Edexcel IGCSE Chemistry Student Book Answers PDF

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Chapter 1
1. a) melting

b) freezing

c) subliming / sublimation

d) subliming / sublimation




Note: Solids should have regularly packed particles touching. Liquids should have most of the
particles touching at least some of their neighbours, but with gaps here and there, and no
regularity. Gases should have the particles well spaced.


2. a)

b) Solids: vibration around a xed point. Liquids: particles can move around into vacant spaces,
but with some difculty because of the relatively close packing.
c) Evaporation: Some faster moving particles break away from the surface of the liquid. Boiling:
Attractive forces are broken throughout the liquid to produce bubbles of vapour.
d) In a sealed container, vapour particles in the space above the liquid return and stick to the
surface of the liquid at the same rate as liquid particles are evaporating.
a) A - gas ; B - liquid; C - solid; D - liquid; E solid

b) C. It sublimes at a very high temperature and so takes the most heat energy to break the
attractions between the particles to form a gas.

c) A. It turns to a gas at the lowest temperature and so takes the least heat energy to break the
attractions between the particles to form a gas.
d) A, because it is a gas.

e) It sublimes. That means that it turns straight from a solid to a gas and so there is never any
liquid to boil.

f) D. It has the lower boiling point of the two liquids (B and D), and therefore the weaker
attractions between its particles. A higher proportion of its particles will have enough energy to
escape from the surface.
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4. a) The ammonia and hydrogen chloride particles have to diffuse through the air in the tube,
colliding with air particles all the way.

(i) Its particles will move faster.

(ii) It would take slightly longer for the white ring to form, because the gas particles would be
moving more slowly at the lower temperature.
c) Ammonia particles are lighter than hydrogen chloride particles and so move faster. The
ammonia covers more distance than the hydrogen chloride in the same time.

(i) ammonium bromide

(ii) The heavier hydrogen bromide particles would move more slowly than the hydrogen
chloride particles, and so the ring would form even closer to the hydrobromic acid end than it was
to the hydrochloric acid end. The ring will also take slightly longer to form because of the slower
moving particles.

Theres no right answer to this. The question is designed to show students how carefully
they need to think about practical details of experiments they suggest, and to stimulate discussion.
Key points:


The two liquids should be compared in identical apparatus, side by side so that the temperature is
always identical for the two throughout the time needed to run the experiment. You would need
equal volumes of liquids, and equal volumes of water. All this stresses the importance of a fair
test. Likely suggestions would involve having two tubes (gas jars, measuring cylinders, burettes,
for example) of water with the coloured liquids introduced into the bottom of them. A simple
observation of the progress of the colours up the tubes would be enough. There could be some
problems if the liquids varied markedly in colour intensity. A student suggesting that you might put
some white card or paper behind the tubes to make it easier to see would deserve some praise.
The main practical problem lies in getting the bottom coloured layer into place without any prior
mixing. You could have the liquids in small weighing bottles (as in the text) which are lowered into
water in a (wide) measuring cylinder or gas jar on a bit of cotton, but there will inevitably be some
mixing. Alternatively, you could place the weighing bottle in the bottom of an empty gas jar or
measuring cylinder, and then add water very carefully to avoid mixing (perhaps via a bit of rubber
tubing to the bottom of the gas jar, and added very slowly). Students should be explicit about how
they get the weighing bottle and the water into the gas jar with as little mixing as possible.
A better alternative, which would make comparisons easier, might be to use burettes full of water,
and introduce the coloured liquids using the bulbs from teat pipettes (or similar). Fill the bulb with
liquid, and attach it to the tip of the burette. Open the tap, squeeze very gently to force the
coloured liquid into the burette, and then close the tap again. However, it would be a quite
exceptional student who thought of that this early on in the course.

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Chapter 2
1. a) 9

b) sum of protons + neutrons in the nucleus

c) 9p, 10n, 9e

d) Dots or crosses diagram showing 2,7

2. a) 26 p, 30 n, 26 e
b) 41 p, 52 n, 41 e

c) 92 p, 143 n, 92 e
3. a) Atoms with the same atomic number but different mass numbers. They have the same number
of protons, but different numbers of neutrons.
b) 35Cl: 17 p, 18 n, 17 e; 37Cl: 17 p, 20 n, 17 e
c) Both: 2,8,7

4. Dots or crosses diagrams showing a) 2,8,1; b) 2,8,4; c) 2,8,6

5. a) 5; b) 7; c) 4; d) 8
6. a) A, F
b) A


c) C

d) B, D

e) calcium
f) 82, lead

g) Dots or crosses diagram showing 2,8,8,1

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Chapter 3
1. a) A pair of electrons which is shared between two atoms. The atoms are held together because
the nucleus of each is attracted to the shared pair.
It doesnt matter whether
students use dots or crosses or
just different colours - or what
positions (N,S,E,W) the
hydrogens occupy in the H 2S or













It doesnt matter what variations of colours or dots and crosses are used. In the ethanol case, the
-OH group could equally well have been drawn swapped with either of the other two hydrogens on
the right-hand carbon atom.
3. a)

(i) An atom or group of atoms which carries an electrical charge.

(ii) Attractions between positively and negatively charged ions holding them together.

b) Correct electronic structures for

(i) Na 2,8,1 and Cl 2,8,7
(ii) Li 2,1 and O 2,6

(iii) Mg 2,8,2 and F 2,7.

Diagrams (similar to those in the chapter) showing transfer of electrons, and the charges and
electronic structures of the ions formed. (or words to the same effect).
In (i), show 1 electron transferred from Na to Cl leaving Na + [2,8]+ and Cl- [2,8,8]-

In (ii), show 2 lithium atoms each giving 1 electron to O leaving 2 x Li + [2]+ and O2- [2,8]2-

In (iii) , show 1 Mg giving an electron each to 2 uorines leaving Mg 2+ [2,8]2+ and 2 x F- [2,8]-

4. a) Mg 2,8,2. Explanation in words or diagrams showing the 2 outer electrons forming a sea of
electrons (becoming delocalised) - similar to the sodium diagram in the chapter, but with 2 outer
electrons rather than 1, and 2 positive charges on the ions.
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b) Boiling point is a guide to the energy needed to break the metallic bond. The stronger the bond,
the more energy is needed to separate the particles and the higher the boiling point. The bonds
get stronger from Na to Mg to Al.
c) The metals have 1, 2 and 3 electrons respectively in their outer energy level. These can be
delocalised to leave increasingly positively charged ions and an increasing number of electrons in
the "sea" as you go from Na to Mg to Al. This leads to increasing amounts of attraction between
ions and "sea", and hence more energy is needed to break them.
d) Delocalised electrons are mobile.

5. (weakest) hydrogen, phosphorus triuoride, ammonia, ethanol, water, ethanamide (strongest).

Higher intermolecular attractions produce higher boiling points.
6. a)



Students might ask why it doesnt form ionic bonds. The amount of energy
needed to remove 3 electrons so close to the boron nucleus is too great.
Point out that this will be explored in some detail in chemistry at a higher

b) Correct electronic structures for Al 2,8,3 and F 2,7. Diagrams (similar to those in the chapter)
showing transfer of electrons, and the charges and electronic structures of the ions formed. (or
words to the same effect).
Show 1 Al giving an electron each to 3 uorines leaving Al 3+ [2,8]3+ and 3 x F- [2,8]-

(c) The outer level of the boron in BF 3 only contains 3 pairs of electrons (6 electrons) whereas there
would be room for 4 pairs (8 electrons).


Note: This is included because it is a simple example of a perfectly stable

covalent compound where there arent four pairs of electrons around one of
the atoms - in other words, it is nothing like a noble gas structure. Despite
the impression often given at GCSE, such compounds are very common although in the great majority of cases, there are more than 8 electrons
around one atom rather than fewer.

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Chapter 4
1. a) Diagrams as those in chapter. Graphite diagram should show the layer structure or state this in
words. The diamond structure must be accurate, with no spare bonds between unconnected
b) Similar: One of, for example: high melting points (strong covalent bonds all have to be broken);
lack of solubility in solvents (same reason).
Different: 2 of: diamond hard, graphite soft (strong covalent bonds in 3D in diamond difcult to
break; weaker forces between layers in graphite allow layers to slide); graphite less dense than
diamond (comparatively large distances between the layers in graphite mean that less atoms can
be tted into a given volume); graphite conducts electricity, diamond doesn't (each carbon in
graphite forms only 3 ordinary covalent bonds, with the other electron free to move. All diamond's
outer electrons are locked in single covalent bonds and arent free to move).
2. a) The atoms in the metal crystal can roll over each other into new positions. Diagram similar to
the one in the chapter would be useful.
b) Any of:

Strong or high melting point or high boiling point, because of the powerful attractions in the metallic
bond which take a lot of force or heat energy to break.
Conducts electricity, because the delocalised electrons in the metallic bond are free to move.

Conducts heat, because heat energy is transferred by the movement of the delocalised electrons.
c) The presence of differently sized atoms breaks up the regular pattern and stops layers sliding
easily. Diagram similar to the one in the chapter would help.


3. a) Strong attractions between positive and negative ions need large amounts of energy to break.
b) A small displacement of the layers of ions if subjected to a stress brings like charges together.
Repulsion shatters the crystal.
c) Attractions between ions and polar water molecules are strong enough to overcome the
attractions between the ions themselves. Crystal is pulled apart.
4. a) Giant covalent
b) Molecular
c) Molecular

d) Giant ionic

e) Giant metallic
f) Molecular

g) Giant metallic

h) Giant covalent
5. a) Solid. Giant covalent structure with strong covalent bonds in 3-dimensions.
b) Hard. Explanation as in a).

c) No. No ions present to give strong attractions with water molecules, and the bonds in silicon
dioxide are too strong to be easily broken.

d) Occurs as quartz - a component of rocks like granite. Quartz is a hard solid which doesnt
dissolve in water (otherwise it would wash out of the rocks which contain it). This is all consistent
with the predictions in a) to c).

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Chapter 5




















2. (a)


(i) H: 1; S: 2,8,6


(iii) H2S

The formula is SiH4. (Allow H4Si. Nothing so far has determined

which way around it is likely to be written.)
3. a) Ca + 2H2O ----> Ca(OH)2 + H2



(b) There are 4 unpaired electrons in the outer level of silicon, and
therefore room for 4 hydrogens to form covalent bonds.

b) 2Al + Cr2O3 ----> Al2O3 + 2Cr

c) Fe2O3 + 3CO ----> 2Fe + 3CO2
d) 2NaHCO3 + H2SO4 ----> Na2SO4 + 2CO2 + 2H2O
e) 2C8H18 + 25O2 ----> 16CO2 + 18H2O
f) Fe + 2HCl ----> FeCl2 + H2
g) Zn + H2SO4 ----> ZnSO4 + H2
h) Fe3O4 + 4H2 ----> 3Fe + 4H2O

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i) 2Mg + O2 ----> 2MgO

j) Pb + 2AgNO3 ----> Pb(NO3)2 + 2Ag
k) 2AgNO3 + MgCl2 ----> Mg(NO3)2 + 2AgCl
l) C3H8 + 5O2 ----> 3CO2 + 4H2O
m) Fe2O3 + 3C ----> 2Fe + 3CO
4. a) Na2CO3 + 2HCl ----> 2NaCl + CO2 + H2O
b) 2NaOH + H2SO4 ----> Na2SO4 + 2H2O
c) 2Na + 2H2O ----> 2NaOH + H2
d) 2Na + Cl2 ----> 2NaCl


e) Fe2O3 + 6HNO3 ----> 2Fe(NO3)3 + 3H2O

f) 2Zn + O2 ----> 2ZnO
g) CuO + 2HCl ----> CuCl2 + H2O
h) BaCl2 + Na2SO4 ----> BaSO4 + 2NaCl
i) Zn + Pb(NO3)2 ----> Pb + Zn(NO3)2
j) CuSO4 + 2KOH ----> Cu(OH)2 + K2SO4
k) Mg + CuO ----> MgO + Cu
l) 4Na + O2 ----> 2Na2O
m) 2Fe + 3Cl2 ----> 2FeCl3
5. a) CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) ----> CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)

b) Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq) ----> Cu(s) + ZnSO4(aq)

