Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources:
"Animal Rights." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2016. Opposing Viewpoints in
The author states that animals are entitled to the same rights and freedoms as humans.
It is wrong for humans to mistreat animals in any way. The people who support this are against
animals being used for meat, wearing animals fur or leather, using animals for entertainment,
abusing them, and owning them. There are also people who are utilitarianism who seek to
reduce the total amount of suffrage in the world. An example that the author brings up is, Peter
Singer, author of the 1975 book Animal Liberation, is a utilitarian and argues that animals feel
pain and human have an obligation not to inflict unnecessary pain on them. Vegetarians are also
for the good of the community and believe that human dietary preferences are not a big enough
reason to kill other living things. Animals being used for experiments or testing purposes are one
of the biggest things people are upset about when talking about animal rights. Scientific and
medical researchers have long used animals in experiments, often claiming that it is not possible
to conduct meaningful research without the use of laboratory animals. This article was valuable
for background information on PETA.
Mcwilliams, James. "PETA's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad History of Killing Animals."The
Atlantic . Atlantic Media Company, 12 Mar. 2012. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.
The author states that in 2011, PETA behaved in a regrettably consistent manner: a pdf of
dogs and cats that it accepted into its shelter. Out of 760 dogs impounded, they killed seven
hundred and seventy-three, arranged nineteen to be adopted, ad farmed out thirty-six to other
shelters. As for cats, they impounded one thousand, two hundred, and eleven, euthanized one
thousand, one hundred, and ninety-eight, transferred eight, and found homes for a grand total of
five. PETA also took in fifty-eight other companion animals-including rabbits. They killed fifty-four
of them. This article was valuable for critics.

Newkirk, Ingrid. "Why Animal Rights?" PETA. Animal Liberation, n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.
The author claims that supporters of animal rights believe that animals have an inherent
value completely separated from their usefulness to humans. The author believes that every
creature with a will to live should be free from pain and suffering. Animals rights is not just a
philosophy it is a social movement that challenges societys traditional view that all nonhuman
animals exist solely for human use. This article was valuable for background information on
Newkirk, Ingrid. "About PETA." PETA. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.
The author states that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is the largest animal
rights organization in the world. PETA focuses its attention on the main areas in which the
largest number of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time. They also
work on a variety of other issues, including the cruel killing of rodents, birds, and other animals
who are often considered pests as well as cruelty to domesticated animals. This article was
valuable for background information on PETA.
Linehan, Adam. "The Goat That Saved Lives." New York Times , 6 July 2016, p. A21(L). Opposing
Viewpoints in Context
The author describes how PETA has spearheaded a campaign to end the military's
practice of using live animals to train medics. It details a doctors experience in which he
performed surgery on live animals that were not sedated to understand their reaction in hopes of
using these techniques soldiers in the battlefield. This article was valuable for information about
animal cruelty.
Newkirk, Ingrid. "Animal Testing Is Cruel and Does Not Benefit Medical Research." Animal
Experimentation, edited by Cindy Mur, Greenhaven Press, 2004. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints
in Context
The message that the author conveys is that testing should not be performed on animals.
The opposing medical community state that they need animals in order to conduct good
experiments. However in this article, the author states that this is not true. The use of animals
in experiments leads to abuse in many ways such as, being abused during experiments and
after by being locked in cages. This article was valuable for information about animal cruelty.

"Pets by the Numbers." RSS. The Humane Society of the United States, 2015. Web. 30 Dec. 2016.
This article summarizes the pet ownership in the United States as well as the number of
shelters in 2014. The author also provides numbers of euthanized animals from shelters. This
article was valuable for information about shelters to animals.
Newkirk, Ingrid. "Financial Reports." PETA. N.p., 2016. Web. 31 Dec. 2016.
This article details all the financial numbers in 2015. It shows the money raised and what
was spend, as well as how it was spent. This article was valuable for critics.

Coggin, Will. Personal email interview. December 12, 2016.
In this email interview, my goal was to get good information on the critics of PETA so I
could see both sides. Will Coggin, the managing director of, was the one who
responded and gave great information. The answers he provided me with helped understand
more about the darker side of PETA. This interview was valuable for critics.

