Introduction To The Astrolab
Introduction To The Astrolab
Introduction To The Astrolab
I know that I am mortal and the creature of a day; but when I search out the
massed wheeling circles of the stars, my feet no longer touch the Earth but, side
by side with Zeus himself, I take my fill of ambrosia.
Claudius Ptolemy
Even though the astrolabe is among the worlds most ancient scientific instruments, it
has never been equaled for providing a clear, concise picture of the heavens. A glance
at a properly set astrolabe gives a complete snapshot of the sky at a particular time and
place. The astrolabe is also an inherently beautiful device. Its graceful arcs and finely
engraved components are both elegant and mysterious. It is a device of wonder to those
who do not understand its simple elegance and a source of admiration to those who do.
The unique properties of the astrolabe continue to excite interest after more than two
The astrolabe was a widely used astronomical instrument for over 1000 years without
significant change in its basic form. Despite embellishments to improve its utility in
different cultures and epochs, a 10th century astrolabe would be instantly recognized as
an astrolabe by a modern user. This spectacular success is due to the uniquely concise,
complete and useful view of the heavens that the astrolabe provides. This advantage
of the astrolabe is retained when the ancient science of the astrolabe is combined with
modern computer graphics and new possibilities emerge that were not possible on
classical instruments. The combination of the old and new technologies is synergistic,
enhancing both.
The Electric Astrolabe is a fully functional computer representation of a classical
astrolabe. A planetarium program in this form demonstrates the durability of astrolabe
principles defined 2000 years ago. Astrolabe technology transfers to computer graphics
in a natural and useful way and provides opportunities for enhancements that medieval
astrolabists would never have imagined. In addition, recreating an ancient art on modern
equipment provides a window to the past and deep appreciation for the intelligence and
skill of the original developers.
Perhaps the greatest advantage of the astrolabe display over other planetarium
programs is that it shows the entire sky, both visible and invisible, for a given time
and place. In addition, the ability of the Electric Astrolabe to animate the sky provides
a dynamic view of the heavens that dramatically illustrates astronomical ideas. This
format provides an extremely compact and efficient method for showing the positions
of heavenly bodies. The following information can be determined at a glance from the
Electric Astrolabe graphics display once it is set to a location, date and time:
These displays are mainly for education and amusement. The orrery can be used to
demonstrate planetary phenomena such as synodic periods, elongation, conjunctions
and oppositions.
The Electric Astrolabe also incorporates several text displays giving numerical
values of planetary and lunar positions. The text displays, which are implemented as
a type of astronomical spreadsheet, are useful for determining the exact time of some
event such as the vernal equinox or eclipses.
There are many computer planetarium programs available. Most of them focus on
deep sky objects such as stars, nebulae and galaxies. The Electric Astrolabe concentrates
on planetary motion and can be used to illustrate the basics of orbital mechanics. An
unrelated purpose of the Electric Astrolabe is to sample a bit of the history of astronomy.
Using the Electric Astrolabe should be enjoyable and educational. Watching the
dynamics of the heavens is an experience that can illuminate and reinforce many
astronomical concepts. It can be used to plan observations or just stay in touch with
celestial events. Or it can be used as an extremely elegant astronomical clock.
The astrolabe is an astronomical instrument that shows the user the positions of the
Sun and stars for a specific time and place. It can be used to solve a great many
astronomy problems that would require mathematical calculations if you didnt have
such a marvelous device. The name comes from the Greek aster, meaning star,
and lambanein (aor. labein ) meaning take, seize, catch, grasp and, derivatively,
apprehend, determine, estimate. Combined as the word astrolabe, the name means
that an astrolabe can be used as either a star finder or a star taker. As a star finder
the astrolabe can be used to find stars and other objects in the sky. As a star taker,
the astrolabe can be used to find the time by taking a reading of the Sun or a known
stars position. The astrolabe is both a map of the heavens and a portable computer
for solving astronomical problems. The astrolabe can be considered the worlds first
personal computer.
The purpose of the astrolabe is to show the user how the sky looks at a specific place
at a given local time. This is done by drawing the sky on the face of the astrolabe and
marking it so positions in the sky are easy to find. To use an astrolabe, you adjust the
moveable components to a specific time and date. Once set, the entire sky, both visible
and invisible, is represented on the face of the instrument. This allows a great many
astronomical problems related to time and the position of the Sun and stars to be solved
in a very graphical way.
