SCAD Manual 2018
SCAD Manual 2018
SCAD Manual 2018
Version 21
1.SCAD Office System
The design procedures were selected and implemented in the system programs on the basis of the
following considerations:
applicability — it makes no sense to develop single-use industrial software products;
clear formulation of the problem — the software is mass-user oriented, therefore it must not
implement problems with an unclear formulation or an ambiguous solution;
relative complexity of the traditional methods — it makes no sense to program the trivial
calculations, the problem must be such so that the use of the program would reduce the labor costs,
and/or the probability of calculation errors;
availability of reference materials.
Moreover, taking into account that the programs can be used not only by the experienced designers,
but also by the beginner engineers, the developers tried to create such software products that could prevent
the user from missing any of the numerous checks required by the codes. In particular, the set of the
considered designs is based among other things on the fact that only the structures the requirements to
which are completely defined by the codes are analyzed.
The software is based on a system of functional modules interconnected by a single information
environment. This environment is called a project; and contains full information on the design model
which is given in the native formats of the software. During the generation of the design model the project
is filled with information and saved on the disk in a file with the .spr extension. The name of the project
and the file are specified when creating a new model.
The initial data for performing the analysis can be prepared either with the help of the interactive
graphical tools or by describing them in the text format. It should be noted that in the current version of the
software all the input information necessary for performing the majority of practical calculations can be
prepared graphically, and the text description may become necessary only in the case of unique designs. A
text file is a convenient format for storing the data. It can be easily compressed with the help of the popular
archiving software, and, if necessary, it can be converted to the native project formats of SCAD. Another
attractive feature of the text format is its compatibility with the previous versions of the software which
enables to use the software for performing the checks of the structures designed earlier.
Functional Modules
SCAD functional modules are divided into four groups. The first group includes modules that provide the
input of the initial data in the interactive graphical mode (graphical preprocessor), perform static and
dynamic calculations (processor), graphical check and analysis of the results of the calculation (graphical
postprocessor). Modules of the second group enable to calculate the design combinations of forces,
combinations of loadings, principal and equivalent stresses, reactions, loads from the structural fragment,
and to perform the stability analysis, generate the response spectra and the spectra of the amplitude-
frequency characteristics, and are called the design postprocessors. The documentation of the analysis
results is performed with the help of the modules of the third group. The fourth group includes the design
modules (design postprocessors) which enable to perform the check and selection of the reinforcement in
the reinforced concrete structural members, check and selection of the sections of the steel structural
1.SCAD Office System
The modular structure enables every user to customize the SCAD configuration to meet his particular
needs concerning the classes of the solved problems, tools for creating the design models, analyzing and
documenting the results of the calculation.
All functional modules are implemented in a single graphical environment. The user interface,
scenarios of the interaction of the user with the system, functions of the control of the initial data and the
analysis of the results are completely unified which makes it easier to master the software and provides a
logical sequence for performing the operations.
The structure of the software and the interrelation between its components are shown in Fig. 1.1-1.
1.SCAD Office System
1.SCAD Office System
1.SCAD Office System
Groups of nodes and elements play a special role in the generation of a design model and the analysis of
results. Groups are named sets of nodes or elements that can be used repeatedly in various operations.
Characteristic parts of the structure, for example, floors, elements of a spatial frame, walls, or other sets of
objects can be combined into groups. This process is completely controlled by the user. The main thing is
that groups are available at all stages of working with the model – during its generation, analysis and
documentation of the results of the calculation. The structure of the graphical environment enables to
localize the needed information within one or several groups of nodes and elements.
There is a recent tendency for design models to grow more and more complicated; such models contain an
ever increasing number of nodes and elements. This substantial increase in the dimensionality of the
problems has required to revise the main criteria of the efficiency of the process and methods of creating
1.SCAD Office System
the design models and the analysis of the results of the calculation. When dealing with large and detailed
models, it is natural to emphasize not the functions of formation (though the role played by those is by no
means less important) but functions of control of the created model. A well-developed system of filters
implemented in SCAD is particularly important. The filters are used to establish the rules for displaying
the information on the model, functions of visualization and fragmentation of the model. The filters enable
to select the information on the design model which has to be displayed by tens of criteria. Color display
tools are widely used for displaying the information. Together with the fragmentation they enable to “get”
to any parameter regardless of the dimensions of the model.
Graphical Postprocessor
When the considered design models are large, it becomes problematic to analyze the results. The amount
of the resulting information that can be obtained is usually much greater than a man can comprehend and
analyze. Therefore, here together with the solution of purely technical tasks of improving the time factors
(reaction of the system to the user’s request or time spent for deleting lines of an invisible contour during
the generation of isolines and isofields) problems of finding the objects with the values of the analyzed
factor critical for this problem appear. The operations of fragmentation, system of filters, customizable
color scales implemented in the software provide a quick access to all types of the resulting information. It
should be noted that you can select the part of the design model where the results (forces, displacements)
from the given range of values were obtained “hiding” the rest of the model.
The results of the calculation can be given in the form of the deformed models, diagrams, isolines,
and isofields. The numerical values of the factors can be displayed on the model as well. The process of the
deformation of a model can be animated for static and dynamic loadings, and this process can be recorded
as an AVI movie. Any graphic information can be printed or saved as a Windows metafile (WMF, EMF).
Along with the results of the calculation, the graphical analysis tools enable to display the results of the
module of the reinforcement selection in the reinforced concrete structural members on the model in the
form of diagrams (for the bar elements), or isolines and isofields (for plates); these results may include
such information as the area of reinforcement in the given direction, crack opening width, percentage of
reinforcement etc. It makes the representation of the results more familiar for the engineer and creates
additional comfort for him.
1.SCAD Office System
Kristall enables you to perform checks of members and joints of steel structures for compliance with
requirements of SNiP ІІ-23-81* “Steel Structures. Design Codes”, SP 53-102-2004 “General Rules on the
Design of Steel Structures”, SP 16.13330 revised and updated edition of SNiP II-23-81* “Steel Structures”,
DBN B.2.6-163:2010 and DBN B.2.6-198:2014 “Steel Structures” and Eurocode-3. Moreover, state
standards related to SNiP, SP and DBN, “Manual on Design of Steel Structures (to SNiP II-23-81*)/
Kucherenko CSRIBS” and some methodological positions of SNiP 53-1-96 were used when creating the
The following modes are implemented in the application:
Steel — implements recommendations of SNiP, SP and DBN on selection of steel grades;
Assortment of Rolled Profiles — enables to browse through steel profile assortments and
provides profile properties;
Bolts — enables to browse through the assortment of bolts;
Limit Slenderness — enables to assign limit slenderness according to the recommendations of SNiP;
Service Factors — is used to select values of service factors for elements (с) according to the
recommendations of SNiP, SP or DBN;
Materials for Welding — implements requirements of SNiP, SP and DBN for selection of
materials for welded joints and for selection of the design strength values for welded joints;
Deflection Limits — provides tables from SNiP 2.01.07-85* “Loads and Actions” (or DSTU
B.V.1.2-3:2006 when working with DBN B.2.6-163:2010 or DBN B.2.6-198:2014) with
limitations on deflections of structural members;
Assortment of Sheet and Plate Steel — provides information on assortments of sheet and plate
High-Strength Bolts — provides sizes and properties of high-strength bolts, nuts, and washers;
Envelopes – enables to determine unfavorable combinations of multiple loads acting on bending
members, and to plot the envelope diagrams of moments and shear forces;
Influence Lines – enables to plot bending moment and shearing force influence lines for
continuous beams;
Geometric Properties — enables to calculate the geometric properties of a given cross-section;
Effective Lengths – implements recommendations from SNiP, SP, DBN and Eurocode-3 on the
determination of effective length factors;
Resistance of Sections – enables to determine the utilization factors of restrictions for any cross-
section type available in the application database;
Bolted, Friction and Welded Connections — enable to determine the utilization factors of
restrictions and to plot the interaction curves for different structural designs of the given
Local Stability – enables to check the local stability of webs and chord plates of bending or
compression members;
Trusses, Truss Member, Beams, Continuous Beams and Columns — enable to check the
strength, stability and limit slenderness of the members; determining the design values of internal
forces and their combinations caused by the given external loads. It is possible to find the cross-
Base Plates — this mode deals with parts of a column base plate with various types of bearing;
Sheet Structures — this mode enables to check strength and stability of sheet structures (round
cylindrical, conical shells, cylindrical panels).
1.SCAD Office System
ComeIn enables you to perform checks of load-bearing capacity of structural members of masonry and
reinforced masonry structures for compliance with requirements of SNiP II-22-81 “Masonry and
Reinforced Masonry Structures”, SP 15.13330.2012, and documents related to these codes.
The following elements can be checked by the application: axially and eccentrically loaded columns
of various cross-sections in their plan; masonry lintels — coursed, Dutch, and arched; reinforced concrete
lintel beams; exterior and interior building walls with and without openings; basement walls.
Along with the check of the general strength and stability of members, there is a check of the local
strength at the areas of bearing of beams, purlins, and other members on walls and columns.
The checks are performed both for undamaged structural members and for those with cracks in
masonry and fire damages caused by high temperature. “Recommendations for Strengthening Masonry
Structural Parts of Buildings and Structures. V.A. Kucherenko CSRIBS of the State Construction
Committee of the USSR” document was used in the checks of damaged structures.
Another subject of checking is the load-bearing capacity of axially and eccentrically loaded members
reinforced by steel battens, and of walls weakened by additional openings.
The application also performs a detailed check of the areas of beams, slabs, and trusses bearing on
masonry (and reinforced masonry in some modes) walls and columns. The strength of hanging walls is
checked in the areas of the foundation beams bearing on fixed supports.
ARBAT enables you to check the load-bearing capacity and to select the reinforcement for concrete and
reinforced concrete structural members, to calculate the deflections in reinforced concrete beams, to check
the local strength of reinforced concrete structural members (including inserts) in compliance with
requirements of SNiP 2.03.01-84* “Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures” or SNiP 52-01-2003, SP
63.13330.2012. The analysis is performed taking into account the ultimate and serviceability limit states
for the design combinations of forces (DCF) selected automatically depending on the specified design
loads in compliance with SNiP 2.01.07-85* «Loads and Actions» or SP 20.13330.2011. The selection of
reinforcement and the check are performed for reinforced concrete structures from heavy-weight, fine-
grained and lightweight concrete with the reinforcement steel of the classes provided by the codes, and the
reinforcing wire.
Reinforcement is selected for multi-span and single-span beams of a constant cross-section
(rectangular section, T-section or I-section) and for columns (rectangular section, T-section, I-section, ring,
or round section) using the criteria of strength and crack resistance.
The Strength of Sections modes (Fig. 1.2-1) enable to determine the load-bearing capacity of a section
depending on the arrangement, diameter (area), and class of reinforcement, the class of concrete, the
conditions of operation, and the allowable crack opening width. In the general case, the analyses are
performed for the action of a longitudinal force, bending moments, torque, and shear forces acting in the
principal planes of inertia. SNiP 2.03.01-84* does not regulate any checks of reinforced concrete members
for the serviceability limit states under the action of moments in two planes. If SP 52-101-2003 or
SP 63.13330.2012 is selected, the analysis is performed on the basis of a non-linear deformation model.
ARBAT enables to calculate the deflections at the bending of a reinforced multi-span and single-span
beam under a given load. The deflections are calculated for a rectangular section, T-section or I-section in
compliance with Sec. 4.31 of SNiP 2.03.01-84* (Sec. 7.3.4 of SP 52-101-2003, Sec. 8.2.21 of SP
63.13330.2012). The curvature is determined taking into account cracks in the tension area.
1.SCAD Office System
DECOR enables you to perform structural analysis and various checks of members and joints of timber
structures for compliance with requirements of SNiP II-25-80, SP 64.13330.2011. The application also
provides reference data which is often used when designing timber structures. The modes implemented in
the application are classified into the reference (the Information group) or the design ones (the Analysis
The reference modes include:
Deflection and Strain Limits — provides the limit values of deflections of timber structural
members and limit values of deformations of joints;
Densities — provides information on the density of wood according to Annex 3 of SNiP II-25-80
(Annex E of SP 64.13330.2011);
Range of Timber — provides information on the sizes of softwood sawn timber according to
GOST 24454-80;
Design Strength — enables to calculate the design strength for the type of stress-strain state
selected by the user;
Timber — provides data on the maximum moisture content of timber, types and grades of glue;
Limit Slenderness — provides information on the limit slenderness of structural members.
The design modes include:
Geometric Properties — enables to calculate the geometric properties of a given cross-section;
1.SCAD Office System
Effective Lengths — implements recommendations of Sec. 4.21 of SNiP II-25-80 (Sec. 6.23 of SP
64.13330.2011) for determination of the effective lengths;
Resistance of Connections — enables to determine the utilization factors of restrictions for
notched connections and connections with cylindrical dowels;
Resistance of Sections — enables to determine the utilization factors of restrictions for any cross-
section type available in the application database, under the action of arbitrary forces; and to plot
the interaction curves for any admissible combination of the pairs of forces;
Continuous Purlins — enables to check continuous purlins for the ultimate and serviceability
limit states;
Cantilever Purlins — enables to check cantilever purlins under uniformly distributed loads for the
ultimate and serviceability limit states;
Beams — enables to check single-span beams with various boundary conditions for the ultimate
and serviceability limit states;
Columns — this mode enables to check columns and posts;
Truss Member — this mode enables to check a separate truss member;
Trusses — this mode enables to perform all the necessary strength and stability checks of the truss
members for the most common structural designs;
Arches — this mode enables to perform strength and stability checks of arches from glued
laminated timber of a rectangular cross-section;
Rafters — this mode enables to check rafters;
Frames — this mode enables to check frame structures.
ZAPROS enables you to perform the analysis and check of soil and foundation members according to
SNiP 2.02.01-83* and SP 50-101-2004, SNiP 2.02.03-85 and SP 50-102-2003, SP 22.13330.2011 and SP
24.13330.2011, or DBN B.2.1-10-2009. The application also provides reference information commonly
used in geotechnical engineering. The design and reference functions implemented in the application are
classified into the following groups: Foundations, Piles, Pile Field Tests, Information.
The modes of the Foundation group enable to perform the following operations: determine the tilt of
a rectangular foundation caused by loads acting on it; perform the deformation analysis of subsoil under
pad and strip foundations, rectangular in their plane, and rigid slabs; determine the stiffness parameters of
the subsoil consisting of a finite number of layers, each layer being linearly deformable and having a
constant thickness; calculate the ultimate pressure under the foundation base (design resistance of soil).
The Piles group includes two information modes — Service Factors for Piles and Nomenclature for
Piles, together with the following design modes: determination of the load-bearing capacity of a pile
subjected to a vertical load; determination of the stability factor of safety of the subsoil, the minimal and
maximal bending moment and the shear force in a given section of the pile, and some other pile
characteristics; determination of the settlement of a pile subjected to a vertical load.
The Pile Field Tests group includes the calculation of the load-bearing capacity of piles obtained
from the dynamic testing; determination of the load-bearing capacity of a driven (production) friction pile
subjected to compression, obtained from the soil testing with a sample pile; determination of the load-
bearing capacity of a driven (production) friction pile subjected to compression, obtained from the soil
testing with a probe pile; determination of the load-bearing capacity of a driven (production) friction pile
subjected to compression, obtained from the cone penetration test.
Reference modes enable to browse limit values of the relative difference of settlements, tilt, and an
average or maximum settlement for various types of structures given in Annex 4 of SNiP 2.02.01-83*
1.SCAD Office System
Monolit enables you to design reinforced concrete monolithic ribbed and flat floor slabs. Ribbed floors are
formed by a system of slabs and beams bearing on columns and/or walls. The system has been developed
in compliance with the current standards (SNiP 2.03.01-84*, GOST 21.501-93, DSTU B А.2.4-7-95,
GOST 21.101-97, DSTU B А.2.4-4-99, GOST 7473-94, DSTU B V.2.7-96-2000, GOST 14098-91, SNiP
52-01-2003, SP 52-101-03, SP 63.13330.2012).
The general floor layout is arranged on the orthogonal grid of nodes that have sequential numbering.
Nodes are located at the points of intersection of the floor structural members: beams, walls, columns.
Slabs are assumed to have uniform thickness over the entire floor, the top of slabs is in the same level as
the top of beams. Rectangular beams are divided into secondary beams, which carry the uniformly
distributed load from the floor slabs, and main beams, which carry the load from the secondary beams
running perpendicular to them and from the floor slabs. Load-bearing walls and/or frame columns serve as
the floor supports. The support conditions of the floor bearing on the walls are determined by the wall
material: brick walls that provide for free zero-moment support of beams and slabs, and concrete walls that
are monolithic with the floor and provide rigid, moment connection of the beams and slabs with the
supporting structure. All load-bearing elements of the structure (walls, columns, beams) can be displaced
with respect to the axes connecting the nodes of the grid lines.
The program outputs the required set of floor working drawings, which includes: formwork layout
with characteristic cross-sections, layouts of the upper and lower reinforcement of a slab (arrangement of
the reinforcement meshes), beam and column reinforcement drawings, drawings of welded cages and
meshes used for the reinforcement of slabs and beams, specification of details, steel consumption per slab
and the overall specification, specifications for slabs and the overall specification. All the necessary notes
are given. Reinforcement is completely unified.
All output documents are prepared in formats standard for the majority of printers – А4 and А3.
However, they can be printed out using devices of other format, as well as a Plotter. In order to complete
the output documents the results can be imported into the DXF formats of the AutoCAD software file.
COMET is used to check and design the most common types of joints of steel bar structures used in civil
and industrial engineering. The approach implemented in the application is based on selecting from a set of
parameterized standard structural designs of joints (prototypes). The parameters of the prototypes change
during the design process depending on the specified design conditions (material, internal forces etc.), and
the selected codes.
The main task of the program is to obtain a design of a joint that complies with the selected codes and
design specifications. COMET generates a drawing of the joint and provides the data on the resistance of
1.SCAD Office System
its individual elements (structural members, welds, bolts etc.). The latter enable to assess the quality of the
obtained design, and if necessary change some parameters of the structure.
The following joint prototypes are implemented in the program: rigid and pinned beam-to-column
joints, nominally pinned column bases, rigid column bases without stiffeners, with stiffeners and wing
plates, joints between beams which use bolts and beam splices with end-plates, truss panel points.
Joints between an I-beam and a column are implemented in the program as welded joints and joints
with an end-plate with ordinary and high-strength bolts. The joints can be horizontal and inclined, with and
without haunches, allowing for the reinforcement of the column and without the reinforcement.
The graphical results can be exported as a DXF (AutoCAD) file.
Section Builder
Section Builder enables you to create arbitrary compound sections from rolled steel profiles and plates and
calculate their geometric properties necessary for performing the structural analysis. The calculations are
performed according to the ordinary rules of the strength of materials, and the moment of inertia at free
torsion is determined approximately as a sum of free torsional moments of inertia of profiles that make up
the section. A report containing the results of the calculation of the geometric properties is generated.
The results of the calculation of the geometric properties can be exported to SCAD and to Kristall.
Consul enables you to create arbitrary sections and calculate their geometric properties on the basis of the
solid rods theory.
The following main characteristics can be obtained in the result of the calculation — cross-sectional
area, values of the moments of inertia, radii of gyration, section moduli, torsional and sectorial properties,
coordinates of the shear center.
The graphical interactive tools enable to create complex sections of an arbitrary shape with holes and
include the functions of rounding angles, editing the contour of the section and the coordinates of the
vertices, moving a group of the selected vertices. The application enables to import the sections from the
DWG or DXF file formats, and to work with the parametric sections specified by the user.
The calculated geometric properties can be used in SCAD when specifying the stiffness properties of
the elements.
Tonus enables you to create sections and calculate their geometric properties on the basis of the thin-
walled rods theory.
The following main characteristics can be obtained in the result of the calculation — cross-sectional
area, values of the moments of inertia, radii of gyration, section moduli, torsional and sectorial properties,
coordinates of the shear center.
The graphical interactive tools enable to create arbitrary thin-walled sections (including mixed open-
closed ones). The application enables to import the sections from the DWG or DXF file formats, and to
work with the parametric sections specified by the user.
The calculated geometric properties can be used in SCAD when specifying the stiffness properties of
the elements.
1.SCAD Office System
Sezam enables you to find a section (a hollow section, an I-beam, a Tee section, or a channel) which
approximates an arbitrary section set by the user according to its geometric properties the best. Since all
the codes deal only with a certain type of sections, the section obtained in the result of the approximation
can be used in the design programs to take into account the elastoplastic stage of work, check for the web
buckling, check for the out-of-plane buckling, or to make some other checks.
The initial section can be specified as a file created by Section Builder, Consul and Tonus, by the set
of geometrical properties, or as a compound section from the set of prototypes given in the program (e.g.
two channels, two I-beams, etc.).
The following properties are approximated for the given section: area, principal moments of inertia,
moments of resistance.
WeST enables to perform the analyses dealing with the determination of loads and actions on building
structures in compliance with the recommendations of SNiP 2.01.07-85* “Loads and Actions” (Fig. 1.4-1),
SP 20.13330.2011, SNiP 2.01.07-85 (Belarus), or DBN B.1.2.2-2006.
Design modes include:
Self-weight — determination of the load from
the self-weight of a multilayer pack consisting
from different materials per unit area;
Temporary Loads — determination of values of
uniformly distributed temporary loads (full and
reduced values) in various rooms in accordance
with the instructions of SNiP, SP, and DBN;
Wind — calculation of the static component of
wind loads for the structures of various types
specified in SNiP, SP, and DBN;
Snow — calculation of the snow loads for the
structures of various types specified in SNiP, SP,
Figure 1.4-1. Determination of the wind load and DBN;
in WeST Temperature — determination of the thermal
actions in accordance with SNiP, SP, and DBN.
Slope enables to determine the factor of safety of a slope. The failure mechanism is assumed to be a slip of
a soil mass with respect to a stable part of the slope. The shear resistance along the slip surface is
calculated under static conditions. The Coulomb failure criterion is satisfied along the whole surface.
The actual shear stress obtained by the calculation is compared with the ultimate shear resistance, and
the result of the comparison is expressed as a factor of safety. The factor of safety of a slope is a minimum
factor of safety for all potential slip surfaces which satisfy given restrictions (the restrictions are usually
defined by the method of analysis).
The initial data include:
sizes of the sliding soil mass;
depth of the tension crack (if the checkbox indicating the presence of a tension crack is checked);
soil properties;
1.SCAD Office System
Cross enables to determine the subsoil parameters for the analysis of the foundation structures on the
Winkler elastic subgrade based on the modeling of the behavior of a horizontally layered soil deposit. The
geological structure of the soil deposit is assumed to be arbitrary and it is restored based on the data of the
geological surveys.
The software considers a construction site
where the designed structure is located together
with other objects that affect the main structure in
the sense that loads upon the soil transferred by
these objects may cause settlements of the
designed foundation.
The results of the analysis are the values of the
Winkler coefficient in any point of the foundation
slab (Fig. 1.4-2). Cross enables to automatically
transfer the geometry of the subgrade from SCAD
and to return the results of the calculation to the
Figure 1.4-2. Determination of the Winkler coefficient
for the foundation slab
2.Theoretical Foundations
2. Theoretical Foundations
A person who uses software for the analysis of constructions and who is
interested in the stress and strain state is not required to know all mathematical
and computational problems in detail. However he needs to have an idea about
how mathematical problems are formed and what are the numerical methods to
solve them. It is hard to rationally choose an analytical model and correctly
evaluate the accuracy of the final results.
L.A. ROSIN. Problems of the theory of elasticity and numerical
methods. — St. Petersburg, State Technical University, 1998. p.5
This section provides some short information on the approaches and methods used by SCAD for the
numerical analysis. The amount of this information is sufficient for the user to better understand further
instructions of this manual and to deal with situations that arise as one tries to solve a particular
engineering problem. This manual cannot replace the literature on the subject referenced in the text, but it
can serve as an introductory guide to these books. Moreover, the considered issues are covered more
extensively in the book [11], which can be used as additional documentation for SCAD.
General Information
The design analysis of any structure begins with an attempt to determine what is important in the
considered case, and what can be neglected. Such a simplification of the problem is always performed,
because the real structure with the whole set of its properties can be analyzed only at the expense of certain
A real structure relieved of all its inessential details and thus represented in an idealized form is called
a design model. Some general methods of design modeling have gained a wide spread (a material idealized
as a continuum; an assumption of the material homogeneity; reduction of a body geometry to such standard
shapes as bars, plates, or shells; external load arrangement, etc.). Other methods of modeling are more
particular and are used only in special cases. However, in all cases the selection of a design model is the
most important component of the engineering analysis and one of the most characteristic features of the art
of engineering (this is indeed the matter of art, not just science!), which defines the professional level of
the designer.
As any other art, the art of design modeling can be learned only from practice. Therefore, we shall not
dwell on it much longer 1. However, once the design model has been established (if even roughly), a
detailed description of it has to be made in the form appropriate for the numerical analysis. It is this stage
of design on which we will give further particular recommendations.
It should be noted that the following decisions have to be made at the early stages of the design
modeling: on whether the analysis should be linear or nonlinear, whether to take the forces of inertia into
account and to proceed with a dynamic analysis, or to confine yourself to a static analysis.
The expected structural behavior is predicted by the designer on the basis of his accumulated
experience and engineering intuition. Therefore, all decisions made must be subject to a posterior revision.
If time derivatives can be neglected in the governing equations that describe the behavior of a system, then
The problem of transition from a structure to the design model and back – from a design model to the structure – is
discussed extensively in a wonderful book by V.I. Feodosiev [16], which we recommend to every designer. Very
informative and delicate considerations on this question can be also found in a monograph by I.I. Blekhman,
A.D. Myshkis, Y.G. Panovko [1].
2.Theoretical Foundations
we are dealing with a static problem, and thus with an analysis of the behavior of a motionless system. In
the dynamics problems, when the forces of inertia proportional to the accelerations of masses play a
significant role, and in the creep problems, when the velocities are taken into account, we deal with the
analysis of a moving system.
Nonlinear problems may be caused by the effects arising due to changes in the geometry of the
system under the load (geometric nonlinearity), lack of proportionality between the stresses and strains
(physical nonlinearity), unilateral constraints being enabled or disabled as the system is loaded or unloaded
(structural nonlinearity), or the effects defined by the variability of the system structure in the process of
its construction (genetic nonlinearity).
All these peculiarities of the expected structural behavior affect the selection of the design model, for
example, during the determination of the possible degrees of freedom or the arrangement of loads acting
upon the system.
A question of particular importance is how to divide the system into finite elements, i.e. standard parts
of which (only!) the system will consist.
If the division is too fine, the great amount of elements will increase the computation time, and a lot
of computer memory resources will be requested for storage and processing of data. The instability effects
of the computation process itself may also arise. If the division is too rough, the accuracy of the results
may be lost, especially when a plate or a shell structure is analyzed.
Hardly any general advice can be given on how to select the optimum division of each particular
system into finite elements. Existing “estimates of convergence” are of an asymptotic nature (see, for
example, [6, 15]), but they are often too abstract to be practically useful for a particular engineering task.
Therefore, you should rely mainly upon the accumulated experience and the results of checks performed
for the same structure divided into several different sets of finite elements. The approaches when some
fragments of the system are analyzed successively with ever finer finite element meshes can be also
It means that the common system of governing equations that describe the mechanical behavior of a structural
system uses nodal displacements and rotation angles as its unknowns. Some types of finite elements (so-called hybrid
elements) internally use force unknowns, but these variables are eliminated before the formation of the common
system of governing equations.
2.Theoretical Foundations
reference books. This approach is approximate because when equivalent forces are reduced to nodal loads,
the equilibrium of some types of finite elements (e.g., plates and shells) can be preserved only in an
integral sense. Inter-element boundaries between elements other than bars can contain cuts; therefore the
issue of so-called consistency (compatibility) of elements should be addressed. Consistent elements ensure
that the displacements and their derivatives conform to one another in points located on the opposite edges
of a cut. If the elements are inconsistent, additional conditions have to be satisfied to compensate potential
possible inconsistent displacements of the edges of the cut.
It should be noted that all elements included in the SCAD library are either consistent or compensated
against inconsistency by additional conditions.
2.Theoretical Foundations
bar; and the model in Fig. 2.1-2, b does not enable to calculate the slope of the end section because SCAD
is capable of outputting only nodal displacements and rotation angles.
The whole design model is assumed to consist solely of elements of a certain predefined type. The list
of element types used by SCAD can be altered or supplemented, but each particular version of the system
uses a certain set of elements called a finite element library (FEL), from which the “elementary particles”
for creating a design model are selected.
Finally, it should be noted that all the nodes and elements of a design model are numbered. Numbers
assigned to them should only be treated as names for the convenience of reference. Using the numbers we
can, for instance, indicate a node where a certain load is applied, list nodes a particular element is attached
to, make a list of elements joined in a certain node (which is called a “star of elements” at the node) or
being in a certain specified group. The numbering does not perform any other functions, and it almost does
not affect the computation time, because the system is capable of optimizing the stiffness matrix profile.
However, the results of an analysis are usually output in the order of numbering of the nodes
(displacements) or elements (internal forces and moments). We, therefore, can not say that nothing at all
depends on the numbering.
2.Theoretical Foundations
deformed plate surface, or components of transversal shear and reduction in laminated piecewise-
heterogeneous shallow shells can be the examples of an auxiliary unknown.
one restraining one of six possible mutual displacements, we can also imagine the absence of any of these
six constraints. The absence of one angular constraint corresponds to a cylindrical hinge; the absence of all
three mutual angular constraints – to a spherical hinge; the absence of a linear constraint – to a “slider”,
etc. To be brief, we will further refer to all cases of this kind as “hinges”, though it is not very accurate. It
should be noted that the use of various junctions between the elements and the nodes, as well as constraints
imposed on the nodal displacements, enables to diversify our design models. This fact is illustrated by Fig.
2.1-1. We recommend you to compare equal though represented in different ways pairs of nodes 1 and 4,
or 7 and 8.
It should be noted that the incomplete equivalence between the element and the model nodal displa-
cements, as well as the eccentric junction, is allowable not for every element type; one should refer to
finite element definitions to find out whether those are possible. Limitations, if there are any, can be cir-
cumvented using artificial tricks (by introducing additional nodes, very compliant constraining elements
2.Theoretical Foundations
Both characteristic and design load values are used in the engineering practice. They are related by
the safety factors for loads. Generally speaking, the characteristic and the design values are used in
different kinds of calculations: the former are used to check the serviceability limit state, and the latter – to
check the ultimate limit state. SCAD assumes by default that the loads are given by their design values.
A set of loads and actions applied to the system simultaneously and considered together is called its
loading. Sometimes one loading comprises only those simultaneously applied loads that have a common
origin (e.g., only pressure caused by wheels of a single overhead travelling crane, or snow load on the roof
of a single span in a multi-span building) or have some other common properties (e.g., the same safety
factor for load set by the design codes). If afterwards a combined effect of several loadings (their sum with
some coefficients) has to be considered, it is called a combination of loadings, and the coefficients will be
respectively referred to as the coefficients of this combination.
The fact that loadings may form various combinations in different moments of time, and the number
of these combinations can be rather big, leads to a non-trivial problem of finding such combinations of
external actions that result in the most disadvantageous consequences for the considered structural element
or its section. These combinations are called the design combinations of forces (DCF). When solving this
problem, you should remember about the logical relation between loadings, defined by the nature of loads
applied to the system or by the regulations of the design codes. Such logical relationships make it
sometimes impossible to apply some loads simultaneously (the incompatibility of loads), such as, for
instance, the wind pressure caused by winds of different directions. In other cases when considering a
certain loading it might be necessary to take into account another loading (e.g., if a friction force is
considered, then the normal pressure must be taken into account as well), though the inverse relation of this
kind might not take place (the normal pressure can be considered independently without the friction force).
It should be noted that the use of the combinations of loadings and the determination of the DCF are
based on the superposition principle, and therefore, they make sense only for the linear systems. If there is
any kind of nonlinearity involved, all the loads acting on the system must be analyzed within a single
2.Theoretical Foundations
The displacements u(х) of any point of the considered element can be approximately expressed
through the unknown nodal displacements Z:
u( x ) (x) Z
i i Φ ( x) Z e , (2.2.3)
where i(x) are the interpolation functions usually referred to as shape functions, which should meet the
smoothness requirements in order to ensure the convergence of the method [15]; (x) is the matrix of
interpolation functions; Ze is the vector of all unknown nodal displacements of the considered element
(index “e”).
Substituting (2.2.1) and (2.2.3) to (2.2.2) we obtain
v s
(e) =1/2 Z eT ( BΦ )T MBΦ dV Z e pT Φ dV qT Φ dS Z e
where K(e) = ( BΦ )T MBΦdV is the stiffness matrix of the element;
f eT
= p ΦdV + qT ΦdS is the vector of reduced nodal forces.
v s
The full potential energy of a system is a sum of the potential energies of all its elements:
Π= Π
(e) , (2.2.6)
2.Theoretical Foundations
The library contains isoparametric elements for the analysis of the plane stress state and for solving
spatial elastic problems; one- and two-dimensional (quadrangular and triangular) axisymmetric elements.
Moreover, there are various special elements for modeling the constraints of finite rigidity, elastic
compliance between nodes, null-elements of various types, elements specified by a numerical stiffness
matrix. All finite elements contained in the library are theoretically justified and have error estimates of
energy and displacements. The integral force error can be estimated by a value proportional to h, where h
is the maximum size of finite elements, = 2 for rectangular plate elements, = 1 for all other elements.
The displacement error can be estimated by a value proportional to h, where = 4 for consistent
rectangular and quadrangular plate elements, and = 2 for all other elements. The possibility of performing
the analysis of curvilinear bars with rectilinear elements and of any shells with triangular and rectangular
(for cylindrical shells) plane shell elements is also theoretically justified. The energy and displacement
error in this case can be estimated by a value proportional to h.
Additional Constraints
If the displacements Z are restrained by the constraint conditions
CZ = 0, (2.2.8)
then only some components of the vector Z can be varied freely, and in order to take these constraints into
account, it was suggested in paper [10] to use a modified Lagrangian function:
ПLМ = ½ ZT(K + CTD0C)Z ZTf + T CZ, (2.2.9)
where D0 is a symmetric positive definite matrix, and is a vector of Lagrange multipliers (reactions in the
Stationarity conditions of the functional (2.2.9) yield a system of equations
KZ + (CTD0C) Z + C T = f;
CZ = 0. (2.2.10)
It should be noted that the matrix С must contain only linearly independent rows; otherwise (if there
are duplicated constraints) the system may happen to contain a statically indeterminate substructure made
up from rigid elements, which results in a degenerate problem. In all other cases the system of equations
(2.2.10) has a nonzero determinant, including the case of a degenerate matrix К (the structure without
additional constraints is unstable) with its excess not exceeding the rank of the matrix С.
Adding the product CTD0C to the stiffness matrix K corresponds to the inclusion of an elastic element
with special properties (“null element”) into the structure. It is inserted in parallel to an infinitely rigid
constraint and therefore does not distort the results of analysis. Possible methods for constructing such
“null elements”, some of which have been used in the development of SCAD, are considered in detail in
Rigid Bodies
One of the possible types of poly-constraints is the case when the displacements of some nodes of the
system are connected to each other as in the case of their connection by a rigid body. In the SCAD
software the rigid body is treated as a specific type of finite element. Its relationship to finite elements can
be noticed at least from the fact that the rigid body unites nodes attached to it. Roughly, a rigid body can be
considered as a limiting case of a finite element as the rigidity properties of this element approach the
Rigid body can be represented graphically as a "spider" consisting of one master node and a number
of slave nodes – Fig. 2.2-1. The connection can be full or partial.
2.Theoretical Foundations
2.Theoretical Foundations
with the help of rigid inserts will make the bending of the slab in the span between the reinforcing ribs
considerably greater than in the case when the reduction of the slab span due to the rib width is taken into
Using the rigid bodies in the model (they are limited by the dashed line in the figure) enables to join
the bar with the necessary eccentricity to the nodes on the middle surface of the plate, and to provide the
absence of distortion of the section at the junction with the plate, which prevents its bending in this area. It
should be noted that in this case the spatial rigid body can be used, despite the fact that all its nodes are in
the same plane.
The absence of distortion of the cross-section contour in the models made from the thin-walled bars is
often provided by the introduction of diaphragms or similar stiffening elements. If these elements are not
loaded and their stress state is of no importance to the designer, the diaphragms can be modeled by rigid
bodies which do not allow deformations in their plane.
2.Theoretical Foundations
Dynamical Analysis
If the load applied to the system changes with time, i.e. f = f(t), then we have to assume the stresses and
displacements also to be functions of time, which may force us to introduce velocities dZ dt and
accelerations d 2 Z dt 2 in the consideration. If inertia forces that arise J (t ) M d 2 Z dt 2 cannot be
treated as negligibly small comparing to the loads upon the system and to the elasticity forces, then they
should be taken into account in the equilibrium equations which will necessarily become differential
equations of motion:
M KZ (t ) f (t ) . (2.2.12)
dt 2
2.Theoretical Foundations
The mass matrix of the system is determined as a sum of mass matrices of its elements plus masses
related to the inertial properties of the structural parts not included in the design model.
In SCAD a mass matrix of an element can be a consistent matrix or a matrix of concentrated masses:
consistent mass matrix of an element is calculated using the shape functions of an element.
These shape functions are the same as those used when calculating a stiffness matrix,
therefore it is called "consistent".
in the matrix of concentrated masses the mass of each element is distributed between its nodes. In
other words, concentrated masses in the nodes of the element make up the mass of the element.
Therefore the matrix of concentrated masses is diagonal all elements of which except for the
diagonal ones are equal to zero. This approach is approximate, but when the finite element mesh is dense
enough it gives good results.
The problem of determining characteristics of natural oscillations of the system (modal analysis) is to
find conditions in which the unloaded system performs harmonic oscillations according to the law
Z(t) = sin(t + ). (2.2.13)
In expression (2.2.13) vector describes the mode of the natural oscillations (relations between the
displacements of nodes); — their frequency; — the initial phase. Substitution of (2.2.13) to (2.2.12)
seeing that f(t) = 0 will give an equation for natural oscillations
(K – 2M) = 0, (2.2.14)
the nontrivial solution of which exists only when values i (i = 1,..., n), called natural frequencies or
eigenvalues, turn the determinant of matrix [K–2M] into zero. The respective modes of natural
oscillations i (eigenvectors) can be calculated only up to an arbitrary multiplier. This multiplier can be,
for instance, assigned in such a way that the maximum component of vector i is equal to one. The
property of orthogonality of eigenvectors with respect to both the mass matrix and the stiffness matrix is
also worth noticing, i.e.
iТMj= 0 and iТKj= 0 at i j. (2.2.15)
In the dynamical analysis, the number of components of vector Z where inertia forces are involved
(the number of dynamical degrees of freedom) can be often much less than that of the static components.
The typical example is presented by nodal slopes which, usually, are much less influential dynamically
than the respective linear displacements. In the SCAD environment inertial moments corresponding to the
nodal slopes and other inertial characteristics can be neglected, but this has to be specified by the user
when formulating a dynamical problem. If some inertial components of the load are not taken into
consideration, then we can divide vector into sub-vector 0 for which the inertia forces are zero and sub-
vector I where the inertia forces are involved, and write system (2.2.14) in the form
K00 0+ K01 1 = 0;
K10 0 + K11 1 = 2M11. (2.2.16)
Sub-vector 0, can be excluded from this system. After this procedure of “static condensation”, the
dimension of the modal analysis problem decreases dramatically, and the problem becomes stated as
K K K 1 K
11 10 00 01
M1 2 I 1 0 ,
2.Theoretical Foundations
The modal analysis produces eigenvalues i and eigenvectors I of the problem (2.2.17), which can
be used to determine the circular frequency = 1/ (radians per second), cyclic frequency = /2 (Hz),
and period Т = 1/.
Since the natural oscillation modes are orthogonal, the solution of any dynamical problem represented
as an expansion
Z (t) y (t) Ψ
i i
leads to the splitting of the system of differential equations (2.2.12) into independent equations with
respect to generalized coordinates yi(t). These equations usually contain one more term proportional to
velocity, to take into account the viscous resistance to the motion. Thus the equations become
d 2 yi dyi
+ 2i i + i2 yi = Pi(t)/Mi. (2.2.19)
dt dt
Generalized forces
Pi(t) = 2 Ti f(t); (2.2.20)
Mi = iT Mi (2.2.21)
0 0
and viscosity coefficients i together with initial conditions y i and y i , derived from Z = Z(0) and
Z = dZ(0)/dt by formulae:
yi0 =Ψ iT MZ 0 ; yi =Ψ iT MZ , (2.2.22)
define the complete solution of the problem. This solution can be written as the expression:
yi = exp[–i i t] {[(y0i i i + y1i)/ Di] sinDit + y0i} +
+ (1/DiMi)
P (t) exp[– (t – )] sin
i i i Di(t – ) d , (2.2.23)
where the first term takes into account the initial conditions and the second one is called a Duhamel
The frequency of damped oscillations included in the expression (2.2.23):
Di = i (1 – I2)1/2 (2.2.24)
is little different from i at usual values of the logarithmic decrement, therefore
= 2 / D 2. (2.2.25)
In most cases the value of the logarithmic decrement general for the whole model (not for individual
elements) is used, which corresponds to the structures made from the same material and with almost the
same designs of the joints. Design models with a large and/or nonuniform damping, for example, those
which include a subgrade subsystem are an exception. This case is taken into account only in the variant of
the direct integration of the equations of motion.
2.Theoretical Foundations
In the general case the conditions of orthogonality of the type (2.2.15) are no longer satisfied for the
damping matrix С, and the decomposition of the system of differential equations (2.2.26) into the
independent ones with respect to the generalized coordinates yi(t) becomes impossible. However, you can
make it possible by using the Rayleigh hypothesis on proportional damping
C M K . (2.2.27)
Here α, β – coefficients of proportionality, the term αM stands for the damping of lower modes, and
term βK – for the damping of upper ones.
It follows from the decomposition of the displacement vector by the natural oscillation modes that:
i2 2i i , i 1, 2, , N mod es (2.2.28)
where 1 , 2 , – first two natural cyclic frequencies [rad/sec]; 1 , 2 modal damping for the first and
second natural oscillation modes given in the percentage of the critical damping.
It is assumed that 2 1 0 and 2 1 0 . In the case when 2 1 or the first two frequencies
are very close ( 2 1 1 0.0001 ), it is assumed that 211 , а 0 .
The parameter α refers to damping of low modes, and β – of high ones. It is important to take both
parameters into account. The following simplification is often made β = 0. Damping of the upper modes
turns out to be considerably underestimated, therefore the dynamic reaction of the system can be
considerably overestimated (up to 2 times and more).
Damping models implemented in the method of the decomposition by the natural oscillation modes and
at the direct integration using the Rayleigh hypothesis are generally different. It is evident, for example,
from the ambiguity of the determination of the parameters α, β from (2.2.29), since by specifying different
values of the pairs of the index i, we will obtain different values of α, β. However, for most of the practical
problems the method of the decomposition by the natural oscillation modes and the methods of the direct
integration give close results if both of them are applied correctly.
2.Theoretical Foundations
where K is a symmetric NN matrix. It should be noted that matrix K is usually positive definite and
contains a considerable number of zero elements (i.e. it is a sparse matrix);
F is the Nk matrix of right hand side (loadings), where k is the number of loadings;
Z is the unknown kN matrix of displacements.
There are both direct and iterative methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equations. The
direct methods are a powerful tool for solving systems of linear algebraic equations with sparse matrices if
there is an efficient way to order the unknowns and thus reduce the fill-in in the matrix factorization. The
advantages of these methods are that they are less sensitive to the ill-conditioning of systems of equations,
enable to detect modeling mistakes that lead to a dimensional instability of the design model, and that the
computation time does not depend much on the right hand side if the latter is relatively small.
Iterative methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equations are widely used to study large-
scale problems of solid mechanics. They are particularly useful in cases when a lot of fill-ins appear in the
structure of the adjacency graph levels, which drastically slows the performance of the direct methods. The
iterative methods are usually used in cases when the matrix of the system of equations is positive definite.
The most popular direct methods used in FEM software include a profile method based on Gaussian
exclusions, and a frontal method. In the first case the matrix of governing equations is fully formed before
solving these equations (see Fig. 2.3-1); in the second case groups of equations usually containing
unknowns of a single node are formed in RAM. The stiffness matrix of the system is not assembled
explicitly; the stiffness matrices of the elements with the degrees of freedom included in the given group
are gradually added instead. Once the new front is assembled, i.e. all its adjoining elements are included in
the assembly, unknowns the numbers of which do not coincide with those of the front equations will be at
once subjected to the Gaussian exclusion procedure. As a result, the Gaussian exclusion is performed in a
dense (frontal) matrix of relatively small size that consists of a fully assembled part of the equations and an
incomplete one. In the course of the solution, the front moves along the nodes of the FEM model. The
efficiency of the multifrontal method is usually an order of magnitude greater than that of the modified
Gaussian algorithm.
Arrangement of the order of the equation exclusion (profile method) or of the inclusion of the finite
elements in the stiffness matrix assemblage (frontal method) aimed at the reduction of fill-ins is usually
performed taking into account the structure of the stiffness matrix fill-ins. Here and further, a fill-in will
refer to a nonzero element that appears in the matrix during the factorization in the place of an original zero
element (see Fig. 2.3-1). The number of fill-ins greatly affects the efficiency of both methods for solving
linear algebraic equations.
Several renumbering methods are implemented in SCAD, e.g., the reverse Cuthill-McKie algorithm,
the factor tree method, the method of nested sections, the algorithm of parallel sections, the METIS
algorithm, the Sloane algorithm, the minimum degree algorithm, etc. These methods and their comparative
characteristics are described in the literature on the subject. The user is authorized to select a renumbering
method, because the efficiency of an algorithm greatly depends on the structure of a particular matrix К,
and the problem of determining the optimal renumbering of the degrees of freedom belongs to “difficult
problems” (NP-complete) [19], [26], [27].
It is recommended to use a high-performance parallel solver PARFES for multi-core computers,
which enables to calculate large problems much faster.
2.Theoretical Foundations
Figure 2.3-1. The profile of a matrix. 1 — nonzero elements, 2 — zero elements filled during the
matrix decomposition, 3 — zero elements not filled during the matrix decomposition.
If any of the SCAD solvers is used and the process of triangular decomposition of matrix K makes
one of the governing elements equal to zero, i.e. matrix K is found to be degenerate, which indicates that
the structure is unstable, then an additional unstressed constraint is automatically imposed to make the
system stable. The user receives information on the node numbers and the types of degrees of freedom
involved in this additional constraining. It should be noted that the degenerate character of the matrix is not
identified by an exact equality of the governing element to zero, but rather by a “nearly zero” number
appearing on the main diagonal. The threshold for this “nearly zero” magnitude (a solution accuracy
parameter) is one of the properties the user is authorized to set up.
When a message about additionally imposed constraints appears in the log file, we recommend you to
review your design model carefully and find out the reason for the dimensional instability of the structure.
It might turn out that the system is formally stable, but its elements have such parameters of rigidity that it
is defined as “almost unstable”. Then in order to perform the analysis you might have to solve the problem
again with another solution accuracy parameter.
An additional service function is a system solution check (2.3.1). If there is a message that the
solution error is too large (this is usually due to an ill-conditioned matrix K), you should carefully analyze
the nodal displacements and make sure that the obtained solution is acceptable from the engineering
standpoint. The ill-conditionality is usually caused by an improper structural design (for example, the
system is “almost unstable”) or its incorrect idealization.
2.Theoretical Foundations
Wind Load
The method is based on the approach from Section 10 of the manual [4] where the problem of the action of
turbulent wind flow pulsations is formulated as a problem of statistical dynamics.
The wind pressure on a structure in a point located at the height z from the ground level is considered
as a sum of a static and a pulse components of the wind load
q(z,t) = qs(z) + qp(z,t). (2.4.1)
The latter is a stochastic function of time determined by the random velocity of the pulsations which
has a zero average value, a standard deviation (z), and a dimensionless Davenport spectrum
S() = 12005/3 / [3v0(1 + 2)4/3], (2.4.2)
where v0 is an hourly average wind velocity at the height of 10 m;
= v0 L1 1 is a dimensionless period of oscillations where L=1200 m is a turbulence scale, and
is a circular frequency (1/s).
Taking into account certain simplifications1 based on the assumption of full correlation (the wind
velocity pulsations are considered as synchronous over a space of stochastic functions of time only), we
can represent the root-mean-square displacement — the j-th component of the vector Z — as
Zj =
i 1
(2ij μ i2 ) / 4i . (2.4.3)
Here, s is the number of considered natural oscillation modes; ij is the reduced acceleration
calculated according to the following formula
ij = ( ij
k ik ) / M
r ir
, (2.4.4)
2 -4/3 4 2 2 2 4 -1
μ i2 = (2/3) 11/ 3 (1 + ) [ – 2(1 – /2) i + i] d. (2.4.5)
The damping parameter is related to the logarithmic decrement by the relationship = /, and i
denotes a dimensionless period of natural oscillations i = v0 L1 1 .
The static design displacements are defined by the first member of (2.4.1), and the dynamic ones are
determined by (2.4.3). The forces in elements of the system and the displacements of its points (which are
together referred to as a response of the structure Х) are determined separately from the static component
of the wind load and from the inertia forces corresponding to each natural oscillation mode. The total value
of the response can be determined by the formula:
X= X ( X id ) 2 , (2.4.6)
that shows that the oscillations occur around the shifted equilibrium state that corresponds to the static
(average) component of the loading. The software outputs particular components of the dynamic response
These simplifications are not used in the SCAD mode that performs an analysis according to the Moscow State
Building Standards. The solution thus obtained is more accurate but the time needed to find it is much longer.
2.Theoretical Foundations
X id and the overall magnitude (2.4.6), the sign before the second member being the same as that of the
component Xc.
Seismic Actions
The regulations [14] are based on a spectral approach according to which the design spectrum curve (a law
of variation of the dynamic amplification factors) defines the dynamic response of a simple pendulum to
the acceleration of its suspension point under a seismic disturbance.
Generally, when the foundation of a structure experiences the accelerations d2z0/dt2, caused by an
earthquake, the inertia forces J (t ) M d 2 Z dt 2 are defined by the absolute accelerations added to the
relative ones caused by deformations of the structure
Jc(t) = M (d2Z/dt2 d2z0 /dt2), (2.4.7)
which gives the following fictitious load when substituted to (2.2.12)
fc(t) = M d2z0 /dt2 . (2.4.8)
The solution under the action of (2.4.8) is sought for as an expansion by natural oscillation modes in
the form of a Duhamel integral (see Section 3 of the reference manual [4]); eventually the problem is
reduced to an analysis of inertia forces Sik that act in the direction of k-th degree of freedom at the
oscillations in i-th mode
Sik = QkKc (Ti)ik cos0k. (2.4.9)
Here Qk is the weight of the mass related to the k-th degree of freedom, Kc is the seismic amplification
factor that depends on the magnitude of the earthquake (recall that each next magnitude number
corresponds to a doubling of the seismic force) and on the class of the structure; is the dynamic
amplification factor that depends on the natural oscillation period of the current mode and the category of
the subsoil; ηik are reduced accelerations (2.4.4); 0k is the angle between the direction of the displacement
Zk and the ground acceleration vector; ik — coefficient which characterizes the distribution of the inertial
forces among the natural oscillation modes.
The dynamic amplification factors are determined by the processing of spectral responses, simple
oscillators with natural frequencies i (periods Ti 2 / i ) and coefficient of inelastic resistance to the
accelerogram action d 2 z0 / dt 2 a0 (t ) .
2.Theoretical Foundations
T3 T
t T3
The maximum values of the responses given as a function of the oscillator frequency define the
spectral curve of the original accelerogram,
i t
i , max a i , , t max i z0 e sin i t d ,
t t
and the envelope of the set of spectral curves corresponding to different possible accelerograms,
generalized accordingly, gives the dynamic amplification factor curve (Ti).
The coefficients ik are calculated by the formula
n n 2
ki ki Qi ij Qs is . (2.4.11)
j 1 s 1
The responses Xi to the loads (2.4.9) are calculated for each oscillation mode taken into consideration
and the design value is calculated
n n 1
i 1
X i2
i 1
i X i X i 1 , (2.4.12)
2.Theoretical Foundations
Pulse Loads
Pulse loads are short-term forces or impacts with the duration not exceeding 2,5Тs, where Тs is the period
of the highest oscillation mode taken into consideration (see Section 5 of the reference manual [4]). There
are single pulses for which the load f(t) = 0 at t > , and repeated pulses, which include the periodic ones
repeated in equal periods of time Т0.
S P0 f t dt.
At < 0,1Ts the pulse can be treated as instantaneous, and its shape f(t) does not matter because any of
the shapes would yield about the same result.
If a body of the mass М0 hits the structure directly, the pulse is determined by the formula:
S M 0 v0 1 k0 , (2.4.14)
where v0 is the velocity of the hitting body at the moment of contact with the structure; k0 is a restoration
coefficient the value of which depends on the shapes and materials of the hitting bodies.
If the mass М0 is small comparing to the sum of masses of the structure, the analysis of the impact can
be performed as for a pulse of the magnitude (2.4.13); otherwise, М0 should be treated as an associated
mass and thus more accurate values of the natural frequencies should be obtained.
It should be noted that the associated mass М0 cannot be the only mass in the system (an impact upon
a mass-free structure is not considered!). The recommended shape of the f(t) function in the impact is a bell
(Fig. (2.4-2, f).
Harmonic Excitation
For the harmonic load Pi(1) cost + Pi(2) sint, the forces of inertia S1 and S2, summed over all natural
oscillation modes that are taken into consideration, which correspond to a cosine (real) and sine
(imaginary) components, respectively, are determined by the formulae:
S1 = a M
i i
; S2 = b M ,
i i
2.Theoretical Foundations
In cases when the frequency of the exciting load is higher than one or more natural frequencies of
the system i, it is necessary to perform an additional check to see whether the system experiences the
state of resonance during the startup or shutdown of machines and aggregates that generate the harmonic
load (see [4], p.53).
Next, the equations (2.2.19) are solved by Duhamel integrals. Since an accelerogram is given with a
certain time step, the interpolation in the intermediate points is used when necessary for the high-frequency
components for which the difference model condenses with time.
This will get values of the displacements yi,k = yi(tk) and forces of inertia Si,k = Si(tk), which are then
used to determine an extreme value over the considered moments of time.
2.Theoretical Foundations
Figure 2.4-3. Solution of the problem in the relative reference system connected with the rigid mobile
platform exhibiting translational motion (classical formulation)
Figure 2.4-4. Solution of the problem with respect to the conventionally immobile absolute reference
The problem formulation shown in Fig. 2.4-4 is described by the following system of equations:
M11 0 u K 11 K 12 u C11 C12 u 0
, (2.4.20)
0 M u K 21 K u C 21 C u p(t )
M ˆ
K ˆ
u u1
uˆ ; u ; uT u 2
u u3 w2 2 u4 w4
4 , (2.4.21)
ˆ ,K
u – specified displacements, u – displacements which have to be determined, M ˆ – stiffness,
ˆ ,C
mass, and dissipation matrices corresponding to the full vectors of displacements, accelerations, and
2.Theoretical Foundations
Whereas in the classical formulation the forced displacement of supports is usually given by an
accelerogram, the displacement function u t is specified in the proposed formulation, and the velocity
function u t is determined by numerical differentiation of the latter.
u t s k s f s t t0s , u t s k s f s t t0s ,
Ms Ms
s 1 s 1
where ks – vectors of the spatial configuration specifying the mode of the forced displacements, fs(t) – time
function, s = 1, 2, ∙ ∙ ∙ , Ms – numbers of static loadings at the calculation for the respective forced
The following Cauchy problem describes the equations of motion in the given formulation
M u u K u u
bs s f s t t0s f s t t0s k p p f p t t0p
s 1
p 1
. (2.4.26)
x 0 x0
x 0 x0
Unconditionally stable Newmark method in the “predictor-corrector” form is used for solving the
2.Theoretical Foundations
Governing Equations
Let’s consider the equilibrium of a system in the initial configuration of which the following conditions
K0 Z = f (2.5.1)
Let now the load acquire an increment f corresponding to such values of the stress increment s and the
displacement increment Z that components of the vector of additional displacements Z are relatively
small but nevertheless require a geometrically nonlinear analysis to be performed. Then, as commonly
known from [21], the equations in variations can be represented in the following form:
[K0 + K1(s0) + K2(Z0)]Z = (K0 + KG)Z = f. (2.5.2)
Here, a conventional stiffness matrix K0 acquires an increment in the form of the matrix of initial
stresses K1(s0) = T(s0), linearly dependent on stresses in the system before the load is incremented, plus the
matrix of initial rotations K2(Z0) that includes not more than degree two of the displacements. Equations
(2.5.2) do not include the matrix of initial loading by J.Oden [22], that makes corrections to the load. The
non-allowance for the initial loading matrix means that we assume the load to be independent from the
system’s configuration, or we think that appropriate corrections have been already made when forming the
load increment vector f. Matrix KG is conventionally called a geometrical stiffness matrix.
Single-Parametric Loading
Let’s consider a system equilibrated in the state for which equations (2.5.2) hold, and write equalities to
determine the changes during trial loading by forces proportional to a single parameter, i.e., when the load
is incremented as f. Denoting the respective changes in the forces and displacements as s and Z, we
[K0 + K1(s0 + s) + K2(Z0 + Z)] Z = f. (2.5.3)
Now let us use the new stiffness matrix to find the critical value of the load fcr = f0 + f. Expanding K1
and K2 from (2.5.3) into a series and keeping terms linearly dependent on , we obtain the equation:
{[K0 + K1(s0) + K2(Z0)] + [K1(s) + K2(Z0 ,Z)]}U = 0. (2.5.4)
[K0 + KG(s,Z0 ,Z)]U = 0, (2.5.5)
where U is an eigenvector that describes a mode of buckling of the system, and KG denotes the matrix
multiplier that stands in the brackets to the right from in equation (2.5.4).
The solution of eigenvalue problem (2.5.5) is based on a linear approximation in the vicinity of the
shifted state of equilibrium. Therefrom we can derive the linear buckling problem assuming all initial
stresses and displacements to be zero. If further we omit the quadratic terms in the matrix of initial
displacements, then we will come to the result that the left part of (2.5.3) will linearly depend on the load
{K0 + [K1(s) + K2(Z)]} U = 0. (2.5.6)
The assumption of independence of the critical load from displacements Z eliminates matrix K2,
and we come to Eulerian equations for the critical load
[K0 + K1(s)] U = 0. (2.5.7)
2.Theoretical Foundations
The minimum eigenvalue of this equation 1 determines the critical load as 1f, the value of 1 itself
is the stability factor of safety, and the vector 1s = S* defines the internal forces in the system at its
It is worth noticing that the use of Eulerian equations essentially assumes the unchangeable
distribution of the internal forces in the system as the load intensity increases. This feature does not
always take place, especially in nonlinearly deformable systems. Therefore some software developments
[9] determine two critical values of loads: the first one is the least critical value of 1 in equations of the
(2.5.7) type, and the second one is determined as the load intensity at which the equations of the (2.5.2)
type lose their positive definiteness in the course of a loading subject to some more or less realistic law (for
example, when the live load grows and the dead load remains the same) modeled by a stepwise procedure.
A nontrivial problem immediately arises of how to choose the critical value to be demonstrated as an
evidence that the calculated stability factor of safety is sufficient. Unfortunately, the design codes
regulating the values of the stability factors of safety never mention these critical values. Though, there are
some indirect indications that suggest the use of the Eulerian value.
Special attention should be paid to the case of the stability problem when two loadings f1 and f2 act on
the system, but only one of them changes, while the other remains stable. Then we will have the following
expression instead of (2.5.3)
[K0 + K1(s0 + s) + K2(Z0 + Z)] Z = f1+f2, (2.5.8)
and the factor of safety 1 will relate to the possible value of the load increment f1. The respective mode is
implemented in SCAD as well.
2.Theoretical Foundations
If the system has been divided imaginarily into two parts, then a stiffness matrix can be composed for
each of the parts, K0,i – K1,i(S*) (i = 1, 2), which we fill up with zeros to the dimension of the full stiffness
matrix of the system. Calculating the following values
E1 = 0,5(Z*)Т[K0,1 – K1,1(S*)]Z* (2.5.10)
Extreme values of normal and tangential stresses in checkpoints of the bar cross-section (Fig. 2.6-1) serve
as the criterion for determining DCF.
The following formula is used for the normal stresses:
N M yz Mz y
k , (2.6.1)
F Iy Iz
2.Theoretical Foundations
where k is a point in the bar cross-section (k = 1,…, 9). This formula transforms as follows at y b and
z ;
My Mz
kF N , (2.6.2)
l z ,i l y ,i
where ly,i and lz,i are core sizes in the bar cross-section (i = 1, 2).
where m, n=0, 1, 2, 3, 4.
The given criterion is important for the reinforced-concrete structures.
This approach enables to determine the extreme normal stresses in a section of any shape.
The following approximate formula is used for the tangential stresses:
Q y, z M кр
y, z F (2.6.4)
2 2(l y1, z1 l y1, z 2 )
Besides stresses, extreme values of the longitudinal and shear forces are calculated as well.
2.Theoretical Foundations
The approach used here is similar to that described previously for membranes (plane stress state). The
bending and torsional moments in a plate enable to determine the normal and tangential stresses on the
upper and lower surfaces of the plate. These stresses are equal in absolute value, therefore the formulae
(2.6.4) and (2.6.5) become:
M () M x cos 2 M y sin 2 M xy sin 2; (2.6.7)
M k ( )
M y M x sin 2 M xy cos 2. (2.6.8)
Besides, the extreme values of the shear forces are determined.
The approach used here is similar to that described previously for membranes (plane stress state).
However, the stresses on the upper and lower surfaces of a shell are calculated with the account of the
membrane stresses and bending forces by the following relationships:
6M 6M 6M
xL / U N x 2 x ; yL / U N y 2 y ; L / U Txy 2 xy , (2.6.9)
h h h
where h is the thickness of the shell; the indexes U and L indicate whether a value refers to the upper or
lower surface of the shell.
Solid Elements
The extreme values of: a) the average stress (hydrostatic pressure); b) the principal deviator stresses serve
as a criterion for determining dangerous combinations of stresses in the general case of the stress and strain
state. The angles of inclination of the principal stresses in each element are determined for every loading.
The selection process is organized in the following way. The direction cosines of the principal planes
for all loadings are calculated for the given element. Thus, if the model includes n loadings, then 3n planes
will be found. Next, the stresses Sf on these planes caused by all loadings are calculated, and both negative
and positive stress values are accumulated. In this regard, the criteria are designated by three-digit
numbers. The first two digits denote the number of the loading the planes of which are used to calculate the
stresses caused by all loadings. The third digit can have a value from 1 to 6 with the following meaning:
the overall stress on the 1st principal plane: 1 stands for positive; 2 – for negative;
2.Theoretical Foundations
The design combinations of forces are determined taking into account the logical relationships between
loadings that reflect the physical meaning of loadings and requirements of various design codes.
There are three types of loadings:
1) independent (dead weight, weight of equipment etc.);
2) mutually exclusive (wind from the left and wind from the right, seismic actions along different axes
3) accompanying (braking loads provided there are vertical crane loads etc.).
It is also possible to specify an alternating loading while keeping its vector absolute value constant.
2.7. Erection
The process of creating a complex structure is, generally, a multi-phase procedure involving a certain
sequence of structural assembling operations. The latter may include successive works on installation or
removal of some members of the structure, installation/removal of ballast weights, regulation of the length
of certain elements, modification of constraints etc.
Most actions performed during the erection modify the design model and/or the stress-strain
distribution in the system.
Elementary Actions
PC SCAD has a certain set of elementary actions the sequence of which constitutes all needed
transformations of a design model to determine the stress/strain distribution in the course of the erection
and prestressing of the structure.
So, our set of elementary actions includes the following items:
(А) Loading the system by a known action which is a set of given loads, dislocations and thermal
(B) Installing an external constraint in a node of the system to restrain it from a particular
incremental displacement or rotation. It should be noted that here we require the increment of a
displacement rather than the displacement/rotation itself (i.e. making it zero) to be prohibited.
(C) Adding an internal constraint between the nodes of the system prohibits the change of a certain
mutual displacement or rotation of these nodes (including the action of combining the displacements). We
also consider the prohibition of further (at subsequent stages) changes of mutual displacements and this
contributes to the closure in the system of deformations inconsistent in the previous stages.
(D) Removing an external constraint. In this case the stress/strain distribution changes together with
the model. The reason for this is that generally the constraint can be stressed. Therefore, it is necessary to
zero the stress in the constraint before removing it.
(E) Removing an internal constraint (rejection of combining the displacements). In this case the
stress/strain distribution changes together with the model. The reason for this is that generally the
constraint can be stressed. Therefore, it is necessary to zero the stress in the constraint before removing it.
(F) Mounting an element of any type.
2.Theoretical Foundations
(G) Removing an element from the system both modifies the design model and makes it necessary to
recalculate the stress/strain distribution. The transformed system must not experience any influence of its
removed part, therefore this elementary action consists of two essential steps:
making the interaction forces between the removed and remaining parts of the system equal to zero;
modifying the design model.
The considered elementary action is a kind of generalization of the “removing an external constraint”
action. Another approach can be used to implement it: imagine that the elements (constraints) are removed
from the system, and their influence on the remaining part of the structure is replaced by forces Nj which
existed in the removed elements (constraints), and these forces are then suppressed by applying the loads
Pj = Nj .
Finally, it should be noted that the removal of an element (removal of a constraint) is treated not as a
failure, but as an active intervention in the structure during its construction. So the temporary restraints and
props installed during the intermediate erection stages are removed. They are first destressed (wedges
supporting these props are driven apart, or similar actions are performed).
(Н) Modification of the elastic modulus of the element for the current and all subsequent erection
stages, which can be used to simulate the process of concrete hardening, wear of the structure and other
phenomena, leading to a change in the element stiffness. It should also be noted that this is not about
modeling the loading process when the changes in the stress state affect the tangent modulus of elasticity,
but about accounting for some of the non-mechanical effects, including conditional "destruction of
rigidity" in the process of "death" of the element.
While the concrete hardening usually does not require the recalculation of the SSS, the stiffness
reduction requires a different approach. This option is implemented in SCAD in the following way:
a new unstressed element with modified rigidities is installed next to the old stressed one;
the old stressed element is removed and its number is assigned to the new one.
I) Specification or modification of the subsoil parameters for the current and all subsequent erection
stages. While the recalculation of the SSS is usually not required when the stiffness increases, a different
approach is required when it decreases. Having “supposedly” divided the elements into two part: the shell
and the elastic subgrade, independently determined the reactions of each of them from the general
reactions, we follow the same procedure as in the previous case.
2.Theoretical Foundations
In the first case (step F) a structure different from the previous one without the removed elements,
consisting only of the included elements is considered. Here, addition of a new element into the design
model differs in that a part of its nodes is attached to the structure assembled under the load, and other
nodes are assumed to be located in their design position, which leads to the broken design model.
In the second case (step H) "dead" elements are not removed. Instead, it is inactivated by multiplying
their stiffness by the significant reduction factor, for example, 10-6.
Calculation according to the first method is particularly relevant for the design of multi-storey
buildings with a reinforced concrete frame when during the construction of each floor the formwork is set
in such a way that the top surface of the concreted slab is horizontal. Essentially, it is the design column
length increased by the subsidence value of the part of the building that has already been erected that is
displacements and incremental nodal loads related to the rth step. Knowing Z(r), we can determine the stress
increments s(r) and obtain values of the displacements Z(r) and stresses s(r) accumulated at all r steps
Z(r) = Z(r-1)+ Z(r) , (2.7.2)
2.Theoretical Foundations
laws of inheritance of erection states of a structure. The genetic nonlinearity of the problem is caused by
the requirement that the linear relations (2.7.1) and the laws of inheritance (2.7.2) — (2.7.3) must hold
The transition to the next (r + 1)-th stage of the calculation changes the stiffness matrix K(r), which
receives an increment ΔK(r), positive – when elements are added and negative – when they are removed,
0 0 0 0 0 0
In some cases, the changes of the design model deal with the adjustment of the parameters of some of
the previously assembled elements (change in the modulus of elasticity, the subsoil parameters, etc.). In
this case we can assume that a previously entered, for example, at the s-th stage stiffness matrix ΔK(s) is
replaced by a new matrix ΔK(r):
2.Theoretical Foundations
A clear distinction is made between the total stress strain state (SSS) of the system that occurs at each
erection stage with the account of all the previous stages, and the SSS increment caused by the additional
effects on the system related solely to the considered erection stage.
All the calculations are performed under the conventional assumptions of linear structural mechanics
for each erection stage. However, in general the problem becomes nonlinear due to the modification of the
design model during the transition from one erection stage to the other.
Convergence of FEM
The theory of the finite element method deals very much with the problem of convergence, i.e. an
asymptotic behavior of estimates of accuracy of an obtained approximate solution as the finite element
mesh becomes infinitely dense. A number of important convergence theorems have been stated. For
example, for consistent elements it has been determined [15, pp. 195–196], that if (k–1) is the degree of a
polynomial used within a finite element for approximating its displacements and for obtaining an
approximate solution of an elliptic boundary-value problem of order 2m expressed through the
displacements uh, then the error of energy in comparison with the exact solution u is
U(u- uh, u- uh) Ch2(k-m)||u||2k , (2.8.1)
where h is the maximum value of the relative size of the element (the spacing of the mesh).
The following error estimates take place for s-th derivatives of z:
||u – uh ||s Chk-s||u||k , if s > 2m – k ; (2.8.2, а)
||u – uh ||s Ch2(k-s)||u||k , if s 2m – k. (2.8.2, б)
Similar estimates for inconsistent elements have been obtained in a series of papers by I.D. Evzerov
and V.S. Karpilovsky (see, for example, [5, 8]).
The data on the values of the convergence parameter enable to assign an approximate density of the
finite element mesh on the basis of the following peculiar considerations [2, p.55]: “…let us just note that
the convergence takes place assuming some natural limitations of initial data and the meshing of the area
are satisfied, and the error of the determination of stresses/strains is of the order Сh/L where С denotes a
constant depending on the shape of the area; h is the mesh spacing; L is a characteristic size of the area.
This estimate should guide the definition of the mesh spacing, depending on the desired accuracy
(average). For example, if you want the accuracy of the approximate solution to be 5%, choose the spacing
of the mesh of around 1/20 of its characteristic size…”, i.e. a characteristic two-dimensional spot would
include about 400 nodes, and in the case of a three-dimensional problem there would be about 8,000 nodes.
It should be remembered that the above consideration is true only in average, and the accuracy
depends much not only on the finite element type (constants С and k) but also on the position of the finite
elements and their orientation with respect to the flows of principal stresses. The latter fact can be seen
from a characteristic example taken from the paper [7] and shown in Fig. 2.8-1.
One should remember that the afore-said estimates of the convergence rate are oriented at the
determination of the asymptotic properties of the solution, while a practical designer is interested in the
accuracy of an approximate solution obtained on a particular finite element mesh. Of course, in most cases
the asymptotic convergence is accompanied by an appropriate “practical convergence”. The latter term will
mean the possibility of obtaining an acceptable accuracy with a comparatively rough meshing. However,
this rule has its exceptions too. In this regard, we would like to cite from a great mathematician and
physicist A. Poincare (quoted from [1, p.52]):
“...of two series where their general terms are 1000n/n! and n!/1000n, mathematicians would name the
first one to be convergent… because the millionth term is much less than 999,999th, whilst the second term
would be treated as divergent for its general term may grow unlimitedly. Astronomers, on the contrary,
2.Theoretical Foundations
would take the first series for a divergent one because its first 1,000 terms go increasing; and the second
series would be called by them convergent because its first 1,000 terms go decreasing and this decrease is
quick enough at the beginning.” And then follows a breathtaking conclusion: “Both views are valid: the
first one in theoretical investigations, and the second one in computational applications”.
Figure 2.8-1. Different finite element meshes and the accuracy of the analysis
Apparently, when solving any responsible problem, an analysis of the solution quality must be
performed. The solution can be checked by solving the problem repeatedly with a different finite element
mesh. Certainly, it is hardly reasonable to solve a whole big problem on gradually thickening meshes, but
this analysis obviously makes sense for characteristic fragments of a design model. The empirical fact of
the solution stability at the mesh thickening is a rather convincing argument “pro” this approach.
All that has been said must not be treated as an appeal to the pure empiricism. Theoretical
investigations of convergence are very important, and their results can be used in practice. However, there
are some serious problems the designer should take into account. One of them is that a satisfactory
practical convergence of displacements does not necessarily imply a good convergence of internal forces
and stresses the designer is interested in. Those are determined by the differentiation of the displacements,
and the differentiation is an incorrect operation in the sense that a slight variation of a function value may
cause a substantial variation of the function derivative.
Thus, validation of practical convergence must be oriented at investigating results important for a
particular problem to be solved. Here is, for example, a characteristic excerpt from a well-known
monograph by O. Zenkevich: “The spacing of a mesh needed to obtain an acceptable accuracy in shell
problems may depend on a number of reasons. It is often the case that a small thickness of the shell limits
the area of bending moments to an edge zone where the moments change substantially. The membrane
forces can be calculated with a high accuracy even on a rough mesh, while the variation of the bending
moments require an extensively fine mesh for being described properly.” [6, p.257].
There is also a difficulty of comparing the stresses obtained on meshes of different densities: the
stresses are often determined in centers of finite elements, and a certain effort is needed to compare
stresses at the same points.
Moreover, when using some types of finite elements (such as triangular elements with the linear
displacement approximation for plane elasticity), the stress fields are piecewise constant functions, and the
areas of their constancy coincide with the mesh triangles. Values of the stresses determined with these
elements vary intensively from one element to another, therefore usually one applies an averaging of the
2.Theoretical Foundations
stresses by elements of a star and refers those to a nodal point. The comparison of such stress fields is
encumbered with the operation of averaging.
Organizing the validation of the practical convergence, one should remember that the problem being
solved may have unpleasant peculiarities due to an incorrect idealization of the structure. A typical
example is the idealization of a load as a concentrated force (practically unfeasible situation) which may
cause such features of the problem solution as infinitely big values (a logarithmic singularity in the
expressions of bending moments in a plate under a concentrated force) or high gradients of the stress field.
Thus, the practical convergence check should be performed with examples similar to the problems of
interest but having accurate solutions. In this case the interpretation of the testing results becomes more
informative. Some problems of this kind are discussed in the next section.
2.Theoretical Foundations
Table 2.8-1
Displacements of the plate center for the mesh
FE type 4x4 8x8 16x16 24x24
11/41 0,0180329 0,0172754 0,0170823 0,0170453
20/50 0,0166168 0,0169137 0,0169918 0,0170051
12/42 0,0161403 0,0168034 0,0169658 0,0169938
Moment at the center of the plate
М -11/41 0,04781 0,04509 0,04443 0,04443
М -20/50 0,03991 0,04313 0,04393 0,04408
М -12/42 0,04787 0,04528 0,04432 0,04448
Shear force at the edge
Q -11/41 0,22 0,28 0,31 0,32
Q -20/50 0,37 0,4 0,43 0,44
Q -12/42 0,24 0,31 0,33 0,34
a) b)
Deflection of the center, mm
Moment, Tm/m
0.0170 0.042
0.0165 0.04
0.0160 0.038
0.0155 0.036
0.0150 0.034
Shear force, T/m
0.10 Figure 2.8-3. The convergence of results for a
0.00 distributed loading:
4x4 8x8 16x16 24x24 a — by deflections; b — by moments;
c — by shear forces
As one can see in Table 2.8.1 and Fig. 2.8-3, the practical convergence takes place for the deflections
and bending moments with the use of finite elements of different types. For the shear forces, elements of
the 11th type give values noticeably different from those obtained by the use of other finite elements. It
should be noted that the element of the 20/50 type was connected to four nodes only, though it was
possible to introduce more nodes on its sides (up to 8 nodes in total). Checkup calculations of this system
showed that the accuracy of the results improved significantly and became close to that obtained with
2.Theoretical Foundations
meshes twice as dense. For example, for a mesh of 88 elements the deflection was 0.01701, the bending
moment was 0.0442, and the shear force was 0.278.
Table 2.8-2
Displacements of the plate center for the mesh
FE type 4x4 8x8 16x16 24x24
11/41 0.511522 0.494164 0.488470 0.487183
20/50 0.466266 0.480460 0.484425 0.485222
12/42 0.432918 0.470046 0.481375 0.483493
Moment at the center of the plate
М -11/41 2.61566 3.27276 3.93364 4.32066
М -20/50 2.31761 3.04494 3.72290 4.11309
М -12/42 1.89259 2.52465 3.17713 3.56252
Shear force near the center
Q -11/41 7.26 14.58 29.18 43.77
Q -20/50 6.50 13.31 26.81 40.26
Q -12/42 11.37 25.59 53.21 80.42
a) b)
0.52 5.00
Deflection, mm
Moment, Tm/m
0.46 3.00
0.44 2.00
0.4 1.00
0.38 0.00
4x4 8x8 16x16 24x24 4x4 8x8 16x16 24x24
Shear force, T/m
Figure 2.8-4. The convergence of results for a
0 concentrated force:
4x4 8x8 16x16 24x24 a — by deflections; b — by moments;
c — by shear forces
In another series of numerical experiments, when the same plate was loaded by a concentrated force,
results shown in Table 2.8-2 and in Fig. 2.8-4 prove to be less optimistic. Here the practical convergence
rate of the moments slows down, and that of the shear forces does even more significantly. The values of
the latter were taken in a point located at a quarter of the plate thickness from its center. Apparently, values
2.Theoretical Foundations
of the shear forces in points so close to the location of the concentrated force should not be taken into
consideration at all. This issue is discussed in more detail in sections that follow.
It should be noted that the quicker convergence of results for some finite element types is paid for by
a noticeably longer computation time. Therefore, the loss of time caused by the use of those elements and
the computation time spent for the solution of the same problem on a finer mesh with elements of another
type should be compared.
Circumventing Singularities
In the vicinity of singular points — where a drastic stress concentration occurs — the use of finite elements
(as well as other discretization techniques) is usually encumbered, especially in the representation of the
stress field. The finite element mesh has to be thickened dramatically, thus considerably increasing the
dimension of the analysis.
However, the thickening of the mesh may not lead to a proper result, and this fact makes us perform a
deeper analysis of the situation (see, for example, Fig. 2.8-4, c). One of the most popular judgments is the
following: a concentrated force is an abstraction that does not exist in reality. If it had been actually
implemented, then it would pass through a structure of any strength and run away to infinity without being
resisted. So it turns out that this idealization creates an artificial difficulty which may be fought heroically
only to find that this heroism is of very little practical sense. It should be remembered how the force
represented as a concentrated one in the model is implemented in the actual structure, then all issues of
how to provide the convergence of the finite-element solution to an exact one might be resolved (see, for
example, “Coupling Elements of Different Dimensionality” section).
If the behavior of the solution near singular points is of interest nonetheless, then the local refinement of
the design model has to be performed. A typical example is a concentrated force applied to a plate, when
the stress state in a small vicinity of this force is essentially spatial, and the usual assumptions of the plate
theory are not applicable. It is possible to switch to a 3D model, but if we replace all plate finite elements
by solid ones, the dimensionality of the model will increase dramatically. Thus we need to combine a two-
dimensional idealization of the object with some refinements in three dimensions. The simplest way to do
it is to use a fragmentation and a global-local analysis. Generally speaking, there are three approaches to
this analysis [23]: (1) a force method in which an extracted fragment is subjected to forces transferred from
the rest of the system which have been found by a global analysis; (2) a displacement method in which the
fragment boundary is displaced in the same way as in the global analysis; (3) a mixed method. We will
demonstrate the procedure of the first approach.
In this case and similar ones, it is natural and convenient enough to use the following two-step
(a) neglecting local peculiarities of the design, build a rough first-iteration design model of a full
structure to enable us to estimate the stress and strain state of the object as a whole, and perform the
(b) extract a fragment from the structure that contains the peculiarity of our interest. Apply reactions
to this fragment obtained by removing the rest of the structure, and forces directly imposed on the
extracted fragment. Use a more detailed design model to analyze the fragment. Of the solution thus
obtained, use only a part that describes points at a certain distance from the boundaries of the fragment.
This approach is concordant with the practice of selecting a series of design models for the analysis of
various peculiarities of the structural behavior. However, it requires a bit of intuition and experience in
order to exclude the danger of an irreducible error that appears in the analysis of a rough model.
2.Theoretical Foundations
is correct only in theory, because it does not take into account the inevitable error of the numerical
solutions. The rounding errors are accumulated and make the reactions nonzero, though very small in
magnitude. This means that the actual numerical representation can be interpreted in such a way as if a
small nonzero force were applied in the plane of the plate.
Since the said force is resisted by the conditional constraints, the values of the obtained reactions
happen to depend on the way these constraints have been imposed. If the constraints are placed as far as
possible from one another (Fig. 2.8-7, a), then the reactions will be small and will not affect the stress state
much. However, if the plate is restrained in one point (Fig. 2.8-7, b) against two displacements and a
rotation, which is theoretically possible, the effect on the stress state can be noticeable, and the results of
the analysis in the vicinity of this node will be distorted.
a) b)
2.Theoretical Foundations
Indeed, let us imagine how the mesh of the slab thickens, and the user expects further refining of the
accuracy of the analysis. However, starting from a certain density of the mesh, the further division of the
mesh results in the decrease of absolute values of the bending moments in the bars in places of their
attachment to the slab. When passing to a limit, as the maximum size of the mesh cell tends to zero, these
bending moments should tend to zero too. This means that this design model provides a hinged rather than
rigid attachment of the frame elements to the slab. The fact that the user obtains some formal nonzero
numerical values of the bending moments on a specific mesh shows only a discretization error of the finite
element method, but there is no reason at all to take the discretization error for a credible numerical result!
As can be seen, the bending moment in a bar of this model, independent of the mesh spacing, is
transferred to the slab as a moment concentrated in a node of the mesh. On the other hand, the slab under
the concentrated bending moment acquires an infinite slope at the point of its application. Thus the slab
does not resist the concentrated slope and does not restrain the frame elements.
In order to improve the design model, it is necessary to consider the design of the joint between the
frame and the slab. If the columns of the frame are attached to the slab by pedestals, then the latter can be
treated as rigid bodies not changing their sizes whatever modifications are made to the finite element mesh.
The size of the rigid body itself can be assigned on the basis of the sizes of the pedestal (ab),
allowing for the distribution of its pressure on the slab at the angle of 45 (Fig. 2.8-8) down to the middle
surface of the plate which conforms to the common engineering practice. This situation can be also
simulated by introducing a cross-shaped support from bars of sufficiently high rigidity.
In this model the concentrated moment from the frame
columns is transferred to the slab through a stiff washer the
sizes of which a+h and b+h do not depend on the spacing of
the finite element mesh, and therefore they do not depend on
the discretization error as well. Though the discretization error
will affect the numerical values of the bending moments in the
columns, it will not cause the design model to become so
fatally different from the real structure as it used to be in the
initial problem formulation when a rigid body was not added
to the design model. In case there are no pedestals, the sizes of
the column cross-section can be used as those of the rigid
Figure 2.8-8. An attachment of a body, taking into account the distribution of the pressure on
column by a pedestal: a and b are the slab at 45 degrees as shown in Fig. 2.8-8.
plane sizes of the pedestal foot
Finally, we would like to draw the reader’s attention to the circumstance related to a joint analysis of
the spatial frame and the foundation slab. Assuming columns of the frame to be orthogonal to the slab
plane, we find that the slab does not resist the column torsion as well as displacements v, w of the columns
bottom in the direction of Y and Z axes respectively because the plate finite elements just do not have
appropriate degrees of freedom to restrain those linear displacements and torsions.
If there are no other external horizontal constraints in the model (those in the plane Y, Z), then the
mechanical system turns out to be unsecured and geometrically unstable, and the software will have to
respond to this circumstance somehow.
It should be noted that in a spatial frame no geometrical instability would arise due to it, and the
software might lack mechanisms for detecting the errors of this kind. This circumstance should also be
kept in mind when building a design model of a complex combined structure.
Bars + deep beams. To analyze a high-rise building including both a frame and stiffening
diaphragms under horizontal loads, heterogeneous elements are naturally included in the design model.
2.Theoretical Foundations
If one takes an utterly formal attitude towards the formation of a discrete design model describing the
plate by a set of plane stress finite elements and the bar frame – by one-dimensional elements without any
additional measures taken, then both the bending moments and longitudinal/lateral forces in girders that
adjoin nodes at the boundary between the frame and the diaphragm will be totally unrelated to the reality.
Let the model of the diaphragm use simplest finite elements with two degrees of freedom in each
node (linear displacements u and v in two mutually orthogonal directions). Such finite elements do not
resist the rotation of an adjoining node because the elements just lack the appropriate degrees of freedom.
Therefore these finite elements do not transfer any moments to the adjoining nodes. Since the software will
require all equilibrium conditions to be satisfied, including the equilibrium of each node by moments, the
girders that join these nodes rigidly will have to transfer zero moments to the nodes. Thus the bending
moments in the girders in these nodes will be equal to zero. It corresponds to a design model with the
hinged attachment of the girders to the diaphragm, and it does not satisfy the requirement of a user oriented
at the analysis of girders clamped in the diaphragm.
What corrections should be made to the original mechanical model or the mathematical formulation
of the problem (which is the same thing) in order to describe the real structural behavior adequately? As it
was stated before, to do that it is necessary to consider the design of a joint between a bar and a diaphragm
in sufficient detail.
For example, let a steel I-beam be embedded partly in a brick wall as shown in Fig. 2.8-9, a. Then it
suffices to add a one-dimensional bar element that penetrates into the plane stressed wall by an appropriate
part of its length, to the respective design model and to its discrete counterpart, as shown in Fig. 2.8-9, b.
2.Theoretical Foundations
spherical shell of a cover of a nuclear reactor containment are matched with a massive ring. It should be
noted that in places of interpenetration of the structures some perturbation of rigidity properties arises due
to the summation of the rigidities of a shell and of the solid body in parts that occupy the same region of
space. This fact should be taken into account when assigning the rigidity constants.
2.Theoretical Foundations
2.Theoretical Foundations
necessary to, first, use the subsoil models other than the Winkler one, and second, introduce the subsoil
beyond the foundation area into the respective design model.
In the SCAD environment, the subgrade located beyond area Ω occupied by the structure itself can be
taken into account by using “infinite” finite elements [16], wedge-shaped or strip-shaped. These elements
enable to simulate the entire surrounding of the area if it is convex and polygonal (Fig. 2.8-15).
The specified polygonal area is accurate only to a certain extent. If the area is non-convex or not
single connected, it should be complemented to a convex area by finite elements of limited size. The
thickness of the slab in the added parts should be assumed zero.
Figure. 2.8-15. Arrangement of the peripheral wedge-shaped and strip-shaped finite elements
1) the slab; (2) a complement of the area to a convex one; (3) a strip element; (4) a wedge element
The use of available finite elements on elastic subgrade (bars, plates, shells) and special peripheral
elements only does not enable to create an arbitrary design model of a structure on elastic subgrade. In
particular, some difficulties may arise when trying to build a design model of a dam subject to plane strain
because SCAD cannot use elements like a deep beam on elastic subgrade.
The issue can be resolved in a simple way by including bar elements on elastic subgrade between the
dam boundary and the soil. The stiffness of such bars can be zero. In the same way a zero-stiffness slab on
elastic subgrade can be put under a massive part of the design model.
In the case when the subsoil parameters are calculated using CROSS, peripheral plate elements are
not added to the design model. This is due to the fact that CROSS solves a problem for an area unlimited
in its plan, so the result already allows for the distribution of the subsoil parameters.
2.Theoretical Foundations
2.Theoretical Foundations
Figure 2.8-19. Using rigid inserts to account for the sizes of nodes
Commonly, the analysis of bar systems involves structures with the cross-section depth of not more
than 1/8…1/10 of the distance between nodes. However, there are structures with this ratio of up to 1/5 or
even 1/3 (some types of foundations under turbine generators, diaphragms of buildings, hydraulic
2.Theoretical Foundations
structures etc.). In this case a bar model with point nodes located at the intersections of element axes is
incorrect. To amend the situation, there is a popular approach of taking into account actual sizes of “nodes”
by the use of bar elements with rigid inserts. An example of this type of model created in accordance with
the recommendations [3], is shown in Fig. 2.8-19.
This technique has been known and used for such a long time that designers rarely doubt whether the
hypothesis of a “non-deformable node” is applicable in every particular case. Meanwhile, this question is
not trivial, as can be seen by the consideration of results of a sample problem (Fig. 2.8-20).
References to Chapter 2
1. I.I. Blekhman, A.D. Myshkis, Y.G. Panovko, Mechanics and applied mathematics: Logic and peculiarities of
mathematical applications. Moscow, “Nauka”, 1983, 328 p. (In Russian)
2. A.V. Vovkushevsky, B.A. Shoikhet, Analysis of massive hydraulic structures taking into account seam
opening. Moscow, “Energiya”, 1981, 136 p. (In Russian)
3. A.S. Gorodetsky, I.D. Evzerov, E.B. Strelets-Streletsky, V.E. Bogovis, Y.V. Genzersky, D.A. Gorodetsky,
Finite element method: theory and computing implementation. Software system "Lira-Windows". Kiev,
“FACT”, 1997. (In Russian)
4. Dynamic structural analysis. (Designer’s manual.) Moscow, “Stroyizdat”, 1979, 320 p. (In Russian)
5. I.D. Evzerov, Error estimates for inconsistent plate finite elements. Deposited at Ukrainian Res. Inst. for
Sci.-Tech. Information, Reg. No. 1467, Kiev, 1979, 9 p. (In Russian)
6. O. Zenkevich, Finite element method in engineering. Moscow, “Mir”, 1975, 542 p. (In Russian)
7. A.B. Kaplun, Morozov E.M., Olferyeva M.A., ANSYS in the engineer’s hands. Application manual.
Moscow, “URSS”, 2003, 272 p. (In Russian)
8. Karpilovsky V.S., Methods for constructing finite elements. Deposited at Ukrainian Res. Inst. for Sci.-Tech.
Information, Reg. No. 3153, Kiev, 1980, 20 p. (In Russian)
9. N.M. Medvedeva, M.A. Mikitarenko, A.V. Perelmuter, Static and dynamic computer-aided analysis of
masts. // Strength of materials and structural theory. Issue 48, Kiev, “Budivelnyk”, 1986, pp. 79–82. (In
2.Theoretical Foundations
10. A.V. Perelmuter, V.I. Slivker, Peculiarities of slope-deflection method’s algorithmic implementations when
additional constraints are taken into account // Finite element method and structural mechanics: Proc.
Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, No.349, 1976, pp. 28–36. (In Russian)
11. A.V. Perelmuter, V.I. Slivker, Numerical Structural Analysis: Methods, Models and Pitfalls, Springer, 2003,
501 p.
12. L.A. Rozin, Bar systems treated as systems of finite elements. Leningrad, University, 1975, 237 p. (In
13. A.F. Smirnov, Static and dynamic stability of structures. Moscow, “Transzheldorizdat”, 1947. (In Russian)
14. SNiP II-7-81*. Construction in seismic regions / Ministry of Construction of Russia. Moscow, 1996, 52 p.
15. G. Strang, J. Fix, Theory of the finite element method. Moscow, Mir, 1977, 349 p. (In Russian)
16. V.I. Feodosiev, Ten talks on strength of materials. Moscow, Nauka, 1975, 174 p. (In Russian)
17. S.A. Fialko, Direct methods for solving systems of linear equations in modern FEM-complexes – M.: SCAD
SOFT, 2009. — 160 p.
18. S.A. Fialko, Realization of block Lanczos method with shifts in SCAD software applying to seismic analysis
of structures // CADmaster, 2007, №40/5
19. A. Billionnet, On interval graphs and matrice profiles, Revue française d'automatique, d'informatique et de
recherche opérationnelle. Recherche opérationnelle, 1986, 20, No. 3, 245–256.
20. S. Fialko, PARFES: A method for solving finite element linear equations on multi-core computers //
Advances in Engineering Software, 2010, Vol. 41, Issue 12 — P.1256-1265.
21. R.N. Makiett, P.V. Marcal, Finite Element Analysis of Nonlinear Structures // Journal Structural
Division. Proc./ASCE, 1968, Vol. 94, No ST9. Р.2081–2105.
22. J.T. Oden, Finite elements of nonlinear continua. New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1972.
23. D. Sabahi, T. Rose, Special Applications of Global-Local Analysis, MSC/NASTRAN 1992 World Users`
Conference Proceedings.
24. J.E. Schiermeier, J.M. Housner, J.B. Ranson, M.A. Aminpour, W.J. Stroud, The Application of Interface
Element to Dissimilar Meshes in Global/Local Analysis, MSC 1996 World Users` Conference Proceedings
25. S.P. Timoshenko, Theory of elastic stability. New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1961
26. M. Yannanakis, Computing the minimum fill-in is NP-complete. SIAM Journal of Algebraic and Discrete
Methods, 1981., T2. № 1, 77–79
27. C.H. Papadimitriou, The NP-completeness of the bandwidth minimization problem, Computing, 1976, 16,
No. 3, 263–270.
3.Finite Element Library
3.Finite Element Library
If we fix all parameters of a finite element design model, except for the size of the finite elements h,
we can imagine that by changing this size, we will obtain a sequence of the approximate solutions of the
problem uh . When talking about the convergence of FEM, we mean that this sequence tends to an exact
solution of the problem u*, when h 0.
The above concept of the finite element modeling of a problem is based on what is known in the
literature as the application of h-elements. The relative simplicity of this approach enables to solve the
engineering problems directly and effectively. In recent years some software systems (for example,
NASTRAN or StressCheck) have been using another finite element type, a so-called p-element. Unlike the
h-elements, the p-elements are capable of representing the curvature of surfaces and peculiarities of stress
fields directly on simpler meshes containing a smaller number of elements. The accuracy of the analysis is
controlled by a p-level (power of the polynomial) specified for each element: the higher the p-level, the
better the accuracy. When the h-elements are used, the accuracy of the result can be improved by
increasing the number of the elements; the computation time will grow accordingly. When the p-elements
are used, the same phenomenon will take place when the “p-power” grows.
Despite the many positive characteristics of p-elements, the h-elements have a number of advantages.
A global behavior of a structure can be analyzed better with the h-elements. They are also better in the
representation of solutions of problems where a stress discontinuity may occur, such as ribbed plates, and
in the solution of nonlinear problems. Finally, the h-elements are used in the time-proven computational
technology elaborated in every detail. These are the reasons why the SCAD finite element library contains
only the h-elements.
The main characteristics of the models depending on the value of their index are given in Chapter 28, Table 28.3-2
3.Finite Element Library
FE Allowable
Calculated stresses
type Name indices of the Purpose and capabilities
and forces
No. model type
11- Thin plates Flexural plates lying in the XOY plane: MX, MY, MXY, QX and
20 isotropic, orthotropic, and anisotropic Q Y,
111- Plates according to 3, 5, 8, 9 material; RZ — when there is an
120 the Mindlin–Reissner elastic subgrade elastic subgrade
21- Plane problem of the 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9 Enable to analyze two types of structures: NX, NZ, NXZ — plane
30 theory of elasticity plane stress state for the isotropic, stress state and plane
orthotropic, and anisotropic material; deformation;
plane deformation for the isotropic, NY — plane
transverse isotropic, orthotropic, and deformation
anisotropic material
31- Solid finite elements 4, 5, 8, 9 For solving a spatial problem of the theory NX, NY, NZ,
40 of elasticity, for the isotropic, transverse TXY, TXZ, TYZ
isotropic, orthotropic, and anisotropic
41- Thin shells 5, 8, 9 Analysis of thin and medium-thickness NX, NY, TXY,
50 shells. Elements of zero curvature (flat): MX, MY, MXY, QX and
141- Shells according to isotropic, orthotropic, and anisotropic QY, RZ — when there is
150 the Mindlin–Reissner material; an elastic subgrade
theory elastic subgrade
The geometric features of the shell are
taken into account by the geometry of the
inscribed polyhedron
51- Resilient constraints any To allow for: reactions in the
60 the action of the elastic subgrade on directions of the
the nodes of the structure including its specified constraints
attached (peripheral) part;
the elastic constraint between the two
nodes of the structure
61- Axisymmetric 11 For the analysis of the axisymmetric NX, NY, NZ, TYZ
70 structures. All elements lie in the section
of the body made with the ROZ plane
71- Multilayer shells, 8 Strength analysis of thin, medium- NX, NY, NZ,
80 accounting for the thickness, and thick single-layer and TXY, TXZ, TYZ
transverse shear, multilayer isotropic, transverse isotropic, Calculated at the upper
compression of layers and orthotropic shells. and lower surfaces of
and curvature Elastic properties of layers can be each layer
81- Multilayer shells, 9 drastically different, in which case the
90 accounting for the hypothesis of straight normals becomes
interlayer shear and inapplicable because it may yield distorted
curvature results
100 Rigid body any Connecting nodes by a rigid body (see none
Sec. 2.2)
151- Null elements any To impose constraints (specify reactions in the
160 displacements) in the directions different directions of the
from those of the axes of the global displacements (rotation
coordinate system angles)
3.Finite Element Library
FE Allowable
Calculated stresses
type Name indices of the Purpose and capabilities
and forces
No. model type
200 Empty element any Used only when specifying the initial data none
in the text form. It enables to exclude any
element from the design model without
changing the numbering of the elements
A number of important convergence theorems are established in the theory of the finite elements
method1, for example, it is determined for the consistent elements [9], that if (k1) is a degree of the
polynomial with the help of which the displacements are approximated inside the finite elements, and an
elliptic boundary value problem of order 2m is solved for which an approximate solution in displacements
uh is obtained, then the error in the energy, compared with the exact solution u, is
U(uuh, uuh) Ch2(km) ||u||2k,
where h is a minimum diameter of a sphere which can be described around any FE of the design model.
This estimate involves a norm ||u||k on the right, which is a root-mean-square value of k-th derivative of the
sought-for function u.
Similar estimates for the inconsistent FE are obtained in the papers by I.D. Evzerov [7] and
V.S. Karpilovsky [15].
Mathematically proved conditions of convergence of the finite element method can be beneficially
supplemented by some considerations of mechanical nature which enable to perform an informal analysis.
The approximation of the field of displacements and forces by a certain finite set of predefined functions
reduces the possibility of the arbitrary deformation, i.e. it can be interpreted as an imposition of certain
constraints. If the elements are inconsistent, certain displacements which do not exist in the continual
design model may occur along their borders (for example, mutual rotation angles of plates), which
correspond to the absence of certain constraints.