"People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) demonstrate." Environmental Encyclopedia,
edited by Marci Bortman, et al., 3rd ed., Gale, 2011. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed
31 Dec. 2016.
This photo is a demonstration of one of PETAs campaigns Wed Rather go Naked. This
photo was valuable for information about animal cruelty.
"PETA Protest." Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Gale, 2010. Opposing Viewpoints
in Context,
Accessed 31 Dec. 2016.
In this photo, it shows PETA passing out coloring books about circus animal cruelty
outside an elementary school. This article was valuable for understanding the use of animals for
"PETA Protests Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus." UPI Photo Collection, 2009.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed
31 Dec. 2016.
This photo shows a volunteer dressed as a tiger that is trapped in a cage. It is a protest
against circuses and the volunteer is hold a sign saying, Wild animals dont belong behind
bars. This article was valuable for understanding the use of animals for entertainment.

"Members of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) protest seal hunting. The group
has..." Gale Encyclopedia of American Law, edited by Donna Batten, 3rd ed., vol. 1, Gale, 2010.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed
31 Dec. 2016.
In this photo, it shows people in bloody seal costumes protesting for the rights of seals.
This photo was valuable for information about animal cruelty.
"People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals demonstration." Environmental Encyclopedia, edited
by Marci Bortman, et al., 3rd ed., Gale, 2011. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed
31 Dec. 2016.
This photo demonstrates an actor dressed as an astronaut targeting NASA for using
monkeys to go up into outer space. This photo was valuable for information about animal
"Ringling Brothers Circus Pachyderm Parade in Washington, D.C." UPI Photo Collection, 2009.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed
31 Dec. 2016.
This photo shows a man holding up a sign saying, Ringling Bros.: 24 dead elephants
and counting. This article was valuable for understanding the use of animals for entertainment.

Secondary Sources:

Dicker, Rachel. A gorilla was shot dead in the Cincinnati Zoo to save a child and people are
furious U.S. News . N.p., 31 May 2016. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.
PETAs response to a gorilla being shot dead in a Cincinnati Zoo to save a child, Yet
again captivity has taken an animals life. The enclosure should have been surrounded by a
secondary barrier to prevent this . Gorillas have shown that they can be protective of smaller
living beings and react the same way a human would to a child in danger. Even under the best
circumstances, captivity is never acceptable for gorillas or other primates and in cases like this
its even deadly. This tragedy is exactly why PETA urges families to stay away from any facilities
that display animals as sideshows for humans to gawk at. This article was valuable for animals
for entertainment.
"PETA throws monkey 'wretch' at Hallmark." New York Post [New York, NY], 30 Sept. 2016, p.
029.Opposing Viewpoints in Context
The pain of a chimp is described by the author in this paragraph. It is forced to smile for
the camera but according to PETA, The smiling chimp is actually deeply afraid. This issue and
abuse on animals has dated back to 2007. This article was valuable for information about
animal cruelty.
Anonymous. "Animal Rights Raiders Destroy Years of Work." Government, Politics, and Protest:
Essential Primary Sources , edited by K. Lee Lerner, et al., Gale, 2006, pp. 414-417. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context
At this time the author explains ALF members using tactics as firebombing buildings,
breaking into laboratories, destroying research documents and information. ALF members did
these acts because they wanted to end the human exploitation of animals. ALF members also
believe they are rescuing animals from experimentation but instead they are doing more harm
than good because they are destroying buildings years of research. This article was valuable for
information about animal cruelty.

Theiler, Mike. "PETA's 'We'd Rather Go Naked' Campaign." Government, Politics, and Protest:
Essential Primary Sources , edited by K. Lee Lerner, et al., Gale, 2006, pp. 428-430. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context
The article discusses the Wed Rather Go Naked Campaign, which is a campaign that
people walk around in public naked. The campaign is trying to raise awareness by stating that
they would rather go naked than wear fur clothing. Concerns of exploiting women are raised.