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c) Mg(s) + H2SO4(aq) ----> MgSO4(aq) + H2(g)

d) Fe2(SO4)3(aq) + 6NaOH(aq) ----> 2Fe(OH)3(s) + 3Na2SO4(aq)
e) 2Al(s) + 6HCl(aq) ----> 2AlCl3(aq) + 3H2(g)
f) Fe2O3(s) + 3H2SO4(aq) ----> Fe2(SO4)3(aq) + 3H2O(l)
g) PbCO3(s) + 2HNO3(aq) ----> Pb(NO3)2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)
h) Mg(s) + H2O(g) ----> MgO(s) + H2(g)


i) C(s) + 2CuO(s) ----> 2Cu(s) + CO2(g)

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Chapter 6
1. a)

side arm ask
gas syringe
50 cm3 of dilute
hydrochloric acid
weighing bottle
containing dolomite

Collection of gas over water into an inverted measuring cylinder is an acceptable alternative.
Pieces of dolomite in weighing bottle so that reaction can be started with no loss of gas.
Description should include shaking the ask to upset the weighing bottle, followed by constant
shaking, and recording the volume of gas in syringe at 30 second intervals.


b) Graph should be completely smooth with the axes properly labelled.

c) At the very beginning of the reaction. Reaction can only happen when acid particles hit the solid
dolomite. Numbers of acid particles are greatest at the beginning of the reaction before any get
used up - therefore the greatest number of collisions per second and the fastest reaction is at the
d) 70 secs (read this off the graph, and allow some tolerance depending on the size of graph
paper available.)

(i) lower initial rate; same volume of gas.

(ii) initial rate lower; half the volume of gas (50 cm 3).
(iii) initial rate the same; half the volume of gas (50 cm 3). (The initial rate depends on the
original concentration of the acid which is still the same.)
(iv) initial rate faster; same volume of gas.

2. a) Time taken for the reaction would increase. Reaction happens when acid particles collide with
the magnesium. The concentration of acid is less and so there will be fewer collisions per second,
and therefore a slower reaction.
b) Time taken for the reaction would decrease. The acid particles are moving faster and so collide
with the magnesium more often. Reaction only happens if the energy of the collision equals or
exceeds activation energy. At higher temperatures the collisions are more energetic and so a
greater proportion of them are effective.
(c) Answers could include: Acid will be used up quickly immediately around the magnesium;
stirring brings fresh acid into contact with it. Bubbles of hydrogen form around the magnesium,
preventing acid from reaching it; stirring helps to dislodge the bubbles. Bubbles of hydrogen lift
the magnesium to the surface (sometimes above the surface) of the acid, lowering contact
between acid and magnesium; stirring helps to prevent this.


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3. a) Reactions only happen if collisions have energies equalling or exceeding activation energy.
Catalysts provide an alternative route for the reaction with a lower activation energy. A diagram
would be useful, but not essential.
original route


activation energy
with a catalyst


catalysed route
progress of reaction
b) To nd out whether it speeds the reaction up: You could do this most simply by having two test
tubes with equal volumes of the same hydrogen peroxide solution side-by-side. Add some
copper(II) oxide to one and look for the faster production of bubbles. Trying to measure the
difference is unnecessary.


To show that it is unchanged: Use a known mass of copper(II) oxide. When the reaction stops,
lter through previously weighed lter paper, allow to dry, and reweigh. Show that the mass of
copper(II) oxide is unchanged. (If it had changed, and you hadnt lost any during the separation
process, it must have reacted in some way.)


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End of Section A Questions

1. a) B: Equal numbers of protons and electrons.
b) Li+. 1 mark for Li, one for correct charge.
c) 1 mark each for 1, 1, -1 (reading vertically).
d) Sr: 2; Br 7
e) one Sr gives an electron to each of 2 bromines (or equivalent using diagrams).
f) SrBr2
g) High. Strong forces between positive and negative ions need large amounts of energy to break.
2. a)

(i) diagram showing 2,8,7 (1 mark)

(ii) diagram showing 2,8,8 (1 mark)

(iii) Diagram as shown: everything correct (2); showing shared pair of electrons with aw(s)
elsewhere (1).





b) Everything correct (ignore inner electrons if drawn) showing

covalent bonding (3). Lose 1 mark for each error.
The placing of the two chlorines and the two hydrogens around
the carbon doesnt matter. For example, the two chlorines could
just as well be drawn north and south, or north and east, or any
other combination!



c) Covalent bonds not broken on melting/boiling . Intermolecular forces are weak.

3. a) (i) B, (ii) C, (iii) A. All correct (2). 1 correct (1)

(i) Atoms can slide over each other on stretching. (1)

(ii) Delocalised electrons (allow "sea of electrons" or equivalent) are free to move.
(iii) Small displacement brings ions of like charge together causing repulsion.

(iv) Strong bonds in 3-dimensions.


(i) Any acceptable property showing a difference (e.g. hardness, conduction of electricity,
density (1).

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(ii) For example: Graphite has layer structure. Sliding layers make graphite soft. Diamond is
hard because strong bonds in 3-D. OR: Graphite has delocalised electrons, which are free to
move. In diamond all the electrons are xed between the atoms. OR: Larger gaps between
layers in graphite than between atoms in diamond structure. Wasted space in graphite makes it
less dense.
4. a) Any correct formula with ratio 1:2 (or 2:1). (1)
b) Before the reaction the substances taking part would have atoms of a particular mass. (1)
Reaction rearranges them but would involve no change in total mass. (1)

(i) isotopes
(ii) 20Ne: 10p, 10n, 10e; 22Ne: 10p, 12n, 10e (1 mark per isotope)

(iii) No - chemical properties are governed by electrons; same number in each isotope.
5. a) 2H2O2(aq) ----> 2H2O(l) + O2(g) balancing (1); state symbols all correct (1)
b) Sensible collection (e.g. gas syringe) (1). Gas tight apparatus (1).
c) Uses most of graph paper (1). Labels axes (1). Correct plot of points (1). Smooth and
accurate curve (1).

e) Reaction has stopped (1), because all the hydrogen peroxide has decomposed (1).
f) Same volume of gas produced at end of reaction. (1) More shallow curve than original plot. (1)


d) 130 s (+/- 2) (1)

g) Half volume of gas (30 cm 3) produced at end of reaction. (1) More shallow curve than original
plot. (1)
6. a) (i) Gas particles move faster. More frequent collisions. More energetic collisions. More
reach activation energy. More energy to break bonds. (any 3 points)
(ii) Particles closer together. More frequent collisions.

(iii) Reaction happens on surface. Gauze has greater surface area.

b) More product formed in given time. Catalyst not used up. Otherwise need to spend more on
heating . . . or on increased pressure. (any 2 points)


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Chapter 7


thistle funnel

side arm
boiling tube

hydrogen peroxide
solution and solid

oxygen collects


b) 2H2O2(aq) ----> 2H2O(l) + O2(g)


c) Relights a glowing splint.

2. a) non-metal (sulfur)
b) metal (sodium)
c) metal (copper)
d) non-metal (carbon as graphite)
3. a) React with a named heated metal (most obvious would be to pass over heated copper). Valid
equation for reaction used, e.g.:
2Cu(s) + O2(g) ----> 2CuO(s)
b) e.g. pass through a solution of an alkali. Lime water will probably be suggested, but this isn't
very effective because of the very dilute solution used. Sodium hydroxide solution is better.
(Useful discussion point)
c) 3Mg(s) + N2(g) ----> Mg3N2(s)
d) Denser. Mixing it with nitrogen increases the density of the nitrogen.
e) Any two noble gases apart from argon.
4. a) Carbon dioxide is heavier than air and doesnt burn or support combustion (except for burning
metals like magnesium). It smothers the ame preventing oxygen getting at the fuel.
b) Gases are more soluble in water if you increase the pressure, and so carbon dioxide is
dissolved in water under pressure. When the top is released, the pressure drops to atmospheric.
The gas becomes less soluble, and bubbles out of solution.
c) The sulfur (or sulfur compound) burns to make sulfur dioxide. The sulfur dioxide reacts with
water and oxygen in the atmosphere to produce very dilute sulfuric acid which falls as acid rain.
d) The spark in the engine which is intended to ignite the petrol/air mixture also causes nitrogen to
react with oxygen to give various oxides of nitrogen.

e) The catalyst has to be hot to work properly. During a short journey it may not reach a high
enough temperature.
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Chapter 8
1. a) Na, Al, Fe, Cu

(i) magnesium oxide, copper

(ii) Mg(s) + CuO(s) ----> MgO(s) + Cu(s) (Include state symbols in all equations for
(iii) CuO
(iv) CuO

(i) zinc
(ii) A reducing agent is a substance which reduces something else. Zinc removes oxygen
from the cobalt(II) oxide. Removal of oxygen is reduction.
(iii) zinc

d) Al, Mn, Cr (Statement 1: Al is above Cr. Statement 2: Mn is below Al. Statement 3: Mn is

above Cr. Putting this together gives the nal list.)
2. a) oxidised; gain of oxygen
b) reduced; loss of oxygen
c) oxidised; loss of electrons
d) reduced; gain of electrons
3. a) magnesium is above lead because it removes the oxygen from the lead(II) oxide.
b) Mg(s) + Pb2+(s) ----> Mg2+(s) + Pb(s)
4. a) Either: grey iron lings become coated with brown solid. Or: solution fades from blue to
colourless (very pale green).
b) iron

5. a) Ni, Cu, Ag
(i) Either: colour of solution changes from blue to green. Or: nickel becomes coated with
brown solid.
(ii) Ni(s) + CuSO4(aq) ----> NiSO4(aq) + Cu(s)
(iii) Ni(s) + Cu2+(aq) ---->Ni2+(aq) + Cu(s)
Nickel has been oxidised by loss of electrons.


c) Fe(s) + CuSO4(aq) ----> FeSO4(aq) + Cu(s)

6. a) X is between iron and hydrogen in the reactivity series. It displaces hydrogen from dilute
hydrochloric acid, and copper from copper(II) sulphate, and so must be above hydrogen and
copper. It won't displace iron from iron(II) sulphate, and so must be below iron.

(i) Yes: X nitrate and silver

(ii) No
(iii) No (at least, not in the short term)
(iv) Yes: X chloride and copper
(v) Yes: X sulphate and hydrogen

7. a) hydrogen
b) aluminium chloride
c) 2Al(s) + 6HCl(aq) ----> 2AlCl3(aq) + 3H2(g)
d) Aluminium is covered by a very thin, but very strong, layer of aluminium oxide which prevents
the acid getting at the aluminium underneath. On heating, the acid reacts with the oxide and
removes it. The aluminium then shows its true reactivity, and produces a vigorous reaction.


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8. Drop a very small piece into cold water. If it reacts, judge its reactivity relative to K, Na, Ca or Mg.
If it doesn't react, add a small piece to dilute hydrochloric acid and warm if necessary. Rapid
reaction in the cold would place it as similar to magnesium. A few bubbles of hydrogen in the
cold, but more on heating would place it as "similar to iron or zinc".
If no reaction, then it is "below hydrogen". (A good student might mention that "no reaction" could
also be caused by an effect similar to the oxide coating on aluminium. That would be worth some


Note: Students might also suggest reacting the metal with steam. Point out that this is much more
tedious than dropping a piece of metal into dilute hydrochloric acid, and that they should go for the
easiest option available.