As the number of the finite elements increases while their size decreases, the total number of the
degrees of freedom of the structure increases, and, hence, the effect of the imposed constraints decreases.
This process, provided that certain conditions are met, ensures the convergence of the method for the
consistent finite elements. On the other hand, this process leads to the reduction of the mutual
displacements at the boundaries between inconsistent elements, and this fact can be treated as the re-
imposition of the previously removed constraints. Consequently, the convergence of inconsistent elements
can take place only in cases when a positive tendency of overcoming imposed constraints prevails over a
negative tendency of imposing constraints on the boundaries between elements.
Forces and stresses in the finite elements are calculated by default in the beginning, middle and end of
the bar, and for other types of FEs – in the center of gravity. Forces can be calculated in the intermediate
sections of bars, and in the nodes of other types of FEs. Forces and stresses in FEs are usually calculated in
the local coordinate system. For example, the principal axes of inertia of the cross-sections of the flexible
part are used for bars. A special coordinate system for calculating forces can be specified for all flat and
solid FEs.
This chapter provides the composition of the finite element library for the linear analysis. The
description of the results of the calculation and the sign convention for each type of the finite element are
given in Chapter 13. The composition of the finite element library for the nonlinear analysis is given in
Chapter 26.
See also Sec. 2.7
3.Finite Element Library
The positive directions of the displacements along the X, Y and Z axes coincide with the positive
directions of the respective axes, the positive directions of the rotation angles UX, UY and UZ are counter-
clockwise when viewed from the end of the respective axis.
The following sign conventions are used in the system for different types of loads specified for the
finite elements:
a positive sign of the force means that it is directed opposite to the direction of the axes of the local
or global coordinate systems;
a positive sign of the moment means that its direction is clockwise when viewed from the end of
the respective axis;
a positive sign of the temperature difference means that the upper (when viewed from the end of
the respective axis) fiber has a higher temperature than the lower one.
When the initial data are specified with the help of the graphical dialogs, there are usually no
problems with the specification of the information for the certain types of finite elements. In addition to
this chapter, see Chapter 29 that gives essential information regarding the data preparation in the text
The “basic” system of units is used in the chapter to describe the data: T, m and sizes of sections of
bar elements are given in cm.
Figure 3.3-2
Figure 3.3-1
However, even before entering the information on the cross-sectional shape SCAD generates the axes
(“preliminary project”) of the local coordinate system X10 Y10 Z10 (Fig. 3.3-3, a) using the following
Only the right-hand coordinate systems are used in SCAD. A coordinate system is considered to be right-hand if the
Y axis is formed by rotating the X axis by an angle of 90 counter-clockwise when viewed from the end of the Z axis.
3.Finite Element Library
the X10 axis is directed along the geometric axis of the flexible part of the section from the beginning
of the bar to its end;
the Z10 axis is oriented towards the upper half-space (in the direction of the increase of the Z
coordinate of the global coordinate system XYZ, in which the design model is given);
the Y10 axis complements the local coordinates in such a way so that the system forms a right-hand
system X10 Y10 Z10 .
a) b)
Figure 3.3-3
A particular cross-section is located in such a way so that its structural axes y and z coincide with the
Y10 and Z10 axes. A system of the structural axes of the section yOz is given in the drawing of the cross-
section in the assortment of rolled profiles, and in the dialog boxes of the Section Builder, TONUS and
Consul. If the parametric sections are used, it is assumed that the structural axis y is horizontal, and the z
axis is vertical.
Figure 3.3-4
The systems of structural axes yOz and principal axes of inertia Y1OZ1 usually coincide, or are at least
parallel to each other as shown in Fig. 3.3-4,a. In this case the pre-constructed system X10 Y10 Z10 will be
identical to the system X1Y1Z1. However, there are cases when the axes (Y1, Z1) are inclined to the axes (y,
z) at an angle FU (angle between the principal axes of inertia and the structural axes of the section), as
shown in Fig. 3.3-4,b. This angle is specified in the assortments of rolled profiles or is determined in
Section Builder, TONUS and Consul, as an angle between the horizontal structural axis у and the principal
axis of inertia U, with respect to which the section has the maximum rigidity. If the angle FU 0, then the
final position of the principal axes of inertia can be determined by rotating the pre-determined axes Y10 and
3.Finite Element Library
Z10 by this angle, the Y1 axis will coincide with the U axis, and the V axis will coincide with the Z1 axis. It
should be noted that only the axes but not the actual cross-section change their position in space.
If the variant of orientation of the bar in space obtained by the above method does not satisfy the
requirements to the orientation of the bar cross-section, the software enables to rotate the bar (its section)
about the longitudinal axis by any angle required according to the conditions of the problem by explicitly
specifying “the angle of orientation of the structural axes”1.
It is an angle between the Y1 axis and a line
related to the global coordinate system. The line is an
intersection between a plane parallel to XОY and the
plane of the bar cross-section Y1ОZ1 passing through
the beginning of the flexible part of the bar (Fig. 3.3-
5). This line (the А axis) is oriented in such a way so
that the X1АZ1 system is right-hand. It is assumed that
the X1Y1Z1 axes form a right-hand system, and the Z1
axis is always is oriented towards the upper half-space
(in the direction of the increase of the Z coordinate).
The positive value of the orientation angle F is
determined by rotating the A axis counter-clockwise
when viewed from the end of the X1 axis until it
coincides with the Y1 axis.
Figure 3.3-5
In the previous editions of the manual this angle was referred to as an “angle of pure rotation”, then an “angle of
orientation of the principal axes of inertia”, and then it got its button in the Assign toolbar. The name “angle of
orientation of the structural axes” reflects the essence of the problem more accurately because the transition to the
principal axes of inertia which do not coincide with the structural ones is performed automatically.
3.Finite Element Library
Figure 3.3-7
Figure 3.3-8
Keep in mind, however, that when you use sections with a nonzero angle FU,
the “flat frame” model can turn out to be incorrect. This is due to the fact that
the principal axes of inertia of the bar do not lie in the selected force plane. Such
errors are detected during the check of the initial data. This situation, it would
seem, should not take place in the analysis of structures where bars work only in
tension/compression (elements of type 1 or 4). However, since SCAD provides,
for example, the local load in the directions of the principal axes of inertia for
such cases as well, it can now act in a plane other than the plane of the frame.
Therefore, the prohibition remains in this case as well.
3.Finite Element Library
shear or by transcendental polynomials if there is shear. The longitudinal displacements are approximated
by first-degree polynomials.
This approach is based on the selection of the approximating functions from the number of general
solutions of a homogeneous differential equation of bar bending. If the bars do not have shear compliance,
a classical Euler-Bernoulli model is used for which the differential equation of bending has a general
solution in the form of a third-degree polynomial [33]. When a bar compliant to shear is considered, and/or
“compressed bar” with a non-zero longitudinal force, a Timoshenko bar differential equation modified to
take into account the shear is applied; its general solution is represented by transcendental Kornoukhov
functions. In both cases bar finite elements implement an exact solution, and therefore bar finite elements
do not have to be divided in order to refine the solution unless elements on an elastic subgrade are
considered. For them the approximating functions used in SCAD are not exact solutions of the respective
differential equations, therefore the solution with third-degree polynomials is approximate and can be
refined by dividing the elements.
The software enables to specify rigid inserts at the ends for each type of bar elements, elastic
subgrade in one (types 2, 3 and 7) or two directions of the principal axes of inertia (types 5, 6 and 10),
shear and prestressing (types 2, 5, 6, 10).
The end sections of the flexible part of a bar can be attached to the nodes of the structure or to the
ends of the rigid inserts in various ways because any constrained degree of freedom of the bar related to the
X1Y1Z1 coordinates can be released for these sections. The release of a constrained linear degree of
freedom provides slipping, and the removal of an angular constraint provides the free rotation (cylindrical
hinge). The software makes sure that the combination of the removed constraints does not result in a
dimensional instability (taking into account the current index of the model type).
Various local loads acting both in the X1Y1Z1 coordinate system and in the global XYZ coordinate
system can be applied to the bar.
The finite element of type 10 can work with all the indices of the model type applied in the structural
analysis. In other special cases it might be necessary to adjust the index of the model type to the type of the
used bar element. The correspondence between the indices of the model type and the type of the bar
element is given in Table 3.3-1.
Figure 3.3-9
3.Finite Element Library
Table 3.3-1
3.Finite Element Library
Figure 3.3-10
Functions of the specification of the stiffness properties of bar elements implemented in the software
enable to describe them in the following ways:
numerically as a number of stiffness properties;
as parametric (standard) sections;
as a numerical and parametric description when both parametric section and numerical description
are specified;
by selecting a section from the assortment of rolled profiles;
by specifying a compound section from the assortment of rolled profiles;
with the help of Section Builder, Consul or TONUS.
If a bar finite element is described numerically, in the general case the stiffness properties1 of the
flexible part of the bar listed in Table 3.3-2 are specified.
If a bar finite element is described parametrically, sections of nine types given in Table. 3.3-3 can be
specified. Besides the sizes of the section it is necessary to specify the elastic modulus of the material Е. If
the basic units of measurement are used, the sizes of the section are given in cm, and the elastic modulus is
given in T/m2. The default value of the Poisson’s ratio is 0,2. The identifiers S0–S8 shown next to the
drawings of the sections are used in the text format of the initial data archiving for marking the respective
Table 3.3-3
Parametric sections
Hereinafter basic units of measurement are used. Obviously when other units of measurement are selected, the units
of measurement of the used values change as well.
3.Finite Element Library
Parametric sections
When the numerical and parametric description is used both the numerical stiffness properties and
the parametric section are specified. In this case the numerical properties are taken into account when
determining the stress-strain state of the structure, and type and sizes of the section are used when selecting
the design combinations, reinforcement, etc.
When the stiffness properties of the elements are specified by selecting the sections from the
assortment of rolled profiles all the properties are taken from the database, which is constantly updated
and currently includes the following assortments:
Assortment name File name in the root directory
GOST russian.prf
Reduced GOST Russhort.prf
Old Russian (1926, 1932 years) Rus_old.prf
Assortment of the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant Aschm.prf
(STO ASChM 20-93)
British Standard Sections British1.prf
Overseas Shapes British3.prf
Welded profiles WELD.PRF
OTUA (France) Otua.prf
DIN (Germany) Din.prf
ASTM (USA) Usa.prf
Japanese Steel Japan.prf
Indian India.prf
Aluminium profiles Alum.prf
Zinc coated steel wire ropes Cable.prf
Rebars GOST RebarRU.prf
Rebars of Belarus Republic RebarBY.prf
Rebars ENV 10080:1996 RebarEC.prf
Poland Poland.prf
Thermal roll-formed steel profiles Term2007.prf
Cold-formed profiles Tu1121.prf
Cold-formed zinc-coated steel profiles Tu112101.prf
Assortment of China China.prf
The default value of the elastic modulus of steel for all assortments is 2,1е7 T/m2, specific weight —
7,85 T/m3, Poisson’s ratio — 0,3. More detailed information on the contents of the database of the
assortments is given in the Appendix.
3.Finite Element Library
hollow section 3 H B
hollow section 0 B
I-section 1 B
I-beam 0 B
When specifying the stiffness properties from the assortment of rolled profiles compound sections
from angles, channels, and I-beams can be used. Types of sections (Fig. 3.3-11) and additional parameters
specified together with them are given in Table 3.3-4.
Elastic Subgrade
The characteristics of the elastic subgrade can be specified in the direction of the local axes of the
element Y1 or Z1. In the general case the bi-parametric elastic subgrade (Pasternak model) can be used, but
if there is no data on the value of the subsoil parameter С2, the software automatically switches to the
Winkler model of the elastic subgrade with one subsoil parameter С1.
The following values are specified for each direction:
h(b) — the width of a strip where the section interacts with the elastic subgrade in this direction (m);
C1 — Winkler coefficient (T/m3);
C2 — Pasternak coefficient (T/m).
Shear and Prestressing
If the shear stiffness properties are specified, the shear compliance of the element is taken into
account, and the Timoshenko model is used instead of the classical Euler-Bernoulli model of the bar. In
order to take shear into account in the FE of type 6 you just have to specify the values of shear stiffness. It
is necessary to specify an additional parameter to do it for the elements of type 2, 5 and 10.
You can specify the value of prestressing for the elements 2, 5, 6 and 10. You should keep in mind
that prestressing applies only to the considered element and is not transferred to the system (as in the
mounted prestressed precast reinforced concrete bar). Timoshenko model is used as the design model of
the bar when specifying the value of prestressing.
3.Finite Element Library
If it is necessary to specify the prestressing in the system, the user has to control the correctness of
this parameter, in the sense that the values of the prestressing forces must correspond to the equilibrium
state of the system as a whole (it can be achieved by specifying the corresponding constant thermal
loading). In other words, in most cases these values must be consistent for all the elements of the
prestressed part of the structure.
You should keep in mind that a statically determinate system cannot be prestressed.
Rigid Inserts
When a rigid insert is introduced into a bar element, the flexible part of the bar is moved from the
nodes of the element. It keeps the old local coordinate system X1Y1Z1, where the Х1 axis coincides with the
axis of the flexible part of the element, and the Y1 and Z1 axes are directed along the principal axes of
inertia of the cross-section. A new coordinate system X2Y2Z2 appears (see Fig. 3.3-12), where the X2 axis
is directed from the start node of the element to the end one, the Y2 axis is parallel to the Y1Z1 plane, and
the Z2 axis forms a right-hand system together with this system.
SCAD provides the following two variants of specifying
the rigid inserts:
the lengths of rigid inserts are specified in the
coordinate system X2Y2Z2, where the Х2 axis goes
from the first node to the second one (Fig. 3.3-12). The
rotation angle of the principal axes of inertia in the
coordinate system X2Y2Z2 is assumed equal to that
specified for the flexible part of the bar;
Figure 3.3-12 the lengths of the rigid inserts are specified in the
global coordinate system as vectors directed from the
node to the flexible part (Fig. 3.3-13).
When specifying the lengths of the rigid inserts the sign
“minus” means that the size is measured in the direction
opposite to that of the respective axis. The values are specified
in meters in the basic system of units.
The position of the rigid inserts in space is specified as
the values of the projections of the rigid inserts in the
beginning and in the end of the bar on the axes of the selected
coordinate system.
Figure 3.3-13
3.Finite Element Library
Forces and moments can act in the directions along the axes X1, Y1, Z1 or X, Y, Z.
The concentrated loads are specified as values of forces or moments that act in a given direction and
are applied at a point on the flexible part of the element, at the distance a from its beginning (the distance a
can be also specified as a percentage of the flexible part of the element). Hence, the zero snap will turn the
local load on the bar into the respective nodal load only if the bar has no rigid inserts.
The uniformly distributed load acts in the given direction, and it is specified as the value of the force
or moment per unit length. This load can be applied to the rigid inserts too, if the respective parameter is
not specified when the solver is invoked (see Sec. 9.1).
The trapezoidal load is specified as two values of forces or moments per unit length determined at the
beginning and the end of the loaded area and acting in the given direction. It is assumed that the beginning
and the end of the loaded area are at the distance a and b , respectively, from the beginning of the flexible
part of the bar (values a and b can be also specified as a percentage of the flexible part of the element). The
load applied to the rigid inserts can be taken into account. a (b) is specified as the value of the projection
on the X1 axis of the point of the beginning (end) of the loaded area on the rigid insert.
A full list of loads on the bar finite elements is given below in Table 3.3-5. When the basic system of
units is used, the loads are specified in the following units of measurement: forces in T, moments in Tm,
temperature in the degrees Celsius, snaps in m.
Table 3.3-5
Snap of the concentrated and trapezoidal loads on the bar finite elements is specified from the beginning of the
flexible part or in fractions of the length of the flexible part.
3.Finite Element Library
In order to take the self-weight into account it is necessary to specify the characteristics of the section and the
specific weight of the material.
3.Finite Element Library
3.Finite Element Library
Material of Structures
It is assumed that the material of the elements is homogeneous throughout the thickness and different
variants of the elastic symmetry of the material can be taken into account. Let’s describe them for the XOY
plane using the following designations:
x, y, xy — relative linear and angular strains;
x, y, z, xy — normal and shear stresses;
Ei — Young's modulus for the i-th principal direction of elasticity (if they are equal, the designation E
is used for all i);
Gij — shear modulus which characterizes the change of the angle between the i-th and j-th principal
directions (if they are equal, the designation G is used for all pairs i and j);
, ij — Poisson's ratios which characterize a lateral reduction at compression or expansion at tension
in the direction of the coordinate axes. The first index indicates the direction of the deformation,
and the second one — the direction of the force;
ij,k — first-order interaction coefficients which characterize shear in the planes parallel to the
coordinate ones under the action of normal stresses;
k,ij — second-order interaction coefficients which characterize the elongations in the directions
parallel to the coordinate axes caused by the shear stresses.
The following variants of the elastic properties of the material are implemented in SCAD:
a) isotropic body for the plane stress state and bending of the plate:
1 1 1
x ( x y ), y ( y x ), xy xy ;
b) isotropic or transverse isotropic body for the plane deformation:
x ( x v y ) / E , y ( y v x ) / E , xy xy / G , z xz x yz y ,
where for the isotropic body:
1 v2
, v
1 v
, G
2(1 v)
zy yx ,
and for the transverse isotropic body:
v vxz vzx
1 vxz vzx
, v
1 vxz vzx
, G
2(1 v)
zy yx ;
c) orthotropic body for the plane stress state and bending of the plate:
1 xy xy 1 1
x x y , y x y , xy xy ;
Ex Ey Ex Ey G xy
3.Finite Element Library
Reissner-Mindlin Plates
In the Kirchhoff-Love thin plate theory the deformations are expressed in terms of one unknown, the
deflection w(x, y).
In the Reissner–Mindlin theory [2], where the hypothesis on maintaining the normal to the deformed
surface does not hold, the following three functions are the unknowns: deflection w(x, y) and two rotation
angles of the normal to the surface x(x, y) and y(x, y). In the expression of the potential energy (2.2.2) we
u w, x , y , xz , yz , xx , yy , xy , Qx , Qy , M x , M y , M xy .
Strains are expressed in terms of the displacements u:
w w
xz x , yz y ,
x x
y y
xx x , yy , xy x .
x y y x
Stresses are related to the strains in the following way for an isotropic body:
Qx G k h xz , Qy G k h yz , k ,
M x D xx , M y D yy , M xy 1 D xy ,
Eh 3
D — bending stiffness of the plate.
12 1 2
3.Finite Element Library
Table 3.4-1
Type Name Node numbering order and local axes
11,13 Rectangular four-node
12,14 Triangular three-node
15 Triangular with the number of
nodes from 3 to 6
19 Quadrangular four-node
20 Quadrangular with the number of
nodes from 4 to 8
Note: Elements of the types 13 and 14 are kept to maintain the continuity of versions.
The normal displacement (w) is approximated by the following polynomials:
fifth-degree — for a rectangle [13, 15];
fourth-degree — for a triangle with three nodes [12, 15];
fifth-degree — for a multi-node triangle [12], in each of the subareas into which the triangle is
divided by lines that connect its center and its vertices;
fifth-degree — for a quadrangle, in each of the subareas into which the quadrangle is divided by its
diagonals [13].
Bending of Plates according to the Reissner-Mindlin Theory
These elements are used for the analysis of medium thickness plates and implement the Reissner-
Mindlin theory. They are completely similar to the elements used for the analysis of thin plates in terms of
the specification of the initial data. They differ from the elements given in Table 3.4-1 only in their type
number, which is greater by 100. For example, element 120 is a quadrangular element with the number of
nodes from 4 to 8, similarly to the element 20.
Each node of the elements has three degrees of freedom: w — vertical displacement (deflection), the
positive direction of which coincides with the direction of the Z axis, and the rotation angles UX and UY
about the X and Y axes.
The functions w, βX and βY are approximated by the second-degree polynomials in each of the
subareas into which the triangle and quadrangle are divided by lines that connect their center and their
Elements for Solving the Plane Stress and Plane Strain Problems of
the Theory of Elasticity
All elements considered in this section enable to analyze both plane-stress and plane-strain systems
(depending on the index, which is specified when describing the stiffness properties of the elements). The
list of elements and their main properties are given in Table 3.4-2.
3.Finite Element Library
Table 3.4-2
Degrees Indices
Locati of of the
Type Name freedom model
Node numbering order and local axes
of nodes type
21 Rectangular four- XOZ X, Z 1, 2, 4,
node 5, 8, 9
22 Triangular three-
25 Triangular with
the number of
nodes from 3 to 6
29 Quadrangular
with the number
of nodes from 4
to 12
30 Quadrangular
with the number
of nodes from 4
to 8
23 Rectangular four- any X, Y, Z 4, 5, 8, 9
24 Triangular three-
27 Quadrangular
with the number
of nodes from 4
to 8
26 Quadrangular
with the number
of nodes from 4
to 8
28 Triangular
with the number
of nodes from 3
to 6
Elements lying in the XOZ plane (types 21, 22, 25, 29, 30) have two degrees of freedom in each node,
U and W, which are the tangential displacements.
FEs which can take any position in space (types 23, 24, 26, 27, 28) have three degrees of freedom in
their nodes — U, V and W. The degree of freedom V is introduced to provide the connection between the
solid elements of the structure. It is equal to zero in the local coordinate system of the element. The
material of the elements can be isotropic, orthotropic, and anisotropic, as well as transverse isotropic in the
case of the plane strain.
The following stresses are calculated — NX, NZ, NXZ, as well as NY — at the analysis of structures in
the plane strain state (see Sec. 13.6).
The tangential displacements are approximated by the following polynomials:
linear — for a triangle;
3.Finite Element Library
second-degree — for a multi-node triangle, in each of the subareas into which the triangle is
divided by lines that connect its center and its vertices;
bilinear — for a rectangle with four nodes [9];
second- and third-degree polynomials, in each of the subareas into which the quadrangle is divided
by its diagonals (for multi-node elements) [14].
Finite Elements for the Analysis of Thin Shallow Shells
Finite elements used for the analysis of thin shallow shells can take any position in space. Six degrees
of freedom are determined in the nodes of the elements — U, V, W, UX, UY and UZ (three linear
displacements along and three rotation angles about the coordinate axes). The degrees of freedom U, V
correspond to the membrane deformations, and W, UX, UY correspond to the bending ones. The rotation
angle UZ in the local coordinate system of the element is always equal to zero. It is introduced to provide
the connection between the elements not lying in one plane, and it is required to take into account the
spatial behavior of the structure. The elements can be used in the models with the indices 5, 8 and 9.
Material — isotropic, orthotropic, and anisotropic. The list of elements is given in Table 3.4-3.
Table 3.4-3
Type Name Node numbering order and local axes
41 Rectangular four-node
42 Triangular three-node
45 Triangular with the number of nodes
from 3 to 6
44 Quadrangular four-node
50 Quadrangular with the number of
nodes from 4 to 8
The numbers of the nodes lying on the sides of the elements are specified in any order after the numbers of the
nodes in the vertices.
Stresses NX, NZ, NXZ, moments MX, MY, MXY and shear forces QX and QY are calculated (see Sec.
3.Finite Element Library
3.Finite Element Library
self-weight which acts along the Z axis of the global coordinate system. The specific weight of the
material of plates must be specified. The self-weight factor is specified for the element;
trapezoidal loads which act in the given direction and are specified as the force or moment values
determined in all vertices of the element. The load acts over the entire surface of the element where it
is approximated by a linear or bilinear law. The direction of its action can be specified both in the
local and in the global coordinate systems. The load values are specified only in the vertices of the
elements and the order of their specification must correspond to the order of numbering of the nodes
of the element described in this section;
uniformly distributed loads along the line which act in the given direction on the line connecting two
nodes of the element. The line is defined by the node numbers in accordance with the description of
the element and the value of the force or moment per unit length. The load can be specified both in
the local and in the global coordinate systems;
trapezoidal loads along the line which act in the given direction on the line connecting two nodes of
the element. The line is defined by the node numbers in accordance with the description of the
element and the value of the force or moment per unit length. The load can be specified both in the
local and in the global coordinate systems;
thermal action in the form of the general heating/cooling with respect to the restraint temperature
and/or temperature difference between the “upper” and “lower” surfaces of the plate [34].
The list of the main local loads and the rules for specifying them are given in the tables below. You
should keep in mind that when specifying a load in the global coordinate system their following
projections on the axes of the local coordinate system of the element will be ignored:
normal to the surface of the elements of the type 21–30;
moment about the local Z1 axis for the elements of type 41–50.
The loads are specified in the following units of measurement in the basic system of units:
concentrated forces in T, forces distributed over an area in T/m2, forces distributed over a line in T/m,
concentrated moments in Tm, moments distributed over an area in Tm/m2, moments distributed over a line
in Tm/m, temperature in Celsius degrees, snaps in m.
Table 3.4-41
Loads on plates and shells in the local coordinate system
Load arrangement Direction Values FE type
Concentrated forces and moments
along the Х1 axis PX, a, b 41–50
along the Y1 axis PY, a, b
along the Z1 axis PZ, a, b 11–20
about the Х1 axis MX, a, b 41–50
about the Y1 axis MY, a, b
Only the last two digits of the element type will be further indicated in the FE type column, i. e. a load that can be
applied to the element 11, can be applied to the elements 111, 311 as well.
3.Finite Element Library
Trapezoidal load
along the Х1 axis q1X , qX2 , ... , qXn 41–50
along the Y1 axis
q1Y , qY2 , ... , qYn
along the Z1 axis q1Z , qZ2 , ... , qZn 11–20,
about the Х1 axis 41–50
about the Y1 axis m1X , mX2 , ... , mXn
m1Y , mY2 , ... , mYn
Uniformly distributed load along the line connecting two nodes of the element
along the Х1 axis n1 n2 qX 1 41–50
along the Y1 axis n1 n2 qY
along the Z1 axis n1 n2 qZ 11–20,
about the Х1 axis n1 n2 mX 41–50
about the Y1 axis n1 n2 mY
Trapezoidal load along the line connecting two nodes of the element
along the Х1 axis n1 n2 qX,1 qX,2 41–50
along the Y1 axis n1 n2 qY,1 qY,2
along the Z1 axis n1 n2 qZ,1 qZ,2 11–20,
about the Х1 axis n1 n2 mX,1 mX,2 41–50
about the Y1 axis n1 n2 mY,1 mY,2
Table 3.4-5
Loads on plates and shells in the global coordinate system
Load arrangement Direction Values FE type
n1 , n2 — node numbers defined in the description of the element.
3.Finite Element Library
Table 3.4-6
Loads in the local coordinate system on the elements of type 21-30
for the analysis of the plane stress and the plane strain states
Load arrangement Direction Values
Concentrated load
along the Х1 axis PX, a, b
along the Z1 axis PZ, a, b
3.Finite Element Library
Uniformly distributed load along the line connecting two nodes of the element
along the Х1 axis n1 n2 qX
along the Z1 axis n1 n2 qZ
Trapezoidal load along the line connecting two nodes of the element
along the Х1 axis n1 n2 qX,1 qX,2
along the Z1 axis n1 n2 qZ,1 qZ,2
Table 3.4-7
Loads in the global coordinate system on the elements of type 21-30
for the analysis of the plane stress and the plane strain states
Load arrangement Direction Values FE type
Concentrated load with the snaps in the local coordinate system
along the Х axis PX, a, b 21–30
along the Z axis PZ, a, b
along the Y axis PY, a, b 23, 24, 26, 27,
3.Finite Element Library
Trapezoidal load
along the Х axis q1X , qX2 , ... , qXn 21–30
along the Z axis
q1Z , qZ2 , ... , qZn
along the Y axis q1Y , qY2 , ... , qYn 23, 24, 26, 27,
Uniformly distributed load along the line connecting two nodes of the element
along the Х axis n1 n2 qX 21–30
along the Z axis n1 n2 qZ
Trapezoidal load along the line connecting two nodes of the element
along the Х axis n1 n2 qX,1 qX,2 21–30
along the Z axis n1 n2 qZ,1 qZ,2
along the Y axis n1 n2 qY,1 qY,2 23, 24, 26, 27,
3.Finite Element Library
Table 3.4-8
Thermal load on the flat elements
Action Values Notes
11-20 Difference of the temperature on the t, [] t — difference of the temperature on the upper
41-50 upper and lower surfaces. t, [X] and lower surfaces;
t, [Y] — linear expansion coefficient of the material;
t, [X, Y] x, y — linear expansion coefficients for the X1 or
21-30 General heating (cooling) with t, [] Y1 axes respectively of the local coordinate system
41-50 respect to the restraint temperature. t, [X] of the element in which the stiffness properties are
specified. They enable to take into account the
t, [Y]
orthotropy of the material;
t, [X, Y] t — increase (decrease) of the temperature of the
41-50 General heating (cooling) with t, t, [] middle layer of the plate with respect to the normal
respect to the restraint temperature t, t, [X] conditions of operation (restraint temperature see
and simultaneously difference of the t, t, [Z] [34]).
temperature on the upper and lower
Note: Thermal expansion coefficients specified in the stiffness properties of the respective element are used in the
calculation. When converting the files of the previous versions the thermal expansion coefficient specified when
describing the load is used. The respective warning is generated. Thermal expansion coefficients can be specified
for a certain load only when preparing the data in the text format.
General Information
These elements are used to determine the stress-strain state of continual objects and solid structures. The
following designations are used to describe the properties of the material:
x, y, z, xy, xz, yz — relative linear and angular strains;
x, y, z, xy, xz, yz — normal and shear stresses;
Ex, Ey, Ez — Young's moduli for the principal directions of elasticity (if they are equal, the
designation E is used for all directions);
Gxy, Gxz, Gyz — shear moduli which characterize the change of the angle between the principal
directions (if they are equal, the designation G is used for all directions);
, ij — Poisson's ratios which characterize a lateral reduction at compression or expansion at tension
in the direction of the coordinate axes. The first index indicates the direction of the deformation, and the
second one — the direction of the force.
The following variants of the elastic properties of the material are implemented in SCAD:
isotropic body:
x y z , y
y x z , z
z x y ,
1 1 1
xy xy ; yz yz ; zx zx ;
3.Finite Element Library
3.Finite Element Library
The numbers of the nodes lying on the sides of the elements are specified in any order after the numbers of the
nodes in the vertices.
3.Finite Element Library
in the spherical coordinate system when it is necessary to specify XС,YС, ZС — coordinates of the
center of the sphere and X, Y, Z — vector which defines the direction of the YА axis. The XА
axis goes from the first node of the element to the center of the sphere.
You can change the direction of the axes by specifying the Euler angles of rotation of the local axes.
When the results are used, it is necessary to specify the direction of the axes for the stress calculation.
Their specification in the global coordinate system is completely identical to the specification of the
orthotropy axes.
The stresses (forces) are calculated for all solid finite elements both in their center and in their nodes.
The control of their output is described in Chapters 7 and 13.
3.Finite Element Library
a) c)
Figure 3.5-1. Numbering of the faces of the load application in the solid elements
n — number of the face of the element (see Fig. 3.5-1)
3.Finite Element Library
General Information
These elements are used to determine the stress-strain state of the solids of revolution (axisymmetric rigid
bodies) from homogeneous (in the direction of any axis r, Z of the element) isotropic, transverse isotropic
or orthotropic linear elastic material subjected to an axisymmetric load [36]. If the deformation is
axisymmetric, the stress-strain state in any section along the symmetry axis of the body is considered as a
function of radius r and height Z only and it is defined by two components of displacements. Such sections
are shown in Fig. 3.6-1. One of the following cases of the elastic symmetry can be considered:
full symmetry (isotropic body);
isotropic plane (transverse isotropic body);
three planes of elastic symmetry (orthotropic-anisotropic or
orthotropic body).
The following designations are used to describe them:
r, z, , rz — relative linear and angular strains;
r, z, rz — normal and shear stresses in the cross-sectional plane;
— normal stress for the direction orthogonal to the cross-
sectional plane;
E, Ei — Young’s moduli for the principal directions of elasticity;
G — shear modulus;
,ik — Poisson's ratios which characterize a lateral reduction at
compression or expansion at tension in the directions of the
coordinate axes. The first index indicates the direction of the
Figure 3.6-1. deformation, and the second one – the direction of the force.
Relative linear and angular strains r , z , , rz can be expressed in terms of the displacements in the
following way:
v , u , u u v .
z r , rz
z r r z r
There are the following relationships between the strains and stresses:
3.Finite Element Library
isotropic body:
z z r ,
r r z ,
z r ,
rz rz / G ,
E ;
2(1 )
transverse isotropic body :
r r z ,
E E Ez
r z ,
E E Ez
z r z ,
E Ez
rz rz / G r ,
rz z , zr z ;
orthotropic body :
z z zr r z ,
Ez Er E
1 r rz
r r z ,
Er E Ez
1 r z
r z .
E Er Ez
rz rz / G
It is considered that symmetry conditions hold: Err= Er , Ezzr=Errz , Ez= Ezz , which are
obligatory for any anisotropic material where the existence of an elastic potential can be postulated.
3.Finite Element Library
Local Loads
An auxiliary local coordinate system for specifying a load is defined on the finite element for solving an
axisymmetric problem of the theory of elasticity. It is generated in the same way as the local coordinate
system X1OZ1 for the elements of the plane problem of the theory of elasticity (see Sec 3.4). The X1 axis
goes from the first node to the second one, and the Z1 axis lies in the rOz plane and it is directed towards
the third node. Only uniformly distributed and trapezoidal loads along the line can be specified in the local
coordinate system. A local load on the axisymmetric finite elements can be specified both in the local and
in the global coordinate system.
The following local loads can be applied:
concentrated loads which are specified as the values of forces acting in the given direction and
applied in the point of the element;
uniformly distributed loads which act in the given direction and are specified by the value of the
force per unit volume. The load acts over the entire volume obtained by revolving the element
about the symmetry axis Z;
trapezoidal loads which act in the given direction and are specified as the force values determined
in all vertices of the element. The load acts over the entire volume obtained by revolving the
element about the symmetry axis Z. The order of the specification of the load values must
correspond to the order of numbering of the nodes of the element described in this section;
uniformly distributed loads “along the line” which act in the given direction. They actually act on a
surface obtained by revolving a line connecting two nodes of the element about the Z axis. The
beginning and end of the line are defined by the node numbers described in this section and the
value of the force per unit area;
trapezoidal loads “along the line” which act in the given direction on the line connecting two nodes
3.Finite Element Library
of the element. I.e. they actually act on a surface obtained by revolving the line the beginning and
end of which are defined by the node numbers described in this section about the Z axis. The value
of the force per unit area in the beginning and in the end of the line is specified;
thermal action in the form of the general heating/cooling with respect to the restraint temperature.
Table 3.6-1
Load arrangement Direction Values
Concentrated load in the global coordinate system with the snaps in the local coordinate system
along the radius Pr, a, b
along the Z axis Pz, a, b
Uniformly distributed load along the line in the local coordinate system
along the X1 axis n1 n2 qx
along the Z1 axis n1 n2 qz
Uniformly distributed load along the line in the global coordinate system
along the radius n1 n2 qr
along the Z axis n1 n2 qz
3.Finite Element Library
3.Finite Element Library
where Gj3 — piecewise continuous functions that describe the respective shear moduli of the layers;
3.Finite Element Library
ψs(x1, x2) — sought-for functions which enable to allow for the transverse shear (s=1, 2) and
compression (s=3). They complement the classical displacement functions vj(x1, x2) (j=1,2) and w(x1,
fs(z), (z) — specified auxiliary functions describing the nonlinear law of the variation of stresses and
strains depending on the stiffness properties. Their notation enables to select the position of the
reference surface arbitrarily within the thickness of the package of layers, satisfies the conditions of
continuity between the layers and the boundary conditions on the outer surfaces of the shell;
p(x1, x2) — function that characterizes the lateral compression and is defined by the sought-for
functions vj, w and ψs.
The auxiliary functions fs(z), (s =1, 2, 3) are selected on the basis of the law of distribution of the
values j3 (j = 1, 2) and 33 throughout the shell thickness obtained based on the classical hypotheses, and
the function of the lateral normal stress distribution throughout the thickness of the laminated shell (z) is
specified based on the condition of continuity and equality to zero on the outer surfaces of the shell
(h1) = (h2) = 0. The procedure of the determination and the form of these functions is given in [3, 31].
The geometric model of the deformed state of an elastic laminated shell which is obtained from the
Cauchy relationships and the assumed hypotheses, and enables to express the values of the displacements
in any point in terms of the values of the sought-for functions vi(x1, x2), w(x1, x2) and s (x1, x2), has the
following form:
1 w 1 3
u j (x1 , x 2 , z) v j (x1 , x 2 ) z f j (z) j (x1 , x 2 ) f3 (z) u j(0)
Aj x j Aj x j
u3 (x1 , x 2 , z) w(x1 , x 2 ) f3(z) 3 (x1 , x 2 ) , j =1, 2,
where uj(0) — additional terms corresponding to the loading of the outer surfaces of the shell by the
tangential loads.
This model enables to take into account the displacements caused by the phenomena of transverse
shear and normal compression in addition to the displacements determined on the basis of the classical
shell theory.
The strain components in the reference plane e11, e22, e12 are determined by the Cauchy formulae in
terms of the displacements using the simplifications usual for the shallow shells, and the transverse shear
strain components are determined by the following relationship:
e j3 f j(z) j ( x1 , x 2 ) u j,3 , j =1, 2.
The stress tensor σij (i, j = 1, 2, 3) is determined on the basis of the generalized Hooke's law for an
orthotropic elastic body.
The generalized displacements that make up a vector of generalized displacements can be divided into
two groups of displacements that have the same mathematical meaning:
a) vi and i (i=1,2) — “membrane” group of generalized displacements included in the potential
energy functional with their first-order derivatives at the most;
b) w and 3 — “flexural” group of generalized displacements included in the potential energy
functional with their second-order derivatives at the most.
3.Finite Element Library
z z
Hinge z Flexible in
support * * * the end plane X1 X2
* *
z z
Stiff z Stiff non-
clamping * * * * distortable X1 X2
* * * *
z z z
Movable No
clamping X1
* * * diaphragm X1 X2
Free edge
Table 3.7-1 provides various variants of external and end constraints. The former define the general
fixation of the contour (support, clamping, etc.) and the latter restrain the transverse shear and compressive
deformations at the contour. The asterisk “*” designates the degrees of freedom along which either the
displacements or rotation angles are equal to zero. The contour of the shell (plate) or its part with a certain
type of end diaphragms can have any external constraints (see Table 3.7-2). The following designations are
used in the tables:
un, u — displacements along the normal and along the tangent line to the contour lying on the surface
of the shell;
ψn, ψ — projection of the generalized displacements 1, 2 on n and ;
w 3 3 — derivatives in the normal and tangential directions to the contour.
, ,
n n
Thus, combining the groups of constraints given in the tables makes it possible to analyze shells and
plates with various structural peculiarities at their contour; i.e. the boundary conditions enable to take into
account different types of stiffness diaphragms at the ends of the structure, which significantly expands the
class of the problems that can be solved.
3.Finite Element Library
This model enables to take into account the displacements caused by the phenomena of transverse
shear in addition to the displacements determined on the basis of the classical model, as well as the
tangential loads on the outer surfaces of the shell — at p = 2.
The strain components in the reference plane eij are determined by the Cauchy formulae in terms of
the displacements using the simplifications usual for the shallow shells. The transverse shear strain
components are determined by the following relationships:
e j3 f pj (z) pj (x1 , x 2 ) , j =1, 2.
The stress tensor σij (i, j=1, 2, 3) is determined on the basis of the generalized Hooke's law for an
orthotropic elastic body.
The generalized displacements that make up a vector of generalized displacements can be divided into
two groups of displacements that have the same mathematical meaning:
a) vi and pi — “membrane” group of generalized displacements included in the potential energy
functional with their first-order derivatives at the most (i, p=1, 2);
b) w — “flexural” group of generalized displacements included in the potential energy functional
with their second-order derivatives at the most.
Tables 3.7-1 and 3.7-2 provide various variants of external and end constraints (the former define the
general fixation of the contour, and the latter restrain the transverse shear deformations at the contour). The
asterisk “*” designates the degrees of freedom along which either the displacements or rotation angles are
equal to zero. The contour of the shell (plate) or its part with a certain type of end diaphragms can have any
3.Finite Element Library
external constraints (see Table 3.7-2), where n and — normal and tangent to the contour lying on the
surface of the shell, n, — projections of the functions 1 and 2 on n and .
Combining the groups of constraints given in Tables 3.7-1 and 3.7-2 makes it possible to analyze
shells and plates with various structural peculiarities at their contour; i.e. the boundary conditions enable to
take into account different types of stiffness diaphragms at the ends of the structure, which significantly
expands the class of the problems that can be solved.
It should be noted that when the effect of the compression of layers or interlayer shear in the
considered FEs is taken into account, it becomes possible to analyze even single-layer structures such as
medium-thickness shells and plates.
3.Finite Element Library
The first six degrees of freedom of the node are the main ones and correspond to the membrane and
bending deformations, and the second ones correspond to the transverse shear and compressive
The rotation angle UZ and its analogue BZ in the local coordinate system of the element are equal to
zero. They appear when the elements not lying in the same plane are connected and are required to take
into account the spatial behavior of the structure.
The considered elements can be used only with the index of the model type 8.
Multilayer elements of types 81-84 allowing for the interlayer shear and curvature have twelve
degrees of freedom in their nodes, the interpretation of which is given in Table 3.7-5.
Table 3.7-5
Types of
Name the degrees Content
of freedom
U, V, W 1, 2, 3 linear displacements along the X, Y, Z axes
w w , U 4, 5, 6 rotation angles about the X, Y, Z axes
UX = , UY = Z
x y
AX = 11, AY = 12, AZ 7, 8, 9 analogues of the linear displacements along the X, Y, Z axes, which
model the shear in the direction of the respective axis in the first-
approximation model
СX = 21, СY = 22, СZ 13, 14, 15 analogues of the linear displacements along the X, Y, Z axes, which
model the shear in the direction of the respective axis in the second-
approximation model
The first six degrees of freedom are the main ones and correspond to the membrane and bending
deformations, and their analogues correspond to the transverse shear deformations.
The rotation angle UZ and the analogues of the linear displacement AZ and СZ in the local coordinate
system of the element are equal to zero. They appear when the elements not lying in the same plane are
connected and are required to take into account the spatial behavior of the structure.
The considered elements can be used only with the index of the model type 9.
Forces in all multilayer elements are calculated in their local coordinate system. The whole package
of layers is considered in each point, and NX, NY, NZ, TXY, TXZ, TYZ will be calculated both on the upper
and lower borders of each layer (see Sec.13.6). In addition, the horizontal displacements (UG, VG) and the
deflection (WG) can be calculated. In order to be able to determine the stresses on the midsurface of the
shell, this surface has to be a boundary between the two layers. It can always be done by dividing the
central layer into additional ones with the same physical and mechanical characteristics.
3.Finite Element Library
If the elements are homogeneous throughout their thickness, the stiffness properties can be specified
as the rigidities of ordinary plates and shells described in Section 3.4. It is necessary to specify only the
properties implemented in the multilayer elements, where, for example, the subsoil parameter С2(T/m) of
the Pasternak model of the elastic subgrade is not taken into account.
For all finite elements the stresses (forces) are calculated both in the center of the elements and in
their nodes. The control of their output is described in the Chapters 8 and 13.
Local Loads
All types of loads (except for the thermal ones) can be specified both in the local and in the global
coordinate systems with the snaps in the local and in the global coordinate systems for the multilayer FEs
similarly to the thin shell elements (see Sec. 3.4).
53 Two-node peripheral finite 3, 5, 8, 9 in the horizontal Z It accounts for the effect of the
element of elastic subgrade plane strip of soil beyond the structure
3.Finite Element Library
Index of Degrees
FE Position in
FE name the model of Comments
type space
type freedom
55 Elastic constraint between any any any It accounts for the compliance of
nodes the structural joints
57 Node-to-Node Damper any any X, Y, Z It is used for taking into account
the damping arising at the non-
zero velocity of the relative
Z motion of the adjacent nodes
154 Null element any any any It is used for the calculation for
the specified displacements, and
also for imposing constraints not
parallel to the global coordinate
3.Finite Element Library
Figure 3.8-1.
You should keep in mind that technically the node 2 is restrained only by the springs lying on one line
with positive and negative values of the “axial” stiffness, therefore it could have displacements in the plane
orthogonal to this line, which would lead to an unstable system. Hence, not only the “axial”, but also the
shear stiffness values have to be specified when specifying the information on this element.
A schematic drawing of the FE is shown in Fig. 3.8-1. The local coordinate system is formed in a
similar way as that for a spatial bar. The element can be used for any index of the model type.
When describing the element it is necessary to specify the directions in which the displacements
(rotations) are restrained together with an arbitrary positive number for each direction which will be
interpreted as the rigidity of the element. Theoretically, the result of the calculation should not depend on
the value of this number. However, as noted above, it is selected in such a way so as to ensure the
computational stability.
When performing the calculation for the specified displacements the value of the displacement for
each direction is specified as the local load with respect to the axes of the local coordinate system in
accordance with the used index of the model type. The linear displacements are specified in meters, and the
angular ones – in radians in the basic system of units.
Forced displacements can be introduced only in the directions for which the nonzero rigidities
(displacement of the constraint) are specified. The calculated forces in a “null element” are the reactions in
the imposed constraints or the reactions from the forced displacement of the first node of the element in the
respective directions. Obviously, only the reactions in the directions of constraints specified using the “null
element” will be non-zero. The forces are calculated for the section at the beginning of the element (its first
3.Finite Element Library
The number and order of the stiffness properties completely correspond to the used index of the
model type. Non-zero values which can be interpreted in the following way are specified for the directions
for which the constraints of finite rigidity are imposed in the node:
for the displacements X, Y, Z — it is a force causing a unit displacement of the node in the given
direction. When modeling the elastic “Winkler” subgrade in the form of elastic nodal supports the
given stiffness can be specified by multiplying the subsoil parameter С1(T/m3) by the area of the
surface which interacts with the node. The stiffness is specified in T/m in the basic system of units;
for the rotation angles UX, UY, UZ — it is a moment causing unit rotations in the given direction. The
stiffness is specified in Tm/rad in the basic system of units.
Forces (reactions in springs) for the degrees of freedom in the direction of which the constraints of
finite rigidity are imposed are obtained in the result of the calculation.
Figure 3.8-3.
3.Finite Element Library
Figure 3.8-6.
The number and the order of stiffness properties completely correspond to the used index of the
model type. If the non-zero viscosity coefficients are specified in the directions in which the dampers are
introduced in the node, they can be interpreted as follows:
for displacements X, Y, Z — it is a reaction force arising at a unit velocity of the node displacement
in the considered direction. It is measured in T/(m/s) in the basic system of units.
FE-56 can be used for the dynamic calculations only in the Direct Integration of the Equations of
Motion mode. Other modes do not respond to its presence in the design model.
3.Finite Element Library
Figure 3.8-9.
3.Finite Element Library
Figure 3.8-10.
For a detailed description of this finite element, see [41].
References to Chapter 3.
1. S.A. Ambartsumyan, Theory of Anisotropic Plates (Strength, Stability and Oscillations). – M.: Nauka, 1987. –
2. K. Washizu, Variational Methods in the Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity. — M.: Mir, 1987. — 544 p.
3. V.E. Verizhenko, V.S. Karpilovsky, V.G. Piskunov et al., Finite Element Analysis of Heterogeneous Shallow
Shells and Plates. — Kiev, “Higher School”, — 1987. — 200 p.
4. V.Z. Vlasov, N.N. Leontiev, — Beams, Plates and Shells on the Elastic Subgrade. — M.: GIPML, 1960. — 492 p.
5. L.G. Donnell, –- Beams, Plates and Shells. — M.: Nauka. Home edition physical and mathematical literature,
1982. — 568 p.
6. I.D. Evzerov, V.S. Zdorenko, Convergence of Flat Thin Shell Finite Elements. // Structural Mechanics and
Analysis of Structures. 1984, No1. — pp. 35-40.
7. I.D. Evzerov, Error Estimates for Inconsistent Plate Finite Elements. — Deposited at Ukrainian Res. Inst. for Sci.-
Tech. Information, 1979, No.1467-79.
8. O. Zenkevich, Finite Element Method. — M.: Mir, 1975. — 541 p.
9. O. Zenkevich, K. Morgan, Finite Elements and Approximations. — M.: Mir, 1986. — 318 p.
10. V.S. Karpilovsky, Methods of Construction of Finite Elements. Deposited at Ukr. Inst. for Sci.-Tech. Information,
1980, No.2153.
11. V.S. Karpilovsky, V.I. Kudashov, D.N. Tsvetkov, Library of Isoparametric Finite Elements in “LIRA” //
Proceedings of the Universities. Construction and Architecture. 1987, No.7. — pp. 28-32.
12. V.S. Karpilovsky, Triangular Six-Node Plate Finite Element. // Proceedings of the Universities. Construction and
Architecture, 1989, No.6. — pp. 35-39.
13. V.S. Karpilovsky, Quadrangular Eight-Node Plate Finite Element // Structural Mechanics and Analysis of
Structures, 1990. — pp. 13-17.
14. V.S. Karpilovsky, Quadrangular Finite Elements for Solving the Plane Problem of the Theory of Elasticity. //
Systems for Computer-Aided Design of Structures, — Kiev: Budivelnik, 1991. —pp.35-43.
15. V.S. Karpilovsky, Construction of Inconsistent Finite Elements. Deposited at Ukrainian Res. Inst. for Sci.-Tech.
Information, 1980, No.2153, — 49 p.
16. V.S. Karpilovsky, A.O. Rasskazov et al., Analysis of Laminated Orthotropic Shells of Revolution with a Finite
Shear Rigidity.. // Applied Mechanics, 1988, Vol. 11. — pp.24-28.
17. V.A. Kiselev, Structural Mechanics. Special Course. — M.: Stroyizdat, 1980.
3.Finite Element Library
18. Y.Z. Klempert, V.I. Parikov, V.I. Slivker, Procedure for Calculating the Stiffness Matrix of a Prismatic Bar. //
Analysis of Spatial Structures. Issue 16. —M.: Stroyizdat, 1974, pp. 179-189.
19. S.G. Lekhnitsky, Theory of Elasticity of an Anisotropic Body. — M.: Nauka, 1977.— 416 p.
20. A.S. Gorodetskiy, V.S. Zdorenko, V.S. Karpilovsky, L.S. Moshkin, Guidelines for Reading the Results Obtained
by “LIRA”. — Kiev: NIIASS of the USSR State Committee for Construction, 1984. — 140 p.
21. A.S. Gorodetskiy, V.S. Zdorenko, V.S. Karpilovsky, L.S. Moshkin, Guidelines for Using the Test Examples of
“LIRA”. — Kiev: NIIASS of the USSR State Committee for Construction, 1988. —168 p.
22. A.S. Gorodetskiy, V.S. Karpilovsky, N.G. Kharchenko, Yu.I. Gladkiy, Guidelines for Using the Finite Element
Library of “LIRA”. — Kiev: NIIASS of the USSR State Committee for Construction, 1988.
23. A.S. Gorodetskiy, V.S. Karpilovsky, N.G. Kharchenko, S.G. Burygin, Guidelines for Using Additional
Capabilities of the Finite Element Library of “LIRA”. — K.: NIIASS of the USSR State Committee for
Construction, 1988.
24. Package of Application Software for the Automated Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Parts of the
Underground and Aboveground Structures in the Industrial and Civil Construction /PAD ADRCS/ /Brief
contents /. Fund of algorithms and programs for computers in the “Construction” field, issues.6-50, Moscow,
1980. — 20 p.
25. A.V. Perelmuter, V.I. Slivker, Peculiarities of the Algorithmic Implementation of the Slope-Deflection Method
with Additional Constraints Taken into Account.// Finite Element Method and Structural Mechanics. Proceedings
of Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, Issue 349. — L. 1976. — pp.28-36.
26. A.V. Perelmuter, V.I. Slivker, Implementation of Complex Kinematic Conditions in the Slope-Deflection
Analysis of Discrete Systems.// Finite Element Method and Structural Mechanics. Proceedings of Leningrad
Polytechnic Institute, Issue 369. L. 1979. — pp.26-39.
27. V.G. Piskunov, V.S. Karpilovsky et al., Finite Element Analysis of Crane Structures. —M.: Mashinostroyeniye,
1991. — 240 p.
28. V.A. Postnov, I.Ya. Kharkhurim, Finite Element Method in the Analysis of Ship Structures. —L. Sudostroyeniye,
1974. — 342 p.
29. “MIRAGE” for the Computer-Aided Structural Analysis. User Manual. — Kiev: NIIASS,1995. — 420 p.
30. Rasskazov A.O., Karpilovsky V.S., Kharchenko N.G., Finite Element of a Laminated Orthotropic Shallow Shell.
Deposited at Ukrainian Res. Inst. for Sci.-Tech. Information, 223Uk-D84, 1984.
31. A.O. Rasskazov, I.I. Sokolovskaya, N.A. Shulga, Theory and Analysis of Laminated Orthotropic Plates and
Shells. — Kiev: Higher School, 1986, — 192 p.
32. A.R. Rzhanitsyn, Structural Mechanics. — M.: Higher School, 1982. —400 p.
33. L.A. Rozin, Bar Systems Treated as Systems of Finite Elements. — L.: LSU, 1976. —232 p.
34. SNiP 2.01.07-85*. Loads and Actions. Building Rules and Regulations/ State Committee for Construction of
Russia. — Moscow, 2001. — 44 p.
35. SNiP 2.02.01-83*. Foundations of Structures. — M.: Stroyizdat, 1984.
36. Solyanik-Krassa K.V., Axisymmetric Problem of the Theory of Elasticity. — M.: Stroyizdat, 1987. —338 p.
37. G. Strang, G. Fix, Analysis of the Finite Element Method. — M.: Mir, 1977. —350 p.
38. S.P. Timoshenko, Course of the Theory of Elasticity. — Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1972. —508 p.
39. O.C. Zienkiewicz, R.L. Taylor, The Finite Element Method. 3 volumes. — Planta Tree, Butterworth-Heinemann,
2000. (1 vol. —690 p., 2 vol. —459 p., 3 vol. —334 p).
40. K.-J. Bathe, Finite Element Procedures. — Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jercey, 1996. —1037 p.
41. S.Yu. Fialko, Application of rigid links in structural design models, International Journal for Computational Civil
and Structural Engineering , 2017, 13 (3), 119-137.
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
Graphical interface of SCAD is based on the MDI (Multi Documented Interface) technology. This makes it
possible to work simultaneously with multiple tasks, each of which uses one window in the initial data
preparation mode (in preprocessor). In the mode of the analysis of the calculation results (in
postprocessor), the number of windows for one problem is not limited. They may contain various
fragments of the design model, or different types of results. Different tasks can be simultaneously at
different processing stages – preparation of data, calculation and analysis of results.
Window of the task that was accessed by the user last is considered to be active. The set and the state
of controls of the graphical interface will correspond to the mode in which the task is in the active window.
Display Filters toolbar
Table panels
Visualization toolbar
Visualization of Results toolbar
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
ability to move windows, etc.) are implemented in full compliance with the rules adopted for the Windows
operating environment.
The expression «Select from the menu …» means the following sequence of operations:
− place the cursor over one of the menus and left-click;
− once the list of operations is opened, you then have to select a line with the name of the desired
operation by moving the cursor vertically and left-click.
The set and contents of menus depend on the current mode. For example, when the program is
invoked from the program group of the SCAD Office system, there are five menus — File, Settings,
View, Service and Help. Once the project is loaded, there will be seven menus — File, Settings, View,
Operations, Window, Service and Help.
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
File menu (full set) can contain more than twenty items. There are fewer items in some modes.
Moreover, some items may be inaccessible. For example, the Save Project item will be inaccessible if the
project is not loaded or has not been modified.
The full list of sections of the File menu includes:
New — creates a new project;
Open... — opens the existing project;
Read the Project from the Text Format... — loads the project in the format of a text file of the
SCAD++ initial data;
Read the Project from the Text Format (Previous Versions) — loads the project in the format
of a text file of the initial data of SCAD version 11.хх etc.;
Import — loads the projects created by other applications in the following formats DXF, DWG,
SDNF, IFC etc.;
Save Project — saves the project in the file without changing the file name;
Save Project As... — saves the project in the file with a new name;
Save Project for SCAD 11.хх — saves the project in the file in the format of version 11.хх;
Close Project — closes the current project;
Open Workspace — loads the file with the list of active projects saved earlier;
Save Workspace — saves the list of active projects in the file;
Save Workspace As — saves the file with a list of active projects under a new name;
Close Workspace — finishes the work with all the projects opened when loading the workspace;
Save Data As Text — converts the data from internal formats of the project to the text file in the
formats of the input language;
Export — exports data in standard formats or in formats of other applications;
Send — sends the project by email;
Preview — view the current image of the model before printing;
Print — prints the current image of the model;
Recent Workspaces — list of files containing the description of the workspace;
Exit — finishes the work with the program.
The lower lines of the File menu contain the file names of the last ten projects the user worked with. In
those cases when you have to work with one of these projects, you just have to select it from this list.
The full list of sections of the Settings menu includes:
Immediate Execution — this option becomes accessible when the operations with the selected
nodes and elements are performed and provides their immediate execution without confirmation by
the OK button;
Color Palette Settings — invokes the multi-tab Color Settings dialog box, where you can specify
the display color for all attributes and objects of the design model, results of the calculation, etc.;
Calculation Parameters — invokes the Calculation Parameters dialog box, where you can
select the calculation method and set the accuracy of solution of static and dynamic problems, the
control of the solution and the stability analysis, allowable deviations of the shape of finite
elements, etc.;
Environment Settings — opens a dialog box where you can specify the graphic environment
settings. They include, for example, activating the mode of separate display of plate elements,
specifying the distance between the end of the element and the node at the 3D display of profiles of
bar elements, “hatching” the distributed load on bar elements, specifying the estimation accuracy of
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
the duplicate nodes, etc. Environment settings are considered in more detail in Section
Environment Settings;
Set Reinforcement Spacing — a list of allowable distances between rebars used in the selection of
reinforcement is specified;
Setting the Design Codes — the respective dialog box is used to select the design codes according
to which the solution of design problems of elements of steel and reinforced concrete structures
will be performed;
Settings — invokes a multi-tab dialog box where you can set the units of measurement of the input
and output data for the current problem, interface language, fonts, etc.;
Express Setting of the Units of Measurement — the Parameters dialog box is used to set the
main units of measurement on the basis of which all the units of input data and of the calculation
results are assumed. It should be noted that the units of measurement of both the initial data and the
results can change multiple times in the process of the generation of the model and the analysis of
the results;
Format Pages for Printing — invokes the Format Pages for Printing dialog box where you can
specify the design elements of the printed graphic materials;
Specify Work Directories — the Specify Directories dialog box invoked by this operation
enables to specify the names of catalogues from which the project file should be taken by default
and where the working files and the result files should be put. You can change the purpose of
catalogues only if the projects are not active, i.e. you have to close the active project before
invoking the operation (Close Project operation in the File menu);
Print Setup — standard Windows procedure for selecting the type of printer and specifying the
Visualization Settings of the Result Tables — select the program (text editor) for the
visualization of text documents including tables of initial data and results.
View menu is used for the control of the display of the model and duplicates a series of operations of the
Visualization toolbar, including Rotation, Initial position, Projections, and also the selection of the
rendering engine (GDI or DirectX). Moreover, the menu can be also used to enable and disable the display
filters, visualization, control the selection and visualization of results toolbars.
Operations menu duplicates the buttons of the active section of the toolbar.
Window menu is typical for multi-window Windows-applications and enables to create a new window
(only in postprocessor), and to automatically arrange the windows according to different rules.
Service menu in preprocessor enables to invoke different calculators: standard Windows calculator,
formula calculator and measurement units converter.
Help menu contains items which enable to obtain the help information on the whole complex and detailed
information on the preparation of the initial data, reading of the results, control of the modes, etc.
Toolbars are one of the main controls of the SCAD complex. Activation of the toolbars is performed by
pointing on the tabs, the set of which depends on the mode (preparation of data or the analysis of results).
The set of tabs in the data preparation mode depends in the type of the generated model — on the basis of
finite elements or an enlarged model on the basis of structural members. The following set of tabs is available
when creating a finite element model: Control, Model, Assign, Nodes and Elements, Loadings, Groups. If
the model is prepared for the analysis allowing for the erection sequence of the structure, then in addition to the
listed tabs the Erection tab will be available as well. If you are working with enlarged elements (FORUM
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
preprocessor), the following tabs are available: Control, Model, Operations with Nodes, Operations with
Elements, Loads.
When you perform the analysis of results, including the check and the selection of reinforcement in the
elements of reinforced concrete structures and of the sections of elements of steel structures, the following tabs
are available Control, Displacements, Force Diagrams, Stress Fields, Postprocessors, Groups,
Reinforced Concrete, Steel.
Toolbars have icons used for the initialization of operations. It is not always possible to make the icon adequate
to the sense of the operation it symbolizes due to the limited space of the button. Various means are used to
make mastering of the complex and working with it easier. Firstly, it is the information line where a brief
description of the operation corresponding to the button is output when the cursor is within the button area.
Secondly, it is a system of symbolic images in icons given below, that captures the essence of the operation and
is common for the entire complex.
— perform the operation (OK button);
— cancel the given operation;
— restore the original model;
— remember the loading;
— operations for working with elements;
— letter “R” — stiffness properties;
— operations for working with nodes;
— sign “plus” — add nodes or elements;
— left arrow — restore the deleted nodes or elements;
— sign “minus” — delete nodes or elements;
— sign “division” — divide elements;
— letter “C” — create a model or a contour;
— “question mark” — display or obtain information.
If the lower right corner of the icon has an arrow pointing to the right, for example, , it means that
when you press the button, a group of controls of the respective mode will be opened. If the arrow is
pointing down, for example, , a drop-down menu will appear after pressing this button.
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
the button will save the model under the current name, and clicking the arrow will open a menu where you
can select the Save As item and save the model under a different name.
In those cases when the data are displayed as graphs (see Fig. 4.1-1), special controls are provided, which
include buttons for zooming the image and drawing the graph.
Filters are used to control the display of the design model. Two types of filters are provided in the program
— control of the display of information on the design model (further — display filters) and control of the
display of the actual design model (visualization filters). Filters of the first type enable not only to show
different characteristics of the model on the design model, but also to specify the type and rules for
representation of these characteristics, and also to display objects of the same type according to the
specified characteristics. Moreover, the filtration can be performed simultaneously for different properties
of the objects. For example, the filter can be used to select elements with the same stiffness properties,
lying in the given plane and belonging to a certain group from all the elements.
Display Filters toolbar (Fig. 4.1-2, a) is designed as a special window containing a set of buttons for
the selection of display parameters. You can show or hide this window by clicking the respective button—
, in the Control section of the toolbar and duplicated in the View menu (Toolbars section). Display
Filters toolbar can change its sizes and can be located in any part of the screen.
The multi-tab Set the Information Display Filters dialog box is used for a more detailed setting of
the display filters. It appears after selecting with a cursor a button of the respective filter in the toolbar and
clicking the right mouse button. If the user has changed the setting of a particular filter, the corresponding
button will have an additional indicator, which indicates a change in the default settings. For example, the
display filter of bar elements (in the standard and modified states) looks as follows: , .
As noted above, the filters are duplicated in the form of a tree structure located along the left edge of the
window of the problem. Filter setting is performed with the help of a system of checkboxes (Fig. 4.1-3).
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
b) c)
Figure 4.1-2. Filter toolbars
a) Display Filters, b) Visualization, c) Control the Selection, d) Visualization of Results
Controls of the Visualization toolbar enable to manipulate the image of the model. These operations
include rotation and fragmentation, projection on the plane of the principal coordinate system and the
selection of the technology of representation of the graphical information on the screen (raster or vector).
In terms of the size and location the Visualization toolbar (Fig. 4.1-2, b) has the same properties as
the Display Filters toolbar. You can show or hide it by clicking the button .
Control the Selection toolbar (Fig. 4.1-2, c) is used to control the selection of nodes or elements in
the process of working with the model. In addition to the buttons for specification of the type of cursor, it
includes elements that provide interaction between the graphical and tabular information, as well as a
series of buttons that can be considered as filters which enable to select objects occupying a certain
position in the model, for example, vertical plates.
Visualization of Results toolbar (Fig. 4.1-2, d) is available only in the post-processor and is used to
set the mode of display of isofields, and also for the control of output of values of the analyzed factor on
diagrams, isolines and isofields.
The work with toolbars and filters is considered in more detail in the respective sections of this book.
There are the following types of windows in the SCAD complex:
− start window — includes a menu and the General Operations toolbar, and is used to create and load
the project;
− project control window — includes a project tree and is used to select a working mode;
− window with a design model— is used in the preprocessor and postprocessor;
− processor window — is used in the analysis;
− dialog boxes — are used to prepare the data and to specify the parameters controlling the process of
information processing.
Detailed information on the rules of working with the windows is given below in the respective sections
of the book. The windows are activated either by tabs in the bottom left corner of the work area or by clicking
on the window.
Figure 4.1-5. The New Window dialog box Figure 4.1-6. Menu of tabs
When working in the postprocessor the Window menu contains the New Window item, which can be
used to create several windows with the information on the results of the analysis. This enables to analyze
simultaneously in several windows different factors or fragments of the model, for example, displacements
can be analyzed in one window and stresses – in the other one. Activating this menu item opens a dialog box
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
(Fig. 4.1-5), where you can indicate the parameters of the existing window that have to be transferred to the
new window (fragmentation history, active fragment, display settings).
Right-clicking on the tab of the window opens a menu (Fig. 4.1-6) which enables to perform the
following operations:
close the respective window;
close all windows;
close all windows, except for the one that corresponds to the tab;
create a new window.
Mouse Windows environment is designed for the work with a mouse; therefore
the majority of operations are carried out with its help. The cursor
moves over the screen field together with the mouse. To initiate the
operation it is necessary to place the cursor over a control "responsible"
for this operation, and click the left mouse button. Depending on the
type of the control clicking the button will perform certain actions (for
example, make a button shown on the screen "depressed").
“Double left click” or “double click” operation means clicking this
button twice with a very short interval (interval can be set when setting
the Windows environment).
Moreover, the following mouse controls are used in SCAD:
− right button (clicking when the cursor is in the work area of the window) — drops down a menu for
the control of the selection of nodes and elements;
− right button (clicking when the cursor is placed over one of the display filter buttons) — opens a
multi-tab dialog box for the setting of the display filters;
− middle mouse button (mouse wheel) — clicking and holding the button while dragging the cursor
moves the image of the design model in the window;
− mouse wheel (scrolling the wheel) — changes the scale of the image of the design model in the
Several types of cursors are used in the complex:
standard cursor — for selecting a mode or operation;
cross with a central target— for selecting one node or element;
cross with a rectangle — for selecting a group of nodes or elements using a rectangular marquee;
cross with an arbitrary polygon — for selecting a group of nodes or elements using a marquee of
an arbitrary shape;
move the separator line of the window vertically (for example, increase or decrease the size of
the message panel);
move the separator line of the window horizontally (for example, increase or decrease the size of
the table panel);
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
move the separator lines simultaneously horizontally and vertically (for example, change the
sizes of windows when displaying the model on projections);
mouse pointer for selecting buttons of the table control;
Dialog Boxes
Different dialog boxes are used in the complex. A multi-tab dialog box is shown in Fig. 4.1-7.
Input field
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
dialog box refers to, you just have to place the cursor over the title of the dialog box and a tooltip with the
name of the file the information refers to will appear (see Fig. 4.1-8).
File name
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
to select some rows press the Ctrl key on your keyboard and holding it point at the numbers of the
selected rows fixing each row by clicking the left mouse button.
The set of commands for the control of the table includes the following commands:
Copy — copies the contents of the selected rows or cells (horizontally or vertically) to the
Paste — inserts the information from the Clipboard into the table starting with the selected cell. If
in the process of inserting it turns out that the existing rows are not enough, they are automatically
added. Columns are not added, i.e. information on the right from the last column gets lost
Insert row before selected row(s) (a selected row is a row with at least one active cell) — a row is
added before the selected row; all the cells of the new row will have default values (unless
otherwise specified, they are equal to zero);
Insert row after selected row(s) — a row is added after the selected row (the command is
performed according to the same rules as the previous one);
Clear selected row(s) — all cells of the selected rows are filled with default values (zero, as a
Delete selected row(s) — deletes all the selected rows;
Copy current rows — the entire row is copied to the clipboard regardless of whether it is selected
fully or partially;
Paste current rows — pastes rows that were copied by the Copy current rows command.
It should be noted that the last two commands perform the check of the correctness of the information
for compliance with the format of tabular data before copying and pasting.
Figure 4.1-9. Set of commands for working with Figure 4.1-10. Working with tables
tabular data
Commands (Copy and Paste) can be used not only for operations with the current table of the
program but also to transfer the tabular data to other tables and applications, including those that are not a
part of the SCAD Office system (for example, MS Excel).
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
Each page displays information on the current fragment of the design model. Rows that refer to the
selected nodes/elements are highlighted in pink. Marker on the selection control panel enables to
switch to the mode where only the nodes/elements selected in the model are displayed in the tables. Marker
activates the mode which enables to perform the selection of nodes/elements in the model by
highlighting the respective rows in the tables.
Information in tables can be sorted according to a certain criterion which is selected from the drop-
down list, and buttons , enable to select whether to sort ascending or descending.
Buttons , enable to obtain the contents of tables in the form of a report document or a
spreadsheet respectively. Clicking the button copies the list of nodes/elements which are displayed in
the table to the clipboard.
When preparing the data double-clicking on most of the cells invokes a dialog box where you can
change the data for the node/element corresponding to the row of the table. If such a modification is
impossible, the cell is filled in grey. When analyzing the results the dialog will also appear, but you will
not be able to change the data (with the exception of the name of the node/element).
The first tab Display Filters actually contains information on the settings of the display filters states.
The Nodes tab (Fig. 4.1-11) contains information on
the nodes of the design model (names of nodes,
— reactions in constraints.
For dynamic loadings:
— weights of masses;
— accelerations of nodes;
— inertial forces.
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
Figure 4.1-13. The Loads in Nodes tab Figure 4.1-14. The Loads on Elements tab
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
List of Messages
When making any changes to the design model, the messages about these changes are recorded in a special
log (workbook) located at the lower part of the window displaying the design model (Fig. 4.1-17).
This list can be cleared using the button of the Control toolbar.
Moreover, the log contains messages on the errors detected, for example, during the control of the
design model. In many cases these messages contain buttons which enable to perform the following
— display the entire design model and select elements/nodes the message refers to;
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
— display the entire design model and select elements/nodes the message refers to for the further
— select elements/nodes from the active fragment the message refers to;
— select elements/nodes from the active fragment the message refers to for the further
If the cursor is in the workbook field and the right mouse button is clicked, a menu appears (Fig. 4.1-
18), the first two items of which enable to save the selected line in the Clipboard — Copy line command,
if any line of the workbook has been selected, or all lines of the messages — Copy all lines command.
Moreover, the buttons for the selection of objects specified in the workbook are duplicated in the menu.
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
number of objects (nodes or elements) which have the property corresponding to the row of the table, and a
representation of the number in the form of a histogram (Fig. 4.3-1).
Controls of the color scale enable to control the display
depending on the type of information. Each interval of the
results or the model parameter (e.g., type of rigidity or the
value of the subsoil parameter) has a corresponding checkbox
and a color field. If the checkbox is checked, the results
included in the respective interval or objects with the
respective characteristics will be displayed on the model in
color (isofields, isolines, etc.) By unchecking the checkboxes
you can cancel the color display, for example, of the part of
the results with the values of the analyzed factor insignificant
for the behavior of the structure.
— specification of the value of the factor f, dividing the scale into two independent parts fmin ÷ f
and f ÷ fmax, each of which is divided into the respective number of equal intervals;
— switching the type of representation of the factor values in the color scale table (in one or two
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
In order to divide the scale into two parts click the button , and specify the value of the factor that
divides the scale in the invoked dialog box. After closing the dialog box by clicking the OK button, the
scale will be modified according to the new specifications.
Uniform coloring of the specified scale interval means that in the interval of the values of the factor fi
÷ fn the colors in the scale will change smoothly from the color specified for fi, to the color corresponding
to fn. In order to perform this operation you have to:
uncheck checkboxes of all intervals of the color scale except for two checkboxes corresponding to
the intervals fi and fn;
specify color for one of the intervals:
− place the cursor over the color field of the selected interval and double left-click;
− the standard Colors dialog box will appear where you have to select the color for this interval;
− repeat the same actions for the second interval;
click the button .
Three fixed color scales are implemented in the program: "hot" – red-yellow-blue scale, "cold" –
blue-yellow-green scale and "gray" – in the shades of gray. Switching between scales is performed in the
drop-down menu that appears after clicking the button – Select palette.
The user can also prepare custom color scale palettes:
specify colors for the intervals of one of the scales;
click the button — Select palette in this color scale;
select Save palette in the drop-down menu, the Save Palette dialog box will appear where you
have to specify the name of the palette.
Once the new scale is saved, it can be used not only in the current problem but also when working
with other models.
Select the Number of Intervals
When working with interval scales you can change the number of intervals of the color representation
of the factor by selecting a new value from the list — Select the number of intervals. The number
of intervals can take any value in the range from two to sixteen, and also twenty four, thirty two, forty eight
and sixty four.
Setting the Values of Intervals
When you invoke the color display of the calculation results in the form of an interval scale the entire
range of values of the factor is automatically divided into the currently set number of equal intervals. In
cases when the uneven division is preferable for the analysis, you can modify the scale by adjusting the
values of boundaries of individual intervals. To do this, click the button – Color scale settings, and
the Settings dialog box will appear. The values of boundaries of the intervals can be changed in the table,
the filling of which corresponds to the state of the color scale.
This dialog box also contains the Invert button, clicking which changes the colors of intervals in the
scale. The order of colors is reversed (for example, if in the scale the color changed from blue – for the
minimum value to red – for the maximum one, then after inverting the colors will change from red to blue).
Changes in the color scale will be performed after closing the dialog box by clicking the OK button.
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
Unlike the scales with an automatic step selection (depending on the number of intervals), the number
of intervals in the scales with a constant step will depend on the specified step. Intervals for this type of
scales are formed according to the following rule:
value of factor fmin nearest to the minimum and multiple of the specified step is determined;
the entire range of the factor values, starting with fmin, and to the value fmax, (number nearest to the
maximum factor value, less than the maximum and multiple of the step) is divided into equal
the first and the last values of the interval in the color range will be the values from the minimum
factor value to fmin and from fmax to the maximum factor value.
The value of the step is specified in the Settings dialog box, which is invoked by clicking the Color
scale settings button — .
If a certain scale has been changed (set), then these settings are saved in a file
with the extension .SCADModelColor in the catalogue of the design model. This
file with settings is deleted when you change the design model. If you want to
transfer the initial data, the results of the calculation and the color scale settings
to another computer, you should not forget to copy files of the SCADModelColor
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
factor values within the zone lies from f - f to f + f. Intervals lying outside the transition zone are divided
into equal parts depending on the specified number of intervals.
The upper part of the dialog box of the color scale contains only one setting button — for
changing the representation of the factor values in the table of the color scale (in one or in two columns).
In order to start working with the software, place the cursor over the SCAD++ icon and double left-
click. The startup image will appear against the background of the initialization window (Fig. 4.4-1). It
takes a few seconds to load the complex. During this time, the screen displays the hourglass "waiting"
cursor (unless, of course, it is not replaced on your computer by a more exotic one). The completion of
loading is signalized by a change of the cursor from the waiting one to the arrow.
Initialization window contains a menu and the General Operations toolbar. The toolbar contains five
buttons. The first two buttons duplicate the similar functions of the File menu, and enable to perform the
respective operations in a shorter way.
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
— Open project;
— Save project;
— Switching to the full-screen mode enables to increase the size of the working window vertically by
hiding the title bar and the taskbar. Clicking the button for the second time returns the window to its
original size;
— View the analysis log in the text editor specified in the settings;
— the Settings button invokes the Settings dialog box where you can specify the settings of the
software (units of measurement, fonts, assortments of rolled profiles, etc.), assumed for the current
If one or more buttons are in gray shades, it means that the respective operation or
option is currently not available.
In order to create a new project, place the cursor over the respective button of the toolbar and left-
click. The New Project dialog box will appear on the screen (Fig. 4.4-2), where you have to specify
information on the project (name, company, object), select the type of the design model (standard, design
model of the variation of models mode, erection or a model from enlarged elements created in the
FORUM preprocessor).
The Units of measurement and Design codes buttons invoke the respective dialog boxes, which
enable to set the respective parameters. The default units of measurement are meters for the sizes of the
design model, centimeters for the sizes of sections, and tons – for forces. Let’s agree that when creating a
design model of the simplest problem, these settings will not be changed, as well as the default design
codes. The description of the respective dialog boxes is given below.
Since the importance factors depend on the design codes, their values are selected from the respective
list after specifying the design code (when DBN B.1.2-14-2009 is used — there are two factors, — one for
the ultimate and one for the serviceability limit state).
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
This dialog box is also used to specify the parameter determining the accuracy of the assessment of
duplicate nodes (the maximum distance between nodes at which the nodes are considered to be duplicate).
Almost all parameters specified in this dialog box can be changed in the course of creating the design
The New Project dialog box like most other dialog boxes includes three command buttons: OK,
Cancel and Help.
OK — closes the dialog box automatically saving all the input information.
Cancel — closes the dialog box without saving the input information.
Help — provides access to the help information.
Thus, the New Project dialog box is used to customize the software before starting to work with the
Clicking the OK button closes the dialog box and the screen will display a standard Save As dialog
box, where you have to specify the name of the file of the new project (let’s name the file of the simplest
problem, for example, Project 1). This name will be given to the actual file of the project, and also to all
service files and files with the calculation results. The file with the .SPR extension will be automatically
placed in the directory specified during the installation of the complex for saving the initial data.
After creating the file of the project the control is given to the Project tree (Fig. 4.4-3), which
contains three sections of the first level that are actually the stages of the solution of the problem: Initial
Data, Analysis and Results.
These sections contain links to the sections of the second level, which detail the performed operations,
for example, Design Model, Linear Calculation or Print Tables.
Sections Design Model and Special Initial Data contain subsections with a list of initial data.
The Project tree reflects the state of the project, i.e. the presence or absence of the respective type of
data in the project, and the availability of functions, such as calculation and the analysis of results. The
Tree is used to initialize all the functions – data input, calculation or the graphical analysis of the results.
In order to do it, just place the cursor over the name of the corresponding branch and left-click. Moreover,
the Project tree illustrates the structure of the software.
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
Figure 4.4-9. The Rigidity of Bar Elements dialog Figure 4.4-10. The Parametric Sections tab
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
— numbers of elements;
— constraints;
— numbers of nodes;
— types of rigidity;
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
— display nodes.
A design model with nodes, their numbers, numbers of finite elements, numbers of types of rigidity
and designations of constraints is given in Fig. 4.4-11. In order to perform the calculation, it is necessary to
specify the loads.
Specification of Loads
Operations of the specification of loads are invoked from the Loadings section of the toolbar
(Fig. 4.4-12).
These operations provide an automatic generation of the self-weight of the structure, specification of
different types of dynamic and static loads on nodes and elements of the model, saving of the specified
loads as systems of loadings or groups of loads.
Button invoking the Loads on bars operation
When performing the calculation it is assumed that the design values of loads are given,
i.e. characteristic values are multiplied by the safety factor for load. Thus, when
specifying loads on nodes and elements of the model, all loads must be first reduced to
their design values.
Use the following buttons of the toolbar to specify these loads:
— Loads on bars;
— Remove all loads;
— Save/Add loading.
It is necessary to perform the following operations to specify the loads:
− click the button for the specification of loads on bar elements , the Specify Loads on Bar
Elements dialog box will appear (Fig. 4.4-13), where you have to specify the type, direction and
value of the first load;
− click the OK button in the dialog box;
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
− using one the cursors select elements of the model the load is applied to (the selected elements
will be displayed in red);
− click the button in the toolbar of the Loadings mode, or press the Enter button on the
− repeat the above actions for the second type of load of the first loading.
Please pay attention to the actions listed above. The vast majority of the operations
with nodes and elements of the design model are performed exactly in this order.
Shortly this sequence can be written as follows: select an operation, specify the
parameters, select objects in the model, click the OK button in the toolbar the selected
operation belongs to, or press the Enter key on the keyboard.
If you activate the display filter of distributed loads , the specified loads will be shown on the
design model. If the visualization filter of the load values is enabled , the load value will be shown
next to the load. A design model with the display of the specified loads is shown in Fig. 4.4-14.
In order to save the loading click the Save/Add loading button — in the toolbar, and the Save
Loading dialog box will appear (Fig. 4.4-15).
This dialog box is used to specify the name of the loading, select the type of loading and the type of
load from the respective lists, and to specify the safety factor for load. You also have to indicate whether
the specified loads are characteristic or design. When all the data is specified, click the Save as new button
and the new loading will be saved. Information on the loading will appear in the loadings table of the
dialog box.
A number is assigned to the loading automatically. You do not necessarily have to specify the name
of the loading, but this information helps in the analysis of the initial data and the calculation results. The
type of loading, the type of load and the safety factor for load will be used as the initial data of design
combinations of forces (DCF).
In order to complete the specification of the current loading, it has to be saved (in the
project). Otherwise the loading will not be taken into account when performing the
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
In this situation to proceed to creating a new loading use the Remove all loads operation — .
Create a second loading including a temporary load with a reduced characteristic value. Use the above
sequence of actions and specify the loads on the elements of the design model, and then save the loading,
giving it a name, type, and indicating the respective type of load.
Saving and Loading Files of the Project when Working with the Model
If when working with a model you need to save its current state on the disk, use the Save operation. If it is
necessary to save the current state of the model under another name, use the Save Project As … operation
available in the File menu. In the last case a model with a new name will be available for working.
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
When loading a design model from the disk the software may generate the following message:
"The document has been changed since it was last saved. To return to the saved version
close the current document and reopen it".
This message appears when a user modifies the design model and attempts to load the same model from
the disk. The software suggests to first save the modified model on the disk, and then to load it. If for some
reason the modified model has to be replaced by a model saved on the disk without saving the current state
of the model, it is necessary to close the active model using the Close Project operation in the File menu,
and then load the model from the disk.
4.5. Calculation
Mathematics may be compared to a mill of
exquisite workmanship, which grinds your stuff to
any degree of fineness; but, nevertheless, what you
get out depends on what you put in; and as the
grandest mill in the world will not extract wheat flour
from peas cods, so pages of formulae will not get a
definite result out of loose data
The input data is sufficient to perform the analysis of the created design model. Most likely, the
simplest problem will be set correctly. However, when preparing more complex design models it is
advisable to perform a control of the generated model before the calculation. Special operations in the
Control section of the preprocessor toolbar are used for this purpose. A formal control of the design model
in the process of the preparation of the input data is performed by the Express control of the model
operation (Fig. 4.5-1) — , the Check the availability for analysis operation (Fig. 4.5-2) — , is
used for the extensive control similar to that performed during the calculation, and the Correct finite
elements operation (Fig. 4.5-3) — , is used to control the correctness of the shape and to correct
invalid finite elements.
Figure 4.5-1. The Express Figure 4.5-2. Message window with Figure 4.5-3. The Correct Finite
Control of the Model dialog the results of the extensive control Elements dialog box
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
Before performing the express control it is necessary to indicate the parameters of the design model
that have to be checked with the help of the checkboxes in the Express Control of the Model dialog box.
The list of these parameters is quite obvious. We should probably only comment on the concept of
connectivity of the model.
A model is considered to be connected if for every pair of elements (E1,E2) we can find a sequence of
elements beginning with the element E1 and ending with the element E2 in which each successive element
has a common node (or common nodes) with the previous one. Moreover, merged displacements are taken
into account in the analysis of connectivity.
If it turns out that the model is not connected, i.e., consists of several fragments, the information on
the number of elements included in each of these fragments is output in the list of messages (see Fig. 4.1-
17). You can perform the selection or fragmentation of the respective part of the model using the following
controls of the list of messages — , , , .
To perform the calculation it is necessary to return to the Project tree by activating the Control tab
in the toolbar and clicking the button — Exit to project control screen (Project tree).
If there is an icon next to the Linear item of the project tree, it means that the design model is
ready for the calculation. Icon means that the calculation is not available. The reason for this, as a
rule, is a complete or partial absence of the required initial data. These data include loads, stiffness
properties and, of course, the description of the geometry of the design model. In cases when the optional
data is missing (for example, the description of hinges the model might not have), the icon of the
respective branch of the Project tree in the Design Model section contains a question mark .
Place the cursor over the Linear item in the Calculation group of functions and left-click (Fig. 4.5-
4). The Calculation Parameters dialog box will appear (Fig. 4.5-5), where you can set the calculation
parameters. A detailed description of the settings is provided in the following chapters. Let’s assume the
default values of the parameters for the calculation, and click the OK button.
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
Figure 4.5-5. The Calculation Parameters dialog Figure 4.5-6. Window displaying the calculation
box progress
The analysis log contains all the information on the calculation progress, errors that have occurred
and warnings, as well as the data on the design model. To view the log use the respective operation ,
which can be invoked from the Control toolbar of the pre- and post-processor or the Project tree window.
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
Analysis of Displacements
Analysis of displacements is performed with the help of operations of the respective section (Fig. 4.6-2) of
the toolbar. In order to do it, perform the following actions:
− activate the mode of the analysis of displacements by clicking the tab;
− select the analyzed loading from the Select loading list;
− select the direction of the displacement from the Type of displacements list;
− click the button invoking the operation of display of the calculation results (for example, Display
the initial model together with the deformed one — Fig. 4.6-1).
Displaying the initial model together with
Selection of loading
the deformed one
Direction of displacements
Figure 4.6-2. Toolbar of the analysis of displacements mode
The set of display operations enables to obtain different representations of the results of the
calculation of displacements. Each representation has a corresponding button in the toolbar. You can use
the following buttons when analyzing displacements from static loads in bar structures:
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
Analysis of Forces
Since regardless of the mode the consistency of control functions is maintained in the software, the
analysis of force factors (in this case – the generation of diagrams) is performed according to the same
rules as the analysis of the displacements.
Scale of the display of
Selection of the type diagrams
Force diagrams of force
Selection of loading
Figure 4.6-3. Toolbar of the analysis of forces mode
You can use the following operations in the respective toolbar (Fig. 4.6-3) to display the force
— force diagrams;
— color indication of the positive values of forces;
— color indication of the negative values of forces;
— displays the model.
An example of display of forces in frame elements using various means (diagrams and color
indication) and in various windows is given in Fig. 4.6-4. New windows can be created with the help of the
respective command in the Window menu. The rules on using the multi-window mode are given in the
respective section of this book.
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
Figure 4.7-1.
Similarly to the previous example, a parametric model invoked by clicking the button —
Generate a rectangular mesh of elements on the plane, in the Model section of the toolbar (Fig. 4.7-2),
is used when creating the model.
Generate a rectangular mesh of elements on the plane
Figure 4.7-2.
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
Figure 4.7-4. The Rigidities of Plates dialog Figure 4.7-5. The Specify the Element Type dialog
box box
After specifying all the parameters and closing the Generate a Plate Model dialog box (the OK
button) a design model of a rectangular shell from square 4-node finite elements will be generated (Fig.
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
Element number
Display of constraints
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
Specification of Loads
As in the previous example, the control of the input of loads and creation of loadings is performed from the
Loadings toolbar.
When performing the calculation it is assumed by default that the design values of
loads are given, i.e. characteristic values are multiplied by the safety factor for load.
Let’s take the self-weight of the slab as the first loading. The respective operation in the toolbar is
used to specify it (Fig. 4.7-9). Clicking the Self-weight button invokes the dialog box, where you can
specify the factor with which the load from the self-weight will be included in the loading (Fig. 4.7-10).
Specification of self-weight
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
4.8. THUS …
The Red Queen shook her head,
"You may call it nonsense if you like," she said, "but
I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would
be as sensible as a dictionary!"
L.CARROLL “Alice in Wonderland”
… simple and as a rule the most used in practice techniques of working with the software have been
considered in the Structure CAD for DUMMIES chapter. A sequence of actions from creating a design
model to the analysis of the calculation results is illustrated on the example of the simplest problems.
Despite the minimum of the used functions, it reflects the general technology of working with the program.
The following basic requirements to a design model and the principles of control of the software can
be formulated for novice users:
1. The obligatory initial data (the minimum requirement for performing the calculation) include:
geometry of the design model (description of nodes and elements), stiffness properties of the
elements, description of the boundary conditions (e.g. constraints) and loads.
2. Any function of the software can be activated from the Project tree.
3. Most operations of creating a design model can be performed by the following sequence of actions:
− activate the respective section in the toolbar by clicking on its tab;
− click the button with the icon of the performed operation;
− if additional information is required to perform the operation, specify the necessary data in the
invoked dialog box and close it by clicking the OK button;
− select (by the cursor) the respective nodes and elements (they will be displayed in red);
− click the OK button (Confirmation) — in the section of the Toolbar the operation has been
selected from or press the Enter key on the keyboard (Enter and Esc keys are called “hot”, they
can be used instead of the Confirmation and Rejection buttons of the toolbar);
− if the operation has been completed successfully, the elements or the nodes involved in the
operation will be displayed again in the color of the design model; otherwise a message with the
reasons of the rejection of the operation will appear.
4. A system of display filters is used to reflect the results of the operations on the model.
5. The calculation will be available in the project tree, if the prepared data on the design model are
sufficient to perform it.
6. The calculation progress is provided in the log, which contains information on the performed actions,
and on the warnings and errors detected during the calculation.
7. If the analysis has been completed successfully (in this case we mean only that the files with the
calculation results have been generated, irrespective of the quality of the results), the Graphical
Analysis function will be available in the Results section of the project tree.
8. The following procedure is recommended for the graphical analysis of the results:
− select a section in the toolbar with the information you are interested in by clicking on its tab
(Displacements, Force Diagrams, Stress Fields);
− select a loading from the list of loadings;
− specify the analyzed factor in the list of factors (direction of displacements or the type of the force
4.Structure CAD for DUMMIES
− click the button corresponding to the selected representation of the result (deformed model,
diagrams, isofields, etc.).
9. In order to compare different results, for example, displacements from different loadings, you can
display different analyzed factors in separate windows.
5. Creating a Design Model
— geometric transformations;
— delete model;
5.Creating a Design Model
This operation enables to create two types of bar frame structures on the basis of parametric
prototypes – multi-storey multi-span frames and single-storey multi-span frames of industrial buildings. A
frame configuration can be selected in the Select Frame Configuration dialog box (Fig. 5.1-1) by clicking
on the respective icon.
5. Creating a Design Model
In those cases when the sections of individual girders or columns differ from those specified when
creating a frame (for example, some girders have a different section), you should use the Assign rigidities
for bars operation — from the Assign section of the toolbar and specify all the necessary
characteristics for these elements. However, in order to generate the geometry of a design model it is
usually enough to fill only the data in the tables.
Let’s consider a frame (Fig. 5.1-2) with five spans (2х6 m, 3 m, 2х4.5 m) and 10 storeys (4 m,
8х3.3 m, 2.5 m) as an example of a multi-storey multi-span frame which will be used to describe the
technology of creating a design model.
Figure 5.1-2.
A dialog box with the initial data for the generation of this frame is shown in figure 5.1-3.
If all the necessary parameters of the frame are determined, then after clicking the OK button the
model will be generated (the result for the above example is shown in Fig. 5.1-4).
5.Creating a Design Model
Figure 5.1-3. The Specify the Parameters of a Regular Frame dialog box
Numbers of nodes
Numbers of elements
Display of nodes
5. Creating a Design Model
a) b)
Figure 5.1-6. The Single-Storey Frame dialog box with the initial data necessary to create a design
model: a) without a crane beam and b) with a crane beam
Moreover, the dialog box enables to:
5.Creating a Design Model
automatically install the constraints in the column bases (if the Installation of constraints
checkbox is checked) and specify the directions of the degrees of freedom of displacements the
constraints are imposed on;
model structures of crane beams (if the Crane beam checkbox is checked) and specify elevation
— h and horizontal location — w of the supports of crane beams (Fig. 5.1-6,b);
specify the stiffness properties of columns and girders — the respective buttons are used (it is
assumed that all girders have the same section and all columns have the same section);
specify the type of finite elements (it corresponds to the type of the model by default, i.e., if type 2
is selected in the identification data of the project, then the elements will be of type 2, if the model
is of type 5, then the elements will be of type 5 as well).
By default, the frame will be located in the XOZ plane. Checkbox Along the Y axis allow to place
the structure in the plane YOZ.
Let’s consider a frame with dual-pitched symmetric girders as an example of a single-storey multi-
span frame (Fig. 5.1-5). It has three spans (24 m, 36 m and 24 m) and the column height of 12 m, girder
slope – 20%, elevation of the crane beam – 8 m and the offset value of the axes of the part under the crane
with respect to that above the crane — 0.5 m.
5. Creating a Design Model
You can obtain different configurations of a girder by changing the position of the ridge joint. If Lc/Lp
= 0.5, the ridge joint will be in the middle of the span, i.e. a model with a symmetric dual-pitched girder
will be generated. If Lc/Lp = 1 — the girder will be mono-pitched with a ridge joint near the right column,
and if Lc/Lp = 0 — near the left column. For values 0 < Lc/Lp < 1, different from 0.5, a model with an
asymmetric dual-pitched girder will be generated.
It should be noted that the parameters specified in the Single-Storey Frame dialog box are the same
for all spans. If some spans are different from the others, then after the generation of the model you should
use the respective operations and change their characteristics (for example, to change the sections of
elements or their orientation angle – use the respective operations of the Assign toolbar, and to change the
geometry of the frame use the operations of the Nodes and Elements toolbar).
A library of parametric prototypes available in the software can be used to create a design model of a
truss. A truss prototype is selected according to two parameters — configuration of the chords and the type
of the lattice.
Clicking on the arrow on the right from the Generate a truss prototype button , drops down a
menu where you can select the material of the truss (Generate a steel truss prototype or Generate a
timber truss prototype). It is assumed that the steel truss is made from rolled angles or round and rec-
tangular (square) pipes, and the timber one – from round or rectangular beams. In the case when during the
generation the stiffness properties do not have to be assigned to the truss elements, the button is used.
truss you can use the Preview button — , clicking which invokes a dialog box with a drawing
of this truss);
− switch to the Section tab (Fig. 5.2-2);
5.Creating a Design Model
− enable a radio button in the Cross-section group, for example, Top chord (the selected element
will be displayed in red in the drawing of the truss);
− select the section of this truss element in the list of assortments of rolled profiles (the name of the
selected profile will be shown in the Profile table);
− select the thickness of the gusset plate g from the list in the Profile table;
− repeat the last three operations for other elements of the truss;
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button.
Figure 5.2-1. The General tab of the Generate a Figure 5.2-2. The Section tab of the Generate a
Truss Prototype dialog box Truss Prototype dialog box
If the parameters of the truss are specified correctly, its design model will be displayed on the screen (Fig. 5.2-3).
Enable/disable lighting
5. Creating a Design Model
— round pipes;
to create a library of custom sections. The buttons Save cross-section in the user database — and
Load cross-section from the user database — enable to use sections created not only in SCAD, but
also in other applications of the SCAD Office system (for example, in Kristall). File of the database of
custom sections UserSectionStorage.uss is saved in the Application Data section of the Documents and
Settings system directory.
Clicking the Preview button — opens the Preview dialog box with the image of the selected
section (Fig. 5.2-4).
Clicking the Geometric properties button invokes the Section Properties dialog box which provides
the drawing of the section together with its geometric properties given in the tabular form (Fig. 5.2-5).
Figure 5.2-4. The Preview dialog box Figure 5.2-5. The Section Properties dialog box
5.Creating a Design Model
The Apply to all members button is used in those cases when all or most of the truss members have the
same cross-section. In order to use this button assign a section to one of the elements and without changing
the active radio button click the given button. All the members of the model will have the specified section. If
the model has members with a different section, it has to be assigned after performing the considered
Figure 5.2-6. The General tab when generating a Figure 5.2-7. The Section tab when generating a
timber truss prototype timber truss prototype
— in the Assign section of the toolbar. Truss configuration is selected in the General tab (Fig. 5.2-1)
according to the same rules as for the trusses from rolled steel.
In cases when a prototype of a bar system is a plane structure lying in a plane parallel to one of the
coordinate planes, it can be used to create a spatial bar system with the help of the Duplicate along the axis
operation — .
5. Creating a Design Model
This operation is based on the principle of duplicating a transverse plane frame structure or a truss lying
in the plane parallel to one of the coordinate planes with the given step in the direction of the axis selected by
the user in the right-hand Cartesian coordinate system XYZ. Longitudinal structures are created by adding
bars in the direction of the selected axis in each node of the transverse structure (except for the support nodes
of the columns of the frame).
When the operation of duplicating a frame or a truss is invoked, the Model of the Longitudinal Frame
dialog box appears (Fig. 5.3-1). This dialog box enables to specify the direction of copying, the step and the
number of repetitions (the step may be variable), and to specify the stiffness properties of bars created in the
direction of the selected axis (the Profile button). The sections of all elements of the longitudinal structure are
assumed to be the same. Sections of elements of the longitudinal frame can be modified with the help of the
Assign rigidities for bars operation — in the Assign section of the toolbar.
Figure 5.3-2. Examples of using the Duplicate along the axis operation for different types of bar systems
5.Creating a Design Model
Copy operations considered below are used to duplicate arbitrary bar systems.
Design models of a multi-storey multi-span frame, single-storey frame and a truss considered earlier in
the current chapter are given as examples of performing the duplication operation (Fig. 5.3-2).
The respective operation in the Model section is provided to generate a design model of a grade beam.
Initial data for this type of model are specified in the Generate a Grade Beam dialog box (Fig. 5.4-1) in the
same way as for the parametric prototypes considered earlier. Spacing and the number of spacings of the
grade beam along the X and Y axes respectively are specified in two tables of the dialog box. Stiffness
properties of elements (the Rigidity button) and their type (the Type of element button) are specified
similarly to the respective operations when generating parametric prototypes of frames.
Figure 5.4-2. Design models of grade beams open and closed along the contour
5. Creating a Design Model
When generating a model of a grade beam, you can create models of two configurations – open along
the contour and closed (Fig. 5.4-2). A configuration of the model is selected by clicking on the icon with an
image of the respective grade beam.
This operation enables to create a rectangular mesh with a variable or constant spacing lying in the
XОY or XОZ plane. Parameters of the mesh can be input in the Generate a Plate Model dialog box
shown in Fig. 5.5-1. Type of the model and its position in space are specified in the respective group with
the help of the radio buttons.
