Otto E. Neugebauer: National Academy of Sciences
Otto E. Neugebauer: National Academy of Sciences
Otto E. Neugebauer: National Academy of Sciences
Otto E. Neugebauer
A Biographical Memoir by
N . M . Sw e r d l o w
Biographical Memoir
Copyright 1998
National Academies Press
washington d.c.
May 26, 1899February 19, 1990
certificate without passing a Greek examination if he enlisted in the Austrian Army, which he promptly did. Before
long, he found himself an artillery lieutenant, principally a
forward observer, on the Italian front. He later remarked
mordantly that these were among the happiest days of his
life. Following his discharge, in the fall of 1919 he entered
the University of Graz in electrical engineering and physics, and in 1921 transferred to the University of Munich,
where he attended lectures by Arnold Sommerfeld and Arthur
Rosenthal. He had lost his entire inheritance, safely invested
in government bonds, through the Austrian hyperinflation,
and he spent a miserable winter with little food and water
frozen in his room each morning.
During this year his interests changed to mathematics,
and in the fall of 1922 following Sommerfelds advice he
moved on to the Mathematisches Institut at the University
of Gttingen. He began his studies with the new director of
the Institut, Richard Courant, who became a very close friend,
also took courses with Edmund Landau and Emmy Noether,
and in 1923 became an assistant at the Institut and special
assistant to Courant in 1924. Significantly, he was also in
charge of the Lesezimmer, the library. During 1924-25 he was
at the University of Copenhagen with Harald Bohr, another
close friend, with whom he published in 1926 a paper on
differential equations with almost periodic functions, one
of Bohrs specialties, which turned out to be his only paper
in pure mathematics.
For again, Neugebauers interests had changed, this time
to the history of Egyptian mathematics for which he studied Egyptian with Hermann Kees and Kurt Sethe. His thesis
Die Grundlagen der gyptischen Bruchrechnung (Springer, 1926),
was principally an analysis of the table in the Rhind Papyrus for the expression of fractions of the form 2/n as a sum
of different unit fractions, fractions with the numerator 1,
and its contents show that the riches of Babylonian mathematics far surpass anything one could imagine from a knowledge of Egyptian and Greek mathematics.
In l931 he became the founding editor of the review
journal Zentralblatt fr Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete (Zbl),
his most important contribution to modern mathematics.
The following year he was promoted to Extraordinarius,
founded Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, a
Springer series of short monographs on current mathematics, and in 1933, with W. Flgge, the Zentralblatt fr Mechanik,
which was separated from Zbl. Then politics intervened. On
January 30, 1933, Hitler became chancellor, and the following April 7 the Law for the Restoration of the Civil Service
authorized the removal of civil servants of non-Aryan descent or of uncertain loyalty. On Thursday, April 26, a local
newspaper carried the notice that six professors, including
Courant and Noether, were to be placed on leave. Courant
designated Neugebauer acting director of the institut, but
students were by then agitating to stop the lectures of Landau
and Paul Bernays and attacking Neugebauer as politisch
unzuverlssig politically unreliable (his political views were
always very liberal). That weekend he was asked to sign an
oath of loyalty to the new government, and when he refused was promptly suspended as untragbar and denied access to the Institut building. Why untragbar (intolerable)?
Here is one possible reason: A Nazi official once requested
that he explain why he was in Leningrad in 1928, since it
might be thought he was secretly a Bolshevik. His answer
was to point out that in 1930 he was at the Vatican, so
perhaps they might suspect that he was secretly a Jesuit.
After several months of uncertainty about what would happen next, Harald Bohr arranged a three-year appointment
as professor at Copenhagen, which Neugebauer took up in
January 1934.
In Copenhagen he prepared for the summer term a series of lectures on Egyptian and Babylonian mathematics
that became the first of his books directed to a general
readership, Vorgriechische Mathematik (Springer, 1934), which
was intended as the first volume of a set of three called
Vorlesungen ber Geschichte der antiken mathematischen
Wissenschaften. The second was to be on Greek mathematics, specifically Archimedes and Apollonius, and on preEuclidean mathematics, showing its relation to Babylonian,
and the third on mathematical astronomy, principally on
Babylonian astronomy and on Ptolemy. So far he had written only a single paper touching on Babylonian astronomy,
a review of The Venus Tablets of Ammizaduga (1928) by Langdon,
Fotheringham, and Schoch, in which he demolished the
chronology of the Old Babylonian Dynasty that had been
established from heliacal risings and settings of Venus. In
1938 he did something similar to Egyptian chronology by
showing the Bedeutungslosigkeit of the Sothic Cycle for dating the introduction of the Egyptian calendar.