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Chapter 9
1. a) copper(II) oxide, copper(II) hydroxide, copper(II) carbonate.

2. a)

CuO(s) + H2SO4(aq) ----> CuSO4(aq) + H2O(l)

Cu(OH)2(s) + H2SO4(aq) ----> CuSO4(aq) + 2H2O(l)
CuCO3(s) + H2SO4(aq) ----> CuSO4(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)
thistle funnel

side arm
boiling tube

hydrogen collects

dilute hydrochloric


(A thistle funnel isnt essential. It would work perfectly well with a simple bung.)
Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) ----> MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
b) Pops with a lighted splint.
d) Anything above calcium in the Reactivity Series - e.g. potassium, sodium, lithium. Calcium is
safe as long as the acid is really dilute, but it still gets very hot!

(i) water:

2H2(g) + O2(g) ----> 2H2O(l)

(ii) The hydrogen is much less dense than air and so rises quickly. The ame rises with
the hydrogen.


c) Anything underneath hydrogen in the Reactivity Series - e.g. copper, silver, gold, platinum.

3. a) A = copper; B = copper(II) oxide; C = copper(II) sulfate; D = copper(II) carbonate; E = carbon

dioxide; F = copper(II) nitrate

(i) CuO(s) + H2SO4(aq) ----> CuSO4(aq) + H2O(l)

(ii) CuCO3(s) + 2HNO3(aq) ----> Cu(NO3)2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)

4. a) Description could include: Silvery metal. Colourless acid. Slow bubbles of gas on warming.
Formation of green solution. Possible disappearance of nickel if very small quantities were used.
Testing for gas: Pops with lighted splint held to mouth of tube.

Ni(s) + H2SO4(aq) ----> NiSO4(aq) + H2(g)

(c) Description could include: Green solid. Colourless acid. Bubbles of gas produced in the cold.
Formation of green solution. Green powder disappears if excess acid is used.
Testing for gas: Bubble through lime water to give a white precipitate (milky, cloudy).

NiCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) ----> NiCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)
CO32-(s) + 2H+(aq) ----> CO2(g) + H2O(l)
Some teachers may prefer to write this as
NiCO3(s) + 2H+(aq) ----> Ni2+(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)
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5. a)

acid: H2SO4
base: MgO
base: CO32acid: H+
not acid-base (actually a redox reaction)
acid: HCl
base: H2O
not acid-base (another redox reaction)
acid: HCl
base: NH3
acid: HCl
base: NaOH

6. a)

(i) Water: gives a hydrogen ion to a hydride ion.

(ii) Hydride ion: accepts a hydrogen ion.

b) sodium hydroxide, hydrogen

c) Fizzing. Colourless gas. White solid dissolves in colourless liquid to give colourless solution.
d) Accept any pH from reasonably to very alkaline.
7. The most obvious way of doing this would be to use an initial rate experiment, and measure the
time taken for a small xed volume (say 5 cm 3) of hydrogen to be produced. The apparatus
should allow mixing of the zinc and acid without any possible loss of hydrogen. For example:
side arm ask


dilute sulfuric acid

+ copper(II) sulfate

small measuring cylinder

beaker of water
weighing bottle containing
very small zinc granules

The reaction would be started by shaking the ask vigorously to upset the weighing bottle and mix
all the reactants. Record how long it takes for a small xed volume of hydrogen to be produced.
The reason for choosing very small zinc granules is because it would otherwise be very difcult to
get exactly the same mass and surface area of zinc from one reaction to the next. In each
experiment, the mass of zinc should be the same, and the same volume of the same sulfuric acid
should be used. It has to be assumed that the lab temperature doesnt change signicantly during
the practical session.
To vary the amount of copper(II) sulfate present, it would be easiest to start with, say, 10 cm 3 of
copper(II) sulfate solution for the rst experiment. For the second experiment, use 9 cm 3 topped
up with 1 cm3 of water, and then continue diluting it in this way in subsequent experiments. In
each case, the total volume of copper(II) sulfate solution added to the sulfuric acid must be
constant, otherwise the acid is being diluted by varying amounts throughout the experiments.
Process the results by plotting rate (in terms of cm 3 of hydrogen per second) against the volume of
copper(II) sulfate solution used.


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Chapter 10
1. soluble
sodium chloride
zinc nitrate
iron(III) sulfate
potassium sulfate
aluminium nitrate
ammonium chloride
magnesium nitrate
sodium phosphate
potassium dichromate(VI)

lead(II) sulfate
calcium carbonate
lead(II) chloride
copper(II) carbonate
silver chloride
barium sulfate
calcium sulfate (almost insoluble)
nickel(II) carbonate
chromium(III) hydroxide

2. a) Dilute sulphuric acid in a beaker / ask. Heat gently. Add copper(II) oxide a little at a time until
no more reacts. Filter into an evaporating basin. Evaporate gently until a sample will crystallise on
cooling. Leave to crystallise. Separate and dry crystals.

(i) CuO(s) + H2SO4(aq) ----> CuSO4(aq) + H2O(l)

(ii) CuSO4(aq) + 5H2O(l) ----> CuSO4.5H2O(s)

3. a) using a pipette: Need to be able to measure the volume of sodium carbonate solution
accurately so that exactly the same volume can be used later without the indicator.
few drops of methyl orange . . .: An indicator to show when the solution becomes neutral. (In
fact the colour change happens around pH 4. The pH changes very quickly around the end point
for the indicator, and the difference in volume of acid added to take the pH from the desired pH 7 to
the actual pH 4 for the indicator will be a fraction of a drop.)
. . . becomes orange: Exactly the right volume of acid has been added (the "neutral" colour for
methyl orange).
evaporated until . . .: Shows when the solution is sufciently concentrated to crystallise on cooling.
If a sample will crystallise, so will the bulk of the solution.
. . . left to cool: Crystals form on cooling because the solubility of the sodium sulphate is lower in
the cold.

(i) Na2CO3(aq) + H2SO4(aq) ----> Na2SO4(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)


without the methyl orange: Otherwise the crystals would be contaminated by methyl orange.

(ii) Na2SO4(aq) + 10H2O(l) ----> Na2SO4.10H2O(s)

4. a) A solution of any soluble silver salt (silver nitrate is always used) plus a solution of any soluble
chloride including dilute hydrochloric acid.
Ag+(aq) + Cl-(aq) ----> AgCl(s)
b) A solution of any soluble calcium salt (calcium chloride or nitrate) plus a solution of a soluble
carbonate (sodium, potassium or ammonium carbonate).
Ca2+(aq) + CO32-(aq) ----> CaCO3(s)
c) A solution of a soluble lead(II) salt (most commonly, lead(II) nitrate) plus a solution of any
soluble sulfate including dilute sulfuric acid.
Pb2+(aq) + SO42-(aq) ----> PbSO4(s)
d) A solution of a soluble lead(II) salt (most commonly, lead(II) nitrate) plus a solution of any
soluble chloride including dilute hydrochloric acid.
Pb2+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq) ----> PbCl2(s)
5. Mix solutions of barium chloride or barium nitrate and sodium carbonate, potassium carbonate or
ammonium carbonate. Filter, wash and dry the precipitate.
Ba2+(aq) + CO32-(aq) ----> BaCO3(s)

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6. a) A: dilute sulfuric acid + solid zinc (or zinc oxide, hydroxide or carbonate)



Zn(s) ----> ZnSO4(aq) + H2(g)

ZnO(s) ----> ZnSO4(aq) + H2O(l)
Zn(OH)2(s) ----> ZnSO4(aq) + 2H2O(l)
ZnCO3(s) ----> ZnSO4(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

b) C: solutions of a soluble barium salt + soluble sulfate (including H 2SO4)

Ba2+(aq) + SO42-(aq) ----> BaSO4(s)
There is no point in writing full equations for precipitation reactions like this. The ionic equation is
always easier.
c) B: dilute nitric acid + potassium hydroxide or carbonate solution

HNO3(aq) + KOH(aq) ----> KNO3(aq) + H2O(l)

2HNO3(aq) + K2CO3(aq) ----> 2KNO3(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

d) A: dilute nitric acid + solid copper(II) oxide or hydroxide or carbonate.


2HNO3(aq) + CuO(s) ----> Cu(NO3)2(aq) + H2O(l)

2HNO3(aq) + Cu(OH)2(s) ----> Cu(NO3)2(aq) + 2H2O(l)
2HNO3(aq) + CuCO3(s) ----> Cu(NO3)2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)


(Unlike the other simple acids, nitric acid also reacts with copper metal, but it doesnt produce
hydrogen, and is not on the Edexcel IGCSE syllabus. Any equation using copper to produce
hydrogen should be disallowed.)
e) C: solutions of a soluble lead(II) salt (normally the nitrate) + a soluble chromate(VI). (Since you
dont know anything specically about chromates, choose one of sodium, potassium or
ammonium chromate(VI) - these are bound to be soluble because all sodium, potassium and
ammonium salts are soluble.)
Pb2+(aq) + CrO42-(aq) ----> PbCrO4(s)


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Chapter 11
1. a) A
b) D
c) C
d) B
2. For example: Stir with a large enough volume of cold water to dissolve all the sugar. Filter to
leave the diamonds on the lter paper. Wash on the lter paper with more water to remove any
last traces of sugar solution. Allow to dry.
3. a) chlorine
b) ammonia
c) carbon dioxide
d) hydrogen
e) oxygen
4. a) M
b) R
c) G and T
d) P
5. a) Clean a nichrome or platinum wire by dipping it into concentrated hydrochloric acid and then into
a ame until no colour shows. Moisten the wire with concentrated hydrochloric acid, dip it into the
solid, and then back into ame. Lithium ions give a red ame colour.
b) Warm the solid very gently with sodium hydroxide solution. Test any gases given off with a
piece of damp red litmus paper. If it turns blue, ammonia is being given off from an ammonium
c) Make a solution in pure water. Add dilute hydrochloric acid + barium chloride solution. A white
precipitate shows the sulfate ions.

e) Add dilute hydrochloric acid or dilute nitric acid. (Not sulfuric acid which forms an insoluble layer
of calcium sulfate around the calcium carbonate, which stops the reaction.) Look for a colourless
odourless gas turning lime water milky.
(f) Make a solution in pure water. Add dilute nitric acid + silver nitrate solution. A yellow precipitate
shows the iodide ions.


d) Drop the liquid onto blue cobalt chloride paper (which turns pink), or onto white anhydrous
copper(II) sulfate (which turns blue).

6. a) A = iron(III) chloride; B = iron(III) hydroxide; C = silver chloride



Fe3+(aq) + 3OH-(aq) ----> Fe(OH)3(s)

FeCl3(aq) + 3NaOH(aq) ----> Fe(OH)3(s) + 3NaCl(aq)


Ag+(aq) + Cl-(aq) ----> AgCl(s)

3AgNO3(aq) + FeCl3(aq) ----> 3AgCl(s) + Fe(NO3)3(aq)

7. a) D = iron(II) sulphate; E = iron(II) hydroxide; F = barium sulphate



Fe2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq) ----> Fe(OH)2(s)

FeSO4(aq) + 2NaOH(aq) ----> Fe(OH)2(s) + Na2SO4(aq)


Ba2+(aq) + SO42-(aq) ----> BaSO4(s)

BaCl2(aq) + FeSO4(aq) ----> BaSO4(s) + FeCl2(aq)

8. a) G = potassium carbonate; H = potassium nitrate; I = carbon dioxide (Note: G could also be

potassium hydrogencarbonate, but, because hydrogencarbonates havent been covered in the
course, a student is unlikely to come up with it.)