Type of the finite elements is assigned automatically depending on the selected type of the model. If
the type of finite elements is different from the default one, it can be changed with the help of the
respective operation which can be invoked by clicking the Type of element button. Plates are assigned
type 11 by default, grade beams — 21, shells — 41. If another type of finite element is preferable for a
particular structure, it can specified with the help of the Specify the type of finite elements operation in
the Assign toolbar.
The Rigidity button invokes an operation of specifying the stiffness properties of elements.
5.Creating a Design Model
Spacing along Number of Number of
along the Y
the X axis spacings spacings
0.5 6 0.25 8
0.25 8 0.5 6
1 5
When you specify a different spacing of the mesh, you should keep in mind that the most accurate
solution is obtained when the aspect ratio of 4-node finite elements is close to one. Square is perfect in this
This operation is used to create design models or their fragments which are modeled using standard
surfaces of revolution. You can create models in the form of a cylinder, cone, sphere and torus. The term
"surface" is conventional, since models can be also made from bar elements, the nodes of which lie on this
Initial data necessary to perform this operation are specified in the Create the Surface of Revolution
dialog box (Fig. 5.6-1) and include:
type of surface (cylinder, cone, sphere, torus);
kind of finite elements (bars, plates) and their type;
shape of the finite element mesh (for bar elements — lattice);
geometric sizes;
parameters of division;
stiffness properties of elements.
5. Creating a Design Model
Figure 5.6-2. Design models of cylinders from shell and bar elements
If the rotation angle is less than 360, an open surface is generated. Moreover, the design models in
the form of a cylinder, cone or sphere can be truncated.
The following procedure is recommended for creating a surface of revolution:
− select the type of surface;
− select the kind of elements of the model;
− select the type of division;
− specify the geometric properties;
− specify the stiffness properties of elements (this step should be performed if all or most of the
elements have the same properties);
− click the OK button.
Examples of various variants of design models of cylinders are given in Fig. 5.6-2.
In those cases when in the description of a cylinder, cone and sphere a defining parameter is the length
of the face (chord) instead of the radius of the surface, you can calculate the radius as a function of the
number of faces and the chord length. It is necessary to perform the following actions to calculate the radius:
5.Creating a Design Model
− specify the number of faces (nR — number of elements in the base of a cylinder or a cone, and for a
sphere – along the equator);
− invoke the Calculate the Radius from a Chord dialog box — , (the button is on the left from
the radius text field);
− specify the chord length in the respective text field of this dialog box (Fig. 5.6-3) and click the
Calculate button (the calculated value of the radius of the surface of revolution will be shown in
the Radius information window);
− click the Apply button, the dialog box closes, and the result is automatically input in the respective
text field of the Create the Surface of Revolution dialog box.
For example, in order to generate a design model of a triangular (nR = 3) pyramid with a base side of
4 m and a height of 4 m, you can use the above technique (Fig. 5.6-4).
The following parameters have to be specified to create a
cylinder :
R — radius of the cylinder;
H — height of the cylinder;
nH — number of elements along the height of the cylinder;
nR — the same in the base of the cylinder;
Rotation angle () — central angle in degrees
(0 < 360). If the rotation angle is less than 360, an
open surface is generated.
Any shape of the division of the mesh or lattice can be
selected for the cylinder from those suggested in the Create the
Surface of Revolution dialog box. Examples of design models
of a cylinder are given in Fig. 5.6-2.
5. Creating a Design Model
A cone can be full or truncated. If a truncated cone is
generated, r > 0. The following parameters have to be specified
to create a cone:
R — radius of the cone base;
r — radius of the top of the truncated cone;
H — height of the cone;
nH — number of elements along the height of the cone;
nR — the same in the base of the cone;
Rotation angle () — central angle in degrees
(0 < 360). If the rotation angle is less than 360, an
open surface is generated.
Any shape of the division of the mesh or lattice can be
selected for the cone from those suggested in the Create the
Surface of Revolution dialog box. Examples of design models
of a cone are given in Fig. 5.6-5.
Figure 5.6-5. Design models of a cone from shell and bar elements
The following parameters have to be specified to create a
R — radius of the lower cutting plane;
r — same of the upper one;
H — distance between the upper and lower cutting
nH — number of elements along the height of the sphere;
nR — the same along the equator of the sphere;
Rotation angle () — central angle in degrees
(0 < 360). If the rotation angle is less than 360, an
5.Creating a Design Model
Figure 5.6-6. Design models of a sphere from shell and bar elements
The following data have to be specified to create a torus:
R — radius of the torus measured from the center of
rotation to the axis passing through the center of the
section of the torus;
r — radius of the section;
H — lead of the helix;
nr — number of elements in the section of the torus;
nR — the same along the length of the torus;
Rotation angle () — central angle in degrees.
If > 360 and Н > 0, a spiral is generated (Fig. 5.6-7).
There is a restriction on the choice of the shape of
elements when a spiral is created from plate elements. For
example, 4-node elements cannot be used in this case, since
non-planar elements may appear. Unacceptable shapes of the
mesh are blocked automatically. Examples of design models of
a torus are given in Fig. 5.6-7.
5. Creating a Design Model
Figure 5.6-7. Design models of a torus from shell and bar elements
5.Creating a Design Model
Types of elements and their rigidities can be assigned when specifying the parameters of the model.
By default, type 5 is selected for bars, 42 (triangles) or 44 (quadrangles) – for plates.
Figure 5.7-2,A shows an example of a closed surface obtained by specifying the generator
z x 3 3 x / x 1 ,
when the Closed surface option is active and the parameters have the following values: R1 = 1 m;
R2 = 3 m; Nr = 30; Nh = 20.
In order to obtain open surfaces you also have to specify the start and end angles of the arc. Thus, for
the start and end angles of 0 and 270 respectively a surface shown in Fig. 5.7-2,B will be obtained.
Figure 5.7-2.
Finally, in order to obtain a helical surface, it is necessary to introduce a second variable – Y into the
formula, the variation of which describes the process of "twisting" the helix as a function of angle. For
example, by adding the second variable — y/155 into the formula
z x 3 x /x 1 y / 155
5. Creating a Design Model
at the values of the start and end angles 0 and 720о respectively, we will obtain a new model (Fig. 5.7-
2,C). Here the number of elements along the arc is NR = 60 (a bar model is used).
In those cases when a defining parameter is the length of the face (chord) instead of the radius of the
surface, you can calculate the radius as a function of the number of faces (NR) and the chord length. It is
necessary to perform the following actions to calculate the radius:
− specify the number of faces (NR — number of elements along the circular arc);
− invoke the Calculate the Radius from a Chord dialog box — ;
− specify the chord length in the respective text field of this dialog box and click the Calculate button
(the calculated value of the radius of the surface of revolution will be shown in the Radius
information window);
− click the Apply button, the dialog box closes, and the result is automatically input in the respective
text field of the Create the Surface of Revolution dialog box.
5.Creating a Design Model
5. Creating a Design Model
5.Creating a Design Model
Figure 5.9-1. The Parametric Surface tab of the Analytically Defined Surfaces dialog box
The following relationships are considered x = f(s,t), y = f(s,t), z = f(s,t). It is assumed that each
variable s and t changes in the interval [0, 1], and the variable s successively takes the values 0, 1/Ns, 2/Ns,
… 1, and the variable t — respectively 0, 1/Nt, 2/Nt, … 1, where Ns and Nt — number of steps of tabulation
of the respective variables.
For example, formulas describing the surface of a cylinder with a radius 5 and height 12, will be as
x = 5 sin;
y = 5 cos;
z = 12 h
and must be input in the respective text fields of the Parametric Surface tab as follows:
x = 5*sin(360*s);
y = 5*cos(360*s);
z = 12*t.
This tab also enables to specify the values of Ns and Nt., select finite elements (bars or plates) and the
type of division of the surface. If the type of finite elements is different from the default one, it can be
changed with the help of the respective operation which can be invoked by clicking the Type of element
button. Type 5 is assigned to bar elements by default, and types 44 (4-node) and 42 (3-node) — for shells
depending on the selected shape of division. The Rigidities button invokes an operation of specifying the
stiffness properties of elements.
5. Creating a Design Model
5.Creating a Design Model
5. Creating a Design Model
The software enables to generate the design models of analytic surfaces commonly used in design
practice without explicitly entering formulas of the surface. To do this, select the type of surface from the
drop-down list in the dialog box (see Fig. 5.10-1), specify the geometric parameters and parameters of the
generation of the finite element mesh. This dialog box also provides the formulas of the surface.
Elliptic paraboloid with a rectangular plan Elliptic paraboloid with an elliptical plan
5.Creating a Design Model
5. Creating a Design Model
5.Creating a Design Model
The software enables to generate the design models of standard structures (substructures) commonly
used in design practice. To do this, select the type of structure from the drop-down list in the Standard
Structures dialog box (Fig. 5.11-1), specify the geometric parameters and parameters of the generation of
the finite element mesh.
5. Creating a Design Model
5.Creating a Design Model
Mast with diagonals Mast with diagonals from the middle of the
Tower with diagonals from the middle of the Tower with arbitrary diagonals
5. Creating a Design Model
Mast with diagonals from the middle of the vertical Mast with diagonals (simplified input)
Mast with diagonals from the middle of the Mast with diagonals from the middle of the vertical
horizontal (simplified input) (simplified input)
5.Creating a Design Model
Figure 5.11-2. The Standard Structures dialog box (masts and towers)
Automatic meshing of the closed area of an arbitrary shape on the plane is one of the most versatile
methods of creating meshes of finite elements. The software enables both to perform the meshing when
creating a new model, and to perform the meshing of a finished model.
Fundamental Principles
The Generate a mesh of an arbitrary shape on the plane operation is invoked from the Model section of
the toolbar. Control of the meshing is performed with the buttons of the toolbar which appears after the
initialization of meshing (Fig. 5.12-1).
— Specify contour — specify the outer and inner contours bounding the area of meshing;
— Save the results of meshing as a submodel — save the results of meshing as a separate project;
— Generate a triangular mesh of FE on the plane — specify parameters and initialize the process of
— Apply the results of meshing to the model — attach the submodel to the model obtained in the
result of meshing;
5. Creating a Design Model
— Transform bars into a meshing contour — generate a meshing contour from the preselected bars;
— Convert the convex hull of the selected nodes into the meshing contour;
— Save the meshing contour — name and save the meshing contour in the project;
— Transform the contour elements into a meshing contour — transform elements created by the
FORUM preprocessor into contours for subsequent meshing;
— Indicate mesh refinement nodes — specify nodes in the area of which the local refinement of mesh
is performed;
— Indicate mesh refinement lines — specify lines inside the meshing contour along which the
refinement of mesh is performed;
Before performing the meshing, you must specify the contour bounding the meshing area. The
contour is defined by a closed broken line passing through the predefined support nodes. Moreover, bar
elements lying on the boundary of the meshing area can be used as a contour. If the meshing area contains
inner areas where the meshing is not performed (e.g., holes), each of these areas must be defined by its
"own" contour.
The following rules must be observed when specifying a contour:
5.Creating a Design Model
when specifying a segment of a contour you do not have to specify nodes that lie on a straight line
connecting the support nodes. They will be included in the contour automatically. The exception is
the meshing "only on the contour nodes" during the performance of which only the support nodes
are taken into account;
the contour is closed by double clicking after specifying the last node or by pointing at the first
there must not be any duplicate nodes neither support, nor intermediate. Hereinafter, "duplicate"
nodes are nodes with the same coordinates or at the distance from each other that is less than or
equal to the accuracy of estimation of the duplicate nodes. This value is specified in the
Environment Settings dialog box which can be invoked from the respective section of the Settings
there must not be any duplicate nodes inside the contour;
there must not be any nodes inside the contour (including those belonging to other contours) which
lie at the distance from the contour of less than 0.15 of the specified meshing step. The presence of
such nodes leads to the interruption of the meshing process due to the appearance of degenerate
inner contours must not intersect or touch the outer contour and each other;
there must not be any contours outside the contour bounding the meshing area.
A contour (or several successively created contours) can be saved by clicking the respective button
, which invokes the Save the Meshing Contour dialog box (Fig. 5.12-2). The Operations with
contours group of this dialog box contains a number of buttons which enable to perform the following
Add contour — the created contour or a group of contours is saved in the project under a name
specified in the Contour name field. If this field does not contain any information, the contour is saved
under the name “Contour No…”, where the contour number is the serial number in the list of created
Replace contour — the specified contour is saved instead of one of the contours saved earlier. In
order to perform this operation you have to:
− specify the contour;
− select the contour you want replace in the list (its number and name will appear in the respective
− click the Replace contour button.
Replace the contour name — the name of the contour saved earlier is changed to a new one. In
order to perform this operation you have to:
− select any contour from the list of contours;
− activate the operation of saving a contour;
− select a contour the name of which you want to change in the list (its number and name will appear
in the respective fields);
− enter a new name in the Contour name field;
− click the Replace the contour name button.
Delete contour — the contour saved earlier is deleted from the list of contours. In order to perform
this operation you have to:
− select any contour from the list of contours;
− activate the operation of saving a contour;
− select a contour you want to delete in the list;
− click the Delete contour button.
5. Creating a Design Model
Delete all contours — all the contours saved earlier are deleted from the list. In order to perform this
operation you have to:
− select any contour from the list of contours;
− activate the operation of saving a contour;
− click the Delete all contours button.
The above operations will be performed after closing the Save the Meshing
Contour dialog box (by clicking the OK button).
If the meshing area includes several inner contours, it makes sense to save each of them separately.
Since after saving a contour the Remove the contour operation is performed automatically, the next
contour can be specified at once after performing this operation.
Bar elements can be used to specify a meshing contour. In order to perform this operation select bars
forming a contour and click the Transform bars into a meshing contour button.
The selected bar elements must meet the following requirements:
lie in one plane;
have non-zero length;
do not have gaps, i.e. form a closed line without self-intersections.
Inner contours can be formed by bar elements or with the help of the Specify contour operation and
can be saved separately from the outer contour.
5.Creating a Design Model
If the selected bar elements do not meet the above requirements, the following message appears:
“Unambiguous determination of the contour for the selected bars is impossible”
Converting the Convex Hull of the Selected Nodes into the Meshing
The meshing contour can be specified as the boundary of the convex hull of the selected nodes. In
order to perform this operation you have to select nodes and click the Convert the convex hull of the
selected nodes into the meshing contour button.
The selected nodes must meet the following requirements:
the number of nodes must not be less than three;
lie in one plane;
do not lie on one line.
Enlarged elements and objects are created in the FORUM preprocessor and model such structural
members as columns, beams, floors, walls and roofs. A design model of the finite element method is
created by an automatic conversion of these objects into sets of finite elements. Meshing is used to convert
planar objects (floors, walls and roofs).
The program also enables to perform a non-automatic meshing of enlarged elements using the
considered operations. In this case each enlarged element is meshed individually and its faces are
considered as a contour (openings – as inner contours).
5. Creating a Design Model
Enlarged elements can have any shape and include any number of inner contours (openings) not in
contact with each other and not intersecting the outer contour.
The meshing of enlarged elements is performed in the following order:
− activate the meshing function in the Model section of the toolbar;
− click the Transform the contour elements into a meshing contour button;
− select an element by pointing at any part of the contour including the inner one. The selected
element will be highlighted in color (Fig. 5.12-3);
− click the Generate a triangular mesh of FE on the plane button , a dialog box will appear
where you have to specify the parameters of meshing. The meshing will be performed after closing
the dialog box by clicking the OK button.
Figure 5.12-4. Model obtained in the result of meshing of the enlarged element
The results of meshing must be applied to the model (Fig. 5.12-4) or saved as a separate model before
exiting the meshing mode.
Parameters of Meshing
Before performing the meshing you have to first select the method of meshing, specify the parameters and
(if necessary) stiffness properties of finite elements (by clicking the Rigidities button) in the Automatic
Meshing dialog box (see Fig. 5.12-5).
Depending on the selected method the meshing can be performed:
A — Only on specified nodes — new nodes are not created, meshing is performed in such a way
that it involves only the existing nodes on the contour and in the meshing area;
B — Without dividing the contour segments — the meshing area is divided into finite elements
with the specified maximum size of sides (meshing step) but without creating additional nodes on
the segments of the contour;
C — With dividing the contour — the meshing area and the contour are divided in accordance
with the specified step;
D — Only on contour nodes — the mesh of finite elements is generated only on the nodes of the
contour, nodes in the meshing area are not involved (even if they are within the area).
5.Creating a Design Model
Clicking the Rigidities button in the Automatic Meshing dialog box invokes the Rigidities of Plates
dialog box, where you can specify the stiffness properties of elements.
The model created in the result of meshing is actually an independent submodel, and after completing
the meshing it is necessary to attach it to the nodes of the design model which have been taken into account
when performing the meshing. This can be done by clicking the button — Apply the results of
meshing to the model.
5. Creating a Design Model
If the submodel has to be attached to other parts of the design model as well or to other models, it has
to be saved as a separate project under a unique name (different from the name of the main model) using
the button — Save the results of meshing.
If a new model has been created in the result of meshing, it can be attached to the main model in the
Assembly mode (see Sec. 5.13).
When performing the meshing of an area belonging to the existing design model, the contour is
specified directly on the model or on its fragment.
As long as the results of meshing are not applied to the model, they can be rejected by performing the
operation Rejection of the results of meshing — . This operation should be also used if after applying
the results of meshing to the model, you have to continue the work in the meshing mode.
Some Nuances
If bar elements including the contour ones are within the meshing area, they are divided into a
number of elements along the length in accordance with the specified meshing step.
All nodes within the meshing area which do not belong to the area of inner contours will be taken
into account when generating a mesh.
Meshing is not performed if there are duplicate nodes in the meshing area.
If after performing the meshing it is necessary to repeat the division of the given area, for
example, with a different step or method of meshing, you just have to invoke the operation
Generate a triangular mesh of FE on the plane — again without cancelling the previous
division and specify new parameters of meshing.
If for some reason it is necessary to repeat the input of the contour created earlier, you have to
first perform the operation Rejection of the results of meshing — , otherwise an error
message will be generated.
Mesh Refinement
It is necessary to perform the following actions to refine the mesh near the existing nodes:
− specify the meshing contour or select it from the list;
− click the button — Indicate mesh refinement nodes;
− select nodes near which the mesh is refined (the selected nodes will be highlighted);
− click the button — Generate a triangular mesh of FE on the plane;
− select the meshing mode in the Automatic Meshing dialog box and specify the mesh refinement
factor (from two to four);
− click the OK button in the dialog box.
Mesh refinement along the line is performed in the following order:
− specify the meshing contour or select it from the list;
− click the button — Indicate mesh refinement lines;
− input lines according to the rules similar to those for the input of bars (input lines will be displayed
in the colour of the contour);
− click the button — Generate a triangular mesh of FE on the plane;
5.Creating a Design Model
− select the meshing mode in the Automatic Meshing dialog box and specify the mesh refinement
factor (from two to four);
− click the OK button in the dialog box.
Mesh refinement can be performed simultaneously near the nodes and along the lines.
Figure 5.12-6. Nodes in the meshing area and contours created on their basis
As an example, let’s consider the meshing of an area lying in the XOY plane with nodes, the
coordinates of which are given in the following table:
Nodes of the outer contour Nodes of the inner contours
Node No. X Y Node No. X Y
1 0.0 0.0 7 3.0 3.0
2 20.0 0.0 8 12.0 3.0
3 20.0 12.0 9 12.0 9.0
4 32.0 12.0 10 3.0 9.0
5 32.0 24.0 11 15.0 12.0
6 0.0 24.0 12 17.0 12.0
13 17.0 15.0
14 28.0 15.0
15 28.0 19.0
16 15.0 19.0
Numbers of the input nodes and contours specified on their basis are shown in Fig. 5.12-6. Different
meshes shown in the figures below can be generated in the meshing area depending on the selected
The following meshes of finite elements will be obtained in the area given in the Figure 5.12-6
depending on the selected method of meshing:
5. Creating a Design Model
5.Creating a Design Model
5. Creating a Design Model
5.Creating a Design Model
The respective operation in the toolbar of the meshing control is used to assess the quality of the
obtained mesh of finite elements. Clicking this button invokes the menu, where you can select two
variants: meshing quality or geometrical characteristics of elements.
Assessment of three- and four-node elements is performed according to the following parameters:
i 1,2,3,4
configuration factor — is a value calculated by the formula (for quadrangles) and
i 1,2,3
(for triangles), where Li — length of the i-th side, S — area of the element;
4 3S
minimum angle in the element — it is used as a quality criterion;
maximum angle in the element — it is used as a quality criterion;
warping (flatness deviation) for four-node elements — a plane is created based on four points,
which approximates the vertices of the element in the best way. The maximum from the distances
from the vertices to the plane is calculated. The result is divided by the minimum side.
5. Creating a Design Model
If the meshing quality (it can be assessed with the help of the operation ) turns out to be not
satisfactory, you can try to improve it by clicking the button in the toolbar. The program will attempt
to move the nodes generated in the process of creating a finite element mesh in such a way so as to
improve its quality.
This operation is used to save the meshing contour in the GMSH format (free software for meshing).
After performing the meshing by this program the obtained mesh can be imported into SCAD (see Sec.
— Assembly mode
This mode enables to perform the generation of a design model by assembling it from several pre-
prepared models and/or groups of elements (the procedure of creating groups and work with them are
described in Sec. 6.6). Models used in the assembling can include in addition to the geometry other
5.Creating a Design Model
characteristics as well, for example constraints, rigidities, loads, etc., which in the result of the assembly
will be included in the resulting model. The model the other models are attached to will be called the main
one, and the attached models will be called submodels. Even one node can be used as the main model, and
any other model, including the main one, and groups of elements can be used as a submodel.
The toolbar in the assembly mode (Fig. 5.13-1) includes the following buttons:
— select a method of assembling;
— activate the main model;
— activate the attached model;
— assemble.
Figure 5.13-1. Toolbar of the assembly mode Figure 5.13-2. Toolbar of the window of the
submodel in the assembly mode
5. Creating a Design Model
Submodel used in the assembly is loaded into a separate window. Toolbar of the window of the
submodel (Fig. 5.13-2) includes a button for selecting a group of elements used as a submodel — ,a
button for loading a design model of the submodel — , and also a button for selecting one of the
design models loaded earlier as a submodel — . In the latter case it can be the main model used
simultaneously as a submodel.
It is recommended to follow this procedure of assembly:
− click the button — Assembly mode in the Model section, the panel of the assembly mode
(Fig. 5.13-1) will appear in the toolbar of the main window, and the window for loading a submodel
will appear in the work area;
− load the submodel using one of the buttons in the toolbar of the window of the submodel (the
standard Open dialog box can be used to load another design model as a submodel);
−click the button — Select a method of assembling;
−select a method and rules of assembling in the Model Assembling dialog box (Fig. 5.13-3);
−close the dialog box by clicking the OK button;
−depending on the selected method of assembling indicate one, two or three junction nodes in the
model and click the OK button in the toolbar of the main window.
Once the assembling is performed, the resulting model is output in the window of the main model and
the Result dialog box appears where you have to select a variant for continuing the work (Fig. 5.13-4).
The first option is Confirm assembling. A new main
model will be generated in the result of combining the main
model and the submodel in accordance with the selected rules
of assembling.
Second option — Deny assembling. In the result the
main model will remain the same as before the assembly.
Third option — Rotate (submodel). The submodel will
Figure 5.13-4. The Result dialog box take a new position with respect to the junction node/nodes,
which is formed by rotating 180 degrees around the junction
nodes or the axis of rotation specified earlier (when there is
only one junction node).
If groups of elements are used as a submodel (the
assembling can be performed simultaneously with several
groups), they can be selected in the Groups of Elements
dialog box (Fig. 5.13-5). Groups selected in the list are
displayed in the design model in red. After closing the dialog
box by clicking the OK button these groups will be loaded into
the window of the submodel.
5.Creating a Design Model
Methods of Assembling
Joining by three nodes implies the selection of three nodes in the model and the submodel and can be
carried out in two ways — Snap to two nodes or Matching of three nodes. The method of assembling is
specified by enabling the respective radio button in the Joining by three nodes group.
When the first method is used, the submodel is snapped to two nodes — the red one and the green
one, and the yellow node defines the plane (direction) of the assembly. In this case the model can take two
positions with respect to the junction nodes, therefore the Rotate operation described above may be useful
after performing the assembly.
The second method of assembling implies matching of three nodes of the model and the submodel
which defines the position of the submodel unambiguously.
Snap to two nodes is performed by merging junction nodes of the same color in the model and the
submodel. Obviously, in this case the submodel may occupy any position with respect to the junction
nodes, and in order to define it unambiguously it is necessary to specify the rotation angle of the submodel
about the axis passing through these nodes.
If when assembling by two nodes the distances between the respective nodes of the model and the
submodel are not equal, the submodel is scaled by a factor equal to the ratio of distances between the
junction nodes of the submodel and the model.
Snap to one node is performed by merging the junction nodes in the model and the submodel with a
simultaneous rotation of the submodel by a given angle about the specified axis passing through the
junction node and parallel to the respective axis of the global coordinate system. If you check the Multiple
assembling checkbox, then several nodes for snapping the submodel can be indicated in the main model.
The submodel will be snapped to each of them by its selected node.
Snap to the point with the specified coordinates is performed similarly to the connection by one
node. A point with the specified coordinates the selected node of the submodel is attached to plays the role
of the node in the main model.
Rules of Assembling
The assembly can be performed according to different rules and with the specified accuracy of merging the
nodes. The accuracy of merging defines which nodes should be considered as duplicate. If after performing
the assembly the distance between the node of the model and the node of the submodel is less than or equal
to the specified value of accuracy, such nodes are merged into one node in the mode of merging the
duplicate nodes.
If the Delete duplicate elements checkbox is checked in the Model Assembling dialog box (see
Fig. 5.13-3), from two matching elements of the main model and the submodel (elements are considered to
be matching if all their nodes match) only the element of the main model remains in the resulting model.
This element will have the same characteristics as the element of the main model. Loads of the matching
element of the submodel will be added to the loads of the element of the main model. If the Delete
duplicate elements checkbox is not checked, the resulting model will simultaneously contain all elements
of the model and the submodel.
If the Delete duplicate nodes radio button is enabled, all nodes of the submodel matching those of
the main model will be deleted. Constraints and loads applied in the nodes will correspond to those
specified in the main model.
If the There is no constraint between the duplicate nodes radio button is enabled, the resulting
model will contain all nodes of both models without any constraints between them.
If the "Hinged" connection in nodes radio button is enabled, hinges will be installed between the
matching nodes in the directions the constraints are not imposed on. In the result merged displacements
5. Creating a Design Model
between the node of the model and the submodel are specified in the directions of the constraints.
Constraints are specified by checking the respective checkboxes in the Merge the displacements for
Rigidities of the attached submodels are packed in the course of assembling. The Combine identical
rigidities with different names checkbox enables to "affect" the packing process.
Let’s consider another effective method of creating a design model, the effect of which is based on
copying a model-prototype with a given step and direction. You can copy a finished model, i.e. with the
5.Creating a Design Model
specified stiffness properties, hinges, constraints, loads, etc., or a model with only a few characteristics
The copying mode is invoked by clicking the respective button in the Model section. The copying can
be performed according to different rules.
The simplest case – a model is just repeated a given number of times. The control of duplicate nodes
and elements is performed in this process, and if the Delete duplicate elements checkbox is checked, they
are removed from the resulting model.
When copying a model with the selected nodes and elements the type of the selected objects is
converted according to the following rules:
if nodes have been selected in the model-prototype, a bar element connecting a node with its
respective node in the copy is generated from each of these nodes;
if bar elements have been selected in the model-prototype, each selected bar will generate a plate
element (three-node — type 42 or four-node — type 44), the size of which in the direction of
copying will be equal to the specified step of copying;
if plate elements have been selected in the model-prototype, each selected element will generate a
solid element (type 36, 33 or 34), the size of which in the direction of copying will be equal to the
specified step of copying (see Sec. 5.16).
Rules for transformations of the selected objects will also hold for any combination of them.
In those cases when a fragment of the design model is displayed in the window and this operation is
invoked, a drop-down menu appears where you can select whether to copy the whole model or its visible
fragment. In the first case, i.e. when the whole model is copied, the operation will be applied to all nodes
and elements of the design model according to the above rules regardless of whether they are included in
the visible fragment or not. When the visible fragment is copied, — the above actions will be performed
only with the nodes and elements of the fragment.
Another type of copying is performed by mirroring the whole model or its visible part along the
selected axis with respect to the origin of the global coordinate system. The operation will be performed
according to the same rules as the copying in the specified direction.
The Copy the Model dialog box (Fig. 5.14-1)
enables to specify the direction of copying:
in a straight line along one of the axes of the
global coordinate system;
along a circular arc about the given axis (the axis
of rotation passes through the origin of the
global coordinate system);
The steps of repetitions of prototypes and the
number of repetitions for each step are specified for the
first two operations as the parameters of copying (when
copying along an arc a central angle is specified in
degrees as a step).
The mirroring of the prototype is performed by
changing the sign of the nodes’ coordinates of the copy
corresponding to the axis along which the mirroring is
performed. Since the position of the copy in the result of
mirroring depends on the position of the origin of the
Figure 5.14-1. The Copy the Model dialog box global coordinate system, it is necessary to move the
5. Creating a Design Model
Figure 5.14-2. Model-prototype Figure 5.14-3. Model after the copying operation
Models can be copied with the generation of new elements and without the generation of new
elements, the procedure in these cases is somewhat different.
When a model is copied without the generation of new elements:
5.Creating a Design Model
− activate the copying mode by clicking the button in the Model section;
− specify the parameters of copying, rules for working with the copies, and click the OK button in
the Copy Model dialog box (Fig. 5.14-1);
− after performing the copying confirm the results or reject them.
When a model is copied with the generation of new elements:
− use a group of control buttons of selection of elements and nodes , located in the left
corner of the status bar (or in the Control the Selection panel), to select nodes bars should be
generated from, bar elements which should produce plates, and plates solid elements should be
generated from in the prototype;
− activate the copying mode by clicking the button in the Model section;
− specify the parameters of copying, rules for working with the copies, and click the OK button in
the Copy Model dialog box;
− after performing the copying confirm the results or reject them.
Let’s consider several examples of performing the copy
operation. In the first case copy the model-prototype (Fig. 5.14-
2) 5 times in the direction of the Z axis with a step of 3 m.
Resulting model (rotated for better visualization by 60) is
shown in Fig. 5.14-3.
Figure 5.14-4. Model-prototype In the next example a bar structure with a parabolic upper
chord is used as a model-prototype (Fig. 5.14-4).
5. Creating a Design Model
a) b)
Figure 5.14-7. Copying a fragment of the model (a) by mirroring with respect to the origin of the
global coordinate system along the X axis (b)
An example of copying the fragment of the model by
mirroring is given in Figure 5.14-7. The resulting model is
shown in Figure 5.14-8. It should be noted that the elements are
generated from the selected nodes and elements in this mode
according to the same rules as when copying in a straight line
and along a circular arc.
Besides copying a full model it is possible to copy its fragment as well. Any part of the model
consisting of the selected elements can be considered as a fragment. When you copy a fragment the bars
are not generated from the selected nodes, plates – from the selected bars, and solid elements – from the
selected plates. The Copy the Fragment of the Model dialog box enables to specify the steps of
repetitions of the selected fragment, the number of repetitions for each step, and the rules for working with
the copy. When copying along an arc a central angle is specified as a step.
5.Creating a Design Model
Select all the elements of the prototype and activate the copy operation by clicking the button in
the Model section. Specify the direction of copying — Z, number of repetitions of the prototype and the
step in the Copy the Model dialog box. A design model shown in Fig. 5.16-2 will be generated after
clicking the OK button.
You can also create a model by copying a prototype along a circular arc. The origin of the global
coordinate system should be determined in such a way so that the axis of rotation does not intersect the
elements of the prototype.
Figure 5.16-1. Design model from plate elements used Figure 5.16-2. Design model from solid elements
as a prototype
The set of geometric transformations enables to modify the geometry of the design model or of its
fragment by changing the coordinates of nodes. The set includes: transfer of the coordinates of nodes,
rotation about the given axis, scaling and mirroring.
Clicking the respective button in the Model
section of the toolbar invokes the Geometric
Transformations dialog box (Fig. 5.17-1).
If the transformations refer to the whole
model, they will be performed after clicking the
OK button in the dialog box. If you want to
transform a fragment (group of nodes), you have
to first select nodes, and then assign and perform
the necessary operation.
This operation enables to move nodes on the specified distance from the initial position. If no nodes are
selected in the model, the transfer will be performed for the whole model. In those cases when a group of
nodes is selected in the model, only the nodes of the group will be moved. In order to perform this function
activate the Move option, specify the increments of coordinates and confirm them by clicking the OK
button in the dialog box.
5. Creating a Design Model
Moreover, you can also use the moving operation, where the distances are defined by a vector given
by two nodes. In order to perform such a moving activate the respective option in the dialog box and click
the OK button. If you click on the first node of the vector and stretch the rubber band to the second node,
the moving will be performed after clicking on the second node.
Scaling (Full)
It performs the scaling of the model or of its part selected as a group of nodes in all directions along the
axes of the global coordinate system in accordance with the specified scaling factor.
Scaling will be performed automatically after clicking the OK button in the dialog box.
Figure 5.17-3. Model of the beam after The model obtained in the result of the above actions is
rotating the group of nodes by 12º shown in Fig. 5.17-3.
5. Creating a Design Model
Example 3
Use the design model of a cylinder (Fig. 5.17-6) to
illustrate the possibilities of scaling in the given plane. Double
the diameter of two upper and two lower chords of the
To do this, perform the following actions:
− select nodes of these chords;
− invoke the Geometric transformations;
− invoke the operation of scaling in the given plane;
− specify the scaling factor equal to 2;
Figure 5.17-6. Initial model of the − click the OK button;
cylinder − select three nodes in the model which lie in the scaling
plane (in this case in the horizontal plane).
Operation will be performed after selecting the third node.
Model-result of geometric transformations is shown with
removal of lines of the invisible contour in Fig. 5.17-7.
Please note that trapezoidal elements have appeared after
performing the scaling operations. If these elements were
specified as rectangular (type 41) in the model-prototype, they
have to be changed to type 44.
5.Creating a Design Model
Example 4
This example illustrates the mirroring operations. The
initial design model is given in Fig. 5.17-8, a. Perform the
successive operations of mirroring it with respect to the X, Y,
Z axes (Fig. 5.17-8, b-d).
A group of nodes can be mirrored as well, though this
operation is very rare and can be applied only to a separate
fragment of the design model.
b) c) d)
Figure 5.17-8. Initial design model (a) and the results of successive mirroring with respect to the X, Y, Z
axes (b–d).
5. Creating a Design Model
A design model or its part can be created using grid lines. The program enables to specify grid lines
consisting of several sections, each of which may have one of the following four types: rectangular,
rectangular rotated by a given angle, oblique or polar. Elevations are common to all sections and are
specified once when describing the first section.
Parameters of the axes are specified in the multi-tab Specify Grid Lines dialog box (Fig. 5.18-1).
Figure 5.18-1. The Specify Grid Figure 5.18-2. The Specify Grid Lines
Lines dialog box dialog box (the Longitudinal Division
(the Grid Parameters tab) tab)
The Grid Parameters tab enables to specify the type of grid lines and the name of the section, as well
as the coordinates of the snap point of the section of grid lines in the global coordinate system of the
model. The rules for displaying the marks of grid lines are defined by the checked checkboxes. Moreover,
depending on the type of grid lines the following data can be specified in this tab:
rectangular grid rotated by a given angle — the angle of rotation of the section with respect to its
snap point (hereinafter positive direction – counterclockwise);
oblique grid — the angle of rotation of the grid section with respect to its snap point and the inner
polar grid — the angle of rotation of the X axis with respect to the snap point of the section.
The Longitudinal Division (Fig. 5.18-2) and Transverse Division tabs are used to specify data
necessary to generate grid lines in the Y-direction and in the X-direction respectively. Division along the Z
axis and the snap of the elevation of the lower level (reference mark) are specified in the Elevations tab.
Names of grid lines can be generated automatically or specified by the user. It is assumed by default
that longitudinal grid lines are labeled with numbers in the ascending order from 1, and transverse ones –
with letters in alphabetical order. The drop-down list in the tabs of longitudinal and transverse division can
be used to change the order assumed by default. The list includes three items “1, 2, 3…”, “A, B, C…” and
“Specified”. For example, if you select the "A, B, C ..." item in the list for the longitudinal grid lines
without changing it for the transverse ones, then both grid lines will be labeled in the same way – with
letters in alphabetical order.
In order to specify the labeling order different from the default one you have to specify new names,
which may include up to three characters, in the Grid Line Names dialog box, which can be invoked by
5.Creating a Design Model
clicking the Names of grid lines defined by the user button (Fig. 5.18-5). The “Specified” item will be
selected automatically if any changes have been made to the “standard” labeling of grid lines.
The filter — Display grid lines is used to control the display of grid lines. The operations of
control of display are described in Sec. 10.2. It should be noted here that the software provides different
variants of the output of grid lines: all sections simultaneously or in any combination of them, entirely or
selecting a fragment of any section, etc.
5. Creating a Design Model
Figure 5.18-4. The Grid Line Control dialog box Figure 5.18-5. The Grid Line Names dialog box
5.Creating a Design Model
This section considers the operations of creating, adjusting and using the trajectories during the generation
of the design model.
The trajectory is represented by a set of nodes arranged in a certain order. In order to make it
convenient to represent the trajectory in the graphical editor, the nodes are connected by segments, which
are not considered as independent objects, and do not affect the characteristics of the design model. The
trajectory is an auxiliary element (type 1101) which can be generated both when creating a design model,
and attached to the model using the assembly operation.
The main purpose of the trajectory in the process of the generation of the geometry of the design
model is to specify the direction in which the copied prototype has to be moved. Most of the other
parameters are identical to those in the operations of copying in a straight line.
5. Creating a Design Model
activation of the operation, supplemented by a number in the order of creating the element. The first
created trajectory gets the initial name.
5.Creating a Design Model
Regardless of the variant of copying along the trajectory the copies can be arranged preserving their initial
position with respect to the trajectory. It can be done by checking the respective checkbox.
Graphics editor, which is invoked by clicking the button , enables to specify a design model of a bar
structure or of its fragment using a set of graphics operations similar to those in the 2D AutoCAD
(AutoCAD Light) environment. The authors of the system were not trying to replace such recognized
graphical tools as AutoCAD, Micro Station, and the like. The goal was more modest – to enable the
experts and amateurs of these graphic systems to work in a familiar environment. The graphics editor is
described in detail in Sec. 30.7.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
Any activated operation with nodes and elements will be active until we cancel it by
clicking the button in the Nodes and Elements toolbar or select another operation.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
— reset data input filters — all filters are reset to the default initial state;
— invert the selection of nodes — is used to simultaneously change the state of selection of all the
nodes visible on the screen to the opposite one (nodes selected earlier will be deselected, and all the other
ones will be selected);
— invert the selection of elements — is used to simultaneously change the state of selection of all the
elements visible on the screen to the opposite one (elements selected earlier will be deselected, and all the
other ones will be selected);
— select a group of elements — activates the selection of elements;
— select a group of nodes — activates the selection of nodes;
— select objects in the model from the tables — this option enables to select the objects in the
design model by indicating them in the interactive tables (with the initial data and the results);
— display only the selected objects in the tables — the interactive tables will display only the
information on the objects selected in the design model;
— select objects for displaying information — this option is used in those cases when the Display
information on the model only for the selected elements and nodes checkbox is checked in the settings.
In this case, a special selection operation is used which is not related to the execution of any actions with
the selected objects, except for the output of the related information on the model.
Selection of the cursor and the settings of the selection control options can be also performed with the
help of the menu. It is convenient to use a menu in cases when only one action is performed, such as the
selection of the type of cursor or activation of one option. This is due to the fact that after selecting the
necessary item the menu is closed.
a) b) c) d)
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
When selecting nodes or elements with the mouse, you can use the Shift and Ctrl keys, which change
the rules for selecting nodes/elements. When the Shift key is pressed, the previously selected
nodes/elements are not deselected, and the nodes/elements which were not previously selected become
selected. When the Ctrl key is pressed, the previously selected nodes/elements are deselected, and the
nodes/elements which were not previously selected are not selected.
Right-clicking on the Select nodes/elements buttons ( , ) invokes a menu which enables to select
nodes belonging to the selected elements or select elements adjacent to the selected nodes.
Objects can be also selected by rectangular and polygonal marquees. Nodes will be selected if they
are within the marquee area. In order to select elements, all their nodes have to be within the marquee area.
Rigid bodies are an exception. In order to select it, you just have to indicate one of its nodes or lines
connecting the master node and one of the slave nodes. The selected nodes and elements are highlighted in
The following rules for working with cursors have to be taken into account when selecting nodes and
the assigned combination of filters of cursors is not reset automatically, and the filters will be
active until you change or cancel the specification. The current state of filters is displayed by icons
in the Control the Selection toolbar;
the selected type of cursor will be active until a new operation is selected;
when selecting objects you can change the type of cursor many times;
clicking on the selected object for the second time deselects it.
The Invert the selection of nodes and Invert the selection of elements operations are used to select
all the nodes or elements visible on the screen respectively.
Figure 6.1-3. The Nodes in the Cursor Target Figure 6.1-4. The Elements in the
dialog box Cursor Target dialog box
If when selecting one node or element, there are several objects in the cursor target at once, all of
them will be given in the lists in the Nodes in the Cursor Target or Elements in the Cursor Target
dialog box (Fig. 6.1-3 and 6.1-4). In order to select a particular node or element you have to indicate it in
the respective list and click the Select button. If several nodes have close but not equal coordinates, a node
should be selected according to the values of its coordinates which are displayed in the respective fields of
the Coordinates of the node group. Coordinates of nodes are displayed in the output fields with the
accuracy and in the units of measurement specified in the Units of Measurement tab of the Parameters
dialog box (see Sec. 31.1), and can be changed.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
Operations with nodes are invoked from the Nodes section (Fig. 6.2-1) of the Nodes and Elements
Figure 6.2-1. The Nodes section of the Nodes and Elements toolbar
The following operations with nodes are implemented in the software:
— delete nodes;
— restore deleted nodes;
— create nodes;
— create additional nodes between nodes;
— move nodes;
— merge duplicate nodes;
— generate nodes along an arc;
— move the origin;
— create nodes at the specified distance from the selected ones;
— replace a node in elements;
— select nodes;
— generate nodes at the intersection of grid lines;
— pack data;
— generate generators by the formula;
— move nodes to the given plane;
— round the node coordinates;
— renumbering nodes;
— copy node properties.
The Nodes filter button is used to display nodes on the design model.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
Create Nodes
This operation enables to create one or more nodes located at the same distance from each other by
specifying their coordinates. Initial data are specified in the Create Nodes dialog box, which appears on
the screen after invoking the operation (Fig. 6.2-2). A special feature of this window is that it does not
close and remains available all the time when the operation of input is used.
When the Create nodes operation is invoked the Nodes visualization filter for displaying nodes
on the screen is enabled automatically.
In order to create one node you just have to specify its coordinates in the fields of the left part of the
window and click the Add button.
The presence of the repeater enables to create a group of nodes at once. In order to do it, perform the
following actions:
− specify the coordinates of the first node of the group (X, Y, Z) in the text fields of the coordinates;
− check the Repeat checkbox;
− specify the number of repetitions in the N field;
− specify the values of the step of repetition in one or more directions (X, Y, Z) in the text fields
for the increments of coordinates;
− click the Add button.
Nodes are created in the axes of the global coordinate
system of the design model. The Automatic transfer of the
origin into the last created node option moves the origin and
the coordinates are now measured from this node.
You can specify the nodes that lie on a straight line, the
position of which is defined by the coordinates of the first
node and the increment of these coordinates. This line can be
also rotated about one of the axes of the global coordinate
system. The center of rotation is at the origin of the global
coordinate system. Changing the direction of input of nodes is
invoked by the respective option and enables to rotate the
nodes by the given angle about the specified axis of the global
coordinate system. If a group of nodes is input using a
repeater, all the nodes of this group will lie on a straight line
Figure 6.2-2. The Create Nodes dialog passing through the origin and rotated by a given angle.
box Constraints can be specified in the nodes simultaneously
with the input. The respective button is used for this purpose,
clicking which invokes the Constraints dialog box (see Sec.
The operation of selecting coordinates of a node
enables to obtain the coordinates of the node by specifying its
number in the Node number field of the Select Node dialog
box (Fig. 6.2-3), and is used in cases when the increments are
measured from the node created earlier. Once this dialog box
Figure 6.2-3. The Select Node dialog is closed the coordinates of the node will appear in the X, Y, Z
box text fields.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
Delete Nodes
Despite the fact that the OK button has been already used a number of times, we
will remind you that only your "own" button can be used to perform this operation,
i.e. set in the respective section of the toolbar.
This operation enables to add new nodes on the line passing through two selected nodes. After
invoking the operation the Create Additional Nodes between Nodes dialog box appears (Fig. 6.2-4),
where you have to select one of the following five operations:
— create one node dividing the interval between two selected nodes in the given ratio
— create several nodes dividing the interval between two selected nodes into N equal
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
— create one node at the given distance from the first selected node;
— create one node at the given distance from the second selected node;
— dividing the interval between two selected nodes into equal segments of the given
length (the remainder is attached to the second selected node).
In order to select the operation enable the respective radio button in the dialog box and specify the
numerical characteristics. It is necessary to perform the following operations after you close the dialog box
by clicking the OK button:
− select the first node (it is significant which node is selected first for the first, third, fourth and fifth
− select the second node;
− click the OK button in the Nodes section of the toolbar or press the Enter key.
In the icons of the operations where the order of the selection of nodes is important the first selected
node is shown in green, and the second one – in yellow. Constraints can be specified in the nodes
simultaneously with the input. The respective button is used for this purpose, clicking which invokes the
Constraints dialog box (see Sec. 7.4).
Figure 6.2-4. The Create Additional Nodes between Nodes dialog box
This operation enables to create nodes. When the new nodes are created on bar
elements, the latter are not divided. Special operations in the Elements toolbar are used
to divide bars.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
Move Nodes
This operation is used to move a node into the point with the specified coordinates (to actually change
the coordinates of the node) or to move several selected nodes in the given vector.
When moving several nodes each i-th node is
moved in space into the point determined by adding
the current coordinates of this node (Xi, Yi, Zi) with
increments specified for each direction (X, Y, Z).
In the result all the selected nodes are moved over the
given distance. The parameters of transfer are specified
in the Move Nodes dialog box (Fig. 6.2-5).
Moreover, you can also use the move operation, where the increments of coordinates are defined by a
vector given by two nodes. In order to perform such a movement activate the respective option in the
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
dialog box and click the OK button. Select the nodes you want to move and click the OK button in the
Nodes section of the Nodes and Elements toolbar (or press the Enter key). Then click on the first node of
the vector and stretch the rubber band to the second node; the movement will be performed after clicking
the OK button in the toolbar.
If you use the operation of moving nodes, you have to make sure that there are
no unacceptable changes of the shape of finite elements in the result.
In the result of this operation only one node from each group of nodes with the same coordinates will
be left in the model, and the others will be deleted. In the elements adjacent to the deleted nodes the
numbers of the deleted nodes will be replaced with the numbers of the nodes remaining in the model.
The rules for merging are specified in the Pack Data dialog
box, which appears after invoking the operation and includes the
following options:
Merge only the selected nodes — only the nodes selected
before invoking the operation are merged;
Combine the load when packing nodes — the loads from
all the duplicate nodes are added and applied to the node
which remains in the model;
Merge duplicate nodes with the specified merged
displacements — nodes are merged and the index of
merged displacements is deleted if the model does not
have any other nodes included into the same group of
merged displacements;
Merge duplicate nodes if they belong to the same finite
element — after the node is deleted the element does not
change its type automatically.
The operation is performed after you close the dialog box
by clicking the OK button and does not require the confirmation
by clicking the similar button in the toolbar.
Nodes are considered as duplicate if the distance between
Figure 6.2-7. The Pack Data dialog them is less than the value of the accuracy of estimation of the
box duplicate nodes specified in the Pack Data dialog box.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
Once this operation is invoked, the dialog box (Fig. 6.2-9) appears on the screen, where you have to
use the respective radio buttons to select the rule for specifying the point the origin is moved into. If you
have selected the transfer into the given node, then after closing the dialog box you have to select this node
in the model and click the OK button in the toolbar.
If the origin is moved into the point with the given
coordinates, then these coordinates are specified in the
respective text fields of the dialog box, and the origin will be
moved after closing the dialog box by clicking the OK button.
The button enables to invoke the dialog box (see Fig. 6.2-
3), where you can specify the number of the node. After
closing this dialog box the coordinates of this node will appear
in the X, Y, Z text fields, and will be used as the new origin.
Figure 6.2-9. The Move the Origin
dialog box
This operation is often used when performing geometric transformations, for example when rotating a
part of the model by the given angle. Since it is performed by rotating a group of nodes (and therefore – the
elements attached to them as well) about the origin of the global coordinate system, the result will depend
on the position of the center of rotation.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
The operation enables to create new nodes, each of which will be located at the given distance from
the nodes-prototypes selected in the model. Once the operation is invoked, the Create Nodes at the
Specified Distance from the Selected Ones dialog box appears. It contains the table where you have to
specify the distances in the form of increments to the coordinates of the selected nodes and the number of
repetitions (Fig. 6.2-10). If a few lines are filled in the table, the values specified in them are treated as
increments to the coordinates of the nodes input according to the values of the previous line.
Figure 6.2-10. The Create Nodes at the Specified Distance from the Selected Ones dialog box
In order to perform the operation you have to specify all the necessary information in the dialog box,
close the dialog box, select the nodes-prototypes in the model and click the OK button in the toolbar.
Constraints can be specified in the nodes simultaneously with the input. The respective button is used
for this purpose, clicking which invokes the Constraints dialog box (see Sec.7.4).
New lines can be added to the table by clicking the Add button. The selected lines are deleted by
clicking the Delete button.
This operation enables to replace the node all the elements are adjacent to by another one.
The node you want to replace should be selected first (it is highlighted in red), and then the node it
will be replaced by (it is highlighted in green), and click the OK button in the toolbar. Once the operation
is performed, the node highlighted in red is not deleted.
If both selected nodes belong to the same finite element, a replacement will be
executed only after the user's confirmation, since it will lead to the appearance of a
degenerate element. You have to make sure that there are no unacceptable changes
of the shape of finite elements in the result.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
Select Nodes
You can use this option in cases when it is necessary (or convenient) to select nodes before invoking
the operation you want to perform with these nodes, for example, when copying or performing the
geometric transformations. After invoking this option you can use any cursor to select nodes. The selection
can be canceled by clicking the Rejection button in the Nodes section of the toolbar or the Reset all
marks button in the Display Filters toolbar.
The Control the Selection toolbar also contains this button (see Sec. 6.1).
This operation enables to create nodes at the intersection of grid lines in the given area of the grid.
The elevations are considered as the coordinates of nodes along the Z axis. The created nodes can be used
for all operations of input available in the software.
The control of the creation of nodes is performed in the Create Nodes at the Intersection of Grid
Lines dialog box (Fig. 6.2-11). You can create nodes in the area bounded by the specified marks of the
grid lines of the beginning – left list, and the end – the right list for each grid and each direction of grid
lines of a particular grid. Before specifying the area of the grid where the nodes are created, it is necessary
to uncheck The whole interval checkbox in the line corresponding to this grid (Fig. 6.2-11). Uncheck the
Involved in the intersection checkbox if you want to completely eliminate the creation of nodes at the
intersection of grid lines.
Figure 6.2-11. The Create Nodes at the Intersection of Grid Lines dialog box
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
Figure 6.2-12. Grid lines with nodes at the intersections of grid lines
In order to prevent the appearance of duplicate nodes at the intersection of grid lines check the Do not
create nodes in the places of other nodes checkbox.
This operation enables to generate nodes along a generator defined by the function а = f(b) and lying
in one of the planes of the global coordinate system. Once the operation is invoked the Generate a
Generator by the Formula dialog box (Fig. 6.2-13) appears, where you have to enter the formula of the
generator, select the plane the nodes will lie in, specify the initial (Beg.) and final (End) values of the
argument of the function, and also the number of nodes (Numb.) on the generator.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
− select the Reduce coordinates of all the selected nodes to the coordinate of the selected node
radio button;
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button, and select the node with the necessary value of the
coordinate in the model;
− click the OK button in the toolbar.
Clicking the button invokes the Select Node dialog box (see Fig. 6.2-3), which enables to specify
the node one of the coordinates of which is used as a coordinate for snapping the selected nodes. This
operation is usually necessary in those cases when the model is obtained in the result of importing the data
from the graphic systems. It often happens so that the nodes which have to lie in one plane are in fact in its
vicinity. Such an “inaccuracy” may result for example in non-planar four-node elements.
If you first select nodes in the model, two types of transformations — Move to the line and Move to
the plane, will be available in the drop-down menu which appears after invoking the Move nodes to the
given plane operation. If you select Move to the line, you have to select two nodes in the model which
define a line in space and click the OK button in the toolbar. In the result all the selected nodes will be
projected and moved to this line. When the Move to the plane operation is selected, you have to select
three nodes in the model which do not lie on the same line and define a plane in space. After clicking the
OK button all the selected nodes will be projected and moved to this plane.
This operation enables to round the coordinates of nodes of the design model with the specified
accuracy. When the operation is invoked, the Round the Node Coordinates dialog box (Fig. 6.2-16)
appears, where you have to specify the accuracy of rounding. Once the dialog box is closed by clicking the
OK button, the coordinates of nodes will be rounded with the specified accuracy. If you want to round the
coordinates only of a certain set of nodes, these nodes should be selected and the respective checkbox
should be checked in the dialog box.
You might need to round the coordinates of nodes after loading a model from graphics editors or
design systems.
If the model includes planar elements which do not lie in the planes of the principal
coordinate system, using this operation may distort their shape (for example, some
nodes may be moved from the original plane).
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
Renumbering Nodes
The operation enables to renumber the nodes of the design model in accordance with the rules
selected by the user. The numbering can be performed in such a way so that the preselected nodes get the
minimum numbers, and the deleted nodes are placed in the end of the list. For all other nodes or only the
selected ones (if the Renumber only the selected nodes checkbox is checked) the rules for renumbering
are set in the table (see figure 6.2-17).
The operation is used in those cases when properties similar to those of the sample node have to be
assigned to several nodes of the design model. The set of copied properties includes:
merged displacements;
belonging to the groups;
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
Figure 6.2-18. The Copy Node Figure 6.2-19. The Parameters for Copying dialog box
Properties dialog box
The Copy Node Properties dialog box (Fig. 6.2-18) appears after invoking this operation. It contains
two groups of controls. The Sample node group provides the selection and visualization of a node the
properties of which are copied, and the Inheriting nodes group provides the selection and visualization of
nodes which obtain the properties of the sample node.
The copying enables to assign certain properties of the sample to the “inheriting nodes”, which can be
selected in the Parameters for Copying dialog box (Fig. 6.2-19). The dialog box can be invoked by
clicking the respective button after selecting the “sample” and “inheriting nodes”.
A set of properties is assigned with the help of checkboxes in the Main properties group in this
dialog box. Moreover, the rules for copying loads (loadings or groups, all or selectively) can be specified
in the Loads group. When the loads are copied selectively, the names of the copied loadings or groups are
selected from the respective lists. The following procedure is recommended for copying:
− specify the number of the sample node in the Node No. field in the Copy Node Properties dialog
box and click the Select button. The selected node will be highlighted in green in the model. If it is
more convenient to perform this action with the help of the cursor, click the Indication on the
model button and select the necessary node with the cursor;
− specify the numbers of the inheriting nodes in the List of nodes field and click the Select button to
select these nodes in the model. If it is more convenient to perform the selection with the help of
the cursor, click the Indication on the model button before performing this action;
− invoke the dialog box for assigning the properties to the inheriting nodes by clicking the
Parameters for copying button and specify the set of copied properties in it;
− click the Perform button in the Copy Node Properties dialog box after selecting all inheriting
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
Operations with elements are invoked from the Elements section (Fig. 6.3-1) of the Nodes and
Elements toolbar.
Figure 6.3-1. The Elements section of the Nodes and Elements toolbar
The Elements section of the Nodes and Elements toolbar includes a group of buttons which enable
to perform the following operations:
— add plate;
— add bars;
— add solid elements;
— add bars taking into account the intermediate nodes;
— create elements along an arc;
— delete elements;
— restore deleted elements;
— bar division;
— divide bars at the intersection point;
— division of 4-node plates;
— division of 4-node plates into 3-node ones;
— division of 3-node plates;
— division of solid elements;
— division of plates taking into account the intermediate nodes;
— division of bars taking into account the intermediate nodes;
— combine two bar elements;
— separate elements;
— move the element;
— attach additional nodes to the elements;
— detach all additional nodes from the faces of the elements;
— merge duplicate elements;
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
— pack data;
— select elements;
— divide plates along the intersection line;
— combine 3-node elements into 4-node ones;
— extend the bar to the plate;
— chamfer bars;
— create a bar perpendicular to the selected one;
— divide bars by a polygon;
— renumbering elements;
— copy element properties;
— improve the meshing quality;
— meshing quality;
— export polygon from the selected plates.
Create Plates
This operation is used to add three- and four-node plate elements to the model (snap them to the
already created nodes). The software enables to create elements with pre-specified characteristics and with
"default" characteristics.
The characteristics can be specified in the Create Plate Elements dialog box (Fig. 6.3-2), which is
invoked by clicking the Add plate button. You can specify the following characteristics in this dialog box:
number of nodes of the created elements (three or four);
rule for calculating the forces (in the centers of elements or in the centers and nodes of elements);
stiffness properties (the Rigidity checkbox and the respective button);
direction of the force output (the Direction of forces checkbox and the respective button);
type of element (the Type of element button);
characteristics of the elastic subgrade (the Elastic subgrade checkbox and the respective button).
The nodes are selected and the elements are created after closing the dialog box by clicking the OK
The rules for specifying the above characteristics are given in the respective sections (see Chapter 7).
The elements will have these characteristics until you invoke the Add plate operation again. Some
characteristics may be not specified when creating the elements, in this case they will be taken “by
If the Provide the positive direction of the local Z axis checkbox is checked, regardless of the
sequence of selection of nodes the new element will be added in such a way that the local Z1 axis will have
a positive direction (if the nodes were selected in a sequence which ensures the fulfillment of the given
condition, it will be taken into account when creating the element).
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
Create Bars
This operation is performed according to the same rules as the previous one and enables to add bar
elements to the model (snap them to the already created nodes). The software enables to create elements
with pre-specified characteristics and with "default" characteristics.
In order to specify the characteristics before creating the elements you have to click the Add bars
button by pointing with the cursor at the icon with the image of the bar, the Create Bar Elements dialog
box (Fig. 6.3-4) will appear where you have to specify:
the principle of creating bars (one by one or in a series);
number of sections the forces are calculated in;
stiffness properties (the Rigidity checkbox and the respective button);
hinges (the Hinges checkbox and the respective button);
type of element (the Type of element button);
rigid inserts (the Rigid inserts checkbox and the respective button).
The elements are created after closing the dialog box by clicking the OK button.
The rules for specifying the above characteristics are given in the respective sections of this book (see
Chapter 7). The elements will have these characteristics until you invoke the Add bars operation again.
Some characteristics may be not specified when creating the elements, in this case they will be taken “by
If you want to create elements with the “default” characteristics, start the work by clicking on the
arrow on the right from the Add bars button. You have to select the principle of creating bars — one by
one or in a series, in the drop-down menu and proceed to creating elements. The elements have the
following characteristics by default:
type of element — is defined by the type of the design model;
number of sections the forces are calculated in — not specified (a value defined in the calculation
parameters will be used in the analysis);
hinges — no;
stiffness properties — not specified;
characteristics of the elastic subgrade — not specified;
rigid inserts — not specified.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
In order to create one bar place the cursor with a target over the node and left-click, stretch the
rubber band to the second node and click the mouse button again. The node selected first will be specified
as the first node of the bar, i.e. the origin of the local coordinate system of the element.
The process of creating a series of bars will continue until you click the button in the toolbar (or
press the Enter key in the keyboard). After this the operation of creating bars is not cancelled and can be
continued starting with any other node.
The operation of creating a series of bars can be interrupted by clicking the Rejection button—
in the toolbar or pressing the Esc key in the keyboard.
If there is more than one node in the cursor target, the Nodes in the Cursor Target dialog box (Fig.
6.3-5) appears. You have to select the necessary node in the list in this dialog box and click the Select
The Define an element by a list of nodes checkbox enables to create a finite element without using
the mouse, and simply by listing the numbers of nodes. The numbers of nodes can be specified in the
dialog box which is invoked by clicking the List of nodes button (Fig. 6.3-2).
Similarly to plates and bars you can create solid elements with pre-specified or default parameters. In
any case, first you have to specify the type of the element that will be created.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
Delete Elements
In order to delete elements you have to select them in the model (they will be highlighted in red) and
click the OK button in the toolbar or press the Enter key in the keyboard.
If the Do not delete "hanging" nodes after deleting the element checkbox is not checked in the
Environment Settings dialog box (hanging nodes are the nodes not adjacent to other elements of the
model except for the deleted ones), then such nodes are deleted together with the elements and can be
restored with the help of the Restore deleted nodes operation.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
Elements can be selected by any type of cursor. When the cursor with a target is used — you have
to place the target in the area of the element and left-click. If there are several elements in the cursor target,
their list will be given in a special dialog box Elements in the cursor target. Once the necessary element is
selected in the list, click the Select button. When a marquee is used only those elements are selected all
nodes of which are within the rectangle or polygon. Clicking on the selected element for the second time
deselects it.
This operation enables to restore the deleted elements if the packing of data was not performed after
they had been deleted. It is necessary to perform the following actions to restore the deleted elements:
− select the elements you want to restore (they will be displayed in red);
− click the OK button in the toolbar.
When restoring the elements, deleted nodes these elements are adjacent to will be restored as well.
The deleted elements can be highlighted in the model with the help of the Deleted elements filter
This operation enables not only to create a new bar, but also to automatically divide it into several
elements taking into account all the intermediate nodes lying along the line of the bar. The operation can be
performed both for 2D and 3D design models according to the same rules as in the case of creating one bar
element or a series of bars.
The accuracy of determining whether a bar passes through a node is defined in the environment
settings by a variable which determines the accuracy of estimation of the duplicate nodes.
This operation is used to divide a bar into several bars and enables to perform the division in three different
— into two bars of the given size (in this case you have to specify the length of the new
bar adjacent to the first node of the original one).
The reference node of the bar (the first or the second one) can be specified for the last two methods of
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
This operation enables to divide two intersecting bars in such a way that the intersection point
becomes a node the new bars obtained in the result of the intersection are adjacent to. In order to perform it
you just have to select the necessary bars and click the OK button in the toolbar.
The boundary conditions of the original bar (hinges and sliders), and rigid inserts lying along the bar
will be transferred to the ends of the new bars. Rigid inserts out of the plane of the bar will be moved
correctly to the new elements only in the case if they have the same length and lie in one plane.
The operation enables to combine any two bar elements that have a common node, or a series of bar
elements that lie on one straight line into one element. The type of operation can be selected from the drop-
down menu that appears after clicking on the arrow on the right from the button (the operation of
combining two bars is selected by default). In order to perform the operation select the bars you want to
combine and click the OK button in the toolbar.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
If the elements have the same rigidities, the resulting element will have the same type of rigidity,
otherwise – the rigidities are not assigned (the same rules are used for orientation angle of the structural
axes, elastic foundation, and prestress). If the selected elements are of different types, the type of the
resulting element will be taken in accordance with the type of the model. The combined element will not
have any description of the boundary conditions, rigid inserts and loads.
Once the bars are combined you have to check the type of the obtained
element and the orientation of the local axes.
This operation is used to create bar elements adjacent to the nodes lying along a circular arc. The
control of the input is performed in the Create Elements along a Circular Arc dialog box (Fig. 6.3-7).
Initial data necessary to perform the operation include:
selection of a plane the new elements lie in (only the planes
parallel to the planes of the principal coordinate system are
number of elements along the circular arc;
values of the start and end angles of the arc (for a full circle, for
example, they are 00 and 3600 or 0 and 6.28 radian respectively);
radius of the arc;
snap of the center of the circle (to the node or the values of the
If the center is specified by the coordinates, the new elements will
be added to the model automatically after closing the dialog box by
clicking the OK button. If the center lies in the node, then after closing
Figure 6.3-7. The Create the dialog box you have to select this node and click the OK button in
Elements along a Circular the toolbar or press the Enter key in the keyboard.
Arc dialog box When specifying the parameters of the arc you can also specify the
rigidities and the type of elements (the Rigidity and Type of element
buttons respectively).
In order to specify a node with a certain number as the center of the circle use the Obtain the
coordinates of the node with the specified number button , the Select Node dialog box will appear
(see Fig. 6.3-3), where you can specify its number. The coordinates of this node will appear in the X, Y, Z
text fields and can be changed.
Select Elements
This operation is similar to the respective operation in the Control the Selection toolbar. The
selection of elements will be performed taking into account the states of filters of this toolbar. The
operation and the selection of all elements can be cancelled by clicking the Rejection button in the toolbar
or the Cancel the selection button in the Display Filters toolbar.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
This operation enables to divide the selected four-node elements into several elements.
The initial data necessary to perform the operation are specified in the Divide Plates dialog box
(Fig. 6.3-9) and include the number of divisions of the faces of the element lying along the directions of the
local X1 and Y1 axes. Duplicate nodes may appear in the model after performing the operation.
If the Pack duplicate nodes for the whole model checkbox is checked in the dialog box, then after
performing the division this operation will be invoked automatically. Otherwise, the user has to detect the
duplicate nodes and combine them (see Sec. 6.2).
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
The operation is used to divide four-node elements into three-node ones. The type of division is
specified in the dialog box (Fig. 6.3-10) which appears after invoking the operation. The procedure is
− invoke the operation;
− the dialog box will appear where you have to specify the type of division;
− select the necessary elements in the model;
− click the OK button in the toolbar.
Figure 6.3-11. Example of connecting finite element meshes with different division steps
This operation enables to connect the original mesh of 4-node elements with a mesh obtained by
dividing some elements with a factor of 2. In this case a “free” node appears on the edge of the original
elements lying on the border of the mesh refinement area. If you select such elements and apply the
following type of division to them, each element will be divided into three triangles and meshes will
be connected, as shown in Fig. 6.3-11.
Another example, when you have to divide four-node elements into three-node ones is the necessity
to "correct bad" quadrangular elements. In this case, you can use the following options:
divide only non-planar;
divide only non-convex.
If one of the above markers is selected, the operation will be performed only for the selected elements
with the respective properties.
When this operation is performed, elements with additional nodes on the sides are ignored.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
The operation is used to divide three-node elements. When it is performed the sides of the selected
triangles are divided into equal segments the number of which is specified in the Divide 3-node Plates
dialog box (Fig. 6.3-12).
The operation enables to divide solid (3-D) finite elements and provides mesh refinement with
different spacing both in the plane of the base of elements and along the height. Two types of division
depending on the type of elements are provided – by additional nodes and with a specified number of steps.
The first type of division is performed for elements of type 35 (15-node prism), 37 (20-node isoparametric
finite element) and 38 (10-node pyramid), which have additional nodes, and provides the division only if
there are such nodes. The division with a specified number of steps can be performed for these elements
and all other types of solid elements.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
The Divide Solid Elements dialog box (Fig. 6.3-13) appears after invoking this operation, where
you have to perform the following actions:
enable the marker buttons with an image of the types of elements that have to be divided;
select the operation of division for each type (Divide by additional nodes or Divide into parts);
close the dialog box by clicking the OK button and select the elements in the model;
click the OK button in the toolbar.
This operation enables to divide plate elements taking into account the nodes lying in their area
(including the nodes on the edges). A node is considered to be in the area of an element if the distance
from it to the nearest face does not exceed the value of accuracy of estimation of the duplicate nodes.
When the operation is performed, the quality of the obtained finite elements is not controlled. It is
recommended to perform the control using the Meshing quality operation, the description of which is
given below in this section.
Elements obtained in the result of division inherit the stiffness properties, subsoil parameters,
orientation of the axes of the force output and loads specified for the original element.
Separate Elements
This operation is used in cases when it is necessary to separate adjacent elements which have
common nodes from each other (e.g., to model an expansion joint or introduce elastic constraints between
the adjacent nodes of these elements). In order to perform the operation it is necessary to select nodes the
"cut" passes through, and elements which are separated from the selected nodes.
The essence of the performed action is that two nodes with the same coordinates will appear in the
place of each selected node – the original (selected node) and a new node. Only the selected elements will
be attached to the new node.
Simultaneously with the separation of elements you can also create a linear hinge along the separation
line, which is modeled by an automatic specification of the merged displacements in linear directions
between the pairs of duplicate nodes. The type of operation (separation or separation with the creation of a
hinge) can be selected in the menu which is dropped down by clicking on the arrow on the right from the
button invoking the operation.
The following procedure is recommended to perform the operation:
− invoke the operation of separation and select elements which have to be separated from the selected
− click the Select nodes button in the Control the Selection toolbar and select nodes the “cut”
will pass through;
− click the OK button in the Elements section of the Nodes and Elements toolbar.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
The operation enables to attach one additional (intermediate) node to one or more faces of the plate
elements. The introduction of additional nodes enables to improve the quality of the results without
refining the mesh of elements, and to connect finite elements of the design model correctly (Fig. 6.3-14).
a) b) c)
Figure 6.3-14. Results of the application of the Attach additional nodes to the elements operation
a) initial model; b) connecting meshes of elements with different division steps; c) adding nodes on the
faces of the selected elements
In order to attach additional nodes the type of finite element must be changed beforehand to the type
corresponding to the type of high-precision finite elements given in the description of the library of finite
elements (see Chapter 3). Such elements include 50 and 45 shell elements, 27, 30 and 25 — deep beams,
20 and 15 — plates, and 35, 37, 38 — solid elements.
After invoking the operation the menu appears, the first item of which — Attach the existing nodes
to the faces of the elements attaches the existing nodes on the faces of the selected elements to these
elements. If the second item of the menu is selected — Add nodes on the faces of the elements, a new
node will be added to the center of each face of each selected element (Fig. 6.3-14, c).
A standard procedure is used to perform the operation:
− invoke the operation and select its type in the drop-down menu;
− select elements the nodes are attached to in the model, and click the OK button in the Elements
section of the Nodes and Elements toolbar.
This operation enables to divide a bar into several elements taking into account nodes lying along the
original bar. The accuracy of determining whether a node belongs to the original bar is defined by the
Accuracy of estimation of the duplicate nodes parameter (the Environment Settings menu section).
The rules of inheriting the parameters of the original bar by the elements obtained in the result of
division are as follows:
stiffness properties (if they have been specified) are inherited by new elements;
hinges will be adjacent to the same nodes as in the original bar;
rigid inserts specified along the directions of the local X1 axis, i.e. along the bar, will be adjacent to
the same nodes as in the original bar;
rigid inserts specified in other directions will be deleted (a respective message will be generated
about it);
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
loads specified for the original bar will be transferred to the new elements.
In order to perform the operation you have to select necessary elements in the model and click the
button in the toolbar.
Move Elements
This operation is used to move a fragment of the design model consisting of the selected elements in
the given direction. The distance the fragment is moved, and the direction are specified in the Move
Elements dialog box (Fig. 6.3-15), which appears after invoking the operation.
In the dialog box, you can use markers to require or refuse to delete the duplicate nodes or elements
after the move is performed.
If all elements adjacent to the node are moved, then this node will be moved together with the
elements. Nodes belonging simultaneously to the fragment you want to move and to the stationary part are
replaced by two nodes, one of which stays in place, and the other is moved together with the fragment.
a) b)
Figure 6.3-16. The original model (a) and the resulting model (b) after performing the operation of
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
If in the result of the transfer a new node will coincide with the existing one in the model, it will be
deleted and only the existing node will be left in the model. An example of performing the operation is
given in Figure 6.3-16.
This operation enables to “detach” all the additional nodes from the selected high-precision elements.
In order to perform it you have to select elements with additional nodes on their edges and click the OK
button in the toolbar.
Detached nodes are not deleted automatically after performing this operation.
Combine Elements
This operation is used to combine pairs of three-node elements that have a common face into four-
node ones, and also to combine several plate elements into one. The second variant of performing this
operation can be selected after clicking on the “right arrow”. The combination is performed according to
the following rules:
if the combination of three-node elements into four-node ones is selected, the possibility of
combining all pairs of selected triangular FE is analyzed, the operation is performed for the
allowable pairs;
if plate elements are combined, only thee- or four-node elements can be obtained in the result
without taking into account the nodes adjacent to the faces;
if the elements involved in the operation have the same rigidities, the rigidity of the resulting
element will correspond to the rigidity of the combined elements, otherwise the resulting element
will not have any stiffness properties;
loads specified for the original elements are lost;
the control of the geometric shape of the resulting elements is performed during the process of
The procedure of performing the operation is standard — invoke the operation (select a variant of
performance in the menu), select elements and click the OK button. If the operation is not performed for
the selected group of elements, you should try to perform it for a part of the group.
Considering that most parameters assigned earlier to three-node elements will be lost in the result of
the combination, it is recommended to use this operation on the early stages of the model generation.
The operation enables to divide plate elements along the lines of their intersection and generate
consistent meshes of FE. Elements can intersect at any angle, but must not lie in one plane.
When the operation is performed, the quality of the obtained finite elements is not controlled. It is
recommended to perform the control using the Meshing quality operation, the description of which is
given below in this section.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
Elements obtained in the result of division inherit the stiffness properties, subsoil parameters,
orientation of the axes of the force output and loads specified for the original element.
In order to perform the operation after invoking it select the elements involved in it and click the OK
button in the Elements section of the toolbar.
This operation enables to “extend” the selected bar to the selected plate. If the point of intersection of
the bar with the plate does not coincide with the existing node, the plate is divided and the mesh of FE is
When the operation is performed, the quality of the obtained finite elements is not controlled. It is
recommended to perform the control using the Meshing quality operation, the description of which is
given below in this section.
Elements obtained in the result of division inherit the stiffness properties, subsoil parameters,
orientation of the axes of the force output and loads specified for the original element.
In order to perform the operation after invoking it select the elements involved in it and click the OK
button in the Elements section of the toolbar.
Chamfer Bars
The operation is used to connect two bars lying in one plane by “extending” them to the point of their
intersection. A node is created at the intersection point of bars. If a value other than zero is specified for the
radius in the Chamfer Bars dialog box (Fig. 6.3-17.), the bars are connected by the arc of the given radius
which is divided into n segments.
This operation enables to create new bars coming from the selected nodes, directed perpendicular to
the specified bar element and dividing it at the intersection points. An example of performing this
operation is shown in Fig. 6.3-18, where
E — original bar element;
u1, u2, u3 — selected nodes;
ū1, ū2, ū3 — nodes created at the intersection points;
E1 – E4 — elements obtained in the result of dividing the original bar;
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
This operation enables to assess the quality of the finite element mesh and duplicates the similar
operation considered earlier when describing the generation of arbitrary meshes of finite elements on the
plane (see Sec. 5.12).
If the meshing quality (it can be assessed using the operation considered above) is not
satisfactory, you can use this operation to try and improve the quality criteria by an automatic transfer of
The operation is performed in two steps. On the first step after invoking the operation and before its
execution a message appears about the necessity to select elements on the design model the shape of which
has to be changed. If you do not select any elements and just click the OK button – in the toolbar, all
elements of the model will be involved in the operation.
On the second step a similar message appears suggesting to select nodes the coordinates of which
must not be changed (for example, if you want to improve the quality of meshing of the floor slab
elements, nodes columns are adjacent to probably should be marked as fixed). If the nodes are not marked
and you click the OK button – in the toolbar, it will be assumed that there are no restrictions, and any
nodes can be moved.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
The operation enables to save the polygon consisting from an arbitrary set of plate finite elements
lying in one plane in the format of the file with the initial data of the Consul section builder (extension
Renumbering Elements
The operation is used in cases when properties similar to the properties of the sample element have to
be assigned to several elements of the design model. The set of the copied properties depends of the type of
the element. The following properties are copied for bars:
stiffness properties;
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
Figure 6.3-19. The Copy Element Figure 6.3-20. The Parameters for Copying dialog box
Properties dialog box
Clicking the Parameters for copying button invokes the respective dialog box (Fig. 6.3-20), where
you can specify a set of properties using the checkboxes of the Main properties group. You can also
specify the rules for copying loads in the Loads group (loadings or groups, all or selectively). When the
loads are copied selectively, the names of the copied loadings or groups are selected from the respective
lists. The following procedure is recommended for copying:
− specify the number of the sample element in the Element No. field in the Copy Element
Properties dialog box and click the Select button. The selected element is displayed in the model
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
in green. If it is more convenient to perform this action using the cursor, then click the Indication
on the model button and select the necessary element with the cursor;
− click the Parameters for copying button and invoke the dialog box where you can assign the
properties to the inheriting elements and specify the set of properties you want to copy in it;
− specify the numbers of the inheriting elements in the List of elements field and click the Select
button to select these elements in the model. If it is more convenient to perform the selection using
the cursor, then click the Indication on the model button before performing this action.
− after selecting all the inheriting elements click the Perform button in the Copy Element
Properties dialog box.
This operation enables to divide the bars in the points of their intersection by a plane defined by a
polygon. The operation is used in those cases when there is no node lying on the bar in the intersection
point. For example, it can be useful for dividing the bars by a meshing plane before the meshing.
The following procedure is recommended for performing this operation:
− invoke the operation, and the following message will appear: “Select nodes that are the vertices
of the polygon”;
− create the polygon according to the rules similar to those for creating the polygon when
specifying the meshing contour;
− the “Select elements” message will appear once you finish creating the polygon (double left
− select the bar elements which have to be divided in the model;
− click the OK button in the toolbar.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
Create a 0-element
The operation is used to assign characteristics and create special finite elements of type 154 (so called
“0-elements”), which ensure that the linear and angular displacements are constrained in the directions of
the axes of the local coordinate system of the element, and provide the analysis for the specified
displacements which do not coincide with the direction of the axes of the global coordinate system.
The following procedure is recommended to create new elements:
− invoke the operation, the dialog box (Fig. 6.4-2) will appear where you have to specify the
directions in the local coordinate system of the element for which the displacements are constrained
or specified (the direction is specified by a number greater than zero in the respective text field);
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button and create the elements according to the same rules
as for creating individual bars with the help of the rubber band.
Figure 6.4-2. The Characteristics of Null Elements (Element of Type 154) dialog box
It should be taken into account that the first node of the elements of this type must be adjacent to the
structure, and the second node – must be free (it can not belong to any element or be fixed).
The Define an element by a list of nodes checkbox enables to create a finite element without using
the mouse, and simply by listing the numbers of nodes. The numbers of nodes can be specified in the
dialog box which is invoked by clicking the List of nodes button (Fig. 6.3-2).
When correcting the characteristics of the elements created earlier it is recommended to:
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
− invoke the operation, the dialog box will appear where you have to select a table line with the
characteristics you want to change (the text fields will be filled with the respective values);
− change the values in the necessary fields or the name of the type in the respective field;
− depending on whether the characteristics of other types of rigidity will be corrected, click the
Replace and exit button (correction of other types is not performed) or the Replace and continue
button (involves the correction of other types).
This operation enables to create elements which model single-node constraints of finite rigidity
(element of type 51), and to specify their stiffness properties. The direction and stiffness properties of
constraints are specified in the Constraints of Finite Rigidity (Element of Type 51) dialog box (Fig. 6.4-
3), which depends on the index of the model type.
The following procedure is recommended to create new constraints:
− invoke the operation, the dialog box will appear, where you have to specify the values of the
stiffness of the constraint for the respective directions (a constraint is considered to be working in
the selected direction if the value of stiffness for this direction is greater than zero);
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button and select the nodes in the model the constraints are
snapped to;
− click the OK button in the toolbar.
Figure 6.4-3. The Constraints of Finite Rigidity (Element of Type 51) dialog box
When correcting the characteristics of the already specified elastic constraints it is recommended to:
− invoke the operation, the dialog box will appear where you have to select a table line with the
number of the type of rigidity you want to change;
− change the values of stiffness in the respective text fields or the name of the type of rigidity in the
respective field;
− depending on whether the characteristics of other types of rigidity will be corrected, click the
Replace and exit button (correction of other types is not performed) or the Replace and continue
button (involves the correction of other types).
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
The Define an element by a list of nodes checkbox enables to create a finite element without using
the mouse, and simply by listing the numbers of nodes. The numbers of nodes can be specified in the
dialog box which is invoked by clicking the List of nodes button (Fig. 6.3-2).
This operation enables to create and specify stiffness properties of elements which model an elastic
constraint between two nodes (type 55).
Direction and stiffness properties of constraints are specified in the Elastic Constraints (Element of
Type 55) dialog box (Fig. 6.4-4), which depends on the index of the model type. The following procedure
is recommended to create new constraints:
− invoke the operation, the dialog box will appear, where you have to specify the values of the
stiffness of the constraint for the respective directions (a constraint is considered to be working in
the selected direction if the value of stiffness for this direction is greater than zero);
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button and create the elements.
Elements are created according to the same rules as the individual bars – place the cursor with a target
over the node and left-click, stretch the rubber band to the second node and click the mouse button
again. Repeat the above actions to create another element. The node selected first will be specified as the
first node of the constraint, i.e. the origin of the local coordinate system.
It should be taken into account that this type of element can have zero length, i.e. be adjacent to nodes
with the same coordinates.
Figure 6.4-4. The Elastic Constraints (Element of Type 55) dialog box
Characteristics of the elastic constraint can be specified in the local or in the global coordinate system.
For the constraints of zero length they will be specified only in the global coordinate system. If the nodes
do not coincide, the local coordinate system of the element can be determined in the same way as for bar
elements with the help of the Orientation of the axes of inertia operation, which is described in detail in
Sec. 7.3.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
When correcting the characteristics of the already specified constraints it is recommended to:
− invoke the operation, the dialog box will appear where you have to select a table line with the
number of the type of rigidity you want to change;
− change the values of stiffness in the respective text fields or the name of the type of rigidity in the
respective field;
− depending on whether the characteristics of other types of rigidity will be corrected, click the
Replace and exit button (correction of other types is not performed) or the Replace and continue
button (involves the correction of other types).
The Define an element by a list of nodes checkbox enables to create a finite element without using
the mouse, and simply by listing the numbers of nodes. The numbers of nodes can be specified in the
dialog box which is invoked by clicking the List of nodes button (Fig. 6.3-2).
The operation enables to specify characteristics and create two-node finite elements which model the
passive soil pressure beyond the slab. The characteristics of elements are specified in the Two-node
Peripheral Element of Plate (FE-53) dialog box (Fig. 6.4-5). The following procedure is recommended to
create new elements:
− invoke the operation, the dialog box will appear where you have to specify the characteristics of the
elastic subgrade described by a pair of coefficients С1 and С2;
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button and create the elements.
Elements are created according to the same rules as the bars taking into account the nodes they
When correcting the characteristics of the elements created earlier it is recommended to:
− invoke the operation, the dialog box will appear where you have to select a table line with the
characteristics you want to change (С1 and С2 text fields will be filled with the respective values);
− change the values in the respective text fields or the name of the type of rigidity in the respective
− depending on whether the characteristics of other types of rigidity will be corrected, click the
Replace and exit button (correction of other types is not performed) or the Replace and continue
button (involves the correction of other types).
Figure 6.4-5. The Two-node Peripheral Element of Plate (FE-53) dialog box
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
The Define an element by a list of nodes checkbox enables to create a finite element without using
the mouse, and simply by listing the numbers of nodes. The numbers of nodes can be specified in the
dialog box which is invoked by clicking the List of nodes button (Fig. 6.3-2).
The operation enables to specify characteristics and create single-node finite elements which model
the passive soil pressure of the corner area of the foundation slab (type 54). The characteristics of elements
are specified in the Single-node Peripheral Element of Plate dialog box (Fig. 6.4-6) and include the
subsoil parameter С2 and the angle of the soil area φ.
Rules for creating and correcting the characteristics of an element are the same as the rules for a two-
node element described above. Elements are created in the same way as single-node elements which model
a constraint of finite rigidity (type 51).
The Define an element by a list of nodes checkbox enables to create a finite element without using
the mouse, and simply by listing the numbers of nodes. The numbers of nodes can be specified in the
dialog box which is invoked by clicking the List of nodes button (Fig. 6.3-2).
The characteristics are specified and the cable-stayed elements (type 308) are created in the same way
as two-node elements which model elastic constraints — stiffness properties of the elements are specified
before creating them. The elements are created according to the same rules as bars. Information on the
implementation of elements of this type and the peculiarities of the analysis of systems which include
cable-stayed elements is given in Section 26.3.
The following procedure is recommended to create new elements:
− invoke the operation, the Rigidity of Bar Elements dialog box will appear where you have to
specify the stiffness properties of the elements of cable stays and the value of prestressing;
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button and create the elements.
Stiffness properties of cable stays can be specified as parametric sections described numerically or
taken from the assortment of rolled steel profiles. “Zinc coated steel wire ropes” are available in the
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
assortment of rolled steel profiles only for cable-stayed elements. Characteristics are specified according to
the same rules as for bar elements (see section Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements). The
values of prestressing for cable stays (unlike bars) must be specified.
a) b)
Figure 6.4-7. The Rigidity of Bar Elements dialog box
a) The General Data tab b) The Rolled Steel Profiles tab
After closing the dialog box the elements are created by stretching the rubber band between the nodes
the cable stays are adjacent to.
The Define an element by a list of nodes checkbox enables to create a finite element without using
the mouse, and simply by listing the numbers of nodes. The numbers of nodes can be specified in the
dialog box which is invoked by clicking the List of nodes button (Fig. 6.3-2).
This operation is used to specify the characteristics and create elements of unilateral constraints (the
description of elements is given in Section 26.3), which enable to model the contacts between the
fragments of the model, and between the model and another structure or subgrade. Elements can be single-
node or two-node, and their application in the design model provides the execution of the nonlinear
The following procedure is recommended to create new elements:
− invoke the operation, the Unilateral Constraints dialog box (Fig. 6.4-8) will appear where you
have to specify the type and characteristics of the constraint;
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button and create the elements.
Single-node elements are created in the same way as single-node elements which model a constraint
of finite rigidity (type 51), and two-node ones — in the same way as bars.
The characteristics of a constraint define its axial stiffness EF, and performance conditions
(compression or tension). The direction of a constraint for single-node and two-node elements of zero
length is specified in the global coordinate system. Two-node elements of non-zero length define a
constraint in the local coordinate system of the element. The restrictions of displacements in one node in
two or more directions are modeled by creating several elements.
The initial state of the constraint is defined by the gap or by creating prestress specified as a
prestressing force.
It is necessary to perform the following actions to correct the characteristics of unilateral constraints:
− open the Unilateral Constraints dialog box;
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
− select the line with the parameters of the element you want to correct in the Type of rigidity table
(characteristics of the selected type of rigidity will be input into the text fields of the dialog box);
− change the parameters;
− click the Replace and exit button if you do not want to change the parameters of other constraints,
or the Replace and continue button if other types of rigidity will be corrected as well.
This operation enables to create elements which model the external dampers responsive to the velocity of
the node displacement in the directions of the degrees of freedom in the global coordinate system (element
of type 56), and to specify the viscous damping ratios. The direction and the coefficients are specified in
the Node Damper dialog box (Fig. 6.4-9.), which depends on the index of the model type.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
− invoke the operation, the dialog box will appear, where you have to specify the values of the
damping ratios for the respective directions (a damper is considered to be working in the selected
direction if the value of the ratio this direction is greater than zero);
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button and select the nodes in the model the dampers are
snapped to;
− click the OK button in the toolbar.
When correcting the characteristics of the already specified node dampers it is recommended to:
− invoke the operation, the dialog box will appear where you have to select a table line with the
number of the type you want to change;
− change the values of ratios in the respective text fields or the name of the type in the respective
− depending on whether the characteristics of other types of rigidity will be corrected, click the
Replace and exit button (correction of other types is not performed) or the Replace and continue
button (involves the correction of other types).
The Define an element by a list of nodes checkbox enables to create a finite element without using
the mouse, and simply by listing the numbers of nodes. The numbers of nodes can be specified in the
dialog box which is invoked by clicking the List of nodes button (Fig. 6.3-2).
Operations of creating and correcting rigid bodies are invoked from the Special elements section
of the Nodes and Elements toolbar. Clicking the Rigid bodies button drops down a menu which
contains a set of operations with rigid bodies (Fig. 6.5-1). They include:
Create a rigid body;
Change the configuration of a rigid body;
Move the master node;
Delete rigid body
Add slave nodes
Remove slave nodes
Move slave nodes
If there are no rigid bodies in the model, the Create a
rigid body operation will be invoked immediately.
Figure 6.5-1. Menu of control of creating The rigid body is a set of nodes. This set has a
and correcting rigid bodies selected node (master node).
In terms of the results of the calculation it does not matter which node is the master node. The master
node is used when drawing a rigid body (lines connecting it with all the other nodes of the finite element
are drawn from this node). In order to select a rigid body you just have to indicate one of its nodes or a line
connecting the master node and one of the slave nodes.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
from the structural fragment, tilt of the building and the foundation slab, etc. can be determined for the
groups of nodes. The principle of combining objects into groups and naming the groups are completely
determined by the user.
These can be particular areas of the structure, for example, floor slabs at different elevations, columns
of the floor, or other sets of objects. The main thing is that the groups are available in all modes of working
with the model, both at the stage of its creation or specification of parameters for processing the data in
postprocessors (for example, the calculation of DCF), and in the process of analysis and documentation of
the calculation results. The graphic environment of the complex is designed in such a way so that you can
always locate information within the group of nodes or elements necessary for the work.
The automatic combination of elements into groups is performed when importing the data from the
FORUM preprocessor and in the process of transformation of data given in .dxf and .dwg formats (each
layer of data is included into a separate group).
Groups described in this section can be (conventionally) called general groups. There are also groups
of reinforced concrete and steel structural members, which are described in Chapters 19 and 20
In order to start the work with general groups (not structural ones) switch to the Groups tab (Fig. 6.6-
1) and invoke the toolbar (Fig. 6.6-2) using the Working with groups of nodes and elements operation
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
Create Groups
Figure 6.6-3. The Groups of Nodes dialog box Figure 6.6-4. The Groups of Elements dialog box
In order to create a new group of nodes or elements it is necessary to:
− click the button defining the type of the objects of the group (nodes or elements);
− select the objects of the group in the design model;
− click the Save/modify group button ;
− specify the name of the group in the Groups of Nodes (Fig. 6.6-3) or Groups of Elements
(Fig. 6.6-4) dialog box and click the Add group button;
− click the OK button in the dialog box.
After saving the group, its name is input into the respective list of groups in the toolbar. Before
preparing the next group you have to cancel the selection of objects of the previous group by clicking the
button .
When creating a group of elements, you can automatically create a group of nodes connected with the
elements that will get the same name. Such nodes must belong to the elements of the selected group and at
the same time to at least one element that is not included in this group. To do this click the Create a group
of connected nodes button before clicking the Add group button.
Select Group
To select a group just indicate its name in the respective list of the toolbar. All objects of the active group
are highlighted in red in the model.
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
Thus, operations can be performed with the objects of the group immediately after invoking it. There
is one restriction — several groups can not be selected simultaneously from the lists in the toolbar, i.e. the
case when both groups of nodes and groups of elements, and objects belonging to different groups are
highlighted in the model at the same time is excluded. If it is necessary to obtain a combination of several
groups, you have to use the color scale of indication of groups (the Groups button in the Display Filters
This operation enables to generate a new group of nodes or elements in the result of performing one
of the logical operations of union, intersection, or difference with these groups. The procedure for
performing this operation is as follows:
− click the respective button invoking the operation of selection: — for working with groups of
nodes or — for working with groups of element;
− invoke this operation;
− select one group involved in the operation in the left and right lists in the Operations with Groups
dialog box (Fig. 6.6-5);
− click the button with the name of the performed operation;
− specify the name of the resulting group in the Group Name dialog box (Fig. 6.6-6) and click the
OK button.
A new group will be generated in the result and input in the end of the list of groups. These actions
can be performed with other groups as well, including those obtained in the result of the logical operations.
Once you have completed the work, close the dialog box by clicking the OK button.
Figure 6.6-5. The Operations with Groups Figure 6.6-6. The Group Name dialog box
dialog box
The operation is used to control the attributes of groups and enables to perform the following actions:
rename groups, sort groups by a certain criterion, delete groups and change the place of the selected group
in the list of groups. If the model has both groups of nodes and groups of elements, the type of groups the
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
actions will be performed with can be selected in the drop-down menu which appears after invoking the
operation. Otherwise (there is one type of group) the menu will not appear, and the operation will be
performed with the available groups.
Operations are performed in the Control the Groups of Elements/Nodes dialog box (Fig. 6.6-7),
which contains a table with a list of groups. The columns of the table of groups include:
the current number of the group;
No. — number of the group in the order of creating;
Name — name of the structural group;
Number of elements/nodes in the group.
In order to rename a group place the cursor over the name of the respective group and double left
click. The table line will become available for editing.
Groups in the table are sorted by an attribute, which can be selected in the Sort by … drop-down list.
There are the following types of sorting:
by the number (in the order of creating groups — when the Min/Max button is pressed; and vice
versa — when the Max/Min button is pressed);
by the name of the group (in the alphabetical order when the Min/Max button is pressed; and vice
versa — when the Max/Min button is pressed);
by the number of elements/nodes in the group (ascending — when the Min/Max button is pressed;
and descending — when the Max/Min button is pressed).
6.Operations with Nodes and Elements
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
— specify the directions of the stress output for plates and solid elements;
— renumber rigidities;
Physical and mechanical characteristics of bar elements can be specified in the form of a numerical
description, or calculated by the software taking into account the type and sizes of the standard parametric
sections or a profile selected from the assortment of rolled steel profiles. These characteristics can be also
obtained with the help of Section Builder, Consul or TONUS.
Data are specified in the multi-tab Rigidity of Bar Elements dialog box (Fig. 7.1-1). The set of tabs
of this dialog box depends on the method of describing the rigidity. You can switch between tabs by
clicking on the respective tab. The method of specifying the stiffness properties can be selected in the
General Data tab by selecting the respective radio button. Tabs corresponding to the selected method will
appear. The first tab also contains the Type of rigidity table with the following information for all the sections
specified earlier: number of the type of rigidity, image of the section, description of the section (sizes of the
section – for all sections except for the numerical description), name of the type of rigidity (if it has been
The designation EF is used in the table for rigidities the characteristics of which are specified as a
numerical description, and icon — for characteristics obtained with the help of Section Builder, Consul or
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
TONUS. Combinations of the designation EF and the icon of one of the parametric sections are used for the
characteristics specified with the help of the numerical and parametric description.
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
Figure 7.1-2. The Parametric Sections dialog box Figure 7.1-3. The Section Properties
dialog box
Numerical Description
This tab (Fig. 7.1-4) includes the most necessary set of text fields, which enables to specify the stiffness
properties for any type of bar. Therefore, before specifying the values of the properties, you have to select the
radio button with the name of the type of the elements this type of rigidity will be assigned to. Only those text
fields will remain available for input which must or can be filled for the given type of elements.
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
− select the assortment, type and size of the profiles (only the profiles included in the section will be
available) in the list of assortments;
− specify the geometric parameters of arrangement typical for the selected section;
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button;
− assign the specified type of rigidity to the elements of the model.
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
In this case the dialog box contains three tabs General Data, Parametric Sections and Numerical
Description. The stiffness properties are specified in the given order of the tabs and according to above
rules for the respective tabs.
Custom Sections
The Custom sections operation enables to specify the stiffness properties for elements the sections of
which have been created with the help of Section Builder, Consul or TONUS. The following procedure is
− select the Custom sections radio button in the General Data tab;
− select the material or “Other” and specify the characteristics of the material in the respective text
fields of the Material group in the respective tab (Fig. 7.1-7);
− click the Selection button in the Select section group and select the necessary section (files with
.sec, .cns or .tns extension);
− once the image of the section appears in the information window of the Select section group, click
the Apply button, and the stiffness properties of the section will be input in the respective text
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button;
− assign the specified type of rigidity to the elements.
− make all the necessary changes of the section and save the modified section under the same name
as the original one;
− close the application for generating sections, and the control will return to the Custom Sections tab
(the image of the modified section will appear in the information window);
− after clicking the Apply button the stiffness properties of the section will be recalculated taking
into account the performed changes;
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button;
− assign the specified type of rigidity to the elements.
Correcting the Characteristics of the Type of Rigidity Specified
It is necessary to perform the following actions to correct the characteristics of the type of rigidity specified
earlier :
− invoke the Assign rigidities for bars operation;
− select the line with the number of the type of rigidity you want to change in the Type of rigidity
− correct the characteristics (you can also change the method of specifying the rigidity, the name of
the type of rigidity, etc.);
− click one of the buttons — Replace and exit or Replace and continue. In the first case the dialog
box will close after changing the characteristics, and in the second one you can continue correcting
other types of rigidity.
The number of the type of rigidity does not change after performing the above actions. If after
correcting the parameters you click the OK button, a new type of rigidity will be created, and the
characteristics of the type specified earlier will remain without changes.
It should be noted that closing the Rigidity of Bar Elements dialog box by clicking the
Replace and exit button does not allow to assign the modified parameters to the other
elements of the model. This operation is available only after closing the dialog box by
clicking the OK button.
The Rigidities of Plates dialog box (Fig. 7.1-8) is used to specify the stiffness properties for shell, plate
and deep beam elements.
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
Figure 7.1-8. The Rigidities of Plates dialog box, the Isotropy tab
The procedure for specifying the stiffness properties for plate elements when performing a linear
calculation is as follows:
a) isotropic material:
− invoke the Assign rigidities for plates operation;
− select the material or “Other” in the list of materials and specify the characteristics of the material
in the respective text fields of the Material group;
− specify the plate thickness;
− select the Isotropy radio button;
− select the problem of the theory of elasticity which will be used to perform the analysis — Plane
stress state (this theory is selected by default) or Plane deformation;
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button;
− assign the specified type of rigidity to the elements of the model;
b) orthotropic material:
− invoke the Assign rigidities for plates operation;
− select the Orthotropy radio button (the Orthotropy tab will appear in the dialog box);
− specify the plate thickness;
− select the problem of the theory of elasticity which will be used to perform the analysis — Plane
stress state (this theory is selected by default) or Plane deformation;
− specify the values of the elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio and the linear expansion coefficients in
the directions X1 and Y1, and the value of the shear modulus in the Orthotropy tab (Fig. 7.1-9);
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button;
− assign the specified type of rigidity to the elements of the model.