However, the three-volume Vorlesungen were never completed, as he later told the story, for the following reason:
While working on the mathematical cuneiform texts for
MKT, he also considered it efficient to write the account of
the astronomical cuneiform texts, principally ephemerides
in the form of arithmetic functions for computing lunar
and planetary phenomena, for the third volume. These had
originally been identified by J. N. Strassmaier and deciphered
by J. Epping in the 1880s. Since many had been published
and analyzed by F. X. Kugler in Die babylonische Mondrechnung
(1900) and Sternkunde und Sterndienst in Babel (1907-24), it
appeared reasonable to summarize Kuglers results and extend them to the few more recently published texts, about
fifty in all. In order to restore damaged and missing sections of texts, he developed procedures using linear
principally Theons edition of Ptolemys Handy Tables. Finally, the sixth part is an appendix on the chronology, astronomy, and mathematics, including diophantine equations,
useful to the study of ancient mathematical astronomy, in
which he set out materials and methods assembled over
many years both from diverse sources and of his own invention.
For all its 1200 pages of text and nearly 250 pages of
figures HAMA is an economical work; its subject is the technical content of ancient mathematical astronomy, and cultural matters are kept to a minimum. I have mentioned
that at one time HAMA was to have covered a longer period. What happened to the rest? Over the years, Neugebauer
published parts of it separately, sometimes in collaborative
projects, and its parts are substantial. In fact, he was late to
come to the Middle Ages, his first important publications
being on the astronomy of Maimonides (1949) and a commentary on Maimonidess Sanctification of the New Moon translated by Solomon Gandz (1956), in earlier years a contributor to QS. It is best to consider the paralipomena to HAMA
by subject: Byzantine sources based on Arabic in the astronomical terminology of Vat. gr. 1058 (1960)later identified by Pingree as translations by Gregory Chioniadesand
the commentary on the treatise in Paris gr. 2425 (1969),
the treatise itself later published by Alexander Jones (1987);
Arabic in the translations and analyses of two works on the
motion of the eighth sphere and the length of the year
attributed (at least one falsely, it now appears) to Thabit
ibn Qurra (1962), and a large commentary on al-Khw a rizm i s
tables (1962), examining in particular their use of Indian
methods; Indian astronomy itself in his commentary to
Pingrees edition and translation of the Pacasiddh a ntik a
of Var a hamah i ra (1970); Renaissance astronomy with
and in the fall of 1984 he left Providence and moved permanently to the Institute.
Through these years, his late eighties, Neugebauers research continued to flourish at the Institute. He completed
and published his books on Ethiopic chronology, wrote articles, and returned to an analysis of Keplers Astronomia
nova. Then in the summer of 1988 he received a photograph of a scrap of papyrus with numbers on ithardly the
first timeand immediately went to work deciphering its
content. What he found was truly wonderful: a part of a
column concerned with the length of the month from a
Babylonian lunar ephemeris, known principally from tablets of the second century B.C., but here found in a Greek
papyrus of the second or third century A.D. Since a single
column is of no use by itself, the papyrus must once have
contained several columns, if not a complete ephemeris for
computing either the first visibility of the moon or the possibility of eclipses each month. This was the most important
single piece of evidence yet discovered for the extensive transmission of Babylonian astronomy to the Greeks, and just as
remarkable, for the continuing use of sophisticated
Babylonian methods for four hundred years, even after
Ptolemy wrote the Almagest, which, without the papyrus,
would have seemed unbelievable. As he so often remarked,
we know very little. The account of the papyrus was published in a memorial volume for Abe Sachs (1988).
If there is a single, central concern that runs through
Neugebauers work, it is an interest in mathematical science itself, apart from any particular application in any
particular civilization, as an expression of sheer ingenuity
in abstract thinking, an ingenuity apparent among mathematicians and astronomers whether their language was
Akkadian, Greek, Sanskrit, Arabic, or Latin, and whatever
forms the mathematical sciences took in their day. From
this concern was born the detailed and technical cross-cultural approach, in no way described adequately as the study
of transmission, that he applied to the history of the exact sciences from the ancient Near East to the European
Renaissance. This can be seen, is perhaps summarized, in
his last paper, From Assyriology to Renaissance Art, published in the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society
in 1989, which is on the history of a single astronomical
parameter, the mean length of the synodic month, from
cuneiform tablets, to the papyrus fragment just mentioned,
to the Jewish calendar, to an early fifteenth-century book of
hours. And for this concern with mathematical science itself, we must be grateful, for only a true mathematician,
- Neugebauer
always remained, would recognize and
expend the effort necessary to reveal the extraordinary ingenuity, creativity, and also continuity of Babylonian scribes,
of Hipparchus and Ptolemy, of Var a hamah i ra and alKhw a rizm i , of their descendants as far as the Renaissance,
and really up to the present day.