CO32-(s) + 2H+(aq) ----> CO2(g) + H2O(l)

K2CO3(s) + 2HNO3(aq) ----> 2KNO3(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)
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9. a) Dissolve the mixture in the minimum possible amount of hot water, and then allow it to cool
again. The small amount of the more soluble potassium carbonate will stay in solution, but crystals
of potassium nitrate will be formed on cooling. Filter these off, and wash them on the lter paper
with a small amount of very cold water. Allow them to dry.
b) Take a sample and add any named dilute acid. If the crystals are free of potassium carbonate,
there wont be any zzing.

b) (i)

A = copper(II) carbonate
B = sulfuric acid
C = copper(II) sulfate
D = carbon dioxide
E = barium sulfate
F = copper(II) oxide
G = carbon dioxide
H = copper(II) chloride
I = copper(II) hydroxide
CuCO3(s) + H2SO4(aq) ----> CuSO4(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)
CO32-(s) + 2H+(aq) ----> CO2(g) + H2O(l)

Ba2+(aq) + SO42-(aq) ----> BaSO4(s)

BaCl2(aq) + CuSO4(aq) ----> BaSO4(s) + CuCl2(aq)


Cu2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq) ----> Cu(OH)2(s)

CuSO4(aq) + 2NaOH(aq) ----> Cu(OH)2(s) + Na2SO4(aq)


CuO(s) + 2HCl(aq) ----> CuCl2(aq) + H2O(l)


CuCO3(s) ----> CuO(s) + CO2(g)


(Hardly anyone would write the ionic equations for the last two.)


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Chapter 12
1. a)

(i) strontium
(ii) chlorine
(iii) nitrogen
(i) 2; (ii) 7; (iii) 5

c) metals: caesium, molybdenum, nickel, strontium, tin

non-metals: chlorine, neon, nitrogen
d) molybdenum and nickel

(i) caesium
(ii) neon

2. a) A = lithium
b) B = potassium; C = hydrogen; D = potassium hydroxide
c) E = sodium; F = chlorine; G = sodium chloride

(i) 2K(s) + 2H2O(l) ----> 2KOH(aq) + H2(g)

(ii) 2Na(s) + Cl2(g) ----> 2NaCl(s)
(You could easily justify (l) as the state symbol for both K and Na.)
e) red turns blue; no change to the blue.
b) Lots of heat evolved. Melting point of potassium is low.

3. a)









b) solid
c) less
d) steamy gas; solution with a pH about 1
e) A white solid, soluble in water. It will be an ionic solid, because thats typical of compounds
formed when Group 1 and Group VII elements combine. The other Group 1 halides are soluble in
water. There isnt a transition element present, so it is unlikely to be coloured.
2At-(aq) + Cl2(aq) ----> At2(s) + 2Cl-(aq)
A redox reaction is one in which reduction and oxidation occur. The astatide ions have lost
electrons, and so have been oxidised. The chlorine molecules have gained electrons, and so have
been reduced.

4. 5 from: high melting point, high boiling point, high density, hard, good conductor of electricity, good
conductor of heat, malleable and ductile, useful catalyst, compounds are coloured (+ anything else
which seems sensible)


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5. a) Ne atoms have 8 electrons in their outer level. No room to share electrons to form covalent
bonds and therefore monatomic. Gases because the only forces possible between the individual
atoms are weak intermolecular attractions. Unreactive because of the lack of possibility of forming
covalent bonds or stable ions.
b) Both metals react by their atoms losing their single outer electron to form 1+ ions. In potassium,
this electron is further from the attraction of the nucleus and so lost more easily.
(A full answer should really include a mention of increased nuclear charge being offset by
increased screening.)
c) Cl2(aq) + 2Br-(aq) ----> 2Cl-(aq) + Br2(aq)
Chlorine removes an electron from a Br - ion and uses it to form Cl -. This happens because
chlorine is a smaller atom than bromine and so an extra electron is closer to, and more attracted
to, the chlorine nucleus than it was to the bromine nucleus.
(A full answer should really include a mention of increased nuclear charge being offset by
increased screening.)
6. a) Noble gas: Physical data shows a gas. Lack of reactivity suggests a noble gas rather than
uorine or chlorine from Group 7.
b) Transition element: High melting point metal (conducts electricity) with coloured compounds.
Not Group 1 or 2 because of lowish reactivity and coloured compounds.
c) Group 1 or 2 element: Physical data and reactions suggest a metal. Reactivity suggests
Groups 1 or 2. Lack of coloured compounds suggests not a transition metal.


7. Theres no right answer to this. A sample response might be:




Shiny grey solid

Hit with a hammer

Very little effect. Edges bent slightly.

Put into electrical circuit with battery

and bulb

Bulb lights up. Conducts electricity.

Warm with dilute hydrochloric acid

No reaction

From its appearance, its lack of brittleness and its electrical conductivity, the element is a metal.
Its lack of reaction with dilute hydrochloric acid must be because it is either below hydrogen in the
Reactivity Series, or has a very strong oxide coating.
Most students would give a positive result with the acid. The negative result is included here to
make the point that any inconsistent result should be explained.


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Chapter 13


sodium iodine
copper chlorine

2. a) Ions weren't free to move.

b) anode
c) iodine: 2I -(l) ----> I2(g) + 2ed) K+(l) + e- ----> K(l)
e) Orange ashes around the cathode (sodium burning) and brown fumes (bromine) around the
Na+(l) + e- ----> Na(l)
2Br-(l) ----> Br2(g) + 2e(i) Pb2+(l) + 2e- ----> Pb(l)
(ii) 2Br-(l) ----> Br2(g) + 2e(iii) Oxidised: bromide ions. Reduced: lead(II) ions.


(i) 2H+(aq) + 2e- ----> H2(g)

(ii) 2Cl-(aq) ----> Cl2(g) + 2e(iii) Oxidised: chloride ions. Reduced: hydrogen ions.


(i) 2H+(aq) + 2e- ----> H2(g)

(ii) 2Br-(aq) ----> Br2(aq or l) + 2e(iii) Oxidised: bromide ions. Reduced: hydrogen ions.


(i) Cu2+(aq) + 2e- ----> Cu(s)

(ii) 4OH-(aq) ----> 2H2O(l) + O2(g) + 4e(iii) Oxidised: hydroxide ions. Reduced: copper(II) ions.


(i) 2H+(aq) + 2e- ----> H2(g)

(ii) 4OH-(aq) ----> 2H2O(l) + O2(g) + 4e(iii) Oxidised: hydroxide ions. Reduced: hydrogen ions.


(i) Mg2+(l) + 2e- ----> Mg(s or l)

(ii) 2I-(l) ----> I2(g) + 2e(iii) Oxidised: iodide ions. Reduced: magnesium ions.


(i) 2H+(aq) + 2e- ----> H2(g)

(ii) 2Cl-(aq) ----> Cl2(g) + 2e(iii) Oxidised: chloride ions. Reduced: hydrogen ions.


3. a)


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4. The melting point of S is too high to reach using a bunsen, and so you would have to test a solution
in water.
On the other hand, T would melt easily, and wont dissolve. Heat it until it melts.
6v DC power supply

6v DC power supply


carbon electrodes
molten T

S solution

small beaker

pyrex dish
or crucible


(You could also do the electrolysis of the solution using the more complicated apparatus in the
chapter, but since there is no need to collect anything, there isnt much point.)


If the substances are electrolytes, the bulbs will light up, and there will be signs of activity around
the electrodes (gases given off, solids deposited, etc).


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Chapter 14
1. a) A reaction in which heat energy is produced. Correctly balanced equations (including state
symbols) for any two exothermic reactions - e.g. the obvious ones are any combustion reactions
(metals, hydrogen, hydrocarbons, etc, in oxygen), neutralisation reactions involving oxides or
hydroxides and acids, magnesium and acids. See chapter for specic examples.
heptane and oxygen
-4187 kJ
carbon dioxide + water
progress of reaction
c) Energy is needed to break the bonds in heptane and in oxygen. Energy is released when new
bonds are made to produce the carbon dioxide and water. More energy is released when the new
bonds are made than was used to break the old ones.
2. a) A reaction in which energy is absorbed. The chapter uses the effect of heat on carbonates as
examples of endothermic reactions. It is easiest to choose any two of these.
glucose and oxygen

carbon dioxide + water

+2820 kJ



progress of reaction
3. a) exothermic
b) exothermic
c) endothermic
d) exothermic
e) endothermic
f) exothermic
4. The cans are double skinned - the gap between the skins containing calcium oxide and (kept
separate) water. Pushing a button on the bottom of the can breaks a seal and allows the reactants
into contact, and you get the reaction described in the chapter.
CaO(s) + H2O(l) ----> Ca(OH)2(s)
It is easy to nd lots of information on this by an Internet search.


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Chapter 15
1. a) If a dynamic equilibrium is disturbed by changing the conditions, the reaction moves to
counteract the change.
(i) Dynamic means that the reactions are still continuing. Equilibrium means that the total
amounts of the various things present are constant. This is because the forward and back
reactions are happening at the same rates.
(ii) An increase in pressure will produce more N 2O4. According to Le Chatelier, the
equilibrium moves to reduce the pressure again by producing fewer molecules.
(iii) A decrease in temperature will produce more N 2O4. According to Le Chatelier, the
equilibrium moves to increase the temperature again by favouring the exothermic change.
2. a) Less carbon monoxide and hydrogen would be produced. (A high pressure favours the reaction
producing fewer molecules.)
b) Raising the temperature moves the equilibrium in the direction which would tend to reduce it
again, and so a high temperature favours the endothermic change (in this case, the forward
c) The reaction would be too slow in the absence of the catalyst.
d) Increasing the proportion of steam will favour the forward reaction (Le Chateliers Principle).
Steam is also much cheaper than methane and an excess will help ensure the maximum
conversion of the methane into products.
3. a) Adding extra hydrogen ions favours the back reaction as the equilibrium shifts to reduce their
concentration again (Le Chateliers Principle). This produces more HLit, which is red.


b) The hydroxide ions react with the hydrogen ions in the equilibrium, reducing their concentration.
The equilibrium moves to replace them again, producing extra Lit - ions which are blue.
4. a) A high pressure favours the reaction producing fewer molecules (Le Chateliers Principle - fewer
molecules produce a lower pressure) - in this case, the production of ammonia.
b) Very high pressures are expensive to produce for two reasons: all the reaction vessels and
pipework have to be built much more strongly, and it takes a lot more energy to drive the
compressors producing the very high pressures. The extra ammonia produced isnt worth the
extra cost.
c) The forward reaction producing ammonia is exothermic. This is favoured by a low temperature
according to Le Chateliers Principle (the equilibrium moves in a direction to increase the
temperature again).
d) At low temperatures the reaction is extremely slow even in the presence of a catalyst. 450C is
chosen because it gives a reasonable percentage of ammonia in the equilibrium mixture
reasonably quickly.


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End of Section B Questions

1. a)

(i) barium sulfate (1)

(ii) Ba2+(aq) + SO42-(aq) ----> BaSO4(s) (1)

b) Add sodium hydroxide solution (1) and look for blue precipitate (1).

(i) Brown precipitate (1). Solution fades from blue to colourless (1).
(ii) zinc (1). Loss of electrons (1).


(i) cathode (or negative) (1)

(ii) Cu2+(aq) + 2e- ----> Cu(s) (1)
(iii) reduction (1). Gain of electrons (1).

2. a)

(i) solid copper(II) oxide (or hydroxide or carbonate) (1)

(ii) sodium hydroxide (or carbonate) solution (1)
(iii) silver nitrate solution (1)

b) Add a measured volume of potassium hydroxide solution to a ask using a pipette (or
measuring cylinder) (1). Add a named indicator (1). Add acid from a burette (1) until a correctly
stated colour change (1). Note the volume of acid added (1). Mix the same volumes of acid and
potassium hydroxide solution without the indicator (1).
3. a)

(i) A = chlorine (1)

(ii) B = hydrogen (1)

(Allow one mark overall if reversed)


(i) bleaches (1) damp litmus paper (1)

(ii) pops (1) with lighted splint (1)
(Consequential marking from part (a). e.g. If A
was mis-named as oxygen, allow a correct test for oxygen.)