Many feminist are against this campaign. This article was valuable for information about animal
Evans, Kim Masters. "Entertainment Animals." Animal Rights , 2007 ed., Gale, 2007. Information
Plus Reference Series. Opposing Viewpoints in Context
The authors describes the misuse of animals when used for entertainment purposes.
The article also describes how recent events of the orca whales in Seaworld demonstrate these
animals are not meant to be kept in captivity. The author also describes how some small zoos
barely meet minimal federal standards. This article was valuable for understanding the use of
animals for entertainment.
Friedrich, Bruce. "A Vegan Lifestyle Is Necessary to Stop the Mistreatment of Animals." The Rights
of Animals , edited by Debra A. Miller, Greenhaven Press, 2009. Current Controversies.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
Living a vegan lifestyle is explained by the author in this article. A vegan lifestyle helps
support animal cruelty because vegans do not eat meat. If more people become vegans, less
animals will be abused. This article was valuable for information about animal cruelty.
Deckha, Maneesha. "Disturbing images: PETA and the feminist ethics of animal advocacy." Ethics
& the Environment, vol. 13, no. 2, 2008, p. 35+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context
The author describes the controversial methods PETA uses to spread awareness to the
public. PETA does this by posting disturbing images and videos to convince the audience that
animals are mistreated. This article was valuable for information about animal cruelty.
"Fur flies over flier: does PETA unfairly target teens?" Current Events, a Weekly Reader
publication, 5 Nov. 2004, p. 3+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context
The article discusses if PETA terrorizes children. Opponents of PETA suggests that
PETA terrorizes children by targeting them with violent and graphic content. However, attorney,
Jeffrey Kerr claims that PETA doesnt terrorize kids, insteads it educates them on the suffering
of animals. Although the Center of Consumer Freedom (CCF) does not agree with the launch of
this campaign, Your Mommy Kills Animals. This article was valuable for critics.
Holden, Constance. "Animal rightists raid USDA lab." Science, vol. 237, 1987, p. 1099. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context
The article summarizes animal rights activists breaking into Department of Agriculture
laboratory and stealing twenty-eight cats and eight miniature pigs. It also states that abortion
causes more than 500,000 deaths a year. This article was valuable for information about
animal cruelty.

Holden, Constance. "Animal rights activism threatens dissection." Science, vol. 250, no. 4982,
1990, p. 751. Opposing Viewpoints in Context
The author details the video tapes of the Carolina Biological Institute brutally prodding
cats into boxes to be gassed. The tapes also demonstrated cats and rats being injected with
formaldehyde while still alive. Officials of the Carolina Biological Institute said that although they
have killed cats, they will no longer do so. They also denied prodding live cats and embalming
them while alive. This article was valuable for information about animal cruelty.
Lawler, Andrew. "Animal activists target NASA mission." Science, vol. 272, no. 5258, 1996, p. 26.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
The author discusses the use monkeys by NASA for outer space travel. NASA was
conducting experiments on the effects of weightlessness on muscles, bones, and the immune
system. PETA argues that the experiment is unnecessary and inhumane. Many experiments
were later canceled due to the complaints of PETA and many others. This article was valuable
for information about animal cruelty.
Trull, Frankie L. "Biomedical Attacks." Science, vol. 286, no. 5444, 1999, p. 1477. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context
The article is summarizes animal rights activists involvement in violent protests. Some
of the acts include, mail and car bombings, razor blade letters, arson, and violent
demonstrations at scientists' homes. Ingrid Newkirk, president of PETA, responded to all the
violent protest with the following statement, "Perhaps the mere idea of receiving a nasty missive
will allow animal researchers to empathize with their victims for the first time in their lousy
careers." This shocking statement appears to condone violent acts. This article was valuable
for information about animal cruelty.
Culliton, Barbara J. "HHS halts animal experiment." Science, vol. 229, 1985, p. 447+. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context
In this article, the author explains the conduct researchers at University of Pennsylvania
have done on their studies of head injuries using primates. NIH officials investigated allegations
that the researchers are cruel to their apes. There was also video evidence showing the
animals during and after the forced injury. After observing this video, NIH officials recognized the
harm and started a formal investigation. This article was valuable for information about animal

Holden, Constance. "Monkey euthanasia stalled by activists." Science, vol. 244, no. 4911, 1989, p.
1437. Opposing Viewpoints in Context
The author describes the use of monkeys for research in deafferentation, the effects of
having the nerves in the arms removed. The monkeys were later taken into custody of the
National Institutes of Health. This was the result of an NIH investigation which arose due to
rumors of the monkeys being mistreated. This article was valuable for information about animal
Steintrager, Megan. "Restaurants Should Fight PETA's Anti-Meat Agenda." Animal Rights , edited by
Shasta Gaughen, Greenhaven Press, 2005. Contemporary Issues Companion. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context
In this article, the author states that activist groups have caused unpredictable changes
in the restaurant industry. PETA encourages large chain restaurants to make changes in animal
welfare guidelines. PETA encourages them to do this to avoid negative publicity. This article
was valuable for information about animal cruelty.
People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals. "Product Testing on Animals Is Cruel and
Unnecessary." Animal Experimentation, edited by David M. Haugen, Greenhaven Press, 2000. At
Issue. Opposing Viewpoints in Context
The author describes all the pain an animal goes through when being tested on by many
cosmetic and cleaner companies to make sure that the product is safe. Some examples of pain
that many animals face while tested on include, skin or eye irritancy, while others are killed due
to the exposure of many deadly chemicals. This article was valuable for information about
animal cruelty.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals UK. "Animal-to-Human Organ Transplants Are a
Failure." Organ Donation, edited by Laura Egendorf, Greenhaven Press, 2009. Opposing
Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context
In the article, the author explains the danger of using the organs of animals to transplant
into humans. Pigs and other animals carry viruses that are dangerous and deadly for humans.
These viruses can harm human and that is why it is not a good idea to transfer animal organs in
humans. This article was valuable for information about animal cruelty.
"DOC: Animal Rights." Current Issues : Macmillian Social Science Library , Macmillan Reference
USA, 2003. Opposing Viewpoints in Context
In the article, the author takes the position that animals should be given the same
protections as humans. The president of PETA claims that animals are more like people than
objects. He also claims that there is no rational basis separating out the human animal, as a rat
is a pig is a dog is a boy. This article was valuable for background information on PETA.