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
Figure 7.1-9. The Rigidities of Plates dialog box, the Orthotropy tab
It is necessary to perform the following actions to correct the characteristics of the type of rigidity specified
earlier :
− invoke the Assign rigidities for plates operation;
− select the line with the number of the type of rigidity you want to change in the Type of rigidity
− correct the characteristics specified earlier;
− click one of the buttons — Replace and exit or Replace and continue. In the first case the dialog
box will close after changing the characteristics, and in the second one you can continue correcting
other types of rigidity.
The number of the type of rigidity does not change after performing the above actions.
If after correcting the parameters you click the OK button, a new type of rigidity will be created, and
the characteristics of the type specified earlier will remain without changes.
Stiffness properties can be specified in the Rigidity of Solid Elements dialog box (Fig. 7.1-10). If the
material is isotropic, the characteristics include four parameters (elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio, specific
weight, and the linear expansion coefficient) and in this case the following procedure can be recommended:
− invoke the Assign rigidities for solid elements operation;
− select the material or “Other” in the list of materials and specify the characteristics of the material
in the respective text fields of the Material group in the Rigidity of Solid Elements dialog box;
− select the Isotropy radio button (it is selected by default);
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button;
− assign the specified type of rigidity to the elements of the model.
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
Figure 7.1-11. The Transverse Isotropy tab Figure 7.1-12. The Orthotropy tab
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
If after correcting the parameters you click the OK button, a new type of rigidity will be created, and
the characteristics of the type specified earlier will remain without changes.
This operation enables to specify the stiffness properties for multilayer elements (a model including
the multilayer elements must have the type 8 or 9).
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
The number of the type of rigidity does not change after performing the above actions.
If after correcting the parameters you click the OK button, a new type of rigidity will be created, and
the characteristics of the type specified earlier will remain without changes.
When the structures modeled by axisymmetric elements are considered (type of model 11), the
stiffness properties of elements are specified in the Rigidities of Axisymmetric Elements dialog box (Fig.
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
− click one of the buttons — Replace and exit or Replace and continue. In the first case the dialog
box will close after changing the characteristics, and in the second one you can continue correcting
other types of rigidity.
The number of the type of rigidity does not change after performing the above actions.
If after correcting the parameters you click the OK button, a new type of rigidity will be created, and
the characteristics of the type specified earlier will remain without changes.
Figure 7.1-16. The Transverse Isotropy tab Figure 7.1-17. The Orthotropy tab
Stiffness properties are usually specified for special finite elements when they are created. This
operation can be used to reassign the stiffness properties of special finite elements created earlier and to
specify the respective stiffness properties for the elements after the change of the type of a finite element
(for example, after changing the type of a bar element to an element of the elastic constraint).
When specifying the stiffness properties of special finite elements after changing the type of an
element the following procedure for performing this operation is recommended:
− invoke the operation, the drop-down list will appear, where you have to select a line with the name
of the necessary type of the special element (only the lines containing the names of the elements
present in the model will be available in the list);
− the dialog box will appear, where you have to specify the stiffness properties or select them in the
Type of rigidity list;
− click the OK button and assign the rigidity to the elements of the model.
It is necessary to perform the following actions to correct the characteristics of the type of rigidity specified
− invoke the considered operation;
− select the line with the number of the type of rigidity you want to change in the Type of rigidity
table of the dialog box;
− correct the characteristics specified earlier;
− click one of the buttons — Replace and exit or Replace and continue. In the first case the dialog
box will close after changing the characteristics, and in the second one you can continue correcting
other types of rigidity.
The number of the type of rigidity does not change after performing the above actions.
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
a) b) c)
Figure 7.2-1. The Rigidities color scale
“Duplicate types of rigidity” may appear when working with the model, i.e. with the same parameters
and different only by numbers. After performing this operation all elements that had the same parameters
are automatically assigned a common number of the type of rigidity.
If the duplicate types of rigidity have been given different names, the result of performing the
operation will depend on the response to the request in the message window (Fig. 7.2-2). If the answer is
positive, they will be reduced to one (minimum) number with its respective name. Otherwise, the
compression is not performed.
Renumber Rigidities
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
You can add, delete or change the data from the database of materials with the help of Materials
Editor, which is included in the SCAD Office package. If you select the last item in the list “Other...”, you
will be able to specify the data on the mechanical properties of the necessary material not included in the
database in the respective text fields. The software will obviously check the input information before the
calculation (for example, you cannot specify the Poisson’s ratio greater than 0.5, …).
This operation enables to assign or change the types of finite elements. The Specify the Element
Type dialog box (Fig. 7.3-1) is used to assign the element type. It is invoked by clicking the respective
button in the Assign section of the toolbar (see Fig. 7-1).
You can perform the following actions in this dialog box:
− select the radio button with the name of the respective element (bar, shell, etc.);
− select the necessary element type in the list;
− click the OK button in the dialog box;
− select the elements in the model the selected type is assigned to, and assign it by clicking the OK
button in the toolbar.
When the Accounting for geometric nonlinearity
checkbox is checked, the selected elements will be assigned a type
which enables to perform the analysis taking into account large
When assigning a type to shell , deep beam and plate
elements you can check the Accounting for shear in plates
and shells checkbox. Instead of the specified type of element its
corresponding type will be assigned (the type number is
increased by 100), which enables to allow for shear according
to the Mindlin–Reissner theory.
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
Before assigning the element type look through the short description which is displayed in the
information field of the dialog box after you select an element from the list, and on the icon with the image
of the local axes of the element.
The element type must correspond to the specified type of the design model. The correct choice of the
element type will help to avoid mistakes when solving the problem.
The specified type will be assigned only to the elements with the number of
nodes corresponding to the description of the element in Chapter 3.
After invoking this operation select the elements in the model and click the OK button in the toolbar.
The selected elements are used to allow for large displacements when performing the nonlinear analysis.
Numbers of element types will be formed by adding 300 to the number of type of a linear element (for
example, the element of type 44 will be transformed into 344 and so on).
It should be noted that the library of geometrically nonlinear elements includes all types of bars,
shells and solid elements.
This operation is used to install rigid inserts in bar elements. Rigid inserts can be described in two
ways: in the global coordinate system of the design model or in the local coordinate system of the element.
The Rigid Inserts dialog box (Fig. 7.3-2) is used to specify the characteristics of rigid inserts, where you
have to specify the method of describing inserts and their lengths.
If you are working in the local coordinate system, the local Х2 axis of the element goes from node 1 to
node 2, and the lengths of rigid inserts are specified as the lengths of projections on the respective local
axes. If the rigid insert is given in local axes and the value of length of the projection along the X1 axis is
not equal to zero, and zero values are specified along the Y1 and Z1 axes, the length of the projection along
the X1 axis (in fact, the length of the rigid insert) must be defined by a positive number. This rule is
accepted, because the imposition of a rigid insert on the flexible part of the bar taking place in this case is
physically meaningless. When inputting the data in the global coordinate system the software controls the
fact of imposing a rigid insert on the flexible part in the process of calculation and automatically changes
the direction of the insert.
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
Keep in mind that when the display filter of rigid inserts is disabled, a line
connecting the nodes is displayed in the model, but not the element. If there are rigid
inserts, this line might not reflect the actual position of the element in the model.
This operation enables to change the position of plate elements with respect to their snap nodes by
moving the midplane along the local Z1 axis. The value of displacement is specified in the dialog box
(Fig. 7.3-3, a), which appears after invoking the operation.
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
In order to perform the operation after specifying the displacement value it is necessary to select the
elements you want to move in the model and click the OK button in the Assign toolbar.
The displacement values specified earlier can be corrected by transferring the data from the selected table
line into the text fields with their subsequent correction and fixation with the Replace and exit or Replace and
continue buttons. The operation can be used for example to align the surface of the slab modeled by finite
elements of different thickness along the upper or lower face and in other cases (Fig. 7.3-3, b).
Figure 7.3-3, a. The Move the Plate Midplane Figure 7.3-3, b. The example of using the Move the
dialog box plate midplane operation
Boundary conditions can be assigned for bar elements as a freedom of mutual rotation about the axes
of the local coordinate system (cylindrical hinges) or a freedom of mutual linear displacements along these
axes (sliders).
It is assumed by default that such independent displacements are impossible due to the constraints
between the element and the node.
Boundary conditions in each node can be specified in the Boundary Conditions of Bars dialog box
(Fig. 7.3-4) with the help of the respective buttons. This dialog box is also used when it is necessary to change
the boundary conditions specified earlier (but not to cancel all of them).
In order to perform this operation you have to:
− click the respective button in the toolbar;
− the dialog box will appear where you have to specify the boundary conditions;
− select the places where the hinges should be installed (near the node in the coordinate system
X1Y1Z1 or at the transition to the flexible part in the coordinate system X2Y2Z2 presented on the
figure 3.3-12);
− click the OK button in the dialog box;
− select the necessary elements in the model;
− click the OK button in the toolbar.
A special operation Delete hinges is used to cancel the specified boundary conditions for all
directions. It invokes the Delete Hinges dialog box (Fig. 7.3-5). The concept of a “hinge” is generalized and is
used for both actual hinges and sliders.
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
This operation is used to calculate forces in the intermediate points along the length of the bar or in
the nodes of plate and solid elements (it should be noted that the forces are calculated by default only in the
beginning, middle and end of the bar and in the center of the plate). It is necessary to know the forces in
the intermediate sections of the bars, for example, to perform the selection of the reinforcement.
The control of the operation is performed in the Calculation of Forces in Additional Sections and
Nodes dialog box (Fig. 7.3-7).
It is necessary to select the elements (bars or plates), and
specify the parameters in the dialog box: for bars — number of
sections (general, including the sections in the beginning and in
the end of the bar), for plates and solid elements — type of the
output information.
All the other actions are standard — click the OK button
in the dialog box, select the elements, click the OK button in
Figure 7.3-7. The Calculation of the toolbar.
Forces in Additional Sections and In order to change the parameters of specification it is
Nodes dialog box necessary to repeat the specification with the new data.
If in the bar elements it is necessary to specify the number of sections of the output of forces
determined by default, i.e. specified in the Elements tab of the Calculation Parameters dialog box (see
Sec. 11.9), you have to click the Default button in the considered dialog box before clicking the OK
button, and then select the necessary elements and perform the operation.
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
The operation enables to specify the direction of force and stress output in plate elements
different from the default one — along the axes of the local coordinate system of the element. This is
important when analyzing the results of calculation of force factors given in the form of isolines and
isofields, since the disorder of the directions of local axes of the elements with irregular meshes (for
example, after meshing) does not allow to plot the isolines and isofields of force factors correctly (they
simply lose their meaning). Moreover, when selecting the reinforcement it is recommended to agree the
directions of the stress output with the orientation of reinforcement meshes.
Clicking the button invokes the menu, where you can select two variants: user defined directions
or the automatic specification (Fig. 7.3-10).
Figure 7.3-10
In the first case the operation enables to specify the following data for plates:
A. direction of the ХN axis of the stress analysis which is defined by a line going from the first node
of the element to the point specified by the increments of the coordinates of this node in the global
coordinate system. The obtained line is projected onto the plane of the element;
B. a point specified by the coordinates in the global coordinate system; the projection of the line
connecting this point with the first node of the element onto the plane of the element defines the ХN
axis of the stress analysis;
C. direction of the ХN axis of the stress analysis coinciding with the direction of the given vector;
D. direction of the ХN axis of the stress analysis by an explicit indication of the axis of the global
coordinate system.
If the automatic specification is selected, a direction along the global X axis is specified for all
horizontal plates, and along the global Z axis — for all vertical ones.
The ZN axis will coincide with the Z1 axis of the local coordinate system of the element, and the YN
axis will lie in the plane of the element and will form a right-hand system together with the ХN and ZN
The axes of the analysis of stresses in plate elements are specified in the Specify Axes of the Stress
Analysis dialog box (Fig. 7.3-11).
In order to perform this operation click the button invoking the operation in the toolbar and select the
method of specifying axes in the menu. If the automatic specification is selected, the operation will be
performed after the selection of this item in the menu. Otherwise, the Specify Axes of the Stress Analysis
dialog box will appear, where you can select the rule for specification of the force output axes using the
respective radio buttons.
The following actions are performed depending on the selected variant:
− if variant A or B is selected, the increments or the coordinates of the point are specified
− if variant D is selected, the marker button with the name of the axis of the global coordinate system
defining the direction of ХN is activated.
After closing the dialog box by clicking the OK button you have to select the necessary elements in the
model and click the OK button in the Assign section of the toolbar.
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
Figure 7.3-11. The Specify Axes of the Stress Analysis dialog box
If variant C is selected as the direction of the stress output, it is recommended to perform the
operation in the following order:
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button;
− select the elements in the model the operation is performed for;
− click the OK button in the toolbar, the message window will appear (Fig. 7.3-12) with a suggestion to
select two nodes in the model which define a vector;
− select two nodes in the model with a cursor with a target (the vector will be directed from the first
node to the second one);
− click the OK button in the toolbar again.
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
The following variants of the specification of the stress output axes are provided in the software for
solid elements:
along the axes of the global coordinate system;
by a vector defining the direction of the force output axes;
in the cylindrical coordinate system;
in the spherical coordinate system;
in the local coordinate system of the element.
Coordinates of two points lying on the axis of the cylinder and defining the direction of the ZN axis
are specified in the cylindrical coordinate system. The XN axis is orthogonal to the ZN axis and passes
through the center of gravity of the element. The YN axis is orthogonal to the XN and ZN axes. Coordinates
of the center of the sphere (X1, Y1, Z1) and additional points (X2, Y2, Z2) are specified in the spherical
coordinate system. The XN axis goes from the center of the sphere through the center of gravity of the
element (X3, Y3, Z3). The YN axis lies in the plane defined by the three given points, it is orthogonal to the
XN axis and is directed in the direction of the point X2, Y2, Z2. The ZN axis is orthogonal to the XN and YN
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
− click one of the buttons — Replace and exit or Replace and continue. In the first case the dialog
box will close after changing the characteristics, and in the second one you can continue correcting
the directions.
This operation enables to specify the direction of the orthotropy axis X1 for the selected elements
according to the same rules as for the direction of the force and stress output axes. Therefore the dialog
boxes of the specification of axes of the force and stress output for plate and solid elements have the Align
the orthotropy axes checkbox, which enables to indicate that the specifications performed in the dialog
boxes relate to the orthotropy axes.
Subsoil parameters are considered as a separate type of data and are not included in the description of
stiffness properties of elements. Thus, elements with the same stiffness properties can have one type of
rigidity irrespective of the subsoil parameter specified for them.
When this operation is invoked, the menu appears (Fig. 7.3-15), where you have to select the
elements (bars or plates) the subsoil parameters will be assigned for.
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
The operation enables to specify the local (internal) prestressing for bar, cable-stayed, plate and solid
elements. The initial data for the operation are specified in the Prestressing dialog box (Fig. 7.3-18),
where you have to use the respective radio buttons to select the elements the prestressing is specified for,
and to indicate the set of force factors which will be used for the specification. If the Extended mode
checkbox is not checked, the parameters of prestressing will be specified using a reduced set of force
factors. Otherwise, the maximum set of factors will be used for this type of elements. For example, a
reduced set of factors for bar and cable-stayed elements includes the specification only of a longitudinal
force, and the extended one — the specification of eight factors including a longitudinal force, torque, two
bending moments, two shear forces, and two values of reactions. The values of force factors are specified
in the table, the columns of which depend on the selected type of elements. Each set of parameters of
prestressing can have its own name specified in the respective field.
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
This operation enables to assign the elements some properties which are used quite rarely. The
following properties can be specified in the current version of the software:
limit relative inelastic deformation μ according to KMK 2.01.03-96 (Uzbekistan);
meshing density of the bar section at the physically nonlinear analysis;
number of layers along the plate thickness at the physically nonlinear analysis.
Clicking this button drops down a menu, where you have to select a parameter which will be
specified. Then a dialog box will appear (Fig. 7.3-19), where you can specify the name and the value of the
The further procedure is identical to that described for the specification of other properties (rigidities,
subsoil parameters, ...).
The color scale of the additional properties can be enabled/disabled by clicking the filters button .
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
Fig. 7.3-19. Dialog box for the specification of the additional data
Constraints in nodes of the design model are specified in the dialog box (Fig. 7.4-1), which is invoked
by clicking the respective button in the Assign section of the toolbar.
In order to install constraints in the node it is necessary to
select the directions of degrees of freedom on which the
constraints are imposed using the respective checkboxes, click
the OK button in the dialog box, select the nodes in the model
and perform the operation by clicking the OK button in the
Assign section.
Depending on the type of operation selected in the dialog box
the constraints in nodes will be replaced completely (deleted if all
Figure 7.4-1. The Constraints dialog
the checkboxes of directions are not checked) or added to those
specified earlier.
The Constraints dialog box is different for design models of type 8, 9 and 11 and depends on the
number of the degrees of freedom in nodes of the respective type of the model (12 degrees for type 8, 9
and two degrees for type 11). Fig. 7.4-2 shows the Constraints dialog box for the models of types 8 and 9,
and figure 7.4-3 — for the model of type 11.
You can use the filters button to display the constraints in the model.
Figure 7.4-2. The Constraints dialog Figure 7.4-3. The Constraints dialog box
box for an axisymmetric problem
for structures from multilayer shells
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
Merged Displacements
Figure 7.4-5. The Control the Groups of Merged Displacements dialog box
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
Figure 7.5-1. The Select Loading dialog box Figure 7.5-2. The message window
In the initial state the fragment of the design model (foundation slab) the subsoil parameters are
determined for is located in the lower left corner of the site (Fig. 7.5-3), and its contour selected by a cursor
in the form of an intersection of arrows can move together with the mouse. After moving the contour into
the right position, left click and the position of the slab will be fixed within the dimensions of the site (Fig.
It should be noted that the fragment of the design model can not be located outside the dimensions of
the site, and intersect the lines bounding these dimensions as well as contours of other foundations (for
example, the existing buildings), located in the site earlier. When placing the slab within the dimensions of
the site it is enough to maintain the accuracy of positioning measured by several meters which almost does
not affect the results of the calculation.
If the existing and the analyzed foundations are close enough, the accuracy of positioning must be
At the first calculation the pressure on soil (load) and the footing bottom level are specified by the
user according to the rules described in the manual to Cross. After obtaining the value Rz only the footing
bottom level is specified for each subsequent iteration step (the additional load can be specified, if
Vertical displacements of nodes of the slab can be considered as the comparative evaluation of the
result obtained at the current step with the result obtained at the previous step. The decision to terminate
the iteration process and to take the obtained subsoil parameters as the design ones is made by the user
depending on the nature of the considered problem.
7.Specifying Characteristics of Nodes and Elements
Figure 7.5-3. Initial position of the foundation slab Figure 7.5-4. Final position of the foundation slab
after loading it into Cross after the fixation
After performing the analysis in Cross the rules for specifying the subsoil parameters for each finite
element are determined by the rules selected by the user in the dialog box (Fig. 7.5-5)
References to Chapter 7
1. V.G. Piskunov, Y.M. Fedorenko, A dynamic method for monitoring layered slabs on elastic
subsoil. – Architecture and Construction in Belarus, No.5-6, 1994, p.19-22.
2. SCAD Office. Implementation of SNiP in Computer-Aided Design Applications. / V.S. Karpilovsky,
Kriksunov E.Z., A.A. Malyarenko, M.A. Mikitarenko, A.V. Perelmuter, M.A. Perelmuter,
V.G. Fedorovsky, V.V. Yurchenko, – M.: SCAD SOFT, 2014 – 480p.
8.Specifying Loadings
8. Specifying Loadings
This chapter considers operations of specifying loads and generating loadings for static and dynamic
analysis. The control of the operations is performed with the help of the Loadings section of the toolbar
(Fig. 8-1).
8.Specifying Loadings
− specify the type, direction and value of the load in the dialog box with the parameters of the load;
− select nodes or elements the specified load is snapped to;
− click the OK button in the Loadings section of the toolbar or press the Enter key in the keyboard;
− repeat the above operations for other loads included in the current loading;
− click the Save/Add loading button after specifying all the loads of the current loading;
− specify the name of the loading and its characteristics in the Save Loading dialog box, and click
the OK button;
− click the Remove all loads button in the toolbar before specifying a new (next) loading.
The Save/Add loading operation — must finish the specification of loads of the current loading.
Otherwise the specified loads will not be taken into account in the calculation. Characteristics of loadings
specified in the Save Loading dialog box are automatically taken into account when generating design
combinations of forces (DCF). It is recommended to give loadings unique names characterizing the
purpose of loads.
The Remove all loads operation clears the temporary (buffer) memory where the loads of the current
loading are accumulated and enables to prepare for creating a new loading. This operation must obviously
be performed after saving the loading.
The rules for working with groups of loads and correcting loadings are described below.
The operation is performed for bars, plates and solid elements — and only when the specific weight
of the material is specified in the stiffness properties. The self-weight of elements per unit length/area is
calculated as the product of the cross-sectional area of bars or the plate thickness and the specific weight of
the material. When the operation is performed for bars and the numerical or the numerical and parametric
description of rigidities is used, SCAD works according to the following algorithm — the value of EF is
taken from the numerical description, it is divided by the Young’s modulus E (we obtain an analogue of
the cross-sectional area) and multiplied by the specific weight of the material.
8.Specifying Loadings
− replace the self-weight factor at the reactivation of the operation or sum the new value of the factor
and the previous one.
If in the process of performing the operation elements the self-weight load cannot be assigned to are
detected, a message window with the list of such elements appears. This message is duplicated into the list
of performed operations in the bottom of the window, where the operations of selecting the indicated
elements are provided.
Loads from the self-weight are modeled as distributed forces acting on the elements in the direction of
the Z axis of the global coordinate system. The filters button is used to display the distributed loads on
the model. When the filters button is pressed, the value of the load is displayed next to the image.
Nodal Loads
Nodal loads are specified in the Input Nodal Loads dialog box, which appears after clicking the
respective button in the Loadings section of the toolbar.
8.Specifying Loadings
If when selecting one node, there are several nodes in the cursor target at once, their list will be output
in the Nodes in the Cursor Target dialog box (Fig. 8.1-3). The node selected in the list of this dialog box
is displayed in red in the model, and its coordinates are output in the respective text fields of the dialog
box. Click the Select button to select the node, the dialog box will close and you will be able to use this
node to specify the load.
8.Specifying Loadings
Example 2
Direction of load propagation Х,
direction of the load Z, range of
the load variation Р1 = 1, Р2 = 50.
Example 1
Direction of load propagation Z,
direction of the load Х, range of
the load variation Р1 = 1, Р2 = 30.
It is necessary to perform the following actions to specify loads for a group of nodes:
− invoke the Nodal loads operation;
− the Input Nodal Loads dialog box will appear, where you have to check the On the group of
nodes checkbox;
− select the direction of the load (the operation is performed only for the directions along the axes of
the global coordinate system);
− select the direction of load propagation;
− specify the initial (Р1) and final (Р2) values of load and click the OK button in the dialog box (the
initial load value Р1 will be assigned to the node (nodes) with the minimum value of the coordinate
in the direction of propagation);
− select the nodes in the design model and apply the loads to them by clicking the OK button in the
Loadings section of the toolbar or pressing the Enter key in the keyboard.
8.Specifying Loadings
Type, direction and value of loads on bar elements are specified in the Specify Loads on Bar
Elements dialog box (Fig. 8.1-4), which appears after clicking the respective button in the Loadings
section of the toolbar.
8.Specifying Loadings
dialog box is displayed in red in the model. Click the Select button to select the element, the dialog box
will close and you will be able to use this element to specify the load.
When specifying concentrated and trapezoidal loads the
control of snapping loads along the length of the element is
performed and if the load is outside the element, a message
with the list of elements the load is not applied to is generated.
This message is duplicated into the list of performed
operations in the bottom of the window.
8.Specifying Loadings
Loads on Plates
Type, direction and the value of loads on plate elements (shells, plates, deep beams) are specified in
the Specify Loads on Plate Elements dialog box (Fig. 8.1-6), which appears after clicking the respective
button in the Loadings section of the toolbar.
8.Specifying Loadings
trapezoidal load between two nodes of the element (load along the line);
All types of loads can be specified in the global or in the local coordinate system. Moreover, a load of
the “hydrostatic” type can be applied to a group of elements.
The following procedure is recommended to specify loads on plates:
− invoke the Loads on plates operation;
− specify the coordinate system, type, direction, value, and, if necessary, — snap of the load in the
Specify Loads on Plate Elements dialog box (when the type of the load is selected, the dialog box
displays an icon showing the positive direction of its action);
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button;
− select the elements in the model the specified load is applied to;
− click the OK button in the toolbar or press the Enter key in the keyboard.
Characteristics of all loads on plates specified earlier in the current loading are displayed in the table
of the dialog box. These data can be used to specify new loads or correct those already specified. A set of
marker buttons with an image of the type of load and the Direction drop-down list are used to select loads
by their type, direction of action and the coordinate system (all loads for all directions including the loads
from self-weight are displayed by default).
The dialog box displays an icon showing the positive direction of the load. Since a system for
describing local axes assumed for deep beams differs from that for plates and shells, the Deep beams radio
button should be selected when specifying loads on deep beams in the local coordinate system.
If when selecting one element, there are several elements in the cursor target at once, their list will be
output in the Elements in the Cursor Target dialog box (Fig. 8.1-5). The element selected in the list of
this dialog box is displayed in red in the model. Click the Select button to select the element, the dialog
box will close and you will be able to use this element to specify the load.
When specifying concentrated loads the control of snapping loads within the element is performed
and if the load is outside the element, a message with the list of elements the load is not applied to is
generated. This message is duplicated into the list of performed operations in the bottom of the window.
Loads along the Line
The load on plate elements can be distributed along the line connecting any two nodes of the element.
It is necessary to perform the following actions to specify this load:
− invoke the Loads on plates operation;
− select the type of load (uniformly distributed or trapezoidal) and check the Along the line
checkbox in the Specify Loads on Plate Elements dialog box;
− specify the coordinate system, direction and value of the load (when the type of the load is selected,
the dialog box displays an icon showing the positive direction of its action);
− click the OK button in the dialog box;
− select the elements in the model to the nodes of which the load is snapped;
− select the nodes in the model belonging to the selected elements the load is snapped to;
− click the OK button in the Loadings section.
The operation will be performed correctly if each selected element will have only two selected nodes.
Otherwise an error message with the numbers of elements is generated.
Correcting Loads Specified Earlier
It is necessary to perform the following actions to correct the loads specified earlier:
− select the loading which includes the loads you want to correct from the list of the toolbar of the
Loadings mode;
8.Specifying Loadings
The software enables to specify the following types of loads on solid elements:
8.Specifying Loadings
The type of load is selected from the drop-down menu which appears after clicking the “right arrow”.
An exception is the load from the self-weight which is specified in the same way as for other types of finite
elements by invoking the operation .
It is necessary to perform the following actions to specify a uniformly distributed load for any type of
− invoke the operation by clicking the Loads on solid elements button (“right arrow” is not used for
this type of load);
− the Distributed Loads on Solid Elements dialog box will appear (Fig. 8.1-7), where you have to
select the coordinate system in which the loads will act and the direction of their action;
− specify the load value;
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button and select the elements in the model for which the
load is specified;
− click the OK button in the toolbar.
Figure 8.1-7. The Distributed Loads on Solid Figure 8.1-8. The Loads Uniformly Distributed
Elements dialog box over a Face of … dialog box
You should keep in mind that the distributed loads in the local coordinate system can be
specified only for the elements of type 31 (parallelepiped) and 33 (triangular prism).
A uniformly distributed load on the faces of the elements is specified depending on the type of the
elements and is selected in the drop-down menu. The rules of the numbering of the faces are given in
Figure 3.5-1 and are duplicated in the icons in the respective dialog boxes.
The following rules for specifying the loads on the faces of the elements are recommended if the faces
are specified by their numbers:
− invoke the operation by clicking the “right arrow” and selecting a section from the drop-down
menu corresponding to the type of the elements;
8.Specifying Loadings
− the Loads Uniformly Distributed over a Face of … dialog box will appear (Fig. 8.1-8), where
you have to select the coordinate system in which the loads will act and the direction of their
− specify the load value;
− select the number of the face in the drop-down list for which the loads will be specified;
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button and select the elements in the model for which the
load is specified;
− click the OK button in the toolbar.
Since the numbering of the faces is performed in the local coordinate system of each element, you
might not be able to specify the loads for all the necessary elements at once, because the directions of their
local axes do not coincide, and therefore the positions of the respective faces in the model do not coincide
as well. In this case you can use the operation of specifying a load which enables to select the faces not by
their number but by the (selected) nodes belonging to this face. This operation is invoked from the Load
on the faces of the selected solid elements section of the drop-down menu.
In order to perform the last operation you have to:
− invoke the operation by clicking the “right arrow” and select the above section of the drop-down
− a dialog box will appear (Fig. 8.1-9), where you have to select the coordinate system in which the
loads will act and the direction of their action;
− specify the load value;
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button and select the elements in the model for which the
load is specified;
− click the OK button in the toolbar;
− once the Select nodes message appears, select the nodes belonging to the loaded faces;
− click the OK button in the toolbar.
After performing the operation the number of the face to which the load is applied is specified in the
P2 column of the table of loads of the respective dialog box.
Figure 8.1-9. The Load on the Faces of the Selected Solid Elements
dialog box
8.Specifying Loadings
The correction of the parameters of the load specified earlier is performed according to the same rules
as for the other types of elements, i.e. using the Replace and exit or Replace and continue operations.
The following procedure is recommended for performing the correction operations:
− select the number of the loading which includes the loads you want to correct from the list of the
Loadings toolbar;
− click the right arrow and select the section of the menu with the type of load;
− select a line with the load you want to correct in the table of loads in the dialog box;
− change the parameters of the load and save the new values by clicking the Replace and exit or
Replace and continue buttons;
− after completing the correction save the new state of the loading using the respective operation and
the Replace option or create a new one on the basis of the previous loading.
When correcting the value of the load you should keep in mind that not the value of the load from the
self-weight but the coefficient with which this load is included in the current loading is specified in the P1
column of the tables of the dialog boxes. When changing the value of the coefficient (by selecting the
respective line in the table of loads of the dialog box) the marker of the type of load will automatically
switch into the Self-weight state.
Thermal Loads
Thermal loads are specified depending on the type of the element. The software enables to specify the
following types of thermal load:
loads on bars:
along the bar (in the direction of the local X1 axis);
along the local Y1 axis;
along the local Z1 axis;
loads on plates:
over the whole field of the element;
bending about the local X1 axis;
bending about the local Y1 axis;
loads on deep beams:
over the whole field of the element;
along the local X1 axis;
along the local Z1 axis (the Z1 axis of the elements of the deep beam lies in the plane of the
loads on shells:
over the whole field of the element;
along the local X1 axis;
along the local Y1 axis;
bending about the local X1 axis;
bending about the local Y1 axis;
loads on solid elements:
thermal load throughout the whole volume of the element.
The following procedure is recommended to specify thermal loads:
− click the Thermal loads button in the Loadings section of the toolbar;
− select the type of elements the loads are applied to in the drop-down menu;
8.Specifying Loadings
− select a radio button defining the type of load in the Thermal Loads … dialog box, which depends
on the selected type of element (for example, thermal load on bars is specified in the respective
dialog box (Fig. 8.1-10);
− specify the parameters of the load;
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button;
− select the elements in the model the specified type of load is applied to;
− click the OK button in the toolbar or press the Enter key in the keyboard.
If when specifying the loads the Thermal loads filters button is pressed, the specified loads will
be displayed in the model.
− select a line with the characteristics of the necessary load in the table with the list of the specified
loads in the Thermal Loads dialog box (the characteristics of the load will be input into the
respective text fields);
− click the OK button (the dialog box closes);
− apply the selected load to the elements.
After specifying and correcting all the loads it is necessary to save the loading.
When performing the analysis for the specified displacements using the “null elements” (type 154)
the displacements are specified in accordance with the index of the model type as loads with respect to the
local axes of the “null element”.
A “null element” actually plays the role of a constraint specified in the coordinate system coinciding
with the local coordinate system of the element in the directions for which the nonzero stiffness is specified
in the element. Thus specifying the displacement with the help of a “null element”, you specify the
displacement of the constraint.
The value of the displacement is specified for linear displacements in the units of length indicated in
the dialog box (e.g., in meters), likewise for angular displacements — in the units of angles. The positive
direction of the linear displacements coincides with the direction of the local axes of the element, and that
of the angular ones — clockwise when viewed from the end of the respective axis.
Direction and value of the displacement are specified in the Analysis for the Specified Displacements
dialog box (Fig. 8.2-1).
Figure 8.2-1. The Analysis for the Specified Displacements dialog box
The following procedure is recommended to specify loads:
8.Specifying Loadings
− click the Load of the "specified displacement" type (described as a 0-element) button in the
Loadings section of the toolbar;
− select the marker defining the direction of displacement in the Analysis for the Specified
Displacements dialog box;
− specify the value of the displacement;
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button;
− select the “null elements” in the model the specified displacement is applied to;
− click the OK button in the toolbar or press the Enter key in the keyboard.
If when specifying the loads the Display specified displacements filters button is pressed, the
specified loads will be displayed in the model.
8.Specifying Loadings
In order to perform the analysis for the specified displacements you can specify a nodal load of the
special type — displacement of the constraint in the coordinate system of the problem.
The load can be specified only in the nodes where a constraint is imposed in the direction of the
specified displacement The value of the displacement is specified for linear displacements in the units of
length selected for the problem (e.g., in meters), likewise for angular displacements — in radians or
degrees. The positive direction of the linear displacements coincides with the direction of the axes of the
global coordinate system, and that of the angular ones — clockwise when viewed from the end of the
respective axis. Direction and value of the displacement are specified in Analysis for the Specified
Displacements dialog box (Fig. 8.2-2).
Figure 8.2-2. The Analysis for the Specified Displacements dialog box
The following procedure is recommended to specify loads:
− click the Load of the "specified displacement" type (described as the displacement of the
constraint) button in the Loadings section of the toolbar;
− select the marker defining the direction of displacement in the Analysis for the Specified
Displacements dialog box;
− specify the value of the displacement;
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button;
− select the nodes in the model the specified displacement is applied to;
− click the OK button in the toolbar or press the Enter key in the keyboard.
If when specifying the loads the Display specified displacements filters button is pressed, the
specified loads will be displayed in the model.
Correcting Loads Specified Earlier
It is necessary to perform the following actions to correct the loads specified earlier:
− select the loading which includes the loads you want to correct from the list of the toolbar of the
Loadings mode;
8.Specifying Loadings
− invoke the Load of the "specified displacement" type (described as the displacement of the
constraint) operation;
− select a line with the load you want to correct in the table with the list of the specified loads in the
dialog box, and the characteristics of the load will be input into the respective text fields;
− change the characteristics of the load (including the direction if necessary);
− click the Replace and exit button if the characteristics of only one load change (the specified
changes will be applied after closing the dialog box), or the Replace and continue button if there
are several such loads in the current loading (in this case the changes will be displayed in the table
after clicking this button).
There is one more method to correct/delete loads on a node implemented in the mode of obtaining
information on the node (filters button ).
After finishing the work with the current loading it is necessary to save it.
Using the Characteristics of the Specified Load to Create New Ones
If when creating a new load it turns out that such a load (type, value, direction, …) has been already
used in the current loading, you can perform the following actions to apply it again:
− invoke the Load of the "specified displacement" type (described as the displacement of the
constraint) operation;
− select a line with the characteristics of the necessary load in the table with the list of the specified
loads in the dialog box (the characteristics of the load will be input into the respective text fields);
− click the OK button (the dialog box closes);
− apply the selected load.
After specifying and correcting all the loads it is necessary to save the loading.
After specifying all the loads it is necessary to save the current loading. It can be done with the help
of the Save/Add loading operation. After invoking this operation the Save Loading dialog box appears
(Fig. 8.3-1).
If the loading is new, it is necessary to specify its name, type and load type (these parameters can be
selected from the respective lists). You also have to specify the safety factor for load and the fraction of
duration for the loading. If the values of the loads are specified on the basis of their characteristic values,
you have to check the respective checkbox.
8.Specifying Loadings
8.Specifying Loadings
If a whole loading is considered as a group, it can be saved both as a loading and as a group.
It is necessary to clear the buffer memory from the loads with the help of the Remove all loads
operation — before creating a new loading or a group of loads. If it turns out that the buffer memory
contains loads which are not saved as a loading or a group, the respective warning with a suggestion to
save the loads or reject their saving is generated.
8.Specifying Loadings
Figure 8.4-3. A concentrated force is applied to all Figure 8.4-4. A distributed load is applied to all the
the elements of the group elements of the group
In the result the specified load will be applied to all the elements, for example, the concentrated force
1 T in the Z direction (Fig. 8.4-3). Repeat the above actions for the same group applying the distributed
load 0.3 T to the elements (Fig. 8.4-4).
Thus if the same elements are used when specifying loads in one or several loadings, it is convenient to
combine such elements into named groups. You can work with groups of nodes in a similar way.
The operation is used to generate loadings from groups of loads. A group can be included into the
existing loading and a new loading can be generated from groups. A dialog box with the respective name
appears after selecting the type of operation in the drop-down menu.
The Include a group into loadings operation enables to add a group of loads with the given factor to
different loadings (Fig. 8.4-5). In order to perform this operation you have to:
− select a group from the Groups of loads list which is included into one or several loadings;
− in the table check the checkboxes of loadings the selected group is included into;
− specify the factors with which the group is included in the loadings;
− click the OK button.
The Generate a loading from groups operation (Fig. 8.4-6) enables to generate a new loading from
the groups of loads. Each group can be included in the loading with its factor. In order to perform this
operation you have to:
− in the table check the checkboxes of groups the loading is created from;
− specify the factors for these groups;
− check the Characteristic loading checkbox, if the loads included in it should be saved as
characteristic values (if EN 1990 is selected for calculating load combinations, this control is not
− click the OK button.
After closing the dialog box it is necessary to save the new loading using the Save/Add loading
button .
8.Specifying Loadings
Figure 8.4-5. The Include a Group into Loadings Figure 8.4-6. The Generate a Loading from
dialog box Groups dialog box
This operation enables to specify the factors for groups which are added to the loadings in a
“traditional” way, i.e. by selecting them from the list in the toolbar. You can select the order of
specification in the Specify the Scale Factors dialog box (Fig. 8.4-7) — use the specified value of the
factor for all included groups or ask for the factor for each group. In the second case after selecting the
group from the list the Load Scale Factor dialog box appears (Fig. 8.4-8), where you have to specify the
factor for the selected group.
Figure 8.4-7. The Specify the Scale Factors dialog Figure 8.4-8. The Load Scale Factor dialog box
Deleting Loads
The control of deleting the loads from the current loading is performed with the help of the Delete
Loads dialog box (Fig. 8.5-1), which is invoked by clicking the respective button in the Loadings section
of the toolbar. It is necessary to perform the following actions to delete all loads from the selected nodes or
8.Specifying Loadings
8.Specifying Loadings
Pack Loadings
This operation enables to delete all the loadings which do not have any loads from the project.
After packing the loadings it is necessary to check the initial data for the calculation of DCF and
combinations of loadings (Chapters 18 and 17), since the logical connections between loadings may be
8.Specifying Loadings
When analyzing the systems different inertial characteristics can be used in different loadings (for
example, you can study the motion of the system taking into account temporary loads and the motion of the
same system without the temporary loads).
The software implements the analysis for the following types of dynamic actions :
− seismic actions in accordance with recommendations of the following codes:
SNiP II-7-81* — Russian Federation;
SNiP II-7-81* — with modifications from 01.01.2000 Russian Federation;
SP 31-114-2004 — Russian Federation;
SP 14.13330.2011 — Russian Federation;
SP 14.13330.2014 — Russian Federation;
SNiP II-7-81* (SP 14.13330.2011) — Russian Federation;
SNiP II-7-81* (SP 14.13330.2014) — Russian Federation;
MGSN 4.04-94 — Moscow, Russian Federation;
NP 031-01 — (design codes for earthquake-resistant NPP) Russian Federation;
DBN B.1.1.-12-2006 — Ukraine;
DBN B.1.1.-12-2014 — Ukraine;
SNiP B.1.2-4-98 — Republic of Kazakhstan;
SNiP RK 2.03-30-2006 — Republic of Kazakhstan;
SNRA II-2.02.94 — Republic of Armenia;
SNRA II-6.02.2006 — Republic of Armenia;
SNT 2.01.08-99 — Turkmenistan;
Az. DTN 2.3-1 — Republic of Azerbaijan;
KMK 2.01.03-96 — Republic of Uzbekistan;
SNiP KR 20-02:2009 — Kyrgyz Republic;
codes of CIS (project);
− seismic actions specified by accelerograms:
single-component accelerogram;
three-component accelerogram;
six-component accelerogram;
− wind actions in accordance with recommendations of the following codes:
SNiP 2.01.07-85* — Russian Federation;
SNiP 2.01.07-85* (SP 20.13330.2011) — Russian Federation;
MGSN 4.04-94 — Moscow, Russian Federation;
− other actions:
pulse with history tracking;
impact with history tracking;
impact accounting for the effect of the mass of the impact body;
harmonic oscillations taking into account the starting resonance;
harmonic oscillations (analysis for the specified frequency);
harmonic oscillations (taking into account the possible error in the determination of natural
modal analysis;
8.Specifying Loadings
8.Specifying Loadings
8.Specifying Loadings
8.Specifying Loadings
It should be noted that the division of the weight of mass (static loading) by the gravitational
acceleration is performed automatically and the conversion factor does not play any role. It is used for
other purposes, for example to specify the design values of static loads for the calculation of characteristic
values of masses.
The Characterisric load checkbox enables to indicate that the parameters of the current dynamic
action (for example, the nodal masses) are specified not by the design values but by the characteristic ones.
The Convert design masses into characteristic ones checkbox duplicates the information which is
specified in the 11.7 and is given here for information purposes (if EN 1990 is selected for calculating load
combinations, this control is not available).
Seismic analysis in SCAD enables to determine the inertial characteristics of the system by
recalculating the static loads. You should take into account the following:
a) Not every static load has a mass. For example, the static pressure of gas should not be recalculated
into a mass since it contradicts the physical meaning of such a loading (it does not create an inertial
force when an acceleration appears in the system).
b) If the value of the load from the self-weight is determined automatically, only the weight of the
bearing frame is taken into account. However even in this case it might be necessary to use an
enlarged value obtained in the manual calculation by multiplying by the structural weight factor
(weight of node connections, weight of the fire protection, etc.). In order to do this, you have to
specify this factor.
c) Seismic SNiP (see, for example, Table 2 of SP 14.13330.2011) considers that the design
combination will include not the full values of some loads, but multiplied by the combination
- weight of structures 0,90;
- values of temporary long-term loads 0,80;
- values of short-term loads 0,50.
Applying these factors to permanent loads is beyond question. For if we believe that the reduced
values of loads are considered (the characteristic value instead of the design one is used in practice), the
inertial component should naturally be considered in the same way.
Temporary loads should, however, be converted into masses more carefully. The thing is that when
selecting DCF after having created the respective mass and allowing thus for the inertial component of
this mass, such load might not be included in the combination. Therefore when the value of the
temporary load is significant, it is necessary to create several mutually exclusive variants of the seismic
analysis. For example, the variant of an “empty silo” without the load from the backfill, and the variant
of a “filled silo”.
It should be noted that neglecting a load when converting it into a mass leads to the decrease in the
periods of the natural oscillations, which in turn increases the spectral dynamic amplification factor for
most structures with a period of natural oscillations greater than 0,1 sec, and this circumstance increases
the reliability.
If most parameters of the new loading coincide with those of the loading specified earlier, you can use
the Take the values of the parameters from the loading operation. In this case the new loading will get
the parameters of the dynamic loading selected from the list, and then the necessary parameters can be
Natural modes and frequencies can be determined using different methods: subspace iteration method,
method of steepest descent, or Lanczos method. A method can be selected using the respective radio
8.Specifying Loadings
buttons. The Lanczos method enables depending on the type of the problem solved to specify the range of
frequencies the analysis is performed in, or to use the mode of an automatic determination of the necessary
number of modes of natural oscillations depending on the specified percent of the selection of modal
masses for each direction (for the analysis for seismic actions). It should be noted that the Lanczos method
can be used only together with a multifrontal or PARFES processor.
The selection of the percent of the modal mass is defined by the following considerations. If the
structure was infinitely rigid, it would be easy to calculate the value of the kinetic energy К=а2М/2 arising
in the process of movement of its mass М under the action of the specified ground acceleration а. If you
determine the potential energy for each mode of natural oscillations, the sum of such energies must be
equal to the value of K, and for an incomplete set of natural modes — to a certain fraction of K. Design
codes of some countries (USA, France) recommend to specify the fraction of the selected modal mass as
90% for horizontal and 75% — for vertical direction. These values are taken by default. The values of the
frequency range or the percent of modal masses are specified in the text fields which become accessible
after checking the respective checkboxes.
If the Lanczos method is used, the software additionally provides an automatic selection of the
number of natural oscillation modes based on the restrictions on frequency (all modes the frequencies of
which lie in the range from zero to the number specified by the user will be selected). If both the
restrictions on frequency and on the percent of modal masses are specified, both conditions will be used.
If the method of steepest descent or Lanczos method is selected, you can use either a diagonal or
consistent mass matrix (Use consistent mass matrix checkbox).
8.Specifying Loadings
If you use the OK button to close the dialog box in the correction mode, regardless of
whether changes have been made to the data or not, the project will be considered as
modified and a recalculation of the problem will be required.
8.Specifying Loadings
it is necessary to perform the check calculation of the actual existing structure for the impact of the
earthquake with an intensity of 8,5. It is sufficient to specify magnitude 8 for the site and take the
correction factor as 20,5 = 1,414, since the value of the ground acceleration is calculated by the
formula K*2N and (K*28,5)/(K*28) = 1,414.
Requirement for considering the seismic torque in the updated edition of Russian codes
“Construction in Seismic Regions” (SP 14.13330.2014) is as follows:
“5.16 When calculating buildings and structures with the length or width greater than 30 m using a
cantilever DDM apart from the seismic load determined according to 5.5, it is necessary to take
into account torque about the vertical axis of the building or structure passing through its shear
center. The value of the design eccentricity between the shear center and the center of mass of
buildings or structures in the considered level should be not less than 0,1B, where B is the size of
the building or structure in plan in the direction perpendicular to the force action Sk”.
There are similar requirements in the codes of Ukraine — DBN В.1.1-12:2006, Kazakhstan — RK
2.03-30-2006 and a number of other countries.
A design dynamic model (DDM) of plane or spatial types are usually used in SCAD and in this case
the above recommendation concerning a cantilever DDM is not relevant. However, a calculation for the
conditional torque may be required in cases when a regular structural model experiences only translational
displacements under the seismic action.
A typical example is a spatial frame with rows of identical transverse frames which bend
simultaneously and all discs of floors receive linear displacements.
If the considered object is like that and there is no torsion of floor discs, it is recommended to
artificially introduce the asymmetry into the model. This can be done by taking the self-weight (and hence
the mass) in one half of the building with a safety factor for load, and in the other — without this factor.
Then the natural torsion will appear and there will be no need to use the recommendation of Sec. 5.15 of
Number of modes taken into account is specified in all dialog boxes. However, if the percents of
modal masses which have to be reached for each direction are specified, and the Lanczos method is
selected for calculating eigenvalues and natural modes of oscillations, not less than the specified number of
modes will be determined.
Accounting for the vertical component of the seismic load is required for a number of cases of the
seismic load. However, it can not be taken into account automatically, since there are no such concepts as a
"horizontal or inclined cantilever structure", "bridge superstructure" or "... a span of more than 24 meters"
in the description of the design model assumed in SCAD and many other programs which use the finite
element method. These and other cases are calculated for the action of a vertical seismic load, if when
inputting the initial data you specify its direction along the Z axis.
Design values of SSS, for example, in accordance with the formula (8) of SP 14.13330.2014,
components of seismic response are calculated as the square root of the sum of squares of values
corresponding to different modes of natural oscillations. In the result of this nonlinear transformation
(Rosenblum estimate) displacements and internal forces do not correspond to each other and do not satisfy
the conditions of equilibrium, since for different modes of natural oscillations they appear at different
moments. This fact should be taken into account when analyzing the results of the calculation. The
correspondence of these components is guaranteed only for each mode individually.
8.Specifying Loadings
When calculating structures symmetrical in plan, displacements (and their corresponding forces) may
appear not only in the direction of action of the seismic force, but also in the orthogonal direction, although
based on the conditions of symmetry this should not happen. This occurs due to the implementation of
codes, which can be illustrated by a simple example.
Example. Let a vertical cantilever with a mass at the top have oscillation modes (vectors are written
in a line) f1(1)={1; 0} and f2(1)={0; 1}. Then at the direction cosines {1; 0} the first mode will be fully
taken into account, and the second mode will not work, and the answer in some dimensionless units will be
{1; 0}. However, if the same pair of multiple modes is determined as f1(2)={0,707; 0,707} and f2(2)
={0,707; -0,707}, we will get the answer {1; 1}. Components with opposite signs will not annihilate each
other because the squares (!) of components are summed and then the square root of the sum is determined.
It only remains to note that for multiple eigenvalues characteristic of symmetrical structures, when all
directions are equal, the solution f1(1), f2(1) and the solution f1(2), f2(2) are completely equal. Which of
them will be selected by the program (any, not just SCAD) is determined by such uncontrollable details as
rounding errors of floating point numbers.
The problem disappears when an accelerogram based analysis is performed, because there is no
“square root from the sum of squares” operation.
Allowing for the proximity of frequencies. For example, according to formula (9) of SP
14.13330.2014 components of seismic response have to be calculated taking into account the mutual
correlation of close frequencies. You can select the method of correlation when performing the analysis
according to some codes if several variants are allowed.
Calculation of residual modes. This checkbox prompts the software to add the “residual modes” to
the set of the natural oscillation modes, which will supplement the sum of modal masses to 100% in the
respective directions. These modes are “assigned” a frequency equal to that of the last mode determined on
the basis of a standard modal analysis. It should be noted that even if not a single eigenpair is determined,
the residual modes will still provide 100% of modal masses (the following requirement is introduced in the
codes: a certain percent of modal masses has to be taken into account “honestly”, and only the remainder
can be covered by the residual modes). It is assumed that there is no mutual correlation of the residual
Plots of the dynamic amplification factor — some codes allow to use special forms of the plot
(spectrum) of the dynamic amplification factor. The plot can be specified as a piecewise linear function
and saved in a file with the extension .spd. Besides a single plot you can also specify up to six plots —
separately for each direction of the action.
A format of the file with the description of the plot of the dynamic amplification factor is given below. A
file with a similar format can be obtained using Editor of Dynamic Amplification Factor included in the
SCAD Office system package (see Sec. 30.8). If a file with a plot is selected, the button enables to invoke
Editor of Dynamic Amplification Factor for viewing the plot.
Dynamic amplification factor spectrum
0.030 1.030 0.060 1.45 0.100 2.500 0.147 3.100
0.202 2.820 0.261 2.64 0.359 2.560 0.464 2.030
0.681 1.400 1.000 1.06 1.565 0.650 0.966 0.390
A comment goes before the # symbol followed by the description of vertices of a polyline that
approximates the plot where the period in seconds and the value of its corresponding coefficient are
consequently specified for each point.
8.Specifying Loadings
Accelerogram files (extension .spc) are used in the accelerogram based analyses. They must be in the
same directory as the data of the problem. Several standard accelerograms come together with the
complex. You can find them in the software directory. Here is an example of one of them, having the name
Design accelerogram in cm/(sec*sec) for MDE on the site of a nuclear reactor.
Component - Z. Model - M1c. Amax = 42.2 cm/(sec*sec).
Number of points N = 2047; Time step Dt = 0.05000 sec.
0.01 2047 0.05
0.0 0.0 -0.0 -0.3 -0.6 -0.4 0.8 1.8 1.9 0.3
-1.6 -2.5 -3.5 -2.7 -1.7 -1.3 2.0 3.6 0.1 -0.6 ...
Ordinates of accelerograms can be specified in any units of measurement. The first number after the #
symbol is a conversion factor for the used units. The specified values are multiplied by it to obtain data in
m/sec2. In this case this factor is equal to 0,01. It is followed by the number of points (2047), the time step
(0.05 sec) and consequent values of ordinates. A period is used as a separator between the integer and
fractional parts. The tab enables to specify the scale factor for the ordinates of the accelerogram.
To facilitate the preparation of accelerograms SCAD Office includes a special program,
Accelerogram Editor, described in Section 30.7. If a file with an accelerogram is selected, the button
enables to invoke Accelerogram Editor to view the accelerogram and its parameters.
8.Specifying Loadings
8.Specifying Loadings
account that this selection is implemented after the selection of a zoning map). Moreover, the plots of the
dynamic amplification factor are changed significantly in the direction of increasing values in almost the
entire real range of periods of natural oscillations. Therefore, a direct comparison of the results of the
calculations performed earlier using only the initial data used in the analysis according to SNiP before
applying the change No.5 is impossible. You have to specify the entire set of new initial data taking into
account the possible change of the seismic region.
8.Specifying Loadings
Coordinates of the center of rotation — they should be taken as the coordinates of the center of
gravity of the subgrade area of the building, considering the subgade uniform over the entire area.
Direction of the torsion vector is specified by the vector of rotational acceleration.
Allowing for the proximity of frequencies — if this checkbox is checked, the formula 6.4, which
enables to take into account the mutual correlation of the generalized coordinates, is used for the neighbor
natural oscillation modes which differ by less than 10%.
Plots of the dynamic amplification factor — the considered codes allow to use special forms of the
plot (spectrum) of the dynamic amplification factor. The plot can be specified as a piecewise linear
function and saved in a file with the extension .spd. The plot can be obtained using Editor of Dynamic
Amplification Factor included in the SCAD Office system package (see Sec. 30.8). If a file with a plot is
selected, the button enables to invoke Editor of Dynamic Amplification Factor for viewing the plot.
Besides a single plot you can also specify three plots — separately for each direction of the action.
Depending on the selected radio button the software can use a plot given in the codes (the According to
codes radio button), load a prepared file with a single plot (the Single plot radio button) or three files with
separate plots for each direction (the Separate for each direction radio button).
8.Specifying Loadings
8.Specifying Loadings
8.Specifying Loadings
8.Specifying Loadings
Correction factor is specified for the correction of results if it is necessary to take into account the
requirements of codes more fully. This factor can take any positive value, and the results of the analysis of
inertial forces from the seismic action are multiplied by it.
Direction of the vector of the seismic action is defined by the vector specified in the global
coordinate system.
Allowing for the proximity of frequencies — if this checkbox is checked, the formula (9) of SP,
which enables to take into account the mutual correlation of the generalized coordinates, is used for the
neighbor natural oscillation modes which differ by less than 10%.
Plots of the dynamic amplification factor — in addition to the ranges of plots of the dynamic
amplification factors given in the codes it is allowed to use special plots specified as a file. Such single plot
can be used for all three directions, or different plots can be used for each direction of action. Depending
on the selected radio button the software can use a plot given in the codes (the According to codes radio
button), load a prepared file with a single plot (the Single plot radio button) or three files with separate
plots for each direction (the Separate for each direction radio button). The plot can be obtained using
Editor of Dynamic Amplification Factor included in the SCAD Office system package (see Sec. 30.8). If a
file with a plot is selected, the button enables to invoke Editor of Dynamic Amplification Factor for
viewing the plot.
Accounting for nonlinear soil deformation — if this checkbox is checked and the specified
magnitude is 8 and greater increased only due the presence of Category III and IV soil, a reduction factor is
introduced (see notes to the formula (2) of SP).
8.Specifying Loadings
8.Specifying Loadings
8.Specifying Loadings
button), load a prepared file with a single plot (the Single diagram radio button) or three files with
separate plots for each direction (the Separate for each direction radio button). The plot can be obtained
using Editor of Dynamic Amplification Factor included in the SCAD Office system package (see
Sec. 30.8). If a file with a plot is selected, the button enables to invoke Editor of Dynamic
Amplification Factor for viewing the plot.
8.Specifying Loadings
using the Select a settlement operation, which can be invoked by clicking the button on the right
from the list. In the last case the dialog box appears with a list of settlements according to Annex A. After
selecting the value of seismicity in the list and clicking the OK button the dialog box closes, and the
selected value is displayed in the Seismicity list.
Coefficient of inelastic strain accounts for the inelasticity of the structure and the local damage in it
(is taken from Table 6.3). The value of the coefficient depends on the seismicity of the construction site.
Importance factor of structures is selected from the list corresponding to Table 2.4. If the Other
item is selected in the list, the value has to be specified in the text field on the right from the list.
Soil category is selected from the respective list. If the IV category is selected, it is necessary to
specify the coefficient accounting for nonlinear soil deformation in the respective field.
Correction factor is specified for the correction of results if it is necessary to take into account the
requirements of codes more fully. This factor can take any positive value, and the results of the analysis of
inertial forces from the seismic action are multiplied by it.
Direction of the vector of the seismic action is defined by the vector specified in the global
coordinate system.
Allowing for the torsional component (Annex I) — if the torsional component is taken into account
(the respective checkbox is checked), it is necessary to specify the coordinates of the center of rotation and
the direction of the torsion vector.
Coordinates of the center of rotation — they should be taken as the coordinates of the center of
gravity of the subgrade area of the building, considering the subgade uniform over the entire area.
Direction of the torsion vector is specified by the vector of rotational acceleration.
Minimum size in plan is used to determine the coefficient taking into account the sizes of the
structure in plan (Sec. I.6).
Number of storeys — number of storeys.
Plots of the dynamic amplification factor — in addition to the ranges of plots of the dynamic
amplification factors given in the codes it is allowed to use special plots specified as a file. Such single plot
can be used for all three directions, or different plots can be used for each direction of action. Depending
on the selected radio button the software can use a plot given in the codes (the According to codes radio
button), load a prepared file with a single plot (the Single diagram radio button) or three files with
separate plots for each direction (the Separate for each direction radio button). The plot can be obtained
using Editor of Dynamic Amplification Factor included in the SCAD Office system package (see Sec.
30.8). If a file with a plot is selected, the button enables to invoke Editor of Dynamic Amplification
Factor for viewing the plot.
8.Specifying Loadings
Values of coefficients K1, K2 and K are specified automatically by selecting the characteristics from
the drop-down lists coinciding with Tables 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 of SNiP respectively. The display of
coefficients in the text fields on the right from the drop-down list is given for reference. The fields become
available for input in the case if the Other item is selected in the list.
Options Limit the number of modes …, Allowing for the vertical seismic action, Allowing for
balconies, canopies, dropped ceilings … can be selected in any combination.
Options Allowing for hinged panels, partitions … and Allowing for structures towering over the
building are mutually exclusive.
8.Specifying Loadings
Options Non-load-bearing and self-supporting walls and Structures towering over the building,
Fasteners of technological equipment, Balconies, canopies are mutually exclusive.
Plots of the dynamic amplification factor — in addition to the ranges of plots of the dynamic
amplification factors given in the codes it is allowed to use special plots specified as a file. Such single plot
can be used for all three directions, or different plots can be used for each direction of action. Depending
on the selected radio button the software can use a plot given in the codes (the According to codes radio
button), load a prepared file with a single plot (the Single diagram radio button) or three files with
separate plots for each direction (the Separate for each direction radio button). The plot can be obtained
using Editor of Dynamic Amplification Factor included in the SCAD Office system package (see Sec.
30.8). If a file with a plot is selected, the button enables to invoke Editor of Dynamic Amplification
Factor for viewing the plot.
8.Specifying Loadings
Figure 8.7-14. The Seismic Code of the Republic of Armenia (SNRA II-2.02.94) tab
8.Specifying Loadings
Figure 8.7-15. The Seismic Code of the Republic of Armenia (SNRA II-6.02.2006) tab
Action direction is defined by the vector specified in the global coordinate system.
The values of other coefficients are taken from the tables of the code.
8.Specifying Loadings
Figure 8.7-16. The Seismic Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan (AzDTN 2.3-1) tab
Action direction is defined by the vector specified in the global coordinate system.
The values of other coefficients are taken from the tables of the code.
8.Specifying Loadings
can be used for all three directions, or different plots can be used for each direction of action. Depending
on the selected radio button the software can use a plot given in the codes (the According to codes radio
button), load a prepared file with a single plot (the Single diagram radio button) or three files with
separate plots for each direction (the Separate for each direction radio button). The values of other
coefficients are taken from the code.
8.Specifying Loadings
on the selected radio button the software can use a plot given in the codes (the According to codes radio
button), load a prepared file with a single plot (the Single diagram radio button) or three files with
separate plots for each direction (the Separate for each direction radio button).
8.Specifying Loadings
Plots of the dynamic amplification factor — in addition to the ranges of plots of the dynamic
amplification factors given in the codes it is allowed to use special plots specified as a file. Such single plot
can be used for all three directions, or different plots can be used for each direction of action. Depending
on the selected radio button the software can use a plot given in the codes (the According to codes radio
button), load a prepared file with a single plot (the Single diagram radio button) or three files with
separate plots for each direction (the Separate for each direction radio button).
In addition to these data you also have to select a name of the file (by clicking the button )
containing ordinates of an accelerogram, and to specify the dissipation factor and the accelerogram scale
factor. Dissipation factor is usually specified as 0,1 for building structures and 0,2 — for engineering
8.Specifying Loadings
The button invokes a dialog box which enables to obtain the reference information on the
coefficients of inelastic resistance of different structures (Fig. 8.7-21). After selecting the necessary type of
structure and clicking the OK button, you can transfer the respective value of the coefficient of inelastic
resistance to the data of the loading. Moreover, if the Other types of structures item is selected in the
Type of structure list, having specified one of the possible representations of information on the inelastic
resistance (for example, logarithmic decrement of oscillations), you can obtain the necessary dissipation
8.Specifying Loadings
8.Specifying Loadings
Plots of the dynamic amplification factor can be loaded by clicking the respective button and
selecting the necessary spd-file. If the file with a plot of the dynamic amplification factor is selected, the
button enables to invoke the Editor of Dynamic Amplification Factor to view it (Fig. 8.7-23).
Moreover, it is necessary to specify the following data:
number of natural oscillation modes taken into account;
cutoff frequency — the upper limit of frequencies which are adequately represented in the model
for the calculation of the dynamic interaction of the structure with the subgrade. It can be selected
at the level of the doubled dominant frequency of the “structure-subgrade” system in the selected
direction, but not less than 10 Hz;
logarithmic decrement of oscillations;
correction factor is specified for the correction of results if it is necessary to take into account the
requirements of codes more fully. This factor can take any positive value, and the results of the
analysis of inertial forces from the seismic action are multiplied by it;
allowing for the proximity of frequencies — you can select a rule for taking into account the
neighbor natural oscillation modes which differ by less than 10% (according to the "sum of
squares" rule, according to the recommendations of SP 14.13330.2011 (formula (9)) or ASCE4-98
(formula (3.2.19));
summing the components – you can select a standard rule for summing the reactions (according to
the “sum of squares” rule) in the directions of a six-component seismic action or use the summing
8.Specifying Loadings
with a fully correlated oscillation which is performed according to the following formula
2 2
x Rux y Ruy Rz2 Ruz2 .
The program enables to perform the analysis for the maximum duration of the accelerogram
multiplied by a coefficient specified by the user. The meaning of this coefficient is that the calculation
will be performed not only in the period of the accelerogram action but after the earthquake as well, when
the impact is over, but the movement is still there.
The button invokes a dialog box which enables to obtain the reference information on the
coefficients of inelastic resistance of different structures. After selecting the necessary type of structure and
clicking the OK button, you can transfer the respective value of the coefficient of inelastic resistance to the
data of the loading. Moreover, if the Other types of structures item is selected in the Type of structure
list, having specified one of the possible representations of information on the inelastic resistance (for
example, logarithmic decrement of oscillations), you can obtain the necessary coefficient of inelastic
Wind Pulsation
Figure 8.7-24.
8.Specifying Loadings
Static (or average) component of the wind load is described by a separate static loading taking into
account the position of the design model (see Fig. 8.7-24). Not only concentrated nodal forces but any
local loads provided in SCAD are used when specifying it. Using the distributed loads enables to describe
the wind action in accordance with the requirements of codes, according to the arrangements of wind loads
with their aerodynamic coefficients (see Annex 4 of SNiP 2.01.07-85* and Annex E of SP 20.13330.2011).
Figure 8.7-25. The Pulsation Component of the Wind Load (SNiP 2.01.07-85*) tab
When specifying the data it is necessary to pay attention to the
the direction of the wind action has to be specified;
in accordance with the specified direction it is necessary to specify
the value of the width of the building across the wind direction
and its length along the wind action (Fig. 8.7-26);
it is necessary to select the number of the wind static loading from
Figure 8.7-26. the list (it has to be selected even if this loading is the first in the
list), having made sure that the selected wind static loading
corresponds to the specified direction of the wind;
correction factor (it is taken as 1 by default) must be greater than 0.
The number of modes of natural oscillations of a structure that have to be taken into account in the
analysis is usually specified as 3 — for plane structures and 6 — for spatial ones. However, there are also
such structures for which a much greater number of modes have to be taken into account.
8.Specifying Loadings
For example, if the first modes of oscillations are orthogonal to the action of the wind. The number of
modes taken into account in the result can turn out to be less, since if the natural frequency is greater than
the limit frequency of the considered structure, then according to SNiP it is not taken into account.
All other characteristics are specified by selecting the necessary line in the lists.
8.Specifying Loadings
For example, if the first modes of oscillations are orthogonal to the action of the wind. The number of
modes taken into account in the result can turn out to be less, since if the natural frequency is greater than
the limit frequency of the considered structure, then according to SP it is not taken into account.
All other characteristics are specified by selecting the necessary line in the lists.
Figure 8.7-28. The Pulsation Component of the Wind Load (SP 20.13330.2011, SP 20.13330.2016) tab
8.Specifying Loadings
Modal Analysis
The only characteristic necessary for performing the modal
analysis, the number of natural oscillation modes taken into
account, is specified in the Modal Analysis tab (Fig. 8.7-30).
If the frequency search range has to be specified instead of
the number of modes, you should use the Lanczos method.
Then the Lanczos method radio-button has to be selected and
the Analysis in the specified frequency range checkbox has to
be checked in the General Data tab of the Parameters of
Dynamic Actions dialog box, and the values of frequencies of
the beginning and end of the search interval have to be specified
in the From and To text fields. The number of calculated
frequencies will be not less than that specified in the Modal
Figure 8.7-30. The Modal Analysis tab Analysis tab.
8.Specifying Loadings
Harmonic Oscillations
One of the following problems can be solved when performing the analysis of a structure for harmonic
analysis for the specified frequency;
analysis taking into account the starting resonance;
analysis for the specified frequency taking into account the possible error in the determination of
natural frequencies.
In the first case the frequency of excitation is assumed to
be precisely specified and stable, the possibility of its
interaction with all calculated natural frequencies of the
structure is taken into account. The corresponding amplitude
values of the real and imaginary components of the inertial
forces under the action of harmonic force are determined by the
formulas 2.4.13 given in Sec. 2.4.
In the second case it is assumed that the specified
frequency is achieved by its gradual increase from the zero
value to the specified upper value, and the possibility of
resonant oscillations at natural frequencies less than the upper
value of the excitation frequency is taken into account.
Finally, the third case assumes that due to the
approximation of the design model (inaccuracy of the initial
data, possible changes in the location of masses, etc.) actual
Figure 8.7-31. The Harmonic natural frequencies can differ from the calculated ones by the
Oscillations tab value ε.
Then the following variants of the position of the specified frequency ω with respect to the calculated
frequencies are considered:
ω coincides with one of the calculated frequencies with the specified accuracy ωk — the calculations
are performed for a series of frequencies ωi ω/ωk;
ω ≥ ωk and ω < ωk+1 — in this case two series of frequencies are assumed ωi – ε and ωi + ε;
ω < ω1 – ε — assumed series of frequencies ωi – ε;
ω > ω1 + ε — assumed series of frequencies ωi + ε.
Depending on whether the Absolute or Relative radio button is selected ε can be specified in absolute
values (for example, in Hz) or in relative ones (in percent).
Amplitude values of the real and imaginary components of the inertial forces under the action of
harmonic force, which are determined by the formulas 2.4.13 given in Sec. 2.4, are calculated for each of
these series of “refined” natural frequencies.
The initial data are specified in the Harmonic Oscillations tab (Fig. 8.7-31).
The button invokes a dialog box which enables to obtain the reference information on the
coefficients of inelastic resistance of different structures (Fig. 8.7-21). After selecting the necessary type of
structure and clicking the OK button, you can transfer the respective value of the coefficient of inelastic
resistance to the data of the loading. Moreover, if the Other types of structures item is selected in the
Type of structure list, having specified one of the possible representations of information on the inelastic
resistance (for example, logarithmic decrement of oscillations), you can obtain the necessary coefficient of
inelastic resistance.
8.Specifying Loadings
Masses and dynamic loads can be specified only in an already created dynamic loading.
The Inertial properties operation is used to specify masses. When this operation is invoked the
Masses dialog box appears (Fig. 8.7-33), where you have to select a method for specifying masses (in
nodes or on elements), specify the weight of mass and its snap (the snap is specified if the mass is
concentrated on the element), and snap the masses to nodes and elements according to the same rules as for
loads after closing the dialog box.
8.Specifying Loadings
Depending on the type of dynamic loading (pulse, impact, …) clicking the Parameters of dynamic
loads button invokes one of the dialog boxes shown in Figures 8.7-34, a–d.
When specifying loads for different types of calculation for dynamic actions you have to:
− specify the data in the respective dialog box;
− click the OK button in the dialog box;
− select nodes or elements in the model the specified actions are applied to;
− click the OK button in the Loadings section.
After specifying masses or dynamic loads it is necessary to save the loading under a number
previously specified for the dynamic loading.
The specified parameters of dynamic loads will be input into the tables of the respective dialog box.
The procedure for correcting the data specified earlier does not differ from the similar operations when
specifying other loads:
− select a line with the parameters you want to correct in the table, and the contents of the line will
be input into the text fields;
− correct the data;
− use the Replace and exit or Replace and continue buttons depending on whether it is necessary
to change other data.
a) c)
b) d)
Figure 8.7-34. Dialog boxes for specifying the characteristics of dynamic loads
a) Pulse;b) Harmonic Oscillations; c) Impact; d) Nodal Load with Time
This operation enables to change the types of loadings, types of loads, safety factors and fractions of
duration of one or several loadings and/or groups of loads. The operations are performed in a two-tab
dialog box.
The first tab contains a table with a list of all loadings and their parameters, each of which can be
changed, and the second one provides information on the groups of loads.
8.Specifying Loadings
The numbering of loadings and groups of loads can be changed. In order to do this you have select the
necessary loadings/groups of loads and move them in the list by clicking the Up or Down buttons.
References to Chapter 8
1. Dynamic Analysis of Structures for Special Actions. Designer's handbook / B.G. Korenev and I.M. Rabinovich—
M.: Stroyizdat, 1981.
2. V.K. Egupov, T.A. Kamandrina, Seismic Analysis of Buildings. — Kyiv: Budivelnyk, 1969.
3. MGSN. Multifunctional Buildings and Complexes / Government of Moscow.— M.: 1994.
4. International Building Code of CIS. Construction in Seismic Regions. (Project), 2002. — Earthquake
Engineering. Safety of Structures. 2002, No. 3, p. 27-54
5. S.V. Polyakov, Earthquake-resistant Building Structures.— M.: High school, 1983.
6. Codes for Earthquake-resistant Nuclear Power Plants. NP-031-01. Gosatomnadzor of Russia. — Bulletin of
Gosatomnadzor of Russia. 2001, No.6, p.7-31.
7. Manual for the Analysis of Buildings and Structures for the Wind Action / Kucherenko V.A. Central Research
Institute of Building Constructions.— M.: Stroyizdat, 1978.
8. SNiP 2.01.07-85*. Loads and Actions. Building rules and regulations / State Comm. for Construct. of Russia. –
Moscow, 2001. — 44 p.
9. SNiP II-7-81*. Construction in Seismic Regions/Ministry of Construction of Russia, 1996. — 52 p.
10. SNiP II-7-81*. Construction in Seismic Regions /State Comm. for Construct. of Russia. – Moscow, 2000. —
44 p. + Annex 2 G 10 maps.
11. Handbook on the Dynamics of Structures. — M.: Stroyizdat, 1972. — 511 p.
12. Code of the Republic of Armenia. Earthquake Engineering. Design standards. SNRA II-2.02-94.
13. Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. SNiP b.1.2-4-98. Construction in Seismic Regions. Almaty. 1998, 41 p.
14. Construction in Seismic Regions of Ukraine. DBN В.1.1-12:2006. – K.: Ministry of Construction, Architecture
and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, 2006. – 84 p.
15. Rules for Designing Residential and Public Buildings for Construction in Seismic Regions. SP 31-114-2004. –
M.:, 2005. – 41 p.
16. SNiP RK 2.03-30-2006. Construction in Seismic Regions. Building Codes and Regulations of the Republic of
Kazakhstan. – p. 41-74.
17. SP 14.13330.2011. Construction in Seismic Regions (Updated edition of SNiP II-7-81*) M.:, 2010. — 91 p.
18. SP 14.13330.2014. Construction in Seismic Regions (Updated edition of SNiP II-7-81*) M.:, 2014. — 126 p.
19. Code of the Republic of Armenia. Earthquake Engineering. Design standards. SNRA II-6.02-2006.
8.Specifying Loadings
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
9. FORUM Preprocessor
9.1. General Principles for Creating a Model
Unlike finite element models where a design model is made up from separate finite elements, the model in
FORUM preprocessor is based on enlarged elements (objects) which are as close as possible by their purpose
and name to the functional components of a real structure. They include such commonly used objects as
columns, beams, walls, floors and roofs. Groups of objects can be combined into modules. They are usually
combined based on their position when elements which model one storey of a building or one section of a
multisectional building are included in one module, though other conditions of grouping are possible as well
(for example, all columns of a building may be combined into one module).
Menus Toolbar
Show/hide objects
Project tree
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
elements. The transition from an integrated model to a finite element design model of SCAD complex is
performed by an automatic or user-managed transformation of objects into sets of finite elements.
The control of the preprocessor is performed with the help of menus, toolbars, filters and dialog
boxes. To make it easier for the users of SCAD complex to master the preprocessor the rules for working
with the program and many operations adopted in SCAD are saved where it is reasonable. Therefore, the
description of such "common" operations (such as the removal and transfer of nodes, the transfer of the
origin of the global coordinate system, etc.) is not given in this section.
The toolbar contains six sections: Control, Model, Operations with Nodes, Operations with Elements,
Loads, and Groups. Switching between sections is performed by clicking on “tabs” with their names.
— Save the fragment of the model — save the fragment of the model as an individual project;
— Settings — specify the units of measurement and the type of representation of numerical
information, select fonts, ...;
— Express control of the model — express-control of some parameters of the model;
— Correct elements — invalid elements (in terms of shape) are deleted or replaced;
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
— Generate nodes on the grid — specify the input area for nodes at the intersection points of grid
— Control the modules — a table with a list of modules similar to the tables of control of the groups
of nodes and elements;
— Geometric transformations;
— Save the fragment of the model — save the fragment of the model as an individual project;
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
— Delete elements;
— Restore deleted elements;
— Delete duplicate elements — delete the elements of one type, all the nodes of which coincide with
the nodes of the elements created earlier;
— Move elements — move the selected elements by the specified distance;
— Specify subsoil parameters (see Section 7.3);
— Specify the orientation of the local coordinate axes of the elements — rotate the section of the
element by the specified angle;
— Specify the directions of the stress output for plates (see Section 7.3);
— Change the stiffness properties — change the stiffness properties of the selected elements;
— renumber rigidities;
— specify the reinforcement layout of plate elements (see Chapter 19);
— specify the reinforcement layout of bars (see Chapter 19) ;
— Install hinges and delete hinges — specify and delete hinges and sliders;
— Move the plate midplane — change the position of the slab or wall by the parallel translation of
the midplane by the specified distance;
— Bar division — divide beams and columns into several elements;
— Division of bars taking into account the intermediate nodes — divide beams and columns into
several elements taking into account all the nodes they intersect;
— Divide bars at the intersection point — divide intersecting elements;
— Connect walls and floors — extend walls to their intersection line (including floors);
— Correct the description of openings — combine intersecting openings;
— Delete openings — delete openings in the elements of slabs and walls;
— Extend the bar to the plate — extend the bar to the specified plate element;
— Chamfer bars — extend the bars to their intersection point;
— Divide bars by a polygon;
— Expansion of the plate by an offset from the faces — increase the overall dimensions of the
plate by an offset from all its faces by the specified distance;
— Division of floors and walls by beams and columns lying in their plane;
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
— Divide plates along the intersection line — divide the intersecting plate elements along their
intersection lines;
— Operations with a pair of planar objects — combine, intersect, ... plate elements lying in one
— Create surfaces of revolution — create surfaces of the cylinder, cone and sphere type from plane
— Create elements along an arc — create beams along a circular arc;
— Change the types of elements — the ability to change the type of the element (wall, partition,
column, floor, roof);
— Create a 0-element;
— Create constraints of finite rigidity — create and specify parameters for constraints of finite
— Create an elastic constraint — create and specify parameters for elastic constraints;
— Create single-node peripheral elements of the plate — create and specify parameters for single-
node peripheral elements of the plate on the elastic subgrade;
— Create two-node peripheral elements of the plate — create and specify parameters for two-node
peripheral elements of the plate on the elastic subgrade;
— Create cable-stayed elements — create and specify parameters of cable-stayed elements;
— Rigid bodies — create, correct and specify parameters of rigid bodies;
— Create unilateral constraints — create and specify parameters of unilateral constraints;
— Confirmation (OK) — command for performing the selected operation;
— Rejection — cancel the selected operation.
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
— Delete loads;
— Confirmation (OK) — command for performing the selected operation;
— Rejection — cancel the selected operation.
b) c)
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
Positioning elements in the model is performed by snapping them to the nodes. Nodes can be created in the
model as intersection points of grid lines, or with the help of the respective operations.
The modules can have different physical meaning, for example storeys, separate parts of the structure,
parts of the building divided by an expansion joint etc. There must be at least one module in the model.
Before introducing elements into the model a module that includes these elements must be created. In some
cases modules are created automatically. This occurs when you create a new model, perform the operation
of copying a module, and also when importing data from architectural systems (for example, ArchiCAD®).
Depending on the purpose of the model objects (elements) in the structure can be classified into the
following five types: column, beam, wall, floor and roof. The first two types are two-node objects, and are
modeled by bars in the finite element design model. The last three ones are planar and can have any
number of nodes, include inner contours modeling openings and holes, and in the process of transformation
into a design model are divided into three- and four-node shell elements (by default), plates or deep beams.
Objects of the roof type can get into the model when importing data from architectural design
systems, or when creating floors (Floor/roof button). Unlike floors you cannot specify loads on roofs in
FORUM. If it is necessary to specify such loads, it should be done in a finite element model.
The position of traditionally vertical (column, wall) or horizontal (floor, beam) elements in the model
is not controlled in FORUM preprocessor allowing you to create a horizontal wall or column, or a vertical
When creating the elements you have to specify their geometric parameters and characteristics of the
material they are made of. The program enables to copy the properties of the elements created earlier when
creating the new ones and correct the geometry of the elements.
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
New Project
Creating a new project in FORUM preprocessor is similar to creating a new finite element project.
You just have to specify the FORUM type in the New Project dialog box (Fig. 9.3-1).
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
Creating a model in the FORUM preprocessor begins with creating a module (button in the Model
section). The Parameters of the Module dialog box will appear (Fig. 9.3-2) where you have to specify the
name and display color.
A module can be created at any step of creating a model.
The newly created module automatically becomes active, i.e. it
will contain all the elements created at once after creating the
It should be noted that when the elements are created, they
always get only into the active module, the name of which is
highlighted in the project tree. In order to make the module
active, you just have to click on its name in the project tree.
Figure 9.3-2. The Parameters of the
Module dialog box
The parameters (name and color) of the active module can be edited after clicking the Properties
button in the upper part of the Project tree panel (Sec. 9.7).
Create Elements
As noted above the software enables to create five types of elements: columns, beams, walls, floors and
roofs. It is necessary to specify the physical and mechanical characteristics of the material and geometric
parameters for each type of element. Moreover, each element can have an identifier (name). The serial
numbers of elements in the model are automatically assigned when these elements are created.
After invoking the operation of creating columns the Rigidity of Bar Elements dialog box appears
(Fig. 9.3-3). The General Data tab of this dialog box enables to specify the grade of the column (or of the
group of columns), type of the section (parametric, rolled steel, …), to select the input method (with the
fixed height or by two nodes). The specification of the parameters (shape of the section and physical
properties) is almost the same as the operation of specifying the rigidities of bar elements in a finite
element model (see Section 7.1).
There are two methods for creating columns in the model.
If the Column height radio button is selected, the column is
created by clicking on one snap node of the column, and the
column height is defined by the value specified in the text field
(if the value is negative – the column will be directed
downwards from the snap point). If the Immediate execution
option is selected in the Select Cursor menu, the column will
be created and displayed on the screen immediately after
clicking on the snap node. Naturally, columns created in such a
Figure 9.3-3. The Rigidity of Bar way are always vertical.
Elements dialog box
If the Column height is determined at the input radio button is selected, the column will be created by
snapping to two nodes (a “rubber band” is stretched from the first node to the second one). If this method is
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
used, the control of the position of the column (vertical or inclined) is not performed, which enables to
implement non-standard situations. When this method of creating columns is used, you can use the Create a
series checkbox to add a series of columns. They will be created until you click the button in the toolbar
(or press the Enter key on the keyboard). The Taking into account the intermediate nodes checkbox
enables not only to create new columns, but also to automatically divide each of them into several elements
taking into account all the intermediate nodes lying along the line of the column.
Beams are created in the same way as columns, but always by stretching the “rubber band” between
two nodes. There are no restrictions on the position of the beam in the model.
A floor is created as a flat multi-node element of an arbitrary shape. It is done with the help of a
"rubber band" which is stretched from node to node and ends by clicking on the first node of the floor for
the second time. The position of the floor in the model is not controlled – it can be inclined or even
vertical. This enables to use of a floor element to create elements of roofs and even walls. Holes and
openings can be made inside the contour of the floor, the shape and the number of which is not limited.
After invoking the operation of creating a floor the Characteristics of the Floor/Roof (Slab) dialog
box appears (Fig. 9.3-5). This dialog box enables to specify the grade of the floor (or the group of floors),
its thickness and material. The dialog box contains a table with the parameters of the floors created earlier.
In those cases when an automatic specification of loads is assumed (see Section 9.9), it is necessary to
specify the Type of room the created floor belongs to. The type is selected from the respective drop-down
A floor can be created by selecting bars forming its contour. In this case before performing the
considered operation you have to select the respective bars and check the Create from the selected bars
checkbox. The floor will be created after closing the dialog box by clicking the OK button.
The selected bar elements must meet the following requirements:
lie in one plane;
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
A wall is created as a flat multi-node element of an arbitrary shape. There are three methods for
creating a wall in the model. In the first case it is done with the help of a "rubber band" by clicking on all
nodes of the wall and ends by clicking on the first node of the floor for the second time. In this case the
position of the wall in the model is not controlled.
In the second case a wall with a fixed height is considered.
In order to create it you just have to click on two nodes (a “rubber
band” is stretched between them).
The third method of creating walls — along a circular arc.
In this case a wall is considered as a set of rectangular segments
the number of which depends on the specified parameters. To
create a wall you have to click on three nodes (in the beginning,
end, and on the arc) and click the OK button in the toolbar. After
invoking the operation of creating a wall the Characteristics of
Figure 9.3-6. The Characteristics of the Wall dialog box appears (Fig. 9.3-6) where you have to
the Wall dialog box specify the parameters of the wall and select the input method.
You have to specify the grade of the wall (or the group of walls),
its thickness and material in this dialog box.
Holes and openings can be made inside the contour of the wall, the shape and the number of which is
not limited.
In those cases when an automatic specification of the load is assumed (see Section 9.9), you have to
select whether a wall is Load-bearing or it is a Partition in the Purpose of the wall drop-down list. This
will enable to generate a model taking into account the respective properties of the wall. In the case of a
partition only the load will be included in the design model.
The dialog box contains a table with the parameters of the walls created earlier.
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
The operation is similar to the control og groups. It is used to control the attributes of blocks and enables to
perform the following actions: rename blocks, sort blocks by a certain criterion, delete blocks and change
the place of the selected block in the list of blocks.
The software enables to generate the design models of standard structures (substructures) commonly
used in design practice. To do this, select the type of structure from the drop-down list in the dialog box
(see Fig. 9.4-1), specify the geometric parameters and stiffness properties.
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
Round slab with a round hole Round slab with a rectangular hole
Semicircular slab with a semicircular notch Semicircular slab with a rectangular notch
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
Rectangular slab with a round hole Rectangular slab with a rectangular hole
Rectangular slab with a semicircular notch Rectangular slab with a rectangular notch
Rectangular slab with several round holes Rectangular slab with several rectangular holes
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
These operations enable to change the stiffness properties of the selected bar or plate elements. They
are similar to the respective operations for finite element models (see Section 7.1). The only difference is
that the concept of grade is used here instead of the type of rigidity.
As a rule, the problem of inconsistencies between walls or floors arises after importing the model
from architectural systems. The considered operation is used to eliminate inaccuracies of the model by
connecting such objects. When it is invoked a dialog box appears (Fig. 9.6-1). Its first tab enables to select
a set of actions to adjust the model by checking the respective checkboxes.
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
Correcting Openings
The problem of incorrect placement of openings with respect to the wall or floor usually arises when
importing data from architectural systems. Sometimes this can be done on purpose in FORUM to model
doorways by moving the window to the contour of the wall (by moving nodes). The considered operation
is used to eliminate this kind of inaccuracies of the model. The intersecting openings (Fig. 9.6-5, a) will be
combined into one opening in the result, and the contour of the opening crossing the contour of the element
will form a new contour (Fig. 9.6-5, b). In order to perform the operation invoke it, select the elements
with an incorrect arrangement of openings and click the OK button in the toolbar.
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
a) b)
Figure 9.6-5. Openings before (a) and after (b) performing the operation of correcting
Delete Openings
This operation enables to delete openings in the elements of walls, floors and roofs.
If when selecting one element, there are several elements in the cursor target at once, you can select it
in the Elements in the Cursor Target dialog box.
If one or several elements were selected before invoking this operation, the element with the
minimum number will be selected automatically.
This operation enables to extend a bar (column of beam) to the selected planar object (floor or wall).
In order to perform the operation invoke it, select the objects you want to apply this operation to and click
the OK button in the toolbar.
The operation is used to change the dimensions of the plate by constructing an equidistant line, i.e. a
line equidistant from all faces of the plate by the specified distance. Information necessary for performing
the operation is specified in the respective dialog box (Fig. 9.6-7) and includes the value of the offset
(distance from the faces). The Change the external contour and Change contours of holes checkboxes
define the rules for performing the operation and enable to construct an equidistant for only one type of
contour or specify different values of the offset for the outer contour and holes.
If the contour is non-convex and the value of offset is such that after changing the dimensions the
faces intersect, an envelope is constructed without taking such segments into account (i.e. the contour on
such a segment will become convex).
Figure 9.6-7. The Expansion of the Plate by an Offset from the Faces dialog box
The mutual intersection of planar objects is taken into account in the process of an automatic
generation of a finite element mesh at the transition from the FORUM preprocessor to the SCAD
preprocessor. The mesh is generated “on both sides” of the intersection line (Fig. 9.6-8).
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
a) b)
c) d)
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
If two planar objects lying in the same plane have a non-empty intersection, this operation enables to
perform their union, intersection, ... The type of operation is selected in the dialog box (Fig. 9.6-9), which
appears after clicking the button .
Figure 9.6-9. The Operations with a Pair of Planar Objects dialog box
You have to select the necessary operation in this dialog box, select two planar objects lying in the
same plane in the model, and click the OK button in the toolbar. An example of using the operation of
union is shown in Figure 9.6-10.
a) b)
This operation is similar to that described in Section 5.6. The only difference is that only plate models
can be generated here, and the user has to specify the type (floor, roof or wall) of the newly created
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
This operation is used in those cases when the floor slabs and/or walls have to be divided into several
parts using the lines passing through beams and columns lying in their plane as a separation line.
The most typical example of using this operation is the preparation for the transfer of information
about the geometry of the model from the FORUM preprocessor to MONOLIT.
In MONOLIT the general floor layout is arranged on the orthogonal grid of nodes located at the
intersections of structural members – beams, walls and columns. Floors are supported on the load-bearing
walls and columns. The load on the columns and walls is transferred through a system of secondary and
main beams, and also directly to the walls, if the slab is supported on them.
The considered operation is used in those cases when the model generated in FORUM has to be
modified taking into account the rules provided in MONOLIT, i.e. divide the specified floor section along
the beam lines.
In order to perform this operation you have to:
invoke it by clicking the button in the Operations with Elements toolbar;
select only the elements (beams, columns, floors, and walls) involved in this operations;
click the OK button in the toolbar.
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
you have to click on its name in the tree. Besides the active module a group of elements and an individual
element (it is highlighted in color in the model) can be active.
Control Panel
Controls take up the upper part of the panel of the project tree (Fig. 9.7-3). They include the following
buttons: Delete, Properties, Select and Modify.
The Delete button enables to delete the active objects
(selected in the tree). This applies to the whole model, and to
modules, groups, and individual elements. The Properties
button is used to access and adjust the parameters of the active
element. Clicking the Select button selects the active object in
the model. The Modify button is used to modify the geometry
(for example, to specify the openings) of such elements as
Figure 9.7-3. Controls on the panel of walls, floors and roofs.
the project tree
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
You can use a coordinate grid to make the adjustment of elements more convenient. Parameters of a
coordinate grid are specified in the Grid Settings dialog box (Fig. 9.7-9), which opens once you invoke
the respective command. The text fields of this dialog enable you to specify horizontal and vertical grid
spacing, and an angle of the grid in degrees with respect to the horizontal axis. The grid is rotated about the
origin. This operation can be also invoked from the Parameters menu (Grid spacing item).
It should be noted that the grid spacing and its angle can be changed many times during the creation
of the internal contours (openings and holes) or editing the external one.
The program implements the mode of snapping the cursor
to the nodes of the grid, which facilitates the adjustment of the
geometry of the elements. Initialization of the snapping mode is
performed by clicking the button in the toolbar. If this
mode is enabled when you create and adjust the contours of
elements and openings, the new nodes will be automatically
snapped to the grid node nearest to the cursor.
Figure 9.7-9. The Grid Settings dialog The grid will be displayed once its parameters are entered
box (Fig. 9.7-9). Its visualization is turned on and off by the button
, in the toolbar.
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
Clicking the Polygonal External Contour button in the toolbar invokes the operation of editing the
external contour of the element.
Place the cursor over any point of the contour to
start the editing. After the cursor changes its shape
(to a cross for an arbitrary point or to a cross with a
target for a vertex), press the left mouse button and
“drag” the selected point to a new position. The new
vertex is fixed by double-clicking the left mouse
button. An element with an edited external contour is
shown in Fig. 9.7-10. Particular attention should be
paid to door openings which are basically “recesses”
in the external contour, and not holes.
When moving the vertices the intersection of the sides of the external contour
and the intersection of sides of the internal contour with those of the external one
are not allowed.
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
Parametric Holes
This command is invoked from the Edit menu (Fig. 9.7-
12) and enables you to create a rectangular or circular hole with
specified dimensions and base point. Data for performing the
operation are specified in the Parametric Hole dialog box. The
type of hole (Circular or Rectangular) can be selected with the
help of the radio buttons. Position of the point by which a
rectangular hole will be snapped to the point with the
coordinates specified in the dialog box (Y, Z) is selected from
the Base point drop-down list. The hole will appear after
closing the dialog box by clicking the OK button.
To delete a hole or an opening, invoke this command, place the cursor over any point inside the
internal contour you want to delete and click the left mouse button.
Round an Angle
An angle can be rounded by inscribing a circular arc of a given radius in it. After you invoke this
command, place the cursor over a vertex of the contour (internal or external) and when the cursor takes the
form of a cross with a target, click the left mouse button. In the invoked Radius dialog box (Fig. 9.7-13),
specify a radius and click the OK button.
An element with rounded angles is shown in Fig. 9.7-14. The number of points (nodes) on the full
circle is specified with the help of the Number of points on the circle operation which is initialized by
clicking the button in the toolbar. The number of points on the arc will be proportional to the length of
the arc.
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
This command enables to construct an arc on the internal or external contour. It is constructed through
three points, two of which (the beginning and end of the arc) must lie on the contour. The contour can
“bend” both inwards into the body of the element, and outwards. The first and the last point may lie on the
adjacent sides of the contour. Number of nodes on the arc depends on the number of points on the full
circle specified with the help of the Number of points on the circle operation and will be proportional to
the length of the arc.
a) b) c)
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
place the cursor over the ending point of the arc and left-click;
place the cursor over the third point (the arc will be displayed on the screen) and left-click.
Examples of using the Arc command are shown in the Fig. 9.7-15. An initial arc and the final result
are shown for each case.
Case c) shows the results of changing the contour “into the body” of the element, case b) — on the
adjacent sides, case a) — on the straight section of the contour. It should be noted that in case c) we did not
have to change the dimensions of the element.
Move Nodes
This command enables to move a group of nodes selected by a rectangular or polygonal marquee.
Follow these steps to perform this operation:
− invoke the command;
− select a marquee in the drop-down menu;
− select the nodes you want to move with a marquee;
− move the cursor inside the marquee and when it changes its shape, move the marquee together with
the selected nodes to a new position.
The new position of the nodes is fixed by clicking the left
mouse button.
If you need to move the nodes by a specified distance, then
after you move the cursor inside the marquee, click the right
mouse button and specify the displacement value in the Move
Figure 9.7-16. The Move dialog box dialog box (Fig. 9.7-16).
This command enables to copy one or more openings (holes) selected by a rectangular or polygonal
marquee. To do this, follow these steps:
− invoke this command;
− select the type of a marquee in the drop-down menu;
− select the openings you want to copy by this marquee (all nodes
of the openings must be selected by the marquee);
− move the cursor into the marquee, and after the cursor changes
its shape, click the left mouse button, and move the marquee
together with the selected openings to a new position;
− confirm the new position by clicking the left mouse button.
Figure 9.7-17. The Copy dialog box
If the copy of the hole has to be put into a certain place inside the element, then click the right mouse
button after moving the cursor into the marquee, the Copy dialog box (Fig. 9.7-17) will appear where you
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
have to specify the value of the displacement. The openings will be copied after closing the dialog box and
clicking the OK button.
When moving the openings their intersection with each other and the
intersection of sides of the openings with those of the external contour are
not allowed.
This command enables to duplicate one or several openings (holes) selected by the marquee several
times. To do this, follow these steps:
− invoke this command;
− select the type of a marquee in the drop-down menu;
− select the openings you want to duplicate by this marquee (all
nodes of the openings must be selected by the marquee);
− move the cursor into the marquee, and after the cursor
changes its shape click the right mouse button;
− the Copy dialog box (Fig. 9.7-18) will appear where you
have to specify the values of the displacement along the axes
and the number of copies;
Figure 9.7-18. The Copy dialog box − click the OK button in the dialog box, it will close, and the
operation of duplicating will be performed.
When copying the openings their intersection with each other and the
intersection of sides of the openings with those of the external contour are
not allowed.
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
− or delete the selected node (the Delete and Undo delete buttons);
− confirm the obtained result (button ).
The button cancels the last action on editing the contour performed before clicking the
confirmation button .
When moving the nodes the intersection of the sides of the external
contour of the element and the intersection of sides of the holes and
openings with those of the external contour are not allowed.
This command enables to delete nodes of both the external and internal contours of the element. To
do this, follow these steps:
− invoke this command;
− select the type of cursor in the drop-down menu (for selecting one node or a marquee for deleting
several nodes);
− click on the node you want to delete or select a group of nodes you want to delete with a marquee;
− click the left mouse button.
Show Grid
This button is used to enable/disable the display of a coordinate grid within the dimensions of the
If this button is pressed, when creating and adjusting the contours of elements or openings the vertices
(nodes) will be automatically snapped to the nearest node of the coordinate grid.
This operation enables to specify the number of nodes on the full circle which will be used when
rounding angles and creating round holes. 21 points are specified by default.
When specifying the number of nodal points on the circle you should
remember that by increasing their number you reduce the distance
between them and degenerate elements can appear in the result in the
process of generation of a finite element mesh and consequently the
accuracy of solution can be lost.
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
Show Nodes
If this button is pressed, the nodes are displayed on the external and internal contours of the elements.
The operation is used to set the mode of formation of loadings in the process of generating a finite
element model. The setting is performed in the Characteristics of Loads dialog box (Fig. 9.9-1).
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
select values with which the loads will be considered in the finite element model (characteristic or design),
and the representation of loads – in the form of groups of loads or loadings.
If the mode of generating groups of loads is selected, each type of load will be included in a separate
group. The formation of loadings from groups is performed in the SCAD preprocessor.
Tables of Loads
The control of the process of formation of loads in the automatic mode of the load specification (only
the automatic mode is available in this version) is performed based on the data recorded in the tables of the
Description of Loads dialog box (Fig. 9.9-2, 9.9-3). The dialog box includes three tabs with tables, two of
which contain the description of permanent and temporary loads (reduced to one square meter of floor) and
the third one contains a table with the rules of distribution of permanent loads depending on the type of
room (Allowing for Permanent Loads tab). The initial content of the tables is conventionally called
"standard" and can be changed by the user.
A set of permanent loads (for example, the self-weight of floor slab, the weight of floors and the
weight of partitions) and only one temporary load can correspond to each type of room.
Permanent Loads
Permanent loads can include both loads from the self-weight of the structural members and other types of
The list of permanent loads and their values are given in the table in the Permanent Loads tab of the
Description of Loads dialog box (Fig. 9.9-2). The table contains characteristic and design values of loads,
and the safety factor for load.
Load from the self-weight is formed automatically and changes with the parameters of the structural
members of the model. In order to automatically take the self-weight of elements into account you have to
check the respective checkbox in the considered tab.
Figure 9.9-2. The Description of Loads dialog Figure 9.9-3. The Description of Loads dialog box,
box, the Permanent Loads tab the Temporary Loads tab
The program enables to supplement or change the original list of loads. The buttons at the bottom of
the dialog box are used to do this.