(i) red / brown (1) solution (1) instead of colourless gas

(ii) no change (1)

d) copper(II) (1) bromide (1)

(i) Cl2(g) + 2I-(aq) ----> 2Cl-(aq) + I2(s) (1)
(ii) Colourless solution + green gas (1) gives dark grey precipitate (1) (allow red/brown
(iii) Oxidising agent (1) because it removes electrons (1) from the iodide ions.

(i) iron(II) (1) chloride (1)

(ii) I = iron(II) hydroxide (1). K = iron(III) hydroxide (1)
(iii) iron(III) chloride (1)
(iv) Fe2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq) ----> Fe(OH)2(s) (1)


4. a)

5. a) Any sensible physical property (1) - e.g. solid rather than gas.
b) Correct reagent (e.g. water or oxygen or chlorine) (1). Name products (1). Correctly balanced
equation (2)

(i) Dots-and-crosses diagrams showing all the electrons: Na 2,8,1; K 2,8,8,1 (2 x 1 = 2)

(ii) Loss of outer electron (1)
(iii) Potassium's electron is further from nucleus (1) and so experiences less attraction (1).
Some mention of increased nuclear charge being offset by extra screening (1).

A molecule consisting of a single atom (1). Argon's outer level contains 8 electrons (1). No
room for sharing another electron to make the covalent bond needed to join other atoms to it. (1)

6. a) redox (1)
b) thermal decomposition (1)
c) neutralisation (1)
d) precipitation (1)
e) redox (1)
f) redox (1)


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7. a) H shows the amount of heat evolved or absorbed during the reaction (1). The positive sign
shows heat is absorbed (1).

(i) N2(g) + O2(g) ----> 2NO(g) (1)

(ii) acid rain (1). Any valid consequence of acid rain (e.g. death of trees, loss of life in
lakes, corrosion of iron or limestone) (1)
(iii) sulfur dioxide (1)



(i) increases
(ii) decreases


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Chapter 16
1. Burn sulfur in air to give sulfur dioxide.
S(s) + O2(g) ----> SO2(g)
Pass this with more air over a vanadium(V) oxide catalyst at a temperature of 450C and a
pressure of 1 to 2 atmospheres to give sulfur trioxide.
2SO2(g) + O2(g)


Absorb the sulfur trioxide in concentrated sulfuric acid to give fuming sulfuric acid.
H2SO4(l) + SO3(g) ----> H2S2O7(l)
Dilute this carefully with water to give concentrated sulfuric acid.
H2S2O7(l) + H2O(l) ----> 2H2SO4(l)
2. a)

(i) % ammonia decreases. Rate increases.

(ii) % ammonia increases. Rate increases.
(iii) % ammonia no change. Rate increases.

b) High pressures increase both the percentage conversion and the rate of the reaction. However,
very high pressures are very expensive to produce. Typically, about 200 atmospheres is as high a
pressure as it is economic to use.
c) nitrogen: air.

hydrogen: natural gas

3. a) That makes sure that the ow of liquid is always from left to right, preventing any of the sodium
hydroxide solution formed nding its way back to where chlorine is being produced. That stops
the two from reacting.
b) Titanium anode. Steel cathode.
(i) H2O(l)

H +(aq) + OH-(aq)



(ii) sodium and hydrogen

(iii) hydrogen
(iv) The sodium ions in the sodium hydroxide solution are there because they are attracted to
the cathode. As the hydrogen ions are discharged to give hydrogen gas, the equilibrium in part (i)
moves to the right to replace them (Le Chateliers Principle), producing hydroxide ions. There is
therefore a build-up of sodium ions and hydroxide ions in the cathode compartment.

(i) Any valid use for sodium hydroxide solution (see chapter)
(ii) Any valid use for chlorine (see chapter)
(Care over phrasing! For example, sodium hydroxide isnt used as a bleach - it is used to make


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4. a) Add a measured volume of ammonia solution to a ask using a pipette (or measuring cylinder).
Add a named indicator. Add sulfuric acid from a burette until a correctly stated colour change.
Note the volume of acid added. Mix the same volumes of acid and ammonia solution without the
b) Any sensible design involving a control. For example, germinate at least two lots of grass seed
in identical trays of weakly fertilised compost (John Innes seed compost, or similar). When the
grass is growing properly, water one with plain water, and the other with the same volume of a
very dilute solution of ammonium sulfate. Keep side-by-side under the same conditions.
Compare the growth and appearance of the two trays.
(The dilution of the solution would be fairly hit-and-miss. It would be better to have more trays so
that you could compare the effects of varying concentrations in order to nd the best one.)
5. a) The reaction is strongly exothermic (large negative number for H). Once the reaction starts,
there is enough heat produced to keep the catalyst hot.
b) The catalyst isnt used up, and without it the reaction would be too slow. (In fact, the catalyst is
in the form of a number of very large platinum-rhodium gauzes, which do get damaged over time.
They can, however, be sent back to the manufactures and remade.)
c) 2NO(g) + O2(g) ----> 2NO2(g)
d) 2H2O(l) + 4NO2(g) + O2(g) ----> 4HNO3(aq)


e) Any valid use. Easy to nd ones include the manufacture of explosives, drugs, dyes. (The
question isnt looking for any detail. A simple answer, for example Manufacture of explosives, is


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Chapter 17
1. a) Sodium is high in the Reactivity Series, and so will need to be produced by electrolysis.
Manufacture it by electrolysing molten sodium chloride using suitable electrodes (industrially,
carbon anode, steel cathode), keeping the sodium and chlorine apart to prevent them from
reacting back to give sodium chloride again.
Sodium would be released at the cathode: Na +(l) + e- ----> Na(l)
b) Needed discovery of electricity.
c) Any other metals high in the RS - e.g. potassium, lithium, calcium, magnesium.
d) An alloy of copper and tin. Both metals are lowish in the RS and easily produced by heating
their ores with carbon.
2. a) bauxite
b) a solution of aluminium oxide in molten cryolite
c) cathode (or negative)
d) Al3+(l) + 3e- ----> Al(l)


e) Reacts with the carbon anodes and burns them away.


(i) low density

(ii) alloys are stronger

3. a) A
(i) coke
(ii) air
(iii) iron ore
(iv) limestone



c) CaO(s) + SiO2(s) ----> CaSiO3(l)

d) Fe2O3(s) + 3C(s) ----> 2Fe(l) + 3CO(g)
4. a)

(i) carbon, about 4%

(ii) Makes it brittle.

b) Mixture of iron, nickel and chromium. Nickel and chromium form thin layers of strongly
adherent oxides which protect the iron from air and water attack. Any valid use (see chapter for

(i) Iron coated with zinc.

(ii) It would take much longer before the car went rusty. Zinc is more reactive than iron and
so corrodes more easily. The corrosion of zinc forms zinc ions and releases electrons. These
electrons ow to the iron and prevent its ionisation (which would lead to rusting). Painting has no
similar effect, so galvanising lengthens the life of the car.


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End of Section C questions

1. a) Removal of oxygen (allow addition of electrons) (1)
b) iron(III) oxide (1) (must include oxidation state)
c) exothermic (1)
d) C(s) + CO2(g) ----> 2CO(g) (1)
e) Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g) ----> 2Fe(l) + 3CO2(g) (1)
f) Limestone is calcium carbonate (1). Decomposes to give calcium oxide (1), which combines
with silicon dioxide to give calcium silicate (1). Or 3 marks for both correct equations.
2. a)

(i) One valid use for each (see chapter) (4 x 1)

(ii) Makes it harder (1) and more brittle (1).
(i) bauxite (1)
(ii) cathode (or negative) (1)
(iii) carbon (1) electrode burns (1) and needs replacing (1). Max 2.
(iv) needs large quantities of expensive electricity (1)


(i) less dense (1)

(ii) strengthened (1)
(iii) e.g. stronger (1), cheaper (1)
(iv) iron coated with zinc (1)
(v) Zinc more reactive than iron (1). Sacricial protection (or zinc corrodes in preference to
iron) (1). Corrosion of zinc forms ions and releases electrons (1). These ow to iron and prevent
its ionisation (1). (Maximum 2)
3. a) manufacture of sulfuric acid (1)


b) ZnO(s) + C(s) ----> Zn(g) + CO(g) (1)

c) dilute sulfuric acid (1). ZnO(s) + H 2SO4(aq) ----> ZnSO4(aq) + H2O(l) (1)
d) cathode (or negative) (1). Zn 2+(aq) + 2e- ----> Zn(s) (1)
4. a) hydrogen (1), chlorine (1), sodium hydroxide (1) + a valid use for each (see chapter) (3 x 1)
b) chlorine (1)
5. a)

2Cl-(aq) ----> Cl2(g) + 2e- (1)

(i) the air (1)

(ii) natural gas (methane) (1)

b) A reversible reaction (strictly, a reversible reaction in a state of dynamic equilibrium) (1)

c) an exothermic reaction (1)
d) iron (1)

(i) 450C (1)

(ii) 200 atmospheres (allow anything in the region of ~150 to 1000 atm) (1)

f) It is cooled and condenses to a liquid. (1)

g) Any two valid uses - e.g. making fertilisers (allow as a fertiliser - some ammonia is injected
directly into the soil), making nitric acid, making nylon (2 x 1)


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6. a) burnt in air (1)


(i) vanadium(V) oxide (1)

(ii) Greater at a low temperature (1). Equilibrium moves to counter a lower temperature by
doing the exothermic change - in this case the formation of more sulfur trioxide (1).
(iii) At a lower temperature, the rate of the reaction is too slow (1). 450C is a compromise
giving a good yield reasonably quickly (1).
(iv) Good yield even at low pressures (1). Not economically worthwhile to use higher
pressures (1).

H2SO4(l) + SO3(g) ----> H2S2O7(l) (1)

H2S2O7(l) + H2O(l) ----> 2H2SO4(l) (1)


d) Any two valid uses - e.g. manufacture of fertilisers, manufacture of detergents, and manufacture
of paints. (2 x 1)


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Chapter 18
1. a)


(i) methane
(ii) propane
(iii) pentane
(iv) propene
(v) ethene
(vi) but-1-ene












(ii) ethane

(iii) but-2-ene

(iv) propane

(I) butane




(v) methanol



(vi) 2-methylpropane





(viii) pent-1-ene

(vii) 2-methylpropene

2. a) The existence of molecules with the same molecular formula but different structural formulae.




(In these and subsequent formulae, if you arent asked specically for displayed formulae,
these quicker forms are acceptable.)


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(If you are a home-schooling parent, this is going to be a bit of a nightmare to sort out.
Anything else is just a twisted form of one of these. The trick is to make sure that you always draw
the longest chain horizontally. Duplicates usually arise from breaking that rule.)



















(Few students would nd these last two, particularly methylcyclopropane. Give praise if they do
nd them.)
3. a)

(i) (done in question as an example)











(For home schooling parents: It doesnt matter exactly how you have written the mol ecule as long
as everything is joined up in the right way. For example, in part (iv), as long as the central carbon
has 3 methyl groups and an -OH group attached, it doesnt matter about their relative orientation N, S, E or W.)


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b) There are 8 of these.























(If you are a home-schooling parent, it is important that you understand how to nd all these
systematically. In the top row, there are 5-carbon chains, and the -OH group is just moved along
them. If you move it one more place to the left, so that it is on the next-to-the-end carbon, that is
the same as the second structure, ipped over.


