Eternal Bliss-The Essence of Siva-Gnanam
Eternal Bliss-The Essence of Siva-Gnanam
Eternal Bliss-The Essence of Siva-Gnanam
Eternal Bliss
the essence of SIVA-GNANAM
Eternal Bliss is your true form and being. Eternal Bliss is my true form and being.
Eternal Bliss is the true form and being of all life. Eternal Bliss is your birthright. Eternal Bliss
is my birthright. Eternal Bliss is the birthright of all beings.
Eternal Bliss is that from which all forms of life come into being. Eternal Bliss is that
in which all forms of life dwell. It is in Eternal Bliss that all life ultimately disappears. It is
Eternal Bliss that is the sustenance of all beings. Eternal bliss is the life of all beings. Eternal
Bliss is the knowledge beyond all forms of knowledge. Eternal Bliss is the joy of all joys, Eternal
Bliss is that which is the essence of all life.
This Eternal Bliss can never be separated from you. Although it is omnipotent it cannot
even for a moment exist apart from you. Even though it is the knowledge of all forms of
knowledge yet you cannot know it with the aid of your knowledge. It is when your individual
mind is destroyed that it manifests itself. It comes into being when your individual self is no
more. Like an image of salt which when used to sound the depth of an ocean is dissolved in it
and becomes part of it, you who seek Eternal Bliss would be dissolved in it and become part
of it, thus achieving deathless existence. That state in which your individual self no longer
exists is called Nishtai. When you reach that state you reach perfection. Therefore, immerse
yourself in the flood of Eternal Bliss and lose your individual self. It is when you lose your
limited self that your great and exalted life begins. When your individuality is lost you would
be engulfed in Eternal Bliss. It is in achieving Eternal Bliss that you attain true deliverance.
Eternal Bliss is not a thing that can be created anew, Has it come into existence anew?
through all serenity has it existed sang Pattinathar. It has been existing like that forever. It
cannot be created by anything else. Although it manifests itself when your mind is free from
turmoil, yet it does not come into being only then. It has always been existing. It cannot be
created by any kind of effort, by mantras or magic, by rituals, by Yoga practices, by pilgrimages
and penances. It is when the individual mind ceases to exist that perfection is reached. The
moment the mind is keenly bent on search for perfection, it would seem as if perfection has
disappeared. All those Yoga practices and rituals which are performed by the aid of the
individual mind harden it and stand as obstacles in the way of achieving Eternal Bliss. If you
mean to get rid of the individual self as false, there is no purpose served in speaking of those
rituals which are performed with the aid of the individual mind.
Eternal Bliss is without any kind of attribute. It does not depend on your following
any prescribed mode of life. It does not depend for its manifestation on any of the four modes
of life called Bramachariya (the life of a bachelor), Grahastha (the life of a householder),
Vanaprastha (the life of a hermit), Sanyasa (the life of one who has renounced the world). It
does not become different by virtue of external differences between the king, the prime
True Wisdom
Listen! Every man who desires to achieve Eternal Bliss should diligently inquire,
where is Bliss, how does it exist, how could it be achieved? By diligent inquiry you can attain
true happiness. We discussed earlier how the mind which is the seat of enjoyment exists at the
time of enjoyment and before and after the enjoyment. We saw that the mind, before it enjoyed
pleasure, was restless under the urge of desire and was full of sorrow, and that when the desired
object was achieved it became satisfied, freed from sorrow and desire and identified with the
object desired, thus losing the feeling of separateness between the enjoyer and the thing
enjoyed, and achieving a state of peace and calm, and that pleasure or enjoyment resulted from
this state of peace and calm.
I shall give you an illustration of this. Once in a forest I saw a clear, limpid pool of
water. It was without any waves on its surface. Above it in the sky the spotless sun was shining
brightly. I looked into the pool and saw in it another sun. I knew that the sun was the reflection
of the sun in the sky. I stood there a little while admiring the beauty of the reflected sun. The
wind began to breathe gently and ripples appeared on the surface of the pool. The reflection of
the sun did not appear as clearly as before. The wind rose high and waves began to roll on the
surface of the pool. The reflection of the sun disappeared completely. But the sun in the sky
(with grateful acknowledgement to Mr. C. Mylvagnam and Siva Thondan Circle, 1969)
[Extract from the book Finding Fulfilment Published by London Meikandaar Aadheenam]