The astrolabe is intended to be used for both observation and computation. For
observation, it is fitted with a ring so the instrument can be hung vertically from the
thumb while the position of the Sun or a star is measured.
Astrolabe by Jean Fusoris, ca. 1400 (courtesy Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum)
Fitted above the plate is a pierced sheet that carries pointers indicating the positions
of a number of bright stars and the path of the Sun through the year (the ecliptic).
The rete is free to rotate over the plate to simulate the daily rotation of the sky. Old
astrolabes usually showed the positions of 15 20 stars.
European astrolabes usually included a rotating hand (called the ruler) that is used
to locate the Sun on the ecliptic and show the time on the margin of the mater.
The back of the astrolabe is engraved with scales to find the Suns position in the
ecliptic (i.e. the Suns longitude) for a specific date and with a variety of other scales
that varied greatly depending on where and when a specific astrolabe was made.
Astrolabes are also observational instruments. The back was equipped with a rotating
hand (the alidade) with sights for measuring the altitude of the Sun or a star. The
entire instrument could be suspended above eye level by a ring for taking altitude
In use, a plate was selected for a specific latitude and the moveable components are
set to a specific date and time. Many problems can be solved depending on how the
moveable components are set.
Astrolabes were made in many sizes from very small hand held instruments to
permanently mounted devices of very large diameter. Most European astrolabes were
rather small (six inches or less). Islamic instruments tended to be slightly larger.
The Electric Astrolabe completely reproduces the front of a classical astrolabe but
with the addition of the positions of the Moon, planets and deep sky objects. The
Electric Astrolabe does not reproduce the back of the astrolabe as the functions on the
back were primarily devoted to making observations.
Note that an astrolabe instrument cannot reproduce the motion of the Moon and
planets. This is a singular advantage of the Electric Astrolabe over astrolabe instruments.
Note also that The Electric Astrolabe can create a plate for any location on Earth. The
Electric Astrolabe can be thought of as an astrolabe with an unlimited number of plates.
The projection used in the astrolabe is the stereographic projection (Figure 1). The
sphere in the figure is the celestial sphere of arbitrary but very large diameter with the
Earth at the center. The equator and tropics are shown on the celestial sphere as they
It should be noted that, if you were constructing an astrolabe today, you would use
plastic instead of brass with a clear plastic rete and you might divide the ecliptic directly
by date.
The Electric Astrolabe updates the astrolabe principles with the use of computer
graphics. The original forms and uses have been preserved and no tricks have been
played. What you see on the screen is exactly the same form as with a classical
astrolabe and derived from identical principles.
The origins of the astrolabe were in classic Greece. Given their interest and sophistication in geometry, various types of projections came as naturally to the Greeks as
columns of figures do to us. It is known that Agarthus, an Athenian artist ca. 470 BC,
applied the concept of projections onto a plane surface to the theory of perspective. It
is easy to accept that a projection as simple as the stereographic projection would have
been investigated. Eudoxus of Cnidus (408 355 BC) is credited with a new form of
Sundial called the spiders web that some sources say may have been a crude form of
astrolabe (but it wasnt). There is speculation that Apollonius (ca. 225 BC), the great
codifier of conic sections, studied the stereographic projection based on some theorems
that have direct application to the projection.
The earliest evidence of use of the stereographic projection in a machine is in the
writing of the Roman author and architect, Vitruvius, who describes a clock (probably
a clepsydra or water clock) made by Ctesibius in Alexandria. Apparently, Ctesibius
clock had a rotating field of stars behind a wire frame indicating the hours of the
No one knows exactly when the stereographic projection was actually turned into the
instrument we know today as the astrolabe. Theon of Alexandria (ca. 390) wrote a
treatise on the astrolabe that does not survive except for the table of contents which
was preserved by Yaqubi in his History of the World (ca. 880). This treatise was
evidently the basis for much that was written on the subject in the Middle Ages. Synesius
of Cyrene (378 430) apparently had an instrument constructed that was arguably a
form of astrolabe. This is plausible since Synesius was a student of Hypatia, Theons
The earliest descriptions of actual instruments were written by John Philoponos
of Alexandria (a. k. a. Joannes Grammaticus) in the sixth century and a century later
Severus Sebokht, Bishop of Kenneserin, Syria, although it is likely that Sebokhts work
was derivative of Theon. It is certain that true astrolabes existed by the seventh century.
John Philoponos
Severus Sebokht