In the second row, there are 4-carbon chains, with an -OH on the end, and the methyl group
moved along the chain. It cant be on the same carbon as the -OH group, because the longest
chain would then have 5 carbons, and it would be the same as the middle structure in the top row,
just bent a bit.
In the bottom row, the rst two are 4-carbon chains with an -OH on the second carbon, and the
methyl group moved around. The last structure is the only one with a 3-carbon chain as the
longest chain.
As far as naming is concerned, there are some cases where the chain could perhaps be
numbered from either end. The rule is to keep the numbers as small as possible - particularly, in
these compounds, the numbering of the -OH group. This is way beyond GCSE!)
c) (For home-schooling parents: This next sequence involves oxygen atoms joined to two different
carbon atoms, rather than a carbon atom and a hydrogen atom as in the previous structures.
These compounds are known as ethers.)












This isnt easy stuff! Anyone who gets more than a couple of them deserves a lot of credit.


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Chapter 19
1. a) Contains as many hydrogen atoms as possible for the given number of carbons. Only carboncarbon single bonds.

(i) C11H24
(ii) liquid
(iii) C11H24(l) + 17O2(g) ----> 11CO2(g) + 12H2O(l)

2. a) a carbon-carbon double bond




H Br H



H C C C + Br2 ----> H C C C Br
(Home schooling parents: It doesnt matter what position you draw the bromine in on the righthand carbon - N, S or E (with hydrogens in the other two positions). All that matters is that one
bromine becomes attached to each of the carbons either side of the original double bond.)

(i) CH4(g) + Br2(g) ----> CH3Br(g) + HBr(g)

(ii) In this (substitution) reaction, one of the hydrogens has been replaced by a bromine
during the reaction. In the previous (addition) reaction, nothing was lost when the two molecules
combined together.

b) e.g. two of: continuous ow process, therefore faster; rapid reaction; purer product.
c) uses renewal resources; gentle conditions.
4. Dissolve the sugar in water in a conical ask (or
similar) and add yeast. You now need some
means of keeping the air out while allowing carbon
dioxide to escape. You could use a commercial
home-winemaking airlock of some sort, but a plug
of cotton wool works just as well. Leave the
mixture in the warm for a few days until bubbling

cotton wool


3. a) Ethene is passed with steam at 300C and 60 - 70 atmospheres over a phosphoric acid

sugar solution
and yeast

Allow the yeast to settle, and pour off the solution so that it can be fractionally distilled, collecting
the fraction which boils at 78C. (See the diagram for the fractional distillation of an alcohol/water
mixture in Chapter 11 of the book.)
continued . . .


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Finally, pass ethanol

vapour over hot
aluminium oxide using
the apparatus on the
right, and collect several
tubes of ethene.

mineral wool
soaked in ethanol

aluminium oxide
ethene collects

5. A Google search on biofuels disadvantages will produce lots of useful information. Some of the
points you will nd include:
Increases in food prices:
Crops such as maize (US: corn) used to produce ethanol cant at the same time be used for
human consumption. If the supply of these crops going for food falls, but demand stays the same
(or, more likely, increases due to increasing population), prices are bound to rise.
Subsidies going to biofuel crops (whether they are food crops or not) cause farmers to divert land
away from food production. Again food supply falls, and so prices rise.
Carbon dioxide balance:


Some biofuel crops are being grown on previously undisturbed land, including rain forests. Cutting
down and burning rain forests to make space for biofuel crops adds lots of carbon dioxide to the
atmosphere. Forests are also much more efcient at removing carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere than crops are.
(There are several other disadvantages of current biofuels, but they dont directly address the


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Chapter 20
1. petroleum gases, gasoline, kerosine, diesel oil (gas oil), fuel oil, bitumen. Use for each (see text)
2. a) Compound of carbon and hydrogen only.
b) C7H16(l) + 11O2(g) ----> 7CO2(g) + 8H2O(l)

(i) turns to vapour easily / at a low temperature

(ii) C8H18. Smaller molecules aren't as strongly attracted to their neighbours as bigger ones
(weaker intermolecular attractions). It takes less energy to separate them and so they vaporise at
lower temperatures.
d) Incomplete combustion leads to formation of carbon monoxide which is very poisonous. It
combines with haemoglobin preventing transport of oxygen around the blood.

3. a) Crude oil produces too many larger hydrocarbons / not enough of the desirable smaller ones.
Cracking introduces C=C double bonds which are more reactive and therefore more useful.
b) Heat the vaporised fraction in the presence of a silicon dioxide + aluminium oxide catalyst at
high temperature. (I quote 600 - 700C in the book, but in an exam, high temperature would
almost certainly be acceptable.)
c) C11H24 ----> 2C2H4 + C7H16
d) Any other valid cracking equation starting with C 11H24. For example:

4. This is entirely open to the students imagination and ability to think both logically and laterally. It
is impossible to suggest "right" answers.


C11H24 ----> C2H4 + C9H20

or C11H24 ----> C2H4 + C3H6 + C6H14
or lots of other variants. In each case, at least one hydrocarbon should be an alkane (C nH2n+2),
and at least one an alkene (C nH2n).


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Chapter 21
1. a) Joining up of lots of little molecules (the monomers) to make one big one (a polymer).






(The continuation bonds at each end are an

important part of this structure. Marks will be lost
in an exam if they are omitted.)

d) Joining two or more molecules together without anything being lost in the process.

C6H5 H

C6H5 H


f) Drawing the molecule to show its relationship with the structure of the polymer as drawn in the




2. a) Drawing 1,6-diaminohexane as



and hexandioic acid as



(i) In a condensation reaction, when two molecules join together a small molecule is lost in
the process. When the two molecules above join together, a molecule of water is lost every time
they come together. In a condensation polymerisation reaction, this happens repeatedly.

etc H O C









The continuation bonds at each end of the structure must be included.


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b) (i) There will be four more CH2 groups in the box in the part of the diagram which comes

from the dioic acid. This time, the box from the dioic acid will be longer than the one from
the diamine.
(ii) The bonding between the two monomers will be identical, as will the size of the


(For home-schooling parents: Work this out by drawing the structures of the two
monomers, as shown in the question, alternately in a row. Then remove water from -OH
groups which nd themselves next door to each other, and join up what is left.)




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End of Section D Questions

1. a) Compound (1) of carbon and hydrogen only (1).
b) The higher the number of carbons, the higher the boiling point (1).
c) fractional distillation (1)
d) any valid use (see text; as a fuel isnt sufcient) (1)
e) C10H22 (1)
f) C15H32(l) + 23O2(g) ----> 15CO2(g) + 16H2O(l) (2 marks - deduct 1 for incorrect state
symbol for the alkane)
g) Pass through lime water (1). Turns milky (or alternative) (1).
h) Incomplete combustion (1) produces carbon monoxide (1). Poisonous (1). Combines with
haemoglobin preventing oxygen transport in blood (1).
2. a) Saturated: all carbon-carbon bonds are single (1). Unsaturated: contains at least one C=C
bond (1).
b) cracking (1)
(2 marks - allow one for C10H22 even if
c) (i) C17H36 ----> 2C2H4 + C3H6 + C10H22
equation is unbalanced. Ignore state symbols, even if they are wrong.)
(ii) alkane (1)
d) Pass through (or shake with) bromine water (1). Decolourisation (1) shows the presence of
3. a) Joining up lots of small molecules (1) to make a large molecule (1).






(2 marks - must include continuation bonds for full marks)

c) A reaction in which a small molecule is lost when two others join together. (1)





(3 marks: alternating different sized or shaped blocks (1). CO and NH groups attached to the
correct blocks - i.e. 2 x CO groups on one block, and 2 x NH groups on the other - and bonded
correctly (1). Continuation bonds at either end of the chain (1).)
4. a) Molecules with the same molecular formula (1) but different structural formulae (1).

(1 mark per structure)

c) pentane (1)
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5. a) Sugar (1) solution (1) plus yeast (1). Leave in warm place for several days (1). Some means of
allowing CO2 to escape without allowing air in (1).
b) Water: 100C (1); ethanol: 78C (1)
c) CH2=CH2(g) + H2O(g) ----> CH3CH2OH(g) (1) (Dont penalise incorrect state symbols.)
d) 2 of: 300C. 60 - 70 atm. Phosphoric acid catalyst. (2 x 1 = 2)
(i) fermentation (1). Renewable (1)
(ii) fermentation (1). Gentle conditions (1)
(iii) hydration (1). Fermentation is a batch process (1)




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(To save endless repetition, wherever they are included, comments are intended for homeschooling parents who may well lack condence in this area.)
Chapter 22
1. If you had 100 typical atoms, the total mass would be (60.2 x 69) + (39.8 x 71) = 6980 (3 sig gs)
RAM is therefore 6980/100 = 69.8
2. If you had 100 atoms of Si-28 and the others in the correct proportion, the total number of atoms
would be 100+5.10+3.36 = 108.46
The total mass would be (100 x 28) + (5.10 x 29) + (3.36 x 30) = 3048.7
RAM = 3048.7/108.46 = 28.1
3. a) The relative atomic mass of an element is the weighted average mass of the isotopes of the
element. It is measured on a scale on which a carbon-12 atom has a mass of exactly 12 units.


b) Repeat the sum in Q1 twice to give Cu = 63.6 and S = 32.1. Add these together to give CuS =
4. a) 44
b) 132
c) 286
d) 392
e) 392
(The common mistakes in c) and e) would be not to multiply the whole water molecule by 10 or 6.
So for example in c) the mass of the 10H 2O is 180. Students will commonly and wrongly come up
with 36 for this by multiplying the H 2 by 10 but not the O as well. Work out the mass of the whole
H2O rst and then multiply it by the number in front. That way you wont make this mistake.)
5. a) 81.8%
b) 51.2%
(In each case, work out the M r and the mass of the element you are interested in and nd the
6. a) 46.7%
b) 13.9%
c) 35%
d) 21.2%
(Be careful of the cases where there are two nitrogen atoms in the fertiliser (all except KNO 3).
The masses of the nitrogen in those cases will be 28 and not 14.)
7. In each case, work out the M r by adding up the RAMs, and then attach the unit g to give the
mass of 1 mole. Then scale it by multiplying by the number of moles you want.
a) 331 g
b) 68.8 g
c) 68.64 g
(In c), the Mr should be 286. Care with the water! See above. Strictly, this number shouldnt be
quoted to more than 2 signicant gures, because the number of moles is only quoted to that

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8. In each case, work out the mass of 1 mole as above, and then work out how many moles youve
got in the stated mass.
a) 0.2
b) 17900 ( or 17857 although this is accurate to more signicant gures than the RAM). You have
to divide 1,000,000 grams by 56 g (the mass of 1 mole of Fe)
c) 5 x 10-4 (0.0005)
9. These are a random mixture of the sort of conversions that have been explored in earlier
examples. The only working is shown for a slight variant.
a) 234 g
b) 0.5 mol
c) 25 mol
d) 10 g
e) 40 g
f) 250 (If 0.004 mol weighs 1 g, then 1 mol weighs 1/0.004 g = 250 g. The relative formula mass
is the mass of 1 mole, but without the unit g.)

combining mass

5.85 g

2.10 g

4.80 g

No of moles of atoms

5.85/39 = 0.15

2.10/14 = 0.15

4.80/16 = 0.3

Ratio of moles


combining mass

3.22 g

4.48 g

3.36 g

No of moles of atoms

3.22/23 = 0.14

4.48/32 = 0.14

3.36/16 = 0.21

Ratio of moles (divide

by smallest number)


simplies to




given %




combining mass in

22.0 g

4.6 g

73.4 g

No of moles of atoms

22.0/12 = 1.833

4.6/1 = 4.6

73.4/80 = 0.9175

Ratio of moles (divide

by smallest number)


Empirical formula = KNO2



Empirical formula = Na2S2O3

Empirical formula = C2H5Br


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11.a) Calculate the mass of oxygen in the compound (2.84 - 1.24 g), and then a straightforward
empirical formula sum as before will lead to P 2O5
(b) P2O5 has a Mr of 142. To get a M r of 284 needs twice as many atoms - so P 4O10




given %




combining mass in

66.7 g

11.1 g

22.2 g

No of moles of atoms

66.7/12 = 5.558

11.1/1 = 11.1

22.2/16 = 1.3875

Ratio of moles (divide

by smallest number)

Empirical formula = C4H8O

b) If you add up C 4H8O, you get 72. The molecular formula is the same as the empirical formula.
13.You know the mass of anhydrous sodium sulphate (1.42 g)
You can work out the mass of water of crystallisation (3.22 - 1.42 g = 1.8 g)
You can work out the mass of 1 mole of sodium sulphate, Na 2SO4 = 142 g
and the mass of 1 mole of water = 18 g
Number of moles of sodium sulphate = 1.42/142 = 0.01 mol
Number of moles of water = 1.8/18 = 0.1 mol


So for every 1 mole of sodium sulphate, there are 10 moles of water.