It is necessary to perform the following actions to specify a new type of load:
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
− click the Add button, and a new line will appear in the table;
− specify the name of the load in the Name column;
− specify the characteristic and design values of loads in the Characteristic value and Design value
columns. The value of the safety factor for load will be specified automatically after switching to
another tab or opening the Description of Loads dialog box for the second time (it is actually enough
to fill any two columns — the third one will be filled automatically);
− in order to use a list of permanent loads including a newly specified type of load when working with
other projects you have to click the Save button and specify the name of the file which can be loaded
into another project with the help of the Load button in the standard dialog box.
You can return the default state of the table when necessary using the Default button.
Load values are given in units of force per unit area (for example, in t/m2).
Temporary Loads
By default this table mainly corresponds to the table of SNiP “Loads and Actions”. Loads given in the
table are applied only to the floor slabs. The snap of the load to the floor is specified automatically
depending on the type of room specified for the considered floor in the Characteristics of the Floor/Roof
(Slab) dialog box (Fig. 9.9-5). Thus, in order to specify the loads correctly, floors on different functional
areas of the storey have to be specified by different floor elements. Assigning a type of the room to a part
of the element is not provided in the software.
Rules for working with the Temporary Loads table for changing the content of the table are similar
to those described above for the Permanent Loads table.
Figure 9.9-4. The Description of Loads dialog box, Figure 9.9-5. The Characteristics of the
the Allowing for Permanent Loads tab Floor/Roof (Slab) dialog box
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
If the respective checkboxes are checked for each type of room, then in the process of generating a
design model the loads will be added or included into different groups the names of which will coincide
with the name of the source of the load depending on whether the loadings or groups of loads are created.
Thus, the process of forming loads comes down to an automatic determination of loads from the self-
weight for all elements of the model, and to the specification of a set of permanent loads and a temporary
load depending on the type of room for each floor.
If the whole partition or it's part is over the opening, the load from it will not be
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
Delete Loads
If you invoke this operation, select the floors in the model and click the button in the toolbar,
then the selected elements will not have a specified type of room, and the loads will not be applied to them
during the generation of the finite element model.
The Types of rooms filter enables to obtain a color scale of the types of rooms (Fig. 9.9-8,a) and,
respectively, of the permanent loads on the floors. The control of this color scale is similar to the control of
other scales, for example, of stiffness properties of elements. In order to obtain a summary table of loads
applied to the floor of a room of a particular type, you have to double-click on the column of a color scale
with the name of the rooms.
The button invoking the operation of generating the project in the input formats of the SCAD
complex is in the Model section of the toolbar. The mode of exporting data into SCAD enables to save the
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
information in the formats of the FORUM preprocessor (files with the extension .opr), and in the formats
of the SCAD project (files with the extension .spr).
Planar objects of the following type Floor, Wall, Roof and bar elements — Column and Beam are
transferred into SCAD and are represented in the complex by elements of type 1080, 1060, 1085, 1020 and
1040 respectively.
In order to make a design model from an integrated one, it is necessary to specify the types of bar
elements for the respective bar objects, and perform meshing of the planar objects (the complex
automatically recognizes the selected planar object as a meshing contour). All parameters of objects
(properties of the material, shape and dimensions of the section etc.) are saved for all obtained finite
elements. The figures show an integrated model in FORUM preprocessor (Fig. 9.10-1) and in SCAD
complex (Fig. 9.10-2).
Figure 9.10-1. Integrated model in FORUM Figure 9.10-2. Finite element model in SCAD
preprocessor complex
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
Every time you specify the spacing of a finite element mesh, you should keep
in mind that if the spacing is too small, the dimension of the problem can exceed
the capabilities of your computer of storing work files and files of the results of
calculation. It is recommended to specify a small spacing only for those objects of
the model for which it is necessary (it is usually done in those cases when it is
expected to perform the selection of reinforcement).
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
a rectangular column bearing areas on the plate in the middle of the plate - a) and at the edge of - b), c), d)
these configurations and the corresponding rigid bodies. For example, Figure 9.10-8 shows the
configuration of the bearing areas of the rectangular column on the slab in the middle of the slab – a) and
on the edge – b), c), d) and rigid bodies corresponding to these configurations.
a) b) c) d)
Figure 9.10-8. Modeling the area of intersection of a column and a floor slab
In some cases the program can not automatically generate the intersection area (for example, if the
distance between the columns or between the face of the column and the edge of the slab is very small).
The results of the automatic mesh generation should always be controlled and, if necessary, the
adjustments should be made in the design model.
The result of the generation also depends on whether the Taking into account the punching analysis
checkbox is checked (Fig. 9.10-9):
Figure 9.10-9. Joints (without the punching analysis option and with it).
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
− select the load included in the current loading in the table and transfer it into the right table (the list
of loads included in the current loading) by clicking the button with a single arrow;
− repeat the last action for other loads included in this loading (if all loads from the left table are
included in the loading, you can use the button with two arrows);
− click the Save as new button to save the loading under the specified name.
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
Figure 9.10-11. Finite element model in SCAD Figure 9.10-12. Results of the calculation
Fig. 9.10-11 shows the generated finite element model of the problem given in Fig. 9.10-10. Fig. 9.10-12
shows this model at the analysis of the results of the calculation in SCAD complex.
When generating a finite element model the directions of local axes of plate
elements are not tracked automatically. By default, the direction of the output of forces in
finite elements occupying a vertical position in the resulting model will coincide with the
direction of the Z axis of the global coordinate system, and in other elements – with the
direction of the X axis. If, on the basis of any considerations, for example, the direction
of the layout of reinforcement bars, another direction of the output of forces is preferable,
it can be specified with the help of the respective operation in FORUM or in a finite
element preprocessor.
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
It is necessary to perform the following actions to generate a design model on the basis of an
architectural solution:
1. Generate the integrated design model of the building consisting of such objects as columns, beams,
walls, floors (slabs) and the roof on the basis of the internal representation of data of the architectural
2. Delete objects from the structural model which are not included in the design model, for example,
partitions, enclosing elements, architectural details, etc;
3. Adjust, if necessary, the position of objects in the design model and supplement it with new elements
not taken into account in the architectural solution;
4. Automatic or user-controlled generation of a finite element mesh with the simultaneous specification
of stiffness properties of finite elements;
5. Specify the boundary conditions of elements;
6. Specify loads and special initial data.
The last two operations are performed in SCAD complex, where additional modifications can be
made to the design model.
Software tools for exporting data into formats of the FORUM preprocessor project are developed for
such popular architectural systems as Revit Structure, ArchiCAD, ALLPLAN, and others.
Figure 9.12-2. The Create Nodes at the button — Display grid lines to display the grid lines).
Intersection of Grid Lines dialog box
(4) Click the Generate nodes on the grid button — in the Model section of the toolbar and specify in
the dialog box (Fig. 9.12-2) the boundaries of the area within which the nodes will be created on the
intersection of grid lines. The elevations are considered as coordinates of nodes along the Z axis. The
nodes will be displayed in the model after clicking the filters button — Nodes.
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
− (9) Beams — are always created by stretching the “rubber band” between two nodes. There are
no restrictions on the position of the beam in the model. General Data, Parametric Sections, and
Rolled Steel Profiles tabs are similar to the respective tabs used when creating columns.
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
Figure 9.12-6. Model after creating columns Figure 9.12-7. Model after creating beams
Let’s specify a rectangular section 4060 cm for beams and create beams by connecting the upper
nodes of edge columns along numbered and lettered grid lines with a “rubber band”. The obtained model is
shown in Fig. 9.12-7.
− (10) The Characteristics of the Floor/Roof (Slab)
dialog box (Fig. 9.12-8) appears after invoking the
operation of creating a floor slab — . You have to
specify the name of the floor slab (or of the group of
floor slabs), its thickness and material in this dialog box.
Let’s specify concrete В25 and thickness 0,2 m for the
floor slab.
A floor is created as a flat multi-node element of an
arbitrary shape. It is done with the help of a "rubber band"
which is stretched from node to node and ends by clicking on
the first node of the floor for the second time.
Figure 9.12-8. The Characteristics of
the Floor/Roof (Slab) dialog box
The position of the created floor is shown in Fig. 9.12-9.
− (11) Let’s use the operation of copying to create the
second storey. In the Copy the Model dialog box (Fig.
9.12-10) specify the type of the object you want to copy
— Copy the selected module, direction (Z) and step of
copying (4 m), and the number of copies (1).
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
9. F O R U M Preprocessor
Specify the spacing of 1 m for contours and all types of elements and click the OK button in the
dialog box (Fig. 9.12-13). After closing the dialog box the standard Save As … dialog box appears where
you can specify the name of the file of the resulting model.
The message window which accompanies the process of mesh generation provides comments to the
operations performed and an indicator of the progress of the process.
The generation ends with the Results of Generation dialog box (Fig. 9.12-14). It provides the
information on the number of elements and nodes obtained in the resulting model, and also a list of planar
objects for which the mesh generation failed for some reasons.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
The model can be rotated about the given axis by clicking the respective buttons in the toolbar. Each
click rotates the model by one step, the value of which can be set using the Set the rotation angle button
. In order to rotate the model by the specified step (300, 450, 600, 900, 1200, 1350, 1800) you just have to
place the cursor over the respective rotation button, and select the step from the drop-down list using the
right mouse button. In order to restore the initial position of the model, click the button — Restore
the initial projection of the model.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
If the button of the mode of continuous rotation of the model is active, clicking any rotation button
will invoke the continuous rotation of the model in the given direction. In order to stop the rotation of the
model you have to depress the button of continuous rotation.
These buttons enable to invoke the mode in which the movement of the mouse (when the left button
is pressed) rotates the model on the screen. The direction in which the model has to be rotated is defined by
the direction of movement of the mouse. The free rotation can be performed by clicking the button ,
and the rotation only about the Z axis of the global coordinate system and the X axis of the screen
projection — by clicking the button (which is usually used when working with models of buildings
and structures). You can also rotate the model about the Z and X axis without clicking the button , and
using a special combination Shift+"the middle mouse button". The center of rotation is the center of the
fragment (including the grid lines and the origin of the global coordinate system, if the display of these
objects is requested).
These operations enable to project the image of the model onto one of the planes of the global
coordinate system. The selection of the projection plane is performed with the help of the respective
buttons in the toolbar. The projection directions shown in the icons of the buttons are provided by default.
In order to view the model “from the other side” you should use the operation of rotation about the
respective axis having set the rotation angle of 180° beforehand, or select the necessary position of the
model in the drop-down menu, which appears after right-clicking (Fig. 10.1-3).
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
Click the button — Restore the initial projection of the model if you want to return the image
of the model to its initial projection.
Isometric Projection
This operation enables to obtain an isometric projection of the image of the model. If you click this
button, the projection will be generated in such a way so that the view of the observer will be directed
towards the first octant. The selection of other octants becomes available in the drop-down menu which
appears after right-clicking (Fig. 10.1-4.) The used octant numbering is given in Figure 10.1-5.
In order to select the fragment of the model lying in the plane parallel to one of the planes of the
global coordinate system, it is necessary to specify the plane by clicking the respective button in the
toolbar, and then select the node in the model belonging to this plane. More than one node belonging to
different fragments of the model can be selected, and all these fragments will be selected in the result. In
those cases when a fragment lies in an arbitrary plane, you have to select three nodes lying in the plane of
the fragment. All elements and nodes belonging to this plane will be highlighted. If the button
Inverted fragmentation is pressed, all nodes and elements not belonging to the respective plane will be
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
If the selection is correct, click the green button to perform the operation, and if a mistake was
made, click the red button , and repeat all the above actions.
When setting the modes of the cursor in the Select Nodes and Elements toolbar (see Section 6.1) you
can reject clicking the confirmation button, i.e. automatically perform the active operations immediately
after selecting the object of the operation. This mode can be set by activating the Immediate execution
option — button in the Control the Selection toolbar. In this case the confirmation of the
fragmentation is not required, and the fragment will be selected at once after selecting the node (nodes).
Click the button — Initial display of the model if you want to return to the image of the
complete model.
In order to work with an arbitrary fragment of the design model you should use the operation of
fragmentation by a marquee (Fragmentation by a “marquee”). A marquee can be rectangular or it can
have an arbitrary shape (Fig. 10.1-6 and 10.1-7). After selecting the operation a cursor of the rectangular
marquee appears automatically. You can change the type of the marquee in the menu which appears after
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
Cut on Projections
This operation enables to select a fragment of the design model by consecutively clipping an area on the
projections of the model on the coordinate planes by a marquee. Four windows appear on the screen after its
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
initialization. Three of them display the projections of the model on the XОZ, XОY and YОZ planes, and the
fourth one displays the general view of the model and the control menu (Fig. 10.1-8).
The clipping control toolbar (Fig. 10.1-9) enables to set the modes of inverted fragmentation —
and displaying free nodes (not belonging to the elements) — , rotate the model — , cancel the
fragmentation — or output the obtained fragment in the work area of the screen — .
You can exit the cut on projections mode by clicking the button in the toolbar. Click the button
— Initial display of the model if you want to return to the image of the complete model.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
If grid lines were specified when generating the design model, a fragment can be selected by
specifying the clipping area with the specified names of grid lines and/or elevations serving as the
boundaries of this area. A clipping area can be selected in the Fragmentation on the Grid Lines dialog
box (Fig. 10.1-10).
These operations enable to perform the transition from one fragment of the design model to the other
and back in the order of performing the fragmentation. Fragmentation can be performed by clipping a part
of the model by a rectangular marquee or polygon, clipping on projections, by selecting the given plane or
with the help of color scales.
The Zoom in the image operation enables to zoom in the image of the design model and its fragment.
Unlike the fragmentation by a marquee where only the selected part of the model is displayed on the
screen, this operation enables to work with the whole model. The scale of the image changes in such a way
so that the selected part of the model occupies the whole work area of the screen (Fig. 10.1-11), and the
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
access to the other, invisible, part is performed by moving the image of the model (you should move the
image while holding the middle mouse button). Thus, the user can move the image on the screen.
Full screen mode is used when working with large design models and enables to increase the work
area by temporarily hiding the Windows taskbar, menu and the heading of the window. The image
occupies the entire physical screen. Clicking the button for the second time returns the window to its initial
state. If the window does not have the maximum size, invoking the operation leads to its maximization.
Rendering Engine
The software provides a variety of rendering engines. The first one is based on the DirectX
technology. This technology provides the fast rendering of the design models. The high operating speed of
DirectX is largely ensured by the fact that the technology is supported by all modern video cards. One of
its disadvantages is the fact that in some cases the digitization and putting other text information over the
image can have not very high quality. DirectX is used by default (except for the cases when SCAD detects
problems with the support of DirectX — for example, when the operating system does not have the
necessary version of DirectX). In this case the software automatically switches to the second rendering
engine based on the GDI technology native for Windows. The user can also change the rendering engine.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
In order to do it, click the button in the toolbar and select an alternative rendering engine from the drop-
down menu. Switching to GDI is recommended only in the case when it is necessary to change the display
of the text information. You should not do it in other cases, since the operating speed of GDI is much less
than that of DirectX.
You should also keep in mind that you can not obtain an image with the effects of transparency,
lighting and perspective in GDI.
For the projects of the FORUM type this operation invokes a project tree where you can exclude
individual modules (or parts of modules) from the fragment of the model.
If there are selected nodes and/or elements in the design model, the fragment containing only the
selected objects: selected nodes, selected elements and nodes belonging to them, will be left on the screen
after clicking this button.
This operation enables to select nodes occupying a certain position in the model or specified by their
numbers. The search is performed for the following factors:
− distance from the point with the specified coordinates;
− distance from the specified nodes;
− distance from the specified elements;
− search among the nodes with the specified numbers.
These factors can be used in any combination in the search of nodes. Nodes satisfying all the above
factors will be selected in the result. The search area can be specified as a sphere (Radius radio button) or
as a parallelepiped (Range radio button). A parallelepiped is generated by changing the coordinates of the
considered node or point to the following values Δx, Δy, Δz.
Distance from the point with coordinates — the search of nodes lying in the vicinity of the point
with the specified coordinates is performed;
Search among the nodes with numbers — the search of nodes with the specified numbers is
Distance from nodes — all nodes lying in the vicinity of the nodes specified in the list are selected
according to the rules described for the Distance from the point with coordinates operation;
Distance from elements — the search of nodes lying in the vicinity of the element is performed.
Depending on the option defining the search area the evaluation of whether an i-th node is in the vicinity of
the specified element is performed with respect to the nodes of the element (option — Distance from
nodes) or any point belonging to the element (option — Distance from body). It is considered that a node
satisfies the search conditions if at least one node of the element (Distance from nodes) or at least one
point belonging to the element (Distance from body) is within the search area with the considered node in
its center.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
The control of the selection is performed in the dialog box which appears after invoking the operation.
Depending on whether the Select elements checkbox is checked only nodes will be selected in the result of
the search or nodes with their adjacent elements.
If the Inversely checkbox is checked, all objects the properties of which do not match those specified
in the dialog box are selected.
The objects will be selected after closing the dialog box by clicking the OK button.
This operation is used to generate a metafile with the current model in a vector format. It enables to
obtain a metafile (extension .wmf), enhanced metafile (extension .emf) or placeable metafile (extension
.wmf). The obtained image can be included in the report, for example, when preparing the results of the
calculation in the Documenter or in MS Word.
A standard dialog box appears after invoking this operation, where you have to select the necessary
format of the metafile, specify the name of the metafile and the name of the catalogue it is saved into (it is
saved into the working catalogue by default).
Save as HTML
The display of the design model, including all types of the graphical representation of the results of the
calculation can be saved in the HTML format. This enables to view the image using the tools for
visualization of HTML files of different browsers which have a WebGL support. Mouse buttons and a
scroll wheel are used for the control of the display, including:
− rotation of the model on the screen is performed by moving the mouse while holding the left mouse
− an image can be zoomed out by rotating the scroll wheel forward;
− an image can be zoomed in by rotating the scroll wheel backward;
− an image can be moved on the screen by moving the mouse while holding the scroll wheel.
If the obtained image has to be put on the web-site or transferred to another computer, the x3dom
directory, which is created in the same location as the HTML-file, has to be copied together with the
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
When generating a design model and analyzing the results of the calculation, as a rule, a relatively
small number of views of the model or of its fragments on the screen is used. A particular view can be used
in the subsequent sessions if the information on it is saved as a file with data. This information is universal
and can be used when working with any other design model.
In order to save the information on the current position, perform the following actions:
select a view with the help of the display filters and click the Save/Restore model position
button — ;
a menu will appear where you have to select the Save model position item, and then select a
directory and specify the file name in the standard Save As… dialog box;
close the dialog box by clicking the Save button.
In order to restore a particular position of the model, perform the following actions:
click the Save/Restore model position button — ;
a menu will appear where you have to select a file name;
after loading the information the model or its fragment will take the position on the screen
corresponding to the selected view.
Figure 10.2-2 shows the General Settings of the Display Filters tab of this dialog box which enables
save the state of filters when switching between working modes;
when the filters are active display the information not for all elements or nodes of the design model
but only for the selected ones. Checking/unchecking the Display information on the model only for
the selected elements and nodes checkbox will affect the display settings in the same way;
do not digitize the elements/nodes corresponding to the disabled intervals of the color scale.
Figure 10.2-2. The Set the Information Display Filters dialog box
(the General Settings of the Display Filters tab)
It is necessary to pay attention to some timing aspects of the visualization dealing with the filters
setting. Even if you use the DirectX rendering engine, the output of the text information takes quite a long
time. The more setting options are simultaneously enabled for different filters, the longer it will take to
perform the functions of displaying the model on the screen.
The output time will increase insignificantly for small design models. However, if the model contains
tens of thousands nodes and elements, the user will have to be patient and wait until it is displayed on the
screen taking into account all the settings.
If the user has changed the setting of a certain filter, the respective button will have an additional
indicator showing that the standard settings have been changed. For example, the display filter of bar
elements (in the standard and modified states) is as follows: , .
The Show/hide visualization toolbar button is in the Control section of the toolbar.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
The compatibility of file formats for saving the filter settings is not
guaranteed at the transition to new versions of SCAD. If the compatibility is not
provided, a respective message will be generated if you try to load a file. In this
case the files have to be created again.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
Figure 10.2-4. The Parameters dialog box, the Font Setting tab
Any displaying of the design model on the screen can be printed. The Control section of the toolbar
and the Visualization toolbar contain buttons for invoking the printing mode. You can enter the
information falling in the special field of the printed document in the Text of Comments for Printing
dialog box (Fig. 10.2-5), which appears after invoking the mode.
Figure 10.2-5. The Text of Comments for Printing Figure 10.2-6. The Glossary dialog box
dialog box
Printer setting is performed in the dialog boxes of the driver software supplied by the manufacturers
of the equipment together with the printers. You should pay attention to such settings as the position of the
image on the page: Portrait format (vertically) or Landscape (horizontally), and also to the color and
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
resolution controls. The isofields and isolines are printed on the color printer in the colors specified on the
If the Save record checkbox is checked, the text of the comment will be saved and you will not have
to enter it again, and you can just output it using the Glossary button of this dialog box (Fig. 10.2-6). You
have to select a line with the necessary text in this dialog box and click the OK button; and the selected
text will be transferred as the text of the comment. You can delete the unnecessary text using the respective
When printing in color you should pay special attention to the color of the
text information (numbers of nodes and elements, types of rigidity, values of
displacements etc.). Light colors (white, yellow, light gray etc.) are not visible on
the paper. You should select such a font color which will be visible not only on
the screen but on the paper as well.
The image is printed in accordance with the selected rendering engine (DirectX or GDI). Thus, if
DirectX is selected, the program will print a raster image, and in the case of GDI a vector image will be
printed. Usually the results of printing are almost the same, but if the image is output to a PDF-file (and
largely magnified in the PDF viewer) the final images may differ significantly. The quality of the raster
image in PDF-files can be improved if you increase the resolution of the output file, disable the reduction
of the resolution for images, disable the compression of images with losses etc. in the settings of the
respective PDF-printer. If all these actions do not give the necessary result, you can change the rendering
engine to GDI before printing (you should remember about such limitations of GDI as the absence of
support of lighting, transparency, perspective, etc.).
If in the process it becomes necessary to cancel all filter settings made earlier, you can use the Reset
display filters button. After pressing it, all filters will be disabled, and their settings will be transferred to
the state assigned to them by default.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
This filter is used to display the numbers of nodes on the design model. The filter settings (Fig. 10.2-
7) enable to output the numbers and/or names of nodes, and the coordinates of nodes.
Figure 10.2-7. The Numbers of Nodes tab Figure 10.2-8. The Nodes tab
Display Nodes
Nodes are displayed on the design model as bordered squares the color of which depends on the
performed operation. The following colors for marking nodes are assumed by default:
displaying a node in its original form — blue;
selected node in the modes of the parameter specification — red;
selected node in the fragmentation modes — green;
deleted and duplicate nodes — yellow.
This filter is enabled automatically in some modes, for example, in the modes of assembling the
model from submodels, creating nodes, fragmentation etc., but it can be disabled by the user. You can
cancel the automatic display of nodes by unchecking the respective checkbox in the Environment
Settings dialog box, which is invoked by the respective command in the Settings menu.
The following rules for displaying nodes on the screen can be specified in the Nodes tab of the Set
the Information Display Filters dialog box (Fig. 10.2-8):
display only the nodes of the visible elements;
display only the nodes with constraints;
reduced image of nodes.
The size of the image of a node can be changed with the help of the respective operation in the
Design Model tab of the Environment Settings dialog box.
Display the Deleted Nodes
If the operation of packing data was not performed, deleted nodes and elements are present in the
model in the hidden form. This filter enables to display the deleted nodes. If necessary the nodes can be
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
restored with the help of the respective operation in the Nodes and Elements section (if you invoke this
operation, the filter of displaying the deleted nodes will be enabled automatically).
Filter setting is not provided.
Display Duplicate Nodes
Once this filter is enabled, the search of the duplicate nodes is performed, which are
highlighted in yellow in the model by default. “Duplicate” nodes are nodes the distance between which
is less than the value specified in the environment settings.
When setting the filter (Fig. 10.2-9) you can change the accuracy of estimation of the duplicate nodes,
hide duplicate nodes with the specified merged displacements, and hide duplicate nodes used in one
Display Constraints
Figure 10.2-9. The Duplicate Nodes tab Figure 10.2-10. The Constraints tab
Constraints in nodes of the design model are displayed as rectangles. You can select the size of
rectangles in fractions of the maximum value in the Constraints tab (Fig. 10.2-10) of the filters settings.
The control of the filter enables to display the constraints on the model only for the specified
directions and to select the mode of the color display of constraint with marking for directions or for
combinations of directions.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
This operation enables to determine the distance between two nodes of the design model. Once it is
invoked the Distance Between Nodes dialog box (Fig. 10.2-13) appears displaying the results of the
In order to determine the distance select the first node in the model (let’s call it the basic node), which
is marked by a yellow ring, and then the second one (it is marked by a purple ring). Coordinates of the
selected nodes, displacements between nodes given by three coordinates and the distance between them are
displayed in the respective text fields.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
This operation enables to obtain the complete information on the given node, including the
information on the coordinates, constraints, loads, adjacent elements, and displacements (in the analysis of
the results of the current loading). The Information on the Node dialog box contains the controls of the
operation (Fig. 10.2-15).
In order to obtain the information click the filters button and specify the method for selecting the node
in the model in the dialog box. In order to find a node you can specify its number in the Node number
field and click the Find button or select a node with a cursor if the Indication on the model button was
pressed before. The selected node is marked by a green circle in the model, and the information on it will
be displayed in the dialog box.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
The coordinates of the node are output in the Coordinates group, and the values of displacements are
output in the Displacements group (only in the mode of the analysis of the results).
In the mode of generating the design model the
coordinates of the node can be changed directly in the
Information on the Node dialog box. The changes are saved
by clicking the Apply button. The Constraints button invokes
the dialog box where you can view (and change in the
preprocessor) the constraints in the selected node.
Clicking the Loads button invokes the Loads on Node
dialog box (Fig. 10.2-16) with the information on all loads
applied to the node in each loading. This mode enables to
selectively delete the loads from the current (active) loading or
change the load values. In order to delete it select a line with the
load you want to delete in the list which is specified as Current
(loading), and click the Delete button.
The value of the load selected in the list is output in the
respective information window. In order to correct the load
value, select it in the list, change the value in the text field and
click the Modify button.
The load will be deleted or changed only in the case if the
loading is saved using the button in the Loadings section.
The Reactions in constraints and DCR (design
combinations of reactions in constraints) buttons will be
available in those cases when the respective calculations were
performed, and a constraint was imposed in the considered
node. Once they are invoked, tables with the results of these
calculations will be displayed in the respective dialog boxes.
If the design combinations of displacements were obtained
in the result of the calculation, the DCD button will be available
in the Information on the Node dialog box. Clicking it makes
the table with the combinations of displacements accessible.
Similarly, if the design combinations of punching were
obtained in the result of the calculation, the Design
Figure 10.2-15. The Information on combinations of punching, Punching loads and Punching
the Node dialog box loads for combinations of loadings buttons will be available in
the Information on the Node dialog box. Clicking them makes
the tables with the results accessible.
The Fragment adjacent elements button enables to create
a fragment containing only all the elements adjacent to the
node. Clicking the Select adjacent elements button makes all
the elements adjacent to the node selected.
If necessary, the considered node can be deleted or marked as selected. The respective buttons are
used to perform these operations.
The Belonging to the groups button invokes the dialog box containing a table with all groups of
nodes the selected node belongs to. You can exclude a node from the group by unchecking the checkbox
near the respective group and clicking the OK button. The Show all groups checkbox enables to obtain
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
the list of all groups of nodes. If you check the checkbox near the group the node does not belong to and
click the OK button, the node will become an element of this group.
If a design model has groups of merged displacements, similarly to groups of nodes you can check
whether a selected node belongs to a certain group of merged displacements and/or exclude or include it in
a group (Fig. 10.2-18).
Figure 10.2-16. The Loads on Figure 10.2-17. The Belonging to Figure 10.2-18. The Merged
Node dialog box the Groups dialog box Displacements dialog box
a) b)
Values of displacements and rotation angles will be displayed for the selected node in the graphical
analysis of the results of the calculation for the current loading (oscillation modes, buckling modes,
combinations of loadings). If the direct integration of the equations of motion is analyzed, it becomes
possible to view the graphs of the variation of the components of displacements with time (see Chapter
15), and if the non-linear analysis is performed, you can view the stepwise displacement history of the
nonlinear loading (provided that the number of steps with the saved results is greater than one). The
postprocessor also has buttons which enable to obtain tables with reactions in constraints (see Sec. 12.6),
design combinations of displacements (see Sec. 18.8), and the loads from the fragment of the model (see
Sec. 21.3). If the current loading is a dynamic one, the respective buttons enable to obtain a tabular
representation of the weights of nodal masses, inertial forces and accelerations (Fig. 10.2-19).
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
The Information on the Node dialog box may occupy any position on the screen (or outside the
work area of SCAD). You do not have to close it when performing the operations of specification or
correcting the geometry of the model.
In those cases when the set of buttons or information provided by default in the Information on the
Node dialog box includes items which are not used or rarely used, it is possible to configure the dialog box
to display only the necessary data. To do this, use the Settings operation, which is invoked by clicking the
respective button in the considered dialog box or by right-clicking. After invoking this operation, a
menu appears, which enables to include or exclude these items from the dialog box. The settings will be
used later in all dialog boxes and for all models. If the user has changed the setting, the button Settings
will have an additional indicator showing that the standard settings have been changed.
These filter buttons are used to enable or disable the display of elements of a certain type — bars,
plates, solid or special elements, and if you are working with enlarged elements they are used to enable or
disable the display of columns, beams, walls, slabs and roofs. All buttons are active in the initial state, i.e.
all types of elements are displayed in the model. If they are disabled, the respective types of elements will
not be displayed in the model.
A more detailed setting of filters is performed in the multi-tab Set the Information Display Filters
dialog box in the Bars and Plates tabs (Fig. 10.2-21), where the display rules are set according to which
the elements occupying a certain position in space in the model will be displayed.
The tab for setting the display of special finite elements (Fig. 10.2-22) contains checkboxes for
different types of special elements, checking or unchecking which enables to display only the necessary
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
types of elements on the screen. There are additional checkboxes for selecting the directions of constraints
of finite rigidity.
Figure 10.2-21. The Set the Information Display Figure 10.2-22. The Set the Information Display
Filters dialog box, the Plates tab Filters dialog box, the Special FE tab
Display Numbers of Elements
The Numbers of Elements tab of the Set the Information Display Filters dialog box contains the
controls for displaying the numbers of elements (Fig. 10.2-23). This tab enables to specify the display of
numbers on the model depending on a certain type of elements, or on the position of the elements in the model.
Figure 10.2-23. The Numbers of Elements tab Figure 10.2-24. The Types of Elements tab
Checkboxes of the Bars group are used for working with bar elements and enable to specify the
output of numbers of bars depending on their position in the modеl. If the Display the bar lengths
checkbox is checked, the values of lengths of elements are displayed instead of the numbers of elements.
Checkboxes of the Plates group are used for specifying the rules for outputting the numbers of plate
elements depending in their belonging to the coordinate planes. Moreover, there are two checkboxes for
enabling or disabling the display of numbers of solid and special elements. You can also display names of
elements instead of their numbers, or display the names and numbers simultaneously.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
The Font Setting tab enables to specify the type, color and size of the font (see Sec. 31.3).
Display the Types of Elements
The Types of Elements tab of the Set the Information Display Filters dialog box contains the
controls of the filter of the element type display (Fig. 10.2-24). The controls of this tab are used to set the rules
for displaying the information depending on the type of elements, and on their position in the model. Moreover,
you can also use colors for the indication of different elements by their type on the model.
Four groups of checkboxes are provided for setting the filter. First three groups enable to set the filters
similarly to the filter of the numbers of elements. Checkboxes of the fourth group determine the rules of the
color indication.
The color indication mode (the Color display of types of elements checkbox is checked) enables to
assign a color for each type of finite element. The Types of FE dialog box with a color scale appears
(Fig. 10.2-25). The controls of this dialog box enable to perform the following operations:
check or uncheck all the checkboxes of the color scale (the Check/uncheck checkboxes );
apply the specified combination of checkboxes of the color scale to the model (the Apply button
fragment the model in such a way so that it has only the elements the type of which coincides with the
a) b)
Figure 10.2-25. Color scale of the Figure 10.2-26. Color scales of hinges
indication of the types of elements a) as color checkboxes; b) by coloring the bars
The column marked with a red square indicates the number of elements of the respective type, and the
next column provides this information in the form of a diagram.
In order to change the color double click on the color field and select a new color in the standard
Windows dialog box. Double clicking on the cell with a type of the finite element invokes the dialog box
where you can change the type of FE.
When displaying the numbers of the types of elements in the numerical form the type, color, and size
of the font are specified in the Font Setting tab (see Sec. 31.3).
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
Display Hinges
Regardless of the specified direction(s) the hinges are displayed in the model as rings at the ends of
the flexible part of the bar elements or near the nodes (depending on the parameters of the hinges).
The settings of the filter provide the color display of hinges and elements containing hinges (Fig.
10.2-26). In the first case each combination of released constraints at the ends of the flexible part of the
elements obtains its color in the color scale and in the model. In the second case bars are marked in color in
the model depending on the combinations of hinges specified for them.
The column marked with a red square indicates the number of hinges of the given type in the model,
and the next column provides this information in the form of a diagram.
Display Deleted Elements
If the operation of packing data was not performed, deleted nodes and elements are present in the
model in the hidden form. This filter enables to display the deleted elements. If necessary the elements can
be restored with the help of the respective operation in the Nodes and Elements section (if you invoke this
operation, the filter of displaying the deleted elements will be enabled automatically).
Filter setting is not provided.
Display Duplicate Elements
Once this filter is enabled, the search of the duplicate elements is performed, which are
highlighted in yellow in the model by default. “Duplicate” elements are elements of the same type all
the nodes of which coincide.
Display Types of Rigidity
The setting of the display filter of the types of rigidity is performed in the Types of Rigidity tab
(Fig. 10.2-27) similarly to the setting of other filters.
If you specify the color display of the types of rigidity, you will obtain a scale shown in Fig. 10.2-28,
where each type of rigidity, except for color, has a corresponding button with an icon displaying the type
of elements or a section of bar elements. The next column contains the following characteristics of the type
of rigidity:
bar elements, specified by an explicit description of the section, — sizes of the section or grade of
the section from the assortment of rolled profiles;
bar elements, specified by the numerical description of the rigidity —axial stiffness;
plate elements — thickness of the element;
solid elements — elastic modulus of the material;
rigid bodies, elastic constraints, constraints of finite rigidity — direction of the constraint;
unilateral constraints — rigidity of the constraint etc.
If the names were given to the types of rigidity, they are output in the column following that with the
characteristics. The last two columns contain data on the number of elements with this type of rigidity
given in the numerical form and in the form of a diagram.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
Bar elements the rigidity of which is defined by the characteristics of parametric sections will have
icons in accordance with the section type — , etc. Sections from the assortment of rolled profiles
are displayed by “their” icons: , , … If the rigidities are described numerically, and also for special
finite elements the button will have the following form . If the numerical-parametric description of
rigidities is used, the button will take the following form — . And the button appears for sections
which were prepared with the help of Section Builder, Consul or TONUS. Elements without specified
stiffness properties are displayed in yellow (by default) in the model and are indicated by the icon in
the scale.
The general symbol — is used for all types of plate elements, and — is used for solid ones.
Figure 10.2-27. The Types of Rigidity tab of the Set the Figure 10.2-28. Color scale of the
Information Display Filters dialog box indication of numbers of the types of
Clicking these buttons invokes dialog boxes with the respective stiffness properties where you can
perform only the correction of the parameters of the types of rigidity. They differ from the similar dialog
boxes which are invoked from the Assign toolbar and are described in detail in Sec. 7.2 in that they do not
have the OK button, and the new parameters are saved by clicking the Replace and exit button.
When specifying the color display in the Set the Information Display Filters dialog box you can
output the color scales of the thicknesses of planar elements, subsoil parameters C1 or C2 of plates or those
C1Y, C2Y , C1Z or C2Z of bars (Fig. 10.2-29). You can switch to the coefficients of another type directly in
the dialog box of the color scale of the subsoil parameters (for example, switch from the Winkler
coefficients C1 to the Pasternak coefficients C2).
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
Figure 10.2-29. Color scales of the indication of the thicknesses of plates and the subsoil parameters
Moreover, you can use the settings to display the names of the types of rigidity on the design model,
and simultaneously output the color display and the numbers of the types of rigidity (digitization).
It should be noted that the output of the color scheme of rigidities (and other characteristics as well) is
possible not only on the “wire” model, but also at the active filter for deleting the lines of the invisible
contour, including the displaying of sections of bars and thicknesses of plates (Fig. 10.2-30).
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
This operation enables to perform a comparative analysis of the stiffness properties of elements. The
analysis is performed for the bar and plate elements for the following parameters:
bars and plates — elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio,
specific weight, damping parameter;
bars — axial and bending stiffness;
plates — thickness, cylindrical stiffness...
The spectrum of stiffness properties is output in the
respective dialog box (Fig. 10.2-31), where you can specify the
following settings:
select the type of the analyzed factor from the drop-down
using the checkboxes in the table select only the types
of rigidity you are interested in;
Figure 10.2-31. The Range of Stiffness double left click on the line of the respective type of
Properties dialog box rigidity to invoke the dialog box where you can correct
the stiffness properties.
The column marked with a red square indicates the
number of elements with the respective type of rigidity, and the
next column provides this information in the form of a diagram.
In all other respects working with this dialog box is similar to working with any other color scale.
Young’s Modulus
This filter enables to obtain a color scale with the values of the elastic modulus in different finite
elements of the design model.
Display Rigid Inserts
Rigid inserts are displayed on the design model in the scale and for the directions specified for them.
It should be noted that if the display filter of rigid inserts is disabled, a line connecting the nodes will be
displayed in the model, but not the element. This line may not correspond to the actual position of the
element in the model. In some cases this filter is activated automatically in the postprocessor. This occurs,
for example, at the display of the diagrams of forces (since they relate to the flexible part of the bar) or at
the display of the deformed model.
The setting of the display filter of rigid inserts in performed in the Bar Rigid Inserts tab (Fig. 10.2-
32). Three types of displaying can be selected here: the geometric one described above, the color scale
(Fig. 10.2-33) or simultaneously both the geometric display and the color scale.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
Figure 10.2-32. The Bar Rigid Inserts tab Figure 10.2-33. The Bar Rigid Inserts dialog box
Data on the displacement of the plate midplanes can be displayed similarly to the rigid inserts of bars:
geometrically, as a color scale, or simultaneously both the geometric display and the color scale.
Display Directions of the Local Axes of Elements
Local axes of elements are displayed in color as three axes located in the center of the element.
Moreover, plate elements can be displayed in color depending on the direction of the local Z1 axis. The
setting of the filter is performed in the Local Axes tab (Fig. 10.2-34).
Figure 10.2-34. The Local Axes tab Figure 10.2-35. The Direction of Z1 Axes dialog box
If the radio button of the color indication of plates is enabled, the Direction of Z1 Axes dialog box of
the color scale appears after activating the filter (Fig. 10.2-35). The controls of this dialog box enable to
select a fragment of the model which includes only the plates the local Z1 axis of which is directed upwards
(positive direction) or downwards. For elements parallel to the YOZ plane the positive direction of the Z1
axis coincides with the direction of the X axis of the global coordinate system. For elements parallel to the
XOZ plane the positive direction of the Z1 axis coincides with the direction of the Y axis of the global
coordinate system. The rules for working in this dialog box are the same as for the color scale. It should be
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
noted, that the concepts of “positive” and “negative” directions are conditional. The upward direction of
the Z1 axis is assumed to be positive for the horizontal elements.
If the Color scale of local axes of two-node elements checkbox is checked, two-node elements with
the values of the angles of orientation of the principle axes of inertia different from the default ones
(specified by the user) are displayed in color in the design model.
Display Directions of the Force Output
This mode enables to obtain information on the type of the finite element, number of sections of the
output of forces, stiffness properties, applied loads, angles of orientation of the local axes, hinges and rigid
inserts. The diagrams of the deflections and forces, tables with the values of the design combinations of
forces and other results are output in the mode of the analysis of the results. The Information on the
Element dialog box (Fig. 10.2-37) contains the controls of these operations.
In order to obtain the information click the filters button and specify the method for selecting the
necessary element in the dialog box. In order to find an element you can specify its number in the Element
number field and click the Find button or select an element with a cursor if the Indication on the model
button was pressed beforehand.
The selected element is marked by a green ring, and the information on it is output in the dialog box
where an element is displayed corresponding to its position in the structure, its nodes and their numbers,
and also the directions of the local coordinate system. The node of the origin of the local coordinate system
is marked by a yellow rectangle. The image can be rotated with the help of the mouse. Double left-clicking
restores the image to its initial position.
Depending on the type of the element, specified data and the performed calculations the dialog box
may contain a certain set of buttons which enable to view the respective information, and to change it in
the mode of the data preparation. This dialog box provides the access to the following main data.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
Figure 10.2-42. The Stresses dialog box Figure 10.2-43. The Principal and Equivalent
Stresses dialog box
The Belonging to the groups button invokes the dialog box (Fig. 10.2-45) which provides a list of
groups containing this element. The Show all groups checkbox enables to expand the list and obtain a full
set of groups. Each line of this list has a checkbox indicating whether an element belongs to a group. You
can add the selected element to the group or delete it from it by checking or unchecking the checkboxes.
The Type of group column shows whether a group is general or it is a group of structural members (steel or
reinforced concrete). The View button enables to view the groups of structural members.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
The Information on the Element dialog box can occupy any position in the work area or outside it.
You do not have to close this dialog box when performing the operations of specification or correcting the
geometry of the model.
In those cases when the set of buttons or information provided by default in the Information on the
Element dialog box includes items which are not used or rarely used, it is possible to configure the dialog
box to display only the necessary data. To do this, use the Settings operation, which is invoked by clicking
the respective button in the considered dialog box or by right-clicking. After invoking this operation, a
menu appears, which enables to include or exclude these items from the dialog box. The settings will be
used later in all dialog boxes and for all models. If the user has changed the setting, the button Settings
will have an additional indicator showing that the standard settings have been changed.
The rules for displaying loads of this type are specified in the Nodal Loads tab (Fig. 10.2-46).
Controls of this tab enable to select a load by its type (forces, moments) and direction of the action for the
current loading. If the lines with the load values are selected in the Load value list, only the loads the
values of which coincide with the selected values will be displayed in the model (if they are specified in
the current, i.e. active loading).
Nodal loads are displayed in the following way:
forces — as an arrow along the respective axis;
moments — as a double arrow along the axis about which the moment acts.
In both cases the direction of the arrows is defined by the sign of the force or moment.
By default the forces are displayed as red arrows, and moments — as green arrows.
Figure 10.2-46. The Nodal Loads tab Figure 10.2-47. The Concentrated Loads tab
It should be noted that a force is positive if it is directed against the axis, and a
moment is positive if its vector determined according to the right-hand screw rule acts
against the axis direction.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
The rules for displaying loads of this type are specified in the Concentrated Loads tab (Fig. 10.2-
47). Controls of this tab enable to select loads for displaying in a loading by their type (forces, moments),
direction of action, type of elements, and the coordinate system they are applied in (local, global).
Moreover, the tab also contains a list of load values similar to the Nodal Loads tab. Concentrated loads
are displayed in the following way:
forces — as an arrow along the respective axis;
moments — as a double arrow along the axis about which the moment acts.
The sign convention coincides with that described for nodal loads but taking into account the
coordinate system (local or global).
Display Local Distributed Loads
The Distributed Loads tab (Fig. 10.2-48) is used for specifying the rules for displaying loads of this
type. Controls of this tab enable to select loads by their type (forces, moments), direction of action, type of
elements, and the coordinate system they are applied in (local, global). Moreover, the tab also contains a list
of load values similar to the Nodal Loads tab.
Figure 10.2-48. The Distributed Loads tab Figure 10.2-49. The Masses in Nodes tab
The uniformly distributed loads on bar elements are displayed in the following way:
forces — as a bound pair of arrows applied to the nodes of elements along the respective axis;
moments — as a bound pair of double arrows applied to the nodes of the element along the
respective axis about which the moment acts.
The loads on plate elements are displayed in the following way:
forces — as three or four bound arrows (depending on the number of nodes in the element), applied
to the nodes of elements along the respective axis;
moments — as three or four bound double arrows applied to the nodes of the element along the
respective axis about which the moment acts.
The uniformly distributed loads on solid elements are displayed as an arrow applied to the center of
the element and directed along the respective axis.
Trapezoidal loads on bar elements are displayed in the following way:
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
forces — as a bound pair of arrows applied to the element along the respective axis;
moments — as a bound pair of double arrows applied to the element along the respective axis
about which the moment acts.
The following system of designations is assumed for plate elements:
forces — as three or four bound arrows (depending on the number of nodes in the element), applied
to the nodes of elements along the respective axis;
moments— as three or four bound double arrows applied to the nodes of the element along the
respective axis about which the moment acts.
By default the forces are displayed as red arrows, and moments — as double green arrows. The sign
convention coincides with that described for nodal loads but taking into account the coordinate system
(local or global) in which the loads are applied.
Display Thermal Loads
Thermal loads are displayed as wavy arrows applied to the centers of the elements for which this type
of load is specified.
The setting of display of this type of load is not provided.
Display Masses and Dynamic Actions
If the active loading is a dynamic one, the icons for displaying nodal, concentrated and distributed
loads change, and the user can obtain a graphical display of masses.
Tabs similar to those for setting the display of loads are used for the control of the display of masses
and dynamic actions (see Fig. 10.2-49). The controls of the output are in many respects similar to those
described above for nodal loads.
Masses are displayed in the model as lines without arrows (they do not have a sign) along the
respective axis.
Display Specified Displacements
This filter is used for displaying loads specified as the displacement of the constraint (calculation for
specified displacements). Similarly to nodal loads a setting which enables to select the directions of action
or individual values that have to be visualized is provided for the loads of this type. The value of the
specified displacement can be output on the screen using the filters button Values of loads — .
Generate a Map of Distributed Loads
The operation of generating a map of distributed loads is used for the control of total uniformly
distributed loads specified in the current loading. In the result of performing this operation elements of the
design model are displayed in different colors depending on the value of the total load.
The setting is performed in the Map of Distributed Loads tab (Fig. 10.2-50), which is invoked when
setting the filter and has the following parameters:
Type of elements — bars or plates;
Coordinate system for specifying the loads — local or global;
Direction of the load action — X, Y or Z;
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
Range of loads — all loads or the loads in the given range (in the last case it is necessary to specify
the range of the load values).
The values of the total loads can be output in the centers of elements with the help of the filters button
Values of loads — .
Figure 10.2-50. The Map of Distributed Loads tab Figure 10.2-51. The Map of Nodal Loads tab
Map of Nodal Loads
The operation of generating a map of nodal loads is used for the control of the total nodal loads
specified in the current loading. In the result of performing this operation the nodes of the design model are
indicated by color markers depending on the value of the total load.
The setting is performed in the Map of Nodal Loads tab (Fig. 10.2-51), which is invoked when
setting the filter and has the following parameters:
Direction of the load action — X, Y, Z, UX, UY, UZ;
Range of loads — all loads or the loads in the given range (in the last case it is necessary to specify
the range of the load values).
The values of the total loads can be output with the help of the filters button Values of loads —
Indication of the Number of Loads
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
When working with the model the global coordinate system is always displayed in the lower left
corner of the window and shows the current position (rotation) of the design model. After activating the
filter the coordinate system is moved into the point with the coordinates 0, 0, 0.
Setting of this filter is not provided.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
The Display direction checkboxes enable to display or hide the grid lines in longitudinal or transverse
directions, and marks as well. If The whole interval checkbox is not checked, you can specify the marks of
grid lines which are displayed on the screen. In this case you will obtain access to the From and To lists. A
mark of the first grid line of the fragmentation area is selected in the first list, and that of the last one — in the
second list. This selective display can be specified for each group of grid lines.
Grid lines can be displayed together with the dimension lines. Depending on the active markers the
dimensions are displayed as snaps to the first grid line or as intervals between grid lines.
This operation enables to display the dimension lines on the screen. They are set along the bottom and left
edges of the work area. Filter settings are performed in the Dimension Lines tab (Fig. 10.2-54) and enable to
display the grid. Dimension lines and the grid are output only in the case if the fragment or the whole model are
projected onto one of the planes of the global coordinate system (Fig. 10.2-55). The spacing of dimension
lines can be selected automatically or specified by the user.
Figure 10.2-54. The Dimension Lines tab Figure 10.2-55. Display of the dimension lines and the
The following modes of display of the design model can be set in the Invisible Lines tab of the Set
the Information Display Filters dialog box (Fig. 10.2-56):
deleting the lines of the invisible contour or the contour display;
the same with the three-dimensional display of the profile of bar elements;
the same with the display of the thickness of plates.
You should take into account the following facts when invoking this operation:
when the GDI rendering engine is used the time needed for deleting the lines of the invisible
contour depends on the sizes of the design model and can be quite considerable for large systems.
If the options for displaying the profiles of bar elements and thicknesses of plates are active, the
time for deleting increases considerably;
the Environment Settings dialog box enables to specify the gap between the bar elements (the
Offsets for displaying the profiles group of buttons in Fig. 10.4-1). The gap is necessary to
correctly display the intersection of elements at the three-dimensional display of profiles;
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
the gap defines the distance from the end of the bar to the node in fractions of the sizes of the
section; if a zero gap is specified, the intersection of bars coming to one node is unpredictable and
the time necessary to delete it can be increased in several times;
the profiles of short bars the length of which is commensurable with the sizes of their cross-section
are not output in the GDI rendering engine.
These three buttons of the Display Filters toolbar enable to obtain an image with the effects of
transparency, lighting and perspective respectively. All three options are available only in the case if the
display is performed in the DirectX rendering engine.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
These filters invoke the respective color scale (Fig. 10.2-58), where each group of nodes or elements
has a corresponding color and a line with the name of the group. Thus, nodes and elements of the model
belonging to these groups are highlighted in a certain color. The following operations are available when
working with color scales:
selecting active groups into a fragment (groups of nodes can be included in a fragment without
elements or with adjacent elements);
deleting active groups.
Groups with checked checkboxes are considered to be active. Any operations of correction,
specification and visualization can be performed with nodes and elements of groups included in a fragment.
These groups can be saved as individual models (button in the Control section).
In order to obtain a new fragment consisting of other groups it is necessary to check the respective
checkboxes and click the Fragment button.
You can return to the display of the full model by performing the fragmentation at the active state of
all groups in the color scale or by clicking the Initial display of the model button of the visualization
a) b)
It should be noted that the color display of groups will not work simultaneously
with other rendering engines where elements/nodes are displayed in color.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
The filter is used for the color indication of elements with different types of the specified
reinforcement. The color scale (Fig. 10.2-59) contains switches , , which enable to obtain color
scales for plates or bars respectively.
These filters are used for the color indication of groups of structural members for the check and
selection of rolled steel sections — or groups of reinforced concrete elements — . The color scale
(Fig. 10.2-60) includes names of groups, checkboxes, and Apply and Fragment buttons which perform the
same functions as the similar controls of the color indication of the groups of elements.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
If a structural group is specified as an additional one, the above icons are displayed on a green
background. The column marked with a red square indicates the number of elements included in the
groups, and the next column provides this information in the form of a diagram.
Technically this operation does not belong to the display filters, but it can be used quite often when
working with the model and therefore it is included in the Display Filters toolbar. All the selected or
marked elements and nodes will be deselected after clicking this button.
The navigator enables to determine the position of the visible part of the design model after
performing the operations of fragmentation by a marquee and cutting on projections. A window with the
image of the design model where its visible part is displayed in red appears after invoking the navigator.
It enables to see the elements working in the erection stage (see Chapter 14). The Erection Stages tab
of the Set the Information Display Filters dialog box enables to display the information on the
coefficients of variation of the elastic modulus on the model.
If the design model has elements with prestressing, this filter enables to obtain a color scale (Fig.
10.2-61) displaying the values of prestressing and/or values of prestressing assigned to the elements. Filter
settings (Fig. 10.2-62) enable to select the types of elements (plates, bar/cable stays, or solid elements),
specify the force factor you are interested in, and select the style of display: color and/or digitization.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
If you activate this option for the models of FORUM type, all elements belonging to a certain module
will be displayed in the color assigned to this module.
Types of Rooms
This filter enables to display the deformed model taking into account the displacements in the
intermediate points of the bar in the mode of the graphical analysis of the results of the calculation. The
filter can be activated in the mode of the animation or generation of video clips (AVI-files).
It should be taken into account that if the mode of the display of deflections is activated, the time
necessary to generate a deformed model slightly increases.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
This option should be activated if you have to display a finite element mesh simultaneously with
isofields/isolines (see Fig. 10.3-2).
Figure 10.3-2. Isofields without a finite element mesh and with a mesh
Filter enables to obtain an image of the deformed model. If the filter is used, both deformed
and initial models will appear on the screen. Displacement scale factor can be used when generating a
deformed model. In order to do it, click the Displacement scale factor button and select the necessary
scale factor in the menu that will appear.
This filter is available in the mode of the graphical analysis of the results and works only “above” the
color display of the considered factor (isolines, isofields, etc.) or diagrams. It enables to display the values
obtained in the result of the calculation in the centers of elements and/or nodes.
In order to display only the numerical values of the factor on the model, after outputting, for example,
the isolines it is necessary to disable all the active positions in the respective color scale (using the Off
If the Output the values of stress in the plate nodes and solids checkbox is checked in the Results
tab of the Environment Settings dialog box, the respective values will be displayed on the model together
with the values in the centers of elements.
If some of the intervals are disabled in the dialog box of the color scale, the digitization (or its
absence) on the disabled intervals depends on whether the Do not digitize the disabled intervals of the
color scale checkbox is checked in the General Settings of the Display Filters tab of the Set the
Information Display Filters dialog box (see Fig. 10.3-3).
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
The numerical values of different factors can be displayed not for all but only for the selected
nodes/elements (Fig. 10.3-4). Since the selection of nodes and elements usually deals with the performance
of certain operations, a special selection is used for the selective digitization, which is enabled by the
Select objects for displaying information marker button — . This button is located in the Control
the Selection toolbar and is duplicated in the status bar.
The following procedure is used to perform the selection when outputting the results of the
− enable the filter Display information on the model only for the selected elements and nodes —
− enable the filter of the output of numerical values — ;
− enable the marker button — ;
− select the necessary objects in the model.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
a) b)
Figure 10.3-7. Isofields of active ranges are “hidden” Figure 10.3-8. Isofields of active ranges are visible
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
checkbox which enables to save the results of work automatically and a line for specifying the time
interval between the operations of saving;
buttons for selecting the value of the offset from nodes at the three-dimensional display of bar
elements which enables to avoid inaccuracies at the visualization in the case when several bar
elements come into one node (if the sizes of the offsets exceed the length of the bar, the profile is
not displayed);
checkbox which enables to save the environment settings when switching from the preprocessor to
the postprocessor;
limitation on the number of lines in the log file of changes and on the number of possible undo
Figure 10.4-1. The Design Model tab of the Environment Settings dialog box
Figure 10.4-2. Design model with a separate display of Figure 10.4-3. Uniformly distributed load on bar and
plates plate elements
Moreover, this tab also enables to specify the values of the accuracy of estimation of the duplicate
nodes necessary when performing the assembly of the model from submodels and other operations of
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
synthesis of the design model including deleting of duplicate nodes, creating bar elements from a group of
nodes lying on a straight line etc.
If the Do not delete ""hanging"" nodes after deleting the element checkbox is checked, deleting an
element does not automatically delete nodes which are not adjacent to any other element.
The Fast rotation option invokes the mode of drawing the model at its rotation when only the “wire” design
model is drawn. After the rotation the screen displays the model in a new position with all the information.
If the Automatic activation of the display of nodes checkbox is checked, the display filter of nodes will
be enabled automatically (this filter is not disabled automatically) at the beginning of work of any operation
where the selection of nodes is required (for example, deleting nodes, creating a bar, ...).
The auto-save operation is performed according to the following rules
each model can have its time for autosaving;
autosaving of the model is performed in the case if the model was modified during the time
interval between the last saving and the current time;
if the autosaving is performed the respective message appears in the log.
The Results tab (Fig. 10.4-4) contains the following controls of display:
checkbox which enables to output the values of force factors in the nodes of plate elements;
specification of the shell shallowness criterion (cosine of the angle between the normals to the
adjacent areas of the design model), which enables to determine the relationship between the force
factors of the adjacent areas of the design model (see below);
the checkbox for hatching the diagrams and selection of the hatch spacing. If the spacing between
the hatching lines (Hatch spacing of the force diagrams) is set as one, it corresponds to the
maximum density of hatching. If the spacing values are equal to 1.5 or 2 the density of hatching
decreases in 1,5 or 2 times respectively. An example of the display of diagrams on the design
model at the checked Hatch the force diagrams checkbox is shown in Fig. 10.4-5;
the option of saving the reactions in nodes from the modes of dynamic loadings.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
The Shell shallowness criterion parameter enables to distinguish between two cases schematically
shown in Figures 10.4-6, 10.4-7. In the first of them (Fig. 10.4-6) the dihedral angles between finite elements
which formed after replacing a smooth surface of a shell by a faceted structure from flat finite elements are
small. When determining the values of stresses in the nodes it is allowed to use the averaged data taken from all
finite elements adjacent to the nodes (assuming that the directions of force output in these elements are specified
correctly). In the second case (Fig. 10.4-7), when the angle of a building is considered, the dihedral angle
between the walls is large. In this case, the stress fields should be generated separately for each wall. Then the
averaging in nodes will be performed for each wall separately.
Thus, the Shell shallowness criterion defines the maximum value of the cosine of the angle between the
normals to the surface of adjacent elements depending on which the rule for generating stress fields will be
if on the design model the angle between the normals to the surfaces of adjacent elements is less
than the angle specified by the value of the parameter Shell shallowness criterion, the values of
stresses in the vertex of an angle are averaged for all elements adjacent to the node (Fig. 10.4-6);
if on the design model the angle between the normals to the surfaces of adjacent elements is greater
than the angle specified by the value of the parameter Shell shallowness criterion, the values of
stresses in the vertex of an angle are averaged for two elements, for example, as shown in Fig.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
By default, the software assumes the value of this parameter as 0.95, which roughly corresponds to
the angle of 18o. If you specify the value of the parameter as 1, the averaging is not performed, and each
element will have its “own” system of isofields.
The graphical display of the results (for example, isofields of stresses) can be performed on a
deformed or on a non-deformed model. The respective checkbox in the Results tab enables to select the
necessary variant.
When working with a postprocessor it is often necessary to select nodes/elements (for example, in
order to create groups). A special group of buttons enables to specify the rules for working in a situation
when there is a deformed model on the screen. The selection can be performed only on a non-deformed
model, only on a deformed model or on both. If one of the models is not displayed on the screen, the
selection mode will be automatically provided for the model displayed on the screen.
The Animation Control tab (Fig. 10.4-8) enables to specify the parameters of the animation control
in the modes of the analysis of displacements and buckling modes for static and dynamic loadings. The
number of steps (frames) in one scene of the “movie” and the number of scene repetitions are specified as
the parameters for static loadings and buckling modes. The number of periods and the number of steps in a
period are specified for the modes of dynamic loadings.
The frame rate is a general parameter.
Like other parameters the environment settings are saved in the file of the
project (for example, spr-file). If the dialog box for setting these parameters is
invoked from the Settings menu when there are no open models, the saved
values will be used for all newly created projects.
Color setting which are used for the newly created projects are saved in the following files:
These files are in the following directory "C:\Users\All Users\SCAD Soft\Data\". If you save these
files before installing a new version and copy them after the installation into the above directory, you will
be able to use (for new projects) the colors set earlier.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
a) b) c)
d) e) f)
In order to set the color for any of the possible display elements it is necessary to select its name from
the list of elements and set the necessary color using the Select color button. The results of the selection
will be displayed in the preview window with all the earlier performed settings in the background. You can
switch to the set color by clicking the Apply button.
10.Control of the Display of the Design Model
The software provides several “standard” color palettes Standard, White background, Soft, ...,
which can be used by selecting the necessary variant from the Color palette drop-down list. Respective
colors will be loaded which can be changed later. The changed color setting can be saved by clicking the
respective button. The Restore by default button enables to restore a standard color palette, i.e. the color
palette after the initial installation of the software.
Color settings are saved in the file of the project (for example, spr-file). If the
dialog box for setting these parameters is invoked from the Settings menu when
there are no open models, the saved colors will be used for all newly created
11.Control of the Calculation
11.Control of the Calculation
Like other parameters the calculation settings are saved in the file of
the project (for example, spr-file). If the Calculation Parameters dialog box is
invoked from the Settings menu when there are no open models, the saved
values will be used for all newly created projects. It is recommended to
perform the analysis of efficiency of multi-threaded calculations (see below),
and set the optimum number of threads for all newly created models.
Not only the computer processor (CPU), but also the processors of a video card
are often used for the parallelization of computing operations. SCAD performs
parallel calculations using only the possibilities of multi-threaded CPU. Processors
of a video card (GPU) are used only for the graphical operations. This is due to the
fact that integral losses for the operations of data exchange are too large in the
11.Control of the Calculation
regular graphics cards (which are used by the vast majority of users). This leads to a
situation when the acceleration of actual calculations is offset by the exchange
operations, which usually leads to the increase of the total operation time.
The usage of GPU can probably be effective for nonlinear problems of small
dimension which require many iterations. Moreover, the necessary operating speed
can be provided by special quite expensive video cards of Tesla type. However they
are not used in the current version of the software, because the increase of the
efficiency compared to CPU is observed only for very large stiffness matrices with
very low density (see [21], [22]).
The second tab changes depending on the selected solution method: Parameters of the Gaussian
Method (Fig. 11.2-1), Multifrontal Method (Fig. 11.3-1), Parameters of the Iterative Method (Fig.
11.4-1) or PARFES (Fig. 11.5-1).
11.Control of the Calculation
11.5. PARFES
The Accuracy of the matrix decomposition is specified in the
PARFES (Parallel Sparse Direct Solver) tab (Fig. 11.5-1); it
defines the minimum value of the element of a stiffness matrix
which is considered to be different from zero (the value of 1012
is assumed by default). If a number less than the specified
accuracy appears on the main diagonal in the process of the
matrix decomposition, such a situation is interpreted as the
dimensional instability of the system.
RAM usage (%) — indicates the percentage of RAM
used for storing the information in the process of solving a
system of equations (40% by default).
Moreover, you can also select the stiffness matrix
optimization method.
11.6. Stability
The following parameters are specified in the Stability tab (Fig. 11.6-1):
Upper search interval limit — the maximum allowable increase of loads which defines the search
range of the value of the stability factor of safety (2 by default);
Accuracy of the calculation of stability factors of safety — accuracy of determining the stability
factor of safety (0.01 by default);
Accuracy of the determination of the buckling modes — allowable error at the determination of
the buckling mode (106 by default for linear displacements);
Maximum number of iterations at the determination of the buckling modes — number of
iterations after which a poorly convergent process is interrupted (100 by default);
11.Control of the Calculation
Number of buckling modes — parameter defines the default value for the number of buckling
modes of the problems in which the data on stability are not yet specified;
Allowing for tangential displacements in the geometric stiffness matrix of shells — parameter
enables not to take into account the tangential displacements in the analysis of the stability of
Allowing for possible buckling at the bending of bars1 — parameter enables not to take into
account the possible buckling at the bending of bars (if this checkbox is not checked, the results of
the stability analysis will correspond to the results of the previous versions of SCAD, where this
possibility was not implemented).
11.7. Dynamics
The Dynamics tab (Fig. 11.7-1) enables to select the method of the solution of the eigenvalue problem
(subspace iterations, method of steepest descent or Lanczos method). A “preferred” variant for all loadings
is specified here, it can be changed later when specifying the initial data to the dynamic loading. Additional
parameters of the mode are also specified at that time.
Lanczos method of the solution of the eigenvalue problem is specified in the Dynamics tab and has
the highest priority.
Checkboxes in this tab enable to specify the information which will be output into the analysis log:
dynamic data;
plots of the dynamic amplification factor;
The analysis of in-plane bending is considered for bars with a narrow rectangular section in a classic work by
Timoshenko S.P. Course of the Theory of Elasticity. — Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1972. 508 p.
11.Control of the Calculation
coefficients for the calculation of inertial loads (for example, the dynamic amplification factors
and coefficients depending on the deformation mode of the building or structure will be derived
for the seismic actions).
You also have to specify here the accuracy of the solution of the eigenvalue problem for the Lanczos
method, and for the method of subspace iteration and the method of steepest descent.
The software implements the block Lanczos method with spectral transformations [16] – [17], which
provides four calculation modes: modal, interval, seismic, and the mode of verification of the design
model. Two options can be selected in the Dynamics tab (the analysis mode or the mode of verification of
the design model). If the first option is selected, the program will automatically (depending on the data of a
certain dynamic loading) select the mode (modal, seismic, or interval). If the mode of verification of the
design model is selected, only the oscillation modes will be calculated (errors in the design model can be
found on their basis); the calculation of displacements, forces, ... will not be performed in this case.
Modal analysis — determines the number of
frequencies and oscillation modes specified in the Modal
Analysis tab of the Parameters of Dynamic Actions
dialog box (see Section 8.7). If a greater number of
eigenpairs have converged in the iteration process, the
results of the calculation will contain all these pairs.
Interval mode — determines all eigenpairs
(frequencies and modes) in the frequency range specified in
the Dynamics tab of the Calculation Parameters dialog
box when setting the operation of the Lanczos method.
Seismic mode determines frequencies and natural
oscillation modes until the sum of modal masses for each
direction X, Y and Z exceeds the values specified in the
Parameters of Dynamic Actions dialog box. Like in the
case of interval mode it is not known beforehand what
number of eigenpairs has to be determined.
Figure 11.7-1. The Dynamics tab of the
Calculation Parameters dialog box
Verification of the design model mode — enables to detect the dimensional instability of the design
model. The number of zero eigenvalues or those very close to zero will show the degree of degeneration of
the stiffness matrix, and their respective vectors – modes of the motion of the mechanism. Visualization of
the motion modes in the mode of the analysis of displacements enables to obtain information suggesting
how to correct the design model. The initial shift in the Lanczos method is used in the initial data of the
verification mode. It is set to zero by default and is changed automatically. In some (quite rare) cases this
parameter can be specified according to the recommendations of the developers.
Experiments show that quite often the Lanczos method is numerically unstable at small problems.
Therefore it is possible to specify the minimum number of dynamic degrees of freedom. If in the
problem this number is less than the selected one, the program will automatically use a different method.
One of the ways of specifying masses in the dynamic calculation is the transformation of a static
loading. This tab contains the Convert design masses into characteristic ones checkbox which defines
the rule for such a transformation, which is used for all dynamic loadings (if EN 1990 is selected for
calculating load combinations, this control is not available).
If the code contains instructions on how to take into account the proximity of frequencies and the user
has set the respective option (for example, in the calculations according to SP 14.13330.2014), then forces
11.Control of the Calculation
are summed according to the corresponding formula given in the code. If you want to sum displacements
and reactions according to the same rules, check the Sum displacements and reactions of the oscillation
modes allowing for the proximity of frequencies checkbox.
11.8. Nonlinearity
The following parameters are specified in the Nonlinearity tab (Fig. 11.8-1):
Accuracy of the iteration process;
Do not automatically add a static part of the dynamic wind loading to the nonlinear loading;
Number of steps added to the nonlinear loading for the static part of the dynamic wind;
Avoid spurious unloading.
Figure 11.8-1. The Nonlinearity tab Figure 11.9-1. The Elements tab
The user can generate a nonlinear loading by including a static part of the dynamic wind into it.
11.9. Elements
The Elements tab (Fig. 11.9-1) enables to specify the default number of force output points in bars.
This number will be used in the calculation of forces in bars for all bar elements where this parameter is
not set explicitly in a specific element (elements).
Limitations set by the following parameters are used in the control of the geometric shape of finite
Maximum aspect ratio of solid and plate elements (deep beams);
Maximum aspect ratio of plates and shells;
Minimum allowable angle;
Maximum allowable distortion of elements;
Maximum allowable distortion of isoparametric elements;
Default number of force output points in bars.
Violation of limitations defined by the above parameters is interpreted by the software as an error, the
respective message is generated, and the calculation is not performed.
Finite elements of the rigid body type are implemented using the Lagrange multipliers. The following
parameters are used (for a detailed description see [23]):
11.Control of the Calculation
11.Control of the Calculation
The checked Use the virtual memory of the operating system checkbox in the Special tab enables
the software to use not only RAM in the calculation but also the virtual memory. This checkbox should not
be used without the recommendations of the developers, since it can significantly slow down the
calculation process.
11.Control of the Calculation
parallel processing of data. The user can specify (select from the list) the maximum number of threads that
can be used for the current problem.
When the number of threads increases, the efficiency of the program usually increases as well and the
calculation time reduces. This growth will be observed in cases when the number of threads specified by
the user does not exceed the number of physical cores.
If the Automatically item is selected in the Maximum number of threads list, the “optimal” number
of threads is determined by the program and it will be taken as half the sum of the number of physical and
the number of logical cores. If the specified maximum number of threads is greater than the number of
physical cores, then depending on a particular model of CPU the efficiency can increase insignificantly,
and in some cases it can even decrease (threads begin to “interfere” with each other).
The button in the General Parameters tab of the Calculation Parameters dialog box enables to
analyze the efficiency of a particular CPU. Clicking on it invokes the operation of determining the optimal
number of threads. The results of performing the operation are displayed in the respective dialog box (Fig.
Figure 11.13-1. The Determine the Optimal Number of Threads dialog box
It is recommended to analyze the dependence of the efficiency on the number of threads before
specifying the Maximum number of threads. This is due to the fact that for many CPU using the
maximum number of logical threads at the minimum increase of the computing efficiency of SCAD may
lead to a significant reduction of the operating speed of other programs working parallel with SCAD.
K = L∙S∙LT , (2)
where L – sparse lower triangular matrix, S – diagonal of coefficients which generalizes the Cholesky
decomposition in case of indefinite matrices typical when solving the problems of the modal analysis and
stability. Then the software performs the forward substitution
Ly = b → y , (3)
diagonal scaling
Sz = y → z , (4)
LTx = z → x. (5)
K = L∙U, (6)
where L, U – lower and upper triangular matrices respectively, and then the forward (3) and back
substitutions are performed
Ux = y → x. (7)
When the iterative method is used the original problem (1) comes down to
where i – number of the right-hand side, Nr – number of the right-hand sides, B – preconditioning operator
constructed in such a way so that the system of equations Bzik = rik → zik , having the same order as (1)
was solved much faster than (1), and the system of equations (6) had a better conditioning than (1):
Cond(B-1K) < Cond(K), where Cond(...) – conditioning number. Then the convergence of (6) will be
faster. Here rik = bi – Kxik – residual vector at the current iteration step k. The solution procedure consists
of two stages: creating preconditioning and the iterative process of the conjugate gradient method.
Conditions at which the iterative process is completed are described below.
Multifrontal Solver
This is a direct method for solving systems of linear algebraic equations (1). In SCAD this method
implements the idea of the superelement method with an automatic division of the initial design model into
substructures without the user intervention and is given in the publications [1-5] as the block substructure
multifrontal method BSMFM. Decomposition of a large dimension sparse matrix comes down to a
sequence of decompositions of dense matrices of relatively small dimensions (frontal matrices), which
enables to use effectively almost all methods for achieving high performance available on multi-core
desktops. The decomposed matrix is stored in dense blocks. If the dimension of the problem exceeds the
RAM capabilities, the blocks of the decomposed matrix are saved in a file on the disk.
11.Control of the Calculation
The accuracy of the matrix decomposition is defined by the parameter t, which enables to identify the
matrix singularity or poor conditioning at the factorization (it is taken as 10-12 by default – Fig. 11.3-1).
A diagonal of the stiffness matrix K is compiled before the decomposition. If at any stage of the
decomposition of the frontal matrix it turns out that |Ljj/Kjj| < t, where Ljj – diagonal element of the
factorized matrix, then the stiffness matrix is either singular or poorly conditioned. In order to be able to
continue the decomposition of the matrix, the element Ljj is assigned a large value (1050). A list of all the
degrees of freedom where it occurred is output at the end of the decomposition. Parameter t can be
reduced to 10-14. However, if the messages on the dimensional instability appear again, the calculation
should be aborted. It is likely that this design model is dimensionally unstable. It is necessary to determine
the cause of the dimensional instability and eliminate it (block Lanczos method can be used in the mode of
the verification of the design model).
Moreover, it can turn out that the design model leads to a poorly conditioned system of linear
algebraic equations. Such systems are highly sensitive to small perturbations of the right-hand side and
accumulate large errors in the decomposition of the matrix. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the
cause of the poor conditioning and eliminate it. Reducing the parameter t further (for example, to 10-50) –
is like ignoring the thermometer readings when having the flu or riveting a pressure relief valve in the
RAM usage is a parameter that regulates the maximum amount of RAM for the solver. If you want to
solve the problem as quickly as possible, set 80 – 90%. Then the solver will not use the slow disk memory
until all free RAM is exhausted. If the free RAM is enough to solve this problem, matrix decomposition
will be performed as quickly as possible. If it is not enough, the solver will still use the disk memory. If the
“RAM usage” exceeds the amount of RAM required for the decomposition of the matrix without using the
disk, the solver uses only the required amount of RAM, and not the specified value. If you want to solve
simultaneously several problems on one computer, then the “RAM usage” should be specified for each
problem in such a way so that all the simultaneously solved problems would not exceed the amount of the
free RAM. You should be careful when assigning this parameter a value of more than 90%, because at a
certain computer configuration it can cause an intense exchange with the page file of the operating system,
significantly slow down the calculation process and temporarily block the computer. Further the solution of
the problem will continue.
The practice of calculations shows that the control at the matrix decomposition based on the analysis
|Ljj/Kjj| < t, does not work in all cases, because when specifying the parameter εt we do not have any
information on the conditioning of the matrix K. If the value of εt is too small, the dimensional instability
can be missed, while a large value can cause a “false alarm”. Therefore, it is recommended to use the “full
check at the solution” option, which enables to perform the analysis of the following values for each
loading i = ||bi – Kxi||2/||bi||2, i ∈ [1, Nr], where i – number of the loading, Nr – number of loadings, bi –
load vector, xi – vector of the solution, ||…||2 – Euclidean vector norm, i – measure of error. For well-
conditioned systems of equations i < 10-8. If i > 10-4, we consider that the solution is unacceptable
because the error is too big. Value 10-8 < i < 10-4 indicates that the system of equations is “poorly
conditioned” – the design model is correct, but small modifications can make it incorrect. The calculated
values i are placed in a file with extension p04 in the SWORK directory. The calculation of i is
performed only for the linear static analysis and it is blocked at the analysis of frequencies and natural
oscillation modes, stability and nonlinear analysis. If the Full check at the solution checkbox is not
checked, i is not calculated.
The task of ordering the matrix is the reduction of the number of non-zero elements in the factorized
stiffness matrix, which enables to make the matrix decomposition dozens of times faster, and the forward
and back substitutions – a few times faster [4]. Unfortunately, it is not known in advance which method of
11.Control of the Calculation
ordering is the best. Therefore, if the problem is solved for the first time, it is advisable to leave the choice
of the method of ordering to the solver. In order to do it select the “Automatic selection of the optimization
method” item in the calculation parameters. If the topology of the design model has not changed and the
recalculation is performed, and the method of ordering works slowly, you can specify a method of ordering
which was selected by the software in the previous calculation in the mode of the automatic selection.
Then the solver will take the specified method and will not waste time searching for the best method. If the
stage of the optimization of the stiffness matrix is performed quickly, you should use the automatic
selection of the method of ordering at the further recalculations as well.
PARFES [6-11] – Parallel Finite Element Solver – direct method for sparse matrices, designed specifically
for multi-core computers and workstations with shared memory (shared memory computers). PARFES
belongs to the class of supernode solvers and implements a block version of the Cholesky decomposition.
Almost in all cases this method shows higher performance and accelerance at the increase of the number of
processors on the shared memory computers than the multifrontal solver. In order to achieve peak
performance the whole problem must fit in RAM. Otherwise the solver automatically selects the OOC
mode (out of core) which uses the external disk. The performance of the method at the stage of the matrix
decomposition decreases insignificantly in this mode in comparison with the RAM operation mode, but the
duration of the forward/back substitutions increases significantly. In the case of a large problem and small
RAM the OOC mode becomes unavailable, and PARFES selects the OOC1 mode. In this mode the solver
uses a much smaller amount of RAM than in the OOC mode, but it performs a much greater number of
exchanges with the disk, which results in a significant decrease of the performance at the stage of the
matrix decomposition. The duration of the forward and back substitutions remains the same as in the OOC
PARFES works with any method of ordering. It uses all methods of achieving the high performance
available in the shared memory computers.
The accuracy of the matrix decomposition, RAM usage, full check at the solution and the selection of
the ordering method completely correspond to the options of the multifrontal method given above.
Iterative Solver
It implements the conjugate gradient method with preconditioning of the incomplete Cholesky
decomposition B = H∙HT, where H – lower triangular matrix. The incomplete Cholesky factorization
method is developed in SCAD. It is based on the sparse matrix technology, which enables to accelerate the
convergence considerably at a moderate increase of the size of the incomplete Cholesky factor H [12-13].
The ordering is performed by the minimum degree algorithm [14].
Rejection and post rejection parameters ψ, ψ1 (0 < ψ < ψ1 < 1) (Fig. 11.4-1) control the ability of
preconditioning to accelerate the convergence. Only “small elements” remain – Hij2 ≥ ψ HiiHjj, at the
matrix decomposition. The smaller ψ, the closer the incomplete Cholesky factor H to the complete factor L
and the faster the solution converges, but the greater the amount of RAM is required to store H and the
more time is required to perform the incomplete Cholesky decomposition, and to perform the iterations.
There might not be enough amount of RAM for very small values ψ. Then the solver increases ψ 10 times
and tries to perform the incomplete Cholesky decomposition again. It continues until the incomplete
Cholesky factor H is saved in RAM. Therefore when performing the recalculations on the same computer
it is advisable to use the experience of the first calculation and take the value of the parameter ψ at which
the incomplete factorization was completed. This way you will avoid unnecessary attempts at
11.Control of the Calculation
On the other hand, if the value ψ is too small, the duration of the incomplete factorization can increase
significantly on the computers with large amount of RAM. Actually there are no methods of determining
the optimal value of the parameter ψ. It depends on the conditioning of the system of linear algebraic
equations, amount of RAM, dimension of the problem, number of right-hand parts, and the need to
perform modal/seismic analysis. Therefore, we give the following recommendations. On a 32-bit platform
the value of the parameter ψ is taken as 10-9 by default, and you should begin with this value. On the 64-bit
platform, the majority of computers today have a large amount of RAM available for the operating system.
Therefore, we recommend taking the value ψ within 10-12 – 10-14. If for the current problem it turns out that
the size of H exceeds the RAM capabilities, the solver will “correct” you and reduce ψ. If the incomplete
Cholesky decomposition takes unreasonably long time, you should abort the calculations and increase ψ.
After completing the factorization the secondary rejection is performed – only the elements for which
Hij2 ≥ ψ1 HiiHjj remain. It enables to speed up the procedure of forward/back substitutions in the iteration
process and reduce the amount of required RAM. The value ψ1 is usually taken three orders of magnitude
greater than the value ψ.
The procedure of incomplete factorization is parallelized. The parallelization of the iterative
procedure is performed by iterating each right-hand side independently of the others on a separate thread.
Therefore, time for solving the problem containing a large number of loadings depends greatly on the
number of cores (processors) on your computer.
The iterative process continues until i > t, where i = ||bi – Kxi||2/||bi||2, i ∈ [1, Nr], t – required
The iterative solver can be efficient for solving very large problems (several millions of equations),
and also in those cases when the direct solvers work in the modes which require the use of the disk space.
The iterative solver is available for the following types of analysis: linear and nonlinear statics, modal
and seismic analysis (spectral method).
Gaussian Method
Gaussian method (see [15]) is the direct method for symmetric sparse matrices. It implements the LU
decomposition (6). The selection of the pivot element is not performed, because we deal with diagonally
dominant symmetric matrices in the finite element design models of structural mechanics and solid
mechanics. The “accuracy of the matrix decomposition”, “RAM usage”, and the “stiffness matrix
optimization method” have the same meaning as for PARFES and multifrontal solver.
K jM V 0 , (11.15.1)
11.Control of the Calculation
Three methods of the modal analysis are implemented in SCAD. The subspace iterations method and
the method of the steepest descent are classic and are described in many books on computational linear
algebra (see, for example, [18]). The implementation of the block Lanczos method has some peculiarities,
therefore this method is described in more detail below.
The following criterion for the estimation of the eigenvalue (j) calculation error is used in the
(j k1) (j k )
(j k )
where (kj 1) , (k)
j — two successive eigenvalues on the k+1, k iteration steps, and denotes the
accuracy specified in the Dynamics tab of the Calculation Parameters dialog box (Fig. 11.7-1) for the
subspace iterations method. The iterations stop if the calculation error is less than the specified value or
the number of iterations exceeds the limitation specified in the Special tab of the Calculation Parameters
dialog box (Fig. 11.10-1).
accuracy specified in the Dynamics tab of the Calculation Parameters dialog box (Fig. 11.7-1) for the
method of steepest descent.
The iterations stop if the calculation error is less than the specified value or the number of
iterations exceeds the limitation specified in the Special tab of the Calculation Parameters dialog
box (Fig. 11.10-1).
A non-zero shift value is used in the analysis of the dimensionally unstable structures.
11.Control of the Calculation
Lanczos Method
The description of the algorithm of the block Lanczos method is published in the paper [16]. The
implementation of the Lanczos method used in SCAD provides four calculation modes: modal, interval,
seismic and the verification of the design model mode, which are described below.
Modal mode. The frequencies and the natural oscillation modes the number of which is specified in
the Modal Analysis tab of the Parameters of Dynamic Actions dialog box (Fig. 8.7-1) is determined. The
initial shift value is specified in the Dynamics tab of the Calculation Parameters dialog box (Fig. 11.7-1).
The default shift is σ = 0. The Lanczos method has to be selected in the Parameters of Dynamic Actions
dialog box (Fig. 8.7-1), and the Analysis in the specified frequency range checkbox has to be unchecked.
Interval mode. The interval mode determines all eigenpairs in the interval [a,b]. After selecting the
Lanczos method in the Parameters of Dynamic Actions dialog box (Fig. 8.7-1), it is necessary to check
the Analysis in the specified frequency range checkbox and specify the start a and end b frequencies
which define the frequency range [a, b]. Keep in mind the fact that the spectrum of the natural frequencies
of the design models of most of the structures is very dense, and there may be several thousand natural
frequencies in the range of a few Hertz.
Seismic mode. It determines the frequencies and the natural oscillation modes until the specified sum
of modal masses for each of the principal directions of the seismic action OX, OY, OZ is provided (OXYZ
– global coordinate system). Moreover, if the cutoff frequency is specified (in order to do it check the
Maximum frequency limitation checkbox, a dialog box will appear where you have to enter the value of
this frequency), the algorithm will finish its work as soon as one of the two events occurs.
The sum of the modal masses will be obtained for each of the directions of the seismic action OX,
The cutoff frequency is reached.
Verification of the design model mode. It is developed for the identification of the errors in the
design models leading to the dimensional instability which are difficult to detect. The main idea of the
method is that if the structure is dimensionally unstable, the problem (11.15.1) contains zero eigenvalues
the number of which is equal to the number of the missing constraints the imposition of which would
eliminate the dimensional instability, and the natural oscillation modes corresponding to these frequencies
represent the mechanism motion modes. The analysis of these modes and their animation should help the
user to identify where the constraints have to be imposed to make the design model dimensionally stable.
The justification of the approach and the examples of its application are given in[18], [19].
In order to enable the verification mode it is necessary to create a dynamic loading – modal analysis,
select the Lanczos method and specify the required number of the eigenpairs slightly higher than the
expected number of the degrees of freedom of the mechanism (number of the missing constraints). Select
the Lanczos method, verification mode and specify a small initial negative shift, for example -0.001 Hz, in
the Dynamics tab of the Calculation Parameters dialog box. If the value of the initial shift is taken by
default (as 0 Hz), the algorithm will substitute the value of -1 Hz. You should keep in mind that the closer
to zero the value of the shift, the faster the convergence of the zero frequencies. On the other hand, if the
value of the shift is too small, the matrix K – σM is close to a special one in the case of a dimensionally
unstable system, and the Lanczos method becomes numerically unstable.
If the system is dimensionally unstable, the matrix K is special and therefore it can not be factored.
However, the matrix K – σM is not special if the matrix M can be decomposed by the Cholesky
11.Control of the Calculation
decomposition. Therefore, small non-zero elements are added in the positions of the zero diagonal
elements of the mass matrix. For this reason, the eigenvalues obtained in the verification of the design
model mode can differ from those obtained in other modes.
Example. The design model of a flat truss is given in the Figure 11.15-1. The missing diagonal is
shown by a red dashed line. The oscillation mode corresponding to the zero frequency is shown in the
Figure 11.15-2. The initial shift is assumed to be -0.001 Hz.
Figure 11.15-1. Flat truss. The missing bar is shown by a dashed line
Figure 11.15-2. Oscillation mode for the “zero” frequency (f = -1.804e-006 Hz)
Information on the calculation. Full information on the calculation can be found in the file with the
extension *.p04, which is saved in the SWORK directory. In particular, this file contains the data on the
accuracy of the determination of the eigenpairs (see Prec column). In the verification of the design model
mode the accuracy is calculated on the basis of the Kaniel-Saad criterion [18, § 12.4], in all other cases —
v i i K 1Mv i
it is the value equal to 2
, i 1, n .
vi 2
It is recommended to view at least the accuracy of the obtained results after performing the
calculation. The accuracy of the determination of an eigenpair is considered to be acceptable, if the Prec
value does not exceed the value of the “accuracy of the solution of the eigenvalue problem (Lanczos
method)” parameter (Fig. 11.7-1). Moreover, values of the modal masses mx, my, mz given in the table, as
11.Control of the Calculation
well as the sums of modal masses ∑mx, ∑my, ∑mz, calculated as the sums of modal masses from the first to
the current natural modes, are very important information for the seismic analysis, and for the calculation
for the wind pulsations, because they enable to determine which oscillation modes make a significant
contribution to the dynamic response of the structure, and which ones do not.
References to Chapter 11
1. S. Fialko, Application of the multifrontal method in SCAD for the analysis of large scale design models of
buildings and structures, BST PROJECT, No.9, 2005. – p. 61 – 63.
2. S. Fialko, Application of the multifrontal method in SCAD for the analysis of large scale design models of
buildings and structures, CADmaster #30/5.2005 (additional) – p. 74 – 78.
3. S. Fialko, A Sparse Shared-Memory Multifrontal Solver in SCAD Software, Proceedings of the International
Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology; October 20-22, 2008, Wisła, Poland, 3
(2008), ISSN 1896-7094, ISBN 978-83-60810-14-9, IEEE Catalog Number CFP0864E-CDR, pages 277–
283. (
4. S. Fialko, Direct methods for solving systems of linear equations in modern FEM-complexes – M.: SCAD
SOFT, 2009.
5. S. Fialko, A block sparse shared-memory multifrontal finite element solver for problems of structural
mechanics. Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 16, 2009. p. 117 – 131.
6. S. Fialko, PARFES: A method for solving finite element linear equations on multi-core computers. Advances
in Engineering software. v 40, 12, 2010, p. 1256 – 1265.
7. S. Fialko, Direct Parallel FEM Solver PARFES for Multi-Core Computers. III International Scientific and
Practical Conference "Theory and Practice of Analysis of Buildings, Structures and Structural Elements.
Analytical and Numerical Methods." November 17, 2010, Russia, Moscow, MGSU, p. 496 – 508.
8. S. Fialko, Parallel Finite Element Solver for Multi-Core Computers. Federated Conference on Computer
Science and Information Systems, September 9–12, 2012. Wrocław, Poland. IEEE Xplore Digital Library,
978-83-60810-51-4, IEEE Catalog Number CFP1285N-USB. p. 525 – 532. URL: .
9. S. Fialko, Application of AVX (Advanced Vector Extensions) for Improved Performance of the PARFES –
Finite Element Parallel Direct Solver. Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information
Systems, September 8–11, 2013. Kraków, Poland. IEEE Xplore Digital Library, p. 447 – 454. .
10. S. Fialko, Parallel solvers in finite element software for multi-core shared memory computers. Strength of
Materials and Theory of Structures. 2015. No. 94, p. 155 – 171. URL:
11. S. Fialko, Parallel direct solver for solving systems of linear equations resulting from finite element method
on multi-core desktops and workstations. Computers and Mathematics with Applications 70 (2015) 2968–
2987. doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2015.10.009.
12. S. Fialko, Methods for solving large-scale problems of structural mechanics using multi-core computers.
Civil Engineering Journal CEJ/2013 #5(40), p. 116 - 124. URL: .
13. S. Fialko, Iterative methods for solving large-scale problems of structural mechanics using multi-core
computers. Archives of civil and mechanical engineering (ACME), 14, 2014, p. 190 – 203.
14. A. George, J.W.H. Liu, The evolution of the minimum degree ordering algorithm, SIAM Rev. 31 (March)
(1989) 1–19.
15. S. Pissanetski, Sparse Matrix Technology. — M.: Mir, 1988. —410 p.
11.Control of the Calculation
16. S. Fialko, Realization of block Lanczos method with shifts in SCAD software applying to seismic analysis of
structures. CADmaster #40/5.2007. (additional). – p. 102 – 105.
17. S. Fialko, Efficient methods for solving the generalized algebraic eigenvalue problem. In the book
Perelmuter A.V., Slivker V.I. Design models of structures and a possibility of their analysis. –
Second edition, Kiev, 2002, p. 570-597.
18. B. Parlett, Symmetric eigenvalue problem. Numerical methods, M. Mir, 1983.
19. S. Yu. Fialko, E. Z. Kriksunov and V. S. Karpilovskyy, A block Lanczos method with spectral
transformations for natural vibrations and seismic analysis of large structures in SCAD software, in Proc.
CMM-2003 – Computer Methods in Mechanics, Gliwice, Poland, 2003, pp. 129 —130.
20. S. Yu. Fialko, Modular multi-level method for solving finite element problems of structural mechanics.
Habilitation Thesis. Kiev, KNUCA, 2004.
21. M. Naumov, “Parallel Solution of Sparse Triangular Linear Systems in the Preconditioned Iterative
Methods on the GPU”,
22. S.Yu. Fialko, F.Zeglen, Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method for Solution of Large Finite
Element Problems on CPU and GPU, Journal of Telecommunications and Information
Technology, 2016, No. 2, 26-33.
23. S.Yu. Fialko, Application of rigid links in structural design models, International Journal for
Computational Civil and Structural Engineering , 2017, 13 (3), 119-137.
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
Figure 12-1. Toolbar of the mode of the graphical analysis of the calculation results
Different toolbars are provided for performing these operations. You can switch to them using the
following tabs:
Control — access to the data, printing, etc.;
Displacements — analysis of the deformed state;
Force Diagrams — analysis of forces in bar elements;
Stress Fields — analysis of stresses and forces in plate and solid elements;
Postprocessors — analysis of the results of postprocessing;
Groups — generation of the groups of nodes and elements, in particular for transferring the data to
Reinforced Concrete — check and selection of reinforcement in elements of reinforced concrete
Steel — check and selection of sections in elements of steel structures.
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
A description of some display controls common for all operations of the analysis of results is given
Selecting Loading
Number of loading, combination of loads or other results of the calculation is selected from the Select
loading list (Fig. 12.1-1) in the Displacements, Force Diagrams, Stress Fields toolbars. The following
designations are used for the identification of the output information:
Select loading list − L –index of the loading followed by the number of the
loading (Fig. 12.1-1). Number of the mode and the value of
the period are additionally output for dynamic loadings at
the expansion in oscillation modes. For the residual modes
List of factors Scale the following notations are used +MX,+MY, +MZ. Name
of the loading is specified only in the line with the value of
the period of oscillations of the first mode;
− LS – amplitude from the static load component (for
example, wind);
− SD – amplitude from the total dynamic load;
− LS+SD – amplitude from the static (for example, wind) and
total dynamic loads;
− RD – real component of each action at the calculation for
harmonic oscillations;
− RI – complex component of each action at the calculation
for harmonic oscillations;
− S1, S2…– total amplitude from the real and complex
components depending on the number of actions;
Figure 12.1-1. The Select loading list − LS+S1, LS+S2... – amplitude from the static load
component and i-th total amplitude from the real and
complex components depending on the number of actions;
− Т – savepoint number and the time from the beginning of
the process at the direct integration of the equations of
motion (see Chapter 15);
− С – index of the combination of loadings followed by the
number of the combination and its formula;
− М – index of natural oscillation modes followed by the
number of the mode and period of oscillations;
− МX, МY, ... – results for a 6-component action at the
accelerogram based analysis;
− S – index of a buckling mode for loadings;
− SС – index of a buckling mode for combinations of
Peculiarities of the identification of loadings for the nonlinear analysis, variations of models and
erection are described in the respective sections.
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
Scale of Display
When displaying a deformed state of the model and force diagrams you can change the scale of the display
of displacements or diagrams. The scale can be selected in the Displacement scale factor and Diagram
scale factor lists.
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
Environment Settings section of the Settings menu). The Font Setting tab of the mulit-tab Parameters
dialog box enables to change the font, color and size of numbers.
Numerical values of factors can be displayed only for the selected nodes and elements (Fig. 12.1-3).
The Select objects for displaying information operation in the Control the Selection toolbar is used
to select such objects. In order to display the values only for the selected nodes and elements check the
Display information on the model only for the selected elements and nodes checkbox in the General
Settings of the Display Filters tab of the Set the Information Display Filters dialog box or activate an
equivalent operation in the Visualization of Results toolbar. If you simultaneously click the buttons
, in the Visualization of Results toolbar and the button in the Control the Selection toolbar,
every time you place a cursor over the model with the display of the results of the calculation, the
numerical value of the considered factor of the selected object will appear.
These operations enable to output the isofields and isolines, and the number of isolines is determined
depending on the specified step.
Positive and negative values of the factor are displayed on isolines and isofields in two different colors
(Fig. 12.1-4), and the range of values of the same sign from minimum to maximum is given in the form of
fields (lines), which differ by the intensity of the selected color (gradient scale). Ranges of the values of the
factor are displayed in the color scale shown in Fig. 12.1-5.
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
Number of elements/
nodes in the given range
of values of the factor
Figure 12.1-4. Display of isofields on the design
model Checkbox which enables
the fragmentation scale
Units of Measurement
When analyzing the displacements and force factors you can change the units of measurement, for
example, display the results of displacements not in meters, but in inches or in millimeters.
The Settings operation — enables to do it. It is invoked from the respective menu or from the
Control toolbar. The units of measurement of the results of calculation are specified in the respective tab
of the Parameters dialog box (see Sec. 31.1) or with the help of the Express Setting of the Units of
Measurement tool (see Sec. 31.2).
The Display design model button in the toolbars of the Graphical analysis of the calculation
results mode enables to “erase” the graphical representation of the results from the current model. Only the
design model or its fragment is displayed in the result. All active operations of the visualization of results,
for example, color scales, will be disabled.
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
Scale factor
Figure 12.2-1. Toolbar of the mode of the analysis of displacements
The Displacements toolbar contains buttons for invoking the following operations:
— display the initial model together with the deformed one (Fig. 12.2-2. a);
— display the deformed model (Fig. 12.2-2, b);
— output values of displacements in nodes;
— color indication of the displacement value in nodes;
— display design model;
— display deformations on projections;
— display isofields of displacements (Fig. 12.2-2. c);
— display isofields and isolines of displacements;
— display isosurfaces of displacements in solid elements (Fig. 12.2-2, d);
— display isolines of displacements with a constant step;
— display isolines of displacements;
— display isofields of displacements with a constant step;
— display isofields of displacements with the selected value;
— determine the tilt of the building;
— determine the tilt of the foundation slab;
— work of external forces and the total load;
— determine the center of mass;
— frequencies and periods of oscillations;
— weights of nodal masses;
— inertial forces;
— accelerations;
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
a) b)
Figure 12.2-3. The Movie dialog box Figure 12.2-4. Deformed model with the enabled
filter of the display of deflections
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
Animation and generation of videos can be performed for the whole design model or for its
fragment. Videos are saved in a file with the .avi extension. These files are placed in the directory with the
files of the results or any other directory and can be viewed with the help of standard Windows tools for
the visualization of videos.
A standard Save As dialog box appears after finishing the function of generating a video, where you
have to specify the file name. The Movie dialog box (Fig. 12.2-3) opens after saving the file, where you
can view the created video. The Environment Settings operation from the Settings menu enables to
change the default parameters of the animation mode, for example, increase or decrease the number of
repetition cycles.
A deformed model accounting for the displacements in intermediate points of the bar can be displayed
for bar elements (Fig. 12.2-4). The Display deflections in bars filter enables to do it (see Sec. 10.3).
If this filter is enabled, the function of animation is also performed with the visualization of deflections.
You can use the Deflection diagrams operation in the Information on the Element dialog box to analyze
the deflections in one element (Sec. 10.2).
This operation enables to determine the X, Y and Z coordinates of the center of the specified masses
for each dynamic loading . The Determine the Center of Mass dialog box (Fig. 12.2-5) appears on the
screen after invoking this operation, which provides a table with the list of dynamic loadings and
coordinates of the center of mass.
If you select a line with the name of the loading, two lines with the center of mass of the given
loading at their intersection will be displayed on the design model (Fig. 12.2-6). Both the specified masses
and those obtained by transforming the static loads are taken into account when determining the center of
Figure 12.2-5. The Determine the Center Figure 12.2-6. Design model with the displayed center of
of Mass dialog box mass
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
In order to determine the tilt of the structure , it is necessary to specify a group or groups of nodes the
displacements of which define the value of the tilt. The Determine the Tilt of the Structure dialog box
(Fig. 12.2-7) appears after invoking the operation.
It is necessary to select the name of the group from the Groups of nodes list in this dialog box, and
the value of the tilt will appear in the table for each loading.