"Preface to 'Does Scientific Testing Violate Animal Rights?'." Animal Rights , edited by Noah
Berlatsky, Greenhaven Press, 2015. Current Controversies. Opposing Viewpoints in Context
The author explains that more than six million animals are dissected in a year. Although
there is no way to stop this, the method of the animals death should be more humane. PETA
claims that animals are killed in inhumane ways, such as being injected with formaldehyde.
They also think that dissection is unnecessary. This article was valuable for information about
animal cruelty.
Thomas, Cal. "Animal Rights Activists Are Terrorists." Animal Experimentation, edited by Helen
Cothran, Greenhaven Press, 2002. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context
The author explains all the violence that occurs targeting animals due to animal rights
activists. The author considers them as terrorists because of the damage they have done. For
example, activists have broken into labs, taken all the animals, and destroyed everything inside it
including many years of research on animals. This article was valuable for information about
animal cruelty.
Elliott, Stuart. "Volkswagen to Stop Using Primates in Ads, Withdrawing Teaser for Super Bowl
Commercial." New York Times , 14 Feb. 2014, p. NA(L). Opposing Viewpoints in Context
In this article, PETA targeted Volkswagen for using primates in a Super Bowl
Commercial. Volkswagen agreed to not use primates in their commercials. They also agreed to
take down the video clip from online platforms. PETA did this because PETA believes that
primates shouldnt be used for entertainment purposes. This article was valuable for information
about animal cruelty.
"People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals." Special Interest Group Profiles for Students , edited
by Kelle S. Sisung, Gale, 2001. Opposing Viewpoints in Context
The author in this article describes PETA as a company and how they are structured. It
includes, that they are an international, nonprofit, tax-exempt organization. Also, that they have
headquarters located in Norfolk, Virginia, and have offices in San Francisco, the United Kingdom,
Germany, and Italy. This article was valuable for background information on PETA.
"PETA: Ringling Bros. Circus Abuses Tigers." Daily Beast, 28 Sept. 2016. Opposing Viewpoints in
The author explains the abuse animals receive in the circus. They discuss the abuse to
the animals if they dont perform well, the abuse when they travel and are kept caged when they
arent performing. The abuse also includes the separation of the animals from their family.
PETA has stepped in and convinced many zoos to retire their animals. Ringling Bros.
announced that they will be retiring their elephants by 2018. This article was valuable for animals
for entertainment.

"People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals." Environmental Encyclopedia, Gale, 2011. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context
The article details the foundation of PETA in 1980 by Ingrid Newkirk and Alex Pacheco. It
also discusses the positions that PETA takes as a non-profit organization for animal rights.
PETA is against the use of animals for entertainment purposes only. This article was valuable
for background information on PETA.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. "KFC Treats Chickens Inhumanely." Animal Rights ,
edited by Shasta Gaughen, Greenhaven Press, 2005. Contemporary Issues Companion.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
The author describes how KFC treats their chickens inhumanely. According to the
author, the chickens are cramped in small areas and suffer from broken bones. The author
states chickens are considered the most abused animal on the planet. During slaughtering,
chickens are boiled while still alive to remove feathers and then their necks are cut off. This
article was valuable for information about animal cruelty.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. "Dissection Teaches Students Lessons in Cruelty."
Animal Experimentation, edited by Ronnie D. Lankford, Jr., Greenhaven Press, 2009. At Issue.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
The author explains how students are taking a stand against dissecting animals. They
feel it is not right and is unneeded. More students should protest in classroom dissections.
Millions of animals are killed to be dissected at elementary, middle schools and high schools
every year. This article was valuable for information about animal cruelty.
"Introduction to The Fashion Industry: Opposing Viewpoints." The Fashion Industry , edited by
Roman Espejo, Greenhaven Press, 2010. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in
The article describes PETA and one of their campaign, Id Rather Go Naked than Wear
Fur. This campaign was designed to raise public awareness about the deadly consequences
to animals when people choose to wear fur. This article was valuable for information about
animal cruelty.
Dreher, Rod. "The conscience of a carnivore." The American Conservative, vol. 7, no. 8, 2008, p.
31+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context
The author explains that killing a living creature and eating it will never be free, clean, or a
carefree act. Animals are living things and they need to be treated the same way humans and
other living things are being treated. Animals should not be created for solely human use. This
article was valuable for information about animal cruelty.