14.Work out the mass of CaSO 4 = 44.14 - 37.34 = 6.8 g
Work out the mass of water = 45.94 - 44.14 = 1.8 g
Work out how many moles youve got of each and then compare them.
You should nd that n = 2.
15.1 mol of water (18 g) contains 6 x 10 23 molecules.
Therefore, 18 cm3 of water contains 6 x 10 23 molecules. (Density is 1 g cm -3)
1 cm3 of water contains 6 x 10 23 /18 = 3.333 x 10 22 molecules.
0.05 cm3 of water contains 0.05 x 3.333 x 10 22 = 1.67 x 1021 molecules.


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Chapter 23

From the equation, 4 mol Na gives 1 mol Ti.

Substituting masses: 4 x 23 g Na give 48 g Ti
i.e. 92 g Na give 48 g Ti
Because the ratio is bound to be the same 92 tonnes Na give 48 tonnes Ti.
Therefore, 92/48 tonnes Na give 1 tonne Ti.
Mass of Na needed = 1.92 tonnes
The equation shows that 1 mol AlCl 3 gives 3 mol AgCl
Substituting masses: (27 + (3x35.5)) g AlCl 3 gives 3 x (108 + 35.5) g AgCl
i.e. 133.5 g AlCl 3 gives 3 x 143.5 g AgCl = 430.5 g AgCl
So, 2.67 g AlCl 3 gives 2.67/133.5 x 430.5 g AgCl = 8.61 g


(For students whose maths isnt very good, insert another step by working out what 1 g of AlCl 3
would give (divide by 133.5) and then multiplying that by 2.67. The same sort of technique can be
used in all examples of this type.)
From the rst equation: 1 mol CaCO 3 gives 1 mol CaO
Substituting masses: 100 g CaCO 3 gives 56 g CaO
This ratio will be the same for tonnes as for grams:
100 tonnes CaCO3 gives 56 tonnes CaO
So, 1 tonne CaCO 3 gives 0.56 tonnes CaO


In the second equation 1 mol CaO needs 1 mol H 2O

56 g CaO needs 18 g H 2O
Or, 56 tonnes CaO needs 18 tonnes H 2O
So, 0.56 tonnes CaO needs 0.18 tonnes H 2O


Again from the second equation, 1 mol CaO produces 1 mol Ca(OH) 2
56 g CaO gives (40 + 2 x (16 + 1)) g Ca(OH) 2 = 74 g Ca(OH)2
56 tonnes CaO gives 74 tonnes Ca(OH) 2
0.56 tonnes CaO gives 0.74 tonnes Ca(OH) 2

4. a)

5. a)

Tracing the equations through, 1 mol CuO will eventually produce 1 mol CuSO 4.5H2O
80 g CuO will give 64 + 32 + (4x16) + (5 x 18) g CuSO 4.5H2O = 250 g
4 g CuO will give 4/80 x 250 g CuSO 4.5H2O = 12.5 g


3. a)

Percentage yield = 11.25 / 12.5 x 100% = 90%

From the equation: 1 mol Cr 2O3 reacts with 2 mol Al
(2 x 52) + (3 x 16) g Cr 2O3 reacts with 2 x 27 g Al
152 g Cr2O3 reacts with 54 g Al
Or, 152 tonnes Cr 2O3 reacts with 54 tonnes Al
So, 1 tonne Cr 2O3 reacts with 54/152 tonnes Al = 0.355 tonnes Al

(b) 1 mol Cr2O3 produces 2 mol Cr

152 g Cr2O3 produces 104 g Cr
152 tonnes Cr2O3 produces 104 tonnes Cr
1 tonne Cr2O3 produces 104/152 tonnes Cr = 0.684 tonnes Cr

4 mol FeS2 produces 2 mol Fe2O3 and 8 mol SO2

(4 x 120) g FeS 2 produces (2 x 160) g Fe 2O3 and (8 x 64) g SO 2
480 g FeS2 produces 320 g Fe 2O3 and 512 g SO 2
Or, 480 tonnes FeS 2 produces 320 tonnes Fe 2O3 and 512 tonnes SO 2
1 tonne of ore contains 0.5 tonnes FeS 2
So, 0.5 tonnes FeS 2 produces 0.5/480 x 320 tonnes Fe 2O3 and 0.5/480 x 512 tonnes SO 2
Therefore (a) mass of Fe 2O3 = 0.333 tonnes, and (b) mass of SO 2 = 0.533 tonnes
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7. a)

1 mol Cl2 weighs 71 g

If 24000 cm 3 (at rtp) weighs 71 g
200 cm3 weighs 200/24000 x 71 g = 0.592 g


1 mol O2 weighs 32 g
So 32 g O2 occupies 24000 cm 3 at rtp
and 0.16 g O 2 occupies 0.16/32 x 24000 cm 3 at rtp = 120 cm3
(or you could have worked in dm 3 - giving 0.12 dm3)


The mass of 1 mole is what would occupy 24 dm 3 at rtp

If 1 dm3 weighs 1.42 g, 24 dm 3 weighs 24 x 1.42 g = 34.1 g


The equation says that 1 mol Mg gives 1 mol H 2

So, 24 g Mg gives 24000 cm 3 H2 at rtp
Therefore, 0.240 g Mg gives 0.240/24 x 24000 cm 3 H2 = 240 cm3 H2


The equation says that 2 mol KNO 3 gives 1 mol O2

So, (2 x 101) g KNO3 gives 24 dm3 O2
Or, 202 g KNO3 gives 24 dm3 O2
Therefore, to get 1 dm 3, you would need 202/24 g KNO 3 = 8.42 g

10.The equation says that 1 mol MnO 2 gives 1 mol Cl2

So, 87 g MnO 2 gives 24000 cm 3 Cl2
Therefore, 2.00 g MnO 2 gives 2.00/87 x 24000 cm 3 Cl2 = 552 cm3

1 mol BaSO4 weighs 233 g

So, 0.328 g BaSO 4 is 0.328 / 233 mol = 1.41 x 10 -3 mol (0.00141 mol)


The second equation shows that 1 mol BaSO 4 comes from 1 mol Na2SO4
Therefore the mixture contained 1.41 x 10 -3 mol Na2SO4


1 mol Na2SO4 weighs 142 g

Therefore 1.41 x 10 -3 mol weighs 1.41 x 10 -3 x 142 g = 0.200 g


The total mixture of sodium sulfate and sodium sulte weighed 1.000 g.
Remaining sodium sulte weighs 1.000 - 0.200 g = 0.800 g
Percentage remaining = 0.800/1.000 x 100 = 80.0%


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Chapter 24

A current of 0.50 amps for 1 hour

= 0.50 x 60 x 60 coulombs
= 1800 coulombs

1 mol of copper deposited needs 2 mol of electrons

= 2 x 96000 coulombs
= 192000 coulombs

If 192000 coulombs causes 1 mol Cu to be deposited

then 1800 coulombs causes 1800/192000 mol Cu to be deposited
1 mol Cu weighs 64 g
1800/192000 mol Cu weighs 1800/192000 x 64 g = 0.60 g
2. a)

No of coulombs

= 0.350 x 1000
= 350

1 mol Pb (207 g) is deposited by 2 mol electrons

= 2 x 96000 coulombs
= 192000 coulombs

350 coulombs deposit 350/192000 x 207 g Pb = 0.377 g


1 mol O2 (24000 cm3 at rtp) is given off by 4 mol electrons

= 4 x 96000 coulombs
= 384000 coulombs

350 coulombs will release 350/384000 x 24000 cm 3 at rtp = 21.9 cm3

3. a)

No of coulombs

= 0.40 x 75 x 60
= 1800

1800 coulombs will deposit 1800/192000 x 64 g Cu = 0.60 g

(b) The equations show that, for a given number of electrons owing, the mass of copper gained
by the cathode is exactly the same as the mass of copper lost from the anode.
Therefore, of the 0.80 g actually lost, 0.60 g is pure copper.


1 mol Cu (64 g) is deposited by 2 mol electrons = 2 x 96000 coulombs

= 192000 coulombs

Percentage purity = 0.60/0.80 x 100 % = 75%


The equation shows that 1 mol Al (27 g) is produced from 3 mol e - = 3 x 96000 coulombs
= 288000 coulombs
1 tonne (1000000 g) would be produced by 1000000 / 27 x 288000 coulombs
= 1.067 x 1010 coulombs
The current has owed for 24 hours = 24 x 60 x 60 secs = 86400 secs
Coulombs = amps x secs,
and so amps = coulombs/secs
Current needed = 1.067 x 10 10 / 86400 amps
= 123000 amps
(Yes, thats pretty big - but its the sort of currents they actually use!)


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5. a)

Working from the cobalt gure to start with:

1 mol Co (59 g) is deposited by 2 mol electrons = 2 x 96000 coulombs
= 192000 coulombs
0.295 g Co is deposited by 0.295/59 x 192000 coulombs = 960 coulombs


For chromium, 1 mol Cr (52 g) is deposited by 3 mol electrons

= 3 x 96000 coulombs
= 288000 coulombs

The same quantity of electricity (960 coulombs) ows through both beakers.
960 coulombs will deposit 960/288000 x 52 g Cr = 0.173 g
6. There are two ways of doing this calculation. You could do it exactly as in Q6, but notice that the
question doesnt give a value for the faraday. The solution below shows a short cut method, but
there is no reason why you cant do it by the longer method in Q6 if you want to. You should get
the same answer either way.
Notice that 2 mol of electrons are needed to deposit 1 mol of either lead or copper.
That means that you will always get the same number of moles of both.
Moles of copper = 0.64/64 = 0.01
Therefore, moles of lead also = 0.01


mass of lead = 0.01 x 207 g = 2.07 g


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Chapter 25
1. a)

Bonds broken: 4 x C-H

1 x Br-Br

= 4 x (+413)

= +1652
= + 193
= +1845

Bonds made:

= 3 x (-413)

= -1239
= - 290
= - 366
= -1895

3 x C-H
1 x C-Br
1 x H-Br

Overall change = +1845 - 1895 = -50 kJ (exothermic)


Bonds broken: 1 x H-H

1 x Cl-Cl
Bonds made:


2 x H-Cl

= +436
= +243
= +679
= 2 x (-432)

= -864

Overall change = +679 - 864

= -185 kJ (exothermic)

Bonds broken: 2 x H-H

1 x O=O

= 2 x (+436)

= +872
= +498
= +1370

Bonds made:

= 4 x (-464)

= -1856

4 x O-H

Overall change = +1370 - 1856 = -486 kJ (exothermic)

2. a) Her rst two results werent reliable - there was too much difference between them.
b) Two of: Danger of re from burning hexane if spilt. Danger of scalding from hot water. Danger
of cuts if fragile thermometer or ask are broken. (Plus anything else relevant to your schools risk
assessment policies.)
Mass is taken as the mass of water = 100 g
Specic heat = 4.18 J g -1 C-1
Temperature rise = 55.0 - 19.0 = 36.0C
Heat evolved = 100 x 4.18 x 36.0 J = 15048 J (or 15.048 kJ or 15.0 kJ to 3 sf)


c) Heat evolved = mass x specic heat x temperature rise.

d) Mass of hexane burnt = 35.62 - 35.23 g = 0.39 g

Heat evolved per gram = 15.0 / 0.39 kJ = 38.5 kJ
e) 1 mol hexane weighs 86 g
Heat evolved per mole = 38.5 x 86 kJ = 3310 kJ
(It is important to notice that we have introduced rounding errors here. Every time you feed a
rounded answer into the next part of the calculation, you introduce a small extra error. If you
simply used the number on your calculator for the next step rather than the rounded one, you
would get a nal answer of 3320 kJ (to 3 sf). On the other hand, there is no simple way of
showing that you have done that in an exam, and so you could end up with an answer inconsistent
with your working.)