Figure 12.2-7. The Determine the Tilt of the Structure dialog box
A tilt is calculated according to the following algorithm:
a line which is the best for approximating the position of nodes of the group in their initial
coordinates is determined for the selected group of nodes;
a similar operation is performed for the same group taking into account the displacements of nodes
in each loading;
angles between the projections of the obtained lines on the XОZ, YОZ planes are the tilt along X
and tilt along Y.
The Report and Table buttons enable to obtain a report document in the MS Word or MS Excel
format respectively.
In order to determine the tilt of the foundation, it is necessary to specify a group or groups of nodes
the displacements of which define the value of the tilt.
The Determine the Tilt of the Foundation Slab dialog box (Fig. 12.2-8) appears after invoking the
operation. It is necessary to select the name of the group from the Groups of nodes list in this dialog box,
and the value of the tilt will appear in the table for each loading.
A tilt is calculated according to the following algorithm:
a plane which is the best for approximating the position of nodes of the group in their initial
coordinates is determined for the selected group of nodes;
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
a similar operation is performed for the same group taking into account the displacements of nodes
in each loading;
the angle between the obtained planes is the tilt.
Figure 12.2-8. The Determine the Tilt of the Foundation Slab dialog box
The Report and Table buttons enable to obtain a report document in the MS Word or MS Excel
format respectively.
This operation enables to obtain a table with the list of characteristics of dynamic loadings. In the
result a table with eigenvalues, frequencies, periods of oscillations and percentage of modal masses for all
dynamic loadings and for each oscillation mode specified in the initial data is output in the Periods and
Frequencies of Oscillations dialog box (Fig. 12.2-9).
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
The Report and Table buttons enable to export the table to MS Excel or to generate an RTF-file by
loading it into the associated program.
This operation enables to display the weights of nodal masses on the design model as color markers. A color
scale of the weights of nodal masses (Fig. 12.2-10) specified by the user and obtained automatically by
transforming the static loads into masses is output in the result.
Figure 12.2-10. Distribution of nodal masses Figure 12.2-11. Distribution of inertial forces
Inertial Forces
This operation enables to display the distribution of inertial forces on the design model as color markers. A
color scale of inertial forces for each oscillation mode (Fig. 12.2-11) is output in the result.
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
This operation enables to display the unsupported lengths of bar elements as a color scale.
This operation enables to generate a new design model on the basis of the deformed model obtained
from the active (considered) loading.
A drop-down menu suggesting to create a deformed model or a deformed model with prestressing
appears in the result. Coordinates of the nodes of the new model are generated according to the following
rule Xi + Xi, Yi + Yi, Zi + Zi.
Saving the results of the calculation as a corrected design model of a structure can be performed in the
following ways:
a) saving a deformed model in which the coordinates of the nodes are corrected by adding the
displacements obtained in the calculation;
b) saving the internal forces and the deformed model;
c) saving the internal forces.
Variant “а” is especially useful when designing suspension systems and determining the geometry of
the structure. Then starting from an initial geometry of the unstrained system and saving its deformed
model obtained in the nonlinear calculation we can obtain a geometric image the system will have for
example under the action of self-weight.
Variant “b” enables to save the deformed model and internal forces which is necessary when
designing prestressed structures. In this case the results of the calculation of a system subjected to thermal
or other kinematic actions are usually saved.
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
If an oscillation mode which has corresponding inertial forces is selected, you can select the third item
Save the inertial forces as a group of loads in the menu. This group of loads can be used later to create
static loadings and to perform, for example, the stability analysis at the action of the selected oscillation
mode (you should keep in mind that the oscillation modes are alternating).
If the design model of the frame building is considered and the first buckling mode is selected, then
this operation enables to save the deformed model for taking into account the initial imperfections in
accordance with the recommendations of Eurocode 3 (see below).
The last item of the menu Save weights of nodal masses as groups of loads allows to create groups of
nodal loads (for each dynamic loading) corresponding to the weights of the nodal masses.
The generation of the design model taking into account the initial imperfections is invoked in the
Displacements section of the toolbar. The model can be saved on the disk according to rules similar to
those for saving the deformed model with the help of the respective operation. It is necessary to perform
the following actions to obtain a design model taking into account the initial imperfections:
Perform the stability analysis with the determination of the first buckling mode;
Switch to the graphical analysis of the calculation results;
Select the line with the results of the calculation of the first buckling mode in the Select loading list of
the Displacements toolbar;
Invoke the Save the deformed model operation, and the Calculation of the Initial Imperfections by
the Buckling Mode dialog box will appear (Fig. 12.2-15);
Specify the absolute value of the maximum displacement of the node in the Maximum displacement of
nodes by the buckling mode text field;
If the calculation is performed taking into account the recommendations of Eurocode 3, the value of the
maximum displacement can be calculated automatically according to the above formula (the Calculate
button with the EU flag icon);
After invoking the Calculate operation in the Calculation of the Maximum Displacement dialog box
(Fig. 12.2-16), it is necessary to specify the height of the building and the number of compressed
columns in the basement or on the first floor (the values from the design model are taken by default);
Close the dialog box by clicking the OK button;
The Maximum displacement ... text field (Fig. 12.2-15) will contain the displacement value, which is
considered as the maximum one when the initial imperfections for the given model are taken into
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
Closing the dialog box (Fig. 12.2-15) by clicking the OK button opens the standard Save As … dialog
box, where you can specify the file name and save the design model in which the coordinates of the
nodes are modified taking into account the initial imperfections.
Figure 12.2-15. The Parameters for Saving the Model by the Buckling Mode dialog box.
Figure 12.3-1. Toolbar of the mode of the analysis of forces in bar elements
This mode provides the following operations for displaying the results:
— force diagrams;
— change the display axis of diagrams N and Mk;
— color display of the values of forces;
— color display of the values of forces with the selected value;
— color indication of the positive values of forces;
— color indication of the negative values of forces;
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
Figure 12.3-2. Display of forces on the design Figure 12.3-3. Color scale of forces on the model
model with the visualization of the profiles of bars
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
When the Color display of the values of forces with the selected value operation— is used, the
elements of the model are colored in the shades of two colors. One of the colors is used for the elements or
some of them for which the value of the factor is greater than the selected value, and the other color is used
for the elements with the value of the factor less than this value. The closer it is to the selected value the
less is the intensity of the color. Elements with the value of the force factor within the range of the selected
value are displayed in a third color (Fig. 12.3-2, c). The range of the selected value is specified in the
Settings dialog box, which is invoked from the dialog box of the scale by clicking the Color scale settings
button (Fig. 12.3-4).
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
Figure 12.4-2. Display of isofields and isolines of stresses on the design model
a) with the display of the FE mesh; b) without the display of the FE mesh; c) with the selected value
Generation of the design combinations of forces is performed on the basis of the values of factors
obtained in the centers of elements. In order to estimate these particular values, it is necessary to use the
mode of displaying with the help of color markers — . Moreover, the lines of the invisible contour are
not deleted in this mode, which enables to determine the points of the design model with extreme values of
the factors more accurately.
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
The software enables to generate isolines and isofields of stresses for the upper and lower faces of
planar elements. These stresses are designated as follows in the list of force factors in the Stress Fields
x, y — stresses on the lower face of the elements in the X1 and Y1 directions respectively;
x↑, y↑ — stresses on the upper face of the elements in the X1 and Y1 directions respectively.
When displaying the results of the calculation of the force factors in plate elements they can be
selectively digitized (see Sec. 12.1).
This operation enables to plot diagrams of force factors along the specified line (secant line) in the shell,
plate and deep beam elements.
After invoking this operation it is necessary to draw a secant line through the part of the model you
are interested in and the Stresses dialog box will appear (Fig. 12.4-4). This dialog box contains the
following controls:
list of force factors the name of the factor is selected from;
buttons and for switching the direction of display of diagrams depending on the sign
(positive values of factors are shown in the diagrams in red);
Scale — diagram scaling control;
Spacing — diagram hatch spacing control (relative distance between hatching lines);
Remove points — removing leaders with the values of the factor on the diagram;
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
the Save the image as a wmf. file button — for saving diagrams in the Windows Metafile Format
(the .wmf extension);
diagrams will be plotted in the section of the model which is formed by a plane passing along the
secant line and perpendicular to the plane of the screen.
The following features should be taken into account when plotting diagrams:
regardless of the length of the secant line the diagrams will be plotted on all parts of the model
(fragment) lying in the secant plane;
diagrams are not plotted for bars lying in the secant plane.
Type of factor
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
The isofields or isolines are plotted based on these arithmetic mean values, the same values are output
on the screen at the respective setting of the mode of outputting the results.
Concerning the above it should be noted that the averaging makes sense only for the so-called regular
nodes where the discontinuous variation of forces should not be expected. Then it results in a value
approaching the expected “smooth” solution (Fig. 12.4-6, a). In those cases when a jump of the values of
internal forces is expected in the node (Fig. 12.4-6,b), the averaging of values smoothes such a
discontinuity which can lead to ambiguity.
a) b)
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
Maximum value;
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
Units of
Identifier Type of elements Notes
NX T/m2 Deep beams, normal stress along the X1 axis, (for
solid and axisymmetric axisymmetric elements Nr)
NY T/m2 Shells, normal stress along the Y1 axis, (for
deep beams1, axisymmetric elements — Nθ)
solid and axisymmetric
NZ T/m2 Deep beams, normal stress along the Z1 axis
shells 1, solid and
axisymmetric elements
TXY T/m2 Shells and
solid elements
shear of the section in the respective
TXZ T/m2 Deep beams, plane,
solid and axisymmetric
(for axisymmetric elements — TrZ)
TYZ T/m2 Solid elements
MX Tm/r.m Shells, plates moment acting on the section,
MY Tm/r.m Shells, plates orthogonal to the respective axis
MXY Tm/r.m Shells, plates torque
QX T/r.m Shells, plates shear forces in the section,
QY T/r. m Shells, plates orthogonal to the respective axis
RZ T/m2 Shells, plates with the reactive earth pressure
specified Winkler coefficient
WG mm Multilayer finite elements
RX T Special
RY T Special reactions
RZ T Special (type 53,54)
RUX Tm Special
RUY Tm Special reaction moments
RUZ Tm Special
In order to calculate the reactions in constraints you should check the respective checkbox in the
Calculation Parameters dialog box (see Chapter 11). In this case the values of reactions in all nodes of
the design model in which the constraints are specified will be obtained in the process of the calculation.
The control of the graphical display of the results of the calculation of reactions is performed in the
Reactions in constraints section of the Postprocessors toolbar (Fig. 12.6 -1).
Reactions can be displayed by arrows — (similarly to the nodal loads) or as color markers —
. Besides the indicated buttons the toolbar also contains two lists. The first one is used for selecting the
displayed factor, and the second one is the list of loadings and combinations.
You can return to the initial design model by clicking the button .
The postprocessor enables to display the forces in special finite elements on the design model.
12.Graphical Analysis of the Stress Strain State
— display the color map of forces for the selected loading or combination of loadings;
— display design model.
In order to obtain the necessary display you have to select the respective loading (or combination of
loadings) and the type of force from the drop-down lists in the toolbar.
You can return to the initial design model by clicking the button .
The toolbar includes the operations of generating standard groups — , which repeat similar
operations of the Groups toolbar of the window of the design model generation (Sec. 6.6), and special
operations — for generating structural groups for postprocessors of the selection/check of
elements of reinforced concrete and steel structures.
The set of operations and the procedure for working with groups of reinforced concrete and steel
elements are described in Chapters 19, 20 respectively.
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Figure 13.1-1. The Presentation of the Figure 13.1-2. The Elements tab (the Nodes tab is
Analysis Results dialog box similar)
The Loadings tab enables to select the numbers of loadings (Fig. 13.1-3). Results for all loadings are
output by default (the Selected list is empty). If only the results of the specified loadings are output, they are
selected in the Available for selection list.
Moreover, the software also enables to select sections for bar elements for which the forces will be output
(for example, select only the first section); you can also specify which combinations should be included in the
report document for DCF (for example, only the design ones).
The Output Parameters tab (Fig. 13.1-4) enables to specify the number of lines on the page and the width
of tables, the accuracy of output of displacements and forces, select the type of table, orientation of pages, etc.
Tables of two types can be generated in the text format.
Figure 13.1-3. The Loadings tab Figure 13.1-4. The Output Parameters tab
In the tables of the first type (icon in the Type of tables group) the names of force factors or
displacements are written at the beginning of each line, and the numbers of nodes or elements are given in
the headings of columns. In the tables of the second type (icon ) the headings of columns contain the
names of force factors or displacements, and the lines contain the numbers of elements and nodes.
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Figure 13.1-5. The Forces tab Figure 13.1-6. The Degrees of Freedom tab
It is necessary to perform the following actions to generate the tables with the results of the
− activate the Print Tables section in the RESULTS group in the Project tree;
− activate the option with the name of the factor (for example, Displacements or Forces and stresses)
in the Presentation of the Analysis Results dialog box. If the selected information exists, there is
an icon indicating the presence of information next to the name of the option;
− click the Output parameters button and specify the necessary parameters (if the parameters are
assumed by default, you can skip this step);
− click the Generate the document button and wait till an icon indicating that the table is ready
appears next to the name of the factor;
− click the View the results button, and the window/windows of the text editor with the tables of the
results will appear.
Before invoking the function of printing tables it is necessary to perform the customization of the
software by specifying the name of the text editor where the tables of the results will be viewed in the
Select a Program dialog box (the dialog box is invoked with the help of the Settings of the Result Tables
item in the Settings menu).
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
It should be noted that the selected font (Font) is a significant factor affecting the quality of the representation
of results in tables. The readability of tables is provided by the Courier (Cyrillic) or Courier New (Cyrillic) fonts,
where all letters and numbers have the same width (so-called normal spacing font).
If the table does not fit the width of the page, you can reduce the font size, or reset the parameters of
the page in the text editor, for example, reduce the margins or change the format from portrait to landscape,
or change the accuracy of the output of values. These specifications can be performed in advance in the
Output Parameters tab (Fig. 13.1-4).
Generator of tables in the text format creates tables which are difficult to export to Excel spreadsheets
or the tables of the Word editor. The software provides a special module — Documenter, which enables to
obtain fully functional tables.
Names of the files in the text format with the results of the considered problem are created from the
names of the files with the data of the problem ХХХ and extension starting with the letter Р (XXX.Рnn).
Files with the information on the calculation progress — Analysis log (ХХХ.Р01) and a file of the
messages about the formal errors in the initial data (ХХХ.Р03), are always generated at the end of the
The Appendix contains a table with the list of extensions of files with the results of the calculation
and the results of the table generator.
If the operation of saving the structure of the output document was used in the process of working
with the Documenter (see Sec. 13.2) (a file with the.SCADDoсMaker extension was generated), you can
use the Load button in the Presentation of the Analysis Results dialog box (Fig. 13.1-1). This will enable
to use the same settings as in the Documenter for each individual type of the output document when
formatting tables.
13.2. Documenter
The initial data and the results of the calculation in the tabular form can be transferred to the MS
Word editor or to the MS Excel spreadsheets. The program for generating tables can be invoked from the
Documentation section of the project tree. As noted above the principles of control of the table generator
and the Documenter are quite similar. Let’s briefly describe the main differences.
The dialog box of the documenter (Fig. 13.2-1) includes a number of lists: Types of initial data,
Types of the results, Information on the Project, List of report sections.
Types of initial data – lists prepared when generating a design model, which contain the information
on the groups of nodes and elements, control (Fig. 13.2-2) and loads (Fig. 13.2-3);
Types of the results — list of results, obtained in the process of solving the problem;
List of report sections — information selected by the user to be included in the report.
In order for any information to be included in the report it is necessary to transfer its name into the
List of report sections. The buttons with one and two arrows are used to do it. The first button
provides the selective transfer by one line from the left list to the right one, and the second button enables
to transfer the whole list.
The same types of initial data and the results of the calculation can repeat in the sections of the report.
This enables to group the information in the report according to certain characteristics, for example, by
their belonging to the same group of elements or nodes.
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Taking into account the fact that a design model can be modified during the calculation process, when
working with the documenter you can save the once specified structure of the document given as a list of
sections of the report in a file with the .SCADDoсMaker extension and read this structure from the file
after performing another variant of calculation. The Save and Load buttons located in the lower part of the
Results of Analysis dialog box are used to do it. If necessary, the structure of the report saved in a file can
be repeatedly adjusted and supplemented, and also loaded into the table generator in the text format.
Figure 13.2-2. The Control tab Figure 13.2-3. The Loadings tab
When outputting the results of the calculation clicking the button invokes the dialog box for
setting the contents of the report (Fig. 13.2-4). The structure of this dialog box is standard and does not
depend on the type of the results. The dialog box includes several tabs. The name of the report section is
input in the first tab, which is included as the name of the section in the List of report sections list of the
documenter window after closing the dialog box. It also contains the following checkboxes:
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Export Tables
Tables can be generated in the .xls format for exporting to Excel spreadsheets (part of the Microsoft
Office System) or in the .rtf format — for subsequent visualization, processing and printing in the text
editor, for example, Write, Word etc. The process of preparing a report finishes with the generation of
tables and their transfer to the specified text editor or spreadsheets. The respective application can be
invoked from the Results of Analysis dialog box (Fig. 13.2-1). The standard Save As dialog box of the
Windows environment appears, where you have to specify the name of the file with the tables of results,
and then the application will be automatically invoked with the created file.
When solving a problem by the multifrontal method the state of the matrix profile is not coordinated with the speed
of solving the problem.
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
The design model of the structure is displayed at the beginning of the work of the processor. The
image can be rotated with the help of the mouse. Double left-clicking in the field of the design model
returns the image to its initial position.
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
memory on the disk, you should stop the calculation (click the Stop the calculation button ) and try to free
the disk space, and continue the calculation by clicking the Continue the calculation button . If there are
dynamic loadings in the problem and the mode where the number of oscillation modes has to be determined on
the basis of the required percentage of modal masses is selected, the prediction of the volume on the hard disk
can be significantly reduced.
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Dimensional instability can be caused for example by the errors in the specification of boundary
conditions of structures (constraints) or by the insufficient value of the accuracy of the matrix
decomposition for a particular problem (minimum allowable number on the diagonal of the matrix of
equations at its decomposition).
The automatically specified constraints have to be carefully analyzed. They often do not meet specific
boundary conditions of the structure, and in these cases it is necessary to specify the boundary conditions
correctly and to solve the problem again.
In those cases when the dimensional instability is caused by the peculiarities of the design model, it
might be necessary to change the value of the accuracy of the matrix decomposition, which is performed in
the Calculation Parameters dialog box (see Chapter 11).
The message on the presence of zero lines in the stiffness matrix is informational and appears if there
are elements of different dimensions in the design model (for example, shells and solid elements). If the
calculation for dynamic actions is provided in the problem, besides the information on the stages of
calculation the log will also contain the data on the number and distribution of active masses (Fig. 13.3-5).
Figure 13.3-6. Table of distribution of total loads Figure 13.3-7. Message on the normal completion
of the calculation
Values of the total nodal load are indicated in the log (Fig. 13.3-6). Depending on the option selected in the
parameters of the control of the calculation (see Chapter 11), the log will include values either taking into
account the loads “taken by constraints”, or not taking them into account. Total moments with respect to the
origin can be calculated.
The user usually knows the approximate total loads on the structure in the linear directions. If the
boundary conditions of the problem are not very difficult, you can determine whether the calculated total
load corresponds to the specified one. If the load in the loading is less than the specified value, it is
necessary to find the missing loads, and if it is greater – you have to find the excessive loads.
At the stage of checking the solution a message may appear indicating the value of the error which
occurred when solving the system of equations for controlling the loading. Moreover, the global number of
the equation, number of the node, and number of the local equation locating the place of the possible
source of the error are indicated as well.
An error can be caused by an “almost dimensionally unstable system” or by a large difference
between stiffnesses of adjacent elements. In any case the possible causes of this message have to be
carefully analyzed.
The user can, on his own responsibility, uncheck the Solution check checkbox in the Calculation
Parameters dialog box (see Chapter 11).
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Figure 13.3-8. Example of the display of the table of stiffnesses in the MS Word editor
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
For some indexes of the model type additional degrees of freedom (additional unknowns) are
assigned to the node of the design model. These degrees of freedom are no longer identified with the
components of linear or angular displacements of the node as an infinitesimally small rigid body in a point
coinciding with the center of the node.
For example second mixed derivative (torsion) of the deformed surface of a plate or the components
of deformations of transverse shear and compression in laminated piecewise inhomogeneous shallow shells
can be such an additional unknown. These values are usually auxiliary and are used to improve the
accuracy of the calculation of the main unknowns of the model (linear displacements and rotation angles),
and their calculated values do not have to be analyzed.
Tables of Displacements
Displacements are output in millimeters by default, and the angular values are output in thousandths of a
radian. The specified units of measurement are output in the heading of each table.
Names of loadings
Number Name
1 Permanent
2 Live
3 Snow
4 Wind along Х
5 Wind against Х
6 Wind along Y
7 Wind against Y
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
The units of measurement and the following parameters of selection are indicated before each of the
above tables: lists of nodes, loadings, and the output factors.
If there are dynamic loadings, the Mode number column appears, which besides the information on
the oscillation modes can also contain the following characteristics of lines SD, LS+SD, T, RD and RI,
which indicate the amplitude from the total dynamic load, etc. (see Sec. 12.1 Selecting Loading).
There are some peculiarities of identification described in the respective sections for the nonlinear
analysis, variation of models, and erection.
Values of forces
Units of measurement: T, m
Parameters of selection:
List of nodes/elements: 9263
List of loadings/combinations: 1
List of factors: All
Values of forces
Element Section Loading Value
9263 1 1 -1,202 -1,979 -0,612 -3,552 -3,23 -3,352 -10,384 -11,442 -15,366
9263 2 1 -1,051 -1,223 -0,628 -7,689 -4,097 -2,174 -10,384 -11,442 -15,313
9263 3 1 -1,243 -1,987 -0,313 -2,96 -9,264 -3,039 -10,384 -11,442 -14,92
9263 4 1 -1,092 -1,231 -0,329 -7,763 -9,425 -1,862 -10,384 -11,442 -14,874
9263 5 1 -1,147 -1,605 -0,47 -5,491 -6,504 -2,608 -10,384 -11,442 -15,116
Figure 13.5-3.
If an option of the calculation of force factors in the nodes of multinode finite elements was specified
when creating a design model, then in the tables with the results of the value of force factors the first
numbers of sections correspond to the values in nodes, and the last number of the section corresponds to
the center of mass of the element. The values of the force factors for a four-node finite element are output
in the given example (Fig. 13.5-3) in five “sections”: first four ones — in the nodes, and the fifth one — in
the center.
The values of force factors obtained in the result of the calculation of combinations of static loadings
are calculated as an algebraic sum of the respective factors from each loading included in the combination
taking into account the coefficients specified for them.
The total forces calculated for the main dynamic force and having the identification S are taken for
the combination of dynamic loadings.
The calculated values of force factors from the dynamic actions obtained
according to the “root of the sum of squares” rule or another law are nonlinear and
correspond to different moments in time. The maximum value is actually evaluated
in each element independently from other elements, and the sign is not taken into
account. It can lead to the loss of stability in nodes.
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Forces in Bars
Forces in bars are output in the local rectangular coordinate
The forces are determined in the flexible part of the
element (Fig. 13.6-1) and with respect to the principal axes of
inertia in the section perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of
the bar. The first section refers to the beginning of the flexible
part, and the last one — to its end. The orientation of the local
coordinate system of a bar is considered in detail in Sec. 3.3.
Figure 13.6-1.
It is recommended to display the directions of the local coordinate axes on the design model (Fig.
13.6-2) for the convenience of reading the results of the calculation. Then the location of the cross-
sections of the bar, the numbers of which increase with the Х1 coordinate, and also in the direction of the
action of bending moments and shear forces, becomes clear.
Figure 13.6-2.
Forces in Different Types of Bars
Forces which can appear in different types of bar finite elements, as well as the possible degrees of
freedom of their nodes are given in Table 13.6-1.
Table 13.6-1
Name of FE Location Degrees of freedom Calculated forces
1 Plane truss bar XOZ plane X, Z N, M (MY), Q (QZ)
2 Plane frame bar XOZ plane X, Z, UY N, M (MY), Q (QZ), RZ
3 Grade beam bar XOY plane Z, UX, UY MK (MX), MY, QZ, RZ
4 Space truss bar Any X, Y, Z N, MK, MY, QZ, MZ, QY
5 Space bar Any X, Y, Z, UX, UY, UZ N, MK, MY, QZ, MZ, QY,
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Name of FE Location Degrees of freedom Calculated forces
6 Space bar allowing for shear Any X, Y, Z, UX, UY, UZ N, MK, MY, QZ, MZ, QY,
7 Grade beam bar on the elastic XOY plane Z, UX, UY MK (MX), MY, QZ, RZ
10 Universal bar according to according to the index N, MK, MY, QZ, MZ, QY,
the index of of the model type or RY, RZ
the model type the type of element
Moments and shear forces in bars of types 1 and 4 appear if there are local loads on the elements.
When designating forces in bar elements it is assumed in the tables that the direction of the action of a
factor is designated by a lowercase letter (unlike the multinode elements where the uppercase letters are
used for this purpose).
Table 13.6-2
Designa- Units of
tion of the measurement Positive sign of the force
force (in the basic indicates
factor system of units)
N Longitudinal force T Tension
Torque, rotation about the longitudinal X1 axis of the Counterclockwise action if the
bar section belonging to the end of
MК (or MX) Tm
the bar is viewed from the end of
the X1 axis
Bending moment, rotation about the Y1 axis; causes Tension of the lower (with
tension-compression of the lower and upper fibers respect to the direction of the Z1
along the height of the section (in the direction of axis) fiber of the section
the Z1 axis)
Shear force in the direction of the Z1 axis along the Shear in the direction of the Z1
QZ height of the section and corresponding to moment T axis of the section belonging to
MY the end of the bar
Bending moment, rotation about the Z1 axis; causes Tension of the upper (with
tension-compression of the right and left fibers of respect to the direction of the Y1
the section along the width of the section (in the axis) fiber of the section
direction of the Y1 axis)
Shear force in the direction of the Y1 axis along the Shear in the direction of the Y1
QY width of the section and corresponding to moment T axis of the section belonging to
MZ the end of the bar
Reactive earth pressure in the Y direction when Action in the direction of the Y1
RY specifying the subsoil parameter С1Y T/m axis (the minus sign indicates
that the soil is compressed)
Reactive earth pressure in the Z direction when Action in the direction of the Z1
RZ specifying the subsoil parameter С1Z T/m axis (the minus sign indicates
that the soil is compressed)
Positive Directions of Forces in Bars
Positive directions of forces in bars are assumed as
for shear forces QZ and QY — in the directions of the
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Figure 13.6-4.
Positive directions of internal forces in a bar section are
shown in the figures, and the rules for reading them are given in
Table 13.6-2. Units of measurement of the calculated forces are
given in the table in the basic system of units.
In Fig. 13.6-4, 13.6-5 sign “+” (plus) indicates the tension,
and sign “–“ (minus) — compression face of the section under
the action of positive moments MY and MZ.
If considerable concentrated local loads are applied to the
bar, the maximal absolute values of shear forces and moments
can be lost when outputting the results (Fig. 13.6-7, а, b), and,
for example, one of the signs of forces can be lost as well
(Fig. 13.6-7, b). It can also happen when the concentrated load
is applied “almost” in the force output point.
In such cases it is advisable to specify an additional node
Figure 13.6-5.
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
in the bar (Fig. 13.6-7, с), i. e. divide the bar into two parts, then
one group of forces will be at the end of one, and the other — at
the end of the other bar (the load here is not local, but nodal).
Figure 13.6-6.
Figure 13.6-7.
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
The finite element of type 22 (triangular deep beam) lying in the plane parallel
to XOZ has a local coordinate system coinciding with the global one.
Two last numbers of the element type are given in the FE type column.
Force NY appears in the calculations of plane-strain systems.
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
The calculated forces and stresses are described in more detail in Table 13.6-4, which also provides
the sign conventions for them.
Table 13.6-4
Designation Units of
FE type of the force measurement Description Sign convention
(in the basic
factor system of units)
Membrane stresses
21–30 NX x T/m2 Normal stress, Positive sign corresponds to tension
41–50 acting along the X1 axis
21–30 Positive sign corresponds to tension
NY y T/m2 Normal stress, (For elements 21–30 it is calculated only
acting along the Y1 axis for plane-strain systems)
21–30 NZ z T/m2 Normal stress, Positive sign corresponds to tension
acting along the Z1 axis
TXY xy T/m2 Shear stress Shear of the section of the element in the
directions opposite to the X1 and Y1 axes
21–30 TXZ xz T/m2 Shear stress Shear of the section of the element in the
directions opposite to the X1 and Z1 axes
Bending stresses (forces)
Moment acting on the section Positive moment causes tension of the
MX Tm/r.m
orthogonal to the Х1 axis lower (with respect to the Z1 axis) fiber of
Moment acting on the section the section
MY Tm/r.m
orthogonal to the Y1 axis
Torque (acting on the section Counterclockwise rotation of the section
MXY Tm/r.m orthogonal to the Х1 axis). of the element if viewed from the end of
11–20 the Х1 axis
41–50 Shear force in the section Positive shear force acts in the direction of
QX T/r.m
orthogonal to the Х1 axis the Z1 axis in the part of the FE without
Shear force in the section node 1
QY T/r.m
orthogonal to the Y1 axis
Reactive earth pressure at the Positive force acts in the direction of the
RZ T/m2 calculation of plates and shells Z1 axis (the minus sign indicates that the
on the elastic subgrade soil is compressed)
Moments and shear forces are determined per unit length in any system of units (for example, 1
meter) regardless of the specified sizes of the sides of the elements (0.001 m or 10.000 m).
Sign Conventions for Forces (Stresses) in Flat Finite Elements
For each point for the calculation of forces (stresses) the following two sections passing through it are
actually considered:
perpendicular to the Х1 axis;
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Figure 13.6-11.
In order to output the results of the calculation it is necessary to select one of the planes of the section.
The plane of the section belonging to the part of the element which includes the last node is selected in the
given examples (Fig. 13.6-11, 13.6-12, 13.6-13). Thus, those directions of the group of forces (stresses) are
selected with which the dropped (with node 1) part of the plate acts on its second part — the one which
includes the last node (node 3 for triangular, or node 4 for quadrangular elements).
Components of forces acting on the selected plane are calculated in the first section (Fig. 13.6-11):
NX — normal stress in the section (T/m2) from tension-compression of shell elements; positive NX
cause tension of the section in the direction parallel to the X1 axis;
MX — bending moment per unit length of the section (Tm/r.m), positive MX causes compression in
the upper (with respect to the direction of the Z1 axis) and tension in the lower fiber of the section in the
direction parallel to the X1 axis;
QX — shear force per unit length of the section (T/r.m), positive direction of QX coincides with the
direction of the Z1 axis.
The following values are calculated in the second section (Fig. 13.6-12):
NY — normal stress in the section (T/m2) from tension-compression of shell elements; positive NY
cause tension of the section in the direction parallel to the Y1 axis;
MY — bending moment per unit length of the section (Tm/r.m), positive MY causes compression in
the upper (with respect to the direction of the Z1 axis) and tension in the lower fiber of the section in the
direction parallel to the Y1 axis;
QY — shear force per unit length of the section (T/r.m), positive direction of QY coincides with the
direction of the Z1 axis.
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Figure 13.6-12.
Pairs of forces and stresses are also calculated in each of these sections (Fig. 13.6-13):
TYX, equal to TXY, — shear stresses (T/m2), positive direction of shear is opposite to the direction of
the Y1 axis; positive shear stresses tend to stretch a section of that part of the element which includes the
last node (diagonal of the square coming from the node 4 in a square finite element);
MXY, equal to МYX, — torque (Tm/r.m); positive MXY causes compression in the upper (with respect to
the Z1 axis) and tension in the lower fiber of the section in the direction parallel to the Y1 axis, i. e. the moment
twists the section belonging to the end of the element clockwise if the section is viewed in the direction of the
X1 axis, and counterclockwise if it is viewed from the end of the X1 axis.
Figure 13.6-13.
The same sections are used for deep beam finite elements (Fig. 13.6-14), only the stresses NY and
TXY, corresponding to shell elements should be replaced by NZ and TXZ, corresponding to the deep beam.
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Figure 13.6-14.
Forces and stresses are always calculated for the center of gravity of an element by default, and if
specified, they can also be calculated in its nodes.
The action of forces on flat finite elements can be illustrated as follows (Fig. 13.6-15 and Fig. 13.6-
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Designation of Units of
the force measurement
(in the basic Description Positive sign of the force
factor system of units)
TXZ Shear stress acting in the plane parallel to
TYZ Shear stress acting in the plane parallel to
Figure 13.6-21.
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Table 13.6-6
Designation Units of
of the force measurement Description Positive sign of the force
(in the basic
factor system of units)
Stress on the plane of the lower or upper Indicates tension
NX T/m2 surface of the layer acting along the X1
Stress on the plane of the lower or upper Indicates tension
NY T/m2 surface of the layer acting along the Y1
Stress normal to the surface of the layer Indicates tension
NZ T/m2
acting along the Z1 axis
Shear stress acting in the plane parallel
TXY T/m2
to X1OY1
Shear stress acting in the plane parallel
TXZ T/m2
to X1OZ1
Shear stress acting in the plane parallel
TYZ T/m2
to Y1OZ1
Values of horizontal displacements and Positive displacements coincide with
WZ mm deflections in the directions of the axes the directions of the Z axis
of the global coordinate system
Stresses NX, NY, TXY are directed parallel to the planes of the layer and local axes X1 and Y1, they can
be treated as stresses from the membrane and bending groups of forces in this layer. Thus, for example,
stresses NX (Fig. 13.6-23, c) are the total stresses from the bending moment MY (Fig. 13.6-23, a) and the
longitudinal force NX (Fig. 13.6-23, b) in this layer, and TXY are the total stresses from the torque MXY and
the shear force TXY.
a) b) c)
Figure 13.6-23.
Stresses NZ, TXZ, TYZ are directed perpendicular to the planes of the layer and parallel to the Z1 axis;
Nz characterizes the compression of the layers along the vertical; TXZ and TYZ are the measure of intensity
of shear forces QX and QY in this layer.
a) b)
Figure 13.6-24.
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Positive directions of stresses for the upper plane of the layer are shown in Fig. 13.6-24. Fig. 13.6-24,
a shows positive directions of normal stresses, and Fig. 13.6-24, b shows positive directions of shear
stresses. The direction of NZ is reversed for the lower plane.
Figure 13.6-26.
Table 13.6-7
Designation Units of Description Positive sign of the force
of the force measurement indicates
(in the basic
factor system of units)
Stress acting in the plane of the element and Tension
NX (r) T/m2
directed along the r axis
Stress acting in the plane of the element and Tension
NZ (z) T/m2
directed along the Z axis
Shear stress Shear stress in the plane of the
TXZ (zr) T/m2
NY () T/m2 Stress normal to the plane of the element Tension
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Despite the fact that the local axes of the element are
constructed similarly to those of the bar, a “null element”
should not be confused with a bar. It “adjusts” to the specified
type of the model automatically taking into account the number
of the degrees of freedom, specified stiffness properties, and
calculated forces.
Table 13.6-8 provides a list of calculated forces for
different types of the model which are actually reactions in its
first node.
Figure 13.6-27.
Table 13.6-8
Model Direction of the
Force Positive sign of the force indicates*
type force action*
Units of
1, 2, 4, 5, Along the X1 axis Coincidence with the direction of the X1 axis
8, 9, 11
4, 5, 8, 9 RY T Along the Y1 axis Coincidence with the direction of the Y1 axis
1, 2, 4, 5, Along the Z1 axis Coincidence with the direction of the Z1 axis
8, 9, 11
About the X1 axis Clockwise rotation if viewed from the end of
5, 8, 9 RUX Tm
the X1 axis
About the Y1 axis Clockwise rotation if viewed from the end of
5, 8, 9 RUY Tm
the Y1 axis
About the Z1 axis Clockwise rotation if viewed from the end of
5, 8, 9 RUZ Tm
the Z1 axis
8, 9, 11 RAX T Along the X1 axis Coincidence with the direction of the X1 axis
8, 9 RAY T Along the Y1 axis Coincidence with the direction of the Y1 axis
8, 9 RAZ T Along the Z1 axis Coincidence with the direction of the Z1 axis
About the X1 axis Clockwise rotation if viewed from the end of
8 RBX Tm
the X1 axis
About the Y1 axis Clockwise rotation if viewed from the end of
8 RBY Tm
the Y1 axis
Clockwise rotation if viewed from the end of
8 RBZ Tm About the Z1 axis
the Z1 axis
9 RCX T Along the X1 axis Coincidence with the direction of the X1 axis
9 RCY T Along the Y1 axis Coincidence with the direction of the Y1 axis
9 RCZ T Along the Z1 axis Coincidence with the direction of the Z1 axis
* For elements modeling the elastic constraints (type 51 — always and type 55 — provided that the
coordinates of nodes coincide), the direction of the action of forces and the positive sign of forces are
determined in the global coordinate system.
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Figure 13.6-30.
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Units of measurement: mm/sec
Parameters of selection:
List of nodes/elements: 562-600
List of loadings/combinations: All
List of factors: All
Node Loading Mode Value
ax ay az asum
562 13 RD1 0,007 0,003 -8,344e-005 0,008
562 13 RI1 4,465e-005 2,949e-005 -7,783e-006 5,407e-005
562 13 S1 0,007 0,003 8,38e-005 0,008
563 13 RD1 0,009 0,002 0,002 0,01
563 13 RI1 4,867e-005 2,605e-005 4,719e-006 5,54e-005
563 13 S1 0,009 0,002 0,002 0,01
564 13 RD1 0,009 0,004 0,005 0,011
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
space — the combination does not include loadings with crane, seismic and other actions...;
Formula — expression showing the serial numbers of loadings and combinations of loadings
included in the current combination, and coefficients with which they are taken.
DCF with an automatic selection of coefficients
Units of measurement: T, m
Parameters of selection:
List of nodes/elements: 9263
List of factors: All
List of types of combinations: All
C - design;
CL - design long-term;
N - characteristic;
NL - characteristic long-term;
Se - seismic;
Cr - crane;
Sp - special;
Tr - transport.
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Figure 13.10-1. Fragment of the table of design combinations for the analysis of the progressive collapse
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
13 max RX 2 RY 2 RZ 2 14 max RX 2 RY 2
8 max X 2 Y 2
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Figure 13.15-1. Fragment of the “Loads from the structural fragment” table
The results of the calculation of loads from the structural fragment are output (Fig. 13.15-1) in the
similar way as the displacements of nodes. The following designations are used in the table:
RX, RY, RZ — linear loads in the node in the respective directions;
RUX, RUY, RUZ — moments in the node.
In those cases when the loads were calculated for the combinations of loadings, numbers of
combinations are output instead of the numbers of loadings in the tables. The sign convention corresponds
to the sign convention assumed for specifying the nodal loads (see Sec. 8.1).
Punching loads
Units of measurement:
- Forces: T
- Units of length for force factors: m
Parameters of selection:
List of nodes/elements: All
List of loadings/combinations: All
List of factors: All
Punching loads
Node Loading Mode Value
32 1 4,195 -1,576 68,203 4,752 14,419 3,219e-004
32 2 0,253 -0,075 5,168 0,229 0,909 2,406e-005
32 3 0,14 -0,056 1,546 0,19 0,462 4,613e-006
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Buckling Modes
The ratios between the values of amplitudes in the nodes of the design model for each loading or
combination are given in the tables with the buckling modes. The maximal value of amplitude is specified as 1,
the values of other amplitudes are determined in fractions of 1.
The tables with buckling modes and their minimax values are similar to the respective tables created when
outputting the displacements.
Buckling modes can be viewed in the graphical postprocessor where they are output in the
Displacements section under the identifier Si or SСi (for combinations), where i is the number of the
Unsupported Lengths of Bar Elements
The results of the calculation of the unsupported lengths of bar elements for each static loading (or
combination of loadings) are output in the table (see Table 13.17-2). It provides the number of the element,
its type, numbers of its nodes and one (for plane models) or two (for spatial models) values of the
unsupported length LZ and LY, which indicate the unsupported length of the out-of-plane buckling of the
bar in the plane X1OY1 and X1OZ1. For tension bars unsupported length is meaningless; in this case string
*** is used instead of the length value.
Table 13.17-2
Unsupported lengths of elements
Element Element Node No.1 Node No.2 Loading LY LZ
1 5 12 14 1 4,025 4,025
2 5 14 15 1 10,051 8,92
3 5 15 16 1 11,01 9,772
4 5 16 17 1 20,215 17,941
5 5 17 18 1 24,739 21,956
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
Figure 13.18-1. Fragment of the “Principal and equivalent stresses for forces” table
Selection of principal and equivalent stresses for forces
Units of measurement: kN, m
Parameters of selection:
List of nodes/elements: All
List of loadings/combinations: All
List of factors: All
Selection of principal and equivalent stresses for forces
Name Maximal values Minimal values
Value Element Section Point Loading Value Element Section Point Loading
NX 74247,315 19 3 1 1 -77032,788 19 3 1 3
XY 9173,815 106 1 2 1 -14575,805 106 1 2 2
XZ 10643,325 106 1 1 5 -13217,817 106 3 1 6
1 74247,315 19 3 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
3 0 1 1 1 2 -77032,788 19 3 1 3
E04 77032,788 19 3 1 3 0,002 141 2 5 3
S04 77032,788 19 3 1 3 0,002 141 2 5 3
Figure 13.18-2. The “Selection of principal and equivalent stresses for forces” table
The following values are output as “force” factors in the table (depending on the type of the element,
initial data and the stress-strain state):1
principal stresses (T/m2) — 1, 2, 3;
Euler angles (rad) — ТЕТА, PSI and FI;
Lode-Nadai coefficient — MU;
normal stress in the characteristic points of the bar cross-section (T/m2) — NX;
shear stresses in the characteristic points of the bar cross-section (T/m2) — XY, XZ;
Units of measurement are given in the basic system of units
1 3 . Documentation of the Initial Data and Analysis Results
equivalent stresses reduced to the equivalent tension according to one of the four failure theories
(T/m2) — E1, E2, E3, E4;
equivalent stresses reduced to the equivalent compression according to one of the four failure
theories (T/m2) — S1, S2, S3, S4.
Figure 13.18-1 shows the results of the calculation of the
principal and equivalent stresses for a bar of rectangular cross-
section. Figure 13.18-3 provides an example of the arrangement
of characteristic points in such a section. The numbers of these
points are given in the “Point” column.
The number of the point of the shell finite element
corresponds to the layer where the calculations were performed
— lower (1), middle (2), upper (3).
Figure 13.18-3.
14. Erection
The Erection mode enables to model the behavior of a structure (determine its stress-strain state) in the
process of its erection (see Sec. 2.7). The process of erection of a structure, and, respectively, the
calculation is divided into several stages (erection stages). The calculation of each subsequent stage is
performed taking into account the stress-strain state of the structure determined on the basis of the results
of the calculation of the previous stages. At the transition from one stage to the other you can include and
exclude structural elements from the model, take into account different types of static and dynamic loads,
change the elastic modulus of the material, and the boundary conditions. The calculation enables to obtain
design combinations of forces, combinations of loadings, perform the selection of reinforcement in the
elements of reinforced concrete structures, and check and select the rolled steel sections in the elements of
steel structures.
A design model can be prepared in advance as a standard project (file with the .spr extension) or
generated directly in the Erection mode (project file with the .mpr extension). If necessary the geometry
and the characteristics of the elements and nodes of the design model can be adjusted in the Erection mode
similarly to the standard mode of the data preparation.
− click the button and specify the groups of added elements, or select the elements in the model
which are included in the current stage, and click the button ;
− click the button and specify the groups of excluded elements, or select the elements in the
model which are deleted in the current stage, and click the button ;
− if the elastic modulus of some elements changes in the current stage, it is necessary to click the
button , the Elastic Modulus dialog box will appear, where you have to specify the value of
the coefficient to the elastic modulus specified at the description of the stiffness properties of the
elements, select the elements or groups of elements in the model the elastic modulus of which
changes and click the button ;
− if the constraints in nodes change in the current stage, click the button and perform the
operations of installing or deleting the constraints in the selected nodes;
− if the hinges change in the current stage, use the buttons , to perform the operations of
installing or deleting the hinges in the selected nodes;
− click the button and specify the main (accumulated) loading in the Generate Loadings dialog
box, including, if necessary, the groups of loads with the respective coefficients, as well as the
independent loadings acting in the current erection stage.
If necessary the current state of the design model can be saved as a standard problem — (here “a
standard problem” means a file with the .spr extension, not related to the erection mode and having a name
different from the file name with the.mpr extension).
Clicking this button invokes the Erection Stage dialog box (Fig. 14.2-2), where you have to:
specify the name of the stage;
indicate whether the deformations obtained in the calculation of the previous stage should be taken
into account.
Regardless of whether the Accounting for the deformed model checkbox is checked the nodes of
the elements added in the new erection stage and adjacent to the nodes of the elements installed in the
previous stage receive coordinates in the process of calculation taking into account the deformed model
(allowing for displacements of these nodes obtained at the calculation of the previous erection stage).
All the other nodes are placed in the “design position” corresponding to the initial model. If the
checkbox is not checked, the analysis of the stress-strain state is performed taking into account these
displacements, but without taking into account the changes of the shape of elements. Otherwise, the
calculation accounts for the changes of the shape as well.
When creating each erection stage it is also necessary to select options defining the order of
consideration of the variation of the elastic moduli and subsoil parameters. If the stiffness properties of the
elements of the system (elastic modulus or the subsoil parameter of the elastic subgrade) change at the
transition from one erection stage to the other, it is not difficult to take it into account when specifying the
model of the modification of the structure. There can be two variants of this operation:
the element has acquired a new stiffness property (for example, the stiffness of the compressed
elastic subgrade has increased), but the stress-strain state of the system has not changed (mode
without recalculation of the stress-strain state);
the element has changed its stiffness property remaining loaded (for example, the elastic modulus
of the element strongly heated by the fire has fallen), i. e. the internal force the element had before
the modification is transferred to the new element, and the redistribution of forces occurs in the
system without any load changes (mode with recalculation of the stress-strain state).
If it is necessary to adjust the specified settings of the stage (for example, change the name of the first
stage, which is by default specified as “1”), you have to select the respective stage in the drop-down list of
the erection stages in the toolbar and click the Adjust settings of the Erection stage button — . Make
the adjustments in the Erection Stage dialog box (Fig. 14.2-2) that will appear, and close it by clicking the
OK button.
In order to delete an erection stage, it is necessary to select it in the drop-down list of the toolbar and
click the Delete the erection stage button. If not the last stage is selected to be deleted, all the stages
following it are deleted as well (if agreed with the user).
In order to specify the elements added to the structure in the current erection stage, click this button,
select the respective elements in the model, and click the OK button. The elements can be selected directly
in the model by one of the cursors, or by specifying the names of the groups of elements in the drop-down
list in the Erection toolbar. The added elements are displayed in the color indicating that the element is
included in one of the erection stages. Thus, the model will be displayed in two colors: one color will be
used for the elements already included in the current erection stage, and other one — for those which are
not yet included.
The filters button enables to display the elements included in the model in the current erection
stage (see Sec. 10.2).
In order to exclude elements from the current stage, click this button, select the respective elements in
the model, and click the OK button in the toolbar. The elements are displayed in a color different from the
color of the added elements. If necessary these elements can be added in the model in other stages.
In order to change the elastic modulus of the elements in the calculation of the current erection stage
invoke this operation, specify the value of the coefficient in the Elastic Modulus dialog box (Fig. 14.2-3),
and close it by clicking the OK button. Select the elements in the model the modulus of which changes in
the current stage, and click the OK button. If the groups of elements have different values of the elastic
modulus, it is necessary to repeat the above actions for each group.
The specified coefficients will be used in the calculation of the current erection stage for changing the
elastic moduli of the elements specified when generating the initial design model. If the Apply to all
subsequent stages checkbox is checked, the specified coefficients will be used in all the subsequent stages
as well. In order to view the values of the coefficients of variation of the elastic modulus in the erection
stages check the respective checkbox in the Erection Stages tab (Fig. 14.2-4) of the Set the Information
Display Filters dialog box (see Sec. 10.2).
There are two types of loadings in the Erection mode — the accumulated (main) loading and
independent loadings.
There can be only one accumulated loading, it acts on each erection stage and it is considered in DCF
as a permanent load. The loads of the accumulated loading include the loads from the self-weight, and they
can also include the loads from the materials stored during the erection process, etc.
Independent loadings which include the live load, wind, seismic load and other dynamic actions etc.
can act both on the resulting structure and on the different erection stages. They act as independent
loadings in DCF and can have any type. You should keep in mind that the main loading will be
automatically added to each independent loading, i. e., if the main loading is the self-weight, the respective
snow load will be equal to “snow + self-weight”.
The preparation of the data on loadings involves the following:
all the main loadings acting in one stage are combined into one loading in advance (the presence of
such a loading is obligatory), and if necessary, into a number of groups of loads. For example, if
the elements of a structure are made from different materials with different safety factors for load
(reinforced concrete, steel, etc.), the self-weight of steel structures can be given as a loading, and
the self-weight of other structures can be given as groups of loads with the respective coefficients;
independent loads acting on each erection stage are combined into loadings. Groups of loads for
independent loadings are not provided;
if there are loads of a certain type acting on the whole (resulting) model, for example, self-weight,
they can be specified as one loading. Only the loads from this loading which are applied to the
elements and nodes existing on this stage will be automatically considered on each erection stage.
The Generate Loadings dialog box (Fig. 14.2-5) appears after the initialization of the erection stage
and clicking the button . It includes three lists. The left one contains the full list of all loadings and
groups of loads created at the moment of initialization of the current stage. The accumulated loading (there
must be such a loading) is transferred from the left list to the right upper list given in the form of a table, as
well as the groups of loads with the respective coefficients. Independent loadings acting on the current
erection stage are transferred to the lower list.
List of loadings
Main loading
List of independent
loadings on the current
erection stage
After selecting the respective erection stage the constraints can be specified and modified (or deleted)
in the same way as in the mode of the generation of the design model. Constraints can be installed even in
the nodes which are not adjacent to the existing elements because this operation is performed for the
current erection stage and all the subsequent ones.
Specifying Hinges
Hinges can be installed in the same way as in the mode of the generation of the design model for the
current erection stage and all the subsequent ones.
Deleting Hinges
Hinges can be deleted in the same way as in the mode of the generation of the design model for the
current erection stage and all the subsequent ones.
Subsoil parameters can be specified and changed in the same way as in the mode of the generation of
the design model for the current erection stage and all the subsequent ones.
Merged displacements can be specified and changed in the same way as in the mode of the generation
of the design model for the current erection stage and all the subsequent ones.
In this case the current state of the project is saved as a separate file with the .spr extension. This
operation is performed in the standard Save As… dialog box.
14.3. Analysis
The Erection section appears in the ANALYSIS group of functions of the project tree in the Erection
mode (Fig. 14.3-1). A standard Calculation Parameters dialog box becomes available after activating this
section, where you can specify the calculation parameters according to the rules described above (see
Chapter 11).
LB + Т1, LN + Т2, ... – amplitude from the main and dynamic component at the given moment in
a) b)
15.Direct Integration of the Equations of Motion
Figure 15.1-1. Solution of the problem in the relative reference system connected with the rigid mobile
platform exhibiting translational motion (classical formulation)
u u e u r ;
u u e u r ;
Mu Ku Mu t pt
r r e
15.Direct Integration of the Equations of Motion
Figure 15.1-2. Solution of the problem with respect to the conventionally immobile absolute reference
system (SCAD)
Equations of motion of the finite element (FEM) model in the absolute immobile reference system are
given as follows:
where K ˆ,M ˆ are stiffness, mass, and dissipation matrices respectively covering the degrees of freedom
ˆ ,C
which have to be determined (vector of nodal values of the unknowns u ), as well as the known
displacements in nodes – forced displacements u (t ) , p(t ) – given forces.
According to the Rayleigh hypothesis,
Cˆ M ˆ K ˆ, (15.1.2)
where α, β are the coefficients of proportionality, term M̂ stands for the damping of lower modes, and
term K̂ – for the damping of upper ones. If there are local dampers, a non-Rayleigh dissipation matrix
Ĉ appears. If at the same time there is no damping in the material, you should specify α = β = 0.
Otherwise, both damping caused by local dampers and the damping in the material will be taken into
account. Such a representation enables to divide a system of equations at the decomposition of the load for
the natural oscillation modes of the undamped system [1].
If we substitute (15.1.2) into (15.1.1), we obtain:
M11 0 u u K K 12 u u (t ) 0
11 , (15.1.3)
0 M u u K 21 K u u p( t )
whence it follows
15.Direct Integration of the Equations of Motion
Here K, M are traditional stiffness and mass matrices covering only the degrees of freedom which
have to be determined.
Ms Ms
Designate u s k s f s t t0s , u s k s f s t t0s , where k s – vectors of the spatial
s 1 s 1
configuration specifying the mode of the forced displacements, fs(t) – function defining the load variation
with time, s 1, 2, , M s – reference loadings or simply references – numbers of static loadings at the
Ms Np
If we supplement the above differential equation with the initial conditions, we obtain
M u u K u u b s s f s t t0 f s t t0 k p p f p t t0
s s p
s 1 p 1
x0 x 0 . (15.1.6)
x0 x
where i , j , – two natural cyclic frequencies [rad/sec] for the oscillation modes i and j , and i , j
modal damping given as a percentage of the critical damping. It is assumed that j i 0 and
j i 0 .
If we take i = 1, j = 2, then
15.Direct Integration of the Equations of Motion
2 1
In the case when 2 1 or the first two frequencies are very close ( 0.0001 ), it is
assumed that 211 , and 0 .
Initial conditions are defined by the initial displacements of the system (vector x 0 ) and initial
velocities (vector x 0 ). It is assumed in the current implementation that x 0 x 0 0 .
Method of the solution. Unconditionally stable Newmark method in the “predictor-corrector” form is
used for solving the problem [2]. The whole time interval tstart , tend is divided into a finite number of
steps N step Tdur t 1, Tdur tend t start . The integration step t remains constant within a single
problem formulation. If it is necessary to integrate the equations of motion with a different step, you have
to divide the whole time interval into subintervals t0 , t1 , t1 , t2 , , tk 1 , tk , each of which is
integrated with a step constant within an interval tk (Fig. 15.1-3). The first problem formulation –
beginning of the calculation – is performed for the first subinterval t0 , t1 , and the other problem
formulations – continuation of the calculation – for the subintervals t1 , t2 , , tk 1 , tk respectively.
The results (displacements, velocities, accelerations) are recorded at some moments in time which
coincide with the integration points (Fig. 15.1-4).
15.Direct Integration of the Equations of Motion
15.Direct Integration of the Equations of Motion
Figure 15.2-2. The General Data tab of the Figure 15.2-3. The Direct Integration of the
Parameters of Dynamic Actions dialog box Equations of Motion tab
If when specifying the result output time the process time is not yet exhausted, the step of the output
of the following results is determined as the difference between the last two specified values. For example,
suppose that the process duration is 1 second, and the values 0 0.02 0.03 are specified in the “Result
Output Time” dialog box. Results of the calculation will be saved at 0, 0.02 sec 0.03 sec 0.04 sec 0.05
15.Direct Integration of the Equations of Motion
sec ... 1 sec. The first three values are explicitly specified by the user, and each subsequent one is
determined as the preceding value plus the increment, where the increment is calculated as 0.03 – 0.02 =
0.01 sec. This implies that at least two values should be specified in the "Result Output Time" dialog box.
In order to specify a dynamic loading you have to specify the reference static loads first in the same
way as for the standard static loads. You can specify not only the nodal forces, but also the concentrated
forces and distributed loads applied to the finite elements between the nodes, and the forced displacements
of the supports as well, which enables to perform the calculation of structures for the seismic actions.
It is necessary to perform the following actions to specify the dynamic loads:
click the Add button, and a new line will appear in the table with the description of loads;
select a static loading in the drop-down list of the No. of the static loading column on the basis of
which the time-varying load will be generated;
specify the scaling factor 1 in the Factor column;
specify the delay time t10 in the Lag column;
click the button to select a text file which defines the function 1 t (the file has extension
.thi by default);
if it is necessary to specify the second component, click the Add button, a new line will appear in
the table, and repeat the above actions.
In order to perform the control of the graph of the time function click the button , and the Time
Function dialog box (Fig. 15.2-4) will appear. Buttons in the lines of the table enable to select and
replace the respective text file with the time function.
Two question marks and the red color of the file name indicate the absence of the file on the disk, and
the button enables to save the time function in the file on the external disk (the standard Save dialog
box for selecting the storage location is used).
15.Direct Integration of the Equations of Motion
In order to delete a certain component of the dynamic load from the list, it is necessary to select the
respective line of the list with a cursor and click the Delete button. Information on the dynamic loading
will be saved in the model after closing the dialog box by clicking the OK button.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Figure 15.2-5.
Fig. 15.2-5 shows the relationship p t given in the table for the values t 0.7 . If the integration
step does not coincide with the time for which the time function is specified, the linear interpolation is
performed. It should be taken into account when specifying the loads rapidly oscillating in time.
Loads acting on the design model are specified as nodal forces and moments. It is necessary to
perform the following actions to specify them:
specify (select from the list in the Loadings toolbar) a dynamic loading created earlier with the
type of action Direct integration …;
15.Direct Integration of the Equations of Motion
invoke the Parameters of dynamic loads operation, the Nodal Load with Time dialog box will
appear (Fig. 15.2-6);
specify the name of the file with the .txt extension which describes the graph of the load variation
with time for a particular group of nodes in the Graph of the load variation with time text field or
select it from the list (the File button); it should be noted that different loads in a node can refer to
different graphs;
specify the values of scaling factors for the nodal forces and moments of the above group of nodes,
and if necessary the delay time of the action compared to that specified in the graph;
close the dialog by clicking the OK button;
select the nodes included in the described group in the model, and click the OK button in the
repeat the above actions for other groups of nodes;
save the loading after completing the above actions.
15.3. Calculation
A log (Fig. 15.3-1) is generated in the calculation process,
which in particular contains the following information
concerning the direct integration of the equations of
Direct integration of the equations of motion -
Newmark method;
Number of integration steps: … ;
Number of points for results recording: …;
Integration step dt: …;
Modal damping parameter: ksi1 = …;
Modal damping parameter: ksi2 = …;
Damping parameter alpha - multiplier for matrix M:
Damping parameter beta - multiplier for matrix K:
Figure 15.3-1. Analysis log at the direct
15.Direct Integration of the Equations of Motion
Figure 15.4-1.
The results of the calculation are available in the graphical and tabular postprocessors (Fig. 15.4-1).
The number of the static loading and the time for the dynamic loading are selected in the drop-down list of
loadings in the respective toolbar (Fig. 15.4-1). Results of the calculation can be displayed for the selected
moment in time, for example, as the modes of displacements (Fig. 15.4-2), force diagram (Fig. 15.4-3) or
isofields of stresses (Fig. 15.4-4).
15.Direct Integration of the Equations of Motion
Figure 15.4-6.
If necessary the graphs and the respective tables can be saved as an MS Word report document (the
Report button) or exported into xls-file for the further processing in MS Excel (the Table button).
15.Direct Integration of the Equations of Motion
Element dialog box (Fig. 15.4-7). The [Element No. …] Time History dialog box (Fig. 15.4-8) appears
after invoking the operation.
Figure 15.4-8.
Figure 15.4-7.
The graphs of the variation of force factors with time can be plotted for the given section of bar
elements, and for the given node or the center of element for plate and solid elements. You have to make
sure that all the simultaneously displayed forces/stresses have identical dimensions.
References to Chapter 15
1. R. Clough, J. Penzien, Dynamics of Structures. Moscow, Stroyizdat, 1979.
2. T.J.R. Hughes, T. Belytschko, A precis of development in computational methods for transient analysis. Journal
of Applied Mechanics, v. 50, 1983, pp. 1033 – 1041.
16.Variation of Models
16.Variation of Models
You can perform the generation of the design combinations of forces (DCF), create combinations of
loadings, select reinforcement in the elements of reinforced concrete structures, check or select sections of
steel structures for the problem thus obtained.
16.Variation of Models
If the reactions in constraints are calculated in all the problems included in the package of models, the
reactions in constraints of the variation will be determined automatically during the calculation.
If you want to modify all the problems of the package of models or invoke their calculation, you can
use the Open all models of the package operation — (Fig. 16.3-3), and all the design models will be
loaded into the preprocessor in the result.
Figure 16.5-1. The Select loading drop-down list for the variation of models
16.Variation of Models
In order to enter the Steel or Reinforced Concrete postprocessors you have to (for
example) select a loading which corresponds to the model selected for designing in the
Displacements or Forces tabs
Data necessary for performing the operations dealing with designing can be specified in different
models. In order to transfer them into a file of the variational project, you should specify the type of data
and the project included in the package of problems they are taken from. The Import data from the
project to the file of variations operation — , which is invoked from the General Data toolbar (Fig.
16.5-2) is used for this purpose. After invoking this operation the respective dialog box (Fig. 16.5-3)
appears, where you can transfer the following data:
general settings;
information on the groups of elements of reinforced concrete structures;
information on the groups of elements of steel structures;
information on the groups of unification of elements of steel structures;
information for checking the specified sections of elements of steel structures;
information for checking the specified reinforcement.
The main rule of the transfer is that each type of data is taken entirely from one model. It means that
structural groups and unification groups can be described either in one or in several models, but a certain
set of groups, for example, elements of steel structures, can be taken from one of the models for the
variational package.
Load all models
Specify the model for designing
Figure 16.5-2. The General Data toolbar in the Variation of models mode
Figure 16.5-3. The Import Data from the Project to the File of Variations dialog box
Stiffness Properties
Stiffness properties of the elements of a design model can be quite uncertain. This may be due to the
natural spread of values, for example, of such a parameter as the elastic modulus of concrete, the nominal
value of which is traditionally selected according to the recommendations of the design codes and the
16.Variation of Models
variability of implementations, including the possible changes within the object and variations with time, is
traditionally not considered. Despite a fairly narrow corridor of the modulus variability, in many cases,
there are serious reasons to consider the variability of this parameter.
Consideration of damages accumulated in the structure during the operation belongs to such cases.
These damages should be taken into account in the calculations dealing with the structural assessment of
the existing structures, and taken according to the values detected in the examinations. However, not all
elements of the existing structure are available for the examination. Therefore, the stiffness properties of
such elements are judged by the state of other available parts of the structure. The uncertainty range can be
quite large in this case.
The considered cases include many underground structures, elements hidden inside concrete casings,
and other structures, for which the so-called “hidden works acceptance certificates” are prepared during the
Nodal Connections
Idealized conditions of the connections between the elements in nodes (rigid, hinged) are usually assumed
when selecting a design model, although these connections have certain elastic properties. However, it is
very difficult to assess their compliance, since experience shows that this assessment can be practically
carried out only in the experiment. There are almost no reliable computational methods for obtaining such
assessments. Therefore, engineers have to set the values of compliance of the nodal connections quite
arbitrarily, focusing on the results of the experimental studies of "similar" structures.
There is a certain possibility of making particular designs of connections hinged or rigid, and it is
often used in designing, when the designer has means for the actual implementation of the solution
assumed in the design model. However, this option is not available when an existing structure is checked
and the design can not be adapted to the design model. Here the real model often remains unclear, and the
check of the structure has to be performed under this uncertainty.
17.Combinations of Loadings
− click the Add combination button, and the formula of the current combination will be displayed in
the information window;
− click the New combination button and specify the number of the following combination, the
coefficients will have zero values, and the software will be ready for the input of new data.
When creating the combination the software enables to take into account the corresponding safety
factors for load and/or fraction of duration for each loading included in it. The coefficients with which the
loadings are included in a combination are divided by the safety factor for load and/or multiplied by the
coefficient of the fraction of duration when the respective checkboxes in the Combinations of Loadings
dialog box are checked. It enables to automate the process of creating the combinations which correspond
to the characteristic, long-term, or characteristic long-term combinations. These checkboxes described
above should not be used if the combination includes other combinations (the latter will be ignored). If EN
1990 is selected for calculating load combinations, these options are not available.
It should be noted that combinations created earlier can be included in the combination together with
the loadings. The current combination (its number is specified in the Number of the combination field)
can be deleted by clicking the Delete combination button, and all the specified combinations will be
deleted after clicking the Delete data button.
When the number of loadings changes, the data for the calculation of
combinations of loadings should be clarified, since some combinations can be
There are restrictions on the specification of combinations in the Erection mode: "independent"
loadings of one erection stage can be included in a combination. The main loading will be added
automatically to the whole combination, including additions to the main loading (given as groups of loads)
with the specified coefficients.
Moreover, the combinations can be created on the basis of the design combinations of forces
generated in the DCF postprocessor with the help of the Create combinations of loadings for DCF
operation (button — ). To do this, click the Load from file button and the standard Open dialog box
of the Windows environment will appear. The loaded file with the information on the combinations has the
.rsu2comb extension.
In the Variation of models and Erection modes the combinations of loadings can be specified for a
single model (stage), or using loadings belonging to different design models (erection stages). It should be
noted that combining loadings from different problems is usually unacceptable because it violates the
superposition principle. Nevertheless, the authors left this possibility (of course, the responsibility rests
with the user) in order to enable to create a combination of "the difference between similar loadings" type
and to assess the differences of the stress-strain states of various models (stages).
When specifying DCF the software enables to use not only loadings but also their combinations. If
such a possibility is not necessary, it is recommended to check the Do not take into account
combinations in DCF checkbox when specifying the combinations of loadings.
18.Design Combinations
18.Design Combinations
Punching analysis of flat reinforced concrete elements (plates) is required by the design codes for
concrete and reinforced concrete structures. SCAD enables to calculate the unfavorable (in terms of
punching) combinations of loadings. The calculations are performed in the nodes of horizontal plate
elements the vertical bars are connected to.
Loadings acting on the considered structure may belong to one of the following types depending on
the duration of loads (according to the SNiP classification):
In order to simplify the algorithm for selecting combinations, the list of types is expanded. Crane
loads (although in the codes they belong to short-term ones) and inactive loads, i.e. not involved in the
selection of unfavorable combinations are added to this list. For example, a static component of the wind
load can be made “inactive” in the case of specifying a dynamic loading "Wind action", where it will be
included automatically. Moreover, the list of short-term loads includes the Special load taken into account
at the seismic action. Its use enables to take into account the requirements of the industry standards on
accounting for the additional load acting simultaneously with the seismic one.
In order to take a correct safety factor for load for each type of loading, the lists of load types
corresponding to the codes are provided, for example the data from Table 1 of SNiP 2.01.07-85* are used
for permanent loads (the weight of structures and soils), the data from Tables 2 and 3 are used for long-
term loads, etc. Other codes also have similar tables of safety factors for load. In those cases when the
safety factor for load can not be determined unambiguously, it has to be specified by the user.
Besides the safety factor for load the loading is characterized by the fraction of duration and the
simultaneity of loads included in it. This means that it is correct to combine loads within one loading which
have identical first two characteristics, and which always act simultaneously.
Combinations of loadings can be involved in the selection of design combinations of loads along with
loadings. Each created combination can be considered in the list of loadings. The type of the loading and
the type of the load for the combination are obviously specified by the user.
It is specified in the codes that depending on the type of loads included in the combinations the
respective reduction factors appear.
The “inactive” type is assigned to all loadings and combinations in the initial state of tables with the
initial data.
The analysis is based on the codes selected by the user. You can select another
code with the help of the Setting the Design Codes item of the Settings menu.
Design combinations can be calculated together with the whole problem, or separately, after the
calculation for static and dynamic actions. In the first case the initial data are prepared after completing the
generation of the design model and only after specifying all loadings, and in the second case the data can be
specified after completing the analysis of loadings. The design combinations of displacements can be calculated
only after completing the main calculation.
The design combinations of loads are determined separately for each element (in
fact — for each section of the element) and the determined set of combinations may be
different for different elements. Thus, for the whole system we obtain combinations of
loadings which physically do not act simultaneously, therefore it is impossible to plot a
18.Design Combinations
“diagram of DCF” or “isofields of DCF”. If in addition to this more than one DCF
corresponds to each element, this "impossibility" is even more aggravated. It should be
noted that if you want to see the result of simultaneous action of several loadings, you
should use the Combinations of loadings mode.
Extreme values of normal and shear stresses in the control points of the section are used here as a criterion
for the determination of DCF (Fig. 18.2-1).
The following formula is used for normal stresses:
N M y z k M z yk
k , (18.2.1)
F Iy Iz
where k is a point of the bar section (k = 18). This formula
can be transformed in the following way when y and
z :
My Mz
k F N , (18.2.2)
l z ,i l y ,i
Figure 18.2-1. Bounding rectangle of an where ly,i and lz,i are core sizes in the bar section (i = 1, 2).
arbitrary section
18.Design Combinations
This approach enables to determine extreme normal stresses in a section of any shape.
An approximate formula is used for shear stresses:
Qy M kp Qz M kp
y F z F . (18.2.3)
2 2(l y1 l y1 ) 2 2(l z1 l z 2 )
The numbering of the criteria and their corresponding stresses calculated by the formulas (18.2.1,
18.2.3) is given in Table 18.2-1. Extreme positive and negative values of the longitudinal force (criteria
No.17 and 18) and shear forces (criteria No. 2734) used when selecting reinforcement in the elements of
reinforced concrete structures and when checking the load-bearing capacity of elements of steel structures
are calculated as well.
Table 18.2-1
Criterion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Value 1+ 1 2+ 2 3+ 3 4+ 4 7+ 7
Criterion 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Value 8+ 8 5+ 5 6+ 6 N+ N 7+ 7
Criterion 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Value 8+ 8 5+ 5 6+ 6 Qy+ Q y Qy+ Q y
Criterion 31 32 33 34
Value Qz+ Qz Qz+ Qz
The following criterion is used to find the unfavorable value of the eccentricity
My n M z m
F N sin sin , (18.2.4)
l z ,i 8 l y ,i 8
where n, m=0, 1, 2, 3, 4.
This criterion is important for reinforced concrete structures.
Criteria calculated by the formula (18.2.4) have three-digit numbers according to the Table 18.2-2.
Table 18.2-2
Number of the 1nm 2nm 3nm 4nm 5nm 6nm 7nm 8nm
Value σ++ -σ++ σ+– -σ+– σ–+ -σ–+ σ–– -σ––
Thus, for example, the criterion with the number 532 means the maximum value
My 3 M z 2
N sin sin .
l z ,i 8 l y ,i 8
18.Design Combinations
Figure 18.2-2.
The approach used here is similar to that described above for membranes. The bending moments and
torque in the plate enable to determine the normal and shear stresses on the upper and lower surfaces of the
plate. These stresses have equal absolute values therefore by analogy with the formulas (18.2.5) and
(18.2.6) we can write the expressions for moments creating extreme stresses
M () M x cos2 M y sin 2 M xy sin 2 ; (18.2.7)
M k ( )
M y M x sin 2 M xy cos 2 . (18.2.8)
The stresses on the upper and lower surfaces of the shell are calculated taking into account the membrane
stresses and bending forces according to the following relationships:
6M x
xL / U N x ;
6M (18.2.9)
yL / U N y 2 y ;
6 M
L / U Txy 2 xy ;
where h is the thickness of the shell; U and L are indices which indicate belonging to the upper or
lower surfaces.
The values of the criteria for shell elements are calculated based on the determined stresses according
to the formulas (18.2.5-18.2.6). Extreme values of shear forces are determined as well.
Special Elements
Positive and negative extreme values of forces in elements are taken here as the criteria of determination of
18.Design Combinations
variation of angle is from 0 to 180 for normal stresses and from 0 to 90 for shear stresses. The default step
is 15. The numbers of the criteria and their corresponding angles are given in Table. 18.2-3, where nnn is the
angle, and the indices "L" and "U" correspond to the lower and upper surfaces of the shell.
Table 18.2-3
Number of the 0 1nnn 2nnn 3nnn 4nnn 5nnn 6nnn 7nnn 8001 8002 8003 8004
membranes σ -σ τ -τ
plates M -M Mк -Mк Qx -Qx Qy -Qy
shells σн -σн τн -τн σв -σв τв -τв Qx -Qx Qy -Qy
Thus, for example, the criterion number 6075 means that τ is calculated on the upper surface of the shell
for the angle of 75.
18.Design Combinations
18.Design Combinations
Active loading in DCD — these checkboxes work in the same way as those from the previous
column, but they exclude loadings from the analysis only at the generation of design combinations of
Name — this column is used to specify the name of the loading or the formula of the combination;
Type of loading — a list of types of loadings provided by the codes: permanent, long-term, short-
term, crane, special or inactive. If a loading is inactive, it is not involved in the generation of design
Type of load — a type of load in selected from the list in this column in accordance with the type
selected in the previous column. Thus, for example, the following list appears for short-term loads (when
the calculations are performed according to SNiP 2.01.07-85*):
Loads from the equipment in the nonstationary mode
Weight of people and repair materials in the service areas
Full loads on floors of residential, public and industrial buildings
Full loads from the mobile handling equipment
Full snow loads in the III snow region
Full snow loads in the IV snow region
Full snow loads in the V and VI snow regions
Full snow loads in other snow regions
Full thermal climatic actions
Wind loads
Ice loads
Loads from railway mobile equipment
Loads from highway mobile equipment
Figure 18.7-1. The Design Combinations of Forces and Displacements dialog box
After selecting the respective type of load for the given loading, the values of the safety factor and the
fraction of duration, which can be corrected, will appear in the Safety factor and Fraction of duration
columns. If the values of these coefficients are not defined by the codes, they have to be specified. If EN
1990 is selected for calculating load combinations, these coefficients are not specified.
18.Design Combinations
The Alternating column — the property of load (usually dynamic) is specified by checking the
checkbox in the respective column of the table.
The group of columns united under the common name Involved in group operations includes the
following columns Combinations, Mutual exclusions and Related loadings.
The Combinations column — checkboxes of this column are used to specify loadings and
combinations which in the process of generation of combinations can serve as:
a) related;
b) independent, but acting as one load at the simultaneous action (Sec. 1.13 of SNiP 2.01.07-85*).
The checked checkbox in the line of the loading means only that the loading is involved in the
operation of combining. Specific “partners” are specified in the table of the Simultaneous Loadings
dialog box (Fig. 18.7-2). Checkboxes of this dialog box work in the following way: loadings belonging to
type a) are indicated by the first click (“tick”), and those belonging to type b) — by the second click
The Mutual exclusions column — checkboxes of this column are used to specify loadings which can
not be included in one combination. Similarly to the previous column the checked checkboxes of this
column indicate only the fact that a loading is involved in the operations of mutual exclusion, and the
groups of such loadings are specified in the dialog box shown in Fig. 18.7-3. The All checkbox enables to
check all checkboxes in the table by one click.
Figure 18.7-2. The Simultaneous Loadings Figure 18.7-3. The Mutually Exclusive
dialog box Loadings dialog box
In accordance with the requirements of SNiP special loadings (seismic actions belong
to them as well) are mutually exclusive. This rule is implemented in the software
automatically. However since seismic actions can be specified as three components in
the orthogonal directions you can describe them as simultaneous for the same type of
seismic dynamic action and thus implement the requirements of SNiP (see, for
example, Sec. 5.4 of SP 14.13330.2014) on the simultaneous consideration of the
vertical and horizontal seismic loads. The summation of these loadings is performed
according to the rules of the respective codes.
The Related loadings column — this column is used to describe related loadings, i.e. when some
loadings (let’s call them of type “s”) can not be included in a combination without other loadings (of type
“m”), indicated as related. For example, loadings including loads from the seismic action can not be
included in a combination without loadings the loads of which were used to specify masses (dead weight,
18.Design Combinations
stationary equipment, etc.). Loadings of type “m” can be included in combinations independently. The
column is divided into two columns highlighted, respectively, in yellow and in green. Checkboxes of the
“yellow” column are used to indicate the loadings of type “s”, and those of the “green” are used for
loadings of type “m”. Similarly to the previous columns of this group checked checkboxes indicate that the
loadings are involved in the operations with related loadings. A loading can not be simultaneously selected
both in yellow and in green columns, i.e. it must have a certain status. (Fig. 18.7-4).
a) b)
Figure 18.7-4. The Design Combinations of Forces and Displacements dialog box (a) and its
corresponding dialog box Related Loadings (b)
Relations between loadings are specified in the Related Loadings dialog box. Loadings of type “s”
are specified in lines (they are highlighted in yellow), and loadings of type “m” are specified in columns
(they are highlighted in green). If in some operations a loading must belong to type “s”, and in others — to
type “m”, it has to be duplicated (making the main loading and the duplicate mutually exclusive).
The Safety factor for load column — the value of this factor (γf) is automatically set in the
respective column depending on the type of loading and the type of load and, if necessary, it can be
changed by the user. In those cases when this value is not clearly defined by the codes, a question mark
appears in the column, which must be replaced by a specific number. This factor is used for the transition
from design to characteristic values of loads in the calculation of elements of reinforced concrete structures
for the serviceability limit state. It is obvious that a factor with the same value should have been used in the
loading when specifying design loads. Moreover, one loading should not contain loads with different
values of the factor, for example, the weight of elements of reinforced concrete structures (γf = 1,1) can not
be included in the loading with the weigh of the leveling courses of floors (γf = 1,3).
When the Design Combinations of Forces and Displacements dialog box is opened for the first
time, this column will contain values of the factors specified when creating loadings. When the user
changes the value of the factor in this dialog box, it will be automatically changed in the Save Loading
dialog box as well.
The Fraction of duration column — it is used to specify a factor for sustained load for temporary
and short-term loads. The value of the factor is set automatically depending on the type of loading and the
type of load and can be changed by the user. When the dialog box is opened for the first time, this column
will contain a value of the factor specified when creating the loading. When the user changes the value of
the factor, the factor in the loading will be changed as well.
18.Design Combinations
Additional safety factors for load — the column with the value of the factor for sustained load is
followed by 14 columns where you have to specify additional factors. The values of the safety factors for
load are multiplied by these factors. In this case depending on the number of nonzero additional factors the
respective number of independent combinations of forces will be generated. Only the first column of the
factors is filled with the value of one by default, since the coefficients of the combination are generated
automatically in accordance with the codes. Using the mechanism of groups of DCF (see below), these
coefficients can be used, for example, to find DCF separately for steel and reinforced concrete elements
with different values of γf.
In those cases when the design combinations of forces have to be calculated not for all elements of the
model, click the List of elements button and the List of Elements dialog box will appear (Fig. 18.7-5).
18.Design Combinations
a) b)
Figure 18.7-6. The Design Combinations of Forces and Displacements dialog box (a) in the Variation of
models mode and its corresponding dialog box Mutually Exclusive Loadings (b)
18.Design Combinations
Crane Loads
Taking into account the peculiarities of the specification of crane loads, they are considered as a separate
type of loadings and they have their "own" list of load types, which includes:
reduced vertical loads from overhead travelling and underslung cranes;
full vertical loads from overhead travelling and underslung cranes;
braking along a crane runway;
braking “on the left”, “load is on the left”;
braking “on the left”, “load is on the right”;
braking “on the right”, “load is on the right”;
braking “on the right”, “load is on the left”;
crane load at the seismic action.
Additional information required for the generation of design combinations taking into account the
crane loads is specified in the Crane Loads dialog box (Fig. 18.7-7), where the respective crane number is
specified for each line together with its operation mode.
The maximum number of cranes and brake loadings simultaneously taken into account which can be
included in a combination are specified in the dialog box.
Having information on the types of the crane load and knowing the number of the crane a load
belongs to, the software can take into account the following logical peculiarities of interaction:
all vertical loads belonging to the same crane are mutually exclusive (they refer to the different
positions of the crane bridge and the crane trolley);
limitations on the number of cranes simultaneously taken into account and on the coefficient of
their combinations are performed in accordance with the specified code (for example, according to
Sec.4.14 of SNiP 2.01.07-85* or Sec.9.16 of SP 20.13330.2011);
horizontal crane load can not appear without the vertical pressure;
brake loads of different types are mutually exclusive;
Crane load at the seismic action is a special loading that conforms to the rules of the codes
“Construction in seismic regions”, it can not act together with the brake forces. All other crane
loads are mutually exclusive with seismic loads;
when calculating the number of simultaneously acting temporary loads all components of a crane
load of the same crane are considered as one temporary load (see, for example, Sec. 1.13 of SNiP
2.01.07-85* or Sec. 6.6 of SP 20.13330.2011).
18.Design Combinations
When determining the design combinations of loads the software provides the possibility of unification
within the specified lists (of groups) of elements. This means that it is suggested to neglect the differences
between the extreme values of stress in various elements and in various sections of these elements, and you
should find the worst value for all unified elements and their sections. The following three types of
unification are implemented:
sections are unified in a group of elements in such a way so that all elements of the group have the
same section;
the unification for the respective sections is performed in the group of elements, i.e. elements of the
group will have identical first, second, third, and so on sections;
symmetrical sections are unified in the group of elements, i.e. all elements of the group will have
identical first and last sections, second and next to last sections and so on.
It is obvious that only the first type of unification (if another type is selected, the software will use the
first type of unification for plates) can be used for plate and shell elements, and also for elements included
in a single physical bar (structural member). Only the elements with the same cross-sectional shape and
18.Design Combinations
18.Design Combinations
18.Design Combinations
Design codes regulate the limitations of the characteristic values of displacements, therefore only the
characteristic and characteristic long-term combinations of displacements are calculated for each node.
Selection of force or
stress Criterion
Type of DCD Direction of
18.Design Combinations
This operation enables to obtain all combinations of loadings created during the calculation of DCF.
Clicking the button invokes the dialog box (Fig. 18.12-2) where you can narrow down your choices of
analyzed combinations (for example, select only the design ones). If there are selected elements in the
model, you can check the respective checkbox and the software will analyze only the selected elements.
You can also click the Elements button and specify the list of elements you are interested in or select the
elements from the respective groups (Fig. 18.12-3).
A text file with the formulas of combinations will be output after clicking the OK button (Fig. 18.12-
4). The presence or absence of the numbers of elements in this file depends on whether the Print the
numbers of elements checkbox is checked.
Figure 18.12-2. The Print Figure 18.12-3. The List of Elements dialog box
Formulas dialog box
18.Design Combinations
Using the arrow located next to the button you can drop down the menu and select two other
possible courses of action: create a report file in the RTF-format, which is compatible with word
processors such as MS Word, or create a binary file (with the rsu2comb extension), which can be
subsequently imported when specifying the initial data for combinations of loadings (see Chapter 17).
This operation invokes the dialog box (Fig. 18.12-6), which lists all loadings (except for those which
have inactive status in the initial data of DCF). After selecting the necessary loading we can obtain a set of
formulas of the combinations which include it (this loading) in the list on the right. You can select only the
combinations you are interested in (all, only the design ones, ...) from the drop-down list in the upper part
of the dialog box.
18.Design Combinations
Figure 18.12-6. The Combinations that Include the Given Loading dialog box
You can obtain the color indication of the values of DCF during the graphical analysis of the results
in the postprocessor. In order to do this it is necessary to perform the following actions:
18.Design Combinations
Similarly to DCF you can obtain the color indication for the design combinations of displacements.
In order to do this you have to select the necessary
criterion (for example, the maximum total displacement) in the
Type of design combinations of displacements list in the
toolbar and invoke the operation.
Checkboxes in the nodes of the design model and the color
scale are used for the color indication of DCD (Fig. 18.12-9 ).
Displaying the results of the calculation of DCF during the analysis for the progressive collapse
enables to obtain a color indication of the design combinations according to the same rules as for the
standard combinations (see above).
This operation enables to plot the envelopes of the diagrams based on the design combinations of
forces. The value of the specified force factor is selected from the combinations of the given type for each
section of bar elements based on the criterion of minimum or maximum.
In order to perform this operation select the criterion, force factor and the type of combination from
the respective lists in the toolbar and invoke the operation by clicking the button .
18.Design Combinations
This operation is similar to the previous one and it is available during the analysis of DCF for the
calculations for the progressive collapse.
Color indication of design combinations of reactions in constraints can be obtained if, first of all, the
Reactions in constraints checkbox was checked when performing the calculation of the problem,
secondly, the initial data for generating design combinations of forces were prepared and, thirdly, the
design combinations of reactions in constraints were calculated.
Reactions are displayed as color markers in the nodes with constraints in the analyzed direction of
reactions. It is necessary to perform the following actions to display the reactions:
− select the necessary type in the Select type of force/stress list in the toolbar;
− select the type of the analyzed combination (design, characteristic, ...) in the Type of combination
− select the criterion (Min/Max) in the respective list.
Design combinations of reactions in constraints can be also displayed by arrows — (similarly to
the nodal loads).
18.Design Combinations
factor will be taken from the data on the respective structural member. In the case when the considered
finite element does not belong to any structural member, the default value of the importance factor will be
taken as 1.
Depending on the selected safety codes the importance factor will be applied either to design, or to
design and characteristic values of forces/stresses.
After clicking the buttons or the data on DCF will be exported to the Word
document (file type *.doc) or to the Excel table (file type *.xls) respectively taking into account the
specified (determined) values of the importance factor. This may be needed in the case when the data are
generated for example for the “Specification of elements” table of the drawings of the MS stage.
Clicking the button exports the data on DCF into the file of type *.rsu2 without taking
into account the importance factor, since in those programs where the import of *.rsu2 files is provided this
coefficient is specified separately.
Figure 18.12-11. The Design Figure 18.12-12. The Design Combinations of Reactions in
Combinations of Displacements in the Constraints dialog box
Node dialog box
Design combinations of displacements (Fig. 18.12-11) and reactions in constraints (Fig. 18.12-12) in
the selected node can be also obtained in a tabular form using the DCD and DCR buttons respectively in
the Information on the Node dialog box (Fig. 18.12-15).
Tables with the results can be generated with the help of the Generator of tables in the text format
or Documenter (see Chapter 13).
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
The check and selection of transverse reinforcement in plate elements in SCAD are based on the recommendations
of SNiP for the calculation of transverse reinforcement for a bending element with a rectangular cross-section (the
program considers a 1 m wide strip with a height equal to the thickness of the plate). Therefore, we use the concept of
linear intensity. When choosing a design on the basis of the results of the selection the spacing of transverse reinfor-
cement should not exceed 1 m in order to provide the correspondence with the approach used for the calculation
(especially since a much more strict restriction is given in the design requirements of SNiP). The dimension of type
cm2/mm is used for values IWx, IWy everywhere in the program, although it is more accurate to write
cm 2
mm running meter
The area of transverse reinforcement for Qx extends along the Y1 axis, and for Qy — along the X1 axis.
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
Mz( y)
AWz ( y ) W
k 1
z( y )k .
Intensity of transverse reinforcement (Wz, Wy) is the area of transverse reinforcement per unit
length of the transverse reinforcement area in the direction parallel to the respective side and numerically
equal to the total area of transverse reinforcement AWz( y ) , lying in the section of the bar parallel to the
respective side divided by the spacing of the given type of reinforcement (cm2/m).
W z ( y ) AW z ( y ) / s z ( y ) .
Initial data are specified in the dialog box of the postprocessor. In the result of the work of the
postprocessor the areas of “distributed” reinforcement are obtained, as well as the number, cross-sectional
area and diameters of rebars. The results can be given in the form of tables and drawings, displayed on the
screen or printed.
19.1. Limitations
The following limitations should be taken into account when using the postprocessor:
the analysis of members made of cellular, porous, or self-stressing concrete is not implemented;
the analysis of prestressed reinforced concrete members is not performed;
the analysis of elements for the limit state for deformations is not performed;
the set of sections is limited to a rectangle, T-section, I-section, round and ring section;
the limitation of the diameter of reinforcement for the concrete of low grades is not controlled (the
maximum diameter of reinforcement is specified by the user);
the limit width of flanges of T- and I-sections is not controlled (the design width of flanges is specified
by the user in accordance with codes, for example, Sec. 3.16 of SNiP 2.03.01-84*);
the coefficient s5 is not taken into account for the high-strength reinforcement of the following classes
A-IV, A-V, A-VI, B-II, BP- II, K7, K-19 at the stresses greater than the yield stress (Table 24 of SNiP
the analysis for the serviceability limit state does not include the analysis of crack closing;
the fatigue analysis is not performed;
SNiP method of strength analysis of oblique sections is focused on the work with a diagram of
shear forces, using which it is possible to obtain a "shear force in an oblique section with the length
of the projection C on the longitudinal axis of the element determined from all external forces,
located on one side of the considered oblique section". It can be easily done in the case of one
loading. However, if there are many variants of a loading, we have their envelope which is not a
resultant of all external forces. No recommendations are given in the codes for this case. Therefore,
the values of shear forces in the design sections are used to increase the reliability;
the procedure for the calculation of circular and ring cross-sections for the action of a transverse
force is not provided in the codes. The formal analysis of the SNiP formulas makes it evident that
two values b and h0 are required. The h0 value is clearly defined in the codes, but it is not clear
what is the width of the section. The calculation in SCAD is performed in the following way.
When the value b×h0 is required in the calculation for the action of a transverse force, a value equal
to the area of a section with an outer radius R-a is used, where R is the outer radius of the
considered cross-section, and a is the distance to the center of gravity of the reinforcement.
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
g h
e f
Figure 19.3-1. Types of sections with asymmetric (a–d) and symmetric (e–h) arrangement of
longitudinal reinforcement for elements under bending
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
e f g h
Figure 19.3-2. Types of sections with asymmetric (a–d) and symmetric (e–h) arrangement of
longitudinal reinforcement for elements under compression and bending
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
Plate. Shell
It enables to check and select reinforcement of reinforced
concrete plates and shells for ultimate and serviceability limit
states (strength and crack resistance).
The selection is performed taking into account the
following force factors calculated in the center of an element:
torque — Mxy;
shear forces — Qx, Qy;
bending moments — Mx, My.
The selection is performed taking into account the
following force factors calculated in the center of an element:
normal stresses — Nx, Ny (only in shells);
shear stresses — Txy (only in shells);
torque — Mxy;
shear forces — Qx, Qy;
bending moments — Mx, My.
The areas of the upper and lower longitudinal reinfor-
cement, areas and spacing of transverse reinforcement are cal-
culated in the result of the work of the module. The arran-
gement and identification of the upper and lower longitudinal
Figure 19.3-3. Reinforcement of elements reinforcement, and transverse reinforcement for sections of an
of a reinforced concrete shell element of a reinforced concrete shell are given in Fig. 19.3-3.
It should be noted that the distance to the center of gravity of reinforcement can be defined by two or
four numbers. In the first case, the value a1 corresponds to the distance to the center of gravity of the lower
reinforcing mesh, and a2 corresponds to the distance to the center of gravity of the upper reinforcing mesh.
In the second case, a1 and a2 are specified for the reinforcement placed respectively below and above along
the X1 axis, and a3 and a4 are specified for the reinforcement along the Y1 axis.
Deep Beam
It enables to check and select reinforcement of reinforced
concrete deep beams (plane stress state) for ultimate and
serviceability limit states (strength and crack resistance). The
module calculates an element of a reinforced concrete deep
beam for the action of the following force factors calculated in
the center of an element:
normal stresses — Nx, Nz;
shear stresses — Txz.
The areas of reinforcement working in sections orthogonal
to the local axes of the local coordinate system X1 and Z1 are
calculated in the result of the work of the module. The
Figure 19.3-4. Reinforcement of elements arrangement and identification of the selected reinforcement for
of a deep beam sections of an element of a reinforced concrete deep beam are
given in Fig. 19.3-4.
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
— Input data;
— Selection of reinforcement;
— Check of reinforced concrete;
— Punching.
The design combinations of forces (DCF) must be specified, otherwise the functions of the analysis of
reinforced concrete structures will not be available. You should also make sure that the codes specified at
the generation of DCF correspond to the codes used in the analysis of elements of reinforced concrete
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
Random eccentricity (for bar elements under compression and bending) — if zero values are
specified, the value of eccentricity is taken automatically according to the recommendations of
Distances to the center of gravity of reinforcement;
Maximum percentage of reinforcement, if it is exceeded, it will be impossible to select
Analysis on crack resistance — after checking this checkbox the Crack Resistance tab appears,
where you can specify the category of crack resistance, and the allowable short-term and long-term
crack opening width (diameter of reinforcement considered when determining the distance between
cracks is taken from the table in the General tab);
Coefficients allowing for seismic action for normal and oblique sections (if zero values are
specified, the values are taken by default according to the respective seismic codes);
The Statically indeterminate system checkbox enables to specify whether the system is statically
Figure 19.6-1. The General tab of the Figure 19.6-2. The General tab of the
Reinforcement of Bars dialog box Reinforcement of Plates dialog box
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
Take into account the minimum reinforcement — if the respective checkbox is checked, a table
appears where you can specify the arrangement of reinforcement (diameters and spacing) for a
structural group. In the result the area of the selected reinforcement per running meter will be not less
than the area of reinforcement per running meter specified for a structural group.
Maximum allowable displacements and deflections are taken into account only
in the check mode and are not used when selecting the sections.
Importance Factors
Three importance factors are used in the analysis:
− for the ultimate limit state n;
− for the serviceability limit state;
− for the critical state (is used in the analysis for the progressive collapse).
The rules for specifying the importance factors depend on the selected code regulating the safety. If
GOST R 54257-2010 or GOST 27751-2014 is selected as a safety code, the value of the importance factor
is taken as one for the serviceability limit state and for the critical state.
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
If DBN B.1.2-14-2009 is selected, the factors for the serviceability limit state and for the critical state
are specified by the user for each structural member or group of structural members. If it is not specified in
the initial data that the analysis for crack resistance will be performed or the analysis for limit deflections
and displacements is not required, then the factor for the serviceability limit state is not specified.
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
SP 63.13330.2012) and is taken as one by default. In those cases when according to the conditions of the
analysis it is necessary to take another value of this factor, it can be specified directly in the list.
If the value of the initial elastic modulus of concrete is different from the table value, the hardening
factor is specified, which is used to correct this value (it is assigned only in case of the natural conditions
of hardening of concrete).
In those cases when the analysis on crack resistance is required, information on the category of crack
resistance, allowable crack opening width etc. has to be specified. All these data are specified in the Crack
Resistance tab (Fig. 19.6-4).
a) b)
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
It should be noted that there is an inaccuracy in SP 52-101-2003 concerning the use of the safety
factor for load in the calculation for the serviceability limit states. Sec. 7.1.3 of this document states that
“When the calculation is performed for the serviceability limit states, the loads are taken with a safety
factor for load f = 1,0.”. Such concepts as the analysis on crack formation and the analysis of their opening
and closing are not clearly distinguished. As a result all types of calculations are performed taking into
account the characteristic loads. SNiP 2.03.01-84 * and SP 63.13330.2012 do not have this inaccuracy, and
when the analysis on crack formation is performed, design values of loads are used, i.e. f > 1,0.
Design values of loads are used in SCAD++ for SP 52-101-2003 in the analysis on crack
formation, if "no cracks" option was selected.
When the analysis is performed according to SP 52-101-03, Sec. 3.52 of the Guide specifies how to
take into account the effect of a longitudinal force in the calculations for transverse forces. It should be
noted that the longitudinal reinforcement is not taken into account in Sec. 3.52 in the formula for the value
Nb=1,3RbA. There is a letter from the authors of SP which describes an alternative method for calculating
the value Nb taking into account the longitudinal reinforcement (Nb=RbA+RsAs,tot). There is a special
checkbox prompting the application to use this formula to determine Nb. Since there are two methods for
calculating Nb (according to SP and according to the letter), the program calculates Nb in two different
ways and uses the highest value.
The name of a structural member or group must be specified in the Structural group text field.
List of groups includes a list of structural groups created earlier.
The lower part of the dialog box (Fig. 19.6-5) contains a list of finite elements with numbers of
elements included in a structural member or group. This list can be edited directly in the window. If there
are selected elements in the model, you can perform the following actions with the help of a set of
operations which can be opened by clicking the button on the right from the list:
− Create list of elements from selected elements, i. e. actually replace the list of elements created
earlier by the list of elements selected in the model;
− Create list of elements from group’s data and selected elements, i. e. add the elements selected
in the model to the list of elements created earlier;
− Create list of elements from group’s data excluding selected elements, i. e. exclude the
elements selected in the model from the list of the group created earlier.
The respective button is used to edit the existing list of the group, clicking which invokes a dialog
box with a list of elements.
If after performing a series of operations with the list of elements (before clicking the Apply button),
it is necessary to return to its initial state, you should use the first operation in the considered list — Create
list of elements from group’s data, and the initial list of the group will be restored.
In order to delete a structural member or a group of structural members it is necessary to select a
name from the list in the Input data toolbar and click the button . Click the Delete button in the dialog
box that will appear.
If you have to delete several objects, it is necessary to perform the above operations for a single
object, and then consecutively select the objects you want to delete from the list of structural members (or
groups) and click the Delete button without closing the dialog box.
The Copy button invokes a dialog box with a list of groups. After selecting a group from the list and
clicking the OK button, you can copy the data from the group created earlier. If this button is pressed when
the General tab is active, all the data on all tabs are copied (the lists of finite elements and the name of the
group are obviously not copied). If this button is clicked when the Concrete or Crack Resistance tab is
active, only the data in the active tab is copied.
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
the Reinforcement of Plates or Reinforcement of Bars dialog box will appear (depending on the
type of elements of the group), where you have to specify the name of the new group in the
Structural group field and click the Add button;
correct the list of elements of the new group removing the numbers of elements which “stay” in the
initial group;
correct the parameters of the new group;
select the name of the initial group in the list of groups and correct the list of elements removing
the elements that were transferred to the new group;
correct the parameters of the initial group if necessary;
click the Apply button;
close the dialog box by clicking the Exit button.
You can repeat the above actions to create new groups by dividing the initial group.
Indication of additional
structural group
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
menu appears with the list of groups and you have to select a group the results of which you want
to be displayed;
additional groups are not used in the analysis for the progressive collapse.
Additional groups are distinguished by the green background of icons in the lists of structural groups
in toolbars and dialog boxes. Unique names should be given when creating the main and additional groups.
The Control the groups of reinforced concrete structural members operation considered below is used
to change the status of the group.
If a group of structural members or a structural member is selected in the list of structural groups in
the Input data toolbar, clicking this button will select all finite elements of the group. Red color is
assumed for the selected nodes and elements by default. You can change it in the Color Palette Settings
section of the Settings menu (the Model tab, the Select nodes and elements item).
In those cases when you do not need to perform any operations with the selected structural group, and
you only want to highlight it in the model, an operation of visualization of a structural group is used. A
group selected in the list of structural groups in the Input data toolbar will be “highlighted” in purple in
the model.