Paris, Susan E. "The Animal Rights Movement Slows Medical Progress." Animal Experimentation,
edited by David M. Haugen, Greenhaven Press, 2000. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints in Context
The author conveys the message that animals being used for medical research does not
help and in fact slows down the progress toward it. Some evidence proving this is that Susan E.
Paris is former president of Americans for Medical Progress (AMP) Educational Foundation
says,Perhaps the most overlooked threat to medical science is the animal rights movement.
Those who wish to save the lives of research animals and sacrifice the welfare of patients who
benefit from animal experimentation are wrongheaded and dangerous. The animal rights
movement has been effective in getting regulations passed that hamper medical research, and
their terrorist tactics of setting lab animals free or firebombing research facilities have resulted in
millions of dollars in damages. These extremist measures are endangering the lives of those
waiting for cures acquired through animal research. This article was valuable for information
about animal cruelty.
Dold, Chris. "Fact: whales live as long at SeaWorld." Hill, 24 Mar. 2015, p. 21. Opposing Viewpoints
in Context
In this article, the author explains that the whales at Seaworld live as long as they would
in the wild. The reason he says this is because PETA claims that they only live one fourth of
their life in captivity. This article was valuable for information about animal cruelty.
"PETA tries to pull the rabbit out of Ivanka Trump's hat." CNN Wire, 17 Feb. 2016. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context
In this article, CNN criticizes Ivanka Trump when she created a clothing line that
consisted of rabbits fur. PETA wrote her a letter of disappointment and encouraged her to
discontinue her latest clothing line. This article was valuable for information about animal cruelty.
"Tiger attacks, kills keeper at Florida zoo." CNN Wire, 16 Apr. 2016. Opposing Viewpoints in
The author explains that there was a zookeeper who died at the Palm Beach zoo due to
a tiger attack. PETA claimed that no ones life would have been taken if animals stayed in the
wild and werent take into captivity. This article was valuable for information about animal cruelty.

"People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) | Funding Sources, Staff Profiles, and Political
Agenda | Activist FactsActivist Facts." Activist Facts . Center for Organizational Research and
Education, n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, (PETA) is described by the author as by far
the most successful radical organization in in America. PETA seeks total animal liberation,
according to its president and co-founder, Ingrid Newkirk. That means no meat or dairy, of

course; but it also means no aquariums, no circuses, no hunting or fishing, no fur or leather and
no medical research using animals. PETA is even opposed to the use of seeing eye dogs. This
website was valuable for background.
"PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)." Pardon Our Interruption. Philanthropedia, 14
Dec. 2011. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.
peta-people-for-the-ethical-treatment-of-animals >.
PETA was founded in 1980 and is dedicated to establishing and defending the rights of all
animals. PETA believes that animals have rights and deserve to have their best interests taken
into consideration, regardless of whether they are useful to humans. This website was valuable
for background.
"PETA Kills Animals." PETA Kills Animals . N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.
According to the information used on this website, the author says that PETA has killed
more than 34,000 animals since 1988. Ninety-seven percent of animals under PETAs care have
been killed in one year. The Virginia Department of Agriculture and consumer services (VDACS)
requires all animal shelters to report the number of cats and dogs they take in a year. The
records indicate how many cats and dogs were reclaimed by their owners, adopted out,
transferred to other Virginia releasing agencies. PETA swiftly kills the vast majority of dogs and
cats in its care. This website was valuable for critics.
Fiano, Cassy. "PETA Rakes in $34 Million, but Only Saves 8 Animals." The Greenroom . N.p., 17
Mar. 2010. Web. 31 Dec. 2016.
This author criticizes the use of funds from PETA. She brings up examples of silly
campaigns that PETA has created when they should have used the money to help spread more
awareness on the mistreatment of animals. This website was valuable for understanding critics

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