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f) There must be some precision here, and the reason given must have produced a higher value for
the heat evolved. For example:
Misreading one of the weighings of the spirit burner so that it looked as if less hexane had
been burnt that was really the case.
Misreading the thermometer to give a nal temperature higher than it should have been.
Adding less than 100 cm 3 of water to the ask, so that the temperature went up more than it
should because the heat was going into a smaller volume of water.


g) Massive heat losses. Not all of the heat from the burner goes into the water in the ask; much
will go straight into the air. No account is taken of the heat being used to warm up the ask or the
thermometer. Heat is lost from the water to the surrounding air as the water warms up, and the
higher its temperature, the faster it loses heat.


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Chapter 26
1. 1 mol H2SO4 weighs 98 g
4.90 g is 4.9/98 mol = 0.0500 mol
Concentration = 0.0500 mol dm -3 (0.0500 to show that the answer is accurate to 3 sig gs)
2. KOH is 0.200 mol dm-3
1 mol KOH weighs 56 g
0.200 mol weighs 0.200 x 56 g = 11.2 g
Concentration = 11.2 g dm -3
3. Relative formula mass Na2CO3 = 106
So 1 mol Na2CO3 weighs 106 g
0.100 mol weighs 10.6 g
To get a 0.100 mol dm -3 solution you would have to dissolve 10.6 g in 1 dm 3 (1000 cm3)
If you only wanted 100 cm 3 of solution you would only need 1.06 g Na 2CO3
4. No of moles of copper(II) sulphate

= 20/1000 x 0.100
= 0.00200 mol

Equation shows that 1 mol CuSO 4 produces 1 mol BaSO 4

No of moles BaSO4 formed = 0.00200 mol
1 mol BaSO4 weighs 233 g
0.00200 mol BaSO 4 weighs 0.00200 x 233 g = 0.466 g

The equation shows that you only need half the number of moles of calcium carbonate as of
hydrochloric acid.
No of moles of CaCO3

= 1/2 x 0.0500 mol

= 0.0250 mol

I mole of CaCO3 weighs 100 g.

0.0250 mol CaCO3 weighs 0.0250 x 100 g = 2.50 g


5. 25.0 cm3 of 2.00 mol dm -3 HCl contains 25.0/1000 x 2.00 mol = 0.0500 mol

6. No of moles of H2SO4 = 25/1000 x 1.0 = 0.025 mol

The equations show that 1 mol CuO will produce 1 mol of CuSO 4.5H2O
1 mol of CuSO4.5H2O weighs 250 g.
Mass produced = 0.025 x 250 g = 6.25 g
7. a) No of moles of NaOH solution = 25.0/1000 x 0.400 mol = 0.0100 mol
The equation shows that you need half as many moles of sulfuric acid = 0.00500 mol
The acid has a concentration of 0.200 mol dm -3 . . .
. . . which means that 0.200 mol is contained in 1000 cm 3
Therefore 0.00500 mol is contained in 0.00500/0.200 x 1000 cm 3 = 25.0 cm3
b) 1 mol of CaCO3 weighs 100 g.
Therefore 10.0 g is 0.100 mol
From the equation, you need twice as many moles of HCl = 0.200 mol
The acid has a concentration of 2.00 mol dm -3 . . .
. . . which means that 1000 cm 3 contains 2.00 mol
Therefore 0.200 mol is contained in 100 cm 3.

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8. (For home-schooling parents: In each of these examples, start from what you know most about
and work from there. If a student needs to put extra steps in, encourage them to do so. For
example, if there are 0.2 mol in 1000 cm 3, there are 0.2/1000 mol in 1 cm 3 and 25 x 0.2/1000 mol
in 25 cm3.
Or, if there are 0.05 mol in 24 cm 3, there are 0.05/24 mol in 1 cm 3 and 1000 x 0.05/24 mol in 1000
There is no embarrassment in doing this. All that matters is getting the answer right!)

No of moles of NaOH = 25/1000 x 0.100 = 0.00250 mol

The equation shows a 1:1 reaction.
No of moles of HNO3 = 0.00250 mol
Thats in 20.0 cm 3.
Concentration of HNO 3 = 1000/20.0 x 0.00250 mol dm -3 = 0.125 mol dm-3


No of moles of HNO3 = 30.0/1000 x 0.100 = 0.00300 mol

The equation shows that you need half as many moles of sodium carbonate as of nitric acid.
No of moles of Na2CO3 = 1/2 x 0.00300 mol
= 0.00150 mol
Thats in 25.0 cm 3.
Concentration of Na2CO3 = 1000/25.0 x 0.00150 mol dm -3 = 0.0600 mol dm-3



No of moles of K2CO3 = 25.0/1000 x 0.250 = 0.00625 mol

The equation shows that you need twice as many moles of ethanoic acid as of potassium
No of moles of CH3COOH

= 2 x 0.00625 mol
= 0.0125 mol

Thats in 12.5 cm 3.
Concentration of CH 3COOH = 1000/12.5 x 0.0125 = 1.00 mol dm -3
9. a) No of moles of HCl = 18.8/1000 x 0.04 mol = 7.52 x 10 -4 mol (0.000752 mol)
The equation shows that this reacts with half that number of moles of calcium hydroxide.
No of moles of Ca(OH)2 = 3.76 x 10-4 mol (0.000376 mol)
Thats in 25 cm3.
Concentration of Ca(OH) 2 = 1000/25 x 3.76 x 10 -4 mol dm-3 = 0.0150 mol dm-3
b) 1 mol Ca(OH)2 weighs 74 g.
Concentration = 0.0150 x 74 g dm -3 = 1.11 g dm-3


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End of Section E Questions

1. a) The relative atomic mass of an element is the weighted average mass of the isotopes of the
element.(1) It is measured on a scale on which a carbon-12 atom has a mass of exactly 12 units.
b) The total mass of 100 atoms = (75 x 35) + (25 x 37) = 3550 (1)
The average mass of 1 atom = 3550/100 = 35.5 (1)
c) 1 mole of KI weighs 39 + 127 g = 166 g (1)
4.15 g of KI = 4.15/166 mol = 0.025 mol (1)
From the equation, 2 mol KI gives 1 mol I 2
Number of moles of I2 = 0.025/2 mol = 0.0125 mol (1)
Mass of I2 = 0.0125 x 254 g = 3.175 g (1)
d) 1 mole of chlorine, Cl 2, weighs 71 g
24.0 dm3 weighs 71 g (1)
1 dm3 weighs 71/24 g = 2.96 g
Density = 2.96 g dm-3 (1)
2. a) Mass of lead = 24.16 - 17.95 = 6.21 g (1)
b) Mass of oxygen = 24.80 - 24.16 g = 0.64 g (1)
Combining masses
No of moles of atoms
Ratio of moles
Empirical formula:

6.21 g
= 0.03

0.64 g
0.64/16 (1)
= 0.04


3. a) RFM CO2 = 44 (or mass of 1 mole = 44g) (1)

No of moles = 0.55/44 = 0.0125 (1)
b) 0.0125 mol (1) (Equation shows 1:1 relationship between calcium carbonate and CO 2)
c) RFM CaCO3 = 100 (or mass of 1 mole = 100g) (1)
No of moles = 0.0125 x 100 = 1.25 g (1)


d) RFM of PbO2 = 239 (1)

% Pb = 207/239 x 100 = 86.6 % (1)

d) % of CaCO3 in sand = 1.25/1.86 x 100 = 67.2 % (1)

4. a)

(i) RFM CuFeS2 = 184 (1)

% of copper = 64/184 x 100 = 34.8 % (1)
(ii) % of copper in total ore would be 0.5 x 34.8 % = 17.4% (1)
Therefore 1 tonne contains 0.174 tonnes of Cu (1) (or any other valid method)


(i) 1 mol Cu gives 1 mol Cu(NO3)2 (1)

64 g Cu gives 188 g Cu(NO 3)2 (1)
8.00 g Cu gives 8.00/64 x 188 g Cu(NO 3)2 = 23.5 g (1)
(ii) 1 mol Cu gives 2 mol NO2
64 g Cu gives 2 x 24.0 dm 3 NO2 = 48.0 dm3 (1)
8.00 g Cu gives 8.00/64 x 48.0 dm 3 = 6.00 dm3 (1)


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5. a) 4 mol FeS2 gives 2 mol Fe2O3

4 x 120 g = 480 g FeS 2 gives 2 x 160 g = 320 g Fe 2O3 (1)
480 kg FeS2 gives 320 kg Fe 2O3 (1)
b) 480 g FeS2 would give 4 mol Fe = 4 x 56 g = 224 g Fe (1)
480 kg FeS2 gives 224 kg Fe (1)
c) 480 g pyrite gives 8 x 24.0 dm 3 SO2 (1) = 192 dm3 (1)
480 kg gives 1000 x 192 dm 3 = 192000 dm3 (1)
d) 96000 dm3 (1) (half the answer to part (c) - using Avogadros Law)
6. a) Moles of HCl = 32.8/1000 x 0.100 = 3.28 x 10 -3 mol (1)
b) 3.28 x 10-3/2 mol = 1.64 x 10 -3 mol (1)
c) 1000/25.0 x 1.64 x 10 -3 (1) = 0.0656 mol dm -3 (1)
d) RFM Sr(OH)2 = 122 (1) (or mass of 1 mol = 122 g)
Concentration = 0.0656 x 122 g dm -3 = 8.00 g dm-3


7. a) 1000 cm-3 needs 40 x 0.100 g = 4.00 g (1)

250 cm3 needs 1.00 g (1)
b) Moles of NaOH = 25.0/1000 x 0.100 = 2.5 x 10 -3 mol (1)
Need half the number of moles of H 2SO4 (1)
Moles of H2SO4 = 0.5 x 2.5 x 10 -3 = 1.25 x 10-3 mol (1)
Concentration of acid = 1000/20.0 x 1.25 x 10 -3 = 0.0625 mol dm-3 (1)

(i) 0.0625 mol H2SO4 reacts with 0.0625 mol Mg

Mass Mg = 0.0625 x 24 g (1) = 1.50 g (1)
(ii) 0.0625 mol H2SO4 gives 0.0625 mol H 2
Vol of H2 = 0.0625 x 24.0 dm 3 (1) = 1.50 dm3 (1)

8. a) 0.64 g Cu is 0.64/64 mol = 0.01 mol (1)

Same number of moles of Cl 2 formed.
Vol Cl2 = 0.01 x 24.0 dm 3 = 0.24 dm3 (1)

(i) 1 mol Mg (24 g) produced by 2 mol e - (1)

1.20 tonne Mg produced by 1,200,000/24 x 2 mol e - =100,000 mol e - (1)
(ii) No of coulombs = 100,000 x 96000 = 9.6 x 10 9 (1)
(iii) coulombs = amps x time in secs
Time in secs = 9.6 x 109 / 250,000 = 38400 secs (1)
Time in hours = 38400 /3600 = 10.7 hours (1)


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