Ch. 1: Introduction To Patran Patran Reference Manual
Ch. 1: Introduction To Patran Patran Reference Manual
Ch. 1: Introduction To Patran Patran Reference Manual
1: Introduction to Patran
Introduction to Patran
Patran Framework
Introducing Patran
Patran is an open software system, used primarily in mechanical engineering analysis. It is comprised of
the following components:
Engineering Modeling Functionalities
Extensive engineering capabilities, including:
Full set of geometric tools for creating, modifying, and parameterizing model geometry.
Extensive finite element modeling tools for creating and modifying analysis models. Automatic
Patran Framework
The open architecture of Patran calls for a number of special features to help you acquire input data,
manage models, and export analysis models and results. Among the most significant of these are:
CAD interfaces
File and group definitions
Viewport and display options
Patran Command Language (PCL) development
User Customization capabilities
Some of these features are activated through menu keywords, icons, and application windows. Others,
such as PCL development, utilize some more advanced programming know-how.
How Patran Imports Data
Patran accepts data from CAD system user files, Patran neutral files, and IGES files. Using one of
Patrans CAD Access Modules, you can import CAD geometry and topology directly into your database.
Once in your database, you can build upon or modify CAD geometry.
Managing Large Models in Patran
All project-related information is stored in files of various types and formats. The major file types that
are created or accessed during Patran operations are:
Database file (.db extension). Contains a complete record of all geometric entities, finite
element entities, properties, and analysis results associated with an Patran model.
Session file (.ses extension). Contains all database related commands and corresponding
specific database.
Miscellaneous files. Hardcopy files, Patran neutral files, IGES files, and others.
File management options include creating new databases, opening, saving, and closing existing
databases, and accessing external files.
A group is a collection of selected geometric or finite element entities brought together to simplify
working with a number of entities simultaneously. Groups can be created and dissolved, displayed or
hidden, transformed (e.g., rotated, mirrored), and have entities added or removed.
A special benefit of groups is evident in the design of symmetrical parts or assemblies. As an example,
if in the design of the front suspension system of an automobile the entities of the left front suspension
assembly are identified as a group, then the identical right front suspension assembly can be modeled by
a simple mirror transformation. Both groups can then be used in a complete vibration analysis to predict
dynamic response, stress, and fatigue life of the suspension components.
A viewport is a named graphics window through which you look at a model.You may utilize a number
of viewports to visualize different phases of the project. For example, in one viewport you can show the
entire geometric model, in another you can magnify a small detail. Additional viewports may contain a
finite element model or annotated result displays.
Viewports are especially useful for presenting before and after pictures simultaneously. For
example, following a thermoelastic stress analysis you may choose to post three viewports to the screen,
the first to show the geometric model, the second the meshed model with applied thermal loads, and the
third to display a plot of the resulting stresses.
You can control how the model appears in a view, its orientation, scale, rendering style, the presence of
labels, the position and intensity of the light source, and other display features.
How Patran Exports Models
Patran can prepare input data in specific formats that comply with the requirements of a number of finite
element analysis codes. In addition to
MSC-provided codes (including the default, MSC Nastran), you can pick among several others
commercial codes as well as in-house proprietary analysis programs. While different analysis codes may
define components of a finite element model differently, Patran is capable to simply change the database
definitions of these components to suit the code you opt for.
Selectable analysis types include structural, thermal, and fluid dynamics.
Patran Command Language
Patran provides an environment into which proprietary in-house developed codes can be easily integrated
with the PCL.
User Customization
PCL enables you to automate repetitive tasks, establish individualized startup configurations, and create
new menus, icons, and forms. With PCL, you can readily integrate proprietary analysis codes developed
at your site into the Patran environment with the following results:
New analysis code names, as well as code-specific properties and functional assignments, will
proprietary program for analysis. Conversely, finite element models and analysis results created
with an in-house program can be loaded directly into the Patran database.
Database templates can be customized to suit individual requirements.
Mouse communication. Click on menu keywords, icons, and buttons to identify selections. Pick
and manipulate objects in viewports; resize, reposition, and iconify (make into an icon)
viewports; copy and paste text.
Keyboard communication. Use shortcuts to open menus and to accelerate keyword selections,
edit history list commands, enter special comments and commands on the command line.
Help>... 7
HTML Based Online Help
Use the Help>... command to acquire the following help.
Opens a new Browser window and displays the entire contents of the
Help system.
Accesses all PCL Help with a separate contents list and index.
On Help
Technical Support
Reports the key highlights and describes all the new features for
About Patran
Contains the version and legal notices for the Patran product software.
via WWW
Links you to the MSC Software website for information on key topics.
Context-Sensitive Help
To quickly access Help on any topic (form) from within Patran, simply press the F1 key. The appropriate
Help topic will appear in a new Browser window on your screen.