The operation is used to control the attributes of structural groups and enables to perform the
following actions:
rename a group;
sort groups by a specified criterion;
delete a group;
combine identical groups;
change the status of structural groups (transform a group into an additional or main one);
change the place of the selected group in the list of groups (buttons Up, Down).
This operation invokes the Control the Structural Groups of Reinforced Concrete Elements
dialog box (see Fig. 19.10-1), with a list of structural groups. Columns of the table of structural groups
current number of the structural group;
No. — number of the group in the order of creation;
Type — icon of the type of the structural group ( — bar structural member, — group of bar
structural members; — group of plate structural members). If a group is additional, the
respective icon has a green background;
Name — name of the structural group;
Number of elements in the group;
Additional — this checkbox indicates additional structural groups.
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
Figure 19.10-1. The Control the Structural Groups of Reinforced Concrete Elements dialog box
In order to rename a group place the cursor over the name of the respective group and double left
click. The line will become available for editing.
The characteristic of the group with respect to which the sorting is performed is selected from the
Sort by list. The following types of sorting are provided:
by the number (in the order of creation of groups — when the Min/Max button is pressed; and vice
verse — when the Max/Min button is pressed);
by the type of group (when the Min/Max button is pressed structural members will be first in the list
and they will be followed by the structural members, and vice verse — when the Max/Min button is
by the name of the group (in alphabetical order — when the Min/Max button is pressed, and vice
verse — when the Max/Min button is pressed);
by the number of elements in the group (in the ascending order of the number of elements in the list of
structural groups — when the Min/Max button is pressed, and vice verse — when the Max/Min
button is pressed);
by the checked “Additional” checkbox.
In order to delete structural groups select them in the table, place the cursor over the current number
of the group and left click. Then click the Delete button. If the groups you want to delete go in the
successive order in the list, place the cursor over the first group in the list to select them, click and hold the
left mouse button, and drag the pointer across the numbers of the groups you want to delete.
To change the position of one or several structural groups in the list it is necessary to select these
groups and move them in the list by clicking the Up and Down buttons.
If when specifying the data the user has created several groups with the same names, clicking the
Make the names unique button enables to rename them automatically (by adding the suffix № XXX to
the name) and obtain unique names.
In order to combine groups of structural members it is necessary to select these groups in the list
while pressing the Ctrl key in the keyboard and then click the Combine button. The operation will be
available only if all parameters of the combined groups of structural members are matching. The dialog
box will appear after invoking the operation, where you can specify the name of the combined group.
Buttons in the upper part of the dialog box enable to filter groups which should be displayed (for
example, to display only the additional groups of plate structural members).
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
All specifications made in the dialog box will be saved and performed after closing the dialog box by
clicking the OK button. The position of the structural groups in the list of the toolbar will correspond to
their position in the list of the dialog box.
This operation is used in those cases when several structural groups have the same class of concrete
and class of reinforcement, i.e. you can specify these parameters simultaneously for several or even all
structural groups. Moreover, this operation is useful when changing the design codes. Invoking the Specify
the Classes of Concrete and Reinforcement operation opens the respective dialog box (Fig. 19.10-2)
with a table listing all structural groups with classes of concrete and reinforcement specified for them.
Figure 19.10-2. The Specify the Classes of Concrete and Reinforcement dialog box
It is necessary to perform the following actions to specify these parameters for the groups:
− specify the class of concrete, and classes of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement by selecting
them from the respective lists;
− check the checkboxes on the left from the name of a structural group for those groups the selected
class of concrete is specified for;
− click the Apply button related to the class of concrete;
− perform similar actions for the class of longitudinal reinforcement, and then for the transverse
reinforcement by checking the checkboxes of the necessary structural groups and clicking the
respective Apply buttons;
− after specifying the parameters for the necessary groups, close the dialog box by clicking the OK
Similar specifications for each structural group separately can be also performed in the dialog boxes
for creating groups, and also in the Reinforcement of Plates and Reinforcement of Bars dialog boxes
when creating or editing structural groups directly during the selection of reinforcement. It makes sense to
use this operation in the case of specifying parameters for a large number of groups simultaneously.
Moreover, a type of group is specified in the Type column and for bar groups you can replace the
Structural member by Group of structural members and vice versa.
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
— select reinforcement;
— generate report;
— reinforcement diagrams of bars;
— reinforcement diagrams of bars (color display);
— change the display axis of diagrams;
— switch the output form of the reinforcement results;
— isofields of the reinforcement of plates;
— isofields and isolines of the reinforcement of plates;
— color map of the reinforcement results;
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
equal to , and the lengths of all other (intermediate) segments are equal to . The value of
2(n 1) (n 1)
the factor in each segment of the diagram is taken as the maximum value for all sections of the bar in this
The output of intensity (area per running meter) of reinforcement in the form of isolines, isofields, or
color maps is provided for all types of reinforcement of plate elements. The results of the selection of
longitudinal reinforcement can be given as a set of bars in the directions coinciding with the directions of
the force output. This operation can be invoked by clicking the button — Switch the output form of
the reinforcement results, and the spacing of reinforcement is selected from the respective list in the
The percentage of reinforcement of plates is determined according to the following rules — a bar of
rectangular section is considered with the sizes bH, where b = 1m, and Н is equal to the thickness of the
plate. The percentage of reinforcement in the direction X and Y is determined by the formulas:
x ( S1 S 2 ) /( H x b) 100,
y ( S 3 S 4 ) /( H y b) 100,
S1 s1 b / step1 ,
S 2 s 2 b / step 2 ,
S 3 s3 b / step3 ,
S 4 s 4 b / step 4 ,
s1, s2, s3, s4 — cross-sectional area of one bar of the respective reinforcement,
step1, step2, step3, step4 — spacing of reinforcement.
Values Hx and Hy are determined as follows:
H x H a1 ,
a2 0, H x max( H x , H a2 ),
H y H a3 ,
a4 0, H y max( H y , H a4 ),
where a1, a2, a3, a4 — distance to the center of gravity of the reinforcement.
The value H/2 is used for Hx and Hy for deep beams.
The software enables to output the results of selection of longitudinal reinforcement in the form of
additional reinforcement with meshes or individual bars. When meshes are used (button ), it is
necessary to specify the spacing of bars in a mesh, which is selected from the Select the spacing of
reinforcement list. If bars are used in the additional reinforcement (button ), the diameter of bars is
selected from the Diameter of bars of the additional reinforcement list.
When outputting the results of the reinforcement, one of the several options can be selected in a
separate list.
There are four options for plate elements
1. Calculated reinforcement
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
2. SNiP
3. Calculated reinforcement (according to the assortment)
4. SNiP (according to the assortment)
The second option differs from the first one in that it takes into account the standard requirements to
the minimum percentage of reinforcement (the selection of reinforcement for bar elements is always
performed taking into account the minimum percentage of reinforcement, but it is not clearly stated
whether it should be done for plate elements).
Variants 3, 4 are similar to 1, 2, but the required intensity of reinforcement is calculated taking into
account the fact that rebar diameters and reinforcement spacing can take only discrete sets of values.
Variants 1-2 and 3-4 are identical for bar elements.
When performing a check of plate elements of reinforced concrete structures (for example, in the case
of analysis for progressive collapse) the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement is defined by the
diameter of rebars and their spacing. This information can be prepared by the user or generated
automatically by transforming the data obtained by the program of the reinforcement selection. The
number of ranges of distribution of reinforcement (diameter – spacing) specified by the user for each type
of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement is taken into account.
The transformation is performed with the help of the Specify reinforcement based on the results of
the reinforcement selection operation, which can be invoked by clicking the button — in the
Selection of reinforcement section. This operation invokes the Specify Reinforcement Based on the
Results of the Reinforcement Selection dialog box (see Fig. 19.12-1) containing a table with the names
of structural groups, maximum value of the area of each type of reinforcement, and the number of ranges
the area of reinforcement of the given type has to be divided into at the transition from theoretical
(selected) reinforcement to the discrete reinforcement.
Figure 19.12-1. The Specify Reinforcement Based on the Results of the Reinforcement Selection
dialog box
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
The transformation can be performed for all structural groups or only for those selected from the list.
Moreover, the standard requirements to the minimum percentage of reinforcement can be taken into
account in the process of transformation. These settings are performed by checking the respective
The number of ranges is specified separately for each type of reinforcement and each structural group.
The specification can be performed simultaneously for all groups (the Number of ranges for all groups
should be taken as... checkbox is checked).
The area of longitudinal reinforcement Si of the considered group of reinforcement for each range is
equal to
Si = (Simax – Simin)/ni,
i – type of reinforcement (i = 1, 2, 3, 4);
Simax and Simin – maximal and minimal area of reinforcement of the i-th type, respectively;
ni – number of ranges specified for the reinforcement of the i-th type of the considered group.
The area of transverse reinforcement (Wx, Wy) of the considered group of reinforcement for each
range is determined in a similar way.
Since equal ranges do not always provide rational reinforcement (e.g., several ranges can have the
same discrete reinforcement), the software enables to change the number of ranges of reinforcement of i-th
type within one group and the area of ranges. This can be done in the dialog box (see Fig. 19.12-2), which
is invoked by clicking the button on the right from the name of the considered group.
The following information is given in this dialog box on each type of reinforcement of the considered
structural group:
number of ranges;
minimal area of theoretical (selected) reinforcement;
maximal value of the selected reinforcement for each range;
discrete (diameter/spacing) reinforcement for each range;
actual area of discrete reinforcement for each range.
In those cases when discrete reinforcement (diameter/spacing) could not be selected for the maximum
value of the reinforcement area of one or several ranges, the combination diameter/spacing with the
maximal area and the actual (corresponding to this combination) reinforcement area are output in the
respective columns of the table. The search of the diameter/spacing combination is performed on the basis
of lists of allowable reinforcement spacing and diameters of reinforcement of the given class according to
the criterion of minimum area. Maximum allowable diameter specified in the parameters of the considered
structural group is taken into account.
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
Figure 19.12-2. The Specify Reinforcement Based on the Results of the Reinforcement Selection (Data
on the Group) dialog box
If the user changes the data given in the table of the dialog box (for example, the limits of ranges), the
changes are saved and the recalculation is performed after clicking the Recalculate button.
The value of the area the discrete reinforcement could not be selected for is highlighted in red in the
When transforming the reinforcement of a bar, it divided into n segments, where n is the number of
sections in the bar. The lengths of the first and last (along the length of the bar L) segments are equal to
, and the lengths of all other (intermediate) segments are equal to . If the number of
2(n 1) (n 1)
sections n > 5, the program does not perform the transformation (this is a limitation of the implementation).
The division into ranges is not performed for bar elements and segments (in the general case) with different
reinforcement are created for each finite element.
The display of the color map of the specified reinforcement of plates is performed with the help of the
respective operation in the Check of reinforced concrete section — .
The results of the selection of reinforcement in bar elements are graphically displayed as diagrams of
areas of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement. Diagrams can be “wire” (when they are not color filled)
and they can be invoked by clicking the Display the reinforcement diagrams of bars button — , and
color scales can be used as well — the Color display of the reinforcement diagrams button — .
Diagrams are output for one structural group of reinforcement, which is selected from the list in the
Selection of reinforcement section of the toolbar.
Figure 19.12-3 shows a drop-down list with the types of information which can be graphically
visualized after performing the selection of reinforcement in bar elements.
The main rules for plotting the reinforcement diagrams are as follows:
a bar is divided into n segments, where n is equal to the number of sections in which the forces
were calculated (the rule for dividing a bar into segments is described above);
if a bar has rigid inserts, they are displayed automatically in the mode of analysis of results of the
reinforcement selection;
diagrams are plotted for a bar segment only if the reinforcement is selected in this segment (here
“selected” means that the area of reinforcement Si 0);
if the reinforcement (at least in one direction) could not be selected, the respective segment of the
bar is highlighted in red;
the position of reinforcement in the section which enables to meet the standard requirements to the
load-bearing capacity can be viewed for each bar separately in the Information on the element
mode (the Reinforcement button);
the value of the area of reinforcement is displayed on the diagram after clicking the Digitization of
isofields/isolines button in the Visualization of Results toolbar. It is recommended to perform the
digitization on the “wire” diagrams.
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
As noted above, the output of intensity (area per running meter) of reinforcement in the form of
isofields or color maps (mosaics) is provided by default for plate elements. You can also output the area of
transverse reinforcement for the specified spacing, which is selected from the drop-down list of the toolbar.
The following operations using color scales are provided:
— Display isofields of the reinforcement of plates. Isofields belonging to the adjacent intervals of
the considered factor are not divided by isolines. A standard color scale with the possibility of specifying
the number and limits of the intervals is used (limits of the intervals can be changed in the Settings dialog
box which is invoked by clicking the Color scale settings button — ). Moreover, the dialog box with a
color scale includes a table with the characteristics of concrete and reinforcement of the considered group.
— Display isolines and isofields of the reinforcement of plates. The display is performed
according to the same rules as in the previous case, but the isofields belonging to the adjacent intervals of
the considered factor are divided by isolines, the color of which is specified in the Color Palette Settings
section of the Settings menu.
— Display the color map of the reinforcement results. This type of display differs in that each
finite element is fully displayed in the color corresponding to the color of the interval the value of the
considered factor on the color scale belongs to. The color scale and its control principles are similar to
those considered above.
Figure 19.12-4 shows a drop-down list with the types of information which can be graphically
visualized after performing the selection of reinforcement in plate elements.
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
Figure 19.12-5. The Settings dialog box for the additional reinforcement
Intensity of additional
This operation enables to transfer the data on the results of selection of reinforcement in the elements
of foundation slabs or floor slabs to the design subsystem of ALLPLAN. A file with the extension .asf is
generated in the result of the export. This file contains information on the geometry of the reinforced
segment, and also on the areas of the upper and lower reinforcement (according to the assortment). It also
contains the characteristics of the elements included in the active group of reinforcement (if the group has
selected elements, the export of information will be performed only for them). Clicking the arrow will
open a menu where you can select type of areas - calculated or calculated (according to the assortment).
Generating a Report
The operation of printing tables with the results of the selection of reinforcement invokes the dialog
box (Fig. 19.12-7). The tables are generated in the .rtf format and are automatically loaded into a text
editor associated with this format.
Groups of radio buttons and checkboxes in this dialog box enable to control the generation of tables
by specifying the following options:
For all groups and structural members — output the results for all groups;
Only for specified groups and structural members — results will be output only for groups
selected in the list of groups;
For specified elements — results will be output only for finite elements the numbers of which are
listed in the text field;
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
Figure 19.12-7. The Generate Report on the Reinforcement Selection dialog box
Print instructions — output the information on the rules for reading the results after the tables;
Output the area of reinforcement added at the analysis on crack resistance;
Take into account standard requirements to the minimum percentage of reinforcement — if
this checkbox is checked, the area per running meter of reinforcement in plates will be (when
necessary) increased to satisfy the standard requirement to the minimum percentage of
Only the reinforcement areas — print tables only with the values of the total reinforcement area;
Rebar diameters — print tables with the data on diameters, spacing and number of rebars;
All results — print tables with the values of the reinforcement areas, and data on the diameters,
spacing and number of rebars;
Spacing of longitudinal reinforcement of plates — if the report on the results of the
reinforcement selection has to include not only the information on the areas per running meter of
the longitudinal reinforcement of plates, but also the presentation of this information in the
Diameter/spacing format, it is necessary to select the spacing of longitudinal reinforcement the
diameters of longitudinal rebars will be output for;
Output the area of transverse reinforcement of plates — if this checkbox is not checked, the
data on the selected transverse reinforcement in plates will be output as the intensity (cm2/m);
otherwise it will be necessary to select a spacing from the Spacing of transverse reinforcement of
plates (out-of-plane) drop-down list, and the report will contain the required area (cm2) of the
transverse reinforcement at the selected spacing;
Output the area of transverse reinforcement of bars — if this checkbox is not checked, the data
on the selected transverse reinforcement in bars will be output as the intensity (cm2/m); otherwise it
will be necessary to select a spacing from the Spacing of transverse reinforcement of bars list,
and the report will contain the required area (cm2) of the transverse reinforcement at the selected
Bar Elements
Information for each section of the element is output in several lines in the table with the results of the
calculation (Table 19.13-1).
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
For groups of reinforcement of bar elements the information for each element (or a unified group of
elements) is output in several lines in the table with the results of the calculation. Each line of the Type
column contains the following symbols indicating the type of data in this line:
— area of reinforcement;
T — area of reinforcement required to resist the torque (included in );
С — area of reinforcement added to provide crack resistance (included in );
— presentation of the selected area of reinforcement in the discrete form.
In lines the icons of which include symbol , the results are given as ND, where N is the number of
bars, D is diameter of one bar. If the assortment of the rebar diameters is exhausted, the respective cells of
the table will contain NA, where N is the number of bars, A is the cross-sectional area of one bar.
If there was no analysis on crack resistance, or the reinforcement selected according to the strength
requirements provides the crack resistance of the section, the lines indicated by the icon C are not output.
If a section has such a shape that it can be reinforced both symmetrically and asymmetrically, the
report contains information on two variants of the calculation.
The maximum spacing of the clamps is also given for the transverse reinforcement.
In the calculation results the area of the transverse reinforcement resisting the torque is output as a
value calculated for two bars in the section of the element. Thus, the area of one bar can be determined as
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
Plate Elements
For groups of reinforcement of plate elements the information for each element (or a unified group of
elements) is output in several lines in the table with the results of the calculation. Each line of the Type
column contains the following symbols indicating the type of data in this line:
— reinforcement area per one running meter;
С — reinforcement area per one running meter added to provide crack resistance (included in );
/S — presentation of the selected reinforcement as a set of diameters and spacing of reinforcement.
If the analysis on crack resistance is not performed, or the reinforcement selected for the ultimate limit state
provides the required crack resistance, the lines with the C type are not output.
Cross-sectional area of reinforcement for each plate finite element (or a unified group of finite
elements) is determined for sections with the width of 1 m at the specified thickness of the element in
accordance with the design combinations of forces.
In lines with type /S the results are given as D/S, where D is the diameter of one bar, S is the
spacing of bars in millimetres. If the assortment of the rebar diameters is exhausted for the given spacing,
the respective cells of the table will contain the value of the area of reinforcement.
The intensity per running meter of the selected transverse reinforcement is output at the out-of-plane
spacing of 100 mm.
Table 19.13-2
Results of the selection of reinforcement in plate elements
No. of the Type Longitudinal reinforcement Crack opening Transverse
element intensity in cm /m width (mm) reinforcement
diameters () in mm area in cm
spacing (S) in mm diameters () in mm
Along X Along Y Out-of-plane spacing
100 mm
S1 S2 % S3 S4 % short- long-term AWx AWy
9250 12,04 12,72 0,583 3,4 21,55 0,554 0,298 0,298 1,01
/S 12,04 12,72 0,599 7/100 21,55 0,586 10/75
C 0,36
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
other data used when performing a check (class of concrete and reinforcement, distance to the center of
gravity of reinforcement etc.) are taken from the description of structural groups the elements belong to.
Figure 19.14-1. The toolbar for the calculation of the load-bearing capacity of reinforced concrete
elements and the analysis of results
The toolbar (Fig. 19.14-1) includes the buttons for invoking the following operations:
— show active group (here pink color is used both in the image of the icon and in the model unlike
the group selection button where the red color is used);
— display diagrams of the specified reinforcement of bars;
— color display of diagrams of the specified reinforcement;
— display the color map of the specified reinforcement of plates;
— weight of the specified reinforcement;
This operation invokes the Reinforcement of Plates dialog box (Fig. 19.14-2) where you can specify
the reinforcement layout of plate elements. The diameter of reinforcement is selected from the drop-down
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
list, the spacing of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement is specified in the respective line. If there is
no reinforcement, check the checkbox in the respective line.
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
The Specify the reinforcement layout of plate elements operation provides two type of actions —
the specification of the layout and its editing. The action can be selected in the menu which is dropped
down by clicking the arrow on the right from the Specify the reinforcement layout of plate elements
This operation invokes the dialog box (Fig. 19.14-5), where you can specify the reinforcement of
segments of bar elements. The number of segments is selected in the respective drop-down list and can be
not equal to the number of sections DCF were generated for. In any case the check of reinforcement for
each element will be performed taking into account all DCF obtained for it.
The lengths of segments are specified as a percentage of the length of the element. The reinforcement
layout of each segment is defined by the diameter of reinforcement and the number of rebars of this
diameter for the lower, upper and side reinforcement.
The presence of a certain type of reinforcement in the element is specified by checking the respective
checkboxes and it is assumed to be the same for all segments. In those cases when a certain type of
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
reinforcement is absent, for example, the second row of the upper reinforcement in the central segment of
the element, the number of rebars of this type is taken as zero.
If the reinforcement of some elements has been specified earlier, or obtained by an automatic
transformation of the results of the selection, the table with the variants of reinforcement will contain all
the used layouts. In this case, the specification can be performed by selecting a reinforcement layout in the
table (the data in the selected line are transferred to the respective fields of the table in the upper part of the
dialog box). Working with these data is similar to, for example, working with the characteristics of rigidity,
i.e. if you close the dialog box by clicking the OK button without changing the contents of the table, the
selected elements in the model will be assigned the reinforcement layout used earlier. If the table has been
modified and the Replace and exit or Replace and continue buttons have been used, the changes will
affect only the given layouts and their corresponding elements. Finally, if you close the dialog box by
clicking the OK button after modifying a previously used reinforcement layout, the modified
reinforcement layout will be assigned to the selected elements.
Record in the column of the table, for example, S1 — 1: 2d20 2:3d22 3:2d14 means that for this bar
the lower reinforcement S1 is specified for segment 1 as 2 rebars with the diameter of 20 mm, for segment
2 — as 3 rebars with the diameter of 22 mm and for segment 3 — as 2 rebars with the diameter of 14 mm.
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
A color map of the display of the specified reinforcement of plates is output in a similar way as a map
with the results of the reinforcement selection.
The results of the check of the load-bearing capacity are given as the utilization factors of restrictions
and can be displayed on the model simultaneously for all structural groups.
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
There are two types of the display of the results of the check — as a 3-color and a full color scale. In
the first case the Display results of the check on the model (3-color scale) operation — is used for
the display. When it is performed, the elements included in structural groups are displayed in three colors:
green — the load-bearing capacity is provided;
red — the load-bearing capacity is insufficient;
yellow — the value of the factor of restrictions is close to the critical value (the factor is close to
The critical range is specified by setting the color scale in the Settings dialog box which is invoked
by clicking the respective button — .
For example, if you specify the value 0,03 in the dialog box (Fig. 19.14-6), all elements with the value
of the factor less than 0.97 will be displayed in green, if the factor is greater than 1,03 — in red, and if the
factor is in the range [0,97;1,03] — yellow will be used.
This operation enables to generate a table (Fig. 19.14-7) for the selected group of structural members
or structural members which includes the following information:
list of factors;
minimum and maximum value of each factor;
numbers of finite elements where these minimum and maximum values took place.
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
Generating a Report
A report can be generated on the basis of the results of the check. It is generated in the RTF format
and is automatically loaded into an application associated with this format (for example, MS Word or
WordPad). The dialog box (Fig. 19.14-8) appears before generating the report, where you have to select
structural members and/or groups of structural members, information on which has to be included in the
The dialog box provides the following options of the output control:
For all groups and structural members — the report will include all structural groups from the
Only for specified groups and structural members — the report will contain only the
information on the groups selected in the list;
For specified elements — in this case you have to specify the numbers of finite elements for
which the report will be generated in the text field.
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
Figure 19.14-9. The Selection of Reinforcement Figure 19.14-10. The Reinforcement of the Bar
dialog box for plate elements dialog box for bar elements
Reinforced concrete. Select — selection of reinforcement in the considered element by invoking the
programs of the reinforcement selection. Here, like in the case of the check, changes of different
parameters are allowed;
Reinforced concrete. Factors — a diagram of factors including all values of the utilization factor of
restrictions obtained in the result of the check is plotted for the considered element.
The respective filter in the Display Filters toolbar is used for the color display of the specified
reinforcement in the form of discrete reinforcement. Information in the color scale is presented in the
following way:
− longitudinal reinforcement of bars — Sk = nd or n1d1 + n2d2 — in the case of the reinforcement
arranged in two rows (only for the reinforcement S1 and S2),
where: Sk – type of reinforcement in the section (k = 1, 2, 3, 4),
n — number of rebars of the given type for the reinforcement arranged in one row,
n1 and n2 — number of rebars of the given type in the first (nearest to the concrete cover) and
the second rows of reinforcement respectively,
d — diameter of rebars for the reinforcement arranged in one row,
d1 and d2 — diameter of rebars for the reinforcement arranged in two rows;
− transverse reinforcement of bars — Swz/y = nd/s,
where: Swz/y – transverse reinforcement along the respective axis,
n – number of rebars,
d – diameter of rebars,
s – spacing of stirrups.
For example, the record S1 = 3d16, S2 = 3d32, S3 = 2d12, S4 = 2d12, Swz = 2d12/125, Swy =
2d12/200 for a rectangular section means that in the considered section:
lower reinforcement — 3 bars with the diameter of 16 mm,
upper reinforcement — 3 bars with the diameter of 32 mm,
side reinforcement — 2 bars with the diameter of 12 mm along each side,
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
transverse reinforcement (stirrups) along the Z1 axis — two bars with the diameter of 12 mm
with the spacing of stirrups of 125 mm,
transverse reinforcement (stirrups) along the Y1 axis — two bars with the diameter of 12 mm
with the spacing of stirrups of 200 mm.
− longitudinal reinforcement of plates — Sk = nd,
where: Sk – type of reinforcement in the section (k = 1, 2, 3, 4),
n – number of rebars of the given type,
d – diameter of rebars,
− transverse reinforcement of plates — Wx(y) = d/s,
where: Wx(y) – transverse reinforcement along the respective axis,
d – diameter of rebars,
s – spacing in the respective direction.
For example, the record S1 = d16/100, S2 = d32/150, S3 = d12/100, S4 = d12/200, Wx = d12/100,
Wy = d12/150 means that:
lower reinforcement along the X axis of the direction of the force output — bars with the
diameter of 16 mm with the spacing of 100 mm,
upper reinforcement along the X axis of the direction of the force output — bars with the
diameter of 32 mm with the spacing of 150 mm,
lower reinforcement along the Y axis of the direction of the force output — bars with the
diameter of 12 mm with the spacing of 100 mm,
upper reinforcement along the Y axis of the direction of the force output — bars with the
diameter of 12 mm with the spacing of 200 mm,
transverse reinforcement along the X axis of the direction of the force output — bars with the
diameter of 12 mm with the spacing of 100 mm,
transverse reinforcement along the Y axis of the direction of the force output — bars with the
diameter of 12 mm with the spacing of 150 mm.
Switching the color scale for the display of the specified reinforcement of bars or plates is performed
with the help of the respective buttons.
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
a) b)
c) d)
e) f)
Figure 19.16-1. Slabs a, b, c, d, e, f, g
with cracks:
t — crack on the lower surface;
t' — crack on the upper surface;
с —compressed area;
E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7 — elements of the slab
with cracks of the respective type
The considered elements are assumed to be such that we can neglect the effect of shear forces on their
deformability and strength both before and after the appearance of cracks. Due to this hypothesis the
considered slabs belong to the category of thin slabs. If it has been somehow established that it is possible
to neglect the action of shear forces, the obtained conclusions can be applied to plates of medium thickness
as well.
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
The character of deformation of reinforced concrete spatial structures in areas with cracks depends on
the arrangement of cracks, i.e. orientation of cracks with respect to the directions of reinforcement, mutual
intersection of cracks, formation of cracks on one or both surfaces of the element, whether the cracks are
through or non-through. Through cracks occur in a membrane stress state (in elements in the plane stress-
strain state such as deep beams) or under the additional action of small moments. It is assumed that cracks
are normal to the middle surface of elements.
The variety of cracks in elements can be reduced to seven arrangements (Fig. 19.16-1):
1. Nonintersecting cracks are located on one of the surfaces: lower (Fig. 19.16-1, a) or upper (Fig.
19.16-1, b); the elements have a tension area with cracks and a compressed area without cracks
(elements E1 and E2).
2. The element is laced with nonintersecting through cracks (Fig. 19.16-1, c).
3. There are cracks in different directions both on the lower and on the upper surfaces of the element
(Fig. 19.16-1, d). They often meet in the corner areas of slabs with large torques. The upper and
lower areas have concrete strips between the cracks taking the compression forces (they are a kind
of “compressed areas” laced with cracks).
4. One of the surfaces of the element — lower or upper (Fig. 19.16-1, e) has intersecting cracks in
two directions.
5. The element is laced with intersecting through cracks (Fig. 19.16-1, f).
6. One of the surfaces has nonintersecting cracks, and the other one has intersecting cracks
(Fig. 19.16-1, g).
All arrangements can be divided in two large groups: group N — nonintersecting cracks (see Fig.
19.16-1) (arrangements a, b, c), and group I — intersecting cracks (arrangements d, e, f, g).
Conditions of crack formation for elements subjected to the combined action of moments and normal
forces can be formulated as a generalization of the theory of core moments of the crack formation of bar
systems. The suggestion comes down to applying the theory of core moments of Gvozdev A.A. and Dmitriev
S.A. [1] to more complex concrete structures of slabs and shells.
Two surfaces in the element at the distance of ±rя from the middle surface are called the upper and
lower surfaces of core points respectively. The value rя = h/6 is determined as for a strip of slab by the
formula of the strength of materials.
Let’s introduce two new tensors of core moments: оne with component Мсх, Мсу and Мсху, where
Мсх = Мх + Nх rс; Мсу = My + Ny rс; Мсхy = Мхy + Nxy rс , (19.16.1)
and the other with components
М'сх = - Мх + Nх rс; М'су = - My + Ny rс; М'схy = - Мхy + Nxy rс . (19.16.2)
From the very definition of core sizes which are calculated based on the condition of zero stresses on
the edge of a cross-section [3], it follows that the appearance of the positive core moment means that there
is tension on the respective edge. If we assume that tension has to be taken by reinforcement, the decision
on whether the reinforcement is necessary is made based on the analysis of the following inequalities:
for the lower area of the element:
Мс.max 0; Мc.min 0, (19.16.3)
for the upper area of the element:
М'c.max 0; М'c.min 0. (19.16.4)
If the first condition is violated (19.16.3), a crack is formed according to the arrangement a (Fig.
19.16-1) on the area subjected to the main core moment Мc.max. The angle between this area (crack) and
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
the Х axis at the moment of violation of the first inequality (19.16.3) can be determined using the
following expression
tg = (Мc.max – Мcу)/ Мcхy. (19.16.5)
When the first inequality is violated (19.16.4), the cracks are formed according to the arrangement b
(Fig. 19.16-1). The angle between the upper crack and the Х axis can be determined using the following
tg = (М'c.max - М'cу)/ М'cхy. (19.16.6)
Simultaneous violation of the first condition (19.16.3) or the first condition (19.16.4) and of the
additional inequality Ncl 0,75Rph indicates that cracks are formed according to the arrangement c (Fig.
19.16-1). Additional inequality is established on the basis of the assumption that the through cracks are
formed at the moment when the cross section has an unambiguous trapezoidal diagram of tensile normal
stresses equal on one of the extreme and middle surface to Rр, and on the other extreme surface — to zero.
Simultaneous violation of the first inequality (19.16.3) and of the first inequality (19.16.4) indicates
that cracks are formed according to the arrangement d (Fig. 19.16-1).
Violation of two inequalities (19.16.3) indicates that cracks are formed in the lower area according to
the arrangement e (Fig. 19.16-1), and violation of two inequalities (19.16.4) indicates that cracks are
formed in the upper area according to the arrangement e.
It is assumed that simultaneous violation of conditions (19.16.3) and of inequalities Ncl 0,75Rph and
Nc2 0,75Rph or (19.16.4) and inequalities N'cl 0,75Rph and N'c2 0,75Rph leads to the formation of
cracks according to the arrangement f (Fig. 19.16-1).
Here Ncl, Nc2, N'cl, N'c2 are the values of normal stresses on the respective areas subjected to the core
Simultaneous violation of the condition (19.16.3) and of only one of the inequalities Ncl 0,75Rph
and Nc2 0,75Rph or of the conditions (19.16.4) and of only one of the inequalities N'cl 0,75Rph and N'c2
0,75Rph indicates that cracks are formed according to the arrangement g (Fig. 19.16-1).
Strength Check
It is known that the angle of principal planes may not coincide with the direction of crack propagation [3].
Therefore, when checking the reinforcement SCAD also performs the search of areas where the conditions
of strength may be violated the most. Suppose, for example, this area is located at an angle to the X axis
of reinforcement and it is assumed that the reinforcement is parallel to the X and Y axes of the Cartesian
coordinate system. We will consider only the case when there is a non-through crack in the concrete and
only the lower reinforcement is required (Fig. 19.16-2).
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
If we extract an elementary triangular prism (Fig. 19.16-3) and assume that the reinforcement
transferring the forces in a crack takes only the longitudinal forces (neglect the dowel action), then when
writing the equilibrium conditions with respect to axes 1 and 2 passing through the center of the
compressed area of concrete parallel to axes X and Y, we will obtain:
RaFa,xZsin = (Mx + NxZb) sin + (Myx + NyxZb)cos;
RaFa,yZcos = (My + NyZb) cos + (Mxy + NxyZb)sin,
where Z is an arm of the tensile reinforcement with respect to the center of gravity of the compressed area
of concrete, Fa,x and Fa,y are reinforcement areas per running meter in the Х and Y direction respectively.
Since the prism has a unit length of the oblique plane and all internal forces are given by their values per
unit length, the equations of equilibrium will include the lengths of planes 1sin and 1cos the total
force is taken from.
Figure 19.16-3. To the determination of stresses in Figure 19.16-4. To the determination of stresses in
reinforcement and concrete in the area of an reinforcement and concrete in the area of an oblique
oblique crack: crack:
arrangement of forces in the area of the crack arrangement of moments and longitudinal forces applied
to the sides of the elementary triangular prism
It is not difficult to adjust these equations for the case of compressed reinforcement. Then for example
for the X axis we will obtain the following formula
Mx1 + 'A'sx1Z' - Mbx1 0, (19.16.8)
where Mx1 is the projection of moments of all forces on the plane perpendicular to the X axis;
Mx1= (Mx + NxZb) + (Myx + NyxZb)tg , (19.16.9)
'A'sx1Z' is the moment of forces in reinforcement located in the compressed area of concrete and
working in compression together with concrete with respect to the axis of the tensile reinforcement; Mbx1 is
the moment of forces in the compressed area of concrete with respect to the axis of the tensile
reinforcement. Naturally, if there is compressed reinforcement, the value of the compressed area of
concrete is clarified (this is done in an iterative cycle) and the value of Z is adjusted accordingly.
The condition of strength for the Y axis is determined in a similar way (by a simple replacement of
values with the subscript х with the corresponding values with the subscript у).
For other cases of crack formation and reinforcement arrangements all considerations are performed
similarly to those given above. They are described in detail in [3] and are used in SCAD when checking
the elements of reinforced concrete structures and selecting reinforcement.
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
The aforementioned selection of the location of areas where the conditions of strength can be violated
the most is implemented by the direct enumeration of angles with a step of 7.5. The performed
comparative calculations have shown that the use of a smaller step of scanning does not lead to noticeable
changes in the results, but significantly slows down the computation.
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
General Algorithm
In the general case it is necessary to determine the values for six types of reinforcement (Fig. 19.16-6).
A set of unfavorable combinations of loadings is predetermined. This set includes internal forces
creating extreme values of normal stresses on the inner and outer surfaces, and also extreme values of
shear stresses in the direction of the plate thickness. The values relating to the midpoints of finite elements
are used.
Figure 19.16-6. Reinforcement layout in sections of a finite element of a slab and shell
The strength of the plate is checked by the enumeration of variants of combinations for each finite
element (core moments, angles , the possible arrangement of cracks etc. are determined) and if the
conditions of strength are not satisfied, the value of the intensity of reinforcement is increased. This is done
until the conditions of strength are satisfied or it turns out that it is impossible to provide the conditions of
strength without exceeding the specified maximum percentage of reinforcement, and the respective
message is generated in this case.
Then the crack opening width is checked for the selected reinforcement (if necessary). If the crack
opening width exceeds the allowable value, the area of reinforcement is increased until the crack opening
width becomes satisfactory. When selecting the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement from the action
of each subsequent combination the reinforcement selected from the action of previous combinations is
taken into account.
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
the state of concrete recommended by SNiP is used in the strength analysis for a nonlinear deformation
model, and a trilinear diagram of the state of concrete recommended by SNiP is used in the analysis on
crack formation.
Besides the recommendations of SNiP and SP materials given in Guide to SP 52-101-2003 (Sec. 3.29-
3.35, 3.50, 3.52, 3.71, 4.28) are used in the analysis of transverse reinforcement.
The following main checks of sections are performed in the process of the reinforcement selection:
SP 52-101-2003 SP 63.13330.2012
Deformation of concrete in the normal section Sec. 6.2.25 Sec. 8.1.24
Deformation of reinforcement in the normal section Sec. 6.2.25 Sec. 8.1.24
Deformation of concrete in tension in the normal section Sec. 6.2.30 Sec. 8.1.29
Strength in an oblique concrete strip under Qz Sec. 6.2.33 Sec. 8.1.32, 8.1.34
Strength in an oblique concrete strip under Qy Sec. 6.2.33 Sec. 8.1.32, 8.1.34
Strength of the oblique section under Qz Sec. 6.2.34 Sec. 8.1.33, 8.1.34
Strength of the oblique section under Qy Sec. 6.2.34 Sec. 8.1.33, 8.1.34
Strength of the oblique section under the moment Мz Sec. 6.2.35 Sec. 8.1.35
Strength of the oblique section under the moment Му Sec. 6.2.35 Sec. 8.1.35
Torsion strength of concrete Sec. 6.2.37 Sec. 8.1.37
Torsion strength of the reinforcement Sec. 6.2.38 Sec. 8.1.38
Short-term crack opening width Sec. 7.2.3 Sec. 8.2.6
Long-term crack opening width Sec. 7.2.3 Sec. 8.2.6
It should be noted that if SP 63.13330.2012 is selected, the torsional analysis performed by the
program is based on the classical formulas by Mersch and Rausch [10]. This is due to the fact that when
the deformation model recommended by SP is used in the analysis of compressed elements subjected to
torsion, Sec. 8.1.40 has a reference to Sec. 8.1.9, which, firstly, deals with a force model (although the
analysis for a deformation model enables to define such a concept as the ultimate bending moment) and,
secondly, deals with the analysis of flexural elements with only a rectangular cross-section. There are
similar inconsistencies in SP 52-101-2003 as well.
When the calculations are performed according to SP 52-101-2003 or SP 63.13330.2012 the software
calculates the following factors:
Strength for the ultimate longitudinal force;
Ultimate moment strength.
The first one is the ratio N for the elements in tension and N for the elements in
Rs As ,tot Rs As ,tot R b A
compression. Although there is no requirement for checking this factor in the codes (except for Sec. 6.2.19
of SP 52-101-2003 and Sec. 8.1.18 of SP 63.13330.2012), we can not perform other calculations without
first checking that this value in less than one, for example, calculate the coefficient n in Sec. 8.1.34 of SP
63.13330.2012. The Ultimate moment strength factor was introduced for similar reasons. N, My, Mz have to
be multiplied by this number to obtain the maximum allowable values of the deformations of concrete or
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
where N is a longitudinal tensile force from external loads;
Rs is the design tensile strength of the reinforcement;
Аs,tot is a cross-sectional area of all longitudinal reinforcement.
When using a nonlinear deformation model, the following restriction must be satisfied (see
Sec. 8.1.24 of SP 63.13330.2012)
where εs,max is a relative deformation of a rebar under the greatest tension in the normal section of the
element from the action of the external load;
εs,ult is the limit value of the relative reinforcement elongation.
So, knowing the value of N (or the stress in the reinforcement s=N/As,tot), it is necessary to determine
the relative deformation of the reinforcement ε on the basis of the state diagram and compare it with the
maximum allowable one (εs,ult). SP 63.13330.2012 recommends to use the following type of diagram
If N/As,tot < Rs, then no problems arise, but even when N/As,tot = Rs, the diagram recommended by SP
does not allow to determine ε unambiguously (ε can take any value greater than εs0) and obtain a factor
allowing to make a conclusion about how much it is necessary to increase the load-bearing capacity of the
section (or to reduce the value of the longitudinal force) in order to meet the requirements of the codes.
Therefore, a modified diagram is used in the calculations in SCAD and Arbat, in which the upper section
is not horizontal but slightly inclined:
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
Suppose that the longitudinal force exceeds the maximum allowable value given in Sec. 8.1.18 by
10%, i.e. kforce = 1,1.
If we use a nonlinear deformation model, we will get the following picture,
i.e., the relative deformation has increased significantly (much more than 10%) and we get the factor
kdef >> 1,1.
A similar situation can arise when comparing other factors.
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
aw 0,7854
sx 0,175m 175mm.
IW x 4,5
Let’s reduce the spacing of transverse reinforcement to the “standard” one, — multiple of 50 mm (for
example, 50, 100, 150, …). In order to provide the necessary intensity, let’s take the spacing of transverse
reinforcement as (rounded down) sy = 100 mm, sx = 150 mm.
Example №2:
The calculated intensity of transverse reinforcement per meter in a shell finite element:
IWx = 4,5 cm2/m;
IWy = 6,5 cm2/m.
Determine the diameter of transverse reinforcement to provide this intensity when:
sx = sy = 150 mm = 0,15 m.
Cross-sectional area of transverse rebars (located along the Y1 axis with the spacing sy) providing the
intensity IWy:
aw IWy sy 6 ,5 0,15 0 ,975 cm2.
The closest assortment reinforcement — 12 mm, (aw = 113,1 mm2 = 1,131 cm2).
Cross-sectional area of transverse rebars (located along the X1 axis with the spacing sx) providing the
intensity IWx:
aw IWx sx 4,5 0,15 0,675 cm2.
The closest assortment reinforcement — 10 mm (aw = 78,54 mm2 = 0,7854 cm2).
Since a bar of transverse reinforcement works simultaneously in both directions, in order to provide
the necessary intensity of reinforcement at the given spacing sx = sy = 0,15 m, let’s take the diameter of
12 mm.
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
A – middle column;
B – edge column;
C – corner column;
The analysis is performed both for the concrete slab cross-section, and for the cross-section of a slab
with transverse reinforcement. The software considers only the uniform arrangement of the transverse
reinforcement around the load application area.
The strength check of the concrete section is always performed, and when necessary, the minimum
required intensity of transverse reinforcement is determined (diameter and spacing in two directions).
In addition to the actual check of the strength of elements for the action of the local load at punching
the check of the number of structural requirements of the codes is also performed during the calculation (in
some cases they are obligatory).
The load application area at punching is considered only as a rectangle in the codes. In order to
calculate other shapes of the column cross-section a minimum circumscribed rectangle with the sides
parallel to the principal axes of inertia of the column section is constructed around them.
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
The operations of the preparation of the initial data, calculation and the analysis of the results at the
punching analysis can be performed with the help of the toolbar which is invoked from the Reinforced
Concrete toolbar (Fig. 19.20-1).
— punching analysis;
— report on punching;
This operation is used to create a list of punching nodes and to edit it by replacing the list, adding and
removing the nodes from the list. After invoking this operation the Create Punching Nodes dialog box
appears (Fig. 19.20-2), where you can select a method for specifying nodes, and the operations with the list
(in the case of an existing list).
There are two modes for specifying the punching nodes — automatic and “manual”. The automatic
generation of the list implies that any node which belongs simultaneously to the horizontal plate elements
and to the vertical bar located below or above the plate is specified as a punching node. Moreover, this
node must not belong to other horizontal or inclined bars.
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
The following procedure is used for the “manual” specification of the list of nodes or its adjustment:
− invoke the Specify punching nodes operation, the Create Punching Nodes dialog box will
appear where you have to select the Use the selected nodes radio button in the Input method
− select the Replace the list radio button in the Operations with nodes list group. In this case if the
list is not yet generated, a new list will be created from the selected nodes; otherwise the selected
nodes will replace those specified in the list. If the Add to the list radio button is selected, the
selected nodes will be added to the existing list;
− close the dialog box by clicking the OK button and select the nodes in the design model for which
you want to perform the punching analysis;
− click the Confirmation button in the toolbar and the list will be generated.
The Clear data button enables to delete the generated list.
This operation is used to select the nodes included in the list of punching nodes (if you want to
perform certain actions with these nodes).
This operation enables to highlight the punching nodes in the design model. This method of selection
does not imply that operations will be performed with thus selected objects.
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
The punching analysis can be performed only if all the horizontal plate elements adjacent to a certain
node or lying in the vicinity of this node inside or on the boundary of the punching contour belong to one
main group of the reinforcement of plates.
If there is no information on the specified transverse reinforcement for the plate finite elements
included in the area of the analysis of the punching node, the calculation is performed without taking the
reinforcement into account.
This operation enables to display the punching contours on the design model obtained in the result of
the calculation (upper ones — for the slab under the column and lower ones — for the slab above the co-
lumn), and the load areas. The contours are displayed in magenta, and the areas — in blue (Fig. 19.20-3).
When the calculations are performed according to SP and a corner or an edge column is considered, a
contour (closed or open) corresponding to a greater utilization factor of restrictions will be displayed.
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
Display Results
The results of the check for punching are given as the utilization factors of restrictions.
There are two types of the display of the results of the check — as a 3-color and a full color scale. In
the first case the Display the results on the model (3-color scale) — is used for the display. When it
is performed, the punching nodes are displayed in three colors:
green — the load-bearing capacity is provided;
red — the load-bearing capacity is insufficient;
yellow — the value of the factor of restrictions is close to the critical value (the factor is close to
The critical range is specified by setting the color scale in the Settings dialog box which is invoked
by clicking the respective button — .
For example, if you specify the value 0,03 in the dialog box (Fig. 19.20-4), all elements with the value
of the factor less than 0.97 will be displayed in green, if the factor is greater than 1,03 — in red, and if the
factor is in the range [0,97;1,03] — yellow will be used.
Table of Results
This operation enables to obtain the results of the punching analysis in the tabular form (Fig. 19.20-5).
The lengths of contours of the lower and upper base of the punching pyramid, factor for strength without
taking the reinforcement into account K1 and/or factor for strength taking the reinforcement into account K2
are output for each punching node. Factor K2 is calculated only when all horizontal plates adjacent to the
punching node have the same specified transverse reinforcement; moreover, the diameter and spacing (in
the X, Y direction) of the optimal (in terms of the consumption of transverse reinforcement) transverse
reinforcement of plates are output in the Selected reinforcement columns.
19 .Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
Generating a Report
A report can be generated on the basis of the results of the check. It is generated in the RTF format
and is automatically loaded into an application associated with this format (for example, MS Word or
WordPad). The dialog box (Fig. 19.20-6) appears before generating the report, where you have to select
punching nodes, information on which has to be included in the report.
The dialog box provides the following options of the output control:
For all nodes — the report will include all punching nodes;
For selected nodes — in this case you have to specify the numbers of nodes for which the report
will be generated in the text field.
References to Chapter 19
1. A.A. Gvozdev, S.A. Dmitriev, To the calculation of prestressed, ordinary reinforced concrete and concrete
sections on the formation of cracks // Concrete and reinforced concrete, 1957, No. 5.
2. A.S. Zalesov, T.A. Mukhamediev, E.A. Chistyakov, Analysis on crack resistance of reinforced concrete
structures according to the new standards and regulations // Concrete and reinforced concrete, 2002, No. 5.
3. N.I. Karpenko, The theory of deformation of reinforced concrete with cracks. — M.: Stroyizdat, 1976.
4. V.I. Murashev, Crack resistance, rigidity and strength of reinforced concrete. — M.: Mashstroyizdat, 1950.
19.Reinforcement of Sections of Reinforced Concrete Elements
5. Guide on designing of concrete and reinforced concrete structures made of heavy-weight and lightweight
concrete (no prestressing) (to SNiP 2.03.01–84*) / Central Res. Inst. of Industrial Buildings and Res. Inst. for
Reinforced Concrete of USSR State Comm. for Constr. and Archit.— M.: Stroyizdat, 1986.
6. SNiP 2.03.01-84*. Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. — M.: Stroyizdat, 1985.
7. SNiP II-7-81*. Construction in seismic regions. — M.: Stroyizdat, 1982.
8. A.P. Filin, Applied solid mechanics Volume II. — M.: Nauka, 1978.
9. V.S. Karpilovsky, E.Z. Kriksunov, A.A. Malyarenko, M.A. Mikitarenko, A.V. Perelmuter, M.A. Perelmuter,
V.G. Fedorovsky, V.V. Yurchenko, “SCAD Office. Implementation of SNiP in Computer-Aided Design
Applications” — M.: SCAD SOFT, 2014 — 480p.
10. V.I. Murashev, E.B. Sigalov, V.N. Baikov, Ferroconcrete constructions. Moscow, “Gosstroyizdat”, 1962. 660 p.
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
The design combinations of forces (DCF) must be specified, otherwise this mode will not be
available. You should also make sure that the codes specified at the generation of DCF correspond to the
codes used in the analysis of elements of steel structures.
Figure 20-1. The Input data toolbar for the calculation of the load-bearing capacity of steel sections
The Input data toolbar (Fig. 20-1) includes the buttons for invoking the following operations:
Structural members and groups of structural members (hereinafter — structural groups) can be
created beforehand in the preprocessor or in the postprocessor in the Groups toolbar (the Elements of
steel structures operation — ). If when switching to the check of sections the data of the structural
groups created earlier do not have to be corrected, you can skip the data input mode, and proceed to the
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
analysis of sections at once. Otherwise, the structural groups are created and/or corrected in the Input data
section of the Steel toolbar.
The initial setting of the parameters is performed in the Settings dialog box (Fig. 20.1-1). The data
specified in the dialog box are automatically assigned to all newly created structural members and groups
of structural members. In those cases when a structural member or a group has values of parameters
different from those specified in the dialog box, these parameters are specified in the Structural Member
or Group of Structural Members dialog boxes.
The following values are taken by default: service factor — 1.0, limit slenderness of members in
compression— 180, limit slenderness of members in tension — 300. The specified service factor must be
in the range 0.7…1.2.
Steel is selected from the respective list. If for some reason it is necessary to specify a nonstandard value of
the design strength, select the Other (steel) line in the list of steels and specify the value of Ry in the text
field. In this case the design strength will not depend on the type and thickness of the rolled profile.
Service Factors
Clicking the button invokes the dialog box (see Fig. 20.1-2), where you can select a standard (specified
by the codes) value of the service factor and transfer this value into the text field by clicking the Apply
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
Limit Slenderness
Clicking the button invokes the dialog box (see Fig. 20.1-3), where you can select a standard
(specified by the codes) value of the limit slenderness and transfer this value into the text field by clicking
the Apply button.
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
The following characteristics of the member are specified in the Structural Member dialog box:
name of the member (must be specified), type of the structural member, effective length factors, length
between restraints out of the bending plane, importance factor, and steel, service factors and limit
slenderness (the last three parameters correspond to those specified in the Settings dialog box by default).
If these parameters have been changed, the structural member will have the characteristics different from
those specified for the whole model.
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
restraints out of the bending plane of the element in a real structure and the type of this restraint (rigid or
elastic support, constraining angular or linear displacements).
You can also specify the effective lengths (in two bending planes) instead of the effective length
factors. Select the respective radio button to do it.
Maximum allowable displacements and deflections are taken into account only
in the check mode and are not used when selecting the sections.
Importance Factors
Three importance factors are used in the analysis:
− for the ultimate limit state n;
− for the serviceability limit state;
− for the critical state (is used in the analysis for the progressive collapse).
The rules for specifying the importance factors depend on the selected code regulating the safety. If
GOST R 54257-2010 or GOST 27751-2014 is selected as a safety code, the value of the importance factor
is taken as one for the serviceability limit state and for the critical state.
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
If DBN B.1.2-14-2009 is selected, the factors for the serviceability limit state and for the critical state
are specified by the user for each structural member or group of structural members. If the analysis for
limit deflections and displacements is not required, then the factor for the serviceability limit state is not
Truss member
The selected type affects the set of data which have to be specified for the member. For example, the
information on limit slenderness is not required for truss members (these data are specified in SNiP); the
information on the effective lengths is not required for beams etc. The type defines not only a set of checks
according to SNiP, but also the forces which will be taken into account when performing the check of
sections. For example, a longitudinal force will be ignored for beams, even if it appeared during the
The length between restraints out of the bending plane has to be specified for general type elements and
beams (this value will be used in the analysis of stability of in-plane bending). If this value is set to zero,
the geometric length of the element will be used. If EN 1993 is selected for designing steel structures, this
control is not available.
Two possible strength checks of the general type elements taking a longitudinal force and a bending
moment are recommended by the design codes for steel structures:
allowing for the possible elastic-plastic behavior;
when the inelasticity is forbidden.
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
The possibility of the elastic-plastic behavior is limited by a number of conditions, for example, such
as the absence of direct action of dynamic loads. The Inelasticity is forbidden checkbox is provided for
the case when there is direct action of the dynamic loads, and also for those cases when the user for some
reason does not want to go beyond the elastic behavior. If EN 1993 is selected for designing steel
structures, this control is not available, and the respective option can be selected in the settings in the
EN 1993 Settings tab (see Sec. 31.6).
Since different groups of elements can have different degree of responsibility, the importance factors
are specified when creating a structural member and can be different for different structural members.
After specifying all the data on the structural member including its name, click the Add button.
Corrosion analysis
Check calculations can be performed taking the corrosion into account. In order to do it you have to check
the respective checkbox and specify the thickness of the corrosion layer. When performing the calculations
it is assumed that the thickness of the corrosion layer is the same over the whole perimeter of the section.
The corrosion is obviously not taken into account when selecting the sections. If EN 1993 is selected for
designing steel structures, this control is not available.
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
In those cases when a structural member has only one bar, you can combine these bars into groups
and perform a check, and when necessary a unification of groups. Operations of specifying groups of
structural members and their characteristics are similar to those described above for structural members.
The characteristics of groups are specified in the Groups of Structural Members for Checking Sections
dialog box (Fig. 20.3-1) similar to the dialog box for creating a structural member.
You should keep in mind that the section replacement is performed for all structural members of the group.
Thus, after performing this operation all structural members of the group will have the same section.
When the errors made when creating a group of structural members are detected, a dialog with a list of errors
(Fig. 20.3-2) appears after clicking the Add button. The rules for working with this dialog box are the same as the
rules for working with a dialog box with errors for structural members.
Figure 20.3-1. The Groups of Structural Figure 20.3-2. The Result of the Performed
Members for Checking Sections dialog box Operation dialog box
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
Kmax after performing the check when displaying the utilization factor of restrictions for the whole model
and not for an individual structural member?
At the same time, in some cases it is convenient to be able to create several structural members (or
groups) which have the same set of finite elements, but different parameters (for example, steel grade or
service factors). This enables to perform the comparison of results using a multi-tab mode, and make a
reasoned decision.
You can create additional structural groups (Fig. 20.5-1). This enables to work with a set of structural
groups with matching finite elements. There are the following limitations when using the main and
additional groups:
a finite element can not belong simultaneously to two main groups;
additional groups are not used when determining Kmax for the whole model;
additional groups are not used when assigning the rigidities according to the results of the
if a finite element simultaneously belongs to the main and additional group/groups, after clicking
the buttons Steel. Factors, Resistance of sections, ... in the information on the element, a menu
appears with the list of groups and you have to select a group the results of which you want to be
additional groups are not used in the analysis for the progressive collapse.
Additional groups are distinguished by the green background of icons in the lists of structural groups
in toolbars and dialog boxes. Unique names should be given when creating the main and additional groups.
Indication of additional
structural group
Figure. 20.5-1. The Groups of Structural Members for Checking Sections dialog box (additional group)
Unification groups for selecting sections can be created in the process of specifying structural
members and their groups, or after creating them. Generation of the unification groups is performed in the
Unification Groups for the Selection of Sections dialog box (Fig. 20.6-1). You can create a new
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
unification group in this dialog box, and also include structural members and groups of structural members
into a group created earlier.
The same cross-section will be selected for all elements included in a unification group in the process
of the selection of sections.
It is necessary to perform the following actions to create a new unification group:
specify the name of the group in the respective field;
click the New group button and the name of the new group will appear in Unification groups list;
select the names of structural members or groups included in a created unification group in the
Structural members and groups of structural members list, and click the button ;
repeat the above actions to create a new group;
after finishing the work, close the dialog box by clicking the OK button.
If all objects of the left list are included in one unification group, click the button . In order to
exclude elements from the unification group select their names in the right list and click the button or
exclude all objects from the group using the button .
In order to correct a unification group created earlier, it is necessary to select its name in the list of
groups of the Unification groups dialog box, and then add new structural groups to it or/and delete the
existing ones using the buttons and .
The following rules should be observed when creating unification groups:
only the objects (structural members and/or their groups), all bars of which have the same type of
rigidity can be included in a unification group;
an object can be included only into one unification group.
Figure 20.6-1. The Unification Groups for the Selection of Sections dialog box
If a group of structural members or a structural member is selected in the list of structural groups in
the Input data toolbar, clicking this button will select all finite elements of the group. Red color is
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
assumed for the selected nodes and elements by default. You can change it in the Color Palette Settings
section of the Settings menu (the Model tab, the Select nodes and elements item).
In those cases when you do not need to perform any operations with the selected structural group, and
you only want to highlight it in the model, an operation of visualization of a structural group is used. A
group selected in the list of structural groups in the Input data toolbar will be “highlighted” in purple in
the model.
The operation is used to control the attributes of structural groups and enables to perform the
following actions:
rename a group;
sort groups by a specified criterion;
delete a group;
change the place of the selected group in the list of groups.
Figure 20.9-1. The Control the Structural Groups of Steel Elements dialog box
This operation invokes the Control the Structural Groups of Steel Elements dialog box (Fig. 20.9-
1), with a list of structural groups. Columns of the table of structural groups include:
current number of the structural group;
No. — number of the group in the order of creation;
Type — icon of the type of the structural group ( — structural member, — group of
structural members). If a group is additional, the respective icon has a green background;
Name — name of the structural group;
Number of elements in the group.
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
In order to rename a group place the cursor over the name of the respective group and double left
click. The line will become available for editing.
The characteristic of the group with respect to which the sorting is performed is selected from the
Sort by list. The following types of sorting are provided:
by the number (in the order of creation of groups — when the Min/Max button is pressed; and vice
verse — when the Max/Min button is pressed);
by the type of group (when the Min/Max button is pressed structural members will be first in the list
and they will be followed by the structural members, and vice verse — when the Max/Min button is
by the name of the group (in alphabetical order — when the Min/Max button is pressed, and vice
verse — when the Max/Min button is pressed);
by the number of elements in the group (in the ascending order of the number of elements in the list of
structural groups — when the Min/Max button is pressed, and vice verse — when the Max/Min
button is pressed).
To change the position of one or several structural groups in the list it is necessary to select these
groups and move them in the list by clicking the Up and Down buttons.
In order to delete structural groups select them in the table, place the cursor over the current number
of the group and left click. Then click the Delete button. If the groups you want to delete go in the
successive order in the list, place the cursor over the first group in the list to select them, click and hold the
left mouse button, and drag the pointer across the numbers of the groups you want to delete.
If when specifying the data the user has created several groups with the same names, clicking the
Make the names unique button enables to rename them automatically (by adding the suffix № XXX to
the name) and obtain unique names.
In order to combine groups of structural members it is necessary to select these groups in the list
while pressing the Ctrl key in the keyboard and then click the Combine button. The operation will be
available only if all parameters of the combined groups of structural members are matching. The dialog
box will appear after invoking the operation, where you can specify the name of the combined group.
Buttons in the upper part of the dialog box enable to filter groups which should be displayed (for
example, to display only the additional steel structural members).
All specifications made in the dialog box will be saved and performed after closing the dialog box by
clicking the OK button. The position of the structural groups in the list of the toolbar will correspond to
their position in the list of the dialog box.
Similarly, the operation allows you to change the names, delete and change the order of
unification groups.
This operation enables to change steels (for example, when changing the design codes) in several
structural members or groups of structural members. It is performed in the Specify Steel dialog box
(Fig. 20.10-1), which appears after invoking it.
It is necessary to perform the following actions to change the steel:
select the necessary steel from the list or use the operation of selection — to specify steel in
accordance with the used design codes;
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
indicate the groups in which the selected steel will be used with the help of the checkboxes in the
list of structural groups;
click the Apply button, and the name of the selected steel will appear in the Steel column of the
selected groups;
repeat the above operations to assign steels for other structural groups.
Moreover, the type of the group is specified in the Type column and you can replace Steel structural
member by Group of steel structural members and vice verse.
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
Figure 20.11-1. The Information on the Groups of Steel Structural Members dialog box
This operation enables to obtain the dialog box (Fig. 20.11-1) with the information in all groups of
structural members. The Report button invokes the generation of the report.
Buttons in the upper part of the dialog box enable to filter groups which should be displayed (for
example, to display only the additional steel structural members).
Checkboxes in the Print line enable to select only the groups information on which must be given in
the report document.
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
structural members or groups are different from those specified in the stiffness properties). In this case a
color scale is output similar to the scale of the color display of rigidities (Fig. 20.12-1).
This operation enables to change the design codes for steel structures and safety codes. You should
select the necessary codes from the drop-down lists in the dialog box (Fig. 20.14-1) and click the OK
button. When changing the codes you should remember that the codes according to which the design
combinations of forces were selected and the design codes should correspond to each other.
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
Figure 20.15-1. The toolbar for calculating the load-bearing capacity of steel sections and the analysis of
The toolbar for the check and analysis of results (Fig. 20.15-1) includes buttons for invoking the
following operations:
— calculation (check of the sections);
— generate report;
— display results of the check on the model (3-color scale);
— display results of the check on the model (full color scale);
— display information on sections;
— selective visualization of results;
— composition of the group of structural members;
— selection of sections;
— cancel the selected group;
— display the design model;
— show active group;
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
The check of the load-bearing capacity of structural members and/or groups of structural members is
performed by clicking the Calculation button — . This button has an arrow which besides the full
selection or check for all structural groups enables to perform the calculation only for those groups that
have been modified, to perform the calculation for user' selected groups only (in this case dialog box will
appear and user must select groups for calculation; when a group included in the unification group is
selected during the section selection, all groups included in the corresponding unification group will be
automatically selected), to invoke the operations of the data control (without performing the calculation)
and view messages that were output during the previous calculation or control. Regardless of whether
changes have been made in all structural groups or only in some of them, the control of the initial data is
performed for all groups and diagnostic messages will be generated for all groups, and not just for those
which were recalculated.
The check is performed for all sections of finite elements included in a structural member or a group
of structural members. The maximum value of each factor defining the load-bearing capacity of the
element is obtained in the result of the check.
The software implements the whole set of checks for strength and stability in compliance with the
recommendations of different codes. Since the limitations have the same meaning but refer to different
sections of codes of different years, as an example, they will be given as references to sections of SNiP II-
bars in tension are not checked for strength by the formula (6) as members which can be used even
after the yield point is reached;
the permission to perform the check of members allowing for the plasticity by the formula (49)
provided that the local stability is ensured given in the last paragraph of Sec. 5.25 is not used ;
when calculating the b coefficient, it is assumed that the load is uniformly distributed and applied
to the compression chord which is not restrained in its span against buckling.
The approach to the determination of the coefficient b is based on the following considerations:
SNiP does not provide all possible combinations of restraints of the compression chord and the
distribution of load over the span, therefore any solution will not be complete;
there are almost no real structures which have only one loading (loadings can include distributed
loads as well). It should be taken into account that the performed calculation is conditional since
the design combinations of forces are used and the envelope of the moment diagram can not be
clearly identified as that resulting from a certain load applied to a certain chord.
The approach implements the concept of SNiP, where it is, for example, allowed to find the
unsupported lengths for one (“the most compressed”) loading and to use these lengths in checks for other
loadings determining in particular the buckling coefficients based on these lengths (see Sec.6.11* of
SNiP II-23-81*). Coefficient b is used for the same purposes as the buckling coefficient .
The set of checks according to SNiP II-23-81* depends on the type of the member cross-section and
the set of loads it is subjected to. The following tables provide lists of checks for different types of
structural members.
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
, , are
not checked)
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
, , ,
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
Checks of beams
SP 53-102- DBN B.2.6- DBN B.2.6-
Check SNiP II-23-81* SP 16.13330
2004 163:2010 163:2010
Strength under lateral force Sec. 5.12 Sec. 9.2.1 Sec. 8.2.1 Sec. Sec. 9.2.1
Strength under bending moment Sec. 5.12 Sec. 9.2.1 Sec. 8.2.1 Sec. Sec. 9.2.1
Stability of in-plane bending
Sec. 5.15 Sec. 9.4.1 Sec. 8.4.1 Sec. Sec. 9.4.1
under moment
Sec. 9.5.1, Sec., Sec. 9.5.1,
Local stability of web Sec. 7.3, 7.4, 7.6 Sec. 8.5.1, 8.5.3
9.5.3 9.5.3
Local stability of chord overhang Sec. 7.24 Sec. 9.5.15 Sec. 8.5.19 Sec. Sec. 9.5.15
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
The parameters of the lattice are not specified in the software for the lattice bars. Therefore the lattice
members are not checked in the calculation, and it is assumed that the lattice spacing for a hollow section
from angles is equal to min(B, H), and for sections from double channels and double I-sections it is equal
to the value В.
When checking steel lattice bars subjected to the action of an axial force with bending in SCAD
complex (see the respective section of SNiP II-23-81*, Sec. 5.24* — 5.36), it is assumed that the chords of
a lattice bar are always connected by battens (see the “Resistance of Sections” mode of Kristall). All other
data on battens are not specified, therefore SCAD does not perform any strength checks of the lattice (if it
is necessary to check the strength of the lattice, you should use Kristall and select the respective type of
The solution is always conservative when checking the chords according to Sec. 5.24* and 5.25* of
SNiP II-23-81*, since a bending moment appears in the chords from the action of a conditional lateral
force in battens. This moment acts on the chord in the plane parallel to the planes of the chords.
If EN 1993 is selected for designing steel structures, the following checks are performed
Factor EN 1993-1-1 EN 1993-1-5
Strength under action of longitudinal tensile force N 6.2.3 (6.5), (6.6)
Strength under action of longitudinal compressive force N 6.2.4 (6.9)…(6.11) 4.4 (4.1)...(4.4),
Table 4.1, 4.2
Strength under action of bending moment My 6.2.5 (6.12)…(6.15) 4.4 (4.1)...(4.4),
Table 4.1, 4.2
Strength under action of bending moment Mz 6.2.5 (6.12)…(6.15) 4.4 (4.1)...(4.4),
Table 4.1, 4.2
Strength under action of lateral force Vz 6.2.6 (6.17)…(6.20)
Strength under action of lateral force Vy 6.2.6 (6.17)…(6.20)
Strength under combined action of bending moment Mz and lateral 6.2.5 (6.12)…(6.15), 4.4 (4.1)...(4.4),
force Vy 6.2.8 (6.29), (6.30) Table 4.1, 4.2
Strength under combined action of bending moment My and lateral 6.2.5 (6.12)…(6.15), 4.4 (4.1)...(4.4),
force Vz 6.2.8 (6.29), (6.30) Table 4.1, 4.2
Strength under combined action of bending moment My and 6.2.5 (6.12)…(6.15), 4.4 (4.1)...(4.4),
longitudinal force N 6.2.9 (6.36)…(6.44) Table 4.1, 4.2
Strength under combined action of bending moments My, Mz, 6.2.5 (6.12)…(6.15), 4.4 (4.1)...(4.4),
longitudinal force N and lateral forces Vz and Vy 6.2.9 (6.36)…(6.44), Table 4.1, 4.2
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
Figure 20.15-2. Cross-sections with an angular point Figure 20.15-3. Cross-sections without
angular points
The said difference between the considered cases was noticed by L.B. Katznelson (Central Res. Inst.
for Build. Structures). Authors of the application are very grateful to him for initiating a discussion of this
and many other details of the design code implementation.
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
In the special table you can specify the coefficients allowing for seismic action at the strength and
stability analysis. If zero values are specified, the values are taken in accordance with the respective
seismic codes by default. Having specified, for example, these two coefficients equal to 0.9, you can take
into account the standard requirements for the calculation of steel structures operating in unheated rooms
or in the open air at the design temperature below minus 40°C.
The results of the check of the load-bearing capacity can be displayed on the model for all structural
members, groups of structural members or unification groups, and also for each structural member or
group of members separately.
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
values of the selected factor can be output on the model using the filters button Digitization of
isofields/isolines — .
In order to visualize the results for each structural member or unified group you have to select the
name of the object in the respective list and click the Selective visualization of results button . The
Factors Diagram dialog box will appear (Fig. 20.18-2), where a utilization factor is output for each factor
checked. Factors the load-bearing capacity utilization factors of which exceed one will be marked in red in
the diagram.
Figure 20.18-2. The Factors Diagram dialog box Figure 20.18-3. The Elements of the Structural
Group dialog box
The Elements of the Structural Group dialog box, shown in Fig. 20.18-3, which is invoked by
clicking the Composition of the group of structural members button — , is used for the analysis of
the load-bearing capacity of each element of the structural group.
In order to invoke the dialog box it is necessary to select the name of the considered group in the list
of the toolbar and click the respective button. The dialog box contains a table with the numbers of elements
included in the selected group, values of the utilization factors for a factor given in the first line of the
table, and also the Factors buttons which enable to obtain the load-bearing capacity utilization factors for
an individual element.
Buttons located under the table enable to perform the following actions:
sort elements (ascending or descending ) of the selected factor;
— delete elements selected in the table from the group;
— create a new set from the selected elements — a new group of elements is created which
includes selected elements (these elements are deleted from the current group).
The Steel. Factors and Resistance of sections operations, which can be invoked from the
Information on the Element dialog box (button in the filters toolbar) provide additional possibilities
for the analysis of the load-bearing capacity of elements of steel structures included in the structural
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
groups. These operations are implemented according to the same rules as the respective operations of
Steel. Factors — enables to obtain a factors diagram for the selected element (Fig. 20.18-2), based on
the results of the check of sections.
Figure 20.18-4. The Resistance of Sections Figure 20.18-5. The Truss Member dialog box
dialog box
Resistance of sections — enables to perform an expanded analysis of the load-bearing capacity of
sections. The initial data for performing the check include the information on the finite element (length,
section), and also the parameters of a structural group which includes the considered element. If a bar
element is a part of the structural member, the length of the structural member will be used. Forces in the
respective tab correspond to the DCF of this element. You can change different parameters, for example,
the service factors, steel etc. during the check, which enables to analyze their effect on the load-bearing
capacity of the element. If a structural group which includes the element is defined as a truss member,
clicking the Resistance of sections button (Fig. 20.18-4) will invoke the dialog box with the parameters of
the calculation of the truss members (Fig. 20.18-5).
A report can be generated on the basis of the results of the check. It is generated in the RTF format
and is automatically loaded into an application associated with this format (for example, MS Word or
WordPad). The dialog box (Fig. 20.19-1) appears before generating the report, where you have to select
structural members and/or groups of structural members, information on which has to be included in the
The dialog box provides the following options of the output control:
For all groups and structural members — the report will include all structural groups from the
V.S. Karpilovsky, E.Z. Kriksunov, A.A. Malyarenko, M.A. Mikitarenko, A.V. Perelmuter,
M.A. Perelmuter, V.G. Fedorovsky, V.V.Yurchenko “SCAD Office. Implementation of SNiP in
Computer-Aided Design Applications” — M.: SCAD SOFT, 2014 — 480p.
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
Only for specified groups and structural members — the report will contain only the
information on the groups selected in the list;
For specified elements — in this case you have to specify the numbers of finite elements for
which the report will be generated in the text field.
This operation enables to generate a table (Fig. 20.20-1) for the selected group of structural members
or structural members which includes the following information:
list of factors;
minimum and maximum value of each factor;
numbers of finite elements where these minimum and maximum values took place.
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
The groups or structural members can be selected from the list in the upper part of the dialog box. The
Report and Table buttons enable to obtain report documents for the selected group in the respective
This operation enables to combine structural members and/or groups of structural members into
special groups of elements of the structures which will be used later for the generation of the technical
specification for steel (see Sec. 20.22).
This operation invokes the dialog box (Fig. 20.21-1) similar to that used when creating the unification
Figure 20.21-1. The Create Elements of the Technical Specification for Steel dialog box
This operation enables to estimate the total consumption of steel for the design model. The dialog box
invoked by this operation (see Fig. 20.22-1) is multi-tab.
The first tab For Groups of the Steel Consumption dialog box enables to obtain information in the
tabular form on the consumption of steel for each structural member and each group of structural members (the
Total weight column), total length of the flexible parts of finite elements (the Total length column), and on the
number of finite elements in the given group of structural members or in the given structural member
(Fig. 20.22-1). Cross-sectional areas specified in the stiffness properties are used in the calculation of the weight
of steel.
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
Figure 20.22-2. The For Groups (Extended) tab of the Steel Consumption dialog box
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
Figure 20.22-3. The Specification for Steel tab of the Steel Consumption dialog box
The third tab Specification for Steel is a table similar in form and content to the technical specification for
steel according to GOST (Fig. 20.22-3), which is generated in accordance with the elements of the technical
specification for steel created earlier (see Fig. 20.21-1) if the latter have been specified.
The Report and Table buttons invoke the generation of report documents in the respective formats.
The selection of sections of elements is performed in those cases when their cross-sections are from
steel profiles. Structural members, groups of structural members, and unified groups can be involved in the
selection. If the elements are combined into a unified group, all of them will have the same sections in the
result of the selection.
The selection is performed using the assortment selected at the initial specification of the sections of
elements, and only for the specified type of profile. This means that if an I-beam of type K has been
selected as a profile, a similar profile will be selected in the result (or a message will appear that it is
impossible to select a section from such profiles).
The results of the selection are displayed in the table of the Results of the Selection of Sections
dialog box (Fig. 20.23-1). The name of the group or the structural member is output in the column of the
table. The sections of elements the rigidities of which were used in the analysis of the structure, the initial
section which was used in the selection, and the section obtained in the result of the selection (if it was
performed) are output for the structural members. The following three columns provide information on the
percent change of the main stiffness properties (EF, EIy, EIz) after the selection and the number of element
in the model where this maximum took place. If the assortment was exhausted in the result of the selection,
and the required load-bearing capacity was not reached, the following message will be displayed in red
Selection has failed, and there will be no information on the selection in the table.
The name of the group is given in the table for the groups of structural members, and all the
information regarding the results of the selection is output in the Results of the Selection of Sections
dialog box [group name] (Fig. 20.23-2), which is invoked after double left-clicking on the line with the
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
name of the group. The table in this dialog box contains the data on the results of the selection for each
member of the group.
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
Information on the results of the selection given in the dialog boxes in Fig. 20.24-2, 20.24-3, is
available only in the Selection mode. If for some reason after exiting from this mode you need to consider
2 0 . Check of the Load-bearing Capacity of Steel Sections
or use the results of the selection again, you should use the Display information on sections button—
21.Calculation of Loads from the Structural Fragment
21.Calculation of Loads from the Structural Fragment
When calculating the loads on the foundations the rotation angle of the part of the foundation about
the Z axis is also specified if the axes of inertia of columns do not coincide with the axes of the foundation
under these columns. The loads can be calculated for each loading or for the combinations of loadings.
At the analysis of forces (reactions) acting on the fragment of the design model when
there are some dynamic loadings (for example, at the calculation for a seismic action) a
situation may arise when the obtained results do not satisfy the conditions of equilibrium
and their values are much greater than the expected ones. The thing is that the result of the
calculation for this dynamic loading is obtained with the help of a nonlinear procedure for
displacements or forces of all the considered modes of natural oscillations. The squares of
the results are summed for each mode, and then the square root is taken of this sum.
Forces in individual sections and displacements of individual points which occur in the
process of seismic oscillations and are obtained according to the “root of the sum of
squares” rule correspond to different moments in time and, therefore, violate the
conditions of equilibrium.
21.Calculation of Loads from the Structural Fragment
prepared before performing the main calculation. In the second case they can be also prepared after
completing the main calculation.
If it is necessary to calculate several parts of the foundation with different angles of orientation with
respect to the Z axis of the global coordinate system, click the New segment button and repeat all the
above actions with the groups of nodes for the new part having specified its angle of orientation, etc.
Finish the input of data by clicking the OK button in the dialog box.
The set of nodes of each segment can be edited in the List of nodes field. Moreover, you can delete
the incorrectly specified segments. In order to do it select the number of the segment you want to delete in
the Number of the segment drop-down list and click the Delete segment button. If it is necessary to
exclude the data for the calculation of loads from the structural fragment from the model, click the Delete
data button.
21.Calculation of Loads from the Structural Fragment
The mode enables to display on the design model the nodal loads obtained in the result of the
calculation of loads from the structural fragment , and to save the nodes with the loads applied to them as a
separate model.
Figure 21.3-1. The toolbar of the Analysis of loads from the structural fragment mode
The toolbar of this mode (Figure. 21.3-1) includes the following operations:
— display loads from the structural fragment for the selected loading;
— display the color map of loads from the structural fragment;
— display the design model;
— save the nodes with the calculated loads as a separate model;
— show cut elements.
The toolbar also contains two lists — for selecting the type
of load and for selecting the number of loading or the
combination of loadings.
Since the work in this mode does not differ from the
modes of the analysis of the results described above, let’s focus
only on the operation of saving nodes with the calculated loads
as a separate model. This operation enables to save the model
which includes only the nodes of the initial model where the
loads from the fragment are obtained under a new name. All
loadings and their combinations for which the loads were
calculated will be automatically generated in the new model.
You can attach the obtained model to another one created
Figure 21.3-2. Loads from the fragment earlier (the assembly mode), or generate a model on the basis of
in the nodes of the subgrade its nodes.
The filters button enables to output the values of loads. The loads can be output for all nodes or
only for the nodes included in a certain segment (in this case you have to select the respective segment in
the drop-down list of the toolbar, and if you want to output the data for all segments select the All nodes
item in this list).
21.Calculation of Loads from the Structural Fragment
22.Progressive Collapse Analysis
22.Progressive Collapse Analysis
Structures cannot be completely free from the risk of collapse because of the uncertainties of the
requirements to the system, dispersion of mechanical properties of building materials, difficulties of
adequate modeling of the behavior of the system even when the modern software are used. Moreover, it is
impossible to design and build an absolutely safe structure without taking into account the cost of the
prevention of emergencies.
Thus, we can obtain a qualitative assessment of the stability characteristics of the structure with
respect to the progressive collapse in the result of the numerical modeling, and compare several possible
collapse scenarios in order to detect weak areas in the structure.
The progressive collapse analysis is based on the following provisions:
− a model obtained in the result of the structural analysis and the subsequent selection of the
reinforcement in the elements of reinforced concrete structures and sections in the elements of steel
structures is used as the initial model of the building for the progressive collapse analysis;
− elements of the design model which model the suddenly removed structural members are combined
into groups; the number of structural members which failed simultaneously (collapsed) is not
− the calculation is performed for the combination of loadings which includes the characteristic
values of permanent loads and temporary loads (sustained) with coefficient 1;
− dynamic amplification factors are introduced to take into account the suddenness of the removal of
the structural members and the effect of falling of the collapsed structures;
− the check of the elements of reinforced concrete and steel structures included in the design model
after the sudden removal of members is performed taking into account only the ultimate limit state;
− design strength and strain characteristics of the materials are assumed equal to their characteristic
− since large displacements usually occur in the result of the progressive collapse analysis, it is
recommended to perform the calculation in the geometrically nonlinear formulation.
22.Progressive Collapse Analysis
Numbers of the suddenly removed elements are specified in the List of elements field. If such
elements have been combined in one or several groups, they can be loaded by selecting the respective
groups in the Groups of deleted elements list and transferring them into to the List of elements field by
clicking the button .
The list of groups includes all the generated groups of elements. The suddenly removed elements can
be included in any group. In this case the adjustment of the list of elements is performed after they are
loaded into the List of elements field.
The Progressive Collapse dialog box will be available only if the initial data includes groups of
elements (assuming that among these groups of elements there are groups containing the lists of suddenly
removed elements), and combinations of loadings (assuming that among these combinations there is such a
combination which includes the necessary set of permanent and long-term loads for the action of which the
damaged structure is checked). If the coefficients of the combination of loadings are generated in such a
way so that the result corresponds to the action of characteristic loads, it is necessary to check the
Characteristic combination checkbox to obtain the correct solution. Otherwise the transition to the
characteristic values will be performed automatically (by dividing by the respective safety factor for load).
If the group of loads characterizing the weight of structures which collapsed in the result of the
sudden removal of elements is prepared in advance, it will be taken into account if the Take the weight of
the collapsed structures from the group checkbox is checked.
The progressive collapse analysis can be invoked from the respective section of the ANALYSIS
group of the project tree. If the Perform the analysis accounting for geometric nonlinearity checkbox is
checked in the Progressive Collapse dialog box, the specified type of analysis will be automatically
22.Progressive Collapse Analysis
22.2 Calculation
22.Progressive Collapse Analysis
The operation enables to select the elements in the model which are listed as deleted in the initial
data. These elements will be “highlighted” in the design model in purple.
In the three-color scale the elements are divided by color into working elements (Kmax < 1) with the
maximum utilization factor of restrictions Kmax less than one (green color is used for them by default), and
the failed ones (Kmax 1) — red color is used for them. The third color (yellow by default) is used to
indicate elements in the uncertainty interval, i.e. elements which in the opinion of the engineer can be
failed or working with equal probability. The value of the interval of uncertainty (in % from Kmax) is
specified by the user with the help of the Color scale settings operation in the scale dialog box. The results
can be output in the form of color fields or color markers (buttons and respectively). The button
allows you to get extreme values of factors (similar to how it is done in the analysis of elements of
steel and reinforced concrete structures).
If the color indication of the results of the calculation (values of the utilization factor of restrictions
Kmax) is performed without indicating a specific structural group, then a color corresponding to the value of
the maximal factor is selected for each finite element without indicating a factor which defined this value.
In those cases when a certain group is selected from the list of structural groups, a color scale can be
obtained for it not only for the values of Kmax, but also for the utilization factors of restrictions of any of the
available factors. Factors can be selected from the respective list in the toolbar (Fig. 22.3-1).
It should be noted that the detected failed elements are elements which failed on the very first step of
the progressive collapse process. If you include them in the list of finite elements included in the suddenly
removed structural member and determine where the load is transferred from these elements after they fail,
you can obtain the failure pattern on the second step etc. However, more often it will be necessary to
strengthen the elements (maybe not all) included in the members which failed on the first step, and repeat
the calculation for the strengthened structure. The strengthened elements should be combined into the
respective groups of reinforcement or groups of steel elements.
After performing the calculation for a certain finite element you can use the Information on the
Element dialog box which is invoked by clicking the filters button . The DCF (of the progressive
collapse) and Progressive collapse buttons in this dialog box enable to obtain the data on the design
combinations of forces which were used in the calculation (Fig. 22.3-2) and factors calculated when
checking the element (Fig. 22.3-3). Moreover, similar to the analysis of elements of steel and reinforced
concrete structures, operation Resistance sections (progressive collapse) is implemented.
22.Progressive Collapse Analysis
Figure 22.3-2. The Design Combinations (of the Figure 22.3-3. The Factors Diagram dialog box
Progressive Collapse) in the Element dialog box
References to Chapter 22
1. Recommendations on the protection of residential frame buildings during emergencies/ Moskomarkhitektura. – M.:
GUP NIAC, 2002.– 24 p.
23.Stability Analysis
23.Stability Analysis
a structure with elements highly compressed by the constant load G0 from the self-weight, and in addition
loaded by the temporary load P0 (Fig. 23.1-1).
( — the accuracy of the determination of the SFS specified by the user) and the matrix K(1) is
positive definite, while the matrix K(2) does not have this property. The value 1 is considered to be the
When generating a stability matrix for each finite element (that can buckle) on this step the value of
cr which leads to the loss of stability of the element is calculated. If min cr < , the search interval is
reduced, and the number of the element for which the minimum value of cr is achieved is output in the
where EJ — rigidities of bars in the principal planes of inertia (for a spatial problem — two for each bar).
We can illustrate it with an example of a variable cross-section bar (Fig. 23.4-1), compressed by
forces F = 5T and F = 10T. The calculation of this system gives the value k = 24,38.
The unsupported length of the first element L1 = 25,45 m, and of the second one — L2 = 12,72 m.
Thus, the unsupported length factor of the first element μ1 = 25,45/12 = 2,12, and of the second one —
μ2 = 12,72/2 = 6,36. Calculation according to SNiP II-23-81*1 (see Annex 6, Table 67) gives values
n = (200012)/(240002) = 0,5; = (10 + 5)/5 = 3; 1 = (2/12)[24000/(20003)]1/2 = 0,333.
If we interpolate the values from the table 67, we will obtain μ2 = 2,136 and μ1 = 2,136/0.333 = 6,236.
Hereinafter in this chapter we refer to SNiP II-23-81*, but it equally applies to SP 16.13330.2011 and DBN B.2.6-
163:2010 as well.
23.Stability Analysis
Figure 23.4-1.
It can be seen from the formula (23.4.1) that if the system has heavily and lightly loaded bars with the
same section and the same boundary conditions (for example, columns of a multi-storey building, where
the compression on the upper floors is less than on the lower ones), the lightly loaded bars have
significantly greater unsupported lengths. This fact has long been well known and was a subject of lively
discussions many times. It was found in these debates that the strength and stability checks of such “too
long” bars are performed quite correctly, but the check of the limit slenderness should not be performed
with such lengths. Unfortunately, this conclusion is not given in the codes.
It should be noted that when a real bar is divided into finite elements, the unsupported length of each
of these finite elements is output in the result of the calculation. Thus, in the above example, if we divide
the first element, for example, into four equal parts, the unsupported length of each of them will be equal to
25,45 m in the result of the calculation, and the checks of any of these parts would be performed under the
same conditions.
23.Stability Analysis
23.Stability Analysis
− specify the necessary check modes — calculation of the stability factor of safety, buckling modes and
unsupported lengths of bar elements, with the help of the respective checkboxes;
− specify the respective values in the Upper search limit and Accuracy of calculations fields (they are
equal to 2 and 0,01 by default, and they can be adjusted when specifying the calculation parameters
(see Chapter 11);
− enable the options which determine the type of data for which
the stability check is performed: for loadings or for
combinations of loadings, for all loadings (combinations) or
only for the selected ones; in the last case the necessary data
are selected in the list of loadings (combinations);
− if necessary you can select the Stability check for the
combined action of loadings radio button, the Stable
loading (combination) list will become available where you
can select the necessary data.
In this case formula (23.4.1) can not be used, the unsupported lengths will not be calculated, and the
following message will be generated:
Unsupported lengths cannot be calculated for loadings NNN because the
stability factor of safety of the system is not calculated for them.
The Number of buckling modes parameter enables to obtain several buckling modes and to study the
behavior of the structure in more detail, and in some cases to use it when making design decisions (see Sec.
9.2 of [3]).
In order to obtain the values of the unsupported lengths, and the buckling modes which can not be
determined if the value of cr is not calculated, it is necessary to specify a larger value of the upper search
limit and repeat the calculation.
Check the respective checkboxes in the Stability tab of the Calculation Parameters dialog box (see
Chapter 11) if you want to allow for tangential displacements in the geometric stiffness matrix of shells
and for possible buckling at the bending of bars.
The Delete data button enables to delete the prepared data and cancel the stability analysis.
23.Stability Analysis
References to Chapter 23
1. V.V. Gorev, B.Yu. Uvarov, V.V. Filippov and others, Steel structures. In 3 v. — V. 1. Elements of steel
structures. — M.: High school, 1997.— 527 p.
2. V.V. Kuznetsov, Steel structures. In 3 v. — V. 1. General. (Designer’s handbook) — M.: ASV, 1998.— 576 p.
3. A.V. Perelmuter, V.I. Slivker, Design models of structures and possibilities of their analysis. — M, DMK-
Press, 2007. — 600 p.
24.Energy Postprocessor
24.Energy Postprocessor
See Perelmuter A.V., Slivker V.I. Design models of structures and possibilities of their analysis. — M., SCAD
SOFT, ASV, DMK-Press, 2011. — 709 p.
25.Principal and Equivalent Stresses
25.Principal and Equivalent Stresses
Its coefficients are invariants (i.e. they do not depend on the selected coordinate system). The first invariant
I1 (T ) x y z is equal to three times the average stress (hydrostatic pressure) 0 .
The direction of the principal planes can be defined not only by the nine direction cosines but also by
the three Euler angles (precession angle , nutation angle and the pure rotation angle ). Any plane
parallel to the coordinate plane (XOY, XOZ or YOZ) can be set to any position with their help.
The Lode-Nadai coefficient is used to characterize the stress-strain state (SSS).
2 3
0 2 1
1 3
25.Principal and Equivalent Stresses
where x, z ,xz — stress components in the midplane of the element in the local coordinates X1OZ1. In this
case only two principal stresses can be calculated by the formula
x z z
1,3 x xz .
2 2
The position of the principal planes is characterized by the angle of the principal stress 1 to the X1 axis
arctg 1 . (25.1.3)
If xz = 0, it is considered that = 0, and in this case the directions of the principal planes coincide
with the axes of the coordinate system of the output of stresses in the element.
25.Principal and Equivalent Stresses
Bar Elements
Principal stresses in bar elements are determined by the formula
1,2 x x 2xy 2xz . (25.1.8)
2 2
Here x, xy and xz are normal and shear stresses respectively in the
characteristic points of the bar cross-section (Fig. 25.1-1).
Principal stresses are calculated for bar elements the sections of which are
defined parametrically or selected from the assortment of rolled profiles. Fig.
25.1-2 and Fig. 25.1-3 show the characteristic points of the sections for which the
calculations are performed.
Figure 25.1-1
Values of the principal stresses are not calculated in the points which are not located on the material
part of the cross-section (for example, point 9 for the hollow section).
Figure 25.1-3. Rolled steel profiles (with the numbers of characteristic points)
25.Principal and Equivalent Stresses
25.Principal and Equivalent Stresses
If you click the Delete data button, the information necessary for the calculation of the principal and
equivalent stresses will be deleted from the initial data, and the calculation will not be performed.
SCAD does not perform the calculation of the principal and equivalent
stresses for the design combinations of forces. Since the design combinations are
selected based on the search of the extreme value of a certain component of the
stress state, it can not be connected to the search of the principal and equivalent
stresses, which are calculated using all the components of the stress state.
The results of the calculation can be printed as tables with the help of the Print Tables section of the
Project tree or the Documenter (see Chapter 13). Moreover, the Information on the Element dialog box
enables to display the principal and equivalent stresses in the tabular form (Fig. 25.3-2).
25.Principal and Equivalent Stresses
The Analysis of principal and equivalent stresses mode of the Postprocessors toolbar is used for the
graphical display of the results of the calculation of the principal and equivalent stresses. The mode of the
graphical analysis of the results enables to plot isolines and isofields of the principal and equivalent stresses for
plate elements, and to display the directions of one of the principal planes. Isosurfaces of stresses can be
displayed for solid elements. Diagrams or a color scale of diagrams can be also obtained for bars (25.4-2).
Figure 25.4-1. The toolbar of the Analysis of principal and equivalent stresses mode
The toolbar of this mode contains the following functions:
— stress diagrams;
— change the display axis of diagrams;
— color display of the values of principal/equivalent stresses;
— color display of values of principal/equivalent stresses with the selected value;
— display isolines of principal/equivalent stresses;
— display isofields of principal/equivalent stresses;
— display isofields and isolines of principal/equivalent stresses;
— display isosurfaces of stresses in solid elements;
— display isolines of principal/equivalent stresses with a constant step;
The following designations are used when determining the type of the output information:
1, 2, 3 — principal stresses;
E1 — equivalent stress (reduced to the equivalent tension) according to the first failure theory;
S1 — equivalent stress (reduced to the equivalent compression) according to the first failure theory;
E2, E3, E4 — equivalent stresses (reduced to the equivalent tension) according to the 2 – 4 failure
S2, S3, S4 — equivalent stresses (reduced to the equivalent compression) according to the 2 – 4
failure theories.
The following numbering of the failure theories is used:
1 — maximum normal stress theory;
2 — maximum linear strain theory;
3 — maximum shear stress theory;
4 — Huber-Hencky-von Mises theory.
The control of the display is performed with the help of the buttons of the toolbar (Fig. 25.4-1)
similarly to the output of forces and stresses, therefore only the description of the operations which are
unique or have certain differences is given below.
The software calculates principal/equivalent stresses for bar elements in a number of points specific to
each cross-sectional shape. At the display of diagrams (mode ) or the color display of diagrams (modes
) a diagram of the minimal value for all points is plotted for the stresses σ1, σs1, σs2, σs3, σs4; and a
diagram of the maximal value for all points is plotted for the stresses σ3, σe1, σe2, σe3, σe4.
The button enables to change the display axis of diagrams and thus select a variant of the display
with a "better visibility" (see Fig. 25.4-2).
25.Principal and Equivalent Stresses
The direction of the selected principal plane for plate elements is displayed as a segment with the
center in the geometric center of the finite element. There are 4 modes for drawing the principal planes on
the plate elements:
— a plane corresponding to the stress σ1 is drawn;
— a plane corresponding to the stress σ3 is drawn;
— if 3<0, then a plane corresponding to the stress σ3 is drawn;
— if 1>0, then a plane corresponding to the stress σ1 is drawn.
26.Nonlinear Calculations in SCAD
26.Nonlinear Calculations in SCAD
unloading. Such nonlinear elastic materials almost never occur in nature. Plastic materials usually have
residual deformations after unloading.
SCAD enables to perform the calculation of the geometrically non-linear systems, cable-stayed
structures, and problems with unilateral constraints.
26.Nonlinear Calculations in SCAD
Table 26.2-1
FE Linear
type analog
301- 1-10
341 41
342 42
344 44
345 45
350 50
331 31
332 32
333 33
334 34
335 35
336 36
337 37
338 38
26.Nonlinear Calculations in SCAD
26.Nonlinear Calculations in SCAD
certain stress state characterized by the strain Н can be easily determined by differentiating the equation of
state (26.3.1):
dD L D
= + 3. (26.3.3)
When performing the analysis of cable-stayed
systems it is important to specify the reference
state correctly, which is characterized by the initial
values of the shear loads on cable-stayed elements
q0 (it is usually a component of the load from the
self-weight of the cable stay perpendicular to the
chord of the cable-stayed element) and the values of
Figure 26.3-1. Dimensionless relationship the strains H0 0.
between the strain and the increase of the chord
The main difficulty is that all values of H0 must correspond to the equilibrium state of the system in
which the prestressing creates a certain pattern of internal forces corresponding to the initial external load
q0, which can be absent. There are usually many possible equilibrium conditions of the system each of
which corresponds to its distribution of prestressing forces in cable stays H0,i (i = 1,…,m), where m —
number of cable stays in the system. Therefore, when designing the cable-stayed structures the engineer
has a task of selecting a rational initial stress state from the set of allowable ones based on the certain
criteria of optimality and structural limitations. These criteria and limitations may vary depending on the
particular design problem.
The following operation is provided in SCAD in order to facilitate these calculations when working
with cable-stayed elements — cable stays are deleted, and the prestressing forces are applied to the
remaining part of the structure. The system might turn out to be unstable after deleting the cable stays,
which is typical for masts with a hinged trunk. In order to avoid this problem it is sometimes necessary to
install additional elastic constraints with such a small stiffness that their effect on the general stress-strain
state can be neglected.
The parameters of a cable-stayed element can be specified after clicking the Create cable-stayed
elements button in the Special elements toolbar (see Sec. 6.4). The Rigidity of Bar Elements dialog
box (Fig. 26.3-2) appears after clicking this button. If the input method other than the numerical and
parametric description is selected, the only difference from the specification of stiffness properties of bar
elements is the fact that it is necessary to specify the value of prestressing. The dialog box for the
numerical and parametric description is shown in Fig. 26.3-3.
When specifying the stiffness properties by selecting the section from the assortment of rolled profiles
the Zinc coated steel wire ropes assortment is available only for cable-stayed elements.
If the assortment of zinc coated steel wire ropes is used to specify the
stiffness properties of cable-stayed elements, the elastic modulus of steel is
specified in accordance with the recommendations of the respective codes and
can be changed by the user.
26.Nonlinear Calculations in SCAD
Figure 26.3-2. The General Data tab of Figure 26.3-3. The Numerical Description tab of
the Rigidity of Bar Elements dialog box the Rigidity of Bar Elements dialog box
In addition to performing the static calculations it is also necessary to carry out the calculations of the
free oscillations, because otherwise it is impossible to determine the pulsation component of the wind load,
perform the seismic analysis, etc. The spectral analysis of the system (determination of frequencies and its
natural oscillation modes) makes sense only in the linear formulation. In the case of the nonlinear problems
we can talk about the expansion of the motion of the system by the natural oscillation modes in the vicinity
of the considered equilibrium position at the linearization of the behavior of the system in this vicinity. The
determination of the stress-strain state (SSS) of the system at its static loading should be performed taking
into account the geometrically nonlinear effects mentioned above. In the case of the dynamic analysis,
knowing the SSS of the structure from the acting static loads, it is necessary to construct a dynamic model
of the so-called linearized system.
This concept refers to a structure working in the geometrically linear formulation but taking into
account the achieved level of forces in the cable stays in the state prior to the linearization, as well as the
achieved level of compressive forces in the respective compressed elements of the design model.
A linearized system usually refers to the initial system all the constituent elements of which are
considered in the linear formulation but with tangential (instantaneous) stiffness matrices.
Such a system can be built by replacing cable-stayed elements by bars, the rigidity of which is
calculated by the following formula
EA = , (26.3.4)
1 Dy + Dz
which is easily obtained from (26.3.3) and takes into account the fact that a cable-stayed element can be
loaded in two planes.
A cable-stayed element has type 308 in the finite element library. It allows the same types of loads as
the element of type 305 ─ bar of the general position described in Sec. 3.3. Strain of the cable stay NX is
obtained in the result of the calculation. More detailed information on the analysis of cable stays is given in
26.Nonlinear Calculations in SCAD
26.Nonlinear Calculations in SCAD
26.Nonlinear Calculations in SCAD
26.Nonlinear Calculations in SCAD
the full “loading-unloading” cycle. This technique enables to evaluate the accuracy of the calculation of the
discrepancy between the initial and final states of the system.
The analysis of the stress-strain state of the structure taking into account the nonlinear effects is
performed in those cases when at least one nonlinear element is specified in the design model. Different
types of bars, three- and four-node shell elements taking into account the geometric nonlinearity, as well as
the single- and two-node elements modeling unilateral constraints, and cable-stayed elements can be
specified as such elements. Linear and nonlinear finite elements can be combined in one problem.