Neugebauer was the recipient of many honors. He received his first honorary degree, the one he valued most, in
1938 from St. Andrews, where he had a splendid time and
played the only round of golf of his life on the Old Course.
Given the choice of degrees, he chose a doctor of (both)
laws since he had studied neither. Doctors of science followed from Princeton in 1957 and Brown in 1971. He was a
member of the Royal Danish Academy, Royal Belgian Academy, Austrian Academy, British Academy, Irish Academy,
American Philosophical Society, American Academy of Arts
and Sciences (resigned 1959), National Academy of Sciences (elected 1977), Acadmie des Inscriptions et Belleslettres, and other learned and professional societies. He
received the American Council of Learned Societies Award
Die Grundlagen der gyptischen Bruchrechnung. Berlin: Springer.
Zur Enstehung des Sexagesimalsystems. Abhand. d. Gesel. d. Wiss. z.
Gttingen. Math.-Phys. Kl. N.F. 13, 1.
Arithmetik und Rechentechnik der gypter. Quellen und Studien zur
Geschichte der Mathematik, Astronomie und Physik B 1:301-80.
Apollonius-Studien (Studien zur Geschichte der Antiken Algebra
II). Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik, Astronomie
und Physik B 2:215-54.
Vorlesungen ber Geschichte der antiken mathematischen Wissenschaften. I:
Vorgriechische Mathematik. Berlin: Springer.
Mathematische Keilschrift-Texte. I-III. Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte
der Mathematik, Astronomie und Physik A 3. Reprinted, Berlin:
Springer, 1973.
Untersuchungen zur antiken Astronomie. II-III. Quellen und Studien
zur Geschichte der Mathematik, Astronomie und Physik B 4:34-91,
With A. Sachs. Mathematical Cuneiform Texts. New Haven: American
Oriental Society Series 29.
The astronomy of Maimonides and its sources. Hebr. Un. Coll. Annu.
22:321-63. Reprinted in Astronomy and History, pp. 381-424.
The Exact Sciences in Antiquity. Copenhagen. 2nd ed. Providence:
Brown University Press, 1957. Reprinted, New York: Harper, 1962;
New York: Dover, 1969.
Babylonian planetary theory. Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. 8:60-89.
Astronomical Cuneiform Texts. London: Lund Humphries for the Institute for Advanced Study.
Saros and lunar velocity in Babylonian astronomy. D. Kgl. Danske
Videns. Selsk. Mat.-fys. Medd. 31,4.
The astronomical tables P. Lond. 1278. Osiris 13:93-112.
With H. B. Van Hoesen. Greek horoscopes. Memoirs no. 48. Philadephia:
American Philosophical Society.
Studies in Byzantine astronomical terminology. Trans. Am. Philos. Soc.
N.S. 50:3-45.
With R. A. Parker. Egyptian Astronomical Texts. I-III. 4 vols. Providence: Brown University Press.
The Astronomical Tables of Al-Khw arizm i . D. Kgl. Danske Videns.
Selsk. Hist.-fil. Skr. 4,2.
With A. Sachs. Some atypical astronomical cuneiform texts. I-II. J.
Cuneif. Stud. 21:183-218; 22: 92-113.
With D. Pingree. The Pacasiddh antik a of Var a hamah i ra. 2 vols.
D. Kgl. Videns. Selsk. Hist.-fil. Skr. 6,1.
A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy. 3 vols. Berlin: Springer.
Ethiopic astronomy and computus. Sitz. d. st. Akad. d. Wiss. Philhist. Kl. 347.
Astronomy and History. Selected Essays. New York: Springer.
With N. M. Swerdlow. Mathematical Astronomy in Copernicuss De
Revolutionibus. New York: Springer.
Abu Shakers Chronography. Sitz. d. st. Akad. d. Wiss. Phil-hist. Kl.