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Sri Kam akot i Man d al i

s h r ImA t r e n a ma H

HOM E : :

D e c e mb e r 2 9 , 2 0 1 6


taptahaaTakakeshaanta jwalatpaavakalochana |
vajraadhikanakhasparsha divyasimha namostute ||
Krityas are mantric weapons which are used to destroy a powerful enemy or defend oneself from an attack. There are five kinds of Krityas, based on the deity they are associated
1. Pratyangira
2. Shulini/Vanadurga
3. Kali
4. Tara
5. Bagalamukhi
Of these, Kritya-s associated with Pratyangira have been more popular. They are sixty-four in number.
Pratyangira has four main forms:
1. brahmI pratyangirA
2. narAyaNI pratyangirA
3. raudrI pratyangirA
4. atharvaNa bhadrakAli
Each of these four has sixteen Anga-vidyas, together resulting in 64 Krityas. Each of the Krityas have four mantric aspects: vaidika mantra, bIja mantra, mUla mantra and mAla
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mantra. By using all these four in the prescribed pattern, one can obtain the Siddhi of the Krityas. These Kritya-s are enumerated in Atharvana Bhadrakali Khadgamala [brAmI,
shIrShaNvatI, shatrupratikUlA, AyuHnikrntanI, rAkShasakShayI, pashunAshinI, kartrumAriNI, AgneyI, vAsisShThA, rathikA, krodhajWalinI, devakrodhI, asrkpibatI, charAcharahantrI,
ashivakarI, aShTApadI, vidyunmAlini, shunakapaiShTikA, shapanAshA, shiravisphAriNI, vrkI, rakShiNI, dAhinI, dishAbandhinI, mrgahantri, swalankrtA, pratikriyA, angavicChedinI,
krodhini, sarvasamhAriNI, preriNI, tApinI, pApashamanI, shukI etc] The names of these deities themselves are so powerful that one should spell them with great respect for ambA.
Most of these Krityas are weapons used to hit the enemy rather than defend oneself from attack. Hence, a Srividyopasaka needs to spend no time mastering these mantras. As
Pratyangira is uttaranga to Mahashodashi, and these constitute her anga devatas, they are used as anga mantras and during AvaraNa pUjA for Pratyangira. That would be the only
use of these mantras for a real Srividyopasaka, who is a mumukshu.
As this is one of the most ferocious forms of ambA, those without the required temperament and qualification, should never attempt to undertake Pratyangira Upasana. Those
who are directed by Guru to do the same should do it under his direct guidance. nyAsa, kIlana, kavacha, shapoddhAra, upasamhAra, japa shamti are the six aspects of
Pratyangira upasana, without understanding which one is not encouraged to undertake her upAsanA.
Moreover, a Srividya Upasaka is automatically blessed with protection from Pratyangira as clearly stated by Bhagavan Hayagriva, without having to specifically invoke pratyangirA.
When one achieves the grace of the supreme queen Sri Lalita Mahabhattarika, every mantra, known and unknown, becomes swasiddha and susiddha. Sri Rajarajeshwari is
shaktichakraikanAyikA and remembering her lotus feet offers the best protection.
kAraNaparachidrUpayai namaH

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