Data for the control of the analysis of the stress-strain state
of the structure are specified in the Control the Stepwise
Process dialog box (Fig. 26.5-4), which can be invoked from the
Design Model section of the project tree (the Modeling of
Nonlinear Loads operation). The dialog box contains a list of
specified nonlinear loadings, a table for modeling the loading of
the structure, a list for selecting the modification of the
incremental method, a text field for specifying the number of
iterations, and a number of control buttons.
Data describing one step are specified in each line of the
table. It is necessary to perform the following actions to prepare
the data:
− select the number of the linear loading from the list in
the Number of the loading column;
− specify the loading factor for the current step in the
Figure 26.5-4. The Control the Loading factor column as a multiplier to the value of
Stepwise Process dialog box the full load;
− specify the number of steps in the Number of steps column which should be performed with the
specified factor (if the number is greater than one, the step will consist of several steps, each of
which will be performed with the loading factor specified in the previous column);
− check the checkbox in the Save results column if you want to analyze the results of the current step
(if a number greater than one is specified in the Number of steps column, only the resulting
information is output without the results of the intermediate steps);
− repeat the above actions for each step of the analysis;
− select the necessary modification of the incremental method in the Method list;
− if the incremental-iterative method is selected, it is necessary to specify the limitation on the
number of iterations in the Number of iterations field;
− click the Save button, and the prepared data will appear in the list of nonlinear loadings;
− if it is necessary to prepare several lists, click the New list button and repeat the above actions for
other loadings;
− if the results of the calculation of the new list are the continuation of the loading of the previous
one, check the Loading is the continuation of the previous loading checkbox after clicking the
New list button.
There are also the following options:
Perform the calculation of the dynamic loading after the nonlinear analysis. If this checkbox is
checked, a list with a set of dynamic loadings of the model appears. After performing the steps of
the nonlinear calculation the dynamic calculation selected in the list will be performed (for the
system linearized after the nonlinear calculation).
26.Nonlinear Calculations in SCAD
Perform the stability analysis after the nonlinear analysis. If this checkbox is checked, the
stability analysis will be performed after performing the nonlinear calculation (for the system
linearized after the nonlinear calculation). There must be data for performing the stability analysis
of the linear system.
The Delete list button enables to delete the current list (its number corresponds to the number of the
nonlinear loading). If you click the Delete data button, all the control information will be deleted, and the
nonlinear calculation will be blocked.
Additional parameters described in the Chapter 11 are also used in the nonlinear calculation.
When performing the nonlinear calculation the relative residual (deformation and load) is output into
the analysis log after each step of the iterative process.
26.Nonlinear Calculations in SCAD
Figure 26.6-2. Fragment of the “Displacements” table for the nonlinear problem
The design combinations of forces should be calculated (see Chapter 18), so that the results of the
nonlinear calculation could be used when selecting/checking steel and/or reinforced concrete structures.
References to Chapter 26
1. E.I. Grigolyuk, V.I. Shalashilin, Problems of nonlinear deformation. — M.: Nauka, 1988.
2. V.V. Novozhilov, The theory of elasticity.— Sudpromgiz, 1958.— 370 p.
3. A.V. Perelmuter, V.I. Slivker, Design models of structures and a possibility of their analysis.— M.:DMK Press,
2007. – 600 p.
4. A.V. Perelmuter, SCAD Office. Calculation of guyed masts. — Kiev: SCAD Soft, Ltd. — 47 p.
27.Amplitude-Frequency Characteristics
where Qk — weight of each rotor of the machine, and the coefficient is determined by the Table 27-1:
Table 27-1
Type of the machine Coefficient
Turbomachines 0,20
Electric machines with the number of revolutions nrev per minute:
more than 750 0,20
from 750 to 500 0,15
less than 500 0,10
Centrifuges with a rotor diameter d, m d (nrev/1000)2
Centrifugal pumps 0,15
Smoke exhaust fans and fans 0,8 (nrev/1000)2,
but not less than
Due to the inaccuracy of determining the natural frequencies caused both by the approximate
representation of the design model, and the rounding errors in the arithmetic calculations, as well as the
possible instability of the angular frequency of excitation , reaching 10%, it is necessary to assess the
behavior of the system when the frequency varies in a certain range from 1 to 2. It might be
particularly important for the values , approaching one of the natural frequencies i (near-resonant
mode), that can occur when starting or stopping the machine. The amplitude-frequency characteristic
(AFC) is a relationship between the peak value of a certain component of the stress-strain state
(displacement, stress, internal force) and the frequency of the excitation . It is determined by the
calculation of the system for the harmonic action at the frequencies of the exciting force changing in the
specified range. The peak value of the force P0 remains unchanged.
27.Amplitude-Frequency Characteristics
It should be noted that only synchronous (with the same frequency) and
common-mode harmonic loads can be included in one group.
Moreover, it is necessary to select the number of the loading in the list where the natural oscillation
modes were determined, and the group of loads.
The calculation is performed after preparing all the data and invoking the respective item in the
project tree.
Figure 27.2-1. Dialog box with the results of the calculation of the AFC
The Report and Table buttons enable to generate a report in a word processor format or obtain an
Excel table.
If you place the cursor in the field of the graph, the information field with the values in the selected
point will appear next to the cursor which enables to explore the graph dynamically.
You can change the color, thickness and style of lines for each type of data, and the Background color
button enables to change the background for the graphs.
28.Response Spectra
where {u} — relative displacement vector (for example, in the XOY coordinate system connected with the
{I} — vector the components of which are the cosines of the angles between the directions of the
displacements in the coordinates and the ground acceleration vector;
x 0 (t) — ground acceleration.
The solution of equation (28.1.3) is found as an expansion by natural oscillation modes of the system
(the so-called “modal superposition”)
{u} {Φ j }Ψ j (t) , (28.1.4)
j 1
where n — number of the degrees of freedom of the system (of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors taken into
j — j-th natural oscillation mode of the discrete system;
28.Response Spectra
0 , i j
Φi [C]Φ j
2i ωi Φi [M]Φi ,
i j
where i — i-th natural frequency of the discrete system.
After substituting (28.1.4) in (28.1.3) and multiplying (28.1.3) by the vector i T in order to find
j (t) we obtain the following differential equation
Φi [M]{I} x (t) .
Φi [M]Φi
T 0
In order to determine the inertial loads on the structure it is necessary to know the accelerations of its
n n
ua u {I}x0 (t) Φi Ψ j (t) Di x0 (t) Φi Ψja (t) .
i1 i 1
Seismic oscillations of discrete systems are described by the systems of differential equations with a
more general form of the right-hand side:
[M]{u}[C]{u}[K]{u} [M] ({Ix}x0 (t) {Iy}y0 (t) {Iz}z0 (t), (28.1.6)
28.Response Spectra
Natural frequencies of the calculated structure are added to the values of the frequencies of the non-
conservative oscillators given in the Table 28.2-11. This is done in order to allow for the possibility of
resonance with them.
Table 28.2-1
Frequency range, Hz Increments, Hz
0,23,0 0,10
3,03,6 0,15
3,65,0 0,20
5,08,0 0,25
8,015,0 0,5
15,018,0 1,0
The solutions are found for each specified oscillator on the whole range of the accelerogram action,
and the maximum absolute value is selected, which is the response spectrum of the given point for the
given accelerogram.
Seismic Analysis of Safety-Related Nuclear Structures and Commentary on Standard for Analysis of Safety-Related
Nuclear Structures // ASCE Standard, Sept. 1986
28.Response Spectra
If one (and only one) accelerogram is selected in the Selected list, the View button enables to
preview this accelerogram.
Calculation is performed after preparing all the data and invoking the respective item in the project
The results can be viewed and documented in the dialog box (Fig. 28.3-2), which can be invoked
from the project tree.
28.Response Spectra
References to Chapter 28
1. A.N. Birbraer, Seismic analysis of structures. St. Petersburg. — Nauka. — 1998 — 255 p.
29.Data Archiving Language
29.1. Export and Import Text Files with the Initial Data
The latest versions of SCAD have the options of not only importing but also exporting the descriptions of
the design model in the text format, which enables to transfer the initial data into the archive in the form
available for the control. The syntax of the data archiving language was changed starting with version 11.1.
This is due to the fact that the previous version was created in the late 70s and now it can no longer
describe all the peculiarities of the specification of the design model.
The file of the initial data must have a .txt extension in the text format, and, as before, it can be
created in the text editor. For the continuity of the versions the input of the initial data in the text format
remains in the previous edition of the syntax1.
It should be noted that this format of the program supports the “bottom-up” compatibility with the
previous versions, i.e. the initial data prepared for SCAD of the previous versions can be imported into the
latest versions of the software, but the direct import of data (without correcting) from the latest versions
into the previous ones is not guaranteed. In order to obtain a text format of the previous versions it is
necessary to first save the project of version 21.1 as a project of version 11.7, and only then save it in the
text format in the version 11.5 or 11.7.
This chapter provides the description of the architecture and syntax of the archiving language which
enables to correctly and briefly describe the design model, its topology, constraints and loads, use the
specific features of the finite element library, etc.
A design model is an idealized model of a structure (see Sec. 2). When the text input is used, it is
necessary to divide the model into finite elements, and make the drawing; number the nodes; specify the
support nodes and create the respective constraints in them (restrain the displacements for some degrees of
freedom in the node or limit the displacements of the node by finite elements which model the constraint);
specify the FE type and the rigidity type for the elements. The numbering of nodes and elements is
necessary for the determination of the sequence of the specification of the initial information in the
language of archiving and reading the counter results. Finite elements which have the same stiffness
properties are combined into the rigidity types the numbers of which should be output for the element in
the drawing.
A design model is described in the right-hand Cartesian coordinate system X, Y, Z, which is
considered to be global. Not only Cartesian, but also cylindrical, spherical, toroidal, and other coordinate
See Chapter 25 Data Archiving Language in the previous editions of “SCAD Office. SCAD system” 2004-2008.
29.Data Archiving Language
systems can be used for the specification of the coordinates of nodes. It should be noted that the values of
the displacements of nodes are always output in the global coordinate system.
The position and values of the weights of the masses of the structure and other dynamic parameters
are indicated on the design model at the calculation for the dynamic actions.
In the general case each node of the model has 6 degrees of freedom which are assigned the following
numbers: 1, 2 and 3 — linear displacements along the X, Y and Z axes respectively; 4, 5 and 6 — rotations
about the X, Y and Z axes. Some types of finite elements have up to 15 degrees of freedom.
Boundary conditions in the design model can be specified directly (restriction of displacements: linear
— along X, Y, Z; angular — about UX, UY, UZ in any combinations in the Cartesian coordinate system).
They can also be specified with the help of the constraints of finite rigidity or with the help of the special
FE, which enable to impose the constraints in the directions of the axes of the local coordinate systems.
Static actions (see Sec. 8.1) are specified as concentrated forces and moments in the nodes of the
design model (nodal loads) in the directions of the global coordinate system, and also on elements as
concentrated and distributed forces and moments in the directions of the local or global coordinate systems
(see Sec. 3).
Dynamic actions (see Sec. 8.7) are specified as nodal loads. Masses of the structure are specified as
the self-weight of structures, equipment, etc.; both local and nodal loads can be used.
Different systems of measurement units can be used when specifying the initial data. The following
units of measurement are the base ones:
L — lengths (default value — meters);
F — forces (default value — ton-force);
s — cross-sectional dimensions of bars (default value — centimeters);
t — temperatures (default value — degrees Celsius).
Units of measurement of other values are derivatives of the base ones.
Time measurement units — seconds.
29.Data Archiving Language
Name Character of the information
Variations of models 14 Lists of models included in the variation of models
Modeling the loading of the 16 Modeling the loading of the structure at the nonlinear analysis
Prestressing 17 Specified prestressing in finite elements
Local coordinate systems of 19 For the specification of constraints in the local coordinate systems of nodes
Local coordinate systems of the 20 For the specification of the load in the local coordinate systems of the nodes
Grid lines 21 Name and snap of grid lines
Characteristics of the nonlinear 22 Diagrams of nonlinearity etc.
Contours 27 Name of the contour and the list of nodes belonging to it
Structural members and their 28 Parameters of the structural member and the list of its constituent finite
groups for checking the steel elements, lists of finite elements forming a group
Unification when checking and 29 Names of the unified groups and the lists of finite elements included in them
selecting the rolled steel sections
Results of selecting the rolled 30 List of sections suggested on the basis of the results of the selection
steel sections
Rigid inserts 31 Values of the rigid inserts
Position of the principal axes of 32 Rotation angles of the principal or coordinate axes of inertia of the bar
inertia elements, position of the orthotropy axes for the plate and solid elements
Coordinate systems for 33 Local coordinate systems for the calculation of forces and stresses in the plate
calculating stresses and forces and solid elements
Subsoil parameters 34 Subsoil parameters for all types of elements
Combinations of loadings 36 Coefficients with which the loadings are included in the combination
Stability analysis 37 Types of the analyzed characteristics, parameters, and a list of loadings
(combinations of loadings) for which the calculation is performed
Principal and equivalent stresses 38 Number of the type of analysis and number of the failure theory in accordance
with which the stresses are calculated
Loads from the structural 39 List of elements from which the loads on the fragment are taken, orientation
fragment angle of the fragment, list of nodes to which the loads are transferred
Groups of elements 47
Groups of nodes 48
Reinforcement of sections of r/c 53 Data for the generation: parameters of groups, lists of elements
Response spectra 59
AFC 60
DCF 61
List of DCF elements 62
Groups in DCF 63
Unification in DCF 64
Data on the progressive collapse 70
Loads at the direct integration 71
Data on the erection 72
Constraints at the erection stages 1005, Constraints at the erection stage the number of which is given by the first part
2005, … of the figure
Boundary conditions at the 1002,
erection stages 2002, …
Subsoil parameters at the 1034, Subsoil parameters at the erection stage the number of which is given by the
erection stages 2034, … first part of the figure
Coefficients of variation of the 1073, Coefficients of variation of the rigidities at the erection stage the number of
rigidities at the erection stages 2073, … which is given by the first part of the figure
Specified reinforcement of plates 74
29.Data Archiving Language
Name Character of the information
Specified reinforcement of bars 75
DCF for the nonlinear analysis 81
List of DCF elements for the 82
nonlinear analysis
Groups in DCF for the nonlinear 83
Unification in DCF for the 84
nonlinear analysis
Information in the documents is mostly digital — real and integer numbers. Moreover, there are some
alphabetic inclusions of type R (repetition statement) and identifiers — keywords of the data, for example,
AX (rigid insert along the X1 axis) etc.
The following rules are observed when specifying the initial information:
each document has its number and is enclosed in parentheses;
“(” — symbol of the beginning of the document;
“)” — symbol of the end of the document;
information between the symbols “) (” is ignored — it is considered as a comment;
symbol “(” is followed by the number of the document separated from the subsequent information
by the symbol “/” (slash);
information in the documents is divided into lines. The number of the document is followed by the
actual information. Line ends with the symbol “/” — slash;
line starting with the symbol “*” is considered as a comment;
each document can have its structure of lines the description of which is given in the respective
numbers and the used text inserts placed in a line are separated from each other by one or several
the integer and fractional parts of a number are separated by a period;
text variables containing special characters have to be given in quotes;
documents can be arranged in any order.
When specifying the initial information a number of approaches is allowed which considerably reduce its
volume: indicators of repetitions when there are regularities, default specification principle which enables to
imply the presence of certain information for a number of common cases without specifying it, etc.
29.Data Archiving Language
Repetition statement works in the lines of the document 0 in the following way: number before R is
the first number of the list; number after R is the last number of the list (if it is a term of the progression);
the third number is the step of the arithmetic progression.
Both methods of the description can be combined in the description of the list of objects, for example,
1–25 26 R 41 3 42 43. In the given example the list will include all elements with the numbers from 1 to 25
(1–25), as well as 26, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41 (26 R 41 3), 42, 43.
Repetition Statement of the Lines of Documents
A repetition statement placed in a single line is used:
R N1 N2 N3 : K1 K2 K3 K4.../
The line begins with a character R, which is followed by 1, 2, or 3 integers:
N1 – number of duplicate lines;
N2 – number of repetitions (number N2 can be absent, in this case the number of repetitions is
equal to 1);
N3 – number of the line from which the number of the duplicate lines is counted. Number N3 can
be absent. In this case, the lines immediately preceding the repetition statement are repeated.
Steps of the repetitions for each component of a normal line of the document are indicated after the
colon. Their number can not exceed the amount of numbers (positions) in the line of the document, in
which the repetition statement is used, i.e.:
K1 – step with which the numbers of the 1-st position of the line change;
K2 – step with which the numbers of the 2-nd position of the line change, and so on.
Their values can have different magnitude and sign for each position.
If the number of specified values of Ki is less than the number of positions in a line, the line of
repeaters is supplemented with zeros, for example:
5 10 20 40/ 5 10 20 40/
R 1 4:0 0 1 1/ corresponds to the record: 5 10 21 41/
5 10 22 42/
5 10 23 43/
5 10 24 44/
Repetition statements can be arranged in order. Number of the line and the number of lines counted
by the repetition statements are determined for an expanded document (taking into account the previous
Zero strings appear in the positions containing integer data when a repeated string is added to zero at
any repetition step. The character of the integer data makes this rule convenient.
In the documents (for example, 4) with real numbers zeros will be added with a repetition step.
Examples of using the repetition statements are given in the description of the respective documents.
29.Data Archiving Language
Table 29.3-1
Line No. Character of the information Default value Note
1 Code of the problem, Not obligatory
information on the problem
2 Index of the system type Index of the system type 5
3 Coordinate systems Cartesian coordinate system
4 Organization of the calculation Forces are calculated in the beginning,
of forces in the intermediate middle, and end of the bar, for other FE —
sections of bars and forces in in the center of gravity
the nodes of other FE
8 Control of the calculation of the DCF are calculated for all elements of the When there is document 8
design combinations of forces model
12 Unification of the sections of No unification Only when there is document 8
15 Specification of the DCF One DCF group for all elements Only when there is document 8
16 Allowing for crane and brake DCF includes not more than 2 crane and Only when there is document 8
loadings in DCF one brake loading
17 Groups of elements
18 Groups of nodes
19 Characteristics of steel Used in the checks and selection of rolled
steel sections. Absent by default
21 Data for stability
22 Data for the calculation of
principal and equivalent
23 Calculation parameters
31 Names of groups of elements
32 Names of groups of nodes
33 Units of measurement T, cm, m, degrees Celsius, sec.
Some lines can contain only their number. Lines are filled as and when necessary, i.e. a document
may consist of only one line, for example:
(0; Version=21/1; Frame/)
Most lines of a document have a list structure. Peculiarities of arranging the lists are given in the
description of these lines. General rules of filling the lines are as follows:
line starts with its number followed by the semicolon “;”;
the line number is followed by any number of lists separated from each other by a semicolon “;”;
list can have a title separated from the rest of the list by a colon “:”;
line ends with the symbol “/”;
each line can be created as a separate zero document.
29.Data Archiving Language
Comments can be written in a line. If there are comments, the code of the problem and the comments
are separated by a semicolon “;”.
29.Data Archiving Language
Hereinafter optional language elements are enclosed in square brackets.
29.Data Archiving Language
A line consists of lists the titles of which indicate the type and group of unification, and the listing
contains the numbers of elements included in the given group. The number of groups in each type is from
one to nine.
Type and group of unification are specified by a two-digit number, where the first digit indicates the
type of unification, and the second one — the unification group, for example, record
12; 21 75-86/
means: line 12, type of unification 1, unified group 2, elements included in this group have numbers from
75 to 86 inclusive. Any type of unification can be used for plate FE, i.e. possible 39 = 27 unified groups
can be implemented.
If this line is missing, it means that there is no unification.
LoadingCode, SteelCode, ConcreteCode, SafetyCode parameters define design codes used for
combining loads and actions, analysis of steel structural members, analysis of reinforced concrete
structural members, and safety codes respectively. The following table shows the numbering used.
LoadingCode SteelCode ConcreteCode SafetyCode
1 - SNiP 2.01.07-85 with 1 - SNiP II-23-81 1 - SNiP 2.03.01-84 1 - GOST 27751
modifications No. 2) 2 - SP 53-102-2004 2 - SNiP 2.03.01-84 (with 2 - GOST P 54257-2010
2 - SNiP 2.01.07-85 3 - Eurocode 3 modifications for Ukraine) 3 - DBN B.1.2-14-2009
3 - DBN B.1.2-2-2006 5 - SP 16.13330.2016 5 - SNiP 52-01-2003 4 - Eurocode 0
6 - SP 20.13330.2011 6 - DBN B.2.6-163:2010 7 - SP 63.13330.2012 5 - GOST 27751-2014
9 - SP 20.13330.2016 7 - DBN B.2.6-198:2014
29.Data Archiving Language
Document 1. “Elements”
Each line of the document contains either the description of the finite element or that of the repetition
The description of the element has the following form:
< type > < rigidity number> <list of the nodes of the elements> [Name=<name>]/
element type is specified according to Table 3.2-1.
rigidity number from document 3;
list of nodes of the element in accordance with its description;
name of the element in the case of its specification is saved under any transformations of the design
model. It is given in quotes if there are special characters.
The repetition statement has the form described in Sec. 29.2.
(1/ 2 15 3 10/ r 1 5: 0 0 1 1/ 51 21 12/ 31 2 34 35 40 41 22 23 28 29/ 21 1 11 14 18 19/ 12 1 12 15 27/ )
The example contains the information on the first 10 elements:
1-st – has type 2, rigidity number 15 from the document 3; 2-node element, numbers of the nodes in the
3 – number of the first node, 10 – number of the second node;
2–6-th – elements also have type 2 and rigidity number 15, and the numbers of nodes are 4, 11 for the 2-nd
element and 8, 15 for the 6-th element respectively. They are obtained with the help of the repetition
7-th – type 51, rigidity number 21; single-node element, node 12;
8-th – type 31, rigidity type 2, 8-node element, numbers of nodes: 34, 35, 40, 41, 22, 23, 28, 29;
9-th – type 21, rigidity type 1, 4-node element, numbers of nodes: 11, 14, 18, 19;
10-th – type 12, rigidity type 1, 3-node element; numbers of nodes: 12, 15, 27.
You should keep in mind that:
each FE in the design model is assigned its number in the document 1, which is then used for the
identification of the results of the calculation (forces, stresses, DCF, etc.) and it is used in all the
postprocessors of the software for working with the element;
29.Data Archiving Language
the sequence of the description of nodes must correspond to their order described in Chapter 3 (see
Table 3.2-1);
the sequence of the description of nodes defines the direction of the local coordinate axes of the
element X1, Y1, Z1 for many types of FE.
Document 4. “ Coordinates ”
The coordinates of the nodes of the design model are specified in the document. The type of the coordinate
system is defined in the line 3 of the document 0 (Cartesian, cylindrical, spherical, toroidal). The Cartesian
coordinate system is selected by default. Each line of the document 4 describes three spatial coordinates of
the node. When filling the line 3 of the document 0 the coordinates are specified in accordance with the
type of the used transformations in the selected coordinate system.
Since the lines of the document are not numbered, the coordinates are specified in the ascending order
of the node numbers. If the line contains one or two numbers, the last missing coordinates are assumed to
be equal to 0. Only two coordinates can be specified for the indexes of the system type 1 and 2 (line 2 of
the document 0) which describe the XOZ plane. The name of the node can be specified using the Name
The repetition statement has the form described in Sec. 29.2.
(4/1.5 2.8 Name=”Node at Coordinates of the first 8 nodes are described here:
the level 1-1”/ node 1 with the coordinates X=1.5m and Y=2.8m (Z=0) and the specified
2.3 3.7 8.8/ 5/r 1 5: 0 0 2/
node 2 with the coordinates X=2.3m and Y=3.7m, Z=8.8m;
node 3 with the coordinates X=5m (Y=Z=0);
nodes 4-8 are obtained from the 3-rd one by successively rising it by 2 m
along Z.
Document 5. “ Constraints ” 1
This document is used to specify the boundary conditions. The line of the document has the following
<list of constraints > [Type = <type>] [Name=<name>]: <list of nodes> /
Documents with the numbers 1005, 2005, … describe the constraints at the erection stages (see Chapter 14).
29.Data Archiving Language
<list of constraints> is the list of the numbers of the degrees of freedom of the node on which the
constraints are imposed.
The type defines the way in which the constraints are imposed:
0 – constraint of the respective degrees of freedom;
1 – combination of the degrees of freedom in the specified directions for all nodes of the list.
Constraints are specified in the global coordinate system and are designated in the following way:
1, 2, 3 — linear displacement along the X, Y and Z axes respectively;
4, 5, 6 — rotation angles about the X, Y, Z axes respectively;
7, 8, ..., 15 — additional degrees of freedom for the multilayer and other elements.
(5/ 1-3 : 1-10/ 3 Type=1 : 11-15/)
Here the constraints are imposed in the directions 1, 2, 3 in the nodes 1-10; the displacements are
merged in the direction Z in the nodes 11-15.
This document is not obligatory, for example, it can be missing in the calculation of the plates on an
elastic subgrade.
The specification of the rigid inserts, subsoil parameters, local coordinate systems in the 3-rd document is obsolete,
but acceptable. It is better to use documents 31-34.
29.Data Archiving Language
29.Data Archiving Language
Table 29.5-4
Characteristics of solid elements
Contents Identifier Parameters Notes
Properties of the OB E Specification of the numerical characteristics of the
material OBT E E3 12 13 G13 isotropic (ОВ), transverse isotropic (ОВТ) and
OBO E1 E2 E3 12 21 orthotropic (ОВО) materials (see Sec. 3.5).
13 31 23 32 The number of the rigidity type of solid elements
G12 G13 G23 must be followed by the description of the material
29.Data Archiving Language
29.Data Archiving Language
Table 29.5-7
Characteristics of the constraints of finite rigidity, elastic constraints, null elements and rigid bodies
Contents Identifier Parameters Notes
Indicator of the SPRING EX, EY, EZ ... Follows immediately after the number of
characteristics the rigidity type in the document 3. Its
specification is obligatory.
It is followed by the stiffness values. If
there are no constraints, a zero value is
Prestressing by TYPE 51, 55, 100 or 151 Type of the finite element.
displacing 151 – for null elements
Table 29.5-8
Characteristics of the peripheral elements of the plate
Contents Identifier Parameters Notes
Indicator of the BED e1, e2 Follows immediately after the number of the
characteristics rigidity type in the document 3. Its
specification is obligatory.
It is followed by the stiffness values in
accordance with the description of the
Prestressing by TYPE 53 or 54 Type of the finite element
Table 29.5-9
Examples of the description of stiffness properties
Text of the document 3 Contents
1 S0 3.52e+06 30 40 RO 2.5 NAME Rectangular section 30х40cm, elastic modulus of the material
“Column”/ 3.52e+06T/m2, specific weight 2.5T/m3
2 STZ RUS_OLD I2 10 RO 7.85/ Section from “The old assortments (1926, 1932 years)”. I-beam 24a
according to OST 16-1932 (10-th line of the assortment), specific weight
— 7.85T/m3
3 GE 3.06e+06 0.15 0.1 RO 2.5/ Rigidities of an isotropic plate with the thickness of 0.1m, lying on the
elastic subgrade
29.Data Archiving Language
29.Data Archiving Language
Type – reserved for the description of the characteristics of loadings. For static loadings – 0.
[Aks=<file name>] – name of the accelerogram file for the seismic loadings. The accelerogram acts in all
three directions. The following identifiers are used for the specification of different accelerograms in
different directions.
[AksX=<file name>] – name of the accelerogram file for the seismic loadings. The accelerogram acts in
the X direction.
[AksY=<file name>] – name of the accelerogram file for the seismic loadings. The accelerogram acts in
the Y direction.
[AksZ=<file name>] – name of the accelerogram file for the seismic loadings. The accelerogram acts in
the Z direction.
[Betta=<file name>] – name of the dynamic amplification factor file for the seismic loadings. The
dynamic amplification factor acts in all three directions. The following identifiers are used for the
specification of different dynamic amplification factors in different directions.
[BettaX=<file name>] – name of the dynamic amplification factor file for the seismic loadings. The
dynamic amplification factor acts in the X direction.
[BettaY=<file name>] – name of the dynamic amplification factor file for the seismic loadings. The
dynamic amplification factor acts in the Y direction.
[BettaZ=<file name>] – name of the dynamic amplification factor file for the seismic loadings. The
dynamic amplification factor acts in the Z direction.
<mass mask for the dynamic loading> – enables to take into account the masses only in the given
directions in the given loading. If this identifier is missing, all the specified masses will be taken into
account. For example, “:1 2” means that only the masses in the Х and Y directions will be taken into
account in the calculation.
29.Data Archiving Language
29.Data Archiving Language
Table 29.6-2
Thermal load on flat elements
Document 6
FE Load values in the
directio Contents
typetype document 7
11-20 8 0 t, t — temperature difference between the upper and lower
4 t, x surfaces,
5 t, y , x, y — linear expansion coefficients in all the directions
21-30 8 0 t, and only in the X or Y direction, respectively,
1 t, x t — increase (decrease) of the temperature of the middle layer
3 t, z of the plate with respect to the normal operating conditions
(restraint temperature)
41-50 8 0 t, t,
1 t, x
2 t, y
4 t, x
5 t, y
11-20 88 0 t, t, Used for the unification of loads on the plate elements.
21-30 1 t, t, x For the directions 1, 2 t is not taken into account, for the
41-50 2 t, t y directions 4, 5 t is not taken into account
4 t, t, x
5 t, t, y
Table 29.6-3
Thermal load on solid elements
Document 6 Load values in
type Direction the doc.7
8 0 t, t(degrees) — increase (decrease) of the temperature with respect to
1 t, x the normal operating conditions (restraint temperature),
2 t, y — thermal linear expansion coefficient for an isotropic body,
3 t, z x, Y, z — thermal linear expansion coefficients for the axes of the
orthotropic body.
The specification of loads for the dynamic loadings is given in Sec. 29.7.
The following sign convention is used in SCAD when specifying the loads:
positive concentrated and distributed forces are opposite to the respective axes of the global or local
coordinate system, and the moments act clockwise when viewed from the end of the axes;
the specified displacement is considered to be positive if it is directed along the axis or counter-
It means that the vectors of displacements and rotations determined according to the right-hand screw
rule coincide with the respective axes, and the vectors of forces and moments are opposite to them.
[File=<name>] – used when specifying some types of dynamic loads. For example, when describing
the pulse or at the direct integration of the equations of motion (see Chapter 15).
29.Data Archiving Language
29.Data Archiving Language
position 3 — for the modules 21 and 31 (wind pulsation) — number of the wind static loading, for all
other types of loadings — zero.
The information depending on the dynamic module follows from the 4-th position. Since it is much
easier to specify the characteristics of the dynamic actions in the graphical preprocessor, we will not
describe their filling in detail. We will only note that both the coefficients depending on the selected codes,
and the names of the accelerogram files or the dynamic amplification spectra are indicated (see Sec. 8.7).
29.Data Archiving Language
A — angle (in radians) between the direction of the impact and the normal to the area it is acting on
(only for the module 33).
29.Data Archiving Language
1 "2" 7.8/
1 "3" 15./
2 "A" 0./
2 "B" 2.4/
2 "C" 7.2/
3 "0" 0./
3 "3.3" 3.3/)
The first part of the number describes the number of the erection stage. The Constraints and Subsoil
Parameters documents are completely similar to those described above. The lines of the Coefficients of
Variation of the Rigidities documents have the following structure:
<coefficient> : <list of elements> / .
29.Data Archiving Language
29.Data Archiving Language
Table 29.13-1
Name Type Coordinates Directions of the load axes
Cylindrical 1(11) r — polar radius; X — along the radius from
φ — polar radius in radians the center;
(degrees); Y — along the tangent No
z — applicate counterclockwise when
viewed from the end of the Z
Z — coincides with the Z
Spherical 2(12) r — polar radius; X — along the radius from R0 — for the
— polar radius in radians the center; toroidal one
(degrees); Y — along the parallel
— angle between the counterclockwise when
radius and the vertical axis viewed from the end of the Z
in radians (degrees) axis;
for a torus — in a circle
parallel to the XOY plane;
and toroidal Z — along the meridian,
making a right-hand system
together with X and Y
Tension (compression) 3 Q1 Q 2 Q 3 —
along the coordinate coefficients of
axes tension
along the X, Y, Z
axes, respectively
Quadratic transfer 4 X2 = X; Z — perpendicular to the
surface Y2 = Y; surface and makes an angle
Z2 = AX2+BY2+C less than 90 with the Z axis;
Y — perpendicular to Z2 and
lies in the same plane with the
Z axis making an angle
greater than 90 with the Z
X — perpendicular to Y2 and
System X2, Y2, Z2 is right-
Transfer of the 5 X2 = X + A; ABC
coordinates in space Y2 = Y + B;
Z2 = Z + C
Affine transformation 6 X2 = L11 X + L12 X + L13 X; L11 L12 L13
Y2 = L21 Y + L22 Y + L23 Y; L21 L22 L23
Z2 = L31 Z + L32 Z + L33 Z L31 L32 L33
29.Data Archiving Language
Name Type Coordinates Directions of the load axes
Transfer with the 7(17) X2=X cos Y sin + A; AB
rotation in the XOY Y2=X sin Y cos + B;
plane Z2= Z
29.Data Archiving Language
where f — value of the load the direction of which in the local coordinate system is described in the
document 6;
2 — indicator of the spherical transformation;
А, В, С — coordinates of the center of the sphere in space. If they are not specified, it is assumed
that the sphere is located in the origin.
30.Service Functions
The operation of saving the fragment can be invoked from the Control toolbar and enables to save the
fragment of the design model (selected with the help of the fragmentation functions described in Sec. 10.1)
as a separate model. The new model will include all the attributes of the fragment (rigidities, constraints,
loads etc.). Before saving, the program asks whether it is necessary to pack the data and prompts for the
path to the considered file. In the case of a positive answer, a dialog box with packing options appears.
The operation is available only from the preprocessor.
Formula Calculator
The formula calculator can be invoked from the SCAD Office program by clicking on the icon . The
Service menu enables to invoke the standard Windows calculator (if it has been installed together with the
system), and a special formula calculator (Fig. 30.2-1).
This calculator is used to perform calculations by formulae that can be specified in a text field.
The following rules should be observed when entering a formula:
names of functions must be entered in lowercase Roman letters;
the fractional and the integer parts of a number must be separated by a period;
arithmetic operations must be specified with the symbols +, , *, /, ^ (raising to a power), for
example, 2.5*2.5*2.5 can also be written as 2.5^3.
The following mathematical functions can be used in the formulae:
floor — the greatest integer not greater than the argument;
tan — tangent;
sin — sine;
cos — cosine;
asin — arc sine;
acos — arc cosine;
atan — arc tangent;
exp — exponent;
ceil — the least integer greater than the argument;
tanh — hyperbolic tangent;
Figure 30.2-1. The dialog box of the sinh — hyperbolic sine;
calculator cosh — hyperbolic cosine;
ln — natural logarithm;
log — decimal logarithm;
30.Service Functions
30.Service Functions
If the units are compound, you have to select the original units
of measurement in the drop-down lists of one line and the units
you wish to convert to in the other one. Enter the number in the
text field of the first line and you will receive the result in the
second one.
The respective drop-down list enables to change the
language (Russian/English).
Properties of Concrete
A multi-tab dialog box of this mode (Fig. 30.2-3) contains data
given in Section 2 (Tables 12, 13 and 18) of SNiP 2.03.01-84*
(Tables 5.1, 5.2 and 5.4 of SP 52-101-2003, Tables 6.7, 6.8 and
6.11 of SP 63.13330.2012), as well as information on the
minimum allowable concrete cover.
Characteristics of Reinforcement
This mode (Fig. 30.2-4) provides data on the classes of
reinforcement and the assortment of reinforcement products,
including an effective area of the cross-section for a particular
number of rebars, a theoretical weight of one linear meter and
diameters of reinforcement of various classes. Moreover, a
separate tab provides information about reinforcing meshes
according to GOST 23279-85.
30.Service Functions
deviation limitation is applicable only for single bars, a certain possible deviation has to be specified for a
combination of bars).
The algorithm for selecting rebars is based on the following limitations and assumptions:
the maximum possible number of rows of reinforcement along the height – 3 rows;
number of rebars in the third row – 2;
up to five different diameters can be used in a section of the element (it is recommended to use not
more than two different diameters);
bars of larger diameter are placed in the first row at the corners of the section. The bars of larger
diameter in each row are always placed at the edges;
the cross-sectional area of the reinforcement in the section of the smaller bar should not be less
than 25% of the cross-sectional area of the larger bar;
the bars of the 1st row are aligned along the border of the concrete cover (the centers of gravity of
the bars are not on the same line, so that the stirrup could be installed);
the centers of the bars of the second and third rows lie on the same straight line.
The program enables to obtain a report document. Only the variants of the calculation results selected
by the user will be output in the report.
The Reduced/Equivalent Diameter, C.o.G. of Reinforcement tab enables to perform the
following auxiliary operations:
Reduced diameter — enables to determine the reduced diameter of a rebar under the constrained
placement of two rebars (pairwise without a gap between them, or with the distance between the rebars of a
pair less than the distance required for individual rebars). When specifying the distances between the
rebars and determining the anchorage length, this pair of rebars should be considered as a reduced rebar
with a diameter of d red d12 d 22 c12 , where d1 and d 2 – diameters of the considered rebars, d1 –
clear distance between these rebars taken as not greater than the diameter of a smaller rebar (see Sec. 5.40
and Fig. 102 Guide on designing of concrete and reinforced concrete structures made of heavy-weight or
lightweight concrete (no prestressing) (to SNiP 2.03.01.-84)).
Equivalent diameter — enables to determine the equivalent diameter of a rebar when determining
the crack opening width if rebars of different diameters are used in the section.
For a section with rebars n1 of diameter d1 and n2 of diameter d 2 , the equivalent diameter d eq is
determined according to the following formula:
n1d12 n2 d 22
d eq
n1d1 n2 d 2
Center of gravity of the multi-row reinforcement — enables to determine the distance from the
edge of concrete to the center of gravity of the multi-row reinforcement.
For a section with rebars of a certain diameter with the total area of As1 ( Asn ) located at a distance
of as1 (asn ) from the edge of the element, the center of gravity of the multi-row reinforcement is
determined according to the following formula:
As1as1 As 2 as 2 ... Asn asn
As1 As 2 ... Asn
Reinforcement Consumption
The tab Reinforcement Consumption enables the operation of calculation of the weight of the
reinforcement, total cross-sectional area, as well as the number of rebars for a rectangular or arbitrarily-
30.Service Functions
shaped area. The calculation is performed for a set of bars having both the same and different diameters.
The program enables to perform four types of analysis:
reinforcement consumption (determination of the total area and the total weight of the
bundle of N rebars);
reinforcement consumption for a strip, aL;
reinforcement consumption for a rectangular area, ab;
reinforcement consumption for an arbitrarily-shaped area, A.
The control of the operation is performed in the multi-tab Reinforcement dialog box, which is
invoked from the respective section of the Service menu. The type of analysis can be selected with the help
of the respective radio buttons in the Reinforcement Consumption tab, then you have to specify the
parameters of the reinforcement and, if necessary, the size of the area.
Reinforcement Consumption for a Bundle from N Rebars
The total area and the total weight of the given number of rebars of different diameter is calculated,
and the ovelap can be taken into account (specified in % of the total length of the reinforcement). Each
diameter of reinforcement has a corresponding line in the table (Fig. 30.2-5). New lines can be added and
the existing ones can be deleted with the help of the Add and Delete buttons respectively. The analysis is
performed by clicking the Calculate button. A report with the results of the analysis can be generated by
clicking the respective button.
Type of analysis
Characteristics of
Results of analysis
Figure 30.2-5. The Reinforcement Consumption tab for the calculation of a bundle from N rebars
Reinforcement Consumption for a Strip
The total length of rebars, their total weight and the number of rebars is calculated for a certain strip
with the length — a, and the ovelap can be taken into account (specified in % of the length of the
reinforcement). In the transverse direction of the strip, the reinforcement can be represented by either a
single bar or a bundle of bars with the overall length — L. The analysis is performed by clicking the
Calculate button. A report with the results of the analysis can be generated by clicking the respective
button (Fig. 30.2-6).
When the reinforcement at the edges of the strip is taken into account, one bar is added to the total
number of bars.
30.Service Functions
Figure 30.2-6. The Reinforcement Consumption tab for the calculation of the reinforcement consumption
for a strip
Reinforcement Consumption for a Rectangle
The total length of rebars, their total weight and the number of rebars is calculated for a certain
rectangular area — ab, and the ovelap can be taken into account. The reinforcement can be placed along
one face, for example, a, and along both faces. The overlap is given as multiple of the diameter of
reinforcement, for example, the number 10 in the Overlap column corresponds to the value 10D, where D
is the diameter of reinforcement. When the reinforcement at the edges of the rectangle is taken into
account, bars of the given length arranged along the edge of the rectangle are added to the total number of
The analysis is performed by clicking the Calculate button. A report with the results of the analysis
can be generated by clicking the respective button (Fig. 30.2-7).
Figure 30.2-7. The Reinforcement Consumption tab for the calculation of the reinforcement consumption
for a rectangle
30.Service Functions
30.3. Import and Export the Initial Data Prepared in the Form
of the Text Description
SCAD enables to import the files of the initial data prepared in the text format (see Chapter 29), in the
internal formats of the current version. It allows to use the prepared initial data, and for those who prefer a
text description – to prepare some data or all the data in the form of the text description finishing them with
the help of the tools of the graphical preprocessor.
The text file enables to transfer the initial data to the
archive in the form accessible for the control.
The initial data do not necessarily have to include all
sections of the description of the model to be imported. The
geometric properties are enough (in terms of the archiving
language of the first and fourth documents). And even this
information may be incomplete. It can be corrected and
supplemented with the help of the tools of the graphical
The Read the project from the text format operation
from the File menu enables to import the data. And the Read
Figure 30.3-1. The Result of the the project from the text format (previous versions)
Performed Operation dialog box operation is used to import the data prepared in SCAD Office
After invoking the necessary operation and selecting (the name of the text file in the standard dialog
box) import is performed, the information on which is provided in the Result of the Performed
Operation dialog box (Fig. 30.3-1). It contains information on the errors and inaccuracies in the data, and
error messages.
If the errors are not critical for the problem, then after clicking the OK button it is necessary to select
the path to the new spr-file (in the standard dialog box) and the task will become available for working.
Moreover, you will be asked whether it is necessary to show the log of the import operation. If the answer
is positive, the respective log file will be opened.
The software provides the reverse process as well — export of data, i. e. transformation from the
format of the project to the text description in the Windows encoding. This operation is called Save data
as text and it is available in the File menu.
When importing the data from the text format the system of units of measurement specified in the
data is used (see Sec. 29.3 of this book). When exporting the data to the text format you can specify the
necessary system of units of measurement.
30.Service Functions
This application can be invoked from the SCAD Office directory on the desktop and is used to
browse through steel profile assortments. The program window (Fig. 30.5-1) includes a list of assortments
and a table of profile properties.
30.Service Functions
30.Service Functions
Graphics editor, which is invoked by clicking the button , enables to specify a design model of a bar
structure or of its fragment using a set of graphics operations similar to those in the 2D AutoCAD
(AutoCAD Light) environment.
Status bar
30.Service Functions
Object Snap
The objects can be snapped to each other in the following ways:
Point — snap to the point ;
Endpoint — snap to the start or end point of the line ;
Midpoint — snap to the middle of the line ;
Center — snap to the center of the circle ;
Nearest — snap to the nearest position of the line ;
Grips — snap to grips ;
Intersection — snap to the intersection point of the lines ;
Perpendicular — snap to the perpendicular ;
Tangent — snap to the tangent .
Cursor snaps — provide the accurate positioning.
If the snaps are not specified, it is almost impossible to place the cursor on a certain point of the
model (the space of the model in the graphics editor has a continuous character of the material
Snap Angular
30.Service Functions
In order to create a series of points you have to invoke the operation, indicate the position of the point
in the model with the cursor, and left-click. If the Snap to Grid option is enabled (the button is
pressed), the point will be created in the grid node nearest to the cursor.
The editor enables to create a polygonal chain by sequentially indicating the vertices with the cursor
and fixing each point by left-clicking. You can stop the input by right-clicking.
This operation is similar to creating a polyline with an automatically set Fit spline type. If you select
the obtained spline and specify other properties for it (similarly to the polyline), you will obtain the same
results as for the polyline.
A circle can be created by specifying its center and radius, or three points lying on the circle.
An arc can be created by specifying its center, start and end points, or its three points. The parameters
of the arc can be changed according to the same rules as for the circle (see the Circle section).
In order to create an ellipse you have to indicate its center with the cursor and fix it by left-clicking,
drag the rubber band to the point defining the end of one of the axes, fix it, and drag the second rubber
band to the point defining the half of the length of the other axis. If you select a created ellipse, an “arm”
attached to its center will appear in the drawing. You can capture the free end of the arm with the cursor
and rotate the ellipse by the necessary angle with respect to the center.
The ellipse can be adjusted according to the same rules as the circle.
It should be noted that an ellipse or its part will be correctly transferred to the SCAD preprocessor
only after applying the Explode operation to them. Curves forming the ellipse will be replaced by a set of
straight line segments in the result of performing this operation.
30.Service Functions
A rectangle can be created by specifying the start and end points of its diagonal.
Editing Objects
30.Service Functions
The same object can be copied successively several times, confirming the copying every time. Right-
click to finish the copying.
The position of the objects can be changed by moving them without changing their orientation and
size. In order to perform this operation it is necessary to:
− select the objects you want to move (right-click to finish the selection);
− indicate the basic point of moving;
− move the objects using the “rubber band”;
− left-click to confirm the operation (right-click to cancel it).
Mirroring is performed with respect to the given axis defined by two points. The original objects are
not saved after performing the operation. In order to perform this operation it is necessary to:
− select the objects you want to mirror (right-click to finish the selection);
− specify the first point of the mirror axis;
− specify the second point;
− left-click to confirm mirroring (right-click to cancel it).
Rotation of the objects can be performed by specifying the center of the rotation and the starting point
of the rotation. In order to perform this operation it is necessary to:
− select the objects you want to rotate (right-click to finish the selection);
− specify the point corresponding to the center of the rotation;
− specify the starting point of the rotation;
− rotate the objects;
− left-click to confirm the rotation (right-click to cancel it).
In order to perform this operation select the objects you want to delete and click the Erase button.
This operation can be also performed by pressing the Delete key on the keyboard.
When scaling the objects the equality of the scaling factors for the X and Y axes is observed. Thus,
the proportions of the object do not change when the sizes are increased or decreased. Scaling is performed
by specifying the basic segment. The scaling factor is determined from the ratio of the lengths of the basic
and current segments.
− select the objects you want to scale;
− specify the start point of the basic segment;
− specify the end point of the basic segment;
30.Service Functions
− perform scaling by changing the length of the current segment (decrease or increase);
− left-click to confirm the scaling (right-click to cancel it).
SCAD has a capability of analyzing the behavior of structures under seismic actions described by
given accelerograms. The accelerograms must be prepared in advance as files of a certain format which
will be described later.
The accelerogram file format is simple and straightforward, so such files can be created and processed
by any text editor or word processor. To further facilitate the accelerogram preparation process, SCAD
Office has been supplemented with auxiliary software named Accelerogram Editor.
Along with the common data editing functionality, this program enables you to perform an analysis of
an accelerogram. Particularly, the following information can be obtained in both graphical and tabular
an accelerogram (an acceleration vs. time relationship);
a velocigram (a velocity vs. time relationship);
a seismogram (a displacement vs. time relationship);
an amplitude Fourier spectrum (absolute value of the accelerogram’s Fourier transform vs.
a power spectrum (absolute value of the accelerogram’s Fourier transform squared vs. frequency);
response spectra for given values of logarithmic decrements of oscillations 1;
general properties (maximum and root-mean-square accelerations, velocities and displacements).
Accelerograms usually contain errors, no matter whether they are instrumental (i.e. recorded with
seismograph) or analytical (calculated on the basis of a measured seismogram). In analytical accelerograms
the errors commonly arise because of the numerical differentiation. Most often, these errors will be great in
magnitude for the high-frequency component of the action. In instrumental accelerograms, the errors will
arise during the recording and digitizing. Most of the recorded accelerograms contain great errors in a
long-period range. The Accelerogram Editor program does not offer any means for correcting
instrumental errors of the baseline or signal frequency filtering. It is just assumed that such actions have
been previously performed.
Another typical error commonly made in accelerograms is introducing an offset and a slope to the
baseline (see [2] for examples). Let’s give an example borrowed from the book [4] that shows how even
the smallest errors of this kind can enormously distort the depiction of displacements experienced by a
designed structure. Suppose there is a given harmonic action x (t ) w sin( t ) subjected to a small
perturbation in the form of a slope of the baseline of 0, 001wt and an offset of the same line by 0, 03w .
The said perturbations are hardly noticeable on the accelerogram of x (t ) , but they make the seismogram
look utterly different from what it should be like; the equation of the latter becomes
t2 1
x (t ) w(0, 001 0, 03t 2 sin t ) . The program suggests a capability of accelerogram balancing in
order to be able to amend errors of this type.
Accelerogram files usually have the .spc extension and are plain text files. There is an arbitrary text
(comment) at the beginning of each file, which is followed by a separator character # and three numbers (a
See books [1], [4] for definitions and discussions.
30.Service Functions
factor for converting the given values to m/sec2, a number of points in the accelerogram, and a time step in
seconds). It is assumed that the acceleration values were recorded at a constant time step. The listed data is
followed by the acceleration values. The number of specified values must conform to the number of points.
The accelerations, the time step, and the conversion factor are floating-point numbers with a period serving
as a separator between their integer and fractional parts. All numbers in the file must be separated by
spaces or start from a new line. An example of such a file can be found in Chapter 8.
The application contains setting operations common for all SCAD Office programs. Therefore, the
description of operations specific only to the Accelerogram Editor is given below.
The Calculation tab (Fig. 30.7-1) allows you to choose a
maximum value for the frequency up to which the Fourier
spectra and the maximum period for the response spectra will
be calculated. Moreover, the user can also choose the type of
scale of response spectra (period-acceleration or frequency-
acceleration). If the frequency vs. acceleration relationship is
generated, the user can select a set of frequency increments
(according to the recommendations of MP
2011 or ASCE 4-98). Moreover, the user can prepare a text file
(with the .txt extension) with a list of frequencies, for which the
Figure 30.7-1. The Calculation tab values of the response spectra should be output. In order to load
a file select the From file option and click the Open button.
The file should contain the values of the respective frequencies
(in Hz). If when calculating the response spectra it turns out that
the calculated frequency exceeds the maximum one specified in
the file, the list of frequencies is supplemented based of the last
increment specified by the user (the difference between the last
two numbers). The frequencies in the file must be specified as
floating-point numbers with a period serving as a separator
between their integer and fractional parts. All numbers in the
file must be separated by spaces or start from a new line. A
uniform scale with a step specified in this tab can be also used.
30.Service Functions
30.Service Functions
Creating Plots
Plots of accelerograms, velocigrams, and other functions are
displayed on the Plots tab (Fig. 30.7-5). The plot type can be
selected from a drop-down list located at the top of the tab. If
the accelerogram is unbalanced, a warning will be displayed.
There is a table of values of the factor being analyzed on the
right from the plot.
When plotting the response spectra, you can choose the
number of spectra to be calculated (up to 7) and specify a
separate logarithmic decrement of oscillations for each. The
decrements for each plot can be either entered explicitly in the
text field of the respective drop-down list or selected from the
set of standard values recommended by State Committee for
Figure 30.7-5. The Plots tab Nuclear Regulation of Russian Federation [3] or IAEA [5].
If the values entered by the user are different from the standard ones presented in the lists, click the
Apply button to see the change in the plot.
The plots will be displayed in different colors. The same colors are used to show the respective values
in the table. If only one plot is displayed on the screen, the software enables to perform the procedure of
expanding the peaks and reducing the maximums (see. [1, Chapter 7]). If there is one plot, the Save button
enables to save the response spectrum in the file with the .spd extension and to use this file as a plot of the
dynamic amplification factor at the seismic analysis.
The application also enables to specify the information on the damping of oscillations specifying one
of the following parameters:
energy absorption factor;
damping parameter;
logarithmic decrement of oscillations;
loss factor;
coefficient of internal friction (inelastic resistance).
The respective item in the drop-down list enables to select the method for specifying the data on the
internal losses. If you place the cursor in the field of the graph, the information field with the values of the
factors in the selected point will appear next to the cursor which enables to explore the graph dynamically.
General Properties
This tab (Fig. 30.7-6) displays general properties of the
The structural analysis of seismic actions using a linear spectral theory that is stated in most design
codes (such as SNiP II-07-81, PN AE G-5-006-87, NP-031-01, etc.) involves a plot of the dynamic
amplification factor (DAF) specified by the codes.
Recently there have appeared new regulatory codes such
as those of the Republic of Kazakhstan or Georgia that make it
necessary to use specific relationships between DAF and the
natural oscillation period (t). A similar problem arises when
local seismic peculiarities need to be taken into account. In this
case the accelerograms of peculiar earthquakes of the region
can be used to build the plots of the (t) function (such as long-
period Romanian earthquakes).
Therefore, we supplemented SCAD with a DAF plot
editor that enables the user to specify any plot of (t).
Figure 30.8-2. The Parameters tab (Eurocode 8) Figure 30.8-3. The Plots tab
When needed, the plot can be modified by editing data directly in the table; the allowed actions also
include adding new lines and deleting the selected existing ones (the Add and Delete buttons). The
obtained plot will be shown in the respective tab (Fig. 30.8-3). A comment can be saved together with the
plot itself. The comment should be entered in the respective field in the Table tab.
30.Service Functions
If the DAF plot is built according to the rules different from those stated in the selected codes, then it
can be specified by entering data into the table. To add lines in this case, use the Add button.
The data in the table must be arranged in the ascending order of the period values. There should not
be points with equal period values.
If the plot has been created by a different tool such as a plain text editor, then a point must be used as
a separator between the integer and fractional parts of the numbers. The period must be specified in
References to Chapter 30
1. A.N. Birbraer, Seismic analysis of structures. St. Petersburg. — Nauka. — 1998 — 255 p.
2. D.I. Mishin, Correcting accelerograms at the modeling of seismic actions. Earthquake-resistant construction.
Safety of structures. — 2001— No. 2. — p. 17-22.
3. NP-031-01 Design codes for earthquake-resistant nuclear plants. — Moscow. — Gosatomnadzor of Russia. —
2001 — 31 p.
4. A.M. Uzdin, T.A. Sandovich, Al-Nasser Mohammad Samih Amin, Fundamentals of the theory of earthquake
resistance and earthquake resistant construction of buildings and structures. St. Petersburg — B.E.Vedeneev
VNIIG Publishing House. — 1993 — 176 p.
5. Safety Series No 50-SG-S1 (Rev. 1). Earthquake and associated topics in relation to nuclear power plant siting.
A safety guide. International Atomic Energy Agency. —Vienna. — 1991.
31. Settings
31. Settings
Many parameters used by the software can be changed by the user. Some of these settings have already
been described above, for example, color schemes (see Sec. 10.5), environment settings (see Sec. 10.4),
calculation parameters (see Chapter 11), setting the list of reinforcement spacing (see Sec. 19.11). The
setting of the options which have already been mentioned are described in detail below.
The setting of all these parameters can be invoked from the Settings menu.
Most calculation parameters are saved in the project file (for example, spr-
file). If the dialog box for setting the parameters is invoked from the Settings
menu when there are no open models, the saved values will be used for all
newly created projects.
31. Settings
Figure 31.3-1. The Font Setting tab of the Figure 31.3-2. The Font dialog box
Parameters dialog box
The buttons in the left column enable to select the type of the information for which the font settings are
adjusted. Clicking these buttons invokes the standard Font dialog box of the Windows environment. You can
specify the parameters of the font in this dialog box (Fig. 31.3-2). The font is displayed in the information
field of the Font Setting dialog box. If you click the Apply button, the information will be output in the
selected style in the model. The Set color for all fonts button enables to select and set the same color for all
fonts. The Set default font colors button enables to set the standard values of the font colors.
Font settings can be saved to an external file using the button , which can be subsequently loaded
(the button ).
31. Settings
31.4. Sections
If a limited set of the assortments of rolled profiles is used when working with the software, they can be
included in the list of the available ones in the Sections tab (Fig. 31.4-1) of the multi-tab Parameters dialog
box, which can be invoked from the Settings menu.
The left list presents titles of catalogues available in the
program. And the right one contains the titles of the catalogues
which will be used when specifying the stiffness properties of
the elements and selecting sections in the steel elements of the
structure. Selected catalogues can be moved from the left list to
the right one and vice versa using the Add and Remove
buttons, respectively.
Catalogues included in the right list can be arranged in any
convenient order (the same order will be used in the lists or the
dialog boxes for the profile selection). You can use the
Figure 31.4-1. The Sections tab appropriate buttons to move a title up or down the list.
The full list of the assortments of rolled profiles supplied with the software package is given in the
31. Settings
select the method for checking the general stability of the elements under bending and compression (select
the respective Annex A or B of EN 1993-1-1), limit the execution of standard checks assuming that the
deformations of steel are elastic, specify the parameter ρlim allowing for the effect of buckling of the section
elements on the rigidity of the structure as a whole, select the method for allowing for shear lag for the
ultimate limit state, specify the parameters η for checking the shear stability of webs, and to define the set
of the used classes of bolts (see Fig. 31.6-1).
If the values of the partial safety factors and other standard parameters of the calculation are specified
in compliance with the recommendations of EN 1993-1-1, then the row with the EU flag ( ),
which is selected by default, should be selected from the drop-down list. If you want to use the National
Annexes, select the row with a flag of the respective state. The numerical values of the respective partial
safety factors and the parameters of the standard calculation will be displayed in the table in the EN 1993
Settings tab.
If the values of the partial safety factors or the parameters of the standard calculation are specified by
the user, then you have to select the Other item in the drop-down list. Thus you can use the application for
custom, nonstandard situations, and also when any modifications are made in NAD.
31. Settings
Clicking the Filling the stamp button invokes the Stamp dialog box, where you can fill the stamp of
the page (Fig. 31.8-2). The Save as template button enables to save the entered information as a template.
The saved template can be used in the current and in other sessions of the program after clicking the Load
template button.
31. Settings
31. Settings
The Collapse tables menu item enables to switch to a mode whereby the filter tree and the tables will be hidden
by default when you load any of the models. They can be opened by dragging the separator to the right.
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
Registered trademark of the Graphisoft company.
Registered trademark of the Nemetschek company.
Registered trademark of the Autodesk company.
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
The plugin for Revit performs the export of the data on the model into the R2S format, which can be
imported into SCAD.
The following data of the analytical model are transferred during the export.
Coordinates of nodes and constraints.
The information on geometry, orientation of the local axes, material, rigid inserts and hinges is
transferred for bar elements. Curved bars are approximated by a set of ordinary bars.
The information on geometry (including the data on holes), thickness and the data on the material are
exported for plate elements.
Only “Hosted” loads, i.e. those which are directly connected to the element or node, are taken into
account when exporting loadings.
All loadings (with their names) are exported.
The following types of loads in the global coordinate system can be exported in each loading (Revit
does not support the ability to specify loads in the local coordinate system of the element):
nodal loads;
concentrated loads on bars and plates;
uniformly distributed and trapezoidal loads on bars;
uniform and trapezoidal loads distributed along the line on plates;
distributed and trapezoidal loads on plates.
The plugin for ArchiCAD performs the export of the data on the model into the R2S format, which
can be imported into SCAD.
The following data are transferred during the export.
The information on geometry, orientation of the local axes is transferred for bar elements. The
respective stiffness properties will be created for bars with a circular or rectangular cross-section during the
export. For cross-sections with a shape other than rectangular a bar element will be created, but the cross-
sectional shape will not be specified for it.
The information on geometry (including the data on holes) and thickness equal to the sum of
thicknesses of bearing layers is exported for plate elements. Finishing layers of laminates are not taken into
account neither in the calculation of thickness, nor in the calculation of the vertices of the plates. Curved
plates are approximated by a set of ordinary plates. The average thickness is used for the plates with
uneven thickness during the export.
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
User Interface
In order to use the plugin you have to create an analytical model with the help of the menu item
Analysis-Analysis & Design Models-New.
In order to run the plugin go to the menu Detailing-Components-Component Catalog and activate the
TeklaToSCAD component.
A dialog box will appear where you have to select a model created earlier, click the Export to SCAD
button, and select the file name.
Once the data are exported, the following message will appear on the screen.
Export options
The plugin for Tekla performs the export of the data on the model into the R2S format, which can be
imported into SCAD.
The following data of the model are transferred during the export.
Coordinates of nodes and imposed constraints.
The information on geometry (coordinates of the beginning and end of each element), orientation of
the local axes, rigid inserts and hinges, physical properties of the material is transferred for bar elements.
Curved bars are approximated by a set of ordinary bars. The following types of the cross-sections of bars
can be exported — parametric, rolled steel sections and custom ones. A representation in the form of the
Consul cross-section is created for the custom sections during the export. A list of correspondences
between the profiles from the assortment of SCAD and Tekla is used during the export of rolled steel
The information on geometry (including the data on holes), thickness and the data on the material are
exported for plate elements.
The data on the rigid bodies can be exported as well.
All loadings (with their names) are exported.
The following types of loads can be exported in each loading:
nodal loads (forces and moments);
concentrated and distributed (uniform and trapezoidal) loads on bars in the global and local
coordinate systems;
concentrated loads on plates in the local coordinate system;
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
When importing files of the IFC format the formats of the 2x3, 2x4 versions are supported both in the text
form, and in the XML format.
The data on coordinates and imposed constraints are imported for nodes.
The data on geometry (coordinates of the beginning and end), orientation of the local axes, hinges,
and parameters of the cross-section are transferred for bar elements. A bar element can have several
representations: geometric and analytical, preference is always given to the analytical one. Two types of
sections are supported: parametric and sections in the form of polygons; the latter are implemented as a
cross-section created by Consul.
The data on geometry (including the data on holes) and thickness are transferred for plate elements.
If the plate elements are represented as a set of polygons (IFC class - IfcFacetedBrep), the
transformation into the analytical model is performed in the following way. Two “largest” faces are found.
If these faces are parallel, they are considered as the top and bottom of the plate, the contour of the plate is
assumed to have the shape of the larger face in the plane in the middle between the found upper and lower
faces. If the selected faces are not parallel, such an element is ignored.
The following types of loads can be imported:
nodal loads (forces and moments);
uniformly distributed loads on bars.
If the model has plates with the number of nodes greater than 4, or plates with holes, a project of the
“Standard” (spr) type cannot be created. In this case you can create only the project of the “Forum” (opr)
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
◦ IfcWallStandardCase
◦ IfcPlate
◦ IfcSlab
◦ IfcRoof
◦ IfcFooting
◦ IfcOpeningElement
◦ IfcStructuralLoad
◦ IfcStructuralLoadStatic
◦ IfcStructuralLoadLinearForce
◦ IfcStructuralLoadSingleForce
The import of the CIS/2 format is implemented with the help of the conversion of the file of this format
into the file of the IFC format and subsequent import of the IFC-file. Therefore, all limitations dealing with
the IFC-format are applicable to the CIS/2 format as well and are described in the respective section.
When importing files of the SDNF format, the 2.0 and 3.0 versions of this format are supported.
The information on geometry (coordinates of the beginning and end), orientation of the local axes,
rigid inserts, hinges, and section is transferred for bar elements. The format implies that a rolled steel
profile is used as a section; the profile is selected with the help of the special table of correspondences
between the assortments of SCAD and Tekla.
The information on geometry (including the data on holes and fillets) and thickness is imported for
plate elements.
The import of loads uniformly distributed over the whole length of the bar is implemented for
loadings. The format does not imply that there are other types of loads.
If the model has plates with the number of nodes greater than 4, or plates with holes, a project of the
“Standard” (spr) type cannot be created. In this case you can create only the project of the “Forum” (opr)
When importing files of the GMSH format both text and binary types of this format are supported; and the
formats starting from the 2.0 version are supported as well.
The data on the coordinates are imported for nodes.
The list of the main and additional nodes belonging to these elements can be read for all finite
The following types of GMSH elements are supported:
bars — types in GMSH: 1, 8, 26, 27, 28;
3-node plates — types in GMSH: 2, 9, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25;
4- node plates — types in GMSH: 3, 10, 16;
tetrahedrons — types in GMSH: 4, 11, 29, 30, 31;
6-node prisms — types in GMSH: 6, 13, 18;
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
8-node prisms — types in GMSH: 5, 12, 17, 92, 93, 32, 33, 7,14, 19.
The GraitecExchangeModel library of Graitec company or the AdvanceExchangeModel64.dll library of
the Autodesk company are used to import the files of the GTC or GTCX format. In order to be able to
import the files of the GTC or GTCX format, the respective products of the Graitec company
(AdvanceSteel and/or AdvanceConcrete) or Autodesk company (Autodesk AdvanceSteel and/or Autodesk
AdvanceConcrete) must be installed on the computer.
The information on geometry (coordinates of the beginning and end), orientation of the local axes,
rigid inserts, hinges, physical properties of the material, cross-section is imported for bar elements. Curved
bars are approximated by a set of ordinary bars. Three types of sections are supported: rolled steel,
parametric and compound sections. In the case of rolled steel and compound sections, a special table of
correspondences between the assortments of AdvanceSteel and SCAD is used for selecting the profile.
The data on geometry (including holes and distortions of sides), thickness and physical properties of
the material are imported for plate elements.
If the model has plates with the number of nodes greater than 4, or plates with holes, a project of the
“Standard” (spr) type cannot be created. In this case you can create only the project of the “Forum” (opr)
The following is implemented when importing the files of the FNFF format (Femap neutral file format).
The format does not provide the possibility of specifying the units of measurement, therefore it is
assumed that all the data are in the SI system.
The information on the coordinates and constraints is imported for nodes.
The data on geometry (numbers of the start and end nodes), orientation of the local axes, hinges, rigid
inserts, properties of the material, parameters of the cross-section are imported for bar elements. In the
case of a parametric section its sizes are transferred. Otherwise, only the area and the moments of inertia IY
and IZ are transferred. A suitable rolled steel section is selected in SCAD based on these data.
The data on geometry, properties of the material and thickness are imported for plate elements.
The data on geometry and the properties of the material are imported for solid elements.
The data on geometry (numbers of the first and second nodes), orientation of the local axes, and
stiffness in all directions are imported for the elastic constraints.
The data on nodes and imposed constraints are imported for rigid bodies.
For all types of loads, except for the loads on nodes, only the forces are transferred, the moments are
not provided by the format. The following types of loads can be imported:
nodal loads;
uniformly distributed and trapezoidal loads on bars in the local and global coordinate systems;
uniformly distributed and trapezoidal loads on plates in the local and global coordinate systems;
uniformly distributed loads on the faces of solid elements in the global coordinate system.
When importing the files of the STAAD format the following data can be transferred.
Support of the commands: TO, REPEAT, REPEAT ALL.
The coordinates and constraints are transferred for nodes.
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
The information on geometry (numbers of the start and end nodes), orientation of the local axes, rigid
inserts and hinges, physical properties of the material, parameters of the cross-section is transferred for bar
The information on geometry (node numbers), thickness and the data on the material are imported for
plate elements.
The data on geometry (node numbers) and the properties of the material are imported for solid
The data on geometry (node numbers) and imposed constraints are imported for rigid bodies.
The information on parametric sections and rolled steel profiles is transferred for the cross-sections of
bars. A list of correspondences between the profiles from the assortment of SCAD and STAAD is used
during the import of rolled steel sections.
The following types of loads can be imported:
nodal loads;
concentrated loads on bars;
uniformly distributed and trapezoidal loads on bars;
triangular loads on bars (such loads are transformed into two trapezoidal ones);
concentrated loads on plates;
uniformly distributed and trapezoidal loads on plates;
uniformly distributed loads on the faces of solid elements.
The following is implemented when importing the files of the Abaqus input file format.
Coordinates and constraints are imported for nodes.
The data on geometry (numbers of the start and end nodes), orientation of the local axes, material,
hinges, rigid inserts (through the eccentricities of sections), parameters of the cross-section are imported
for bar elements. The format enables to create 3-node bars. If the middle node is not used by other
elements, it is ignored, if it is used, the bar is divided in two.
The data on geometry, material, thickness and additional nodes are imported for plate elements.
The data on geometry, material and additional nodes are imported for solid elements.
The data on geometry (list of nodes) and imposed constraints are imported for rigid bodies.
The data on geometry (one or two nodes depending on the type of constraint) and stiffness properties
are imported for the elastic constraints.
The data on the coefficient C1 are transferred for the subsoil parameters, in the case of bars this
parameter is specified for the local Z axis.
The groups of nodes and elements are imported.
The following types of the inertial properties are imported for the dynamic actions:
masses and moments of inertia for nodes;
concentrated and distributed masses for bar and plate elements.
The following types of loads are imported:
loads in a node;
uniform and trapezoidal loads on bars in the global and local coordinate systems;
loads on plates uniformly distributed along the line;
uniformly distributed and trapezoidal loads on plates in the global and local coordinate systems;
uniformly distributed loads on plates in the local and global coordinate systems;
uniformly distributed loads on the face of a solid element in the global coordinate system;
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
ccf-file is a text file in the ANSI coding. It is necessary to observe the following rules when creating it:
line breaks are denoted as 0x0D 0x0A;
blank lines are allowed;
maximum line length — 1000 characters;
lines starting with ** (two stars in a row) are considered as comments;
“.” (period) is used as a decimal separator;
each line with the description of the factor looks as follows: <name of the factor><space><value>[
comment ];
the names of the factors are case-insensitive.
It is recommended to use Windows Notepad for creating and editing ccf-files. It enables to avoid
problems with coding and line breaks.
The following factors are currently provided:
LENGTH — conversion factor for linear sizes, such as coordinates, sizes of sections, plate thickness,
etc. SCAD implies that all linear sizes are given in meters.
FORCE — conversion factor for force. SCAD implies that all forces are given in newtons.
DENSITY — conversion factor for specific weight. Despite the fact that it is a derivative dimension,
it is specified separately. It is used only for specifying the specific weight of materials. SCAD implies that
the specific weight is given in N/m3.
YOUNGMODULE — conversion factor for the Young's modulus. Despite the fact that it is a
derivative dimension, it is specified separately. It is used only for specifying the Young's modulus of
materials. SCAD implies that the Young's modulus is given in N/m2.
ANGLES — conversion factor for angles. SCAD implies that all angles are given in degrees.
TEMPERATURE — conversion factor for temperatures. It is used for specifying the linear expansion
coefficient of materials. SCAD implies that the temperature is given in degrees Celsius.
MASS — conversion factor for masses in the inertial loads: *Mass, *Rotary Inertia, *Nonstructural
All derivative dimensional values, for example, pressure or moment of forces, are recalculated with
the help of these factors. The exceptions are: DENSITY, YOUNGMODULE, MASS.
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
An example of the contents of the ccf-file is given below, which enables to import the inp-file with
the ABAQUS data “given” in millimeters, radians and kilograms.
**example of a file with factors
Angles 0.0174532925199433
Force 9.8 convert kilograms to newtons
** Linear sizes
LENGTH 0.001 convert millimeters to meters
When importing the files of the ANSYS CDB format the following data can be transferred:
The coordinates and imposed constraints are transferred for nodes.
The data on geometry (numbers of nodes), orientation of the local axes, material, rigid inserts
(through the eccentricities of sections), sections are imported for bar elements. The format enables to
create 3-node bars. If the middle node is not used by other elements, it is ignored, if it is used, the bar is
divided in two.
The information on geometry (node numbers), thickness and the data on the material are imported for
plate elements.
The data on geometry (node numbers) and the properties of the material are imported for solid
The data on geometry (node numbers) are imported for rigid bodies.
The data on geometry (node numbers) are imported for the elastic constraints.
The masses and moments of inertia for nodes are imported for the dynamic actions.
The following types of loads can be imported for loadings:
nodal loads;
concentrated loads on bars;
uniform and trapezoidal loads on bars. Offsets from the ends of the bars are supported for the
trapezoidal loads;
uniformly distributed and trapezoidal loads on plates;
uniformly distributed and trapezoidal loads on the sides of the plates;
uniformly distributed loads on the faces of solid elements.
The support of loads with the help of surfaces is implemented as well (SURF elements). A finite
element consisting from the same nodes as the loaded surface is selected for such loads, the load is applied
to the found element.
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
When exporting a SCAD enlarged model into the IFC format, the 2x3 and 2x4 versions of this format are
The export can be also performed into the text form or into the XML-format:
Depending on the position in space the type of bar — beam (horizontal element) or column (element
that occupies any position in space except for the horizontal one), is specified during the export of bar
elements. In terms of the IFC it corresponds to the IfcBeam or IfcColumn. The information on the
coordinates of the beginning and end of the bar, orientation of the local axes and the cross-sectional shape
is transferred. The type and sizes are exported for the parametrically defined cross-sections. The rolled
steel profiles are transferred as polygons. A fictitious cross-section in the form of a square with a side of 10
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
cm is created for the bars with the type of rigidity incompatible with the IFC format (for example, the
numerical description).
Depending on the position in space a vertical wall, inclined wall, floor, or an arbitrary flat element (in
terms of the IFC — IfcWallStandardCase, IfcWall, IfcSlab or IfcPlate, respectively) is created during the
export of plate elements. The information on geometry (including the data on holes) and thickness is
IFC does not provide the presence of solid elements.
IFC does not provide the specification of the majority of loads possible in SCAD, therefore the loads
are not exported.
IFC does not provide a standardized method of specifying the physical properties of the material,
therefore the materials are not exported.
When exporting an enlarged model created by SCAD into the CIS/2 format the user can select the type of
the created CIS/2-model: analytical (Analysis) or graphical (Design).
The following data are exported when the analytical model is used:
coordinates of nodes and imposed constraints;
coordinates of the beginning and end of each bar, orientation of the local axes, hinges;
the cross-sectional shape of the bar is transferred as a parametric description or as a polygon (if the
rolled steel profiles were used in SCAD);
a fictitious cross-section in the form of a 1010 cm square is created for the bars with the type of
rigidity incompatible with the CIS/2 format (for example, the numerical description);
rigid inserts are modeled by an additional bar with the special properties of the material.
The following data are exported when the graphical model is used:
coordinates of the beginning and end of each bar, orientation of the local axes, hinges;
the cross-sectional shape of the bar is transferred as a parametric description or as a polygon (if the
rolled steel profiles were used in SCAD);
a fictitious cross-section in the form of a square with a side of 10 cm is created for the bars with the
type of rigidity incompatible with the CIS/2 format (for example, the numerical description);
rigid inserts are modeled by an additional bar with the special properties of the material;
geometry and thickness of each plate finite element.
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
CIS/2 does not provide solid elements, therefore all the SCAD solid elements will not appear in the
CIS/2-model after the export.
CIS/2 does not provide the specification of the majority of loads possible in SCAD, therefore the
loads are not exported.
CIS/2 does not provide a standardized method of specifying the physical properties of the material,
therefore the materials are not exported.
When exporting a SCAD model into the SDNF format, the 2.0 and 3.0 versions of this format are
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
The user can select the type of the created msh-file: text (ASCII) or binary (Binary), during the export of
the model created by SCAD into the GMSH format:
The information of the coordinates of nodes and the geometry of bar, plate and solid elements is
Such data as loads, hinges, physical properties of materials etc. are not supported by the msh format
and are not exported.
The GraitecExchangeModel library of Graitec company or the AdvanceExchangeModel64.dll library of
the Autodesk company are used to export the SCAD model into the GTC format. In order to be able to
export into the GTC format, the respective products of the Graitec company (AdvanceSteel and/or
AdvanceConcrete) or Autodesk company (Autodesk AdvanceSteel and/or Autodesk AdvanceConcrete)
must be installed on the computer. The user can select the format for export (GTC or GTCX):
The following parameters are transferred when exporting the data on the materials:
name of the material (a file with the list of names known in AdvanceSteel and the respective
properties of the materials are used when selecting the name);
Young's modulus;
Poisson's ratio;
linear expansion coefficient;
type: steel, concrete, timber, custom. During the export SCAD specifies the type on the basis of the
analysis of the value of the Young's modulus.
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
Finite elements
The following parameters can be transferred for bar finite elements:
coordinates of the beginning and end of the bar;
rigid inserts.
The following parameters can be transferred for plate finite elements:
geometry (including holes);
The GTC format does not provide the information on solid elements and loads on the elements.
The following data can be exported into the FNFF format (Femap neutral file format):
coordinates of nodes and imposed constraints;
the following information is transferred for the bar finite elements (they are assigned the element
type number 5):
node numbers;
orientation of local axes;
information on the rigid inserts;
physical properties of the materials and the cross-sectional shape;
the following information is transferred for the 3- and 4-node plate elements (they are assigned the
element type number 17):
data on the thickness;
physical properties of the materials;
physical properties of the material are transferred for the solid finite elements (they are assigned the
element type number 25 with the following topological subtypes: number 6, 7 or 8 – for a tetrahedron,
triangular prism and quadrangular prism respectively);
the node numbers and the directions of constraints are transferred for the rigid bodies (the element
type number 29 is used);
the data on nodes and parameters of rigidity in all directions are transferred for the elements
modeling an elastic constraint between the nodes (the element type number 6 is used).
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
The following geometric properties are transferred during the export of the data on the cross-sectional
shape of the bar:
moments of inertia;
torsional inertia moments;
conventional shear areas.
The geometric dimensions are also transferred for the parametric sections. The FNFF format does not
allow to transfer the information on the sections of bars with a different shape.
The following parameters are transferred during the export of data on the physical properties of the
type: isotropic or orthotropic;
Young's modulus;
Poisson's ratio;
shear modulus;
thermal expansion coefficient;
The following data are transferred during the export into STAAD:
coordinates of nodes and the imposed constraints;
the following information is transferred for the bar finite elements:
node numbers;
orientation of the local axes;
information on the rigid inserts;
physical properties of the materials;
cross-sectional shape;
the following information is transferred for the 3- and 4-node plate elements:
physical properties of the materials;
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
The following data are transferred during the export from SCAD into ABAQUS with the help of the
Abaqus input file format:
coordinates of nodes and the imposed constraints (using the *Boundary ABAQUS section);
the following information is transferred for the bar finite elements:
node numbers;
orientation of the local axes;
information on the physical properties of the materials;
cross-sectional shape.
The transfer of the data on rigid inserts and hinges is not implemented, since ABAQUS does not have
a complete analogue of these concepts. The correspondence between the types of bar elements is given in
the table below.
Type of the SCAD finite element Type of the ABAQUS finite element
1 T2D2
2, 3 B21
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
Type of the SCAD finite element Type of the ABAQUS finite element
4 T3D2
other B31
3- and 4-node plates are exported (including the axisymmetric finite elements). The data on the
thickness and physical properties of the materials are exported as well. The correspondence between the
types of plate elements is given in the table below.
Type of the SCAD finite element Type of the ABAQUS finite element
61, 64 CAX4
62 CAX3
Three-node plates S3
Four-node plates S4
The data on the physical properties of the materials are exported for the SCAD solid finite elements.
The correspondence between the types of solid elements is given in the table below.
Type of the SCAD finite element Type of the ABAQUS finite element
Triangular prism (type 34) C3D6
Quadrangular prism (type 36) C3D8
Tetrahedron (type 32) C3D4
The following table of correspondences is used when transferring the data on the cross-sectional
shape of bar finite elements with a parametric form.
Type in SCAD ABAQUS section Type in SCAD ABAQUS section
Only the information on stiffness properties is transferred for all other parameters of rigidity of bars
(implemented in SCAD).
The correspondence between the types of finite elements given in the table below is used during the
export of the data on elastic constraints.
Type of the SCAD finite element Type of the ABAQUS finite element
51 Spring1
55 SpringA
The data on the groups of nodes and groups of elements are exported.
Type in SCAD Type in ABAQUS
Group of elements *Elset
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
The subsoil parameters C1 are exported with the help of the *FOUNDATION object of ABAQUS.
Only the data for the local Z axis are transferred for bars (due to the absence of a complete analogue).
When transferring the information on the physical properties of the materials the transfer of the
parameters of both isotropic and orthotropic materials is implemented. The following data are transferred:
Specific weight *Density
Young's modulus *Elastic
Poisson's ratio *Elastic
Linear expansion coefficient *Expansion
The following table contains the information on the export of the data on loads.
Static loads on nodes
Nodal loads *Cload
Static loads on elements
Loads on bars
Distributed, in the global coordinate system, along the X, PX, PY, PZ
Y, Z axes
Distributed, in the local coordinate system, along the Y, Z P1, P2
Moments and other loads on bars Not supported due to the absence of an analogue in
Loads on plates
Distributed, in the local or global coordinate system, along TRVEC
the X, Y, Z axes
Distributed along the line in the local or global coordinate EDLD
system, along the X, Y, Z axes
Moments and other loads on plates Not supported due to the absence of an analogue in
Loads on solid elements
Distributed over the entire volume, in the global BX, BY, BZ
coordinate system, along the X, Y, Z axes
Distributed on the face in the global coordinate system, TRVEC
along the X, Y, Z axes
Dynamic loads on nodes
Masses along the X, Y, Z axes *MASS
Moments of inertia of the mass along the X, Y, Z axes *Rotary Inertia
Dynamic loads on elements
32.Import and Export SCAD Data
Distributed masses on bars *Nonstructural Mass, units=MASS PER LENGTH
Distributed masses on plates *Nonstructural Mass, units=MASS PER AREA
Distributed masses on solid elements *Nonstructural Mass, units=MASS PER VOLUME
When exporting the data into the ANSYS CDB format the following data can be transferred:
Coordinates and imposed constraints are transferred for nodes.
The data on geometry (node numbers), orientation of the local axes, material, hinges, rigid inserts,
sections are transferred for bar elements. The format does not provide the specification of hinges and rigid
inserts directly on the element, therefore they are modeled with the help of the additional nodes and
constraints between them.
The data on geometry, material, thickness, and additional nodes are transferred for plate elements.
The data on geometry, material, and additional nodes are exported for solid elements.
The data on geometry and imposed constraints are transferred for rigid bodies.
The masses and moments of inertia for nodes are transferred for the dynamic actions.
The following types of loads are transferred for loadings:
loads in a node;
uniform and trapezoidal loads on bars in the global and local coordinate systems;
uniform and trapezoidal loads distributed along the line on plates in the global and local coordinate
uniformly distributed and trapezoidal loads for plates in the local and global coordinate systems;
distributed loads on the face of a solid element in the global coordinate system.
Some loads can not be specified directly for a finite element, in such cases an additional SURF-
element consisting from the same nodes as the given finite element is created, and the load is applied to it.
List of Assortments of Rolled Profiles
File name Abbreviation for
Assortment name
in the root directory a text file
GOST russian.prf Russian
Reduced GOST Russhort.prf Russhort
Old Russian Rus_old.prf Rus_old
Assortment of the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant Aschm.prf Aschm
(STO ASChM 20-93)
British Standard Sections British1.prf British1
Overseas Shapes British3.prf British3
Welded profiles WELD.PRF WELD
OTUA Otua.prf Otua
DIN Din.prf Din
ASTM Usa.prf Usa
Indian India.prf India
Japanese Steel Japan.prf Japan
Zinc coated steel wire ropes GOST Cable.prf cable
Rebars GOST RebarRU.prf RebarRu
Rebars of Belarus Republic RebarBY.prf RebarBY
Rebars ENV 10080:1996 RebarEC.prf RebarEC
Thermal roll-formed steel profiles TERM2007.PRF TERM2007
Cold-formed profiles TU1121.PRF TU1121
Cold-formed zinc-coated steel profiles TU112101.PRF TU112101
This table provides the names of the sections of the assortments of rolled profiles which are used in the text
are specified by the user. Their extensions depend on the type of the information (.wmf, .emf — when
saving the screen image, .avi — video file, .rtf — when exporting to MS Word, .xls — when exporting to
MS Excel).
Binary files of the results Table 2
Extensions Content
F00 Internal formats of finite elements after the control
F01 Stiffness matrix
F02 Working file for storing intermediate calculations
F03 Working file for storing intermediate calculations
F04 Natural frequencies of oscillations
Oscillation modes
Inertial loads
Distribution of the weights of masses
F05 Frontal method
F06 Frontal method. Auxiliary information.
F07 Values of displacements
F08 Values of forces
F09 Values of reactions
F10 Design combinations
Unified design combinations
F11 Stiffness matrix for Lanczos
F12 Dynamics for Lanczos
F14 Accelerations for dynamic loadings
F15 Accelerations of points
F16 Stability factors of safety
Buckling modes
Unsupported lengths of elements
F17 Sorted displacements
F19 Principal and equivalent stresses
F20 Principal and equivalent stresses from combinations of loadings
F21 Design combinations
Unified design combinations
F22 New DCF for printing
F23 Old DCF for printing
F24 Right-hand sides
F25 Sorted displacements
F28 DCF for progressive collapse
F29 Design combinations of displacements
F30 Design combinations of reactions in constraints
F31 Results of the nonlinear processor necessary for postprocessing
F32, F33 Working files of the nonlinear processor
F34 Working file of the calculated displacements for the nonlinear processor
F35 Working file of the data of the previous problem
Extensions Content
F43 Erection deformations
F44 Erection forces
F50 Polynomials (working files)
F51 Energy
F53 Loads from the structural fragment in constraints from combinations of loadings
F54 Loads from the structural fragment in constraints
F55 From combinations of loadings:
Stability factors of safety
Buckling modes
Unsupported lengths of elements
F56 Loads from the structural fragment from a combination of loadings
F57 Loads from the structural fragment
F58 Displacements from combinations of loadings
F59 Forces from combinations of loadings
F60 Design combinations of deflections
F71 Response spectra
F81-F84 Results of integration of the equations of motion
F91 Check "Steel"
F92 Check "R/c"
F93 Check of the progressive collapse "Steel"
F94 Check of the progressive collapse "R/c"
F95 Results of the selection of steel
F96 Results of the reinforcement selection
The Keyboard Settings dialog box, which is invoked from the respective item of the Settings menu,
enables to create and modify the sets of hot keys.
New shortcut
Existing shortcut
Description of the
selected operation
It is necessary to perform the following operations to create a new combination of hot keys:
invoke the Keyboard Settings dialog box;
select the name of the toolbar, filter toolbar, or menu which includes the operation in the Sections
select the necessary operation (if the hot keys are already assigned for this operation, they will be
displayed in the Assigned key combinations field);
place the cursor in the New key combination field;
press the keys of the combination;
click the Assign button.
To replace an existing combination enter a new set of keys according to the above rules, and then
delete the previous one. To delete a combination select it in the Assigned key combinations field and
click the Delete button in the dialog box.
If the new key combination has already been used for invoking another operation, the respective
message will appear in the message field of the dialog box.
The Default button puts the set of hot keys into the default state described above. The Report button
creates a document with a list of all assigned hot keys.
Some commands are repeated in several toolbars (for example, the Display the design model
command). These commands are shown in a list on a pink background. The setting of hot keys for such
commands automatically leads to their setting in all toolbars.
The above-mentioned Keyboard and Context Menu Settings dialog box, which can be invoked from
the Settings menu, enables to create and edit the context menu.
It is necessary to perform the following actions to add the button invoking the operation to the menu:
invoke the Keyboard and Context Menu Settings dialog box;
select the name of the toolbar, filter panel or menu the operation belongs to in the Sections list;
select the line with the name of the necessary operation in the Operations list;
check the Add to the context menu checkbox;
repeat the above actions if it is necessary to add other buttons to the menu.
The menu can be edited (buttons can be removed or their order can be changed) in the respective
dialog box, which is invoked by clicking the Context menu button… The order of operations can be
changed by clicking the Up/Down buttons, and the Delete button enables to remove the operation from the
The set of operations available in the context menu depends on the mode of the software. For example,
the preprocessing operations will be automatically excluded from the menu when working in the
The information on hot keys (and settings of dialog boxes Information on the Node, Information on
the Element) is saved in the file "%systemdrive%\users\All Users\SCAD Soft\SCADACCEL.tbl". If it is
necessary to transfer the settings to another computer, you just have to copy this file (SCAD++ has to be
Table of contents
1. SCAD OFFICE SYSTEM ....................................................................................................................................4
1.1.Structure CAD.......................................................................................................................................................5
Project .....................................................................................................................................................................5
Functional Modules.................................................................................................................................................5
Processor and Finite Element Library.....................................................................................................................6
Graphical Tools for Generating a Design Model ....................................................................................................8
Enlarged Design Models and Connection with Other Systems...............................................................................8
Filters ......................................................................................................................................................................9
Graphical Postprocessor........................................................................................................................................10
Documenting the Results ......................................................................................................................................10
1.2.Design and Analysis Programs............................................................................................................................10
Kristall ..................................................................................................................................................................11
ARBAT .................................................................................................................................................................12
ZAPROS ...............................................................................................................................................................14
1.3.Design and Engineering Programs ......................................................................................................................15
1.4.Auxiliary Programs .............................................................................................................................................16
Section Builder......................................................................................................................................................16
Consul ...................................................................................................................................................................16
TONUS .................................................................................................................................................................16
West ......................................................................................................................................................................17
Slope .....................................................................................................................................................................17
Cross .....................................................................................................................................................................18
1.5.Service Functions ................................................................................................................................................18
2. THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS...................................................................................................................19
2.1.Structure and Its Design Model ...........................................................................................................................19
General Information..............................................................................................................................................19
Design Model According to the Slope Deflection Method ...................................................................................20
Principal and Auxiliary Unknowns .......................................................................................................................22
External and Internal Constraints..........................................................................................................................23
Junction between Elements and Nodes .................................................................................................................23
Groups, Substructures, Super-Elements................................................................................................................24
Loads and Actions.................................................................................................................................................24
2.2.Basic Relationships of the Finite Element Method .............................................................................................25
Linear Static Analysis ...........................................................................................................................................25
Additional Constraints ..........................................................................................................................................27
Rigid Bodies..........................................................................................................................................................27
Dynamical Analysis ..............................................................................................................................................30
Accounting for Damping ......................................................................................................................................32
2.3.Solving Systems of Equations .............................................................................................................................33
2.4.Standard Dynamic Load Cases............................................................................................................................35
Wind Load ............................................................................................................................................................36
Seismic Actions ....................................................................................................................................................37
Pulse Loads ...........................................................................................................................................................39
Table of contents
Harmonic Excitation............................................................................................................................................. 39
Analysis with Accelerograms............................................................................................................................... 40
Direct Integration of the Equations of Motion ..................................................................................................... 40
2.5.Stability of Equilibrium ...................................................................................................................................... 43
Governing Equations ............................................................................................................................................ 43
Single-Parametric Loading................................................................................................................................... 43
Analysis of a Role Played by Particular Subsystems ........................................................................................... 44
2.6.Design Combinations of Forces (DCF) .............................................................................................................. 45
Bars....................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Membranes (Plane Stress State) ........................................................................................................................... 47
Plates .................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Shells .................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Solid Elements...................................................................................................................................................... 47
Loadings ............................................................................................................................................................... 48
2.7.Erection............................................................................................................................................................... 48
Elementary Actions .............................................................................................................................................. 48
Agreement on the Loads....................................................................................................................................... 49
Variants of the Model Modification ..................................................................................................................... 49
Finite Element Procedures.................................................................................................................................... 50
2.8.Finite Element Models........................................................................................................................................ 52
Convergence of FEM ........................................................................................................................................... 52
Convergence Validation for Some Models........................................................................................................... 54
Circumventing Singularities ................................................................................................................................. 57
Fragmentation....................................................................................................................................................... 57
Counteracting the Dimensional Instability ........................................................................................................... 58
Coupling Elements of Different Dimensionality .................................................................................................. 59
Effects of Merged Displacements......................................................................................................................... 62
Allowing for a Distributive Ability of Soil........................................................................................................... 63
Using Rigid Inserts............................................................................................................................................... 64
References to Chapter 2........................................................................................................................................ 67
3. FINITE ELEMENT LIBRARY ........................................................................................................................ 69
3.1.General Issues ..................................................................................................................................................... 69
3.2.Composition of the Finite Element Library ........................................................................................................ 70
3.3.Bar Elements....................................................................................................................................................... 73
Local Coordinate Systems of the Bar ................................................................................................................... 73
General Description of Bar Finite Elements......................................................................................................... 76
Types of Bar Finite Elements ............................................................................................................................... 77
Peculiarities of Specifying the Initial Information for Bar Finite Elements ......................................................... 78
Loads on Bar Finite Elements .............................................................................................................................. 82
3.4.Flat Finite Elements for the Calculation of Deep Beams, Thin Plates, and Shallow Shells ............................... 85
Class of the Solved Problems ............................................................................................................................... 85
Material of Structures ........................................................................................................................................... 86
Reissner-Mindlin Plates........................................................................................................................................ 87
Allowing for the Elastic Subgrade........................................................................................................................ 87
Local Coordinate Systems .................................................................................................................................... 88
Types of Flat Finite Elements............................................................................................................................... 88
Hybrid Flat Finite Elements ................................................................................................................................. 92
Peculiarities of Specifying the Initial Information for Flat Finite Elements......................................................... 92
Loads on Flat Finite Elements .............................................................................................................................. 92
3.5.Finite Elements for Solving the Spatial Problem of the Theory of Elasticity (Solid Elements) ......................... 98
General Information ............................................................................................................................................. 98
Table of contents
Table of contents
4.5.Calculation........................................................................................................................................................ 152
4.6.Graphical Analysis of the Calculation Results.................................................................................................. 155
Analysis of Displacements ................................................................................................................................. 156
Analysis of Forces .............................................................................................................................................. 157
4.7.Creating a Design Model from 2D Elements.................................................................................................... 158
Specification of the Boundary Conditions.......................................................................................................... 160
Specification of Loads........................................................................................................................................ 161
Graphical Analysis of the Calculation Results ................................................................................................... 162
4.8.THUS …........................................................................................................................................................... 164
5. CREATING A DESIGN MODEL .................................................................................................................. 166
5.1.Design Models of Frame Bar Structures........................................................................................................... 167
Generate a Frame Prototype Operation .............................................................................................................. 167
Multi-Storey Multi-Span Frames........................................................................................................................ 167
Single-Storey Multi-Span Frames of Industrial Buildings ................................................................................. 170
5.2.Creating Models of Plane Hinged-Bar Systems................................................................................................ 172
Generating a Steel Truss Prototype .................................................................................................................... 172
Work in the Section Tab (Additional Features).................................................................................................. 174
Generating a Timber Truss Prototype ................................................................................................................ 175
Generating Trusses with Elements with a Custom Section ................................................................................ 175
5.3.Spatial Frames and Trusses............................................................................................................................... 175
5.4.Creating a Design Model of a Grade Beam ...................................................................................................... 177
5.5.Generating a Rectangular Mesh of Finite Elements on the Plane ..................................................................... 178
5.6.Surfaces of Revolution...................................................................................................................................... 179
Description of Parametric Prototypes of Surfaces of Revolution ....................................................................... 181
5.7.Creating an Analytically Defined Surface of Revolution ................................................................................. 184
Rules for Entering Mathematical Formulas........................................................................................................ 186
Example. Radio Telescope Reflector ................................................................................................................. 187
Example. Helical Ramp...................................................................................................................................... 187
5.8.Creating an Analytically Defined Surface ........................................................................................................ 187
Example. Shell (Paraboloid of Revolution)........................................................................................................ 188
5.9.Creating Parametric Surfaces............................................................................................................................ 188
Examples of Creating Design Models Using the Operation of Generating Parametric Surfaces ....................... 190
5.10.Creating a Standard Analytic Surface ............................................................................................................. 192
5.11.Creating Standard Structures .......................................................................................................................... 195
5.12.Generating an Arbitrary Mesh of Finite Elements on the Plane ..................................................................... 199
Fundamental Principles ...................................................................................................................................... 199
Specifying a Meshing Contour ........................................................................................................................... 200
Transforming Bars into a Meshing Contour....................................................................................................... 202
Converting the Convex Hull of the Selected Nodes into the Meshing Contour ................................................. 203
Converting Enlarged Elements (Objects) into a Meshing Contour .................................................................... 203
Parameters of Meshing ....................................................................................................................................... 204
Some Nuances .................................................................................................................................................... 206
Mesh Refinement ............................................................................................................................................... 206
Mesh Quality Assessment .................................................................................................................................. 211
Improving the Meshing Quality ......................................................................................................................... 212
Export the Meshing Contour to GMSH.............................................................................................................. 212
5.13.Assembling a Model from Several Models..................................................................................................... 212
Methods of Assembling...................................................................................................................................... 215
Rules of Assembling .......................................................................................................................................... 215
Working with Loads ........................................................................................................................................... 216
5.14.Copying a Design Model ................................................................................................................................ 216
Table of contents
Table of contents
Table of contents
Table of contents
Table of contents
Table of contents
Table of contents
Table of contents
Table of contents
Table of contents
Table of contents
Table of contents
31.4.Sections ...........................................................................................................................................................832
31.5.Report and Languages .....................................................................................................................................832
31.6.EN 1993 Settings.............................................................................................................................................832
31.7.Visualization Settings of the Result Tables .....................................................................................................833
31.8.Format Pages for Printing................................................................................................................................834
31.9.Setting the Design Codes.................................................................................................................................835
31.10.Specifying Work Directories .........................................................................................................................835
31.11.Table Settings ................................................................................................................................................835
31.12.Toolbar Settings.............................................................................................................................................836
32. IMPORT AND EXPORT SCAD DATA.....................................................................................................837
32.1.Import Design Models.....................................................................................................................................837
Import Graphics Files..........................................................................................................................................840
Plugins ................................................................................................................................................................841
IFC ......................................................................................................................................................................843
CIS/2 ...................................................................................................................................................................844
SDNF ..................................................................................................................................................................844
GTC ....................................................................................................................................................................845
STAAD ...............................................................................................................................................................845
ABAQUS ............................................................................................................................................................846
ANSYS ...............................................................................................................................................................848
32.2.Export SCAD Data ..........................................................................................................................................848
IFC ......................................................................................................................................................................849
CIS/2 ...................................................................................................................................................................850
SDNF ..................................................................................................................................................................851
GTC ....................................................................................................................................................................852
STAAD ...............................................................................................................................................................854
ABAQUS ............................................................................................................................................................855
ANSYS ...............................................................................................................................................................858
List of Assortments of Rolled Profiles................................................................................................................859
Extensions of the Files in the Working Directory of SCAD ...............................................................................867
"Hot" Keys and Context Menu Settings..............................................................................................................870