The One and Only Ivan Novel Study Preview

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The One and Only Ivan


Katherine Applegate
A Novel Study
by Joel Michel Reed

The One and Only Ivan

By Katherine Applegate

Table of Contents

Suggestions and Expectations ......

List of Skills ....

Synopsis / Author Biography ..

Student Checklist

Reproducible Student Booklet ..

Answer Key .....


About the author: Joel Reed has over 50 published novel studies and is the coauthor of three novels. For more information on his work and literature, please visit
the websites and

Copyright 2014 Joel Reed

All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.
Not for public display.

The One and Only Ivan

By Katherine Applegate
Suggestions and Expectations
This curriculum unit can be used in a variety of ways. Each chapter of the novel study
focuses on several individual sections of The One and Only Ivan and is comprised of
five of the following different activities:

Before You Read

Vocabulary Building
Comprehension Questions
Language Activities
Extension Activities

Links with the Common Core Standards (U.S.)

Many of the activities included in this curriculum unit are supported by the Common
Core Standards. For instance the Reading Standards for Literature, Grade 5, makes
reference to:
a) determining the meaning of words and phrases. . . including figurative language;
b) explaining how a series of chapters fits together to provide the overall structure;
c) compare and contrast two characters;
d) determine how characters respond to challenges;
e) drawing inferences from the text;
f) determining a theme of a story . . . and many others.
A principal expectation of the unit is that students will develop their skills in reading,
writing, listening and oral communication, as well as in reasoning and critical thinking.
Students will also be expected to provide clear answers to questions and wellconstructed explanations. It is critical as well that students be able to relate events and
the feelings of characters to their own lives and experiences and describe their own
interpretation of a particular passage.
A strength of the unit is that students can work on the activities at their own pace. Every
activity need not be completed by all students. A portfolio cover is included (p.7) so
that students may organize their work and keep it all in one place. A Student Checklist
is also included (p.6) so that a record of completed work may be recorded.

The One and Only Ivan

By Katherine Applegate
List of Skills
Vocabulary Development

Locating descriptive words / phrases

Listing synonyms/homonyms
Identifying / creating alliteration
Use of capitals and punctuation
Identifying syllables
Identify anagrams


Use of singular / plural nouns

Listing compound words
Identifying parts of speech
Determining alphabetical order
Identify personification
Identify/create similes

Setting Activities
1. Summarize the details of a setting
Plot Activities
1. Complete a time line of events
2. Identify conflict in the story
3. Complete Five W's Chart

4. Identify cliffhangers
5. Identify the climax of the novel.

Character Activities
1. Determine character traits

2. Relating personal experiences

Creative and Critical Thinking


Write a newspaper story
Participate in a talk show
Conduct an interview
Write a short story.


Write a description of personal feelings

Write a book review
Complete an Observation Sheet
Writing poetry.

Art Activities
1. A Storyboard
2. Create a collage
3. Create an Information Card

4. Design a cover for the novel

5. Create a comic strip
6. Create a topical sketch

The One and Only Ivan

By Katherine Applegate

Ivan is an easygoing gorilla. Living at the Exit 8 Big Top Mall and Video Arcade, he has
grown accustomed to humans watching him through the glass walls of his domain. He rarely
misses his life in the jungle. Instead, he passes the time quietly and thinks about art.
Then he meets Ruby, a baby elephant taken from her family, and she makes Ivan see their
home and his own art through new eyes. When Ruby arrives, change comes with her, and it's
up to Ivan to make it a change for the better. (The Publisher Harper Collins)
A complete synopsis and other helpful reviews can be found on the following website:
(Warning: Website contains plot spoilers)

Author Biography
Katherine Applegate
Katherine Applegate - Applegate was born in Michigan on October

9, 1956. Since then she has lived in Texas, Florida, California,

Minnesota, Illinois, North Carolina, and after living in Pelago, Italy
for a year, she moved back to Irvine, in Southern California. In
2003, she and her husband, Michael Grant, her co-author on many
projects including Animorphs and Everworld, adopted their
daughter, Julia, in China. Following the end of Remnants,
Applegate took three years off. She is back at work and has written a
picture book called Buffalo Storm, a middle reader novel called
Home of the Brave and an early chapters series Roscoe Riley Rules
with Harper-Collins. Her book Home of the Brave has won the 2008
Golden Kite Award for Best Fiction, the Bank Street 2008 Josette
Frank Award, and is a Judy Lopez Memorial Award honor book.
Courtesy of Wikipedia.

The One and Only Ivan

By Katherine Applegate

Student Checklist
Student Name:



The One and Only Ivan

By Katherine Applegate

The One and Only Ivan

By Katherine Applegate

Hello (Pg 1) Stella (Pg 29)

Before you read the chapter:
Briefly predict what you believe the plot-line of The One and Only Ivan will be about.

Synonyms are words with similar meanings. Using the context of the sentences below, think of
an appropriate synonym for the underlined words in each sentence.

Humans waste words. They toss them like banana peels and leave them to rot.


Gorillas are as patient as stones. Humans, not so much.


I'm mightier than any human, four hundred pounds of pure power. My body looks made
for battle. My arms, outstretched, span taller than the tallest human.


Hello. Mack says that when he answers the thrilling telephone.


The freeway billboard has a drawing of Mack in his clown clothes and Stella on her hind
legs and an angry animal with fierce eyes and unkempt hair.


I used to have a neighbor, a sleek and thoughtful seal, who could balance a ball on her
nose from dawn till dusk.


Humans are clever indeed. They spin pink clouds you can eat. They build domains with
flat waterfalls. But they are lousy hunters.


Here in my domain, I do not have much to do. You can only throw so many me-balls at
humans before you get bored.

1. Describe the setting of the story as Section One begins.

2. What particular species of gorilla is Ivan?

3. According to Ivan, why do gorilla's beat their chests?

4. What does Ivan enjoy drawing?

5. What happened to the large bull elephant that once performed at the circus?

Language Activity

There are many writers that enjoy using alliteration a literary device is where the author
repeats the same sound at the beginning of several words. Here's an example of an alliteration:
grousing, grouching, grumbling, griping about something or other."
Using your imagination, create your own examples of alliteration from the following topics.
Each example must contain a minimum of three words.
The sounds of
Ivan the gorilla.
The sounds of
Stella the elephant.
The sound of nature (think of an
appropriate setting)

B. A simile is a comparison using the words like or as.

Here's an example from this

section: "Humans waste words. They toss them like banana peels and leave them to rot."
What two things are being compared in this example?

Invent three of your own similes comparing two different things from your own imagination:




C. Come One, Come All!

Using resources from your school library or the Internet write a
brief report on a famous circus act of your own choosing. Your
report should include locations, dates, performers, and any other
information that you might find interesting.

Fascinating Facts
In the section 'How I Look' Ivan implied that humans are part of the
greater ape family tree. However, contrary to this popular belief,
there is actually no credible scientific evidence to support the theory
that humans are descended from primates. Columnist Albert
Fleischmann once wrote; The Darwinian theory of descent has not
a single fact to confirm it in the realm of nature. It is not the result of
scientific research, but purely the product of imagination.


Extension Activity
A storyboard is a series of pictures that tell about an important event in a story. A
storyboard can tell the story of only one scene or the entire novel.
Complete the storyboard below illustrating the events described in this section of our
novel. You may wish to practice your drawings on a separate piece of paper.


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