer can pro-
easy to buY as they are
to fly!. ..for Cessna
you want to test the
- lf ship of the Cessna of can actually take "on- red and blue pennant
Your choice, ask your the-job" flight training shield of service.,. it's
vide a Value Per lVile dealers ofler a conven- prof it-proven benef its of Cessna dealer about during business trips! a sure sign that your
Analysis for your com- ient, practical plan for a Cessna before you group ownershjp. He'll Your Cessna dealer can service needs will be
pany. You can actually financing...aprogram buy.., if you're looking give you the full details also arrange an "after. handled expeftly, eco-
see horv little it costs designed to provide lor the link to make an of the popular associate five" and weekend nomically, and efficient-
to travel farther and fast,simple,pre-planned important travel con- plan for cooperati!e schedule of training, ly by Iactorytrained
laster in your choice ot financing service. See nection...or if you airplane ownership . .. too. And when you solo, service technicians
12 Cessna's lor '61 and your Cessna dealer tor simply want to fly for a practical plan which your Cessna dealer will and that you'll get
iow much extra power, the details, and terms, fun . .. remember, you Permits small groups to present you with a prompt, courteous at-
performance, and prog- of a financingplan which can rent a plane iustlike pool their private air "Cessna Solo Trophy," tention. Across the na'
ress you can erleci and will put you out lront, you rent a car! tly your- travel budgets io order a clever and handsome tion.,.around the
get. Ask your Cessna keep you oul fronl self or with pilot prG to economic?lly partici- piece you'll be proud to world...look lor the
Dealer for a lree VPM
tostay...inaCessna vided. Call your Cessna pate in the progress . . . put on permanent dis- red and blue pernants,
Analysis, now. No obli. for '61. Lease plans are dealer lor complete and tun of flying a play in yourtrophycase, the sign of Cessna
gation. also available. details. Cessna for'61! at home or in the otfice! Golden Rule Service!

ALL AROUND THE COMPANY / Everyone... executives, salesmen, production men, field supervisors, new business
development men, maintenance and repair personnel, technicians and service representatives, advertising and sales
promotion men, purchasing agents. . . and countless others.. . are finding that you can count on Cessna to conserve time,
energy, and money. Savings that can be converted to greater success! Here's some of the reasons why:...World
famous, proven Cessna "go wherever, whenever" flight performance eliminates costly waste of man hours
unproductively spent in public transportation waiting rooms or in fighting the energy-draining battle of surface travel
plus to its transportation fleet. Fewer men do a bigger job in less time with a Cessna,.. Cessna mobility, range, and
speed shave out-of-town . . . out-of-pocket expenses caused by extra meals, lodging expenses. You get there and back
sooner in a Cessna . and there's no extra fare for extra passengers. Rugged, dependable Cessna construction
reduces maintenance costs . . . creates long-life and slow amortization of the low initial cost. Design refinements provide
amazing fuel efficiency that literally squeezes extra "go" from every drop of fuell The Cessna of your choice is the biggest
business air travel bargain package offered in the industry! Why wait. See your Cessna dealer,., NOW!


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